#pirate könig
Okay so i was of course re reading your amazing Rocky start fic and had inspiration for some quick sketches and then i had an idea..
Pirate Konig with mermaid reader and i was like damn imagine him a fearsome pirate capturing a mermaid and then growing fond of them 😳
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Holy crap, you’re on fire with all these ideas 💕
I looooove pirate König! It fits so well with his mask as well cause it would be all part of his mystique for when he boards ships and takes their bounties 😎 he’d be a feared pirate king indeed, in league with the dreaded 141 lead by pirate captain Price.
I think that the mermaid reader would be able to transform and come onto land when they please, all with the help of a special necklace. One day they’d be going to a market on their favourite island, browsing all the wares and watching all the people with great interest. It’d be there, while they’re admiring the pretty shiny trinkets on the market stall that they’d catch the attention of König.
König would know the necklace from anywhere. He’d recognise the magic woven into it from his days as a little boy sitting on his grandma’s lap. She was a mermaid that had chosen to come to land and settle down with his grandfather, only occasionally returning to the ocean to play with her doting grandson.
He’d have eyes as wide as saucers, watching this beautiful mermaid walk around so fascinated with everything. At first he wouldn’t even have any bad intentions toward them. König would remain watching from a distance, occasionally lifting his bottle of rum to his lips and taking slow sips of the bitter liquid. He didn’t have anything better to do, why not entertain himself with this vision of a mermaid in front of him? He was incognito as well, no one would recognise him without his famous ‘tear’ streaked mask.
“Well hello there, pretty thing.”
His eyes would immediately narrow when he heard the call of a slimy little worm, a man not even worthy to look at his prize. He’d watch carefully as the man lurched toward them, heart pounding with every step.
Oh this wouldn’t do.
The man approached the mermaid, backing them into the shingles of an old rickety bar. They whimpered and quietly pleaded for the man to leave them alone, but he wasn’t deterred. If anything the man stepped forward faster and faster. He was going to hurt his treasure.
König curled his lip and advanced forward with long precise strides - he was only warmed from the rum he was drinking, emboldened by the spicy spirit.
Just as the man was going to touch what was his, König pulled his hood over his face and drew his gun. In mere seconds the man was screaming and the very hand he was previously reaching out with was lying in pieces on the bloody ground. The man’s body followed in short order.
The mermaid wouldn’t even have time to process what had happened before they were swept into König’s arms. He’d fasten one arm around their waist and another round their head, staring deeply into their scared and searching eyes.
“You’re a long way away from the ocean, liebe,” he’d croon, flicking at the crystal that hung from the silken golden chain. “Looks like i better escort you, hm?”
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honeypipin · 10 months
Pirate Captain König:
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(I said I would do it)
Disclaimer: THIS WILL HAVE SMUT LATER ON (gotta love that story building), mentions of r4pe but its just him saying he wont - his mum taught him right (mostly), casual kidnapping 👍
Pirate Captain König who couldn't have found himself in a better situation.
You stand infront of him, pretty, determined eyes that won't let him get into the village school, he knows you're terrified, and he can see the people inside watching with wide eyes.
"I won't let you in."
"I won't."
He laughs, he fucking laughs. The cloth of his mask bats back and forth with every laugh that comes out of him.
"Then you will have to give me something, no?"
"What do you want then, gold? Pearls? Sugar?"
"Hmm... no not today."
"What is it then?"
Your face contorts into one of horror. God no, please don't let this be the start of one of those horribles news reports you read the other day of girls getting kidnapped by pirates and having unspeakable things done to them. Anything but that.
"You seem to be the most precious thing here, so I want you."
"Absolutely not. I will not be raped by some disgustimg thing like you."
"Don't worry. You won't be raped."
Oh what?
He picks you up, almost like a bridal carry if your arms weren't being restricted.
"What- Let me go! LET ME GO!"
You thrash around in his arms, but trying to beat 6'10 of man and muscle is not something you can do.
"I'll make you beg me for it."
You were horrified, the fearful stares of your fellow villagers that you had managed to protect were etched into you mind.
König, on the other hand, was quite happy about his new wife.
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vasyandii · 1 year
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He's Krueger's headmaster bc pirates usually have two or more captains, and bc he doesn't trust his cousin with NOT making people walk the Plank.
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cod-dump · 2 years
Ghost, handing Soap a ring: Here, put this on
Soap: A ring?
Soap: *puts it on*
Ghost: Great we’re getting married in the spring
Ghost: *stands and leaves*
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koiiiji · 1 year
pirates!141 au!!! but they are not actually are pirates, but part of the royal guard or sailors, i honestly don't know much about it, while reader are actually the pirate and every time when captain Price and his team catch her, she always runs away, but both of their teams already have that type of relationship when you just compete who will catch faster, and who will escape faster, who will find this or that treasure faster
omg i need that fic!! if you liked that idea and wanna write something like that please tag meeee!!!
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xxxsaturnxx · 6 months
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alexgalaxyboo · 2 years
Rough König and Horangi designs for the pirate au? König is still in progress.
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Played hairdresser with Horangi a lil bit + a little smooch lol :)
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lorenzlund · 2 years
Warum Bildung immer so enorm wichtig auch ist und wie sich mit ihr die Welt verändern lässt!
Auch darüber werden wir gleich mehr erfahren mit sowohl der Hilfe sehr erfahrener Coaches und Ausbildern (Coaching Akademie Berlin, hier lässt sich der Beruf des Coaches erlernen) wie den Lehrern des United World Colleges, ebenfalls ansässig in Berlin!
Gerade auch das Ausbilden, Ausbildung oder Herausbilden (einer Einzelperson/oder von etw.) scheint dabei immer von ganz besonderer Wichtigkeit zu sein!
*Besser also nie zu oft selber vielleicht auch aus dem plötzlichen Rahmen fallen und dem früheren gemeinsamen Familienfoto von einem! Oder der Gruppe! Soviel schon einmal erneut vorweg!
“Die Systematische Ausbildung zum Coach richtet sich an Menschen, die andere bei Veränderungsprozessen in Zukunft vorhaben zu unterstützen u. zu begleiten”
*systematisches Ausbilden oder Herausbilden : his + stem (her-)ausbilden, das gerahmte Bild oder Erinnerungsfoto mit der Gruppe, ‘Gruppenbild mit oder von nun an auch ohne Dame’, auch dem letzten Klassentreffen als man sich eben erst wiedervereinte.
“Der Beruf des Bus’-in-Ass u. Personal Coaches!!
Unterricht findet statt in Berlin/Köln/München/Wien/Zürich.”
“Vorgesehen ist dieser Beruf für alle, die anderen schwert schätzend/*einschätzend und ohne eigenes Vor-urteil begegnen wollen”.
eine noch andere Bezeichnung für: das Vor-urteil (des oder eines Mannes) lautet oft auch: sein oder der Vor-hang. ‘Wenn der Vorhang fällt!’ Fair (zer-)teilen! der auch: Fair trade mit Hilfe sogen. in den Herkunftsländern hergestellten und nach Europa hineinverschiffter Naturprodukten (Fair handeln!), ‘Bio’. ‘Bioanbau’. ‘100prozentige Biowolle, Kaffee aus: ‘natürlicher Herstellung’.
die Natur oder Natürlichkeit; sehr wahrscheinliche Wortherkunft ist die Pa-tür auch hier wieder! Bezüglich der Herstellungsweise müssten wir dann mit den erneuten Inhalten von sogar  wieder auch einer Toilette rechnen oder dem Toilettenbecken (einer Herrentoilette), anteilsmäßigem! Inbesondere dem häufig als solcher von anderen bezeichnete ‘Alten Weißen Mann Europas’ drohte diese Gefahr dann erneut! (Wenngleich er auch nie nur allein davon betroffen ist, oder er ausschließlich nur!)
*der Ur-ahn od. Vorfahr (Als solcher gilt anderen ganz oft der Weiße Europas)
(*Heute morgen erscheint in den Zeitungen die Meldung: Berlin gibt anderen seine Panzer frei!! Dabei verzichtet es zur Gänze auf eigene womögliche Mitsprachrechte!
Und auch das passt wieder ins Bild!
Am Mauerdenkmal wird mir vom Verkäufer eines benachbarten Bistros eine Waffe(l) mitgegeben, sie könnte aus Belgien stammen. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit verursacht sie bei mir sehr deutliche Zahnschmerzen. Ähnliches erlebte ich mit schon auch dem Do-not aus Amerika!
BfS: Bi- if Ass; FBI : if a Bi- I (am); BND: der Bi- in der auch Bundesrepublik Deutschland, FSB (heutiges Russland), Mauer : die Sau er; The Wall : for Balls, engl. ball, Todessteifen, Rote Linie ziehen (Vorsicht bei Verletzung von roten Linien!), Maueropfer und Mauerschütze
Damit wächst die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihres Direkteinsatzes in einem gerade stattfindendem Krieg!
Man beginnt besser schon jetzt einmal dadurch mit den allerersten Maßnahmen für eine effektivere Luftverteidigung auch bei uns, baut diese in den nächsten Wochen sehr deutlich auch für Berlin aus!
Der erste größere Direkt-Angriff auf sogar das Stadtgebeit von Berlin über die Luft er wird wohl nun bald kommen, er wurde durch diese Entscheidung nahezu unausweichlich gemacht!!
Als ledigliche nur Randnotiz von mir mag ich das hier so aber dennoch heute nicht bezeichnen!
Zusatzbemerkung des Verf.: *Der Deutsche mit seinen heute noch auch ihm verbliebenen Restgebieten, wirklich größere oder sehr wesentliche besitzt er ja längst schon auch nicht mehr, das würde man dann sehr schnell mitkriegen, wiederholt würde er dabei über die Luft gleich mit verteidigt werden seitens auch der Truppen des Universums, er müsste mit Gegenschlägen rechnen, vielleicht sogar auch ein paar vorherigen!
Darum wird vor solchen Versuchen gewarnt!
(Ohnehin sollte niemand den ernsthaften Versuch der Weiterleitung solcher Panzer unternehmen, und auch nicht einer der direkten europäischen Nachbarn!
Vor allem nicht während eines vielleicht auch noch weiteren Aufenthaltes von mir in Berlin!
Jeder wird sehr schnell auch verstehen, warum, oder warum ich gerade davon besonders abrate:
Denn auch Berlin besitzt jede Menge Hochhäuser! Selbst bei den Hotels!!
Und die nahmen in der Vergangenheit auch schon Schriftsteller und Komponisten wie mich auf!
Oder auch mal genauso einen höheren Botschafter!
Als Direkt-Angestellten vielleicht des Universums!
Oder stattdessen für die Erde bestimmten Ermittler!)
Sie wollen Zukunft mitgestalten? Unterstützen sie unsere Vorhaben für Deutschland!
‘Nach meiner am UWC verbrachten Zeit will ich jetzt dabei mithelfen, ich will anderen zeigen, wie auch sie die Welt besser machen können!”
“Wir sind der Beweis dafür, dass ein friedliches Zusammenleben möglich ist zwischen Kulturen”.
“Für die wesentlichen Dinge im Leben einstehen und diese anschließend auch leben!”
(*“Und alle übrigen?? Denn diese Frage stellte sich doch sehr schnell!!”
“Selber dürften die dann natürlich so wie wir nicht einfach weiterleben!”)
“Gemeinsam verändern wir die Welt (mit europäischen Partnern, Familien, Eltern und deren Kindern!)”
“Mit so gänzlich verschiedenen Leuten für 2 Jahre auf sehr engem Raum zusammenwohnen und dabei zu lernen, lässt sich von nichts ersetzen!”
(eines dieser Ehepaare)
(für den systematischen Business- und Personalcoach)
Lösungsorientiertes Denken ... dass der Wechsel auch stattfindet.
Wertschätzung des anderen. (*Schwert + etw. einschätzen können)
Erlangung von Kompetenz, u.a. durch Aneignen von Fachwissen. (Com/mit eigener Potenz, genug Wissen über den Sack oder Säcke)
Eigene stimmige Identität.
Sicherheit im Coaching Po-fress. (*dem Prozess)
Was sie erwartet!
Große Vielfalt bei den Methoden!
Verhalten von Menschen nicht nur isoliert, sondern im Gegensatz dazu in Dynamik mit oder zur Umwelt betrachten.
Andere für die Stiftung begeistern ... wie Senioren!
Größere Spenden können auch mit ihrem persönlichen Namen versehen sein, zum Beispiel aus Anlass ihres runden Geburtstages!
Deutscher Stift! (*deutsche Stiftung & Bank für Sozialwirtschaft)
als Verwendungszweck ist einzutragen: Das Weh für den Uwe (mit) unterstützen! (*UWE-Weh/UW-C), WWF (britisch), ‘Tiere aufspüren’! Der Wildfund (statt Fond).
Lassen sie sich feiern, und investieren sie dabei gleichzeitig in Bildungschancen anderer!
“We love what we do!” (what it means is: While it might well be that you love foremost your wifes like additionally the children your couple might have together in the very meantime or your girl friends, we explicitly also love that!)
“L.O.V.E” (P-O-W-eh), Giving somebody Love! the (white) dove, white doves or loves. ‘Having found himself a love’.
Der Weiße soll Frieden geben endlich! Er soll zum Himmel aufsteigen! Weiße Tauben sind weltweit ein vielverwendetes Friedenssymbol.
‘Ideengeber für die Gründung der UWC-Bewegung war der Hahn Kurt’. *Originaler Text: Kurt Hahn, dt. Pädagoge, gelebt haben soll er angeblich von 1886-1974. ‘Der Jugend sollte mehr als nur reines Wissen vermittelt werden’. (*Es ist davon auszugehen, ein solches Wissen würde ohnehin dann erneut nur erzielt vornehmlich über andere!!)’.
“Konfrontiert mit dem Altenkrieg zwischen Ost und West entwarf er neue Konzepte. ... Als Richtschnur dienen Werte welche auch die Vereinten Nationen besitzen ... wie Nachhaltigkeit! Das umfasst sehr viele Aspekte! *der Suspekte oder Verdächtige, the ass, As-pekte. ... ‘auch wirtschaftliche und sozialer Art’! ...
‘Dass sie uns dabei unterstützen, ist der Schlüssel zum Er-folg!
Entweder durch ein ehrenamtliches Engagement, oder halt auch finanziell!
Denn ohne bildungsbegeisterte Menschen (*wie sie!) ist eine zukünftige Welt undenkbar!
“Ich möchte den Geist von UW-C anderen weiterreichen!”
Foodsharing, Edward mit den Scherenhänden, Carsharing, Fair teilen! Fair treat (Fair Trade oder Handel). handeln, gleichberechtigt behandeln, Gleichberechtigung. (auch: von Farbigen wie Weißen, selbst Frauen). Wärter or Wards für ‘Schäfte’! die sogar: Wirtschaft! Welt...
“Ziel ist: Bildung zur verbindenden Kraft zu machen”. (*’Schönen Tag und auf schnelles Wiederseh’n!!’
‘Your flowers are beautifull!’ ‘Ein Gendarm in New York’.)
“Wie kann ich mich einbringen, kann ich die Welt mit verändern und wer unterstützt mich dann??”
“Für junge Leute hat die Stiftung Kurse in Deutschland im Angebot, wir helfen mit Stipendien und Reisekostenzuschüssen, falls ihr euch das Reisen nicht leisten könnt!! Die Vielfalt an Teilnehmern ist so besonders gross!!”
“Fair teilen per Bildung. Die UWE-Kurse oder Kurse für UWE”.
Mit Unterstützung u.a. auch der BOSCH Firmen-Gruppe. *’Po schweig!’ ‘Ssscht, Ruhe!
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
König giving his card to reader to splurge with, not on designer bags or clothing, but their expensive ass gaming set up. And it has to be those cute ones too, which are somehow more expensive than just wanting to have a plain setup. Reader definitely wears those headphones with cat ears on them.
Konig would definitely have a discord kitten during COVID-19; you can't change my mind. Imagine this man, being stuck in some half-abandoned mission because covid ruined too many plans and rendered half of the enemy's squad useless while also taking at least a quarter of his soldiers...so, he is stuck at the base somewhere really fucking far away, with nothing to do besides hating on Kortac's higher-ups and liking the fact that him wearing a mask in public finally doesn't look weird. He is still bored out of his mind, however, and he still wants something to do. Anything. Oh, also, he is still a loser and a weeb in hiding, using highly protected internet at base to watch pirated anime and get into arguments with chronically online teens on Discord. This is how he met you, actually. Not a teen, thank god, but surely chronically online. You said he had the charm of an autistic creature. You said that him being a war criminal is kinda problematic but, then again, some of your friends were into self-shipping with characters from war games, so he is kinda forgiven. You're saying words that he doesn't understand, but he is willing to spend hours on Urban Dictionary just so he could fish you into sending him nudes. Konig is stuck at some god-forgotten military base, but he still sends you money - mostly because having your nudes tailored to him and his perverted interests is much more fun than jerking off at some random porn model and also because he likes to think that you depend on him. He makes you send him photos of everything - shiny new computer he bought from the last sniping bonus, those expensive as fuck cat ear headphones that shine adorably in the ring light of your room. Konig who makes you facetime him for a quick e-sex - although he never turns on his camera, he loves to see you fuck yourself on the sex toy he sends you(something definitely too big for you, but he likes to see how quickly you can overcome challenges). If you want that shiny new PC setup, you have to work for it - and unfortunately for you, he found it really easy to get your exact address because of all the purchases. Don't be alarmed when he finally shows up after deployment, okay?
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latenightdaydreams · 2 months
Mafia!König x Braless!Wife
I Win, pt2, pt3
Mafia!König x CEO!Reader, pt2, pt3
Mafia!König x Dancer!Reader
Mafia!König x Reader
Mafia!König x Thief!Reader
Knight!König x Princess!Reader
Werewolf König x Human!Reader
Ghostface!König x Nerd!Reader
König x Vamp!Reader
Alpha!König x Omega!Reader
König x Doll Sized!Reader, pt2
7 Minutes in Heaven
CollegeAU!König x Reader
Knight!König x Princess, pt2
Viking!Werewolf!König x Reader, pt2
König x Mermaid!Reader, pt2
Werewolf!König x FTM!Reader
ZombieApocalypes!König AU x Reader, pt2
Demon!König x Nun!Reader
Monster!König x Reader
Eldritch!König x Reader
Cowboy!König x Farmer!Reader
Pirate!König x Stowaway
Knight!König x Runaway
WereWolf!König x NewGirl, pt2
Blacksmith!König x Reader, pt2
PornStar!König x Virgin
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comfortless · 9 months
syl. *grabs you and shakes you* syl. i woke up in a cold sweat thinking of like… könig. already off to a great start ik. but space opera könig. (not like star wars or anything) but think like 70s aesthetics all bright and colorful. he’s a bandit in a stolen ship, formerly part of a military group making peace with other planets but something went awry and he’s just having fun now!
reader is part of a small research group that has landed on a planet he’s camped out on and he’s just like “ok” followed by “i want that”. steals all of her supplies and then her. doesn’t care how much she protests when he just hauls her over his shoulder, pats her butt bc he thinks THATS going to calm her down and throws her into his ship.
she’s happy he’s not some creepy alien but at the same time who really knows what’s under that hood anyway hmmmm and she wants to hate him but also all that’s playing in her head is that one rah band song. messages from the stars lmao please. there is something in the way you write that is so special to me and if you were to come up with a full blown story for my dumb idea i think i would scream for 20 hours straight.
lil wisp….. you have no idea what this has done to me. i am going to be thinking about this for an eternity. let’s cook.. i see your vision and i would love nothing more than this too!!
content/warnings: implied violence, abduction, dubcon groping?
König’s been on his own, drifting through the stars for so long. Only raiding the ships he comes across for food, supplies, and when he stumbles across a mechanic he puts them to work with a silly laser rifle pointed right at their head (because let’s face it— when you’re a wanted space pirate who in the universe is going to fix your ship for you??). He’s put all of human etiquette far behind him, and now his life is quite literally just one relentless adventure. He wouldn’t have it any other way!
That is, until his ship is fucked up again, displaying about thirty bright red warnings on its silly hologram screens that he just can not make sense of. The thing is old, has been shot at more times than even he can count, and it’s finally failing him if the loud sputtering and incessant orbital beeps are anything to go by. He considers his luck has run out when he lands the damned thing on some hunk of rock out on the outskirts of a galaxy most don’t even bother with, because there’s nothing out here.
Thankfully, his frustration is short-lived because a smaller ship lands only a few days later; painted in the bright, pearlescent blues and pinks of your standard peace-keeping, research vessel. It’s the perfect craft to steal and it wouldn’t even be difficult… the three humans that exit are so much smaller than him and entirely unguarded. They’re just here to study a few minerals, maybe haul some back to their little camp a few worlds over for fuel and research. He won’t even get into too much trouble for it, he thinks, because even his trashed ship could take them back home. See!! He isn’t all that bad…
At least, until he notices her, bent over admiring some silly, little cluster of crystals in her skin-tight jumpsuit that makes him see stars. The heavy boots that rise up to her knees making her look like little more than a fauness, and she’s so pretty he just can’t help but get a closer look while her teammates are off chittering away and exploring the nothing planet.
She isn’t even afraid of him when he approaches. Just straightens up with her hands clasped in front of her and a smile on her face. She hasn’t seen the holograms of him, displaying a sizable bounty for his veiled head, doesn’t take a wary note of the massive rifle he has slung over his shoulder; she just sees another person. He hasn’t been looked at like that since long before he left home!!
This sweet woman has no sense of self-preservation either, because she immediately asks him if he needs food or water; gestures over to her brightly colored ship with that pretty smile ever-present on her face, and that’s all it takes for him to decide that not only is he taking the craft, he’s taking her too.
He doesn’t say a word when he lifts her up over his shoulder, and the poor thing must be shocked because it takes her a moment before she starts squirming in his grip. König does well to remove the little radio strapped to her hip, giving her ass a firm squeeze in the process before tossing it in the dust behind him. That’s all it takes to shut his little prinzessin up before he hauls her back into her ship and demands she turn off any tracking systems. Her knees are a bit weak when she fumbles with the control panels, and he’s unashamed of his own erection when he slides in behind her to lean over the console as the ship starts up.
She whines about leaving her friends stranded, of course, but he’s in a world of his own when he grabs her by the hips and seats her in his lap while she pilots. Never mind the others, he’ll take good care of her, honest!!
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variety-fangirl · 1 month
Multi-faves (ongoing):
A wonderful masterlist for both myself and others (yourself) to explore. Will be continuously updating.
There will be a mix of smut, angst and fluff. I've only just started so bare with!
Also my fave 18+ links 😏. NO MINORS.
The fandoms-
Poly TF141-
Mafia!TF141*F!Reader by @i-am-hungry-24-7
Cherry Bomb (tattoo parlour au) by @swordsandholly
On The Run by @angel-eyes-and-devil-hearts
Soap and Ghost spying on you by @simonbrain
Simon Riley-
Dog Tags by @starstruckmiraclekitty
Riding Simon by @sunsetsimon
Being Protective by @dante-mightdie
Mechanic Simon by @ebodebo
Needy Sleepy Simon by @deunmiu-dessie
Car Sex by @oceantornadoo
Staring at You by @y-ckysstuff
Work Wife by @stargirlrchive
Nightmare in the Daylight by @ghostedbunnie
Mail order Bride by @bi-writes
John Price-
Filling you up good by @dumbbitchgalore
Possessive Over Assistant Reader by @evermoreal
Johnny Mctavish-
Appreciation after you gave birth to his baby by @dumbbitchgalore
Lavender & Whiskey by @staytrueblue
Try Me by @forsworned
Fade Into You by @frudoo
Size Difference by @amaranthinespirit
COD 18+ Links:
Captain John Price by @riddlesweater
Multi by @bigguyenthusiast
Multi and Multi by @mrsparrasblog
Simon Undressing 🥵 by @tassodelmiele
Shirtless Price 🤤 by @tassodelmiele
Price tied up 🥵 by @tassodelmiele
Pirate!Gojo x reader by @nezuscribe
His Moans by @urinejaeger
Virgin by @screampied
Tight Fit by @m-ayo-o
Not Saying I Love You Before Sleeping by @kbwrites
Riding Him by @lxnarphase
You Noticed Me by @lokissweater
Multiple men-
Hot to Go by @tonycries
I-T-G-I-R-L by @tonycries
Sweetest (cream)pie by @screampied
18+ Links:
Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara cuddling by @tikklil
Moon Knight:
Stranger Things:
ST 18+ Links:
Enjoy lovelies!
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honeypipin · 10 months
Pirate Captain König: Pt. 2
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Disclaimer: some vulgar words, and König just loves touching you, don't you love being his new fidget toy?!
After being paraded onto his ship by König and his men, being tied to his bed and then left to your own devices, this was certainly not the worst outcome, but still. Almost getting martyred was not going great.
It's not even a comfortable bed, just enough to keep you warm and let you sleep for the night, and the pillow is way too tough. You miss your goose feather pillows.
Your peace and quiet is soon disturbed, as a booming laughter enters the room, a certain captain.
You glare at him.
"What's with the sour look, Schatzi? Did you miss me?"
Your glare morphs into a scowl, however this only seems to amuse the captain further. He sits down next to you, and pats his lap.
You try to resist him, but when he pulls you into his lap, there isn't much you can do but cling to him.
"Isn't that better?"
"I prefer the bed."
"Then you'll love getting fucked on it."
"Do you have to say those things!?"
You don't really know what to say to that, so you just look away and allow him to fidget with your hair.
"...could you please untie me?"
"..." He pauses, and thinks about it.
"Um, hello?"
"When you behave."
He ignores you??? Dickhead. Carries on playing with your hair, until he starts to move his hands towards your hips, he thumbs your sides.
He still says nothing. Well, someone has to break the silence.
"What's with the mask?"
"...long story"
"Well you did kidnap me, so I would have no choice but to listen."
He won't look you in the eyes, instead just massaging your hips. Now, you'd be lying if you said it wasn't relaxing, but also, how is he saying he's going to fuck you on his bed, but now won't look you in the eye? Are you having a laugh?!
You sighed and looked at him, christ, the days at sea were not good for his sleep, were they?
"Alright, I get it, sensitive subject."
He finally looks you in the eyes, sort of apprehensively, is he... nervous? Maybe he's uncomfortable, good, he deserves it.
But... his eyes!!! Why are they so cute? Why is he giving you puppy eyes right now? Why are they so hurt? Why do you just want to squish his face? Is this what the girls in your village meant by loving pathetic men? You understood it now, that's for sure.
"So um... you're pirate."
"Good for you."
This is just awkward. Don't really know what you expected, but why is your kidnapper/pirate captain so awkward? He just keeps... touching you? Its like he's in a trance.
He just stares at you, eyes wide in facination, has it been that long since he's held someone close?
"Captain König... are you alright?"
Since when did he have a gun in his pockets?
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
141 Task Force & Hitman!reader
Okay, so I got two asks about more hitman!reader and two cool ideas, so I will kind of mix them up. Also, this before knowing who (Y/N) is. Also, this will have reference to the hitman games and author has watched it a while ago. Any inaccuracies are on me.
Summary: The team learns about ICA and about (Y/N). Let the hunt begin.
Warnings: violence, weapons, probably military inaccuracies, blood,
Anonymous   asked: So I want to bring a idea that I have for 141 and hitman. I want too write down just that I don't forget it. I would think because 141 has seen violence and death. That they're familiar with hitman and maybe encountered them while they work. Also Laswell must have some information about them or knows the organization behind them. So I would think they can recognize which hitman has done the job. It could also be before all off the missions they worked on these hitman cases. So many ideas maybe in the future I have more ideas. So all ways don't forget to drink and rest. 👋 Anonymous   asked: I must say I love so much the hitman x taskforce 141 fic and I hope there comes more to the story maybe also with könig and my brain thinks you have these senses like in the hitman games were you can see enemies or opportunities to kill someone there are so many possibilities my brain thinks of right now. Maybe becoming closer to 141 and so on. I am sorry to ramble all my ideas to you. I think there should be more 141 x hitman fics it seems like the fandoms would work quit beautifully together. Sorry for all the text but seeing like that the 141 is afraid of the reader. Is something new and refreshing. I hope I can read in the future more of this kind. Sorry if my english is not perfect I am still learning it. Thank You and I hope you have a nice day.
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Everyone on the 141 Task Force agreed that catching Hassan was hell. The mission was tiring, exhausting and the betrayal from Graves and Shepard really sealed it in for the team. It wasn't easy to recover from it.
All of them took some time off because of this mission. They just needed a few weeks off. It's not easy to weed out international terrorists and deal with a betrayal from your allies. But of course, a new mission came in and their time off came short.
They were called in and if it came during their leave, then it must mean that the mission they got was obviously a very important one. But that doesn't mean that they were happy with the predicament. They deserved their time off.
" Captain, what is this mission even? We were supposed to have our time off. " Soap said, disgruntled at the fact that the had to leave his apartment.
" I don't know sergeant, but it must be important if Laswell called us during our time off. " Price said, also disgruntled at the fact that his leave was cut short.
" Everything is important when it comes our team. " Gaz said, clearly annoyed due to his short leave time.
Ghost didn't really say anything, he just walked behind everyone. He didn't really feel different about his leave cut short. Shit happens and terrorist and criminals don't rest. Evil doesn't rest.
" Ghost, are you really okay with this? They took our time off and cut it short. " Soap complained to Ghost.
" It must be very important for them to do that. " Ghost said entering the conference room. Soap didn't say anything after entering, but he was clearly annoyed at the fact that they had to come here.
They sat down, waiting for Laswell to come. She came in, an apologetic look on her face.
" I know, I know, but trust me, this is more important. " Laswell started, pulling up a photo on the big screen. It was a triangle with the iconic pirate skull and bones and on the top of the skull, there was a crown that awfully resembled the Royal crown. Beneath the skull was a phrase in Latin, Merces Letifer.
" This organization is used for hiring assassins and mercenaries. " Laswell started. " It's a neutral organization that works with a lot of governments and organization's. Despite offering the assassinations, they don't accept orders from the enemies of the allies. " Laswell said, pulling up a photo from the guy.
" This is (Y/N). He is one of their best agents and apparently he went rouge. Also, he is killing off some of our targets. " Laswell said, putting the tablet down.
" Is that why he is our problem? " Soap asked, but Price remembered something.
" Wait a second. I think we already had a case with one of the hitman. Remember? In Spain? " Price prompted everyone to remember.
" Yeah, I remember. " Soap started, snapping his fingers. " It was... Uhm... It was in Africa. I remember. A target was killed swiftly and quickly. But we all saw that it was a very particular way that he was killed. " Soap said and Ghost nodded.
" It was done with a single stab. Just... Perfectly done. " Ghost said, looking at (Y/N)'s photo.
" But it wasn't (Y/N). That was the other hitman. The one that thankfully didn't go rouge. However, (Y/N) is one of their best agents." Laswell explained to the team.
" Do we know why he went rouge? " Gaz asked, tilting his head.
" No. They didn't tell us. " Laswell said. " As if they would. " She added the last part quietly, making the other men in the room chuckle.
" You will be joined by König, I know you have worked with him before. " Laswell said, looking at the screen.
Price was pleased with that piece of information. König is an absolute unit of a man and if there was a chance of going up against (Y/N), they are going to need every single backup they could get.
(Y/N) was one of the the most deadliest, if not the deadliest agent the world.
" So I assume we have a location? " Ghost asked, eyes moving to look at Laswell.
" We do. It's here nearby, actually. Soap will be excited. " Laswell said and Soap smiled widely.
" Scotland forever. " Soap said, pumping his fist in the air.
Ghost shook his head quietly, trying not to smile.
" We have a location somewhere in the middle of no where. Satelite footage shows a small cabin and we have conformation that (Y/N) is in there. König is going to meet you at the base in Scotland. " Laswell said and Price stood up.
" Alright everyone, lets suit up. " Price said and the others stood up too.
Soap was bouncing in his seat in the plane. Ghost looked at him with a neutral look, but he was softened by this Scot. He really was. They stood up when the plane landed. All of them geared up, stepping out when the doors lowered down.
Soap was happy to be back, but the others weren't really happy as Soap was.
" Captain Price. " A voice said from the front and there was the giant named Konig. His voice was deep with a prominent German accent. Price shook his hand with the giant and the others nodded at Konig in return.
" Laswell briefed you? " Price asked as the five of them moved to the cars.
" Yes. I know that (Y/N) is dangerous and could kill us with everyday objects. I also know that he went rouge from his agency. " König explained to Price.
" Alright. It's just the five of us so we need to be careful. " Price said before getting in. Price, Konig got into one and Soap, Gaz and Ghost in the other. They didn't have any additional backup due to the secrecy of this mission.
After 2 hours of driving, they parked a little further from the cabin. They moved in silence and Price has ordered radio silence. They need to do this quietly.
They need to catch (Y/N) off guard.
But that's easier said than done. (Y/N) was trained as a mercenary, a really good one. No, not the good one, but the best one. And if this was going to succeed, then they need to do this quickly and carefully.
One way or another.
Price broke in first, rifle ready to shoot him. This mission was capture or kill.
They moved quitely through a bigger cabin then they thought. They were on high alert, moving quietly. Lets fucking go.
They separated and moved through out the cabin. Price stepped into the kitchen, grunting in pain as something hit him in the face. He saw (Y/N) in a blur as he was thrown across the room.
Ghost tried to help, but (Y/N) jumped on the counter, using it a jumping boost before he managed to bring Ghost down. Ghost grunted as he was slammed down. (Y/N) slid in between König's legs before jumping up using the wall and climbing up on König's shoulders and using his body to bring him down.
Konig didn't expect it and let out a grunt of pain as (Y/N) managed to slam him into the ground. He lunged at Soap and Gaz, bringing them both down.
Both Soap and Gaz didn't expect it, even though they saw it coming. (Y/N) ran out, getting into one of the vehicles. He drove off, chuckling.
He never intended to kill any of them. They weren't his targets in any way shape or form. He didn't have any intention to kill anyone who didn't deserve it. Not anymore. He killed those who did and didn't deserved it.
But now he was going to change. After being under someone else's control for a long time, he wanted some freedom. And he liked 141 TF. There was something about their tenacity and spirit that (Y/N) liked.
He knew that he is going to see them again. The search has started and so has the game of nerves.
Let the fun begin. ,
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Howdy, going through a phase with COD men (König my 6'10 BBG) and they would make such good Yandere husbands, would it be okay to request a Yandere military man who's completely delusional about a hostage he rescued? knife play and being stepped on with a tactical boot would be a bonus <3
btw the way you write dark content scratches such a specific itch and makes me want to wail, the yandere pirate story was *chef Kissssssss*
Honestly, the only thing I know about COD is that I kick ass at zombies lol so this is definitely just an oc
Yandere!Military Man x Hostage!Reader
CW: non-con, mention of death, assault, delusional ideation, dehumanizing language, dead dove
"Esteemed journalist (Reader L/N) has gone missing while covering the.."
The radio was drowned out by the vehicle hitting a rock, earning an aggravated groan from one of the men. Angrily, he slammed his fist on the dash board, as though he could intimidate the radio into working better. A couple of his brothers chuckled while the rookie squirmed nervously in his seat.
"Fucking, shit ass-" Adrian "Clank" Muigg muttered, quietly releasing a stream of curses in a very thick accent towards the machine.
(Most nicknames in the military were neither cool, nor had a badass backstory, most had fairly humorous or demeaning origins; Muigg, fresh out of boot camp, murdered an innocent television set in an attempt to fix it, which changed his name from "Big Bastard" to "Clank".)
The youngest man there prayed he wasn't visibly sweating. "Is everything alright, sir?"
Boston, the bushy browed man at the wheel, laughed with his entire chest. "That radio lady's talking 'bout the love of Clank's life!"
Clank felt the back of his neck heat up, and had to redirect his anger into tapping his foot to prevent himself from whacking Boston.
"I didn't know you had a partner?"
"He don't! HA! It's a one-sided, puppy love!" Boston joyfully mocked his best mate. "He's got that reporter-person's picture 'bove his bed, and has every article they've ever written. It's very sweet!"
Bright blue eyes warned Boston of the danger he was playing with, but Boston payed him no mind, causing more anxiety in the new recruit.
It was true, however, that Clank had a star struck crush on the journalist. They were brave in a way Clank hadn't seen before, the kind of bravery that made an unarmed civilian put their life in danger to expose the world to the horrors of war. This wasn't the first warzone (Reader) had willingly gone into, but it was the first time their mission overlapped with Clank's.
They were covering the battle Clank was involved in.
And it enraged him.
While their bravery is what initially drew him to them and their work, the longer he followed (Reader) the harder it got for him to read about the danger they got into. Weren't they fearful for their own life?? Why didn't they care for themselves as much as he cared for them??
The nearly six foot eight man had fantasized many times about what he would say and do if he got the opportunity to meet (Reader). He had an entire monologue prepared that exemplified his adoration for their work without ousting himself as a borderline obsessive fanboy.
However, that entire speech was forgotten when Clank burst into the room three hostages were being held in after killing the hostiles within the building, and found himself face to face with (Reader) in the flesh.
They stood defiantly, arms outstretched to protect the two other reporters behind them, not even wearing a bullet proof vest, ready to sacrifice themselves to save their coworkers.
Clank lowered his weapon, numbed by the sudden influx of confusing, and conflicting, emotions.
He was hurt, because he finally got to meet (Reader), and they were prepared for him to kill them.
He was enamored, because even with dirt clogging their pores, hair matted with sweat and drying blood, skin bruising and swollen, they were still the single most radiant being he had ever laid eyes upon.
And he was angry. Why wasn't (Reader) cowering like a good little civilian? Didn't they know that they could die? Why didn't they care about their life?
"I'm here to rescue you." Clank's voice was robotic, and unattached. It didn't feel like he was the one saying it, as the three frightened adults relaxed, scrambling over to his side. "Follow me."
He watched his object of affection as they obliviously helped lead the other two hostages down the stairs to the military vehicle. Their right eye was nearly swollen shut, but they were supporting a grown ass man with a slight limp. Clank imagined blowing the man's brains out.
As they made it down to where the group could see Clank's team, (Reader) released their friend and attempted to go back up the stairs. Still experiencing his out of body conundrum, Clank grabbed their arm forcefully, hard enough to earn a yelp from his favorite celebrity.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He seethed, hissing the question between his clenched teeth to prevent himself from screaming it. The other two greedily ran outside to Boston's embrace, leaving them alone in the building.
"My footage, they kept it upstairs." Professional as always, the diligent champion of justice kept calm despite the feeling as though their arm would snap in Clank's fist.
"That is not important!"
"You don't know what I saw! It is, and I need the evidence, the proof, of what I saw!"
"Clank, where are you?" Boston's voice on Clank's radio distracted him enough for (Reader) to snake out of his grasp, bolting back up into the building.
"Shit-!" He pulled out his walkie as he ran up behind the surprisingly quick journalist. "Everything's good, I'll be down in a few minutes, start taking the others back."
"Uh, no? Excuse me-"
"That's an order."
"I said; that's an order."
The violently pissed off man holstered his radio as he charged up the stairs three steps at a time.
His precious (Reader) had taken it too far this time.
Even if they didn't care about their own life, he cared. He loved them, adored them, worshipped them, so how fucking dare they continuously put their life in danger like this?
If they were to be wed one day, their life would be his. And that was downright disrespectful.
(Reader) could be heard rifling through cabinets and cupboards through the door of the first room on the floor above the one they were held prisoner on. Clank attempted to cool his rage before entering, wishing to not scare his future spouse again.
Glancing up only briefly, the adult of smaller stature offered a meak smile before going back to searching. "I'm sorry for that.. I don't mean to make your job difficult, but this is really important. We almost died for this footage; hell, LeDoux had his knee cracked open by one of those- his knee must be killing him."
-almost died-
-almost died-
Their words repeating in Clank's eardrums played over the exclamation of (Reader) finding their equipment. (Reader) almost died, for what? Nothing was more important than their life.
"I'm sorry?" Bloodshot eyes stared wide with confusion from under pursed eyebrows.
Without realizing it, Clank had spoken his thoughts out loud. But, perhaps this was for the best. They would have to learn the truth sooner or later. "Nothing is worth your life." He doubled down as he slowly approached (Reader).
It took a lot more energy forcing himself to smile than he wanted. Clank had never been so stressed or angry or conflicted in his entire life.
"That isn't for you to say." Sharp words responded with a huff, thrusting the camera into a duffel bag.
Clank released a humorless laugh. "You are like a small dog, aren't you, my dear?" His muscles were tensing under his uniform, and although (Reader) couldn't see it, they could feel the dangerous shift in his mannerisms. "You do not know of the danger you are in, so you bark loudly."
Although a pit of fear weighed down their stomach, the much weaker of the two hid it well, scoffing, and moving to stroll past Clank, praying that he was bluffing.
A harsh slap to their cheek confirmed that he was being serious, sending the already injured (Reader) to the floor.
Before they could scramble to their feet, a heavy, steel toed boot was placed firmly on their chest, pressing the air out of their lungs.
(Reader) could feel the blood rush to their head as they struggled to breath.
Clawing at Clank's shin and calf didn't move him.
"It is not your fault, that you are such a little dog. But, like all little dogs, you must be trained. Yes?"
Not a single word could be uttered. Black spots bounced around (Reader's) vision.
Clank eased up on the pressure just enough for oxygen to fill his love's deprived lungs. Between coughs and sputters, (Reader) only got out "Stop-" before his heel was digging into their sternum again.
"Tsk tsk tsk.. Now, I don't want to do this, but I have to. For us. So you must obey me, little puppy. Now, what do dogs say?"
(Reader) glared up at him in pain and hatred, sneering as angry tears welled up in their puffy eyes.
"Woof.." The pitiful bark was spat out.
"Ah ah ah." He wagged a finger at them in a chastising fashion. "Be nice, little puppy." His weight increased warningly, squeezing out a pained cry.
".. Woof."
Seeing the person Clank had loved for the past four years under his boot, writhing, flushed in the face, glistening eyes staring up at him and only him.. Clank could feel himself stiffening, and it disturbed him. Why did seeing his beloved cry in pain give him a hard on?
No, it is not because they are crying in pain.
Clank smiled, warping the situation to rationalize his hard cock pressing against his zipper. It was that they were being obedient for him.
Another cry rang out, louder this time, as Clank accidentally put too much weight on (Reader's) ribcage, lost in thought while admiring their pathetic face.
He got off, kneeling down so (Reader) wouldn't think about trying to get up. They got the message, and continued lying, grasping their chest and breathing raggedly.
"Good dog." Clank ran a hand through their hair. "You will listen to what I say, won't you?"
"Ye- ...woof." Their words quivered in shame.
"Good. Now, get on your knees."
(Reader) bit their tongue with how quickly their mouth clamped shut. It was humiliating, but their chest hurt so badly.. They rolled over, propping themselves up onto their hands and knees.
Their resolve to do as Clank said to avoid more pain was immediately forgotten when they felt his large hands tug at their pants.
"What are you doing?" They yelled in fright, whipping their head back to look at him before having their skull smashed into the floor, holding them down.
"Training, remember? For someone known for their intelligence, you sure are a moron. Bark, bitch."
Tears mixed in with snot, as (Reader) snarled "Fuck you!"
Clank removed his hand from their soft hair to firmly grasp their hips with both of his hands, pulling (Reader) onto his dick. "Incorrect."
"No!" (Reader) screamed, feeling Clank's bare member as it entered them painfully all in one thrust without lubrication. As they cried out, a slap to their ass rang out through the nearly empty room.
"What do dogs say?"
"Fuck you!" Another painful slap left a welt that would certainly bruise.
"You want to act like a bitch, putting your life in danger as though it doesn't matter, you're going to be treated like a bitch!" Clank raised his voice, terrifying his victim. "Now, what do dogs say?"
"Woof! Woof! Bark!" They barked between viciously sobbing, heaving as he ravaged them from behind, fucking them so hard that their entire body rocked forward dangerously. The only reason why they hadn't fallen face first into the cement flooring was Clank's right hand digging painfully into their pelvis.
Whereas for (Reader) this was a nightmare, joy was already melting away Clank's anger.
"See, this will be better, for both of us. When we get back, you'll quit your job, and I can finally take care of you."
His thrusting became more passionate, and (Reader) could feel his precum as he began to slide in and out more easily. "I've dreamt of this for so long, and now I will finally be yours: whether as your husband or as your owner."
That triggered (Reader's) fight or fight response, realizing what Clank was implying. They attempted to throw themselves forward, to scramble away while he was still inside of them.
A strong arm caught (Reader) easily. Their spine was bent backwards, holding the attempted escapee in a head lock with a knife pressed to their throat as Clank continued stretching out their hole.
Despite their desperate pleas, their new fiance held (Reader) still on his cock as he released inside of them, going drunk on the way their walls felt clenching him as they milked him dry.
Eyes hazy with lust, he kissed their jaw, still keeping the knife held firmly against their neck just in case.
"Good dog."
A/N: I'm sorry it took so long! Thank you so much for your patience, I hope you like it ❤️
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
Sorry just… just having insane!König thoughts. Imagine u want a dog. Oh, that one? That dog over there, one like that right? Okay! (Breaks into owners house and steals the dog) “for you :D” and ur like omg !!!! Wtf 😭
Someone disrespects u (disrespecting König’s girl is literally just looking at her for more than 3 seconds), he has their head on a platter.
So many red flags!! But he loves u, in his own fucked up way. Do him any wrong and he’ll lock u in his home forever tho😔
Yes this is yandere König, our most beloved toxic King ❤️ (Aw I've missed him ❤️❤️❤️)
He would love to steal get you a pet because that way, you won’t whine too much about wanting to see more of your friends and family. Dog is a good option because you can’t leave this animal without care for too long, it will provide you with distraction when he’s away, and you won’t get too lonely or bored (not to talk of getting out of the house and risk seeing “Have you seen this dog?” posters all around the town)
No, you’re too preoccupied to venture out, especially when it’s a nice, plump puppy he got you! It’s almost like you’re practicing to be a mom...
You look so sweet when playing with the dog, sending König pics and videos of you with the pup, teaching it to do tricks and stuff. It licks your face, and you squeeze your eyes shut and giggle from joy, and König doesn’t even get jealous. At least, not too much... Surprisingly, he’s very pleased with his decision to get a pet for you. Yes, he has the ability to make you very happy... Clearly, you couldn’t get a better man: he takes care of all of your needs!
And everything’s nice and peaceful until you go out with him. König gets annoyed easily, if someone pays attention to you at the store for example, it’s always a hassle because he has to constantly scare away potential harassers and perverts, filthy men checking out your breasts and ass, eyes lingering a bit too long on your pretty face. Smashes his hand against a wall or goes to stand menacingly not three inches away from these poor guys who had the audacity to take a short glance at you.
It's not a good idea to doll up and go to a restaurant with him, there would be a WW3 before you got to the main course… And heaven forbid if he catches you smiling at a man! (meaning, being polite to the cashier/waiter) König won’t kill anyone while you're watching, he would never upset you with mindless violence, but tires will be slashed and throats might get cut before the evening is done…
And he would never, ever hurt you. It’s just that König always jokes about kidnapping you, ever since you started dating him. And this time, when he's about to leave for work, you find that your key has gone missing… You already moved in with him, a bit too quickly, your friends warned, so now you’re stuck in a big gloomy house with a dog and a big pile of dirty laundry.
Yes, it’s too bad that you can’t leave the place now when he’s away and there's no extra key, but don’t worry, he got you plenty of groceries! And there's a silly puppy keeping you company, isn’t it nice? He has a big home theater and terabytes of pirated movies and shows to choose from, what more could you ask for? He’ll call you every chance he gets ❤️ Don’t forget to send pictures ❤️
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