#one time i got in trouble because i kept telling everyone what to do. right in front of the deputy
the-owl-tree · 4 months
I remember my warriors to experience, I brought my fully lore-built clan w my character and tried to keep it as close to the books as possible (ran it it like a DnD campaign, I had the books ON HAND to reference lmao, I had also checked out a thick ass book of herbs for medicine expansion. Yes I am autistic how did you know) So hilariously, the clan ended up being 80% girls bc ALL the girlies loved the matriarchal tragic backstory w blood and guts lol. Ran surprisingly smooth despite yknow. Everything (we definitely got our share of “you’re just the Mary sue clan”) until one person joined w a backstory a lot like yours and began writing like their cat was a human person, which miffed tiny Stickler for Details young me, and on the warning to a reply of their saying that she had to engage w the other players fairly and not stand on two legs and hug Starclan cats the entire thing imploded bc ig that was a kid w connections lol. I think abt it nowadays amd I can’t imagine how annoying we all must have been LOL
okay a) that rp sounds like it ruled i bet everyone had a blast!! and b) dasasdhka i WAS that kid ngl. i can't blame people for being frustrated! it sucks when you're trying to do a scene and a neon cat with wing flies in to save the day, i myself was a power hungry child and kept undermining the deputy and leader because i wanted my oc to be a high rank (it was never gonna happen, high ranks were nepotism picks). it is still fun to look back on and laugh at though
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bedoballoons · 5 months
Could I request Wriothesley, Diluc, Childe and Neuvillette feeling sad so their s/o hugs them and pats their head?
This. Is. Perfect.
Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy it! Apologies it took so long to write!!
─⊰💕𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤💕⊰─
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{༻~Hugs and pets~༺}
CW: GN! Reader, a little angsty at first but turns fluffy fast!
(Included: Diluc, Childe, Neuvillette, and Wriothesley!)
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Diluc rested his head in his hand, staring at the sheets of paper that littered his desk. He'd done this for years and even as thorough as he was, he still made mistakes, this one having affected his workers more then himself...and that was by far the worst kind of mistake. If only his father were here, he could ask him for help..
He perked up when he noticed you walking towards him, a small comforting smile on your face, "Diluc? You know everyone makes mistakes right, no one's upset with you and it truly wasn't as bad as you think.." You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, hugging him in attempt to make him feel better. If only he knew how much everyone looked up to him..including yourself.
"I just wish I could do better, be like my father was.." His words sunk in for a moment, it wasn't often he mentioned his father or his feelings so you had to tread lightly on this. "I'm sure he had times like this...and if he were here right now, he'd be proud of how far you've come, how well you're doing. I know it." You placed a reassuring kiss on his cheek and what you said seemed to help as he leaned back to kiss your lips.
"Thank you my love"
You smiled down at Childe, your hands slowly running through his soft ginger hair. He wouldn't give you any details about what happened, all he said was he'd gotten himself into a bind and that he needed some time to recover...and he truly did. He had multiple injuries all over his body and even as he rested his head in your lap, eyes closed like he'd fallen asleep, you could tell he was still trying not to think about it.
You wanted to ask him about it, see if you could help, if there was more your could do...but for all you knew...he was just trying to keep you safe, or maybe whatever it was, was to terrible for you to know. For now, you'd just keep petting his head and humming the songs you knew he loved, doing your best to help him forget it all.
You wrapped your arms around Neuvillettes waist, a gentle rain now turned into a downpour as he told you about the things he'd seen...to think someone as kind as him had suffered through so many hardships and never once let it out...
"I apologize my dear, you're getting soaked all because of me and my troubles. Perhaps I should-"
"No. I can handle the rain, Fontaine can handle the rain...but you, you cant handle the hurt anymore and you don't have to, you shouldn't have to." You hugged him tighter, feeling like your voice was going to be drowned out by the storm. You were scared, but you loved him and you had to show him you weren't going anywhere.
"I...you're right." You felt his chin rest on your head, his arms moving to embrace you just as tight in return. It was still raining...still soaking through your clothes, but he was feeling better and that's all that mattered.
You kissed Wrios cheek before sitting down next to him on his bed, he'd been laying there for a half a hour now, staring at the ceiling without ever saying a word...and it was really worrying you. Of course you'd seen him angry, you'd seen him happy and you'd even seen him utterly confused...but sad or upset? He almost always kept those emotions to himself, never wanting to trouble you with them or upset you in the process.
So how were you supposed to help? Eventually you let out a sigh and laid down on top of him, wrapping your arms losely around his neck as your head rested on his chest. He wasn't really one to use his words so asking him about it wouldn't have got you anywhere, so this was the best option, "I love you Wrio...and I'm here okay."
He sighed in content and finally moved so he could hold you. He didn't respond with words, but you knew he appreciated it nonetheless.
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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augustvandyne · 5 months
Hey! could you please right a natasha x wife r? Idk if you remember when the avengers have to take refuge and they have to go to clints house (he's reluctant bc he has a secret family only nat knows about)? well could you write it so it's actually nats family that no one knows about? and she's super reluctant to take them there
everyone's alive and no one knew she had a family (not even clint) and the timeline is SUPER wack bc plot twist, yelenas already there. the avengers are hurt nat didn't tell them and they're kinda mad too
nats wife doesn't like having them there bc it's her home and they're putting them all in more danger then they normally are in. the kids don't like them either bc they 'take their mom away' or something like that (but the kids adooore their aunt yelena)
this is super long I'm sorry but the idea has been plaguing my head and I feel like it would be fun to read about. thank you and have a great day!
hi! yes! don’t worry about it being too long, i’ll listen to and write whatever thoughts you have.
You and Yelena were baking a cake when pack of Avengers came piling through the front door.
You were expecting Natasha later in the week, and alone. Not with the danger that is literally standing in your doorway.
That was the best part of this place, there was no danger. Nat left work at work, and when she came home all she focused on was her family—you, Yelena, and your two lovely children.
So you were definitely surprised, and not happy, to see the other five Avengers.
You walk further into the living room, and when Nat sees you, her face is immediately apologetic.
“Who are all these people?” Yelena comes and stands beside you in the living room, staring up at all the men.
“This is Steve, Clint, Tony, Thor, and Bruce. They’re my friends,” Natasha shrugs.
“Uh, no, we’re not your friends now,” Clint crosses his arms with sass.
“They’re the Avengers,” You correct your wife. “And they shouldn’t be here.”
“Listen, I wasn’t going to even bring them here, but—“
“It’s our fault, ma’am,” Steve interrupted.
“Oh, here we go,” Tony throws his hands in the air.
“What?” Steve whines.
“First the language, and now the manners. Good god,” Tony rolls his eyes.
“Okay, take it elsewhere. More preferably, back to where you came from,” You fake smile, earning a glare from Nat.
“Where are the kids?” Nat asks, and you get the feeling she needs to talk. Alone.
“Upstairs in the playroom. Yelena, why don’t you take them outside to play on the swing set?” You ask sweetly.
“Ah, gotcha,” Yelena gave a look to Natasha that said, good luck.
The kids say hello to Nat, made faces at the men still in your living room, and then squealed with joy out the door because their mama is home.
You looked away from the door and back up at the Avengers once again. Nat softly grabs you by the arm and pulls your towards the other side of the living room.
“What are they doing here, Nat?” You lean closer, your foreheads slightly touching.
“I had no other choice,” Natasha’s raspy voice makes it hard not to forgive her.
You sigh and purse your lips.
“Really,” Nat insists. “If there was any other choice, I would have made it. We just got into a little trouble, and need to camp out for a few days.”
You made a vow not to ask what trouble she was in, so you kept your mouth shut when she says this.
“Okay. But if there’s even a little bit of damage to the house, they are paying for it,” You lift your head up and walk back towards the group, Natasha following close behind.
Nat glances your way, then back at the boys, “We can stay here. But only for a few days.”
“So this is where Lady Natasha goes every time she takes off,” Thor nods.
“Yes. A home we didn’t even know about?” Bruce shakes his head.
“I can’t believe you never told me,” Clint looks genuinely hurt when Nat looks at him. “I thought we were friends.”
“Yeah, what he said,” Tony puts his hand on his chest.
You roll your eyes and head back to the kitchen before the cake burns, letting your wife deal with her friends/fellow Avengers.
You finish the frosting Yelena had started, and ice the cake once it comes out of the oven. You then start on dinner. Something easy everyone can enjoy—pasta.
Dinner goes about as well as you thought it would.
Nat and the kids catch up. She just saw them a week or so ago, so there isn’t much to catch up, but you love watching Natasha play and talk with the kids.
You try not to laugh as the kids keep making faces at the guys.
Your daughter starts to kick Tony in the shin, to which him and your daughter start having a staring contest.
“Okay, what are you guys doing?” Nat asked.
“Your tiny agent keeps kicking me,” Tony says, never taking his eyes off the smaller girl.
“Okay she’s not an agent, and it’s probably because you take her mother away every chance you get,” You sighed with frustration. “Good she’s kicking you, maybe you’ll leave then.”
“I’m sorry,” You look at your wife. “I said it was okay, even though you’re putting us it more danger. But, I will try to be civil, but only for Natasha.”
“Thank you.”
Later in the night you had assigned everyone to places in the house to spend the night.
Yelena had volunteered to spend the night with the kids, so at least two people could bunk in there, and it was fine by you because the kids adored Yelena.
So two people slept in Yelena’s room, you had one in the living room, and two in the guest room downstairs.
“They are mad at me, you know?” Nat brushed through her hair.
“They’ll get over it. It’s a safe house,” You wrap your arms around her waist from behind. “You are supposed to keep it secret.”
“I know,” Nat turns so you two are face to face. “I love you, and thank you for letting us stay here. We’ll be out of her in two days, tops.”
“Good,” You plant a kiss on the side of Natasha’s mouth.
“But I might not be back for a while,” Nat cups your cheek in her hand.
“I had a feeling,” You look down.
“I’ll just have to make it up to you.”
“How about you start now?” You lift a brow and squeal as your wife picks you up and puts you on the bed.
Danger aside, you loved having your wife back in your arms, and you were granted with just that from this crazy mission.
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punksdoll · 6 months
Heyyyy, saw you didn’t have anything for Cody, so allow me to be the first 😈
I actually have two prompts, you can pick either!
So for this I just want some really sure fluff ! So imagine the reader is an idol of some sort who is always busy, but finally she decides to take a break and surprise Cody at his house one day.
For the other one, the reader is a wrestler with Cody and is about to fight in the ring when shinsuke comes up and attacks her with his mist. (This would be in a mixed tag team match so watching Cody loose it because shinsuke hurt his girl, etc etc)
Tyyyy I hope you have a wonderful day :3!
~~~𝑴𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏~~~
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gif not mine like, comments, & reblogs appreciated
𝑪𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝑹𝒉𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝑪𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒓, 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒕<𝟑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅<𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒄𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒕, 𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆, 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇, 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔
not proofread
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“You ready baby?” Cody walks up behind y/n who is adding the final touches on her eye makeup.
“Mhm…” Y/n says as she tries to keep herself steady with the little american flag on her eye to represent it for her boyfriend.
Recently there has been a feud going between Cody and Shinsuke. Add that to Y/n having her own problems with damage cntrl, Adam Pearce thought it would be a good idea for the couple to pair up with each other to take on Shinsuke and a member of Damage Control, to add on to their feud and make it more interesting for the fans.
“You should do something for me as well.” Cody smiles as he watches y/n put her makeup away.
“Like what?” Y/n looks over at her boyfriend with a raised eyebrow.
“Your initial.” Cody smirks, “So everyone knows I’m yours,” he winks.
She chuckles before grabbing her ink eye liner and bringing his face closer to carefully do her initial. “There, all pretty now.” She gives his cheek a kiss.
“Great, now we’re ready.” He lays his hand on y/n’s lower back right as one of the crew comes over and reminds them both that it’s almost time.
“Our first mixed tag team match,” y/n starts as she walks in front of Cody while he trails behind her with his hand still on her lower back, “we got this, yes we do. Everything will go just right and we’re gonna win. No trouble.” Y/n hypes them up, more for herself than him.
“Yes, yes they will.” Cody gives her a kiss right as his music starts playing.
Everything was going well. The match was running smoothly getting the crowds reaction here and there, no distractions, no interference. It was perfect for them both.
Until it wasn’t that is.
It was y/n and Asuka that were tagged in. Taking blows left to right, right to left, etc etc. It was going well. Y/n kept watching her back for any of the other damage control members to appear and distract her. She knew it was coming, she knew it was…she just didn’t think it was going to turn out…horribly.
Y/n had hit her signature move adding onto her finisher. She rushed over to pin Asuka and to catch the win for her and her boyfriend until Bayley intervened.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Bayley rushes into the ring, immediately catching the referee’s attention as she stops counting and rushes over to Bayley to get her out of there.
“What the hell!” Y/n rushes up next to the referee and yells at Bayley, “Get the hell out you dog! Get out.” Y/n shouted at Bayley, shaking her head.
“I got it, I got it.” The ref tells y/n who rolls her eyes and turns herself back towards her opponent.
She expected something was to come when she did. She expected Asuka to be the one to mist her, she expected Asuka to be the one to attack her.
She absolutely and most certainly did not expect her boyfriend’s rivalry, Shinsuke Nakamura, to be the one to mist her.
She had turned around and was immediately misted in the face by Shinsuke thanks to the distraction by the referee. The crowd lets out gasps and some even cursing out as they watched Shinsuke mist her and immediately roll out of the ring before the referee could see what he did. Once he’s out of the ring he lets out a laughter as Asuka does her signature move and pins y/n down, catching the win for the both of them.
Cody rushes over to Y/n almost immediately as Asuka rushes outside of the ring with Shinsuke next to her, both staring at the couple with big grins as they soak in their victory. Cody was raging. All he wanted to do was get out of that ring and give Shinsuke the beating of his life but he knew that his woman needed him there.
“It fucking burns! Oh my god.” Y/n shouts out as Cody immediately places a towel on her eyes.
“It’s gonna be ok. You’re gonna be ok.” He soothes her, “Keep it on your eyes.” He picks her up and rushes her backstage and towards the medical.
“What were you thinking when you decided to mist your rival’s woman?” The interviewer asks Shinsuke after the match had ended.
“Victo-.” Shinsuke is almost immediately cut off as he is tackled from behind by Cody Rhodes.
Cody is fuming with rage as he sends punches left and right on Shinsuke and throwing him against some chairs. He grabs one of those chairs and starts repeatedly hitting Shinsuke with it. Making sure it hits his upper and lower body all at the same time before referees could come rushing out and trying to stop him.
“No…” Cody shakes his head as he grabs Shinsuke and drags him over to where those chairs had fallen and hits his finisher, Cross Rhodes, making Shinsuke land on the chairs.
Referees drag him away almost immediately as they all yell at him to stop. Cody raises his hands up in surrender, slowly backing up. “Don’t you ever lay your shit on my woman.” He threatens before walking away completely.
Y/n smiles immediately as Cody walks into the medical room after his altercation with Shinsuke that she had just watched.
“You ok?” Cody cups her face that’s stained with red.
“I’m better now, now that you gave him a good ass beating for me.” Y/n says with a grin, giving him a kiss, “Thank you cariño.”
“Anything for my woman.” Cody smiles and gives her multiple pecks on the lips.
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
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┌─ “ ! „ ADORE L'AMOUR
tw. noncon/dubcon, implied yandere, forced emotional cheating, virginity, service dom, coercion/manipulation, corruption kink, size kink, creampie, service dom! tsumu, degradation and praise wordcount. 5.5k
a/n. commissioned by a lovely person who wanted to stay anonymous, thank you so much for commissioning me and trusting me with your story, and i really really hope it delivers and you enjoy!!! this is kinda softer than my usual stuff but also still read the tws pretty please ♡♡♡ ya and ty and enJOYyy some tsumu
miya atsumu x fem!reader
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“Come up, will ya?” he smiles, grabbing your hand and swinging the interlaced pair back and forth. You can’t help but have to bite back a tiny smile at the way his rougher hand links into yours, and butterflies still erupt any time his hazel eyes find you.
“Shin, I-” you sigh back, before quietly chuckling as he heaves you up onto the bleachers and tugs you along to slide in right next to the familiar face. Aran rolls his eyes, but you can tell that there’s too much fondness in his look to seriously mind the lovey-dovey shit— and really, you can’t help it.
Any girl your age would be expected to go all heart eyes when their boyfriend looks at them that way. “Happy now?” you ask as you’re pushed between Aran and the escape to the outside fresh air, void of all the sweaty teen musk and squeaking sneakers, and Shinsuke smiles ever so slightly at the sight.
“Yes, I am. Keep our long-suffering ace company for a bit while he patches up his ankle, won’t ya?” He’s already escaping down from the stands with the knowledge that you will, because if nothing else, you love watching the guys play. You’ve loved watching Shinsuke play ever since middle school, and Aran’s expression gives you the idea that he knows this too. Because he simply shrugs, and re-wraps the ice pack a little better around that wounded ankle.
“Aye aye, Captain,” you shoot back as he makes his way back to the court, and this time, he gives you that wonderfully cheeky smile that made you fall head-over-heels in the first place. “And you, you’re a third year. You’re supposed to be one of the responsible ones.” You give the tall ace to your side a side-eye as he laughs full and loud, and nods.
“Sorry, Mrs. Kita. It won’t happen again.” Practice continues for another half an hour in peace, as you joke around with your boyfriend’s best friend for a while, tossing the occasional stray ball back onto the court, but mainly, just watching the guys play. You didn’t use to have such a love for the sport. When you were a ball-girl back in middle school, you only did it because it was an easy extra grade on your report card, and kept you sort of busy during hours you wouldn’t have anything else to do.
But now, sometimes it seems as much your life blood as it is theirs. You probably wouldn’t have developed such a crush on the quiet, well-spoken boy with the fluffy tufts of hair that flopped about if you hadn’t kept with it, wouldn’t have dated him, wouldn’t have laid in the dark talking about what your life together might look like. Watched Shin grow into the person he is today.
You smile and wave as Shinsuke looks up at you yet again and throws back a wink, and a few of the guys follow his gaze. Familiar lazy gazes of differing shades of brown. But they stay quiet, for now, and the team captain claps his hands to call for a break. And the lankiest of your middle blockers groans and reaches for a bench too quickly, as everyone disperses. Aran makes his way down the stands for the toilet, Ginjima follows suit, and your boyfriend goes through the trouble to start collecting the balls with the same single-minded focus he always has while practicing. But before you can so much as manage to make it down the stairs to help him out, a familiar figure comes up beside you.
“Captain’s got it, I think,” Atsumu smiles as he comes to walk beside you, not the slightest bit winded despite having jogged up to you after an hour of intensive training— and blinks down at you with the self-assured grin you’ve come to expect of the star setter. “Yer still comin’ to our practices, huh?”
“Yes, Miya. Believe it or not, I actually like watching you guys play, ‘m not just here to waste time and gawk.”
“Whoa, doll,” the blond isn’t fazed, and simply throws up his hands in mock-defense, “I wouldn’t dare question the validity of yer visits. I mean, ya brighten up the place, really.” The comfortable way he swings an arm over your shoulder and leans in a little isn’t too far out of how he usually acts, and you do know that Atsumu’s pretty damn touchy with everyone. But his smile, and the way his eyes flick down your face with an almost grating intensity— will never stop feeling flirty- and therefore- inappropriate. Though you try to find something fitting to say, he’s already running his mouth again before you get the chance to.
“Would be even better if ya’d put on a shirt with my name on it and took some cheer classes,” he gloats, and the way he walks leaned into you keeps his face much too close to yours as you go to frown at him, “bet ya’d really suit the Inarizaki colors when you glare like that.” It sets you off, and he knows it does, because he’s dodging the way you go to swing at his arm with a chuckle before you get to, and catches your fist in his hand to squeeze it a little. “Hah, always so mean to me. Getting predictable, pretty girl.”
Your bottom lip is sucked to slot between your teeth, and you roll your eyes, shrugging off the other hand that he tried to ruffle through your hair. “You’re exhausting.”
“Sure is,” Shinsuke suddenly mumbles, tossing a ball at the setter that he manages to catch, before raising a brow. “That’s my girlfriend, Atsumu. If you would, please.”
“Ya got it, Cap’n. Of course,” he chants back with a sing-song-y voice, but his thumb still rubs another few circles into the soft skin of your hand before he goes to annoy Osamu and Suna instead. It sends a cold shiver down your spine, but he’s pulling away before you have the chance to really acknowledge the touch. And if Kita has any concerns about what he just saw, you sure as hell can’t tell, when he pulls you close and places a loving kiss between your brows. But you still have to force yourself to ignore the way Atsumu gives you a once over and -if you didn’t know the guy better than that- undresses you with his eyes.
Graduation should feel a little bittersweet, you guess. The party isn’t too wild, considering, but it’s still loud and a little over the top— so you confine yourself to the area further away from the pounding music and sip reasonably mild drinks while the rest of the team and their plus-ones take their best attempt at rattling Suna’s house off its’ foundations. It’s warm for a spring night, and sweat sticks to the back of your neck and chest from the earlier forced dancing you were pulled into. But now the pool table has been abandoned for the garden, and you take the few quiet moments to breathe.
Most of the guys will be moving on to professional level, a few of them to university, and another few have jobs lined up. Just last year, Shinsuke moved back out to the countryside, and Aran to Tokyo; and while you’ve all tried to keep up communications, distance really does play a big part in it. And now it’s all your turns… It’ll be safe to say you won’t see some of them again much in just a few quick months. The thought already fills you with a strange sort of nostalgia. You don’t get too much rest though, because a flash of blonde followed by an equally handsome, dark-haired copy filter back into the house. Atsumu brightens a little when he spots you, lazy eyes sharper and more calculating in the low light of the house. Of course he does, he seems to have a strange fascination with annoying you to bits.
“Well, pretty girl, ‘ve ya been abandoned by yer human defense robot?” His handsome face paints on a grin, with slightly rosy cheeks and ears, that almost makes him look a few years younger. Almost makes him look innocent. You know better though, and swallow down the want to give back some snarky comment that would surely have you in a battle of wits until someone puts a stop to it. And his twin… isn’t that person. You wonder how much he’s had to drink. Not that you’re doing much better, anyway. You can feel the buzz in your blood and the heat on your face.
Osamu’s hair is messy and fluffier than usual, probably courtesy of the girlfriend he brought and— with a quick glance around the room— has been left on her lonesome somewhere in the partying group outside. You pity her just a little bit, but it doesn’t exactly surprise you that the Miya twins aren’t the most consistent with their affections. The guys started having groupies all the way back in freshman year, and the years have only built upon that fame. The darker haired of the two puts a fist into Atsumu’s shoulder, before crossing his arms. “That’s our last Captain yer talkin’ about, stupid Tsumu. Show some respect.”
“Aw, Samu. I’m sorry, alright.”
You smile softly, and nod your head towards the door. “Not abandoned. He stepped out for a minute for a smoke,” you cut them off, knowing full well they could continue their bickering for hours if left to it. It’s not like you don’t like the twins. They’re obnoxious, and boisterous and hyper at the best of times, but they’re insanely talented too. You would like them, if not for— Atsumu feeling too comfortable hanging his arm over your shoulder to pull you in for a hug, heavy cologne mixed with a scent that is distinctly more him enveloping you as you freeze up. “Miya-”
“‘S gonna be weird without everyone ‘round, huh? I’ll miss ‘em,” he lowers his voice as he keeps your face into his chest, and simply out of a desire not to feel too awkward, you allow your arms to wrap loosely around his back. You give a little motion to be let out of the hug to nod, and smooth your hands down your pants.
“Yeah, me too.”
There’s a sort of glint in Atsumu’s eyes that seems like tenderness as he pats your shoulder, then smiles. “Well, a’least you’ll know me.” Your expression must give away your confusion, because he continues. “Yer goin’ to Tokyo uni, I’m goin’ to Tokyo to check out some of the teams there. It’ll be good. Don’t tell me yer just gonna ignore me when we’re gonna live so close together.”
You don’t think it over- Shinsuke must’ve told him. As the buzz washes over you and the music picks up outside, Atsumu’s large hands find your shoulders and he turns you around towards Osamu, who has already poured three large shots. “Oh, I don’t-”
“Come on~ for prosperity,” Osamu chants, his hand finding yours to unfurl it and place one of the large shot glasses in your hand. And Atsumu nods behind you, basically glittering from excitement. You’re normally a bit more -standoffish, by necessity- but the atmosphere of the night is light. And Tsumu’s hand on your lower back as he pushes you towards one of the chairs and sits you down is nice; even if you only realize a second or two after that he’s sat below you.
“Ya owe me a couple cheers at least,” Atsumu basically coos into your neck as he taps his own glass to yours. “‘Sides, I think Shin went ta go drop off some of the other guys, no need ta wait up for ‘em. Right Samu?”
“That’s what I heard, Tsumu.”
You don’t expect university to be the thing that breaks you, but the distance, the lack of communication, of support— all drag on you. You and Shin both promised to make it work, but he’s busy a lot. The farm keeps him occupied. At least- that’s what you have to assume when most of your messages get read and not answered. It isn’t like Shin, but then again, you suppose it’s a growing period. It’s natural.
More surprising than that is that through it all, Atsumu is there a lot more than you expected. The giant, prestigious sport center where he trains isn’t too far from your campus, but he still goes out of his way to swing by whenever he can to keep you company, which isn’t so self explanatory as you had hoped it would be. It’s not that you don’t make friends, or can’t make friends, it’s just that- after a few weeks- they just seem to vanish off of the face of the earth. Like they were never even there to begin with. You even catch some people purposefully avoiding you on campus as the year goes on.
But the workloads are heavy, and hard, so you sadly don’t have enough time in a day to worry about it as much as you would like to. You still have Atsumu, at least, and as much as you wouldn’t have wanted to admit it shy of a few months ago, his persistence about wanting to be by your side does slowly have you bending just a little.
“I swear it, cross ma little heart,” the blonde dramatically says while walking the grounds with you- on his free day- “am I not the best goddamn setter in the prefecture? What choice is there?” He runs a hand through his hair, then looks over at you to pout. “Make me feel better, c’mon.” Before you can really analyze the moment or how he looks at you with those warm brown eyes and too much fondness, his hand wraps around yours, slipping his fingers between yours with a strange determination.
You stop walking, and your school bag hits your thigh hard because of the abrupt stop. “Atsumu.” You’ve had this conversation with him about a million times. You are with Shinsuke. You have been with Shinsuke since middle school, and though dealing with the distance is hard right now, you promised to try. And he says he understands, and you’re making a big deal out of nothing— but it sure doesn’t seem like he does. “I am d-dating Sh-”
“Ya keep sayin’ yer dating, but where is yer boyfriend? Didn’t ya say he hasn’t been responding to yer messages?” Though he tries to keep his voice down, he doesn’t let go of your hand, and stares like he’ll burn holes through the shape of you. “Ain’t that proof enough?”
“I know Shinsuke, and you know Shinsuke. If he wanted to break up, he would say it.” You puff your chest out a little, and swallow, trying to untangle your hands from his grip. “He’s busy, and this is a transition period for us both, and I just- I want to make it work.” Atsumu seems to cling on for a second longer with a slight kink in his brow, but then he lets go and sighs, rubbing his hands back and forth through his lighter blonde hair with a groan.
“Fine— fine! If ya gotta hear ‘im say it…”
The irony tastes bitter. It stings with every swallow, really.
‘I think it’s not working out. I’m sorry. We should break up.’
You’re staring at the message for the nth time this evening, burying yourself in your cocoon of blankets and an almost empty back of chips yet again. You must’ve breathed it into existence, right? There’s no way around the timing of the message, and the sick way it churns in your stomach. You’re halfway towards another crying fit when Atsumu plops himself down onto your bed and grimaces. “Put that down,” he mumbles, snatching the phone out of your hand despite your glare, “you’ve been cryin’ all fucking evening. You really wanna do more of that?”
“I didn’t ask you to come over,” your voice is a murmur, pinched and sad and tiny, because who wouldn’t be heartbroken at a moment like this. “You just invited yourself in, which- hck- is the worst timing you’ve ever had.”
“But yer glad I’m here. I know ya are.” Whatever. Maybe you’re a little glad for the company, but Atsumu’s flavor of bluntness is really doing a number on you. Instead you reach for a tissue and blow your nose again, and try not to cry yourself to death. “He didn’t treat ya right anyway, don’t lie t’ yerself. Hey- look- look at me, c’mon,” his hands are on your face as he tugs it towards him and stares too deep into your eyes, brushing his thumbs along your cheekbones. “No more cryin’ about yer shitty high school crush. Not while I’m here, and I’m yer amazing, incredible support system that yer so very grateful for-” He breaks off in laughter when you have to bite a chuckle back despite your heartache, and try to pull your face out of his touch.
But he lingers, and leans in a little. “What? Am I wrong?”
“You’re not wrong, and I- I’m glad you’re here-” It isn’t a lie, but he’s still leaning in, and his face is growing awfully close and it’s- it’s too soon— and you shrink into your cocoon and look away in an attempt to save the situation. Shin broke up with you hours ago. “Atsumu-” you start, only to be cut off as he tugs the blankets down somewhat harshly, and clicks his tongue.
“Stop runnin’. Yer always doing this crap, I’m…” He sighs, and tries to coach you back out with thinly veiled patience. “Am I really so bad to ya? Hm?”
“Of course you’re not.”
He sits back, before patting his lap, and looks at you. In the last light of the sun that falls through your window he’s cast in the prettiest oranges and pinks, and looks almost ethereal to the world. You’re not blind. That was never in question. “Come here.” Despite being conflicted, there’s a glint in his eye that worries you. That if you were to disagree, he’d leave. And you’re not sure you could handle that right about now. As he leads you out of the blankets you notice how cold your room is in just a shirt and some ugly shorts, and Atsumu mumbles something under his breath. “Ya weren’t this shy at graduation, y’know.”
Your frown digs into your face, but his hands settle on your hips as he pulls you in and pushes you down into his lap with a soft hum. “What do you mean- graduation?”
“Just settle down, will ya? Jeez.” Warm hands that slide to the small of your back to force you ever so close to him, your heart basically stuttering out of your ribcage. “Always so damn skittish ‘round me.” You always wondered a little, truthfully. If the way Atsumu’s touches would linger on you was something to worry about, keep an eye on. If you should have been more careful about setting boundaries- and how he looks at you now, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he gives you an up and down… it says enough. Too much, even.
And though you admit that your heart is pattering like a hummingbird, there’s a much larger issue here. You love Shinsuke, you want- Shinsuke, p-promised you’d make it work for him— and it's barely been a few hours. You can’t, so you try to find the words to say; but the blond leans down to start pressing kisses down the side of your neck with a soft chuckle. His arms wrap tightly around your back, even though you place a hand on his chest and shake your head. “Tsumu, no. We can’t, I- can’t, let go.”
The noise he makes into the kisses trembles through your skin and seems to reach bone, before he squeezes a little harder to keep you slotted against him. “Yer so pretty, baby. Always were so fuckin’ pretty,” he goes from keeping you in his lap to slowly pushing you back in bed, sending your breathing into shallow spikes.
“Tsumu, cut it out!”
“I know yer nervous,” his pretty brown eyes are blown out when he pushes you down by your shoulders and you’re buried in your blankets, before he descends on your throat and chest again, kissing and leaving biting nicks, “didn’t do nothin’ like this before right? Know ya were waitin’- but I got ya now. Relax, I’ll make ya feel good. Promise.” The idea that Tsumu knows something so personal about you doesn’t even cross your mind— though it should, more than the way his weight and size locks you in place under his strong, athletic body.
“No, no, I- Shin just broke up with me- and I-”
His expression darkens, eyes narrowing a little as he comes to hover over you, one hand brushing your cheek as the other wraps tight around your wrist. “Don’t say another man’s name when I got ya under me.” He takes a long breath, before descending on you, mouth to mouth, and then pushing his tongue into your mouth too hard for you to keep him out. You try to call his name, but he kisses you without regard, uncaring as he grips your face and makes a noise of agreement when you relax your jaw out of sheer necessity. “Ya’ve got no idea how long I’ve wanted ya, doll. Really, hah.”
His hand slides down your chest to start picking the shirt up your body, and though your rapidly rising and falling chest is exposed, his eyes stay sharp on you, and you can’t help but choke on your cries. He doesn’t look right. His eyes are wide and so sharp, mouth slightly curled as he forces your both wrists next to your head. “Thought I was gonna have ta kill ‘im for you ta finally give in, but-” He kisses you again, before the hand gripping your face snakes down between your bodies to grab your tits through your shirt as he repositions his thighs to lock your lower half in place under him. “Yer gonna be a good little thing for me, ain’t ya?”
“Tsumu,” you squeak, fisting your hands into his shirt by his shoulders, but it only makes him groan in response. “Let me go, I want-”
“You don’t know what ya want.” He takes a deep breath, before slipping his hands under the garment and brushing his thumb over your raised nipples, peeked from the cold air. “But I do. ‘N I’m gonna make ya beg for me so fuckin’ good.” He lets you go for a moment to take your shirt off with rough tugs, before staring again. “See, Samu said I should give it a rest. But how can I, when I knew you’d be the prettiest little virgin cunt ever? Hm?” He licks his lips, before leaning down to start kissing all over your tits, sucking and tugging at your nipples with noises that make you grow from the inside. A cold shiver rolls down your spine, and you find yourself pulling his hair despite yourself. Because it feels good, and heat pools low in your belly.
“Tell me ya want it. Tell me ya want me.” The fire that seems to glint behind his eyes takes you aback, and you try to scramble from under him, but he’s back over you before you get a chance to. Gripping your face and forcing you into another kiss, the taste of his tongue on yours, deep and heavy. “People here hate ya, don’t ya know that? Think yer a real bitch. That’s why no one wants to be yer friend.” He rests his forehead to yours, so that you’re basically breathing each other’s air, and hums. His free hand starts taking off the sweats he’s wearing in a smooth motion, leaving him hard in just boxers. “But I’ve been ‘ere for you.” Another kiss. “I’m good to ya, too.”
The room is so hot, and your brain completely thrown off with the mix of all emotions you’ve felt in these short few hours; and it has you all fucked up. Tsumu must know this, but he doesn’t care. And you take a few panted breaths, looking between your two bodies at the was your tits brush up against him each time you move— he’s so close. “So say you want it, or I’m leavin’.”
“I want it.” Your voice shakes as it comes out, eyes stinging, head floaty— it barely feels like you said anything at all. “I want you.” He takes that as all he needs before grinning, kissing your temple and shuffling off you to shove his boxers down his thighs, before grabbing himself by the base and stroking a few lazy pumps along himself.
“Here, kiss it,” he nods his head towards it, helping you up and then right back down so you’re on your hands and knees. You’re getting wet. Sadly, you didn’t exactly think to put on any nice panties, but Tsumu doesn’t care as he makes you lean in and down until you can rest your lips to his cock, and he makes another noise. “I know it’s kinda bad but- I’ve been wanting ta fuck yer face for years now. Put- yer tongue out.” The admission only makes you feel more hot and hazy, and you do as you’re told. “Ahh, mhm.” He tastes weird when he pushes the glossy head to your tongue, translucent precum coating your tongue, but he takes a few more pumps, then pushes you back over.
“But not now, I wanna fuck you first. Yer gonna let me fuck your tight, little cunt, right?” The plush in your face doesn’t hide the heat as it floods to your face, your belly, down your legs— and he manhandles your legs up to start peeling off your shorts and panties. You can feel the strings of slick as they connect your wet pussy and the fabric, and hide your face into your shoulder before he groans your name again. “Yer so fuckin’ wet, look atcha. Already a little cock tease, and I haven’t even done nothin’ yet.” Your hot, puffy pussy is revealed, and he swipes two fingers out to circle around the wet hole without hesitation, only pulling back to slot the digits in his mouth. He shrugs his shirt off and tosses it next to the bed, then comes to kiss you again.
“Ya taste that? That’s yer pussy gushin’ like a whore for me. Only me.” He kisses like he’s got something to prove, taking your mouth up until all you can think of is him, and the places where your skin seems to zap under his rough hands. Each touch leaving you more breathless than the next. And you’re forced to just nod along and abide, because you couldn’t ask for what you need if you tried. He plays with your tits while pushing first one prodding digit in, but soon pushes up with two. “Gotta- prep this little hole before I fill you up, right? That’d be the nice thing to do. Even though ya haven’t been very nice to me, babe.”
“‘m sorry- Tsumu-” you hold back a whimpering moan as he squeezes your tits hard and flicks your nipples, and his fingers slowly push into you. The wetness dripping down your slit and along your inner thighs is hot, and your body curves instinctively as he slowly slides in and out a few times, while the man above you chuckles.
“No, you ain’t, little minx.” His grin is still wide though, hiking your one leg higher to get a better look at the way your greedy pussy swallows up his long fingers and he fucks you open so easily. “S’okay tho, I forgive ya. ‘Cus I’m gonna get to fuck this pretty pussy first.” The slick sounds fill the room and sound so, so loud, and lewd, and yet, there’s still more noise coming from your throat as he goes deeper again and his thumb finds your puffy clit with a little hum. “Uhuh, that feel good? Look at you enjoying this. Didn’t you want me ta stop? Huh?”
“Hm,” you just answer, grabbing your own chest with one hand, his arm with the other. He’s so much bigger than you like this, so muscular and intimidating. You look between your bodies to watch his fingers bottom out, and though the stretch is a little uncomfortable, it’s mostly just really, really good, filling your head with fog. Tsumu’s thick cock twitches between his legs, and he leans in to kiss you again. This time pulling his hand back to slide it into your mouth instead, making you gag when his fingers hit the back of your throat. You taste heady, a little musky, and lick your lips for the thin thread of spit when he pulls back.
“Alright, say thank you, Tsumu.”
“-thank you, Tsum-” you parrot, and also freeze under him when he goes to reposition himself and his cock head pushes at your sloppy, wet slit. “Wait- condom-”
“Shhh, just relax. If you freak out it’ll hurt ya.” He places one elbow next to your head, and lines himself up better, before starting to push into you already, and your leg jerks. He’s really big. Too big, you think, trying to take a deep breath as he starts breaking open your slick walls and slowly moving back and forth through it. “Aghh, that’s- it, that’s it, thatsithatsit-” He moans loudly, pushing your cheek up and kissing you back long and deep, tongues messily tangling and tasting each other, bumping noses as he fucks in, and in, and in. It pulls every thought out of you, every fiber filled with electricity. The tightness is painful, but you don’t want him to pull back, and judging by the way he groans into your mouth, he won’t anyway.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m fucking my tiny virgin cunt with a condom,” he pants when pulling back, eyes blown wide. His hand pushes your knee up more to stare at where you’re connected, before pulling back halfway and fucking back in, and the pressure on your womb and belly is enough to have you whining out so loud it barely sounds human. “That good, huh?” He bottoms out again, feels so fucking deep inside you that you can feel him high up in yourself bumping against your walls, and it feels so good, so, so good your toes curl and your knees lock around him.
“Fuck,” you can just barely gasp, before he pumps into you again, and starts really grinding himself into you. Slick drips out of you with each thrust, and makes the bed rattle under his weight. His hair sticks matt to his forehead, his lip pulled between his teeth, and the wet slapping of his hips meeting your skin is so distracting. Everything aches. Everything feels so good. You can barely even feel the sting anymore, jerking on his cock like you are. “Tsumu, I-”
“Gon’ have ta wait, princess,” he suddenly chokes, “yer clamping down on me like crazy— fuck.” He lifts one knee to push your legs open more, and then just shakes his head as he starts speeding up. “Oh, fuck it, gonna fill you up first. So fuckin’ tight, god, fuck-” The heavy thrusts go more sloppy, rapid as he chases his own orgasm and squeezes your thigh hard, yanking your teary cheeks back towards him as you pant to slide a finger between your lips and dropping a glob of his own spit into your mouth like it’s normal. Groaning into your mouth, and fucking his fat cock so deep into you you see stars. “One experience at a time, right?”
“Ah, Tsumu- p-please, fuck-me more, more, touch- more.” Your head rolls back as he pulls your hips back into him again and again, before suddenly locking up, and feeling how hot ropes of cum fill you up and he pants out your name in between a string of swears that all melt into a long growled moan as he stills. Only for a second though, because he’s quick to pull out and roll you back so that your knees are by your head, and he’s on top of you. He strokes his cock a few times, watching the last of the strings of thick cum land between your thighs. “Tsumu-” you pant, and take a breath, and pout- all at once. Because he stares at the way his cum comes out of your sloppy hole, before pushing it back inside. “Ughn-”
“Oh, don’t worry, baby. I’m not done. Not even close.” He spits onto his hand before bringing two fingers back to your pussy, and his thumb over your needy, puffy bud. And you jerk, blinks stuttering as you moan high and needy. Can’t help it. “Yer gonna wish I was done with ya long before I let ya out of this bed. I’m not done playing with my pussy.”
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mashed-potato101 · 2 years
Imagine This...
| Twisted Wonderland |
Cleaner Shrimps and Eels have a symbiotic relationship: The shrimp cleans the Eels’ teeth and removes any parasites, bacteria, insects, etc from the eels. In return, the eels give the shrimp protection and a free meal. Since Floyd gave you the nickname Shrimpy, you thought of an interesting idea.
A/N: I have finally gained motivation to write again! Be expected to see more writing soon! :D
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The two tweels rest inside their dorm room, doing their own thing: Jade was taking care of his succulents as Floyd played on his phone. Their heads turned to the door when they heard a knock. Jade opened the door to see your figure in front of him.
“Oya, Prefect? What brings you here?”
“Well, I read somewhere about this relationship between shrimps and eels. I then remembered that Floyd calls me Shrimpy and, well…”
You lift your both hands to both twins to reveal a toothpaste and two toothbrushes. The two of them gave each other a look and slowly grinned, showing their sharp teeth.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
You are gently brushing Floyd's pointed teeth while sitting on his lap in bed. You tried to avoid scrubbing them hard. Floyd is quite pleased and relaxed; to your surprise, he doesn't move as much as you had anticipated.
 “Floyd, please stop squeezing me…”
“Sorry Shrimpy. You look cute and squeezable, kehehe~”
Next up, Jade bent down on your level as you began brushing his teeth. As a gentleman, he stood still and didn’t move a muscle.
“Tell me if I’m scrubbing too hard.”
“You are doing good, y/n. This is perfect.”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
“GAH! Floyd!” yelped Riddle, “W-What are you doing here?”
Sure this whole thing is quite unnecessary, but you thought it was an interesting experience. But if you think this is a one-time thing, you’re dead wrong. Once you started something with the Leech Twins, there’s no going back. Whenever one gets dirty or so, both would approach you.
One time, you sat with Riddle, Trey, and Cater during lunch hour since the Adeuce duo and Grim got in trouble for sleeping in Trein’s class. While having a conversation, Floyd popped out of nowhere, startling everyone at the table.
“Eh, I’m here for little shrimpy.”
You looked at the tall eel, “Oh, uh. What’s up?”
“Something got stuck in my teeth. Can you get it out?”
You let out a sigh and reached into your pocket, revealing a floss you have. You had a feeling something like this would happen and glad you trusted your gut. The three boys at the table were shocked as they watched you flossing Floyd’s teeth in front of them. Trey is mentally punching air: He wanted to be the one to get his teeth cleaned by you.
Another time you were walking back to Ramshackle dorm after Floyd dragged you to his Basketball club. You stumbled upon Jade, who came back hiking from his club. You noticed a speck of dirt on his cheek, possibility from gathering mushrooms. You walked towards Jade who noticed your appearance and took out your handkerchief. You softly wiped his cheek, “You have something on your face, Jade.”
Jade looked at you with wide eyes then smiled, “How careless of me. Thank you, prefect.”
Floyd would occasionally drag you to Monstro Lounge, keeping you there while he and Jade were on their working shifts. He kept you either at the bar where Jade works, in a table were customers supposed to be, or in the VIP room in case they both needed you. You were either doing your homework, studying, or helping the Monstro Lounge, which Azul didn’t mind and paid you with no acknowledgment of your reasoning. Azul didn’t understand the sudden relationship between you and the tweels, and why they both grew very comfortable with you. 
“Because Little Shrimpy wants to take care of us,” Floyd replied, “Neh neh, isn’t that right, Shrimpy?”
You, Floyd, and Azul were in the VIP room during Floyd's break. You sat on Floyd’s lap, facing towards him on one of the couches as the octo-merman organize his contracts.
Azul looked at the two of you and raised a brow, “I still don’t understand why you’re spoiling on the twins lately, prefect. Care explaining?”
You only said nothing as you wiped Floyd’s face clean. Floyd let out a giggle as you squeezed both of his cheeks, smiling at his adorable face. Azul could only watch in envy, “I want to be taken care of too…”
“Get your own Shrimpy.”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Similar to the shrimps and eels, the tweels also returned the favor. When it comes to protection, the two always kept their eyes on you whenever you were nearby.
Once, three Heartslabyul students tried to fight you and Grim when you accidentally bumped into them. Grim put out a fighting stance as you kept apologizing to not start a fight. Out of nowhere, the same three boys went pale and ran away, apologizing out loud to you and your furry companion. Grim stood there in confusion then laughed. 
“Nyahaha! That’s right, fear the Great Grim, you cowards!”
You felt a presence or two behind you. Suspicious towards to boys’ reaction, you turned your back to see the reasoning.
“Ah. Floyd, Jade.”
The two tall eels stood in front of you with a grin. “Hello, prefect. We came by to see how you’re doing.”
Floyd then lifted you with a squeeze. “Shrimpy~ I’m bored. Let’s do something.” He dragged you somewhere, leaving Grim and Jade, who shook his head.
Remember when I said how Floyd would drag you to his basketball club? This would happen whenever he’s in a good mood. He wants you to watch him play as he shows off. One time, you grew bored and dozed off. Not aware of your surrounding, you heard your name called. Snapping back to reality, you saw a basketball coming straight toward your face. You closed your eyes, waiting for an impact, but felt nothing. You slowly opened them to see a hand in front of you: It was Floyd, who caught the ball on time. He looked at you with a smile, “Hehe. Are you alright, Shrimpy?” You only nodded and thanked him. After that, he turned towards his club members with a terrifying look. “Now which one of you threw this ball?”
It is nice to have the two twins by your side. As long as you take good care of them, they will take care of you as well.
The whole gym fell silent: Ace and the others gulp in fear as Jamil sweatdropped. The poor freshman who accidentally threw the ball could only stay muted and shaken on his spot in horror.
Fortunately for him, you persuaded Floyd that there was no need to search for them because there was a possibility that they didn’t mean it, which was true. After you convinced him by complimenting his reflex and allowing him to squeeze you, Floyd’s mood lifted and smiled widely.
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
loneliness and fallen woman with price please! happy 1000 followers ❤️
1k game here - no more please!
alright anon. i gotta be real with you, i barely used the prompts you gave and for that i really am sorry. i wrote like 1k of this about three different times because they kept just not being quite right, and they got increasingly further and further from the prompts. sorry!
2.6k of reader x local crime kingpin price. no smut! (the background plot and "worldbuilding" here is really weak, but just ignore it lol)
You know you’re doing something stupid, but that seems to be all you’re capable of these days. The last few weeks have been nothing but stipid decision after stupid decision, your absolute stupidest decision leading you to this exact moment.
You should’ve never slept with John Price. You should’ve known, should’ve recognized his face, but you’d been a little tipsy and a little desperate, and hadn’t connected the very common name John with the very well known criminal John Price. 
No, that had come the next morning, when you’d woken up before him and been able to really take a look at him, completely sober. Him and the gun in its holster resting on his folded pile of clothes.
You should’ve recognized him long before then, and you should’ve turned tail and run. You shouldn’t have let him buy you a drink, you shouldn’t have let him coax you into dumping all your troubles onto him, and you certainly shouldn’t have slept with him. 
You’d left before he could wake up and say God knows what, fear pumping through your veins at the realization of who you’d slept with. You’d nearly knocked yourself out trying to get dressed, almost fallen on top of him before you managed to stumble out of the hotel room he’d bought for you.
Everyone knows John Price. No one ever really bothers to detail why he’s dangerous, but they all seem confident he is. You’re a recent transfer to the area, and you still haven’t been able to get anyone to really say why they always whisper when they say his name.
What you do know about him is that every few weeks, almost routinely, you hear that he’s been arrested. Then two or three days later, like clockwork, it’s announced that he’s escaped, always thought to be “armed and dangerous”. His mugshots are shown on TV enough that it’s truly surprising you hadn’t recognized him at the bar. 
You always figured you’d never run into him. You don’t exactly lead a life of crime, don’t exaclty put yourself in harm’s way. You work a boring nine to five job, have dinner with friends every couple weeks, occasionally meet up with someone from a dating app, and never really stray from that. Had he not happened to be in the same bar as you, you never would’ve met him, never would’ve slept with him, and never would’ve been hunting him down now, weeks later.
Hell, you might not have even slept with him had you not just been stood up by what was supposed to be a first date on the same day you’d lost out on a promotion. But a few shots, that loneliness that grows more and more familiar every day, a simmering frustration in your career, and a handsome man are not a good combination for your self control. 
But you had slept with him, had been especially stupid and not even worn protection - something you’d only really noticed the next morning, when you felt… him still leaking from you, saw that there was no condom wrapper.
And now here you are - stood in that same run down bar you’d first met him in, wearing an old hoodie and your favorite sweatpants, three positive pregnancy tests tucked in your front pocket.
You try to take a deep breath.
You really don’t know what you’re doing. You’ve been running on autopilot since you realized you might be pregnant, the time between buying tests and taking them a blur. Even now, you’re running on instinct alone. Instinct tells you to find John Price, and tell him about… this.
You can figure everything else out after. 
You scan the crowd, hoping to spot him quickly. You know he owns the bar - something you’d found out once you’d gotten home and fallen deep into a rabbit hole and read everything about the man you could find. You’re not sure how he still owns the bar considering he’s got multiple warrants out for his arrest, but you figure it’s probably the same reason he never actually ends up in jail.
But he’s not here now. At least, not anywhere you can see.
You step up to the bar, rest your elbows on the counter and rest your head in your hands, taking a few long, stablizing breaths.
“What can I get for ye?”
You glance up at the sudden voice, coming face to face with the bartender. It’s not the same man as last time - this man’s got a Scottish accent and a mohawk, a far cry from the darker skinned British man with pretty eyes who’d served you last time.
“Do you…” you glance around again, sigh, and decide you should try and find somewhere to compose yourself a bit. “Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?”
“Course,” he smiles at you, open and friendly, and you feel some of the tension ease from your shoulders. “Just ‘round that corner there, a few doors down. Can’t miss it.”
You give him a tight smile, mutter your thanks as you head in the direction he’d gestured. His directions are exactly right, the women’s bathroom door towards the end of the hallway but clearly marked.
Just past the bathroom doors is a stairwell. The door is half open, but you can clearly see the stairs even halfway down the hallway. You’re not sure why, but you walk right past the bathrooms, ducking into the stairwell instead after shooting a quick look over your shoulder to make sure no one saw you. 
It’s nearly silent, the music from the bar growing more and more muffled as you start to make your way to the next floor. It’s even quieter once you reach your destination, just a distant and faint rumbling in the floorboards.
You step out into a hallway with four doors - two of them with nameplates nailed to them. Stepping close, you see one is labeled Simon Riley and the other reads John Price.
Before you can consider whether or not you’re making another stupid decision you’re knocking on the door with Price’s name. 
You regret it the moment your knuckles rap against the wood, can’t believe you keep doing such stupid things without thinking.
Before you can even get a step away from the door, there’s a voice calling out from inside the room.
“Come in.”
Your breath hitches. 
You can’t leave now. There’s no way he wouldn’t come to the door, see who knocked. You’re not about to ding dong ditch John Price, but that doesn’t make it any easier to move forward. You only manage it because you feel oddly exposed in the hallway, and your nerves urge you forward enough to open the door.
You shut it quickly behind you, eager for privacy for some reason you can’t quite pin down. Listening to your instincts regardless, you keep your back pressed to the closed door and shove one hand in your pocket to wrap around the pregnancy tests.
John looks… mostly the same, which only makes you feel even more foolish for not recognizing him on the night that started this whole mess.
His beard’s a bit longer, but he’s got a button up and that silly hat on, the same thing he’d been wearing the first night you saw him. It’s almost like you’re yanked back to that night without warning, the only real difference being the fact that he’s sat behind a desk instead of beside you.
“Oh,” he says, looking oddly unsurprised as he leans back in his chair, hands lacing over his stomach. “It’s you. My little runaway.”
You scowl, your trepidation immediately replaced with anger. 
“First of all,” you hiss, scowling and moving towards his desk, the twitch at the corner of his lips only working you up further. “I’m not your anything. And I didn’t run away.”
His lips curve into a fuller smile, and he shifts his chair back enough for you to see his thighs, thick and bulging against his tight pants. He’s manspreading in his own office chair, and you have to swallow thickly when you realize just how attractive it is.
When you glance back to his face and see the distinctly smug expression he’s wearing, your ire only grows.
“Not sure what else you’d call it,” he rumbles. “Was hoping to spend a little more time with you, love, but you were gone before we could set up a date.”
You instinctively go to bite back, but stumble a bit when what he’d said settles. The idea that he’d been disappointed when he woke up alone, that he wanted more time with you…
You shake the thought off. It doesn’t matter, you have more important things to discuss.
You force yourself to straighten, fingers toying with the tests in your pocket. Your nerves return now that you’re really face to face with John again, now that you’ve got to actually figure out how to tell him. 
He seems to sense the shift in your mood, leaning forward so he’s not sprawled out so casually and resting his forearms on his desk.
“Why’re you here, love?”
This is it, you think to yourself, closing your eyes to take a deep, stablizing breath.
You tug the pregnancy tests out of your pocket, drop them wordlessly in front of him. It’s hard to keep your eyes open, to watch his expression as he slowly looks down at your offering, watch as realization washes over him.
John’s silent for a long moment. Your palms sweat, and you just barely resist the urge to wipe them off on your pants.
Finally, he looks back up at you, shifting in his chair. “You’re sure?”
You hesitate, nod a bit. “There are… I took more, at home. Didn’t want to bring them all.”
He nods, leaning back in his chair and crossing one leg over the other. “And it’s mine?”
You flush, face going hot. You know it’s a fair question, but you can’t help but bristle anyway. 
“Yes,” you hiss, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “I haven’t… I didn’t…” You cut yourself off, the words you were my first trapping themselves behind your teeth. You hadn’t meant to lose your virginity to John Price, and you see no need to tell him you even had. As far as you’re concerned, you can keep that knowledge to yourself. “It’s yours.”
He doesn’t look convinced, and that only makes your face go hotter. You fight the urge to tuck your hands beneath your armpits, determined not to shrink in front of this man.
“I haven’t been with anyone else,” you elaborate, eyes flicking away from his face.
He takes a deep breath, exhales in a loud sigh. You hear his fingers tap against the desk, just barely bite back your annoyance at the sound. You work your tongue between your teeth, nerves racing again.
“Well,” he eventually says, standing from his chair. You can’t help but jolt a bit, having forgotten just how big he is. He towers over you even from a few feet away, his broad shoulders and barrel chest only making him feel twice as large. It’s a conscious effort on your part not to take a step back. “I hope you weren’t too attached to your apartment, love.”
He stalks around the desk, walking towards the door, but you can’t move from your spot. Your eyebrows furrow, and you track him with your eyes.
“My apartment? What’re you talking about?”
He shoots you a look, one you have no idea how to interpret, as he tugs his door open. “Simon!”
“John,” you hiss, stepping closer to him again. “What’re you-?”
He holds a hand up to quiet you as the other door opens, and you can just barely spot another man stepping forward. “Yeah?”
“Need you to call some movers. Need to get my girl moved into my place.”
You gape like a fish as the new man leans to the side a bit to look where Price is gesturing to you, and he nods. “Got it. Timeline?”
“Done by tonight.”
The other man grunts, and leaves again. John closes the door, turning back to you and starting back to his desk.
“What- what the hell?” You splutter, mouth opening and closing in shock. “You can’t- you don’t even know where I live!”
John settles back into his chair and shoots you a look that you can clearly read - it’s nothing but unimpressed.
“Course I do, love. Did you think we wouldn’t be meeting again?”
You blink at him, dumbfounded, as he turns to his computer, lips twitching into a smile.
“Of course we wouldn’t,” you try, hand resting on one of the chairs in front of the desk to steady yourself. “We only… we only slept together once. I didn’t even know who you were.”
He hums an agreement, typing. “No, you didn’t. But that doesn’t matter, you know now. And considering the other… developments,” he shoots a look to your belly, and you rest your free hand over the small curve protectively. “It’s best we get to know each other in far closer quarters, hm?”
“No,” you argue, trying to inject some sterness into your tone. “I’m not moving in with you, that’s ridiculous. I just… I only told you about the baby so you could be involved. Maybe pay some child support. But there’s no reason for anything more.”
He sighs heavily through his nose, giving you another of those unimpressed looks. “You’re tellin’ me you’d rather keep living on your own? Take care of yourself and my baby all on your own?”
You brows furrow. “My baby.”
“Our baby.”
“Whatever,” you huff, moving to sit in one of the chairs, slumping back. “I can’t move in with you. Just because we… slept together, once, doesn’t mean you can just boss me around like a minon.”
 “Oh, it was more than once, love,” he corrects, voice pitching lower. You force down a shiver, cheeks heating again. “And is it really bossing you around if it’s for the best?”
You shoot him your own unimpressed look. “Yes, of course it is.”
He shrugs, turning back to his computer. “Then I guess I am bossing you around. Regardless, Simon will have your belongings in one of my properties by tonight.”
You scowl, leaning forward enough to plant a hand on his desk. “Listen, John, I have a life. A perfectly nice apartment, a job I like, friends - you can’t just take me away from all of that just because we made a mistake!”
The quick glance he shoots you verges on scolding. “That’s exactly what I can do, and it’s exactly what I will do.”
He stands before you can reply, fixing his cuffs as he strides back to the office door.
“You can call your boss tomorrow to turn in your resignation,” he says over his shoulder, tugging the door open and already walking away, winking at you just before he disappears from your sight. “You won’t be working while carrying our baby.”
You gape at the spot where he just was, palms still slick with sweat. It takes you a moment to fully grasp what he’s just said, how the entire conversation has gone, but when you do you’re enraged.
“John!” You shout, storming after him, leaving the pregnancy tests behind. “Get back here, you insane man! That’s absolutely not happening!”
The sound of his low laugh echoing through the stairwell only pisses you off more. Your scowl feels etched into your face, and as you storm after John you vow to keep him from completely steam rolling your life.
If he thinks he’s going to just pluck you from your life and drop you in his with no fight, he’s got another thing coming. 
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janovavalen · 5 months
✧DON’T LEAVE ME || luke castellan x ares fem!reader
summary: when percy gotten back to camp and found out who the true lightning thief was, he was quick to tell y/n who knew what she had to do.
word count: 1645
warnings: angst, breaking up, luke begging for y/n to join his side…no happy ending (only a part one)
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when percy had arrived back to camp, needles to say he made a reputation quicker than anyone did before. not only did he kill a minotaur with its own horn, but he’d managed to finish his first quest in returning the lightning bolt, met four gods and managed to stop a war from happening.
not only did he do that…but he’d managed to find out it wasn’t clarisse who stole the lightning bolt…no, someone he would have never expected at all. and when he found out, y/n was the first to know.
the whole camp in fact knew about y/n and luke. the two were inseparable. since the moment they stepped into camp together they’d never left each other's side. some campers said they would see them holding hands, making out, or just hanging out every minute of every day.
when percy knew he had to tell y/n, he knew what she’d say.
walking into her cabin as she sharpened some of her swords, she looked up at the noise of the floorboards creeping under his foot.
‘oh, percy…what are you doing here?’ she placed the sword down onto the bed and stood up to percy who walked very slowly. she was confused to see him acting like this, like he’d done something wrong.
‘percy what’s going on? did a camper steal your blueberries or something?’ she teased while percy stayed straight faced and quiet. feeling a bit tense he cleared his throat before talking.
‘uhm…y/n there’s something very important i need you to know…something serious…but i don’t want you lashing out. so please just listen to me okay?’ percy talked lowly and slow while y/n nervously laughed and nodded her head in understanding.
‘when we were out on the quest, i’d learned some things about who stole the lightning bolt—‘
‘yeah you said it was my sister—clarisse, right?’
‘yes i know what i said but. seeing that when i got back and chiron didn’t take her out of the camp or get her in trouble…it got me thinking. when me and grover were heading to hades castle, the shoes luke gave us started to pull us to where kronos is held…and when we found clues and hints—‘
‘it was luke…wasn’t it.’ y/n shakily asked while also hoping it wasn’t him at all and this was just some very big mistake. but even percy didn’t deny was when she got her answer.
sighing heavily while closing her eyes she nodded to percy with the understanding of his words and knowledge.
‘luke had mentioned he wanted to get back at the gods for a very long time for what they’ve done and one day he came back to camp acting different…he had something to hide and i didn’t ask or want to know because it wasn’t my place but one day he told me things would change for the better or worse…i just, never thought he’d steal the bolt…’ y/n looked at the ground with her eyes watering with tears while trying to hold them from falling in front of percy.
out of all of the ares kids y/n was probably more of a athena or apollo child out of ares. she was much kinder, open with her emotions—sometimes—-and didn’t feel the overbearing need to be better than everyone—in some things.
she was hard on percy only when it came to things she knew he could do…she was difficult to understand because she kept her thoughts closed off. she was very stern, stubborn, confident and sometimes cocky. but she never let that get in the way of how she was as an individual. she let her siblings go after their father but she? wanted to be more like her mom.
standing in front of percy who happened to somehow grow a bit taller over his quest, the two of them being eye to eye. y/n felt her heart pounding rapidly against her chest.
‘i’ll…i’ll be right back. don’t go anywhere. go to the celebration and stay there with annabeth and grover, okay?’ she instituted percy who nodded slowly but let her leave.
as y/n had been walking into the forest to clear her mind, she was unknowingly followed by luke who had caught her form and tried to call out to her only for her to not answer.
he had been watching her as she placed her hand against head—she’d been thinking of something important that was stressing her—she stopped and took a deep breath—she was hesitant—her shoulders shaking a bit he knew she was crying.
‘y/n?’ he mumbled loud enough for her to hear. turning around to see luke, she inhaled sharply and cleared her throat.
‘luke, hey. what are you doing here? i thought you were going to the celebration?’ she asked. straightening her back to come off as she didn’t just almost cry in the middle of the forest as embarrassing that would be.
‘oh…yeah, i was i just saw you and tried to call out for you but you never answered so…’ he lightly smiled while she nodded her head slowly. seeing through him and seeing through that smile that almost for percy, grover and annabeth killed.
‘yeah, well i just wanted to be alone for a while…so you can go—‘
‘no, i’ll stay here with you, and we can talk about whatever is bothering you—‘
‘no luke! leave, leave me alone okay? i don’t want to talk to you right now okay? please…please just leave me alone’ y/n places her hands together as a pleading motion while closing her eyes.
luke sadly looked at y/n with his heart being pulled into different directions. he was hurt that she wanted him to leave, he was hurt she didn’t want to see him, he was hurt she wanted to be left alone and he was confused as to why.
‘what did i do?’ he calmly asked. his sad eyes watching y/n who had inhaled sharply with annoyance.
‘luke…leave me alone—‘
‘no! why? why don’t you want to talk to me? why don’t you want to be with me—what did i do? why can’t we just talk—‘
‘because you stole the lightning bolt and almost killed my friends!’ y/n yelled on the top of her lungs. the anger held in her eyes had resembled her father so much he almost couldn’t tell them apart.
his heart dropped when she said what she had said and he almost lost it. how did she know? why does she know? who told her this—where did she hear this?
‘but clarisse—percy, annabeth and grover said it was her why would it be me…’ he watched her eyes as she rolled them and placed her hands over her face to bring her anger down to a reasonable level.
‘luke…you’ve told me you always wanted to get back at the gods for a while now. you said one day they’d see us, one day the world would change? percy has met hades who’s almost told him everything he needed to hear…you, are a liar—‘
‘no…’ luke shook his slowly while slight tears welled in his eyes. the fireworks behind the two of them showing red behind y/n and a blue behind luke.
‘yes luke! you lied! you almost got people killed and you almost killed kids at that!’
like she didn't quit almost quickly while y/n shook her head in anger. her eyes burning with tears as his did as well.
seeing there was no way out of this he sighed and gave up—‘i didn’t know he’d give them to grover to wear…’ luke helplessly sighed while the tears in his eyes grew bigger almost dropping from their holding stage.
y/n felt her heart clutch and her eyes well as she heard his words. suppressing any words to come from her mouth that might cause any other trouble she closed her eyes as her nose scrunched in anger.
‘y/n please—‘
‘no! you can’t say that and expect me to trust you luke—i’ll never trust you again! i’ll never put my faith into you! you have lied and you have lost! you don’t belong here anymore luke go!’ she yelled her anger boiling to the surface. that sweet side of her mom is no longer present and replaced with her father.
‘y/n…you don’t mean that…you can’t mean that; don’t you understand it was a mistake—‘
‘what a mistake was believing the lies you’ve told me for years on end and letting you sit on a throne in my life.’ y/n mutters as luke stepped in front of her. when she saw this she was quick it draw her sword as it touched the tip of his adam’s apple. looking down at it, luke gulped a bit and looked into y/n’s eyes to see no softness in them.
‘y/n please…please, please, please don’t do this. don’t leave me alone—your all i have!’
‘stop it luke! just stop! i can’t believe what you say anymore! you almost hurt the ones i love and the one you call family—‘
‘i never meant to do that! can’t you understand im trying to make this a better place…a better world for all of us..for you…’ he trailed off; his tear dropping and rolling down his cheek as y/n’a held no emotion, only anger written on her face.
breathing heavily, y/n let her eye twitch before letting the worse of her take over, aggressively pushing her sword down as it cut a bit of luke’s stomach. wincing in pain as he looked up at her and down at the open wound; he looked at her once more with tears in his eyes to recognize a y/n he’s never met before.
before he could say anything was when percy arrived.
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winterrrnight · 3 months
rafe noticing how you usually hide your real emotions behind a pretty smile and an interactive personality… <3 a bsf!rafe cameron x gn!reader blurb <3 based off this cw: talks about bottling up emotions, venting, lower case is intentional, aaaand this is again super self indulgent :p for @zyafics because we had a little chat on this :) (love you bae 💗)
rafe loved to see your smile. he loved how you were always so sweet to everyone, always laughing, always making sure everyone around was doing okay, frequently checking up on them, and genuinely being a sweetheart.
but it didn’t go unnoticed when he one day saw you sitting all alone in the university library, your head resting in your hands as you looked… sad, your brows furrowed as if you’re thinking of something deeply, and you continued to scribble randomly over a page.
he contemplated going up to you or not, but the frown on your face was concerning considering he almost never saw you frown that way.
that day, he let it slide.
another few days later, he saw you again. you were sitting in the grassy lawn of your university with your back against a tree, your knees to your chest as you looked at nothing in particular. a similar frown was etched on your face and your brows were furrowed just like the last time, and it looked like you’re deep in thought.
this time though, he wasn’t going to let it slide.
he strided over to you, and you heard the crunchy footsteps and turned to see rafe approaching you. your lips were immediately pulled into a smile as he sat down next to you.
“what’s up?” you asked, smiling at him.
he shook his head. “nothing much, what are you doing here all alone?” he asked you.
“oh, nothing really,” you said, turning to look out at the outstretched lawn again. “just chillin’, had a heavy day of classes today,”
“alright,” he mumbled, but his gaze didn’t leave your face. he kept on studying you, and saw how quickly your face had changed from the frown to the smile.
“how’s everything else though?” he asked, cutting through the silence.
“all good,” you said, and that smile just didn’t seem to leave your face at all.
“you sure?” he pressed.
you turned to look at him. “yes rafe,” you rolled your eyes. “all’s well. why wouldn’t it be?”
he shrugged his shoulders, not breaking your eye contact as he looked into your eyes very carefully, hoping to catch a glimpse of something which you didn’t show. “just wonderin’, ’s all,” he muttered. “you just… you just look like you would want to talk about something. a lot, actually,”
“huh?” you hummed confusedly as your brows furrowed a bit – but it’s not the furrow you had when you were too deep in thought.
rafe sighed, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. “I’m just saying that if anything ever troubles you, absolutely anything, I’m here for you alright? I’m not one to force someone to open up right at the moment, but I can say from first hand experience that bottling things up never works; it just hurts more in the long run. so, I’m not forcing you to talk right now, but I’d suggest you do it sooner rather than later,” he exhaled as his gentle words settled in. “I know something’s bothering you, I can see it in your eyes… and I want you to stop doing that alright?”
he took in your current facial expression; your eyes were slightly wide, and the faintest amount of tears formed at your waterline. when he saw you weren’t saying anything, he knew he had hit the right spot.
“again,” he started, “I’m not forcing you to talk right now okay? and it doesn’t even necessarily have to be me who you talk to. it can be anyone you really trust. but I’m telling you that I’m one of the people who you can freely trust alright?” he smiled softly as he leaned in and gently kissed your forehead.
he took a glance at his watch before turning to look back at you. “I’ve got to run now, we’ve got some fancy family dinner I need to be home for,” he said softly. “but feel free to text me or call me okay?” he smiled, before getting up from the grass next to you and walking away, leaving you alone as tears slowly made their way down, realising you’ve been noticed in a way you never were.
— —
if you find yourself relating to this in any way, please know that help is always available, and that you never should have to think twice before talking about feelings and things that bother you to a loved one <3 take lovely care of yourself and prioritise your mental health as best as you can 💞
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circeyoru · 3 months
You Think It’s That Easy? _ Part 2 = Requested
[Yandere Human & Demon!Alastor x Arranged Marriage!Reader]
Part 1 — Part 2 (here)
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You heard of Alastor’s death from the news, an accidental while he was in the bayou in the dead of night, mistaken as a deer by a couple of hunters and feasted upon by their hunting dogs. When the mistake was realized, it was already too late. Alastor was already dead
But that wasn’t what concerned you. It was the news that tied Alastor’s death to the death or disappearance of another individual. The Bayou Serial Killer, which has been ever so active as if possessed, stopped all activities after Alastor’s death. Loyal fans of Alastor’s radio show said it was a coincidence, some even trying to provoke the silent killer to prove Alastor’s innocence. To everyone’s horror, Alastor was not so innocent
The Bayou Serial Killer is and was Alastor, the famous radio host. Though to you, Alastor was more than that, he was your childhood friend and a good partner of a false marriage to satisfy both side’s parents, then later continued to ward off suitors for either of you two. Now there was one more identity of Alastor in your mind
A heartless killer
You realized that the late nights Alastor had before you left were all Alastor’s murder playtime. You should have known when he brushed off your worries for his safety, he whispered that he’ll be fine since he is confident in his self-defense. He didn’t tell you it was because he was the killer everyone feared
Yet the moment you felt a chill down your spine was when you remembered the promises Alastor made to you
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“You know I can deal with your troubles if you just ask, right?”
“I won’t let anything or one harm you, never.”
“Anyone that crosses you will face so much misfortune, you know?”
“Hahaha! How dare they prey you like vultures when you have me.”
The suitors that came to you and disappeared soon after… You now know what happened to them. Alastor happened. He killed them all. But you can’t understand why. What was the reason behind the killing and how had you never known?
That wasn’t the issue. The issue was that you felt guilty and fearful of the news. Couldn’t you have prevented all Alastor’s killing if you were more attentive? If you two hadn’t been as distant from each other to living your preferred lives, would things be different?
As a reminder to not be too involved with yourself and ignore others, you kept a red radio on the shelves by your books in the living room. Also a reminder that Alastor was gone
It wasn’t long before weird things started happening. First was that the radio would start up itself without anyone going near it, it wasn’t even powered so it was practically impossible for someone to turn it on or for the radio to play anything. First it was classic music, then it was love songs you’d hum from time to time, after that was eerie slow music with screams from time to time
Then items around your home would disappear and reappear somewhere. Your work left undone would be miraculously done when you wake up to continue doing it, even when you napped on top of it
You tried taking it to the shop to fix it but the shop owner said it was in perfect condition, no malfunction. You tried throwing it away even, but it appeared back on your shelf at its usual place
But when you tried banishing the radio with paranormal experts, those people that helped you all disappeared and then their bodies turned up like something clawed at them or poke something sharp into them. As weird as it was, police chalked it up with a raging deer or bears. Neither were good ends
What you’re worried about was how your lover, now husband was missing ever since the radio started piecing out your name and sweet nicknames that reminded you of Alastor
It wasn’t until once you got drunk and stumbled through the streets, trying to get home. You were pulled into an alley with someone trying to force themselves on you. In that drunken daze, everything was a blur and you weren’t in your right mind, so you didn’t even know why you called out that name
“Help… someone… Help me…” You tried fighting off or at least struggle against the grip but your limbs all felt like noodles. “Al… Alastor…”
“Of course, Love.”
You didn’t see the shadows raise and clawed hands gripping so tightly on your assailant’s arm that they released you. You knew you slumped down against the wall, your head bobbing back and forth and your hair all over the place to the point of covering one of your eyes
You didn’t hear your rescuer tear your attacker like paper, blood overflowing like a spring fountain, yet none got onto you. The screams of pain and the cries of mercy from your attacker who has now become the prey
The scene you saw, your mind didn’t register it, you were way too intoxicated from all the alcohol you drank to drown out your loneliness. You left Alastor, then he died and his secrets brought to light made you feel like you were not supportive enough. You missed your husband who’s on missing posters. Everything was so frustrating and sad at the same time
When it was all done, Alastor, in his shadowy form, kneeled in front of you, staring into your eyes. His fingers snapped and both of you reappeared back at your home. You in Alastor’s hold, carried like a princess, like during the wedding you two pretended to have and Alastor carried you all the way to the dance floor
“You’re so red, Alastor.” You slurred, eying his coat that was in a shade different from how you remember, why was it red? He wears dark brown ones. Your finger poked his cheeks, “Your smile’s too wide, if you smile this much, you’ll hurt your cheers.”
“It’s fine, Dearest.” Alastor spoke. Did you even hear the radio filter over his voice?
“I want to dance… I missed dancing with you…” You lamented as you lowered your finger to lay on your stomach with a pouty frown. “It’s been so long…”
“I think you need to rest, Darling.” Alastor started moving to your room. How did he know? No, did you even notice the way his eyes glowed when you mentioned missing him?
When you were laid down on the bed and tugged in, your clothes were magically changed to clean ones comfortable for sleeping soundly. “You’re leaving when I fall asleep… I just know it…”
The urge can’t be ignored. Alastor spent too long waiting and he is ready. “Well, if you agree, we can be together forever.”
“We’ll be back again?”
“Yes. If you shake my hand and wear this.” Alastor showed you a familiar band of gold. He kept it all these years, when he could first go to Earth due to your soul being binded to his, he searched high and low for it. 
Your confused and tired mind honed in on the ring. A familiar and comforting thing you given up, tears swell and a hand reached for it. “We’ll be back? Alastor…”
When your eyes opened, you were met with a major headache and an unfamiliar room. Looking around, you tried to get your bearings. While you did, you tried to remember what happened. Was this some stranger’s home? You immediately lifted up the blanket and looked under, sighing when that didn’t seem to have happened in your drunken state
You finally took in your surroundings. It wasn’t unfamiliar now, it was nostalgic. A replica of the appearance of what was your shared bedroom with Alastor when you two were still playing house. You shook your head, expecting all this to be your hallucination
Yet it didn’t fade back to what was supposed to be your bedroom. Confusion and fear set in. As did the memories of last night. What happened? Did you hallucinate Alastor appearing and saving you? But that didn’t look like Alastor. That can’t be Alastor. A monster. A demon. That’s what it was
Though Alastor was the only one to make you feel that at peace and calm and relaxed. The voice was his, just with an odd radio filter
The door to the room opened and the Alastor you met last night appeared in your sights. He closed the door behind him, smiling, “Welcome home, Dear Wife of mine.”
As Alastor had sworn, he brought you to Hell. You were his and he was yours. Try to run and it won’t be successful. For the two of your souls are bound together.
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Note: I'mma out of ideas for this one, so before you ask for a part 3. Just know that the likelihood of it happening is very very rare since I got other series that's more active now. There could be trivia or asks, that's what I consider to be extra parts to this one.
Circe Y. 
Taglist: (those that don't specify to being in all the works' taglist will automatically be assumed to be in whichever series they comment on)
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala @chirimeimei @gameperson23100 @marukun @belletifeshyl @craftyperfectiontragedy
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 3 months
Texting them “I need you right now”
Note: hi everyone! So sorry for not posting in months, life wasn't easy on me. I managed to sort things out (hopefully they will stay organised this time, or else I'm starting a new life in Spain), and I plan to write more. I'm also taking commissions again (the financial situation it's not good, so every commission would help me a lot!). Anyway, I haven't written anything since January, so please be kind with me.
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He won't see your text right away because he's a busy man. After he has some free time, he checks his phone and immediately opens the chat with you, ignoring everyone else.
"What is it, sweetheart?"
"I just don't feel okay. Can you come over?"
The text is demanding, and he knows something is wrong with you, so he tries to finish faster whatever he had planned for that day, which he fails because he is constantly thinking about you. So, he dropped everything and came to you. 
Wesker is a man of his word, so he arrives on time.
"Have you been crying, my love?" he asked as he saw that your eyes were all red and your face was swollen.
"Yeah...petty reason." 
"If it was petty, you wouldn't have called me."
You wasted no time and threw yourself in his arms, sinking into his embrace and burring your face into his chest.
Being busy all the time, you barely see him. Maybe once a month nowadays, and this long wait only contributed to your sadness. You yearned to talk with someone like him because he made you feel safe. You knew he was listening, and you knew he didn't judge. Also, he would comfort you with small kisses and gentle touches and would praise you for being strong.
He moved you to your sofa, made your favourite tea, and listened carefully as you talked about your worries and recent unfortunate events.
During that time, he received a lot of calls and texts, but he turned his phone on silent because his main priority was you.
He hugged you tight, telling you that he'd always be there for you, no matter what. One hand would gently massage your hair, and the other would massage your back. It hurt him so damn much to see you like this and hear you sob in his arms. He wanted to hurt everyone who caused you to end up like this, and he was very vocal about his intentions.
"You can't protect me from the world, Albert. All you can do is be here for me when I need it."
He didn't like your response or agree with your opinion, but for now, he kept you tight to his chest.
He usually stays until you feel better, and then he leaves to do his work. He will be worried all day because you're still on his mind, so he checks on you frequently, promising to take you on a small trip to calm your mind.
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The government agent is always busy. He's either stuck in his office completing paperwork, training new recruits, or on a mission on the other side of the globe.
He wasn't away on the field, so when he saw your text, he immediately responded. Even if he was busy doing desk duty or fighting, he would try to respond asap (he will hide in a corner if he had to, if that means he'll get five minutes of peace to text you back because he knows how worried you can get). 
"What's wrong, doll?"
"I don't feel well. Can you come over?"
A pretty demanding text means an urgent need, so he left early, abandoning everything he had scheduled for today. That annoyed some of his superiors, but he got away without much trouble.
Leon tried his best to arrive on time. He was being pressured by time and worry; he drove like a maniac to your place on his motorcycle, but he stopped to buy your favorite sweets.
"I bought you something good," he said, smiling in the doorframe and opening the bag to show the inside. However, his smile dropped. 
"Have you been crying?" he asked, quickly cupping your face and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. Your face was flushed and very warm to the touch, and your eyes were swollen and teary.
"Yeah...petty reason."
"You don't cry like that for a petty reason," he said as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You quickly hugged him and burried your nose at the crook of his neck. He hugged you back tight, a trail of kisses caressing your skin, starting from your neck to your face.
He guided you to the bed, where he listened to you and held you tight. His fingers kept brushing over your face, and his lips would occasionally press tiny, affectionate kisses over your skin. His body was glued to yours, and the warmth from such an intimate embrace made you feel safe. You felt safe not only to express your emotions, but you also felt sheltered from the rest of the world.
"You are not alone," he whispered as his hand caressed your back in a gentle manner. "I told you, no matter how hard it gets, we'll find a way to get through it together." 
He usually stays until he makes sure you feel better. After that, he texts you the whole day, asking how you feel because he can't ease his own anxiety. He promised to take you on a vacation.
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He noticed your text right away, but he's stuck with his research and can't reply instantly. He will text you back as soon as he can.
"What's wrong, mi bella princesa?"
"I just don't feel okay. Can you come over?"
With much difficulty and a lot of excuses, he manages to leave his laboratory and come to your place.
Upon seeing your red and watery eyes, he quickly came inside and cupped your face.
"Have you been crying?" he asked, worried, his fingers brushing over your warm, red cheeks.
"yeah...petty reasons." You tried your best to smile.
"Querida, you don't cry like that because of petty reasons." He gently kissed your forehead.
He pulled closer to him, and you quickly hugged him, buring your face into his chest. Luis kept kissing you and whispering kind words to help you feel better.
"Just talk to me, ok? There isn't anything in this world that we can't get through."
Despite the firm grip around your body, he managed to caress you with tenderness. His strokes were as delicate as a feather, and every soft kiss felt warm and loving. 
He was so kind and gentle, and his attitude only made you more vulnerable, so you started crying again.
"Please, my love, don't cry. It breaks my heart to see you like this." He whispered.
He guided you to the bed and cuddled with you. His arms were wrapped around your body, and his nose was buried in your hair.
"Is there anything I can do to make it all go away?" He said, hand stroking your back. 
"No, just hold me like this."
It breaks his heart to see you like that, so he kept thinking about making you feel better.
"How about you and I go for a walk?" He said this as his fingers ran through your smooth hair. "Or we can stay here and cuddle; watch that movie you like. I can make something to eat, and we can relax."
"It sounds good," you said, your smile making a shy return. "I'm sorry if I freaked you out."
"it's fine." He pressed a lingering kiss on your cheek. "You know I'm always here for you."
"I know, and I appreciate that." You caressed his face, your fingers exploring every inch, going through his fluffly hair over his beard and over his lips. You two were looking at each other with the same enamoured gaze as in the beginning.
"We can spend some time tomorrow if you want," he added, being enchanted by the shared intimate moment, feeling drawn in by your presence, and wanting to spend more time with you.
"What about work?" you asked.
"Don't worry, as much as I hate it, I will find the lab in the same place I left it today."
Your light chuckle made him feel a little better. Whenever you are sad, he feels his heart shatter into tiny pieces. You mean the world to him, and he'd do anything to protect you.
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He was training the new recruits when his phone buzzed in his pocket. After a quick glance, he gave the men a five-minute break so he could respond to you. Jack blames himself for not giving you proper attention since he is always on the field, so when he can, he drops everything and focuses on you entirely.
"What's wrong, beautiful?"
"I don't feel well. Can you come over?"
His subordinates were thrilled to find out that they had the rest of the day off.
He is a punctual man, so he arrives on time and not a minute late, holding a bag with your favourite snacks.
He tried to hide his worry behind a comforting smile. He quickly noticed your puffy face and teary eyes.
"Have you been crying?" he asked in a low tone, coming closer to you. He cups your face and brings you closer to him, pressing small, gentle kisses all over your face. His tenderness was endearing, so much so that warm tears began to drip down your cheeks again.
"It's just...petty reasons." You said it with a trembling voice.
He pulled you closer to his chest and held you tight. His hands were stroking your back, his head pressed to yours. His much larger frame swallowed you whole, seeming as if you had disappeared completely.
You felt safe in his arms. It was so warm and comforting, and not only his embrace made you feel this way, but also his reassuring words that he'd whisper constantly.
He carried you to the bed, and as he was sitting close to you, he brushed his fingers over your check and listened closely to what you had to say. It broke his heart to see you like this, and he couldn’t stop asking himself if, if he were there more often for you, you would still end up like this. This type of question tormented him, and you could feel that.
“I’m sorry, maybe it’s a lot too dump on you.” You said this as you caressed his face, your fingers trailing over his scars.
“No, not at all, love.” He took your hand and placed a lingering kiss in your palm. “I just wish I was there for you more often.”
“Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. The important thing is that you’re here now, and that means a lot to me."
You felt his lips kissing you softly once your head was pressed against his chest. 
He still feels guilty, but it doesn't press over his shoulder as hard anymore. He promised to spend more time with you.
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al1fers-haven · 3 months
Adam x Innocent Sinner Reader?
Like, a reader who is a sinner but only because they went to hell on accident or the sin they did was so minor/they were forced into it?
Adam finds them during an extermination and they're just trying to calm down some kids and he's just like "aw, I can't hurt you 🥺"
They totally don't remind him of Eve, totally not
Sorry if that's a bit much >-<
AHH (as much as i hate Adam, they designed him way too good) ; 0 ;
I am so sorry about how long this took and how short it is, Adam is harder to write for since I don't see much of him in the show. but I hope this did well!
Adam x Sinner! reader You hadn't really done much in your life, let alone your death. You tried and tried to stay away from trouble when you were alive. And the only thing you could think of was stealing a couple things as a teenager. But everyone made those little mistakes, right?
The sound of the sinners running around in the streets and screaming was as evident as the smell of blood. The angels flew around the streets and killed many of the inhabitants in the area. You looked back at the group of children behind you, panic flowing through your body as you pushed them back towards the classroom corner, staying as far away from the windows and the door. "M-Ms.L/n. What's going on?" The little girl tugged on your jacket, letting out a sniffle as she hugged onto your leg. Your eyes widened a little as you sighed. Turning around and leaning down in front of her. "Sweetie....you remember how mommy said at the meeting that she was worried about that extermination thing? Yeah! Well- that's happening right now.." The little girl nodded, a couple of the children letting out yelps and screams as the door to the classroom slammed open. A couple of holy-looking beings wearing helmets and masks run into the room. "There! Look at those-" You stood up, shielding the students behind you with your body. The larger demon with a golden face looked towards you, laughing a bit. "You see this shit? Am I seeing this shit, Lute?" One of the exterminators shaking her head no. "You stay away from them! They have done nothing!" Adam looked towards you giggling, letting out a loud groan as he stared at you and the group for a bit. "Fuck! You're making it really hard to kill ya' hottie. Doing this selfless shit in front of me...." He looked you up and down, his heartbeat speeding up as he saw you now. Your bright blue glowing eyes and the more human-like features reminded him a lot of his second wife. Your black hair went down to your waist and you shielding the children reminded him a lot of how Eve had shielded their song, Cain. "Fuck!!" Lute blinked a couple times, looking over Adam's shoulder with a quirked brow. "You...you aren't going to hurt us...?" Your stance weakened a little bit, looking confused as you kept one of the children from looking out. Tears flowed from many of the students. "Awh! No, I could never babe! Damn, I have a soft spot huh? Gotta work on that shit. Hey! Lute! Danger tits, write that down in my log. 'Work on marital problems'." The woman nodded, walking over to the door with a notepad. "What are you doing here? Peter mess up?" Adam walked around you, huffing a little bit as he sent his little angels away. A couple of children walk out from behind you. "Im...I stole a bit. That's all. I'm glad to be here- so I could help these children--" Adam hummed, nodding. seeming not to care that much anymore as he sat in your desk chair. "Yeah- uh-huh. Sure. Okay miss virtue, You got boring. Tell anyone I spared you and I'll be back quicker than you want." He pointed at you, patting one of the children, and walked out of the door yelling for that woman.
"...what the fuck?" You quickly covered your mouth, looking down at the gawking 5-year-olds.
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lazywriterandartist · 3 months
Jealous Lute
Lute x fem!reader
First time doing some writing on here, so have mercy 🙏
TW: fluff, romance, slight smut
You arrived in heaven a few years back. At first, you were afraid to go out. You were trying to cope with the fact that you’re dead, and that you can officially fly now. You would often to try and get used to flying within your apartment, being able to do basic flying. One day, you decided to go out. This caused you to encounter Adam and Lute. Adam realized you were knew, considering he almost fucked every women in heaven. This made him to try and seduce you, making you realize he was quickly an asshole. But, you were able to deal with him because of someone beside him. Lute. She stood out to you, mainly because of the fact she seemed military like to you. Making you think it was part of her past life.
After your first encounter with the two, they quickly began to be part of your life. With the main reason being Adam. He continued his mission to try and seduce you, in return you kept rejecting him. He didn’t give up, though. But during those encounters you began to notice your feelings. Not towards the man himself, but to his ‘bodyguard’. You would find yourself staring at her whenever Adam was talking about his day and bragging on who he fucked. You would quickly stop when the Angel herself would look at you, feeling you staring, in return you would feel embarrassed and your ears would heat up at it.
For a few days, Lute began to act differently. Sometimes you would find her looking at you, with you thinking she was trying to get payback with how much she caught you staring at her. But she would often seemed pissed whenever Adam began to try and seduce you that day, making your heart flutter, causing your cheeks to heat up. This made Adam think he was finally going somewhere, so he began to get touchy with you. Wrapping an arm around your waist or neck, having his free hand lift your chin up to look at him. Sometimes he would wrap a wing around you whenever you two sat down with each other. Of course, you would still be looking at Lute to see her reactions, them making you crush even harder on her.
You three began to have a routine, having a ‘movie night’ every week. The two would come to your apartment with snacks, and either an action or spicy movie (Adam picked the spicy movies). The three of you would sit on your couch and watch the movie. You were excited about the action movies Lute had picked out, but you would catch yourself thinking about her whenever Adam brought over a spicy movie. Lute didn’t pay attention to the movie, but whenever she did she would looking at you. Her eyes examining your body without you realizing it.
One day the two were supposed to come over for the movie night, but Adam had called you saying he had gotten sick. ‘Probably with how much he fucks everyone,’ you thought to yourself. “It’s fine, get some rest,” you told the male, leaning back against your comfy couch. “Don’t miss me too much~” Adam said through the phone before hanging up. You figured Lute wasn’t coming over, so you got up and put away the variety of snacks you had laid out.
You were about to get ready for bed, until a knock came from the door. A small sigh came out before you went over and opened it, shocked to see Lute at the door. “Lute?” You asked, blinking as she pushed you aside and went inside. “What? Aren’t we having movie night?” Lute asked with a cross of her arms, looking over at you. You could tell something was troubling her today.
“Oh! I thought since Adam was sick, you didn’t want to..” you told her, rubbing your neck as you closed the door. Lute scoffs. "I can still have fun without him.” She then went to the couch and sat down, looking over at the phone laying on your table. “Oh! Right,” you sighed and went over and sat down beside her, giving her the remote to choose the movie. Lute grabs the remote, before noticing the phone began to blow up. It being messages from Adam. This caused her to grip the remote too hard, shattering it.
You jumped at it, eyes widening as you look over at her. “Lute? What’s wrong?” You asked her, gently placing a hand upon her leg. Lute tensed at it, looking away with a grind of her teeth. She didn’t seem she wanted to willingly tell you, but she had a thought in mind on where this could lead into. It made her excited in a way. The golden eyed Angel looks over at you, grabbing you by the neck and pulling you closer. This made you stunned and slightly terrified, thinking you made her pissed, and now you are going to get your ass beaten.
“Do you like Adam?” Lute asked in a serious tone, her brows furrowing. “What-? No! You know how many times I’ve rejected him-?!” You gasped out, grabbing onto her wrist. She wasn’t gripping hard enough to prevent you from breathing, but it still made you worry. Slightly aroused as well.
“Good. If I tell you something, I don’t want it to be heard in the streets.” Lute told you, her eyes glowing at how pissed off and serious she was. You quickly nod, not wanting to anger her anymore. The Angel looks over your expression, before she leans in close to your face, making your cheeks heat up. “I believe I like you. Everytime I see Adam hit on you and touch you..it makes me feel something, something I’m not used to,” Lute told you, her eyes softening just slightly.
You were surprised at this, feeling your heart race as your ears quickly reddened. You had never thought this would happen. “I..uh..” you weren’t sure on what to say, so in return you kissed her nose, causing her eyes to widen, her grip quickly going away as she pulls away. “The hell-?!” She cursed out, touching her nose as her cheeks became tinted. You quickly tried to apologize, hands waving.
Before you could get another word out, you felt a pair of lips upon your own, it being rough. You grabbed onto her shoulders, closing your eyes tightly as your brows furrowed. She pushed you onto the couch, having your head against the couch’s arm. Lute bit at your bottom lip, making you gasp and have her sneak her tongue inside. Your hand quickly went up to try and tug her head away in order to breathe.
Lute grunts and swats your hand away, instead pulling you closer as she pushed her tongue against your own. Drool ran down your chin with how much you desperately tried to gasp for air. Eventually, she pulls away, panting as a string of saliva touched both of your tongues.
She didn’t waste any time, leaning in and beginning to bit at your neck and collarbone, tugging down your shirt to expose you more. This made you squirm and gasp, eyes widening. She would bite hard enough to cause a small stream of golden blood to run down your chest. After marking you up enough to leave scars and bruises, she went up to your ear, grabbing your throat. “I am going to make Adam realize you are off limits..”.
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imbored1201 · 1 year
Summary: You were always known as a reckless person, but this time it wasn’t your fault 
Pairing: Wandanat x reader
Word Count: 1,161
Warnings: Some arguing, Getting shot, Surgery, Blood
“Don’t go on this mission sweetheart” Nat told you as you got your bag ready. You turned to look at her and glared at her. This is how it always went, Wanda and Nat didn’t want you to go on a mission that didn’t include them, you guys would argue and make up when you came back. “Can we not start this right now? You always do this when you guys aren’t on one of my missions” “because we won’t be there to keep you safe” Wanda answered. 
You scoffed, “I don’t get why you guys don’t trust me, I never put up an act when I’m not included on one of your missions and you guys never make it a big deal with each other,” now Nat scoffed. “Because you're reckless, you need to be kept in check” You stared at her in shock. “I’m not reckless, I do what I have to do to complete the mission and save everyone”
“Fine Y/N, go then but I swear if Clint tells me you did something dumb, I’m suspending you” you groaned, “you can’t do that Natasha”' You argued, but you were shut down by their glares. “You know I can, one word to Fury and it’s through” she said as she stormed out of the room. Wanda looked at you softly, “be careful, I love you” she said as she kissed your forehead and walked out to calm Nat down. 
You walked to the quinjet with your head down, Clint greeted you with a smile which turned into a frown when you didn’t even look at him. “Trouble in paradise?’ he asked, putting a hand on your shoulder as Bucky flew the plane. You nodded as you played with your fingers, everyone knew when you guys had an argument since you always got all mopey. “You know how they get when I go on a mission without them” you mumbled, Clint nodded, “I know, Nat threatened me right now to keep you safe” you smiled a bit at that. “It’s okay kid, this mission will be a fast one, you’ll be able to talk to them later” you nodded and started focusing more on the mission.  
What had started off as an easy mission turned into an ambush. You all made it out alive, but you had gotten shot in your hip, it was Bucky who carried you back and put pressure on your wound the whole way back. Clint paced back and forth getting the emergency kit and counting down his minutes. He knew Nat and Wanda were going to have his head for this. None of you saw it coming, right when you stepped a foot in the base shots started being fired at you, Clint thought it was luck that him and Bucky didn’t get hit, and you only got hit once. 
 Clint already contacted med bay to be ready as the ship landed. Bucky quickly scooped you up and carried you there. You whimpered as you cuddled into his shoulder, “stay with me” he spoke softly. “I want Nat and Wands” you mumbled as you cried more. “I know, I know” he looked down at you sadly, you lost a lot of color and eyes were shut. 
Once he laid you on the bed, the medical team shooed him out. He sat down on the chair and looked at his bloody covered hands. A couple minutes went by and Nat and Wanda rushed in. “Is she okay?” Nat demanded as she gripped Bucky’s shoulder. “I don’t know, they're doing surgery right now” he told them. They looked down at his hands horrified, “Fuck, why does she have to be so fucking reckless” Nat practically cried. 
“It wasn’t her fault, they ambushed us” Clint spoke up from behind. Nat continued to pace back and forth. “Nat, please, stop pacing, it's not doing anything. Everything will be okay, I can feel her. She’s fighting through this” Wanda comforted but in reality she was also terrified, but her being able to feel you comforted her.
They held each other as they waited, Bucky left to shower and Clint left to get them food. The doctor came out, they quickly stood up. “Is she okay?” Wanda rushed out before he could talk. “She’s okay and stable” they let out a sigh of relief. “Can we see her?” Nat asked, she was eager to see you. Although the doctor said I was okay, she needed to see it for herself. The doctor nodded, and they rushed in. They frowned at the sight of you in the hospital bed hooked up to an iv and an oxygen mask over your face. That sat down and watched over you. There were tears still falling down occasionally as they kept replaying the argument. After eating the food Clint brought them they both fell asleep with their heads on your leg.
You whimpered as you woke up, you opened your eyes for one second but closed them again because of the light. You cried out as you felt pain in your hip and sat up waking Wanda and Nat. “Hey, hey, lay back down” Wanda gently pushed your shoulder down, you shook your head as you grabbed your hip. Nat left the room to get a doctor. You realized there was an oxygen mask on your face and took it off much to Wanda’s dismay. “Wha… What happened?” you asked, clearly disoriented. “You got shot baby, they ambushed you guys” Wanda gently explained as she finally got you to lay back down. “Is Clint and Buck okay?” You asked, making Wanda smile a bit. “Their okay baby, just scared for you” she stroked back your hair and kissed your forehead. “Are you okay?” you asked now, noticing the tears in her eyes and her tear-stained cheeks. She nodded, grabbing your hand and kissing it. “I’m perfectly fine baby, just worry about yourself for right now” she tried putting the mask back on you but you whined and she reluctantly let it be. 
The doctor came in smiling. “I see our patient has woken up” Wanda nodded as you yawned and rubbed your eyes. “Will get you more pain medicine. Looks like she doesn’t need that anymore.” he said as he changed your iv and took the oxygen mask. Nat came over smiling as you did grabby hands for her. “I’m glad you're okay, Detka,” she said as she kissed your cheek. “‘m sorry” you mumbled, making them frown. “For what?” Nat asked, a bit confused. “For being reckless” they shook their heads. “No, detka don’t apologize, this wasn’t your fault. You guys were ambushed, there was nothing you could have done” Nat comforted as your eyes got droopy because of the medicine.
“Go to sleep, I’ll have your favorite food waiting for you when you wake up” Wanda gently coaxed, making you smile tiredly. “Cuddle?” you asked them, giving the puppy eyes they couldn’t resist. “The bed is too small,” Nat said as she rubbed her thumb over your hand. “Then take turns” you mumbled, making them laugh. “I’ll start making the food Nat, you could have the first turn” Nat smiled and nodded as she got into the bed. You practically launched yourself on top of her and cuddled into her chest. Wanda was quick to rearrange the iv and rub your back until you fell asleep, she smiled as she saw both you and Nat had fallen asleep. She quietly left the room leaving you two to sleep and knowing they weren’t letting you out of their sight anytime soon. 
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zilabee · 1 month
Tony Bramwell on Brian:
- Brian dropped in at the Cavern and, spoiled for choice, fell in love at first sight with each of the Beatles in turn
- Brian almost promised to love, honour and obey them.
- He never publicly showed his embarrassment with poor deals, but one could tell something wasn’t right because inside, he anguished. Chewed his knuckles and grew pale.
- He was a fiercely loyal and honourable friend to those he loved, and ruthless toward those he despised
- He was shy to the point of blushing and stammering, and theatrical to the point of ranting and frothing at the mouth
- His biggest problem, perhaps his only real problem, was that he was homosexual in a still very unenlightened era. It kept getting in the way. Whenever he sat down for a meeting with heavyweights like Sir Joseph Lockwood at EMI, or whoever, he felt they all knew. “They’re talking behind my back, Tony,” Brian said. “They don’t respect me.”
- Paul was fond of Brian and thought he was the best possible manager: one who was courteous, who didn’t interfere with their private lives, but achieved all he said he would do. He never criticized him—none of us did. Brian was a god.  (It was only later that the façade cracked a bit, but even then we loved him. He was like family, and you accept your family for what they are and forgive them most anything.)
- his wonderfully fertile mind continuously thinking up innovative ideas and then worrying about them
- Brian was so different when around his beloved protégés. He became one of them. He was a friend, a chum, charming, trustworthy and kind. He set out to do what he promised and they all said it would never have happened without him.
- Brian bought an off-the-shelf company named Suba Films, which I virtually ran. It was way ahead of its time, the only independent company in England making music videos
- Whenever things got raunchy and out of hand around us, he would make his excuses and leave. At times, he almost ran.
- [on writing his biography]: “You don’t think John will think I’m raining on his parade, do you?” he asked hesitantly.
- I believe that Brian’s paranoia over the Beatles’ contract and his heavy use of drugs led him to think that it was only a matter of time before everything came tumbling down and he would be left standing in the ruins, with people pointing their fingers like kids in a playground.
- He was seriously ill and desperately sought to escape from the circus of his own creation.
- He was tormented by the idea of letting down his beloved Cilla and the Beatles, particularly John.
- He underwent deep sleep therapies at the Priory, being put under for days at a time with heavy drugs.
- Whether he managed the Beatles or not, he would still get 25 percent of their earnings from record sales for nine years. This subtlety had somehow escaped the Beatles, but it bothered Brian. It gnawed at his conscience because in his heart he knew he had conned them.
- [He] was abnormally distressed, convincing himself that they weren’t going to sign up again because they loathed him. Going through months of paranoia, he looked for reasons and forlornly asked the question, “Don’t they like me anymore?”
- It was so silly because it wasn’t like that at all. At different times, all of them commented to me that they would never have signed another contract as “Beatles” but they would have signed individually with Brian.
- “No, I think John hates me now. I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t sign. What will people think? I can see the headlines now: EPSTEIN DUMPED BY BEATLES.”
- He was now seriously unhappy, not just troubled. His personality had radically changed.
- Brian had resident nurses, doctors who stayed, psychiatrists who lived in, all crowded into that little doll’s house, getting on each other’s nerves. At times he’d make an effort. He would sweet-talk everyone and then escape when they weren’t looking.
- [after Brian's death] Joanne was in shock. She had seen him first. The doors had been broken down and there he was, curled up on his side in bed with Saturday’s mail lying next to him. “We all knew at once that he was dead, but I heard myself say, ‘It’s all right, he’s just asleep. He’s fine,’ ” she said.
- It was unbelievable that the man who had got all this going—the vast money-making machine and the culture shock that had changed the world—was gone.
- The Summer of Love was over and autumn coming.
- I have been asked many times why it was that the Beatles didn’t just hire an office manager to handle their business affairs and pay him or her a salary. It would have made sense. But it never occurred to them. They just went blindly on, trying to find someone to replace Brian, like it was some kind of law. They seemed to think that they had to have a manager, to whom they had to give 25 percent of their gross income, or they’d be arrested or drummed out of the Brownies.
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mossy-rock-in-a-field · 6 months
My Elderly Mother Plays Baldur's Gate: Part 4
If you're not up to date on the saga, my mom is having me play Baldur's Gate 3 on her behalf because she has trouble using controllers/keyboards but still wants to "smooch the wizard boy." She is playing a neutral good wood elf druid; this is a detailed account of her crimes. Part 1 & 2 Part 3
Hey, everybody! Thanks to everyone who followed my blog to keep up with my mom's adventures. Also, shout-out to whoever called my mom "Crime Mom" last time I posted about this; she really got a kick out of that. We played for a full day yesterday so we could really get into Act III and make some progress.
Here are the atrocities she committed during yesterday's play session:
My mom is very pissed that she cannot keep Myshka the white cat. When she found Myshka, she told him that she was his mother because of course she did. Naturally, Myshka started following her around the city after that, and she was SO thrilled about it. However, when we went back to camp to trade out a companion and immediately came back to the city, the cat wasn't following her anymore, and my mom was so fucking upset. ("That boy thinks I'm his mother and I LEFT HIM! Why can't I take my son back to my camp with us?") My mom told me to tell my "tumblr friends" that Myshka should be able to join our camp like Scratch and the owlbear cub. So, if any of you guys are from Larian—take notes, I guess. My mother demands a cat son.
Upon seeing Mystra for the first time in the Stormshore Tabernacle cutscene, my mom immediately said in the bitterest voice imaginable, "I'm prettier than her." She is, of course, right. Fuck Mystra, all my homies hate Mystra.
When we found the Hag Survivors Group, my mom asked me if she could try combat for the first time, and she actually started to get the hang of it. ("Left bumper, mom. No, that's the trigger. BUMPER. Other left. There you go.") However, she didn't fully understand what "area of effect" meant and decided to cast Fireball ("Ooh, I've always wanted to use that one!") in an enclosed space before I could stop her. She instantly incinerated Mayrina, the floorboards, and the paladin, Adrielle. I was so fucking proud of her but also laughing so hard I was nearly in tears. She had me reload the save for her.
My mom returned the stolen money to the Counting House's head banker, then asked me to rob the rest of the building on our way out. When I asked her about the logic of this particular decision, she said, "We're saving the city from mind flayers, so these funds are really going back into the local economy when you think about it. We're a great cause!" I have no idea why she didn't just keep the stolen pouch of money in the first place. We wasted so many scrolls and Arrows of Transposition to get everything out of those vaults.
She was FURIOUS when she found out Auntie Ethel wasn't actually dead. My dad called in the middle of the day to check in on dinner plans and mom kept him on the phone for at least ten minutes while she ranted about hags who "should stay dead when they're told to."
My mom adores Jaheira. The two of them are very similar to each other, so I think she gets a kick out of seeing Camp Mom do Camp Mom things that she would do if she were actually in the game. My mom also loves Minsc and Boo. TASTE.
Don't know how soon my mother will come back for another play session, but I'll keep you guys updated whenever I can! She has already asked me if I would DM a D&D session for her retired friends, so I'm trying to find time to do that. Maybe I'll do some updates on that if we get it going.
Thank for everyone's support! Crime Mom and I appreciate it.
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