#should i have cut this way tf down? yes
a battle jacket (also called battle vest, cut-off, punk jacket, patch jacket, and probably other stuff) is a jacket (duh) usually made from denim or leather with DIY additions of patches, studs, flags, painted panels, chains, and other bonuses, used to signify subculture. Punk, metal, and biker scenes all use patch jackets, but I'll only go into specifics about how they're used in the punk scene. Metalheads, I think, almost solely personalise with music/band shit. Bikers use them to signifying which club you're riding with. Punks started using them in the 70s and they've remained a staple of the subculture's style since. They're good for signalling your politics, bands you like, and other information you might want to get across. They also look cool.
If you're here I assume you wanna learn how to make your own so I'll cut the history lesson short and get on to the practicals.
1: first you're going to want to get a plain jacket, probably denim or leather, but you could get a canvas jacket if you're nervous and new to the scene because it's way easier to stitch canvas, so you could experiment with that as you're building confidence. The jacket should be at least a bit oversized because with all the stitching and painting or whatever you'll be doing, you could run into fit issues with a very form fitting jacket. also, this jacket might frequently be worn over other jackets or layers so that will help with that too
2: start making choices. namely whether you want to keep the sleeves. obviously you can remove or reattatch the sleeves later but I think making that big mod first is a good starting point to help you feel like it's a work in progress. so if you're going to chop the sleeves I say do it now
3: brainstorm. I know, I know, coming up with your own ideas is hard, but this is your own totally literally unique piece, so think about what sorta look you want
4: you don't have to brainstorm alone though. search tumblr or pinterest for punk jackets, punk patches, punk clothes ect for inspiration. you might get a good idea for an individual patch, or for a broader layout
1: the big deal. this is what will make your jacket into a battle jacket. there are some unofficial rules/sayings in the scene about what sort of patches you should put on your jacket. some people get dickish sometimes about if you put a non-punk band on your jacket? however i think that is bollocks and you should do whatever you want forever. one saying i do personally mostly stick to is "politics up front, bands on the back" with the idea you stick your politics on your front so you can see the punches coming
2: where do you get the patches? you make them yourself. You can buy ofc but don't get shit off amazon or shein or whatever the fuck. If your fav band or small artist is selling patches go for it though. You will have the most choice if you make your own patches. Do you have scrap fabric (maybe the sleeves of the jacket, which is where i got a lot of my patch material)? Do you have paint and paintbrush? good. you can make a patch
3: how do you do that? well depends on whether you stencil or freehand. stencil means you cut out an outline, of say a band logo, out of card, and use that as a stencil. freehand means you paint whatever tf you like
4: paint?? yes paint. messy as you like. start maybe with simple slogans or symbols often found in the punk scene like "ACAB" or "eat the rich". maybe an anarchy symbol. i also like to paint a layer of mod podge over my designs to waterproof them.
5: great, you've got a patch, what are you going to do with it? sew it onto the jacket. unless ofc you bought an iron-on in step 2, in which case iron that shit on and be careful punks. most likely though, you're sewing it on. a lot of punks use tooth floss to sew on because its cheaper, easier to find, readily waxed and waterproof, and does a better job sewing shit down onto heavy duty material like leather or denim. I use a combined running stitch and whip stitch personally
1: all those punks you've seen have metal sticking out their jacket eh? yeah, theres a whole lot of options here. spikes of many different sizes and shapes, which within that can be stitch on, screwback, or have fold down prongs on the back of them
2: where do you put them? probably the front or top of the jacket. you can put them on the back but that might be uncomfortable, or rip up someone's upholstery
3: where do you get them? you can still DIY these by cutting up a metal drinks can [whole other post] but BE CAREFUL. i suggest checking out the internet for these, same buying rules as patches though. no shein. no amazon.
1: go wild
2: other common additions would be chains, lighter caps, badges, and can tabs
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teddypines · 21 days
The aftermath
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Sumary: The aftermath of a not so great mission. Reader x task force 141, Fem!reader (she/her pronounce)
Note: This is a rather long one, it bit angsty and i might make a part 2 to this. I want tf 141 in Schotland!! Also yes the picture up top does not match the vibe of the story, but it's a funny picture. Art / picture is from pintrest, credits go to the creator
To Scotland Part 2
Location: Safehouse, unknown. Date:  somewhere in September. 20XX
Both Gaz and Ghost lay on the only two beds in the whole safehouse, Gaz more hurt then Ghost, but both still beaten up quiet bad. Soap kept watch for now as Price went out to try and contact Laswell and any share or form while Y/N tried to make something eatable out of there rations. They’ve been stuck in the safehouse for over 2 weeks and with both Gaz and Ghost hurt things just didn’t look bright.
Soap sighed and stood up from his spot next to Gaz and Ghost. He quietly left the room to go check on Y/N and the food. He was tired and didn’t really get much sleep at night, not with Y/N clinging onto him like a koala. He didn’t mind it a lot since it kept him warm, but the way she slept on his arm made him wake up every hour or so. 
Y/N looked up when Soap walked into the small kitchen. “How are they doing? Any better?” She asked worriedly. “Gaz, was awake for a few minutes and Ghost helped me clean his bandages this time, so i would say they are getting better just very slowly.” Soap answered as he stood next to Y/N by the stove. “Bloody hell, what is that?” Soap asked the moment he had a look inside the pan. “I’m not sure, I tried to make stew, but with what little we have it is kinda hard to make it. I’m hoping the Captain comes back with something more useful after his call with Laswell.” Soap nodding also hoping the same thing.
Price did come back with something useful for the stew and a promise that they wouldn’t have to stay in the safe house for much longer. An evacuation team was on the way. 
Soap and Price made sure the rabbit was skinned and gutted before Y/N cut it and put it in the stew. When Ghost walked into the room. “Fuck what is that smell?” “Rabbit and you should be back in bed.” Price answered Ghost’s question before walking over to his lieutenant. “Come on, back to bed Simon, you are not supposed to be out of it.” Ghost groaned at Price, hating how he used his name to get him to do what he wanted. He quickly, but carefully, made his way to Y/N “Just let me kiss the lass first, then i'll go back.” 
Y/N looked up at Ghost. “It’s good to see you are a bit better, but please do as John says and rest. Don’t want you to be even more wounded than you already are.” She said while lifting Ghost’s mask just to be above his nose. “And just one kiss” Ghost didn’t listen to her, leaned down and gave Y/N one long kiss and two short ones before kissing her forehead. Soap then helped Ghost back to his bed in the other room, practically forcing him back and away from Y/N. 
“Want one too, now that they are gone?” Y/N asked as she made her way to Price, who slowly nodded his head. “Please.” They both smiled and Y/N wrapped her arms around the captain. “Thank you for making food for us these past two weeks, lass, made it less rancid” Y/N laughed and then gave Price his well-deserved kiss. “Better now?” “So much better.”
Soap came back into the room and rubbed his eyes a bit. “Is it okay if I nap on the couch for a little while? At least until dinner.” “Of course Johnny, I'll get you a blanket” Y/N said to the tired Scots man. She pulled away from Price and walked over to the chair near the couch to get Soap his blanket. She proceeds to tuck Soap in before he drifts off to sleep.
It took another week for the evac team to find them and to pick them up from the safe house. By that time Ghost was much better and his wounds started to heal nicely, but Gaz was still out of it. Y/N walked next to the carrier Gaz lay on while the medical team took him to the plane. They wanted to look her over too, but she refused. Just needing to know that Gaz was safe on the plane first before anything else could be done or checked on. 
The medical team could finally check on Y/N and the others once Gaz was safe on the plane with Nikolai. Turns our Price had been hiding a broken rib and a bullet wound for three weeks. Ghost was still the same, but got some morphine to deal with the pain. Soap and Y/N were both fine aside from some scratches and healed wounds.
“We got some food for you all on the plane” Laswell said as she helped Ghost on the plane. “Something not rations or gross” “Like a hamburger?” Soap asked as he sat down next to Y/N with a blanket. “Sadly, no, it’s chicken noodle soup with a piece of bread if you like.” Laswell answered. She sat Ghost down on one of the medical beds. “We could get you hamburgers once we’re back at base.”
Soap pouted a bit as Laswell tells him that there are no hamburgers, but he was happy that there was chicken noodle soup to warm up to and to have something that is actually food for the first time in weeks. He did however hope that Y/N would make rabbit stew once in the future, just to see if she could make it even better with real ingredients. Y/N looked over at Soap and smiled. “What ya thinking about?”
“Just food and you.” Soap answered with a big smile. “Ah, so two of your favourite things, I see.” Y/N remarked as she slowly lay her head on Soap’s shoulder. 
They all got settled on the plane, got medical attention even when it wasn’t really needed and got as much chicken noodle soup as they wanted. Nikolai got the okay from Laswell and started the plane, taking his favourite task force back home.
Location: secret military base, England  Date: 29 September, 20XX
Y/N made her way over to the medical wing, a care package from Gaz’s mom in hand. Gaz was still out of it, but he was slowly getting better. Of course it worried the others, they hated seeing someone they loved hurt. As Y/N stepped inside the room Gaz lay in she turned on the lights. The steady beeping of Gaz’s monitors filling the quiet room. “Hey, Kyle, your mom sent you a care package again. She’s worried, you know, just like we are. She feels bad that she can’t come over and take care of you.” Y/N started to talk to Gaz in a quiet tone. She sat down on the chair next to his hospital bed and started to unpack the care package. “I promised her I would take extra care of you on our last call so she made you a bigger care package than last time.”
Y/N pulled out the first item out of the box and smiled. “She put in a framed picture of your family. I’ll put it on the nightstand so they can watch over you,” She explained before putting the picture on the nightstand next to the bed. “Owh and look at this, it’s a little sheep plushie, owh and their name is fuzzy” Y/N melted as she took the sheep plushie out of the box. It almost made her want to cry. Just wanting her Kyle back with her. She placed the plushie in bed with Gaz and continued to go through the box. 
“There are some drinks and snacks in here too and i think your mom put in a bottle of stock for soup.”
“Yes, it’s beef stock, and there is a pack of funny pasta’s in here for the soup. I’ll make you the soup when you’re better. Wouldn’t want to waste any of this good soup without you having a taste of home” Y/N said as the lump in her throat got a bit bigger. She looked at the door, closed, and then back at Gaz. First she put down the care package and then crawled into the hospital bed. “Please get better soon Kyle, I miss you, we all miss you.” Y/N whispered before crying herself to sleep next to Kyle. 
Location: secret military base, England  Date: between 11 October, 20XX and 26 October, 20XX
Entry’s out of Soap’s Journal.
October, 11th, 20XX Y/N hasn’t been eating a lot lately. It worries me. I try to get her to eat, but she just won’t eat a lot. I get that she is worried about Kyle, we all are, but she can’t stop taking care of herself, yet she did. John said it will pass once Kyle is up again, but I have a feeling that won’t be for a little while. 
October, 13th, 20XX I talked to Simon about it, he sees it too. Both John and Y/N are looking worse than when we were in the safe house. We try to help them, it works a bit. Works more when Simon does it, but then again he has more balls than me.
Called home today, mom is worried too. She said that if Kyle is better again we can all stay with her and dad at the farm. I think that would do all of us a great deal of good. Just hope Kyle wakes up soon. 
October 17th, 20XX Simon got Y/N and John to eat properly today, took us 2 hours of fighting and 30 minutes of trying to comfort Y/N, but they ate. 
The doctor’s say that Kyle is getting better, but that he is taking his time. He did wake up for a bit when one of the night nurses checked up on him last night. She said he asked about us. 
Kyle’s mom sent a care package again, this time with mostly stuff for us and not Kyle. I might call her tomorrow, tell her how things are going. 
October 20. I caught Y/N sleeping with Kyle again today. I really hate seeing her like this. John is doing better tho. He’s been sleeping with me and Simon a lot at night. Y/N sleeps with Kyle most nights, scared he might die when she is not around. 
21 October, 20XX Kyle is finally doing a lot better, still not awake, but doing better enough to give Y/N a calm mind and to get her back in bed with us. Eating is still an issue, but we are working on it. 
We saw Alex at base today with Laswell. It was nice seeing him again, he looks good. Farah is rubbing off on him and it shows.
October 25, 20XX Called mom again today. Well, Y/N took over after about 10 minutes, she needed to hear my mom’s voice and that everything was going to be okay.
Simon and I talked about going to my parents after Kyle wake’s up. He thinks it’s a good idea too.
October 26, 20XX Kyle finally woke up. We are all over the moon and he is doing great. Y/N is making the soup she promised to him when he was out of it and John and Simon are staying close to Kyle.
We all talked about it and once it’s okay for Kyle to leave we are going to my parents for a month or 3.
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akystaracer22 · 8 months
Maybe in Another Life We Would Hate Each Other a Little Less
A chance encounter sheds a little light on Adam that Lucifer couldn't have predicted, leading to a moment he thought he'd never have with the man.
Notes (Aka my thoughts while writing):
God is a dick and I wanna kill xem
Adam folds his wings like a bird because monkey see monkey do
Both these guys were traumatised by the same person and we don’t talk about it enough
Probably Guitarduck/Adamsapple but in a fledgeling platonic kinda way
Refer to my ref for what Adam looks like!
I listened to Rät while writing this and- it kind of fits Adam???
Jesus is God’s favourite child and it fucking shows
How tf did this become a sickfic????
Lucifer gets the experience of being me whenever I make the impulsive move to boot up Char.ai and talk to literally any of the AI’s, get aunt agonied bitch.
Oh my god Adam has middle child syndrome.
Can you tell I attended a Christian school when I was younger???
Adam was hiding just how fucked over he was from the wing rot but he’s not having a good time in this. Most of the latter half of the oneshot is him dazed from both the one set of wing rot and the feeling of someone touching his wing.
Shit emergency wing HC for Adam ig: His wings grow warmer corresponding to his mood, as in when he is in general happier his wings radiate warmth and when he’s in a foul mood they’re just normal or even a little cooler.
In saying that yes Lucifer’s wings glow when he’s happy
Word Count: 1902
Fic under cut!
“Fucking- Shit!”
Lucifer paused, looking behind him and backing up to peek through the crack in the door. This ought to be good.
Sure enough, he was right, this was entertaining.
Adam was ranting again.
Honestly it was a nearly daily thing by this point, probably the only good thing about his daughters decision to let Adam stay at the hotel. He loved his daughter, he really did, by Adam was… Adam.
Lucifer knew he was a lost cause.
But still, didn’t mean Lucifer couldn’t tease the hell out of the man since he was stuck down here with the rest of them.
Lucifer’s smirk at watching the first man rant quickly died as he took in the guys appearance, he looked…
“What is wrong with your wings.”
Adam jerked and twisted around, scowling at him and oops he said that out loud didn’t he.
“Piss off!”
Lucifer, in his typical fashion, did not piss off and instead entered the room, “No seriously what is wrong with your wings.”
Now that he was closer, the king was certain they didn’t look like that a week ago. The feathers, while already having looked like a wreck were duller and the colours seemed almost… muted. Ignoring the already horrific state Adam’s wing were in, they shouldn’t look THAT bad so why…
“I said-!”
“Have you not been preening you wings?”
Adam went silent, staring wide eyed at Lucifer much to the kings confusion. A beat passed, then two.
“What the fuck is preening?”
Lucifer blinked, he wasn’t serious, was he?
Surely not.
“By the heavens you’re dead serious.”
“What the fuck are you talking about.”
Lucifer debated whether he should explain it or not. On one hand, it’s Adam. On the other, Wings were a serious thing. He’d even seen Husker cleaning his wings from time to time, for Adam to just not know…
“You know what? For once my hatred of you is outweighed by my need to show you what’s what,” The fallen seraphim huffed, closing the door behind him and summoning a chair to block it from the outside so Adam couldn’t escape. “Come on we’re fixing this travesty.”
“What part of fuck off you do you not understand?!” The first man snapped, his wings mantling as Lucifer rifled through the closet, dragging out one of the many jars of oil he’d had the foresight to put in most of the rooms, perks of being a guy with basic common sense.
“The part where you’re being stupid and my daughter started rubbing off on me,” Lucifer shot back, his own wings serving well to corral Adam towards the bed, “How you don’t know how to preen your wings is beyond me but that’s ending today.”
“Again- what are you blabbering about.”
Lucifer paused, hand hovering just over Adams feathers. Preening someone elses wings was… intimate. It was something reserved for friends, family, lovers, and stuff… not enemies. Was he really going to just go ahead and clean Adams wings for him?
The seraphim’s eyes flicked over to where the ruined wing was draped over the bed. The wing was already in bad enough shape as it was, if he didn’t do this then wing rot was bound to hit it at some point and-
He didn’t really have a choice, not if he didn’t want to watch someone die of wing rot again.
Adam went stiff under Lucifers touch as he started work on the mans functioning wing, it was the easiest to work with, not the mention the safest to start with. The injured wing would no doubt be sensitive to any interaction, so better to start small.
Adam shuddered as Lucifer moved between feather’s, periodically reapplying preening oil as he went. He was right as usual, looking closer most of the barbules had been separated and needed to be locked together again. Grimacing, the seraphim gently scratched out what looked like dried blood from where it was hidden in the base of Adam’s Secondary coverts.
“What are you doing?” Adam whispered, his voice for once lacking it’s usual bite. Lucifer paused for a second in confusion before Adam’s wing flexed back into Lucifer’s hand, “Don’t stop!”
“Okay okay!” The king huffed, working on his primaries, “What I’m doing is called preening. It’s something beings with feathers do to clean them.”
“Like birds?”
“Yeah, like birds,” Lucifer agreed, “The oil helps take care of bacteria, but you got to realign the feathers, get rid of the ones ready to moult, and fix the feathers that are out of sorts, though you can just shake the feathers to do that part quicker.”
Lucifer shifted over to finally tackle the ruined wing and froze, a chill slinking down his spine. As he took in the state of the tattered appendage.
This close the seraphim could see the red pimples under the thinning layer of feathers surrounding the injury, it was wing rot in its early stages.
“Nothing!” Lucifer dove his fingers into the scapulars to shut Adam up while he discreetly conjured up some disinfectant for the rot, if he’s lucky he can treat it now and just get Charlie or Vaggie to deal with it now, knock it over the head before it becomes so visible the others can notice. He ignored Adam’s breath hitching as the seraphim started, just as predicted, the wing was sensitive from the damage done to it.
“But seriously you need to do this more, this is just horrific,” Lucifer grumbled to himself, not really caring if Adam listened, “Honestly I’m surprised this hasn’t happened to you before!”
“Mmmm tried once… I think?”
Lucifer, glanced at Adam’s face, it was pointed away from him, but he could still sense Adam’s attention was on him, “Yeah?”
“Saw the birds doin’ it and tried to copy ‘em,” Adam continued at the prompt, spreading his other wing, “It hurt so I stopped, didn’ know there was a method to this shit or someth’n.”
“You… nobody even tried to teach you?”
“I think they thought I knew,” Adam chuckled sourly, “I think they thought I fu’kin knew how to just- do this. ‘Cause I was meant to right?!” Another laugh, “I bit the fu’kin apple so I shou’da known this kinda shit! Apple of knowl’dge or what’ver.”
Lucifer, wisely, didn’t say anything, he just kept working on Adam’s ruined wing, applying the disinfectant, and fixing what few feathers were still healthy and removing the rest. If it was anyone else in this situation he’s wrap the wing and tell them to rest but… it was still Adam that was in this mess.
“I- why didn’t they teach me? Luci why didn’t they teach me this shit?”
“I… don’t know,” Lucifer replied carefully, deliberately skipping over the butchering of his name that sounded way to close to a nickname for comfort, “Come on, up you get he still got the underside to finish then I’ll be out.”
Adam grumbled but complied, sitting up a little to turn around as Lucifer summoned a pillow for Adam to lean back on. Rolling his neck Lucifer got to work on the auxiliary feathers, the lighter feathers were definitely in better shape, but then again that wasn’t exactly a high bar, and they still were looking rough.
“Jesus was prob’bly taught how to preen himself.”
Lucifer’s shoulders hitched as his wings tucked in against his back abruptly. Jesus… was a rough topic. For all sinners talked about him, Lucifer never met him but from the sinners around that time… it was never a fun conversation. Pretentious once kings cursing his name while hopeless commoners lined up for the exorcists blade, faithful until the end that Jesus would let them into heaven if they just believed in him.
… there was a pattern in there, wasn’t there. Like father like son, he supposed.
“Jesus was made from me and yet he’s God’s favourite fukin kid, course he’d fucking know how to preen,” Adam continued unimpeded, “Doesn’t matter if I was Gods first- Jesus was always fucking better than me.”
Okay! Lucifer was in no way prepared for this conversation, but he highly doubted Adam was even going to remember this conversation, so he just focused on the wings.
“…Luci, do they all hate me?”
Lucifer sincerely wished Anthony, or just anyone really would bust down the door at this moment, at least then he could get himself out of this conversation.
“Why do you think that?” the seraphim deflected, moving onto Adam’s good wing and going through his coverts.
“Because none of them ever fucking did this,” Adam waved his hand haphazardly before letting it rest on his chest, “You’re my enemy but you’re fixin’ my fu’kin wings because I’m too stupid and useless to just figure it out myself.”
“Not useless,” The words left Lucifer’s lips without his input, damn himself to double hell, but it managed to shut up Adam, so he kept on the thought train, “You’re not useless you were just never taught, it’s not your fault heaven doesn’t think.”
“Is God’s prodigal son and shouldn’t be counted.”
Adam huffed and leaned back on the pillow, “Why’re you good at this?”
“I’ve had aeon’s to learn, and over a decade of putting it in practice,” Lucifer thought about his daughter, a small smile making it’s way into his expression, she really was the best thing to happen to him.
He finished up with Adams good wing and moved onto finishing off the wrecked one. Applying the disinfectant to the infected spots on the underside before reaching for the preening oil again.
“Y’know, maybe in another life we would’ve hated each other less.”
Lucifer just laughed and started preening the wing, yeah right, maybe in a reality where the apple incident never happened, “You’re sick Adam, feverish even.”
“And you’re a wife-stealer.”
“Should have been better in bed.”
“Fuck you,”
Lucifer stuck his tongue out at the first man, earning a tired chuckle. Then the seraphim blinked at the sudden warmth radiating out from the feathers. What in the-?
“Oh… they haven’t done that in a while.”
Lucifer blinked up at Adam who was staring at his feathers in amazement, “Ackde-whuh?”
Adam leaned back and closed his eyes, “Yeah… sometimes they just get warm all of a sudden it’s weird. Hasn’t happened in a while though. Apparently it sometimes happened when Lute was around? I dunno why.”
Lucifer blinked a couple of times before letting out a small “huh” and running a hand through the ruined wing, it was definitely warmer.
Sighing, Lucifer let his hand fall away despite the wing chasing it, “Alright well your wings are definitely cleaner now, so I’ll be out of your hair now.”
The seraphim stood up to leave through the balcony, opening the window and almost stepping out when Adam called after him, still sounding exhausted.
“I can see why they left me for you.”
Lucifer paused, before smiling sardonically and looking back at Adam, who looked like he might have just passed out.
“Tell me that when you’re not delusional from illness and I might believe you.”
With that, Lucifer stepped out and left for his own room… though, if Adam woke up to a small plush duck on his nightstand, that was between Lucifer and the god that cast him down.
But there is one thing Lucifer will admit.
Maybe Charlie wasn't wrong about thinking Adam could be redeemed.
@sleepy-hijinx @whatataha @cyborg0109 @birbisanon @legogator @overlord-rey @luckyburgerz @spiny-dogfishes @justakidicarus
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jade-jini · 1 year
"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙…"
Student Council President!Chaewon x Little Menace Reader
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Genre: Friends (love-hate) with benefits. smut. Fluff (kinda lmao)
TW: overstimulation. Orgasm delay)? Little bit of choking ‘cause it doesn’t hurt. Jealousy, chae is lowkey possessive idk what to tell you.
This is based on this stucon presi!chae x menace reader storyline, so I’d go check that first 100%.
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What for others would look like you simply talking and laughing with some of your friends, to chaewon (my least possessive friend Ofc) looked like the stupid flirty menace she unfortunately likes was surrounded by popular pretty girls, minutes away from probably choosing who chaewon’s replacement/competition/rival the subject of your attention is gonna be for the weekend.
It wasn’t like that tho, at all. Actually, to most people’s surprise (and disappointment), you weren’t interested in getting with nobody else besides chaewon, but this last part was Ofc something only you and her knew.
And yes she knew it! She didn’t think like this about you. Not all the time at least. Only when she was really jealous. Her mind would betray her creating fake scenarios where you go and fuck somebody else as good as you fucked her. Or where you’d let other people explore that body that she so much loved, making her get all impulsive and angry and ugh! She had to go there and showed you and everybody who tf owned you.
She decided she’s had enough when she sees Chaeryeong grabbing your waist.
She was simply helping you with a dance move that she showed you and you wanted to learn.
“Bs”, according to chaewon. Specially when the other girls are looking at you like you’re a piece of meat while you’re dancing so sexy.
(None of that was actually happening snjddj they’re just laughing with/at you ‘cause you’re too silly and can’t get the move right. Wonie is insane).
But she was jealous af, so out of impulse (this is your influence istg) she walked to you, grabbed your wrist and threw a cheap excuse about how you had to help the stuco members finish some stuff as part of one of your punishments.
You weren’t even sure if that was true or not (probably yes) but you didn’t even have a chance to fight as she dragged you down the hallway. You could only wave a goodbye to the other girls while they waved back with confused expressions in their faces, not saying anything because who in their right mind would argue with a clearly angry Kim Chaewon.
“We should pray for her” Ryujin said. And oh was she right.
Chaewon grabbed your wrist tighter and pulled you to an empty janitor’s closet, locking the door quickly.
“Umm, Wonie?-” you started, clearly confused about what was happening, but got cut off.
“Shut up.” she whispered while pushing you against the door, pressing her body against yours and kissing you aggressively.
You had no idea what was going on but you don’t have time to even process a question when her hand is already inside your pants, teasing you and making you wetter than you already were. The girl lets go of your lips at the same time so she can see your reaction, while you sigh both ‘cause of the lack of air in your lungs and ‘cause of the pleasure and intensity of her eyes.
“Unnie what’s-”
Oh?? -
Her fingers started moving slowly on your clit, which is surprising in contrast with the aggressive way she basically kidnapped you in this closet.
Don’t get confused tho, she totally wants to ruin you right now for making her feel this way. So impulsive, so angry, so jealous. Acting without stopping herself to reason and to choose a coherent decision. That is so you. This wasn’t Chaewon. This wasn’t her, tf?. She was upset at you and wanted you to know it, to feel it burning through your body the way it was through hers. But first she had to make you believe she’s taking things slow.
“Wonie, that feels good…”
“Yeah?” She asked in that sensual soft tone she sometimes used, accompanied with a smile “I make you feel good, don’t I?”
“Of course you do baby…” you answered, already starting to get lost in the pleasure the girl was making you feel, closing your eyes while you rested your head against the door behind you. Biting your lip and unconsciously moving a little bit under her touch, starting to give Chaewon a little show.
“Better than Chaeryeong?”
“Better than all those girls? Hm? Don’t think I didn’t see you basically flirting with all of them. Tell me, do I make you feel better than them?”
Oh no.
“Oh I’m fucked” you thought. Chaewon was jealous. That’s why she was being so impulsive and careless. And here you were thinking she was just starting to get too affected ‘cause of your company.
You could be a little bit of flirt, yes. But it was part of your personality, it was just natural! Plus it was mostly just joking around, you were friends with those girls, and honestly chaewon kept you too distracted to think about other girls like that, let alone actually get with other girls. Even if you guys weren’t exactly dating. (Lets go losers who are loyal without dating wooo)
“Chaewon, it’s not like that, with Chaer-”
“Shut. Up!” She whispered-screamed “I don’t wanna hear other girls’ names while I’m fucking you, let alone their stupid little nicknames, what’s wrong with you?!”
“But you asked me if- Ah fuck!” you almost screamed in a high pitched cry when she suddenly put her fingers all the way inside you.
“And your answer wasn’t supposed to include another girl’s name.” she said between her teeth, slowly but hardly fingering you.
“I- I’m sorry…”
“Now tell me. Do I make you feel better than them?”
You were gonna answer but she started going so fast on purpose, sending your mind to another planet.
“answer me or I’ll stop and you won’t get to come today.”
“Yes! Yes you’re so good. You’re better than everybody else, you’re perfect!” you said in between moans while trying to catch your breath. Compliments kept falling from your mouth and Chaewon loved every second of it. You guys couldn’t be too loud tho.
“Be quiet, somebody might hear you!”
“I can’t, it feels too good…”
“Yeah?” She said while softening her tone and smiling. Those little moans and whimpers while you grabbed her shoulders, causing wrinkles in her perfectly ironed uniform. She’d normally complain about it but she couldn’t care less, not when you’re looking and sounding so cute, making her forget why was she even mad about to begin with.
“Too good… unnie…” and Omg she can’t help but to shut you up with a kiss. Her kisses went to your neck while you unbuttoned your shirt.
“What are you doing?” The president asked while looking at you, stopping her kisses.
“I need kisses there too..” you answered, referring to your now very sensitive tits.
“And who told you you had any type of control on what’s happening here right now?” She said in a mocking tone.
“Unnie, please…” you begged, looking up at her and pouting, your eyes basically screaming your desire for her mouth to cease the needs that that part of your body was feeling. And that’s all it took for her walls to break and give in.
“Fuck. you’re lucky you’re cute and have those puppy eyes.” She said while moving your bra up and starting to leave kisses on your chest.
“Ha, thanks. Jen says the same all the time” you said without thinking. And you regretted it immediately when you realized you once again dropped somebody else’s name. Chaewon stopped her kisses and fingers inside you, making you groan as you felt that familiar sensation of your orgasm getting close painfully disappearing. Ah fuck.
“Oh really?” she said, sarcasm floating around her tone while she looked up at you. You gulped.
Chaewon (almost) never got jealous of her best friend. She knew you guys were friends even before she appeared in the picture at all. But right now? Every other human being was simply a rival for her. Even Yunjin. It was you and her. And you were hers. And she’ll fuck every other girl, person, name, thought out of your fucking mind if she has too. You get distracted way too easily for her liking.
“What else does she do that I do too, hm?” she asked while starting to move her fingers again slowly.
“I- I’m sorry unnie I didn’t mean to-” you tried to say but she wasn’t having it.
“No no, cmon tell me. What does my friend and I have in common?” she added, a fake-interested tone adorning her voice “does she also tells you how tight your pussy always is even after fucking it deep and hard a million times?”
You whimpered at her dirty talking, not being able to answer as your brain was malfunctioning with the pleasure added by her words and the stimulation she started to give to your nipples with her other hand.
“Does she tell you how perfect your tits fit in her hands? Or how good you taste in her mouth? Tell me does she tell you all those things while she fucks you as good as I do” She whispered in your ear while fucking you harder and faster.
You couldn’t form one single thought. You could only shook your head because of course Yunjin hasn’t done any of that Tf?! Doesn’t mean you weren’t turned on by this jealous side of Chaewon, who’d be so possessive even when she knows she’s the only one who tells you and does all those things to you.
“You know ~oh f-fuck~ that only you can make me feel this good, unnie” you moaned in her ear with your low voice, and you could feel her whimper against your neck. “Chaewon.. fuck I’m gonna come…” you said, your voice getting slightly high pitched, praying she’d finally let you come instead of building your orgasm and stopping.
“Do it for me, baby. Only for me” she answered while sucking on one of your nipples and moaning against it, as her free hand grabbed your neck, tightening around it slightly just the way she knew you liked it, creating a sensation that was more than enough to send you to your climax. You came hard all over her hand, but she didn’t stop or slow down.
“Fuck! Wonie, wait…!” you said while trying to move her hand but that only made her slap yours Lmao.
“ah ah ah! Keep your hands to yourself baby” the girl whispered in that sexy voice she has while getting on her knees, never removing her eyes from yours. If they weren’t so hypnotizing maybe you would’ve realized what she was gonna do. Only the sensation of her tongue inside your pussy replacing her fingers brought you back to reality.
“Holy fuck Wonie!” you almost screamed, quickly covering your mouth with your hand and biting hard to avoid any other sound coming from you. Her tongue, reaching every right spot right after your first orgasm, being too overwhelming “Chaewon, please slow down, it’s too much!” you whispered-screamed. You looked down at her, and regretted it immediately.
The girl simply went to your clit and shook her head in a “no” motion while stimulating it with the tip of her tongue, her fingers back inside your pussy moving fast and hard. God she looked so Fuckin hot like that. Her pretty eyes fixed in your face, that stupid egocentric smile that made her eyes looked like crescent moons, nothing in her mind but to fuck you until your legs were shaking. That plus the way she moved her fingers and mouth on you, without even giving you a break from your recent orgasm, was making you feel extra sensitive. Pleasure running from head to toe. You could hear your heart in your ears.
“Fuck! Oh my god, Wonie! Ahh…” you cried with the little string of voice you had left. tears forming in your barely open eyes while you gave the girl on her knees what she wanted and came all over her fingers and mouth. Your legs felt like jelly, so while getting up and licking her lips clean, she grabbed you so you wouldn’t fall.
“Are you ok?” The president asked giggling, holding you close to her and feeling your agitated breathing against her chest. You shook your head, making her giggle again.
“What was that?!” You asked her, shocked and still not completely back after the intense experience the girl in front of you made you have.
“hmm, nothing. Just felt like stealing your attention” She answered, to then lick her fingers clean. God, you didn’t understand what that woman did to you, you haven’t even recovered from whatever that was, yet you could feel yourself slowly getting horny again. Thank and fuck youth for the high sex drive.
“It’s not typical of Kim Chaewon to do something like this tho” you reminded her, hugging her by the shoulders. She scrunched her nose cutely at the comment.
“That’s true, but you’re so cute like this”.
“What, all messy after we fuck? you asked her laughing while slowly getting your breath to start going back to normal. She softly slapped your arm.
“Not that, when you’re only mine…” she said while hiding her face against your neck, and her fingers slowly traveled between your thighs again.
well, damn.
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allllium · 5 months
Heyaaa, I have a request! If it's not too much trouble, have you listened to too sweet by Hozier.. that song with the tf 141 boys (if it could be Ghost, it would be great!!)
Thanks in advance!!! And it's perfectly fine if you don't wanna!
Too Sweet for Me
~ I'm really sorry this took so long, I have not been feeling great but here it is. I hope you like this because honestly I am terrible at comprehending songs but I think this fits pretty well :)
~ If you're not happy with this for any reason please let me know and I will happily redo it with your advice <3
~ Fluff, WC: 1,189
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~ Ghost seems to think you're too sweet for him
You have a crush on Simon Riley. You know this, and so does everyone else, including him. Despite the very obvious adoration on your part he's never said anything about it.
You honestly have no idea how he feels about you and you're not sure you want to know. You do tons of little things for him and he does things for you, but that's all your relationship entails.
You are both so different it's not like you could ever fit together so perfectly, right?
I take my whiskey neat
“Here you are Lt.” You slide him a drink across the table. He makes a face behind his mask that you now recognize as his scowl. “Don't make that face at me.”
“You can't even see my face,” he replies, in his signature thick accent. “And I don't need you buying me drinks.”
“Well that's too bad 'cause’ I did. Don't tell me you're gonna let good whiskey go to waste.”
His deep brown eyes stare at you for a heavy moment before picking up the drink, lifting his mask just enough to show his cut jaw and full lips.
“Usually this is where I get a thank you.” You taunt him, trying not to let your gaze linger on what you can see of his perfect but slightly messed up face.
“Don't push your luck, Sargent.”
My coffee black…
“Oh dark like your soul, ain't that right Lt.” You gesture towards his black mug of black coffee.
Simon takes a deep breath as he takes in your words, his chest rising and falling in annoyance. He shakes his head silently, apparently not wanting to pleasure you with a response.
“Seriously, how do you drink that?” You put your hand on his perfect arm to push him out of the way of the coffee pot.
“Oh let me guess you take your coffee with a pound of sugar.” He rolls his eyes at you, in more of an attitude than you appreciate.
“Incorrect. I'm sweet enough as it is.” You smile at him while you turn around to stir your drink.
“Maybe a little too sweet don't you think?”
“Only to you.” You mutter under your breath.
…And my bed at three
“Oi Lt, what are you doing up at this hour?” You take amusement at the way this giant of a man jumps slightly at your voice.
“Did you just say oi?” He asks as if he didn't just hear you say it.
“Yes I did, do we need to get your hearing checked?” You make fun of him for the hundredth time that day.
“Why?” His gruff voice cuts through the air.
“I want it on record that I don't appreciate this attitude of yours. And I said "oi” because I'm becoming more like you.”
“I don't say oi.”
“I don't believe you. You sound like you say it.” You shrug and take a seat on the couch next to you.
“What does that mean?” He sits down next to you but he seems like he doesn't want a real answer.
“Your voice.”
“What's wrong with my voice?” This time it seems like he actually wants to know what you think.
“Oh nothing. It's a nice voice but it just gives me oi vibes.” He stares at you like you're crazy.
“I have a nice voice do I?”
“Don't let it get to your head.” You lay your head.on his shoulder.
No one speaks for a while but eventually Simon sits up. “It's three in the morning, we should get to bed.”
“Yeah that's probably smart.” You give him a big smile when you stand up. “Goodnight Lt.”
You're too sweet for me
“And here you are.” You take a dramatic bow as you hand Simon his gift, acting as if you just delivered the most important thing in the world.
“What is this?” He asks with a tone of impatientence.
“A gift.”
“It's not a holiday-” You quickly cut him off.
“Or your birthday I know, but I remember you saying something about it and got it for you”
“How do you know it's not my birthday, I've never told you that.” He pauses for a split second before continuing, “Did you look at my files?”
“That's not important, open your gift.” He shakes his head but opens the bag you've given him.
Quickly, he pulls out a mask just like the one he's currently wearing. A mask you've handmade just for him.
“What is this?” He instantly demands.
“That is what we call a mask sir. I remember you told me about that one having an annoying hole so I thought I'd help you out. Originally I was just gonna patch the hole but then I figured that mask has been through a lot so you deserved a new one.”
He loudly clears his throat. “I hope you know there won't be a gift in return.”
“I don't expect one, simply doing a nice thing.”
“Well thank you Sargent.” You smile at his thanks, feeling how much he means it.
“Anytime.” Is the only word you get in before he runs off.
You're too sweet for me
“You know this is basically our third date.” You randomly blurt out. You're sitting with Simon in a coffee shop off base. You don't know what you were expecting with Simon off base but one thing you never thought about when inviting him out is his absence of the mask.
Obviously wearing it would draw more attention than usual but now you're sitting straight across from the face of the man you're practically fawning over.
“This is not a date.” He defends roughly.
“Yes it is, our first was dinner and second was the bar so that makes this the third.”
“Those weren't dates, just outings between friends.” He runs his eyes everywhere but your face.
“Aww so you admit we're friends.” You can't help but tease. “But I'm being serious Simon. You can't deny it forever.”
“Yes I can.” He fiddles with his drink as you continue your mini interrogation.
“No you can't. I know you like me, Lt. Why won't you say it.”
“You're different.” He begins.
“If you start to say I'm dumb you're getting punched.”
“No! Of course not. You're different from me and I don't know if we would work.”
“Bullshit. Spill it.”
“Fine, you're too sweet.” He spits out as if it was fire coming out.
You can't help the bubbling laugh that spills out your mouth. “Too sweet? What does that even mean?” You ask him, still laughing.
“I don't know. You're too sweet to me, you give me things and you say all the right things and I don't think I could give all that back to you.”
‘I don't want you to give me anything back. I want you to give me you, you're too sweet for me too Lt. Even if it is in a different looking way.” You slide your hand across the table to lay on his. He returns your hold and gives you a smile that is uniquely his. This is all you need.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: guys i kinda feel like the tae hate train is so forced spent 24 hours with him and he’s not even that bad
y/n: pretty sure this is what people call stockholm syndrome. wishing you a speedy recovery 🙏🏽
tae: i could cry jin wow thank u for this 💜
jimin: savejin2023
namjoon: wow
hobi: i think i’m about to get jumped
yoongi: be safe
hobi: that does not help me at all
yoongi: never being nice again hope it hurts real bad and ur in hospital for 7 weeks
namjoon: why would people want to jump you?
hobi: idk namjoon let me turn around and ask them
fucking BITCH
i hate you
namjoon: ok then
y/n: where is ur security at??
hobi: toilet
y/n: yikes
gl !!!!!
tae: do you need me to come help?
you know i can get down and dirty
real dirty
jimin: tae stfu
someone record it
tae: say the word hoseok and i’ll be there
hobi: saying no words
tae: be like that then
jin you would let me save you right 🥺
jin: no
tae: wtf????
why not
jin: stop speaking to me
jin: i said you weren’t that bad not that we were friends
chill out
you fucking BITCH
jin: excuse me????
you better watch ur mouth
y/n: ladies that’s enough break it up!!
jin: he fucking started it ugly slut
jimin: he’s asking you to cum that’s crazy
yoongi: gross as hell
hobi: i was not jumped
yoongi: shame
hobi: shame?
yoongi: shame.
tae: i do not fuck with you like that jin what the hell
namjoon: where is jungkook?
jk: i’m busy
i just ate glass by accident
namjoon: you what
jk: pls leave me alone
i ate glass
y/n: he’s bleeding
jk: i ate glass
tae: something is telling me jungkook ate glass but idk
jk: i did just eat glass
tae: no way lol
jk: yes way
leave me me now
hobi: he ate glass?
jin: lol
jk: yes
bye now
jimin: is he like ok??
y/n: he’s bleeding i said this already
yoongi: how do you accidentally eat glass?
y/n: beats me
y/n: what
jimin: anyways
can we find out what the fuck namjoon is training for
why is he always working out?
should i be prepared to the end of the world or something
what does he know that we don’t
y/n: think he’s just a slut tbh
namjoon: ?
jin: be honest namjoon
are you working for the government?
namjoon: technically we all work for the government
jimin: ur so annoying
yoongi: “technically we all work for the government” 🤓☝🏼
hobi: who is we????????
i know i don’t work for the government
i work for the people
y/n: right like tf is he on about?
tae: why has no one congratulated me
jin: are you pregnant?
jimin: congrats!! boy or girl??
tae: nvm
namjoon: btw i’m not having a party for my birthday this year
yoongi: thought ur birthday passed already?
namjoon: no?
hobi: what year were you born joon?
namjoon: 1994
tae: CRAZY
namjoon: we are 1 year apart?
tae: 1 year it’s a long time
y/n: you’re so old omg :( hope you don’t die soon
namjoon: i’m not old
jimin: see how jin and yoongi aren’t speaking rn
says a lot doesn’t it?
yoongi: maybe i don’t like you?
jimin: maybe ur old as hell?
jin: age shaming is real guys
i’m done fighting this battle
tae: age defeated you?
jin: don’t start with me again
y/n: he’ll ask you to cum again
jin: right
wait no wtf
hobi: ewww jin is so gross
jin: IM NOT
jimin: i’m asking this not because i care but cuz it would be real funny if the answer was yes
did jungkook die??
yoongi: let’s pray
namjoon: are you friends with him now?
yoongi: LOL
i’m praying that he’s dead
y/n: be nice yoongi
yoongi: never :p
jk: raise ur hand if you also think the jungkook hate train is forced
jimin: *cuts off both hands*
tae: don’t think he died
yoongi: no shit
tae: i’ll raise my hand for you kook
jin: i take back my my opening statement
gf was right it was stockholm syndrome
jk: GF??????
yoongi: don’t call her that
y/n: told you
jin: thank god i’m cured now 🙏🏻
tae: all men do is lie…
y/n: real
tae: you about that freaky life lol??
we can if you want lol
jk: you will be the next glass victim
tae: woah????
namjoon: jungkook how did you end up eating glass?
hobi: or did the glass end up eating you?
jk: lightbulb in my mouth
jimin: ??
jk: i put a lightbulb in my mouth
namjoon: why…
jk: leave me alone pls
yoongi: stupid
jk: ur stupid
jimin: i’m gonna kill myself in front of tae and jungkook to forever change their bond and the trajectory of their lives
tae: wtf
namjoon: okay!
jk: i don’t like that
jimin: that’s the point
tae: be honest i’ve been getting better like i’m better honestly like before i was a little bit gone but i’ve changed fr
jin: me trying to convince the nurse to let me out the psych ward
y/n: tae literally explained the whole omegaverse in detail to me yesterday
what about that screams better?
tae: ok so i wanted to share some knowledge with you i don’t see the issue..
namjoon: omegaverse?
tae: i’ll tell you namjoon
i’ll share my knowledge
step into my office
namjoon: um
jimin: you do not have an office
hobi: lowkey olive oil and carrots taste good af
y/n: ew??
jin: gross
jk: not true it tastes like a tesla model x tyre
namjoon: that very specific
like VERY specific
jimin: jungkook why do you know what that tastes like?????
jk: i be in situations
yoongi: have you ever experienced serious head truma?
jk: i had a dream namjoon spiked me and ran my head over with a motorcycle once
namjoon: oh
y/n: my little vivid dreamer >3<
jk: hehehe yeah >3<
jimin: ur a 26 year old man
never fucking hehehe in this chat again
y/n: why can’t 26 year old men hehehe what is this discrimination???
hobi: born to hehehe forced to lol 😂
jk: i’m so upset now
jimin: good
tae: call me ben cuz all my bitches 10
y/n: what?
jin: 10?????
namjoon: ???
jk: ben
hobi: yikes
jimin: get the police on the phone
tae: WAIT
yoongi: flop
tae: what if we all just started a yoongi hate train
what could be do to stop us
absolutely nothing
yoongi: what if i took a ss and sent that ben line to the police
jimin: he got you
y/n: crazy
tae: nvm lol
namjoon: jungkook don’t go on twitter
namjoon: too late
yoongi: wait what?
jin: no way they caught her like that
jimin: didn’t that man just have surgery?
y/n leave that poor man alone!
no i lied
nvm i don’t like this at all
i tried to be happy for you but i just can’t
what can he do that i can’t
hobi: rap idk
tae: hobi can you shut up pls
hobi: zipped it locked it and i’ve put it in my pocket
yoongi: wow she really is kissing him in the picture
that’s insane
wow lmao
that’s crazy
y/n: it’s a kiss on the cheek?
jin: why the hell is he in a wheelchair
hobi: maybe her kiss made him weak in the knees
he’s so real for that
hobi: 🤐
y/n: it was just after seungcheol left the hospital
after his surgery
jin: wow not the first name
that’s crazy
y/n: ur still talking to us
you are in fact alive
jk: hello are you a friend of jungkook
this is his mother he’s dead
my baby is dead
jimin: how long have you guys been fucking??
y/n: i have not been fucking that man
yoongi: but you’ve been kissing him
this is NOT a big deal
like at all
namjoon: i agree
tae: i’ll slit your throat
namjoon: what
tae: i will cut your throat open
never agree with her again
jin: he lowkey a slut cuz how he let you kiss on him in open like that
sounds like a set up to me
he wanted the people to know
y/n: there is nothing to know
seungcheol is the bff
nothing more
y/n: thought you were dead?
jk: hello this is mother jungkook was my son not ur bff??
jimin: mother jungkook?
tae: as ur bf i don’t agree with this kiss it was really crossing boundaries pls apologise and give me his address so we can talk man 2 man
y/n: shut up
tae: ok lol you want me so bad
namjoon: she literally did not say that at all
tae: if you want to keep ur throat together shut the HELL UP
yoongi: are you dating him?
y/n: no
hobi added seungcheol to the LAYOVER OUT NOW!!
jimin: NO WAY
hobi: whoops!!!!!!!
namjoon: let’s not fight pls 😕
tae: YOU
seungcheol: Hello?
jk: omg he has auto caps on i’m gonna throw up
yoongi: back off
y/n: pls ignore them cheol and feel free to leave!!!!
seungcheol: Should i be worried rn lol?
Also hi everyone ☺️
hobi: hiiiiiiiiiii
jimin: so ur y/n’s bff right?
seungcheol: Yup
namjoon: he didn’t mean that
tae: I DID
namjoon: he didn’t honestly
yoongi: what’s ur address?
y/n: do not answer that
jin: did you see the dispatch photos?
seungcheol: I did i was about to call y/n
can’t believe they caught us like that 😭
jimin: wow today is a great day
yoongi: wdym caught?? you two aren’t even dating so they caught you guys doing nothing
like that was nothing
jk: 2&&2838;8;:7:&:&;&:&38293@:@.@:@@;9.&:&:&:&:&:&:&&.&:@/&2&3&3&:&:&,&:&:&:&&.&:&:&:&&:&:&:&:&:&:&:&:&:&&:&:,&;&&:&:&:.&&.&.&:&:&:&.&.&.&.&.&:&:&:&:&&..&£,’xjxxjjdjjxjsmnzjjdjdjzjsidiididiidicidididididsidjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdididididididjjxixididididididiidjdjdjdjxjdjdkmdkdkxkxkxkdkjjdxjjdjxjxjcjxjxjxjxjxjxjxjdjdjdjdjdjdjjxxjxjxjjxxjxkjxxjjdjjdjdjxjdjdjdjxjxjxjxjxjjxjxjsjdjxjxjjddjjdjdjxj
seungcheol: Is he ok?
namjoon: yes
jimin: no
hobi: urs is literally the letter v
jin: is she a good kisser?
seungcheol: The best ☺️
y/n removed seungcheol from LAYOVER OUT NOW!!
yoongi: add him back
jimin: MESSYY
jk: where to purchase gun
sorry this isn’t google
hobi: wow that was intense guys
y/n: never speak to me again hoseok
hobi: 🥺
namjoon: i’m sure this will die down in a few days
tae: ur throat is not safe
namjoon: ???
are you trying to fuck me rn
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disformer · 1 year
What do you feel is more concerning for children with what is in the EarthSpark series; all of the clear terror and death, or having a they/them pronouned character?
Because the terror and death is seemingly entirely looked over but the ONE CHARACTER going by different pronouns is apparently nothing short of outrage.
Anon, I Am Nonbinary.
I’ll put a more thought out response under the cut
Earthspark drinking game take a sip every time an extremely young child has to emotionally support an adult or is put in life-threatening danger.
1. Steven Universe really ruined a generation of children’s media by making showrunners think they had to tackle issues like PTSD and trauma.
However, to give SU some credit, Steven was not 9 years old at the start of the show. It’s a really jarring choice that was probably made to capitalise on a more marketable demographic for TF and to keep the children’s play more lighthearted, but you get some really weird moments like (checks notes) a nine year old giving advice to an adult on how to handle trauma.
The issue with this is no nine year old should ever have to do this for an adult. They do not need to be wise beyond their years. They do not need to be a therapist for their caretakers. Grimlocks PTSD episode is one of the most egregious examples of this, where (not only is this depiction extremely one-note and weird) the narrative punishes Jawbreaker for not realising Grimlock is having a panic attack in the middle of their play.
As a framing device in a kids movie, what is a nine year old viewer supposed to take from this? The child brain is going to think ‘the adult lashed out and hurt Jawbreaker, it was his fault for being too rowdy.’ LIKE YOU WOULDNT SEE THIS IN PEPPA PIG.
And you do need to consider this when you’re writing children that young in your media, because kids are going to watch shows that have other kids the same age as them in it. There’s an almost instinctive camaraderie in seeing a fellow nine-year-old on TV when you’re at that age. So, the show is very likely going to be watched by 8-15 year olds which brings us to
This show is way way way too interested in putting children in extreme danger. Constantly, towards the end of the series.
I’ll make a note first that it’s okay if kids shows have fun play-violence; kids like action. Children like low-stakes explosions. It’s not super serious and most TF media does this well, even if it’s tonally a bit more serious. This is not really an issue in a show like TFP or TFA which also had young kids.
Earthspark does not make its action low-stakes. Earthspark treats its violence extremely seriously; children cry, they scream, they get bruised, their parents wail when they see them in danger. Violence has a lasting impact, it has to because the show constantly wants to talk about trauma, so they can’t have video game rules. If they get hurt it has to impact them. Robbie and Mo are in consistent, life-threatening danger. They’re always being shot at or dropped off cliffs or almost killed and it always harrows them.
And kids can pick up on this. They’re going to realise that this is something that’s Serious, and Scary, and they’re going to be FREAKED out.
They’re also going to be freaked out when the children are fuckin. Tied into the bio-wall with tubes by Mandroid, or when Robbie has alien leukaemia and his parents are so so scared and has to rush him to the hospital and Mo is crying so much, or when their parents are seemingly killed and the kids are screaming and punching the ground and blaming themselves.
And that last part is important, because on several occasions the narrative reinforces this. The narrative. Of a children’s show. Says yes; Robbie and Mo have powers, and this makes them responsible for the well-being of the adults around them. Mo literally gets told this. By GOD. Before her parents proudly watch on without interfering as she fights in hand to hand combat with the villain (WHO IS, AS WE HAVE SEEN, FUCKING DERANGED AND WOULD LOVE TO KILL A TEENAGER JUST ONCE PLEASE PLEASE)
In conclusion, what this tells me is the showrunners are inexperienced. They didn’t consider what is appropriate for the subject matter of a children’s cartoon. They wanted to write about trauma, and war, and think kids are cute! And didn’t want their TF fanfiction to be narratively compromised by having to ‘dumb it down’ for kids.
The result is this is never a show I would ever put on for a 4th grade class in break time, at the risk of severely upsetting a lot of them. And it’s also a show I can’t enjoy as an adult, because it uses the language of a children’s cartoon to make nuanced topics more binarised and soppy.
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oneluckygoose · 1 month
Guys I’m actually so close to breaking and writing a full fledged Marauders era fic. Like I’m talking 1st year to 1981
I have so many ideas about it, I’ll put a list of things under the cut but it’ll be your classic Wolfstar, Dorlene, and Rosekiller, while also being weird and doing a HEALTHY Jegulus with endgame Jily. There’s just a lot of things about the Marauders era that is so inconsistent that I feel like I physically need to write it down COHERENTLY in a way that makes a modicum of sense to me.
Things it’ll probably include
Scottish and Desi James; Welsh Lily, Remus, and Severus; French/English Blacks; IRISH Peter; SCOTTISH Marlene; Dutch Dorcas; French Mary; British Rosiers; and British Barty (ive missed some but those’ll be my main characters I focus on)
Jegulus, personally I think Jegulus is a very important thing for James’ growth and for Regulus’ to distance himself from his family’s ideals but I also don’t think it could ever last. Probably would be a 6th year arc and they break up after Regulus gets the Mark beginning of 7th
Endgame Jily, because their story is one of my favorites and if I do make it a canon compliment then I would need to write it with natural progression, also I just love Jily
I’m on the fence about making it a canon compliment because I choose to be HAPPY, but I don’t need to make that decision now and so I won’t (also I like the idea that Peter is good, screw me)
Aroace Peter, my little boy loves his friends and doesn’t understand why he doesn’t love like they do. A dating spree probably in 5th year but he just cannot figure out how to do the romance thing
No sex, sorry guys we’re keeping this M rated. I’m asexual and do not feel comfortable writing that in the slightest, it would all be fade to black
Asexual Lily, to whoever HCed that, can I marry you? I love ace Lily and I think it just adds an arc to her story that is normally extremely sexualized. My girl will punch you in the face if you look even a tiny bit lower than her eyes.
How much character growth can I fit into James Potter? ALL OF IT. He was a DICK, that is non negotiable, he was not a dick eventually (ahem he had to grow up after the prank)
The Prank will be essential to everyone’s character.
Sirius is at his lowest in 5th year because his parents are trying to get him to marry Pandora and he is rebelling so hard and they are punishing him like a madman and he’s hurt and in pain and lashes out and it’s a mess and it breaks that summer and he runs away. (Then things get better)
Remus’s arc will probably be very similar to what it normally is, I think he’ll have Hope and Lyall, at least for a while and his home life won’t be the worst. If that’ll change I’m not quite sure.
Remus is SMALL and then he gets REALLY BIG, I’m talking 5’1- 5’10 over one summer (3rd year to 4th year) then he keeps growing. 6’3 by the end of it.
James isn’t short, he has a normal growth though, lands steady at 6’
Sirius and Peter are short kings: Sirius-5’8, Peter-5’6
Marlene is probably the most Gryfindor person on the planet, and Dorcas is a Slytherin who HATES her peers
Dorcas is a halfblood with a single Muggle father (her mother left when she was 5) They both have the best dreads on the earth and you can’t tell me otherwise
Marylily is kinda a thing?? In the early years but it fades and they agree they’re better friends.
Pandora and Evan are twins, their family are pureblood fucks
Pandora and Regulus are best friends, they would both destroy the world for each other
Remus starts to like Sirius in 3rd year, he dates someone (probably Marlene because her and Sirius and just gender swapped copies of one another but they both hate it and Marlene is the first person who knows about Remus’ crush, Remus is the first person to know about Marlene's when that becomes a thing 5th year)
Sirius starts to like Remus in 4th year but doesn’t realize it at first and when he does dates around in complete denial until he runs tf away from his family. Peter, the king he is, is surprisingly the first one to figure it out in 5th year.
James is the most hardcore Wolfstar shipper when he finds out about both of them, and he has to be painfully silent about it until they get their shit together
They fully get together at the end of 6th year. How? I'll figure it out.
The Skittles are less present the first half, but they would probably be more and more there, especially as Reg and Sirius' relationship strains
Regulus' relationship with Orion and Walburga is that of a child who has watched their older sibling be abused for rebellion and is fucking terrified of that happening to him. He hates them, but he has to please them to save his own skin.
Also, all the Skittles are in slytherin for being ambitious, cunning, and calculating. Not because they are evil.
Not all slytherins are pure blood fucks who toss around slurs and unforgivable curses while chanting "praise the dark lord", some of them are good/some of them don't deserve treatment as if they were. Understanding this is essential to James' character development.
Not Snape though, he is exactly what it says on the surface. Sure he loves a muggle born but he also is obsessed with her, manipulated her, called her slurs, and hurt the people she loved. He has no such qualms with being as horrible as possible to anyone else. Not saying James and Sirius were good, but Snape wasn't a fuckin' hero either. "Always." BITCH THAT"S CREEPY NOT ROMANTIC.
How long does it take Lily to realize Snape is the worst person on the planet earth? TOO LONG. He calls her mudblood and that is the last straw.
Also fuck JKR's timeline, I don't even understand how the prank could happen before Snape's Worst Memory or after 5th year so the cannon fuckery is going to happen mainly in 5th year
Marlene is extremely important to me. She has the thickest Scottish accent and she thrives off of it. She does not take SHIT. She listens to rock exclusively once she figures out electric guitar makes brain go happy. She and Sirius have a very interesting relationship I would be so excited to explore.
Nothing will be glossed over. I see a lot of vagueness about the Cruciatus curse, and just, no. People need to see in detail what shapes the characters and why they are the way they are, especially Regulus and Sirius. I'll do CWs before every chapter, but I'm not holding back. It'll be graphic, it'll be skin crawling, but maybe that's the point. Remus goes through torture every month, that needs to be known. Sirius and Regulus are broken by their parents, that needs to be known. Mary was assaulted by blood purists, that needs to be known. Things won't be pretty, they never have been with the Marauders. But maybe that's the most beautiful thing about them. Things aren't pretty, but they find a way to love despite that. (James Potter tends to have a large hand in that, too)
This was my shpeal. I have so many ideas and so many ways I could go with this that I'm actually so stressed over it. Um... if anyone has advice on how to get actually started because that's the part tripping me up I would love it. I don't know if I can bring anything particularly special about their story to the table but I would love to see where my story goes. My biggest fear about this is starting it and never being able to finish it. I've been told I'm a pretty good writer, I might post more of my unfinished stuff just to gauge if people actually want to read it, but I hope I can do them justice.
The name though? I have a few Ideas and all of them would lead to a different way that I wrote the story.
Chronicles of Messrs; A song title from either queen or aerosmith; House of the Rising Suns; Dear Minerva; The Graceless
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fritoley · 27 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x06 - Moment of Truth
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Woah why did everything go monotone except for Kosmo
“This orb…is a giant piece of candy.”
HOW THE FUCK DID THEY NOT NOTICE THAT WERE HOLDING A BIG-ASS JAWBREAKER (i know it’s chocolate but you get the idea---)
How tf is a piece of candy glowing in the first place—
You’ve GOT to be kidding me tho
Oh it’s color again—
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“I loved your mother, Lissa, very much.”
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“I suppose I should call it what it is, dark magic.”
Harrow said the same thing in s1 just kill me now—
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“Who am I to refuse an invitation from the high mage of Katolis?”
Wait were Kpp’Ar’s bandages ever explained? Why are they so bloody?
Omg he’s so emotional 😭
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“Yes. Yes I see now.”
Oooooooh wait no the monotone is him seeing the futureeeeeee
That’s so cool you go kosmo
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“Prince Harrow. May I join you?”
AAAAAHHHHH harrow’s little scoot is adorable LMAOOO
Aww he’s so considerate towards  sarai and callum gahhh—
I need them back now how dare they die on me 😭
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“Beware, if you ever use dark magic again, the darkness and corruption will overwhelm you.”
I guarantee you he’s gonna use dark magic again watch
Mark my words
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“Without magic, how will you stop me?”
I wanna know more about kpp’ar and why he quit dark magic
I bet it has something to do with his bandages
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“[Kpp’Ar] invested years of his life helping me become… what i became.”
Ooh so viren got his true appearance from the coin spell i thought he was gonna get it from the spell he uses to save soren
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“I only see… darkness.”
Omg he’s gonna get to space
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“Something so simple and… and easy, her tears.”
Omg you can see viren just scribbling the words down as fast as he can just reliving the moment it’s so sad
I feel so bad for him
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“I pushed her against the wall and I held the back of her hair to keep her still.”
What is this serious DRAMA omg—
Where the fuck is claudia in all this that’s what i wanna know
Like soren would be sick in bed but considering lissa was full on sobbing you’d think claudia would hear it and go see what’s going on
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Ok wait can y’all get away from the edge i can’t trust y’all not to fall and die not at this point
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“But the cost was… devastating.”
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The way soren’s looking at viren in confusion MY HEART 😭
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“And i punished you with a lifetime of cold cruelty.”
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“No, I… No. The guard was… mistaken.”
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N O O O O O O O O O O 
Okay so i let it simmer overnight and i have a FUCKING LOT to say about this. First of all, how D A R E they make me invested in viren’s letter to soren (INCLUDING A LISSA REVEAL DAMN THAT WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL—) only for viren to BURN IT UP?!?!!?? Lemme tell you, if i read that letter and saw the teardrop stains and shit on it i would’ve immediately forgiven him idfc free him he did all of it but i don’t care that’s my toxic trait. And for soren to S E E the letter and viren S T I L L chickens out—
*incoherent screaming*
Anyways as you can tell i loved this episode and it’s prolly one of my favorites so far. And YES i saw rayllum kiss F I N A L L Y so yeah here you go
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bluewhitehues · 8 months
Hug | Kim Mingyu
Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: Angst? (Little bit), comfort, strangers to lovers, fluff
Pairing : Idol Kim Mingyu × (f) reader
Warning: mentions of anxiety
Part 3
The drive to your apartment was quite awkward, mingyu dropped you off and you guys parted ways saying bye.
There was a longing in Mingyu's heart.. he really had prayed and hoped that you both will get along, may be will go on few more dates to know each other . But alas that didn't happen.
After going home you showered and made yourself some quick dinner ...you were eating when you got Chan's call, at that moment all you wanted to do was curse at him shout at him so you picked up his call, " you should've told me if you had a death wish why pull such a stunt chan? " you were talking so calmly he got scared "hey why are you talking like that you're scaring meeee"
He cut you off "FIRST OF ALL STOP SHOUTING..and what's wrong with it if he's a celebrity and you're not? I'm also an idol and you're bestfriends with me I don't see any problem here? And about the other thing ..y/n I'm really sorry I lied about it being a blind date but if I had told you you'd have said no.. he really likes you ,that idiot thought we both are a thing can you imagine lol, and then I guessed that he likes you and he didn't deny so I came up with this plan ...also he thought you knew and said yes to the date with him ,he didn't know okayy? He might be coming for me I'm so dead ...see.. I worked so hard for you and you're not even grateful-,"
You huffed loudly "Grateful my a$$.. you should not do this with anyone's feelings chan he must've felt so bad he thought I said yes and was all excited do you know how bad Im feeling?"
Now chan got alarmed , "hold on, why are you feeling so bad? WAIT TF UP DID YOU BY ANY CHANCE SAY NO TO HIM ??? I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N-"
And now in this one fine moment your pretty brain realised you gotta tell chan ..AND WHAT WILL YOU TELL HIM ???? OMG ...I said no to Mingyu because I like you? Because I like someone else? He knows literally everyone in your life and would not believe your lie and now you're freaking out you don't even have mingyu's number, what if you tell one lie and mingyu tells another you'd be caught right away so no you need to talk to Mingyu.
So you blurt out, "N-NOOO we just- we just went through it...AND OMG I'M REMEMBERING IT JUST NOW I left my purse in his car and I don't even have his number IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT send me his number right nowww" and you saved the moment just like that (you hoped it didn't sound too fake or extra)
Chan thinks something is fishy but thinks he'll find out anyway so he doesn't press you anymore.."you couldn't even ask for his number yourself seriously y/n you've got no game-" That brat thrives on teasing and annoying you.
"if you don't shut up and just send me his number right now you won't only have to worry about mingyu coming for you... sleep with one eye open cause I'm also coming for you-"
He laughs at you, " ok, okay let's all calm down..check your messages I sent the number..also you owe me full explanation and details tomorrow"
"whateverrrr bye."
"hey atleast tell me how was the date."
"NO.. someone once said *That's all you're getting* " you quoted his words from when you asked him about who is gonna be your date.
He whined about how that wasn't fair before you ended the call.
You were nervous as fuvk because what are you going to say to Mingyu it already feels bad enough but now you've to come up with a plan to tell chan. So before chan could go to Mingyu,you called him.
After dropping you off Mingyu went to his and wonwoo's shared apartment, where as soon as he entered wonwoo asked him about the date. Mingyu said it was okay, good, wonwoo then asked him why does he look so sad ..mingyu said he doesn't think it'll work out that's why ..and asks wonwoo to not to tell others about anything because he knew just like that all of them will know, that means chan will know as well and he promised you he would not let him know,he'll keep it a secret.
He was about to go to bed when you called him he was surprised but he picked up the call.
"uh Hello Mingyu? It's me y/n ...sorry ,did I disturb you?"
"Hey no you didn't ..what's up everything ok? "
"yeah everything's fine just uh Chan called me actually and I don't know what to tell him..I just I thought we should tell him the same thing so he wouldn't doubt ...I'm sorry I feel terrible to trouble you like this".
"I told you not to say sorry ..you can talk to me comfortably just how you talk to your friends it's ok .. "
"okay I won't say sorry again."
He smiled a little ..he has never talked to you that much, that too on call it's first time hearing your voice..he thinks you sound so sweet and he wishes he'd get to talk to you more often.."hmm that's good ..also about chan what options do we have?"
"if I say I like someone else he won't believe me so that's out of the option ..and If I say I said no he'll ask me the reason.." you sighed "I can't seem to find any reason to tell him"
"I see um then...we can just say we decided to be just friends? "
"that sounds good" you thought that's the safest answer.
"yeah soo.. is it ok for us to be friends? " He really wanted you to say yes .. he'd manage with just that.. being your friend.
You can't see him yet you can picture his hopeful eyes..."will you be ok?..with being my friend" You ask.
Mingyu thinks a little ..he thinks he'll take it as much as close he'll be able to stay with you he'll take it, it is dangerous but right now his heart,mind, soul everything just decides that yes they want it..
"Honestly, I've mostly seen you from distance yet I thought you were amazing so..I...I would like to be your friend and who knows someday you'll realise I'm hotter than chan and finally confess to me ..wow I would like to see that day." He's mischievously smiling right now and then he hears it your laugh..one of his most favourite things in the world ..he could hear it forever.
You laugh.."Mingyu seriously" he also laughs a little with you.
"I'd like to be your friend too mingyu but ...I know how it's like to be friends with someone you like..and I wouldn't recommend that ...it can be hard sometimes." You don't want to think about those moments again when you're trying to move on but you wouldn't want mingyu to feel like that as well.
He sighs," well I'm a tough guy " he's not...but he'd do anything to get to know you better ..he doesn't want to regret anything in his life.
"Ok then it's settled ... we're friends from now on"...you're smiling now
"yeah we are ...I like it" he's smiles softly.
Author's note: Hey everyone this is it for today, hope you enjoy it❤️
Part 4 👇🏻
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hotd-brainrot · 2 months
I think I figured out what personally bothered me sm in this season of HOTD. And it wasn't (only) the fact that it didn't align with F&B.
I feel like the writers forgot, if not completely disregarded almost everything they established in the second part of seasons 1?
I expected Aemond's entire arc of becoming a villian, but not against his own faction? And the thing is, if they truly wanted to go for it, it was doable, but they went way too fast with it and in ways that made no sense? In season 1, yes, we see Aegon bullying Aemond when they were kids, but then during the dinner scene we clearly see they bonded since then and have each others' back. If anyone from the green kids is isolated in that scene, it's Helaena.
In the beginning of s2, they seem to go along with that, have Aegon implicitly trust Aemond, inviting him to his council, not believe Larys when he says it's Aemond plotting with Alicent to rule in his stead. Then there is a brothel scene which is on all accounts awful, but fine. Let's say for a moment Aegon is grieveing and reverts back to his old habits of humiliating Aemond as a way to cope.
Why don't we see more of Aemond's reaction when he is alone? He humiliates him at the council, which makes sense to make them even. Shows he is more in control.
But trying to kill him? And doing so in a way that's clearly pre-planned since he tells Vhagar to wait? It feels like such a jump with no build-up, especially since we have his express regret over killing Lucerys! He shows, Lucerys, who cut out his eye more grace then he does his own brother who we see him support on multiple occasions? What?
And again! If they really wanted to go with this route, why not show Aegon taunting him and embarrassing him on more occasions? Show Aegon distrusts him or undermining him? It would have been so easy.
Also. If they truly wanted to go for "oh, Aemond burned his bully and abuser" then why tf did they have Helaena suddenly defend Aegon? She says he ignores her except for when he is drunk. We get exactly one scene of them together (I am not counting them passing each other on the stairs bc that was...something) where they disagree on if Jaehaerys should go to a small council or not. Despite the fact they lose a child, we don't see them interact at all, and I am supposed to think Helaena is meant to care for him enough to wish death upon Aemond because he burned him? From what they have showed us, I didn't get the feeling Helaena particularly cared for either of her brothers.
Perhaps she does, but we are never shown this??? Like, at all?? Insanity.
But so we don't say I only talk about the Greens, I think the Blacks have a similar issue? Rhaenyra is the only one we see(kind of) care for her family. What about Daemon? Baela? Rhaena?
Listen, I am not saying Daemon, similarly to Aemond is a great person, but I genuinely despise how they made his whole character about Rhaenyra? Did they forget he has two daughters from his marriage to Laena and two sons with Rhaenyra? The only interaction he has with Baela is in episode two and he ignores her!
Rhaenyra sends Rhaena away without a word from Daemon. Rhaena doesn't even bring him up! It's not even "What did my father say to this idea?" Type of situation. Hello??
Even if they wanted to go with "Daemon is a bad father" we see him face pretty much no consequences for it? He hallucinates Laena asking him if he took care of their girls before it's swept up under a rug again. Baela says she sometimes thinks she hates him, but then it turns into another conversation about Jace's parentage.
I also have no idea how we are meant to care for Aegon iii and Viserys later on bc they are A) aged down and B) so irrelevant and unnmentioned I almost forgot they were there at all while making this post.
I could write another essay on Alicent and Rhaenyra but I feel like there have been much better posts on them already but just...what is going on??
Did the writers forget the core of the story was meant to be Targaryen family? Fucked up family, yes, absolutely, but the point was that the war of ravens started because they all wished for power, but the war of fire and blood started because they started killing each other. If they don't care for one another, if they are not family, what IS the point? Why do they keep fighting? For power and revenge? No, no, for feminism and peace!
Give me a break. Genuinely. It's not even about it being inaccurate to the book anymore, it's about the characters losing their central motivations and only letting the plot happen to them, instead of being actuve participants. That's why everyone loved side characters more than main ones! At least they are making active choices!
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 5 days
To Erase the Past aka Words of Radiance thoughts
Why yes, I was awake until 5:00AM finishing this book, thank you for asking and understanding
Why no, I'm not okay
I'm so proud of Shallan
I'm so disappointed in Moash
I'm so thankful for Kaladin
I'm so triggered by Tangerine (I know this isn't his name but that's what I'm calling him, throw him into the pile with Capsule)
I've become a Dalinar apologist
Lets GOOOOOooOOOOoooOooooooOOOOo
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So last night, I'm whooping and hollering. Sweating. Fist pumping. Being trampled by the last sequences in the book. It's 3:00AM. My roommate who fell asleep downstairs finally makes it up to his room. He looks into my room, eyebrow raised.
Him: I could hear you downstairs.
Me: Okay?
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Him: ......it was bad
Me: ...
That is a quick summary of my thoughts of this book. I feel like between these two books I've read like 2 trilogies.
*sits down and takes a deep breath*
So apparently Shadesmar is the mythological kingdom of the spren
PATTERN IS AMAZING, I loved him. Ok ok ok when he was first introduced and Shallan and Jasnah were like "damn I'm kinda disappointed." and Jasnah was like "He's a little..."
and Shallan was like *nods sadly* "He's a little retarded?" and Pattern is like spinning in circles in the corner of the room and trying to get up walls but keeps like, slowly sliding down
I almost spat my water out
ok ok so Kaladin is a Surgebinder, Shallan a Lightweaver, Dalinar a Bondsmith and Renarin (wtf this kid is so weird bro) is a...Truthwatcher
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Ok I'm sorry, let me consult my notes because my mind is ALL OVER THE PLACE
Very early the glyphs appeared and honestly, we all knew it was the Everstorm. Dalinar FINALLY knowing he wasn't crazy was just so good. There was a moment after the first set appeared and Dalinar is listening to the people in the room. His inner dialogue is to have a straight back and head up despite his exhaustion. Telling himself to be in control. And I'm like DAMN this man really is a leader amongst men. The way he carries himself is just so GENERAL like and so so good!
Even though Dalinar apparently had the fewest pages dedicated to him this book, it really felt like he was looming over the story with how much of this seems to center around him (uniting Alethkar) and how many of the character's POV's intersect with what he doing.
Jasnah? Thinks Dalinar may be one of the best men she has ever known. Syl? Loves Dalinar and thinks he's a good man. Kaladin? Has several moments when he realizes that yes, Dalinar IS a good man and he MUST live. Hell, he was almost part of a plot to kill the king because he and that crew he met were like "Bro, Dalinar should be the king. We all know it." And at first Kaladin was like WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE WE CANT KILL THE KING WERE PROTECTING HIM WTF ARE YOU- wait...Dalinar the king instead?
Kaladin was like
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Sadeas was such a bitter ex boyfriend. When he asked his wife to activate all her spies to find something to hurt Dalinar with I'm like BRO WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING DAMAGE DUDE. Admitting to himself that even if Dalinar was the Blackthorn and was still the conquering warlord, he'd kill him regardless because he wanted to be at the top was telling because I was really wondering if he'd ever admit it.
((Adolin sniping tf outta him was so fucking satisfying. Holy SHIT))
Shallan. Ooooouuu girlie! GIRLIE!!! The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!! I liked her in book 1 despite many people saying she was a weakness in the book because Dalinar and Shallan were just much more INTERESTING than her POV. Brandon Sanderson said "lol ok BET" and look what we got. A cesspit of trauma and growth. The goal? To find Urithiru because it holds secrets of the Voidbringers. Oh, and marry Adolin. Oh, and infiltrate the Ghost Bloods. Oh, AND SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD NO FUCKING PROBLEM
HOLYYY FUCKKKKK THE REVELATION THAT SHE KILLED HER MOTHER HOLY ACTUAL FUCKKK!! Her dad was PROTECTING HER by making everyone think he did it! I sat back in my chair like yo WTF Shallan. You murked your mom AND your dad. Holy fuck. And I guess her mom tried to kill her because she said Shallan was "one of them" and had powers at a younger age? When we meet Pattern, this isn't the first time Shallan has. Hints to it but Shallan's brain just
The flashbacks were so good. Seeing her brothers (RIP to Heleran, Balat is NUTS he abuses animals and pulls legs off crabs). Her father was horrible. Being surrounded by all the constant yelling, the fear. Being put in her corner and not speaking. Her humor helping her brothers. Despite how afraid she is, it is SHE that holds the family together. It was SHE who got her gambling brother free, who made her brothers laugh.
OOOOO When she was about to join the caravans, there was a line she said...
"What would you do, Vathah," Shallan said in a loud voice, "to erase the past?"
And it's pitch black and you hear the screams of the caravans being attacked by bandits and she's standing on the sand and she's Lightweaving an illusion that she's a QUEEN and her hair is blowing around her and now KNOWING her past I'm like holy FUCK that was so GOOD!!!!
(I was also like holy fuck THERE's Gaz!)
oMg when Jasnah was "assassinated" I did indeed gasp. When Shallan watched the guy stab her in the chest with a knife I was like NO FUCKING WAY BITCH but Sanderson was clever. By NOT having her in the rest of the book and bringing her back in the EPILOGUE it didn't feel like we were cheated. Because Jasnah's death was a huge motivator to Shallan and a catalyst to her change in the book.
yo Shallan is so smart. This bitch infiltrated the Ghostbloods with ALMOST ease because of her abilities. WHEN SHE WENT TO THE HERALD AND AMARAM WAS THERE AND SHALLAN WAS IN THE CORNER like
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I'm like this bitch is about to be a fucking PROBLEM
watch for that dark haired cunt in a rimmed hat
rumor has it her name is Veil
ok random gear switch
Sadeas CASUALLY talking about killing Dalinar and Elhokar? BRO what is your DAMAGE???? I get that Alethi are super ambitious and war driven but WTF Sadeas
The chapter was entitled The One Who Hates
like excuse me bitch?
One of my bookmarked notes in my audiobook is "No spren guides him. WHAT????? HOW SWAY????"
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We learn later on the nature of his blade but STILL. In the moment I was freaking out. Kaladin has that dream and knew something was wrong. He and Adolin and Dalinar are f.i.g.h.t.i.n.g. f.o.r t.h.e.i.r l.i.v.e.s and Szeth is flying around, sending Adolin flying up to the ceiling and he cuts Kaladin's arm and it goes grey and I'm just reading this chapter
My heart was beating so fucking fast. Dalinar is like
And Szeth is like
"I'm not here for him, Highprince. I'm here for you." Then Dalinar CATCHES the Shardblade in his bare fucking hands and Kaladin and Szeth fall midair from the window and then Szeth flees after Kaladin heals and shows his powers and I'm SHOUTING at the spine of the book
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(Adolin sitting outside his father's room the rest of that night because he was scared Szeth would come back to kill his father was just...UGH I LOVE the relationship Adolin and Dalinar have. Adolin idolizes his father so MUCH)
and and and
that part with Shallan (I am so frazzled I'm so sorry I've barely had any sleep and this book HAUNTS me do you understand it HAUNTS me...I had a dream last night about this book)
"Can't run, can't run, can't run....
And she attacks Tyn and kills her with a SHARDBLADE
Oh I'm sorry? Hello? WHAT???? WTFFF BITCH???
A SHARDBLADDDEEEEEEEE????!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I just got goosies again bitch omg I'm actually panting hold on give me a moment
ok sidenote but The Stormfather is kind of a dick???? And to be fair, I'm going to assume after as many Desolations as there were that the spren are tired of helping humanity maybe and that's what Stormfather is talking about. Like "bro this is not my first, second, third or even eightieth rodeo. everytime it's the same and SOMEHOW humanity still finds new and clever ways to disappoint me. So...HELP YOU? lmfao" And I know we'll learn more about it so I'm willing to accept that thought process for now but at the end when he's talking to Dalinar (EXCUSE ME IS THE STORMFATHER DALINAR'S *SPREN* NOW???????????) I was like this Stormfather is a little bit of a bitch. This was my INITIAL reading because my adrenaline was still through the roof after
but after thinking about it I was like yeah no I get it. He's seen this movie in theaters so many times and has to pretend to be excited but he really is just pissed his friends keep forcing him to come
Sebarial and Wit were iconic. Their insults were so fucking good. During the end when they were all making their way to the Oathgate and Sebarial was drunk and Palona was reading a book and Dalinar was like ????
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Aladar, Roion (r.i.p you cowardly prince, you actually did us a solid in the end, and I underestimated both you and your kin. salute) and Sebarial joining him to form a force of 30k against the Parshendi that were SINGING THEIR LITTLE HEARTS OUT for the apocalypse
Then Syl. My glorious Syl.
BITCHHHHH I was *unhinged* Then Kaladin lit up like a fucking Christmas tree
I am so disappointed in Moash. I want to say I get it but like...MOASH. REALLY? After all that? After being Kaladin's friend and OH YOU KNOW him giving you a Shardblade and Plate because he trusted you and now we're here
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Though he did get 1/18th of a brownie point for not letting anyone else touch Kaladin. Then he lost 1,476,998 brownie points for punching Kaladin so hard that his ribs broke INWARD. "Oops I hit him harder than I meant to." Are you fucking kidding me Moash. Are you? Because you're an EMBARRASSMENT. I hope when we see him next it's ON SITE. Count your fucking days, bro
So...Szeth's weapon was an Honorblade, a weapon of the Heralds....? And two of them are back? The one that Amaram snatched up (Herald of War) and the one that saved Szeth (Herald of Justice). They are returning. So now Szeth is just a normal human being with a normal life...? I'm very VERY interested in Szeth's development and where he goes. I want him on our side so bad and idk how tf Brandon Sanderson plans to do it but I just need it to happen
Adolin murdering Sadeas was SO satisfying. Sadeas going on and on and ON. That isn't it SO CONVENENIENT that the head of Dalinar's guard and Adolin's betrothed are both Radiants and that Dalinar has an ulterior motive. And Adolin is like WHY SADEAS? WHY are you like this. What is your damage? And Sadeas is like WELL if Dalinar stays alive then I can't be more powerful, so lololololol
And Adolin is like
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amazing. so good. captivating. unexpected. Adolin grappling from behind and they won!
"Dalinar growled softly. It was a sound Kaladin had never heard from him, The growl of a beast on a chain. It surprised him. " ooohhh?????
And no one standing to help and Kaladin like "literally hold my beer" then when he asked for his boon I was like welp FUCK here we go
Then he was thrown in jail and I was like YUP that tracks
I absolutely LOVED his book. Truly. I liked it better than the first if that's even possible. It made me appreciate book 1 even more because of the world building and set up.
side notes from my audiobook bookmarks:
Kaladin mentions Dalinar's eyes a lot mmmhmmmm
"Dalinar Kholin slowly stood up. He moved like a rolling boulder. Inevitable, implacable." oh. OH?
"I wouldn't want you to go flying off on me. You know, flying off in an angry tirade." Wit is a legend, I love that he seems to be all knowing and everywhere he needs to be for certain characters. WHO/WHAT IS HE?
Renarin is...I don't have words. What in Damnation are you doing, man? Because he's llike WERE ALL GUNNA DIE WERE ALL GUNNA DIE then they don't so like...how reliable are his Truthwatching abilities?
Shallan and Kaladin EYEBALLING EACH OTHER????? Thinking about each other????? HMMMMMMM???
"He danced with the slayer of kings" HOLLLLYYY FUCK IM *UNHINGED* RN DALINAR YOU ARE TRULY A GOAT AMONGST GOATS <- actually quote from my bookmark
Gallant not fleeing the battlefield is actually iconic
Shallan and Dalinar looking out below and people teleporting to their location and saying "Life before Death, Radiant" is, I fear, legendary
Ok phew I'm so tired from this post, I needed to spit my thoughts out before reading book 3 (which is apparently about Dalinar and I am already such a Dalinar apologist that I can't WAIT)
ok bye *snooze*
OH!! AND TANGERINE BEING EItHER RETARDED OR A GENIUS ON ANY GIVEN DAY bro WHAT and THAT is what you're going off of? THAT is why you're assassinating everyone???? Bro you are FUCKED
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fatguarddog · 2 years
Welcome 🐾🔞
Follows from @follow-fatguarddog (inactive old main but I gotta keep it to keep this blog)
Hey, I'm Hutch, 28/UK/M, icon by @droolfang
I am not a gainer. I'm a chubby alt male feeder/feedee who enjoys stuffing and being treated like a dog ❤️
This is my space to explore my kinks, mainly weight gain stuff and slightly more aggressive pet play I'm trans, only use he/him pronouns and prefer terms like dick/cock and tits when referring to my body. I've had top surgery but enjoy fantasising about growing tits/moobs I like people of all genders, but do lean t4t ❤️
I love hearing other people's fantasies/ideas so ask is always open! You should probably scroll down a bit and read my Hard Nos first before sending one though (please no more slob-leaning asks) ❤️
DMs are open, but please only message if you're 23+ I offer custom audio commissions, find out more HERE I have a Ko-fi HERE if you ever wanna throw a dog a bone or treat me into something in particular 🦴
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My Kinks
I'll be tagging my posts in case you want to search for or block something in particular - original stuff will still be 'hutch posts,' but here you can also find 'hutch photos' for pics of me and 'hutch audios' for little fat fantasy recordings Also to reiterate that whilst this is a weight gain-centric blog, I'm not in a position to actually gain weight nor am I a gainer, I just like fantasising about a world where I could be a lazy fat dog. Please don't send me asks about tips for gaining weight because I'm afraid I can't help you, I have always been roughly this fat and have no experience with consistent gaining
🐾 Fuck yes: feedism, weight gain (magical, slow, rapid, forced, etc.), ass/belly/breast expansion, general belly kink, monsterfucking, bondage, praise kink, intox kink (alcohol and weed), biting, pet play (think of me as a rough but loyal dog or a maybe pig boy)
🐾 Yes Please: breeding, cnc, some degradation, corruption kink, primal urges, hucow/lactation, inflation (favs are pumpkin, honey, berry and milk), plushification, force masc and force femme (not in a detransition way, just like how a cis guy would be into it)
🚫 Hard Nos: detransition kink, slob stuff, death feedism, gore, piss/scat, ddlg type stuff, incest, birth, feet, immobility in weight gain scenarios (I'm ok with it in more fantasy-based tf scenarios though, e.g. pumpkin inflation/transformation)
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Taken anon emojis/sign offs: 🪞, 🐮💓, 🫐🐈, 🐶❤️, 🐑🤍, storm anon, 😻, 🎃, 💋, 🐳, 🕹️, ghost anon, 🎃☕, 🎃🦣, 🥛, 🥓🐻, 🐉, 🍩🐶, 🍒🦝, 🐷 🤓, 💜, 🧊🐺, 🎤, 🐺, 💣💥, 🐊, ⚡️, 🐇, 🔵, 🐗, 🎀, seal anon, doughnon, 🍰, 🦌, 🍔🐱, 🥨, dogboy, 🐐, ⚕️, sleepy cowboy, 📼, 🦇, 🦕, ☢️, 🍄, 🐷🐶, 🚙, 🌀, eldritch weight gain anon, ♉️ Emojis/sign offs help me know who I'm talking to if you've sent asks before, so feel free to add them! If you want to interact with me, please don't call me a puppy! Just dog/big dog/fat dog is fine, but puppy doesn't do it for me in referring to myself
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Under 18s or no age in your bios, you’re not welcome here
Same if you’re over 45, no disrespect it's just not comfortable for me
Misgendering and thinspo blogs, no thanks
Literally anyone who makes me uncomfortable at my discretion
Feedism jars filled out under the cut if you wanna know more
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trinarysuns · 2 years
Earthspark theorycrafting time
Okay okay it's time for my favorite part of new TF content which is: wild extrapolation of what little we know into a house of theoretical cards which will no doubt be wiped out by the next episode to drop. Spoilers for the first 10 episodes of Earthspark abound after the cut, obviously.
So, without further ado: something is rotten in the town of Witwicky.
We don't know much about the war. Not why it was fought, or what exactly happened in it, or how it came to end—only that the spacebridge connecting Earth and Cybertron was destroyed, and according to Alex's simplified G1-esque retelling, Megatron just went "hey maybe Optimus has a point that we should stop fighting and preserve what's left of our race" and teamed up with the Autobots to end the war.
Just Megatron. Not a single other Decepticon. Not even ever-loyal Soundwave followed his lead. Even if we accept that the retelling is a highly sanitized and manicured version of what actually happened (like the thing about how Bumblebee totally disappeared forever), it's a very strange thing, isn't it?
We'll come back to this.
In any case, Cybertronians have been on Earth for thirty years. Megatron has been cooperating with Optimus for fifteen of them. The Decepticons are implied to have been in bad condition by the end of the war (Soundwave, malfunctioning in starvation, and a cassette exploding inside him. Rumble or Buzzsaw, presumably. RIP.), and rogue Decepticons are still scrambling to feed themselves in the present day.
In the very first scene of episode 1, Swindle and Hardtop are lured into an Autobot trap baited with a few (rectangles???) of energon. Sure, it's stealing, but they're not actually doing anything wrong here but trying to feed themselves. Still, it's made clear their choice is to fight and flee or surrender and go to prison forever. No third option.
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Swindle escapes when the chase is interrupted by spiderbots, but Hardtop is captured. Optimus notes the spiders aren't of Cybertronian make and wonders if this has anything to do with rumors Decepticons are going missing (yes).
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Later, Dot Malto comes across the convoy's wreckage. Elita-1 and Optimus arrive, only to inform Dot that the park ranger job she thought she had—the one she moved to Witwicky specifically for—was a lie and that she's actually working for the secret US military agency GHOST. As you might guess, Dot does not like this.
Interestingly, she says she doesn't work 'for the Autobots' anymore. It's not the military she has the most problem with, but them. This may or may not have to do with the much-later-referenced battle of the bay, in which the Autobots did a lot of architectural damage and she was badly injured. Either way, whatever trust was once there is broken.
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Then of course Megs makes his entrance. Dot's resentment for Autobots doesn't extend to him—curious, given that in Alex's G1 story they were 'heroic Autobots' and 'evil decepticons', and Dot was a soldier there to see it all firsthand.
Megs and Dorothy are immediately and obviously old friends, and both of them on better terms with each other than with Optimus. Heck, they have names for each other no one else uses. Human buddy acquired!
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Megatron: GHOST isn't a perfect ally, but Optimus believes they'll help our kind make a home on Earth. Dot: Optimus always sees the bright side. Even when there isn't one. Megatron: Don't be so hard on him, Dorothy. Clearly we've had disagreements, but when I joined the Autobots to end the war, I saw that Optimus always does what he believes is right. No matter the personal cost.
Note, not 'what's right'. 'What he believes is right', no matter the cost. Cut to Dot frowning down at the ominously-shaped GHOST logo on the overturned truck. Hmmmm.jpg.
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Meanwhile, the abducted Hardtop is being stripped for parts by the evil Mandroid (okay, his name's actually Dr. Meridian. Did you remember that off the top of your head? No you didn't. Mandroid it is).
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Mandroid commands the spiderbots (arachnamechs), hates Cybertronians in general and wants them off Earth, is the one who's been disappearing Decepticons, and has just welded Hardtop's arm onto his own shoulder. Hardtop, as you might guess, is not happy to be here and says when Swindle shows up they'll beat him up. This isn't gonna happen, but we'll come back to that later.
Meanwhile, after a spiderbot battle, the Autobots find out about the new kids but don't know exactly who or what they are. Optimus says he'll contact GHOST to take Twitch and Thrash to HQ for safety (he doesn't question why the truck turns up like three seconds later). Optimus promises to keep them very, very safe, and Dot tells Mo they can trust Optimus, even though we know in general that she doesn't.
Surprise, the truck driver is Mandroid and the robot kids have been abducted. Who saw that coming? Two scenes later, Optimus has to come over like 'oops GHOST has no record of that truck, they could be anywhere, my bad'.
Wow, could it be? Maybe blindly trusting Optimus Prime all the time isn't a great idea? 🤔
Meanwhile, Mandroid is interrogating Twitch and Thrash on their origins, and when that doesn't provide much intel, straps them in for dissection under a very large and many-pointy-limbed device (with a laser on it too, naturally).
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The autobots show up to rescue them. When the spiderbots aren't enough to repel them, Mandroid summons some Decepticons to help fight the Autobots off: Skullcruncher, Shrapnel, Hardtop, and Bombshell. This is where we get our first clue about what's going on here, but only if you know the Transformers Lore™. Again, we'll come back to this later.
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Elita-1 (fighting Hardtop): Your heart's not in this, is it? Elita-1: Brain, either.
Then Bee shows up to help, as it turns out he didn't disappear forever (surprise!). In the end, all the Decepticons are captured.
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Hardtop: Honest, I don't know what came over me. I'd never fight you, Megatron! No matter what side you're on!
And then there's this odd little moment. Blink and you'll miss it, because it continues into a cut where Megatron helps Dot down from his shoulder. In response to Hardtop's words, Megatron shoves him, then... Looks at his cannon.
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Hmmm.jpg x2 🤔
This segues into family time and Dot insisting Twitch and Thrash stay with them, which Optimus is glad to hear. Also he doesn't want GHOST to know Bumblebee is alive. Seems like he doesn't fully trust them either.
...And now that we're out of the ep 1-2 two parter I can skim over most of the rest of the episodes, as, for better or worse, Earthspark is in large part the 'kids and robots petting cows and family game night' show with larger events happening in the background somewhere.
A few significant moments:
-Optimus, Elita-1, and Megatron hang out all domestic-like in the secret GHOST base under Dot's ranger station, presumably. You know. The one with the Decepticon prison in it, where they're all kept until, as OP says, there's a better option available.
-Alex insinuates he used to know Dr. Meridian during the war, and presumably was another science team guy before he retired to teach.
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-Swindle breaks into a GHOST convoy to steal an energon scanner that could give him a lead on finding Hardtop but can't get through the forcefield, so scams Mo and Thrash into helping him. When the kids' parents find out:
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Dot: You're different from Swindle! Cons weren't born into that life, they chose it. And anyone who wears that badge? Can't be trusted.
Mo: They aren't all bad. Right, mom? You're friends with Megatron.
Dot: That's different. Megatron has truly changed.
Has he, now? But again, just him and no others. And depending what kind of Decepticon backstory we're dealing with in this continuity, saying all Decepticons are evil and chose to be so is a hmmm.jpg x3. What's our IDW1 (or even TF:P) proximity here?
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-Some random GHOST trainee almost shoots a kid
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-The kids fall into a pit trap and Optimus gets some extremely ominous framing
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-Optimus Hides the kids from GHOST inside his trailer, inside the GHOST base. Because Optimus Prime makes bad decisions.
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Dot: Cheesy footage of Autobots helping humans build a bridge. Not very subtle. And what exactly does GHOST do with the Decepticons you catch? Optimus: That's classified. I'm sorry. Dot: Bots and humans working together is wonderful, but why the secrecy? And the hard sell? You sure you're on the right team, OP?
-Megatron refuses to use his cannon against the cassettes for 'childish pranks'. Optimus calls them criminals. Bee shows up with restraining bolts to mode lock the cassettes and Megs is disgusted.
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Megatron: I will never touch those... Things. Optimus: A means to an end, Megatron: safely transporting our quarry to GHOST. Megatron: Optimus, does it not concern you that our human allies control where Decepticons live, and what form they take? Even in times of so-called peace? This is not freedom.
It's enough to start an argument between OP and Megs about the way the Decepticons are being treated, in which Megatron says I gave you my fealty to save our people, which is a very interesting choice of words. Fealty, as of an oath of service and obedience to a liege lord. This is not an equal bargain.
Later, battling Soundwave, Soundwave repeats his own words to him. This is not freedom. He calls Megatron traitor—and Megatron, about to fire, stops and looks shocked: as if the idea that to the Decepticons he is a traitor is somehow a new thought.
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Add another hmm.jpg to the pile.
Later on, Skywarp and Nova Storm show up intent on stealing Optimus' arm for Mandroid. Hardtop's wasn't good enough, apparently.
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Optimus: They want my left arm like their lives depend on it!
And you know what? When the two of them fail in their mission and Mandroid says he'll dissect them, they don't even try to fight that small squishy human. Wow, weird. And when we find out the terran bots were created via an artifact left behind by Quintus Prime, his squiddy little logo certainly doesn't resemble an upside down spiderbot at all. :)
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But now we come to the really interesting part. Dot and Megatron are captured by Mandroid and the following conversation ensues:
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Mandroid: Let me begin again. Conversation is difficult, after my time in the war.
Dot: You served too?
Mandroid: My contribution was scientific. I was drafted by GHOST to toil in their robotics laboratory. After a year of laboring on projects I detested, Decepticons attacked San Francisco. Dot: Yeah, I remember. I led an infantry platoon at the battle of the bay. Mandroid: Then perhaps you remember the Autobots' friendly fire destroying buildings. My arachnamechs dragged me to safety, saving me the only way they knew how. I came away with... Souvenirs.
You know what I think?
I think it's real suspicious that Hardtop went from wanting to kill Mandroid to doing his bidding without seeming to even understand why. I think it's suspicious that all those other Decepticons did too—they might stick around for fuel, sure, but not to protest even under threat of dissection?
Why did Megatron turn his back on his loyal army in such a way that none of them followed? Why did they go to ground rather than attempt switching sides? When did it become clear that there would be no switching sides, only life imprisonment for those who surrendered?
But not for Megatron—who has sworn fealty, who 'has truly changed' who is tame and obedient. The sole exception.
Remember episodes one and two? Remember who one of Mandroid's tame Decepticon squad was? Bombshell. You know what Bombshell's whole thing is in the lore? Mind control. Do you know what other two motifs are strongly associated with mind control in the Transformers lore?
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The biggest hmmmmm.jpg imaginable 🤔
I think maybe the emberstone wasn't the only thing Quintus Prime left behind. I think GHOST found whatever that bit of lost technology was during the war, and Mandroid reverse engineered it into the arachnamechs and the 'projects he detested'. You know who recognized who Quintus Prime was without even thinking about it? Alex, who once worked with him.
I think one day Megatron was captured, bolted to a table in a dark room, and came back different. I think Optimus was too happy about that change to ask too many questions, and GHOST would have done the same to the rest of the Decepticons if not for losing Dr. Meridian in the battle of the bay—and with him, all his research. Mandroid doesn't care about turning the Decepticons peaceful anymore, only using them as a means to the end of Cybertronian destruction.
Now all GHOST can do is capture Decepticons and lock them up until there's Optimus' 'better way': until they can reverse engineer Mandroid's work and shadowplay the rest of them into good little productive citizens... And hope their hold on Megatron doesn't break before then.
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Never trust a mech with his needles in your neck. :)
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levihanskid · 1 year
asking the hashiras to braid their hair for the first time part 2
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- you're the newest hashira and you try to befriend everyone by asking the hashiras to braid their hair ft: giyuu, sanemi, tengen cw: just (platonic) fluff a/n: so sorry it took time i was busy the past week ;-; also thanks for the love on part 1 i hope you enjoy this one too! <3
part 1
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"why do you want to braid my hair"
guy doesn't admit it but he's giggling and kicking from happiness on the inside
he's glad when you said the reason why you want to braid his hair was to befriend him
cause that doesn't happen often
he's very awkward and nervous about it
he'd sit upright and stiff like a bonsai
dude relax i won't cut your hair at least not today
his hair may look spiky but it's actually not that bad, it's got some tangles but soft
you'll try to talk to him but his response are so short and found it hard answering some questions
you figured it's just because he's shy and introverted to you decide to just ask him yes or no questions
he appreciated that you understood how he felt and the way you respect him by skipping to another topic when he does want to answer a question
after the braiding session he asked you one question that surprised you a bit
"what's your favorite food?"
confused, but you answer him anyway
out of all questions he could ask why did he choose to ask you that
"so we could get along"
he said that in a tiny voice and immediately left without looking
you found that very endearing and thought that it might be his way of befriending someone
next time you met, he definitely brought you your favorite food
he'd stand in front of you with the food almost shoved into your face and he's like "here 🧍🏻‍♂️"
‌"why tf would i let you braid my hair?"
‌would decline you for weeks but you still persist on doing it
‌after some time he'd finally give in telling you how you're so stubborn and annoying
‌but deep inside it's because he's kinda jealous of how you get along with the others
‌he doesn't like the fact that after every hashira meeting, everyone would go home with braided hair except for him (ik their meetings are like twice a year but ignore that)
‌you cannot tell me this guy doesnt use gel to keep his hair spiky
‌at first you were unsure if you'd comb his hair bcs he might get mad but he'd notice your hesitation and would hand it to you himself
‌surprisingly patient
‌he'd sit there with his palm resting on his chin
‌but if you try and start a conversation he'll go "shut up and finish what you're doing"
ok 🧍🏻
so you two sit there in awkward silence (at least for you it was)
some minutes passed, you notice a dog approach sanemi
where did that dog come from
you asked him if it was his, he answered you (to your surprise) and said it wasn't and he just feeds it whenever he can
you leg out an "aww that's cute" and dude got flustered
no you were not. you were just about to tie it
so you tried to pull him back down
but you yanked his hair a bit harder than it should be which caused him to fall butt first
"i am so dead" you thought to yourself
you quickly tied his braided hair and he marched off with steam coming out of his ear
expect him trying to get back to you the next time you meet
‌"i'd like to believe i've got the best hair among all the hashiras. so you may braid my hair. but be sure to make it flashy!"
‌y'all know how steve harrington from stranger things have a secret hairspray for his hair? tengen has something like that as well.
‌his hair is have so much volume and soft and bouncy
‌he's such a narcissist tho
‌like the guy's god complex is huuuuge
thinks you're doing this as a service because he's some kind of god
‌he'd talk about his flashy lifestyle, how he takes care of his hair, his skin, how he's got three wives, everything
‌"you've got three wives?!"
‌not that he doesn't seem to be the type to have more than one spouse, it's just the first time you met someone like that
‌he would boast about them and talk about how pretty, sexy, and flamboyantly skilled fighters they all are
‌would constantly ask "are you done yet?" not because he's impatient but bcs he's excited to see what you did
is the type to use a mirror to look at how you're doing with his hair
after minutes you finally finished braiding
guy was so amazed he asked you to be his official hairstylist
he told you that he'll introduce you to his wives so you could braid their hairs too
so he did. literally the next day he invited you to his place
the girls were so nice to you and told you how much they liked tengen's hair when he went home
suma immediately asked you to do her hair
the four of you ended up forming a circle braiding each other's hair
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Kinktober Day 31
Piquerism: a sexual interest in penetrating the skin of another person with sharp objects.
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x reader
AU/Genre: smut, roommates with benefits!AU, dom!Yuta, sub!reader, it gets weirdly emotional towards the end...
Word Count: 2544 words (really went off on this one huh)
Warnings: kink discovery...?, knives, author tried to educate themselves before writing, but let's just consider this artistic freedom, teasing, blood play, mentioned masturbation (m & f), brief choking, fear play ig, dirty talk, humiliation low key, degradation, panty sniffing while they're still on???????, oral (f receiving), tears, Yuta is MEAN, blood licking (how tf do you call this), marking (literally? 😭), kindaaa confessing during (unprotected, wrap your willy, silly) sex
A/n: knife/blood play should only happen between two consenting adults who actually know what they're doing, not like these two idiots. this is just fiction, if you wish to engage in such activities, please educate yourself since this is something that can be really dangerous fr!
A/n 2: the last Kinktober fic, I can't believe it!! also, this was really last minute, i wrote this, like, 2 hours ago, but here we are! thank you for being a part of this!
Taglist: @matchahyuck @seraphinealana @yyawnnz @allaboutthedongs @baehaechannie @iwannabreathetosetmefree @positionslab @jjenodream @kundann
Stepping into the kitchen with a simple "hey, what're you doing?" shouldn't have lead to this. But it did. Maybe you should've seen it coming, your roommate slash guy that gets to hit from time to time is easily to be startled, so when you did walk into the kitchen, accompanied by said words, the inevitable happened.
Yuta, in the midst of cutting a carrot, spun around on his heel, the huge Japanese knife in his hand almost making contact with your body. He shrieked, immediately pulling the knife away and hiding it behind the width of his back, and your reaction should have been quite similar.
Though it wasn't.
"Cooking," Yuta finally said, voice quiet and a little breathless from the shock – who can blame him? You just blinked. Time passed by without a word being said, and you throughoutly hoped that it just slipped his ears.
"Did you just moan?"
Oh, it did not.
"No, I did not."
"Yes, you did."
You anxiously bit your lip, hands coming together behind your back as your eyes scanned the area to find a place to land on until you gave in and finally settle your gaze upon his. A smirk was displayed on his handsome features. Other than to press your lips together and gulp, you decided not to react.
"Why?" His smirk only widened. He knew exactly why, he's not stupid. He just wanted to humiliate you further by making you say it out loud.
"I don't know what you mean," you grunted, not ready to give in. But when he pulled the knife from beneath his back and gentle pressed it against the soft skin of your neck, your breath hitched, eyes rolling back involuntarily.
Yuta loves to tease, hence that was not the last time he tried getting you all hot, bothered (and your palms a little clammy) by surprisingly feeding into this newfound liking of yours. You assume that he aims to find out how far he can push you before you admit it, and you surely won't make it so easy for him.
Though, you would have never guessed how hard exactly that would be. You only realize it too late, pressed against the door of your room rubbing one out aggressively after fleeing another instance of Yuta pushing your buttons, this time with a prettily decorated pocket knife.
For fuck's sake, you just wish that he would finally act on it, finally do something, finally fuck the living hell out of your compliant body as the blade carefully draws red lines across your skin.
The thought of that makes you orgasm hard, back gliding down the wooden door as your legs give out. Fucking hell, you think as you come back to your senses, there is no way you can go on like this for much longer. It genuinely surprises you, though, how long Yuta'd gone without getting needy. If only you knew about the way Yuta's pressed against his own door, a hand pressed over his mouth to keep down the sounds as his right hand rapidly strokes his cock.
You have it all planned out, pretty lingerie adorning your body beneath your sweatpants and hoodie as to not give anything away, the most important purchase of your life resting idly in your pocket.
"It's go time," you mumble to yourself, aiming to sound cool for no one but yourself, as soon as you hear the front door open and close. Yuta is home from his art class, something that, for unknown reasons that you decide not to question, usually causes him to come home with an increased level of horniness.
An ear pressed against your closed door, you wait for him to enter his room, then barge out of yours. You cross the small hallway within seconds, entering his room and trapping him against the door.
God, must he look so enticing, dressed in all black looking so- bad and rotten to the core...? You shake your head away from drinking in his looks and focus on his face instead.
"Do it already," you demand, a palm pressed against his chest that you must admit feels incredibly hard against your skin. Your other hand pulls the knife from your pocket, still closed, you press it into his hand.
Yuta does not respond, he only tilts his head to the side, smiling innocently. You sigh heavily, rolling your eyes before unzipping your hoodie.
"Just fucking do it already."
Yuta's and your sex life had been anything but vanilla, you really enjoy the way both of you see sex as something to experiment with. You'd tried out a variety of kinks before, everything from bondage over public sex to role playing, but all of it with a hint of meanness and teasing. It's just the way your relationship works, riling each other up to a point where annoyance and arousal mix to create angry intimacy, each of you too proud to admit to a kink, it always has to be some sort of game, of experimenting, of finding and living out.
After scanning over your body, Yuta's gaze bores into yours. He knows what you want, that you know. Every time he gazes into your eyes as deeply as he does right now, you know he can read you. Your mouth could lie to him, maybe you could even get your body to lie, but your eyes never could, so full of desire and lust for the things you wish he'd do to you.
Within the blink of an eye, Yuta reacts, attaching his hand to your throat, fingers closing around it immediately as he spins the both of you around, pressing your back to the door instead.
"Is this what you want?" Yuta asks, feigning innocence as he lifts his other hand still holding onto the knife. You nothing but moan as he allows it to snap open with ease, his gaze darkening as he inspects the shiny blade. There's something about Yuta's eyes that hold the potential of going completely crazy in them, and it seriously turns you on beyond believe when he looks like he could completely ravish your being without a single ounce of concern or sanity.
Yuta handles the pocket knife expertly, lifting it to press against your cheek briefly before teasingly dragging it down, your breath stopping with due respect as you watch him remove his hand from your throat to be able to glide the blade over your skin instead.
As the knife travels further down, your breath hitches in your throat, core throbbing with anticipation, surely wetting your panties in the process. Though, you stay still, curiously waiting for what's to come. The blade glides down to your breasts, teasing your skin.
"I don't think we need this anymore," Yuta whispers just as he uses the pocket knife to cut the piece of fabric between your breasts, causing your bra to snap and dangle lifelessly from your shoulders.
You breathe in to snap at him for ruining your lingerie, but Yuta's quick to press the blade against your throat once more, making you quiet down immediately.
"Shut the fuck up," he hisses, pressing the blade dangerously hard against your racing pulse before stepping back. "Get on the bed."
You do as he says, quickly shuffling over to lay down on the duvet, wrinkling the fabric in the process.
"Turn around," Yuta commands as he steps towards you agonizingly slow, and you comply, presenting your ass to him as your forearms dig into the mattress. It shifts beneath you, material sinking in due to the weight of Yuta's body behind you. You can't see him, only feel his presence, then he presses a kiss between your shoulder blades – an action that would seem loving and romantic if it weren't for your heart racing in fear and excitement. Yuta presses another kiss to the middle of your back, then just above the hem of your panties before licking a fat stripe up your entire spine, causing goose bumps to erupt all over your skin.
Without words, you suddenly feel the blade against your ass, cold and dangerous as it glides over the surface of each cheek, then carefully over the flimsy material of your panties. You whine in anticipation as he drags it further along your clothed slit, then presses the flat side of the knife against your clit.
"You're so fucking wet, how embarrassing. It's even sticking to the blade," Yuta remarks, voice sounding amused, but your cheeks begin to burn out of shame. "Stupid slut," he adds before wiping your wetness off the blade by smearing it over your ass.
You jump a little as you feel his nose pressing into your clothed cunt, the side of the cold blade pressed against your ass cheeks as he pushes them apart with both hands for better access. Then he inhales deeply, almost exaggeratedly, then breathes out with a groan, pulls back and briefly sinks his teeth into the supple flesh of your ass.
You whine, but he's not finished, hands now resembling the motion of the knife earlier, which allows Yuta to feel your arousal on his own skin before he pulls your panties away from your body to cut through it as well, leaving it to hang purposelessly from your waist.
You let out a surprised squeal as his tongue suddenly presses against your core, a groan vibrating against you as he tastes. "Shit, if I'd known that this stuff gets you so wet, I would've used this sooner. Fuck, you're dripping," he laughs, and you press your face into the pillows shamefully.
Yuta eats you out a bit more, tongue focusing on tasting your wetness rather than stimulating you, just trying to tease you, not to please you. All you do it take it, whimpering over his humiliating words and actions when suddenly you're turned on your back.
"You're crying? How cute," Yuta comments with a smile that does not contain any sentiment at all, it simply mocks you, especially given that you hadn't even noticed the salty tears escaping your eyes.
The knife appears in your sight again, and your breath hitches once again visibly.
"Do you want me to cut you?"
The whine that comes out of you sounds raw and desperate, your head nodding quickly as he aligns the tip of the knife to the soft skin of your breasts.
"Then look me in the eyes as I do it." You do, fearful gaze catching his dominant one as you feel the blade tearing your skin. It stings, but you love it, moaning out as you feel wet blood tickle out of the fresh cut.
"Good fucking girl," Yuta praises, eyes wide and crazy as he takes in your bleeding. Your mind is hazy as you take in the way he fiddles with the button of his pants, doing only so much to get his cock out. Yuta's crooked smile catches your attention just as he leans down to lick up the drops of blood resting on your skin.
Fuck, your eyes roll back at the sting, core throbbing emptily with the need to be filled, your chest rising to push against him.
"Dirty girl," he says, "want more, huh?"
"Yes," you whisper, your voice sounding raw and desperate. Yuta chuckles, pressing the blade to your opposite breast, repeating the motion of cutting your skin lightly, but this time he decides to push his cock into you simultaneously.
Helplessly, you grunt, it's too much, but so good, your hands grabbing the sheets in your fists as your cunt throbs, clamping down around Yuta's girth, your body and face contorting in pleasure.
Yuta just watches, amused.
"Didn't know you were such a knife slut, it felt like you almost came from me pushing into you. It's amazing how desperate you get once I hold this little blade in my hands," he notes, grinning evilly and your heart flutters, core throbbing around him once more.
Why is he so fucking perfect?
Yuta finally begins moving, dragging the entirety of his cock along your hugging walls. At the same time, he drags his index finger through the fresh wounds on your breasts, smearing the blood around your tits.
His stare is insane, tongue licking over his teeth when he lifts the finger up to your lips and pushes in, making you taste your own blood. The metal taste clouding your senses makes you dizzy.
"Write y-" you begin, a moan interrupting your speech, "write your name."
"What?" You scoffs out a laugh. "Are you crazy? You want me to carve my name into your body? You really want to be my bitch, huh?"
You watch as he moves the blade to your thigh, carefully stilling the motions of his hips to make the cut that you groan out to, hazy eyes taking in the way fresh blood bubbles out of the cut. He drags the knife over to your other thigh, slicing into your skin twice more before he starts moving again. The cuts are not that deep, yet still deep enough for more and more blood to drop out, pooling on your skin.
Yuta drags his fingers through the red substance, then moves the covered digit to your stomach. Your eyes flutter close at the sensations of the burning cuts, the cool blood, his hot finger and the movements he picked up once again, the head of his cock massaging your insides expertly.
All is too much, you can't comprehend what's happening, all you can focus on is how good everything feels, for the lack of a better word. You whimper out as Yuta's hand leaves your stomach to rub at your clit, thumb pressing harshly into the nub, and you feel your thighs begin to shake from the overwhelming pleasure.
"Now, do you like it?"
Confusion fogs your brain, your eyelids heavy as you open them to take in the way his bloody thumb expertly abuses your clit. It's then when you see it.
The letters of his name are written on your skin in your own blood.
You whine out, fingers reaching out to really touch him for the first time, your orgasm building up rapidly.
"Yuta, Yuta-"
The pocket knife, long forgotten, lays next to you on the sheets, painting little, red dots that sink into the fabric as you pull Yuta closer, he's still grinning as tears fall from your eyes, legs desperately hugging around his waist to never let him go.
Yuta presses his forehead against your own, being as close to you as possible all while his cock quickly pushes you over the edge. Cries of all kinds fall from your parted lips as you get overwhelmed with emotions.
"I love you, I love you," you whimper as he pushes deeper, drawing out your orgasm as he finishes himself, groaning loudly at how tightly your cunt is hugging him, fucking into you a few more times, hard and deep, before his thrusts slow down and his lips crash into yours.
You're not sure what just happened, and you're not sure whether his kiss means that he reciprocates the feeling, but you're sure that you just never want him to leave.
© 2022 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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