#safe to say I will never be sane. these two are so cute though I am going to riot
dailylaurajane · 2 months
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“laurajanegrace — What if this whole time we were actually undercover cops?? Alright, alright, I know the joke isn’t funny — Just making a music video, okay????”
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
Hi anla! are you comfortable writing a Tsireya x fem! Omatikaya! reader where reader is very tough and intimidating and is quiet and prefers to spend time alone. Tsireya finds her by the water one time instead of being with her family and tries to talk to her but gets blown off— she then makes it her mission to get close to reader and after a while reader lets her?? idk maybe some cute slow burn romance? thank you and ur writing is sooo good!
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Pairing: Tsireya/Fem!Reader (Sully daughter, lol)
Word Count: 1,572
Warnings: Cuteness overload? Small mention of violence? Hinted courting? Not sure what else, but this was written on my phone, so it's not in my best element and is also shorter than I wanted.
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter
A/n: I definitely played into the unspoken fact that Na'vi, or at least Forest Na'vi, are basically cats 😅
When you first brushed off Tsireya's friendly conversation, the chief's daughter was beside herself all night thinking she had done something wrong, wondering why anyone wouldn't want a new friend in a strange, foreign place far away from home. Tsireya knew that if she was in your place, she'd be desperate for new friends to keep herself sane so she wouldn't feel as homesick.
Needless to say it was a little hurtful and confusing when you completely ignored her attempts at befriending you. You, the sibling born between Kiri and Lo'ak, didn't appear interested in anyone or anything other than your space. Your brothers and sisters, who are way more outgoing and eager to befriend Tsireya and the other reef children, don't even appear bothered by your mannerisms. Tsireya decided to ask Lo'ak why that was.
According to your younger brother, you have always been this way. You kept to yourself and only made time for family when you absolutely had to.
"What about friends?" Tsireya had asked, bewildered.
Lo'ak simply shrugged, "She considers us her friends, too."
That baffled the reef girl to no end. How can someone not want to find friends outside of her own family? Wouldn't you get tired of them and need to talk to someone outside of your circle of relatives? Tsireya can understand having boundaries but to this extreme? It both confused and intrigued her.
No longer hurt by your behavior, her curiosity had gotten the better of Tsireya. Even though you were a little intimidating, it didn't sway her from trying to hang out with you more.
She first started by just simply staying by your side. She didn't talk or anything, just sat or walked by your side, regardless of the side glances you gave her. Despite wanting to fill any awkward silence between the two of you, she kept quiet and instead just tried to get you used to her presence, wanting you to at least trust and feel comfortable around her. Whenever you side-eyed Tsireya, she simply smiled and ignored how put-off and tough you looked.
Lo'ak had never seen a cat before in his life, but from what his father had told him, you were very much like one. Jake affectionately compared you to a stray cat all the time, even more so than Spider. To gain your trust, someone would need to have unlimited patience and kindness. No one outside of your family had ever tried and if they did, gave up too easily. Spider was the only exception. Growing up together, you silently considered him your family just as much as your siblings.
However, while watching Tsireya try to approach you with her silent tactics, Lo'ak couldn't help but agree with his father about the stray cat's comment.
Once it's safe to assume you didn't care whether or not Tsireya was hanging out with you, she moved on to small, teeny tiny talks. She does this by complimenting you.
"Your hair is really beautiful today."
"I love that bracelet Tuk made for you. It compliments your eyes."
"You're amazing at fishing!"
It was... like walking on thin ice. You didn't say anything back, but your expression made you look wary of the compliments. If your hair wasn't hiding them, Tsireya would've seen the dark blush that enveloped them. Once you are no longer entirely put off by this step of conversing with you, the chief's daughter starts letting you in on all of her village gossip.
"Don't let Rotxo know I told you this, but he's very infatuated with Kiri."
"My mother had to treat one of our deep divers who thought it was a good idea to wrestle with his own tsurak."
"Our best singer thinks she can fool everyone by always wearing a shawl, but we all know she's trying to hide her growing belly."
You never say anything in response to the gossip, but Tsireya didn't miss the way your ears twitched, letting her know that you were listening to her, regardless of how you felt about village rumors. It made her smile, knowing that you were paying attention. She hadn't realized, but Tsireya had found herself enjoying talking to you, even though you never responded. What was once an attempt to get you to like her ended up being something that she ended up liking about you. Tsireya is one who is never at a loss for words and has even been told at times -mostly by her brother- that she talks too much. So to have someone not say a word but she knows is listening to every word she says was heartwarming, to say the least.
The curiosity and drive to be your friend slowly turned into an infatuation when she got you to smile for the first time.
She had boldly decided to gift you something but knew that it wouldn't be genuine if she didn't make something that you liked. Instead of jewelry, she made a small shell ornament meant to go on the front of your ikran's harness. When she handed you the gift, she felt as though the air had been stolen from her lungs at the sight of your smile.
It was small, but it was definitely there. You had what Lo'ak and Spider would use to call a "resting bitch face" and so any other emotion you expressed was easy to place. Tsireya found herself wanting to weave your smile into her memory, to swim to the Cove of the Ancestors as fast as possible to connect to the Spirit Tree and have your smile forever remembered by Eywa.
"I don't know why you like her so much," Ao'nung comments as he and his sister do their morning chores. He visibly shivers with his usual, permanent scowl ebbed on his face, an expression he most definitely inherited from Ronal, "She looks like she could rip my throat out with her teeth."
Poor, sweet, innocent Tsireya found herself shocked as something warm and pleasant rolled in her stomach, the image of you being so ferocious sending a weak chill down her spine. Unbeknownst to Ao'nung, his sister was in a dilemma, beside herself as to why it pleased her at the mere thought of you being able to end someone just by using your teeth. Trying to hide the growing blush rising to her face, Tsireya kept her head down and purposely focused on the fishing net she was mending. 
"She's strong and fierce," the reef girl simply states, "And she's a good listener."
Ao'nung squints at her, baffled and put off by Tsireya's observation of you, but doesn't comment further.
But this strange friendship between you and his sister only baffled him further when the next time all of the reef children and Sullys were working together to build a strong canoe. You had approached the group, much to everyone's surprise, and held your hand out to the chief's daughter.
All eyes quickly glance between you and Tsireya, not sure who everyone should be looking at. Rotxo and Ao'nung's jaws drop, never knowing what your voice sounded like before now. Ao'nung is even more affronted by the nickname you gave his sister. No one calls her that.
Tsireya's face visibly brightens as if you had just shown her the stars for the first time. Standing up to join you, she holds her hand out as you place something down in the center of her palm. 
Your smile had returned as she drew close, faint and perhaps a bit shy, but it was present and it made her heart skip a beat as you whispered, "A piece of the Omatikaya."
You drew your hand away and then quickly turned around, walking back down the beach from the way you came. Tsireya nearly whined when she could no longer feel the heat that naturally radiated from your skin before remembering the item now nestled in her hand. Looking down, she uncurls her fingers and gasps quietly.
It was a beautiful choker made out of red and orange beads, tied tightly together, meant to climb up her neck and make her look taller, something similar to what she'd seen Neteyam and Neytiri wear. She had never worn anything with such bright, warm colors, reminding her of the fire in your yellow, piercing eyes. Without a second thought, she removed her own necklace and replaced it with yours, her fingers shaking with excitement as she clasped it around her neck. Beaming proudly, she turned back to your siblings and the other reef children to show off your gift, and while some of them were speechless, Tuk wasn't the least bit surprised by the exchange she had witnessed and squealed.
"It looks so pretty on you! I was watching her make that for hours and couldn't wait to see how it turned out!"
The young Na'vi girl's statement had everyone finally blinking from their shock, Rotxo even going as far as complimenting Tsireya's new necklace while your siblings and even Ao'nung all looked at one another with wary suspicion. Ao'nung waited until Tsireya was caught up speaking adamantly to Tuk and Rotxo before he snapped quietly at the other Sully siblings.
"What in Eywa's name was that??"
Lo'ak's jaw tightens but he doesn't say a word, briefly remembering another fun fact about cats that his father once told him. Something about what it means when a cat likes or trusts another animal or person, they tend to start gifting things like dead rodents. 
He visibly shivers, hoping his sister won't go as far as to start bringing dead things to Tsireya.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
Vance Hopper (mostly) Autism HC's
I do want to preface, I have a lot of comorbid disorders/mental health issues/etc. so this is solely based on my experience with autism.
nonverbal, talking is just sound to him, 90% of his communication when he isn't masked is touch or sounds.
Griffin is his favorite person, Bruce is his safe person, Finney is his care person (he goes to Finney when he's really non verbal and needs to communicate something quickly, Finney being the mom of the group is really good at helping him get his point across). robin and Billy are the ones he fucks around with (rough houses, starts shit with, stuff like that)
zero, absolutely zero personal space, he needs constant touch and pressure to stay sane. he likes to hold onto one person and be held by another, while being squeezed between two things (people, coach arms, pillows, etc.)
^^^he's only like this with people he trusts otherwise he is completely touch adverse. it causes full on meltdowns to be touched, and he's not the best at hiding it.
he gets really angry when he has meltdowns, but it quickly turns to tears and grabby hands. once he burns through the anger it turns into a full break down.
he definitely regresses when upset, not to the point of like age regression per say, but he kinda shutdowns and is very codependent.
he stims a lot, it's mostly skin picking, rocking, squeezing things, grinding his teeth and punching things. he listens to really loud music to decompress (I can't help but think he would have lived Motley Crue had he been around to hear it. he would love that one part of Kickstsrt My Heart with the weird voice affect). sweet is a comfort band.
Finney is the best at redirecting his more harmful stims, normally offering to hold his hand or giving him something to pick at.
he has an oral fixation, and chews on his hair and sleeves. he used to chew his nails but sorta grew out of it. he will chew them down to the bone if he's anxious though
all the boys carry gum on them just in case. he really likes cinnamon gum.
he loves cinnamon in general, he loves the smell, the taste, spicy and sweet.
he only wears second hand denim, breaking it in is literally one of the worst things on earth, he would rather die.
he really likes when people play with his hair, especially when robin (I hc he has a big family so he knows how to braid) braids his hair and runs his fingers through it and scratches at his scalp during the process
he has really bad cute aggression, like Griffin is constantly being tackled, squeezed, pinched, punched (playfully, even if he accidentally punches him kinda hard), etc. Vance absolutely loves him and shows it in his own way. Griffin is very aware of this, and is fine with the rough love
when he hyperfixates, it's long and steady, normally he'll have the same one for years at a time. currently it's Sweet and pinball.
he's dyslexic, but he really enjoys learning when it's done in a way that works for his brain. he had an English Lit tutor one year that made him love reading for the first time in years, you could not get him to put his books (he reads wide print copies) down. it's hard to get wide print books so he reads the same few books over and over again.
^^^ Gwen huts me as someone who's really good at typing and I could definitely see her rewriting books for Vance for his birthday or Christmas.
^^^ Gwen and Vance are besties, fight with the wall.
Vance is a huge animal person, they really help with keeping him calm and managing his anger. he's been known to rehabilitate anything from little mice to baby birds to helping out on local farms to nurse orphaned calf's. he had a shit ton of 'pets' or animals he raised as baby's and tried to release but they never really left. he also has a dog, a rescue mutt, he's a big dog and Vance will bury himself in his fur when really upset. he definitely takes care of the towns stray cats as well. his first job is at an animal shelter, and it was one of his few safe spaces.
he has really bad contamination OCD
he's not the best with social ques so a lot of his rude demeanor is him just not knowing the 'correct' or 'polite' way to go about something.
he uses he/him pronouns for the most part, but isn't against any of the other ones (he has an interesting relationship with she/her pronouns and he can't tell if he loves it or hates it)
he's queer, his feelings are too complex and at the end of the day he doesn't care enough to try and label himself.
^^^ he generally has a disconnect between himself and his queer identity (something I relate to, I don't know how I feel about autistic specific identities, and I don't feel like debating about it, but my autism definitely has an effect in my queer identity in a way I can't fully verbalize and I think he feels the same way)
I could do so many more of these.
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Runaway - Chapter Eighteen.
The notes hit 30, so you all know what that means. You get an update, and you get an update, and you get an update, and alright I’ll stop being like Oprah now xD Big thanks, guys! Such a lovely audience I have!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 1,980
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Isn’t it nice, just to have a minute to breathe around being a mom,” Lily spoke as she and Hannah sat down in the coffee shop the former used to work at, Willow at day care for her usual three hours per day, and Lola with her daddy. They’d just finished a workout at Hannah’s ballet class, Lily mentioning she’d like to give something a little less violent a try where fitness was concerned when they’d found themselves deep in conversation at the clubhouse, Hannah inviting her along to see what she thought.
“I’ll say! She’s started teething and the poor little thing is keeping me up most nights, howling like a banshee because her gums are sore.” Lily made a sympathetic face, remembering the time well with her own daughter.  
The night where Hannah had stayed for a few drinks at the clubhouse, they’d really enjoyed their time talking, finding that while they didn’t have too much in common, they found the other to be interesting, warm and friendly. It was always nice too, to make another mom friend.  
“So, did you hear how long Jodie was in labour for in the end?” Hannah shook her head, blowing the steam from her latte. “Thirty-three hours! She was exhausted, but she’s so happy that Harvey is finally here.”
“Oh, that’s a cute name!” she exclaimed. “Yeah, I was in there for thirty-one with Lola, and I swear, every last second of it was torture.”
“I was lucky, mine was really quick once it got going,” Lily revealed. “I was three days’ early and Angel was just heading back from a run, so for the first six hours, I was crying on my dad, screaming that I didn’t want to do it any longer and that it hurt too much! He kept me sane, though, reminding me how tough I was, while I was wailing and clinging onto him for dear life!”
“Your dad is Taza, right?”  
“Yep, that’s my pop.”
“I hope you don’t find this rude of me, but I have to say, I can’t see the resemblance. You must take after your mom more.”
Lily was quick to gently correct. “Oh no. Dad adopted me by himself. I was an adult when I came into his life. We bonded quickly, and he became like a father to me, so he surprised me with it for Christmas one year, adult adoption papers.”  
Hannah held a hand to her chest, her face alight with how beautiful her story was. “Oh my goodness, that’s so sweet! I have something similar with the woman I call mom, my stepmom, Jackie. My birth mom died when I was little, so I don’t remember her. For me, there’s only ever been her. She’s the only mom I ever knew, although she always kept pictures of Lydia, my bio mom around, never looking to replace her.”
Lily felt a small pang of envy at hearing her story, remembering her own mother, the selfish junkie who had been the furthest thing from one, but she smiled brightly nonetheless. “That’s so nice for you, to have her so accepting of you when she and your dad got together.”  
The women further chatted about their family dynamics for a little longer, before Lily couldn’t help but broach the elephant in the room. “So, um. You and Manny.”
Hannah began to nod, her shoulders bobbing as she inclined her head. “I was waiting for that.”
“What’s the score there? I mean, I’m guessing you guys are, well I’m not sure. Is it an affair, or... what?” she asked, realising she truly was owed no explanation by a woman who was, at best, a very new friend.
“Yes, I think it’s safe to say that’s what it is. It’s... oh, I don’t know, Lily. It’s like, it’s all I can think about sometimes, yet I don’t want to, if that makes sense? I’m not thinking of the intricacies of it, I’m just...”
She was quick to fill in where Hannah paused. “Enjoying the thrill? I hear you, girl. I’ve heard the gossip about Manny from the hanger on girls around the club. He has a rep for being a grade A fuck.”
“I feel so awkward talking to you about all of this, with you being a married woman. I mean, I know Manny isn’t married, but are you tight with Carmen?” she winced, wondering suddenly, if Lily’s questioning wasn’t borne of the magnanimity it appeared to be.
“Oh, hell no, honey!” she breathed a sigh of relief. “Truth is, I can’t abide Carmen at all. She isn’t well liked. Now, that doesn’t mean I necessarily condone Manny’s cheating on her with you, but I think I get it. The more time I spend with you, the more I get it, at least.” Hannah frowned slightly, Lily continuing.  
“You give him way less of a hard time, for one. You’re naturally very easy to get along with, and Carmen, she’s hard work. It’s grating on him, too, her immaturity with the whole Lola issue, putting herself first there and not understanding how it is. I guess I kind of can’t fault that, though, because unless you have a child, you don’t understand how for a parent, they become the centre of your world. Carmen is used to being the centre of Manny’s, and she doesn’t like having to share him.
“It isn’t like he’s expecting anything much of her either. He does all the work with Lola when she’s with him, he only wants her to say hello to her, maybe hold her once in a while, form her own relationship with her, but she refuses to show even a grain of interest. I find that so hard to get my head around. Lola is such a lovely baby.”  
Her words were delivered with a simple shrug, draining her coffee and wishing she could have another. She was on a strict diet, though, preparing for her next fight, having to keep sugary, dairy-laden treats to a minimum. “Do you see if going anywhere, if he were to break up with Carmen?”
Hannah made a small groan of discontent, shrinking down in her seat a little. “I don’t know, and I’m scared to think it. Also, it’s the guilt there, too, that I’d be blowing up another would-be marriage down to impulsive actions. No matter how much trouble she’s giving Manny currently, it isn’t right, what we’re doing. I can’t help myself, though. I mean, you know, you’ve seen him.”
Lily smiled, covering her hand with hers. “He’s gorgeous, I’ll give you that. Even Angel said if he had to bang a guy, he’d choose Manny, and my husband is as straight as they come.” Her statement had her in soft fits, which was exactly what Lily wanted, watching some of the tension ease from her with every chuckle, the worry lines upon her forehead smoothing once more.  
“Oh, mami! He ain’t that straight!” A sudden boom interrupted, a cute guy in an apron moving to hug Lily.
“Hey baby! Aww, I missed you!” she cried, kissing her dear Carlos on the cheek. “How’ve you been? Oh, Hannah, this is Carlos, my friend, and my husband’s boyfriend.”
Hannah shook his hand, receiving a double cheek kiss, her face a picture of curiosity.” Hello, beautiful. It’s a little joke we have, since I absolutely do not hide the fact that I’m crazy for her man!”
“You should see him when he visits the clubhouse, he can’t contain himself. Last time he turned up there, Bish licked his cheek and I swear, this one nearly came in his pants,” Lily spoke, Hannah in soft fits, Carlos looking dreamy at the memory. A lot of the guys warded him off and wouldn’t entertain being playful around the fact that the cute little gay guy was enamoured with just about every man there, but Angel, Bishop, and Manny were three who always obliged, to hilarious results.  
With Carlos finishing his shift and the girls heading down to the yard, he decided to go with and pay everyone a visit, Hannah witnessing the hilarity first hand. She’d barely brought the car to a stop and Carlos was out the back door, sprinting across the ground, bouncing right up into a waiting Angel’s arms.  
“My papi!” he gushed, cuddling his head.  
“Thanks for bringing me my side piece, baby,” Angel said as Lily and Hannah approached, the latter laughing hard as Carlos rubbed Angel’s chest with a huge, happy grin. “Yo, calm down. You’ll make me hard, and I don’t got the dick room in these jeans.” He added, smacking him on the ass before setting him down, Carlos looking thrilled as usual from the attention.
“Not a lot of guys would have the security to oblige him like that,” Hannah noted, Angel grinning as he welcomed his wife with a kiss.  
“Just you wait until you see him with your baby daddy!” She didn’t have to, the three of them heading into the clubhouse just after Carlos to see Manny stretched out on a couch, the former literally climbing on top of him, Manny wrapping him in a full body hug.  
“Hello, princess,” he rasped, Carlos beaming.
“I love it when you call me that!” He then looked down at Lola, sleeping in her car seat beside him. “When did you? Is she? You and Carmen?”  
“Nope, that’s mama right there,” Manny pointed at Hannah, giving her a wink that sent butterflies right through her. “Happened in the BC time; before Carmen.”  
“Oh! Oh, she’s so pretty! I’d ask if I could hold her, but I see she’s napping, so I’ll just hug you instead,” Carlos replied, Manny laughing. He lay there completely at ease with being so heavily – and physically – flirted with, chatting away about the recent Raiders game, Hannah marvelling to herself as she moved to grab Lola when she began to grizzle. Michael would never, ever be that relaxed if a gay man acted like that around him, and she’d seen it with her own eyes.  
One of Emilio, Shonda’s husband’s best friends from high school was gay, and whenever Kevin had been around, Michael would always be on edge. He greeted everyone, male or female, with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, sweet and gregarious that he was, but Michael had never been welcoming to such innocent affection.  
“Dude! Do you got a boner, or is that your cell against my leg?” Manny suddenly exclaimed, Carlos grinning and shuffling against him, everyone in hysterics.  
“I don’t, but I can make it happen for you!” he cried, grinning wide.  
Manny just shook his head, taking it in his stride. “Of course, you can, princess. It’s my raw charm, man. Nobody can fight it.” Nope, Michael would have been throwing holy water on him. It was just another thing she found to like about Manny. Speaking of his raw charm...
“So, are you busy tonight?” he asked, just after Hannah had fastened Lola’s seat into her car.
“I’m not. Are you?”
He licked his top lip momentarily, the action making something entirely too pleasant ripple through her. “I am, actually. I was planning on writing the next great American novel.”
She tilted her head back, a smile tugging at her mouth as she wondered where he was going with that. “You were?”
“Yeah, with the tip of tongue right on your clit.”
Her eyebrows rose high, a little burst of laughter like song in his ears. “Then I’ll meet you back at my place?”
“Nah,” he began, reaching to stroke the side of her neck. “Mine is closer. Carmen is away for work, and I need you as soon as possible.”  
An hour later, with their baby sleeping soundly, Manny was making a very good start on his literary word count.  
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Hello Kitty Band-Aids~ // Dabi X Reader
Hi! I know what you're thinking, "LMAO Hello Kitty??? With Dabi??? Noooo, he's too badass for that!" Well, I'll have you know, only badasses roll with Hello Kitty! (≖ˇ3ˇ≖) Genuinely, this story started off with a whole different song as the inspiration, but it slowly shifted to this, and I could not be happier TBH! I CAME UP WITH AND WROTE THIS WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING PIECE IN ONE DAY. HOLY SHIT. I went absolutely bonkers for this. WOW, I guess I cannot contain the horniness I have for Dabi. I cannot believe how I came up with this, but I love how it turned out. I hope you enjoy reading! I am head-over-heels in love with stinky trash man Dabi (ᴖ◡ᴖ❀)💖
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Style of Story: Oneshot [Fluff!] // Originally, this was supposed to be an imagine. Short and sweet. Then it developed into this monstrosity because I can't control myself. Enjoy.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: Excessive swearing (I'm talking so much LOL especially during the spoken lines), blood, wounds, threats (mostly made by Dabi and mostly empty), falling in love with a villain because Dabi is TOO HOT, etc.
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.☆.・∴.・∵☆:・∵.:・☆.☆.。.:★ :・∵.:☆.。.:・:・∵.☆:*・∵.
"Hello Kitty! Play with us today
We'll laugh and sing on this lovely sunny day
All your friends are waiting for you
Ready to run and play!"
The two of you "lovebirds" met on very strange terms; him running from the police, and you sitting at home, comfy on your couch. It was an otherwise peaceful night in the (Y/N) abode, when out of the god damn blue, this battered and bruised body comes crashing through your window one full moon night. You? Well, you were simply being a normal sane human being and watching a good movie on your night off, when this disaster occurred. The scream you bellowed rivaled that of a Banshee when he flew in, but he didn’t react the same. When this psycho's body hit the floor, he was knocked out cold. Even from all the way across the room on your safe couch, you could see the huge gash marks all across his body, as well as the spreading blood leaking through those marks and from his shirt. Though you didn't know of his affairs only minutes prior, he was most likely exhausted from running for so long with so much blood loss, found your place, and decided to crash (literally) there.
You stood off the couch and crept closer to his unconscious body, contemplating your options. You knew who he was. Who didn’t? He’d been all over the news with the recent events regarding his crimes against that pro-hero training high school, UA. His name didn’t immediately come to mind in the stress of the situation, but it didn’t matter. He was a villain. He was a bad man. You should kick him to the curb, or maybe straight to the police, and make sure he can never wreck your peaceful Saturday night ever again.
He looked…awful. That's to say the least.
Blood dripped from his fresh wounds, scratches and gashes littered his flesh, staples that previously held his marred skin together had now popped out, making his skin stretch and droop. His hands were singed with burn marks, whether it was from his pursuers or from his own quirk, you weren't sure. Not to mention all the cuts and glass suck in his skin from the window he just burst through. And his face. His brows were scrunched up together even while he was asleep, he was in so much pain that he was unconsciously showing it. His mouth was pulled into a frown. Half-soft, half-burnt lips bruised and red with a sizable tear on his upper lip. And…well…damn, he has a strong jaw. Could cut metal with that thing.
WAIT, WHAT?! No no no no nooooo! Do not think that! He's not hot. He's not cute. You do not find a villain sexy. Shut up, brain.
Anyways, you wrestle with the idea for another minute until you glance at his blood seeping onto the floor and curse. Fuck! You're only renting this apartment, and you cannot afford to pay for the replacement of the hardwood flooring! Not in this god damn economy with your shitty landlord. So, for certainly no other reason than to keep his inky blood from soaking into the wood flooring (and definitely not because you felt a little bad for how bad of shape he was in, nor because he was just the slightest bit cute), you dragged his limp body into your bathroom to fix him up.
Now, you're no doctor, but you know some of the basics of healing people. You've slapped on your fair share of band-aids in your day. How much harder can sewing up lesions in skin be! Plus, YouTube is readily available!
Turns out, they're much harder to do properly than you gave credit for.
After a half hour or so, he was nearly put back together. Most of the blood he was profusely spewing earlier you'd either stopped from coming out or it had coagulated on its own. His minor scratches you covered up with gauze, though, you soon ran out and had to use the backup Hello Kitty band-aids to cover the rest. What? Hello Kitty is adorable! Your eight-year-old niece loves her, and it makes you smile at the fond memories they bring. One time about two years ago, she and her guardian came over to hang out for the day. She was being a cute kid and showing off to her "favorite adult" (a label you bragged, and still brag, about to her peeved guardian all the time) all the tricks she's learned on her scooter. She was doing great! Until she wasn't. She fumbled one of the moves and promptly fell to the ground, scraping her knee in the process. She wailed and cried, until you busted out one of the cute Hello Kitty band-aids, and made her day all better again! You'll never forget her beautiful, wide, gap-filled smile as she reiterated that you were her favorite person in the whole world.
Being reeled back to the present, you focused on the task at hand. The larger wounds on his body you tried your best to stitch together, and though they were a little wonky and crooked, you'd say you did a fine job. You cleaned all of his wounds with alcohol and other medicinal items to the best of your ability. Now, it was finally time to clean him up.
You'd previously hung up his coat after you'd settled him in the bathroom. You took the bloody shirt you'd stripped off him earlier to access the wounds on his chest (and you totally did not admire his chest or abs while you'd fixed up his body) and yours that was now covered in his blood, and threw them in the washer. You shimmed into a different clean shirt, and skated back to the bathroom. Running a washcloth under warm water, you bent down to clean his crusty face. Wiping down his face, you cleaned the soot and dirt off of him. You minded the piercings, staples, and burnt flesh of the lower half of his face and eyes as you went along. You stopped to gently dab his busted lip. You leaned back after a minute admiring your work, looking for any other specs of dirt or debris, and decided he was all set. You wanted to leave him there to rest, both because you didn't want to move him too much too soon and because he was heavy as shit, even though he was as thin as a toothpick. But as you thought about it more, you realized leaving a highly dangerous villain unsupervised in a place he doesn't know where he could easily get the upper hand and attack you wasn't the best decision. So, reluctantly, you dragged him back to the living room and plopped his deadweight body down onto your couch.
Looking at the mess he made to your window and to the floor when he busted his way in, you sighed. Guess there's still more work to be done.
.☆.・∴.・∵☆:・∵.:・☆.☆.。.:★ :・∵.:☆.。.:・:・∵.☆:*・∵.
Dabi blearily awoke to the sounds of metal gentle clanking together, and the smell of something absolutely delicious invading his senses. Maybe it was just because he was famished because, if he remembers correctly, the League's cooking never smelled quite as good as whatever was wafting in the air. Wait, correction, they've never cooked shit since he's been a part of the group. Hell, he doesn't think any of them actually know how to cook without burning the place to the ground (himself included).
So, who the hell- where the hell- ugh, fuck it. His brain's too scattered to form questions.
He groaned as he sat up to investigate. His head felt like shit. His body felt like shit. He couldn't focus. Fuck, maybe he got a concussion. Just add it to the list of his issues. He swears when he finds those god damn heroes and police, he's gonna tear them apart limb by-
"Oh, look at that, Sleeping Beauty's awake. 'Bout time."
He nearly jumps out of his stapled skin at the gentle voice coming from across the room. With wide eyes and palms raised to blast scorching fire at any moment, he looks at you. You're just as wide eyed as he is, staring him down from what seemed to be your kitchen. So, the divine smell was coming from your cooking.
He looked you up and down, deeming you not a threat by the lack of any weapon or notable powerful quirk aimed at him. You didn't seem to be a cop either. He broke eye contact with you to look around. Painted walls, nice flooring, pictures and paintings scattered around the place, good view of the city outside. He's in your house.
Interesting. That answers one of his questions; where he is.
Now to find out who the fuck are you, and how stupid you are to have not turned him over to the authorities.
He looks back at you, not saying a word as he stares into your eyes. You fidget under his gaze. Okay, skittish. Nervous. Probably not a hero, nor are you probably gonna put up a big fight against him.
"Um...hi? The name’s (Y/N)…,” you mumble, subtly urging him to return the favor of giving a name. Though, the asshole doesn't respond, only continuing to stare with a blank expression.
"Okaaaay...well, nice meeting you too. Thanks for bursting through my window earlier." you roll your eyes, but get back to focusing on the meal you were cooking. Ah. He forgot about that. He looked towards the window that he obviously smashed through, seeing as it was the only broken one of the group. He glanced at the majorly clean floor directly below it, aside from the large red stain left of the ground. Whoops. Well, that's not his problem.
His eyes drifted further, back to his body. He realized he was laying on something plush, bouncy. Your couch. It's...nice. Nice to feel like he got a good rest. As good of rest as you could get with your body fucked up and half dead even before the chase from earlier. Much nicer than the ratty bed at the hideout. He noticed then the blanket bunched up on his lap. Due to the way it was clumped, it must have been lying up on his chest before he sat up. You tucked him in with it while he was unconscious. Fuzzy, soft. Huh.
Finally, he looked at his body. Looking past the old burns, it was covered in gauze and stitches. Nothing looked professional, everything was sloppily wrapped and jaggedly sewn. He imagined he looked like a kindergartener's art project with the way he was crappily put together. Nonetheless, something pink and glittery caught his eye.
A band-aid. Wait, no. A whole arsenal of band-aids. All themed in...
Hello Kitty.
There were currently more Hello Kitty band-aids on his body than whatever was left of his normal skin.
He looked back at you with a dead-pan expression.
"Really? Hello Kitty???" were the first words he spoke.
"Ah, so he can speak," you smiled to yourself, "And, yes. Hello Kitty. Got a problem with her?"
"Nah," he scoffed, twisting his arms around to see more and more of the cheerful cat, "she just doesn't really fit my style, 'is all."
"Hm, that's good. 'Cause I was gonna throw hands if you disrespected her." you joked, stirring whatever you were cooking in the pot. He huffed out a tiny laugh at your words.
While he sat calmly on the couch as if he owned this whole goddamn apartment complex, inspecting himself, you were not so calm on the other hand. HOLY SHIT. A VILLAIN IS CURRENTLY IN YOUR HOUSE AND IS MAKING SMALL TALK WITH YOU! While you were still quaking in your fuzzy night slippers, you tried to look on the bright side. At least he didn't immediately burn you to a pile of ash when he woke up like you half expected him to do.
"There's some painkillers on the nightstand next to you. I'd advise you to take them if you want to relieve the pain from your wounds a little bit. Or I think I have some antibiotic ointment somewhere around here that you can rub on them, if you'd prefer." you called to him as you spun around the stove and oven. He saw a few of the pills sitting patiently there, as well as the glass of water you'd left for him. Hm. What a dutiful nurse. He took the pills, tossed them back into his mouth, grabbed the water, and swigged it.
It was then he realized that he was both shirtless and coatless.
He looked back at the nightstand and noticed that his shirt, now stunningly clean with not a splotch of blood to be found, was folded neat and proper right there. As if it was waiting for him. Dabi looked around for his jacket, seeing it hanging up on the coat rack by your front door. A devious remark formed on his tongue as a wicked grin settled on his stupidly handsome face.
"Wow, sweetheart~," he began, slowly standing up so as to not open any of the stitching you'd so carefully given him, "using a poor, helpless man down on his luck in his sleep is really beneath you. I was starting to think you were a better person than that~," he teased, watching your eyes grow wide and your mouth open and close like a gasping fish, trying to find words that escaped you. Cute.
"Oh- shut up, you," you felt an embarrassed heat rise to your face even though the words that swiftly shot out of your mouth reeked of confidence, "I-I...I only took off your clothes to reach your injuries!"
"Uh-huh, suuuuure~," he prodded further, sliding on his coat, and moving back to the couch to rest, "and I wasn't bleeding out on your floor a bit ago." You huffed in defeat, not wanting to battle him on a rumor you knew he knew wasn't true.
"Speaking of which," he grunted as he sat down, "how long's it been since I oh-so gracefully entered your home?"
"Only a few hours. Three, or so." you answered. His response was simply a groan of acknowledgement. The conversation died for a minute, until you continued.
"Sorry I don't have any staples to replace the ones you lost. If I had some, I would have tried to construct you back together, Frankenstein's Monster. Though, I'd doubt you'd want me to put them in for you anyways." you piped up.
He side-eyed you and said in a monotone voice, "Oh, I get it. Ha ha. Very funny. Haven't heard that one before," he sassed. He continued, this time with a tone of sincerity, "S fine. I lose these fuckers all the time. Got more back at my place," he ended it there. You chose to follow his lead. Silence filled the room yet again, nothing but the clanking of the pots and pans filling the thick air.
In those few minutes you had to think, you came to a conclusion. As charming of company as he is, he can't stay here. It's too risky. Too risky for your safety, too risky for the other tenants, and too risky for the building. If someone other than you saw him flouncing around your apartment like he comes over every other day, things would not end well for either of you. You're a good person, and you don't want society to deem you a bad one just because you helped someone who was shunned by the masses. It's not right, but sadly, it's the way that it is.
"You eat. Then, you're gone." you decided to finally cut the stale tension. You held your breath, waiting for his response.
"Damn, kicking me out so soon? And here I thought we were having a good heart-to-heart," he shifted his body on the couch to face you, donning a crooked smirk on his face. Oh. A smirk. A smirk is better than anger, or, even worse, indifference. At least you know you're entertaining the criminal rather than pissing him off.
"Hey, you can't blame me," you turned to face him with your arms crossed, "I don't want the cops hanging around here. Who knows what would happen if someone figured out I helped and housed a...less than savory individual." You chose to mutter that last part to yourself under your breath. You might think he's okay so far, but many others in higher positions of power than yourself would disagree.
"So, you know." He stood from the couch. It startled you; the way he could switch his emotions from 0-100 in milliseconds. One minute ago, you two were laughing about a stupid printed band-aid, and now you're scared you pushed too many buttons too quickly.
Your hands shook, and you dropped the cooking utensil in your hand, "K...Know what?" He snaked across the room with no hesitation or issue, like the spacious distance he covered so quickly was nothing to him. You wanted to not back down, to not show any fear like him, but it was impossible with this large of a threat coming so close to you. You inched back as he breached the kitchen.
At that moment when he stood like an impenetrable wall directly in front of you, when he lowered his face to look directly in your eyes, when his own lips were only a few inches from your trembling ones; his name finally came to mind
"You know I'm a villain...," Dabi finally whispered. His breath was laced with the overwhelming scent of cigarette smoke and some kind of strong whiskey. A combo that wasn't exactly pleasant like fresh roses, but who needs roses when it shook you down to your core (scared horny). BUT GOD DAMMIT, THAT SHOULDN'T MATTER RIGHT NOW!!! Why is it that even when you're stuck in this very vulnerable position with this highly dangerous criminal, you can't get your mind out of the filthy gutter?!?!?!
"Y...Yes?" you wanted your words to be strong and unwavering, impress Dabi with your bravery, but they were meek and hooked up at the end to form a question more than anything.
"So," he suddenly wrapped his powerful arm around your waist and walked you back to the nearest wall. You yelped at the intrusion of your space, and again when his other arm caged you into the space as he leaned his hand against the wall, "why?"
"Why what?!" you squeak out to him, lightly pushing your hands against his hard chest in an extremely weak effort to get him to back off. Please move away, powerful and sexy man, before you melted into a puddle of goo and made a fool of yourself.
"Why would a sweet, innocent civilian help the big, bad villain?" he finished. You were stumped at his question as you too had been debating it in your head for the last few hours. Why? Why did you heal him? Why did you give him shelter? Why did you protect his whereabouts from the police and heroes? Why were you cooking him food!? WHY?!
You took a deep breath, shook off whatever nerves you could as fast as you could, and looked him dead in the eye, "I saved you because I saw not a villain, not a wanted man, but a person bleeding out on my floor. A person in need of help. If I didn't help you, how could I call myself a decent person after idly standing by as someone dies on my watch?"
Saved. That word caught Dabi's eye. You think you didn't just help him, rather, you saved his life.
Oh, this could be fun~!
After letting your words have a chance to hang in the air for a moment, Dabi's face curled up into a sinister grin. Which made yours instantly fall. Shit. You fucked up. He didn't like your answer. You're screwed. Goodbye, world. Goodbye, Hello Kitty. It was nice to see your happy face before burning to death.
"I see, little hero~," he teased, leaning back and taking a step away from you. He was still cornering you, but he'd at least given you some space to breathe properly. You took a few more shaky breaths to calm your nerves, not fully dropping your guard in case he was simply torturing his prey before enacting the kill.
"How brave of you to care for the dastardly villain. Heh." Dabi chuckled to himself. He turned around, and sauntered off to the living room. You didn't pursue him, you couldn't even if you wanted to with how similar to Jell-O your legs were as they had begun to wobble. As to not fall flat onto your face, you slid down the wall, and planted your butt onto the ground. Dabi fixed his coat, and stalked off to the broken window.
As he bent his leg up and took one step out of the window, he looked back at you. He looked ethereal, practically glowing in the moon's beams that shined through the city. His turquoise eyes bore into your soul, as if marking it with their own special burn as a parting gift. You couldn't forget those eyes, not after seeing the hope in them. How extravagantly his emotions swirled in them.
He spoke in a rumbling voice, "Not gonna say goodbye because this isn't one. You're something. Definitely something. I like things that catch my eye. And you...you certainly have. But be wary of who you expend that kind heart of yours to. I went easy on you this time, but there are plenty of people in my line of work who aren't willing to give civilians like you a chance. Can't have my newest interest be clipped so soon~," he smirked at you.
"See you later, little hero," Dabi called.
Before he could climb fully out of the window and off to who the hell knows where, you found your words and snarkily yelled, "You're welcome anytime, Dabi! Though, maybe next time don't come barreling in and breaking stuff. The front door works just fine. If you hurt yourself, I'll just have to stick more cute band-aids on you!"
He paused at the name drop, looking back at you with shock. But the shock quickly faded as a grin took its place. He let out a genuine laugh this time. One that made your heart flutter.
"I'll think about it, (Y/N)~," he winked. And with that, he turned around and sped off on the fire escape.
You watched the window, heart still jumping in your throat at his words. You eventually let out a small sigh, "Bonding with a villain over Hello Kitty band-aids...what exactly has my life come to?" You continued to mindlessly stare at where the dashing man had so quickly entered and left your life. Slowly, your mind became less foggy, and you only now noticed a pile of something on the ground. It lay near the spot on the couch where Dabi sat not long ago. Curious, you walked over to it. Bending your knees, you grab one of the items, and throw your head back in frustration.
A small pile of Hello Kitty band-aids had been dumped unceremoniously on the rug.
You growled, "Pussy. How wasteful! I put them on so carefully too...oh, well, I guess." you scooped up the pile and waltzed over to the trash can in your kitchen.
"Sorry, Hello Kitty," you apologized to the inanimate objects as you threw them in the trash, "he's just not used to the 'bad bitch' lifestyle."
You looked over at the abandoned food on the stove. Black curling smoke was rising from all of the pots and from the stove, an image that made your vocabulary lit up with curses, "GOD DAMN FUCKING HELL!!!!! DABI, YOU SLEEZY FUCK!!! YOU MADE ME BURN MY FUCKING FOOD!"
.☆.・∴.・∵☆:・∵.:・☆.☆.。.:★ :・∵.:☆.。.:・:・∵.☆:*・∵.
A few floors above your apartment, Dabi sat idly on the rooftop. He gazed wordlessly upon the colorful city, smoking a cigarette placed between two of his fingers. Though, the stick was harder to grip than normal due to a lone Hello Kitty band-aid clinging to his pointer finger. Noticing the cutesy wrapping, he scoffed.
Snuffing out the cigarette, Dabi brought his finger closer and twisted it around, watching it glitter in the moonlight. He moved to rip it off, wanting for it to fall the same fate as the countless others he'd removed in your apartment, but something stopped him. He brushed his opposite hand's thumb against the protective paper as if he was mesmerized. It made him think of your touch, your laugh, your smile. How you had so much care to give to the world that you would spend your time saving a ruthless bum like him from Death's doorstep. You're too good for this lousy, undeserving world.
He thinks back to the ideology of Stain, the blueprint he follows so closely in his methods of destruction. In his master's very own description, your traits all point to that of a true hero. One of the rare few this world truly has left. Someone who does things not just for their own benefit, not for money, not for fame, but because they genuinely want to help others. They genuinely want to help this world thrive. Too bad you were a nobody civilian. And too bad he was a...
"Tch," he shook his head at his own disgustingly mushy thought. Sappy bullshit. Damn, what the hell had you done to him? Maybe that was your quirk. Effect his emotions and shit like that. However you managed to dig those up out of their graves, he'll never know. But even he has to admit, it felt...sorta...good to be cared for.
"Guess the nickname fits you after all, little hero~," he mumbled to himself and the moon.
He knows he shouldn’t be so weak for a nobody who he met completely by accident only a few hours ago. He’s got goals, goals that mean more than risking it all for some dumbass who saved his skin once. But he forgot what real kindness felt like after living so long in a world of darkness and constant backstabbing chaos. He missed those conversations. He missed the days in the sun. He missed being treated like a person and not like a weapon or a maniac. He missed...ugh, whatever.
Whenever the soonest date he can see you again comes, he'll be there.
"Hello hello kitty! Hello dear friend 
Your smile's pretty like a flower that's in bloom 
Love is in your heart and things are happy too 
Hello hello kitty! Play with us today!"
.☆.・∴.・∵☆:・∵.:・☆.☆.。.:★ :・∵.:☆.。.:・:・∵.☆:*・∵.
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Well, damn. (゚ Д゚ ;) This ended up much longer than I intended it to be! 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。 BUT OH WELL, I GUESS! Hope you enjoyed my filthy brain ideas!
Song: "Hello Kitty and Friends - Intro Theme" // Lyrics found on: Theme Song
{I did not make Hello Kitty, nor do I own her. I did not make this song, nor do I take credit for it. These items listed belong to the original creators.}
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silly-mouse · 2 years
Chub Rub
Happy Valentine's Day! This is sadly inspired by my own experiences when I went to Universal on my last vacation. I wore shorts and was walking completely from my knees by dinner because I was welting up so bad, really made me wish I had a hunky texan bf to carry me around.
Romantic CC!Sapnap x gn!reader, platonic CC!Dream x reader, chubby!reader, ~1k words, brief body/medical grossness
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You loved Dream. He was without a doubt your best friend (Sapnap doesn't count, boyfriend is on a whole other level) and the ultimate wing man. When you confessed you thought his new roommate was super cute and a total sweetheart, he invited you over for dinner only to prepare a full-course meal, light two candles on the table, make up an excuse about an emergency vet appointment, and leave you alone until he asked for the tea the next day. When you said you wanted to be official, he told you Sap was a shy idiot who would never take a hint or make a move even if he wanted to, giving you the courage to ask him to be your boyfriend. And when you two were being nauseatingly adorable on his couch, he booked you a weekend at Universal and told you to get the hell out of his house.
"So freaking worth it," you cheered giddily as you walked out of the new Hagrid ride.
"Hell yeah, even though I had to peel my hands off those handlebars," Sapnap laughed, admiring the waffle-like pattern on the palm that wasn't wrapped around yours. "I'm hungry, though. What do you think about trying that kebab place?"
You leaned closer to kiss his cheek. "Sounds great, babe, I'll grab us a table." He kissed you back, still looking at you adoringly as you left him in line. You chuckled to yourself, waving your fingers at him before turning your back to watch where you were going.
"...ow," you muttered when you took a slightly bigger step than the others, feeling the insides of your thighs burn. You mentally cursed the dreaded chub rub, but otherwise ignored it as you found a table in the shade, taking a seat and spreading your legs to let a breeze soothe the ache.
"Three kebabs for the lovely darlin'," your boyfriend sang as he set down the tray, pulling the other chair close enough to cuddle up to you. "Figured we'd try one of each kind since they're pretty small."
As he spoke, his hand came down on your thigh, a motion that usually made you feel small and cozy as he gripped the fat like he needed his hands on you to feel safe. This time, though, his fingertips slapped down on your inner thigh and sent an electric shot through the nerves, making you jump and yelp.
Sapnap instantly yanked his hand away, gripping your hand instead as he quickly looked you over. "I'm sorry, baby, what did- oooh, baby!" He gently tapped the inside of your knee to spread your legs farther, wincing at the splotch of red skin on either thigh, riddled with raised bumps. "You're getting blisters," he mused, tracing the marks gently with a single finger to test the sensitivity. "It looks like it hurts real bad- why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't notice," you sheepishly admitted, looking at the marks to avoid looking him in the eye, then looking at your lunch when the bumps were grossing you out. "My thighs always burn when I walk, so I mostly walk from my knees to avoid it..."
He sighed, pressing a kiss to your temple in an attempt to comfort you. "Well, at least it sounds like it doesn't hurt just from being touched. Here," he hummed, grabbing your plastic cup with fresh ice and soda and pressing it between your thighs. "That should feel good, yeah?" He lit up when you nodded, and you could practically hear 'you are healed now, I healed you' playing in his mind- sometimes you swore he was just a big puppy that thought his kisses could fix every problem you had.
You enjoyed your small lunch and had all but forgotten about the swelling blisters until Sapnap dropped to one knee in front of your chair, back to you. "Hop on, sugar," he chirped simply, as if he was the sane one in this situation.
"I can walk just fine," you scoffed as you repacked your small backpack, making sure you had your sunscreen and spare masks since someone forgot he was wearing his and tried to eat through it, getting sauce all over.
"You have blisters," he explained patiently, turning to face you. "Walking in those shorts is going to make them worse. Hop on,"
"I'm heavy," you told him, mocking his tone. Was it immature? Of course. Did you care? You never did.
"And I'm strong," he countered with a grin, bracing himself on the arms of your chair as if he knew you wouldn't be able to help eyeing the way the end of his sleeves cut into his thick biceps, proving his point. "Now that we've gotten to know each other," he teased with a small kiss to the tip of your nose, "let me keep you from hurting yourself any further."
You relented, muttering out a small 'okay' that made him smile wide before kneeling again. He let you take your time, gently climbing on his back, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders and squeezing his waist even tighter with your knees.
"Ready, darlin'?"
"Yeah," you breathed out. "Yeah, I- whoa!"
Sapnap stood straight up with ease, one hand supporting under your thigh and the other grabbing your trash. "Let's go," he chirped happily as he walked, tossing your trash and returning your tray so he could grip your other thigh. He laughed as your arms threatened to choke him from your death grip. "You're fine, sugar, I'm not gonna drop you. Come on, we're gonna ride the Hogwarts Express!" He gave a little skip to bounce you, making you yelp again before giggling. You leaned over his shoulder and pressed your lips to his cheek, making him hum happily. "What's that for, darlin'?"
"Being a great big sweetheart," you mused with a grin, giggling as you realized his backpack was wearing a backpack.
Sapnap giggled wildly, heating up under your lips as you gave him another kiss. "Awe, shucks, sugar, ain't nothing, just how a proper man s'pose to treat his sweetheart," he rambled out, that southern drawl that only came out when he was excited or flustered peeking into his voice.
"... You know they're not gonna let you carry me past the entrance, right?"
"I dare them to try and stop me, darlin',"
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redheadspark · 2 years
For the caretaking prompt, the “you can wear mine” or “I want you to be comfortable” with Shang-Chi, please. I’ve been loving your writing since I joined a few weeks ago!
A/N: Hooray! This one will be nice short and sweet! Thanks for the suggestion, anon!
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*Down With The Sickness* 🌡
"Well, you have a fever, Sweetheart,"
"No shit!" You groaned, your voice heavy and lethargic as your head felt like a lead balloon. You whimpered and buried yourself deeper into your shared head with Shangqi.
He sighed while he put the thermometer down on the bed, pushing your bangs out of your eyes and off your sweaty forehead, "I'll make you some soup and get you some cold water, okay?"
"Thank you," You mumbled into the pillow, feeling Shangqi rubbernecked your back with soothing fingers.
You heard him walk out of your joined bedroom and over to the main kitchen area of the compound. Thankfully, Yelena was off on a mission with Katie on the West Coast, as the rest of the Avengers were off site to do some recon sessions out in Europe. You and Shangqi volunteered to stay behind and keep an eye on the place.
Yet 3 hours after the jet took off, you were feeling like shit.
"I'm gonna get started on the soup, but here's your water," Shanqi explained as he walked back into your room and placed ice cold water on the nightstand, you humming in acknowledgement, "Take a nap for a bit while I make the soup. It's my mom's old recipe, really good for your stomach and not too heavy. How are you feeling?"
"I feel like a defenseless organism on the brink of death," you confessed in a defeated moan. Shangqi just grinned, placing his hands on your hips gently and rolling you to be on your back. He was perched over you, having you pause and remember that time you two played in the snow together.
One of your favorite memories with him thus far.
"Actually, you're a cute defenseless organism, but not on the brink of death," Shangqi reminded you, though you grinned weakly at him, "You've never gotten sick before?"
"Not like this," You confessed in a shrug as you sat up to peel off your now sweaty sweatshirt that was clinging into you. Shangqi helped you delicately to not bother your aching limbs, "They gave us resources and drugs, back in the Widow days, to keep us from getting sick constantly and be off missions. The last time I was this sick was when I was 17,"
"Well, welcome to being sick like the rest of the world," Shangqi hummed in amusement as he threw your sweatshirt to the ground, "I'll wash that while you sleep, and when you wake up I'll get some fresh pj's too,"
"Hey," You said to him, seeing that he was busying himself in taking care of you on your bed. Shangqi stopped and stared, wondering what you were going to say to him. That look of innocence and devotion on his handsome face was enough to make you smile.
"You're being so sweet and good to me," You complimented him, hoping he understood where you were coming from, "Thank you,"
No one looked out for you in those time as a Black Widow. No one had your back or made sure you were safe and sane. And now that this man was showing you all that you never knew you needed, it was such a blessing for you.
"There's no need to thank me for something I love doing, sweetheart," Shangqi explained with movement in his shoulders.
"Yet you're taking care of me when I could easily get you sick," You reasoned.
"I want you to be comfortable," he hummed in reply, not being hesitant at all in his answer, "Being sick and uncomfortable is the worst, trust me. Just get some sleep for me, that's all you need to do,"
"Fine," you huffed, giving him a playful glare, "But can you give me a kiss first?"
Shangqi had to roll his eyes as the pouty lip you were giving him.
"Never thought I would see the day a ex-Black Widow would pout over a kiss from little ol' me," He teased. You rolled your eyes and leaned into his space.
"Shut up and kiss me," You hummed against his lips.
Three days later, after you officially got better, you heard Shangqi sneeze loudly in the main eating hall next to Yelena, whom gave him a dirty look as she shielded her Mac N Cheese from his sneezes.
"Don't spray it," Yelena warned him in a low grumble as you sat next to her with a weary look at your boyfriend.
You felt terrible, then leaded him back to your joined room as he was sniffling with a clogged up nose.
"It's my turn to take care of you, honey," You hummed to him.
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
House Trained
a collab with @reallyshey 💗
shigaraki x dabi x reader
CW: nsfw duh 🙄 piss 🥰 vaginal sex anal sex unprotected sex, cat hybrid Shigaraki, darker tags under the cut...beware
PSA: I was NOT a part of the shit or vomit, so do NOT request that pls 🥰 it's pretty obvious I didn't write it cause it's so good I could never write that well 🥲, blood, pain anal, spikey dick hehe 😼 punishment (locked in a cage) umm all done? slight dubcon…???Coercion...????
The concept of human and animal mixing themselves wasn’t something new but science made that too close to reality. Now a hybrid was the common pet for many- the perfect balance for those who wanted children but simply weren’t equipped with the time or the money. Those cute angelic human faces, with ears poking out from-
And Tomura had squatted and was pissing on the couch. Y/N couldn’t help but rub her eyebrow in frustration. It was like she had just cleaned that yesterday! At this rate, she may as well throw out the couch. And she loved her little kitty, of course! But it was getting ridiculous.
It was like taking care of a child who'd never been potty trained. She couldn't put him in diapers either. He’d be humiliated and pissed off at her for god knows how long. So she had to take him to the bathroom about once every two hours. Sometimes he’d make a fuss and pee on the bath mat on purpose, but other times, he was compliant. She found that pushing on his bladder a little helped when he was feeling stubborn.
It hadn’t always been so routine, though. At first, he was mortified at the prospects of Y/N watching him pee. It's gross! She wasn’t supposed to see him do that! In hindsight, maybe getting him so comfortable with that was a mistake. He was brave enough to go in front of her no matter where. She should have just locked Tomura in the bathroom and listened to him to make sure he went but no.
Of course, she had to baby him. He would rub up against her leg all day, purring. He’d lay beside her at night and beg for praise, and she couldn't deny him because he's just oh so cute. Things really took a turn when he started calling her mommy. That definitely flipped a switch for her. Y/N was so easily manipulated by him, and neither of them realized. Shigaraki thought he just had the perfect mommy, and Y/N just thought she had the perfect baby boy.
She loved her cute cat hybrid, but he even had some funny habits. For example, he was still a young cat- about twenty-two-ish in human years. But even so, she’d never bothered to get him spayed. It hurt her feelings to even think about it. She tried talking to him about it, but he only cried and cried and cried until she promised him she wouldn’t.
And even then, her little baby wasn’t aggressive. The worst-case scenario was this- his spaying and genuine accidents. He took out his sexual desires on her pillow, humping it, kneading it, and biting down on it. His tail twitched in a specific way Y/N had learned to recognize whenever it was obvious he was getting aroused, whether from her belly rubs or simply the passing of time.
He was strictly an indoor hybrid too- Y/N believed in keeping her hybrid safe from passing cars, especially when he didn’t know any better. I mean, how the fuck was he supposed to protect himself? He’s so codependent on her. Tomura crawls across the floor and clings to her leg more often than not. He tugs on Y/N’s clothes for food and has to have at least twelve good night kisses. He’s pampered and spoiled and so happy he found a good mommy.
Y/N would kill anyone or anything who would dare hurt her precious boy. He was so sweet and defenseless. Only a monster would hurt someone so sweet. But Y/N knew the world was full of monsters. She's not näive. Her parents were a good example. They had unprompted hate towards her boyfriend at the time and his family until it tore their relationship apart.
He was the one keeping her sane, keeping her grounded but their hatred got in the way. They had planned on adopting a hybrid before, they even decided to name him Tomura. Y/N wasn't hung up on him, she had her little kitty to love! But the name was still sentimental. If only he had kept talking to her, they could have had a life together, but he ghosted her completely and their last conversation was something mundane.
She’s brought back to reality by something soft rubbing her leg, she looks down to find Tomura smiling up at her.
“Mommy, you forgot to take me to the bathroom, meow,” he says calmly, as though peeing on the couch was a completely reasonable response to that.
She sighs, “Next time, just remind me, Tomu, just please stop peeing on the couch,”
He nods and rubs against her leg a bit more, “I’ll be a good boy, mommy,” he promises, knowing he’s going to break it, “Pet me please, meow.”
It’s not really a question, and more a demand: his tail swishes when she sits down on the floor with him. He nuzzled into her hand as she scratched behind his ears. Getting the couch cleaned all the time was expensive and embarrassing. What do the neighbors think every time they see it pull into their driveway?
Y/N finally caves, and, opening her phone, calls the first business with “Animal Trainer” next to it. It looked like a serious business and was rated five stars. It didn’t even look that expensive either! Even so, she had to get him to stop acting out like this.
“Hello?” She says once the phone stops ringing.
“Yes, this is Dabi speaking. How can I help you today?” A voice responds on the other side, thick and gruff. He sounded like he’d smoked for quite a few years (that or he had just gotten out of bed).
“Hi, this is Y/N. I’m calling because my cat hybrid is spaying and pissing everywhere. He’s not fixed, and I promised him I wouldn’t do that to him. I need to get him to stop. I can’t keep cleaning but I’m not going to give him up to the shelter either.”
There’s a moment of silence on the other line. “A bad kitty. I can fix that. You’ll need to chip in, of course.”
She hesitates and looks over at Tomura who is starting to rub against her legs, curious about what and who she’s talking to. “Of course. When’s the soonest you can come over?”
“How about right now?”
“Perfect. Here’s my address.”
Dabi walks through the door, and her mouth falls open.
“You,” She says in surprise and in shock.
He grins devilishly, “Me, it's nice to see you, sweetheart.”
She scoffs, “It’s nice to see me? You stopped talking to me after we dated for almost a year!”
“It’s not my fault you changed your number and didn’t tell me,” He snaps back at her, his irritation growing. He grew sick of the disconnected response from the phone too quickly for her to joke about this.
“I never changed my-” She stops, “Oh.”
His face softens too, “It was your parents, huh?”
“Yeah,” she says, looking up at him.
Y/N wraps her arms around Touya hesitantly, and he does the same. Meanwhile, Tomura sits there in shock. Who was this man cuddling with mommy? He’d have to drench the whole house to get this guy’s scent off, and what’s in the bag?
“And this is Tomura,” She introduces. He looks up at the mention of his name, letting out a confused meow.
He grins- Y/N really knows how to pick them. This was the name they promised they’d name their own little hybrid all those years ago when they made plans to marry. So even if she was angry...
“Hey, little guy,” Touya says, trying to be friendly.
That was pretty easy when a cute kitty is staring up at you. But not so easy when he hisses at you and mutters profanities. He frowns. This was gonna be a lot of work.
“Hey,” he says, turning away from the pissed-off kitten, “I’ll give you a discount, how's three hundred sound?”
Her eyes light up, “Three hundred sounds fantastic! Thank you, Touya!”
She hugs him again and Shigaraki wants to yell but...mommy seems so happy with this... this stranger. And he doesn't want to make her sad, so he crawls away and mopes in her room, curling up in her bed and burying his face in her blankets. Does she love him? Is he going to stay? He wouldn't blame Y/N; this Touya person is rather cute but still. She doesn't notice her missing kitty while she continues to work out the details with Touya.
“Y/N, down to business. Why is your hybrid causing you problems? You said something about spaying? Tell me about it.”
“So what happens is that he goes around peeing everywhere! I used to be able to help him go to the bathroom, but now he just goes wherever he wants, whenever he wants! I looked it up and it sounds like spaying, but it’s full-on piss sometimes too.”
Touya is quiet for a moment, thinking, “So he sees you as a mate and he’s trying to mark his territory to ward off another male. Have you invited anybody over recently?” He asks, trying to grasp the situation.
Y/N shakes her head. He saw her as a mate?! “No, I try not to. My house smells like piss thanks to Mister Whiskers.” She huffs.
“He probably sensed another hybrid then from the outside. Possibly a feral. The best way to get him to stop is to make him think he already owns you. I’ll call hybrid control too. It’s not a good place for hybrids on the streets.” He says, pulling out his own phone and sending a text.
“Okay then. How do we do that?”
“It’s quite easy,” he says, “Let's go find Tomura first.”
He heads upstairs to where he assumes Tomura’s hiding. The smell of pee intensifies as he gets closer to what he assumes is your room. He opens the door to see Tomura curled on the bed, frowning.
“See how territorial he is?” Touya points out, “He already sees me as a threat even though I've just walked in the door.”
Y/N nods, but she’s still in disbelief. Tomura sees her as his mate? That's ridiculous. Although, if what Touya’s saying is true, she really wouldn't mind. She’d always had a crush on Tomura, I mean just look at him! He’s cute and so cuddly. The adorable ears and fluffy hair really add onto the whole cute kitty image. He’s so smart too. And kind. Their relationship isn't one-sided at all, he takes care of Y/N and she takes care of him.
Touya nudges her towards the bed, and she sits next to him. They both look at each other for a while, and Touya doesn't interrupt. They need to go at their own paces, for now at least. Y/N finally reaches a hand out to scratch behind his ears, and Tomura starts to purr again. It feels like Y/N is the only one in the room. He doesn't even notice Touya until he sits on the other side of him.
He wants to hiss and scratch at him, but Y/N is scratching his head just the way he likes.
“Hey buddy,” Touya says, reaching out to rub soothing circles on his back, “You love Y/N a whole lot, huh?”
Tomura nods, still suspicious of the man sitting with them.
“She’s your mate, isn't she?” he says, fingers trailing across his neck to scratch the back of his head, “You've got a nice pretty mate Tomura. She’s all yours, sweetie,”
Mate?! How did Touya know how he felt about y/n? They barely said a word to each other.
“Mate,” he nods, grabbing onto Y/N’s thigh.
He worms his hands between the mattress and her soft thighs and squeezes it in his arms, laying his head on it.
“Mate,” he purrs, happy that he’s able to say it out loud, “Mommy’s such a pretty mate.”
Touya nods; this is good. They're making progress.
“Now Y/N, why don't you lie down on the bed,” Touya instructs.
She does as told and lies on her back, trying to relax. She tenses up again when his fingers tug down her pants. She tries to grab his hand and stop him but he bats it away.
“Do you want your house to smell like piss for the rest of your life, or are you gonna let me help you?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
She nods and lets him pull down her pants.
“Are you sure this is necessary?” she asks, not enjoying the cold air on her cunt nor the fact that she was nearly naked in front of both of them.
“Completely necessary,” he assures her.
Next to go is her shirt, then her bra until she’s lying completely naked in front of them. When he starts to strip Tomura down, she gets worried. Why is Tomura suddenly so compliant with Touya? He was ready to flip his shit just minutes ago. Touya guides Tomura to kneel between Y/N’s legs and wiggles his spiked cock out of its little pouch. Tomura mewls softly; he’s never felt someone else touch him there before.
“Now, why don’t you rub mommy’s pussy right,” he guides Tomura’s hand to her clit, “There.”
He looks confused but does as he’s told. Obviously, Tomura doesn't do it well enough. The nerves and inexperienced hands don’t do anything to get Y/N aroused. Too bad so sad, he’s here to fix a problem, not make it pleasurable. He lines up Tomura’s cock, and Y/N finally pieces together what's happening. Her breathing picks up and her eyes widen. Surely he wasn’t really going to have Tomura fuck her, right? That would hurt! Like really really hurt!
But the look of excitement in his eyes made her feel guilty. He wants this so badly and he loves her so much. If this was going to help him she’d just have to take it. So when Touya helps him poke the tip of his cock in, she’s already white-knuckled from gripping the sheets. She whimpers when more of it starts to go in; it felt like the branch of an English hawthorn was forcing itself inside of her. At the same time, the tiny, sharp thorns on his cock were tickling her G-spot.
She wasn't ready when he started to fuck into her, he was over the moon with joy whilst she was crying out in pain. Tomura can’t decide between yowling, meowing, or moaning so he chooses a mixture of all three. All of his little noises are adorable; the whines and whimpers of her name make her try to smile through all of the pain.
“Gotta...breed mommy,” he pants, “Breed mommy!”
Her eyes widened.
“No sweetie,” she says, squeezing her eyes shut and trying not to focus on the pain, “You can’t breed a mommy baby. Please don’t Tomura.”
“Hey,” Touya says, “do you want this to work or not?”
She whines in defeat and lets him keep fucking her.
“Breed, mommy,” he chants, happier than ever.
Everything's “fine” until he decides to bite her tit.
“Ow! Tomura, no!” she cries, trying to push his head away, but Touya holds her hands in place.
“You can’t deny him Y/N. It won't work if you do,” he tuts.
She tries to squirm away, but Touya keeps his grip on her firm, and the cold hands of death couldn't pry Tomura away from her. So she cries and moans and prays that he’ll cum and get this over with. Touya lets go of her hands and climbs behind Tomura. What was he doing back there?
Y/N doesn’t even have a moment to be confused as Touya unbuckles his pants, Tomura grinding at her pussy, his sharp barbs and accurate aims make the pain and the pleasure simply too much for her brain to work. He doesn’t even take off his shirt, or slide them down, just pulls out his cock from his jeans and shoves it into the cute tight, and unsuspecting hole in front of him.
“Meow! Mommy! It hurts! Meow!” Tomura cries, yowling in pain as his virgin hole is penetrated. Touya’s cock is massive- at least twelve inches in length. Despite Tomura’s small size, she can still feel Touya against her own stomach, the way his cock burrowed a hole into Tomura, in through one end and attempting to force its way out the other.
“Look at that cute little pussy. It’s all nice and red for Master''. Tomura was bleeding! He meowed, feeling the trickling down his thighs as Touya pushed himself into Tomura, again and again, forcing Tomura to keep fucking Y/N despite the pain that he was in. As she gets wetter it’s easier for her to talk and think. She cradles Tomura’s head in her arms and lets it fall into the crook of her neck.
“How is this helping?” she asks, still crying from the pain of Tomura’s cock in her.
“Um, it’s keeping him inside of you? Listen, I don't fucking know. I just wanted to fuck him, ” Touya laughs, before pausing, “Or even bitch him if it works.” Leaning down to trail kisses up Tomura’s neck, he coos “Who’s my pretty boy?”
“I am, ” he sobs, “Mommy, please, it hurts. But it feels so good just- just make it stop mommy please.”
“I can't, sweetie. I’m sorry,” she says, kissing the side of his head, “It’ll feel good soon, Tomura, I promise.”
He bites her tit again, not as hard as before, and tries to stifle the sounds of his crying. How could he be a good mate if he was so weak? He doesn't deserve her. He should give her up to Touya; he’s strong and smart, not weak like he is. But then Y/N pulls his face away from her chest and kisses him. It’s rough and passionate and the best thing he’s ever felt, besides her warm wet pussy, of course.
When he cums, he cums hard. His cock was made for breeding so it squirts out more cum than humanly possible. It takes mere seconds for it to start gushing out of her, seeping deep into her womb. There’s no doubt she’s pregnant; Y/N never planned to have sex at this point in her life, so she was on absolutely no form of birth control.
Even if she had used a condom, Tomura’s thorny cock would have poked right through it. His cum would’ve somehow breached her IUD, and it was sure to be one hundred times more potent than human cum and no chemical could’ve stopped it. They're both aching when Touya finally fills Tomura’s tight, no longer virgin, asshole. Thankfully it makes it easier for Touya to slide out of him without either ripping Tomura’s asshole or having Tomura’s asshole pull his cock right off.
Touya is surprisingly good with his aftercare. And it looks like he came prepared as well.
Touya takes his sweet time gently putting hybrid injury cream around his ass. There's nothing of course he could do about the inside besides giving Tomura some anti-inflammatory medicine and blood stoppers. All wrapped inside of a pill pocket, the brat.
And despite his so-called love for Y/N, Tomura still kept up the attitude. When Touya moved onto Y/N, slowly caressing her cunt and making sure she was okay, taking care of her and wiping her clean of cum, Tomura would throw a fit and say he wanted attention.
Don't get him wrong, he was worried for his mommy. He didn't know what the white stuff leaking out of her was or what the white stuff that'd been leaking out of him was- he just knew it felt good. But he recognized bruises from his own hands, his claws digging into her from when he orgasmed.
But he wanted attention too! What about him?! Why did mommy get all the attention? It was like he had completely forgotten the attention that had been on him for a while. He meowed over and over, tugging on Touya’s arm.
“Master,” he whines, “What about me?”
“Shh,” Touya says, “We need to take care of mommy too, Tomura.”
“But-” he starts.
“No buts unless you want me to spank yours,” Touya warns.
Tomura opens and closes his mouth, deciding he’d rather not have his ass beat red. He still whines, though, putting his head on Y/N’s chest, so he never left his master’s line of sight. When Touya pushes his head away, he mewls over and over, crying out for his master. Claiming that “You don’t care about me, Master!”
Touya silences him with a kiss on the forehead and the lips, and that satiates him...for a while until he’s pawing at Touya again, whining and whimpering. However, when Y/N is the one to try and silence him, he shuts up immediately. You never tell him to be quiet; you always tell him how much you love his voice.
So he curls into you and kisses your neck, telling you that you're the best mommy in the world. You can only smile and nod, letting Touya apply ointment to your wounds. Tomura has never felt like this before, not just from his orgasm but being cared for by two people. Of course, Y/N cared for him well, maybe too well. She spoiled him beyond belief. He got away with pissing on the couch for months. He got whatever food he wanted whenever he wanted. You even let him eat at the dinner table though he was NOT supposed to.
Touya fixed all of that. He disciplined Tomura, shoving him in a diaper until he begged and cried to be good, and he was...until Touya went home. Touya also put him on a diet that was healthier for his sensitive stomach. Lastly he made it very clear to her that Tomura will only be eating out of his bowls on the floor, much to Tomura’s disappointment.
Despite it all, they end up together. All of them. Mommy and Master and cute little Tomura at the center. Maybe he would’ve stopped acting up but he didn’t. He just wanted both of them more- and both of them together. So he makes mommy call Touya for no reason or forces her to, pissing and shitting wherever he could, even vomiting.
Even things that didn’t need to be fixed- they called Touya. And of course, Touya always sets Tomura straight. He’d shove Tomura in a kennel for hours, and force Y/N to watch, to discipline him for calling him over, sometimes even himself if he got ahold of the house phone, and Y/N to get her to stop spoiling Tomura.
And of course, Tomura would yowl and cry that nobody loved him, making painful noises that would cause suffering to any normal human’s heart (at least, Y/N would argue that). He would piss himself even more, and even shit on the blankets to try and get the smell to let him out. Touya however, only pissed on Tomura when he pissed in the kennel, and sprayed air freshener when he shit. Maybe it was something that he wanted himself.
Y/N, of course, would always let him out when he let out a particularly miserable noise. She washed the disgusting blankets at night when she was supposed to be asleep and cleaned him up through the bars of his cage. Whenever Touya caught her, he was furious. It took only minutes for her to be squished in the cage besides Tomura, praying he didn't decide to make any messes.
She comforted him, reminding Tomura that Touya would provide wonderful aftercare for the bruises and indents the cage gave them. When Touya fed them through the bars it was especially humiliating, making sure to spill or smear at least some of it on both Y/N and Tomura. But Tomura was happy to clean you up with his cute pink tongue, and that never failed to make her giggle.
Despite the punishments and the spoiling he loves his mommy and master equally! They were so good to him! Dogs can be a man’s best friend, but what best resembles a lover? The cute little kitty cat in the middle of mommy and master.
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cheegu3 · 3 years
~ Yandere Hyunjin - X31 ~ [CULT SPECIAL 1/2 PTS]
tw / trigger warning: Yandere themes, abusive relationships, brainwashing, violence, cult themes, blood etc [this one isn’t very “ culty “ only an introduction]
a/n: I was really feeling a cult yandere thing and I haven’t written abt stray kids in a while oop so here u go <3 also let me know if u want a continuation or smth similar c:
wc: 1.4k
summary: there was an active and well known cult / gang in your hometown, you had never ran into them until u did - and the leader set his eyes on you, he’ll do anything to get what he wants.
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Thankfully the house where the party had been at wasn’t too far from your house. It was a couple of blocks away and once you came out onto the main road it wasn’t as badly lit as before, except you never made it there.
Thankfully the house where the party had been at wasn’t too far from your house. It was a couple of blocks away and once you came out onto the main road it wasn’t as badly lit as before, except you never made it there.
Thankfully the house where the party had been at wasn’t too far from your house. It was a couple of blocks away and once you came out onto the main road it wasn’t as badly lit as before, except you never made it there.
A firm hand was placed on your shoulder stopping you from passing. It was hard to see what the person looked like because they were wearing a dark mask. Other than that he was very tall and slender with piercings and tattoos complementing his jet black hair. 
‘‘ What is such a cute girl doing out here alone on a friday night? ‘‘ he asked.
His tone of voice didn’t sound teasing or innocent, it sounded rather like a bit of amusement that rang alarms and made your gut wrench telling you to get away from this man. 
You chuckled nervously and tried to look like you were just shy while increasing the distance between you two.
‘‘ I-I’m gonna go meet my brother, after uh, his boxing practice? ‘‘ you weren’t good at lying and your tactic of trying to make him scared by saying you basically had a big scary brother that would hurt him if he tried anything, completely failed.
He laughed, his voice and deep laugh didn’t match the cuteness of his face when his mouth curved upwards which made his eyes crinkle into half moons. He looked adorable to you but something told you it was often used to his advantage to get the people to trust him and then do...bad things.
‘‘ You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met ‘‘ he still had a twinkle of amusement in his eyes from laughing.
You chuckled awkwardly again and began shifting uncomfortably. Small drops landed on your exposed skin, fuck why would it start raining now.
‘‘ Well I better go. It was nice meeting you ‘‘ you said.
He didn’t say anything, just nodded and stood frozen in his spot even when you walked past. Chills ran down your spine when you turned back one last time to see him watching you - his eyes had never left you and they looked very dark now, like they were one with the darkness behind him.
You quickened your pace and even though you expected him to jump out at every corner you turned and every alleyway you passed, he never did. When you had reached your apartment you glanced back and quickly got in, pulling the door shut after you and locking it. But even as you were basically safe you still were on the edge all the way up to your room, jumping at the slightest sound.
Feeling exhausted from the party even though you didn’t drink much you decided to get to bed. Crawling under the covers you looked at the dark street below, you suddenly remembered the man and squeaked feeling very childish when you ran to close the blinds and then pulling the covers up to your nose after.
It took about an hour for you to just calm yourself down. You lived alone and it wasn’t the first time you’d had these hysteric thoughts that kept you up for several hours, sometimes for the whole night. Finally though you managed to repeat positive affirmations to yourself which made your body relax, making you be able to fall asleep.
The next morning you woke up early, sweating from the heat. You pulled up the blinds cautiously and peered out. It was dead empty and it looked spookier than ever with the thick fog covering it.
You sighed knowing you still had to go to work, you were always cursed with the early shift. When you had pulled on your shoes and clothes ready to leave the house, the man from last night had completely slipped your mind and so you felt peaceful walking past that same very alleyway - until someone grabbed you.
You were pushed very hard and pinned to the brick wall to your right. You groaned in pain loudly but were very quickly silenced by a large hand covering your mouth. Your head was spinning but you still managed to look up at the person that had basically attacked you.
It was him no doubt. The dark seemingly innocent eyes, the dark hair, pierced ears and tattooed arms. Only, he wasn’t wearing the black mask now which gave you full access to his other features.
Even those from his soft plump lips and defined nose with a mole on it made him look innocent. There was no way this man would hurt you let alone anyone...would he?
You swallowed thickly and looked up at him. You saw him smirk slightly.
‘‘ So we meet again y/n ‘‘ 
You pushed his hand off in panic but he still kept you pinned to the wall.
‘‘ How the fuck do you know my name? ‘‘ you screamed, and there he was covering your mouth again but this time more harshly so you’d have no way of pushing him off.
‘‘ Be quiet ‘‘ he growled lowly.
He then pulled you away from the wall and took a fistful of your hair, twisting it to force you to move towards the direction he wanted you to move in - further down the alleyway. There was a clearing there and what seemed to look like a black van with a bunch of graffiti on it. 
You didn’t resist him and only followed, your panic hadn’t fully kicked in and you were still hopeful somehow - thinking that someone would save you as you got out or that he didn’t want to hurt you, anything to keep you sane during the walk.
When he had pushed you out into the clearing on the other side of the alleyway you took one last look at the apartment where your friend lived and where the party had been just last night. 
Hushed voices made you snap your head to the left and you saw several more guys, dressed like him and they all had the same vibe with tattoos and piercings decorating their bodies. When they noticed you two they looked surprised.
‘‘ Found her already? ‘‘ one of them said, one that was a little shorter.
‘‘ Jesus, that was quick boss ‘‘ another added.
You looked at the guy holding you. He was their boss? 
He looked a bit annoyed and gave them a silent dangerous look.
‘‘ Everything ready? ‘‘ he asked them.
They nodded in sync and gestured towards the van that on closer look was a lot bigger than it seemed to be. It had several seats and could easily fit up to ten people. You didn’t have a choice, he pushed you into the back and pulled up some sort of cover which divided you two from the others. 
Without a word he aggressively handled you, he sat you down correctly and fastened your seatbelt. When the panic that you had been so numb to finally kicked in and you tried to hit his hands away he growled at you again and grabbed both your wrists with one of his hands.
With his other hand he was fumbling somewhere to his side feeling around with his fingers until he apparently found what he was looking for. He brought it up so you could see it,
It was a rope.
An overwhelming feeling of nausea overtook you and you started fighting back harder, kicking and screaming as well.
‘‘ HELP! HELP ME! ‘‘ 
But even amidst your adrenaline kick he was still stronger than you, tying your hands up so tightly that it was hurting you.
Then he snapped with his fingers to get your attention, which it did. He rolled up his sleeve and there on the top of his bicep was another tattoo, it had words that made you silent immediately when you read them.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
So, I have seen so many people writing Duke incorrectly, and I wanted to do something about it. In fanon, he is described as the sane bat, who would rather stay home and safe, and absolutely never join in shenanigans. Now, I know there are a lot of things wrong with canon, but Duke is one of the better parts! He is an interesting character who is actually just as chaotic as the rest of the gotham vigilantes. And so it it is quite unfair to his character to say he is the 'Arnold from the Magic Schoolbus' of the group. He's really not.
So I decided to make a list of ten instances in the comics where he disobeys Bruce, acts reckless, or is just a bat! (also for a Batfam Group Chat I’m a part of, someone asked for these) I hope this helps people understand his character better, and maybe even inspire them to write more about him? Seriously, Tag me if you do. I'm starved for good Duke content!
Feel free to add more in the comments, these are just what I could think of off the top of my head! (Hence the kinda weird order, sry)
1. He's a vigilante
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Okay, so this is a bit obvious, but I still think it needs saying. You think that a guy who dresses in bright yellow and patrols the most crime-ridden city in the world during the day is 100% sane?
2. We Are Robin
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Also obvious, but still. This guy joins a group of untrained teenage robins who just want to make a difference. And they do! It's still pretty reckless, though. 
3. He tried to take on the Riddler
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In case you didn't know, in the beginning of New 52 (Zero year, specifically) the Riddler essentially held Gotham Hostage. He had some spiel about someone giving him a riddle he couldn't solve, and letting the city go. You know who decided he would be that person? Duke Thomas! He trained in brain-teasers, and puzzles, tirelessly worked. He became quite the adept riddler (not the villain). The kick? He was a child! (Look at the above panels, isn't he cute?) Duke was young, yet determined. And if that's not a bat quality, I don't know what is.
4. He escaped the cops by jumping off a bridge.
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Oh no! Duke is in a police car! Oh no! He's on a bridge! What's he going to do?! Why, jump out and off the bridge while proclaiming "I am Robin" of course! Seriously, look at that panel and try to argue that he is the responsible goody-two-shoes of the family.
5. He talked down an enraged Damian
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Basically, Damian was manipulated into joining the court of owls. Duke, who refused to believe that Robin genuinely joined them, fought him and talked him down. Now, this is Damian we're talking about. Sure, the kid is absolutely adorable and can be incredibly caring (Fight me on this, I dare you. Also, frick you DC), but when he's on a rampage, there is little that can stop him. So of course Duke decides to take care of it!
6. He actively tries to have a relationship with Damian.
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Okay, so this one is a little weak, but I wanted an excuse to share those panels. Aren't those two great?! But seriously, Duke ignores that this tiny child could kill him in more ways than he could count, and even invites him to a movie! He also isn't afraid to tease the kid, unlike other members of the family. Knowing Damian can honestly be hard sometimes.
7. Comes back to the city when Bruce told him to get out.
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During the I Am Bane arc of Tom King's Batman (I'm shuddering. So sorry for invoking his name!) Bruce tells the batboys to get out of Gotham and STAY out. the others are like 'we're not gonna listen, right?' and Duke is all 'you can't ignore BATMAN!' and walks off saying he's gonna listen to Bruce. This seems like pretty damning evidence, right? He's actually sane? The others got attacked by Bane and hung, but Duke didn't. Well, then you look at the next panel! (it takes place later in the volume) There he is, disobeying Bruce, and hanging out in Gotham. Not just that, he's out in costume! No, Duke couldn't just hunker down in an apartment, he had to go out and take down crooks, and warn Jim Gordon. I think that's pretty self-explanatory
8. Goes out while Injured
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Those two panels are back-to-back in The Cursed Wheel (originally printed in All-Star Batman, later put into Batman and the Signal). As you can see, Bruce tells Duke to get rest. Duke was just attacked by Zsasz, and suffered multiple injuries. He wakes up, and the thing that would make the most sense would be for him to go to sleep, right? Well, he instead gets suited up and goes out to work on a case. Pretty much every bat has done this at some point. Not quite the smartest move, right? A touch reckless, wouldn’t you say?
9. That whole thing with Green Lantern
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(sry for the weird sizing, I don’t have the comic to take screenshots) 
So there are two parts to this. First of, you have Green Lantern flying into the batcave, looking around, and there’s no Batman present. So what does Duke Do? Well, he certainly doesn’t stay back and contact Bruce! Nope, instead he attacks a member of the Justice League, a member of the Green Lantern Corp. Later on, you know what he says? He thought he would be fine because his suit is bright yellow. That’s it. A bit crazy, right?
Secondly, he gets roped into exploring the cave with Hal (I thinks it’s Hal, been a bit since I read this though). The Lantern has some thing going on about stuff in the cave, but that’s not important. What’s important is that Duke went along with it. He was curious enough to ignore what Bruce would say (Call him, yet anything remotely green out of the cave), and joins in! He does’t say “this is a bad idea” or “we shouldn’t be doing this” nope!
9. When he ran off with Cass to test his powers
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Oh no, Duke got shadow powers! What’s he gonna go? Why, go off and have fun experiment of course! Duke and Cass head out to test and work on Duke’s newly presented abilities, and specifically don’t tell Bruce! This is information he would like to know, of course. It’s important to know if your newest protege gets more powers. But no, they go out of their way to sneakily test the extent of his powers. They get caught, of course, and then get chewed out (They get caught in costume, but the next panel they’re in civvies. I find that outrageously funny!). And here’s the kicker: they don’t really apologize! Sure, Duke gives a half-heart apology, but he doesn’t really mean it. Not even under the full extent of the Batglare™.
10. Rescuing Bruce with practically no training
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I’ll skip all the plotty stuff, so just know that Bruce was out alone and in some deep doo-doo. Duke was back at the cave, working stuff out with Alfred. He realizes that what Bruce is doing is a trap. Now, just so you know, this is back when Duke was JUST taken in by Bruce. He doesn’t even have a codename yet! Barely any training. So you know what he does? He heads out anyway, and rescues Bruce. Now, check out that music he’s playing. Later on, it’s revealed to be Duke’s fave band. You know the name of that band? “Batman’s @^$&@” I’m not even joking. (I’m not sure what bleeped out, though later on it’s referred to as “Batman’s #$%” So I assume it’s ass?). So on top of being reckless, he plays a heavy metal band with a name that’s … special to say the least. He has guts, you gotta admit (Oh, and he seemed so gleeful when he told Bruce the name of the band!).
And there you have it! This list is far from complete, but I think it’s a good start. Feel free to reblog with your own, or any questions/comments! I absolutely love to talk about Duke, so don’’t be afraid to message me! Also, correct me if I wrote anything incorrect here. It’s been a while since I’ve read some of these, so I may have gotten some stuff wrong.
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Oooooo the red bock au sounds so interesting! Does Five caught himself thinking of his brothers just as numbers and weapons like Reginald talks in his book? Does he read Vanya book to remind himself that they are still human even though he reads it through lens of someone hurt by them all? And I feel like the handler would know either way about the books but o it's so much fun to see five being paranoid
I think having both books and both perspectives reminds Five that... he’s getting some very biased accounts of his own siblings. I think that when he’s still young, he writes down as many memories as he can remember because... he starts to forget, at some point. 
Vanya’s book talks about how volatile Diego and Luther’s relationship is, and so Five writes down the time Luther and Diego teamed up to toss Five off a balcony when Five kept switching the pens in their hands with pipe cleaners during a lesson (and he will maintain until his dying day that he was just practicing his control, c’mon guys!)
when Reginald’s notes call Allison an “insufferable, narcissistic creature,” Five remembers Allison bribing him to cause trouble and distract Reginald so that she could use the microwave unobserved to heat up some water bottles as makeshift heat packs for Luther’s sore muscles
when Vanya calls Ben “easily manipulated,” Five recalls Ben arguing theories with him at 2am after one of Ben’s training sessions where Ben almost flipped his bed when Five jokingly suggested that he could use the horror’s tentacles to bounce up and down like a pogo stick before Ben tackled him and tried to beat Five to death with an encyclopedia of sea creatures (affectionately)
I think having Reginald’s journal actually helps in a lot of ways, because Five automatically autocorrects literally all of Reginald’s thoughts to be like, mostly inaccurate and much harsher than they need to be. So when he reads Vanya’s journal he also autocorrects and is able to recognize that it is a very biased and somewhat harsh view of his siblings
(he doesn’t distrust them as much as he does in canon, with only Vanya’s harsh words to cling to with no reminder that they were all raised by a man capable of unfathomable cruelty, no reminder that authors can be oh so biased)
outside of his equations, there’s notes to himself written in the margins of Vanya’s book. Sometimes they’re just small, pointing out that Klaus had fought to include Vanya in trap week (Klaus then proceeded to team up with her and managed to catch Five in a snare - he actually still has a scar around his ankle from his upsidedown thrashing before he managed to steal one of Diego’s knives to cut himself down) or pointing out that Luther’s chilly attitude when they were ten was probably the result of Vanya outperforming him in every standardized test they took because of Luther’s ridiculous inferiority-superiority complex
at the very least he has comparison, because Reginald’s book calls Klaus an absolute failure while Vanya’s book called him “sweet, as a child at least”
As for the Handler... she’s aware that he has Vanya’s book and a red notebook, but I don’t think she actually knows what’s in the red notebook! Reginald was notoriously secretive, after all
So the Handler assumes that the red notebook is where Five keeps his time travel equations because aw, he hasn’t given up! how cute!
She makes an assumption that, logically, makes sense. Of course Five is still trying to figure out time travel, no matter how much he denies it! Of course he’s writing the equations down! What a silly boy, thinking that he could hide this from her, of course she knows about his little plans to save his siblings ;3c
And because she’s so powerful and knowledgeable and one step ahead all the time, she makes an assumption and assumes that it is fact. Because she’s so smart, of course she isn’t wrong! She’s had Five clocked from day one!
(The Handler thinks she has Five all figured out, a creature so based in sentiment. Why would he carry a book around that details the torture his siblings went through? He hates his father, why would he ever carry around his father’s notebook! The Handler has a fatal flaw, and it is that she doesn’t understand loyalty and sneers at sentiment and those are two of Five’s most powerful driving factors. Five lives for his siblings and would die for his siblings, almost his entire life has been dedicated to saving them. Not the world, just his family.) 
(She understands that Five considers his family to be exceptionally valuable, but doesn’t comprehend that Five is 100% willing to die for them should it come down to it. Why on earth would anyone value something like siblings over their own life? Absurd. I genuinely believe that the Handler thinks she could get Five to betray his siblings with the right leverage, and so she fundamentally does not understand Five as a person)
To be fair to the Handler, the whole academy’s morals and just. completely and utterly fucked. Luther condemns the murder of innocent civilians even if it would save the planet but doesn’t blink an eye at killing the ‘bad guy’ Commission agents. Diego stabs criminals as a pastime while still holding himself at a moral high ground for saving people, despite the fact that too many criminals are forced into crime by unfair circumstances. Allison used her powers to bolster her career without even blinking but now refuses to use her powers at all because of the manipulation of one (1) child, not even against ‘bad guys.’ 
I mean. Vanya wrote an entire salt book without consulting her siblings that had lasting impacts on at least one of her sibling’s career in the public eye and potentially impacting her siblings relationships with everyone who had every read the spark notes on her book, without the opportunity for reprisal. Publishing your entire family’s dirty laundry as personal emotional catharsis is... kind of a dick mood, lets be real. Especially when you were all abused children raised in an environment of excessive violence and rigid structure. 
Like yeah, of course Allison is good at manipulation and lying - she grew up with an abusive and over-controlling father. She probably lied as easily as breathing about where she’d been, who she was with, what she was doing, etc. The only privacy they got in that household was what they seized with their own hands and carved out for themselves! Is it fair to say that Allison’s superpower is dishonestly?
Is it fair to say that Klaus got crueler as he grew? He was tortured and turned to drugs as an unhealthy coping mechanism, and then he sat down at a table and looked at all the other little kiddies who did not get locked into a crypt overnight. In fact, there was one child who never got any extra training at all! Can you imagine the jealousy? The bitterness? Klaus might have been exceptionally cruel to Vanya as a teenager, she had everything he wanted and dared to complain about it. Can you imagine listening to someone wistfully wish they could join in on missions when you know that the cost for doing so has been carved out of your soul?
My point is, none of these little bitches have anything that resembles a sane moral compass. They’re unpredictable as fuck! It’s like herding cats! You never know what they’re going to do next! Oh? Are they going to investigate in any logical pattern? No, because Diego just remembered Patch exists and helping her print flyers for the annual police ball is more important than saving the world or whatever lol
Luther is over there investigating the moon! The moon! Meanwhile Allison is breaking and entering her sister’s student’s house because she got shady vibes off of him one time and she has never heard of a proportionate action in her life. 
Meanwhile Vanya is going through the phone book trying to call up psychiatrists who have any familiarity with whatever fucked up meds Dad put her on because like, she would like to Not Be On Them (fuck you dad) but also understands that danger of quitting cold turkey something you have been taking for years and would like a professional opinion on how to safely decrease and eventually eliminate her usage, thanks (Klaus is hanging over her shoulder pointing out the ones who will sell you non-prescription drugs for a price and Vanya mentally crosses those ones off of her list to call)
Five is probably joining on the breaking and entering because Allison promised she would sweet talk to eye dude if he did her this solid 
(Five complains at length about how investigating the apocalypse should not be a solid because she would 100% die as well if the apocalypse came to pass)
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Prompt: Y/N’s first day back to work from her vacation is also coincidentally her birthday, as the day goes by, one mysterious box is placed on her work table. The content of it is a devious surprise and Y/N needs to find out who is the mysterious person who dared to give her such a kinky birthday present.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, bondage(handcuffs), use of a vibrator, fingering, rough sex, mentions of voyeurism, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, cursing.
My Roman lovers: @ziasaph, @reigns-5sos, @mindofasagittaruis
Notes: What a better way to start 2021, then with a Roman kinky fic?! I wish you all a Happy New Year loves, may 2021 be kinder to us all. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Happy birthday, to you..” I turn around to the sound of a person singing, just to see Sasha Banks holding a chocolate cupcake and a present bag on her hands.
“Hi Sasha.” I smiled
“Happy birthday babe!” Sasha ran up to me, placing the cupcake on my working table and hugging me tightly.
“Thanks Sasha”
This was my first day back from my vacation, and coincidentally it was also my birthday, so I was excited to see some of the good friends I’ve made while working for the WWE as a chiropractor.
“Here this is for you!” Sasha handed me a present bag.
“Oh Sasha, you really didn’t have to-“
“Shush! I love you, so of course I would pamper you on your birthday” Sasha said as I opened the bag to find a pair of Louboutin’s I had my eyes on for quite sometime, but couldn’t afford it.
“Sasha, are you insane? I can’t accept these! It’s way too expensive!” I gasped
“I am perfectly sane, you will accept these and I don’t care if you think they’re too expensive! I love you, you’re one of my best friends in this company and a human being with a heart made of gold. So if there is someone who deserves these is you” She happily said
“Sasha, I don’t even know how to thank you enough” I whispered with tears on my eyes
“Just say you will be my friend forever babe” She winked
“I don’t need presents to be your friend love”
“That’s why I gave it to you. I don’t care how much they cost, I just want to make my best friend happy on her birthday”
I hugged her and whispered ‘thank you’ on her ear
“So, who else has came here today?” She asked
“Oh! Bayley, Charlotte, Xavier, Kofi, Cesaro, Big E, Alexa, Naomi, Jey, Becky, Seth, Finn, Renee and Dean” I said, listing my close friends
“I was the last one then? Damn it!”
“It’s ok, I know you were busy today love”
“So...no Roman?” She whispered
“No, no Roman” I answered slightly disappointed.
Sasha along with Bayley and Renee were the only 3 people who knew about my stupid crush on Roman Reigns. It’s so stupid of me to think that a man like him would ever look at someone like me.
If he would ever look at someone on this company, it wouldn’t be the thick girl who worked as a chiropractor and yes one of the beautiful toned Divas of this company.
But still I couldn’t help but daydream about having him on top of me.
“Maybe he doesn’t know it’s your birthday?” Sasha tried to make it less uncomfortable
“Really Sasha? He’s friends with Dean! Everybody knows Dean is an open mouth, loud as fuck and can’t keep it to himself not even if his life depended on it...Roman just chose to ignore it, and it’s fine. We’re not close or anything so, I wasn’t expecting him to show up at my office door and fuck me on top of this table” I lied while chuckling weirdly
“Let’s be honest babe, everybody secretly wants Roman Reigns to fuck them on top of a table!” We both laughed at her statement before she continued “It’s his loss anyways babe”
“Yeah I guess so...”
I was making my way back to my office, from the women’s locker room, when a big black box with a golden ribbon called my attention on top of my desk.
“What the hell?” I said as I approached the box carefully. All of my closest friends had already wished me a happy birthday and gave me their presents so this was, to say the least, weird and unexpected.
I saw a blood red card on top of it, so I opened to find the handwritten saying
‘I hope these will make your birthday night unforgettable. Can you guess who’ve bought these for you? ;)’
Ok, that’s pretty fucking weird! I thought
From the corner of my eye I saw Sasha passing by and loudly whispered
“Sasha! Come here”
She entered my office “What’s up girl? Are you ok? You look scared”
I closed my office door and locked, and made my way back to the table by her side.
“Ok, I’m feeling a little paranoid. I just came back to my office to find this box and this card. Here” I handed the card to her and she red silently.
“Did you look what’s inside of it?” Sasha said
“Nope. And to be honest I don’t know if I can..what if it’s like a prank or something?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out Y/N”
She opened the box, inside of it there was a fancy red paper, I took it out of the way to reveal what was underneath it and I tell you I almost passed out.
Inside the box there was a lavender and purple (my favorite colors) vibrator, it was actually pretty cute...two pairs of handcuffs, lube, nipples clamps and a whip.
“Oh my gosh” Sasha gasped as she took the clamps on one hand and the whip on the other. “Someone wants to get kinky with you girl!” She examined the items carefully
“What in the actual fuck?” I whispered shocked “Give me that!” I took the items out of her hand, shoved back into the box and quickly closed with the black lid.
“Jesus, I can get fired if someone sees that in my office! Who the hell would do that?”
“Someone who wants to get some! And wants it rough” She chuckled
“Sasha it’s not funny! I could not have a job tomorrow morning if someone from the company found these”
“Who do you think did this?” She asked seriously
“How am I supposed to know? I have no fucking clue!”
“Maybe someone who’s name starts with an R...” She smirked
“R?... What ar-... Oh hell no! Nu uh, that’s impossible!” She couldn’t be implying that Roman was behind this, was he? No! Of course not, that’s a dumb thing to think of...but a part of me wished it was him, even though I know it wasn’t.
“Why impossible? You’re a gorgeous woman Y/N! You two would make a beautiful couple, plus, I‘ve seen his handwriting before and I’m pretty sure it’s quite similar to this one” She said as she inspected the card closely.
“Obviously someone wants to make fun out of me, so I’ll just pretend this never happened” I took the card out of her hand and shoved inside the box.
“Or someone has an eye on you for a while and decided to finally make a move”
“Sasha, please don’t tell this to anyone”
“Your secret is safe with me babe. Just promise that when your secret admirer finally show up, you’ll tell me if you guys made a good use of his presents” She laughed
“You’re the worst!” I laughed along
I made my way back to my hotel room later that evening with my hands so full of packages I could barely walk. I opened the door and carefully placed the bags, along with the black box, on the floor.
I went to the bed and sat down on the edge, while I stared at the box.
*Could Sasha be right? Could it be Roman who did this?* Was the only thought that crossed my mind
I decided to forget all about it and take a shower to wash off the day.
As I was rinsing my hair I heard some noise coming from the bedroom
*What the hell was that?*
I blamed on my super active mind and turned the shower off.
I got changed into some clean oversized t- shirt, and went full on commando. I was brushing my damp hair, when I decided to lay out the contents of the black box on the bed.
I roamed my eyes on each item slowly, until they stopped on the lavender and purple happiness. I turned the vibrator on and felt slightly tempted to use it.
*Oh fuck it! Happy birthday to me I guess”
I got rid of the t-shirt and lay down on the bed naked.
I closed my eyes, letting my mind imagine my wet dream, in form of a man... his face, his body, his cock and how I wish I could feel it inside of me, stretching me as I teased my clit with the vibrator.
I moaned Roman’s name and heard someone clear their throat on the foot of the bed. My eyes shot open and my heart nearly stopped beating when I saw who was in front of me. The vision was so unexpected that I even forgot I was naked.
“I see you liked my gift then” He smirked
“Wh- What are you doing here? How did you get inside of my room?” I whispered
“Does it matter?” His eyes had an evil glimpse to it
“Roman... I- I can explain” I begin to stutter
He placed his index finger on his lips in a shh motion and I stopped talking. He hungrily stared at every inch of my naked body, making me feel quite self conscious of the imperfections of it. I grabbed the blanket to cover my nakedness, he notice what I was about to do and yanked the blankets off the bed
“I’ve been waiting for years to see you like this, so don’t you dare cover yourself from me now”
He took off his shirt and pants leaving only his boxers on, from where I was laying I could see the outline of his hard cock and the wet spot of pre cum near of it’s head. He crawled on top of me slowly, like a predator, with dangerous eyes that were glued to my own.
“At first I was only gonna watch you... I wanted to see you pleasure yourself with my gifts, but when I saw your body fully naked on this bed moaning my name” He grunted “I couldn’t control myself, I couldn’t see this” He took the vibrator off my hand and placed on the bed by our side “Having all the fun with you, enjoying every part of your beautiful body, stretching your sweet pussy while my own cock only got to watch, he wants to have his own fun with you baby girl. He wants to make you feel real good” He leaned closer to my face, his lips brushing mine as he asked “Do you want that Y/N? Do you want my cock to make you feel good? Do you want it to stretch you out baby? Do you want it to fuck you hard and rough? Or do you prefer it slow and sweet? Do you want me to fuck you from behind?...Or maybe I should eat you out first huh? Eat that sweet pussy until you’re begging me to stop, I can’t wait to feel you come on my mouth...around my cock,milking it really nice” He growled “Tell me Y/N, what do you want?”
“I want it all, I want everything” I panted as he dry humped me
“Will you let me do whatever I want with you baby girl? What I’ve always wanted to do?”
He smiled satisfied, leaning to kissed me roughly and sloppily as he grabbed both of my wrists into one of his big hands pining it over my head.
“If anything I do bothers you or you feel like your not feeling it or don’t like it, you let me know ok?”
I nodded
“I need words baby girl”
“Yes, I understand”
“Good” He smiled and I felt something cold close around my wrists. I looked up to see the handcuffs around my wrists being closed on the headboard of the bed. Roman sat up and looked down do my naked body at his disposal.
“Fuck, you’re such a gorgeous sight” He said as he palmed his hard cock through his boxers. “I can’t wait to bury my cock deep inside you” He panted
“Roman, please do something” I whispered
His hands roamed the sides of my body until he stopped at my breasts as his hands squeezed them hard while pinching my nipples.
“These were made just for me. Do you see how they perfectly fit my hands? I can only imagine how even more beautiful your breasts will look with my cock sliding in between them” His eyes were glued on my breasts.
I tugged at my handcuffed hands, begging “Roman, please, I need- something”
“Let’s take a look on this pussy...are you wet for me Y/N?”
He raised his eyebrows “Really? Let‘s see” Two of his fingers slides through my folds “Fuck baby girl, you are soaked. Jesus, we won’t even need lube” His fingers traced lazy circles around my clit, making me moan in pleasure. One callused finger slipped inside of me.
“Oh baby girl, you’re so tight, fuck I will barely be able to move. I can’t wait to feel your sweet little pussy stretch around my cock”
He took his finger out and cleaned with his tongue, humming in pleasure to the taste of my juices.
“You taste amazing, Y/N. Fuck I need more” He slide down my body placing his head between my thighs. His tongue gave a long lick from my entrance to my clit sucking it. Making his way back to my entrance again dipping his tongue inside of me, beginning to fuck me with his tongue.
“Oh my god, Roman, please fuck me! I need you inside of me please” I whined
“As you wish baby” He smirked
He slides his cock through my folds to lube it up, then places the head of his cock at my entrance
“Are you sure about this baby girl? ‘Cause once I start I won’t be able to stop myself”
“Roman, just fuck me already would you?” I said impatiently
He chuckled lightly saying “Easy tiger, we’ll take this slow, I don’t want to hurt you” Roman leaned down to peck my lips and returned to his previous position.
He started to slowly slide inside of me, inch by inch, painfully slow. He’s the biggest man I’ve ever been with, so I knew that we needed to take it slow, but fuck he feels so good I just wish he would roughly thrust into me, so I wiggle my hips to take more of him.
“Fuck Y/N, slow down! You’re too tight and I’m not exactly small, if you keep rushing things you’re gonna end up hurting yourself and I don’t want that”
“I know is just that your cock feels so fucking good, I just want you to fuck me Ro”
“Trust me baby, there’s nothing that I want more then fuck you senseless, but I want you to enjoy it as well ok?” He kissed my nose then my lips
When all of him was finally inside of me we both moaned loudly, I’ve never felt so full before and it was both a dream and a nightmare
“Motherfucker! Jesus fuck Y/N, you’re so fuckin- Oh my god.. I gotta focus ‘cuz I feel like at the slightest move I’ll cum” He pressed his forehead to mine as his thumb slowly traced circles on my clit.
“Roman” I gasped “Please don’t tease me like that, fuck it feels so fucking good” I cried as I felt my walls tighten around him
“Oh fuck!” Roman growled loudly “Don’t do that baby girl, don’t squeeze my cock like that, you’re gonna make m-“
“Move,please” I circled my hips
“Fuck it” He said as he forcefully grabbed my hips and begin to quickly thrust me.
“Oh Roman...harder, I need harder”
“Harder?” He chuckled “Like this?” He pounded into me mercilessly
“Yes! Just like that, oh please, don’t stop” “Fuck Y/N you’re going to get me addicted to you baby girl” He kissed my lips vigorously
“I say we should push you a little further..” Roman took the vibrator from the bed and placed on my clit.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful baby girl, a whimpering mess underneath me”
“Ro- Roman I’m gonna cum”
“Cum baby, I wanna feel you cum around my cock”
And I did. My orgasm was so hard that my juices made a mess on Roman’s thighs and the bedsheets.
“Y/N, fuck baby...so fucking gorgeous, my messy girl” He chuckled “Where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Inside” I panted while I felt another mini orgasm come through me
“Fuck, I’m officially addicted to you baby girl. You’re my wet dream come true...gorgeous face, delicious body, perfect pussy..so tight for me. And on top of it all, you want my cum inside of you?! You are beyond perfect Y/N”
He thrusts into me 3 more times before finally cum, filling me up with his seed.
As we tried to recover our breaths, Roman uncuffed my wrists and placed a sweet kiss into each one.
“You ok baby girl?”
“Mhmm” I hummed
“Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”
“No, of course not. You were perfect!”
“Good baby” He smiled
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure thing baby”
“Why? Why me?”
“Why not you?” He asked sincerely while he brushed my hair with his fingers
“I don’t know, I can’t picture someone like you with someone like me.. I mean, there are so many beautiful women in the company that fit you better...I’ve never thought you could find me attractive”
“Are you serious? Have you looked yourself in the mirror? You’re gorgeous, so perfect Y/N. Yes, there are beautiful women in the company but they’re nothing compared to you baby. You stand out, exactly because you’re different from all of them. You’re unique”
“Still...I don’t know..”
“Oh so you don’t believe me? Maybe I’ll have to show you then”
I could feel his cock beginning to harden on my thigh
“Show me? How?”
“Well baby girl, good thing there are more items of the box for us to try it huh?”
“Yeah, you don’t really think that I’m gonna let you go right? Now that I’ve tasted you, you’ve got me hooked baby. We’ve got the whole night for me to change your mind about us together. And I bet you that I will” He smirked as he leaned down to kiss my neck...
What a great way to celebrate my birthday 🎁
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sinkix · 4 years
Haikyuu!!│Obsessive/Yandere HC’s │
Warning - Contains dark themes, mentions of emotional and physical abuse & sexually suggestive/explicit (18+) content, reader’s discretion is advised.
Characters - Hinata, Kuroo, Daichi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Oikawa, Bokuto, Tendou & Kageyama.
Important Note: This is in no way romanticising or normalising toxic/abusive behaviour, you should not do as such as this is incredibly dangerous and unhealthy. If you identify any of these in your own relationships please seek help from a member of authority, counsellor or someone who can remove you from and aid in your recovery from the situation. This is a great contrast from all my other work on here so please read with caution. Stay safe <3
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Hinata - The Hell-bent Visionary
Danger level: 6.5/10
So you’ve caught the eye of Karasuno’s ray of sunshine?
Bask in it’s warmth while you can, for the sun sets and leaves a chilling dark in it’s wake.
When he becomes focused on something, it’s hard to break the dedication he has. It’s unyielding, firm and persistent. Once you light a fire in him, it’s near impossible to put out.
And you didn’t just spark a flame, you formed a whole inferno.
Blowing up your phone with texts, calls and the tapping of rocks against your bedroom’s glass from late night visits to your doorstep. Greeted with the sickening scent of blood-red roses filling your nose at a reminder of how firmly he has you in his hold that will never falter. The lingering scratch marks adorning the window panes that you could have sworn were not there the night before.
 He can’t get enough of you, and the more time he spends with you, the more addictive your presence becomes.
He’s hooked, reaching the point of rivalling his sporting passion.
He learns to balance the two equally, and any second that isn’t spent practising, he is by your side or doing everything in his power to be.
It’s tunnel vision. All he sees is you, and the ball, nothing else matters. Relentlessly chasing for both long after his lungs tire and legs give out.
 He is a dark, unwavering force of nature, itching to monopolise you and eradicate any threat on what belongs to him. Yet around everyone else, he's a bundle of lovable sunshine who wouldn't dare hurt a fly, and while he doesn't show an outright aggressive nature, you know there's something sinister lurking underneath that might one day snap. 
It’s his stare that haunts you the most.
That ominous, chilling stare which pierces through your heart and impales it on a stick, out on display for him to marvel at in all it’s vulnerable beauty. The level of intensity and sheer devotion glinting in his eyes is nothing short of haunting.
Luckily for you, Hinata will not cause physical harm, but it’s his presence and ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ nature which will slowly but surely chip away at you until your sanity is reduced to dust. The worst part? Since he is loved by everyone, no one sees the twisted side you do, and as a result left permanently in a state of self-doubt and second guessing. Your mind will eventually spiral into a descent to madness until your right where he wants you.
Be careful, for even the sun’s light burns out eventually. And when it does, you’ll be swallowed by the darkness.
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Kuroo - The Devil’s Reciprocal
Danger level: 9/10
Ahhh, the bad boy who smells of cigarettes and sex, the one who lurks in bars long after midnight eyeing up his prey. This man gives Satan a run for his money. I hope you’re prepared. What did you do to catch his eye, anyway? 
Whatever it was, it’s doomed you to an eternity in hell on earth.
Or heaven, if you’re a glass half full kind of person.
Kuroo drew you in like a moth to a flame, you knew he had no glinting halo, but that was his appeal.
 He was the incarnation of everything your parents warned you about, and you couldn’t get enough of it. 
Hell, you still can’t. But that doesn’t minimise the damage done to you every second he turns the light on, reeling you in once again, further and further until there’s no escape, utterly blinded by his deceiving tactics.
He has many admirers, you know. So in his eyes he feels you should be privileged to be given so much of his attention, that once received would leave any sane person running.
Unfortunately, you don’t seem to be sane enough, and he recognises this. He knows he’s got you hooked on his every word, dragging out the syllables like a lullaby that leave you entranced and begging for more.
 What can I say? The man has a way with words, and you’re totally enthralled by every sentence. 
Kuroo recklessly waves his charm like a gun, never a moment of hesitation to utilise it in order to get what he wants. 
And he always gets what he wants. 
It’s so dangerous it will leave you down on your knees in an act of submission and prepared to do anything to please him. The tip of the pistol aimed at your temple as if daring your defiance.
He revels in seeing that doe-eyed expression, fully aware of how much control he holds over every cell in your body. All of them scream out for him, for Kuroo. To kiss you, touch you and whisper sweet-nothings into your ear that linger with his hot breath scathing your neck, burning his scent into your memory until it’s one you’ll never forget. 
With all that temptation comes  consequence though, because once you give in, you’ll face the sadists horns that lurk underneath. 
Intertwining your bodies and tracing a switchblade across your jugular, he’ll stretch his lips into a wide, cunning grin, slamming into you and rutting his hips until they connect with yours. Throwing your head back in ecstasy, your whine will be stifled and cut short by the piercing slit of a blade shallowly opening the skin of your throat, the sharp sting lingering as his tongue deepens the incision with delight.
He is incredibly possessive, so anyone he deems a threat will be mercilessly eradicated, soon to be forgotten though. He will never allow your thoughts to be consumed by anything but him. 
Grinding his body against yours, the husky murmuring of pillow talk he is all too skilled at will leaves your knees trembling and buckling before him, with the one question he will only ever accept one answer to.
“Tell me sweetheart, who do you belong to...?”
Shuffling the cards and dragging cigar smoke across his lips, he’ll sip that glass of gin snidely and lock you in place with his smouldering gaze. Forever a reminder there’s no escape from his enslaving curse.
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Daichi - The Despotic Protector
Danger level: 6/10
Karasuno’s father figure and reliable captain rolled into one. I hope you’re prepared for a lifetime of suffocation, because he’s never letting you go.
He takes on an almost a parental role in the relationship, and a toxic one.
Controlling, overbearing and monitoring your every move. He will never allow you to do anything without his permission out of fear for your safety.
I mean, what if something happens to you while you’re not within his peripherals? 
That’s a thought he simply couldn’t bear.
He’ll lock you in the confines of his home if he has to. But don’t get mad sweetheart, it’s because he cares for you.
Soon enough Daichi will have isolated you from the world, never seeing the shining of sunlight unless your arm is looped around his in a crushing hold. 
Friends? You can forget them, he made sure to steer you far, far away from those. He just can’t risk them laying a finger on you or putting you in harms way, he would never forgive them.
Daichi desperately tries to convince you he has your best interests at heart, and unluckily for you, you fall right into his trap.
Your whole life is consumed by him, and only him. Watching the clock tick by aimlessly until you hear his footsteps up the driveway, scurrying to the door to greet him like an obedient dog upon his arrival.
Pulling you into a loving hug that threatens to squeeze the life out of you, you can’t help but let your mind roam and ponder the question lurking at the back of your thoughts.
Has he ever killed with these hands?
They seem too crushing. Like a brute, inhuman force. You can picture his fingers wrapped around someone’s throat and draining them of oxygen almost too easily.
Little did you know, your hypothesis was painfully accurate. 
An old childhood friend of yours, currently 6 feet under in the yard. Your bare feet trampling over his grave and none the wiser every time he allows you to set foot in the garden.
You’ll never know, though. It’s not like you can check your phone without his permission anyway, he’s already blocked their contact.
Days, weeks, months pass by of his constant monitoring and controlling behaviour. The CCTV’s scattered in every corner of the house, the social deprivation and loneliness that creeps in every time he’s not there as you roam the barren household, the purple finger marks roping your wrists from when he kept you in a paralysing grip,daring your disobedience.
and you can’t help but wonder,
Maybe the person you needed protecting from was him.
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Tsukishima - The Mendacious Manipulator
Danger level: 8.5/10
How unlucky you are to be paired with this mentally destroying sadist. 
At first Tsukishima’s wit, sarcasm and clever quips were what allured you, never did you think they would be used against you. Wielded like a weapon with a blade sharp enough to slice you in two.
And I’m warning you, every cut hurts.
There’s no escaping from it, a string of degrading remarks whispered cruelly in your ear while holding hands in public, appearing to be a cute and affectionate couple, but a sinister secret lurks underneath that only you know of.
He’ll treat you like a dog, expecting you to be at his every beck and call, serving on your knees with a painted smile that’s woefully forced on with every ounce of strength you have left.
You are his puppet, his useless little play thing that he makes painfully aware of how disposable they truly are.
And don’t take him for a fool, he will discard you if he sees fit.
Unmerciful, cruel, snide, are the some of many words that can describe Tsukishima, and as you’ll soon find out none of them are pleasant.
He will craftily make you open up to him. Revealing your deepest insecurities,traumas and troubles then sheath it like a sword to your neck, holding you hostage to your own weaknesses in order to gain that empowering sense of control he oh-so revels in. Endlessly striving to achieve his selfish, favourable outcome. 
This Yandere is one of most intelligent of the bunch, and unfortunately for you, does not use his intelligence for charitable or good-natured purposes.
He knows exactly what to say to leave you curled up in a ball, tears streaming and wracked in emotional agony as you plead for forgiveness on something that isn’t even your fault. He knows this, but finds it comical and all too amusing to see you so broken over something when you weren’t the one to blame. He gets off to your mental anguish.
You’ll be left stumbling the streets at 2 in the morning, contemplating your life and everything as you know it, he will warp your perception of the world until he is the only one you can crawl to. After all, it’s your fault, right? He’s the only one who could tolerate you, everyone else abandoned you because you were so insufferable.
...is what he’ll have you believe. In reality, Tsukishima was pulling strings behind the scenes to ensure you would distance yourself from friends and family, resulting in them doing the same. Wrapping you around his finger and twisting your behaviour into one that’s volatile and unapproachable, until you’re left totally alone.
You’ll never know though.
That mental fortitude will soon shatter, and when it does, he’ll cackle at it’s pathetic remains.
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Yamaguchi  - The Diffident Vampire
Danger level: 5/10
I’m sad to say, but your tween Twilight fantasies will be crushed when you stumble upon this mess of a monster.
I don’t mean to say he’s a literal vampire, but you’ll understand the use of this metaphor once we delve into some of his tendencies.
He is incredibly insecure, the walking embodiment of the very word.
Now that isn’t the reason you should be warded off, everyone has self-esteem issues. However, this trait of his plays a huge part in siphoning the life out of you.
He captured your heart with his soft and sympathetic nature, easily startled and somewhat skittish.
You didn’t see what was below the iceberg however, and once you did, he sank his teeth in and began to suck before you could escape, draining you dry until you have no more left to give. Nothing to spare until he is licking his lips in satisfaction, swelled with the abundance at the emotional dependency he has built up on you.
He needs reassurance like a life line, and while some might find this endearing at first, it undoubtedly becomes highly toxic and emotionally exhausting.  
Yamaguchi is incredibly volatile with his sensitivity, you have to watch your words and be sure he doesn’t misinterpret them and become dejected. He will read into everything you say and question every little detail. 
This is one of those Yandere’s that wouldn't do it intentionally I don’t think, but by the time he catches himself it’s too late, he’s in far too deep to stop and I don’t think he ever will once he realises how addicted he is to you, your words boosting his sense of worth and being the only form of confidence he’s ever felt in his life.
It’s quite sad, really. 
Don’t pity him too much, though. That’s the trap. That’s how reels you in until the teeth marks adorning your neck are a harsh reminder that you are nothing more than food for his ego.
If you ever think about leaving, he will have no qualms grovelling at your knees, razor to his wrists and begging you to stay. A cruel memoire at what keeps you tied here in the first place.
The mutual empathy you saw in him that drew you in was now broken and one-sided, his selfishness far outweighing this trait of his and becoming your death-sentence. 
The marks will never fade. One day you’ll collapse to your knees and cave, but he won’t stop until he has bled you bare.
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Oikawa - The Venusian’s Nightmare.
Danger level: 8/10
Oh charming Oikawa. The pretty boy with enough carnal seduction to rival his greek goddess counterpart. Hair smooth as silk, eyes glinting with mischief and a smirk that could bow you down on all fours. He has everything, or so it seems.
Sanity isn’t one of them.
He is VERY demanding when he craves your attention, which let’s face it is pretty often. If he doesn’t get it? Definition of a nightmarish brat.
He will whine, complain, blow up your phone. Still not available?
He’ll simply disappear.
For how long? Who really knows. He likes the thought of you on edge and anticipating his return, thoughts of him plaguing your mind to the point you question if you’re the one who’s obsessed.
Don’t worry though, when he returns he has enough sensual suave to make you forgive him ten times over.
You may think his bratty and sulking nature is the worst of it.
Oh how wrong you are.
Push him to his limits or the closest thing to it and you’ll face a cut-throat, teasing sadist who will tie you to the bed with a sickening sparkle in his eyes, marvelling at your skin jaggedly sliced open like a sheet of paper, tracing the wounds with his tongue and lapping up the blood before pulling you into a heated kiss which seems almost loving, if it weren’t for the metallic taste intertwining your tongues as a harsh reminder that you’re not here by choice.
He is definitely the type to mock you and howl with laughter as your body spams and writhes in pain, degrading you with the most vile remarks till tears spill from your eyes.
“Awh poor (Y/N)-chan, crying like a baby. Can’t handle the pain? What a pathetic little whore. Maybe if you beg enough, I’ll ease up the pressure~”
Sometimes he’ll leave you there wrist-bound to the bed post for hours, coming back in occasionally until your level of pleading satisfies him. 
His change in treatment is paradoxical in the aftermath, he will release you from your restrains and rub your skin with such tender care, it’s agonisingly deceiving.
One of the most dangerous things about him is his intuition, it’s damn near supernatural and makes for a natural born lie detector. Oikawa will sense the slightest shift in your mood, tone and body language. He knows you like the back of his hand, making it all the more unnerving to be in his presence.
This can be a positive if he is looking to fill you with ecstasy, since he knows every sweet spot, curl of his fingers and words to whisper that leave you trembling in mind-numbing pleasure.
Though you know once coming down from your high, your moments of heaven will slip through your fingers before crashing back down to reality.
He can read you like a book that he wrote with his own hands and it’s horrifying, he can predict what you’re going to say or do before you’ve even made up your mind. Which as you can guess, makes escape or wheedling out of a threatening scenario a null alternative.
If you decide to make the suicidal mistake of lying, your body will never quite function the same once he’s through. not to mention the plethora of emotional scarring that comes along with it.
After catching you in your mendacity and deeming your punishment enough, he’ll decorate your body in cuts, bruises and hickeys that throb from the abuse of his teeth. Laying you down in bed and tucking you in gently, wrapping an arm around in an act of ‘protection’ that was formerly wrapped around your throat in an act of threatening asphyxiation.
Eyes fluttering closed hours after he drifted off beside you, your heart rate quells and the tears staining your cheeks dry, preparing for the repeated cycle when the sun rises. 
How foolish to be lured in by such a facade, even the most beautiful of creatures can be hideous. 
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Bokuto -  The Volcanoes Slaughter
Danger level: 9.5/10
The ticking of a time bomb, the cracking of the ground beneath your feet.
Once you are swept up in this man’s wrath you know there will never be an escape.
and he’s fucking terrifying.
His energy and vigour were what charmed you, his upbeat enthusiasm that while volatile, was very contagious and encouraging. 
If only you had known what kind of disaster was laying low under the surface.
Akaashi had tried to warn you, but you simply never listened.
He pities you now, for you’re in the same boat as him.
Eternally putting up with his violent tempers and erratic nature, which you often get the brunt of behind closed doors, left to cover the scars with a scarf and cheap pot of concealer.
His moods switch as quick as the direction of the wind, a gust too strong that leaves you flying back like a ragdoll against the wall.
Or that may just be because he actually threw you in a fit of rage, itching to see your limp body crack against the drywall to soothe his rage. Drowning the voices in his head with the sound of your soothing whimpers filled with agony.
While he may beat you black and blue whenever the overflow of emotions take over, he still does ‘care’ for you in his own sickening way, and would never have any qualms snapping a neck or two if it prevented anyone else laying a finger on you.
Though to be honest it’s the furthest thing from care, it’s downright monopolisation of something he deems his object.
How dare they hurt his personal punching bag, don’t they know you’re his and his alone to mark up in any way he pleases?
To everyone else, he seems like a very loving and protective boyfriend who has the occasional mood swing. If only they could pick up on the flinching of your body when his voice raises even a decibel, or the way you retract in fear at the swatting of a hand too close to your face. 
The anxiety felt when in his presence is indescribable, your whole body will soon become accustomed to trembling in fear, your fight or flight kicking in at the mere mention of his name. His voice sends every hair standing on end, bracing for the impact that may or may never come from his grazed fists.
Treading on eggshells and analysing every word before you speak will become second nature, even the tone of your voice or the way you arrange a question will be heavily thought over before even daring to let it escape your mouth.
You just can’t risk it, even hearing a word he doesn’t like will result in the tectonic plates shifting, getting closer to his impending eruption.
Once you hear the rumbling, you’ll know it’s far too late to run. Burned by the raging lava and consumed whole in a flood of pain and misery, it will destroy everything in it’s wake, even you.
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Tendou - The Jesters Despair
Danger level: 10/10
You really opened pandora’s box with this one.
And once you so much as cracked it for a peak, just that little inkling of curiosity, the lanky arm of a redhead yanked your wrist and dragged you in with him.
Tendou’s eccentric and offbeat disposition was something you had always admired, it was what made your heart flutter.
Now? That eccentricity is put to the most horrifying of uses.
Mind games, manipulation, and unpredictability beyond your worst nightmare.
Tendou is the type to sink a blade into your skin and cackle maniacally while you cry and plead for him to stop. Edging himself and eyeing you up greedily at the painful fear in your eyes, blood trickling down your skin with each incision.
He’ll pull your hair back and slide his tongue along the cuts, his lustful gaze boring into your own as the pooling saliva leaves a chilling feeling on your skin, nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought of his DNA entering your bloodstream.
He thrives on trickery and deception. He’s the type to say something incredibly warm and soft-centred, one that makes your pupils expand in newfound hope with the question of “...really?” rolling off your tongue. That inkling of hope sparking the thought that maybe, just maybe he’s changed. 
Only to burst into a fit of laughter at your naivety, teasing you relentlessly for how gullible and moronic he thinks you are. 
This yandere is incredibly incalculable. Here one minute, gone the next. Don’t even bother trying to figure out what he’s doing or where he is, you’ll never know. It keeps you on your toes in the most negative and unnerving sense of the expression, he gets a buzz off leaving you wondering, and takes great satisfaction in knowing you’re probably thinking about him.
 However, he expects you to be there whenever he needs you, regardless of circumstance. And if you’re not? You’ll have consequences to face.
I’m sorry to say, but there is no chance in hell you’re surviving this experience, there’s no doubt you’ll be murdered eventually. 
After all, he does get bored easily. Not so much as giving it a second thought on disposing of you once you are no longer a source of fresh entertainment for his sadistic desires.
With each passing day his treatment becomes increasingly brutal, searching for new ways to fulfil that empty feeling in his heart and cold, hollow look in his eyes. Don’t even bother trying to save him, not even he would know where to start.
Every night as you shut your eyes on the hardwood floor beside his bed, you can’t help but wonder if this is the last time you’ll ever close them.
And for your sake? You’d better hope it is.
Charming you with the humour of a Jester and putting on a show, he’ll make it certain every time you laugh, will be paid back with tears twofold. 
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Kageyama - The Majesties Tyrant
Danger level: 7/10
Kneel before your highness or face his wrath. Kageyama Tobio is the most commanding of them all. Permanently trapped in his dictatorship with no hope of revolt. 
He doesn’t become set on things very often, but once he does it’s something he’ll never give up until he’s conquered it wholly.
Stubborn, moody, domineering and demanding. With just enough of a soft side he uses to persuade you back again. 
Fuelled by ego, pride, and a sense of superiority, he will never stop until he has your total obedience.
Being the dense man he is, this is usually achieved through simplistic means of intimidation and threats of aggression.
Kageyama will not hesitate to raise his fist and back you into a corner, cowering in recoil at his menacing aura that itches to do damage
You will do what he says, whenever he needs it, no if’s but’s or objections.
For such a hard headed ruler, he’s surprisingly childish and unsure about how to express anything other than abuse.
I think a part of him genuinely does like you, but it’s far too clouded by his toxic nature that it could never be seen as even slightly redeemable.
The most you’ll ever get out of Kageyama is the occasional hug, in which he squeezes you far to tight and resurfaces the pain of last nights bruises.
He doesn’t resort to physical violence often, as he is always reprimanded by the team to control his anger. If only they knew what he was like behind closed doors. I suppose you could credit it to Karasuno that he hasn’t accidentally killed you yet.
When it comes to matters in the bedroom, he is focused solely on his own gratification, yours being a second thought he never so much as acknowledges.
Collared and threaded by  chain, you will crawl beside him and take it all until you’re gasping for air. The only thing he cares about is climaxing and leaving you with the cleanup.
He’s quite self conscious, so don’t expect much physical affection unless he’s chasing a particularly intense release.
Kageyama is highly jealous and frequently painted green with envy, so expect your social life to dwindle significantly once he has his hands on you, literally and metaphorically.
Thankfully, he won’t isolate you entirely, but it’s enough to leave you feeling segregated from the rest of the world. A lone member of his regime that you are forever trapped in with no chance of escape.
Bow down with a meek mutter of “Yes...master.” His crown will twinkle in the moonlight as a symbol of your everlasting enslavement.
The king of the court, and the ruler of your heart.
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cosmic-affinities · 3 years
Intense and Passing Infatuation
Summary: Flirting with your crush who doesn't take it seriously? No harm in that right? Right?
 Well, Izuku does it anyway. Until the day he said he wouldn't anymore.
(A very self-indulgent bkdk fic that has a tiny bit of past krbk, totally not a thing in the fic. A plot device at most!)
Read it on AO3 Here.
Crush: (noun) an intense and usually passing infatuation.
That’s all it was.
Just a crush.
Izuku was sure of it.
Nevermind Uraraka who said her psychology professor had told them a crush can only last about four months, after that it’s considered being ‘in love’ he was sure love was much too strong of a word.
Nevermind the last year which Izuku spent flirting with his Kacchan, something no one else would dare call him, while also never getting the right response.
“Morning love!” Izuku planted a sweet kiss on Katsuki’s cheek, a normal sight for their friends given the fact that they had witnessed it every day for the last nine months.
“Hey Deku, sleep in again?” Katsuki barely reacted to the kiss now, Izuku loved and hated it. He felt it was progress, just not in quite the right way.
“You mean waking up at the same time I do every Tuesday? It stops being ‘sleeping in’ once I’ve done it for months. And what about you Kacchan? Did you wake up early again today?” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the shorter man’s sass, he should’ve known where that was going.
Their friends all sat around them and waited, they knew if they tried to interject before their morning exchange they would simply be ignored.
“Looking good Kacchan seems like that campus gym treats you well.”
“Not too shabby yourself, nerd.” Katsuki quickly supplied, letting his signature smirk fall into place.
Izuku’s heart fluttered and he smiled back. If only the blonde was serious.
Just a crush. That’s all it was.
Finally, their friends could join the conversation they had waited out the morning kiss and compliment, they would now be acknowledged.
They had aptly claimed a table for eight, a seat for each of them, and two empty ones to house their enormous bags that came with life on a college campus. Sero and Kaminari always sat together, being roommates had been great for both of them. Shinsou and Uraraka sat beside them, knowing they might very well be the only sane ones at the entire table. Lastly, Katsuki and Izuku sat next to each other, across the table from Kaminari and Sero.
Their conversation carried on as normal, eventually, Katsuki turned and noticed Izuku looking at him.
Katsuki simply jutted his chin out questioningly, knowing Izuku would understand his unsaid remark.
“Oh, nothing. Just waiting until you’ll see me as your love interest.” Katsuki really should know the drill by now.
Katsuki smirked once again making Izuku weak in the knees, boy was he glad he was sitting.
“Trust me Deku, you’ll know if you’re my love interest. For now, I’m alright.” Izuku knew the drill too, it was rejection every time. Even so, he couldn’t help but deflate ever so slightly.
“Can we not discuss love interests at the breakfast table? I am trying to eat here.”
“Oh you can tune us out Sero, you should be used to it by now.”
“Or, I have an even better idea! Since it’s been nearly a year you could just, ya know, give up.”
Sero’s statement earned him a few dramatic gasps.
“Mutiny!” Uraraka jumped in, unprompted.
“Ugh, they even got you, Kami? I thought Midoriya and Uraraka were the only ones invested in this.” Kaminari shrugged in response, he enjoyed the fun they had.
“Hey, you can’t blame him for trying. You gotta give him that at least.” Shinsou finally spoke up, he could appreciate Izuku’s patience and persistence even if he didn’t know why he used his energy on Katsuki.
“Yes! Exactly thank you Shinsou! I am just going to have to keep trying!”
“I’m not gonna stop you. Who knows I might even fall for ya one day.” Katsuki smirked along with his remark.
“I’ll be waiting.” Izuku winked at him, enjoying the ease of their interaction, even if it was all one-sided.
That’s all it was. Just a silly crush.
“What will it take for you to actually quit?” Sero, it seemed, wasn’t quite finished.
“I’ll quit when Kacchan finds himself falling in love with someone, until then you will all witness my persistence.”
“Deku aren’t you late for your TA spot in critical data analytics?” Katsuki cut in suddenly.
“Ah shit thanks, love! I’ll see you later!”
“No need to thank me sweetheart I only remind you every fucking Tuesday and Thursday.”
Katsuki called Izuku a handful of playful nicknames, the most dangerous of the bunch being ‘sweetheart’. Izuku didn’t know when it started and could only hope for it not to stop.
Katsuki didn’t seem to mind the playful flirting, Izuku would even go as far as to say that he enjoyed it and participated, but he also doesn’t take it seriously. He knew that Katsuki was just playing along.
It was a dangerous game that he couldn’t bring himself to stop playing, after all:
It was just a crush.
“Oh, you’re so sweet but I’m sorry I’m going to have to say no. I’m really not looking for something right now,” Izuku spoke to the taller boy in front of him. Izuku knew he was really sweet and, he can admit when he meets an attractive person but the red and white-haired man had one issue, he wasn’t Katsuki.
The taller man nodded and turned to walk away, leaving Izuku more relieved than he thought he would be.
“He was cute.”
“AH! Kacchan! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Izuku planted a swift peck on Katsuki’s cheek, they hadn’t seen each other all day.
“Whatever, you just get scared too fucking easily. Anyway who was the dude? You totally could’ve gone out with him.” Izuku sighed, he didn’t want to explain that he turned down the critical data analytics hottie, Todoroki, because he was already crushing on someone but what other reason was there.
“Oh, he’s a student in the class that I TA for, I’m sure there’s some kind of rule against that or something. Plus he’s been with, like, at least three people I know, he was probably just looking for a new piece.”
Katsuki shrugged in response, seemingly accepting Izuku’s reasoning. The pair walked towards their meeting spot where they were going to join the rest of their friends for pizza.
“So how’s that crush coming?” Katsuki smirked at Izuku, the only thing that kept his knees from swaying was the sheer disbelief at the question he was asked. He quickly pulled himself together to answer.
“Well, if you must know, he’s been trying to pimp me out. Just recently he tried to get me to go out with someone!”
Katsuki hummed in response, “It’s been around a year I’ve heard. Is that right?”
“I hate to say it but I can’t disagree, a year sounds about right. I’d like to say I’m making progress but he might not be so inclined to agree.”
“I’ve heard through the shitty grapevine gossip central that our school is that progress is different for everyone but he seems to be making some of his own, although I’ve heard he’s still not too sure himself.”
Izuku wanted to gawk at Katsuki’s nonchalance, he held it together though.
“Is that so? Huh, if that's true it might be time I tell him about you, love.”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sure he’s aware, probably just fucking confused as to why you keep going.”
Izuku stopped their walk, he knew they had just been teasing but he wanted to make sure the part he was serious about came through. Katsuki noticed a few steps later and stopped and made his way back, facing Izuku.
“I’m going to keep trying until you are taken.”
“And when that happens?”
“Then it’s my time to stop.”
Katsuki didn’t respond, he simply looked at Izuku. The fierceness of his gaze made warmth blossom on the back of Izuku’s neck.
“You can’t look at me like that. I’m just gonna kiss that expression right off your face.” Izuku whispered, he was trying to lighten the atmosphere.
“Why don't you.” Katsuki’s expression changed into a smirk, almost as if he knew the effect it had on Izuku. Instinctually, Izuku’s eyes flickered down to Katsuki’s pink lips, almost tempting him to follow through.
“You are one cruel man, Kacchan.” Izuku snapped himself out of his trance and stepped back before turning and continuing their journey to their friends.
It was just a crush, even if everyone knew about it.
The group enjoyed their night together, they all needed it after the month they had been having with school. The end of the night came much too quickly for everyone.
After whatever moment they had on their way to the restaurant, Izuku was ready to lie down. He paid his portion of the bill and planned on sneaking out, knowing he would see everyone in the morning, he had no such luck.
“Where are you sneaking off to sweetheart? You didn’t even say bye to the rest of the shit heads.”
“As if I won’t see everyone in less than twelve hours back on campus! I was just going to get home and grade papers for Tuesday.”
“You could’ve at least come and said bye to me, you’ve barely said a damn thing to me tonight.”
“Well then, bye love I’ll see you tomorrow. Get back safe and don’t forget to water your plants, I know you hate when they start to wilt.”
“Now that’s better, I’ll see you tomorrow, you damn nerd.”
Izuku finally made it out, he let out a long sigh. He was in much too deep with this man.
Honestly, it wasn’t just a crush.
Kirishima Eijiro.
Apparently, that was the name of the guy in Izuku’s seat on Thursday. He had woken up later, as usual, and made his way to the table everyone had breakfast. As he approached though, he noticed his seat was not empty. He was going to go straight to Katsuki for his morning kiss but even from far away, he could see the look on his face.
He brought with him Izuku’s time to stop.
Izuku quickly veered into the nearest bathroom to collect himself, he had no clue what to do. Once he felt better he made his way back towards the table.
“Hey Shinsou, I’m going to move your bag over so I can sit.” Izuku kept his voice low, he didn’t need any extra attention, Uraraka had already shot him a sympathetic look.
Once he was seated his friends greeted him.
“Morning guys.”
“Oh hey! We haven’t met, I’m Kirishima!”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Midoriya.” Izuku felt his phone vibrate, Uraraka had sent him a text. “On and off ex-boyfriend of baku's”
Izuku’s eyes widened and he stilled, he needed to think of something quick there was no way he could stay there. He luckily caught a glimpse of the time.
“Oh shit, I have to go. I don’t want to be late for uh, um... Fuck, critical data analytics, that's what it is. I’ll see you guys later!” Izuku grabbed his stuff and quickly left, that was the first time all semester that he had remembered on his own.
Now, there was no way Katsuki could know that it was anything more than just a crush.
Izuku held strong for two days, for two days he went to the table and saw the clear entrancement written all over Katsuki’s face whenever Kirishima spoke, he never once kissed Katsuki’s cheek in Kirishima’s presence and they were never far behind each other. There was no more sweetheart and love, just the bare pleasantries Izuku could muster.
After his two days he couldn’t handle it, he began going straight to his classes, catching up with his friends in their rooms. It was the first time he and Uraraka had time alone when everything truly went to shit.
“Look, they were best friends in high school and started dating halfway through, they were on and off for months when they went to different schools until they were finally done for good, a little while before you met him. Now that Kirishima is here, I really don’t know what’s going to happen.” Izuku took a calming breath before he responded.
“I always said if he found someone I would stop. I stopped and he doesn’t even care so everything’s fine. Why don't we review for your math exam? I made flashcards for you.”
Uraraka was suspicious, but she went along with him. The pair spent the rest of the night studying and Izuku continued to avoid their table.
He had to figure out how to get it back to just a crush.
Turns out that staying in your dorm gets quite boring. With the amount of extra work Izuku had offered to take on he had better win “TA of the Year” if it was a thing. Nearly two weeks had gone by with Izuku’s new schedule, he never did like change. He finally had his first misstep.
“OI Deku!”
Two weeks of carefully planned avoidance, out the window.
“Oh hey, I didn’t even see you two.” Of course, the first time he interacts with Katsuki after two weeks, Kirishima would be with him.
“Nice to see you again dude!” Of course, he just had to be super nice too.
“Yeah yeah. Listen Kirishima I gotta talk to Deku real quick, go ahead I’ll meet you guys later.”
Izuku’s eyes widened, he wasn’t ready to be with Katsuki alone!
Kirishima nodded and walked away, leaving Izuku and Katsuki standing in the middle of the hallway.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve barely seen you in the last two weeks.”
“Oh um, I’ve just been busy with teaching, Professor Aizawa has me leading classes now.” Izuku held back the urge to keep talking, if he started he probably wouldn’t stop until he said something that he didn’t mean to.
“Tch, that’s never stopped you before, hasn’t the guy been giving you a shit load of work all semester?”
“Well yeah, but he has me writing lesson plans and leading lectures now, even if he takes over most of the time. I’ve just been trying to keep up, doesn’t leave time for much else.” He can only make so much stuff up.
“But you always leave time fo- whatever. When is the guy gonna lay off?”
“Uh not sure, probably closer to finals so I’ll have time to study?” Izuku glanced at his watch and noticed he only had two minutes to make it to critical data analytics. “Ah shit, I’m running late I have to go.” Izuku quickly turned and continued making his way to his class, but he didn’t get too far before he heard the last thing Katsuki had to say.
“I’m supposed to be the one that says you’re running late.”
Izuku fought the urge to turn around, it would only give him hope he couldn’t afford.
Just a crush, just a crush, just a crush. It became a mantra.
Izuku was finally let out of his last class for the day, he really hated Thursdays, they were long and drawn out, and seeing Katsuki hadn’t helped like it normally would.
“Deku wait up!” Speak of the devil.
Izuku watched, frozen, as Katsuki made his way towards him. Completely and utterly alone.
“Kac- um Bak- what's up?” Izuku could barely stutter his way through a greeting, he seriously wasn’t prepared for this.
Katsuki met him with a strange look, before deciding to respond.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“No, I don’t think so? I have my bag…” Of course Izuku wasn’t, he had to keep himself from planting a swift kiss on Katsuki’s cheek every time he saw him, he had to.
“What the hell Deku?! You go MIA for two weeks, and when I finally see you again it’s like everything is different! What the fuck happened?”
“What do you mean? I told you I’ve just been busy.” He knew exactly what Katsuki was talking about, he just couldn’t bring himself to admit it.
“You know exactly what I mean! Two weeks ago you came and had breakfast with me every day. You called me love and Kacchan and every time you saw me you gave me a kiss! Now you will barely even fucking talk to me! So let me ask again, what the fuck happened?”
Izuku felt like he could barely breathe, what was he supposed to do? He wasn't ready for any of this.
He tried to calm himself with a deep breath, he couldn’t just stand there and act dumb no matter how much he wanted to.
“Look, I-”
“I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you’re trying to come up with. The truth Deku.”
“I always told you that, when the time came, I would stop all of that. Well, the time came and I wasn’t ready so I had to do what I had to do.”
“Now you just aren’t making sense. What the fuck do you mean stop? Who said you had to stop?”
“I did. I always said when you find yourself inevitably falling for someone else I would stop. Now you have Kirishima and I stopped.”
“Wha- What the fuck is that supposed to-”
“Kacchan! It doesn’t take a genius to see the way you look at him. It’s, it’s the same way I looked at you when I started to fall in love.”
That came out of his mouth.
That was never supposed to leave his brain.
Now there was no way he could get anyone to believe that it was only a crush.
Katsuki wasn’t faring much better. He seemed frozen, although Izuku couldn’t pinpoint why. Obviously hearing that someone is in love with you will do that but he couldn’t be sure if it was shock, disgust, or something entirely different in its own right.
He didn’t want to find out.
“Uh, I have to go, bye.”
“No! Deku wait!”
That’s all Izuku heard before he took off, he could handle a lot but flat-out rejection was not a part of that list.
Katsuki knew it was never ‘just a crush.’
Izuku simply shut himself away, he was luckily done for the week, having strategically chosen to have a long weekend while making his schedule. He emailed Aizawa the grades for the quiz he administered and decided that was enough. He didn’t want to try and explain himself to anyone or have anyone pity him.
Therefore, when he heard the knock on his dorm room door, he assumed his roommate simply forgot his key.
He was wrong.
He opened the door to see a more composed-looking Katsuki. He could only hope his eyes weren’t rimmed with red.
“What are you doing here?” Izuku’s voice was soft, he was just glad his arm didn’t instinctually slam the door, that would not have gone well.
“What am I doing here? You’re seriously going to ask what the fuck I’m doing here?” Izuku noted that Katsuki seemed more frantic than anything, maybe his composed demeanor was for show.
Izuku took in a breath and moved aside, gesturing for Katsuki to come in, this wasn’t something an unfortunate bystander needed to witness.
Once safely inside his room, the pair waited, they waited for someone to start talking, for some answers.
Katsuki finally snapped.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Right because everything else I have done was specifically to hide the fact.” Izuku hadn’t meant to sound so teasing but he had nothing else.
“You know what I mean!”
“Okay, I didn’t say anything because… well because I didn’t want anything to change! As much as the consistent rejection hurt at least it was lowball, we were still friends! We still hung out! I was still allowed to shamelessly flirt with you! I was actually planning on telling you but then everything with Kirishima, and well I just couldn’t bring myself to ruin tha-”
“What the fuck are you talking about? That's the second time you have thrown him into this, this is between us why are you bringing him up?”
“Come on, Uraraka told me you guys were a thing, and she told me that you guys broke it off because you went to different schools, now that's not an issue anymore! The way you look at him shows how much he means to you.”
“Deku, he was my best friend for years that I hadn’t seen for about two years. I was shocked to see him and I seriously forgot how good it was before we dated!” Katsuki steeled himself with a breath.
“Look Deku, since he’s been here Kirishima has been up my ass about what the fuck was going on with me. He hadn’t seen me for nearly two years and he knew something was up with me. That day we ran into you outside of your class, he told me something. He told me that he was going to ask me out and then didn’t. All because of the way I reacted when we ran into you. He said I was more myself for the minute he saw me with you than I had been for the previous two weeks. Now, what the fuck does that tell you Deku?”
Izuku stood in shock, he really didn’t know what to say. There was a short pause before Izuku began to speak again.
“I don’t kn-”
“Nope. I don’t want to hear any bull shit. It took me way too fucking long to realize all of this and that was after someone told me to my face that I need to figure out my shit with you. Right now I just need to know if… if I’m too late.”
Izuku’s knees came out from under him, he fell backward onto his bed, thankful that he didn’t crack open his skull.
He was having a hard time understanding. There was no way Katsuki meant what Izuku thought he meant. No, that would mean… well, too much for Izuku to think through.
“I’m sorry. I think I’m just having a hard time understanding what you’re telling me.”
Katsuki used all of his remaining restraint to not grab the man in front of him and shake him until everything fell into place.
“Deku, what I’m telling you is that I was fucking wrong. I thought that everything between us was purely friendly and it was just a fun thing we did. I’m telling you that every time I turn someone down the reason in my mind is you. I am telling you that, if you will still consider me after every single shitty thing that has happened, I want to be with you. I am telling you that what I feel for you isn’t just some stupid fucking crush. Even if it took shitty hair telling me that I look at you like you hung the stars for me to realize it.”
Izuku blinked a few tears from his eyes. There was no room for misunderstanding and both of them knew it. Izuku couldn’t even think of a proper response, he simply threw himself forward and wrapped himself tightly around Katsuki.
Katsuki let out a shaky breath and returned the hug, basking in the warmth he had been missing since Izuku had been away.
“You know what nerd? Now it’s my turn.” Katsuki swiftly leaned forward and placed a small kiss on Izuku’s cheek, mirroring the action Izuku had done plenty of times before.
As Katsuki pulled back Izuku faced him properly, letting his gaze slip down to Katsuki’s pink lips, silently asking for permission. Katsuki wasted no time, they had done enough of that already.
It was perfect, their lips fit together better than puzzle pieces. It was instant gratification, a satisfaction so great, they were keen to never stop. Alas, they did need to breathe.
Once they pulled apart Izuku looked Katsuki up and down, in a way that gave him the chills.
“It took over a year of shameless flirting, cute nicknames, and trying to fend off anyone who had eyes but damn are you so worth it.”
Katsuki flushed darkly, something he wasn’t accustomed to doing, and simply stared back.
“To answer your question, of course, I’d still consider you. As long as you’re my ‘love’ I’ll consider you.”
“I will be your ‘love’ as long as you are my ‘sweetheart’ how does that sound?”
“That sounds like the perfect thing for the two most stubborn people on this planet. Does that mean I get to finally say that you’re my boyfriend?”
“Well either you say it or I will, every shitty extra in this place is going to know where they stand, let me tell you it is nowhere near you.”
Izuku smiled, he could get used to this. In response he kissed his new boyfriend, letting out a pleased hum due to how familiar the feeling was starting to become already.
Izuku couldn’t believe he ever thought it was only a crush.
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Cornelia Street (You Look Happier Part 2)
Summary: Hardin leaves reader for Tessa and reader calls Zed to help her. 
Warnings: Slut-shaming, swearing
A/N: I didn’t list pairing, because I don’t want to give anything away. Also I will publish a part 3 in the next couple of days, so I hope you’re ready. 
Tagging: @justyouraveragedorkygirl​
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The drive to Zed’s place is quiet leaving you to be suffocated by your thoughts. At some point, Zed reached over to grab hold of your hand and now you’re clinging onto it like a lifeline. How is it possible to exist when your heart has decided to stop beating? It’s as if you feel nothing but pain anymore. Pain and anger towards Hardin for staying when he didn’t want to. For going behind your back and confirming all your insecurities. Molly had been right that day; he wasn’t your Hardin anymore, he was Tessa’s. And it broke you. 
“Drink some water.” You’re sitting in Zed’s apartment with no idea how you got from the car and inside. You accept the glass of water but make no effort to drink it. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks earning nothing but silence from you. Somewhere in your brain you register his concern but right now you can’t focus on anything other than your breathing. Grief has paralysed you in the worst way possible and you hate it. You hate how weak you’ve turned over a silly boy.
“Say something so I know you’re still there,” Zed says trying to lighten the mood. 
“Tessa,” you rasp hoping it’ll explain your behaviour, hoping that he’ll put the pieces together and understand what’s happened. Understand why you’ve fallen apart. 
“Please tell me he didn’t.” You nod your head and Zed stops talking because he knows the kind of pain you’re in and he knows you need to process this slowly. So you sit there for a long time before you finally look over at Zed. He’s there and he’s ready to listen but you don’t want to talk. You want to do something that will help absolutely nothing and you’ll cry about tomorrow but you’re not thinking clearly as you crawl over to sit on his lap. 
“Make me forget him.” It’s cruel really because you know he’s had a crush on you since you started college but the world is cruel and you just don’t have it in you to think about feelings that aren’t your own right now. 
“Y/N, I can’t.” It’s meant as a rejection but he doesn’t mean it. You can tell that he wants this to be true and real. He wants you to want him the way he’s wanted you for such a long time but now you’re this broken puzzle that might be too hard to solve. 
“Please.” The word comes out as a whimper and if you’d been more coherent you’d probably be mortified by how pathetic you’re acting right now. But you’re not and Zed is fighting a losing battle. 
“I want this to be real, Y/N. I want to make you feel safe, but not like this. I don’t want to be second best to him.” He’s speaking faster than normal trying to get his point across before this goes too far. You’re kissing his neck and ignoring every word he’s saying. As you grind your hips, you feel him move beneath you. 
“Hardin will kill me for this,” he says and the name brings you back to Zed’s apartment. You scramble off of him instead sitting as far away as the sofa lets you. 
“I’m sorry,” you say not ready to realise how close you came to ruining your friendship with Zed. 
“I get it. I’m a safe option.” His eyes refuse to meet yours but you both know it’s the truth. Through everything Zed has been a safe habor that you’ve turned to over and over whenever you and Hardin argued. It’s not been fair on Zed but you haven’t known how to stop searching for him. He’s your best friend but he’ll never be more. It hurts to know that you can’t give him what he wants. 
“You’re not an option, Zed. You’re my best friend. You’re the person I need.” 
“But not the person you want,” he interrupts. There are no words that could help him right now so you reach over and take his hand in yours the way he did in the car. It’s support and love even if it’s not the love he want. In a perfect world, you’d want Zed. The two of you would get married after college and have kids at 30 when you’ve both had time to live your own lives. But it’s not a perfect world and you don’t want Zed like that. So instead the two of you sit together holding hands as your hearts are breaking fast and slow all at the same time. 
It takes you two weeks before you’re ready to return to campus. Zed lets you crash at his place because first and foremost you’re best friends and this is what best friends do for each other. And you both know that Hardin will show up at your apartment to see you. 
“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asks as you’re turning a corner. 
“I don’t know. I’m scared I’ll meet him but I also want to see him. Does that make sense?” Your faithful companion just nods knowingly as he always does. There’s an unspoken understanding between the two of you and it’s been the only thing keeping you sane.
“I’ll meet you after first period, okay? Wait for me.” He kisses your forehead softly before leaving for his morning classes. As he turns around, his face connects with Hardin’s fist. 
“What the hell is this?” he yells looking over at you. There’s an anger in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. He looks good, even had the time to add a tattoo to his sleeve. It pisses you off that she was probably holding his hand while he got it. 
“Walk away, Hardin.” You’re so mad you’re shaking but you just don’t have it in you to have a screaming match with Hardin right now. Instead you turn your focus to Zed who’s slowly getting back on his feet. 
“Are you okay?” Zed nods and wipes a little blood from his nose before coming over to stand next to you - loyal to the bitter end.
“Are you seriously with him now? Didn’t take you long to replace me!” He spits out the words and you can tell he’s hoping they’ll break you all over. Hardin is nothing but not persistent in his methods. 
“What I do is none of your concern anymore, Hardin. You made sure of that yourself.”
“I’d dumped you sooner if I’d known you were such a whore.” It’s like you’re standing on the other side of the road observing it all from a distance. His words are meant to cut you like knives but you just feel empty. These last couple of weeks have drained you and now you have nothing left to give. Why he’s even bothered now that he has Tessa is a question you have no answer for. You’d figured he would be too busy with her to even notice you. 
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Zed intercepts ready to fight Hardin right then and there but you spot security slowly walking towards the three of you. Hardin is once again making quite a scene but you and Zed don’t have the same kind of protection from the Chancellor that Hardin does. You can’t risk getting caught up in this. 
“You already broke me, Hardin. I have nothing left for you to take so please just go back to Tessa.” Without another word you take Zed’s hand and leads the two of you away from college not even caring how it looks to Hardin. You’ll have to miss another day. You can’t face those hallways again - they hold all the small touches and sweet nothings shared between you and Hardin. 
“I’m transferring,” you tell Zed as you’re approaching his car. You haven’t thought about it before but after seeing Hardin you’ve realised that it’s too much for you. The college holds too much for you to face it again. The kind of heartbreak Hardin caused you is something that time won’t mend. 
“Me too. I don’t want to see his face ever again.” You look over at Zed and realises that you’re not the only one Hardin’s hurt. You remember his last relationship that Hardin turned into a game. 
“Where should we go?” you ask. 
“Seattle? I’ve always wanted to go there.” And just like that it’s decided. Of course there’s all the paper work when you decide to switch school in the middle of a semester, but you both manage to transfer within a month. You find a crappy apartment not too far from campus. Even though you’re both thinking about it, none of you mention Hardin again. You apply for intern jobs and even manages to get an interview at Vance Publishing. It’s a new branch but you already know the company. It’s the one Hardin left right after first semester but for once the reminder of Hardin doesn’t cut your heart. So when you’re standing in front of the huge building Wednesday afternoon, you can actually breathe. 
“Hold the elevator!” you yell walking faster. Thankfully, the guy in the elevator holds the door for you. 
“Thank you.” He smiles as you walk past him into the elevator. 
“Are you new here?” he asks pressing the button for the 3rd floor. 
“I’m here for an interview,” you reply and take a second to look at him. He’s pretty. A cute smile and judging by his vibe and choice of clothes definitely no tattoos. He’s nothing like your usual type and definitely nothing like Hardin. Something about that draws you in. 
“Oh, I hope you get it then.” It’s a sweet thing to say really and it calms your nerves. 
“Thank you.” The elevator opens and he steps out. The moment gone. 
“I’m Trevor by the way. I hope to see you around.” 
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Extraordinary Dragon (Part 6/6)
A fluffy story about Charlie training a dragon with a sad and mysterious past.
A/N: I am so happy with this story and since it's a story of a dragon, I never thought you guys would like to so much but I am glad that you enjoyed reading it. Thank you so much for everyone who liked it and comment on it! And thank you again to @am-i-space @madelineorionswan & @the-al-chemist for naming the dragons for me 💙
Warnings: Nothing but the cute conclusion to this story 💙 Word Count: 2,264
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“Asterin, what did we talk about? You have teeth, you can chew.” I shook my head, sitting on the ground a few meters away from the Hebridean Black.
It’s been 3 months since I came back from Scotland.
When I read that letter, I needed to sit down and just breathe for a minute. Every second I spent with Asterin to that point rolled in front of my eyes and everything started to make sense.
The fact that she didn’t want to eat anything but chicken blood and brandy. That MacFusty’s were curious why she acted as if she didn’t have any teeth. Why she was so afraid and needed such a long time to get used to the new environment. The fact that she hurt me when I levitated a rock.
She was merely 5 months old when they found her. A dragon that young is supposed to be with its mother – barely even starting the blood and brandy diet. Their teeth are usually ready for solid food around 6-7 months and there is a law to never transport a dragon younger than 10 months if it can be avoided. They are either still too attached to their mother or they are with the other dragonlings.
A dragon that thinks it's 5 months old would still cuddle with its mother at night, eat the food she would provide, and play with its siblings. Being transported to the other side of Europe, meeting so many new people, and staying alone in a habitat suited for a 1-year-old dragon is not the right way to approach the situation.
Being in such a big enclosure with no one she knew around her was very stressful for Asterin. That’s why she ran into the forest the first night – she tried to hide.
And when we thought she attacked me, it was her trying to play. Since her mindset is stuck at 5-months-old she isn’t aware that she is 3 times the size she was back then and that trying to jump on me can be fatal and not being cute and playful.
The second I came back, we started to change her habitat. We made it dragonling friendly by putting in lots of things to chew on, some toys we use to play and train with the younger dragons, a big tire in which she can sleep and Matthew and Jim helped me made a wooden house that can house an adult Hebridean Black because baby dragons like to feel safe and have a feeling their mother is by their side, so having a house in which she can hide and feel snug seemed like the best idea.
We asked Marcus and John to come and stay with us for a week so that Asterin could be around as many people she knows to make her as comfortable as we possibly can.
After two days of sniffing around and starting to play with her toys, we could already see progress bigger than I’ve made in 2 months before we found out what happened to her. She became less fearful, she didn’t dig her claws in the ground anymore and she became playful.
She might be over a year old and is halfway to her adult size but she acts like Hephaestus – the Hebridean Black I got the chance to meet while I was staying with the MacFusty’s in Scotland. She jumps around, awkwardly tries to fly, and is fun to be around.
When I got back, I sat down with the healers that examined her. They told me that due to the damage the hit caused her, her brain will never properly develop. In her mind, Asterin will always be a 5-month-old dragon. They told me everything that is suited for a dragon her mind age and I spent the next 3 days coming up with a plan – how to train her, how to feed her, how to try and tame her, and what to do with her habitat.
We needed about a week to finish everything with the help of other dragonologists and both Marcus and John MacFusty. I asked two researchers to observe her from afar as she gets used to her newly decorated home and to see how she responds to things so they could report back to me to see if we would need to make any changes.
They were over the roof working with her because none of them ever had a case like this. None of us had, truth be told. Matthew still couldn’t believe that that can happen. Marcus and John felt bad that they missed such an important piece of evidence and on the last day of their stay went to Asterin and apologized for mistreating her.
I told them that it’s not their fault and that it was more than evident that they wanted to help her and put her in the right hands.
I have been with her every day since I came back and I can’t express how proud I am of her. She hasn’t hurt me, she hasn’t even roared in my face once since I started treating her like a dragonling. I couldn’t be happier that she was assigned to me and that I have a chance not only to work with a Hebridean Black but to work with such a special one.
She might have a sad past but since she is growing every day, is as healthy as a dragon her age can be and she is showing progress every day, I dare to say she is going to be just fine with us.
After the researchers recorded her behavior and saw that she is doing okay and as the healers gave the green light that everything else is fine, I started working with her. Of course, I am taking a completely different approach than I did before and right now I am trying to teach her how to eat anything other than the liquids we have been giving her so far.
It’s not that we can’t provide that much chicken blood and brandy for her but even though her brain doesn’t see how big she is getting, her body needs solid food to grow into a big healthy dragon. Every day after work, I go to the infirmary where I work with a healer and a researcher and we are trying our best to come up with a plan on how we could trick someone who thinks it's 5 months old to eat a steak.
14 days ago we tried mincing the meat and putting it in her liquids. Asterin was hesitant because of the smell at first but the second day she swallowed it. We did that for a week slowly adding more meat and less blood and brandy. Last week, we started giving her pieces of deer meat that are small enough for her to swallow whole since a 5-month-old dragon isn’t supposed to know how to use its teeth fully yet.
Today is the first day that I tried and gave her a proper steak. The researchers thought it would be good if she gets used to the taste and texture of the food she is supposed to eat. I have been trying for two hours and the best I got was her playing with the steak.
“Asterin, don’t play with your food. It’s not a toy. You’re supposed to eat it.” I put my hands in front of my face, expecting a steak thrown my way any second now.
She looked up at me as I spoke, the steak that was half in her mouth now fell to the ground. I couldn’t help but chuckle, she was adorable.
“What’s it going to be? Are you going to eat it or should I?” I smirked.
Saying that gave me an idea.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, Asterin.” I got up and waved at her as I did every time I left her enclosure to let her know we will see each other again.
I went to the Sanctuary kitchen and asked one of the cooks to make me a steak. Perhaps if she would see me eat it and chew on it, she might copy my behavior. That is how she learned how to roll over and jump in the air. The latter wasn’t such a good idea because now she likes to jump all the time and sometimes shakes the ground so much that I fall backward.
I thanked the cook that made the steak for me and hurried back to Asterin’s habitat.
“I’m back. Did you miss me?” I smiled.
Asterin was sitting on the ground, her tail playfully moving around, her head tilted in curiosity about what I brought her.
“This isn’t for you. It’s lunch for me. Now let me show you how to eat a steak.” I sat back down to where I was before I left and took the steak from the plate with my hand. “And remember, Asterin, you have teeth, you can chew just like I can.”
I bit into the steak as hard as I could and tore away a piece.
“See…not…that…hard,” I said while chewing. “Now you try.” I pointed at her raw piece of meat with my steak.
Asterin stared at me for a few seconds more before looking down at her steak. She looked back up at me as I took another bite and back down. She lowered her head and sniffed the steak then did the whole routine 2 more times.
“It’s delicious, Asterin. Come on, eat with me.” I encouraged her.
If she could narrow her eyes, she would. I could see her brain being hard at work trying to figure out what she is supposed to do but I understood that she needed time because nobody sane would give a 5-month-old dragon a steak of that size.
Much to my surprise, Asterin picked the steak up with her front teeth and lifted her head abruptly. I thought the steak was going to fly out of the enclosure but she held on to it.
“That’s it. Good girl, Asterin! Now put it in your mouth and chew.” I took another bite of my meal and slowly and exaggeratedly chewed to show her how it’s done.
Asterin slowly put the entire steak inside her mouth and tried chewing on it. She shook her head as if she got confused about what was going on and let the meat fall from her mouth to the ground.
“Okay, that wasn’t bad. You did great! Now repeat the gesture. Pick it up again, Asterin.” I put my plate down and clapped a few times to let her know she is making progress.
Asterin listened to me and picked up the steak again. She threw it on the ground a few more times but every time she chewed a little longer.
After 5 tries she didn’t stop chewing on the steak and suddenly I heard a swallowing sound.
“Did you…did you just eat the steak?” I asked astonished. It’s not like I didn’t believe that she could do it but I didn’t dare to think that she was going to progress so quickly.
“You did it, Asterin!” I stood up carefully not to startle her too much even though I wanted to burst from excitement and jump around.
“I don’t even know where to begin to tell you how proud I am of you!” I walked toward her not even caring if she does something to me. I wanted to show her that what she just accomplished is a big deal and that the behavior is very much desired and encouraged.
“If you continue to eat like this, you will be able to fully transition to deer meat and admit it, it was more delicious than chicken blood and brandy.” I laughed and with a bowed head approached her.
I was now so close that if I would extend my hand I would be able to pat her. Without thinking twice about it, I offered her my hand so she could sniff it and let her know that I mean no harm. She did so immediately and huffed.
“I know. My hand smells like cooked meat which doesn’t smell as delicious to you as to me.” I giggled.
I took a deep breath knowing that Matthew would kill me if he saw me stand so close to Asterin – making progress or not – and touched her rough skin and rubbed a few circles on it.
“You ate your first steak, Asterin. I am so proud. The progress we have made in the past few weeks is admirable.” I whispered to her.
She lowered her head and what I think she wanted to do was rub her head against my side but because she is so big and so much heavier than me she pushed me to the ground.
I started laughing when I saw her confused expression. I know she didn’t expect me to fall to the ground and probably thinks that I am the weakest human not being able to handle her friendly gesture.
I got up, dusted myself, and approached her again.
“The next thing we work on is to make you realize how big you are.” I chuckled.
Asterin replied with a jump in the air and hurried to get one of her balls, indicating she wants to play.
“You want to catch the ball? You got it!” I clapped my hands together and ran after her, feeling like the luckiest dragonologist in the world.
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