#reader is co-ruler of hell
writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Learning To Get Along
A/N – So, a user on A03 suggested the snake servants’ new names. It was a stroke of genius on their behalf, and I can only thank them for it.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
Tag-List: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326  @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch
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Do you think you can manage that? Lucifer’s words hung in the air, creating an icy barrier between you.
So, Lucifer thought himself too good for low-life Sinners such as yourself. That wasn’t fair. Sinners might be in Hell for a reason, but sometimes such reasons were just fucking stupid. Heaven ought to base their entry requirements on a person’s character or strength of heart, not just their actions. You had met plenty of Sinners who were in Hell because of the most trivial shit.
There were those who liked to sleep around, but if sex positivity was a problem, then how did Heaven explain Angels like Adam, whom Charlie had told you about in excruciating detail. Lust shouldn’t have ever been considered a Sin, as long as all participants in any such carnal act were above age and consenting.
Then, there were a few murderers you knew. Granted, murder made the lines blurry, but some Sinners killed in self-defence, or only targeted others such as themselves, protecting the innocent in a very gruesome Dexter-like fashion. Were they really to be condemned? And who the fuck gave a damn about Sloth. So, some people were just bone idle, who gave a shit? Heaven apparently.
And now, the ruler of Hell was condemning those around him as well. He was supposed to care for his people, good or bad. Not to mention those who were solely created for or born in Hell, such as Imps, Hell-Hounds, or the Deadly Sins themselves; they hadn’t committed any crimes to get sent here originally – it was their home.
Your eyebrows furrowed, creating an annoyed crease along your forehead.
“No,” You told Lucifer, who stared at you incredulously.
No? Didn’t you understand the situation? He was Lucifer. King of Hell. He could destroy you with no effort spared, leaving no trace that you ever existed, and you were telling him no? He wasn’t an unreasonable guy, but how could you possibly think that being around him was a good idea? Did you respect Charlie more than you feared him? Granted, he didn’t go out much so few knew how powerful he was, but no other Sinner would dare deny him his wishes.
You saw the look he was giving you and decided to explain yourself.
“Look, I’m only here ‘cos Charlie thought it was a good idea, and if you genuinely hate me, I’ll go and you’ll never have to see me again, but you’re not even trying right now. You haven’t spoken to me. You don’t know anything about me, and frankly, I think Charlie’s right, you do need someone to talk to.”
“I don’t-” Lucifer started.
“You don’t even know why I’m down here,” You interrupted angrily, though you refrained from raising your voice. “And you don’t want to know, right? ‘Cos all of us filthy Sinners must be the same. Ooh, we squandered your gift of Free Will and now we deserve to suffer for eternity, do we? Grow up!”
Lucifer stared at you in astonishment, and you sighed, apparently not finished in your tirade, “I’m going to my room tonight, but tomorrow, I expect that you’ll at least try to tolerate me. Who knows? We might even find some common ground. We both love Charlie, don’t we?”
Lucifer didn’t know what to say to that. He certainly loved his daughter, more than anything else in the universe, but you? He still suspected that you had some kind of ulterior motive… everyone in Hell did. Yet, you had a point. He would do this for her, even if it meant he had to tolerate you.
Who were you, really?
He looked at you closely for the first time, trying to pick out some detail of who you might have been. It was even more disturbing than he previously thought. Before, he only saw a human. Now, he examined your clothes. There was little to say about the style, but your apparel was reminiscent of a Holy Animal. With the ruffled cuffs of your jacket, the way the back peaked to create the image of feathers, and the yellow ribbon that lined the white material, you looked like a dove.
Yet… Despite living in the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie had insisted that you didn’t seek redemption. Why go through the farce of dressing like an Angel then… unless? No, you couldn’t be. No Angel would dare stray from Heaven unless they were ordered to.
Lucifer held back a glower, trying to keep his emotions in check so you wouldn’t sense his thoughts. There was a possibility, though small that you had been sent by the likes of Adam to spy on Lucifer and his kin, ensuring that none of Charlie’s patrons ever found a way to the Pearly Gates.
Well, it wouldn’t take long to uncover your ruse. Lucifer had ways of telling an Angel from a Demon, and once you were asleep, he would know.
“Yeah,” Lucifer said evenly. “I love my Charlie.”
“So, you’ll try then.”
Lucifer nodded his head in consent.
“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
The sentiment went unreturned as your King returned to his chambers, biding his time until you slept.
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When you returned to your room, you got ready for bed. The day had been long and unusual. Honestly, you didn’t feel that you had a place in the manor, and you longed for your room in the Hotel, even if it was smaller, had a large stain on the carpet (which Nifty had named Vivienne) and an unruly infestation of roaches.
In the short time you had spent there, it had become home.
You would miss the arguing inhabitants, the energetic wake-up call from Charlie, the feeling of safety that Vaggie instilled, and the sound of Alastor’s morning and evening radio broadcasts. Yet, you hoped you might find something equally valuable in return if only Lucifer would open himself up to the possibility that you didn’t want anything from him.
After glancing out of your window, which had a balcony you could step out to if you so wished, you took in the whole of the Magne District which was the heart of Pentagram City. If you strained your eyes, you could just see the flashing neon of the Hazbin Hotel, and if you turned your gaze up… There was Heaven, out of reach yet always in sight, taunting most Sinners, yet emboldening a brave few who dared to wonder What If? What if they could change and gain admittance to a better life?
You sighed and dared not ponder further when you needed to get some sleep.
Throwing yourself on the plush bed, you got comfortable, arranging yourself how you liked, then leaning over to your bedside table, you blew out the cherry candle you had previously lit.
You rested your head atop the satin pillows, then frowned, feeling a lump beneath it. You reached under and pulled out a rubber duck, painted to look like a Hellhound-Duck hybrid. Assuming it was one of Charlie’s childhood toys, you placed it carefully atop the table; it would keep you company on your first night in a strange new place.
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Lucifer waited till the late twilight hours before leaving his workshop. He transformed himself into a snake, slithering silently through the Hallways, ensuring that you wouldn’t hear him coming.
Before being cast out of Heaven, detecting an Angel would have been a simple task. He would just know, the way he now knew how to read a Demon. Yet, with you giving off little sign of Demonic energy, he now had to test if you were of Angelic origin. There were two ways he could do so. The first was by spilling your blood. Those who were born in or sent to Heaven had golden ichor instead of the oozing red or black goop of Hell-spawn and Sinners.
However, not wishing to alert you to his presence, Lucifer decided to opt for the other method.
Once he was inside your room and certain that you were in a deep slumber, he reverted to his original form, standing over you, his pupils turning to slits at the thought of a traitor in his house. If you were what he thought you to be, he would kill you immediately.
He pulled a small yellow twenty-sided stone from his pocket and baring his fangs in anger, he pressed it lightly against your skin.
Nothing happened.
Lucifer’s expression changed from one of deep-seated loathing to confusion. You weren’t from Heaven. If you were, the stone would have glowed a brilliant shade of Gold. Instead, it remained its original dull yellow.
Very well.
He would keep his word and… Tolerate you.
He left your room as quietly as he had entered it. Tomorrow, things would be different.
Lucifer didn’t sleep that night; the idea of change was terrifying.
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The next morning, when Lucifer finally resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to face you eventually, he headed downstairs, assuming that was where you were.
“JUST TRY IT!” He heard you yell. “TRY! OPEN YOUR MOUTH, DAMN IT!”
“Uh…” Was all he could think to say as he entered the kitchen and found you clinging to one of the snake cleaners he had created the previous night, in a rodeo-like fashion. The creature was trying to buck you off, with a somewhat derpy expression, probably stupidly assuming it was a game; Lucifer hadn’t bothered to instil them with much intelligence since he didn’t need them for anything more than cleaning.
“ARGH!” You grunted as you were dislodged from its back.
“What- What is this?” Lucifer asked, confused.
“Oh shit!” You cursed, embarrassed to have been caught in a less-than-dignified position. You attempted to regain a little composure by standing up, then held up a handful of wadded-up pancake.
“Do they eat?” You demanded, referring to the reptilian cleaners, “’Cos they’ve been in a picture frame their whole lives, and they must be hungry by now.”
Of all the stupid things you could have done, Lucifer couldn’t help but crack a smile, though he had the decency to hide his laugh behind a clenched fist and pass it off as a cough.
“They don’t need to.”
“Okay, but can they?”
“If they wanted to, I suppose so.”  
You glared at the mushed-up pancake, “I fucking knew it. Spick, Span, eat your fucking breakfast!”
“I’m sorry, who now?” Lucifer asked.
“Well, they clean, don’t they? Spick and Span seem to fit unless you have something better to name them.”
Lucifer chuckled, a half-short-lived chuckle, but one all the same. You were more chaotic than he expected.
“Fine, if you want them to eat, you’ve got to cook in style.”
He waved his hands energetically, his outfit transforming from his usual suit to one befitting a flashy Michelin Chef. He was comfortable in the role of an entertainer as he made a dazzling display of cooking up eggs. With the flash-bang of indoor fireworks, the island counter gained a conveyor belt to transport several dishes, all perfectly presentable and giving off a delectable aroma of herbs and spices.
Eggs-benedict, frittatas, and shakshuka shot by you, closely followed by a hungry Span, though his twin was busy writhing on the conveyer belt, trying to get to his feather duster, yet doomed to chase it since he didn’t think to travel in the opposite direction so it would meet him in the middle.
The sight was memorable to say the least, even when Spick knocked the food onto the floor and his brother was left stupidly sucking on the corner of the countertop where his seemingly new favourite dish had splattered.
You couldn’t help laughing.
“See?” You struggled to get the words out, “I knew they’d like food. I’m just a shite cook.”
Lucifer gazed at his dishes proudly, even though they were no longer fit for either of your consumption.
“Hah,” You said, feeling somewhat awkward now that the moment had passed and Lucifer’s gaze was upon you, trying to figure you out. “I’ll uh, clean this up.”
“No need, leave it to Flim and Flam,” Lucifer said nonchalantly.
“You know that’s not their names.”
“Whatever. So… we’ve met, there was breakfast with a show. We done for today?”
The smile fell from your face as you realised that all of this was just another of Lucifer’s acts. Granted, he might have actually had fun with it, but it was all just in the name of claiming he had tried to be around you, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“I don’t know. I was going to go into the City if you wanted to come.”
“I can’t. I have… plans.”
Lucifer’s mood soured as he thought about visiting Heaven’s embassy to set up the meeting for Charlie. He hated everything about that building. The décor was just a cruel reminder of everything Heaven had banished him from. Moreover, while the Angels had to respect his power, they didn’t respect him; their cruel words and thinly veiled insults always cut him the deepest. Not to mention how bitter he was that the balance of power was uneven. Sure, Heaven had an embassy in Hell, but there was no such building in Heaven where Demons could work to arrange meetings between Angels and him.
It would always be Lucifer going to their building, on their terms, usually at their behest.
“Plans? So, you’re setting up Charlie’s meeting today?” You guessed astutely. “You know, I’m walking that way too.”
Lucifer guessed at your game. You probably hadn’t been going in that direction at all, but this was all in the name of ‘trying’. One way or another, he would have to learn to get along with you.
“Fine. Let’s go,” He said, flicking his hand back blasély, even though he found the idea of walking the streets of Hell daunting.
It would be better if he could teleport there, but at least, by the end of the day, you would have something positive to report back to Charlie.
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blues824 · 2 years
Would it be possible to ask for the Housewardens from Twisted Wonderland having an s/o who's a lot like Kozume Kenma from Haikyuu? I didn't see Haikyuu in the fandoms you write for but I saw a request for Hinata Shoyo!Reader so I'm a little confused.
I don’t write for the Fandom Haikyuu!, but I will write about a reader/OC based on a character from that Fandom. This goes for any Fandom not on my Fandom list.
Gender neutral reader who is not Yuu, but is from Yuu’s world.
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Riddle Rosehearts 
You were quiet and more reserved, much like the King of Hearts. He didn’t care for the video games that took your attention away from him, but there were worse hobbies (i.e. causing trouble with the ADeuce duo). As long as you showed respect for him and the rules, all is well.
When you told the first years that they didn’t need to show you any formalities as their upperclassman, your boyfriend nearly lost it. In his mind, the first years were of the lowest rank and needed to show their respect, especially if it was his significant other. As his ‘co-ruler’, you needed to be held in the highest regard.
He thought you were very shy at first, and it wasn’t until you played in the Spelldrove tournament where he saw your more competitive side. It threw him in for a loop, to say the least. You later admitted that you didn’t care at all for the sport even though you carried the team. You said that you wanted to win because of your friends, and the young Rosehearts boy thought it was admirable.
If you continued to play volleyball, Riddle would support you to the fullest degree. He would be at each and every practice and game, cheering the loudest. He would force the entire dorm to support you as well, and volleyball has now become a huge sport at NRC thanks to you.
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Leona Kingscholar
He hated the fact that you played video games constantly, as it stole your attention all the time. He’s touch starved, don’t you know? Plus, you were his herbivore. He was losing to a freaking device. This jealousy came from a place of insecurity, because how could he compete with a game?
Leona doesn’t really care if you wish to skip formalities with the First Years. Hell, it might actually be a benefit to Savanaclaw, since they would be more comfortable with you. But, now that he thinks more about it, the more he dislikes the idea. Not only were you an unofficial member of royalty by being his significant other, but he doesn’t want you getting close to anyone besides himself.
The first time he saw your more competitive side was in-game. You were definitely fast and agile, and you definitely carried the entire freaking team. Savanaclaw still got 2nd, but y’all lost only by 1 point to Diasomnia. Leona wasn’t even mad about it, he was mad at how his team just relied on you to do everything.
If you decide to introduce volleyball to NRC, the young prince would support you both financially and practically. He might even take up the sport, as long as you were his teacher. He wouldn’t mind some ‘personal lessons’ either~. 
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Azul Ashengrotto
He doesn’t care that you play video games until you are pretty far into your relationship with each other. He gets kind of clingy, especially after a rough day, and all he wants is your undivided attention and affection as a reward. How cruel you must be to deny him of a simple request such as this.
Azul doesn’t mind you ditching formalities with the First Years, as it’s very likely that you both have special nicknames for each other. It might be a bit weird for him to get used to at first, though. In addition to that, you are very close to the FY’s, adopting them as your ‘younger brothers’. 
In the Spelldrive tournament, you were on Octavinelle’s team, and you were a beast. Your beloved cecaelia was watching from the bleachers, and he noticed that  you were quick on your feet and good at making quick strategies on the field. One of the other players got a bloody nose because you shoved them face-first into the grass. Needless to say, you were the MVP.
When you voiced your desire to bring volleyball to NRC, he was worried about you getting hurt. However, he’s not going to stop you from playing. He will blackmail Crowley so that he establishes a volleyball club next year, and you start making plans for the next year. Azul helps you, and he becomes a sponsor for your beloved sport.
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Kalim Al-Asim
He doesn’t know much about video games, but he’s definitely willing to learn about them! In addition to that, he’s the kind of guy who would get you the newest video game and keep track of when certain updates or sequels come out just so you don’t have to. He puts it all in his calendar that’s shared with you.
Kalim also doesn’t use any formalities with the First Years, so it would be hypocritical of him to judge you for doing the same thing. Any students going into Scarabia are put at ease because of you, and grow excited and eager because of your boyfriend.
You most definitely carried the dorm’s Spelldrive team, and it upset your lover because he was worried that either you or Jamil would get hurt. You did great, and he made sure to tell you that, but he knew that his dorm members would have to train harder so that they didn’t rely on you or his Vice Housewarden.
I think this man remembers small things about you, like how you mentioned that you liked to play volleyball. He had never heard of that sport, so he will ask you a bunch of questions about it. He even wants to learn, and that’s the start of your little club.
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Vil Schoenheit
This man simply does not have the time for such frivolous things like video games. He has done some voice acting for some, though, to get some more experience with being a VA. Your obsession with video games is something he doesn’t understand, but he does feel a swell of pride in his chest whenever he hears a character that he voiced.
You not forcing formalities upon the First Years is a very foreign concept to him. He definitely makes them use the proper honorifics when addressing himself, as it is a sign of respect and superiority. However, if you don’t want that, he won’t make them use them for you. 
He had never gotten to experience your competitive side until the Spelldrive tournament. Vil was glad that you were playing for Pomefiore, considering you destroyed almost everyone. You placed the dorm in 3rd place behind Diasomnia and Savanaclaw. You later explained that you had no interest in the sport, and only tried because you loved him. You truly were a flatterer.
If you wanted to bring volleyball into Twisted Wonderland, your best bet is to get Vil into it as well. He has a shit-ton of followers on Magicam, and he will have you make instructional videos with him so that the sport gets tons of popularity. He enjoys it a lot, too.
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Idia Shroud
A literal match made in Olympus. You both bond over gaming, and probably met each other online through a lobby. You both simp over the same characters, you main the same characters, you help each other out, and Idia just loves you so much because you understand him.
No one ever really sees him, but when they do they use the proper formalities that come with him being the Ignihyde Housewarden as well as an upperclassman. He might just wear a sign that says that they don’t have to, since the honorifics freak him out. You often have to be there to calm him down and explain to the younger students that you both can be called just by your first names.
The first time he got to see your really fierce side was when you were playing for Ignihyde in the Spelldrive tournament. You carried the team, but your strategy was pristine and your boyfriend definitely noticed. Mans was jotting down notes quicker than Usain Bolt can run.
If you tell him that you wanted to start playing volleyball again, he would build a court simulation that could allow you to get practice in. Then, it could be used to teach other students how to play. Idia tried it once, and found that he absolutely did not like it. The only good thing was how you played with his ponytail as you tried to comfort him.
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Malleus Draconia
He does not understand video games at all, nor does he understand your obsession over them. He often finds it frustrating that he has to constantly compete against a device he knows nothing about for your attention. Finally, a worthy adversary.
Malleus wishes to have a close connection with the younger students, but his retainers refuse and say that it could disrupt his image as the Crowned Prince and Rightful Heir to the Throne of Briar Valley. He is often jealous when you tell the First Years that they can throw away the honorifics when talking to and about you. 
When he found out that you made it onto the Diasomnia Spelldrive team, he was angry. You could get hurt was all that was going through his mind. However, he was surprised at how fast you were and how quickly you were able to make decisions on the spot. You both ruled over the field, to say the least. Diasomnia won by a large margin.
The second that you tell him that you want to teach people to play volleyball, he is all in for it. Training for his dorm starts the next day, and he will use his power to make sure that Crowley supports your dream. He is a very quick learner, but he will make sure that he gets something wrong in his stance so that you could touch him in order to fix it.
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u1dh · 1 year
My Bowser x reader ideas:
Bowser seeking refuge in your kingdom after he escapes Princess Peach's imprisonment.
Princess Peach using you as Bowser bait cause she's sick of being kidnapped n shit (you're totally into it, tho).
Princess Peach x reader x Bowser? I've literally got nothing else cuz I've had Bowser brainrot for a few months now, but omg..... 🫣
This is probably the one I like the most, and the one I've put the most thought into (under cut):
While Bowser is still in Princess Peach's captivity, you wander around his kingdom just cause you think it's cool and like, who's gonna stop you anywayz?
Eventually Kamek and the rest of the Koopa Troop notice you, but they don't really care because they're too busy trying to figure out how to aid Bowser in his escape, along with running the kingdom without him (I'd imagine that mostly lies on Kamek).
You figure hey, you dig this place, and you're bored as hell. Why don't you just become the new ruler for a little while? And that's what you propose to them.
They decide to entertain you, knowing that a random little human isn't gonna be able to do much harm anyway. They don't expect it to go much farther than being an inside joke, but they're surprised when they find out that they actually... Like you? And you're kind of good at this? And it's kind of nice to not have a huge fire-breathing beast with anger issues over their shoulders all the time??? Kamek is also enjoying his much needed break, so it just ends up not being a joke anymore. You're just their ruler now, and they're chill with it.
Anyway, when Bowser inevitably gets out, drama ensues, and it's kind of like a weird custody battle. Reader and him start off on a really bad foot, and they consider each other enemies at first. The only thing that stops Bowser from murking you on the spot is Kamek (lucky, lucky you!), and it is very physical. We're talking movie Bowser here so, he doesn't really care about what's best for his kingdom or what they want fr.
Anyway, a lot of the Koopa Troop really, really like you, but they are also loyal to their king, and let's be real: some of the troop could probably go without Bowser, but that simply isn't allowed. So, you guys basically have to co-parent the troop, even though you hate each other. They even pick a favorite "parent," lol.
Obviously the relationship will escalate to more of a romantic one once you guys really get to talking and interacting or whateva... and yeah.
There's still a lot for me to figure out like, where does this reader even come from? What draws them to the Koopa Kingdom? Do the Koopa Troop aid Bowser in his escape, or do they get carried away with you being their ruler and he ends up having to escape himself?
Lots for me to think about, and lots of plot holes to fill... but I wanted to know what you guys think of this. Is it something you'd be interested in reading? Does anything already seem inaccurate our OOC?
Oh and btw, if you wanna use some of these ideas in your own works, I don't care!!! Go crazy with it! I'm not necessarily new to writing fanfiction, but I've never been particularly good at it so... if I never end up writing these ideas into real stories, I really don't want them to go to waste! I'm going to try my best, but y'know... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think it'd be fun to see others takes on these prompts anyway.
I really love Bowser, and there is not enough x reader fanfiction to satisfy me. I just had to post something... I'm going crazy!!!!!!!!! Feral, even! Help me!! 😩
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circeyoru · 6 months
Hi, really random, BUT!
Is Collector!Reader in your Collection of Souls fic a seraphim? I keep imagining them with big black feathery wings and brown skin and white freckles/hair...would that be why their so powerful? Idk
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This is for {Collection of Overlords}.
HA! No!! Nope nope!! In part 1, it's heavily implied that you're a demon of greater power. If you read the request and the first ask for this series, you'll see that Reader/you was the Ruler of Hell before Lucifer's arrival. As the original ruler, you hold immense power but just didn't 'fight for the throne' when Lucifer and Lilith were in Hell. You opted to co-exist in peace and taught them how to take over your position as the King and Queen.
As for a design, not sure yet. I'm writing as I go, maybe later there's gonna be a design for you like {Unwanted Soul}.
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littledollll · 2 years
Breeding kink with Luci 👀 creative reign bby
One hell of a welcome
Lucifer x champion!reader
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A/n: for context Angels are genderless, and they can freely shift between sex as they please, I stand by my statement. Dicks are hard to write about.
Warnings: kinda silly with a lil dark? Reader has a Harley Quinn personality in the beginning and likes being gory, Lucifer loving that, breeding kink, praise, degradation, powerbottom Lucifer, daddy Lucifer?, throne room sex, ooc Lucifer? bc fuck it (literally), dirty talk, kinda mean dom!lucifer, exhibitionism
Beelzebub really needed to give up on challenging you.
Up til now you have rejected the idea of a fight but recently the idea of making a proposal the next time he did seemed just too sweet, you didn’t think the prideful idiot would agree, neither did Lucifer in all honesty, when they challenged you this time after they set their same prize “if I win, you serve me instead of Lucifer” as if you worked for them? You agreed regardless, just for the amusement of it. “You know what I’m in a humbling mood, I’ll do it! but when I win, you give me your third part of hell, and maybe your skull.” You sounded amused, which was just a little concerning for the demon challenging you.
Lucifer cracked a very proud smile, it sure would be lovely to rule along your side officially, maybe your get rid of Azazel together too. “Are we sure that’s even allowed-“ Beelzebub looked around the room, waiting for somebody to say you couldn’t. Waiting for Lucifer or Azazel to defend him but all he got was a head tilt from Lucifer, examining him. “So Beelzebub, do you accept the terms of this challenge?” You ask dryly, sick of waiting for his jaw to snap back into place.
“Ambitious thing, you are. And dumb, very dumb. I accept your terms, ‘your majesty’” he replied mockingly, that cocky tone wasn’t gonna help him in any way. “You have a smart mouth, but can you hold your own against me without the help of the Morningstar?” He spat. “Are you proposing a ability based game, Beelzebub? And you say I am the dumb one..” you trail off.
The fight was over in seconds. You got the first move as the challenged, your very much useful ability, agony, making this a swift fight, with your simple command Beelzebub was brought to his knees. “Nobody said anything about pacing, right? Fair game?” You looked around the room, casually as Beelzebub succumbed to the pain, the few present had no complaints.
He had to call it though, the match would last as long as he held off, Beezelbub could chose to continue suffering until one of you tired and ended him or give up. “I will literally drive you insane, Kay? Just give up already I’m bored.”
“Beezelbub, stop making a fool of yourself and call it.” Said Azazel, sounding just annoyed.
You were sat on the floor near him. “Do u want me to help you? I’ll take myself out and everything!” He seemed to be annoyed by your teasing for some reason. “This is really sad, remind me again why and how he was allowed to co-rule?” You giggled then stoped smiling suddenly very serious and looked at him tilting your head. “I think I won, so I’m gonna stop now yeah? And if you try to strike back I will turn your insides into outsides.”
“Of course you caught yourself a crazy one.” Azazel muttered to Lucifer who was just amused watching and listening to you.
“Insanity is a beautiful thing in hell. It’s oddly satisfying isn’t it? How she talks and acts, fits right in, but can also be levelheaded enough to get things done, and done well at that, she can be as calm and collected as me when she really wants to, but what’s the point of that now? She’s simply having fun.”
Indeed you were. Beezelbub gasped for breath when you released the grip of agony you had over him. “I’d end you right now but.. I think it’ll be fun to watch you mope around while I proudly take your title as co-ruler and do your job better!” You patted his head and smiled. “Challenge me again and I will take it with my bare hands though, understand?”
You simply turned and skipped over to Lucifer giving him no time to respond. Sitting on their lap you kissed their cheek and looked up. “How’d I do!?” Azazel laughed. “Using agony first move? Nasty trick.” You frowned. “Yeah well I was- am tired of his shit!” You huffed and slumped against Lucifer’s shoulder, then they spoke. “Azazel, do us a favor and take him with you on your way out, we thank you.” Azazel did just that, and Lucifer locked all entrances once they left.
“That was certainly a show, dearest, how’s your head?” Agony took concentration, it wasn’t as easy as just commanding it upon someone, you needed to find their own, exploit it, and enhance it, giving you the worse headaches, it’s why you usually stuck with driving your opponents to their own demise, insanity came as second nature.
“Tortured! And it’s supposed to be my job to deliver it, not experience it!.. he’s lucky I didn’t end him.” You mumbled that last part, Lucifer sighed. “Must you be so pessimistic, have you forgotten you’ve won against one of the rulers of hell already? And you did it wonderfully.. such good girl.” Their lips met your neck and shoulders with open mouthed kisses while you fell silent.
“You definitely deserve a reward, don’t you think.. my queen?” you whimpered in response, hands coming up to undo their clothes while they practically tore away your own, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. Lucifer’s hands made their way between your thighs, rubbing tight circles on your clit thought your underwear. “I want you to ruin these.”
“ooh please- daddy!” You cried. “Oh? That’s new, whats going on in that little head of yours, Darling?” that signature amused tone and smirk coming through as they spoke. “I want- I pick my reward. Want you to fill me up.” you moan grinding your hips against the bulge you were suddenly made aware of, making them hiss and grip your hips. “One hell of a request, pet.” Lucifer hummed and made quick work of the remaining clothes getting rid of them before pulling you fully onto their lap, you wasted no time on teasing or prep, supporting yourself on their shoulders slowly sinking onto their cock.
You ground your hips onto theirs while you adjusted, pulling a hiss from Lucifer. Their hands grip your hips forcing you to a stop. “Don’t be greedy, my darling. Don’t forget who’s in control here.” You nodded, just wanting them to fuck you senseless already. “I’ll be good, promise” you whined and pouted, wishing they’d just take you. “Don’t make me regret letting you be on top.”
“I want you to breed me- please Luci..” the second you started riding them, Lucifer started pounding into your cervix, hard and fast ready to comply with your begging. You cried out when you felt the pain and pleasure shoot through your body. “Don’t worry, pet. I’ll make sure you can feel me dripping out of you for days.” The grip they had on your hips was painful, definitely going to bruise, as they repeatedly slammed you down to meet their thrusts.
“Everyone’s gonna know the new queen of hell likes getting stuffed until she can’t walk, do you want that? my pretty little whore.” You only whimpered at their words, earning yourself a slap against your thigh. “Answer me, doll.” Lucifer pounded into you with abandon making your body tense you moaned out. Another slap and a twitch of their hand before they gripped onto you again. “Yes yes! I want- daddy!” You cried, practically falling onto them as your body move on it’s own chasing your high.
“Finish that thought, pet.” You clenched around them and their hips stuttered for only a second before going back to their bruising pace. All you could hear was their groans and hisses, your moans and the sound of skin slapping. Kissing over their neck you decided to mark them as they would you, making them moan. “Such a good whore, aren’t you? So pretty for me..” a hand ran down the line of your spine making you shiver and sigh, such a soft gesture, silently reassuring.
“Go on, pet.” Oh, you’d almost forgotten. “What do you want, pretty?” “I want them to know I’m all yours.” You stuttered and Lucifer hummed in response. “Oh they know.” There was a smugness in their voice, but you didn’t understand why just yet. You wondered what they meant only for a second before they angled their hips, hitting constantly right against your g-spot.
“Oh fuck W-wait- luce!” Your legs were shaking, it was too much. You couldn’t keep moving. “What’s wrong pet? Too weak to keep going?” You knew it wasn’t really a question. So you didn’t answer.
Lucifer did it all for you. Their hand sneaking between your legs rubbing your clit. That was all you needed before you screamed, your grip on their hair tightened and your body curled into them, your orgasm triggered their own and the feeling of them filling you up made your eyes roll back as your forehead rested on their chest, panting. You swore you lost all your senses for a minute before you felt their hand squeeze your hip.
You hummed, spreading lazy kisses all over their chest while you both recovered, and after a while you noticed it. “Did you-“ they chuckled. “About half an hour ago.” Hell has never been quiet, but it’s never this loud, not near the throne room anyways, not unless Lucifer summons them. You turned red. Opting to just stay hidden in their neck until the embarrassment faded. “I thought it was proper way to officially welcome their new queen, no?” That fucking smirk.
You hummed, spreading lazy kisses all over their chest while you both recovered, and after a while you noticed it. “Did you-“ they chuckled. “About half an hour ago.” Hell has never been quiet, but it’s never this loud, not near the throne room anyways, not unless Lucifer summons them. You turned red. Opting to just stay hidden in their neck until the embarrassment faded. “I thought it was proper way to officially welcome their new queen, no?” That fucking smirk.
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Hello how are you? I'm going to request an imagine from Morpheus interested in Lucifer's twin sister, in the imagine Morpheus will get the bag of sand that was with Johanna and the reader was with her since they are very good friends, and the reader offers to go with Morpheus to the hell with him, he accepts since he wants to spend more time with her, reader being lucifer's twin having the title of star of the night she and lucifer have the same powers because they are twins she is still in heaven being an archangel when lucifer went to hell she keeps visiting him, reader and lucifer have a great relationship
Harbinger Of The Dusk
Dream of the Endless x Angel!Reader
Summary: After a century of being apart from your love, you meet again with the help of Constantine and accompany him to retrieve his lost item from your twin's domain.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: fem!reader, simp!dream, beloved!lucifer, some hurt/comfort, typos, etc.
Part 2 kinda "Holy"
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A/N: the rest of your asks is below the cut! Yes hello nonnie. Its been ages HAHAH but i am well. As well as someone doing their finals is HAHAHHA. Tbh i remember i was really excited when i got this ask cos its so fresh and i love Gwendoline christie sm that i began writing it straight away but then it died 💀 BUT THEN i read the sandman comics in our school library and felt a really strong desire to write for dream and include hell somehow THEN I REMEMBERED THIS REQ and fell in love with your idea all over again so im using your req to scratch both our itches <3 <3 although I will say since then, my image of the ruler of hell has changed dramatically after reading the comics. by the time i wrote in lulu, it was comic!lucifer in my head and not gwen. still referred to lightbringer with fem pronouns <3 cos why not. this was a treat to write in all honesty, so i hope you like this nonnie <3 Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx
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Dream was tired, fatigued, completely and wholly exhausted. He barely made it back to the Dreaming, only to see it in rubble and ruins. At this point, he was, too, falling apart.
But then Lucienne appeared, Lucienne appeared and reached out to him and then suddenly, he couldn't fall apart; he wouldn't.
He knew what he had to do, what he had to do for himself, for Lucienne, for the Dreaming.
And so he spoke to the Fates, and now here he was, with this occultist detective, Johanna Constantine, who had woken up from a bad dream.
She shoots awake, clutching her chest. She pushes back into her bed when he catches Dream's nearing figure, "Constantine."
"Stay back! I'm warning you!" she shouts, pointing a finger.
Dream, although unappreciative of her authoritative words, allows her the courtesy of catching her breath and wits, as she was still reeling from her nightmare.
"I am Lord Morpheus, Shaper of Forms, King of Dreams and Nightmares, Prince of Stories, Dream of the Endless."
Johanna makes a face as she heaves. She relaxes suddenly, as if deciding he was no longer a threat to him, though he broke into her apartment, "wait, Dream of the Endless? That's you?"
She huffs, leaning against her pillow, "huh, how'd you get out?"
Dream stiffens. Johanna awaits his response. She does not get one.
She decides to ask another question, "does this mean I'll be sleeping better now?"
Dream does not reply this time either, but Johanna does; she responds to herself, "well of course not, Johanna, people like you don't sleep well."
Finally, Dream speaks, "how do you know of this?"
Johanna turns to Dream. She raises a brow, "about me not sleeping well? Well, duh, it's me that-"
"About my imprisonment?" Dream cuts her off coldly.
Johanna clamps her lips together upon hearing this. She watches him for a moment. She sniffles and crosses her arms, "her."
"... her?" Dream slowly repeats.
She nods, "her."
When the woman does not clarify or continue, he begins to feel his patience thin and his anger flare. The room begins to darken, his form begins to grow. He was in no mood for cryptic responses.
Johanna had not yet caught on to this, which was why she frivolously thought of adding, "the star of the night."
Dream quickly snaps out of his trance.
Johanna turns to her bed then back to him. She watches as Dream reacts to her words. He looks like he was kicked in the gut. He looks winded. She carefully says, "isn't she your girlfriend?" She narrows her eyes and pushes her blankets off her, "she doesn't get personal, rarely talks about herself in the name of selflessness, but she loves to talk about whom she loved and I can tell-"
"How do you know her?" Dream quips.
Johanna makes a face before she gets off her bed, "she's an angel, I'm an exorcist. It makes sense, no?"
"Where?" Johanna repeats, shaking her head, "where what?"
"Where do you meet her?"
She furrows her brows, "why d'you a-- you want me to take you to-"
"Yes. Take me to her," he quickly responds, "but first, you must help me retrieve something."
After the Endless and the exorcist retrieve the something, that was a bag of sand, Johanna drives them to a home for the aged. It was called Dusk Haven. Immediately, Dream knows this is the right place. He hastily exits the car and stares at the building, wanting nothing more to run inside and look for the angel, but is seemingly unable to move from where he stood.
Johanna steps out of her car and walks over to the Dream King, cocking her head to the side, "come on then."
For a moment, Dream watches before following after her.
I stop what I am doing when I feel a familiar presence near me.
I hear my name get called out and I turn to Margaret, the old lady I had been conversing with, offering her a smile and quick regard as I tell her I must do something.
"Alright, but don't be too long, pretty girl."
I nod, "I will do my best, my dear."
I before I get out of the hallway, I open the door and find Johanna passing by. She turns and blinks, lips parting at the sight of me, cheeks tinting red. I smile, "Constantine."
She stares. I hear her breath hitch. She clears her throat, "Angel."
"My love."
My stomach drops.
I turn and see the face of Dreams. My lips part. I whisper, "my love."
I walk over to him and seal him into a tight hug, feeling my eyes water and my throat and chest constrict in grief and longing, "my dream."
"My angel," he mutters against me, sealing his arms around my form. Dream crumbles into me. I feel him crumble against my form. I feel him release a tight tension in his spine. I feel him relax and find refuse in him. My body calls out to him. I missed him so.
Johanna watches then huffs, "I reckon my work here is done."
Dream's eyes dart to her and he nods once, "yes, thank you, Constantine."
I close my eyes and nuzzle my face into his neck.
She nods, "see ya, Sandman," then walks off.
A few elderly fellows pass us in the hall as we continue to find solace in each other's arms.
"How lovely."
"Get a room!"
"Oh I remember when Gertrude and I-"
"I'm walkin' 'ere."
"Such a stunning girl with such a strange, scrawny boy."
I pull away and take his face in my palms. I trace his cheeks with my thumbs and brush his dark hair out of his face. I inspect every inch of him. He was whole, but he was also not. His face, normally, was angular and bony, but never like this, never.
Dream looks upon me with his hands resting my waist. He allows me to touch him as I please, and while I knew I was always special in this, I knew that he was never too keen on any bold form of affection, as it was not his nature.
"I was forbidden to interfere," I mutter lowly as my hands roam him. I avoid his gaze.
He rubs my back, "I know," he pulls me close, "I know this," he sighs, "I do not fault you for not coming to me."
I look back at him with sorrow, "you must have been greatly distressed," I frown, taking in his sullen form and tired eyes. I have not seen him in such a state. He has taken many forms throughout his life, and though most of them were slender and lean, never did he look so thin or hollow the way he did now.
I blink away my tears, "there has not been a day that I did not want to go to you, Dream."
He places his hands atop mine and leans into my touch, "and there has not been a day I did not want to see you," he leans in and kisses me. I immediately reel him and and deepen our exchange. As our lips and tongue dance together, he briskly pulls away to speak, "to have you touch me lik-"
I pull away from him and turn to the arguing seniors in the hall. I look back at Dream, who leans back into me and clutches my body close. I sigh ands him and lead him down the hall, "perhaps we should get a room, my love."
Dream looks at our joined hands as we exit the home for the aged. He thinks there is a great comfort in knowing that the angel before him is just as honeyed and tender as before, that she lives her life in servitude to others still, that after a century, there is a constant that is the she, the North Star of Dreams.
But he remembers he did not have time for tender honey, though he missed the taste so badly. No time, not at present, "my love."
I stop in my tracks when we get outside and turn to him.
"I do not wish to be parted from you," he starts, stepping close to me, caressing my cheek, "but there are things I must first do."
I knit my brows before I nod, "of course, Dream," I shake my head, "I know you value your duty most of all," I place a hand on his cheek, "and I shall do them with you."
Dream stills as I rub his cheeks. I look at him through my lashes, "I, too, do not wish to be parted from you. I beg that you do not tell me you came only to see me and leave."
He lets out a breath and leans his forehead onto mine. He closes his eyes when I move to kiss him. One I pull away, he speaks out my name. He speaks it with so much reverence I feel my wings flutter from behind its glamour of invisibility.
"I do not mean to deny either of us of each other's company, but you see, my helm has been bartered off to a demon," he pulls away and takes my hand, "I must go to retrieve it in hell, and taking you may cause you quarrel with your blood that I do not wish to happen."
"Oh," I mutter softly, "one of dearest Lucifer's acolytes has your artifact?"
He nods, "it remains to be seen."
"Then do not fear. I shall accompany you to my half's domain."
A line forms between his brows.
I chuckle softly and smoothen the crease on his forehead, "do not trouble yourself with useless worrries, my Dream. You could not cause strife between us that is not already there."
I grab his hand and breath in deeply, allowing myself to take on my truer form. I pull him up as I stretch my dark wings out and begin to rise from the ground, "my sibling is capable of only bearing one grudge against me."
Dream holds onto me as we rise up into the sky. He utters, "not joining her uprising."
"Yes," I clutch him tightly against me, "I am certain though Lightbringer will be most pleased to see me."
And so when we get to hell, Dream and I stand before the gates, awaiting for the keeper to come. Once the wretched thing appears, Squatterbloat, I speak to the demon guard and announce ourselves, "I am the Nightstar, Harbinger of the Dusk, Star of the Night, Bringer of Darkness. With me is Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams, Shaper of Forms, Prince of Stories. We have come to speak with the my blood half, Morningstar, Bringer of Light, Ruler of Hell."
For a moment, I see the demon is too stunned by my appearance and glory to speak. He begins to chant, "holy, holy-"
"Open the gates, Squatterbloat."
He looks upon me then grins, "an angel of the most high, in hell?" he laughs, "you have fallen to the depths to join our ruler."
I narrow my eyes at him, "do I look felled to you?"
"Your feet touch upon the ground," Squatterbloat says, looking down to my shos.
"What do you know? I live amongst the people, and I am not yet in hell."
"Oh, your glory excites me-"
"Chose your words wisely, or I shall smite you."
He tries to reach out to my form, "oh, holy," his paw raises, "I shall love to defile yo-"
"You will regret attempts," Dream quips with a look of disdain.
I blind him with darkness. The demon yelps.
I rise from the ground look down at the him, "you will find that I will not be ridiculed by a lowly imp."
I watch as Squatterbloat withers away, writhing in pain and confusion. I blink at thw pathetic display then turn to Dream, reaching out to him. He takes my hand and I decide to fly us over the gates instead.
"Is this proper, my love?" Dream mutters as we soar over the damned who wail and lift up their hands, calling out to me for deliverance.
I make an annoyed sound, "I will soon destroy the abominations here if we interact with them any more. The ruler of hell would surely appreciate that less."
Dream does not argue, "very well, my love."
When we descend into the heart of hell. I release Dream and prop him down on his feet, but I, myself, do not touch my feet upon the stone. I would both be desecrating myself and my beloved's domain by doing do.
"Lightbringer," Dream calls out, "Morningstar! I call upon you."
There is a crash.
"WHO IS THERE? WHO INSULTS ME BY ENTERING MY DWELLING WITHOUT-" the ruler of hell stops when she gazes upon me. The Fallen blinks, "ah," she releases a breath and smiles, raising her arms out to me, "sister."
I smile back, "my half."
I soar over to Lucifer, placing my hands upon her face. We kiss and I take in her appearance. She looks well. "It is wonderful to see you, beloved"
She nods, "it is wonderful to see you."
There is a groan from the side.
Mazikeen looks up at me and gawks at my form. I turn to her and her half-rotten from, and smile, "greetings, Mazikeen."
She mumbles a garbled greeting in response, eyes wide in wonder of my figure and cloak of holy darkness.
Lucifer turns to Dream, "why have you brought an Endless with you, beloved?"
I turn to Lucifer then to Dream, "there is something that he wishes to retrieve from a demon."
Lucifer crosses her arms and tilts her head, "ah, I see. The Endless has been bested by one of my children."
"I am not bested, Morningstar," Dream speaks, "I was imprisoned for a century and with that time, my helm was taken and traded to a demon."
My twin purses her lips, "I see," she waves a hand, "do not dawdle then, Dream of the Endless, speak the name of the demon and I shall call upon them."
Lucifer and I look at him.
Mazikeen hisses when her hand burns when she tries to touch me.
We turn to her.
"Mazikeen!" Lucifer scolds.
Mazikeen apologizes, pulling back. I look at her as she clutches her rotting arm that was now further mangled.
"I do not know the name of the demon," Dream replies.
"I see," Lucifer repeats, "then we shall call upon them all."
The demons, djinns, damned, and all clamor at the foot of the stronghold. Dream and I walk to the edge, looking out the opening, beholding the view before us. I look out to them as they see my form and praise and curse me all at once. I feel revulsion, a thick bile rise up my throat. I spit it out my side.
Lucifer walks next to me, laughing lowly, "you insult me, my blood."
I turn to her and offer a half-sympathetic look, "it is my nature. Do not be insulted."
Dream looks upon the pit and tries to make out one who has his helm. He listens to them and their dreams. He cannot isolate the cries. He pulls out his bag of sand and scoops a clump, breathing out to it, causing it to flurry over the entities. It then summons the demon that has his artifact.
With a whiff of sand, the demon is brought before us.
"Choronzon," my twin and I speak at the same time.
"My Lord," he bows to my twin. When he turns to me, he falls onto his hands and knees, "my- my-" he starts and tries to lift his eyes, but he cannot look upon my form. Choronzon turns away and shields himself, "I- how may I serve?"
Lucifer watches as Choronzon retreats me. Once he is far and look back at her, she points, "the Dream King wishes to retrieve something from you."
"Greetings, Choronzon," Dream addresses.
Choronzon, now turned away from me, regains composure, "Dream King." He grins.
"I have come to retrieve the helm that was stolen from me."
He grins even wider, sharp teeth laced with malevolence, "stolen? Me?" he places a hand on his chest, "you flatter me too greatly."
"I do not speak to flatter you," Dream retorts.
Choronzon laughs and licks his hand, wiping the side of his head. He basks in self-indulgence.
"Well, have you the helm, demon?" I call, narrowing my eyes upon his disgusting form.
He cannot bare to look at me but he replies, "I don't know of a helm."
"You cannot deceive us," my twin and I speak in unison once again.
Choronzon turns to his master, evading me, "right. My liege, the helm is in my clutch after I traded with something. It is mine. I have broken no laws of hell in gaining it," he turns to Dream, "it's mine."
"Very well," Lucifer says, turning to the Endless as well, "what say you, Dream? I shall not assert myself to a child that has kept my laws."
Choronzon is smug. Dream tilts his head at the demon, "it is not yours to keep, just as it was not something to have been traded for."
Choronzon shrugs then smiles, "then you challenge me?"
I scoff.
Lucifer's lips curl.
Mazikeen watches.
Dream scowls. He thinks about his condition, and how he was not yet strong enough to fight. I watch him, feeling the agitation rise around him. We all can sense it. I knit my brows when he finishes debating and states, "very well."
Choronzon beams.
"No," clatters a sword, "I disagree, demon," I announce, pointing my blade upon his neck. I take my full angel form, stretching my wings. It glitters with darkness as I hover above the creature.
Choronzon shrieks and topples back, the mere presence of my weapon overpowering him already.
"MASTER!" Choronzon calls as he shields himself from me, turning to my sibling for aid.
I press nearer with a look of fury.
Lucifer looks upon her demon and his pathetic form on the ground and watches him shrivel. She crosses her arms while doing so.
"You will soon perish if you do not release what you hoard, Choronzon," my voice echoes and my eyes blaze with darkness, "I will smite you that none of your vileness shall remain, as though it never was. Is that what you wish, deceitful creature?"
"MASTER!" Choronzon calls, screwing his eyes shut until he is at the edge of the room.
Dream gazes at the demon curling up in terror.
The miscreant calls out master again.
"She asks you a question, dear Choronzon," Lucifer says, "do you wish to see the power of the one favored by most high?"
Lucifer raises her hands and shrugs, "then you know what you must do."
Choronzon immediately brings out the helm and throws it away with desperation, "MERCY!"
I pull back and mellow my form, allowing my weapon to dissipate into the air, "this is not mercy, demon."
Lucifer nears Choronzon as he shivers. He reaches out to her garments and cries out, "master-"
"I am sorely displeased with you," she says, looking out to her people, "where are the twins Agony and Ecstasy? Take him away."
Choronzon screeches as he is taken away. He begs all the way down.
Dream picks up his artifact and finds himself sighing in relief.
Lucifer turns from Choronzon with a blank expression, watching as he is dragged away in chains, to me, lips turning into a frown, "that was hardly fair, my half."
I turn to her and shake my head, "I am incapable of hardly fair, beloved. You know this."
"I know this," Lucifer sighs. She looks to Dream as he puts his helm on, "and you. You use my beloved as leverage to beseech me. You have acted most wrongly."
"I did not wish to bring her with me, but you will find that she insisted," Dream says, reaching out to me. I move towards him and take his had.
"Thank you, Lightbringer," Dream nods in regard.
Lucifer scoffs, "thank me?" She laughs, "so you have your helm. Tell me, then, why I should not keep you here?"
I furrow my brows at her look of anger, "my half-"
Lucifer raises a finger. I hold my tongue.
Dream looks upon at her as she walks over with a grimace.
I watch as she stares him down.
"Well?" she imposes, "can you not think of one good reason for me to release you? Or will you use my half as leverage again?"
"An Endless has no place in hell."
Lucifer's lips curl, "and yet you see, you have no power here. It is not by your own power that you have come, and I will not allow you insult me further by using my sister as your chaperon."
I look at Dream, tightening my grip upon him, wanting nothing more than to speak on his behalf in this moment.
He is silent for a long moment
She grins, pleased with herself for besting Dream of the Endless.
Seeing her like this makes my stomach roll. My heart aches at sight of her unquenchable thirst for power. I begin to recall her fall I feel my eyes water at her self-importance. She wounds me deeply
Lucifer catches my express but offers me no pity nor remorse. Instead she raises her nose with arrogance and asserts, "you shall not take him out, beloved. I will hound him, if you do."
"But he is set to rebuild his own domain," I mutter through tears, "you will not keep him here, devil."
"Then he shall give me reason not to, angel."
Dream turns to me and wipes away my tears, "reason?" he starts, "power? You say I have no power here, but tell me," he turns to Lucifer, "what then would be hell without its dreams?"
My half throws her head back and laughs, "hell has no need for dreams, Dream King."
"No?" Dream pulls me towards him, "so I ask," he turns to the legion of damned, "what would hell be if it could not dream of heaven?"
I lift up my eyes to Dream.
Lucifer stills.
I look at my beloved lover then my beloved sibling. I wipe tears.
I feel a fury bubble from within my half. It tears at me. It makes my face harden. It guts me.
It was plain to see that Dream had given reason.
"Come, my love," Dream mutters softly, leading me off as he began go walk away, "let us leave this place."
I nod and allow Dream reel me away like a ballon. I give ruler of hell one last look, "farewell, beloved."
Lucifer glares then turns away.
Dream and I navigate hell as he walks and I float. The damned part for us to give us clear passage.
Lucifer watches, looking down upon her domain, tears streaking down her face, "one day, we shall destroy you."
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-Read: "Dofus Manga" - part 1
(But only the bits with Atcham, Kerubim, or Joris.)
I'm sure that someday, I will read this comic. That day is not today, though. Today, we are looking for jurgencrepin content within it. Which isn't a lot, but it is present.
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Firstly, I would like to note, that there is an appearance of proto-Kerubim and proto-Khan, in one of the volumes in the 2010-2013 time frame, as figurines. (the guy next to them is not Joris, but a whisperer.)
I do not know which volume, because I do not want to search for them.
To be exact, it seems to be the same proto-Kerubim, as the one that appears in this video, depicting one of the early drafts of the movie. (In this one, I am pretty sure Joris was still meant to be a homeless orphan. And Lilotte was always planned to be either a rogue, a princess or both at the same time.)
Now, onto actually canonically relevant appearances of the Jurgen-Crepins
Dofus: Issue 19
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In a Brakmarian shop, Katar (guy who killed Goultard's family, idk, too long, don't know french, didn't read, know him from the short Goultard cartoon) sees a sword and wants to buy it.
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It was ordered by a "very renowned Brakmarian ecaflip who will literally kill me if I don't sell it to him, he's That passionate about this sword. Please don't touch it," according to the shopkeep. Who is then promptly literally killed by Katar instead.
This will become relevant to us in a few tomes.
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It is revealed that the king Clustus Sheran-Sharm has taken a dragon for his queen, — and it is revealed how that happened via a flashback.
NOTE: Clustus is an ancestor of the king Leorictus Sheran-Sharm (insane war-criminal, cause of the huppermage genocide, a probable target for Joris to have murdersuicide fantasies about, lives ~110 years in the future from Clustus), and Amalia and her family (who, in turn, live ~600 years in the future relative to Clustus, and are now the royal family of Sadida kingdom, and not Bonta.
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NOTE: We do not know why Sheran-Sharms are now the royal family of Sadida, but, the king of Bonta that followed Leorictus is named Théome Beldarion, and he was put on the throne by Jiva after Bonta was without a ruler for 70-90 years — it is unknown if he is related to Leorictus or the Sheran-Sharm family in general.
Perhaps, all the warcrimes made it quite literally so that the Sheran-Sharm family had to seek political asylum in neighbouring lands after Leorictus's suicide caused the all hell to break loose and the following years of huppermage persecution ensued. But idk man. I'm not Tot Ankama.
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By the way, Clustus is mentioned in the show, multiple times, — but this is the most direct reference that came to my mind.
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The group of adventurers, — of which both Kerubim and his majesty Clustus were a part of, — wanted to collect the Dofus to hide them, to keep the world safe.
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Kerubim and Crail (a guy, from the manga, don't ask me, man) studied under the same master, — Master Nabur, — albeit, in different years, so they hadn't met during their education.
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At the comic's time, Master Nabur has passed away somewhat recently.
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Kerubim pulls out his stupid anime armor and the hoes get scared. (Because if Kerubim is excited about a battle, one should be scared about it.)
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He will keep wearing this armour for the next 600 years. Even as it loses its golden paint completely. Even though it has a huge-ass hole from that one time he got shot and died in it. Talk about dedication...
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I regret to inform you, reader, that I still desire him carnally.
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He says that "the probability of the logs hitting us is very small".
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Things go as usual after he says that.
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The king and the dragon fall in love, the dragon turns into a woman, and the two of them pretend that he rescued her from the dragon.
Only Kerubim realizes this lie due to his "strong ecaflip sense of smell" (honestly thinking it might be the whole "has so many luck buffs he can predict the future and be a medium or something" thing. and the demigod thing. Combined.)
He decides not to tell anyone, saying that everyone deserves a chance, while asking the dragon not to betray the trust he puts in her, by making this decision.
Dofus: Issue 21
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I love you, Atcham...
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Atcham has found the body of the smith and the fact that his sword is gone-gone. He waxes really poetically and neurodivergently about how much he loves swords and how badly the guy who did this is going to pay. Atcham is never beating the "swords are his special interest" allegations.
My headcanon, which ties into my "Atcham is autistic" agenda, is that when he was a child, weapons became his one way to keep himself safe, — so because of that, he developed a strong emotional attachment to them. (Though all of Jurgen-Crepins are very... passionate, about objects. But Atcham is mostly only like that about swords, in canon.)
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Anyway, if Joris has the deragatory nicknames like "shorty", "kid", and "lil guy" constantly applied to him, then Atcham's personal never-ending hell nightmare is various combinations of "disgusting" "dirty" and "rat".
His response to being threatened with hanging for not attending Brakmarian political stuff is "uhh i don't give a sssshit?" and calmly correcting them that he is an ecaflip, not a rat. (They don't care, but he will make them care very, very soon.)
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He's literally so funny for this. I am in love with him.
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Cowboy Like Me | d.d. | Bonus III
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Canon violence but otherwise nada
Author’s Note: Gif from @rebeljyn
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Rescue
“Shit, shit, shit!” She exclaimed, running back through the ruins of Mandalore.
Grogu trailed close behind her, avoiding crumbled pieces of the city. Alamites lurked in the corners, watching as she slid to the stop at the edge of a cliff. She cursed again, looking over the edge for a second before she looked over her shoulder. Grogu was barreling towards her and her eyes widened, throwing out her hands to stop the pram. But he was going too fast, and she wasn’t strong enough –and the force of the pram threw her over the edge.
Her scream echoed through the air as she plummeted downward, her body twisted and flailing in panic. She could feel the rush of wind whipping past her face and the ground below looming closer and closer. In that moment, all she could think was that this was it, this was the end. She wouldn’t be able to save Din; Grogu would be a foundling forever. But as she braced herself for impact, something strange happened. 
Her body suddenly came to an abrupt stop, and she felt herself lifted up, as if by an invisible force. Her eyes squeezed shut, heart pounding in her chest, as she waited for the next terrible thing to happen. But when she finally opened her eyes, she was shocked to find herself hovering in midair. She looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of what was happening. Her eyes landed on Grogu’s pram, and to his little hand that was outstretched towards her.
It was as she was terrifyingly hoisted into the air, far faster than she anticipated, that she realized that Grogu was using the Force on her. He was pulling her with him, onto a new ledge that led out of the mines. When he dropped her, she hit the ground with a thud and a gasp. For several moments, she laid there on the ground, clutching her heart as she tried to steady her breathing. Her life was flashing before her eyes still, trying to calm herself. Grogu hovered above her, peering over the edge of his pram as he looked down at her.
“Please, Maker, never do that again,” she whispered, looking up at the child above her as she sat up. Grogu just giggled some as she stood up. With a huff, she pushed his pram towards the cave entrance as she started jogging back to the ship. “I hope you remember how to get back there, because I sure as hell don’t.”
“I thought I told you to leave me alone,” Bo Katan growled as the hangar of the Crest opened.
She was jumping out of the ship before the door hit the ground, however. Bo Katan’s anger seemed to disappear as the princess tumbled onto the landing strip, reaching out for the Mandalorian before her.
“Bo, I-I need your help,” she gasped, grabbing Bo’s arm tight.
“Where is Din?” 
“Something –I don’t know, a droid or a cyborg or something –captured him,” she explained, dragging the once ruler towards the Crest. “You have to help me. I-I tried to fight it, but then it got bigger and I realized I am actually completely useless and I can’t save my own husband and I panicked and I –,”
“Hey,” Bo Katan ordered, pushing her into the co-pilot’s seat as she stood above the princess. “You are not useless.”
“But I couldn’t –,”
“You have spent your entire life being told you were not allowed to fight,” Bo reminded her, putting her hands on her shoulders. “The fact that you have made it this far –after running for your life from a former Imperial general and Moff Gideon himself, marrying a Mandalorian and protecting this child –proves you are far from useless.”
She stared at Bo for a long time, even after the queen pulled away and took over the controls of the Crest and took off. Deep down, she knew Bo was right. She was more than a runaway princess –she was stronger than she was before she meant Din; she was stronger because she met Din. But that fear and self-doubt in the mines had consumed her. 
The mines had shattered her confidence. Watching Din get captured because he was trying to protect her –it terrified her. And to not even be able to make a dent in the thing that took him –it was soul crushing. She had been forced to rely on others to save her. She felt weak and helpless. It brought back the memory of her mother’s grasp on her –of the knife ripping her open, of Silas Credence’s hands on her, of Moff Gideon's cold eyes and threats. 
“Mandalorians work better together, anyway.” Bo's words snapped her out of her reverie. "You are a survivor, a fighter, and a protector. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.”
She was stronger than her mother ever let her be. It wasn’t her fault that Calisto never allowed her daughter to learn to fight or defend herself. Calisto always wanted her to be a delicate, proper princess, and to avoid anything that might tarnish the royal family's reputation. But now, looking back, she realized how much she had missed out on. 
She thought about how her life had changed since she met Din. He had shown her how to defend herself and how to use weapons. He had taught her how to fight and had never judged her for her lack of ability; he just took it in stride and did his best to teach her what he could. She was grateful for Din's patience and kindness. He had seen something in her that no one else had – a strength and a resilience that had been buried deep within her for so long. He had never given up on her, even when she had doubted herself.
And now she couldn’t give up on him –couldn’t doubt herself again. He needed her to save him this time.
“I can’t believe Din hasn’t taught you to fight yet,” Bo commented, breaking her thought process. 
“He taught me to shoot, but we uh, got distracted.”
“Of course you did.” Bo rolled her eyes, working through the controls to speed up the ship towards Mandalore’s atmosphere. “We’re going to have to change that once you save him. I will help you –to avoid distractions.”
She pretended not to notice Bo’s switch from “we” to “you” when she mentioned saving Din, but she smiled to herself as Grogu climbed into her arms. She was going to save Din –she was just going to do it with help. Like a real Mandalorian would. While she may not be taking on the Creed herself, she was married to a man who had, and by proxy, she was going to do her best to fulfill it the best she could.
“We’ll be landing soon,” Bo announced, switching each control off carefully. “You remember how to get back to him?”
She nodded once, standing up and moving down into the hull of the ship and into the armory. Even with her dagger strapped to her leg, she figured the best option would be to go in better prepared than last time. And with Din’s almost obscene amount of weapons, it felt ridiculous not to take something a bit stronger with her. As she made her way through the armory, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer variety of weapons and gadgets at her disposal. From blasters and thermal detonators to flamethrowers and grappling hooks, there seemed to be no limit to the arsenal that Din had amassed. She wondered, briefly, how he kept track of it all.
After a few minutes of consideration, she settled on his pulse blaster. She’d seen the damage it could do with her own eyes. And it was one of the few weapons she was actually a decent shot with, having been actually paying attention when Din showed her how to use it. It was the obvious choice, if not the most confident for her as well. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, princess?” Bo asked, slipping her helmet on over her head as Grogu climbed back into his pram.
“Surprisingly,” she reassured, slinging the strap across her chest to hold the rifle properly. “This is the only weapon I actually managed to shoot and hit a target with.”
“Was that before or after getting distracted?”
She narrowed her eyes, resisting the urge to mock the once ruler. “We didn’t get distracted during those lessons, thank you very much.”
Bo just hummed in response, rolling her eyes as the two made their way off the ship and back into the depths of Mandalore's capital city. The rifle was heavy against her back, but she walked on with newfound determination –even if she had to ask for Bo Katan’s help, she still made the right call. And Din would be back at her side soon enough.
“This city used to be so beautiful,” Bo whispered as they walked, ducking under a fallen column. “It thrived until the Empire decided we were the enemy.”
“My father told me stories of Mandalore,” she offered as a response, crossing her arms over her chest as Grogu hovered close to her side. “He always talked about how beautiful it was. How welcoming your people were, even to strangers.”
“Your father visited often,” Bo said, nodding once as they rounded a corner. But Bo shot her hand out suddenly, pushing the princess gently to the side as her other hand pressed a finger to her own lips. 
She pulled Grogu’s pram with her, pushing it behind her before she pulled the pulse rifle over her shoulder. Alamites dropped from a cavern above but didn’t move fast enough to avoid Bo’s blaster fire to the face. The princess pressed her eye against the scope, zeroing in on two more Alamites that were dropping from the ceiling, before pulling the trigger. The recoil surprised her, knocking her shoulder back and she groaned. But she recovered, taking a breath, and shot again.
Both Alamites dissipated before they hit the ground as the one that attacked Bo dropped with a blaster hole through its head. Both royals stood there for a moment before Bo motioned for her to move forward once more. The princess nodded, sliding the rifle back onto her back as she took the lead. Glass and other debris snapped under her boots, and the whirling of Grogu’s pram swam in her ears as they approached the cave that held Din.
They stopped, slipping behind a pile of destroyed tech, and peered around the cavern. When her eyes landed on Din, trapped in a steel cage, she swore her heart dropped into her stomach. Whatever the cyborg was doing –it was drawing out his blood and pumping it into some machine. As she tried to move to attack, Bo grabbed her shirt and yanked her back.
“Do not,” the once ruler ordered, voice clipped as she pointed at the princess. “We need to be careful, and not rush into this. If we are not careful, then things will go south quickly.”
“As if they have not already?” She demanded back, whipping the rifle back around to clutch onto. “He’s being drained of his blood, Bo.”
“I know,” Bo snapped, looking back over at the cyborg as it walked away. “On my signal, you take that rifle, and you aim for the tanks that are controlling the pump. I’ll take down that thing.”
She nodded once, resting the rifle on the edge of the pile of broken tech, peering through the scope again to watch as Bo slipped around the cyborg’s back. Her gaze followed Bo carefully, watching for the signal, ready to provide cover fire if needed. Bo moved quickly and silently, her movements graceful and precise. She crept up behind the cyborg, careful not to make a sound. She held her breath as she watched Bo inch closer and closer to the cyborg. Her finger hovered over the trigger of her pulse rifle, ready to shoot at a moment's notice.
A slight flick of Bo’s wrist prompted her to pull the trigger, shooting the tanks that were hooked up to Din. The cyborg hissed in anger, whipping around to look at her just as Bo pulled her own trigger, shooting it in the head. Reloading the rifle, she aimed towards the lock that held the cage closed and pulled the trigger again. The lock seared open, and Din dropped to the ground with a groan as Bo snatched the DarkSaber off the ground. 
Igniting the weapon, the aura that radiated off the blade lit up the already dimly lit cavern. The cyborg had taken over a bigger mech suit, rearing up to grab at Bo but the princess reloaded the pulse blaster and aimed, firing directly into the creature’s eye. The light went out, and the body dropped to the ground as Bo fell to her knees with the saber beside her. Din laid on the ground beside her, groaning as he rolled over.
The princess threw the rifle back over her shoulder, practically sliding on her knees to pull him up into her arms. Bo pushed off her back, making a sound of annoyance as she stood. Bo reached down, taking Din’s arm in her hand and hauled him up, supporting most of his weight on her shoulder. Bo handed the princess the blaster, ordering her to be ready to shoot as they made their escape.
Din opened his eyes, staring blankly up at the ruins of the Mandalorian capital city. He was weak and his entire body ached as he tried to push himself up. But a firm touch pushed him back down, and his eyes tried to focus on the hand that pressed against his chest. He reached up, covering the hand on him with his own, and he whispered her name softly. 
“You’re alright,” she whispered, running her thumb over the armor that covered his chest. “You’re safe now, cyare.”
He smiled weakly under his visor, slowly processing her words before he finally sat up. It was slow, careful, and her hand stayed planted on his chest as he did so. As he sat up, Din winced and groaned in pain. She quickly helped him sit up, supporting him as he managed to get upright. He leaned heavily on her, grateful for her support.
“Bo says the mines aren’t far from here,” she explained, voice soft as Grogu padded over to them. The child climbed into Din’s lap, tapping his chest with his tiny hands. She reached over and ran her fingers over his ears. “But you need to rest before we make our way there –,”
“I’m fine,” Din insisted, taking her hand in his again. “I’m ready, I can –,”
“No, you’re not,” Bo interrupted, walking over with two cups of soup. She held both out to his princess and him. “You need to rest, and you need to eat. Then we will make our way there.”
Din huffed in frustration, but took the cup from her hands, looking down at it while he frowned under his visor. “I shouldn’t have put you in this position, Bo Katan. I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t anything your princess and I couldn’t handle together –right?” Bo looked at her, a small grin on her face as his princess sipped her soup cautiously. “Should get her a pulse blaster of her own. Turns out, she’s a pretty good shot. And I am certain she’s going to have to save you again soon.”
Din hummed some, glancing down at her as she rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She wasn’t smiling, necessarily, but she was half focused, and Din wondered what was going through her head as he placed his hand on her knee.
“It only seems fair,” he replied, squeezing her knee gently, and she looked up at him with a soft smile. “I save you; you save me.”
“Does that come with marrying a Mandalorian, or just you?” She teased back, taking his hand in hers.
“Just me, mesh’la.”
Taglist (CLOSED): @r4iner @sgt-morgan @mingeniee @darling1darling @teriolan-blog @venusfalling @double—take @sunshine96 @lovelessprick @mxtokko @ellesvoid @waddafaknik @c-ms1ut @kokoirne @sl-ut @munsons-queen @intense-sneezing @geekrenaissance @dilf-din @tizylish @ruleroftides @aheadfullofsteverogers
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
To hellborn and sinners. Fallen Angel! Is the scariest thing in Heck. They have the demonic powers of the first resident and ruler of Heck, the primordial powers of an ancient Angel, and the political power of a strong monarch. Reader could obliterate everyone in heck if so desired.
Luckily. Reader doesn't and is actually a pretty good ruler, so citizens respect the crap out of them.
The yans get to see that while getting a tour of Hell.
The adults, for once in their long lives, don't have any duties to attend to, so they just.. follow reader around. Reader figures they might as well attend to their societal and business duties while showing everyone around, since Pentagram City isn't the best first impression of Heck.
First they have a meeting with the Wrath's Farmer's Union. Everyone bows, curtsies, and kneels at reader and kisses their chubby little hand. They insist on calling them "Your Majesty" and other titles even when Reader tells them their name is just fine.
Then, they attend a show in Greed, where they are given a private box with the best view. Imps and succubi can be seen staring and snapping photos of Reader to post to Penstagram, bragging that everyone who bought the more expensive evening tickets missed out on watching the show with the Ruler of Heck themselves!
Lunch is in Gluttony, where Reader needs a booster seat to reach their food. While the yans coo and pinch their cheeks, the imp water politely says nothing and gets a giant tip.
The afternoon is spent checking up on the theme park Reader set up. The teens insist on riding every ride, and everyone is ecstatic to find they have a Build-a-Reader store in the park, where you can build a plush version of Reader and put cute little outfits of them. (Reader sheepishly admits the outfits are based off the ones in their closets and the girls now want a fashion show when they get home)
Everything is great until they have a meeting with the overlords in Pentagram City. The yans immediately notice Reader is on guard now.
The overlords are just so slimy! When the imps in wrath kissed their hand and kneeled, Reader helped them up and told them it was unnecessary. The overlords get a cold stare as they try to brownnose their way into Reader's favor, since they know they will never be as powerful. Having Reader as a potential ally is the next best thing!
The yans are glad when the meeting is over.
They're so relieved when Reader ends the meeting, quickly excusing themself and giving a quick praise of, "Good job, my dears, excellent work, now its back to the grind, isn't it, toodles~!"
The platonic yans don't think they've seen Reader move so fast or look so uncomfortable. This IS their realm, and so far everyone respects them, fears them, bows and shakes in awe and astonishment! But those overlords were so, so... slimy! Gross! Creepy! No wonder Reader wanted to leave as soon they entered the room!
The teens try to distract Reader by doing a fashion show, watching as Reader shows off their vast collection of ballgowns, tuxedos, business suits, sweaters, crop tops, bedazzled jeans, high heels, flats, tennis shoes, boots, gloves, earrings, necklaces, brooches, rings, anything and everything! The teens ooo and aah each time they see a new outfit, every time Reader flutters around or starts on their small catwalk. A few of the teens ask to get matching outfits with Reader, which leads to...
And Reader goes all out!
The teens want a specific color of blouse? Dear tailor, please make one, please! There will be a handsome tip as well~! Oh, you like that particular sweater? Bodyguard, please get seven of them, all in a different color of the rainbow! Thank you, good boy/girl/being! Extra hugs for you! Someone wants to have a custom ring made? Aaaah, yes! We would like rubies, please, set in a gold band, in a little heart shape, and with their name engraved on the inside! Here's about... hmmm... will twenty-thousand gold coins with Reader's royal symbol cover the cost? No? Let's add a few hellfire diamonds and emeralds of envy to the pot, and that should cover any extra fees~!
By the time the teens and Reader are done, Reader is getting them all a whole dozen coffee drinks from Moondoes to top their trip off, and then they're heading back, riding in a bright red limo and eating a few pastries from Reader's favorite little shop!
The adults are... shocked, that Reader does so well. This is their little baby, their doll, and they're doing so well down here! They're so proud!!! And they're so worried! At least everyone, even the most unsavory individuals, know to respect Reader! As they should! They're one of the first seraphim! An angel of Heaven! Their pride and joy and jewel!
The teens are just glad Reader does so well for themself, and decide to roll with whatever happens. If Reader says they can go see a show, then they're going! If Reader wants to go out for dinner, okay, where? Reader wants to take a nap? Can they sleep with them, too? Pretty please? They're just so cute!!! Even their little Build-a-Reader's aren't quite enough compared to the real thing, even though they're beautiful and very well-made!
(They all got an outfit that matched one of Reader's. Not to mention they now are known as Reader's closest friends! Well, okay, their fallen angel friends! And with them around, they're gonna have the best time ever!) (They can just never, ever, never ever ever, go to the Lust Ring. Because Reader said so-)
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Male-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Learning To Get Along
A/N – So, a user on A03 suggested the snake servants’ new names. It was a stroke of genius on their behalf, and I can only thank them for it.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Do you think you can manage that? Lucifer’s words hung in the air, creating an icy barrier between you.
So, Lucifer thought himself too good for low-life Sinners such as yourself. That wasn’t fair. Sinners might be in Hell for a reason, but sometimes such reasons were just fucking stupid. Heaven ought to base their entry requirements on a person’s character or strength of heart, not just their actions. You had met plenty of Sinners who were in Hell because of the most trivial shit.
There were those who liked to sleep around, but if sex positivity was a problem, then how did Heaven explain Angels like Adam, whom Charlie had told you about in excruciating detail. Lust shouldn’t have ever been considered a Sin, as long as all participants in any such carnal act were above age and consenting.
Then, there were a few murderers you knew. Granted, murder made the lines blurry, but some Sinners killed in self-defence, or only targeted others such as themselves, protecting the innocent in a very gruesome Dexter-like fashion. Were they really to be condemned? And who the fuck gave a damn about Sloth. So, some people were just bone idle, who gave a shit? Heaven apparently.
And now, the ruler of Hell was condemning those around him as well. He was supposed to care for his people, good or bad. Not to mention those who were solely created for or born in Hell, such as Imps, Hell-Hounds, or the Deadly Sins themselves; they hadn’t committed any crimes to get sent here originally – it was their home.
Your eyebrows furrowed, creating an annoyed crease along your forehead.
“No,” You told Lucifer, who stared at you incredulously.
No? Didn’t you understand the situation? He was Lucifer. King of Hell. He could destroy you with no effort spared, leaving no trace that you ever existed, and you were telling him no? He wasn’t an unreasonable guy, but how could you possibly think that being around him was a good idea? Did you respect Charlie more than you feared him? Granted, he didn’t go out much so few knew how powerful he was, but no other Sinner would dare deny him his wishes.
You saw the look he was giving you and decided to explain yourself.
“Look, I’m only here ‘cos Charlie thought it was a good idea, and if you genuinely hate me, I’ll go and you’ll never have to see me again, but you’re not even trying right now. You haven’t spoken to me. You don’t know anything about me, and frankly, I think Charlie’s right, you do need someone to talk to.”
“I don’t-” Lucifer started.
“You don’t even know why I’m down here,” You interrupted angrily, though you refrained from raising your voice. “And you don’t want to know, right? ‘Cos all of us filthy Sinners must be the same. Ooh, we squandered your gift of Free Will and now we deserve to suffer for eternity, do we? Grow up!”
Lucifer stared at you in astonishment, and you sighed, apparently not finished in your tirade, “I’m going to my room tonight, but tomorrow, I expect that you’ll at least try to tolerate me. Who knows? We might even find some common ground. We both love Charlie, don’t we?”
Lucifer didn’t know what to say to that. He certainly loved his daughter, more than anything else in the universe, but you? He still suspected that you had some kind of ulterior motive… everyone in Hell did. Yet, you had a point. He would do this for her, even if it meant he had to tolerate you.
Who were you, really?
He looked at you closely for the first time, trying to pick out some detail of who you might have been. It was even more disturbing than he previously thought. Before, he only saw a human. Now, he examined your clothes. There was little to say about the style, but your apparel was reminiscent of a Holy Animal. With the ruffled cuffs of your jacket, the way the back peaked to create the image of feathers, and the yellow ribbon that lined the white material, you looked like a dove.
Yet… Despite living in the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie had insisted that you didn’t seek redemption. Why go through the farce of dressing like an Angel then… unless? No, you couldn’t be. No Angel would dare stray from Heaven unless they were ordered to.
Lucifer held back a glower, trying to keep his emotions in check so you wouldn’t sense his thoughts. There was a possibility, though small that you had been sent by the likes of Adam to spy on Lucifer and his kin, ensuring that none of Charlie’s patrons ever found a way to the Pearly Gates.
Well, it wouldn’t take long to uncover your ruse. Lucifer had ways of telling an Angel from a Demon, and once you were asleep, he would know.
“Yeah,” Lucifer said evenly. “I love my Charlie.”
“So, you’ll try then.”
Lucifer nodded his head in consent.
“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
The sentiment went unreturned as your King returned to his chambers, biding his time until you slept.
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When you returned to your room, you got ready for bed. The day had been long and unusual. Honestly, you didn’t feel that you had a place in the manor, and you longed for your room in the Hotel, even if it was smaller, had a large stain on the carpet (which Nifty had named Vivienne) and an unruly infestation of roaches.
In the short time you had spent there, it had become home.
You would miss the arguing inhabitants, the energetic wake-up call from Charlie, the feeling of safety that Vaggie instilled, and the sound of Alastor’s morning and evening radio broadcasts. Yet, you hoped you might find something equally valuable in return if only Lucifer would open himself up to the possibility that you didn’t want anything from him.
After glancing out of your window, which had a balcony you could step out to if you so wished, you took in the whole of the Magne District which was the heart of Pentagram City. If you strained your eyes, you could just see the flashing neon of the Hazbin Hotel, and if you turned your gaze up… There was Heaven, out of reach yet always in sight, taunting most Sinners, yet emboldening a brave few who dared to wonder What If? What if they could change and gain admittance to a better life?
You sighed and dared not ponder further when you needed to get some sleep.
Throwing yourself on the plush bed, you got comfortable, arranging yourself how you liked, then leaning over to your bedside table, you blew out the cherry candle you had previously lit.
You rested your head atop the satin pillows, then frowned, feeling a lump beneath it. You reached under and pulled out a rubber duck, painted to look like a Hellhound-Duck hybrid. Assuming it was one of Charlie’s childhood toys, you placed it carefully atop the table; it would keep you company on your first night in a strange new place.
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Lucifer waited till the late twilight hours before leaving his workshop. He transformed himself into a snake, slithering silently through the Hallways, ensuring that you wouldn’t hear him coming.
Before being cast out of Heaven, detecting an Angel would have been a simple task. He would just know, the way he now knew how to read a Demon. Yet, with you giving off little sign of Demonic energy, he now had to test if you were of Angelic origin. There were two ways he could do so. The first was by spilling your blood. Those who were born in or sent to Heaven had golden ichor instead of the oozing red or black goop of Hell-spawn and Sinners.
However, not wishing to alert you to his presence, Lucifer decided to opt for the other method.
Once he was inside your room and certain that you were in a deep slumber, he reverted to his original form, standing over you, his pupils turning to slits at the thought of a traitor in his house. If you were what he thought you to be, he would kill you immediately.
He pulled a small yellow twenty-sided stone from his pocket and baring his fangs in anger, he pressed it lightly against your skin.
Nothing happened.
Lucifer’s expression changed from one of deep-seated loathing to confusion. You weren’t from Heaven. If you were, the stone would have glowed a brilliant shade of Gold. Instead, it remained its original dull yellow.
Very well.
He would keep his word and… Tolerate you.
He left your room as quietly as he had entered it. Tomorrow, things would be different.
Lucifer didn’t sleep that night; the idea of change was terrifying.
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The next morning, when Lucifer finally resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to face you eventually, he headed downstairs, assuming that was where you were.
“JUST TRY IT!” He heard you yell. “TRY! OPEN YOUR MOUTH, DAMN IT!”
“Uh…” Was all he could think to say as he entered the kitchen and found you clinging to one of the snake cleaners he had created the previous night, in a rodeo-like fashion. The creature was trying to buck you off, with a somewhat derpy expression, probably stupidly assuming it was a game; Lucifer hadn’t bothered to instil them with much intelligence since he didn’t need them for anything more than cleaning.
“ARGH!” You grunted as you were dislodged from its back.
“What- What is this?” Lucifer asked, confused.
“Oh shit!” You cursed, embarrassed to have been caught in a less-than-dignified position. You attempted to regain a little composure by standing up, then held up a handful of wadded-up pancake.
“Do they eat?” You demanded, referring to the reptilian cleaners, “’Cos they’ve been in a picture frame their whole lives, and they must be hungry by now.”
Of all the stupid things you could have done, Lucifer couldn’t help but crack a smile, though he had the decency to hide his laugh behind a clenched fist and pass it off as a cough.
“They don’t need to.”
“Okay, but can they?”
“If they wanted to, I suppose so.”  
You glared at the mushed-up pancake, “I fucking knew it. Spick, Span, eat your fucking breakfast!”
“I’m sorry, who now?” Lucifer asked.
“Well, they clean, don’t they? Spick and Span seem to fit unless you have something better to name them.”
Lucifer chuckled, a half-short-lived chuckle, but one all the same. You were more chaotic than he expected.
“Fine, if you want them to eat, you’ve got to cook in style.”
He waved his hands energetically, his outfit transforming from his usual suit to one befitting a flashy Michelin Chef. He was comfortable in the role of an entertainer as he made a dazzling display of cooking up eggs. With the flash-bang of indoor fireworks, the island counter gained a conveyor belt to transport several dishes, all perfectly presentable and giving off a delectable aroma of herbs and spices.
Eggs-benedict, frittatas, and shakshuka shot by you, closely followed by a hungry Span, though his twin was busy writhing on the conveyer belt, trying to get to his feather duster, yet doomed to chase it since he didn’t think to travel in the opposite direction so it would meet him in the middle.
The sight was memorable to say the least, even when Spick knocked the food onto the floor and his brother was left stupidly sucking on the corner of the countertop where his seemingly new favourite dish had splattered.
You couldn’t help laughing.
“See?” You struggled to get the words out, “I knew they’d like food. I’m just a shite cook.”
Lucifer gazed at his dishes proudly, even though they were no longer fit for either of your consumption.
“Hah,” You said, feeling somewhat awkward now that the moment had passed and Lucifer’s gaze was upon you, trying to figure you out. “I’ll uh, clean this up.”
“No need, leave it to Flim and Flam,” Lucifer said nonchalantly.
“You know that’s not their names.”
“Whatever. So… we’ve met, there was breakfast with a show. We done for today?”
The smile fell from your face as you realised that all of this was just another of Lucifer’s acts. Granted, he might have actually had fun with it, but it was all just in the name of claiming he had tried to be around you, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“I don’t know. I was going to go into the City if you wanted to come.”
“I can’t. I have… plans.”
Lucifer’s mood soured as he thought about visiting Heaven’s embassy to set up the meeting for Charlie. He hated everything about that building. The décor was just a cruel reminder of everything Heaven had banished him from. Moreover, while the Angels had to respect his power, they didn’t respect him; their cruel words and thinly veiled insults always cut him the deepest. Not to mention how bitter he was that the balance of power was uneven. Sure, Heaven had an embassy in Hell, but there was no such building in Heaven where Demons could work to arrange meetings between Angels and him.
It would always be Lucifer going to their building, on their terms, usually at their behest.
“Plans? So, you’re setting up Charlie’s meeting today?” You guessed astutely. “You know, I’m walking that way too.”
Lucifer guessed at your game. You probably hadn’t been going in that direction at all, but this was all in the name of ‘trying’. One way or another, he would have to learn to get along with you.
“Fine. Let’s go,” He said, flicking his hand back blasély, even though he found the idea of walking the streets of Hell daunting.
It would be better if he could teleport there, but at least, by the end of the day, you would have something positive to report back to Charlie.
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THIS PWF ADVENTURE IS GRAND! If you've been following the Witching After Forty Series, hurry to your favorite retailer and get your copy of A Grand Midlife by Lia Davis and L.A. Boruff! Universal: 
Ava Walker: Mom, Bonus Mom, almost-mother-in-law, and soon-to-be grandmother! The entire Howe-Harper-Walker clan is through the roof excited for Michelle and Wallie’s baby.
Nobody more so than Lucy-Fur.
In the midst of all the last-minute baby preparations, Zoey faces immense familial challenges of her own. After receiving a mysterious message from her cousin, Zoey goes on a journey to learn about her family and pride. Ava is at her side every step of the way.
Not all of the news is good.
Ava and Drew are determined to help Zoey and Larry find out what happened to Zoey’s parents. Zoey’s uncle, a gigantic man with an easy smile, doesn’t quite seem to be who he says he is. Could he be hiding some big clue that will help solve the mystery of Zoey’s parents’ deaths?
Only time will tell. Sam and his new psychic powers would be very helpful in digging to the bottom of this if only they could pull him away from his own family research…With Olivia spending so much time dealing with her family, Ava’s support system is rather scattered at the moment.
Oh, well, Ava can always call on her friends to help if push comes to shove. After all, what’s the point of knowing the ruler of hell, ruler of the vampires, ruler of the hunters, and being the most powerful necromancer in the world if Ava doesn’t use those connections?#releaseblast #releaseday #newrelease #bookbirthday #nowlive #newbooks #pwf #paranormalfiction #paranormalwomensfiction #paranormalcozy #cozymystery #witchingafterforty #lifeaftermagic #agrandmidlife #midlifeheroine #midlifemagic #readers #booklovers #bookbuzz #booknews #booksbooksbooks
About Lia
USA Today bestselling author Lia Davis spends most of her time writing racy romance and witty women's fiction, the majority of which takes place in fantasy worlds full of magic and mayhem. She prides herself on her ability to craft strong and sassy heroines, emotionally intelligent alpha heroes, and rich, expansive universes that readers want to visit again and again. She is the mastermind behind the bestselling Ashwood Falls Series and the co-author of the beloved Witching After Forty Series. She currently resides in Florida where she's working on her very own happily-ever-after with her supportive husband and spends her free time doting on a pack of feisty felines and her loving family.  
About LA
LA (Lainie) Boruff lives in East Tennessee with her husband, three children, and an ever growing number of cats. She loves reading, watching TV, and procrastinating by browsing Facebook. LA’s passions include vampires, food, and listening to heavy metal music. She once won a Harry Potter trivia contest based on the books and lost one based on the movies. She has two bands on her bucket list that she still hasn’t seen: AC/DC and Alice Cooper. Feel free to send tickets.
Get Social With The Authors!  BookBub - Lia: http://bit.ly/2N3X2dS BookBub - LA: http://bit.ly/2Z2VA24 Facebook - Lia: http://bit.ly/2H7mhbL Facebook - LA: http://bit.ly/2ORBhk6 Website - Lia: https://authorliadavis.com Website - LA: https://laboruff.com 
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That's Why I Hate Halloween (Crowley x GN!Reader)
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A/N: This was a contest entry on deviantart. Just to help you understand a bit of the story, Gabriel is alive and Crowley doesn't appear in the story until the end. You are also Gabriel's twin. 
"Come on boys, I've got us a case." (Y/N) says as they walk into the bunker. Castiel is God knows where, so it was just them and the Winchesters.
"How do we know that what you have is even a case?" Dean asks cockily. 'Honestly, just because I'm an angel doesn't mean I don't understand the difference between a case and a normal death' (Y/N) thought.
"Well...hmmm...let me see. Maybe because the vic's heads were ripped off and were described as mauled."
"Well, there you go mauled, not a case just a normal dea-" Dean starts.
"On the 12th floor of a hotel." (Y/N) finishes, smirking.
"Yeah, that sounds like a case to me, let's check it out." Sam says to which Dean eagerly agrees.
The Winchesters and (Y/N) walk into the room of the murder, the stank of death hitting them immediately. They headed toward the policeman on duty, flashing their fake FBI badges. "Hello Officer, my name is Agent Young, this is my partner Agent Scott and our Rookie Agent Evans." Dean starts pointing to each, (Y/N) looking put out at being called a rookie.
"It's a pleasure to be working with you Agents, I'm Deputy Rudd. I'm really glad you’re here actually, I can't make heads or tails of this one." Rudd replied.
"This is the third one this week?" (Y/N) asked.
"Third one in the past three days unfortunately." We walked over to the body covered on the floor. Lifting the covering we could see that the head had been ripped completely off and the body's gender was almost unrecognisable. "Who was she?"
"Miss Lara Fry, 26 years old." With that the Deputy left to speak to the other officers.
"Seen anything odd?" Dean asks Sam who was observing the body. “It looks like an animal attack since the marks around, what is left of the neck are made by teeth, probably canine."
"Meaning Werewolf or Hell Hound right?" (Y/N) asked.
"Seems the most likely. You two should check out the families, see if anyone has gotten lucky in the last ten years. I'll go to the library, see what I can find out about what they were up to in the last few days." Sam ordered. It was a good plan and the best one they had so they all agreed and set off to their allocated jobs.
In the Fry Residence
"We are truly sorry for your loss Mrs. Fry." (Y/N) says soothingly. Mrs. Fry just smiles sadly in response. "Miss, please. I'm not a Mrs anymore, we have finally decided to go through with our divorce."
"Divorce?" Dean asks suddenly interested.
"Yeah, we were going to divorce when our baby girl was sixteen but decided to stay together for her. I'm...not entirely sure why though, we were at each other’s throats most of the time."
"I see, was the decision a spur of the moment or had you had a discussion about it?" (Y/N) asked, finally understanding Dean's interest in the matter.
"It was all so sudden actually, we were arguing one minute, then deciding to have another go for Lara's sake the next."
"Right. Thank you for your time Miss...."
"Miss. Constantine. If you think of anything else, just give us a call." Dean says whilst handing her a card.
"Of course, Agents." With that they both left the house. (Y/N) decided to be the one to call Sam and tell him of the news they had found. "Anything?" Sam’s voice rings through the speaker.
"You'll never guess whose parents decided to magically stick together ten years ago."
"The one and only. So definitely Hell Hound. You find anything?"
"Yeah, a family of two...uh...The Oswald's. The mother's daughter survived stage four cancer and is still fit and healthy to this day."
"How long?"
"Ten years today." (Y/N) looks towards Dean and mouths 'Hunting Tonight'. "I've got a really bad feeling about this guys, something's not right."
"Stop being a wuss (Y/N)"
"Shut it Dean....We're on our way Sam."
They followed Ms. Oswald all day and when night fell she went out back towards the barn. The boys and (Y/N) followed closely behind. When they were heading towards the barn, they lost sight of the woman they were tailing. "Where'd she go?" (Y/N) whispered. Suddenly, they each froze as they heard growling coming from behind them. Turning they saw nothing was there but the growling was getting closer. "I told you something was wrong."
"Hell Hound." Sam unnecessarily confirmed.
"RUN!" Dean shouted. They headed towards the barn, Sam ahead of the others as he was the fastest. When they reached the barn they closed the door and blocked it behind them.
It all becomes too much for (Y/N), the loud growling. The fear of death. They put their head into their hands and started to cry. Sam and Dean looked at them, no idea how to get out of the situation. The Angels were grounded, they couldn't fly out. They had promised Cas, they would look out for and protect them and now look. They have gotten another person in a deadly situation. They both approached them, Sam sitting next to them and wrapping his arm comfortingly around their shaking shoulders. Dean kneeling in front of their. Both apologising for getting them into this mess, arguing with each other over whose fault it was, then apologising some more.
(Y/N) started shaking more. This time however, for a different reason. Laughing. They were laughing. They lifted their head to show no tears on their face and that they were full of laughter. The boys looked at them thoroughly confused. (Y/N) then gets up, walking toward the barn door. Before Sam or Dean could protest or stop them, they were already speaking. "Skylar! Down girl!" The Hell Hounds growling ceased immediately. "Good girl, go home now, good Skylar!" The only sound was of the Hell Hound leaving the barn and heading away. Sam and Dean were staring at (Y/N) astonished. "Wha...?" Suddenly the door opens up revealing one smirking Crowley and a certain someone’s twin angel, who couldn't control his laughing anymore. "Happy Halloween Boys!" (Y/N) says towards the very confused brothers.
"Wait...you?...the hound...but what about the case?" Sam asked once he figured out which question he wanted answered first.
"Was never real! Talk about a great Halloween prank, recommend picking treat next time boys" Gabriel replied, looking altogether way to smug for the brother's liking. Crowley walks toward (Y/N) wrapping his arms around their waist. "That was perfect love." He says smirking, his smirk then softening into a smile as he looks into their eyes, "I love you, my Light." You had only just managed an 'I love you' back to Crowley before Dean ruined the moment by shouting "You planned this" Pointing very rudely at (Y/N).
"Yep!" was the chipper reply.
"And that, is why I hate Halloween." Dean mumbles sulkily.
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jiffygis · 2 years
[SILHOUETTE] John Doe X Reader.
So this is the chapter two of this fanfic. As always, it was originally written and posted first on wattpad (@CassTea) so you can find more chapters and faster updates in there.
No warmings for this chapter, and the reader is Female presenting.
Also, I added a small mention from my favourite book, with a mention of a character from it. Nobody seemed to notice it, so I may aswell just say it. I won't put the name of the book tho, I still hope to find someone that knows it lol.
Tangling your fingers, you stood in the cold and poorly lightened subway station. It was obvious how whoever was in charge, truly didn't care about giving maintenance to this old place; it had obviously seen better days, the traces of that were still there, hard to find but there if you looked right.
It wasn't way too early in the morning, of course, after all your shift started at 4 pm and ended at 11 pm, when your "co worker" (if you could call them that because you knew literally nothing about them) would arrive and take your place. Yet... It was way too empty. This was a busy hour, usually there were students, workers and many other people around, waiting to catch the bus but today, it was... You looked around. - It's literally empty...-
Soon after, the fast yet not too violent wind hit your face and scrambled your hair all over the place. This took you by surprise, you quickly stepped back with an exclamation, -JESUS FUCK-. You were so lost half in your thoughts and the rest on your phone, that you hadn't noticed how close you were to the edge. You were exactly stepping the yellow line that was there to warn you. It was a beautiful "I'm literally the most bright colour down here and you still can't see me dumbass" yellow.
This however, woke you up.
It was a weird phenomenon. When you used to go to school, you would sleep at 2 in the morning and wake up at 5 am. You were tired and cold all damn day. Now you had all the time in the world to sleep, but there wasn't enough time in the entire universe that could possibly be enough for you. You would usually sleep between 10 - 11 am and woke up at 2 pm to go to work. You sometimes pondered where the hell your time went, because you could somehow never seem to finish anything you started.
In your mind, those weird and tall gray men that deceitfully stole people's time making them believe they were actually investing it and saving it for later, were the ones who were taking it away from you, only in silence. You weren't accompanied by a turtle with a weird name tho.
- seriously, Casiopea?? I mean it's not bad but... - you were discussing the turtle's name with yourself as you set foot inside of the empty wagon. It didn't took you long to notice tho, only after the doors closed and you looked up did your eyes captured the body chilling image in front of you. It was empty, completely empty. There were times you had used the subway and there weren't many people, but it was never empty.
You calmed down, surely the other wagons were crowded but you were lucky enough to have a whole wagon to yourself? It was... Great! It was great.
You smiled and sighed, it wasn't too bad- you were just overthinking.
-I can sit wherever I want?- you held the power now. (Y/n) ruler of the empty wagon, magic less witch yet the most powerful sourcerer that would ever set foot in this old wagon.
You swinged yourself in the pole, then started to quietly sing a random song, which quickly turned into a full opera concert in which you played three roles: the singer, the public and the director.
You were having way too much fun over nothing, and you looked ridiculous without a doubt, but honestly you deserved it, you deserved a break.
The sudden stop of the subway took you by surprise and made you loose your balance. Had you already arrived? But that was way too fast!.
The doors hadn't open, it was weird. - Maybe some malfunction? Damn it, you were gonna arrive late. You threw yourself at one of the seats, huffing and crossing your arms. Such luck.
As if by your doing, the doors opened not soon after. Looking outside you could see how empty it still was.
A poisonous seed of fear was planted into your chest, liberating uneasiness and, of course, fear as soon as it bloomed.
The place was poorly iluminated by some led lights and dragged hollowness along with it. You never got down on this station, but you did knew it because of the subway always stopping to let some people out... But you could've sworn this was 5 more minutes up ahead; you were very familiar with your schedule and you knew the time it took from station to station.
A void started to fill your chest. This isn't right, no no it isn't. Something bad was about to happen, you could just feel it.
You stopped staring outside but you couldn't take your frozen hands off of the frame of the electric doors.
There was no one there, it was impossible for there to be any sort of sound yet the more time that passed, you could slowly start hearing whispers.
It took you a while to process the sounds, because you just couldn't- how? Who could possibly be talking? And it wasn't two or three people, it was a multitude. When you did notice tho, when you finished processing this, your stomach dropped.
You could've sworn you were seeing movement that shouldn't be there at the corner of your eye.
"Please, to whoever listens my full yet weak words, and whoever has the power to get a hold of this situation, help me".
You were so desperate for the doors closing that you started talking nonsense out of fear.
Who were you even talking to? Who were you asking help to? There was no one there. Your words, even if they had value and intention, they had no power.
If someone did heard you, however, they were a merciful being.
Creaking a little bit, you snapping your body back in, the metal doors closed. You kept on looking outside the window, watching how the dark and hollow station started to be left behind.
You stood there, sighing. You leaned over the door, feeling as if that small moment had taken years out of your lifespan, exhausted because of the amount of fear you had felt in such a short moment.
you hadn't noticed the new entity that had shaped it's form into the almost empty space in which you were now standing, but it wouldn't let you take too long since almost right after you turned your back to the door, you heard a small cling in one of the poles. Of course this didn't get a big reaction out of you because, well, you were in a subway after all, it wasn't weird to hear metal sounds. This, however would trigger a bigger reaction after the sound made you look up, at it was at that moment when you noticed the figure standing there, right hand holding onto the silver pole, left hand playing with it's fingers, standing in an awkward, curvated pose that obtruded with the position of their legs bending them in an awkward manner. They were wearing quite a normal outfit, from which the most attention calling things were a black, poorly worn hoodie, a plain shirt with a red eye painted on it and a pair of black converse that looked like they were in a damn crime scene... not all of that brownish oozy thing could possibly be mud... tho it was weird that it didn't stain the floor; of course it should've if they entered by the door, like a normal human being. Their appearance was the last thing that made you jump in fear, rather what made you jump was the fact they just... appeared there. You would've noticed if they had come in but they just appeared there. They weren't even looking up, they were looking down at their fidgeting fingers, face covered by a massive amount of black, messy and tangled hair.
The few lightness that was left in that damn wagon completely dropped and was dragged and replaced by a heavy aura. You felt so uneasy, this had never happened before while on a moving vehicle, but you got nauseous. You felt a knot in your throat, your clothes got uncomfy and the area that hurted the most in your head was your forehead, making all the way down to your eyes, which you felt were gonna explode.
You had to sit down before you puked or something, which you did, the farthest from that person the better.
You were full on alert mode, ready to jump at any suspicious movement. It was already extremely, suspiciously weird they were the only person in the wagon, but ok they were already there what could you do about it, however you would be alert.
How you spoke big ass words for such a damn small brain, because not even 3 minutes after, while playing with your legs, you accidentally kicked your flask. A damn miracle the floor wasn't covered in water right now because the cap of the flask used to malfunction, but while thank goodness that wasn't a problem, you heard the metal clank against the floor and it s l o w l y rolling and making all its way to the feet of that person. This had to be staged, for the love of God no one but you had bad luck like this, "when I look up there will be cameras recording, this is all just part of a stupid YouTube video". Damn right it wasn't, of course not, the idea itself was dumb but you were desperate.
Carefully looking down their way, you could see how their fingers stopped fidgeting, they just looked down at the flask, not moving a muscle, not grabbing it just standing there.
Thank you for your services my loyal companion, but alas, today is the day we part ways my beloved, malfunctioning flask. The partially broken cap was part of your charm, I'll never forgive yo-
- I believe this is yours - spoke a high pitched, yet kind of soft voice.
Jesus Christ just keep it man.
-Oh!- you acted surprised... emphasis on acted, - I'm sorry, I... hadn't noticed -, with the thick ass glass surrounded by metal on the outside, everyone in the North Pole heard that damn flask. You smiled awkwardly.
They clearly were waiting for you to go grab it, so against every inch of meat and common sense in your body, you stood up and began walking towards them.
It was a quick action, the apparently kilometre long wagon grew short as you walked down it and, faster that expected, you were grabbing the flask from the floor.
If looks could kill... You would still be alive tbh but if looks could melt you'd be a wiggly liquid by now. You made sure to keep your body not too close and reached out with your arm, when you had the great idea to look up.
Underneath that nest of a hair, was a thin face with a thin nose, elements for a common face but wide open eyes with deep dark, redish eyebags planted underneath them and an almost inhumanly wide smile with very... Very thin teeth were focused on your bent form.
It happened in seconds, but you could've sworn those damned black pupils dilated a bit when you made eye contact. The sudden sight made you stumble and fall on your butt, - owie - you said out of habit, but the light words weren't matching your sloppy and nervous actions, because right now you were rapidly dragging yourself away from the person in front of you. They didn't seem to want to hurt you tho, because in fact they stepped back a step after watching your awkward figure trying to get away from them. You stopped when you made a weird movement and your wrist popped, it didn't hurt as much as the sound scared you because right now you were thinking only the worst, and the worst in this scenario was a broken wrist. It was an exaggeration of course, but you didn't know that at the moment.
At that moment, they stuck out their arm and reached for your flask, grabbing it and bringing it up. Not a word came out from their mouth, they just let go of the pole and reached out their hand towards you.
You weren't a rude person but this literally wasn't the time to give two flying fucks about that, so you stood yourself and stepped back before standing still and firm, trying to show confidence you really didn't had at the moment. - Please give that back - you said signalling at your flask. Stupid moronic flask, it had given you more trouble in 20 minutes than your own dumb actions in the entirety of your life.
That smile on their face didn't disappear at all. - sure - they said, handing it over to you.
In that small exchange, a question popped in your mind, "Do you think he's cute?", Him? - him? -, you and your gigantic mouth. -me?- he said grinning, -you? Uhm, no- do I? No, no comment- you weren't actually talking to him, you were answering the question that popped in your mind... out loud. -on what?- he asked, -hmm- you hummed to God knows who while grabbing the flask out of his han- dude you're so awkward what. He didn't say anything and just let go of it.
-uhm, thanks- you said. Of course you were still scared as shit because of his eyes on you, but at least you were safe... You guessed.
He didn't say anything, just smiled wider if that was even possible.
Not really knowing what to do anymore, you just, sat down back at your place.
My god did you have something in your face?? Why was he staring? He didn't even try to hide it he just literally stared straight at you; was he even blinking? Maybe he did when you did.
And many other dumb questions surged in your mind.
To try and distract yourself from the thought of him pulling out a knife and jumping at you, you took out your phone. You didn't even have internet si you were just looking through your gallery. It was better than nothing.
Slowly you started to fade out of consciousness, but the weird thing is that you didn't even notice when you did, you were just asleep out of nowhere and the next thing you knew, someone was tapping on your shoulder.
"Must be that weird guy" you thought.
However, you were woken out of your slumber by an unknown voice.
-Excuse me, miss?... Miss?- the security guard was shaking your shoulder.
When you opened your eyes, you caught a full sight of your surroundings. There were many people sitting, others standing, people coming in and out of the wagon. -Where did all of them come from?- you mumbled, still not knowing what the fuck was going on.
-This is the last station. Someone brought to our attention that you've been sleeping here for over hour and a half. I'm sorry but you need to exit the wagon if you're not actually going somewhere.
-uh, sure- you said frowning -sorry-. You stood up, and before exiting the wagon you asked -this is the last station, you say?- -that's right- the guard politely answered.
you were so late for work.
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littledollll · 2 years
hiii! i love your writing so much!! can i request a luci x human!reader where luci is on earth and they run into r who is a golden retriever in human form. they introduce themselves like in a dramatic way to scare r away (just cos luci can be a drama queen) r is just like “oh cool a cosplayer. though youre too cute to be a believable lucifer.” and luci is taken aback but intrigued so they come to earth a few more times after that encounter because they have business there (they say to themself) and they keep “running into” r. (what a coincidence that they go to the same coffee shop and the same park!). they get really close but one day something happens and r finds out that lucifer wasn’t lying when they told r who they were but they still accept them and tells luci they love them no matter what.
(i didnt really think this idea through but i just wanted a fluffy fic with a loving reader giving gwendoline’s luci all the love they deserve. and gwen really is so freaking cute even when she’s being tall scary devil 🥺 you don’t have to write it if you dont want to! but thanks!!)
Think you could scare me away?
Lucifer Morningstar x human!reader
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A/n: this is lowkey so cute, took me a lil to figure out how I was gonna reveal it but I like it, I hope you do too!
Warnings: none
It wasn’t unusual for Lucifer to visit the waking world, there was many business to take care of there. Sometimes just a change of scenery was needed. Others it was rouge demons, summonings, a meeting ground between realms, all things considered normal for the ruler of hell. This was one of those cases. Here they met you, after a meeting they decided to stay around a little longer, just to see what the humans were up to.
That’s when they met you, walking out of a coffee shop, you bumped into them, not really looking to the people infront of you as a cute dog walked past. “Jesus- I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention!” You looked up to see this stunning person looking down at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
They looked towards the direction the dog went in and nodded at you. “It’s quite alright, who wouldn’t get distracted with that passing by?” Giggling you nodded. “Right! So cute!! Are you alright though? I didn’t spill anything did I?” They tilted their head. “You ask like I don’t tower over you, I should be the one asking. But no you did not, I’m unscathed.”
“Hey! no need to point me that out. I’m quite aware how tall you are.” Really, your neck was starting to hurt from looking up at them, but they were simply stunning. “I didn’t catch your name?” “I didn’t give it. Lucifer Morningstar, Ruler of hell and the underworld.”
You chucked and introduced yourself. “Sure I’ll go with that, you really do look like that one painting! A little too cute to be the ruler of hell though.” Lucifer gave you an amused smile. You were unintentionally quite the charming character.
After that, Lucifer started visiting the waking more often, in hopes to run into you, a little stalker-ish but they learned your routine and would intentionally show up a little early in places at times they know you’d be around, you always had a friendly conversation or spend a few hours together if you had time.
The two of you grew rapidly closer yet you never really asked for their “real name” as much as they wished to tell you, Lucifer was afraid that you’d no longer want to see them, which surprised even them when they noticed that they actually cared what you thought of them.
“You know, I had never seen you around here before I bumped into you!” “You’ve never been quite good at paying attention, sweet girl.” Turning red in the face you looked to the floor and continued talking. “I don’t think it’s possible to just miss you! you are quite the sight, I must say, Lucifer.”
The way you said their name simply didn’t sit right with Lucifer, there was nothing wrong, it just sounded like you didn’t believe them, if they were going to continue coming to see you they had to be true about who they were.
“I believe we should talk.” You looked at them confused. “Sure? about what?” In an instant you were back in your apartment. “How the hell-“ you looked around the room convinced you were some how imagining this. “Yes exactly, I wasn’t joking when I introduced myself, darling.” Your eyes snapped back to them and you nodded slowly, so they continued. “I’m not playing dress up, or cosplaying like you said.”
“You know, actually that would’ve been quite concerning- also how’d you do that! Do you have any idea how many times I’ve forgotten something here and had to walk back? Can you go anywhere-“ you started rambling, so much new information you wanted answers for every question. “Stay with me, sunshine, I’ll answer everything soon enough.” you blushed and nodded.
“You do have it clear that I am The devil. The actual fallen angel, Lucifer ruler of hell itself.” You nodded again. “And you don’t seem to care.” You tilted your head at them. “Why would I care? I’ve known you for weeks as this really nice person who I like- like a lot, you keep me company and listen to me ramble- why would I care about anything other than that, did you think you could scare me away?”
“I feel as if you’re the only being who would ever say that.” They stated plainly, a smile growing on their face as they realized you really didn’t mind, you simply saw their person, how they behaved and treated you and that was all that mattered.
“hm, tell me Lucifer Morningstar, what made you come clean?” That was a lot better. The way their name rolled off your tongue, no longer with a teasing tone or imaginary air quotes, but with playfulness and pride, like it was an honor to know their true self. “I suppose I owed it to you if I was hoping to continue meeting you, no?”
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tiphprince · 3 years
lmao marauders stans will say sirius grew up in an abusive household, but snape, who had it far worse then the rich entitled boy didnt? His brother died, yea didnt he hate them all? He went to Azkaban because he and james had a stupid last minute change of heart. Also if he'd succeeded in killing peter he would've gone to azkaban anyway. He doesnt bully kids but like, who's letting their kids around him? I like sirius as a character but hes interesting because of how casually deranged he is.
That's the magic of double standards in the fandom.
Sirius has a lot of issues, and many of them can be attributed to his childhood, but that's also the case for most characters, or hell, most people. The problem is when people start creating an order of "who's got it worst", comparing character's abuse, and then decide "Sirius having an abusive childhood explains his later choices, but Snape having an abusive childhood has nothing to do with him joining the Death Eaters". And I'm saying Sirius because that's the character you used, Anon, but it works with pretty much every other character.
What's annoying, is that the people who say that Sirius suffered a lot in Azkaban, and that the 12 years spent in the company of the lovely Dementors affected his mental stability (which I completely agree with), are also the people who will start foaming at the mouth the second a Snape fan starts to give an explanation about why Snape made the choices he did.
I mean, not long ago I had someone tell me "well at least Sirius didn't become a bully". Like... what?
The fact is, that both became bullies, and both at the same time in their lives. Not same age obviously, but when you think about it, they were both bullies when they were in power.
It makes sense of course, for someone to be a bully there needs to be some kind of power imbalance. Sirius was extremely privileged in school, the rich and powerful Black heir who defied the bad daddy and mommy, got into the most popular house, and became, with his friends, the rulers of the playground (or biggest bullies in the playground, to quote Sirius). Sirius was a bully during the best time of his life, when
Snape couldn't have been a bully at Hogwarts (as a student I mean), because he had no power at Hogwarts. If we were to establish a hierarchy in the student body, he'd be at the very bottom of it, and Sirius (& co) at the top. But then Snape became a teacher, and bam, he's at the top of the food chain. Maybe not amongst the teachers, but he reigns over the students.
Sirius and Snape are similar in many ways, and that's just one. They have no issues taking their anger on others who don't deserve it, and the fact that Snape is a late bloomer in bullying doesn't make him worse. Specially since his bullying consists of insults, while Sirius thought straight up murder was a fun prank.
In the end, the main difference is that Sirius bullied people the audience isn't supposed to like. Nameless students, so who cares about randoms, and presumably a lot of Slytherins, and well, Slytherins are evil and future Death Eaters, so they deserve to be bullied because of what they'll do in the future (logic? we ate it), and of course our feral greasy boy.
Snape on the other hand, bullied our heroes. Harry, Hermione, and Trevor Neville, which makes him a lot more despicable from the get-go, and makes it a lot harder for the reader to look at it from an objective point of view.
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Please Don't Say Goodbye | Tsukishima Kei/Reader
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi
Pairings: Tsukishima Kei/Reader
Warnings: light swearing, crying, implied panic attacks, arguments, yelling, ummm lemme know if I missed anything
Word Count: 2181
A/N: This was meant to be a drabble- okay, in my defence, I've had such writers block and apparently the feels were necessary soooo. This is 1 of 2 fic ideas that were sent to me by @satan-ruler-of-hells for a prompt thing I did (idk if I can find the thing) and the next one is Tendou. So, maybe get ready for more feels of my almost 5 am angst. I also did not proof-read this, sooooo
How had things ended up like this?
Every little thing was like the calm before the storm - the most tense calm that had ever existed; you were walking on eggshells, and maybe so was he, but you couldn’t help it. At least, you thought you couldn’t. Each attempt to try and fix the mess around you only ended up in more heartbreak.
The storm that always seemed to be headed in your direction had tore apart the home you’d meticulously built together. Plates and picture frames shattered to the ground; glass leaving you walking on bleeding feet. The flowers of your love torn apart somewhere in the distance now. Breath stolen from your lungs, but not from those kisses he’d give you back in high school, not from the way he’d dance with you around his bedroom (only to shove you onto the bed when his brother barged in), not from your outrageous laughter at something stupid that had happened. This was a breath stolen from countless nights arguing, screaming, trying to gain the upper hand in a situation where you were both at a standstill. A breath stolen from your heaving words as you scrunch your hands into your roots, pull your legs close to your chest and shove yourself into a corner while he slammed the door and left to God knows where. Breath stolen from the realization that maybe things just weren’t working like they used to, and that it was okay to love him, but to not be in love with him.
Tonight was just another picture perfect example of why you weren’t meant to be together. You’d come home late from work (because of some stupid assignment that you just wanted to finish today). He was sitting on the couch, scrolling through Netflix for something to watch. Honestly, you just wanted to eat something, so you didn’t bother greeting him, but the moment he noticed your presence in the house, he was hot on your tail.
“Where were you?” His voice sharp as daggers, digging under your skin and tearing you apart piece by piece. His arms are crossed over his chest, eyes so judgmental you feel like you’re in court. Nothing you say is the right answer, so you choose to not say anything. Apparently, that wasn’t the right answer either - this you find out when his iron grip settles on your shoulder and forces you to turn around.
“Hey-” you winced, trying to pry his fingers off.
“Where were you?” He repeated, basically growling at you through his gritted teeth.
“I was at work.” You rolled your eyes, turning your attention back towards the fridge, trying to ease the beating of your heart. In, hold, out. You repeat to yourself, barely remembering what all those instagram therapists had told you.
He scoffed, finally releasing his grip in favor of slamming the fridge door shut, “really? Because the last time I checked, your work ended two hours ago. What could you possibly have been doing for two whole hours?” He was in your face now, making you know how pissed he was.
But you already knew. You’d always known. Why did he need to try and make it so blindingly obvious to you?
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Kei, I was working. What part of that is so hard to understand?” You snapped back, moving away from him with a heavy sigh. At this point, you didn’t bother holding back the venom in your words. You knew he had issues (and you knew why) but did that mean he should take it out on you? No. Fuck.
“Two hours! Y/N, I was waiting two hours. I was going to take us to dinner, we were going to have a nice time.” He followed after you, closing every cupboard door you opened, trying to get your attention. “But you didn’t even send me a text. Were you too busy fuck-”
“Oh my God!” You yelled over him, spinning around to face him with your pure unfiltered aggression.
Back and forth you went for what felt like hours. Tears were acid down your cheeks, your spit a very special concoction of venom just for him. And yet, even as you were dry heaving in the kitchen sink, yelling more obscenities at him, you could never seem to stop. Neither could he.
Tsukishima Kei was known for a lot of things, being an asshole was one of them. That you knew too well.
For a while, though, things were good. He loved you. You loved him.
As he sits there, accusing you over and over of cheating on him, even though you hadn’t and you wouldn’t. God.
When had he become so anxious and persistent that things were going wrong? Yes, they were going wrong, but not for the reasons he keeps saying. It’s driving you insane, to the point where you can’t even remember those stupid breathing techniques, or grounding techniques, or anything.
This argument had lost the plot at some point around when he started yelling at you for doing the dishes wrong (you still insisted there wasn’t a wrong way to do them). So you bit back that his clothes were stupid, or that dinosaurs were stupid, something. Something was stupid.
“If you have so many problems with the way I choose to live my life, then get the fuck out.” You screamed, slamming your fists down onto the table and pointing to the door. His expression was scrunched up into something completely unrecognizable - a fine mixture of hatred and anguish. His chest rising and falling so rapidly you’re amazing he’s still standing. His hair is a complete and utter mess, so many times he’d ran his hand through it to try and make sense of the nonsense you were both spouting.
“Fine, I will!” He yelled back, voice hoarse from the past two hours.
You watched him head towards the door without a second thought, grabbing his coat, shoving his shoes on. You didn’t have the energy to call out after him, no matter how much your heart begged you to.
And your heart did beg you to; but it had already accepted that the end had been coming for too long.
You lean back against one of the cupboards, looking up at that one crack in the ceiling that he’d insisted he’d get around to fixing but something had always come up.
If you had to say what was wrong in your relationship, it would just be something. Something was wrong, and neither of you knew what it was, but something would be your downfall. Something filled the air with poison and made you destined to hate each other; something danced around in your words and twisted the meaning; something caressed your cheek as tears fell.
Something was your downfall and you didn’t have the energy to fight it.
So, maybe you’d call in sick the next day, and your boss would believe you because your voice sounded like hell; and maybe you’d spend the entire day lying in bed despite the fact your stomach was beginning for some nutrients; and maybe it would feel good to not have that nagging voice that you shouldn’t sleep in all day.
But today would have felt nicer with him by your side.
If there was one thing Tsukishima Kei was good at (after a lot of practice), it was making you feel just a little bit better with his empty promises and sweet nothings.
So, maybe you’d dressed yourself in his shirt and breath in him; and maybe you’d grab that dinosaur plushie you’d bought him for his birthday so many years ago and pull it to your chest; maybe you’d sleep on his side of the bed even though his pillow wasn’t as fluffy as yours; and maybe, just maybe, you watched his favourite movie on repeat, hoping it would bring him back to you.
Those were all maybe’s. But maybe they did happen, and you wanted nothing more than to be in his arms and tease him for his glasses that he insisted were cool. Or to have him laugh at you for the fact you majored in literature, despite the fact you weren’t good with words.
When your phone rang, you didn’t hesitate in picking it up, almost too excited for his voice, “Kei-”
“Y/N…” Yamaguchi’s voice was soft, understanding. It killed your fire of excitement in an instant.
You listened to him talk, something about how Tsukishima had decided you needed a break and would be staying at his place for a little while. Something about how he still loved you, but he didn’t want to keep hurting you like this.
It wasn’t a surprise that you didn’t manage to keep it together and broke out crying all over again, basically screaming and begging for things to be okay. There was no doubt in your mind, if Tsukishima was in the room with Yamaguchi, then he’d heard your cries.
“I’ll be better…” you whimpered, after far too long, “I’ll be nice. A-and… I won’t make fun of his glasses. Or dinosaurs. Please… please, Yamaguchi, please tell him to come home!” You cried out, unsure if you even managed to breathe.
He was silent on the line. You couldn’t take it. The silence, you wanted the noise. You’d prefer the arguing over this.
“I’m sorry…” Yamaguchi said weakly, and you knew how much it was hurting him to say this.
He hung up the phone and you were left as a shell of yourself.
And yet, your life must go on. So, for two months, you pushed your problems to the side and kept dredging forward in the hope that the answer to your problems was in one of these articles. Hoping that your co-worker would tell you some shitty anecdote that would distract you for just a little while.
Yo couldn’t look at your apartment anymore, not as little pieces of him were still littered everywhere.
Only, one day, you came home and he wasn’t anywhere. You didn’t notice it, not at first, but then you saw his mug from your museum visit in his third year of high school wasn’t next to your matching one. And then neither were his books on the shelf in your living room, or under the coffee table. His clothes gone from the closet. Every inch. Every detail. Every bit of him you had left had disappeared in the span of one work day.
And you were left with nothing.
With as much energy as you could muster, you turned and ran in the general direction of Yamaguchi’s house (which was hopeless, considering you had the directional capability of a broken compass and the stamina of a dead horse). You really were hopeless as you dialed his number, ignoring the way the moon taunted you in the sky.
He answered, for whatever reason, and you let out a breath. “What is it?” His tone was even, but something told you he was barely holding it together.
“Is this it?” Was all you could say. Head dizzy as you looked for Yamaguchi’s house - which you just knew was somewhere around here.
“It’s been it for a long time.” He really sounded robotic, like he was reading from a script.
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Your voice broke as you ran, ignoring the splintering pain in the balls of your feet, “you thought making Yamaguchi say you needed a break, and then disappearing for two months, and then only reappearing to take your things back was the answer?” You cried out.
“You know-” his voice cracked and he stopped speaking. God, it hurt you so much.
“I never wanted this.” Tears were pouring down your cheeks.
“You think I did?”
“I tried, Y/N, I tried so hard. But you would never listen to me!”
“I tried too, Kei!” You tried not to yell, and you hoped that it worked.
Some miracle brought you to Yamaguchi’s door, the one you only recognized because of the little frog statue on the windowsill. You pressed the doorbell, hoping for the best.
“I tried because I loved you. And I waited for you, I waited and hoped you’d come back. I-” you ran your hands through your hair once again. “I know we aren’t the best, that something is always wrong, but we can work on this. We can… fuck, I don’t know. You were the smart one…” he let out a low chuckle laced with pain. “But we can work something out, can’t we?”
There was a pause, and Yamaguchi opened the door, shocked to see you. Your breath hitched but neither of you spoke.
“I… I can’t do this anymore…” he admitted, and you felt your heart shatter. “Y/N, this is it…”
You could see Tsukishima pacing in the living room just down the hall, and you know Yamaguchi knows you’ve seen him. His phone pulled away from his face, finger shaking over that familiar red button.
“Please don’t say goodbye…” you called out.
General Taglist:
@pies-writes-and-more​ @satan-ruler-of-hells @dekuspet @samkysnks @tobi-momo @kaleidoscopekai @elektrosonix @realcube @darkvadeeer
If you want to be added to the taglist, send a DM or an ask :D
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