#people don't like ads so much that they will pay money to stop ads
cursed-tale · 2 years
Really wish authors would realize that their social media “brand” doesn’t have to be them shilling their novels in every post they make.
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babyleostuff · 9 months
partner privileges | hip hop unit
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vocal and performance unit coming soon also, thank you guys for the ideas and help <3
We all know that Coups is Seventeen’s Jeonghan’s sugar daddy. But with them it’s more like - they tell him they want something, and then he buys it. With his partner on the other hand, it would be more like giving his card away to them. He would baby the fuck out of them, he would get seriously o f f e n d e d if they didn’t use his card to buy things for themselves. Forget about paying for anything for the rest of your life when you have Seungcheol by your side. And if you ever think about paying for, I don't know, even a simple meal at the restaurant, he will fight you if you pull out your own money. 
 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ JEON WONWOO 
Wonwoo likes to tease his members by saying “no” to stuff, just to mess with them. He loves the sulkiness that it brings out in them, and he can’t help but laugh anytime that happens. It’s like a reward after a long day of work. With his partner though??? A word like “no” does not exist. One look from them and he melts, so it’s basically impossible to decline them anything. He’s just so soft for them :((( And because of that, the members use his partner as a way of getting stuff, because one look from his precious love, and he says “yes” immediately (which in members opinion is very unfair, but oh well). There is nothing Wonwoo wouldn’t do for them, even if it’s the silliest thing ever, he will do it for them, that's how much he loves them.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ KIM MINGYU 
Obviously the members’ love language is bullying Gyu, and we know that he doesn’t really mind it, especially after all of those years together, and I’m sure if he was ever offended he would let them know immediately. BUT, because Mingyu is such a precious human being, sometimes he doesn’t have it in him to scold them or tell them to stop, and that would definitely be the partner privilege his partner would get - to defend him when things get too much. And not only with his members, in general too. Mingyu is just such a nice person (sometimes too nice). It doesn’t mean he can’t stand up for himself, but his partner would definitely be the one to defend him first, before he could even fathom that someone just offended him. The urge to protect Gyu is strong gyus :(((
While working on music, for the band or solo, Vernon obviously listens to other peoples’ opinions and thoughts, always taking them into consideration. But if he had to choose a person that has the most influence on his work, it would have to be his partner. One word from them and he’s like “omg, babe that’s such a great idea”, and kisses them before pulling out his laptop immediately. He always lets them listen to snippets of the songs and shows them the new lyrics he is working on before anyone else. 
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree
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yelenasdiary · 5 months
I was wondering if you could do a Wanda X masc reader. Wanda is a cam girl and reader pays her to go out on a date due to having social anxiety. Please add some angst oh and a happy ending.
Just Be Yourself
Pairing: Camgirl! Wanda Maximoff x Masc! Reader
Summary: After a dare from your friends, you asked your favourite camgirl out for dinner, of course paying her for her time.
Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Adult entertainment, Mentions of Social Anxiety, Wanda getting some unwanted attention, Mentions of physical violence | 2K
AC: I hope it’s okay that I tweaked this a little, thank you for sending it & I hope you enjoy! x
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"What's the worst that could happen? she says no?" your friend said, flicking through her magazine. "That's the not point" you replied, "she'll probably think I'm just some creep like the rest of her followers. Hey, you don't know me but if I paid you $300 would you go out on a date with me? I would sound desperate" you added. 
"You're overthinking it, she is literally asking people to give her money to perform stuff on camera" your friend pointed out, "besides, I dared you so you have to do it" she added. You sighed knowing she was right, whenever one of you dares each other to do something it becomes like an unspoken rule that you had to do the dare regardless. You grabbed your laptop and opened up the woman's website.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought of how to ask her out to dinner tonight, but she did say she was open to these type of things. People give her money to just go to engagement parties as a plus one from what you've heard. How do you ask somebody you've only had little interaction with on a date? To dinner? You went to close the lid of your laptop until your friend stopped you, "give it me!" She shook her head, taking the laptop from you. 
I hope this isn't out of line or anything, but I would love to take you out to dinner tonight. I would pay you of course, just name a price. If you're interested and would like to have a fun night, I would be more than happy to pick you up around 7pm. If not, that's fine but I hope you'll think about it"
Your friend typed out the message and pressed send. "There, now it's done" she looked to you. 
"What did you say?!" You panicked. Your friend turned the laptop around to face you, "oh god" you sighed, "this is stupid!" You added. 
"I have been hearing you talk about how funny this woman is and also how you beautiful you think she is, despite her being a camgirl, I think you should really go for this" she explained. You were about to reply when your laptop made a ping like sound. 
"Hi there!
This is really sweet of you and I would love to have dinner with you tonight, are you in or around the Westview era? If so, there is a diner you could pick me up from if you'd like. I would feel more comfortable in a public setting, I hope you understand. 
As for pricing, I usually charge $800-$1,500 for events but for something like this, $500. Let me know what you think! I can't wait to hopefully meet you!
~Wanda xo"
The message stared back at you leaving you speechless. She actually replied, she said yes and even said she couldn't wait to meet you. Your social anxiety had suddenly made its appearance, your palms began to sweat and your mind was coming up with different ways to try and get out of going. As much as you wanted this, your anxiety had always been a block in the road. 
"Hey, don't even think about it" your best friend's voice brought your mind back to the present. "I'm not doing anything" you replied, walking over to your wardrobe. "You are, you're thinking of ways to not go, you're letting your anxiety win" they added as if they were inside your head.
"I'm not, I am just trying to think of something to wear" you replied, brushing off their comment.
As asked by Wanda, you waited inside the diner for her to arrive. You wore a pair of your favorite jeans, a plain colored tee topped with your favorite jacket and shoes. Your favorite rings on each hand and one of your favorite necklaces to finish the outfit. The clock on the wall read 7:10pm and your mind began to wonder if maybe she had stood you up. Your heart began to sink, the one time you try to put yourself out there and you get stood up, until. 
"Y/n?" A woman's voice softly caught your attention, making you turn around. You smiled softly; it was her. 
"Yeah, that's me" you replied trying to hide the nervousness in your voice. 
"Hi, I'm Wanda" she smiled sweetly, "it's lovely to meet you" she added as she reached in for a friendly hug. You were glad she didn't go to shake your hand, nothing seemed to stop them from sweating. You took a moment to yourself just to remind yourself that you've got this! Your friend's voice floated in your head, "just be yourself, she'll love you!" Reminded you that you didn't have to be nervous besides the fact this woman is a complete stranger that you met on the internet, but she was just as nervous as you were, you just didn't know it.
"It's lovely to meet you too, I made reservations at a Mexican restaurant only a few blocks away, is that okay?" You replied. 
"I love spicy food!" Wanda's eyes lit up. You smiled softly, thankful that she was excited for the place of choice. You held the door of the diner open for her as you both left, you held the door open of your car for her which surprisingly took her back a little. "I can't believe I was beginning to think that nobody liked to hold the doors open anymore" she commented with a chuckle. 
"I guess you could call me old school" you replied before closing the door. Your nerves slowly began to calm down, you'd made her smile and chuckle all before even getting to the restaurant and you took that as a small win. 
"I have to say, this is really refreshing. I mean, you're not like anybody else who pays me to pretend to be their partner or pays me for other things. You're sweet, so I have to ask…why did you want to take me out tonight?" Wanda asked, taking you completely by surprise while the two of you picked at the shared small bowl of nachos before your main meals arrived. 
"Oh, umm, I mean, thank you" your words stumbled, "I don't want to sound like a creep or anything but I didn't first come across you from your website. You actually came up on my Instagram and I thought you were beautiful so I followed you and then I saw your website and some of the things you do on there but I just thought you'd really nice to get to know but I totally understand if that freaks you out" you added, your palms under the table begin to sweat once more. 
Wanda smiled softly at your reply, "that's really cute actually! I am so used to people wanting 1 thing, which I guess I set myself up for that but it's really nice to not feel that tonight" she spoke. 
You couldn't help but smile in reply just as the waiter placed your main meals in front of the two of you. "So, tell me a little about yourself" Wanda looked up at you before picking up her fork. 
By the time you had ordered dessert for the two of you, plenty of laughs and jokes were being shared. The night was going wonderful, better than you could've ever imagined and your anxiety eventually became more tolerable. 
"Hey there, sorry to intrude on whatever this is but are you scarletwitch838?" a young man asked, not caring for the fact he was in fact intruding. Wanda looked up at him and sighed quietly to herself, "I'm sorry, you must have me mixed up with somebody else" she replied. 
"For real? Damn, you look just like her, look!" he replied, pulling out his phone and showing her a video she'd uploaded to her site. "H-how did you save that?! You're not supposed to keep the content!" Wanda snapped in a panicked. "I knew it! You are her! Yo, I'm a huge fan! The way you can move your body, man I've never jacked off so hard before"
"Okay, that's enough. You're being rude and I think you should go" you stood up, looking him in the eyes. 
"What the fuck are you going to do about it? You know she's a whore for the camera, right?" he laughed causing Wanda to excuse herself. You wanted to call out for her but you didn't want the man to know her real name. The man laughed once more, "I guess the bitch can't handle the truth, I hope you have a great time with her, sure as hell everybody else has" he added with a smug look.
Your body reacted faster than you could think, punching the guy in the face harder than you've ever hit anything before. He fell to the ground, "You crazy bitch! What the fuck!" he groaned. Customers around you all froze, the manger shook their head at you from afar and you knew you were going to be asked to leave. You pulled out your wallet and placed a $100 bill on the table before making your way to the bathroom to find Wanda. 
"Wanda, are you okay?" You asked from outside the bathroom. She opened the door and sighed, "I'm so, so sorry about that. I really try to avoid things li-"
"Hey, don't stress. He was out of line, you have every right to be mad. Plus, I think he got the message" you interrupted her. 
"Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you both to leave" an unknown voice spoke from behind you, you turned to see the manager standing there with an unimpressed look. "Don't worry, we were just leaving and honestly, if anybody should be leaving it should be him. He harassed this woman, is that what you want your restaurant to stand for?" you replied. Wanda looked between you and the manager. 
"I'm really sorry, I wasn't aware that he was causing an issue. We will ask him to leave, and your night is on the house. Again, we are sorry" they replied, handing you back the $100 bill you placed on the table before. You gave them a light nod before looking back at Wanda, "I'll give you a ride home"
Wanda gave you directions to her neighborhood, you pulled over out the front of a nearby park out of respect for her but she insisted it would be okay for you to see where she lived. "Nobody has ever stood up for me like that" she said as you pulled up out the front of her house. 
"You don't deserve to be treated like that by anybody" you replied looking over at her. 
"I had a really great time tonight, I really hope this hasn't ruined it for you" 
"Ruined it? This was the best date I've ever been on. Even with that crap, I had a really fun time with you. You're funny, you're sweet and really, really beautiful. I'm not usually this straight forward like this but I just want you to know that I don't see you like how he did" you replied with a soft smile, "you're person just like everybody else and so what, you make some money online, we all need to make money to live. So who is he to judge how you make your money" you added. 
Wanda smiled before leaning over and placing a kiss on your cheek, "I'd love to see you again, if you're up for it" she said as your cheeks went red. "I'd love that" you replied with a flustered look. 
"Good, keep that money, I don't want you pay for my time. You deserve it out the money" she replied, "I'm going to put my number in your phone, text me when you get home, okay?" she added. You nodded before you punched in your passcode and handed her your phone. Your stomach filled with butterflies, your night started off with nerves and anxiety was now ending with flustered cheeks and butterflies. It was safe to say you were excited to plan the next date.
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Taglist:  @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @karmasgxrl | @milkeeteaa | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @mostlymarvelsstuff | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | 
If you want to be on the taglist for my work, please click HERE.
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bananonbinary · 11 months
Tumblr's debt is a problem of their own creation. The app is buggy, the userbase is flooded with porn bots, nazis roam free, hate speech roams free, trans women have sfw content marked mature, art and posts are stolen for promotion, features are forced down our throats, ads are malicious and often gross or triggering and giving them money will not stop this.
If we give tumblr money they're not going to get rid of Tumblr live or restore the nsfw or remove ads or whatever you think they're going to do, they're going to KEEP DOING THE SAME THING except with more money to blow. Tumblr is a CORPORATION, they can get a government bailout like any other corporate entity can, and while people are throwing money at a dumbass corporation there are people begging to get bills paid and for food and other necessities.
Please open your eyes to the reality of the situation, its not just some guy anymore, David Karp is long gone its a soulless conglomerate now and they do not need our pity
a lot of yall seem to think that i want to like, bake sale save the baseball team. that's not what this is about. i don't think we need to "fix tumblr's debt," i think we need to make the website profitable (and the debt shows it isnt, altho from what i can gather a better word is "deficit" rather than "debt," ie, they are losing that much more money than they take in annually), because as it stands tumblr has no reason whatsoever to want to keep the current user base around. it's trying to attract a different userbase, because yall are PROUD of the fact that tumblr is a failing website and you dont want to pay them. you're loitering inside a store and acting surprised when the store wants you gone. of COURSE they're constantly introducing new features and not listening to what the users want, they don't want you here.
it's not a protest, it's not an attempt to buy good will, it's a simple business transaction: i spend a lot of time here, and i would like to keep spending a lot of time here. so i will buy my shitty internet crab, and tell my fellow loiterers that they can as well if they want. if you dont want to do that, you literally don't have to, but you can't tell me not to.
you people are all like "ohh tumblr isnt your friend dont give it money" but like. yeah. its not my friend. i would like to pay it for a service it provides, instead of expecting it to continue to provide that service out of the goodness of its non-existant heart. i dont think im the one with the parasocial relationship here.
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dont tell me to help a poor people. i am a poor people. i am allowed to spend THREE DOLLARS on something i like for myself, and not give literally every single dollar i have to charity and mutual aid. you have NO IDEA how much or if i do for other people, and you won't, because you aren't owed every detail of my life like that. people are allowed to have things they want for no other reason than they want them sometimes.
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artsekey · 1 month
I really hate how ads have taken over the internet. On one hand, I know that hosting a website costs money, right? And ad revenue is one of the simplest ways for free-to-use websites to cover their operating costs.
My question is-- and I would genuinely love an answer-- is this ever going to stop? Tumblr ran for a long time without ads. So did Youtube. I know that the cost of hosting so much media has gone up, but there are a lot of users on these websites that make the content that drives people to use the service that don't see any of the money generated by this revenue. On Youtube, there's at least a way for creators to make some money from what they do. For most, it isn't much, but the opportunity is there. On Tumblr, well... the ability to convert the visibility of my blog into any financial gain practically nonexistent, though they did at one point promise that users would be able to make money from ads run on their blogs (whatever happened to that, Staff?).
"You can pay to avoid seeing ads!" Tumblr says, as if the views on my main blog alone over the past few years have not generated more than enough ad revenue to cover the price they're asking me to pay, the person who is actively making content that brings eyes to their ads.
I'm not mad at Tumblr for hosting ads. I get that it has to happen because it's the easiest way to keep the site free, and honestly, I imagine Tumblr's staunch opposition to monetization has been a real obstacle for the team building Tumblr. But at the same time, it feels like yet another small concession in the usability of the site. I'm tired of ads that auto-play with blaring audio while I'm scrolling. I'm tired of adds that, if I touch them while trying to scroll past them, take me to an external site. Outside of tumblr, I'm tired of looking for information online only to get a webpage that's 95% ads and otherwise illegible. Hell, I recently got an ad on Discord. Was it unobtrusive? Maybe. But it was there, for the first time, and I know that won't be the end.
I know the first reply I'm going to get on this is "use adblock", and yes, that's a solution, but think about how much the landscape for media has changed in just ten years.
Popular forums are basically gone outside of reddit.
Youtube, without Red, is ad hell. You can't watch more than 3-4 minutes of video without getting sent to marketing hell.
Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter-- it's terrible. I firmly believe they've manufactured a worse experience through the implementation of ads to convince you to buy into their premium services.
Just Check out this video of Penguinz0 trying to watch a video on a third-party site.
There's discussion of putting ads into video games.
Remember when games didn't include micro-transactions? Blizzard is charging $70 for one mythic skin. You could almost buy Overwatch 1 twice-over at that price-point.
Influencers make a living by making their lives into advertisements.
Youtube has retaliated against users using ad-block on non-chrome browsers by artificially inflating the load times of it's videos.
What can we do about this? I imagine companies see it as an infinite money hack; users can't stop companies from hosting ads, and the action they could take to voice their displeasure-- leaving the site, using other competitive services-- has been all but obliterated thanks to the homogeneity of popular social media outlets. If someone is truly so incensed about ads, well-- it isn't like they have to engage with them, right? They can enroll in a cheap, auto-renewing service to get rid of ads entirely. Well, wait, the price of premium might just have to go up. Don't worry, it's auto-renewing! You won't even notice it. Oh, no, it's got to go up again, you won't even notice it.
There's no incentive for them to cap this behavior, and no way for us as users to pressure them to do so. We create these spaces; we fill them with color, art, activism, community, and the companies that ride on the tailcoat of the spaces we create tell us to give them more. What comes next?
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
rockstar ! trafalgar law headcanons
trafalgar law x male reader ; he might seem ooc but he isn't, trust me. this is how law is supposed to be perceived, i talked to oda himself and sorted this all out with him before publishing.
-> listened to brooklyn baby by lana while writing this...hehehehheheehhehehehehe ps. i think that is my favorite photo of manga law ever oh my fuking godhes so hot.
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rockstar ! law . . . did not get famous overnight, but also did not get famous on purpose...if that makes sense. like his ass was up posting his guitar covers on youtube for years before someone reached out to him on joining a proper band. but also he wasn't posting those guitar covers with the intent of getting noticed. he just wanted people to see how SICK he was on guitar (he's a not-so-secret narcisst). but also another reason he posted them was because of you, his boyfriend who he had been in a relationship for a year at that point, was encouraging him to do so. your support for him and his talent was really assuring and fuelled him to be confident enough to post them online. (he was kind of against the idea at first, probably saying romantic shit like, "i want only you to hear the songs i play," but eventually was swayed when you spent many minutes convincing him to)
rockstar ! law . . . when he finally goes on tour with his band, he is pretty insistent and headstrong in allowing you to come with. he doesn't care if he needs to pay out of pocket money to fund your stay with him and his bandmates, he will if he has to. because he's not leaving you for months on end, pursuing the dream that was only possible because of how you supported him through it. there's absolutely no way he's going on tour without his boyfriend.
law's tattooed arms were crossed over his wide chest as he listened to their manager and a team of people tell him and his band about their upcoming plan for their first ever tour.
after the end, when it was about time for everything to wrap up, law calmly asked, "what about bringing significant others?" this makes the executives share looks with one another before apologetically smiling at him.
"sorry, another person added onto the travel, boarding, and all that will not be able to fit into out budg-"
"then i'm not going," law says simply, already getting ready to storm out of the room. but the manager stops him by his wrist.
"n-now, let's not get hasty! this was not something we accounted for-"
"well you should've, i'm not going anywhere without him. i'm not gonna leave him." law states stubbornly, glaring down at the man that was much shorter than him, "he's either coming with us or i'm not going at all."
a silence passed over the room and his bandmates were internally praising law for having the balls to stand up to these powerful guys so carefree like that.
maybe that's what had made him such a good rockstar.
his passions that he was not willing to back down for, he'd settle for his desires being fulfilled or nothing at all.
what they didn't know was that all of those passions were singlehandedly fuelled by his immense love for you.
"a portion of it will have to come out of your pocket, then. we really don't have the funds to bring on another person. so if you can't-"
"i can manage. if that's all, and we're all good. me and [name] will be ready by the designated time and meet you all at the location with all of our things," law easily says, walking out of the room with his broad shoulders being the last thing the executives saw.
"wow, law is so cool!" a memeber, stage-named penguin, said with stars in his eyes.
"don't get any ideas." the manager immediately cuts them off before they can gush further.
rockstar ! law . . . is very openly gay for you <3 doesn't really care that people are expecting him to act a certain way because he is a rockstar, he could care less. he's said time and time again that the only reason these fans of his have the oppurtunity to appreciate him to such an extent is because of you. had it not been you encouraging him to post his covers, he would not be standing on that stage for them to admire. so he can be as shameless as he wants in displaying his affection for you. naturally, law isn't the most into pda, but when he hears annoying people batter him for being so into you, his boyfriend, he feels the need to piss them off even further.
law's calloused fingers were playing with the flesh of your waist as he held you close. it was dark in the after party room so he made sure to keep you secure to his side so that he wouldn't lose you in the crowd.
there were a bunch of celebrities that attended their recent show scattered around the room, but he didn't care for them. not when he had you on his arm. plus, he didn't really like these after parties that much - he'd much prefer to be on the tour bus cuddling with you.
feeling unimpressed with the party, he turned to you to feel some comfort. when he saw how you were just taking in the view of everyone, he leaned down to kiss you, surprising you at the sudden affection. but soon, the both of you were just pressed against the wall of the room and blatantly making out with each other. his raven hair was messy by the time you two pulled away from each other and that knowing smirk of his was proudly plastered on his face.
the next morning, the internet were ripping law into pieces for still being in a relationship with you despite having access to as many beautiful women, handsome men, and alluring people that he could have wanted. he was a talented, well-known name in the scene with a handsome face and charming demeanor. he could have had anyone. and some were frustrated, for some reason, that he was still with you.
five years going strong in your relationship wasn't enough for the press to believe he was satisfied and completely settled down with you, for some reason...
he groans the moment he sees the headlines, throwing his phone to the mattress and turning into your side to be comforted by you once again. the only person capable of calming him down still remains to be only you.
"love you," he says against your skin, making you laugh at the sleepy confession.
"love you, too, law. you know i don't care about the stupid shit they say," you comment, making note of how tight his arms were around your waist.
he doesn't acknowledge what you say, only peppering more kisses to your bare skin.
rockstar ! law . . . kinda perfectly fits the rockstar bf aesthetic to a T. he's wearing the leather jackets and the other staple fashion pieces that scream "rockstar boyfriend." it doesn't help the way the clothes so perfectly fall into place on his body. he enjoys matching with you too, even if your aesthetics may not match. if he's wearing a heavy jewlery piece, like a necklace, ring, or bracelet, he buys a matching one that you would like and would be able to style. he doesn't mind discarding his iconic leather jacket for you if you are feeling cold. and of course, he's attentive, protective, and caring for you (and only you) - perfectly fuelling the fantasies many people have of that "rockstar boyfriend persona"
law was not known for being hot-headed. there were never any stories of him giving customer service people a hardtime, or of him trashing hotel rooms like many others in the same genre as him were guilty of doing. his overall attitude was off standish, but polite.
with a slight difference whenever he was seen with you. still off standish and polite, but specially doting and careful when he is with you.
his arm is always slithered around your waist or shoulders and he is always seen attentively listening to whatever it is you're rambling about. his eyes focused in on you, and only you, show that he is blocking out the rest of the world and listening to you intently.
the way he almost, kind of, definitely glares at people that interrupt your time together before he softens his gaze the moment you catch him making faces and scold him. he's completely wrapped around your finger, despite his seemingly intimidating and threatening persona, he's complete mush with you.
his leather jacket was thrown over your shoulders as he protectively stood behind you. tonight, the two of you were at the bar and watching the live performance of the local band of the town you were in. due to your begging, he agreed to get off of the counter stool and dance and sway to the music with you.
his arms are resting in front of you as he holds your hands in his, completely engulfing them with the size difference. the jacket around you is practically drowning you as well.
he's rocking you back and forth, occasionally leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek and whispering sweet nothings to you. your cute moment unfortunately comes to an end though. some drunkard knocks into the two of you and spills their entire pint of beer on you and your clothing.
your first reaction is to take off law's jacket to spare it from reeking of the beverage, but law's first reaction is to push you behind him and size up the guy that knocked into you.
"the hell is your problem, man?! it was an accident!" the man defends himself when he feels threatened by your boyfriend.
law's one hand is holding your own, wanting to make sure you stay close to him some way, while the other is clenched at his side to form a fist. noticing how he was very close to landing a hit on the idiot's face, you pull him back by his shirt, "c'mon, people are staring,"
"don't care, this guy has got his head so far up his ass," law simply says, genuinely not caring at all that people were looking at him as if he were crazy.
"law, let's just go," he turns his head to you, his gaze softening as he turns.
he waits a couple seconds before speaking in whispers, "do you really want to go? i can just take care of him-"
"i do, really. let's just go, babe, it's alright, it was an accident," you continued trying to convince him.
"he could've done it on purpose, he could be a complete, total asshole,"
you laughed at his reasoning of giving the guy a lesson, shaking your head, "let's just go and get out of here."
law doesn't seem satisfied with having to let the guy go without any reprecussions, but if law is anything: he's a boyfriend that listens to his boyfriend.
so he walks away with you close by, tight grip on your hand, and silently cursing the asshole the entire ride home.
rockstar ! law . . . very casually dedicates the most romantic, sensual, loving, etc. songs to you when he is on stage.
"this one is for the man standing at side stage, waiting for me,"
"i've been with the same idiot for 5 years now and this song is for him,"
"this is [name]'s favorite, by the way. so if you don't like it, you can fuck off,"
rockstar ! law . . . who doesn't understand the way some fans really idolize your relationship. he loves you a lot and he's glad that they're accepting of that fact, but why are people on the internet asking him and you to adopt them...? or why are they calling the both of you their "daddies"? he's confused. he at least pieces together that they're being supportive, but he doesn't truly understand what they mean when they say stuff like "i wanna go to paris" underneath his posts of you and him on his instagram.
rockstar ! law . . . whose favorite audience is still you. he loves playing his guitar for you, just in the quiet of your room (when you're finally home for tour) and with you on the bed with his strumming as background noise to your reading, or whatever hobby you commit to.
his fingers move with such familiarity he can easily take his eyes off of the neck of the guitar. he looks at you with such love and care that it would make any onlookers vomit at how sweet he was being.
the song that he was playing was faintly resembling "can't help falling in love" by elvis, with his own personal twist. the moment you recognize the chords and notes, though, you look at him with a deadpan expression on your face.
he smirks, tilting his head, "what?" he'll ask with that annoying knowing look on his face.
"you're so cheesy," you comment with an eye roll.
"oh, don't be an asshole now,"
"not being an asshole, just being honest!"
law puts down the acoustic guitar, walking over to where you were and planting a kiss to the top of your head. clearing his throat, he begins to mimic the singer with exaggeration. it spurs you into laughter at his impression, which he only grins wider at. your laugh still remains his favorite sound in the whole world.
this soft side was only shown behind closed doors with you. and you liked it that way. no one else got to see your usually intimidating boyfriend with his walls completely down. how sweet and doting he actually was. polar opposite to that persona he put on whenever he walked onto those grand stages.
he was just yours right now.
and as he leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips, you can smile against his with comfortability. and warmness spreads throughout both of your chests as he smiles back.
and finally, rockstar ! law who definitely gets your name tattooed somewhere on his body. probably on his hands or arms tbh because that is the most visible body part of his that gets photographed and noticed due to how he plays the guitar. that way if anyone wants to take photos of him in his element, they'll see a small part of you that he carries with him everywhere.
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doberbutts · 5 months
We have a little free pantry in our front yard (toothbrushes, tampons, shelf-stable snacks bottled water, etc.), and I read a lot about people's experiences having one online before we put ours up re: expectations about potential interactions with people using it, but nothing prepared me for how weirdly aggro *other* people sometimes get about us having it as a form of "activism" as opposed to some other, more nebulous idea of broader social change. "Don't you think it'd be better to volunteer at or donate money to a homeless shelter, so those people can get the actual help they need?" "Shouldn't you focus more on trying to campaign for policy changes that will help more people than one street corner if you care about this problem?" "Isn't doing that a waste of time?" "Aren't you just encouraging people not to get help?" I do that other stuff when I can. This is something small I can do - in addition to raising awareness and fighting for bigger change, when I have the time and money and spoons - and at least, when I don't. It's crazy to me to approach social justice issues with such an all-or-nothing mindset as some people seem to. I've met enough of the individuals who utilize it to know it makes a difference in a very tangible way for the people directly around me.
No, I agree entirely.
Corny and dated as it is, there's a reason the saying is "be the change you want to see". If no one within the community puts in the work to fix the community's problems, even in little bits and pieces, then how will anything change? Raising awareness only goes so far. What happens when all anyone is, is aware? Aware, and still doing nothing, waiting for someone else to put in the work.
Sometimes, that someone is going to need to be you. You can't just wait around and wait for someone else to do it for you.
If I see someone digging through the trash for food, I wave them over and offer them food from my house or fresh food from a store or take them to a restaurant where they can order whatever they want. If I'm getting groceries and I see someone very obviously homeless struggling to pay for their food, I tell the cashier to add it to my bill. No one starves in front of me. Ever since I stopped needing to rely on food stamps, no one starves in front of me.
This past summer I saw someone splayed out on the sidewalk in 95F weather in direct sunlight. I couldn't tell if he was unconscious from drugs or passed out from the heat or just simply had fallen asleep in the shade and then the sun moved. I was getting groceries so I added a bunch of hot chicken to my order plus several bottles of refrigerated water. I went over to him and woke him and explained that I was worried he needed medical attention. He'd passed out because he was tired, he told me. I offered him the hot food and the water and he thanked me, telling me he'd run out of water the night before and food the day before that and didn't have any money to get any more.
Everyone else had been walking around him like he was just an obstacle on the sidewalk. No one had thought to offer any help. When I walked away, some folks who saw me told me that that was very nice of me. I don't think it was nice of me. I think that's just what you should do if you see someone obviously in distress. They agreed that he seemed like he needed the help. They didn't act. They agreed that the compassionate and right thing to do was to offer assistance and make sure he was okay. But they didn't do it. They waited for someone else to do it.
I've mentioned in passing that I volunteer for the local teen LGBT club, helping lost gay kids find their way and maybe not kill themselves about it. It's not much. I mostly just text back and forth with whatever kids get my number from the adults that run the thing. Sometimes I give them tips and advice. Sometimes I'm just the cool gay uncle they tell about their latest school drama. Once or twice I've served one of them lunch on my couch while my dogs smother them with affection and they cry about their latest heartbreak. I don't do speeches or history lessons or anything like that. I don't think I'm qualified for it, in honesty. But if even one of them doesn't commit suicide, if even one of them doesn't self-harm, if even one of them no longer feels all alone in the world because I'm there when they reach out to me, that's enough.
Today on my commute to work, the guy in front of me had a major wipeout on his motorcycle. I stopped my car in a position that none of the other cars could hit him, and asked if he was okay, and waited until his friend (also on a motorcycle) had circled back around to help him off the road and check him over. I left once his friend waved me away. I offered to call an ambulance but he refused.
A couple weeks ago, also on my commute, a woman was stopped on the side of the road, waving her arms at drivers, shouting for help. I stopped. The other drivers didn't. Her car had died, she was new to town, and she was somewhere that notoriously doesn't get cell service. I helped her call a tow truck. It wasn't a trap. She didn't want to hitchhike. She just was stuck and panicked about it.
I stop and help animals get off the road. I've lost count on how many turtles I've carried to the other side. I helped my neighbor search for a dog he saw get hit by a car so he could take it to the vet. I shoveled my elderly neighbor's driveway for her, and talked my boss into giving her a major discount for her little dog's dental in which pretty much every tooth needed extraction or he would die. When I still lived in that rental with my roommates, we were surrounded by kids. Every kid on the block knew we were a safe house to go to. If they needed food or water, if they needed entertainment, if they needed just somewhere to be, they could be at our place. When covid started, I did a "reverse halloween" since Halloween was canceled, and I put bags of candy on every doorstep that I knew had kids inside. I've done a "neighborhood santa" putting a small toy plus a small gift card for the parents on every doorstep that has kids, for as long as I've lived around kids.
When I say activism requires action, I don't mean that every single person is required to save a thousand lives. The honest answer is, unless you have a lot of disposable time and money, you probably won't. But you can still make a difference. To one. To ten. To twenty.
And you know what? I'm not saying black people specifically came up with this- but how can you be surprised to know this is how I live my life when I say over and over that I was raised by black activists who lived during MLK Jr and Malcolm X and knew community action would have the longest-lasting effects? Of course I do all this. That's what being part of a community *is*.
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ms-demeanor · 9 months
Not to be rude or derailing your answer to the ask about the scorched earth post, but I do think quite genuinely that the site is becoming more openly hostile to its userbase, or at the very least its disabled userbase. While I’m not a fan of mobbing people’s personal blogs in targeted harassment campaigns, I think some people are also ignoring that staff blatantly said in a recent post that epileptic users would need to pay for ad-free to have their safety assured
I kind of don’t think that’s being ethical or user friendly, to me that sounds like they’re refusing to meet basic accessibility requests and answering with ‘pay us money to be safe’. Strobing and flashing ads aren’t just eyestraining, they can legitimately lead to serious injuries for epileptic folk, and telling people with epilepsy to just pay up or get lost is kinda… I dunno… disgusting?
So it looks like in a livestream (not on a post so far as I've been able to see) either photomatt or zingring made a glib and inappropriate response to an epileptic user asking about flashing ads and suggested that maybe they needed to pay for ad-free.
That's bad, I don't like it, and if it was supposed to be a joke it was a shitty one.
Zingring, tumblr's COO addressed that comment in a post where she said:
Buying ad-free (or gifting ad-free to someone else) is always an option, but that is not the solution (and of course, some folks simply can’t afford it). Sorry that it sounded dismissive in the session! That was not my intent.
I still think that's inappropriate (it's not that ad free isn't *the* solution, ad free shouldn't be *a* solution to accessibility), but it looks like Zingring has addressed this issue multiple times.
She got tagged in this post listing ways that tumblr could improve accessibility for photosensitive users and seems to have pretty consistently followed up; she has explained that there are rules against flashing ads that are sometimes violated by the advertisers and asks people to please report ads that break those rules so those advertisers can be blocked, has noted that there is apparently a "stop all autoplay" option in the works behind the scenes. She does also seem to take it seriously when users reach out with complaints about accessibility issues and seems to be willing to explore options.
Looking through that blog, this does not seem to be a site that is hostile to users with accessibility issues so much as, like everything else that's wrong around here, it is ridiculously understaffed so every project that someone wants to have as a priority is a project that someone else needs put on the backburner.
However, to very gently push back: how much of what you're experiencing as hostility from tumblr is actual hostility and how much of it is seeing posts like this, which suggests that tumblr is removing accessibility features because the lightbox didn't have double-tap-to-zoom on mobile for some users for a short while, claims that the blocking/flagging issue is a false flag against trans women, shared the inaccurate fearmongering post about tumblr live's ToS, and also claimed that tumblr "allowed" flashing ads that violated the in-place rules that tumblr has for advertising?
(this kind of goes with the 'nobody understands the ToS' but also nobody understands ads; tumblr does not have enough staff to look over the ads that go on their site every day, no social media company does, they rely on advertiser agreements as a sort of enhanced honor system and reports from users if the advertisers don't hold up their end of the bargain; the only way around this for any site that uses ads is to not have ads and that post is explicitly saying don't pay for tumblr because they are doing ads wrong - either they have to run ads and some bad ones are going to slip through and users will have to report them or tumblr will have to be 100% paid by the users or tumblr will go away. If you see ads that are unsafe for photosensitive users on *any* website you should report them to the site because the site almost certainly doesn't know that there's an advertiser violating the ad ToS unless someone tells them)
Generally speaking, I am actually *not* seeing worsening accessibility features, I'm seeing improvements compared to where we were five years ago - alt text on images is now built-in and devs are working hard on making tumblr more compatible with screen readers (as noted in the changes blog regularly); tumblr itself started offering different dashboard themes for users after years of complaints about contrast levels and readability; the "tiktok/twitterified" desktop dash view that everyone hates is supposed to be more readable on wider screens.
Compare this post in October of 2022 when Changes celebrated adding animations for posting (and told users those could only be disabled at an OS or browser level) with this post from July 2023 when they rolled back a feature because of an unexpected use case that could cause problems for photosensitive users.
These aren't things that I'd expect to see from a company that didn't care about accessibility, or that was openly hostile to questions around making the site more accessible.
I don't disagree with you that the comment from the stream about buying ad free was inappropriate; it absolutely was and it must have made photosensitive users feel like shit. But in the three months since that comment tumblr has been very responsive about getting flashing ads removed as soon as possible and seems to be working on more permanent fixes. I think this may be an instance of able-bodied people not realizing how shitty and dehumanizing their joke was (and it was) and taking the steps to do better.
If you don't think they're doing better, I probably can't convince you. I certainly don't think that tumblr is perfect about accessibility and I think that users need to continue pushing for improved user control of how the site displays and interacts with various devices. But compared to the kind of responses users complaints got from staff in 2018? I feel like things have improved a lot.
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ericshoney · 4 days
Mini Sam ~ Sam Golbach
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Summary: Your a YouTuber who is close friends with Sam and Colby, but everyone knows you as Mini Sam.
Warnings: Swearing
You started YouTube when you were seventeen, now your twenty-one. You started with the basic YouTube videos along with some vlogs and soon started to collab with others. This led to you becoming close with Sam and Colby, you appearing on their channel a lot and them on yours.
Over the years the fans noticed how similar you were to Sam, resulting in you becoming Mini Sam. You didn't mind as it was a cute nickname and made watching your TikTok more fun.
You sat on the sofa, waiting for Sam and Colby to get ready. You all had planned on just having a chill day at the mall. You just scrolled through your phone quietly as you waited, it felt like ages, but really was only ten minutes.
Once the boys were ready, you all left, Colby choosing to drive. Music played in the car softly as you drove in the traffic.
"Can we get coffee first please?" You asked.
"Sure we can." Sam answered.
You smiled as you played on your phone, chatting with the guys a bit. When you arrived, you parked up and headed to the first coffee shop you saw.
"What do you want?" Colby asked you, as he looked at the various drinks.
"My usual please." You replied, making the older male nod.
You then pulled out some money, going to pay, but Sam stopped you, using his card to pay.
"I could have paid, you know." You said quietly.
"I know, but it's my treat." He responded with a smile.
"Thank you." You said.
He smiled again as you all waited to get your drinks before sitting down. You found a seat where you could watch people walk past and chat quietly.
"Oh my God, look at how cute that baby is!" You exclaimed, watching a mother walk in with a cute baby in her arms.
"You just love children." Colby said, making you laugh.
"He's so cute." You mumbled, watching as the mother bounced the baby, making him giggle.
"You have to agree right?" You added, looking at the guys.
"Of course, any baby is cute." Sam answered, making you smile.
"Sam and Mini Sam. Both the same." Colby said with a laugh.
You two smiled and sipped your drinks, which just so happened to be the same.
"Don't you just sometimes wanna get up and scream to see how people will react?" Colby randomly questioned.
"Nope." You and Sam both replied.
"Creepy~" Colby sang, making you laugh.
You then went for a walk around the mall, hoping to not get into much chaos.
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alhaith4ms · 1 year
modern au! alhaitham x reader
you and alhaitham share a spotify account that you both split the payment in half on. it's nice not having to listen to those annoying ads whenever you're listening to music, but it's also annoying how you can't play the music you want when he's using the account.
"why are we only paying for one account for the both of us? we can always just get the one for two people and still be able to afford it, haitham." you wondered one day as you both cuddle in bed.
alhaitham only glanced up at you from his book, pretty teal eyes flickering up to meet your gaze. "it saves us more money that way, and i tend to be the only one who uses our account most of the time, so paying for the duo would be considered a waste."
you didn't know how to react to that, but you knew he had a point (he always has a point). "and what if i suddenly decide to stop paying for my half of the payment?"
"you won't do that. you love me too much to let me pay for our shared account by myself." he countered, and you could see a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "...and i know how you can't do the laundry without your throwback playlist that you always sing along to."
you balked as you felt your cheeks grow warm. "you said you couldn't hear me singing!"
alhaitham couldn't help but let out a laugh as you continue to speak, clearly embarrassed that he's been listening to your off-key (your words, not his) singing every weekend.
but in truth, althaitham has a separate spotify account that you don't know of on this laptop that he rarely uses.
the only reason why alhaitham continues to refuse getting the duo account for the both of you is because he likes to check on what music you're listening to throughout the day when he's at work and so that he can save the songs you always listen to on his separate account to listen to as well — it makes him feel comforted and that you're beside him on days that he's swamped with work or on days you have to spend apart from one another.
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joelslegalwhre · 1 year
Hey!! was just looking to request a little something, if you don't want to/don't have the time I don't mind.
So, like a Max V x Reader where reader is Toto's daughter. Reader and Toto doesn't have a good relationship because she isn't very interested in the Mercedes team and after a petty fight he kicks her out of the house, max hears them fighting (they're in the paddock) and offers to host reader and as time goes, they start to build a relationship and then everyone finds out about it. Also if it could take place under the 2021 season. 🏎️🤍
*sips on dr pepper* Alright Toto my beloved, it‘s time to be a bitch
Thank u sm for the request anon! I made some small changes to the plot but nothing major xx
Paddock Pass pt.1
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pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader, dad!toto wolff x fem!reader
word count: 1.6k
summary: After Toto takes your paddock pass, Max comes to your rescue. You didn‘t think that rescue would lead to something much bigger. (Pls trust me this is good, I just suck at summaries)
warnings: angst, fighting, bad dad-daughter dynamics, fluff, mutual pining turning into more, use of Y/N one time, not really proofread (anything else? Tell me if I missed something)
Masterlist || taglist || part one || part two || part three
There wasn't a year when you hadn't attended at least half of the grand prix. And this year was no different. 
Your job allowed you to work from everywhere you liked, so it was the perfect opportunity to follow your dads team around the world. 
The Mercedes Formula One team was something you’d consider family. 
You knew everyone by name, some of them knew you since you were only a few years old, attending your first races. 
But you never cared for the strategies, the way the cars worked, or anything in that field. 
You were here for the excitement of the races, the familiarity and the people. The drivers, the mechanics, the strategists or the people working for the media… they were close to your heart, and you couldn't imagine not being part of this world.
Even if you weren't the least bit interested in the details; you knew everything about the sport, you just didn't want to go into detail why the car would work better if you added this thing to whatever part of the car that your dad had explained to you so many times. 
But Toto Wolff would not understand that. And he made it very clear. 
In his eyes, you should be just as interested in all aspects of the sport. To be like him, you thought.
„You know what, Dad? Shocker, but not everyone shares your fucking interests and cares for them as much as you do!" 
You've never talked to him like that, but you've had enough. "I know I'm not the daughter you'd like to have," you continued, „I really don't care  about the aerodynamics of Lewis‘ car and how it's different to Valtteris'! I simply don't care!" 
You felt hot tears burning in your eyes, but you managed to blink them away. Barely, but he didn't have to see them. "They all know that," these damn tears wouldn't stop, you thought, "Everyone except for you, Dad.
The disappointment in your voice was clear as day, "Why do you even take me with you, when you don't just accept me as I am?" Your lips were pressed in a tight line, the tears still on the verge of falling. 
"You're right." Toto said in the coldest voice you might've ever heard from him, his accent thick, „I don't have to drag you with me anywhere, you're an adult after all. But I also don't have to give you access to the paddock, nor to the garage or anywhere else."
You clenched your teeth, hard. He just had to snap his fingers and your all access pass was worth nothing. You couldn't enter the paddock, couldn’t go anywhere else. And he knew, clear as day, that you couldn't just take a plane back home. You needed the money to pay your rent and couldn't just waste it on a plane ticket that was way too expensive. 
But you wouldn't give in this time, no, if he wanted to punish you for telling him the truth, fine. But he couldn't just humiliate you like he did right now. You grabbed the all access pass hanging from your neck and shoved it in his hand. "Take it then." you said, your voice matching his cold tone. 
Max was hearing every part of it. He'd noticed your voice just before he walked past the Mercedes facility, stopping dead in his tracks when he heard the tone of your words. The voice he had heard so many times, the kindness you always spoke with. All gone. And then Toto's. Just as horribly cold. The two of you were standing between the facilities, so he pretended to be on his phone answering someone, so he could wait in front of his own facility. 
"Take it then." he heard you say in a bitter tone, and just a moment later, you walked past him. He could tell that you were upset. Hell, everyone could've. The way you almost ran out of the paddock and tried to blink away the tears - of sadness, anger, or possibly both, he couldn't tell - it was obvious. Max waited another moment, and when he saw Toto returning to the Mercedes facility, he quickly followed you.
He had to quicken his pace, due to your fast steps. Some were curiously watching where he wanted to be so quickly, but he didn't notice them, just trying to catch up to you. "Hey," he called after you, "wait for me!" 
You didn't hear him, and even if you did, you wouldn't think he'd meant you. It was when he called out your name, that you finally turned around. 
"Thank you." he said, taking a deep breath. He stopped right at your side. "Ehm," you looked at him in utter confusion, still trying not to be obvious of your emotions. "Can I help you, Max?" 
You haven't seen him, when you walked past the Red Bull building, too focused on what to do now. 
„Uhm, yeah, I mean… Can we find a-„ he looked around, “a more private place to talk?” 
His gaze was filled with sincerity and softness. You needed a second to answer him. „Uhm, yes. Of course.“ you quietly said. 
“Great.” Max gently took your wrist and led you to a more secluded place between two facilities. The grip he had on your wrist turned into him sliding his hand in yours. It didn‘t surprise you how the skin where he had touched you tingled, the feeling of your hand in his a feeling you could never quite explain. It was childish, but ever since he started driving for Red Bull, you had a crush on him. You obviously never told your Dad or anyone else about it, hell would've broken loose if you did. 
“I was actually heading out of the paddock,“ you started, “I don't have a pass anymore.” 
His lack of confusion or surprise to that made you draw your brows together, and then he simply answered, „I know.” 
“So what are you-„ you started, but he interrupted you, “I know it's not the most gentlemen thing to do, but I heard all of the-“ he thought for a second, “discussion, between you and your Dad.” he ended. 
That actually made you smile a little, he tried his best to be as gentle as possible and you appreciated it. „It’s okay, Max. I guess everyone kind of heard us.” you sighed, „We had a fight, and he kicked me out.” a bitter smile formed on your lips. 
„Yeah, but he can't kick you out of the paddock.” Max's lips turned into a mischievous smile. “What do you mean?” He looked at your hand and his thumb caressed it for a second. „I'll give you one of mine.” 
„Max,“ you started a little shocked, but he quickly shook his head, „It's really no problem at all,“ he smiled, „It would be an honor to have you in the garage.“ he winked.
His knees almost buckled at the sight of you.
He had given you one of his spare Red Bull shirts. It was a little too big for you, but you had styled it perfectly, the new pass dangling from your neck with every step you took.
You looked absolutely beautiful. And you weren't walking past his garage like you usually would, because his garage was the one you'd watch the race in. It filled him with a sort of pride he couldn't explain. Never in a million years, had he dared to believe you'd be rooting for him and his team. Little did he know, you did since meeting him for the first time. 
"Hey," you greeted him with a warm smile. Max was glad that you seemed to be in a much better mood than yesterday. „Hey.“ he grinned. „Is this-„ you gestured over your outfit and pass, „Is it really okay with the team?“ 
You were a little nervous how they'd react to you being in the garage. Nearly everyone knew you were Toto's daughter. And although you knew most of the other teams, including the people who worked for them, you felt quite nervous. „It is.“ His voice had no trace of uncertainty in it. And when he grabbed your hand for the second time since your encounter yesterday, your stomach did a little happy flip. 
„Alright, I have to go, but you can just go over there to watch the race,“ he pointed to your left, „But I guess it's no different to the Mercedes garage, so…“ he laughed. You smiled and chuckled, „It isn‘t, but thank you.“ He gave you a small nod, still smiling. „No Max, really. Thank you.“ Your voice became more serious, and you looked at him with utter gratitude. 
Just when he gave your hand a light squeeze, you noticed that you must've still been holding hands. „I already told you it's no problem, I'm glad you are here.“ You couldn‘t tell the look on his face, you just knew that he was standing so very close to you that only a few centimeters separated the two of you. His gaze wandered from your eyes to your lips. His hand that caressed yours as you still watched him with such intensity, trying to figure out what he was thinking, but at the same time just taking him in. „Y/N, I-„ he started whispering, so close to your own lips, just so very close. 
„Max! We need you over here!“
The voice made both you and Max look up, almost startled. He turned around to the mechanic, and nodded quickly before turning back to you. 
But the moment was gone. You took a step back, letting go of his hand in the process. You smiled at him, though nervously, „Good luck, champ.“. And with that you left him standing there, your heart still aching for so much more than a simple ‚good luck‘. 
I appreciate your comments and reblogs so much!
here’s my kofi if you‘d like to leave a tip 🩷
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bitchesgetriches · 7 months
So this was commented on a promotional post we did for our sponsor, Acorns:
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You do you, baby. Unfollow away! But you should know this:
We work really, really fucking hard to share financial, career, and adulting information through Bitches Get Riches. And that labor is rarely, if ever, compensated. 90% of what we do here, we do for free.
For years, the only way we got paid was through our Patreon. Of the tens of thousands of people who follow us on social media, most don't donate to our Patreon. And that's fine! We understand! Especially since we're specifically writing for folks who struggle with money, we totally get it. We never want to hide our best content behind a paywall or charge people who can't afford it.
But that's why we eventually started accepting a very small number of sponsors and affiliate marketing partners who we personally use. We're super picky about them, because we also do not like the idea of selling. However, if our followers can't afford to pay us $5 for providing them with information and advice, then we're going to have to get that $5 elsewhere. And sometimes that means accepting it from companies who want to sell their stuff.
Do you know how frustrating it is to have to monetize something you love? We LOVE Bitches Get Riches. It gives us so much joy and satisfaction every time someone writes in with a money win. We legit get so, SO proud of anyone who tells us our advice and research helped them become more financially secure. I wish we could always do it for FREE!
But our assistant can't pay her rent with nice messages from followers. And every hour Kitty and I spend working on BGR is an hour we can't spend making money in another way.
Labor deserves compensation. Even ours.
If you don't like the very, VERY occasional ad, then ignore them. Or, buy some of our merch. Or join our Patreon or send us some money on PayPal so we don't have to use sponsors anymore. Or, yes, unfollow. Just know that we're not going to take your feedback to stop "selling" on Tumblr. Because that's not fair to ask of us.
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briarrolfe · 8 months
Recently, I was sent a job listing. It called for a graphic designer "to produce direct response static & video ads for various social media channels, such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube." So, even though it was asking for a graphic designer, it wasn't a graphic design job—it was an advertising/social media/videography job. The career I've dedicated eight years of my life to is the bit the ad referred to as 'static'.
Ever since, I've been thinking about this idea that video is the future, and also I have been (not coincidentally) extremely depressed. Not to be all "you kids and your phones," but...
In advertising, your consumer's attention is money. Video is THE most attention-demanding form of advertising and therefore the most bang for your buck. It's why Facebook fudged their own stats for the effectiveness of pivoting to video so aggressively in the first place. If your consumer is reading something—a magazine, a poster, a book, something on their phone—then they're still listening, and if something else demands their attention, they'll just look up. If they're listening—to somebody talking, to music, to a podcast—then their eyes and hands are free to do whatever they like. They can look at the world around them, which involves many forms of competing visual advertising.
Video is a media form that doesn't stop. It keeps talking when your consumer looks up, and then keeps moving to grab their visual attention again. The best method for advertising is one that a consumer has to exert energy to not pay attention to.
(—This is why I hate video so much as somebody with ADHD. When my dopamine and blood sugar are low, focusing past someone playing TikTok audio is hard enough for me that it hurts. I've never had the same problem with radio or with like... idk, billboards. And TV is kind of bad, but at least it makes predictable sounds, whereas every person who films a TikTok with sudden screams or yelling in it is, in my opinion, going to hell.)
This is why the UI for platforms like TikTok and Instagram have autoplay, algorithms that disappear things you've seen so quickly, no scrub bars, and don't have skip or pause buttons. Your consumer has to keep their phone in hand to keep swiping or scrolling to properly engage. If that consumer can't stop a video or go back, then the platform can train them not to look up until the video is over. Anxiety that a user will lose their place or not be able to keep up with what is happening is part of what keeps them from looking away.
This is also a reason to be suspicious of why so many tech companies are obsessed with VR in general. A phone that people have to hold and look at and listen to is pretty good, right? But they can ultimately still put it down when an ad plays. It would be way better if we could put the advertising somewhere that tracks and follows their eye movements so that they literally can't look away.
We all know that text is still a better, faster, and more information-dense delivery system. Sometimes I see people mourning the pivot to video because it's a worse way to consume information. They're right! It is! But social media platforms have NO INTEREST in providing their users with like, actual reliable information. If they did, then social media companies would have no interest in AI.
(—This is also why they have no interest in fighting misinformation on their services. People who get radicalised are very engaged platform users. And the people who radicalise them come with massive budgets for ad spend.)
All social media platforms want is to get consumers hooked on their content so that they'll continue to deliver ad revenue. Video is the best way of achieving that. That's why we're all pivoting to algorithms and video. That's why Tumblr Live exists and Snapchat miraculously has not died.
Anyway. I chose to become a graphic designer.
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badasgirlfriend · 9 months
hey, love your fics! can you write something about bada lee x fem idol readers relationship pls
Happy | Bada Lee Imagine
Tumblr media
pairings: bada lee x idol!reader
a/n: i kinda hate this but i tried my best hope u like it (i swear this looked better in my head)
Being an idol is fcking hard, Y/N will tell you that. It's toxic, it's draining, and she could sit here all day and tell you about every shitty part of it. She. But she chose this, she knew exactly what she was signing up for.
"This is hilarious," Y/N stated, barely able to control her laughter as she read out the various comments "I'm so disappointed with her, she was such a great idol, but now she's a disgrace!"
The room was illuminated by candlelight as Y/N laid in bed with Bada. The warm glow from the candles cast long shadows on the walls and ceiling, adding an air of intimacy. She could hear the sound of the rain outside, and she felt content and safe as she leaned against Bada's warm body. After finishing her concert two hours ago, Y/N was scrolling through the comments left by everyone. It was obvious that her decision to raise a lesbian flag had caused quite a stir, and the amount of controversy it had generated far exceeded her expectations.
She continued reading the comments, letting out a laugh at one she found particularly amusing. "This one's my favorite: 'I can't believe she supports gay people, she'll never get my money, that's for sure.' Oh no, Bada, my bank account will be empty"
Y/N's phone was suddenly taken from her, prompting her to turn and face Bada. Just as she did so, her girlfriend brought her closer in a passionate kiss. In response, Y/N naturally wrapped her arms around Bada, pressing their bodies together.
The kiss between began with a sense of gentleness and sweetness. In each moment of their connection, Y/N felt her heart fluttering with the same intensity that she had experienced in their first kiss. It was as though the world around them came to a standstill and the rush of emotions overwhelmed her. No matter how many times they kissed, Y/N still savored the moment like it was brand new.
"I told you to stop reading the comments." Bada's words were somewhat overshadowed by the passionate kiss that they shared as she voiced her concerns for her girlfriend. Even though she could recognize the humor in the comments, she also felt the worry and stress that the negative feedback was causing Y/N. She was well aware of the struggles that Y/N endured for her career, and the threats to boycott Hybe until they fired ber didn't sit well with Bada.
"I find them funny though" Y/N replied, responding to Bada's earlier comment. In her relaxed state, she playfully pecked her lover's lips
"Bada, I promise you I'm ok. I don't care what they're saying. I love you, and just being near you is enough. I knew the consequences of my actions, and still, I did it without any regret."
Yn was now settled in Bada's lap, playing with the hem of her girlfriend's tshirt "Even if my company fires me, which I doubt because I pay their bills, I wouldn't care. I'd find a new company. What I matters to me is us being happy"
The words from her girlfriend sent chills down Bada's spine. The revelation that Y/N would sacrifice her dreams and ambitions for their relationship was sending her over the moon. In that moment, her thoughts were transported back four years to the start of their relationship. They were a young couple back then, still navigating the world of fame and uncertainty that came with it. Despite all their fears, they had found a connection and a place within each other that made them feel safe and secure. With Y/N's words reminding her, Bada reflected on how much they'd grown together and how far they'd come. It filled her with a sense of pride in their relationship and the trust they'd developed along the way.
Bada had grown accustomed to the rumors around her girlfriend and the various male idols she was constantly linked to, but she never cared. For her, she knew that Y/n loved her and that was enough. Her fans saw Bada nothing more than her friend and choreographer. Bada had become YN's personal choreographer, following her wherever she went. It was true that Bada created all the dances for her, even stepping in to be a backup dancer at times. They even mirrored each other as they wore matching outfits on stage and shared intimate moments during their vlives. But everyone else seemed oblivious to their romantic connection, thinking they were just close friends.
This year, however, something new happened. YN's fans were shipping both of them and the couple found it sweet and endearing It was like a whole new world had opened up for them - where they could be themselves and express their love without fear of judgment or criticism. And that was all they could ask for.
"Earth to Bada" The sound of her girlfriend's laughter was enough to break through Bada's thoughts, bringing her gaze towards her once again. It was hard to ignore the beauty and love of Y/N, as her kind essence and everything she did brought happiness to Bada. As she lifted her hand to tuck a piece ofyn's hair behind her ear, Bada's focus remained on her face as she spoke. "I love you so much,"
Y/N was quick to return her girlfriend's statement with an exclamation of her own. "I love you more, baby," she expressed, her face buried in Bada's neck as she was overcome with shyness. She could feel her lover's laughter and was amused by it, her heartbeat accelerating at the sound of the woman she loved laughing at her.
"I have an idea" Yn was swift to action, grabbing her phone
"Uh oh that's not good," Bada chimed, but only one glare from Y/N was enough for her not to continue talking
Bada watched Y/n bring the phone closer, recording them kissing. "Hoes Mad" played softly in the background, as Y/N mouthed along to the lyrics, kissing Bada on the lips again and grinning at the camera. Bada chuckled at her silliness,
"Annnd posted!"
Bada's grin disappeared at Y/N's words, her expression shifting to one of shock as she realized what she had done. "What-? You actually posted it?" She was genuinely surprised by Y/N's bold move, her voice tinged with concern and disbelief. Before she could question her further, a notification popped up on her phone, with a familiar username. She tapped on the link and was met with something unexpected from the video Y/N shared online.
Bada groaned "no what did you do, you will get so much in trouble"
"Oh calm down, it's not a big problem," YN replied with a dismissive wave. She grabbed Bada's phone and turned it off then doing the same to her phone who wouldn't stop blowing from the notifications. Y/N then casually tossed them on the sofa near them
"Now, let's enjoy our night," YN said with a smug smirk. Her hand reached over and slowly traced the outline of Bada's shirt until she found her way inside.
Bada's lips curved into a sly grin, she was lucky indeed
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lemonmaid · 1 year
Fast food jobs I think Dorm Leaders have worked.
I'm at work so I thought of this while making food, but send in request!
Riddle Rosehearts : Dairy Queen and Trey's family Bakery.
I feel like after his overbolt he wanted to explore and experience things he couldn't before. So he got a job to try things out.
"Riddle how was Dairy Queen?"
"It was alright for a first job, I hated making blizzards though".
"Yeah when Riddle came to work at the bakery, his muscle memory was the worst".
"How so?".
"Let's say when he was making milkshakes for customers he was flip them upside-down".
Leona Kingscholar : Waffle House
During his teenage angst years he was badmouthinh servants and food workers, so his mom has enough and decided to get him a job so he will understand how hard it is being a worker.
"You know that stigma around waffle house? The fights? Let's just say he ran a fight club!".
"Ruggie cut the shit, I didn't start them, but I did finish them".
Azul Ashengrotto : Family Restaurant
Since it is said his family owns their own restaurant, I can imagine him as a child coming from school and doing his homework in the corner of the restaurant and when he got older (old enough not to break child labor laws ) he worked as a host/server or dishwasher.
"How do you feel about tipping Azul?"
"Well my family pays our workers above minimum wage in the Atlantic, so tipping isn't necessarily but it is seen as a complement".
"PSST Yuu/Name, people tip there more because there's rumors that their family works with the mafia"
"Floyd, stop."
Kalim Al-Asim : Sonic
He saw an ad where the employees got to Rollerblade to cars to being food. He begged for weeks just to have a job. His family complied but he was only allowed to do it for a week with Jamil's help.
"Yeah! It was super fun!! But I wasn't allowed to rollarskate, they said 'we don't do that anymore'. So Jamil took me to Roller-Rink after work!"
"He would pout everytime we passed it on the way home...."
Vil Schoenheit : Starbucks
A video circled around of a blond Karen who looked kinda like Vil (maybe or maybe not it was him, PR teams worked hard) bitching about her Chai latte not being hot. So Vil decided to work at Starbucks for two weeks just to bring up his reputation and "be humbled".
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Kinda, it was a nice experience but so many people came in asking just for autographs to the point where the manager had to put a sign up saying if you bought 20 dollars worth of food or drinks they get a free autograph".
"So we're you the karen?"
"... listen we all have our bad days, but now I get free Starbucks for life. Now what do you want to drink?".
Idia Shroud : McDonald's
Remember when BTS meal was available at McDonald's and workers got shirts are started selling them for hundreds of dollars? I feel like Idia would do the same thing for like a game collaboration or a popular idol group. Literally only applies for the merch.
"Did you enjoy working there?"
"No. The social interaction was awful, people are so fucking rude. I'm sorry that I misheard you when you said you want a fucking mcnugget".
"Damn, salty much?"
"You know how many rude customers got spit in their food? Alot. That's why I will never eat there again" *shivers*
"Welp atleast you got this cool shirt".
Malleus Draconia : None.
I'm sorry but I can not see this man working a day in his life unless he was told to do the dishes as a punishment, but even then he didn't finish doing them because Lilia felt bad
"Child of Man, I don't understand why you have to leave to work".
"Some of us aren't from old money or have a whole ass castle decaded to their "hoard"".
"I don't like your attitude".
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pb-dot · 1 year
Some Thoughts on the Reddit Blackout
Like many new arrivals on Tumblr these days, I used to be a Redditor until recent developments encouraged me to take my business elsewhere, and I have been following the development of the story as thoroughly as I can without actually giving Reddit any more traffic. With the most recent development of the Reddit admin corps taking on a suite of strategies lifted straight from the depression-era railroad baron playbook, I figured the time has come to talk a little about the wider implications of this whole story.
The Tech sector is, to the best of my understanding, in a vulnerable place right now. After the Web 2.0 gold rush and years of consolidation and growth from the biggest actors, your Alphabets, Twitters, Metas, and so on, many of the larger sites and services are reaching the largest size they can expect to grow to. How, for instance, could Facebook or Twitter grow much more now that everyone and their mother is on Facebook and Twitter? Prior to the Musk buyout, Twitter seemingly settled on upping engagement, making sure people were on Twitter longer and invested more energy and emotion in the platform, usually by making damn sure the discourse zapping through that hellhole was as polarizing and hostile as possible. Meta, meanwhile, has been making bank on user data as advertisers, AI folks, and any number of other actors salivate over getting their hands on the self-updating contact and interest registry that is Facebook.
With the rise of what we apparently have decided to call AI, data is now more valuable than ever. I consider this to be yet another Tech Hype Bubble on the level of NFTs or Metaverses, but, like with the two above, I can imagine it's hard to explain that when you are a Tech CEO and your shareholders ask you "Hey, how do you plan on earning us money off of this AI/NFT/Metaverse thing?" This is not to say CEO Steve Huffman isn't handling this whole thing with the grace of a three-legged hippo, but merely to suggest that his less-than-laudable decisions and actions in this mess don't arise from his character alone but also is a result of wider systemic issues.
One of these issues is the complicated role user data plays in modern websites and -services. Since its inception as a publicly accessible space, the question of how to monetize the Internet has been a tricky one for site and service owners. Selling ad space on your website or service has long been the go-to, but this in itself presents its own issues, having to curate content that is considered ad-friendly, malicious or careless actors making using said service or website less attractive for customers, and finally how to convince your advertisers that they get what they pay for in the first place, ie. "how do I know people even look at our ads?" All of this is before you even stop to consider how ads massively favor large, established actors.
It's no small wonder, then, that several startups in the era of internet mass adoption chose to forgo ads, or at least massively deprioritize them and/or relaunch them as "promoted posts," in an attempt to escape the stigma around ads. Meta/Facebook is probably the biggest fish in this particular pond, but we also see other services such as Twitter and Reddit follow the same pattern.
What makes this work is that the data these platforms collect from their users isn't all that valuable on a person-to-person basis, knowing that so-and-so is 32 years old, lives in a traditionally conservative part of the city, goes to Starbucks a lot, and listens to Radiohead isn't particularly useful information for anyone but a dedicated but lazy stalker; When viewed as an aggregate, however, large collections of data on a large population becomes quite valuable. This is especially true if you're working with, say, targeted ads or political campaigns. Look no further than the Cambridge Analytica data scandal for an example.
Now, all this is to illustrate the strange position the user occupies in Web 2.0. We tend to think of ourselves as the customer of Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr, and so on, but it isn't the case. After all, we don't pay for these services, and if we do it's to buy freedom from ads or other minor service modifications. It is more correct to say that we make up the product itself. This is true in two respects, first, an active social community is vital for social media to not be entirely pointless, and second, we generate the data that the platform holder seeks to monetize. This hybrid product/participant role doesn't map cleanly to traditional understandings of "worker," but I argue it is a closer fit than "customer."
All of this is to say that it is immensely gratifying to see the Reddit Blackout taking the shape of a strike rather than the more typical boycott model we've seen in the internet-based protests of yesteryear. Much of this, I think, we can thank the participating Reddit moderators. While the regular platform user can be *argued* to be a worker, the moderator inarguably is one, and the fact that they aren't paid for their efforts is more a credit to the prosocial nature of humans than to the corporate acumen of the platform holders. Either way, moderating a subreddit is work, if the subreddit is large, it's quite a lot of work, and moderators keeping malicious actors, scammers, and hatemongers out of everyone's hair is a must for any decently sized social space to not be an objectively terrible experience. So, if you were to, for example, withhold your labor (moderating for free) which you as a worker can do, it would be plain irresponsible to leave the place open for said bad apples to ruin everyone's bunches, thus the shutdowns.
I don't think it's a controversial take to claim that the Reddit admins also view this more as a strike than a boycott, given their use of scabs, intimidation, and other strikebreaking tactics in an attempt to break the thing up. This is nothing new, and the fact that Reddit admins are willing to stoop to these scumbag tactics tells us that their bluster about the shutdown not affecting their bottom line is nothing more than shareholder-placating hot air.
As this entire screed has perhaps demonstrated, I believe the Reddit Blackout is important. My stay at Tumblr so far has been excellent and will probably continue past this strike no matter what outcome it has, but for others in my situation, or perhaps entirely alien to the Reddit biome, I ask you to consider: If we do not stop this level of consumer and user-unfriendly bullshit Reddit have been pulling on the API change, where will it pop up next? Who's to say the next bright idea in corpo-hell isn't "Hey boss, how about we charge these nerd losers a dollar per reblog? And maybe a fiver for a Golden Reblog (TM)?"
This is perhaps getting into grandstanding, but I believe we are way past due for a renegotiation of what it means to be a platform holder and -user on this hot mess of an internet. If we as users do not take an active, strong stance on the matter, the Steve Huffmans, Elon Musks, and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world will decide without us. One does not have to be a fortune teller to see that the digital world this would create would not have our best interests in mind any more than the current one does.
So, in closing, I wish to extend my wholehearted support to the participating Moderators of Reddit and everyone who has decided to take their business elsewhere for the duration of the shutdown. Even without getting into the nitty-gritty of the API situation, this is a fight worth having, and may we through it make a world that's just a little bit less shitty.
Become Ungovernable
Become Unprofitable
Stay that way.
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