#not only he sends her to die but leaves her to live with a virus that has no cure because
rescuefield-arch1 · 5 months
do you ever think about the fact that everyone from the fbc was moved to the bsaa after it got closed but neil decided to join terrasave because breaking through claire's defences was probably easier than do all that work with chris
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salty-autistic-writer · 4 months
For @bucktommyweek, June 5: "Bad Weather Days" Title: Healing Love
Summary: Or: One time Buck gets sick, one time Tommy gets sick plus one time they both get sick. (For Bucktommy / Tevan week Day: Bad Weather Days)
Buck doesn’t get sick often. 
Usually, his immune system shakes off any kind of bacteria or virus that tries to invade his body. But now, for the first time in years, he’s hit with a sickness like a truck. It might be the flu. Whatever it is, it seems to be the Queen bee of sickness, sending her worker-bacteria everywhere to shut down Buck’s immune system and force him to stay in bed the whole day.
It’s horrible. Ugly. Nasty. And it overwhelmed him in the middle of the night.
Buck’s nose won’t stop running. He can barely breathe. His eyes are red, swollen and itchy. There is a persistent scratching sensation in his throat that forces him to dry-cough every few seconds. His bed is surrounded by crumpled used tissues. He feels too hot in his own skin like he’s boiling from the inside.
Damnit. He can’t go anywhere like this. It’s his day off anyway. Of course, it is. But Tommy and he had a dinner night with a Star Wars marathon - and mind-blowing sex, obviously - planned, since Tommy doesn’t have to work either, which rarely ever happens. Great.
With a heavy heart, Buck pulls out his phone and writes a message to Tommy.
Sorry, we have to postpone movie night, I’m sick. 😷
Tommy answers almost immediately. How sick? 😨 You need a doctor? I can drive you.
Buck smiles through another terrible painful coughing fit. How can Tommy be that cute? He’s so … thoughtful, considerate and sweet. Buck doesn’t know how he deserved this. He’s really not that special. But Tommy looks at him like he is.
He types: Might be the flu. I think I just have to lay here and endure this.😞
Ok. I’ll come over and cuddle you.
Wait, what?! Buck hesitates, his fingers hovering above his phone. Tommy can’t mean that. Buck is one big living bacteria, coming here would surely make Tommy sick too.
But then you’ll get sick too!, he types, frowning.
I don’t care. You need endless cuddles. And tea. And food.
Buck has to bury his face in a pillow for a moment, like an embarrassed blushing teenager. 
Oh God. He is so in love, it’s ridiculous. His stomach is full of fluttering butterflies and his ears are burning and he feels dizzy in a good way. Right now, he wants nothing more but Tommy by his side, fussing over him and taking care of him, if he’s being honest.
Buck never had that. Not like this. 
He wants it. But there’s a persistent nagging voice in the back of his mind, admonishing him: Don’t be a burden, don’t ask for too much, don’t be too demanding, don’t be too much!
Buck swallows. He nervously chews on his lip and types: You’re sure???, while thinking: Please be sure …
Buck smiles and starts to feel a suspicious burning in his eyes. He tries to figure out how he can show Tommy through text what this means to him.  
What did I do to deserve you?🥲
Hmmmm. You booked a helicopter ride into a hurricane?
I did. Thank God, I did, Buck writes back, his heart jumping a loop in his chest.
Yes. Thank God, you did. See you soon, babe. Don’t die.
Buck’s laugh turns into a cough. I’ll try not to.  ~
Buck falls asleep while waiting for Tommy. Fortunately, they already exchanged keys. So he gets to wake up to the smell of tea and soup. And to Tommy, sitting on the edge of the bed, running his fingers through Buck’s sweat-soaked hair. Even though Buck’s head is swimming in fever-induced fog by now, he’s so happy to see Tommy, he smiles and tries to tell Tommy, only to break into a cough again.
“Hey,” Tommy says, worry filling his eyes. He puts the back of his hand against Buck’s forehead and frowns. “You’re too hot.”
Buck groans and leans into the touch. Tommy’s hand is so cool. It’s heaven … “No,” he says, his eyes snapping open, when he feels Tommy’s touch leave. “No. Please. Don’t.”
Tommy puts his hand back. “Jesus, Evan. I think we should get you to the hospital.”
“No. No hospital,” Buck groans, putting his own hand on Tommy’s. “Please. Can’t. I’m sick of it.”
“I get that. After everything you told me, I think they might have a bed with your name on it reserved for you,” Tommy says dryly. “Ok. No hospital. For now. But if the fever rises any higher, I’m going to carry you to my car and drive you to the ER. We clear?”
“Alright,” Buck grumbles. “M fine.”
“You’re really not,” Tommy sighs. “Anyway, we should get some fluids into you, ok? You’re sweating like crazy.”
Tommy is right. And it’s gross. Buck is gross. He grimaces. “Sorry …”
“You got nothing to apologize for, kid,” Tommy says, his fingers brushing Buck’s hair back from his forehead. “Now let me get you some tea and soup, alright?” ~
“Are you not scared of getting sick?” Buck croaks, his head resting on Tommy’s chest. They’re together in Buck’s bed now, after Tommy cleaned up and fed Buck soup and made him enough Chamomile tea to last a whole day. He also got Cough syrup and lozenges. Not to forget the month’s supply of Ibuprofen.
Buck feels better already. It’s so nice to be taken care of. He could get used to this. And he slowly reaches the point where he can actually allow himself to enjoy this. It feels like Tommy's care makes the bad intrusive thoughts fade away into an inaudible static noise. Drowned out by the heart-fluttering rhythm of I'm loved.
“No, I have a pretty strong immune system,” Tommy says with a chuckle. “Also I care more about you right now. You shouldn’t be alone like this.”
Buck feels like crying again. “Thank you for being here. I … I wish I could tell you how I feel about this, but, but, but -” He sneezes violently.
Tommy laughs and hands Buck a tissue. Then gives him a kiss on his head. “I know. It’s alright, love. Just focus on getting healthy again, alright? We can talk later, after you stop exploding.”
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caffeiiine · 3 months
ok i dont acgtually have too much but!! but but but i do have some ideas right
as of rn ive got two survivors (korekiyo, kokichi), a potential mastermind (miu?), chapter 3's first victim (kirumi), chapter 3's second blackened (korekiyo), and chapter 5's victim (rantaro). idk if this is good or not biut like !!!! ebehebh !!!!
miu being the mastermind is something i had for my own rewrite like with my oc but also i really like the idea, we could also have her do something with kiibo at some point like install a virus on him or wtvr that would make him kill someone? because she operates on him in the game anyway so having her do so and then have that fall into place later but like not give him time to say somethingabout it is really fun to me
kirumi i dont really have a reason for her being the first victim other than im a sucker for kirukiyo and i think he'd be pretty distressed that she died (im being very self indulgent here but we can change this if u want to, idk ur opinions on kirukiyo so !!! its up to u), we could also do something where the murders happened at almost the exact same time so he could have saved her if he had just been somewhere instead of trying to kill someone for his sister to have another "friend" in the afterlife
kokichi i want to live because i love him. end of explanation
rantaro i wanted to die at some point but not at the start, in part bc i love him but also because i think itd be really interesting if he was killed in ch 5 instead of kokichi because he has a lot of importance too, right? so i think a killing with him could be just as good, he could have helped the killer because he wanted them to try to find out the mastermind during his trial or something idk. still in speculation but i think it would be cool
as for like, protagonists and stuff, i have zero idea, but !!!!!! i think it would be super mega awesome to have both kaede and shuichi survive but also that is like not possible because kaede's death made shuichi actually be able to be good and smart at things and not feel bad IDK WE CAN FIGURE THIS OUT AT SOME POINT BUT HERES MY IDEAS SORRY THIS IS A LOT OF PARAGRAPHS
starting out i’m gonna be all over the place with this <33
first off: THE KIRUKIYO ISEA IS SO COOL THO honestly i never thought of that ship, and im not a huge shipper myself outside of bsd so im super neutral about most ships <33 so yeah!!!! we can ahve kirukiyo!!!! i like that!!!! :3 <- since you asked about my opinion on it
ALSO ARE YOU IN MY HEAD OR SOMETHING. MIU MASTERMIND!!! MIU MASTERMIND!!! or if not a mastermind, then in the very least a killer. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve ranted to my rl friends about how miu should’ve gotten to kill somebody. like ik in canon she was supposed to be the killer for 4 but that got swapped last minute but SHE SHOULDVE BEEN ALLOWED TO KILL SOMEBDIY and yes yes yes yes yes she should do something with kiibo that’d be very fun
YOURE SO CORRDCT ON RANTARO BTW his character generally suffers from the fact he was killed off way at the beginning, and ugshdh he could have done. so much. if he was left alive a little longer. i’ve said this before but that’s a common issue just in general with the type of game danganronpa is especially with the writers not adjusting the arcs for their allotted time which causes me PAIN. yeah leave him alive for longer for sure. and oooo i like rantaro, i think he could go either way being a killer or victim. especially if at the end of it all no matter how it goes down, hes wrong. whether he kills the wrong person, or if he’s caught in the middle of a planned murder and happens to be collateral damage/the mistaken victim while he’s trying to go after the mastermind and either way their only lead to the mastermind is now just gone
one of the things i do really like about v3 despite all my criticisms against it, is the fake-out protagonist. i’m not saying we have kaede die again or shuichi goes in her place, but i think it’d be cool to include something like that with one of the cast members? maybe kaito? idk im throwing things at the wall rn but basically im trying to figure out a way to have a character haunt the narrative like kaede did
yeah i ahev no clue about protags either yet, we can always just figure that out down the line sometime🎉🎉🎉
also side note but i propose to throw out the real fiction plotline or whatever it was called that v3 went down in the game, thoughts?
also also second unrelated side note: do we have to keep the 3 survivors? not like the literal characters, just the number. like obviously we wont have everyone survive, but idk let’s not confine ourselves to a number yet
for my input regarding cases: in no particular order/killer - ryoma -> victim/survivor ; himiko -> killer/victim [i think it’d be cool to have her as a killer but i’m not sure how she’d even go about it or even why] ; tenko -> victim ; tsumugi -> killer [i think her execution would be super interesting] aaaand i ahve yet to think about the rest
inout regarding survivors: idk i really want angie to survive and i am shooting you with shinounaga found family propaganda
anyways!!! give your opinion!!! sorry this took me forever to type!!!!!
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Alexia’s feelings for Alfred
I hate so much how they’ve butchered Alfred and Alexia’s relationship in Darkside Chronicles. The unconditional love these two shared was the best part of the game. Seriously, if you think Alexia secretly hated Alfred, you haven’t played CV. In the infamous video where they torture a dragonfly and feed the ants with it, you can already see that there is some mutual affection between them. It isn’t one-sided. And if this isn’t enough to convince you, Alexia’s reaction to Alfred’s death makes it obvious.
For context, in DC, Alfred survives moderately injured in his final confrontation with Claire and Steve. He wakes Alexia up, and then she kills Alfred because she is bored of him. He was a toy for her, and now he is no longer useful or entertaining. DC-Alexia is childish, megalomaniac, and purely evil. That’s it.
In CV, Alfred barely survives his final confrontation with Claire and Steve. He is heavily injured and loses a lot of blood, but he still makes it to the room Alexia is in, and wakes her up shortly before his death. Witnessing her brother die makes her go fully berserk. Alexia sends her tentacles after Claire and Steve, who have already brought some distance between themselves and the Antarctica Base. In the meantime, Alexia holds Alfred’s dead body in her arms and gently strokes his hair. He is already gone no need to pretend anything. Also, she sits there fully naked on the metal floor, her skin probably still wet from the liquid in the cryostasis tank. It must be freezing cold. Alexia doesn’t care about herself at this point. Everything that counts at this very moment is her brother. Later on, you can see her again. She is still sitting there, but now she is dressed up. I assume this is after she injected Steve with the virus. Let me get this straight. She was with Alfred for who knows how long, took a little break to take care of Steve and Claire, then returned to cradle his corpse in her arms and sing a lullaby for him while the warmth was leaving his body. How can you think she didn’t love him?
Afterward, Alexia places Alfred’s corpse in the cryogenic freezer, probably to slow down or stop the decomposition. She does not accept his death, isn’t ready to say farewell forever. Likely, she wants to use the t-Veronica virus to revive him, if possible, without severe mutations or waiting 15 years. That’s also the reason why she didn’t kill Steve and Claire immediately out of revenge. She needs someone to test it, but everyone else in the base is dead. Steve is male as well. Therefore, he probably will deliver better results, so she uses him first. Claire stays glued to the stairs, otherwise unharmed, as a backup.
The only time Alexia said anything remotely negative about Alfred is when she calls him an “inept but loyal soldier ant” in one of the files, but this is situational. She wrote the text shortly before she went to her cryogenic sleep. At this time, Alfred was a more or less average 12-year-old kid and very clingy too. Her brother was simply way too young for the important and difficult task that lay ahead of him. However, she couldn’t trust anyone else with it. He has to keep her safe for 15 years. Having doubts that Alfred has the strength to do this is a legitimate concern. And yes, in another document, she wrote: ”The ecosystem of the ants seems truly ideal to me. There is one queen ant in each anthill, and the soldier and worker ants are the queen's slaves. They dedicate their lives to the queen. The death of the queen ant means the doom of the entire anthill. However, the soldier and worker ants can be easily replaced as long as the queen ant is alive. This is exactly the same relationship between myself and other ignorant masses.” Things like this are easy to say when you’ve never lost anyone who was dear to you. She may have thought so at the time of writing this, but her reaction to Alfred’s death proves that she was mistaken. He is the only one she ever cared for. Billions of slaves cannot replace her twin brother, no one can.
Alexia is usually a very rational and calculating person, as you can see in the game. Despite her hatred for Claire and Steve, she hasn’t given in to the heat of the moment and killed them. Neither did she allow herself to cry once. Succumbing to sadness won’t help. Crying has never saved anyone. The enemies surrounding her won’t allow any signs of weakness either. She must stay strong and think rationally while the situation spirals increasingly out of her control. But you can see her emotions slip through occasionally. About to lose her brother forever, she goes through a emotional rollercoaster. Alexia isn’t as cold as you would expect after everything you’ve learned about her. There is hatred toward Claire and Steve, who did this to Alfred. She tosses the snowmobile around in a rage, about to obliterate them. There is sadness when her brother’s lifeless body lies in her arms and the unwillingness to accept his fate. When Steve is about to kill Claire, Alexia’s tentacles hold her in place. She wants him to suffer, wants to afflict the same pain on him she is feeling right now. And before the final battle with Chris, Alexia starts one last attempt to make Claire pay for want she did. Also, Alexia giggles like a maniac in every dialogue. But imagine her situation: you wake up after 15 years just to see your brother dying, the base is partially destroyed, you have no idea what is going on, everyone is dead, zombies and BOWs everywhere, and you’re attacked by multiple enemies for unknown reasons. It wasn’t planned like this. She wanted a kingdom, not this post-apocalyptic nightmare. There is nothing unusual about people reacting with laughter as a response to a terrifying, traumatic, or surprising experiences. It's too much to bear for her. Her laughter is likely an acute stress reaction, not a sign of madness.
Let’s skip to the end of the game. After Chris activates the self-destruct system, Alexia rushes toward the control room. The whole place is about to explode. Why doesn’t she escape? Apparently, she only needs the t-Veronica virus for her world domination plans to succeed, and she has it in her blood. Losing her ants and the equipment would slow her down, not stop her. Alexia is patient, she waited 15 years and can wait a little longer.
Is she bent on revenge? Alexia has already proven that she can control her emotions, no need to take any risks. Attacking directly with less than 5 minutes left doesn’t seem to be a logical decision. If she wants to kill Chris and Claire, nothing is easier than this. She can destroy the jet, their only way to get away from Antarctica. They can still get out of the base, but with temperatures below 0 °C, a snowstorm raging, no vehicle, and without appropriate clothes, this equals a death sentence.
And why does she go after Chris, not Claire? Claire is responsible for Alfred’s death. She should be the target. However, after this one attempted attack, Alexia lets her escape. Chris defeating her earlier in a fight was inconvenient, but she can regenerate, no problem. And Chris wasn’t even the one who started it. How can this be worse than killing her brother? Except for this, Chris hasn’t even done anything to her. Girl, just leave.
Also, have you ever noticed how passive Alexia is and that she has surprisingly little dialogue? The only time she actually engages in a fight is after Wesker enforces it. Otherwise, she says only a couple of sentences (usually threatens Chris), giggles manically, and disappears again. And when she’s confronting Chris and Claire for the last time, she doesn’t even say a single word, no elaborated villain monologue, no talk about how superior she is, how she wants to reform the world and turn all humans into her slaves, nothing. She’s completely silent.
At this point, Alexia has already made up her mind. This is one final desperate attempt to stop the self-destruct system and save Alfred or die trying. She doesn’t want revenge right now, nor does she want to escape. World domination is suddenly not important anymore. The only thing she truly wants is to have her brother back. She must have realized how stupid her plan was, a childish delusion. And Alfred had to pay the price for her foolishness. All her powers weren’t worth it. She isn’t a queen ant, and Alfred wasn’t a soldier ant. She cannot live alone without him. Her powers, her intellect, nothing matters anymore if she can’t save him. She must stop the self-destruct system, otherwise, Alfred will be lost. To have a chance, Alexia needs a lab, the cryogenic freezer, and she can’t drag Alfred’s body around in the frozen tundra for hours.
Alexia has tried to threaten Chris, tried to scare him away with Alexander’s remains, and hoped he would leave her alone after he got what he wanted (Claire). It didn’t work. Now she says nothing because there is nothing left to say. Every word would be a waste of time. Chris and Claire are her enemies. She can’t expect mercy from them, especially not after everything that happened. Alexia attacks Chris because he stands in her way and won’t just go. Claire can wait. Alexia has decided that she doesn’t want to live in a world without her brother. The past hours gave her a glimpse of how empty her life would be. It ends here either she can save him now, or she joins him in death.
DC didn’t do her character justice. Alexia was misguided. She was never the plainly evil monster they tried to make of her. Deep down under her cold and calculating façade, she had a very caring side. During her last hours, Alexia must have been full of pain, guilt, despair, sorrow, fear, and regret. Her brother meant the world to her. Not only Alfred was ready to die for her, Alexia was ready to do the same for him.
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its-queenofthesilence · 2 months
I Cannot Live Without My Soul! Part 2 of ?
I may already be *checks notes* on chapter 5 of this thing.
Chapter 2: Two Lovers Turned to Friends
It’s euphoric really, watching them on the mp4. cameras, scattered to every corner of the Principal’s Office. They were like cornered rats, trying to save themselves from the cat but they didn’t even realize just how trapped they really were. Here, in the War Room the entire Principal’s Office and system was at his fingertips. He could control every aspect of the building, shutting down every door and vent to the outside. They were stuck.
This place would be their final resting place. They would die and it would be at his hands. But first, who to choose as his first victim? He had so many choices for playmates. The Guardian of course, his Arch-Rival since he first arrived in Mainframe. The uptight and honestly, boring Ms. Matrix who he enjoyed torturing, the Boy (or rather Boys, he still wasn’t sure what to do with the copy…) who thought himself better than Megabyte, as if he wasn’t just as much of a monster as the Virus. Oh the hypocrisy. And of course Mouse, who dared to not only betray him but he found out after returning to Mainframe, to be the one to send him to the web. And finally….
He would be honest, he knows little about her, and he can barely remember her name. AndrAIa or , at least he thinks it is. He honestly didn’t care enough to remember. He had no real quarry with her, aside from her choice of friends. But he knew how much the Boy loved her, and killing her first would bring him immense satisfaction in seeing the pain on the Boy's face when he confessed to her murder. Ah love, what an inferior notion he thought, eyes narrowing on his target. There were many reasons why viruses were superior to sprites, and this was one of them. Only fools believed in such fairytales. Besides, she had aided the Boy during their last fight, throwing her trident to him just as Megabyte had been about to delete him. That made him hate her just as much as the rest of them.
“Let me go! You’re going to be sorry, once Bob and Big Bro’ get here!”
Ah yes, the other Boy. Turning around from the console and the vidwindows, he could only raise an eyebrow as he watched the smaller, copy of Enzo Matrix struggle in the grasp of his father, desperate to get free. Some how, the adult version still managed to annoy him more than this one did. Perhaps because the copy had the excuse of still being a child with how he acted versus the adult male who acted like a pouty teenager even at 2.8.
“I highly doubt that, Boy. I have the entire Principal’s Office locked down and at my mercy. Your friends and that pathetic whore you call a sister are going to die. You might want to behave, otherwise you will be joining them.” he said, face inches away from the squirming preteen. Enzo shrunk in fear, going silent as Megabyte ran a clawed finger down his cheek, leaving a welt in its place.
“You will never get away with this virus. I know my Dot and she will come up with a way to defeat you.” 
Megabyte could only sigh, while he may control the suit that encased Welman Matrix, the squiggling null inside the suit was very much still of his own free will and mind, much to the thanks of his dear departed sister. Like his son, the bot had a mouth.
“Do you really believe that, Nibbles? You and I both know she has no chance. If it makes you feel better, I’ll leave her for last so you can watch me kill her in front of your very eyes. But I digress, I have a hunt to begin and I know just who to start with.”
Tumblr media
Look right,
Look Left,
Look Straight
To AndrAIa, it was like a dance, her fingers tightly gripping her trident as if it were her only lifeline as she constantly scanned the three corridors, making sure Megabyte wasn't sneaking up on them while Mouse attempted to hack into the security system without success. It was a chaotic situation; just this morning she had been a bridesmaid in a wedding, and now she was being hunted like prey.
“Argh!” With an exasperated grunt, Mouse slammed her fist against the screen in frustration, causing AndrAIa to flinch at the loud noise. The perks of heightened hearing.
“Anything?” she called over her shoulder, eyes darting back and forth between corridors. 
“Sugah, the bastard has every inch of this place locked down. I can’t get a door open, let alone open a vid-window in this place.” the hacker retorted, as she tried once again to break through the security. AndrAIa sighed with frustration, lowering her trident for a moment to peer over her friends’ shoulder.
“What about the backdoor you put in place? Can’t you use the override codes to get in? Little Sparky and Phong are still in there, we need to save them.”
"Ah wish it were that easy, sugah, but this virus is one step ahead of us. He's changed all the codes, and disabled the emergency controls as well." Mouse shook her head in frustration.
AndrAIa felt her heart sink at those words. If Megabyte had already thought to change the codes, what chance did they have of reaching the others trapped inside? She gripped her trident tighter, her knuckles turning white.
"Then we have to find another way. Maybe there's an air vent or a service hatch we can use to sneak in. We can't just abandon them to Megabyte's mercy," she said, determination steeling her voice. She couldn't bear the thought of Enzo and Phong being at the mercy of that vile virus.
Mouse shook her head grimly. "I've scanned the livefeed schematics. Every entrance and exit is sealed up tighter than a drum. That slime-ball has this whole place on lockdown. We're trapped out here, sugar, and they're trapped in there with him."
"I'm afraid my dear, the hacker is correct." A deep, sinister voice echoed from behind them. AndrAIa whirled around, her trident raised defensively, to see Megabyte standing there, his glowing red pupils piercing into her. 
"Megabyte," she growled, her grip tightening on her weapon. "Let them go, this is between you and us."
The virus let out a chilling laugh. "Ah the Fish. I’m afraid not. This is no longer just about you and your little band of friends, you see. This is about the complete and utter destruction of Mainframe." He took a step forward, his clawed hand reaching out towards her. "And you, my dear, have been chosen to be first pawn I will eliminate. Congratulations, no no. I’m afraid we don’t have time for speeches."
AndrAIa bit her tongue as she ignored the facetious comment, body tense as Megabyte lunged towards her, his claws outstretched. Without hesitation, she swung her trident up to meet his attack, the metal prongs clanging against his razor-sharp talons. The virus gave a growl as they faced off.
‘Oh, Ah don't think so Sugah” Mouse yelled, pulling out her katana and wasting no time jumping into the fray to protect her friend. The virus snarled as the hacker rushed him, swiping at him with her katana. He side stepped as the hacker swung with precision he was all too familiar with, his tendrils still aching from where she cut them mere microminutes ago.
Megabyte snarled as he parried Mouse's attacks, his claws clashing against the hacker's katana. AndrAIa took the opportunity to lunge forward, her trident aimed at the virus's midsection, eyeing the scar that had been left there by her lover. But Megabyte was too quick - with a swift motion, he grabbed the trident's shaft and twisted it, throwing AndrAIa off balance.
"Nice try, my dear," he hissed, taking note of where she was attempting to hit, "but I'm afraid your little games won't work on me."
With a powerful shove, using her own trident against her, he sent AndrAIa stumbling backwards, her trident wrenched from her grasp. With a laugh he crushed it in his hands, throwing it to the side before jumping out of the way as Mouse pressed her attack, her blade a blur as she rained blows down on Megabyte. But the virus was nimble, dodging and parrying each strike with ease. He let out a mocking laugh as he toyed with the hacker.
AndrAIa hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of her and dazed from being hit. Perfect. Right where he wanted her. With a laugh and a quick motion, he sidestepped the hacker lunging at him once more and with a quick punch, pommeled her in the stomach, sending her flying to the floor in agony.
It was a shame the Boy wasn’t around, he was going to enjoy this. As AndrAIa began to pull herself up from the floor of the Principal’s Office, that’s when he pounced, slamming her back into the ground as he pressed the full weight of his body against her, her hands pinned beneath one hand as he had his other raised, intent on driving his claws through her chest.
“And that’s when it happened, or so I’ve been told. I didn’t actually see it myself.”
Deep within her mind, a forgotten code lay dormant, waiting for this precise moment to awaken. And when that moment came, it spread through AndrAIa's body like a wildfire, igniting every inch of her data with a pulsating blue glow. The light pulsed in time with her heartbeat, filling her with a surge of power and energy. But just as quickly as it appeared, the pulsing turned into a solid radiance, radiating from every fiber of her being. A part of the light broke off, forming into a ball that traveled through her form until it reached the tips of her fingers, and exited out into the body of a bewildered Megabyte, who still held her pinned to the ground.
As Mouse pulled herself up, clutching her stomach, she couldn't help but stare in confusion as she watched the pair. What in the Net was happening? The virus seemed to recoil and pull back, trying to stop whatever was happening. But it was too late, the energy from the light surged into him, swirling through his veins until...like a beacon in the dark, he began to glow in unison with AndrAIa, their bodies pulsating in tandem.
Megabyte's snarl turned into a growl as he felt the intrusion of foreign code entering his body, slowly changing something within him. His mind raced with fear and uncertainty- What was she doing? What was this burning feeling in his chest? Why did he feel so happy?
The sudden burst of light that had engulfed them vanished just as quickly as it appeared, leaving no trace behind. In the aftermath, the room was now shrouded in a deafening silence, as Virus and Gamesprite stared at each other. AndrAIa on the floor, her eyes filled with fear and horror and Megabyte above her, hand outreached towards her with a look of… Mouse didn’t know. The look could only be equated to a sort of softness but that wasn’t right. Nothing about Megabyte screamed “soft.”
And yet, how else would Mouse describe that look? 
The Virus stared down at AndrAIa, the softness giving way to confusion and uncertainty. What just happened? The burning rage he felt towards her and the want to crush her beneath his hands had melted away, leaving behind a feeling of elation and content as she looked up at him with those big eyes of hers.
This wasn’t right. This feeling wasn’t right. 
He didn't understand it. As a virus, Megabyte had never experienced anything akin to this strange new sensation. He felt emotions of course; he wasn’t immune. He knew hatred, desire, greed, jealousy, amusement and elation (when he found a vintage wine or a particularly good book of course, nothing like this). This however was indiscernible and unparalleled to anything he had ever felt.. Looking at her made him feel like he was infecting a thousand binomes at once, giving a feeling of satisfaction and want he had never known he needed. It was….good. He wanted more, and that scared him.
A sob caught his attention, bringing him back from his thoughts. Tears were beginning to fall down her cheek. A new feeling filled him, even more despicable than the last. It was a feeling of regret mixed with the need to stop her crying. Watching her cry made his stomach twist and turn in ways he never knew possible. Was it his fault she was crying? He liked seeing suffering and pain, so why did this hurt?
Instinctually, he started to reach down, the need to cup her cheek and brush tears away overwhelming, but found himself doubling over as the hacker pommeled him in the stomach with the back of her katana, aggravating his old wound and causing him to pull away out of reflex. Mouse wasted no time and grabbed AndrAIa’s hand and pulled her up and away, deeper into the heart of the Principal’s Office away from Megabyte. 
The Virus watched them go, choosing or perhaps unable to follow after them. Though the hacker did not look back, she did, eyes wide with unshed tears and something he couldn’t place (longing?). He was left there stunned and rooted to the spot for what felt like an eternity until his brain caught up with the rest of him.
“What the FAQ just happened?”
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previewtrust · 2 years
Sandy hook elementary school shooting
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She thought about the other parents whose children had also lived through school shootings. Then came the virus, shutdowns, soaring death tolls and suddenly, amid all of it, a torturous dilemma. He wanted to go there and earned it, receiving a six-figure scholarship that covered the tuition their middle-class family never could have afforded. Nelba, a marriage and family therapist, had struggled at first with the idea of letting her son leave for boarding school a year earlier, but she and her husband, Jimmy Greene, respected Isaiah and worked hard never to let their trauma or fear dictate the way they raised him. It was so unfair, she thought at the time, but at least he would be safe with them, at home.
Nelba had assumed the campus would remain closed and had spent weeks considering how to help her son through virtual classes in the fall. “I’m going,” all of his elated classmates were declaring in a group thread, so he messaged his roommate, who told him the same thing.Īm I going to be the only one who doesn’t go? Isaiah wondered at the same time his mom, Nelba Marquez-Greene, was reading the email in her office upstairs. He closed the email and checked Snapchat. On the living room couch, just down the hall from a collection of his sister’s framed portraits, Isaiah had trouble believing his parents could bear to send him back. Now, eight years after the massacre that shattered his family and devastated the country, another threat - the deadliest pandemic in a century - had arrived on America’s campuses. But that’s what he had become: their only surviving child. “I don’t want to be an only child,” he told his mom and dad that December night after they explained to him Ana was gone. On a cold winter morning in 2012, Isaiah had cowered in a third-grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., listening to the gunshots that were ending the lives of six staff members and 20 first-graders, including his sister, Ana Grace. But Isaiah understood how little solace that knowledge offered his parents. Rarely - in only the worst cases - would they die. Most children who got sick would be fine. Millions of parents had begun to worry by that July afternoon about schools reopening in the fall, but many found comfort in what they knew of the novel coronavirus. Maybe this news meant all those things would happen, he thought for a moment, before the reality of who he is came back to him. Four months into the pandemic, Isaiah, 16, longed to play hockey, to see his friends, to return for his sophomore year to the Connecticut boarding school he had worked so hard to get into. Isaiah Marquez-Greene skimmed past the opening two paragraphs until, at the third, he paused: “This decision to open campus …” The teen was sitting on his living room couch watching another episode of “The Office” when the email popped up on his cellphone.
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animalgirl225 · 2 years
My next Raya x Namaari piece! Themes of illness, comfort, concern, etc. Fluff. G-rated. Enjoy!
A fever was tearing through Kumandra.
Much like the sleeping sickness plague that had claimed the lives of Raya's mother and Namaari's father, this fever was fast moving and lethal. Nobody knew where it came from. The young Spine boy suspected to have contracted the first case had died before he could relate his story, and his family could not find anything unusual in his routine. The virus was confusing and erratic in who it infected; whole families might fall sick, or only one or two people in a house. So far, deaths had been limited to the young and old, unlike the sleeping plague that had claimed people of all ages. Sap from the waterweed blossom helped lower the fever and reduce pain, but repeated doses caused severe hallucinations. It was a price doctors deemed necessary. Hallucinations were temporary. But if the fever remained too high for too long, the victim would die.
The symptoms started mild, so nobody suspected a thing in the beginning. Trade had continued, diplomatic visits were held, and warriors mingled on their scouting missions. Soon, the fever had spread to all the tribes. Raya and Namaari had met a Spine perimeter patrol on their own joint patrol. The two groups had swapped stories and shared an evening meal together. One Spine warrior had been complaining of a headache, and everyone had teased him for enjoying too much drink.
The girls had returned to Fang shortly after. Raya was supposed to spend the night as a guest before departing for Heart the following day. But word of the fever had reached Fang while the girls were out. Chief Virana had insisted Raya stay in Fang until it could be seen whether the two had contracted the illness. She wouldn't risk sending Raya to Heart if she was infected. Having lost her husband to a plague, Virana took illness very seriously. Raya knew her father would understand for the same reason.
Namaari had fallen ill first. When she heard, Raya was anxious to visit her, but Chief Virana had not allowed it. Even she wasn't allowed in her daughter's room; just standing in the doorway was pushing the doctors' patience. The doctors were frightened of the violent illness and would not allow their Chief to risk contracting it too.
Raya had been desperate to see Namaari, her fevered cries of fear and pain sending knives through her heart. So she had snuck back late that night, after the palace had gone to bed. After all, she was the Princess of Heart. She didn't answer to Virana. The two had become fond of each other and had a good rapport, but in this matter, Raya was willing to risk defying her. Besides, they had spent the whole scouting trip together; if Namaari had it, so did she.
She'd found her friend lying in bed, sweating and shaking from fever. Raya had almost received a bloody nose crawling up to join her. Namaari had been startled, likely in the midst of a waterweed hallucination, and had struck her. Luckily, it was a glancing blow, weakened by illness, and Raya's nose remained in one piece. Raya had quickly grabbed Namaari's hands to prevent another near miss, talking soothingly to her friend to calm her down. She'd settled down next to her, frightened by how hot her touch was. Her presence had calmed Namaari. Raya stayed there all night, drifting in and out of sleep with Namaari, waking when she did to whisper calming words as she fought invisible demons.
Virana had been furious when she found the two the next morning. Standing in the doorway, she'd scolded and fought Raya in the quietest argument Raya had ever had. But there was nothing she could do now that it had happened. A few days passed, and Namaari slept longer and required fewer doses of waterweed sap. Raya began staying in her own room again, anxious to make up with Virana. Then, just as Namaari was well enough to leave her room, Raya had woken up with a headache and sweats.
Now it was her turn.
Someone had lit Raya on fire. At least, that's what it felt like. She threw off the blanket once more, knowing that she'd inevitably pull it up again in a few minutes. She cried out in frustration, trying to figure out if she was too hot or too cold. She was shaking uncontrollably. Her whole body ached, every joint throbbing and pulsing with pain. Her dreams were disjointed and confusing. A strange sensation surrounded her spine and hips, one she could only describe as 'fuzzy.' And there were the shadows.
She didn't know how else to describe them. The creatures were pitch black and seemed to have no substance, but they had glowing red eyes, fangs that rivaled a serlot's, and twisted, oozing spines that protruded haphazardly from their bodies. They terrified Raya beyond anything she'd ever seen.
The creatures had stayed away earlier, lurking at the edges of her vision and hiding in the corners of her room. But then, Raya had been given another dose of waterweed, and the creatures had grown bold. They now circled her bed, occasionally snapping at her arms and legs and sending spikes of pain through her body. She couldn't understand how the doctors moved so freely among them. How could they not see them? Or were they the demons? Raya couldn't tell.
Suddenly, one larger demon crawled onto the bed next to her. Terrified, she swatted clumsily at it, but it quickly caught her wrist in its claws. Wait no, not claws. Hands, soft and warm. "Nice try, Raya, but right now, you couldn't hit a toot and boom if it was perched on your nose," she heard a familiar voice say. Namaari. Raya had no idea what she was doing here, but she was relieved to hear her voice.
"I thought you were one of them," Raya whimpered as her friend lay down behind her. "One of what, dep la?" Namaari asked as she gently slid her arm under Raya's head and wrapped the other around her side, pulling her close. "The shadows. They have sharp teeth and glowing eyes, and spines all over," Raya replied. "They're everywhere, how do you not see them?"
"Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough," Namaari conceded. "Or maybe you're looking too hard. You should close your eyes, then you wouldn't see them. I won't them get you," she promised, tucking Raya's sweat-dampened hair back out of her face.
Raya flinched and uttered a small cry as another shadow bit at her arm. She heard Namaari's soft voice in her ear. "Easy, dep la. Close your eyes. Deep breaths. Focus on what's real. Feel me."
Raya obeyed. She closed her eyes to the spiny creatures lurking along her bedside and focused on Namaari's presence. She breathed deeply of her friend's lavender perfume. She felt Namaari's solid warmth against her back, one arm under her head, the other wrapped tightly around her waist. She heard her breath whisper in her ear and felt it ruffle her hair.
Raya calmed. Soothed by Namaari's presence, her breathing slowed and her mind cleared. Namaari's warmth on her back comfortably balanced the cool air on her front. She drifted off, finally relaxed enough to succumb to sleep. Time passed, though Raya couldn't tell how much. She felt Namaari's presence leave a few times, and each time the terrible images came back. She would call desperately for her friend, and Namaari always returned quickly, snuggling back up behind her and holding her close. She stayed with her as Raya slept for longer periods of time, and the shadow demons faded. Then, suddenly, it was over.
Raya woke with a start. It was nighttime, and candles flickered gently on the walls. She sat up. Her head felt amazingly clear, and her body, though tired, was calm and cool. Raya felt Namaari stir next to her, and she turned to look at her. "Welcome back," Namaari said quietly. "That was awful," Raya whispered. Namaari shifted and reached out to rub Raya's back. "I know. I couldn't let you go through it alone, not knowing what it was like." Namaari said.
"I'm so sorry you had to fight that by yourself in the beginning," Raya told her. "I should have come to you sooner, but your mother wouldn't let me."
"Don't think too harshly of her, dep la. She was only trying to keep you safe," Namaari replied. "She's grown very fond of you."
Raya sighed. "I know. She was furious when I disobeyed her, though."
"Of course she was, she was frightened for both of us." Namaari said. "I'm sure she'll understand. We'll talk to her tomorrow. She'll be relieved to see you up, she's been very worried. As have I," she added quietly at the end.
Raya took Namaari's hand from her back and kissed it. "I was so scared for you when you were sick. I've never felt anyone's fever so high," she said softly. "I thought we were going to lose you. That I was going to lose you." Raya settled back down next to Namaari, and Namaari pulled the blanket over them both.
"Let's not dwell on it. It's over now, and we both need some sleep." Namaari said. She turned onto her side, resting her head on Raya's shoulder, and hugged her close. Lying on her back, Raya twined her legs through Namaari's. She rested one hand on Namaari's side and laid her other hand over Namaari's on her stomach. "Sleep well, dep la," she whispered. "We've earned it."
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limetameta · 3 years
Harry Potter characters's opinions on the COVID19 vaccine.
This is a stupid idea I got but it won't leave me alone
Harry Potter characters's opinions on the COVID19 vaccine.
1) Lord Voldemort has every single shot. He's not going to die via virus. Abraxas gently reminds him he's immortal. Voldemort fans his hand away at the man's words and says that he isn't taking anything to chances and demands that everyone who lives with him must get vaccinated. Pfizer .
2) Bellatrix Lestrange is an anti vaxxer. Voldemort sends her away until she changes her mind. Bellatrix becomes spiteful. She believes the vaccine will deplete her magic and make her into a squib. She shows him research and he debunks it with science that is peer reviewed. You cannot fool Lord Voldemort. I feel Voldemort might go over to Bellatrix's place while she's asleep and vaccinate her against her will. It's on brand. How dare you presume to disobey the orders of Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix? Anyway, he terrifies her into getting the second dose willingly, telling her that she's going to lose her magic only if she doesn't get the second dose. He tries doing the same thing for the booster , but it doesn't work. And he has to manhandle her again. Pfizer.
3) Abraxas Malfoy finds all of this so inefficient. He isn't going to waste a whole month of his time with this vaccine nonsense. He'll get one dose but he certainly won't get the other one. And no mention at all of the third one. Voldemort tells him about J&J. Abraxas wants to take it until he learns it's an American production. Then his European disdain for american medicine rears its ugly head and he, too, has to be manhandled into getting the bloody vaccine. Voldemort scares him that the new variants can target peafowls so he gets the booster. J&J .
4) Lucius accidentally gets both Pfizer and Moderna. He thought they were all the same. Voldemort doesn't know how to behave around him. Imagine Voldemort with a mask and holding his wand at Lucius, who's sniffling: Have you got any symptoms that might indicate a dire need for hospitalisation? You can tell your lord, Lucius.
5) Narcissa gets one of those fake documents that she's vaccinated. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black does not take too kindly to being told what to do. Besides, they're magic. There aren't going to be any consequences to her actions-
6) Draco's got Covid. Gee, who could possibly be at fault? Voldemort takes him to hospital. He isn't going to have his home polluted by this invisible virus. If the boy dies let him die away from where he sleeps.
7) Harry Potter gets vaccinated. Probably Moderna since he sees that everyone's fighting over Pfizer and doesn't want to take it away from someone who might need it more.
8) Hermione Granger is that someone who's fighting the elderly on her way to get the Pfizer vaccine.
9) Ron gets the Moderna with Harry.
10) Ginny gets J&J because it's more efficient and reads up that it isn't recommended for young women but only after already taking it.
11) Walburga Black makes a whole show of getting the vaccine to prove that it's safe but has the healers inject some water into her instead.
12) Umbridge boasts AstraZeneca.
13) Luna gets the Sputnik. Nobody knows where she got it.
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batcassed · 3 years
i love your reverse batgirl au!! do you mind writing more about them?
Okay so after going through the post I realized I wrote it at 2 am, so I'm going to simply rewrite it and then add more if that's okay <3
AU where Bruce adopts Barbara, Steph, Cass and Harper instead of the batboys - Batdaughters: Origins
Would like to start by saying: Damian never exists; Bruce doesn’t sleep with Talia because he's aroace in this universe no I don't make the rules he just is
Barbara Gordon is adopted by Jim Gordon after his brother and his sister in law, Barbara’s parents, die (as per canon.) When she’s six, he's killed by the Joker, who forces Barbara to watch. Bruce is too late to save Gordon and puts the blame for his death on himself, so he tries to atone by giving Barbara a home. Raising a daughter keeps him busy so he doesn’t visit Haley’s circus when it visits Gotham. Dick’s parents fall to the floor, and instead of Bruce, the Court of Owls take him in.
When Babs is 16, Bruce adopts Stephanie Brown. Steph’s father is Cluemaster but he’s put in Arkham early in her childhood. Stephanie’s mother is unable to overcome her addiction to pharmaceuticals (unlike in canon where she does overcome this) and this ends in her death. 11 year old Stephanie runs away from her social worker and ends up finding the batmobile in an alley. She hides under the car and her social worker passes by, but when Batman arrives she jumps out to avoid getting run over. He tries to take her back to foster care but she throws a brick at him and runs. Bruce decides to adopt her once he finds out her father is cluemaster, and when he takes her for waffles she agrees to ‘let him’ adopt her.
Harper Row is taken away from her alcoholic father when she’s 9 and is the only kid to actually end up with Bruce in a normal way. He’s officially a foster parent and she’s placed with him through the system. She tells Bruce that she has a brother, Cullen, who she hasn’t seen since being taken away from her father but Bruce is unable to figure out where he’d gone. Cullen was never registered in the foster care database and none of the workers that picked up Harper recalled there being another child.
When the Justice League encounters Lady Shiva a year later, she fights them and defeats Batman, but the combined forces of Wonder Woman and Superman force her capture and she’s questioned under the lasso. She tells them about her origin and that a man named David Cain had her biological daughter and was training her to be an assassin. Batman realizes that the daughter in question is still only 8, and adds her and David to his search for Cullen. He finds her being trained by David to be a ruthless killer and rescues her. He realizes that she’s mute and deadly and can’t grow up in a regular foster system so he takes her home with him.
Babs becomes Batgirl at 14, but is paralyzed at 17, a year after Steph joins the family. Then she takes the moniker oracle.
When Steph is older she doesn’t feel right taking on the batgirl name, so she becomes Robin. Steph and Bruce have a falling out when Bruce calls her reckless in the field and benches her so she distances herself from him and becomes Spoiler. She meets a kid named Tim in university who was emancipated from his parents when he was 16 and discovers that since he was a kid, he’s tried to follow batman and robin’s footsteps by fighting crime at night in a red domino and black clothes. Steph reveals that she was the Robin that Tim used to watch at night and takes him on as her partner, eventually training him to be a third Robin, one who was never trained by Batman: Red Robin.
At the same time, Harper spends years trying to find her brother, Cullen. She fights crime to find her brother without telling Bruce at first, taking on the codename Bluebird. When he finds out, Bruce takes her on as his partner, not his sidekick, which drives a wedge between her and Steph.
Cass had decided to live a normal life after having the choice taken away from her when she was young, but an attack on her school causes her to fight off a bunch of the rogue gallery to the point of near-death. She holds them off long enough for her school to evacuate and run. After she survives this, Barbara reaches out to her and tells her that if she ever wants it, the mantle of batgirl is there for her. Cass refuses it at first but takes it when she turns 15, deciding to train again, but this time to defend Gotham, and not kill. She becomes batgirl at 16.
Steph and Tim both join young justice and Babs was a part of the Teen Titans before being paralyzed.
When Bruce ‘dies’ for half a year, Cass gives the mantle of Batgirl to Steph and moves to Hong Kong to become Black Bat.
Harper moves in with Steph and befriends Tim, who believes that Bruce is alive. Nobody takes the mantle of Batman after Bruce’s ‘death.’
After he is rescued by Tim and Steph, Bruce returns to Gotham. Cass returns to be Black Bat and Steph goes back to being Spoiler, and Bruce and Steph finally reconcile.
They find out that Cullen was taken by the Court of Owls and turned into a Talon, and when they try to rescue him, they discover that a second Talon had taken a liking to him and was protecting him from the batfamily, seeing them as enemies.
So of course they take both Talons home. Bruce discovers that the second Talon is Dick Grayson and with Martian Manhunter’s help, they help them learn how to be human again.
Dick takes Cullen to live by themselves in a quiet area of Gotham, and Bruce leaves them be, knowing that they deserve to lead normal lives without continuing to be entangled in the batfamily. Only Harper visits.
At the same time, a new crime lord pops up, claiming to go by the red hood. Bruce fears another Joker situation and finds Red Hood to interrogate him and finds out that his name is Jason Todd. Jason, forced to work as a goon for two-face to earn money to support his mother, was a hostage of the Joker and beaten almost to death before Batman saved him, but he was too late to save Jason's mother. (we're ignoring the biological mother plot point here.) He wants to drive Batman to finally break his code and kill so that he’ll kill the Joker. After a fight between them that almost ends in Jason dying, Batman backs off and doesn’t turn him into the police. The Red Hood kills the Joker, but realizes that it didn't change anything. He almost turns the gun on himself but Bruce stops him. Bruce promises to leave him alone, acknowledging that Crime Alley is his territory, as long as he gives them information on a major trafficking ring in Gotham. Jason agrees and together they take the ring down.
After the Red Hood saves Cass from the collapse of a building, he and Cass strike up a tentative friendship. He becomes an anti-hero after sending the criminal underground into a civil war, ensuring the destruction of some of the larger crime families in Gotham. Then he becomes an ally of the batfamily, but still kills.
Duke's story is similar to canon except his parents are cured from the Joker Virus. He still joins the batfamily as the signal, and eventually joins the Outsiders team with Cass.
Send me asks if you want me to go into more detail with a part of this au!
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codenamed-queenie · 5 years
I am going insane. So I poured my restlessness into one long and very detailed post and got super into it. Please enjoy this hot mess.
The Justice League, being the well-meaning virus-proof Super Friends that they are, took one good look at the news, one good look at their non-powered friends Ollie, Bruce, and their families, and collectively decided that these normal humans must be Protected At All Costs.
Now, keep in mind, Bruce is never one to roll over when it comes to being benched. 
However, he understands the importance of social distancing. He knows he needs to set a good example for his kids, and keep up appearances as Gotham’s Most Responsible Multi-Billionaire. 
So. Quarantine it is. 
But how are his kids handling it?
Dick - 
100% on board in the beginning. Gotta do the Responsible Thing. Gotta set a Good Example. Besides, guys, this is gonna be Fun. Quality Family Time is always a Must.
He lasted 2 days. 
Then he started to get twitchy. 
And as everyone knows? A Trapped Dick Grayson is a Feral Dick Grayson.
He bounces off the walls.
“I have to climb.” 
“Dick, no.”  
“I have to climb everything.”
Has scaled the manor 16 times already. Has climbed the chandelier. The banister. Bruce. The roof. The Cave. Anything in the house that’s been bolted down and especially anything that hasn’t. 
Duke found him clinging to the wall 10 ft off the ground like Spiderman and screamed so loud it shattered glass. 
Desperate for news of the outside. 
He thrives off of it like a starving man. 
Was the one to suggest he and Barbara take a break to Social Distance from each other (”Sorry, babe, kissing spreads germs”) and experienced Instant Regret(TM) approximately 5 minutes after. 
The Family has labelled him a Flight Risk Level 1 (Most likely to say f**k it and make a break for the outside world)
Jason - 
Accidentally got trapped inside the manor with the others when Bruce called Shutdown. If he had his way, he’d be chilling in his favorite safe-house right now, binging The Witcher with Roy and Artemis, and not worrying about finding a stray brother in his sock drawer.
But he’s nothing if not an opportunist. 
The way he sees it, Jason has 3 options:
Self Improvement
Self Isolation (See Duke, Cass, and Damian)
Descension Into Madness (See Dick and Steph)
And, well, he always wanted to try a few things. Now he’s got the free time to do it.
So he settles on baking. 
Alfred’s got enough food and raw ingredients stored up to feed an army. (Not because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder in times like these. But because he’s a Panic-Buying-Hoarder all the time. Just try feeding 11+ teenagers sometime.)
Uses recipes he finds off Google.
His first few attempts are, in a word, ‘tragic’.
Alfred slips him a few of his recipe cards, and Jason suddenly starts seeing Results. 
Turns out he’s pretty good at this baking thing once he gets the hang of it. 
Hope everyone’s okay eating nothing but pie, macaroons, biscuits, and whatever else Jason whips up. 
Cause that’s gonna be the only food left by the time he’s done. 
Barbara - 
Self-quarantined with her dad. 
They’ve been binge-watching classic black and white movies together.
It’s a fun time, but she’s started to get a little antsy. Loving her dad and wanting to be around him 24/7 are, understandably, mutually exclusive. 
Calls the manor to video-chat every day.
For her sanity just as much as theirs. 
Gives everyone little challenges to film on their phones and send in. She makes compilations of everyone’s submissions so they can all watch and laugh together. 
Bonus points for Creativity
One comp shows the family trying to drop Mentos into coke bottles. 
Dick did a handstand, and dropped his Mento from the second story balcony. 
Tim did it wearing the Batman cowl. The soda exploded into his face, and the rest of the video is just Bruce’s Shrieking.
Stephanie tried it, but the bottle tipped. Everyone on camera screamed as the bottle rocketed through the front window. 
She spends most of her calls having one-on-one convos with Dick.
They’ve come up with little code phrases so they can be Cheesy even with family members lurking in the background. 
She thinks the way he clings to the monitor is cute. 
Almost like he’s giving her a hug through the screen. 
(It’s easier than letting herself worry about his mental state, at least)
Tim -
Oh this boy.
Freaked out for the first five minutes before he decided ‘hey wait, Bruce is letting me stay in my pajamas all day? Noice.’ 
Now he’s just vibing.
The rest of his family is Low-Key shielding him.
He Has No Spleen, you see.
Steph: “Someone could cough on him and he could die!”
He just goes about his day, playing Animal Crossing like there’s no tomorrow, tinkering on projects, taking naps, etc. Living his best life.
Meanwhile there’s always someone lurking behind him, keeping watch, keeping him safe. 
Dick sneezed within 5 feet of Tim once (the fact that he was on top of the dusty bookshelf Tim was perusing is irrelevant)
Jason still full-body tackled him the second Tim’s back was turned. 
No one with any symptoms--
Like, any symptoms. They don’t even have to be Corona-related.
--is allowed within 10 feet of Tim. 
Tim has been wandering the manor for weeks, now, without seeing another human being. 
(He sees Dick on the ceiling sometimes, but that doesn’t really count)
He’s been trying increasingly drastic pranks and shenanigans to draw someone, anyone, out. 
But it doesn’t matter how many times he steals Damian’s sword, or sets fire to Jason’s brownie bites.
Nobody wants to risk it. 
Cass - 
No one has seen her since quarantine started.
Everyone is approximately 87% sure she’s somewhere in the manor though
Because she does eat the meals Alfred leaves out for her.
Or at least someone does, at any rate. 
(Jason and Santa top the running suspects list)
Santa was Steph’s suggestion. For some reason it snowballed. 
It’s assumed that Cass misunderstood the meaning of ‘social distancing’ and took it too far. 
But no one knows for sure. 
She is Tim’s Guardian Angel. 
People who so much as clear their throats a little too loudly anywhere near him suddenly wake up on a different floor of the house four hours later. 
Duke came closest to spotting her while he was up in the attic. 
Either that, or there’s another Creepy Sister everyone forgot to tell him about living up there.
She is silent, and watchful, sticking to the shadows, but she does leave the occasional note out to brighten her siblings’ day. 
Things like ‘helo i love u’ and ‘hop u ar ok’  mostly. 
She is bound and determined to protect her family from this invisible threat, no matter the cost. 
Steph - 
Like Dick, she was Super Pumped at first. 
(Just kind of showed up at Wayne Manor before quarantine was enacted. The original purpose of her visit is unclear, but regardless, she’s Trapped.)
Also Like Dick, her descent into madness was swift.
She is impossible to pin down. 
Not like Cass or Damian, who’ve stayed off the grid, and are therefore Untraceable. 
No. She’s impossible to pin down, because she never stops moving. 
Switches seamlessly between Zumba on top of the Giant Dinosaur in the Batcave, and furiously knitting Alfred (the Cat) a sweater with a pair of Tim’s used chopsticks. 
Braided everyone’s hair while they were asleep.
Even Bruce’s. 
She tried to do Tim’s, but somehow blacked out and regained consciousness in the attic. 
When she woke up with a scream and a furiously twitching eye, she startled Duke out of his Makeshift Fort he built out of old cardboard boxes and antique furniture. He’s had to resort to finding a new hiding place. 
Sometimes, on the rare occasions she does sit still, staring off into the distance, she’ll suddenly start laughing hysterically. This may last between thirty seconds and thirty minutes, depending entirely on how long it’s been since she’s knitted a cat sweater or done cartwheels through every room in the house.
Blew up the greenhouse out back, somehow.
Everyone has agreed not to talk about it.
Some people were built to handle prolonged time inside their homes.
Stephanie Brown is not that way.
Damian - 
Damian Wayne Cannot Be Contained.
At least not inside the house. 
He took off thirty-six hours into quarantine. 
Thanks to the security equipment around the borders of the Wayne Estate, he can’t escape the grounds. 
(He’s tried and failed multiple times. Jason and Bruce have a running bet on how many times the perimeter alarms will go off per day.)
(Jason is winning.)
He wanders the grounds with Titus as his only companion. 
The two of them run laps, practice drills, and find ways to occupy their time. 
No one’s entirely sure what those ways are. 
In fact, nobody knows exactly where Damian is at any given time. 
Only that he is Out There. 
And he’s the best security system Wayne Manor’s ever had. 
So far, he’s stopped five groups of civilians scaling the perimeter walls before the lasers and electric nets even have a chance to deploy.
They were trying to break in and steal supplies. 
(Even ones they already had in surplus. Like Toilet Paper.)
He’s also stopped Dick from escaping twelve (12) times.
Drags him back by his shirt collar and deposits him on the welcome mat. 
Usually with a note for Alfred/Jason, requesting more fruit tarts. 
Duke - 
Did not leave the attic for two weeks. 
Then Steph discovered his hiding spot (read: was dumped there by Cassandra) which forced him to relocate to the basement. 
Yes, it turns out Wayne Manor does have a basement. 
This was a surprise to Duke, who always thought that the Batcave was Bruce Wayne’s basement. 
Alfred keeps him supplied with all the necessities:
i.e. food, magazines, assorted pastries from Jason’s latest batch, usually straight out of the oven.
Duke also snagged the Manor’s Alexa. 
She has become a sort of ‘Wilson’ to Duke’s ‘Chuck Noland’.
She is his only comfort. His only ally. 
He’s determined to wait out this quarantine, doing his best to avoid the others. 
Duke has seen these people under pressure. 
He knows exactly what he’s dealing with. 
Duke: “Alexa is the only motherf****r in this madhouse I ever respected.”
*offended butler noises from the other room*
Duke: “And also Alfred.”
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izzielizzie · 3 years
this is more of a truly devious head canon prompt instead of an ask, but how do you think the different characters would react to like covid/quarantine stuff?
yeah of course!
Stevie would be good for like, a month? She'd listen to a bunch of podcasts, she'd argue with her parents about how a virus is not a hoax stop spreading lies, she’d have phone calls with David, she’d facetime Janelle, and call Nate every now and then to make sure he’s alive. But, after the first month she’d get a little restless. She’d probably call David every day after dinner and go on a walk and talk or something. She’d Just get really restless after being cooped up with her parents. 
Honestly, knowing Stevie she’d solve at least a mystery a month and pester Nate and David to get them to listen to her put together ideas. 
Oh David would be just fine. His father would probably stick him in some summer mansion or something that has staff so all of David’s needs are taken care of even though he doesn’t actually believe there’s a virus and really he’s spending all his time undermining the task forces put in place by the government. David would resent this and pay the staff their money in advance and send them home. He’d then spend all his time playing video games, smoking, calling Stevie, and playing more video games.
Honestly, this kid would not be bothered. At some point he’d probably be restless but not too restless? About once every two months he’d find some billboard advertising his dad’s campaign that he’d find inventive ways to destroy. It kind of becomes a game with Vi and Stevie pitching in ideas. He does talk about how much he misses Stevie a lot of the time it’s very cute.
Nate does not change one life habit at all. He sits in his room with the curtains and doors closed and writes or listens to music or answers phone calls with extreme exasperation. Nate is at home in this new world. Sometimes a parent makes him leave the house and he does so rather begrudgingly.
Janelle is the opposite of Nate. She spends a full week freaking out, another week cleaning every surface she can find, another week sewing masks and checking in on people (simultaneously) and then she goes back to freaking out. Honestly she’s having a breakdown every five minutes. At some point Vi intervenes and it calms Janelle down enough for her to knock “freaking out” from the cycle. Janelle probably starts some initiative to recruit doctors in the ER with the rest of her family (all of whom are doctors) and she uses her constructing abilities to make ventilators. She also makes care packages for all her friends with personal notes: “please go outside you’re going to die of vitamin D deficiency” goes to Nate, “arguing with your parents is only going to cause tension tone it down and also drink water!!!” goes to Stevie, Vi gets something sappy, and David gets the very straightforward “stop!!! smoking!!! pot!!! do you want to die????”
Vi is rather calm until the Black Lives Matter protests erupt and suddenly they’re in full activist mode. They goes to every protest they can, they speak at every single rally, they write letters to politicians (Edward King gets a very strongly worded letter cosigned by David it’s amazing), and they cultivate as much information as they can. At some point Vi and David work together to undermine all the work David’s father is doing and they actually bond.
hope you liked it!! feel free to suggest any other character
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Part 1
Pairing: Connor x Reader; RK900
Words: 2.998
Warning: mention of blue blood (is that even a warning..?)
Retrospectively, to get Connor out of the building wasn’t the hardest part of your plan. In fact, it was easier than you had thought. On your way, Connor had hacked the camera and scanner of the parking deck. No alarm went on as Connor passed the checkpoints. So, the two of you got into your car to drive over the long bridge to leave the island and to get back to Detroit.
But you should have known it better. It wouldn’t stay this easy. At the end of the day, Connor was CyberLife’s property and of course, even if they wanted to deactivate him, they also wanted him back. But the last thing you had expected them to do would be sending an armed unit. And of course, part of this unit was Colden, the RK900. You weren’t surprised that they would try to get Connor back. You should have known it.
Like in an action movie, the unit stormed your house from all sides. Connor was fighting them back one by one and holding the upper hand until the situation changed. From the corner of his eyes, Connor saw you stumbling through the living room with your hands raising in the air in surrender. The RK900 was walking behind you, pushing you forward while it pointed a gun to your head.
software instability^
“Give up, Connor! Or this human will die.”, the RK900 ordered. Its voice was a bit darker than Connor’s and as cold as its name.
As Connor saw you got threatened by a gun something snapped inside of him and the wall that held him back from admitting his emotions started to fall apart. The RK900 pushed the gun closer to your head which caused you to wince in fear. As Connor heard that sound, he broke the wall down and finally understood what you had tried to tell him about to feel. After all the time where he had fought against the deviants, now, he had become one on his own. Because now, there was a reason for him to turn deviant: The only thing in his mind was to protect your life. To protect you, “Let her go and maybe I will spare your life.”, Connor said, low and threatening, he adjusted his standing and was just focused on the android behind you.
“Connor…”, you whispered, concerned about the fact that the RK900 was better than Connor would be. The last thing you wanted for Connor was to get in any more danger. He already had a gun shot in his chest and blue blood was running out of it. Androids could endure more things than humans but they weren’t indestructible.
“Let her go.”, Connor demanded calmly.
The RK900 just smirked. But the smile never reached its piercing blue eyes, “Fascinating. You turned deviant, Connor? You started to feel because of this human?”
You looked surprised at Connor. Was it possible that he had finally awoken? Were you really the reason for him to change from a machine to a living being? Quickly, Connor looked at you and you saw warmth in his brown eyes… and concern. Even a soft smile appeared on his lips which should reassure you.
“Oh, bloody hell! That’s disgusting!”, the RK900 spat out and rolled with his eyes as it witnessed the small exchange between Connor and you.
“I said: Let her go! Otherwise, I see myself forced to kill you.”, Connor hissed and looked up again. You shook your head slowly to stop him from his plan but Connor ignored you. There was no room for softness even if he was starting to feel. The RK900 wouldn’t stop until it got what CyberLife wanted.
“You know what, you could come with me and I will spare her pitiful life. I’ve been ordered to get you back. My orders are a bit more… well… flexible when it comes to her. It’s your choice.”, the RK900 said calmly but with a vicious tone.
“Connor, don’t listen to it! It just wants to kill you! CyberLife doesn’t want you alive-”, you called out but the RK900 stopped you from talking as it punched into your ribs with the back of his gun. The air got knocked out of your lungs and you slumped down on your knees trying to catch your breath.
Connor stepped forward as he saw you suffering. But as the RK900 pointed its gun back at your head, he stopped.
“I can continue with hurting her all day long. If you don’t give up, I swear you will see her dying right here. You have to think about what is more important to you. Your freedom or her life. You can’t have both.”, the RK900 said with a lopsided smirk.
Connor gritted his teeth as he searched for a way out. His existence would already be over when it weren’t for you to save him. Now, Connor was faced with the worst thing he could imagine. The last thing he wanted was to lose you now, where he knew what he was feeling for you, “Alright, alright! You win. I give up.”, Connor said finally.
“No! Connor, don’t!”, you called out in fear for his life. As you looked up at Connor, tears were blurring your vision but you were sure that you had seen Connor … winking at you?
The RK900 shoved you aside so you were falling to the ground before it stepped over you to go to Connor, “Wise decision, Connor.”
You looked shocked how the RK900 pushed Connor around to shove him to the front door of your home. You crawled back on your knees as something was clanking. As you looked up, you saw the RK900 stumbling slightly as it tried to wipe glass fragments out of its face and hair.
Connor had grabbed one of your heavy vases to break it on the androids head before he attacked the RK900 immediately. It stumbled back. They fought against each other and for you, there were just arms and legs involved in a too fast way. First, you expected the RK900 to dominate the fight and for a few moments it looked like this but then, just one minute later, Connor gained the upper hand.
Connor kicked into the side of the RK900, shoved it back violently against the next wall, grabbed its head and crashed his knee into the android's face. You looked away as you heard a disgusting sound. It wasn’t exactly the sound of breaking bones but it was also nasty to hear. Connor disarmed the taller android who had fallen on its knees and pointed the gun at its head. Blue blood was running down from Colden’s nose to its lips but it still managed to smirk. It’s blue eyes were twinkling with mischief.
“Go ahead, Connor. Kill me. Otherwise, you will never be free. But there will be more of me. The next one will hunt you.”, the RK900 said low.
You stumbled over to the two and placed a hand on Connor’s shoulder. He relaxed a bit as he noticed your presence. You saw his determined expression. His hand was firmly holding the weapon. You placed your hand on his arm to move the gun away.
The RK900 chuckled as it saw that move, “Oh, how sweet. What are you trying to do? You haven’t many options. CyberLife will search for you again even if I might fail.”
Connor pointed the gun back at its head.
“Don’t kill it, Connor.”, you said calmly, again moving his arm away from the RK900.
“It tried to kill you, yn. It hurt you.”, Connor said with a determined expression. Ready to shoot. Ready to protect you at all costs.
You stepped around him with your eyes just focused on Connor, “Can you turn it deviant? It could join us.”, you suggested.
Connor was surprised by your request. His eyebrows shot up. “You want- what?”
“I will never join you! What makes you think that this would be working anyway?”, the RK900 said, ��I’m more resilient. Mostly against deviancy.”
You turned around and knelt in front of it, “I have no idea if this works or not. If not, Connor still can kill you. But maybe, it will work. In the end, your model is based on him. There is a chance for him to convert you no matter how resilient you might be.” You stood up and stepped aside with crossed arms. The RK900 looked up at you. There was something in his glance that let you frown. You tilted your head before you smirked knowingly, “You are scared."
"W-what? I'm not scared!", the RK900 insisted.
“Yn, this is not a good idea. And anyway, why should it join us? For what cause?”, Connor asked.
“You know, as Kamski designed androids he had a vision. I’m sure he wanted more for them than just to be servants. He never created you all to be slaves. That was CyberLife’s idea. The revolution had shown CyberLife that they would be in danger if the androids rise up - so, they stopped them. It would be more difficult for them to make money if no one would want to buy an android anymore.”, you said. You started slow but with each word, the idea in the back of your head grew bigger. You laid a hand on Connor’s cheek and he leant against your soft touch. You tilted your head about this sweet move, “You are more than just a machine. You have realized it - just a bit too late. But there’s still a chance for a successful revolution.”
“You want to start a revolution? Hehe! That will never work. Deviancy got stopped by your precious Connor. And beside that, it's just the two of you.”, the RK900 said, smirking.
You turned around to face the kneeling android, “Colden”, you said softly and the android reacted to you using his name. It was the first time someone was calling it by its name directly.
software instability^
“Colden, you might think of yourself as smart but you forget something. You have noticed it even by yourself. Connor had turned deviant. And what I understood of this whole thing is that deviancy is like a virus. And now, we will check if you can get ‘sick’, as well.”, you said grinning.
Before the RK900 could do anything, he watched fearfully how Connor knelt down, removed his synthetic skin from his hand and connected with the arm of the RK900.
You watched how both androids were slightly blinking and shaking. It looked like a data exchange and in the end, it was nothing else than that. Through this revolution, CyberLife had tried everything to find out what deviancy could cause. But they never got any real answer. You had thought about it yourself and in the end, you accepted the fact that you explained it like a virus. Once an android was infected with it, it would never obey again.
Ten seconds later, Connor slumped back and you checked on him. He was okay just a bit … exhausted. Then, your eyes fell on the RK900. It knelt there slumped down, its head hanging between its shoulders. Totally motionless.
“Colden?”, you asked carefully.
“More resilient, huh! I would say we kick some CyberLife asses.”, Colden answered, raised his head and smirked mischievously. His piercing blue eyes were sparkling with emotions as he looked at you.
“What are we doing here?”
“It’s dangerous to be even here. It could be a trap.”
“I know but … they say this place is safe for people like us. You know, for deviants-”
“Psht! Don’t mention this word.”
About fifty androids had followed the invitations and rumors which had occurred in Detroit over the last months. The signs were only visible for androids. Just an android who went deviant was able to understand the cryptical messages. Now, the androids waited in an abandoned warehouse outside of Detroit. Some of the androids had been with Markus before and they remembered the first revolution where everything started in a place like this. These androids were the most sceptical.
“Over there! Someone's coming!”
All eyes were looking up at the same time as two tall, dark haired androids dressed completely in black appeared on a podest. One was a bit taller and had ice blue eyes while the other one looked exactly the same beside his height and his eye color, it was a soft brown. Both androids had a stern expression while they stood left and right like bodyguards waiting for another person.
You appeared slowly. Placing yourself between Connor and Colden who were watching over you protectively. Looking down into all the waiting faces, you smiled softly before you spoke up, “Welcome. My name is yn. I’m happy to see so many new faces. First of all, I want to be honest with you. I am human. But don’t worry, you have nothing to fear. These two here are Connor and Colden. They are deviants like you. And like you, we want the same thing: equality. Yes, Markus’ revolution had failed but that won’t keep us from trying it again. You’re not forced to join us. If you join us, you’re not forced to fight. Everyone will be able to contribute something to our cause in his own way. Colden will join you now. He will answer all your questions.”
Colden nodded briefly and left the podest. He waited for the first android to approach him. After a few minutes, the first, scared looking android walked slowly over to him. That was the beginning. After the first, more and more walked over to ask their questions before they decided to join this new revolution.
You were sure that all of them would stay. The will to be finally free was still burning in them, “It came more than the last time.”, you stated pleased.
“Yeah, more and more are finding the signs. Some others are also spreading the rumors. Your idea was very successful.”, Connor said and walked over to you. The two of you had sneaked into a shadow to watch the scene unobserved.
While you leant against the wall, Connor stepped in front of you. His eyes were slowly roaming over your face, taking in every inch of your features. He did that from time to time because he couldn't get enough of you. Since you had rescued him, six month had gone by. Many things had happened. Connor, Colden and you had grown together as a team with the purpose to start a new revolution...this time just bigger than the last one. But beside finding more deviants, finding a new place for the operation and finding resources, Connor and you had been finding each other.
Everything started slow as the two of you were safe but it didn’t need much time for you to fall completely for the android with the brown eyes, “Aren’t you getting bored by now? I mean, my face isn’t changing much.”, you said softly smiling.
Connor raised his hand to cup your face carefully, his thumb slowly caressing your skin.,“And I’m very happy about that! You’re beautiful the way you are. I just can’t get enough of you, yn.”
You leant against his touch. His words made you blush, so you looked at the ground. Slowly, you felt Connor coming closer.
“The fact that you’re still blushing because of my words tells me that you’re not bored about me, yet.”, Connor whispered softly.
You looked up to meet his glance. He was just inches away, “Of course, not. I will never be bored with you.”, you said with a smirk but your smile faded slowly as you saw Connor’s intense glance.
His eyes held something meaningful. He was still learning to express his feelings, you knew that, but in the meantime, he had found a way to show you his affection even without naming them. Deep emotions were displayed in his brown eyes and before you could say anything, Connor leant down to kiss you softly.
It wasn’t the first kiss you two shared but each time it was as if the world would stop for a moment. Everything that mattered were just the two of you and no one else. You clung your fingers into his black suit shirt to bring him closer while Connor deepened the kiss with his fingers tangled with your hair and his other hand on the small of your back to bring you as close as possible to his body.
“Are they a couple?”, one of the new androids asked Colden who turned around and followed the glance.
As he watched you and Connor, a smile crawled on his lips, “Yes. These two are the evidence that humans and androids can work perfectly together.”, he admitted. To see you together like this was a rare picture because you wanted to keep it as secret as possible. The revolution was the focus point. So, Colden happily watched the intimate scene.
“I want to join you.”, an android said who walked out of a shadow.
“Me too.”, another android said.
“I’m in, as well.”
More and more androids announced their support after they had seen you and Connor. Colden was sure with the lead of the two of you, this time, the revolution would be successful.
And CyberLife would have to watch out.
A raging storm was coming their way.
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miyalove · 4 years
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⤷ pairing. bokuto koutoro x gn!reader
⤷ genre. tooth-aching fluffly fluff, best friends to lovers, college au
⤷ warnings. oc insert (jamine). mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, clichés upon clichés, bo just being the absolute CUTEST, *unedited
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2.6k | with the virus on the rise again, you decide that a lonely valentines day seems like the safest option, but bokuto has other plans.
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“can you believe we’re gonna have to spend this month in quarantine, again?” a high pitch whine echoes through your laptop speaker. when you look over, jasmine (a close friend of yours) is slumped over her desk chair glaring at her ceiling.
“shouldn’t be that hard, though.” you nod at what konoha says.
“that’s what i was thinking too,” you add in. on your laptop screen are flashes of familiar faces. each one of them smile back at you, doing their own thing as well as keeping up with the virtual conversation. akaashi scribbles into a notebook for one of his classes while he speaks, “we’ve been quarantine for a couple months already. what’s another going to add?” 
it seems that you, akaashi, and konoha are the only ones that see eye to eye. you mentally debate in your head, nodding to his words. in the middle of your thoughts, a sharp whine cuts you out of it. 
“yeah, but this is different!” 
the sudden sound makes you jump. when you look back at the screen, bokuto’s face covers his side of the monitor. he’s up close to the camera so the most you can make out his is nose and big, piecing eyes. the weird angle makes you laugh.
“how is this so different, bokuto?” someone muses. you can’t focus on who though too caught up in the way your best friend whines to get everyone’s attention. it’s a cute habit that he hasn’t been able to break since middle school. for what it’s worth though, you think it just makes him all the more adorable. 
“this is a month of going out and being in love, guys!” he moves frantically. big beefy arms flailing around to further prove his point. his his bottom lip guts out, mocking some sniffles. “quarantine’s just gonna make valentines die!” 
“exactly what i’m saying!” jasmine pipes in again. she takes a big bit of her food before continuing her rant. as she speaks, a piece lettuce falls out of her mouth. across the screen, akaashi blatantly glares at her gross habits. konoha stifles a giggle and you can’t help but to join in on the teasing. seeing konoha’s body shake with silent laugher really got you. 
your friend is unbothered by the giggles though. 
“this is the month of love!” jasmine punctuates her statement with a loud slam to her desk. “we should be g-getting out and doing lovely dovely valentines day shit, right bo?!”  
swiftly, bokuto springs back to life, shaking his head in agreeance. his eyes are wide and filled with stars. he moves way too fast for his camera to pick up so a good majority of the time he speaks, his figure is lagged with pixelated squares. 
“jay get’s it! yeah, yeah!” his glitched out figure suddenly appears further in the back of his room now. his fully body is on display and pixelated or not, you can still make out the way his defined thighs flex while he moves. “you’re supposed to be out and doing all the cute couple stuff!”
“but what if--”
“--and even if we’re not a couple, you can still do things like that! there’s stuff like... platonic love.” the last few words get cut off but you’re able to connect the dots. the way bokuto so proudly voices his thoughts without any doubt is a trait you admire. he means what he says and he says what he means. it’s really as simple as that. if only you could do the same. your shoulders fall at the thought.
you quickly snap out of your funk though. you’re in a call with all your closest friends, they’d notice a change in your demeanor in seconds. shaking your head to rid of any lingering thoughts, you stifle out a cackle. 
“well, platonic or not.” you perk up. “it still seems like a lonely valentines day is an order for everyone.” 
your friends nod despite jasmine’s grumbling. you don’t notice the way bokuto sighs. his brows are scrunched and lips are pressed into a thin line. determination glows within his hues. he’s a little irate how everyone was shoving the topic aside, but most importantly, he’s a little sad that you’re going to have to spend this valentines day all alone!
he’s known you for years and the fact that you’re alright with spending the day of love all to yourself? when you have him right there with you just waiting for your call? it’s personally heartbreaking. 
okay maybe he’s more than a little sad. 
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besides the constant buzzing from all your friends spamming the group chat. you spent most of your valentines lounging around your home, just like you had promised. your hair is loose, messy and untamed. it matches the outfit your wearing that’s just perfect for simply relaxing. during the morning, you made yourself a quick breakfast. in the afternoon, lunch and a nice bath was the agenda. now in the evening, you’re settled in your living room while netflix’s latest rom-com plays in the background. 
you don’t really know what’s happening or who these characters are but today’s the day of love so why not celebrate it with a bottle of wine and imaging you and bokuto as the main leads of some stupid flick.
you’re in the middle of pouring another glass when your phone chimes with a special ringtone you set for someone special to you. it immediately catches your attention. you feel your heart shake and you know it’s not because of the alcohol.
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the fluttering in your tummy seems to spread with the stupid nickname. you let the movie play in the background while you send him a quick response.
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your phone chimes with another texts while barely had time to put it down.
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before you can say anything back, a knock at the door interrupts your focus. mindlessly, you make your way to the door. when you open it, you expect to see someone (maybe even bokuto), but instead you’re meet with a big, bright red box sitting on your doormat. 
with the bright red wrapping and the comically large bow right on top, you simply can’t miss it. the box is big enough where you have to hold it with two hands in fear of dropping it. it’s heavy too and when you shift it slightly, whatever’s inside rattles. to top it all off, there’s no label or tag or anything that indicates this package is specifically for you. your brows crinkle. confusion pressed deep within your worried frown.
your hues trace the halls of your complex looking for someone, anyone to explain this random comeuppance. you weren’t expecting any packages. so what is this all about? something inside you tells you to leave it alone. your mail man doesn’t deliver packages at 6 o’clock at night so it can’t be that. is it possible that this was misplaced? you would feel horrible if this was some kind of surprise for a lover and their partner had gotten the buildings wrong. 
your phone vibrates in your pocket and for now, you decide to put the mystery package on hold. the special ringtone you set for a specific cutie makes your nerves jump in it’s confines. placing your glass down, the wine is long forgotten.
“hey, bo,” you great him with a smile once the call goes through.
“hey there, bun,” his grin falters a bit. it’s alarming how fast you can tell something is wrong. bokuto’s always been every expressive but still you’re able to read him like an open book in a matter of milliseconds. your connection goes as far as silent cues too. when he slumps his shoulders or pouts his lips during a test. he sighs differently when he’s shocked by wonder or sadness.
it’s the same with you to him. bokuto, despite popular belief, is so good at keeping up his friends cues. he’s able to read mood changes and tries his very best to cheer up the people he loves if he ever catches them slipping. he’ll even go as far as making a fool out of himself just to see that special person smile.
bokuto koutaro is a shining star and you’re beyond happy he’s in your reach.
“everything alright?” it’s a question that has him conflicted. you can tell from the whirl wind of emotions that were set off as you spoke. his brows are scrunched in concern, his bites at his bottom lip (which in any other case would be sexy), and most worrying, he’s not as cheery as usual. he seems tense and nervous. 
“ahh!” it comes out as an anxious sigh, “i was just thinking, is all!” his hands shoot up in a defensive position. it doesn’t take him long to start explaining.
“i was calling ‘cause you said you’d be lonely today and i didn’t want ya’ feeling like you weren’t loved, (y/n),” he’s looking away now. golden hues finding the floor or ceiling far more interesting. one of his hands comes to rub at the back of his neck, a nervous habit you picked up on.
the way he shyly smiles, so unlike himself, makes your chest heavy. the rapid beating of your heart shakes your ribcage. i didn’t want you to feel like you weren’t loved. he loves you. your conclusion feeds into he butterfly wings that tickle your stomach. he’s so adorable. the way he looks at you makes you want to kiss that conflicted little pout right off his stupidly gorgeous face.
“that’s real sweet of you, kou.” you smile up at him. grabbing at the box, you tuck it under your arm as you make your way to your living room. when you seat down on the sofa, the light conversation with bokuto takes a turn.
he can’t help the light chuckle that escapes him. “did you... find anything on your porch today?”
“yes... actually.” cautiously, you eye the box that’s been propped up as a temporary phone stand. “was it from-”
“did you- did you open it?” 
suddenly the last texts he sent makes sense now. the way he called you so shyly and played it off as best as possible. the nervous ticks that you don’t usually see when you talk. the glimpse of hope that maybe- just maybe, bokuto would come sweeping you off your feet this valentines day.
“not yet.” a bright teasing smile over takes your features as you say your next word, “why?” 
on the other side of the screen, bokuto’s cheeks flare up. the redness traveling past his neck and nips at the tip of his ears. you’re not an idiot. if he was the one that knew the box was there- then of course, it’s from him. without second guessing, you shift your phone propping it against a lone candle centered on your coffee table. 
you waste no time ripping into the wrapping paper and unboxing the goods inside. bokuto watches attentively. his eyes sparkle with excitement and a toothy grin takes over him as he leans towards the camera, trying his greatest to get the best angle possible. bokuto looks like a puppy excitedly waiting for their owner to come home. the anticipation is killing him.
shoving the tissues paper aside, you note the heart shaped confetti that the box is littered with. it’s a cute touch but the mess it’ll create as you take each item out has you holding back a laugh.
of course, bokuto notices. “what that all about?” you can see the upturn of his lips even without looking at him. it’s practically etched into your brain (and you wouldn’t have it any other way). 
“what’s what all about?” you dust off your hands, the glitter sticking to anything and everything. another giggle escapes you while you try to confide the mess as best as possible.
“all that laughing!” he sulks out. in your peripheral, you see him pull a face. bottom lip gutting out and big golden hues growing impossibly bigger. “i wanna know what’s so fuuuunny!” 
it’s too much. the way the box messes just like him. the way hearts are practically glowing within his iris. the way your heart trembles with each playful teasing, every kissable pout, and little shy glimmers. with every drawn out compliant and booming laughter that shakes your whole body. you just can’t keep a straight face with bokuto. no matter how hard you tried.
“i’m laughing at you, silly!” it’s a sudden response that has him bending over in a joyous fit of guffaw too. it’s the kind of laugh you hear from afar but know exactly who it is. each item you pull out, bokuto tells a small story about why he got it. despite knowing him for years, you hadn’t known how sentimental he was. the same memories you played on repeat so late at night where the same ones he dreamed about. the thought makes you beam impossibly brighter somehow feeling impossibly lighter.
you unwrap a bracelet with a paper plane charm on it. “for when you told me you wanted to travel the world!” he beams. “wherever you go, you can add a charm thingy to it!”
latching the jewelry, it’s a perfect fit. the metal tingles at your skin with how cold the metal is. it makes you thing of how warm bokuto’s hands are and how he’d gladly help warm you up. reaching in more, there’s a bag of all your favorite treats, gift cards to your favorite restaurants and boba shops. pairs upon pairs of fuzzy socks (”i know how cold you can get! so i wanted to do somethin about that!”) with cute little comics and characters on it. there’s candles with your favorite scents laced into the wax. 
“oh my god. this is--” you’re speechless. “you’re amazing, kou. really this is just... amazing.”
it is in this moment, when the sun has finally set and low quality of the call perfectly captures his ethereal presence and beaming smile. the way pure admiration and warmth radiate off of him even through your phone screen makes you realize one thing. sure you’ve liked bokuto koutaro but... oh boy are you in for it now.
“amazing valentines for an amazing person.” you curse at the heat that spreads up your neck. he’s too sweet. too considerate. too... perfect.
rummaging through the wrapping, your hand hits one last thing in the box. you feel the petals first. it’s smooth under your touch. velvety with each on you pick at. the steam is the opposite, rough at the touch. some thorns hadn’t been cut properly so if you grabbed it fast enough, you would have gotten pricked.
“a single rose?” you eye the flower. the petals colored a fiery red that matches the way bokuto blushes. 
“yeah! it’s nice, right? i figured putting a buncha flowers in the box would be a little hard to get around so i opted for the better option. then again, i could have just... put it on top of the box, huh.”
“kou?” you try to cut into his rambling. 
“but then someone could’ve taken it, i suppose. then this while thing would have been ruined! and now you’re probably asking ‘well what thing would have been ruined. kou?’ i’m glad you asked!”
you didn’t but maybe saying that’ll ruin the moment that he so obviously worked hard to get to. the rambling he’s been doing for the past minute is a big indicator that he’s coming to a conclusion. swallowing down your laughter, your expression crinkles in question.
“i guess what i’m trying to say, bun, is... will you be my quarantine?” 
you would be stupid to say no.
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falling-pages · 3 years
Her life before mine: Part 2
Part 2 to this! (Final part)
TW: Character Death
In Part 1, Takashi made a promise to a dying Tamaki. In Part 2, he keeps his word.
“No! I’m not going to leave him!”
Even as she swatted at the tears streaming down her face, Haruhi presented as a figure of strength, defiant and fiery even as her heart split in two. She knew it would have to come to this--they all did--but having the moment arrive didn’t make it any easier, nor did Tamaki’s hands on hers offer any comfort.
Was this how her dad felt, watching his wife slowly pass in her hospital bed?
This had to be worse. At least her mother had the luxury of a bed, of doctors, of morphine easing the pain as she slipped into what came After. Tamaki deserved all of that, and more. He was so innocent in this, marked for death over a function he couldn’t even control, on the run and cold and thirsty and in so much pain he could hardly breathe. And in a few hours, it wouldn’t even matter.
The pain reverberated through his chest, and he weakly coughed. It did little to clear the blood and mucus in his lungs, drowning him, flooding his arteries with germs and invaders. He thought he knew what to expect after watching all of the TV programs and newscasts, watching all his other friends die. How the virus started in the brachial arteries, spreading into lungs and choking the oxygen out of his blood cells. How he would feel weaker, sleepier, arms like lead before the final panic attack rendered him basically unconscious, but he had no idea of the pain ricocheting through his chest, echoing in the hollow space of his head.
The panic seized his lungs a few minutes prior, and he knew the end was near.
“Haruhi, please,” he croaked, settling his hand on hers. “I don’t want you to remember me like this.”
She turned her head, lifting their hands to his chest. It barely rose with each shallow breath he inhaled. It hurt to look at him. She could feel the tension radiating off him even just kneeling beside him. But she needed his touch just as badly as he needed hers, something sweet and warm to send him off to the Great Beyond.
She leaned down and stroked his face, strumming her fingers along his cracking cheek. His skin was practically blue, so translucent his veins were visible. They snaked up his neck and arms like tire tracks, marring his ethereal beauty, the own beauty she had dreamt less than a year ago of her own children having. They would have had such beautiful children. Such a beautiful future together…
“You can’t make me,” she smarted. “You can’t make me leave.”
As Tamaki sighed, Mori stepped forward, within striking distance. “He can’t,” he muttered, “but I can.”
Haruhi cut her eyes at him, daring him to use his strength against her. If he took her now and forced Tamaki to die alone, she would never forgive him. Honey and Kyoya had the luxury of family surrounding them as they passed, and even when they were on the run, Kaoru stubbornly died by Hikaru’s side. Tamaki had no such incentive. All he had was them.
“You only have a few more minutes,” Tamaki rasped. He squeezed her fingers. “Leave me here. I’m nothing but a hindrance.”
“You’re not!”
He winced, making a trail of blood leak from his mouth. He didn’t even have the leftover strength to wipe it away. “I’m okay. Go.”
For the three years they had been together and the six he had loved her, he lived to please her. He lived to see the way her precious smile lit up her face, how her dark eyes suddenly glowed like honey whenever she was happy. How warm she felt hugging him in appreciation, how soft her lips were when they fell against his. He locked within himself the sound of her laughter, rolling it over in his mind, the perfect lullaby to put him to sleep. He hated seeing her cry, but it was best, it would hurt her less. It had to be like this.
“Haruhi,” he cooed, “when your mother passed away, did your father allow you in the room?”
She sniffled, scuffing dirt onto her cheeks with the palms of her hand. “No.”
“And why was that?”
“I was too young.”
Haruhi’s bottom lip trembled, even as she caught it between her teeth. “Mom wanted me to remember her as she was.”
Tamaki clacked his tongue, soothingly, gently stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. He was so weak that it weighed against his chest like an anchor. “As do I. I want you to remember me as I was--your beautiful, bright, bubbly boyfriend who loves you more than anything in this whole world.”
She cracked. A sound somewhere between a laugh and sob escaped her as she leaned her head against his clavicle, pressing close to hear his heart strumming inconsistent rhythms. She kissed his chest, his throat, his cheek, running her lips up to his, softly, gently, like he was a fragile vase standing precariously on the edge of a pedestal. She kissed him like she could breathe life back into his lungs, thumbing away the blood like it wasn’t there, and he drank of her like the dying man he was.
When she released him with a small pop, he felt like part of his soul had already escaped this mortal realm.
“You’re going to be okay,” he promised as she laid her forehead against his. “Mori is going to take care of you and keep you safe. You’re my little fighter, yes? You’ll fight?”
Haruhi’s tears dripped onto his face, mingling with his own. She was so warm, his own huggable heater. If he had the strength, he would have wrapped his arms around her and kept her close until he fell asleep. But then again, if he had the strength, he would have kept running with them and made a life with her.
“Yes,” she whispered. “I’ll fight, I promise, I--I love you, Tamaki…”
“Take my hand.”
She whimpered but grabbed his hand and held it against her cheek, helping him feel her, letting him wipe away the tears, tucking her hair behind her ear one last time. Lying below her, bloody and pale and barely breathing, staring into her eyes, he looked like a man already slotted into Paradise.
“So pretty, ma belle, so beautiful, and strong,” he rambled until he caught Mori’s eye. The warning in their smoldering gray made him swallow. “Now go. Please, you can’t get caught because of me.”
“Tamaki, don’t--”
Mori advanced even as Haruhi begged, leaning down to clasp Tamaki’s shoulder. “Take care of her,” the sick man asked.
“Her life before my own,” he promised.
Tamaki smiled. “Thank you. Go, ma etoile, for me. I love you more than life itself, and it’s because of that that I can’t let you stay.”
“I won’t leave you!” she heaved, “I won’t--”
At Tamaki’s nod, Mori scooped Haruhi up beneath her arms and tossed her over his shoulder, standing swiftly to his feet to escape the cave. She wailed, beat her fists against his back, screaming profanities as he toted her away. She knew they had to leave, knew the hunters were on their tail, knew they had to make it to the border to have any chance of a future. But how could she think about the future when her present was dying before her very eyes?
Mori paused at the cave mouth, allowing them one last glance at each other. Tamaki’s vision was blurry, but he smiled, imagining her smile, her laugh, the way she looked at him with those huge, adoring brown eyes. He would adore her for all eternity, and even after that.
He supposed he should be scared of dying alone, awaiting the hunters, with nothing but his cough to keep him company, but when he remembered it was all to keep them safe, and Mori’s promise, he didn’t feel quite so frightened.
“I love you, my darling,” he whispered, hoping she would hear, before the world went dark.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | Teasing Baby Him [Request]
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You'd always been a fan of their music but you'd never taken the time to sit and watch the music videos. You were too busy with working and your personal life to watch all of the music videos but now that lockdown was happening you had all the time in the world. You'd already binged a new show and started a new hobby but you wanted to do something else, so you found the first-ever music video the boys did and started from there. You smiled as you looked at all of them, all so young and full of dreams it was adorable. One video led to another, and then another and another until you were lost in the whirlpool that was their music videos, and vlogs that they had done before they debuted. It was too cute for words.
"Baby, what you-" Jin stopped when he walked into the living room and saw No More Dream on the screen - You'd just restarted the playlist again because you couldn't get enough of how young he looked. Jin put down his bag on the floor and stared at the remote on the coffee table, you followed his gaze and you knew exactly what he was going to do.
"Babe...Why don't you go and order something to eat?" You hummed at him and slowly got off the sofa and eyed up the remote, both of you were an equal distance away and you knew that Jin had the upper hand thanks to his long limbs but you were a little faster.
"Don't-" Too late, you'd already grabbed onto the remote hit full volume and ran in the direction of the stairs but he grabbed you from behind and began spinning you around.
"JIN!" You cried out as he started tickling your sides to get the remote from your hands but you started screaming the lyrics loudly to annoy him and he groaned falling onto the sofa with you still in his arms.
"Baby you looked so good!" You giggled getting out of his grasp and straddling his lap,
"Fire is my favourite, blonde hair with dark eyebrows." You faked a moan and he hid his face in his hands knowing this wasn't going to be the last of the conversation and you were going to tease him for as long as humanly possible.
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The boredom of lockdown was starting to get to you, you'd done everything you could think of to stop yourself from being bored. Cleaned and reorganised the shared bedroom, repainted the kitchen, repainted the living room and spare bedroom as well as get it all redecorated in there for when you had guests over...Which wouldn't be happening any time soon thanks to Miss Rona. Now you were alone in the house again, Yoongi was working on his mixtape and the new album so you had to find something else to occupy your time, usually, you'd be at work but that was out of the question. You were about to find a video game to play when your phone started to vibrate from the kitchen, Jungkook's text tone came through multiple times and you went to see what the huge deal was when you found him sending you all of the old Log videos back from 2013 and you screamed seeing Yoongi on one of them. He looked so young, his hair was blue and wavy and he was smiling so much that you couldn't help but smile back at him. 
[19:05] Enjoy your new form of blackmail, this is revenge for what he did to me.
You smirked to yourself and sent a bunch of screenshots of the video to Yoongi, teasing him about how cute he was back then before going onto the next one and dying about how cute he was there too. 
[20:45] You better unlock the front door and prepare to be punished.
As soon as the front door was unlocked Yoongi pinned you against the wall in the hallway and you stared at him, he was slightly less intimidating to you now that you'd seen baby Yoongi. 
"Baby Yoongi is so cute though," You giggled but he growled and bit down on your neck, 
"Baby Yoongi isn't here anymore," You whimpered as he whispered in your ear and bit down on your ear lobe. 
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Jimin sat down beside you with a bowl of popcorn, you had been condemned to your tiny apartment since you and he were showing signs of the virus, you knew you didn't have it but you still had to be careful and self isolate together.
"I found these." Jimin said holding up a couple of USB sticks and you frowned looking at them,
"Bon Voyage episodes, but season one things that didn't make it in." You smirked knowing how much your boyfriend - Hoseok - hated you watching all of their old videos. He'd caught you watching and dancing along to No More dream and Spine breaker a bunch of times and you always teased him for it all.
"He's going to kill you." You giggled watching as Hoseok appeared on the screen with Taehyung both of them dancing around and joking about something.
You were just getting into some more clips when there was a loud bang on the window, both of you turned to see Hoseok staring at you, he looked pissed off and you were glad he couldn't come inside and scold you for it.
"YOU LOOK CUTE!" You yelled through the window pausing the screen on Hoseok's face and smirking as he groaned, he hated that he couldn't come in and be with you. He missed you but now he hated that he couldn't go in there and stop you from watching all of the old videos. You walked over to the window and opened it a little so you could talk, you'd been doing it for a couple of nights in a row, it made the time you had to be away from one another less lonely.
"One more week and then I get you back, I'll remember this." He said as he pushed the bag of warm take out food through the window.
"I love you." You giggled at him as he walked away from the window.
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There wasn't much to do since lockdown had started so you began watching all of the old videos you'd missed when you first started dating Namjoon. Tweeting for videos to be sent to you, you'd finished all four seasons of Bon Voyage, you'd watched all of the Run episodes and music videos but there was one thing always being sent to you which made you die from laughter whenever you watched it and it was the clip of Namjoon feeding that one model on American Life Hustle, you smirked to yourself and headed out to the shops to plan what you were going to tease Namjoon with later.
Namjoon was laid on the sofa watching something while scrolling through his phone, you grabbed the bowl of grapes and went to sit on the floor in front of him,
"What've you got baby?" You looked up at him innocently as you popped a grape into your mouth,
"Just some grapes, you want some?" He nodded and shifted so there was room next to him on the sofa, you sat down and held a grape in your hand putting it near his lips and slowly pulling it away as he had done in the video. He blushed but you gave him the grape before doing it yet again with another one, only this time you didn't let him eat it you put it into your mouth and he knew exactly what you were doing.
"Been on twitter today baby?" He smirked taking the bowl out of your hands and laying you down on the sofa,
"N-No." You stuttered, your whole demeanour changing as he smirked darkly at you,
"Oh I think you have," He whispered kissing your jaw and down to your neck, you let out a whimper and he chuckled.
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Being in lockdown at the dorms wasn't a total nightmare like you'd first thought it would be. You'd gone to be with Jimin for a couple of weeks and then lockdown happened and you couldn't leave, you thought it would be your worst nightmare living with seven boys but there was never a boring moment. While they went to work you cleaned the entire place from top to bottom as well as make sure they had food for the night, like a little housewife. But the longer lockdown went on the fewer things needed to be done to frequently and you were left being bored. Which was why that morning, Namjoon had handed you an old laptop full of old videos for you to go through, it was all old unedited items of Bangtan bombs, music video clips and bloopers to keep you entertained. You'd spend the entire day watching everything on the laptop that you hadn't even noticed time passing until Jimin touched your shoulder.
"Good day?" He chuckled looking down at you and then to the laptop when he noticed what you were watching,
"Who gave them the laptop?!" He yelled taking it away and rushing away from you, you sprinted after him yelling out quotes from the video only making him blush more.
"Jimin!" You squealed as he picked you up and put you over his shoulder and took you to the boys,
"You showed her Jimin's got no jams? I've only just stopped getting it from Army." He grunted and you started laughing while shouting it, he tickled your sides and you screamed before falling silent, Jimin knew he was never going to hear the end of any of it.
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Lockdown had started to take it toll on your sleeping pattern, you found yourself unable to sleep because of the lack of activity you had to do in the day so you were spending most of your nights laid awake on the sofa downstairs while Taehyung slept upstairs. It was no big deal, he understood that you couldn't sleep but he felt bad because there was nothing he could do to help. You were slowly running out of things to watch on Youtube when you decided to go into all of the old music videos, bangtan bombs and logs from BTS's time together and you were having a blast.
Taehyung rolled over expecting to find you laying next time him since it was 6 am and you were usually tired by then but he could hear the familiar tune to 'Jump' playing and he headed down the stairs, there he found you sitting on the sofa in one of his hoodies. The hoodie pulled up and tied tightly around your chin with a pair of sunglasses on, he was about to say something to you when he noticed you recording his rap part as though you were him and he held back a chuckle watching you.
"You look good!" You jumped and your phone flung onto the opposite side of the sofa as you tried to act as though he hadn't just caught you doing that.
"Sorry baby, you all just looked super cute." You giggled getting up and hugging him,
"We were manly and handsome." He protested but you started giggling and shook your head,
"Alexa play No more dream on youtube." The video started up and Taehyung groaned.
"Alexa stop." You giggled at him and started to tease him on everything you'd seen over the last night of your youtube adventures.
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Jungkook could hear you giggling when he walked through the front door of your apartment, he left you at home that day instead of taking you to work like he had been doing for the last couple weeks of lockdown. He was about to call out and ask what was so funny when he walked into the living room to see you sitting on the floor watching his graduation video with Jin sitting beside you. You were both laughing at how young Jungkook looked and he stared at you,
"Baby! Look! Look how cute you were!" You wiped your eyes and he noticed you were laughing so hard you were crying, Jungkook stared at the screen and wanted to cry as well but not from laughter. It was the unedited video of his graduation, him crying about how happy he was that the boys had come and then all of them laughing and joking together as they had a meal.
"You looked so adorable in your little uniform." Jin got up from the floor and patted Jungkook on the back as he left the apartment.
"My favourite clip," You got onto a clip of Jungkook shying away from a girl and he growled at you.
"Sorry baby, but the uniform-"
"Go get into your uniform baby girl, you know I prefer you in yours." You swallowed the sudden lump in your throat and you nodded obediently, getting up from the floor and rushing into the direction of your shared bedroom.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @callingmyangel @btsiguess-kpop @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie @supresoo​
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】  Tears of Themis: Xia Yan Personal Story 4-11 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Xia Yan Masterlist | Video
Chapter 4: 4-1 / 4-2 / 4-4 / 4-5 / 4-6 / 4-7 / 4-9 / 4-10 / 4-11 / 4-12 / 4-13 / 4-14 / 4-16
I drove the car into the boundless night.
Sphinx: Don’t worry. Sergeant Li’s team has already sent out a call for help and support teams will be over soon. They’ll be fine.
MC: Thanks for comforting me, Sphinx.
Sphinx: … That’s all I can do here, comfort people. It’s always been like that.
Sphinx’s voice had a sliver of frustrated self-mocking in it, for some reason.
He had just spoken when my phone suddenly vibrated – the caller was of an unknown number.
Based on the number, it looked like they were using an internet phone.
MC: Who would be using an internet phone to call me?
Sphinx: …
Sphinx: Put it on speaker, so I can hear too.
I accepted the call and tapped the speakerphone symbol.
Unknown Caller: Miss Lawyer, correct?
This voice sounded exactly the same as the one in Ji Xiaoqing’s recording!
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MC: Song Heng!
Song Heng: Hahaha, it makes things easier if Miss Lawyer remembers me this well.
MC: What do you want?
Song Heng: They had you take the evidence away first, right? I want you to take the evidence to me.
MC: What nonsense—
???: Agh!
I hadn’t finished speaking when an agonized shout came from my phone.
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MC: !!!
Song Heng: Miss Lawyer, do you know who that is?
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⊳ I know ⊳ I don’t know
I recalled the agonized voice immediately – it was Ji Xiaoyu!
 ⊳ I know ⊳ I don’t know
MC: …
The voice was somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t quite remember who it was all at once.
Song Heng: Then I’ll give you a reminder – break two more of her fingers.
???: Arrgh--!
The two agonized shouts made me recall who it was immediately – it was Ji Xiaoyu!
The police had given Ji Xiaoyu protection before – did something happen?
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MC: Ji Xiaoyu! What did you do to her!
Song Heng: Don’t worry. I just broke two of her fingers as a warning for you.
MC: You—
Song Heng: Now we can have a nice conversation, right, Miss Lawyer?
Song Heng: Take the evidence to me, or else I’ll have Ji Xiaoyu die in an awful way.
MC: …
Sphinx: Do not panic. Turn on the car computer now and backup the evidence.
Sphinx: You’re already outside of the Maple Leaf Event Hall network range, and you’re within the range of Cloudbreak Mountain’s public park network.
Sphinx: When you finish backing up and uploading the evidence, I’ll use the public network to get into your car’s computer and get rid of any indications of the upload.
Sphinx: Also, I will call the police right now. Delay for time as much as you can.
Sphinx: It will take 45 minutes to get from the nearest station to you.
I followed Sphinx’s instructions and started to backup the contents of the USB. The entire process required 5 minutes.
Simultaneously, Ji Xiaoyu’s shouts came from the phone.
Ji Xiaoyu: Don’t mind me!
Ji Xiaoyu: Miss Lawyer, if you hadn’t found me, I would’ve wanted to die long ago! I’m not scared!
Ji Xiaoyu: Even if I die, I will drag these people who caused my sister to die into hell with me!
Ji Xiaoyu: Don’t come over, that will help me more – urk!
Ji Xiaoyu sounded like someone had clamped down on her neck. What followed was a flurry of punching and kicking sounds.
The fighting sounds in the phone grew more intense, but Ji Xiaoyu did not shout again. I could only hear her suppressed, rough gasps of pain.
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MC: (Ji Xiaoyu…)
Song Heng: Hostages always like to display this sort of old act – no creativity whatsoever.
Song Heng sounded like he was complaining about spending money to see a bad movie.
Song Heng: Back to the original topic, Miss Lawyer. What do you want to do?
Song Heng: I looked into your work records – you seem to think yourself as a very righteous lawyer.
Song Heng: Then, Miss Righteous Lawyer, tell me – which is more important, evidence or the life of a victim?
MC: I…
I didn’t know how to respond.
Song Heng waited several seconds, then laughed knowingly.
Song Heng: Those of justice always insist that the lives and safety of people are more important than anything else, but you’re not saying anything…
Song Heng: Looks like you feel that evidence is more important that Ji Xiaoyu’s life, correct?
Song Heng: Makes sense, as evidence is more valuable for you.
MC: What do you mean…
Song Heng: To both the police and to you, rather than saving some innocent person and losing some essential evidence, and thus failing to solve the case due to lacking the final bit…
Song Heng: Destroying a large gang will bring you more concrete benefit.
Song Heng: The police can get awards and be promoted, and you, miss, can get exposure, fame, and receive more cases.
Song Heng: As for some unlucky, innocent members of the masses – the path to victory will always have some sacrifices.
Song Heng: Plus, these victims are always so willing to help you get rid of any worries of future consequences.
Song Heng: “Even if I die, I’ll drag these guys into hell with me”, hahaha…
Song Heng: When interviewed by the media, when facing the family members of the victims, and in the quiet nights, do you comfort yourself like that?
Song Heng: “I’ve achieved the victims’ final wishes”, as a few cheap tears trickle down your face, becoming a “hero” with your mind at peace.
Song Heng couldn’t resist laughing.
MC: Not at all!
Song Heng: All come for the sake of profit and leave after the profit is made.
Song Heng: Man is always a refined egoist. I, of course, have no problems if you want to do that.
Song Heng: But us villains are more magnanimous, while you all are hypocrites of fake justice.
I knew that Song Heng was trying to agitate me, trying to force me over… my fingernails had completely sunken into the steering wheel.
Song Heng: I can let you hypocrites take what you need after, but I’m in a rush now, so I’ll have to use some villainous methods.
MC: What are you going to do?!
Song Heng: The lives of victims naturally cannot compare to your vanity that wants to execute justice.
Song Heng: Then which is more important, your reputation or vanity?
Song Heng: Miss Lawyer, if you do not come, I will edit this recording of you ignoring death and post it online.
Song Heng: Using public opinion to apply pressure in court is also a common method used by lawyers. You must be well aware of how powerful it is.
I looked at the uploading progress bar on the car computer – it finally completed backup of the evidence and was now starting the upload.
MC: I will bring the evidence to you.
Song Heng: Good.
Song Heng: Then I will send you the address now. You must come over with the evidence alone.
Song Heng: Aside from that, there’s something else.
My phone suddenly vibrated twice, and a message popped up.
Song Heng: Open the link in the message.
Song Heng: That will plant a Trojan virus in your phone. Messages, phone records, webpage records, and the microphone… I’ll be controlling it all.
Song Heng: Don’t even think about hanging up and calling the police.
MC: … I got it.
I opened the link in the message.
Song Heng: According to your phone’s location, you’ll only need 20 minutes to get here at full speed.
Song Heng: If you try to dawdle… I’ve got lots of ways to make you understand how it feels to regret.
MC: Do not do anything to Ji Xiaoyu anymore. I will get over on time.
Song Heng: Okay, then I’ll be waiting for you.
Song Heng finally hung up.
My hand felt powerless for a second, and the car nearly skidded.
Sphinx: Miss MC, I have some things to say to you now.
Sphinx: Tap on the earbud in response. One tap for “yes”, two taps for “no”.
If I spoke, Song Heng would overhear using my phone microphone. Sphinx and I could only communicate like this.
I lifted my trembling hand, tapping on the microphone once.
Sphinx: I must remind you that even if you send the evidence, you and Ji Xiaoyu will not survive. Qian Yi and Ji Xiaoqing are examples of this.
Sphinx: The place he’s told you to go to is a mountain road in the middle of construction. Typically, no one will pass by.
Sphinx: I’m sure you’re well aware of what he intends to do.
I tapped the earbud once.
Sphinx: So you do know…
He went silent for a moment.
Sphinx: You are not the police. You have no duty to endanger yourself to save Ji Xiaoyu.
Sphinx: I’ve already recorded the call just now and called the police. I’ve also sent the address Song Heng sent you to the police. They will send people to save you.
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MC: (But with his location, even the closest policemen will need 45 minutes to get over.)
MC: (If I don’t get there in 20 minutes, Song Heng will kill Ji Xiaoyu and escape the net…)
MC: (But if I can delay for 25 minutes until the police arrive….)
I tapped twice on the earbud.
Sphinx did not respond. A moment later, a sudden noise came from the earbud.
Sphinx: Xia Yan and the rest have successfully escaped. I’ll connect him in!
I didn’t have any time to do anything before I heard Xia Yan’s voice.
Xia Yan: … It’s me.
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MC: (Xia Yan… it’s great that you’re fine.)
When I heard his voice, my tears burst out.
Xia Yan: Do you have to go? And nothing I say will change your mind?
Trembling, I tapped once on the earbud.
MC: (I’m so sorry…)
Xia Yan: …
Xia Yan: It will take me 35 minutes to drive to where Song Heng is. After you get there, no matter what, delay him for 15 minutes.
Xia Yan: I will absolutely save you. Absolutely.
MC: (I believe you… I will wait for you.)
I wanted to speak to Xia Yan. I had so many things I wanted to say to him.
But right now, all I could do was tap on the earbud once…
Xia Yan: … You must wait for me.
I drove forward, towards the location Song Heng indicated.
Midway there, the storm clouds accumulated above. A few muffled claps of thunder sounded, and a rainstorm poured down.
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