#positive romantic relationships
soul-from-another-era · 3 months
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Unconditional love isn't a free pass to hurt me.
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nightmareevara · 4 months
Fuck sex, let's talk about your insecurities so I can heal those for you.
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pixieverse-icedtea · 1 year
"you look happier" is one of the best compliments >>>
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roses-are-repulsed · 4 months
You can be repulsed by QPRs btw. That's a valid form of repulsion. it doesn't matter if it's "not sexual or romantic tho!!!" because repulsion doesn't start and stop at only romance and sex.
Not every aspec has to like the idea of being in a QPR. being repulsed by QPRs is not an anti-QPR stance. it's just a kind of relationship that people can have a multitude of feelings on like any other.
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favvn · 1 month
The more I think about it, the more the turbolift scene from And The Children Shall Lead is both the opposite of and bookend to the conference room fight from The Naked Time.
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The obvious differences of environment and how the scenes are staged are at the forefront, of course. In The Naked Time, Kirk finds Spock alone in the conference room after he has had an emotional breakdown from the virus. In And The Children Shall Lead, Spock physically has to pull Kirk off the Bridge and into the turbolift, something that mirrors his earlier words to Kirk about the need for a captain to be unshakeable in the eyes of the crew in order to maintain command. (And if anyone in the series understands the need for privacy and control over one's countenance, it's Spock.)
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Both characters are incapacitated by their emotions, Spock by the sadness and regret that the virus has brought forward and Kirk by sheer fear and anxiety made all too real by a crew that is distracted by their own fears and made unable to hear him due to illusions. Both are stuck reckoning with the very things they fear. Spock still feels such strong emotions and love in spite of his adherence to Vulcan custom. His attempts to control his emotions and reign in his human half have come to nothing. He can still be unraveled into a sobbing mess. Kirk fears that he is truly alone, unheard and ignored by his own crew, and unable to keep the Enterprise and maintain control as a result. The realization of this fear reverts him to childlike behavior, from his slouched posture and the way he folds himself inwards as if to make himself smaller, to the higher pitch of his voice. Any certainty and authority is gone from Kirk.
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There is another element to Kirk's fears in both episodes in that his captaincy exists only in relation to others. Without the Enterprise and her crew, what exactly is Kirk? He holds no position or importance if one of those elements is missing. Yes, his speech about love and how it's off-limits to him speaks to the demands of the captaincy versus his need for connection and love with another person, but there is that other element of reciprocity behind it. And The Children Shall Lead shows it in a very harsh light in how each person on the Bridge either cannot hear him or ignores him.
In order to get through to Spock in The Naked Time, Kirk resorts to slapping him, with the intent that the pain ought to cause him to snap out of it (this scene is perhaps hilarious in hindsight when A Private Little War later shows that Spock must be slapped in order to leave a Vulcan healing trance. Thanks for that detail, Roddenberry ♡). It doesn't fully work until Spock hits Kirk back and knocks him over the table. The scene ends with them separated by the table between them but with Spock back to his usual self and Kirk now infected with the virus.
In And The Children Shall Lead, Spock calmly stands his ground in the turbolift and calls Kirk by three different names. Spock first says, "Captain," in his attempt to get Kirk's attention. It is Kirk's title, the rank that Kirk holds on the ship, the name of his job, the very signpost of his command. Spock calls Kirk exactly what he needs to hear, yet it doesn't break through the anxiety unleashed by the children. Spock tries again, softly saying, "Kirk" next. By this point, Kirk has lunged at Spock with his hands at Spock's throat, believing that Spock is attempting to take the Enterprise from him as other past episodes have shown (The Deadly Years especially, but episodes like The Ultimate Computer, Mirror Mirror, and The Menagerie show it to an extent). Kirk still does not hear Spock past his fears, which leads Spock to call him "Jim." This, the use of Kirk's preferred nickname, the name that only his friends have used, is what finally gets Kirk to snap out of it. The scene ends with them physically together and still in a partial embrace but both acting like their usual selves and uninhibited by a virus or induced fears. In this sense, And The Children Shall Lead's turbolift scene, the one that so many people regard as a "now kiss!" moment, is a culmination of the fight scene of The Naked Time if one recalls the repetition to "risk implosion" to do what has "never been done" and come together towards a united point.
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pure-light-and-love · 1 month
find someone who will go stargazing with you and then make love with you right under the stars.
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retconicregular · 1 year
Absolutely need the homies to know i offer up affection at anytime no need to ask and i love pda. Like yes please stand in my personal space and grab my hand while we're walking down the street. Lay your head on my shoulder when we're sitting next to each other and come up for a hug whenever you want
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spamminginks · 1 year
Please remember that this is always only about the cubitos and never about the actual CC themselves. 🫰Also this is just me word vomiting because I have no one to talk to about this stuff lol.
Something that seems that a lot of people have forgotten is that before guapoduo ever even existed, early in the egg arc, we talking first two or three weeks, a lot of the other parents were super jealous of what Phil and Missa had and that they were THE couple.
Like not even at a distance. On the way to rescue the eggs when they got kidnapped the first time, FitMC of 2b2t straight up said, to their faces, that he was jealous of what they had as a couple and then proceeds to go off on Spreen for leaving for cigarettes. Missa adds to this saying that on twitter, everyone was saying that they were also jealous of them. Then there is also the instance of Slime and Mariana (literally within the first two hours of having the eggs) saying that they were too happy together and that they want to trade, to which Philza ("come to bed partner" in our deluxe double bed) Minecraft proceeds to huddle next to Missa saying that he's plenty happy with his partner (this was before he would add platonic in front while Missa was gone, to which he immediately stopped doing as soon as he got back as far as I'm aware).
After all of that, jump to current date, post guapoduo, who are the biggest Phil and Missa fans? First a foremost Chayanne (my god the kid has a backpack named Phissa and caged Forever when he was flirting with Phil in protest), Mumza (came up with Pissa/Phissa as their ship name) Tallulah, and then Richarlyson or guapoduo themselves (Roiers "no mamas" to Missa calling Phil handsome then asking when the wedding was and drunk Cellbit full chest shipping them, telling Missa that Phil is just shy with his feelings and also immediately clocked that the skull on Phils backpack was for Missa once he saw them together).
Also being in a QPR doesn't necessarily mean absence of romantic feelings (coming from a aro/ace person in a romantic QPR) but there is nothing wrong with seeing their relationship as strictly platonic on Philzas side of things and you are completely valid. 💛
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lilmiss31 · 6 days
people make an effort when they want to!
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soul-from-another-era · 2 months
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nightmareevara · 4 months
I want to be part of your journey, your struggles, your everyday life. I wanna be there for you even at your worst, not just when you are doing well.
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visenyaism · 6 months
do you believe daemon groomed rhaenyra? i feel the show tried to make it look very consensual but the book seems otherwise..
yeah he definitely did. I would say that the show did convey this though everything in the first three episodes plus the sneaking her out of the castle leading her into a brothel and making sexual advances towards her is pretty clearly and unequivocally grooming. him leaving before they had sex does not cancel it all out and rhaenyra responding positively to the attention DEFINITELY doesn’t cancel it out.
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pixieverse-icedtea · 1 year
i think the best memories always remain unphotographed
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minimalist-quotes · 26 days
I think my name got a new meaning when I first heard you say it in that voice of yours. it made me want you to repeat it again and again until I become a part of you.
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thatonegaybrit · 2 months
; give me messy qpr, give me qpr that don't work out, give me qpr that have ups AND downs, give me qpr that end in sadness, give me qpr that are " young love " and die out, give me qpr that are toxic
; give me queer platonic relationships that are actual relationships between 2 people and have ups and downs and don't always work, not js fluffy " awe these two are great friends " !!
; pt: give me queer platonic relationships that are actual relationships between 2 people and have ups and downs and don't always work, not js fluffy " awe these two are great friends " !! :end pt
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mollybeenoel · 3 months
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