#not tagging this so his stans don’t attack me
moonieandi · 25 days
snapshots pt. 8 | stanley pines x f!reader 
summary: you and stanley go fishing 
warnings (TW): swearing, panic attack/panic-inducing scenarios, slight gore/violence 
tags: mutual-pining, fluff, angst, action, affection
notes: idk anything about ice fishing so pls don’t get my ass for this okay, this was v different to write than my usual long drawn out heart gutting character analyses that I love (not that that is NOT here) but all the movement was deffff hard so it took me a minute but hey this is what I wanted imma do it ya know 
Also i configured this chapter in like three separate ways in my head and it was so hard to chose? But i think the one i did end up writing is most true to their dynamic so far. To be of note for the v stubble reference im giving here but yall know The Kiss by painter Gustav Klimt? Ya… that…. Thats here (spot it if you can) as always thank you for the kind messages and notes and comments, love yall <3 also comment below if you'd like to be on a tag list I should maybe organize that hehe
word count: 6.5k
| masterlist | ix |
January, 1987
She had found them both nice fold-out chairs at the flea market just that last season, along with fishing poles the nice old man insisted went with the seats also. Talked her ear off about how he used to go ice fishing with his son, before said son went off to college. 
Now he wouldn’t be home during the ice fishing season, so he saw no use for his chairs or his poles. But she did. 
Stan would tell her flippantly about his youth from time to time, usually if not always said stories incorporated Stanford in one way or another. It seemed that the two barely, if ever, separated during their youth. Something that upset her more, that her friend had never spoken of his brother to her in the six years they had known each other. She didn’t think he would speak of it all as fondly, these memories, considering he never confided in her about Stanley, to begin with. 
Stan would speak of the shoreline in New Jersey, of the sharp sand beneath his feet and hidden caves along the coast they both would trek through. Talk of the setting sun, of racing his brother home in the dark down paved streets back to their shared room. 
He spoke most fondly of a boat though, one that had taken both twins years to configure. 
She figured the fishing poles could be some sort of link, at least in her mind. 
That and they spent some of their summers down by the dock at the local lake anyway. Splashing in windy tides off the dock and watching boats go by until sunset was a great way to cool off. That or revisiting the pool, where Stan would insist upon ice cream for the short drive home. 
She figured he would wait for the season opener to go fishing. Considering she gave him the poles and chairs in December, a quick wave to Christmas, a holiday he laughed off on the regular. He would routinely celebrate it with her, just for the holiday cookies and cheesy movies he wouldn’t admit he loved. But he was Jewish, after all. At least raised in a Jewish household, he told her flippantly, after opening his gift this last December. Laughing at her blushing face, and flabbergasted stuttering, asking him why he would bother with all this. She sat straight when he said it was for her. Because she wanted to, so he would. Not that he was a religious man, anyway. 
He found it amusing this holiday season then, to find her struggling to make some traditional dishes his mother would make each year come December for the holidays. Nothing he necessarily missed, but something he found endearing nonetheless. Her usual attention to detail, and odd need to ensure his comfort. 
The fishing poles were a welcomed gift though, and he lit up at them and the differing tackles the nice man at the flea market had also gifted her. Hugged her into his side, while he ranted and raved about being able to fish off the docks come summer. 
But he didn’t want to wait. 
Something she thought rather glumly in the very early morning that January weekday. The sun not even having made its appearance, she had stumbled out of her bed around 4 a.m., having promised to reluctantly go ice fishing with said enthusiastic man. They stood before the porch door now, while he knelt in front of her, lacing up tall winter boots and pulling over her snow pants. Tucking her in, layer upon layer. Putting to use some winter clothes they both had rangled out of donation bins that very first cold season. The snow pants and boots had only ever really been used when they would trek through the outskirts of the woods, searching for clues to Stanford’s other journals. 
She was still half asleep on her feet, falling forward into Stan’s bent shoulder in front of her to groan. For some reason, he was wide awake, and grinning like a fool despite it being 4 a.m. That dumb look on his face reminded her why she even crawled out of her cacoon of blankets. He was beyond happy to be able to go fishing. Something he couldn’t even wait for a warmer season to do. 
He seemed a smidge like his younger self when he was closest to water. Some of his favorite memories are those ones with Stanford by his side and sand intertwined in his hair. His skin dark in the sun and his toes were deep in the tide of the sand. 
It seemed more distant now, as distant as Ford was to him now. He wanted to ground himself here too, and some of his new favorite memories are of them hanging at the end of the dock. His feet in the cold water of the lake, and her nudging his shoulder. Teasing him, edging him off the docks’ wood and into the cold water with her. He preferred the summer to the snowy winters, but he figured they could make some new memories by the water now also. Even if they were colder ones. 
So he more or less begged her to join him. Promising that he would handle the fish after she made a disgusted face at the thought of stripping the fish of their skin and bones for the meal they would make of the catch. She agreed though, happy to tag along if it pleased him. 
He stood from his knelt position in front of her, standing to reach behind him to grab his red coat from the coat rack. Turning back to her to fold her arms into the coat also, her eyes still blurry as she smiled at him slightly giddy. 
He had a gift for her that last December also. A coat folded into shitty wrapping newspaper he had thought to repurpose. She smiled at the blue coat but quickly became confused when she pulled it out of the wrapping to find it was far too big for her own physique to be for her. He had quickly pulled out another present for her, presenting her with another newspaper-wrapped gift. Which she tore open with haste, and rocked up quickly to her feet to dance around their small living room, his old red coat in her arms. 
It was hers now, and she reveled in the shitty coat. His smell still lingered in the seam line, and when she leaned her head far back into the hood she could pick up on his shampoo. It kept her warm, despite also not fitting her physique. 
He had woken up earlier than her that morning, putting the appropriate supplies for ice picking into the trunk next to their foldable chairs, the tackles, and the fishing hooks. So they made their way out into the dark, ducking into the car next to each other to make for the lake in the early morning. 
She hummed along to the radio as per usual, random songs interspersed in between the local morning forecast. She stopped though now, picking her head up from the back of the seat to look over at Stan. 
“We missed the entrance to the dock.” 
“Nah there's another one we can go to. Farther down, less people.” 
She hummed, smiling over at him. What he actually meant was there would be no lake office to report to. So no need to register them for the lake that day, and no stupid state fee to pay for fishing on the lake. Amused at his shortcuts, she turns back to watch the pine trees pass out the car window. 
It was a sharp, nose-burning 10 degrees Fahrenheit that day, according to the radio forecast. Only made worse somehow with the creeping darkness from the horizon line. The sun slinked slowly in the coldness of January. 
He made his way out first, the car’s cabin light flashing on as he grinned over at her. Securing his blue coat closed quickly before getting out to stomp a path in the fresh snow around the car. Pulling around the sides to pull open her door, before chugging around to the trunk to unload the supplies he claimed they needed. 
She knew how to fish, but had never ventured into ice fishing. Mainly because the cold was beyond unappealing to her. But the thermos Stan had presented to her before making out the door that morning heated her hands enough to dismiss the onslaught of negativity thrumming through her. And partially woke her up on the drive over. Stepping out into the crunchy cold snow to help Stan gather supplies. 
He shuffled her chair into her hands, slugging everything else into his own broad arms. He could reasonably carry everything, stomping forward in the snow to make a path for her to follow in. 
They had made a spot on the ice, the snowy shoreline a good bit away. Stan claiming the best spots must be farther out. Because the farther out, the bigger the fish. She sat, glancing around the empty ice. When Stan meant fewer people he meant no people. A frozen dock far off near the shoreline also, its wooden structure covered in ice. She watched him now, the fishing poles cradled in her lap, and the thermos warm in her hands. He’s bent in front of her, his mittened hands working an ice auger to break a solid hole through the thick layer of ice. 
Grunting, he stands back up, hands on his hips admiring his work. 
“Is the ice too thin here?” She observes. 
He tilts his head left, turning to her now. “No, doll. Perfectly fine right here. We’ll only be here until a little after sunrise anyway.” 
He sits in his own foldable chair that she had set up for him while he was finagling with the ice. Their chairs positioned side by side, a little distance between them and the whole he had just made. He reaches between them, opening up the tackle box to shuffle around drawers, looking for something in its depth. 
“Close your eyes, hun.” 
She rolls her eyes, closing them, while shuffling the thermos between her thighs to hold out her hands in wait. He places something in her mittened hands, it’s slightly heavy in them now. 
“Open ‘em.” 
She opens them to see an odd black contraption in her hands. Two knobs, a dark screen, and a long antenna on what she presumes is a battery-powered electronic. Almost too dark to make out what it was, but it hit her and she gasped. 
“A radio!” She sings, clutching it closer to her chest and swinging in her seat to knock her knees with his. Clawing at his shoulder to fold herself into his neck and coat’s furry trim. She wouldn’t question where he got it, just revel that he had thought to, for her. 
“I know you weren’t too eager to go fishing with me, doll. But I figured this could make up for some of it.” He chuckled, readjusting his hat on his head after they pulled away. Knee’s still knocking between them. 
“I’d do anything with you Stan.” She hums, unthinking, as she looks down at the device in her hands. Tweaking around the knobs and the antenna to turn it on. She misses his flush next to her. 
She gets it working quickly, the music faintly staticy in the background of Stan attempting to put lures at the end of their poles. 
He gets her’s ready first, leaning forward in his seat to situate the pole in her hands. Pointing out the slack line and the type of lure he put on the end of her pole. She’s too distracted, like she always is when he’s probably explaining something vaguely important. 
The music hums between them, perched on the tackle box he had closed. His cheeks flushed from the cold, his hat slumping down the back of his head, hair peeking out around the rim and sticking to his forehead. He leans in closer, his knee and thigh along her own. His own covered hand reaching for hers, folding it around the pole for her to hold. 
They enjoy each other's company until the sun peaks up along the horizon, a good hour in. As they pass the coffee-filled thermos back and forth, she hums to the radio. Enjoying stories Stan told about tourists from the end of the last season. Telling her about their ridiculous questions he had to work around last minute. 
“Then he asked me if they were extinct!” 
“What you tell him?” 
“Well he couldn’t have been more than eight years old, and he got all teary-eyed when he asked me.” Stan waves his hand around, drumming up the memory of when a child had asked him if the fake displayed plady-beaver was the last of its kind. 
“Annnnddd?” She hums, sipping on the last of their shared beverage. 
“And I may or may not have said they were not.” He shrugs. “Was easy to convince the kid’s dad to buy him a plushy.” 
She laughs, thinking about the stupid merchandise she’s still not used to, that she sometimes restocked in the front of the house. But of course, Stan didn’t have the heart to really crush the kid’s spirit. Sad kids equaled less money probably, in his mind. That and he had a weird affinity of being about to communicate with them like no other. 
There’s a tug on her line suddenly, not the first in the hour they’d been at their spot, but the first real strong one she’s ever felt. Jerking her pole, bending it forward. Both her hands met the pole, yanked straight in her seat suddenly. 
“Woah!” He says, sitting forward and reaching for her pole also. His hands encased hers around the pole. “Hold it tight, hun.” Grunting in her ear. 
But the pulling got worse, had them both standing from their chairs. His arms around hers, helping her reel back the pole, pulling it back towards his left shoulder. His arms encasing her, pulling her flush with his front. 
“I gotcha.” He grunts again, close to her ear. 
“Do you?” Gasping at the strength of the pull along the pole. 
It seems to drag them closer and closer to the ice hole he had put in the ground not even an hour ago. His feet planted firm, yet scrapping against the ice. Hers fumbling, dipping under the strength of being pulled forward. Her hands tight, beginning to sweat and ache in the casing of her mittens. A heat around the ring of her hat. He’s hot behind her, warmth seeping out from his coat and onto her back. He feels firm, and yet they both continue a slow crawl forward. 
Until it tugs. It tugs so hard that she instinctually releases her grip. Her hands were still steady against the pole though, still beneath Stan’s own hands. 
The jerk has them both flung forward, his feet no longer steady, flipping against the ice. She’s still between his arms when they fall forward, inching towards the hole. He turns them somehow, taking the brunt of it on his right shoulder. 
Her head swims, having met the ground rather suddenly. But she’s between his arms, her hands having let go of the fishing pole. He’d let them slip from the pole, his arms tight around her, trying to take the force of the impact. 
“Stan.” She mutters, mushy between them. Her head pounded for a minute, as they continued to slide against the ice. His chin propped on her head, warm around her still. 
He doesn’t respond, because he’s given no time to. Another harsh tug on the pole sent him forward quickly towards the hole. He thinks fast though, bending his arms, hooking his feet along her legs, and pulling her out of his grasp. 
She slides along the ice and snow, his push along her legs and waist burned. She turned, pushing herself up on her hands. Grasping at the snow to get some balance. She had run into the chairs and tackle box. All their supplies scattered along the ice. The radio was static behind her. 
It had all happened so fast, her voice cracking in the cold air. Calling his name but not finding him. One moment he was there, the next gone. The water still. 
They had been pulled forward so suddenly, a quick five-second span between the tug and her head meeting the ice. And he was gone as soon as she had lifted herself again, the ice cracking along the sides of the former small hole. 
“Stanley!” Scrapping, crawling towards the hole. The surface wet and slick from the cold lake water that had seeped through the cracks along the hole now. Stan’s visage far from view, the top of the water dark. 
She stares in what feels like forever but is only quantifiable in the movements of the sun. It’s rising now, around her. Sparkling on the ice and water around her. Something she’d marvel at, have her grasping at Stan’s shoulder. Nudging him to see as she does. 
She thinks only briefly before shucking off her hat and gloves, beginning to unlace her boots. She’d follow him, into the dark depths. 
A deep continuous thump. Running along the ice. First near her feet, then farther and farther from her. It has her racing towards it, the vibrations along the ice guiding her along. It must be him, must be that something that pulled him into the dark murky water. The rhythmic thudding has her racing back to the supplies. Fumbling for the axe Stan had packed to help pick out the ice in the hole. 
Running full force back, the ice cracking beneath her legs. Shoelaces dancing around her feet, her fingers nippy and uncovered around the wooden handle of the axe.
It cracks, sickenly loud and sudden. Water bursts beneath her shoes, seeping up and around her. The ground opens up in front of her, splitting along the horizon line. A flash of blue precariously balanced in the large maw of a blurred creature. 
It shakes the ice, splintering and fracturing it below her feet. The weight of the creature resting the front of its body along the ice. Shaking the striking blue figure in its jaw, trying to subdue it. 
She stands still in the ankle-deep water, trying to make out the blurry figure in the maw of the anomaly. It strikes her then that it could be nothing else but Stanley, confirmed by the sputtering grunts the figure heaves, coughing up cold water from his lungs. 
She stands frozen only until then, stepping forward into the slowly sinking ice bath. Ax swung behind her shoulder, ready to slice along the neck of the beast in hopes it would release her husband. 
He clamors in the cage of teeth above. Raised his large hand into a well-practiced fist, blindly throwing said fist to meet the eye of the beast. 
The hit startles the beast, cracking open its jaw to release Stan, a sudden sharp screech creeping up its large neck through its throat. Rattling her bones as she leaps forward in the ice and water, bringing the ax into the meat of the beast's neck. 
It crawls back further, slinking back into the dark cold waters. She stumbles back through the ice and the water until she feels snow beneath her unlaced boots again, the ax gone from her grasp and embedded in the skin of the anomaly. The beast is there and gone in a flash, scrambling back beneath the water. 
Stan has the air knocked out of him, having landed on his back. His head cracked against the ice and water below, the cold creeping in through his clothes. He opens his mouth to groan but finds only his shallow breath and the puff of heated air leaves his mouth. The sun creeping above the horizon now, something he can only gauge by the heat on his face. The rest of him rock solid and shivering under the weight of his wet clothes. 
A sudden eclipse above his head, the sun, and shadows shaded by a beautiful face. Her face shadowed by the sun, her hat gone and her hair spilling all around her head like a halo. Her cheeks flush from the cold, from the adrenaline. It could be the cold or the way the light looks around her head, but he swore she must have been an angel. 
He’s muttering when she finally reaches him, stumbling through the cracked ice and wet water. Her only thought was getting to him. He was beyond sense when she did make it to him, clutching at his tattered and soaked blue coat. He was soaked, drenched to the bone. His hat gone and his hair icy along his head, his gloves gone also, a boot missing from his left foot. And he’s drenched. It all stuck to his body, freezing quickly in the icy temperature. She had to get him home, get him out of these clothes, and heat him up. 
She runs her hands along his coat first, checking for punctures, for blood. He had been dragged several yards under the water in the toothy jaw of said beast. But no punctures and no blood made themselves apparent through his coat. Something she’ll have to access later. 
A thump along the ice has her whipping her head around. The vibration rippling along the ice and the shards of the broken lake surface. The beast lingered in the area, waiting for them to be off guard again. 
She wastes no time, lifting Stan’s large arm up and above her shoulder. Leveraging his body up to be leaned against her side and her back. All those stories about mothers and daughters and adrenaline ring in her head, a truth to the stories of women and abnormal strength in times of strife. She would ache tomorrow, and be glad of it anyways. 
He unconsciously shuffles his feet, and she makes note that he’s somewhat conscious. The ice helps her slip them both along the good hundred yards she has until they reach the shoreline. Their supplies the least of her worries, and the anxious thought of the beast meeting her back out there in the wreckage of it all. She does not turn back to look when abandoning it all. 
It’s harder folding his stiff body into the passenger seat. His legs flopped into the car last. She curses, reaching over him to buckle him in and then making for the driver's side. She rarely drove them, it was more of a special occasion between the two of them. She had only ever driven once in the winter and had been deeply scared of the slipping ice and heavy snowfall. But the sky was clear and she’d put the thought of ice away for a long while. 
She curses again, reaching over to Stan to feel up the inside of his coat pockets for the keys. He stirs at the movement, shrugging off her touch, shivering in his seat. 
“Not Doc’.” He mutters, his head spinning. 
“You’re not Doc’.” He grunts again, his lips loose. His head hurts like a motherfucker. 
“I am!” She hisses, hands pushing his away, reaching for his pockets again, looking for the keys. 
“Oh.” He looks back, eyes blurry under the odd pressure along the back of his head. This person sounded like his wife, he’d admit. Shifting his head to lean against the back of the long bench, making out the flush on her face and the halo of hair around her head. He thought this was his angel? He guessed it was the same thing in his mind, anyway. 
She’s still ruffling through his soaked half-frozen jacket. “Hi, angel.” He says, smiling down at her frusstrated face. Why was she so frazzled? 
He’s grinning like an idiot, and he just acted like he didn’t know who she was. Like she wasn’t her. Calling her angel? He’d only ever done that in her dream. That achingly sick dream she had of them, of them in this very car. Of his weight above her, of his breath along the crook of her neck. Of his kiss. 
She shakes it off. Finally finding the keys folded into a very frozen and flat pocket along his chest. Turning back to the wheel, starting the car up, and peeling out of the parkway backward. Leaving the same way they had come in. 
She races home, glancing over at Stan stiff in the passenger seat. His eyes hadn’t left her figure but seemed distant. His thoughts far beyond him, and his coat and pants were frozen against him. His hair melts off his head in the car, still wet but no longer frozen to his scalp. Messy wet hair tucked around his big ears. 
She parks and throws open doors as quickly as she physically can. Slipping in the snow, tripping over her loose boots. Fingers frigid when she reaches for him to move him out of the passenger side. 
She knows the signs of hypothermia. Knows the dangers of prolonged exposure to cold, and dropping body temperature. Doing math in her head, hoping he had been exposed short enough for her to physically raise his temperature before his heart began to slow. Before blood began to sludge its way through his veins. 
He looks as blue as his coat, his arm slugged back over her shoulder as she attempts to get him up the stairs. The slurred speech, the confusion, the dulled skin. It made her heart race, taking steps two at a time to drag him to the upstairs restroom. To the bath. 
She sets him against the open door, running and slipping along the tile, turning on the bath to its warmest temperature. The water would be scalding against his cold skin, would sting and tingle in contrast to his wet clothes, but it was the only way she thought to raise his temperature. 
She rushes back to him, kneeling in front of him, grabbing at his coat and pants to pull the wet clothes from him. He’s smiling again, giggling at her attempt to uncloth him. 
“Could have asked hun.” He jokes, but she cries. He’s so out of it, so gone from this reality and it shakes her bones. He’s here and not all at once. 
He thinks he sees her clearer here in the yellow bathroom light, hot fog swelling around them from the facet. She has her hands all over him, eager to get him out of wet clothes that stick hard against his body. Didn’t she know? That all she had to do was ask and he would shed any layer to get closer to her? He giggles again, leaning into her hot hands against his cold blue body. 
She manages to get everything but his boxers and socks off him, a flush to her face. Not for lacking of trying though, but Stan would laugh and shake her hand away. Muttering under his breath between them when she would reach for the waistband of his usual blue loose boxers. So she luggs his wingspan along her back again, leveraging him up to move him to the scalding water. Heat bubbling up in clouds around the water. Bruises along his chest have begun to form from the pressure and weight of the beast's teeth and jaw. They’d turn purple and swell soon, a good sign she sighed. A swell meant blood was flowing fast still.
He hisses, his head rocking back along the edge of the clawed tub when he finally is able to sit in the water. It’s hot, too hot. It hurts to breathe in the heat, and he attempts to lift his lungs above the water to gain air again. The muggy water hurts his skin and burns him. But her hand meets his chest, pushing him back into the scalding water. 
“Stay.” She commands, eyes wavering when she looks at him now. Melted into the porcelain of the tub. He’s still shivering. He doesn’t even register it but his body has been shaking, vibrating, this entire time. Moving his muscles in an attempt to warm him up. 
She reaches to turn the hot water back on, cursing, beating her hand along the rim of the tub when the water comes out cold. It’s all gone. She looks down at him again, her hand moving along his chest, trying to generate heat where her hand was. “Stay, Stan. Stay in the fucking water.” 
“Yes ma’am.” He mutters, still smiling at her like an idiot. God, she was pretty, god her hand felt nice along his cold bitter skin. She was out the door so quickly. Was it possible to miss someone who was just in the other room? 
She’s barreling down the stairs, flipping on every gas burner in her wake on the kitchen stove. Stumbling to the cupboard, pulling out saucepans and the like to put water in. She’d boil it, damnit. Like her grandmother used to do for her when she was preparing her bath. 
She doesn’t breathe until every corner of the stove is full. Leaned over the countertop next to the burners. Her hand rubbed along her chest, along her heart. Self-soothing, the purpose of the continuous motion above the erratic beating. She had tunnel vision up until now, suddenly noticing that she hadn’t even flicked on the kitchen light. Hadn’t even closed the front door. 
She had been scared. Still was. Shaken beyond something she knew. It pained her to be in the next room, afraid of looking over her shoulder and not finding him there. She’d never lead them through crowds again, never let him stray far from her peripheral. Because then he would be gone, could be gone. 
Ice seeps in through her snow pants, and she tugs off her boots too. Socks wet against the kitchen tile. Her hands shake as she pulls her boots loose. 
She had almost lost him. Lost him for good. It was a shell shock beyond her, beyond her imagination. For the last five years, it was hard to conjure up adventures and trips without him. The thought of flippantly leaving him behind never crossed her mind. Hadn’t ever left her mind. Not after storming in through the shack's door, not after his confession to her across the dim kitchen table, across their kitchen table. 
She sits there now, feeling like it was a lifetime ago, but knowing she could blink and mistake the past for the present. He had reached across to her that night, across the table. Held his palms face up when he asked for help. When he confided in a four-second mistake he had made. She had hesitated then, to reach for him. To reach across and find assurance between them, to fold her hands into his own. She had judged initially. But they had both made mistakes. Both made mirror image mistakes, it felt. She didn't want to hesitate to reach for him ever again. She just feared he would be gone before she could. Feared he would disappear along her shoulder line. 
She had thought it was obvious, the unspoken agreement between them. That they both meant something to the other. That her dreams threaded into a deeper reality, and that the jokes they shared weren’t some passing balm to deal with it all. That the late nights in front of the T.V. analyzing movies were for the thrill of each other's company, and that their yearly poker game was a silent promise of convergence. That the shitty driving lessons weren’t so she could drive away from him someday, that chalkboard lessons were so he wouldn’t scoff when she said he was smart with her whole chest. That the yearly diner dates were just that, just dates. Not something flippant, not something as unkind as the upkeep of an image. That he opened doors for her for a reason and tucked her below his chin because he cared enough to. That he reached across tables, palms up, because he never feared her hesitation. 
Something unwritten between them she believed, everything shared in everything but words and letters. She was a calculating woman throughout her years and didn’t know how to trace the beginning of the feelings she had amassed all the way to the end of it. She didn’t know how to explain that her heart clenched when he leaned over the seat to buckle her in or explain how her hands shake when he reaches for the chalk from her now in the middle of a lesson. It was inconsequential, improbable, and entirely unexplainable to well… explain the sum of him to her. It felt little in comparison to his constant devotion. 
The two front pots begin to boil over, she lifts her head, turning off burners and carrying a stem to a pot in both hands. Taking the stairs two at a time again, uncaring about the burning water running down her arms in her haste to make it back to him. 
He’s still the same shade, but he lifts his head to look at her when she enters now. His smile less doppy, more genuine. His hair beginning to dry along his head, no ice to be found in its dark strands. He’s still leaning heavily along the back of the tub, not yet able to hold himself up. Color coming back to his cheeks, to his face. She kneels beside the tub, the floor wet as it seeps in through her pants. She pours in one pot at a time, swiping the water around to acclimate it to the bathwater. His hands move unconsciously, grabbing a strand of her hair to fold behind her ear. To be able to look at her more clearly through the fog of hot water. 
She begins to pour the next pot into the tub, but he tugs her forward, folds her body against the rim of the tub. Something in her makes her stand, lifting her feet into the tub. The way he looks at her, so disorientated and shivering still. It moves her forward, has her crawling into the tub completely clothed just to lay her cheek against his chest. To make sure it continues to rise under her. Like when she sleeps, and he lulls her back to sleep by simply being there. She wants that, for him to lull her racing heart now. Make her forget about his disappearing visage and still water. He does that, hums like he always does, folding her head under his scruffy chin. Comforting her despite his weakened figure. Hoping she wouldn’t notice how cold he still was against her. 
Something unwritten she believed, something she had never had to say out loud because she had never felt this weird depth before. But he was slipping from her grasp now, heavy against the rim of the tub. And so very quiet it made her sick, made her heart chase up her throat. Made her anxious beyond words, because the thing she meant to say to him would stay unwritten. If he was gone she’d only voice such fantasies in her dreams. The dreams she had of him as hers, those other realities her mind conjured where he wore a golden band and called her his. Where she was his. 
“You're mine.” Her voice was unwavering, something unwritten between the syllables of her words. It blooms and bursts from her throat, a growth that had sprouted long ago, stumbles out of her mouth searching for light. Still folded under his chin, along his chest. Her shirt wet from the water, bunched up along her waist where he had put his hands. 
He gets that look in his eyes despite her intensity, a joke on the tip of his tongue. Something to soothe her racing heart, to stamp down the distant look in her eyes. How she had looked in the car scared him, the rush of her chest but the focus of her eyes. Like they had been driving in the dark, through a neverending tunnel. But she chases it away before he can open his mouth, her hand meeting and cupping his scruffy jaw, pulling back from her comfort to look at him. Turning his eyes to her intense ones, ones that held something unspoken. 
“No.” A shake to her voice, eyes blurry. “You’re mine.” 
He nods, his voice stuck in his throat. Running his hands up her back, his warmer hands. 
“Y-you aren’t allowed to leave me like that, Stanley. You can’t l-leave me all alone like that.” Flashes of a towering beast are nothing compared to turning over her shoulder. Of searching the horizonline. Like she does for Stanford, eyes drifting to tree lines. She wouldn’t, couldn’t compartmentalize doing such a thing for Stanley. She’d take back hesitancies and reach across tables palm up if it meant he wouldn’t leave her again. 
“I promise, angel.” He takes her again, tucking her back to his chest. Her racing heart fluttered against his warming chest. “I won’t leave.” 
Her hand fall into that crook in his chest, the other clutching along his back, trying to bring him closer, trying to make the space between them disappear. She sniffling, from the cold and stress, against his chest and he doesn’t think twice about his words. Thinking of reaching for her, of meeting her across bridges and tables and in tunnels to meet her open palms, her warm hands. Unfurling her from his chest to lean down and place his lips near her ear, something unspoken between syllables. 
“You’re mine, too.” 
His lips traveling to her cheek, hovering against the flush skin before tracing her warmth. Kissing the apple of her cheek as she leans into the front of him. His lips warm against her cheek, like she had dreamed of. He had never been this close in the waking world, something she craved more with each passing day. She never pulled away, sniffling as he brings her forward again. No hesitation to be found in the nod of her head along his scruff, a nudge, and nestle of agreement. Something unspoken, unwritten. 
She forgot about the pots and burners. 
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idkfitememate · 9 months
I didn't even think about tiger!!! What about tiger!Creator accidentally running into forest ranger camp and bumping into Collei? Ooh or just wandering in the woods and bumping into kaveh looking for new inspiration for his architecture? Like he would have hired mercenaries to protect him, but he's broke af lol. Or! Or accidentally going into the desert, like maybe chasing something or trying to get something, IDK, anyway they go to the desert and meet Candace and/or Dehya! Like they're just dieing out there in the heat and Candace helps them or something lol. Gah I have so many ideas!! Sorry to bombard you like this haha
Kaveh & Alhaitham Encounter
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Tiger Reader x Kaveh & Alhaitham
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 295
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Fluff, parental Reader we stan
໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : I’m gonna do this like how I first introduced Otter!Creator! Hehehe ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
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Kaveh was having a fun time. He was just waking about, doing… work… and now there is a tiger behind him :)
… wait.
The way Kaveh would scream and leap into the air like a cartoon-
Instead of attacking him you would nuzzle against him and he’d just??? Stand there??? Like “Wtf”????
Honest to the Archons this man has been on his feet all day, hasn’t had a LICK of alcohol in under 30 minutes, he’s tired, so?
He gently pushes your haunches, then your front legs, and lays against your staying form. Nap time :).
Alhaitham has seen a lot in his day. Fought a lot in his day.
But to see his roommate. Cuddled with one of the top causes of death in Sumeru? Yeah you narrowly avoided that sword.
After a little while however (and a mix of you bringing them their work items… and food… and water man these boys can’t take care of themselves-) you were able to gain their trust and now yay! You’re the official house pet of Alhaitham and Kaveh good job!
You run about town with satchels on your haunches and a couple on your legs and pick up things for the house when they can’t (be bothered too-) or when they’re too busy! You also clean… and cook.. omg they’re hopeless honestly.
On more than one occasion you’ve had to lead Kaveh back home when he got drunk, and then you did the same for Alhaitham when he passed out after working for nearly a week no stops somehow. Jesus-
You’re basically their parent at this point. But you get head pats from everyone and babies no longer cry at your presence sooo…. All is well!
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Alhaitham, coming home late: 😐
Tiger!Creator, wrapped around a sleeping Kaveh: 🐅😴
Honestly I’m loving all the dynamics between the different creators! Chaotic Boar, pampered Otter, and now parental Tiger lol ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
And don’t be sorry! I love being bombarded! Make me feel loved!~ <3 ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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twstbookclub · 6 months
Faded Away
This is side A.
Inspired by Fade Away by Riley Baron Summary: Childhood friends with Malleus, you were even supposed to marry him. You'd call him your fiancé, but he'd shoot you down with a smile. One day, Maleficia would announce that you would no longer be engaged to Malleus, but you had already decided to renounce that before, so it was okay. For Malleus, after experiencing loss in his life, everything he adored before began to fade away. Pronouns: Gender Neutral POV: 2nd Admin/Writer: Kai⚔️ Tags: Malleus Draconia, Changed fate, Childhood friends to lovers, lovers to strangers, angst with a sad ending, hurt no comfort Word count: 3,961
A/N: … sigh. If someone had told me a year ago that I would write nearly 4,000 words for Malleus Draconia angst, I would've laughed in their face. Despite that, I wrote this for two days and edited it for another two. I fixated on this man for FOUR DAYS nonstop, listening to playlists about falling in love with your comfort character but then saying goodbye, and I am still not done. I am genuinely proud of this work. Out of the 7 years I have been writing fanfiction, I have never been so happy to say this is one of my best works. And I don't really like Malleus like that. Attack me all y'all want, I know book 7 spoilers, and I was his stan(not simp) until I found out the truth and had to take a step BACK. I don't know what I feel about him now, but as a Silver girlie, I need someone to take the pen away from Yana Toboso.
Regardless of my feelings, I am glad I could write this and that the story turned out amazing. As I said, I'm not done, and I have another fic posting as soon as this one drops, so don't stray too far.
On that note, thank you for waiting and reading this long, longer than I would like to admit story. Enjoy.
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The horns of this child were small, but the eyes of another child were fascinated at the sight of such a mature boy. The boy’s name was Malleus Draconia, the future King of Briar Valley. You were told that you would become his fiance when you grew up. You could feel your heart instantly pound and become fond of this young royal. You had already known him prior, growing up around the same time, and your families were somewhat close. Still, you couldn’t have imagined being able to marry him later down the line. He was aloof and neutral as a child, speaking to you when you would talk to him and only if he had a response. You loved him that way, anyway. 
“You’re my… fiance?” 
“I am! Don’t worry; I won’t go anywhere if it’s not with you!”
“Hmm… Then I can accept that.”
Growing up as teenagers was slightly different. It took some years, but he would begin to warm up to you. He would smile occasionally and accept the way you would call him “my fiance”, but still turn you down for the time being. Witnessing him become stressed caused a pang of guilt in your heart. Still, you’d quickly dissipate the feeling by messing around and seeing him feel better with your company.
“My fiance should be calm the way he usually is. How can his kingdom stay calm if he is not?”
Malleus would usually stare at you after you said things like that, then respond with, “You’re right… Alright. I will do that, but I’m not your fiance.”
Then, like clockwork, you’d laugh at him before responding, “Okay, okay, Prince Malleus. Whatever you say.”
Now, Malleus finally returned from studying at Night Raven College and settled back into his past routine. It took some months, since now there were new things he needed to learn before he could become king. He would follow without a complaint, though.
He was standing in a throne room, checking on documents and plans for the kingdom. You would simply trot in with your hands behind your back as you would often do, admiring him as your shoes would click against the floor.
“My fiance is working so hard already?” You teased, being playful and wanting to catch his attention.
“I’m not your fiance.” Malleus would say with a concentrated tone, his gruff voice echoing through the large room as the sound of documents being flipped echoed. 
“Right. King Malleus.” You stopped walking to give him a bow and then approached his side. You moved your hand to cling to his arm, but knowing your behavior, he already had an arm out for you.
“Not king either. I haven’t had my coronation yet. Queen Malecifia is planning that as we speak,” Malleus spoke again, then set down the documents and turned to you, his hair slightly swaying with his movement. His green eyes stared down at you, and then he captured a slight smile on his lips. “What is it that you need from me?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to see you and waste your time. I truly hope I am a bother,” you spoke playfully and took one of the loose documents into your hands to read through it. Malleus quickly took the paper before you could get too far into reading it. Right. Kingdom affairs.
Malleus gives you a look before sighing and pulling a chair out. “If I let you touch my horns, could you let me work?” He spoke, moving to sit down beside where you were standing. You grew excited at the opportunity to play with his horns and instantly went quiet to do so. You stood behind him and carefully adjusted his hair while examining every detail of the feature in front of you.
The atmosphere was quiet yet peaceful. Time felt like it was still, pen scratching paper occasionally sounds through the large room. Your hands gently held his horns, caressing them to remind yourself of its sharp and enticing structure.
Memories of childhood played through your mind as you watched him read these documents, soft breaths coming from him as his focus never broke. You did this exact thing all the time with him, especially during his study hours.
“Why do you like my horns so much?” Malleus spoke, suddenly breaking the silence and surprising you out of your trance. You thought about it momentarily, trying to find the right words to explain it, but you couldn't find a single word for how. Instead, you explained it the best you could. 
“Hmm… I don’t know. There’s something about seeing these horns that gives me some reassurance. Relief that I can still be your future beloved.” you answered before fixing his hair again. Messing with him like this felt right. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, being his future partner was something of fate. There were others out there with royal status just like you. Queen Maleficia could’ve replaced or sent you away, but she hadn’t. You were thankful every time you saw his grandmother.
“I see… You’re an odd one,” Malleus spoke softly, a faint breath being heard from him as he felt your hands let go of him. “You let go. Is something the matter?”
Malleus noticed you stayed quiet but didn’t hear you move either. So, he turned around, his breath catching at what he saw. His eyes were met with your side profile, your lips curling into a grin. Your eyes reflected the light like glass, and your hands fell to his shoulders.
“It’s the first snow of the season,” you said, mesmerized by the view. Your quiet voice showed just how enchanted you were. Malleus had an idea of how others felt about the first snow. All he took in from when you explained the moment to him was how special it could be for lovers.
Every time the first snow would fall, he’d watch from the window of his study how you admired the snowflakes as if you’d never seen them before. He watched you do this for years as if it was routine. Hell, it would be weird if he didn’t see you out there. 
Malleus took your wrist and made his way out towards the courtyard. He’s the one taking you out there this time? You could only follow and keep your excitement at bay from his behavior.
Arriving outside, Malleus fixed your winter cape, ensuring you wouldn’t feel too cold. He leaned against a wall as you played and tried to catch the snowflakes. Your smile was as bright as the white sky, and he would just stand there, watching you without a word, but more as if he was in thought. 
You noticed this and took a moment to gather some snow from the ground, putting it behind your back before moving towards him. “Are you alright? You seem to be lost in thought,” you asked, making him snap out of his trance to look at you. 
“I’m fine. I’m simply reminded of my time at the college from seeing all this snow. Why do you a—” 
He sighed, keeping his eyes closed before saying one thing. “... Why?’
Malleus was cut off by the impact of a snowball hitting his face. The icy crystals caused his skin to feel colder than it already was. He wiped the snow off his face as he witnessed you begin to back away. Every step back from you was a step forward for him, and you noticed how he had a straight-faced expression. You laughed nervously and grabbed his wrists, trying to hold him back.
“I just wanted to get your attention, Malleus!” You tried to explain, yelping when he would tower over you, but you would only find it all amusing. Malleus would chuckle, grabbing and throwing snow at you, not aiming for your face like you had done to him. 
This went on for a few minutes, enjoying the back-and-forth attacks, while the snow piled onto the ground through the mid-winter day. At one point, Malleus would grab you by the waist to keep you from straying too far away from him. The gesture felt nice, but also intimate as he’d only do this to stop you from being clumsy.
You held onto his arms and stepped back slowly, moving towards a stone pillar, while your eyes didn’t leave him. You glanced between his eyes, lips, and the horns you loved seeing. Even after he held you against the cold stone, there wasn’t anything to worry about, but him.
You felt nervous while giving his arms a light squeeze, and he carefully brushed his cold fingertips against your cheek, making you relax with your head leaning into his slight touch. Soon, his hand cupped your cheek to tilt your head, keeping you in place this time.
Finally, your eyes stayed on his lips. His green eyes admired your features to remember them down to the last detail. Your mingled breaths hit each other’s faces from the close proximity, then Malleus leaned close, his lips inching closer to yours.
It was cut short, though. You turned to the sound of someone clearing their throat, but your body would stop what it was doing and let go of Malleus, instantly bowing at the sight of a familiar lady.
Malleus would turn around next. His breathing was slightly uneven from getting caught in the act, but he’d still bow and greet the woman in the courtyard with them.
“Queen Maleficia, what brings you out here during this weather?” Malleus began first, slowly coming up with you to stand correctly.
“It is good to see you, Queen Maleficia.” You followed after, giving Malleus’s grandmother a warm smile.
“Not much, my dear. I’m glad to see you taking a break,” Maleficia returned the greeting and gave a smile as well. She’d soon drop that expression, though. “I need to speak to you about something important.”
Your body would tense up again, and you took that as a cue to leave them alone, so you bowed and took a step forward. “I’ll leave you be, then—”
“You aren’t going anywhere. You are part of this too.” Maleficia spoke earnestly, and she rarely had to speak in such a way to you. The last time you heard those words was when she scolded you and Malleus for disappearing to Lilia’s home.
Those words always made you nervous, especially since they usually meant something was wrong. You could only turn around and smile again.
“Right. I apologize for my assumption, Your Majesty,” you said carefully, instantly seeing Malleus turn to you with a look of curiosity.
Standing before Queen Maleficia, now in her study, you held your hands as Malleus stood near the high bookshelves. His grandmother stared out of her window briefly before taking a breath.
“Malleus.” Queen Maleficia began to speak, turning around to face you and Malleus somberly. “Your coronation is being planned, as you know, but something must be done before you can become king. You know what that is, correct?”
Malleus grew confused, but his eyes would widen slightly once he understood. “Marriage. What of it?”
As soon as Malleus answered, the woman would look towards you and smile lightly. “That’s correct. What do you plan to do about that?”
You stare at Malleus briefly before looking at Maleficia again, then smile softly. “I do want to marry the prince. That has not changed since we were children.”
Maleficia looked away from you, and then she made her way to stand in front of you. “That, my child, is what I can no longer allow. I am sorry.” 
Your eyes widened, and you saw Malleus perk up at the corner of your eye. He was shocked as well. “What…?” Is that the only thing you could say?
“What are you talking about?” Malleus sounded off. You couldn’t look at him. Your eyes would stay on the Queen before you, still in disbelief. 
“This is the best course of action. Forgive me, my child.”
“Queen M—No. Grandmother, what in the world are you referring to? Answer me!” Malleus began to demand, moving you back and getting ahead of Maleficia.
“Malleus, believe me, this was not easy.”
“I did not ask if it was easy. I did not ask if you’ve thought of this for weeks or months. I asked for an explanation, grandmother,” Malleus spoke sternly, going against Maleficia, which he had not done before. Maleficia was growing angry, but she remained calm regardless.
“I am doing this for you, for the kingdom of Briar Valley; to end a war before it could begin. You will do your duty as the future ruler of this kingdom.”
“You think the kingdom can decide who will be my partner in marriage for the rest of my life? You did that when I was a child! I went along with it and accepted it the first time as it was!” Malleus also grew angry at the way the events were unfolding. He had accepted everything without complaint, but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut this time. This isn’t what he wanted.
“Now, Queen Maleficia, you wish to choose someone new? Someone I haven’t known my entire life and someone I cannot trust?”
“You will understand that as the future king. You do not need them as your fiance, and that is final. You will be marrying someone from another kingdom to stop us from going to war.” Maleficia had grown strict, firm even. Anyone else wouldn’t dare argue, not even you. You could only stay quiet from the words you were hearing. Your heart began to feel heavy from guilt as if it were a burden.
“What good will that do!? I do not need someone to help me run my life or the kingdom that will be under my wing some time from now!”
“I did it for you! I do not wish to see you become like your parents! You are my only grandson, and I lost your mother to war and the son, your father, I never had just before that. I raised you! Lilia and I were the ones who kept you alive. So, as your grandmother, I want you to keep yourself safe. Do this for yourself.” Maleficia was like a pleading mother. She needed Malleus to understand.
It was all so confusing to you. Malleus was trying to fight, but was it for you or him? Was it for his freedom? Did he love you? No. That couldn’t be it. You had to do something before he would do something drastic. You had to stop him before he could argue more.
Your hand wrapped around his own. Malleus froze from the sudden touch. “It’s okay,” you began softly, putting on a smile before looking up at Malleus.
The touch reminded you of when you snuck into his study as a teenager. You felt stressed once due to your studies and responsibilities becoming a large pile, and Malleus would hold your hand to put you at ease. He helped you with your studies by tutoring and keeping you focused, but concentrating was still difficult with your distant lover just inches away from you during that time. 
That short-lived memory was enough to make you agree to this. You loved him, but it was confusing. He was distant, but sometimes not. You loved him, but it was time. 
“Hey, Malleus?”
“What would it be like if I was only your friend, but never your fiance?”
A young Malleus had to think about that, but only one answer came to his mind.
“I would’ve figured out how to become your fiance again.”
Back to the decision before you, you smiled more before looking at Maleficia and squeezing Malleus’ hand lightly.
“I understand, Queen Maleficia. I apologize for no longer meeting your expectations,” you said respectfully. Malleus stared down at you with wide eyes, his hand starting to squeeze yours while it was still in his grasp.
“Don’t say that. You don’t need to do that—”
You shook your head and looked at him, clenching your free hand around his arm to cling to him. “I… wanted to talk to you, anyway. I’d call you my fiance, but you always turned me down. You said you simply accepted the necessity of my obligation as your lover. Now that we have to say our goodbyes, it worked out fine, did it not? I won’t fuss about this decision, as I have no say in the kingdom’s political matters. So, I will simply wish you happiness and good fortune in your marriage, Prince Malleus.”
“What are you talking about? You don’t know a thing.” Malleus whispered and took both of your hands into his, trying to keep himself calm in the midst of all of the mess. “I only rejected you because I wanted to properly propose to you. Only at the right moment between us and—”
“Hey… you don’t have to say any of that. You don’t need to. This is your kingdom. I am simply someone who had to be your lover.” Those words hurt for you to say, and Malleus looked… scared for once. In the time that you’d ever known him, he was the only person you loved. Malleus couldn’t let go of your hand or look away from you. You would disappear, he felt. Hearing those words come out of your mouth was painful enough as is.
You could only give him a bitter smile and force him to let go. “It’s okay. You’ll be okay,” you whisper and bow to Maleficia, then to Malleus. “Thank you. If you’ll excuse me.”
You smile once more before swiftly leaving before anything else could happen. The longer you walked, the more your legs felt like jelly. You didn’t know where you were going, but you just wanted to leave. You wanted nothing more but to go back and take back your words. To fight for Malleus. Yet, you would never go against the crown. 
Malleus simply stood there in disbelief with his eyes glued to the door. Maleficia reached out to her grandson, but as soon as her hand landed on his shoulder, he slapped it off. He looked at his grandmother with a look of nothing. Agony. A heart-wrenching anguish clouded his mind and judgment once you had left the room. 
He didn’t want the touch of anyone else but you. How could he lose you so easily? His whole life, he had always gotten what he wanted. Yet, the one time he asked, begged, and pleaded for something in his life, it was stripped away right before his fingertips. Malleus’ body was on auto-pilot from the harsh reality. Then, he moved out of the study, but when he looked up, his body froze at the sight of you running out of the castle.
It was all his fault. He didn’t fight hard enough. Now, he had lost you. How could the Seven betray him so? He never thought that it would be so easy to leave him. To abandon the memories just because someone else requested it.
Once you felt the harsh wind and snow, your eyes began to water. Soon, your heavy breaths turned into heaving sobs. Before you knew it, you found yourself in the forest. How did you even get here? How far did your tired legs get you? What torture could you endure in this state? Then…
Every memory with Malleus started to flash through your head.
Every dance.
Every laugh.
Every touch.
Every look.
Your heaving sobs became screams of heartbreak. Agonized cries echoed throughout the quiet and dark forest of Briar Valley. You couldn’t feel the cold anymore. The cold didn’t matter when it felt like you left a piece of yourself in the castle. 
Malleus leaned against the wall from the window that he watched you disappear from, closing his eyes when he could hear your cries despite how far you actually were. He couldn’t do anything to fix it this time, not when you were convinced.
Meeting his new fiance was unbearable for Malleus, but he tolerated it. He never remembered any interaction he had with the woman he was supposed to marry now. The wedding was memorable for everyone but him, and you weren’t there. He knew you wouldn’t be there, but he would still smile to himself when he remembered things.
But then it wasn’t too long, maybe a couple of years, until the kingdom celebrated Malleus and his coronation. Everyone with royal status and Malleus' close friends were invited to the after-party celebration. You went alone and stood on the balcony outside, listening to everyone enjoy their festivities. You hadn’t heard about Malleus since you last stepped foot here. It felt like forever ago.
“I didn’t think you would show up. Not after what happened the last time.”
The familiar voice made you perk up and turn around, seeing his tall figure standing at the curtain’s frame. You stood at the stone barricade and smiled slightly at Malleus, bowing to him.
“I didn’t think you would seek my company, King Malleus.”
“That title sounds… weird coming from you,” he admitted, making you both laugh. You look at the horizon to watch the setting sun, going quiet along with him. You had to break the silence.
“So, how are you and your queen?” You asked, causing Malleus to look at you. 
“She is fine. She’s expecting, so she’s taking care of herself instead,” Malleus said, being careful with his words, but you wanted to hide behind your old, playful attitude.
“You were quite fast, weren’t you?” You responded with a laugh, but you could feel your heart breaking already.
“It’s been about two years since we last conversed. I don’t think that’s too fast,” Malleus spoke casually, but you would notice how he looked at you somberly, almost as if he didn’t like it as much as you did.
“I see. I wish the Queen and your child a safe and easy journey.” You said quietly, sounding a bit melancholic. You had to force those words out, and Malleus simply nodded to accept your wishes.
His look made you narrow your eyes towards the ground, not wanting to look at him as you knew it would only cause you more heartbreak.
“Malleus…” You called out quietly, sighing and leaning against the stone.
“Don’t say anything,” he whispered, looking out into the horizon just like you did moments ago.
After a few minutes of silence, the sun had finally set, turning the sky dark with the moon’s light shining down on you and Malleus.
“Thank you,” you broke the silence first amidst the faint clamor of festivities behind you, “for the chance to be with you for so long.”
Malleus looked at you,  then you looked at him in return. These looks turned into stares. Stares felt like time froze. It was you and him again, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
You engraved the details of his face into your head, and he was doing the same for you. When he broke the silence, the bubble around you two still hadn’t popped. 
“You were a wonderful experience,” he said sincerely, giving you a smile.
You smiled back, but before you could respond, others called Malleus over. He tried to stay there, but he was forced away. He was only able to take one more look at you before he disappeared. He faded away like a light swallowed by a deep darkness, which was so strange. It was only a change. 
You still kept your smile after he left. Now, you could say what you wanted.
“You were… everything.”
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: team stan reacting to yn being in the hospital✧.*
✧.* tags: superhero au, college au
✧.* Characters: stan marsh, kyle broflovski, kenny mccromick, butters stotch
a/n: i ran into a bit of a wall with team craig but i'm going to give it another go tomorrow!
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You send him a text saying you won’t be at the next dnd session because your in the hospital with a broken rib 
Straight up just says “I’m sorry”
Nothing else. He doesn’t know how to talk to people. 
You saw him dealing with kenny dying, he does NOT know what to say
He’s freaking the fuck out though irl. Are you okay? What if you aren’t okay? What is he going to do if you aren’t okay?
He comes to visit you when you tell Kenny and Kyle and they DRAG him into the room
He got you a giant fucking basket of random stuff that doesn’t really apply to you but you appreciate it nonetheless
“Are there any broken rib vitamins in here?”
“Those are a thing? I didn’t realize they made those. I can go grab some right now-”
“I fucking with you, dude. Thank you for the basket :)”
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You’re talking to him normally, chatting about your day
Then he asks if you want to get pizza, smoke, and watch Rango
“Oh sorry, I’m in the hospital rn so probably not tonight"
"yeah my bus was hit by the stampede of cows from the villain attack yesterday"
You get no response
But that’s because 5 minutes later, kenny is standing in the doorway of your hospital room with a slushie from 7/11 in hand
It was the only thing he thought to get you (because who doesn’t love a slushie?)
You’ve got a few bruises and a hairline fracture on your ankle but Kenny acts like you are on death’s door
“Just don’t go towards the light” 
“If you really thought I was dying, you should’ve brought me more than slushie.”
“Should I have brought 2 slushies?”
Becomes your personal errand boy until you’ve recovered. 
Hungry? He’s got your grocery list and a recipe printed out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Bored? Time for a movie marathon.
Need help with class? He’s dragging kyle down the hall for whatever you may need. 
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He was there when you got hurt because you were trying to film a fight and the coon miscalculated his landing spot, landing on a bunch of trash cans and sending a lid hurtling towards you
Obviously as butters, he’d rush over and help you 
And what is more chaotic than a civilian being included in the battle? 
But this wasn’t any civilian, it was YOU 
And he’ll ground HIMSELF if he lets someone get away with hurting you >:(
He’d shout out a “TIME OUT” which mainly just confuses everyone (as any agent of chaos would do)
But it’s enough time for him to grab you and run away from the fight to his LAIR OF CHAOS where general disarray is able to give you a check up
After working with chaos for a few years, general disarray realized there needed to be someone with medical training so he took a few courses at the community center and now he’s on his way to being a registered nurse! 
Doesn’t stop apologizing even though you tell him it wasn’t his fault. 
Takes all of his stuffed animals from his bed and brings them over to you so you’re not alone while you wait for Disarray to give you the go ahead to go home 
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Probably asking why you weren’t in class and you tell him you’re in the hospital
Thinks it’s a joke at first 
But you send him a picture of you hooked up to the heart monitor
The coon had used you as a human shield during a fight with a villain and you ended up getting hit with an energy blast by Solar Flare (bebe’s supervillain persona hehe)
He calls you instantly
“I’m going to kill him.”
“Don’t kill him, kyle”
“Too late. I'm killing him. This is too fucking far.”
“Aw you care 🙂”
“No i just needed a reason to finally put that fucker in the ground.”
“Oh sure, just be mean to the person hooked up to fucking life support”
“No, I just wanted to see how you’d react.”
“When i’m done killing cartman, you’re next.”
Spoiler alert: he was joking. 
He brings you flowers and a sudoku probably 
And the notes from the class you missed like the absolute king he is
Talks to the doctor when you get discharged and basically becomes a live-in nurse
“The doctor said you need to limit your screen time while you recover. Do your crossword instead” 
Okay fucking MOM
Just kidding it’s sweet
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venusin-aries · 1 year
Anti’s coming into the Gwyneth Berdara tag and accusing Gwynriel’s of the mischaracterization of Gwyn or only liking Gwyn because of Gwynriel is fucking LAUGHABLE. 
All I've seen are posts singing praises about Gwyn (just Gwyn!) and I have NOT ONCE seen a Gwynriel shipper characterize Gwyn wrongly.
What are we mischaracterizing her for? 
Being brave as fuck for choosing to train to be a Valkyrie? Nesta’s admiration and fondness of her? For saying she’s resilient for being able to enjoy herself and laugh with her friends after experiencing some fucked up shit? THAT SHE'S LIKABLE?? Being strategic and patient FOR DAYS and spying on the Illaryian males before sending the beasts after them ruthlessly? Being smart and witty? Her interests in sex and smut and stating she doesn’t want to be coddled? Her willingness to sacrifice herself on the bridge? Her determination to finish the blood rite even though she was injured as fuck? Her unwavering loyalty toward Nesta and Emerie? That Nesta thinks her beauty is comparable to Mor and Merrill?
The fact that she’s not judgemental and she immediately accepted Nesta when they were sharing their stories? Her own struggle with guilt and self hate? Her immediately witnessing what Azriel is capable of when they first met? Azriel’s shadows reacting POSITIVELY towards her and yeah, the thought of her joy glowing in his chest? That she teases him and challenges him? That she hasn't seen him torture someone yet but she's seen worse shit soooo why would she be fazed??
She's canonly more suitable for Azriel than anybody else in the series and THAT'S why people dislike her as a character even though on her own she's a great character.
Those are only SOME of her positives we got in ONE book. Notice, some of those positives include Azriel, but most don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️. 
Allllllll of those points have textual evidence to support them. And these are allllllll the points Gwynriel shippers love to make about her. 
The only charactization of her anti’s will accept is if she goes back to the library, stays there and is never seen or heard of in canon again. Or if she’s evil which she’s likely not going to be. Stop being so petty. If anything SJM has her set up for a HEALING journey. 
However some people obviously like to see a female character STAY broken and let her trauma define her.
Getting mad when she's so obviously such a fun character? She has fun and laughs and teases her friends and Cassian and Azriel and enjoys herself but there's something wrong with that and you think its annoying????
Fanon Gwyn and Canon Gwyn are basically the same. If you don’t like fanon Gwyn, you probably don’t like canon Gwyn and that’s fine, whatever, I think you have totally shit taste but whatever just STAY OUT OF THE GWYNETH BERDARA TAG.
I see the shit ya'll tag and then delete.
I’m a Gwyn stan first and foremost but I have not seen one single other Gwynriel shipper mischaracterize her. 
Fanon is fun until it melts your brain and you start believing ONLY fanon and wrongly remembering canon and then attacking others for using canon to support their points. 
It’s crazy to me that anti’s can dislike a fictional character so much that the idea of potentially seeing more of said character in the canon universe and getting more fandom love honestly upsets them.
Like holy shit, I don’t like E/riel, but I have enough tact not to take that out on either Elain OR Azriel. And I don’t go looking to start shit with shippers because I'm not pathetic. Too bad some people can’t extend that same class to Gwyn. 
Also, I feel like some people forget about this fucking scene. 
Gwyn studied Ramiel's craggy, unforgiving slope. Not much snow graced its sides. Like the wind had whipped it all away. Or the storms had avoided its peak entirely. “Is it living, though? To take the safe road?”
“You’re the one who's been living in a library for two years,” Emerie said.
Gwyn didn't flinch. “I have. And I am tired of it.” She surveyed the blood-soaked leather along her thigh. “I don't want to take the safe road.” She pointed to the mountain, to the slender path upward. “I want to take that road.” Her voice thickened. “I want to take the road that no one dares travel, and I want to travel it with you two. No matter what may befall us. Not as Illyrians, not for their titles, but as something new. To prove to them, to everyone, that something new and different might triumph over their rules and restrictions.”
A cold wind blew off Ramiel's sides. 
Whispering, murmuring.
“They call this climb the Breaking for a reason,”Emerie countered gravely.
Nesta added, “Wehaven't eaten in days. We're down to the last of our water. To climb that mountain-“
“I have been broken once before,” Gwyn said, her voice clear. “I survived it. And I will not be broken again- not even by this mountain.”
Look at me and tell me this is a character we’ll never hear from again. Go right a fucking head. 
You can't come into the Gwyneth Berdara tag claiming we mischaracterize her. We take her as is. No need to pick her apart or give her little unnecessary traits to fit her better with any one.
It's not possible to make her out to be something she's not when every little thing we love about her is canon.
You can be salty over us comparing Bryce/Hunt and Azriel/Gwyn but oh wait! SJM uses similar language to describe them ON PURPOSE in canon as fucking well!!!
On purpose.
In fucking canon.
But we’re reaching.
Do not come into the Gwyneth Berdara tag and say Gwynriel’s make it hard to like her but oh, you do like her you do! And then go on to say she’s nothing more special than a Valkyrie or Nesta’s friend. Yeah, I fucking saw that shit.
People are weirdly jealous over a ship/inspiring character a lot of people relate to.
Gwyn is not stealing Azriel from any one because there’s NO ONE to steal him from.
These character's are fake but the hate and vitriol ya'll are spewing at people who like her are very real.
Just stay out of the Gwyneth Berdara tag if you don't like her.
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justyourtypicalwriter · 2 months
ask game ✨ for uhh everyone you wanna answer these for: 👿🧸🏳️‍🌈 :3
Omg this didn’t save before
👿-How do they cope with ableism?
“You don’t look like you’re disabled.”
“Mmmm well by saying that *proceeds to go on a thirty minute rant about how that harms the community by making more people believe stereotypes*”
I feel on a good day he’d just ignore, ignore, ignore until the problem goes away. On a bad day he might have a bit of a panic attack but it is what it is
He’d laugh, maybe make some semi inappropriate jokes about it for the most part. That is until someone tries to grab at his dog, I feel like he’d have a complete mood switch and start spewing out their full name and address and doxx them or something😭
“You don’t look like you’re disabled.”
“You’re nose doesn’t look broken-“
He then proceeds to get them both kicked out of the store
Would call the ableist person every slur under the sun and record herself doing so to post on TikTok…or stomp on their foot if she’s in heels
Doxx them but also make death threats against their families. Where do you think the doxx list came from?
Probably show off some kinda goofy ass thing he can do because of his hyper flexibility like the hEDS king he is to scare them off…then whine about it later-
🧸-Do they have a comfort item?
This big ass fluffy hoodie that’s honestly big enough to cover her like a blanket. It’s one of those fleece lined ones with a hood too
Oof uhm I was gonna say Sparkys dog tags because he wears them a lot after he dies but I have a feeling he should have something else too…
I’m surprised I haven’t mentioned this one before but it’s a little odd. It’s a hand sewn stuffed possum made from scraps from his friends old clothes. Kenny got hand-me-downs from them on occasion and knew that they weren’t exactly Karens style, so he repurposed them
Soft things. Preferably stuffed animals (in specific this stuffed fox he has). He seems like someone who’d appreciate soft things like that
A plush deer she was gifted from Wendy! It’s cute and has a pink bow!
His goofy ass dolls and stuffed animals. Live laugh love Clyde Frog
Idk he seems like a weighted blanked type guy. When he was little he probably tried to used one to build a blanket fort or something. But it didn’t fucking work because they’re WEIGHTED and Clyde’s a dumbass, instead it collapsed the whole fort and probably knocked a chair ontop of him
🏳️‍🌈-A random headcanon about them and their disability
(I’m just gonna answer more from the list lmao😭)
😺 - Is there anything they enjoy about being disabled?
Designing gear designs for Nike! Especially if it’s a bad day and she can’t really do anything
❤️ - Would they have any advice for someone else struggling with their disability?
‘Someday you’ll find someone who wholeheartedly believes that you matter’
🌞 - What does a 'good day' look like for them? Is there anything they like to do on their good days?
Picnics with the rest of the m5 at Starks Pond! Just being able to look at the animals with Butters, or swim in the pond with Stan, or listen to Kyle point out all the different types of plants or roughhouse with Cartman is what he cherishes the most!
📋 - Are they diagnosed? Do they want a diagnosis?
Kyle is diagnosed! Not like he wanted it, the motherfucker just wanted to be treated normally
Diabetes at 4, PTSD & ARFID at 11, and POTS at 13
🌻 - Do they do anything that helps manage their disability? (Ie medication, hot and/or cold patches, set sleeping times, ect)
Salty snacks EVERYWHERE. I kid you not there’s some kind of salty food stashed in almost every room of her fucking house
🧑‍⚕️ - Do they have a carer or anyone who helps with their disability? What are they like?
I guess I’d have to say Dolly. She’s a little rat shit but she adores him and he adores her
🦾- How does their disability effect their daily life? How do they overcome some of the struggles thrown at them?
I’d have to say random dislocations although there’s plenty of shit his ass has to deal with every day
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trigger-happy-in-red · 4 months
Name: Red Hood
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Unlabeled Queer. Pan is the closest label.
Age: 22
Meta: idk
Lives In: The Alley
Occupation: Alleged Crime Lord
Vices: Smokes if he’s extremely stressed
I work with @the-only-nightwing and @the-coolest-red-robin (they’re brothers your honor)
@the-second-boy-wonder is my little brother (ahem. His brother-son)
@cant-have-shit-in-gotham is one of my henchmen (the same ooc runs both accounts)
@shakespeares-favorite-goon is one of my goons
@stitches-stitches-stitches is my newest henchman. He lives with me.
@back-in-blood works for me (legally)
@flying-graysons-fan and @number1-red-robin-stan are squatting in my favorite safehouse
@super-duper-superboy is from metropolis. He got into my safehouse and won’t leave.
This is an RP Account!
[Interaction rules below the cut, at the very bottom, just above my various tags]
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Under the helmet: (specific scars not shown here: small chunk missing in upper right ear, big-ass batarang scar across his throat, palm scar from brotherhood oath) He’s about 6’4.
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I have no artistic skill. I did not draw those. Credit goes to the actual artists.
What’s Canon for This Jason?
-Orphaned at (barely) 8
-Taken in by B at (almost) 11
-Adopted by B at 13 (Name change to Todd-Wayne)
-Saved Wil from a gang at 14 (W is 12)
-Killed at (barely) 15
-Buried next to shelia (gravestone reads Jason Peter Todd)
-Revived 6mo later (kinda braindead)
-Talia found him a few weeks after that
-He was put in charge of protecting Damian, Talia tried to get him to heal naturally (D is 2)
-Ra’s got impatient
-Talia bargained for use of the Pits
-Damian and Jason swear an oath of brotherhood
-eventually Jason goes back to Gotham (J is 17)
-Takes over crime and drugs and shit (D is supposed to be sent over just as J gets control. He’s trying to make it safer for his brother)
-well ok, he goes there and tries to scare Tim out of being Robin, but it’s 99% posturing and “warnings” and 1% punching a hole in a wall (Tim does not get hurt, and Jason does not try to hurt him. Because I said so)
-Meets and hires Wil at 18 (W is 16)
-The batarang-throat incident did happen. His goons had to peel him off the cement and take him to Doc Thompkins. Jason flatlined three times. (Wil was among them) (J is 19, W is 17)
-Goons are now super protective of him btw. Esp the ones that were there.
-Talia decides not to send D to B when she hears.
-Yk that time when Batman drugged Jason with something so that every time his adrenaline got going he’d get pumped full of fear? that ALMOST happened here. The needle was to his neck when the other birds interrupted.
Also canon are
-Jason is some kind of mixed heritage of vaguely Spanish-speaking descent. Passes for white in Gotham (where there’s no sun) but if he tans at all he doesn’t anymore.
-Jason speaks. So Many languages.
-Jason Al Ghul
-GoodMom!Talia who couldn’t do enough to help her sons
-BadParent!Bruce who gets better with each kid (so, bad for dick, barely better for jason, slightly better for tim, decent for cass and duke) but the previous kids don’t reap the rewards (so still bad for dick and jason, slightly better for tim, etc)
-Jason loves Wonder Woman
He has PTSD! Woooo! (Btw shamelessly stealing “Proper Gotham Parent” (making it proper family tho) and the “PTSD-attack-make-him-think-he’s-bleeding-out(from batarang)-again” from Alley Business by thetiniestteapot on Ao3
The trigger list may change over time
He’s also got claustrophobia (worsened if it’s dark)
main triggers are: the feel of silk (esp purple/red), manic laughter, batarangs/similar weapons flying towards him, the joker, being called a monster and doing/saying/someone thinks he did ‘monstrous’ things
minor triggers are: the smell of mahogany, constant beeping/ticking, Batman’s disappointed-pleading-angry voice, the smell of stale-wet dirt (esp mixed with blood)
(Also- I don’t have ptsd, so if I fuck something up, tell me and I’ll fix it)
Who Does he Consider Family?
Alfred- Grandfather. will admit it, has admit it.
Talia- Mom. likes to reference her vaguely as his Mom or T
Catherine- she may be dead, but she was his Ma.
Dick- older brother, but only admits it to Dick or other family. Has admit it to Dick.
Cass- sort-of-twin sister, also wouldn’t outright admit it, but she Knows.
Tim- little brother. will only admit it to people who are very close to Jason or very close to Tim. has admit it.
Damian- little brother. will admit it, hasl admit it to. calls him habibi and ahki.
Jay Todd, Robin- his son. will admit it, has admit it. calls him Little Red
Morel- his kid.
To a lesser extent:
Steph, Duke, and Babs, as family-of-my-family
His goons, in a distant sort of way
The Alley kids, in a distant sort of way
Not even remotely:
Shelia, Bruce, Ra’s
(I don’t speak any language other than English. I’m using Google translate and fanfics. Please correct me.)
Rules for Interacting:
1) Please talk to me. I am cripplingly lonely.
2) Cussing, NSFW, etc. is fine
3) Dont ship this Jason with anyone. I’ve got plot to do. (Jokes are fine, just not incestual/psudo iscestual, r@pe/non con, or outside of his age group)
4) My brain can be a little funky sometimes—dm me before you send me an (unprompted) rp ask. This is to give me an idea of what’s going on. (N & Z are exempt) I have the right to not rp with you if my brain isn’t vibing with it.
Plot tags:
Welcome to Gotham Arlo - back-in-blood centered
Part X of my Tragic Backstory - cant-have-shitin-gotham centered
batfam without the bat - centered around Hood’s family (or not-family)
red hood’s goons - centered around or includes Jason's goons.
Character interaction tags:
fuck you b - chain includes the original (bad) Bruce/Batman, directly or as a major theme
batdad ftw - chain includes the new (good) Bruce/Batman, directly or as a major theme
pushing my mobwife Wil propaganda - chain includes my oc Wilbur “Wil” “Greenie” Jacobs, directly or as a major theme. This is also mostly under “#600000k word slowburn” until I fix it.
big wing and little wing - chain includes Dick/N, directly or as a major theme
gotham’s bookclub - chain includes E, directly or as a major theme
stitching together a family - chain includes Stitches, directly or as a major theme
daddy issues (billionaire edition) - chain includes Kon/Superboy, directly or as a major theme
one r two r red r blue r - chain includes Tim/RR, directly or as a major theme
they can cook! - chain includes Bernard, directly or as a major theme
robin hood? in dc? - chain includes Damian/R5, directly or as a major theme
little red and big red - chain includes Jay/R2, directly or as a major theme
dad the squeakquel - chain includes Morel, directly or as a major theme
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kiwisandpearls · 3 months
Kindly take your last post out of the Zutara tag.
People are allowed to criticize Aang. People are allowed to point out the failings of the writing behind his character. He's fictional. His feelings won't be hurt. It shouldn't matter that people hate him.
(Some people who dislike or criticize him aren't even Zutara shippers. And those that are have said that their dislike of Aang has nothing to do with liking Zutara)
What's not okay is attacking Zutara shippers who are real people over their opinions on a FICTIONAL character.
The problem with posts like yours is that they're so hypocritical. You always make out Zutara shippers to be the problem. Do you know what Kataang fans have done? They've doxxed people, sent death threats. They had a rape Discord a few years ago. They've continuously harassed DANTE BOSCO, calling him a pedo because he likes Zutara. They literally recently harassed an NATLA writer on Twitter because she likes Zutara.
Stop calling out Zutara shippers for not liking a fictional character when Kataang shippers have some real damage to real people.
I literally did not put my post in the zutara tag. I put them in the ‘zutara fans critical’ and ‘zutara stans critical’ tags because 1. I didn’t want to put them in the anti zutara tag because it wasn’t meant to be an anti zutara post and 2. I obviously did not want to put the post critical about zutara shippers in the general zutara tag. I’m guessing you most likely just looked up zutara because like again, you can check yourself, I did not use the general ‘zutara’ tag.
also I never said people weren’t allowed to criticize aang. My point was actually that you don’t have to vilify aang to excuse zutara and/or excuse your dislike of aang. Criticizing aang isn’t “aang forced katara to be with him and would be a horrible boyfriend/husband to her” criticizing aang is “aang was in the wrong for how he talked to katara after the ember islands play”.
“What's not okay is attacking Zutara shippers who are real people over their opinions on a FICTIONAL character.”
i’m not???? Where do you see me attacking zutara shippers, genuinely point it out to me because if I was being hostile to them that wasn’t my intention.
I would’ve just ignored and maybe deleted this ask if I weren’t completely baffled by it. How is me making this one post about how certain zutara shippers should just admit they have a negative opinion of aang and much prefer zutara to kataang instead of coming up batshit reasons to claim aang is a horrible person is me somehow attacking zutara shippers for…having negative opinion on aang, and turning a blind eye to kataang shippers that are just as if not worse?
trust me, I think kataang shippers who make up reasons to explain why zuko would also be terrible for katara is just as annoying as zutara shippers who make up reasons to explain why aang would be terrible for katara. And I don’t think kataang shippers, or any shippers, doxxing and harassing zutara and other shippers is ok in anyway. I just didn’t mention it because I kinda thought it would be obvious that kataang shippers that also harass people are just as bad as zutara shippers that harass people. Maybe that’s asking a little too much of the internet but idk.
Also, I didn’t know kataang shippers were harassing Dante Basco. I didn’t even know he was a zutara shipper, I’m not that deep in the fandom. I’m not even that much in it at all lol. So even if I were to talk about kataang shippers what did you want me to do about it? Telepathically figure out kataang shippers have been harassing him lol? Not saying that it’s ok nor surprising, I just straight up didn’t know.
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yunogf · 30 days
lmao i asked bc, as you said in your tags, there was a certain way that it comes across as with how you’re talking about it, so i genuinely wondered bc i was gonna listen to it as well. i’ve been reading plenty of comments about it as well that mostly just lean on “aoty” “soty” “best album ever” and i get that these are (hopefully) exaggerated claims by stans, but i was seriously yet to see a decent comment about its musicality. it’s either about his face in the mv or his voice or the aesthetic of the mv. nothing on the lyricism or the instrumentations or its creativity or depth, so i was hesitant. i get liking it, but i doubt its being “the best”, so when i saw that your comments were the same, i began to wonder if this is another case of exaggerated praises and it’s just... meh at best. nothing new and all that. i am still gonna listen to it on my own ofc but, i guess, since i’m not really his fan, i’m not all excited. amazing debuts usually create tractions of their own, and i don’t hear much for this, but i ain’t judging based on that ofc. anyway, no need to feel attacked. as i said, i was genuinely curious so i asked. i’m well aware that i have ears. i was just genuinely curious about what you actually thought about it, what with your unhinged tags and whatnot. that’s all.
hard to gain traction when ur company announces ur album 2 weeks before it drops!
i was thrown by your wording and i still kind of am but i don't listen to music i don't enjoy and that's across the board for any artist bc....why would i do that lol and maybe ur not in the right circle being a casual fan/non-fan bc I've seen most ppl talk abt the musicality along with everything else 🤔
ik u said u were genuinely asking and i appreciate the explanation but im picking up on an overall unimpressed tone ("hopefully exaggerated" "doubt it being the best" ?) and it feels like u've made up ur mind about jaehyun and his music and ur asking me to give u a reason to change ur mind/care/be impressed but that's not my job ur free to make ur own opinion to me it seems ur going in with a half formed one already but it's music so like it or leave it either way is okay! ur under no obligation!
I'm sorry if being a kpop stan (im assuming...?) has made u feel disillusioned by solo releases tho i understand bc ppl are often overhyped by fans but jaehyun is a music enjoyer who did his homework and worked with artists he himself is a fan of and the payoff is really good music
overall ur ask is very uninformed which if ur not a fan is understandable but as a native english speaker myself listening to an album that is almost entirely in english from a nonnative speaker i have to say the lyrics are very well done they make sense create good metaphor and aren't superficially about balling or making a lot of money (i loathe to hear this often in eng versions of kpop songs lol) and jaehyun is credited as a lyricist on almost every song afaik
the production value is solid "can't get you" has an entire band accompaniment (the trumpet >>>>>) he wrote/worked on "flamin hot lemon" with emotional oranges (one of my fave artists actually <3) so that one is Excellent in every regard esp for a song inspired by cheetos lmao I've said numerous times that none of the songs sound like they were created with the intent of 30 secs going viral on tiktok (a very important differentiation for me) and one of my favorites parts about the title track "smoke" is the outro it's soooo good there's an unexpected bit of piano that he adlibs along with >>>> and the ballad "completely" has a Gorgeous piano backing to it (the lyrics on this one are also so beautiful)
my excitement about the release may have overwhelmed me so i might not have broken down each song beat by beat but rest assured i'm not wasting time on music i don't enjoy
in summation the album is good and on a separate unrelated note he just happens to be really hot ❤️
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
"I think the one that still boggles me the most is Lucifer stans mad at the Winchesters for being SO MEEN to him."
Please tell me this is not actually a thing? Good grief. Lucifer is a great villain in early seasons, and transforms into little more than a giant bag of dicks as the show keep bringing him back past his expiration date. If anything, the Winchesters should have been MEANER to him. Guh!
So, on a slightly related but different note, I love that Sam is never nice to Crowley, and I see a lot of people crap on him for it because Crowley's fun abd charismatic and occasionally an ally. But, Crowley is a very very bad person, and he has done both petty and hideous things. He manipulated Dean into getting the MOC, for cripe's sake. Sam is wise to not trust him. Also, Dean is mean to him, too in Season 10, manipulating and lying to him. And I say, GOOD!
This doesn’t mean I don’t like Crowley the character, but when people hate on either brother for not trusting or being nice enough to the constantly or occasionally evil supernaturals in their lives, all I can do is roll my eyes.
No one on this show is entirely trustworthy all the time, and that includes both brothers, so people shouldn’t get too uptight about others criticizing characters from time to time. It’s just the harping on one brother constantly (Sam or Dean), and painting them as the bad guy, out to ruin the ither's love, that is ridiculous.
I wish I could tell you it wasn't a thing, but I definitely came across it when I was still going into the general tags. Blocked and never looked back. I'm not telling anyone what they can and can't get out of a tv show or any other media so long as they aren't being dicks to other people about it, but sometimes I Don't Get It and I Really Don't Want To.
Things with villains in the latter seasons of SPN just get ... weird. It's like they kinda tried to redeem all of them and make them the Winchesters' buddies? But in a really half-ass way most of the time? Like, I genuinely like some of those characters, but they did some evil shit. Meg got Jo and Ellen killed, attacked them several times, and was part of Bobby ending up in a wheelchair. We met Rowena torturing random hotel workers on a ceiling. Gabriel killed Dean a whole host of times and was an even bigger coward than we knew. Crowley held Bobby's soul hostage, killed several people they saved including Sarah Blake, talked Dean into the MoC, prevented Lucifer from going back into the Cage, etc. And don't even get me started on Eugenie's Thing about Lucifer and how they wanted Sam to be joking around with him (which apparently some people would have been into that, SMH). It was like they couldn't stand to just let evil characters be evil, or at least let the Winchesters consistently treat them as if they were as untrustworthy as they actually were.
So yeah, getting all up in arms about Sam being mean to Crowley is just ... do you not remember all the shit Crowley has done? Like, even when he was technically sort of on their side he was constantly being a self-serving manipulative dick! C'mon! He's a great character but the furthest thing from a trustworthy ally.
Some fans really do seem to get to a point where they don't want to even try to sympathize with or understand the characters that aren't their faves while excusing the characters they like from pretty much anything and everything.
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
This is… this is just nuts like I truly truly truly do not understand the power this man has over these fans. To get them to resort to this level of insanity
Also what do they plan to get from attacking all these journalists? Like they decide which actors to interview and what questions to ask them. If I was a journalist, I sure as hell wouldn’t go anywhere near the actor/character whose fans are threatening to dox me. I’d just pretend they don’t even exist at that point. Like the more insane they are the more they shoot themselves in the foot.
I don't think people even realize how insane this part of fandom has even gotten. Apart from them attacking journalists and Buddie shippers. They've been paying likely thousands of dollars (cumulatively) for Lou's cameo videos and taking his headcanons about B/T and T*mmy as fact.
A lot of them hate on Buddie and Eddie. Which fine if you don't like a character or ship no one has to but Eddie has been on the show for six seasons at this point and the way some of them treat him all to prop up T*mmy and their ship is just messed up. They even talk about how they want to see T*mmy become a main character and have a begins episode when other characters who have been apart of the show for years haven't had anything like that.
B/T also has had next to no screen time or development yet they consistently act like there's something wrong with us for shipping Buddie a pairing that has six years of development behind it. It's also not even just us that ship it or talk about Buddie major media sites talk about Buddie but we're the delusional ones I guess.
Oh also when I used the word cult (in that post you referenced) to describe B/T stans this is one reason why:
Lou wore a shirt in a cameo video so a bunch of his fans decided to buy the same shirt and they all posted pictures of them wearing it and gave it the tag lou-niform (minus the dash I don't want my posts showing up in their spaces). Worse is that Lou liked some of these tweets. So it's not just that these fans act obsessive and weird over a ship, character, and actor that has had so little time on the show it's also that Lou himself has been encouraging this kind of behavior. I'm assuming because he likes the attention he gets but mostly he's probably hoping it will lead to him staying longer on the show.
It's all just bizarre to me and I've been around all kinds of fandoms for years. I get people having parasocial relationships and being excited over new characters and ships especially queer ships but this just feels like it's on a whole other level. Buddie or no Buddie I honestly just can't wait until B/T is done and Lou is gone from the show. 911 and fandom was a much more enjoyable cohesive place before he came back.
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sebbybooks · 1 year
My Sister’s Neighbor  
Part Two
Sebastian Stan Fanfiction  
 The shock that rolled through my body was powerful enough to give me a heart attack. It was as though I was in the presence of a ghost, except the figure that stood opposite of me was real. I knew he was coming. I sensed it all afternoon, that was probably why I couldn’t sleep yet another night. There also was the fact that he told me he would be here. Waiting for me.  
I should have ran hours ago. Gotten out of town so far away that he wouldn’t even know where to begin to look. He wouldn’t dare ask my sister about my whereabouts that would only unveil his true guise.  
You would think the night sky would be painted in a sheet of total darkness at this hour. There was a hint of grey light that still hid behind the storm clouds that hovered above. My breath was starting to fog up the damp windows as the two of us made perfect eye contact.
He was a few feet away and I had been wondering how long he stood standing across the street watching. Waiting to make himself known to me. He was drenched from the downpour of rain that happened not too long ago, clearly unfazed by it. His gaze never faltering with mine. He wore a indecipherable look on his face, and that is when all the oxygen left from my lungs.  
We stood like that for I don’t know how long really. Afraid to take a quick glance down at my phone, within an instant he could be elsewhere. My arms and legs were adorned with goosebumps, the cold air from the window kissing my bare skin. If I didn’t know I had someone watching me I sure as hell gave him a show with my sleepwear. I quickly shake away the crazy thought that maybe for a split second I did it on purpose.  
I sat on the edge of the already made bed with my back straight as I stared into nothing. Still massaging a very sore finger. The only bright side was that it didn’t turn purple or swell up.  I replayed those sixty seconds in my head, studying every little detail from our short interaction. I couldn’t tell Dakota what happened. The conversation was almost predictable so I avoided it completely.
Dakota would think that my progress was backtracking and that things were not getting better for me. That it was all in my head like last time. Taking a deep breath. I know this isn’t like before, because I know what I heard. He said my name as clear as day.  
 Walking downstairs I follow the scent of burning cinnamon rolls leading me into the kitchen. Around the wall I see Dakota moving in all sorts of directions trying to tame whatever chaos she unleashed in there. For a second I watch quietly blending in with the wall.
When we were younger Dakota was always the one creating the best meals. She was the chef in the family and even at a young age she came alive when she stood before different ingredients. Dakota made masterpieces. Looking around her kitchen now it was scattered with opened cardboard boxes, dirty dishes, and opened food containers, she was making nothing but a mess.  
 “I tried to make them from scratch, but I think I had the oven up too high. Now my eggs are sticking to the pan and the bacon is turning black after only one minute.” She rushes out finally noticing my presence.  
 I step over to her turning everything off on the oven. “Don’t tell me you lost your Midas touch?” I tease, seeing several discarded pieces of charred bacon in the trash can. 
 Huffing, as she pops a coffee pod in her keurig. “Work has stolen my sparkle.” She sucks in her bottom lip. With my sister I can’t tell if she was being just melodramatic or actually serious.  
 Trying to think of something quick to say, yet also comforting. My eyes dart across the room scanning the area for Angus. That cat likes to roam, but he hates new places. “Kota,” I call out her childhood nickname.  
 She pins me with a halfhearted stare waiting for me to continue on. “You know one thing your job did give you?”  
 “What’s that?” Her brown eyes widening as she listens to me.  
 I furrow my brows. “Credit cards to buy more groceries to replace the ones you fucked up.” I hold both hands up to my mouth as if that would pinch my lips from forming into a wide grin. I am pretty sure I saw her eye twitch. 
 She busies herself with her coffee, shaking her head. “You’re such a little sister.”  
 “You’re welcome.” I reply back, knowing that was the opposite of a compliment. It was quick but I did see her smile.  
“Since I messed up the food lets just go out for breakfast.” Dakota suggest eyeing me over her mug of coffee. I can smell how sweet I bet it taste. A scowl forms on my face cringing at the thought of how sugary it must be.  
 “Or how about I clean this mess up and you can go to the store and we can make something together? Like old times.” I suggest earnestly.
Even though I meant what I said, I wanted an excuse to linger behind at the house by myself. I have every intention on confronting that guy. Bad idea be dammed I was getting to the bottom of it. I had zero to no patience to beat around the bush.  
 Using the bottom of her shirt to clean her eye glasses before putting them on. “If memory serves me correctly Demi, you always watched me cook.”   
I shrug. “I cracked an egg or two.”  
She snorts. “Ok.”  
 “Have you seen Angus?” The question rolls off my tongue. By now he would have found me mad or not. He was like Garfield, the boy liked to eat. 
 “No.” She drawls out her word almost suspicious as I was. “I tried bonding with Satan’s cutie last night and I thought he would bite my chin off!” Dakota recalls on the memory with horror washing over her face.  
 “He has his moments.” I just say. 
 Grabbing her keys off the counter top I take it as the beginning of her exit. “Wait!” I exclaim a little too much, taking her by surprise.  
 “Umm,” I pause collecting my thoughts. “That guy across the street have you spoken to him. . . ever?”  
 She looks at me for a moment like she is trying to read my thoughts before I could spit them out. At first she looks at me confusingly, then her face goes blank, before a shocked expression covers her face. 
 A gasp leaves her mouth. “You totally had a sex dream about him!”  
 I couldn't choke out the word no fast enough. “He came in your dreams last night!” Dakota’s mouth forming an O shape.  
 “I did not dream about him.” I say confidently. That is only because I don’t think I dreamt at all. I barely got any sleep, and I woke up ever so often feeling like I was about to have a panic attack. 
 “Well he came in mine, or rather it was me that came to him.” Dakota pauses to think. 
 I blink at her, not needing to know those personal details. “So not even in passing you’ve never talked? Maybe just for like a few seconds?”  
 She rolls her eyes before looking back at me. “No I have unfortunately never talked to Sebastian.” 
 Sebastian. Almost instantly my brain locks in his name in and file it way. While also scanning to see if I heard anyone mention that name to me. “Then how do you know his name?” I question. 
“I heard Josh and Keila from next door out one morning going on and on about how great of a guy Sebastian was. Apparently he’s fixed something in their car that would have costed them an arm and a leg. Sebastian from the sound of it did it for free and he helped that guy a few houses down from me as well.” She explains.  
“He is truly a sexy angel.” Dakota adds, hiking her purse higher up her arm.
Ignoring that last part I continued on. “Do you think your neighbors may have mentioned anything about you to him?” I say trying to keep my voice calm.  
 A hint of worry shadows her face once more. She quickly plays it off by not giving in to it. At least that is what I assume. “I barely talk to them either except a simple hello and goodbye. What’s with all the questions anyway?”  
 I knew I couldn’t brush it off by saying it was from a mere sense of curiosity. I had to give her a convincing answer. “I don’t know call me a sucker for romance, but I think you should talk to him.” I lie, with a smile plastered on my face.  
“Really?” She grins back. Seeing the look on her face I couldn’t keep pretending, so I just quickly nodded my head.  
 “Ok wing woman we need to think of something when I come back from the store!” She says excitably as she downs the last bit of her coffee.  
I raise my arm and hold up a thumbs up.  
 “Clean my kitchen!” Dakota calls out from over her shoulder.  
That was all I could do. I cleaned it from top to bottom and even put away some of her stuff she kept away in boxes. I didn’t stop there, deep in thought over Sebastian I began to clean downstairs. Even the way his name sounded in my head made me tremble. I constantly kept finding excuses to go outside to see if he was home yet.  
The store Dakota went too must have been in Norway. She had been gone for about an hour and I was starving. I was on the verge of making myself a peanut butter jelly sandwich when I caught sight of his car pulling in his driveway. 
 I heard the sounds of his garage door loudly opening up. I nearly tripped over my feet racing to the front door. Power walking across the lawn, into the street, then finally behind his car.
An just like that quickly slipping away I could actually feel my bravery shrink. His garage door rolled all the way up, but he didn’t drive forward. It took him a moment to get out of the car. I know he saw me standing behind his car, because he turned the engine off. Sucking in some air I took a deep breath just waiting.  
 Finally opening up his door, stepping out in one fluid motion I instinctively took a few paces back. My stomach twist in a tight knot, and I just about nearly shitted a brick. For a split second I wondered if my therapist would be mortified or proud at my bold attempt at confronting my doubts. 
“Can I help you with something?” Sebastian looks back at me cautiously. 
I narrow my eyes at him almost to say cut the bullshit. I open my mouth to say something as confident as that, but words fail me. My voice fades suddenly unsure with what to say.
 Looking at me like I was fragile and confused about my whereabouts he looks down at me like I would blow away in the wind. “Hey how’s your hand?” I study him for a brief second looking in utter fascination at how he easily fakes a look of genuine concern. His blue eyes were like sirens. An that is when I snapped out of my haze. 
 “How do you know my name?” I blurt out hurriedly. His brow tugs together looking at me like I have lost my sanity.  
 “You said my name yesterday.” I remind him, knowing he can’t deny that.” 
 Letting out a dry laugh. His mouth curving upward as if he was cringing. “No I didn’t.” He states calmly. 
 “You called me Demi. My name is Demi.” Holding a hand to my chest as if to prove it.“Yet I have never seen you or talked to you a day in my life.”  
 Licking his lips, his chest rises and falls. Closing his car door without turning around to do it. Sebastian just looks at me with a disappointed stare. “This is not awkward at all.” He mutters.  
 I just stand there feeling the hot concrete burn the sole of my feet, finally realizing I am not wearing any shoes. Reading my thoughts apparently, he glances down at my bare feet as well.  
“The shade polish is Butler Please.” I spit out, drawing his attention away from my damn toes. A beat of silence passes us.  
 “I’m sorry but I have no clue what is going on here.” A dumbfounded expression creases his face.
 I deadpan. “Clearly you know my sister Sebastian.” I don’t realize my blunder till it slips out of my mouth. 
 He tilts his head then crosses his arms across his chest. Probably flexing every muscle in them. I tell myself to focus on his face, despite that it is also making me feel some type of way.  
  “Should I be worried since apparently you know my name?” He sarcastically questions. “And am I suppose to know who your sister is?” 
 “She lives right in front of you.” I say refusing to let this thing die.  
 He looks me up and down,“I am still trying to figure out why does that need to matter to me?" Sebastian answers back like he is bored with this conversation.
Right when I was convinced I just made a complete ass out of myself and was actually coming to terms with the fact that perhaps I made it up in my head. Scared I was about to make a repeat of last time and ruin my fresh start I begin to hear constant meowing.
The sounds of a cat were drawing near. Creeping out of Sebastian's garage walks Angus. He slowly struts his long body over to Sebastian, rubbing himself against his jeans while unleashing the loudest purrs. I look down in astonishment, because I have only seen that cat do that to people he was familiar with.
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I’d be the first to admit I can be very biased and stubborn when it comes to characters I relate to, just look at my unapologetic defense of Feanor and his sons, but I’ve never sent anyone death threats and rape threats over them not agreeing with me on my interpretations of a character. Like I don’t exactly like Indis but I’ve never went out of my way to send anon hate to people who love her. I despise Thingol but I can see where he comes from in regard to the Noldor and have never sent any anon hate to people who hate Feanor and his kin.
Most fandoms I’ve been in have had so called “teams” that people root for yet never in my many years in fandom spaces have I seen a fandom as toxic and unwilling to engage in polite discourse as the HoTD fandom. Even the Star Wars fandom with all its media illiteracy doesn’t have the level of hate present in the HoTD fandom.
I’ve made many “controversial” posts about many things in many fandoms yet I’ve never once received death and rape threats over it until I started posting about my opinions regarding HoTD. Even my most controversial Silmarillion posts didn’t warrant any anon hate yet my inbox has been filled to the brink with anon hate regarding my “wrong analysis” within this fandom. Idk if it’s because the demographic of people who are staunchly team black tend to be younger teens and adults who feel like any opinion that attacks their favorites is an attack on them or because the show writers are encouraging the black and white thinking of one side is good and the other side is evil, but it’s quite tiring engaging in this fandom when most people attack anyone who’s opinions don’t align with their own.
Now I’m not saying Team Black Stans are the only one engaging in such uncouth behaviors but the majority of people I’ve seen being bullied off this site have been people who are Team Green or just Alicent Stans.
When did the internet etiquette of don’t like don’t read/block and move on, stop being practiced? It isn’t hard to just scroll down when you see posts you disagree with or just block the account with opinions that you find infuriating. It’s better for everyone’s mental health and internet experience if people just blocked and moved on instead of sending 10 anons in an hour telling me to kill myself or how I should be raped because I happen to enjoy Aegon as a character.
These people aren’t real! Their fictional! I like Feanor because I like him and I find him interesting. It doesn’t mean I want to go out and start killing people to get back stolen property lmao. And just because I enjoy team green far more than team black doesn’t mean I’m going to one day decide that I should start assaulting people. 
And don’t get me started on the people who deliberately go onto correctly tagged posts to start a fight. Why do you want to argue so badly!!!! Join a debate team if you want to argue with people who also want to argue with you! There’s no need for you to scroll through a tag that is going to make you angry just to start a fight. I don’t go into the anti-Jedi tags and start scrolling. I don’t engage in media that upsets me if I can help it. My internet experience is curated to make me happy, and if I know the anti team green tag would make me angry, I don’t go scrolling through it to start arguments with people I’ve never met and will never meet and who’s opinions really don’t mean jack shit to me.
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laf-outloud · 11 months
So, I sort of agree with what people have been saying about Jensen sounding bitter when he makes jokes that seem like digs on Jared, especially when he isn’t present. Because of his actions with the prequel, it definitely makes any jabs feel like they come from a place of resentment, which they certainly might. There is a time or two where I think they really were. However, at comic con, he and Mark were joking about Jared, and it seems very clear that Mark holds Jared in high regard. We also haven’t seen a whole panel, so it’s hard to know the full context.
Jensen also makes jokes that that seem like digs at Misha. And I would say he does it more frequently than he does at Jared. He makes them when Misha is there and behind his back. Yet, I don’t see people calling him a bitter asshole when he does that. There was even a con where I felt like his teasing went a bit into the overkill territory, where Misha didn’t look like he was enjoying it, and I don’t normally really mind seeing Misha brought down a peg.
Anyway, my point with all this is, Jared is not the only person Jensen makes jokes at the expense of, so I’m not sure it’s always because of bitterness with Jared, so much as he’s just that type of guy. People certainly don’t have to like that about him, but for me it’s hard to judge if it’s truly coming from a place of anger at Jared or just going for whatever laugh he can get. Again, not saying that’s a good quality, just that it might not be intended maliciously.
People do a lot of projecting onto to broth Jared and Jensen, but at the end of the day, we can’t actually know either of their motivations in full. People say Jared doesn’t like Jensen anymore, and he’s the main reason Jared seems to be moving away from CE cons. Maybe, but maybe it’s just a good career move. People say Jensen is mad at jared for succeeding more than him, so his every joke is based on bitterness, and his every nice action is just a manipulation. Maybe, but they do have years of shared history and experience and good time too.
At this point Jared Stans are starting to use the kind of “bad faith” interpretation that AAs have been using for years. Everything the J we don’t like does gets interpreted in the worst possible way. Don’t get me wrong, Jared stans still aren’t anywhere near as bad as AAs because they don’t tag Jensen on their posts, wish for death on anyone, or attack on mass when someone shows appreciation for Jensen on Twitter or wherever. But, looking at someone from the worst possible light all the time leaves us open to misunderstandings and assumptions.
Sorry, if I’m coming off preachy or something. That’s not my intention, especially when I agree that Jensen has been acting a bit douchey, but I also don’t think he’s the devil with nothing but bad intentions.
Ugh, I don’t know if I got my thoughts across clearly on this post. I’m not trying to tell people what to think, just remind everyone not to .. assume the worst in every situation.
Anyway, feel free not to post of this comes off wrong.
Thank you for sharing, anon! I do get where you're coming from in wanting to share your opinion without sounding like you're trying to police other's opinions, and I appreciate that!
You are correct that we all interpret things based on our own opinions/biases, and at the end of the day, what's missing is the understanding of the motivation behind certain actions, words, etc. So, at best, we're opining on incomplete information.
I'm glad you're able to see things from a larger perspective, particularly in regards to the way Jensen jokes about other people, in addition to Jared. I'm with you in that I find that style of joking distasteful, particularly when the person isn't there to joke back. It feels like laughing at that person rather than with that person. It's almost reminiscent of the playground bully teasing other kids in front of a group in order to build themselves up while hiding their own insecurities. (Yeah... I probably projected there, lol.)
Anyway, I do appreciate you writing in and perhaps it might help others consider how and why they see things a certain way. Perhaps they'll stick with their opinions, or perhaps they'll adjust some of them, but either way, you've provided another perspective to consider, so thank you!
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ headcannons: team stan with a careless friend✧.*
✧.* tags: college au
✧.* Characters: kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, stan marsh, eric cartman, butters stotch
a/n: I usually don't add cartman to these things bc he stinks+loser+annoying+suckmydick but I know he'd take advantage of someone who hod so sense of mortality so he gets a pass this time ig.
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He mistakes the carelessness for spontaneity and immediately assigns you as his go to “lets do something stupid I just thought of” partner
He’s a “try everything once” kind of guy so it’s perfect that you have no sense of self preservation
“Kenny stand on the other side of the field, I wanna see how far I can throw my phone.”
You both infuriate stan to no end
#annoyingduo in the best way possible 
Do NOT put the two of you in the same room at a party
All of a sudden there’s a 15 person game of just dance happening but there’s no screen?? You’re all just doing moves you saw on just dance
Everyday is a new adventure
Kenny probably has an eye out for you though
He can die doing something stupid and be back the next day but you on the other hand are not 
Gotta keep his partner in crime alive! There’s a bunch of other things on his “before I die (for real)” bucket list that you still need to mark off
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You just get caught up in the moment! You have such a wonder for life!
Kyle doesn’t get it sometimes seeing as he tries to view everything logically. 
He’s more like a babysitter when you both go somewhere
“You did not just spend $300 on knock off jordans from a random man on the street corner.”
“I did and they’re the comfiest shoes I’ve ever worn. He told me they’ll cure my posture problems.”
“Do you just believe anything someone tells you?”
“Coming from someone who almost cried when I didn’t use his Candy Crush referral code so he could get more lives, that’s really rich.”
Okay so he gets swept up in trends sometimes. At least he understands his own mortality!
After the third time you try to learn how to do a backflip and fail miserably, he has to leave the room to keep from screaming 
keeps a mental count of the things you do every day that should kill you
the current record is 14
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He doesn’t understand how you can just go through your day without a care
Are you not afraid of dying? That’s like 32% of his thoughts during the day
“Fuck I dropped my credit card down the drain. Stan, hold my ankles while I reach down to grab it.”
“I can literally see the used heroin needles down there.”
“Okay and??? Not my fault the city doesn’t have a safe use zone, I need that card!” 
One time you guys were leaving a store and the alarm went off 
Stan turned to ask you if you got the security tags removed but you we’re already sprinting halfway across the mall
Not because you stole anything, but because you saw jimmy, clyde, and tolkien walking out of a store and wanted to say hi
And then you spent the rest of the day being lectured by an underpaid paul blart wannabe
Stan was freaking out because he thought you would get arrested for causing a scene or something (they find any reason to arrest someone in south park) 
But all you did was laugh in that light hearted, careless way you always do
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Bro will manipulate your carelessness for all its worth
You are now the second person he calls when he has some stupid plot that needs someone who doesn’t understand the concept of death
If kenny’s busy, you’re on speed dial
Honestly, you’re probably the first call because you’ll do something stupid without needing to be paid! 
Free labor!
Wanna work at dicknbaus hot dogs for 14 hours with no pay? It’s free hotdogs! You’re in! 
Hes an exploitative motherfucker 
Thats all im here to say about it
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You’re going to give him a heart attack
One time you purposely kicked a medicine ball to see how far it would go and broke your foot
And he was more worried about your foot than you were!
“Oh jesus, can you move it?”
“Um… no I don’t think so. Lemme take off my sock”
“Oh damn, you’re right. That’s a nice shade though, I was thinking of painting my room that color!”
Unlike kyle, he can’t force himself to ignore your careless nature
He’s always worrying about you 
He’ll suggest you both go to first aid classes or cpr training whenever you hang out “just for fun!”
but really he needs to know that you at least have some first aid knowledge if you're going to keep running around like death is a social construct
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
#if Daniel gave that much of a shit about Maxs character#he would have defended him after DTS like max did for Lando#but he never did#so don’t act like Daniel is someone who max should be like
These tags though!!! You don't have to post this because it will clearly be controversial, but Daniel has never really struck me as this "poster child on how to be a good person" that his fans try to paint him as anyway. He's good at being good for PR, which isn't necessarily a bad thing - it's clearly worked out for him, as evidenced by his passionate fanbase. However, he's had ample opportunities to go against the grain and show that he's actually a good person. And he's failed to do so every time.
During his time at Red Bull, he could have acknowledged Max's talent instead of pulling the victim "they're prioritizing my teammate and not giving me a chance!" narrative. He also had the opportunity to do this with Lando at McLaren. He didn't take either opportunity and instead made excuses. Ironically enough, Alex's F1 career nearly came to an end after "underperforming" versus Max, yet he's ALWAYS talked about how talented Max is. There was nothing but pride and ego standing in the way of Daniel doing that for the same teammates he felt threatened or outperformed by.
He could have called the DTS dogs off the first time they portrayed Max as a villain to further pull the "Daniel is such a victim" card. He, again, had the opportunity to do this with the way DTS portrayed Lando. He didn't defend his teammates either time. Coincidentally, Max was the one who said something when he saw DTS doing the same thing to Lando that they had done to him.
Daniel saw the way Oscar, a rookie, was painted as a villain and received hate and harassment from his stans for doing nothing other than taking the opportunity for a F1 seat. Never said a word to call his guard dogs off and be a decent person.
When he went on that Tom Segura podcast, he had the opportunity to call them out on their sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic jokes. He didn't. Instead he giggled along with him.
Daniel is a funny guy, and clearly he knows how to manipulate and make PR work for him. I don't know that I would go as far as calling him a "good person" due to that. He's a "good person" in a follow the leader sense. If others on the grid are raising awareness for something or taking a stand against racism, he has no problem going along with them. When he's on his own and has the opportunity to be a good person though, he somehow ALWAYS fails to rise to the occasion. I can't say the same for Max - if he believes someone he cares about has been done wrong, he's going to say something no matter how hated or unpopular it makes him; Max is going to stand up for what and who he believes in. I literally couldn't name one thing Daniel believes in despite him driving for 2 teams I support now; he just says whatever the media wants to hear.
I didn’t think anyone would read that tag lmao😭😭but nah I agree with you tbh on all of this.
I liked Daniel i do And i do think he’s a a good person definitely but I also think that he knows how much he is v much loved thanks to his character in the sport and tbh he does know he’s always going to be loved by the fans and just in general the people within f1. I think he did also see how being the way he is a v much something that can protect him as well tbh against being called out over his driving and also his v poor decisions he has done before.
He does talk about how talented max is yes but he has always kinda put the idea that he left cause the team were treating him as the second driver as the reason he left and he never actually came out and told his side to not attack Max or Lando or oscar over him leaving reed bull and getting the sack from Mclaren. He knew what way DTS portrayed Max and he let it go on because he was their poster child which meant that Max had to be the big bad villain and never once did Daniel say “hold on, he’s 19/20 this isn’t how he is and it isn’t fair”. Instead daniel just rolled with it which was his decision sure but people saying he’s great when it comes to calling out shit is so not true because he never called it out like Max did for Lando.
Like do I think his personality is who he is definitely I think he’s always been like this but I do think that he knows it will help him when it comes to the media and being v popular in it. Like you said what you see is what you get with Max, he calls out shit he doesn’t agree with and stands for other drivers so that’s why I don’t get why other fans act like Daniel has helped to mold Max?? When they aren’t exactly the exact same🤷🏼‍♀️
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