#none of us thought it was gonna end that way; people are people nd sometimes we change our minds ????
seiwas · 11 months
breathe (taylor swift) is also so satosugu idk what else to say
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wizardcommune · 4 years
gundham sfw alphabet
pairing - gundham tanaka x gn!reader
warnings - none!!
word count - 1.8k
a/n - FUCK YEAH GUNDHAM (also i apologize, i got lazy near the end)
Tumblr media
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
in the beginning of the relationship, he would definitely be very hesitant to show physical or verbal affection since it wasn’t something he was used to. he’d show his love with acts of service and giving, most likely. (giving his s/o one of the devas if he knew they’d be separated for a short period of time, bringing them small trinkets he found like pretty rocks or bones, helping them with homework, etc.)
as time goes on, though, he’d become more comfortable with showing physical affection and would grow to become a huge cuddle bug!!! please hug him for me
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
literally the coolest friend ever. especially if you had an alternative fashion sense, he’d be so down to go clothes shopping with you LMAO
if you were okay initiating physical affection outside of a romantic relationship, and were able to make him comfortable with that, he’d totally be That Friend who cuddles with you all the time!! he’d never mention it though, and would die on impact if you brought it up in front of any of his other friends/classmates
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
once he’s comfortable with it, yeah! he’s definitely super touch starved because of him not having friends most of his life, so having someone to cuddle would make his brain go ^^^^^
honestly, he’s good with any position so it’s up to his s/o. he prefers being able to see their face, though
the first time he ever cuddled with them he cried :(( shh don’t tell anyone though
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
man that’s his DREAM!! the idea of just getting to live with his s/o + animals makes his serotonin machine go BRR
honestly, i think he would fucking suck at cooking. baking, however. :))
because of having to clean up after his animals and keep things out of their way, he would naturally be a pretty neat person out of habit!! i don’t think he’d mind too much if his s/o was messy though.
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
gundham already sets up so many walls, and for his s/o to be able to break those down would already mean he’d be willing to commit. i don’t think he would ever just like.... date random people for funsies, so being in a romantic relationship with someone is already so big to him.
honestly, i can’t see him being the type to want to get married. he’d definitely want to settle down! but the idea of having a traditional wedding stresses him out. (of course, that doesn’t mean he’d be any less committed :))
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
dealing with small animals like the devas has left him gentle by nature!! he doesn’t even notice it, but he is always extremely careful with his s/o with the subconscious fear of accidentally hurting them/scaring them off :(
emotion wise, i think it’d be the same. when he cares about someone (whether it be romantic or platonic) he’s always cautious of teasing them too much since he knows that it can hurt sometimes. 
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
they’re probably SO good too, like he’s the type to give those hugs that make you feel so safe. full on wraps his arms completely around you and rests his head on yours if you’re shorter (since he’d such a fucking giraffe my god)
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
it would definitely take a while for gundham to admit it. i can see him saying it on accident, like when he thinks you’re sleeping or not paying attention to him. he’d also need a lot of reassurance afterwards, just because of that initial fear of rejection
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
if he sees someone flirting with his s/o and they’re uncomfortable, he’ll immediately wrap an arm around their shoulder.
“they said they’re taken, respect that knave.”
sometimes he does get insecure that’s he’s too much for his s/o, considering he’s an evil tyrant, and that they might want to leave him for someone who’s..... not an evil tyrant.... (once again, please give him a hug)
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
like i said before, he’s very gentle when it comes to affection so his kisses are vv soft!! he’ll always hold their chin or one of their hands.
his favorite places to kiss his s/o are probably their forehead and hands!!
he loves being kissed everywhere, but he really likes neck kisses and any kisses around his face :^)
l = little ones (How are they around children?)
he’s great with kids!! he’d tell them stories of how he defeated different warlocks that tried to test him, or giant manticores he tamed.
i think he’d really like kids too, mostly because they’re so easy to impress LMAO
it inflates his ego a little bit whenever one gets really into one of his stories
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
if he wakes up before his s/o, he’d gently pull them into a hug while he waits for them to wake up (sobbing)
morning voice morning voice morning voice morning voice morning v
he memorized how his s/o likes their tea/coffee and will make it really groggily HAHA
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
okokok hear me out
i think that gundham is a really good singer, so he would 100% sing u to sleep
he’d be embarrassed as hell though LMAOO
he’d probably cuddle them before they fall asleep and talk about each other’s days or just random stuff until they get tired
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
i think a few months into their friendship? he would talk about his childhood randomly, but would prefer if they don’t make a huge deal about it.
he’d open up more if his s/o did first! he would take it as they trust him enough to talk about it.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
it depends on the person! with someone like hiyoko, he can get pissed pretty quickly, but his patience is VERY thick with his s/o. generally, it takes a lot to anger him. 
that being said, if they put themself in danger he would get ticked off out of fear.
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
especially in the beginning of their relationship when he was hesitant about physical/verbal affection, he would focus heavily on listening to them. he really wanted to show them that he respects them a lot, and remembering small things they mentioned would convey that well.
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
after coming out of the shower, he walked in to see them asleep on his couch with the devas curled up on top of their chest. he went to go lay down with them and it just kind of.. hit him. that he wasn’t alone anymore and they loved and were there for him. :( 
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he’s very protective!! (especially if you’re in the killing game) the thought of something happening to you is his worst fear. 
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
if his s/o asks him to do something in passing, you BET he’s gonna make sure he does his best
he keeps track of anniversaries/important dates religiously because he’s terrified of accidentally forgetting LMAO
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
sometimes i think he might come off as cold when embarrassed because his persona is so important to him, but if they expressed being upset he would backtrack SO fast
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
not very much?? like, i think he would brag about his hair or something sometimes but he’s always joking LMAO
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes and no? if something ever happened to his s/o, he would feel horribly empty for a time. but i also think that being in a relationship could help him not feel so lonely and teach him better ways to take care of himself, so if they were to ever split he would be able to heal after he got over the initial sadness.
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he’s a Mitski Understander (TM) his favorite songs are crack baby, pink in the night, and i bet on losing dogs, i’m up for debate
and yes i absolutely will be making a gundham playlist
i don’t know if this counts since i’m 90% projecting, but i hc him as trans and ND so like. solidarity if you are too wink wonk
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
a/n - just so everyone knows, i honestly think every character would be fine with any type of person since projecting is so important to a lot of us. these are just my personal headcanons, and if they don’t apply to you please don’t take it personally!! <3
i think he would really want a kind s/o. especially with what he’s been through, someone who’s gentle/patient would mean the world to him
also someone who likes animals!! they mean so much to him and were basically his entire life until he met the others, so having someone who shared that interest would make him so happy
z = zzz (what is a sleep habits of theirs?)
it’s not uncommon for him to sleep with his animals!! he mostly just sleeps with the devas though; he would probably place them near his head or on his chest so he wouldn’t accidentally roll on them.
he also really likes cuddling with his s/o when they sleep! he wouldn’t mind being the big or little spoon, either.
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klugpuuo · 3 years
almost every puyo~tet single-character headcanon wie have
every character we've put more than three minutes of thought into are gonna be in this post. this *does* leave out a lot of characters, but still includes so many that hopefully that'll make up for it. ^also i forgot about this entirely while writing and tried to add a few characters i literally never think about everat all so you get extra funny commentary i guess
welp! enjoy the ride. and dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe (/lh)
warnings: mentions food, implied self-harm, delusions (not inherently triggering but still), general violence, some madou-era content, death. (more to be added + ask to tag) none of the things mentioned are in much detail.
Madou Monogatari / OG Puyo~Puyo characters:
Arle – 16 (chronologically 20 due to the Madou time stop but doesn’t realize it), has PTSD and ADHD + nonbinary transfem + sex-repulsed and questioning (she/he/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-Her armor was made into a sort of magical puberty blocker by her grandmother, who knew Arle was trans and wanted her to live her life to the fullest. -Although she has never been in an (official) romantic relationship, she’s usually the first person her friends go to for relationship advice. -She stims a lot, usually by twirling her hair around or jumping.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: She’s in a vaguely romantic relationship with Serilly. “Vaguely” as in they go on dates frequently, kiss a lot, and would live together if they could, but neither is sure if they are actually dating. Friends: She adores Ringo and Amitie and wants to protect both of them – not in the super creepy and sorta patronizing way, but in the “she really cares about them and their well-being” way. Despite thinking that Schezo is an absolute fool at times, she still cares about him quite a bit. She’s come to regret what she did all those years ago, and is determined to make sure that Schezo never remembers it.
Schezo – ~200, has ADHD and PTSD + transmasc + homosexual (he/it/gore)
Assorted headcanons:
-Although he can be away from his sword, it’s bonded to his body so strongly that if he is too far away from it for too long he becomes incredibly weak. -He borrowed a thesaurus from Aya and Klug and is not planning on ever giving it back. -He doesn’t remember a single thing that happened before Puyo~7, and can hardly remember anything from then until Puyo~Tetris 2. -After learning about tone indicators, he begins to put “/nx” at the end of *all* of his messages online. Although a few people make fun of him for it, many people find it either endearing or some form of cool, and he’s affectionately known as “the /nx anon” in a few social circles. -His main special interests are forging and dark magic (good for him <3)
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes: He has a slight crush on Lemres, and thinks that Incubus is.. interesting. He also thinks Witch is cute but can’t tell if that’s a crush or what. (Good) friends: He considers Arle to be his best friend, and she’s usually the first person he’d go to for anything. The two actually lived together for a while. Although he thinks Rulue is a fool at times, he still cares about her and thinks she’s pretty impressive. Enemies...?: He once was always looking to pick a fight with Satan, but after (rather awkwardly) remembering that he once saw the prince as a father, he mostly stopped doing that.
Rulue – ~40-ish?, experiences delusions + cis lass + questioning (she/her and a few neopronouns)
Assorted headcanons:
-She’s not sure why there are so many people who are like her and at this point she’s wondering if it really is just a coincidence. -She secretly wishes that she could join Arle, Schezo and Witch’s arm-wrestling sessions, but as they’ve been going on for so long without her she feels almost awkward asking. -Although she still experiences delusions sometimes, she’s gotten a lot better at telling what’s true and what’s false.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner… sorta?: She’s sort of in a QPR with Raffina, and they go on platonic dates a lot. (Good) friends: She’s quite good friends with Arle, especially since she’s no longer chasing after Satan. Speaking of Satan, as she’s no longer absolutely obsessed with him she’s actually beginning to get along well with him, and the two regularly have friendly battles.
Witch – >16, might be NT + cis lass + omni (she/it)
Assorted headcanons:
-The only thing she can transform people or things into without help of a potion is mushrooms. -She’s surprisingly strong and quite good at arm wrestling. -She’s not sure if she had any sort of neurodiversities, but she doesn’t really care either way.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes…?: She might have feelings for Arle, but even she doesn’t have any clue. She’s also.. interested in Feli, as she sees Feli as quite the interesting person. Family: She’s an orphan, although she doesn’t mind it. (Good) friends: She’s okay-ish friends with Schezo, and the two usually do arm wrestling matches with Arle in their free time.
Satan – ~3000<, only god knows + cis trans man (somehow less than a joke) + pansexual (he/it)
Assorted headcanons:
-As he’s so old and has changed his physical appearance so many times, he’s completely forgotten his original sex, if he even had one. -After getting very literally schooled by Raffina, he realized that his plans to acquire Arle were just never going to work, and after a while of self-reflection he decided that he’d rather spend the rest of eternity doing other things he liked than chasing around an underage lass. -Due to having completely remade the world himself, he feels almost completely disconnected from it. All the people he used to know.. aren’t the same, and it’s destroying him.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: Misses his dead wife a lot, but is now happily dating (nd half-joke married to) Ex (Chosen) family: After Satan had a good long think about everything, he realized that he did actually care about Lidelle a lot, and now properly sees her as a little sister. Friends: He’s on good terms with Rulue and actually properly hangs out with her sometimes. -
Serilly – >16, has anxiety and experiences delusions + trans lass + questioning (she/her)
Assorted headcanons:
-hgnggng operea
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: She may or may not be dating Arle. (Chosen) family: Although she’s presumably an orphan, she has Suketoudara, who she sees as an older brother figure. Best friend: She platonically loves Harpy a lot, and the two of them spend a lot of time together. - Suketoudara – ~30, NT + about as cis guy as a fish can get + polysexual (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-I literally do not think about this guy
Relationship headcanons:
Sibling serilly
Puyo Fever (2) characters:
Amitie – 14 and a half, autistic + binary transfem + fem-leaning panromantic (she/fae/flare)
Assorted headcanons:
-She found out that she was trans when she was 7 years old, and managed to convince her parents to let her transition when she was 12. -She taught herself how to bake, and Arle taught her how to cook more salty things. She regularly makes lunches for her friends, even if they already have their own. -She cares a lot about Sig’s ladybug friend and usually “babysits” them when Sig has to leave to wherever. -Raffina and her are the only two with two parents who haven’t divorced and/or died, but as Amitie's parents are almost always at work she doesn't get to talk to them very much. -She stims by twirling her hair when it’s long, or squishing a puyo-shaped stress ball when it’s short.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: She’s in a QPR with Sig and Klug, and says she wouldn’t give it up for the world. Crushes: She has a huge crush on Ringo, and a squish on Ess, but she doesn’t think either of them feel the same way. (Chosen) family: She feels rather lucky having contact with both her mother and father, as most of her friends don’t have contact with their own parents. Also, she looks up to Arle a lot, and sees them as an older sibling. Friends(?): Nobody can tell what exactly her relationship with Raffina is, but the most common theory is that they’ve kissed at least twice. Even during Lidelle’s fight with Sig, Amitie supported her, knowing she truly did regret her actions and it was mostly just a big misunderstanding.
Klug – 14 and three quarts, autistic and has ADHD + transmasc nonbinary + ace/aroflux (he/they/wir)
Assorted headcanons:
-Although he had initially asked to be called by neopronouns just as a joke, he found he actually liked the wir/worm set a lot, and now tends to go by that exclusively on some days. -On one night he doesn’t remember, all of his cosmetic glasses were mysteriously destroyed, along with all his contact lenses. After that, he stuck to just one pair of functional glasses -He was gifted an “EiPod” by Ringo and Amitie, although only the latter took credit for it. -He stims by humming, writing, and aggressively cleaning his glasses.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: He’s in a QPR with Sig and Amitie, and secretly wants to leave Primp and travel the world with them both. Chosen family: He sees Feli as both a rival and a sister, and now has come to see Lemres as an older-sibling figure of sorts. Friend: He’s on good terms with Lidelle, and she’s one of the only people who’s younger than he is that he still treats with respect. Rivals(?): He thinks Raffina is pretty rude, and he never lets her go without remembering that he’s better friends with Amitie than she is for more than a month.
Sig – 15, autistic and has ADHD + transmasc demilad + biromantic (he/bug/they/it)
Assorted headcanons:
-Doesn’t consider any sort of bug to be his “favorite”, but has a soft spot for ladybeetles, stag beetles and fireflies. -After a failed attempt at acquiring Sig’s power, Aya accidentally gave Sig half of its own power, causing Sig to become slightly more than just a half-demon. -After he scratched himself one too many times, Amitie and Lidelle worked together to make a glove for Sig’s claw hand. -His main special interests are both bugs and history, and he usually stims by repeating words he likes.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: He’s mostly queerplatonic, partially romantic partners with both Amitie and Klug. During the first half week of their relationship, he was the only one the two felt comfortable cuddling with, which he was completely fine with. Family: Although initially Sig and Aya were almost enemies, they managed to reach an agreement after being left alone together and now see each other as both family and friends. Friends: He’s pretty good friends with Lidelle, and he helps her with bug-related problems whenever she has any. He’s also pretty good friends with Raffina even if they don’t hang out much and he still has trouble with her name. Enemies: Schezo.
Raffina – 16, has (canonical) imposter syndrome + transfem + pansexual demiromantic (she/her)
Assorted headcanons:
-As her family is very upper middle class, she was able to medically transition almost immediately after coming out. -She once tried to start a Primp Town Fight Club. It did not go well. -She’s the only person aside from Amitie that has two parents that did not abandon her and are not divorced. Unlike Amitie, however, only her mother works, so she gets to talk to her father frequently.
Relationship headcanons:
Crush: She secretly wants to kiss Lidelle really badly. (Good) friends: Although she was slightly distanced from them during the whole fight ordeal, she’s quite good friends with all the ASK trio. She’s pretty friendly with Ess.
Lidelle – 14, has social anxiety + cis lass + questioning (she/her)
Assorted headcanons:
-She feels genuinely sorry for what she did and said to Sig and those bugs, and she’s proud of herself for apologizing. -She likes playing with marbles and has made pretty big marble “race” courses in the past. -She doubts her self-worth a lot, and is worried that others don’t take her very seriously.
Relationship headcanons:
Chosen family: Despite not having any surviving biological family, she’s found a family in the form of Draco and Satan, who have been taking care of her for some time now. Best friend: Lidelle hangs out with Raffina almost constantly, and she considers Raf to be her very best friend. Good friends.. again: After a very large fight with Sig over the fact that her flesh-eating plants killed some of his bugs, she and Sig stopped being friends for a bit. After a lot of talking with Amitie and Raffina, she realized her mistake, and she apologized to Sig – and to her surprise, Sig apologized back. Even during the fight, she and Amitie stayed friends, and Ami gave her a lot of emotional support. She looks up to Klug, although Klug sees her as an equal and even spares a warm smile for her during some of his most jerk-y moments.
Lemres – 35, autistic, has SAD and PTSD + transmasc and nonbinary + aroflux/aceflux (they/them, he/him and any candy-related neopronouns)
Assorted headcanons:
-They are actually entirely blind due to personal reasons, and sewed their eyes shut as to not freak others out too much. They “see” by feeling the magic of their environment, and cannot “see” in low-magic areas (they also cannot read faces. At all.) -They have a sort of “vacation house” near Primp which they visit during the summer or any free time they have. The fact that it was built so close to Primp was a coincidence, but something they like very much. -Schezo occasionally “visits” the vacation house for a few months before running off on some random adventure for whatever reason. -Their broom was broken, presumably by Witch as they had fought with her not too long before that. -Su has a certain type of magic that allows sucre to read minds (or at least meaning). -His type of magic does not work on demons for a plethora of reasons. -They usually stim by twirling their staff around and messing with what remains of their broom.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: They’re in a weird sort-of relationship with Schezo. The relationship informally started after Schezo assisted Lemres during a restless period and it doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon. (Chosen) family: Although they want to keep their distance from their biological family, they’ve found a new family in Primp in the form of the ASK trio (Good) friends: They’re very close to Accord, having know her since Highschool (and even before she made Poipoi).
Feli – 16 and a half, experiences delusions and has disorders + transfem + bisexual (she/her evi/evil go/goth)
Assorted headcanons:
-Rather compulsory heterosexuality with her. She doesn’t actually have that much love for Lemres, mainly just lust and a feeling that she has to date or marry him. -She personally believes sharing one’s birthday with someone else is a sign of extreme trust due to Zodiac reasons. -She feels like her gender is influenced by gothic aesthetics, but can’t really describe it further.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes: She still very obviously has a crush on Lemres, although it’s starting to lessen now that Lemres is in a closed relationship. (Chosen) family: She sees Klug as an annoying little brother, although he’s marginally more mature than she is. (Good) friends: She’s pretty good friends with Lidelle and Raffina.
Accord/Poipoi – ???? + cis lass and agender respectively + god knows (she/her for accord, he/it for poipoi)
Assorted headcanons:
-Accord secretly really likes hitting things with her hammer to the point where she’d go quite far in order to get a chance to do so. However, she would never readily admit this as she finds it to be incredibly childish. -Only Accord knows what happened to Lemres’s eyes. -During Highschool, Accord enchanted a puppet and gave it its own thoughts, personality, dreams, etc. That puppet was quite obviously Poipoi.
Relationship headcanons:
(Good) friends: Accord is close friends with Lemres, having known him since Highschool (she was his upperclassman by a few years) and never passes up a chance to talk to him. Poipoi managed to make friends with Aya in a particularly independent moment where it ran away.
Ayashii – >800, has a lot of trauma + whats a gender + (it/any neos/they/he/she)
Assorted headcanons:
-It genuinely forgot what a gender was because gender is so unimportant to it. -It somehow found a way to continue being friends with the puppy it rescued, even going so far as to teaching them the difference between it and Klug. -As it has extreme claustrophobia, it tends to take very long walks whenever it’s using Klug’s body.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes???: Aya has some interest in Lemres and Schezo, but isn’t entirely sure what kind of interest. (Chosen) family: It’s beginning to see Klug as a son of sorts, and recognizes Sig as its descendent. huh what: It doesn’t trust Accord at all, especially knowing (and being friends with) Poipoi as an individual.
Yu and Rei - ??? + phasmaeic + (both use she/he/they gho/ghost spec/spectre and dar/dark)
- - -
Relationship headcanons:
Puyo~7 characters:
Ringo – 16, ??? + questioning (demigirl?) + bisexual (she/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-She’s questioning pretty much every single thing about her identity and beliefs to the point where she’s actually been having frequent migraines because of it. -She’s not at all proud to admit it, but she’s not-so-secretly envious of Maguro’s “beauty beam”. -She eats a LOT of things that you’re not meant to eat, to the point where everyone except for Sig (who does the same) is worried for her.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes: She has small crushes on both Amitie and Tee, although she likes Amitie a *bit* more. Epic friends: She’s best friends with Maguro, and he’s one of the few people she properly trusts (not for edgy reasons, just because). A lot of people assume she’s dating him, which makes her feel pretty uncomfortable, but she doesn’t feel like she can really blame them.
Maguro – 16, has ADHD and PTSD (latter from AU) + questioning + bisexual (he/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-He’s questioning the same stuff as Ringo, although he’s a lot more chill about it. -He was pretty scarred, emotionally and physically, after an unfortunate incident concerning a badly thought-out prank, a fishing net, and a timer set to one month -He remembers all of his trauma in perfect clarity, and has good memory overall.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner:He’s been in a romantic relationship with Tee for a few months, and so far it’s been really nice. Best friend: He’s best friends with Ringo, and he feels really comfortable around her. They share almost everything, and are planning on moving in together once they get the chance to have a proper house. Good friends: Although Ris moved away to study abroad a while back, they still send a lot of gifts and letters to him on a regular basis. Also, they’ve been staying in contact with Ess ever since the whole beauty pageant thing and the two go shopping when they’re both free.
Risukuma – 19, NT + trans man + male-leaning pansexual (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-He’s incredibly interested in all types of love -After graduating school, he decided to study abroad to learn more about other cultures (and of course, love). -He really likes music, even having written some of his own songs in the past. One of his favorite bands is IDKHOW.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner: Despite only having interacted a few times, he’s quite good “friends” with Ai. Good friends: After moving away from Suzuran, he’s not been able to hang out with Ringo or Maguro as much, but he still sends them letters and gifts on a regular basis. What: He does not want to know about Ecolo. Do not tell him about Ecolo.
Ecolo – ageless and has so many disorders (affectionate??) + gender + probably so (it/they/he/she/other in that order)
Assorted headcanons:
-If asked, it would describe its gender as “Once In A Lifetime” by Talking Heads. -It’s trying really really hard to respect Ringo’s boundaries nowadays, and not just because she refused to acknowledge its existence for a whole week after it accidentally hurt her. -It can change into its human form at will; however, if it wants to stay in that form for more than a few hours at a time, it has to actually sleep for several days straight. -In its humanoid form, it sports several scars. -It genuinely loves fidget spinners and has this really creepy one it carries everywhere.
Relationship headcanons:
Crush: You know it wants to kiss Ringo so bad. Friends: Ex-friends with Satan because Ringo hates him. Pretty alright friends with Ex and Marle, not entirely sure what to think about Squares. Uh…: After.. an accident it caused, Maguro started to be able to remember it.
Puyo~Tetris characters:
Tee – 16, + trans man + questioning (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-He can’t pronounce any name longer than four letters long. Somehow, the worst case of this is with Ringo and Maguro’s names. -Having transitioned at a very young age and only interacting with one lass for most of his life, he has a lot of internalized sexism. After Ringo points this out, he starts trying to work on it, but he hasn’t been doing very well so far. -He’s also trying really hard to find a balance between being too basic and too over-the-top, but..
Relationship headcanons:
Partner: He’s been in a romantic relationship with Maguro for a few months. It’s been really nice, but as this is his first relationship he tends to go all-out with everything, causing Maguro to get rather flustered. Crush: Although he’s very hesitant to admit it, he has a pretty big crush on Ringo and wants to kiss her. Chosen family: O is his parent, Ess and Ai are his siblings, and the twins are his messed up if true gay cousins. Friend: He’s pretty good friends with Sig because of their shared inability to correctly pronounce Raffina’s name.
O – infinite, ??? + ???? + probably gay? ????? (any and all pronouns)
Assorted headcanons:
-I cannot reasonably take myself seriously trying to make headcanons for this godforsaken cloud cube -Squares themself made this thing (on accident?) -Anger management issues incarnate
Relationship headcanons:
Parnter: Kissed Carbuncle once eChidle: Tee is its son
Ex – ~40, has autism, minor intrusive thoughts and (canon) depression + some form of Guy + yes (he/they)
Assorted headcanons:
-He’s not sure how he identifies gender- and sexuality-wise and feels as if he’s too old to try to figure that out (which isn’t true, but still) -He genuinely misses Ess and Ai a lot and is unendingly grateful for the chance to see them both again. -His intrusive thoughts are usually fairly easy to deal with, but can sometimes get pretty bad if he’s left alone for too long.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners: I’m pretty sure he has an ex-wife somewhere and that scares me. Also he kisses Satan every day of his life (Chosen) family: He misses his children, Ess and Ai, so much. (Good) friends: He’s become reluctant friends with Ecolo, and very good friends with Marle and Squares.
Jay & Elle – 13, autistic and have separation anxiety + nonbinary + ??? (they/them)
Assorted headcanons:
-Individually they’re okay with all pronouns, but nobody can reasonably refer to them as separate entities. -After a few people asked them, they stopped bullying Ai as much, but they still “prank” him a lot. -They were separated exactly once. It was not a very good time for them.
Relationship headcanons:
Partners:They’re queerplatonic partners with Yu and Rei, since that’s just kind of what happens when you’re two sets of evil twins who like bothering others. Friends: They don’t really have many friends as their creepiness scares people off a lot, but they like hanging out with Ecolo (even if they forget about it a lot)
Ai – 20, has pretty severe anxiety + transmasc + bisexual (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-He found out that he was trans after he managed to get a sort of wi-fi thing going during a five-month-long stay in a densely-packed asteroid belt. He had actually medically transitioned before that, but nobody on the SS Tetra had the word for it. -He has exactly one large scar from a prank gone horribly wrong. Otherwise, he’s not been seriously injured by anything the twins have done. - Recently he’s started to become slightly braver in general thanks to a lot of therapy and emotional support from his boyfriend, this has allowed him to stand up to the twins a lot more. He is also more physically strong, and plans to drop kick them both someday.
Relationship headcanons:
Partner: He kisses Risukuma on the daily Chosen family: As he canonically sees Ex as a father, he headcanonically sees Ess as a sister. Pure hatred(/j): He’s no longer as afraid of the tetra twins, and sometimes even manages to prank them back on good days.
Ess – ~15, only ex knows. Has serious abandonment issues, apparently canon(?!?!) PTSD, and so many things + cis demilass + lesbiab (she/they/ze)
Assorted headcanons:
-She actually has a job, and on the last weekend of every month she goes shopping with Maguro (or Amitie if he’s busy) on Saturday and Raffina on Sunday with the money she gets. -She kinda wishes that she were more physically strong for a multitude of minor reasons. -Ess doesn’t actually know how to say Ringo’s name and tries really hard to hide that fact.
Relationship headcanons:
Crushes:She’s absolutely in love with Amitie, although she’s in very deep denial about it. Chosen family: She sees Ai as a brother, and the two bond over the fact that Ex totally ditched them to go patch up dimensions or whatever. Speaking of Ex, she’s very recently found it in her heart to maybe forgive him for leaving her when she was young, although she still is a long ways away from seeing him as a father again. Friends: She and Raffina hang out and talk about their insecurities a lot.
Zed – uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (he/him)
Assorted headcanons:
-uhhhhhhhhhh -I genuinely don’t think of this guy He reminds me too much of my ex-chosen-father -…to be added.
Relationship headcanons:
Ess is his belovt daughter that’s all you need to know.
Additional headcanons:
-Most of the Madou Monogatari gang feel entirely disconnected from what’s left of their humanity, so they identify with it/its along with whichever other pronouns they use. -Sig, Dark Sig, and the evil Sig from Sig’s Secret are all different entities. -Speaking of Dark Sig, they can actually purr, although Sig himself cannot. Klug thinks this is incredibly interesting and actually conducted several half-serious experiments to try to figure out why. -All of the SS Tetra crew see each other as family, although some have more clearly defined views of that. None of them have any romantic or sexual interest in any other member.
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thechangeling · 3 years
The main reason why I'm like "omg they let mark go drinking alone-" is bc I make really bad decisions when I'm on my own, partially due to adhd and partially due to anxiety
I think Mark is hilarious and I love him very much
Ok I actually thought s lot about how I wanted to respond to this because I have a lot of thoughts and a communication disability. Bad combo.
But basically first and foremost when I call something out I'm not neccesarily saying it's inherently ableist or offensive to the community as a whole. I don't speak for the community as a whole. I can't, that's like thousands of people. I speak for myself. When I say I have a problem with something I mean me personally. I'm talking about how I feel.
I get the whole making self deprecating comments about being a disaster and not being able to do certain things because I make those comments too. It's pretty common. But the issue with that is a number of things. First of all, nt people will pick up on that and put that energy back out into the world towards you and other nd people. And second of all, other nd people hear you and what you say about yourself and internalize it. This goes the same for what you say about fictional characters. I had to learn this lesson the hard way.
I'm not gonna tell you that you might be being to hard on yourself or selling yourself short because it's honestly none of my business. But what I do know is that it can often be a self fulfilling prophecy. You tell yourself that you can't do something or other people will tell you, and then it becomes harder to do it. Or down right impossible. Because you believe it.
For example, I get lost A LOT. I mean A LOT. So taking the bus used to be impossible for me. My friends used to make fun of me for it and make jokes like "Fae has no sense of direction omg so funny 😂😂" and "they could end up in another province by accident if we let them!" I used to think it was funny.
But what was happening was essentially
A) I was letting nts bully me for my ADHD and autism essentially.
And B) I was internalizing it and not even trying anymore.
So I sat down with my mom and came up with a plan for getting on the bus. I'll spare you the details but it involves lists and written directions and detailed step by step checking in. And it works!!! I can take the bus now.
And I know that sometimes it's just not doable. There are certain things as an nd person that you just genuinely cannot do no matter what. But some if it in my experience is also you just haven't found the right accommodations.
Also being an nd adult, an autistic adult especially you get infantilized A LOT. And it really pisses me off. People say we can't do all kinds of things. But most of it literally depends on the person. Sure some of us can't go to college or graduate. That's fine. But then suddenly neurotypicals are all "awww look at them! They'll never graduate ir go to college because they have... you know... *whisper voice* special needs!"
And it pisses me off!
The problem is neurotypicals love to generalize and say one size fits all and that's what I was getting annoyed about with Mark because it wasn't just you. I trust that you love Mark. It's mostly just the vibe that feels all too familiar and I was getting upset by that.
Does this make sense?
Anyways I hope I didn't offend you or anything I was just mostly pissed at ✨society✨
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cracknoir · 3 years
not really headcanons more just pretentious shit i wanted to type out - sometimes it’s good to listen to yourself talk ok 
i quite like writing with npc’s because it gives me a chance to like show what jimmy’s like to people he perceives as below him. i always feel like people i interact with get a sort of skewed view of the sort of guy jimmy actually is cos he has time for them, but i also never write with npcs because if i do i end up writing absolute fucking essays 
i used to rp deadpool and i think that’s why i just say all the crack stuff i write is canon 
this might sound like a dumb thing to say but i have to do things to write. i need to be out exploring and talking to people and it usually inspires me a lot without me noticing. like im not saying i NEED to go on a walk in the woods to start writing but i always find once i’ve done that kind of stuff when i get back i usually have Ideas™. the rule goes that you only ever want to write when you can’t write, for me at least. most of this shit is just daydreams i have at work. that said time’s also the enemy. last night i went out for a walk and by the time i was home i was just too fucked
music plays a big part in what i write but sometimes this fucks me up, sometimes i spend ages looking for the “right song” to write something when really i write just as well when i have like, lofi beats to study to on 
ive been thinking about writing more short stories, or vibes as i’ve been calling them. love writing those sort of out of context drabbles that i’ve been doing lately, maybe i could do them about more than just these characters  🤔 🤔 🤔 maybe i’ll write something about my cowboy mans  🤔 🤔 🤔
if i do some short vibes about my cowboy oc with no icons would people like be down for that 
scratch that i’m gonna do it and you can’t stop me 
i did it and it’s in the queue oops 
also this has been in my drafts so long that i’ve just started doing the vibes thing. i hope nobody’s taking it personally but work’s really kicked into gear the past couple days 
actual headcanons tho
i recently found out that the mercenary business in america has a large overlap with nazis however i always thought that alex specifically worked with nazis, this said i’d probably never write anything related to that on this blog. i do have a sidestory in my head where jimmy goes down to florida and ends up killing a bunch of nazis but not like, bc of the morals or anything 
also this doesn’t bug me at all and i’d never correct anyone bc lbr assassin is a cooler word but assassin relates to political killings usually, if your character kills for money they’re a mercenary BUT ALSO i think mercenary usually has connotations of like military training??? i should reiterate this isn’t an actual gripe i have, but none of my characters are assassins
jimmy won’t go outside to smoke. dont even bother asking him to unless you want trouble. 
jimmy’s faked his death ONCE canonically but also maybe as a shitposty joke ye he’s done it like five times. i mean, the best way to celebrate someones birthday is to gaslight them into thinking ur dead 
been thinkin bout growin a mullet but same with growing a Big Beard there’s this gross inbetween bit that i’m like nah 
jimmy and jack and brad and rasputin are all wildlife mans. the rest are city slickers that wouldn’t last two rotations of the sun without at least 4 bars of signal on their Damn Fone 
jack steals lighters and the worst part is you barely even notice him doing it. if he’s been on a night out he’ll wake up with like, 18 different lighters 
it’s unclear whether the ufos frankie sees are real, just plains, or if he’s just an attention seeking prick. i don’t think he sees actual aliens but he has a log of ufo encounters he’s had 
on the same note, molly loved urban exploring 
death loves ice cream, especially bubblegum flavor 
yes. satan did lose that fiddling contest. everyone should stop talking about it. 
Claude’s killed roughly about 60 people 
Molly, Jack, little jake and jimmy will drive around for no reason just doing numerous drugs. sometimes it’s coke but they mostly just smoke weed and once they drove around sniffing mdma 
jimmy hates speed but still does it. jack hates ketamine but still does it if offered. 
u can tell what jack’s up to by what he offers u when u first walk into his house. if he offers you a coffee, you’ll probably be offered a smoke next, if he offers u a drink, you’ll probably be offered a line next. 
also jack bought a fancy coffee maker and makes like caramel coffees nd shit 
i really need to cut this shit off this post’s getting too long 
consider this shit cut off 
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khiphop-stories · 5 years
Getting Off The Wrong Foot
[Christian Yu | Chapter X]
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Warning: This chapter is quite long, consider it a double update, since I suck at posting regularly lol. A lot of things happening in this chapter, I hope you like it! Feedback is always appreciated!  Stay safe and healthy guys!
Previous Chapters:
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX
”So…what’s up Jay?” You mustered his face through narrowed eyes as your suspicion grew. It would be a lie to said you didn’t think this was weird. Jay had just appeared at your office without prior announcement and insisted on having lunch with you, so now here you two were — sitting across from each other and finishing the last bites of your meal, pretending like you didn’t just have a huge argument the other day. You talked about all kinds of topics like you always used to with the exception of one. But it was only a matter of time until one of you had to address it in order to sort it out. 
“I-I haven’t been a very good friend to you lately…I guess I’m trying to make up for it,” Jay stuttered as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He was never really a big talker. That’s why a lot of people always described him as cold and distant, sometimes they would go as far as call him rude. He found it incredibly hard to express his feelings or show his emotions, but he always tried his best with you. You saw his efforts, even just the slightest attempt was good enough for you.
“It’s ok,” you reassured him with a warm smile. 
“It’s really not. I was a little bit selfish,“ he let out a long sigh followed by silence. “What do you mean?” You titled your head, blinking your eyes at him confused.
“Honestly? I really wanted Kiseok and you to get back together. I wanted for all of us to hang out like we used to do. I missed having you around. That’s why I pushed you into forgiving him.”
“I don’t know if I can forgive him, Jay.”
“I know,“ he nodded his head. “You don’t have to. He hurt you. You have every right to be mad at him. I’m not gonna meddle in your relationships anymore.”
“Relationships? Plural?” You cocked up a brow at him. Jay had always been a rather nosy person, especially regarding your relationships. He always gave you dating tips and it was Jay who played cupid, when both Kiseok and you were too shy and cautious to make the first step, even though it was painfully obvious to anyone around you that you had feelings for each other. Jay hesitated a moment before answering.
“You and Christian…” 
“There’s no me and Christian,” you let out a brief chuckle in disbelief, rolling your eyes at him. Considering what had occurred in the past between them, you understood why Jay bore a grudge against Christian, but there wasn’t anything going on between the two of you. It was merely sex. “I’ve told you it’s not like that.” “I know, but what I’m trying to say is…I wouldn’t mind…even if it were like that.” “Thanks, but that’s not gonna happen,” you denied it without hesitation. You let out a brief laugh. Whatever Jay was insinuating was so unlikely that it sounded ridiculous to you. Christian had showed no interest in you and he made it clear that he wasn’t looking for something serious whereas you were still struggling to get over your ex.
“I saw him looking after you at the launching party.”
“So?” “Live was about to perform. There were some issues backstage.” “So?” You repeated even more impatient than before, not understanding what he was trying to get at. “He should have fixed the issue himself or at least waited for them to get fixed. He’s part of their crew after all, but instead he went after you. Because in that moment you were more important to him than the performance.”
“You’re reading way too much into it, Jay,” you laughed, gently shaking your head at him. 
There must have been a simple explanation for this, you thought. Christian probably went looking for me to help fix whatever issues they were having and then got entangled in a conversation with me and he simply forgot his initial intention - and there it was again and this time you even caught yourself doing it. Yet again you expected the worst of him. You treated him like a person who was unable to care and show affection. 
“Whatever, that’s not the point,” Jay chirped in. “I’m just saying…don’t hold back because of me. If you like him, just go for—.”
“I don’t like him…not like that” you cut him off immediately. 
“I’m saying, if.” “There’s no if,” you strongly denied again. 
“Ok fine,” Jay laughed at your insistence. “Then let’s just say, whatever you…want to do, I’ll have your back.”
[Time Leap]
Out of everything that had happened the other day at the Nike launching party, it were Christian’s words that lingered on your mind. No matter what you were doing, the things he has said to you just kept following you like a shadow. The worst thing of it all was the he was right and you caught yourself doing exactly what he had accused you of. The moment you had met him, you expected the worst from him. He could have been the kindest and most caring guy in the world, yet at the back of your head he would still be the heartless womanizer. He never did anything that would justify why you thought so badly of him. But you let the past you thought you knew about him define him. You let the rumors you had heard about him shape the picture you had of him. None of it was fair to him.
The surprise was written across his face, his eyes and mouth were frozen wide open. It took a second or two for him process what was right in front of him. “I didn’t think I’d see you again,” his eyes softened at you and the corners of his mouth curled upwards into a small smile.
“I-I came to return your jacket.” You lifted the brown paper bag in your hands up, before handing it to him. He pushed himself up from his chair and took it back into his possession.
“Thanks.” His eyes never left yours. He didn’t even break the eye contact to check the content of the bag. 
“You were right…I judged you.” You paused for him to say something, but he didn’t so an awkward silenced took over. He didn’t give off the impression that he wanted to break it, so you continued speaking.
“I guess it would be a lot easier for me if you were the guy from the rumors.”
“Why?” He furrowed his brows at you, the tone of his voice reflecting the confusion that was on his face.
“Then I wouldn’t get attached to you,” you told him honestly and it felt like you were stripping down naked. You had never showed yourself so vulnerable in front of anyone, not even Kiseok. You had always keep your pride and dignity with him, but standing here in front of Christian you tossed all of that away. 
“I don’t mind if you do.”
You cocked up a brow and eyed him with disbelief as a quiet chuckle left your lips.
“You’re kidding, right?”
“You think I’ll leave? Well, I’m not. Whether we fuck or not.”
“So, if I were to say that I…wanted to stop sleeping with you—“
“I’d still listen to you whine about Kiseok,” he added playfully, a smile played on his lips. 
“Why?” “Believe it or not, I care about you and by the way Minhee, you already ended it.”
“When did I do such thing?” You furrowed your eyebrows, pretending not to know what he was talking about. “When you were trying to be considerate towards Jay’s feelings.”
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” you shrugged your shoulders indifferently. Of course you remembered, after all you had replayed the conversation with him inside of your head again and again. However, despite what you had said, you weren’t ready to give up on your only escape from reality. Right now Christian was one of the few things that you looked forward to and kept you sane. You weren’t ready to deal with your feelings and broken heart yet, running away from your problems was way more appealing to you. “I guess you’re taking it back then?” Christian nodded his head knowingly as a teasing grin spread across his face. 
He took a step towards you, shortening the distance between the two of you. He stared deep into your eyes. He cupped your cheek that was slowly turning red. “Does that mean I’m still allowed to do this…” He grinned at you before slowly leaning into you. You shut your eyes in anticipation, allowing him to do whatever he was going to do next. His soft lips brushed against yours, gently and slowly. Like a tease he pulled away, before you could lose yourself in that kiss. You whimpered at the loss of contact and opened your eyes again.
“Damn you, Christian,” you cursed at him as you realized he was just teasing you to begin with. “The guys are gonna be back in couple minutes,” he confessed, knowing if he gave in to his desires now, the guys would probably walk in on you. Although he pulled back, his eyes were telling you that he wanted you, right then, right there. “That’s my cue.” “Can I come over later?”
You both felt the tension. Your insides craved his touch. You craved his touch. You nodded once, a slight barely noticeable nod as you didn’t want to seem too eager.  With a grin on his lips he gave you a quick peck before releasing your from his grip.
[Time leap]
Christian’s gaze cruised your figure which he had done before - multiple times even - and you got pretty much used to his unrelenting stare, but this time the look in his eyes was different. He wasn’t admiring you, it appeared as though he was in disbelief mixed with a little bit of confusion.
“Don’t get me wrong, Min, you look lovely as always…but what the hell are you wearing?” With a chuckle he shook his head at you while he was still mustering you with his eyes.
Your eyes trailed down your own body. You really liked the outfit you were wearing. It was simple and casual. You wore your favorite t-shirt combined with a skirt. Then your eyes darted to him, scanning him from head to toe. “Why are you so dressed up?” 
He was dressed in a white t-shirt - nothing out of the ordinary - but the black suit jacket, black pants, and dress shoes made it seem like he was starring in a James Bond movie. “I told you my aunt’s a little bit extra.”
You blinked at him confused still not understanding what he was getting at. 
“It’s a formal party, didn’t I tell you?” “Nope.” you shook your head. Even your makeup was kept minimal, reserved to a sweep of mascara. You thought it was going to be a casual party as most of the guests were either family members or people who were coming as a plus one.
“Sorry, my bad. Can you change?”
You changed into a simple black dress which was much more suitable for this kind of occasion and Christian seemed to approve as well. He stared at you, unconsciously biting down on his lips. 
You walked to the table where you had your makeup sprawled. It was probably not that good of idea to change into the dress before putting on your makeup, but you didn’t have the time to worry about that now. You didn’t want to be the reason Christian arrived late to his aunt’s birthday celebration. You never used foundation because lucky enough you were blessed with even skin. But you did put on some concealer to hide away blemishes. Then you applied brown-reddish eye shadows and black eyeliner. Since you had already layered on some mascara you skipped that step and finished with a deep velvety shade on your lips. Earrings were fastened to your ears, before you clapped your hands together in content. 
“Ready!” You exclaimed enthusiastically, but you received no response from Christian so you turned around to check what he was doing. You saw him sprawled on your bed, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. When you stepped closer you noticed that his eyes were closed. It didn’t even take you that long to get ready, maybe a good fifteen minutes, yet he had already fallen asleep. He must have really had overworked himself the past few days. You gently shook him by his shoulders to wake him up. 
Christian jerked awake to see your grinning face. He immediately squinted his eyes as he was still getting used to the light.
“Shit, how long was I out?” He asked you, panic spreading across his face.
“Not long, but if we don’t wanna be late, we should go now”
He was still staring at you, his breaths becoming heavy and irregular. He pushed himself up by his elbow and got on his feet. Then he wrapped his arm around your body and swiftly turned you around. Before you could even process what was happening you felt his soft lips pressed against yours. You melted into the kiss, allowing him to deepen it. But you quickly snapped back and jerked away.
“What the hell are you doing? We’re gonna get late,” you reminded him of the time, but he didn’t seem to care that much.
“What if we do?” He hummed against your skin and left a trail of kisses along your neck.
“I don’t half ass things, Ian. If I’m gonna pretend to be your girlfriend, I’m gonna be the perfect fake girlfriend.”
“I’ll be quick,” he negotiated. He had already unzipped your dress by now and he was about to tear it off your body. “Christian Yu,” you warned him sharply. “Zip it up right now!” “Fine,” he gave in defeated, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. He turned you around and brushed your hair to the side, so it wouldn’t get caught in the zipper. The fabric of your dress tightened around your body again, but he didn’t stop there. You suddenly felt his soft lips brushing against your shoulder blades as he left a trail of wet kisses. His hand that was holding your hair earlier travelled down to your breasts, giving them a little squeeze before he pushed his lower body against yours grinding on you. “Christian Yu!” You shouted at him in disbelief. “Sorry, got carried away,” he quickly let go of you holdings his hands up in the air. “But we are going to continue this later, right?” “Depends on how you behave,” you stuck out your tongue at him and gave him a wink.
During the ride, Christian prepared you for the meeting with his family. He gave you a brief summary of everything you needed to know. He told you to definitely avoid his aunt if possible, because she was the hardest person to fool. She was known to have successfully set up some of his cousins, so she knew at first sight if there was some chemistry or not. He warned you not to talk to her without him being present to guide the direction of the conversation and help you out if you were in a sticky situation. You also made him promise that he wouldn’t leave your side. A promise as it later turned out, he wasn’t able to keep.
“Let’s get out stories straight. We worked on a project together. I was attracted to you and asked you out on a date. That’s how we started going out.”
It wasn’t that much of a lie. You did work with him on a project and he did feel attracted to you physically, you just never developed feelings for the other. Christian believed the more he stuck to the truth the easier it would be to fool his relatives. You didn’t have to remember too many lies and you could also improvise if needed. “That simple?” You cocked up a brow. “Why? You wanna add something?” “It sounds so…not romantic at all,” you said playfully as a chuckle left your lips.
“Then…how about…I fell in love with you at first sight and knew straight away you were the one,” he came up with a different scenario on the spot. “Now that just sounds unbelievable. Let’s just stick to the first one,” you laughed. “Do I need to know something about you?”
“My family knows me as a family man, so try not be too surprised.” “You?” You raised your brows at him in disbelief, trying to picture it inside your head.He didn’t give off the impression of a family man at all. He seemed rather independent and distant. 
“And they don’t know that-“
“You sleep around?” You finished the sentence for him. “Yeah,” he nodded his head with an awkward laugh. “And they call me Rome. You should probably call be by that name too.”  “Why?” “People close to me always call me that.” People in his private circle all called him Rome. Christian was the name he used at work. 
“Anything else, Rome?” “That’s it.” ~*~
“Ok, here we go,” he took a deep breath, before he lifted his arm and pressed the bell. His hand was trembling a bit. You hadn’t seen him this tensed before. “Why are you so nervous?” You mustered his face. As though his nervousness was contagious you suddenly began to feel anxious too. “If you knew my family, you’d be nervous too,” he chuckled drily. His eyes flickered around the place and he couldn’t stand still. He rhythmically tapped his foot on the ground as you waited for someone to answer the door. Suddenly he passed the present he was holding from one hand to the other and held out his freed hand, looking at you expectantly. It took you a moment to understand what he wanted from you and it made you burst out into laughter. “Are you serious? You’re so stiff, it looks unnatural.” You said in between laughter. 
“Why? Real couples hold hands, don’t they?”
“You look like you are being held at gunpoint. Just act natural!”
“If you were my girlfriend, I would hold your hand.” “You’re sweating!”
As you were bickering back and forth the door suddenly opened, revealing an elder woman. Her skin looked youthful, it was obvious that she must have put a lot of effort on keeping her skin looking so smooth. If you had to guess you would say she was in her late forties, but she probably looked younger than her actual age. Some of her facial features looked similar to Christian’s. Considering those similarities it wasn’t hard to guess her identity. “Hi mum,” Christian greeted her brightly. She was ecstatic to see her son, the corners of her lips rose upwards into a big smile. Without further hesitation she pulled her son into her arms, embracing him with her warmth. He took his face into her hands, inspecting him closely. “You’re overworking yourself again, aren’t you?” She nagged worriedly as she saw the big bags under his eyes and he looked visibly more exhausted than the last time she had seen him. But that was partly due to him being sick last week. He hadn’t fully recovered from his cold yet.
“And you must be Minhee,” her eyes wandered to you. She gave you a smile that just seemed so genuinely sweet that an unexpected warmth rushed through you. You immediately felt comfortable around her. “Rome has told me so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You glanced at Christian with a raised brow, wondering what he had told her. This wasn’t even a real relationship, why would he talk about you with his mother?
You were about to introduce yourself politely with a handshake as you were taught by your parents, but she was quicker. She pulled you into a hug, gently patting your back. 
“Come in, come in,” she invited you into the house. She linked her arms with yours and pulled you along while Christian was walking next to you. Your eyes travelled around the house and now you knew why Christian described his aunt as extra. The house wasn’t that big, but the interior made you feel like a princess in a castle. It was beautifully decorated with attention to every little detail. In the living room, where the live of the party was at, you could see caterers walking around in their black and white uniform serving finger food and drinks. There was a huge buffet on the table which was almost twice the size of Christian’s car. Next to it were piles of presents. Christian walked to the pile and left his own present on top of another, before he returned to you. 
His mother began introducing you to a few family members and you also met his aunt briefly, though she had to disappear shortly after to take care of a few things. You didn’t know how you got here as everything happened so fast. But along the way you somehow got separated from Christian and now you were surrounded by his too curious female cousins and their friends who were peppering with questions about your supposed relationship with Christian.
“We all wondered what kind of girl he would bring this time,” one of them said and if you were being honest, you didn’t remember her name. There were just too many to remember. “The last time he introduced a girl two us was over two years ago,” another girl said. She pulled you closer and pretended to whisper into your ear, but she spoke so loudly that anyone around you could hear. “And between us, we didn’t like her that much.”
You furrowed your brows unconsciously as you recalled something he had said to you when you ran into each other in the club. He had told you about a girl who was obsessive and controlling. You wondered whether it was the same girl his cousin was talking about.
“She was a total gold digger. I’m so glad he’s not with her anymore,” they all agreed in unison. 
“She bled him dry.”
At some point during your conversation one of the girls pulled you to the side. You remembered her introducing herself as Christian’s maternal cousin. She was a bit older than you and judging from the golden jewellery decorating her ring finger she was probably also married. She lowered her voice as she talked to you. “You know, Christian’s like a little brother to me. I’ve known him since he was a little baby. He might be a little reckless and dim at times, but he’s a good guy. He’s got his heart broken really badly the last time. Please take care of him.”
You nodded your head and promised to treat him well. You did feel bad for lying straight to her face when she had asked you for a favor in confidence, but since you had already agreed to do this for him you had no choice but to keep the act up.
“Tell me, is he good in bed?” One of the girls asked you out of the blue. 
Hearing that question almost made you choke on the juice you were drinking. You coughed out loud to prevent the liquid from entering your lungs. “Excuse me?” You looked at her appalled by her blunt manner. You had figured she wasn’t one of his cousins and was probably a family friend, but you still didn’t expect such a straightforward question about your sex life.
“Don’t mind her. She’s had a huge crush on Rome since forever. She still fantasizes about him sometimes,” her best friend excused her brazen behavior.
“Whenever I see him I get dirty thoughts. I can’t help it,” she shrugged her shoulders unapologetically. Her eyes were still resting on you as if she was still expecting an answer to her question. “The sex is good, thanks,” you replied shortly. A memory of Christian’s exposed body flashed in front of your eyes, you felt the blood rush to your cheeks, blushing uncontrollably. Shaking your head, you attempted to rid yourself of any dirty thoughts that were crossing your mind. “That good, huh?” She smirked at you content with the answer your body had given her.
This conversation was getting more and uncomfortable by the second. You nervously glanced around the room, hoping to find Christian somewhere so you could escape from this interrogation. You needed to get out of this situation. If they continued asking you that many questions, to most you didn’t know the answer to, your little act might get exposed. You found him sitting at the table with his uncles who were having a drink with him. He quickly caught your eyes that were desperately screaming for help. He signalled you that he was coming over, before he turned his attention back to the table, probably excusing himself. Knowing he would be coming to save you, you felt relieved. 
“Sorry, ladies. I’m afraid I have to steal my girlfriend back,” he apologised to the females in front of him as he held you by your waist. He pulled you close to him and led you away from them. 
“You’re family is quite nosy,” you told him playfully as you let him guide you to an empty table. He pulled out the chair for you and waited for you to take a seat, before he sat down himself. As always he behaved like  gentleman.
“I know, I know. Sorry for dragging you into this. They won’t ever let me live. That’s why I don’t bring girls home.”
“Except for one.”
His eyes wandered to you, the subtle surprise spread across his face. In that moment he seemed almost vulnerable. “How do you know?” His gaze lingered on you. The expression on his face appeared rather blank as though he wanted to hide his feelings from you. It was pretty obvious by now that this particular girl must have hurt him deeply.
“Your cousins talk a lot,” you chuckled lightly. Christian’s eyes travelled around the room without aim, avoiding your gaze. He was reluctant to reply. As you noticed how uncomfortable this topic was making him feel, you decided not to probe any further. It was none of your business anyway.
“I told you about the over-controlling girlfriend, didn’t I?” He then said much to your surprise. You nodded your head slowly.
“She tried to dictate my life and to some extent I let her. I thought the feelings were mutual so I tried my best to make her happy and be the person she wanted me to be. I later found out she only used me for clout. She wanted my connections to the industry, not me.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled under your breath as you didn’t know what else to respond to this. You couldn’t have guessed from his exterior and the way he was carrying himself. But it was self-centered of you to think you were the only one whose trust was betrayed, the only one who had been hurt. He was no exception to it. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” he chuckled affectionately. “How am I looking at you?”
“Like you’re about to cry.”
“I’m not!” You made a grimace giving him a punch for that stupid remark.
“How did you get over her?” “Sex. A lot of it.” “Of course,” you rolled your eyes at him with a laugh. “So you’re playing with people’s heart because you got your own broken?” “Nah, I don’t play them. I’m just having fun. I’m honest with them from the start. I make things clear from the get go. It’s not really my fault if they end up expecting more.” “Well, you’re charming, kind and you treat them well. You can’t be surprised they actually fall for you and want more, can you?” Christian anchored his attention on your face, his eyes unmoving lingering on you. He let the silence take over as if he was waiting for you to say something else. “What? Do I have something on my face?” You blinked at him confused, suddenly feeling self-conscious under his gaze. “What about you?” “What about me?” “Are you falling for me too?“ He asked, his eyes locked with yours. [To be continued...]
What do you guys think Minhee’s answer will be? Are they developing feelings for each other? Please let me know! Looking forward to reading your thoughts! 
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welcometotheocverse · 3 years
What do your Gilmore Girls oc’s - as in, the ones related to the Gilmore’s, (Hope, Kit, etc), think of Jason and Lorelei’s relationship to him?
Um okay  lesse. 
Starting off with Amelia  she’s not super keen on him. Unlike Max he doesn’t bother trying to get to know Lorelai’s kids and that rubs her the wrong way. She’s also already dealing with Luke impulse-marrying/haphazardly dating Nicole ( iirc? I gotta look up the timeline but I believe so) and is kinda “can you two just be single for one entire year??” She doesn’t know much about him but her impression of him is that he’s cut from the same Hartford cloth as her grandparents and she very much wonders what her mom sees in him ( and asks Rory as much when they’re hanging out just the two of them) Also the insistence of “date me. Please date me.” prior to his relationship with Lorelai absolutely spooks her  and she’s constantly squinting like “do I Need to use the right hook dad taught me or nah?” and she might get some guys from the SHH football team to kick him out of the Firefly  when he pulls the whole “im not leaving until you agree to get back with me” because being the Gilmore Danes Baby comes with perks.
El likewise is sorta...put off by how insistent he is? He also isn’t sure it’s a good idea to date him since he knows it was Emily and Richard’s horrible behavior that sent her to call him. ( “and like I don’t Do dating/romance but dating someone because your parents  abuse you seems....like...like....not a good plan?” not that he says this to his mother of course but he does say it to Brad. It should also be noted that out of all my  Rory sibling ocs Elliot is one of the fastest to Actively call Emily and Richard abusive in re to their behavior to Lorelai. So he understands a bit of how that interplays with Lorelai’s behavior and dating Jason but all the same...he’s not thrilled. ) Elliot also actually liked Max and was pretty upset by how that all ended so he’s not open to his mom dating another guy that might or might not keep around. And again, Jason canonically doesn’t really  make an effort to get to know Rory so El doesn’t know him from a hole on the ground and sorta mistrusts him tbh. Everything from the fact that he works for Richard to the whole “your mother hates me so you should date me” ( which El’s just...he kinda sees it as Jason using Emily and Lorelai’s history in his favor and he’s...not a fan.) just puts him on edge tbh and he’s sad for his mom when it doesn’t work out but also lowkey relieved.
Hope is super protective of Lorelai like to the nth degree ( understandably so tbh)  and understands on a personal level how parental abuse can leave you wanting to date people who really aren’t worth your time and energy and the why of it all. That being said both in spite of that and because of  that she’s so  so not here for his insistence and has considered pulling Lorelai aside and being “I love you but from one Gilmore Girl to another, anyone who you date after one of mom’s flagellations should be considered the same as someone you chose to date while drunk.” ( but  is also afraid that will push Lorelai away from her and she...Lorelai and Rory  are the only family that haven’t hurt her so it’s messy yknow)  She very much gives him a shovel talk and lowkey thinks his only redeeming quality is he wanted to tell Emily and Richard about them ( she understands more than anything not wanting to tell their parents...anything tbh because like Lorelai says “ When something good happens to me, I'm just afraid you're gonna make me feel bad about it nd when something bad happens to me, I’m always afraid you’ll say “I told you so.“  but she’s also “Lore...you can’t just keep hiding this from them it’ll come out and badly”) She’s overall pretty unimpressed by him and is very concerned by the fact that Lorelai  chose  to date him. She pretty much warms him upfront that if he’s trying to mess with Lorelai or take advantage of the fact that Emily  messes with Lore’s head they’ll never f-ing find his body. 
Sofia likewise is incredibly  protective of Lorelai and like on instinct distrusts anyone that her parents ( Richard and Emily) like so she’s pretty much “nope don’t trust him” from the get go. She’s mostly just glad Emily has someone to be a b-tch to that isn’t her and/or Lorelai (”she’s giving him the tripple freeze, makes it a lot warmer where we’re sitting”) She thinks the fact that he thinks Richard and Emily won’t ruin his relationship with Lorelai is sorta naive?(  like “of course they will. We’re seasoned Gilmore Daughters. We know this”)  But  also that pursuing it is sorta dumb. She’s pretty  cold towards him when they start dating but is also incredibly incredibly disgusted by his parents tbh and jesus she just hates that entire family and the fact that her father will associate with them. About the only good thing that comes from that arch from her is she gets a bit of a softer view of her mother since she actually knows the separation happened because of Emily asking Richard not to sue Jason after Lorelai begged him not to.
But also she ( this very soft spoken and quiet little girl who  in s1 would cry if someone glared at her) basically  tells him to get out of her sister’s inn before she grabs a gardening shovel from the tool shed when he pulls the thing at the inn.
Kit is probably  the one who has the least unfavorable opinion about him? Like he doesn’t really  know him that well and because of how badly Richard treats him ( and Emily sometimes) he’s really not that bothered by his mom dating someone in the merits of “it’ll piss the Harford Gilmores off” like tbh he sorta gets it. He does  get “lmao nope” when he pursues Lorelai  at the  inn  and is actually  the one to tell Luke Jason and Lore aren’t together and might be the one to make the call that his condo was on fire and considers getting a baseball bat tbh. But until then he’s pretty indifferent towards him. 
But also he’s absolutely disgusted with how Richard treated him like “that was his partner?? And he sold him down the river?? For people that screwed him ( Richard) over?? He tanked this guys business to keep all the money with that other rich asshole??” ( keeping in mind Kit is the one with the worst relationship with Richard and the one who gets treated the worst by Richard. And also that growing up with mostly blue collared people rich assholes ( tm) screwing over a new business is really something about the Hartford Elite/upper circles that he really abhors.) So mostly he’s just focused on how horrible everyone involved  in that lawsuit is and is like “anyways  im so glad im not involved with y’all because I’m The Dumb Gilmore and didn’t need a college fund” and pretty much just rants/talks to Tristan about it like “anyways babe you won’t believe what The Jackwagon Allegiance did this time-”
So like tbh none of them like Jason much and they absolutely  are “yeah but how bout no tho” when he gets uber pushy and their opinion absolutely plumets when the stuff goes down in Raincoats And Recipes.
But a lot of them ( Kit and  Hope in particular) also incredibly disgusted with how Richard treated him and how the  whole thing was handled ( Floyd calling PIs on his son? Asshole Move. Floyd suing Richard over petty  shit? Asshole Move. Basically everything that followed? Asshole Moves.) and all of them are also pretty critical of  how Richard told Lorelai she only cared about her boyfriend when she in fact broke up with Jason over him not droping the lawsuit ( Elliot who in Tristan’s words is “a bit of a paragon( affectionate)” might actually tell him about it and remind him that maybe he should say sorry in his very soft but not unsure Elliot way which might mean that Richard apologizes to Lorelai  bc honestly i need it) so they also don’t give him much thought past “why did Lorelai date him again?” and don't pay him much mind until the events of the s4 finale.
Honorary mention: Lily St James who grew up with abusive parents ( and thereforeis never here for Any toxic bullshit from Anyone), sees Lorelai as a second mom,  and has zero chill punches him in the face when he shows up at the inn and pretty much was “nah” from the start so...there’s that. 
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badluckbee · 4 years
the last of us part 2 opinions that no one asked for but i need to get out of my system !!SPOILERS!!
i literally don’t give a shit if the story is for you or not, art is subjective. BUT i think that there are some fundamental misunderstandings about what makes a good game or not?? idk you’re welcome to disagree but people are throwing around a lot of “i didn’t like it, therefore it is bad” ideas & it’s not sitting right with me. there’s gonna be spoilers in this post you’ve been warned.
i loved this game. it challenged me and even though it has its issues, it was still really good it still made me think and feel things so some of these reviews have seriously made me go ??!??!?!?!??
if you didn’t like tlou2 and want to argue with people that did like it about how bad a game it is i’m not going to do that,, you can go play the first game again i’m not stopping you from not liking and not playing this game. this is simply my perception of the game and the most common criticisms i’ve seen.
if the only reason you don’t like the game is because boohoo they killed my favourite character,, literally as someone who has had the majority of my favourite characters die, they didn’t disrespect joel by killing him & ppl being THIS babyish about it & calling for them to rewrite the whole story is immature and embarrassing as fuck. that’s my biggest problem with the “fanbase” right now, we all knew that joel did a bad thing in saving ellie and we know that he’s done a ton of bad things before that, remember “we’re shitty people, joel, it’s been that way for a long time”?? tess wasn’t wrong, it makes sense that someone someday would come back for him and they did. if that’s what you’re mad about lol get a grip it’s not like we don’t see him throughout the whole game. (also i thought we all knew he was gonna die from the first trailer anyway) (also also did you guys not pick up on it when there was a song where the first line was “if i ever were to lose you, i’d surely lose myself” they laid out the whole game for you right there lmao)
things i’ve seen in reviews repeatedly that didn’t sit right:
1) joel and tommy wouldn’t have trusted abby.
joel and tommy have been living in a close knit community for four years with friends and family, there’s already a false sense of security. as far as they know, this is just a group passing through, they had no reason at all to believe that there was any malicious intent after not only saving abby but abby returning the favour and helping them out. they’ve never met them before, up until ‘the moment’ they’re very nice and welcoming, they also needed abby to trust them if they were all going to get out of that mess of infected alive. (ppl also forget that in the first game joel was, although hesitant, still perfectly willing to trust and travel with people, including henry and sam, who were kids just like this group so don’t play the ‘first game’ card)
2) ellie should have killed abby.
you’re seriously trying to tell me that killing abby would magically cure ellie of her ptsd??? if you weren’t blinded by your love of joel you’d know that’s not true lol literally the point is that killing her wouldn’t bring joel back it would only leave lev alone and vulnerable like ellie was and the meaningless violence would continue. literally none of the killing the characters did in this game made them feel remotely better, that’s the point. abby moved on from her pain by finding lev and looking after him, not by killing joel, just like ellie needs to begin to heal, not kill abby. if you wanted that fight to have a choice of whether you could kill abby or not i could POSSIBLY accept that but i would absolutely choose to spare abby every time. that last fight didn’t feel right anyway imo, i wanted to let her go before they even started.
3) ellie should have ended up with dina.
this game is shouting at your face that your actions have consequences!! no other ending made sense, if ellie killed abby and went back to find dina & jj still at the farm waiting for her there would be no lesson learned and no character growth!!
3) you shouldn’t have played as abby.
this is a grey one to me, i absolutely think you should play as abby but i think that the order was a little off, no one would be rooting for her over ellie after she killed a favourite character but if you have an open mind abby’s section of the game is really really fun and has some of the best moments in the game. i have some thoughts about what i personally think would have been super cool and i’m going to put it at the end of this post on the off chance that someone reads it but i totally get why they did it the way they did and it worked very well from abby’s day 2 onwards!!
4) it’s too violent?????
tell me what i’m missing here??? nd was as transparent as possible that this is a violent game centred around revenge and hatred that would feature brutal violence, smart ai and devastating cutscenes. yet there are people complaining that the game is too violent WHILE describing how bad they want to fuck up abby???? i understand not enjoying the violence, i wasn’t too bothered bc i’m pretty desensitised & i use way more stealth anyway but there were moments when it didn’t feel right & that’s okay?? that’s what they warned us about???
5) it’s just pushing an agenda, it’s too sjw.
people exist that are not male, white, straight and cis. stop crying about it.
i know no one will read this but i had a thought about a way to order the story to connect more with abby & needed to put it somewhere:
ok imagine for a minute if they had marketed it as a spinoff not a new game with new characters & no ellie or joel. you start as abby from her first day in seattle, forget everything before that for now!! imagine playing from there through to day 3 as normal, there are some very vague references to her dad dying and to her finally finding the killer but nothing that’s a giveaway for who her dad was or what happened in jackson. then we get to day 3 and that sniper scene (which was fuckin spectacular btw) and we see that it’s tommy there and it’s like ??!??!?!?!!??!? but we have to let it go for now to move the story on until we get to the theatre and we see eLLIE ?!???!??!?!!?!!?!!!!? and that’s where it cuts off and we go back and play as ellie and we see what abby did
i’m not a writer and i know that there would be problems with doing it that way but wouldn’t it be such a plot twist if we had been playing as abby from the start and connected with her and her friends more before finding out that ellie and tommy are even in the game never mind on their way to kill us??? i get why they didn’t do that though lol no one would have played it.
anyway this post isn’t attacking people for not liking the game or thinking that there are issues, this post is specifically about the people that claim that it’s objectively a bad game because they personally don’t like it.
here are some fuckin good awe-worthy moments that people are conveniently forgetting about:
- this is personal but tommy is one of, if not my favourite character, at least to me he’s one of the most interesting so seeing jeffrey pierce get more screentime was a big win for me!!
- jesse, yara and lev are DELIGHTFUL i love them v v much
- the museum i cried so much it’s so cute
- the acting!!?!?!?? especially ashley, the scene where ellie forced the truth out of joel is my favourite scene in either game acting-wise it BROKE me
- i said it before but the sniper scene was incredible
- the rat king!!! i'm a wimp it was so scary but man that reveal was fantastic
- abby’s fear of heights,, HELLO that scene on the bridges!!! i’m not scared of heights but it really got me
- the hotel!! how does nd manage to make hotels so scary
- the switch between playable characters was a plot twist and a half!!!! i gasped it was so unexpected i loved it!!!
- actually showing that the characters aren’t invincible and struggle with what they’ve been through,, showing ellie’s ptsd was so important!!!!
- ok idk why but the scene in the first game with david in the restaurant makes me so nervous every time,, i start shaking and sometimes i cry when i finish it bc that’s the definition of horror to me i HATE it it’s too scary. so when i got to that parallel with ellie and abby at the theatre and ellie was ‘the david’ of that encounter i had to sit and think about it for a long time, that scene shook me and i love nd for doing that!!
there’s probably more but this is already the longest post i’ve ever made & i’m tired (i’m not the best at getting my points across as well so if there’s anything that’s worded weirdly that’s on me)
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emily-strange · 4 years
Second Chances
Wow so this chapter...feels like I’ve been working on it for years! haha But we got there in the end. I’m going to be on and off here today because it’s my birthday and I’ll either be off playing games to distract myself or in a cupboard crying because I feel old haha
Really hope you enjoy this chapter!! Please let me know what you think xx
Tagging: @porkchop-ao3 @redeadepression @lucacangettathisasss @janewilson-rdo @gangofgunslingers @fangirl-ramblings and @sleepylunarwolf who asked but if you’d like me to stop let me know :) Apologies if you’ve asked to be tagged and I haven’t - please just send me another message! :)
For the premise of this story, Jack is a little bit younger. I just can’t hurt that boy’s feelings!
Summary: You’re Sadie Adler’s 18 year old daughter who was visiting when the O’Driscoll’s attack. How will you cope with gang life and your increasing feelings for someone who, on the surface, isn’t up for grabs?
Pairing: John Marston x female reader
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Chapter 7
You see Hosea glance at you but you don’t make eye contact with him, you just play with the skirt of your dress and try to seem less frazzled than you actually feel. He’d caught you off guard and you know he noticed it.
Hosea whistles and calls for Arthur to loop around and come back to the wagon, which he does with the greatest of ease. Even with your new little horse in tow. When he reaches the front of the wagon, Hosea pulls on the horses to stop the wagon.
“It’sa nice day. Miss Adler ‘nd I are gonna take the scenic route back ta camp. You good?” Hosea asks Arthur even though you all know it isn’t a question. Arthur looks at you and then scoffs a little bit, shaking his head while grumbling something like, “Alright” under his breath. He really can be so grumpy.
Hosea takes out the large stack of bills from his breast pocket and dolls it out amongst the three of you. He hands two piles to Arthur for camp and himself, then hands a pile to you.
You take the stack and look through bills, “Wow…” you say quietly to yourself. Trying to forget the people, or person, that the money came from. You then turn to Hosea and say appreciatively, “…..minus the amount for the horse?”
Hosea chuckles and stuffs his pile back into his pocket, “Now, I’m making an….executive decision here and sayin’ that boys an investment fer the camp. So, camp’ll pay….You two happy with that!?”
Hosea looks at Arthur who holds up his hands up in surrender before putting his money away. You open your mouth to protest but Arthur beats you to it saying, “I’d just agree if I were you Miss. He’s likea dog with a bone when he gets an idea into him.”
“Okay…” you say to Hosea, your smile beaming, “Thank you Mr Matthews.” You lean across the seat and give Hosea a small kiss on his cheek.
“Best not be doin’ that either, think his heart’ll give out!” Arthur laughs heartily and Hosea reaches for his gun. “Think that’s ma queue!” Arthur says before manoeuvring the horse’s round again.
“Can you please tell my mom that I’m fine….oh and ask Kieran to check over my new baby?” You ask Arthur who shakes his head and replies, “That best not be his new name.”
“Well….” You pretend to think to yourself, “….he is a Morgan. Maybe I’ll call him Arthur.”
Hosea bursts out a large laugh and Arthur grumbles to himself, “Never heard that one before.”
You smile at Arthur who huffs lightly and tips his hat. He gently kicks the horses into a gallop and you smile watching your new horse trot away, knowing he’s safe with Arthur. He’s grumpy but he loves those horses. You’ve seen him sneak your boy a treat or two already.
“Shall we?” Hosea asks readying the reins and you nod happily singing, “We shall!”
Hosea gets the wagon going again and you ride in comfortable silence for around 15 minutes. He stops at a lovely grassy bank next to a large lake and you eagerly jump down, not waiting for Hosea to help you. While Hosea secures the horses, you walk to the waters edge and squint as the sun glares off of the water.
“Me and Bessie stopped at this lake many a time on the way back from town.” He says looking out into the water. You can tell whoever she was meant a great deal to him.
“Bessie was my wife” Hosea confirms and moves to sit on a large overturned log; groaning a bit as he sits, “We lost her a while back now. Still feels like yesterday.”
You take a seat next to him and think about your father.
“Does it ever get better?” you ask Hosea in a small voice, “Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe it hurts so much.”
Hosea sighs and you know he’s choosing his words carefully.
“It doesn’t always get...better..” he says, stopping briefly, “but it does get easier to carry.”
You nod, mostly to yourself and Hosea bumps your arms with his. Bringing you back to the present.
“Now, I’m not usually in the business of gossiping.” He begins, giving a slight chuckle, “However..John..” Hosea trails off and shakes his head, almost as if he isn’t sure how to phrase it. You sit quietly and allow him the space to think. After about half a minute, Hosea continues, gesturing with his hands as he speaks.
“You haveta understand that John and Arthur, they grew up tough. It was hard on them. Those boys…” Hosea sighs, “Me and Bessie, we couldn’t have kids. Probably for the best considering our lifestyle but..they were ours you know? We raised them as ours.” You smile and nod, imagining a pair of young (and grumpy) misfit teenagers.
Hosea sees you smile and laughs.
“You know, I don’t think John’s properly cut his hair since Bessie died. She used ta have Arthur pin him down just so she could shear that mop.” He grins while putting his head in his hands dramatically.
“Something I’m sure he appreciated greatly” you laugh. You look at Hosea and watch as his eyes swim with all the memories his heart clearly holds. He takes a moment and adjusts his hat, shielding himself from the bright sun. And possibly shielding his eyes from you.
“But as I was sayin’. They didn’t have it easy. Arthur’d been with us a long while before Dutch saved John..” Hosea continues but your brain jumped at the word “saved”. You opened your mouth to ask but Hosea cut you off, “Now I’ll let John tell you about his past. Some things a man should be allowed to keep to himself if he so chooses.”
You try to understand where Hosea is coming from but it just confuses you.
“Why share anything with me then? About John?” you ask, honestly curious as to why the older man would ‘indulge in gossip’ as he put it.
Hosea glances at you and gives a small, sweet smile, “Honestly? Because no one’s ever seemed bothered before...about how John is. Not since Bessie anyway…I think that might be the biggest reason he ran off.”
“Something was mentioned about him leaving….” You say quietly.
“Mmhm for about a year. After Jack was born…it was tough on him. But runnin’ off…” Hosea is the picture of a disappointed father as he shakes his head, “for a while we thought he was dead. But then people’d seen him about so. That’s when we knew. If I had’ta guess, I’d say that’s what hurt Arthur the most. Thinkin’ his brother was dead. Then finding out he’d just taken off.”
“I get it..” you say begrudgingly. Part of you had hoped Arthur was being petty in his feelings towards John but honestly you really did understand. You take a second to ponder over how someone might feel if you just took off one day, or night, without a word. The memories threatening to invade your mind make you feel less than relaxed so you jump back into the conversation with another question. “Did he just..waltz back in one day?”
“Basically” Hosea nods and gives a grim laugh, “I think he was expecting more of a fight. He came in with his back up, waitin’ for a punch but Arthur just…walked away.”
“That was probably worse.” You recognise and Hosea agrees. “John said he went to Arthur when Abigail told him she was pregnant. That all he said was that it was time to ‘be a man’.”
Hosea scoffs, “I’m sure he did. Arthur had his reasons for reacting that way…but I agree with what you’re getting at. He could’ve handled it better.”
Hosea gets up and stretches out his back with an over the top groan. You watch him as he settles his hands on his hips and turns to you. “Now, Miss Adler, why don’t you just ask what I know you’re dyin’ to ask.” He says smiling perceptively at you.
“John’s not Jack’s father is he?” you blurt out and Hosea lets out a long, deep breath before simply saying, “I don’t believe so, no.”
All of a sudden you jump up from your seat on the log, causing the older man to flinch. You stomp childishly over to Hosea and find yourself in front of him before your brain even registers that you’ve stood up.
“I don’t understand you people!” you almost yell, “He’s…he’s struggling. He doesn’t eat, do you know that? He thinks no one notices, but I did, I do. He doesn’t…people are...and well Abigail she’s..” you flail your arms around. Completely exasperated, “I don’t understand you all.”
You shake your head when Hosea stays quiet. You can see that part of him is ashamed. It’s in the way he hangs his head, avoiding eye contact with you completely. You go and sit back down on the log with a thud, “You all go on about being family…but when one of you are struggling….you’re just setting him up to fail.”
“I know it might seem that way y/n but John knew what he was riskin’ when he started seein’ Abigail. Dutch has always preached about goin’ outside’a camp for…companionship. Not that he practices it himself of course.” Hosea grumbles and comes to sit next to you as you listen, “I did warn him. As did Arthur.”
Hosea sighs and scratches at his chin. You don’t know what you’d expected when you decided to get answers from one of the gang’s elders, but this horrible sinking feeling wasn’t it. John’s situation seems well and truly stuck.
“Arthur’s always gained somethin’ from being alone. Like he thrives on that feelin’. Be it good or bad!” Hosea laughs humourlessly, “But John…being alone, it almost…cripples him. Used ta drive Arthur nuts, couldn’t get a moments peace when John was younger. Always wanting someone with him. Needing someone next to him when he slept.”
“That’s so…sad.” You say and Hosea looks at you. After a moment you both break into a morbid little chuckle which erupts into full blown laughter. You don’t know why you’re laughing, it’s horrible really. But it’s almost so sad that if you don’t find the humour in Arthur’s annoyance then all you’d do is cry.
“Oh and doesn’t that sum everything up nicely?” Hosea says once the laughter subsides, “Sad.”
You both sit quietly for a minute or two and just let the sun shine down on you.
“John’s always been sensitive” Hosea finally says, “It’s somethin’ Dutchs’ tried ta shake outta him over the years. He basically caused this…rivalry, between him and Arthur hoping it’d toughen him up.”
“Well, the man survived gunshots and a wolf attack. I’d say he’s pretty damn tough and I doubt very much that’s from years of being pitted against Arthur.” You say bitterly as your nostrils flare. You completely miss the smirk Hosea gives you. “So unless Abigail decides to be…forthcoming…with the truth…that’s that?” you ask, fully knowing the answer.
After a quiet pause Hosea says gently, “I know this world may be confusing fer you. If you ask me, you ‘nd your mother are better off out of it…not sayin’ you should just up and leave, but…I just think once you’re on yer feet…it may be worth thinkin’ long and hard about how you want your life to look.”
“And isn’t that the million-dollar question.” You say under your breath, but Hosea had still caught it and looks at you quizzically. “Sorry” you say laughing a little, “it’s something my pa used to say. When I asked for advice or his opinion…he used to say ‘now isn’t that the million-dollar question’.” You smile at the memory but find yourself falling into a pit of sadness. But before melancholy can completely set in, Hosea breaks the silence.  
“Now, I think I’ve been good and honest with you Miss Adler. Will you be honest with me?” Hosea asks, turning fully to look at you. You shrink under his intense gaze but nod anyway. “What is it about our Mr Marston that has you so…curious…as you put it?”
You know what Hosea is asking. He’s trying to suss out if you have romantic feelings or intentions towards John. Problem is, you don’t really know yourself. So instead of lying you decide to be completely truthful, part of you sensing that he’d know if you lied. So why try?
“Honestly Hosea…I don’t know.” You say before running your hands through your hair, getting it out of your face so you can look him in the eye better, “He was sweet to me. Kind. And, I think I want to repay that you know? Be a friend maybe…” You trail off and shrug, knowing it isn’t a concrete answer. It does however seem to satisfy Hosea who claps his hands onto his knees and pushes himself up.
“Alright then. Good enough.” He says holding out a hand to you. You take it and he helps you up from the log, “You know, my Bessie would’ve liked you. You have’a kind soul…but I also see the fire she used’ta have herself.”
“In that case I’ll take it as a wonderful compliment Mr Matthews.” You say making your way back to the wagon. “You know, I’d like to know more about her…if you ever feel like sharing.”
Ever the gentleman, Hosea helps you up onto the wagon and you smooth out your dress before sitting. You’re really looking forward to getting back into some jeans. After Hosea settles next to you, he quietly says, “I think I’ve had my fill of memories today Miss. But at another time, that’d be lovely.”
He gives you another soft smile before starting the horses back towards camp.
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thebluenebula · 4 years
I don't have a whole pile to say but enjoy.
Day 4
Day 6
The New Bat Day 5
06:46. That's what my phone said when I looked at it. I groaned and sat up. After stretching, I got up and went about my morning routine, then headed down to the kitchen.
I flicked on the light and glanced round the room, empty. Must be too early for anyone to be up. No one would mind if I made a sandwich, I'm sure. After a minute of looking I found the ingredients for a sandwich. I sat down and munched on my sandwich. Not bad. Then again, how can you fuck up a sandwich.
After I was finished, I washed my dishes, plus some more that must have been from the night before. "My goodness!" The voice startled me. I turned around and saw Alfred standing in the door. "It's not too often anyone else around here washes their own dishes, never mind someone elses."
I giggled. "Good morning Alfred.
"Good morning Miss Ashleigh." Alfred said as he threw on an apron. "How did you sleep?"
"Okay, yeah. You?"
"Like a rock Miss Ashleigh. Any plans for the day?"
"No. None." I watched as Alfred took the dishes I had cleaned and began putting them away. "Sorry. I didn't know where everything went."
"That's quite alright."
"Do you have any coffee?" I asked. I was dying for some coffee.
"Yes. Over there's in the cupboard. I'll put on the kettle."
"Thanks." I opened the cupboard and spotted two jars of coffee. I grabbed the nearest one.
"I would recommend putting that back, unless you wish with losing a finger." Alfred stated. "That's Master Timothy's personal jar."
I put it down and grabbed the other jar. "Tim must really like coffee. That looks like a really expensive jar."
"Master Timothy lives on coffee. Sometimes I think it's what runs through his veins."
"Honestly wouldn't surprise me." Dick said as he entered the kitchen.
"Good morning Master Dick. Omelette?"
"No thanks Alfred." Dick walked over And grabbed some sugary looking cereal from the cupboard. "How are you settling in Ashleigh?"
"Good." I took a seat at the table. "Are you usually up this early?"
"I try to be." Dick sat down beside me with a bowl of cereal.
"You go out at night and wake up early in the morning?"
"Yep." Dick replied, taking a spoonful of his cereal.
"So you're both a night owl and an early bird?"
"So when do you sleep?"
"Mornin'." Jay interrupted, arms stretched, and yawning.
"Morning Master Jason. Omelette?"
Jay grunted and nodded before walking over and sitting down across from Dick and I.
"Morning." Dick looked curiously at Jay. "Speaking of early birds. You are not one Jay."
Jay grunted. "Nope."
"So why are you up?" Jay looked up at Dick then gave me a cheeky smirk. Dick looked between me and Jay. "What are you two up to?"
Jay smirked. "Don't worry about it Dick."
Dick looked at him. "I'm extremely concerned."
"Well you can be concerned after breakfast." Alfred said as he set down a plate of omelettes in front of Jay.
"You not eating Ash?" Dick asked.
"I already ate." I looked at Dick. "Ash?"
"Yeah." Dick took another spoonful of his colourful cereal. "Like a nickname. Ashleigh. Ash. I mean I can stop if you want me to."
"No. No. It's okay. It's kinda a cute name."
"Ash." Jay said to himself. "Sounds kinda deadly. Like a name for a pyromaniac."
"Cute and deadly." I smiled.
"That's should be Cass's tagline." Steph said as she walked in.
"Morning Miss Stephanie. Omelette?"
"Sure thing Alfred." Alfred handed Steph a plate as she walked by and sat down beside Jay. "So what is it we're talking about?"
"Ash." Jay said bluntly
"As in the stuff from fire?" Steph asked curiously.
"No, as short for Ashleigh." Dick corrected her.
"Sounds like a pyromaniac."
"Told you." Jay said triumphantly.
"I still think it's cute." I stated.
"And deadly." Jay added.
"Ashleigh doesn't look like she could hurt a fly." Steph commented.
"I could hurt a fly."
"She definitely could hurt a fly." Jay laughed.
Dick looked at him. "I feel like I'm missing something."
"Ditto." Steph looked at Jay.
Jay took out his phone. "What is this?" Dick asked.
"Just watch." Jay replied.
We watched as I lifted a rifle and fired it at the target. Kate standing beside me. I watched as Dicks eyes widen. The video ended.
Dick took a deep breath. "You gave her a gun." He said slowly. Jay nodded. "The one thing I specifically asked you not to."
"To be fair. You gave us a long ass lecture, and specifically told me not to do a lot of things. I cant be expected to remember them all." Dick silently stood up and gestured for Jay to follow him as he walked out of the room. "I think I just earned myself another lecture."
"Should I tell him that it was my idea or something?" I asked, trying to help Jay out of trouble.
"No." Jay said as he stood up. "I knew a lecture was coming." He stood up and walked towards the door. "See you three later."
We watched as he left. "So that's what you two got up?" Steph said.
Alfred took the half empty plates. "You don't seemed surprised Alfred." I commented.
"Once I seen you go off with Master Jason I knew there was probably guns involved."
"Very rarely that something happens that Alfred doesnt know about." Steph said.
"That includes what you and Cass got up to in the garden last week." Alfred stated.
Steph's face reddened. "Anyway..." She quickly changed the topic. "You up to anything after dinner?"
"No, and I don't think Jays gonna steal me today."
Steph giggled. "Do you bake?"
"Bake? Not often."
"How about this evening? Cass and I were going to do some baking this evening. Maybe you wanna join us?"
"I thought all the kids were banned from cooking?"
"Miss Stephanie and Cassandra are allowed to bake once a week." Alfred explained.
"Are you claiming I'm not a competent cook, Alfred?" Steph questioned.
"That is precisely what I'm claiming."
"Yeah. That's fair." Steph admitted.
"So who is a competent cook?" I asked.
"Myself, of course." Alfred said. "Master Jason, and Miss Kate."
"There's like..." I started trying to count all the people I'd seen around the house, and gave up. "Fifteen people in this house, and only four can cook?"
"No. They can all cook." Alfred corrected me. "Only three can cook without setting the kitchen on fire."
"It was one time Alfred." Steph said. Alfred stared at her. "Okay, twice." Alfred continued staring. "Fine. A handful of times." Alfed smiled and walked over to the sink. Steph turned back to me. "So what do you say?"
"I'd love to." I said. "If that's okay with you, and Cass?"
"Of course." She replied and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Cass and I are excited to get to know you."
I smiled at her. "Me too."
"Speaking of Cass, I wonder where she is? She's usually up about now." Steph looked to the door. "I'm going to go check on her. You want to come?"
"No. That's okay."
Steph nodded and said goodbye as she headed up stairs. I said goodbye to Alfred and headed to my room. I passed Harper on the way. She groggily said hello and headed into the bathroom. I smiled and headed into my room.
A couple hours passed as I sat around in my room scrolling through my phone. I glanced at my messages. I had a dozen missed texts from my friend back in Ireland. I honestly agent even thought to text her since I'd arrived.
"Hey." I texted her.
A few minutes later she responded. "Hey. How have you been? How's the move gone?"
"Its been good. It's different."
"How are the Waynes treating you?"
"Like family."
"That's greats. I'll have to come visit one day."
"One day. I'm still settling in."
"Call later???"
"Maybe. I think I'm baking later, but I'll see afterwards."
"You? Baking? That can only end in disaster."
"Haha. Let's hope not."
A knock on my door startled me back to real life. "Come in."
"Hey." Bruce said as he entered, holding a tray of food. "Dinner. Courtesy of Alfred."
"Thank you." I took the tray from him.
"Mind if I sit for a while?" Bruce asked.
"Not at all."
Bruce sat. I quickly checked the message I was sent. "Tell me how the baking goes."
"Will do. I gtg rn. Ttyl."
"Friend of yours?" Bruce asked.
"Yeah. From Ireland."
"If you ever want to bring someone over or go... back over," Bruce said. "I can arrange it."
"Thank you, but I'd like to settle in more first."
"Right." Bruce nodded. "Sorry I haven't been around as much as you had probably expected."
"It's alright." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed, but I know Bruce did his best to set aside as much time for me as he could.
"You still want to go shopping tommorow?" Bruce asked.
"Yes. I'd love to."
Bruce attempted to hand me some money. "Kate mentioned you were afraid to ask."
I pushed the cash back to him. "Yeah but it's alright. Kate gave me some yesterday."
Bruce chuckled. "Of course she did. Take it anyway." He forced the money into my hand.
"Thank you."
"Never be afraid to ask me anything Ashleigh." Bruce smiled at me. "For money, if you need do be brought somewhere, anything."
"Thank you." I smiled. "I'm starting to sound like a broken record." Bruce laughed.
"Hey Ashleigh, you ready-" Steph stopped as she spotted Bruce. "Oh hi Bruce."
"Hey Steph."
"I was just looking for Ashleigh."
Bruce stood up. "I'll leave you two up to- whatever it is you two intend to get up to."
"Bye Bruce."
"See yah B."
Bruce stopped. "What time do you want to go tommorow Ashleigh?"
"I don't mind."
"How does eleven sound?"
"Yeah that's fine."
"Great. Talk to you two later." Bruce left Steph and I alone.
"I came to tell you that Cass and I were about to start baking."
I hopped up. "Oh cool."
We headed out of my room and down the stairs. "So you and Bruce going shopping tommorow?"
"What are you going to buy?"
"Furniture and clothes."
"Got space for two more?"
"You and Cass?"
"You'll have to ask Bruce."
"Bruce never says no to Cass." Steph stated. "She's like his kryptonite."
I giggled as we walked into the kitchen. Cass stood by the kitchen island with a chef hat and apron on. "Hello."
"Hey." Steph grabbed a apron and hat and handed them to me.
I threw on the apron and looked at the hat. "Is the hat necessary?"
"No." Cass said.
"I think they're hilarious though." Steph added.
"Fair enough." I put on the hat. "So what are we making?"
"Strawberry shortcake." Cass said longingly.
"Cass loves strawberry shortcake." Steph explained, while grabbing a mixing bowl.
"So how do we make strawberry shortcake?" I asked.
Steph held up a sheet. "Got it all written down."
We began baking and chatting. I learned a lot about Steph, not so much about Cass. Almost two hours later and we placed the cake into the oven. "That was very enjoyable." I said.
"Yeah." Steph said. Cass nodded in agreement. "Now we wait."
"How long?" I asked.
Steph looked at the instructions. "Uhh... a while, I guess. I forgot to write that down. We can just guess."
"Like an hour?" Cass suggested. Steph and I nodded in agreement.
"I'm amazed we didn't make too much of a mess." Steph looked around.
A bit of dough here and there, some flour on the floor, but nothing more then should be expected. "Alfred made it sound so much worse." I said.
"Oh me and Cass aren't too bad but if you get a couple of us together, it can be..."
"Messy." Cass finished her sentence.
"How so?" I asked.
She looked off into the distance dramatically reminiscing. "You ever try to get honey out of your hair?"
"Don't." She warned me
"I didn't intend to."
We both turned to look at Cass, who was giggling. "You smelt like honey for a week."
I began giggling, half at the thought of Steph smelling like honey, and half at the fact Cass was giggling. It was a contagious laugh.
"It wasn't funny." Steph insisted. Cass and I's laughter stopped as Steph slapped a handful of flour into our hair and stepped back. "You know white suits you two."
I blinked as flour dropped down by my face. "Oh." I began laughing again.
Cass leaned into me and whispered. "There's honey in fridge."
"That seems mean." I whispered back.
"I get flour hair, she gets honey hair."
"What are you two whispering about?" Steph asked as she watched Cass walk over to the fridge. "Cass?" Cass took a jar of honey. "Cass, no!"
Steph immediately ducked behind me as Cass came forward. "Don't get me involved."
"I'm using you as a human shield. Cass won't hit you." Steph insisted.
"Sorry Ashleigh." Cass said as she took a handful of honey. " Going to be messy."
Five minutes, and a jar honey later, and all three of us and the kitchen was covered in honey. "So now I understand what Alfred was talking about." I said as I took a glob of honey out of my hair.
"Sorry." Cass apologised. "Had to get Steph."
"That's fair."
"I hate you two." Steph moaned.
"No you don't." Cass said.
"No I don't." Steph admitted.
"You love us."
"I do, but I hate that I love you."
"What in the name of Barry Bee Benson happened in here?" Tim asked as he and Dick walked in.
"Cass started it." Steph said.
"Steph started it." Cass said at the same time.
Dick looked us and sighed. "Go take a shower, you three."
"At least it's not as bad as last time Steph and honey was involved." Tim said.
"That was your fault and you know it Tim." Steph angrily said as we walked by them.
"We'll clean it, after showers." Cass said as she followed.
"Don't worry about it." Dick said. "I'll clean it."
"Sorry." I said.
"Don't worry about it. It happens regurly here." Dick insisted.
"Also I- Im umm, sorry about... you know. The guns and stuff with Jay." I said.
Dick sighed. "No need to be. You get to choose what you do. Jay might be reckless with his own life but he'd never needless endanger yours."
"Thanks." I smiled at him.
"I'd give you a hug but... you know,
"Now go have a shower." Dick said. "You know you're going to smell like honey for a week."
"So I've heard." I said as I walked out.
I walked up the stairs to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. After about two hours of washing honey out of my hair, I headed back to my room, and sat on the edge of bed and sighed.
"Something up?" Bruce asked from the door.
I hadn't heard him enter, perks of being Batman I guess. "No. Just thinking."
"Doesn't matter."
"Are you okay, Ashleigh?"
"I'm fine," I smiled. "Just need some sleep."
"You sure you want to go shopping tommorow?."
"Yeah. Absolutely."
"Okay. I heard you and the girls were baking?."
"Yeah, strawberry shortcake."
"How'd it turn out?"
"I'm not sure. It was in the oven when we left it."
"Why'd you leave it?"
"We had to-" I stopped myself. Am I allowed to tell him? "Wash... uhh honey off... Yeah. "
Bruce sighed. "That's why Tim wouldn't let me in."
"I think Dick was going to clean it, while we washed."
"I won't ask the why."
"Probably best."
"You coming down to taste the cake?"
"No. I think... I'm going to go to sleep."
"Thats alright. We'll save some for you."
"Thanks. Good night."
Bruce shut the door and I lay into bed. I'm glad Jay didn't get into too much trouble with Dick. I felt kinda guilty for that. At least the baking was good. Steph is so nice and even though she doesn't say much Cass is sweet. A faint smell of honey filled my nose as I drifted off to sleep.
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kimnjss · 4 years
Fuck it.
They're both idiots and both horrible. I take no argument on that. NONE.
Up first, Jimin. I appreciate that he told her that instead of just sleeping around or restraining himself for 2 years and thus possibly being annoyed with her because he felt she was a hindrance to him doing whatever. But he's a fucking dumbass. You don't tell someone you want to be able to see others and then end up plastered everywhere putting your dick in all these women. Especially since it was clearly a constant. More so because even if it wasn't on the internet they went to the same school and he's well known, so him sleeping with everyone was bound to work it's way back to her. It wss just a dumb fuck move, but I don't blame him or hate him for telling her what he wanted in an attempt to not end up doing it and hurting her more.
That leads me to my other issue with him though. Despite him being the type to focus on what he wants, he was good at gauging YN's shit too. Her feelings were something he was aware of. So him coming back after telling her that and sleeping around is fuck shit. Especially because he should at least realize that seeing him plastered everywhere after sleeping with this and that person would hurt. Especially if his dumbass didn't keep in contact. That part should be fucking obvious, which should lead to understanding of how telling her he wanted to see others as he worked hurt her. Even if she is the one who broke up with him.
I refuse to say he broke up with her because they were broken up and that was very much her decision, not his.
Now, on to dumd fuck YN. Her feelings are valid. Going through all that and then having him decide he wants to see others would hurt like a bitch. And since I don't know if he emphasized that his seeing others was temporary or not to her, I can't touch on that. Not that it takes away from her pain. But what is not valid is her deciding her fuck girl antics making her kinda shitty. I brought it up before and I just despise this rating game she's doing. It's trash. Even if the guys don't know, her friends do. And no one seems to he telling her shit. Like wtf JK! I expect better from him. To stop her from being that bad at least. And for Hoseok to not have to he the one to call her out on her shit. Like JK has dropped the ball and I don't care for him at the moment tbh.
But anyway, to go to the mention of her rating people. I could be wrong in this, but I'm going to say it as if I'm right. Because Jimin's sexual exploits were everywhere for her and anyone to see she wanted to do the same thing. Put her sex life on blast on the internet, but she doesn't have the balls to make that clear to others not in her friend group let alone Jimin. So she plays her little rating game and it's almost like she's on an even playing field with Jimin. As if they're both hurting each other with annoucing their conquests. Which just makes shit sad. Makes her kinda sad to think about.
Like I want to get that she lost her friend and then her boyfriend, but seeing as Jimin didn't make that choice until he was leaving to somewhere else from New York she should've been processing that shit. It takes a while, but that should have been in motion. Especially seeing the dumpster fire of a "friend" fles after he tried to hurt her one last time. So I can't truly accept that as part of the reason she's acting out. It's basically a nonfactor for me when it comes to it. And it isn't a necessary addition. Him hurting her is enough for her to make a change (even if part of that change makes her kinda trash).
I also feel the need to point out she can sleep around all she wants, but issues are with everyone else.
Oh and back to Jimin. Well not Jimin, his friends. I need those dumbasses to stop telling him to drop and actually fucking sit there and tell him he needs to fucking see past what he wants. Yes, they say it but intertwining it with leave her alone forever isn't helpful. Tell him he needs to sit and think about what he did. Or lead the dumb bitch to the answer. Fucking do something. Punk ass Yoongi still got shit to make up for and is bestie's with Hobi so he might as well be useful for once. AND YES I'M STILL MAD AT HIM!
Like everyone is failing at this point expect Hobi. I only trust him right now. It's fuck JK hours if that wasn't clear. Disappointing little shit. Also I get because he and Tae are being baby back bitches who refuse to address whatever the fuck happened he'd be less inclined to get YN to, but I expect better from him got damnit. I'm surrounded by idiots and Hobi.
Also to repeat YN is just as bad as Jimin. They are equals. Until he learns what the fuck he should already be seeing or she admits her feelings and talks to him they shall remain equally dumb bitches. Though I expect her to make things worse, ngl.
Sigh... I shall live in a world where I get to love and cuddle Hobi so I don't have to deal with Dumber and Dumber.
Also I apologize if that's all over the place, I lost focus during some parts.
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righhttt! jimin telling her wasn't a bad thing, honestly. he thought he was doing the right thing instead of sleeping around behind her back. he knows himself nd the fact that sleeping around even crossed his mind, he figured breaking things off with her first would lessen the blow . buut what he failed to realize is that w his new fame and the fact that he's been with everybody – everything that he's been up to is like right there in her face.
him not seeing that how he acted would hurt yn simply comes from him not wanting to believe that he would ever hurt her. because he loves her. just how he didn't want miju to have feelings for him, so he just ignored all the signs. jimin hasn't changed in that sense that's the way he's been and it takes someone literally pointing it out like this is xyz for him to finally be like 'oh, maybe that could be true'.
yeah, she definitely broke up with him. but bc jimin wasn't technically onboard, him going back and saying 'we should definitely see other people' was like a double back on it. up until then they were just holding out for each other.
for jeongguk and hobi calling her out (gonna skip over jin bc that boy is in love and really doesn't have time to worry about all this pettiness) but hobi has (and will) on many occasions try to call yn on her bullshit, but she'd either brush him off or explain away her reasoning until he's backing off. jeongguk use to back hobi up, but since his break up with taehyung he's been siding with yn more and rooting for her outlandish behavior. so it's lowkey two against one nd they never listen to hobi, but he never hesitates to point out where they're wrong.
this. the rating theory, dude. this is why i love reading your asks so much bc that's exactly it! mixed with her not wanting to get attached so she thinks doing this would keep them at an arms length, but honestly – it comes w her having to see jimin doing his thing left and right and she's sort of like 'i can do that too'. but of course, they're still in college and people talk, so she doesn't want to be the point of gossip, so she does it secretly nd keeps it between her and her friends.
jimin's friends not speaking to him properly and only telling to leave yn alone is mainly bc they saw everything that yn had to go through with getting over jimin, but at the same time them being friends with jimin is kind of a blocker?? if that makes sense, they know how jimin is aand how he reacts in situations and how he can sometimes be overbearing, so if they were to tell him what's wrong he would do the most and might make things worse. also, they're all in their own lives (joon being newly married, taehyung dealing w his feeling for jeongguk) that it really leaves it to yoongi to fully step in and he's already feeling some type of way for ruining things the first time.
yn is definitely not in the clear though, they've both did their part in making the relationship the way that it is now. and it's going to take the both of them to fix how things are going to be in the future (if they have a future) but it's just jimin who's going to have to take the first step nnot only bc yn is stubborn, but bc he 'left' first.
hobi though, always listen to hobi. he's the only rich guy we can trust!!
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
12/02/2020 DAB Transcript
Daniel 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Psalms 121:1-8, Proverbs 28:27-28
Today is the 2nd day of December welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today. Always remember this day would've been my father's birthday. I lost him a couple years before the Daily Audio Bible began, but I can assure you it's on his back that I stand. I don’t think that I would be able to do what I'm doing, I don’t think I would be able to do this had it not been for his guidance, his fathering me. So, yeah, happy birthday dad. And, so, we are moving through our new week and getting settled into our new month. And, so, let's put…put…put our foot forward and take the next step. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Today, Daniel chapter 9 verse 1 through 11 verse 1.
Okay. Let's talk about doubt for a second because that really is the…sort of the underpinning to what we read in first John in his letter today. People were falling away…were falling away from the church, walking away from their faith just kind of disappearing back into the fabric of the culture. This kind of thing doesn't usually happen without spiritual doubt preceding it. And where does that come from? Like, where does the dissonance come from that would lead us into doubt? Typically, it's…it's because we were expecting something that didn't happen that caused us to question and caused us to doubt in our faith, like expectations went unmet. We prayed, we believed, we stood on promises, we lived into something that we thought God was going to come through on and then somehow it's taken too long or it's not happening the way that we envisioned it and then we…well…we reveal to ourselves what our expectations were, but it also leads us to discontent and doubt and then we can be let into deception quite easily and pretty soon…pretty soon we’re…we’re stepping away, we’re disappearing into the wall work…we’re walking away. And sometimes when these things happen people are estranged from God. Like, they don’t just go, “well that didn't work.” They are angry at everyone who led them to God, and they are angry at God. They become anti-God or anti-Christ. This is what John is talking about. And I quote, “children. it is the last hour and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. By this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; however, they went out so that it might be made clear that none of them belongs to us.” But why would they, whoever they are in…in this equation, why would they do that? Why would they depart? Why would they become anti-Christ? This is where we have to understand the context that we’re dealing with. The early church had an apocalyptic worldview and Jesus preached an apocalyptic message, as did Paul, as does the…basically the entire New Testament…have this apocalyptic worldview that everything is going somewhere, that…the world…that we are headed somewhere and that somewhere is ultimately good, but not before it's bad. So, an understanding that everything is headed somewhere but it's headed into a time of real turmoil and trouble upon the earth. Very, very difficult times. And then, as is the backdrop of the whole Bible, against all odds, then God comes through. It is only God that could save. It is only His mighty power. But this is what they're looking at. The thing about it is they're expecting this imminently. So, people come to faith as they are quickened and awakened by the Holy Spirit, they come to faith at the message of Jesus and they are told that His arrival and the restoration of all things and the establishment of the kingdom of God is imminent, this gonna happen very, very soon. So, people would come into the faith really understanding that they’re some of the first people to be in. This is like a…this is the ground floor opportunity in the kingdom of God, but instead of being respected and instead of things moving forward they instead received ridicule and they were persecuted and they were marginalized and it just…they didn't get what they were expecting when they were expecting it. And this is why John would say something like what he has. “They…they never really were with us. If they really ever had been with us they would've stayed.” And, so, John basically aims his pen at an essential truth. So, he’s trying to cut through all of the different arguments and all the different reasons for why people do the things they do, just cut to the chase and tells us who…who is the liar if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. This one is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the father. He who confesses the Son has the Father as well. So, John is clarifying this because some have fallen away and become antagonistic and become anti-Christ's, but also because some were falling away because…because there was a swirl, a cauldron of different kinds of teachings beginning to emerge. And John wants to speak to both of those things because the end result is the same, people falling away from their faith, falling away from what they had been taught at the beginning. And, so, John writes words that are very hopeful and very encouraging as we face doubt, as we face deception, as we face anything that would draw us away. He says, “I have written these things to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. As for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you don't need anyone to teach you. Instead His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie. Just as it has taught you, remain in Him.
Father, we certainly can find ourselves in some of these types of categories. We have been a person who has walked away into rebellion before. We have been people who have walked into doubt before in an unhealthy way. We have at times allowed ourselves to feel separation or estrangement from you because of unmet expectations, as if you owe us something. So, the letter that we are reading here may have come from a couple of thousand years ago and the recipients of this letter may have been from far back in history and perhaps we don't have the same culture that they did, but we…we certainly do find ourselves in the posture of heart that's being spoken of. And, so, we acknowledge. We owe you everything. There is no way to repay you for your goodness and for the gift of eternal life that you’ve bestowed upon us. And, so, we ask Holy Spirit that you would teach us, that you would lead us into all truth, that we would hold true to what we were taught from the beginning. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here.
And today…today I have my daughter China here in the studio to…to share some things that are going on around here, but just before we get to that. I want to play you something.
[China reading] This is the family history of Jesus Christ. He came from the family of David. David came from the family of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac. Isaac was the father of Jacob. Jacob was the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah was the father of Perez and Sarah. Their mother was Tamar.
Brian - That is that is so profoundly sweet to me. That was more than half of China's life ago on her first day of reading the Bible out loud and recording it, the first day of Daily Audio Bible kids. So, it has been a year for the record books this year 2020 and sitting here with China and just talking about all of the transitions because it's been a hard year, but it's also been a really beautiful year and some…in…in the midst of it all some really, really beautiful things have happened in our family. Well China got married a couple of years ago but this year she finds herself like Mary, with child and she's laughing but she doesn't it want it to be on the mic
China – I can’t believe you just compared me to the virgin Mary.
Brian – Yeah, with child. You find yourself with child at this time of year. And, so, that's exciting because it’s Christmas time. But this coming spring it won’t be a pregnancy, it will be a baby, But without you having a baby, especially this being your first baby. Oh, and by the way, for those of you who are like not aware, this is baby girl
China – Yup.
Brain - This is a baby girl coming into our family and China was the only girl in a sea of boys growing up. And, so, to have another little girl running around in little dresses or whatever she's gonna run around in. I don't care check, She can run around in a diaper. That’ll be fine. But just to have her, that's gonna be new life in our family and I'm really excited. But you have been at this now since 2009.
China – Yeah
Brain - I remember we went to India together. I think it was in 2009 and you were just a little girl. I remember that. And coming out of that was an inspiration to do Daily Audio Bible kids, even launch that. That was your vision. That’s something that you felt led to do, even as a child. And, so, we did. So we started and more than half of your life now has been spent reading the Bible and recording it every day just like your dear old dad.
China – Yeah
Brain - And we’ve been like at this every day for all of these years. But it's unique for you because it really spans your childhood and you've been at this every single day. I don't know anybody else like you…
China – Yeah
Brain - …in that regard, and I'm proud of that and I'm proud of how wise you've become over those years. You…you let the Bible be a part of your childhood and your teenage years. Now you are with child with a husband and about to become a mother, which brings tremendous transition. And, so, we were talking a couple of months ago about those transitions and what they would be like and what you felt like you were going to need to live into motherhood well. And we talked about it then, but now we’re talking about it now. And, so, I feel like I'm doing all the talking here, but China is going to step away and take a breather from the Daily…and believe me…it is a big responsibility when you have a seven day a week thing that never ends. And she's been faithful to it, but in preparation for the new life in a whole new set of parameters that she…she's never experienced before, it’s just best for her to get ready for motherhood. And, so, as we and this year 2020, China will be stepping away from Daily Audio Bible Chronological and taking a break to be a mom and in her place will be Jill, China's moms goona kinda step into that that role and begin the daily broadcast for Daily Audio Bible Chronological, and I'm looking forward to seeing what that brings for her. But we wanted to honor you and we wanted to have you here. This is a good thing. We wanted to both be here saying this is…this is a good thing; this is what needs to happen. So, I just wonder, like 10 years, what’s it gonna be like the first day you don't have to do this.
China – Gosh, I don’t even know like what looks like because it is…it’s…when something becomes daily, when it’s your routine and a legit hard-core routine that isn’t just your 30-day routine that becomes over a decade
Brian - Right.
China - It’s like ingrained into you. You can’t even try to put your head on the pillow at night and be like we do something and needed to do today. Like like it had to of been done. And so thinking about not doing it is like wow that’s that’s like a on wiring almost.
Brian - Yeah
China - But really around Thanksgiving every year we’d be praying about the word for next year and what the word’s supposed to look like direction wise. And I heard the Lord say probably mid-June or July when you started asking what 2021 looks like. And I was like, oh that’s kind of a jump. And just felt like I was supposed to come to a halt. That’s all I kept hearing and I was very confused by it and sat with it for about a month, was praying on it was nervous about it. Like it’s a single word. We have never heard that before and then about a month later found out I was pregnant and kinda was like, “ah okay”. Yeah, the Lord was preparing me for that and so once we announced to my parents, you and mom, we’d been having that conversation. Really what it comes down to is you can’t do both well. And I have no idea, you know, what it’s like to be pregnant and I don’t know what it’s like to have a newborn and I don’t know that I could do both well. And, so, instead of sucking at one thing or both things I think…well…really the Lord knew what was needed was to take a step back. And I don’t really know…I know there’s probably some questions that the community might have and here’s the only one that I think…I think I can answer right now, is that I actually don’t know when I will come back. That is a pretty big question that the Lord hasn’t answered yet but as soon as that is made clear we will let you guys know.
Brain – Absolutely. Well, I mean, that was one of my first questions when we were having this conversation
China – Naturally
Brian - Just to…well…just to plan and pray into and understand what you’re thinking and just really did seem best to…why nail that down right this second. It's not necessary.
China – Yeah
Brian - This whole thing that we’ve been doing all of these years has been on faith basically
China – Yeah
Brian - Just being faithful every day, showing up every day. And, so, it's best that you show up for your daughter first…
China – Yeah
Brain - …as this gift and let mom kind of step into this role. She's equipped for it. It’s part of the rhythm of our family. And, so, super excited to see what that looks like and how that grows and morphs and becomes as…as she takes over for now.
China – Yeah
Brain - And then we’ll just…we’ll just see. The…the point is, you’re not gone.
China – Yeah. No. I have no intentions of like disappearing or vanishing where you hear that I'm pregnant and you never see or hear from me or been for our little one. It’s just necessary and this is I have to steward my family well in order to do that and not properly leave something every day. This is … This is the best and this is what the Lord has and it’s going to be good. So, it’s bittersweet and exciting. It’s all the things all the things.
Brain – Yeah. It's all of the things. And, so, we should all just sit with all the things. And, so, mainly I just wanted you to come on with me. We started like this.
China – Yeah
Brain - On day 1 all of those years ago, sitting together like this reading the very very first one when you were just a little girl with a sweet little voice. Now you're a grown woman and this has been the thread.
China – Yeah
Brian - Like since that day one you’ve never stopped. This has been the thread up until now. And, so, I want to honor that because I don't know anybody else in the world like that, that’s been able to, through their childhood, record the Bible and I…I think that's unique and a beautiful thing that has shaped your life. And, so, we’re just honoring you for all of these years and looking forward to years to come. I don't know whether you gonna have one baby and then come back or whether you’re gonna build a whole family…we don't know.
China – Yeah
Brian – and that's fine. We just don't know those things.
China – Yeah
Brian – And, so, we’re just gonna do what we've always done and just live by faith.
China – Yeah
Brian - And trust that any kind of major pivots that the Lord is gonna have us do, that He's not gonna thrust them upon us, he’s gonna tell us
China – Yeah
Brian - And lead us as He always has throughout this ministry. And, so, thank you China. You have no idea…I mean you get told it and I get told it. You have no idea the hundreds of thousands of people that know your voice that have traveled the Bible together with you over these years. And, so, I remember…I mean…I got…after you announced you were pregnant I got a letter or not a letter…it was an email of somebody that was…I told you about it…they were sending it to you and it was somebody who had grown up with you…
China – Yeah
Brian - …that was right around your same age and who remembered being a kid with you going through the Bible as a kid and they were still around and still a part of keeping the rhythm of the Bible in their lives. So, you have made a profound difference in so many lives and now there's one life, one life, your baby girl that you're going to make an irreversible difference in her life. And, so, we’re excited to send you off to do that knowing that you're…you’re just down the road.
China – Yeah
Brian - And you're not planning to be a stranger around here. And, so, when the babies born, we’re gonna hear about it and probably be able to hear about it right directly from you.
China – Yeah
Brain – And, so, we’re looking for to that. But we just wanted to make this announcement together, that this is…that this is the right thing.
China - Yeah
Brian - Transitions are always disruptive and not always easy but necessary
China – Yeah
Brain - And this is a necessary one so that you can focus on the things that really, really do need to be focused on because this is a first go around.
China – Yeah
Brian – And, so, super excited for that and super…super excited for the future, whatever that might be. We just want to honor and thank you for all of these years.
China - it’s a pleasure seriously such an honor and a pleasure to be in people’s headphones or cars or workplaces, schools, bedrooms, kitchens, all…all of that. You can’t take it lightly. If you did then you would be doing it for 10 years plus.
Brian – Yeah
China - so it’s a big deal.
Brian – Yeah
China - and I’m grateful
Brian – we’re all grateful and we thank you. And there are no goodbyes in the Daily Audio Bible. There's only until we meet again's. And with China you can be sure that you’ll meet her again down the path.
Father, we bless China today and we thank you for all that she has done to bring your spoken word to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that we know are not alone. That has been the mission you've given us and she has carried that mission with integrity and wisdom beyond her years the whole time. And, so, as we prepare to move into new seasons, we just pray your blessing upon her and Ben and upon this new baby girl that we just cannot wait to see. And I pray…pray over her from the Daily Audio Bible, I pray over her speaking for the community, but I pray over as her father that You would instruct her, that You would guide her, that you would protect her, that you would direct her and that she and Ben and their family be sealed in Christ all the days of their lives walking with you into the great unknown that is life and I pray this, we all pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
Nowish - Part 8
Bechloe. Staubrey. Bellas Squared/Stechlobree.
A story in which I convinced myself by accident that this could work. Let me try and convince you too.
Nowish Master Post  - Everything on one page.
A Shared Lifetime - All my fics
Recommended Mood Music on Spotify. Artistic license taken with song release years.
Note on the links: The ones about music lead to YouTube vids for fun. Rest are GIFs or links to whatever gift idea I have.
The Party and the Aftermath.
Saturday, July 1st, 2017
Beca looked around and grinned.
Their backyards were full of people.
Music makers mixed with science nerds mixed with lawyers mixed with dance teachers.
The party had started at noon and showed no sign of stopping. There was so much laughter and yelling over the music that she was surprised her head wasn’t pounding as it usually did in crowds.  But the day was so far – and she knocked on the wood of the bench she was sitting on – nothing but net. She frowned, not sure where she’d heard that phrase or why her brain dredged it up now. She was sure it had to do with sports. One of them. Whatever, she was having fun in a crowd for once.
A flash of red caught her eye when Chloe turned around and looked at her as the music changed.
Ok, so maybe Beca was having a lot of fun. In fact, this may have been the third time in the past five hours that “It Was Always You” by Maroon 5 had come up in her playlist. The first time, none of the key people had thought anything of it. The second time, Chloe had given her a ‘look.’ Similar to the one she was giving right now. But now… Now Chloe’s eyes twinkled at her, somehow full of something knowing. Beca could see that she’d figured out it was intentional and what it might possibly mean.  Beca winked and could hear Chloe’s laugh over the music.
Today was a great day.
The next time it played, which if Beca was still able to count after everything she’d been drinking, made the fourth time it had come up.
“You must like this song.”
Beca turned around slowly, having learned if she did it quickly, her head felt like it flew fifty feet to the side before settling back on her neck. “What?”
Aubrey shrugged, almost spilling her drink. “I know you have enough music that I could listen to it twenty-four-hours-a-day, for thiiiiiiirty years and not hear a repeat. But I’ve heard this one already today.”
Beca just blinked at her, hoping she looked innocent. “Oh? I hadn’t noticed.”
“I swear, this is like the third time I’ve heard it.” Aubrey closed one eye, peering at her. “Are you drunk?”
“No, you’re just blurry.” Beca cracked up but with her balance gone, she fell to the ground. That was literally the best joke that Jesse had ever said and she loved when she got the chance to use it.
Aubrey closed the other eye and opened it again. “Were you always on the ground?”
“Nope. Help me up.” Beca shot her hand up and wiggled her fingers. Aubrey carefully took it and tugged but Beca overestimated her own force as she pulled herself up and they collided. “Oops.”
“Hey, no mashing of my wife without me.” Stacie frowned playfully as she came over. “Rude.”
“Beca fell over. I helped her up.” Aubrey added helpfully.
“Ah. Water for both of you then.” Stacie stepped over to one of the many coolers sweating around the lawn. She pulled out four bottles and handed them each one. “I’m gonna go find Chlo. She’s usually more sensible… but sometimes not.”
“She’s so smart.” Aubrey sighed as she watched Stacie walk away. “And pretty. Don’t you think she’s pretty, Becs?.”
“Oh yeah. I mean – All of that. And handy to have around.” Beca opened the bottle and downed half of it in one go. She wasn’t sure water had ever tasted so good. “I’m gonna go find out if Jeff’s finished making the burgers. I need to eat.”
“Oooh.” Aubrey’s eyes lit up.
“C’mon, Blurry.” Beca took her hand and they headed for the giant BBQ – once again Beca’s insistence that size matters - that normally no one but Stacie ever used throughout the year.
By the time their guests started yelling for them to bust out the Karaoke machine, Beca – and the rest of her girls, she assumed – had sobered up considerably. She was still drunk, but she wasn’t falling down anymore. Her lips twitched in a lopsided smile as she thought that she’d have to thank Stacie for that one day.
She stepped back once the machine was set up and turned to the group. “First up, my beautiful wife.”
Chloe stepped forward, “Why thank you.” She pushed Beca toward a chair. “I got it. Go sit.”
Beca went willingly to where she’d set her beer while she arranged the machine and settled into one of the lawn chairs littering the area.
Chloe tapped on the microphone to test it then smiled widely. “First I would like to say thank you for everyone who braved the heat to be with us today.” The audience cheered at her. “You guys have all made the 2nd annual Posen-Conrad/Beale-Mitchell – boy that’s a mouthful – 4th of July bash even better than the first.” She leaned over and pushed the button to start the music she’d selected and Beca had to bite her cheek to keep from laughing.
She’d already been snickering at ‘mouthful’ because she was mentally 16 and lived in the gutter when she was drunk. But at the first few notes, she’d started chanting to herself. ‘Don’t look at Aubrey, don’t look at Aubrey.’ She knew she would lose it if she did. She rolled her lips together, trying to hold it together.
Because of course, the first song Chloe decided to sing was ‘It Was Always You.’
  Woke up sweating from a dream With a different kind of feeling, oh All day long my heart was beating Searching for the meaning, oh
  Then, to Beca’s amusement, delight and, she could finally admit to herself, a thrill of something close to desire, Stacie jumped up next to Chloe for the chorus.
  Hazel eyes, I was so color blind We were just wasting time, uh uh babe For my whole life, we never crossed the line Only friends in my mind, but now I realize
It was always you Can't believe I could not see it all this time All this time It was always you
Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied Satisfied It was always you, you
No more guessing who Looking back now I know it was always you Always you
  Beca was looking around to see who else might be paying attention to any special meaning in the lyrics when she caught sight of Aubrey. She had her ‘considering face’ on as Beca’s eyes skated over her, and it caused another bubble of laughter to rise up so she moved on quickly. Which meant she missed it when Aubrey joined the other girls until her voice came through the speakers.
All my hidden desires finally came alive No, I never told lies to you so why would I start tonight
  Beca’s eyes jerked back to their impromptu stage, her pulse beginning to race. Chloe stood in the middle, Aubrey and Stacie flanking with an arm around her, using the one microphone. Beca swallowed thickly and fell back on a hopefully less ‘bitch’ variation of her Resting Bitch Face to try and remain calm and cool on the surface.
But underneath… It felt like lightning was flashing up and down her body and she was afraid if she moved, she’d break the spell. Or leap into the middle of them and kiss… someone. Or all of them.
The thought slid slowly through her mind, almost as if her own brain didn’t want to startle her. ‘This may… be too on the nose for such a public space.’
Then she noticed that while Chloe sang directly to her, which was normal as her wife, Stacie and Aubrey appeared to be singing directly to each other. Beca didn’t think the rest of the cheering, and completely trashed, crowd noticed how often the two of them split their attention between her and Chloe as well as each other. Or what their eyes seemed to be promising her when she met them.
But Beca did.
And the way they all looked at her during the last chorus made her feel like she was getting the most public, secret, no-touching lap dance in the world. Her thighs clenched involuntarily and she rubbed her suddenly sweating palms on them. Arousal swept through her, making her breath catch and quicken.
As the song came to an end, she snapped out of her daze and whistled her appreciation while the crowd around them clapped and stopped their feet.
Maybe she should drink a little more after all. 
The three of them took their bows and stepped toward her wearing matching mischievous smiles.
Yeah. Yeah, she should definitely drink more. 
Sunday, July 2nd, 2017
Beca groaned and tried to close her mouth; everything hurt, even her jaw and especially her head. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was as dry as her father’s humor. Her body felt like it was under a heavy weight and her limbs didn’t want to move when she tried stretching. She realized why her mouth was parched when her cheek hit the giant drool spot on her pillow.
“Here.” A soft voice said from above her.
Beca felt her hand taken and pills were placed in it. Her fingers curled around them. She’d be grateful if she had any energy.
“Down the hatch. I’ve got water.”
Beca whimpered her thanks and slowly moved her hand and head toward each other until she could scoop the pills in her mouth.
“This is going to be trickier unless you want me to just pour it on your face and hope you get some in your mouth.” The voice sounded amused.
Beca nodded, but she held her hand out and felt a cool plastic bottle settle against her palm. She lifted her head off the pillow and pushed up enough to swallow some blissfully cool water while someone gently helped steady her.  She’d been wrong yesterday; this was the best tasting water she’d ever had.
She drained the water and let her head fall back to the bed as the guiding hand took the bottle back. She tried to speak but all that came out was a croak.
“If that was thank you, you’re welcome.” A hand ran lightly over her hair, soothing, as lips pressed to her temple.
Beca nodded and fell back into sleep. She hoped she’d feel better when she woke up again. She’d figure out who the voice belonged to then. They were kind of awesome.
When Beca woke the second time, she felt much better, not hurting as much as before. She experimentally tried to stretch but her body still felt weighted down. She put a bit more force into it and that’s when she realized she was naked and not alone.
‘Ok, that’s not unusual.’
She flexed her legs from her hips to her toes to wake them up, then her arms from shoulder to fingers.
That’s about the time she realized Chloe was lying naked across her back. That also wasn’t unusual. She smiled sleepily as one hand twitched back to awkwardly caress a bare hip.
“Morning sleepyhead.”
Beca frowned, her eyes still closed. That was Chloe’s voice alright. But it didn’t come from above her.
She forced her eyes open and met the twinkling blue ones she loved more than music. Chloe was on the other side of the bed, lying on her side, one hand propping up her head. Fully dressed.
Except that shouldn’t be possible, because someone was definitely draped across her back. Naked. She could feel them breathing. She knew were naked, because she could feel two -
She managed to croak out a quiet “Oh god.” Chloe winked at her.
Then, to make matters truly worse, she heard Aubrey’s dry tone from behind her by the door. “Dirty bird.”
There was a voice in her ear. “Shhh.” A long arm stretched down and pushed its way between Beca and the mattress. “Sleep time, Bree.” Stacie wiggled around until she was on her side and used both her arms to scoop Beca into her chest to spoon her tightly under the sheet.
Beca’s eyes were wide open now, locked on her wife’s, who just smiled wider.
‘We’re both fucking naked. In The Expanse.’ Beca felt her word tip sideways and all she could do was stare at Chloe as she slipped into full panic. ‘Chloe is dressed. Bree is also probably dressed. Oh god. What did we do?’
“If you and my wife feel like it, I’ve got food over at our place.” Despite the pain in her head, Beca craned her neck around to try and look at Aubrey, but the angle was wrong. “That is, if you guys don’t want to have round two this morning.”
Beca’s mouth dropped and stayed there until she felt Chloe slide off the bed. “I got out clothes for you guys, they’re sitting on the dresser. There’s more water on your table.”  She headed out the door with Aubrey.
Stacie’s arm tightened. “So much noise. Why so much talking.” She buried her face in Beca’s hair as she shifted her hips closer and tighter into Beca’s ass. “Wha… wait.” Beca felt Stacie lift her head and could only assume she was looking around. “Bree?”
Beca let her head fall back to her pillow and met Stacie’s still dazed and confused eyes. “Surprise?”
Moving slowly, Stacie unwound her arm from around Beca’s waist and pushed the sheets up enough to look down at their bodies. “Beca?”
“Yup. Heh.” Beca used the moment to slide to the edge of the bed.
“Why are we naked.”  Stacie spoke slowly.
“Wish I knew.” Beca groaned as she sat up and pushed over to swing her legs over the side. “Almost as much as I wish I knew why my head hurts so much.” She slipped down to the floor and gingerly made her way to the dresser. She pulled on her underwear and shorts first before wrestling herself into the sports bra Chloe had set out. She turned with her tank in her hands.
Stacie was sitting up in bed, the sheets pooled around her waist, obviously not worried about her current state of undress beyond ‘how had this happened.’ “Becs. What… why are we- Where are…?”
That, at least, Beca could answer. She decided to leave out the color commentary though. “They’re over at your place. Aubrey made us breakfast.” A quick glance at the clock showed her it was almost noon. “Or, brunch, I guess. She didn’t really say more than ‘food’ before she and Chloe left.”
“They were here? While we were like that?” Stacie pushed herself to the edge of the bed. “Holy fuck, The Expanse is even bigger from the fucking middle.”
Beca froze with her shirt halfway over her head before pulling it down.
Stacie actually looked abashed. “That may have been a poor choice of words, considering the situation.”
“Uh.” Beca didn’t want to admit to it, but it was driving her nuts. “Stacie. What happened?”
Stacie groaned as she pulled herself to her feet. “I don’t remember. I take it you don’t either?”
Beca shook her head and immediately regretted it. She picked up the other stack of clothes and brought them over to the bed. “Nope. Not a second. Last thing I remember was Bruce singing a bad rendition of ‘I Will Always Love You.’”
Stacie made a face. “Oh. I wish I didn’t remember that instead.” She stood and pulled on the clothes. “Why do these fit me?”
“Because we had a clothing exchange the last time I pushed you in the pool when you slept over. ‘Packing a bag’ seemed stupid when we’ve got a million drawers.” They each had their own drawer and a few hangers in the other house, as well as their own toothbrush. It was just so much easier that way.
“Oh. Right.” Stacie picked up the bottle on her side of the table. “Did you give me ibuprofen?”
“No, it was one of them. I don’t know which, but they gave me some too. It helped, a bit.” Beca walked back over and grabbed the bottle left for her. “They are never going to let us live this down,” she said idly.
“Live what down? If I’m going to get dragged for something then I’d like to remember. Especially if it involves waking up naked in bed with someone other than my wife.” Stacie drained the last of her bottle, thankfully ignoring the scarlet color Beca was sure she just turned. “Let’s go eat and get it over with.”
They took turns using the bathroom before they stood side by side at the sink to clean up. Beca frowned. Her hair was a rat nest and took far longer than it should have to comb out. It didn’t help that each tug felt like it was pulling her brain out through her scalp. That’s when she noticed the large goose egg just beyond her hairline. “What. The. Fuck. Happened.”
Stacie peered at it. “Holy crap, B. I,” she frowned. “I hope I didn’t cause that.”
Beca gingerly felt the bump. “I’ll feel better once we know what the hell happened last night. I hope.”
They felt marginally better with freshly washed faces, combed hair and brushed teeth. They also liberally used Beca’s mouthwash to try and remove the dead animal taste before they tried to eat.
Foregoing shoes, they carefully made their way down the stairs and through the house to the back yard. Beca groaned. “Oh god, they’ve already cleaned up.”
Stacie started to shake her head and stopped, one hand on her forehead. “No, we tried to stay on top of it throughout the day. I do remember that.”
“Oh, right! Thank god. This would be much worse if they’d had to clean up both yards while we were passed out together.” Beca’s teeth clicked together as she tried to bite back the last bit before it slipped out. “Uh.”
“Yeah.” Stacie frowned. “Maybe.”
They both made their way into the kitchen and stopped just past the door.
“That took less time than I anticipated, honestly.” Chloe was just setting plates down for her and Aubrey and waved at the table. “Sit, I’ll get yours.”
“Yeah, you guys look like you’re going to fall over.” Aubrey looked them over. “But still, you look better than you did before I gave you the Advil.”
“That was you?” Beca slid into the chair across from Aubrey as she nodded. “Thank you, “ she breathed out, as heartfelt as anything she’d ever said.
Stacie leaned down, somewhat hesitantly, and went to kiss Aubrey’s cheek.
“What, my lips aren’t good enough for you anymore?” Aubrey’s voice was teasing and Beca felt herself relaxing.
“I… That’s not even funny, Bree.” Stacie scrunched up her nose and kissed her properly. “Not funny at all.”
Chloe set down a plate in front of Stacie then Beca who was relieved to see it was nothing heavier than a turkey sandwich and a salad. “I don’t know. I thought it was funny.” She put her hand on Beca’s shoulder. “This one didn’t even try to kiss me at all.”
Beca’s eyes went wide but before she could leap from her chair, Chloe had leaned down in front of her and captured her lips. Beca let herself sink back again once Chloe let her go. “Oops. Sorry, Chlo.”
“I imagine you’re both still a little…” Aubrey tilted her head from side to side, searching for the right word as she ate a forkful of salad. “Muddled.”
“That’s one way to put it.” Stacie took a bite of her sandwich and groaned softly. “Just the right amount of mayo.”
Chloe smiled from where she was ladling what smelled like chicken noodle soup into bowls. “You’re welcome.”
Beca took a bite from her sandwich finding it both exactly what she needed yet hard to swallow. She kept wondering three things: what had happened, was she about to get yelled at and, overall, how she really felt if what she thought happened had happened. Ultimately, she felt a bit like a dog creeping around with her tail between her legs, waiting to get swatted despite how… unconcerned they both seemed.
Chloe brought over the soup and finally sat down on Beca’s right, her left hand automatically going to rest on Beca’s thigh, like this was any normal lunch. So Beca tried to follow their lead and focused on filling her belly and hopefully soaking up any residual alcohol. Though she didn’t think that’s all that was twisting her stomach.
Stacie finally looked up after they’d mostly finished the meal. “Ok. What happened.” All three of them looked at her. “We - I can’t remember. I’ve tried. How the hell did I end up naked and spooning Beca.”
Beca felt her head sinking into her shoulders, waiting for the yelling. But then the opposite and absolutely last thing she would have expected happened.
Chloe and Aubrey started laughing. Hard enough that tears immediately started rolling down their cheeks and they had to hold onto the table to stay upright.
Beca and Stacie looked from each other to their wives and back, identical looks of bewilderment on their faces, which caused Chloe and Aubrey to laugh harder.
“Did…” Beca cleared her throat. “Did we break them?”
Stacie’s eyes were narrowed. “I’m not sure if I’m feeling better or worse here.”
Beca ignored the laughter beside her. “What do you mean?”
“Obviously we did something that they’re not mad about. Which means…” Stacie actually growled. “That we did something that I can’t remember. We can’t have done nothing, we were naked. And that pisses me off. Not only have I been thinking about what that might be like for years, I have never gotten so drunk that I don’t remember sex.” She sounded so offended and pissed off that Beca felt her lips twitch. Plus, she was a bit flattered that Stacie was that mad that she didn’t remember sex with Beca. And that she’d been thinking about it for years.
There was a loud clatter as Aubrey fell off her chair and rolled onto her side, laughing so hard she’d gone silent.
Beca whispered. “Holy fuck. We did break Bree.”
That’s when Chloe fell out of her chair.
It took a good five minutes for both women to calm down enough to be able to talk. Beca and Stacie had managed to get them up, still giggling, and into the living room. Now they sat, wedged between their wives, waiting them out.
Beca was starting to feel like Stacie, so torn between the infectious giggles they were feeding each other, and being annoyed that something had happened – something she’d maybe sort of finally been thinking about herself – between them and she couldn’t. Fucking. Remember.
Finally Aubrey let out a huge gasp and relaxed against the back of the couch. “Oh my god. That was fucking amazing.”
Beca blinked. Aubrey rarely swore. Her emotions swung back to nervous.
Chloe pulled Beca over and cuddled into her. “Totes.”
Stacie interrupted. “That’s great and all, but… ” She pointed between herself and Beca, “Still in the fucking dark here.”
Aubrey patted her arm and pulled her phone out of her pocket, causing Chloe to let out a couple hysterical giggles. “Beca, can you hook this up to the AppleTV?”
“Uh. Sure.” She gingerly stood and took the phone. She could barely do this without a hangover, even though it was like, only four button pushes, but she muddled her way through and handed the phone back to Aubrey. “You just have to hit play on whatever video you’re about to torture us with.”
“Oh. My. God.” Stacie breathed out, torn between admiration and shock. “You filmed it? Us? It?”
Beca had been in the act of sitting and felt her legs give out. “Holy fuck.” She immediately regretted her choice of words.
Aubrey only nodded. “Indeed.”
Chloe cleared her throat. “So. Uh.” Her voice quavered, “Saddle up.” She was shaking as she tried not to laugh. Aubrey did it for her, high and piercing before she clamped down on it and shook her head as she mouthed ‘Sorry’. “It’s going to be a bumpy ride.” Chloe slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle the giggles she couldn’t hold back.
Stacie threw her arm around Aubrey and started laughing. “Oh my god. What the fu… Jesus. Ok. I’m good. Lessgo.”
Beca swallowed for what felt like the twentieth time since she woke up. “Uh. What she said.” She was relaxing though. Obviously whatever it was wasn’t bad if the two of them couldn’t stop laughing. In fact, Bree had tears running down her cheeks again as she found what she wanted and hit play with another burst of hysteria.
The video opened to a wavering shot that Beca eventually recognized as her own living room.
Chloe’s voice came from off camera. “Hurry, you’ll miss them!”
“You can’t rush art, Chlo!” Aubrey was obviously the one filming.
“You can if you’re missing the beginning!” Chloe came into view at the entry to the hall.
The camera wavered, and Beca felt a little ill at the motion, but she found herself forgetting that as voices came from ahead. Aubrey moved into the foyer and panned up to show Beca a few steps up and Stacie standing at the foot, allowing them to be more or less level with each other.
“I… Stace. Stacie. Stace. Staaaaaaaaaaacie.” Beca watched her drunk self pat her friend on the face. “I wanna know what it’s like to be you.”
Stacie snorted. “You are so drunk.”
DrunkStacie took hold of DrunkBeca’s arms. “But.. Becs.” She shook DrunkBeca lightly.
“Ooh, no. No shaking.” DrunkBeca’s cheeks ballooned out a little. “Bad things.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” DrunkStacie nodded until she remembered her earlier thought. It lasted a good thirty seconds. “But. Becs.” She leaned forward confidentially. “You’re already hot.”
Beca laughed. “HA! I’m not the only one trashed as fuck!”
Chloe shushed her. “You guys wanted to know, you have to watch.”  Aubrey nodded. They both practically vibrated with their failed attempts to stop laughing.
Stacie and Beca looked at each other and said “Yes, dears.”
DrunkBeca shook her head then winced. “Oooh. Bad move. No no, that’s not.” She grabbed DrunkStacie’s face and pulled her close. “I wanna know what it’s like to be talllllllll.”
DrunkAubrey panned over to DrunkChloe, who was using the wall to hold herself up as she laughed. “Shhh. They might stop.”
DrunkChloe shook her head. “Oh no, when Beca’s this far gone, not much will deter her from whatever goal she has in mind.” DrunkChloe leered. “That’s usually trying to find the fastest way into my pants. I kinda like that about her.” Then she winked. “Gets my motor going. And I think you all know what I mean.” She clicked her tongue.
DrunkAubrey laughed. “That’s my line.”
DrunkChloe waved dismissively. “Yeah but you use it after you quote your dad and no one ever understands what your dad means. I just make sex jokes when I say it, so everyone does know what Iiiiiii mean.”
Stacie laughed. “She’s got you there, Babe.” Her attention jerked back to the screen when she heard her voice get louder.
“Beca, that’s… That’s so cuuuuuuuute.” The camera wavered back to the two of them. “Of course I’ll help you be tall!” DrunkStacie turned her back to DrunkBeca. “Hop on!”
Beca found she was holding her breath as she watched her drunk ass try to climb onto Stacie’s back. “There’s way too much air gap between you two, idiot.”
Chloe, who had covered her mouth again, pulled her hand away long enough to say, “Did you just call yourself an idiot?” She put her hand back, eyes wide.
Beca frowned. “What? No, I called…” She pointed at the screen. “Oh.”
She watched as DrunkStacie finally figured out that was never going to work and leaned back to make it a bit easier. DrunkChloe stepped forward, hands out and ready to catch or balance anyone if they started to totter.
Beca watched, fascinated despite the slight embarrassment she was feeling, as she basically jumped onto Stacie’s back so their heads were almost even – with this positioning, DrunkBeca was actually a bit taller. Her arms went around DrunkStacie’s shoulders while her legs went around her waist. Beca was relieved to see DrunkStacie grab underneath her knees to keep her from slipping.
DrunkBeca looked around. “Duuuuuude. Everything is so tiny from up here! How do you avoid stepping on anyone!?”
DrunkStacie took a step forward. “Like this.”
“Woah! Fuck! Slow the fuck down, Gigantor.” DrunkBeca pulled on her shoulders. “Dude. I’m not used to this. Go slow with me, fuck.”
Giggles from both DrunkAubrey and DrunkChloe echoed from off camera before DrunkAubrey’s voice very clearly said “That’s what I said the first time too.” More giggling. “Except I used ‘fuck’ more. Then I asked her to go faster. Much faster. And I’m sure you know what I mean this time.”
Beca looked at Aubrey, mouthing ‘Oh my god’ before looking back at the TV. Aubrey’s face, and Chloe’s for that matter, was contorted and red as they tried desperately to muffle their giggles.
DrunkChloe’s impressed voice layered over DrunkStacie carefully taking another step forward. “Oooh. Stacie is really rubbing off on you, Bree.”
DrunkStacie spun toward them - causing DrunkBeca to let out a screech of terror as she leaned backward with the movement like spinning the Tea Cups at Disneyland - and winked. “Every chance I get.”
DrunkBeca wrapped her arms around DrunkStacie’s head, “DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?” She gulped for breath. “I’m dying! Help, I think I’m dying! I see spots again, oh god is it because we’re so high and there’s not enough oxygen?!”
Beca buried her face in her hands. “Oh my god. Please kill me now.”
Chloe and Aubrey gave up and covered their mouths with pillows as they continued to laugh, completely unable to stop.
Stacie shook her head. “No way. If I gotta live through this, so do you.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not watching yourself relive a bear trap.” Beca ignored the literal scream of laughter that Aubrey let out on the other side of the couch.
DrunkStacie let out a yelp, “I’m blind!” Her hands shot out like she was going to run into something while standing still.
“Oh no! What happened?!” DrunkBeca leaned forward, slipping her arms down around DrunkStacie’s neck.
“Oh. No. Must’ve just blacked out for a sec.” DrunkStacie nodded. “I’m good. You good?”
“Dude. Let’s get the show on the road!” DrunkBeca kicked her legs a bit.
“I’m not a horse, Beca.” DrunkStacie sounded insulted.
“But…” DrunkBeca waved a hand at the floor. “Legs!”
DrunkAubrey moved backward as DrunkStacie stepped forward, catching the edges of DrunkChloe standing up and following behind.
“Is it everything you imagined?” DrunkStacie turned to look over her shoulder.
DrunkBeca shrugged. “Eh. I thought you’d be taller.”
Beca let out a bark of laughter. “And Jesse said that line was never used in real life!”
Chloe fell over on her side, clutching her stomach with one hand. “Oh, I can’t. It hurts. Oh my god.”
Aubrey looked over. “And there’s so much more to go.” Her voice sounded like she was holding her breath just to get the words out.
Beca and Stacie exchanged a look before looking back to the TV in time to watch DrunkStacie bounce off the door jamb out of the living room.
DrunkBeca flipped it off. “Dude. That thing just jumped out and tried to trip you.”
DrunkStacie glared at it. “What a dick.”
“Where do you think we’re going?” Beca asked idly.
Stacie shrugged. “Hell, probably.”
DrunkAubrey followed them, and, Beca was pleased to point out, bounced off the same frame they had. DrunkChloe laughed until there was a small thud and an unbelievably adorable ‘Damnit, it got us all!’ from off camera.
Then DrunkBeca’s head bounced off the light hanging in the kitchen.
Beca winced. “Well. That explains the goose egg.”
Stacie whistled. “Shit, it was my fault. I’m sorry, B.”
Beca shrugged and pointed at the screen. “Well, drunk me obviously didn’t see it. She just apologized for running into it.”
Chloe sat up, calming slightly in her worry. “Oh, babe. I didn’t even check.”
“I can tell, drunk you just fell over laughing. You probably got bruises from all that, yourself.”
“A few.” Chloe smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.” She kissed Beca on the cheek.
“Forgiven.” Beca reached over and squeeze Chloe’s hand.
“Hey.” Beca looked up at her drunken slurring voice. “Hey! I got an idea.”
DrunkStacie came to a stop by the dining room table. “Wha’sat?”
DrunkBeca leaned down and whispered loud enough for the neighbors to hear. “I bet you can't buck me off your back like a bronco."
DrunkChloe immediately started singing "Pony" by Ginuwine and grinding her hips as she danced into the frame.
Beca sat up. This sounded… Bad. Well, not Chloe; she looked and sounded hot, as always. And while she made a mental note to have Chloe sing it for her at a future date, Beca couldn't really spare the time to think about that right now.
Stacie muttered a quiet “Oh shit.”
DrunkStacie thought about it for a whole two seconds. “Deal.”
DrunkBeca cheered. “C’mon Bucky, let’s see what you can do.”
Beca frowned. “Bucky?”
DrunkChloe broke off singing and echoed her question. “Why Bucky?” DrunkAubrey immediately picked up singing where Chloe had left off.
The way DrunkAubrey was singing was highly suggestive and made Beca shift subtly on the couch. She looked away from the screen for a second and saw that Stacie had goosebumps. Beca couldn’t stop herself from leaning a little closer to her and whispering "Is that how she sounds around you when you guys are... um... alone?"
But her voice wasn't quiet enough with the sharp ears around her and it was Aubrey who answered. "Wouldn't you like to know. Wait – hold that thought for just a second." Chloe let out another soft burst of giggles.
Stacie only winked at her as Beca frowned and looked back at the TV.
DrunkBeca shrugged. “Seems like a good horse name.”
“Oh.” DrunkStacie looked like she was ready to burst into action when DrunkAubrey’s voice froze everyone as her singing abruptly ended. Which Beca was really kind of happy about, because Stacie actually was Aubrey’s ‘pony’ which made it all the more evocative and distracting.
“WAIT!” It was a voice that had stopped many a Bella in their tracks and Beca snapped her attention back to the TV by pure reflex. “Take this outside into the grass.”
DrunkBeca swayed and pushed until DrunkStacie got the idea and turned to face the camera. “Bree.” DrunkBeca’s tone was the overly patient ‘explaining to an idiot’ that only the truly intoxicated could get. “Stacie’s not a real horse. She doesn’t eat graassss.” She paused and an extremely dirty leer passed over her face.
Beca felt herself flush. She knew that look and it meant she was thinking something truly filthy. She had half a second where she hoped she wouldn’t say it, though she knew it was futile. DrunkBeca totally had a word vomit problem and Beca hated it.
But to her surprise, DrunkAubrey was the one who finished what Beca was likely thinking. “I know that, Beca.” It was the same syrup sweet voice she’d used at the retreat. “She eats me.” The satisfaction in her tone practically dripped through the TV.
Beca fell back against the couch and laughed. “Ok, that was almost worth the price of admission.”
“Bree!” Stacie’s voice was full of laughter. “I’m so mad at myself that I don’t remember this! But I love you two so much for your drunken evil genius in filming it.”
Aubrey held up a finger. “Just wait.”
DrunkBeca’s face was still leering. “I’d like to see that.”
Beca felt all the color drain out of her face. “I… oh.”
Stacie nodded, grinning. “Oh.”
Chloe spoke up. “Wait.”
DrunkAubrey replied, “Maybe if you play your cards right.”
DrunkBeca yelled, “Hot damn!”
Beca flushed. “Oh my god.”
“Are we praying now?” Stacie’s voice was light. “Because this is like my prayers are answered.” She looked around as they all stared at her. “What?”
DrunkStacie crouched down to go through the back door that DrunkChloe had opened. But she didn’t crouch enough and DrunkBeca had gone higher instead of lower and her forehead skimmed off the edge of the frame.
“Fuck. Again?” Beca’s fingers gingerly traced the knot on her head.
“Sorry.” Stacie patted her knee.
“Me too.” Chloe kissed her cheek again.
Once everyone was in the backyard they’d decreed DrunkChloe to be the official time keeper and moved into the grass by the pool. Suddenly the camera lowered, like DrunkAubrey had fallen, and the angle was crooked.
DrunkChloe dropped her arms and looked over. “Bree. What are you doing?”
DrunkAubrey answered like the reason should be obvious. “Artistic framing, Chloe. Duh.”
Beca swallowed her giggle. “I didn’t know you had filmmaker aspirations, Bree.”
Aubrey shrugged. “Stacie keeps telling me I need a hobby.”
“Oh.” DrunkChloe turned back to the drunken rodeo. “You guys ready?”
DrunkStacie nodded, “Yup. Hold on tight, 8 Seconds!”
DrunkBeca threw both her hands in the air. “Wait!” When she started to fall backward DrunkStacie leaned forward to counter balance her. “I said WAIT, Bucky! Shit!”
DrunkChloe began to tap her foot. “Well?”
DrunkBeca started to wrestle with her shirt. “This needs to come off.”
DrunkAubrey moved to a different angle, but still low and ‘artistic’. “Why?”
“Skin to skin contact, duh.” DrunkBeca finally got her shirt off and waved it over her head. “Makes it better.” She seemed oblivious to the fact that Stacie’s shirt was still on.
DrunkChloe sounded confused. “A rodeo?”
“Everything.” DrunkBeca’s voice was dead serious as she nodded.
Beca rolled her eyes. “Oh my god.” She needed to come up with something else to say, but her brain was skipping the tracks. This was just… embarrassing. But Jesus fuck was it hysterical.
“Ok. Whatever.” DrunkChloe’s arms came up. “Ok. You ready?”
DrunkBeca waved her shirt over her head. “Ready!”
DrunkStacie braced herself. “Ok, hold on, 8 Seconds –“
DrunkBeca leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You already said that, Bucky.”
“Shut up.” DrunkStacie cleared her throat. “I’m going to give you the ride of your life that doesn’t involve… uh…”
DrunkAubrey supplied, “A bed?”
DrunkStacie nodded, “Sure, that too.”
DrunkChloe shouted “GO!”
DrunkAubrey tsked. “Not even a countdown, Chlo? It’s like you’ve forgotten everything.”
Beca watched, fascinated, as DrunkStacie took off around the yard, her arms still wrapped around DrunkBeca’s legs so there was no chance she was going to fall off anyway. As DrunkBeca continued to wave her shirt over her head, whooping and hollering, Beca knew she was going to have to apologize to the neighbors at the next meeting.
DrunkAubrey had moved to the side, continuing to find the best ‘artistic angle’ as DrunkChloe shouted encouragement to DrunkBeca. “That’s my girl, ride ‘em cowboy!”
Then the angle changed and the pool came into view.
Beca tensed, though she knew, obviously, that she hadn’t cracked her head open on the concrete.
DrunkStacie tried to cut the corner but DrunkBeca’s weight threw her normally perfect balance off.
Beca’s head tilted in sync with DrunkStacie’s entire body on the screen.
DrunkAubrey scrambled to her feet, causing the worst shaky cam in cinematic history, just as there were twin screams and a giant splash.
DrunkChloe’s voice filtered in from offscreen with a quiet, “Ah shit.”
The video went black.
Beca and Stacie sat in silence, staring at the screen. Chloe and Bree had exhausted themselves and were sprawled on the couch on either side of them like limp ragdolls.
“We didn’t have sex.” Stacie didn’t pose it as a question.
Aubrey bit her lip. “Nope.”
“Then how did we end up naked in bed together?” Beca was still running her fingers over the lump on her head.
Chloe cleared her throat and nodded at Bree. “There’s one more… tiny…”
Aubrey scrolled over and hit play.
Beca sighed. Eventually this had to end, right?
The camera started out focused on the dresser in Beca’s room. “Bree, I don’t know if I’m doing this right.” DrunkChloe was apparently filming this time.
“Kinda got my hands full here, Chlo.” DrunkAubrey’s voice sounded strained. And annoyed. “Why. Are. You. So. Squirmy!” There were some rustling sounds that Beca couldn’t quite place. “Stacie was easier to deal with and she’s all limbs!”
DrunkBeca’s voice crooned out of the speakers as the camera slowly panned over to the bed. “Bree. Aubs. Aubreeeeeeey. Breeeeeeeeeeee.” There was a drunken giggle. “You have the warmest, softest heart. I love you so much. You and Stace. Staubreeeeeeey.” She added, almost as an afterthought, “After my girl, of course.” She sighed gustily. “She’s the best.”
There was a pause before DrunkAubrey answered. “You’re sweet, Becs. But, those aren’t my heart.”
DrunkChloe stifled her giggles as the camera shook, pausing on a section of floor that looked like it had Stacie’s wet clothes and part of Beca’s on it.
DrunkStacie let out a peal of giggles. “Boooooooooooooobs. Bree has the bestest boooooobs.”
The camera finally focused on the bed where DrunkBeca’s shirt was off and DrunkAubrey looked like she was trying to wrestle off her wet skinny jeans. Beca was mortified to see she had her hands on DrunkAubrey’s chest and was smiling blissfully at her. DrunkStacie was lying in her wet underwear on the bed beside her.
DrunkBeca sighed wistfully. “Boobs. I’m a boob man.” She jiggled DrunkAubrey’s chest, paused, and then cracked up as she did it again.
DrunkStacie rolled her head to the side and reached out one hand and poked DrunkBeca in the boobs. “Booooooobs.” She poked again. “You’ve got great boobs too, B.” She turned her head the other way and looked at the camera. Or, more accurately, below. “And Chlo. You’ve got great boobs too.” She sighed lustfully. “I’m surrounded by great boobs.” She looked down and groped herself. “Including mine.”
DrunkAubrey stared blandly at her. “I’m so glad you’re amused with yourselves.”
Beca’s mouth dropped open but nothing came out. She was officially beyond speech.
DrunkAubrey looked over. “Chlo. I think I’m going to need your help getting Beca’s pants off and both of them into dry clothes.”
DrunkChloe jerked and it shook the camera. “Oh. Right.”
Once again the screen faded to black.
Beca exhaled and decided to ignore the fact that she’d full on groped Aubrey. “Actually, that didn’t answer all of it.”
“Well,” Chloe cleared her throat. “I helped Bree get you out of the rest of your wet clothes, because I was not buying a new mattress for The Expanse because your swim ruined it.”
Aubrey took over. “And by the time we’d turned around with your pj’s, Beca was scrambling up the bed like a spider monkey and worming her way under the covers, complaining that she was ‘cold now.’” Aubrey paused. “At the top of her lungs.”
Stacie just raised her eyebrow.
“You, being the good friend you are, told her you’d keep her warm. With your boobs.” Aubrey turned and smiled at Beca serenely, which Beca in no way trusted. “And you - you said she was like a furnace with breasts just before you passed out.”
 “Aw. You love me.” Beca choked on a laugh as she shoulder bumped Stacie and let out a sigh of relief. “So… there was no… uh.”
Chloe looked at her. “You should definitely be able to say ‘sex’ by now, Beca.”
“Right, whatever.” She waved her hand in the air. “That.”
Aubrey shook her head. “Nope, no sex.”
“Thank god.” Stacie exhaled loudly. When Beca’s head jerked up she raised her hands. “You have no idea how mad I was that I didn’t remember if we’d had sex.” She looked past Beca and threw a pillow at Chloe. “Jerk, you let me think I banged your wife and couldn’t remember.”
Chloe looked offended. “Just my wife?”
“She was the only one with their bare ass in my junk when I woke up, so yeah.”
Beca spoke up. “Which leads us to: What about you two? Where’d you sleep?”
Chloe shook her head. “Oh, we totally just changed and crawled into bed after you. It was like 3am by the time we all crashed. I was exhausted.”
Stacie perked up. “Oh. We made an early night of it? I mean, compared to last year."
Aubrey nodded. “We’d been up maybe an hour before you, and I gave you the ibuprofen to try and stave off the worst of the headache.” She looked over at Beca apologetically. “You might be kinda doomed, though, with your head.”
Beca shrugged. “It’s actually kind of fading. Could just be I can’t feel it under the layer of embarrassment.”  
Chloe kissed her cheek. “I still love you.”
Stacie kissed the other. “Me too.” She did it again. “Bree too.”
“Alright, alright.” Beca slapped at Stacie. “You already had your feel.”
Stacie gasped, spinning to Aubrey. “Did she do the thing?”
Aubrey sighed and made a face. “I owe you twenty yellow.”
“Yes!” Chloe pumped her arm.
“Oh god, we’re still missing something?” Beca groaned. “I can’t take much more of these reveals.”
Chloe was smug. “I bet Aubrey that Stace would ask if you did your sleep groping.”
“Oh my...” Beca closed her eyes and prayed for the couch to swallow her.
Aubrey said, “She totally did.”
“Ha!” Stacie laughed. “And I was naked this time!”
Beca threw out, “Yeah, but you don’t remember it.”
Stacie frowned. “Oh. Shit.”
Beca looked over at Aubrey. “Hey, Aubs?” Maybe she could redeem herself here…
“So, is it?”
Aubrey’s entire face seemed to frown in confusion. “Is… what… what?”
Beca’s voice was completely blank. “Was that your sex voice?” She truly hoped how much she wanted to know that answer didn’t show.  If it did, it could cause her attempt to pay Aubrey back for putting them through all that to backfire.
But to her immense relief Aubrey turned bright red and thumped Stacie’s leg when the brunette opened her mouth. “Don’t encourage her, Stace.”
Stacie pouted. “Aw, but it’s fun!”
Beca sat quietly for a bit, letting the others continue to joke around her. She took careful stock of her body and decided that she actually wasn’t that bad off, it must have been the uncertainty of what had happened the night before that had really been making her feel like crap. Now that she knew nothing actually had, she felt more like herself. Which meant she was rapidly descending into the gutter where she normally lived but didn’t normally indulge in.
‘Until lately, I suppose.’ Now it seemed to be her default setting and Naked Stacie and Sex Voice Aubrey certainly hadn’t helped things this morning.
Her mind unexpectedly returned to what she’d been feeling during karaoke the night before. She had been relatively sober then so every thought, every flicker of desire was there the moment she landed on the memory.
After a few minutes, Beca felt Chloe’s eyes on her and looked over. Beca knew she had defaulted to her less severe resting bitch face of neutrality, but Chloe always was able see through it. Beca flushed when Chloe gave her a knowing grin before turning back to her conversation with Aubrey.
Beca took a deep breath as an idea thread its way through her mind.
Tuning back into the room, she realized Aubrey and Chloe were discussing what they would do for dinner, and Stacie was opting for pizza because it was easy and there were no dishes to do afterward.
“Why don’t we go back home and all of us can freshen up. I, for one, still feel like I need a shower. And maybe a short nap.” Chloe ran a hand through her hair. “We can order pizza and you guys can come over. Say like, 2 hours? 3?”
Beca cleared her throat, wondering if she dared, but what came out of her mouth was “We can watch a movie or something.” They were never going to believe she meant that. Like, at all.
The room fell silent and she could feel them all staring at her.
“Like, on demand. I’m sure there’s something I’ll wanna watch.” She hoped they didn’t notice her breath hitch in her throat when she said it. She hadn’t meant it that way, but her mind had dropped into the gutter like Stacie into the pool.
“Sounds good, B.” Stacie slapped her on the leg. “We’ll make a movie fan out of you yet.”
“I’ve been trying for yeaaaaaars.” Chloe rose to her feet. “Good luck.”
“I think I can convert her.” Stacie sounded confident, and maybe not like she was talking about movies anymore.
“Stacie can wear anyone down, eventually.” Aubrey’s gaze slipped over Beca and she knew Bree wasn’t talking about movies.
“One can only hope.” And Beca, who knew every inflection of Chloe’s voice, had the last confirmation she needed.
Or Beca was under the influence of a concussion and they were just talking about hanging out. In all their clothing.
They said their goodbyes and walked across to their house, Chloe’s hand warm and secure in her own.
‘Now time to see if I can put my money where my mouth is. Oh Beca, don’t start thinking about putting your mouth places.’
Chloe squeezed her fingers and smiled.
‘Oh boy.’
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dontbethatshank · 7 years
The Cute One, With The Limp
Request: This isn’t word for word but essentially I got a request about the reader being married to Newt and they all make it to Paradise and the girls are all hanging out with the reader. While doing this they begin to spy on Newt discussing how cute he is and calling dibs and one is about to go talk to him and he comes up and kisses the reader. Lots of fluff was specified so get ready for the fluff ride of your lives!!!
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Finally. Finally, finally, finally! You had made it. After so many years of broken promises and shattered dreams, you saw it; Paradise. it was a promise for a better life and a happier tomorrow. You entered it with Newt, your husband, and surrounded by your friends.
Having spent the past two years of your life entrapped in a maze makes it seem like marriage was impossible. But on the contrary. You and Newt ‘got married’ after being together a year. He used broken twigs and twine and created to wedding bands. He still takes yours and finds small flowers to put into it, which you love. And the ‘officiator’ was Alby and your ‘maid of honor’ was Gally, who wanted to smack you for calling him such but smiled with happiness as he watched you kiss Newt.
In reality, the ‘wedding’ wasn’t a wedding. it was a promise and the ceremony was more for happiness and a da for everyone in the Glade to be happy. Yes, you still claimed him as your husband and he claimed you as his wife, but you both knew it wasn’t exactly a true statement. But every day he would tell you that if he could he would sign a paper and promise his life away if it meant he got to marry you and truly be “bound”. But you were both content. You loved the small band resting on your finger made of twine and twigs. Newt’s own band was made of small rocks and string, bits of thin metal also wound into it. It was your promise to one another, and that’s all that mattered.
As you entered paradise, you came to a city full of people, all doing their own jobs and their own activities, all just working together to make a functioning system. It was basically the Glade.. except free. When you all came in, you were all quickly pulled off - you were taken with some of the other girls while the boys were whisked away other places. You were all given clothes, food, and a nice place to shower and scrub yourselves clean. It was nice. It was relaxing. It was promising, you thought.
As all these things proceeded, even your group with the girls dispersed, Brenda was whisked off by someone else who was showing her the “most amazing blade I have ever seen, you have to show me how you carved a handle so smoothly like that”, and Sonya was shown where to shower next, and everyone was essentially taken to their on spots within the small, open room where the girls introduced themselves.
“So... what was it like?” one girl asked, long, thick red hair and bright blue eyes adorned her tanned skin. She was beautiful, fit, and seemed to have wild blood coursing through her. While raising your eyebrows, you tilted your head in response to her. What was what like, you wondered, already feeling like an outsider. “What was it like living with only a group of boys? I bet it got tiring, I mean sure, it was also pretty fun at times being the only girl, but like... so many guys, uh...” another girl piped up, her face becoming a grimace as she shuttered towards the end, the others around you bursting into laughter.
It was true, it was hard being around boys. The didn’t understand privacy all that well none of them had seemed to ever know that you could simply sew up a hole in a shirt instead of ripping it apart and throwing it away, they seemed to forget their clothes everywhere and even forgot to wear clothes half the time. It was honestly tiring at times and you sometimes wanted to strangle a few of them, but you loved your boys. They were your brothers, sons, best friends - everything. you would have killed to save them all... you would have done anything to protect them.
With a shake of the head and a smile, you looked back at the girls, laughing at the girl with the two long brown braids in her hair who was still grimacing at the thought. “it was... odd. I mean, none of them knew what the hell a bra was until I did everything but give a demonstration. Asking for tampons as like asking if I could keep a Griever as a shucking pet. It was so exhausting, but.. I loved it.They were nice and I adored them, some more than others,” you muttered as an afterthought, and the girls grinned. You all were still teenagers and you all still enjoyed gossip and you all still enjoyed boy talk (and for some girl talk, and that could get hilarious you soon learned).
“Hey, isn’t he from your group? He’s really cute...” the red headed girl suddenly asked, her eyes turning towards Newt as she jut out her chin in his direction her teeth catching her bottom lip as she did so. You laughed, about to explain just how special ‘that guy’ was, but then it continued - and boy, did you love it. “Who?!” asked another girl, her head swiveling around, trying to eye the boy. “The one with the limp and the sex God hair, Jessie,” the red head laughed at her friend. “Oh Woah, yeah, you’re right Maria, he is hot, woah,” the girl, Jessie, replied. And soon, a group of about 10 girls were ogling Newt as he talked with the boys, his hand rubbing at his hair and drying it of the water. His laugh was heard even from the four or five-yard distance and the girls swooned even more.
“He’s got really nice arms,” one girl mumbled, another commenting on his lips, a few agreeing that his voice was definitely a fan favorite. And you stood there, giggling. “Oh yea, he’s got amazing arms - really strong,” you commented, nodding as if affirming it as a fact. Your mind wandered to every time he crawled into bed with you, his arms finding their way around your waist as he peppered your neck and collar bones with light touches of his lips as you shoved at his shoulders, telling him to get away. But his arms only tightened, as his laughter left along with the small contact. He loved to make you laugh.
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” Maria said, a devious glint to her eyes as her fingers gently raked her hair, the loose, messy bunch of curls that stacked up on her head and dwn her back flew around and danced as she moved them, the other girls groaning or cheering her on. “I called dibs,” another girl, Kamira if you remember correctly, mumbled out, huffing softly. But Maria grinned, fixing her shirt just a bit as she shrugged, continuing to say that she was going to do it. That she was going to ask him to sit with her at dinner and to maybe show him around the plae that night. All the while you stood back, biting your cheek, laughing just a bit.
As this continued and as Maria finalyl decided it was time to go and talk to the “cute boy with the limp” she turned around and you all saw him already coming over, limp and all. With a wicked grin you watched as a couple girls encouraged Maria, saying that he couldn’t turn down a beautiful girl like her. And you might of felt a bit bad that her hopes were about to be crushed... but you could’t stop internally laughing long enough to explaina nd part of you wanted to show them that yes, you were in fact with that cute British boy from group A, and yes, you knew he was cute as hell. Another part of youw as jealous at the fact that Newt had options now - and Maria was one of them, her beautiful bright red hair and her deep dimples and her lithe body that seemed to be built for dancing or sports. Part of you wanted to see newt only come to you when he had his options - and he did.
newt walked up, a poliet smile on his lips. “Hello!” Maria chirped, a small wave following as a couple others greeted him. He laughed and greeted them all back, a wave coming from his right hand as he continued to talk. Walking past a couple f girls and to the side, he walked up to you, his hand softly grabbing yours and slipping off your ring. “I found some of those tiny purple flowers you always loved in the Glade,” he mumbled, slipping in and tying three small purple flowers around the ring he had made for you all those months before. “Thank you Newt,” you smiled back gently, the thoughts of jealousy and hilrity pushed from mind as your hand tangled with his and he leaned towards you, pressing his lips to your forehead and then one kiss to your nose.
“Gotta keep this wedding band pretty right? Can’t have any of those shanks forgetting, or any of these new ones not noticing,” he smiled, a wicked grin placed on his pink lips as he raised your hand up to those lips, kissing the ring he had just mentioned. “I doubt anyone would forget or anyone would even attempt so,” you rolled your eyes at him, smirking as he egan to laugh. “Oh!” you exclaimed, remembering how Maria was going to offer to shwo Newt arond that night,” Newt, this is Maria, Amira, Helen, and Jessie. They have been very welcoming since we got here. Maria wanted to show you around the city tonight.” Maria blushed as she looked down, her eyes already looking like they were practicing a sorry speech to you afterwards. “That sounds lovely,” grinned Newt. “A beautiful girl to show me around a beautiful city! I’m sure the others would love to look around to and get a feel for the place,” Newt hummed, smiling warmly at Maria. “Oh yea! Definetely! I- we, we would love to. The girls and I would love to show you around,” Maria quipped, a lopside, toothy grin shone on her face, her dimples peeking out as she did so.
“Great! Now, if you’ll excuse us...” Newt smiled at all the others, before gabbing your wrist and pulling you along. His eyes glanced back at where he was with the others, several new faces accompanying them as they all glanced over and watched yout wo. Newt pressed a chaste kiss to your lips and an arm slithered to hold your waist. he began to talk about everyone he had met and how they all got these “amazingly clean” new clothes and how they were given the “most bloody amazing pot roast” since the boys kept complaining of hunger.
And you didn’t notice that Newt continuously held your waist and pushed the hair from your eyes, or how he always peeked to the side after kissing you o look at a few guys who still lingered near where he came from. And Newt didn’t see you glance behind you at the girls as  you moved to hold his hand, or how you bit your lip and gave side eyes to the Maria as he kissed your ring again.
And neither of you realized that the girls were eyeing Nwt and the guys were eyeing you because both of you got jealous and both of you needed to remind yourselves and prove to the others around you that, in fact, Newt was yours and you were his, and no beautiful aria or dashing Mark were going to change your minds about it. 
But everyone noticed the rings - and everyone noticed the three small purple clowers that wer now intetwined within the tightly bundeled twigs and string around your finger.
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sanctferum · 7 years
OK, Dangan Ronpa V3: Chapter 3: begin!
Last time, Kirumi turned out to be the killer, and also the Prime Minister of Japan despite being a high schooler, and then she tried to escape being executed. Monokuma used her attempted escape as the execution stage, and she died, and Monosuke was destroyed as well. Afterwards, Gonta couldn’t find any familiar constellations in the sky, meaning that the Ultimates are not in Japan. Then Kokichi revealed that Maki was not the Ultimate Child Caregiver, but the Ultimate Assassin. In doing so, he revealed having known her true talent the entire time, which isn’t gonna help with his already extremely low trustworthiness factor. Between that and the revelations about Maki that he told us, the game won’t be boring, which is good for him, and bad for us.
I wonder if we’ll find another grafitti thing? Something to give us more clues than just “horse a”.
The chapter opens up with a look at what I assume is the disaster that wipes out Japan, destroying Kirumi’s nation and killing Kaito’s grandparents in the process.
A meteor.  A meteor shower that is destroying cities…and the meteor itself, if it impacts, will likely spell The End. The apocalypse. RIP humanity.
The government is urging citizens to get to shelters in subway stations. Will that really work?
Then, whoever is watching the news turns off the TV.
How could this happen? Is Monokuma really so godlike as to summon a meteor? What is this Final Fantasy VII bullshit?
“Chapter 3: Transfer Student From Beyond The Grave”
Are we gonna learn about Rantaro in this chapter, or…I dunno…
The day after the 2nd class trial, everyone is going to Maki’s lab. Guess she doesn’t have a reason to keep people from entering anymore…
Weapons. Weapons everywhere. Enough weapons to easily prove that Kokichi is telling the truth.
Shuichi guesses that Kokichi found out from the motive video…which is where Ryoma must have found out. But no. It’s like Kokichi said before, he knew from the start.
Maki hid her identity, stayed under cover…was it so she could kill us? I don’t think so. Like Keebo says, she’s had plenty of chances so far, and has taken none of them.
Maki is in her dorm room, with the door locked.
Himiko volunteers Gonta to grab Maki and lock her up somewhere…presumably somewhere she doesn’t have the key to, unlike her dorm. Tenko volunteers as well. Better to sneak attack her before she can sneak attack us.
Kaito says he’ll do something about the situation, and Kokichi promptly leaves all responsibility to him, then insults Gonta. And then Monokuma shows up, claiming time is of the essence. The prize for clearing the class trial…is not here. The Kubs have it. Monokuma calls for them a few times, to no avail.
And then they show up. They’re so cute, Monokuma’s gonna go bald from looking at them. Sure enough, several patches of his exterior fall off, as does his right eye. Monodam continues to not hand out the prize. Monokuma is confused, and also is no longer damaged at all.
Monodam says the Kubs are not Monokuma’s slaves. Is he really gonna try and overthrow Monokuma?
Yup. Monodam says he’ll be calling the shots now. The other Monokubs are following him. Getting nervous, Monokuma?
Monokuma drops the nervous act and tries to re-assert his authority. That’s when the Monokubs invite in some guests. The Exisals all show up…this mutiny is real.
That WAS something I’d thought about, yeah…whether Monokuma could pilot Monokid and now Monosuke’s exisals. Apparently not.
I wonder if Monodam has any particular feelings on whether the killing game should go on or not?
Monokuma freaks out, and goes bald again. But he doesn’t seem to be changing back this time…
Monodam did bring the prize! He just wasn’t gonna give it over under Monokuma’s orders, I guess.
A Golden Hammer, Magic Key, and Ninja Scroll. Well I know where the key and scroll go…where does the hammer go?
Monodam is enforcing getting along. The killing games must be at a pause. A temporary one, obviously, but oh well.
Another flashback light? Nice.
Kokichi dislikes the Kubs, and robots in general. Keebo is understandably unhappy about this remark.
Monokuma is weirdly inert…is he broken?
Let’s leave the Ultimate Assassin’s Lab, then.
Angie is creepy. Gonta still sees a tiny bug out of the corner of his eye sometimes, but it’s never there when he looks.
Tsumugi is still trying to process all of yesterday’s BS…Ryoma dying, Kirumi being the Prime Minister, Maki being an assassin.
Kiyo is being exceedingly creepy about the whole Kirumi situation. Well done, Kiyo, I guess.
Using the key on the drawing of a door makes the wall collapse. Beyond is…the fourth floor of the school.
Tsumugi is worried about whether the 4th floor is dangerous. Gonta will protect everyone! Tsumugi compares him to Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, confusing the poor guy. They go up the stairs, and we follow.
The music changed, and…uh…what the fuck is this?
The Monokubs briefly show up. Monophanie says a brutal murder took place here, but that it was fictional.
Tsumugi thinks this floor doesn’t feel like a school at all. Rather, it’s like a separate building.
How expensive was this place to build? Why would Monokuma bring us here to cultivate our talents, but also to kill each other?
Gonta does not like this place. There’s a stain on the wall that’s way too close to blood for comfort…Tsumugi thinks Monokuma created this creepy effect and the “bloodstain” isn’t real. The creepiness of this place feels almost hammy.
Three empty rooms, huh? Left one first.
It’s dimly lit by two wall torches and completely empty. No windows or anything…if the candle goes out, complete darkness. The floorboards aren’t nailed down, either. And there’s a hole in one corner of the room.
According to Gonta, the other two rooms are exactly like this. Except the center room has a hidden Monokuma! Wait, how do I get it? I can’t turn around. Um…maybe it isn’t a hidden Monokuma? I dunno.
Then there’s this big weird room…ah, it’s Kiyo’s Lab.
There’s a book about a the “fabled Caged Dog village”, which had been destroyed long ago. There’s also a statue of a dog standing on a cage. The village was known for harboring dark powers and spell, so a feudal lord destroyed it. The only survivor was a girl who wrote down her experience…this is her book, then. It’s rumored that the dark arts and spells of this book are extremely potent…I bet Himiko would love this.
A book soaked in the essence of the surviving girl’s grudge against the feudal lord…this is weird. Let’s move on.
A rusted golden katana is in another case. It looks like it’s still sharp…best watch out, then. It might be the next weapon.
Oh it isn’t made of gold. It’s just gold leaf. I was gonna say gold paint, but no, that’s in the original Dangan Ronpa.
Kiyo starts to explain the historical significance of the katana, before Kokichi runs over to look at it. When did he even get in here? He grabs the katana, despite Kiyo’s warnings, and unsheathes it.
After Kokichi decides it’s a potential murder weapon, Kiyo threatens him and Kokichi gives the katana back after sheathing it.
The gold plating flakes off of it and sticks to his hand. Well ain’t that familiar…
Kiyo threatens Kokichi some more, then asks if Shuichi wishes to converse with the dead. The Caged Dog Village had many rituals. Such as…seances. The Caged Child is the name of this ritual, and it is performed using the dog statue and the cage. Kiyo wasn’t even sure of it’s existence until now…but now that he knows for sure that the artifact is real, he wants to try using it. Shuichi does not want anything to do with the occult. He doesn’t believe it’s real, and anyways, he has nothing to say to the dead right now. Maybe, at some point in the future, if everyone escapes and everyone is alive and friends…maybe then he will have something to say to Kaede…other than that, no interest.
Kiyo says that the dead should only be called on at the right time, anyways. Hmmm.
There’s two doors here. Back into the hall, to…
Um, what the fuck is this. The floor’s all red, and there’s strange designs and patterns on the wall…there’s a little shrine in the hallway too, with a blank hanging scroll. Next chapter, we’ll no doubt get an ink quill for surviving the trial, and it’ll open a new path.
There’s a weird rainbow door here, too. Judging by the minimap symbol, it’s Angie’s lab. The back door is locked, so let’s go through the front door.
The front door is locked too. Angie’s lab isn’t accessible yet? Weird.
Kokichi arrives to claim to have a secret technique to open the door. Before he can pick the lock or whatever, the door unlocks. Was Angie already inside? No wait, the Ultimate labs don’t have locks in the first place.
And yet, here is clearly Angie, having just unlocked the door.
Yeah, Shuichi also thinks it’s weird that this lab can be locked, and no other lab can.
The Monokubs show up. Monotaro argues with Monophanie, then starts to freak out when he realizes Monodam is judging him. Sorry dude, you are very likely to be the next Monokub to die.
The reason the lab is locked is because Angie needs to be alone to concentrate and channel Atua.
It’s weird that the Monokubs knew that in advance, though. They also got her favorite art supplies and sculpting tools. Hmmm.
Monodam claims to know everything about everyone here, and that Monokuma and Monodam’s fellow Kubs also do. But he says he’s gonna be friends with everyone, and that’s why he’s using this knowledge.
Kokichi does not like Monodam. He’s probably the only one here who still wants killing’s to happen too. I’m keeping an eye on you, Kokichi.
There’s only one key to this room. Monodam eats the key, so that no one can use it for murder. OK, that just happened. His fellow Kubs cart him off after he starts to look ill.
Monokuma once claimed that the school was specifically made for the 16 (at the time) Ultimates here. Angie’s lab isn’t a generic art lab…it’s a lab specifically for Angie. That points to Monokuma having told the truth that time…
There’s exposed beams on the ceiling. Kokichi wonders if it’s supposed to be like that, or if it wasn’t finished in time for this place to open up?
There’s hammers, chisels, wax…apparently death masks used to be made of wax.
The rear door has a sliding lock, but the front door has a knob and cylinder lock. According to Angie, it’s a good representation of cultural differences. Western art emphasizes symmetry, but Angie prefers asymmetry and partition functions. We can’t leave through this door, so we have to use the front door.
That’s all we can do on the fourth floor for now.
If we try to enter Ryoma’s lab, we get Shuichi musing on how Ryoma couldn’t make the other Ultimates his reason to live.
Same with Kirumi’s lab. I can’t get into Kaede’s lab either, so maybe we can investigate them in Free Time. The game also won’t let us into the basement, so there’s nothing there to use these items on. The Othello door is still locked…I guess we’ll search outside.
The Exisals are renovating the place still, but a lot of the plant matter has been cleaned up. It’s becoming more beautiful…just like Himiko is, according to herself. Himiko blushes over her own compliment to herself. Also, the reason she always has the same expression on her face is because it’d be a pain to make a new expression every time something happens.
She was standing here with Tenko, but they walk off, letting us explore more.
In the courtyard, near the ninja statue that we’re gonna use the scroll on, Tenko is ruminating on how she said she was sick of the killing game after the trial ended. She still is sick of it, but she no longer wants to stay trapped here – rather, she wants to escape with everyone! With Himiko beside her, she will fight to carry on Kaede and Kirumi’s wishes. And Rantaro’s wishes too, even though he’s a guy, because might as well. And Ryoma’s, but he had no wishes to speak of, so that’s a dead-end there.
Himiko is still upset that people think she escaped the water tank through usage of a mundane escape hatch rather than magic. Yeah, sure. Let’s hope she doesn’t get a hold of Kiyo’s Caged Dog Book, though.
Himiko is also upset that her show did the exact opposite of make people happy. Not your fault, Himiko! Also, she used a lot of MP escaping, and therefore had no mana left to kill the piranhas with, which would have at least preserved Ryoma’s body.
Ninja statue! I still have no idea where the hammer leads to or what to use it on.
Putting the scroll in the ninja fox’s hand makes a building rise out of the ground…with “Welcome!!!” on it. Tenko instantly recognizes it as a dojo. Well if that’s anyone Ultimate Lab, it’d be yours I guess.
What kind of technology made the building rise up like that, rising from the ground like a popup picture book? Himiko claims it was her magic. Yeah, yeah, sure. Nothing to do with that scroll at all.
Himiko is super excited to investigate the dojo! She invites Shuichi and Himiko inside, but also says she’d be happier if Shuichi declined, since he’s a degenerate male. Too bad, I’m a detective, I NEED to investigate strange places.
Investigating the building has Tenko recognize it as what must be her Ultimate Research Lab. She goes inside. Himiko doesn’t care, but Tenko pushes her in anyways.
It is indeed Tenko’s lab. There’s suspended scaffolding, so that’d be useful for filiming a kung-fu movie. There’s a giant wooden doll in the back, which Shuichi thinks is a totem of some sort. I bet it’s a training dummy.
Himiko is uncomfortable in a place so lacking in mana. Physical attacks are not her forte, magical ones are.
Tenk’s mad that Shuichi entered her lab despite being male, but also super excited to have her own lab! Sparring here will be great!
When Shuichi points out that she has no sparring partner, she grabs him, and tosses him over her head to the mat below. Looks like you’re her sparring partner for a bit…don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be over soon, once you DIE!
As Shuichi gets up and brushes himself off, Tenko brings up something out of left field. Shuichi doesn’t have a lot of confidence in himself. It’s true. He promised Kaede to be confident in himself, but hasn’t fulfilled that promise on anything more than a superficial level. Tenko says that since Shuichi lacks self-esteem, he doubts his own strength. He’s become more confident than he was when he first came here, but he still questions himself. It’s all true, though I doubt Neo-Aikido will solve his problems.
Neo Aikido, a Japanese martial art that treasures a pure heart above all else…
With Himiko’s magic and Tenko’s strength, they could pack a wallop. Himiko immediately decides that training to do such a thing sounds like a pain. Tenko responds by flipping her over and throwing her to the floor. Are you gonna do that to everyone who comes in here? Tenko diagnoses Himiko as too shy to show her emotions. I think her being too lazy sounds closer to right.
Tenko challenges Himiko to train with her. And afterwards they can hit the showers together. Your heart isn’t quite as pure as you think, Tenko…
Himiko hurt her back, being thrown like that. She is very angry at Tenko. Soon, Tenko will be able to enjoy her new life as a frog. (Just kidding. Using the Toad spell is too much of a pain for Himiko.)
What else is here? A balance pole? Nothing besides that and the mat left to examine. Hopefully the game will give us hints about where to use the hammer.
As Shuichi leaves the dojo, he spots Miu and Keebo conversing. Miu…sure sounds like she’s trying to convince Keebo to fuck her…as Kokichi might say, “Do robots have dicks”? Maybe Miu wants to sit on Keebo while he vibrates? Either way, Keebo isn’t flushed in the face, but only because he’s a robot. He sure looks uncomfortable.
Nevermind, his face turned red after all. I guess he has a blush function installed? Miu pulls him into the Ultimate Inventor’s Lab. Poor guy…
Shuichi is more worried about Keebo than worried about what he might see if he looks in the lab. So he does. Inside is a strange sound…and a strange sight. Miu, laying atop a struggling Keebo, attempting to get her jollies off?
Dust and debris? Is she…trying to clean his systems? In an extremely suggestive manner? Is this the game’s equivalent of Dangan Ronpa 2 and Nekomaru doing “it” (massage, not sex) to Akane? Probably. Except…this wouldn’t be weird if Miu wasn’t making it weird.
Whoever put Keebo together? Professor Idabachi or whatever?
Keebo stop making this even weirder than it actually is…I know unlike Miu you don’t mean to but…
“…I closed the door without a word.” And headed to the casino to get a nice large alcoholic drink, or perhaps some brain bleach.
Maintenance on Keebo’s body. Right. That’s obviously all there is to it. Not thinking about this anymoooooooorrrrrrreeeeeeeee!!!
Poor Shuichi. Now to find out where the hammer goes.
Maybe we can smash the stupid statue in the shrine? Oh look, a hidden Monokuma on the shrine’s steps. Gotcha. Nope, not the shrine. We just get the same inner monologue as when examining the Ultimate Maid’s Lab.
Where the heck do I use the hammer? It must be usable on wherever the flashback light is hidden, so…
The maps has only one exclamation point – near Gonta and Tsumugi on the 4th floor. We already talked to them, though. Maybe we needed to investigate the other places, and then come back to the 4th floor?
Going back to the 4th floor, we find Tsumugi and Gonta, and…Monokuma. He’s still balding and missing his eye, though. When Shuichi asks what he’s even doing here, he disappears down the hallway…we find him near the right side classroom. Why is he waiting outside an empty classroom, though?
Monokuma is looking at Shuichi, then his gaze moves to the picture on the wall. Back and forth…Shuichi inspects the canvas, only to realize it’s no canvas. It’s a pane of glass. Hammertime feels imminent…but knowing Monokuma, and knowing he’s leading us here, this is a trap, meant for him to seize power back from Monodam and restart the killing game. What is the flashback light gonna make us remember this time?
A hidden passageway behind the glass…with his job done, Monokuma disappears. I do not trust this at all.
If the rest of the 4th floor is a hammy haunted house, this part is like…a factory. I am reminded by that sword that we know nothing about the facility where the Ultimates suppressed their memories.
There’s a door with what appears to be a giant camera lens on it…an Ultimate Lab, or…?
Inside is…a computer room. A giant machine is inside, marked with a giant X. It is silver with a glowing green button in the center. Could it be…a giant Xbox?! Oh hey look who’s here, the Kubs.
Monodam praises the Ultimates’ teamwork in solving the painting puzzle. Should we tell him just who we teamed up with to solve it? Probably not.
The puzzle wasn’t that difficult...well, not in-universe at least, and not after we found out where it was…
Yes, Monodam. The outdated piece of junk that is your father helped us…making me very suspicious in the process.
The computer room, with a giant computer. A computer that’s amazing! You could create entire worlds with the computer! Then, is this what created the world we’re in now? What the hell is it? Is this a digital world after all? Are we just AIs created by a hijacked Neo World Program or something?
Monotaro wasn’t supposed to tell us that. Monodam is worried that Monophanie knew that, and let Monotaro take the fall…I’m not sure if Monophanie or Monotaro will be the next Kub victim, or whether they or Monokuma himself will be the ones to permanently depose Monodam…
Monodam warns his two siblings that not getting along will result in punishment…for both of them. Yeah, he’s gonna totally get killed off by his siblings…
Shuichi can’t make heads or tails about the computer. Let’s investigate the treasure chest instead. Time for memories! Let’s gather everyone up and use this Flashback Light.
Kokichi arrives after we find the light, tells us he’ll gather everyone in the dining hall, and leaves. Time to put this baby to the test. I suppose the remaining six labs, including Rantaro’s, will have to wait till another chapter. I do wonder if anyone besides Rantaro will die before their lab becomes accessible…If no, then Kaito, Kokichi, Keebo, Tsumugi, and Shuichi himself are safe. I’m not too worried about Kiyo, either. Angie, Tenko, and Himiko seem like the people who might have a chance of dying in this chapter…I don’t think Miu will die, since I saw a screenshot of her that said case 3 on it. So if she isn’t the blackened, she’s safe. And Maki…I doubt she’ll let us hang out with her in this chapter. We couldn’t hang out with her last chapter either. So she’ll probably survive till at least chapter 4, so we have free time chances with her.
Maki wasn’t invited by Kokichi to the dining hall. Kaito hasn’t shown up, either…bet he’ll come by with Maki in reluctant tow.
As for the big computer? Keebo can’t do much with it. A robot that isn’t computer-savvy…huh. Miu sounds interested in it, though.
Kiyo asks what Keebo’s talent is. Ultimate Robot, of course. If Kokichi can be an Ultimate Supreme Leader, Keebo being a robot can be a talent.
I can’t imagine Keebo being good at comedy routines…
Hate to say it, but Kokichi is right…Keebo being a robot isn’t just his Ultimate talent, it’s his only talent. Perhaps the professor who built Keebo could be considered the Ultimate Roboscientist, but Keebo has nothing he’s particularly good at besides being himself.
As Shuichi is about to mention what Monotaro said, Kaito shows up. Sure enough, he’s brought Maki. She is none too thrilled to be here, and immediately upon Kiyo calling her a professional killer, she tries to leave. Kaito stops her by grabbing her arm. You’re on thin ice, Kaito. Hope you can skate.
So, his remark about taking down Maki’s mask was…he can’t bring himself to believe Maki could kill people in cold blood. I dunno, I can.
Keebo asks if Maki is really the Ultimate Assassin. Someone’s who’s killed people before. She says yes. (to which question, though?)
Maki hid it because she knew everyone would react this way, and she was right, and I was right about her reasons for hiding her talent.
Whenever anyone learns Maki’s talent, they fear her. Fear turns to hate, turns to a pre-emptive strike. She’s revealed her identity before. Every single time, it ends with someone trying to kill her.
Kokichi wonders if everything Maki has been through has left her unable to value human life. Kaito says she’s an assassin, not a murderous fiend. Nice DR1 reference there, Kaito.
Maki knew they would react like this, and that when she explained herself, they wouldn’t believe her. She tried her best to avoid everyone, but Kaito kept dragging her into things.
Maki makes a declaration. She has no intent to kill any other Ultimate here. She will kill anyone who tries to kill her, but she won’t kill those who don’t try a pre-emptive strike. I believe her.
C’mon, Shuichi. This is where Kaede would’ve reaffirmed that she still believes in Maki.
Shuichi remains silent, and Maki leaves. No flashback light for her, I guess.
In the end, though, everyone agrees to use the light to get more memories, more clues. But they must not use those clues as motivation to leave, lest murders happen.
Inside of that light, Shuichi sees…a shrine. The shrine from chapter 2’s opening. But this time…it’s filled in. Filled in with 16 pictures. 16 memorial pictures, flanked by candlelight…and part of the scene from chapter 2. But a few lines in, Shuichi regains his senses, and the scene ends.
But…how can that be? Shuich is bewildered. How could he have witnessed his own funeral? Not just his own funeral, either. A funeral service held in memory of all the Ultimates who were and are here.
Everyone proceeds to freak out. They all had the same memory restored…
Gonta theorizes that they might already be dead. But then where are they now? The Academy sure is hell, but not literally, right?
Kaito decides the memory must have been of, maybe, a play they did for a school festival. C’mon, man. Don’t turn away from the truth…whatever it might be.
He does have a point that it’s awfully strange that they were able to watch their own funeral, and are still alive right now…I have a theory, actually.
What if Shuichi’s memory of wanting to die with everyone else was…
What if the Ultimates DID die with everyone else? A few survivors holding a memorial service would make sense.
And as for how they’re alive now…it’s one step further than Dangan Ronpa 2. In DR2, the characters were avatars, created from their own memories pre-Hope’s Peak. But they still had flesh and blood bodies that those avatars were attached to. What if…the Ultimates are just perfect simulations? In which case, the end of the world that the computer created would result in their own existences disappearing, without there even being real bodies to retreat to like in DR2.
It’s also awfully suspicious that everyone had the same memory. What if it was 12 (well, 11, since Maki left early) copies of the same memory? It might not even be a memory that they themselves had. They’ve got no way of knowing, right?
Kaito states that it’s definitely false, he’s alive and hearty! Miu makes a hard-on joke, Tenko asks what I’m sure is a completely innocent question about what males being hard in the morning means, Miu gets pissed that someone else is making dirt comments (even without meaning to.)
Himiko and Kaito are kinda disappointed that the memory this time wasn’t worth much. Kokichi is also disappointed…but not in the memory. He claims that his disappointment in his classmates is a lie, so we don’t get to hear what he was talking about, but I bet it’s turning away from the truth because it doesn’t seem to make sense at the moment.
We eat and return to our rooms. Shuichi ponders asking Monokuma for assistance in figuring the whole funeral thing out, but decides against it. So. He can lie in bed trying to solve a problem without knowing the necessary facts. OR, he could have Free Time. Who to hang out with? I’m interested in knowing more about Kaede and Rantaro’s lives, and finding out Ryoma’s backstory, but that’s impossible till Academy Mode or whatever the School Mode equivalent is called. Or, until we play through the game again. We hung out with Kokichi and maxed out his friendship fragments…and Maki doesn’t want to get involved with anyone. I wasn’t planning on hanging out with Kirumi, but she’s also off the list due to being dead. We also can’t hang out with ourself. (Well, we can hang out with Shuichi in chapter 1, but not now.)
That leaves…Keebo, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Kiyo, Kaito, Miu, Gonta, and Tsumugi. I’ll hang out with either Keebo or Kaito this chapter…next time!
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6-v-6 · 7 years
1-100. Just give it to me all
ALNLSNGLSG ARE YOU SERIOUS OMFG im so sorry this is going to be Long
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I’ll say Pandora just because it’s the only one I’ve actually ever used. If I used Spotify I’d probably like it the most but I don’t use those apps so
2. is your room messy or clean?VERY VERY MESSY I need to clean it but im lazy
3. what color are your eyes?Brown!
4. do you like your name? why?My birth name? No. And that’s why I changed it ahahahaha yes I like the name Jae since i chose it myself. It’s short and simple
5. what is your relationship status?Single 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessContradictory ....... Situational 
7. what color hair do you have?Currently it’s blue c: Natural color is a lightish brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?I don’t have a car nor a license :/ I want a motorbike tho ! a black one
9. where do you shop?I shop pretty much exclusively online. Buyma or Amazon, typically
10. how would you describe your style?I’ve been told that I dress like a “bad boy”. I like leather and black and ripped skinny jeans but I do like casual stuff too. Like hoodies and sweats
11. favorite social media accountIf this is talking about my own social media accounts, then this one right here on tumblr. I’m not very active anywhere else
12. what size bed do you have?uuuuhhhh I don’t know proper terminology but it is small
13. any siblings?Yup! I have an older sister and a younger brother
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Japan probably? It’s super pretty and I’ve always wanted to visit
15. favorite snapchat filter?hmm I don’t use snapchat that much but probably the flower crown one it’s cute
16. favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t wear makeup tbh so i dunnooooo 
17. how many times a week do you shower?7 I don’t ever skip showering 
18. favorite tv show?Psych? I also like the 100 currently
19. shoe size?asglnasg... god .... im a 6 in mens nd like a 7 in womens i have small feet
20. how tall are you?ALNSLGNSG im trusting no one has read this far so it’s okay to disclose this info...exposin myself.. im 5′2″ ............
21. sandals or sneakers?Sneakers !! I don’t wear sandals like ever
22. do you go to the gym?Yes! Only recently, actually! I just bought a gym membership with my friend and we’ve been going 3 times a week c:
23. describe your dream dateoh geez I havent really thought about this? I’m not very romantic or anything (im on the ace spectrum) but... i dunno. I think it’d be nice to just have fun together. An amusement park maybe? And just a lot of hand holding and smiles
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Upwards of 100 bcuz my mom keeps giving me money even tho i dont use it
25. what color socks are you wearing?HAH im not wearing any 
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?1-2 it depends on the night
27. do you have a job? what do you do?I work at the cafeteria in my school. I run the register and help to stock items and also serve food to people
28. how many friends do you have?wow this is a Tragic question. Online I have quite a few! In person i literally have....... 2. Barely that lol. More like one
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?Killed my sister’s fish (on accident)
30. whats your favorite candle scent?I’ve never thought about this or really smelled many candles to begin with :( something mild though. Maybe a mild vanilla??
31. 3 favorite boy namesuuhghg 1) Cain 2) Luka 3) Eden
32. 3 favorite girl names1) Erin 2) Rayna 3) Kira
33. favorite actor?I rly dont give a crap about actors if I’m being honest lmao. Uhh choi minho :)
34. favorite actress?Lupita Nyong’o?? she’s gorgeous
35. who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have a crush on him but does Lee Taemin count
36. favorite movie?Princess Mononoke
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I read ff more than books these days. I don’t have a fav book
38. money or brains?is this what I prefer? Money binch if I had money I wouldn’t need brains also I’m dumb anyways 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?No I do not
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?Twice? Maybe 3 times
41. top 10 favorite songscheck out shinee’s entire discography 
42. do you take any medications daily?Nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i ?? have no idea?? I guess oily? My skin doesn’t get dry so
44. what is your biggest fear?Probably flying. I hate planes
45. how many kids do you want?Exactly none
46. whats your go to hair style?? uh side-swept? I have no idea what to call it just what my hair normally looks like I guess
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)A moderately sized house
48. who is your role model?Not to be cheesy but Lee Taemin also Kim Kibum also Choi Minho also Kim Jonghyun also Lee Jinki
49. what was the last compliment you received?that I’m great? lol
50. what was the last text you sent?’okay’ to my mom lmao
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?ARE YOU TELLING ME SANTA ISNT REAL??? okay but for real who remembers the age they find out omg .. i was Young so idk maybe like 13
52. what is your dream car?ohhh boy a lambo for sure
53. opinion on smoking?Gross. Smells terrible
54. do you go to college?I do indeed. I’m gonna be a senior ya’ll
55. what is your dream job?To be a writer I guess. I don’t really have a dream job
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs? I dunno. I like living in the city I’d probably die of boredom in some rural area
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?hell yea binch
58. do you have freckles?nope!
59. do you smile for pictures?Not for selfies but for other pictures yes I feel like it’s weird or rude not to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?like 300 something
61. have you ever peed in the woods?what the fuck?? lol?? no??
62. do you still watch cartoons?does voltron count :/
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?neither if I’m being honest but Wendy’s I guess. I never ever eat at mcdonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?barbeque sauce?
65. what do you wear to bed?An oversized shirt and boxers lol
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i cant say I have
67. what are your hobbies?Writing, sometimes. Playing video games. Bein unhealthy
68. can you draw?Naaaah
69. do you play an instrument?No :( I wish I did but I never learned any
70. what was the last concert you saw?SHINEE WORLD V IN LA!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
71. tea or coffee?Coffee bcuz i h8 tea
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Well the coffee at dunkin donuts is worlds better so dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?no
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?i dont have a crush
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?’when’ lol i dont plan to get married
76. what color looks best on you?black, in my opinion
77. do you miss anyone right now?no not really
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?open because if it’s closed my cat will scratch on it incessantly until she’s let in
79. do you believe in ghosts?hell yeah dude
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?when people like, dance around a subject. I prefer it when people are straightforward. Especially if they want something from me
81. last person you called`Honest to god I can’t remember. I don’t ever call people lmao so probably my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?I like Rocky Road a lot!
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?regular. Golden oreos are a lesser creation
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?RAINBOW. GIMME DAT GAY SHIT
85. what shirt are you wearing?It’s just a plain white t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?ot5
87. are you outgoing or shy?Horribly, annoyingly shy although I can mask it pretty well
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes :D
89. do you like your neighbors?lmao I don’t know them?? They arent noisy though so yes I like them since they aren’t annoying or anything
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Both. I take a shower in the morning and wash it then. And then do a skincare routine at night
91. have you ever been high?no.... not that I know of. One time I took nyquil though and it Fucked Me Up i felt high but idk if I was or if that’s even possible
92. have you ever been drunk?nope. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of getting drunk. I don’t like letting my guard down like that so if I ever do it’ll be when I’m alone
93. last thing you ate?a mento 
94. favorite lyrics right nowthe entire lyrics to So Far Away by yoongi
95. summer or winter?WINTER. I hate summer fashion i like being able to wear my jackets and jeans and not Die of heat stroke
96. day or night?night I guess just bcuz I can be alone
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark chocolate is superior in every way
98. favorite month?uhm.. December? Because its the end of the year and I’m on break then and Christmas and cold weather and hot chocolate
99. what is your zodiac signI’m a virgo 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?uhhhHHHH I really make it a Goal to never cry in front of people since im just super uncomfortable with that and honestly dont feel comfortable enough around anyone to do that. My sister walked in on me when I was crying once though so her I guess
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