#really what i’m doing is just making a mess i think XD
rosylamb · 1 year
Does that mean your hugs are now Fairy Dust Hugs?
♡ *·˚ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙ 🤍 *·˚ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙ ♡
Yes . . yes they are !!
So would you like one, my friend ?? Hmm you know fairies can also grant wishes I think — so I’ll even grant you a wish, too! ♡
If *I* were *you* though I’d wish for strawberry shortcake :D
Cause that’s what I’m thinking of making tonight & I’d be very happy to share! ♡ ♡
Sending lots of love & kind thoughts to you !!
I wish you the sweetest Sunday, and hope you take care ~ !! XOXO 🤍 ༊*·˚ 🍓 .⋆。⋆
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moody-alcoholic · 11 days
These Violent Delights
Chapter 4 - The Distance
Summary: Poly 141 x fem!reader, a/b/o alternate universe. 8.7k words. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder.
CW: MDNI +18 explicit content. a/b/o alternative universe, a/b/o dynamics, typical a/b/o universe tropes, nightmares, mentions of torture, mentions of past abuse, mentions of past SA, choking, receiving injections, sex, anal sex, spanking, handjob.
AN: The writers block has been ROUGH but hey ya get your first smut for the series. It is a poly fic after all. XD
Previous - masterlist - next AO3
Enjoy <3
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You’re sitting in John’s office with Dr. Piper while he’s looking through some folders. You’re trying hard to not be nervous. It reminds you of the times you would be called into the Professor's office. It was rarely for anything good. John puts the papers away, locking the drawer on his desk. It’s way too familiar for your liking, but John doesn’t look mad. 
“We’re going to be leaving for a few days, 3 at the most,” John says. 
“Where are you going?” you ask. 
“You shouldn’t need us. I’ll leave you a way to contact us but if you do I’m going to assume it’s an emergency.” He looks between you both. Now you’re worried about him, all of them. They’re probably going away to do something dangerous. You could never see them again, they’re soldiers after all.
“What are you going to do?” you ask. 
“Dr. Montgomery let us know where we can find some of the formula. We’re going to get some so it can speed up her research,” John explains. So they can find a cure sooner. You’re still not sure what to think of this, but you know they want a cure.
You look over at Dr. Piper. She’s listening to him. You shouldn’t care, it’s your job to be a good omega and do whatever your alpha wants. John and Simon both want a cure. You’re not really listening to the conversation but Dr. Piper nods at him now and then. They’re going to be gone for a few days. You can live with that, just a few days. 
“We’ll be back before you know it.” John smiles. You smile back at him. 
“When are you leaving?” you ask. 
Tonight comes quicker than you think. Everyone had been so busy that Johnny and Kyle didn’t even have time to eat dinner with you. It’s the first time you’d been to the mess alone. You missed the days when Dr. Piper would bring you your meals and you didn’t have to leave the barracks. She said getting out of the barracks is good though, a nice change of scenery and fresh air. 
You can’t sleep. You're not sure why. You’re turning around in bed and whatever position you’re in feels uncomfortable. You can see the light coming in under your door, you can hear their voices in the common room. You want to see them again, one last time before they leave. You slip out of bed pulling your arms around your chest. With the window open your room is always cold. 
You crack open the door and you can see them all moving around the common room. You see John’s back as he gives orders in a low voice. You’re sneaking down the corridor. You don’t know why you’re trying to be sneaky. It’s not like you’d get into trouble for wanting to say goodbye to them. You see Johnny leave the building as you make it to John, and it’s almost like he senses you before you have time to reach out to tap him on the back. He turns around, looking at you, resting the tablet he has in his hands down by his side. 
“You should be sleeping,” he says. 
“I couldn’t sleep,” you admit. A little smile forms on his lips as he puts his hand on your shoulder.
“We’ll be back soon,” he says. You look up in his eyes, his deep blue eyes. He looks sad, his expression soft. Maybe if you beg, he’ll stay.
“What if you get hurt?” you say. He lets out a chuckle, his hand moving up to your face. 
“No one’s getting hurt. Not on my watch,” he says, and you believe him. What if he gets hurt though? You don’t think you could live with yourself if any of them got hurt. 
“Cap, the truck’s here.” You look past John to see Kyle sticking his head around the door. He pauses when he notices you. John waves him away before turning his attention back to you. 
“You’re not going to worry while we’re gone are you?” Price says. You shake your head, and he leans down kissing the top of your head. You wish he didn’t have to go. His scent strong in the air, you project your scent onto him. It’s all you can really do. You see him react to it, his thumb stroking your cheek. He sighs, dropping his hand and turning to leave. You smile for him. That's what he needs, for you to be a good omega for him and not worry, or at least make him think you’re not worried. 
“Stay safe,” you call as he leaves out the door. 
“Always,” he says, smiling. You watch as he leaves, the door closing behind him. The place already feels empty. You hit the switch on the wall and the building goes dark. You walk back down to your room, there’s already a pit forming in your stomach. You almost want to wake up Dr. Piper just so you’ll have someone near you so you won’t be alone. You walk into your room seeing your nest. It’s all you want. You rush over to it, flopping down on the pillows, pulling the blankets over you. They’ll be safe, they know what they’re doing.
Your dreams are filled with visions of everyone dying. Johnny dies quickly, always shot in the head bleeding out on the floor. Kyle’s not so lucky, some kind of chemical that burns his skin and his lungs as he screams in pain. Simon’s next he takes the longest to go down, fighting to the bitter end, his body punctured with knives and bullets.
Then there’s John, it’s always the Professor who gets him and tortures him just like every other alpha he’s slaughtered. You hate the Professor being in your dreams, you hate that you’re riddled with nightmares. Dr. Piper said it’s normal—something called PTSD. You hate that they’ve all left, you hate Dr. Piper, they're doing this for her, for the cure. You don’t even want a cure. But you have to do this for them. Be a good omega. 
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It’s been 24 hours since they left. You’ve been lonely. You didn’t think you were going to miss them as much as you do. You miss Johnny and Kyle keeping you company, lunches have been too quiet. Dr. Piper has been so busy you haven’t seen her much, and she’s been skipping lunch. You hate being alone. The mess is loud and busy. It’s the only other time you see any other soldiers. Sometimes you see them training around the base but then they’re caught up in whatever they're doing. 
You miss John the most. Dr. Piper said it’s normal to miss your pack, to feel like this. It doesn’t make it any easier, especially when you’re not sure when they’re going to be back. You hope John’s safe. You hope they all are.
In the mess people stare. You hear them talking under their breath. It makes you uncomfortable, so you eat faster, their eyes drilling into the back of you. It’s not their fault, they just don’t understand. You’re sick of being called a freak. You heard a new one yesterday, ‘barracks bunny.’ At least that doesn’t sound bad, and bunnies are cute. You miss having an alpha around, and you miss having someone you can go to for safety. Dr. Piper was right, John is a good alpha. When he comes back you want to go for another walk in the forest. 
You’re not allowed to leave the base alone. Maybe you could sneak out though, figure out another way through the fence. There has to be a break in the walls somewhere. Then you could see the lake whenever you want. You sigh as you finish your pudding, it's custard flavor this time. You should take a sandwich to Dr. Piper, she probably needs it. She’s been working so hard. You throw your tray away and pick up a chicken sandwich. You walk out the mess passing soldiers coming in for a late lunch. 
‘She’s fucking some SAS soldier,’ a voice says, followed with laughter. ‘Really an SAS soldier?’ 
Why should you even care? You shouldn’t care, all they think is that you’re some sex toy. Maybe that’s what John wants? You haven't had time to talk to him about it. He’s always been so soft, so kind. When he’s in heat, he’ll be different though. At the end of the day, it’s all you really are. An omega made for an alpha, to breed with an alpha make more omegas. 
You walk over to the lab still squeezing the sandwich in your hands. You’re going to start going for food later, maybe then you can avoid the rush of soldiers. At least here you’re accepted, people won’t stare or judge you. You walk in the scent of beta is strong in the air. It’s relaxing, and you stop squishing the sandwich. 
“Hey.” You turn to see the alpha looking at you, his hands behind his back as he leans forward. He’s not like other alphas. If he didn’t smell so strong, you’d presume he was a beta. Even the way he holds himself is like he’s shy. 
“Dr. Miller right?” you say, keeping your distance. He nods. 
“I’ve been working on a hormone blocker for Lieutenant Riley, would you like to see?” He says moving to the side of the table he’s working on. You can see a microscope set up. You nod, feeling intimidated by his presence, but you're too curious. You walk over to the table. He smiles at you and you press your eye up to the microscope. You don’t know what you’re looking at but it looks pretty. 
“Awesome right?” he says, sounding enthusiastic. You back up, smiling at him. 
“Do you think it will help him?” you ask. He shrugs. 
“I hope so, that’s why I’m working on it.” He looks at you sympathetically. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” you offer. It feels right. He smiles at you. 
“I’ll let you know,” he says. You nod at him. He seems nice, he makes you think of John, kind and smiley. You walk across the lab to Dr. Pipers office. You knock and she calls you in. Her office is small, not like John's; there's no personality in it, just lab equipment and a massive window looking out into the lab. She’s sitting behind a desk typing on the computer as you sit down. 
“I got you a sandwich,” you say, putting it down on her desk. “Have you ever had your own office before?” you ask her as she moves to look over at you. 
“No. Are you missing them yet?” she asks.
“It’s only been a day,” you say. You do miss them though. 
“They’re your pack. I would expect you to be missing them after a few hours.” She leans back in her chair. You nod. 
“They’ll be back before you know it. I did ask John if one of them could stay but he said they were all needed,” she explains. You would have liked it if one of them had stayed, if not to just eat with you.
“How are the nightmares?” she asks. You hang your head, you don’t want to talk about it. 
“I hear you screaming at night. We could try some sleeping pills?” she asks. You look up at her. You don’t know if you want that. Would it even help? You shake your head. 
“It’s not that bad, I don’t remember them anyway,” you lie. You’ve always found lying so easy to Dr. Piper or betas in general. Even so, you can tell she doesn’t believe you, but she doesn’t push it any further. 
“Think they’ll be back tomorrow?” you ask. 
“I don’t know. They’ll be back when they’re back. John said it could be 3 days at least.” You nod, you don’t know what you were expecting her to say. You wonder what constitutes an emergency, what would have them racing back across the country for you. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” you ask, looking out the window and seeing scientists working. 
“No. You should get some rest, things are going to get busy over the next few weeks. You should appreciate the down time,” Dr. Piper smiles. You sigh, you’re sick of being stuck in the barracks, the TV can only keep you occupied for so long. 
“Think it would be possible to get some books?” you ask. You used to read in the bunker. There was a bookshelf in one of the rooms, and you must have read each book about a million times but it was something to do. 
“I can talk to John about it when he gets back.” She rolls away on her chair and picks up a bag pulling a book out. She hands it over to you. You take it out of her hands, it’s a pretty book with a picture of a cat and a girl on the front. 
“Alice in Wonderland. It’s a bit on the nose, I was going to wait to give it to you,” she says. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, flicking through it. It’s old, the pages are turning yellow on the edges, and it's got the old book smell you like. 
“It’s about a girl who follows a rabbit down a hole into a mysterious land where she has adventures. It’s a classic book, if you like it I can definitely get you more.” She smiles, her computer beeping capturing her attention. You smile back getting up to leave, excited to have something to do other than watch TV.
Dr. Miller waves as you pass him, clutching the book. You rush back to the barracks. It’s starting to rain and when you make it back to your room you can hear the pitter patter of drops on the window, there’s a cool breeze brushing through and you can smell the pine from the forest. It’s perfect as you crawl into your nest, throwing a blanket round your shoulders. 
You open the book surprised to see your name written on the first page. It’s signed by Dr. Piper. Happy 13th birthday. It makes a lump form in your throat. She’s had this all these years. You wonder why she never gave it to you, or maybe it was the Professor stopping her. It makes you smile. You shuffle deeper into your nest and make a mental note to thank her later as you start reading.
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Doctor Montgomery and Price both agreed if there was going to be a sample of the formula it would be in Professor Hale’s mansion. He hardly spent time at his other properties, just used them when he needed to travel. Besides this was where his home lab was. It wasn’t hard to get blueprints for the mansion. The place was huge, the lab suspected to be in the basement. 
“Place looks quiet, no lights, no movement.” It’s Ghost’s voice in Price’s ear. 
“Copy,” he replies. The place was quiet, no cars, no one in or out for hours. The sun is starting to set and no lights are being turned on. If the Professor was here, he wasn’t letting them know. They should move in now in case someone comes back in the evening. 
“Let’s move.” Price looks over at Soap and Gaz kneeling next to him on the forest's edge. He hears Ghost say copy as Soap leaves the cover of the foliage to meet him. Gaz moves too, standing up out of the bushes. Something’s different now, he feels more on edge then normal, like his senses have been turned up to the max. 
“Think he’s out?” Gaz asks, breaking Price’s train of thought. 
“Think so,” Price responds, getting up and walking with Gaz over to a side door. The Professor’s not a threat, but it would be nice to be able to deal with him now. He’s lucky they still don’t know where he is. The sun is low in the sky. The view from the back of the mansion is nice. Sprawling fields broken up by woodlines, he takes a moment to soak it in. 
When they get to the side door Price signals for Gaz to get the crowbar in position. Everyone is stacked up on the door. He nods at Gaz who presses down on the crowbar as the door pops open. Price gives the order for Ghost and Soap to enter. They walk in. There are no alarms—that's not good. It’s almost too quiet. Everyone funnels in. Price let’s Ghost take the lead as they walk through the kitchen into what looks like a living room. 
“Where’s the entrance to this basement?” Soap asks.
“Main lobby,” Gaz replies. Ghost keeps walking, scanning each corner as he moves. They make it to the lobby. Price can see the front doors. The place is quiet, there's no one here. 
“Ghost, Gaz, clear the next floor, Soap let’s go,” Price says gesturing to the next room. He can see Soap smile in the dark as he moves into the next room. It doesn’t take long for Soap and Price to finish clearing the ground floor. Dr. Montgomery said it was normal to hear and see things better. One of the perks of the formula, it makes clearing rooms easier when you can sense what’s in there before you enter.
Soap was already good at sweeping rooms before this but now he’s like a fine tuned machine, Price watches his nostrils flare as he enters each room, every source of noise being snapped to in an instant. It’s mainly creaking floors, rats behind the walls. Maybe he’ll have to look into some training to help them all get better at using their senses to their advantage. At least until they have a cure.  
Price can hear Ghost and Gaz upstairs, their methodical steps, the opening and closing of doors. Definitely the best thing is being able to see better even in this low light, that’s a massive advantage. The building loops round and before they know it they’re back in the lobby. Price looks for the stairs to the basement as they wait for Ghost and Gaz to come back from upstairs. 
“Place is clear,” Ghost says as he comes down the stairs with Gaz following behind. Price nods and they all follow him to the open door. They make it down into the lab. The place looks ransacked. Maybe Dr. Montgomery was right and he’s fled with the only known sample of the formula. A light comes on and now Price can see the extent of the damage, it doesn’t look like there is much left. Gaz and Soap are already pulling drawers and cupboards open. 
“What are we looking for exactly?” 
“Medical vials, anything labeled, omega project or omega initiative,” Price says going over to a computer. 
“Do you ever read the briefs?” Gaz asks. 
“‘Course,” Soap replies. Gaz hums. To Price’s surprise the computer turns on as he moves the mouse. Unsurprisingly the whole thing has been wiped. 
“Price!” Ghost calls from round one of the corners in the room. Price goes round seeing Ghost leaned over a computer. He presses play on the video. It's you, although you look younger, thinner. Your hair tied back, you look pale, sitting in a chair, your head slumped forward.
“How do you feel?” asks Dr. Montgomery. She’s the person sitting on the other end of the table, just out of frame. You don’t respond, just sniffle. 
“It’s been 5 days, and you’re coming down from your–” there’s a pause “—19th heat.” Your head looks up, your eyes swollen with tears. There’s bruising too, on your cheeks and on your neck. A knot forms in Price’s stomach. 
“Have you got any pain anywhere?” she asks. You shake your head. 
“The water is for you,” Dr. Montgomery says sliding the glass closer to you. You reach out to grip it with a shaking hand. There are marks around your wrists. The video glitches and skips along. 
“Heat experiment 15 was a failure.” It’s another voice out of frame. It’s a low male voice, it must be the Professor. There’s the sound of a door opening interrupting his speech.
“You said they would leave her neck and face alone.” It’s Dr. Montgomery, she sounds mad. 
“Doctor, you know I cannot control people’s actions,” the Professor sighs. “Is she going to recover?” 
“Physically, yes the bruising is already improving.” 
“Then what is the problem?” he asks, sounding annoyed. 
“She is becoming more and more aware during her heats. Mentally this is taking a toll,” Dr. Montgomery says. Simon skips to the next video. This time your hair is wet sticking to your face, blood running down the side of your head. The table is gone. 
“You keep pushing and pushing. How are you ever going to be a good omega if you keep pushing your alpha!” It’s just the Professor and he sounds mad, the anger is almost radiating through the monitor. The Professor steps into frame pressing his face up against yours, you flinch trying to lean back as far as you can. 
“No alpha will ever want a disobedient omega.” His hand grips your throat, choking you, pulling your neck up. Your hands grip his wrists, feet flailing. 
“You will stay here until you’ve learned your lesson!” he snaps, letting you go. You fall forward out of the chair and onto the floor pulling your knees to your chest. The Professor walks out of frame for a second then comes back, pulling your hair up. You yelp in pain as he places something on the back of your neck. You scream as the Professor holds your hands away from your neck, then your body goes limp. Ghost steps forward pulling a USB stick out the computer the video stops playing. 
“Soap!” Price shouts. He walks round the corner. “Did you listen to the part of the brief about which explosives to bring?” 
“‘Course, sir,” he smiles. Price looks at Ghost. There’s anger in his eyes. They both just witnessed the same thing, and that was only a snippet. There’s a pit in his stomach that he hasn’t felt in years. 
“Set the charges,” Price says, pushing past Soap. 
“Let’s find the formula, then blow this place further into the dirt.”
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“Hey, stranger,” Dr. Miller says as you walk into the lab. It’s been over 48 hours now and you’ve still not heard if they’re coming back yet or not. You smile at him as you watch him pipetting something into a test tube. He’s alone, it is getting darker out and you’re surprised anyone is still working other than Dr. Piper. You can’t remember what you came in here for. You just wanted some company from someone who understands. It didn’t take you long to finish the book, and you read it twice before falling asleep yesterday. 
“Still working on the hormone blocker?” you ask him, and he nods. You pull over a stool to watch him. 
“I think I’m a bad omega,” you say as he squirts more solution into another tube. The chemical changes colour.  
“Missing your alpha?” he asks sympathetically. You nod, but it’s not just John. Your whole pack is gone, you miss them all.
“When did you leave the bunker?” you ask. He looks over at you for a second. 
“I managed to get out a few months before Professor Hale started to kill off the alphas.” 
“You were lucky,” you say. You remember the mass slaughter. The stench of blood was thick in the air for days. You remember how the Professor told you it was your fault. You were not being a good omega. You thought you remembered every alpha, the Professor made you scent all of them. Maybe there were more than you remembered. 
“Do you think there can be 2 alphas in a pack?” you ask him. He sits back in the stool humming.
“I think your pack situation is very unique. I think Lieutenant Riley is very controlled,” he says. It’s not exactly what you want to hear.  
“Why do you think you’re a bad omega?” he asks, changing the subject. 
“I don’t know if I want the cure,” you say. 
“That doesn’t make you a bad omega, that makes you human,” he says, smiling as he picks up a vial of something shaking it in his hand. 
“What about you, do you want a cure?” you ask him. He pauses for a second. 
“A lot of us had very normal lives before working for Professor Hale. Being in a relationship with kids, it’s hard when you have all these new instincts. Not to mention you’re the only omega we know that exists. That’s not easy for alphas knowing the only shot we have of getting an omega is one who’s already claimed,” he explains.
You didn’t think about it like that. You know what it’s like, the burning drive to find an alpha. You’ve lived through not having one for years. Maybe the Professor was being kind when he killed all the alphas, it was that or condemning them to a life of pain, searching for something they’ll never get.
“Did you have a family?” you ask. 
He shakes his head. “I had a mother who lived in Oregon, she died a couple of years ago.” 
“I’m sorry,” you say. That’s what you’re supposed to say when someone dies. He looks at you and smiles.
“I have some samples I need to test on you. They’re just simple compounds. I can give you them now. It would be a really big help.” You can smell his sincerity in the air. You nod before you even realise what you’re doing. He smiles going into a drawer and taking out two syringes. 
“Actually, I should ask Dr. Piper,” you say. 
“Don’t worry it will only take a few seconds, there’s no need to bother her, she's so busy.” His alpha is strong in the air. You don’t really have much of a choice. Before you’ve even realised it you're nodding, rolling your sleeve up. You turn to the side for him, as he cleans your arm.  
“Sharp scratch,” he says pressing the first injection in, you don’t feel anything.  
“What is it?” you ask. 
“Captain Price is going to claim you right?” You nod. His alpha is almost suffocating, it makes nervous goosebumps rise on the back of your neck. You forgot what question you asked.
“Will it help them?” you ask. He smiles, injecting the second syringe.
“Of course, everything you do here helps them.” 
“They really want a cure,” you say as he finishes and you pull your sleeve back down. 
“What do you want?” he asks, turning to write something down on a clipboard.
“I want to make them happy, and be a good omega.” It doesn't matter what you think. It’s whatever they want, especially John. You want to keep him happy. He looks over from the papers to you. 
“You know I have been working on an idea with Dr. Montgomery. I think maybe if you could give us a hand we could figure it out quicker.” He looks at you, you don’t know what to say. You should talk to her first. 
“It would really help them. We might even be able to get a cure sooner,” he says. You swallow the lump in your throat. You should do this for them, be a good omega. You remember how angry Simon was a few days ago, even asking to be discharged. You nod reluctantly. 
“I’ll talk to Dr. Montgomery, will you come back tomorrow, early morning around 6?” You nod hopping off the stool. 
“You’re a good omega for this. Captain Price will be very proud.” You smile at the praise. John will be happy. The sooner they can find a cure, the happier they will be. You smile at him as you leave the lab. You wonder why Dr. Piper hasn’t approached you about helping before. Maybe she’s not ready yet, or maybe she’s just trying to give you a break.
You don’t care, she’s lied to you before, for years. Maybe Dr. Miller is closer than he thinks to a cure. The least you can do is help. You walk back to the barracks. It’s already evening and the days feel like they’ve been going faster. That’s good, at least. Hopefully they’ll be back soon. 
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You wake to the smell of alpha in the air. You sit up straight looking around. You’re laid out on the sofa. You don’t remember making it to the barracks or turning the TV on, or falling asleep. Your head is swimming, the scent of alpha is strong, you see the door open as Price and Johnny walk into the room. You smile when you see them, you want to throw yourself in John’s arms instead you pull yourself off the sofa. 
“Hey lass did ya miss us?” Johnny says, you nod going over to them. John’s alpha scent washes over you, and you project your scent into the air for him. He looks tired. 
“Yeah, it’s been boring.” Maybe you should tell them about your conversation with Dr. Miller. No, you want to wait until you have something more concrete to show them. No point in getting their hopes up for nothing. 
“Did you get the formula?” you ask as Gaz walks in the building. 
“You bet we did!” Johnny calls swinging a bag over his shoulder. You smile at him. That’s good, you’re happy for them. Now Dr. Piper has one less obstacle, and with the help you’ve been giving they could have a cure in a few months. John comes over to you, his scent strong. There’s something else there too. Sadness. 
“Let’s have a quick chat,” he says, leading you to his office. You’ve missed him, missed being around him, missed his scent. He sits down on the sofa patting the spot next to him. You smile sitting down.  
“We went to Professor Hale’s house. That was where Dr. Montgomery said we could find a copy of the formula.” Your breath catches in your throat. You dig your nails into your palms. Why didn’t they tell you?
“D-did you kill him?” you ask, swallowing hard. 
“No, he wasn’t there. We got a copy of the formula, it should help Dr. Montgomery find a cure quicker.” You nod ignoring the pain in your palms. You feel relief. You shouldn’t be relieved—he was a bad man—but for some reason you’re relieved he’s not dead. 
“I saw a video, a video of you—” 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” you say getting up. You’re embarrassed, you want to cry, you want to run away. You turn away from him, you can’t look at him right now. You were happy in the fact that you thought everything from the bunker had been destroyed. Of course the Professor kept videos of you. You can only imagine what John saw, and none of it is good.
“It’s okay,” you hear him say as he gets up off the sofa.  
“I know he would take videos. I know.” You can’t stop the tears now. Cameras were just part of your life, he would record everything for research. He especially liked to record your heats. You’re lucky you remember so little of them, you wish you didn’t remember any of it. You feel John rest one of his hands on your shoulder. You freeze up. His hand is warm, strong. He’s not going to hurt you, but he could. It would be so easy for him to slip his hand on the back of your neck and it would be over. Everything in your body is telling you to protect your neck, to run. His scent is suffocating, the smell of sadness is gone. You smell something else. 
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he says. You smell the betas worry through the doors. You know they’re standing there listening, they’re projecting, they're trying to mask your scent without even realising it. 
“I’m okay.” It’s a lie. You’re being a bad omega, you’re lying to your alpha. You hear him sigh. He can tell. You tense up even more than you thought you ever could. You wait for the anger, the shouting, anything. His hand leaves your shoulder. It's not what you’re expecting, your hand goes up to the back of your neck. You swallow hard letting the betas scent relax you and turn to face John. His expression is soft. His hand slowly comes up to cup your cheek. You let him, keeping your eyes on him as he brushes your cheek with his thumb. 
“They hurt you,” he says as a matter of fact. You look down, you can’t look him in the eyes right now. You can’t tell what’s embarrassment or what’s sadness. 
“I only got what I deserved,” you say, looking back up at him. You can’t look in his eyes. He might not want to punish you now but he will eventually. You’re a bad omega. His hands come back to your shoulders, and you almost flinch away. His hands grip you strong and firm keeping you in place. 
“If anyone tells you that you deserved what you went through, you send them my way, all right?” he asks. You nod. You trust him, you trust him. 
You press yourself into his chest, your arms wrapping around him as you sob, trying your best to keep quiet. His scent fills your nose and you relax into him. He’s your alpha, you’re part of his pack.
“What are you going to do, kick their ass?” you ask, trying to lighten the mood.
“Worse,” he says, kissing the top of your head. You believe him. For a few seconds you let yourself imagine him kicking the Professor's ass. He would be able to, the Professor is bigger but John’s a trained soldier. You hum into his chest, letting your scent fill the air as his hand rubs your back. 
“I trust you John, I'm just not used to trusting people,” you say, opening your eyes, the tears run down your face. He pushes you off his chest, you almost want to whine from the break of contact. His hand comes up to brush your cheeks. 
“I know.” He’s gentle, his hands move slowly as you look in his eyes. You didn’t want it to just be a biology thing. You like him. You wish one day you could maybe love him. His head tips down as he leans into you, you look at his lips. He wants to kiss you, you want to kiss him. Panic rises in your chest—what if you’re a bad kisser, you’ve never kissed anyone before! You don’t have time to worry about it as his lips meet yours. You close your eyes. His lips are soft but his beard tickles your face and it makes you smile. You don’t know if you’re doing it right but you must be on the right track as he pulls you closer to him, his arms running down your body, his fingers mapping out each curve. 
You don’t even realise you’re not breathing until his tongue presses against your lips and you gasp opening your mouth for him. Just like his touch his tongue is gentle too, he moves slow like he’s taking his time to explore your mouth. His hands grip your waist pulling you tighter as he continues his slow movements. You can smell it in the air now, arousal. You try to ignore it, it’s strong though almost as strong as his alpha. He senses your change in body movements and pulls away. You open your eyes looking at him, his eyes glossed over as he comes back up to stroke your cheek.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks, you feel yourself blushing.
“Nothing.” You say smiling up at him. “That was nice.” He kisses your forehead, you wrap your arms around him and he pulls you into the hug. You can still smell the beta’s through the door, you feel embarrassed now, they’ve been listening to this whole thing.
“Johnny and Kyle are standing outside the door.” You smile breaking away from the hug as his hands drop down to your waist. He walks around you to the door. When he opens it you can hear them scuttling away. He turns to you and you walk back into his embrace. 
“How about a cup of tea and some horrible reality TV?” he asks. You smile at him. 
“All I’ve done is watch TV for the last few days.” 
“Great so you’ll know all the best channels,” he says. You let him wrap his arm around him as you both walk out into the main common room. Johnny winks at you from the kitchen. 
“MacTavish, Garrick, get some rest,” he says to the room which is followed by ‘yes sirs.’ 
“Where’s Simon?” you ask.
“I’m sure he’ll be around soon,” John says as he moves you over to the sofa. You sit down as he heads into the kitchen. 
“How do you take the tea?”
“I like it milky and sweet.” You see him smile as he turns into the fridge. You turn the TV on flicking through the channels till you find something. 
You watch him work in the kitchen, spooning sugar into mugs, then water, then milk. He brings the mugs over and you move over making space for him as he sits down next to you. His arm rests round the back of the sofa and he motions for you to lay in his arms. He wants you to lay in his arms, your alpha wants you to lay in his arms. You pull your legs on the sofa and scoot over resting your head against his chest and your arm around his stomach. The show on the TV is familiar, you recognize the people, actors? You can’t tell. 
“So what’s this about?” he asks, wrapping his free hand around you while he sips his tea. 
“These women all live near each other in these big houses. The blonde haired woman is always upset about something,” you explain, cuddling into him. His arm is warm, you can hear his heartbeat, you can feel each muscle and scar under his shirt. 
“John, I like spending time with you,” you say as you find your fingers run across his stomach. He kisses your head again. 
“I know, we have all the time in the world.” That’s a lie if you’ve ever heard one. It’s what you need now though, his familiar scent filling your lungs. It’s what you need. It’s making you dizzy. His arm runs down your back then back up to your arm making goosebumps stand up on the back of your neck. You’ve missed him, you’re glad he’s back and safe.
“I’ll be a good omega for you,” you breathe as your body gets tired again. You feel safe, you are safe. You close your eyes.
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Simon walks into the lab letting the door slam behind him. He doesn’t care if she knows he’s here or not. 
“Welcome back,” she says, watching him walk across the room. He doesn’t say anything as he stops at the table she’s working on. He puts a small crate down on the table. She stands up and clicks it open, running her fingers over the vials then looking up at Simon smiling. He used to like her smile, now he just sees the evil behind it. She takes the vials, turning to put them in a fridge behind her.
“How did it go? Smoothly?” she asks, turning back to look at him. 
“Classified,” he grunts. 
“Well omega’s been missing you,” she sighs, he can hear the annoyance in it. He huffs, shaking his head. She missed Price, not him.
“We got what you needed, and this,” he says, throwing the USB on the table. 
“What’s this?” she asks picking it up. 
“Maybe you’ll find something helpful. If not, well.” 
“Well what?” 
“Thought you might enjoy some memories.” He turns to walk away. 
“Memories? What are you talking about?” she says confused. 
“You stayed to keep her alive. I saw what it was like for her.” His voice is harsh in the air.
“No. You kept her alive. You kept her alive to be tortured.” He doesn’t want to talk to her right now. He wants to be with you, and he can’t even do that.
“So what? I should have let her die? Hale would have picked another omega, another subject,” Dr. Piper says. 
“So what?” he snaps. “She’s a human being, she’s a person. You let her suffer. You let her suffer and that's on you.” His hand rests on the door handle. 
“Simon. I tried so hard for her. I put my life on the line for her.” She steps round the desk towards him. He huffs letting his hand fall from the door handle. 
“No more excuses. You made the choice to let her go through it,” he says, turning to face her. Her eyes dilate for a second and she takes a step back. He wants to trust her, but everytime he lets his guard down with her something reminds him of who she is.
“I’m not making excuses,” she says. 
“You are, you just don’t realise it.” He opens the door and leaves. 
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Simon walks through the door into the barracks. He looks at Price on the sofa with you laying up against his chest. You’re asleep breathing steady against him. You’re safe, calm in his arms. He can smell you in the air, always something sweet, strawberries or cherries. He remembers how you looked in the videos, how you looked so helpless. Price told him to destroy the USB, but he already decided he was going to give it to Dr. Montgomery. 
“You gave her the formula?” Price asks as Simon closes the door behind him. 
“Yeah, she’s working on it,” Simon says, coming over to the sofa. He moves round to the other side, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over you. Price nods at him. Simon knows all about Price’s glances, knows what they mean. He wants to be left alone.  
“How is she?” Simon asks, stepping back round the TV. 
“She’s fine, missed us,” Price says. Simon can hear the hesitation in his voice. Simon sighs, soaks you in: eyes closed, mouth open slightly, your arm wrapped round Price’s stomach. He wants nothing more than to climb onto the sofa with you both, pry you out of Price’s arms and into his. He knows you haven’t missed him. He just hopes you’re not scared of him.
“You good?” Price asks. Simon doesn’t want to lie to him.
“All good, sir,” Simon replies. 
“If you want to talk about it, you know I'm around,” Price says. 
“It’s okay Price, I’m good.” Simon’s voice is harsh in the air, his heart pounding in his ears as your scent fills his nose. You’re relaxed, you’re safe. It’s nothing like the videos, it’s nothing like the reports he has seen. 
He’s jealous. He wishes you were in his arms. He doesn’t want to be jealous of Price but he can’t help it. There’s an ache there, something he can’t put his finger on. It hurts like a deep pain in his chest, something he hasn’t felt in years. He remembers what Dr. Montgomery said; it’ll get easier once you’re claimed. He wishes it was him doing it instead of John. 
He picks his bag up then heads to his room walking past Johnny’s open door, his kit spread all over the floor. Typical, he must be the one in the showers since Gaz’s door is closed. He goes into his room throwing his bag down. He grabs a towel and a change of clothes. He needs to blow off some steam. 
Simon walks into the bathroom, his nose filled with the smell of Johnny. It’s a good smell, soapy and fresh. It reminds Simon of a warm summer's day, clean sheets in the breeze. Johnny’s head pokes out from one of the showers. 
“Hey LT, come to cop a look?” Johnny winks at him from across the room. Simon rolls his eyes, stripping his clothes off, pulling his mask over his head. He can feel Johnny’s eyes on him. Simon likes when Johnny’s eyes are on him, and he’s not sure why. There’s a new scent in the air, he could faintly smell it when he walked into the building earlier. Vanilla, only this time it's heavy in the room, he makes his way round to the showers. Simon can see Johnny trying and failing to avoid his gaze. Maybe it was just Johnny’s shower gel this whole time. 
“See something you like, Sergeant?” Simon asks, turning on the shower. He holds his hand under the water as it starts off cold. 
“It’s nice and warm in here, sir,” Johnny says, leaning on the wall between them. There’s the smell of vanilla again, this time it hits Simon fast, right at the back of his nose. He looks over at Johnny with that cheeky grin on his face and before he knows it, he’s turned off his shower. 
Johnny’s eyes follow him around as he steps into the cubicle with him. Johnny’s hands immediately run up Simon’s chest, his hands are soft, and his touch is nice. Simon presses closer to Johnny backing him up against the wall. Johnny leans up, planting his lips on Simon as he grips his waist. Simon’s hands run down Johnny’s arms as he forces his tongue into his mouth. Johnny’s touch is familiar, he knows where to touch him, how to kiss him. Simon relaxes into it letting Johnny’s hands run over him. Simon moves one of his hands up to run through Johnny’s hair letting his fingers massage his scalp. 
“It’s been a while,” Johnny says between kisses. He was right, it had been a while. Simon had missed Johnny’s touch. Maybe this is what he needed, a true way to relax and destress. Ever since you showed up in their lives everything had just been a mixture of emotions, everything had been moving at a million miles an hour. Simon could use a break, and Johnny always knows how to make Simon feel good.
Johnny’s mouth moves to his neck, he grips Simon’s cock, thrusting his hands down his shaft pressing his thumb on the underside the way Simon likes it. Johnny looks back up at him smiling before he plants another kiss on his lips. Johnny shuffles his body like he’s about to get on his knees, but Simon grips his arms instead. Johnny looks at him confused, tipping his head to the side. 
“We’re skipping the foreplay,” Simon says in a low voice that sends shivers up Johnny’s spine. There’s the cheeky grin again. Simon doesn’t change his expression, leaning down to kiss him before spinning him around. Johnny doesn’t need to be asked twice bracing himself on the short shower wall. This was definitely what Simon needed, he grips Johnny’s ass parting his cheeks digging his fingers into his skin.
It doesn’t take long for Johnny to relax too, the air being filled with the smell of something musky Simon can’t quite put his finger on. Even though the act is familiar, the sensations and the smells are new. That heavy scent of vanilla that’s making Simon’s head spin, the smell of beta filling the air and the other scent Simon can’t place. 
Johnny lets out the most beautiful moan Simon has ever heard as he eases himself into him. One of Simon’s hands reaches around to find Johnny’s cock. He pushes Johnny’s hand out the way, replacing it with his. 
“Christ Si, desperate?” Johnny moans as Simon starts to thrust into him. Simon brings his free hand up to cover Johnny’s mouth. 
“Quiet MacTavish, unless you want Price and the omega to know whats going on.” He gestures towards the wall. Johnny nods and Simon releases his hand from around Johnny’s mouth. Johnny keeps quiet but doesn’t relent with the snarky comments. Simon’s almost not paying attention, letting Johnny run his mouth, enjoying hearing his voice and letting himself get lost in the pleasure. His senses feel heightened, he can tell Johnny feels it too, Johnny’s panting becoming faster as Simon wraps his arm round his stomach hitching him up so he’s bouncing down onto him. 
The smell of alpha is strong in the air and it only gets stronger the closer Simon gets to cumming, it makes the hairs stand up on the back of Johnny’s neck, his moans becoming more like whimpers as he gives into the scent. It’s intoxicating. Simon isn’t thinking when he cums, his hand pumping his fist on Johnny’s cock, letting Johnny get as loud as he wants as he thrusts into Simon’s hand. The smell of beta and vanilla fills the air. Johnny goes limp in Simon’s arms and he holds him against the wall. 
Simon’s head is spinning, his body tingling, he’s never felt pleasure like this before, Johnny's arms are slumped over the short wall as he pants, Simon’s hand still holding his spent cock. Simon rubs his thumb over the tip causing Johnny’s whole body to twitch and shudder up against him. Simon slowly moves Johnny back under the warm water holding him up against his chest. 
“Fecking incredible sir.” Simon can’t help smiling as he lets go of Johnny letting him stand by himself. 
“Not too bad yourself Johnny,” Simon says, slapping Johnny's ass as he leaves the cubicle, going into the one next to him. This time he lets the cold water hit his skin, and his mind turns to you, the smell of strawberries fills his nose. He tries to shake it away, but it’s not long before the pit forms again in his chest like there’s something missing. Simon looks over at Johnny.
He’s finishing up, turning the shower off to leave. It’s not the same anymore, the burning pain of needing an omega is too strong. He wanted Johnny but he needs you. He closes his eyes, turning up the heat on the water. He lets it burn his shoulders as he hears the door to the room open and close. 
He’s alone now but he doesn’t want to be. He wishes it was you in the shower with him today, not Johnny. He can’t keep doing this, he has to get over you, for the team's sake. You’re Price’s omega not his, and until there is a cure it has to be that way. Frustration builds in him as he goes to leave the shower, drying his body and pulling on the fresh change of clothes. 
He has to break this up. There's no other way to do it. He picks his mask up, rubbing his thumb over the fabric before pulling it on. Simon can feel whatever he wants for the omega, but Ghost can’t care. It’s just a job, you're just a job, the job is to find a cure and leave this world behind. He picks up his towel leaving the steaming bathroom.
He looks over at the sofa. Price is asleep now, his head tipped back snoring softly. You’re still asleep against his chest, the blanket pulled all the way up to your face. Ghost sighs reluctantly. He can’t let Price sleep on the sofa all night, he’ll fuck his back up. He walks over and shakes Price’s shoulder, it doesn’t take much for him to jump awake. 
“You should go to bed,” he says once Price meets his eyeline. Price looks down at you still sleeping. He moves like he doesn’t want to wake you. Ghost sighs, he turns to walk away. He did his job and woke Price up. He hears Price waking you up as he goes back into his room. He moves fast, closing the door behind him and leaning up against it. He smells the unmistakable scent of strawberries as you pass his room. He closes his eyes, breathing it in. He smiles as your scent fills his nose. That’s it, that's the last time he’ll do that. From now on, for everyone's sake, you’re a stranger to him. 
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Next Dividers by Plum98 & gild-ui Thank you as aways to rememberwren who told me my work was good when my brain was telling me it was shit <3
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coralinnii · 1 year
❋Keeping your scrunchie for you❋
Who would keep your scrunchie for you, and would even do your hair feat: Ace ⭑ Sebek ⭑ Azul ⭑ Jack genre: fluff, humor note: reader has hair that uses scrunchies, reader has hair for long hair hairstyles, established relationships, no pronouns used,
I know it's been a while but I have been meaning to write. I just have what I'm calling Silver Syndrome where I fall asleep at any given moment and lose track of time ^_^' whoops
This is sorta self-indulgent since I’m also guilty of always forgetting my hair ties at my friend’s place and when I need one, they would come to me with their arm filled with them xD. Since then, we would always have spares on each other in case any of us need them. 
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Getting him to keep it
At first he was gonna tease you. What? Do you feel the need to lay claim on him that you want to leave something of yours on him for all to see? You know there’s more than a hair tie you can leave on him- 
Oh, you’re just forgetful and you want to have a spare on him if you need one? You guys are practically attached to the hip so there’s logic to it, to you anyway. 
He's so gonna fight you on it. It’s one thing to ask him to keep spare some small hair ties on him, heck if you let him use them on occasion he wouldn’t mind at all. But it was those poofy, colorful scrunchies that he can’t even hide underneath his jacket sleeve. 
But he loses this fight with you (he always does when it comes to you) and ends up with a cutesy hair tie that contrasts heavily against his black school jacket. He had to fight the embarrassed flush every time he got teased, especially by his upperclassmen like Cater and Floyd. 
Don’t let his loud complaining fool you, though. Despite all the teases, he still keeps your scrunchie out in the open when he could have easily stuffed it in his pocket. He secretly likes fidgeting with it during class, partly since it’s really soft and partly that it reminds him of you. He thinks a lot about how pretty you look when you have your hair up. 
Would he tie your hair?
Yes, but he wasn't great at it. At first, he can do a simple ponytail but that’s all he really knows about hairstyles. I mean, he only ever ties his bangs back so he’s not the most creative in the hair department. 
Have some patience with him as he sometimes messes up and gets your hair tangled. He’s a fast learner so he’ll get the hang of it. 
Once he’s used to it, he’ll start experimenting with your hair by giving you goofy hairdos like a unicorn horn on your head. He once tried to make round cartoon-like “ears” with your hair for giggles. But he always offers to brush your hair back to normal each and every time. 
Actually, Ace likes to mess with your hair a lot more often now because this gives him a chance to brush your hair. He enjoys the intimacy of the activity, like you two are in your own little world with no one to disturb you. He can spend hours just running his fingers through your hair while you chat about anything and everything. 
“Hey, stop moving around so much! Don’t go complaining to me if this new hairdo turns out bad”
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Getting him to keep it
Definitely gonna fight you on this. He argued that you should be responsible enough to remember to keep spares on you at all times. It’s your own fault for being so forgetful about your own things. Plus, it goes against his dress code and he can’t bear to ruin Malleus’ reputation just because his loyal knight has a bright puffy scrunchie on his wrist.
You decided it’s fine if he can’t do it but it did bum you out a bit. Imagining the serious Sebek with your bright scrunchie on his wrist would be the cutest thing to see but you didn’t want to push it if it caused this much arguing. 
But Sebek noticed your declining mood and started to have conflicted thoughts because of it. Would it really make you that happy to see him with that tacky thing on his arm? 
The next day, Sebek came up to you and wordlessly raised his arm towards you. Confused, you asked the green-haired freshman what’s wrong. 
“...I shall allow it” 
Apparently, Sebek couldn’t get your sad face out of his head all day yesterday, ruining his mood and causing him to stress out with worry. Lost as to what to do, he did what he tends to do in these situations, and asked Lilia for advice. The older fae chuckled at poor Sebek and assured him that a trivial piece of fabric would hardly ruin Malleus’ image so he is free to decide what he wants to do. 
And Sebek wants to make you happy. 
“Give me your cursed scrunchie, human”
Would he tie your hair?
Again, he’s going to fight you on this. He claims he has better things to do but really he’s just terrible with styling hair and was scared if you didn’t like his work. Unless you want your hair gelled up like his, he doesn’t know what else he can really do with hair in general. 
Still, you encouraged him to try and with you boosting his courage, he started trying simple hairstyles like braids and ponytails. He was a little clumsy but always up to improve himself. He soon became more confident and would even offer to tie your hair up during P.E classes or club activities. 
He especially likes trying out hairstyles that are trendy with his fae kind, like braiding flowers into your hair. The people of Briar Valley are more traditional with their appearance and more extravagant hairstyles are typically reserved for special occasions like parties…or weddings. 
The way Sebek’s cheeks burned when he couldn’t stop thinking how beautiful your hair might look for your wedding…with him as your husband-to-be. Your hair would be absolutely ethereal no matter the style, considering that it’s you-what was he thinking?! 
Best not to bring up his bright face or he’ll start yelling out of sheer embarrassment. 
“...Well, is this to your liking? It is?...I see… What?! I was not worried, don’t be absurd!” 
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Getting him to keep it
For the right price, sure. 
I’m joking (kinda) but honestly Azul wouldn’t mind it since it wasn’t that big of a request. I firmly believe that he has more than enough pockets with his dorm uniform. 
Anyone who would even try to tease him about it would just be asking for humiliation as Azul would respond swiftly with some backhanded comments. 
“Embarrassing, you say? Well, I suppose having a lover that relies on me so would seem tiresome to some people. However, I'm afraid I'm just so smitten with my adorable lover who just trust me so. Sighhh, woe is me” 
This octoman would play the “no b*tches?” card. Such poor, unfortunate souls
But one day you needed a hair tie and you asked Azul if he still had your spare. The merman then pulled out a scrunchie you didn't recognize from his pocket
“Azul Ashengrotto…whose scrunchie is this?!” 
Before you start to panic, Azul quickly explained that he came across this scrunchie at a store in the town near the campus. 
“I thought this would look good on you, so I bought it in hopes it suits your taste” 
Even though Azul tried to sound casual, there was a cute flush coloring his cheeks that he was trying to hide behind his gloved hand. He knew you had enough hair ties and you could always buy more yourself. But, he just couldn't stop himself.
That scrunchie was now your new favorite accessory.
Would he tie your hair?
Contrary to the previous boys, Azul has a better sense of style due to his entrepreneurial nature and his dedicated interest to keep up with the most marketable trends. 
I also believe that since Azul is a mommy’s boy, he paid close attention to his mother’s hair styling routine. However, he realizes that it won’t exactly be the same considering you both are not in the ocean and he himself is adjusting to life with dry hair. 
But he won’t be stopped by his inexperience. He would research the best hairstyles for your hair type and what would amplify your natural features. Every chance to do your hair was a chance to improve his skills. Get real comfortable because you’ll be his guinea pig for hours. At least you’ll be a beautiful guinea pig by the end of it. 
At first Azul had some insecurities about keeping you for so long, surely you would be bored being with him for so long and having him practice with your hair, especially when you wouldn't really gain much from it other than a mess on your head most of the time. 
Please reassure him that you love these intimate moments with him and you trust him wholeheartedly with your hair. 
“I’ve heard stories that speak of mermaids that used to lure humans with their beautiful hair. I thought it foolish to be so easily charmed…but seeing yours, I suppose there’s some truth to that.”
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Getting him to keep it
Grumbled about it at first but will keep it for you. Any exasperation was mostly just you asking him because of your tendency to forget them than anything else. Despite his grumpy look, Jack wasn’t going to fight you on something as trivial as holding some hair ties for you. Would question you what’s so great about scrunchies, though (they’re adorable, ok?!)
All he asked was that it’s a scrunchie that doesn’t get in the way of his daily routine, and if you could pick one that would be a bit water resistant or dark in color since he’s worried that he would get it dirty during his work-out routine or spelldrive practice at Savanaclaw. 
He honestly doesn’t understand why anyone would make fun of him for holding a scrunchie for you. He's whipped because you trust him with your stuff? This man just can’t relate to loser behavior. 
Even if he's not a fan of scrunchies, he’s still incredibly careful with your hair tie, making sure that it’s either tucked safely under his sleeve or mindful to avoid accidentally snagging the fabric on something. 
If he just recently got the scrunchie from you, he can still smell the scent of your shampoo on it as it starts mixing with his own scent. Don’t tell him but some of his dormmates can see his tail slightly wagging when he glimpses down to his wrist every now and again where your hair tie is.
Would he tie your hair?
He’ll fight more on this. You guys are in an academy, you should be able to tie your own hair. Don’t be lazy, he stated. 
But watch him later try to excuse his actions when he suddenly pulls your hair back with your scrunchie during lunch, just so your hair doesn’t get in your face as you ate. You honestly forgot he still had your scrunchie and Jack was getting frustrated watching your hair constantly falling forward every time you tried to reach your food. 
Since Jack has younger siblings, he has some experience with tying someone’s hair despite having fairly short hair himself. It’s nothing too fancy but he’s pretty good with some basic hairstyles
He’s really gentle with your hair, occasionally pausing to gauge your expression to ensure you’re not in pain. Sometimes you have to be careful or you might just fall asleep with how Jack’s large hands softly handle your hair like it was silk.
“This should keep your hair out of your face. Huh, how do you look? Don’t ask stupid questions…you already know you always look good…No, forget I said anything!”
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once-upon-an-imagine · 7 months
Jaded - Charlie Weasley
A/N: so, I know that the last thing I should be doing right now is start another series… and yet… here we are xD also, I’m sorry, I know She Is Love won, but I think we have established by now that my mind kind of does whatever it wants and I have no control whatsoever xD it’s all chaos here… anyways, I hope you like it :) 
Request -  Anonymous asked: Hello, I hope you’re doing okay my lovely. I was wondering if you could possibly wite maybe a enemies/rivals to lovers with Charlie Weasley and the reader? (Lots of sarcastic banta back and forth maybe they both work on the dragon reserve and are entrusted with transporting a very dangerous dragon to a new reserve, but something happens on the journey and just them to are trapped (either with the dragon or not) and then an argument that leads to some form of confession? This is so long I’m so bloody sorry, and I hope your writers block subsides [full request here]
Warnings: Charlie’s a bit of an asshole [but not really] for now, I think that’s it but please let me know if I’m missing something, also reader is from the Nott family
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter :) gif isn’t mine :D     
Your name: submit What is this?
Hey…j-j-jaded… you got your mama’s style, But you’re yesterday’s child to me. So jaded, you think that’s where it’s at, But is that where it’s supposed to be?You’re gettin’ it all over me… X-rated
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Charlie fucking Weasley.
That stupid name had haunted you for more than ten years now. There were very few people you hated in your life but his name was definitely on that list.
After enduring seven years of him at Hogwarts, you thought you’d finally be free when he was being drafted to play Quidditch professionally and you would move to Romania to fulfill your dreams of studying dragons. But no, for some stupid twist of fate, he decided not to become a Quidditch player and all of the sudden there was another opening at the exact Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that you had applied to so, again, here he was. And it seemed that no matter what you did, you were never able to escape Charlie fucking—
“WEASLEY!” you yelled when you finally spotted him, not far from your hut.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite princess” you heard his voice as you approached him. “How can I help you, love?” he asked, brushing his hair away from his face, showing off his stupid tattoos on his stupid strong arms.
“I have asked you many times, to stop calling me that!” you glared at him. “I need to speak with you” you said, before you went back into your hut and he only raised his eyebrow before following you.
“Is this how you treat your guests, love?” he said, walking in and leaning on your desk as he started going through your stuff.
“I didn’t invite you” you smirked.
“You just did” he glared a little at you.
“Don’t be confused, Weasley, this is strictly business” you glared at him.
“Of course it is” he chuckled. “Are you working on the Sleeping Draught for the dragons? Weren’t we supposed to work on this together?”
“Yes, that is correct, Weasley. Excuse me for not wanting to wait 45 minutes to see you flirting with the group of girls casually visiting the reserve today” you told him.
“Oh, so you did notice that” he smiled. “Sorry, love, you must remember how it is” he said, brushing a hand through his curls and flashing his smile at you as you rolled your eyes. “I mean, I had a complete section cheering for me back at school” he shrugged.
“Oh, yes. How could I forget?” you asked, sarcastically.
“You don’t have to be so mean about it” he pouted. “Why are you making so much of it?” he asked, grabbing one of the phials.
“Why did I just find out that you are coming with me to Hogwarts, Weasley?”
“I asked first, Nott” he smirked, winking at you.
“Could you please not mess up my things?” you said glaring at him, knowing he did it just to anger you. “I am making more because we are bringing four dragons, not three” you explained.
“What? That doesn’t make sense, why? Isn’t it just three champions?”
“Well, obviously something happened, and now there’s four” you explained. “Now tell me why Steven just informed me that you are coming. Evan was supposed to bring them with me” you insisted.
“Tah-dah!” he smiled. “Surprise, darling! Looks like something came up and you got an upgrade so I’m coming with you instead” he smiled.
“Feels like a downgrade” you muttered.
“Hey!” he said, placing his hand on his chest and looking at you pretending to be hurt. “How can you say that? This is going to be so much fun. You, me, back at Hogwarts, like the good old days” he smiled flirtily at you. “Remember?”
“I’m not sure what days you’re remembering, Weasley” you said pushing him away. “But good is not what I would use to describe them” you told him.
“Of course not” he rolled his eyes, grabbing another bottle on your desk and throwing it in the air before grabbing it again.
“Give me that!” you said, grabbing it from him.
“Okay, so, since we’re getting four-” he said, as he grabbed one of your notepads.
“Stop saying we. You’re not coming with me” you glared at him.
“Oh, I beg to differ, love, see here?” he said, pointing at the paper you had earlier. “That’s my name, right next to yours” he smiled. “It’s official” he added. “So, let’s see what you’re bringing” he said, looking through your notes. “Chinese Fireball, Swedish Short-Snout, Common Welsh Green” he muttered. “Oh, I know, we should take the Hungarian Horntail we got last week” he smiled.
“What? Absolutely not!”
“Why not? That would be perfect” he said, grabbing a quill and adding it to the list.
“Weasley, that is one of the most dangerous dragon breeds and you want to take her to a school full of young students, do you have any idea how irresponsible that is?”
“Relax, it’s for the first task, I doubt it’ll be anything dangerous. Plus that’s why we’re going.
“No! We should take an Antipodean Opaleye” you said, trying to grab the notepad from him but he placed it out of your reach.
“Oh, come on, love. Live a little, I would have killed to see a Hungarian Horntail at that age” he smirked. “Nothing bad is gonna happen. We won’t let it” he insisted.
“You haven’t even spent time with her, Weasley, I have. I am telling you this isn’t a good idea!”
“What isn’t a good idea?” you both stopped when your boss, Steven stepped inside your hut.
“Well, we were just talking about how the fourth dragon should be the Hungarian Horntail” Charlie quickly said. “It was actually (Y/N)’s idea” he smiled.
“No, it wasn’t! I was saying that we should take the Antipodean Opaleye!”
“Come on, love, we are already taking a Common Welsh Green, we should bring something more exciting” Charlie insisted as he passed the notepad to Steven.
“I just don’t think that this-”
“I’m with Weasley” Steven said, before you could even finish. Of course, he was. Not because Steven was a jerk. He was actually a good boss. But this was the story of your life. Charlie would get away with anything he wanted. “I think the Hungarian Horntail would be an interesting choice. Plus, you’re going and if anyone can handle her, it’s you, (Y/N)” he smiled. “I’ll go make the arrangements while you finish the potion” he said, leaving your hut before you could argue.
“See? Lovely idea” Charlie smirked.
“Why did you do that? I’m telling you is not a good idea to bring her. She’s still settling in the idea of being around people-”
“You worry to much, love” he said, grabbing your phial and throwing it in the air again, but this time, he accidentally dropped it. “Uh-oh” he said, before smiling innocently at you as you took a deep breath. “That wasn’t… part of the Sleeping Draught potion, was it?”
“You mean the potion we’re giving to the, now four, dragons we have to transport that you were supposed to be helping me with 45 minutes ago?” you asked, upset.
“Yes, Weasley, that was part of the potion” you told him.
“Well, look who finally decided to show up” you said, annoyed, as Charlie entered the class and ran over to your desk. You couldn’t believe you were stuck with him as your Potions partner for the entire year.
“Sorry, princess. Practice ran late” he smiled, sitting next to you.
“Don’t call me princess. And I don’t understand how being in the Quidditch team gives you immunity so you can show up whenever you want to and work on half a potion” you said, as you added the next ingredient.
“Come on, love. Don’t hate on the team” he said smirking at you. “Everyone loves the team!”
“Oh, yeah, I have such a deep admiration for guys who fly around in sticks with other guys” you said with a sly smirk.
“I know you’re joking, but when you use that sexy voice, you know it turns me on a little” he mocked you.
“Ugh, I can’t stand you!”
“Then sit down” he smirked. 
“Shut up! And help me with this thing, or I’m taking your name off the Potion” you said, as he saw the potion you were making on your book.
“Ugh, give it, you’re doing it wrong!”
“Excuse me? I have brewed the Volubilis Potion many times before, Weasley. And I am already halfway through, without your help. I am not doing it wrong!” you snapped frustrated.
“Yes, you are!” Charlie said grabbing the jar of Syrup of Hellebore from your hand but you didn’t let it go.
“No! Give it!” you said pulling it towards you.
“Ugh! You stuck-up, know-it-all drag!”
“Take that back you pompous Quidditch nut!” you argued, neither of you noticing Professor Snape coming towards your table.
“Mr. Weasley, Miss Nott-”
“Give it, Nott!”
Charlie hadn’t been prepared for you to let it go and he ended up dropping the whole thing on the cauldron making it explode all over Professor Snape’s face. When you heard the small explosion, the entire class went dead silent and the two of you slowly turned to see your teacher’s face covered in soot.
“You two. Detention. Tonight. My office” Professor Snape said; as you both resisted with everything you had to not laugh at the change of his voice. “50 points off Gryffindor and 30 off Slytherin” he said before walking to his desk again.
“That’s not fair!” Charlie argued.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you sneaking in in the middle of my class, Mr. Weasley” he added.
“Ugh! Thanks a lot” Charlie snapped at you.
“Me? You’re blaming me? You’re the one who dropped it!”
“Only because you wouldn’t let it go!”
“Enough!” you heard Professor Snape from the front of the class. “Both of you out of my classroom!” he said standing up.
“But I wasn’t-”
“See what you did?” Charlie said once you were outside.
“Me? I had never been kicked out of a class or had detention for that matter! This is all your fault!”
“No, it’s not! You were making it wrong!” he insisted.
“UGH! Just because you’re the Captain of your bloody team, you think you’re the boss of everything! And everyone!” you snapped frustrated.
“It’s not my fault you can’t stand to be wrong!”
“You are so… so-”
“Charming?” he said smirking and raising his eyebrow at you.
“Vexing!” you snapped, as you walked down the hall but he followed you.
“Really? Well, you’re no ray of sunshine either!” he glared at you. “‘Oh, look at me, I’m (Y/N) Nott. I’m a patronizing know-it-all princess who thinks is better than anybody else!’” he said mocking your voice.
“Ugh! I don’t talk like that! You’re infuriating!”
“You know what? I hope you fail all your NEWT’s!”
“Yeah? I hope you go bald!”
“I hope you end up an old spinster!”
“I hope they cancel Quidditch!”
“Take that back!” Charlie snapped.
“Make me!” you said smirking at him.
“You know what? I hope that once we graduate here, I won’t ever have to see your conceded face again!” he said, before turning around and leaving for the Gryffindor tower.
“My thoughts exactly, Weasley” you muttered to yourself before walking to the Library.
*-*End of Flashback*-*
“We can fix it, love. Don’t worry” he said, cleaning up the mess. “See? Just like old times” he smiled. “This is gonna be fun, princess!”
“Don’t call me that” you glared at him, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to contain yourself. 
Yes, you had one very big problem. His name is Charlie fucking Weasley. And you have no fucking idea how you’re supposed to survive the next few weeks with him. 
To Be Continued
A/N: so… part 2?
311 notes · View notes
clockwayswrites · 1 year
This is why Moku and I are dangerous to each other:
clockways — Today at 2:01 AM
OKAY Danny/Tim where Danny is either ghost king or working for Clockwork or playing Reaper or something showing up to talk to Tim like "MY DUDE, you have got to stop killing so many people, even if it's in the name of good, esp when they're surrounded by rancid ectoplasm"
And this is now the Bats learn about Tim's LOA kill count
Mokulule — Today at 2:12 AM
Heheheh oh yesss
Does Danny show up in the middle of like a supposedly secure location in the middle of a mission?
Like “dude please, I do not need the assassin influx, you have any idea of the trouble you caused killing so many at once?”
Mokulule — Today at 2:19 AM
I’m kinda imagining these new ghosts still following Ra’s Al Ghul fanatically unless Danny can somehow get them rehabilitated and imagine if they found their way to the living world?! Do you want that madman to have a ghost army?
clockways — Today at 2:19 AM
I think a mission or right in the middle of the cave, yeah
and totally, like the pit waters have a Not Good effect on the ghosts so they're even more off than normal I think
Mokulule — Today at 2:22 AM
Okay but I am liking the implication here that Tim has been having this ongoing crusade against Ra’s in the background of everything where he keeps blowing up LOA bases and somehow managing to keep it secret
Here B thought Ra’s was his nemesis, turns out attention had shifted to Tim years ago
clockways — Today at 2:25 AM
Yes, Tim is 100% the Detective now and Ra's keeps being a creepy obsessed mo-fo and Tim just keeps finding ways to blow shit up. if it started at 17 could say Tim is 20, 21 now so they've been at it three years or so
Mokulule — Today at 2:26 AM
And like Danny has had enough, there’s so many of them they have their own realm in the realms and are stirring up trouble trying to find ways back into the living world
clockways — Today at 2:27 AM
Yeeeees They're basically segregated into a specific area of the realms and are still causing shit
Mokulule — Today at 2:28 AM
Maybe they even have their own pseudo pit from gathering rancid ectoplasm and it’s messing up the ecosystem and they’re hurting the blobs that would otherwise be cleaning that shit up
And the pseudo pit is definitely not helping their mental stability
Just trash assassin baby ghosts
clockways — Today at 2:29 AM
LOL Blob ghost sucker fish! yes xD
Mokulule — Today at 2:29 AM
They need rehabilitation and a bath and like it’s really not helping that Tim keeps sending more
clockways — Today at 2:30 AM
Every time Danny starts to get a handle on it BAM more assassins and more bad juice
And then Danny has to ramp up the blob ghost breeding again
Mokulule — Today at 2:31 AM
Yeah and he can only handle a couple at a time and he also has to make sure they don’t go back once he’s gotten them out and it’s just a mess
clockways — Today at 2:31 AM
OKAY OKAY WAIT. Danny makes an appointment with Tim as Wayne CEO
Shows up in his human guise with Tim as just Tim which sets up all sorts of alarms
Mokulule — Today at 2:32 AM
Ahahahaha yesss this is like a corporate problem 😂
clockways — Today at 2:32 AM
How is this normal seeming dude associated with the LOA?? What does he know about Tim??? Who is he???
Dany is just :) Look at me, using the proper channels!
Mokulule — Today at 2:32 AM
Danny is trying to go about this the right way official like
clockways — Today at 2:32 AM
Mokulule — Today at 2:33 AM
😂 everyone is very suspicious of Danny Fenton
clockways — Today at 2:34 AM
It doesn't help that he has officially been missing in the living realm since he graduated high sch9ool
(someone ((lancer)) finally noticed and reported him)
Mokulule — Today at 2:34 AM
Oh yeah even more suspicious for potential LOA connection
The fact that it was an old teacher and not his parents reporting him missing despite having graduated high school is also concerning
clockways — Today at 2:37 AM
mmmmy hum just all these red flags and it's very frustrating for the whole batfam.
Mokulule — Today at 2:38 AM
And like the guy looks like Danny Fenton, but is he really? He’s somehow very careful about not leaving prints and DNA where he goes, they’ve not been able to get any surefire confirmation this is indeed Danny Fenton
clockways — Today at 2:38 AM
AND THEN there is a gala that Ra's also shows up to... as does Danny. Just... to keep an eye on things. (He's worried about ghost assassins.)
But Tim sees Danny out of the corner of his eye and !!!
(Danny just went intangible through the wall, he's totally not on the guest list)
Mokulule — Today at 2:40 AM
Oh yes, he’s dressed up well enough, he’s had to learn that as a king and fits in just fine
clockways — Today at 2:42 AM
Tim can't help but recognize that Danny is handsome.
Mokulule — Today at 2:43 AM
Tim thinking he’s got two enemies at the gala now - has Tim told the other bats about Danny or is he hiding that? Cause then Tim might think the others have Ra’s handled so he has to handle Danny- and yeah okay he is very handsome, now that he’s not busy internally freaking out over what he knows (which he was at the first meeting)
clockways — Today at 2:45 AM
Depends how much the Bats know about Ra's interest in Tim. If they're aware at all, he's told them I think since Danny know is a threat to them all. 🤔
But I do still see him handling Danny either way since Danny hasn't met the family- keep things separate until there is no doubt.
Mokulule — Today at 2:46 AM
Okay but Clock, has Danny in his attempt at going through proper channels and requesting a meeting completely forgotten to mention the word ghost since he thought that was implied when he said the dead assassins were a problem for him?
clockways — Today at 2:47 AM
He is still a disaster at explaining things
And look Tim is damn cute, Danny was a little flustered.
Mokulule — Today at 2:48 AM
So when Tim asks him what he’s doing there at the gala and he tells him that he’s keeping an eye out for assassins - Tim maybe takes that as a threat - like Tim thinks they’re playing 5D mental chess here, but Danny is a disaster and is not even playing chess
clockways — Today at 2:49 AM
!! OH Added bonus, Danny's etiquette training is all be like Dorathea and Pandora and etc, so he has a rather unusual speach pattern in King Mode which makes him seem that maybe common english isn't his first language but if he is Danny Fenton that doesn't track....
Mokulule — Today at 2:50 AM
Oh yesss good
clockways — Today at 2:50 AM
They have to end up on the dance floor, of course.
Mokulule — Today at 2:50 AM
Of course
clockways — Today at 2:51 AM
Danny is just all :) I'm putting my training to use! This is going so well!
Tim >:| What is this man playing at...
Mokulule — Today at 2:51 AM
Yes XD
clockways — Today at 2:52 AM
Ra's takes an instant hatred to Danny because he is Taking Tim's Attention!
Mokulule — Today at 2:52 AM
Eventual reveal is going to be hilarious
clockways — Today at 2:52 AM
Which makes Tim think that Ra's and Danny are old enemies
Mokulule — Today at 2:52 AM
Oh yess hahaha Ra’s now trying to have Danny killed
Now Danny is having to deal with both living and dead assassins he is not amused, but if he gets them away from Ra’s in the living world that will help some problems down the line. Just every assassin Ra’s sends disappears and no bodies turn up
clockways — Today at 2:55 AM
It's driving both Tim and Ra's mad
Things maybe come to a head when some of the ghost assassins try to go after Tim and Phantom shows up?
Mokulule — Today at 2:57 AM
XD Does Tim realize this is Danny or does he now think there’s another player?
Are they aware of Phantom as a ghost hero?
clockways — Today at 2:59 AM
HUM so I kinda want to say Tim does put 2 + 2 together- at least at some point. Maybe just because Phantom's new outfit mirrors what his formal clothing had. Not like perfectly but there's a lot of parallels in color and things
Maybe not till he's safe and- if they know of Phantom- they're back somewhere secure
Tim just holding an ice pack to his head jolting up and pointing a finger at Phantom "You're Danny!!!"
Phantom: Uh, yeah??? Of course I am?
And then @mokulule got distracted by fic and I went to sleep cause it was 3am. But my can we go from 'random statement' to 60% of a fic outline in no time. (Not it.)
529 notes · View notes
skyward-floored · 1 year
Different, Yet Similar
I woke up a few days ago with this fic in my head and for some reason I was able to write it out really quick, I don’t know how that happened XD I also decided it was the perfect opportunity to try out a slightly different writing style, and while I don’t think I’ll stick with it, it was an interesting experiment anyways :)
“So... how did you guys all meet your Zeldas?”
Wind is the one to pose the question, said while looking around with curious eyes at the rest of the Links. Most of who now have varying expressions of surprise on their faces, the question unexpected.
“Why do you ask, sailor?” Time asks, his single eye watching him curiously. Wind shrugs, fiddling with one of the power bracelets that has taken permanent residence on his wrists. They’re good for fidgeting with, he’s found.
“I’m just curious if any of us met ours similarly or not.” His mouth turns up into a grin. “I mean, I met Tetra after she got dropped by a giant bird and got stuck in a tree. I’d bet none of you guys met yours quite like that.”
Snickers ring through the camp, though a few of the Links give the sailor mildly concerned looks as well. The nonchalance with which Wind speaks of the antics he and his princess get up to sometimes worries them.
“Was she okay?” Hyrule asks in concern, and Wind nods, waving him off with a small flick of his wrist.
“Totally fine. Tetra’s tough, it would take more than a fall from a giant bird to rattle her.”
“A giant bird?” Sky asks eagerly, perking up a little. Wind doesn’t perk up in return though, rather he cringes at the excitement in Sky’s voice.
This isn’t a giant bird like the kind Sky is used to.
“Not a nice one,” he replies, thinking back to the crimson bird that was Sky’s best friend. “Ganondorf was using the bird to kidnap girls he thought might’ve been Zelda. Tetra had been grabbed, but she got dropped because her pirate crew managed to score a hit on the bird... the Helmarok king. He wasn’t nice,” Wind finishes more quietly, an unusual dark thread of anger in his voice.
Then he sighs, and shakes off the memories, looking around at the other Links in curiosity.
“So? How’d you guys meet your Zeldas?”
“Um... which one?” Hyrule asks hesitantly, scratching his neck. He’s in the rather unique position of knowing two princesses by the name of Zelda, a fact which often confuses his traveling companions. “I kinda have two...”
“Do both,” Wild says from where he’s seated nearby, and Hyrule nods.
“Okay. Well... there’s not really much to tell, honestly. For the first Zelda, I just met her after I defeated Ganon. He’d captured her, and after I defeated him I got her out and took her back to the castle.”
Hyrule laughs a little then, and looks up at the sky, constellations just starting to come into view.
“We were both a mess when I got into the place where he’d been keeping her; I was dirty and bleeding in multiple places, and Zelda had basically been living in a dungeon for a few weeks. It wasn’t exactly polite company,” he chuckles.
The others laugh a little at Hyrule’s story, though some of them wince in sympathy at the mention of his wounds. Fights with Ganon were never easy.
They’re all aware of how powerful their greatest foe is.
“How about your other Zelda? How did you meet her?” Sky asks, and Hyrule suddenly blushes for some reason, fidgeting with his bracers.
“Well um, she’d been cursed into a long sleep by an evil wizard, so when I first saw her she wasn’t even awake,” he admits. “But after I woke her up, that’s when I actually met her.”
“And what happened then?” Legend asks with a teasing smirk, having noticed Hyrule was still blushing.
The traveler’s cheeks darken a little, but he admits to nothing. “She said thank you for waking her up.”
“And how did she say thank you?” Wind asks with a mischievous look in his storm-tossed eyes.
Hyrule blushes even darker, but still admits to nothing— though the face he’s making says an awful lot. The others really don’t need to know about the kiss he received in thanks for waking the second Zelda: he knows he’ll never hear the end of it if they do.
Hyrule manages to meet Wind’s gaze without faltering, crossing his arms with a firm look.
“With her mouth, of course. How else would she say thanks?” he says a bit haughtily, and Time decides to intervene before poor Hyrule’s face turns any redder.
“I met my Zelda in a fairly simple way,” he says, and the other Links turn to look at him, abandoning their pursuit of getting an answer out of Hyrule in favor of listening to what Time has to say. Their unofficial leader rarely gives them details of his adventures, no less his version of the princess they’re all so familiar with. “I was... about nine, I believe, maybe ten.”
He sighs, shaking his head as he thinks back to when so much of his life had abruptly changed.
“I was instructed to go see her, but they didn’t want to let a mere child in at the gate. So I snuck into the castle to talk to her, and succeeded, more than once. The guards hated that a ten-year-old could get past them without being seen,” he says with a chuckle. “They weren’t terribly good at their jobs.”
“That’s a little like how I met my version of the princess,” Twilight says thoughtfully, a hand on his chin. “‘Course I didn’t sneak into the castle, I was trying to sneak out.”
“Why, were you in the dungeon?” Legend scoffs, and Twilight smirks.
“That’s exactly it, actually.”
Legend’s face turns to one of surprise, and more laughter rings out from the Links, especially from Wild.
“I was wondering when you were gonna tell them you’re an escaped convict,” he grins at his mentor, and Twilight swats at him with a look both fond and annoyed.
“I’m not an escaped convict,” he says with an eye roll. “The enemy had overtaken the castle, they’re the ones who threw me in there. I committed no crime.”
“Mmm, I’m pretty sure some of the stuff you’ve done counts as crime,” Wild cuts in again, a grin twitching at his lips. “What about the time you blew up that old—”
“Somebody else’s turn,” Twilight interrupts, putting a hand over Wild’s mouth, much to his annoyance. He’d rather wanted to be the one to tell the others about that particular incident.
“Smithy? How about you? You’re pretty good friends with your Zelda, right?” Twilight asks, ignoring the clamor of the others to elaborate.
Four nods, and a bright smile stretches across his face at the reminder of his closest friend.
“You’re right, I’ve known Zelda as long as I can remember,” Four begins as he sets aside the dagger he’d been sharpening, eyes warm. They suddenly dim a little though, and he clears his throat. “I think the first true memory I have of her was at my... a family member’s funeral.”
The other Links still as the smithy speaks, Twilight relinquishing his hold on Wild so they can both better hear. Four looks down at his hands as he thinks back to that day, but then a bit of a smile returns to his lips.
“She came because the family member knew the crown fairly well. We were the only kids there, so we ended up talking a lot... That’s when I really got to know her, and we’ve been close ever since,” he finishes quietly.
“That was similarly to how I met mine,” Sky says after a moment of silence, his voice soft. Four nods at him to continue, and Sky returns it with a bit of a smile. “I knew Zelda a little before, it was impossible not to on Skyloft. There’s not all that much space... but that was the problem when the sickness went through...”
He trails off, then shakes his head as if to clear it, hair falling in his face as he takes a steadying breath.
The memory of the death of his parents isn’t one he likes to linger on, even if it inadvertently led to him becoming friends with Zelda.
“Anyways,” Sky continues, clearing his throat, “I ended up living in the Knight’s academy before I was old enough to attend, and since Zelda lived there with her father as well, we played together all the time. It was inevitable we’d at least become friends.”
“You became a bit more than just friends though, or so I’ve heard,” Warriors says slyly, and Sky blushes as the laughter returns. The captain’s attempt at lightening the mood has succeeded.
“We... haven’t officially become anything,” Sky says simply, and the rest of them shoot each other knowing looks. It’s no secret that Sky is head-over-heels for his Zelda. It’s only a matter of time before something becomes official.
Sky looks back at Warriors then, the captain still chuckling a little over the reaction to his comment.
“You haven’t told us how you met your Zelda, captain,” he points out, and Warriors’ laughter peters off, a fond look replacing the mirth in his eyes.
“Ah, you caught me. Mine is complicated though,” he says with a slightly distant tone in his voice, and the others settle in to listen again. Warriors has mentioned more of his Zelda than some of the others, but not everything they’ve done or been through.
And while he speaks of her with nothing but professionalism, there’s a fondness in his eyes that a few of the Links have picked up on, one that speaks of a deeper bond.
One that nobody’s called him out on yet, but it’ll only be a matter of time.
“I only sort of met her the first time,” Warriors begins, leaning back on the log where he’s seated. “The war had just started, and things were... complicated, to say the least. Messy. She disguised herself to keep her identity safe, so I didn’t truly meet Zelda for quite some time.”
“But when you did?” Wind asks eagerly, and Warriors chuckles.
“It was worth the wait. But I got to know her while she was disguised, so in a way... I already knew her,” he says with a bit of mystery, and Time smiles from the opposite side of the fire.
Time still remembers the day Sheik shed her disguise and revealed herself to be the princess. Warriors was so shocked he’d said something rather idiotic, and Artemis had laughed at him a bit nervously, and then the two of them had gone off to have a long overdue conversation about her true identitiy.
Time won’t bring it up though. He’ll let Warriors keep a few of his secrets yet.
“That leaves... Wild and Legend left who haven’t said anything,” Wind says after a moment, counting off on his fingers.
The two look up at their nicknames, but Wild has a slightly uncertain look in his eyes, and Legend seems oddly stone-faced. Wind looks between the two, and debates for a moment which one to ask first.
Hyrule beats him to it.
“Champion, do you... remember meeting your Zelda the first time?” Hyrule asks a bit hesitantly. The others quiet at the question, and look as one over at Wild.
They’re all aware of Wild’s memory problems, but nobody except for maybe Twilight is truly aware of the extent they reach their blank grip into the champion’s mind. He still doesn’t remember much of his old life, merely a handful of memories recovered here and there that snatch him out of the life he’s currently living, then return him just as abruptly.
But meeting Princess Zelda is not one of these.
“Nope,” Wild says lightly, somewhat in opposition to the serious mood that has fallen over the heroes. “Not at all. I have no clue how we first met... knowing what she thought of me, I probably accidentally insulted her.”
The heroes chuckle good-naturedly, and Wild waits for the sound of their laughter to fade before continuing.
“No, I don’t remember how we originally met. My first true memory of Zelda isn’t when I met her... whenever that must have been.”
A soft smile parts his lips.
“It... was her voice. Back when I was still asleep. Calling to me, urging me awake once the shrine had finally finished healing me. She guided me when there was nobody else, told me my name, and though I didn’t even remember hers... that was when I first met Zelda.”
Twilight gives his shoulder a squeeze, and Wild lets him, a look full of several conflicting emotions settling on his face.
Warmth is the one that shows itself the most though, and a ghost of a smile flits across Twilight’s face when he sees it.
“How about you, Legend? You’ve been pretty quiet,” Four asks, changing the focus to give Wild some privacy. The prickly veteran tugs his cap tighter over his hair in response, hiding a few more strands of the pink that’s still fading away.
“She called to me too,” he says, voice oddly emotionless. “Woke me up in the dead of night and asked for help, with nothing but her voice.”
Something flickers in his gaze, but it’s gone so quickly nobody can quite catch what it is.
“She guided me to the castle, and I managed to find my way to where she’d been imprisoned in her own dungeon by the forces of darkness. I freed her, and that’s where I met her,” he finishes.
“That’s it?” Wind asks in confusion, a slight tilt to his head, and Legend nods.
“That’s it.”
It’s short and to the point, and while some of the heroes nod, the others that are more aware of how their veteran works pick up on the holes in the story.
The Hero of Legend may seem sharp and fearless, but even he has weak points, moments where he has felt neither like a hero nor strong enough to ever be one. These moments he’s purposefully left out of this story, important though they may be.
These are not moments he shares freely. And especially not during what’s supposed to be a lighthearted answer to the boundless curiosity of the youngest member of their group.
“See sailor? None of us met our Zeldas the same way you did,” Legend says with a smirk, easily changing the subject, and Wind hums, looking around at the heroes as he fidgets with his bracelets again.
“That’s true. But there’s similarities between all of them,” he points out, “and some of them are really similar, like yours and Wild’s.”
“Hyrule’s second one was a bit like Wild’s too,” Twilight points out. “Just reversed.”
“And Twilight’s was kind of like the old man’s,” Hyrule mentions with a bit of wonder to his voice, and that sends the group into a flurry of comparing and contrasting the differences, debating the finer points and wondering if the similarities mean anything.
Four though, hangs back from the conversation, not as willing to discuss things. As he looks around the clearing, he notices he’s not the only one either, and he slips around the fire to where the veteran has retreated, watching the others in silence.
Sky sees him go, but doesn’t comment. He knows what the smithy is doing.
“Hey,” Four greets as he settles down, and Legend doesn’t look at him.
“You need something?” the veteran asks with a sharpness in his voice that threatens to slice Four into pieces. The smithy ignores it, well used to Legend’s prickliness, and continues to sit, watching the others keep on with their loud discussion.
“No. I just didn’t want to keep listening to... all of that,” Four says with a slight smile, watching as Wind lunges across Warriors’ lap to grab at Wild for some reason.
Legend doesn’t reply, face still stony.
Four doesn’t directly look at him, but he watches the veteran from the corner of his eyes, seeing how tightly he’s wound, how his expression is set in a way that seems to be solely for the purpose of keeping it from cracking into something vulnerable.
It’s a familiar look, one that Four’s seen on his own face. There’s a part of him that’s like that, sometimes, but that just means he knows somewhat of how to deal with it... whether Legend wants him to or not.
“It was my mother,” Four says suddenly, breaking the silence.
Legend looks over at him, a flicker of surprise joining the crease on his brow. He appears rather taken aback, and Four waits for his reply.
“What was?” the veteran asks. Four looks up at the sky for what feels like a long, long time before replying, and Legend almost wonders if he’s ever going to speak.
“The funeral where I met Zelda,” Four continues, voice full of a bittersweet pain. “It was my mother’s.”
Legend stares at him a moment, unsure of how to reply.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Four continues, still looking up. His eyes are a reddish color, hints of green and blue peeking through that allude to the emotions he’s keeping a steady control of. “I just wanted you to know... you’re not the only one who didn’t meet Zelda under the... best circumstances.”
Four continues to watch the stars, and Legend swallows, his stony indifference cracking despite his best efforts.
Legend doesn’t like to admit it, but despite how carefully he closes himself off, sometimes he’s just as expressive as Wind— what he doesn’t say actually saying more than anything he admits to. And it looks like Four, dealing with a similar pain, has seen right through him.
The veteran is silent for a long time, listening to the others laugh and carry on, and Four sits beside him in equal silence, waiting for as long as Legend needs.
“My uncle,” he whispers finally, and Four squeezes his shoulder.
He doesn’t say anything more. And he doesn’t need to.
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sunshine304 · 9 months
FTH Fanbinding: "Kaleidoscope" by Silvergirl
Whew. This was quite the undertaking as I’d felt ambitious. @totallysilvergirl was the winner of my FTH fanbinding auction and chose one of her own fics, from a fandom I’m actually in (Sherlock). I’d skimmed her AO3 to see what fics might be her potential choice and had immediately zeroed in on “Kaleidoscope”. The title was evocative and the plot sounded intriguing, being a fix-it for the end of Season 3. Good-sized wordcount, too.
I was super happy when she actually chose this fic!
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The typesetting took me a long time and I leaned very heavily into the whole kaleidoscope theme. I also decided to use different colours and fonts for the different PoVs.
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This was also the first time I tried out a title page spreading over both pages – usually, I’ve only used the right page and the left one stayed blank, but I wanted to try spreading out the picture this time. It worked quite well, overall.
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For endpapers, I chose this lovely purple Chiyogami paper. Purple has become Sherlock’s colour, in a way, and so it seemed quite fitting. I strengthened the crease with Schirting again.
Also, because the book had 8 signatures, I think, I sewed with tapes to make the spine more secure. It was the second time trying this and it worked really well!
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Now to the case. Oh boy. XD
I had to think a bit about the cut-out design. I wanted it to yet again resemble a kaleidoscope, but it took me a while to wrap my head around how best to do it. I finally decided to make a stencil for the centrepiece and add some more elements without cut-outs.
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I decided on the lovely shattered glass rainbow foil and am super in love with the effect, especially on the spine! I think it looks so cool!
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I not only made SilverGirl’s copy but also one for myself. They’re very similar, just the endpapers and the foil on the cover are different.
I messed up on the spine title on my copy a bit. The fight with the foil is real. *sigh* But it’s not too bad.
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A huge thank you again to Silvergirl for participating in FTH this year and for putting her trust in me!
Materials used:
Printed on Clairefontaine DCP 100g
Case + endpapers:
- English Buckram linen
- Chiyogami paper 60g (endpapers)
- hot foil (Decofoil)
The fic in question (go check it out, it's really great!):
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ijwrsmff · 11 months
One Piece requests are open you say!? I'm going absolutely feral over Mihawk, as always, then I saw him in the live action and foamed at the mouth. If you're okay with it, can I please get domMihawk with his wife nsfw🤌
I. Got. So. Into. This. I am so weak for Mihawk. And I could never think of him as anything but a dom XD I picture him as a pleasure dom, so the story revolves a bit around that. I was a bit out of my comfort zone with this, since I haven't written much smut. So I don't know if it sounds weird, or isn't up to par with what I usually write, so any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome ^~^ feel free to send in your thoughts and opinions in my ask box! I'd love to hear it!
Word Count: 2,732
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It was a relatively stressful day, trying to clean up the majority of your mansion you shared with your husband. It was massive, but so many rooms needed a good makeover. Dust and broken wood, just anything really. Some rooms were so bad it took hours to completely clean it. But if it meant making Mihawk smile, you’d do it all over again. All he had to say was redo it and you’d oblige without any hesitation. 
When he came home, you were laying in bed just staring at the ceiling and trying to relax. You didn’t even get out of bed when you heard the front door open in the room beneath you. You were nearly falling asleep, and when he came in you just rolled over and smiled. One hand holding your head up as you laid sideways, just taking in his appearance. It never got old, and you were convinced you were married to the most handsome man in the world. 
“Dear, I appreciate all the hard work you did to make everything look so…nice.” He walked over to the bed and played with your hair. “I haven’t seen every room, but seeing you so exhausted has me convinced you worked on the whole mansion.” He smiled fondly, and eventually removed his coat and laid down on the other side of the bed. 
“It’s no problem, really! You have pirates to hunt, I’m sure you don’t have too much time for much of anything. Especially cleaning all that mess.” You laughed a bit, and rolled over to lay your head on his chest. He was always so warm, it was welcoming every time. His arm wrapped around you as the other rubbed your shoulders, making you sigh. Just feeling his touch was enough for you. 
His hand wandered, rubbing up and down your arm to shoulders and back down again. It felt so nice…and as he moved to face you, he had that look on his face. That look that meant trouble…or even something more. Your theory was confirmed when that hand slowly traveled to your neck. Just one finger traced over your sensitive spot on your neck. His mark he left the other day was barely visible anymore. 
Mihawk moved closer and lips were mere millimeters away from yours. “You know…I can show you how much I appreciate your efforts.” He waited for you to make the first move, or even signal you weren’t opposed to the idea. He knew you weren’t always in the mood, as everything he did was being considerate. 
You leaned forward and gave him a peck on the lips, closing the gap between you. Knowing he would take the lead from there, it was no surprise when he rolled his body over yours. He remained close, biting your lower lip as a teasing gesture. You could feel the heat of his chest on your breasts and stomach, as he deepened the kiss. 
He pulled back, making you whine, as he whispered “You’ve worked so hard…now allow me to take care of you.” He tilted his head and leaned back into the kiss. All you could do was nod and hum, and before you knew it his hand traced around your neck. He pulled back, but only for a short time as he trailed his tongue down your neck, to where the mark was over the most sensitive spot on your neck. 
You let out a small moan as he kissed, sucked, and even bit it. Never hard enough to draw blood, just enough to make the previous mark turn a brighter and more defined color. He did love to mark you, and you loved it just as much. Sometimes, when he was feeling territorial, he left marks all across your body. You had the feeling he was about to do just that. 
Once the mark was properly defined, he trailed kisses down until he reached your shirt’s edge. With little effort, he tore through the shirt and discarded it to the side, along with your bra. His lips got closer and closer to your nipple, until he swirled his tongue around it, never touching the stiff peak. It made you whine once more, and you could feel his smirk on your chest. 
“Baby…please don’t tease me!” You wanted to feel as good as possible, and him being such a tease wasn’t helping. He tended to do that, but it only helped you reach your climax faster once he finally got you to it. You didn’t really WANT him to stop teasing, but you wouldn’t tell him that. Even if he already knew, being the perceptive man he was. You loved that about him. 
“Darling, I plan to take my time. I’ll make you feel better than you ever had before meeting me, and treasure every inch of your body.” His smirk turned into a genuine smile, before returning back to a smirk. “I will take care of you, for as long as we live. My beautiful wife, always so eager to spend time with me…to love me…to let me show you pleasure whenever possible.” 
With that, he finally used his tongue to make your nipple become even more stiff, loving the feeling of his mouth on one of your most sensitive parts. You couldn’t stop the moan that came out, and it only got louder when he softly bit at your nipple. When he removed his mouth, you even whined out a small noise, already missing the feeling. 
With one hand, he moved lower on your body, until it was cupping that sweet spot between your legs. He moved his hand ever so slowly, but enough to make you feel that burning pleasure you loved so much. His thumb traced over your clit, before removing it to get rid of your pants, leaving your panties on. 
You whined, and moaned, craving more. When you reached out your hands to feel him, he used his free hand to pin yours above your head. “Don’t worry about me, your pleasure is far more important.” Was all he said, grabbing the rope from the drawer next to the bed. It was softer than most ropes, as he didn’t want to risk a rope burn on your arms and wrists. 
He skillfully used his hands to attach the rope to the headboard, before lowering himself so you could feel his hot breath on your thighs. “Be good for me…make as much noise as you can, and tell me how good you feel. I want you to tell me how much you love it. How much you love me.” He nibbled at your thighs, leaving a few marks with his mouth and teeth alone. 
He took both his hands, and spread your legs as much as he could without causing you discomfort. Sliding your panties to the side, he slid his tongue along your lips, never touching your clit or where you wanted him most. “Aren’t you my good girl? My lovely wife, and the one I love more than anything else. Each time I touch you, you must say thank you, understand?” 
You nodded, but that wasn’t good enough for him. “I need to hear you say it. Use your words, darling.” Everything about the situation made you blush more and more, it was always extremely difficult not to blush. He was good at what he did, and you loved nothing more than to let him take complete control. He refused to use his tongue anymore on you until you agreed. 
“Yes sir…” It sounded pathetic, but that was good enough for him. When he slowly eased his tongue into you, all you could do was let out a moan as you yelled “THANK YOU SIR!” It felt so good, and your voice dissolved into a series of moans, as you repeated the words as much as you could. 
He used one of his hands to rub your clit, which only made you moan louder. You were lucky no one else was in the mansion right now, it would be too embarrassing to let someone hear you like this. Not that Mihawk cared, if anything he loved knowing people could hear at any moment, and show them that you were his and his alone. 
He rubbed circles on your clit, and slid his tongue in and out of you for several minutes, until he removed both his tongue and finger. Your voice was pathetically needy, and you made sure to vocalize your wants. Even if you could barely get words out, when you went from pleasure to nothing. You tried to close your thighs and rub them together, but his grip was too strong to allow that to happen. 
“Don’t worry, love. I’ll make you feel even better.” He then did the opposite of what he was doing before, and used his mouth to suck on your clit. He pulled back momentarily to ask, “How many fingers would you like? You have to speak up, I can’t hear you enough.” He used one finger to trace up and down your slit, never entering. 
“I…I want three, sir. But not all at once!” You knew your limits, and he needed to slowly ease you into it. His hands were large, so both of you knew three right off the bat was too much for your body. Even if he was already aware, you knew he wanted to hear you say it. He always made sure you vocalized anything and everything you wanted. 
“As you wish, darling.” He placed his mouth back over your clit, toying with it with his tongue before sucking on it. He then slowly eased a single finger inside of you. The actions made your moans get much louder, and you could feel him smile against you. “Good…you're such a good girl for me. Keep going, I know you can be louder.” He began thrusting his finger inside of you slowly, before speeding up just a bit. 
As he commanded, you moaned so loud that you knew your throat would be sore later. It wasn’t difficult to put everything you had in your moans, since he was making you feel so good. Even without all three fingers, you felt yourself getting just a little bit closer to ecstasy. When he inserted the second finger it only got harder to keep that edge away. 
When he inserted the third, you practically screamed. As he spoke lowly around you, you could barely contain it. “So good for me…doing exactly what I want you to. Aren’t you being such a good girl for your sir.” His thrusting fingers sped up, and you were so close already. 
“S-Sir please let me cum! I want to so badly, please I need to!” All you could do was beg. “You make me feel so good, I want to reach there! I love you, only you! Always going to be you, I want to feel this good every day, please!” You could feel yourself quivering around his fingers, as you screamed louder in wanting to reach your climax. 
“Hm…Have you earned it? I want to hear you say why you deserve it.” He continued his motions, making you scream and shake trying to hold it in. “I want you to feel good, baby. But I need to know you’ve been good today.” He already KNEW why you deserved it, but the jerk you loved was making you say it. As he always did. 
“Please sir! I worked so hard today, I cleaned every room, I ate three meals, I’ve drank so much water, I didn’t even touch myself without your permission! I need to cum so bad, please sir I can’t hold it in much longer!” If he continued with this, you really wouldn’t be able to prevent it from happening. You would try your best, but feeling his fingers inside you and his warm mouth around your clit, it would get more and more difficult to hold it back. But you knew better than to cum before he said you could. 
“You were so good today. Cum. Cum on my fingers, you can do it love.” He moved his fingers even faster, and used his other hand to rub your clit so he could talk to you through it. “I’m so proud of you, my good, good girl. You’ve earned this and more, show me how good I make you feel. How much you love me, and everything I can do for you.” His pace was relentless, and as the greatest swordsman in the world, he was capable of going harder and faster than most people in the world. 
“THANK YOU SIR!” You cried out as you did as he demanded. You came hard, and could feel your fluids coating his fingers. You screamed, and thanked him repeatedly. Declaring how much you loved him, and saying how much you loved everything he did to and for you. Your words became a jumbled mess, and you felt yourself go limp as you spasmed and twitched from the pleasure. 
Mihawk smiled, and slowly removed his fingers. While he made eye contact with you, he put those fingers in his mouth and tasted everything you could give him. It made you blush, just seeing the lewd expression he made while he licked and sucked at his fingers until there was nothing left. He moaned at the taste, never removing his eyes from yours. 
When he was done, he untied you from the bed, and laid down on his back next to you. You were completely spent, and he lifted you to lay directly on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, and how it raced. “I didn’t get to make you feel good…” Was all you said as you closed your eyes, coming down from your high. His response was as expected. 
“My pleasure matters far less than yours. Just knowing how good I make you feel is enough for me.” He rubbed your back, and muttered, “You were so good for me today…you make me so proud. I fall even further in love each time I see you.” Aftercare was always important, and for you, being in his arms for a while was always refreshing. 
“Thank you sir…I love you so much.” You could feel yourself getting closer to falling asleep, worn out from how good you felt. He was always so kind and gentle with you…when you wanted him to be. He could be rough when you felt up to it, but he was more of a “pleasure dom” than anything else. Being his sub was all you wanted, and knowing he cared so much made everything worthwhile. 
As you fell asleep, he muttered, “Don’t worry, love. Rest. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” He wasn’t really tired, but he was one to keep his promises. You knew he would be there. He never left you when you were coming down, knowing it was far more comforting when you were in his arms. 
He always took great care of you…and you knew in your brain and heart that he would continue to do so. Mihawk was there for you, your loving husband. Knowing he loved you made the world of difference, and you would continue to love him for the rest of your days. Just as he would to you. There wasn’t a man in the world you would rather be with than him. He would love you, treasure you, be there for you, listen to you, whenever you needed or wanted. That was all you really needed. To know he would never leave you, and travel the world just to come home to you. 
You loved him with all your heart, and would risk everything just to be with him and make sure he was safe. Your husband…the words were familiar, but made you smile every time. So as you fell asleep, you smiled, just knowing he would be there when you awake. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind he would love you as much as he could. His soft spot, his soft side that only you saw. He was perfect in every way. 
You would love him in life, and as your vows said, even loving each other in the world beyond. Whatever awaited you in the future, you knew it would be a future with him. 
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Hot. (Alejandro X Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, p in v sex, oral sex (f & m receiving), unprotected sex, Alejandro being a fucking animal 😫, (sorry if I missed any)
Summary: Reader is down bad for Alejandro
This is not proofread I’m at work and don’t have time just yet XD
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Alejandro is skilled. Quiet, a great shot, can fight incredibly well. He works really well under pressure despite having a bad temper. He’s caring, he’s loving. He takes care of his soldiers. He’s got everything going for him.
Sometimes, he’s aggressive. On occasion he’ll let his emotions get the best of him, but something you noticed pretty quickly, was that he was like a caged animal when he was angry. You were apart of Task Force 141, working alongside Alejandro when Los Vaqueros met up with 141. You took a liking to him right away. Loving how kind he was. You met him, shook his hand. And melted right into his touch. Your closer friends in 141 noticed how different you acted around him and caught on pretty quickly. Teasing you for your crush on the Colonel. You did your best to ignore them. After the fight with Hassan was over, a few of you decided to stay around. Helping Alejandro rebuild his base. Raising money, getting donations for machinery. Everything.
It took a while for the massive base to be fully rebuilt, but when it was, it was stunning. A masterpiece. After it was built, Alejandro asked everyone from 141 to stay. Help in the fight. A couple agreed, a couple went him. You obviously agreed to stay. You fell in love with the place and the people here. Not just because they had a very appealing leader, but because you got along with them. Of course, if Captain Price needed your assistance at all, you’d be on the first flight out of there. But for now, you were going to spend your time there. You got along with Rudy very well, even met his children and wife. She was beautiful and nice. An amazing cook.
Alejandro took a liking to you right away. Not only are you a good soldier, but you follow orders like no one he’s ever seen. You work your ass off, always have a positive attitude, and you’re an amazing addition to his team. After a few months of you on base, he gets used to you being around. He especially likes that you soothe his newest recruits after he lashes out at them. He had heard around base that you did your best to calm them down, become a peacemaker. He didn’t know it until he heard it for himself.
He had gotten a little aggressive with a new recruit for falling asleep on watch. He was probably a little more harsh than he needed to be, but he was on edge lately. He was on his way to find the recruit when he spotted you approaching him already. He was sitting in the mess hall at one of the round tables. “Hey. It’s okay.” You smile, passing him one of your MRE’s. “I’m not going to eat it, you take it.” You smile. “I know it’s tough getting yelled at like that, but I hope you know the reason he does it.” You sigh, sitting down next to him. He looks up at you, clearly upset still. “He doesn’t make strong soldiers by being soft, you know? You’re his brother now, you work alongside him. He doesn’t want to see you die, and if that means he has to be tough on you, it just does.” He nods his head. You lay your hand over stop of his. “He doesn’t hate you, he probably thinks you’re a good soldier. He just doesn’t want to lose any of his brothers or sisters. None of us do.” He nods his head. “That one has Vanilla pound cake in it. It’s really good.” You smile. Patting him on the back as you go to walk away. He grasps your hand, stopping you. “Gracias, I appreciate your kindness señorita.” He mumbles. You smile at him. “comer hasta” is the last thing you say before walking away.
After hearing that, Alejandro pays a little more attention to you. Your kindness knows no bounds. You have no enemies on base. You are kind and friendly to everyone. Alejandro likes it. You get called into his office and immediately drop what you’re doing. Making your way for his office. You send him a smile when you walk inside. He motions for you to sit down in front of his desk. You jump slightly when he throws an MRE on top of it. You narrow your eyes looking up at him, confused. “Heard you talking to the new recruit.” He smiles. Your eyes widen slightly. “Oh.. uh. I’m really sorry, I know I shouldn’t have overstepped I just-“
Him laughing cuts you off. You freeze up, body going rigid. “Relax Cariño.” He smiles. He leans back against his desk, resting his hands back on it. You relax slightly. “I think what you’re telling them is very kind. You make me seem like less of a dick to them. Te admiro.” He smiles. “Oh uh.. thank you.” You blush. “You’re a valuable asset to me.” He smiles. You look down at your hands, cheeks very red. He notices the way you’re responding to him. It’s like he’s caught you off guard. “Thank you sir. I appreciate it.” You smile. “Keep it up, and here.” He passes you the MRE. “For the one you gave away.” He smiles. “Thank you.” You smile.
Alejandro really liked you, not in a romantic way. But you were just one of his favorite soldiers.
He hasn’t looked at a woman in a romantic way in a long time, he liked to keep himself away from all of that. No feelings he’s ever had were ever strong enough to stick. None of them were strong enough to last while he worked. His parents always harassed him, wondering when he was going to have kids. He always shrugged them off, saying it would happen eventually.
He’s exhausted. It’s close to one in the morning. He’s just finished up all of the paperwork he’d fallen behind on overtime. He decided to stay up late and take the next day off since he was up late. He’s passing by the men’s and women’s showers, trying to make sure everything is okay and in order. Everyone should be asleep. He hears a moan come from the women’s showers, eyebrows furrowing. He had a strict rule when it came to his base. No relations with anyone on base at all. He knows he shouldn’t barge in, but it’s late and he just wants to go to his room. He opens the door, closing it behind him. He can hear a shower going, clearly an attempt to conceal any noises. When he steps up, he can see the naked form of someone, as he inches closer, he sees that it’s you. But to his surprise, there’s no one else with you. You’ve got a hand clamped down around your mouth, fingers knuckle deep inside of yourself as you pump them in and out. You’re soaking wet from the water running over you, and Alejandro is frozen. He can’t tear his eyes away from you. His body is frozen, eyes drinking in every inch of you. He can feel himself hardening in his cargo pants, breathing out. You tilt your head back, crying out into your hand. It’s clear that you’ve just reached your high. Alejandro snaps himself out of his daze, quickly going for the door before you turn the shower off and hear him.
You finish your shower, redressing yourself and making your way out. You don’t expect anyone else to be out at this hour, it’s passed curfew anyways. You’re ringing your hair out with a towel when you open the door, almost running right into the last person you want to see. A gasp leaves your lips and he crosses his arms. “It’s late.” He mumbles. “I.. I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to take a shower to.. relax.” You swallow hard. He takes a step toward you, and you step back. Your back hitting the wall as he moves in closer. “Don’t disobey the rules, Cariño. You don’t want to see me angry.” He mumbles. His face is only a few inches from yours. You nod your head. “Y-yes sir.” You swallow hard. With that, he spins around, walking away from you. Had he heard you? That one moan you accidentally let out, it was loud. Maybe he heard it. You pray he hadn’t.
You quickly rush to the women’s barracks, ready to forget what just happened.
Alejandro is struggling when finally gets into his room. He didn’t see you like that, so what was he feeling? Was he really this touch starved? He palms himself through his pants, wincing uncomfortably. He wanted to fix this problem, but he didn’t have the patience for it. It was always so hard to finish. He’d given up on it completely. It usually would just go away in its own, but this time. He just couldn’t help it. Tugging his cargo pants down his legs, he started pumping himself in his hand, feeling more sensitive than usual. Maybe there was something with you that brought something out of him.
You wanted to open up to a few of your friends on base about what had happened, but didn’t want to embarrass yourself any more than you already had. You were embarrassed for the entire day afterward, thankful you hadn’t seen him for most of the day. Not until later anyways.
You’re helping a few new recruits train, and after a mishap with a target, he was going off on one of them. Being more aggressive than he needed to be. You set your gun down, stepping in front of the recruit. “This is not your place.” He breathes. “I approved it, if you’re going to be mad at anyone be mad at me.” He’s still angry. You dismiss the recruit, which pisses him off even further. “You do not have the authority. Do not step on my toes.” He growls. You stare at him, face completely emotionless as you stare at him. “Like I said, I approved it. If you want to be mad, be mad at me.” He grits his teeth, hard. “My office. Now.” He growls. He begins walking and you follow after him, having someone else take over for you. He opens his office door and you step inside, closing it behind you. “You do not undermine me. Do you understand?” He breathes. “Yes sir.” You look up at him. “I hope you’re not just covering for them.”
“I’m not a liar.”
A snort leaves his lips. Making you look at him in confusion. “If you’re not a liar tell me what you were doing in the showers last night.” He crosses his arms. Your eyes widen. “I couldn’t sleep so I was trying to relax.” He doesn’t miss the way that you avoid eye contact with him. He takes a deep breath, walking around the desk. His mind is going crazy. He hasn’t had feelings like this for a very long time. Not for years. His cock is hard, and he’s already got beads of sweat forming at his hairline. He closes his eyes for a second. “You know, for how big this place is, gossip spreads fast.” He leans up against his desk. You look nervous and confused. “I know about your little crush on me, have for some time now.”
You look down, avoiding his strong gaze.
He grits his teeth, stepping forward. Lifting your chin to look at him. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” You whimper at his touch, your eyes want to flutter closed but you force them open. “What’s gotten into you hm? You’re always such a good girl and now? Chica mala.” He mumbles. You swallow hard. “I’m sorry.” You whimper. “I- I do have a crush on you.” You breathe out. Voice is unsteady and desperate. “But I can stay away, I know that nothing will ever come of it.” He’s still got a tight grip on your chin. “I’m sorry that I broke your rules Colonel, I promise it won’t happen again.” You’re looking up at him. So desperate to please him. “You can make it up to me, hermosa.” He breathes. “Okay, I’ll do anything.” You nod your head lightly and he leans against the back of your chair, grasping your hand and lifting it enough. He rests your hand on the front of his cargo pants. Holding it there by pressing the palm of his hand against the back of yours. Your eyes widen and you look away from him to see what he’s doing. You gulp, and he smiles at this. “Go on.” He mumbles. You take a deep breath and he draws his hand away. Relieved when you keep yours on him. You’ve never done anything like this before. Nerves shot through you. You start palming him, earning a groan from him. He rocks his hips into your hand, desperate for your touch. “That’s it. That’s a good girl.” He groans. He lifts his shirt slightly, giving you a view of his lower stomach. His pants sat low on him, showing off the v-line leading down to his cock. He brushes over your bottom lip with his left hand, his right still resting on the arm of the chair.
He pushes his thumb between your lips, and you open your mouth so that he can push it in further. Sucking down on it. Dribbles of your drool drip off of his thumb onto your chin. “Fuck- on your knees soldier.” He breathes. You obey immediately and he leans back against his desk, holding onto it. “Show me what a good girl you are.” He mumbles. You move forward, looking up at him as you reach for his belt. You slide the leather through the metal piece, pulling it back. Once you’ve got it unbuckled, his cargo pants are next. You unbutton them, unzipping them. You tug them down his thighs just enough. You grasp his boxers, pulling them down and freeing his hard cock. He’s much larger than you expected. You pump him a couple times before leaning forward, taking the tip into your mouth. Sucking gently at it. His thighs weaken and he clutches the desk for dear life. “Si como esa bebe” he gasps. “Fucking good girl.” He moans. You take him down further, starting to hollow your cheeks, sucking harder and harder until the suction sounds are lewd. He watches you take him down. “Look at me.” He breathes.
Your eyes flickering up to him, staring up at him through your eyelashes. He’s lucky he doesn’t bust right there. “You going to be a good girl?” He asks. Running his fingers over your bulged cheek. Mouth so full of him. He smirks. You’re completely at his mercy, not even hesitating to please him. You moan around him, clearly agreeing. “I’ll teach you baby. Show you why you shouldn’t disobey me.” He breathes. You moan around him again. He tilts his head back, swallowing hard. You’re already getting him close. So close. He wraps a hand in your hair, forcing you down into him further. He forces you down as far as you can take him, eyes rolling back as you swallow around him. You start to turn red from him cutting off your oxygen. “You’re mine. I control you. I’ll tell you when you can fucking breathe.” He growls. Holding you still until your eyes start to flutter closed. He finally lets you go and you slide completely off of him, gasping for air. He chuckles at you.
“Tan patética.”
He grasps your arm, pulling you up no problem. He grasps your thighs, lifting you up onto his desk. The way that he man handles you has your cheeks flushing. He grasps your pants, unbuttoning them and pulling them down your legs, spotting panties that definitely weren’t proper military apparel. “Bad girl.” He smirks. They’re red lacy panties. You’re thankful you wore them. He grasps the hem of them, pulling them down your thighs. “Not exactly military approved baby.” He chuckles. “Have to wear something that makes me feel like a woman.” You blush. He smiles. “I can make you feel like a woman, no panties needed.” He smirks. You tilt your head back, blushing hard. He laughs, knowing that he’s gotten to you. He pushes your shirt up over your hips, pushing you back further onto his desk. He breathes. Licking his lips. He lowers himself, rubbing his thumb over your clit. “Bonita coño” he moans, lowering his face into you. You gasp when you feel his tongue, clutching hard at the edge of his desk “You’re going to be my good girl, yeah?” He moans into you. Tongue flicking back and fourth over your pussy. “Yes- yes sir!” You pant. He smiles into you, looking up at you. You’ve got your head tilted back. Lips parted. He sucks at your clit, swirling his tongue over you. He knows he’s good at this, it’s one thing he really enjoyed doing. You taste so sweet, and he could spend hours with his face buried between your thighs. A mewl leaves your lips, and he can tell by the way your clit is starting to throb that you’re getting close. He holds your thighs tightly. You’re panting hard, trying to clamp your thighs shut. “Keep your legs open.” He growls. “I, I can’t. I’m sorry-“ you whimper. “It’s so much.” You sob. He growls, pinning your hips to the desk and holding onto your thighs tightly. He keeps up his abuse on your clit and you cry out, louder than you intend to. Your hips buck up, and you try to close your legs but he keeps them open. Riding out your high on his tongue.
“Are you a virgin?” He asks. You shake your head. “Good. I don’t have to be gentle.” He adjusts himself, lining his cock up with your opening and sinking himself inside of you. He’s gripping your ankles as he starts to thrust himself inside of you. The air leaves your lungs, gasping in a breath as he starts to fuck you. Your eyes fill with tears at the overstimulation. They stream down your face and you’re moaning out, squirming around beneath him. “Quédate quieta, niña patética” he growls. He slides out of you, growing frustrated. He’s horny and he’s desperate to cum. He lifts you up, flipping you around so that you’re on your hands and knees. He pulls you back by your hips until you’re right on the edge of the desk. He holds your hips as he slides himself into you again. Groaning out. He rests his hands on your ankles once more, clutching onto you as he starts to thrust into you. The way that you feel so tightly wrapped around him, it’s almost too much. He can’t remember the last time he’s had sex. His high is approaching pathetically fast. He grasps your hips, thrusting faster. He needs to get you to another high.
If there’s one thing about Alejandro, he always takes care of his women. The desk is usually sturdy, but it slides against the floor with each hard thrust he takes, and he prays that nobody walks by and hears what’s going on behind his door. Their Colonel breaking his own rules by fucking you on his desk. You’re panting hard, moaning out for him. You can’t see his face but he’s smirking. You’re at his complete mercy. “Feels better than your fingers right baby? I saw you. Saw you with you fingers knuckle deep in this little pussy. So desperate to cum. I bet you feel so much better than that hm?” He smiles. You nod your head. “Yes-“ a gasp leaves your lips when he slaps your ass. “It feels so good.” You cry. You feel so full, something you weren’t used to. He grasps hold of your hair pulling you back into him. His lips right at your ear, his other hand wrapping around your stomach. He moves it lower to rub circles at your clit, feeling you start to squirm. He attacks your neck with his mouth, until you’re moaning louder. “Such a good fucking girl.” He moans. “Thank me.” He smirks. “I’m fucking you, making you feel so good even though you disobeyed me. I’m making your dreams come true even when you don’t deserve it. Fucking agradeceme.” A gasp leaves your lips, you’re right on the edge. “Thank you Colonel. I don’t deserve it, I know I don’t, thank you, thank you!” You’re chanting it. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, hips hammering into yours. You’re right on the edge. You grasp his built arms, holding onto him. “Alejandro- I’m going to cum!” You cry. He can feel your tears dripping off of your chin onto his arms and he smiles. “Beg me for it baby. Demuéstrame que te lo mereces.” He resumes attacking your neck, smiling when you reach your own hand down to rub circles on your sensitive nub. “Please make me cum-“ you gasp. “Please let me cum- please- I’ll be a good girl. I won’t disobey you again- I’m yours- all yours.”
His lips are right next to your ear. His deep voice rattles your brain. “Fucking cum for me.”
Another sob leaves your lips and he covers your mouth with his hand to conceal the moans that leave them. You relax forward, sobbing into his hand. His hips stutter as he reaches his own high, filling you to the hilt with his own orgasm. Holding your hips against his. Trying to keep his filth inside of you for as long as possible. You’re breathing hard, thighs shaking violently from how rough he’s been. He’s panting hard. Leaving kisses behind your ear. He wraps his hands around your stomach again, hugging you from behind. He slides himself out of you, pressing his forehead to the middle of your back, hissing as he slides out of you. “Fuck.. I’m sorry if I was too rough.” He breathes. “No.. no. It.. was amazing.” You breathe. Cheeks burning bright. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Going to get me into trouble.” He chuckles. You giggle, the sound makes his heart thump in his chest. “Did.. did you see me last night?” You ask. He moves you until you’re sitting on the edge of his desk and he’s moved between your thighs. “By accident. I heard.. a cry. So I went inside to check on whoever it was. It was late, I didn’t think..” he breathes. “I saw you. Couldn’t tear my fucking eyes off of you.” He chuckles. He lifts your chin, leaning down. He presses his lips to yours, feeling your body tense up. You really like him. When he pulls away, your eyes are still closed and he can tell you’re in a daze. His touch sends you right into a subspace and he can’t help but chuckle at you.
He helps you down from his desk, chuckling when your knees buckle under you. He holds you up until you steady yourself. “Take the rest of the day off, go rest. I’ll go make sure everyone at the range is good.” He glides a hand over your thigh. “These are mine, by the way.” He snags your panties.
The next day, he’s following Rudy to his office. “Where are they?” He asks. “Top drawer.” Alejandro nods to his desk. He’s waiting in the doorway for Rudy to pick up the paperwork. His eyes widen when he remembers. “Rudy wait!” He yelps. But it’s too late, Rudy has already opened the drawer, eyes widening as he pinches the fabric between his fingers, lifting it up. “Colonel. Breaking your own rules I see.”
“Put it down and let’s go.” He groans. Rudy shoves them to the side, picking up the stack of paperwork. He chuckles as he follows Alejandro out into the hallway. “Who is it?” Rudy asks, just as you happen to pass by, avoiding eye contact with Alejandro like it’s the plague. Cheeks brightening a little bit as you pass by. Rudy glances behind himself at you. “Never mind.” He nudges Alejandro with his elbow. Alejandro is blushing, giving Rudy a shove. “Better quit before I give you 50 push ups, hermano.” He laughs. “She’s real pretty. Got a nice body. Maybe you should pursue it.” Rudy shrugs. “I’m going to.” Alejandro mumbles. “Now leave me alone.” He laughs.
“Not a chance.”
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mystsee · 1 year
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✦ about: after yesterday’s incident, simon is there for you. at all times. even when you try to push him away :(
✦ content: afab reader, fluff, panic attacks, inaccurate medical terms xd, pining, violence mentions, no mask , hospital, no mentions of y/n
✦ a.n: part of this story is based on my personal experience, #definitelynotprojecting
WAKING up in the hospital wasn’t what confused you the most, it was the weight of something, rather someone, in your arm. you felt your head dizzy, remembering yesterday’s events.
you were unconscious for the most part, but you do remember simon threatening the doctors they took care of you in that moment. simon was very panicked and angry, he couldn’t believe someone could do that to you, let alone a man.
he was desperate knowing who he was, so, he asked lily. lily was indecisive if telling him the story, i mean, she has no idea what’s your story with simon, you never told her he was your boyfriend soon to be husband
“look, i just remember they met in a meeting or something like that, i never saw her happy with him, it always seemed like she was just trying to move on about someone” simon felt a pang in his chest. he never knew anything about how you dealed with the breakup, he went away for as long as he could.
“the bastard started controlling her, and it was hard for her impossible to break up with him, the night she came from a long work trip, she found him in her flat, angry as hell. trying to force her to go move in with him and leave her work”
simon remembers how passionate you were while learning languages, being a translator was your dream, you just loved languages. he was happy to know you were still doing it :)
“the psycho tried to force her and started pushing her around, trying to take her out of her flat, i arrived just in time, i called 911 and they took him out of her flat. since there was no proof of him hurting her, police couldn’t give him a restriction order”
simon felt anger boiling up to him, how dare someone tried touching you like that?
an hour later, the doctor came out, telling simon your hip was fractured, the doctors managed to solve it, all you needed now was fisio therapy. and lots of rest. doctor said you would have a limp for a while when you walked, so you would need help while walking, simon ears perked at that, he could be near you now.
you were still unconscious, the anesthesia they gave you was hard on you. you were okay though, but simon didn’t think for a second he would leave your side.
he slept next to you that night. “i’m s’ sorry love” he said in a small whisper “i thought distance would b’good too, should’ know i needed to fight harder for you.” simon took a deep breath
“maybe then, you wouldn’t be here” knowing you dated this bastard, trying to move on, made him feel a bit guilty inside.
as you opened your eyes, your eyes moved to your left, you saw simon, his head on your arm, and his hand holding yours. you felt heat rush to your cheeks. he looked so peaceful like that. you always loved sleeping next to him, engulfed by his big arms, you always slept like a baby next to him :(
you slowly moved your other hand, and moved it to simon’s hair, soft as ever, making small patterns on his hair. you stared at him for what it felt like forever. maybe they were 5 minutes, but you really appreciated seeing simon again.
you felt when simon woke up, he was awake a while ago, but he wanted to feel your hands on him his muscles tensed up, and his hand tightened on your hand. the way he moved his head to look at you, made your cheeks even redder. he had this lazy look, his hair a mess, but his eyes held something when he looked at you. “love? you awake?” his deep voice made your thighs clench unconsciously, it sounded way too good.
“yes” you said breathlessly, simon sat up and started stretching, he was clearly in a very uncomfortable position, his black shirt moved up a little bit, making you see a clear outline of his abs. your face was a tomato at this point
“i’ll call the doctor, love” that nickname was making you feel things, how come in less that a minute he’s making you all flustered? you thought you moved on!
after 5 minutes of a medical check up, the doctor explained what happened to you, and of course, you felt the tears threaten to fall. you try hard to keep them inside, but it was really hard, you felt ashamed with yourself:(
lily came back after an hour of being in silence with simon, a lot of thoughts were spiraling on your head, where is he? is he at the police station? will you be safe in your home?
lily brought you a change of clothes, doctors gave you the heads up, but you need to come here every once a week for fisio. your sweater covered most of the bruises the bastard left you, making you less uncomfortable. being around simon in this state was making you feel weird.
as you tried standing up on the bed, your left leg gave out, making you almost fall, but simon’s hand was on your waist, firm on there, making you blush again, his hand felt so good around you you almost forgot your leg was hurting you .
he effectively caged you in between the bed, you didn’t dare to move your eyes, you were sure his lieutenant stare was on you right now. but you were so close to him, you could feel his muscled chest and his breath.
you saw simon moving to his side after a long minute, and move his left arm up, signaling you to grab it. you started waking out of the hospital with him, it felt weird, you were still processing the fact that he was here, and now you were waking with your arms intertwined?
you thought lily would be picking you up with simon, but turns out, simon brought his car, a jeep, when? god knows, but it was really good looking. simon helped you up, once again feeling his hands around your waist, so lovely. he helped you buckle up, again really close to you. all of this was making you confused. neither of you said a word.
the ride home was awkward, for simon, he didn’t know what to say, you didn’t say anything, and you, you were feeling shame, a lost gaze on the road. simon saw that and felt his heart clench, he didn’t like seeing you sad.
the elevator to your flat was not working, so, simon the oh so gentleman decided to carry you “wait! no simon, it’s okay, you don’t nee-!” he was carrying you bridal style, his big arms carrying you, one holding your waist, and the other your legs, you just hid your face on his chest.
simon smiled at that, it was so easy getting you flustered, and he must admit, he really missed having you in his arms.
by the time you were inside your flat, you just told him you needed to go to the bathroom.
you needed an excuse to get away from him, it was really shameful, not seeing each other for 2 years and now, he sees you a mess, not even able to walk correctly.
so many thinking made you start hyperventilating, not realizing, and a small sob made your way up to your throat.
simon, obviously, heard that, in less than a second he was on the door “love? you okay?” you heard simon outside making you cry now. you couldn’t see him right now.
“open the door love” simon said softly, he felt the need to hold you, that’s what he did everytime you cried
“no simon, please, just go” you said defeatedly, you had no control over your mind right now, and you didn’t want to hurt simon’s feelings.
“please, baby open the door” his soft voice made you weak, oh his soft voice that was only for you. you opened the door slowly. simon saw you, holding to your dear life on the bathroom’s counter. it was clear you couldn’t stand good by yourself.
“love” simon said approaching you, you just shaked your head, all the emotions of yesterday creeping up on you right now. “no, simon, please” sobbing, you seriously didn’t want him to see you like that
“you’ll hurt yourself like that, please let me help you” simon walked slowly to you, you just held his arms strong, still shaking your head, suddenly simon hoisted you up in his waist, taking care of your leg of course.
he got you up in the counter, and stood in between your legs “simon” you whimpered “what’s wrong huh? you don’t want me here?” you shaked your head, the exhaustion and all the emotions of yesterday and today was making you dizzy “it’s not that” with a small breath you looked at him on the eyes “i don’t like you seeing you seeing me like this, i feel ashamed, you stayed up all night with me on that room, and i appreciate it a lot, but i don’t to want to be a burden to you” you said in between breaths.
simon was confused for a second, he’s seen you cry a lot, you’ve cried on his arms, sobbed uncontrollably with him, why would you feel ashamed of being like this in front of him “simon, t-the situation” you took a shaky breath “that you saw yesterday, i, i don’t know how to explain it, i’m so ashamed it got like that”
“baby, hey look at me” his big hands cupped your face “i’m here for you okay, i know there’s been a lot of distance between us, but i’m here now ok?” simon put his forehead with yours, you were so close to him now, and the need to kiss him was strong, you thought he would want to leave.
“i, i don’t want to bother you” you said lowering your gaze to his chest, but simon just moved your head to his eyes “you are not a bother to me at all love” said simon smiling, and you surprised him by putting your arms around a him, hugging him tightly to you. you had your arms around his waist , and your face on hidden in his neck. simon felt warm inside, taking a second to react, he put his arms around your waist like he used to and pushed you tighter to him, you felt at peace with him, feeling his arms rub small circles on your back.
maybe it was a mistake breaking up with him, but you have him back now,
maybe the universe is giving you another chance, and you won’t let it miss
“come on baby, you need to rest” simon said carrying you to your bed. you tightened your hold on him when he dropped you to your bed, making simon make a small laugh “please you koala, you need to rest” simon was in between your legs again, with his forearms next to your head “stay here” you said almost slurring, the meds were clearly messing with your head right now, “i’ll be here, you don’t have to worry”
5 minutes later you laid fast asleep in your bed. lily arrived to your flat later, and saw simon going out of your room “hey, the police told me he’s under investigation and arrest, but i don’t know for how long” simon saw the worry in lily’s eyes “i’ll keep her safe, let’s hope for the best yeah?”
it was now simon’s duty to keep you safe, he won’t ever let you go again. ♡
hello hello! how was this?? i hope it was interesting, like i said fluff is my thingy, so, expect this to be really fluffy hehe.
i like the drama, but also the comfort, sooo, expect another dramatic chapter again hehe
hope you liked it!! part 3 on the way!
taglist !!
@the-queen-of-england183 @sluttyforsimon @hotaruteba @honey-on-mars
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sky-kiss · 1 year
Okay hear me out. This isn't exactly a request unless...👀
But the Raphael x Tav dynamic where he is the only one who can poke fun or give them a hard time is eating my brain.
Like "I can call them a vapid little fool, but if anyone else does the exact same thing it's hellfire and brimstone for them. For a hundred years."
He'd call it affection if it was in his vocabulary.
A/n: This is short, but I’ve been doing a lot of Carrot!Raph and not a lot of Stick!Raph. Some gore and torture ahead. XD Also I don't think this is what you wanted RIP.
“All this caterwauling! You should really feel blessed, little lamb! I rarely sully my hands these days.” Raphael folded his hands at the small of his back. Isolated from the scene around him, the devil would have appeared perfectly genteel: his doublet remained pressed, hair immaculate. Only the eyes were different, violently bright in the prison’s omnipresent gloom. 
Souls and prisoners howled around them, some in agony, some in a desperate attempt to catch the Master’s attention. He didn’t hear; only his guest mattered. 
The cambion stopped, lingering just outside their field of vision. They’d finally stopped screaming, lapsing into hiccuping sobs, slumped in on themselves. Not his finest work, he’d be the first to admit, but the rage had come upon him too abruptly for a more cerebral punishment. He reached out, fisting his hand in the sweaty mass of their hair, and tugged their head back. Terror flooded their eyes; their mouth tried to curl back in horror but failed to manage it. His claws left the cheek a ruin of tissue. He tapped a nail against the wound. They knew better than to twitch away. 
“Remind me why I’m entertaining you, little one.” 
It took three attempts before they could finally choke the word out: “Duchess.” 
“Ah, yes. How forgetful! You will have to forgive the indiscretion.” Raphael stepped closer. He’d made quite a mess, honestly. Bones jutted from strange, haphazard angles; he’d removed a few in a fit of pique. He didn’t believe they were essential, but it was always so difficult to tell with mortals. He yanked, and the little thing screamed their anguish. “And what was it you said? Be specific; your life depends on it.” 
“W…whore. Whore queen. Raph…” they winced. The mouth couldn't form the words, an ever-increasing disconnect between the body and brain as blood loss took its toll. “Your cunt.” 
“An inelegant summation.” He wiped his hand on the thing’s shoulders, glancing across the chamber. “Care to vouch for them, duchess?” 
His pet chuckled. What a sight! His finest treasure, her gown set with gems, gold chains hanging about her horns. He had created art with her. “It is they say, my duke.” 
“And that bodes well for you, little one.” Raphael knelt beside them, stroking hair back from their face. They turned their face into the motion, an awful pantomime of intimacy. “Though…perhaps not as well as you might have hoped. I guard my treasures so zealously, and she is first among them. You understand, don’t you?” 
They nodded, miserable. 
“But I am not without mercy. Should you apologize to her…we could start fresh. Would you like that, little one?” He pitched his voice lower, speaking as if in conspiracy. Two friends, ready to make peace. They released a shuddering breath and nodded. Raphael held out his arm to his duchess. She came to him with vibrant eyes and a smile, a pretty reflection of all he’d accomplished. His conquest, his might, his pretty love. “Begin, wretch.” 
“Beg…beg forgiveness, dutchess. Please…gods, please, forgive us…” 
His duchess hummed. “You are forgiven, wretch.” And to Raphael, “My love, must you play with your food? Are you nearly finished?” 
“Very nearly, little mouse. First,” he withdrew a vial from his doublet, a draught of restorative waters. He held it to his guest's lips. Like magic, flesh mended itself! Wounds shrunk and disappeared! In a matter of moments, they were whole once more.
“Merciful King, kind lord,” they sobbed, crawling towards him. The wretch painted the toe of his boot with kisses. “Never again. Not a word against you or the lady will pass my lips.” 
“No. I imagine not.” He nudged their ribs with his boots. “Alas, our fresh start will have to wait. My duchess requires me.” The imps crawled forward, hungry and eager. “I leave you in my staff’s ever-capable hands.” 
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xchronicles · 6 days
I need to get all my thoughts out so I can refocus on my work. It’s also in the creative field, and I can't think about it if I’m stuck in a JC loop xD
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I wanna talk about why I know Chakotay is inlove with Janeway and why I don’t question that aspect of the show. I’ll just take Cracked Mirror as an example:
It's been made clear how Chakotay feels about Janeway. We never got to hear what he told Holo Janeway or the kids during their time on Ysida, but we did see the results of their conversations. First, Dal jokes about the Admiral’s Ready Room, and then Gwyn pushes him to stop teasing Chakotay about being all pampered up in such a direct way. Gwyn does also encourage Chakotay by saying he looks great. Instead of feeling shy, he actually asks them if he looks like he’s trying too hard? They know what’s up. This isn’t news to them. That’s when Holo Janeway shows up, asking, “Is that a bad thing?” She’s implying that it’s good that he’s trying hard because it makes his intentions and feelings clear. Chakotay then admits he wishes he could’ve come back sooner, with fewer gray hairs, clearly worrying about how Janeway will feel about him. Will she still find him attractive? After all, he is 10 years older. Holo Janeway comforts him, saying there’s no point dwelling on what could’ve been. There’s no ambiguity in this scene - it makes Chakotay’s feelings clear. He wants to look good because he’s concerned about how Admiral Janeway will perceive him. Will she still find him attractive? He’s worried, and you don’t worry about whether a friend finds you attractive - that’s a romantic concern.
Then, after Janeway and Chakotay finally reunite, Gwyn tells Dal that she had told him she could handle going through different realities. Dal replies that it wasn’t her he was worried about; he was concerned about Chakotay. Knowing how Chakotay feels about Janeway, Dal was afraid of what it would do to Chakotay, having to face more realities where Janeway was either dead or missing. Dal was genuinely worried about how much more loss Chakotay could take. In the following episode, Dal hears Chakotay laughing in the mess hall with Janeway. Gwyn notices his attention on them and also takes a look. Seeing Janeway grab Chakotay’s hand makes her smile. Both Gwyn and Dal are clearly happy that Janeway and Chakotay are finally together. They know how Janeway and Chakotay feel about each other and are happy for them, regardless of whether Janeway and Chakotay have discussed it yet.
Bonus point: the way he intimately clasps her hand with both of his when he gives her his CHAH-mooz-ee followed by a shy smile and calling her his home. Dude is head over heels. Just like with his warrior story, he's telling her how he feels in non-direct ways in hopes that she will understand him.
That's it. I think this is where I take a break from this because I really need to get back to work and shift my focus away from it. I've been at it for the past few days, and I'm happy I have been because I don't remember the last time creativity hit me this hard.
Chakotay loves Janeway in every single way, including romantically. No questions about it. Where Janeway stands, though, depends on whether Mulgrew or the Hagemans allow her to break free from the constraints she's been tethered to for being a woman.
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muffinsin · 7 months
could you write a fluff fic that’s bela x reader? just a silly fic where they’re baking and it goes wrong and they throw flour and eggs and have a silly food fight. love your writing btw!!
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Absolutely, we’re in high need of some Bela fluff again XD I’m glad you like my work hon🙌 :) combining these two asks for a sweet little snippet!🙇‍♀️
You hum contentedly, eyes closing and your arms wrapping around Bela from behind. You rest your head on her back, and smile when you feel her relax against you. She sighs happily, then reaches out for a cookbook.
“Alright, we need two sugar spoons of honey!”, she declares, and giggles when you make no move to let go of her at all. Or to do anything, really.
“Come on, little one. Two sugar spoons of honey!”, she repeats, giggling at you. You only Hmpf at her, and whine about wanting her to do it herself. You’re simply too cozy now.
She groans at first, yet upon feeling you cuddle up closer against her, she can’t at all stay annoyed. Instead she reaches forwards and grabs what she needs, pours it into the bowl in front of her and turns the page of the cookbook again.
She can’t help but giggle when she feels you poke her neck, and eagerly leans in when she feels you pull her down a little and kiss her. She hums eagerly and closes her eyes in content.
“What’s next, darling?”, you hum, your fingers flitting over the pots and spoons, cups and plates Bela has set out for the two of you. They lay perfectly straight, not a single dare touches another. You’re tempted to tilt one, just to hear your girlfriend’s adorable, annoyed grunt and silent growl as she fixes it again.
“Flour, I think”, she replies, yet when her bare hand reaches for it, the bag suddenly bursts.
It seems, her nails were a little too sharp for the fragile paper holding the flour.
You can’t help but laugh and gasp in surprise. Your face is full of flour and your clothing is white with its powdery texture. Bela, however, took most of the powdery assault.
Her brows furrow when you laugh again upon looking at her. From head to toe, she has flour sticking to her. Her hood, once dark and bloody, now looks almost pale white. Her eyes are pressed shut, yet her entire face is white with the flour. It seems to tickle her nose, for she sneezes high pitched.
You nearly double over laughing when it causes the flour to shoot out her nose too.
“Sweetheart!”, you can’t help but cry out. She grumbles quietly when her dirty cheeks are cupped gently. You’re laughing so hard, tears form at your eyes already.
You can’t bring yourself to care about the mess left on the floor. And Bela? The sight is just too hilarious. She blushes and avoids your eyes when you brush the flour from her lips, and squeaks in surprise when you lean in to kiss her.
She hums, her eyes closing and her floury hands coming up to cup your cheeks in return.
You don’t notice her wandering hands, too occupied by the wonderful feeling of her soft and thick lips against yours. She hums, her eyes opening for a mere moment. Then, you cringe at the feeling of having some of the remaining flour poured down the back of your shirt.
It’s her turn to laugh, when you jump and squirm adorably, bend and whine trying to brush it all out again.
She shrieks in surprise when an egg comes flying her way. Unsurprisingly, she avoids being hit in the arm with it by sidestepping, and as she looks at you again, you smirk.
“You didn’t!”, she gasps dramatically, yet you see the sly, playful smirk forming on her lips already.
You have but a moment to fall to your knees to dodge the handful of flour being shot your way.
You giggle when she attempts to swarm to you, only to shriek and land back in the exact same spot, a shudder taking over her body and another sneeze being prompted by the flour tickling her nose.
You can’t help but tease her a little more as you discreetly reach for another egg from the carton.
“You need a bath, baby?”, you tease, a bright grin on your face only replaced by a shocked expression when you’re hit with another handful of flour.
She giggles, and shrieks when an egg hits her right at the stomach. Bela cringes at the feeling of it, and your eyes widen when she promptly grabs whatever seems to be in her reach.
You still laugh as you dodge more of the flour, and can’t help but yell when she finally makes use of the eggs too.
Adjusting her strength as to not hurt you, she throws those within her reach. Unsurprisingly, her shots are precise and effective.
Bela giggles as you cringe too, the wet, slimy feeling of the eggs trailing down your back and chest, your leg and left arm feeling foreign.
You go to raise your hand again, this time equipped with flour from the counter. Yet, for a moment, you lose track of her. Then, you feel a larger hand around yours, her fingers squeezing your wrist tight and making your fist fall open again.
You can only watch her in awe even as the flour falls onto your own head and whitens your hair.
She looks beautiful, even with an egg smearing her front and flour covering her nearly from head to toe. Her golden, beautiful eyes remain, strong and piercing.
Her lips, brushed clean by you, do too. You smile as she leans in, having caught the sight of yours too, and hum happily at her taste on your lips. Her lips feel soft and warm, and neither of you mind the boring taste of flour in your mouths.
“What about the cake?”, she worries, her eyes darting over the mess left on the floor and the two of you. She doubts the two of you will be able to bake just about anything without flour, and she outright refuses to use the spilled one!
You can’t help but grin at her.
A sweet, surprised gasp is pulled from your girlfriend when she suddenly feels your arms wrapping around her and cupping her ass.
You squeeze, your eyes meeting golden ones.
“I’ve got it”, you only answer with a sly smile
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littledollll · 1 year
Hey ^^
could I request a Lucifer x fem!reader where the reader is bratty all day and just breaks every possible rule just because of boredom so of course when Lucifer finishes all their work they show where and to whom reader belongs. Of course smut and maybe small aftercare? You can use any kinks you see fit for their dynamic (I’m kinky person so I don’t mind anything really xd)
Hope you have the wonderful day🫶🏻
Brainless pet
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: now where have I seen this before, @v3nusxsky do you have any idea?👀
i always have way too much fun writing smut for Lucifer I swear. Thank you for your request darling, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Begging, spanking, overstimulation (if u squint), degradation (like so much-), toys, praise(?), edging, Lucifer talks like- so much.
“please please pleaseeee” you’ve been at this for about an hour. Non stop whining and pleading trying to rip away Lucifer from work just because you felt needy, Lucifer was getting annoyed now.
“Pet-“ they were about to yet again explain they couldn’t attend you just yet before you interrupted with more whining. “sir…” they sighed, giving you a look that did nothing but make you squeeze your thighs together though you were sure it was supposed to be a warning.
“You are not supposed to be here and yet I’m letting it slide, if you keep being such a brat I will not continue to be as kind as I’m being now.” They didn’t even look up to address you. “Luci.. please I’ll be so good if you just touch me please sir” You were acting like a petulant child, whining for attention and stomping your feet at rejection. “you won’t even look at me!”
“You’re distracting my work, I shouldn’t have to say this again pet.” You pouted and kneeled before them. “pretty please sir..” Lucifer’s hand came to cup your jaw, convincing you that you had managed to sway them, you were wrong. “Go. You will sit and wait for me, I don’t care how long it takes. If I walk into that room and find you touching what’s mine you will regret it.”
You huffed and whined but followed their directions, though your attitude didn’t go unnoticed.
You planed to follow their orders, you really did. But in your plans Lucifer was in the room right after you, it had been like an hour now and you were getting impatient. That consistent ache between your thighs had no plans on going away any time soon and you weren’t going to put up with it anymore. If Lucifer wasn’t going to help, you’d deal with it yourself. Fuck their rules, they aren’t even here to see you break them.
Turns out you had horrible timing.
“I told you time and time again to be patient. That you’d get what you ask for as long as you behave and wait. You couldn’t do either of those.” Lucifer waltzing in at the same time your beloved toy buzzed to life also wasn’t in your plans.
It was quite the view , Lucifer had to admit. Seeing their little pet with a pillow stuffed between your thighs, a vibrator wand pressed against your clit for extra stimulation, it wasn’t enough to take away the anger though, it wouldn’t smooth out your awaiting punishment in any way.
“A brainless pet. That’s what you are, too needy to even think. You’re lucky you look cute humping 𝙈𝙮 pillow.” Lucifer stalked towards you like you were prey. “Shall I sell you to one of the billion lords of hell? Surely they could keep you busy and satisfied enough since you insist on acting like a common whore.”
Despite of how your eyes were brimming with tears and how you practically threw yourself into their arms, clinging onto them probably way too tight, you loved every second of it. You knew it wasn’t true, Lucifer would never. You were too precious for them to share much less give you away, ever.
“Look what a pathetic mess you are for me, you’re dripping pet. Did you really need me that badly?” Teasing fingers ran over your slit, spreading and toying with your folds nowhere near where you needed them. You nodded as you pressed yourself closer against them, the whining and pleading surfacing once again.
“I wish you followed the rules pet, you could’ve had exactly what you wanted if you did. I could be pounding into your needy cunt right now, but no. You were too greedy to wait for me like I asked.”
“Color?” Lucifer laid you over their lap and you already knew what was about to happen. “Green.” Lucifer hummed, hand smoothing over your ass and already wet thighs, it was quick. Their hand coming down on your skin. But after one came 10 more, and more after that.
You were sure their hand was printed on your skin once they were done with you. You didn’t bother to count, they didn’t ask, thank fuck because you highly doubt you would’ve been able to count past 5. Lucifer was quick to soothe your burning skin, whispering praise and reassurance as they kissed and caressed your sore skin.
Lucifer ignored your sobs and whines, it was like they couldn’t hear you as they toyed with your body as they pleased. Hands coming to your soaked cunt up, trailing that sticky mess all over your body making you squirm before you were thrown on the bed, laying on your back.
You hissed, feeling the bed against your sore skin. “Nothing but putty in my hands for me to play with until you're begging for me to stop, aren’t you pet?”
Lucifer’s fingers went through your wet folds, gathering your wetness, coating it around their digits before they slip them inside your pussy. You let out a satisfied moan and squirmed under them.
“oh god..” Lucifer held your squirming hips down with enough force to bruise as their lips met your thighs, “No, not god. Quite the opposite, my sweet pet.”
In a flash the previously forgotten toy was held against your cunt with Lucifer’s free hand, making you cry out loudly, hips bucking desperately.
Once your whimpers got more and more frequent, Lucifer pulled the toy away making you whine and squirm in search for that delightful stimulation again.
They were stretching you out so well, your cunt clenched around their long fingers as they thrust them deep inside you, once again putting the vibrator against your clit, finally getting what you’ve been craving and needing for so long. You could faint right then and there.
The burning in your stomach was getting unbearable, practically forcing you to curl into your self. “I n-need-” you couldn’t get a full sentence out but you knew for a fact Lucifer knew exactly what you were asking, which only made you more frustrated when they wouldn’t comply. “Sir- luci please!” Lucifer was thoroughly enjoying this though. Watching you cry and beg for them.
“Like I said, just a brainless little pet. Look at you, such a needy thing, go on pet, cum for me. Make an even bigger mess.” uncontrollably grinding your hips up against the toy, their fingers curling to meet your g-spot. You couldn’t get a word of warning out as you reached your orgasm.
Your thighs squeezed shut, the feeling of your sensitive clit being it with constant stimulation being too much. You were met with a sharp slap, the moan that escaped you as a result was embarrassingly loud. “Such pretty noises, hm? I want to hear more.”
“I c-cant!” Lucifer didn’t give you a chance to recover before diving between your thighs. Replacing their fingers with their tongue, other hand still holding the toy snug against your bundle of nerves.
Lucifer hummed, turning attention to your inner thighs before speaking, “You wanted my attention so badly, now that you have all of it you complain. What ever will I do with you, my pet?”
Lucifer’s talented mouth was heavenly. You were beyond gone, attempting to grind your hips against them in search for a high you definitely couldn’t handle. You were surprised when they allowed it, infact encouraged it until you fell over the edge with their name on your lips.
“o-off sir please, no more” whimpering, you squirmed away from the toy, hands coming down to grasp at their wrist, hoping to make them pull away, they didn’t. “Color?” Lucifer asked, watching you wither beneath them. “y-yellow!” They nodded, placing a quick kiss in your inner thigh.
Finally, the toy was turned off and thrown off to the side, only to be replaced by their hand. Your hands were desperately grabbing for Lucifer until they crawled on top of you, you pulled them down against you. “What a mess you are for me, hm? Oh how pretty you look.” Every noise you let slip right against their ear. The breathless whines and moans that escaped you as they carried you to a third and final orgasm.
It was intimate. Much more than the first two, having them surround you, pulled against you as their more gentle hand brought you nothing short of bliss.
Head thrown back and chest heaving as you tried to compose your breathing. Lucifer adored watching you in this state more than anything else. Your tense muscles relaxing and your mind completely empty.
Lucifer brought their previously occupied hand to their mouth, cleaning off every drop of your release making you whine and look away, face burning red. “How’s my little pet? Satisfied?”
You let out a pleased hum, tugging them closer as gentle hands cupped your face allowing Lucifer to see your hazy yet giddy eyes and your blushing face and they couldn’t help but pull you into a kiss, and then another and a few more after that, making you giggle. “are you with me, my beautiful girl?” You nodded, a quiet “thank you” being mumbled from your lips.
“Oh you forgot this was supposed to be a punishment.” Lucifer looked at you and you couldn’t hold back your smile. “just what I wanted.” A mischievous little smile that said it all.
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Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Steve Harrington
A/N: aaaahh xD here it is! I honestly had this story for SO LONG! I turned it a dialogue, a prompt, a drabble and ended up here so I hope you like it xD   
Request - Anonymous asked: Well hiii This is so odd. It's the first time I do a request, I actually don't speak english that well soo... but I really like your writing and I love stranger things and I really hope you write about it, I would love something with clingy Steve, he gives me that vibes super fluffy 😍 You are incredible by the way 🙋🏻‍♀️
Warnings: jealous!clingy!Steve :D also, Eddie being a little shit (not in a bad way though xD just messing with Steve) I think that’s it but let me know if I missed anything
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger things :D gif isn’t mine :) 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I gotta be cool, relax Get hip and get on my tracks Take a back seat, hitchhike And take a long ride on my motorbike Until I'm ready... crazy little thing called love
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"Steve?" you smiled, feeling his lips on your neck.
"Hmm?" you heard him as you leaned back, trying to stay focused on what you needed to say.
"Love, I have to go" you chuckled as he gave you another kiss.
"No" he said, as he continued his trail of kisses, making you laugh a little.
"Steve, I'm gonna be really late" you said, trying to pull away, even though you didn't want to.
"But I don't want you to go" he pouted, looking at you with his big puppy, beautiful brown eyes. You smiled sweetly at him and kissed him on the lips.
"I know, love but we have to work on this project and I promised Eddie and Jonathan I'd meet them like ten minutes ago" you said, looking at your watch as you finally unglued yourself from your boyfriend.
"Uh... Jonathan... Byers?" he asked, as you started getting your stuff.
"Yeah" you shrugged, fixing yourself up and grabbing your bag.
"And... Eddie Munson?"
"Uh-huh" you said, looking at yourself in the mirror, and then you turned to him again, giving him a peck on the lips. "It's just for a couple of hours, okay?" you smiled. "I'll be back before you know it" you smiled.
"At least let me drive you-" he said, getting up.
"I don't want you to be late, love. You promised Dustin that-"
"Henderson can wait" he complained.
"Steve" you smiled, stopping him when you saw the upset expression on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Mhm" he said, nodding quickly.
"Look at me" you said, cupping his cheek with your hand. You knew he wasn't. He was upset. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just... wanted to spend more time with you" he said quickly, smiling and leaning in to kiss you again.
"I know, I wanted to spend more time with you but look at it this way, it's only for a couple of hours while you take Dustin and the rest of them to the arcade, and then we have the whole weekend to ourselves" you smiled, kissing him once more. It was one of those many weekends when Steve's parents weren't in town so, he had the whole weekend planned for you.
"What if you call them and tell them you're sick" he suggested, starting to kiss you again and then pouting at you.
"I can't do that" you chuckled. "This is like a third percent of our grade, love. And we're almost done" you told him. "I promise you won't even notice I'm gone" you assured him.
"That's not true" he smiled.
"Look, the quicker I get there, the quicker I'm back" you said, kissing his cheek and pushing away from him.
"At least let me take you" he asked again, standing up and walking closer to you.
"Love, the diner we're meeting at is on the opposite way to the arcade, I'll just make you late. And you still have to pick everyone up. I'll just take my bike" you told him.
"How did I even get tangled into taking them to the arcade?"
"The same way you always do" you chuckled. "You can't say no to Dustin" you told him.
"Yes, I can!" he argued.
"It's sweet that you think that" you smiled. "But you really can't" you informed him. "I'll see you later okay?"
"Wait" he said, grabbing one of his sweatshirts and putting it on you. "It's gonna be cold later" he insisted.
"Okay" you chuckled, confused. "Thanks, love" you said, kissing his cheek.
"Eddie, for the last time, we're not doing our report as a metal song" you said, rolling your eyes as Jonathan tried not to laugh.
"Why not? It would be so badass! Nobody else will do it!"
"Exactly, because we can't do a metal song" you tried to reason with him.
"Where in the guidelines does it say that we can't?" he complained.
"Jonathan, a little help here?" you said looking at your other partner.
"Eddie, even if we could, we can't play any instruments" Jonathan said pointing at you and himself.
"You sing, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you.
"Not unless you want everyone in the room to evacuate the premises as quickly as possible" you said, making him laugh.
"Aw, come on, love, I think you're selling yourself short" Eddie said, just as Steve walked into the diner. "All pretty girls can sing" Eddie smirked, making you laugh.
"You're too nice, Munson" you smiled, rolling your eyes. "But in this case, I think Jonathan might be your best choice for lead singer" you said, making Eddie turn to look at Jonathan as he widened his eyes at the two of you.
"What do you say, Johnny boy? You in?" Eddie smirked at him.
"Steve?" you asked noticing your boyfriend had walked into the diner and made his way towards your table.
"Love?" he acted confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh, I told you I was getting together with Eddie and Jonathan to work on our project" you reminded him.
"Oh, I didn't know you meant this diner" he said before looking at the other two. "Munson" he nodded his head towards Eddie and then he looked at Jonathan. "Byers."
"Hey" Jonathan said quietly before going back to his notes.
"Harrington" Eddie said with an amused smirk.
"M-Munson" Steve nodded.
"What brings you to this part of town? I thought Henderson mentioned you'd be going to the arcade with them" he said.
"Well, not really. I was just... taking them to the arcade" he explained. "And they got a ride home so, I was hungry and I just-"
"Happened to be here?" Eddie smirked at him. "Well, why don't you join us, pretty boy?"
"Um..." Steve said, raising his eyebrow and looking at you, who smiled, nodding back at him. "Sure" he said as you scootched over on the booth to make room for him, a little closer to Eddie. "So, how's the project going?"
"Uh- w-well, Eddie is insisting that we do our report as a metal song" you informed him as Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Oh, give me some credit, sweetheart, I've been more helpful than that" he smirked, noticing the glare on Steve's look when he called you sweetheart but you didn't even seem to notice, so he just smiled goofily at your boyfriend.
"You really haven't, Munson" you smirked at Eddie, who placed his hand over his heart and dramatically scoffed, offended.
"You're breaking my heart, sunshine" he continued before he softly hit Jonathan on his arm, making him look up. "Come on, Jonny boy, back me up here" he told him.
"Okay... Eddie, what is the name of the book that the report is about?" he asked with a small smirk, making you look at Eddie too, amused when his smirk dropped.
"That's not helping, Byers" he glared at Jonathan. "Just because the two of you have your private little book club, and you two nerds didn't want to do our book report on Lord of The Rings, it doesn't mean that I haven't been helpful" he said, rolling his eyes.
"Your what?" Steve asked, with a small scoff.
"Oh, you don't know? Byers and your girlfriend have a private book club, which apparently is very exclusive" he said, mocking you as you rolled your eyes.
"It is not a book club, Jonathan and I just exchange some books that we think the other one would enjoy. We told you we could lend you some books but you said if it wasn't Lord of The Rings or anything related to D&D or Metal history, you were not interested" you informed Steve.
"That's not true! I also like The Shining and Stephen King books" he defended himself. "It's like you've never heard of IT!"
"I'm terrified of clowns, Munson. Why on Earth would I read IT?"
"Aw, you scared of clowns, sweetheart?" he smirked as Steve took a deep breath. "That's adorable!"
"That's adorable" you mocked Eddie's voice looking at him and he stuck his tongue out at you.
"Oh, that reminds me" Jonathan suddenly said before looking for a book in his bag. "I got this one for you" he said handing it to you.
"Oh my God! Love in the Time of Cholera!" you said, excitedly, eyeing the book as Steve and Eddie watch the entire interaction between you and Jonathan.
"Is that a... love book?" Steve asked, confused.
"Yes!" you said, showing it to him. "The author is Colombian and the original book is in Spanish. It's really hard to get a version in English" you explained as you started going through the pages and discussing the book with Jonathan.
"You okay over there, Harrington?" Eddie smirked throwing an arm around you and resting it on the back of your seat.
"Wonderful... never been better" Steve said through clenched teeth before he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him, away from Eddie.
"Hi, love" you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Fine" he said, with a firm smile.
"Are you sure?" you frowned. "I know this is a bit boring, that's why I thought you'd rather wait for me to finish-"
"I don't mind" he assured you, pulling you even closer by your waist and kissing your forehead.
"Okay" you still said, unconvinced. "We're almost done for today" you told him. "We all have a free period on Monday so we'll each work a little on the weekend and just finish Monday" you told him.
"It's okay, love. Take your time" he said as you went back to your group but Steve still held on to your hand.
"Hey, sweetheart?" Eddie smirked at you on your other side and you felt Steve's grip tightening on your hand. "I think I need your help over here. You think your lovely boyfriend could... share you for a moment?"
If looks could kill, Steve would have already murdered Eddie by now. He thought he was hiding it well but he squeezed your hand even harder.
"Ouch! Steve!"
"Shit!" he said, letting go of your hand. "I'm sorry, love, I didn't mean to-"
"Could I talk to you for a second?" you asked.
"Uhhhhh" Eddie and Jonathan mocked him, making Steve glare at the two of them before he rolled his eyes and walked away from the table.
"I'll be right back" you told Eddie and Jonathan. "And stop messing with him!" you said, slapping Eddie's arm.
You walked over to Steve who was waiting for you, looking upset.
"Love, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-"
"Steve, what is going on with you today? And don't say 'nothing' because you've been acting strange" you said, worriedly.
"I just-" he sighed, nervously scratching the back of his head with his hand. He then, without even meaning to, glared over at your table.
"Is it... is this because of Eddie and Jonathan?" you asked, frowning your eyebrows.
"No" he said, unconvincingly.
"Steve" you said, raising your eyebrow at him.
"Okay, fine! I just... didn't exactly love the fact that you were going to spend your entire afternoon with them" he said, grumpily. "And why does Jonathan have to give you books or why does Eddie call you sweetheart?"
"Eddie calls everyone sweetheart" you frowned your eyebrows, confused. "And Jonathan and I started exchanging books because he once mentioned Will wanted to read one book that I had" you explained. "Love, you know I needed work on our project, nothing more, right? I didn't want to blow you off to hang out with them or anything like that-"
"No, I know I just... well, you know I've never really liked either one of them and I just-" he sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know-"
"Is this because... of Jonathan and Nancy?" you asked. "And... well, Eddie with Dustin?"
"Honey" you said, your expression turning soft. "Look, I understand that you've never really liked Jonathan because of... what happened with Nancy" you started. "And you don't love the fact that Dustin hangs out with Eddie so much instead of you" you reminded him. "But you don't have to worry about me" you assured him.
"I know I don't. I'm sorry, I didn't want to feel this way, I just... I don't know, everyone seems to leave me for them, and I... I guess I didn't want you to do that too" he admitted, looking down. You softly placed your hand on his chin and lifted his head up.
"First of all, Dustin adores you and he didn't leave you for Eddie. There is nothing wrong with him making a new friend that gets the things that he likes" you informed him. "And secondly, and most importantly, I would never leave you" you insisted. "For Eddie, or Jonathan, or anyone else" you added. "I love you, and I promise, you have nothing to worry about, love-"
"You love me?" he asked, suddenly, feeling his entire heart flutter.
"Of course, I do" you chuckled.
"You've never- um... we haven't... said that before" he said, letting out a sigh of relief with his smile. "W-well, actually no one's um-" you cut him off, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I love you, Steve Harrington" you repeated, smiling at him when you pulled away.
"I love you too" he said, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips.
"Do you mind waiting just a few more minutes until we finish and then we can go?" you said, smiling up at him. "I promise I'm all yours, all weekend" you smirked.
"Of course, love" he said, kissing your cheek. "I'll grab something to drink for everyone, okay?"
"Okay" you smiled, giving him another peck on the lips. "I love you" you repeated, loving the way his smile turned brighter whenever you did.
"I love you too" he said, kissing your head as you came back to your table. Steve went over to the diner's bar to order a few drinks for the four of you, as he was joined by Eddie.
"So..." he smirked, leaning on the bar and looking at Steve. "You done marking your territory on your girlfriend? Or are you going to fight me and Byers outside?" he mocked him.
"I wasn't doing that" Steve said, rolling his eyes.
"Dude, you did everything but pee on her" Eddie laughed but Steve just glared at him. "Look, I get it. Byers and I are probably your least favorite people, but I gotta say, Harrington, this is not a good color on you" he insisted. "You don't seem like the 'badass Steve Harrington' that Henderson is always rambling about" he shrugged.
"What?" Steve asked. "D-Dustin said I'm a badass?" he said, feeling himself smile.
"He insists on the matter actually" Eddie informed him. "And look, for what it's worth, that girl is like ridiculously in love with you, man!" he said, pointing at your table. "She won't shut up about you either. And she didn't even notice me flirting with her, which by the way, I only did to mess with you so, please don't hit me for that" he chuckled.
"Seriously?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Yeah, man. That's what I do. It was fun to see you all flustered and with a murder glare in your eyes. But, scout's honor, I have no interest whatsoever in your lovely girlfriend. I mean, she's cute and all but she's not really my type" he admitted.
"Really?" Steve asked, intrigued. "And what's your type, Munson?"
"Her boyfriend" Eddie smirked, winking at Steve, who felt his cheeks burn a little and didn't really know what to reply.
"MUNSON! Leave my boyfriend alone!"
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it! Eddie’s coming up next :) let me know what you think :D
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hyperfixated-fan · 1 year
Here is some of those wonderfully nostalgic girly-girl shows in vague order in which I watched/discovered them that no one asked for but I’m giving to you anyways.
1. First up, we’ve got the Horseland
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Back in the day, I was a major horse girl (a part of me still is), but this show was so awesome and adorable. It’s just a bunch of gals riding their horses and hanging out at the barn. And their horses and other animals talk amongst themselves. It is all an animal lover like me could want. It’s just so cute and gives sweet life lessons. And occasionally, I found it interesting that they do touch upon some serious topics such as eating disorders and loss. The episode “Mosey” always makes me cry. All the episodes are on YouTube.
Overall, I have to say my favorite character is Alma Rodriguez.
2. LEGO Friends
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The first generation of LEGO Friends is nostalgic, but I also seriously love the LEGO Friends: Girls on a Mission. It’s just a bunch of teenage girls getting up to shenanigans and being besties (Oddly, though they are high school age, we barely see them in school XD). I particularly enjoy Girls on a Mission (the episodes are on YouTube) because the episodes were so well put together and it fleshes out each girl a bit more uniquely. It’s a genuinely fun show though I generally am partial to LEGO shows. I am personally not a fan of latest generation of LEGO Friends. I’ve watched a few episodes and it’s just blegh. It might be the nostalgia talking but I just can’t get into it.
My fave character has always been Emma (she’s so adorable) and my fave ship is Emma x Ethan in the Girls on a Mission iteration.
3. Barbie Movies
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Not sure if all the movies are pictured above, but there’s a good portion of them. I admit, I haven’t seen all of the Barbie movies (especially the good old classics mainly due to animation that did not age well so sorry) and did not really become a fan until later than most little girls. However, I still find the movies to be very enjoyable and cute. I think a lot of my affinity comes from many familiar Canadian voice actors being in most of the movies and I find it fun trying to pick out familiar voices.
A few of my personal favorite movies are “Princess Charm School” (it’s the first Barbie movie I ever watched with one of my best friends), “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” (so many voices and characters to listen to and try and remember), and “Mariposa” (I am rather partial to the voice of Chiara Zanni and loved her playing Barbie).
4. Ever After High
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It is so sad that Ever After High ended after Epic Winter. I really wish we got to see more. I loved the imaginative twist on fairytale characters and the whole “facing your destiny” storyline. The princesses, knights, dragons, and wonderland were all great components as a lover of fantasy. Disney Descendants ain’t got nothing on Ever After. It was a very creative show and it was interesting to see all the characters that would pop up.
A few of my favorite characters are Rosabella Beauty, Ginger Breadhouse, and Lizzie Hearts. Call me basic but I really do like the ship Darabella (obviously the execution of it could’ve been better but I still like it.)
5. Miraculous Ladybug
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Simply put, this show is a mess. Miraculous Ladybug barely made the list only because I have fond memories of it. I’m not caught up on any recent events and admittedly quit watching it after season 3 or 4 (I don’t exactly remember). The show had potential and many amazing fanworks, but after a while, the episodes just get repetitive. I still like the earlier seasons before things got too messy. As a lover of side characters, I also wish they fleshed out the side characters a bit more instead of keeping on creating more and more side characters. I still occasionally pop in to see what is going on and apparently Nathalie is dead?! Idk what’s going on and I love looking at spoilers with no context because it makes the show all the more funny.
My fave character list includes Alya Césaire, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Juleka Couffaine and I’m partial to the ship DJWifi.
6. Monster High
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Since I was a fan of Ever After High, it was only inevitable that I would eventually become a fan of Monster High. It took a while but I eventually did fall in love with the show. And I fell hard. All the characters are so unique and while I absolutely love all the generation 1 content, I do not completely hate the g3 series. I loved the message of standing out yet belonging at Monster High, freaky flaws and all. The animation is very dated yet endearingly nostalgic at the same time. I love all the different twists on various monster creatures.
My favorite characters list gets pretty extensive, as I love g1 and g3 Abbey Bominable (I always love an ice queen), along with g1/g3 Cleo De Nile (bc she’s your typical mean girl/diva but truly cares for her friends), Robecca Steam (her steampunk aesthetic and little accent are adorable), Deuce Gorgon (a kind yet popular jockish character is rare), Jinafire Long (Chinese dragon is always a win), and Rochelle Goyle (she’s just neat).
Fave ships = Cleuce (CleoxDeuce) and AbbeyxHeath. I just love them okay!
7. Lolirock
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I believe I discovered this show coming off of Storm Hawks and Steven Universe so the crystal motif and everything was already an intriguing concept for me (plus familiar Canadian voice actors drew me in). I just love the trio of girls trying to “secretly” protect earth with sparkles and spells while putting up the front of being a girl band (the songs are very catchy by the way if you can get past an ungodly amount of auto tune). The episodes gave me vibes similar to Miraculous Ladybug but somewhat better with less convoluted characters. Overall, it’s a very bright energetic show and I wish they would’ve delved into the backstories of the other princesses a bit more instead of focusing on Iris all the time. Here’s to hoping they eventually do come out with season 3. All the current episodes are on YouTube.
My favorite characters are the sisters Izira and Talia. They have so much power and the show needs to actually do them justice.
8. Mysticons
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This one is definitely lesser known than most on this list. I found it shortly after LoliRock since it has similar features and characters. It’s a very simple show with simple characters but I am fond of it still (and I’m pretty sure it made me cry at one point. I don’t remember when but I remember something about it made me emotional). The fantasy magic of the world was definitely a big win for me. I think the creators did a decent job at world building. It’s your typical prophesied heroes must save the world from certain destruction but I found the show overall enjoyable and cute with a nice dose of found family thrown in.
My top favorite characters are Zarya Moonwolf and Emerald Goldenbraid.
9. DC Super Hero Girls
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I started out as a G1 fan when it was still coming out and became a fan of the reboot as well. It was interesting to all these wonderful kickbutt superheroes placed in a high school -esque setting. The original series was very average with their shorts but it was such fun to see what characters would pop up to help (I even will tolerate and enjoy the LEGO specials). The reboot had better design and animation. I am sad it didn’t get a chance to run longer. My only qualm was that some characters had such a drastic change from their backstory and original character development that it moved from being whimsical and imaginative to simply keeping the name and having an entirely different character. *cough* Jessica *cough* They don’t get that she was such a powerful Green Lantern because she was bold but because most of the time she was scared out of mind due to her past trauma but still acted and pushed through the fear to save people.
Rant aside, my fave character is Jessica Cruz despite the reboot overhauling her character and erasing her backstory.
10. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Not necessarily my favorite glittery girly series I’ve watched but definitely an enjoyable series. True to my usual form, I unfortunately did not end up caring for most of the main plot and characters. However, the idea of this show was fun nonetheless and it had its nice moments, so I’m glad it got a decent number of seasons. The magic, weaponry, and elemental powers drew me to this show. I wish they delved a bit deeper into the true effects and trauma that fighting a war would have on all of the characters as they are leaders of their respective kingdoms.
My favorite characters include Entrapta (little nerdy characters are almost always a win for me), Mermista (Vella Lovell was perfect for voicing her and her character design is nice), Netossa (another awesome blue character; if anyone’s seen Six: The Musical, does she vaguely remind you of Catherine Parr?)
Bonus: Rainbow High
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An interesting premise though it ultimately falls flat for me because I am not a fashion-oriented person in the slightest. However, I still like the show and all the drama that comes with it. I just overall find it hilarious to watch the squabbles that happen because everyone is just so high strung. (Why do all the guy characters literally look the exact same with that same stupid little hairstyle?) XD
Fave characters are Ainsley Slater and Jade Hunter.
Bonus: God’s School
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Greek mythology! Need I say more? This is such an imaginative show. It is even more amazing considering one guy does all the animation. The webisodes that are out are great and I definitely recommend watching them on YouTube. Zeus looks like Disney Hercules and I find that hilarious. All the character designs for the gods are so awesome and I love the details that help indicate who they are. Ignore the fact that over half of them are related in some form or another and everything is fine.
Fave definitely has to be Athena! (…bad*** in the arena. Unmatched witty and queen of the best strategies we’ve seen.)
Bonus: Tinkerbell
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These are just cute adventures. I wish the series could’ve continued so we could’ve gotten movies highlighting each of the fairies.
My fave is Silvermist.
Bonus: Steven Universe
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I personally enjoyed this show and know it had a large fan base so I don’t get why so many people are going back and hating on it so fervently. It’s a flawed show like any but it still has it fine points and I have a soft spot for it. I heavily debated on whether this qualified for a magical girl show but I think it does. It’s nice seeing Steven grow alongside the gems and it’s a good show to put on in the background.
My favorites have to be Garnet and Sapphire.
Honorable mentions that I never fully watched but seem nice:
My Little Pony - I’m disappointed in myself for never getting into this show because it has all the right points for me to like it, including great Canadian voice actors and magic and ponies. I have watched some episodes and enjoyed them but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sit through and binge the entire show.
LEGO Elves - watched some but I never got truly immersed.
Totally Spies! - never really gave it a go but it seems okay.
Winx Club - I tried to like it but the characters just didn’t hit for me.
W.I.T.C.H. - watched the first few episodes but nothing made me want to continue.
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