#networking advice
vinylburns · 2 years
Top Ten Ways To Make Friends In Business
Top Ten Ways To Make Friends In Business
Making friends is hard, especially when you’re as intimidating as we all are, right gang? Here are some handy tips to grease the slippery slope of adult business friendship. Avoid attending events and conferences: Industry events and conferences can be a great way to meet new people and make connections in business, but they reek of desperation and really don’t help you find the right people.…
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How To Network 🤝📱💬
Have a Plan: Because everyone is important, it's really important to know what you're good at. Before you go to any networking event, figure out what you're good at – like things you can do well, what you know, and the people you know. Plan what you want to talk about, especially how you can help others, either now or later on.
Start with Who You Know: Talk to people you already know, like friends and colleagues. Ask if they can introduce you to others.
Go to Events: Attend conferences, seminars, workshops, industry meetups, and social gatherings related to your field of interest.
Use Social Media: Make profiles on websites like LinkedIn or Instagram to meet people in your niche online.
Elevator Pitch: Create a concise and engaging intro that highlights who you are, what you do, and what you're seeking. This way you can make a strong first impression.
Ask Good Questions: When you talk to someone, ask questions that show you're interested in what they're saying.
Provide Value: Networking is a two-way street. Offer your expertise, assistance, or connections to others whenever possible. When you start paying attention to what people can do, you might see that one person could help another person. Try to introduce people who you think have something valuable to share. When you make these good connections, you're helping the networking event go well. This will help you establish a good reputation and create strong relationships.
Say Thank You: After meeting, send a message to say you enjoyed the talk.
Follow up & Follow Through: If you said you would talk to someone later, make sure you actually do it and let them know you're still happy to help. If you promised to introduce one person to another, take a moment to make that introduction.These small things really matter to people, and just one introduction could make someone's life better.
Meet Different People: Don't just talk to the same kind of people. Meet people from different jobs and places.
Never dismiss anyone as unimportant: Don't think someone is not important just because of their job title. They could know important things or have helpful friends you wouldn't know about if you didn't give them a chance.
Join Groups: Be part of clubs or groups related to your work. You can meet more people there.
Be Yourself: Just be you. Don't pretend to be someone else.
Learn New Things: Keep learning about your interests. It helps you have better conversations.
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sevenines · 10 days
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i saw this tweet and found it interesting for two reasons. one is that some people base how good cartoon network would be to toh by how it treated su, and despite the fact that su’s treatment by the network was considered poor at the time, now its thought to be exceptionally good in comparison to modern shows.
two is how exactly su got impacted by a limited budget. a common criticism is how characters like connie, peridot, and lapis are left out of missions. but balancing a lot of characters is not only hard but also costly (extra animation, extra voices—it’s been revealed that the show is limited to a set number of characters per episode otherwise they’re over budget). animation mistakes are not uncommon since retakes cost extra. the entire reason the original show got cut short was due to loss of funding!
#i don’t know if pay rates differ per networks#but a.ivi and s.urrashu have said that they needed to work outside of su in order to make sufficient funds#it only makes me wonder what other ways su suffered from a lower budget#that we as the audience never got to see#in the vein of the too-little characters complaint#another part of that is that low-stakes episodes should’ve been abt the main cast instead of the townies#like last one out of beach city and too short to ride vs restaurant wars and kiki’s pizza delivery service#i definitely see that especially since that isn’t budget related#nor would it seem to be network related (even if cn had an ‘episodic episodes’ quota it could still be abt the gems#(another side note: /would/ cn even have a requirement that the show make episodes that can be watched standalone?#this is a question for the people who were around when su was airing#what episodes often got rerun?#was it the townie eps or the lore eps?#for example i heard that su once did a ‘peridot event’ where they just reran peridot episodes#which had eps that skip around in the show#did they even care about airing the story so that it made sense anyways?#id get it if the low stakes townie episodes were the ones getting rerun))#but i have such a boring view on that which is i think it’s simply because the creators like townie eps#like in interviews r.ebecca s.ugar has said she’s the type to be really invested in background characters#answers in interviews have been crafted in ways to hide what’s really going on though tbf#prime example of this is rebecca and ian saying the wedding being interrupted was meant to follow the common trope#when later in the art book they said that it was bc cn rejected the ep bc it ‘wasn’t interesting enough’#both could simultaneously be true! it’s a psychology thing though where people make up nice-sounding explanations behind what they create#in retrospect because they want it to be thought out in such a nice way they believe in it#the bigger problem is that not matter how many episodes there are of them#it can be hard for ppl to be invested in the townies the same way they are invested in the main cast#i’m sure that a million writers have made surefire advice on how to get an audience to care about characters#but off the top of my head i think it’s because 1. most don’t have strong motivations to get truly invested in#(exception is ronaldo but people find him too annoying to care about him)#okay i had more points and explanations but i hit the tag limit and idk if anyone is actually reading this so bye
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aiweirdness · 2 years
Horti's new plant advice chatbot is based on gpt-3 and things are going well
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🔥 writeup by tradescantia hub
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Top Career Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success
Figure out where your skills and passions align. Then determine the lifestyle/work culture you thrive in and what sacrifices you're willing to make in your chosen career path (for some, it's always traveling/talking to people 24/7, working late hours, unpredictable/unconventional hours, potentially lower pay/less predictable income, etc.). It truly depends on your top values, your personality, and your goals/priorities in life.
First focus on getting incredibly talented at your craft. Find a mentor(s) who will push you with their feedback/suggestions. Take classes/skills courses/read books & articles to gain more applicable knowledge/hard skills. Join clubs, apply to internships, volunteer, and request informational interviews in your desired field.
Make your skills marketable. Create a professional resume and/or neat portfolio/collection of work samples. Discover and articulate your USP (that should essentially serve as the backbone of your elevator pitch). Frame your skills through a customer/business-centric lens. How does your experience/skillset solve their problems and help a company/client achieve their goals?
Build a network for yourself. Don't be shy to reach out to companies/individuals who inspire you. Speak with your secondary school teachers and professors for connections. Create peer-to-peer networks, too, so you can grow together. Be a fearless networker and connector. Help others, do favors, and make the person glad they met/hired you. Make it your objective to be memorable through your work ethic/providing high-quality work products and showing up with a motivated & overall positive attitude allows people to like and trust you with their time, clients, money, etc.
Master the art of a killer email/cold pitch. Especially in today's world, learning how to sell yourself through intriguing emails/LinkedIn messages is the key to unlocking potential success. One client or opportunity can create momentum that will be useful years down the line, too.
When in doubt, follow up – on an email, pitch, job opportunity, connection, etc.
Be ruthless and relentless with your research. For new contacts, connections, opportunities, and information to support your pitches/job interviews/networking conversations, new technologies, and trends within your field. Read everything credible you can get your hands on. Display working knowledge and practical applications of these concepts and how they can benefit the person in front of you/their business.
Create systems. For how you structure emails/pitches, conduct research, different types of workflows/ work template structures for different types of projects, time-blocking, client funnels, etc.
Get comfortable with rejection. Use it as a primer for self-reflection and refining your craft/processes or help you pivot your approach to help you achieve your goals. Never take business decisions on behalf of a company personally (and vice versa).
Give yourself breaks, but don't give up. Tapping out for good is the only surefire way to fail at an endeavor. Be flexible in your path, but zeroed in on your goal(s). Learn when to quit or pivot, and when it's time to coast or seek growth.
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thenightfolknetwork · 3 months
There is a god in my attic and it speaks to me in the dead of the night, whispering secrets that taste like putrid meat on my tongue.
There is a god in my attic, it says with a half forgotten tongue about its gifts for me: the wounds on my hands, the eye on my tongue, the delicate crown of bird bones around my head. There is a god in my attic, it speaks and I dream of pregnant cows and blood pressure and copper and molding roots. I wake up craving the taste of flesh. I wake up eating my own lips.
There is a god in my attic, it demands prayer in honey and flies and corpses. It says to me close my eyes, it sings 'i will make a saint of you'
There is a god in my attic and it is growing impatient.
There is a god in my attic, dear friend, and I don't know why I am so scared of becoming holy.
Well, my dear, what can I say except, “Congratulations!” It's not every day one is selected to become the vessel of a living god, let alone for a mouldering, half-dead thing that speaks in the language of bone and fungus. What an exciting turn of events!
I appreciate this might feel like a rather abrupt departure from whatever plans you may have had for your life. A little nervousness is to be expected. But really, how else were you going to spend the next however-many decades - paying rent?!
Now, I understand there has been some rather virulent propaganda against radically non-conformist faiths being spread online in the last few years. A reminder to all our followers that @thesiltverses are not a reliable source of information about apotheosis or exultation, and their representation of non-traditional sainthood is generally considered to be ignorant at best, downright offensive at worst. I urge you not to pay such hollow-minded nonsense any heed.
As for you, dear reader, put aside your fears. There is a god in your attic, friend! A hungry, vengeful god who seeks to transform your very flesh into a tool fit snugly in its many-fingered hand! Opportunities like that don't come along every day.
I will leave you with an excerpt from one of my favourite poems – the Summer Day, by the creature community's unofficial laureate, Mary Oliver:
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Maybe eat a few people or whatever. Maybe inflict great and terrible wonders upon the whimpering flesh of the earth. Get a little weird with it maybe!
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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gem-femmes · 29 days
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How & Why Gatekeep Yourself
I loved this tweet so much that I sat down and brainstormed how to gatekeep myself. ✨💋🍷
This is something that has been on my mind since entering the business world and representing our family business at events, in negotiations and meetings.
As a naive 20-something, I had to make a conscious effort to learn not to share too much about myself and family.
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Even if I had a row with my sibling that same morning, at the afternoon industry mixer I'll only talk about how harmoniously we work together.
People in business, as well as any acquaintances, are not your friends. Most people you encounter daily as a young woman don't have your best interests in mind.
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Here are the minor details you can share with anyone that seem personal but don't reveal anything significant about your life:
Favorite foods: Mentioning your favorite snack, dessert, or a specific dish you enjoy.
Music preferences: Sharing a song or artist you’re currently listening to.
Pet peeves: Mentioning small things that annoy you, like loud chewing or slow internet.
Daily routines: Talking about how you like your coffee or a morning ritual like reading the news.
Hobbies: Discussing a hobby you’re interested in, like gardening, knitting, or collecting something simple.
TV shows/movies: Mentioning the show or movie you’re currently watching or have recently enjoyed.
Childhood memories: Sharing a funny or light story from your childhood that doesn’t reveal much about your personal life.
Weather preferences: Talking about how you prefer rainy days to sunny ones, or vice versa.
Travel dreams: Mentioning a place you’d like to visit one day, without giving away any travel plans.
Favorite color: Sharing your favorite color or type of clothing you like to wear.
These details create the illusion of being open without revealing anything that could be used to deeply understand or analyze your life.
Gatekeep yourself, stay classy. 🎀🪞🩰🦢🕯️
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Help! The Ungrateful Youths of Today Don't Appreciate the Value of Anything, and by 'Anything' I Mean the Worthless Shit I Am Trying to Sell Them
Ask A Manager, 12 May 2023:
Several years ago I was frustrated with the way people went about looking for jobs. I’m a small business owner and even before running my own company, I always networked. Through networking I’ve managed to do so much. Today I run six networking groups. Again, several years ago I created a t-shirt designed to network for you. It lists various fields, each with a checkbox by it, and comes with a small sharpie so you can check off the type of job or career you desire. By wearing the t-shirt everywhere you go, it starts the job seeking conversation. I marketed them inexpensively to college grads. I went to colleges, job fairs, and even graduations. Not one t-shirt sold. I was so angry. I was on popular talk shows and in the paper and still nothing. Today I sit with every size t-shirt in my garage. Many ask why I don’t still pursue this idea. They are the ones who got the idea and believe in it. Perhaps I was ahead of my time. I marketed towards college grads who texted as a main form of communication. However, today communication is even worse. Young adults can barely look someone in the eye. Please tell me what your opinion is of my t-shirts. I hoped people would wear them daily and maybe while filling their gas tank this would start a conversation that would change their lives forever. Networking will always be the way to get what you need. Referrals, physicians, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, housekeepers, financial advisors, accountants, babysitters, trainers, real estate agents, tutors, and whatever I have missed. Am I wrong? Would my product help those unable to network?
There is one reason and one reason only that your revolutionary clothing business has failed to see the success it so clearly deserves: young people today are appallingly poor communicators who, for reasons that likely include video games and participation trophies, are actively unwilling to appreciate the awesome one-on-one human connections that can only be made by going about life wearing a t-shirt and hoping someone reads it and decides to enter into a business relationship as a result. Yes indeed, it is specifically and only the modern youths who have refused to purchase your t-shirts who are very, very poor at understanding how to build valuable and meaningful relationships with other humans. There is definitely not anybody else here who is bad at communicating.
Every single person on planet earth who is under the age of, say, 25, lacks the foresight and vision to appreciate the radically lucrative possibilities of wearing the same t-shirt every day every single place they go. Every single person who didn't buy one of your shirts did so because they are young and stupid and don't know a life-changing idea when they see one. But you do! Because you are old and smart, which are the same thing.
After all, you are great at networking and have managed to do incredible things as a result of your great networking skills, such as running six networking groups. If that's not proof positive that networking works, what is?
The only way to know for sure whether your shirts will help poor communicators understand exactly how bad they are at connecting with others may be to try your product out for yourself.
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discountscholar · 2 months
How would you recommend networking early for psychology both during and prior to getting a degree?
this is something i struggled with a lot, and still do to an extent. primarily because i get socially anxious and overwhelmed quite easily.
but here are a few things you can do-
1. go to research conventions and conferences and meet/talk to people
2. join online communities like discord servers for psychology students, reading groups for psychology, etc. i’m thinking of starting one myself so we’ll see how that goes.
3. when you intern or work at other places, you’ll find other people who are either your colleagues or your superiors at the job who you can connect with
4. i have benefitted a lot from connecting with cool and authentic people through LinkedIn. initially i connected with people who were already in schools that i wanted to go to or doing the programs that i wanted to do. got to talk to them and they answered a lot of my questions and even gave me a few helpful tips.
5. get in touch with any of your seniors in the field. good seniors are literal godsent angels. they’ll help out with with anything from academics to further networking to recommendations. they also provide you with emotional support when things get rough. they know what you’re going through and no one can understand you better than someone who’s already been through something similar.
6. if you find decent professors, keep them. even after you graduate. these are literally so rare but if you ever find one, hold onto them for dear life because they can be one of the most helpful resources you have.
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mayalaen · 9 months
VPNs aren't just for pirates and company data anymore
A friend complained to me that they couldn't access pr0n anymore because the government is now requiring ID to verify age where they are, and due to data leaks and privacy issues, didn't want to share their ID even though they're of legal age.
Shit like this doesn't work on the intended target. It only frustrates people who are aren't tech savvy while a lot of kids have already found their way around it because that's what kids do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I talk about VPNs (virtual private networks), non-tech savvy people's eyes glaze over 😂
It sounds like complicated, unknowable magic. It's not! And you don't even have to understand it to use it!
With the government and ISPs (internet service providers) invading privacy more and more and hackers breaking in and stealing user data from companies, VPNs are becoming necessary.
Some Things a VPN Does for You:
hides your data from others
can make your internet speeds faster if your ISP does speed throttling (purposely making your speed slower)
hides what you're doing from your ISP
keeps you safer from some malware, viruses, hackers, and trackers
allows you to access things that are either restricted in your area or not available in your area (such as content in other countries)
keeps you safer when you're out in public connected to wifi
Below is a basic infographic on how VPNs work. When you access the internet, a VPN encrypts your data - making it into a secret code that can't be read by anyone else including your ISP.
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Tech companies, ISPs, etc. want you to think VPNs are complicated so that you won't use them.
When searching for a free VPN, please be aware that a lot of the free VPN services out there are malware or full of viruses and trackers.
Either do some research into which one to choose or use a paid VPN service. You can either pay monthly or yearly - the yearly is always cheaper in the long run.
Some of the Top Rated VPN Services:
ExpressVPN $7 - $13/month
NordVPN $3 - $13/month
Surfshark $2 - $14/month
PrivateInternetAccess $2 - $12/month
ProtonVPN (some sites block this one) $4 - $10/month
CyberGhost $2 - $13/month
I use ExpressVPN, so for the purposes of this post, I'm going to use screenshots from ExpressVPN.
Once you have an account, download the program from the website to your desktop/laptop or find the app on Android or iOS app stores.
Signing in requires a code that the VPN will email to you that unlocks all the features. Pay attention when the program installs because it'll ask you about preferences, and you can easily check yes on blocking pr0n when that's the reason you wanted a VPN in the first place 😂
When the program is open, you'll see this:
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As you can see in the screenshot, not only do I have the program, but I have an ExpressVPN icon on my browser. The program installs this automatically, and when the program is running, the icon will have a green checkmark on it so you know it's working in your browser.
You'll notice I've recently connected using Japan. I did this so I could watch a series that isn't available outside of Japan.
The program automatically chooses a location near you, but if you want to access things that are restricted to you, make sure you click on the three dots to the right of the selected location (see screenshot below) and search for a state/country/place that your content will be available in.
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Once your location is selected, click on the start/power button, and you'll get a popup notification from your computer that ExpressVPN is connected.
Go to the site you want to use and use it like you normally would.
Here's what it should look like when it's running correctly:
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Keep in mind that if you leave a VPN running all the time (which is perfectly fine to do), search engines like Google will assume you live wherever ExpressVPN tells it you live, so searching for "stores near me" will give you results that aren't close to you.
When you're done using the VPN, just hit the power button again and it shuts off.
I use this on all my handheld devices, my desktop, and my laptop for business and personal reasons. I'm a pirate, and I've been using VPNs for a long time, yet none of the ISPs I've used have ever given me a warning about torrenting.
Good luck, and enjoy all the new things you can access!
BTW for anybody wondering, my desktop wallpaper is a map of the world's time zones. So pretty!! 😍
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infiniteorangethethird · 11 months
everyone: you should use your 20s to get to know as many people as you can! spend your college years making friends and connections! you cannot live a successful life without a widespread people network!!
me, autistic + loveless apl: I should do what now
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
Your post about the brother gc made my mind wonder about having all the Eddie’s in a gc that you could text and ask about boy problems 😂
Hiii lovey!! Idk why instead of a group chat my mind went “what if there was a 1-800 number for you to call for advice from the Eddies??”🙈 it would be like this:
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“Thank you for calling the Life Advice Network this is Steve speaking how may I help you?” “Uhm…I just need to know if the guy I’m interested in is…also interested in me…” “Ah got it let me transfer you to Husband Eddie he is our go too guy when it comes to deciphering men’s intentions..one moment.” “Hi this is Husband Eddie Munson how can I be of service to you today?” “Hey Eddie uhm…the guy I’m interested in is kinda being weird lately and I’m not sure if-” “Describe weird.” “Oh uh he ended our text conversation by just saying later…when normally he says like bye gorgeous or something along those lines.” “Later? He said later as a form of goodbye?” “Yes…why did you just sigh? Is that…is that not a good sign?” “I’m gonna be honest with you sweetheart I think he’s no longer interested….have you hung out with him recently?” “Not this week he’s been really busy…” “right…yeah…I would just move on before you really get your feelings hurt.” “Okay…thanks Eddie.” “Anytime…oh you’re gonna be asked how this call was and if you don’t mind leaving me a good review that would be great but if not it’s fine…enjoy the rest of your day and don’t let this get you down there’s plenty of other dudes out there.” “Thank you I appreciate that.”
“You’ve reached the one and only Bestfriend Eddie how can I help you?” “Hey is it weird if your guy friend all of a sudden starts holding your hand and opening doors for you?” “Holding your hand? Dudes only hold hands with someone they like….unless you need help and our hand will make it to where you won’t like die or something but yeah that’s fucking weird.” “You think he likes me?” “I wouldn’t want you to assume he has feelings for you just because he’s holding your hand and opening doors but if he starts offering you rides everywhere and buying you shit then yeah he probably has feelings.” “He’s bought me lunch three times this week…” “oh yeah then he’s for sure got some feelings brewing and I’d say just ask him straight up if he’s into you or not.” “Really? That won’t freak him out?” “Only one way to find out…” “if he laughs at me I’m calling back and telling you how horrible you are at giving advice.” “Trust me you’ll only be calling back to tell me I was right.” “Whatever…that’s for the advice.” “Anytime.”
“Hello this is Vampire Eddie-” “did you just say Vampire?” “Yes…you got transferred to me because you’re having issues accepting the kind of respect and love you deserve is that right?” “I just don’t think I need to be treated this-” “You deserve to be treated as if you hung the moon and all the stars because to your significant other that’s exactly what you did for them.” “Oh…really?” “Yes…I know it’s hard to feel as though you deserve to be treated like a queen because for the most part you’ve let yourself get used to the subpar treatment from men because that’s all you thought you could get therefore making you think that’s also what you deserve but it��s not.” “Oh wow…okay so it’s not weird that he always wants to be around and is just…super nice and attentive?” “Weird? No it’s not weird…it’s how every man who wants to pursue you should be acting.” “He brought me flowers the other day because they reminded him of me with how pretty they are…” “and how did that make you feel?” “Like he’s too good for me…but I also really liked it.” “He’s not too good for you get that notion out of your head he’s just a gentlemen and you’re used to pardon my langue but you’re used to fuck boys.” “I guess that’s true…so I should keep him around then?” “If he makes you happy then yes.” “Okay…thank you Vampire Eddie this has been really interesting.” “You’re welcome…I’m here if you need me but I think you’ve got it figured out now.” “Have a good day.” “You as well.”
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
How To Respond When Your Emotions Are Invalidated ✨
Keep Your Cool: Before you respond, make sure you're feeling calm and collected. It helps you talk things out better.
Use "I" Statements: Share your feelings using phrases that start with "I" to avoid sounding like you're blaming them. Example: "I felt hurt when you said that my feelings don't matter."
Explain the Situation: Tell them what exactly happened or what they said that made you feel invalidated. Example: "When you brushed off my concerns, it felt like you didn't care about what I think."
Share Your Emotions: Describe how their actions or words made you feel. Example: "It left me feeling frustrated and like you weren't listening."
Ask for Understanding: Request that they try to see things from your perspective and acknowledge how you're feeling. Example: "Could you try to understand where I'm coming from and why I'm upset?"
Set Boundaries: If needed, let them know how you want to be treated in the future. Example: "Moving forward, I'd appreciate it if you could take my feelings more seriously."
Stay Calm: Avoid making things worse by staying focused on the issue and not getting into a heated argument. Example: "I don't want to fight; I just want you to understand how your comments affect me."
Encourage a Conversation: Ask them to talk openly and respectfully. Be open to hearing their side as well. Example: "Let's chat about this and try to understand each other better."
Be Patient: Give them time to process what you've said and don't expect an instant change in their behavior. Example: "I know it might take time to make things better, but I hope we can work on this together."
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makorragal-312 · 5 months
Yeah...I don't really buy that the guy who had a panic attack over his last girlfriend being mistaken for his wife and was more than ready to dump his current one for being a former nun is even going to contemplate proposing to her.
Knowing him, he would be so deep in his eventual gay crisis that he accidentally sends false hints that made Marisol think that he was gonna propose to her. And then, when she's expecting him to get on one knee, he's telling her to go the fuck home and stay there. (because dumping is still hard for him)
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Dafuq is Networking? And How Do I Do It Remotely?
Networking is one of those terms from the corporate lexicon that sounds slightly too intimate and distasteful to actually be acceptable in polite society. It sounds to me like there’s an orifice involved. Even if that orifice is, like, a USB jack and you need R2D2’s little pokey robot phallus to access it.
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You’ve probably heard someone tell you, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know!” What they’re referring to there is the power of networking, in all its antidemocratic glory! It basically means that even when armed with talent, training, education, and qualifications, you should still try to make business connections with people who have the power to advance your career goals. Make those connections to get a leg up on all the chumps you’re competing with who don’t have those connections.
Keep reading.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Types of Relationships To Help You Thrive In Life
Table of Contents:
Healthy Relationship With Yourself
Peer-To-Peer Relationship
Mentorship Relationship
Goal-Oriented/Accountability-Focused Relationship
Emotionally-Intimate Relationship
Physical/Sexually-Intimate Relationship
Acquaintance Relationships
Second-Degree Relationships
Types of Relationships:
Healthy Relationship With Yourself: Internalize and act with the knowledge that you're worthy of love, care, and nourishment, and have unconditional permission to work towards your goals & dream life. Eat healthfully, drink plenty of water, remain well-rested, move your body daily, maintain proper hygiene/a clean home, invest in your appearance to feel your best, live as a life-long learner, establish healthy habits/routines, get your finances in order, establish and maintain boundaries, make positive self-talk a priority.
Peer-To-Peer Relationship: Aka friendships, which are intended to offer mutual support and joy in life. These friendships thrive on having similar values and interests, which makes these individuals your greatest cheerleaders, advice givers/receivers, and partners in crime to have fun or offer platonic love/emotional support during traditional or difficult seasons in your life. Peer-to-peer relationships should add mutual excitement, encouragement, and emotional nourishment, and provide a soundboard for confidential information exchange, ears to listen without unnecessary or superficial judgment, and solicited advice from someone who has your best interest in mind.
Mentorship Relationship: This could be a boss, teacher, professor, aunt, uncle, or another trusted adult(s) who can guide you based on their more extensive life experience/wisdom. You can have one or several mentors at any life stage and for different purposes. These people should be trustworthy (keep your information confidential unless you state otherwise) and express their advice through the lens of your best interest rather than their own personal desires or biases (at least those left unchecked). Ensure you feel safe around these people, and their presence in your life is a mutually-nourishing relationship that allows you to grow personally, professionally, and relationally.
Goal-Oriented/Accountability-Focused Relationship: A coach, mentorship, or friendship based on the achievement of a particular goal or practice. This type of relationship can manifest as an accountability partner or support group. A therapist can also fulfill this role in your life (but like, a coach, this relationship is a one-way street to offer you emotional support/tools & resources). Some reasons for an accountability-oriented relationship include helping you achieve a certain health/fitness goal, establish better routines, advance in your career, let go of unhealthy habits, patterns, or addictions, better manage your finances, or help you get your other relationships (family, partner, friends, self-talk, boss, co-workers, etc.) in order.
Emotionally-Intimate Relationship: Someone with whom you feel an unwavering emotional closeness and connection. This person can be a partner you're involved with sexually/physically intimate with or not. Asexuality exists, of course. And emotional intimacy can definitely exist in close platonic relationships (like your best friendships) without any romantic or sexual feelings. These relationships are important because they allow you to let your emotional walls down and be your vulnerable, authentic self.
Physical/Sexually-Intimate Relationship: This relationship could be with a romantic partner, FWB, with multiple partners, purely with yourself, or somewhere in between. If you have sexual needs, it's important to find pleasurable ways to satisfy these desires in a way that makes you feel most fulfilled and respected. Let go of any shame you experience when exploring this side of yourself. Experiment and learn what you like/dislike/fantasize about. Use this information to elevate your practice and communication with any partner(s) for a heightened, more enjoyable, and potentially closer emotionally-bonding experience.
Hobby/Interest-Centric Relationship: These relationships can extend from co-workers to your friends in a certain class/the one friend you go on weekly walks with, follow a particular TV show with, exchange beauty tips with, "going out" friends, etc. While these connections aren't vulnerable to the degree of a close friendship/relationship, it is important to have some relationships that are purely based on fun, light-hearted conversations, and mutual hobbies/interests/lifestyles. Having someone to share these mutual experiences with helps you feel more connected to your environment/communities, not feel isolated/lonely when your friends, family, or intimate partner has different hobbies, career aspirations, or daily routines/lifestyle compared to you, and provides a mutual soundboard on issues, insights, and exciting moments in this particular area of your life.
Acquaintance Relationships: Everyone needs those friends, co-workers, or classmates they can just chat with when at a party, a group meeting, dinner, a special occasion, to grab a quick lunch or coffee, etc. These people are fun to be around and allow you to indulge in light, easy conversations to offer temporary social support/fulfillment. These relationships also expand your network for professional opportunities, making new friends, finding dates/a potential partner, interest groups/new hobbies, referral services/classes/spaces, and other contacts that can enrich your life.
Second-Degree Relationships: These are friend-of-a-friend type connections who can be/become your future business partners, romantic/sexual partners, co-workers, investors, hairdressers, realtors, stylists, finance managers, etc. Be ready to reciprocate these offers and be this person in others' lives, too. As your network gets broader and more dynamic, better chances and potential there is to connect with the right people to help you achieve your goals, desires, and overall life satisfaction. Success and efficiency rarely – if ever – exist in isolation.
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