#please wear less v necks
for the ask meme, ryoken 3 and 16, and shark, 2 and 10!
Sonny wanting the Ryoken details ofc (me too)
3. A song that reminds me of them
If I had any confidence in it, I’d drop the Ryoken playlist right from my Spotify lmao
So some songs from it and why below!
Man or a Monster by Sam Tinnesz (feat. Zayde Wolf)
Well I think the title speaks for itself fjdhdhd
But some lyrics like
“You can’t take back the damage you’ve done, Oh, you can hide, but you can’t run”
“It’s so hard to tell which side you’re on, One day is hell and the next day is the Dawn”
Just really fit the vibe for him
I Was Just A Kid by Nothing But Thieves
“And the story ends, But life goes on so,
Like those before, And those to follow,
Just when you thought, You knew it all,
You'll find another, And then it happens,
‘Cause you gave me something, Something to believe in, Yeah you gave me something (something), Something to believe in
'Cause I was just a kid”
sweats nervously
Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
OK HERE ME OUT- Ryoken is secretly a Swiftie
“Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism, like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time)” //
“I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror, it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero”
I will NOT move from this stand
16. A childhood headcanon
Ok but… imagining baby Ryoken being a big retro dueling fan, having posters, merch, collecting physical cards even though they’re slowly going out of style …….
Like why else would he use so many DM and old fashioned staple traps like Mirror Force, Cylinders, IO, etc, if he didn’t grow up watching at least a little bit of dueling, Ryoken Kogami being a Yugi Stan lives in my head rent free
It gets,,, a bit sadder tho realizing dueling could have been another thing his Father manipulated his love for…-
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Legit at his introduction even though he was just a complete douche for no established reason fjdhdhshhs
Like I LOVE sharks the animals, plushies galore in this apartment, shirts, wall hangers, bottle openers, I own every Sharknado on DVD
So my brain was like of course the guy whose personality is just 🦈 will be a top 3 from this show easily
If I HAD to pick a moment where I could remember thinking this guy is actually just incredible though, I think it’ll be episode 22 when he duels Kaito proooobably? The whole episode shows off like all of him in just that span of time, it’s nice idk, I love their duel for a lot of reasons
10. Describe the character in one sentence
“Oh my god please just make up your mind for ONCE.” 💀💀
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verysium · 10 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Felix Catton*Good Boy
Pairing: felix catton x afab!reader
Word count: 1911
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Warnings: sub felix, dom reader, friends with benefits, felix being embarrassed, m! masturbation, praise kink, f! receiving oral, face riding, hickeys, begging, teasing, p in v sex, mentions of the pill, cuddly aftercare smut 18+
Masterlist Here
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Felix only found this new side of himself by accident. While on a night out where he was tipsy, and you were quickly on your way to drunk you’d jokingly called him good boy when he came up to the bar to help you carry the round over. he tried to hide the blush tinting his cheeks as you walked back to the table, but no one cared when they saw all the shots.
However, he couldn’t get the words out of his head. He’d never even thought about being submissive in bed. Hell, he didn’t know if it was even possible considering how tall you were. You’d hooked up a couple times before and if he wanted to, he could easily toss you across the room with one arm behind his back so how could you pin him down and take charge and why did he find the idea so fucking hot.
Later that night Felix found himself jacking off to the memory of what you called him while imagining everything else he wished you’d said and done to him. the next day he was filled with a weird sense of embarrassment whenever he saw you, but he tried to push it out his mind.
When the next weekend rolled around, he was right back where he started, sitting beside you in a pub getting drunk. Except this weekend he didn’t go home alone. He was sat on his bed, hands in your hair as you straddled his lap. Your fingernails gently raked along his scalp making him moan into the kiss however when you began to grind down onto him a strangled whine left his mouth.
He felt his face flush as you smirked into the kiss. Your hands crept down onto his shoulders, pushing him down to lay on his back. Felix shuddered as you began to lay a trail of kisses along his jaw and down onto his neck.
His hands moved to your hips, squeezing them gently, but your hands moved to grab his wrists. You moved his hands, pressing them down onto the bed as you continued to grind against his now raging hard on.
Felix could flip you over in less than a second if he wanted to but right now all he wanted was this. Especially as he felt you shuffle down as your hands reached to undo his jeans button. “Fuck,” he muttered, his eyes gazing down at you as you undid his zip.
The teasing smile on your lips gave him a lump in throat. You leaned down, capturing his lips again as you began to palm him through his boxers, enjoying each one of the moans he made against your tongue. “Please,” he whimpered against your lips.
“Please what?” you teased between kisses.
“Please just fucking touch me,” he practically begged.
Felix was almost ashamed of until he saw the light spark behind your eyes. “Aw are you really that desperate baby?” you cooed, hand slipping beneath the waist band of his boxers.
He breathed in sharply, nearly moaning again when you took him in your hand, “Yes. So, fucking desperate for you,” he began to beg as you began to stroke his length while your lips moved to kiss down his neck.
Without thinking you began to scatter hickeys along his collarbones, and it wasn’t long till Felix’s hips began to buck up, desperate for more of your touch. However, he heard you tutting against his skin as your hand slipped out from beneath the fabric, “Cmon,” he whined.
“No baby,” you said as you sat up, “You’ve gotta be patient, okay?” you asked.
Reluctantly Felix replied, “Okay,” as his head fell back against the pillow to gaze up at you.
A small smirk fell on your perfect lips again as your hands reached for the hem of your shirt. Slowly pulling it off your body and tossing it on his already messy floor. Felix stared at your body in complete awe. The skirt you’d been wearing had ridden up so far you might as well not even have it on anymore since he could easily see the red panties underneath that were currently driving him crazy especially when he saw the matching bra. “Like what you see?” you asked with a laugh when you saw his stares.
“Fucking love, it. love your body I mean fuck you’re just so,” he said, reaching out to hold your waist, “Perfect,” he said just as your hands slapped his. “What?”
“You never asked to touch,” you said, leaning forward till you were hovering above him while his hands sadly laid by his side.
“Please may I touch you?” he asked as you went to push the hair out of his face, “I just wanna feel you,”
That fucking smirk was back on your lips as you leaned down to close the gap again. Felix groaned into the kiss, desperate to reach out and grab you but he waited until you picked up his hands and placed them on your hips to do so. When you did however his hands quickly went to explore your body, feeling up your sides and squeezing your tits over your bra making you moan into his mouth.
He only broke the kiss to say the first thing that popped into his head, “You should ride my face,”
“What?” you asked, pulling back in slight shock.
But Felix wasn’t gonna give up just yet. After all he’d just learned how to beg why not practise some more. His hands went around your waist, pulling you into his body, “Please,” he begged, kissing down your neck softly, “Wanna feel you. wanna taste you. wanna hear the pretty noises you make. Please baby don’t make me beg,” he whined.
“But you’re so good at it,” you laughed, pulling away from him. Felix began to sulk however quickly stopped when he felt you begin to move up his body until your cunt was just inches from his face.
You tried lower yourself down gently, but Felix’s arms wrapped around your thighs. He pulled your panties to the side as he lowered you down enough so he could begin placing open mouth kisses to your clit.
“Fuck,” you moaned, hands grabbing onto the headboard as his lips began to wrap around your bundle of nerves. A knot was quickly growing in your stomach as his tongue moved down to curl inside you, his nose nuzzling perfectly against your clit.
“Fuck baby you’re doing so good,” you praised making Felix moan against your cunt. the feeling sent shocks down your spine. “Yes, just like that baby. Cmon,” you continued to praise him, desperate to feel the vibrations his moans were currently sending through you. your hips began to grin against his face softly and Felix could feel himself growing painfully hard at the noises you were making.
It didn’t take long for your orgasm to hit as your thighs tightened around his head making Felix think he might actually cum in his pants right then. Luckily, he managed to hold off till you pulled away, a fucked outlook on your face as you moved back to straddle his lips. “Was I good?” Felix asked, trying to sit up but being stopped by you pushing him back down.
“So good,” you praised, pulling his boxers down, “so good in fact I think you deserve a reward,”
“Fuck please yes,” Felix said, his hands going to touch you again, but he caught himself, “Can I touch you?”
You giggled at his words while you took his cock in your hands, “Yes baby you can touch me,” you said, and he instantly moved his hands to your hips. You ran his tip along your wet slip when an idea popped into your head, “Beg me,”
“What- “
“I said beg me,” you said, and Felix could feel the tears welling in his eyes from how painfully hard he was.
“Please baby let me feel you I need you please baby fuck I want you so bad please just-fuck,” he gasped, his eyes screwing shut when he felt you sink down onto his tip.
The issue with Felix was that he wasn’t just big, he was girthy, so whether he begged or not you had to sink down slowly to adjust which only drove him even crazier. “Fuck,” you gasped as you felt yourself that the last of him in.
Your hips slowly began to roll, and Felix had to do everything in him not to cum instantly at the feeling. Your hips soon quickened, your sensitive clit rubbing against his pelvis with each movement. Felix was practically a whining mess under neath you right now.
It wasn’t long till you felt another orgasm quickly building inside you as you felt Felix hips began to buck but this time you didn’t stop him, “Fucking baby you feel so good,” you praised and you could feel Felix’s cock twitching at your words but it didn’t matter as you felt your second orgasm hit you.
Felix’s hands went to your hips so he could keep them moving as he milked out your orgasm but also desperate for his own. “Please,” he whined under his breath, over and over again.
“What is it baby? You wanna cum?” you asked, finally snapping out of your daze as he nodded, “Use your words baby,”
“Yes, please can I fuck I don’t think I can wait much longer,” he said, tears pricking his eyes.
“Do it baby,” you said, leaning down to kiss his jaw, “Be a good boy and cum for me,”
Felix’s fingers tightened in your hips as his hips bucked up, desperately chasing his high. His body began to tense and with only a couple more thrusts you felt him come undone as well before he essentially collapsed into the sheets.
You giggled as you collapsed beside him in bed, his arm instinctively going to wrap around you, “Thank god for the pill,” you joked as Felix caught his breathe. He smiled at you with a dazed fucked out look as your eyes wandered down then went wide, “Shit sorry about the hickeys,” you said making him look down at the trail you’d left along his collarbones and neck. “I wasn’t even thinking,”
“Don’t be sorry,” he smiled, his eyes closing as he pulled you into cuddle his side, “I like them,”
“Good,” you said, your fingers trailing over the marks, “They look good on you,”
“Thanks,” he laughed before pausing, “I like it, by the way, when you act like that,”
“Like what? A bitch?” you joked.
Felix let out a laugh as he wrapped his arm even tighter around you, “You know what I mean,” he said and a comfortable silence fell over you both but he decided to add one last thing, now knowing he defiantly couldn’t live without it, “I liked it when you called me you know,” he said, still a little embarrassed.
He felt your smile against his skin, “What? A good boy?”
“Yeah,” he said softly making you look up at him.
You smiled softly at him, not wanting to tease him during his openness, “Good cause you are,”
Felix laughed, his eyes opening just so he could roll them at you, “Shut up,”
“never,” you grinned at him before settling back into lay on his chest as your eyes fluttered shut. How was he supposed to let you go now?
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Keeping it quiet
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Paring: Innocent!reader × dads!friend!Nat
Summery: You looked lonely Natasha could fix that
Warnings: SMUT, (legal) age gap, amab!nat, oral, fingering, p in v, pet names, implied aftercare, secret relationship, breeding kink, unprotected sex, no use of Y/N
Word count: 1.2k
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional!
AN: sorry for the long wait but here I am
Today was supposed to be a normal BBQ like your family had had so often in this warm summer months but ever since your father invited his collegue over to join something changed. Ever since you met Natasha Romanoff about 3 months back you couldn't stop thinking about her. She might have been old enough to be your mother and a friend of your father but you couldn't denie the fact that you were attracted to her like flies to the light. She was a true charmer excatly knowing what to say and to do. You never felt uncomfortable around her even though she blatanly flited with you. Her touch somehow always lingering on your skin when the two of you were alone. It was only a matter of time until you ended in Natashas bed legs widely spread as she savoured your taste. So the time flew sneaking around your parents watch as you kept your illicent affair hidden falling head over heals for the older woman. Today was one of those days where Nat came over to your parents place and just couldn't keep her hands of you.
Like always Natashas steps were light on the cold tiles of the french villa your family owned. Sometimes you thought she was an actual spy. You didn't hear her standing in the kitchen in skimpy clothing preparing something for dinner as you mindlessly hummed along whatever Taylor Swift song was currently on the radio. "What are you doing bunny" She sneaked up behind you pressing her front into your back her crotch againt the swell of your ass. "Just doin' a salad you know" She humped checking out the area to see if your parents were around before doing anything further. Her hands came up to your hips pulling your behind harder against her crotch. "Natty please" you whined as she smirked pressing her nose against your neck smelling the expensive perfume she had gotten you. "We can't not here" your breathing was heavy uneven "What if my parents see?"
"They're in the garden trust me bunny" She whispered her strong hands trialling up your sides to your chest. Even though your body was betraying you leaning into her touch seemingly begging for more you couldn't give in just yet. You wanted to show her how you infact could be stronger than your most animalistic thoughts. "Natasha not now" she groaned into her hear making you feel the wettnes betwen your owm legs. "Fuck bunny I can't wait to feel your tight little pussy pulsing around me begging me to let you cum. And then after you had your sweet sweet release I'm gonna breed you're dripping with my cum" she whispered into your ear before pushing herself from the counter leaving into the garden. Of course she wouldn't actually get you pregnant you where on the pill and you weren't sure if she was even fertile. It was more of her kink she had explained to you.
The rest of the night you two kept your play up. Acting asif you couldn't care less what the other was doing in front of your parents. Still you couldn't help but admire her beautiful features as she had some boring converstaion with your father about politics or what ever. What really interested you would be the time spend between the sheets with her as she would show you all her passions and desires. After what seemed like hours you finally snuck your way into the guest room. She was spread wide on the comfortable mattress only wearing a wifebeater and her chequered boxers. "There's my bunny eh" she turned her head towards you as you made your way over to the bed swinging your hips . You sat down deside you before turning to kiss you roughly slipping her tongue into your mouth as you shifted to strangle her waist feeling her growing erection as you rolled your hips against her crotch.
"Fuck Bunny" she breathed out as she gripped onto your hips stilling you in place. "let me get you ready first" she whispered flipping you to lay under her as she kissed your neck down reamoving your cami top in the process. She took on nipple in her mouth slightly sucking on it before her big hand started playing with your other nipple rubbing over it. You let out quiet whippers as she switched sides. After what she deemed to be enough attention to your chest she kissed her way down to your panties nibbling on the skin of your hips. She made sure to leave hickeys in her way. You tried your best go keep it quiet but when Nat did her thing it was hard. Natasha kissed your clit through the soaked through panties pulling them down only to revel your sticky heat.
She made a bold lick from the end of your pussy right up your puffy clit swirling her trained tongue around the erected nub. Her scarlet lips attached to your clit sucking on it making you cry out as you tried to close your legs around her head but she kept them spread. She slowly inserted two of her long fingers into your clenching hole as you quietly cried out for mor and more. Natasha moved her fingers roughly and fast not giving you time to adjust. "Fuck your so tight" she groaned pumping her fingers even faster. “Natty ‘m close so close“ You felt your release close enough to grab but then Nat pulled her dripping fingers from your heat leaving you high and dry. “W-What?” You mumbled out opening your eyes again only to see Natasha smirking down at you “I want some fun too honey“ she smirked flipping you to your knees pushing your hips up as you arched your back showing off both your tight holes to her.
You heard her removing her boxers she already was rock hard for you her reddened tip leaking with pre cum as she expertly spits on her shaft spreading the slick over it. She moved closer pushing her tip to you clit enjoying the sight of you bucking your hips desperately trying to find your pleasure. “Ngh Tasha please” you begged making her listen slowly pushing in making you gasp at the feeling of being stretched out like that. She gave you time to quickly adjust before picking up pace fucking you hard and rough as she had a death grip on your hips. You couldn’t care less about the bruises as you pushed your face into the pillow muffling your sounds. With Natasha whimpers and the sound of skin slapping your moans filled the hot summer night air hoping your parents couldn’t hear you.
You kept clenching down on Nat she grabbed onto your shoulders. “Fuck ‘m gonna breed that little pussy ngh… I’m gonna make you so full of my cum“ you whined out before the coil in your stomach snapped and you came hard Natasha following soon releasing her white seed deep inside your whomp. She proceeded to help you through your orgasm even cleaning you up before cuddling you to sleep her arms tightly around your smaller body.
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solbaby7 · 8 months
pairing: pervy!az x innocent!reader
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warnings: sexual themes, mild pervy az (nothing crazy just mentions of stealing your clothes), swearing, prolly some typos, don’t judge I’m ovulating
summary: Liquid courage coupled with the burning desire to lose your V card—the perfect combo for a perving spymaster.
His knees nearly buckle at the sound of his name breathily huffing off your pouty mouth, lips swollen from the teeth harshly biting into them to hide the pathetic noises spilling free from such fleeting touches but your body was on fire.
Ignited by Azriel’s skillful exploration of your body pressed against his after he’d snatched you away before you could retire to your own bedchambers for the night. A few glasses of wine and a ridiculous amount of gossip with Mor and Fey later and you were shoved up against his door with his lips pressing kisses down the length of your neck. “Yes?”
“Please, need more.”
Countless nights spent imagining the sound of you begging for him with his fist wrapped around the stiff length of his cock, beads of precum dripping down for the perfect amount of slick but nothing his mind conjured up would ever compare to the real thing. Your hands grabbing at the scaled texture of his fighting leathers, the holsters keeping daggers and blades close to his person and within reach. “Do you even know what you’re asking for, sweetheart?”
There’s no room for embarrassment about your astounding lack of knowledge when it came to sex but you knew when things felt good—and Azriel’s hands grazing down the slope of your shoulders, fingers teasing over the shape of you when they drag down your sides felt fucking incredible. Even if he was trying to reduce you to some idiot; something that couldn’t be further from the truth. It was the whole reason you were brought into the Night Court in the first place. Rhysand had personally housed you, showed you his city and its people before confessing that he needed far more help with the political duties; someone to sort through the mountain of awaiting paperwork that required a watchful eye and careful decision making skills. Someone to sort the books and keep tabs on the items that usually went missing without second thought with so much fucking space to spare in the manor and Tarquin had mentioned you as a sort of peace offering to soothe over the blood ruby incident.
Four months had passed and the others had visibly noticed the improvement in Rhysand; less tense, more willing to disappear for hours with his High Lady. His absence left room for the shadowsinger to acquire a bit of an attraction to you—if he described it lightly.
One whiff of the white sage and vanilla that perpetually lingered on your skin and he was hooked. Vying for any reason to be stuck in the same room with you, shadows reporting back your every move from the second you’d open your eyes to the moment you closed them for bed.
Maybe, it was a little overbearing but even a thousand years couldn’t dim the possessive streak in his Illyrian blood.
“I’m asking for you,” The wine was giving you more confidence than you could’ve dreamed of without the liquid courage. “Do you understand that? I can spell it out if that’s more helpful.”
“That mouth of yours is what got you here in the first place,” Azriel’s voice is low and gravely, chest rising and falling with the anticipation of getting you out of your clothes. “Remind me again what it was you were saying back there with the girls?”
Your stomach clenches with need when he sucks marks down the length of your neck, across your collarbones and atop the flesh of your breasts that practically spills from the dress you wear. “Old age getting to you, spymaster?” The hole you dig is deep and there’s no way you’ll be pulling yourself out without help but that doesn’t seem to be a good enough reason to think before speaking. Something about how fucking hot Azriel got when he had a point to prove. “Are you sure you’ll even be able to get it up?”
It’s utter bullshit.
He’s been rutting his hard cock against the silky material of your skirts, fingerprints bruising their mark into your flesh as he battled the primal instinct to turn you around, bend you over and fuck you loud enough for everyone in the whole house to hear. The husky laugh that rumbles in your ear, broad chest vibrating against the swell of your breasts and the friction of him so close is torturous when he teases about—touching but not really giving anything. “I’ve dreamed about stuffing my cock down your throat just to shut you up,” You’re pliant in the skilled hands that lift you clean off the glossy floors and it’s instinctual the way your legs wrap around his waist.
His mouth is finally on your own, something you’d dreamed about. Not that you’d ever admit it—his ego would burst from the seams. “Should I go find a candle to light over a sweet treat? Maybe the Mother will grant you a birthday wish early.” You’re all talk, grasping for the strings of control that are gradually getting farther and farther away when he cuts off another smartass remark with a kiss so bruising you moan.
This is what you’d been yearning for.
The girls hadn’t been nearly as thorough in their explainations as your books were but that could’ve been blamed on the wine bottles that started appearing on the table a much quicker pace. If you’d have known Azriel was lurking around the shadows then maybe you would have been more conscious about the words you used; the pitiful confessions of being so sheltered growing up and how you’d barely done anything past second base. “You could save yourself the trouble and just repeat what you said.”
“I said,” You teeth nipped at the plush of his bottom lip, pulse pounding in your ears when his hands work their way under your skirts, and up, up, up until there’s nothing but damp cloth blocking the warmth of this skin from reaching yours. “—that I just wanted to get properly fucked.”
A shiver runs down Azriel’s spine at the way the words are whispered in his ear and it only spurs his fingers to rub perfect circles on your clit through the fabric. He would’ve made a hundred bargains just to hear you swear like that again; breathier—more high pitched.
There was no way he could ever let you go now.
Not after he’d gotten his mouth on you—tasted your skin. He’d never be able to smell white sage and vanilla again without his cock swelling obnoxiously in his pants. His mind was already thinking of ways to make sure your scent never left his sheets. “Are you sure?” You pull away just barely an inch, eyes almost crossing when looking into his own with such want.
“I’m sure, Az.” Any other day you’d let your heart swell at his need for permission before continuing but the primal lust that rages between your thighs, arousal dripping and the sticky sounds your pussy makes when Azriel dips two fingers under sodden undergarments.
Keening whines and heavy pants, the ripping of expensive fabrics and the husky promise to buy a replacement and ten times that if you were good for him. “So much prettier than I imagined.” You sink into the plush of his mattress, body bare save for the jewelry and even like this you can’t reign in snark of your tongue.
“Just pretty? The males in my books are much more descriptive.”
Azriel laughs against your chest, body hovering over your own and—Gods, if only you could bottle his laugh and save it for when the skies went cloudy and grey. “Stunning.” A suckle on one hardened nipple, golden gaze more feral than friendly but you arch into it all the same. As long as it was him. “Captivating.” You’d known the spymaster was capable of torture but surely you’d underestimated the extent of his care. “Absolutely breathtaking.” The effort he put into learning every inch of you before even daring to do more, easing away any lingering tension until you were preening under the compliments and clawing at hem of his shirt to feel more. “I must be getting somewhere.”
“Not fast enough if you’re not inside me yet.”
“Impatient thing, you are.” Dark hair falls over his forehead, thick arms bracing on either side of your head as he frees himself from his pants. “I just want to take my time.”
“I’d say I’ve waited long enough,” Azriel’s pants aren’t fully down and you use that to your advantage when curling your fingers into the loops of his pants and tug him closer. Too much time had been spent on friendly conversation when the connection between the two of you was clearly anything but. “I’m not above begging.”
He doesn’t need syllables strung together to profess the way the things you say affect him. It shows in the way he holds you impossibly close, the achingly hard length of him sliding between slick folds as full lips mould to yours like they’d been made to do so. “Another night.” Promises forged with tongues and desperate hands grabbing at every inch of bare skin; the touch so branding you pull away gasping for air. It gets caught in your throat when he finally pushes in and the brief burn from the stretch is momentary when he distracts you so perfectly. “Fuck,” Every muscle tenses as Azriel fights every urge to spill his load from the fit alone; tight and warm, greedy hips wiggling as you whine for more. “Stop moving or this will be over much faster than either of us want it be.”
“I don’t care.” Half-lidded eyes clouded with need stare into his own, small hands tracing the curves of his tattoos; nails raking trails down the ridges of his abdomen as you buck your hips to his own. “We have all night—just move.”
Azriel’s cautious at first, trying not to hurt you but he doesn’t have the self-control to keep the gentlemanly act up for long. Not with you holding him in a vice-grip, wrapping around the thick length of him like you were made to. Spurred on by your moans he goes faster, unleashing the reigns on the shadows just thrumming with the desire to spill forward and assist. “Yes, yes, yes,” You chant in his ear, thighs wrapping around his hips and pride swells with the praise. “Fuck Az, right there.”
Skin slapping against skin, low grunts and breathy moans; the feeling of his cock filling you full and rubbing against every spot you never knew existed until every nerve was lit ablaze. It happens so quickly, the clench of your stomach, nails biting at his back so close to the base of his wings he can’t hold back the choked sound he lets out when you clamp down around him, walls fluttering with your release.
It takes no more than a few thrusts for him to reach the same fate, slowly riding it out as his soul came back to his body. “That was—“
You’re already nodding along; cheeks flushed, gaze a little hazy and Azriel relaxes into the gentle touches that follow after he’s settled beside you. “—yeah.” He pulls you in closer, strong arms holding you tight and he’s pressing a kiss to the top of your head when you speak. “Better than sneaking in my room at night to jerk off with my panties?”
His cheeks burn and he’s more than grateful that your face is tucked beneath his chin because he’s certain he looks like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “What? No, well…I can explain—wait, you knew?”
A soft laugh, nose full on the scent of him. “I’m a light sleeper and after a while you started getting a little sloppy.” His leg shifts under the thick duvet, slotting between your own and when solid thigh makes contact with bare cunt, the hunger you’d thought had been satiated was shuffling back into starvation. “Speaking of which,” All it takes is one firm rock of your hips for you to feel the twitch of his cock against your leg. “—you’ve got enough in you for a little more?”
Azriel pulls you from his neck to plant a claiming kiss on your mouth, a rumbling noise clawing from his throat when he guides you to continue the rocking of your hips. “I’m offended you’d even ask.”
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jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
Headcanon request of how the dorm leaders (with kalim replaced w/ jamil if possible) would react to their crush accidentally taking a love potion and acting extra affectionate to them?
Oh I love this so much! There are a few hcs out there about similar situations and they're ALWAYS my favourite to read! I'm so glad I finally got to write some on my own! I hope you enjoy!!!
Warning: slightly suggestive at times.
P.s. the love potion doubles as a truth potion. You'll see what I mean! I've left off on a somewhat open ending, so do tell if you'd like a p2!
Of course you were going to be partners with Ace of all people in Potions. The almost apologetic look, which professor Crewel sent you wasn't really helping you feel any less like a martyr. Any less... patronised. But what were you to do, rather than accept your fate gracefully and see where that takes you.
The potion, which was to be made was a truth potion. It was simple, really. Few ingredients, fewer steps. And it looked exactly like in the picture, only a little less orange and a little more pink. But that was normal, right?
Only it wasn't a truth potion. And Ace decided to put it in a water bottle. The same water bottle as yours. Why? To hide the fact that it was slightly pinker, than orange. Did Crewel buy it? No. But you? You did. One misplaced bottle, an unsuspecting MC and a series of unfortunate events.
When did your juice taste so unbelievably sweet?
"Oh no..."
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Riddle was perfectly unsuspecting, going about his day, preparing for an unbirthday party, when he saw Ace practically dragging you to him. The moment you laid eyes on Riddle, a dopey smile appeared on your face.
He is confused ™️. You slipped Ace's grip and threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck, practically hanging off him. "Riddle, the love of my life, I missed you so much, my heart can't beat when you're not around me."
Riddle's face turned 50 shades of red at that exact moment. He turned to Ace for an explanation, feeling embarrassment stir in his heart. And why did you sound like Rook?!
"LOVE POTION. WILL WEAR OUT, BYE " Aaaaand he was gone. Riddle was about to yell after him, when you grabbed his face, looking deep into his eyes. "Riddle, you're so pretty today."
His heart skipped a beat. In fact, it skipped a few too many beats. "Prefect, please. You're under the influence of a potion." He cleared his throat, trying to calm himself.
"But the potion only shows my true feelings for you! I've always loved you!" You smiled at him, running your fingers through his hair.
"T-then... Let's speak about this after the potion wears off, okay?" He asked, reluctantly patting you on the shoulder. (Smooth. V smooth.) "Fine, but only if you stay with me. I want to spend time with you!"
"I will. Until you recover and then some."
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He could hear your footsteps, approaching his napping spot in the botanical gardens, so he already knew you were coming before you called out to him. "Leona!" And there it was, your sing-song voice, much cheerier than usual.
He lazily opened one eye as to acknowledge your existence. He expected you to sit down and tell him of whatever wacky shenanigans you'd got into. What he didn't expect was for you to climb into his lap, smothering him in a hug. Was he flustered? Yes. Was he about to show it? Hell no.
"Damn, what has gotten into you today, herbivore? You're unusually... annoying."
No. No, do not give him the puppy eyes, he can't take it. Oh god. "I just wanted to come see you! Mmm, you smell so good." You whispered, shoving your face into the crook of his neck. The whole position you two were in was quite...the sight. A growl escaped him, before he pushed you back, to look you in the eyes. Were your pupils... Hearts?!
"What the fuck has happened to you? Did you ingest something you shouldn't?" Now that he thought about it, your breath did smell sweeter, no, all of you smelled sweeter. He was perceptive, terrifyingly so. In fact he was pretty sure a love potion was responsible for your actions. You seemed drunk (off of him).
"Fuck, get off, we gotta go to the infirmary, or better yet - to Crewel, to brew an antidote.
"But- maybe I like being like this. At least I'm bold enough to show you how much I love you like this!"
....wait what?
He was about to have a very long chat with you once all of this was resolved.
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Azul was finishing up the preparation for a new FRESH BATCH of contracts, when a knock on the door interrupted him. In came Jade, followed by you - a very giddy-looking you.
"My apologies, they insisted they had to see you." With those words, Jade left the vicinity, knowing fully well what was about to go down (because of course the fucker knew you weren't being fully yourself. He was also acutely aware of Azul's growing infatuation with you.)
"Azul, I come with a proposition. Let's form a relationship contract, where we both get all benefits of being a couple!" You moved behind his desk, grabbing his hand. "It's a limited time offer. Sealed with a kiss!"
Azul was: Flustered. Flabbergasted. Bamboozled. Floored. Gone. Out of the stratosphere. He was torn between running away to his octopot and smootly answering by presenting a contract, ready-made for the occasion. (Which he totally had.)
"M-MC. This is rather sudden of you-" he started, fixing his glasses. "I did not expect...such a proposition." Not that he would complain.
You moved closer to him, wrapping your other arm around his neck. "Well, what do you say? Do we have a deal?" Those eyes of yours were piercing through his very heart, unnaturally so... Suspiciously unnaturally.
"MC, if you may, could you perhaps wait until I've... finished writing down the logistics of such a contract?"
Your smile widened and he swore he felt Cupid's arrow pierce through him. "Of course, for you I'd wait a lifetime, my handsome octopus~"
You were never THIS bold with him. He had to investigate further.
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Jamil had just finished basketball practice, when he bumped into you. Or more so, you bumped into him. Immediately, you threw your arms around his neck, bringing him down to leave a kiss on his cheek. "Hey, Jamil~ Fancy seeing you here."
What in the Sevens' name-
He felt blood rush to his face at an alarming rate. Looking away, he pushed you back to create some distance between you two. "What has gotten into you?!" He asked, exasperated, still keeping you at arm's length. He was NOT prepared for his crush doing that out of nowhere.
"I'm just greeting you, silly! I passed by the gym, figured I'd say hi~"
"Okay. Hi. What do you want? You can't just...go around doing that." He did not have time to deal with whatever this is, he figured it was most probably a prank of some kind.
"What makes you think I go around kissing people. I only want to kiss you!" You smiled at him so lovingly, he could barely keep his knees from buckling. This was quickly becoming very overwhelming for him.
"Where is...all of this coming from, exactly? Are you fever-striken or something?" He lay a hand on your forehead, y'know, just checking.
"It's not a fever, Jamil. I'm just reaaaaally into you!"
"Stop joking around about this."
"I'm serious!" You grabbed his hand, laying it over your heart. His eyes narrowed. It's not like he didn't believe you, but this was far too sudden and you seemed far too..out of it of sorts. His sixth sense was screaming at him. He considered cornering Ace after taking you home. He already seemed pretty fidgety during practice.
"Okay. Look. Let's talk about this over coffee tomorrow, alright? My treat."
"Oooh, so a date, then?"
"Yes... a date. Now let me walk you back to Ramshackle."
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The moment you saw Ace's horrified expression, you knew there was only one person you could turn to - Vil. He could surely help brew an antidote. As fast as possible you made your way to Pomefiore, worried about what the potion might do to you. However, the moment you laid eyes on him, you felt your own emotions overwhelm you.
He was in the lounge, scolding conversing with Epel. The moment your eyes met, the most lovestruck of smiles crawled on your face. "Ah, I'm so happy to see you. I missed you greatly!" You walked over to him, a slight skip in your step. Vil merely raised an eyebrow.
"What are you doing here, potato? Unannounced, and you look like you've run here." He dismissed Epel, mumbling how he'll 'deal with him later', instead turning his attention fully to you.
"I came to ask for help, I accidentally ingested a potion. But now that I'm here-" you moved to link your arm with his. "I could maybe spend some time with you? We haven't seen each other in nearly a week, handsome." You winked at him.
"Potato, as much as I enjoy spending time with you, you can't ju- wait. What potion???" He grabed you by the shoulders. "How did it happen?!"
You smiled at him, reaching out to gently grasp a strand of his hair and twirl it. "It was supposed to be a truth potion, but something went wrong. Ace put it in a water bottle and I drank it. But I feel perfectly fine, especially now that I'm here. Ah, somehow I never get the chance to tell you how much you truly mean to me. And I mean it romantically."
He nearly lost his cool. Hiding his frazzled state behind a dainty cough, clearly fake, not that there was anybody around to call him out, a deep sigh escaped his lips. "You probably added too much chicory root and turned it into a love potion."
You frowned. "But my feelings are very real. I could just never tell you before. Do you.. not return them?"
"Pota- MC, let me brew you an antidote, and then I'll give you my answer, okay?"
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You had texted him, saying you urgently needed to go see him. And you even had texted your code word for "fucking emergency, drop what you're doing right now". Yes, the word was "capybara". Much unlike his usual self, he quickly exited the game he was playing, after all - you only used that word once before, and he really didn't want to ponder on THAT time.
Just as he was about to text you back, a hurried knock on his door startled him.
"MC?" He questioned, looking around to make sure his room was at least somewhat decent looking. You'd hung out with him countless times before, but he wanted to double-check anyways.
"Yes! I'm coming in!" And there you stood, worry instantly leaving your features the moment you spotted him. "Ah, Idia. I'm so lucky to have you.~" before he could react, you made a few steps forward and threw yourself on him, hugging him.
Now, Idia has never been one to appreciate any kind of contact, especially physical. But having his crush hug him. Nah. His internal graphics card isn't strong enough to withstand such situations. He felt himself nearly overheat at the feeling of your body against his. The tiniest of yelps escaped him - the clearest of signs that his body was going into overdrive.
"Idia, something really bad happened and I fear it might affect me. I should stay indoors until it wears off, can we just stay here and cuddle?"
CUDDLE?! C U D D L E?! D-DID HE HEAR YOU RIGHT?! His knees buckled and the two of you fell to the floor. "W-wha-" he couldn't even form his sentence. And it became even worse, once you nestled into his arms, making yourself more comfortable. "I've been waiting for a long time to do this~" you murmured, a satisfied smile on your lips.
He gathered all of the strength in his body, mind and soul, to ask you. "W-what bad thing happened?"
"I drank a potion in class. I don't know what will happen to me and when it will wear off." You mumbled, fingers tracing over his chest. "But I feel safe now. So it's okay."
What kind of potion? He focused all of his attention to the information given to him. He had to know, insecurities and anxiety be damned, you used *the code word* after all.
Somehow, he hoped his suspicions were incorrect.
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Malleus was walking near Ramshackle, waiting patiently for your arrival, as the two of you'd scheduled an afternoon walk. Naturally, he saw you approach from a mile away, but the worried look on your face, alarmed him . What alarmed him even more was the faint magical residue, emanating off of you. You were supposed to be magicless, right? Did somebody try to attack you?
As you reached him, you immediately buried your face in his chest, hugging him tightly. He returned the hug, gently running his fingers through your hair. You two were already close enough to have some form skinship, but somehow you were never this forward.
"Tsunotarou", you mumbled, looking up at him. "I'm sorry I'm late." "Nonsense, Child of man. I reckon you're just on time. Is this what has you so troubled?"
"Not really, we had an accident in potions class." Before you could further elaborate, you reached out, cupping his cheek. "But it's okay. This is the most free I've ever felt. As if I'm soaring through the sky, and for once I'm not overthinking my every move. And it's all because of you." You stroked his cheek gently. "Have I ever told you how much I like you?"
His eyes grew wide open at the carefree admission. He was one split second decision away from kissing you breathless right then and there, but somehow he knew something was very wrong. "My, how bold of you, my dear." His surprise soon turned to sorrow, as he pieced together the situation. "It appears that accident may have involved a love potion."
"It was supposed to be a truth potion." You corrected with a small giggle.
"Alas, those two are easy to mix. I appreciate the boldness, I truly do, my dear. However, seeing as you're under the influence of such a potion, I cannot respond in any way."
A bitter smile graced his lips as he patted you on the head. "Let us bring you to Professor Crewel, to brew an antidote. In the meantime, you can tell me which insolent soul is responsible for this."
You pouted at him. "Crewel said it will wear off on its own. And once it does, I will come and confess to you again, to show you how real my feelings are."
That made him smile a bit, as his heart nearly leaped out of his chest. Some may call it false hope. He calls it dedication.
"Then I shall await that moment most ardently, my dear."
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percervall · 1 year
sometimes you break so beautiful
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Pairing: Carlos Sainz jr x fem!reader Words: 1800 Warnings: Ferrari being Ferrari, smut, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, light choking, so many alliterations
In which Carlos just wants to forget The Belgian Grand Prix
The moment you see the replay of the collision between your boyfriend and Oscar, you know it’s a done race. You hear his engineer confirm the damage and the effect of it on the aerodynamics of the car and your heart sinks. This should have been his race, starting fifth but yet again you feel the quiet resignation settle in your bones when you realise Ferrari are miles away from giving these boys the car they deserve. It’s a mystery to you why they keep Carlos out on the track as he continues to slip further down, an anger blazing through you at the torture they’re subjecting him to, until they finally decide to retire the car on lap 25. All you can do is watch him climb out of his Ferrari, your hands clenched in front of your chest. You reach out a hand, brushing against his arm as he walks past you. Carlos gives your hand a squeeze without meeting your eyes, but he’s telling you all you need to know about how he’s feeling. During the remaining 19 or so laps you keep an eye on him as he shuts the world out with the Ferrari headphones and quickly debriefs his engineer in rapid Italian. He won’t show his emotions, not with all the cameras around, but you can tell by the way his jaw is set and his posture that he is suffering, quietly, waiting until he’s away from prying eyes to fall apart.
In the end, him falling apart doesn’t happen until you’re back in the hotel. Sometimes the post-race engagements and responsibilities are more exhausting than the race itself, especially with all the social media content nowadays. Charles shoots you a worried glance as the three of you exit the lift.
“I’ve got him,” you whisper, giving him a kiss on the cheek as you turn left to head to your room. Carlos has already unlocked the door to your shared hotel room and has finally found some reprieve from the public. When you shut the door behind you, you find him sat on one of the chairs, head in his hands. Taking off your coat and shoes, you make your way over to him, pulling him against you. With a shuddering breath, Carlos wraps his arms around your waist as he burrows his face against your stomach. You swallow down your own feelings about this season and run your fingers through his hair. Carlos’ shoulders shake with silent sobs as his tears soak through your shirt. This is more than just one bad race, more than a less than ideal car; This is months of fighting to be heard by the engineers, of dealing with contract uncertainties, of playing second fiddle, of being pushed past his breaking point.
“What do you need?” you murmur, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head.
“Help me forget.. Please, I just need to stop thinking,” comes his answer as he looks up at you, those big brown eyes glimmering with unshed tears, voice breaking. You rest your palms against his cheeks, brushing away the tears with your thumb, before leaning forward and kissing him softly.
“I’ve got you,” you whisper, echoing your promise to Charles, your heart breaking into pieces when his eyes fill with equal parts hope and heartache. Carlos allows you to pull him to his feet and move him towards the bathroom. While you turn on the shower, Carlos begins to undress. As soon as his shirt drops to the floor, he’s on you, still wearing his trousers as needy fingers find their way under your shirt, pulling it up and over. You’re quick to raise your arms, allowing him to undress you as you do the same for him in return. Taking his hand, you pull him under the spray of the shower, hissing as the hot water hits your skin. Carlos wraps his arms around your waist, pressing himself against your back as he buries his face in your neck. Turning around in his arms, you kiss him, pouring all the love you have for him into that kiss. Carlos sighs against your lips, some of the tension easing out of his tensed muscles. He makes this pained noise in the back of his throat as he moves you back until you end up against the wall. He breaks the kiss and the look he gives you steals the breath from your lungs. His lips are parted, cheeks flushing already with both the heat from the shower and arousal, but his eyes betray just how conflicted he’s feeling; there’s a mixture of trepidation and need. 
“I can take it, let me carry it,” you soothe him, fingers smoothing out the lines on his face. Yet another wall seems to crumble down as he dives in for another kiss. His hand rests against your jaw as the other grips your hip. You can tell he’s holding back –there’s a fury simmering in his body now that the edge of sadness has dissipated. 
“I need you to use me,” you whisper, tugging on his hair to break the kiss. He lets out the most beautiful moan at the pain and the last shred of self control snaps. Carlos tightens his grip on your hip, fingers digging into your skin as he pins you in place with his own body, trapping his now hard cock between the two of you. You can feel him throb against your stomach and it has you clenching in anticipation. Usually Carlos is a tender lover, always making sure he makes you feel so, so good. But when he gets like this –when there’s pent up frustration simmering just below the surface, he becomes the most greedy and just takes and takes and takes. 
His lips find the pulsepoint behind your ear, sucking a bruise onto your skin. You hiss at the sting, tilting your head to grant him better access. Carlos hums and continues his assault, leaving hickeys and bites across your clavicle and down to the swells of your breasts. His hips thrust up as you whimper when his teeth graze over your collarbone. He slides the hand holding your hip down, parting your folds to find you already wet for him. 
“Always ready for me, aren’t you?” he murmurs against your skin and all you can manage to reply is a whispered yes as he slides the tip of his finger inside of you. The intrusion has you panting, swallowing around a moan as he slowly fucks you, thumb lightly pressed against your clit. It’s enough to have you throbbing but not enough to alleviate the ache.
“Please..” you whisper, desperation already setting in. You can feel him smirk against your skin as he rubs fast circles against your clit. This is not about your pleasure, this is purely him strumming your body in preparation for what he has in store for you. The steam of the shower that’s still running makes it hard to think as lust clouds your brain the way the vapour steams up the shower screen and mirror. 
“That’s it, mi vida… Let go for me,” Carlos whispers in your ear and something just snaps as you fall over the edge.
Heart still hammering against your chest, you have become putty in his hands as Carlos turns you around. The cold tile makes for a welcome contrast against your heated skin, fingers desperate to find purchase against their wet surface. 
“Joder,” you hear him whisper, hands roughly kneading your cheeks. Your eyes flutter closed as you push back against him.
“Need-.. Please.. Need it..” you mumble, arching your back even more. Realistically you know this will hurt, your body not ready to accommodate his size –not like this at least– but at this point you no longer care it will ache come morning. You will gladly hurt for this stunning man, who holds both unbridled joy and brooding darkness so beautifully it makes you dizzy with how much you love him, if it means he won’t –not for a few hours at least. The stretch of him slowly entering you has you keening and you throb around him as Carlos gives you a moment to adjust.
“Fuck, so tight,” he rasps, lips against the shell of your ear. You can only nod, holding yourself up with one arm as the other comes to rest on the hand still holding your hip. Giving his wrist a squeeze you wordlessly let him know it’s okay, that you won’t break. You swear you can almost hear him grit his teeth, his grip on your body tightening as he fucks into you; long strokes at first until your body goes pliant and he does as you told him: he uses your body to fuck all his frustration out of his system. The angle allows Carlos to brush against that spot inside of you with the head of his cock, setting your body alight with pleasure. He gives you none of the usual praise, just an unrelenting pace as one of his hands wraps around your throat and pulls you flush against him. The weight of his hand is enough to have you clenching around him, your second orgasm approaching rapidly. Carlos bites down on where your shoulder meets your neck, his hips stuttering as he comes with a muffled groan. It’s enough to send you flying as well, a sob tearing itself from your throat as you come so hard, your vision blurs. 
Carlos removes his hand from your throat, wrapping the arm around your chest instead as he holds you up. You let out a whimper as Carlos pulls out, allowing him to turn you back to face him and move you back under the spray of the water. As you’re coming down from your high, Carlos takes care of you, gently cleans both of you before shutting the shower off. After drying yourself, you wrap the towel around your body, twisting your still damp hair up into a messy bun. He takes your hand and both of you move to the bed, exhaustion hitting you hard. You sigh as your body relaxes into the soft sheets, Carlos’ body curling around yours as he presses himself against your back. You turn in his arms, brushing wet strands of his hair back as you look at him.
“Thank you, amor,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against your forehead. 
“I love you,” you murmur back, snuggling further into your boyfriend. You know he will be apologetic in the morning when he takes stock of the bruises decorating your skin, but you will gladly become a canvas for him to process his grief and anger knowing he would offer you the same in return.
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Wrote this pretty much in one sitting and it's barely edited. After struggling to write anything for the past month, this just poured out of me. Guess I need to literally suffer for my art, thanks Ferrari.
This fic existing is thanks to @curiousthyme and @moneyymaseyy, there's no one I'd rather watch F1 (suffer through Ferrari) with
Please feel free to let me know what you think, your comments, tags and likes means the absolute world to me
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livindeadgirlgrav · 3 months
Are they ass, tits or thigh’s for Vincent Sinclair and Charles lee ray (seperetly) with fem reader
It can be as filthy as you want
Ooooooooo okay! This is definitely going to be fun! Alsoooo this is my first time writing for Charles lee ray!! I'll try not to disappoint
Warning: NSFW! violence, bad language, kidnapped, Stockholm syndrome, just evil slasher men lol, mature themes/content. 18+, filthyyyyy👀👀 nastttyyyyyy
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Vincent Sinclair
Vinny is an everything man. He loves you for you buuuuuut if he did have to pick a favorite its probably a tie between your thighs and breast.
Vincent enjoys holding your thigh when he sits beside you. He will consistently grip your thighs and rub his thumb across your smooth skin. Now when you two are alone Vincent loves to kiss up and down your thighs, occasionally nipping at your skin.
When it comes to your breast Vincent loves to grope them. He loves how soft and squishy they are under his rough hands.
He will definitely suck your breast hard, leaving hickeys all over your chest. He enjoys playing with your nipples and seeing how you gasp when he tugs on your nipples with his teeth.
Secretly this man is very kinky. He very much enjoys sitting on top of you, ripping your T-shirt off to reveal your soft chest. He'll pin your arms above you head but if you move he is quick to tie them down with a rag. Once your hands are out of the way he'll grab one of the many candles within his room and drip the hot wax onto your delicate breast, down your stomach, and on your inner thigh.
Vincent loves to fuck your breast, he enjoys the softness and loves to look down at you, watching you please him in such a way turns him on even more.
When you two are having sex, Vincent loves to have your legs on his shoulders. He loves gripping onto your thighs and having the options to bite and kiss them while he thrust into you.
Vincent also loves to use your thighs to push himself deeper into you. And trust he loves pushing your legs above your head thrusting deeper into you, watching your face scrunch up in pleasure.
Vincent tends to forget how tight he holds onto your thighs and breast so at the end of the night you are typically left with a couple finger prints and bruises.
Vincent loves it when you go bra less, its easier for him to run his hands up your shirt and tug at your breast but it's definitely hard to keep his attention for all of it goes to your freed breast.
His favorite position is cowgirl; He loves watching your breast bounce up and down while he rubs your thighs, occasionally gripping them hard enough to leave marks. He also loves to warm his cock within you as he sucks your breast but trust he wont leave the other one unattended, his hand will quickly tug at your nipples and grope at your breast. Then he will switch after a few minutes now sucking on the one he was tugging at and now rubbing the one he was sucking.
It drives him crazy when you wear shorts or skirts and v-neck shirts or shirts that just showoff your breast.
Vincent also gives the best massages, he has no problem rubbing your legs and thighs. And hey he'll massage your breast too
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Charles Lee Ray
Charles Lee Ray has to be an ass guy!
I'm pretty sure this man would take anything you give him but in booty we trust.
He constantly slaps and gropes your ass daily
If you are wearing a skirt or a dress he has no problem hiking the skirt up to grab your bare ass or just see it in your black panties.
Very much prefer you wear thongs he loves having easy access.
This man loves back shots! He enjoys gripping onto your waist and slapping your ass as he slams himself inside you.
One of his many favorite positions is reverse cowgirl, he loves watching your beautiful ass bounce up and down on his cock.
Charles loves anal, he loves how tight your ass is and enjoys the sweet moans and groans to make as he takes his time sliding into you.
Will eat you out any day of the week and trust he loves leaving bite marks on your ass and enjoys feeling you tremble underneath him as his licks up your valley. (you know exactly what I'm talking about)
Charles loves to punish you, mainly spanking you. He loves watching how your ass jiggles with each slap. He also loves seeing how red your ass can get, he thinks its pretty seeing his hand prints left behind on your soft skin.
Thank you for reading!!! I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope I didn't disappoint with Charles Lee Ray I really did enjoy writing for him! Thank you tons for the request! <3
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deepspacelxver · 28 days
Missing You
A Zayne x Reader one shot
Zayne stepped inside your shared apartment letting out a sigh, tired from his long day of work . After hanging up his coat and slipping off his shoes he made his way to the kitchen where he expected to see you rummaging around, looking for snacks.
What he did not expect to see however, was you wearing his silk robe. He stood there admiring the way it looked on you. The way you tied it had shown off the curve of your waist and hips. The too-big sleeves slipped off your shoulders, exposing your slim neck. And the deep V of the robe had given him the perfect view of your chest, and the marks he had left there the night before.
“Oh, Zayne! I didn’t hear you come in.”
You jumped, setting down the cup of tea you had just been making.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He said, eyes trailing down your body. “Looks like you had fun while I was away” He gestured to the robe.
“Oh! Well I- you were-“ you buried your face into your hands, unable to speak through the embarrassment. “Sorry…”
He gently removed your hands from your face, and placed a finger under your chin so you were now facing eachother. “Don’t be sorry. I think it looks nice on you. Although I do remember getting you your own, have you misplaced it?”
His hands now roamed around your waist, rubbing circles and squeezing lightly. “No I just… missed you.” You blushed.
The hands on your waist had come to a stop and now wondered there way to your back where he pulled you closer to him. “Missed me?” He smiled. “If I recall we were together this morning which was” he glanced down at his watch, “Less than 14 hours ago.”
“You make that sound like nothing! I haven’t seen you at all today and you expect me not to miss you?” You groan into his chest.
He smiles down at you, pulling you closer “I didn’t know my absence effected you so much”
“It’s just- I don’t feel as whole whenever you’re not with me you know?”
His teasing demeanor now gone, he pressed his forehead against yours. “I know.”
Looking up at him through your lashes you questioned, “you do?”
“I always miss you when we’re apart. Every time I leave for a surgery, every time you go off to fight Wanderers, every moment I’m not with you I feel like a piece of my heart is missing.”
Feeling your heart jump at his words you reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. “Zayne…“
He placed his hand on top of yours. “So if wearing my robe makes you feel a little bit closer to me then please feel free to go borrow it anytime.”
“Besides,” he mumbled, lowering his head down to your exposed neck “I quite like how it looks on you.”
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nekrosdolly · 8 months
feline delight (18+)
albert finds you on the streets. too cute to pass up, he takes you home against your will.
a/n; sorry this took so long! hope it was worth the wait :D
cw; half-alive dove maybe eat, cat hybrid!reader, afab!reader, owner!wesker, kidnapping, captivity, stockholm syndrome, drugging, dubcon/noncon, body betrayal, leashing + collaring, reader doesn't wear underwear, manhandling, breeding kink, wesker likes seeing you in pain sorry, no prep (please prep irl), unsafe sex (p in v, clitoral stimulation, creampie, implied multiple rounds)
tags; @4inchfae @thatgirlgames @whiskers-my-beloved @icecream596
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albert never had a penchant for pets, let alone a hybrid like yourself. bringing you in may have been the best thing he'd done in years. you needed a home desperately, regardless of how much you scratched and clawed at him when he'd carried you off to his research facility without so much as an introduction. you hear him rustle around in his pockets with one hand and then, the uncapping of something. before you can look at what it is, a fine needle pierces right into the muscle of your neck. your vision fades within seconds, and you stop scratching.
you didn't know what to expect, but waking up in a cage clean and clothed hadn't been on your list. you thought you'd surely be dead. but, there you were, with a black long sleeve shirt and skirt, thigh-highs adorning the better half of your legs, and a black leather collar around your neck. looking around, a small bell attached to your collar rings. not moments later, you hear footsteps. you look up at the man who has taken you in- tall, blonde, and very intimidating.
albert crouches before the kennel you're cowering in and looks you over as if he didn't get a good enough look when he bathed you. you hiss quietly and shrink into one of the corners furthest from him, cool metal digging into your back with each attempt to get further away.
behind his shades, his hazel eyes thoroughly examine you. the fear you give off is aromatic with a faintly sweet undertone of something more. gratefulness, perhaps. he did bathe you, clothe you, and put you in a very nice kennel of your own. your collar is a perfect fit, no less, and even though you didn't ask for any of this, it's more than you know what to do with. you've no bruises, no gashes, no injuries. how strange.
he's pondering what to say to get you to calm down. to trust him a little. maybe come out of the kennel, but that would be for later.
"hello." he places a gloved hand on the kennel's top rather carefully, so as not to startle you, and leans in just a bit. his voice is nicer than you would think. a bit nasally, sure, and the accent is cheesy, but he could read you the yellow pages and you wouldn't mind.
"…" your silence makes his jaw clench by a fraction. he'll have to fix that. for now, he'll ease you into things.
"what's your name, little one?"
"haven't got one." you rasp, pulling your knees to your chest and resting your chin atop them. ears flat against your head, your tail swishing- cautious and afraid, you are, and well within your rights to be.
he nods.
"we'll have to fix that, won't we?" he forces a little smile on his lips when you nod. you're not sure why you do when, two seconds ago, you'd have run off if the kennel door was opened. he's smart, he's thought this through. you're not leaving the kennel until you trust him, unbeknownst to you. your tail is ramrod stiff on the cushioned floor of your captivity, and at least he was kind enough to furnish it for you.
it's hard to trust him even though you know it would be smart to pretend.
he only lets you out to feed you, and from the start, he'd made it clear that if you tried to run, you'd be dead. at the same time, twice a day, he opens the cage for you to crawl out of. he extends his hand to you, looping his gloved fingers around your collar and guiding you to sit by his feet. he links a leather leash through the d-ring attached to your collar and walks you through his home, the environment sterile and hardly lived in.
it's when he puts you in his lap at the dining table and force feeds you that he fills the tense silence. the food itself is good, and you wonder if under different circumstances, you'd want him to be your owner. as you eat, he talks. you are, to some extent, grateful that he feeds you, even if he is only doing the bare minimum.
"have you been good, dear?" he asks, and you nod as per usual. it's rare that you decide to talk.
"good girl." he scratches the spot behind your ear, forcing you to lean into his hand and purr. he chuckles quietly. as he pets you, his stress melts away. you're so cute. a meek, naive little thing that he loves taking care of.
as dinner finishes, he picks you up and keeps you in his arms as he cleans up. you're silent, sedated by the drug he's put in your food, and you're bodering on falling asleep in his arms. a swell of pride of warms his chest as a little snore escapes you, followed by your tail wrapping around his arm.
day by day, bit by bit, you miss him. he keeps you company when he's not at "work" or whatever that is, he talks to you, he pets you the way you like, and it's nice when you forget about how you got here. the only thing you've come to dislike is the lack of underwear. it's not that he can't afford some, it's that he enjoys your discomfort to a worrisome degree. he likes its easy access, even if he hasn't taken advantage of it (or you) yet.
he comes around and you find yourself less defensive, thanks to your breeding cycle. you press your face against the bars of your enclosure.
"owner," you whine as he walks past, a spark igniting in your gut. his scent is stronger than it was this morning, and you're hyperaware of the growing warmth filling your body.
"yes, dear?" he stands at his closet, his back to you as he strips himself of his work clothes.
"can i come out?" you paw at the door of your cage, ignoring the rattling noise it causes.
he doesn't respond immediately, letting you stew in your silence for a moment as he finds something more casual to wear. you don't normally ask to come out- this is progress, proof of your trust.
"in a moment. let me get dressed, darling."
it's enough for you to stop whining. your tail swishes happily and your ears perk up when he approaches the cage in grey sweatpants and a black shirt and crouches down to undo the lock to the cage. you practically jump into his arms, purring loud when he wraps his big arms around you and pulls you into his chest.
"thank you." you murmur, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. his smell, like poison, makes you dizzy with desire. the warmth is growing uncomfortable, your ears pinned flat against your head.
he hums in response as he strokes your hair, a purr emanating from the depths of your chest. the heat spreads the more he touches you, pooling between your thighs. he tries not to notice when you rub them together and mewl pathetically.
"is something wrong?" his voice is a match to the flame in your gut.
it's your turn to be silent, trying to even out your breathing despite the overwhelming urge to lean in and take a nice, long whiff of the pheromones he gives off.
"darling, answer me. you know better." he says in a more stern tone, looking down his nose at you.
"… i'm in heat." you state quietly, avoiding his gaze. if you could see his eyes, you're sure they'd be wide and a little bit dark.
"are you, now?" he hoists you up in his arms as he stands, his forearms just under your ass. you're bent slightly over his shoulder. "we'll need to remedy that, won't we, pet?" he chuckles. a chill runs down your spine. just what have you gotten yourself into?
he's not a mean lover, just a little rough. he sets you on his bed and pushes you down with a cold hand to your chest as he moves on top of you. anxiety cools your blood, makes it like ice pushing through your veins.
"wh-what are you…?" he presses a finger to your lips, silencing you, and kisses your cheek.
"i've been waiting a long time for this, darling. it would be wise to avoid making me wait more." there's a threatening undertone to his voice, the burn of discomfort making itself known in your shoulders. he wedges his knee between yours, forcefully parting your thighs so he can trail his hand up them, pinching here and there just to see you flinch, and smooth two fingers along your weeping slit. a hint of a smile makes itself known as you shudder, thighs parting wider to accomodate his hand. his cold digits stop at the very top, feeling for your puffy clit, and rubs slow, tight circles around it.
you hate that it feels good, and you hate yourself for having a breeding cycle. a soft moan leaves you at his light touch, your eyes locked on the hand rubbing your clit. he presses down a little firmer, eliciting a whine from you.
"look, doesn't that feel much better?" he croons, his voice low with his lips so close to your ear. reluctantly, you nod, and that earns you the reward of his fingers rubbing you a little faster. you squirm a little, trying to get more than just surface-level pleasure.
"y-yes. that feels good, thank you." a hint of malice laces through your tone, but you're grateful for what he's giving you. your face is on fire as only the pathetic wet noises from your cunt fills the air, and you (try to) hide your face in your hands, only to be met with a sharp slap to your cunt. you flinch, the pain subsiding after he continues playing with your cunt. your hands come down from your face and instead grab the sheets.
your stomach tightens, twists into a coil that winds tighter with every pass over your hardened clit. but you can't cum like this, not when your breeding cycle is ongoing.
"owner- p-please, need more." you whine, and albert kisses your cheek as a response, denying you of what you need.
"such a needy thing. fine. you'll get what you want." he takes his hand from your pussy and to the waistband of his sweats, pushing them down rather impatiently, as well as his boxers. weeping, his cock is bright red at the tip from want (how long has he been hard for?) and large. you're worried.
he chuckles at your fear-stricken expression before grabbing your legs and pressing them against your chest.
"be a dear and hold these for me, hm?" he says, and you do as you're told. you hold your legs by the backs of your thighs, pressing them so your knees hit your chest. he strokes himself once, twice to the sight of you spread out for him, your cute cunt drooling. slick drips down your perineum, inviting him.
you watch him slot himself in place, the tip of his long cock dragging through your folds to bump your clit, making you gasp. your entrance clenches around nothing, a pitiful whine leaving you.
"greedy." he shakes his head softly as he lines himself up, and without warning, thrusts himself entirely inside you.
the stretch is worse than you imagined. you flinch away from him, but he grips your thighs and tugs you right back onto his cock. it hurts, and the burn is something you hadn't accounted for. tears prick at your lower lashline. he leans down, his frame practically engulfing yours, and kisses your cheeks.
"don't cry. struggling only makes it worse, you know." he coos, tapping your jaw. you nod softly and wrap your arms around his neck for support, sniffling as the tears trail down the sides of your face. to ease your discomfort, his hand works itself between the two of you again and thumbs at your clit, dulling some of the pain. another moment, and your tears have disappeared.
"y-you can move. m'okay." you mumble to albert's delight. he starts slow, mostly on your behalf, and hisses at just how tight you are around him as he thrusts shallowly into your aching cunt.
the moment you make a noise, he grips your thighs tighter and starts bullying his cock into you quite intensely. the tip of his cock kisses your cervix with every single harsh, downright mean, thrust. he's not doing this for you, and that becomes readily apparent. still, you can't deny that it feels good to be fucked.
albert's quiet, aside from small huffs and hisses of enjoyment. you're so wet, it's making a mess of his lower abdomen and thighs. the lewd slapping of skin on skin combined with your precious mewls and whimpers of pleasure spurr him on, his nails digging into your thighs. his cock brushes against the spongy spot inside you, making you cry out and arch your back off the bed.
"there- a-again, please!" you grab the hand not rubbing your clit and lace your fingers together as the pressure in the pit of your stomach builds and builds, leaving you dumb on your owner's cock. he complies with your request, if not to feel you cum then just to see your pretty face when you do.
he bullies that spot relentlessly, to the point where some of his hair falls in his face. gummy walls squeeze and suck him in more, a loud cry leaving you as you reach your peak. slick gushes from your already crying pussy, thoroughly coating the both of your lower halves. it's dripping from you as he continues pumping into your hole, the schlick noise amplified now.
"w-wait- wait-" you grab the hem of his shirt, but he ignores your protests.
"we're not finished until my precious girl has her cunt filled with cum." he moves your hand away, forcing yourself further into the mating press he's got you in. you can feel every single inch, and how the throb of his dick indicates his climax. a few more sloppy, mean thrusts and he's spilling his seed into you. decidedly, it's a good feeling, and you need much, much more. your heat ceases momentarily, however, as he keeps his cock inside to ensure that nothing leaks out. your tail wraps around his thigh, the end flicking happily.
"i mean filled in every sense of the word, darling." he gathers some of your slick that's coating his lower abdomen on two fingers and pushes them in your mouth, watching with delight as you kitten-lick them clean. a dark grin forms on his pale lips, his length twitching at the sight. it's then that you really give in, that you decide it's better to be this way- fucked full of his cum and brainless. a familiar heat flares in your gut once more.
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mattsenthusiast · 7 months
𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖞 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝖔𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖆~ Matt Sturniolo
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Word count: 5330
Summary: The reader gets hired as a photographer for her favourite band. Matt can’t help but be extremely interested in the girl, which leads to him making a bold move on stage.
Warnings: smut smut SMUT, smut with plot though, BDSM; slapping, hair pulling, tying up, blindfold, pain kink, exhibition kink and breath play if you squint, sub!Matt and dom!Reader, mommy kink, nicknames, use of vibrator, oral (m and f receiving), degrading, praising, finger sucking, cum feeding, face sitting, semi-public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys), p in v, the bands name being ,,The Fingerers” is hilarious
The feeling that was flowing through my veins probably could not be described with words. One of my favorite bands ,,The Fingerers” was having a show in my city, so how could I pass such an occasion? But just being there would not give me the satisfaction I needed, since I was a professional photographer, why not send my portfolio to the venue with proposition to be a scene cameraman?
I didn’t expect much but it was always worth a shot. So when I actually got an email back saying that they would gladly hire me for the time of the concert, I was on cloud nine.
The thought of being so close to them was overtaking my mind. The show was still a week ahead, but it didn’t stop me from planning stuff the whole time. I made sure that everything was perfect- from my equipment to my appearance. Come on I couldn’t pass a chance to look my best in front of the Sturniolos. They were insanely attractive so I obviously had to reach their level if I’m going to stand next to them. Also I can’t hide the fact that I have a thing for the guitarist Matt.
And here I am now, standing in the backstage and about to meet all three of the band members. I anxiously swayed from one leg to another and began fidgeting with the hem of my skirt that reached to my mid thigh.
I was very pleased with my outfit. It was an all black, considering that it was a rock concert and I didn’t want to be too out of place with some light colored clothes. I had a corset top that was paired with the skirt. I wore a big leather jacket over it to add this outfit a little bit more personality. The base was paired with fishnets and high, massive boots that made me taller than I already was and I also added some chains to top it all.
I felt super good with the way I looked today and it was definitely a big confidence boost.
Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the door opening and saw three familiar faces in the frame. Nick was the first one to enter the room, when he noticed me there he immediately started talking to me.
,,Hey! You must be the photographer for the show, am I right? I’m Nick and these two behind me are Matt and Chris” he said while pointing to the guys. I looked at them and Chris gave me a wave and smile while Matt just stared at me with his arms crossed on his chest.
Holy fuck and did he look hot as hell. His black, sleeveless shirt was exposing his toned, tattooed arms and collarbones that were begging for me to just bite into them. He also had a leather jacket draped over his right shoulder and a necklace dangling from his neck. I scanned down and my eyes landed on his hands, his fucking long fingered and ringed hands. I was sure that one touch from them could kill me and make me never want to have anything or anyone else touch me. He looked like an absolute daydream. My gaze landed on his face and my breathing stopped for a good second, he was wearing a fucking eyeliner that perfectly compliment his features. My heart could surely be heard from across the room.
I cleared my throat to get back to reality and looked back at Nick ,,yes I’m y/n I’m a big fan of your music guys, I can’t wait to take some damn good pictures for you” I laughed slightly to seem less awkward and he smiled back at me.
Chris walked up to Nick ,,Okay so we need to set up and we’re ready to go in a few. See you there” he gave me a quick hug and walked past me. It wasn’t long until the two other guys followed his lead, but I couldn’t help but notice Matt’s eyes piercing into me as he walked by. My mind was sabotaging me with all of the thoughts that were wildly running through it.
When I turned around and I couldn’t see them anymore I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Fuck this is going to be a long night.
Since I still had a bit of time before the show starts I decided to check if my camera was working. Just as I was about to snap a test picture I saw Matt appearing from the back of the curtains. He was humming a song, not looking into my direction at first, but when he picked up one of the last speakers and turned around to leave, his stare landed on me. He stopped right in front of my camera while I hit the button and the familiar snapping sound was heard. Without any word he just walked away with a smirk placed on his lips.
I looked at the photo I had just taken and fuck the camera was working well. Maybe a little bit too good even, I couldn’t pull my eyes from the sight on the screen. His damn arms are going to be the death of me tonight. I took a deep breath and looked at my phone to check the time. There was about 5 minutes left until we have to start so I took my camera, extra lenses and batteries just in case, and made my way onto the stage.
The venue was prepared fabulously, the lights matched perfectly with the vibe of the band and a screen behind the instruments was showing a big writing that said ,,The Fingerers” in a sharp font.
The boys were already in their places, waiting for the material to be lifted in less than three minutes. Chris was adjusting the microphone in front of him, Nick was hitting invisible drums with his sticks and Matt was tuning his guitar.
I gave them one last smile before making my way to the side where I was supposed to start filming.
The curtains were being lifted as the guys started playing their first song of the night. A huge wave of screaming fans could be heard along with the music. I was glad that I had some headphones on my head because otherwise a headache that would appear later would kill me.
I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t looking at Matt the whole time, the way his fingers swiftly ran across the strings of the guitar was filling my mind with so many unholy thoughts. I could feel myself becoming wet and had to press my legs together for a bit of friction.
I didn’t even notice when the first song ended and they smoothly transitioned to another one. I needed to take some individual shots of them all so I made my way towards the middle, starting with Nick and his drums. I made sure to catch a good shot of him head banging to the beat and spinning his drumstick in his right hand.
I started walking backwards and turned the camera towards Chris. At that exact moment his eyes were closed as he was gripping the base of the microphone, but when he opened them he turned his head towards me and smiled. After a second his whole body was turned into my direction and he took a step closer. I couldn’t say that it didn’t make me internally screaming because it definitely did.
Then suddenly I felt someone’s back being pressed to mine. I tilted my head slightly to the side only to see Matt’s face being inches apart from mine. I bit my lips and pulled the camera’s attention from Chris to him.
His hair was sticking to his forehead from the heat of the room and his eyeliner was slightly smudged as well. It was time for his guitar solo, but then he did something that I would’ve never expected. He looked right into my eyes and winked at me as he slowly made his way onto his knees, without breaking the eye contact. He flawlessly played the song while throwing his head back with his lips slightly parted.
If I wasn’t weak before then I definitely was now. I was practically fucking him with my eyes. The lust on my face was so visible and the wetness in my underwear was begging to be taken care of. The solo was coming to an end and right when he played the last cords he slightly lifted his body while still being on his knees and threw his head and arms to the back.
Not even five seconds passed when he looked back into my eyes while panting heavily and smirking sinfully. His hands made their way to the back of my thighs, right under my skirt to help himself stand up. Our bodies were so close I could feel him pressing against me. I let out a quiet gasp as he laughed and walked away, getting back to playing.
Matt was such a heavy distraction for me during the show. The glances and smiles he was sending me could easily put me into coma, but I had to stay on the ground for the sake of getting the money from my job. I was so focused on him to the point where I didn’t even realize that they played three other songs and it was time for a break. As the curtains were getting closed I started to make my way to the backstage, just to be stopped by someone. Of course it was Matt, how could it not be.
,,hey guys I’m gonna go to the van really quick because I need to get something. You don’t mind going with me, do you?” he said while looking into my eyes. The eye contact was so intense, I couldn’t even bring myself to let any words fall from my mouth so I just nodded my head. Just after I made that gesture he took my hand into his and led me somewhere to an unknown for me direction.
,,uhhhh sorry but I think the parking lot is on the other si-“ I got cut off by being pressed to a door and feeling Matt’s lips on mine. The piece of wood behind me was soon opened and he dragged me inside of the room, that later turned out to be a bathroom.
His lips were moving against mine smoothly yet so roughly. I could feel his teeth biting my bottom lip and our noses bumping together. If kissing Matt wasn’t a drug then it absolutely should be counted as one. I couldn’t pull away even if I wanted to. One of his hands was on my neck and the other one was grazing the skin under my shirt. We were panting heavily as my hands made their way from his neck to his hair. In the heat of the moment I pulled on it and I was cut off guard from the noise that has fallen from his mouth.
He just fucking moaned
This situation made me separate from him, as a smirk appeared on my face. ,,Looks like someone has a thing for having his hair pulled. I wonder if there’s more things that I can get out of you” I moved closer to his ear, so I can whisper to it. ,,Maybe if I slapped your pretty face then you’d enjoy it too, or if I tied you up and put a blindfold over your eyes so you’d have no control of what’s happening, would you like that? I bet you’d take it so well, like a good boy that you are. You’ve got such a innocent look in your eyes but deep down, you’re just a fucking slut, that would do anything just to have his face buried into something.” The words full of praise yet so degrading were flowing out of my mouth so effortlessly. It was easy to talk like this to a man that just looks like he could be destroyed.
His lips were open now and he was quite literally speechless. I couldn’t help but chuckled at his state and took an advantage of it and turned us around, so now his back was pressed to the door. I took one hand from his hair and brought it to his black pants. It was clear that he was already hard. As i was palming his clothed dick, my lips made its way to his neck as I started to leave wet and warm trail of kisses on his neck. And oh boy when I tell you that he was vocal. His moans and whimpers were music to my ears.
,,please, pleasee- fuck” he struggled to speak ,,If you don’t stop soon I’ll cum into my pants ma, please” he was begging so beautifully and it only encouraged me to keep giving him pleasure.
,,hmmm but you’d like that baby. Getting all dirty in your underwear and then having to get everything done for the night with that mess. You’d feel and remember what I did to you and then at the end of the day you’d beg me to take care of that for you.”
,,I get all wet just by imagining you like this. Fuck I wish I could just ruin you right here and now, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this. Every time I’ve watched your shows I would touch myself to the image of you and your dick poking out. Do you get turned on by performing? Do you come just from the sensation of being watched and praised?”
,,mfm fuck, yes” he whimpered painfully and he broke the eye contact.
,,yes what? You need to address me properly slut” I added and harshly grabbed his face, so he was looking up at me.
,,yes ma’am, yes I do find pleasure in being watched, please fuck I can’t take it”
I only smirked at this and went even faster. All I could hear from him were broken noises, that he couldn’t even try to keep in his throat. I stopped touching him for a moment, just to unbuckle his pants, but just as I was about to do it, we heard a knock on the door.
,,hey guys I heard a noise from there and just wanted to check if everything is alright? We’re about to get back on stage” a familiar voice asked. It was one of Matt’s brothers- Chris. I looked at the man in front of me and smiled mischievously. I started to palm him again and mouthed to him to be a good boy and answer his brother.
,,yeah- mmmm, yes we’re about to get out just, fuck, just give us a minute” he sounded so pathetic, barely being able to keep those louder noises in. All we heard was unsure hum of agreement and then a fading sound of footsteps.
,,you did so good, now we have to go back. But first let me just” I took a step back for a moment and reached under my skirt. When I found two strings on my hips that I was looking for, I pulled them down, making my panties go down my legs. Matt’s eyes widened as I stepped out of them and put them in the air to give him a better view ,,now you’re going to take care of them since I was so good for you.” I demanded as I put the piece of fabric into his pocket. A visible blush was place on his face and the bulge in his pants looked even more painful now.
,,Come on sweetheart, you have a concert to finish” I pet his shoulder, giggled slightly and started to make my way out of the room. He took a deep breath and followed right behind me like a lost puppy.
It was time for them to play their last song of the show. The lights were flickering, only adding the sensuality to this already arousing situation. The heat of the crowd make sweet drip down my neck and the dirty lyrics that were sang by Matt now were going straight to my core.
The fact that I didn’t have my underwear on was not helping at all. Besides the fact that I had a strong urge to just touch myself in front of all of those people, I found my gaze wandering to the place where I put the lace fabric. If you looked close enough, you could easily spot them in Matt’s left pocket, peaking just a little bit.
Oh I’m going to fuck this man so well after this ends
The minutes that felt like hours were passing by, when the finally awaited moment came. Nick played the last beats of the song on his drums and right after he finished, the fans went crazy. They were screaming and cheering for their lives, and I’m not going to lie that if I was there I would be doing the same. The boys lined up to bow and Matt straightened his arm to show me to go and stand with them. When I reached my destination I was met with his hand landing on my waist, putting a horny grip on it.
,,please go to the room 244. I’ll come to you right after I help the guys carry the equipment and tell them that I’m tired” he whispered to my ear and licked right below it. Just as the curtains were closing, he turned me around and tucked the card to the hotel room into my bra.
,,will do baby” I winked at him and ,accidentally’ brushed my hand against his hard on. Before he could even show me his reaction I moved past him ,,it was really nice working with you guys, you’re all amazing and I hope to meet you again in the future, you know hit me up if you need to take some pics” I sent a smile into their direction and went to the backstage to grab my bag.
After taking all of my belongings I started to make my way into the room. My head full of filthy scenarios that I would love to put Matt in and just make him cry and beg for mercy. I didn’t even realize when the door of the elevator opened and I got out of it.
I admired the beautiful design of the corridor. And holy shit, it must be expensive to rent a hotel here. The floor was decorated with beautiful, red carpet and the walls had multiple paintings on them. The frames were shiny and gold, just like the knobs on the doors. It took me a few seconds before I finally saw the number I was looking for. Gorgeous 244 was visible on the dark wood and I pressed the card that Matt gave me to the small screen. As it let out a quiet beep noise I opened the door and was met with darkness and a strong scent of expensive perfume and mint.
I turned the lights on and the inside had the same vibe as the corridor, golden elements and red, silky sheets. It was extremely spacious and had a big window that led to the balcony. There still was enough privacy though, because I was on the sixth floor. The king sized bed was facing a huge mirror with a shelf right next to it.
I kept admiring the space for a few more moments before I heard the door open. I was met with the sight of Matt, his make up smudged from the sweat and his hair a complete mess. He leaned on the doorframe with his arm crossed as a made a ,come here’ motion with two of my fingers.
He immediately obeyed, his eyes never leaving mine. As he was right in front of me, I grabbed his face and put my lips on him. The kiss even hotter and more desperate than before. He was grinding against me for some friction and lord I could already feel how huge he is.
I didn’t want him to get too confident though so I led him to the bed and pushed him, so he was laying on his back. His pink lips swollen from the previous make out and all I can say is that he looked like a wet dream.
,,I can finally have you all to myself sweetheart, spread out just for me and fuck you look so good on red” I couldn’t even hide my neediness, I was hungry for him and I knew that he felt the same way.
,,don’t think that it would be that easy though Matt. I’m so glad that I prepared myself and took more of my equipment, not just the camera” I took my bag that I put on the floor next to the bed and started to pull out ropes, blindfold, lube and a vibrator ,,it’s not much but once you come to my house with me I’ll make sure I treat you even better.”
With that being said I made my way on top of him, his lips immediately chasing to mine but I stopped him.
,,no touching baby, unless you want me to add more to your punishment, because of the shit that you pulled on the stage. You teased me with no permission and expected me to do nothing? Now be good and take your shirt off for me” I warned and I could see his eyes growing even darker with lust. He lifted the material from his chest and threw it somewhere across the room. I could see his whole body tensing from under me, flexing his slightly toned arms.
After admiring him for a moment, I took the long roped and put his hands to the bed frame. He gladly let me do it, not protesting once. A beautiful knot was being made on his wrists as I finished my work with a little bow.
,,is this okay love?” I made sure and kissed his neck.
,,yes it’s incredible, it feels incredible. Please make me feel good mommy please I need it. Need it so bad”
My eyes widened at the new nickname that fell from him but I wasn’t complaining. It got me a new wave of confidence to pleasure my boy.
,,poor baby, all worked up and I didn’t even touch you. The way you’re so sensitive is so pathetic yet so hot you have no idea. You were made to be used by me.” With that being said I slapped the side of his face. He was clearly caught of guard but the noise that me let out showed that he really enjoyed it.
,,now I’m going to put that blindfold over your eyes. You’re not going to be able to control anything and you’ll just lay here and let me have you however I want. Is this okay with you?”
,,yes you can do whatever you want. My body is all for you fuck” he whined out.
Nothing else had to be said and I tied the fabric around his head, making sure it’s not too tight but also puts some pressure.
,,if it gets too much just say ,red’ and I’ll stop. Otherwise I’ll just keep going so remember it baby” I kissed him one last time before staring to unbuckle his belt.
I was doing it slowly on purpose to keep him worked up. I then moved to his zipper and pulled it down with a harsh motion, so it rubbed right against his dick. He moaned loudly at the contact and lifted his hips up for some more.
I had to push it down in order for him to follow my rules ,,If I remember correctly then I asked you not to move, you’re such a slut that can’t even control himself” the degradation was getting straight to his bulge, making it aching even more.
Finally, I pulled his pants down in a swift motion, right along with his underwear. And when I tell you that he really was big.
He was about 8 inches long and really girthy. There was a vein that sat on the right side of it. The tip was red and leaking with pre-come. The sight of his was incredibly beautiful to a point where I just wanted to suck him off forever if that meant that I could be near him.
My eyes wander a bit up to his v line and I was met with a black ink decorating his pale skin. I couldn’t help myself and started licking and sucking along it. I could sense that his sweet spot was on it by the whimper that was ripped out of his throat. I decided to mark this place with a purple hickey.
Licking my way down to his thighs I was getting so close to where he needed me yet so far. He was tugging on the rope from impatience and neediness and I found it extremely amusing. I finally lick the side of his cock right to the tip.
,,fuck ma your tongue’s so warm, keep going please”
I chuckled and started to suck on his tip. He was enjoying it just as much as I was. I took him about half way in when I decided to reach for the vibrator right next to me. My eyes were literally glowing from the idea and I turned it up to a medium setting, putting it to the base of his dick.
His breathing sped up from this unexpected feeling and it was only going faster and faster as I put the toy to his tip.
,,please too much mmm, I’m going to cum if you don’t stop” his whole body was shaking and I just put the vibrator on a higher setting.
The screams that i was getting out of him were followed by a white liquid shooting out onto his stomach. He panted heavily as the first orgasm of the night washed over him. Matt was expecting me to pull the toy away but I didn’t. I just kept it at his still rosy tip as my other hand stroked the rest of his dick.
I knew he was already extremely sensitive from one orgasm so it would be easy to over simulate him.
,,im going to make you cum so well until you spent and dry. And then I’ll still lick you up to make you clean, do you understand?”
,,yes- yes mommy I understand please I’ll take everything you are willing to give me”
As he finished the sentence another string of cum was splashed onto his abdomen. I finally turned the vibrator off and threw it onto the bed.
Two of my fingers made its way into the pool of come and I dipped them into it. Then I brought it to his lips and slightly tapped them ,,open up for me”.
And that’s what he did. I put my digits into his warm mouth and he closed them and sucked onto my fingers, tasting himself from them.
It was definitely a sight for sore eyes. I pulled my fingers out and bent down to lick the rest of his cum from his stomach.
,,since you’ve already tasted yourself, now you have to also taste me” I made my way up to straddle his face. The fact that I already didn’t have my underwear was extremely helpful in this situation ,,put that pretty mouth of yours into good use now” those were my last words before I sat on his face. The sensation of his nose on my clit immediately made me throw my head back with a long whine. He stuck his tongue right into my core and started tracing circles over it.
He definitely knew what he was doing. I swear I could see stars from how good it felt. I started to grind onto his face, practically cutting his access to the air, which only hade him groan into me.
,,holy shit Matt you’re doing so good sweetheart, just a bit more, I’m almost done- yes yes right there” I made sure to leave little words of encouragement to let him know that he’s doing a wonderful job.
I put my hands into his fluffy curls to steady myself and he moaned. This brought me to the edge and I came all over his face.
,,mmmm baby you did amazing I’m so proud of you, made me feel so good” small whispers were leaving me as I took my time to steady my breathing. Finally, I lifted myself up to see the mess that I left on him, but to my surprise not only did his face was white but also his stomach, yes again.
,,awww did you just come from giving me head I can’t believe it. You’re even bigger whore than I thought” even tho I couldn’t see his eyes I knew he had tears in them from the humiliation. His face all red and he tilted his head to the side to hide it into his shoulder, since his hands were stuck above him.
,,ah ah no hiding there” I took his chin into my hand and turned it my way. After letting go of it I reached behind his head to untie the blindfold and take it off. ,,now listen carefully, I’m going to ride you and you’re not going to pull your eyes away from me. I need your dick buried deep into me more than anything”
With that being said I took off my shirt and bra to give Matt a show. His gaze immediately landing on my boobs and I could see his hands and mouth trying to reach for them.
I took the lube that I put on the bed earlier and squeezed some onto my hand and stroked him a few times before taking his dick and sinking right onto it.
We both moaned in unison and his face twisted in pleasure. It was already tears stained and with black make up running down his cheeks. After adjusting to his size for a moment I started moving up and down on him. The air was filled with the sound of our moans and skin slapping together. Sweat was dripping down my forehead as I went faster.
,,fuck you’re so tight around me ma I can feel you squeezing my dick” he whined out. I knew he was not going to last long because of his previous orgasms.
My hands were rubbing up and down his stomach and my nails were leaving red trails of marks on there. Those will stay on there for a long time and remind Matt who he belongs to.
With a few more moves of my hips I say his eyes roll into the back of his skull and his head being thrown back. The feeling of him shooting his cum deep inside me brought me to edge as well and I came right after him. I rode out our highs for a minute and lifted up from him.
,,wow that was intense” Matt chuckled breathlessly and smile was crippling onto his face.
,,I know baby, but you did so good. Such a good boy for me” I kept telling him sweet nothings while untying his hands and leaving soft kisses along his bruised wrists ,,now let me take care of you, I’ll run you a bath and you just rest here”
,,thank you so much angel. You’re incredible for me holy shit how did I even get so lucky tonight”
With those words being said I passionately kissed him on the lips and made my way to run the bath.
I hope you enjoyed and that the grammar is not that bad😜 not proofread
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
All She Wants, Part One
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Summary: As an Omega, Y/N’s biology dictates that she needs to be claimed and have pups. Despite seeing her through her heats for years, Dean – the Alpha Y/N wants to settle down with – refuses to give her what she needs.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Female Omega!Reader
Rating: 18+ Only
Bingo Square: The quote: “Don’t try to alpha me. It won’t work.” for @j3bingo which is highlighted in bold.
Warnings: omegaverse, A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, language, ruts, heats, smut (well… technically, it’s smangst and could be perceived as tw: dub-con), p in v, dirty talk, breeding kink, claiming kink, knotting, angst, Dean is a bit of an asshole, fighting, canon level violence, arguments.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Well, we get straight into the filth under the cut with this one! I hope you’re ready for some angst alpha Dean! Buckle up, buttercups, and enjoy the ride! Please consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite, or leave a little comment. It really does fuel our muse. If you’re too shy, or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
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“Fuck, Omega, you’re dripping all over my cock,” Dean growls as he slams into you again. This is the eighth fucking he’s given you in the past three days, and it’s sure to be over a dozen by the time his rut is over.
You and Dean have been doing this for years. Whenever he’s in a rut, you get him through it, and whenever you’re in heat, he’s repaid the favour. At first, it was easy; a means to an end. You knew each other, you trusted each other, there was an attraction between you, and it was less risky than disappearing off the face of the earth for five days with a stranger, especially when any alpha could claim you with or without your consent.
As time passed, you’d done what you promised never to do; you caught feelings. Once that happened, becoming emotionally bonded to Dean was no longer a choice, and in all ways but wearing his mark, you and the green-eyed hunter had mated.
“Such a sweet fucking pussy, baby girl. Can’t get enough of it,” Dean’s voice had deepened with his arousal, and you knew the alpha in him was slowly taking over.
You groan at his words. He’s always good with dirty talk and can turn you into a weak, whimpering mess with a single word.
But it’s all talk. Dean has told you plenty of times that you could never be anything more. And the more years that passed, the harder that’s been to accept. Every month when your heat ended, you swore it was the last time. Your biology dictated your life, and if an alpha didn’t claim you and give you pups, you’d go feral and die.
Dean’s knot is beginning to swell; you can’t feel him as deep as he had been. He drapes himself over your sweat-slicked back to give himself better purchase to push and shove into you, desperate to get as deep as he’d been a few minutes ago. It’s a futile effort as he won’t get what he wants until his knot has slipped inside you, but being surrounded by him – his weight on top of you, breathing in his scent – is a euphoria you could never get enough of. It’s the reason you’ve always ended up under him.
“Alpha, please,” you beg pathetically. “Need your knot.”
“Yeah? You gonna be a good girl and take my knot, ‘mega?” Dean grunts in your ear, his knot beginning to catch at your entrance.
“Yes, Alpha!” You gasp as Dean’s hand wraps around your throat, pushing your head to the side and exposing your neck.
“Of course, you are, ‘mega. Always such a good girl for your Alpha,” Dean grunts, thrusting harder and harder, trying to force his knot inside your walls, but he can’t quite slip it into your tight, slightly tense channel. 
“Gonna fill you up so good, baby girl. Knot you and fill you. You want that, huh? Want my come? My pups? Want me to ruin this pretty little neck with my mark?” he grunts, teasing your delicate skin with his teeth.
You moan, feeling another bout of slick leaking from you at his words. It’s all you want, and you choke back the tears at the regret you feel about ever starting this vicious cycle; at the cruelness of him using what you so desperately want to loosen you up enough to take what he wants.
And you hate yourself because it works.
“Yeah, I know you do, Omega. You just gotta let me in. Let me in, and I’ll fill you so good, baby. There’s no way you won’t come out of this pregnant.” You try to remind yourself that it’s only words, and you’re on birth control anyway, so it’ll never happen, but you can’t help but wish there was truth in them. 
Dean lowers his head, and you shiver when his tongue licks over your mating gland and his teeth nip at your skin.
“Alpha!” You scream, finally reaching orgasm as his knot breeches you and locks your bodies together for the foreseeable future.
“That’s m’girl,” Dean growls as he grinds into you, the tip of his member kissing your cervix. He jerks his hips, shoving impossibly further inside you, and you whine at the pleasurable pain.
“No fucking pussy better than yours, ‘mega, and it’s all fucking mine,” Dean roars and you feel the heat of the first ropes of come hitting your quivering walls, sending you into a second orgasm.
Your elbows can no longer hold your weight, and you collapse onto the bed. You hate how Dean knows what buttons to push to get you to give him what he needs. You hate your body for falling for his words. And right now, as you experience a third orgasm that has you fighting between euphoria and disgust, you’re glad Dean hasn’t claimed you, and a chemical bond is non-existent, so he can’t feel the torment you’re currently going through.
You sigh as the waves of your climax roll away, and your body melts into the mattress. Behind you, Dean moans low and long as your relaxed body allows his knot to slip in deeper, and he empties everything he has into your womb.
Dean has never come so hard with you before, and you wonder if the claiming and breeding talk did it, or if it was because he’s never been so deep inside you before. Or if he, like you, is finding it harder to fight his instincts.
He carefully rolls you both onto your sides and wraps himself around you protectively, placing soft kisses across your back and shoulder. It’s the first sign that his rut is ending, and it doesn’t surprise you that it’s a day early, given how much of his come you can feel swirling in your belly.
The afterglow you’d been basking in is quickly overshadowed with dread because you know this is the last time this would happen. You can’t keep doing this to yourself. Dean will never want more with you than what you have right now. He’ll never reciprocate your feelings for him, and you refuse to put yourself through it any longer.
“You okay, Y/N? Was I too rough?” Dean asks, pressing his lips to your spine, and you know for sure he’s out of his rut because he called you by name and not “Omega” or “Baby Girl”. And if using your name hadn’t given it away, then his concern for you would have.
“No,” you say quietly. You try to shift away from him, yelping from still being locked together tightly and stretched to almost unbearable pain. You want to cry, knowing you’ll likely remain that way for over an hour. At one time, that would’ve made you the happiest little omega on the planet, being tucked safely in your alpha’s arms, him locked in you so tightly, but right now, you just want to get away from him.
“Easy, sweetheart,” Dean soothes, running his hand up and down your side. “We’re gonna be here a while. It hasn’t been like that since my first rut, and I’m jammed in there pretty tight,” Dean chuckles. “Fuck, that felt good!”
You remain still and silent, not wanting to cause yourself any further pain, and grateful that if the tears you’re holding fall, you can blame it on the discomfort you feel.
“Uh, you know all that talk about claiming and pups was just that, right? Dirty talk?” Dean speaks, breaking the silence that had formed between you. “Because this life ain’t the place for weaknesses like mating bonds and pups.”
“I know.” It comes out in a whisper, but at least you didn’t burst into tears at the final nail in the coffin of your relationship with Dean.
“Good,” he states, pulling you further into his body and settling down to sleep.
Now all you need to do is wait until Dean’s knot deflates and he’s sleeping deeply. Then you can shower the stench of the alpha from your body and return to your room. Your space. Your haven. Your nest.
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The trouble with witches is that they’re more intelligent than most people give them credit for. And vindictive. They’re also the most vile monsters on the planet. Still, you can’t help but admire them. Not that you’d ever admit that out loud, but you can’t deny the genius of the one you’re hunting right now that’s had the three of you running around in five different states trying to catch her.
When your luck finally turns, and you find her hideout undetected—a hundred miles from the bunker, no less—the three of you get takeout and beer in the motel room, and form a plan to take the bitch down.
As the sun comes through the threadbare drapes, rousing you from the first restful night’s sleep you’ve had in weeks, you still feel tired and too hot. Trying to kick the duvet off your overheated body, you feel a solid block behind you and sigh. Sam and Dean had insisted you all share a room, knowing you’re all on the witch’s hit list and are safer in numbers until she’s dead, so you know it can only be Dean behind you.
Becoming more awake, you notice Dean nuzzling into your neck, his lips resting on your mating gland, and his calming, intoxicating scent surrounding you. This is the closest you’ve been to him since his rut a few weeks ago, making your stomach lurch.
Quietly slipping from the bed, you smile wistfully as the green-eyed alpha whines at your sudden absence. Dean has been looking at you strangely these past two weeks. You know that he knows you’re pulling away from him, but as always with the two of you, it’s gone unspoken. Dean never talks about his feelings, and the last time you did, well, let’s just say that’s when you knew you and Dean were a sinking ship.
Grabbing underwear, jeans, a vest top, and flannel from your duffel bag, you make your way into the bathroom, wanting for once to have a long, hot shower without it turning cold when soap suds are still in your hair because the boys have used it all up.
Fully dressed and towelling your hair, the first signs of this month’s heat make themselves known as your skin prickles and the twinges start in your lower belly. This will be the first heat you’ve endured without Dean in a long time, and you pray to Chuck or whoever the fuck is running things upstairs now, that you’re strong enough to handle it.
Taking two Tylenol for the impending cramps, and a suppressant to try to ease the other symptoms of heat, you brush the tangles from your wet hair and head over to the diner to get breakfast for yourself and the two alphas, the younger whose bed is now empty having gone out for his morning run, and the older who is still snoring, his nose buried into the pillow you’d slept on.
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Dean is pacing the motel room. Y/N’s scent is still strong in the air and tinged with the beginnings of her heat, a scent that always drives him fucking wild. Her damp towel hangs on the heated rail in the bathroom, so he knows she hasn’t been gone long, but he’s worried about her. Especially lately. And especially with a conniving witch bitch hellbent on vaporising them.
Y/N has been pulling away from him lately, and her sharp tongue has left him licking his wounds more than once. He’d been wracking his brain, going over their every interaction, trying to figure out what he’d done to piss her off. What hurt him the most was her obvious despair at having to share a bed with him last night.
He and Sam agreed the three of them would stay in one room until they’d killed the bitch. They were all on the witch’s radar, but if they stayed together, at least they had safety in numbers. When he gave the news to Y/N, she looked at him as if he’d kicked a puppy right in front of her, and that felt like a knife to his gut.
He’d even thought about saying she could sleep with Sam, but the very thought of that made him want to tear his younger brother’s throat out, so he had no choice but to grin and bear her cold shoulder and the cold bed.
Not able to make and take comfort in a nest for herself, Y/N had situated herself on the bed as far away from him as possible and contorted into the tiniest little ball she physically could, making it abundantly clear to him and Sam that she felt extremely vulnerable. Dean knew that hurt not only him but Sam too.
The sound of footsteps outside the room makes Dean grab the gun filled with witch-killing bullets from the dresser and point it at the door. He relaxes his stance and lowers the weapon when he recognises Sam’s shadow through the grimy motel room window.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Dean barks at his younger brother the second he walks through the door.
“Yeah, she’s sitting in the diner eating breakfast. I ran past her a couple of minutes ago,” Sam replied, stretching his calves and putting his earphones away.
“You talk to her?”
“No. I thought it best to give her some space. With the way things have been, and, you know, she’s on the verge of a heat and, uh, she hasn’t really been herself lately, and last night with the…” Sam sighed. “What happened between you two, Dean? Because that is not the happy Omega we know.”
“I wish I knew, Sammy. I really do, but I’m at a loss here.” Dean starts to pace again, in obvious distress and breathing deeply through flared nostrils.
“When was the last time things were okay between you?” Sam asked.
“My rut last month. But even then, the last time we, uh… you know… she was off.”
“Dean,” Sam’s jaw clenched, hoping he didn’t have to kick his brother’s ass for forcing himself on her.
“I knew she was distracted. Her head wasn’t in it, and I needed her so bad—” The dawning of realisation washed over the green-eyed alpha’s features, and he felt sick.
“What did you do, Dean?”
“I, uh, I fucked up. I had to get creative with some dirty talk to slick her up enough to get my knot in, and I… fuck!” Dean sits on the bed, places his head in his hands and pulls at his hair.
“Dean,” the younger alpha’s nostrils were also flaring now, but it was from anger as opposed to his brother’s distress.
“I played on what she wants. What she really wants, Sam. I’ve always been clear with her about what we have and never used any of what she… but that night, I told her I’d claim her and give her pups.” And just like that, everything makes perfect sense to Dean. Y/N is pushing him away because she desperately wants what he teased her with. “And then, as we lay there locked together, I told her it was just talk, and I could never give it to her.”
“Jesus, Dean! You’re telling me you used her by telling her you’d give her what she wanted, then you broke her heart by taking it all back, saying she could never have it so that you could knot her? That’s low, even for you!” Sam scoffs.
“I never said she couldn’t have it. I said I couldn’t give it to her. She’s leaving me, Sammy. It’s why she’s been pushing me away. Why she feels vulnerable around me now and wants her own space all the time.”
“Yeah, and you fucking deserve it!” Sam growls as he swings for Dean, clocking him in the jaw with an almighty crack. “She loves you, Dean! And you treat her like an omega whore you’ve paid to see you through a rut?” As the younger Winchester pulls his fist back and lands another punch, the door slams, making both men jump at the sudden movement.
“Enough!” Y/N’s voice verberates through the room. “What has gotten into you two?” The pack dynamic they’d forged for themselves had Y/N as the matriarch, and so her maternal tone had them shuffle their feet and look to the floor. “We have bigger problems to deal with right now, and you two fighting like a couple of juveniles will only give the witch the ammunition she needs to take us all down!”
“Sorry, Y/N,” both alphas mumble like a couple of scolded pups.
“I brought breakfast. Eat.” It’s an order that neither alpha dared disobey. They shuffle their way over to the small table, sitting down and eating silently while Y/N checks and rechecks their duffles for the witch hunt.
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Edging silently along the wall, gun in your hand, locked and loaded, you can hear a woman’s voice and Sam grunting, and realise you only have seconds to get this right. Taking a deep breath, you step into the room, and your eyes scan the surroundings.
Sam is against the wall, struggling against invisible restraints, and the witch speaks in Latin. Knowing that can only mean trouble, you raise the gun and take a second to get your aim right between the bitch’s eyes.
It’s a second too long, and she whips her hand to the right, your gun flying from your grip and landing across the room, as she continues her Latin chant as if you weren’t just trying to kill her.
You run at the first purple spark emitted from the witch’s palms, putting yourself between Sam and the witch without hesitation. You’d missed the first part of her curse, but you’d heard enough to know that the youngest Winchester could absolutely not be hit with it. You needed to get in front of it. You couldn’t let her ruin all three of your lives.
Closing your eyes, you wait for the curse to hit, but instead, a gunshot rings through the room, and everything goes silent. You don’t get hit by a gust of wind or an electric shock… just nothing.
Peeking an eye open, you see the witch lying on the ground, blood pouring beneath her and Dean glaring at you expectantly, his nostrils flared in anger. Not wanting to deal with him right now, you rush over to Sam, scanning over him and checking he’s okay.
“Sam! Are you hurt?” you ask as you crouch beside him and scan his body for visible injuries.
“No, just winded. I’ll be fine. Are you alright?” Sam touches your forearm to stop you from fussing about him.
“She’s a hell of a lot better than she coulda been!” Dean yells across the room. “What the fuck were you thinking, Y/N, huh? Throwing yourself in front of a witch like that, you coulda been killed!”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Dean. I’m—” Dean cuts off your response, marching towards you with his index finger pointing at you.
“I swear, if you say ‘I’m fine,’ so help me!” Dean only stops when he’s toe-to-toe with you, and he puffs his chest and rears his shoulders back, trying to intimidate you. Trying to make you submit to him.
“I am fine, Dean. The curse mentioned a brother, so it wouldn’t have affected me anyway,” you argue back.
“It could’ve killed you for all we know!”
“Dean, you need to calm down,” you implore.
“And you, Omega,” Dean says, his voice low and full of alpha authority and his finger dangerously close to your face, “need to start following my orders and stop purposely disobeying me because of some stupid tantrum you’re throwing! Go wait in the car.”
You do the worst possible thing you could do right now and laugh, before turning and walking away from him. You won’t let anyone speak to you like that, and you definitely won’t let Dean, either.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?… Don’t you dare walk away from me, Omega!” You can smell his pheromones from where you are and know that not only is it in pure anger, but because he’s extra on edge having being able to smell your heat and is starting to get antsy.
“Don’t try to alpha me. It won’t work. You haven’t claimed me, Dean. I am not your omega. You made it very clear that I’m only good enough to be your rut bunny, and you know what? I’m done with that, so stay the hell away from me!”
Once again, you completely ignore him and keep walking. It’s hard because your body screams for him, but you won’t let him use you. Not anymore. Never again.
“Omega!” he roars again, and you walk out the door, slamming it behind you.
Screw waiting in the Impala. You’ll make your own way back, grab your bag, and go to another motel for the night. It was going to be a long enough car ride back to the bunker tomorrow, you needed some space—for everyone’s sake.
Next Part>>
Tag List: @k-slla @snackles87 @deans-baby-momma @hoboal87 @deanwanddamons @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @stixnstripesworld @twinkleinadiamondsky @kmc1989 @tristanrosspada-ackles @spnwoman @sandlee44 @negans-lucille-tblr @synmorite @roseblue373 @chriszgirl92 @impala67rollingthroughtown @perpetualabsurdity @giggles1026 @lacilou @stoneyggirl2 @leigh70 @foxyjwls007 @michecolegate @maliburenee @nancymcl @waters-2567 @kazsrm67 @jc-winchester @hobby27 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @deans-spinster-witch @candy-coated-misery0731 @deansbbyx @iprobablyshipit91 @globetrotter28 @mrsjenniferwinchester @ladysparkles78 @ashbatz @jamerlynn @nelachu2423 @spnbaby-67 @acitygrownwillow @duncanhillscoffeecups @xxmizzhecatexx @freewastelandstrawberry
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gigabyte-flare · 5 months
[A Gigabyte Flare One Shot]
Summary: Your boyfriend comes home from an assignment still wearing his gear coupled with a pair of jeans you had gotten him, the sight of him driving you wild.
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairing: RE4R!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Kissing, unprotected p in v, creampie, mention of firearms
A/N: This is 5000% self indulgent. I've been playing through Resident Evil 4 Remake yet again with this Special Rescue Agent mod and oh my god those jeans are so fucking sexy on him. I needed to write this to get it out of my system. You're welcome 🤣
A quick reminder that I no longer do tag lists
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The door to your apartment bursts open, your boyfriend walking through briskly before closing the door behind him. You could tell from the corner of your eye he was still wearing his tactical gear and gun holster around his waist, having just come back from another grueling mission for the U.S. government to god knows where. A hint of blue draws your attention even further, your eyes now locked on the denim that perfectly accentuates his waist and backside.
“Hey, sorry I’m late babe. I had to fill out paperwork before they could let me come home. They didn’t even give me a chance to change my gear--”
Standing over the kitchen sink, you’re not even listening to your boyfriend at this point because you are way too focused on how absolutely fine he looks in the jeans you had bought him some time ago. Your mouth is hanging open and you drop the sponge you were holding into the dish water, making a subtle splash sound as your heart starts pounding in your chest. You didn’t think he even liked the jeans you got him because he had never worn them.
Until now, that is.
“Babe? Are you alright?” Leon asks, tilting his head at you and raising an eyebrow as he turns to face you.
You blink a few times, shaking your head to snap you out of your lust filled daze, returning your focus back to the dirty dishes as you fish through the water to grab the sponge, “yeah sorry! Long day…” you haphazardly reply.
“Right…” Leon says, nodding slightly before clearing his throat to continue, “let me get this gear off and I’ll come help you.”
Leon turns to walk into the bedroom, his heavy boots echoing through the apartment. You allow yourself another look as he walks off, your breath catching in your throat. It’s not just the jeans that made him look so… attractive. It’s the way the straps of his gun holster and various pouches attached to his belt hugged his thighs and how they perfectly shaped Leon’s toned backside. You unknowingly have a death grip on the sponge as hordes of less than appropriate thoughts fill your mind, causing you to bite your bottom lip.
“Stop…” you say softly; not even realizing you had said it out loud until Leon stops in his tracks and turns around to face you again.
“Hm? What’s up?” he asks before a knowing smirk begins to cross his lips as he puts his hands on his hips.
“I’m sorry, I…” you stammer before dropping the sponge back into the sink, “you just look really fucking hot in those jeans, Leon.”
He lets out a playful laugh before approaching you; you swear he’s swaying his hips as he walks on purpose just to rile you up, and it works. Now standing in front of you, his gloved fingers tracing along your jawline before cupping the back of your head, his fingers carding through your hair. His blue eyes boring into yours, piercing directly into your very soul. 
“Like what you see?” he asks, his voice low and sultry before he leans in, burying his face into the crook of your neck, feeling his lips and tongue upon your skin.
Immediately, your knees are weak and the only sound you manage to get out is a strained whimper as he pushes his body into yours. Your hands, having a mind of their own, reach down around his waist, slipping inside the back pockets of his jeans before gripping his toned ass. Leon lets out a low chuckle against your neck, feeling it reverberate through your body. 
Leon’s hands run down the sides of your body before settling on your waist. He shifts both of you away from the sink before lifting you up by your waist, setting you onto the countertop. He then lifts your sundress up over your knees, gathering it onto your plush thighs before his fingers hook around the hem of your panties, slowly pulling them off and tossing them aside.
Knowing what’s to come, you shift yourself so that you’re balancing on the edge of the counter on your backside, using your hands to brace yourself against the counter. You watch Leon start to remove his belt and holster, but you reach out, grabbing his wrist to stop him.
“Keep it on. It’s really sexy,” you say, smiling at him.
He lets out another chuckle before kissing you deeply on the lips, “whatever you want, babe. Let me just make sure the pistol’s safety is on.” 
Leon takes a step back briefly, pulling his Sentinel Nine out of its holster, hearing the click of him engaging the safety before returning it to its holster. He steps towards you again and you watch in anticipation as his fingers undo his jeans, pushing them and his boxers just enough so that his hardening length springs free. You watch his gloved hand wrap around his length, giving it a few strokes before he lines himself up with your soaked entrance.
As he slowly sheathes himself inside you, your legs wrap themselves around his waist and your hands work on removing the straps and buckles keeping his tactical vest in place. Once unbuckled, he shrugs it off himself and it lands on the kitchen floor with a loud thud, leaving him in just his tight, black athletic t-shirt. Now that he doesn’t have the bulky vest on, he wastes no time pressing himself against your body, his hips pistoning into your welcoming heat.
You drape your arms over his shoulders, soft moans escaping you before you lock your lips with his. Your pussy walls clench around his cock, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body, giving you goosebumps on your arms.
“Oh fuck! Feels so good, Leon…” you breathe out as Leon drives you towards the edge, feeling your orgasm coil in your belly, ready to snap at any moment. 
“Yeah? I’m the only one who’s made you feel this good, aren’t I?” Leon asks, his tone husky and full of playful arrogance.
“Yes!” you cry out, the coil finally snapping, your release completely soaking him, leaving the telltale white ring around the base of his cock.
“Son of a bitch…!” Leon growls, increasing the pace of his thrusts inside you as he chases his own release. He leans in close, his breath tickling your ear before he whispers, “where do you want my cum, sweetheart?”
“Inside!” you whimper, your legs trembling from your earlier orgasm as your arms cling to his back, “please…!”
“You got it babe,” he replies, his hips practically hammering into your body before pressing himself as hard and deep inside you as he can possibly go, painting your walls white with his love. 
The warmth of his cum filling you pulls a long and loud moan out of you, your eyes practically rolling into the back of your head and you melt in his embrace. Leon lets out another low chuckle as he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back with both of his hands as he gives you soft kisses on your cheek.
“Remind me to wear these jeans more often.”
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twistedwonderworm · 2 years
May I request maybe the dorm leaders when their S/o leaves a lipstick mark on them after a make out season. When asked about it the S/o responds with something like “I wanted to mark what’s mine”
-❤️‍🔥 anon
Of course you can anon!!! I hope you enjoy this!!!!
Headcanons: When you "mark what's yours"
Pairing: Dorm leaders (separately) x GN!reader (Reader wears lipstick)
Riddle Rosehearts
His face goes entirely red when he hears you say that. He may need a moment to pull himself together.
He likes the idea of being yours and you marking him as yours in such a way, but he still scolds you all the same. He’s a housewarden after all, and has a reputation to uphold.
It would give off the wrong impression if people saw a lipstick mark on him. But that doesn’t mean he’s against it. He’ll absolutely let you leave lipstick marks in less obvious places, like his lower neck and shoulders where his clothes hide them from view.
Leona Kingscholar
It makes him grin. Of course, he’l act like it doesn’t bother him either way, but it makes him happy to know that you want to mark him as yours. Maybe you’ll let him mark you as well? It just won’t be with lipstick since he doesn’t wear it.
He doesn’t care who sees the marks as he’s going along with his day. Ruggie tries to bring it to his attention, thinking Leona hasn’t realized it but the lion beastman just waves him off.
He’ll let you mark as visibly as you want whenever, and he proudly shows it off in his own lazy way. If people start talking, let them talk. He doesn’t worry about a little bit of gossip.
Azul Ashengrotto
Another one who will go entirely red and basically shut down for a few minutes after he realizes it. It takes him a shorter amount of time to calm down than it takes Riddle.
He still scolds you but less harshly since he does have a reputation to uphold but it is still makeup that can be cleaned. He won't be as startled about it as Riddle is but nowhere near as lax as Leona.
Though he will let you mark him up with lipstick later. With his insecurities, it feels nice to belong to someone and marked as theirs.
Kalim Al-Asim
Doesn't mind one bit. Want to mark him as yours with your lipstick covered lips? No problem! He doesn't mind a little bit of lipstick on his skin. He would absolutely love to show everyone that he's yours.
Jamil would probably have an aneurysm though. With Kalim's status, he knows how his reputation will change if people see him like that. So he takes it upon himself to make sure it gets cleaned off.
Kalim is sad about it but as he knows Jamil is right, there's not much he can say. But he does let you nark him up in less visible places.
Vil Schoenheit
Absolutely not! Do you know who he is? He loves you with all his heart, dear, but he can't go walking around with visible lipstick marks on him.
He may like how it looks on his skin, but he won't tell you that since he doesn't want to tempt you.
He would rather mark you, if you will let him. His lipstick is high end so who knows? it might look better on you.
Idia Shroud
The king of freezing up and shutting down. He doesn't know how to react. Did this really happen to him?? Him of all people?
That pale face is immediately going to be a deep shade of red immediately. He’s still surprised you wanted to be in a relationship with him, so you wanting to ‘mark’ him will probably take some time to get used to.
But once he warms up to it, he won’t mind if you leave a bit of lipstick on him after your makeout sessions.
Malleus Draconia
He would be… confused. You marked him as 'yours' with a lipstick mark? You humans definitely have strange courting rituals.
After you explain it to him however, he'll be pleased. It'll absolutely piss Sebek off at seeing Malleus bearing such an unsightly mark, but it's not like he can, it would, argue with Malleus.
Beware, leaving lipstick on Malleus after a makeout session and saying it’s to mark him as yours is akin to a marriage proposal in his mind. So now you’ll have to deal with a very clingy but very happy dragon.
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goldessia · 7 months
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MULTI!headcannons . . . how they fuck you, kinks
— - ft. levi, eren, mikasa, annie, armin, jean
warnings: p in v, smut!! overstim, edging, claiming, deepthroat, voyeurism, cum consumption, mentions of a strap on , oral (m&f receiving), risky, quickies, degrading, bdsm, pain!kinks
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levi ackerman
. . he may be tiny (i say this with love), but boy does he make up for it. usually pretty rough; it’s just his personality, but sometimes he will go slow and make love to you.
their kinks. . .
over stimulation/post-orgasm torture
i am a firm believer he would enjoy overstimulation, but not really for the thing you think. he enjoys hearing your moans, your loud pleas for it to be the last one, yes, but he doesn’t do it necessarily to torture you, but he just can’t get enough—his endurance is the problem of that.
“just one more baby, i promise.. one more.”
three orgasms later
giving: will ALWAYS leave marks on you: your neck, collarbone, thighs, hips, waist—anywhere. he loves showing everyone that not only do you belong to him, but so everyone knows how fuckin good he is in bed.
receiving: adores when you leave marks on him. if you leave claw marks on his back, he’ll show them off by wearing a less covering shirt. you give him love-bites? you best believe he’ll be showing them off. when they fade, he asks for more.
eren yeager
. . an absolute menace in bed. rough, and merciless. anytime he fucks you, you know to cover yourself up the next day, because this man is absolutely feral. every morning, you have to struggle to get up because he’d practically left you bedridden the next day.
their kinks . .
giving: loves seeing you squirming, and begging for your release. he’s relentless—he’ll deny you for hours, sometimes even leaving you without an orgasm, just to add some spice on top of the fire.
receiving: don’t get him wrong, he loves denying you your orgasm, but the second you get your revenge? he is a crying, begging, squirming mess, rutting his hips into your hand/mouth. he is a fuckin’ munch.
“fuh- fuck! please, baby, i’m sorry- i’m sorry, not again-“
loves seeing you choke and gag on his cock. a hand on the back of your head, clutching your skull so you can’t move. he’ll smirk, proud of himself when he sees tears stream down your face, making you a teary-eyed, messy haired whore with spit running down your chin. (he’ll let up, tho, and let you breathe if it’s too much. may be a bastard but he still cares for u)
“yeaahh, fuck. choke on it. you like my dick down your throat, huh?”
mikasa ackerman . .
. . super into degrading. loves calling you her whore, her slut, her prize jewel whenever you fuck. has a strap she uses occasionally (don’t ask how she got it), but she prefers to use her fingers or her mouth.
their kinks . .
absolutely adores watching you try to get yourself off. taunts you, watching from afar as you struggle to please yourself after you’ve gotten used to mikasa’s help.
“aww.. can’t even please yourself anymore, hm? you need my help, don’t you?”
loves licking her fingers off clean after she makes you come. or, she makes you lick your own cum off of her fingers. smiles, and praises you afterwards.
annie leonhart . .
. . super mean when it comes to your bedroom-life. degrading, rough, and sometimes into pain kinks. taunts you a lot.
their kinks . .
loves typing you up so she can do whatever she pleases. after all, you belong to her. will be super mean about it too—tying the ropes up a little too tight, not only so you can’t move as much but to have that little bit of pain against your wrists that never fails to leave marks the next morning.
“aw, does it hurt, baby? too bad. you can take it, i know you can.”
oral/eating you out
this girl can’t get enough of you. drunk on your taste, your smell. she finds herself craving you all day. the best part of her day is when you’re finally home together and she has you all to herself.
jean kirstein . .
overall pretty vanilla. but don’t play w this boy.. if you really anger him, he won’t fail to make you bedridden the next morning. very handsy—while you fuck, his hands will go from your face, your breast, your waist, your hips, thighs, everywhere. he adores every inch of your body, and never fails to show it.
their kinks . .
jean was never much of a horny person, but after he met you, his sex drive sky rocketed. he found himself horny at random times during the day, and sook you out nearly everyday. he loves the thrill of fucking in random, barely secure places—the idea of someone walking in on your obscene show excites him in the best way possible.
“you like when i fuck you like this? i bet— nggh, i bet you’d want someone to walk in on us. see how much of a slut you are.”
“you’re— you’re one to talk, kirstein—!”
giving: loves seeing your expression as he tongue-fucks you. hands roaming up your body, soft mutters and hums against your core that sends vibrations through your body, making your pleasure infinitely better.
receiving: adores seeing your doe-eyes expression as you look up at him. usually, he lets you lead it when you suck him off, occasionally rutting his hips up when you tease him. but if he figures out your just messing with him, and teasing him, he’ll for sure take the lead and make you take his cock.
armin arlert . .
definitely a sub, even when he’s on-top. he’s such a munch for you, only you. definitely whimpers and moans rather than groaning, and is very vocal about it. multiple times, you two were caught because armin was moaning too loud.
their kinks . .
orgasm denial
receiving: something about it just ticks that spot in his brain. loves seeing you take the lead, and loves hearing your voice, your taunted and your teasing as you deny him of his orgasm.
“pluh- please! i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’ll be better— no more, please let me come!”
giving: he would never, tbh. everything he does when he’s not subbing is revolved around you, and your pleasure. if he’s on top, he’s making sure he makes it worthwhile and wants to make it a good experience for you.
spit play
absolutely adores when you spit on his cock. he loves when you make a mess, using your spit or his as lube as you fuck him or tongue fuck him.
copr. goldessia. do not steal, plagiarize, translate or share on other platforms without credit/permission.
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charliehoennam · 1 year
Aww I love your writing so much!!!! 🩷🩷 The detective Loki A-Z felt so accurate 🥹 he’s so precious. Can you write something that kind of goes off the jealousy area? Like it’s a coworker who reader gets close with and is honestly clueless to the flirting?
F o r g i v e n
a/n: here you go, nonny! i couldn't agree more. David is my baby and he deserves some happiness and a warm hug
pairing: Detective David Loki x reader
summary: a new co-worker makes a misguided move on the reader and david gets pissed
warnings: language, angst, arguing (if i missed one, lemme know. minors, do not interact!)
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Sliding your legs over the edge of your side of the bed, you sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes. David’s on the phone with O’Malley. You already know he’s gotta go into work today.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in 30 tops” he says lowly in his gravely morning voice before hanging up his cell phone.
“I’ll make breakfast” you smile sleepily at him.
You reach out to reassuringly squeeze his arm to let him know it’s alright. He’s already mentally beating himself up for waking you up and not being able to be enjoy his morning off with you as he had promised.
You make your way through the one-story house and head to the kitchen to get his coffee going. You decide on making a hearty breakfast because you know very well David will skip lunch today.
So, you settle for a nice egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich on toasted bagels with cream cheese. You make two for him so he can take one to work and hopefully eat while he’s on the road. You even cut up some bananas, apples, strawberries and oranges to make a little fruit salad.
David isn’t the healthiest guy around, but he deeply appreciates that you care for him and his health. He never really had anyone to care about him – much less his health – so he’ll sure make to eat every bite.
You hear his electric razor shut off after his shower. A while later, he comes into the kitchen with his hair slicked back. His light blue button-up shirt is open, exposing his white sleeveless undershirt. His gold chain dangles and dances around his neck as he buttons the cuffs of his shirt.
You can’t help but smile to yourself. You wish you could stop him and slide his button-up off. You love it when he wears his undershirt and chain around the house.
“Honey, think you can get a ride to work today?” he asks kissing the back of your head as you slice up the fruit.
“Yeah, babe. It’s no problem. I already texted Jared and asked him to pick me up.”
His hands working the buttons closed on his front stop as his eyes narrow in on the back of your head.
“Jared? You already texted him?”
“Yeah. I figured you’d leave before me.”
You know that there’s something he’s holding back from you. You turn your head to glance at him, hoping to get a read of him as you slide the chopped-up fruit in a container.
“Is there a problem with that?”
You already know the answer to that.
“No. Nothing. Just didn’t know you and Jared were so close already. I mean, didn’t he just start there like two weeks ago?”
His eyebrows rise and his lip press flat as he looks down at his hands, letting them finish their work on his shirt.
“Two months ago, but he was pretty much on his own, so I figured I’d be the first to befriend him. The first weeks are the worst when you start working at a new place.”
“Yeah, I get that. Just didn’t think you were already texting each other.”
“Dave, there’s nothing going on between us if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to. Your face says it all.”
You’re slightly hurt that he would think there could be something brewinh between you and Jared. It may come from a place of worry, but isn't that trust is for?
“Look, I gotta get going. I’ll see you tonight.”
You nod as you hand him the containers of sandwiches and his travel mug. He leaves you with a kiss on your forehead and you watch him leave, letting the tension hang in the air. You try to put it on the mental backburner as you head up to get ready for your day.
Hearing a honk coming from outside, you look out the window and confirm Jared’s arrival. You grab your bag, keys and phone before heading out the door and walking to Jared’s car.
“Hey, Jare. Thanks for the late-notice lift. David got called in and my car’s still at the shop.”
“You know I don’t mind it at all. It’s been almost a couple days though. Have they given you any updates on it?”
“Something about the starting motor failing. Solenoid damage, I think? They have to replace some coils or some shit.”
“That shouldn’t take more than a few hours to replace though.”
“David says the same thing. He’s getting pretty impatient. Said he’s gonna stop by there today to check up. You know how some mechanics can be when they see a girl with car trouble.” You complete with a roll of your eyes.
“Yeah, some pricks take advantages. I know a thing or two about cars. I’d be happy to look into it for you if you want?”
“Really? Yeah, yeah. That’d be great. I’m gonna wait for David though. He said he’d stop by there today. I’ll give you a heads up though.”
After arriving to work, you head straight for your sector to settle in. You can’t help but notice how kind Jared seems to be towards you in this new light that David casted earlier in the morning.
Jared always offers to refill your water bottle whenever he gets up, always offers snacks, brings you back your favorite coffee or tea after his breaks, compliments your hair or nails or even your perfume. During the whole day, you can’t help but notice he doesn’t treat his other co-workers the same. You begin to wonder if you’ve led him on to believe you’re more than just co-workers or if it’s because he’s new and not very close to the others.
You decide to shake the thought from your head and go on about your work. However, with this new concept in the back of your mind, you start to politely deny Jared’s kind offers. He doesn’t seem hurt by it. A small wave of relief washes over you. Maybe you were just in over your head and overthinking what David had told you.
Around closing time, Jared stops by your station to check if you need a ride home. You check your phone, hoping David texted you with a reply about picking you up, but there’s no new messages.
Your heart sinks a bit. You’d hoped he could’ve at least replied. Is he really that upset with you?
“Yeah, I could use a ride.”
The house isn’t very far. You could walk home, but the rain is already pouring down heavy. And this time of year, the cold winter air is starting to arrive, slickening the streets and sidewalks with ice.
You smile to hide that you wished you didn’t need a ride from Jared. You know it’s not gonna make things easier to deal with at home.
Part of you thinks David is acting ridiculously like a child that's too selfish to share a toy. Only you’re not a toy. You’re a human being and you’re his fiancée. You’re supposed to be getting married.
The other part of you wonders how you would feel if it were the other way around. If he had a new partner on the job and spent hours with her. With everything Jared does for you, would you be ok with someone else treating David the same way?
Trying to settle the internal dispute, you remember that it’s your intentions that really counts. You’re not breaking his trust because you have no intention of getting with Jared. You’re friends and that’s all there is. And you would want David to have a good friend too in your situation.
You walk out together, gabbling on about the day as you climb into his car.
As Jared turns onto your street, you’re laughing over an amusing situation you’d survived in your first week at the company with an unsatisfied client. Jared had had his first unpleasant interaction with a frustrated client. Although he handled it pretty well, he was still a bit disappointed about it.
Grateful the rain has let up, you notice Dave’s car parked in the driveway. Why didn’t he at least text you back if he was home? You feel a slight pang in your chest, but you shove it down as you continue your conversation. Jared knows your line of though has been thrown off and he can only guess it has to do with the black Crown Victoria perched in front of the garage.
“It can happen to anyone,” you say looking up at the tall brown-haired co-worker as he turns the car off, parking in front of your house. You hear a door close from outside and keys jingling, but you don’t think much of it. Most of your neighbors get home at this time as well.
“You can’t please everybody and you have to accept that,” you resume looking down at the dashboard. “You’re not here to please, you’re here to do your job.”
“You’re an amazing person, you know that?”
Something is different about the way Jared is looking at you. It’s intense and you don’t like it.
He leans over the arm rest/storage compartment separating the front seats and places a surprising kiss on your cheek.
You quick react by pulling yourself back and gently push him away with a hand on his shoulder.
“Whoa, Jared. That’s sweet, but i-it’s not like that. We’re just friends. You realize that, right?” you ask frowning at him. “I’m happily engaged.”
“Y-yeah... I figured. I thought I-I’d shoot my shot. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” He looks down embarrassed as his cheeks blush a bright regretful shade of red. “I misread things. I’m sorry. That’s on me. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. Just… Don’t do that again, alright?”
“Yeah. Definitely will not” he chuckles nervously. “It won’t happen again. I promise. Just like you said, we’re only friends.”
You’re not really sure how to react. You can tell he feels really awkward about the whole thing, but you just want to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Flashing a shy, nervous smile at him, you thank him for the ride and climb out of the car. You slowly walk up the concrete path, digging through you bag for your keys.
Upon finding them, you look up and freeze.
David is standing in the path, glaring at the young man in the car. As he keeps his furious gaze locked on Jared, his hands move to rest on his hip. Pushing back his black winter jacket, his gold badge and his standard issue gun are exposed to remind Jared of who he is.
You don’t realize it’s a non-verbal threat. You just think he’s pissed judging by the constant hard blinking of his eyes.
“David, it’s not what you th-“ you start only to be cut off.
“In the house. Right now.”
He has a point. This isn’t a topic to discuss outside for all your neighbors to hear.
You walk quietly past him and march up the porch. You leave the door open for him, but he’s not far behind you. Only a couple moments since he’d been staring Jared down until he finally drove away.
The door slams as he enters the house.
“Are you fucking serious? There’s nothing going on, right?” He asks loudly and angrily.
“Yes, there’s nothing going on, Dave.” You say trying to stay calm, unwilling to match his tone. You’d be angry too in his place.
“You expect me to believe that after what I just saw?!”
“Yes, because that’s the truth. I know how that looked like. He thought I was sending him signs of interest. I won’t lie about that. But I didn’t want him to do that. There is absolutely no interest on my behalf!”
“The fucking chicken hawk just kissed you!”
“I didn’t want him to! I told him that! Maybe if you had picked me up from work or at least fucking texted me back, I wouldn’t have gotten in that fucking car in the first place!” you seethe at him.
“Oh, so this is my fault??” he snaps back at you bewildered.
He opens his mouth to speak, but just in that same moment, his cell phone rings. A hushed ‘fuck’ escapes from his lips as he answers the call. You just roll your eyes and fold your arm across your chest because you already know what that means.
The conversation is quick. You can’t tell much; all you know is that Captain O’Malley is calling him into the station.
“We’re not done on this”, he says with a raised finger in your direction and opens the door behind him.
The door slams shut. You close your eyes and lean against the wall, wishing you had never gotten in that car.
Dragging your tired body up the stairs, you make your way to your room. You notice the comforter is rumpled on David’s side along with his pillows. It’s not as you had it in the morning; it was neat and made to look inviting. You sigh and run a hand through your hair. Now you know why he didn’t answer you at first; he had fallen asleep.
You set your bag atop of the dresser that you share. You dig out your phone to set it to charge. There’re a couple unread messages and 2 missed calls; all from David and right around the time you’d left work.
Sorry, babe. Fell asleep and just woke up.
On my way right now!
You feel guilty thinking about how you could’ve avoided the whole ordeal. Now, David is mad at you and you’re mad at him for thinking that you wanted Jared to kiss you.
You head into the ensuite bathroom to shower and let the water wash away the stress of your day. As the warm water pours over you, you just hope this isn’t what ends your relationship.
Once you’re cleaned and a bit more relaxed, you go about the house to start on some of the chores. Deciding on a simple, quick and easy dinner, you sit on the couch to eat by yourself.
It’s been hours since David’s left and you miss him. You just want him to come home, so you can tell him how much you miss and love him.
You look down at your phone. He read your “I’m sorry” text, but he hasn’t replied. You wonder if it’s because he’s busy or he just doesn’t want to talk to you.
Wanting to stay up and wait for him, you start on the dirty dishes and pots in the kitchen. Then the laundry. You can’t stay still. It bothers you too much and you have to stay awake. There’s nothing left to do around the house, so you plot back down on the couch and surf through the channels to try to find something to watch.
It’s around midnight when you hear his car pull into the driveway. You race to the window to look out and make sure it’s him. He looks tired as he approaches the house with his keys in hand. His shoulders are hunched from the weight of the day’s stress.
You stand by the window and watch as he drags himself inside. He closes the door and hangs up his jacket before kicking his boots off. His back is turned to you and he hasn’t seen you yet.
When he does, he gazes at you for a moment. He’s too tired to argue, but he loves the fact that you’re wearing his sweater.
“You hungry? I made dinner. I can make you a plate,” you say softly breaking the silence.
“Yeah, I could eat.”
It’s quiet between you both. It’s a moment of cease fire. The elephant is still in the room, but you know how his weighs heavily on him. Especially with the case he’s working on. You don’t know much about it. David likes to keep that away from you. All you know is what you heard on the news and that there are kids involved. Those types of cases hit too close to home for him.
You leave him to eat in peace and tell him that you’re heading up to bed.
Assuming he’ll sleep on the couch since he must be upset still, you head to the bathroom to have a final tinkle before bed and brush your teeth. You crawl into bed and hug your pillow as you stare at the wall, luminated only by the fluorescent orange light of the street lamps.
Tears prick your eyes. You hate this distance between you and him. It’s ridiculous, but you know it’s not the time for it.
You hear David’s footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. The door creaks as he walks into the bedroom.
He goes about his usual routine; set his ring and chain on top of the dresser along with his badge. Then he walks over to the nightstand to open the drawer there. He pulls his gun from it's holster and makes sure its' safety is on. He had set it before already, but it never hurt to double check.
Soon after setting the gun in the lockbox within the drawer, he quietly makes his way to the bathroom. He opens the squeaky faucet and water pours from the shower.
He doesn’t take long. It’s a quick shower to wash his hair and body. He’s too tired to do more than he has to.
You hear him come into the room to grab a pair of boxers from his drawers. He seems quiet and still. Though your back is turned to him, you feel his eyes on you.
He stands still, hands on the wooden dresser as he mentally contemplates what to do. He knows it wasn’t your fault. He knows it wasn’t you who kissed Jared. He saw you pull away and push him back. He knows you didn’t like it or expect it just as much as him.
His head drops and his eyes close. In truth, the time at work had kept him too busy to think about it much, but he did think about you. Part of him felt you were like a victim, caught up in the crime with no fault. The other part of him wondered what could have happened to influence Jared to kiss you.
With a heavy sigh, you sense his footsteps approaching the bed. You expect to feel the wool blanket at the foot of the bed slide off along with his pillow.
To your surprise, you feel the comforter lifts behind you allowing a cool breeze to creep onto your back. Your heart beats faster. The mattress dips with his heavy frame. And you feel an arm drape over your waist.
“You awake?” His voice is a whisper in the dark.
You reply with a nod. You don’t want him to see you’re crying, though you know it’s inevitable.
“Can we talk?”
You quickly wipe your eyes in an attempt to omit the evidence of your pain. Turning onto your other side, you’re face to face. His hand doesn’t leave your waist. You let him slide underneath your shirt to feel your warmth.
“I don’t wanna fight. I don’t wanna argue,” he starts.
“Neither do I, Dave.” Your voice is soft as you reach to tenderly hold his bicep. You want to pull him close and hold him forever, but that might be too much.
“Are you really happy being with me?”
Your heart breaks to think that he feels like you might not be happy with him. You open your mouth to answer him, desperate to chase away his fear, but he continues.
“I know I’m not the best partner. I know for sure I haven’t been in the past. In some relationships, I didn’t even try to be. But I’m trying, sweetheart. I’m trying real hard because I love you and I want to be with you. I don’t know if it’s enou-“
You can’t listen to him anymore.
“Listen to me, Dave. I love you. You are more than enough for me and you make me the happiest in the world. And that’s enough for me. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You sure about that?” he asks with pleading eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Jared is just a dude I felt bad for at work. I was just trying to be a friend, that’s all. But he misread my intentions. That’s it, that’s all that happened. And I’m gonna distance myself from him because I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”
David feels relieved to hear your solution. He didn’t want risk sounding like a possessive jerk and ask you to not talk to Jared anymore, but he likes that you’re willing to make that change willingly for the sake of your relationship.
After all, he can’t be surprised someone else would want to have you.  The minute he met you, he wanted you for himself as well. He’s just lucky he got to have his chance before anyone did.
He smiles tiredly at you and closes his eyes as he rests his forehead against yours.
“Think you can forgive me for being a dick earlier? I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.”
“I don’t know. You might just have to make it up to me” you tease with a playful smirk, getting a low chuckle out of him.
“Whatever you want. Just name it.”
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