#ok im not going down this road anymore. i wanna go back to watching the colour guard cartoon
jovial-gender-jester · 10 months
it's crazy that grif already needed heavy surgery so they could've just made Him the cyborg instead of like, doing the flesh-for-flesh transfusion.
i know sarge is the type of guy that loves botching hard work & inconveniencing his subordinates for personal gain and using his power tools
anyways hooray to dr. grey, i know she'll love patching grif & simmons up then coming across a bunch of fun biological issues to analyze- i mean fix. she'd definitely fix whatever's going weird with them
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rommahh · 3 years
I Carry It In My Heart
Word count: 4.7k
I thank everyone who read part one, it meant so much to me to see the love it got. Heres part two, please comment, like reblog, whatever I just wanna hear your thoughts! I also plan on making smaller blurbs of this universe with fratrry. I have plans for a graduation, wedding, babies, and other random blurbs of their lives. Much love, R.
Part One
Y/N’s drive home was quiet. She drove the whole six hours just listening to her thoughts. Thinking about the future of a relationship she had so much hope for. She wanted this relationship so much and seeing Harry before leaving campus reassured her that maybe just maybe, Harry wanted what she wanted too.
Six hours went by and Y/N finally arrived home. She lived on a very secluded farm with her mom, dad, grandparents, uncles/aunts, and cousins. Everyone lived along the property making the family tight knit. She was scared to reveal to her family that she wasn't with Harry anymore. He grew to be a very important part of the family. Everyone saw how beautiful Harry and Y/N’s relationship was. They could see how close they were and how they just shared a really unique connection with each other.
Getting out of her car, Y/N took a moment to stretch her legs before she was bombarded by her family. Hands were pulling her into hugs, kisses were being planted on her cheek- she never felt more loved in her life. She didn't realize she was crying until her mom held her face between her hands wiping the free flowing tears from the young girl's face. The family left the mother and daughter alone to reconnect.
“What is wrong with my baby?” Her mother cradled her face as she sobs.
“Mommy, we broke up. Me and Harry broke up and- and i'm exhausted from exams, and i'm so hungry!” Y/N’s hysterics caused her mom to chuckle. She helped grab Y/N’s belongings from the trunk and then led the girl into the house. As Y/N wiped the tears from her face she hiccuped trying to catch her breath.
With her bags in her room, Y/N sat at the kitchen table as her mom placed a bowl of chilli in front of her. Her mom sat beside her rubbing her back encouraging her to eat and regain some energy.
“Tell me what happened hon?”
“We got in a really bad fight after he kissed another girl. He basically said that I was overreacting. I tried to tell him that my reaction was merely based on how I feel about our future relationship. He laughed at me and said he wasn't thinking about the future of our relationship. Tha-” She choked up again “-that this wasn't a future he wanted.” Y/N sniffled into her food as her mom guided food into her mouth.
“It's ok hon. Let me tell you something, you and Harry will be fine. It may seem like this is the end but it's not. You will get through this because you guys were made for each other. From the way that you guys know each other's thoughts to the way that you both can read each other with no problem- you two were meant to be. Me and your pa went through our own issues but look at us now. We are solid. Baby, you two will be solid.” Y/N’s mom smoothed the hair on her daughter's head smiling at the young girl.
Y/N thought about her mothers words. Hearing her mom say those things about her relationship made her feel a little better. Her mother kissed her on the forehead and told her to get to bed and get some rest.
Y/N walked into her room and immediately her eyes were drawn to the gift Harry got her. She didn't remember bringing it in her room but there it sat in all of its glory. The gold wrapping paper on the box contrasted with the dark wood of her dresser. The envelope adorned with Harry's name written in cursive.
She was tempted to open the gift but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to even touch the gift. She kept thinking about the moment she shared with Harry in the parking lot. How he made time to see her before she left. How he found time to get her a gift and bring it to her. She grabbed the gift, shoving it into the top drawer of the dresser.
As Y/N lied in her bed that night, wrapped in a blanket Harry bought her, she couldn't run her mind off. She wanted to be with Harry but she was scared of his lack of commitment. She doesn't understand his sudden lack of commitment. She mentioned marrying him in the future and he freaked out on her. It hurt to know that in a quick second, he could change his mind.
Closing her eyes she went to sleep thinking about her brown haired, green eyed boy whose heart she carries with her at all times.
Y/N felt better to be back home on the farm. This semester had mentally drained her to the point where she felt like she had nothing within herself to give. She sat in the barn behind the house watching the chickens run around as she remembered the first time Harry visited the farm.
“No Harry, you just grab them from underneath. Like cup your hands and grab!” Y/N hollered to her boyfriend as he chased chickens around trying to grab them. He couldnt get his hands on a chicken but hearing his girlfriend laughing made it all worth it. Here he was dressed in overalls while chasing chickens.
“Bubs, I cant get one.” He pouted walking back over to Y/N.
“You don't have the talent I have.” She walked over to a resting chicken and grabbed it with ease. Tucking the chicken under her arm, she scratched the top of the chicken's head and walked over to where Harry was standing in shock.
“You are something else!” She set the chicken down, watching it run away. Harry grabbed her arm, twirling her around to face him. She placed her arms atop his shoulders, fingers playing with the small curls of his head. His arms wrapped around her waist squeezing her close to him.
It was a beautiful morning on the farm. Fall break on full blast and instead of Harry going back home, he just decided to come see where his girlfriend lives. They were sophomores now, entering almost a year of dating. This had been one the best almost years of their lives.
Harry placed a gentle kiss on her plush lips. She smiled, kissing him back.
“I love you Harry.” She said, staring at his eyes. His eyes opened wide. He stepped back from her and then started jumping up and down out of happiness. He threw her over his shoulder and started running through the blades of grass like the chickens he was trying to catch earlier. Setting her down on her feet she giggled at his antics.
“I cant believe you just said that. Im so fucking in love with you. So in love.” He said squishing her cheeks together, puckering her lips and smacking a wet kiss on her mouth.
“Ew Harry gross.” she giggled as he continued to place wet slobbery kisses over her face.
Y/N was so happy to bring Harry home. She wanted to show her family this new boy that had completely captivated her heart. He fit in with her family perfectly, making jokes, helping with dinner, playing with the little ones. He was family.
Walking into the house, she was greeted with the familiar smell of her grandma's famous peach crumble. She went into the kitchen sitting at one the stools watching her grandmother whip around the kitchen baking a slew of desserts.
“Hey lovebug, you go out and see your chickies?” Her grandmother asked, never losing focus of what she was doing.
“I did, they are all growing up so quick.” Y/N laid her head down on the table staring out of the window. Head fuzzy with anxiety and muddled thoughts.
“What happened to Harry?” Y/N’s head popped off of the table as she looked at her grandmother in confusion.
“How did you know something was up?”
“You're my grandbaby, I know everything about you. You've also been moping around my house so I knew something had happened.” She took a bowl down from the cabinets scooping a hot piece of peach crumble in the bowl and placed it in front of Y/N.
“Yeah, me and Harry split up. We just had a bad fight that put us in a weird place. He cheated on me.” She scooped crumble into her mouth trying to distract herself from her sadness.
“Oh love bug. I'm really sorry about that. Did you guys talk at all?” Placing a pie in the oven, her grandmother took a seat next to Y/N stealing a bite of crumble.
“He actually said goodbye to me before I came home. He gave me a Christmas gift too. I don't know, we didn't really say much. I miss him though. He was drunk when he cheated on me, which isn't an excuse but I think he was taken advantage of. I'm not mad about him cheating on me. I was mad at how he reacted to me. Like I was in the wrong for thinking about our relationship in the long run.”
“I understand. Can I be honest with you?” Crumble gone now, Y/N turned her body to face her grandmother. She shook her head to say yes. “You and Harry will be ok. It feels like the end right now but it isn't. It really isn't. I watched you two all of that one break and I saw a resilient couple who were going to go so far. This bump in the road can be fixed. Baby that boy looks at you like you are the whole universe.” You blushed at her words.
“What do I do then?”
“Well, I think you guys should enjoy this break. Take the time to reflect on what your relationship was and what it could be. Harrys going to go home and be surrounded by family as you are now, just let yourself enjoy that time. When he comes back for school, meet up again and talk. You both are adults- you know what to do.” You took in your grandmother's words. She always knew what to say.
“Why is it that you and mom always give me advice over food?” You laughed as she winked at you kissing you on the cheek.
“Food always makes people listen.”
When Wednesday finally arrived, Harry couldn't have been happier to go home. He had been on campus all alone and just feeling like shit. Maybe it was karma for how he treated Y/N. His heart felt hollow and even though he saw her before she left campus, he knew they still weren't ok. He wanted nothing more than to just be ok with his girl. The girl who makes him feel happiest on his darkest days. He doesn't understand how he would have ruined something so perfect.
At his gate at the airport, Harry sat staring at his phone waiting for something. He didn't know what he was waiting for. He didn't deserve anything, especially because of how bad he messed up. He didn't plan on seeing Y/N last friday before she left but he didn't want to go home without seeing her face. He also spent all night writing her a letter that laid down his thoughts. He also wanted to give her a gift. He bought it at the beginning of the semester back home. He knew it was perfect for her the second he saw it.
“Welcome to British Airways, we are now boarding all priority passengers.”
Harry stood up collecting his carry on and started walking to the line forming in front of the gate. He checked his phone again. Nothing.
As the line moved forward. He checked again. Nothing.
He scanned his ticket. Checked again. Nothing.
Situating himself in his seat on the airplane, Harry didn't even bother checking his phone knowing nothing was there. He clicked his seatbelt over his lap and opened the window beside him to look outside.
His phone buzzing pulled him out of his thoughts. His breath hitched, heart lurching. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he turned the screen on.
To: Harry, from: Bubs<3
Have a safe flight Harry
Harry's eyes welled with tears.
To: Bubs<3, from: Harry
Thank you, love. It means a lot.
To: Harry, from: Bubs<3
I miss you Harry
A few of those tears tipped over the edge now rolling down his face.
To: Bubs<3, from: Harry
I miss you so much baby
And that was it. But that was all Harry needed to feel something again.
Y/N didn't know what compelled her to text Harry. She knows her grandmother told her to take some time but she just wanted to reach out to him. She wanted him to know that she was still here. She was still thinking of him and still wanted this. Whatever ‘this’ was.
Christmas eve came quickly, Y/N’s house filled with family members, food, and little children running around wreaking havoc. Y/N was sitting in her room staring at the drawer where the gift from Harry hid. She was scared to open it. Pushing that fear to the side, she walked over the drawer opening it and grabbing the box and envelope. She put the gift in her purse before grabbing her keys. She couldn't open the gift here. She needed to go somewhere quiet.
She said a quick goodbye to her parents and left the house in a hurry. She found herself parked at a small store's parking lot a few miles away from her house. She kept the car on for the heat but turned off the christmas tunes she had playing low in the background.
She opened her purse to pull the envelope out. Carefully ripping the top of the envelope she pulled out a stack of items. In the envelope were four photos and a handwritten letter. She saved the letter for last.
The first photo was of Harry and Y/N sitting on a bean bag in the library. Harry had the camera outstretched above their heads, Y/N with her face buried in a text book. This was taken in their first year during their first exam week. They were not exclusive yet but their friends knew how close they were- there was no one coming between the two of them. Y/N had been so stressed that week so Harry invited her to the library to eat lunch and study together. He helped her through some science homework which helped dramatically on her exam.
The second image was of Harry and Y/N at their favorite restaurant off campus. It was taken during their sophomore year during their one year anniversary. It was the week before spring break and they had just finished a round of midterms. Harry surprised her with a trip to her favorite restaurant. The waiter offered to take the picture because of how adorable the couple looked. In the picture they were holding hands, smiling wide to the camera. Y/N eyes welled up at how happy they looked together.
The third pic was taken during an event on campus at the end of their freshman year. It was a piece and love festival where different clubs hosted fun activities in hopes of promoting unity on campus. In the picture, Harry and Y/N were holding up braided string bracelets with beads that said their partners name. They always wore those bracelets after that day. Y/N looked down at the slightly faded bracelet on her wrist. Harrys name on her wrist reminding her that he is always with her no matter what. Cheesy as it may be but the cheap string with plastic was something she would never part with.
The last picture was taken on Y/N’s farm. It was by the barn where Harry and Y/N were chasing chickens. It was taken from a high angle from afar. Harry had her on his shoulder and they were both visibly laughing. They had matching overalls with embroidery done by Y/N's aunt. On the back of the picture, Y/N could recognize Harry's handwriting as it said, “Your Grandma emailed me this picture when we got back to campus. She said that she couldn't help but take the picture when she saw how happy you looked.” Y/N laughed at his sloppy handwriting and her grandmother's words.
The last piece of the envelope was the letter. Y/N slowly unraveled the folded paper, smoothing out the crinkles. Taking a deep breath she began reading.
In my eyes, our future is filled with love. I see us buying a small house in your home town because I know you love home. I know you also said you may want to live in a city so if our plans were to change, I could see us living in a small apartment, decorated by you of course, with bookshelves that towered to the ceiling and many plush blankets littering the rooms. I see us working hard during the day and enjoying each other during the evening when we come home. I see bubble baths and fun new dinner recipes. I see me bringing you flowers to brighten your day from a long day of work. I see us travelling to all of the places you have pinned on your “for the future” pinterest board. I see us having a small wedding, my family, your family, some friends and that's it. I'd let you do whatever you like for the wedding because I want to see you happy.
I see little ones. Direct copies of you and me running around in the backyard as we try chasing them and tickling them. I see bedtime stories and fun days at the park. Picnics in the meadow and swimming in the lake. Catching chickens and rough housing with the goats. Pasta sauce around the mouth after a good meal. Frozen yogurt with all of the toppings. I see everything with you. There's not a moment where I don't see us together. I think about our graduation and where we will be after graduation.
I see a future with you and I was an ass to say otherwise. You are everything to me. I should be doing more for our relationship like I used to. I want to take you out on more dates and shower you in gifts because you deserve it. I love you so much. Please don't give up on me and all of the memories we've created. I want it all with you.
School has been hurting me pretty bad and I took it out on you. I cheated on you because I was too drunk to think properly. I hurt the only person whose opinion I hold higher than anyone else's. We built a beautiful relationship of trust and boundaries and I ruined it for no reason. I want to do better. Please let me show you that I can do better.
I found this poem that reminded me of you. I know you like poems and this poem speaks for me wholly.
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
Have a lovely break and I hope to be able to see you after.
Love Harry.
His letter left the girl speechless. He said everything she wanted to hear. Looking at her phone she checked the time.
7:36 pm
Its about 12 am in london.
Without a second thought she opened Harry's facetime profile and pressed the call button.
Ring. Ring. Ri-
“Love? Are you alright? Did something happen?” Harry was quick to answer, looking half awake and flustered. Y/N broke down in tears immediately. “Y/N are you ok, baby?”
“Harry.” She wailed. It was embarrassing but all of the pent emotion she was holding in finally breached. She couldn't stop crying. Harry sat up from his laying down position in bed holding the phone closer to his face to inspect his girl.
“It's ok bubs, whatever it is, it's ok. I promise it's ok.” Harry tries consoling the girl. Her tears reduced to small sniffles.
“I read your letter Harry. It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I want it all with you too. I've always wanted it with you. Since the day we met Harry.” He let out a watery laugh so overwhelmed with emotions. She wiped her face of tears looking back at the letter next to her.
“Y/N I love you so much. I do. I know I'm not that good at expressing my emotions but I do want a future with you. I'm hurting knowing I hurt the best thing that's ever happened to me.” His tears continued to flow freely.
“It's ok Harry. I'm not mad anymore. I'm not hurt either I promise. I think I was more upset that we were done. I don't want us to be done. I really don't.”
“I don't want us to be done either. I really want to marry you. Maybe not right now but in time I wanna get married.” He paused, wiping his face. “I wanna get married on your farm, maybe put the chickies in little tuxedos.” She giggled at his proposition.
“They would hate you even more if you did that.” They shared a laugh and then some silence. “I guess it's technically Christmas over there huh? Well Merry Christmas H.”
“It is christmas isn't it? Merry Christmas bubs. Did you open the box?” She grabbed the box next to her to show Harry shaking her head. She unwrapped the paper and revealed a box with a logo she wasn't familiar with.
“What's this?” He encouraged her to keep opening the gift. Lifting the top of the box she let out a loud gasp upon seeing a beautiful gold bracelet sitting on a satin pillow. She placed her phone on the phone stand on her dashboard so she could have both hands to look at the bracelet. The bracelet was gold and thin with a nameplate in the middle. Engraved on the nameplate was Harry's name.
“You went silent on me...Do you like it?” Y/N couldn't stop looking at the bracelet in her hand.
“Harry...It's gorgeous. It's so gorgeous.” She whispered. She slid the perfectly fit bracelet on her hand watching it fall in front of her handmade bracelet. The two bracelets adorned her wrist perfectly. “I love you so much H.”
“I love you too, I do. I can't wait to see you in person and talk.” He replies with his heart clenching in a good way, watching his girl smile happily at her gift.
“Om bubby, I'll let you go to sleep. I love you, spend time with your family and then come back to me as the same Harry I fell in love with.” He smiled, whispering goodnight and hanging up.
Going home that night, Y/N’s family watched her come back into the house walking lighter on her feet and looking happier than she did when she came home from school. She showed her bracelet off to her parents as her grandmother made her a plate of food. She smiled at everyone and talked the whole night. Her grandmother watched from afar feeling her heart fill with joy at her granddaughter's happiness.
As Christmas break went on Harry and Y/N continued to keep their relationship moving slowly. Only calling each other once a day and giving each the much needed space to heal with their respective family. Y/N facetimed him on christmas giving him a youtuber esq. Haul of all of her gifts while he laughed at her silliness. He did the same thing with half the enthusiasm.
As move in day approached, Y/N felt herself becoming worried about her relationship. She worried that when she saw Harry, their relationship would slowly deteriorate. Little did she know that she had no reason to be so afraid. Harry was on his flight back to school ready to hug and hold his girl. He was ready to reunite and be the couple they used to be. He was ready to be a better partner for his girl.
“Alright girly, looks like we got everything squished in your car. Are you sure you've got everything?” Y/N’s mom asked sarcastically. Y/N huffed shoving another bag in the passenger seat.
“Yup that should be it.”
“Ok, well you give me a hug and get going.” Y/N rushed into her mom's arms. Her mom kissed her on the forehead and left Y/N and her grandmother to talk on their own.
“Bye grandma, i'm going to miss you.” Her grandmother held her arms tight.
“You get back to campus and see that boy ok? You go and be in love. You too are old enough to know what you want and this relationship is something you obviously both want.”
Kissing her grandma goodbye, she got in her car and started her drive back to school.
It only took Y/N one trip from her car to her dorm to unload all of her belongings. She was able to snag one of the big trolleys to push her things inside. She watched as friends reunited, she even said hi to a few of her friends but her mind was set on one person. She grabbed her wallet and phone from her dorm and left quickly on a journey to get to Harry’s frat.
The air was cool but Y/N felt warm from how quickly she was booking it to Harry. Harry, just like Y/N, immediately left his room to see Y/N. Having not seen her in a month and some of exam week- he couldn't wait to see her. Harry saw Y/N’s familiar face walking down the sidewalk of his frat and he stopped in his tracks. She smiled her bright, beautiful smile before running over to where he stood. Her arms hooked around his neck as his arms adjusted around her waist. He stumbled a bit from the force of her hug but stood his ground nonetheless.
She held him tight, legs bound around his waist, a few stray tears falling from her eyes. He held her just as tightly, hands tightly holding her thighs and back.
“Hi bubby.” She said in his ear, face burrowed in his neck. He set her down and reached for her face.
‘Hi baby.” She blushed at his nickname. They looked into each other's eyes and time froze like it always did between them. Y/N broke theri moment by pulling his face to hers. They kissed like they hadnt kissed in years. To them the time they spent away from each other felt like years. Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. Pulling apart, Harry stared down at his heart, tears begging to be free. He opened his mouth to say something and she stopped him.
“It's ok Harry. My baby, it's ok. We are ok.”
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
Taglist: marlananicole17
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dilfwaynes · 3 years
hi!! can i request a hc of the batfam reaction of their eastasian!reader gf  experiencing racism? thank you <33
just a reminder if you took place in any involvement of asian hate block me rn bitch :)
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this anon, i tried to make it accurate without stepping over any boundaries since im not asian myself. if anyone finds any sort of this offensive pls dm me !!
warning ; racism, batfam beating hoes, mention of blood
parings : bruce wayne x asian!reader, jason tood x asian!reader, dick grayson x asian!reader, stephanie brown x asian!reader, tim drake x asian!reader, damian wayne x asian!reader
Tumblr media
it’ll honestly take a minute for bruce to realize what happened
when first entering the store he took notice of the man glaring but brushed it off thinking it was directed towards him as bruce wayne
you however didnt really pay attention to the dirty looks being thrown at you
with bruce excusing himself to the restroom and makes a promise of a quick return, you wander around the area by yourself
it was all fine until a man approaches you, giving a fast glance at him before turning away. there was definitely something up with him
“you don’t belong here”
your head shot up at his words, looking around you to make sure he was talking to you
“excuse me?” you lift an eyebrow at him, knowing what he was hinting at
“you fucking heard me, you don’t belong here. go back to your country.”
you inch away as he steps closer,”you better back the fuck away..”
he simply gives a smug face only coming closer,”or what?” you tighten your jaw when he loosely lets out a slur, your fists clenched.
“or i dislocate your arm.”bruce’s voice rings out, deep in anger as his eyes flicker to you and scanning to see if you were ok physically.
the ugly bitch’s face pales when he realizes who’s your boyfriend. without hesitation bruce yanks him away from you, slamming him to the wall
demanding for a first and last name,  squeezing his neck when the guy stays quiet
shaking he gives in and tells, flinching when bruce slams him against the wall one last time before dropping him
“i guaranteed whatever poor status you do contain i’ll tear it completely, say goodbye to your job.” he grabs for your hand and brings you into him as you both walk away.
“i’m sorry i shouldn’t have left you alone, my fault,”he presses a kiss to your temple.”and please don’t think any worth of that garbage’s words.”
you shake your head,”he was just some lowlife, not worth thinking about.” you reply leaning into him.
he looked at you and could tell no matter what those words still hurt somewhat and it angered him to no end
no one deserved to hear that disgusting shit, especially not his girlfriend.
his eyes hardens but doesn’t push further to make you anymore uncomfortable than you probably already are
giving another kiss to the side of your head he makes a quiet promise to himself not to leave you alone anymore in public with disgusting people like that around
jason todd:
as soon as the slur leaves the guy’s lips jason’s fist collides to his jaw, no doubt   shattering it
you and jason were grabbing lunch at some restaurant slash bar since it was the first time in a few days jason was free
everything was okay until you got up to go to the bathroom and some guy bumped into you
jason watched with hardening eyes as you apologize instead of the guy who slammed into you
“watch where the fuck you’re going at.”
you fall shock at the word, staying in place
while jason is on his feet in no time, swinging to the asshole’s face
screams were heard as well as the sound of bones breaking from his fist impact, the guy stumbling to the floor
“you racist fucking prick that’s my girlfriend you ugly fuck,”lifting him by his shirt he grabs his face and turns him to you.”apologize to her before i break your fucking face.”
he quickly rambles apologizes, crying in fear or pain. most likely a mix of both
jaaon lets him go and gives him another punch, this time to the nose. finding satisfaction at the pool of blood now seeping out
jason grabs your hand and starts to lead you outside,”let’s go eat somewhere else and forget about this shithole.”
you barely had time to give a reaction to anything as everything happened so fast
“hey look at me, don’t listen to that worthless fuck and his fucked up mindset. i dont know what to say to comfort you since i never experienced anything like this.” he stops at the car, placing his hands onto your shoulders
you nod sighing lightly, you only wanted a simple lunch with your boyfriend but instead got hate crime for simply  breathing.
“it’s nothing i haven’t gone through before,”he shakes his head blue eyes filling up with rage.
“no one’s gonna be doing that anymore, or at least getting away with it while i’m around
he was completely taken by surmise at the slur being thrown at you, as well as the fault of you being the root of the covid 19
but before he had any time to react you were already on your feet glaring,”the fuck you just called me you piece shit.”
before he could reply you already kneed him and punched him between the eyes, dick laughing at the cries of pain
“you want me to take over or you wanna handle it babe?”
even how badly he wanted to beat the shit out of the pos the choice was yours
you denied and wanted to handle this on your own
but everytime the guy tried to get up dick would just shake his head and tell him to stay down, or simply push him back down
eventually if you start going too far richards would pull you away and tell you hes not worth it
he understands your anger but he doesn’t want you to past a line you won’t recover from bc of some worthless grime
“c’mon, he’s not worth anymore of our time. lets go eat pizza.”
swing first talk later
he’ll just look at guy for a few seconds with a blank face
then he’s literally knocking them out
will probably kick him into the wall or ground
u dont know if you wanna pull him away because you already the tabloids, or if you wanna let him continue to beating the guy
damian probably wouldn’t realize how much he beat the guy to a pulp until you’re tugging him away
nudging his neck with to your nose to try and calm him down
he’ll end the fight with spitting on him tbh
your face reddens with anger when your eyes met the racist bitch, enjoying the view of his blood on the floor
“racist piece of shit,” he hisses before finally turning his back brow still frowning with anger
unlike the others (mentioned) he also knows and experienced racism and understands your point view way more
and know bow to comfort you better tbh
afterwards he’ll talk to you and comfort you, as well as opening up about his racist encounters, as well as his mothers.
if you’re still upset about what happened some hours later he 100% offers to beat up the guy again
you laugh it off cos hes serious about doing detective work, finding the guy and beating him to a pulp
you thank him but deny his offer and settle to confiding into him and just telling him how your feelings
“are you fucking serious right now bitch?”
steph deadpans staring at the girl who called you the slur with ease, going on about how you were the cause of corona and to go back to your country
shocked at the words, hearing all of this before but it still doesn’t fail everytime you hear them
turning to you and seeing the hurt on your face from the word, she quickly turns to seeing red
without a second thought she grabs the collar of the woman’s shirt
“you’re gonna fucking apologize to my girlfriend right now or i’m gonna slam your face into the floor and break it
you stay still, pleased at watching the girl shake in fear under steph as she chokes out a mesh of a shit rushed apologizes
stephanie throws her down to the ground after her third apologize
“are you okay?” she knew you weren’t but asking the question would lead into the stage of comforting you
you nod but go on to tell her that this isn’t the first or last time this will happen, but it still never fails to shock you
she frowns at your experiences and doesn’t quite know what to do to help since she never went thru anything like that
she offers to take you to your favorite restaurant and end the day in wayne manor watching whatever you wanted
smiling when you accept, pulling you in her and pressing a kiss on-top of your head
“dont worry i’ll beat any jackass that pulls any racist shit.”
i think he’ll be the less  violent one out of everyone
he would honestly be so disgusted and gross out at humanity and how the woman thinks shes superior just because she’s white
if it was a guy saying what was said, then he would probably hit them ngl
but he takes the higher road with the woman, belittling and ending her with his vocabulary
and you’re pretty sure that his words hurt her more than an actual punch would 
you laugh when he compares her built to a buffalo
he then goes on to a more education lean, explaining how skin tone has nothing to do with a person, and she should adapt to modern times and stop being a racist cunt
after he ends it he goes on to find out who she is and email/call her workplace to inform what kind of employee they have
probably also goes on to make sure she wont be hired anywhere else
comforts you alot and and will get you anything you want
prob gets you both milkshakes as you vent to him about today and other racist things said to you
hates how you have to go thru any of this for simply existing
the  incident opens his eyes and he starts talking to bruce about opening a charity for ‘stop asian hate’
would shy away from the press and say you both came up with the fund
u’ll dismiss that rq and tell everyone it was all tim’s idea
all the money goes people got assaulted and paying for any hospital bills or anything needed
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kaz11283 · 3 years
I really like the prompt list you reblogged it’s got some good stuff. What about 37. “Because I love you god damn it!” with Loki if you are still needing inspiration.
37) Because I Love You God Damn It!
The Secret Is Out
Characters: the Avengers Bunch, Loki, Thor, Clint
Warnings: Dirty words, slight angst
Summary: after putting your life in the line for a teammate you accidentally let a big secret slip.
Announcements: I will always need insperation and requests! They feed my soul! Haha. I'm not gonna lie. Im skipping back and forth on my requests though. I have a really good story line for one but its just so emotional(thats were Im hoping it goes at least) that I didnt want to write it tonight and put my self in a mood. So instead I guess im goimg with a form of anger? Meh. Anyways... I absolutly love love love everything from you guys! The reblogs, likes, and comments are amazing and I am very greatful for all the love I am getting!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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The fight had been rough but not as rough as you were feeling in the moment. You had gotten serverly hurt and had been in the medbay for about a week now and you had a longer road ahead. There had been an explosion and instead of turning to run away you had ran toward one of your team members that had been to distracted to realize what was going on, you had successfully gotten him shoved out of the way but you had taken the brunt of the blast.
Now you were laying here staring at the celing trying to stay distracted as Bruce and Tony looked at your completely shaddered knee and the burns up your leg. Fingers crossed that they would have good news soon.
"Well as of right now kid your out of commission." Tony said helping you sit back up.
"Meaning?" You pulled one of the pillows down so that you could sit up without being uncomfortable.
"Meaning right now, the way it all looks, your gonna be stuck in the bed until it fully heals and after wards theres really no way to tell if your going to be able to work in the field again." Burce said looking at the xrays again. "And your gonna have to have surgery in order to put all the right pieces back in the right places, but we cant really do that until some of the burns heal or at least start to heal. Its gonna be a long drawn out process unfortunately." He sighed setting the charts back down and walking over to you.
"Fucking hell! You mean I'm gonna be pushing paper work? I might as well go work in a damn office with four white walls and a poster that says 'hang in there, its almost Friday'." You placed your head in your hands.
"Hey! At least our paper work is more exciting than just running numbers." Tony said placing a hand on your back. He had been like a fsther to you, taking you in when you didnt have anywhere else to turn except the streets. Your own family had abandoned you at a young age and you had been leaning toward a dark path until Tony. "Besides with your expertise you dont have to sit behind a desk, your fingers arent blown off, you can still hack into stuff I'm sure."
"Tony we had a deal when I moved in. No hacking but you would train me and I could actually do good. Now look at me."
"I said no hacking the good guys, and if I remember correctly you were the one jumping close to the bomb not away from. I hate to be this way y/n but the only one to blame is yourself on this one."
"He would have been worst off than I am if not killed. I think I did the right thing. Besides you would have done the same thing if you had been closer." You sighed.
"Honey the diffrence with that is I have a supersuit, you wear a skin tight, spandex one peice, that I'm not a fan of." He laughted. Bruce had went to go get you some more pain killers to shoot into your IV.
"Tony if I were you I would shut up. Your starting to sound like you might actually love me, might even say your starting to act like a dad." You laughed pulling him into a hug.
"Shut it kid, cant let the others know I have a soft spot for the hacker orphan kid i took in all those years ago now can I." He said kissing the top of your head. "Do you need anything else before the drugs kick in and you pass out again?"
"Yes, can you please bring me my phone charger, laptop, and that really fluffy blanket that you and Pep got for me for Christmas."
"Dont ask to much of me now."
"I wouldnt be asking if you would just let me stay in my room. I hate it down here. I wanna be were the people are." You were starting to get loopy from whatever Bruce had given you.
"Ok little mermaid, get some rest I'll get your stuff." He laughed walking out the door letting you fall into a restless sleep.
You didnt know how long you hade been asleep but you woke up with a groan trying to sit up so you could atleast stretch your back from laying in one spot for to long. You flopped back down dramatically with a sigh. You could sense someine else in the room with you, you always knew when he was around.
"You dont have to hide in the shadows Loki. Your more than welcome to keep me company, you should know that by now." You smiled as the prince walked over and sat in the chair beside you. You could tell he hadnt been sleeping, his hair was fixed as always but his clothes looked worst for wear. He had on a plain black shirt and a pair of gray sweat pants, both of with had wrinkles in them either from tossing and turning or from not being changed in a few days.
"Whats wrong? And dont pull that 'nothing is wrong dear. I'm absolutly fine.' Bullshit. You look horrible." You reatched out to grab his hand. What you and Loki had was diffrent. You didnt just see his as a friend, he didnt just see you as that either though. You had spent many nights sitting up with the silver tounge man many nights laying on the couch watching movies, reading, talking about each of your pasts. He knew more about you than even Tony did.
"I'm still currently trying to wrap my head around why you pushed me out of the way and took the blow when you had a chance of dying from it. You shouldnt have been so thick headed my dear." He took your hand and raised it to his lips kissing the top of your hand.
"Loki." You sighed rolling your head to look back up at the celing. "You would have been hurt alot wordt than I am now, that blast could have killed you."
"I am a god y/n, that blast wouldnt have caused me nearly as much damage as it did you." His voice raised slightly.
"Thats what you think. You think that because you are "immortal" that you can take anything thats thrown at you. That no one really cares about you, that you wouldnt be missed? So why not try to take a blow from a bomb? My god your so stupid sometimes."
"I know I can. Norns y/n I've jumped into space, been brain washed, tried to take over New York, gotten smashed around by the Hulk. I was raised with Thor, he doesnt really go easy on a person. What I'm saying is I dont understand why you, a mear midguardian, would sacrifice themselves for me. If anything would have happened-"
"Nothing did happen though. I'm fine-"
"You have steel sticking from your leg, theres no telling when or even if you'll be able to walk again, and there are highly server burns that will leave scares. You cannot sit there and tell me that you are fine."
"Your right it does suck that I'm jot gonna be able to pull off shorts or a bikini anymore."
"This isnt a joke y/n. You almost died!" He finally yelled.
"And i would do it a thousand times over if that ment saving your damn ass again!" You shouted back.
"Why though?! Why me y/n? I've done horrible things, killed people! My life is meaningless." Tears had sprang to his eyes as he looked away.
"Because I love you God damn it!" You stopped suddenly your jaw dropping at the admission that you hadnt ment for him to hear. His head jerked back to you.
"What?" Shock was all over his face as he stood to walk closer to you. "What did you just say?"
"Because I love you Loki Odinson. Because if you were to die I dont think I would be able to go on living. Because even if you see all the bad things that you've done I can look pass that amd see all the good that you are doing." You reached up placing a hand on his cheek and wiping away a tear.
"I love you too y/n. I have since the day I met you. The girl that didnt care what anyone said when she spent time with me. The girl that can see through every face i put on. I love you so much darling." He placed his hand on your face and leaning down gently kissing your lips.
It felt like you thought it always should you felt electricity run through your body and the two of you connected. It was like getting a breath after not being able to for so long. He pulled away smiling at you.
"What do we tell the others?" He asked laying on with bed with you being easy with your leg. He placed his arm around your middle and pulled you as close as he could.
"I honestly dont care what we tell them. They can figure it out themseves for all I care." You smiled lacing your fingers with his, you yawned placing your head on his shoulder closing your eyes.
"Sleep now my Dove, I will be here when you wake." He felt your gentle breath slow as you fell asleep, the rhythm you of your breath lulling him into his own sleep.
Tony and Bruce walked in the next morning stopping dead at the sight in front of them. You and Loki were still cuddled on the small bed sleeping peacefully.
"Should we wake them up?" Bruce asked looking at Tony.
"Na, let them sleep. Dont want to let them know that we know." Tony saod grabbing Bruce's arm and turning to walk back out of the door.
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freerebelmentality · 4 years
The high cost of living
AN:  ***TRIGGER WARNING*** MENTIONS OF DRUG USE AND OVERDOSE. **  Ok may I request a Winchester brothers x sister reader where the reader is depressed harms themselves and feels like she not good enough and is a drug addict like does weed and other drugs drinks to relieve her pain and her brothers found out and are not happy it and the reader just not having it and doesn’t want help and can’t handle being lectured about her brothers so she runs away and overdoses and her brothers find her but in the end her brothers help her in recovery and it fluffy in the end And can the reader age around 16-19 is up too you i hope this is ok for u if not I can change it. Requested by @supernerdycookietrashblr ** I took out the self harm and just stuck with the rest of the request. Sorry if this got way too long but I got carried away and I just really enjoyed writing this. Ideas came and wrote those down. So I hope you all will enjoy this and enjoy reading
Word Count: 2,762
On the road again, you thought while sitting in the back of the Impala.
Looking out the window, seeing the trees pass by at great speed is when you begin to feel sick.
“Dean, Dean. Pull over, Im going to be sick” you say rather quickly
With one quick stop, Dean pulls over to the side of the road and puts baby in park
“Geez, are you ok? You want some water? Mint? Mouth wash?” Sam asks as he rushes to your side.
“Mouth wash?” you reply while Sam runs back to the car and searches his bag for his mouth wash.
“Feeling a little hungover? Or just sick, sick?” Dean asks as he comes check on you as well
“A little hungover” you lie to Dean while Dean goes back to the car and reaches for a beer.
He decides something a little stronger than beer.
He pulls out his flask and walks back to your side.
Sam notices how incredibly sickly looking you’ve become and begins to worry that you are coming down with something.
You knew you were coming down from your latest high, well more like from you latest fix and you needed another. Fast.
Dean hands you the flask and you greatly take it from his hands and drink the entire thing. The whisky made things a little more tolerable.
“Thanks man, I needed that” you tell him and walk slowly back to the car.
Dean and Sam looked to you and noticed how you were walking. Like as if you were in pain and cold. The weather was warm and a beautiful day really.
“Are you sure youre feeling ok?” Dean asks as soon as he gets into the car
“Yes, step on the gas. I wanna go home already” you irritatingly reply back.
Dean didnt like that, so he did what he was told and stepped on the gas to head back to the bunker.
Finally arriving.
You get out of the car as fast as you could and into the bunker. You ran all the way to your room and found your stash hidden in your room.
You felt as though you werent moving fast enough but you made it to your room.
Dean and Sam looked at you oddly as you ran fast into the bunker.
“What the hell is wrong with her?” Dean asks as he takes the stuff from the car and into the bunker.
“Maybe she needs the bathroom again” Sam replies following Dean.
“Hmm’ is all Dean says and goes to his room to put his things away.
Once you got the needle ready, you sat on the toilet and poked the needle into your favourite vain. You pulled back the syringe to draw blood is when you injected the stuff. Slowly
Once the stuff reached your body is when you started to forget about everything else. Your withdrawals, depression, everything. Numbing out everything perfectly.
Or so you thought.
You came out of your room to look for your brothers to hang out with or just to get them to stay away from your room anyway.
“Are you feeling a lot better?” Dean asks while turning away from his cooking
“Yes, I feel a lot better” you reply way to happy but oh well you replied anyway
“Ok then” Sam says while he adds more notes to the folders in front of him
He has been adding the men of letters archives, well the both of them have been doing that and they thought you were doing the same but you dont remember a thing from your last hunt.
All you thought about was how to get your next fix or even next high. Weed wasnt cutting it anymore ever since getting into the opiates.
Stupid for getting into those. Oh well choices were made and it makes the feelings go away.
As the days go by which weeks go by as well. Dean and Sam begin to notice how incredibly bad you got while hunting, sick, and more sicker.
After the sickness, you would be at your normal self and be the great hunter they knew you to be. But when the sickness came, it was as if they didnt know who you were. Didnt look like you or anything.
“Let me know when she goes out, ok?” Dean asks Sam as he watches you walk to your room
“Uh, ok. Why?” Sam asks not really sure if he wants to know the answer but he is curious to see what Dean is up to.
“I want to look through her room, I want to see if Im right about something. If not then I am going to feel like a complete dick about it later” Dean explains himself as he looks towards the hall.
“Right about what?” Sam asks looking out for you as well
He hears you coming out of your room and walk the hallway and waits for you to appear.
“Hey guys, Im going to head out for a bit and I will be home in an hour or something” you tell them and head out the door.
You didnt give them any time to say anything cause you needed to head out and look for the number one thing you have been needing. You needed your next high. You needed it bad.
“Ok, go” Sam says to Dean as he books it to your room
“What exactly are we looking for?” Sam asks as he digs through your stuf
“Needles or drugs” Dean replies as he sees a box in the bottom of the sink in your bathroom
Dean hoped it wouldn’t be the things he is looking for. Other wise all of you weird behaviour he has noticed for the past couple years would be more understandable now.
He has seen this type of addiction before in fellow hunter friends, their addiction to opiates and how they passed to overdosing.
He opens the box and sees his worst nightmare
“Sam” is all Dean could say and drops the box
Sam rushes to Dean’s side and sees what has fallen to the floor.
All the used needles, cotton balls and spoons. Along with the rubber bands. He also sees the unopened rigs.
“No” Is all Sam can say
He doesnt understand why you would want to inject anything into yourself with poison.
They get out of your roomand wait for you to come back to the bunker.
Dean has a few words for you.
Sam has a few questions for you.
They couldnt believe their baby sister would turn to drugs
Dean is beginning to understand the border line alcoholism but he always thought it was just something to help you sleep. He didnt think it was something to settle the withdrawals.
The next morning, Dean and Sam are still seated in the library waiting for you to walk through the doors. None of them moved from their seats, they stayed seated like that and waited for you. Dean was to heated to even move from his seat.
His anger turned to worry when you never showed. Until now, his nerves settled and now all he wants to do is hug you and lock you away. But he needed to say a few things first before he can do that.
As you come walking down the stairs and see your brothers in the library looking at you all tired looking. You were about to say something when you see a familiar box. Your heart begins to race.
“Morning guys, sorry I didnt come home last night and sorry I didnt call or anything” you say to break the ice but knew you should have said nothing and should have went straight to your room
“Y/n? What the hell is this crap?” Dean asks opening the box and pushing it towards you.
Your heart begins to beat rapidly because your brother has found your dirty secret. Your life long dirty secret.
“You went through my room?” you ask not even going to lie about the box they found.
What was the whole point in lying? They found it, they figured it out and you werent going to lie about it.
It was as if you secretly hoped they would find it, maybe them finding it would finally get you to stop and go to treatment.
“Of course we went through your room. We wanted to know what was making you feel so crappy and during hunts” Sam says next, he finally finds his voice.
“You found my dirty secret. Now what?” you ask as anger begins to form.
“Why? How long? This needs to stop now” Dean replies sternly, he didnt want to get too angry. Otherwise he would have ruined the whole plan he had.
“Or else what?” What are you going to do if I dont stop?”  you ask while looking to both of your brothers
They both went quiet, they didnt want to give any ultimatums cause they feared you would pick the poison over them and they knew you are going to pick that over them.
They wondered what they did wrong to make you turn to something else to numb out everything.
Sure Dean hasnt been the poster boy about opening up his feelings about anything and he feels he should have done that with you. At least.
Sam should have pestered you more about opening up. How he does with Dean, he should have done the same for you. He didnt and he feels ashamed.
“You know, I’ll make things easier for you” you break the silence and walk down the hall and into your room
“What do you mean make things easier for us?” Sam asks as he follows you down the hall
“Where the hell do you think your going?” Dean asks next following behind Sam
You grabbed what you could and what you thought was clean. At least it was warm clothing anything, it was beginning to get a bit nippy out there.
“Im leaving. That way I wont be such a burden to either of you anymore” you reply while walking back down the hall and up the round stairs
“Y/n, no. Stay here and we will help you” Sam pleads with you as he follows
“Y/N!! Stop” Dean raises his voice
“You arent a burden. Stay, so we can figure out how to help you and let us help you” Sam continues as he looks to you.
You are at the top of the stairs and finally with one final thought. You turned the door knob and walked out.
Dean runs up the stairs and tries to block you from going any where but he is too late. He ran out the door and you were gone. He yells for your name, looks around and continues to yell for you.
Nothing, it was as if you disappeared into thin air and he wondered where you went or what direction you took.
“Son of a bitch” Dean says as he looks around with both of hands behind his head.
Tears fill his eyes as a lone tear streams down his face. He falls to his knees, feeling defeated he let this happen. Defeated he let anything go this far and didnt notice anything to begin with.
Sam comes running to him and looks around as well.
“Sam, shes gone. I couldnt catch up to her. I let her go” Dean tries to keep his emotions together. But he releases a sob
“We’ll find her, someone has to see her and security cameras are every where and one of those ust of caught her” Sam says as he helps Dean to his feet.
Months went by, Dean and Sam never stopped searching for you. Drove from town to town, Dean always tracked better when he was on the road. But his leads always went cold. You knew better to go off track cause you knew he would track you.
Finally Dean’s phone begins to ring. He takes out his phone so fast and answered it like his life depended on it. In a way it did.
Dean talks on the phone for a long period of time and Sam is getting anxious. He doesnt what is going on or who is calling.
Finally Dean gets off the phone.
“Well who was that? What did they say? Say anything about y/n?” Sam asks way too quickly
Dean couldnt understand a word he said, all due to the phone call he just got and that shocked him more.
“That was Y/n’s doctor. She was admitted yesterday and he told me that they saved her from an overdose. That its their third time saving her from the overdose. Why they never called the first couple times was because she didnt list any family members as emergency contacts. Sam we got to go. We got to get our baby sister” Dean finally says and begins running to his room to begin packing.
Sam couldnt believe those words came out of Dean’s mouth. More like he couldnt believe you wouldnt add him or Dean as your emergency contact to begin with. Until now.
They drove for hours and hours.
As they stand at your door, they see you laying on your hospital bed, IV in one hand while the nasal cannula is inserted.
Your attention is brought to the door and you couldnt believe your brothers are standing right in front of you.
“Hi” you break the silence as the greeting came out a little raspy and small
Your brothers came further into the room.
Dean is the first one who hugs you.
“Hi, I missed you” as a tear streams down his face
He hold yous a little longer, feeling as though he is going to wake up and realize its all a dream and have to wake up to a bunker without you in it.
“I missed you so much” he says as he holds onto you a little longer and tighter.
He feels as though you were going to dissolve away if he let you go. Again
“What the hell happened?” he asks taking a seat by your bed side
“I chased and ended up here” you simply answer your brother.
Well you felt ashamed by answering him
“Your face” is all Dean could say
He sees the bruises on your face, the dark circles around your eyes and how sunken in your face is. He is thinking as if he is looking at your skull.
“Ooh, I owe money to my dealer and he made an example out of my face. A few times. So to medicate, I chased the high so much, that I practically chased myself in here” you reply to your brother and look around the room
“The only way for us to get you out of here is you go to treatment and get help. Dean and I were talking along the way and thats our ultimatums” Sam says while Dean looks to him in annoyance
Dean wanted some time with you before he sent you to treatment.
“Ok, ok. I will get the help. I will go to treatment, I wanna come home” you tell them as you begin to cry.
Sam is happy and hugs you. Tears stream down his face as a sigh of relief escapes his mouth
“Thats what I want, for you to come home and go get help. We want to be there for you. We love you” Dean says as he hugs you.
He felt relieved he heard those words coming out of your mouth, as if all of his stress has been removed and now he can finally settle his nerves. Kind of.
For them it was an eternity. Dean felt as though he was in hell all over again but this time felt longer.
Sam felt like he was in the cage all over again in trying to look for you. Or he felt as though he didnt have a soul. Having you around was better and you are Sam’s other half just like Dean is his other half.
When all three of you are together, its as though everyone feels complete but when separated, thats when everything crumbles.
You felt like you are getting your family back, after being away from your brothers for so long. Well more like after running from your problems and creating more. You really felt like you are getting them back and earning their trust.
You and your brother hunted like a family again. Better than ever.
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stimmypaw · 3 years
Stimmypaw reads Darkest Night! The fourth text post!
Back with these uh live reading comments! Remember those? yeah! I'm on the fourth book of Warrior Cats: A Vision of Shadows :D I read The Apprentice's Quest and Thunder and Shadow and Shattered Sky and now!! I'm here :D and boy did I have a time. Click read more to see it!
These guys are weak and dumb skyclan is epic and sharing the territory with them is good, but of course sparkpelt isn't dealing well with change wink wink nudge wink nudge nudge huh???? (this is a nod to how I project into her and say shes autistic)
I am getting anxious for tinycloud SERIOUSLY how much longer until those kits??? Everyday you show up and its WOW my tummy ssure is HUGE AND BULGING I just Wonder Oh When They'll Be Born, probably pretty soon!!! :) and then they arent!!!! Birth dammit!!!
Cherryfall cut the sick and hurt cats some slack jeez youre Fine, youre not feeding half the forest and you have THREE medicine cats ready to help you if youre not feeling well
Bastard Cherryfall I hate you /lh
Dovewing and Tigerheart have relationship drama again. What is UP with those two I simply do not understand them
Watching Bramblestar trying to control this bizarre situation is actually funny he is so close to screaming "PLEASE dont be mad :c"
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Get her, Alderheart
They LITERALLY said something about sharing the territory, they were like "Stars have five points baby and we need those 5 clans togetherrrr" what else do these cats want??? I know its a big change but its necessary
Wait everyone shut up that cat is named Podlight this is so important to me
Dang these cats are really still struggling :c I wish they didnt blame each other
Harestar is so cool
What the FUCK mistystar????
God what a disaster of a gathering Starclan is gonna be so pissed everyone is doing the opposite of what they should
I was holding my breath oof
I hope thunderclan gives some territory too thats too small a space for Skyclan
Oh boy oh boy oh boy i am Anxious for these Kitties
Violetpaw is me having nightmares every night
Macgyver is a heavily gringue name and I have No Clue how to say it how the hell do you say it
Update its either Mick Guyver or Mac Guyver apparently
Its fun to see how different the sisters are from one another, I love them both
I also love their mom with the name identical to puddleshine wish I got to meet her
Sadly Twigpaw is for gender binarism 😔 /j
Twigpaw is often in her thoughts and doesn't pay attention to anything around her and I love her for that
Bad news Finpaw is gonna lose his tail, good news I can draw his tail fin-shaped
Puddleshine surgeon moment!!!
I love Graystripe and Millie
And I love that being flirty is a part of Sparkpelt's personality, I don't know what Alderheart is talking about she's always been dandelion-headed
Ok this is epic, I’m glad we’re breaking gender roles in Warrior Cats my heart dropped when the books called Briarlight cr*ppled, that’s the thing they promised not to do anymore recently right? I’m not sure but, I could use some uh less ableism on my Warrior Cats, the series is old but the newer books should be better, so yeah, good modernize these cats babyyy
OH COOL Skyclan journey!!! Fun I hope they find someone :] also fuck Molewhisker and Cherryfall bastards.
Jayfeather is gonna miss Alderheart too much for him to leave hehehe
ALL of Starclan showed up just to call out Riverclan pahahah
oooo is shadowclan haunted?????
I wonder why Twigpaw wants to stay behind, there has to be more than just the camp stuff
"I wish I were more positive like Twigpaw, but at least I'm just as scarred by the death of my loved ones as my dad :] I like being like him"
Violetpaw witnesses a car crash 😔 that was a bit messy what happened to those cars also why the hell was one of them smaller was it a bike??? Or ???? Idk what's up with it!!!
Needletail just happens to have slow-down turned on for her on the discord chat so she can only say like a few words each hour :/ why the hell is she here tho Violetpaw needs to get OVER your death!!!!
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This short exchange has made me love Dewpaw
Also, I love Twigpaw, I still wonder why she stayed behind tho
Ahh, is it cus she feels too estranged from her family :c ? I wish her mom was around maybe that would help
Jee Twigpaw be a tad more empathic, I can see Twigpaw struggles with that sometimes
You can't cheer him up right now he's grieving, just find him on common ground, talk to him, don't try to make him happy just try to keep him company
Oh wow finpaw that's a dangerous thing to say I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure to never be sad because people like her because she's happy and her being sad would be bad
Okay I'm glad they're getting along this is nice
Oh look twigpaw you Are like your father :] this is cute
Skyclan begins to fish competitively I'm glad
I like it when medicine cats bicker about their leader's behaviors ehheheh, Jayfeather talking about how weak Shadowclan is, Alderheart being annoyed at his father for wanting to stay silent, the others worried about the tensions this is all cheff the kisser
Jayfeather spitting the truths about how Starclan doesn't know shit, and he is very much one to speak
Puddleshine: Rowanstar stepped up the patrols :c
Leadstar: He has warriors enough for that?? Damn good for him
Dang poor Skyclan I hope they manage stuff better soon
Oooo the girls are fighting!!!
Alderheart starclan anxiety time dang
Sheep :]
Needletail :[
I'm sad Ravenpaw isn't here, this is a lovely reunion scene but knowing Barley will be alone when they all leave breaks my heart
Oh, maybe not, but if they stay I'll be sad also cus Skyclan needs its warriors
Aw man, Twigpaw is struggling :c
Omg crimes
That sounds kinda possessive twigpaw!
omg tigerstar 2 real
Whats he gonna do to rowanstar???
Aw, I'm glad they're having fun tho, and that twigpaw sees herself as skyclan
Alderheart, as he meets someone for the first time in a while: ARE YOU OKAY???
Blackstar protagonist moment
The medicine cats: our gods are toying with us again and destiny is uncertain
Leaders: I cannot DO this right now PLEASE leave and let me care for The Real Issues
Alderheart: YOU WILL hang out at my house Willowshine this isn't up for debate
Riverclan suffered enough and it's their turn to throw a tantrum about it, honestly good for them hsghahah
Alderheart asks his father to go on a quest to check people's feet
Alderheart and Willowpelt sitting there watching Shadowclan fight
This is really funny
Puddleshine, in his eyes: help help
I love Skyclan
Ok this sounds like it's gonna be very very fun
Mission impossible: Escape From São Paulo
Oh, is Fallowfern deaf? That's so poggers omg I wanna see more of her
Edit: fallowfern is an elder that lost her hearing with age and retired after that happened :/ boring
I love leafstar so much
Juniperclaw: aren't you gonna punish her????
Leafstar: why
Juniperclaw: when I tell rowanstar he's gonna be pissed
Leafstar: don't tell him
Juniperclaw: the fuck is wrong with you and your clan??? Where is everyone???????
Leafstar: busy
I don't trust abled people specially able-bodied people telling disabled people they just have to train harder and feeling sorry for yourself won't help.
But this is the closest to a positive message to disabled people we have ever had in warriors so I guess I'll take it but I want better
Dang ivypool what a way to show someone you miss them hahaha
Twigpaw: uhhhh how's dovewing?
Ivypool: what do you mean did she do something illegal I'm sure she did
Ivypool is a seriously funny character WHY are you yelling at the young adult about your sisters illegal activities she doesn't know anything about it!!!!
Alderheart goes on an adventure
Feet inspector on the road!!!!
Jasper is so funny I love him
Omg what's he got against clan cats??? What's his sad backstory????
YEESSSS SPARKPELT MY LOVE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕
Sparkpelt your opinion sucks but I love you
I'm really really glad they had this moment this is really sweet, they hadn't talked for a while but this is genuine like, we hadn't had this sort of relationship in so long in the books with just, dialogue yknow??? THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THINGS
And the pause Sparkpelt takes between her speaking to fix what she's saying "I'm sorry for saving you :c no wait uhh not exactly but like" this is so good so natural so fun I love you sparkpelt
I get why she has a diferent opinion on Skyclan it's good for someone close to Alderheart to have a different mindset from him and for him to have someone like uh be opposites from him a lil yknow contrats his characteristics makes both siblings fun round and full of kitty do you get what I'm saying???
I love this
I love Sparkpelt, love her lil anxious moments, love her, love that she just wants to fool around with toms and enjoys Larksong but doesn't want to get serious you go girl
They wanted to write smart-ass they wanted to write smart-ass so bad
They're doing this in the rain?????
I'm quite certain Violetpaw is a young adult by this point its valid for her to go
Wh why did you let your cat out in the rain dude!!! When it comes back it's gonna dirty up the whole place it's wet out there!!!! And the cold is gonna get in the house!!!!!!!
Oh this is so epic
That moment when your cat nearly dies and then it runs off and you go after it and then a bunch of other cats show up and start running with it
I hope Twigpaw can see the others soon
Glad to see her keeping her medicine cat knowledge ehehehe
Sandynose I hate you you are so abled
Sandynose: I don't want my son to feel distanced from his peers so I'm distancing him from his peers
Angry sad upset why
Thanks graystripe
Ok who's dying this time
Ok no one just a background cat got hurt he will survive otherwise it would be relevant
This was intense though what will happen now???
Oh this is lovely so good they're here!!! The rest of skyclan has arrived and we are all happy together
That dream felt good
Where were you at!!!!
Check this man's feet how many toes are there this could be good
Hegshahwha what the fuck is up with this guy
Okay I like him
Ohhh THATS tree
Change your name if you don't like it you sound trans already
Yeah nothing makes one smarter like dying
This is very fun I'm excited for more of whatever happening
Twigpaw :c
Oh no
Hhhhnn I want Twigpaw to be happy so bad, I hate seeing her struggles
Sandynose you are so evil and very detested by me
You can and you SHOULD feel angry at Sandynose he SUCKS and he is being needlessly mean at you!!!!! There are much better ways to bring up the possibility that maybe you'd be happier with thunderclan!!! Fuck off Sandynose
Oh so Snowbush hasn't improved, maybe he will die?
Poor Alderheart
Oh fuck there he goes
Aw man, rip to the background cat
That was a heavy death too
Aw, I was hoping the rest of Skyclan would show up before the gathering, maybe just after it???
I wonder what's going on in Shadowclan
The couple was kidnapped
Oh my lord oh fuck
Can't anyone step up to lead why do they depend on Tigerheart so much???
Jesus christ
Alderheart kills his gods
This is so chaotic and funny I'm worried as hell for shadowclan but excited a lot is happening
Tawnypelt >:(
Oh dear
Twigpaw :c
TWIGPAW :CCCC Man rememebr when I said I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure of being happy for others? yeah
I'm so heartbroken for them
Uh pdhsgahab okay then
Bye finpaw
Wow that was easy for him
This is fun
I'm still sad as hell
Okay there's a lot going on right now wow
The owl scene was funny as hell to picture, this dramatic prophetic moment and the cats just "uuggh is that a prophecy??? Nooo"
Okay so
There's some shadowclan cats missing, considering the many sleekwhisker maps I'm sure she's up to no good but I have no clue what happened to the others and I hope they're okay
Wow! That was really something
Fantastic ending to a very good book its, definitely a different energy from the third but I'm really enjoying this I'm still excited as hell!!! I got worried things would get kinda bad from here but nope!!!! Very fun stuff for now this is very very good and I am enjoying it
This is definitely one of the most fun arcs I've read so far!!! The drama the stakes the little moments everything is tying together really well into a very fun story I'm enjoying a lot!
I worry for Twigpaw and hope for her happiness, and Violetshine too, hope her and Hawkwing deal well with missing her. Tree is being interesting. Alderheart wasn't much of a focus here but always fun to see him trying to solve the damn prophecy no leaders seem to care about. Mousewhisker was okay??? Lots of very fantastic turns for all events and uh let's see where this all goes next!!!
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philosophy-juice · 4 years
OMIGOSH @breadpunk7 i literally just saw this!!!!!!!! thanks for tagging me!! question time........
name/nickname: mya... can’t really do much with a three letter name (my middle name is rae tho and some people call me roo!)
gender: nonbinary (maybe genderfluid? not too sure about labels lately but it’s all good)
star sign: taurus sun, cap moon, sag rising
height: 5′4
birthday: may 5
time: 11:38 am aka i just woke up like an hour ago
favorite bands: ok HARD QUESTION but right now im listening to tons of taylor swift (cowboy like me and ivy have my entire heart), rilo kiley, liz phair (having a mid 90s moment i suppose), gorillaz (new album slaps), james blake, everything everything, georgia, joseph (THEYRE SO UNDERAPPRECIATED), xray spex, and the joy formidable.
favorite solo artists: ahhhhhh right now several of the people i mentioned above, also listening to lots of old blues and jazz artists like ella fitzgerald; hozier, marie-pierre arthur (she’s quebecois and her music is so pretty), and patti smith
last movie: fellowship of the ring for the nine millionth time, BUT i’ve been trying to find wolfwalkers cause i wanna watch it so bad..... i love cartoon saloon we stan small independent animation studios
last show: bridgerton, but only first ep so far
when did I create this blog: i’ve been on tumblr since like 2011 but i made this blog in...... 2016 i wanna say?
what do i post: who’s to say
last thing googled: adoption centres near my city cause my family’s trying to find a dog :))))
other blogs: @brushstrokebees my semi-cottagecore-y blog but it’s got a couple other things going on too and @garagesalerock where i [sometimes] make lyric edits [usually on request]
 do i get asks: sometimes!!
why i chose my url: dumb pun i drew in comic form in middle school about hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy and me being in the midst of a semi-intellectual phase; it was a glass of orange juice and it said ‘philosophy juice - only 42 calories in every half glass’
following: 466 but ive been meaning to go through them all again cause lots are inactive/blogs about things im not into as much anymore (i think that also includes my other two blogs?? not sure)
followers: 89 heck yeahhh
average hours of sleep: anywhere from 4 to 10 on the average day, but when uni is going usually like 7/8
lucky number: probably 5!!
instruments: ive played piano for a super long time, same with alto saxophone all through school but i haven’t played since i graduated; i also play guitar (but still super rusty) and i sing a lot!! i’d like to learn viola or violin, bass, and some other kind of wind instrument
what am i wearing: booty shorts and a thrifted sweater...... and some space themed earrings i just got in the mail from a really cool artist i follow on twitter
dream job: published author!!!! that’s my dream. but i’m hoping to get some sort of career in conservation, climate change research, sustainable planning and development, or something in those realms since i’m getting my degree in environmental sciences and geography :))
dream trip: iceland!! and i’d also love to do a road trip up to the arctic circle here in canada. my other top places i wanna visit are argentina (esp patagonia, and taking a boat down to antarctica), taiwan with my best friend who’s from there, new zealand, turkey, greece, egypt, and way too many other places. also back to scotland cause hopefully i’ll be living there one day!
favorite food: anything that is pasta. i also love creme brulee (for a favourite dessert) and this thing called cranachan that’s like, whisky and raspberries and homemade whipped cream and oatmeal and it is. sublime. way too many other foods tho............ (if astrology isn’t real why am i a taurus that can’t stop thinking about food)
nationality: canadian
favorite song: oof yeah no can’t decide that but a top contender that i listened to for the millionth time this morning is all these things that i’ve done by the killers
last book read: reading the scottish boy by alex de campi and i am VERY MUCH enjoying it (there’s def some kinda iffy aspects to it, but it’s gorgeously written. and im a sucker for lgbtq historical fiction. so) it’s literally about a knight and his semi-squire in medieval britain who fall in love amidst political turmoil. the other book im in the middle of is gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir and if you’re reading this you’re now contractually obligated to read it. PLEASE IM SO ALONE AND IT’S A MASTERPIECE
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: lotr, zelda, animal crossing...... anything where i can be freed from the chains of neo-liberal capitalism and maybe have some magic as a treat
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Wrong Direction: Chapter 3 (K. Kapanen)
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My phone rings with a FaceTime call from Kasperi a few hours after we texted. My heart stops and I feel like my chest is about to explode. I let it ring out twice before swiping right on the screen to answer the call. When it connects, I see Kasperi wearing a light pink hoodie with the hood pulled up over his wavy brown hair. He looks so cozy, so comfortable. He smiles gently at the screen when I answer, taking me in the same way I am him.
“Hey,” he says so gently it's almost a whisper.
“Hey,” I say back. I turn on my side, laying under the covers on my bed. I continue to just watch him, my heart swelling. My feelings are so conflicting, but one thing I know for sure is that I'm still just as much in love with Kas as I was the day I met him, and that might never change. He was the first person I ever fell in love with.
“Look, Y/N, I feel so bad for what I did. Like, fuck, I don’t even know how to say what I’m trying to, uhh…” he looks away from the screen as he talks and tries to come up with words to explain himself.
I giggle slightly. He looks back at the screen, his brown eyes sparkling. “I missed that laugh.”
I smile gently back at him, my temples throbbing. “I'm still mad at you, Kasperi.”
He pouts. “I know. I know you are. I hate myself for ever causing you this much pain, believe me. I wanna fix this. I want to be the one to love you.”
“It's really not that easy. What you did is unforgivable. Do you really think I'll run back to you just like that? I have some self-worth, Kas, and I know I didn't deserve that. That night, I wanted to make you a nice dinner because I felt bad for leaving you at home while I was working, despite the fact that there was nothing for me to feel bad about because I was out working. I wasn't the one cheating.”
“I know. I know, I’m so fucking stupid. I really fucked up, I know. I don’t deserve a second chance. I don’t even deserve you talking to me at all right now. I deserve jack shit, I know that. But I don’t want to lose you. Is there any way I can fix this? I’ll do anything to get you back, Y/N.”
I look away from the screen and take a breath. When I look back, he's staring at me with the same doe-eyed expression as when he first asked me out. “I don’t know.”
He looks like he might cry, and in the back of my mind I feel bad for being so harsh, but I quickly push that thought away, reminding myself how grave his mistake really was. I went to sleep crying for months. I gave him my all for what felt like forever and he threw it all away in one action. Everything felt like it was built on lies upon lies upon lies. He runs his hand down his face and pushes his hair back under his hood. “What do I do to fix this?”
I'm silent for a moment, wondering if there is even a way to fix this. “Why did you do it?” I wince as soon as the words leave my mouth, unsure of whether or not I really want to hear his answer. “I, uhm, I never gave you a chance to explain yourself.” After I saw him in bed with that girl, I left without saying another word to Kasperi. And even though that's justifiable, I still feel a little guilty.
“I thought you didn't love me anymore. You were always out doing album promotions, and it felt like there was so much distance between us. I felt like you were pushing me away, and I didn’t want to believe that, I didn't want to think about it. I needed a distraction, and that sounds so fucking stupid, I know. I regretted it as soon as she walked into the apartment.
“Y/N I need you. I need you to understand how badly I need you. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't function without you. I know I don't deserve a second chance, but if you just trust me I know I can fix this. Let me fix us, please.”
I'm silent, thinking and trying not to think. “Kasperi that's the whole point, I can’t trust you, no matter how badly I want to. Please believe how badly I want to trust you like I did. But I'm coming back to Toronto next month. William’s letting me move back in with him.”
Kasperi’s eyes brighten at the news. “Then let me take you out. Let me, Y/N. Please. I miss you so fucking much, oh my God.”
I smile slightly at him, and it grows wider when I see his eyes brighten at the sight of it. If there were such things as soulmates, one person made specifically for another, I think that Kasperi would be mine. There's a lot of hurt in my chest when I look at him or think about him, but there's also an overpowering amount of love. “That would be nice.” He smiles so wide, the first smile he’s given me in what feels like forever.
“I'm going to fix this. I'm going to win you back. You're gonna be my girl again, baby, trust me. Oh, just you wait and see.” I can't help but smile back at him. There's a large amount of trust that he has to win back, but just hearing his voice makes me feel safe and warm and happy.
“Let’s see, Kasu.”
He just smiles back at me. “So, uhm, how are things in Montreal? How’s Domi?”
“Well, he's very much not on your side in this whole thing,” I laugh, to which he smiles and shakes his head.
“He was never on my side, it's not like I lost a fan or anything.”
I laugh, and the nerves in my stomach about calling him, about opening back up a wound that was just starting to heal, are gone. I still have my guard up, but he's my safety. He's my normal, my happiness.
My everything.
So I have to give him a chance to fix this. I have to give us a chance to fix us. Because he's my world, and it would be a mistake to throw everything in the garbage without ever trying to fix it. We continue to talk for a few more hours until I glance at the time and see it's close to three in the morning.
“Do you have practice tomorrow?”
“Yeah, at six. Why?”
“Because six is in less than three hours.”
“Are you joking?” He jumps slightly and his eyes widen as he searches frantically for the time to see if I'm telling the truth. I laugh at him and he calms down, smiling at me. “You're so beautiful.”
“Stop it,” I smile. “I know what you're trying to do and it's not gonna work, Kapanen.”
“I don't know what you’re talking about. I'm simply telling the truth.”
“You have to go to bed.”
He pouts at me. “I don't.”
“You do. I know you haven't been sleeping, you have to sleep tonight. In your own bed.”
He frowns, but nods. “I don't wanna hang up. I never want to stop talking to you ever again.”
“Yeah, well, your phone’s gonna die, and if you wanna talk after practice you should charge it.”
“You'll talk to me after practice tomorrow?” He sounds like a little boy who just got told he'd get ice cream after practice.
“Well, that's usually when I call William, but if you call me first…”
“Oh, I will, don't even worry.”
We stare at each other in silence.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Kasu.”
“Can you hang up? Because-”
I cut him off by pressing the end call button and smile. Not even two seconds later a text dings.
‘Go to bed.’
‘fine. but only bcuz ik i get a chance to win u back’
‘Mhm. Gn Kasu.’
‘gn <3’
I smile at the phone screen and put it on the table next to my bed. I should probably get up and take a quick shower before falling asleep, but I decide to just shower in the morning. I don't want to break the feeling Kasperi gave me. I smile as I shut my eyes, thinking that he really might love me as much as I thought he did before everything spiralled out of control.
I go to sleep with a smile on my face instead of tears in my eyes for the first time in months. Maybe I'm a fool, but that's what love does to you. I'm willing to give Kasperi another chance, because he really might be my forever person. I missed him more than words can describe, and I can't wait to see him again, to feel his embrace. I will always love him, no matter what, and despite the amount of hurt he made me feel, I know that we can make it past this.
He means so much to me, and I want to try to make it work, at least once more. I don't want to give up hope of a future with him, a future of late night calls when he's on the road, him coming to my shows, and little kids running around the house. I don't want to give up hope of a life with Kasperi, and I know that we can fix things between us. He loves me, and I love him, and with that we can get through anything together.
‘R u awake?’
‘im going 2 sleep rn but ya’
‘We’re gonna be ok. It'll take time, but I think we're gonna be ok, w each other’
‘trust me, Y/N, i will never ever hurt u again. i love you sm’
‘I love u forever, no matter what’
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ultraklll · 4 years
Tony Miller as a Gun For Hire! Tagged by the lovely @envyfelled ! Ty! This was super fun! Also, I'm on mobile, so sorry for the garbo formatting! (Fun fact, tonys voice claim is laura bailey as fiona/fem!boss)
Paired With Fangs For Hire:
Boomer - "Heya buddy!" followed by excessive scratching behind the ears | "Fuckin' love this dog, can sniff out a peggie like shark sniffing out blood. Good trait to have! Awfully convenient too…" | [patpatapatptpataptap] | "Atta fuckin' boy Boomer!" When she sees him get a kill | "Who's a good boy! Who wants to kill some cultists!" | "Wanna play fetch? Rip out their necks?"
Peaches - "Good girl…" | stealth gang stealth gang | peaches: mows down peggies/tony: a baby!" | "I jus' think it's funny that when we went to the Henbane, we picked up a cougar, Addie, an actual cougar, Peaches, and joined a crew called the Cougars… Just'a thought," 
Cheeseburger - "This reminds me'a Vegas pride, saw plenty'a bears there too" | "Kinda ironic to find you in Jacob's region, all things considered," [snickers to herself] | [PATPATPATPATPATPAT] | "Get outta my pockets! These snacks are mine, not yours!" | "You remind me of those like, beware of dog signs, but the dog is always a sweetheart who'd rather play with a home invader rather than attack them," 
Paired With Other Guns For Hire:
Jess - stealth gang stealth gang stealth gang | Jess has a MASSIVE crush on Tony. Everyone can tell. Tony knows | jess: guns are fucking lame and the sniper rifle is the cowards weapon/ tony: uses a sniper rifle/ jess: actually sniper rifles are cool as fuck | "Good shot Jess!" "S-shit, um, thanks, Tony," 
Grace - sniper gang sniper gang!! | [steals a headshot Grace was lining up] "Cmon Gracie, thought you were meant to be Olympic level!" | highly competitive, do a shot whenever they get a perfect headshot to die instantly | smug top solidarity | also heavily depressed solidarity 
Adelaide - [acts like she's not sleeping with her nephew even tho Addie knows she definitely knows] | Tony is either constantly laughing or constantly face palming over the shit addie says | have gotten into an argument once bc addie said john was a top 
Nick - "What's up eye in the sky?" | [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [flirts over radio] [fli | Nick: speaks/Tony: god I just love the way you fucking talk | often talk about kim together | "Can we have a barbecue at your place once these fuckers are dealt with?" | [pretends not to be bitter the Deputy got to help deliver Carmina and not her]
Sharky - "Heya baby!" | [constant back and forth flirting. It's embarrassing] | any second they're both not talking is a second they're making out | Can and Will go john wick on some peggy ass if he gets hurt badly | "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" "Lemme ask my momma," | she calls him Charlie :> | loves him so so much they're just constantly talking about anything and everything | literally like A Comedic Duo. Have together for certified funnies
Hurk jr. - "Junior! This'll be just like Kyrat!" | competitions about who can shotgun a beer faster every 4 seconds | WILL tell you stories about their time in Kyrat together | Tony has punched Drubman sr in the nose before and she'll do it again | "Hey Tony? You still in contact with Ajay?" "He sends me a royal postcard every now n' then. Apparently it's boring being king, and his only solace is that his new bodyguard is cute," 
In Combat: 
Seeing an enemy - "Fucker in my sights," | "I got a bullet with your name on it… actually I don't, who the fuck has time to carve names in bullets, but you get the idea- im just gonna shoot you now" | "You're dead on arrival, shithead," 
Sneaking - "You'd think me sneaking is counter productive because I'm 6'4 and have a very loud gun, but you're the boss Dep," | "Shhhh… we're huntin' shitheads… Heard it in a game," | [shoots alarm boxes] "You ain't allowed to call your friends, you're all grounded," | *peggy triggers alarm* "Fuckin snitch!" 
Killing an enemy - "SKULLCRACKER!" | "I just don't miss!" | just fucking headshot after headshot after headshot | [sucks in breath through teeth] "God damn I'm good," | when shes not using her Wifle (wife rifle, a 45/70) she's being FUCKING EFFICIENT with her ak-ms or just blasting ribcages open with her shotgun
Reviving - "Up you get, baby," | "You ain't dying on me that easy, Dep" | "Not today Satan!" | "You gonna let some unwashed asshole kill you?" 
Hurt - "Motherfucker!" | "That's another scar I'll tattoo over," | "Thank god people find scars sexy," | "God fuck that's smarts!" 
Downed - "Dep! Give me a hand?" | "Clean up on Aisle 4 needed!" | "Don't worry about me, just bleeding out over here, no rush," 
Revived - "Drinks on me when this is over Dep," | "Thanks babe!" | "I'll kiss you when we get outta this mess," | "I owe ya!"
Entering a vehicle - "Lemme take over I'm a way better driver than you," | "Floor it!" | "Hang on I've got a mixtape, just hope I havent fuckin' crushed it," | [takes the opportunity to roll cigs] | *peggies roll up* "Keep her steady!" [leans out the window and headshots the peggie on their ass, causing them to crash the car, like that isnt the coolest shit you've ever seen] "Aight cool,"
Reckless Driving - "Watch the fuckin' road asshole!" | [desperately tryna grip the wheel so she can take over driving] | "STOP THE CAR! I'LL JUST FUCKING WALK!" | "Are you tryna kill us?! Fuckin' swap seats now!" | tony is the designated driver bc one she's fucking good at it and two shes also a really bad backseat driver. Just let her drive 
Changing Radio Stations - "Now don't tell Charlie I said this but some of the peggies music is actually good,"| "John's a prick but his music taste is fuckin' good," | [punches radio in when Only You comes on] "...Sorry… Force'a habit…" | "Bold and brave my ass, John looks like he needs help getting spiders out of rooms and wears fuzzy pink bathrobes," 
"Man, John's a freak, and yeah I mean that in the sexy way. Someone who demands so much outward control whilst being a shithead little brat likes to get trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and stuffed like one too. Don't give me that look Dep, I'm right and we both know it," 
"That dude Jacob ate was called Miller?? God, that could've been me if I was much older and way uglier!" 
"Faith just makes me fuckin sad man. She's been manipulated and groomed into this life by fuckin Joseph- she's so goddamn young too. I'm not gonna tell you what to do Dep, but that's just my two cents,"
"Joseph's the worst kind of man- a manipulator. He tells you what you wanna hear, targets the misfortunate who have nothing left to lose, builds a fucking army out of em. The other heralds I'm ok with arresting, but Joseph's got to go,"
[Lights cig with either her fancy lighter or by striking a match on the bottom of her shoe] "Don't start smoking, Dep,  bad for your health," 
Location Specific: 
Testy Festy Aftermath - [pinches bridge of nose] "Not again…" | "Anyone got a water and like, 3 aspirin?" | "Ain't the first time I've woke up passed out in a field, won't be the last," | "Did we at least get a photo from the night? I've won the competitions here for the last 3 years in a row now, I'm not fuckin missing one cuz of these peggies," 
Falls End - "Fuckin shame to see Falls End like this, but Mary May and Jerome will take good care of her now weve got it back, they always do," | "Think we'll get free drinks for life at the Spread Eagle when this is all over? Actually, we probably won't even get free drinks for week, so for life is wishful thinking," | she enjoys playing with the singing fish on the front of the speed eagle and keeps tryna convince Mary May to let her take it for herself bc tony goddamn miller has the biggest singing fish collection in the entire county 
Seed Ranch - *loud whistle* "this place is swanky as fuuuuck… Not that big a fan of all the dead animals though…" | "IS THAT WEED ON THE TABLE? Johnny boy you fuckin' hypocrite!" | "Oh he's definitely got a secret room behind one of these bookshelves, like a home torture room? Oh my God, what if he has more than one...?" [starts frantically pulling books off shelves] | regarding his shelves with peggie memorabilia [takes baseball bat to it] | [pretends she's never been here as she frantically stuffs any of her own belongings she might've forgotten here into her bag]
Entering the Henbane - "Don't trust a goddamn thing you see here. You think you see something you're not supposed to, hit it," | [swinging at bliss induced angel/animal/faith visions] | "Can we try savin' Faith? Don't feel right killin' her, she's so young…" | "Can we go to Sharky's place? I left some stuff there that could be worth picking up,"
Hope County Jail - "Sheriff Whitehorse has always been a good man to me, Dep. Would appreciate it if he lived through this," | "I always feel like a giant whenever I come here, everyones like 5'3. Virgil, Tracey, Charles, all shortasses," | "I think it's cute they gave you a little pin! You're part of their Pride now! Or whatever the cougar equivalent is to a lions pride… do Cougars even travel in packs? Aside from when Addie used take the girls out for drinks,"
Entering the Whitetails - "Always feels like something's watchin' you in these woods. Keep your eyes peeled," | "Always felt like there's something in these woods that there ain't supposed to be…" | [Shifting from foot to foot] "Can we get a move on? Aint'a big fan of standing around waitin' to get shot by some fuckin' sniper with a bow," | [watching Jacob's video punishing Pratt] "I'll fuckin' get you outta here, Stace… you just gotta hold out a second longer," | [about all the dead bodies and 'you are meat' graffiti] "Love what Jacob's done with the place," 
The Wolfs Den - "Eli Palmer is a good fuckin man. Kind, smart, careful and ruthless against peggies. We've made a good friend here, Dep," | "Heya Wheaty! Got a few more vinyls for your collection! They're all my own though, so be careful with em," | "I don't think Tammy likes you that much Dep. I don't think she likes much of anything anymore, other than attaching jumper cables to Peggy's nipples… Oh god, my piercings hurt thinking about it," 
Joseph's Island - [hand firmly on rifle grip] | "Creepy, evil motherfucker, had him pegged right from the start. Well, not pegged. I'm not pegging Joseph. I'd rather stick my dick in a ceiling fan then go anywhere near him- I'm just gonna stop talking," | "You know what? No one else has asked it so I'm gonna- where the fuck does Joseph sleep.  In the church? In one of these houses? In the dirt somewhere? What if he hangs upside down from trees like a bat?" 
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Zookeeper’s Son
Also on AO3!
An iconic personality in the animal conservation scene has a popular zoo that people flock to from all over the world. But this isn't about him, it's about his son. And his son's massive crush. (Cheesy ShinDeku Crush) 
steve irwin inspired au, aka if you didnt know hamlet was australian, you do now
Ok but All Might is basically Steve Irwin in this au, Izuku is a huuuuuge animal fan
Allmight is Izuku’s dad and Inko is his wife and izu hung around animals loads when he was young, 1A are the zoo volunteers
is he like, steve irwin with crocodiles? or something like big cats or wolves. Honestly let's just stick with crocodiles
aizawa is the sleepy big cat handler
mic yells with the birds, mostly his job is actually the PA system but he teaches the birds to talk during his lunch hour, And he runs birds of prey shows
Shinsou comes to the zoo a lot cause he likes watching the tigers and their babies. shinsou giving a bottle of milk to a baby tiger because aizawa needed an extra pair of hands and our boy is crying actual tears because its So Cute
Todoroki was never allowed pets or to go outside much because he has to be a respectable rich boi tm, but he's always loved watching all mights ridiculous nature shows
w a  it
this means
allmight dies. Damn ok I guess this is getting sad now.
Todoroki goes to the zoo for the first time ever and sees a mural to Allmight and just starts crying
so aizawa has been working at the zoo since izuku was born and was honestly his babysitter a lot with mic and tensei because tensei, the onsite vet, had a little brother the same age. and when the news came in? aizawa's heart sank because this little 6-year-old ball of sunshine didn't have a dad anymore
inko is the badass but soft mum but shes not at home, shes actually on a shoot at the time
izuku is running around the zoo and aizawa just scoops him up and gets him icecream because the kid doesn't know yet and he wants izuku to have 5 more minutes before his world collapses. aizawa lets out a single sob because izuku picked the allmight themed icecream thanks
Aizawa helps Inko around the house as much as possible and drives Izu to school when Inko is having a rough day
All mights animals being depressed cause he's gone and blessed 6-year-old Izu sneaking into a fucking lion enclosure because 'dad would want to cheer them up'
there was a lion cub litter born really close to izuku and allmight dotted on these cubs because he was all soft because his wife was pregnant, there are photos of toddler izuku with these lions. izuku burying his face into one of their manes and crying while the lions lay around him
Aizawa has been interning at the zoo since he was 15 and is 22 when allmight dies. its his first year really "working" there because he just finished uni and hes on fulltime
aizawa thought allmight was going to be kinda snobby but allmight said hi to him every day, remembered his name and attended his uni graduation, told him he was proud and told him he'd never seen anyone as good with the cats as he was
aizawa babysat his kid, saw this man almost every day since he was 15
Ok but what if Inko wakes up in the middle of the night hearing All mights voice. She's freaking out, but then finds Izu rewatching old footage of his dad. Crying but also using them to learn how to be as good with the animals as him
animals a d o r e izuku, all of them
like, even the crows at the park will sit on his shoulders and give him little shiny things the wolves like to lick him and crowd him when he walks in, the crocodiles like head scratches
allmight was so proud of his son, because even he couldnt get animals to like him instinctually
1A are all the little highschool interns
Shinsou crushes on the cute zookeeper boy and Izu gets him an internship eventually, he just sees izuku hugging a lion and falls in love instantly
aizawa is his uncle and is complaining about this "kid that doesnt listen to safety protocol" and shinso is like ",, h im"
Aizawa thought that shinsou hated outdoors and animals, but is confused when suddenly Shinsou starts going to the zoo after school everyday
the way this family works
aizawa was a foster kid bc his family wasnt trusted with him but he still had contact, shinso's family was falling apart and aizawa didnt want his cousin to go through the same thing so he takes shinsou in age 10
they say uncle bc aizawa is so much older than shinsou
izuku like, doesn't tell shinso hes allmights kid and izuku wears a facemask and dyes his hair all the time so its fair that shinso doesnt guess
so izuku is on messenger and tells shinso to open his window izuku is sitting on his balcony. hes got a torch in his mouth and a swipecard in the other. he just kinda, grabs shinso and hauls him over the balcony. shinso is in pyjamas and all he has is a phone
izuku grabs his hand and they run down the street and shinso is just??? so lost. aizawa lives su p er close to the zoo and they get to the gate and shinso is like?? why are we here its midnight
and izuku o p e n s th e g a t e
shinso is crying bc he has every reason to think he'll go to jail
(izuku turned off the alarms and warned his mum he was doing this but didnt warn shinso because thats not fun)
so izuku takes shinso to the farmyard, wakes up the horse, which is his horse, a pulls shinso up on it too the horse has little lights on it
so its midnight and shinso is hugging izuku on this horse because its cold and hes in pyjama's and hes cold and its dark and he doesnt wanna fall off this massive horse
so izuku takes him around the zoo at night on this horse and its honestly great? bc loads of the animals are awake and the zoo is empty. izuku whispers that hes not really supposed to do this but hes going to do it anyway and shinso is like??? please dont im too young for jail
but izuku just giggles
izuku lets them into the back deer enclosure and its m a s s i v e
so its 2am by now, all the deer are awake so izuku ties up the horse and leads shinso over to his fave deer
"ok so, dad used to do this to me when i was litte, but i figure youre still light enough”
and izuku just hefts shinso onto this deer. shinso is laughing and clinging to this deer for his life and so izuku gets on another and they run around the paddock
shinso is yelling and cheering as izuku laughs, the other deer are running beside them because deer do that and its honestly the coolest thing that shinso has ever done
4am and the deer have all fallen back asleep and shinso and izuku are on the roof of the vet clinic because the vet-clinic is still heated at night so the roof is warm and they kinda,, fall asleep on the roof. izuku wakes up at 6, but doesnt wake shinso up for 20 minutes because hes smiling even in his sleep
they have to sprint back to shinso's house
izuku helps shinso climb back up his balcony and waves goodbye and shinso just watches him run back to the zoo and hes blushing and messy and cold but hes just so happy
aizawa walks into his room a minute later and asks shinso if he slept outside for some ungodly reason because his lips are blue and there are leaves in his hair
izuku doesnt like people knowing hes allmights kid when hes just out and about or working or honestly doing anything that isnt a show or interview so the only people that know are tenya, bakugo, tensei, mic and aizawa
Every year at the anniversary of all mights death they all bring Izu and Inko to his shrine and thousands of people come from all around to pay their respects and Shinsou finds a crying Izu after and takes him back to the zoo after hours so Izu can be with the animals
shinso still doesnt know izuku is allmights kid and izuku just sobbing and shinso doesnt know what happened
izuku just talks about his dad vaguely, shinso knows aizawa used to babysit izuku too
aizawa makes a tradition of getting icecream for izuku on the date every year, they both get the allmight themed one
bakugo isnt a massive dick in this au but hes still not a soft friend. he will roast you every 24 seconds but the 2 weeks around allmights death? he looks out for izuku, makes extra sure no one works out izuku from school is "allmights son" izuku, makes sure he eats lunch, helps inko make dinner
bakugo threatens to rip off shinso's dick and shove it down his throat and shinsou is like???? WHat dID i DO???
Izu is being bullied for crying in school around the date, Bakugo fIGHTS
bakugo gets suspended for a day and aizawa picks him up bc his parents are busy. bakugo looks angry but also kinda, embarrassed for being caught and for getting that mad. aizawa just parks on the side of the road just out of school and lets out a massive sigh
"you shouldn't have done that-"
"You dont think i fucking know that??"
"shut up and listen kid. you shouldn't have done that. and im not giving you a pat on the head for breaking the rules like that. but you did a good thing. hes got enough on his plate. youre a good friend"
aizawa lets bakugo stay at his place so mitsuki doesn't have to find out bakugo got suspended, izuku takes bakugo to pat the wolves as a "thank you for throwing down for me" present
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A fic for @cstormsinukagblog as a part of the @kuroshironekoserver exchange! Im sorry its so late! I hope you can forgive me!
And I hope you enjoy!
He was easy enough to find, a harsh red and white spot resting easily in the sea of soft billowing greens, not budging an inch no matter how hard the winds pushed at him.
Or maybe he was just easy to spot for her, always searching but never having to look too hard or long to find him.
But he was odd today, distant and faroff in how he spoke with quiet words, carrying himself in a way that seemed too small for how she knew the half demon to be. Something had been eating at him since he woke this morning.  Truth be told Kagome wasn't even sure if he slept last night, the lines under his eyes running deep when she'd looked at him.
He didn't respond when she settled beside him, his gaze remained out to the village, unfocused and unblinkingly despite the wind whipping his hair into his eyes.
"We couldn't find you for a moment there." Kagome joked, crossing her legs before her. "Shippo was getting kinda worried too, but he didn't want to admit it." She sported a soft grin at the memory of the little demon getting antsy after the first two hours when Inuyasha wasn't there for him to tease.
Still he remained silent, his familiar arrogant scoff failed to meet her ears and no amused growl rose from his throat at her words. And that made the unease climb in Kagome's throat.
But he did try for a snort, though it was forced and stuck partway in his throat. It came out strangled, pulling her brows together with concern as she inched nearer to him.
Carefully Kagome rested a hand on his shoulder, and its small weight seemed to pull him down, it dragging even further under her touch.
"Inu…" she began, chewing on her bottom lip slightly, trying to figure out what quite to say. But no words felt right on her tongue. Are you ok was too light a thing to say, yet anything else seemed too heavy to ask without risk of him closing off from her.
It was strange to be so conflicted without even knowing the problem. So her not even yet a question floated in the air, not even given the chance to hang before being swept away by the breeze. 
"When you wanna talk i'm here to listen." Kagome offered, giving his shoulder a light squeeze, hoping her assurance would help in any way. 
Seconds slithered away to minutes while the pair sat there, the silence between them tethered on the boundaries of comfortable and awkward. More villagers milled about the roads below now, children especially, ducking and weaving skilfully in and out of the crowds with what she could only guess were shrieks of laughter at their play.
Kagome vaguely wondered if Shippou was down there with them.
She flinched reactively when Inuyasha shuffled in his place next to her, him not having moved much in the time she sat with him. He glanced at her from out the corner of his eyes, redness already seeping into them before they ducked away to the grass. 
"Kagome..." He began softly. The lightness of his voice took her back a little, not used to hearing such a tone from her partner. "When, when's your mother's birthday?" She blinked, not at all expecting that question. Her brow raised slightly.
"It was just a few weeks ago. Why?"
He said nothing, or at least she thought he didn't. His mouth opened but no words came to her. The wind died down slightly. Inuyasha's ears pressed flat to his hair, almost hidden in the sea of silvery strands and suddenly, he looked lost and scared. Like a puppy with nowhere to go.
"I can't...remember my mother's birthday. I think it's today but I'm not sure. I don't know anymore. I, i think i'm forgetting her." Inuyasha's eyes squeezed shut, his brows furrowed tightly as though trying to dig up the memories he so desperately was trying to remember.
Inuyasha whined softly, the weak sound barely made it past his lips. "I miss her Kagome. I don't want to lose what I have left of her." And he slouched in defeat, his weight dropping tiredly into her side making her almost drop back in the grass. Kagome drew hand her from his shoulder and held it in the air, unsure of what quite to do next. A heaviness for him crept into her chest and she gently laid her hand atop his head, smoothing over his flattened ears.
"It's….. natural to forget." Kagome began softly, rubbing circles at the base of one of his ears. " You don't know this but my grandma passed away when I was little, about Souta's age right now. And I was devastated to no end. Then maybe a year or two passed and then i realized, I couldn't remember the colour of her eyes. I wasn't too sure what to do that day except cry. But i did remember."
Inuyasha made a sound but otherwise remained quiet.
"Grandpa reminded me. And he reminded me of other things that I'd forgotten too, like how bad her jokes were, or how much she hated the heat. He forgets the little things about her too sometimes, and mom reminds him then or I might remind him, so we all don't forget about her." 
"But I don't have anyone to remind me. I'm the only one who has memories of her." He whispered, and his ears pressed tighter to his scalp.
"Then tell me what you remember about her. It won't be the same, but I can remind you so you don't forget about her anytime soon and i can help you keep her memory still alive. If you're ok with sharing those memories with me."
The noise of the village had grown louder, taking over from the winds soft howls to fill the air in its stead as she waited for her partner's response. An ear twitched beneath her still palm, Inuyasha easing himself up from her side. He glanced at her, holding her gaze for the first since she sat next to him.
"She….. loved to watch the sunsets every evening. Even when she was sick she'd ask me to help her outside to watch it." He mumbled. Kagome smiled, brushing aside the hair blocking his gaze. She gave him a nod to keep going.
And he did, pulling up knowledge to share even if it took a few moments of thought. And when he finished not long after the sun started to sink, a silent thanks passed between them. Kagome had new memories to hold onto, ones that she refused to let go of any time soon.
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dianapana · 5 years
SasuHina Month Day 2- Vampire
Hey guys, I'm back with day 2 woopwoop, i know they are kinda posted close one to the other, but i wanna catch up to the day that i should be at and as i said im on the road most of August so when i gind time and ok internet connection i wanna try to upload. Also fun fact, i chose May 26th cuz here where i live, Transylvania, that day is Dracula day so i thought it fitted nice with the prompt. ANYWAY i hope you enjoy ~Love Dia
Every year on 26th May for the past 8 centuries people of Konoha go to the Hyuuga mansion to pray for the souls of all the lost. Not the dead, but those that are missing. They came to the mansion weep and tell sad stories about people that have mysteriously disappeared that year. They pray for those souls and ask the Gods to be kind to them in the following year. The tradition started when people of Konoha decided that all those people go missing because of a curse that started on the 12th century, the first missing person being the first Hyuuga princess of that time. This tradition happens of the anniversary of her disappearance.
In the Hyuuga mansion there is an glass coffin in the middle of the study room where the most life-like doll of Hinata, the Hyuuga princess lays. There is a small gold plate that tells the doll's story how it was made as a gift for Hiashi, the first king and Hinata's father for what would have been the girl's 21rst birthday, 7 months after she went missing. The doll is the oldest object in the whole village and also the most valuable one. Everyone always talkes about the doll, about its beauty and the sad story behind it and about the curse that it somewhat represents. But actually there are very few people that know the tale behind the “doll" and the missing people.
The Hyuugas do not know the truth, not even Hiashi was aware when he was alive all those years ago, they do have a but more information than the general public but they believe the doll to be the embodiment of evil since many of them have walked around the house in the middle of the night to find the glass coffin empty. These stories of the doll being haunted have not left the Hyuuga household in order not to panic the people.
The only ones to know the truth are the Uchihas, a clan so old and with such morbid past that the village do not dare speak their name. They all believe the clan to be dead, but the Uchihas live and thrive in the middle of the forest. They all know about Hinata and all the missing people over the past 8 centuries because they have been alive to see it all happen.
“It's may 26th today.” Itachi says looking over his shoulder toward his little brother. “it’s funny how we don’t have any grasp over time and days anymore but this day always stands out"
“Hn. It is different because it’s the only day all year round when Hinata is later than usually. The people buzz around her today like moths to a flame.” Sasuke grumbles. His eyes are closed and he sits on his back on the porch of their house. Itachi is in front if him watching two newbies beings scolded by Fugaku, his father. Itachi's back is to Sasuke but he turns his head to see his brother.
“Maybe its time for the doll to disappear. You both hate how she has to be there during the day. It has been 8 centuries. The first couple of hundred of years I understood she stood back to watch over her family and their children but now she has little in common with the Hyuugas nowadays but the name. The bloodline has been altered over the years, she no longer should feel responsible for them. Her close relatives lived and died, as did their children, and their children and so forth”
Sasuke gets up and runs both hands over his face “I know, but I’m not sure how to bring this up to her. She’s been doing it for so long, I know she still feels bad for the way her father broke down when she ‘went missing’ I think she s looking over the Hyuugas to try to make sure that no one here tries to turn or eat one of them.”
The day Hinata appeared in their lives is one none will forget, the soft spoken princess was pray to one of their newbies even if Fugaku instructed them all not to prey on royalty and bring unwanted attention to them. The fragile girl just wouldn’t die even after being almost drained of blood after that newbie failed to control his hunger. He brought her back to the house with very little blood in her system since most of it he had drank and a good part of it was on his hands and clothes. The said newbie was punished while the girl was saved by being fed vampire blood. She had woken up almost 3 days later in transition, after that she was treated like a new vampire and taught everything she needed to know. It took her barely 1 month to get used to her new way of being while most took over an year. The youngest Uchiha boy took a liking to her and in less than 1 month she became one of the only vampire that he tolerated.
5 months later, a few before her birthday she asked him to take her back to see her family and Sasuke helped her sneak into her old house only to find all her family in deep mourning over her. After returning to the Uchiha house that night she asked Sasuke to help her find a way to return home without rising any suspicions. That is how she became a ‘doll' that stays all day in the glass coffin in her old house. It began as a way for her to watch over her family but now after so many years its just her normal. Sasuke sometimes curses the day that he compelled a wealthy friend of Hinata's father to take her to him in her coffin as a gift for the wounded family on her birthday.
When Fugaku found out he was furious but the damage was done, the doll disappearing would do even more harm so he could not undo it. Hinata started spending most of her day there doing nothing, sitting in her coffin with her eyes open and not moving, listening and watching everything. The time they spent in those 8 months was more than they did in the past 8 centuries. When she is back at the Uchiha house she does basic and vital things such as eating, washing herself and sleeping.
The conversation between brothers changed to another topic since that one was of no use. Many hours later when Hinata finally returns to the Uchiha house instead of seeing Sasuke for a few minutes before eating she finds Itachi in her room looking tense.
“Itachi? Is something wrong?” her mind going staright to Sasuke, did something happen to him?
“I did something that needed done long ago.” The older Uchiha says and walks over to her to place his hands on her forearms, it started as a sweet genuine act but his hold soon becomes hostile and more powerful, it is borderline painful. “It's over Hinata. No more games. You are either here or you are somewhere else. The Hyuuga house is no longer an option”
Her eyes widens. “What do you mean?” When a few seconds pass and Itachi hasn’t answered yet Hinata whisperes again “What did you do?”
“I fixed the problem. You no longer have a reason to be there, and you being here just for a bit hurts my brother. You can choose to be here forever or not another moment. The glass coffin is broken. There is a man on the run that believes he has stolen and sold the doll. There are evidence that lead to him all around the ‘crime' scene. You are free to be here or to go. If you are still here in the morning it means you can never leave. I've allowed you for too long to string Sasuke along you either set him free by leaving, by rejecting him yet staying here or the two of you can go back to being how you were in the first 7 months of you being a vampire.” Finishing his speech Itachi left before allowing Hibata to say a word.
The next day Sasuke comes out of his room very disoriented, he doesn’t remember going to bed and he usually always talks to Hianta for a bit before that, even if it is one of those days in which she comes late. The moon is on the sky once more which meant he has been out of it for almost 24h. In the kitchen he finds his brother, eyeing Itachi suspiciously Sasuke wants to question him but a familiar laugh catches his attention from the garden. With no word to Itachi he followes the voice, not noticing his brother's smirk.
“Hinata? Why are you here? What about the Hyuugas?” he askes. She turns around, walks to him and wraps herself around him in a hug.
“It’s over. No more doll. I am here now and I will be forever"
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
He saved me/ part 7
Summary: reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: this story will contain smut, violence, language, and torture. If you are triggered by any of this then i suggest you not to read.
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I walked out into the library where sam was sitting at the table researching like always. "Hey sam, what are you up to?"
He looked up at me and smiled, "hey (Y/N), im just looking into all these demon cases around here. Seeing if i can connect them with your ex."
I nodded and sat down across from him at the table. I looked around and asked "wheres dean?"
Sam looked up from his laptop again, "he went to go get lunch."
My eyes widened, "its lunch time?"
"Past it actually. Its almost three in the evening." Sam said not looking up this time. I sat there silent for a moment. Fiddling with my fingers and fidgeting.
"Have you found anything of use about parker?" I asked stuttering out parkers name. I wrapped deans flannel around me as a shiver ran down my spine. Deans sent calmed me down.
Sam sighed and shook his head, "not really, everything is pretty quiet right now. We have the best guys working on this so if he does pop up again. We will nail him." Sam gave me a reassuring smile and i couldnt help but smile back.
Just then the door to the bunker opened and i heard heavy boots coming down the stairs. Dean turned the corner and stopped for a second as he glanced at me. I smiled up at him and he smiled back.
"I got lunch. I didnt know what you wanted so i just got you the same as me." He said placing a bag in front of me. My stomach had settled so it actually grumbled as the smell of meat hit my nostrils.
I opened the bag and pulled out a double bacon burger with extra onions. This man knew everything about me it seemed. I loved bacon on burgers. I took a bite not waiting for the brothers to start eating. I moaned as the amazing flavors hit just the right spot.
I opened my eyes and saw sam and dean both watching me, smiling. "Is it good?" Dean asked with a chuckle.
I nodded with a big mouthful of food. I swallowed before i spoke. "I cant remember the last time ive had a burger."
Dean sat down beside me and raised his eyebrows at me. "Seriously?"
I nodded taking a smaller bite this time. "Yeah, i think i ate more dog food than anything when i was with him."
Dean and sam both looked at me with furrowed brows. "What the fuck? He fed you dog food?" Dean said angrily.
I shrugged, "parker had a dog and the only thing he would buy and bring home was dog food. The fridge was bare because he always had his meals away from home. He never would take me out to eat or bring anything home. So when thats the only thing you have then you eat it."
"Son of a bitch." Dean said under his breath.
I nodded and conitued eating. Sam decided to change the subject. "So theres nothing new with any demons around here. Everything is pretty quiet for now."
Dean took a bite of his burger again, not looking at me. "So we just sit and wait for him to show up?"
Sam nodded, "yeah for now. Bobbys working on it too so we will catch him."
Dean nodded. I finished my burger and fries first and stood to take my wrappers to the trash. Dean followed me into the kitchen. When i turned around i bumped right into him.
"Im sorry dean." I said quickly. He just looked down into my eyes with that same look from earlier.
"Whats wrong dean?"
He shook his head, "im sorry you went through what you did. I wanna rip that fuckers head off. Demon or not he has no excuse for treating you the way he did."
"Thank you." I smiled.
"I want you to know youre safe here. No one will raise their hand to you here and you will most defintely not be eating dog food. No one will hurt you anymore." He finished with a kiss to my forehead.
I could feel the gentleness in his touch. For some crazy reason i believed him. He walked away im guessing back to the library where sam was.
I took that time to clean the kitchen. I scrubbed everything the sink, the counter, the cabinets. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked at the clock on the coffee maker. It said it was after eight at night. I didnt realize i had been working that long. I told them i would help out around here so i will.
I finished scrubbing the floor an hour and half later. The kitchen was so clean it sparkled. Sam walked in a few minutes later and i stopped him. "Wait, the floor is still wet. Dont wanna make tracks."
He laughed and shook his head. "I just wanted a bottle of water." He said smiling.
I bent over the chair i was standing on and opened the fridge. I grabbed two bottles one for him and one for me. I tossed it to him and he caught it with ease. Dean appeared behind sam and sam stopped him from going further.
"Floors wet." Sam said
Dean raised and eyebrow, "so?"
"You dont want footprints on a clean floor." I said shyly.
He then smiled at me, "so youre just going to stand there on that chair until it dries?"
"Well i could jump over to you but i dont know if you can catch me." I teased. He raised his eyebrow at me and held his arms open, i leaped forward. Of course he caught me like it was nothing.
I giggled as he twirled me around then set me on the floor. "Thanks, floor should be dry here soon." I said as i push my hair back out of my face. "I think i might go for a run before the night totally sets in. Then ill get me a shower and be out of your hair for the night."
Dean shook his head, "i dont think thats a good idea. Parker or any demon for that matter can be watching. Just waiting for the moment to take you back again."
Sam chimed in, "its ok dean ill go with her. Ill watch her, keep her safe."
Dean and sam continued talking while went changed into a tanktop and some tennis shoes. I fixed my hair up into a high ponytail and walked back to where the boys were. They were still in a discussion about something so i decided to stretch in the library waiting for sam.
After i stretched and warmed up i walked back to the kitchen where sam and dean were. I only found dean sitting at the counter drinking a beer. I touched his shoulder as i took the seat beside him.
"You okay?" I asked as he took another swig of beer.
He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Youre worried about me? I think i should be asking you if youre okay."
I smiled, "of course im worried about you. You have alot on your shoulders right now dean. Taking me in is just another burden you have to bare. I dont want you worrying about me all the time. Im fine dean."
Sam chose that moment to walk in with nothing but some basketball shorts on and a mp3 player attached to a band on his arm. "You ready?" Sam asked stretching his legs. I nodded and smiled at dean.
"Sammy!" Dean shouted just as we got to the top of the stairs. Me and sam both looked back and saw dean standing on the bottom step. "Remember what i told you."
Sam nodded and then he led me out of the bunker. We stood at the open garage door for a few minutes. I started stretching my legs some more and looked at sam, "what was that all about."
Sam smiled as he stretched with me, "dean told me to watch out for you." I nodded and started up the gravel road at a slow jog. Sam was right behind me.
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
Anonymous submitted:
uni and stuff.
Hello. I hope you reply. What’s your advice for all the people who is at a part of their lives where they don’t know where to take a leap towards somethong, whether they should take that step, if it’s worth it. When dhould they know that they should take the risks and do what it takes, at the same time, keeping in mind that not because they will take that risk, doesn’t mean that it will all be good from then on; - knowing that they’ll probably start from scratch, which isn’t a big thing anymore, since they’ve detoured already, traveled the other side of the road…at the same time being realistic and practical about this situation…work. etc. to survive. 
What if they just need to find out whether that path they wanna take, for years, for so long, is for them, bearing in mind that it might not be — but better say, (from a video i once watched) “oh well” than ’“what ifs forever’.? I just don’t know what to do. Maybe some will think that, I’m still young and i have a long time. But for lack of better word, i don’t have the luxury of time. Gosh. I just want to forget all the times, until just this moment, all the times I’ve thought that why cant my parents helo me rather than, dictating me what to do. Im starting to have these evil thoughts: during my time, they werent even this supportive and they dont event agree so easily. (and the thought that maybe becaude i am a girl always pisses me off, but i dont think it is the reason) eversince my second or third year of highschool, ive dreant of studying another course. For me education is a big deal. Thats why until now, i am so sensitive when it comes to this topic. Before, i out so much effort, although lacking - because i havent had honors or awards since third grade. (grade 1-6 is primary, 1st-4th year is highschool) gosh. And my mind is now starting to have these thoughts. How its so unfair. Before i wanted to go to a concert, as a graduation and birthday gift in combined, and i asked. And my aunt just said that there were way too many people at the line. And i felt sad. And of course there were going to be so much people. During college applications, i wanted to go to this certain university in our province, i didnt even dream of going to a university in another region, hours and hours away, — because i know they wouldn’t let me, and i don’t think i can —or maybe i just thought of that because they havent really discussed with me about my college plans. I just sort of just applied and all. And i got accepted to that school i wanted to go to, because it has the program i wanna study. I even was qualified to be interviewed for scholarshio. And i submitted my papers. And my father even went with me. Then my documents was sent to the school. Day of the interview, i wasnt able to, i didnt go. I dont know which one honestly. I wasnt prepared, and there something i did that day, and maybe in my heart i felt that my parents didnt want me to study there. I honestly think up to that day is the reason, why i wasnt even able to tour that uni, to even step foot and see what my uni for the next four years would be. Gosh. This is all so childish. I even remember telling my classmate that id try out for the scholarship, and she even told me to live in the dorm where they would be staying at… Four years later, shes graduating in that courae i also want and here i am, trying to accept, everytime, sometimes, i still would cry. For the most part, ive tried not to regret anythinf. But im in my fourth year now. And i realized that i wouldve dropped everything if only my parents helped me and showed me that they support me, that they also want what i want. I even wanted to shift to my second choice (i got accepted for my first choice) and they didnt allow me. Maybe if they did, i wouldnt have regret it so much. That at least its one of my top choices to study. God. And now. I feel like they just support my siblings. Gosh. I wonder if all those years, i looked sincere whenever i say i want to study another course. (im sorry this is all so confusing.) if they wouldve told me that they will lend me college money, and id have to pay it back after graduation, jist to study the course i really want, i wouldve. If only it was a year earlier, that the new course in my current uni, was introduced, i wouldve dropped everything, even if im in my fourth year, id rather spend another 3 years, studying what i want than graduate next year. I dont ever see myself working for this field, this course, because all these years, ive realized, my motivation was to study the course i want after i finish this course, which im currently studying. At the first half, yes, ive thought of transferring. We asked for details and such. It just didnt work. Its what i want right now. So bad. Its what i need. I never have ever joined competitions exceot maybe until my early years of pirmary school. Never joined competitions or contests that they need to support me in, why cant they just support me. And with all that they say, just based on the things they say, i think its a blurry, unclear chance that id be able to study it. Just now, she said to me ‘ah, too bad, your sibling wasnt able to reach the required grade for *thiscourse i like that sibli ng chose as second choice* I WONDER IF ITS POSSIBLE TO TRANSFER THERE. ’ i then said its what i want. (to study that course) this last part, really, really, ticked me off. When it was my time, they were set on not letting me choose that course. I know i did well. I did my best. Did they not see that. They couldve just supported me. Told me the truth. I hate all the false truths they say. Almost nothing reactions. Heck. I wish these were all just a dream. 
(its totally fine for me if you guys post this, (like make a post and then write your reply, if thats not too much, so others can read this too) it’s a long shot but i hopee this reaches you guys. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. Always. Reading your repsonses also helps me with similar problems i encounter, since 2013 i think. Thank you thank you
hi there <3 that’s a lot to think and feel all at once!
in short? I think the best way you know whether to take a leap or not, is to make sure that you’re making an informed decision. write down a pro / con list! write down all the reasons why you want to take this leap and all the good things that could happen, but also write down some of the risks and negative things that could possibly result in you making this decision too. 
writing down the list of “cons” or negative things that could happen isn’t to scare you! it’s to encourage you to use your critical thinking skills, it’s to encourage you to problem solve :) so take me for example, I made the massive leap to move to the other side of the world to live in London! and for a long time I was unsure about my goal, I wasn’t sure how I could make it happen, there were risks involved and a lot that could go wrong. so I wrote a pro / con list: I wrote down all the things I thought would be a good thing about me moving, I wrote down some of the risks involved in making this decision, and I took it one step further and wrote down some possible solutions to those risks (should they ever occur). and in doing that? it made me a lot more sure and confident about my goal in moving to London, and I was able to make a choice and say yes, I’m going to do this, this can happen. 
people sometimes underestimate pro / con lists? but I really think it’s such a good way to untangle confusing thoughts and to encourage critical thinking and problem solving, it makes it a lot easier when it’s laid out on paper in front of you. and if other people doubt you, like your parents? do it anyway! if you’ve done a lot of thinking about this goal and you want to take a leap and you’re informed about the risks, then it’s you who gets to make the decision about things. sometimes people are never going support you because they don’t have that desire for that particular goal and it makes it harder for them to believe in it, but that’s ok. if you want to take a leap and if you have goals that you want to achieve, then set out a step-by-step plan of how to get there and don’t let anyone get in your way. take care xxx
- tash
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xitzcaathewstj0nesx · 5 years
"y/n... i dont know how to say this....." cacker whispered his voice breathey.
"w-what is it??" you gasp looking at cacker in all her glory. cacker took a depe breathe."
"i love you y/n" said cacker with agoy. come with me to sanfransisco and we will live inn my condo by the beach. wecan stay together forrevre." cacker looks at you with despurashun. "please y/n... i..... i dont wanna loose you....."
you look at cacker disbelefingly "im sorry cacker.. but.... i cant....... i cnt go with you..... i need to stay here where im from....... i cant go to sanfransisco with yo" cacker crys "please y/n i cant bare to be with out you"
"im sorry cacker" "dont leave me" "i have to" cacker falls to her knees and sobbing.
you look at cacker "stop crying you say your being a baby about this" cacker crys harder. "ok the oh well im leaving goodbye" you shout and start walking to the door
suddenly you see light from behind you. "what is going on here" a voice says. you turn around and cacker turns around. "bellatorta what are you doing here" says cacker. "no roleplaying in chat this is spam" she says "read the rules"
"who are you" you say
"i am bellatorta angriest of all cats protector of the chat rules"
"cackre how dare you cheat on me" you say "what" says cacker" "you know what i mean" says you.
"y/n i dont know what you mean"
suddenly a voice says loud "club recruit"
"well then who are you to cacker" you say to bellatorta
"i dont know but im giving birth" said bella. "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"oh my god so you had a child with bellatorta!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!! HOW DARE YOU" you say
"that is not my child" said bellatorta "i am not the parental figure to this thing i do not pay child support"
"its not mine either" said cacker. they played hot potato with baby spyro_chan
"STOP BICKERING OVER THE BABY NOBODY CARES" you yell. how dare they worry about that there are so many other important things! you take the baby and throw it in the crib
"ok" said bellatorta
"im leaving" you say
"no my love dont go" said cacker "please'
"taxi" you say  you get in the taxi "where do you want to go" says your taxi driver wafflefishes. "new players chat room 1" you say. "okay but i dont have a license" wafflefishes slams the gas pedal and you go speeding off. suddenly someone is on the road. "oh no watch out for eccentric 20" you shout.
waffles tries to hit the brakes but misses and stomps through the floorboard. something thuds under the car. you get out of the car "oh wow" said wafflefishes. BANG suddenly she drops to the ground she is dead. "oh my god" you scream.
king blows the smoke from the hole of his gun "she has been dealt with. she always tried to get rid of my ex wife, mr lollipow, but i wont let her do that anymore. hes too hot to die. also he paid me" suddenly a cloud of ospreys and pelicans and puffins and owls soar down from the clouds. king makes all of their calls at the same time as he is lifted away into the clouds.
you are scared and lost. "psst" a voice whispers. "whose their" you ask. "come here" it says. you walk towards the voice."i am bubbies youre safe with me follow me". you follow bubies. suddenly there are lots of people. "welcome you are safe here. we are the bubs. the super smash bubs" says bubbies. suddenly you are grabbed by the arms. "the cat game gods will protect you" says bubbies. "no let me go" you yell. you are put on a stake
"we sacrifice to the gods today. they are named staff. let the staff be appeased" says moontrain the second in command of the cult. "yes huzzah" the cult members cheer. "burn them all, theyre all fat and gay" says the other cult leader desbee. "wilted wants to see them burn" says wilted rose
"no dont burn me" you say. another stake is lifted up beside you. "dont worry the gods will protect us" says Vanya_Hargreeves. they set her on fire. "AHHHHHHH" she screams. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". the cult blows party horns and cheers.
suddenly cacker arrives. she has a sword and is fighting with her sidekicks prayerlynx, moon cloud, denmother, and cheshie. they fight the cult members off. "hurry" you yell "im comeing" says cacker and she cuts away the ropes "lets go" says cacker and you run with her away from the fight. you find cheshie waiting for you and cacker and the rest in a cat. "get in we need to leave NOW" she says. you get in and hold cackers hand and you drive off
you stop at a restaurant to eat. "what can i get you" says yawndere the waiter" you all order and she leaves. you decide to move to sanfransisco with cacker. "cacker i want to go with you to sanfransisco" "i knew you would" said cacker.
you get the check and go home. "have fun" says everyone and they dirve off leaving you and cacker alone. "cacker......." you say "im...... im-" "shh its okay" says cacker pressing a finger to your lips "you dont need to say anything i know what you mean" you share a passionate kiss
"what is this" says saes. "WHY ARE WE ALWAYS INTERRUPTED" YOU YELL. leon chan and loki965 eavesdrop. "sorry about them" says cacker "ill tell them to leave" she says "GET OUT" yells cacker.
"are you going to spend the night y/n?" cacker asks. "yes, i dont really have anywhere ellse to go" "okay but youll have to stay in my bed because we dont have room anywhere else"
you are sleeping when the door opens very quietly footsteps get close to you. you sit up fast and suddenly a knife is pressed to your throat "get up" says a voice. you obey and follow them downstairs. they sit you in a chair. its leon chan! edgy mcgee is also there. "you shouldnt be here" they say "were going to get rid of you we dont want you here " "cacker" you yell scaredly. "cacker wont help you" "ill leave if you want me to" you say. "you have nowhere to go we know that" says edgy. "how" loki steps forward looking akwward. "im sorry" says loki. "its okay" you say. "im not talking to you" says loki. suddenly she throat punches edgy mcgee and leon chan.
"HOW DARE YOU" edgy mcgee roars. she doesnt have any chance to do anything though because cheshie smacks her in the head with a table. "take THAT" she says. cacker runs down the stairs "whats going on? oh no!" she says. cheshie and loki fight the two kidnappers "ill come back" says leon chan running off. cacker chases them with a bat.
cacker comes back sweaty and glorious "are you okay" she askes "yes im fine. lets go to san fransisco i dont want to be here anymore" "okay says cacker "i love you y/n" she says and kisses "i love you too" you say back
you get a plain to sanfransisco with cacker and live with her happily ever after. cheshie, prayerlynx, moon cloud, and denmother protect you from any bad things like cults. you knoew your safe when you hear the cry of five different birds as king-pelican sors overhead.
the end
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likeadrug-ff · 6 years
T H R E E . O N E
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L O N D Y N 
I smacked my teeth as my phone was going off the hook. Somebody was blowing me up so much that it fell off the nightstand. I roughly threw the covers from over my head and felt for my phone. Once I had it, it started to ring again. “What took you so long?” I sighed and threw myself back on the bed. “Maybe ‘cause I was sleeping boy.”
It had to have been at least two or three in the morning. It was still dark as fuck out. “Wake up mama.” I rolled onto my stomach and wrapped one arm around my pillow. “Im up baby, whats the matter?” I asked. “Im bout to come through after I make this slam,” I kind of left out the part about him being deep into the drug business. 
He started dealing our senior year of high school. I was the first to know and of course I didnt like it one bit. I begged him everyday to let it go but he was determined to make his money. “Ima be there in a hour.” I hung up and threw the phone next to me and drifted back to sleep. 
I felt a strong pair of arms slide around my bare waist and I instantly melted. My man was finally here. “You better not have no shit in my room.” He hugged me from behind and I felt that he was only in his boxers. “Only my book bag and weed.” Just when I thought I was going back to sleep he started grinding his dick onto my ass. I whined and tried pushing him back.
“Im tired Kaiden. Its four in the morning and I just went to sleep at one.” He went to leaving passion marks on my neck while using one hand to roll my nipple between his fingers. “Let me just slid in real quick. I need to bust.” Being that I was completely naked he grabbed my leg, lifted it in the air and pulled his dick out. 
He went to rubbing his dick all in my wetness and around my clit. His dick was so thick and long and I thought it was the prettiest thing in the world. “K-Kaiden.” 
Kaidens grip on my leg tightened as he pushed into me causing me to moan and shudder. “Its gon’ be quick mama.” Our bodies moved as one as he picked up his speed. “Dont stop. Dont..fucking..stop!” He covered my mouth as he pounded me from the back with no remorse. I was close. I felt it coming and so could he. In a matter of minutes we were both cumming. 
“Best quickie of my life.” He was practically panting breathlessly. “Aight you can go to sleep now.” Kissing me roughly on my cheek he pulled out but stayed close behind me. 
“Lon baby? Its mama.” She knocked softly and I scurried out of bed. Kaiden huffed and turned on his stomach covering his whole body. I snatched my silk robe off the door and opened the door as I tied the straps. “Good morning.” I cleared my throat. “Hey mamas Rosey,” I had to side eye her. “I made everyone breakfast sandwiches. Including Mr. Kaiden.” She gave me her best ‘I knew it’ face. 
“Im going to be staying the night at the hospital, please dont forget to study. I need you to be ready before we can put you in the field mamas.” My mom is the head pediatric nurse and she took her job very serious. “I’ll get on it.” She kissed my cheek and said her I love yous before leaving the house. I closed the door and cleaned up the sprawled clothes from the floor. 
“Yo ya ass is moving like crazy.” I turned to see that Kaiden was now woke and watching my every move. “You look so beautiful, I heard moms cooked.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them together afterwards. “Whats the plans for tonight? Why you aint talkin’? Oh cat got ya tongue huh?” I stood completely still. Its too early for these questions. Like I just woke the fuck up. 
“Im working all day, both jobs. I wont get home until its time to get ready for Loryns grand opening.” I raked my hands through my hair and walked back to the bed. He sat up against the headboard and patted his lap. Of course I made my way to him and got comfortable. “My lil brotha coming in town so I gotta pick him up, get him situated and then we’ll be on our way here.” 
“Sounds good?” I nodded my head then kissed him quickly before getting up and getting ready for work.
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“Move the fuck out the way then bitch.” I grumbled when some old bitch honked her horn at me. I was speeding towards Lolanis school. She called me at the last minute asking if I could come pick her up. Rolling up to the exact spot she sent me I seen her arguing with some nigga. So me being me, I immediately threw the car in park and jumped out making sure to slam the door.
Heads turned in the process but I aint give not one fuck. “Whats da problem?” When I say she looked back like she seen a ghost. I had to keep myself from laughing man. “What-How did you even get here that fast?” Who ever this nigga was , was grilling the fuck out of us. “So this the nigga that got you ignoring me? Must’ve been why you broke shit off too huh?” Lil Lo got a man? Well shit, had a man.
“Omari you know exactly why I ended shit between us! You think you can have your cake and eat it too? You had a whole baby on me and didnt give a shit to even tell me!” Well this shit here is awkward. I aint know if I should say something or just wait in the car. This what my ass get for getting out in the first place rather than just letting her know that I was here.
“Aye..Ima just go wait-” Lolani quickly held her hand up. “Its not gonna take long. So you’re just gonna stand there looking dumb?” I wanted to laugh but it wasn’t the right place nor time. Well neither was this argument they were having but hell, shit happens.
Right when I thought we could walk away he decides he want to start talking. And of course I couldn’t help my overly dramatic sigh. “Look Im sorry aight? I aint.. I aint mean to hurt you Lani.” I probably looked bout crazy going back and forth between them. “You aint no fucking sorry!” She made us both jump back as she bucked at him and talked through clenched teeth.
“You’re sorry that I found out. You’re sorry that we can no longer fuck and chill anymore! Im done Omari. I wish you the best of luck with your child and everything but please, Im begging you to please leave me alone ok?” She turned and strolled to the car with me on her heels.
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Heartbroken. Shattered. Fucked. I dont know how to feel at this moment. Omari was my first everything and I just cant believe he would do something like this to me. But he did. The ride to my house was very much silent like I needed it to be.
I needed to get my thoughts together. Try to understand this whole thing. The only man I’ve ever loved and let explore my body has betrayed me. “You aight Lil Lo?” This nigga just had to ruin the peace and quiet. I picked at my nails and shrugged. “No but I’ll be fine. I get over it one day.” When I looked over at him he gave me a small side small. “You will.”
Why couldn’t Omari be like Kaiden? Even before he made things official with Londyn he was always loyal and true to her in their friendship. “You have any brothers?” He screwed his face then we both busted out laughing. “Ok ok, take me serious Kaiden.” He was in the middle of rolling a backwood as we sat at the red light.
“I do, hes suppose to be coming down tonight for Loryns grand opening.” He licked the wood closed and searched for his lighter. Looking up he saw that the light had turned green and proceeded down the road. “But if you’on mind me saying, Ion think its a good idea to just try to jump into something new after what I witnessed today.”
I crossed my arms and looked out the window. “Just like ya stubborn ass sister. Just hear me out Lil Lo aight?” He sparked the blunt before talking again. “Today you only got a lil taste of how grimey niggas can really be. I just feel like you should focus on yaself and school right now. Dont get me wrong we all wanna see you happy and living life, but dont rush it. Thats all Im saying.”
I sunk in my seat. “Fine. At least let me meet him.” He gave me a thumbs up and hesitated on passing me the blunt. I laughed and took it from him. Just because Im a college girl doesn’t mean I dont have my fun. Just as he pulled in the drive way we finished the wood. “Thank you again Kaiden. Please dont tell Londyn about this, I’d never hear the end of it.”
I smiled and patted his shoulder before letting myself out. Letting myself into the house I headed up the stairs and straight to my room. Being a pastry chef was not easy. Some days I have to work overnight and sometimes I dont get a break. I went to pick out some set of bra and panties. Then I gathered everything I needed for a nice hot bubble bath.
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