#ok at least that makes sense bow
heirofnight · 21 days
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meddling, pt. 3
pairing: azriel x reader
word count: 1.9k - i will never not be a yapper
summary: ah, my favorite little adorable pair. part three of the meddling series. reader wants to thank azriel for being so kind to her since her arrival at the house of wind several months ago. she gifts him with a silver chain. azriel loses his mind. fluff, so much fluff.
warnings: none, except for potential cavities from the sweetness.
a/n: this was the brain child of a post that i made thirsting over azriel wearing a chain & rings. someone commented on that post and suggested i incorporate that into this series. and here we are. probably my favorite piece of writing that i've done so far, ok. i'm simple. pining azriel makes me weak. enjoy! <3
read part one & two
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you clutched the tiny, wrapped gift box in your hands, your fingers moving to glide along the cobalt blue silk bow adorning the lid.
you felt jittery, nervous. butterflies had taken flight throughout your chest and belly, relentless wings swirling.
you supposed this gesture wouldn't strike azriel as odd, or out of left field. after all, the male had been going out of his way for you for months.
his warm, kind gestures toward you as he sat next to you during your first dinner at the house of wind - you'd been so petrified, but he took you under his wing (literally). the kind, soft eyes he'd given you. he'd served your plate, giving you hushed anecdotes about each dish so you could choose what you'd wanted to indulge in. you hadn't admitted it, but you only chose to try azriel's favorite foods.
then, the sweater. he'd given you one of his oversized sweaters to snuggle into. you'd mentioned to him one time that you often froze, no matter the weather conditions, and he'd somehow remembered that detail - presenting you with the best solution he could muster. now that you knew him a bit better, you weren't sure if he'd actually remembered you admitting how cold you always were, or if that fact was just something he was able to observe himself. he was the spymaster, after all. maybe you were just easy to read.
if you were to actually ask azriel, he'd say that he remembered every word you'd ever spoken. every detail, every slight reaction. and it wasn't because it was his job to do so - wasn't because rhys had ordered him to watch over you seven months ago upon your arrival to the house of wind. no, you no longer needed his watchful eye. you were settled in, comfortable, part of the family.
he remembered the words you spoke because he hung onto every word that left your lips.
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today, you sat in that favorite armchair of yours in the private library on the third floor - as always. you glanced over to the large shelf closest to you, a smile slowly spreading across your lips as you took in the romance books neatly lined before you. the romance books that azriel had removed from an obscenely tall shelf that was completely unreachable. to you, at least - unless you felt like scaling the entire thing.
he was so observant. he'd noted your favorite genre, remembered that you struggled to reach that row of books. took time out of his day to rearrange the entire left side of the library in favor of making you more comfortable. and now, here you sat. your favorite novels within arm's reach at any given moment, all because of this achingly kind male.
yes, he deserved this gift. he'd done so much, you wished you were able to bestow him with more. you were wearing his sweater again today, but this one was different. he's since presented you with four more sweaters from his closet, although he hadn't grown less bashful about offering them over to you - even though your reaction is always the same. blushing, bright eyes staring up at him in wonder as you grip the fabric and hold it to your melting heart.
and azriel, he revels in those moments. he can't help the sense of pure pride that warms his entire body from the inside out. he couldn't stop doing things for you if he tried, your smile and twinkling eyes circulating throughout his bloodstream like the first hit of a drug so strong, it threatened to bring him to his knees.
you took a deep breath, eyes flitting towards the elegant grandfather clock to your left. he'd normally stroll into the library around this time each day, joining you to read in silent, comfortable companionship.
and, like clockwork, that feisty, stray tendril of shadow that you'd come to love twirled through the crack in the wooden double doors with a flourish. it darted straight towards you, as it always did - worrying over you for a moment each time it found you. you'd imagined it was giving you a general once-over to make sure you were safe and content. it was much like its master in that regard.
the shadow looped through your fingers and hands, taking notice of the gift box that was sitting on your lap. it focused its attention there momentarily, swirling through the silky bow that matched the color of azriel's siphons - a detail you'd hoped he didn't find weird.
azriel made his appearance a second later, pushing through the doors with a book held under his arm. he moved with so much grace, despite his tall, muscular frame. he was astonishing to watch, even if the action was something completely mundane. tearing your eyes from him sometimes felt impossible, the allure he possessed was almost suffocating - but in the sweetest way.
he didn't even try to hide the fact that his sights were set on you immediately. he used to give a sweeping glance of the entire space before he allowed himself to find you, but now, he looked for you first - and you were always there. he felt any lingering tension within his body melt into the floor beneath him.
"hey, you," you spoke tenderly towards him, and the smile that he gave you made your chest warm.
he approached you, as he always did, unable to stay too far away. his eyes raked down your torso, never tiring of the feeling of seeing you in his clothing.
"i think this one is my favorite on you," he noted, eyes turning to molten honey as he took you in.
you preened at this, making a mental note to don this particular sweater a little more than the others.
"i, uh, i have something for you," you started, extending the small gift box towards him. now you knew how he felt, waiting to see if you'd accept the items of his clothing each time he presented you with them. you held your arm out without wavering, even though you felt a bit silly now.
his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, and he studied the box in your hand for a moment. it wasn't lost on him that you'd chosen a bow that was the exact color of his blazing siphons. he felt his heart lurch against his ribcage at the realization.
"it's just a little something," you started again, voice woven with a nervous undertone at his continued silence. "i wanted to thank you for being so kind to me since i've arrived," you cleared your throat. "you've really made this place feel like ... like a home," you finished, giving him a shy, tentative smile. he could tell by the look in your eyes that you were pleading with him to accept it. you didn't have to beg him - well. maybe he'd like that, in other circumstances. however, not now, not for this.
a small smile spread across his lips at your last words. a home. he'd made someone feel like they were home, and that was enough of a gift for azriel. several times since meeting you, he'd felt as though his heart was swelling uncontrollably, growing beyond the confines of his chest. like you were somehow nurturing and tending to it. this was one of those times.
he reached a scarred hand towards the box, taking it from you gently. "y/n," he traced the bow with his fingers, slowly tugging the ribbon apart. "you really, really didn't have to do this. i just wanted you to be comfortable here, with us," he flicked his soft eyes towards yours, and you were doing that thing you did when you were nervous - fiddling with your fingers. he wanted to grab your hands then, run his lips along your knuckles, kiss each fingertip slowly. i will love it no matter what it is, he thought to himself, please don't be so nervous.
you dipped your chin at his words, huffing a small, breathy little laugh. "well, i am, az. comfortable here. with you," you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, and azriel trembled with the urge to gently place the delicate gift box aside in favor of gently tugging your delicate body towards his instead.
he took a deep breath then, composing himself, as he lifted the lid from the box. inside was a custom-made, silver curb link chain. one that was long enough to rest right in the middle of his clavicle. small, glimmering cobalt blue stones were hand-set throughout - only able to be seen when the light hit them a certain way. but when the light did hit them, they were stunning. the surface of the gems danced with the fragments of light as though they were on fire, alive.
this made him think of you: the light that found his shadows, setting him aflame.
his breath caught in his throat, and he lifted the chain from the silk pillow that it rested on. he loved it. absolutely, wholeheartedly, loved it. it was powerful-looking, strong. the best gift he ever remembered receiving.
now, you'd be lying if you said this present wasn't also - maybe, sorta kinda - for your benefit. his strong, tanned neck hugged by a silver chain? gods. okay, yeah, this was slightly indulgent on your part.
but, in your defense, azriel had begun sporting silver signet rings on several of his elegant fingers. you thought a similarly-fashioned chain would tie the look together nicely. this was just a product of your own observant nature. really, that's all it was.
azriel let out an exhale of astonishment, meeting your eyes with widened ones of his own.
"this, is - i mean. beautiful. this is - thank you," he breathed out, setting the now-empty box, and the book he'd been cradling under his arm, down beside you. he gently began working at the clasp of the chain, his movements so careful, you could tell he was trying his hardest not to break it - ruin it.
you stood up before him, taking a step so that you were right in front of his towering frame. "here," you whispered, tenderly taking the chain from his hands. you unclasped it with ease, standing on your tip-toes to reach behind his neck - wanting to place it on him. he ducked his head for you politely, allowing you to see what you were doing a bit better.
you were so close to him, and with his head ducked down towards you, his chin was nearly resting on your shoulder. you fought every instinct within your body that was screaming at you to move closer, breathe deeper, inhale his scent, touch him.
but you didn't. you held your composure, clasping the necklace around his neck - making sure to be careful of his wings.
azriel had his eyes closed, also fighting similar urges of his own. he wanted so badly to rest his face within the crook of your neck, wrap his arms around the middle of your back, tug you into him.
two lovesick idiots, silently pining for the other.
necklace now adorning his neck, you stepped back. azriel stood to his full height once more, and he peered down at you with a gaze that he fought to keep friendly - instead of one that screamed complete adoration.
"well," he croaked out, swallowing thickly. your eyes darted to the movement, watching his adam's apple bob beneath the silver jewelry.
you were fucked.
"how's it look?", he continued, his hand reaching towards his neck to trace the smooth, curbed chain.
it was your turn to swallow hard, which of course, he noticed. he fought a smirk, especially when he witnessed your cheeks growing hot.
you pursed your lips together, trying your best to think of a response that wasn't akin to a dog barking.
"it's -," you sighed thoughtfully, smiling warmly up at him, "you look very handsome," you stated playfully, hooking a finger underneath the chain, tugging him towards you lightly.
he faltered for a moment, almost stumbling into you. not because of your light tug, but because of your words. handsome. he loved that compliment - was one of his favorites. however, the one bit of praise that always sent him to his knees was being called pretty.
"so pretty, az," you whispered again, seemingly more to yourself than to him, eyes caught on his neck.
okay, so now azriel was fucked.
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a/n: okay, i think this was my favorite installation of this series so far. i'm giggling and kicking my feet, and i'm the one writing it lmfao. azriel is making me WEAK, i need to lay down now. let me know what you think! thank you for reading <3
tag list: @stressed-reader @vhjlucky13 @scarsandallaz @victory-salads @weirdo-fun @topaz125 @mrsjna @lovegoodlunaa @lilah-asteria @andreperez11 @luna9876 @kennedy-brooke
let me know if you'd like to be added!
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beekeeperspicnic · 9 months
One thing that keeps striking me while making this game is how often I have to go back on personal quibbles about Sherlock Holmes adaptations - I keep having moments of "...ok I can see why people do that so much."
I have always found the whole "brain attic" thing a little silly, and I find the fact that it's become an intrinsic element of the character a bit strange considering it's mostly just a bit of early-installment weirdness in Study in Scarlet.
But then as part of a game I wanted a screen where the player sorts information, and the idea of visualising the inside of Holmes' mind, and showing how it changes over time, was just far too good to pass up. So, brain attic.
Doyle implies that Watson joins up with his old regiment during WW1, but the idea of this beloved author going off to the front in his 60s never makes much sense to me and I know it is basically propaganda. My headcanon tends to be that Watson's war service would be in an unofficial capacity in England.
But I needed an instant way to signify to the player that Watson had been away, and he's had a tough time, and he needs rest and healing.
So, he shows up in an army uniform, and he has at least been to France (I imagined him in a hospital away from the Front).
Silly little thing that came up today reading His Last Bow is that Holmes in it has white hair. I love the idea of him with white hair in old age. It just didn't look good in the pixel art. So he has grey hair.
I think in adaptation you need to consider the strengths of the medium you're working with and the story you're telling rather than headcanons, but it still feels strange and frustrating sometimes.
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messycunt · 2 years
So.. I just red your Hucow Collection on Ao3 and that alternate AU where MC is the Breeding Cow had me well.. Listening? Reading? Blushing, Screaming? Ahem. No because imagine Cow Hybrid! MC as the farms breeding Cow🗣
All the Bulls fawn over her and just want to breed her silly. Of course, crowley would make immense Profit from having his bulls mate with such a pretty little cow! Or the rivalry that would blossom between the boys! Oh and not to forget MC's best selling Milk! It just tastes so sweet that everyone wants some💕
Just wanted to share that thought with you! (feel frew to write about it)
May i take the place/role of 🎀 - Anon if it isnt taken already?<3
Eat enough and stay hydrated Lovely💋
WELCOME BOW ANON I whipped this up in like 15 mins just throwing stuff out there 
characters: Cater, Trey, Ace, Deuce, Crowly, Vil, Rook, Epel, Riddle, Idia, Kalim, Malleus, Lilia 
cw: hybrids(hucows), lactation, breeding kink, exhibitionism, three/foursome, double penetration in one hole, dumbification, afab reader
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so so much can come of this like just go along w me here kay?
Ace and Deuce being too impatient to take turns with you like usual but too horny to bother properly fighting so they resort to trying to shove themselves into your dripping hole at the same time. Stretching you almost to your limit but it's ok because you'll endure it for them right?
Cater and Trey share you often as well but not in the way you'd think, usually their "shared quality time" with you involves Trey doing all the actual pussy pounding and Cater off to the side or in a corner somewhere(taking a few pics and vids for later) at his own personal insistence. He'd rather enjoy the view and Trey knows how to get you worked up better anyways in his own words.
Riddle's favorite thing about you is your breasts, especially drinking from them. It's warm and comforting and he enjoys cuddling up close to your chest and suckling from you after sex more than he does the sex itself. He would die before he would admit that to you tho.
You didn't think Crowley would let the boys have all the fun without having his own fill from time to time did you? Sure he keeps you all more than taken care of and well fed out of the goodness of his heart but it gets so tiring and stressful sometimes. Surely you wouldn't mind keeping him "company" under his desks while he works would you?
Kalim thinks you're adorable! Your eyes are so pretty and your ears are so cute and soft to the touch, well his are too but yours are special cus they're yours! He just loves touching and licking and kissing you all over.
The Pome trio oh boy. Whether it's making out with Epel as he desperately gripes at your body while you're both pounded by Rook and Vil respectively or innocently taking Rook and Vil up on their offer to service you with a full body oil massage they've always got something that they thoroughly planned beforehand ready for you.
Idia's intense infatuation[read obsession] with you is more than enough to have him act out of character from time to time. He is unexpectedly blunt with you about all the almost grossly kinky things he'd like to do with you, or what he'd have you do to him in most cases. Unsurprisingly tho he loses most of his tack in the moment, poor boy gets so deliriously pussy drunk you'd think he's the one getting their guts rearranged.
Malleus is rather possessive, shocker I know. It would be delusional of him to think he could have you to himself in the traditional sense but he at very least likes to have you to himself in the heat of the moment so sharing you is completely off the table… with one exception. Lilia finds the love Malleus has for you cute and has inclined himself to join in on your endeavors once or twice. Bringing his hands to your chest from behind you to pinch and pull at your leaking nipples while you ride Malleus like your life depends on it. Whispering cheeky things into your ear before locking eyes with the large black pelted bull and urging him to pump you full of his seed and impregnate you with his calf. 
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Ok ok sagau boys walking you to your mansion and seeing just a shitload of love letters and flowers at your doorstep, how whould they react?
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❀ synopsis: after taking a lovely stroll with one of your acolytes you both made it back to your mansion but an unexpected surprise waits at the foot of your door, quite literally.
❀ notes: I didn't make it to sumeru or Liyue yet so please be a bit lenient. And also request are open, send an ask if you like :]
❀ pronouns: none specified
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The afternoon breeze always brings people in the mood for a nice walk, and you've been working hard so why not take a break? He would insist on this idea and would be overjoyed if you agreed, if you were currently residing at Monstadt he would bring you to Good Hunter to try their Fisherman's toast. Then he will bring you to Flora's flower shop to buy you a bouquet of your favorite flowers before the both of you just rest on his statues hands while enjoying yourselves.
You won't be able to shake him off until the sun is setting and you have to go back to your mansion. Of course Venti would trail behind you, hopping on each step until you both saw your front door. The entrance was piled with Love letters and flowers that can fill at least 1/4 of a room. Imagine a shocked person, then multiply it by 5.
He most likely took some of the letters in secret while you're looking around for anyone who might've left a letter or flower: "What? When did they give me this much? Don't they know my shrine is just over there???"
After calling some servants to move the flowers and letters to your shrine you noticed that Venti was nowhere to be seen. You didn't mind his disappearance because you finally have some time to finish your piled-up paperwork and answer the prayers of your people. However, your personal space was short-lived because after a few hours Venti came by knocking at your window with a big smile on his face.
Wait, why is his bow floating on his back?
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Xiao prefers to observe you from afar and to kill any nearby fatui members or hilichurls when you decide to take a stroll outside Liyue Harbor. Though it seems he's lacking in stealth because every time he follows you outside your mansion, you would turn your head in his direction and try to persuade him to walk with you. He was hesitant at the beginning, but soon he follows your orders and hovered over your shoulder every time the both of you are outside. Ready to pull out his polearm when something happens.
Sometimes the two of you would indulge in a picnic on one of Liyue's cliffs with the perfect view of the nation's city. At these moments he felt like he was really nothing but a human, feeling his karmic debt slowly fade away when you placed a flower behind his ear. He has to stop himself from leaning on your palm when your hands brushed against his cheek. His disappointment was hidden well when the both of you had to go back to your mansion, oblivious to what the both of you would see.
He is bewildered at the number of love letters and flowers at your doorstep before he becomes just as frustrated as you by the situation. While he did sign a contract to protect the city of Liyue he won't hesitate to smack some sense into the citizens residing in the nation. The shrine is only several minutes away, why did they decide to take a few more minutes to make it through the gates of your mansion and leave the letters and flowers on your doorstep?
He offers to help the servants in sending the letters and flowers to the shrine, which you and the servants were more than grateful for the extra pair of hands. But one bouquet caught his eye when he saw the tag attached to it.
"From: Childe"
Childe? What is his business with you? He looks at the bouquet with disdain before teleporting to the nearest empty hilichurl camp and throwing it on the bonfire. You don't need Childe when you got Xiao as your protector.
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Tighnari needs a day off, and you need a day off. Why not have a day off together? Collei insisted that he takes a break and Tighnari (incredulously) did so just for his student. While walking you so happen to just manifest out of thin air which has him stumbling backward out of shock. Meanwhile, you were just trying to escape the crowd of believers and decided to teleport to the farthest nation to have some fresh air.
After some explaining, Tighnari put it upon himself to protect you from any sort of wild species or harmful plant to make your stay in Sumeru as enjoyable as possible. Even if it's just for a few hours. While walking Tighnari would ramble about Sumeru's plant life while you just beside him smiling at every word you may or may not know. Soon enough the both of you took a small break from walking and decided to sit down on a near by rock.
It seems you were pretty tired during the day because shortly after you ask TIghnari if you can rest on his lap. Tighnari, flustered and surprised, agreed since he isn't one to deny your word. After all, your word is sacred. Feeling you rest your head on his lap made him feel like he was about to faint, but it also made him feel sick to see you in such a state. The afternoon passed and the moon was rising above Sumeru, how long have you been asleep? Hours? He didn't know why but time seemed to pass by too fast for him to comprehend. But he can ponder on that later, right now he needs to wake you up.
You sat up from his lap and started groaning that it's only been 20 minutes until you saw the stars shining brightly above you two. Oh yeah right, time here passes differently from regular earth. You quickly teleported with Tighnari back to Liyue since you wanted to spend just a little more time with him, TIghnari felt like he was on cloud nine the entire time he was holding your hand. That was until he saw Ganyu at the entrance of your mansion holding a pile of love letters and flowers. When you let go of his hand to help Ganyu he felt something dark and murky swirling inside of him. Who is she? Why is he feeling like this?
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gold-rhine · 3 months
anyway, if you look at free to play guides and articles, recommending 4 stars only teams, and these team don't work for you, it's not just "skill issue". tho ofc average player will not have as much practice as ppl who play this game for a living. artifacts play a huge role, if you don't have good artifacts, even broken 5 stars won't help in the abyss, at least.
but also, these guides almost always use c6 r5 characters without mentioning, and for many 4 star constellations matter SO MUCH. some characters straight up unplayable without cons.
so i wanted to go thru the list of most popular meta 4 stars and list the importance of their cons and weapons just so you can have reference if it makes sense for you to use them:
Xiangling - literally unplayable in serious abyss teams before C4. C4 gives plus 40% burst duration, at which point she's broken. She wants r5 catch or basically any 5 star spear, as long as you have like 200% er. 4 piece emblem set, no options, crit hat, pyro cup, er\em\atk sands, should have at least 100 EM overall.
Bennet - his importance con is C1, bc otherwise he either heals or gives atk buff, but most teams that want him will be ok with C0 Benny. Unless it's a nche team that relies on Benny's pyro infusion, then only C6. wants a sword with highest base attack you have.
Xingqiu - C0 feels so bad to play, bc it's so hard to get enough energy off-field. Teams that want him like pyro carries with vape or hyperbloom will still be playable, but just feel kinda bad. Starts feeling ok at C2, at C6 becomes comparable to C0 Yelan. Wants sacrificial sword R5 or at least R3, if your sac sword is lower than r3, it's better to use favonius sword. 4 piece emblem set, no options.
Fischl - pretty good at C0, but truly broken at C6. Wants stringless bow or 5 star bows. 4 piece golden troupe best options, but can work with thundering fury or combos of 2 pieces
Yao Yao - actual free to play hero, already great at C0, her cons basically don't matter. Event hp healer staff or just fav lance is good.
Sucrose - becomes playable at C1. When guides say she's as good as kazuha, they mean C6, and it's a lie anyway, bc what they mean is that on paper damage calculations are similar. But in actual play her grouping is nowhere near kazuha and her burst actually ungroups enemies when unlucky. Wants sacrificial fragments and 4 piece vv with EM stats, no options.
Kuki - another f2p hero and hyperbloom goddess, good at C0, great at C2, immortal at C6. get as much EM as you can on her, should be near 1000, weapon usually iron sting.
Chevreuse - already good at C0 if you have strong pyro or electro carries. at C6 pretty broken. ONLY good in teams with only pyro and electro, nothing else, both need to be there. wants HP stats.
Beidou - good against 2+ enemies, but CANNOT trigger hyperbloom. Can be okay at C0, good at C4, pretty good at C6.
Thoma - for burgeon can use C0.
Layla - decent shield only after C2.
Noelle - usually shown in Furina teams as a driver, becomes decent at C6.
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pandorxxx · 2 years
Neteyam fucks his bsf? Or trainer?
I was foaming at this mouth at this scenario. I had to write it immediately, school can wait tf!!!🙄
You relaxed now?
Neteyam (19) x omatikayan fem reader (19)
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🔞minors do not interact🔞
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, p in v, pinning, soft dom, creampie.
You were never a good hunter, and you knew that. It was just something that didn’t come easy to you. As much as you tried, you would always end up getting yourself hurt. It was so imperative that as omatikaya, you had to at least be able to protect yourself which is the reason why your father talked to Jake about getting Neteyam to train you. You didn’t think that it was a good idea considering the way you felt about him. He was the next olo’eyktan, and son of a great warrior. He was strong, fast, and not to mention, gorgeous as hell. All of the women in the clan flocked to him like no other, so why would he chose you?
The thoughts of embarrassment run through your head as you walk slowly to the forest where Neteyam told you to meet him. What if you messed up? What if you accidentally hurt yourself, or him? Would he be mean about it? Would he yell at you? The thought of it made your stomach turn. You gulped loudly as you saw the silhouette of his muscular back as he pulled the arrow back, and released it into the darkness of the forest. You fell into a trance as you watched him, not even noticing that you stepped on a branch, catching his attention immediately.
“Shit!” You whisper to yourself as you look at the broken branch beneath your feet. You felt his eyes tracing your small frame causing you to look up slowly. With a sarcastic smile, you bow your head nervously.
“Hey, y/n! You scared me girl!” He says jokingly as he signals for you to come closer to him.
“I’m- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean t-“ you say with your hands extended as you walk closer to him.
He laughs at your reaction.
“Hey don’t worry about it, I was joking.” He explains as he pulls you in for a side hug. He looks down at you, and rubs your shoulder, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut.
“You ready, babygirl?” He asks as he squeezes you tightly. You almost fall to your knees at the new nickname. He’s never called you that before? You two were just friends…right?
“Umm, yeah, I’m alittle nervous.” you confess through shaky breaths, as you stare down at your feet. He lifts your chin, and looks you in the eyes.
“Nothing to be nervous about, I got you. I promise.” He says with his pinky out, signaling for you to solidify the promise. You take his pinky in yours, and nod.
“Ok, Neteyam.” You say with a light smile before everting eye contact with him again.
It’s been about an hour, and you were doing horrible. You kept hurting yourself, you were nervous, and shaking. It just wasn’t working out, and Neteyam could sense your anxiety. He tried to make you feel better, to no avail.
“I’m gonna have to be with you 24/7 to protect you, I see.” He laughs at your failed attempt to load the bow. You completely ignore his comment as you try to load it once more, the bow snapping your fingers in the process. You drop the bow and grab your hand.
“Ouch, Fuck!!! I’ll never get this, Nete!” You shout as you try to walk away. To your surprise he grabs your arm and turns you towards him. He grabs both of your shoulders as he bends down to be eye level with you.
“Y/n, you have to get out of your head. Your nerves are going to be the death of you.” he explains as he lightly rubs your shoulders with his thumb. He searches for your eyes while they’re wandering around the forest, trying to look at anything but him.
“Why won’t you look at me?” He asks as he grabs your arms and shakes you lightly. You stare at the ground, and then back up to him for a second before looking away again.
“Look at me!” He says sternly as he grabs your chin in attempt to turn your head towards him.
“Tell me what your problem is. Why are you so damn nervous?” He asks as he pulls you closer, still staring into your soul. You muster up enough courage to finally say it.
“Its- it’s you, Neteyam. You make me nervous.” You internally face palm, as you look up at him to see that he is completely dumbfounded by your answer. The forest was filled with silence as you two stare at each other, waiting for the other to talk.
“Forget I said anything, I have to go…” You almost get out of his grasp before he pulls you back, crashing his lips into yours. He lifts you up by your thighs, as you wrap your arms around his neck. He pulls away for a moment, grinning at you.
“Let’s sort you out then.” he smacks your ass, as he groans with his bottom lip between his teeth.
He puts you down, and places you on all fours on the ground. He tears your loincloth off with so much force that it burns your thighs, causing you to yelp in pain. He bends down to your ear, while pressing his thumb to your clit, massaging it. You bite your lip at the feeling.
“I’m gonna calm you down, right now. Don’t worry.” He whispers as he bites your ear causing you to gasp at the overwhelming mixture of pleasure and pain. He lifts his self up to get a good look at your already soaked cunt. He grins at the way your slick dripped to the ground beneath him. He slowly added his index finger, making you shut your eyes tightly. He starts to move in and out of you slowly, as he stares at your slim back, grinning at the way you met his thrusts.
“Yeah, keep doing that. Keep going until you cum on my fingers.” He groans as he palmed his hard cock through his loincloth. He starts to slowly take it off, and it springs out, hitting your, now fully arched back. Not that you noticed anyway, you were too busy chasing your orgasm.
“You ready?” He asked as he slowly jerked his huge cock in the direction of your dripping cunt.
“Mmmm, ready for wh-“ you were immediately cut off by his cock sliding into you. You gasp at his size, as your eyes roll back.
“Fuck, Neteyammm.” You whine as you reach back to grab his arm. In return, he grabs yours as he thrusts in and out of you slowly.
“Ready for me to calm your nerves, my love?” He grunts as he grabs both of your arms, pinning them behind your back. He lifted you just enough for you to be hovering over the ground, as he speeds up his pace. He watched your ass slap against his pelvis, sending him into a trance.
“Fuck y/n! You look so good like this, but I wanna see your face.” He lowers you back onto the ground gently, and flips you over to face him. You look up at him with lidded eyes as your chest rose and fell with a quickness. He leans down, and kisses your neck, causing you to let out a soft moan.
“I’m gonna fuck those nerves right outta you. How does that sound, huh?” He asks as he pulls away from your neck to line his cock up to your aching hole. He slowly slides in again, watching your face contort at the feeling. He starts to feed you long, hard strokes as he grips your hips. Every thrust was inching you closer to your orgasm, making you whimper under his touch. The pleasure became too much as you try to pull away from him. He catches on, and pulls you back down to him, making you yell out.
“No, no, where are you going? I’m not done with you yet, y/n.” He lets out a dark chuckle as he searches for your eye contact. you look at him briefly, and immediately get nervous again. You throw your hands in-front of your face to hide, as your eyes roll back. He rips your hands away from your face, and holds them so that you had no choice but to look at him. Your head tilts back to the floor, as your jaw drops from the sensation building in your stomach.
“Yes, just like that. I wanna see you, don’t hide from me.” He says as he bends down to kiss your neck again. You wrap your legs around his torso to pull him closer, as he feeds you deep strokes.
“Shit, you’re going to make me cum!” you yell as your head tilts back again in pure bliss. He sits up slightly to look at the mess he’s made of you. You clench around his cock, causing him to moan in your ear.
“I’m so close too, baby. Let’s cum together, ok?” He pleads with you to hold on just alittle longer, as he feels his high building in the pit of his stomach. He gently grabs your neck for leverage to thrust in and out of you a couple more times. Your legs shake, and your moans get caught in the back of your throat from the pleasure.
“I-I’m fucking cumming, don’t stop!!” You scream as tears form in your eyes. You start to shake violently as he gives you a couple more strokes before he paints your walls.
“Shittt, y/n” his grip on your neck tightens as he throws his head back, riding out his high. You two catch your breath before he slowly pulls out of you. He watches as his seed drips out of you, and onto the ground.
“Fuck, you took me so well.” He grins as he slaps your thigh, palming his cock again. He bends down just enough to where he is hovering over you. His eyes gently trace your overstimulated body, as his hand palms the ground next to your head.
“You relaxed now?”
Yeah yeahhhh this that good shiii right here. I know I said I was in school, but I couldn’t resist🫶🏽…. In all seriousness, send some more requests. Love yall❤️😎!!!
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sarahsartistportfolio · 6 months
Knight X Princess AU with Albedo
wc: 3,926
Ok so many many months ago I had made this post and the lovely @witch-hazels-musings decided to pick it up and turn it into a series. Back then I had little interest in actually writing fanfic but now I'm dipping my toes in it. And I have the inspiration for knight Albedo so I tried to write. And it ended up pretty long lol
Um there are some author's notes at the end. And Hazel if you end up reading this, your writing is truly such an inspiration. You completely have my blessing if you wanna use anything I wrote here in your own knight series❤
Once upon a time, you’re the youngest princess of Mondstadt.
At the tender age of seven a strange woman approaches your father with a proposal. You watch secretly behind the grey stone wall as this foreign woman talks to your father, the king. The woman’s hands are resting on the shoulders of a child beside her, a little golden-haired boy about your age. You're too young to make out any sense of the conversation they're having. And it isn't until your older brother spots you, and rushes you away that that little boy looks behind him to catch a glimpse of you.
 This mysterious woman not only convinced your father to take this young boy in but also that he will be your future personal knight. 
Your father stands behind tiny you as he introduces you.
“ Y/N, this is Kreideprinz, he’ll be training with the knights of Favonius. You’ll be spending a lot of time together when you're older.”
Albedo’s piercing icey blue eyes seem to look right through you. He barely moves, only taking a low formal bow with “Princess.” as his introduction.
You extend a curtsy back towards him(or at least try to, your sister has been desperately teaching you how to perform one right)
Your gruff father’s voice cuts through
“His mentor told me he’s developed a skill for the arts at such a young age. Just like you Y/N.”
This moment marks the start of a fond habit the two of you will share in the many years to come. Given parchment and colorful pastels by your father you and Albedo draw together out in the open courtyard. And although he doesn't say much and you’re a bit too nervous to say anything towards him, you make a small attempt. 
“Albedo.” he cuts you off with an unchanging neutral expression.
“Please call me Albedo, your highness.”
From that moment forward you two become a familiar presence in each other’s lives. When you weren’t being taught your sixth lesson by your governess and when he was done with training with the order of the knights, you two played together. He would show off his newly learned sword stance or a raw material he was gifted by his teacher in his alchemy lesson. You quickly learned he was a curious child. Not afraid to pick up the creepiest of bugs or tornest of plants.(You even watched him eat a spider much to your shock.) He would tell you random facts about the stars, the weather or flowers that grew on the castle’s grounds. You rarely saw him smile, his expression always remaining so indifferent. It was like he hadn’t learned how to smile yet. 
Meanwhile you shared with Albedo the juicy gossip you overheard from the visiting diplomats or a map you stole from your father’s collection of newly discovered lands from outside your kingdom. You two developed a love of drawing together whenever you both could escape the pressures of the adults. It's peaceful, drawing together on a large piece of paper. Of what you hoped your futures to look like, what countries you’d like to visit, what new foods you’d like to try.
When you’re about 15 years old it's when he officially becomes your guard. You’ve noticed as you’ve grown older Albedo seems to keep his distance from people. Except you, as he’s quite forced to be your shadow. It really feels like nothing has changed at all except now he wears the royal uniform and he’s the first face you see when you wake up and the last before you retire for bed.
You don't quite understand his love for science but you indulge in his hobby nonetheless. You listen to him ramble about experiments and data that just go right over your head. But you really do try to pay attention! Because you consider him your friend now. Plus his voice is so calming, you could listen to him talk about anything for hours. 
On the occasions you are able to, if you find a rare preserved bug or rock said to have fallen from the sky, you gift it to Albedo. (Even if on occasion he says a bit sheepishly “I already have one of these in my collection” he still accepts it from you regardless).
You’re the first one he shares that he’s been gifted a vision. He tells you way too calmly for having been blessed with such a powerful item but you get excited for him.
A few more years pass and Albedo could actually count on one hand how many times he’s actually had to defend you. He’s grateful really, that’s it's been so little, that his job is relatively boring. He’s thankful that so far your life has been safe. 
He does remember although, the first time he ever saw you truly fearful. A few years back when you two were still teenagers. A siege from a neighboring kingdom, one who wanted more power, marched right up to the city’s gates. You and your siblings were barricaded in an enforced room deep within the castle. “If the enemy starts to breach the outer room of these walls, I want you to take my sister and run, escape from here through the underground passage.” Your older brother had told Albedo secretly earlier.
Albedo had never seen you genuinely afraid before that day. As the sounds of screams and combat can be heard from within this room's thick walls. Your clammy and tight grip on his hand never leaves him as your other hand clenched at the fabric of your dress. 
The sound of cannon fire shaking the walls has made you jump in surprise and even has shaken Albedo’s usual calm demeanor.
“We’ll be alright.” He reassures you although his slightly nervous tone betrays his words. He squeezes your hand “I promise we’ll survive this.” 
And it's through your closest friend’s unwavering certainty that you find it in yourself to give him a weak smile and nod. 
And as if the gods hold true to Albedo’s word, the battle never reaches inside the castle. Your loyal army causes the enemy to retreat. Its safe again at last. But when your siblings start to exit the room, You find yourself breaking down. You were trying desperately to hold it together in front of your family but now just in the presence of Albedo tears being to fall. He stops and moves right in front of you, his hand now resting on your shoulder as he tries to brush the tears from your cheeks. A rare look of concern and worry on his face as he quietly calls your name. 
“I’m sorry.” you sniffle and try to regain some composure in your voice. “I’m sorry. Look at me crying while everyone else is relieved. I should be stronger than this. A royal should be stronger than this.” 
As he glances back at the doorway waiting til it's just the two of you left in this room, he embraces you, in this brief quiet moment he holds you close. 
Yes so far you’ve been kept safe. Even skillfully dogaging a marriage proposal or two. 
That is…until the curse catches up to you.
You see there’s been a long past down story that your family will one day suffer from a curse. But that’s all this is right? A story? A story of some ancestor of yours angring a deity or magical creature and getting cursed that one day your royal bloodline will die out. But that’s just a fairy tale right?
It starts with your father the king. But he’s already old and frail so his death, while heartbreaking, is not all too unexpected. Albedo is still there at your side as you lie a flower down on your father’s tomb. 
Now your oldest brother inherits the throne. You’re happy to see him in power, your family has been very close. He’s only about seven years older than you and healthy for his age. 
So two months after his coronation, when he falls ill. It's a shock to you and your two other siblings. The royal doctor has no answer, you call for healers outside your borders, offering huge payments in return. But within a week, your dear brother is gone. 
Albedo watches as you try to put on a strong facade for your sister and brother. But he can see the trembling in your hands. This isn’t normal, this shouldn’t be happening. Let alone to someone as undeserving as you. 
Now Albedo is no doctor but there must be something he can do, some way he can help. He scours the castle library for every book on rare illnesses and even dips into your family’s genealogy. When nothing there serves his pursuit he ventures out into the city, even to the outskirts of Mondstadt for any scrap of information that could help him. 
And within this short time Albedo is searching, your older sister takes the throne and a month later she is dead. 
Albedo watches as you attempt to reassure your last remaining family member. “It's the curse isn’t it?” your brother replies with paranoia. 
But it can’t be. Albedo tries to convince himself. He has studied magic extensively, curses aren’t unheard of but. To think this tragedy would touch you? The only person in his life he considers a friend? 
Albedo is a man of science, of tangible proof that you can hold in your hand. A curse that was placed on your family for some unknown reason, generations ago by most likely some being or person that’s long since passed? He thinks back to when he was 15, glancing to his side as he kneels before the king to take his vow, to see you trying to hold back a gleeful smile as you watch him take his oath to serve by your side till his last dying breath. 
A curse? He will not just bend it but break it completely. 
He neglects you a bit again during this time. So into his research as he has been many times in the past. He reassures you this time it's to help you. Your brother only makes it two weeks before he’s caught a fever. Albedo closes his book, leaves his lab, and returns to your side as you say your last goodbyes to your brother. 
The young man feels as if the world is crumbling beneath his very feet with how fast both of your lives have changed in such a short amount of time. He wants to return to those carefree days of when you two drew together out in the courtyard, not to now where he has to watch the joy leave your eyes, not one where he has to watch you bury your family, where he’ll have to watch you be-
No no no he can’t think like that. Not now. Not when there’s still time to change the future. But he just can’t bring himself to leave your side right now. Not now when your skin is growing pale, you're losing your appetite and your eyes grow tired. You two are friends. He understands this, you taught him what friendship is, what it looks like, feels like. But recently with this suffering that has fallen to you, he can’t feel but feel a new emotion, one he can’t comprehend. Recently he’s had such a strong desire to embrace you more often. Hold your hand. And when you're standing too close caressing his cheek, kiss you. But is this love? Could something that’s not even human grasp such a raw emotion?
“Albedo…” you weakly beckon him closer, offering a piece of charcoal in your hand. He knows why you're doing this. But it won't be the last time, he swears to himself. 
“Remember when we were kids,” you start with your horse voice “I drew us climbing to the top of Dragonspire, that’s what I saw in our future.” you smile nostalgically as you brush off loose charcoal off your paper. 
“We can still do that.” He says unwaveringly. “When your strength returns to you I’ll take you up there. As I’ve done myself many times in the past.” His vibrant blue eyes hold a conviction that you admire so much about him. It's surely one of the reasons you’ve fallen in love with him. All you can do is smile a bit pitfully back at him “Keep your promise.” 
Once you become bedridden he can not will his legs to leave your side. Only once the inconvenient pain of hunger or sleep pulls him away from your side. Although he can not bear to be in the room with you as you dictate your will and last testament to your royal advisor. 
The next morning as he just barely got enough sleep, as he’s making his way to your bedroom he hears faint crying and fear just takes hold of his heart. His trembling knees almost give out at the sight of you lifeless on the bed, your attendants weeping besides you. His mouth dry, eyes wide with dread.
 “She’s alive but she’s asleep…” the priest standing over your bedside says. “Nothing we do will wake her.”
 Albedo stays by your side attentively the next few days. It's true nothing he does or gives to your body will wake you. There’s only the steady rise and fall of your chest and quiet breathing. The image of the princess’s most loyal guard resting at his knees beside your bed with his hand in yours, this image is forever stuck with the servants and remaining court who catch a glimpse of it behind your door. 
“Are you sure about this Albedo?” Jean questions him with concern as she hands him his last supply bag. Albedo sits on top a sturdy horse, at the city’s gate, early in the morning when the sky is still a mix of orange and purple. The sun illuminating the back of the castle, casting a large shadow over the city. It could be the last time he ever sees his home, the last time he ever sees you. “Absolutely.” he answers the grand master. 
This is not an aimless journey for Albedo. He has leads, names, places of interest that have ties to your family’s name. In the beginning he felt immensely guilty. You could have passed away one, two days after he left Mondstadt. He doesn't know how long he’ll be away from your side. He could return to a kingdom in disarray, a power vacuum left by your passing, he could return to see your name on the family tomb. He travels farther and farther. Past the neighboring kingdom Liyue. On a boat to Inazuma, where he watches the leaves fall and snow dust the ground. He’s quiet during this time and single track minded. He rarely interacts with the people living in the lands. Except for when he overhears your name or family's name spoken in a conversation. Then he stops said person and with an impassive expression demands they tell him more. 
On a boat to Sumeru is where his next hunch takes him. As he counts the consolations in the night sky on the rocking ship, he finds his mind drifting back to you. When he sees a woman with your same hair color out of the corner of his eye, he thinks of you. When he sits at his campfire late at night, bathed in an orange glow and sketches, he thinks of you drawing at his side. When, with just the little tools and materials he carries on him, he’s able to transform one element to the next, he thinks of your face of innocent amazement as you applaud him for what he believes is a simple feat. Archons he misses the sound of your voice. 
With nothing to show for his efforts in Sumeru he treks through the sweltering hot desert for Fontaine. Catching a small boat to the port he recalls a memory from your shared childhood. He remembers as children you two would talk about traveling to vast unknown lands when you were older. Now he has slain so many alien beasts, came face to face with ancient deities that have been around since the stars formed, he’s walked through lands that didn't even feel real, like he was walking through a dream. There’s now a deep white scar from his wrist to his elbow. He wonders if, no when, you see it will you scold him for being so reckless. He imagines you tenderly tracing the raised skin as you tell him to “please don't be so reckless for my sake”. He smiles. The only time he smiles is when he thinks of home or you. 
He silently promises you that he’ll recount every adventure and monster slain to you when you’re awake. 
By the time he reaches Snezhnaya the usual snow has melted, breathing spring into the once fridgen landscape. Outworldly Albedo looks defeated. His eyes are so tired. And he just misses you so much. He never thought his pursuit to awaken you from your endless sleep would take him so far from the city of freedom. He used to think himself so smart and capable. But even in Snezhnaya every written or spoken word of your family’s curse brings him no closer to the truth. No matter what god he begs to or monster he strikes down he still gets no answers. He recalls the court alchemist telling him “You’re a curious student Albedo. Your perseverance for the truth will lead you far in life.” 
But now as Albedo sits at the far end of a dimly lit tavern, he feels like such a disappointment to you, to the one his heart yearns for. He should have told you he loved you. He should have told you so many months back. But at that time he was still coming to terms with what “love” really felt like. 
If Albedo wasn’t so lost in thought he would have picked up how the tavern’s bard is singing an all too familiar song. Lyrics about a mysterious and silent knight who is on a quest to bring his beloved lover back to life. But Albedo’s mind is ruminating about the past. 
It's only after the music has stopped and the boisterous tavern has quieted down does Albedo take his leave. Although once outside to the oddly soundless streets he hears a voice. 
“You should return home loyal knight.” It's the bard that was singing inside the tavern. His dress and accent oddly Mondstadtan. “This act of love is enough to save her. I felt your devotion long before you arrived here.” 
Yes…maybe it is time to return home.
His journey back home is heavy. As the spring turns into the hot and humid days of summer. But he is returning home empty handed. No real world proof that this curse is even real. I have failed the only person who has mattered to me the most. At this point Albedo desires nothing more than to let his dreary eyes close as he rests at your side, so he can at least tell you he loves you in your dream. 
He’s grateful to see that Mondstadt still looks the same. The castle still stands in the distance. And as he nears the city he overhears the townsfolk speak of you as if you’re still asleep. So all my effort?...All my research?...What good was the pursuit of knowledge if it could not return to him the one he holds dear to his heart. 
At least he can see you one last time. 
As he arrives inside the castle's walls he sees a cluster of favonius knights huddled together, discussing something with vigor. And when a familiar face notices Albedo’s tired and weary figure, they spirit over to him. 
The pure astonishment on his colleague's face is the only thing Albedo’s mind registers as the person word dumps onto him.
All Albedo catches through his hazy thoughts are 
“It's you! You’ve really returned Kreideprinz.-”
“We thought you were-”
“-amazing! Just an hour ago-”
“-she asked for you. First word she said-”
And that’s all Albedo can hear as his feet move on their own to your room. Where all the castle’s attendants are congregating outside your bedroom door, weeping joyfully and thanking Barbados. 
He pushes his way past the crowd and despite his disheveled appearance he’s recognized and allowed to enter. 
He feels like he just stepped into a dream. A beautiful, idealized dream. There you, awake, standing, walking. Talking to one of your ladies before your eyes meet his. So much time has passed. What if you don't recognize him? What if you don’t remember him at all? His own voice caught in his throat as he watches you bring your hand over your mouth. And with pure disbelief in your voice “Albedo?” and that’s all he needed. 
It's as if he’s moving through the haze of a romanticized storybook page, he runs toward you and takes you into his arms. He holds you like you might slip through his fingers at any moment. It's a dream, it must be. Maybe some ghastly creature killed him some time ago and this is celestia. He would happily embrace it.
“Albedo.” you call his name through a broken sob. It's tender, and it's all he wants to hear for the rest of his life, as hot tears roll down his cheek and disappear into your hair. 
And for you? It's like walking straight into heaven, back into your knight’s arms. You’ve missed the touch of his blonde hair and the smell of his clothes. You dreamt about him, over and over again. Even through the endless darkness of your nightmare. Your heart clung to every precious memory with Albedo as if absolutely refusing to forget him. 
He lets out a deep sigh as you can hear the smile in his quiet voice “This is a dream, I’m dreaming.” it’s whispered against your neck. 
You let out a laugh and not even angels above could compare to the sound. 
“I’m real Albedo. I’m right here.” You run your fingers through the loose strands of his hair. “I’m right here.” You prop your chin on his shoulder so he can hear you clearly. “And I love you.”
Ah you beat him to it
All throughout his life you’ve been a consist. You’ve remained by his side even when he’s pushed others away or neglected them. 
Under normal circumstances Albedo would never be this brash but with your warm body under his fingertips he can’t think rationally anymore. 
His lips find yours, and it's all passion and yearning. And a little clumsy, as it's both of your’s first kiss. 
“I love you.” He can finally tell you as you are awake to repeat it back. 
Now, up on top Dragonspire peak, there lies a piece of paper, held down by four rocks on each corner. On the paper is a child’s drawing, depicting a girl wearing a crown and a boy wearing the royal guard seal. They are holding hands, standing triumphantly on top a mountain. 
Oh and now instead of Mondstadtians telling stories of your family’s curse. Every mother tucking their children into bed, every old storyteller over a bonfire, is now recounting the story of a devoted silent knight, braving the seven corners of Teyvat, all to save his true love.
A/N: So when thinking of what situation to throw knight Albedo and princess reader in, I thought of childhood friends to lovers because it felt so natural. I don’t know, I could totally see Albedo falling for his childhood friend where one day when he’s older he just realizes “oh my god its you. Its always been you.” Thoma would make a great childhood friends to lovers now that I think about it lol. Also thinking about what foil to pit him against. I was thinking ok he’s a scientist. Let me pit him against something he can’t understand, something that can’t be solved with equations or facts, but only by the arbitrary logic of some ancient deity that casted a curse on you. And as a lover of Grimms and Anderson’s fairy tales this was fun to write.
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luciferlightbringer · 6 months
Talk to Me
Chapter 5
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I am so sorry this took so long, con really took it out of me but now there we are!
Lucifer x Fem Fallen Angel Reader Word Count: 3k CW: Angst, trauma, trust building, slow burn, enemies to lovers(ish?), curiosity, care
Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6 In Progress
The next couple of days you spent decompressing and taking care of yourself before the next time you had a talk day. You realized you would need to be careful with yourself when it came to doing this, or else you were going to get too overwhelmed with all of the new ways you were exploring pain and suffering with people. You were also trying to think of a better thing to call these meetings. Emotional support sessions maybe? That sounded at least a little more structured.
Earlier in the week, Charlie had asked if you needed anything for your work, and you had thought a sign to show when you were taking people for your door would be nice. Charlie got excited and ran off, later that same day she came back with a sparkly sign with pretty designs on it, one side said “Talk to Me” and the other side was blank and had a button, and in pressing the button, that back side could switch between things like “Session in Progress”, “Off Duty”, “Please Knock”, and other things.
You smiled and hugged Charlie to that her, then you put the sign on your with “Off Duty” up.
Now that it was the day of your next set of Emotional Support Sessions, you flipped it back to “Talk to Me” and nodded proudly before going into the room. This time, you did not have to wait as long before Angel can up to your room and walked in. You went to change the sign to “In Session” before beginning with Angel. Angel sat and talked with you for about an hour, going into more details about his relationship with Val, and how he got there. Bringing up more how he lived in a time where he was not allowed to be himself and was forced to do things he hated, and how here he is at least able to be out in hell as a gay man and express himself how he wants.
As you were talking with Angel, Lucifer was up in his Apple tower part of the hotel trying to get up the courage to talk to you. It wasn’t you he was nervous about, it was talking about what had happened, he had that wall up for so long he didn’t even know where to start. And he was afraid of it opening the floodgates for him. He felt tears well in his eyes just thinking about some things, he fought back the tears, shaking his head.
No, I need to not run away from this, Lucifer thought. Then his thoughts drifted again to you specifically. Who were you? Why did he get this nagging sense of familiarity from you? He really needed to work through this fog so that maybe he could figure that out, or he could just ask you… Would that be weird to just ask? He would have to think about that.
An hour later he was prepped as much as he could be and headed down to your room, to see the door open with the sign shining with his daughter’s handwriting welcoming him in. He smiled at the sign gave a quick knock on the doorframe.
“Good morning” he said gently. You turned around at the sound of his voice and bowed.
“Your majesty” you said.
He waved a hand “Please, just Lucifer. Is… now an ok time?”
“Ya! Let me just go get Vaggie and…”
“I also have the ability to be the silencing spell. If that would make it easier,” Lucifer offered. You stiffened a little. The idea of Lucifer using any magic on you made you feel a bit nervous.
“I uhh… thank you. But uhh… I just wanna keep the wording consistent for everyone and… she has it down so I’ll just get her.” As you called for Vaggie, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel a little rejected, but he tried not to take it personally. He didn’t push the matter.
Vaggie came up and smiled to see Lucifer I’m ready to talk to you. She cast the spell and then gave him a quick “I’m proud of you” squeeze on his arm before leaving. You and Lucifer both looked at each other for a moment, then Lucifer looked away.
“I uhh… haha. I’m sorry, I’ve never done all of this before,” he said looking away from you.
“It’s ok, I figured this was not something that people had here. A safe place to talk about anything, I’m also just trying to figure it all out,” you smiled, studying him in all his nervousness, another side of him you never expected from the great fallen deceiver, the King of Hell.
“Did you do stuff like this ever on earth?” He asked.
You were surprised by the question, “why do you ask?”
Lucifer shrugged, “I don’t know, I know this time is supposed to be about me but I can’t help but be curious about others sometimes. You don’t have to answer that…”
You thought for a moment, “This type of thing was… an element of what I did in the past, I was more like an aid or a right hand man. I’d listen, give support, do what was asked.” It wasn’t the full truth but it wasn’t a lie either, you were trying your best not to lie to anyone.
Lucifer nodded and started to sit down, “Ya, I get that, I used to have someone like that when I was still a seraphim. Someone at my side. Although… I felt like they were just there to watch me and to try keeping me in line. I don’t remember anything about them… especially because I was sneaking off to Eden so much to see…” his jaw tightened before her name could escape, it was still to painful to even say her name.
“Lilith?” You added gently as you sat across from him. He nodded blankly. “Maybe we can start there? At the beginning?”
Lucifer took a deep breath, “I might not get through the story all in one sitting. It… it’ll probably be too much.”
“I don’t expect you to,” you replied gently.
Lucifer took another deep breath and started to fidget with his cane, before looking up at you.
“Ok uhh… well… I was once an angel, a seraphim. We were angels with… greater powers, not like the Elders or Archangels but more than the others. I… created things, I loved making others laugh and smile, I had so many ideas for Heaven, and Earth… but the Elders did not like any of them… There were certain… limitations that we had… but I was never told why, was never told what the issues were with my ideas, only that they were bad and should not be thought of.”
“What kind of ideas?” You asked.
Lucifer perked up a little, “Wait, you want to know what my ideas were for Heaven and Earth were that they did not like?”
You nodded. Lucifer thought, he hadn’t thought about that in a long time, and no one had asked him that besides Lilith.
“Well… sometimes it was little things like animals… ways that humans could interact with the life around them… I thought it would be easier if animals could talk… maybe start off with more than just two people… have there be more choice for them… a lot of it was just kind of around communication between levels. About feeling equal, we could do almost anything as angels, and I wanted that for humans too, I wanted us all to talk to each other, for humans to be an extension of our Heavenly family, be able to talk to God and the Elders. And most importantly… to be able to do whatever we wanted to make us happy…” Lucifer folded more into himself, “That’s where everything went wrong.”
“What happened?”
Lucifer sighed, “Well… not wrong exactly, but that’s when my fallen essentially started. “The great deception” I think they called it. They created the Earth without me, they wouldn’t let me touch it at all, which hurt but I understood, I just wanted to see it. I snuck down to Eden and I found all of the animals, I found ducks for the first time, and I found the first man and woman, Adam and… Lilith…” Lucifer sighed and shook his head and took another deep breath before continuing. “They… were interesting to watch, I watched from afar. I never intended to get involved, but I saw how much Adam ordered Lilith around and it made me so sad for her.”
“Wait, he ordered her around?”
“Ohhhh ya, I mean, he was like “In charge of Earth” as the first human, but so was Lilith, and he just bossed her around! I watched him argue with her over how they needed to put the leaves back on the trees when they fell, even though they are supposed to fall! They couldn’t agree on how to take care of the animals. I mean… I understand that it was a big responsibility and stress, but he never wanted to work with her! He always had to be the one calling the shots and… heh… that’s just not how Lilith works… she is creative, a dreamer, bold, smart… beautiful…” He drifted mentally into those first few memories of Lilith seeing him, how they would sit and talk for hours.
You sat patiently as he thought, surprised but also now not at the way he spoke about Lilith.
“Lilith had enough one day and ran from the garden. I was worried about her, so I followed, I found her crying. Again, I never meant to interact with her, but she saw me, and called for me… I had seen angels for thousands of years, but there was no one like her that I had ever met. She saw the corruption of the system that had been built around her, she had wants and dreams, she wanted to be able to do whatever it was she wanted, and I wanted that too. Also, she had the most incredible voice. Oh how I could hear her sing forever, she’d sing just notes, sometimes she would sing about her frustrations, her joys, her sorrows… and… eventually… about her love for me… I didn’t expect to fall in love with her… but I did… she did… it was beautiful… I still remember her song…”
He lifted up a hand and conjured and orb of golden light that played a melody. He listened to the melody for a moment, and then he quietly started to sing “My Lucifer, my Morningstar on high, there’s something that I’ve been dying to say, more than anything…. More than anything… need you to know I love you more than anything… more than anything…”
The further into the line he sang, the more his voice crackled with tears, but it was still so beautiful. At the end he let the song fade and tears were pouring down his cheeks, his head tipped down so that his hat covered his face. His crying got harder and harder, he clenched his hands into the fabric of his pants.
“Lucifer?” You asked softly.
“I didn’t want anyone to get hurt! I didn’t mean to go down and cause trouble!” His hands turned more into claws, his tail and horns emerged, his eyes turned red. He was terrifying, but not in the way you had expected to be terrified of him. This rage was not at you, it was at himself.
He looked up at you, “I just wanted to be free! I wanted everyone to be free! Also who puts the tree of knowledge right in the middle of the damn garden?! It was too easy, we didn’t want to hurt Adam, and especially not Eve! We just wanted them to know and to have free will like how we wanted it! We didn’t make her take it… But then in the end, it’s all my fault! Everything is my fault! Evil, Hell, sinners, my daughter and wife leaving me, my daughter having to fight Adam and heaven! None of this would have happened if I had never existed!”
At this point, your body moved without thinking, as you closed the space between you and Lucifer and you enveloped him in a hug, a tight grip that you knew he could tear through if he wanted.
Your hug made Lucifer stop in his tracks, he felt your warmth around him and he melted into it, wrapping his arms back around you. You felt his horns and tail start to retract as he relaxed a little into your embrace, you stood there holding him for what felt like hours, even though you know it wasn’t. Just hugging in pure silence.
“I see you, Lucifer… I hear your pain,” you said softly. “The system is unfair, there are problems, but the problems aren’t there because of you. You are just the reason why we see the problems now. It’s not your fault that the system has issues and they don’t want to do anything to change it because of how it serves them.”
Whoa, where in Hell did that come from? You and Lucifer were both shocked by your statement, Lucifer reacted by tightening his hug on you and burying his face into your shoulder as he started sobbing again. You watched the most hated being in all of creation try in your arms, and you felt something break inside of you. Was this really who heaven was afraid of? A man who could be brought to tears at the thought of his own actions of 10,000 years ago like they just happened yesterday?
You thought back to the words that had slipped out of your mouth, and realized that those beliefs didn’t just form now, you just finally saw your own pain reflected in someone else. Had you always silently suffered to some degree in Heaven and it only just now turned into a coherent thought? Was that just from the general structure of Heaven or was that due to something else?
Your thought was cut off by Lucifer moving away from your embrace, whipping away his tears. “I uhhh… oof.. I sorry you had to see, that.”
You smiled and put a hand in his arm, “It’s ok Lucifer, I’m happy to be here for you.”
In a moment, your vision flashes to the same scene, but you were in Heaven, before flashing back. It couldn’t have lasted more than a millisecond, but it took you by surprise, and you felt your hand half pull away from Lucifer’s arm, and a micro expression of panic flickering across your face. Luckily for you, Lucifer is too wrapped up in his own thoughts to notice.
Lucifer was thinking of the next part of the story, preparing himself for those words.
“The counsel… Sera… they bound me in chains… Lilith too… put us on trial… then…”
“The fall,” you said flatly.
He nodded, “Ya… it was… a pain behold comprehension… I…”
You held up a hand, stopping him, trying not to let your own pain show through. Your own fall was still a bit fresh in your mind. You took a deep breath, “I don’t want you to push yourself to get the rest of the story right now. We have all the time it the world, to get through the whole story, ok?”
He thought, and he nodded, his shoulders slumped. “Sorry… I’m just not used to getting this whole story out, I haven’t even told Charlie or Lilith the story like this… I don’t want them to know how much pain I am in, even though I am sure they already know… I guess I just felt like I won’t have another chance to tell the story. To get it out.”
You nodded, “You will, I’m not going anywhere.”
He smiled, “Thank you, I’m glad I can take full advantage of your support this time….”
He trailed off, confused by the last few words he added to you. “Because… ya know… you were busy the other day, when we first met!” He flashed you a big smile to try covering up the awkwardness of his comment.
“Oh! Right, of course,” you smiled at him. You both stared at each other for a moment, both trying to sift through the strange feeling of familiarity with the other.
You shake yourself out of it and clap your hands once, “Well! That seems like a good place to end for the day, is there anything you need from me to feel ok wrapping up for now?”
Lucifer thought for a moment, and stood up and opened his arms to you, “Can I ask for another hug? I can try to not cry on you this time.”
You smile and stand from your seat, opening your own arms for him. He moves to enter your embrace. You hug him, his head resting on your chest. You stood there in each other’s embrace for a few minutes, a hug long that should have been uncomfortable for how little time you had known each other, but it wasn’t, it was honestly the most calm you had felt since you had fallen, but also the least. You were lost in both the fear of who you had known him to be from the stories in Heaven, versus the soft sad creature who was snuggled up into you now.
As he hugged you, he too felt a weird sense of familiar comfort. The ask for the hug was party to feel that safety again, and partly to explore his feelings when he held you. It was comforting and infuriating, he still couldn’t place where he felt this from. Something felt kinda… like Heaven? But how would that make any sense? You were a sinner.
Eventually he gave up with a sigh and released the embrace, looking up at you.
“Thanks… for doing all this. It hurts, but it feels good to talk about it,” he said with a weak smile.
You smiled back at him, “Anytime, your ma-… Lucifer.”
With that you walked him to the door and said goodbye before closing the down behind him. You went over to your bed and flopped, while Lucifer teleported up to his own bed in the Apple Tower and flopped. Both of you proceeded on your own mental journey of your experiences of the last hour. Mostly unsure of what to think of it at all, but you both knew one thing. That you both were already looking forward to your next conversation.
As usual! Let me know if you want added to the tag list!
@sapphireravensworld @cimadreamer @froggybich @randomstranger703 @tiredlillypad @melday0105 @btsgangleader @hawke1917 @gbshdhd @pandaquick @littleladydemon @wonderlandangelsposts @hulyenl @willow404 @cherry-4200 @b4ts1e @stormz369 @hobbylobbyy @whaatttlaufey @fandomgoddes05 @rebecca-hvnstn @aquaamethyst96 @mcueveryday @lonelynmisunderstood @glowinthedarkbones1150 @invader-link @cozyras @mmm-fuji @backinthefkingbuildingagain @wobblesthewaffle @glowymxxn @kmfoxtail546 @thornwolfy235 @sirenetheblogger @angelicwillows
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Sudden Soulmates (Idia)
When you touch your soulmate for the first time, the memories of the past life you two first fell in love return.
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
Sudden Soulmates Masterlist
I had to literally look up how vending machines work cuz they are not really a thing where I live
— (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
Idia has never bothered with his soulmark, or the lack thereof. In fact, part of him feels rather pleased that at least that aspect of his life wasn't decided by outside forces.
Does that mean he'll probably die as a forever alone icky otaku? Yeah. But at least it'll be his choice.
For someone with such low self-esteem, Idia can be rather prideful. Being thrown around by a force he cannot fight directly, be it his family curse or Fate itself, will never sit well with him. The mere idea of bowing to them makes his skin crawl.
Idia just wants to do what he wants, like what he likes, like how he lives.
Not even Ortho's death could stop that.
So it's safe to say he is not happy when he comes out of his first shower in two days and there's suddenly a soulmark smack dab on his chest, right in the middle of his sternum.
The first scream is of terror. The second is of rage.
Poor Ortho has to use 100% of his processing power to both calm down Idia and make sure the room—maybe even the House dorm itself—doesn't melt at the mercy of fiery hair.
Idia absolutely hates his soulmate and he has not even met the person. He's frantically looking up information on soulmates, trying to understand how a soulmark can just appear so suddenly.
By all means, it makes no sense. Soulmarks do not appear, they're either there or not. Even if one soulmate is fated to be born after the other, the mark will still exist on the older one. A soulmark can only form in the transition from one life to another, in the brief moment between death and rebirth, as a result of a grand love lived.
If Idia really is meant to have a soulmate, the mark should've always been there from the moment his mother got pregnant.
But it wasn't.
But now it is.
And he doesn't want it.
He doesn't want to want it.
Yet. Yet he rubs his chest unconsciously when he's thinking. Yet he stares at it whenever he takes off his shirt. Yet he draws it whenever he has a pen on hand.
A pomegranate surrounded by keys, like an oddly drawn sun.
He figures the keys represent him, and the pomegranate... Seven, he cringes just thinking about it, but if the keys represent Hades—the keeper of the Keys of the Underworld—, then the pomegranate can only represent Persephone, Hade's loyal and beloved wife. Idia's fated one.
He dares not say it out loud, but Ortho cares not and blurts it out as soon as he sees the mark. The boy is over the moon with the knowledge that his older brother has a fated one. Idia spends a good amount of time telling Ortho that hacking into everyone's medical records to look for a soulmark description that matches his is not a good idea, even if Idia himself is extremely curious.
Will they start switching bodies suddenly? Will they remember the past life that started their love? Will they feel the mark burn when they're near? Will they dream of each other? Soulmarks that aren't names are in no way rare, but they also tend to make it hard to find each other, though the rise of social media has made it immensely easier.
Oh, well. It's not like his soulmate will want him. And he still bitter about the whole Fate thing.
Meeting them would be just terrible, really.
But still...
"Idia? You ok, buddy?"
Idia startles from his thoughts just in time to catch the coin he had mindlessly tried to push inside the vending machine through its glass before it can fall. Oh, Great Seven, why must this happen to him?
Why today? Why her? Why now? Why him?
"A–ah! He... Hello, Prefect..." Idia mumbles, trying to hide his humiliation. The tech guy trying to push the coin through the glass of the vending machine, how embarrassing is that? Kill him now.
"Hello. Everything ok? You're thinking so hard, your hair is burning your coat."
He yelps, hand going to the back of his neck, trying to feel if his coat is really burnt—it is. Not by much, but he can feel the burned texture. And if he concentrates a bit, he can smell it too.
"Kill me now."
"Don't be like that! It's understandable, really, I'm sure you're coming up with something cool in that incredible mind of yours!"
"N–not really..." He mumbles, turning back to the machine in hopes she won't see how embarrassed he feels by both her presence and her compliment. "Wanna something? M... M–my treat."
"Oh, no, you don't need to–"
"As... As a thanks for, uh, for hanging out with Ortho. He really likes you."
And he does, Ortho likes the Ramshackle Housewarden so much he has even mentioned wishing that she was Idia's soulmate, so he could have his two favorite people as siblings. Idia wasn't sure on how he felt about that back then, and he isn't sure about it now, so he just shoves the coin inside the hole and punches in the hot chocolate number.
"Did Ortho tell you I like that?"
"... Yeah..."
Thank the Seven the machine is quick. This weird half conversation might kill him.
Clumsily, Idia takes the beverage and holds it to her, praying his hair doesn't change colors when a million anime scenes like this flash in his mind.
Though it's not them that prevent him from hearing her thanks. It's how their hands touch for the first time ever as she takes the can from him, and how he is not Idia anymore.
He is Hades.
Surrounded by flowers and curious critters, frowning at their adorableness. Disgusting. He wants to burn them all, but then his companion laughs and his anger burns away, only ashes in this sea of love.
"Hades," the woman holding his hands smiles warmly, her hair the same color of wheat, her eyes the same hue as spring.
Had he been a mortal, he'd believe piously that she is the only divine to ever grace existence.
"Persephone," her other hand touches his chest, right the middle of it where his ribs meet, and he sighs her name again. "Persephone."
"You must return soon, my all. Our Kingdom cannot thrive without you," she warns, but the kiss to his cheek prays a different litany.
"I cannot thrive without you, my everything," he admits, for she'd know even if he lied.
"It is only temporary, love. I shall always return to you, for my place is by your side."
Hades takes her hand to his lips, kissing it with a gentleness he once believed himself incapable of. Her skin is warm, but not searing like his could get, just warm like gentle sunlight. Her skin tastes of life as he kisses up her arm, and her lips of promises of happiness.
He shall wait for her, for all eternity.
He is Idia again.
And he's kissing (Y/N), the magicless Prefect.
"Hrnk!" He quickly steps back, covering his face with his hands, trying to get his heart and his hair to calm down before he overheats.
"... Idia?" Perse–(Y/N) calls his name, and before he can process what he's feeling, he's back in her personal space, hugging her to his chest, almost purring when one of her hands rest on his chest, where his—their soulmark rests.
"You... I... You came back..."
"I did, yeah. Sorry for being late," she smiles warmly, like sunlight, gentle and shiny.
When he leans back down to kiss her again, he's not sure who exactly he is, other than the man who loves and is loved by her.
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bleucaesura · 5 months
Blitzø pulled back from his hug with Stolas and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
“It’s ok to cry in front of me, darling.” Stolas reached out a hand to touch his face.
Blitzø pulled up the hood of his horse hoodie, drew the strings tight so that his face was covered and only his nose and mouth could be seen.
“Don’t wanna.” Blitzø tied the strings in a bow, sat on the floor, grabbed his knees and flopped over on his side in the fetal position.
“Eez embarrassing.” He mumbled.
Stolas snorted and tried not to laugh.
Blitzø curled tighter into himself.
“Oh, darling.” He scooped Blitzø up into his arms. “You never have to be embarrassed in front of me.”
He kissed Blitzø on his horse hooded head and cradled him in his arms until he relaxed enough to untie the strings.
Stolas slipped a finger under the hood edge and pulled it open.
“Feeling a little better?”
Blitzø blushed and avoided eye contact.
“I guess…”
“Good!” Stolas nuzzled his neck until he laughed and pushed him off.
“Enough! That tickles!”
Stolas smiled.
Blitzø rolled his eyes.
“So, uh…” Blitzø looked away and scratched his cheek. “What is it that we’re supposed to talk about, you think?”
Stolas raised an eyebrow.
“Well. We’ve been trapped here to ‘sort our shit out’. What do you think that means?”
Stolas shrugged.
“I supposed we did a better job at taking things slow and remaining awkward around each other than we thought.” He chuckled.
Blitzø snorted.
“We didn’t speak to them about any of our conversations so they don’t know where we stand.”
“I guess you’re right.” Blitzø rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“If I may ask.” Stolas cleared his throat. “Where DO we stand?”
“Other than your foyer?”
Stolas glared at him.
“Okay okay!” Blitzø put up his hands defensively and chuckled. “Serious conversation. Gotcha.”
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before continuing.
“I don’t know what the future holds, Stolas. And Satan knows I’m a f*cking dumpster heap, trash fire waiting to happen... I’ll probably f*ck this up.”
“Darling, don’t say that.” Stolas cupped Blitzø’s face in his hand.
“But.” Blitzø wrapped his arms around Stolas’s neck. “I want my future to have you in it. A ‘you and I’ in it… Does that make sense?”
Stolas smiled tenderly and gave Blitzø a light kiss on the lips.
“Perfect sense.”
Blitzø grinned and pulled Stolas in for a proper kiss. No quick pecks for him.
Blitzø felt Stolas’s feathers fluff under his hands.
That’s more like it…
Stolas abruptly pulled away.
“What the?” Blitzø grumbled.
“Sorry, darling.” Stolas laughed nervously. “But I know if I let that continue then the evening will be over before it starts.”
Blizø grinned mischievously, running his fingers through Stolas’s feathers and gripping them tightly. Stolas shivered.
“And that would be a bad thing… WHY?”
“Blitzø.” Stolas said breathily. “You have no idea how much I wish to continue with this line of thought.” He cleared his throat and composed himself. “But I had something else in mind… At least to start the evening.”
Blitzø snorted and heaved an overly dramatic sigh.
“Fiiiiiiiiiine.” He let himself go limp and dangled in Stolas’s arms. “I’ll just waste away in your arms from lack of sex.”
Stolas hooted in laughter and started to walk down the hall.
“I promise to make it up to you, darling.” Stolas leaned over and whispered in Blizø’s ear; heat and power licking off his next words. “It’ll be worth the wait.”
Blitzø shivered. He looked up at Stolas. His eyes were glowing a delicious red.
Blitzø swallowed hard, wrapped his arms around Stolas’s neck and nodded.
“Good.” Stolas grinned. He adjusted Blitzø in his arms and made his way down the hall again. “Off we go then!”
“Where are we going?” Blitzø didn’t bother to look around. He was too busy staring at Stolas and imagining the faces he was going to make the bird make later tonight.
“The study.” Stolas didn’t seem to notice Blitzø's burning gaze. “There’s something I never did get the chance to give you.”
That snapped Blitzø back to reality.
“The crystal.” He breathed.
Blitzø hadn’t thought of the crystal in weeks. Hadn’t thought of first seeing it and his heart breaking. Hadn’t thought about the accident, the darkness, the… The dreams?
His heart started pounding.
Stolas waved open the study doors, startling Blitzø.
“Yes. The crystal.” Stolas crossed to his desk and placed Blitzø standing on his chair. He leaned back on his desk, crossing his legs at his ankles.
Stolas reached out behind him and slid the box containing the crystal over to his side with delicate fingers.
Blitzø watched with wide-eyes and his hands clasped and his chest.
“I’d still like you to have this, Blitzø.” Stolas held the box in his hands, looking down at it. “Now that you know what it means… I hope that you’ll accept it.”
Blitzø swallowed hard.
F*ck… I wish I had something to give him….
He wiped his hands down his sides trying to get rid of the sweat.
Why don’t I have anything to give him? I should have f*cking got him somethi-
Blitzø felt something in his pocket.
What… What IS this…?
He reached into his pocket, wrapping his hand around the lump he’d felt there.
He pulled his hand out, clenched in a fist. He slowly opened his fist.
Blitzø’s heart jumped into his throat.
“Blitzø?” Stolas put the box down and reached out to him. “Darling? Are you ok?”
“I…” Blizø’s hands shook and tears began to stream down his face. “I thought…”
Blitzø looked up at Stolas through tear-filled eyes.
“It was real, Stolas!” Blitzø beamed, crying happily. “It wasn’t a dream!”
“What was real?” Stolas was so confused.
Blitzø grabbed Stolas’s hands.
“Look!” He placed something in Stolas’s hands.
Stolas looked down at the object in his hands.
“The moon.” Stolas breathed. Tears stung his eyes.
“My mom says hi.” Blitzø choked on his tears through laughter and threw his arms around Stolas’s neck.
Stolas hugged him tightly, letting himself cry.
“You’re right, dear.” He smiled as he cried. “It wasn’t a dream.”
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the-nosy-neighbor · 15 days
4 Eddies
So, as a commenter pointed out, there ARE 4 Eddie videos in Commercials, does that translate to 4 separate Eddies running around on Homewarming?
1. Decorating Poppy's tree. Eddie is happy to be helping her with the tree. The focus of the video is Eddie pouring gravy on the red ornament, which is referenced later in The Bad Time. Poppy asks Eddie when he is going to rest and enjoy the holiday. This really reminds me of something (a horror movie? People around them telling them they need rest and something is actually happening? They live? Soultaker? None of them are quite fitting but I know this is a trope.)
A line of Poppy's that sticks out to me is "when are you going to give yourself some time (pause) to enjoy the holidays?" It is a weird way to say that. “Give yourself some time.” Eddie has the only timepiece in the place. Edit: that is what i thought but now there is a cuckoo clock.
But. "What’s a Homewarmin’s eve without a Homewarmin’ Ham in the tree, after all!" So it is Homewarming Eve.
2. Bored, but have Homewarming gifts to deal with. (He also notably has intrusive thoughts during this bit, which he talks himself down from.) He wraps an apple for Wally, which is slapping a bow on it. You know, he never gives people their gifts. We had him wrapping them, but they said later it was all done. He had his mail bag but he didn't say anything about distributing them, despite Sally saying they distributed all their presents. We have zero proof there are presents.
3. Super bored, has played tic-tac-toe against himself at least 18 times, but it could be more with the 2nd page. The score is 4 to 14. It should be the other way, if we are reading left to right, as the 1st player to move has a much higher chance of winning. Or ties, since that is probably how playing yourself goes.  
He gets mad and shoves things around in this bit, and I have always found it odd that he says "how is anyone supposed to get some recognition around here if they don't have anything to do?" Acting primarily for recognition is weird--especially for a puppet. He seems kind of desperate, too, like the consequences of not having recognition are dire.  
He also has a shopping list: envelopes, pencil, construction paper, paper (lined), egg, milk. (I would say eggs, but he has a weird swoop at the end of all of his words.)
4. Eddie goes for his walk, and immediately is spotted/called to by Sally, who says that everyone has already delivered their gifts without him so he could rest and enjoy the holiday and that he should walk her to the party.
[Cartoon/puppet mix]
Ok, what about this? Eddie is stashed away in the post office because the other Eddies are around and we can't have 2 at the same time? I really had this thought because we didn't get any info on the present delivery, and an alternate Eddie could have delivered it. Along the same lines, what if the Eddie that encounters Sally is not the same Eddie as was in the post office? He does decide to go for a walk in the end of 3. This could be one of those sitcom i have 3 dates and i can't let them know type deals.
But 1 happens on Homewarming Eve. 2 is on the holiday, "I ain’t never had so little to do on a holiday before." 3 says "all day," so we can assume the same day, but that isn't stated. Could we be seeing multiple years' Homewarmings? But Sally says he was there all day. 4 says Homewarming party, so maybe the same day.
Maybe we should consider the split between the Eve vs the Day?
What if Eddie knows there are 4 of him? Or at least 2 of him? Eddie 2 is wrapping presents. Then Eddie 2 and 3 are playing tic tac toe, with OG Eddie smoking Eddie 2, since copies tend to degrade in media. Then, finally, Eddie 4 is meeting up with Sally, because despite the fact that Eddie said he was going to go for a walk, we have no proof that he did so. Besides, this Eddie is a cartoon.
Eddie 1 could have delivered his presents? No, for this to make sense, Eddie 1, the highest functioning (and OG) Eddie does the Homewarming Eve, then we see Eddie 2 putting presents together. Then Eddie 2 goes and delivers his presents, while Eddie 1 and Eddie 3 play endless Tic-Tac-Toe. Maybe Eddie 1 goes shopping at that point, since we have a shopping list. Eddie 3, being a copy, is breaking down, getting mad about being useful, because that's all he is for, to be of use to Eddie 1, and by extension, the others. Eddie 4 gets scooped up by Sally, who may never realize that she is watching different iterations of Eddie throughout the day.
I wonder if through the other bits of Eddie there are any indications that he might be more than 1? We have that one concept drawing that sparked the idea--
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Another concept drawing that fits:
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There are multiple letters, multiple hearts, multiple versions of the word mail, and Eddie has a ? He has doki doki cheeks. Also, behind this drawing, we see a version of Eddie in some kind of distress. I can only really see the red face and pained look, as well as it looks like some movement of his arm. We can see the pocket of his shirt vaguely, but not sure what else is going on there.
In "commercials," we have layered sound and layered visuals. What if that layering represents multiple Eddies experiencing different things? Like the single pea and then saying 4, all the things he experienced as each version of himself played simultaneously. In this, I can see a wreath, Home's eye from this part, the Welcome home logo, all with Frank on top.
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In line with the toy Eddie looking at his price, this Eddie sees himself dwarfed by toys. The realism involved in this presentation during a cartoon version of Eddie segment is jarring. Could he be having a realization about the degrees of realities his different personas have?
And as we can see it the detailed screens at the bottom of that image, we go pea on a plate, nightmare home, real/puppet version of pea on a plate, surrounded by giant toys, the clock, ornament, and gravy, which puts me in mind of Poppy:
And this--
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this is definitely part of Eddie's realization, or derealization, I guess, depends on how you look at it. Under "Having a Get-Together?" it says "Consider inviting more peas to the party!" and "Add additional peas according to how many guests there are!" What if Eddie looks down and his thought is "that isn't enough peas for all of me." Especially possible considering that Eddie flashes back to this pea on a plate multiple times throughout his Bad Time.
I have considered before that the pea on a plate is important because it leads to Eddie considering being in two places, but what if it is important because he is think about how he's been in multiple places at the same time?
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Puppet Eddie is at Home, and Cartoon Eddie is at the Post Office? Obviously, it would be backwards, because we know Cartoon Eddie is at Home. Maybe it is time to reconsider this idea?
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We're hanging a lantern on this new monolith in the neighborhood? And/or, the letters mean something? F with the bug, that for sure references Frank. Also, kind of makes us think of Bug-A-Bye, and we've considered that is a representation of a kind of death for Eddie. In addition, that thumb is right on "J" and a present, so it could be Julie, or it could be presents, since they have figured in so strongly. The code we used this for does not include a J, so there isn't a present to be found on the website? (I have to go and check now.) I didn't see any.
I went off and got distracted, as usual, but nothing else to report. This is an interesting idea. Next, I will either be doing mythology or mentions of "time," especially in reference to Eddie.
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angel-gone-dark · 2 days
Kyle x Coquette girlie pretty please with sugar on top. 🤭
Kyle x Coquette!F!Reader
ok so like. i went off here. um, hope you like it bestie LMAO
CWs: unprotected sex, reader is a little bit of a shit, maybe a lil rough?
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Kyle raised a brow at his friends in the hallway, who were all in various states of confusion. 
“What the hell are you all staring at?” He snipped, and Cartman pointed across the hall.
“Dude, look at her outfit. I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
Kyle looked over at the girl who had been pointed out. She was surrounded by the other girls, talking and laughing. He was entranced with the way she moved, flipping her hair over her shoulder. He’d never seen someone dress the way she did, her outfit consisting of white lace and pink bows. The mary janes on her feet clicked against the tiles any time she shuffled her pose. He swallowed, forcing his eyes back onto his friends. 
“Yeah? What, uh, what about it?” He asked.
Cartman cocked his head to the side, “What is she even going for?”
“Who cares, it works,” Kenny grinned. “She looks fucking hot.”
Kyle couldn’t help but agree. Her skirt was short over her tights, shirt showing off the smooth skin of her shoulders. He couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of it pressed against him, especially the skin on her chest and thighs. He had to take some deep breaths, attempting to force his boner down. Kyle was saved, literally, by the bell. He dashed off to his class, trying his hardest to ignore the pretty girl- and the bewildered cries of his friends.
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The ginger slid his fingers through his curls, squinting down at his textbooks in frustration. He jotted down notes, rereading them at least 5 times over to make sure they made sense. He jumped, looking up with wide eyes when he was joined at the table… by the girl he was looking at earlier. You.
“Uh, hey,” he greeted. “Do you need something?”
“Yeah, I hear you’re a really good tutor. Can I get you to look over my work quickly?” You batted your lashes at him and he was suddenly extremely glad he was sitting down. 
“Yeah, yes of course,” He nodded, taking your notebook from you to glance over your notes. “This looks really good, but I think you have an error right here.”
You hummed, nodding. You contorted your face into your cutest pout, absolutely indulging in his eyes on you. 
“I don’t understand,” you huffed, moving your chair closer to him and pressing your chest up against his arm. 
He stammered trying to muster a reply, “W-well, uh, here. Look at the way I broke it down in my notes.”
Throughout his whole ‘tutoring’ thing, you acted your absolute cutest. If you were being entirely honest, you’d had your eyes on him from the moment you saw him. You were heavily repressing the urge to jump his bones in the very public library.
“You know, I think you should come to my house after school. I could use some more help,” you suggested, leaning further into him. 
His face was tinged deep with a blush that went from the tops of his ears down, down… you gnawed your lip thinking how far it reached. 
“Y-yeah. Okay,” he gave in. “Where do you…”
You interrupted him, “Meet me after school. We’ll walk together, handsome.”
He gaped as you retreated from the library, your little date secure. 
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You waited for Kyle near the school’s main entrance, books clutched close to your chest. Your sickly sweet smile returned as he approached, and you gave him that innocent look that you knew would drive him nuts.
“Hi, Kyle,” you had put on your most charming voice. “Thanks for walking me home and helping me with homework.”
“No problem,” he smiled and it nearly took you out. “Can you scooch over? I’d rather be the one walking on the outside of the sidewalk.”
Oh, he was going to be the death of you. The walk to your house was mostly quiet, Kyle seeming content with the silence.
You opened your door, gesturing for him to follow you, and led him all the way up to your room. You sat pretty on your bed, tilting your head at him. He glanced around, trying to avoid your hungry gaze draping down him. You sighed gently, combing your fingers up your body to untie the ribbon holding your hair in its graceful ponytail. He sat in your desk chair, moving his textbook over his lap.
You stood, waltzing right on over and placing your hand over the thick book between you and heaven.
“Hiding something?” You teased, pressing down on it. 
He grabbed your wrist in his hand, speaking through grit teeth, “Stop it.” 
“Or what?” You taunted. He had had enough of your attitude. 
Kyle stood, grabbed you by the hips, and tossed you onto the mattress. He leaned over you, voice strained and hands gripping the sheets. 
“You’re making it extremely difficult for me to stay decent, do you know that? You asked me to help you study, and here I am trying, and you’re giving me those goddamn eyes,” he rambled, more frustrated than you had expected. “I can’t tell if you’re giving me permission to touch you like I want to.”
“Do it.”
As soon as he had your permission he was ravishing your lips with his, his hands moving to squeeze eagerly at your chest as he practically shoved his tongue down your throat. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, honey,” he breathed, face dipping to nip at your neck. “Why can’t you be this good all the time, hm?” 
You groaned as his lips moved downwards, and he left purpley blue hickeys on your skin. Those would be hard to cover, and you would have been angrier if one of his hands hadn’t moved under your skirt to stroke your slit through your tights and panties.
“Sorry about this, but the damn things are in the way.” He huffed, ripping a hole directly in the crotch of your tights.
As you made a move to protest, his deft fingers moved your panties to the side, thumb rolling over your clit and index plunging into you. You gasped, back arching under his touch as he stretched you out, adding his middle finger as well.
“Kyle, please.” You whined.
“Please what, pretty? Use your manners.” 
“Please just fuck me.” 
He chuckled, fingers curling inside of you teasingly, “Since you asked so nicely.”
You whimpered at how empty you felt as he retracted his fingers to undo his belt and jeans, leaning up on your elbows to watch. As he pulled his cock out of his boxers, you couldn’t help but salivate. He was thick, and wet, and blushing an angry pink at the tip. It twitched as he touched it to glide it against your slit, making you moan.
He was eager, too eager to properly undress either of you. All he did was flip your skirt up as he sunk into you, his jaw hanging open as he allowed you to adjust. 
“Shit, you’re tight,” he grunted, rolling his hips harshly into yours. “Atta girl, you can take it. C’mere.”
He pressed his lips on yours again as he began to move, pace quickly rising from the simple grind of his hips to roughly pound into your cunt. Your eyes fell shut, hands clawing at your cute pink bedspread. 
“K-Kyle, fuck.” You heaved, hips bucking up into his.
“Such a dirty mouth on you, gorgeous…” He smirked down at you, thumb moving back to roll over your clit. “Do you want me to make you cum on my cock?”
“Please, please, I need it, Kyle.” You begged, all sense of dignity out the window as he plunged in and out of you with wet slaps.
“Good girl. Such a good girl,” he groaned, increasing the pressure of his tight little circles. “So cute f’me.”
His cock twitched inside you, and he dropped his drooling mouth to your neck again, biting down hard before whispering in your ear.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, honey, you can take it. Fuck.”
You couldn’t hold it any longer, the tight coil that rested in your abdomen snapping suddenly as you came with a cry. You gripped him so tight he could barely move as he ground his hips down into you, his release not far behind, spilling warmth inside of you.
“Shit,” he cursed, gently pulling himself from your hole. “If you look this good with my cum dripping out of you we might be here for a while.”
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he owes reader a pair of tights!!!!
word count: 1411
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veryobsessedchild · 2 months
GUYS!!! Let’s all give it up for Dot Warner for having one of the least gendered (at least that I know of) character designs of the animated females👏👏👏
Sorry that the picture’s super blurry😓
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-What made me think of this in the first place is that I randomly realized that Dot has NO eyelashes. And then I noticed that all of the facial features, (eyes, mouths and noses) are the same for all three of the Warner siblings
-Next thing. I know that Dot’s head shape is very different from her brothers but if you look closely, you’ll notice that they ALL have different head shapes, and I’m pretty sure that Dot’s head shape is like that as a way to signify that she has long hair. To me it just looks like the tufts on her brothers faces but longer.
-So ik that Dot’s wearing a skirt which is stereotypically feminine, BUT she’s not the only one wearing clothes, which is actually kinda surprising cause usually in cartoons the male characters will just be naked and then the female characters will be fully clothed, but with the Warner siblings, they have one item of clothing each (minus their accessories). Another thing that I find surprising is that Dot isn’t the one with the shirt, that’s Wakko, she has absolutely no semblance of a shirt on. I like that (this sounds really bad out of context😓) because they could’ve easily given her a dress instead of a skirt, but that would make her look like an outcast compared to her brothers who only have clothing cover one half of their bodies. Idk character design stuff? I actually have no idea what I’m on about😅
-Ok, the last thing that I noticed is that Dot’s got the flower bow thing which is stereotypically feminine, but she is NOT the only one with an accessory, really they all have accessories if you think about it. Dot has the flower, Wakko has the hat and Yakko has the belt.
Idk, I just like that they didn’t design Dot with her with her being a girl in mind the same way that they do with other female characters. I know that she’s got ‘girl clothes’ on but that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about how they designed her to be one of the Warner siblings, following the same design trends as the other two, like, she’s not getting extra things like eyelashes in her design to make sure that the audience KNOWS that she is the girliest of the girls. Idk if I’m making any sense at all, but hopefully I am🤞 I just don’t know what I’m on about half of the time😓
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Kirima vs Gyatso: The tale of the Hot(wo)man
As cute and as much as I like Gyatso making up Flameo Hotman and it looping back to ATLA (cause hey! makes sense!):
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Kirima technically did it first. TT0TT (the hotman/woman part at least).
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So it begs the question........... Was Hotman/woman a term before? (and just fell out of fashion 200 years later?) Was it just another annoying nickname that Kirima chose? (most likely) or BOTH? (aka it IS a term, it means "ma'am/miss/madam" but she's using it a mocking tone/not using it right).
We don't get to see Rangi's reaction so hard to say if she's as annoyed by it than the hair related ones.
Anyway. While it COULD just be another nickname, because they called Rangi "Hairpin" before they seemed to settle on "Topknot". They only use this (once), and it's AFTER they've established Topknot for a good bit. So it's a big weird (not really but eh) for them to fling out a new possible nickname when they finally established one, AND it's one they know they can get a rise out of Rangi with (literally just happened).....
So like....what if it's NOT a nickname, but she's just insulting Rangi with a word from her country and using it in a mocking manner. Like what if it translates to:
Kirima: You're not setting a very good example for the baby Avatar, Topknot. Too much rage will stunt her growth. Rangi: Stop calling me that! Kirima, bows: As you wish, madam.
Which, if read like that would make sense. But it'd mean it's not a nickname made up by Kirima with the sole purpose to piss off Rangi. It means that there is a cultural/linguistical significance to Rangi and her Nation. Which means it's a word that DID exist.
BUT....then again.... "Hotwoman" is capitalized like how Rangi's other nicknames are.....so maybe it IS a nickname? Or maybe it's just a writing stylization choice that differs between Yee and RR?
"Ok what's the post about then?" Other than demanding we give Kirima her due😤 And reminding people they already made this joke before Roku's novel 😤
Ok ok, but for real, here are my theories:
Theory 1:
It was a nickname made by Kirima just to piss Rangi off. Maybe Kirima got reincarnated as an Air Nomad named Gyatso (that'd be so fucking funny) and decided to bring that oldie but a goodie back to annoy Roku with. OR, maybe Gyatso read a diary of Kirima's and that's how he got the hotman/hotwoman idea. And made the flameo thing up himself.
Theory 2:
Hotman/woman WAS a normal word back in Kyoshi's era, but had since fallen out of use by Roku's (maybe Rangi/Kyoshi had a hand in that? jfkdlasjfd). So far out of use, Roku is just ????? confused???? (that or the Flameo part is what's confusing him, not the hotman/woman). Gyatso found some old scrolls/history books that mention the hotman/woman part and decided to bring it back (with his own spin).
Theory 3:
Either part of Theory 1/2 are right (it's either made up, or just such old slang). BUT....Gyatso didn't know about it, and thought he was inventing the wheel. Great minds think alike kinda mentality going on here.
(of course maybe they do still say hotman/woman, or even flameo hotman/woman......but they don't say it as a greeting fjksldjf)
I dunno I had some thoughts on the matter and the implications. Maybe RR and the ATLA team forgot Yee already made the joke. Maybe they remembered and didn't care/have a reasoning behind it that I don't know about jfklsajfdl I just thought it was an interesting thing to chew on.
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It has been brought to my attention that I have not been annoying enough:
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Why is rumple one of my favorite characters, you ask, @imhereonthekitchenfloor? Well...
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I'm gonna be so real with you I am struggling to know where/how to start this because it is beyond my comprehension that people could not love him. Do you not love him? ,,,,,,,,,,,, ok
I'll start with what I don't like bc that's a much shorter list :) but it's not really stuff that I don't like about him it's mostly complaints I have with the writers. I don't mind a little evilness for good & in character content but he relapsed one too many times. It wasn't in character for him to become the dark one again in season 5. The Bear and the Bow should've been his final redemption. It would've been much more interesting to watch him grapple with recovery and improvement than watching him be a villain again just bc he's a good villain. He IS a good villain !! bc he's understandable. But it is what it is and he did become the dark one again and the mess that is the first half of season 6 did happen. Unfortunately. I HATE the romance plot with him and the evil queen and there is quite literally no justification for it so I just pretend that never happened :) but I can appreciate that his actual final redemption was really solid. We had to suffer to get there but it was a good ending 😫🙏
His Thing was that he could always justify every single bas thing he ever did as actually being for the greater good (his family). Everything he did was to get Bae back. Because he's a good dad. And to keep Belle safe. Because he loves her. In season 6 he hit rock bottom by trying to do something that couldn't be spun to be for the best interest of his family. He wanted to cut Gideon's fate so he wouldn't grow up to hate him instead of just... idk.... being a good dad????? And earning his love????? Ok king. Actually my biggest complaint about the entire series is the entire stupid series of events that led to that (Belle's dad was straight up evil for not waking her up bc he didn't want to "help rumple"??? And there was no explanation for Gideon in the dream. It doesn't really make sense that he showed up anyway but how do we know that was who he was fated to be why did he and Belle hang their whole belief system on a weird dream version of their kid) but whatever.
All of that was dumb but his redemption was real!!! He had the choice to gain "unlimited power" and break the rules of magic and make Belle love him and bring Bae back to life but HE DIDN'T!!!! because he finally understood the price of magic and was strong enough to do it on his own and not use magic for his own good BECAUSE he knew it would be bad for everyone else. He was never really evil. He was treated like crap his whole life and had some unhealthy reactions to it. He never had anything so he thought he needed everything. He never had any control so he wanted control over everything. And when he got his control and power he got addicted to it. He never loved it more than his family he was addicted to it. He had literal relapses (when he lied to Belle about the dagger when they got married. Yeah lying is bad but that was the most understandable thing be ever did lowkey. He redeemed himself and killed Pan and made peace with dying himself and then got brought back to life against his will and was kept in a literal cage as a literal slave for over a year being forced to do the exact kind of things he had finally overcome AND he had 2 minds in his head so on top of the physiological torture he also just quite literally went insane. Yeah it makes sense that he was a little Screwed Up after that. And wanted to release himself from the dagger without losing his power). He was strong enough at the end to truly put it behind him. And I know everyone hates season 7 but AT LEAST it gave rumbelle an entire lifetime of happiness and we know that he never relapsed again.
So :) yeah :) aside from that. He's hilarious. He's a good villain. He's the center of the entire story. He's smarter than everyone else. He's a good person but he doesn't even have to be bc I love when he's evil too. Lowkey highkey he was right fairly often. He's just a silly little guy! He's babygirl and he's my poor little meow meow and he's blorbo and he's beloved 🫶 the end.
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leafybfdia · 14 days
ii2 ep 16 act 1 spoilers
um so this act has utterly decimated me. i had work to do yesterday and i found myself completely unable to do any of it. i woke up this morning and my first thought was about this episode. i went out today and all i could think about was this episode. i came home and ate and had to take a nap because my head hurt from thinking about this episode. i slept for 3 hours and dreamt of ii. ive done nothing today except think about ii2 ep 16 act 1. i didnt even act like this when firey revived leafy and i literally go insane over any leafy crumbs. point is i think i need to talk about it to release me. this is just gonna be my speculation for some things. ok? ok
the contestants
ive seen people debating about whether cobs is lying about mephone making the contestants but i think hes genuinely telling the truth considering the fact that 1. they glitch at the end and 2. the foreshadowing and 3. brian and co have been laughing it up over at animationepic hq or wherever LOL. but one thing i do think is worth discussing is whether or not mephone was even like consciously aware of what he was doing. i thought it was heavily heavily implied that he didnt realize (considering that when cobs asks “why did you do it?” hes like huh whuh) but then brian tweeted this
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but then again he could be fucking with us. like you never know. and also i mean the question WAS pretty vague.
PERSONALLY im team subconscious. i think the writers are trying to hurt us and subconscious would hurt more.
another thing to mention is that the settings of inanimate insanity are very likely made up considering that the s2 location has literally prime shimmer planet eggs or whatever as hills in the background, and the island in iii is called “inanimate island” iirc. the same alliteration cobs mentions. and of course it could just be some pre-existing island that he renamed himself for the show but at this point i feel like anything is possible
whos real and who isnt
so that leads to this. who the hell is made up then??
i genuinely wanted to argue that bow could be real considering the fact that she came into the show on her own against mephones own wishes and also cant be revived but if team subconscious is right then it would have been possible for mephone to just have made her up too so like… i dont know. I dont know… it’s scary….
oh and that leads to another thing i kept seeing
the “bow is a prime shimmer” theory or whatever that i keep seeing
… guys im going to be honest i think we’ve reached the point of delirium. on one hand i vaguely understand where these ppl are coming from since bow made a prime shimmer sound and the egg that 3gs gave to cobs was pink (and i saw someone say it had a bow symbol on it but i just couldnt see it????) but i otherwise… dont see it? she doesnt look like a prime shimmer guys. sorry. anyways
mephone x
good goddamn lord. so get a load of this guy.
one thing i havent really seen people talk about is how only the specific targets can see mephone x and no one else. of course this is like WTF! before it’s revealed that everyones “not real” but like. i mean it’s assumed that cobs is the one controlling this thing. idk if this thing has agency and is just following cobs orders or if its just a vessel for cobs to control or what but it really begs the question as to like. how can he make mephone x be invisible to everyone else? are the contestants “made up” in the sense that theyre just code, and hes entering the mainframe or whatever? like. im assuming thats what it is but like Oh My God? and what the fuck is going on with his targets?
everyone keeps saying that like ohhh hes targetting those who were in the middle of talking with others but i dont think thats necessarily the case. i think thats just for the drama. even though it’s been said that it’s up for interpretation if guava and soap were killed too i at the very least think guava is dead dead since his disappearance was mentioned before even pickle died. starfruit says that guava just “ditched” so he wasnt talking to anyone. i genuinely think anyones fucked. speaking of which:
is the death thing permanent
honestly? im scared to answer this. on one hand im like well no these characters have important arcs they need to fulfill but on the other hand i feel like we genuinely may be hit with the madoka magica treatment here where death is sudden, unexpected, permanent, and terrifying.
my biggest fear is the ending being like everyone coming to terms with the fact that theyre not real and just fading away like they got thanos snapped or something. but i think soap and mics interaction is foreshadowing. soap deletes a picture of them together and opens the recently deleted pictures album and goes “oops, missed a spot!”. i think toilet, oj, pickle, nickel, and potentially soap and guava are in some kind of digital trash can right now and can still be saved. chat i have to believe
so. rememebr box you guys.
… i dont think hes “the first victim” or whatever. although it is an interesting theory
people seem to be able to communicate with box? which makes sense since theyre all made up and if box is made up too then well theyre like all the same guys. but like… his whole not reacting thing is mentioned too so. i mean. huh?
i dont remember if bot ever interacted with box before he got injured too. and im too tired to rewatch the first parts of season 3. but them interacting with box would have implications since they were like the only confirmed contestant so far that mephone hasnt made himself
oh yeah hes fucked. he has been fucked for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! we just finally got confirmation that like yep no that man is DIED. although it confirms that toilet too isnt real which makes my whole “is bow real” thing kind of a stretch since he didnt like bow or toilet and yet they were still there
of course his carcass wasnt shown so it’s like ohh maybe he just got kidnapped or whatever.
and also adam was being controlled by cobs, and adam DID hire toilet… IS toilet real? if he isnt then did another mephone make toilet for cobs so he could send him out?? im in so much pain
honorable mentions and misc
- test tube and fan making bot is made slightly better because they didnt realize both bow and marshmallow were still. “alive”. bows not really alive though but you know what i mean. STILL DOESNT EXCUSE IT THOUGH
- do you think mephone made santa because of his childish whimsy and joy. like he wanted santa to be real so bad. Guys im sorry im not rewatching that episode i dont remember what even happens
- the season 3 contestants being at the hotel is… it’s not IMPOSSIBLE i guess since oj knows them. still frightening. they like literally spawned in it was the scariest shit ever. i remember when i was at the meetup i noticed that candles asset used in the theater etiquette video was season 2ified and i was like LOL thats a little unnecessary. like the face and limbs sure but the asset itself? Anyways yeah no that was completely necessary.
- according to brian the plot twist was planned since 2015 at the latest, so around the episode “theft and battery” when cobs is first shown. do with that what you will.
- ballpoint pens resemblance to cobs was not a funny coincidence.
- i genuinely got scared that mephone was confirmed to be a babys or something but as im rewatching it like 20 times yeah no i think cobs is just infantilizing him. Can i be honest mephone has always had old man voice to me
- do you think mephone made springy so he could feel like he had a normal childhood. sniffle
- bot, the one contestant he didnt make, was his favorite. Do with that what you will.
- no i dont think suitcases psychosis was her just “seeing reality as how it is”. i feel so bad for suitcase especially btw. im team suitcase i always have been they could never make me hate her.
- walkie talkie. FUCK
my predictions
- lightbulbs a goner im so sorry. lightbulb was literally trending on twitter earlier idk if it still is but shes FUCKED. she has the X on her face in the thumbnail and shes a fan favorite. someones gonna argue with her like ohh you cant make this positive lightbulb and then shes gonna be like Chat whats that sound… (she would say 100% say chat. to me)
- the rest of the season 3 contestants HAVE to be shown. theyre involved in this too man. clover fluttering away on her butterflies to whereever she went after she got eliminated and im like THIS INVOLVES YOU TOO. GET BACK HERE
- mephone will deny that he made everyone up but as he begins to doubt himself everyone will start glitching out
- i think bot will be called in here. cobs cant do shit to them mephone x wise
- no one wins here. even if they do get physical with cobs and suitcase idk beats him to death with hammers. idk if theyd show deatj and dying on screen but it’s like. ok but then what. youre still made up by mephone. take those million dollars if mephone even has the fucking money. what then. literally what then
- i wanted to say maybe mephones realization of his creation skills lets him create something or someone powerful enough to defeat cobs but like. you know. mephone x. then again though like you never know. thats the one thing here. if you know something no you dont
- 40 min fantube makeout scene thats unskippable because the entire time cheesy is in the background with a blank expression stating important plot related facts with no hint of emotion whatsoever
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