#my partner: *asks a question about a batman villain*
citrus-cactus · 1 year
The experiences that I, a Batman: The Animated Series/New Adventures of Batman enjoyer, have playing Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are fundamentally different from that of my partner, who never saw any of the 1990s DCAU and whose primary Batman experiences growing up were the 1960 live action version and the Burton/Schumacher movies.
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house-of-slayterr · 25 days
My Comfort Characters with S/O who has Tics:
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Hannibal + Will:
Hannibal notices them right away, there’s not much that gets past the keen eye of the doctor. At first he thought you were flinching from being startled but when he looks closer he notices they’re more sporadic and spastic.
He’d help calm you during tic attack. Offering hugs or a distraction, or even medication to relax your muscles. It’s not surpassing he has some in his home.
He gets a little annoyed at first if you have more vulgar tics, especially in the presence of company. But he soon realises anyone who would judge you, and him for being with you, is more worthy of becoming a mean than being listened to.
Will was worried about them at first which is why he asked Hannibal. He thought maybe it was a trauma response but he calms down when he understands more about your condition. He will glare at anyone who stares at you in public or dares to whisper behind you back. Nobody bullies what’s his. You’re perfect in his eyes and he just wants to protect you.
If he’s sharing you with will there both by your side during tic attacks bringing you anything you need. Will will even offer a massage to relax you more. He calls the dogs up onto the couch or bed to cuddle you after a rough attack.
Connor Kent:
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Connor pays close attention to you, his super human senses always in tune. He can almost feel your tics coming the same way you can. He’ll stop the more dangerous ones before they happen. If you hit or punch yourself he’ll catch your hands. Or if your legs are restless he’ll gently help hold them down and stretch the muscles so they don’t cramp.
He worries about you on bad tic days, he feels bad that your body’s betraying you and wishes there was more he could do to help. But he wouldn’t have his partner any other way. He admires everything about you and things you’re the strongest person he’s ever met. He will threaten someone as Superboy if they bully you for your tics.
Amanda Young:
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Amanda didn’t question your movements at first, thinking them to be fidgeting. She’s also been around junkies before, she’s used to erratic movements. So she tuned them out for a while.
Until she saw your first tic attack, triggered by a victim almost escaping and making it to where you were in the warehouse, until Amanda stepped in to save you. She stop over your violently ticking body and felt horrible for you.
She’s not great at comfort but she stays close by, never leaving the room. She’ll ask more about it when true ready, bur she thinks it’s cool that you don’t let it stop you form being an apprentice.
If Hoffman or any of the others made fun of you they’d have their own trap so fast. She’d even stand up to jigsaw himself if she had to. Because you mean more to her than even him, her saviour.
Jonathan Crane:
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Jonathan loved watching you. It had become one of his favorite pastimes at Arkham. You were his newest obsession; his favourite patient. Your tics were noted right away. He sometimes wondered if he could trigger them.
He found some of your vocal tics distasteful to say the least and would shake his head. Even though you can’t help it, he thinks pretty things like you shouldn’t even know words like that.
Medication is his go to when your tics get bad. He’ll schedule extra session time so you can relax or rest in his office. Sometimes on the other side of the room, other times your head in his lap. He finds it amusing when you start quoting him with your tics, but he gets jealous if you do the same for any other villains, or worse, THE BATMAN.
He’s killed a few people for judging your tics, and he’d do it again.
Hughie Campbell:
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Hughie didn’t notice them at first as you tried to suppress them. But they were unavoidable after a close call with a soup. Homelander got to close and it pissed you off. Anger triggered your tics a lot and your neck was jerking like crazy, your hand stuck in a fist.
He’d pull you away and make sure you’re ok. Once your explain what’s happening he’s spend the next few days ignoring supe stuff and studies everything about the conditions causing you’re tics. He’s an attentive boyfriend and wants to make sure you’re getting the best treatment and you’re not triggering yourself from lack of sleep or poor eating.
If Butcher or MM said anything about your tics he’d suddenly grow a pair, not afraid to verbally rip them a new one. He may throw a punch at a stranger for you. But he thinks some of your tics are kinda cute. Especially when you gained the one where you tell him you love him out of nowhere.
Isaac Lahey:
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Issac watches people close because of his dad. He’s always anticipating people needs and a very attentive friend and lover. He started to get concerned when you came to school covered in bruises like he used to. He begged for days, weeks even for you to tell him who was hurting you. It was killing him inside.
He didn’t believe your excuses of running into door knobs or tripping. No one person could be that clumsy; not even Stiles. But when you stopped masking he noticed the smaller tics more, mistaking them for anxiety. It only makes him more concerned.
Once you explain what’s going on it’s like the life comes back to his face. He’s happy to learn you’re safe, and wants to help protect you from yourself when they get bad. He’s like your service dog, he will shift and lay ontop of you to stop you from hitting yourself.
He finds your vocal tics amusing as long as they don’t bother you. And some of them you laugh at together. Especially when you quote Stiles or Derek because of the echolalia. He’ll defend you against anyone who’s mean.
Herbert West:
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Herbert was kinda mean about them at first. He noticed them before Dan. He used to tell you to lay off the caffeine but his delivery came of meaner and less concerned. He knows that can trigger tics but it was his fault he was keeping you up all night with his crazy experiments.
Dan used to nudge him a lot when he would grumble about your more loud or vulgar tics. They would throw him off in the lab and take him out of his head space. Particularly when they got more frequent and close together. He’d have to pull away from work entirely and just focus on you.
He’d try to distract you with random facts and light touch, still not fully comfortable touching other people. He doesn’t always know what to say but you can tell he’s trying. As much as he grumbles and complains, someone else is prime experiment bait if they say shit. Nobody makes fun of Herbert partner and gets away with it.
Kurt Wagner:
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Kurt was a little slow to notice them. But he thought your smaller ones were cute quirks. Like when you blink extra or scrunch your nose, or tap your fingers.
Once you explain it to him he’s very understanding. He’ll defend you if Charles thinks you’re unfit for the field. He knows you try you best to control it and he’ll always be by your side to help.
He nearly melts when ever you get a tic in his native tongue. You copying him is the cutest thing he’s ever seen and you get smothered in kisses everytime. He think your perfect just the way you are.
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @mothmans-kingdom @myers-meadow @kados-of-chaos
An: don’t mind this self indulgent peace I haven’t had the mental energy right in a lot so I just wanted to have fun.
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ggfj84 · 2 years
"You realize we're practically the Gilmore Girls."
"How do you figure?"
Sitting on the edge of a table in Cyborg’s once-pristine lab, Nightwing drew Batman’s cape tighter around his body. "Well, you took me in when I was eight and you were twenty-four. That means I was born when you were sixteen."
"And that makes us the Gilmore Girls?" Bruce asked as his hands ran over the edge of the destroyed concrete and steel.
NIghtwing shrugged or as best he could with his banged-up arm. "It's a TV show about a young mother from a rich family who had a kid at sixteen, runs away, and works her way up from being a maid at an inn.”
“I see the very few similarities. Hard work. Young parent.”
“The biggest difference really is that her front desk personnel is French Canadian, not British, so he doesn't make questionably edible cucumber sandwiches."
Batman let out a noise that could have been misconstrued as a laugh. “Don’t let Alfred hear you.”
“I mean, they’re not terrible, but I wouldn’t call them good.”
The conversation hit a lull then, allowing pain and exhaustion to find Nightwing again. The lab explosion – set off by Lex Luthor or Gorilla Grodd or whoever was now a part of the Secret Society of Super Villains – had trapped them in a collapsed pocket of the Watchtower. Nightwing couldn’t tell how long they’d been holed up, but it had been some time since he regained consciousness.
“Keep talking,” Batman demanded as he picked up his tablet and began to type. 
NIghtwing rolled his eyes. “You know that’ll take up more oxygen, and we don’t know if we’re cut off from the watchtower’s tanks.”  
“We are, but if you lose consciousness again, we’ll be in a worse predicament.”
Which was why Nightwing currently wore Batman’s cape, despite the fact that there could be people who didn’t know Batman’s identity right outside the wall of twisted metal and concrete.
Blood had already caked upon Nightwing’s forehead and cheek from a rogue piece of concrete that hit him. He pointedly ignored the limp arm that lay across his hip as his legs dangled over the edge of the lab table.
“You just had to invite me today, didn’t you?”
“Of course, I did,” Batman said as a matter of fact, not even looking up from his tablet. “Today’s our anniversary.”
“Our what!” NIghtwing let out a high-pitched laugh. “Bruce, last time I checked, you did not put a ring on it.”
“I put one on Selina.” Batman frowned at a particular reading on his tablet and tapped across the screen. “On this day, fifteen years ago, you ran the gauntlet and officially became my partner.”
NIghtwing ducked his head, though he knew it wouldn’t hide the sudden heat that rushed to his cheeks. “You remember that? You have literally forgotten my birthday five times, but you remember Batman and Robin’s anniversary.”
“Twice,” Bruce corrected.
“Twice what?”
“I’ve only forgotten your birthday twice.”
This, Nightwing knew well. “It’s definitely five times.” He lifted a finger for each point. “The latest one, the second one, my eleventh birthday, my fourteenth birthday cuz I wanted a quad and didn’t get it, and my twenty-first.”
Batman sighed, and even though Nightwing could read Batman’s face almost as well as Bruce’s, he found the distressed lines across Bruce’s forehead and the tightening of his jaw unnerving.
“When you were turning fourteen, there was no way I was buying you that death machine, and I didn’t want to see you disappointed. So I left Alfred to give you your consolation present, and Wally was throwing you a birthday party in Central City anyway. You didn’t need me there.
“When you turned twenty-one, you were celebrating most holidays with your friends, and I would have simply been the chaperone you no longer needed. So I gave Wally my credit card number and told him to charge everything to me.”
Why didn’t Wally tell him? “Bruce, I didn’t – ”
“And on your last birthday, I visited you, even brought you drinks at Bea’s. I would have given you a present if I thought you would have taken it.”
Dick thought back to his last birthday. As Ric, he didn’t even remember the day was special. He drove his cab for ten hours and then crashed at Bea’s bar in the evening, where a friendly guy named Matches struck up a conversation and – shit.
“You know what?” Nightwing motioned toward their quasi-cage. “I feel this whole situation is entrapment.”
Batman gave him a flat, exasperated glower. “You just had to say it, didn’t you?”
“I can’t let a good pun go.” Nightwing shrugged. “Any luck finding us a way out?”
“I have a contingency plan.”
“Awesome. Let’s do it.”
Batman looked absolutely pained. “I’d rather wait a few more minutes. Unless you are in need of immediate medical attention, I think I’d like to see if I come up with a different exit strategy.”
“Bruce.” It was not a whine but damn close to one. “We’ve been in here for hours.”
“Twenty-two minutes.”
“My arm is broken, and I probably have a concussion. I just want some painkillers and my bed. Whatever plan you have, do it already.”
“Hm.” Batman grumbled and then said in the lowest, most menacing growl possible, “Superman, help.”
The frustrated and annoyed look on Bruce’s face when Clark arrived was the best present Dick ever received.  
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floralcyanidee · 1 year
ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀɴ ᴀʟᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ - ᴊᴏɴᴀᴛʜᴀɴ ᴄʀᴀɴᴇ
Jonathan Crane x GN/AFAB!Reader Headcanons
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Headcanons about Jonathan Crane and his life with an alt (emo/ goth) partner.
warnings: mentions of taxidermy, mentions of witchcraft, mentions of religion, mentions of animal remains, theft, innuendo, mature themes, mentions of body modifications
word count: 696
author's note: as ya'll know I'm a slut for Jonathan so I decided to do some headcanons about him with an alt partner (I'm alt soo it was warranted) I based these headcanons on universal and well known characteristics of alt peeps as well some based on me and my friends. i hope everyone enjoys! (:
main masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
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* Jonathan is obviously a criminal, so nothing is stopping him from stealing. this includes him stealing things from inbound patients at Arkham Asylum. He often finds things that remind him of you and will give them to you. You know where they come from, obviously, because you know who Jonathan is, but you find it endearing and romantic that he thinks of you.
* You and Jonathan live on the outskirts of the city, where there’s plenty of woodland to explore. Jonathan enjoys it because it gives him peace from work and being a villain, you enjoy it because there are oodles of animal bones and plants to scavenge. 
* Keeping that in mind, you often use the plants or bones or even still-fresh remains you find for your spells/ rituals/ altars/ taxidermy/ crafts. Sometimes, Jonathan will also find things when he’s out exploring or getting away from things. Every now and then, he’ll try different plants for new toxins, so he’s out scouring the woods. He’s always thinking of you, of course, so whenever Jonathan comes across a cool-looking plant or the skull of an animal, he snatches it up immediately.
* He admires your belief system. Whether it’s Witchcraft, Hellenism, etc., he appreciates the art and dedication you put into it. Jonathan sees it as equivalent to science in a way- creating spells and mixtures and getting something new from it. Sometimes, he asks for your help with his experiments simply because of your knowledge of apothecaries and spells.
*  Black is your color. Jonathan knows this and doesn’t mind that you’re clad in all black whenever he has to make an appearance in Gotham. You get plenty of stares, sure, but he doesn’t care about that. Jonathan doesn’t really care about anything except his experiments and you.
* Jonathan finds your body mods (tattoos, piercings, etc.) intriguing. When you first met, he had a ton of questions about them. Did they hurt? What do they mean? He loves the different jewelry you wear as well. 
* Your obsession with horror is one of Jonathan’s favorite things about you. He finds it adorable that you can quote numerous horror movies and even recite lines as they’re being said. When Halloween comes around, it’s always a treat (non pun intended.) You love cosplaying various horror characters from movies, shows, and video games. Jonathan adores it and sometimes plays along.
* Speaking of Halloween, one year, he dressed as a priest, and you dressed as an undead nun. This year, you’re becoming a crow, and he’s dressing as you guessed it- a scarecrow. You’re already planning next year’s costumes.
* You’ll drag Jonathan to concerts and cons all the time. At first, he was hesitant to go to them, but the more you’ve taken him, the more he’s grown interested. Your favorite bands are now his favorite bands. He’s found himself humming the heaviest of songs you introduced him to. You used to beg him to dress for the cons, but now you don’t have to. Jonathan already has ideas for the next con, even.
* You and Jonathan surprisingly have a lot in common. You had rough childhoods, you have a genuine disdain for other people most of the time, cats are interesting to both of you, and you have some mental illness as well, and so does he, obviously. You also have a mutual hatred for Batman. You think he’s overrated, and Jonathan, well, why he hates him is obvious, too.
* Did someone say fishnets? Jonathan has bought you so many pairs of those and knee socks because he’ll literally rip them off you. He gets you a bunch of fishnets in different colors to match the lingerie sets he buys you. Jonathan thinks you look the hottest in red.
* Jonathan’s favorite intimate thing to do is dye your roots or paint your nails. At first, he hated doing your hair, but now he does it without a problem, plus he’ll even touch up your layers. He’s delicate when painting your nails, holding your hands softly but firmly. Jonathan is very intricate in nature, so he does them flawlessly every time.
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@sstar-ggirl @cillsmurphs @ldklollord @thecherrycocktail @dunklerkeks1611 @hllywdwhre @ecstaticforus @faelvz @ceruleanrainblues @yongi-lee @baizzhu @aporiasposts @queenshelby @amanda08319 @orijanko @naty-1001 @raineeace @nela-cutie @cutexlr @flwrs4aust @langdons-slut @shynovelist @trixie23 @cillianbabe @slut4thebroken @mypoisonedvine @burnyouwithacigarettelighter @cranesbathtowel @arieslost @nefhertari @forgottenpeakywriter @llucky-llove @october-atoner @madlittlecriminal @ynisthatyou @starbxnny @darkmoviesquotespizza @newtsniffles
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Just now realizing I might have asked you a similar question in an ask before, sorry!
But I wanted to add on to it with a funny little thing
Geeen Lantern (Hal): Hey, Cap, it's been bugging me but I gotta ask, what's with you and your evil nemesis's daughter? You two a thing like Bats and that scary assassin lady?
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson, spitting out his juice): W-WHAT?!
Cyborg: Yeah, what's up with that? I've seen her on the news before, she doesn't seem evil like her old man, and she seems really fond of you. Hiding something from us, man?
Super-man (who totally wasn't eavesdropping the entire time): Oh? Did the Captain finally find someone? That's great! :D Tell me us more!
Batman: Alright, listen very carefully, Captain, when it comes to dating a villain's daughter-
Just the awkwardness of the league trying to give Cap dating advice is hilarious to me
Oh my gosh this is absolutely hilarious!
I'm a sucker for the Justice League giving Cap awkward dating advice, especially in this sort of scenario where they are honestly way more clueless than they realize.
Because I honestly feel like after a certain point of knowing each other and fighting together, lots of the JL members would be inclined to "help" Cap find someone. They all think he's a catch but that he's just shy about romance (only a few are aware of how desperately he tries to avoid it). They want to see him happy, but mistakenly think a romantic partner would help.
So when news hits that he's built a rapport with the beautiful Beautia Sivana who is very openly flirtatious/in love with him, they all want to know every detail.
Half of them (like Batman) are warning him about not being lured in by a pretty face if she's related to a villain. The other half are trying to hype him up and convince him to ask her out. The ladies of the JL are trying to advise him on how to treat a lady on a date.
Cap can't escape. Every time he saves/helps/speaks to Beautia there is a new wave of interactions just like this.
Is their advice helpful? Probably not as much as they think it is.
Are both Cap and Billy mortified? Yes absolutely.
Is everyone on the jl mortified when they find out about little Billy being privy to their love advice? Also yes.
This is so funny to me and I love seeing stuff like this! It's just so fun!
Thanks for the ask!
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detectivereads · 3 months
Batman and Scooby Doo! Mysteries #1 by Sholly Fisch
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This post is for fan entertainment, I am not being paid.
Hi everyone,
I want to try something different, granted I normally like to wait to see if they come out with omnibus of a comic series, because I run into the problem where I am missing an issue (this series I am missing #2). So, I will cover the ones I do have and hopefully I can get my hands on issues #2.
Now I will go over the majority of the story, but I won’t unmask who the culprit is, I am against spoiling any mysteries.
Now I grew up watching Scooby Doo and Batman, and when I watch that one series where they teamed up to take on Joker and Penguin, I thought that was the coolest episode of Scooby Doo (till I watched the one episode where Scooby Doo meets the Addams Family).
Now we have comics that are just as cool as the old episode. 
This first issues centers around the famous Haly’s Circus and it starts out with a flash back to Richard “Dick” Grayson time at the circus leading up to parent unfortunate murders. The Mystery Inc. gang are in attendance enjoying the show and food that the circus has to offer.
They witness the new acrobat in action Zoltan (not Zoltar, I kid you not I had to re-read that panel of the comic) where he was scared by this issue villain Deadman! When Zoltan missed his dismount, he falls but is saved by none other than Nightwing.
After Deadman causes a panic, the audience runs wild to get away from the villain.
Already the Mystery Inc. gang is ready to get to work.
Velma already has found a clue on one of the sandbags, a chalk handprint (How can a ghost leave a handprint.)
The gang meets the ringmaster Haly, the fortune teller Vashnu, the strong man Sando & and another person of the circus Esmeralda.
Vashnu tells the gang about Deadman, once he was named Boston Brand and he was one of the best acrobats in the world. However much like the Flying Grayson’s, Boston died by a criminal. Then the whole ghost thing of haunting the circus.
Zoltan demands to know why Deadman is going after him, that if it weren’t for Nightwing he could have been hurt. Also, Zoltan asks where his partner is Adolfo. Which right on cue he comes out and explains he was knocked out.
Daphne asks the normal questions, has anyone either criminals or developers approach Ringmaster to buy him out. Cue the Dingaling Brothers, they run a rival circus that wants the Haly’s circus.
Nightwing accuses the brothers that this could be their plans, which of course they deny this.
Ringmaster wants to proceed with the show, but Esmeralda is against it. She doesn’t want Zoltan her fiancé is in danger. At this moment Adolfo pipes up he can perform Zoltan act, but Nightwing agrees with Esmerald, which is why Nightwing offers to do the act with Adolfo, which Adolfo is against saying he needs training for that.
However, Ringmaster loves the idea of having a famous superhero in one of his acts.
The Mystery Inc. gang also joins in as well. Daphne said for an old case she has taken some trapeze lessons so she can also help Nightwing.
This is where I’ll leave the issue, but I will say this that Velma is standing in for the Ringmaster introducing the acts. Fred is an escape artist (He makes traps, so this should be perfect for him), and poor Shaggy and Scooby are with the clowns.
However, when the culprit is unmasking and everything is out in the open, I thought the ending was very sweet. We also have a double unmasking in this issue
My thoughts on this issue, I loved it. It was a Nightwing focus issues with no mention of Batman for almost the whole issue. I know in other comics Nightwing has worked hard to be his own hero. This issue was perfect in my opinion, having Nightwing coming home to the circus and helping his old home out.
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night-ngale · 2 years
I'm Here to stay.
Chapter two.
Later that night Marinette met up with Chat noir to explain the ...situation.
Marinette or well should I say Lady red soundlessly landed on Eiffel tower right behind Chat noir.
“Chat noir.”
Chat jumped a foot in air, startled and turned to face her with his baton outstretched in his hand.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to you pulling a Batman and appearing out of nowhere.” Chat lowered his baton, his ears flat against his head, but perked up when she giggled.
They were both high enough on the tower that the people down in the streets couldn’t see or hear the heroes.
The air between them was tense and awkward with both of them staring at each other not knowing what to say.
Dame rouge broke the silence by asking “So, I’m guessing you want an explanation for earlier.”
Chat noir nodded “Who is he? How do you know him?”
Marinette hesitated for a second, contemplating just how much she should tell him before sighing and ripping off the proverbial band aid.
“...He’s family.”
Chat gaped, a million questions running through his head and on the tip of his tongue but he swallowed them down and listened patiently.
Figured he’d understand complicated family relationships better than most, given his father’s Hawkmoth, not that he knew that yet.
She turned away from him and faced the cityscape. And she had to agree there, Paris truly did earn the title of City of lights.
“It’s been a while since we last saw each other.” She laughed bitterly, thinking of all those days she spent grieving, not knowing if he was alive or not after news of the coup reached her “I honestly didn’t even know if he was still alive with all the rumours surrounding his ...situation.”
Chat looked pained with her confession, but he held his tongue.
He scooted closer to her almost touching her but still far away enough for her to feel comfortable.
It was quiet again. But she felt the urge to break the silence. And she might as well get it off her chest. It was high time she had this conversation with Chat. She’d been putting it off for too long already and today seemed as perfect as any other day to do this. After all what was one more emotional and slightly straining revelation?
“You probably know this is not the first time I’ve done this whole shtick.” Chat startled when she spoke, not expecting his usually private partner to talk unless necessary, much less about something this private.
He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick she observed him doing even behind the mask “Yeah I kinda figured that you weren’t new to the whole ‘fighting freaks’ thing after I saw you wipe the floor with bubbler.”
That got her to smile, even if it was just a small uptick. But Chat seemed to count it as a win.
She sat down on the edge of the tower and he sat right beside her without prompting.
It was silent again. Chat was waiting patiently for her to continue or just stay with her for comfort.
She swallowed heavily before speaking again.
“You know, there are usually only two types of people in our line of work.” Chat turned to look at her questingly at the abrupt change of topic but she resolutely avoided his eyes, staring down at the city below them “People who don masks everyday are usually either Heroes or villains. And until a few years back I was in the wrong side of that war. ” She might have heard Chat gasp, but she wasn’t really processing anything right now. “I only really donned the earrings to try and wipe out some of the red on my ledger.”
She clenched her eyes shut. Even after all these years it’s still hard to think about that time, to accept who she used to be. It’s gotten better after she met Sabine. Tikki and the other kwamis helped tremendously too, but it was still hard.
She felt strong arms wrap around her. It was an incredibly long and taxing day and it had been so long since she last felt this warm and safe that she just couldn’t hold it in any longer.
That night Chat noir saw his partner breakdown for the first time. He just held her as she cried and let loose all her emotions for the first time in a very long time. Even Hawkmoth didn’t risk interrupt them, not when Chat noir cataclysmed every akuma that even dared to come near them.
Chat looks at the time on his baton and winced. She had to agree, school tomorrow was going to be absolute hell.
He turns back to her and bows dramatically “Well M’lady, this cat has got to scat.” His jovial tone could not conceal his worry for her. No amount of acting and modelling classes were going to help him hide his emotions from her.
She waved off his anxiety.
He glanced back at her one last time, concern etched on his face, before he leapt off the tower with his baton in hand.
“Oh wait I forgot! You’re father is Hawkmoth!”
Chat noir’s grip slips and he falls off his baton.
Marinette curses as she unravels her yoyo to catch her frozen partner who was currently falling to his death.
“Damn it! I could’ve used more tact.”
Tikki can’t help but agree through their mental bond.
Hawkmoth and Mayura were defeated last week.
It hit Adrien hard, but he’s doing better now.
Honestly it was wonder he wasn’t akumatised. His emotions were all over the place.
Thank Kwami Hawkmoth was too busy panicking during the ambush to even think about sending out an akuma for Chat Noir.
But it probably wouldn’t have worked out too well for him either, considering all of Adrien’s emotions were targeted on him.
The fight was short. A quick in and out job with Gabriel venomed, Nathalie knocked out and the butterfly and peacock Miraculous safely tucked in her yoyo all in a matter of few minutes.
It was honestly a little disappointing. Hawkmoth spent so much time in his lair that his fighting skills were atrocious and Nathalie was little help in the battle, what with all her coughing.
They were neutralized so quickly, it was almost embarrassing.
Oh who was she kidding, it was totally embarrassing. For them.
Adrien had broken down when he saw his mother’s body hooked up to life support. She was still alive, if barely.
He broke down again when she told him that Emily Agreste could be saved.
He hugged her tightly, not letting her go even as their timers beeped down and she didn’t have the heart to push him off. So, that led to another awkward conversation where Adrien stared incredulously at his sweet and bubbly classmate who was supposedly an assassin and freaking Ladybug (Ugh she hated that name but the public were adamant to call her that.)
After a few more minutes of awkward staring(on her side) and incredulous(on Adrien’s) he finally nodded his head, apparently coming to a resolution.
“You know this actually explains a lot but also holy shit!”
The tension drained out of her frame and she started giggling, which soon turned into full blown laughter. Never change Chat.
But that was all in the past. Right now Marinette had more pressing issues than to think about some idiot who was in prison.
The media ban and the protective wards around Paris were lifted yesterday.
So now the entire world was in the know about the shitstorm that was Paris this past year. And that included the Justice League, who were all shamelessly persistent on meeting with her and could not take a hint despite the various times she had had to kick them all out of Paris.
She had finally agreed to meetup with them today (I mean there’s only so many times you can portal someone to the middle of the Pacific before giving up.)
But she was weary. Not only about the meeting but also about leaving Paris.
She had managed to dodge the League and their never-ending armies of assassins who were prowling the streets and even somehow in her school. (They were literally everywhere, like damn cockroaches. Everywhere you look you find them and no matter how many you squash, more come to replace them.)
She was leaving Chat alone with a few of the temporary heroes to hold down the fort while she was away.
She trusted them enough to leave Paris in their hands for a few hours, she really did! It was the League that she didn’t trust not to start shit while she was away.
So here she was, standing in front of her assembled heroes on some random Parisian rooftop giving them lecture after lecture on how to keep Paris intact for a few hours and to please call her if shit hit the fan and don’t try to tough it out yourself.
She transformed with Kaalki and turned back to wave one last time.
“Love you guys, be back by 7 and please please don’t let Paris burn down while I’m away.”
“Oh just go already.”
“We’ve got this.”
“Don’t worry so much, I mean what’s the worst that could happen?”
So with the questionable confidence given by her team, she opened a portal to the coordinates Wonder Woman had given her and stepped through hoping this wouldn’t come back to bite her in the butt.
She found herself in the Watchtower and honestly if it wasn’t for her assassin training she would have gaped like an idiot. But she’s not an idiot nor is an incompetent assassin, ex-assassin? So instead she walked up to the founding members of the Justice League looking the epitome of cool professionalism while she died on the inside. (Oh my god these assholes have a base in space!)
So this is what Damian meant when he said there was a surprise for her in the Watchtower. That cheeky little bastard.
Wonder Woman took the lead by kneeling down to one knee and bowing her head down deeply. “Chosen of creation, it is an honour to be in your presence sister.”
She bowed back in respect. “Princess Diana of Themyscira, it is an honour to meet you too.”
The rest of the Justice League did not seem to know what to make of this interaction.
Of the remaining of the trinity, Superman looked awkwardly between them, while Batman stared at her with an unnerving intensity that almost made her break out into a cold sweat. She was not going to get revealed now, and certainly not like this. Damian would never let her live it down.
Putting on her best poker face, she straightened up a cleared her throat, making almost everyone in the room jump. “Shall we start?”
Great. Now it was time to bullshit a room full of Heroes and detectives and make them think she was disclosing actually relevant and confidential information while in fact giving them nothing.
This was going to be fantastic.
The meeting was going fine actually. So far they had discussed the charges against Gabriel and Nathalie, the impacts and repercussions of Hawkmoth’s reign and the effect on the citizens including the rehabilitation efforts taken. All common knowledge in Paris. Not that they seemed to know that.
She had artfully dodged every question asking about the Miraculous and where she and the other heroes had gotten theirs and how Hawkmoth had got his slimy hands on not one but two.
Everything was going better than expected, good even. All except for Batman. He did not stop staring at her through out the meeting and asked weird and completely unrelated questions. Even some of the other heroes had started giving him looks. She would have snapped at him much sooner if it wasn’t for Robin, who was seated right behind him making discreet cutting motions with his hand every time she turned to tear Batman a new one.
But honestly enough was enough. This was the twenty-fifth time (yes she counted) she could feel Batman’s unnerving and slightly creepy gaze zero in on her. And formalities be damned, father or not this overgrown furry was onto her and she was not letting it go. He was going down and 6 feet under. Damian would get over it.
She stopped mid sentence and turned to Batman with the sweetest and fakest smile she could muster. “Is there a problem monsieur Batman?”
Her voice was sweet as poison and her smile turned sharp. Batman narrowed his eyes, aware of the game she was playing and refusing to take part in it.
Well it seems he needed a bit more of a push.
“Do you have anything you want to say? I can feel you staring at me.”
Batman narrowed his eyes at her further till they were only white slits, but she just glared right back at him full force.
Meanwhile his brood all had varying responses.
Nightwing looked concerned. RedHood (ugh he has got to ditch that atrocious helmet.) seemed to enjoy the turn of events and looked invested in the drama. Red Robin, who looked forty with that hideous cowl took on discreet defensive stance and Robin looked two twitches away from face palming and sent her ‘what the hell are you doing?’ look.
Well what was she doing? She was getting herself a new punching bag. She needed someone to take out her frustrations on now that Hawkmoth and his minion were no longer viable options, so who better a target than the man who is supposedly your biological father and a right asshole towards your twin. That overgrown furry deserves everything he’s going to get.
And the only person who could maybe intervene and sell her out was not there. Lucky for her that BlackBat was in Shanghai along with Spoiler on a much needed vacation.
The rest of the Justice League looked between the two of them like they were at a tennis match with varying expressions of awe, fear and incredulity.
Marinette ignored all of them. Her glare was set solely on Batman.
A few minutes passed in a standstill and Batman grunted knowing it was his move. He tensed his muscles and visibly grit his teeth
“You’re an assassin.”
Well that was unexpected. She thought he’d say something more along the lines of ‘Who are your parents?’ 'Are you adopted?’ or maybe even ‘You are my daughter.’ Not whatever this is.
She blinked once but showed no other outward expression of shock.
Unfortunately the same could not be said for the rest of the Justice League. The Bats all tensed and fell into defensive stances, all except for Robin who whipped his head around to stare at his father in visibly obvious panic and shock. Wonder Woman and Aquaman both stood up and protested loudly, though one was more vehement in their objection. The rest of the Heroes all broke into various states of chaos after the statement left Batman’s lips.
Marinette meanwhile just crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. The squeak of her chair was all everyone needed to quiet down and seat their asses back down.
“Ex-assassin and well, so are you and half your brood.”
Batman almost growled out loud and the table creaked from the white knuckle grip he had on it.
The Justice League was apparently made up of colour blind and shameless heroes because everyone looked between them like they were watching an interesting tennis match and not a standoff that could potentially cause bloodshed.
The Bats (Except for Batman, who she was in the middle of a standoff with) were all glancing nervously at Robin, probably expecting him to unsheathe his sword and jump over the table to attack her. But surprising everyone but her, he stayed put.
RedHood was the first to crack, clicking the safety off his gun and pointing it at her. Something she expected considering his temper and less than stellar history with the League.
This caused anther uproar with everyone standing and arguing.
She was the only one seated now, arms crossed and looking almost bored. A stark contrast to the coiled and tensed forms of literally everyone else in the room.
“Why are you here?”
She looked up from examining her nails, giving that Red bucket the most deadpan look she could muster. “You asked me to come here.”
After a few seconds of flustered silence and muffled laughter, RedHood had apparently scrounged up enough of his dignity to ask again “You working for the league?”
She straightened at this, all mirth fading away from her and her eyes sharpening. She uncrossed her arms and leaned forward and the Heroes all tensed in unison. She looked RedHood right in the eye.
“Now why would I go back to a place I fought tooth and nail to get out of?”
The air was almost electric with how charged it was.
RedHood startled at the sudden noise and shot at her.
She was unfazed just deflecting the bullet with her wrist cuffs. The same could not be said for the rest of the heroes as they all violently flinched.
Her yoyo was ringing, she picked it up, checked the caller ID and promptly cursed the universe and everyone in it to the high heavens.
“Oh for fucks sake Chat I’ve been gone for an hour!”
“Heyyy M’lady.” There were sounds of fighting in background oh and someone was screaming too.
“So I know you told us to keep Paris in one piece while you were gone and Paris is still intact- Hey!” A katana missed taking off his head by an inch. “But ces assassins stupides popped out of nowhere and started attacking. But thankfully their blades didn’t pierce our suits not for their lack of trying.” he muttered the last part quietly but she still caught it and narrowed her eyes further. Then there was a banshee screech and Abeille wailed ‘My hair!’ and everyone within a 40 mile radius who weren’t completely tone deaf winced at the volume. “Anyway bug we’ve pushed the assassins off the roof, we’ve tied them up and we threw them in the bin.” He ducked as ninja star whizzed right past his head. “but they *whack* keep *whack* coming *whack* back *whack* Like maudits cafards!” A huge explosion ringed out and everyone was thrown off “Anyway we’ve totally got everything under control but- watch the tail! But um it would be great if you could come back. Like right now. And- Wait no no no no not again! ” Another explosion ringed out and the call cut.
It was completely silent for the first time in forever in the Watchtower.
She snapped her yoyo shut with a resounding click that echoed around the room.
She took a deep breath and looked up to face the other heroes, giving them a smile so sweet and fake it put American candy to shame.
“Well as you can see, duty calls.”
The entire Justice League stared at her in incredulous disbelief. And there was something satisfactory in watching the world’s mightiest heroes gape at her in complete speechlessness.
She opened another portal, forever grateful for the ‘use your power more than once’ power up potion, and waved at the heroes cheekily “Au revoir!” before jumping into the portal and leaving a gaggle of sputtering heroes behind her.
The Justice League was in utter chaos.
Utter and complete chaos.
Damian was almost surprised by the amount mayhem his sister caused, but trouble always did follow after her like a lost puppy.
And while what she did was stupid.
And moronic.
And would definitely come back to bite her later.
He was mostly proud of her.
It was no easy feat to throw off his father. And it had been a long time since he had seen the Justice League this off balance.
He quickly wiped the smirk off his face. It would not help anyone if he got caught now. Marinette was not ready to meet father and he honestly can’t blame her. She hated mother and was right to do so, mother is a quote ‘piece of work’ and undeserving of Ukthi. But Marinette had also vowed to hate whomever their father was because anyone who Talia al Ghul decided was worthy of her and the al Ghul name was probably also a right nasty piece.
She lost most of her hostility once she discovered that the ever elusive ‘father’ was the Batman, but she was still suspicious. And he cannot blame her. While the League of assassins was horrifying and gruesome to him and was no place for a child to be anywhere near there, but Marinette had it much much worse. While he was the heir to the demon’s head and treated like royalty, she was the competition, a spare, a disgrace and most of all she was a girl.
He flinched slightly at the abrupt reminder that he was currently stuck in middle of the what would appropriately be termed a shitstorm.
Wonder Woman was having what Grayson called ‘an existential crisis’ and found it acceptable to throw her chair across the room.
Todd was staring at his hands in horror and was also having an existential crisis for shooting at a child. Tch Marinette is not just a child and she is more than capable of dodging a mere bullet.
Superman was holding Wonder Woman down and rest of the League were divided into two groups loudly arguing whether not Ladybug was working for Ra’s al Ghul.
But so far the most concerning was father. He was quiet, alarmingly so. And he had not spoken a word to anyone since Ukthi had made her dramatic exit. He was brooding and that spelled trouble for everyone involved.
Finally father stood up and the chair screeched loudly, silencing the argument. The eyes of the entire Justice League were on him, but he payed them no mind “We’re leaving.” Grayson started to protest “NOW.” He stormed out of the room with the rest of the pretenders following behind him dejectedly and leaving behind a room of gaping faces.
Hmm. Maybe dramatic exits were an inherited trait. He’s going to have to look into that. Mother also had a flair for the dramatics and it would certainly do no good if he was the odd one out.
Being dramatic was definitely hereditary and a necessary trait if you want to be an Al Ghul much less an Al Ghul Wayne. Because then why else would Marinette open a portal right above the random warehouse the assassins decided would be an acceptable place to start a war and drop down onto the battle field like an avenging angel from the sky and knock out a horde of assassins from the impact of her descent alone.
Obviously, it was for no other reason than to sate her inner drama queen and to smirk at the gaping faces of her team.
It was like something out of a movie. Every single person, heroes and villains alike stopped to stare at her with conflicting emotions on their faces. But alas this wasn’t a movie but real life so the moment was broken by Chat being thrown off the roof.
“I’M OK!”
The fight resumed as normal. But instead of being in a standstill, the Miraculous team now had the upper hand.
Now to get the League out of Paris once and for all, or at least keep them out for a month at most. They’d have to burn the Lazarus pit along with Ra’s al Ghul if they wanted to rid them of the world forever. And oh did they want to do that.
She started the incantation for the spell while kicking an assassin’s kneecaps out, before tripping another assassin into the one running towards her.
She took out a dagger from her pocket and started carving out symbols on the rooftop but stopped to stab the assassin that was stupid enough to attack her right in the gut before taking it out and throwing it at the one trying to sneak up her from behind.
She took out another dagger and continued carving and simultaneously kicking ass.
The spell was almost over. She just needed a few more things now.
A pause, before there was a screech and a bloodied thumb landed smack dab in the centre of her carvings. Then Ryuku landed right in front of her covered in blood that was hopefully (probably) not her own.
“Thanks Ryu!”
Ryuko curtly nodded at her and smirked, before calling on wind dragon and picking up half the assassins on roof and dropping them in the trash.
Now for the hardest ingredient to find. The blood of someone who has fallen from grace. As if hearing her thoughts, an assassin was thrown on the carving with a murderous Queen bee not far behind, screaming obscenities that should not be told anywhere near a child.
“tu es con! I will tear you limb by limb and slowly and painfully kill you for what you have done.” Her once beautiful golden locks were now something akin to a flaming dumpster fire with chunks of hair missing and a few strands literally on fire.
She gaped at Abeille for a good few seconds before an idea from hell popped into her head and she smirked evilly.
This was perfect. She wouldn’t find anyone else fallen farther from grace than this, well except Gabriel Agreste, but she’d have to go all the way to Penitentiaire Inrichting Vught to get his blood.
While Chloé was on her warpath, Marinette discreetly or not so discreetly grabbed the heiress's hand and cut her finger with her magical dagger deep enough for her blood drip onto the carvings. All the while the girl in question was still too lost in her rage to even notice.
As she said the last part of the incantation Magic crackled and the wind blew violently around her. And now for the last part, the blood of the spell caster. She took her magic dagger and cut a line straight along her palm and squeezed her fist, watching as blood dripped down her palm. When the first drop of her blood dripped onto the carvings the wind stooped the and the carvings lit up red before turning blue.
All the assassins froze, be it mid fight or mid getting their asses handed to them before vanishing in a puff of smoke.
Shame it was right as Abeille was about to pounce on her prey.
While it was fortunate for everyone else that the assassins were sent back to where they came from, it was unfortunate for her cause now Abeille’s murderous gaze zeroed in on her for stopping her from exacting revenge.
Marinette raised her arms in surrender slowly backing away from the furious and slightly homicidal girl.
“Bee, Bee I can fix this.”
Chloé was not appeased nor did she stop her warpath.
Chat noir, her ever loyal partner sacrificed himself yet again for her by tackling Chloé before she could pounce and scratch her eyes out. Chat was now subjected to the blunt of Chloe’s rage and judging by the fear in his eyes, he knew that too.
Carapace reached out to help his best bud but Rena held him back muttering something about it being too late now.
And she was right. Chat gave himself up to the devil for her and she won’t let his sacrifice be in vain. She would fix this and save him.
She straightened, determination brimming in her stance. Her eyes glowed a brief red and she slammed her hand on the ground, discharging waves of magic that fixed all the damage caused by the battle including Abeille’s disastrous hair.
Satisfied with having saved Chat’s life and barred the League from even setting foot in Paris for the next month or so, she yawned.
“Everyone head back to base and someone debrief me. I’m long over due for my nap.”
No one even tried to argue with her, it was a miracle if she even slept at all and everyone wanted know what happened with the Justice League.
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allgremlinart · 2 years
Genuine question, since you seem to be a prolific Superbat enthusiastic. Why do so many Superbat fans disrespect Clark so much? 🤷‍♀️
Whenever I see Superbat posts in the Clark/Superman tag most of them ignore his history, his trauma, personality, his family/friends/allies [Lois, his parents, other Justice League members, Jimmy, Kara, Perry, John Henry, Pete, Steve, Cat and etc] his city, his children, [Conner, Chris, Mia, and Jon] and mythos.
It seems people are only interested in Bruce's character and his family. Also, most Superbat fans strike me as being an odd combination of being homophobic, heteronormative, and misogynistic and sometimes even abusive! Very crazy combo, but that's how it seems to me from looking at the majority of works.
For example, people typically make Bruce the bottom or feminine one. When realistically they would be switches. Yet, overwhelmingly all the work is dedicated to "Brucie Wanye." Even though most of the time his true personality is a cold, macho, caring man. Heck, I see Clark being more the bottom type, since he's a very loving partner, and he enjoys being taken care of. You know he's definitely getting pegged by Lois.
Which brings me to the lack of care towards Lois, where she is either villainized or not made to be an important person in Clark's live. Regardless of ships and platonic/romantic feelings, Lois is Clark's closest friend. Yet, none of that is rarely displaced in fanart, headcanons, and fics. Yet, Bruce's people are always made sure to be included.
Also, what's with the influx of evil Superman and poor innocent babyboy Batman. Look I like some dark tropes too, and I wouldn't mind so much if we at least kept the same treatment with both parties. Instead of only favoring one person.
It's deeply upsetting and disturbing to see the kindest original hero immigrant aka the champion of the oppressed. To be used for such weird, oc, fetishistic works. Again, it's odd to due Batman having so much privilege and is known for being very controlling, yet it's never displayed in these darker takes. Batman is a good man, but can have troubling qualities, as all good characters have. Clark has his darker attributes too, but that’s okay as long as it presented fairly.
Lastly, Clark and Bruce have a close friendship. Yet, again I see no one making art/fics about Clark's other close relationships. But, everyone seems to be a huge fan of being a multishipper for Bruce. Example being Selina, Talia, Joker, Harvey, Ghostmaker, Hal, Barry, Arthur, Diana, and etc. Seems to be to be a bit biased no, for fans that claim to love Clark and ship Superbat have no problem doing this for Bruce.
Where's the love for other Clark ships like Lois, Lana, Lex, John Corben, Brainiac 5, Hal, Arthur, Diana, Barry, Maxima, Volcana, Blanque, and etc.
Also, it's not really special that Clark recognizes Bruce's heartbeat as the go to Superbat trope. He does that with everyone like again to list Lois, his parents, his children, his villains, his friends both in the Justice League, at the Daily Planet, and in Smallville. Heck, he's even given Jimmy his own personal watch to call him!
Sorry, this is a lot. I didn't mean to type so much, but I didn't want to use multiple asks. I also want you to know I'm not attacking you personally. Some of the text posts and art I looked up on your blog are awesome! ❤️ Keep up the good work! I just sincerely want to know why there's such a strong bias in Superbat. I personally, do like the pairing as long as they are both treated like equals.  
Thank you, for reading this and have a great day! 🌟 
Ok uhhh wow this one is a lot. I’ll break it down under the cut.
But first lemme say that thanks for complimenting my blog! Glad you are enjoying it. But for future reference, if you want to complain about something you don't really like about a ship or fandom maybe consider making your own post about it. Cus I know your intentions were good but going to a superbat blog and saying “this is everything I dislike about superbat!!” comes off pretty rude. I could stop there but I’ll address your questions/points because why not and I’m a glutton for punishment,,
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So first off, and this is what I’m gonna end up repeating throughout this post, I understand your frustration at parts of Clark's mythos not being explored more in superbat fic/art but a lot of what it comes down is just that uh. Some people know more about batman mythos! And some people know more about superman mythos! It doesn’t really mean that they like/respect one character more than the other.. people are just interested in different comics lol. For example I rely a lot on my wonderful superman mutuals (hello @/blorb-el :] ) for info about Clark and his lore because I just haven’t read as many superman comics.. doesn’t mean I like Clark less. Just means I like sci-fi less…
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As for this I have no idea what most of it means lol but like I said, telling a blog that you know likes superbat that superbat fans are “homophobic and abusive” is pretty rude for obvious reasons…
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Now uh there’s a lot to unpack with this lol. Long story short, top/bottom preferences dont really have anything to do with personality. And as for “realistically they’d switch” yeah I personally see them as switches too! But there’s no “correct” way of imagining how a fictional character has gay sex lol. People are just gonna have their preferences for what they like to see and most of the times they dont have/need a specific reason for them. Also: this is gonna be a big theme when it comes to my response to you because my advice? Utilize tags. Cus uh if you check the tags for “bottom Clark” and “bottom Bruce” in the superbat tag on ao3 -
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There isn’t exactly a dearth of bottom Clark works. There’s plenty great ones out there 
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As for this, some of it is going to be because ppl maybe dont know as much about Lois as they do other characters, and some of it is yeah misogyny lol I won’t lie to you. But to be honest I haven’t seen any Lois bashing in fics or fanwork since like the mid 2010s. So I cant tell if this complaint is in good faith or not. Either way I still dont know why you’re telling it to me..
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Lmao this one. First rule of fandom is that people are going to write weird, ooc fetishistic fics purely for the sake of writing weird, ooc fetishistic fics. Its fanfiction, its not like they’re official DC stories - they dont have to be accurate. I understand your frustration if you’re seeing a dynamic you dont like a lot but, again, I would advise you to utilize tagging + filtering to your advantage. The reality of fandom is you’re going to see interpretations of a character that you don’t like. And what you do is simply don’t read what you don’t like. Its not always that deep. 
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Again! You just! Have! To look! For creators! That are more into! Superman comics! (@/sully-s has a lot of cute Jimmy + Lois/Clois art if you’re interested) Like I’m not a Batman multishipper because I want to personally spite Clark Kent, I’m a Batman multishipper because I’ve read a LOT of Batman comics lol. Like I’m gonna level with you I have no idea who John Corben or Blanque or Volcana even are. But I know there are probably plenty of people who ship superbat who have no idea who Minhkhoa Khan or Silver St. Cloud or Andrea Beaumont are!! And that doesn’t mean they hate Bruce it just means they don’t feel like reading 80 years of Batman comics which!! Is fair!!
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As for this part I dont have any advice or suggestions this is just rude. “Hey that popular trope you like is stupid!” Ok! You’re allowed to think that, I get it honestly. But, again, I don’t know why you felt the need to send that opinion to a blog that you know likes superbat. Like its not exactly a question, its just something you dont like lol
In conclusion my advice is: use filtering! use tagging! If you’re good at searching for stuff you can pretty consistently avoid ships/dynamics you dont like! I do this all the time. And for next time, maybe remember that fandom isn’t curated to your personal tastes automatically - you have to curate it yourself, and thats no one else’s job but your own. 
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Got a few more until tomorrow
1: you said in a earlier post they like spider-man, I don’t know if you played and beaten the spider-man game with the white spider (2018 ps4), but what’s their reaction to that one scene in the game at the end with aunt may? Speaking of that just now playing the “3rd” game on the ps5, pretty amazing! No pun intended lol
2: what type of jokes do they enjoy? puns, toilet humor, dad jokes, dark humor,etc…
3: if there was a video game starting the two what type of game will it be? Like Gotham knights, mortal kombat shaolin monks, maybe like Arkham knight where you play as one character only but you can change characters in certain fights, etc…
4: in universe, did Jake come up with sky bird on the first try?
5: any alternative outfits for Chris? I did saw a flame bird type suit for Jake.
6: I saw an earlier post seeing Jake in a Robin outfit, was he like the fifth or sixth Robin for Batman? Or just become Nightwings sidekick?
Sorry for the lateness @gothicghost2000 but If I may…
1. Oh…tears. So many emotions pouring out of them, as if the earlier final boss fight against Doc Ock was bad enough for those two
2. Primarily they’d wordplay, snarky quips, quick witted one liners (For Example, from the film 300; “Our Arrows will blot out the sun” “….then we will fight in the shade”), dark comedy that often deals with recently deceased on Jake’s case (mainly as a defense mechanism when he’s left with no options but to investigate suspicious passings and has to do examinations of the body(ies) as per his detective skill in forensics) and finally, slapstick, Three Stooges style slapstick
3. Somewhat a hybird between classic Arkham Knight style open world with individual cases across a city or few and some stealth missions, 3D beat ‘em up, and for boss battles, 3D fighting with plenty of space to move around whether on ground or floating in the air a la the Budokai Tenkachi and Raging Blast Dragon Ball games. There’s exists in the menu a Fighting Mode that pertains to that last style of play with a small character roster fetaung not just the Duo but also both close Allies (for example Mar’i and Jon) and foes (some DC staples including Deathstroke and Zsasz or some newer villains they the two encountered recently)
4. He sort of did when he debuted his brand new blue Discowing colored outfit when helping Nightwing and Starfire take down a HIVE Five robbery. All he had prior to that small adventure was his moniker having bird in it so when the villains are beaten and some news reporters ask him about what his mantle is named, Jake took only look at a blue sky above and hastily said Skybird as a means to get out of their bombardment of questions. The next morning, the papers declare him Skybird and the rest was history
5. He’s currently coming up with a dark purple and grey Sleath version of his Nightwing suit which can enable him to blend into the shadows during spying missions since while his blue can theoretically work out fine enough, a darker color scheme can help better if he plans to pick up on schemes being plotted more up close
6. Mainly Jake as a ‘Robin’ was limited in being Nightwing’s particular partner during patrols and capers in Bludhaven, similar to when Cass was briefly operating as a Batgirl in Hong Kong. For the official Robin who does work alongside Batman at Gotham, that honor (at least in this fanon verse of mine but I digress) goes to Jake’s beloved uncle Tim(my) Drake. Jake transitioning to the Skybird mantle further solidified that notion of being technically his own mantle that just so happens to take heavy inspiration, tactics and aesthetics to The Boy Wonder.
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alvadee · 1 year
Ok, so here's what legendary 89-year-old Julie Newmar, who as Catwoman was a fellow Bat-villain of his in 1966 and made a movie with him in 1967, had to say about Victor. :) I did ask a few follow up questions she kind of skipped over and I combined two of her emails in this text (I don't think there will be more, otherwise I'll add it):
"Here are a few thoughts that I have on Victor Buono.
I’ll do my best to clear up some misunderstandings – we all knew we would not be paid on this film (Seduction of a Nerd), that’s important. Which also shows you how deeply and positively we felt about the project. I flew back on weekends to be in his film from location spots in Utah and the Grand Canyon while filming “McKenna’s Gold”. There was a deeper fulfillment of working on the Don Joslyn project than the multimillion-dollar film. This was Don Joslyn’s oeuvre, he was the writer, director, creator in all ways. He was very much in the vein of multi-talented filmmaker John Cassavetes, everyone wanted to work with him, pay or no pay.
There is a scene in “Mother”, the original title, with Victor as a cross-dresser (leaning against a lamp post), it is, he is heart-breaking. Both touching and embarrassing. There was no money to intensify or glamourize the background setting, only locations that Don Joslyn could get for free.
Victor was a complete pleasure to work with. In a sense, like me, he was all about the work, focused. I don’t have personal tid bits. In his roles he was a natural genius like Peter Sellers. The same was true of Jack Mullaney, my costar in The Living Doll. He must have been wonderful in all the parts he played as a member of the San Diego Shakespeare festival. Think of it, how incredible that Victor was playing Fallstaff at the age of 24! A flawless character actor, he could do any age. Us, we normal people could not have done that, meaning that his background, his family experience gave him untold knowledge to embody this great Shakespearean character.
His work is so refined (What Ever Happened to Baby Jane). Another part of his genius was that he could act without acting (let that sink in). He was a perfect partner to work with on screen, thankfully not having big star egotistic distractions. As King Tut on the Batman series, he was the top writer Stanley Ralph Ross’ favorite character to write for. Stanley wrote brilliant dialogue for me as Catwoman.
How wisely he conducted his life, all told; however short (which is determined before birth). He was ‘gay’, another protection in a way and irrelevant to us, to me anyway.
There is much to know and understand and love in this world."
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
So, I was scrolling through your WG’s tag (which I love) and I wanted to extend on an ask you got a while ago about Ra’s and Tabithas different relationship. I totally agree that making gender bent characters inherently sexual, especially the villain and hero relationship is fucking annoying and weird. Unfortunately, I think ras would be a creepy little freak- but in a way where he makes lots of innuendos in a way that he thinks is totally clever and smart and charming but it’s just weird. Tab doesn’t really react to it because anything more than mild disappointment would be succeeding ground to him- so she just blows past it (as she blows up all his bases).
Now, this may be wish fulfillment for me to see a creep get his ass handed to him. But, I imagine he is a creep in front of another member of the batfam and they just snap. (I think it would work Bc rr is about ras assuming Tim’s allies dont care about him so he’s going for an intimidation thing but it doesn’t pan out) now, my question is (after that rambling), who do you think would fit best for the beat down? Like I cant decide between all of them -(´;ω;`)
ps. Since I’m imaging Ra’s as kind of a sexist prick, would that affect talias relationship with the rest of the batfam?
Ra's is creepy to Tim in canon so it would cross over HOWEVER I would like to avoid the weird rape porn I see sometimes in genderbends. In the WG au I keep all the canon relationships (Peg still dates Starfire, Tab's first partner was Arianna) because they're essentially the same people with the same loves.
Ra's I think would be a bit dismissive of Batman's girl partners. There's a bit of understanding there as the father of stubborn daughters himself but he doesn't treat Talia with the same respect Bruce does his girls. Tabitha's quest to revive Bruce was, at first, a wild goose chase but then he saw the merit in it. He didn't truly appreciate what she was doing until it was too late. For my own sanity I'm avoiding the 'make you my evil queen bleh' scenario and going more with the canon 'you can do so much more in my organization' just with a bit of a sexist spin on it. He plays into her fears of not being good enough, that Damira has stolen her place as Robin, her idol Janis hated her, many of her friends were dead. He wants her on his side because he finally sees her worth as an asset. To Talia and Damira, it feels like a slap in the face not understanding that Ra's is using all of them as pawns.
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lovesick-x-prince · 2 years
My Fic Masterlist!
Hello! I’m generally known as Prince, my pronouns are she/her/any, I am queer, and I write a bunch of fanfiction. (◡‿◡✿)
You can find me on AO3 under the username LovesickPrince. I absolutely love talking about not only my stories but also the characters and fandoms in general, so please feel totally free to send in asks about any of those topics - I’d love to answer questions, or have conversations with you all!
This blog is multi-fandom. I am currently writing for: Hermitcraft/The Life Series, Dream SMP, and Batman. I also reblog Genshin Impact, MXTX’s danmei, Jujutsu Kaisen and other miscellaneous things. I have a queue that posts at least one a day!
Hermitcraft/Life Series
Nobody Feels Like You (WIP) -> Multi-chapter, 132K -> Third Life/Hermitcraft -> Grian/Scar -> Premise: After Third Life ends, Grian time travels back to the start of the series, and decides he’s going to make sure Scar wins this time.
my ever after / is holding you (Complete) -> One-shot, 18k -> Hermicraft/Evo, Third Life inspirations -> Grian/Scar -> Premise: Scar is the king, and Grian is his servant. Then someone decides kidnapping King Scar’s beloved servant was a good idea. It really wasn’t. (Cinderella inspired).
somewhere between the surface and the seabed (Complete) -> One-shot, 24K -> Hermitcraft -> Grian/Scar -> Premise: A mermay story. Grian is a siren and Scar is a sea witch. Miscommunication ensues. (The Little Mermaid inspired).
We Built This Town On Shaky Ground (Complete) -> One-shot, 1K -> Double Life -> Grian/Scar -> Premise: Grian kills BigB, and Scar is grateful. It saves him the trouble of having to do it himself.
And I'll Breathe, And It Goes (Coming in ???) -> Multi-chapter, ??? -> Hermitcraft, inspired by Desertduo Vigilante AU by kitsuneisi -> Grian/Scar -> Premise: Grian has three identities - the civilian Grian, the villain Watcher, and the vigilante CuteGuy. He manages to get hopelessly tangled up in both Scar’s and HotGuy’s lives in every single one of them. 
Dream SMP
Golden and Lustrous (WIP) -> Multi-chaptered, 29K so far -> DSMP, SMP Earth -> Dark SBI -> Premise: Tommy can turn straw into gold. The Antarctic Empire takes interest. (Rumpelstiltskin inspired). 
Out Like A Light (Complete) -> Multi-chaptered, 156K -> DSMP -> Dark SBI, Bench Trio -> Premise: Technoblade, Philza, and Wilbur are gods, and Tommy is the reincarnation of their missing piece. 
where’s the person that i know?/they must have left (Discontinued)  -> Multi-chaptered, 16k -> DSMP -> SBI -> Premise: After Tommy dies in prison, he begins falling through alternate universes.
I Would Like You To Love Me (WIP) -> Multi-chapter, 4K so far -> Batman -> Tim & Jason, Batfam, Tim-centric -> Premise: Tim is a young mer suddenly tossed into the ocean after being raised in a tank his entire life. Luckily, an older male with a red and golden tail named Jason is here to show him how to survive.
Sanders Sides
these sanders sides sure are doing things (Complete) -> Series of one-shots, 4K -> Sanders Sides -> Gen, LAMP, and Roman/Patton -> Premise: Four unconnected Sanders Sides one-shots, mostly fluff and character studies. 
Land of the Lustrous
To The Moon (Complete) -> One-shot, 4K -> Land of the Lustrous -> Padparadscha/Rutile -> Premise: Padparadscha tries to commit suicide via Lunarians, believing themselves a burden on their partner.
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Bruce Wayne x Reader SERIES
Character(s): x Reader, Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) (Or your choice of Bruce Wayne)
WARNINGS: Mentions of smut (suggestive content) SEMI SMUT
Chapter 1 of ?
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Glass. Glass is a funny and interesting thing. It is said that there is a glass tougher than steel; but not as tough as the Man of Steel. Glass is an amorphous solid and when it breaks, the cracks move at 3000 miles per hour. Glass is durable and some forms of glass are resilient, and if you think about it, us humans are like glass. We are fragile yet durable, vulnerable yet resilient; and when we break, we shatter. We shatter into millions of pieces in a matter of seconds and it feels like we will never be put back together. But we are more durable and way more resilient than we think; if we think about Superman, he is stronger than glass, but his emotions are just as fragile as ours.
No matter who you are or what you are, we are like glass. Even if you are a vigilante that fights Gotham’s most evil villains, your just like glass, bound to break, bound to crack. Bruce was like glass; he was shattered at a young age, and as time went on, his built thicker walls “of glass”, around him. We can picture ourselves building walls of concrete or steel, but in reality, we just create a thicker glass. And that is exactly what Bruce did.
He built indestructible walls around him. Bruce was use to the pain and instead of dealing with the sorrow, he built with it, and around it. He never truly defeated the pain from the past, when he put on the Batman suit, he became the definition of vengeance. He became the face of vengeance; well, Batman did. When I first met Bruce, he was cold towards everyone, everyone except Alfred, who raised him after his parents died.
When we met, I had no idea what kind of person he was. I didn’t know how much pain he hid behind those blue eyes of his; I didn’t know how the pain of losing his parents felt. I didn’t know how much darkness surrounded Bruce’s world, let alone the darkness that consumed the Batman’s world.
I met him at a business meeting; our companies were going to do business together, and as heir to my father’s company, I was to complete the business deal. When I went into Wayne Enterprises, I was met by Mr. Wayne’s lawyers and some of his business partners. “Ms. Y/L/N, any questions, concerns, or demands, will go through us and will eventually make it back to Mr. Wayne.” His lawyer said as he guided me toward the board meeting room. “With that being said, there is no reason for Mr. Wayne to join us. So, he will not be in attendance.”
I stopped in my tracks, “Oh is that so?” I ask and his lawyer nodded. I turned on my heels, and made my way towards Mr. Wayne’s office. My heels clicked against the black marble floors, “Wait! Ms. Y/L/N, you cannot just walk in there-security!” I have never met the billionaire playboy and I didn’t know what to expect.
Flinging open the doors, I walked into his office with my head held high. “Mr. Wayne, may I have a word with you?” I ask and he looked up from his stack of papers. “You know what--- I am just going to say it. I want to have the meeting with you.” I say as I adjusted my blouse. “I don’t want to have it with a bunch of lawyers. I want to get to know who I am doing business with. I don’t want to hear it from your business partners.” I say with my head held high.
Mr. Wayne grinned and motioned for security and his lawyers to leave. “But Mr. Wayne, I think I should be in this meeting don’t you-”
“Mr. Lawrence, I think I can handle this.” He says and they shut the door behind them. “Please, have a seat, Ms. Y/L/N.” Mr. Wayne said as he pulled out the chair for me. “Thank you, Mr. Wayne.” I say as I opened my briefcase.
“And please, call me Bruce.” He said and I smiled at him. “I respect what you did. Coming in here and demanding to have the meeting with me. That is how I know you’re serious about this business deal.” He said as he pulled out a pen from his desk drawer.
“Now where do I sign?” He said with a smile and I was happy with my first business accomplishment.
After we made our business deal, a few months later Bruce and I started to get romantically involved with one another. It happened due to the consumption of alcohol. A late night at Wayne Enterprises is what started it all. From what I heard, the women who slept with him, said he was rough, and after the sexy dirty deed was done, he was heartless.
But a bottle of red wine and a shared cigarette later, he had me on the edge of his desk. His hands went to my thighs, pushing up my skirt, and I was fumbling with his belt. We went from the desk, to the chair, and even to the floor. Not once was he too rough with me, and every kiss was sweet and soft, once in awhile his tongue swiped across my bottom lip.
Slowly his glass walls began to crack, but he defied the scientific fact, his glass did not crack at 3000 mph, instead it cracked slowly. But once it cracked, he covered it back up, he was scared his walls would crumble in front of him. But he laid down on the couch and motioned for me to join him. I did not oblige, I laid on his chest, and I could feel his heart beating. “We shouldn’t have done this.” He whispered and I looked up into his blue eyes that were illuminated by the moonlight, coming in through the big window.
“Was it not any good?” I asked and he grinned and a chuckled followed in suit. “No, it was amazing. But I.... I have never been in a committed relationship before.” He said as he rubbed my bare shoulder. “It doesn’t have to be a committed relationship.” I say and he looked down into my eyes. 
“Can I be honest?” He questioned as he turned his gaze to the ceiling, avoiding my eye contact. “I always want you to be honest with me, Bruce.” I say and he looked back at me. “I want to give this committed relationship thing with you a try.” he whispered quietly and I lifted my head off of his chest.
“Really?” I asked and I pushed a strand of his hair back from his sweaty forehead. “Yes. I really want to try it with you, Y/N. I feel comfortable with you. You understand me better than anyone. I mean you waltzed into my office like you owned the damn place, and showed me how determined you were. I love that about you.” He said with a smile, but his smile faltered into a frown. “But I am afraid I will ruin it. I am afraid you will get hurt.” He said and I raised an eyebrow.
“Why would I get hurt, Bruce?” I asked and he stuttered. “Well, uh, what I meant is, I am a powerful man, Y/N. A lot of people are always going to be after me. I want you safe.” He said and I shook my head.
“I think you forget my father is an equally as powerful man. And I am still here, Bruce. I think I can take care of myself.” I said with a chuckle and he grinned.
“Well, I don’t doubt that, love.” he said and I pulled myself up to be closer to him. “Then let’s try it.” I whispered against his lips and then pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. I didn’t pay any mind to what he said about me getting hurt, what he said made sense, but deep down, I knew there was something else going on. But I was not going to speculate or assume things.
Bruce let his glass walls crack a little more, he started to let me in, but he treaded carefully on this newfound ground.
I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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ttheriddlerr · 2 years
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OKAY so personally i think bruce wouldn't know ANYTHING about what you did at night
whether you are a vigilante, anti-hero, or superhero i don't think his opinion of you will change
sure when finding out he will be VERY shocked
okay so here is how im thinking he would find out
it would obviously be a very late night and you and bruce have been together long enough to know each others schedules
whether you knew he was batman or not you know he always comes home tired and beaten so you kind of had your suspicions
at this point in your relationship, you and bruce were not living together but you stayed over frequently
so one night bruce had invited you over to his place so you both could just chill in each others silence like you both usually did
but tonight you had to decline obviously because you were out on patrol
to bruce, it was weird of you to cancel because you most of the time wanted to spend time together no matter what
you were a news reporter for a small printing office in the middle of gotham
so you stayed up late working on stories for people to read on their morning train ride to work
bruce felt in his sense that there was something you were keeping from him, nothing like cheating but a BIGGER part of your life
so he went out, in the middle of the night to see if he could at least see you from your home
what he didn't expect to see was you fight a duo of villains all on your lonesome
at first, he didn't recognize you until he heard your voice, he knew it anywhere
so him being the super protective and loving bf he was he of course tried to help to the best of his ability
once you had finished fighting the guys and started to call the authorities to try and contain them for at least a little before they escaped again
bruce looked down at you and muttered your name softly which caught your attention because you knew only he spoke to you that way
"b-bruce, okay it's not what it looks like..." you tried your best to. be as quiet as possible so the villains wouldn't hear
"you know it's dangerous to be out here alone... without a partner [name].."
"yes yes, honey i know i just... i didn't know how to tell you! i mean me [name] try to tell my amazing boyfriend who has to protect himself enough from the press every day about my "secret" lifestyle! not happening!" you whisper yelled at bruce before crashing into his arms
he caressed your head softly, he was deeply worried he could see the bruise already forming and some dried blood on your incredibly hot suit
"it's okay [name], ill make sure you're all right. ill get you all checked out."
bruce would never expect you, the woman he wanted to spend the end of the world with was also out until the late hours of the night fighting crime
he always knew you were a woman of justice and determination but he never knew you'd take it this far
as much as he was shocked and a little upset he was proud of you as well, he knew you always had an adoration for other crime fighters in the city of gotham and you were becoming one of the greats
once you both got back to his house he made sure every inch of you was taken care of, because he loved you
he asked you about how long this had been going on, how'd you learn to fight as good as you fought, who taught you how to even fight crime in the first place, and WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL HIM????
you were tired but you answered the last question for him before you fell asleep and you said
"once you admitted to me that you are batman bruce.."
and with that you were off to dream land and bruce was eft puzzled and stuned
taglist : @milkiangl
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Day 6: Party
Continuation of days two and three
Marinette grins at her reflection in the mirror. The costume was perfect- close enough to the original that you could tell who she was, but also with her own touch so that she didn’t hate looking at the costume. She’d even curled her hair slightly. The knock at the front door makes her squeal in excitement, knowing exactly who it is. 
“Cass!” She cheers, opening the door and grinning widely at her best friend. Sure, Cass didn’t talk a lot (she was like Luka in that way), but she always seemed to know when Marinette needed help out of her own head. And she was eternally grateful for that. She was even more grateful that Cass had agreed to do a duo costume with her since Jason apparently didn’t want to dress up. He was ‘too old’ or something. Well, Marinette wanted to have fun and wear a damn costume. 
“The suit is amazing! I’m not sure the cowl I made will be good enough for it.” Marinette says worriedly, examining the stitches on Cass’ costume. “Where’d you say you got this?” She asks, frowning. It was definitely higher quality than the Halloween store downtown. Cass just smiles, the one that basically says ‘not telling’. Mari just grins, used to it by now. She passes the cowl to Cass and grabs her own domino mask, sliding it on. Posing next to Cass in the full length mirror, Marinette takes a picture and sends it to the group chat that Jason had recently added her to. Dropping her phone into her purse and grabbing her keys, she turns to Cass. 
“Ready?” She asks. 
“Ready.” Cass says. Marinette grins. Look out, Gotham, Batman and Robin are out on the town. 
Dick squeals as the picture comes through on the groupchat. He was beyond relieved that Jagged had scheduled his Halloween party two weeks before the actual holiday. It meant that he, and the rest of his brothers, could actually go instead of being on the extra patrols they always had to schedule around the holiday. Grinning, he opens twitter. 
Look at my little sisters! Aren’t they the cutest?! #halloween #Waynefam #jaggedstone
[image description: One girl stands with a hand on her hip, dressed in what is obviously a spin on a Robin costume, including: a domino mask, black tights, dark red tunic with a Robin logo, gold belt, knee high emerald boots, and a dual sided cape black on the outside and gold on the inside. Another girl stands next to her with her arms crossed over her chest, dressed in what is obviously a Batman costume, including: black catsuit, yellow utility belt, black cape, and a redesigned black cowl.]
Marinette pecks Jason’s cheek and grins. 
“What, not a Robin fan?” She asks teasingly at his frown. He huffs. 
“Not really. More of a...Red Hood guy.” He says, and she snorts. 
“Of course you’d like the one with guns.” She says, shaking her head with a smile. “His costume is actually probably one of my favorites. Well, besides the whole helmet thing.” Jason grins, pulling her in and giving her a sweet kiss before he glances behind her and groans. 
“My brothers just walked in.” He says and she smiles. 
“Go say hi, I’ve gotta go ask Uncle Jagged a question really quick. I’ll be right back and Cass and I can show your brothers our awesome costumes in person.” She says, pecking his cheek before walking away. She looks around for Jagged, but frowns when she doesn’t see him in the main room. Pulling out her phone, she sends him a quick text asking where he is. 
In the garden with Fang!!!!!!!
She shakes her head fondly. Of course he skipped out on his own party to spend time with his crocodile. Smiling, she heads out to the garden to try and get to him. She’d wanted to see if the man planned on being in the US around Thanksgiving. Bruce had already invited her (probably to get Jason to show up) and said she could invite any of her family as well. Since her parents and superhero partner were both dead and her grandparents didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, she decided she’d really love Jagged and Penny to come instead. As she walks outside, she’s shocked that Fang doesn’t immediately run up to her. 
“Uncle Jagged?” She calls, frowning. Where was he? And why was it so dark out here? Fang was scared of the dark. Jagged never would have brought him outside without more lights on, he was too protective of him. She tenses when she notices a slumped figure next to the bench Jagged had put in the gardens for when she visits. It was one of her favorite places to sit and design. 
“Hello?” She calls, watching the figure for any movement. Seeing none, she steps closer and her stomach drops. Immediately she runs over and checks her Uncle for a pulse. She sighs in relief when she feels it, but the gash on his head is worrisome. How-
“Hello, Birdie!” An amused voice rings behind her, making her blood run cold. She whirls around and manages to catch a glimpse of the man’s pale face before a thick piece of metal flies at her head and the world goes black. 
“Jaybird! Where’s Mari and Cass? They’re blowing up on twitter, even MDC liked my tweet!” Dick says happily, making Jason scowl. 
“Did you seriously post my girlfriend all over your twitter?” He asks grumpily. Dick nods. 
“Oh yeah. Her and Cass looked too cute to keep it to ourselves. Where are they anyway?” Dick asks, scanning the room. 
“M said she needed to go talk to her Uncle about something. Personally, I think she was just avoiding you guys. You all crowd her every time you see her.” Jason reprimands, crossing his arms. Replacement rolls his eyes. 
“It’s ‘cause she’s so much cooler than you. And she’s not an asshole like you are.” He says. 
“Something’s wrong.” Cass says, suddenly appearing at Jason’s side. He jumps slightly, but then frowns at her. 
“What?” He asks, surprised to see the deep scowl form on her face. 
“Don’t know.” She huffs. 
“Well if Cassandra believes that something is wrong, we should investigate.” Damian says, looking relieved that he wouldn’t be asked to socialize with anyone. A startled scream from outside makes the five vigilantes tense before running towards the noise. Jason curses when he realizes it’s Penny Rolling, Jagged Stone’s….something. She’s kneeling by a slumped figure, shaking it until a groan escapes it. Jason feels his blood run cold when the figure’s hair catches the light. It’s Jagged. Then where-
“Where’s she? Where’s she at?” Jagged slurs out, blinking wildly. 
“Who?” Penny asks, gently holding the man’s face. Jason frowns at the gash. 
“M. He wanted ‘er.” He says, and though the man is looking around crazily and slurring his words, Jason can tell he’s completely serious. And M-
“Do you mean Marinette?” Jason asks, stepping forward. Jagged frowns, but nods. 
“Crazy clown.” He adds before turning and throwing up in the grass. Jason growls and turns on his heel, ready to go hunt the damned clown down. Out of everyone in this damned city that he could’ve targeted, why did he choose her?
“Jason, wait.” Dick says, grabbing his wrist. “We need to have a plan. Come on. You can’t just go out like this.” He reminds him lowly, Jason’s eyes narrow but he follows anyway. Might as well use the good tools. That fucking clown won’t make it to morning. 
Ice cold water falls over her and Marinette sits up, gasping in shock at the sudden temperature change. 
“Little cold, Birdie?” A voice asks before walking around and standing in front of her- a huge smile on his face and a thick piece of metal in his hands.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” Marinette says, trying not to let her voice shake. This was the villain. The one she never wanted to meet. The one that gave her boyfriend nightmares that he couldn’t explain to her. And now she was alone with him. 
“If you’re sure, we could have some...fun before Batsy arrives.” He laughs. 
“Why would Batman show up?” She asks. “You do realize this is just a Halloween costume, right?” She flinches as the piece of metal- a crowbar, she thinks shakily- stops inches in front of her face.
“How stupid do you think I am? Of course it’s a costume. A costume posted by one Dick Grayson. You’re a Wayne, somehow. And Batsy always shows up when a Wayne is involved.” Joker says, his twisted grin making her sick to her stomach. 
“I’m not a Wayne! Batman isn’t going to come for me.” She argues, cursing her decision to not wear her earrings today. Some days were harder than others, especially leaving in a mask. Even if the mask was a costume. Every time she tried to put on her earrings today, she shook and started to panic. Granted, it was probably for the best. Because she would definitely be tempted to transform and she did not want to give Joker that kind of knowledge. 
“Wayne or not, one of the bats will come. You have friends in very high places, Birdie.” Joker tuts, twirling the crowbar in his hand. She flinches as it nears her face, making Joker laugh. “If I wanted to hit you, I would.” He says. She doesn’t even have time to figure out what he means because her shoulder explodes in pain. The pain is blinding and she wants to scream but no sound will come out of her mouth as she gasps for breath. 
“That’s no good. A silent bird is a dead bird. So sing, Birdie.” Joker demands, and he aims slightly lower this time, shattering her left arm. And she screams. The pain tearing at her throat nothing compared to the pain in her arm, her shoulder. She sobs, the shaking making the pain worse, but she was unable to stop. It hurt. 
“S-stop!” She manages to yell, nearly biting her tongue when Joker grabs her chin and forces her to look up at him. 
“Hmm. You’re right! The internet should definitely see this.” He laughs, pulling a phone out. She shakes her head, flinching as he whacks the crowbar against the floor near her chair. He points the phone at her, and she knows he’s recording. The bastard. 
“Hello Gotham! Look at this little Birdie. I’m afraid she flew too far, and now we have to clip her wings.” He says, sighing as if he’s actually apologetic. He sets his phone up on the table and stalks over to her before turning and waving at the camera. She watches him move the crowbar around warily, her breathing shaky. God, she hoped Jason wasn’t watching this. Hoped he was somewhere safe, not trying to go do something stupid. She winces as Joker acts like he’s about to hit her, only to stop before the crowbar actually connects with her good arm.
“I told you, I’d only hit you if I wanted to.” He chuckles. 
“Go to hell.” She spits out, ignoring the voice in her head (that sounded suspiciously like Tikki) telling her to shut up. To not antagonize the crazy man with the crowbar. 
“Gladly.” He says with a grin, rearing back and swinging the crowbar out to hit her in the ribs. Her scream echoes around the room and she has no time to catch her breath before he’s attacking her ribs again. Tears stream down her face, but she can’t scream, she can’t even catch her breath. I’m going to die, she thinks, and the thought is terrifying. She didn’t want to die, she wanted to live. 
“Do we have a fucking location or am I about to go shoot up every goddamned warehouse in this city?” Jason growls as he zips through the streets on his bike. He knew Babs and Alfred were back at the cave, watching the livestream and working to locate Marinette. And even though he couldn’t see the video, the audio playing through the comms was enough to make his stomach churn. 
He didn’t give one singular fuck what Bruce said. He was going to kill that goddamned clown the minute he saw him. 
Marinette glares at the Joker, barely able to keep her head up. For some unknown reason, he’d decided to use his fists on her face instead of the crowbar. Not that she was complaining. She wouldn’t have survived multiple hits to the head. Not with the force he had. She watches him, and she knows he’s saying something, but she can’t tell what it is. She’s too tired, too hurt, to care what he’s saying anyway. Unless it’s some magical cure to stop her from feeling like she’s broken into a million pieces, she doesn’t want to hear it. 
Eyes wandering behind him, she’s relieved when she notices the costumed figure. The cowl, the cape- Batman did come. How strange. Though, she had assumed that Joker was live streaming. So that could definitely explain that one. Deciding she was out of immediate danger, she lets her eyes droop shut, reveling in the darkness that surrounds her. She let’s it stay, and she can feel things slipping away, some of the pain lessening. It’s nice, until someone is poking her and talking much too close to her. She lets out a whine as the person forces her eyes open. 
“‘m tired.” She mumbles, wincing at the pain that comes with breathing, with talking. 
“I know, kid, god I know. Just keep your eyes open.” A voice says. She blinks, the blue marks on the suit in front of her helping her to identify the vigilante. 
“Couldn’t fight.” She spits out, tears springing to her eyes as her attempt at conversation makes her chest ache. 
“But you’re fighting now, you’re staying awake. You’re doing such a good job, I’m proud of you. Stay awake kiddo.” Nightwing says quietly. She vaguely feels the ropes slide off her wrists and ankles. Fighting to stay sitting up, because slumping will hurt more than she’s willing to allow, she sighs. 
“Jason’s gonna worry.” She mumbles, and Nightwing hums. 
“Ambulance is almost here, kid, just stay awake.” He says instead of asking about Jason. She hopes Jason is okay. Hopes he isn’t mad at himself for letting her go talk to Jagged alone. Suddenly, sirens are close and she lets the world finally slip away.
The pain is the first thing that clues her in. She isn’t dead. Which is a relief. But the way her entire body aches, is not a relief. Forcing her eyes open, she sighs at Jason’s slumped form in a chair next to her bed. She wished she knew how long she’d been in the hospital so she could scold him. Because he was still wearing the outfit he had on at the party. Which meant he hadn’t given himself a break. Just as she’s trying to decide how to ask the nurses for pain medicine, Jason’s eyes open. 
“Marinette!” He gasps, starting to lunge forward, then stopping himself. “I thought, god, M, I thought-”
“‘m okay.” She says softly, and he frowns. 
“Okay? You were nearly beaten to death with a goddamned crowbar. You’re not okay.” He argues. She sighs. 
“I’m alive, and I’m with you. I’m okay.” She insists, wincing. He looks like he still wants to argue, but stops himself. He scoots closer and holds her hand, kissing the back of it softly. 
“I’ll never leave you.” He promises. She smiles softly, before falling back asleep, finally safe.
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san-fics · 3 years
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Behind enemy lines
Maribat: Robibug, Daminette, Robinette, Damibug Ao3
Part 5
Damian seemed to think for a moment before he shook her hand.
The moment their skin touched again, Marinette felt warmth of his hand and remembered how soothing and enveloping his body felt when he caught her. She removed her hand from his quickly.
“Are you a new student?” She asked. “I haven’t met you before.”
“I am an exchange student from US.” He confirmed.
“Would you like me to help you find your class?” Marinette suggested, proud of herself for not stammering any more.
“My data indicates that my class is located here.” Damian replied, nodding towards Marinette’s class.
“Oh.” She said. “You don’t need any help then.” She smiled shyly and opened her mouth to say they were classmates, when Alya went out of the class room.
“Hey, girl!” She called. “Everyone is waiting for you! Miss Bustier allowed us to take ten minutes after she makes some announcement.”
“Sorry!” Marinette squeaked, remembering she promised to call Adrien together with a class today. “I was... I just...”
“Ran into a school bully.” Damian continued for her sullenly.
“I guess I did.” Marinette blushed on the memory of their embrace. “Thank you again, Damian.” She gave him another soft smile and went to Alya, bringing her back to class before her friend could starts asking questions and embarrasses her more then Chloe did.
One month ago, when the news about a supervillain in France spread around the world and reached Gotham-City, Batman decided to intervene, and Demian volunteered for a solo mission in Paris to take a break from his annoying brothers.
He came to patrol in Paris every night, but at first he found nothing but a spotted heroine patrolling the city alone. It looked like the villain had taken a hiatus since his name became known, which gave Demian the opportunity to study all the materials on both Shadow Math’s previous attacks and the team of heroes fighting him.
Their actions were often chaotic and recurring, and necessarily flowed from the powers that those miraculous seemed to give them. They had no strategy and clearly lacked professional combat training, though their physical abilities were definitely increased.
But most often there were two heroes in the battle, and their leader was clearly Ladybug.
Their opponents themselves — so called akumas — were very different and often demanded a creative approach, and Damian had to say, giving her credit, Ladybug contrived to find completely insane, but suitable solutions in order to defeat them every time.
But she clearly lacked confidence and strategic thinking, moreover, the duo's actions were reduced to responding to attacks, and not looking for suspects.
Except for the one time when they did manage to reveal the identity of the villain.
The net didn’t have accurate information about what happened in Gabriel Agreste’s house that day, but it was clear that the heroes missed him.
Robin’s conversation with Ladybug made Damian understand that she was going through some kind of internal crisis, possibly related to the absence of her partner. She even shed tears as she protected him, even though she confirmed that he was gone.
There were many rumors about Chat Noir’s disappearance, but no one knew for sure, and Ladybug was avoiding giving interviews. Something was wrong here.
Ladybug was obviously hiding something from the press, and it was too much of a coincidence that Chat Noir disappeared at the same time that Gabriel was discovered.
But Shadow Math clearly didn’t have a ring, as many people belived, because he would have used it already. Judging by the massive attacks, he was not the one who wouldn’t throw all the resources on the move.
After his first fight with an akuma, Damian concluded that at the moment the Parisian heroes were unable to defend either the city or their miraculous, which their supervillain was hunting.
So, having received permission to participate in the battle from Batman (that at that point was more a formal thing, since Robin had already got into battle with Dark Blade without permission), he began to work in parallel with local heroes, not wanting to cooperate his forces with non-professionals.
Then, after several fights in which Robin participated, it became even more obvious that the team wasn’t well organized, and the other heroes for some reason didn’t resort to the fight themselves, as Ladybug did. Apparently, she had to leave to run after them to bring them into the fight.
Damian installed a popular application in Paris, called Akuma Elarm and ran off to the Z-tube as soon as it had notifications.
So after another two weeks of Robin's regular visits to Paris, not only on patrols for surveillance, but in the middle of the day and night for fights with akumas, Batman studied his report and concluded that the case was too complicated to be investigated from a distance. Especially considering the time difference.
He offered to send a team, or send Demian himself undercover to the local school, where the most cases of akumatization were registered.
Demian agreed, as he got tired of Gotham, and perhaps was already too keen on the current case.
He was transferred to a class where almost all students were once akumatized, but most importantly, where the son of the main suspect studied before escaping to London the next day the city knew about his father.
It was suspicious too, and being at this class made it possible for Damian to scout the situation through civilians without attracting attention, and to understand how Adrian Agreste was involved in his father's affairs.
When he was approaching his new class on the very first day at Parisian school, Damian saw a blond girl pushing on the floor a dark-haired one, tripping her up at the same time.
He caught her reflexively, although he appeared there at the last moment, and therefore didn’t have time to stand steadily on his feet with her, so they fell to the floor.
Damian wasn’t used to let himself enjoy close physical contact with the opposite sex, nor he allowed to himself to be attracted to someone. He was taught by his mother that it could be used against him once his body goes through hormonal changes in adolescence. And frankly, he hasn't been a ten-year-old boy for a long time...
But for some reason, when the toned, but feminine body of the stranger was trapped under him, for a second Damian froze, not wanting to lose this soothing contact.
The girl felt comfortable and pleasant in his arms. And when she opened her eyes and looked at him, Damian even forgot himself for a moment, loosing himself in her bright blue eyes, which never happened to him before.
And later, when they were already standing up, and he put the bully in her place, Damian found that he was still holding the girl’s hand — so natural it felt.
When he was introduced to his new class and asked to sit at the front row next to a guy with glasses, it turned out that the blue-eyed brunette that Damian had just met was sitting right behind him.
And it would be perfect if he leaved in a romantic dream. But Damian’s perception of his life was anything but a romance. And the worst part was what happened next.
Apparently, the girl, Marinette, was the only person to have Adrien Agreste’s — the son of the local villain, Gabriel Agreste — contact information. And the class was allowed to use ten minutes of the lesson for talking to the guy.
Damian’s mind went into suspicious mood immidiatly.
The girl was connected to Shadow Math through his son, and for some pure accident she was the first person to capture Damian’s attention at school today. And he learned a long time ago from his grandfather, that accidents didn’t exist.
Damian was seized with paranoid anxiety: could this Marinette somehow find out about his arrival and set up the whole corridor scene in order to be nearby and influence him with some kind of love spell magic? Otherwise how to explain that his cold calculating mind was suddenly lost in her eyes?!
That would explain everything. But then it would mean that the enemy knew his identity...
But Grayson had settled all the papers for the school just the day before. No one would have had time to make a connection between Damian and Robin in order to have time to plan an entire operation.
It didn't make sense even in his sophisticated brain accustomed to his mother's insane schemes. So Damian decided to be extra careful with the girl and stay away just in case... Or even better — on the contrary, to get into the trust and reveal her plans!
Not at all because she had deep hypnotic eyes and an attractive feminine body, a gentle smile and... that wasn’t the point at all! Damian didn’t perceive people like that!
Of course, he was only interested in her because she had a connection with the suspect and clearly had some love spell effect on people. So he just needed to get information out of her...
[about this au]
[part 1]
[part 4] ... [part 6]
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[December 2021 posting schedule]
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