#only queer ppl say this
murcielagatito · 2 years
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redysetdare · 9 months
I think i just need to express that the culture surrounding QPRs right now made me think that i couldn't have strong bonds with my friends. Society told me i cant have strong bonds with friends because that was only for romantic relationships. Then i went into aro spaces and this idea was reinforced using QPRs instead of romantic relationships. it was "You can still have strong bonds with people without romance! It can just be a QPR instead!" "QPRs are MORE than friendship so you can have STRONGER BONDS than you would with friends."
it made me think that the relationships i wanted with my friends HAD to be something other than friendship for it to be as strong as i wanted. If i wanted to be the first person in someones life i had to enter some sort of committed relationship. if I wanted someone to care about me as strongly as i did them then it would have to be a relationship that was "more" than friendship.
I thought I wanted a QPR because i was told the only way to get that care and security that I wanted was to enter into a relationship that was "more" than friendship. because friends didn't care that much. because friends didn't live together their entire lives. because friends were never the priority relationship wise. and it took me years to realize that i didn't want any partnership and i shouldn't have to be in one to want these things from a friend. these things CAN be something friends can do. but i found that out on my own. because the aro community kept saying "you want a QPR" when i just wanted a friend who finally saw me as a priority in their life.
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pocketsizedquasar · 5 months
TPOC-Prioritized writings on anti-transmasculinity / transandrophobia
transandrophobia / anti-transmasculinity are both theories that have been spearheaded primarily by trans poc, particularly Black transmascs and transfemmes.
unfortunately, as with Everything created by queer and trans poc, particularly Black queer ppl, white trans ppl (regardless of gender, and regardless of whether they "believe" in this form of oppression or not) have coopted these theories and dominated these conversations, such that both "sides" of the "discourse" are divorced entirely from the racial connotations in which these theories were created, and the ways in which they were created specifically as an intervention against white feminism, and to highlight the ways multiple marginalizations affect the marginalization of masculinity. these are theories that explicitly interact with and can only be understood in conjunction with transmisogyny, as well as other oppressions like racism and misogynoir.
*"anti-transmasculinity" as a term and theory was coined by Black trans folks (some of whom's writings are linked below), and is specifically a theory within the context of Black transfeminism antiBlackness, and transmisogynoir, and cannot be divorced from that context. i try be very intentional about my use of the terms 'anti-transmasculinity' and 'transandrophobia' in different places here, because i do not want to dilute the former’s very particular context.
anyway, here's a list of miscellaneous writings on the subjects, with a priority for collecting writing from trans poc (not all of the authors are tpoc, but this list was intended to prioritize tpoc voices). the intention of this is not to be a be-all end-all on the subject, nor exalt any one of these individuals or pieces as exclusively ~correct~ or whatever, but to combat the whitewashed nature of these discussions online, and raise awareness to the myriad of people speaking on this subject. (nor do i claim to speak for any of them, or claim that any of them speak for me. i tried to make sure i didn't platform blatant racists, zionists, transmisogynists, or other bigots, but i'm not pretending to be 100% accurate about that.)
they aren't in any particular order (except the first one, which i think is an extremely foundational text for anti-transmasculinity theory as delineated by its creators, within the context of antiblackness and transmisogyny, and necessary reading to understand anti-transmasculinity as a theory). I tried to group all the links from the same authors together.
This is a non-exhaustive list! I will likely come back and add more writings as I find them. please feel free to recommend to me any works to include (including your own! especially if you yourself are a Black trans person or a trans POC).
Now with an Archived Read-more Link!
Racial-Class Paternalism and the Trojan Horse of Anti-transmasculinity by Nsámbu Za Suékama. if you read nothing else from this list, read this.
“But even as TME struggles escape the mainstream imagination, they persist, and are often both fueling and being fueled by the war on trans women and transfeminine people. Nothing makes this clearer than in how a Western binary system triangulates that war with Anti-transmasculinity. This is why I say that Anti-transmasculinity is a Trojan horse for Transmisogyny. Like the wooden horse in the Greek myth, it might not seem like what it is, for its actual contents and character are invisible, but at the heart of it, there is a violent campaign going on that is key to how the West aims to lay seige to its civilizational "enemies." And, like the walls of the city of Troy, materialist transfeminism has fortified the opposition to Western domination, in such a way that to overcome the stronghold requires a new strategy for the Man, one that follows up the open and vicious attacks on TMA people with a different, more hidden form of warfare.”
“today’s gender paternalism frames any manhood and masculine embodiment outside of (western) cisheteronormativity as not just biologically illegitimate but also the result of a barbaric threat to civilization. And who typically figures as the face of that barbarism but the Black trans woman? Materialist transfeminism has to theorize Anti-transmasculinity.”
"Non-Men", maGes, and Black Masculinities by genderfugitive / disrupthehuman
One such argument, which is really a collection of arguments but can be consolidated into one, is that trans men are attempting to take a place alongside cis men in the hierarchy of patriarchy. In other words, while they may not have been so before naming themselves as trans men, they are aspiring to be oppressors. This employs a number of rhetorical devices that I have identified before including the idea that trans men are “betraying” cis womanhood and therefore should be seen as threats unless they act as footsoldiers for transmisogyny. The problem with this is that it treats trans manhoods as embodiments that exist as something which merely aspires to be cis manhood.
"For Those Seeking Fight or Flight: Black Trans*feminist Nihilism" / primer on transmisogynoir by genderfugitive / disrupthehuman (not about anti-transmaculinity specifically (though it does come up), but a very good + important read on Black transfeminism & transmisogynoir, so I'm including it)
anti-transmasculinity needs its own theorizing outside of general "transphobia" by genderfugitive / disrupthehuman
anti-transmasculinity & antiblackness inherently linked (& another) both by genderfugitive / disrupthehuman
There is a hidden epidemic of violence against transmasculine people by Orion Rodriguez
a thread master post linking to multiple threads about anti transmasculinity by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
a thread on anti-transmasculinity as an epistemic injustice (translated) originally by magicspeedwagon in French; English translation by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
Not transmasc invisibility, but erasure by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
Girlboy Boygirl Blues - antitransmasculinity as a denial of individual history & more by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
"irl we just kiss" - ‘transmasc vs transfem’ discourse & reactionary ‘boys vs girls’ politics in trans spaces by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
transmascs & being treated as predatory by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
transmasc mental health statistics by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
violent anti-transmasculine hate crimes by Salem L. Void / thewarmvoid
thread on examples of systemic anti-transmasculinity by magicspeedwagon
a thread on anti-transmasculinity and its erasure by storyjunkie
anti transmasculinity & transmisogyny and the degendering of Black people by afrodykee
anti transmasculinity & transmisogyny cannot be theorized in opposition to each other by afrodykee
white transfeminism's anti-transmasculinity by afrodykee
Black trans people & erasure of TPOC voices from the trans community by thatspookyagent
transmasculine nonwhite expereince by thatspookyagent
trans men being silenced by thatspookyagent
queer POC being pushed out of conversations by thatspookyagent
cis women's harm to trans men by novascotioducktoller w/ addition about TMOC by thatspookyagent
medical violence in anti transmasculinity by Caleb / sethpuertoluna
example of medical anti transmasculinity by Dominick / transguyenergy
response to inclusion of a trans man in an ad (thread) by Dominick / transguyenergy
anti-transmasculinity around periods by Dominick / transguyenergy
anti-transmasculinity towards pregnant trans men by Dominick / transguyenergy
transitioning as a transmasc of color by gendercriminals
white (cis) women & racist transandrophobia by dead-lavender-society
transandrophobia as an indigenous trans man by petrichorvoices
examples of transandrophobia by transvermin
the “lost lesbian” narrative & antitransmasculinity by vaguefiend
cis women & transandrophobia by vaguefiend
intersectionality & transandrophobia by visible-schizo-spectrum
more transandrophobia from cis women by cock-holliday
tl;dr : there’s LOTS of theory and discussions out there abt anti-transmasculinity, transandrophobia, how these things relate to other forms of transphobia, how it interacts with other marginalizations, most especially race, and the ways in which it affects transmascs. this information is everywhere. it’s out there. y’all (white ppl) are just refusing to engage with it.
#trans#lgbtq#queer#transphobia#transandrophobia#anti transmasculinity#transmisogyny#racism#long post#quasartalks#been compliling this for ages but i think it's finally at a point where i feel comfortable posting it#like i said though it is very much subject to change! i would love to add more things to this#it is extremely shitty that discussions on antitransmasculinity and transandrophobia have been dominated on here by racist yt ppl and their#token trans poc that they so clearly are just using as a shield against when ppl call them out on aforementioned racism.#anyway. dont bother clowning on this post i will just block <3#so much of this 'discourse' boils down to: transmascs and trans men (esp transmascs of color) saying: 'hey i experience this thing'#and other ppl (esp white ppl!) going 'no you don't.' it's so blatant lmao#it's just the complete denial of our Authority to talk about our own experiences. we are not trusted to be authorities on our own lives.#which. where have i heard that before. smells like racism. smells like misogyny.#also bc ppl can't read: none of this means transmascs have it worse than transfemmes; that transfemmes oppress transmascs; or that these#-experiences ONLY happen to transmascs. those are all extremely bad faith readings of these discussions.#AND ALSO to the (especially white) transmascs who also can't read and take these discussions as excuses to be racist & transmisogynist:#we cannot combat transandrophobia & anti transmasculinity without combating transmisogyny. they are linked.#anyway. good night
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yardsards · 2 months
so marcille's succubus totally looked like that general from daltian clan right
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spitblaze · 5 months
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Gendertash From Hell Issue 02 (1993)
Transcription under cut
Although male-to-female transsexuals have surgery to change their anatomy and take female hormones, they still act like men.
FACT: Some male-to-female transsexuals act in ways many consider to be masculine; some don’t. The same can be said of nontranssexual women. In fact, some types of “masculine” behavior in nontranssexual women are applauded in the lesbian and women’s communities, while the same behavior in a transsexual woman is taken as proof that she is “really” a man. Labeling behaviors as masculine and feminine is of little practical value and only reinforces gender stereotypes.
Male -to-female transsexuals are not womenborn women (or womyn-born womyn).
FACT: No one is born a woman. Most of us who ended up as women started out as girls. The paths we took to womanhood are many and varied. Most male-to-female transsexuals felt like girls from as early as they can remember, just like most nontransexual women. Although many nontranssexual women struggle with the changes associated with becoming women, most become women without consciously attempting to. This fact doesn’t make our paths any better, more natural, or more valid than transsexual women's paths.
Male -to-female transsexuals have been socialized as men, and this socialization cannot be changed.
FACT: The messages given to each person about the roles of males and females in society are a little different, and these messages may be experienced in very different ways. Many transsexual women felt that the male messages they were given were inappropriate. Many felt inadequate to meet the demands placed on them to “act like a man.” Nontranssexual women feel they have a choice to become aware of and reject parts of their sex-role conditioning— so do transsexual women.
Male-to-female transsexuals are trying to “pass” as women. They try to make themselves as much like nontranssexual women as possible.
FACT: Male-to-female transsexuals are women; they don’t need to pass. They don't necessarily want to hide or eliminate their differences from nontranssexual women, although the threat of ostracism leads many to do so. Some transsexuals are proud of their particular route to womanhood, feel that they have learned a lot from the joumey they have taken, and value the unique qualities they bring to the women’s community.
Transsexuals take jobs away from other women because they had access to better training when they were men.
FACT: By making the transition from male to female and staying at the same job, some transsexuals have forced employers to change rules restricting women’s positions and salaries, thus opening doors for other women. Many transsexual women seek out qualified women to hire. Furthermore, by holding jobs not traditionally thought of as appropriate for women, these transsexual women bring the message to the general public that women are capable of performing “men’s” jobs.
To lessen the power of patriarchy in our lives, we must purge our community of everything male, including women who once had male anatomy.
FACT: By emphasizing the distinction between male and female, we reinforce the idea that there are exactly two distinct sexes. This is the very concept that permits sexism to exist, because discrimination wouldbe impossible if women were not readily distinguishable from men. If we wish to deflate the power of the patriarchy, the most effective thing we can do is encourage the blurring of gender lines and expand our thinking beyond the male-female dualism.
Most women can easily prove they are not male-to-female transsexuals, if they are challenged to do so.
FACT: There is no simple way to prove you are not a transsexual. There are no apparent physical characteristics nontranssexual 7 women have or lack that distinguish them absolutely from transsexual women. Birth certificates and other documents show an “F” for both. Chromosome tests may reveal | an XY pattern for a nontranssexual woman. | Hormone levels do not distinguish transsexuals from nontranssexuals. Even inspection of the genitals may not provide definitive proof of your gender history.
Male-to-female transsexuals have been raised as boys, have never been oppressed as women, and cannot understand women’s oppression.
FACT: Some male-to-female transsexuals were raised as girls for portions of their lives, appeared to the world as girls, and were treated like girls. Some were beaten and raped both by outsiders and by their own family members because of their belief that they were girls or their desire to become girls. For most, the difference in the way they were treated when they appeared as men and after they began appearing as women brought sexism into sharp focus.
Women’s space is not “safe” space if male-to-female transsexuals are allowed.
FACT: Women's space is not safe | whenever anyone in it behaves in threatening or disrespectful ways toward another. Transsexuals are no more likely to | behave this way than nontranssexuals. We should exclude individuals who behave badly rather than exclude an entire group 3 because some of its members act in | offensive ways—any group could be | excluded on this basis. Most importantly, )) women must take responsibility for their their own feelings of being unsafe when others are not acting in threatening ways.
Transsexuals have surgery so they can have sex the way they want to.
FACT: How or with whom a person wants to have sex is rarely a major factor in the de) sire for sex reassignment. Usually, people undergo reassignment in order to make their bodies conform more closely to the way they feel inside—their gender. Whether a transsexual is attracted to men or to women usually doesn’t change with surgery. » Although no figures are available, probably | a third of transsexual women are straight, one third bisexual, and one third lesbian. Sexual orientation is not related to gender identity.
Male-to-female transsexuals are trying to take over the lesbian community.
FACT: Most transsexuals who identify as lesbians are focused on their own personal growth and happiness—just like most nontranssexual lesbians. Those who feel strongly about their night to participate in women-only events may become activists for their cause and hope to influence the lesbian community. On the other hand, being overly sensitive to issues of power and wanting to avoid controversy, many transsexuals repeatedly decline to take leadership positions and abstain from participating in decision-making votes.
The sex assigned to a person at birth is that person’s “real” sex.
FACT: Sex is assigned at birth on the basis of a cursory glance at the baby’s genitalia. | In about 5% of births, there is some ambiguity in the sexual organs, and mistakes can be made. In other cases, internal genitalia, chromosome patterns, hormone production, and secondary sex characteristics that develop later may be at variance with the person's external anatomy. Sex is arbitrarily assigned by the patriarchal medical system, and there is no reason to assume that it is any more correct or real than what a person experiences.
The lesbian and women’s communities have nothing to gain by including transsexuals.
FACT: Transsexual women bring many valuable qualities to the women’s community. They bring skills usually taught only to men into the women’s community and pass them on to other women. Many are active feminists, increase opportunities for women, and seek to hire and promote women. Those who have made it through transition must have intelligence, persistence, and a sense of humor. Many also bring a spirituality that has been possessed historically by cross-gendered members of various cultures.
Nontranssexual women have the right to decide whether transsexuals should be included in the women’s community.
FACT: Each individual has a right to claim her own identity. While being adamant about having this right for themselves, some members of the women’s community would deny it to others. Just as each woman must come to her own conclusion about whether she is a lesbian, each must know her own truth about being a woman. Transsexuals can and do include themselves in the women’s community and the lesbian community without permission from nontranssexuals.
Transsexuals are guilty of deception when they don’t reveal right away that they are transsexuals.
FACT: There is no standard of disclosure that requires transsexuals to reveal their medical history, just as lesbians do not need to mention their sexual orientation immediately on meeting someone. The circumstances in which this is considered an important fact to know vary from person to person. The individual meeting a transsexual may collude in the “deception” by assuming she or he is a nontranssexual. If it’s important to you to know, take responsibility for asking.
Male-to-female transsexuals are considered men until they have sexchange surgery.
FACT: Although male-to-female transsexuals appear as men during some part of their lives, most never consider themselves men. They have felt like females for their entire lives. The change from male to female is a change in external appearance of sex-related characteristics, not a change in gender (how a person feels inside). This transition takes place over a period of several years, and sex-reassignment surgery is only one part of it, together with living as a woman, taking hormones, and resocialization.
People can be categorized as transsexual or nontranssexual—there’s no in-between.
FACT: There are nearly as many categories as there are people. There are transsexuals who have had or plan to have one, two, or many surgeries to make their bodies conform more closely to their gender, and those who will never have surgery. Some people feel comfortable expressing both genders. Some refuse to identify as either gender. Some people (male and female) enjoy cross-dressing, but their gender is congruent with their sex. Some conform to gender norms; some flout them. The possibilities are infinite.
Women who want to become men have bought into societal hatred of women or are hoping to take advantage of male privilege.
FACT: Female-to-male transsexuals don’t want to become men—they are men. The reason they want to change their bodies to become more male appearing is because that’s how they feel inside. If they gain male privilege, it is tenuous; whatever they have gained is lost if they are discovered to be transsexuals. If transsexualism were based on misogyny, there would be far more female-to-male than male-to-female transsexuals. In fact, their numbers are thought to be about equal.
A person’s “true” sex can be determined by chromosome testing.
FACT: Although most persons identified as male at birth have XY chromosomes and most of those identified as female have XX, there are many variations that can occur. Some “women-born women” have XY chromosomes, a fact that may be discovered only when they are tested to qualify for athletic competition. Other patterns, such as XXY, XYY, and XXX (no, this does not make you an amazon) can also exist. Some individuals have what is called mosaicism, in which some percentage of cells have an XY pattern and the remainder have XX.
Transsexualism is unnatural—it is a new problem brought about by sophisticated technology.
FACT: Throughout recorded history there have been people whose gender identity did not match their anatomic sex, and there is evidence that sex-change surgery was performed thousands of years ago. In some cultures, transgendered individuals were held in high esteem as shamans. Today, surgery—from liposuction to sex reassignment—allows many people to have a physical form that is more congruent with | their inner sense of themselves and the way they want to appear
“Real” women, certainly those who belong to the lesbian community, rejoice in their womanhood and have no desire to be men.
FACT: There are people who were assigned as females at birth who identify as men, and many of them become part of the lesbian community. Most would be labeled butch lesbians. Many are afraid to reveal their desire to appear more completely as men, including taking testosterone and undergoing surgery to remove their breasts and construct penises. (Transsexual men are apparently permitted at Michigan because they are “still women” according to the Festival doctrine of immutable sex.)
Now that Festival policy has been made clear, there are no transsexuals at Michigan.
FACT: Festival policy is far from clear. The brochure states that the Festival is for “womyn-bom womyn.” Many transsexuals include themselves in that category. While some transsexuals have no desire to participate if they know they are unwelcome, others are here and will continue to come because they have a right to be at any event open to women. No statement has been issued about whether female-to-male transsexuals are welcome at the Festival.
Transsexuals have caused trouble at Michigan, resulting in their expulsion.
FACT: According to Festival organizers, transsexuals have been attending MWMF for many years, and 1991 was the first time a transsexual has been expelled. Nancy Burkholder was expelled because she said something that made a woman suspect she was a transsexual, not because her behavior was offensive. In fact, Nancy had participated fully in the 1990 Festival without incident. There is no evidence that transsexuals have ever caused trouble at Michigan. Seeing transsexuals as trouble-makers is once again blaming the victim.
Nontranssexual women at Michigan don't want male-to-female transsexuals here.
FACT: Although Festival organizers claim that the policy excluding transsexuals reflects the senument of the community at large, many nontranssexual women support the rights of transsexual women and want them to be included. A survey of over 600 women at the 1992 MWMF showed that 73% of those surveyed thought male-to-female transsexuals should be welcome at the Festival; 23% thought they should not be welcome and 4% were undecided. Only 20% would welcome female-to-male transsexuals, who are apparently permitted.
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I wanna hold a boy close and hum for him while he falls asleep in my arms. I'm gently rocking him while he's in my lap and humming a soft song and he just falls asleep instantly and peacefully while I'm holding him
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peachypaddys · 2 months
okay i'll be honest i packed my bags up two days ago in regards to buddie bc i had read the leaked scripts and saw the "brother" on there and then while watching previous episodes i noticed all the big buddie hints were all more focused on buck than eddie (but then again 90% of the show is more focused on buck than eddie. not particularly mad about it but i'd like more of eddie) and i thought that it's over, because i thought the writers never thought of eddie as queer in any form ever and he's a straight man to them...
then the episode didn't have "brother" and THEN I FIND OUT THAT RIGHT UNTIL FILMING EPISODES 2 AND 3, EDDIE was supposed to kiss tommy?? and have the sexuality discovery arc?!?
now i'm back more than ever. just the fact that in the writers' minds, there is a possibility of queer eddie is enough for me. now eddie is literally gay to me, and nothing will change it, and all i need is for him to realize it (aka for the writers to actually put the words down)... tim also talked about how he actually intended to write stuff with natalia but then the actress left and he had to come up with something for marisol... oh we were so so close.
i think it can still happen btw. the words used were "fell through" and idk what the reasons are obviously (many ppl think it's bc ryan doesn't want to do it and i don't like him either but the switch up being so last minute makes me think not) and i hope it's just that they realized they need more time to dedicate to this for eddie bc his character would struggle a lot more with any kind of queerness than buck (he's not as experimental, repression king, catholic guilt, mexican macho man culture) and that would need way more than like 7 episodes to address and delve into.
i am happy for bi buck and glad he's gonna get a good, romcom-esque arc exploring himself along with tommy (i like bucktommy too) but god, i just caught up on seasons 5 and 6 and it made me love and connect so much more with eddie and even if not for buddie - although that would be a bonus (and logical next step) - i need eddie to figure out himself and come out and finally be free and happy and follow his heart.
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spicyrottingbrains · 18 days
I just saw someone say that without tommy buck wouldn't be bisexual??(well they said evan but that just feels wrong....I genuinely sat there trying to figure out who evan was for a solid second). But the way ppl are tying buck's sexuality completely to tommy. Yes he was an influential factor in his discovery but Buck is bisexual with or without tommy. He doesn't have to be with a dude for him to be considered bi or pan or queer or whichever label(since there isnt a canonical one at this point). This goes back to what that one creator(samantha I think) said about how buck is bi rep on his own. He isn't bi only when he's kissing a man and he has always been bi and will be bi even if he's dating a woman or stays single for the rest of his life if he so chooses (only thing is he discovered that aspect of himself only recently). Goes to show how ppl really don't care about anything but seeing two men kiss on screen and it infuriates me so much. Just because someone played a role in a person's queer discovery does not mean you reduce their queerness completely to that one person.
Say it with me ppl buck isn't bi BECAUSE of tommy. He's always been bi. Tommy just happend to kiss him which made him realize it.
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harpieisthecarpie · 19 days
the gay desire to take a nap. the gay impulse to go honk shoo mimimi. the gay yearning for comfy bed and fluffy blankets.
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sualne · 2 months
hii! honeslty just curious, I read/watched kuroshitsuji AGES ago and I don't think I've finished the manga anyway, does grell go by she/her?? I vageuly remember ppl headcanonning them as enby though iirc in canon he's a guy?
Your tags peaked my curiosity, I haven't seen any Kuro content in a hot minute, but I remember it being the absolute must watch in my peak anime watching years lol And I absolutely loved the manga's artstyle
in canon grell is a trans woman, yana toboso has said something like "grell is a man with a woman's heart" ages ago and sometimes around 2014/16 had tweeted something about wanting to be more careful with her representation of people like grell in the future, don't quote me on that thought because i only read that tweet once and only remember reading a shitty screenshot of a translation of that interview where she allegedly said that.
i can however show you this:
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it's from a bonus chapter (after chapter 108) about the popularity polls (it's a very convoluted non canon chapter) but it's one of the most blatant example of her being trans.
there's also the way she constantly refers to herself as a "young maiden" ect. idk how it goes exactly in the og but in french they translated it so grell always refers to herself with feminine terms while everyone else misgender her including the narrator. she very consistently reaffirm herself as a woman through every single ones of her appearances, like it's a thing she very much does, every single time she's on screen.
i haven't watched the anime in forever (cause it's kind of a disgrace and insult to the manga lol) but if i remember properly (which i mostly likely don't) they did omit/lowkey censor some of grell explicitly going "i wish i had been born a woman/could have been able to carry children" when she first properly introduce herself as a shinigami & the other half of jack the killer. (the anime also really did lean a lot more into the pervert queer caricature whereas in the manga she's given a bit more dignity, especially the further the story goes. though that might be my own impression and maybe it didn't change that much i just love her a whole lot).
also because i have to, please forget the anime (the first two seasons that is) and read the manga first and foremost because oh boy, what a disaster the anime is (nostlagia and atmosphere wise it's entertaining, i really love the op & ed, but it just, i just cant man it doesn't even compare to the manga at all). only watch book of circus -> book of murder -> campania movie -> the new private school arc that's coming soon (idk what they called it) after reading the manga.
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menlove · 7 months
instead of telling people to touch grass I'm gonna start telling people having insanely stupid queer discourse on tumblr dot com to go to a drag show. or a gay club/bar. or genuinely any queer space In The Physical World. it would fix many problems.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I just remembered they devoted a whole scene to Mike and Will burying a dead body for no reason other than to poke fun at—
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britneyshakespeare · 2 months
do you ever feel like people only like chick-fil-a so much because they're not supposed to
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dana terrace knows how fandoms work. she knows if you show ppl even the barest hint of an m/f couple, especially one involving an angsty white boy, ppl will jump on that shit like rabid dogs and itll completely overshadow whatever queer rep you want ppl to actually pay attention to. that’s why she introduced hunter the way she did. first they have an episode where luz gets kissed by a girl and it’s made clear to the audience that they’re on track to be each others love interests. and only then does she introduce hunter’s angsty blond YA love interest looking ass.
and even then they tried SUPER hard to hammer in how much hunter is NOT luz’s love interest. they make luz lean in as if she was going to kiss him and then smack him to show that she isn’t going to. and then they do that thing where hunter licks luz’s hand and luz wipes it on his face. which is something that has been memed to death with siblings. just so the audience immediately understands what kind of dynamic the show wants these two to have. if they skipped any of these steps they were worried the fandom would see luz have a close relationship with a conventionally attractive white boy and start foaming at the mouth for this ship to replace lumity. maybe if disney saw a boy and a girl who aren’t immediately sibling coded they’d also start foaming at the mouth for it to replace lumity. so the crew had to play it safe.
anyway my point is i hope the crew also knows what they’re doing with the huntlow ship. idk what they’re setting up but if the huntlow ship gets together and it’s not wedged between a full 10 minute clip of the raeda wedding and a full 10 minute clip of a sappy slice of life lumity date then every toh related tag is going to be INSUFFERABLE and i hope dana knows it.
#toh#the owl house#luz noceda#lumity#hunter noceda#hunter toh#huntlow#shipping#dana terrace#granted i dont see how the tags wouldnt be insufferable either way#if they get together and its not immediately overshadowed by lumity or raeda the tags are going to be filled with huntlow shippers#completely ignoring the beautifully queer romances the crew fought tooth and nail to get in favor of an easy m/f ship anyone could have done#if they do the rejection idea ppl have been bouncing around the tags are going to still be filled with huntlow shippers#who have done a 180 on their opinion on willow bc they only ever cared about her as a decoration for hunter#saying the most vile and likely sexist and racist stuff about this very lovable character for daring to reject their pet white boi#if they just leave it ambiguous then both the huntlow likers AND the huntlow dislikers are going to start chomping at the bit#and rant about how it was super badly written and how it either didnt make sense that they didnt get together#or how it didnt make sense that willow didnt outright reject him#and basically overshadow everything else that happens in the show#this is the least insufferable option but i hope they go for the second one bc in story i think it would be the best for the characters#anyway this isnt to say in these options all of this annoying whining and circlejerking will be by the same people#just different groups of people who will be annoying under different circumstances#but no matter the circumstance there will at least be one annoying group#a worthy price for participating in fandom i suppose
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dyketennant · 2 years
y'all i cannot believe wwdits is a real show. SPECIFICALLY season 4. it is a gay sitcom (i use the term sitcom loosely) that is not explicitly about being gay, but queerness is woven into every piece of it. it's not just "oh this show is about queer people being queer" but it's "it's about vampires and the supernatural, but their queerness is also important to the narrative." it makes jokes about being gay, but being gay is never the butt of the joke. we get symbolism and metaphors AND we get characters explicitly saying they're gay. it's natural. it's actually funny and not just trying to make gay jokes or characters just to tick a diversity box. there is no character that only exists as "the gay character."
i am just so thankful to be living in a time where we have shows like this coming out. even ten, twenty years ago we would be hard pressed to find shows with such diverse and vibrant queer representation and narratives. and as a queer writer/creative i am so so grateful that this is the direction we're headed in.
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justacrazylilguy · 4 months
To The Metal Gear Fandom
Okay so silly question but i see a lot of yall on here and you say all the homoerotic stuff in mgs is canon right? Especially otasune, bbkaz, bosselot. Not to sound like a hater but the first game came out in 1998. You know what age hideo Kojima was back then? 36 with a wife and kids. So what's his real purpose for making a whole game series about a buncha gay guys? That's what leads me to believe it's unintentional but idk. If he said why then lmk cause I dont get why he would? I've been thinking about this a lot recently because I've been seeing a lot of people saying it's deliberate. Anyone can answer btw my askbox is open because i Need an explanation. More in tags cause im insane.
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