#sam x MC
sfb123 · 2 years
Ghost of You (Happy Birthday, Em!)
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Book: The Nanny Affair
Pairing: M!Sam Dalton x MC (Anna)
Summary: In the TNA scene we were all waiting for, but never received, Sam comes face to face with an uninvited guest at the Dalton-Russo holiday party.
Rating: PG (Adult language and lots of angst)
Word Count: 1,791
A/N 1: Today is the birthday of one of my favorite people on the planet, @txemrn. I went through a couple of ideas, but none of them quite worked. Then, I decided to come back to this fic that I had started a while back. It was perfect for a couple of reasons:
We found each other, and started our friendship over TNA.
It's angsty, and my homie loves some good angst!
Em, my dawg, my sister in emo, where do I even start? You are such an incredible friend, and I am so very lucky to have you in my life. You always have, and always will be my favorite cheerleader. I will never be able to express to you how much your love and support means to me. You push me to be more creative with all your crazy ideas, and I love that you always ask me to tag along with them.
Please don't ever forget what an amazing person you are, and how much you mean to so many of us. And you are an incredible writer (you know, like burn your grilled cheese good). I know you're my Kris Jenner, but today, for your birthday, I'm going to Uno Reverse you:
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A/N 2: I am participating in this week's @choicesflashfics. I chose Prompt #2: "You just don't seem like yourself tonight." The prompt is in bold below.
A/N 3: Thank you to @charlotteg234 for listening to me bitch about my lack of creativity and ideas during the whole process. And thank you to @ao719 for also listening to me bitch, and for pre-reading this.
“Anna, guess what! We just saw the craziest thing...” Mickey called as he and Mason charged toward their future step-mother. 
Both boys froze in their tracks when the woman Anna had been speaking with came into view. Mason’s jaw dropped, and Mickey’s eyes went wide. Neither were quite sure how to receive the woman before them.
“Boys… I’ve missed you.” The woman said gently. Anna took a step closer to the twins.
“Mom?!” Mason gasped.
Anna’s eyes went wide as surrounding heads began to turn. “Wait… but I thought… you’re…” she stuttered, trying to process the information. 
“I’m so sorry it had to come out this way, Anna. But yes, I’m Addison Dalton.” 
“Boys, come on. We need to go find your dad.” Anna placed a protective hand on each of their shoulders.
“Anna, what’s happening?” Mason asked, looking between the two women.
“Yeah, I thought our mom died?” Mickey added.
Addison stepped forward and smiled before kneeling down to meet their eyes. “It’s a long story, but I’m here, and I’m not ever going to leave you two again.” 
“Come on boys. Now.” Anna’s tone was stern, as more partygoers started turning their attention to the scene that was playing out.
“Anna, what’s going on? I heard you from the other…” Sam stopped short at Anna’s side, his expression mirroring that of Mickey and Mason’s when they saw Addison. 
“Hello, Sam.” Addison greeted him.
“Addison?” Sam’s voice was barely a whisper as he locked eyes with the woman he thought he had lost five years ago. 
As Sam continued to stand there, speechless, Anna wrapped her arms around the boys, pulling them close to her as her eyes flitted between Sam and his wife. 
Sam’s wife. Just minutes ago, they had been celebrating their engagement. He was moaning her name. Now he was standing there, face to face with the woman who had held his heart, and his name, before her. 
“Anna,” Sam’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. “Take the boys, find Carter, and meet me in the car.” 
“But Sam, they’re my boys too and I haven’t seen them-”“Stop.” Sam cut Addison off, just as Mason Senior was approaching.
“What is going on over here?” Mason asked. “Addison?” He gasped once he noticed the blonde standing there. 
“Anna, go.” Sam commanded, his eyes never leaving Addison’s. Anna quickly ushered the boys out of the room. “Who are you?”
“Sam, it’s me.” Addison responded, reaching out and placing her hand on his shoulder. 
He instantly jerked back, away from her touch. “You can’t be. Addison is dead.” 
“All right, that’s enough.” Mason interjected. “We don’t need to do this in front of an audience.” He ushered Sam and Addison out of the ballroom and into a small conference room, Vivian following close behind. 
“Now, what is the meaning of all of this?” Mason stood with his arms folded.
“Mason, Vivian… Sam,” Addison started. “I know this seems completely insane, and I promise I will explain everything. But I’m here because I want my family back.” 
Sam was pacing the room, trying to make sense of this. Addison was dead, he had identified her body, buried her, raised their children on his own. It was impossible for her to be standing here right now. Wasn’t it?
“Sam?” Addison’s voice was soft as she attempted to approach him again. He held his hand up to stop her.
“This doesn’t make sense. None of this makes any sense.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked around the room. “I can’t do this. I have to go.” Sam stormed out of the room without another word. 
“Samuel, wait!” Vivian chased after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. “Are you alright? You just don’t seem like yourself tonight.”
Sam’s head snapped back to look at his mother. “Of course I’m not alright, mom! Can you really blame me?”
“I know, I know.” She placed her hands on his shoulders. “You just take Anna and the boys and go home. We’ll call the lawyers to get this all sorted out.” Sam nodded in understanding. “And why don’t you four go up to the cabin for the rest of the boys’ break, Get away from the inevitable media circus for a bit.” 
“Yeah, yeah that’s a good idea. Thanks, mom.” Sam leaned down, kissing his mother on the cheek.
“You call us if you need anything, Sam.” He nodded and made his way out to the car. 
Anna was sitting in the back of the limo, trying to field Mason and Mickey’s questions about their mother’s sudden reappearance, while also trying to make sense of it for herself. Suddenly, the car door opened and Sam slid into his seat, dropping his head back on to the headrest and letting out a loud breath. Anna knocked on the divider, signaling to Carter that they were ready to leave. 
They rode back to the penthouse in silence, Sam watched the scenery go by as he tried to process everything that had happened. The boys shared worried glances before looking up at Anna. She looked down at them, smiling softly. She knew that no matter what she was feeling about Addison’s return, this moment was so much harder for the three men in her life. She had to be there for them right now, she would worry about herself later. 
When they returned to the apartment, Sam went straight to his office, closing the door behind him, leaving Anna and the boys in the living room. 
“Guys, why don’t you go get ready for bed. I’ll be there in a minute to say goodnight.” 
“But Anna…” Mickey whined. 
She knew they had a lot of questions, but she didn’t have any answers. She also wasn’t sure it was her place. 
“Please Mickey.” She pleaded. 
He nodded and followed Mason to their room, leaving Anna alone with her thoughts. She knew she needed to talk to Sam, but she needed to get the boys in bed first. 
Sam closed the office door behind him and walked straight to his bar cart, pouring a glass of scotch, which he immediately brought to his lips and swallowed. He poured a second before stepping up to the floor to ceiling window and staring out at the city lights. His mind raced with one question after the next.
He was buried so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the soft knocking at the door. He continued to stare out the window, not actually looking at anything. 
“Sam?” Anna’s soft tone finally brought him back to the moment. He turned and watched his fiance of only a few hours approach. 
“Did the boys get to bed alright?” The question fell from Sam’s mouth without even thinking. 
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I mean, as well as can be expected. They have a lot of questions.” 
Sam let out a humorless laugh. They weren’t the only ones. 
“Are you alright?” Anna asked, placing her hand on Sam’s shoulder. 
He turned away, finishing his second drink and leaving the glass on the bar cart. “I don’t know.” 
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“What are you going to tell the boys?” 
“I don’t know.”
“What --”
“Anna, I don’t know! Alright?” Sam yelled, causing Anna to flinch and step back. 
“I’m sorry.” Her voice was small as she tried holding back her own emotions. 
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. “No, I’m sorry Anna, I didn’t mean to take it out on you.” He stepped up to her, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head. 
“No, I know.” She responded. “I didn’t mean to be pushy, I just want to help you.”
Sam pulled back, running his hand over his face. “I know you do, and I appreciate it. I just need to try to wrap my head around all of this.” 
Silence fell over the room as Anna watched Sam collapse onto the sofa, running his hand over his face. She knew what a toll this was taking on him and the twins, yet selfishly, all she was wondering was what this would mean for her future with Sam. 
“I’m going to go home.” Anna finally broke the silence. 
She stepped toward Sam, but his eyes were trained on the floor in front of him. He didn’t even acknowledge her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before redirecting and walking out into the hallway. The sound of his office door closing brought Sam out of his trance, he looked around and realized Anna had left. He jumped up from his seat and hurried after her.  
“Anna, wait!” Sam called for her as she stepped onto the elevator. 
He made it to the doors just as they were closing, throwing his arm between them. He stood at the threshold, preventing them from closing again. She looked up at him curiously. 
“I’m taking the boys to my parent’s cabin tomorrow. When this gets out to the press, they’re going to be all over us. I want to keep the boys away from all that for as long as possible.” 
Anna nodded solemnly. “Okay.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. “We can talk when you get back… if you want.” 
“Come with us.” Her eyes went wide at his invitation. He reached out and took her hand in his. “They’re going to be all over you too.” She looked down, and he used his free hand to lift her gaze back to his. “Please?”
She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and hope. “Sure, yeah, I’ll come.” He smiled, tugging on their joined hands to get her off the elevator. She pulled back, removing her hand from his. “I’ll need to go home and pack.” 
“Right, of course.” Sam backed away, placing his arm against the elevator door. “I’ll see you in the morning then?” 
“I’ll be here.” She assured, leaning forward and kissing him softly on the cheek. “I love you, Sam.” 
He let out a sigh as he lowered his arm, allowing the door to begin to close. “I love you too.” 
Sam remained rooted in place as the door closed and the elevator began its descent. His mind raced with all of the things that he now had to figure out. There were so many people that were going to expect explanations, the press, his parents, the boys, Anna; but before he could provide those, he would need some of his own. Why was she back? How was she back? What did she want? 
After all these years, he was finally ready to move forward, but before he could he would have to face his past. 
@3pawandme @busywoman @charlotteg234 @choiceskatie @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @emkay512 @foreverethereal123 @gryffindordaughterofathena @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @i-am-only-here-for-sims-cc @imashybish @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @nikirennie87 @princessleac1 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @secretaryunpaid @sincerelyella @theroyalheirshadowhunter @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn 
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alccaddsccup · 2 years
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what sort of fucking line is this 😭😭😭😭
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eadanga · 9 months
Christmas Romance
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Anna got all her stuff and headed out the office she walked to her car and immediately got a text from Sam
Hey beautiful meet me at the cabin
Anna smiles and drives to the cabin she heads inside and sees it beautifully decorated for Christmas tomorrow. As she looks around in awe she feels a pair of hands around her waist
“Hi there”
Anna giggles as she turns in his arms “Hi what do you have up your sleeve”
“Well the twins are at my parents house they’ll be here tomorrow so I just wanted to spend Christmas eve with my wife”
Anna smiles “I love that”
“And I love you” He kisses her softly then pulls away smiling “Head upstairs I got you something to change into”
Anna grins as she heads upstairs she finds a garment bag hanging on the closet door. She unzips it and sees a beautiful sparkling green dress. Anna grins and puts the dress on. She slowly walks down the stairs.
Sam looks up and his eyes go wide “Anna…” He walks up to her wrapping his arms around her “You look incredible”
“Thanks you have amazing taste”
“I knew you’ll look sexy in it that’s why I picked it” He kisses her deeply Anna wraps her arms around his neck as Sam pulls her closer he slowly pulls away murmuring “We better stop before I rip this dress off you”
Anna smirks “Is that a bad thing?”
Sam growls “Stop teasing me I’m trying to control myself here”
Anna giggles “Ok what do you have planned for tonight?”
Sam gestures her over to the table where glasses of champagne and a candlelit dinner. Anna smiles as he offers his hand and she takes it and he guides her to the table “Shall we?”
He holds out a chair for her and she takes a seat he sits next to her “Hope you love this Christmas dinner I prepared for us”
“I love it Sam”
“Good I made all your favorites” He takes her hand “All I need for Christmas is right here my beautiful wife but I still got you a little something” He hands her a gift bag
Anna smiles as she opens it and sees a beautiful handbag “Same this is so nice and beautiful”
“Not as beautiful as you I saw this I knew it suits you”
“I love it Sam now are you ready for your Christmas present”
“I am”
Anna pulls out a wrapped gift and hands it to him Sam smiles as he opens it then he grins “Anna this is amazing” He pulls out a crisp clean suit out of the box
“I knew this was for you it looks amazing”
“It does I love it” He kisses her softly “You’re amazing my beautiful wife”
“No you are”
Sam stands and has her stand with him “I’m so happy right now”
“Oh really why?”
“I’ve got two gifts”
“What are the two?”
“This nice suit” He smirks “And a beautiful woman in my arms Merry Christmas my love”
“Merry Christmas I love you”
“I love you too” He kisses her deeply
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite
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secretaryunpaid · 2 years
The Long Goodbye...
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Rating: Mature
Warning: Intimacy, the feeling of loss
Word Count: 3500 approximately
The Long Goodbye…
It was time…
He wasn’t ready, although he thought he would be…
Boys, get your scarves, Dahlia and I are going to take you on a stroll through Central Park, and then we are taking a trip together to visit someone special to you that you haven’t met yet. Saying “special” cut like a heated knife through his heart, but it would not take away from the fact that he is someone special to them, as he was to their mother… another bitter fact that Sam had come to accept. It had taken him time, but he knew that brooding over the fact wouldn’t change a single ounce of the truth that had burned in his mind and heart for some time now.
He had given him time to adjust to his request for his sons, but would that time ever be enough? No way that it could ever be. Although they were not his biological sons, they had made him the man he was today. For if they had not been born, he would never have found it within himself to care more about his own life… It had been their births that grounded him. Watching the pain ripping through Alina as she so bravely pushed each one into the waiting hands of a very proud father, eventually cutting their cords after the desired time she’d ask them to wait… the last moments they would be totally dependent on her alone for their survival finally showed Sam exactly what he had been taking for granted.
Looking back on it made things bittersweet. How could the best memories of his life be stained with untruth? But he wouldn’t allow any deception to taint his relationship with his boys, until they could no longer reside with him he would give them his all. So, today would start their long goodbye… Mini trips to fun locations and a walk down memory lane, ending in the very place he’d discovered his wife in the arms of none other than their true father. 
Sighing, Dahlia takes his hand and pulls him into a tight hug. “We will get through this, Sam. It won’t be easy, but we will. This doesn’t truly have to be goodbye. I don’t see that you could be kept out of their lives after raising them to be such fine young boys. Their brilliance and love of life is all because of you. Yes, Alina had her share in giving them love early on, but after… Well, love, that was all you!” He bends and rests his chin atop her head, steadying his anxiety in her firm hold of him. She always did have a way of calming the worst storms brewing within him. “Let’s go, we have a lot of activities ahead of us, and our boys are anxious… “
Once at the park, the boys inquired about every scientific thing that they could think of, from the color change in the leaves, to the contrasting landscape, to why they seemed to react differently to the cool weather… Dahlia had on a wool trench, while Sam just had a knit sweater and scarf thrown over his neck and shoulders, but a thin turtleneck was the only protection against the chilling breeze. The boys both had on their fleece lined jackets with hats, scarves and gloves. 
It was fascinating to listen to Dahlia explain the body’s mechanisms for regulating body temperature, the boys eagerly giving their own examples, missing the heated looks between the two adults whose bodies were joined at the sides, arms wrapped around each other like anchors to keep them both from losing themselves in these moments… How would their days be without the energy and life the boys brought throughout their days?
Thoughts were broken as they came across a cart vendor selling the most alluring scented hot drinks and pastries. Answering before the boys’ excitement could settle enough to ask, they followed the boys at a much slower pace to the smiling older gentleman who was reciprocating the smiles plastered on the boys’ faces. As they animatedly discussed which sweets would be best and to see if they could get away with more than one, Dahlia held a quick conversation with Sam which ended in a sweet kiss caught by the boys just as it was ending. “Eewwww, more kissing!” 
“That’s what love looks like, young men, now… what can I get for you?” This man reminded them of Carter once they gave a closer look, but maybe it was just his gentle nature that made them think of him. “Well boys, since we grossed you out just now, I’m sure you won’t want anything but a hot drink, right?” Sam teased them, knowing that they’d plead for more and it would divert them from witnessing their mature actions. As they protested, Dahlia nudged Sam to give in just this once and let them have their pick of things to their delight. After drinks and goodies were purchased, their walk continued until they reached the pond and park benches.
“Your dad and I will sit here while you two explore this area in front of us, but stay in sight, okay.” The boys head straight for the carousel, and once on, chase each other around it until they find just the right spot. As the carousel turns, intermittently waving and calling out to the boys, Dahlia turns to Sam with puzzlement over his distant expression. “Do we get to discuss more about this? I still don’t know who this mysterious father could even be.”
He finally turns to look at her with tearful eyes. “I know it’s asking a lot, but I don’t think it’s something that I can discuss right now. I just want to fully enjoy the remainder of our days together as a complete family. I will explain more on the last leg of our vacation. I am, however, anxious to meet your sister! Is she anything like you?”
“Way to deflect from unwanted conversation, mister… but, not so much. Riley and I are two very different people. Although, she did marry my brother-in-law not truly knowing anything about him… That is similar to us, but I knew a lot about you… You just didn’t see that knowing everything about me would change things. But to add more, Riley carried a lot of the responsibility for me. Our parents traveled for work and were hardly ever present in my life. My Grandma Addie was my lifeline… but after she passed on, it was pretty much Riley. I went off to college at an early age, and Riley eventually went off to medical school but left to pursue “anything different” to quote her directly. She was pretty much a professional student, but our grandmother always told us that you can’t ever have too many degrees behind your name. Life played out a lot differently for me, but I do have my Master’s in Chemistry, Bachelors in Biochemistry and Psychology.”
Sam barely heard much of what Dahlia was saying, eyes flicking between her and the carousel, taking in how excited and carefree the twins were. This had never been his childhood, groomed from an early age to be in the public eye, from his grandfather’s prominent status to his father’s need to surpass the image of his father. He couldn’t help reliving the day of their birth, changing their diapers for the first time when handling them both on his own… a bet he’d made with confidence to his wife that he could handle the task alone and with precision, but two blowouts proved otherwise. He didn’t think something so small could hold so much, but they did, and it was like a competition brewing between them already, or their first ever prank. His memory of dropping them off for their first day of school brings a smile to his face, but is quickly interrupted by the boys’ screaming as they played tag after having gotten off the carousel and playfully raced back towards the two of them. 
Standing, he reaches for her hand with a sad smile which causes her to pause, but she offers him her hand. Pulling her into him for a tight hug, he kisses just behind her ear as he whispers, “I love you, you know that?” As she leans to try to guess his mood, he kisses her on the lips quickly before taking her hands and kissing them before interlacing their fingers together so that they could continue their evening of fun. Each feels Mickey and Mason slide up against their exposed sides, simultaneously ruffling their hair as the boys protest, “Where to next, Dahlia?” She looks at Sam and says, “You boys up to pillaging and plundering a castle?”
“There’s a real castle?” 
“Yes, in the center of Central Park. We have to fight off other pirates as we climb to the top. We’ll need to get to the lookout to search for the potential locations the treasure has been buried. Race you there!” 
“Ugh, dad! Dahlia’s too fast! Catch her!” He can’t help falling into the feeling of family and gives chase, hearing the boys yell, “faster, faster, she is getting away!” Gaining on her quickly with his long strides, he catches her at the waist and spins her around. As he begins to lower her to the ground, the boys join in hugging her waist and laughing, “You’re fast, but not faster than dad!”
“Yeah, duh!!! Do you see those long legs! That’s why I needed the headstart! But… since you don’t know the way, my little admirals, you’ll just have to stay close and follow me!” His heart pangs with knowing these are the final moments with his family in this way. He is so thankful that Dahlia is taking charge of this adventure in his stead because he is slowly crumbling inside and fighting hard not to fall weak in front of the boys.
How had he taken them for granted all of this time … allowing their grandparents the better part of their time? Arm draped around her shoulder, he quietly thanks her for all that she is doing today and he shows his gratitude later when they are alone, kissing the top of her head. She isn’t used to seeing Sam in such a vulnerable state and begins to worry about him. She won’t probe him further about it now, just keep the boys occupied to give him this bit of instant relief.
Finally making it to the top spiral of the castle’s tower, they make a dramatic scene of spotting creatures and pirate ships sailing towards them in the icy lake below. “We can’t let them get our treasure, Admiral Mason!” “No chance of that, Admiral Mickey! We have Dahlia and dad to fight them off for us!” Sam makes a display of suiting up in armor and weaponry as Dahlia fires shots from the imaginary cannons and yells back for Sam to man the bow chaser. Brandishing his cutlass, he screams out pirate jargon and then throws grenades as he runs to the cannon to finally sink the closest ships. Celebrating in triumph, they all perform a signature dance move and fall down in a fit of laughter.
Once hydrated, they move on throughout Central Park, making their way back towards Hyland Planetarium, the place where Dahlia had taken them on her first attempt at babysitting them for Sam. This would be another painful moment, unable to be hidden. “Dad, why are you so sad?”
Both boys rush to take a hand, somberly gazing up into his eyes awaiting some response. 
Every Breath You Take… Aaron Krause  link2
Sam pulls them into a tight side hug, reassuring them that he isn’t sad (a blatant understatement, but a little white lie told to not dampen their moods), but just remembering their happiest moments together (not a lie, but a mask for what he truly feels). As they make their way to their preferred row of seating, the lights begin to lower. After calling out as many of the ones they recognized in competition, the boys noticed a new set they had never seen before, a mirror image representing identical twins. Sam had arranged for the boys to have their own constellations named after them, so that no matter where they were in the world, as long as they were looking up at the starry night sky, there would always be a constant reminder of how much he loved them even though they may be apart. 
“Wow, dad! You really had them named after us?”
“I sure did! I even bought you an advanced telescope so that you can help to discover more… even if they can’t be documented, you boys can have the pleasure of writing your own worlds in the stars above.” Dahlia leaned in close as Sam lifted his arm for her to cuddle into him.The tears in her eyes were apparent, but the boys didn’t catch on due to their excitement of air tracing their very own constellations. Dahlia remembers the exact evening Sam discussed the idea with his mother when they visited her for dinner, and slowly the pieces begin to stitch together. This is what had motivated all of these unexpected yet sentimental acts from Sam. 
Vivian had discussed having their ceiling mimic this exact view with Liam, and he’d agreed to have the renovations completed by the time of their arrival. She made sure that he knew the things the boys were accustomed to and had already begun shipping things unable to be found in Cordonia out of her need to have some control in this unfortunate situation. Liam was beyond grateful for every bit of information he had been privy to because this was already going to be a major change… one, not even he could be sure that Riley or Cordonia would be openly receptive to.
One last car ride with Carter… this time, both sit up front, after a dare made by Mickey that Mason wouldn’t be able to convince Sam to allow this to ever happen, and if by some rare chance he did, he would stop teasing him about the bedwetting prank he’d pulled on him, never mentioning it again to anyone. He’d teased Mason long and hard over this, making sure to tell anyone that would listen to his comedic rantings, so there was no way that Mason wouldn’t give this a try. To Mickey’s disbelief, all Mason had to do was ask and Sam gave in with a gentle smile, rustling his curls saying, “Just this once!”
His strength had completely faltered, and there was no way that he would be able to thwart the onslaught of questions the boys would have given on the journey home. They wouldn’t continue to believe that he was the nostalgic father he’d previously explained their prior concerns away with. The moment the town car began its designated route to the airport, Sam sank down into Dahlia’s lap, his head heavy and eyes brimming with the unshed tears he had been willing away the entire day.
As she gently stroked his beard, she softly pleaded for him to talk to her. Knowing the details may allow her to comfort him better, but he delays the conversation by planting kisses on her inner thigh through her clothing, moving to place a kiss on her mound before easing his way up to kiss her with such a needy force that she abandons any and all conversation. Unfastening the button with a mere hook of his finger and quickly dragging the zipper down, he buries his face in her crotch, teasing her clit as his hands squeeze her thighs… slowly dragging her forward to allow him better access.
“Sam, I love the way you feel right now, but what about the partition?” Only stopping to lean backward to lock the window access to the back of the town car, he turns and eyes her with such adoration in his eyes that she feels her wetness increasing. 
It will take at least an hour to reach the private hanger, where Sam’s plane has been prepped for him to take his family up for the first leg of their air travel. He’s never taken the boys up but feels that this would be the perfect way to ease them into the much longer flight ahead of them. What better way to show his boys how cool their dad is? Their dad…
Desperately needing to get out of his head, he gave her only one instruction, “Don’t make a sound!” The roughness in his kiss suffocated any spurning her mind insisted upon knowing that the boys could potentially hear or see her intimate behavior, soft whispers and cries escaping her. When Sam desired comfort in this way, she knew that whatever was grating on his mind would unravel through the most intense touch he could offer her, and she could barely contain her anxiety to absorb every ounce of feeling that he would pour into her.
He thought that this was finally smothering the feeling of abandonment that haunted him, but her repetitive whisper, “Oh, baby!”, would remind him of the words that escaped Alina’s mouth as he held her, nestled in his lap with each new baby boy held secure in her arms as he firmly surrounded hers… “Oh baby, look how peaceful and beautiful they are!” The push and pull between reality and memory almost proved to be overwhelming, but he would soon remedy this. 
Taking her faster would cause her words to falter, only allowing room for her to attempt catching her breath while moaning her elation, but this would only set him back to square one, answering questions he wanted to avoid. Lapping the remnants remaining of her first orgasm, he unbuttons his shirt, hurriedly ripping it from his torso just before leaning back on his knees to unbuckle his belt.
Dahlia is already upright on her knees in front of him, unzipping his pants and freeing his pulsing erection, straddling it before he’s even removed the belt completely. A pointless idea now abandoned, he steadies her thighs in his grip as she grinds on him, kissing him with as much passionate energy as she felt coursing through her just moments ago. She feels so damned good taking him as he sits idle, enjoying the feel of her using him to bring a climax and hard release that has her trembling around him, embracing him as she pants so heavily that syncope is near.
Sam is still so conflicted in his heart that his release is stunted each time he is on the brink. Only taking complete control will allow him to escape everything consuming him. Dahlia has no recovery time. Sam lifts her and crawls forward pinning her sideways on the seat as he drives into her hard and fast at first, but slows to give him more time. Both watch as he slowly sheaths himself fully within her, withdrawing at the same pace but lifting upward to intensify the feel of him against her clenching walls.
Stretching her each time as his excitement floods into a near-painful hardness, he finally knows that the time has come to empty all thoughts as he forces himself into her not pulling away any longer but pushing with a deep grind that has her clawing and gripping his arms as he hovers close to her. The buildup to their release becomes so powerful there’s a tightness in his chest and he is almost unable to breathe. One arm holds her tightly against him just below her shoulder blades as his other hand cups her ass, lifting her into his deep strokes, whispering for her to get ready, he’s about to flood her.
She holds tightly around his neck as his grind forces her upward, burying her head until she feels she may scream. “Kiss me, Sam!” He can’t have her talking loudly or screaming. She audibly pouts at his withdrawal, her body now torturously aching to be filled. Unable to protest because Sam repositions and fills her mouth instead, “Take it!” He stretches over her and begins to kiss and suck her orgasm from her as she does him, both grinding wildly against each other’s faces.
Release !!!  Finally, a delicious release drowned in barely audible hissing and shivering moans… “Mmmmhm, Sam!!” It takes everything within him to remain silent, but he has to maintain this restraint… The boys can’t know why he so freely agreed to Mason’s request, although this wasn’t necessarily the primary reason. Lazily readjusting themselves and their clothing, “Talk later?” Yawning, her only reply, “Mmmm…” Reaching into the console to retrieve a light fragranced cologne bottle, he squirts a few sprays onto their clothing to mask their adult activities before relaxing back into the seat and holding Dahlia against him as they await arrival at the hanger.
Was this long goodbye truly the best idea? Sure, it gives him more time, but it would still come to an end with the same result… letting go… How the hell was he supposed to do this?
{To be continued...}
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txemrn · 2 years
Dishonorably Disrobed
a TNA One-Shot
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Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 3
Pairings: m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler); m!Robin Flores x Sofia Russo; Mason Dalton Sr. x Vivian Dalton (lol)
Word Count: ~2500
Summary: This is a very loose canon origin story based out of Chapter 20 (the finale!); after the airline loses some important luggage, Best Man Robin does everything in his power to make sure the wedding day isn't ruined for the happy couple... although mix-ups do happen. May contain minor SPOILERS of the finale.
Warning: 🔞 Mature Audiences Only 🔞; language; crude humor about sex and anatomy; brief mention of otherwise illegal activity
AN: This is a submission for @choicesflashfics​, using prompt #3: “That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” The prompt will be in bold.
A/N 2: Gosh, I already miss TNA... and I miss writing for TNA! I might need to make that a resolution for 2023. 😋 This idea was born from several conversations with a few of my sweet nanny-loving friends... and our natural reactions to Sam's honeymoon "outfit" (pic of said outfit at the end). As always, the characters and some of the storyline are borrowed from our friends at Pixelberry. This is not pre-read or beta'd, so please forgive my errors!
"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position…" 
Ensuring that both of his twin sons were prepared for landing, Sam Dalton finds himself staring adoringly at his bride-to-be, who is already helping them buckle their seat belts.
"Is this going to be scary, Brynn?" Mason asks, his words drenched with concern. 
"You've been on planes before, Mase," the former nanny slinks her fingers into his hand as he grips tightly.
"Yeah, but never this plane," he scrunches his eyebrows. "What if they land differently, or–or crash?"
"Buddy," Sam chimes in, "we're not going to crash. Plus Brynn and I are right here with you–"
"And they won't let anything happen to us," Mickey smiles, taking his brother's other hand.
"You know?" Brynn winks at Sam before turning her attention to her future stepsons. "That's a great idea, Mick; let's all hold hands."
As the young Dalton family hold each other tightly, the airplane begins to subtly quiver as it begins the descent.
"Are we there yet?" Mason whimpers.
"Almost," Brynn squeezes his hand.
With a final thud and a sudden lurch forward, the plane is finally safe on the tarmac, making its way to the proper terminal.
"Did you close your eyes, Mason?" Mickey asks.
"J-just for a second," his brother pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"I didn't," Mickey beams, "that's because I'm brave–"
Brynn wraps an arm around Mason. "I had to close my eyes, too," she grins. Turning her attention to Sam, "and I do believe your father closed his eyes for a minute."
"What?" The twins shout in unison, Brynn covering her amusement.
"I did not," Sam ruffles the boys' curly hair. "I was just… napping." 
The boys bust out with joyous laughter as their father jokingly shifts his eyes, feigning embarrassment.
"But you know what, Mickey?" Brynn announces as everyone's snickers calm down. "You're right. You are brave, but," she pauses for a moment, draping an arm around Mason's shoulders, "so is this guy right here!"
"That's right!" Sam holds up his hand for a high-five from Mason. "You did it, buddy!" 
Mickey twists his face before finally nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He playfully puts his brother in a headlock before continuing. "Good job, little bro!" He titters.
Suddenly the aircraft pulls to a gentle stop while a loud chime plays over the loudspeaker followed by the captain's voice.
"¡Bienvenidos, Puerto Vallarta, México!"
Sam smiles in excitement as he looks to his fiancée, then to his kids. "Who's ready for some fun?"
"Me!" The boys squeal together.
"Dalton family of four," Sam pulls out his phone, huddling everyone together for a selfie. "On the count of three, say, 'Wedding'! One… two… three!"
Sam, Brynn and the twins are shuttled to the hotel where they are met outside by Robin.
"Hey there, best man," Brynn giggles, planting a chaste kiss on his stubbled cheek. "Have you and Sof already been sightseeing?"
Robin combs his fingers through his hair, offering a sympathetic grin. "Eh, not exactly."
Tipping the driver and waving him on, Sam turns his attention to his brother. "Something wrong?"
"Well," Robin collects a few pieces of luggage, corralling the family to head towards their rooms. "Yes and no–"
Sam and Brynn stop, giving each other nervous expressions.
"--but everything is fixable," he assures with a hopeful grin. "We just need to decide fast on what we are going to do."
"Oh, there you are!" Sofia walks up as she's ending a phone call, grazing her slender fingers against Robin's chest. "Good news. There are a few places down in the city that can expedite alterations for Saturday."
"Alterations?" Sam raises an eyebrow.
"Saturday? As in, for the wedding?" Brynn questions.
"Oh," Sofia clenches her teeth as she glances at Robin, "you haven't told them?"
"If you'd give me a chance, dear," he glares at the blonde before turning back to the engaged couple. "They lost Dad's bag."
"Oh no," Sam exclaims. "I guess he doesn't have his clothes then. Has he talked with the airlines?"
"He's practically been on the phone with them since we arrived last night," Sofia nods.
"But Sam," Robin sighs, "this wasn't a bag of Dad's clothes. It was the bag with all of the wedding day accessories for the guys."
Robin nods. "Remember? The vests, ties, suspenders, shoes–"
“What?” Brynn snaps. "Why did you pack them together?" Brynn tries to show restraint in her irritation.
"It sounded like a good idea at the time," Sam whispers, shrugging. "We figured... we would be less likely to lose something if everything just stayed together."
"Well, now you've lost everything!" Brynn bites back. 
Okay, Brynn, that's a little melodramatic, don't you think?  Take a breath.
She clears her throat, fixing a fake smile to her lips. "Please," she sighs, "just make this right."
Thursday and Friday came with no avail. Brynn was fairly upset about the situation, but Sam, Robin and Sofia made haste in finding replacements for everything while Jenny tried distracting her with various tourist outings.
Unfortunately, nothing matched the aesthetic; the originals were custom designed for this specific wedding. But, Brynn vowed a long time ago that she would never turn into a "bridezilla," and truthfully, she was grateful for everyone pitching in to make something work for her special day.
Luckily, Robin was able to work his magic charm, and around 2:30 on Saturday morning, he received a call that the luggage was found, and could be picked up from a claims center at a smaller airport just outside the city limits. 
Several hours later, he was walking through the front doors of the resort with his father's luggage in tow. He was hoping to drop it off at the older Dalton's room before returning to his own for a small nap before the wedding.
As he waits for an elevator, he hears a familiar, husky voice.
Robin glances over to see his parents getting off a lift, hand-in-hand. Stepping towards them, he offers a tired, crooked smile before kissing his mother's cheek. "Hey, Pops, hey, Moma."
"Robbie," Vivian starts, "what are you doing up so--?"
Mason Sr. gasps. "Is that my missing luggage?" Robin brings it forward, showcasing it like a trophy. "Samuel and his nanny will be so excited to see that."
"Here, sweetie," Vivian grabs the bag, "we'll take this up to our room and have it all steamed, okay?"
"Really? You don't mind?"
"Not at all. I've got it." Vivian cups Robin's face, stroking his cheek with her thumb as she lowers her voice. "Now go get some sleep."
Robin appreciatively nods his head as he catches an elevator going up to his floor. He slinks into his room, completely exhausted from his all-night endeavor.
He shrugs off his clothes before sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling out his phone. He sends off a quick text to Sam.
Happy Wedding day... again. Left you a surprise in Mom & Dad's room for tonight. 
Sending off the message, two lean arms suddenly slither around his shoulders, pawing at the hardened physique of his chest.
"About time, Mr. Flores," she purrs into his ear. "Did you get the bag?"
"Mhmm," he hums.
She sighs with content. “I'm so proud of you,” she breathes against his skin.
The corner of Robin's mouth curls as he tenderly grabs her dainty hands, pressing them to his heart. "Sof," he exhales. He lays his head onto her arm, inhaling deeply her sweet scent before peppering her arm with delicate kisses.
"C’mon," she giggles, "come to bed, baby.”
Several hours later, Sam hurries down to Robin's room to thank him for the strings he pulled to fix the wedding disaster. But, he was met with Sofia instead.
"He's still asleep, but I will make sure he's awake within the hour."
Sam nods, "Thanks, Sofia." He begins to turn on his heel, but stops himself, facing back for his ex-fiancée. "And thank you. For everything you've done to make today special."
Sofia raises her perfectly plucked eye before fixing a cheshire grin to her face. "Don't go soft on me now… Boo Bear," she sardonically chuckles, crossing her arms as she walks back into her room. 
Sam snickers under his breath, shaking his head.
"Oh!" She stops the door from closing behind her. "Robin got you a special present for–" she clears her throat, "--tonight. It was something in that bag. I just thought I'd remind you to grab it. No telling what it is with his buffoonery."
"Oh, yeah," Sam nods, "he mentioned it in his text. I'll grab it." He begins to head down the corridor. "See you in a bit."
With his parents away, getting pampered with massages before the ceremony, Sam was given badge access to their room.
He slides open their closet door, and relief fills his heart. Hanging up and perfectly pressed are his and Robin's vests, their ties along with the boys' suits and accessories. He also found his shoes, perfectly polished.
Overjoyed, he shoots Jenny a text message to let Brynn know that everything is perfect.
He begins to collect all of the items when he remembers Robin's gift. 
Where is it? Would it be wrapped?
Sam glances cautiously around the room.  He checks the closet again, discovering only one thing left inside, hanging up towards the back. 
Did he get me something to wear? 
The satin garment is pearlesque white with a very nuptial vibe. Sam pulls it off the rack and instantly feels the intricate detailing of embroidery on the lapels.
It's a robe. 
But for me?
He takes off his shirt, and slips it on, instantly charmed with the soft-feel against his skin. 
This is nice–like, really nice.
He steps in front of a floor-length mirror, taking in the sight. It was shorter than a typical men's housecoat, hitting him on his upper thigh with three-quarter length, kimono-style sleeves with more filigree stitching. He cinches the robe together, giving himself a good look-over. Chuckling to himself, he starts dancing, swaying his hips back and forth before finger-gunning his reflection.
He notices the garment has pockets, one of which seems to have a matching pair of boxers hidden inside. He holds them up, curiously flipping them back and forth.
These look awfully small. Where does… everything even go?
Removing the robe all together, Sam is very much touched by the sentiments and appreciates his stylish brother wanting to make his wedding night more special.
He pulls out his phone and texts Robin.
Tonight is going to be even more special. Thanks.
The wedding went off without a hitch. It was beautiful, elegant and romantic, like something out of a fairy tale. The bride was exquisite, and the groom was completely enamored, unable to take his eyes off of his beloved.
Early the next morning, Robin and Sofia walk hand-in-hand down the main hallway when suddenly, Sam's door opens.
"Oh!" Sam exclaims, adjusting his embroidered satin robe upon seeing them. "Hey, you two." He places his arm on the doorframe, leaning against it casually with a smirk.
Sofia presses her lips together, stifling her laughter as Robin's face contorts with pain.
Suddenly feeling insecure, Sam lowers his arm, pulling the lapels closer together to cover his chest. He clears his throat, "Everything… okay?"
"Sam," Robin leans in, lowering his voice. "The fuck are you wearing, bro?"
“Wh–what do you mean?” Sam's large chestnut eyes dart back and forth between his brother and his ex-fiancée. "The robe?… am I not wearing it right?"
"Uh, you could say that. You shouldn't be wearing it at all." Robin covers his mouth as he stares at Sam's appearance. "And she still fucked you? Wearing this?"
"Stop it, Robin," Sofia slaps his shoulder, turning her attention back to Sam. "Men wearing women's lingerie is a very common kink," she winks. 
"Oh, but this?" Sam looks down at the robe. "This isn't women's lingerie–"
"Oh, Sam," she condescendingly snickers, "yes, it very much is. I actually have it in red. And those?" She briefly glances down at his tight underwear. "Definitely women's boyshorts." She leans in closely, lowering her voice. "By the way, your meat and two veg are hanging out."
Horrified, Sam instantly pulls the material right around his hips, covering the front of his pelvis. "Robin!" He huffs. "Why did you even get this for me?"
"Me?" Robin blows a raspberry with his lips. "I actually have taste outside of my mouth, Sammy. I would never buy that for myself... or any other man, for that matter."
"You said you got me a surprise for my wedding night!"
Robin nods. "Right?"
"I even texted you about it, thanking you–"
Robin scoffs. "You were thanking me, your brother, for women's lingerie for you to wear… on your wedding night?"
"What part about that seems normal, Sam?" Robin interrupts. 
"Jesus, I have not had enough coffee for this," Sofia mumbles.
"So then… what was my gift?"
"Dude," Robin crosses his arms, "we're in fucking Mexico. I got you some fun shit: 150-proof tequila, some psychedelics, and–" he slaps his brother on the back, "El Rápido pills."
"El Rápido pills?"
"Yeah, you know," Robin rolls his eyes. "They give you the most powerful erection ever known to man--I swear your dick grows, like, two inches. You could probably give a black eye with that thing alone." He winks, clicking his tongue. "But the orgasms... Shit, you could literally shoot a rocket to the moon–"
"It is pretty amazing," Sofia chimes in nonchalantly, picking at her nails.
"Well," Sam looks at the floor in confusion, "if I'm wearing a woman's robe and panties, I wonder if anyone opened your actual gift–"
All of their heads abruptly turn to see Vivian Dalton slowly making her way down the long hallway. She waddles carefully, stutter-stepping and occasionally having to stop with a brief wince of discomfort flashing across her face.
"Mom?" Sam calls out.
"Are you okay?" Robin steps forward, taking her by the arm to steady her gait.
"I'm fine," she wiggles in uncertainty. "Your father however…um, well," she sighs, her voice falling quiet, "we need to go to the ER."
"What?" Sam exclaims.
"Why?" Sofia's eyes grow wide.
"I think your father… took something."
"Took something… like what?" Robin inquires.
Vivian takes a deep breath, looking her children in their eyes. "Now, you boys are grown adults… and you should know that your father and I still love each other very, very much. And we like to express that love physically –"
"Stop," Sofia cringes. "Why is all of this happening before coffee?"
Robin and Sam look at each other puzzled.
And then it hits them.
"El Rápido pills…"
"Your father, well, he's had… quite the appetite." She shifts her weight, her face flinching from an unseen ache. 
"And now, his, um, appetite doesn't seem to want to… go away," she nervously chuckles. 
"Goddamnit, Robin…" Sam mutters, glaring at his brother. "I swear–"
"Um, Samuel dear?" Vivian interrupts the banter.  "Why are you wearing my robe? And are those… my unmentionables?"
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Tags (list updates 9/26; if you would like to be added or removed, please let me know!):
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@annfg8 @bisexualdisasteracd @rookiemartin @sfb123
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vengefclqueen · 2 years
This book makes no fucking sense I swear.
Why are we even listening to the shit that Addison says?
And why the absolute FUCK, would MC make the decision to ABANDON MICKEY AND MASON.
Like I don't care about Sam, but if you're removing yourself from the family, you're abandoning the fucking boys.
And that's what pisses me off.
They deserve so much better.
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hayatoseyepatch · 17 days
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Description: You couldn't believe your misfortune. Once more, you found yourself tethered to Sylus, stuck in a closet with no choice but to stay hidden so you both wouldn't be discovered. But this time around, it seems Sylus has every intention of making sure you have a hard time remaining quiet enough not to be caught. Character: Sylus (Love & Deepspace) Word Count: 2.1k Contains: Sylus x Fem!Reader. SMUT. Forced proximity, penetrative sex, semi-public sex (kinda?), trying not to get caught, dirty talk, praise, degradation, Sylus being Sylus.
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Authour's Note: So I just realized it's been almost an entire month since I've published an actual fic, 𝖜𝖔𝖒𝖕 𝖜𝖔𝖒𝖕. Hi y'all thanks for sticking around and being patient with me! Between kinktober prepping and working on my matchup event (thanks for being patient I'm getting those out asap) I've been SWAMPED. This is based off the "Immobilized" memory, I couldn't stop thinking about this ever since I pulled it so here we are.. This is my first Love & Deepspace fic, so please be gentle with me, if there's anything I can improve please let me know! I just started playing and I'm already hooked (its so bad save me). Anyways I hope you enjoy!
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The enclosed space in the closet is cramped, you and Sylus were chest to chest, both trying to remain quiet as to not be caught. You couldn’t believe you had been so foolish as to forget another one of your belongings in this room. The bond around your wrists still tethering you together, he smirked, a glint in his vermillion eyes as he leaned down. His lips pressed against the shell of your ear, you could feel his hot breath caress the sensitive skin as he speaks. “Careful, kitten, or I’m going to get the wrong idea and think you like being stuck in a cramped space with me.” He teases, that infuriating grin never leaving his lips. You reach your free hand over, shoving him harshly, which only serves to make him chuckle.
You peek through the slots in the closet door, the roommate you had for this event was just sitting down at the vanity in the room to get started on her hair and makeup. You exhaled, careful not to do so too loudly to alert her to the fact you were currently tethered to the leader of Onychinus. The mischievous glint in Sylus’ eye was impossible to ignore. He stood to full height, in two strides in the cramped space, he had your back pressed against the wall. His head ducking to the crook of your neck, his breaths fanning across your skin had your heart racing and breaths coming in unevenly. “What are you doing?” You whisper harshly to him, though your words are hardly threatening due to the way your voice shook from having him so close.
The only response you get is a soft ‘shh’ sound coming from his lips before his lips attach themselves to your neck. His mouth begins to leave open-mouthed kisses up the expanse of your neck, not stopping until his lips reach the shell of your ear. “Seems like we’ll be trapped here for a while, sweetie.” His whisper comes in between rasping breaths to your ear. 
“Let’s see how quiet you can be while we ‘pass the time’, shall we?” His sentence was punctuated with a playful nip to the skin of your neck. His large hand grabbing the back of your thigh to wrap one leg around his hip. Any words you could attempt to formulate would be cut off by the following kiss he presses against your lips. The tension between you two over the last few weeks could be cut with a knife and Sylus couldn’t stand it any longer, he needed to have you. He was a man who seized opportunity, and he saw this as the perfect one to make you his.
You can’t help but melt into the kiss. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you never wondered what kissing Sylus would be like, as frustrated as it made you, you couldn’t help but think of him often. The striking red of his eyes, his broad shoulders, that deep rasp that his voice held making every word he spoke go straight to your- Your trailing thoughts were interrupted by a gasp, feeling him roll his hips into yours, feeling just how much the kiss was effecting him against your center. He pulls from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips for a moment before it snaps. Looking up you meet those vermillion orbs, he lifts a sculpted eyebrow, smirk returning to his features. 
“Someone seems distracted. Something on your mind, sweetie?” His words are hushed as to not draw attention to the third party just outside the closet door. Suddenly your current predicament comes rushing back, alarm bells ringing in your head. “We shouldn’t, what if we get caught?” You look up at him, eyes laced with panic, to which he only chuckles under his breath. 
“Well, then I guess you’ll just have to be quiet then won't you, kitten?” He cuts you off once more with his lips, his tongue slipping past your parted lips with ease. His hand slipping up the smooth skin of your thigh, well past the fabric of your skirt. He relishes the sweet whimper he receives when the pads of his fingers come into contact with the damp fabric of your panties. His next words coming murmured against your lips. “But of course we can always stop if that’s what you want.” He goes to pull from you, grinning when your lips chase his as he attempts to separate. 
“Though if we’re going by the state of your panties, darling, I’d say you want this as much as I do.” He coos, pushing the fabric to the side. He tsks as he collects your wetness on the pads of his fingers, using it as aid to glide his fingers against the sensitive nub of your clit. “So wet, is this all for me, little bird?”
Your fingers grip the fabric of his sweater, so lost in the feeling of him you don’t notice the bind connecting your wrists had vanished. His fingers begin rubbing lazy circles against your sensitive spot, lips returning to your neck. “I couldn’t hear you, kitten, who made you this wet?” He grins as you grip him harder, nails pinching his skin through the fabric. Your words are unsteady and hushed, trying your best to remain concealed. 
“Yes, Sylus, I’m this wet for you.” His grin is palpable, guiding his fingers to your entrance. Rewarding your compliance with a finger sliding past the velvety walls of your cunt. “That’s my girl.” Without hesitation, he slips a second finger inside you, groaning lowly at how your walls contracted around his fingers. Just feeling how tight you were has his eyes rolling back in his head. He works you over with his fingers, digits scissoring inside you to offer some preparation of what's to come. He works you over on his fingers, pumping them in and out of your tight heat. 
“I don’t know, baby, I think if anything’s gonna get us caught, I think it just might be this cute little cunt.” He chuckles softly as you slap his shoulder in protest. “It’s not my fault she’s being so vocal for me, do you hear her?”
His words have heat rising to your cheeks as he speaks. He curls his digits, pads of his fingers expertly hit the spongy spot within your walls that has your eyes seeing while. Bundling his shirt in your fists, lunging forward to sink your teeth into the skin of his neck to muffle your moans as you shake against him. Walls spasming around his fingers as you come undone on his fingers. He hisses upon the impact of your bite but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it. He barely allows you time to recuperate, maintaining eye contact as he slips his fingers from your cunt and past his lips, tasting you on his digits and groaning low in his throat. 
“Absolutely delicious sweetie.” He purrs, lifting your thighs to wrap around his waist. Supporting your weight with one hand that grips the plush skin of your ass. In one swift movement, he has his pants unzipped, pulling his hardened member from his boxers. Hand holding the base to position himself at your entrance. “Need to hear you, kitten. Tell me how much you want me inside you.”
Your eyes look up into his own, holding onto him as you're pressed between him and the wall. Chewing on your bottom lip, whimpering as he uses your slick as leverage to tease your clit with the mushroom tip of his cock. Unable to take his teasing any longer, you comply, not recognizing your own voice from the need lacing your tone. “Please, Sylus, I need you. Need you to fill me up with your cock, want to feel you splitting me open, please.” 
Your words send a shiver up his spine, wishing only that he could hear you whisper to him so sweetly on repeat. “Now how could I deny my little bird when she begs me so sweetly?” He grins slipping past the tight ring of your entrance, silencing your sounds with his mouth. Tongues and teeth clashing from the intensity of the kiss both of you being consumed by your need for one another. He spurs on, continuing to sink inch by inch before bottoming out. He lets out a shaky breath against your lips, pulling away just far enough to check that you were okay. The half-lidded expression you send him has his cock throbbing, your eyes begging him to move. The both of you catch the sound of the door shutting outside the closet door, the tell tale sign that you both no longer needed to be quiet. “Fuck, finally, need to hear you kitten. Don’t you dare fucking muffle a single sound, you hear me?” He groans into the skin of your neck.
His hips start to move, setting a brutal pace from the start. Every moan, whimper, and call of his name that slips past your lips goes straight to his cock. The sounds only spurred him to continue slamming his cock against your gummy walls. Leaning forward as he began rolling his hips against your own, pressing another desperate kiss against your lips. He pulls from you after a moment, using his thumb and finger to open your mouth and spitting directly between your now-parted lips. Watching with hunger as he watches your throat contract as you swallow.  
“Gods kitten, so goddamn pretty.” He grunted out throwing his head back, his hands coming to the backs of your thighs, using them as anchors to pull you down on his cock. The feeling has a deep groan slipping past his lips, his eyes rolling back in his head from the intense pleasure. “Fuck sweetie, so fucking tight. Gonna have you molded to my shape by the time I’m done with you.”
His words have you shivering, eyes hazy with pleasured tears glassing over your vision. Feeling your end approaching, needing desperately for him to push you both over the ledge. “Please Sylus, fuck me harder. Fuck, please, Sy can't take it, please.” Your words ignite a fire in him, hand coming to the small of your back pushing you down just a bit further angling your hips for a better angle. 
“Oh? is that really what you want kitten? Want me to breed this pretty little pussy? Have you walk out of here and back to base with my cum dripping down your thighs? Want me to fuck you harder, is that so?” he questions, a satisfied grin on his face, but unable to deny the effect your words had on him. “Well your wish is my command, sweetie, begging me so prettily. Oh so proud of you, that’s my girl.” He grips your hips, slamming them against your own the sounds of skin slapping echoing in the room. “Fuck daddy, please, fuck please” You beg, hearing the pathetic need in your own voice. Your eyes roll back, hearing your own wetness now, coil inside tightening at a rapid rate aching to snap.
Sylus felt his own coil reaching its end. He knew that it was bound to break and crumble, much faster than it usually did from the sheer tightness of your gummy walls. Whimpers started falling from his mouth as he heard your calling to him begging for your own sweet release. His thrusts became sloppy, desperate, as he urged you both to tumble over the edge. 
“Go on kitten, give it to me, you can let go.” He whispered in your ear, making sure that you released before he finished the chase for his own high. Reaching between your legs rubbing your clit in small tight circles, feeling you tighten around him as he shivered a bit. Your cries and begs were like music to his ears. Unable to help it, your hips rolling against the attention to your clit. Hand gripping him by the back of his neck to pull him into a heated kiss, moans spilling into his mouth. One last harsh thrust has your coil snapping, crying into his mouth as your walls clamp down on his cock. Sylus groaned, biting down on your shoulder, sure he would leave a mark in his wake. Falling over the edge himself. A low groan and a cry of your name falling from his lips. His hips slowed as he allowed you both to come down from your highs, holding you close to him. Pressing his forehead against your own as he stilled his hips. 
“So beautiful sweetie, did so fucking good for me. Let's get you home, kitten. Get you nice and cleaned up where you can rest.” Sylus never imagined this being the situation where you both would find yourselves in each other’s arms. But he would be the last to complain, so long as he was finally able to call you his, he couldn’t ask for more.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune & @adornedwithlight. Writing & character banners by me. Special thanks to @staraxiaa & @ambiguouslady42 for beta reading for me you guys are the best! Tagging: @pixelcafe-network
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Keeping it down
Paring: F! Sam Dalton x F! Anna (The Nanny Affair) Warning: Smut (gag) Description: AU, a little smut stand alone in the 3th TNA book first chapter scenario. Holidays, winter, Anna and Sam wanting to get sometime together worried about the boys hearing. Word count: 1095 Sam's idea to find a cabin for the end of the year was perfect. Anna could feel herself relaxing more at every moment passed in the nature - snow, skiing, having the kids and an army of snowmen? That was how Anna wished to spent her whole winter. The cabin was very silent at night, you could hear a cricket resonant from Montana if you paid enough attention. And that made Sam a little uncomfortable with having sex, knowing Mickey and Mason could hear.
It was the fourth night of the family in that cabin and Anna, although relaxed and enjoying her daytime activities, were getting restless at the lack of contact. "Honey, please. We just need to keep it down!!" She begged Sam for what seemed the 30th times that week. Sam smirked and looked at Anna from above her glasses "My love, we both know you are not able to keep it low - thankfully". Anna sat in the bed. "What if I tell you I have something that might help with that?" She asked looking shy Sam closed her book and turned her upper body to face Anna "Go on..." she teased with a easy smile "So, I went to this shop when you took the kids this afternoon and.." Anna blushed and looked down to her hands. Sam noticed her getting embarrassed "Uhmm. A store,  han? The one that only adults can go?" Her smile widen as Anna cheeks turned grimson red. "Forget about it" Anna said sheepishly turning her back to Sam and getting up. "Oh no, now I wanna know" Sam said pulling Anna back to bed and getting on top of her nuzzling her way to her ear "What could you possibly have bought that would make this" She forced her leg between Anna's thigh earning a soft moan "possible?" Annas desire ignited inside her. She bitted her lip and stared into Sam's lustfull eyes. "I have never used it before... can't I just promise to behave?" Anna said grinding her hip into Sam's thigh "Oh, that won't do. Will I have to tease it out of you?" Sam said increasing the pressure of her thigh slightly and them pushing it all away and standing up "I did see a shopping bag in the closet" She reached to get the parchment paper. "OK, wait, is not what you..." Anna stopped mid sentence as Sam pulled out the toy from within, blushing vigorously. "Oh my.... you were naughty today, weren't you?" Sam grinned as her fingers drawed paths in the leather. It was a black gag. With a small sized ball and very interesting design - it should be a VIP collection. "You were right, this might help " She smiled devilshly as she strolled back to bed, straddling Anna and placing the gag in front of her face. "I just thought it would make it hard to .. well, get vocal" Anna said still embarrassed to death trying to hide her face behind her hands. "It will do so much more than that, honey." Sam smirked - Anna was too innocent to buy that. "The gag will torment you, will make it hard to breathe, it will take out all your hope to selfcontrol..." Sam swallowed hard at the idea. "We should only do this if you trust me" Sam looked at the gag again and then at Anna "May I?" Anna's body was aflame. She has been waiting for some alone time with Sam since they got there, but the CEO would barely spare her a light touch. Playing with that gag made her nervous? Yes. But she couldn't think of anything else since that morning. So she nodded and didn't regret when she saw the pure lust in Sam's glare: "Good girl" The gag was intrusive, it took all of Anna self control to not start drooling when Sam locked it behind her neck. Her tongue was kept backwards as her airway was slightly constricted.  It wasn't comfortable,  but Anna couldn't even pay attention to that when Sam stripped bare on top of her. Sam mouth were in Anna's neck in an instant,  licking a hot path from her ear lobe until her already harden nipple. Sam bitted it slightly at it and Anna felt the gag deepning as she instinctively moaned against the ball. Sam's hand traveled down, she was eager to put her fingers to good use since she was also troubled by the lack of contact in the previous days "I knew you would be wet, but damn, Anna.. you are leaking" Sam nodded approvingly as she circled her clit with just the tip of her finger. Anna's pleasure sky rocketed. She grabbed Sam's wrist and forced it against her, trying to increase the minimum friction she had going on. "Someone is eager, isn't she?" Sam was more than delighted at the sight of a gagged Anna, desperate for her touch. She smirked as she pushed 2 fingers inside of Anna who jumped at the intrusion, shooting her head back with a silent whimp. Sam could see tears coming down Anna's face as the gag hitted her back throat and activated her reflexes again "I like this new toy of yours, my love". Sam kept her rhythm strong and harsh, as Anna kept coordinating her hip movement - each thrust hitting her G spot hard and precisely. Anna was dripping and every plunge made her juices spread all over Sam's hand. With the gag, the only sound heard was the continuous sloshing as Sam kept working Anna until she was ready to come. Sam could sense Anna's wall clenching against her fingers, her legs trembling and her breathing erratic. She first thought about edging her, but she honestly couldn't wait to see Anna tearing down before her. Anna couldn't even feel the gag anymore. Her reflexes were activated so often that it became numb to her as she could only sense a new wave of tears after tears. Sam's mouth joined her hand working on her clit: circling, flicking, pressuring. She had been on the edge for so long waiting for the right moment to come, that as soon Sam's tongue found her clit she could hold it in anymore and she came down hard, leaking all over Sam's face,  in one more teared up wave against the gag.
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hxjikonn · 2 years
Little Moments: Eps. 5
Characters: Twisted Wonder Staff x reader (platonic!)
Synopsis: Just stuff I think Yuu/MC does, asks, says to the twst characters.
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Crdts to original artist
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You: *somehow ended up in the middle of a staff meeting* uhm…I just wanted to hand you guys the event list for—
Crowley: shhhh later child we’re discussing about adult stuff, sit down. *waves for you to sit down* *his feathered cape brushing against your nose*
You: *sneezes*
Trein/Sam/Vargas/Crewel: Bless you.
You: Thanks dad- *panics* uh I mean sir…sirsss??
Crowley: Excuse you?? If anyone should be called ‘dad’ it’s me!
Crewel: Too late, I’ve already adopted the pup.
Trein: ‘pup’ ? Crewel they are a HUMAN CHILD. Not a dog. I think they’d be better off having me as a guardian.
Vargas: Uh I think you mean me? I’ll raise them to be as strong and skilled as I am!
Sam: *taps your shoulder* I’ll let you take anything from my shop if you declare me your legal guardian…
Crowley/Crewel/Trein/Vargas: SAM DONT BRIBE THE KID!
Them: *listening*
You: LILIA WILL BE MY FATHER *runs to diasomnia*
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A/N: This is a mini-series that has no plot whatsoever, prolly gonna be mostly crack. Just something I came up with when I have a dumb scenario in my head abt Yuu/Mc 💀💀💀
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oiulse · 3 days
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realized early on that sebastian stardew valley was sort of a yeongxter lovechild and i remembered this meme so here you go
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shinjisdone · 1 year
How I Imagine TWST Could Be If There Was A Female!MC - Staff Edition
part 2 of this I suppose
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TW: Reader is female, period mentioned, bullying mentioned
Crowley, as mentioned, is a bit indifferent but puzzled at the new female student.
Not to offend, but you sure you crawled out of the coffin? You didn't throw out the original Student and replaced their body with yours, right?
He is half-joking by the way.
Well, it is what it is, and him being such a GRACIOUS AND GENEROUS PERSON will OF COURSE do all that he can to make you feel welcome and part of NRC!
Spoiler alert: he does so half-assed.
Will bring you any sort of thing you need and will offer both pants and skirts in all kinds of lengths for your uniform - long, short, frilly, straight, etc. As long as they fit with the jacket.
Since you came here with uh, NOTHING, he will also make sure that Sam stocks all kinds of things. While many things that are worn/needed are kinda basic/gender-neutral, he doesn't think of eeeeverything.
At the same time he kinda...paves you your own personal hell with good intentions. Introduces you to others like a good headmaster does while also underlining how VERY MUCH INDEED A GIRL YOU ARE. DING-DING-DING A YOUNG WOMAN IS GOING TO BE HERE FOR THE REST OF UUUUHHH WHENEVER I'LL BOTHER TO LOOK FOR HER HOME PLEASE BE NICE TO HER, OK?
When you might feel sick and report it to the headmaster he will of course, understand. Yet just as you are about to excuse yourself he GASPS and very genuinely and worriedly asks while whispering 'are you on your period...?'
Whether or not that is the case he will continue to reassure that that it is not something to be ashamed about AS THE ONLY GIRL HERE and he'll make sure you'll be fine.
Unironically would give you a wink, thumbs up and pats himself on the back for how GENEROUS HE IS HAH.
Would give you self-made help book: 'The Time I Got Transported Into A Magic All-Boys-Academy As The Only Magicless Girl'.
Crewel is uuuuuhhhh...
He eyes you up and down before asigning you to a pot. A pup is a pup and well-trained, diligent and especially, open-minded pups can learn anything.
Potionology especially can be learned by you, a magicless student! It requires understanding of ingredients and their magical attributes as well as magic itself a bit, but that's something you can learn!
He does not care if you are female or not. Students are meant to obey and he will not treat you any differently. Be well-behaved and listen - learn from this new environment and succeed.
He is a bit more strict with you since potionology does not require any magical skills (as far as I know). You can learn, you can adapt. Just be a good pup!
If you're doing awful, then he will be STRICT AS HELL. It's just that he truthfully believes you can learn and do better!
If you're doing good and maybe even improved, he'll be sure to praise you. Good pup! Very, very, well done!
Then he goes back to his strict self.
If he sees you being treated wrongly by others during HIS CLASS because you are a girl - he won't allow it. Will chastise the other student, ESPECIALLY IF YOU TEAMED UP, and will tell them of their awful behavior. Such things deserve punishment.
If you ever do better after such a situation, be sure Crewel will praise you loudly in a away to indirectly shove it into the student's face and let them know - 'This one did it despite being a girl and you thinking that is a reason to bully someone. No, you foolish Fido. You all are equal, inexperienced puppies.'
Be very afraid of Trein.
This guy does not c a r e who you are. A student of NRC is supposed to be diligent, punctual, listening, obeying, studious, tidy, neat, AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET TO-
The list goes on and on.
There is the slight chance that Trein will be a bit...less strict when he takes into account that you are new to everything. You aren't familiar with either the history of magic nor the social status and affects it can have (hooh boy, you do know how much it affects-)
After classes he might take you to the side and ask how much you actually know of...magic, besides not being able to cast any. He will offer extra classes and books from the library to catch up. After that he BETTER be seeing you there often with a book in your hand. Will often check on you.
He doesn't mean any harm but he is very certain you need extra lessons to even be on the same level as the locals here. So he expects you to be extra hard-working!
After some time, the thought of you being so much left behind crosses his mind and he wants to speak after class with you again. This time about a different topic.
"Are you perhaps...being intentionally wronged in this school?"
He does not like to use the word 'bullied'. While he knows it does exist he'd rather not make any assumptions, especially because he thinks it's because you are the only female here.
It depends on you what is the truth.
In general he does take you being a young woman in an all-boys-academy as a fact and in the back of his mind while he teaches you. You and your studies might be affected due to this. Will often ask about you and how you are doing. He will take everything as truth, even if you lie since he expects you to be mature enough to do the right thing.
Though you seem to be around good and righteous young men, so he likes to believe you are doing well.
Might take Ace and Deuce to the side and tell them to look after you. Just a bit.
Ace will be like, 'yeah, yeah, don't worry, she's fine with us. Hah, in fact she'd be totally lost without us!'
Deuce is bobbing his head up and down, starry-eyed, 'yes, yes, yes, Professor! We'll do our best, she is safe with us. I SWEAR AS A FUTURE HONOR STUDENT-'
Vargas at the beginning pushes you as much as the others because how else could you spellcast?
Oh. You can't either way?
After getting over that fact, Vargas takes your situation very seriously. If it is requested, Vargas will make sure to prepare sport uniforms you are comfortable with as well ask you if you are also comfortable with training with the other boys (it is nice to be asked but then again, what is he supposed to do if you say no? Give you private lessons after dark?).
He will internally let out a big 'phew!' if you say you do not mind training with them or training with a few close ones (the 1st year squad or anyone else you trust).
Is very understanding if you cannot partake due to your period. Will be sure to discreetly excuse you and ask a student you trust to escort you back to your dorm.
Will also bring in your own strength and capability into play. You may not be able to cast any magic, but that is not the only reason to grind!
Will often look over to you and how you're doing during lessons. Will immediately intervene if he sees any bullying or harrassment. That's not sporting or fair!
Will give a big thumbs up at any improvements or when you or others stand up for you. That's the spirit!
Sam is the one adult you know he always got your back.
The others are perfectly nice but Sam does not criticize, chastise or push you to your limits! Though he is part of the staff you feel like you can talk the most open with him.
Always asks about your day. Oh, it went well? Here, have this trinket as a memory keepsake. Oh, it was awful? Aw, shucks, take this treat, it'll cost ya...
That's usually how your conversations go.
Whatever you need, he got it for you. Makes sure he always has feminine products or anything else you might need in stock and will give you them behind the counter if you want to keep the exchange a secret and not so open to public.
Though he treats you like his other customers (kinda ripping you off), he does give you a few things for sale or free when you had a bad day due to you being the only girl here.
Tell him any secret! They are safe with him (for a price jk).
After all, there might be a few things you cannot or wouldn't want to tell your friends and Sam keeps his mouth shut whenever. So don't worry!
Grim is a little pain in the neck no matter who you are.
As mentioned, he doesn't really get why it's suuuuch a biiig deaaaal that you are here. So what if you're a giiirrrll? You're his minion either way and you ARE going to help him.
Once he gets that others pick on you, he'll get defensive. That is HIS minion and she's doing a great job no matter if magicless or not, no matter if girlie or not! Y'all better shut up before he burns you to a crisp.
Will defend you but since he's just some...monster cat no one takes him seriously. He tries though and does end up setting someone's hair on fire...which only brings you more trouble, so there's that.
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mggsv · 1 year
The French Kiss
gn!reader x dean winchester
summary: Turns out..you’ve never kissed anyone before, to Dean’s surprise, so he teaches you.
warnings: none! fluff, first time kissing, intense kissing, heavy touching
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“Oh come on- you serious?” His mocking laugh made to shrink more into yourself. Sitting there wearing an oversized sweatshirt that covered your legs. You sat there on Dean’s bed in the bunker, only you two in the home-like place. “I’m serious.” You muttered.
“You’ve never kissed anyone?”
“I find that to be bullshit- Have you seen yourself?” That made you shiver. You look up at him, face flushed in embarrassment. He popped open a bottle of water and came closer. “I know i’m hot. Trust me, i’m well aware.” You scoff, “doesn’t mean I just go around kissing people, unlike some of us..”
He rolled his eyes at that, taking a seat next to you, “Well, don’t just sit there- come on.” He motions you forward and your body moves on its own, scooting closer to him. This whole thing- You and Dean, it was new to you. For years you kept to yourself until a case brought you to the Winchesters. Since then, you’ve been inseparable. It was only recently you started to feel something for Dean..seeing him in a way you’ve never seen before.
It was days like these in the bunker where you two just talked comfortably- that’s how it started. Your talks together..just You and Dean.
You lean forward, lips puckered, ready to kiss him. But he laughs, “Dude- okay come on. We have to set the mood. Loosen up a bit huh?” His hands move forward, grabbing your chin. Your hands shook nervously… His thumb grazed your cheek, his other hand gently coming down on your thigh. “It happens naturally..” He murmured, lips close to yours. “So I’ve heard.” you swallow nervously, eyes looking at his as they fluttered shut.
“Close your eyes.” you hear him groan. your eyes flutter shut, and then you felt it- Dean’s lips pressed against yours. You couldn’t help the small gasp that slipped out of your mouth. His lips move against yours. It felt strange, you felt light but your heart heavy. Your hands grip his shirt, and he pulled back.
“Well?” He asks, hands still at your thigh, skidding up.
“Is that it?”
“Oh we haven’t even done french kissing.” He laughs as you catch your breath. Dean lays your body back on the bed, slowly hovering over your body. “Let me know if this is too much okay?”
“..Okay.” you murmur, wanting his lips back on yours. “I’m gonna do something different- and if you don’t like it then-“
“Kiss me already please Dean, god.” That makes him laugh and his lips are back on yours in an instant. Your body felt hot, at the touch of his hand going from your thigh to your hip. His thumb grazing over the bone gently. They ran over the stretch marks, making you gasp. Dean took that opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips.
It made you jump- the feeling strange and new. But he’s gentle…something you didn’t expect from Dean in any way possible. His tongue slips over your own, like a blanket. He damn near swallows your mouth whole. He lets out a small grunt, and you could tell he held back some.
You kissed him back to the best of your ability, even when your teeth bumped against his- he said it was okay- you still kissed. Your body was on fire. You couldn’t help but let out a small noise when he pulled back. His lips red, yours swollen.
“Well?” He asks, looking down at you with a small smile. “How was that for our first lesson?”
“First lesson?” You pant.
“Well yeah, doesn’t just stop there.” He scoffs out a laugh
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malleusarcanum · 1 year
Ace: *slammed open the door* Mc! Let's go to the-- *looked around, only saw Grim*
Deuce: Where is she?
Grim: Dunno nom nom *munching tuna* she was here nom nom awhile, then left nom nom fast nom nom
Ace: ....
Deuce: Did you just understand what he said? *whispered to Ace*
Ace: I never understood this racoon
Grim: Nyarhh!!! Nom nom wait till nom nom I finish eating! *Still stuffing tuna*
Sam: *heard the chimes from the door* How can I assist you Mr-- oh! Ms. Mc
Mc: Does this shop sells everything?
Sam: You bet yah!
Mc: Ummm.... as in EVERYTHING
Sam: Mostly.... depends on your necessities. What is it?
*Mc only played her fingers*
Sam: *gave suggestions* Vodoo dolls? Mask? Tarot cards? A potion that can Turn you into A frog to find your love?
*Mc blinked many times*
Sam: forget the last part, I could guess what you want but I see that you lack communication skills. So you need to talk to learn.
Mc: Well.... Uh... Do you sell something only girls use?
Sam: ahh... Specifically?
Mc: You know the..... Thingy that absorbs--
Leona: Blood?!
*Mc& Sam looked at the door*
*Leona rushed to Mc*
Leona: Herbivore! I won't accept any answers, only names! Who stabbed you from there!!! *Shouted with worry*
*Mc looked at her lower body then turned instantly to cover it*
Mc: This-is nothing, this is just strawberry juice.
Jack: Our nose can't lie
Ruggie: Let's go kick some asses!
Kalim: Hi guys!--
Leona: will you shut that mouth!! *Turned to Kalim while bearing it's fangs*
Kalim: Did this Lion have lost its prey?
Ruggie: Nah, your already here
Kalim: *looked to ruggie with boredom* Why's Garfield here?
Ruggie: Garfield?!!! Well you---
Kalim: Hahaha--
*Jack covered both their mouths and they stopped after seeing his eyes*
Jamil: Why is Leona roaring anyway? His voice almost reached outside
Jack: There's a blood from her behind
Kalim: I wanna see!
Mc: Kalim?!
Kalim: ?
Sam: *remembered something* I know what you need!
*Showed to Mc immediately & everyone saw it*
*Mc melted at the floor*
Leona: It's the other kind of blood...
Jack: ....
Jamil: women are such complicated creatures
Ruggie & Kalim: *laughing at the floor*
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eadanga · 7 months
Forever Yours Valentine
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Nicki got dressed and headed to the kitchen to get coffee Time for another work day she looks up and sees a big bouquet of roses with a note and a plate of food she smiles as she reads the note
Hi beautiful
Had to go in early today sorry I couldn’t see how beautiful and sexy you look for work send me a pic later. The twins and Ashely are at my parents house so that I can spend the night with my sexy valentine. Made dinner reservations at a nice place meet me there whenever you’re done with work. I can’t wait to see how hot you look
Nicki giggles as she sits down He’s so cute I wonder what I can wear for this date I know Jenny has some ideas about that She digs into the food
Soon as she gets off of work she heads back to the apartment to change into a long flowing pink dress. She fixes her hair and makeup and heads to the restaurant. The Matre’d leads her to the table where Sam is sitting
He stands grinning “Hi there beautiful” He kisses her softly
“Hi thank you for the breakfast and flowers this morning”
“Well if I had the time I would do that every morning” He smirks “I’m really loving this dress” He pulls her into his arms planting kisses down her neck “Mmm so hot”
“Sam if you don’t stop you’re gonna get up kicked out”
Sam chuckles as he steps back “Ok I’ll control myself but when we’re alone”
“Yes I know now let’s order and eat” They pick up their menus and order their food. Once the food comes they dig into their food and Nicki grins
“I have something for you”
“Oh really? What is it?”
Nicki hands him a bag “Happy Valentine’s day”
Sam smiles as he opens the bag he grins at the sight of the robe “Nic this is nice and” He grins wider “Is my name on it?”
“Yes I had this made for you”
“Thank you baby I love this”
“I’m glad you do”
He smiles “Now it’s time for your gift” He brings out a box from his pocket “Part 1”
Nicki opens the box and she grins “I love is this bracelet”
“I’m glad it’s engraved”
Nicki turns it over
Happy Valentine’s day beautiful I love you
“Awww Sam you’re so sweet”
Sam smiles and pulls out another box “This is the earrings to go with it”
“Awww Sam thank you baby I love you”
“I love you too” Sam stands and takes her hand “Now that we’ve eaten follow me”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see” He places some money on the table “Now let’s head out
They get into a car and they start driving to an unknown location Nicki turns to him “Sam are you ever gonna tell me where we’re going?”
“It’ll be more fun to show you”
Nicki playfully pouts “I can’t get a little hint?”
Sam chuckles “Nope now you be patient”
Nicki giggles “Ok I’ll wait” After a while they pull up to a massive gate. As the gate opens the car drives up the drive way to a stone brick mansion
Nicki turns to him “Who’s house is this?”
Sam smiles “Ours”
Nicki’s eyes go wide “Who’s?”
Sam chuckles “Ours I just closed on it”
“Sam you did not”
“Did it’s a done deal”
Nicki jumps into his arms “Sam this is amazing!” She kisses him deeply
His arms tighten around her “So glad you love it”
“When did you do this? I could have helped out especially with the decorating”
Sam chuckles “Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise besides your reaction was well worth it I’ve been house hunting in my spare time” He squeezes her hand “Let’s see the inside” He guides her into the house
Nicki’s eyes marvel at the inside of the luxury mansion “Wow…” She turns to Sam “Do the kids know?”
Sam smirks “They’ll know tomorrow had to put their rooms weren’t ready yet”
“I can’t wait to see their faces when they see this”
“Oh they’ll love it” He lifts her up “Now let me show you our bedroom”
Nicki giggles as he carries her up the stairs
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite
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myeagleexpert · 10 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘
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sinopse:The curious case of the prefect of Ramcharcke raises theories and hypotheses, and each has a basis for it. Which one will be right? What do you believe in?
Characters: NRC Staff,Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel, Mozus Trein, Asthon Vargas, Sam.
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“𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙”
Crowley completely agrees with the said philosopher, as a director of a renowned school built on the controversial values of historical figures. He KNOWS that every NRC student is a place full of angry, arrogant, hormone-bombed teenagers, which is why he is so magnificently kind to Yuu. Who would give a complete stranger a place to sleep without magic? Who would do everything to make Yuu return to her beloved world even if it cost hours of work? Oh, how generous the director is, right?
For some reason, Yuu is managing to keep well. Survival is the word that would best define this situation. Now how she is managing to do this is difficult to talk about. At some point the director thought of carefully analyzing the case of the strange student without magic. In a school with cruel students, you, Yuu, are the only one with altruistic thinking and no magic. Why would the carriage that has never made a mistake in all these centuries of power bring a person like that with no aspect other than the basics? Unless…
Yuu has the potential to be evil in her own world, but not in this one where she is in a clearly vulnerable position, Crowley concluded and fell deeper into his reveries. So to survive you will have to adopt a good and pure image until you have enough strength to overcome your enemies, little by little, until you reach the top of the chain. Like every human being he has ever encountered in his secular life, Crowley feels that the thirst for power and blood is deep inside in Yuu. That's why he sends her to do various dangerous jobs and jobs, disguised traps. It's like a challenge: How far the wolf in sheep's clothing go? Roll your dice and place your bets, as Director Crowley will be keeping an eye on you.
“𝙈𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚, 𝙨𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙪𝙥𝙩𝙨 𝙝𝙞𝙢”
Perhaps in the analytical mind of the cruel chemistry teacher, Crewel, he had gone through the stages of denial and finally surrendered to the illusion. Yuu is a sweet and hardworking girl. That's it. Period. They had some time to develop a complicated relationship of father and daughter, mentor and student, but when Divus accepted his “fated role” according to him, it was a one-way thing. He will not allow any rowdy cub to offend her with repulsive lies. Did Yuu poison the students? Yuu blew up old bullying rooms? Did Yuu cheat on tests and manipulate students? LIES! She was just defending herself. His precious little puppy would never submit to such a low attitude.
His “filhota”, a term he learned from her, isn't like that, is it? So stay away from these disobedient puppies Yuu, they tarnish your image, dear.
“𝙈𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙥𝙖𝙥𝙚𝙧”
Trein not only agrees with this theory, but he could prove it from a very practical experience: Yuu.
Having raised his own family, two daughters, a cat and being an experienced teacher at school for years, he knows how to masterfully recognize each type of student in his class: The nerd, the clown, the teacher's pet, the one who doesn't know anything about nothing, the one who knows everything, the one who pretends to know everything, the lazy and many others….but what about Yuu? How does she characterize herself in this group of characters?
What a curious case, a student without any kind of magic, with few memories, and in a school of arrogant boys without any support? How did she survive for so long? How does she adapt so easily? One day she's a nobody, and the next she has contacts with important princes and shady merchants. One day she knows nothing about the world that has stopped, and the next she knows more than Trein himself in his years of apprenticeship. In some way or another the stranger knows every secret of every hallway in the school, and holds them in the palm of her calloused hand.
The blank figure has immense potential for creation and destruction, and something tells Trey that the foreigner's innocent look and sharp tongue have dangerous odds.
"𝙈𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣"
Vargas could not agree with this theory more truthfully! The human body is designed to be challenged every day, and what would be the limit? As the trainer of every type of creature, from beastmen, fairies, merfolk, humans, hybrids and everything in between, he can say with certainty that there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a student overcome their obstacles!
The chest was filled with pride when he closely analyzed Yuu's case. He clearly remembered the student's first days at school, her steps were so light that the wind would carry her away, so weak and malnourished that she wouldn't walk a complete circle around the field without fainting, her look scared, her breathing heavy. She couldn't fly any higher than Azul and every time she spoke, her voice was shaky, like a kitten learning to meow.
Just look at the overcoming! Not only are her steps firm and determined, but she runs very fast as well. And even when an envious person tries to push him in a competition, she pushes him harder, making him fall to the ground. 12 eggs a day. 12 EGGS PER DAY. A diet that the trainer himself follows and just look at the results. The prey body has evolved into that of a hunter. Big, strong, fast and adaptable. Perfect.
Maybe you should be worried about the way she beats the past bullies who tormented her blue and purple? The way she hunts them is different, it's personal, it's physical, it's animal.
It seems like the game has changed, doesn't it?
“𝙈𝙖𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙣’𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙡𝙛”
The friends on the other side tell every secret and gossip that leaves the salesman, Sam, astonished. Sometimes it's hard to believe, other times he has to check it out with his own eyes. But for Sam, it's much more fun and engaging to analyze the situation like a grotesque soap opera. Each “little thing” is a sign for the next chapter. One day, among the hygiene products that are intended just for her, Yuu bought a different knife, an enchanted amulet and cans of a different type of fish and also a bottle of rat poison. Would it be for the rats of Ramshackle?.... No, the friends on the other side said that Yuu made an alliance with the rats, and so, she gets more information from the school. What type of information? who knows? For what? What will she do with the poison then? Pay attention to the next chapters.
A shadow wandering around in the morning once commented that on one of Jack's morning walks, he commented to Yuu that she "seemed to adapt to Twisted Wonderland fairly quickly.." And as soon as he found out, he ran as fast as his ghostly figure allowed him, so determined to be the first to tell Sam a hot piece of gossip that he didn't stay until the end of the conversation, and consequently left the merchant and his friends on the other side curious to know what Yuu's answer is.
Is Yuu letting her changes show to her troublemaking first-year friends, or has she tried to keep a mask on for a while? We cannot deny that her “strange” behavior is commendable for analysis. The one who enters the lion's den and comes out intact, the one who melts the heart of an evil icy queen, the one who entered as a sacrificial lamb and came back as the leader of the pack. Ohhh~~what interesting character development! More and more shadows surround Yuu now, watchful and thirsty for her next steps.
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bhpop · 9 months
{Lazy + Rushed colored doodle I made}
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So Sam and Eyeless-Yuu would have a nice sibling-like bond together, though Eyeless-Yuu may have given him a few unintentional scare at first but he'd get used to them a lot quicker than the rest since he literally has friends on the other side.
So Eyeless-Yuu wouldn't affect him much besides their empty eye sockets, that does freak him out a bit but he'll never make rude remarks or mentions on it.
Bonus: He'd definitely have his friends keep tabs on them from time to time and probably be one of the main staff that helps them out since I do like to believe he has a lot of free time so he'd just be keeping them company.
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