#salad box near me
inhydrogreens · 2 years
Find the Best online Leafy Green Vegetables in Delhi | In Hydro Greens
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Eating a diet rich in leafy greens can offer numerous health benefits including reduced risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and mental decline Here are 10 of the healthiest leafy green vegetables to include in your diet. Amaranth Greens Kale Arugula Chinese Cabbage Fenugreek Green Hydroponic Bok choy Lettuce Green Iceberg Lettuce Hydroponic Spinach Lettuce Green
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maitanii · 9 months
IT WASN'T LOVE. He wasn't in love. Ran Haitani, definitely, wasn't in love.
However, as his finger scrolled through the phone screen each night, attempting to delete some blurry photos where only the outline of a smile was discernible, laziness conveniently took hold, allowing those files to continue occupying space on the phone.
On closer inspection, you're not that pretty. He wouldn't even say you're pretty, just an ordinary girl. Those five freckles scattered across your cheeks aren't that beautiful, even though they reminded him of the constellations Rindou always points out when they travel to the countryside. The poorly painted nails, slightly bitten at the corners, are just another sign that you're a mess, although he always brings a nail file for you to use. And the small chip in your front teeth? Nothing out of the ordinary, but he was with you when the fall happened (and watched you cry yourself to sleep while holding you on the couch).
"Are you listening to me?"
"Loud and clear."
"Right." Returning to spear the fork into the salad, you made sure not to pick any tomatoes. Those were left for Ran. "When is the fight?"
"Tomorrow." Reaching for his cutlery, he began to stab at his food. "Are you worried?" he commented before starting to chew.
"Don't talk with food in your mouth, pig." Placing your face in your hands, you turned your head to look out the window.
The red lights from the opposite building reflected on your forehead. In just a minute, Ran had noticed you had gotten new highlights in your hair. He also spotted the small pimple that had popped up near your chin and the poorly applied concealer on it. The tension in your shoulders. And that you didn't want to look him in the eyes.
"What time is the fight tomorrow?" you asked as Ran's slender fingers played with the engraving on the fork.
Ask me not to go.
"At seven. But South always asks us to arrive earlier. Should we order dessert?"
Ask me not to go.
Come on, ask me not to go.
Taking his gaze away from some point on your face, he lowered his head. The ambient music in the restaurant slipped into the silence of the conversation. How could he fall in love with someone who worried about him getting hurt in a fight? Trust was the foundation of any relationship, right? Damn it.
The Mont Blanc and the cheesecake didn't last long on the table. In a fork battle, the desserts soon disappeared. Rindou had always suffered the consequences of stealing bites from his food, so why had he fought with you to accept eating the last piece of Mont Blanc?
"I have exams soon, and I'd like to get up early. Can you take me home?"
"Sure." Smiling, Ran thanked the waiter who cleared their plates (the first time he didn't thank him, you reproached him for it). "But you have to let me pay."
"Then I guess you'll have to walk home alone."
"No problem."
He sighed. Fighting was pointless. In all the years since your friendship began, you had never let him pay an entire bill. Not even when your ex-boyfriend left you and gave you several jars of ice cream could you avoid leaving some coins on a piece of furniture at his house. Or when he gave you that bouquet of flowers on Valentine's Day, and you left two boxes of chocolates on the backseat of the car.
The way back home was quiet. To no one's surprise, you chose the music, and he chose the topic of conversation. The guys from your economics class. The new mascara that didn't leave many clumps. The scholarship you had applied for months ago. He was so engrossed that he got distracted and ended up driving through several streets, prolonging the journey. Well, what a silly mistake.
"Thanks for bringing me home. And thanks for today." Raising your thumbs, you drew a slight smile on your face. "I needed to get out for a while."
"I know, you took too long to respond to my messages."
"I always do that."
"Not to an invitation to have dinner at your favorite restaurant."
"You know me so well." Pinching his cheeks between your fingers, you watched as he squinted his eyes.
Closing the car door, Ran watched as you began to search for the keys to the gate in your bag. Taking out his phone, he checked the messages he had received during dinner. Two taps on the door prevented him from replying to the meme Rindou had sent him. Your perfume once again invaded the interior of the car.
"Ran." The concern in your voice made him immediately turn his head. "I know it's a lot to ask, but please try not to go to the fight tomorrow. You can come up with any excuse and come to my house. But please, don't go."
A smile began to slowly form on his face.
He wasn't in love. But when he got home and wrote a message to South saying he had a fever, he had done it with immense joy in his heart. And when he went to bed and looked at the photos he never deleted from his gallery, he would write again in his notes the places he wanted to take you. But he wasn't in love because what he felt was beyond any of that."
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #6
Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Angeal: No, Genesis, you spaghetti-noodle-spine-having-ass bitch.
Sephiroth: I identify as a tonberry *chases Cloud with a kitchen knife*
Zack: Ra Ra Rasputin *kicks Sephiroth over*
Genesis: Unhand me you cretin *alone, talking to no one*
Angeal: Zack just showed me a picture of the Grinch and said "hear me out"
Lazard: No, Sephiroth, you cannot have a human-sized cat bed in your office "for enrichment"
Cloud: Parkour time *crashes through the air vents*
Sephiroth: I'm the biggest lesbian ally in this department, actually.
Angeal: For the sake of my sanity I'm gonna pretend I didn't just see Zack twerking to One Winged Angel.
Luxiere: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a crumb of Zack's attention.
Lazard: That stripper pole better be gone when I get back or so help me, Genesis, I will return you to the goddess.
Sephiroth: *does a single pump of sore throat spray* This is enough for sustenance for the day.
Kunsel: Care for a deep-fried cigarette?
Angeal: You look like an AI-generated twink.
Sephiroth: I've grown so tired of Genesis's voice that we now communicate solely through interpretive dance.
Lazard, over the speakers: Whoever heated fish in the break room microwave, please come by my office so I can break your knees.
Zack: Aww, I forgot to feed the Roomba :(
Genesis: I don't know why me and Angeal are being judged. Simulating a birth with a watermelon is a perfectly normal activity for two people.
Kunsel: Hopefully this office party won't end in accidental weed use.
Genesis: I noticed some homosexual subtext in your screams, do you want to talk about that?
Angeal: *sniff sniff* Ooh~ who's barbecuing? OH MY GOD IT'S AN ELECTRIC FIRE.
Roche: Every time I think about chopping my hair short I think "Sephiroth wouldn't want this for me" and the feeling is gone.
Genesis: I made a friend *drags in a skeleton with a Sephiroth wig*
Cloud: *points at Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth* Pure of heart, dumb of ass, big of tit.
Lazard: I told Zack to use Excel and he started sobbing.
Sephiroth: It's extremely rude to ask someone why they're eating a salad bowl of udon at 8 AM. Mind your business, Zack.
Cloud: Genesis likes Loveless so much because the title resonates with his love life.
Zack: You keep your anxiety pills in a takeaway to-go box? Dude that's so fancy.
Lazard: Why is Sephiroth the only one wearing a shirt??
Angeal: Common sense has chased Zack all his life but he wears wheelies so he's faster
Sephiroth: I personally don't use the peace sign because I haven't had a day of peace since I was 12.
Kunsel: I'm never going out in public with Zack again. A child's balloon popped when it went near his hair.
Angeal: No I'm not giving you an aspirin. Last time I gave you one you crushed it and snorted it like cocaine.
Lazard: An overwhelming majority of you peaked in kindergarten.
Sephiroth: Zack, I'm becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of potatoes in your pants right now.
Zack: This year I want an A/B/O themed birthday party.
Sephiroth: Please don't commit tax fraud, Genesis. You won't thrive in prison.
Genesis: Does anyone have an extra ramen packet to give Sephiroth? The 64 he consumed this morning weren't enough.
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos and his emo fringe is our culture.
Zack: I'm at my fucking limit! I'm about to eat a vegetable!
Genesis: He's a son of a bitch Sephiroth: That implies he has a mother, so I don't see how that's an insult.
Zack: Fuck around and find out *said with a chunk of Genesis' red coat hanging from his pocket*
Cloud: Does anyone have an extra brain cell? I lost my remaining one when Genesis spoke to me this morning.
Sephiroth: Damn.
Kunsel: Zack owes me so much money that if he sold his box of random shit he stole from Angeal, he still couldn't pay me back.
Angeal: Why are you guys playing Queen's Blood in the closet? is this a metaphor?
Genesis: Have you prayed to your Sephiroth cardboard cutout yet today?
Sephiroth: Alert me once Rufus Shinra arrives so that I may greet him adequately *said while building a pipe bomb*
Lazard: It's all fun and games until the timeout cage that I ordered online arrives.
Genesis: I will atone for my sins by becoming a nuisance to the environment.
Cloud: If Zack were a scented candle he'd smell like ADHD and crayons.
Sephiroth, standing on a table: DO NOT. EAT. THE CHEESECAKE. IN THE FRIDGE. It's mine.
Angeal: *with a bucket while it's raining hale* Free ice baby.
Zack: I finally have enough gil to buy a sixteen bouncy castles.
Genesis: Being overcome with the desire to eat pasta and call your mother at 2 AM and wondering if you're having a mental breakdown or are possessed by Sephiroth.
Lazard: I can't fire any of you, but I'm about to start setting things on fire.
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moonlight-s0onata · 1 year
Anon said "Please can you write something fluffy with Neuvillete? I just got to the archon quest and his appearance totally deceived me to think he would be a meanie when he's such a sweetheart 😭 please tell me you are already on the quest but ignore in case you aren't, thanks in advance!"
Sure, I can, anon. I am in love with Neuvi after all, the archon quest just made me even more soft for him.
-Lumi 💫
After the Rain
Neuvillete (Genshin Impact) x Reader
Warnings: None
Fluff and a picnic.
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You woke up at the sound of light rain. Yawning and stretching, you get up to look out the window. The clouds were heavy with no signs to stop soon, and you sighed. This was the third consecutive day.
For occasions like this, it was truly an inconvenience to live so far away from Fontaine's court.
You worked all morning on preparing many little snacks, some fruit salad and a patisserie you learned from your grandma, a great family secret. After that, you worked on packing it all on a basket, rushing out your cozy home and into the worsening weather outside.
- It's a miracle we haven't turned into fish yet - You sighed, quickly walking towards the closest aquabus station.
The Iudex of Fontaine was facing yet another day filled with trials and the dreading sense of not fulfilling his duty as he should, yet he wasn't sure of what the exact problem was.
The downpour worsened, and people grew a little more anxious. He also tried to stay calm, to no avail. Everything felt overwhelming. Maybe a break would be in order. He needed it more than everyone else.
As you got off the aquabus and into the lift towards the court, you couldn't help stop to fix your clothes and to check the little bouquet you put together from flowers in your little garden, you took a deep, determined breath and walked towards the gate.
- Y/N, good day, what brings you here? - The voice of the Chief Justice broke you out of your mind.
Walking towards him with an easy smile, trying to calm down your running heart. - Good day to you too, Monsieur Neuvillete- You were glad you seemed to walk in on break time. You raised the basket a little bit, his eyes following. -I thought it was a good day to enjoy a picnic over in Fontaine. Would you like to come? -
He raised an eyebrow, looking directly into your eyes with his piercing (beautiful) silver eyes, and you had to avert your gaze. - A picnic? In this weather? - He asked with a genuinely nice voice. He was always so kind, and your heart flipped again.
-A-ah, right...- You trailed trying to find an excuse -I... wanted to come even before the weather became like this... I had already made the food, and I was thinking about going to a place that had shelter from the rain- Every word came harder than the last, and you felt your face burn. Thankfully, he wasn't looking at you and he just hummed and nodded. - Then please lead the way -
You lay your picnic right below a nice pavilion on a park near the court, some otters playing around in the pond, and the rain just a light drizzle now.
You shared your food, talked about some funny and trivial happenings of your daily life away from the city, and made some easy talk that made him almost forget this was a break from one of the trials.
As you finished and put everything away again, you took a little box holding a couple more of the patisseries you made. Holding it for him, you smiled - I hope you ate well and had a good time. Thanks for accompanying me when you are so busy - you spoke sincerely, bowing lightly to him. He smiled softly, looking at the box in your hands and shaking his head. - Pleasure was all mine. Thank you for this time and for everything you shared with me today, from your food to all your stories -
- These are also for you, for when you need another break - You blushed lightly as he took it and gave you a gentle smile - Thank you so much, I will enjoy them for sure. Please, be safe on your way back - And with that, he turned around and left, walking back into the court.
Your trip back was uneventful and quiet, riding the aquabus and walking between the ponds and flower patches towards your home. Everything looked shiny, with a light coat of droplets that sparkled with the now present afternoon sunshine.
The sky was clearing and the clouds moved away fast. You smiled, looking at the beautiful scenery both in land and sky.
"When the Hydro dragon feels sad, it rains" Your grandma once said, as you looked out the window to the pouring rain. You turned to her with a surprised face, running to her.
- Then we must help him be happy again! so he can stop crying! - Little you said, with worried eyes, fisting into your grandma's skirt.
- Hmmm... You are right - She chuckled as she got up from the couch, and into the kitchen - and I happen to know a secret recipe that makes him all happy again - Those words made your face light up, jumping around happily.
- Then teach me! I want to help him so I can go play outside! - As you jumped and ran around with some ingredients, you learned how to bake a patisserie with a soft and sweet scent of lavender and honey.
That fond memory made you smile, reaching your home. After so many days, the rain finally went away.
When it rains, the hydro dragon is feeling sad, but he just needs some rest and a little treat to feel happy again.
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Sonny Carisi: Tears For A Good Man 
I was writing a Nick Amaro story. This popped into my head, and it wouldn’t let go. My first attempt at another one of my favorite SVU men Carisi. I was nervous to write him, but I had so much fun with it. Someone has to tell me if I hit his character right.  
Your mind is in a whirlwind. You have no idea how you’ve come to be at this spot in your life. It doesn’t feel real. Your life wasn’t like this. Good things just didn’t happen to you like this. So, you just watched the scene play out in front of you through misty eyes. Time had slowed, and words were taking longer to process adding to the surreal state. 
Sonny didn’t notice as he pulled Chinese food boxes from a paper bag and set them on your desk. He was chatting animally, about how he wasn’t sure if you were still trying to cut back on carbs, and that you really didn’t need to. He had been craving Chinese and he thought you should eat some too. He honestly liked his woman with meat on their bones, curves, he was Italian after all. But he had gotten you a salad too.   
You had been the one complaining to him last week that since you had started seeing him two months ago you had gained almost ten pounds and now your pants were tight. Sonny was an amazing cook and he loved to feed you. You loved to eat his cooking, but he couldn’t really be okay with you gaining weight, could he? No man was like that. They were visual, they wanted their woman to look like they had just walked off the runway impossibly small. It had been a hard pill to swallow as you had started dating in high school. As you had gotten older it hadn’t gotten better. Men had a way of giving women body issues.   
“I got you a Coke before I remembered that you're giving up pop too. So, I got you a Raspberry Lemonade instead.” He was setting the drinks on the desk as he spoke, “Then I remembered how much sugar it had and got you water. I got tell you though doll, a salad and water doesn’t sound like much of a meal to me.” There was a twinge of exasperation in his voice. 
You feel tears start to roll down your face. Sonny had only texted you an hour beforehand to see if you had time for a quick lunch. You had expected to just meet him somewhere, you didn’t have a lot of time but enough to sit down and eat. You hadn't expected him to come over with a feast of Chinese food for the both of you, a salad if you decided you wanted to continue your healthy eating, and three different drinks because honestly who did that? You would blame the tears on PMS because in what world does a girl start crying because her boyfriend is being nice and respectful to her.  
When Sonny turns and sees your tears, he cuts off midsentence concern written all over his face. “Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong sweetheart?” You can’t say anything emotions bubbling up through your stomach. “Did I do something wrong? I didn’t mean to.” You roll your eyes at yourself for being stupid, not him. When Sonny sees it, he doesn’t interpret it that way. He reaches for you putting a hand on your shoulder. His voice lowered to almost a whisper, “Is it because I brought that salad? Honey, I don’t want you to eat that. I was just,” He groaned bringing his other hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I was just trying to be respectful of your decisions. In hindsight, I can see how it looks bad though.” His voice is tense and then changes to a more upbeat problem-solving tone, “I’ll just go get you something different. Anything you want, just tell me.” 
You shake your head at the absolute absurdity of this situation. You finally find your voice, “Sonny please, stop.” He pauses near the closed door of your office. “It’s not the salad. I-I'm just being stupid.” He walked back up to you, caressing your tearstained cheek and wiping at the stray tears with his thumb. Sonny had always been a problem solver, so his mind went to the next possible problem.  
“Am I moving too fast again?” That was something you had told Sonny. It had been in a serious conversation right as you agreed to start a relationship where you had admitted that his confidence and speed of the relationship scared your jaded fragile heart. You had admitted none of your relationships had lasted over six months and that you were nervous about ruining the good thing that the two of you had. “I’m trying to keep it slow baby, but it’s something new to me. I didn’t think lunch would be a big deal. I mean we have before-” Your lower lip trembled as you saw the frustration in his face. You were forcing your insecurity onto him.  
“No Sonny, you're not.” You wrap your hands around his shoulders pulling him tightly to you, he is stunned for a minute before returning the embrace heartily rubbing you back comfortingly. “Thank you,” You whisper in his ear squeezing him tighter. 
“Um, I-I'm not going to lie doll, I’m coming up empty on this one.” One of his hands is still rubbing your back, the other twisted into your hair. Your next words make the tension fall from his shoulders as he kisses your head before tucking it back under his chin. 
“Thank you, for showing me what a good man is really like.”
I know it was short, but this was just to get my feet wet. I love Sonny but I’ve never written a character like him before. I hope everyone finds their Carisi. If you haven’t, you're in good company. Love you guys xoxo                   
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alphyser · 3 months
Random things in my MHA DR about 1-A!
Mineta was originally part of the class, however during the quirk apprehension test at the start, he got the lowest score and that Aizawa noticed him acting creepy so he acted on his threat to expel someone and gave Mineta the boot. That way, it'd also serve as a warning to others.
Mineta was actually hilarious though on first day. Actually made me crack up a lot, especially since I also have a dirty sense of humor. But then he he tried to peek under Yaomomo's skirt and the illusion was shattered. (For a moment I thought he could've been great </3)
I unironically voted for Sero during the class rep elections. Him and Yaomomo had a tie and he dropped out of the nominations saying that Yaoyorozu should be the vice-representative for 1-A over him. (Sero is such a sweet soul in my DR.)
Bakugo Katsuki, despite having fashion designers for parents, only ever dresses in the most basic clothing. Black compression shirts and sweatpants are his go to and when he feels like it he sometimes wears graphic tees and jeans. But he also criticizes others a lot on their fashion sense. (He one time straight up scolded Mina for an hour because she wore a shade of yellow that didn't go with her skin tone.)
Sato, without fail, will always have a box of some type of sweets on him. Man is a god send. He brings like this little lunchbag and he has two tupperwares of sweets. One time he had these donuts and each of them were a cool new flavor I've never seen before, like a raspberry donut with candied bacon, it sounds gross but he makes it taste good somehow.
Most Sundays, Aoyama usually goes out to visit this stray kitten in a park near U.A. He feeds all the time too. He has little cat treats in his bag always. He doesn't even like cats that much, but he sees himself in the kitty. Weak and can't do anything about it (Aoyama deserves better.)
Sero makes the MEANEST avocado salads ever. Like actually godsent. It's avocados, tomatoes, red onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, cilantro, parsley, garlic, black beans, jalapeno, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and white pepper, and queso fresco all tossed together. (Yes, I memorized the recipe because I wanted to make it in my CR 😭)
Oddly enough, Koda sleeps really loudly. Like he snores, talks in his sleep, grinds his teeth, even clears his throat sometimes. He fell asleep in the common room once on a sat evening watching Princess and the Frog with Tsu and my god, everyone in the first floor could hear it, even on the second floor only it was a little more muffled.
Iida dresses wrong. Not bad, wrong. He doesn't dress ugly, in fact he's one of the most well dressed in 1-A. The issue is, he never knows what outfit for when so he either always ends up overdressed or underdressed. We went out to get groceries and he was wearing a first date outfit (He looked fine asf but like for groceries?? 😭)
I don't know how it happened but for some reason, Monoma and Yaomomo are friends. Like not frenemies or just acquaintances. Like real actual friends. They hang out sometimes and gossip with Kendo. He even tones down the 1-A hate passion canon in her presence, it's actually amazing to see.
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minjeelee · 1 year
distraction: Park sunghoon
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Contains: kissing/ making out , best friends brother , sneaky sex , unprotected sex , includes morning after, sunghoon has a big dick, let me know if i need to add more,
it was pretty much a typical weekend for you and your best friend Meera , sitting in her room sitting and talking , the occasional talk of sex , “oh my god i hooked up with heeseung last night!” she suddenly exclaimed “ are you kidding me? no way” you both look at eachother , she was so excited , “ yeah and he wants me to come over again tonight but i don’t know how to get past my brother”
she said with a small pout “i can cover for you?” you offer “really!?” she almost yelled im excitement “ yea i’ll leave your window open so you can sneak back in tomorrow morning? ” you suggest a idea “ oh my god! thank you so much Y/N! pleas distract sunghoon for me somehow , just tell him i’m sick or something” she pulls you into a hug before climbing out her window “good luck!” you yell before sitting the window shut , so it looks closed but isn’t locked.
you sit in her room for a couple hours on your phone , 10:42pm “i’m hungry” you said to yourself before walking down to the kitchen , you seen her brother sunghoon leaning over the kitchen counter drinking a glass of water, watching his show on the TV at the same time.
“oh looks like someone’s alive , where’s meera?” he asks you , putting the glass in the sink.
“oh uh she’s not feeling well so she went to bed a bit earlier” you lie , trying to put on a smile, “oh okay” he says before walking by you , and back to the living room sitting down. “ come sit here , you might get sick from her if your near her?” he offers a spot on the couch next to him , you gulp. “u-uh yeah let me get some food first i haven’t eaten in hours” you end the sentence with a small laugh “ do you want me to make you something?” he offers again with a smile , “it better than just snacking” he adds on, “are you sure? you don’t have too hoon” you question his offer , “yeah of course what do you feel like?” he stands up and makes his way back to the kitchen opening the cupboard. “mm i’m not sure what do you have?” you ask coming to stand next to him. “mm what about pasta?” he asks , turning to you. “sure!” you agree , he grabs the box out of the cupboard, before grabbing a pot and the rest he needs to set up. “do you want me to help you?” you offer , he turns around from the stove to look at you “ do you wanna make a salad to have with it?” he asks pointing at the fridge “ alright” you walk toward their fridge opening it “woah your fridge has been rearranged since i was last here! where’s your vegetables?” you turn to him asking, “oh” he walks over and stands right behind you leaning over you pointing at a box of vegetables , “here they are” he says grabbing it and passing it to you, you slightly stumble making him place and hand on your waist out of instinct.
after the pasta was cooked , you were still chopping vegetables so he had come over to help you , once again standing behind you to help you. you had turned around completely forgetting that he was there , as you did so he put his hands on the bench behind you , caging you in , you look up and him staring at his lips , they looked so soft and kissable , “hoon-“ you were cut off when he slowly moved his hands to your waist and connected your lips together , your hands went up to hang around his neck , you let out a small moan when his tounge slid into your mouth , deepening the kiss. he pulled you even closer walking you over to the living room , slamming you against the nearest wall, a groan left his mouth when you tugged on his hair , when he pulled away for a breath you let a whine out at the loss of contact.
he laughed and pressed his lips back onto yours , smiling into the kiss at the way your hands tugged at his hair again. his hands ran up and down your sides , before running them up and into your shirt, feeling your bare sides, he pulled away again , sliding his shirt over his head and throwing it onto the floor. you stood in front of him staring at his well toned body , his abs and how his muscles were sculpted, you could tell he worked out, “you done staring baby?”
he laughs before grabbing your waist pulling you into another kiss , he pulled your shirt over your head slowly , being able to feel more of you , still kissing you , he taps your thigh signalling for you to jump up , you do so as he carries you over to the couch , his hands fiddling at your bra , unclasping it and throwing it to the floor , he grabs the waistband of your silk pyjama shorts and pulls them down , adding to the clothes all over the living room floor. he pulls from the kiss again , breathing heavily , he runs a hand through his hair , he pulls down his sweats and comes back to kissing you, he grabs the top of your lace panties , playing with them for a bit as you roam your hands down his back and back to his hair, tugging at it when he pulls your panties off. he then pulls down his boxers , he pulls away , grabbing your hand and standing you up, he takes you back to the kitchen , turning you around and bending you over the counter he runs his hard cock over your slit teasing you , you whine out at him “you ready baby?” he assures you want it , you nod frantically.
he pushes in as you let out a loud whine , he’s fucking massive.
he throws his head back and the feeling of how wet you were, you were so tight aswell, he keeps slowly pushing in until he bottoms out, his tip kissing your cervix , he then starts to thrust into you harshly , you were moaning and whining out loudly, “f-fuck hoon! your so b-big” gripping at the counter as hard as you could as he pounds into you from behind , he leant over , pacing a few kisses on your neck before leaving a few small bruises, your moans were extremely loud , not surprised if you had woken the neighbours, tears rolled down your cheeks as you kept moaning and whining out his name , “f-fuckkk sunghoon!” you scream his name when he starts to ram your g-spot , you were getting close and he could tell , still relentlessly pounding you , “fuck fuck fuck! sunghoon i’m gonna cum!” you whine out “yeah? cum all over me baby “ he encourages you , quickening his pace chasing his own orgasam, “fuck! yes! sunghoon fill me up please! please cum inside me please!” you moan out a small puddle of tears growing on the counter below you, “yeah? want me to fill you up ?” he groans “yes! fuck please hoonie!” you beg him , “sunghoon! oh my god!” you scream out as you cum all over him , the clenching sending him over the edge “fuckkk” he hisses out as he fills you up , leaning over you placing a kiss on your neck. you both stay still for a minute or so regaining strength before he pulls out and grabs your waist. he laughs at your fucked out state , wiping some of his cum that was dripping down your thighs up with his thumb , before bringing it to your mouth as you suck his finger clean.
he picks you up and carries you upstairs to his room , gently laying you down on his soft sheets before getting in himself , rolling over to grab your waist , falling asleep.
The next morning
you woke up the next morning , the sun shining through his curtains , you wriggle around stretching as you feel his arm tighten around your waist , a small groan left his throat “mmm five more minutes please baby?” he keeps you in place “ fine” you agree snuggling back up into his embrace and warmth
on the other hand , meera had just arrived home , she ended up going through the front door , figuring sunghoon would still be asleep anyways , she walks in the door taking of her shoes , when she gets to the living room she freezes as her jaw drops.
“what the” she whispers to herself seeing sunghoon’s shirt, sweats and his boxers in different spots on the floor, she eyes the rest of the room to see a girls silk pyjama shirt and shorts , along with a bra and panties , “are they Y/N’s?” she says to herself inspecting them “they are..” she walks upstairs peeking into sunghoons room to see you both naked perfectly asleep, “oh my god?” she whispers to herself before pulling her phone out of her pocket laughing and taking a photo. she shut the door and went back to her room.
when you and sunghoon had eventually got up , realising both of your clothes were still downstairs he gave you one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweats , as he got dressed him self only putting on a pair of shorts , he couldent be bothered to put on a shirt , helping you downstairs holding your waist as you were a bit sore. you both picked up your clothes going back to his room, you changed into your pyjama shorts , still keeping his hoodie on “stealing my hoodie are we love?” he laughed at you “mhm” you let out a tired response throwing yourself onto his soft bed again “i love you y/n” he says looking at how comfy you looked letting out a small laugh “ i love you too hoonie” you pull him into a kiss before getting up “ i gotta go check on your sister i’ll be back okay baby?” you say shutting his door before going to meeras room
“y/n oh my god i need to tell you all about my night!” she says as she drags you in to her room sitting down, you listen to her ramble on about how her night with heeseung went , and how they hooked up and blah blah blah , then she asked why you and sunghoons clothes were in the living room , and why she seen you in his bed this morning “oh after you left i went downstairs for food and he was there , so we made pasta together and somehow ended up uh fucking” you laughed
meera was so excited “FINALLY!” she said shaking you , “ow fuck” you whined when she touched your hip , she lifted up your shirt a little to see his hand print on your hips from gripping you so hard “woah yous really had some fun” she raised an eyebrow at you”
“ you told me to distract him” you shrugged with a laugh
the end 😍
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perksofbeingpoet · 5 months
how the poets are at cooking/baking <3
TODD: hates cooking. the anxiety is too much. all his stuff ends up undercooked cos he's afraid of burning something. BUT he loves soup. it's chill and easy and makes him feel all comfy, and in winter, you'll find him cooking it more often, even though he still uses about ten timers for everything out of fear.
NEIL: overall not much of a cooking person, he rarely does it- but if he gets the opportunity, he enjoys it, especially if he can listen to music while cooking. loves making salads because he somehow really enjoys cutting vegetables into small pieces. go to for baking are muffins, sometimes brings them to birthday parties.
CHARLIE: do not let him anywhere near your kitchen, guys. the smoke detector goes off every single time this man lays his hands on an oven, there's stains and spills all over the floor, and he randomly forgets to add salt. he just can't figure out how to cook or bake, even if it's a box cake or something.
KNOX: LOVES it. he's not really an exceptionally good cook or baker, but he tries so hard, and it usually turns out well! He loves making pasta and trying out new kinds of sauces, he likes baking standard cakes and INSISTS on giving the poets cake for their birthdays. oh and Christmas cookies. Knox loves them.
PITTS: no, hear me out: pittsie's an AMAZING baker. he started out simple but soon moves on to fancier tartes and quiche and pretty cupcakes. Charlie basically inhales all of them. Oh and pittsie will bake brownies for their study group meetings so they don't suffer too much while studying all night.
MEEKS: why should you cook if you don't have to? Meeks makes Mac'n'cheese from the box, eats pasta with olive oil and salt and mostly just lives off of pittsie's kitchen work. BUT his 3am pancakes are literally the best thing anyone has ever eaten. This man can only cook after midnight.
CAMERON: SO precise. Follows the recipe almost too closely, always double checks every measurement. Because of this, his cooking usually turns out really good, but he doesn't really enjoy it.
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daisynik7 · 2 years
A Bento For Kento
Chapter 1: The Very First Bento
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
cw: mention of a tragic accident (does not go into detail)
Summary: You make the very first bento box for your dear brother, Ren. You also find out some surprising news. Nanami hasn't found a new bakery to buy his typical ham and cheese sandwich. He eyes his new student's bento box with envy.
Notes: The first bento box is inspired by this: Cute Octopus Sausage Bento! I mean, how cute is this?! Let me know in the comments, chat, or in a private message if you'd like to be tagged in the next chapter(s)! And thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated :)
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A Bento for Kento Masterlist
White rice, check. Chicken gyozas, check. Spring mix salad with a side of creamy miso dressing, check. Hot dog pieces shaped like little octopi, because why the hell not, check. All in the bento they go, you think, in a sing-song voice. 
It’s the beginning of summer and the temperature is finally starting to warm up. This season always puts you in a lazy mood, more so than usual. Hearing the neighborhood kids play joyfully outside makes you wish you had a mandated break as well. But no, you are an adult! Almost thirty in fact. Unfortunately, you haven’t had a vacation in years, so you will continue to flow through the mundane cycle of adulthood until you’re retired or, fingers crossed, win the lottery. None of which you predict will happen in the near future.
Thankfully, your job allows you to work from home most days of the year. This is especially nice because this summer, your dear younger brother, Ren, is living with you. Your parents originally planned a long family vacation overseas with him, having never had a chance to travel before. You were excited for him to see the outside world, explore his horizons. Since you couldn’t go because of your responsibilities to your 9-to-5, you were planning to live vicariously through him as he enjoyed the sights, sounds, and most importantly, the delicious food.
When he decided last minute that he did not want to go on the trip anymore, you were shocked. Your parents, being the saints they are, waved it off casually, not even attempting to convince him to reconsider. You questioned them to discover the reason for the sudden decision. They simply said, “He has his reasons.” No further explanation. After pestering them a few more times, only to receive the same answer, you stopped, leaving everything up to your own speculations. 
Maybe it was cold feet? Anxiety? An awkward phase? Overseas trips can be stressful, you can understand that. Still, you can’t help but wonder. It’s probably a hormonal teenager issue that you can’t comprehend, but your parents can, so you leave it at that. 
Because your parents couldn’t get out of all the deposits they made, they chose to go on their big trip without Ren. Not wanting your brother to be alone, you offered your place for him to stay, which he was just as excited about as you were. You’re happy for this opportunity to spend time with him. It’s been years since you moved out and you missed hanging out with your family. You also feel guilty about putting minimal effort into visiting them, despite being less than an hour train ride away. This is your chance to make up for lost time, especially with your brother, who you’ve always felt a special bond with. Before they left, your parents made it a point to tell you, “Take care of him while we’re away.” As if you needed to prove to them, and yourself, that you are capable of being the best older sister you can be. 
Truth be told, it’s been lonely living on your own, a revelation that you sense more and more each year you get older. Having Ren here, someone in your life who loves you unconditionally, is a welcome change. This summer is going to be exponentially better than the last five since living alone. You’re sure of it. 
The first Monday of vacation, fueled by a single coffee’s worth of caffeine, you greet your brother happily in the kitchen. “Good morning, sunshine! Look what I made for you!” You cradle a precious bento box in your hands, slowly lifting it up like Simba, imagining “Circle of Life” playing in the background. 
Ren, fresh out of bed and still drowsy, stands in front of you, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Huh?” He yawns and stretches his arms out. “What is it?”
“It’s a bento box!” You lower it and open the cover delicately. Your eyes sparkle as you imagine a golden light shimmer from within. “I put this together myself! TikTok has a plethora of bento box content, so I took a lot of ideas from there.”
His eyes widen, gazing at the food as if it’s valuable treasure. “Gyozas! And hot dog octopi!” A bright smile on his face, he takes his phone out to snap a picture. “I’m putting this on my story, this is too cute.” 
You almost tear up hearing him praise your creation like this, but it’s too earlier for those shenanigans. Calming down from your excitement, you say, “I’m still practicing. And I’m sure I’ll run out of ideas soon, so if you have any special requests, let me know.”
Closing the bento and setting it back down on the table, you ask, “What do you want to do today? If you’re hungry now, you can dig into the bento. But I was thinking we can go for a walk at the park before we eat! What do you think?”
His smile slowly turns into a small pout as he shifts his feet guiltily. “Well, actually, I forgot to tell you. I start summer school today.”
“Huh? Summer school? But your school is so far from here! It’ll take us at least 45 minutes to get there!” Is this the reason why he didn’t want to go on the trip? All because of summer school? And if he knew that, why would he agree to stay here, when it’s so far away? You start to panic slightly, taken aback by this sudden news. 
“It’s not exactly for regular school,” he begins to explain. “It’s…uh, for this other program I’m applying to.”
You stare at him, brows furrowed, arms crossed, waiting for more of an explanation. 
He speaks a little faster now. “It’s a summer program for this school called Jujutsu High. A big opportunity came up and I took it. The lessons are three days a week for the next two months. That’s the reason I didn’t want to go on the trip anymore. I have to attend these lessons so I can officially get in next semester. I want to go to this school from now on.”
Pausing to take a breath, he continues. “Mom and Dad know all about it. I explained it to them. They support me 100%, which is why they didn’t make a big deal when I backed out of the trip. They know this is important to me.”
Your mouth hangs open slightly, still confused, waiting for it to make sense. Jujutsu High? Why is this the first time you’re hearing of this? And Mom and Dad know all about it? Why didn’t anyone tell you? 
Ren walks towards you and puts his hands on your shoulders, giving you a firm squeeze. When did he get so much taller than you? Weren’t you supposed to be the adult here?! “I know this doesn’t make sense, but it’s important to me. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. It’s just…hard to explain. And I can’t really tell you everything yet. You just have to trust me.”
He’s being weirdly cryptic, but you start to realize how odd your parents were also being the other day. 
He has his reasons. 
Take care of him while we’re away.
Is there something they all know about that you don’t? And why are you the only one being kept in the dark? 
You snap out of your thoughts when he starts speaking again. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being strange about this, but I don’t know how to explain everything right now. Just trust me. It’s not sketchy or dangerous, I promise.” He flashes you a reassuring grin. 
After contemplating for several seconds, you sigh. “You promise it’s not some creepy cult, right? I’ve indulged in my fair share of true crime podcasts. I can see the warning signs!”
He laughs. “If it is a cult, then I’m already screwed, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, fine. I’m going to pretend that this is perfectly normal. I trust you. And I trust Mom and Dad. If they’re good with it, I’m good with it too. You don’t have to tell me everything right now if you don’t want to.” You pause, then reiterate, “I trust you.”
He wraps you in a big hug, “Thanks sis. You really are the best.” 
You return his embrace, still concerned, but ultimately deciding not to worry so much about it. It can’t be anything too nefarious, right? “Anyways, Jujutsu High. Is it close by?”
“Yeah, it’s walking distance from here, about 10 minutes. But I’m doing my lessons at a nearby office building. I actually have to head over there now to meet my teacher. Our first lesson is today.” He scrambles to pack a few items into his backpack.
How strange, an office building? This really might be some weird cult thing. You grab the bento from the table and hand it to him. “Well, take this. You’ll need food. Are you skipping breakfast?”
He packs the bento carefully into his backpack. “Yeah, I’ll just save my appetite for this. This looks so good. Thanks for making it.” He zips up his bag and swings it over his shoulder. “Well, I’m off! I’ll see you later.”
As he walks towards the door, you yell out at him, “Be careful! See you later!”
You take a deep breath and look around, sighing. All alone once again. 
“Nice to meet you, Nakamura. My name is Kento Nanami. I’ll be your mentor the next few weeks.” 
Ren Nakamura, aged 16. Gojo recruited him when they found him wandering around the abandoned building they were investigating outside of Tokyo. This is a trial run before officially offering him a spot as a student in this upcoming schoolyear. He has no history or knowledge of Jujutsu Sorcery, having been raised by a family of non-sorcerers. However, according to Gojo, he seems to have an eye for curses, having the guts to take them head-on with no experience whatsoever. And clearly, Gojo has his own eyes on him for a reason. 
“He’s adopted. His parents were killed in a tragic, mysterious accident and these family friends took him in.” Gojo gave Nanami a brief background last week. “It seems like since then, he’s had a habit for exploring haunted houses and chasing curses.” 
Gojo paused, then smirked. “The kid’s got guts, that’s for sure. He was taking on this ugly looking grade 4 curse with just his skateboard as a weapon. Luckily we found him before he could get hurt.” Gojo laughed and said happily, “He’s pretty twisted, so he’ll fit right in.”
That’s how Nanami ended up here, his summer dedicated to guiding this rookie. He still owes Gojo a favor, so they settle on this as a way to pay it back. Nanami actually doesn’t mind training young prospects in Jujutsu Sorcery. Teaching is one of his hidden passions in life. It gives him purpose, something his last job couldn’t fulfill for him. Plus, it’s fun and he’s proficient at it.
Him and his new student spend the first few hours going through the history of Jujutsu Sorcery and the school, Ren interjecting often to ask questions expected from someone who’s life suddenly changed upon realizing this unique ability. Gojo even made a surprise appearance to check-in, adding a bit more chaos to the mix.
After Nanami feels like he’s overwhelmed him enough, he decides it’s time for a lunch break. He looks at his desk and remembers too late that he did not pick up lunch for the both of them, which he intended to do. The local bakery he frequents stopped selling his favorite ham and cheese sandwich. He had put off finding a replacement for a while now. After running errands all morning, the thought of providing lunch slips his mind completely. 
“Nakamura. I’m sorry, but I did not bring lunch for us. I’m just going to make a hot tea for myself, but if you give me a few minutes, I’ll run out and quickly buy – ”
“Hey, no worries, mentor! I actually brought a lunch.” He pulls out a bento box out of his backpack and opens it. 
Nanami’s eyes widen behind his thick glasses as Ren removes the cover. It almost seems as if a dazzling light radiates once the food is revealed. Gyozas, white rice, salad, even hot dogs shaped like little sea creatures. He would never admit to anything being “cute”, but that is the first word that pops into his head, seeing this charming work of art. Ren stares lovingly at his meal, rubs his hands together, and begins to eat.  
As he digs into his gyozas, Nanami heads to the breakroom down the hall to make himself a cup of hot tea. Damn, that looked good. Need to remember to find another bakery that has ham and cheese sandwiches, he thinks to himself, waiting for the hot water to dispense into his mug.
He comes back to the conference room, freshly brewed tea in hand, and finds Ren pointing at his bento, mouth full as he muffles, “Want some?”
Shaking his head, he declines. “No thank you. I’m fine with my tea.” He pauses to think. Then he adds, “Looks good, though.”
He swallows before proudly announcing, “My sister made it! It’s something new she’s trying.” He hums happily as he bites into one of the meat octopi. The salad has been skillfully avoided, causing Nanami to smile for a fraction of a second before he catches himself.
He watches his student, all while taking a few sips of his tea. “Do you live with your sister currently? I heard that your hometown is outside Tokyo.”
“Yeah I do. She lives 10 minutes from here, so it’s convenient. I know I’ll have to move into the dorms on campus, if I get accepted that is. It’ll be nice to have my sister nearby, though. Even if she doesn’t know about any of this.” Ren frowns slightly. Perhaps it’s guilt? Nanami assumes that his sister is a non-sorcerer, based on what Gojo told him about his family situation. He also assumes that she isn’t fully aware of what her brother is now involved in. 
He takes another sip of his tea, unsure how to respond since he has little experience explaining Jujutsu Sorcery to non-sorcerers. In fact, he’s made sure to keep his personal life completely separate from his work. That’s how it was when he was a salaryman, that’s how it is in his current profession. He even swore to himself that he wouldn’t get married while he is still working as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Maybe this is also an excuse to avoid the awkward dating scene that he finds so tiresome.
“Are you sure you don’t want any?” Ren asks, pointing at the remainder of the meal, which is just leafy greens. 
Downing the rest of his hot beverage, Nanami replies, “No thank you. I’m fine.” He looks at his watch. “Actually, let’s call it a day. I don’t want to overwhelm you on your first lesson. We can continue tomorrow.”
Ren stands up from his seat and rubs his belly. “Sure, sounds good! I’ll review my notes tonight and ask any other questions tomorrow.” A burp escapes his mouth, and he looks nervously at his mentor. “Sorry,” he mutters.
Nanami rolls his eyes, still hidden behind his spectacles, ignoring the crude belch. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 9 AM. Please don’t be late.” He remains seated as Ren stuffs his belongings into his bag and waves goodbye out the door. 
Removing his glasses, he leans his head further back on his chair and closes his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his left hand. It’s been a while since he’s taught a lesson, and he’s not accustomed to talking so much. Human interaction can be just as exhausting as fighting off weak curses. Frankly, it’s overwhelming for him at times, being a man of few words on a regular basis.
He opens his eyes and sighs deeply, looking around at the empty room. All alone once again. 
Tag List: @liliorsstuff-blog (appreciate you! ❤️)
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Hi salad! Can i please request an impure regression fic about little!Wilson going nonverbal 🙏🙏
Here you are! I'm almost to the bottom of my request stack, yay! It's late when I'm posting so sorry if I've glazed over any mistakes, I'm sure I'll catch them tomorrow and facepalm lol
Word Count: 1003
Summery: Wilson has been quiet since they got home. House goes to find out what's up and finds him regressed in his room.
If he was being honest, House hadn’t noticed the absence of Wilson’s usual milling around the apartment until his stomach started growling. Ever the motivated housewife, Wilson was always meal-prepping and tidying, and if they had a kid, he would be hovering over them and permanently messing with their sense of independence as all good mothers. He was also usually the one who started dinner after they got home, but now it was nearing eight-thirty and the only thing he’d heard from Wilson was quiet footsteps to the bathroom and back over an hour ago. How very un-Wilson of him.
He grunted as he pushed himself off of the couch and hobbled down the hall to Wilson’s room. 
“You better not be jerking off in here, because I’m coming in!” He announced, before unceremoniously opening the door and walking in. It wasn’t like he cared all too much about privacy, but he wasn’t exactly looking to be flashed on a Friday night; at least, not by Wilson.
There was nothing scandalous going on in Wilson’s room; nor was he sleeping, which was his second guess. Instead, he found Wilson curled up on his side, on top of the covers in a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, gripping his teddy bear against his chin. He looked up at House with round, tired eyes, but didn’t say anything.
He fished his bottle of Vicodin out of his pocket and popped a couple of pills. So he was regressed, then. He could probably deal with that.
He still wasn’t entirely used to the whole “caregiving” thing, but he had yet to catastrophically fail and traumatize Wilson’s three-year-old self, so he was tentatively confident as he sat down on the bed by his feet. 
“So… What’s going on here?” He motioned to Wilson’s generally sad, floppy-ness. Now that he was closer it was obvious that he had been crying at some point, his eyes were bloodshot and it looked like someone had vacuumed the soul out of him.
Wilson didn’t respond, which seemed to be a trend with him. Of the few times he had been regressed around House, he had only spoken more than a few words consistently once. Wilson had explained to him that while he technically could speak, it took too much energy and he usually decided not to. He wished adults worked like that, he would go home every day with so many less migraines.
“O-kay… Do you need me to do anything, or are you good to just… be sad?” Wilson seemed to have himself handled, but he figured he should do his due-diligence, just in case.
Wilson looked around the room for a second, thinking, before slowly raising a hand and doing what House recognized as the baby-sign for ‘food’.
“Hungry? Me too. I guess you want me to make you something?” He asked, and Wilson looked away and scrunched up more. “Relax, it was an offer. I’ll see what I can scavenge from the cupboard.” He got up and made his way to the kitchen, and after a minute he heard Wilson climb out of bed and follow him.
Wilson dropped into one of the dining room chairs and watched him intently as he rummaged through the cabinets for something quick and kid-friendly. He pulled out a box of Kraft Mac n’ Cheese. Kids liked this stuff, right? 
“Will you eat this?” He asked, and Wilson nodded mutely. “Perfect.”
He dumped the pasta into a pot of water and began to heat it over the stove, watching as the water turned a murky, starch-filled beige. He remembered seeing these boxes in the store when he shopped with his mother as a kid. She always refused to buy them because “those are just chemicals”, and she was probably right, but he still smirked to himself at the idea of getting to stick it to her after all these years.
Once the pasta had cooked, he strained it and dumped in the neon-orange cheese powder, a spoonful of butter, and some milk. After a quick stir, he had a pot of edible-looking yellow macaroni. It didn’t smell like chemicals. He poured some into two bowls and gave one to Wilson before joining him at the table. Maybe it was the kind that killed you slowly. He could live with that.
Wilson ate his portion far too quickly for the quality of the product, but he supposed he was mentally a toddler. It was okay, all things considered. They sat in silence as House picked away at the pasta and Wilson fiddled with the paws of his bear absently. He was staring off at nothing, and House could see that whatever had upset him earlier was still bothering him.
Eventually he decided to bite the bullet. “Do you want to talk about it? Or— sign or something?”
Wilson firmly shook his head no.
He shrugged. “Okay.” He took both of their dishes to the sink and left them at the bottom for Wilson to clean up tomorrow. “I think it’s time for bed now, hm?”
There was no resistance on Wilson’s part, which wasn’t surprising. He looked so exhausted it was almost unsettling, and easily allowed himself to be led back to bed.
“And this time, we get under the covers. It’s a great invention, I know.” He pulled the covers up over Wilson’s shoulders, and once he looked settled, turned to go back to the living room.
But the second he pulled his hand away, Wilson let out the most pathetic kicked-puppy sound he could possibly muster. With a sigh House sat down on the edge of the bed and put his hand back, and immediately the fussing stopped. He chuckled, “Oh you are needy.” 
With nothing better to do, he began gently rubbing up and down Wilson’s back until his breaths evened out and he was asleep, snuggling his bear. House couldn’t help but smile slightly. He really did look like a little kid. 
“Goodnight, Jimmy.”
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Give Me a Reason: Chapter 3 -"Ew… Lettuce"
The cafeteria was loud with the murmur of high school students, and Uzi was already gritting her teeth, it wasn't so much the volume that got to her as much as the consistency, it didn't really matter what she did, there was always noise. And it was making her more irritable then normal.
“Did you hear about Rodney?”
“And Like, I told him it was fine or whatever.”
“God my uncle is so hot…”
She got snippets of conversations as she made her way to the lunch line despite her best efforts to block them put, she put an earbud in to try and help to block out the constant noise, but it only helped so much.
She picked up a stainless steel tray, ones that reminded her of the one's in prison shows. And she wouldn't be surprised if they were the same honestly. The quality of the food had to be similar, anyway.
Speaking of, a lady in a haircut dumped a spoonful of mushy peas, then a spoonful of carrots, and a sandwich on her plate, none of it looked appetizing in the slightest, the peas didn't even look like they had salt on them.
She sighed as she moved through the line, grabbing a milk cartoon that had a 15 percent chance of being spoiled and a cup of peaches. Before finding an empty table to sit at near the middle of the cafeteria. If it was anything like last year, people would avoid sitting here unless they didn't have anywhere else to go.
She broke into the peaches immediately, it was the only thing that ever had a chance to taste any good, since it was prepackaged little fruit cups instead of being “cooked” by the staff.
“Hey Uzi!”
N came to sit beside her, something she should have probably been preparing for, considering his behavior all day, but it still caught her off guard and she found herself choking on a peach as she startled, she beat her chest a few times, struggling to breathe until she was able to force it back down her throat.
“Whoops! Sorry! I need to stop sneaking up on you.” He laughed lightly as he sat his backpack down between his legs and started digging into it, by the sounds of it, the thing was almost full to bursting.
“You got your backpack.” She hummed, trying to play off the fact she'd nearly died in front of him. What a way to go, death by peach.
“Well it has my lunchbox in it… can't really forget that when my stomach feels like it's about to digest itself.” He replied, pulling out a blue lunchbox that had been completely stickerbombed with dog stickers, you could barely tell the box underneath was blue to begin with.
He unclamped the lunchbox to reveal one of the best looking packed lunches Uzi had ever seen, there was a plastic covered bowl of soup, crackers, a whole ass salad and a tuna sandwich with the crust cut off.
Because of course the crust was cut off.
“Holy crap. Who packed your lunch? A chef?” Maybe that question was a little rude, or a little loud. And Uzi found her face heating up as she heard it come out of her mouth. Why was she like this? That was such a weird question what is wrong-
“Oh.” He laughed a little nervously, and his cheeks were dusted pink “N-no that would be my older sister, Tessa, she packs all our lunches.”
“Looks way better then…this.” As she said that, she stuck a plastic spoon into the green mush that was supposed to be peas, lifted it above the tray and dropped some off the edge, the peas slid off the spoon and met the rest on the tray with a wet and disgusting slap.
“Gross.” She muttered, leaving the overcooked peas alone in favor of the sandwich. Well… at least it was hard to fuck up a sandwich.
“You wanna share? Tessa always packs too much.” He offered, giving her a genuine smile as he also eyed the peas with apprehension.
The heat on Uzi's face worsened, she'd just met this guy today, she wasn't that interesting she was sure, so what was this boys actual deal? Did he have a goth fetish? He probably had a goth fetish.
“And let you poison me or something? No way.” She grumbled, knitting her brow into a frown and looking away, she wouldn't let this rando get any closer, not until she figured him out.
“Why- Why would I poison you? Also that would imply that I'm risking eating poisoned food as well.” He looked a little confused, but also fairly amused, with one eyebrow up in curiosity but a half-smile on his face.
“Bite me. I don't want your food!” In indignation, she bit into the sandwich she'd been provided with without checking what was on it, and it gave a good crunch.
What? Oh. Oh no.
There was lettuce, fucking lettuce, it felt like thin rubber and tasted like lame water and almost instantly set off every single nope response off in her brain, she gagged, immediately covering her mouth as her eyes watered.
Of all the food aversions, why did her brain bless her with one to the texture of lettuce.
“Woah, Uzi! Are you okay?” N Immediately leaned forward, hovering but not quite placing his hand over her back and she immediately lept for a napkin and coughed her lungs out into it until the flavor and texture was out of her mouth.
She was silent for a moment before she crushed the napkin in her fist and flipped open the sandwich to glare at the offending green, which whoever had made her sandwich had piled on like it was about to go out of style, she couldn't even tell what the other ingredients were aside from mayo.
“Fucking seriously!?” She exclaimed a little louder then intended, as the sandwich mocked her, apparently one could fuck up a sandwich.
“Wow that's a lot of lettuce.” N remarked, before looking over at her with a look of concern. “Are you alright?”
“M’fine. Just don't like lettuce.” That was a severe understatement, but N didn't really need to know that.
She waved him off, grumbling, looks like it was peaches and corn for her lunch today, great. Hopefully she could scrounge for something else when she got home, wouldn’t be the first time she would have to without.
Then, without warning, there was a crustless tuna sandwich being offered to her, along with N's beaming smile, she still wanted to say no, but damn that sandwich looked good and having eaten only half her breakfast… she was hungry.
She took it from him, giving him a side eye and a mumbled “Thank you.” As she took a bite of it tentatively.
“I promise it's not poisoned.” He chuckled, turning to dig into the bowl of soup he also had, but Uzi barely heard him, she couldn't belive she was about to think this about a simple sandwich, but it was one of the best tuna sandwiches she'd ever had, it also had some kinda of rich cheese and… something else that was probably really expensive.
“Oh my God this is so good…” She said after taking several bites of it, she probably looked like a pig. But she didn't care at the moment.
“Yeah that's Tess's cooking… glad you like it!” He beamed, dunking a cracker in his soup and popping it in his mouth, then sticking his tongue out in some goofy pleased expression.
Uzi couldn't help it, he looked so silly. She snorted and giggled, something that sounded completely foreign coming out of her mouth. If anything N's smile got even wider as he was able to draw a genuine laugh out of someone.
After her little outburst, she found herself a little bit embarrassed. It wasn't often she genuinely laughed, even less in front of someone she barely knew, but something about N’s vibe was making it easy to let down her guard.
Which… was a little bit scary, and Uzi didn't know what to think about that.
Next ->
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inhydrogreens · 2 years
Hydroponic Vegetables Online in Delhi NCR | Inhydrogreens
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Hydroponically grown vegetables retain their freshness and flavor for much longer. This means that when you buy Hydroponic vegetables online, such as leafy vegetables in Delhi, or buy herbs online, they stay fresh for longer periods of time and don’t need to be used immediately. Moreover, this makes them ideal for a monthly salad subscription in Delhi, as you can be sure that your produce will stay fresh throughout the entire month.
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satansapostle6 · 10 months
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Josh Futturman has always had a crush on his beautiful coworker, the sharp, sexy scientist he thought he could only dream of talking to.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
Part One
Part Two: Sensory Processing
Josh Futturman was actually excited to go to work. This rarely happened, but the prospect of Brynne Johansson made it happen. All day, he had done all of his work as a janitor and Kronish Labs as quickly as possible, hoping to see her by the time he got to her office.
Of course, his closest work friend, Ray, had noticed this upon seeing Josh pass Brynne Johansson’s office as slowly as possible.
“Aw, come on! Not you, too!” Ray exclaimed.
“What?!” Josh said defensively.
“Man… I’ve been trying to woo Dr. Scarlett Johansson with my security guard charm fiancé I started here! I swear, I’ve seen half of the other security guards pretend to hear about ‘situations’ near her office,” he frowned.
“I’m not spying on her!” he promised, going about his work. “And she does kinda resemble Scarlett Johansson…”
Ray just shook his head, leaving him to whatever he was doing. Josh quickly took care of cleaning the floors, anxious to peer into Brynne Johansson’a office. Luckily, she appeared to be in at the moment, peacefully filling out paperwork as she listened to music on her headphones.
Josh remembered the first time he ever came near her office, surprised to see that she was a music person.
“Hey,” Josh spoke up nervously.
Brynne took off her headphones as she looked up, surprised to see him. “Hi,” she said.
“What are you listening to?” he asked her out of curiosity.
“Depeche Mode,” she replied, before her one-track mind kicked in, “What’s going on, did something happen in the lab?” she asked automatically.
“What? Oh. No,” he responded quickly, “Sorry. I just… had something to give you,” he said sheepishly.
The young woman looked up curiously, not understanding.
“I, uh… Got stuff for a couple people around the office. Christmas, you know?” he asked awkwardly.
“Oh. That’s thoughtful of you,” she replied.
“Yeah, it’s just small stuff, you know? I got Ray a gift card for that sandwich place he likes, and I got Kronish one of those candles he likes. Mostly because Dr. Camillo hates that he burns them in the office,” he admitted.
Brynne smiled. “I got him one too.”
“Really?” Josh laughed as she just nodded.
He nervously reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box of chocolates, with a small note attached.
“Anyways. Kronish said you liked these, so I thought I’d wish you an early… whatever you may or may not celebrate,” he concluded.
“Oh, wow. Thank you,” Brynne said kindly. “I appreciate it, a lot. And as for celebrating, you could say Christmas, but I honestly don’t really celebrate apart from doing stuff for other people,” she confessed.
Josh nodded understandingly.
“But thank you, wow, this is perfect,” she told him, opening the note in front of him.
Josh watched her in fear, hoping she wouldn’t think he was weird and hate him.
“‘To Dr. Johansson. Thanks for letting me take out your Redbull cans and chicken Caesar salads. From, Josh’,” she read in amusement. “Wow, my garbage sounds sad.”
“Personally, I think it’s pretty cool garbage,” Josh joked.
“Well. Thanks, Josh,” she remarked. “You can just call me ‘Brynne’, by the way.”
“Right. Brynne. Sorry,” he nodded quickly.
“Thanks again, for the chocolates,” she said softly. “That’ll probably be my lunch.”
Josh stopped for a moment, remembering what Kronish had told him the day before.
“It—It doesn’t have to be!” he offered without thinking.
“Hmm?” she questioned.
“Uh… I was actually just about to head to that Indian place across the street for my break… if you’d rather do that,” he stumbled over his words, praying she wouldn’t think he was creepy.
“Oh. Yeah, that sounds fucking great, actually,” she nodded, looking down at her designer watch. “Ten on the dot. Let’s do it,” she nodded.
“Great,” Josh blurted out, holding in his screams of excitement.
He was shocked she actually said yes, following her as she walked out of the office.
“I haven’t actually gone out for lunch in months,” Brynne sighed as she took off her lab coat.
As the two of them left the building, Josh felt as if his going to lunch with the Dr. Johansson should’ve been illegal. He saw Ray’s suspicious glance at him as they left together. Josh walked out of the building feeling like he had just committed some sort of heist.
“Have you ever been here?” Josh Futturman asked her as they reached the restaurant.
“Yeah, it’s kind of my go-to whenever I leave the office for lunch,” she explained. “Have you?”
“No,” Josh said truthfully, “I’ve actually just been meaning to try it out.”
They entered the restaurant, a couple of the men in the room naturally turning to look at Brynne. Josh felt incredibly out of place, standing next to her in his janitor’s uniform. He silently cursed her perfectly fitted black dress.
“What do you want?” Brynne asked as they approached the cashier.
“What should I get?” he asked her, never actually having had Indian food before.
“Most people tend to get the butter chicken,” she explained, “With the garlic naan.”
“Sounds great,” Josh nodded, turning to the guy at the counter. “I’ll have the butter chicken with the garlic naan. What about you?” he asked her.
“I’m getting the same,” she responded.
“Two of the butter chicken with garlic naan, then, please,” Josh said as he handed over his card.
“Are you sure?” Brynne asked him, surprised.
“Yeah,” he said kindly, “You want anything to drink?”
“Uh, just a Coke,” she told the cashier, “Thanks.”
“Two Cokes, please,” Josh smiled as the guy took his card.
“Thank you,” Brynne said, pleasantly surprised.
“No problem. My treat,” he said nonchalantly, “You haven’t eaten out of the office in a while.”
“True,” she nodded as they sat down at a table with their drinks. “So,” she began, making him nervous.
He panicked, and couldn’t stop staring into her pretty brown eyes. Josh couldn’t think around Brynne Johansson, mostly because being around her heightened and engaged his senses entirely. The perfection of her face, and the beauty of her body, and the distinct smell of her perfume captivated him.
She was like no woman he’d ever met before. She commanded respect from people in a way that explained why she was the head of her department. Something about Brynne made the hair on Josh’s arms stand up, and something told him it really had nothing to with her job title.
And many other male employees at Kronish Labs, including Ray, would’ve said she also made something else stand up.
“What do you do in your free time, Futturman?” Brynne asked as she sipped on her soda.
Josh had no idea how to answer that question. He had no real hobbies; all he really did was wake up, go to work, play video games, and then sleep to do the exact same thing all over again.
“Uh… I don’t know, I like playing video games,” he shrugged nonchalantly, hoping he wasn’t coming off as too pathetic.
“Oh, that’s cool. I wish I could’ve gotten into that sort of thing,” she admitted. “I don’t really do much outside of work.”
“At least you’re a scientist,” Josh provided kindly, “That’s pretty impressive.”
“In a way,” Brynne shrugged nonchalantly.
“What’s that like, in the dating world?” Josh wondered, although simultaneously trying to seduce for himself whether or not she was in a relationship. “I’m sure that’s definitely a talking point.”
“You’d think so, but saying that you work for an STD treatment center isn’t exactly as sexy as you think,” she pointed out.
“Hmm,” Josh nodded, frowning as he realized he wasn’t exactly being flattering.
He figured at least he knew she was probably single. He watched as she thanked the servers for placing their food on the table in front of them. Josh realized that no matter what she did, no matter how simple or mundane it was, Brynne always looked beautiful doing it.
It was something about the way her lips moved when she smiled, and the way her eyes moved in her head. Josh couldn’t quite explain it, but he was taken with her.
“What do you do outside of work?” he asked curiously. “I mean… I know you probably don’t, like, rescue pandas, or anything, but… I don’t know, do you have any interests?” he rephrased.
“Mmm…” she considered the question, her face appealing to look at even as she thought. “I used to do photography,” she told him.
“Oh, that’s so cool,” Josh commented in surprise. “What did you take pictures of?” he asked as he ate.
The food was spicier than he’d expected, but he held in his reactions as best as he could so as not to seem like a child in front of Brynne.
“I picked up photography from my uncle,” she explained. “He was a big car guy; belonged to a car club and everything. I mostly did cars, and motorcycles.”
“That’s awesome,” Josh said in awe, not expecting that from her.
He knew he should’ve realized she was a huge car person. He’d seen her get out of her car in the building’s parking lot before. It was a beautiful classic car, some kind of black Impala or something from the 60’s. It was in perfect condition, and always seemed to shine, not unlike its driver.
“I wish I got into cars,” he confessed. “As a guy, I kinda feel like that’s something I’m supposed to know about.”
“It’s never too late,” Brynne pointed out. “It’s good to know about cars.”
“Your car, it’s that black one I always see in the parking lot, right?” he asked. “The classic car?”
“Yup,” she nodded.
“It’s nice,” he complimented her, “Really nice. What is it?”
“It’s a ‘66 Impala,” she responded. “It was my dad’s.”
“Cool,” he remarked.
He didn’t mean to, but he watched her as she ate. He’d been talking to her for at least ten minutes now, but he still couldn’t get over her; he couldn’t get over the fact that he was actually having a conversation with Dr. Johansson, let alone having an early lunch with her.
Then, she said the worst thing possible.
“Are you staring at me, Futturman?”
Josh froze in disbelief. “I— Uh…”
“It’s okay,” she said coolly, her eyes dark with mischief. “I don’t mind.”
Josh felt himself falling apart as he struggled to explain himself. But ultimately, he realized he couldn’t.
“You make me nervous,” he smiled awkwardly, embarrassed at himself.
“How do you think I became the head of my department at twenty-four?” she raised an eyebrow playfully.
Josh watched her as she just continued on as if everything was perfectly normal, realizing she hardly considered the effect she had.
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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acciocriativity · 1 year
The Cat and The Fox II - PSH & JWY - TCTF SERIES
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(Pictures aren't mine, credits for the rightful owners)
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Pairing: hybridcat!seonghwa x reader x hybridfox!wooyoung (non-romantic)
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings/tags: mentions of blood and injuries: implied abuse and trauma; hybrid au; hybrid series
WC: 2,9 K
N/A: This took me way too much time to finish, I'm so sorry! There'll be a part 3 of this sooner than later, I promise 💕 As always my requests are open!
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The Cat and The Fox I
The Cat and The Fox III
Ateez Masterlist
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The fox looked... pissed off at me, like I was at fault for his injuries somehow.
The fox looked … pissed off at me, like I was at fault for his injuries somehow.
And that would be expected if he was still bleeding and hungry like three hours ago, but he wasn’t. He was curled in that same box drenched in dried blood, because he refused to get out of it after we came inside, eating a fruit salad I made for him 15 minutes ago.
Somehow, he stayed calm while the cat was near him, without attacking or hissing at each other once, while I had scratches on my arms, because I tried to take him to a specialized vet. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. They seemed perfectly fine in each other presence.
How did he even get hurt in the first place if it wasn’t the cat?
But the important part is, he wasn’t making a huge mess like the first time, actually he barely moved.
He was in the corner of the living room, staring at me now and then, while chewing another piece of apple. I tried not the obvious as I glanced at him, while the cat was walking to my side on the couch.
The TV was loud, but I barely focused on it until I felt two paws kneading on my left thigh. The cat meowed once when I looked at him.
“What?”, I asked.
The feeling of being ridiculous for talking to him like he would answer was yet to disappear.
He meowed once more, looking at my bandaged left arm. Then, he jumped on my lap, and laid his head down on my stomach. My heart could barely take in the scene in front of my eyes. His paws kept kneading me, while caressing my arm with his fluffy head and tail.
“It’s okay, kitty”, I said as I petted his head.
Just as soon as I touched his fur, I heard a hiss coming from the corner.
“Aren’t you a good one? So cute”, I said, still looking at the cat while petting his head.
The hissing sound didn’t stop, but I kept ignoring it.
Was that fox really protective of the cat? Or he was still hurting?
To test the theory, I stopped petting the cat, yet the hissing didn’t stop, and I heard a soft meow of protest, so I got back to the job.
They had to be from the same home still, but maybe the pain it was too much
That thought made me curl in the couch. I wish I could help more, but he clearly didn’t like my presence even if I could, and there’s nothing I could do about it, at least not this late. I still didn’t know how he got such a deep cut, since my initial theory was wrong, and the chances of knowing are none, but I hope their owners get a grip, and start to take care of them better.
“I need a name for you… for both of you”, I murmured.
Suddenly the hissing stopped, and I heard little muffed taps on the floor coming from the corner. My hands left the soft fur of the cat’s head, and he wasn’t happy at all, but I wasn’t about to get any more scratches.
I saw the red fur of his ears picking out from the side of the couch, then one of his eyes, that bright yellow ones that for the first time didn’t look like they wanted to tear me apart, instead it as almost as if i-
The fox jumped at me.
I didn’t have time to close my eyes.
He stood on 4 paws by my side, bobbing his nose on the cat’s head while whining, and I couldn’t do anything besides watch the scene in front of my eyes. His fur touched my skin lightly, and I didn’t dare to move. Then, finally, the cat seemed to understand what the fox wanted, and gave space beside himself. The whining stopped and both of them laid on my lap, side by side, as calm as the night outside.
I didn’t dare to move, my heart was racing while I tried to process the bizarre scene in front of me, but the thing is, I couldn’t. What kind of animal behavior is that? For my own safety, I didn’t touch them, and tried my best to not move and bother them.
The living room was silent for some time, while I was lost in my own mind.
“Where did you come from?”, I asked after sometime, and both heads looked up to me.
I didn’t mean to ask it out loud, it wasn’t like I’d get an answer.
The cat decided to get up from my lap, and I thought he’d walk away. Instead, he sat on my lap while looking straight at me and raised his left paw up. I took it with my own left hand, a small smile in my face. He was too cute, weird as fuck, sure, but a cute cat.
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you I guess”, I said, moving my hand up and down in the air. “I wish you had your collar, then I’d know how to call you”.
He meowed, and I released his paw, but then he kept nuzzling my hand.
“You want this?”, I caressed his head and the purring started right away.
The fox did nothing but stare, which I took as a sign he wouldn’t attack me. His tail moved from left to right in a calm manner, and he seemed relaxed enough on my thigh. That was good, but his staring was unsettling to say the least. Was he staring so much at? The clothes I was wearing weren’t anything special, could foxes even see this amount of colors?
The fox stood up suddenly, eyes straight on me, and I waited for the worst, however he just raised his right paw up to me, and I took it with care, avoiding his sharp nails in the process. On his neck, there’s a clear sign of where the collar was, his fur was dirtier on a closer look, something I didn’t get to do until now.
“It’s nice to meet you too”.
He took his own paw from my hand, and he made a sound that I could only hope it was satisfaction. The fox bumped his head on the cats’ neck, which the latter didn’t seem to mind. It didn’t hold too much force, just enough to… get attention? The cat turned his head to the fox and there was silence, like they were communicating without me knowing.
I had the urge to look up to the TV, the show I was supposed to watch still there, but I lost enough that I ended up lost on the plot. Somehow, it didn’t feel right to just stare at them at the moment, so I focused on what was in front of me.
I felt the cat moving around my lap, and then another set of 4 paws.
They trust way too easy, but at least that was a good sign of the owner taking good care of them. But how the hell I’m supposed to find them?
“Kitty, you seem really smart”, I say as I looked down at them.
He purred while the fox whined and tapped my left tight, the one he was on top of.
“You also seem smart, foxy”, I tried to calm him down, and my hand almost reached for his fur, but I contained myself. “But you don’t have your collars, and your owner must be worried by now”.
The reaction they gave me wasn’t the one I expected. The word owner didn’t trigger purrs, heads looking around to find him or soft meows, no, it triggered shivers, distressed whines and bodies cowering in a small ball on top of my lap.
I petted them with both hands, while my heart broke at the sight.
Good care my ass, with this type of reaction because of a single word… what the fuck happened to them?
“Shhh, it’s okay, you both are safe, that person isn’t here”, I whispered as I petted them. “You can stay here, you don’t have to go back”, I said desperately as I tried to calm them down.
These clearly weren’t a normal cat and fox, that much was clear, but the moment they responded to me, a word came to mind. They had to be mixed with hybrid genes, that’s the only reason as why they’re so human-like in a sense.
They calmed down while I whispered reassurances as best as I could, because if it was up to me, they wouldn’t go back to an abusive home.
Both of them kept themselves in a little ball, as small as possible, but they were purring at least, and I took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry”, I whispered, because it felt too wrong to speak any louder in a situation like this.
They looked up at me when I said it, still froze in place it seemed, not a single sound out of their mouths, but theirs eyes were telling enough, so expressive that I couldn’t doubt they had hybrids genes.
“I’m sorry that someone was so awful to the point of you both being so terrified, I’ll find a better place for you”.
It was slow at first, but they moved from that position and laid on me, both heads hiding between my body and arms. Their ears hanging low on their heads, and tickling my skin. The softness was shocking still, it felt like a blanket even when they were supposed to be unkempt and dirty.
“Soo, I supposed you don’t want to take a bath, right?”, I said.
The reactions were immediate. The fox looked up, wide eyes, ears shot up on his head and body prepared to run as fast as he felt I’d make him do it, but the cat kept still, and nuzzled my arm even though his eyes were locked on me.
“It’s fine, I won’t make you”, I said as I smiled, and petted both of their heads.
It was bold of me, I could get scratched again by the fox, but he let me did it, so I took it as progress. They seemed wary still, more the fox than the cat to be honest, their personality was shinning through at that moment.
“It’s true, I won’t, I promise you that, but what about a towel? It must be uncomfortable being dirty, right?”
I looked from one to the other. The cat seemed fine, happy even, since he purred as an answer and raised one of his paws to my arm, it was a light and careful touch.
“Can I bring one for you?”, I asked in a soft tone of voice, and he nodded lightly. “Okay, so what about you, foxy?”
His yellowish eyes bored into mine and his body was stiff and wary on top of my thighs, yet he was still careful with his nails.
“You can do it on your own, I don't have to do it for you and I won't touch you at all, I said, and he nodded slowly.
“Okay, can you move, so I can get up?”
They did, both jumped back to the floor, and I took the opportunity to make an appropriate dinner for the three of us while they got themselves cleaned.
I knew the cat could clean himself without it, but I wasn’t sure about the fox, so I laid two towels on the floor for them and I went to the kitchen.
That was the first night. After the fifth night, the three of us developed a nice routine.
They knew they were safe and that I’d be back after work every evening. The second night was enough of whines and cries to know that they were… sensitive to sudden changes. There were food for them available when they wanted it on the little bowls I bought in the that first same night, I prepared all the meals in the mornings, and they could leave anytime if they wanted to, but I wasn’t sure if they ever did. The first time I came home after rescuing them, I was scared they had left for some an unknown reason. Sure, it was getting late, and the streets were unpredictable, who knows what could happen, but it was more than that. I had a soft spot for them already and if I keep up that pace, I’d be really hard to let them go someday.
“Kitty? Foxy?”
The lights of the living room were already on, but there wasn’t sign of them. I took off my coat and let my shoes by the entrance while I was scanning the room. Were they upstairs sleeping again? It was almost snack time. They came downstairs yesterday when I came home, it was the official snack time.
I decided to ignore the worst possible scenario and walked into the kitchen, then I took two bowls and opened the fridge. This amount of noise should’ve made them come downstairs already.
It’s fine, it’s ok, maybe they went out to play outside. It wasn’t fine. I let everything on the counter top and went upstairs.
“Kitty? Foxy?”
I really needed to give them better names than this, but it wasn’t the time to think about it now. They didn’t come to me, nor I heard any noise besides my own steps and nervous heart.
I went through my room, the bed was messy as they like to lay in it when I wasn’t home, that much was clear since day one. Then I went to the guest bedroom, but it was untouched. Maybe they locked themselves in the bathroom, but still nothing as I checked.
I didn’t like to where the possibilities were going, but there was still a chance of them playing outside, so I went to look around the house. There was still enough sunlight, but I didn’t get lucky until I heard a noise, a loud whining coming from the roof.
“Kitty? Foxy? Are you up there? Did you climb to the roof?”
Anyone looking out of their windows would think I went insane. Of course, they wouldn’t understand, no, not a normal cat and fox, but mine were far from it.
I was screaming in front of the house, trying to look up, but there wasn’t a sign of them, none that I could see from the ground. The only answer I got was another whining, and it sounded like foxy, that was enough for me to grab a staircase that I never even used before.
It was an old one for sure, it came with the house, and now I knew why, it was so fucking heavy to carry anywhere. There was the normal staircase, then you could slide two parts up and it’d get even taller. And that’s what I had to do, even though I didn’t trust the mechanism that hold it tight was working as good as it should.
But it was for foxy and kitty, they could’ve climbed there without knowing how to get down for hours, they must be hungry by now too, so I didn’t waste any more time.
As soon as I was on eye level with the roof, I froze in place.
Two men sat on my roof, side by side, curled around themselves to be seen as small as possible, not a single cloth protecting them for the cold and tails hugging each other's thighs.
“Please, don’t make us leave”, one of them interrupted me.
The voice stunt me for a second. It was so deep, rough even and low, so low and that seemed like a crime because I could barely hear it above the soft wind.
“Don’t move, I’ll bring up towels and let’s get you both down, okay?”
There wasn’t an answer, but I didn’t wait for one. I felt my body out of my mind’s control, there weren’t thoughts running through my head as I ran to get towels for them, nor when they came down and sat on my couch.
Their heads were down, soft and fluffy ears flat against it. It hasn’t been more than two minutes since I found them, but they didn’t look up to me once.
“I’ll bring clothes for you both, one of you can go to the bathroom and the other to the guest room.”
I’ve seen their ears shot up and I couldn’t contain my smile. It was exactly like their animals' counterpart.
“I knew you were hybrids, I won’t make you guys leave, it doesn’t make a difference to me”
Finally, they looked up at me. Another déjà vu hit me hard, but this time it felt different. They were more vulnerable than ever, and it wasn’t because of the lack of clothing, no, I knew better than that. Their eyes told me what I needed to know once again.
“So, how can I call you? I knew I had to change kitty and foxy to your real names at some point”
They looked at each other, speechless, both sat still with hands gripping hard on the soft cloth.
“Right, the introductions can wait, I’ll bring clothes for you both. One can wait for me in the bathroom and the other in the guest room, if you prefer it.”
They nodded and got up.
It was intriguing how their body language was the exact same, too. If it wasn’t by the colors of their ears and tails, I could still say who was my kitty and who was my foxy.
Damn, I did actually call them mine, didn’t I?
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arcticwolfpaws · 3 months
Gotham's light
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Chapter 3
Faraj's pov
A screeching noise startled me awake, I scrambled to find and shut off the cursed noise before it made my ears bleed, I finally found the stupid little box and unplugged it, I put a hand on my chest trying to calm my hammering heart, after my ears stopped ringing I let out a soft squeak, finding the lay out of the room, I picked up the glasses on the bed side table and took a deep breath I remembered getting these and knew there was going to be an expectation that I wear them, I took a deep breath before putting them on it was strange to have everything suddenly come in to focus. I stood for a moment before looking around feeling dazed. The room was far more luxurious then my sonar had me thinking, The bed was large enough to get lost on and large antique looking wardrobe stood near the door an elegantly caved chest sat near the foot of the massive bed, all pulled to gather by a large fluffy rug.
“Where the hell am I?” I asked myself softly, I moved to the door closet to my bed and found a bath room, I used the mirror to check and see if I could find any signs of a needle but nothing…. The past hell I didn’t even know how long was a blur, taking a quick shower I tried to use it to clear my head.
Once I was dressed for the day I headed out of the room , the hallway was near empty a long rug down the center over dark hard wood, I noticed a few tabled half way down with picture frames on it, I quickly walked up hoping to be able get some idea of who I was with as no faces were clear in my mind beyond the blue man I had been left with originally, the picture was that of what looked like a singer father and his young son. A door opened and a young man stepped out his dark hair and blue eyes making it hard to tell if he’d been the man in the picture or the child.
“Oh… you must be Faraj. I’m Dick.” His voice was cheerful even in it’s deep rumble. I blinked and spoke without thinking.
“Good lord your parents must have hated you.” he laughed and walked up patting my shoulder, I was glad he at least had a sense of humor,
“Well at least you don’t live up to the name.” He grinned as he walked past me stopping when I didn’t follow him.
“Come on kiddo, I’ll show you around.” Kiddo? What was I fiv- oh wait… they didn’t know…. That’s good. I followed after him disturbed when I realized he made very little sound as he walked. I’d have to keep an ear out for him.
After a brief tour of the massive manor we sat down at in the dinning room for breakfast the man from the photo I guessed and… Jason, I recognized his voice but I couldn't pin point where from, likely from that time blur I had and that was going to frustrate me quickly.
The table was quiet for a long moment Dick staring at The older man who was staring at me As the butler a kindly looking old man set a fruit salad in front of me. I had no idea if he had known that it was my favorite or not but it had me ignoring the looks I was getting and chowing down.
“Are you going to tell him or should I?” Dick’s voice had been in a low whisper clearly not something I should have heard but with a mutation like mine it was impossible not to, however in order not to give myself away I kept quiet. I heard the older man sigh before speaking in a hesitant tone.
“Faraj… I got the results from that D.N.A Test back.” His tone was low and careful but now I was scrambling through my memory as I didn’t remember giving any kind or permission for anything of the like,
“Eh?” Was all I could muster as a response my mind racing. Had I let him? Did he take what he needed while I was a sleep? And why the fuck was so much of my memory so damn foggy?
“I’m your father…” I choked, having to cough I noticed as Dick stand in case I needed help,
“Maybe while he was eating wasn’t a great time.” Jason said sounding amused as I struggled to breath properly.
“What?” I asked looking back up at the older man, he just nodded and the butler placed an envelope in front of me. It had already been torn open but I didn’t care as I reached inside and read the results myself. What even? Is Mr. Wilson aware of this? If so why was I left with the blue man and not here? Hell how did I even get here.
“Faraj?” Bruce’s voice was soft with concern, I only knew his name now due to the results, I shook my head still trying to processes this new information and I slowly spoke.
“This...This isn’t funny.” I stated the disbelief settling in my gut, Bruce frowned at me for a moment and opened his mouth as if to speak before closing it again. It was the butler that spoke in a gentle low voice.
“No, young master there is no joke being told. And might I say if there was it would be a most unfunny one.” I had never thought I would meet my father, I knew my mother was… well less ideal but the thought of an assassin having a child with some no name business man?
“I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” Bruce prompted and I shook my head hard trying to sort my own thoughts out, Did I have questions? Well yes but none of them felt like I could ask but I needed to come up with something… anything.
“W-what happeneds now?” My voice had come out much smaller then I intended, Bruce smiled softly as he cleared his throat,
“Well, first we finish getting your room set up some of the things we ordered should be coming into day, Then we need to set up the spring gala here at the manor, we’ll introduce you to the public, I figure I’ll just say I kept you away from the public eye so you could live in peace. But for that you’ll need a suite, We’ll get that tailored…” Geeze I guess he’d really been thinking about this… If I were a normal kid, I’d be over whelmed with all this but honestly, I could appreciate that he had this all thought out. Dick elbowed him in the side and cleared his throat.
“That’s not what he meant,” Dick hissed and Bruce looked confused before taking a breath,
“Hopefully not much from as they are now but I will need you to not break anyone’s bones while you’re at school.” He stated and I hummed softly, I didn’t remember braking bones but depending on the bone it could be quiet easy.
“Right…. Sorry.” I mumbled hoping it made me look sweeter then I was, Jason spoke up reaching over to put a hand on my shoulder.
“Don’t worry I’ll handle any bully you have, After all we’re brothers now.” He stated, honestly I really didn’t need anyone defending me, I just needed blackmail but I knew I’d have to deal. I gave him a nod and a small smile.
Bruce hadn’t been lying about about everything he wanted to do, The decorating was being done by Dick and Bruce while The butler, Jason and myself worked on constructing my desk. I was never much of a carpenter so I was happy to let Jason work with the hammer while I handed him the pieces, we worked to gather to flip it up. I hummed as I tested the roll top and the drawers.
“Seemed like we got it right.” I stated and Jason ran a hand through his hair,
“Yeah seems like it” He stated a soft smile on his face
“I think you handle a hammer pretty well.” He chuckled at me and spoke,
“You think I’m good? You should meet Roy.” That name… I knew a roy, my heart hurt he’d been my first friend and now? I don’t think I’d ever see him again.
“Hey you okay?” Jason asked putting a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump,
“Huh? Oh.. I umm I’m fine just thinking it’s nothing.” I mumbled shaking my head as the butler pushed the box closer to me, I started digging through it not really aware of what I picked but most of it seemed accurate to my taste this box was mostly cloths but at the bottom I found some books and hummed softly as I set them up on the desk.
“Chemistry of tomorrow? Criminal Assassin? Bats and other nocturnal creatures? What on earth are you researching?” He asked I frowned at him and sighed before shaking my head.
“I’m not, I like bats, and chemistry.” I told him and he huffed and held up the assassin book,
“And the assassins?” He asked I shrugged,
“I dunno looked intresting,” I paused for a moment looking at the book for a second then sighed and set the book down.
“Alright fair enough.” he mumbled setting it down as we opened another box,
“I think we have it from here thanks Alfred,” I was quick to make a mental note of the butler’s name.
“Yeah, we can do this.” I added and he nodded before heading out of the room he left the door open as he did leave.
“So… what exactly are you hiding?” Jason’s question and I looked up at him blinking, I didn’t really have an answer for him because the truth was… I was hiding everything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about and what could I possibly even want to hid? It’s nice here and I like it here, I’m not going to risk ruining it with secrets.” He grumbled at me but I stuck to that, I’d keep the innocent act to the best of my ability. He sighed at me and shook his head before speaking,
“Alright, But I’ve got my eye’s on you.” He stated and I blinked and looked down at my shirt,
“But I don’t see any eyes on me.” He groaned and I bit back a chuckle,
“Smart ass” he grumbled and I smiled at him,
“I was unaware my ass had an intelligence level.” I put my hand to my chin as if I was thinking and he groaned loudly,
“Alright, listen here you little shit. I know your hiding something and I’m going to find out what it is.” I blinked at him I thought it was funny. But I really didn’t think that he’d find anything about on me.
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blainesebastian · 2 years
mutually assured satisfaction (pt1)
words: 2,278 ship: austin butler x reader summary: reader’s agent approaches her with a PR stunt to date austin butler and promote both their careers. a mapped out plan, an electric relationship–what could possibly go wrong? notes: masterlist is on my sidebar! :) if you’d like to be added to the tag list, please let me know warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @kittenlittle24
Ever since you wanted to become an actress, you’ve prided yourself on knowing the steps it’d take to make it happen. Some people are lucky, one thing leads to another and they’re on top with the world as their oyster. Everything spread out before them in neatly packed gifts with perfect bows on top. Pure accident leads to having doors automatically opened for them. They know someone in order to make a connection, or their family member is already in the business. Just the right audition at just the right time.
Not for you though. You had to claw your way into existence, into mattering, into finding the right agent and picking the right audition.
You’re making your way and you’re being picky within reason. Some would argue that if you’re lucky enough to get a shot? You take whatever is thrown in your direction. Not you though. You’d rather be able to say no to things, even if it’s not always the smartest option. You’ll humble yourself but you will not grovel for a role, or beg, or trade some sort of favor that you’d regret in the long run just to make a big break. Maybe that’s foolish for Hollywood—you don’t care though.
You know what you can live with at the end of the day.
And the thing is? You’ve done just that. You’ve broken your world wide open with a few films that have been box-office hits—you’ve gained an Instagram following, fans, a loyal agent and a reputation to develop and call all your own. Something that you’re really proud of.
Maybe that’s why it pisses you off so much that in order to guarantee the slingshot of your career, you have to hitch your wagon to Austin Butler.
Your agent breaks it down for you in a way that’s digestible, but it doesn’t make it any easier to hear. Actors and celebrities alike apparently do shit like this all the time to draw in as many eyes, drama, excitement, or money to their own personal projects as much as possible by creating situations exactly like this. PR stunts—the generation from gossip alone producing attention and interest towards their personal lives and films that they’re working on. This goes against every fundamental bone in your body that wants to make your acting profession on something genuine and yet…projected numbers don’t lie. The movie you’re filming for just isn’t doing as well as you’d have hoped and Austin is taking a leap on this Elvis film by portraying a legend.
Pretending to date one another would create the much needed spark both of you need to simmer a fire for both of your films and careers.
“This is one of the cleanest PR stunts we could do,” Christina, your agent, explains one night over dinner. “Both of you are single, no messy exes, and the projected timeline of your relationship has you breaking up right after his film hits Blu-Ray and yours ends production.”
Crinkling your nose, you push your salad away. This is just…so aggravating. You don’t care how simple it sounds. “This is…” You don’t even have the words. Just because this is something other people have done; does not mean you want anything to do with it. You just can’t believe after all this hard work; you have little to show for it. Other than this elaborate ruse shaping up in the near future.
“It’s a simple transaction,” Christina assures, “I’ve already laid it out with Austin’s agent. He gets the publicity of someone who’s already gotten their feet wet in major films with the promise of a new one coming out, just as successful. You get the no-doubt explosion of his career that comes with the Elvis film and from what I’ve heard? He was born to do this.”
You take in a short breath, pondering everything Christina says very carefully. On paper? This does sound like an opportunity that you shouldn’t pass up. But it all comes down to the fact that you and Austin are human beings that are wrapping yourselves up in one another, pretending to fall in love, date, everything that comes with that. Very purposely pushing yourselves into the public eye.
You just…you haven’t been with someone since your ex broke up with you right at the beginning of your career. There are still wounds from that, scars, regardless that you both have a decent friendship now. And while none of this would be real? Shouldn’t you focus your energy in finding something that is?
Pursing your lips, you curl your hair around your ear. “Would I at least get to talk to him first before this whole thing pops off?”
Christina laughs, taking a sip of her wine. “Of course, that can easily be arranged—you can meet at a coffee shop or something, test the waters, see what he thinks.”
You hum because…you have a feeling that this thing is going to happen whether you approve of it or not. Even though you’re the firm believer that when something looks too good to be true? It probably is. Regardless, it won’t hurt to talk to Austin, see where his head is at, to see if this is even worth doing or if you both can find some common ground.
“Certainly doesn’t hurt that he’s gorgeous,” Christina grins, playfully nudging you underneath the table with the toe of her boot. “I wouldn’t mind at all hangin’ on to him.”
You laugh lightly, shaking your head, looking down at your food and beginning to eat again. Of course that’s Christina’s perspective. But…
Even if you knew exactly what he looked like (you do) and know that he is rather gorgeous looking in a handful of unfair ways (he is), that shouldn’t mean anything. It can’t, right? Nothing about this is going to be real.
So you can’t let that get in the way.
Admittedly, you’re a little nervous for all of this to be happening anyways. Waiting for Austin at an outside table of a bistro, you take a long sip of your coffee and pretend that might quell the jittering you feel in your bones. You’re about two seconds from bolting, you still don’t understand how you let Christina even talk you into this whole plan (or rather, you should say ‘idea’ because there’s not much of a plan or a timeline that you’ve looked at yet beyond one conversation with her). Taking a deep breath of the autumn weather, you attempt to enjoy the cool air, the changing leaves, the way your sweater hugs your form.
And just when you’ve reached that moment of calm, when your heartrate is no longer thrumming against your eardrums, you see Austin cross the street in your peripherals. Chewing on your lower lip, you watch him, eyes grazing over his form.
Upon first look, you can at least admit that he’s gorgeous. There are long lines to his body, an easy muscled-tone to his arms and elsewhere from what you can tell. He’s dressed in a simple pair of jeans, a black leather jacket, a cream-colored sweater underneath paired with some black booties. His legs are ridiculously long and his dirty blonde hair perfectly coifed in a ‘didn’t try very hard’ sort of way. Naturally handsome.
Must be nice.
Once he spots you? he makes a beeline for the table, hovering in front of the seat before giving you a soft smile, “Y/N?”
You nod a little, offering your hand towards the chair to signal he can sit, “Yeah, hi.”
His eyes are a sharp blue as he sits down, running his fingers through his hair when he settles in the chair. He gives you an equal onceover, licking his lips and before you even have a chance to say anything, Austin starts—
“I just want you to know, this was not my idea. M’not even sure we should be doin’ this.” You let out a long breath and nod a little because okay, you can understand that, you’re kinda in the same boat but, “I mean, you’re not exactly my type.”
Your eyes widen a little and you can’t stop the astonished laugh from leaving your lips because excuse me? “Well you’re not exactly checkin’ all the boxes for me either, Austin.”
He winces, shaking his head, “That’s…not what I meant.” Austin looks away, a muscle working in his jaw and okay…you’re attempting to give him the benefit of the doubt because you can tell he’s nervous, annoyed, definitely out of his element with all this but…so are you? And you’re not lowkey insulting him at the same time.
“I just meant,” He clears his throat, trying again, “I was tryin’ not to date anyone else in the celebrity scene.”
You raise your eyebrows because that’s…interesting. So what, Austin wanted to find someone, for a lack of a better word, normal? Someone completely disconnected from acting, from modeling, Hollywood? It’s ambitious but the reason celebrities usually date in their own circles is because it’s hard to find anyone else that understands the things they do for the day to day, or work, or obligations. There are rare cases, sure, but Austin’s popularity is only going to explode outward from his role in Elvis. This whole ‘normal life’ thing he’s trying to pursue? You just don’t see it happening.
Second of all? “You do know this is fake, right?” Austin gives a short laugh, mostly through air leaving his nose, “Which means dating me is not gonna count towards the whole ‘celebrity scene’.”
He gives you this look, this intensity from his blue eyes as he drums his fingers on the table of the bistro. It says without so many words: I don’t want to be dating you at all, which, whatever. That’s fair. You’re not exactly thrilled that you have to throw yourself all over him and pretend to be in love.
You’d much rather, like him, go after something real. But if they didn’t equally need to do this? They wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Their agents might know better…and you trust Christina. Which makes you clamp down on anything else wanting to come out of your mouth about the aggravating commentary coming from Austin.
Rolling your shoulders back with a soft sigh, you count to five before taking a look at him again—he really is easily beautiful, you can see how he’d make a great Elvis.
“Look, I don’t like it either, but it doesn’t change the fact that we need one another.” You don’t think he’ll deny that at least. His agent might have had a similar chat with him but at the end of the day, Austin is his own person as much as you are. He wouldn’t have showed up unless he knows the same thing you do: mutual destruction, mutual advantages.
Austin nods—the tiniest acknowledgement that you’re on the same page. You hum, opening up an email on your phone of the timeline that Christina sent you to look over. You draw your thumb along the screen, attempting to get the bare-bones breakdown.
“Alright so—looks like a few months? Five.” You clarify, “It covers the end of my movie filming and the premiere of Elvis. A few red-carpet events, invitation parties,” You shrug, seems simple enough, “And the rest is just out and about, on ‘dates’, making sure we’re seen.”
Austin runs a hand through his hair as he listens, leaning back against the chair. He seems lost in thought for a few moments even though he’s paying attention to you, eyes grazing along the outside of the bistro, city life playing out around you both as if you’re invisible for once. Just normal people having lunch. You figure that’ll change—the more you disrupt the flow of how things happen, the more attention you and him will automatically gain.
Which means hidden paps, sneaked photos, candid and purposely leaked.
It all sounds like some big elaborate movie within itself.
“My agent mentioned somethin’ about a backstory?” Austin asks, looking over at you.
Humming you click open another email, “Yeah, apparently you and I have been flying in the same circles for the past month and just haven’t realized it.” That part was true—the same kind of parties, events…apparently it won’t be hard to generate rumors from there, that you two were ‘seeing’ one another or at least interested this entire time.
“This upcoming weekend we’re supposed to come out as a couple—some press for Elvis.”
Austin nods, running his hand along his jawline. “Standard black tie; m’sure my agent can get you the details.”
You blink at him because…details, right. This black-tie event will definitely not be your first rodeo, you can handle it. “What—in case you want to match or something?” You throw out there, smiling just a little. “Pick a color swatch like we’re goin’ to prom?”
Austin smirks, “Wouldn’t hate to see you in red.”
A blush annoyingly kisses your cheeks at the compliment and you shake your head as he stands from the chair.
“So we’re doin’ this?” He asks, pausing.
You take in a soft breath before nodding. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
Offering you a small wave and a promise to see you soon, you watch as Austin walks off from the table, crossing the street again to leave. You have no idea what you expected but it certainly wasn’t that.
This is either gonna be a great stunt that benefits the both of you or it’s gonna blow up in your faces.
Let's just see how good of an actor Austin is.
Ahhh! There’s part 1, hope you all liked :) thanks for reading
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