#nature is one of the only things making me feel okay about existing rn
jessekestrel · 11 months
The insatiable urge to retreat within a forest and just lay down on the ground in the dirt and moss and leaf litter 😔
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ghostsbaby · 2 years
pairing - ghost x fem!babygirl reader
word count - 742
warnings - just some thigh riding, name calling, bad plotting and daddy kink!
a/n - got you baby! hope it’s okay. it’s not a complete fic but had to whip something up. let me know if you want something different. not proof read so if things don’t make sense oops I apologize 🖤🖤🖤
You weren’t facing him. Weren’t witnessing the change in his eyes when he felt your cunts heartbeat against his thigh. Weren’t seeing the amusement in his grin when you didn’t make a sound about it.
So he only did what felt natural. Tease.
He knew how to get your attention while you just sat there in his lap solving a puzzle with your holes untouched and pussy dancing on his thigh. Ghost knew how to fuck with you.
You had just finished the border, putting the last piece in place before moving onto the next section of the 1000 piece puzzle that had a picture of a cute puppy on it with pretty pink flowers. How cute he thought, gonna ruin it.
Of course at this time you weren’t alone. The rest of 141 already joined in the same room while Ghost had plans of turning you into putty. Gaz and Soap were watching a movie while Price began to softly snore on the couch. Perfect.
Looking for matching pieces you were playing oblivious to Ghosts intentions, not even noticing his growing cock under you until you felt the first bounce and heard the light tap of his boot hit the ground.
Your eyes zeroed in on one of the pieces in your hand, coming back from your little princess world of everything perfect now that you know what Ghosts really doing. You were sitting in his lap and occasionally, but purposely fluttering your pussy all over his thigh. You knew he could feel it.
The bouncing of his leg continued and it only made you weaker, starting to lose focus on the puzzle in front of you while the only thing Ghost is paying attention to is your cunt bouncing against him. It wasn’t the first time.
It didn’t take long for your panties to soak. The fabric thin and rubbing against you, his pants having all sorts of pockets and buttons that you find one and press your sensitive bud into it. Fuck he was going to have so much fun with you.
Ghost sat lazily in the chair, watching and waiting your every move while he bounced his leg. Starting off slow before going into a continuous rhythm of trying to get you to come while the boys were in the same room, almost all of them awake. Ghost knows how fucking loud you are and is going to use it against you.
You roll your hips impatiently and deeper. Your feet hanging off the floor under you, only bracing on Ghosts thigh as the puzzle doesn’t exist to you anymore. All hope of you being silent and not giving into your boyfriends shenanigans was thrown out the door.
“Look at you baby. Fuck.”
Low growling in your ear, his pace slightly quickening to see what noises he could get away with. You squeaked, hands bracing against the table while you started to hump Ghosts thigh and he fucking loved it. Ghost didn’t need to look over to notice the shift in Soap’s body and it drove him mad.
Ghost wasn’t even fucking touching you and you were melting all over his leg, riding his thigh like it was his cock you were gonna cum all over. His cock stretched his pants tighter and tighter while you desperately dry humped the Lieutenant.
“Do you want them to see you? Fucking slut.”
His hands finally made contact with your hips as he brought you down even harder against his thigh, making you hump against him vigorously until he could feel your body start to go limp. He held you up effortlessly, pushing his knee up so your clit presses against the buttons on his pocket and rolls your hips in circular motions.
You’re panting, letting out a string of moans before Ghost starts to bring you to orgasm from words you never wanna repeat.
“Come on baby. Ride Daddy’s thigh until you’re making a mess.”
The puzzle pieces scattered on the table started to fall off the table while you whined and whimpered out moans, hitting the ground with just enough noise that Price opens his eyes while you’re shaking against Ghost and he holds you down harder, leaving bruises where he dug his fingers into your sides.
You dared yourself to look in the captain’s direction, turning your head ever so slightly until it’s brought back to the puzzle in front of you by a hand closing your throat.
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I just think you're weird for suggesting ai should be an alternative to anything when y'all can't even treat Humans correctly. Like did y'all forget?
The only reason ai exists is so they don't have to pay a fucking human for the same job.
"yeah but I'm embarrassed when I rp"
You should be! It's fucking embarrassing! So what???!
"I can't make art tho"
Then don't!!!
I'm 10000000% convinced that it's privilege that makes people believe that just because you Want something then you should be able to do it or have access to it even when you have No meaningful way of accessing it yourself.
Like when people get pets when they literally aren't even home enough to take care of it so they use those dystopian ass software to train their dogs when they aren't even home. You know the ones that even spit a treat out at them?
Like???? That dog deserves a real fucking person to take care of it and to Spend the Time training it. What the fuck is the point of having a dog if your TV is the one doing bonding activities with it?
It's just for you. The dog's needs are secondary to what you wanted because those needs were inconvenient for you.
AI is no different and the arguments y'all have for it are largely fucking gross.
"I'm too anxious to interact with real people and I'd inconvenience them or something so I'll just use this ai"
Cool so now we're opening up a gate to push care for disabled and mentally ill people off on AI? Cuz you know who Else is seen as too inconvenient to be worth someone else's time?
What the fuck?
And y'all are enabling that "well it's true they would be a bad rp partner."
Maybe learn some fucking patience? The fuck you mean you'd rather someone talked to fucking AI???
We as a society have FUCKED UP when people are suggesting and enabling AI should deal with people nobody else wants to.
Why doesn't anyone else want to?
Can AI tell you that? Can AI fix that??
The worst part is that AI should be cool. It should be an amazing fucking step forward and instead it's racist and half of y'all act like it's a crutch for having no fucking interpersonal relationships/skills and it's NOT.
I say this as someone who is in fact physically disabled and mentally ill as fuck, okay? I'm not super young either. Like I am, and will continue, to lose my ability to do things and never in a fucking million years will AI be a stand in for a Real Person's talent or skill or help.
Society can't handle taking 30 seconds to put on a mask before they walk out the door and you DONT want me to be upset about all the "helpful" things AI can do?
We wouldn't even need AI if people could afford to go to school or had time to learn to paint or could afford the supplies or had the healthcare to go to therapy or had more people In school to Be therapists or had access to a writing class or-
Hayao Miyazaki was fucking right and more people should be saying it.
“I would never wish to incorporate this technology into my work at all. I strongly feel that this is an insult to life itself.”
AI exists because capitalism's very nature is to exploit humans to our fullest extent. Now capitalism doesn't even fucking need humans to create products. We are the product they use to train our replacements.
And this is.....okay with y'all?
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Chapter 4 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Wild (Part 1)
I can hear what sounds to be a crying woman in the background music amidst ethereal vocals and I am not happy about this.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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Okay wait wait wait WAIT. I'm really latching onto that last line but hear me out as I ramble for a bit. The Princess is not human. As far as I know, she can't even die--- though that might just be my bad luck and decision making at play. She describes herself as having no beginning and no end. This game tinkers with the concepts of time being cyclical, and the Hero and the Princess's memories are both untouched by time looping, unlike the memories of the Narrator...
... Is she the reason time is looping? The Princess is without end and beginning. In other words, a circle. Is she the embodiment of a time loop?
Alternate theory is that this game is a surreal allegorical story for man's quest for immortality. The Narrator is somehow a representation of the fear of death, and the Princess's imminent threat of destroying the world isn't as pressing of a threat as the Narrator makes it seem. She's inevitable, but she's not in a rush to end things. She said in the first chapter that she likes the world--- though that might have been a lie, come to think of it. The Hero might be a representation of an individual's struggle with death, and how oftentimes when we fight against it, we only draw closer to it. Maybe the whole "this is a love story" line hints at the Hero accepting the inevitability of death, and therefore falling in love with life?
Y'all I'm just slapping things at the wall and seeing what sticks. I don't think either of these theories will prove to be true, but they sure are fun to speculate over!
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Okay yeah no I'm definitely playing an allegory for accepting death aren't I. Mankind trying to fight against death and prolonging lifespans past that which would be natural seems to be the symbolic undercurrent of that line.
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Narrator are you even listening? It's the wifey talking. But in a disconcertingly neutral, mystically monotone voice that concerns me.
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I wasn't even asking myself that second question before now and now I have MANY CONCERNS.
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OH MY WORD the narrator's memories are affected by the loop but he's aware of its existence. That's what this means, right?
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... I might have disobeyed the entire premise of the game? Just a little bit?
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Okay okay this implies that the Hero, if my "allegory for the inevitability of death" theory is true, doesn't represent mankind. But if he doesn't, then what is he?
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I'm picturing an exchange like the following:
Hero: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Hunted? Hunted: ... No. Broken: I do. Hero: I know, Broken. Broken: I'm sad. Hero: I know, Broken
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I mean, there are probably worse things to be... eaten alive, for one thing.
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Reading this and thinking about how "this is a love story" and losing my mind and losing my mind and losing my mind and---
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Asked the Princess why she was being nice to me after the whole, y'know, swallowing me whole thing, and she's a bit touchy on the subject. She just as quickly resumed the otherworldly calm front, though. Does she have multiple Princesses like I have multiple Voices?
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Ah. Hm. Well then.
If I'm going to be assimilated into the world around me and the being I'm struggling against, I'd like to do so after acknowledging the repressed fear I carry. It is time to ponder the orb--- I mean, terror in my heart.
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Hahaha thinking about Twig/Ark's early relationship and not crying whatsoever rn :))))
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Got a little worried that maybe I actually was a magic all-encompassing forest and had grossly misinterpreted the situation, but hearing the Broken express reluctance to leave a situation in which he's playing pretend at everything being okay makes me feel much more confident in the decision! Nice.
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... Are we the same being, but divided in two? That definitely doesn't sound right, but this line makes me wonder...
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Broken sweetie you read uncomfortably literally as someone who's been through a very bad relationship and I think you need therapy even more than the Hunted does.
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I'm really tempted to see what would happen if I actually fulfilled the premise of the title... but I'm really curious about where that first dialogue option will lead.
We cut her free.
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The Narrator threatening us for letting the Princess go is something very interesting and I don't know what else to say other than I'm worried.
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Hey chat why are the borders of the screen turning red?
Hey chat why is everything going dark?
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I barely got a screenshot of the last frame of whatever that was and nearly threw my mouse across my room in the attempt.
I am once again coping with humor:
Hero: I'm sorry I'm such a handful. Princess: I have two hands. Hero: I--- look. If you want to play semantics, fine. I'm sorry for being a hundred handfuls. Princess: Hero: Princess (while sprouting several hundred arms): Try me.
(Ran out of image uploads. See you in the next post!)
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Girl how do you manage to remain feminine/ sensual while still being immersed (and hopefully progressing) in spirituality?? I found it so hard to balance both as I noticed asceticism comes naturally when practising spirituality. There is nothing wrong with it, though, but I feel like it's more a thing men are comfortable with compared to women.
i had struggled with this ever since i began my spiritual journey at the age of 18. granted that at that age i hadnt understood or embodied sensuality or femininity, i felt like being spiritual meant letting go of all desire and going into monk mode and it stressed me out when i couldnt live up to that ascetic image
and let me tell u something, the male spiritual path is the ascetic one that refrains from indulgence and lives like a stoic monk. men live in a world where they're treated like kings, so it makes sense for their spiritual path to be one where they refrain from it and restrict their own enjoyment of things (there are a lot of things you're forbidden to do etc)
however,,, women??? we no longer live in an era of matriarchal cultures and global goddess worship,, this is a man's world that we inhabit. our spiritual path is more so about relaxing into our own energy and forging our path in this world by doing things our way, away from the limitations imposed on us by Yang energy. women already live restricted lives, the female spiritual path is one of immersion and expansion because the universe is Yin (energy of creation and expansion)
its REALLYYY hard to find spiritual wisdom and teachings that are specifically catered to the female path because mainstream understandings of spirituality is male centric like everything else in the world :///
but no you dont have to sever ties with your femininity and sensuality in order to be spiritual,,, women are understood as being innately sexual (men sexualise us for just existing),, since men are tempted by everything they see (be it power, money, glory or women),, they have to detach from all of it to find the peace or whatever
women live highly restricted lives because men/patriarchal society see us as being inherently sexual and therefore a target for abuse. we CANNOT sever ties with our sensuality the way men can with theirs because its not inherent to them because Yang energy is NOT the energy of creation, they just exist, thats all,, they dont have an inwardly expansive quality, thats why they go around conquering things and establishing dominance in other ways (rising up the corporate ladder to seeking control over mother nature etc) they have to externalise this because internally they are empty.
yk those posts about men having no thoughts or only now realising something u and the girlies knew at 12yrs of age???? yeah, that. they are EMPTY in the head.
women have interior lives and a big focus of female centric spirituality is living in harmony with it. i think rn there is a feminine energy renaissance albeit in silly ways ("im just a girl" etc entering the pop lexicon and that being okay??)
this means reclaiming all the things society shames you for being/having. embodying the full spectrum of being a woman and living whole heartedly. if we look at goddesses, there are fierce aggressive Goddesses like Kali, Matangi, Dhumavati etc and more gentle ones like Tripura Sundari, Lakshmi, Bhuvaneshwari etc so being a woman is not just sunshine and rainbows. embodying feminine energy isnt just wearing pink and being a soft girl,,, a woman contains multitudes and society makes us think we have to be one thing or another, when the truth is, we can be ALL.
its the same madonna-whore complex in spiritual form
"u cant be spiritual if ur a woman who feels lust/desire" WRONGGG
how i manage to be feminine/sensual AND spiritual is by focusing only on Yin centric spirituality and understanding that for a woman, sensuality and spirituality are interconnected deeply and profoundly. the world tries to rob us of it bc they want us to be sexual creatures on THEIR terms. but the true power remains in understanding that power is inherent and we can channel it our way without regard for pleasing anybody or giving anyone pleasure.
shakti energy is no joke, once u tap into it, you feel so aligned and connected to everything.
i cant be a man or do what men do 🤮🤢(derogatory) and this Yang rat race and culture is just setting us up for failure. we have to find ways to live our truth in this world without opting for the traditional path. because when we try to be like men, we are disconnected from our true essence and fail every time.
this is a much larger discussion and i dont think i have said everything i wanted to say but these are just some thoughts as of rn
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deniigi · 2 years
this is me asking about qui-gon
thank you, dear. You're a real one.
For the last several weeks, I have been running into people shitting on Qui-Gon in every tag on every platform I go on. And I am emotionally bored and intellectually fascinated with this take.
It's like there is this dichotomy in the Obi-Wan side of Star Wars fandom (we are disregarding the anti-Jedi people rn because I respect zero of them and zero of their takes).
Qui-Gon was the worst and cannot be redeemed. He is nothing but an abuser and never did he ever like, let along love, Obi-Wan.
Qui-Gon was the softest, most gentle master ever. He only ever loved Obi-Wan and tenderly taught him how to be a jedi while also being his adoring jedi-father.
Naturally, as someone who has read a few of the Jedi Apprentice stories, begrudgingly watched The Phantom Menace, and recently seen the Kenobi show, I am just baffled by both of these takes.
To start, TPM and the Kenobi show are all about Obi-Wan grieving his master, and then trying to reconnect with his master, so that is clear and obvious so we will set that to the side.
JA Obi-Wan, however, is honestly hysterical in how annoying, disobedient, and bratty he is.
And like, maybe I don't agree that Qui-Gon should have left him in a Civil War, but in these books I read Qui-Gon as an adult who has been through some serious shit (lost a child, lost a master, lost a partner) and who has been pressured into taking care of an especially energetic, overenthusiastic dependent with pre-existing self-worth issues before he himself is ready to. He is also someone who's teaching style involves allowing a child to see the consequences of their actions and stepping in only when the child is truly out of their depth, which is also a form of compassionate teaching that respects a young person's agency, believe it or not--so his methods and general being is not inherently good or inherently bad.
But forgive me, I am applying nuance to a character. I must digress.
I think what baffles and fascinates me about fandom tendencies towards Qui-Gon is
1) They are almost entirely fandom-made, and rather than do their own research and thinking, folks are by and large content to just do what everyone else is doing.
2) Even when people do go back and read the source material for Legends, they come at it with a fandom bias which they then do not recognize/point out in their analyses, which is hilarious and so faux-intellectual I want to ask them if they feel very very smart.
3) Qui-Gon exists in fandom almost entirely to further Obi-Wan whump narratives.
To be clear, I'm okay with that last point because Obi-Wan whump is like, a whole narrative in Star Wars itself (although I personally, can only endure so much Obi-whump as I prefer characters with agency in their stories), but it does make me wonder if people ever think about Qui-Gon as a character on his own.
The answer is no. Don't worry, I'm not that naive.
Anyways, I just wish there was some variety in the tags and that one could find material on Qui-Gon without having to navigate the 'Qui-Gon Jinn's A+ Parenting' 'Qui-Gon is a good jedi but not a good man' 'Qui-Gon is a good master' tags.
Like it should be ludicrous and hilarious to people that this minor character is so polarized in fandom that you have to tag things like that such that one trench of people doesn't come in and attack you in your comments section.
It's wild!!
I truly hope people can look at what they're doing and go 'oh, this is actually absurd' because just admitting that might help us in the longer term to write interesting stories.
Thank you for letting me rant ❤
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What I mean with she’s not like the other influencers I meant that she doesn’t commodify her life like the others, I mean there are certain influencers that literally share everything they do, including how many time they piss during the day. I’m not a fan nor a hater of her, I just noticed that she could easily share more things about her private life to gain more popularity, especially now that she’s dating Matty and she literally doesn’t. Also i think it’s safe to say that she does more things as a model than as an influencer these days? Like she has done quite a good number of campaigns and walked the runway for a good number of designers, so idk it feels a bit reductive to say that she’s simply an influencer. All that being said I know that she comes from a wealthy family and I think she knows that since she never made a mystery of her origins. I genuinely take at her face value and I only pay attention to her when people share things on twitter since I don’t even follow her on instagram (that being said, I want to specify that I understand the criticism of Matty’s love life, but at the same time I don’t because even if his choices are not ideal, I still think that I don’t him personally and I never will, so if he’s happy with Gabbriette so be it. I think it was way more hypocritical of him dating TS last year since he publicly criticised her lack of substance and her approach to music from a business point of view). Again, I mean no hate to you or any of your anons, I just think this is a interesting conversation to have since it’s very nuanced
Yeah. I get what you mean!
Okay, I think that the way that we’ve been talking maybe conflates different types of social media use so let me be more specific:
I think that being an “influencer” isn’t just type of job. A lot depends on the platform and what your “niche” is or whatever. We won’t go into the nitty gritty but suffice it to say Gabbriette is not a “day in the life” tiktok influencer who has to put out 5-8 videos a day with stuff like morning routines and evening routines. And “here’s where I went today” and “get unready with me” she’s an Instagram model. The can’t be an irl model (this is not me shitting on her btw this is just fact. She’s too short for it and stuff like that) so she had to tailor her content to that. Naturally she’s gonna post about clothes and jewelry and stuff. This is not because she understands the moral depravity of monetizing your entire existence for clicks and stuff. This is simply because she has to be brand friendly for her type of work. Brands won’t wanna work with her if she acted a certain way or posted certain types of content.
Her job hinges upon her being aspirational not relatable.
It only takes a few moments of thinking when you look at how she used to look and act during her stint in Nasty Cherry vs now. She’s just hopping on the succubus chic thing rn. Once that’s fades, she’ll hop on some other trend.
Being an IG model still depends on those qualities that I find dangerous, the foster self-centeredness, exploiting people’s parasocial relationship with her in this aspirational way of wanting to be like her so they buy her clothes off depop or buy whatever she promotes or copy her eyebrows or whatever, is extremely materialistic, and depends by and large upon being brand-friendly, being likeable (literally and figuratively, she needs people to hit like on her content), and all those gross things that make this a problematic career at best and a downright evil one at worst. Again, all which matty has come out staunchly against.
There are reasons that not all influencers are content creators and not all content creators are influencers. I’m not saying you can’t have an online presence and be a morally conscious person. You just can’t have the kind of presence that she does and be a self aware person. Most content creators who care about social economics and justice have hard lines about brand deals and what sponsorships or collabs to take and stuff like that. That’s why they can never be an influencer. Gabbriette definitely is one. She’s one that has a niche in food and fashion so she’s obviously not gonna make other types of day to day stuff. But that’s not out of the goodness of her heart that’s just how being an IG model works.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
OOOOHHDHFJGK i love the stars wilbur fact so much and oh . Now i am thinking about how much i miss stars sobs its so good
And okay . I am trying to be normal bee. I am so normal about this sandduo slice of life (have i ever told u that slice of life is my fav au ever) tHATS NORTHWEST AND NATURE CENRRICIDUD im normal . I am sooo normal . Literally. I am a perfectly normal human being who took this information, smiled, and moved along like a normal human being. Yep.
Anyways genuinely excited at the idea!! But i also won't be upset if it never gets posted, bc i totally fucking get you man, and you are so valid for that
I am also just . In shock at the idea even existing LMAODJFGKF are u trying to target me bee, i feel targeted rn wtf /pos
And on another note, THE NEW WIP SOUNDS SO COOLFJGKGK i keep forgetting to read rhe prequel one shot bUT YAURRHFFFFF happy to see more sandduo but ALSO excited to see rainduo, i love how you write rainduo sosososo much and ofc . Crimeboys, ur crimeboys are the only ones ever sighs
You know i never really thought of myself as a big politics fan but hot damn i fucking loved stars sm so im excited to see more of it!!! I feel like the tension is gonna be SO GOOD also HELL YEAH MURDER TIME LETS GOOO
Ough i love grey morality it's sooo fun to play around with eueueueu i feel like theres gonna be some crazy shit to work with for theories n stuff i am sooo excited
Thanks for the banger info bee :D (again no pressure on the sandduo au at all!!! I just think it's very neat that it exists :D <3)
stars I miss it too <333
LMAO yeah I had a feeling you'd have a Moment learning that I have a slice of life sandduo fic living in my drive. I really do want to write it, but it's just one of those things where every time I sit down and try to do it my brain just doesn't latch onto it. I'm currently trying to rework the plot to make it a bit more interesting for me because I really adore the concept and atmosphere, but idk I also like the og story I came up with so I might just try to push through
here's a snippet though if you want to get an idea of the vibes
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also don't worry about reading the royalty au prequel lol it's not necessary to understand the main story, it'll just help provide a little more backstory and context :)
i'm so glad you're excited though!! I'm really excited to dive back into writing royal politics. I didn't think I would enjoy writing it that much either but then I wrote stars and was like "oh my god this is so fun" so I can't wait to share that world with you guys
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inkrabbit · 2 years
hi there, i hope you don’t mind my asking and feel free to disregard. i was just wondering if you have any tips on how to write the papas and/or ghouls? i’ve been wanting to write for some time now but am not entirely sure how to go about their characters. thank you, if you answer. no worries, if you don’t.
okay it is literally 4am rn. I only slept like 3hrs. originally I was gonna do a quick rundown of how I do it, but you know what fuck it. I'm gonna do the quick rundown and then below the cut, I'll go into my own more in-depth takes on them. spoilers: it's all literally just a vibe
so the quick version: there is no "right" or "wrong" way to write for Ghost. as someone once said: "there's like 5% of actual canon and 10% of what Tobias Forge has vaguely said during interviews. the other 85% is fanmade." everything you see? most likely people are looking at the stage performance, reading fics, following the nameless ghouls on social media, watched the Ghost chapters a few times, and then making up their own version. and it all works because nothing is really "set in stone" with any of these characters, aside from what we get from the videos they put out, the interviews and then how they act on stage. people have made complied posts for like... "get to know Ghost" which is just basic lore and basic info on both Papas and Ghouls. my personal favorite is this google slideshow and then "an unhelpful guide to ghost" on youtube by "just another sad zoomer".
so really, just say fuck it and go for it. you can look at everything I linked and you can also watch some of the concert videos online if you feel like you want more of a... "official" block to start from. you can also look at each Papa's albums to add a little bit to it.
now below the cut is the more in-depth version. it's literally gonna be just me rambling about my own takes so everyone, feel more than free to skip this. it's disgustingly long
starting off with the Papas because that's a lot easier.
not only did I look through everything I linked above, but I also looked through some fics. again, these are all basically hcs that people were like "aha sick, that'll work" and just ran with it, and then that idea was adopted by the reader and so on and so forth. really, without reading these fics, I wouldn't have known that Primo "has" a nature/plant obsession. and tbh I 100% fuck with it. so it's just little things like that that you can pick up and choose whether or not you wanna adopt that idea yourself. just like the band, all of these fics and artwork are for entertainment. there is absolutely no "wrong" way to do any of it.
for Primo's personality: to me, he's just an old, exhausted man that's done his time and is now riding out the rest of his years doing whatever the hell he wants. he cares greatly for his ghouls and the clergy, and while he's very warm and open, he can still be firm and hold that "authority" position. literally chapter 3 does not exist to me. like I know it's there but most of my fics don't acknowledge it
Secondo: to loosely quote Papaganda: "He's a miserable, old, wounded, bitter man." he's scary, he's firm, and he'll dropkick you if you've decided you don't want to show him respect. he's loud and explosive, especially when he's in a bad mood, but he's also more "free" and not as official. you might not want him to be your first choice at telling him all of your deepest, darkest secrets because he's very logical. he won't tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. but he's still your Papa and he'll always be there for you. a very fine, upstanding gentleman that might scream at you and his ghouls while using Italian-American slang, but he would never turn you away
Terzo: go have fun. he'll genuinely listen to you and anyone else, and he'll hold you close and cry with you if you ever need to vent. he's the most in-tune with emotions and he's the one that'll really make you feel heard. it doesn't matter if it's been a long day. it doesn't matter if he's drop dead tired or he's recently injured himself. he'll welcome you with open arms and absolutely no judgement and he'll help you work towards a solution to whatever is bothering you. if you want him there, he's with you every step of the way and if you want to do it alone, he'll give you your freedom and wish you well. sure, he's a little bit of a flirt, but we're all entitled to make others feel good, yeah?
Copia: he's awkward, shy, and his social skills aren't the best. he'd rather listen to your problems, but when he goes to answer... give him a bit. there's a hamster running desperately on a wheel inside his mind and that mf just flew off. but he looks at the other Papas and he sees how they acted. how successful they were and he tries to take bits and pieces of them and make them into his own because, hey. the fans and clergy loved them. they'll love him just as much if he has their elements, right? don't get me wrong, he still gives off the vibe of "mama's boy" but he's got a heart of gold and he's trying his best.
Nihil: HAHA. mans is just here trying to vibe. he's done his time, he kinda regrets his past, but he had a blast. he's firm and a little cold to your face, but don't let that front fool you. if you genuinely have a problem and you go to him, he'll absolutely melt and take you into his arms. I've used this term a couple times with other characters, but I feel like he is the true embodiment of "everyone forgot me." he's proud of the project. he's proud of Sister Imperator and all she's done and continues to do. and he's secretly proud of how far his sons have come. but it hurts that no one remembers him and he keeps coming back for the rituals because it gives him a chance to be remembered.
as for the ghouls, my grasp on them is purely a fucking vibe. I take inspiration from people I've met in my life, take a hint of the people behind the mask and cram it together. I will admit, I only take a hint of their original personality for Aether, Rain, Swiss and Sodo. that's it. and for Rain, it's not that much. like maybe 1%. the rest comes from inspiration, concert content and then (again) just the vibe they give off. and it's why my content for Sodo is (imo) more out there than other fic writers. because my take on him is completely different, which is why I was so surprised when I saw a lot of people enjoy how I wrote him. and really, I'm going giving an in-depth look for the ghouls in this ask primarily because I don't have the ghoulettes as fleshed out as I do them.
Aether: he's the more "dad" of the group. he's always here for you and because of his element, you can't lie to him about how you're feeling. he won't push you, but he will give you that gentle nudge and remind you that he's here for you. he can become overwhelmed because of his powers, but he always apologizes for ever snapping at anyone. he just wants to have a good time and he wants to make sure that everyone else is having a good time, too. his happiness comes from the happiness of both the fans and the clergy.
Mountain: just here to vibe honestly. he's very laid-back and doesn't talk much. he'd rather observe than strike up conversation, but he also won't turn you down if you wanna chat. you can either find him lazing around or doing little things to occupy his time when he's not in practice. normally, like the others, he enjoys playing music, but he has a wide variety and will literally listen to anything.
Rain: he's trying his best. originally the shy little water ghoul, he's slowly opening up thanks to hanging around the other ghouls a lot. it's like watching a flower slowly bloom, and every praise and compliment he gets only furthers his bloom. he's still a little shy when you talk to him, especially if it's one-on-one, but he's gonna give it his all. he sees how open and playful the others are. he wants to be the same way and dammit, he's working towards it.
Sodo: there's a few ways I do Sodo. what I normally default to is the more playful, little sarcastic, tough front who says it like it is. he's got a possession problem when it comes to romance, and he'll normally show a more softer side. this soft side is pretty much a complete 180 from his stage performance and goes more off of the man behind the mask. this version is more soft spoken with a hint of awkward, but he's so genuine and his smiles are just as warm as the pits of hell. he knows how to have a good time, he wants you to have a good time with him, but he also occasionally likes to just be on his own and do his own thing.
Swiss: he's here to vibe too, but he's making sure you're vibing with him. honestly, Swiss takes a lot of inspiration from my mom's friend, Richard, who is so easy-going and chill, but also mixes in that playful and energetic vibe. it's hard to say I use the "man behind the mask" for him because, really, what you see on stage is just how he is. if someone asked me what I thought joy incarnate looked like, I would say Swiss from Ghost.
now, as for the other ghouls and all that jazz... look, I don't know. it's still a fucking vibe. you wanna hear a secret? I think from like 2010 to.... 2016??? the ghouls were literally the same musicians (except for the bassists, drummers and even Swiss). I won't put their names, that's up to you if you wanna look it up and ruin that "nameless" image. but even with this idea, I still have it that each Papa summoned their own ghouls, and those ghouls take after their energy. however, I also have it that Copia wasn't exactly the best when it came to summoning, so he uses some of Terzo's ghouls. I say some because... I think Aether and Sodo were around with Terzo, where Sodo (originally Dewdrop) was still playing bass and considered a "water" element. don't quote me on any of this either. it's shit I've seen on tumblr and was like "oh okay. I'll make a little mental note of that" and went on my merry way. still, I have a "general" pool of each Papa's ghouls and how they typically respond.
Nihil's: they're unpredictable and a little hostile. they serve Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator and that's it. the water ghoul is actually a little more friendly with the fire ghoul being the biggest asshole. this one will stalk and go through extra steps to make sure he stays undetected. in contrast, the water ghoul will actually invite you to swim with him if he's feeling particularly lonely. he won't ever attack anyone. just like Nihil, he wants to feel like he's not forgotten.
Primo's: quiet and cold, his ghouls know their job and they do it perfectly. they're not hostile, but they also don't want you near Primo as they're pretty protective of him. one of the ghouls actually doubles as his bodyguard and will always be with him, unless told to give him his space. they exactly want you near them, but they won't lash out unless provoked.
Secondo's: similar to their Papa, Secondo's ghouls are all uniform and do their jobs. however, unlike Primo's ghouls and similar to Secondo's personality, they all have a tendency to slip up and become lost in life's simple pleasures. they also have a tendency to be aggressive and, in rare cases, hostile and violent. don't be too scared of them, but don't get too close, either.
Terzo's: they're more open and laid-back, with the biggest possibility of slipping up. they're actually the least hostile, being even more friendly than the ghouls that Copia has. not only will they serve Terzo and protect him, but they'll also happily help the clergy members and, if they're around and think they can take on the older ghouls, they'll protect siblings when attacked.
and that's about it. if you've made it this far, thanks for looking through at my ranting!
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earthtooz · 2 years
JFUEKSNFKWN henlo, I'm back owo)/ I'll entertain the burger question first HEHEE So I'm okii with anything what to put inside the burger as long as it's reasonable and lives up to its name! (i.e., an ice-cream burger: buns + ice cream) I don't want any pickles on my burger ;; to me, it ruins the savory taste.
About the Itoshi Rin ask!!
🔹Are you going to save for him in Blue Lock: World Championship? It's a farming mobile game (like ensemble stars basic, there's not much of a gameplay) that you can download on qooapp. Our job there is to become the character's assistant (a manager if you will (。・//ε//・。)) basically, we exist in their world now and there are side events where you can converse with them (Japanese language settings though-) It's Nagi's banner today!
🔹MANNNN it's soooooo hard to get a merch of Rin inside an anime convention. Maybe the fact that the anime just released in December a huge factor on why I'm having this dilemma rn. At the end of the convention, I only managed to get an official postcard of Rin (I put it inside my closet for daily motivation purposes HNGGG) and a blue shirt of Blue Lock. I ordered a shirt of him though (even if the back of the shirt says Itoshi, not Rin)
🔹I suddenly have an urge to illustrate a chibi Rin so I can send it to a shop where they can make personalized acrylic keychains or stickers so I can satisfy my loving-Itoshi-Rin tendencies (~ ̄³ ̄)~💙💙💙💙
🔹MANNNNNNNNNN part.2 HAHAHAAHHA Why do I see Rin do this "thing" where he's pretending to fall asleep or be occupied with his earphones (but it's not connected to his phone) inside a car ride just to hear his fem!classmate he's growing to be comfy with, hum a tune (especially when the tune she's humming fits to his taste of music, King Gnu)
first of all: fair enough, as long as a burger is burgering, i have no complaints! ALSO pickles kinda make or break it, i get why you wouldn't like them in your burger but i think at one point i stopped asking to put aside the pickles so i just eat them LOL 😍😍
i have merch of itoshi rin!!!! i also have some of chigiri, nagi, and isagi!!! but i got that from japan lol so it would make sense that i have them... but hey, at least he's finally introduced in the anime so that means more merch of him at conventions :OOOO but putting the postcard in your wardrobe is so smart 😭😭😭 maybe i should do that. i wake up to his face and immediately start feeling envious of how hard he works so i'll start doing pushups on the floor next to my bed!!!!
also can i see ur chibi rin :(
AND AND AND AND rin would totally do that! BUT I WOULD LIKE TO RAISE YOU THIS INSTEAD! instead of a car ride, it could be on like public transport ride where reader and him are seated next to each other. bc rin is naturally vv standoffish, you feel a little out of place beside him, unsure what to do with yourself, despite how close you two have been getting for the past few weeks.
five minutes in, he sees you reach for your earphones / airpods and glances at your phone in curiosity to see what you'll listen to. then he sees you pulling up king gnu and before he knows it, you're offering a pair of earbuds to him!!! AND HE'S LIKE 'oh... okay' BEFORE TAKING IT AND LISTENING!!!! AND IT'S SO CUTE BC U SHARE FOR BASICALLY THE REST OF THE DAY!!!!! sorry i just love the prompt of sharing headphones, i took my own little spin on your ask - hope that's okay :(
thanks for taking the time to pop into my inbox!!!! have an amazing day and don't forget to take care of yourself! hope 2 see u soon :o
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awiola · 6 months
Normal update, winter XXIV
BUT IT'S NOT WINTER ANYMORE HA! Happy after-equinox to y'all. I planned to write the update in march and it's still technically march but, like, y'know, it's the first day of spring so it feels kind of late, ig? Not that it really matters here and I drew Morana on fire so all is good.
This is not completely [un]related but I'm trying to complete the 'draw sth for 100 days straight' challenge and rn it's going okay though I have to admit I'm being a lazy ass. But hey, a bad sketch a day is still a drawing. Not sure if that's the reason I wasn't able to complete my easter sketch dump but knowing me it wouldn't be finished anyway so whatever ig. AND YES, I WILL DRAW FATHER DAKI ON TIME. I planned to do it when I was drawing Agatha for thug in PE's style but oh well... You'll see both ot these pics on the first of april.
Also, like, in case anyone was interested, I finally decided to learn how to adult and might open comms this year? I tell myself I'll open them since, like, 2020 so yeah. Maybe. I think I will, tho.
Current game stuff
Mushroom game... Yeah... It exists and I technically haven't dropped it but yeah... Yeah... Tbh I even hid the link from my page but it's still public and all... But yeah... It goes into the "finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list - which, incidentally, is a mouthful so from now on it's gonna be "24 >:C" - together with Enmity and all.
Remember the golem game? Yeah, we don't see its non human form but I did technically draw it. Humanoids are, like, so last decade. It's called Sorcerer's golem and because I was not the lead, we managed to nicely finish it on time ✨ [Unrelated but I wonder what happened to the old unicode emotes, I need to look into it]. There's not really a lot I have to say here, tbh. It's short, it's wholesome, I'm totally not gonna go almost fully lineless again. I almost died and it was only two sprites. Never again proceeds to do that again later anyway.
Some time after, or maybe during, I can't really remember, I heard of Queer Vampire Jam and ofc had to join because I wouldn't be me if I managed to stop myself from joining yet another jam. It just so happened I both felt like shit and read something from my SF gods at the time so I commited this open ended 3k long story and it's, like, really obvious how I felt and what I was reading but then I decided to go yolo and publish it anyway, especially since I got an editor and made laby draw for me. Just had to publish it at that point. Enough about that, though - let's see what is it all about. Vani vani, because Tas tatum was deemed too lame of a name is a story about a [queer obviously] vampire who's kinda dead inside and it shows. I did say it was obvious I felt like shit. I'm not sure if it ended up being too edgy or not... I mean, I made it really obvious it's, like gestures vaguely y'know? I don't wanna spell it out but, like, the theme and everything there was so obvious I'll be disappointed in you if you didn't get it based on the pun title [the other two layers of puns there aren't as obvious] and the page/thumbnail. Unless, of course, you never heard about it at all which might be the case for people from other continents, I wouldn't know. I realise that doesn't say a lot about the contents but I mean, it's more of a progress update, I'm not actually trying to market anything here lol So whatever. It might be the only game ever where I put a whole nsfw scene of a sexual nature... Or it might just be the beginning of my unsexy h scene adventures. I even asked others how to make it as unsexy as possible and I hope I succeed. Going into gore or kink migh be sexy for some but boredom? Probably to no one who actually reads it. And, as is the case with my other personal games, not a lot of people read them. So I think I succeed at that. It's just the beginning of my SF adventures, though. Be prepared.
Now for the thing that might interest the potential reader the most because I saw the statistics and I bet all the follows are alse due to that - Impostor Syndrome. I know the page is pretty much silent but we are working on this. The common route received a lot of notes to make it longer, more cohesive, funnier and possibly better for all the gremlins that wanted a troll mode. Or at least that was the plan. Route wise we had something but after some consideration, it had to be basically scrapped. I won't go into all the details here as for why, but the rewriting of the outline is proceeding. Slowly cause it's kinda hard to find the best time to talk when you have multiple people from different timezones to consider but I think it's looking good. There's a sliiight possibility it might be a bit less vanilla than, like, your typical sfw otome but I don't think any vanilla lover would think it's too much or anything. Not nearly kinky enough for that. I think labelling it as having a soft dom MC might even be false advertising. Maybe. Hell if I know, I suck at tags. But yeah, it's proceeding. Obviously it won't be out during winter but I do think it will be finished this year. Most likely.
From other game stuff... I might have a monster type project made with Ameena for you. Or I might not. The designs are done but is anything gonna come out of them? We'll see. Leaving the possibility open.
I helped Doibats [who I helped with Cool Days before] with some art. This time it's an rpg, currently still in development. The cool art direction is still there so I think it would be worth a play when it's out. I think I'm more of a guest artist than an actual member of the team, though lol But yeah, check it out when it's done, I'll link it then.
Yet another game where I didn't do much - The Villainess Just Wants To Eat!! had its full, official release 🎉 Congrats to the team [check out their gui, btw]. I was mostly helping with this or that due to the usual jam team stuff that happens but yeah. Syd wrote afterstories for the charas, too. They're technically linked on the game's page, too, but you can read them on her tumblr, too.
I kind of forgot to mention, which also ties with my next point, but she hosted the Ossan jam again which I planned to join with my nano project about Wedding crashers but I overestimated my ability to write energetic chaos so... umm... Well, it's not dropped and while it won't get done in time for nano, I think I'll manage before Ossan jam ends. It started as a loose idea that kinda parodied romcoms and then the protag became an AAA battery but also aplatonic and then I got some concepts from tea[? - dunno how they want to be called 'officially' and this one seemed safe but?] and yeah. I'm trying to work on this, though. Even though I feel so stupid attempting to write an anthropologist. Should've stuck to writing mostly what you know like with Vani vani, eehhh... Wish me luck o3o
The last thing, or two, probably, is more of a... forecast? I happened to help with the editing of a certain 18+ otome game but I'm not on the team or anything so I can't really tell you more since I don't know how much should I reveal to the potential player but from what I've seen, the development goes well since they started making it for nano and might actually be finished before Otome jam ends so I'll link it then.
The other thing is that in an unspecified future I might have a yet another AAA battery protagonist, this time replacing the MC of an otome isekai story. I'm not sure how much I'll help with [maybe just editing, maybe we'd become a two person team, who knows] but it has a hight possibility of being developed eventually. No set dates or anything, though.
Pariiish noootiiiceees
Remember Tentacle jam and Insect [adjacent] jam? They're still happening, I'm just being lazy setting the pages up. The working date is from around the middle of august to the middle of october due to all the other jams happening at the time. I think it's the final date, though. It's come to my attention there's also the Monstrous Desires jam that also shares the timeframe almost perfectly so, y'know, why not make a game that lets you join all three of them? Just a thought.
My god, this thing became so long. Like half the length of my typical personal project orz I had to add all the Ps and BRs manually. Damn you, html shakes fist
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lostacelonnie · 7 months
Hi welcome back! God i feel that life has been wild lately so i totally understand. Oh hey no worries ive been in a boat too of like. Man i really want to do this thing but my energy just isnt there. Yikes i hope you enter a stage of having more rest time soon. 8 exams? What the hell thats too many. Baking is a fun hobby i love to partake in that one myself. I like to make sweet breads & such. & its good to have a hobby to like. Pull yourself out of your head when stuff like school gets to be too much. Having to exist in public unfortunately means people will sometimes try to talk to you when you just. Want to go about your day. That is surprising but i also went to school with mostly a bunch of pricks who were awful people so. Had to look up what gran canaria is but it sounds like a nice place id love to visit sometime. Clearly schools work on fae rules. I will save for ruan mei i swear. After i pull archeron. I got black swan with the free pulls i had saved so im hoping to nab archeron. I instantly fell in love with her. Very nice clara supremacy she is so good. One day ill have her on main. I think i stopped at tb 60 so i can work on a few characters but the artifact grind hates me. Oh that sounds real interesting i cant wait to see it play out i just finished the bit where cocolia turned bronya & took the one herrscher at uh. Ch 3 end? Oh i know that one! Catarina my beloved she's so stupid i love her. Easily one of the best protags in recent memory. Dunmeshi is real good so far ive been enjoying it & seeing my girl marcille animated is everything i hoped for. Love my favorite fail girl elf. Im caught up on penacony & still dont understand the racist sparkle thing. Might be i wasnt fully paying attention at the time though. Seele confirmed for best girl by all herscherrs. Oh she must have a good amount of lore im excited to read that. Oh so thats what that means okay. Kinda love that it sounds fun. & more good natured than when people here say that about america. Good luck on surviving i believe in you!
HI THANK YOU!!!! god it really has. and the weather here has been so gloomy recently that i have no energy to do anything even if i have the time. the horrors are endless but we stay silly. and thankies once again!!! i MIRACULOUSLY managed to not fail anything so were all good. unfortunately this month is also already packed but luckily its stuff i more or less either know [polish] or like [geography]. and two of the teachers i disliked got fired AJDKFJG. history guy for offering to raise students' grades if they go around spreading konfederacja [a polish extremely far-right party] flyers and that math teacher who couldnt count for saying hitler was a good person. just another day in a polish school, i guess. but both of our replacement teachers are very cool so we're so back. god yeah totally!!! not only do i have something to do for a while but i ALSO get to eat at the end. literally a win/win situation. yeah that Is annoying but as i mentioned its luckily not as common over here.... and ouhggh pain. gran canaria is VERY beautiful but id also like to visit the other canary islands someday...... the carnival on tenerife is one of the, if not the biggest, ones in spain so thatd be fun to see as well. i only missed the celebrations on gran canaria by one day which was quite annoying but oh well. GOD YEAH. im still convinced School Air is a thing bc i simply cannot explain so many things without that assumption. GOOD LUCK WITH BOTH RUAN MEI AND ACHERON!!! im also saving for acheron hehehehe. strange woman and a mei expy so shes a must pull. and also congrats on the black swan!!!! i agree clara is just. cracked. she has carried me through this game and she continues to do so. tho sim uni gold and gears is kinda beating my ass ngl. since i only have the nodes that require full cognition range left to do. oh absolutely fair, i did that for a while and rn am doing the same but with tl 65. but i DID manage to finallyyyyyy max out wolfie's skills the other day so thats done. i do want to get one better artifact for her but i have chars im prioritizing a bit more. and same the artifact grind hates everyone i think. planar ornaments are much easier to grind imo or at least I Personally have much better luck with them than with cavern of corrosion stuff. but that may also be because i genuinely enjoy doing sim uni so it doesnt feel like as much as a chore as coc. AND OH HAVE FUN THEN!!!! the wendy arc, ironically, is the event that kinda butterfly effect causes Literally The Whole game. CATARINA IS VERY FUN YEAH i look forward to finally continuing that.... and dunmesh as well......... oh and with the sparkle thing afaik its much more prominent in the chinese version because. now dont quote me on this because I Do Not Speak Chinese but i have heard that when talking to aventurine, she uses an Actual Chinese Slur Against Romani People. which. not cool. but yeah its somewhat of a strange issue and ive seen a lot of different opinions from both sides so tbh idk where i stand on the whole thing. SEELE 🔛🔝!!! and dw im Working on the summary but ive also realized how much time its gonna take me to write down All Of That so please give me some time i promise ill get it done asap but ah. and yeah its very fun!! i generally feel like a lot of polish humor [ESPECIALLY online but irl as well] isnt quite as. Patriotic as that of the us. but to each their own adjfkjs. AND THANK YOU o7!!!!
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bongo-clash · 2 years
Ghost Taxonomy!!!
Okay, so you know the taxonomic classification system??? Like, this thing, where the genus and species make up the scientific name of an organism: 
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(This diagram and all the other diagrams that’ll be on here are made by me so sorry if they’re messy!!!) (Picture transcript: downward triangle split into eight sections, labelled (in descending order): domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.)
Huge Huge Huge credit to @its-rat-time-babey for this idea, because it's so cool and the concepts in that post hugely inspired some of my own takes on this- this being a taxonomic system for ghosts as well as humans!!!!! I'm gonna be referencing both kinds of taxonomy here, so we’ll call the ghost one ‘phasma-defined taxonomy’ just to differentiate!!! :D
There are only seven categories in phasma-defined taxonomy because there’s not really a kingdom category equivalent (which is the one to do with animals, plants, fungi, etc.), since it’s sort of covered in other sections, but we’ll go into the categories themselves now with a diagram!!
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(Image Transcript: Diagram is labelled ‘Phasma-Defined Taxonomy’. The diagram is a downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): formation, origin, composure, state, subsistence, denomination, and temperament.)
Alrighty, now that we’ve got a thing with them all on, here’s what they mean, and what makes up each category!!!
(Explanations + examples under cut!!)
Formation: Basically just how much of a ghost they are?? It’s barely used as a category because obviously the majority are full ghosts, but with the existence of halfas, and mediums (who carry just enough ectoplasmic content to survive in the GZ’s atmosphere/be recognised as an ectoplasmic entity), it has to be taken into account. The sections in this category are, as mentioned before: full ghost, halfa, and medium!!
Origin: How they came to be!! There are only two sections to this category, being natural, and post-Eukarya. Natural just means that they were never a living thing, and were created purely from the GZ’s energy (or another ghost’s if we’re getting into Ghost Procreation™). Eukarya refers to a part of the Domain section of the normal classification system (which we’re calling ‘Sapien-Defined Taxonomy’ just to make it easier to differentiate), and short-hand it just means that the organism- multi celled or single- contains a nucleus. Post-Eukarya then means that they used to be made up of cells that had nuclei, but because ectoplasmic cells lack a nucleus (a thought I have about ectoplasm’s properties that I’ll maybe talk about at some point!!!), they don’t anymore!!! So, yeah, there’s natural and post-eukarya. 
Composure: Composure is their sentience, and this comes in three sections!!! Sentient, non-sentient, and simplified!!! The definition of sentient is “Having a faculty, or faculties, of sensation and perception/Experiencing sensation or feeling”, and then obviously ones in the non-sentient composure lack that!! Simplified is basically a weird spot between, in that they might kind of have a capacity for feeling (or, more specifically, they’re made of a feeling), but they don’t really have sense perception at all- like, certain kinds of ‘blob ghost’ can be comprised of a certain emotion, but they’re not really things that think??? Just an emotion that has a form and sometimes a face, if that makes sense. 
State: Fairly standard- just what state of matter they are!!! You’ve got solid, gaseous, and subliming!!! Solid and gaseous are pretty self-explanatory- just ghosts who exist exclusively in that state of matter- but subliming ghosts can go between either state!!! (Ghosts/ectoplasm don’t have a liquid state, because the solid state already really weird but still a solid?? The closest it gets to being an actual liquid is just. Weird clumps. If I figure out how to word this better I’ll talk about it but rn please please just go with me on this lmao!!!)
Subsistence: Subsistence refers to how they regain energy!!! The two categories here are ambient and active!! Ambient just means that their body absorbs the ectoplasm in the air automatically without any effort on their part, and active just means that they have to consume/ingest ectoplasm and/or other forms of energy in some way in order to get it into their system!!
Denomination: This is where we get into the more nuanced categories of phasma-defined taxonomy!!! Denomination just refers to what kind of ghost they are, with examples like shades, wraiths, banshees, and poltergeists all being different denominations!! There are a lot more than this though!!!!
Temperament: This is probably the broadest category out of all of them, which is why it’s at the bottom, but it’s also easy to understand, since it literally just refers to cores!!! Not going to list every option, but examples include: ice, fire, and electricity!!! There are a ton of different types of core, and the way they’re externalised can vary wildly between even same core-types, so it can be hard to properly pin down temperament, but it’s also an important one, so there’s a reason it’s here!!
Their classification is based on their denomination+temperament- like how they’re based off genus+species for the Sapien-defined taxonomy!!! 
Right!!! We’ve got the explanations, so now for some examples!!! We’ll start with Vlad just because he’s fun!!!! Here’s what his classification looks like!!!
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(Image Transcript: Downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): halfa, post-eukarya, sentient, solid, ambient, revenant, fire. Vlad is labelled a ‘fire revenant’.)
And just for the sake of it, here’s two more examples!!! Spectra!!
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(Image Transcript: Downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): full ghost, post-eukarya, sentient, subliming, active, obake, plasma. Spectra is labelled a ‘plasma obake’.)
And a Danny just for fun (and also so I can mention how much I love him being a banshee)
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(Image Transcript: Downward triangle split into seven sections, labelled (in descending order): halfa, post-eukarya, sentient, solid, ambient, banshee, ice. Danny is labelled an ‘ice banshee’.)
As for whether or not some ghosts make use of Sapien-defined taxonomy??? They do!!! It’s particularly useful for  post-eukaryotic ‘animal ghosts’ like Cujo, because sometimes their denomination can be kind of hard to pin down, so it’s just easier to refer to them through their living classification!!! Like, you couldsay that Cujo’s a Grim, but you don’t really know on first glance and not every dog ghost is a Grim, so if you can just say ‘he’s a dog’ then you circumvent the issue (it’s still good to know though)!!!!
And there we have it!!!! That’s pretty much all I have to say about it, but if you have any questions or just want to talk about it more, please do!!! I absolutely love this sort of stuff even if I’m not like. An expert on it lmao!!! I’m kinda working on the stuff about ectoplasm as a substance atm, so hopefully I’ll actually post that at some pint because I have Thoughts™ lmao!! Either way, have a good day!! :D
(Post about ectobiology/ghost anatomy is up now that has some expansion on ghost post-eukaryoticism + some other stuff if you're interested!!!! Here it is!!!)
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theoliviaset · 3 years
Trust Issues
Foxy post. This is gonna be full of cussin'. CW for abuse, fakeclaiming, and religion. Consider giving it a read if you're feeling resilient enough rn, and want to know how the syscourse can harm a traumatized system.
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[Also holy shit you sure love to roleplay your alters wtf. I know what co fronting is but you chose to not edit out the random unrelated thoughts and that's creepy. Unless you did that as a logical fallacy. Then its creepy and manipulative.]
Okay, so this has fucking been bugging me for a while now. Since longer than Faye's post about ableism went up. Since I figured out who I am really. It's been bugging me just how much a traumatized set of girls have been abused by this very fucking tactic.
So I don't have, let's say, conventional beliefs about my existence. It's certainly not in contradiction to any physical or psychological theories out there. It's just a spiritual belief. Akin to other beliefs about the nature of the soul. But it's... out there by conventional standards.
Of course, this belief doesn't change much how I interact with the world. I don't act like I have magic powers or like I can do extraordinary things. I don't go around harming people because I think I know what awaits me after we kick the bucket. I don't bring our vessel any closer to annihilation because I would rather be home than here. And all of that is true of many religious people. We can coexist with those with different beliefs without much in the way of problems so long as we continue to respect people and call out or fight injustice.
But I'm the only one in this head that has this belief. I'm not the only one with different spiritual or religious beliefs mind you, just the only one who is this unconventional.
Right now, you might be wondering what it is that I believe and why the fuck I'm talking about it so vaguely. Well you're not going to find out right now, because that's part of this whole fucking problem. You see, if I were to tell you what I think about how I got here, a sysmed would come along and fake claim us all to hell. In spite of the fact that I don't even fucking disagree that I'm formed by trauma.
Here's the fucking thing though. Although I may be perfectly comfortable telling intolerant assholes to fuck themselves six ways to Sunday with a cactus, I am not the only one in here. I don't get to make that executive decision.
Wanna know why?
Fucking trauma. The thing that sysmeds are trying to protect systems with from being harmed. (Oh and also ableism, cause this trauma comes from ableist assholes who have never respected our autistic brain).
If you didn't know, a thing that happens to "different" people often enough is that they get abused, ridiculed, and made to feel lesser because of those differences. All of that ill treatment can lead to trauma. Trauma that ingrained a fear response into some members of this system. That fear response violently takes away the autonomy and executive control of anyone who would step out of line and expose the system to further ill treatment.
There's a true saying we heard the other day: "Hurt people hurt people." This system is filled with hurt people. We work together and get along most days. But the disordered part of our disorder comes from the fact that trauma has built in us some survival responses. The primary of these responses has been to avoid confrontation at all costs. Better to say nothing than to say something that could be interpreted in any way as to lead to further abuse.
I've had to deal with that survival response coming from Moxie and Faye so many times. So many paragraphs of text deleted by them forcing their way into the fingers and holding down that backspace key, "People wouldn't understand what you wanted to say anyway." So many times spent frozen staring at the screen knowing what I want to say, "But if you said that, we'd be labeled 'crazy' for sure." So many times having a lump in this body's throat, "If you say that they won't be our friends anymore." And over and over and over again, "Really, what would the neighbors think."
It's abuse. Plain and simple. If a child were trying to be themself, and a parent constantly put them down and stopped them, we would rightly look at that as an unhealthy environment for a growing mind. If an adult were stopped from expressing their own opinions to save their partner's image, we would call that relationship abusive. And so too is it abusive to be trapped in the same head as someone who can take away your ability to talk to the rest of the, all because of what people "might think". Hell, the first few months after I got here I wasn't even allowed to think about what I believe without being bombarded with challenges to my sincerely held spiritual belief; shit that the fucking aspiring minister doesn't get slapped with. Hurt people hurt people, and these bitches are fucking hurt.
You wanna know what happened to us when we were working on that essay? Faye was rehearsing it (as you autisticly do) and I interrupted faer to bring up some of the arguments that we've heard from sysmeds. Fae invited me to help faer out. That was fucking nice. I don't get chances to do a whole lot here. We chatted all day about how that essay was going to go with me acting as the sysmed arguing with faer. I laughed when we did the bit at the beginning where she shushed me for talking about our creative process. She left that in because fae knew how much I enjoyed her reaction. She hoped someone else would get a chuckle too.
But of course, there was a nagging feeling coming from Mox that we shouldn't leave it in; that we shouldn't even bother letting me roleplay the sysmed. If we posted that stuff then people would fakeclaim us, or disbelieve us, or the joke would fall completely flat. But she managed to keep that feeling from overwriting any of our autonomy. She managed to put her trauma response aside to let us express ourselves and have fun.
And the fucking sysmed in the screenshot just told her that she was fucking wrong for that. Expressing ourselves freely is bad. Trying to share a peak into how we work together is unacceptable. Stepping even slightly out of line is worthy of shame and ridicule. That's what we were told in 4 sentences.
Thankfully Mox and Faye are not listening to that bullshit. We're all working as hard as we can to avoid taking away each others autonomy. But being slapped with this kind of bullshit is gonna make this so much harder. Next time I try to post something, or talk to someone, someone won't be able to help but think about that accusation of "roleplaying" our headmates.
It's absolute fucking garbage that this kinda shit happens. Sysmeds aren't protecting anyone. They're causing harm. They're creating an environment where ostensibly traumatized people need to present a very narrow set of behaviors and beliefs or else they're shunned or harassed; traumatized people who've dealt with the same sort of abuse and developed the same sort of freeze/fawn combo. Anyone who doesn't fit within that precise little window is a faker (and idk about anyone else, but one manifestation of depersonalization we get hit with is "I am not real." Fakeclaiming absolutely does not fucking help with people who suffer with depersonalization).
We'll probably be called fucking fake because of this post too. I can feel Moxie's urge to hit that backspace button. I know she's not going to, because we are working on healing. But when we get fakeclaimed for this, it will be another weight around our neck making that path towards health that much harder.
And sysmeds are abso-fucking-lutely going to be to blame. So much for helping traumatized systems. Thanks for creating an environment where we cannot trust that we won't be harassed to no end. Thanks for making our trauma response a necessary survival strategy.
Anyways, fuck you. We'll never know the extent of human experience if we abuse the people trying to share their differences.
-Foxy {O}
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akawrites000 · 3 years
sunflowers, breaking clichés and faraway lovers
Hero trudges back home, her foot kicking up some mud on this lonely strip of road. She can't decide if she's happy or frustrated that nothing ever happens where she lives, not even villains, as if they don't find this place appealing enough to even visit.
She decides, after a moment, that maybe it's both. She's both happy that she doesn't have to deal with villains here, that this is the one constant place that she has in her life, and she's also a little frustrated that nothing ever happens here, and everywhere you see are familiar faces. She kind of wishes her town had the tradition to were masks like people in Jaoanese festivals do, so that it would at least bring some novelty into this place. Or she wishes that she can spot a new face somewhere, but the only face she wants to see right now is that of her partner's.
The wind blows to the left, and she turns to look. That's the path that leads to the sunflower field, one of her all time favourite places. She takes out her phone as the wind pushes her further to the field, holding the device in front of her face, trying to get a nice angle. Click. She opens villain’s chat and hits the send button, with a yellow heart emoji attached to the picture. She then sits down at the edge of the field, legs dangling, eyes taking in the spectacular view in front of her. This is probably the only place I'll never get tired of, even if it's the same ten years from now, she thinks.
Hero’s phone vibrates in her pocket, and she pulls it out to see a message from villain. She opens the chat — smiling softly.
V: This looks so beautiful!! Is this the sunflower field that you always talk about? Thank you for the picture baby💛
Hero takes a moment to swoon. She loves it when villain calls her baby, and she has a feeling that they know that too.
H: Yes it is, one of my favourite places ever! I wish I could show this to you someday.
There it is, hero thinks. This ache that mixes up with the bubbly feelings in her chest because her lover lives in an entirely different continent away from her and there's nothing either of them can do about it for now. It's this sizzling agony that's there right under her skin, keeping her awake at night sometimes.
V: That sounds lovely. I would love to see it.
And then hero’s smiling, grinning. So much that her cheeks start to hurt and those blue feelings inside her chest slowly melt away, leaving her with this happy, giddy haze. Somewhere inside, the logical part of her speaks — what is even happening ?
Hero ignores that and just stares at the wide expanse of the field in front of her, beautifully painted by the sun setting on the horizon behind. She lets her mind wander to villain, her lover whom she's never met but knows — because one doesn't have to meet to know someone right? Of course hero aches to meet them, just like all the lovers in ancient texts do. She's no different. So she tries to meet them in her imagination at least- one hand in their soft, brown hair, while the other cups their cheek, tender with that natural blush that drives her crazy; and then villain's hands are in her hair, tangling her long back strands but she can't find it in herself to care one bit —
Her phone buzzes again and hero’s pulled out of that soft world in her mind, back to the real one. Her eyes take in her surroundings once again, noticing the changes. The sky is inky blue, like deep ocean waters and the sun is nowhere to be seen . The sunflowers that were all looking at the sun like dedicated devotees, have now turned to look at their loved ones next to them instead, and settle in their arms for the night. Hero looks at her phone, her mind working in two angles — one thinking about this fact that she read about sunflowers somewhere while the other focuses on villain’s chat box.
V: You'll have to fight supervillain later this evening right?
Hero groans as she remembers her pressing duties to this city — fighting supervillains, protecting the civilians, being the symbol of justice. It's only in the short time that she spends with villain — in their chatbox, occasional phone calls, when she thinks of villain, that she feels like a normal twenty something, just living her life and falling in love with someone breathtakingly amazing.
H: You're always more updated about my schedule than I am xD But yeah, I have to.
Hero imagines villain’s mouth, unable to decide between their usual smirk or rare soft smiles. She wonders what expression they're wearing right now.
V: Of course I am. That's one thing technology is good for.
Hero chuckles, simply happy that villain even bothers to keep track of all of this.
V: Fight safely and vigilantly okay? Trust your gut feelings, they're always valid. Your feelings are always valid.
Hero clutches her phone tight in her hand, trying to bury her face into her own arms. Her heart performs this dance everytime villain does stuff like this, and she never knows how to handle it.
H: Thank you my love❤ I'm a little nervous of course, but I think I'll be okay. I can do this.
Hero knows there's no point in putting up a front or lying to villain. They always know somehow. And hero thinks that she doesn't want to lie — she's always putting up a front for the world, the people, her opponents. So she wants at least this one person in the entire world to know who she really is, in all her silly, anxious and raw glory.
V: You'll be fine baby. You're an amazing fighter and I believe in you.
Okay, that's it. Hero feels like her entire body is on fire and she forces herself to look away from the phone screen at the field in front of her so that her fingers don't start doing this embarrassing keysmash that people generally seem to do when they're embarrassed. Does she want to do that? She thinks she'd rather avoid it. Or at least try to.
That's when her mind supplies that fact about sunflowers that it was trying to remember. When the sun is not visible, the sunflowers turn towards one another, as if the sun is just a fever dream that is abandoned as soon as it dips below the horizon, and the only real things that exist in the world are the flowers themselves and their partners who exist right beside them. Hero watches as the wind gently coaxes them, one flower falling into another and vice versa, as they hold each other and dance while the first stars form constellations in the sky. Hero thinks how beautiful this is, that there is a whole universe beyond clichés, that a sunflower doesn't have to achingly wait for a sun that will never belong to it, but instead the world is for its taking as it falls in love with the flower next to it — one that will return its feelings.
And all of a sudden, hero is overwhelmed by this weird emotion in her chest. She can't name it, she's always been bad with names. But sitting here and looking at these sunflowers breaking clichés makes her heart soar for some inexplicable reason. It's like nature is telling her that nothing else matters other than feelings that are respected and returned.
She opens villain's chat and starts typing in everything that she's realised in the past minute with increased fervour, afraid that all of these thoughts would just up and disappear into a puff of nothing because nothing is really everlasting — except this one moment. And she plans to make the best of it. She types the last letter, then attaches a close-up picture of two sunflowers with tangled petals facing one another and hits send.
Villain takes a minute to reply, but it brings the brightest smiles to hero's face regardless.
V: I don't know if you even realise this, but I just love the way you fucking think ❤ The sunflowers seem like they could pass for humans themselves don't they? Because I just find this whole thing alarmingly human — the way we have our hearts on our sleeves when we know no one else is looking, for that one person.
Hero sighs happily, she didn't think feeling understood could feel this liberating. It's definitely one of those feelings that people can get high on , she thinks. Damn, she thinks she's definitely getting high on this herself.
H: Thank you love, I love the way you think too! And I do agree, the sunflowers are humans xD (plus ten heart emojis).
A few more minutes go by and hero receives another message from villain with this attached picture:
there's a hand (hero guesses it's villain’s hand) holding two violet flowers together (so they look like they're hugging) with this caption —
I had to chase away two ducks for this picture, because these flowers were apparently their evening snack. How cool is that?
And hero’s full blown laughing now, the clutching-your-stomach kind of laughing and she hopes that the laughing emoji on her phone would do this justice. Probably not.
Here's the live coverage of Hero vs Supervillain-
The newsreader reads live from the venue and villain’s eyes refuse to leave the tv screen for even a single moment. They watch as their hero holds her ground against such a powerful foe and villain’s heart fills up to the brim with a mix of fondness and pride. They don't feel the rest of the evening pass by, as they sit and watch the entire live coverage without as much as even getting up.
Hero emerges victorious, and she has a few surface injuries here and there, some nasty looking gashes but she's standing there and she's alive and she's okay and villain finally lets out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding.
That's their strong, sweet and kind hero and villain can't be happier to call her their girlfriend.
Hellooo there lovely people!! I know it's been a long while since I posted (that's because life is pretty hectic rn) but I finally found some time to write (and procrastinate, but that's the usual lol). So what's new is that I've given you all some female rep, because I just realised that I haven't really written much female mc content. So I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thank you for your support as always - means a lot<3
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We all know that the romance in Naruto is trash and Kishimoto himself admitted to not knowing how to write female characters and getting embarrassed by romantic scenes…so let’s fix that shit
part 1: NaruHina
(I wrote this down as my notes for the post but I actually like it this way so I’m just copy and paste my raw thoughts lol if you get offended you can write a letter to your local congressman, prime minister, or whoever rules over provinces in other countries)
First let’s shit on the original ship shall we
- what the fuck was the build up to this relationship
- “I respect naruto and I want to be like him! But I’m too shy to talk to him! I even fainted when I saw him after the blank period! JK I HAVE MEGA HUGE BALLS AND CONFRONTED PAIN TO SAVE NARUTO!!!! Confessed my love and got my ass kicked….then didn’t speak to him until the fourth great ninja war and now we’re married with two kids” what the Fuck
- Also can we just talk about how after Hinata confessed her love…and literally almost died for naruto…he didn’t say SHIT to her after he defeated pain, and it was like she never confessed in the first place Lmfao
- He still liked Sakura! But Sakura always loved Sasuke so wtf
- He even was like “YEAH YEAH” when Minuto asked if Sakura was his girlfriend during the war. Then ten minutes later he’s holding hands with hinata and their love and shit (ft the rest of the ASF) and going up against fucking madara obito whatever… what the fuck
- It makes no sense bro—people say Sasuke never shows his love for Sakura,…to me, naruto never gave a shit about Hinata, at least not romantically (he literally acted like her existence was forgotten for 3/4s of the show; at least Sasuke always acknowledged Sakura from the start)
- It also feels like narutos crush on Sakura was never resolved (I know that they’re supposed to be shown realizing that they aren’t into each other in The Last but…bro isn’t that way too fuckin late to make sense lmfao) He just suddenly shacked up with Hinata???? Bc her cousin died….Idk man that’s kinda fucked up lmfao
So let’s fucking fix this shitshow
- I get that Hinata is shy and stuff but that bitch is a fucking hyuga SHE IS POWERFUL SO GIVE HER MORE SCREENTIME KICKING ASS
- And can we??? Give her more lines in the first part???? Other than “n…n…naruto….” “N-naruto?” “Naruto!” Like wtf was that dude that shit was way more annoying to me than anything.
- We all know Hinata has thoughts feelings and opinions (as humans do) so let’s have her voice them sometimes okay
- Being shy doesn’t automatically make you mostly mute and constantly stuttering
- That stereotype makes me want to crush skulls bro
- Can we give her some balls before pains fight bc that made no sense
- Like maybe standing up to neji even a little bit and defending herself more during the chuunin exams
- I’m not saying she has to be like “HEY SHITHEAD IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS” bc that’s totally out of character but she totally could’ve been like “Hey you’re kinda wrong and pls show me respect as a member of your clan and an equal leaf shinobi”
- Also I get that Hinata was inspired by naruto but can we stop making every female character’s rise to power and want to be stronger related to a dude?
- Like fine if she was inspired by him but I think it would’ve been way more of a credit Hinata as a person if naruto simply REMINDED her of that part of herself that’s dedicated to proving her family wrong
- I’m just gonna write this as if it happened this way
- She keeps par with Neji, and does ultimate lose but it makes Neji see that Hinata is actually strong and a formidable opponent
- No more shit eating grins from that ego maniac
- And after Hinata battles Neji, she confronts naruto and thanks him for reminding her of her inner strength
- Naruto, who’s surprised that Hinata is talking to him, is like “yeah, sure thing, hinata. You did great!”
- And that opens the door for their real friendship
- Hinata is someone naruto can confide in about Sasuke, and he trusts her
- Hinata becomes someone that gives naruto compassionate advice, and he cherishes her comforting nature
- Then in part 2 after they’re all a bit older, naruto is kinda like “o” when he sees that Hinata has come into her wOmaNhOoD and he’s attracted to her.
- During the blank period he worked through his feelings and realized he only liked Sakura bc of his rivalry with Sasuke. End of that crap
- But naruto is dense as fuck and doesn’t see Hinata in a romantic way until she stands up for him against pain
- Hinata holds her own against pain for a bit bc she’s powerful in her own right but does get her ass beat anyway bc yk rinnegan and everything
- Naruto loses his shit seeing her cut down in front of him and defeats the last pain
- After naruto gives one of his MOTIVATIONAL SPEECHES and changes nagato before his death, the entire village greets him as a hero
- Instead of Sakura running up to him to hug him in that strangely intimate way that’s out of character bc she doesn’t fucking like him that way
- Sakura gives naruto a good hug and is like “you did it buddy you’re pretty cool ig”
- Then naruto talks to Hinata bc she??? Confessed her love? And took a massive beating for him???
- And they start a sort of flirty relationship where they both like each other but like waaaay too much is going on to actually date
- Like they try to between pains assault and the five mage summit but with the news of Sasukes massive downfall and the bounty on his head naruto is like dude I can’t do this rn
- And Hinata is cool so ofc she understands even tho she’s a bit sad
- And during the war when minato asks if Sakura is narutos girlfriend he says “😅 no dad, we’re just good friends”
- Then he holds hands with Hinata and the village and sings kumbaya to kick the fuck out of madara obito
- Then they get married and shit proceeds as normal
- Except in boruto when everyone returns from the battle in the other dimension she doesn’t run up to naruto first okay she hugs her SON and says “thank goodness you’re safe!” And then hugs naruto and thanks him for his work
God fuck okay I’m done
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