#or i mean. it doesn't. there are no rules. but ideally i WANT it to be good
liquidstar · 8 months
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Between commissions I finally managed to finish this OC set of parent characters! If the looks aren't enough to show you who their kid is, the background colors match them ^_^ but of course more details below!
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Name: Thuban
Name origin: The former pole star, before the north star (Polaris), it's name means "Large snake" and is referred to as the “Dragon's tail”
Pronouns: He/him
Age: N/A
Relation: Raised Polaris, though they're not related by blood and have a somewhat distant relationship, until he suddenly went MIA
Weapon: Spear (Same as Polaris's)
Ethos (Power): N/A
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: Make no phallic jokes about the large snake thing and you'll be rewarded
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Name: Ananke
Name origin: A moon of Jupiter, named for the mythological spirit of necessity, inevitably, and compulsion
Pronouns: She/her
Age: -
Relation: Bella's mother, she raised her to be a warrior
Weapon: Bardiche
Ethos (Power): Indomination (The ability to freeze the movement of objects and people, and lock them in place)
Flaw power is based on: Her strict enforcement of obedience through authoritarianism, and a lack of concern for the wishes of others
Notes: She believes in tough love. It's better in the long run to give your kid strength rather than affection.
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Name: Rhea
Name origin: A moon of Saturn named after the Titan known as the mother of the gods
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 38
Relation: Saiph's mother, though she gave him up to the guild when he was very young
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: Was unable to take care of a baby at the time, and gave Saiph to the guild. She wishes she'd visited beyond that but it's probably too late now...
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Name: Arche
Name origin: One of Jupiter's moons, it's name comes from the muse of new beginnings and is associated with springtime
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 7
Relation: Saiph's half-brother. Neither currently knows the other exists
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: He's just a little guy. He likes flowers and playing with toys. He wants to be a cool hero like his dad
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Name: Poerava
Name origin: A star in Tucana, the Maori word for a black pearl of mystical beauty and perfection
Pronouns: She/her
Age: -
Relation: Al's mom. She mostly raised him on her own while her husband was with the knights.
Weapon: None
Ethos (Power): None
Flaw power is based on: N/A
Notes: Probably the best parent of the bunch if we're being real.
#Finn's ocs#Finn's art#oc references#i wrote the descs while w the kids so hopefully they make sense. my attention was split#but anyway here in the tags I'll talk about the designs in relation to their kids lol#polaris is emulating thuban moreso than anyone else. her color scheme and outfit motifs are the same as his- they ARE his#her original outfit is clothes she took and diy'd into her own so she could go off into the world and well presumably look for him at first#the truth is she always wanted to see the world that's why she loved maps. in a way this was an excuse. in another way she was just lonely#but doesn't understand loneliness. also the fact that she's not his daughter by blood is part of that#bc of her actual parents (not as relevant character-wise) she sees all relationships as temporary and she has issues connecting#ananke i wanted to mostly look intimidating in a way that Bella really isn't#Bella puts on skull hairties and fishnets and stuff but she's very much. a cute softie trying to look edgy. she has pink twintails#she's so different from her mom in pretty much every way but she still did have that ideal of strength drilled into her#still her take on it is softer. she's the team leader now but she's really pretty lenient aside from the important No Killing rule ofc#w Rhea and Arche i had a bit of a flower theme. pussywillow (lol) means motherhood and buttercups mean childishness#so. mother and child#but rhea is interesting bc she's raising a whole different kid now that she's in a different place in life#if you do the math she had Saiph young. and it was alright for a while until his dad (again not as important) died#so she didn't have support or money. but she had a connection to the guild because his dad's old sword teacher is a member (hmm)#but she was too scared/ashamed to visit. she just left him his dad's old knife because that's all she had (THE KNIFE IS IMPORTANT)#arche is her kid with her second husband and her new beginning. this will cause some inner problems for Saiph when he meets them...#Poerava was kinda designed to have rich lady vibes because remember Al's family is practically nobility#but more importantly she's designed to look like a mom. with the low ponytail and tired eyes#the black pearl of her namesake as the centerpiece of her outfit too#again she's got the healthiest relationship with her kid here by a longshot#but i mean don't worry Al still got the daddy issues so he's not getting away unscathed#I already drew Taurus with the zodiac knights though so i didn't feel the need to reintroduce him#anyway Mira really has 0 connection to any family at all she was found as an orphaned baby after a monster attack#obviously she had parents but beyond town of origin it's unknown who so she has no connections to any sort of past parental figure#the guild is her one and only family and that's how she wants it. she wants to be with them forever the past doesn't matter
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itwoodbeprefect · 7 months
Writing patterns tag game!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
i was tagged by @flownwrong - thank you!! for the sake of the experiment, i skipped the two notably older fics that i posted to ao3 recently enough to show up in this top 10. it was a different time, man. (i mean, hardly, but i'm skipping them anyway.)
1) “Your hair smells nice,” Pa says.
2) Of course Pat takes notice when Pran gets his guitar out of its bag and takes it to the couch, but there’s an art to these things.
3) After all of the commotion, all of the stress, all of the dread, Steve finds the one face he’s looking for in the crowd of teens in formal wear.
4) Billy keeps saying fucking no no no to Joe about the working girls, until eventually the girls get bored and leave.
5) For three months, there’s a girl.
6) Hutch wakes up alone, but only nominally.
7) They fall into his apartment with Jill’s hand in his back pocket and his mouth attached to her clavicle – but they do fall, and when he adds a habit-driven attempt to kick the door shut, he ends up with a mouth full of her soft brown hair and she has to grab his shoulder to avoid being tripped by the doormat.
8) After they sell the restaurant, Kamekona doesn’t keep the name they gave it.
9) Most stabbings, Starsky has found in his years on the job, happen either out on the street or in the kind of apartment building mothers wouldn’t want their sons to live in.
10) When Hutch hops down the last few steps and exits the building door, there’s a familiar red car already waiting for him.
i think the main thing about opening lines for me is that i often try to cram in as much setup as possible, because there's a good chance the fic is mostly one dialogue scene and i've already written that part and now i'm forced to explain to my reader that they're not just voices hovering in indefinable darkness (and the easy way is to do that up top if i can, so it doesn't have to interrupt the flow of the dialogue). and then sometimes (1, 5, 6, maybe 8) i attempt to avoid throwing everyone headfirst into a soup of words (i love a ridiculously long sentence! 7, my beloved) by keeping it intentionally short and snappy. there are lots of signal words, too! two afters, when, of course, for three months. i still like "most stabbings" (9) as opening words. 4 and 5 both have the "girl" in them, which means nothing, but is still a fun coincidence in this sequence.
i'll tag (as always, with no pressure!) @redgoldblue @actingcamplibrarian @luredin @dedkake @stephmcx and anyone else who writes fic and feels like doing this. this is a fun thing to read! i'd like to see them!
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
when i was young i used to think about if everyone else in the world disappeared overnight, and how nice it would be, because for me, it meant total freedom. i would never have to follow rules for anyone again, i would never have to perform for anyone again, i would never disappoint anyone's expectations of me ever again
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prokopetz · 5 months
I think a lot of folks in indie RPG spaces misunderstand what's going on when people who've only ever played Dungeons & Dragons claim that indie RPGs are categorically "too complicated". Yes, it's sometimes the case that they're making the unjustified assumption that all games are as complicated as Dungeons & Dragons and shying away from the possibility of having to brave a steep learning cure a second time, but that's not the whole picture.
A big part of it is that there's a substantial chunk of the D&D fandom – not a majority by any means, but certainly a very significant minority – who are into D&D because they like its vibes or they enjoy its default setting or whatever, but they have no interest in actually playing the kind of game that D&D is... so they don't.
Oh, they'll show up at your table, and if you're very lucky they might even provide their own character sheet (though whether it adheres to the character creation guidelines is anyone's guess!), but their actual engagement with the process of play consists of dicking around until the GM tells them to roll some dice, then reporting what number they rolled and letting the GM figure out what that means.
Basically, they're putting the GM in the position of acting as their personal assistant, onto whom they can offload any parts of the process of play that they're not interested in – and for some players, that's essentially everything except the physical act of rolling the dice, made possible by the fact most of D&D's mechanics are either GM-facing or amenable to being treated as such.*
Now, let's take this player and present them with a game whose design is informed by a culture of play where mechanics are strongly player facing, often to the extent that the GM doesn't need to familiarise themselves with the players' character sheets and never rolls any dice, and... well, you can see where the wires get crossed, right?
And the worst part is that it's not these players' fault – not really. Heck, it's not even a problem with D&D as a system. The problem is D&D's marketing-decreed position as a universal entry-level game means that neither the text nor the culture of play are ever allowed to admit that it might be a bad fit for any player, so total disengagement from the processes of play has to be framed as a personal preference and not a sign of basic incompatibility between the kind of game a player wants to be playing and the kind of game they're actually playing.
(Of course, from the GM's perspective, having even one player who expects you to do all the work represents a huge increase to the GM's workload, let alone a whole group full of them – but we can't admit that, either, so we're left with a culture of play whose received wisdom holds that it's just normal for GMs to be constantly riding the ragged edge of creative burnout. Fun!)
* Which, to be clear, is not a flaw in itself; a rules-heavy game ideally needs a mechanism for introducing its processes of play gradually.
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
apparently twitter is cancelling kate langbroek and i watched the clip of the Project and i don't understand why
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haute-honey · 14 days
astro obs.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Libras are always expected to give others something. Others always seem to look to them to give them their time, energy, love, affection, hell even their life. Of course they have issues with people pleasing because people naturally want to take take take from them. When they try to establish boundaries, all hell breaks loose leading them to never try to establish them again.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Speaking of Libra, I'm seeing a lot of posts about how *gay* we are lol Which made me wonder and think back on all the times I've had other women who I thought I was in true platonic friendships with fall head over heels in love with me and admit their true feelings to me. First time it happened I was literally in 4th grade.... How do we hetero Libras turn the gayness off or are y'all going off of what is stereotypically gay?
🤸🏽‍♀️ Libra rising are indecisive because when they make a hasty decision or impulsive decision, 9 times out of 10 it blows up in their face. Let them take their time dammit!
🤸🏽‍♀️ + libra rising kids not only experience bullying/jealousy/evil eye from their peers, they'll even experience it from full grown adults.
🤸🏽‍♀️ I saw someone mention that not liking 6th house synastry is because you enjoy toxicity in relationships...and I disagree. I think 6th house synastry depends on the type of relationship and the sign that it is in. For me, the 6th house works more for friendships and professional relationships rather than romantic relationships. As a straight woman, the sign my 6h is in is not ideal for a relationship for me due to other placements in my chart.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Furthermore, what synastry works for you best or what synastry you find to be most romantic is based on you and your chart. Don't let any of these "astrology girlies" pump your head up with bs just because it works for them.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Fellow scorpio placements (esp you scorpio suns) I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this, someone making you aware when you're exhibiting toxic/bad behavior does not equate to them being unloyal or betraying you. You need people around you that'll hold you accountable for the fucked up shit you do sometimes. No, it doesn't make them a snake or mean that they don't love you but my god, get a grip girl and be so motherfuckingly forreal.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Aquarius men aren't the challenge yall think they are... they're just detached. If that is not your style of love, move along.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Lilith energy is for women/feminines. If you are looking at Lilith through a synastry chart, the one who holds that power when it comes to how Lilith is placed is the feminine in the equation (if there is one). Men/masculines are subdued by Lilith. Not the other way around. For example, if a man's Lilith conjuncts a woman's Venus, he won't be able to use that power over her because he will not connect to it and will not know how to use it.
🤸🏽‍♀️ It is SO FUNNY when I read other observations on Libra placements. Its either we are mean girls/bullies or we are fake/people pleasers lmfao As someone with a lot of prominent Libra placements and influence, I have always had to deal with the fake allegations or the bitchy/intimidating mean girl allegations. Its like if we're not kissing ass we are the meanest bitches but if we are trying to make an effort to please everyone, we are people pleasing fake ass bitches 😆 I need y'all to pick a side and stay there when addressing Libras.
🤸🏽‍♀️ To say a venusian ruled person (Libra/Taurus suns, risings, venus) is a copy cat is laughable because they are the ones getting their swag stolen or having people wanting to be their friends to siphon their aura/vibe. Ex: Cleopatra a Taurus sun (Venus) had her "friend" copy her entire style/aesthetic.
🤸🏽‍♀️ I applaud the female/feminine Libras who have given up on pleasing others and have taken on the bitch allegations with pride because fuck these people. Y'all are weirdos who expect pretty women to fit into whatever box you feel like they should to appease your own self esteem. Seek help.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Degrees absolutely have effects on the natal chart and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You might resonate more with whatever sign rules over the degree of your sign or rising rather than the actual sign that sit in those placements.
🤸🏽‍♀️ I saw someone say that a unevolved Sagittarius man is scared of sex........... while that could be true they are more often than not sexual deviants when unevolved.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Speaking of sagittarius, Jupiter ruled people quite literally NEED Jupiter to help them out and provide them with more luck than the rest of us because these people are the ultimate self sabotagers. They love trouble, they enjoy creating chaos often then not. And Jupiter is always there to put out the fires they start.
🤸🏽‍♀️ You can't really tell anyone what synastry is best for romantic relationships vs which ones you deem worse because at the end of the day it is all about preferences. If you like a familial feel to your relationships, you'll probably like 4th house synastry. However, if you're like me and come from a veryyyy dysfunctional family, 4h synastry will repulse you. So figure out your own vibe and what you like in a relationship and go from there.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Women with prominent sagittarius placements often are seen by outsiders as the "cool" or "fun" moms when really they can be verrrrrry neglectful towards their children. Ask me how I know lol
🤸🏽‍♀️ Saw someone say that Scorpio sun and moon placements can be backhandedly bully people and this is when I have to bring up the issues of generalization when y'all are making these "observation" posts. Any placement has the potential to be a bully. Literally any of them. However, why Scorpio sun and/or moon might stand out is because they can be LETHAL with their words (ex. Tia Kemp - Scorpio sun). Like they really know how to cut somebody up with their words and they are QUICK with it. Kind of like a scorpion with their tail. So be mindful and don't take it there with them if you can't keep up because you'll need therapy after they get done with you.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Scorpio moon women are either resenting other women or being resented by other women. It can go either way.
🤸🏽‍♀️ Gemini women are the ladies that look a mess 99% of the time and I like that about them.
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augusnippets · 3 months
Prompts are out!
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plain text and "rules" under the cut
path of hurt:
day 1: gaslighting/hypnosis/brainwashing
day 4: amputation/degloving/vivisection
day 7: waterboarding/drowning/choking
day 10: execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
day 16: humiliation/dehumanisation/conditioning
day 19: collared/branded/chipped
day 22: captivity/recapture/tearful goodbye
day 25: intimate whumper/sadistic whumper/reluctant whumper
day 28: mind control/body control/betrayal
bonus prompts: forced to watch/whipping/stalked
path of comfort:
day 2: platonic bathing/hair care/make-up
day 5: drunk caretaking/concussed caretaking/feverish caretaking
day 8: reunion/found family/friends
day 11: escape/breaking the conditioning/safe and sound
day 14: toys/gifts/celebration
day 17: forgiveness/grace/resolving a misunderstanding
day 20: homemade meal/quenched thirst/favourite treat
day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
day 26: nightmare/warm blanket/snuggling
day 29: singing/first words/inside jokes
bonus prompts: tending to nonhuman whumpee's nonhuman parts/protective caretaker/whumpee wearing caretaker's clothes
secret third path — whumperless whump:
day 3: thunderstorm/blizzard/heat wave
day 6: car accident/plane crash/ship wreck
day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration
day 12: lost/trapped/avalanche
day 15: food poisoning/starvation/throwing up
day 18: apocalypse/infection/self administered medicine
day 21: delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
day 24: animal attack/bear trap/land mine
day 27: migraines/chronic pain/phantom pains
day 30: self-harm/addiction/overdose
bonus prompts: flashbacks/relapse/medical complications
day 31 — bonus day :) write whatever you feel like writing today or have a nice day of rest
AuguSnippets is an event that encourages the short and sweet of the whump genre. Ideally, your drabbles would be under 500 or even under 100 words, maybe even just a dialogue prompt. This, however, does not mean I won't reblog longer prompt fills! Don't stress too much on that limit. I just think it's sometimes nice to challenge yourself to write shorter drabbles, and it can also work as a very good exercise to write daily or semi-daily, and it doesn't need a lot of prep.
As for tagging your work, please use the appropriate trigger warnings. This is so everyone can stay safe and avoid potentially triggering topics while participating. Also, if your work is nsfw, please don't forget to tag it as mature content! If your work is not tagged properly, I won't be able to reblog it! Thank you!
Our special tag will be "#augusnippets day [x]". On the first day that would be "#augusnippets day 1". This is so I and others can find your work easier! You can also tag the blog, that's an even more surefire way to get me to notice your prompt fill :)
Is this a writing only event?
Yeah, this one is exclusively writing focused.
Do I have to use the special tag or tag this blog?
Not if you don't want to get featured on this blog :) It's just so I can find your work easier and reblog it here! If that's not something you're interested in, just scribble away without it.
Is the "under 500" a hard limit for the word count?
No, but I encourage everyone to try and keep to it in the spirit of this event.
Can I submit nsfw works?
Yes! Just please tag it properly :)
Can I mix and match the prompts from different paths?
Yes! Have fun!
What do I need to do to get the completionist badge?
Either you need to complete one whole path, or complete 10 prompt fills altogether while mixing and matching. Those who complete all 30 days (and maybe even the bonus day) will get something extra special!
Can I write fandom related things?
Yes! This event is both for original characters and fandom related writing.
Will there be an AO3 collection?
Yes! Here
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pubbamoon · 2 months
Your Ideal Partner In Your Destiny Matrix Chart
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Hi! I haven't been there for a while, 'cause I needed some sort of a break. Thanks for your understanding in advance. We can go further with spiritual content now. This time, I'm going to make a post about how and where you can look for your ideal partner in your Destiny Matrix chart. If you're single and do not exactly know which type of partner is the right one for you, I hope that this post might help you in any way, shape or form. But as always, take things as they resonate with you, do not force anything if it doesn't fully align with you. So, without a further delay, let's get into it.
If you did read my first post (the intro) about the Matrix of Destiny, you might know that there is a love line which is formed by three numbers and it talks about our relationships style, its struggles, partner etc. The second number in this love line is a number which is placed the closest to the heart icon/emoji, represents our ideal partner and the characteristics of our partner.
Here is the example of that. I marked the adequate number with the black color, so you can see it clearly. This is my Destiny Matrix chart and the number I have close to the heart icon/emoji is number 7, so my partner could have characteristics of this number and arcana, which is The Chariot in this case. I hope it's understandable.
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I'm going to describe each numbers and possible characteristics of your partner now.
1 (The Magician) - If you have number 1 close to the heart icon/emoji, then it means that your partner may have natural leaderships qualities. Your partner might be confident, independent and even powerful. He or she might also inspire you to live your own life however you want and will definitely give you freedom. With The Magician card being present here, you can basically manifest any partner you want, 'cause this card is about manifestations.
2 (The High Priestess) - This partner may likely be an emotional and empathetic type of person. You might seek for a partner who can take care of your and who wants to build a family with you, since number 2 is ruled by the Moon, which does represent family. Your partner might be in tune with the feminine side, no matter if this person is male of female.
3 (The Empress) - Your partner might be very beautiful and good-looking, even wealthy. This partner may also be creative and interested in artistic fields. You can experience a lot of joyful moments and you can have fun a lot with your partner in general. You may find comfort, pleasure and even luxury in your relationships.
4 (The Emperor) - There is a strong masculine energy in this arcana. Your partner could be a natural leader and logical, which are the characteristics of a divine masculine energy. I wouldn't be surprised if you married some kind of a CEO or a manager with this arcana. This partner might also be controlling, so be aware of that.
5 (The Hierophant) - Another arcana which radiates some kind of masculine energy. This arcana is mostly about traditions, conformity and religion, so your partner might have a traditional and religious beliefs and might be someone who likes the order. Number 5 is associated with communication, which means that your partner might be communicative and adventurous, obviously.
6 (The Lovers) - This arcana is basically about relationships and love, so having this arcana in your love line could be a jackpot for you, but take it as it resonates, please. Your partner may give you emotional support and may buy you a lot of expansive things to impress you. The communication with your partner might be on point, unless your partner is negative and judgmental.
7 (The Chariot) - Your partner is likely to be strong-willed, ambitious and disciplined with an active lifestyle. There is also a spiritual side of your partner, since number 7 represents spirituality. The Chariot card is related to Cancer sign, so you can have a family with your partner. This also tells me that your partner should have a balance between spiritual and material world.
8 (Justice) - Your partner might be a balanced, organized and responsible individual, 'cause number 8 is ruled by Saturn. He or she could be a lawyer too. Your relationships may be dealt with a lot of conflict, aggression or you may simply deal with karmic relationships. You might need a partner who can calm things down and put things together.
9 (The Hermit) - This arcana is all about solitude, introspection and reflection and it might be hard to have this arcana in your love line. If you struggle with your relationships or you constantly feel lonely, know that it's quite normal with this arcana. Your ideal partner might be someone who is wise, mature, compassionate, empathetic and who can guide you through spiritual world. It can also indicate starting relationships later in life.
10 (Wheel of Fortune) - This position might be very lucky in terms of your relationships. You can basically hang out with almost everyone, but don't always rely on luck when it comes to your relationships. Meeting your ideal partner might seem like some fated event you cannot control. Your relationships may also seem like cycles and if your relationship is negative or toxic, that cycle needs to be ended.
11 (Strength) - Your partner might be strong, courageous, energetic and optimistic, according to the Strength card. Number 11 is a very spiritual number and is associated with intuition. It takes courage and accountability to follow intuition. I sense that you might need a partner that you can count on. Watch our for an aggressive nature of your partner.
12 (The Hanged Man) - This tells me that your partner could be caring, creative, smart, even selfless. You might need the type of partner who will take care of you, support you, sacrifice for you and who'll give you different perspective of life. Be careful not to be too attached to your partner and to make some boundaries in your relationships.
13 (Death) - Your relationships might be transformative period of your life where you can shift your mentality and a view of your whole life. Your partner might come across as mysterious, unpredictable or even shady. This person could also be adaptable into almost every situation. Make sure to hang out with people you can change and progress with.
14 (Temperance) - Your partner might be balanced, emotional and mature. This can be an indicator of a normal and moderate kind of relationships. Sometimes you should be patient for your partner to come in. This partner might have an artistic or healing abilities and can inspire or help you to see the bright side of life.
15 (The Devil) - This arcana can indicate having a toxic relationships and being with over materialistic partner. Your partner might be someone who embraces his or her dark side. You can date someone who deals with addictions, who is charismatic, energetic and passionate. There can be a strong bondage between you and your partner as well.
16 (The Tower) - Your partner and overall relationships might be so chaotic that you can experience whether mental breakdown or spiritual awakening. This number/arcana represents an intense partner who may go into the extremes (violence, aggression, attachments) or a spiritual and intelligent partner who may lead you into the spiritual growth.
17 (The Star) - After previous arcana, where everything falls apart, then comes a healing journey, according to The Star card. You might experience more positive things with your partner or in overall relationships. Your partner is likely charming, sensitive or even popular person everyone knows about. You can share some unique moments with your partner.
18 (The Moon) - You may date someone who is deeply imaginative, mysterious and intuitive. This arcana represents illusions, which means that your partner might be in his or her own world a lot or you can fantasize about your relationships a lot. Your partner might also be creative and artistic, which relates to this arcana.
19 (The Sun) - I feel that you need a partner who will give you joy and positivity into your life. Your relationships could be filled with optimism and celebration, meaning that you may go to the parties with your partner a lot. There's a chance for you to have a happy and fulfilled relationships and you can benefit from your relationships, but it can indicate being depressive after breaking up.
20 (Judgment) - This arcana relates to the family and ancestors, so you may need a type of partner who wants to build a family with you. Your partner might be spiritual, intuitive, mystical who may guide you to live your life differently, but this partner could also be very judgmental to you. It can indicate being in the karmic relationships.
21 (The World) - Your partner might be an open-minded individual who has a natural diplomatic abilities and who can hang out with people easily. This arcana may indicate having a partner from abroad or from a more different culture than yours. You could meet your partner in your work environment, but it doesn't mean that will be the case of everyone.
22 (The Fool) - I sense that your partner might be spontaneous, adventurous, explorative and free-spirited. You could experience really fun and unpredictable moments with your partner. Your relationships might seem like an adventure, basically. The problem is that this could lead into disorganization and irresponsibility into your life, especially if you're someone who needs some kind of a structure in your own life.
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Okay, I think that would be all for today. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. For me, it was great to come back after not posting anything for a week. Comment what you want to see next on my astrology blog if you want to. I wish you all had a beautiful day ahead. See you!
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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txttletale · 17 days
saw a screenshot of a post where an anon asked you if abolishing copyright law wouldn't mean companies would steal the work of artists and resell it. Your reply was to give an annoying quip about the bizarro dimension but your main point was that this already happens. True! And we should say it. I have a follow-up question:
Wouldn't it happen *more*? *Worse*, more blatantly, more flagrantly and with more inpunity? That's what I don't get. A lot of liberal solutions like copyright law are middleground states between an ideal solution and some kinda lawlessness situation where grifters and bullies rule. It's a bad middle state, but wouldn't abolition of copyright make things worse and improve nothing?
Obviously UBI would be a solution, making artists not have to depend on income from art to survive. Past that, abolishing money would make the concept of profiting from others' work meaningless. But assuming such solutions are far off into the future, how would copyright abolition help *now*. *Now* how does it reduce harm, how does it make things better *now*?
you are profoundly and deeply misguided about the purpose of the bourgeoisie state--its role is not to mediate between classes but to serve as an instrument of class warfare. copyright law is not a 'middle ground' between the interests of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, it is a tool of the bourgeoisie to aid in the exploitation of the proletariat. anyway as i've said, copyright violation doesn't prevent people from making and monetizing their art, only copyright law can do that! every time a company hires an artist on a work-for-hire basis (which is how most artists are employed), they are straightforwardly steailng the work of those artists to profit off it. this is the basic business model of every studio, record label, publisher, and entertainment company. this is the current states of things. this is the actual economic reality in the world as is.
that all aside saying "well if we just abolished all copyright right now and changed nothing else then how would that make things better" is like saying "well if we all turned into mothmen how would that make things better" because there is no "abolish copyright forever lol" bill currently making its way through the usamerican legislature, is there? nobody advocating for copyright abolition thinks it is a short-term imminently achievable goal, nor do they want it in the absence of any other meaningful political change, nor would it even ever be possible in any universe in the absence of that change.
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typologyastro · 7 months
Neptune vs. Venus Beauty
This is my own observation, so take it with a grain of salt.
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🪞 Neptune beauty is when you zoom out of a picture, and you only see the best features that stand out. Bad features are hidden and blurred. Angles are extremely important. Everything is positioned purposely to create a specific impression or feeling, but you wouldn't know it's on purpose. Photography is ruled by Neptune. Neptune 1st house/dominants would intuitively get what I mean. You only see what Neptunians want you to see but never know it's all intentional.
🪞 Venus beauty is when you zoom in a picture, and every single detail is still perfect. Their pores are so tight that you can't even notice. Their skin is super smooth. Every feature is elegant, no matter what angles. Venus beauty with Taurus influence is more genuine, realistic, and detailed. Their natural face is pretty that they don't need much makeup.
🪞 Neptune 1st house/dominants may have certain features that are extremely beautiful and unrealistic in sizes, shapes, colors (very big round eyes, purple eye colors, big pupils, plum lips, etc.). People mostly focus on those out-of-this-world features that they ignore or forget their other imperfect features that are covered up very well.
🪞 Venus 1st house/dominants may have all pretty and feminine features and almost no imperfections, but their features are more common and average in sizes, shapes, colors, etc . Each feature doesn't stand out separately, but together, they harmonize perfectly.
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🪞 Neptunians may have a short or rounder face. They may have big round eyes, which gives off their innocence. Their pupils are huge as if they're wearing lenses. The gap between their eyes and lips are close, making them look like anime character. Their cheeks may be a bit more full, which give them a baby effect.
🪞 Venusians may have an oval or longer face. Their ratio is perfect, not too big or too small but balanced. Their features are thinner and more delicate than usual (thin eyebrows, small cheekbones, delicate lips lines), which gives off their femininity.
🪞 Neptunians change their appearance with different makeup styles, clothes, hairs, surgeries, etc. They fit the glamorous styles. They experience all kinds of styles that transform them into their ideal dream self.
🪞 Venusians, with Taurus influence, look the best with light and minimal makeup that showcases their natural beauty.
🪞 Neptunians give off an image of a baby or kid. Venusians give off an image of a maiden.
🪞 Neptune's features may be a bit more chubby than Venus's, which are more delicate.
🪞 Neptunians look naive, while Venusians act sweet.
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yuurei20 · 5 days
I heard from someone that Azul is actually very strong although he's not very athletic because he's an octo merman he's mostly muscle they said that Floyd has talked about it in bean fest I wanted to know if Azul being insanely strong was just a headcannon or cannon cause its kinda funny to me azul could carry professor vargas that one event on his own when prof vargas is pure muscle
Hello hello! Thank you for this question! 🐙
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Yes yes! The first information we receive about Azul being stronger than he looks is from Floyd during Beanfest, who explains,
"Who said anything about Azul bein' weak without his magic? He's real strong. He's slow on land and in water, and he's got lousy athletic reflexes, but that doesn't mean he's weak."
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"Azul's bigger than me in the water, and he's got eight huge, heavy limbs. His submission holds are bad news, and he's got crazy grip strength. If he so much as snags you, he can snare you with your arms pinned.
Octopi are, like, all muscle. Seems to me like that wouldn't go poof just 'cause he took a potion to turn himself human.
I'm just spitballin' here, obviously. But all I'm saying is that writing Azul off is a bad idea."
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(All of the above dialogue is 100% accurate to the original game! Floyd's "I'm just spitballin' here" line might make it seems like he is just guessing and doesn't actually know, but his original line is closer to, "I don't know all the details," and sounds more like he knows this information is fact, he just can't give a physiology lesson on how it all works.)
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But Floyd's information is a little vague: he says Azul has "crazy grip strength" and his "submission holds are bad news," but that is the same line where he talks about Azul in his merform--so is he talking about mer-Azul or human-Azul? Or is he not making a distinction because there isn't one?
Can Azul snare people and pin them down on land, or was Floyd half-relating an anecdote from when they lived underwater?
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But then came Book 6 and a line from Azul himself saying that his "arms are quite powerful," unlike Riddle's.
This seems to confirm that Azul is physically stronger than most people, but then comes the thunder spear:
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Riddle asks for help lifting it and Azul struggles under its weight, despite how this would have been the ideal opportunity to illustrate how physically capable Azul really is.
But maybe the thunder spears are a tall order for anyone to lift? They're weapons from the age of the gods--maybe they just weren't designed for humans (or creatures in human form) to lift on their own?
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There is Leona, who both lifts and wields the thunder spear entirely on his own, twice (he gets help from Jamil the third time).
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But the rules of the thunder spears are unclear: after Team-OctaHearts' spear goes into energy-saving mode Riddle says, "I should be able to handle it now on my own," insinuating that when they are not in attack-mode they are easier to wield.
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Azul carries it at first but, due to his infamously poor stamina, he does eventually give it up to Riddle.
When Azul comments on how easy RIddle makes carrying the spear look Riddle explains, "I spend most of my time learning magic. I have ever since I was born," insinuating that he is using a form of magic (perhaps levitation) to carry it and maybe does not have it physically in his arms at all.
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(Vil explains that the spears are difficult to control in attack-mode due to the amount of energy they give off.)
And that asks questions about levitation that I have always wondered about!
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During Glorious Masquerade Epel is only capable of carrying one crate of apples at a time.
When Malleus levitates an entire apple truck Epel comments, "I'm pretty sure only Malleus could pull off a feat like that…"
Are levitation and physical strength connected? Malleus says that he is physically stronger than humans even without his magic, so he does not serve as a good example.
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Is Epel only capable of levitating one crate of apples because that is the limit of what he would be able to accomplish physically? Or do his magical limitations mirror his physical limitations by coincidence?
We know that Leona is extremely powerful (re: Leona's Power). Is Leona both physically stronger than an octopus mermaid and magically stronger than Azul, or is Azul physically stronger than Leona, but his magic wasn't enough for the spear?
And then there is the fact that Azul is, magically, extremely strong:
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Jade comments that Azul's unique magic is too strong for even him to control (which is why he designed the golden contracts--to artificially rein himself in). Does that apply to all of Azul's magic, or is it just his UM?
Someone with the muscle of an octopus and a magic too strong to be wielded by its own user seems like they should be able to control a thunder spear on their own--but maybe Leona is just that strong? 🦁
To the original question:
Yes! It is canon that Floyd has said that Azul is insanely strong, and Azul himself has repeated it, but--
Ahhh thank you very much to the anonymous asker who mentioned Azul's Tapis Rouge vignette! 🥳 In-game example of Azul flexing his physical strength!!📝
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And thank you to @basuralindo for the reference to Azul prying Stitch off of the prefect! 🐙 (Azul: "You might've thwarted my efforts entirely if we hadn't been underwater.")
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And thank you again to @basuralindo and @mellosdrawings for the Vargas Camp references!! 📝
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In a vignette we have Azul volunteering to carry a load of wood for Kalim. He pretends to be struggling under the weight in order to leave a lasting impression of his efforts, but as we cannot tell how much wood there is that he is hauling it can be difficult to tell how heavy it truly is--but then there is Vargas👀
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At Trey's request, Jade and Azul are assigned the task of evacuating a bound Grim and Vargas from the mine. Jade takes Grim and runs away, leaving Azul behind alone with the prefect to handle Vargas--did he know that Azul would not struggle with carrying him?💪
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Azul does ask for the prefect's help, but only because he is worried about bumping Vargas' head against the rocks--he does not say anything about struggling to carry him!
And this sounds very similar to a comment from Malleus on carrying Idia and Azul through the narrow stairwells of the bell tower during Glorious Masquerade! 🐉🐙
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Hello llama :> I was wondering how would the aggre guys act in a QPR? Heeueheuhe
Sans: Honestly, I think for Sans, a QPR is his peak/ideal relationship. He gets all the closeness and warmth he craves, all of the love and affection, but none of the scary weird complexities and unspoken rules that come with romance. He doesn't feel like he's in danger of 'ruining' anything. When it's clear he can be as cuddly as he wants with zero risk, he's in his maximum comfort zone. He completely opens up to you.
Red: As much as he might mourn the romance he'll never have with you... Red does like knowing exactly where he stands. He can't stand when he feels like he's floating, unsure of whether or not someone likes him as much as he likes them. So having the official 'QPR' stamp does make him feel better. He understands the rules, and he can play the game. I imagine he becomes unexpectedly comfortable around you - he doesn't mind being affectionate because he's not frightened. He'll hold hands and nuzzle without a worry in the world.
Skull: ... I mean. To Skull, a romantic relationship is just QPR but he gets more kisses on the mouth.
QP? No QP? So long as there's the R, he's happy. Fall asleep on his chest and eat the food he makes for you. He doesn't care what all those letters mean.
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orionsangel86 · 5 months
Death Appreciation Week!
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With Dead Boy Detectives hitting our screens on the 25th April, and with our girl Death of the Endless making a guest appearance, it seemed only fitting that we should celebrate her in the run up to the show's release.
So I will be running a Death Appreciation Week from Thursday 18th April to Thursday 25th April which will be a celebration of all things Death of the Endless!
Participation is easy. You can go through the prompt list below, and choose to create in whichever way you feel most comfortable. I am keeping this event as flexible as possible so the prompts aren't tied to set days, you just go for whatever you feel most inspired by whenever you can make the time and ideally if you are able to complete a prompt of your choosing each day of the event well then you are a star and I love you!
Prompt List
Death and Family - Dysfunctional as they may be the Endless are a family unit, and their parents are even worse.
Death and Mortals - Some have won her favour, others have slipped through her grasp.
Death and Immortals - even the God's must meet her in the end.
Death and Relationships - Who doesn't flirt with Death on occassion?
Lessons Learned - Death's words of wit and wisdom.
Death the Fashionista - She's rocked many looks over the years, but she's always been a goth fashion icon.
A Day with Death - every 100 years she takes mortal form.
The Sound of Her Wings - lets not forget she has them!
"A Cold Stuck-Up Bitch" - It's a long endless lifetime - Death's early years and how she's changed.
Death Tarot - a symbol of transformation, of change, and even of hope?
Rules for Participation
All types of fanworks are permitted. Fanart, fanfics, gifsets, meta analysis, polls, even just sharing your fave comic panels or official artwork is fine. The goal is to celebrate this amazing character in all her forms.
For your work to qualify for submission to the event, it has to prominantly feature Death of the Endless as the primary focal point. Whilst I encourage exploring her relationships with other characters, the point is to highlight Death as the central character in the work.
the hashtag #Death Appreciation Week must be tagged in all works for the event.
Anything goes! I welcome all ships, all types of work, all themes and content. NSFW is absolutely fine if that's your jam. We don't kinkshame here either. So long as everything is clearly tagged you can literally create what you want.
The prompt list is just a guide for inspiration but literally any fanworks that focus on Death can be included. You don't have to follow prompts if you don't want to.
This is a love fest for Death - which means no hate, discrimination, exclusion, etc. Please also keep criticisms and complaints out of the event tag.
Death of the Author - this is my Neil Gaiman Keep Out sign. As much as I love the guy, this is a fan event and I do not consent to anyone tagging the author in my posts. If he somehow finds it on his own thats on him lol, but please don't tag him.
Most importantly HAVE FUN - and share this post. Signal Boost please!
If you have any questions about the event, the prompts, or anything, please send me an ask or a dm. I'm happy to answer anything and help as much as needed.
With love and thanks to @seiya-starsniper for the awesome banner, and @marlowe-zara and @tryan-a-bex for their ideas and support. <3
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night-raven-tattler · 10 months
What's your ideal type?
A/N: This is a series where I write what I think is the ideal type for all the boys of the main cast. Enjoy!
Characters: Heartslabyul dorm (Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater) ×GN!Reader (separate, romantic)
Other parts of the series: Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia
Warnings: food (Trey's first bullet point)
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Riddle's ideal type would be...
Someone who can gain his respect. A way into Riddle's heart is to catch his attention, either through your extensive knowledge about your favorite topic or a very solid sense of self. He likes people who can hold their head high so their crown won't fall off.
Someone who can understand his need to stick to the rules. His journey of self improvement made him understand he can't always force people to stick to all rules. But he still has a long way to go until he can break out of his bad habits, and if you wait for him to catch up, he'll appreciate it.
Someone who allows him to feel his emotions. Always forced to listen and never argue, Riddle has a lot of pent up emotions that spill out through anger at every inconvenience, but no one really taught him how to sit down with himself and understand what bottled up emotion is making him react. He needs someone who can at least nudge him towards trying to understand what and why he's feeling.
Someone who takes him out of his comfort zone. The rigid routine he has been stuck in over the years left its mark on Riddle, making him fear trying out new things. He fears the consequences of failure. But it's natural to be bad before you are good at something, and if you can push Riddle towards trying new things you get to see him at his most vulnerable: someone who simply loves to learn about the wonders of the world around him.
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Ace's ideal type would be...
Someone he can get a reaction out of. Ace is a major tease and a bit of a jerk, but that's part of his charm. From annoyance to fluster, if he can get himself to stay into your mind longer than expected, he'll gladly extend his stay there for as long as possible.
Someone who is not afraid to call him out and keep him in line. Ace doesn't just nod and agree: he likes to make a statement, to be honest and call people out, but his thoughts don't always go through any filters before leaving his lips. He appreciates when you can be honest in return and tell him that he is going too far.
Someone who doesn't get offended from every honest thing he says. Like I mentioned above, Ace doesn't really use his mental filter, and things just come out of his mouth sometimes. He doesn't always mean harm, he just wants to get his point across and be as straightforward as possible. He likes when you're willing to take his feedback before commenting on his lack of filter.
Someone who pays attention to him. It's a surefire way to gain Ace's affection. Rewarding him in just the right ways will have Ace following you like a puppy, if he's not doing that already. Save him a seat in the cafeteria. Get him those cherry flavored candies. Cheer for him during a basketball match. Soon enough he'll reciprocate the gestures.
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Deuce's ideal type would be...
Someone who is comfortable with change. Deuce is always working on ways to become a better person, a better student, a better son, even a better boyfriend. If you can understand why he always needs to seek ways to change, you'll be a welcome presence in his life.
Someone responsible. Deuce is not the most reliable student out there. He's trying, but not always succeeding. So, if he has someone to look up to, it will motivate him and won't let him dwell on his shortcomings for too long.
Someone he can make mistakes with. He deeply regrets his past as a delinquent, so he holds himself to a standard that always seems to be out of his reach, and kicks himself up when he doesn't reach it. If you can teach him that baby steps are more important than huge change, you'll earn a place in Deuce's heart.
Someone who finds family important. This might sound weird, but you won't always be Deuce's top priority. His mom, Dillah, is the only person who was in his corner no matter what while he was growing up. He wants to do everything he can to repay her for everything she did. Someone who understands the importance of family in Deuce's life reassures him that not only you'll fit in his family, but you'll be on a similar page when he decides it's time to bring up you two making your own.
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Trey's ideal type would be...
Someone who appreciates baking. You don't have to be good at it. You don't even need to know too much about it! Trey likes the attention you give him whenever he bakes, especially since he does it very often.
Someone who doesn't push him to be more than what he is. Trey has a very solid sense of self, and knows exactly what he wants to do to live a comfortable and satisfying life. Just trust him and let him know you are confident he knows what he's doing, and don't bring up any "wasted potential" talk.
Someone who calls him out when he jumps to conclusions. Trey is observant, kind and compassionate; however he also tends to underestimate the people around him, in the way that he thinks everyone who has his sympathy needs his support. Don't hesitate to remind him how that backfired for him, and he'll appreciate it.
Someone who can enjoy a small prank war with him. At the end of the day, Trey likes teasing people and a good, harmless practical joke has him smirking at you for days. You can always try to put salt in his coffee or misplace his notes, but you also need to be prepared for the consequences.
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Cater's ideal type would be...
Someone who doesn't wear their heart to their sleeve. They say a bit of mystery makes someone more attractive, and Cater totally agrees. He does find the honest types adorable, but to catch and keep his attention on you, you have to leave some cards close to your chest. It will leave him curious and eager to unravel you, piece by piece.
Someone who enjoys aesthetic things. Cater often takes out his phone to snap pics of various things he finds cool or interesting to post to his Magicam. Don't be afraid to send him pictures you've taken as well! Just don't send too many pink things.
Someone who gives him space when he needs it. It's no secret Cater is pretty closed off emotionally and doesn't really like to make close relationships. While it's good to bring him out of his shell in the emotional department, overdoing it will overwhelm him and push him away. You have to do it bit by bit, leaving him enough space to decide when it's okay to seek you out himself.
Someone who is willing to be more emotionally open first. Creating a safe space is key. You will have to make the first step if you want you two to develop a deeper connection. If you extend your hand first, he'll at least consider taking it.
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clockwayswrites · 11 months
A Broken Sort of Normal, Part 16
WC: 756 , Masterpost CW: We loop to the start and that entails The attacks start in northern Africa. It jumps from Algeria to Egypt, across the sea to Saudi Arabia to Turkey and into Europe. By the time it hits Metropolis, resources are already stretched thin. Danny is calling in every contact, every possible help, while he follows the worst of it himself, constantly organizing the next area of triage.
As he’s attempting to wrap the tourniquet around Barry’s leg, blood slicked hands failing him, it hits Danny like one of Superman’s punches.
They are going to lose.
Barry reaches out and grips a weak hand around Danny’s wrist. “Kid?”
It’s still a stupid nickname, but through all these years Barry still used it. Through the years of dinners and disasters and Danny being welcomed into Barry’s family at Wally’s side.
And now all these wonderful, heroic, brave people that Danny had come to be friends with are going to die. The monologue happening in the middle of the street made that much clear. No hero would be spared; any chance of a future uprising would be snuffed out this very day.
Because they are going to lose.
Danny smiles softly at Barry and pries his hand away.
“Kid, whatever you’re thinking—” Barry could have no idea what Danny is thinking. No one can.
No one can, because no one knows what Danny can do.
He leaves his bag by Barry. Most of the supplies have been used up, but maybe there is still something in it that will help people.
He just wants to help people.
The monologue cuts off as Danny approaches, feet sliding on the loose concrete around the edge of the crater that the imposing figure stands in. He manages not to fall, though, and strides past Superman with his head held high. He will not cower in front of death. He faced death once before and even though this time means becoming nothing, he will not cower as he faces it again.
He has to look up to meet the being’s eyes. There’s only cruelty there. The mouth twists in a cold smirk. “Has it come to this? That they send their healer to face me?”
“No.” Danny could hear Barry shouting his name. “They didn’t send me, I came by myself.”
The laugh raises the hair on the back of Danny’s neck, but he doesn't move away.
“Pathetic! You presume yourself to be the last line of defense? You, a mere medic? You are no hero and yet you dare to stand before me? Do you not think that I could break you with a single fist?”
Danny smiles softly, and raises his hand. The man doesn’t even move, so utterly sure that Danny poses him no threat. Danny rests his hand on the man’s chest. He has to reach up to do so.
The smirk turns into a sneer. “Or do you intend to appeal to some ideal of compassion? To try and change my heart? To ask me to spare your heroes?”
Superman is screaming at him now as he struggles to stand. Danny hears him fall again.
He doesn’t take his eyes off the man who would try to rule them all with nothing but death in his wake.
“No,” Danny says, tilting his head just slightly. His eyes scan over the hardened face again. “No, I don’t think I can do that. You’ve made a mockery of death for so long that your heart is hardened. It’s a good thing I don’t need it soft.”
Intangibility is as comfortingly familiar as it is horrifying to feel again. Danny shudders as it washes over him. His hand sinks, sickeningly, through armor and skin and bone to wrap around that hardened, beating heart.
It thuds once in his grip.
Danny yanks his hand back.
Danny pulls that heart from its chest.
The man gasps— the sound a pale imitation of a breath— and then he falls.
Like he was nothing.
Less than nothing.
A man that will only be remembered with hatred.
The massive heart slips from Danny’s limp fingers. It hits the ground with a wet squelch.
Danny wavers, eyes turning up to the sky where hundreds of clones are falling like horrifying intimidations of shooting stars. A soft smile spreads over his face.
He had done it.
Will people remember him?
It isn’t why he did it.
He just wants to help people.
Wanted to.
Was someone calling his name?
There had only been one chance. It was all he needed.
They would be safe now.
Everyone would be safe.
Humanity, Barry, Iris, the Titans…
AN: And here we are, back in present tense (thank you @mokulule for correcting all my slips back to past tense my migrained brain didn't catch.
I would say Danny used his one moment well, wouldn't you?
But this isn't quite the end. Now that we're back in the present... I think it's about time we saw somethings from Wally's POV, don't you?
I no longer tag, you can subscribe to the masterpost instead!
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 4 months
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🍨If you feel uninspired, unmotivated,dull,tired and like every single day of your life is boring then you are in need of a rebrand. IT IS NOW TIME TO REINVENT YOUR ENITRE LIFE AND SELF. This doesn't mean you need to let go of yourself completely and be someone you are not, it is about loving yourself enough to say " My current situation is not working for me , I deserve better whether that be my environment , appearance, Confidence etc.
Understand who you are,who you want to be and where you want to get. Do a SWOT analysis of your life. What are your weakness ? What is threatening you ? What is getting in your way to achieving your dreams ?
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Shadow work is easy, all you need to do is search shadow work journal prompt on Google or Pinterest. This will help you unpack your trauma that you might not be aware of , move on fully from your past and enter into your new era without bringing the past baggage because we don't need it. Create your alter ego and step into that energy permanently.Write a script describing your future self down to every single detail , write it in present tense to speed up your manifestation. After doing shadow work , reinvention script, SWOTS Analysis and understanding yourself, you need to find solutions. Let's say your weakness is that you can't wake up early but in your reinvention script, you wrote that your ideal version is a morning person. Bring few simple techniques, for example , develop a slow morning routine. Take each habit week by week. The first week , just focus on waking up early, the second week , wake up earlier and go to the gym and the third week , wake up earlier, go to the gym and eat healthy. You are building up slowly.
To be disciplined and create solutions to get from your A to B , delete all the take-out or dating apps, block every single one of your exes, change your phone number if you have to or donate your old clothes. Taking such measures shows you that there is no going back. You are entering a new era in your life.
Follow the 80-20 rule which is 80% of the time you need to follow a healthy diet, and the other 20% of the time you can treat yourself because you deserve it.
Start drinking matcha over coffee. Coffee has negative effects on our gut health, brain health and life in general.
Benefits of Matcha.
Boosts brain function
Helps you lose weight
Eliminates toxins
Creates a calm and focused mind
Helps prevent cancer
Trust in your health and treat your body like a temple. Don't fall into prey for not taking of your health because it's " cool " .
Take your supplements, it will change your life.
If you are not wearing it in 5 years, don't buy it . Quit trend buying. Go for what you like and what suits you.
Going on tiktok or youtube, watch make-up tutorials. It's not about buying expensive products but knowing about how to place them to enhance your features. Learning make-up that suits your face. Personally, I would recommend Dear Peachie since she has the best make-up tips.
Buying one of everything and stick to it. What works , works .
Work on your posture.
Explore non-toxic products and clean beauty.
Undoing the negative. Block your exes . It doesn't matter how good the relationship . Delete their pics. They are not part of your life anymore.
Get rid of limiting beliefs. Develop abundance mindset.
Change up your environment.
Incorporating the postive
Stay self-aware. Instead of focusing on what other person did , you need to ask yourself what you did wrong. It is not about saying that it is all your fault. You need to know if you self-sabotaging yourself or not.
Embody the habits and lifestyle you want to have.
Engage with your past and future self. You are looking at your current version from outside perspective.
Develop the IDAF mindset. You are holding yourself back when you care about what other's think about you.
Please don't be upset about not getting attention from the wrong people. If they fun of you or judged you , the fact they did that shows how lame they are.
Stop explaining yourself to everyone and stop telling others about your goals. They will not get it. If you believe in yourself, you will end up getting where you want to be and everyone around you is not going to be judging they are gonna be clapping.
Follow people who inspire or educate you. It will help you gain something from being on social media instead of scrolling through pointless memes.
You get to decide your emotions. If someone said something hurtful , realise they are not the right person, distance yourself or don't react. Use your pain as motivation.
Exposure therapy. Get used to being cringy and embarassing. Being cringe is to be free. Face your fears.
Become the life of the party. Put your attention to how you are going to make other people feel.
Stop being everywhere for everyone. BOUNDARIES!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN YOU LEVEL UP IF YOU DON'T PUT YOURSELF FIRST ?
You are not missing out on anything. Be picky , only go to events if they align with you. Not everyone needs to know about your buisness.
Identify the nonsense in your day and remove it. Be a little self-aware.
Fake it till you make it. Be comfortable with sitting with discomfort.
Hot girls are always grateful. Gratitude is the greatest vibrational frequency you can operate at.
Do some SWOT analysis , Google shadow work prompts to fully evaluate your weaknesses.
Draw out your ideal self. What do you wanna become ? What does she dress like? What her mornings look like? Who are her friends?
Evaluate your current situation and drawn out the map of your future situation so you can get from A to B much faster.
Create your mood board and set it as phone wallpaper
Invest in one thing that can level up your appearance.
💗🍨This post was requested , I hope you liked it . Also , I will make more posts like this for Tam Kaur and The Wizard liz💗🍨
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