#pyromaniac smartass
ros3kill3r · 3 months
Marauders Era Characters on the 4th of July
James Potter - Snack Duty
His job is to go to the store and buy the fireworks with Peter.
Is the type of dude to sneak into the kitchens when no one is there and eat the snacks before anyone catches him.
When the fireworks start he’s all hyped up but right when they reach the big ones and the loud ones he starts shitting his pants in fear.
Is the type to watch someone light a firework from 6 miles away, or drag people 6 miles away so they don’t get hurt.
Barty aggressively scares him with the fireworks until he’s screeching and Evan + Regulus find it hilarious.
Sirius Black - Cooking Duty
Is on cook duty with Remus.
Slaps everyone’s hands when they try to get smth out of a plate/bowl. He acts like he doesn’t see James when he does it.
He’s the one standing dangerously close to the fireworks.
He’s the one blasting music that the whole neighborhood can hear over the fireworks.
Tells James to buy the big and loud ones, but he saves them for later when Regulus isn’t there bc he knows he’s scared of them.
Is having a romantic time with Remus and they keep getting interrupted bc the kitchen is right next to the stairs that lead to the rooftop.
Remus Lupin - Cooking Duty
Bro is passionately cooking, he’s not even that excited about it being 4th of July.
Every time the good neighbors start doing the fireworks he starts hooting and cheering.
Tells Barty and Marlene how to angle the fireworks bc he’s a smartass.
Misses all the good fireworks and it drives his friends mad.
Eats everything he made and asks if it tasted good, and they all glare at him bc he didn’t leave any for them to try.
Peter Pettigrew - Snack Duty
He just has the best taste in snacks.
Everything that Remus and Sirius are making was HIS idea, and the things HE bought. But of course, he never gets any recognition.
Is munching on a bowl of popcorn, watching the fireworks go off and giggling at the manic laughter emitting from Barty.
He just minds his own business, watching the fireworks until the very end.
When they completely stop, he turns around to check on everyone else and see if they enjoyed their time, and he realizes that they had left a while ago. (I know they wouldn’t do this, I’m just adding angst).
Lily Evans - Organization Duty
She’s the one putting the food and snacks in good plates and bowls, making sure there’s a table set outside with chairs, checking multiple times if it’s safe.
Repeatedly looks around the curb just in case there’s a cop. When she hears the sirens she starts panicking and Mary tells her to calm her tits down.
When she notices someone (Remus) is eating all the food, she zooms back inside to get more for refills.
Whenever there’s a loud firework she closes her ears, Regulus notices this and feels a sense of relief knowing he’s not the only one who’s scared of it.
Mary Macdonald - Lounging Duty
She’s the one bringing the stools and tables and setting them outside. She also brings out the drinks, and makes sure everyone’s comfortable.
She puts up warning signs against traffic cones in the ‘firework zone’ for dramatic effect. It basically means it’s the ‘do not disturb insane Barty who is quite literally playing with fire’ zone.
She doesn’t help at all. She claims she did but she just pulled out the tables and chairs, and sprawled in the most comfortable one.
Marlene McKinnon - Firework Duty
Is helping Barty with the fireworks. It goes great at first! They’re high-fiving when it’s a good one, patting each others backs when it’s a bad one, until it goes downhill..
Barty begins to laugh like a pyromaniac, which tbh, he most likely is. Marlene is concerned and makes her way out of the ‘firework zone’, and sits next to Dorcas who laughs at her expression and claims that it’s ’him being normal.’
For the remainder of the night, she’s just sitting there, all grumpy in the hands of her soon-to-be-wife, and glaring at Barty bc even when they were childhood friends he would never let her enjoy the ‘firework zone’.
Unbeknownst to Dorcas, Marlene actually does know this fact abt Barty, it’s just that James, Barty, and Marlene agreed not to speak about their childhood memories with anyone else.
Dorcas Meadows - Lookout Duty
She’s not even doing her job. She gave up when Lily kept bothering her and peeking her head around her shoulder. Anyway, she’d much rather sit with her girlfriend.
Pandora notices that she’s lacking so she just stares at her with disappointment.
Is munching on the snacks with Remus and acts like she didn’t eat a single thing when everyone realizes the food/snacks are gone.
She enjoys observing Barty and his insane episode. It fills her with love, because that’s her best friend. That’s someone she’ll love forever, and burn down buildings with.
Regulus Black - Face Your Fears Duty
James told him he must face his fears, and become stronger. James told him to ‘show’ his parents that they no longer control him, that he isn’t scared anymore! So Regulus does.
At first he shuts his eyes so he doesn’t see anything while he sits next to James and his brother, and then he begins to shake, which alerts James, and he begins to side-hug him.
It gets worse, but he stays strong. He starts to close his ears, the only thing he feels is the rumble beneath his feet, the distant BANG of the nearby fireworks, and his best friend’s manic laughter.
And—not in a bad way—but he thinks the thing that grounded him was not only James’ comforting arm around him, and not only sitting close by his brother, but the muted screaming of Barty, the muted laughter of Evan, the dancing of Pandora, and the adoration in the eyes of Dorcas.
He doesn’t close his ears on New Years after that.
Barty Crouch Jr. - Firework Duty
He will admit, he did let the sight of the fire, and the feeling of having control over the fire, take over his senses.
No worries, he apologized to Marlene when they stepped inside.
The adrenaline of being able to control the fire was overwhelming. The feeling of controlling something so dangerous was addicting.
But it wasn’t the thing spurring him on, no, it was the sound of his boyfriends laughter, the cackling of Dorcas, the dramatic dancing of Pandora around the ‘firework zone’, and the determination pumping in his veins, screaming at him to reverse the fear living in Regulus.
Didn’t even stop for a bathroom break, for any snacks, no. This man was competing with the neighbors on who has the best fireworks. This happens every year and everyone enjoys this competitive rivalry.
It’s obvious how much I love The Pantheons.
Evan Rosier - Royalty Duty
It’s his and Barty’s house so he’s getting royalty treatment. (Barty forced this upon everyone).
Just stands there nearby the zone, arms crossed and a dazed smile on his face. The sight of his beloved and wild boyfriend was intoxicating. He looks prettier than the fireworks, he thought.
Would NOT take his eyes off of his lover. He was smitten, and everyone could notice.
He would occasionally laugh at Dorcas’ jokes or her own laughter, reluctantly join Pandora in her dancing when she’d drag him with her, and once-in-a-while send a comforting, yet knowing smile to Regulus.
Pandora Rosier - Princess Duty
She gets princess treatment. She is queen. She is icon. She is oxygen.
Most definitely smoked a lil’ beforehand, if you know what I mean.
Dances around the group, and mostly around ‘the zone’. She sometimes grabs Evan and forces him to dance with her, which he does. Just for her.
The whole time she’s dancing, occasionally puffing, and slipping some snacks into her palms when she passes by the table.
She enjoys seeing Barty so happy and in his element, and she enjoys the lovesick expression on her brothers face even more. Not to mention the hilarious jokes of her best friend Dorcas and the vanishing fear of fireworks in her best friend Regulus! The squeals of James, the inappropriate music blasting of Sirius, the major appetite of Remus, the worry in Lily, the laziness of Mary, and the pout on Marlene’s face.
She couldn’t have asked for a better day.
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
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Look at them! Six-same faces.. again.
...Can you tell that I'm self-aware, and know that these OC's are unoriginal as fuck?
Did you also know that despite one of them sharing my first name, they are not a Sona?
And also, did you know that they aren't made for shipping??
..My head hurts, lets get this over with.
(Separate images below as well as Bios!)
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Corona Yasu - First Sibling - Bee - Hothead, tends to hate being called Coron (i.e. colon in Japanese). Has a rivalry with Karamatsu, who she sees as cringe. Maybe she should talk to Pokan, who's also trying to be a cool kid. Is the fry-cook in the cafe, making the more afternoon stuff. Also may or may not be a pyromaniac.
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San Yasu - Second Sibling - Butterfly - The 'smartass' of the group.. and is also the only one called a shortass, even though she's the same height as her other sisters. She likes to organize things, and everything she writes down almost always comes down to threes. Don't even ask her how that happens, it just does. She's friends with Choromatsu because of their shared interest in Nyan-Chan.. however Niko thinks its something more. Despite repeated assurance that, no, it isn't a crush! She handles the finances because she is the most mature out of the siblings.
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Kuro Yasu - Third Sibling - Raven/Crow - The gothic one. She keeps a bar hidden in the cafe through another door. Why? Don't ask her, she does it for spare change. Has an unrequited crush on Ichimatsu, but refuses to speak about it because she finds it embarrassing. She goes out to raves whenever she's off work, typically to block parties. Nobody recognizes her outside of her work partially because she's the only one that stays up at night. She's practically nocturnal, as one onlooker described her.
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Pokan Yasu - Fourth Sibling - Bunny - The genki-girl! And also the wannabe cool-kid. Every attempt at being cool reminds her that these attempts are all pretty dumb. She's one of two bakers, being close to Niko as a result! She's also the only one that can calm down Corona when she and Karamatsu are nearby each other. It's because she hates seeing Corona rant about 'cool-kids being cringe' when that would make Pokan cringe.. which she sees as kind of hypocritical.
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Aria Yasu (Guys I swear I wasn't even trying to make their name similar to mine-) - Fifth Sibling - Swan - The elegant one. Also the most graceful of the sisters, and one of the few that has a hobby outside of her job. She's the waitress at the cafe, taking orders, and successfully giving out the correct items to each customer, with the correct prices (+tax) as well. You may be allowed to get as much as you want, but be sure to have the right amount of money before you go in. Her hobby is ballet, something she is very good (and passionate) at. She's also empathetic towards her sisters, being able to tell if they are having an 'off' day.
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Niko Yasu - Sixth Sibling - Kitty - The cat-lover. She will only say 'nya!" unless she has to speak to others. She adds 'nya' to the end of her sentences instead. She's the one that bakes a lot of the sweets alongside Pokan. She also wears cat-ear headbands and fake tails on her back just to make people think she's half-cat. She also tends to be over-protective of her siblings, especially if they show signs of having crushes on anyone. It's why people don't fall for any of the sisters.. because Niko threatens them if they end up 'breaking their hearts, nya' or 'harming my sisters, nya'.
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nancykali · 7 years
#nsfw text
So all of these would be taken at night, except one theymanaged in the middle of the woods during the day. During that shoot Steve andNancy had covered their naked bodies so thoroughly in bug spray they couldn’tkiss each other—the bug spray would make their lips sting. Steve learned thisthe hard way.
So they take advantage of Steve’s parents’ expensive houselighting and get a perfect balance of light that isn’t too bright or cheaplooking, but isn’t so dim they won’t show up on Jonathan’s camera.
At first Jonathan doesn’t have them pose. He just wants tocapture them making love with his camera, nothing planned. He didn’t want tohave them pose, he wasn’t comfortable with that at all at first.
So the first night they have a “photoshoot”, very few photosare taken because Jonathan can’t keep himself from joining them after tenagonizing minutes trying to take photos. It did not help that in the hourbefore taking the photos, he’d barely touched Nancy or Steve, and he’d watchedthem undress.
So they learned in future photoshoots they’d have to let offsteam before Jonathan got out hiscamera. It only made it slightly easier to take pictures. It becomes just asmuch about Jonathan’s self-control as it does about taking naked pictures ofhis girlfriend and boyfriend together.
After four separate photoshoots over the course of twomonths, including the one in the woods, Jonathan found his favorite photo he’dtaken of Nancy and Steve. He loves it because both of their faces are shown,but it doesn’t look like they posed. It’s mostly Nancy’s profile, resting onSteve’s left shoulder, her short hair delightfully mussed and partly obscuringher chin. She’s in Steve’s lap on the bed, her knees framing his thighs. Steve’sarms are tightly wrapped around her back, his left hand grasping her leftshoulder. Her hand is tangled in his hair, but you can only tell by the gravitydefying heights of his long hair, her hand cradling the back of his head.
Nancy looks soft and submissive, while Steve looks demandingand desperate. But Nancy doesn’t look indifferent either. It’s a perfectlybalanced pose, with contrasting yet complementary emotions clearly shone intheir faces and bodies.
When Jonathan shows them his favorite for the first time,they reflect those emotions in their reactions. Nancy’s eyes become soft andliquid with arousal. While Steve, standing beside Jonathan, grips Jonathan’sarm so tight it leaves a bruise. Then Steve begins kissing Jonathan with thesame frenzied longing Jonathan had felt from Steve in that photo.
Steve and Jonathan both pull Nancy into their embrace andshe kisses Jonathan’s closed eyelids first, her cool fingers snaking beneathhis shirt. When she leans away, Jonathan sees the same demure softness in herface that he’d seen in the photo. She smiles, manages to look mischievous andpassive at the same time. There is a different longing there than Steve’s—Nancy’sbody leans back toward him in a slow, deliberate motion of need. Calm in herbody but revealing both her strong desire and her strength of will at the sametime.
When they are finally sated with and by each other, Jonathansprawled over Nancy’s lap with Steve’s fingers lazily trailing over his stomachas he reclines beside him, Nancy is the one to bring it up. When she can takephotos of Jonathan and Steve. When Steve can take photos of Jonathan and her.Steve laughs low and sultry in Jonathan’s ear, his hand going lower. “Yes, whenwill we get to hold your camera, Byers,” he whispers, no question in his tone.Nancy is petting his hair, slow, gentle strokes, knowing he preferred having itpulled. Her eyes linger on his lips as she waits for his answer.
Jonathan licks his lips, and sees Nancy’s eyes widen sobriefly he almost misses it. “Tomorrow. Who wants to go first?”
Nancy puts a finger to her chin, looks at Steve. Her handfists hard in Jonathan’s hair, and she pulls back his head, exposing his throat.He cries out breathlessly, already out of breath from Steve’s hand on his cockat the same time.
“Steve will go first,” Nancy says, licking her own lips,still staring at Steve. Then Jonathan has to close his eyes, Nancy’s lipsteasing his neck with delicious slowness.
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fanonical · 5 years
straight friend groups are like: *blonde girl* *chad* *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy* 
gay friend groups are like: *chosen one* *smartass* *pure of heart, dumb of ass* *feral girl* *the wise one* *poor boy deserves the world* *irish pyromaniac*
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thelastpilot · 7 years
Pilot, heyyyy! How is it going? Random thought, but I just remembered the project you had to do for uni, the one where you asked us to send you videos/pictures. I was wandering, how did it go? Did you win the extra credit? And did you ended up posting it here? Also, (i must be really late for this, but) I was in Thomas Astruc's twitter feed and i saw you oMG YOU GOT TO MEET HIM HOW WAS IT IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Anyway, i hope you have an amazing day! Take care!
I won first place! I did in fact post it but here is the link 
and also i did meet thomas he was awesome to meet in person!
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@pyromaniac-smartass replied to your post: Is it wrong that I'm kind of pissed that they have...
youtube.com/watch?v… hey, sorry to bother you again, but here’s a video of the developers talking about the dlc. You might want to know more about the starting process, getting in touch with netflix, etc(0:58) and about the choosing of survivors (23:10). They also say that almost every choice was made before s3 was out.
it’s no bother--so for anyone interested in how it came about, it sounds like the makers chose them, then went to netflix, and netflix agreed that steve and nancy were a good choice b/c “they have a good arc in the third season,” and in spite of the s1 clothes, they are supposed to be steve and nancy from the third season, and netflix directed them a bit about how to portray them. i mean the vid game is just a vid game, so i don’t take much from it. but it’s kinda int to hear how involved netflix was and how much it was related to character writing. and i mean tbh? it makes sense. they went with characters with written arcs/roles.
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askthiscpblog · 5 years
How bout sum Toby x Kati fluffyness
Today was going to be an interesting day. For one, it wasn’t even day, it was the middle of the night. Two, two people stalked through New York seeing if the hideout was here. They came through central park, in the warehouse district listening out. Toby had everything up, a mask over his face and hood up with goggles over his eyes. Being honest, he looks like a typical cyberpunk wanna be a kid, which worked in his favor.
Katie wasn’t far behind Toby. She wasn’t as covered up as he was, only a baggy black hoodie and gloves were the only real precautions she took. She felt awkward. Traveling with another person wasn’t something she was used to, but she shrugged it off.
When they get into the warehouse district, he pulls out some bolt cutters and snips off the padlock to one of the gates. Sliding on in, he held it open for Katie to get in before heading through a window into the warehouse itself. Well, Jeff wasn’t in here. They would have to search every area until they found him. For now, it might be fun to do something else. 
“S-so, wanna start a fire?” he asked, looking over to Katie. His expression was blank, but only because his entire face was covered. Katie stared at him for a moment.  
“Won’t that, oh I don’t know, attract attention to us?” Katie said, crossing her arms.“Nah we will be f-fine. I even brought marshmallows,” he responds, pulling the jumbo ones out of his backpack and some sticks. 
“We have to search everywhere, so why not-t enjoy it?”
Katie chuckled under her breath as she pulled down the hood of her hoodie. “You really are just up for anything, huh?”
“We don’t gotta go bac-ck for a few days unless we want to. And we have been searching for Jeff for months.” Toby pulled down his mask and his goggles up to his forehead.
“Yeah, I guess your right..” Katie looked at her surroundings. It was deadly quiet in the warehouse, you could hear a pin drop halfway across the room. “Fuck it, let’s start a fire then.”
Toby grinned and opened up the wound on the side of his face with it, splitting it which caused it to bleed some down his chin. Fucker didn’t feel a damn thing either. Only itched sometimes. “Fuck yeah! Okay! We c-can contain it if we want, but find wood and p-p-pile it here!” His excitable nature burst through him as he took off away from Katie looking for things to burn.
Katie smiled at how excited he seemed to become. She shook her head and started to gather wood, old cardboard, anything around this place that would burn with ease. Soon enough a sizable pile was made. 
“Welp, I’m ready to light this thing when you are!” Katie said as she put her hands into her pockets.
Toby grinned wide and pulled out a lighter and some matches. He broke the lighter over the pile they made, giving it the fuel it needed to light. Then struck at least three matches and tossing them into the pile, watching it burn and build up to a roaring flame. “Great!”
“So is this what you always do for fun?” Katie asked as she watched the flames get bigger.
“Yep! Fire is always a fun way to pass time!”
Katie smirked. “I have never seen you this excited before.” She leaned up against a wall behind them. ‘He has to be some type of pyromaniac for sure.’ was all Katie could think as she watched him look at the fire.
Toby didn’t even hear her, his eyes reflecting the fire causing them to glow. His body does twitch a little bit every now and then to his tics, but he stayed still otherwise. His attention span can only last so long before bringing out the marshmallows with metal sticks. The smoke didn’t smell nice due to what is being burned, but it’s better than a dead body.
Katie sat in silence watching him and their surroundings as she played with a pocket knife that was in her pocket. “It smells like ass in here.” she joked as she ran her hand through her hair.
“Got that right.” He toasted a marshmallow and ate it, immediately regretting that decision as he spat it out on the fire. “Tastes like ass too.” Over the few weeks of training, Katie would have noticed Toby is distant from everyone, and an asshole to boot. Then discovered that it was a common theme amongst everyone in the mansion too. Him more so. Toby groaned out and tossed the metal rod into the fire, watching glow hot. His eyes sparkled as he grinned. “So, shall w-we try to get to a higher point and look out for old J-Jeff?”
Katie got up with a sigh. “Yeah, guess so. There’s nothing else to do in this shit hole, let’s go” she said as dusted off her jeans and flipped her hood back up. “Ya wanna put it out or just leave it here?” Katie asked, nodding towards the fire.
“Let is spread, not like it is doing anything wrong,” Toby responded, wondering over to a half-broken ladder. Cupping his hands, he makes a motion for her to step up so she can grab on. If she can climb up, then it will hold his weight.
“True,” Katie said she walked over to him and stepped up, grabbing the ladder. It creaked a bit but held up. Katie climbed the ladder with plenty of speed and waited for him.
Toby jumped up, grasping onto the rusted ladder pulling himself up. “Worst thing to happen is it s-spreads and sets fire to the district. Oh nooooo.” His voice oozed sarcasm with a bitter undertone. The fire at least lit up the area around them from below.
Katie smiled at the thought of setting everything ablaze and creating chaos, but that would have to wait. “Cmon let’s get outta here.” She said as she gave the fire below them one last glance.
“S-so we are going to see how good you are with rooftop running and climbing-g.” Toby stays, looking around before finding more ways to get up the large building. It wasn’t easy, but the two would get to the roof of the warehouse overlooking the district. He wasn’t particularly talkative, but that’s normal for him.
“Alright.“ Climbing was nothing Katie wasn’t used to already but rooftop running was a bit new to her.“With you being so short I don’t t-think you can parkour really well,” Toby told to her when they get onto the rooftop. He kind of did this because he loves heights, being up away from the ground to oversee everything below him. Kinda helped with him being as tall as he is. The proxy boy looked around the complex, squinting his eyes to see in the darkness. He could see better than most thanks to his job and his boss, but it was still hard being human. What he was looking for was moved, if anyone else was in any of the warehouses around here.Katie rolled her eyes. 
“Gee thanks..” she grumbled. She stood beside Toby looking around. Not like it would’ve helped, with her eyesight being as bad as it is. “Ya see anything?”
“Not much, to be honest, I don’t t-think the guy would be here. A large city, lots of people. To easy to find here.” He kept looking around, not seeing much. “Bah! Fuck it! Wanna go find some poor asshole and rob him?”
Katie perked up to his question, smirking. “Oh hell yes!” Katie was always up for causing havoc, no matter the situation.
“Next question. Wanna find someone around here or rob a rich person and set their house on fire?” What is with this boy and fire tonight? No matter, let the pyromaniac by the pyro. “If they have a bunch of trees around, we can get t-through and away before the cops show up!”
“I’m choosing the one with a quick getaway. Jail ain’t that fun.” Katie responded in jest. It didn’t matter what they did, as long as she had something to do she was happy. Regardless of who it was with. Toby grinned wide, pulling up his mask again and his goggles down as he looked over the edge of the building. It wasn’t the highest thing, and he has jumped from higher before. Looking over to Katie, he jumped over the edge and fell down the five stories to the ground, grabbing onto a few things to try and slow his descent. Katie watched him 
“Jesus fuck, dude..” she mumbled. Well, she sure as hell wasn’t doing that. Katie found her own way down, might not have been as quick as Toby’s, but it didn’t take long either. She met him back where he landed. “Ready to go raise hell?”
When he got down he was rubbing his arm rather that felt stiff. But when she finally gets down he walks beside her with a limp in his step. Didn’t seem to feel it all that much. And it was a very long walk to the richer part of the city.It didn’t take long for Katie to notice the limp. 
“Uh, you alright there?” She had noticed how Toby had always seemed to ignore injuries before but never asked about since it wasn’t her business. But that didn’t stop her from being curious.
“Yeah, completely fine. Why y-you feeling weak already?” he retorted, looking over towards her. He didn’t seem to notice at all that anything was different in what he was doing.
“I’m fine, you’re the one who’s limpin, smartass “ she was quick to reply. She was still a bit surprised by how he managed to not even notice that he was walking with a limp.
Toby shrugged and continued with her walking. He wanted to call a cab, or get something but not like he had any money for this. Well, a little, but not a whole lot. That is why he wanted to rob the place, get jewelry or something to pawn off later on.
The way they were going, this was gonna take more time than Katie was willing to waste. It was almost pretty much early morning by now, so everyone around here had to be asleep. “Why don’t we just steal a car or some shit? I know how to hot-wire a car, and it’d be a hell of a lot easier than walking all the way there.”
“If you know how to do that, t-then, by all means, do it. I can’t drive well,” he responds, looking around in the area that they are at. Okay, so it might still be possible to pull off the heist that they are thinking. They were out there about 10pm, and they were walking and everything for a few hours. So it must have been 2am the latest. Only a couple of hours until dawn. It didn’t take long for Katie to pick out a red pickup truck, now it was time for her least favorite part. She hit the driver side window as hard as she could with her elbow, cracking it. It wasn’t until she hit it a second time did it break. Reaching into the car door she unlocked and opened it. After a minute or two of her cursing to herself under her breath, she finally got the car started and hopped into the driver’s seat. “Cmon, get in.”
Toby opened the door and hopped in after she finished, pulling on the seat belt out of reaction and clicking it into place. His eyes wandered around, not seeing anyone notice that they stole the truck. This all seemed to easy of a night. It put him on edge.
Katie buckled her own seat belt before driving off. She was pretty sure the drive was going to be a quiet one, but she was ok with it, she liked quiet drives. Katie hoped the heist would be worth it in the end. And it was a quiet ride, Toby looking out of the window as the buildings pass by. He’s crouched in the seat, knees up closer to him because of his height and having to scoot down to fit. This is one reason he didn’t want to take a car, he never fits in them unless they are huge. It took around another half hour to get to the richer part of the district. Now they had to find a house that would allow a quick getaway. “If you see a good house to target, tell me.”
Toby kept a sharp eye out, checking out the houses around them seeing which had the largest cluster of trees. It wasn’t long before he told Katie to stop in front of a smaller mansion in comparison to the rest. It was white and black, the sprawled wide and out with three stories. In the back was a cluster of thick trees planted for decoration than anything else, or shade in the hot summer. 
“Found it. Ready to go?” he asked.“I’m as ready as I can be” Katie replied as she parked the car on the side of the road. She got out of the truck and waited for him. “Where should we go in through?”
“You think I thought of that? We are just gonna scout o-out the bedroom and raid in there. Smash, grab, light, go. Kill only if needed-d, or for f-fun. Keep in mind how Slender will think on it.” he says, opening up the door. Yep, that was his plan. Smash and grab then bolt. It should take a bit for the cops to get here anyway, and if they take care of that inside, who cares?
“Sounds good to me..” was Katie’s only response. She hoped these people weren’t having a shitty day because oh boy was it about to get shittier for them. She wondered what he meant by what Slender will think of it, but she shrugged it off.
Toby looked around and nodded, crouching down to sneak around to the back of the building away from the street. It had a nice open space, but no easy way up to the second story. He looked back at Katie and nodded, making motions for them to get in she could get on his shoulders. Breaking a window on the lower floor might not be the best idea due to that is ripe for alarms.
Katie went over to Toby, making sure to keep her head down to avoid being seen. She got onto his shoulders to reach a higher up window. Katie was all too ready to grab what they needed, and go. Time wasn’t on their side either, it would be daylight pretty soon, and they needed to be gone before that.
“Take care of it and get inside, then see if you can toss s-something down for me to climb up. Unless you think you are sneaky enough to grab shit and get out while I keep watching.” Toby whispered, a loud whisper at that.
“I’ll go in alone, it’ll be quicker that way.” She would be in and out, in no time at all. She had done stuff like many times before, so what could possibly go wrong? Well, other than police showing up, or someone waking up and seeing her, etc. “If you see something what’re you gonna do to alert me?”
“Break a window. Nothing else can go wrong at t-that point.” He responded, pushing her up further despite his bad leg. Still couldn’t feel anything wrong with it. Perks of being a Slender proxy.“True.” Finally being able to reach the window, she trie to lift it open to see if it was unlocked, and it was. Unsurprising for an upper-level window. Katie was in the house in seconds. She went into one of the bedrooms, that’s usually where the stuff that was worth anything was.
Toby pushed her up and through, helping her sneak in and get situated in the quiet. Meanwhile, he went and gathered branches, putting them against the back of the home away from the street. He even made sure to not put it under a window either. Taking out his lighter, he put it to the branches lighting them on fire. Kindling them, he built it up more and more as he ran back and forth getting branches to make it bigger. Hopefully, no one could see him.
Katie saw what appeared to be a woman fast asleep in bed. She decided against offing her, she didn’t have that type of time to waste. She went for the purse she saw on the dresser and went through it. Katie could already smell the smoke from outside and it wouldn’t be soon until the smell woke the lady up too. Finding the woman’s wallet, she grabbed all the money that was in it and grabbed all the jewelry she could before heading out of the room.
Toby kept fanning the fire, letting it spread out and around the house. It caught onto more things, and onto the ground around it to spread more. Good, good! He was getting excited, looking up hoping Katie was grabbing a bunch of things. Jewelry would be best, able to be sold at a pawn shop on the shady side of town on the other side of the country with no questions asked.
Katie shoved the money in her back pocket and held onto the jewelry in her hoodie pocket. She got what they came here for, now it was time to get the hell out. She went back to the window she got through. It was a little high up but she could make it down without breaking anything. Or, we’ll, that was the theory at least. She jumped out of the window, rolling as she landed. It took her a sec to stand up. “That hurt a little more than I thought it would…” she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her back a bit.
Toby stood back as he saw a figure in the window. He didn’t know who it was until Katie came speeding down and rolling. Wasn’t the quietest in the world, with the smoke everybody in the house must have woken up by now. He gave a quick nod and bolted to the dense trees, fading into them as he shifted from this reality back to the Domain.
Katie followed him, hearing a faint panicked scream behind them. ‘Guess she finally woke up.’ Katie thought to herself. Welp didn’t matter now, wasn’t her problem anymore. They got what they needed. The thought of whether the residents of that place made it out or not didn’t cross her mind once.
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tanzrielle · 6 years
Alphonse had recovered enough strength to walk. He needed some fresh air, and was glad he could make it outside. Dalaran was still busy, but not as much as it used to be. He sat by his door and closed his eyes.
He was tired. His body still ached too much for him to sleep properly, but he could still rest. He wouldn't be out here for long, anyways. He didn't like feeling so vulnerable.
Unfortunately, his sorry state didn't go unnoticed. Vincent was walking down the street when he recognized Alphonse's familiar outfit. Alphonse's heart sank. He couldn't deal with this right now.
Vincent smirked and crouched infront of him. "Boy, I haven't seen you in a while. You look like shit." He said sharply.
Alphonse looked at him wearily. "I know." He replied quietly.
"You're lucky this is a neutral city. I would LOVE to burn you to ash right now." Vincent continued. He squinted as Alphonse just looked away without a word. It's not fun when they don't shit talk back.
"What's wrong with you? You're different."
"Why... Do you care..?" Alphonse responded quietly.
"I don't CARE... I'm just curious." Vincent replied.
Alphonse sighed. " I dont wanna talk about it."
This only irked Vincent more, and Alphonse tried to rise to his feet. He quickly realized that he didn't have the strength to get back up as his legs buckled on him, sending him back to the floor. He didn't have the chance to hide the tears that welled up in his eyes.
Vincent blinked. He felt something inside. What was it, pity? Sympathy? Something like that. He found himself holding out a bony hand.
"Let me uh..... Help." He said awkwardly.
Alphonse looked up at him. He didn't believe him. He simply stared, wary.
"Well, come on.... I'll pick you up myself if I have too..." Vincent said.
Alphonse frowned. He hesitantly took Vincent's hand and he carefully helped pull him up. Vincent blinked at how difficult it seemed to be for Alphonse.
"I live right here...." Alphonse said, gesturing to the door. He was slumped over and looked like getting up was a work out.
"Uh huh." Vincent replied, opening the door and helping Alphonse inside. Alphonse broke from his hold and made his way to his bed. He sat himself down in it and sighed heavily.
Vincent followed him. As he looked harder, he began to pick up on the severe drop in power that Alphonse had. It's not like he cared or anything, but he couldn't just let a fellow pyromaniac suffer.
"You can go now.... Thank you...." Alphonse said.
"Nah.... I'm gonna stay. You're so pathetic I cant just leave you like this." Vincent replied, stepping closer. "You look like... You could use company anyways."
" I dont trust you." Slipped out of Alphonse's mouth.
"Oh I know. But I can't attack you here anyways so it doesnt matter." Vincent said, having the nerve to sit on the bed next to Alphonse and drape an arm over his shoulders. " You're stuck with me until you tell me what happened."
Alphonse frowned. " I was betrayed.... By someone I thought I could trust." He said. He felt uncomfortable. Uneasy.
"I... Can relate, sort of..." Vincent said. "It's not your fault."
"You dont even know what happened."
"I know. I just want you to know that it wasn't your fault."
Alphonse looked at Vincent. "I had no idea you were so soft."
"But you wont.... BECAUSE YOU'RE SOFT." Alphonse teased.
Vincent growled and crossed his arms. "GO TO FUCKIN SLEEP OR SOMETHING, YOU TERMITE."
Alphonse laughed quietly and remained silent, letting Vincent have his inner crisis. He wouldn't fall asleep in his presence. He didn't trust him that much.
So they sat together in silence, waiting for the next smartass comment.
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serahne · 7 years
Actor AU where Nagito worrying about Hajime performing dangerously as an agent who dies in NCIS
I’m happy to see how popular this AU is being, haha. Part 1 here, Part 2 here. And here comes the thrilling sequel.
Hinata has been contacted to be a guest-star in the new season of NCIS. The role is pretty interesting : a new agent whose family died in a fire and is now tracking a pyromaniac. He ‘dies’ throwing himself through a window, and taking the culprit with him.
Komaeda’s lack of faith is starting to iritate Hinata. He is like ‘I was a stunt double, Nagito”, “I fucking saved your life when you slipped from a roof, Nagito”. He is genuinely puzzled by Komaeda’s reaction, though. Yes, his boyfriend suffered from the loss of closed ones before, but Hinata could wake up one day, trip and die for all he knows.
The night before the shooting, Hinata is being a smartass. “Let’s make love as if I was going to die tomorrow,” he says, climbing on Komaeda’s lap. He sleeps on the couch that night.
Weirdly enough, though, when the director is asking him if he wants to do his stunt the normal way or do it more dangerously - but with less digital retouch for the images - Hinata hesitates. He thinks he can do it, but he eventually declines and does it as it was planned. He send a ‘done’ text to Komaeda after that, too.
The episode airs a few weeks after. They are both watching it, and Komaeda is throwing derogatory comments are everyone and everything on screen while Hinata is throwing pop-corn at him.
Send me an AU and I’ll give you 5+ headcanons
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rizah · 7 years
song obsessions
i was tagged by a bunch of blogs here and on @tsaritsa to do this but i forgot who did!!!!! anyway here’s some bangin’ tunes i’ve been enjoying recently
rules: list 10 songs you’re currently obsessed with and tag 10 blogs!
green light - lorde
vibes - six60
fear of the water - syml
my boy - bilie eilish
pumped up kicks - foster the people
guys my age - hey violet
the village - wrabel
how did we get so dark? - royal blood
summer dress - july talk
the march - the dear hunter
tagging some new followers to this blog (no pressure to do it tho!) @megasuperhellagay1995, @undercelestialstars, @soranos, @aestheticallybrown, @diamante-shinee, @pyromaniac-smartass, @ceruleankabukicho, @kiichipan, @levi-ackerhamand @zica96!
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nancykali · 7 years
Steve and Nancy talk about it before Jonathan is aware of a damn thing
Nancy brings it up to Jonathan first because he believes her more readily than he does Steve (Steve teases him a lot, not in a malicious way but Jonathan isn’t sure when to take him seriously sometimes)
Jonathan blushes so red Nancy and Steve can’t stop smiling and it just dissolves into them both kissing him and telling him how cute he is and reassuring him he doesn’t have to do anything he’s not comfortable with
Jonathan of course enthusiastically agrees once he’s got his breath back
JONATHAN PICKS OUT NANCY’S LINGERIE (at Nancy’s enthusiastic encouragement)
The setting: Steve’s bedroom and that heated pool (for the latter it’s summer in the middle of the damn night no one is around)
The first time they try this very few photos get taken because they’re all too turned on it’s a mess (a very happy poly mess)
EDIT: my full reply is now here
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Hello, everyone! I’m Susie, age 19, EST timezone! You can also find me over at susierpt. This is my baby Logan. His full bio is here, his headcanon tag is here, and his wanted connections page is here -- if you want to plot, HMU if you have an idea! The basics are below the cut.
TW: mental illness, pyromania
Logan is 22, and works as a mechanic.
Son of a teacher and a lawyer, doting older brother to Alexandrie. His relationship with his parents is... lacking. They love him, but wish he’d turned out different.
If you don’t know him personally, you definitely know his reputation -- although he’s a very sweet guy, he often gets into trouble, usually due to his awful temper. He was in and out of detention and suspension for getting into fights, skipping school, and generally being an annoying smartass.
He was expelled from his high school for burning things behind the gym when he was 18. He got his GED a year later. His dad is a history teacher at said high school, which adds a whole new layer of awkward.
He is a pyromaniac. Logan would never intentionally hurt an innocent, but he has difficulty keeping his urges under control. He tries to quell them by burning things in his fireplace, but has torched abandoned buildings before. Very few (if any) people know about his illness.
He’s basically the right brain from “Left Brain, Right Brain” by Bo Burnham. (“I LIKE OREOS AND PUSSY! YES, IN THAT ORDER.”)
He’s like an overgrown 12 year old in many respects -- he never lost his childlike enthusiasm or sense of wonder, and also has the appetite of a sugar-high little kid.
He has absolutely shit self-esteem. 
He’s had a lot of girlfriends, hookups, and other romantic/sexual connections in his life. Related to the above point, a lot of his girlfriends treat him like crap -- if you tell him you love him and keep him company, Logan will put up with absolutely anything.
He’s bipolar.
He’s not stupid, but he’s easily distracted and very hyperactive.
He tries to keep a cheerful, optimistic disposition, but deep down he’s terrified of hurting somebody, or of everyone thinking he’s a freak if they knew about his illness.
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so @the-mighty-microwave tagged me to do this challenge of 9 characters you relate with
i tag @boguming @youwerethinkingitsannoying @kidm @ilsan-s @lulubritostuff @taechulo @luqealvez @pyromaniac-smartass @doctorit @forceofnatures @philipslester
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pyromaniac-smartass replied:
       WHEN, WHERE??
Saturday Night Live!  It was in her monologue.  Also the was a skit where she made out with a cast member (it was Vanessa Bayer).
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nancykali · 7 years
You have to listen to In The Middle by Dodie, it's PERFECT for light-hearted, fun Stoncy.
OMG it’s the song from the Stoncy gifset I love so much!! Thank you for sending this so I finally listened to it! Yesssss!
I love this verse:
Does he smile like I do?Oh, it was shared despite our flawsI held his hand like I hold yoursThanks for understandingOh, this could be a lot of funShould break the awkward, come undone
“come undone” yes yesyesyesyesyes
;-; I love everything about this 
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nancykali · 7 years
Hello!! I was wondering, what do you think Stoncy will do with college? Do they all go to the same place Maybe two of them go together and the other goes to another place. Maybe they all go separate ways and reunite a few years later. Or maybe they don't go to college at all... What do you think?
Hi! You just gave me the best invitation to ramble a lot. :D My personal headcanon is this:
Jonathan goes to NYU like he always dreamed, majoring inPhotography & Imaging. Nancy and Steve move to New York with him and theyget an apartment together. Jonathan of course tries to dissuade them,saying they shouldn’t shape their education and the future of their careersaround where he lives (something Joyce advised him to talk about with Nancy andSteve) but Nancy refuses to listen, saying she never cared where she went toschool, as long as it was far away from Hawkins. And Steve just wants to getaway from his father’s company.
So they all move to New York and both Nancy and Steve go tocommunity college. Nancy trains to be an EMT and then a paramedic, while Stevejust focuses on his gen eds at first, not sure what he wants to do. Steve worksat a bar and as a freelance musician, Jonathan works as a server and beginsvery quickly to get the odd photography job here and there, at weddings andother events. Nancy tries to take night classes as much as she can (if that’spossible for an EMT in training), so she can have mornings off most of the timeto be with her bfs. I like to imagine her getting a housekeeping job at a hoteljust so she can investigate certain people who visit the hotel, the governmentagents and other important figures she suspects to be involved with the lab.Because we all know Nancy gets in league with El and Kali and her gang, andthey all continue taking down the bad men. Whether you ship Kalancy or not (andyou know I very much do) I really think Nancy and Kali would hit it off nomatter what, and Nancy would want to help her adopted sister (cuz lbr she seesEl as her sister already) in any way she could, and that would include becomingfriends with Kali and using her fledgling investigative skills to continuetaking down the evil lab.
Steve is awesome at making friends, and he quickly gets thereputation for being a great babysitter. A year or so into college he decideshe wants to become a high school teacher.
I know this is all so specific I love planning outcharacters’ lives it’s really all I’m good at. But I’m gonna keep going.
So I imagine that while all this is going on, once they’vegotten more financially settled and have extra money set aside (cuz this is the80s they can actually do that), Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan keep investigatingtogether where other monsters might be escaping the Upside Down.  And when they hear of something suspicious, orHopper tells them of something he’s heard, they go out and hunt those fuckers. They’rethe monster hunting trio they gotta.
And with help from Kali they find other children with gifts.Hopper and Joyce get dragged into all this too, and yknow, since the trio areall over 18 at this point, Hopper and Joyce can’t really stop them from goingout and hunting monsters and putting themselves in harm’s way to take down thebad men. And Nancy has got EMT training, has badass sniper skills partly thanksto Hopper, and the three of them would die to protect each other.
And they’ve all got personal vendettas against this evillab. Steve isn’t related to the Byers or Wheelers by blood (thank goodness) butJonathan and Nancy are his family, and so their siblings, and the rest of theparty, El, Max, Lucas, and Dustin, are his family too. The lab and the UpsideDown are still a threat to all of them. And Kali becomes part of their familytoo. Kali would do anything to protect El, and soon she’s in love with Nancy sothey all got big stakes in this game. So ofcourse we’re still getting our monster hunting trio.
Before season 2 came out, I wrote very similar outcomes forthe trio’s careers, and I wanted them all to move to South Africa whereJonathan got this big wildlife photography job (probably with NationalGeographic) and El and Mike were gonna have their honeymoon in South Africa sothey could visit the MHT at the same time. And of course there are monsters tohunt throughout South Africa and beyond, who are we kidding this shit isglobal. My trio are heroes. And now Kali is Nancy’s wife and they kick asstogether. I just love these four (Stoncy + Kalancy) so freakin much.
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