#rainy day prompt
cumulo-stratus · 8 months
Rain Soaked Sleep
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Spencer reid x Male! reader
Description: Y/n and Spencer get home after a long week at the BAU and a rainy drive home, ready to fall asleep to the sound of rain.
Warnings: possible swearing, lemme know if theres anything else!
flufftober day 4: Rainy day
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The door to spencers apartment clicked closed quietly and the loss of light from the hallway shrouded the couple in darkness. In his typical fashion, Y/n turned on the light switch next the door and slumped his matching leather messenger bag onto the floor next where spencers bag had already been dumped, along with both of their soaking wet rain jackets, forgotten for the enticing idea of a hot shower and a comfortable bed. Y/n trailed behind spencer in their well rehearsed routine of getting home late after a case while chatted quietly. And while spencer split off down the hall to the shower, Y/n continued to their shared bedroom and began opening the windows, the sound of hard rain pelting against the road outside. Little drops of water splashed against the windowsill inside, as raindrops from outside hit the edge of the planter box on their window and splattered inside. Y/n couldnt help but stand at the window for a moment, breathing in the smell of rain and the city after sitting in a jet for 3 1/2 hours.
spencer emerged from the bathroom, drying off his wet curls with a towel, to find PJ’s (aka beat up pj pants and an old college t-shirt for spencer, and boxers and one of spencers FBI t-shirts for Y/n) layer out on the bed. Y/ns back was turned him as he stood in front of the closet, unpacking both of their go bags. Spencer took this opportunity to slip his arms around y/ns waist and breath in the tropical scent of y/ns curls (sry if you dont have curly hair 😭). Y/n chuckled at spencers clingy-ness and turns around in his arms to reach up and kiss his boyfriend.
“thank you for unpacking my bag love, you didnt have to” spencer spoke gently, only loud enough to be heard above the rain. “i wanted to- and if i dont do something i was going to fall asleep standing here” spencer chuckled lightly at Y/ns words. “well the bathroom is free for a shower if you’d like- i made sure the window is open so you’ll still hear the rain.” Y/n smiled at spencer words, appreciating his boyfriends habit of remembering his likes and dislikes, rain being of his favorites. “Thank you..” Y/n trailed off as he kissed spencers hand and made his way to the still steamy bathroom.
Y/n stepped out of the claw foot tub around 5 minutes later, onto the fluffy bath mat shaped like a cat (a birthday gift for y/n from spencer last year). He wrapped a towel around his waist and rubs the steam off the mirror. Y/ns face is blocked by the open mirror cabinet when his boyfriend walked in. Y/n was still aware of spencer though, despite not being able to see him. When y/ns head peeked out from behind the cabinet, he asked “have you taken your allergy meds yet?” spencer shakes his head no and holds out his hand for the pils. Y/n pours out pills for both spencer and himself into his hand, and places spencers dose into his palm. They both take turns drinking from the sink before taking each others hands and walking back into their shared bedroom. y/n walks to his side of the bed, and flops down face first with a groan. spencers chuckles before walking around to his own side of the bed and climbing under the covers- urging y/n to do the same. “Y/n, come on- you cant to bed like that, and you wanna cuddle with me right?” Y/n perks up when spencer mentions cuddles, dragging his face from the mattress and looking up at spencer excitedly. Y/n shuffled comfortably into spencer arms. he fit perfectly, spencers arms wrapped around y/n’s torso, his head tucked into Y/n’s shoulder and kissed the crook of his neck. “you did really well on the case this week” Y/n said with a proud smile on his face even though spencer couldn’t see it. Spencer only hummed into y/n’s neck, alreayd half asleep. But his boyfriend wasnt far behind either. And within minutes both men had drifted off to sleep in each others arm to the sound of rain drifting through the open windows into the small bedroom
The End
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milkywaybottles · 2 years
could you possibly do a small fic of papa iv spending time with his s/o on a rainy day? thank you!!
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A/N: Hi! Thank you for the request, love! Sorry I died for a little bit guys!
For the sake of the fic, the other Papas aren't dead! (or at least, not yet..)
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Drizzle - Copia (Papa IV) x gn!Reader Oneshot
Word count: 2k
It had been raining for what seemed like a millennia, each streak of rain falling painstakingly slow against the colourful stained glass of the ministry. The clouds were threateningly dark, thunder rumbling throughout the halls followed by the occasional snap of lightning. This type of weather never bothered you, and if anything, soothed your otherwise racing mind.
It hadn't been cold, nothing of the sort, in the previous days. The air had been hot, leaving your body a sticky mess. The ministry had been caught in an unrelenting heatwave, and while the sky had been black for days, it was only on the hazy morning that the clouds finally spilt rain.
You sighed with relief as the first droplets of rain broke across your skin, welcoming the feeling with a loving embrace. All moods had picked up within the clergy, no longer followed by the tired drawl that the steamy afternoon brought. Instead, many rejoiced in the arrival of the weather, numerous Siblings of Sun deciding to strip in the rain in the name of Lucifer.
You had smiled at the idea but found it best to seek comfort from the extending window sill of your bedroom. The sill gave a perfect view through the muddied stained glass into the rose gardens outside, littered with old concrete statues. As the wind howled its unearthly groans, the statues would shift as if coming to life. Your eyes never left them, fearing if you looked away, they would move ever so closer.
A clap of lighting flashed across the window, your heart jumping from your throat as you fell backwards. A squeak left your mouth while your hand shot out in front of you to catch yourself. There was a muffled thump as you hit the ground, causing you to whine as your rear end ached.
The creaking of a door drew your attention.
“Bella, is everything alright?”
Copia’s concerned face sent relief washing through you. The tips of your ears were engulfed in blush, grateful it hadn’t been a different clergy member.
“Just peachy, darling” you responded shyly, eyes averting his gaze. For a moment, you sat on the carpet before you both fell into a chorus of laughter. Copia’s smile was wicked, hand held on the side of his waist for support.
“You fell off the window sill, didn’t you?”
He was in the middle of the room now, making his way towards you rather urgently.
“No, of course not”. Your tone was dripping with sarcasm, though your inflection rising as a gentle kissed was placed to your forehead. He extended his arm like the gentleman that he was and you took it, standing up once again. You were able to examine your partner, eyes drifting across his more casual ministry wear.
His gloved hands found his sides easily, “Well you’re lucky then, otherwise, you might have been too sore for cuddles”
Your left eyebrow perked upwards, causing crinkles on your forehead, “You’re not working?”
"Bah! I'm never finished. But I couldn't ignore this weather, and I thought it would be the perfect time to spend some time with my favourite person, eh?"
A shadow fell across his wide eyes as the clouds drifted forwards. Thunder rippled throughout the hollow halls of the ministry, the door cracking open with enough force for the walls to shake. Your facial expression dropped and the colour drained from it, your body mindlessly drifting to where you felt safe: under the blankets and in Copia's arms.
As the rain beat heavily against the roof, you held back a yawn. The heat of Copia's breath brushed against your neck, your head nuzzling further into the comfort of your plush pillows. Heart swooning, your tongue flicked across your lips as your hands secured Copia's against your waist. Between the bags underneath his sombre eyes and his sluggish mannerisms, you could tell he needed the rest.
"-Cara" He paused, dragging out an exhale. Your eyes peeled open to reveal the darkness of the room illuminate by the glow of the sky's fury. His side of the large king-sized bed was heavy, as was yours, sheets falling across your bodies. For once, the cold nipped at your toes and nose, leaving red marks in its wake.
"Yes...?". You were almost scared to speak back, feeling as though the darkness was creeping in and that your words would get lost in it.
“Would you fancy a hot chocolate? I could really go for some.”. He seemed unsure as the words left his mouth. You almost leapt from the bed, springing into action at the thought of soothing your restlessness.
The ministry was a beautiful thing, the walls looking as though they had been carved from marble. Light seeped through the crumbling cloisters, giving way to the patch of garden just outside your window. You often enjoyed late night strolls in the moonlight, the curfew but a scarce idea lingering in the back of your mind. Your robes would flutter in the wind as you paced.
Of course you weren’t going to object.
You were already at the door before Copia could register. He threw you a sleepy smile at your enthusiasm and bent down to collect his articles of clothing. You hadn’t taken off your pyjamas and stood waiting at the door patiently, eyes drifting across his body as he slipped on his pants and shirt. At the expanse of hair across his chest, you smirked as your eyes fell back on the fluffy carpet beneath your toes.
There was a grunt, followed by a thump as he dressed. You chuckled, observing as he sauntered towards you with a limp in his step.
Always clumsy, you thought to yourself.
His look was reassuring, eyes wide and awake despite the slump in his posture. Your hand inched towards the brass doorknob, your other bawled in a fist to rub against your eye. The promise of the warm drink kept you awake as well as the bitterness of the cold. You could almost taste the sweetness of the cream on your tongue.
As you both stepped into the hallway, Copia’a eyes darted left and right.
The hallway was full of a eery darkness which was broken by flashes of light. The musky smell of rain lingered where no human nor ghoul dared to tread. The halls all the Siblings of Sun once walked now sat empty.
The loving dork beside you was a far cry from the Papa everyone else knew him as. He was sweet and gentle, and while he could be seductive, tended to be reserved. And he loved 3 things the most in the world, beyond anything the ministry could offer him:
His rats.
And sweet treats.
“Cara!” He whispered with urgency, throwing a hand over his shoulder and gesturing for you to follow, “Come! This way to the kitchen”
Your head shook, falling out of your bubble of thought. Breaking into a shuffle to catch up with him, the two of you wandered the halls in search of the kitchen. The rain continued just as heavily, the occasional drip falling from a weathered crack in the ceiling and hitting the floor with a light splash.
Before you knew it, you were at the archway which led into the dining hall. As your eyes feverishly scanned over the elongated tables and hundreds of chairs, it crossed the large arched observatory window. It peered out into the courtyard, which had become a makeshift lake. The candelabras in the cool stone brick walls emitted a dull but warm glow, enough for you to squint to see the outline of a door.
“I found it!” You exclaimed proudly as your hand placed itself firmly on the handle. The door groaned and its tired old hinges rattled as if an old person was scolding your childish mischief.
When you broke into the kitchen, Copia found your side with an impressed smirk displayed across his features. Hesitation consumed him as his arm paused halfway through going to flick on the light switch.
You eyed him curiously.
He had made the decision not to turn on the light for fear you would be caught. Papa or not, it was still embarrassing to be out after curfew if caught by Imperator, who would make sure you regretted it before the night was over.
Instead, he settled for the nearest candle holder and a pack of matches. Within a stroke, the red tip dragged across the surface of the matchbox, a fire sizzling into existence before he placed it delicately to the waxen candle. The flame’s light hovered across his softening expression.
You turned, satisfied, in the search of pot to heat the milk.
Before long, you were cooking with gas as you assembled the ingredients. The milk had been heated virtually silently and the cocoa powder sat on the table, ready to be opened. Copia had come to your side, pressing his side against yours reassuringly as he watched you work. The powder bubbles as it was mixed before dissolving into a murky brown colour. You took the mugs, one in each hand, and handed one to your partner.
He nodded and took it, eyes fluttering expectantly as the drink was brought to his lips. Your gaze darted to his lips as he removed the mug, then to the faint outline of a foamy moustache of milk. Letting out a small expression of laughter, he frowned, unaware.
“Maybe you should grow back the moustache. I forgot how good it looked on you”
Your sly comment didn’t go unnoticed as he raised the sleeve of his shirt to wipe it, only to be met with your protest. You tutted, placing your hand gently on his sleeve and lowering it. Before he could speak, you leaned forward and placed a carefully calculated but deep kiss to his soft lips.
His arm securely found the dip in your back and while he tilted you backwards, a muffle of approvement escaping his lips between kisses. Electricity tingled through you as he released you from his grasp. His eyes burned softly with passion, even in the dim light of the kitchen.
“Maybe I will, for you” he breathlessly laughed.
Mugs in hand, you both turned with a contentful smile toward the door once again. The walk to the bedroom from the kitchen appeared less like a long stretch of dauntingly barren tiles as before, and more as what it was ; a hallway made monster by rain.
In your comfort, you turned the corner with Copia trailing behind you, expecting another empty hallway.
But your heart must have jumped from your throat and into the floor as your eyes lay on Secondo. Beneath his arms were two women of unknown origin, one with ebony hair in ringlets, and the other with numbing blue eyes. From the way their swayed under his grasp, you could assume they were all tipsy.
“Bella what are you-” Copia paused, mouth snapping shut as he rounded the same corner to see you frozen in place.
Secondo’s eyes, glassy and fixed on the walkway ahead of him, pivoted to you. You felt your stomach drop as if you were on a roller coaster. There was a twinkle in them despite the bitterness of his appearance. Without a moment to spare, he winked casually as if to say ‘Don’t worry. I won’t tell if you don’t’ and continued the track back to his room.
You shook your head in disbelief as the man faded into the darkness of night, shushing his company as the giggles ceased. Reasserting a hand on your shouoder, Copia muttered, “That was close”
“Tell me about it. We’re lucky Secondo is the party animal. If it had been Primo, we would have been torn to shreds, Satan forbid, Sister Imperator!” Your whisper almost squeaked out as a loud exclamation, causing you to snap your palm over your lips.
The thought of dissolving into the sheets of your bed with Copia tucked under your arm was the only thing guiding you through the halls of the ministry on that rainy night.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Oh ! Fluffy rainy day with Hubert ? I feel like he would take great care of Byleth (so cute heheh)
(With a sneer on his lips ofc = U = )
He knew he should not be amused, nor should he tease you. In truth, you looked positively miserable. Between the bags under your eyes to the rain-soaked…well, everything, it was clear the last thing you needed was a sadistic comment.
But he’d already caught your glare when he coughed out a snicker. As if you were daring him. 
Well, who was he to deny you a challenge?
“It appears there’s a wet rat at my door.” 
A sopping cloak slapped into the floor with a heavy wetness, splashing his pants’ leg accordingly. Hubert grinned.
“I take it the journey home was more arduous than first thought?”
You ignored him pointedly, tugging off your boots and the last of your armor, leaving them in a crumpled puddle at the door. He watched quietly as you worked, waiting until your socks were ripped off and tossed over your shoulder.
You dripped loudly past him, storming towards the washroom to draw a bath.
Hubert had drawn one twenty minutes ago, in anticipation for your return. The rainy season had started about two weeks ago, shortly after you left. Of course the storms hadn’t subsided, yet.
He retrieved your wet clothes dutifully, hanging them to dry in the fireplace; the armor had been charmed to prevent rusting, so they were merely set aside in the corner for later.
Right now, he needed to tend to his bullied and battered wife.
You did not acknowledge him when he entered the washroom, shutting the door behind him with a pleased hum. There were few sights more delightful than his dear wife, especially when you were without the coverings of your garments.
“I do hope Emperor Edelgard was not too harsh on you. I admire her for her great tenacity, but it appears she has pushed her favored soldiers to the brink with this last expedition.”
He slinked across the room silently, your attention deliberately withdrawn even as he retrieved a hairbrush and kneeling beside the basin. 
“Will you not speak to me, then?”
“Rats do not speak.”
At this, he laughed deeply. To some, it would be quite unsettling. But you could hear how very amused he was, even by his own cruel joke.
“Oh, dear, dear, dear.” He ran his fingers through your hair, gently feeling for the knots and tangles that needed the most work. “Do forgive me for my impertinence, Commander. It was nothing more than a lighthearted observation.”
“You couldn’t have greeted me, first?” You leaned your head back, glaring up at him. There was a little pout on your lips- he wished to kiss it away.
“It was ill-timed, perhaps…but it simply could not be ignored. You are so very pitiful when you’re soaked through your little bones.”
He kissed your forehead, earning a hum. You leaned forward again, sighing deeply as the brushing began.
It was unfair of him to be so tender beneath his unsettling exterior. He could say the darkest things with the sharpest of tongues, but in the same breath, wrap his fingers tightly around yours and press a thousand kisses into your hair, reminding you exactly how much he truly cared for you.
You had been through hell together and back, a hundred times. The lives you led were arduous and cold, and should have made for two frozen hearts. Yet you found yourself bathed in soft moonlight, on a warm summer night enveloped in his arms every second you were with him.
Hubert was your everything. And he, in turn, was completely enraptured by you.
It made life meaningful. Something that made you feel warm and comforted even on the worst days.
Being teased after a frightfulldreadful trek across the kingdom for two weeks happened to be what led you to this moment.
But still….it was a precious one. You smiled softl to yourself, lingering in his sweet touches when your hair was freed of its painful tangles.
Hubert’s hands were rather magical, even if he insisted they were normal, completely undoctored hands.
You would have to wait and see if that held true.
“The water will be cold sooner rather than later,” He warned, setting the brush aside and taking up the oils with which he could wash your hair. “We must finish your bath quickly. I’ll have dinner prepared shortly.”
“I did not ralize my husband was such a capable butler.” Your lilt was filled with amusement. Hubert scoffed.
“The rat and her butler- sounds like a strange sort of fairytale.”
“One you may be writing in an empty home, all alone, if you don’t stop calling your wife a rat.” You warned, turning in the water so that you could tap his nose.
He blinked, unprepared for the sudden touch.
A grin crossed his lips, wider than before. “Forgive me, human wife. I meant no disrespect.”
“You’ll be forgiven once I’ve got food in my mouth.” You hummed when he kissed you, properly this time. “That may suffice, though.”
“Oh?” He slipped down, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to pepper kisses up and down your neck. “Perhaps we ought to finish your bath for other reasons besides your dinner. It seems that some dessert is in order instead, hm?”
“Perhaps… It has been a long time since I last saw you, my love.”  You tangled your fingers in his hair, his kisses slowly turning more deliberate. 
“Mmn. Too long.” 
“I hope you’re prepared to draw another bath. We’ll be needing one after this.”
“Whatever is necessary. I will fulfill it.” He nipped your ear, earning a squeak. He had missed your little sounds.
Well, he had missed all of you.
“Let me pamper you, then.” He took hold of your hands, pulling you to your feet. Water splashed loudly with your sudden movement, but it was hardly enough to keep him from stopping.
You fell into each other, stumbling back to your bedroom in a flurry of snickers and bright red blushes.
Of course, Hubert would take responsibility for the mess the two of you left in the wake of your reunion.  Though it would not be without a little more teasing at your expense.
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sootyfeathers · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang Characters: Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang Additional Tags: Royai Week, Royai week 2022, Royai - Freeform, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Bathing/Washing, Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy Ending, rainy day, Comfort Summary:
Colonel Roy Mustang is an ambitious man who thrives in the cutthroat arena of Central Command’s power struggle. But he too is only human. Rain falls especially heavy one evening, as does the curtain on his façade. In a moment of such vulnerability and weakness, a certain First Lieutenant comes to his rescue.
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Rainy Day Dialogue Prompts 🌧
By: @the-bad-batch-baroness
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"We should order in."
"Come here. Let's get you out of those wet clothes."
"Does the thunder scare you?"
"I can hold your umbrella for you."
"You're soaked!"
"I'll toss your pajamas in the dryer to warm them up."
"Do you need a towel?"
"Strip. You're gonna catch a cold."
"Did you feel that?" "Feel what?" "It's starting to rain."
"I think it's going to rain."
"I am wet, and I am tired."
"There's water in my shoes."
"Do you want me to start you a shower or a bath?"
"Would you like to stand under my umbrella?"
"This towel is so soft."
"I am soaked down to my underwear."
"This umbrella is too small for the both of us."
"I can't find my rain boots."
"I don't like being wet."
"I love the sound of the rain."
"Can we stay here for a while? I want to listen to the rain."
"I don't want to go out. It's raining."
"That's the third time you've sneezed."
"Let me warm you up."
"I really want to kiss you." "Now? In the rain?"
"No one will hear us since it's raining."
"What happened to you?" "I slipped in the rain."
"I feel like a drowned rat." "You look like one too."
"Don't you dare jump in that puddle and get me wet!"
"You look so cute in that rain jacket."
"Can we stay in bed today?"
"The roof is leaking again."
"If you shiver any harder, you'll vibrate right off of the chair."
"Let's play in the rain!"
"Dance with me in the rain."
"Please let me in. It's pouring!"
"I hate thunderstorms." "Don't worry. I'll protect you."
"I'll race you back home!"
"Do you want my wet handkerchief to dry your wet face?"
"So much for our picnic."
"The rain is so relaxing."
"I'll put the kettle on."
"My hair is soaked!" "You still look beautiful."
"I made you a mug of tea."
"Is this tree taken?" "I think it's big enough for the both of us."
"What's the matter?" "I ran out of books to read."
"Will it ever stop raining?"
"Did you know that rainy day cuddles are two times more effective than sunny day cuddles?"
"Can you moan a little louder? I can't hear you over the rain."
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me-writes-prompts · 11 months
-:Rainy days dialogues & scenarios:-
(Tag me if you write any of these, I don't wanna miss out :)
By @me-writes-prompts
"Oh my, it's raining outside. It's so beautiful, look!!"
One of them has a cold and the other ends up having it too because they couldn't stop making out for the last 30 minutes.
^^"Your nose is so red." "Yours is not any better."
"Take your medicines." "Did you take yours?" "Yes." "Whatever."
When they come back from work, without an umbrella so they are all wet by the time they come home, they didn't expect to still get showered with hugs.
^^"Are you okay? You're so wet." "W-what?" "I mean, your clothes." (hahahahahah)
Making hot chocolate and then cuddling up in front of the fireplace.
When they go outside, they share one umbrella because they don't have another one.
Watching their favourite movie/reading a book together.
Trying to bake brownies but end up messing the whole thing up. (Someone needs to write this, I NEED IT)
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stasyalovem · 1 year
helping them get out of the wet clothes.
rolling their lover in a big blanket like a burrito after drying up >~<
"oh, your hair is still wet, come here I'll dry it for you."
"your body is.. freezing..?? are you okay?"
^ one asks, while holding the other so close, hands cupping their cheeks. "of-of course, i am! *flustered* "
one making food, while the other cleans up
cuddling under the sheets and watching warm and comedic movies!
reading a book to their lover as they lay on their chest and listen to it
"your looks so soft now that they've dried." and ruffling it with a smile
@urfriendlywriter thank you for these incredibly soft sweet prompts<3 I couldn't reblog but I really didn't want to lose them so I hope you don't mind me posting them on my page
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littleseasiren · 8 months
Hot Chocolate
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff
Words: Just over 700 words
A/N: Welcome to day 2 of Flufftober. Alternative Prompt: Hot Chocolate. Hope you enjoy! Thanks @flufftober
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The sound of thunder booms in the small apartment, windows rattling at the display of nature's power. Your clothes are dripping with rainwater, causing your whole body to shiver.
"Here you go, doll. Why don't you climb in the shower and get warm while I grab you some clothes? I'll set them on the counter for you," Bucky says as you enter his apartment.
A hot shower sounds divine. "What about you? You must be freezing too?"
"I'm used to the cold, I guess years in cryo can do that to you. Plus, I have the serum, so I'll warm up fast. I promise, as soon as you jump in the shower, I'll change into dry clothes. But you need to warm up quickly. I don't want you to get sick."
"You're so sweet, Bucky."
The lines by his eyes crinkle as he gives you a soft smile, "I have to take care of my best girl, don't I? I plan for you to fall madly in love with me, so I need to keep you healthy for the next hundred years or so."
"Hundred years? That might be pushing it, you'll get tired of me eventually."
"I doubt it, doll." He leans down and kisses you slowly, making you feel so cherished that a tremor runs down your spine.
Hasty, he breaks the kiss and turns you towards the bathroom. "Shower now, babydoll," he growls, mistaking your shiver for being cold. He gives you a gentle nudge and watches as you leave with a smile on his face.
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When you enter the kitchen, you find him stirring a pot over the gas stove. "I'm making some hot chocolate, have a seat on the couch, and I'll join you as soon as it's done."
"Mmm, I love hot chocolate, especially with weather like this. I told Steve the weather was going to cause issues with our mission, but the idiot didn't listen," you huff as you sink down onto Bucky's soft couch. You pull your socked feet under you and stare at the gorgeous man in the kitchen. How did he manage to look so sexy in a soft jersey, sweatpants, and socks? It should be a sin to look so good.
"Of course, doll. Steve should have known that the car we stole would break down miles from home and leave us stranded in the rain. He's Captain America, he should think about these things!"
Laughter bubbles out from you, Bucky is so adorable! "Exactly!"
Bucky pours the hot chocolate into two cups and then hands you one as he falls down onto the couch next to you. You take a small sip and then groan in delight as the taste explodes in your mouth. "OMG, Bucky! This is delicious!"
A small blush appears on Bucky's cheeks at your words. He still struggles with accepting compliments, regardless of whom they're from. "Thanks, my mother always had this idea of a decadent hot chocolate recipe that she wanted to try when the war was over. I remembered bits and pieces, so I tried to make what I thought she would have liked. This was the result."
Your heart bleeds for Bucky. Every day, you discover something new that was taken away from him in some way. You knew without asking that he never saw his mother and sister again after he joined the war. He was either too busy fighting Nazis or he was a captive of Hydra.
"I'm sure she would have loved this, Bucky. It's so chocolaty, rich, and creamy, it's to die for!" You take another sip and moan again at the amazing taste. It was like drinking melted chocolate but better. "Jeeze Bucky. I don't want to sound weird, but I think this might even be better than se-"
Bucky cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. "Don't say that, babydoll, or I'll have to prove you wrong, and we're not at that stage in our relationship just yet," he says with a smirk as he looks down at you.
"Fine, but I'm holding you to high standards, Bucky. Especially after this hot chocolate."
"Duly noted." Bucky laughs as he pulls you into his side and wraps his arm around you, making you forget about the drink in your hand.
Well, almost.
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soapskneebrace · 1 year
Hey idk if you’ve done Price headcanons but if you haven’t ,can you please do him
@alittleposhtoad, I write these in your honor.
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The oldest of souls. A good night to him means staying in with a book, or with the TV on at a low volume if there’s a football game. Dinner and drinks out at the pub with you is the most exciting he’ll ever get. He likes a calm pace.
His phone only has the default apps on them. He uses the calculator most often. He also keeps bitching about his storage space filling up so quickly, but that’s because he never clears out his photos (they’re all of you).
If you give him anything—anything at all—he will treasure it like a magpie hoarding shiny things. He’s got notes you wrote him five years ago tucked into his wallet. Tourist-trap baubles you got him as a joke sit in a careful row on his desk. Once, early in your relationship, you asked him to hold onto an elastic hair tie for a moment, and then you forgot about it. He kept it in his pocket for weeks.
He’s incredibly good at gift-giving. He notices what people like, what you like, and remembers it like it’s intel valuable enough to save the world. He’ll get things gift wrapped at the store if he can, though—he thinks he can’t do a very good job himself.
He is an old-fashioned romantic down to the bone. He holds the door for you. He pulls out your chair. He gives you his coat on cold nights. He hand-writes you letters, thoughtful and vulnerable, and sometimes those words are the kind he’s too embarrassed to say aloud. Naturally, he keeps all the letters you write back.
Acts of service are really the entire 141’s love language, but none more than Price. He knows your favorite drink, how you like your sandwiches cut. He’ll always help you into your jacket when you go out on a cold day. If you mention offhand a home project you’ve been meaning to do—a squeaky door needing oil, a broken tile you keep tripping on—you’ll find one day he’s already done it. He enjoys very much the things he can do for you.
He’s not great at accepting the same treatment, however. It’s half, “I can do it myself love, don’t you mind it” and half bemusement that you’d even make the effort. He does appreciate what you do for him, regardless.
He tries to cut back on smoking when he’s home with you. Sometimes you can catch him sneaking a cigar late at night, though, and you know it’s because he can’t sleep, or woke up from a bad nightmare. If you wrap your arms around him from behind, press your forehead into his back, he’ll stroke the tops of your hands, stub it out off to the side, and come back to bed.
He sticks extra close to you on nights like that. You’ll wake up later to find him draped over you like a blanket, finally asleep, the lines on his face soft and relaxed. Luckily, he doesn’t snore, so it’s easy for you to slip back into dreaming.
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moritashie · 8 months
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Of Hot Chocolates and Cheesecakes
CozyTober Day 3! Rainy day at a coffee shop
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acnhplatea · 1 year
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a rainy night at the train station 🚈☔
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thepromptswhisperer · 11 months
Under My Umbrella Prompts
1. A wordlessly opens their umbrella and holds it over B (and themselves).
2. “Careful. There’s a— …puddle.”
3. A shakes out their umbrella, the action (accidentally) leading to B’s clothes getting wet.
4. A goes out of their way to make sure A gets home/inside without getting soaked by the rain. (e.g. they pick them up at work) 
5. (In a hurry,) A accidentally takes B’s umbrella with them. (They forgot that theirs has a panda design/etc.)
6. A tilts their umbrella just so in an attempt to not get recognized by B who is coming their way.
7. A loses their/B’s umbrella.
8. A and B link arms as they get cozy underneath the umbrella.
9. A and B decide to stand underneath a shop’s awning/in a house entrance/etc. until the rainfall lessens/comes to a stop.
10. “There’s enough space underneath here for both us.”/”I don’t mind sharing with you.”
11. A (and B) abandon(s) their umbrella. Their clothes are already soaked anyway.
12. When it starts to rain, A quickly runs into a shop to buy an umbrella. B had the same idea (and now they are fighting over the last umbrella the shop has left).
13. A and B share a kiss/a hug underneath the umbrella.
14. “I won’t melt.” “Still. For me. Please?”
15. Underneath the umbrella, A feels like they are in their own little world with B.
16. A opts to use their umbrella when there’s but a drizzle. (B thinks it’s amusing.)
17. A invites B to get underneath their umbrella (with them).
18. A’s arm sneaks around B’s shoulder/waist as they walk, the latter holding the umbrella that keeps them both dry.
19. A gently steers B to the side as they walk together underneath an umbrella so that they can avoid walking into a puddle.
20. “I was in the neighborhood when it started to rain and thought—” “Why not seek refuge at A’s? (My, don’t I feel honored.)”
21. When it starts to rain, A uses their jacket/hands/a pizza box etc. to keep themselves (/(and) B) as dry as possible.
22. A tries their best to shield B from the rain, but the raindrops running down the (shared) umbrella catch on their left/right side.
23. A’s umbrella (almost) gets blown away/turned inside out thanks to the strong wind.
24. A thought B was ridiculous/simply making a fashion statement when they insisted on taking an umbrella with them. Now they are glad they did.
25. A starts to sing a song that contains the words umbrella. (e.g. Singin’ in the Rain)
26. “(Could you wrap it up?) I’m not getting any drier here.”
27. A holds out their hand/tilts their umbrella to determine if it still rains (much).
28. When it starts to rain/the rain intensifies, A and B decide to make a run for it.
29. A notices too late that B has stolen their umbrella.
30. The direction the rain is coming from and the consequently tilted umbrella make it so that A barely sees where they are going. (They almost walk straight into B.)
31. A lifts/lowers their umbrella as to not collide with anything/anybody.
32. “I can’t have you getting sick.”
33. A and B both have their own umbrella and try to figure out how to best walk close to one another considering the situation.
34. A and B jump over a puddle together.
35. A complains about the umbrella being heavy/remarks they did an arm workout the day before/etc. in the hopes that B will take over and hold the umbrella over both of them.
36. “You’ve asked for protection, your highness?” “My hero. Saving me from the big bad rain.”
37. No umbrella could have helped A with staying dry – not when a car drives through a puddle and sprays them wet/they accidentally step into a puddle/etc.
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succikko-draws · 10 months
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"Day 7: Rainy days"
@kisames-corner 7th and last piece for Kisame week! Ending it with a soft note :3
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Kisame petting samehada outside in the rain. Nagato and Konan, with her wings deployed around them, are by his side. Kisame is crouching, cupping Samehada's face as she wags her tail happily like a dog. Konan has her hand on Kisame's back, a soft smile on her face as she looks at Samehada. Nagato reaches down with his hand to pet Samehada too, with the same kind of soft expression as Konan. The three of them are dressed in their akatsuki robes. The rain pours on the four of them, forming puddles on the ground. The background is teal with hint of blue mist. /.End ID]
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suguruslut · 1 year
Your first kiss
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
<<< 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪🐉| 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙖🐅| 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙖🐕 >>>
Gwen’s Notes: smooch smooch up in here. cooties! beware!
-it happened late one summer evening when the sky was orange and pink, the two of you slowly walking home after getting a few groceries. it was warm, but not too warm, casual conversation breaking off when Tatsu suddenly stops to admire you
-he doesn’t realize that he’s stopped walking, and what else can you do but stare back at him, trying to decode that mesmerized, dreamy look in his eyes? nothing in particular prompted this urge, just you being you, maybe the sunset’s glow making you look even more like an angel than usual
-the man keeps boundaries at all times, and even before he leans a little closer, Tatsu asks if it’s okay. the last thing he wants to do is make an unwanted advance and have you hate him forever
- “This alright?” Tatsu asked with only a smidgen of fear in his voice. yakuza fights, getting yelled at by the boss man, fighting for sale items is nothing compared to this moment, and he’s secretly terrified
-you give him the okay immediately, but Tatsu still moves slowly, giving you several chances to change your mind. he knows he can be a bit intimidating at times, but is happy when you don’t seem to be afraid
-after what seems like an eternal moment of waiting, Tatsu’s lips finally meet yours, and it’s as sweet and gentle as you expected it to be. he doesn’t fully press your lips together until he’s certain you won’t shove him away
-Tatsu exhales the breath he had been holding and presses just a little more into the kiss, enough where you can feel his facial hair graze over your skin; you don’t mind. you’ve been waiting a long time to figure out what Tatsu’s flesh felt like against yours
-your movements are slow and memorable, even when you both suddenly remember you’re still in public, but the perks of kissing a former yakuza is that you know damn well none of them would say anything about what they saw, or risk being reprimanded by Tatsu about social etiquette 
-(sure, you’re breaking a few ‘social etiquette’ rules yourself, but try telling Tatsu that. “No rules apply when you’re in love, Y/N!”)
-your first kiss with Tora happened on a rainy night; you had just gotten off work, running to Tora’s crepe truck for shelter, only to find that he had closed up shop and was without an umbrella, too
- “I’ll protect ya from the rain, Y/N! They don’t know who they’re messing with!”
- “Who doesn’t know, Tora?”
-ignoring your gentle refusal, Tora rips off his outer layer and throws it over your head, and the two of you take off through the wet streets, avoiding cars and trying to find a place to hold up until the rain let up a little. you’re not sure when you startled giggling, but soon Tora was grinning along with you as you splashed through puddles
-after several blocks you two find a public park with trees that are full enough to shield some of the cold raindrops. Tora gently pulls you into the park, your laughter dying off as you both stare at the street, watching the rain continue to pour down. it was at this moment Torajiro looked down at where you were dripping wet in his jacket and felt the need to kiss you
-Tora Tora Tora...he’s been waiting to kiss you for a while, now, fighting the urge until the time was right, until he was sure you actually wanted to kiss him back. there were a few times he thought you were going to initiate it, but you chickened out, and certainly weren’t thinking about it tonight as you shivered and wondered when the sky would stop looking so stormy and gray
- Tora swallowed nervously, feeling a chill unrelated to the cold rain dribbling down his bare arms, and his nerves only increased when you suddenly gazed up at him with a smile so bright it made the gloomy scene look a thousand times less dreary. why did you seem so happy? he wasn’t sure, but knew he needed to make this perfect moment even more perfect for the both of you
- “Can I kiss you?!” Torajiro blurted out like an idiot. not so perfect after all, but imagine his shock when you said yes
-not wanting to hesitate or procrastinate any longer than he already had, Tora grabbed your face and tugged towards his chest; he swept down to kiss you, but realized with horror that he might have startled you, a fear that was quickly put to rest by you pressing your lips together
-your first kiss with Tora was pretty passionate from the get-go, neither of you caring if anyone saw you two. all Tora cared about was your lips moving together, undeterred by droplets of rain sneaking their way into your kiss
-one of Tora’s large hands moved away from your face to your back, weaving around to ensure that this was real, not another one of his crazy daydreams--this was a million times better than any lame fantasy he could put together. a first kiss in the rain, standing within a beautiful park? fuck yeah, romance
-when you finally broke apart after five minutes of kissing, rain pouring even harder and breaking through the trees, you started giggling again, looking so happy Tora finally allowed himself to believe that he was a good man for you, and you for him, letting you throw his soaked jacket over the both of you as you ran home to finish what you started
 -Masa is a lovable coward at heart, so it would take months for your first kiss to happen. you didn’t mind at first, content to hold hands, cuddle and tickle each other until someone almost pissed their pants, but after a certain amount of time, you realized you would have to make the first move if you ever wanted to kiss him
-you had just finished “making” dinner (takeout again) and were now doing the dishes that piled up over the last week, Masa whining under his breath as he dried the silverware
-you’re not sure what prompted it, maybe the househusband-like image of Masa actually doing housework for once in his life, but you slowly began to develop the idea of leaning over and kissing Masa right on the lips, breaking the ice that had built up for the past several months with one moment
-oblivious Masa just keeps doing his best at drying, not realizing you were up to something until he finished drying the last fork and triumphantly waved his dishtowel in the air like a maniac. he was so stupid you had to kiss him--there was no other option
-Masa’s smile faded when he suddenly saw your hands reach out and grab onto the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward. the boy honestly thought he was about to get a beatdown, the “tough love” method that Tatsu used to teach him a lesson, but what he got was the exact opposite
-your lips smashed against his, getting no response for several seconds, Masa too shocked that a super hot person like you was actually kissing him that he forgot he was supposed to participate. finally, Masa let his eyes close and began kissing back, unsure and uncoordinated, but still meaningful
-the kiss didn’t last too long, you leaning back to see Masa’s reaction, laughing breathily at his dumbfounded expression, eyes still closed like he was afraid this was all a really good dream
- “W-Well, it...it was just drying. I don’t know if my skills were worth that...” he mumbled
- “They were, Masa. Good job.”
-Masa’s eyes opened again and were lit up with joy, smile gracing his lips before he leaned back in for another kiss, hoping his aniki would be proud of him tomorrow for having his first kiss with you and for drying the dishes
                                                     🐉 🐅 🐕
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shivunin · 7 months
14 / 38 / 48 for the Florence asks! ✨
Oooh, thank you so much! I will answer one here and do the other(s) in separate posts c: This gave me a push to finally finish fleshing out an idea that's been sitting for over a year, so double thank you for that! 💗
(Florence + the Machine Writing Prompts)
Hold Me Down
Summary: In the aftermath of Here Lies the Abyss, Cullen finds the Inquisitor alone at the edge of the camp.
(Elowen Lavellan/Cullen | 1,206 Words | CW: Blood, descriptions of shock/panic attack)
“Hold me down, I'm so tired now Aim your arrow at the sky Take me down, I'm too tired now Leave me where I lie.” —Florence + the Machine, “Sky Full of Song”
“—foremost priority should be seeking out and destroying any remaining demons who might have escaped the battle,” Cullen was saying to a scout as they walked, “take a group and scour the fortress for any signs, and then relay the information to Commander Rylen. He’s kept a troop in reserve for cleanup duty.”
“Yes, Commander,” the scout said, peeling off. Cullen paused as he saw an odd shape tucked between two tents and a stack of crates. 
He knew the shape of that staff. 
“Inquisitor?” he called, peering over the stack of crates. The shape shifted, turned slightly, and lifted its head. 
Behind the cowl, her face was still spattered with blood; it was almost enough to obscure the pale lines of her vallaslin entirely, and what the blood didn’t smear was peppered with ash and dust. Her hands were set on her lap, just as filthy as her face, half-curled and limp. And her eyes…
“Lavellan?” he said, and she blinked, blood-clogged eyelashes sticking for a moment to her cheek. Her eyes did not come into focus. 
Ah—he’d seen this before. 
Cullen sidestepped the crates and crouched several inches away, leaving her room on the other side to get away from him if necessary. 
“Can you hear me, Inquisitor?” he murmured quietly, and her bitten lips cracked open. 
“I am fine.”
“That isn’t what I asked,” he said quietly, glancing over his shoulder when he heard movement in the camp. Just a pair of sentries wandering past. He returned his attention to the Inquisitor, whose attention remained fixed somewhere over Cullen’s left shoulder. 
“Can you hear me?” he asked. “Do you know what I am saying?”
There was a long pause. He noted the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the way her blood-soaked hands trembled in her lap. 
“...yes,” she said at last, her voice faint and flat. 
“What do you hear?” 
A soft gasp and her hands twitched in her lap. 
“And what else?” 
She was still breathing too quickly. Cullen eased himself down until he was kneeling between her and the rest of the camp. If nothing else, he could shield her from their speculation. A meager enough offering, but it was one he would give her without hesitation.
“The…the tents in the wind.”
“Metal on stone. People talking.”
“Good. What do you see?”
A frown collected between her brows and she slowly glanced at him to frown. That was good, too. 
“Sand. Tents. The stars.”
“Answer the question.”
She sighed, but her breath had slowed slightly. 
“The crates. My…my hands,” her voice shook on the last word. “You.”
“Alright,” he paused, “Are you with me?”
“Yes, I…yes,” she moved to set her face in her hands and flinched when she saw them clearly. “I—it was…The Fade was…”
“We needn’t discuss it,” Cullen murmured, shifting onto his knees to tug the tail end of his cloak loose. “You don’t have to say anything now. May I see your hand?”
Lavellan extended one hand silently and Cullen pulled the cork from his waterskin to wet the crimson fabric of his cloak. He could not properly clean her skin here; he hadn’t carried soap with him, and the cloth of the cloak was not especially absorbent. Maker, he was covered in his fair share of grime after the battle. Even so, he could get the worst of the blood off. He knew all too well what it meant to have to deal with such aftereffects of a fight. 
To be confronted with the concrete proof of what had happened. 
Her hands shook in his grip, and they were cold even through the barrier of leather. Cullen pressed his lips together, trying to decide if he ought to offer his gloves. Would she take them from him? He could not guess either way. 
“Is that any better?” he asked when he was done. Lavellan took her hand from him and peered at it in the flickering torchlight of the camp, curling and uncurling her fingers. 
“Yes, I—thank you,” she said. She lifted the other hand slightly and froze with it there, hung halfway into the air. Cullen carefully reached out to take it, selecting a different section of fabric to clean the skin with. 
Someone ought to be helping her properly. Someone needed to make sure she found a bath, food, somewhere soft to lay her head. After all he had seen of her, all he knew she had done, Cullen knew better than to think she was fragile. Even so—it tugged at him, to see her so shattered now. 
“It had so many legs,” she whispered hoarsely after a moment. “Too many. I—I couldn’t—I should have—”
Her voice broke at the end, and when the Commander glanced at her he saw that tears had begun to clear some of the muck from her cheeks in clear, straight lines. They dripped from her cheeks black and red-brown, leaving tiny, damp circles on her coat. 
“You’re here now,” he told her, holding her hand for a moment longer than necessary once it was clean. “You aren’t there anymore. It is done.”
“I let him die,” she said quietly, searching his eyes. “I—I told him to stay behind. It’s my fault. And the Divine—it’s my fault, Commander. All of it is.”
Cullen waited for her to continue, but she didn’t go on. She bit her lip again, staring at him. Ah—but what could he say to her now? There was nothing to be done about one’s past mistakes. He knew better than most what it meant to live with regret at one’s back. What to say? All he had was the words he gave his own soldiers when they’d made a mistake, and the words seemed ill-fitting here.  
“Whatever has happened,” he told her, “I’ve no doubt that you made the best decision you could with the resources available to you.”
Lavellan withdrew her hand. Cullen let it go without protest. 
“I…” slowly, the Inquisitor pulled her cowl down and away from her face. She ran her hands over the relatively clean plait beneath. “Thank you.”
It was recognition, but a dismissal as well. Not “thank you for thinking so,” but “please go away.”
Cullen tucked the soiled end of the cloak away and stood, careful not to move too close. 
“If there is anything you need, Inquisitor,” he said softly. “Please—do not hesitate to ask.”
Lavellan inclined her head, but she’d turned away to stare out at the vastness of the dunes and stars beyond. Cullen exhaled slowly and moved to step around the crates. He halted when she spoke again. 
“Cullen?” Elowen said; not Commander, for once, but his name. He turned to look at her and found her eyes, full of tears but clear and focused on his. “Thank you. Really.”
 “Of course,” he said, and cleared his throat. “It was…my honor.” 
Her eyes slipped away again, but her hands were clasped softly in her lap. Cullen straightened, gathered himself, and strode back into the camp beyond.
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A/N - Okay so I got an incredibly nice ask, requesting a Part 2 of The Best and the Brightest. The asker was so sweet and lovely and they made my day when I first received it
So, like normal, I wrote a Part 2 and created a draft. But instead of hitting the “save draft” button, I hit “post.” I hadn’t finished editing, so in a panic, I deleted it, and now we’re here with a continuation snippet and no request to respond to T_T
Anyways, thank you anon so much for the request, and I hope you like this next part
Part 1
The Best and the Brightest, Part 2
“Hey there beautiful.”
The villain pushed their sunglasses up to the top of their head. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
The hero stood before them, in matching sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. Their self-satisfied smirk made the villain want to hit them.
“Great locale you’ve chosen,” they said, settling into the beach chair beside the villain. “Though it seems my invite got lost in the mail.”
“How did you find me?”
“I’ll admit, it wasn’t easy. You cover your tracks like a master, babe.” The hero pushed up their sunglasses and grinned. “It was fun though. Tracking a genius supervillain all the way to their tropical island hideout? I felt like James Bond.”
“It’s not – you know what, forget it.”
The fact that, last time, the hero had managed to sneak into their lair completely undetected made it painfully clear that the villain was spread too thin. So here they were, sitting amongst palm trees and white sand beaches with a fruity drink in their hand. It was supposed to be relaxing.
The villain most certainly did not feel relaxed.
“So what should we do first?” the hero said, pulling out a brochure. “The hot yoga sounds fun.” They waggled their brows at the villain. “Emphasis on hot.”
The villain couldn’t believe this was their life. “How did you even get in here? This is a ‘villains only’ resort.”
The hero squinted. “That’s a thing?”
“Yes that’s a thing. You’re a professional in this business, how did you not know?”
“How would that even work? Do you have, like, a villain ID card or something? Do you need to commit a certain number of verified crimes to get it?”
The villain checked their watch, hoping they radiated disinterest. “If that were the case, you’d get one. I’m honestly starting to lose count of the kidnappings.”
“Not kidnappings, darling. Arrests. There’s a world of difference.”
“So come on, quit stalling. What do you want to do?” The hero sat up like an excited puppy. “We could go to the tiki bar and get plastered.”
“I have yet to actually agree to go out with you.”
“Alright. Then agree.”
The villain sat for a moment, taken aback. The hero’s grin widened. It really was as charismatic as the fan blogs liked to say.
The villain didn’t buy it. “Why are you pretending you like me? Is it some strategy your bosses told you to try?”
The hero rested their head on their palm. “Quite the opposite. My superiors don’t even know I’m here.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I still have instructions to bring you in. But if they knew you were all the way out here, they would’ve sent a whole team to come secure you, rather than just little ol’ me.”
The villain blinked. “Then why?”
“Because I want to hang out with you, dummy. Before we have to get back to business.”
The villain regarded them. “So after the date is over, you’re going to try to capture me?”
“And if I refuse?”
“Then I suppose we’d have to do the business part now.” Their expression sobered, a touch. “That would be a shame, though. I really did want to spend time with you.”
The villain looked them up and down, and then sighed.
“I was planning to go back to my hotel room to see if I can splice poison ivy DNA into some leeches. You can come, if you want.”
The hero raised a brow. “That’s the kind of stuff you do on vacation?”
“Yep.” The villain rose. “Take it or leave it. Because I’m going.”
Without hesitation, the hero followed.
As they walked, the villain checked their watch again. T-minus two hours and forty-two minutes until launch time.
It had, in multiple ways, not been a relaxing vacation at all.
They glanced to the hero, who was smiling at them. They smiled back.
How hard could it be to hold their attention, for just a little while?
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