#so i might spam today if i keep the motivation
dropitlikeapeong · 3 months
Waiting for You: Chapter 2-
But why?
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Genre: more angst (kinda.. it could've been worse)
CW: Swearing(and lots of it). Seeuns a jerk (a little bit!). mentions of food. Y/n's probably getting fired. mentions of jealousy. suggestive mentions (makeouts, hickeys and love bites) NONE are happening in this chapter, they're only mentioned.
This chapter is not as angsty and sad as it could've been, and thats okay because I still got the next few chapters to torture you with :D
This one's a bit longer than the last one so woohoo. I apologize for any spelling mistakes (my eyesight is a joke) if im forgetting to add something in the cws, please let me know and i hope ya'll enjoy.
Likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated.
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"Let's break up."
"we're done, y/n."
"I don't want us, anymore"
"we're done."
"Goodbye Y/n."
Not a single explanation given, he just simply let you know that it was over, and left. Instead of an evening that usually ends with watching yours and his favourite shows on netflix with some snacks, cuddling and a little makeout in between, your evening ended with you crying yourself to sleep wondering what went wrong. Sadly the world won't stop spinning solely for your heartbreak, and you are very much still needed at work today.
Having slept through the alarms your now ex-boyfriend always set for you, you are forced get up by the several incoming calls and texts from your supervisor and your coworkers. After your phone finally stops vibrating, you sit up in your bed to scroll through the many texts from your friends, Jiwoo and Hana;
Jiwoo: WHERE TF ARE YOU?!- sent 06:18
Jiwoo: you were the last one to leave work last night, you have the office keys now we can't get in- sent 06:20
Jiwoo: also we agreed yesterday you're in charge of the picking up the boys' food, im driving them to the photoshoot- sent 06:21
Jiwoo: and no i will not switch shifts with you again- sent 06:21
Jiwoo: BITCH ISTG- sent 06:52
Jiwoo: we got a spare key. thanks for nothing asshole.- sent 07:05
Well... Jiwoo's mad. You'll have to make it up to her later, and from the looks of it, Hana as well.
Hana: If you value your job, get your ass over here quickly. I can only stall Manager Park for so long- sent 07:52
Hana: and no i'm not gonna tell them you're calling in sick- sent 07:52
Hana: Youre on the meal shift, you not allowed to call in sick today- sent 07:53
Hana: lol, tried to save ya, Manager Park is pissed.-sent 08:14
Hana: And youre on meal shift tomorrow as well since jiwoo had to get the boys' coffee today. YOURE WELCOME.- sent 08:15
hana: AND youre the one who promised the maknaes brownies today, not us, so have fun explaining to them why they arent getting any today- sent 08:18
Hana: im mad at you in case you cant tell.-sent 08:18
Aside from the spam of your upset friends, your main motivator to get into the shower was a singular text from Manager Park letting you know that if you didn't show up at work today, to not bother showing up tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the day after that.
So you rush through your shower routine, grab your bags and your keys and a fruit on your way out of your home, to at least try and salvage this day, and not piss off your friends or your other colleagues even more.
While driving to work, your thoughts end up drifting back to last nights events. When Seeun broke your heart and left you crying on your living room floor.
Later today one of the staff that were aware of your relationship would be coming around to pick up anything and everthing of his that he might have left in your apartment, during your one year relationship.
'It's for the best' he says. Best for who? Him? Did the CEO find out about you then tell him to end things? that would make sense, however with how clingy he was toward you at work and in front of everyone, it was quite difficult to keep your relationship secret, even from the CEO himself.
After he caught Seeun trying to sneak into one of the supply closets with you, you were both called into his office for a very important discussion about "fraternization in the workplace". He'd given you both a stern yet kind warning that if anyone outside of the company found out found about this, it'd mean a lot of trouble, especially for you, so you needed to be careful.
'Guess there's no need to worry about that anymore.' you thought to yourself.
You make a stop at the sandwich bar across the company to pick up the boys' lunch as well as the brownies you promised, even though you told them you'd bake them yourself, you were unfortunately too preoccupied with dealing with heartbreak their friend caused. Hopefully they'll understand right? Of course they wouldn't they didn't even know you two were a thing. Wait, maybe that's his issue;
What if he saw you with someone else? Maybe thats why!
Could he have seen you with another guy and overthought the situation? You obviously have some male coworkers that you chat with sometimes, but your conversations are always respectful. Even if someone does flirt with you, you always kindly let them know you're not interested.
Him worrying about you leaving for another guy seems highly unlikely, but not impossible. He does tend to have a bit of a jealous streak, epsecially when comes to you being around his bandmates.
With the job of prepping their equipment and clothing for performances, Bringing them their food and drinks and driving them to their many different events since their debut, it's no surprise that you'd eventually grow close to the ten boys. it is how you and Seeun started dating after all, but considering that could get you into an insane amount of trouble, your relationship with him remained a secret, even from the rest of the group.
That secretiveness unfortunately made some of other members comfortable enough to have some flirty conversations with you.
Its kinda suprising how neither of them even suspected you two, with how Seeun would constantly be caught staring daggers at Hunter for constantly offering to take you out on a date after dance practice. Considering Hunter's personality, you know he's probably joking, but it still didn't stop your boyfriend from angrily muttering about how he needed to back off, because you're his and his only.
I mean, at least you were.
Finally you arrive at the company just in time to deliver lunch to the boys. Once you reach their practice room they're all lying on the floor sprawled out, in different corners of the studio. Jiwoo continues packing up their sound equipment not even sparing you a glance, still very much upset from this morning. You'll have to buy her lunch later to make up for it.
They're all too exhausted from rehearsals to pay any attention to you, so you figure you can sneak in, leave them their food and sneak back out unnoticed, but today is just not your day.
"Y/NNIE!!", is all you hear before a strong pair of arms wrap around you and lift you off the ground, squeezing you tightly.
So much for sneaking out unnoticed.
"Hunter, I can't breathe." He gives you one last squeeze before setting you on your feet again, smiling down at you.
"Where were you this morning? We missed you!" Yujun asked while rummaging through the bag of food you brought.
Now everyone's eyes are on you as you try to explain your absence from this morning but your wonderful ex pipes up before you can even speak.
"Who's 'we'?" he scoffed, while the other members laughed, your smile dropped as you tensed at his response.
Right. He always had to tease you a little to make sure his favoritism of you wasn't too obvious, although according to Hyunwoo, it only makes it more obvious that he likes you, hence everyone just laughing off his comment. Even you would just laugh off his antics knowing he'd give you all his hugs and kisses later, as an apology in case he was a little too mean.
But after last night's conversation, today's joke isn't really that easy to laugh off.
"So Y/n, where were you-Are you crying?" Yechan asks and now everyone is moving in closer to see what was wrong with you. When did you start crying? You quickly wipe at your face but Seeun grabs your wrist, his other hand moving up to as if to caress your cheek, him looking down at you with concern with concern in his eyes, that concern disappears immediately, as he laughs in your face.
"Wait are you really crying?" he sneered. What is this?
This is not his usual teasing, he's really just trying to hurt you.
But why? Why is he being like this?
"Aw, Y/nnie you know I'm just joking, no need to be a baby about it-" he goes to ruffle your hair but you instinctively slap his hand away from you.
He looked a bit shocked at your actions but that expression quickly changed into a mocking smirk.
"Woah, calm down, why are you being so moody today?"
"Y/n just had a bad morning guys, we all have those don't we?" jiwoo spoke up. You weren't really expecting her to defend you after her texts from this morning, but you were grateful nonetheless.
"Yay! You brought the brownies!" the exchange between you two is quickly forgotten as the rest of group rushes off to where Yujun is holding the box of brownies.
"Hey, these are store-bought you said you'd bake them-"
"Who cares, I want one!"
"Hey! hEY- DON'T EAT ALL OF THEM! We're supposed to share!!"
While they all bickered over the bags of food, you backed away silently trying to make your way to the door, but bumped into someone, you turn around to see Seeun glaring at you.
"Watch where you're going idiot." He muttered walking over to where the rest of members were already sitting down and eating, leaving a dull ache in your chest.
What was his problem? Why was he acting as if you're the one who hurt him?
You were tempted to ask but Jiwoo grabbed your arm and dragged you towards the door.
"We need to go see Manager Park right now, but we'll be back in a few minutes. Enjoy your lunch guys!"
Once the door is shut, you are then dragged off to yours and Jiwoo's shared office.
"I thought we had to go to Manager Park-"
"Yes. You do. In an hour or so;"
She then shoves you into your chair and stares at you expectantly.
"I know you're probably so mad at me right now- and you have every right to be-"
"-Apology accepted. You'll pay for my lunch later. Now onto more pressing matters, what's up with you and Seeun? You guys were so tense just now! Did you guys fight or something?"
You roll your eyes and sigh at her nosiness. You had planned on keeping the relationship a secret from her and Hana as well, but they put two and two together when you had gone into his dressing room to 'help him with his stage outfit', and came back with hickeys littered on your neck and collar, and bite marks on your shoulders and chest(you probably shouldn't have worn a sleeveless top that day).
Although there was a lot of concern about how things could easily go very wrong with this, they were still very happy for you and being the good friends they were, they promised not to tell a single soul.
"We broke up." Her mouth fell open, with her eyes widened in shock.
"Uh.. O-Okay?? Why??" She asked incredulously.
You shrugged, wishing you knew that answer as well.
"Jeez so that's why he's been so sour this morning, you broke his heart!" she says slapping your arm lightly and you narrowed your eyes her.
"First of all; He broke up with me-"
"-The fuck? Why?"
"Beats me." you leaned back into your chair closing your eyes.
"Well shit, then what the heck was he mad at us for?" you sat back up at that.
"He got mad at you guys?" she nodded and sat on you desk.
"He was so snappy with everyone this morning, no one knew what his deal was."
Before you could ask her for more information, the door opened and Hana rushed in, slightly out of breath.
"Manager Park is looking for you- and wants to see you in the practice room. Right now."
"Me? I thought he wanted to see me in hour-"
"-Change of plans. He wants to see you now and i suggest you move fast, cause he seemed pissed."
"We all come late from time to time- hell even he was late too last week- he can't still be mad about that right?" Jiwoo asked trying to reassure you even though she seemed just as worried as you. Hana shrugged and looked at you.
"You coming?"
You exhaled deeply and stood up, following her to the the practice room.
Time to face the music.
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<previous chapter :: next chapter>
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randompurr · 2 years
Hi everyone! I am doing an overdue pin post introduction! [it’s time for an EDIT UPDATE]
(Taking a mental health break)
Pfp: @cromsi-2
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About the artist:
I like to draw! So I mostly post fanfic of my anime and manga crushes! I’m into manga, webtoon, anime and wuxia!! I also post random stuff that happens to me through out the day and random thoughts.
* From time to time I might open requests or art trades also my commissions are always open if y’all are interested (just send a quick message I won’t bite) ^u^
I would perfer if 18+ people follow my page, I am NOT responsible for the things I might post(…if I post o.o im not consistent since I’m always busy or procrastinating)
FYI my art changes based on my mood (///‘~’////)
(If you are a bot I will report and block on the spot don’t play with me)
Side blogs are
@xputting-my-pieces-togetherx (for oc art and related stuff)
Discord server Thread 🥰
My original characters are Aida(my main oc), Ren(ML), Azari and Zo (the couple), Aró(the silent but deadly) the amazing Malaikah aka Mal 💜,side original characters are Xayah, Zija, Esteban, Sai and Emmi.
I am still making up their story cuz I keep changing it and changing their designs xD but they are my nephilims 💜 except Aida cuz she was an angel! I guess, their story would be more like a slice of life story 😌
Also if you love my art and would love to support me, you can follow the link bellow, I will appreciate it very much!
My background consists of multiple talented artists who drew my oc Aida, I really appreciate it and love the drawings very much 💜
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REQUESTS (closed until further notice💜)
Thank you all who have requested so far!!
🎨Art trades(Im interested, send me a message or ask!)👾
Also please I ask that no one puts my art into a AI generated program, or REPOST my art in any other website or copy and claim. thank you!
I should disclose that 90% of the time i am using a reference for the pose unless im getting payed or if im brimming with inspiration, if you want the pose just ask for it but also don’t be rude about it xD my references consist mostly of photographs I like unless someone asks for a specific pose. (Im so sorry I forgot to add this!)
Reblogs is what makes me keep going if you like my art and want to support me you are welcome to reblog and spam like, it motivates me!💜💜
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capricorntea · 2 years
Pls tell me about your oc, I need more info about them 🤲
Hi friend!
OC is Charlotte Samaritan, usually goes by Lottie! She's a corporal/sergeant who's spent the majoirty of her service down south on the border near Fotset. By trade she's a medic who tends to 'specialise' in lines runs or being attached to units over ward work. She's early twenties during the whole Promised Day Palava, but she enlisted pretty early (17-18). She originally wanted to be a midwife but it's kinda difficult to do that when you don't have the right qualifications/grades. So army was her back-up to get some experience/training before retiring. She didn't intend on staying in the military for as long as she has but due to the situation on the border, she felt a little guilty leaving friends to continue on… and she genuinely enjoys the job. I figured she gets sent to Briggs after the Promised day - with Grumman as the new fuhrer, and peace being a goal (heavily pressured by Mustang I'm sure), I figure the conflict down south winds down. Some more personal information, however:
SHE HAS A PUPPO - She's got Sven, a german shepherd who's been trained as a military dog. She's had him since she was 16 and she considers him her ~son~ (jokingly)
She's from a small town in the middle of the southern countryside - literally 30 miles from Fotset - and with only around 80 people population. Her parents are farmers that run there own distillery making cider, beer, and whiskey, but it's very much a small, family-run business - though they do send out regular care packages to some of her friends that have been transferred further afield
Her main hobbies are music and archery, though she hasn't had much time for them since she joined
She's got a gaggle of brothers, being the second eldest of seven - and is pretty family (and friend) focused as a result
She's generally cheerful though she can get a little too overfamiliar too quickly - so she can struggle when dealing with the higher ups - very much the type to be like "hey, you okay?" first, followed by a delayed "oh shit *salute* Sir!". Her cheekiness makes her either ballsy or too far forward depending on who you ask
Side note to previous point - I've thought in the past that people might question why she didn't get sent to Briggs sooner - truth is, I doubt the higher ups care much about Fotset, and those that do are too busy drowning to care about a medic, especially one who's good at their job and somewhat important at keeping medics on that portion of the front running
She's short, 5ft3 (no I'm not projecting, what are you talking about, she's a full inch taller than me), but pretty strong for her size. Her legs are stronger than her arms though so if she has to move a crate you should not be surprised if you find her sat on the floor pushing it with her legs as opposed to lifting it like any normal person would do. She takes genuine joy and pride from being able to lift men twice her size with relative ease (granted with a sprint), as it's literally in her job description and yet people still tend to underestimate her
HERE HAVE A WIP (I started this back in Auguest before the school year started up again and yet when I found time and motivation, I decided to prioritise the comic instead, whoops):
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As an aside, I chronically forget about a scar she on her left temple whenever I draw her - deadass the first three times that I drew her IT WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE - and I've got a 15 page google doc (filled out for an RP server) with more information but I've spammed enough for today. For the time being have some images that I have saved to my phone as things that remind me of her:
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keefwho · 7 days
September 17 - 2024 Tuesday
Im in my cooking phase lately. It feels kinda pathetic because what I look forward to most some days is what I'm gonna eat. But Im trying to enjoy life more. I haven't been paying attention to being present lately. I tried to make a biscuit the size of a slice of bread so I could make a breakfast sandwich but it did not rise enough so I'll be having an open face sandwich tomorrow. I also put care into making a good turkey sandwich today but I might have gone a little too hard on the butter. Breakfast was the first time I used homemade biscuits to accompany my eggs and spam. They did well.
I did NOT feel like working today and I didn't have to either, but I did quite a bit anyways. Just not commissions. This means I developed really bad eye strain by the end of the day which always happens when I'm forcing myself to be creative. It really sucks, maybe this should have been a sign for me to not do as much as I did. Especially since again, it was all optional. Motivated only by my own expectations of myself to perform. Keeping in line with my latest attempt to treat myself right and work in waves, I should have given myself a break so I'd be ready to come in swinging tomorrow.
I really wanted to play Cities but I didn't have the brain for that either. Even if I wanted to relax, I'm not sure what would have helped me do that today. Maybe I should have thought outside the box and tried something new. Or maybe yoga would have been nice. I haven't been in VR much for awhile now so I wanna get back in.
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vertical-elevation · 9 months
IT Talent: 4 Smart Ways to Recruit the Right Software Engineers
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Software engineers are among the most sought-after employees today. And they’re some of the most difficult employees to get in touch with.
To get the attention of software engineers, your recruiting strategies need to meet these professionals where they are while also laying out what you’re looking for in a candidate. It can be a delicate — and stressful — balancing act.
Here are four proven strategies to help your organization attract and hire the right IT specialists without spinning your wheels or wasting time on the wrong candidates.
1. Use a multifaceted, personalized approach
To hire the best IT talent, you need to think like they do. Software engineers think differently than salespeople do, for example. But you’ll also want to avoid making the mistake of assuming every tech candidate thinks alike. That’s why you’ll want to take a multifaceted, personalized approach.
Software engineers are constantly deluged with terrible recruitment spam from LinkedIn and email. So, start with a phone call. As crazy as that sounds in our instant-message era, there’s no replacing voice-to-voice (or face-to-face) conversations when you’re building relationships.
Here’s what a typical call might sound like:
Hi, [Name]. My name is Carol Schultz, and I’m the founder and CEO of Vertical Elevation, a talent equity and leadership coaching and advisory firm. The reason I’m calling is to ask if you’d be open to scheduling time with me to have an introductory conversation. I’m certainly not making any assumptions about your current situation at _______, or that you’re even open to hearing about other opportunities. In fact, I don’t know enough about you to have an intelligent conversation about the positions we’re looking to fill. If anything, we’ll begin to build a relationship for the future.
Dive into ZoomInfo and other online databases to source a candidate’s phone numbers. Follow up with personalized emails. Start conversations on GitHub. Get creative. But avoid using LinkedIn InMail unless it’s your absolute last resort.
2. Set up a ‘get to know each other’ conversation
You don’t want to just pitch candidates jobs, even if that’s what they want you to do.
[ Also read Retaining IT talent: 5 tips for better training opportunities. ]
Instead, start with a “get to know each other” conversation. Make it clear that the call is about them, not you. Explain that you want to understand their background and what motivates them, the kind of culture they desire, their career goals, and so on.
By asking these questions, candidates will begin to understand you’re not just some recruiter trying to wrench them out of their current situation, and they’ll start to listen.
3. Share how your company invests in its people
I’m always talking about the importance of a talent-centric organization. To hire the right talent and keep them, you must always put your people first.
Talk with candidates about how you invest in and grow your people. Do you offer customized coaching for teams? Do you send employees to conferences, offer learning allowances, or pay for continuing education? Are your people incentivized to pursue professional development — and do you promote those who do?
[ Related read: Software developer: A day in the life ]
Similarly, offer your recruiting team and hiring managers training and development opportunities to help them successfully hire the talent you need. Use executive, leadership, team, and career coaching for individuals to foster this growth.
4. Know when to move on
I once conducted an engineering search for a high-profile national client. I placed two amazing people there, and the company was so appreciative that they awarded me Series A stock options as a bonus.
It was the most difficult search in my entire career. I spoke to one young man who said he’d already received an offer from a well-known online retailer for $110K with a $50K sign-on bonus. He said he’d be happy to speak with my client if they offered more money. I told him, “No, thanks.” My client wouldn’t be interested in someone with that attitude.
Why? Because the next recruiter who called with more money would have him looking for greener pastures all over again. My client was interested in software engineers who wanted to do great work, not engineers who could be bought.
This is something we’re dealing with again in the current market. You’ll sleep more easily knowing that your software engineers are working for you because they want to — not solely because of their paycheck. You risk losing them sooner than later if the latter is true.
The bottom line
A one-size-fits-all talent strategy won’t cut it if you want to hire the right software engineers for your organization. Instead, develop a multifaceted approach geared toward each candidate you’re attempting to connect with. Start a conversation and get to know a candidate’s needs. Share what you offer beyond the position. And don’t be afraid to cut your losses if the fit isn’t “just right.”
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hestiashand · 2 years
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some of @lamehaikus ‘ OCs in pride wear that i forgot to post on here 🤭🥴
[ ID: two digital drawings. in the first image is nate sagittarius and daniel hatzis. nate is a tall mixed boy with short curly hair and elf ears. he has a white streak at the front of his hairline, and has lots of freckles. he is wearing a white and teal jacket and teal pants. he is wearing a pink shirt with a blue image of a close up of 3 peoples eyes, and bordering the image is the quote “we are everywhere”. nate has his nails painted blue, and he wears a ring and a necklace with the bisexual pride flag on it. daniel stands next to him and is significantly shorter. he’s arab and has curly hair a bit longer than nates. daniel has moles and a tooth gap. he is wearing a button up shirt, pants, and dress shoes all of which are black. he has a brown belt and is wearing a gold crab amulet with a bright green gemstone. over his button up shirt he wears a cardigan with the rainbow pride flag on it. the second image is of alex milton and moon hatzis. alex is a cambodian-korean boy with horns. he has bleached hair in a braid slightly past his shoulders. his roots are showing and he has a green carnelian tucked behind his ear. alex is covered in tattoos and has face piercings and many scars. he is wearing a turquoise crop top with a mans face on it and the quote “dudes just taste better”. he has a white belt and is wearing blue jeans with dark blue patches on it. his outfit is made to look like the mlm flag. next to him is moon who is taller than alex. moon is an arab person with moles and stubble. they have long black hair pulled into a ponytail with a yellow elastic and he’s wearing gold earrings with a yellow gemstone. they wear a white long sleeve and a long purple skirt with black boots. their laces are coloured with the bisexual pride flag colours. their outfit is in the colours of the non binary pride flag. he has on two gold necklaces, one with yellow gems on it and the other with blue purple and pink gems on it. he has his nails painted as the bisexual pride flag and they are wearing two rings on their ring finger, one gold and one silver. both images have a light blue oval behind the characters. END ID. ]
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
Dream's discord podcast. Basically him answering questions for 2.5 hours. This will sort of be in order but I fucked up my notes so it might not be in order completely. (From 13th May 2021)
For reference the photos at the end are: A prototype of fidget spinner merch as loads of people asked, a reference photo of his favourite merch and a photo he sent of his hair to prove he wasn't a brunette.
•He said his teeth are mostly straight but he's thought about getting Invisalign. He's never had braces. He has a tiny gap in the left side of his mouth and his canines are longer and sharper (vampire arc). He's never had teeth surgery so has his wisdom teeth still.
•He thinks pineapple on pizza is good.
•He likes seafood like lobster and crab. He had crab made in an air fryer last night. He like peas. He thinks quesadillas are good and likes most food.
•He hates Coffee and most drinks
•The Dream Shorts team is Ken who is his personal reminder (Ken's main job is to spam him with texts so he doesn't forget things as he's got a habit of reading texts and not replying) and also comes up with a list of sets for Dream shorts. The builder is a friend and munchymc builder "his talent gets wasted on Dream's shorts but we pay him so"
•His editors are currently Dizzy, Firesale and Mjcr. Willz doesn't edit for him anymore
•The mask animation isn't done but Mask should be released May 21st. He wants to release them together as "the whole song is a double meaning and the whole nuance will be lost without the animation" but no matter if the animation is done the song is getting released on the 21st.
•He and Sapnap eat together often.
•He and Sapnap prefer medium rare Steak
•He wants a home gym it's something he's willing to splurge on. They currently have a weight rack but they haven't even set it up.
•"Eat the rich? Shut up shut up" - Dream
•Talked about money basically saying "Most people don't understand how money works I don't have millions in my bank account it's in assets like merch, land and warehousing for that stuff" (He's not in his landlord arc)
•He's been debating Pride Merch because of Rainbow Capitalism. He doesn't want it too be seen as a money maker and if he does most proceeds would go to charity. He's currently super busy merch wise with Sapnap joining and George in the middle of joining. He did say "Only if the LGBTQ+ community in this community wants it" He thinks he's going to at least change the merch website to a pride one. Sapnap wants to make pride merch including a rainbow flame on his.
•He wants to create a charity that's centered around helping LGBTQ+ one day because he thinks that there's a lack of them. He mentioned that creating a charity was expensive and took a lot and was a complicated process including a board of directors but he wants to do it someday.
•He wanted to buy a bunch of houses in Florida which was a service to house mostly LGBTQ+ youth and people stuck in abusive households for free to get them out of bad home environments. But he didn't because he didn't want people thinking he was profiting of of abuse victims and LGBTQ+ community.
•He said he's terrible with time management and replying to people which is why Ken helps him (and also helps George and Sapnap). He mentioned how Sam messaged multiple times and Dream just forgot to answer but felt bad "I feel like people think I hate them..... Cause I'd be mad if people did that to me"
•He tries to reply to a few texts a day (community number). He also can't do birthday messages everyday because you can only reply at certain times so it's not abusing the system so if you get one it's special. He said he does try but it's got a weird time gap.
•Him and the manhunt winner are trying to come up with a good time to film
•He wants to stream this MCC on twitch and says his team is good.
•He talks about why he's not partnered with Twitch. Basically Twitch has a lock rate (in which you make money) and you legally can't stream on YouTube. So legally if Tommy wanted to stream on YouTube he couldn't. Someone then mentioned how Bad is a twitch partner but still streams on YouTube "Bad streams on YouTube but he has for a while and I don't think that he cares" - Dream
•He likes to reply to every donation he gets on stream and feels bad when he doesn't so he'll turn them off when he streams and wants a platform deal where he can be payed to stream (not twitch). If he gets a streaming partnership he will stream a couple of times a week. He looked in to Facebook but they don't have an alias system meaning you can see everyone's actual Facebook account and personal info, he doesn't like seeing real names on Facebook so it would require a lot of altering if he was to stream there so he's thinking it's probably going to be YouTube.
•He was asked about if his demographic was what he expected and he said he went in with no expectations, he didn't even know what stans were, wasn't really on social media so he wasn't aware of the fan culture. "You guys are a handful sometimes but it's worth it"
•He also mentioned how he and the DreamSMP changed the twitch audience demographic. It used to be male dominated in both streamers and audience and now it's almost split which is unheard on.
•He has 5 fidget spinners in his house. Two in his bedroom. Two in his office. One in the living room.
•He likes his Minecraft skin as he thinks the arm is cook and you never see the rest of his skin really. He says it's unique and different and "me". Dream: You can't even tell half the skins apart on MC.
•He's not lost the motivation to stream. Most of the times if he wants to stream he gets George or Sapnap to do it and he just turns up. It's more beneficial to them as they have donos and subs on. (Don't we fucking know it "can you say hi to")
•He has listened to Lovejoy. Says the ep was great and they're very talented and awesome. Doesn't know what his favourite song is but probably would pick One Day because the chorus slaps.
•RIP to acoustic Roadtrip. He said instead of acoustic Roadtrip we get Mask so no losses today for Dream stans.
•"With Roadtrip I went to Parker and I said Hey I have a story I want to tell through music. I have no experience with that can you help me" He said sure. He crafted the music and melodies and how things are formed where it's catchy. I have less comfort singing that. I love the song and it's my song, it's very representative of me and I'm sure I could sing it but it's a song I'd be kinds of scared to sing live, with Mask I basically did everything. I sat there the entire time and maybe an hour out if the 100 I wasn't in the call. Dream came up with the lyrics and main melody for Mask (First one he's ever come up with) "That was just notes in my fucking voice memos"
•The clip we heard of Mask was a prechorus not the actual chorus. He thinks he'd be more comfortable to do a mask acoustic and it's more melodic than Roadtrip. The chorus also has a lot of instruments similar to Roadtrip. Mask starts of slow and guitar with minimal reverb and is more raw.
• He doesn't want music to be his main thing. It's something fun to do and he's passionate about it as it's a way to express emotions. He wants to release mask then go from there. He wants to release at least one more song but has nothing on his mind currently. His two ideas were Roadtrip and Mask.
•He wouldn't quit his job to become a pizza delivery man.
•His favourite features on himself are eyes or freckles and he also confirmed that he does have eyebrows.
•He was told that Parkour warrior would be bought back some time in the near future and he got excited for it. "Even if I don't win, which I will, it'll be fun"
•Went on about his MCC team but I'm not going to put that in as we should be getting them today. He did say he wasn't on Pink but he did sound confused. (For reference he's always in Pink as it's the last team announced and keeps the hype up by announcing the biggest streamer last)
•Said he and his mum had the Mr Beast burger. He recommends because he likes the avacado. He mentioned how Mr Beast uses "Ghost Kitchens" which is basically where he gives restaurants permission to cook his food so it's restaurant quality food.
•His favourite piece of merch is the circle smile. (The pool photo on Instagram). He said the quality was bad (he worked with a different company and didn't have his own company) and it was elasticy feeling and he's planning on re-releasing it again but with good quality.
•He's started to send merch out in custom packaging. So his bags have the smile and will mostly be green. Sapnap's has the flame and is either black or white. He's also trying to make it so every order has the sticker packs for both him and Sapnap.
•He loves the coins as it's cheaper than a hoodie but still celebrates the milestones and will last a long time. He mentioned how the old coins are getting removed off the site and how if you have any of the coins your special because only a few thousand get made. He's kept around 100 of each coin that he wants to give away in person.
•He wanted to have a cool store where you could access computers that give you access to the DreamSMP in spectator mode. But it's too costly and would require too much time and isn't safe fight now. He doesn't think it'd be worth it financially.
•Most of the hoodie are black instead of multiple colours because of limited supply and covid. Getting the colours are harder because if the pandemic which hopefully won't be an issue soon.
•He wants to do a short meetup tour with Sapnap and George with a few locations in the US (and if others nearby want to join like Quackity or Karl they can). He also wants to visit Australia, UK, Canada, Mexico and Philippines and do something like that there but definitely at least visit with George and Sapnap.
•He's never been to the Philippines but his mum has. He wants to set up a place in the Philippines where he can ship merch in bulk and it would help to reduce shipping. However it would probably be big milestone merch.
•He's not got the vaccine yet but will get it when he needs to. He doesn't leave the house so he doesn't see the point.
•He's the ideas man. George's footcam video was Dream's idea. The T-shirt video was Dream's idea. Most if not all of the Dream Team's videos are Dream's ideas.
•Said he's got a similar/the same hair colour as Froy (Dream buddy at this point the only difference between you and Froy is that one of you is dating Richard Madden /lh)
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sluttbuttsstuff · 3 years
Not to spam you but…
Yandere la squada and a darling that’s a little pant-y mess on the occasion that she masturbates and knows a member of the team is home, but upon thinking she’s alone (unaware of her stalker) is masturbating REALLY FUCKING LOUD 🥺 👉👈 sorry if it’s too filthy but this thought will not let me know peace
I do NOT know how to write short pieces; sorry, but that's just not the kind of writer i am. That being said, i had a lot of fun with this, so thanks for the request!
WARNINGS: afab femme reader, Not sfw, dub/con, but reader strongly implied to be okay with everything, voyeurism, sex toys, fingering, blow jobs, intercourse, etc.
Why is it so hard to get some alone time?!...okay, when you’re living with 9 other men, it shouldn’t really come as a surprise to you, but STILL! Well, at least you were able to release some tension, late at night when everyone was too asleep to barge into your room to ask you for something, but you had to stay quiet. God forbid anyone hear the noises you make, so you had to get yourself off quickly and efficiently, without getting to really enjoy yourself. So when this week’s meeting left you free for a day at the base ALONE (even Risotto himself had to be out for a mission, which was rare) you intended to take advantage of it to the fullest.
First: You sang all your favorite songs at the top of your lungs, without fear of anyone hearing you go out of key, or judging you for your taste in music. Then, You took an extra long shower AND bubble bath, effectively using up all the hot water and pampering your skin and hair-which you never had time to when you had to share the bathroom with all the other members. You ate a ton of junk food and ordered delivery all for yourself, and watched all the shows and movies you didn't have the time to before because Formaggio would watch sports games all day.
Finally, you figured now was as good a time as any to....”relax your body”. You were so excited, it had been so long since you’d taken the time to really explore your body while you rubbed one out. You got undresses, rubbing your smooth, moisturized legs together while you turned on one of your favorite pornos on your laptop. You mimicked the motions onscreen, rubbing your neck, your chest, stomach, and finally the lower lips of your pussy. You were already warm and tingling with anticipation, and it didn’t take long for you to get into it. You let yourself moan freely, not saying anything in particular as you clenched around your fingers, lubing yourself up for your toys that were waiting to be used again.
Eventually, the porn ended, but you were just getting started, rocking yourself on your favorite dildo, circling a vibe around your clit and pinching your nipples. It was intense but slow, pleasure raising and declining like gentle hills you rode out. Still, you held off your orgasm for as long as possible, you were having so much fun you didn’t want it to end. You were so invested in the pleasure you were feeling, the rest of the world went away, you didn't even notice the crash of your laptop off the bed.
You were close now, like it or not, so you pushed your body faster and harder than you had in ages, despite the cramps in your wrist and hips. You couldn’t stop your body now, wailing out, tears streaming down your face as you begged yourself for release. Almost there, almost-!!!!
Formaggio: Of course Formaggio was able to finish his hit early- he’s good at his job and doesn’t like carrying things out needlessly! Besides, his favorite team’s playing tonight, he has to hurry home before Prosciutto claims the TV again for an old movie marathon, ughhh. He calls out to you when he arrives home, since he knows you were off this week, but didn’t hear you greet him. You must now have heard him, either, or you wouldn’t be making noises like that. Formaggio cackles to himself-of course you’re getting off, he does the same when he gets the day off too. He likes to do something more exciting than usual though, like leave his door open, or do it in someone else’s room. Yours, for example.
Stifling his own laughter, he uses his stealth skills to sneak into your room. You’re so out of it, you don’t even notice when he opens the door, or your overturned laptop at the foot of your bed. It’s pretty hot, actually, you’re usually more tight-lipped than this, refusing his advances and keeping to yourself when not at work. He likes this side of you a lot more; hair messy, gleaming with sweat, and moaning like a porn star. Yeah baby, let it all out! Formaggio knows he probably shouldn’t, that you’ll kill him afterwards, but Formaggio isn’t exactly a good guy per se so he forces himself on you and grabs the dildo from your hands. You gasp and make an odd, half-choking noise, shocked at Formaggio’s presence and trying to stop moaning in front of him while he fucks you on your toy at double speed.
“Yo, y/n, had a good day today without the guys around? IT’s about to be a lot better, now that I'm here~ why don’t you let me have a turn making you feel good? I’m sure you’re tired from doing this all yourself.” Formaggio teases you, as you struggle to find the words and hide the noises. Finally, you roll your eyes and give up; if Formaggio really wants to help you out so badly, then you’re gonna put him to work. The two of you end up fucking for the rest of the aftenoon and evening, until Proscuitto bangs on your door to keep it down, and even then you have another round or two while giggling.
The two of you are exhausted, but sated, afterwards, and you convince Formaggio to make a run to the fridge to pull out your leftovers, on the condition you share them with him. You spend the rest of the night eating in bed, watching Formaggio’s beloved game on your laptop, and falling asleep. It's an almost perfect end to your day, except for the fact that Formaggio snores louder than a chainsaw.
Illusio: unfortunately, this is not the first time Illusio’s heard (or seen) you masturbate, try as you might to hide it. With a stand like his, you know he not only has the means, but desire to snoop on others. Hell, half the time he doesn’t even mean to spy on others, he just forgets about other’s privacy when he’s in his mirror world. This is, however, the first time you’ve been so vocal, presumably because everyone’s supposed to be out right now. Poor girl, it must be hard to take care of your needs when you’ve got to stare at him all day. He’d be pretty flustered too, with his long chocolate locks and well-toned muscles. Illusio pities you, so he decides he’ll give you the help you clearly need. Jumping from the mirror in the hallway to the one in your bedroom (See? You don’t even cover it up, of course you want him to ravish you!) he watches and listens for a minute at the raunchy display before him. Despite you clearly doing this for quite awhile, judging from the sheen of sweat and heavy breathing, your movements were steady and rhythmic, almost like you’d been edging yourself for a long time. How cute. You must have wanted him to finish the job for you. You’re being very loud however, which Illusio likes, but you’re not saying what he wants to hear. So, he slinks over to you like a ghost, and puts his hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming.
“As much as I love coming home to hear you pleasuring yourself, I think we can do a little better than this. And also-” He kisses the side of your shocked face, “If you’re going to scream something, scream my name.” He picks up where you left off, edging you again and again until you’re so desperate that you beg him to fuck you, and say all the pretty words he wants you to. He fucks you so good you squirt when you come, and makes you come again after he finishes inside of you. It takes you a minute or two to recover, but when you do, and Illusio is bragging about what he did to you, you chase him out of your room with a pillow for being an annoying cocky bastard.
Hmmm, well, this is a bit awkward. He knows what the noises mean the minute he first hears them, but isn’t sure how to approach this without embarrassing both of them. If it had been one of the other men, he’d have just slammed their door until they shut up so he didn’t have to listen to their tug session, but Prosciutto prided himself on being a gentleman, and didn’t want to embarrass a lady if he didn’t have to.
He waited about 5 or so minutes, hoping you would wrap up, but when you only got louder and louder he decided enough was enough. After all, god forbid one of the other men hear you-like Illusio or Formaggio. So, steeling himself, he coughed loudly and knocked on your door. You must not have heard him, as your moaning didn’t stop, you were clearly enjoying yourself too much to notice or care about the other men in the base.
Prosciutto huffed, almost offended. Is this what he gets for trying to be polite? Jerking off loudly like a common whore where anyone could walk into you? He tried the doorknob, and was almost disappointed you were careless enough to leave it unlocked. Really, this was all your fault, so when your noises of pleasure turned to shock and embarrassment, he merely chided you for your carelessness, forcing his tongue into your mouth to shut you up while he took over. He took control and instructed you how to properly touch yourself, as well as jerk him off in appreciation for the self-love lesson. He decides to leave it there for the night, as motivation for a reward the next time you’re home alone. So you better work hard on your next missions if you want him to properly fuck you, got it?
Pesci was grateful Prosciutto was willing to finish up the job for him, since it meant he got to go home early. Heck, maybe he could even get a chance to watch one of his documentaries before Formaggio came home and the game started. However, he was growing increasingly concerned about the noises coming from your room. He didn’t want to pry or anything, but you sounded...almost in pain. Sometimes you worked out or did yoga though, and Pesci thought that’s what you were working on, so he decided to leave you be.
However, upon hearing a loud crash, followed by a particularly pained groan, he thought it was best to check in on you. He knocked on your door frantically, but you were unable to answer it. Oh no, maybe you’d hurt yourself so badly you couldn’t even move! Determined to help you, he opened the door, only to see you writhing on the bed, nude and in the midst of an intense self-love session.
Pesci’s mouth opened, and closed, but unlike you, he couldn’t make a sound at the sight before him. It’s true, he harbored a small crush on you, but he had hope he would see you like this under better circumstances. He wasn’t sure what to do, he knew the right thing was to close the door and pretend like this never happened, but you seemed desperately in need of help, not to mention Pesci’s pants were tented with his own sudden but no less intense arousal.
Thinking back to advice Prosciutto had given him about manning up and taking what he wanted from life, he creeps up to your still unaware body, crouching onto your bed with a squeak of the bed springs. This is enough to break you from your trance, and you jolt up, looking at Pesci in shock and embarrassment. Pesci shushes you before you can say a word, pushing a trembling, clammy finger to your lips.
“Please...Let me help you y/n,” He begs you, looking you in the eyes with more courage and bravery than you’d seen from the man since you first met him. Still wet and horny, and body growing tired, you lick his finger, earning an adorable squeak from Pesci; this is going much better than he thought it would. You pull him on top of you, and show him what to do.
What Pesci lacks in experience he makes up for in quick-learning and a massive cock with a short refractory period. You move his hands for him across your body, bringing yourself to climax finally, and return the favor with a blowjob. Pesci doesn’t last long, but he’s hard again very quickly, which you decide to use to your advantage. You ride him again and again, Pesci doing everything you tell him to, and making sure you come as many times as he does. He comes everywhere, inside you and out and on your chest, and makes quite the mess of you.
IT doesn’t stop him from pulling you into a passionate kiss and spooning when you’re both sated, mumbling his thanks and sweet compliments about you. You end up sleeping together that night, and in the morning the men tease him half to death about it, but you can tell Prosciutto's proud of him.
Oh, he’s been WAITING for this day since you first joined the team, and now that it’s finally happening he can hardly believe it’s real. First he Manages to reactivate the babyface from today’s mission to grab his camera and record everything. Then, he grabs his chest of toys from his room to help you out. He has a hard time not just jumping in and screwing you into your mattress, but like everything in Melone’s life, he has a plan for this, and he intends to follow through with it. After getting a minute or two of just your moans recorded (just in case his “mission” is unsuccessful, at least he’ll have fap material for later, he decides to make himself known.
“You know, y/n, your arm’s are going to get worn out like that before you’re able to climax if you keep this up.” Melone chided you, sitting on your vanity stool, head in his hands like he wasn’t just watching you touch yourself. You scream, out of shock and anger this time, trying to cover yourself and yell at him to get out. Melone’s incredibly stubborn however, and the tongue of a snake, and is able to persuade you into letting him stay, be it from charm, blackmail, or perhaps tapping into your own dark desires.
He starts by merely watching you, taking pictures with his phone and directing babyface on angles to take video. He instructs you on how to touch yourself, and gives you free range on his collection of toys. It all feels good, and you are able to come, but you’re still unsatisfied, to your disappointment. As if knowing this would be the result all along, Melone plays dumb and makes YOU beg him to touch and fuck you.
Once you finally give in, though, he’s much nicer to you, and to no one’s surprise is an excellent lover. He licks your pussy until you come again, and then finger fucks you once more for good measure, before pulling out his copy of the Kama Sutra. He lets you pick out your favorite positions, as well as a few he thinks will give you the most pleasure, and you tire yourself out.
Ghiacchio does NOT want to deal with your loud noises right now, and he ESPECIALLY doesn’t want to deal with the “problem” it’s caused him personally. He breaks your door down, fully intending to chew you out for being so….”distracting” but ironically enough, Ghiacchio freezes when he sees you. He doesn’t have the most experience with dating, especially not with women (I imagine what limited experience he has was with other passione members *cough* Melone *cough*) so seeing you fully bare in front of him is a lot.
The noises you made haven’t helped either, halfway pained and desperate, it makes Ghiaccio oddly jealous; he wants to be the one that makes you make those noises. So before you can chase him out, or cover yourself, he tackles you on the bed, sloppily kissing and touching you. He’s rough, as you could have probably guessed, but also weirdly shy and gentle? For example, he fingers you so roughly and quickly you cum squirting within minutes, but he’s looking you in the eyes the entire time and gaging your expressions/reactions. He’s got a giant blush on his face, almost like he’s ashamed of doing this, but then bites your shoulder while he spears himself inside of you with a snarl.
Good news: you are no longer the loudest one in the house, Ghiacchio progressively growling then shouting the closer he is to climax. He jackhammers you with incredible speed, and bends your body in half to suit his own purposes. It takes him a couple rounds until he’s fully sated, but then he gets really soft afterwards. He likes to spoon you from behind so you don’t see his face, but he holds you gently, rubbing your shoulders where he nipped you, and soothing your sore muscles.
Let’s be honest: this isn’t his first time hearing you masterbate, he’s heard everyone in the base do it at least once. Hell, he’s even walked in on Melone a dozen times, once with Ghiacchio, so that’s not the issue. What is the issue, however, is that you’re being so loud and obvious he can’t ignore it. Even putting aside his personal feelings for you (which he isn’t necessarily willing to do) it would be bad if you were keeping yourself pent up like this around the others. You could be distracted on missions and hurt yourself or mess up your hit. Or worse- you could go to the others for sexual relief.
Clearly, you needed help, and it was your capo’s responsibility to help you take care of it, and only him. He turns invisible and sneaks into your room, but he needn’t have tried so hard to be stealthy. You were clearly in your own little world, fucking yourself on your fingers, crying out over the wet squelching of your aching pussy. He touches you lightly, so lightly you barely notice, while he’s still invisible. Sure, Risotto’s more than happy to do this, and he doesn’t care if you or the others know about his feelings, but he’s still a little shy, and unsure how you’ll react.
He’s worried for nothing, however, when you unconsciously rock into his touch, palming your breasts and licking the sweat off your brow. You’re confused about the phantom touches lingering on your body and invisible force rubbing your clit, but too aroused to do anything about it. You merely relax your tired body, letting yourself be finger-fucked into climax, crying out in pleasure-pain from the large, rough hands raking orgasm after orgasm out of your body.
After Risotto’s able to finger you enough to (he hopes) sufficiently stretch you out, he repositions your limp body, fluffing pillows under your head and placing you to face his still invisible body. He rubs the head of his cock against your clit and entrance, collecting as much lubrication onto his cock as he can. At the last minute, Risotto turns himself invisible, and watches the look of surprise and embarrassment turn into red hot need as he bottoms out into your aching, tender pussy.
He doesn’t go easy on you, each thrust hitting the deepest parts of you, forcing squeals out of you every time. You wrap your arms around him, trying to take some sort of control of the situation, but Risotto doesn’t give you an inch as he fucks the daylights out of you. Your moans spur him on, having gone from non-specific mewling to begging for Risotto to go deeper, harder, “more, more, more!” Risotto likes this side of you best, completely under his control and telling him exactly what he’s doing to you.
Far too soon, you orgasm again, already sensitive from your previous orgasms. Risotto isn’t done though, and doesn’t finish for several hours. Even when the others go home, and are tempted to say something, they hear who’s name you’re calling, and think twice before interrupting their capo’s “alone time.” Finally, after finishing, You pass out almost immediately, too exhausted to even clean yourself off. So, Risotto takes care of you, cleaning up your mess, putting some comfy pjs on you, and fetching some water and painkillers (just in case).
When he walks out of your room, the Squad is silent, no one daring to say anything (Ghiacchio and Formaggio are physically restraining Melone from talking). Risotto sees no need to say anything to them either, merely gives them all an unreadable look, before smiling to himself and returning to your room. Tomorrow, he’s going to need to rearrange the schedule; you’ll need some time off to recover.
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So in honor of @hyrule-kingdom-updates having its two month anniversary today, I wrote an essay about how great it is and why people should read it because I’m a whole nerd who has nothing better to do.
It’s gonna be under the cut though because it’s 5-6 paragraphs and probably not as expertly written as one might expect. It’s also somewhat opinionated because this isn’t an academic essay and it never will be.
Hyrule Kingdom Updates, or HKU for short, is a fanfiction presented in a blog format while still hiding behind the mask of a “shitpost blog”, written by an author nicknamed Quill. This story has attracted a small but very active community with its amazing writing and format. In this essay, I will explain exactly what I believe makes Hyrule Kingdom Updates as great as it is.
Let’s start with the blog itself. A fanfiction in a Tumblr blog format isn’t something you see every day, and making it work can be challenging when it comes to telling a story at all. Quill, the author, makes it work. By using posts to be literal “updates”, hence the name “Hyrule Kingdom Updates”, works in the story’s favor and is even a plot point! Plus it makes use of Asks and Askers and incorporates them in as well, so even the readers can be a part of the story in their own way if they so choose. You can actively drive the plot (in limited amounts) and participate, you’re not just a bystander reading if you don’t want to be.
Secondly, the characters. HKU is a mix of original characters and canon characters from the Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity games, and all are incredibly written. Everyone in the story, original characters like Asivus - the main narrator, or canon characters like Zelda, are all written with morally grey tones and feel like real people. There are no tropes, no stereotypes, they feel like real people. Interactions between them all are never bland, and there’s a variety of personalities between the whole cast! Not only that, but Quill even adds more to canon villains like Astor, the well-known wasted potential of Age of Calamity. Original villains don’t do bad things “because they’re evil” either, they’re all intelligent antagonists that have goals and motivations. Every hero, villain, and those in-between all have a story to them and they all intertwine with each other in one way or another, and none of them are bland. Also, as a bonus, there’s a ton of representation! There is so much representation in HKU. Asivus is pansexual, Larc and Launo are gay, the late queen was bisexual, I could go on. Representation is sprinkled in the cast so much, and it’s not their only personality trait. There are morally grey characters, villains, heroes, and representation is everywhere! 
Next up, the writing. The pacing of HKU, ignoring the literal update schedule because Quill is a person with their own life and we respect that in this house, leaves me in awe. Starting with innocent “shitposts” with occasional story to draw you in, and before you know it, you’re trapped because you just can’t stop reading. The story slowly descends (without getting into spoiler territory) into madness. The transition from humorous posts to serious story still leaves me amazed because when you realize it, it’s already too late. The pace of the story keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting for the next update, even if it’s just a small sentence. One other unique thing in this story is how it portrays trauma in such an accurate light. There is no “soft boy with trauma” trope, no “edgy teenager” stereotype, trauma is shown in one of the most accurate ways I’ve ever seen. Sometimes it even hits close to home, but that’s how you know it’s accurate. The writing hits you in the heart, but at the same time, it’s so good.
Lastly, the community this blog has attracted. This story has attracted a very small but very loud community, and it feels perfect. I don’t know how to describe it, but it just feels perfect. Solving ciphers together, creating theories, going crazy over updates, spamming rats, this community has it all. With its fair share of insanity, Quill has somehow created one of the greatest communities I’ve ever been a part of with their writing. I don’t know what else to say here, but the community that HKU has created is one of the best points about it so it also belongs in this essay.
In conclusion, Hyrule Kingdom Updates is nothing short of a masterpiece written by a very, very talented author. The story itself being in a blog format and making it work perfectly with asks and updates. The incredible variety of characters, motivations, and goals. The writing keeps you on the edge of your seat, screaming in a discord while crying because everything hit you just perfectly in the heart. The representation everywhere you look in the story. There are so many reasons why this is amazing and why more people should read it.
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shinaus · 4 years
Sorry if I'm spamming you too much😅 I had a creative burst. A senario where shinso or tamaki has a crush who continues to leave little snacks she buys/makes with little notes on them saying "kick butt today!" Or "you always have someone on your side" "you trained hard yesterday dont forget to eat just as hard". It would be so fluffy! Could possibly end with a confession, no idea!🐑
A/N: THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA!!!! both i think would have such different reactions too, especially if it’s the person they’re crushing on - also i made these headcannons i hope that’s okay 🥺
hitoshi shinso
he’d be confused to say the least at first
bearing in mind he used to deal with a lot of teasing in middle school
his insecurities on such a thing have carried through to high school at this point
at one point he was convinced it was some kind of joke, someone teasing him since he's never really experienced positive emotions about his quirk or abilities from someone else
but over time, he looks forward to see what might he sitting on his desk
whoever it was knew all of his favourite snacks, so had clearly been keeping an eye on him
the notes are also kept safe in a page of his notebook, not being he like- enjoys the positive affirmations or anything...
over time, his curiousity only grows
who could be so kind as to want to make him smile this much every day?
well, no harm in wanting to find out
one morning he had early training with aizawa - giving him plenty of free time before his first class
strolling in, he takes his usual seat and waits
although it isn't long before he hears hushed voices outside the class
sitting up a little, he's able to pick up a few things being said
"come on y/n, just tell him!" someone whines, his whole body suddenly feeling hot at the mention of your name
it couldn't be - could it?
as if to answer his question, a new voice comes into the conversation
"i can't! plus, this way he doesn't know it's me - seeing him look all happy and excited is more than enough for me"
yup, now he's definetely blushing
if this was him you were talking about, he knew he'd want to do something about it as soon as you walk through that door
which you do not even a second later, the colour draining from your face when you lock eyes with him
it almost makes you drop the bento in your hands
"uh- h-hi shinso..." you mumble, eyes darting around the room before meeting the ground
worried you might run off, he comes over to you
taking the bento out of your hands and placing it on a desk, he then slowly reaches out to take your hands in his own
"was... all of this you?" he whispers, the squeals from your friends outside falling on deaf ears
when you nod, he can't help the smile that breaks out over his face
without second thought, he leans in and places a quick kiss to your forehead
you both go red then, but giggle amongst yourselves at how the situation played out
"pay me back after school later?" you suggest playfully, and he swears he's never answered yes to something so quickly
tamaki amajiki
sweet boy would not know how to react
since his quirk does base around what he eats, he has to take extra care of what his diet consists of
so when he sees that someone is leaving him food he eats the most for manifesting with cute little notes attached? he’s over
it starts happening every few days and right before lunch, so he tries to narrow down who it might be
his friends deny that it’s them, so he tries to think of who it could be
the first person his mind goes to is you
who he just so happens to have a huge crush on - and has done for quite some time
it couldn’t be you, right?
from the start he’s kept all the notes that were left for him, all reassuring and motivational messages for him which he appreciates
all of them also making him blush immensely but moving on
some time after he receives a handful of treats and sweet messages, he decides to hatch a plan
he always makes his lunch in the morning before school, so he makes an extra bento one morning to hopefully give to this admirer he’s acquired
walking into school early, he stands at the door of the classroom when he sees someone standing over his desk
but not just anyone
“y-y/n?” he asks suddenly, his face flushing as he realises it really has been you
turning to face him, your face goes just as much if not more red, jumping away from the small tub of treats you had set up for him including his note
“tamaki i-it’s not what it looks like...” you try to explain but you both know the secret is out, however what you don’t expect is for him to approach you quite quickly
without thinking, he quickly pulls you into a hug to take the attention away from your flushed expressions
“thank you...” he whispers into your hair, you able to practically feel his heart racing in his chest “y-your notes have been really motivating, and the food is always great...”
you smile then, wrapping your arms around him in return
“it’s the least i could do, i admire you quite a lot..”
both pulling away, neither of you can help the shy smiles gracing your features
pulling out the bentos he had, he hands one to you and takes your hand in his free one - showing the most confidence you’ve ever seen in him
“come on, let m-me treat you to lunch..”
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popsicle-parfait · 3 years
This account is meant for oneshots and writing stuff but it got turned into a place for me to vent and scream about fanfics because I had no other place to do it. Whenever I talk about fanfics to my irl friends they tell me I'm weird and then move on so it doesn't give me the drive to talk to them about this stuff. I've actually also have talked to my online friends about these things too but recently we haven't been interacting much so that's gone out the window. I'm actually surprised that some of you have taken the time out of your day to listen to me spam bullshit for an hour out of spite. Much more for those who've actually followed me! Damn, I feel like I should do something special for this milestone but I don't know what so forgive me a real sec. But to get back on topic, I also wanted to discuss literature stuff with people but I felt like if I did that I'd get shown up by someone who's read more than me, hell the only thing that I've read even close to literature is the stuff in English class so I felt ashamed to even think I could talk to other about this stuff. But, the more I did it and the more I got really good feedback on it I realized I wasn't the only person to feel the things I do. Others might say I complain too much and that I have no right to criticize other people's writings but you don't have to have a degree to be a writer now do you? You just have to appeal to people, at least that's what it all comes down to. Writing for fun is cool too and I don't have any problems with that, however, I find it disappointing how the way we make fanfics hasn't changed. We still have "depressed op reader x male" but only in today's terms. I want to see something new, something that hasn't been done before and it makes me a bit annoyed to see the same plots over and over again. Yknow what'd I killed to read? A magical girl anime insert! I've never seen anyone do that before and I only ever seen one on Wattpad but even then it was an op male reader and you know how I feel about those. I think that if I could see these types of fanfics more often it would not only break gender roles but it made me think, "if female reader writers (that's a mouthful) can make y/n go to an all-boys school (which wouldn't make any sense whatsoever IRL but I'll make a post on that) out of bullshittery, why can't we do the same?". I know like 99% of you guys aren't going to do that but it'd be nice to see something cool I guess. Anyway, sorry for me being sentimental. I'm just happy that despite the effort I make to get people to like my art on all my other social media accounts, this is the one that gets the attention the most. Because I think it's not only me who's tired of reading the same things right? I've been on social media for a long time and my art account has 60 followers but for all the effort I put into my art only to get 2 likes a day, it just discourages me, to be honest. I know I'm not supposed to do shit for other people but you can't help but hear your heartbreak a little when no one gives a shit. Recently I don't want to post my art on that account anymore because I don't have any motivation to post since I don't get any satisfaction from it. Nowadays I just keep my sketches and shit to myself since I know trying again with social media really won't do shit for me in the long run. For now, though, I think I'm pretty good with the way things are now so I don't feel the need to ask myself questions like "Do they not like this character?" "What type of fanart appeals to people?" "Is my art style that bad?" anymore. I think I'm at a point in life where I feel okay, so I'm going to try and keep it that way.
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writingdotcoffee · 4 years
#148: Keeping a Victory Log
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There are good days, and then there are days that are not so good. On the good days, you sit down in the morning and the next thing you know, it’s dark outside. You’ve been writing for the whole day. It’s good.
Bad days are tense. You know that you should be writing, but you can’t make yourself do it. Life goes on around you, but you feel like it’s left you behind. When several bad days come in a row, you start losing your sense of direction. Then negative self-talk kicks in.
‘I can’t focus. I never get anything done. This will never work.’ Things spiral out from there.
Sometimes it’s hard to get an objective view of your life when things don’t go exactly as planned. Even though you might be doing a lot of things right, a single failure can overshadow all the positivity. You’re beating yourself up which is only making things worse.
A few years ago, I got tired of all this. I’m not always extremely productive, but I get things done. And there’s no reason to feel terrible about a slip up. So I started keeping a victory log.
Every time I do something that matters to me, it goes on the list. Usually, I record everything at once at the end of the day or early in the morning. I decide what makes it to the list and this changes over time. Sometimes, it’s completing a draft of a book. Sometimes, a victory is washing the dishes.
Things add up, as they do, over time. My list now has thousands of entries. When I scroll back, I can read what I was doing a week ago or a year ago. It’s not a massively interesting read to be honest, but it puts things in perspective. Seeing all the things that I’ve done in the past reassures me. It shows that having a shit day once in a while won’t ruin everything, even though it can feel like that at the time.
I aim to put ten new things on the list every day, and that on its own motivates me to get out and do stuff when I’m not feeling like it.
Anyway, that’s all that I want to share with you today. It’s a simple thing, but it helps me make sure that I don’t sleepwalk through my entire life.
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My email subscribers receive a notification when I publish these posts along with a few things I found interesting or helpful on the literary internet every week. Click the link below to join the club.
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Past Editions
#147: Finishing things is a skill, June 2020
#146: Black Lives Matter, June 2020
#145: Creativity Doesn’t Have a Downside, June 2020
#144: Lots and Lots of Bad Stories, May 2020
#143: What to Do When You’re Stuck?, May 2020
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scandalousfemale · 4 years
Ch.2 The Safety Dance
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Chinese!OC x Kelce
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Zombies were meant for apocalyptic movies and TV shows where one could binge watch for a day and return to their mundane life. But something happened, a lab test went wrong and suddenly the outbreak started. This story takes place exactly three weeks after zombies slowly started to take over the planet.
Series master list
WC: 6,726
Warnings: Violence, mentions of familial death and murder, THIS IS A ZOMBIE APOCALYPTIC FIC, there are mentions of weapons, we’re looking at someone’s wounds here, fighting, fear, ptsd, trauma, greasy old men being gross, please be aware that you are responsible for the media that you consume
A/N: I want to thank every single person who supported me this far. If you’re reading this it means that you liked the first chapter and you’re back for more! That means more than I can ever tell you because I love writing this series so much. Of course, it does get a little bit hectic because there are so many characters to take care of so thank you for little notes along the way from @rafecameron​ and a million thanks to @millyelliot​ for being my BETA reader and holding my hand while I cry lol I hope you all enjoy getting to know my characters a little more.
Waking up in a tour bus bunk was what Kaili felt waking up in a coffin would be like. The space was small and dark, and if it wasn’t for the quiet chatter towards the front of the bus, she’d believe that this was her own personal hell. She’d barely remembered falling asleep the night before, she must’ve passed out halfway through the movie and someone carried her to the bunk. If only so she wouldn’t be disrupting the flow of the common area. 
Kaili made it a mission to learn about the characters in front of her today. She needed to know if she could trust them, even though a small part of her told her that she could. She pushed back the curtain to her bunk and slid out of the hole she had slept in only to find Kiara and Sarah on the seat next to the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes to adjust to the sunlight before giving them both a small smile and then indulging in caring for her hygiene that she hadn’t been able to do in weeks. 
“The boys have breakfast outside,” Sarah offered a sweet smile and Kaili couldn’t help but smile back. She nodded and exited the bus onto a RV campground. The people in the surroundings must be familiar with the area and faces because not one person looked out of place. She took in the rows of RVs around them, noting that privacy was a privilege that not a lot of them had, if there wasn’t a door next to yours then you were lucky. Maybe it was because no one wanted to park next to a bunch of kids or maybe it was the intimidation of trying to get out of a parking space next to the monstrosity that they called a bus but the few spaces next to them were empty. Of course, there could also be other reasons as to why the spots were empty but Kaili didn’t allow herself to dwell on the thought for too long, willing herself not to get sad about their current situation. 
It didn’t take long for her to spot everyone she was looking for. JJ was holding a map, huddled with Pope as an older gentleman stood next to them, speaking quietly and rushed as he pointed out spots on the paper in front of them. The man couldn’t have been any younger than forty, his disheveled salt and pepper hair and tired eyes did not compliment the wrinkled green shirt and khaki shorts he was wearing. Kaili didn’t notice that she was focused on making the guy out until someone cleared their throat in front of her. 
Rafe was cooking rice and beans in a pot over some fire, which made her wonder why they didn’t use the fully equipped kitchen they had indoors. He eyed Kaili as she stood by the door way of the bus trying to take in her environment. She stretched and it did not escape her that it was the first time in weeks that her joints didn’t creak and crack as she moved around. She finally moved from the doorway and sat down next to Topper on a lawn chair. 
“Mind if I sit here?” She asked though she was already sitting down next to him, giving him a small smile though he barely looked up from his radio. He must’ve been looking for something specific because he went right back to messing around with the dials, switching from song after song until he found the news he wanted.
She ate her breakfast, or lunch, in quiet. She didn’t say much to anyone else and neither did the boys say much to her. It was nice, she had to admit, to be able to eat and take her time or not have to worry about watching her back, though it doesn’t mean she stopped being aware of her surroundings. The storm clouds settled over the camp as she saw a man in the distance and if it were any other situation and she was with any of her friends, she’d tell them that that’s one of the sexiest men she’s ever seen.
She might’ve gone up and made a move had it not been for an apocalypse going on. Even if the guy’s shirt rode up just a little and she could see the muscle on his pelvic that creates the V…or even how his arms are flexed from carrying the plastic bags. Kaili licked her lips and as she helped herself to eye candy before quickly diverting her gaze when the man started walking towards her. Her cheeks immediately heated up when the man got close enough for her to recognize who he was. 
The smile on Kelce’s face, though small, proved that he definitely had seen her make eyes at him and if dying of embarrassment wasn’t such a shameful way to go in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, she’d have done it. 
“What do you have there?” Kaili inquired about the bags Kelce was holding, hoping to ignore any thought she’d just had for him.
“A couple of trades,” he replied, getting the hint but his smile was even wider now. “Since we’re headed back to the market tomorrow anyway, I felt like it was time to get some new things.”
“What do you mean?” Kaili tilted her head, not sure what he was talking about. 
“In the campgrounds, people trade goods, since money doesn’t really mean a lot to them right now. So, say I have a pancake mix with no stove, it’s useless, right? But you have a stove and you’re dying for pancakes but I’m not giving it to you unless you give something back. So, then the question arises, what’s it worth to you?”
Kaili raised her eyebrows at the man in front of her, really taking the time to drink him in. Almost like JJ, everything he says kind of has an edge to it. Even when he’s laughing or telling a joke, there’s a hint of either pain or anger that she can’t quite place. Of course, there’s the fact that he’s sexy but also that he looks, for lack of a better word, strong. His shoulders are wide and he holds them back like he knew he could take on anyone that comes his way but he also has scars running from his knuckles and disappearing into his long sleeve shirt. When her eyes met his hard brown eyes again, she could tell that he had just sized her up as well.
“Apparently a lot,” she tilted her head as he motioned to the bags he had placed next to Topper. 
“Not enough,” Topper interjected as he rummaged through the goods that Kelce had brought back. “We need food and weapons.” 
“We’re getting food tomorrow from that grocery store Wheezie pointed out,” Kelce brushed off his friend’s criticism. 
“And if it’s cleaned out by tomorrow? What then? We’ll be hungry until the next place we can find,” and though what Topper was saying did make a lot of sense, she could also see that Kelce brought back things that might be of necessity. He brought back clothes for layering, winter hats, and a bit of canned foods.
“I’ll go back in a couple of hours, a lot of people aren't awake yet. Talking about trading though, you might want to start setting up our spot. Maybe something good will come to us instead since you have such a problem with how I trade,” Kelce bit back. And as much as Kaili wouldn't mind watching two boys argue with each other, she’d much rather do anything else. So, she excused herself from the friendly fire and ducked back into the bus to rummage through her bag, there had to be something in there that she could trade. All she had was maybe a couple of days worth of spam, if only for a person, and extra knives. She also found four switchblades and of course, her extra change of clothes. There was also a mini sewing kit she refused to part with and the bags filled with medicine that she wouldn’t mind parting with some of her inventory.
As she separated what she was willing to trade and wanting to keep, a little girl had sat down on the seat next to her.
“Do you always carry those?” Wheezie pointed to the knives on her weapons belt now strapped around her biker shorts from last night.
Without breaking from her task of separating which medicine was necessary to them, she answered back with a simple, “yes.” Because since she found this belt and the knives with Wei, she hasn’t.
Now, that had made Kaili stop to look at the girl. Her glasses pushed back against her face as her curly hair was pulled into a bun at the top of her head. Then she realized that some people weren’t exposed to the horrors of the world just yet. Maybe Wheezie was protected enough not to see a family member dismembered in front of her. How she wishes she could say the same.
“It’s dangerous out there.”
“But you don’t have to worry when you’re with us. Plus, Topper said the only people on the campgrounds are the living and breathing ones.”
Finishing up the bag she was willing to trade, she wrapped the handle around her wrist to make sure no one could pull them off, “Wheezie,” she said the girl’s name for the first time as she stood, “humans are the most dangerous of them all.” 
“How?” The younger girl asked, a flash of doubt already crossing her face.
“Because you know what zombies want. They want to kill you. With humans, you don’t know what they want. They will smile to your face and then have an ulterior motive.”
Wheezie took a pause to think about what had been said and right when Kaili thought the conversation was over, she had turned to leave the bus, Wheezie stopped her in her tracks.
“You don’t trust us, do you?” It was a heavy question that had no simple answer.
“I want to,” was the best way that Kaili could explain it. Then Wheezie nodded at her as Kaili left the bus. The cold wind hitting her legs first and causing goosebumps to appear all over her body. She hugged her arms around her body, thinking about going back inside and putting on her long pants and long sleeve again but honestly, she couldn’t be bothered. 
She hadn’t even made it past the floor mat that was being set up at the end of their bus yet when a voice called out to her to ask where she was going. 
“I want to see what I can trade,” she said as she looked at Kelce’s face and if she hadn’t known better, it would’ve looked like he was upset. But he couldn’t have been upset at her, she hadn’t done anything to cause that reaction. 
“I’ll come with you,” he said and Kaili would have protested if it looked like he was going to give her a choice.
After disappearing into the bus, Kelce came out a few minutes later holding a Letterman jacket with the name SMITH printed across the shoulders on the back and a small bag of his own.
“Wear this,” he pushed the jacket into her hands as he easily took the bag away from her so that she could stick her arms into the holes. And so she did. She mumbled a small thank you to him before grabbing onto her bag again and followed Kelce’s lead. 
It didn’t take long for Kaili to get a peek into Kelce’s plastic bag, it was all filled with hygiene products such as deodorant, dry shampoo, and razors. Which made a whole lot sense as to why the trio she met at the pharmacy started throwing everything they saw in their bags.
“Remember what I said,” Kelce all but whispered next to her, “you have to know what your product is worth and how much what you’re asking for is worth. Some people will ask you for more but you have to be smart about it.”
Reaching the first group of people that seemed to be trading, they had set up all of their products on the floor. Two guys with guns standing beside the blanket as if they’ll guard it with their lives and honestly, Kaili wouldn’t doubt that they would. Even if what they were selling wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Just a couple of magazines, jerky’s, and individual bullets. She hadn’t noticed but somehow, as they walked around and bargained, she had stepped closer to Kelce. Or maybe he has stepped closer to her. There was just a level of security being next to him that clouded her judgement, that made her squeeze next to him when someone else tried to step into her bubble. Something that made her feel alright when his arm came around her to move her out of the way when a brute pushed his way through the crowd. 
Kelce was a natural at communicating with the traders. She was surprised to find him to be a people person because of how closed off he was in the bus but even now his eyes looked more distant than ever making her think that maybe he wasn’t really a natural, he was just trained very well. 
At one table, he traded in canned corn for beans and then whispered in her ear that beans were better because they are heavier so that they would stay full longer and she guessed that made sense in a bus full of growing boys. He’d also traded two razors, shaving cream, and a deodorant for one blanket. Causing Kaili to raise her eyebrows in question. 
“People, during a crisis, usually don’t think too far ahead. Maybe they don’t think they’d survive that long but all I know is that winter is coming very soon and we don’t have enough blankets for everyone to stay as warm as we need to be.”
As Kaili looked at Kelce there was an edge to his tone, “and you don’t trust that the bus would take you very far,” she concluded, saying the words he didn’t. 
His face gave a hint to smile and the playful gleam to his eyes made him all that much more attractive, “it’s big, hard to maneuver, no matter what Topper says. I also don’t miss how everyone else looks at it. These are just the early days, people aren’t so desperate yet but they will be and they’ll see our vehicle,” she didn’t miss how he didn’t say tour bus, “then it’s only a matter of when, not if, we’ll run into a group big and strong enough to take it from us.” He shrugged as if she should’ve already worked out the equation in her head. Maybe she was too busy enjoying the luxury of the shower and the bed to think twice about it but he was right and she hated that she wasn’t able to pick up on how people looked at that bus at the end of the camp. 
“Are you prepared? When that happens, I mean.”
Kelce smirked and spared a glance around them before he brought his hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear and lean in. To anyone else, it might look like he was about to kiss the nape of her neck but he stopped to whisper her a sweet secret instead, “I’m a great shot,” he leaned back with a wicked smile. She didn’t miss how his eyes flickered to her parted lips right before she averted her eyes and began walking to a new group of people who seemed a bit more rowdy than the rest. 
“Where’d you learn?” Kaili attempted to regain her breath, she didn’t need a distraction. Not now. Not when the world is crumbling.
They passed people huddled around radios, some listening to the president’s speech about how everyone was ‘all in this together’, it made her want to laugh but also cry at the same time. The people hidden away in mansions with gates and guards were definitely not fighting the same fight as the ones who were on the streets. Others were listening to the news about the widespread pandemic. Kaili didn’t stick around to listen but she caught a couple of sentences, talks of vaccines or having the whole city sprayed from the air were talked about being in the works.
“My father loved to hunt and he didn’t believe in doing anything we weren’t the best at,” Kelce's smooth voice broke through her line of thought and she welcomed it, “that’s how I learned.”
“So you’re telling me I’m standing next to the best shooter in wherever you came from,” she’d meant to tease but her tone came off a lot more impressed with him than she intended it to be.
All he did was nod once, never losing the smile.
“Lucky me.”
A group of guys that were causing a bit of a ruckus were trying to draw attention to their small tent as they pushed a couple of people out of their way to drop the heavy bags off of their shoulders with a thud. She could hear the metal clanking against each other and she knew exactly what they were before the men began to unzip the bags with a bright smile on their faces.
“Fuck,” she heard Kelce say below his breath next to her when the guys started pulling out guns and machetes one after another. She had wondered how many stores or maybe even homes they had raided to be able to accumulate their stockpile but that was a thought she pushed to the back of her mind when she saw a sniper with a stand and a machete that looked sharp enough to cut someone’s head off. She knew that she needed it. One of them would be a great service to the group if they were able to strap the sniper on top of the bus, it could help them with enemies, humans and zombies alike. As for the machete, it would be a better use for her because she wouldn’t have to get too close to her target and that was a privilege that her throwing knives did not allow. 
She was the first one to step in front of the men, “what are you willing to trade with?” was her question, not taking her eyes off of the weapons.
“Well, baby, what are you willing to offer?” one of the greasy men with handlebars mustache had stepped before his friends and asked her.
“I want the sniper and the machete with the black handle,” Kaili didn’t waste time as she got on her knees and started pulling some products out of her bag, “I have spam for days, a Swiss army knife, and pills. I have medicine for anything you think you need. Asthma, anemia, you name it and I got it.” 
The man didn’t waste time stepping in front of her kneeled figure and putting his hands on his hips, “you know what? I kind of like my little porcelain doll like this. How’s that for a trade?” the greasy man said as he looked over her shoulder and Kaili noticed that he wasn’t talking to her. He was talking to Kelce, as if asking him for permission to trade the weapons for her. Hearing Kelce chuckle behind her, disgusted, her lips curled about to give him a piece of her mind before the man was off of his feet and slamming onto the ground on his back. Kelce on top of him in an instant, his hand wrapping around the guy’s shirt while the other fist met the man’s cheek. 
“That’s no way to talk to a lady,” Kelce’s jaw ticked as the man’s friends were now at their side but before they could even touch him, Kaili pulled two blades from her thighs, pointing the sharp instrument at their throats.
“Gentlemen, I don’t think this is a very nice way to conduct a business, don’t you agree? Now, before you get a tiny bit ahead about yourselves, I think that my offer was very generous. If you don’t believe so, that’s fine. We can walk away,” Kelce grunted behind her but she kept talking, “what do you say?”
The shorter man in front of her with red hair, freckles, and green eyes looked to the other one beside her, “Abby is asthmatic, we’ve been trying to find a pharmacy forever and you know we don’t even know what we’re looking for. The name’s all different and weird, man. I mean, I need it.” The other man seemed to agree so with great caution, Kaili looked them over again before sticking the knives back into her thigh band.
“I have salmeterol xinafoate, fluticasone propionate powder. I actually have a couple of those. I have a couple more other brands, I’m not really sure what Abby takes but they come with inhalers. Here,” Kaili gave them the bag which still also included the spam, not worrying herself with Kelce as he was still talking to the guy but at least they were off of the floor now. 
The green eyed man took the bag gratefully as his friend shooed away the crowd that had gathered around them. Telling the people that if they’re not going to trade then they were basically wasting their time because no one was fighting today.
Kelce hadn’t mentioned standing up for her the entire time that they had looked around for more supplies and she didn’t bring it up. Not even when he glared at the man in front of her when she wanted to trade one of her throwing knives for a power drill. Yes, it was completely useless to the man selling it but for her, it was the only way to attach the sniper to the top of the bus.
After a couple of rounds to some other families, they’d finally made it back to Topper packing back up.
“What the fuck?” he looked at them with wide eyes as he saw the new found weapons.
“Is this not what you asked for?” Kelce said, already defensive but he was quickly distracted when he saw what Topper and Kiara was putting away, “how’d you manage that?” he pointed to the soggy used-to-be-frozen pizza in Kiara’s hands and something that might have looked like it used to be ground meat, Kaili wasn’t sure.
Dinner wasn’t half as bad as she assumed it would be but, then again, she wasn’t one to be picky. Earlier, when Kiara was fixing dinner with JJ, Kiara had the help of Rafe to put up the sniper on the rooftop and she was quite proud of the purchase, if she did say so herself. Rafe was also kind enough to praise her a whole total of one time. She must’ve been getting through to him. 
“Hey,” Kelce nudged her with his leg as she shoved half a piece of kiwi in her mouth, courtesy of Sarah. She learned it’s best to just not ask anyone where they got anything and appreciate that they were willing to share it with her.
“If you teach me some of that first aid stuff, I’ll teach you how to shoot.”
“Wait,” Kiara squeezed her way into the spot in front of them, “teach me, too. I can teach you literally anything you need to know about cooking or mixing pre cooked food.”
“You guys know I’d teach you this without expecting anything in return, right?”
“Don’t,” Kelce advised, carelessly grabbing onto Kaili’s knee as he spoke, “don’t do anyone any favors without something in return. Including us.” 
Kaili kept her eyes on Kelce’s hand until he pulled away from her, her eyebrows arched in question.
“What Kelce means in ‘rich people mentality speak’ is that if we can offer you something in return, you should take it. Like his jacket,” Pope pointed out and though his words could have been taken as a snarky response, she didn’t take it like that. She also chose to ignore his latter statement.
“What I meant was what I said,” Kelce refuted.
“Well, what you said came off kind of gross,” Kiara sided with Pope as she rolled her eyes. 
“Good thing I wasn’t talking to you though, isn’t it?” Kelce’s voice stern but collected and Kaili could see it now. He didn’t have the air of a free spirited person the way that JJ, Pope, Kiara, and John B did. He was more put together in a way that he felt he always had to present himself. That brought her back to what Pope had just called him, rich. Of course, she couldn’t believe that she hadn’t seen it before. The way it was so easy for him to talk to strangers in such a charismatic way that it almost seemed practiced. Instilled. He was rich and that meant that his friends, on their own side of the firepit, Topper and Rafe, had to have been rich as well. Not like it mattered anymore, as Kelce said, money doesn’t get you much in the streets.
“Okay,” Kaili announced when Kiara made a move towards Kelce, “so I can teach you both, or all of you, first aid but I refuse to do it if it’s inflicted from one person to the other. So, stop getting at each other’s throats.” With a nod, Kiara had a triumphant smile as she plopped herself down beside Pope and JJ.
Feeling Kelce’s eyes still on her, she shrugged, “what?” but Kelce didn’t respond. He just shook his head at her, a small smirk on his lips.
Kaili was about to head inside to see how Sarah and John B were doing when the man that JJ and Pope were talking to earlier today came towards them with a map. The middle aged man looked like he was about either about to flee or pass out at any moment by the way that he was fidgeting and looking over his shoulder. Kaili definitely didn’t like that. A man who looked like he was running from another kind of demon. He wiped the back of his palm across his sweating forehead even if it was one of the colder nights that South Carolina has seen this past week. A part of her wanted to reach out to the man and tell him that he doesn’t have to worry about looking back as long as she was in front of him but another part, told her that he might’ve just brought trouble to her door step and she didn’t want to comfort that. 
Pope had motioned Kiara to get up and follow him inside of the bus, a small act that Kaili caught.
“I found the map,” the older man said, JJ immediately moving next to him as he laid the map close to the fire, the only thing illuminating any of them on this dark night. She’d found herself moving closer to what seemed like a torn up and taped map of the United States, red and blue markers decorated the paper with lines and x’s. She wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at though.
“The guys, the military, man. They’re just picking people up left and right and they’re separating the men and the woman and I can’t have that. I can’t lose my girls,” he was still pointing to the x’s on the map. Kaili cleared her throat as if for either of them to explain to her what was happening since both the man and JJ seemed lost in their own world. 
“Right,” JJ said as he looked to his friends and Kaili, “This is Mark,” JJ said without glancing back at the man, “he’d came up from Florida and he said that it’s a shit show down there. Bodies scattered on the street and then turning into fucking zombies. His stories are...something else, man. Apparently, Georgia is just taken over by the military now. They are snatching people up and no one really knows where they’re taking them, so I think it’s time we seriously think about leaving the east coast. He’s taking his family to Canada and they’re passing through New York to do it, he said it’s the safest way and I kind of believe him?” JJ ended his statement sounding like it’s a question. 
The blonde boy sat on his knees as he traced the map, showing the group which route would be the easiest but there was an uneasy feeling bubbling up inside Kaili. It’s impossible that Wei and her were wrong but then again, does this mean that they would’ve been doomed either way? Before panic could take over her a hand came to her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“Are you okay?” Kelce asked her, eyes scanning her face as if he was waiting for any signs that she’d vomit her dinner on him but all she gave him was a shake of her head before she turned back to JJ who was still rambling about the roads.
“No,” she said as she stood, realizing that she’s declining both the men who were talking. All eyes turned to her and she took in their faces. Except for the man with the map, the boys surrounding her had such sweet baby faces and she will not watch another person die in front of her.
“I’m from Maryland, everyone there was basically told to go south because everything started in New York and though that might not be true, I can honestly tell you that Maryland is gone. There was nothing left there when W—, when my cousin and I ran.”
“You’re wrong,” Mark confidently said as he stood up himself, eyeing Kaili like she was the new threat, “nothing could be worse than the south and passing through New York is the easiest way to get to Montreal.” The conviction in his voice almost made her believe it, if she hadn’t seen the horrors of the states above them herself.
“Okay, so even if New York isn’t the epicenter, let’s say the news had lied, you’d have to actually get there alive and there’s a chance Canada will not let you in. Then what? You turn around and go back the way you came? The plan leaves you cornered and vulnerable. You need to think about getting gas in those states. States I’ve just told you aren’t safe.”
“You think I don’t know about getting gas? We have to stop for that anywhere that we go anyway,” the man insisted.
“Okay,” Topper tried to interject but Mark took a step forward. Kaili didn’t miss that he wasn’t the only one to do that. JJ is now standing, staring at the map in his hands. Topper is glaring at the space between Mark and Kaili.
“Listen,” Kaili took a breath before she continued, “I don’t have a say in what you guys do. I was only brought in to help your friend, I’m not dumb enough to think otherwise but I do know that we will go our separate ways if you want to go up north.” She declared. She took a pause to shake her head as the images of her parents clouded her mind, “I can’t go back there.” She softly whispered. 
“Then it’s settled,” Mark spoke, his speech hurried as he took the map back from JJ, “leave the girl before she gets you killed and take my advice. Go north,” he gave JJ a quick nod and made his way back to his family. 
The silence that he left behind would’ve made anyone else uncomfortable but not when she was lost in her head. She just wanted the flashbacks to stop. 
Topper gave a quick nod to the guys and walked back into the bus, along with Rafe, probably going to talk about the best way to leave her behind, she assumed. 
“How many?” JJ asked suddenly as he sat in front of her and Kelce was still beside her. Feeling a bit uncomfortable that she’s the last one standing, she reclaimed her seat.
“I don’t know what you mean.” 
“How many people have you lost, or watched die, however you want to put it?” And the question squeezed her chest tightly. She didn’t want to think about it but it was all she could think about as she dug her nails into the part of her thighs that were exposed.
“Five, that I know,” she said with an exhale, “my parents first, they were...eating my aunt and uncle in law. Then I lost my little cousin three days ago. She was barely sixteen,” tears swarming her eyes as she squeezed her leg tighter. 
JJ nodded in understanding, “I lost my dad,” he said as if the memory doesn’t affect him but the strain in his voice gave him away, “he was an asshole but it still hurt. He’s actually the first zombie I saw. I thought he was high as fuck again when he came at me but then he didn’t stop. Even when I broke his arms. So, yeah, I killed my dad. How’s that for fucked up?” He released a humorless laugh. 
“I lost my parents,” Kelce said next, his voice low and JJ winced as if he had already heard this story. Of course, they all must’ve. “My dad had killed my mom when he saw what she had become. She was trying to attack my little sister so it really only made sense but when he came to, he just looked at me and shot himself. He couldn’t take it, I guess. Not that he cared that he’d be leaving two kids behind.” Kelce said in disgust, “and then I told my sister to stay close, stay next to me so I can protect her. I told her that it was the only way to make sure that she was safe but when we got to the ferry for the mainland she wouldn’t stop crying and crying about her friends. I mean, I get it. She’s thirteen and she cares about them, too, but before I even realized it, she was gone.” 
“What happened to her?” Kaili hadn’t realized that she was holding her breath.
“I don’t know. She sent me a text before our phones went off. She said her friend is sailing across the Atlantic, that their parents have done it before and how she wished that I’d listen and I’d gone with her, but how could I have been listening when I was thinking about our safety? You know? She said that she had called my name and that I’d just kept walking into the ferry, following my friends.”
“Is that why you don’t talk much? So you can listen?” Kaili asked.
Kelce shrugged, “when I’m not thinking about her, sure.” He turned away from them both. JJ offered her a small smile. 
“See, you don’t need to suffer in silence here. We’ve all gone through something,” and though it was true, it still didn’t make her feel better. “So when you need your space or you need to work some shit out, let us know. We’ll listen or leave you alone, whichever you prefer.”
And just when Kaili was about to thank them for their kindness, Rafe showed up at the door, “so are we done having a heart to heart or are you guys going to sleep out here tonight?” He said. But there was something in Rafe’s voice that betrayed the cold exterior he was trying to portray and she wondered if their little heart to heart was heard by everyone else in the bus.
“I should probably check on John B anyway,” Kaili excused herself, ignoring the grumbles behind her as the rest of the boys told Rafe that was uncalled for.
The energy inside the bus has shifted, more than likely Topper and Rafe had filled the girls in on their change of direction and Kaili’s inflexible heart. She was aware enough that it was probably her trauma speaking when she said she wasn’t going back. She knew that maybe the information could be right and maybe she could be wrong but that doesn’t help the fact that her body was rejecting the idea of even going. Yes, she’d be alone if they left without her but she wasn’t going to ask them to change their minds either if it was already made.
She made her way into the bigger bedroom at the end of the bus where John B has taken up space right now after washing her hands and her arms, making sure that he was going to be as protected as possible. The boy looked to be sleeping the night away but at least his color was coming back and the sweating had stopped.
Hearing someone come into his space, almost as if instinct had taken over, his body stirred and he opened his eyes, tension leaving his body when he found her standing by him. 
“You’re looking better,” Kaili offered a small smile as she sat beside him on the bed, asking if she could look at the sutures she performed on him.
“All thanks to you,” the boy said as he lifted up his shirt, wincing as he moved, “I was sure that I was a goner,” he continued with a faraway look in his eyes. 
She maneuvered him in a way that made it easier for her to look at the stitches without having to undo the entire bandage on him.
“What even happened?” She inquired and though she knew not to pry, it was curious to her that in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, someone would die from blood loss from a wound instead. “I know your friends said it’s a knife wound but it looked like you were stabbed with something a bit more...bigger? Thicker than a knife.”
“Are you telling me you don’t believe I fought off a whole bunch of pirates for their boat so we could cross over to South Carolina safely?” John b joked as he offered a flash of a smile before Kaili shook her head with a small laugh, making sure that his wound was looking better and not infected.
“Yeah, I guess I wouldn’t either,” he began, “I was trying to run away from some zombies with my friends. They’d all jumped over a fence and I guess I over shot it or under shot it, I don’t know. I was jumping and then the next thing I know, a part of the sharp end of the metal fence was in me, I didn’t even really feel it at first, my only thought was like I hope that Sarah hasn’t left without me—because we were going to her house to get her, you know? I don’t even think that I screamed.” 
“He most definitely screamed,” Pope said at the entrance to the bedroom, “I know you’re not supposed to remove the thing lodged inside a person but it was either leave him there or pull him out and we’re not really in the habit of leaving people behind.”
“Lucky you,” Kaili sweetly said to John b as she looked to Pope, “to have friends willing to risk their lives for you.”  And this she said to the both of them. Afterwards, she’d gotten up from the bed, John b had nodded returned to closing his eyes and Pope excused himself to the kitchen.
Kaili had washed her hands again, thoroughly before returning to JJ’s side as he put on another movie for the night.
“So, I think our best bet is just going west to California,” Rafe announced to everyone in the bus, sparing a glance at Kaili.
“What?” Kaili asked, confused.
“You’re not going north and we’re not going south. We sure as hell can't swim the ocean so we’re going west,” Rafe explained and left no room for discussion as he turned back around to Topper and right then, her heart might’ve mended itself a little bit tonight.
Tags: @stfukie​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @rafecameron​ @outerbankslut​ @thegreatestofheck​ @starlightstarkey​ @stargazingstarkey​ @anxietyandtacos​ @spideymyluv​ @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @pogue-writings​ @bedazzledbanks​ @pankowrudeth​ @bricksatanakinswindow​ @cutiecolbsss​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @butgilinsky​ @jiaraendgame​ @deathcompass​
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alittleprincehwa · 4 years
txt headcanons  ─  ੈ♡˳ you’re extremely famous
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alexa play ─  ੈ♡˳ fairy of shampoo by tomorrow x together
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─  ੈ♡˳ choi soobin
he’d be so awed whenever he thinks of you
his eyes would have sparkles while he happily smiles
sometimes giggles to himself
( the members think he’s insane )
gets all cuddly and soft when he’s around you
constantly blushing
obeys to everything you say
and you have to remind him constantly that its okay to say no
which he always forgets and continues to say yes-
binge watch all your music videos
secretly watches crack videos of you when he misses you 
when your on tour and he’s not he’ll miss you so much
miss all your warm cuddles and small kisses
( a / n : i swear i’m making myself cry )
but before you go to tour 
which usually lasts for 6 months to maybe a whole year
he’ll make sure to pack you 10 of his hoodies that have his scent
and be clingy the week before
seeing you collab with other big artists ( like BTS, EXO, Twice, etc,,, )
makes him so proud
a little jealous if you get too close with other artists
always there if you get nervous or anxious before an event
if he isn’t there with you he’d call you
“ It’s okay babe, just breathe with me okay? “
“ Just remember, after all of this, we’ll cuddle for hours okay? I’ll cook you some ramen when you come home. “
if he’s with you
he’ll tightly hold your hand while grazing his thumb over your knuckles
hugs you backstage before the event happens
wishes you the best of luck
so in conclusion-
I don’t think he minds that much
although there maybe some effects
like stuttering sometimes, gets all fluffy, etc,,,
but overall, he’d just look up to you
as a girlfriend and as an idol
─  ੈ♡˳ choi yeonjun
we all know he admires his sunbaenims ( BTS ) 🥺
so having you as his girlfriend always makes his heart flutter
( as cheesy as it sounds )
always be the one to first stand up and applaud when you win an award
making it even more obvious you're in a relationship
always compliments you 
pretty much won’t treat you different if you weren’t an idol
as cocky as he looks outside
when you two have skinship his heart goes boom boom everytime
always wishes you luck with a kiss on the hand
( Ah yes, cry over that. )
when you go on tour he’ll miss you so so much
probably takes the chance and tries to beg the manager to let him come along
which is always a no-
calls you whenever he has the time
texts you what he’s doing almost every minute
frequent skype calls
talks about his day while touches your face
( a.k.a the screen )
maybe the skype call,,,you know,,,escalates
your hype man
hypes tf out of you on weverse
spams you every time you have a concert and he can’t go
“ I’m gonna non-stop watch you’re fancams 😤 “
“ Shit babygirl, this is what you wear when I’m not around? 🥴 “
“ So proud of you today !! (❁´◡`❁) “
( ikr the mood swings )
admires your beautiful face shdhsh
even if he knows a crackhead lies beneath
the first one to drown you in love when you get home
dosen’t let you breathe because
he needs hugs
dosen’t let go ever aGAIN
─  ੈ♡˳ choi beomgyu
gets even more comfortable with you since he can relate to you
he’s your support or shoulder to cry on whenever you’re too stressed out about a certain lyric or choreography
and vice versa
helps you whenever he can
practices with you 
your #1 supporter
buys all your albums
even lightstick
you name it
sweet babie even attends your concerts 🥺
and brings the others with him
vip of course
he gets all blushy whenever you look at him
when you look directly at him while singing
after the concert, backstage;
non stop hugging you
telling you how good you were today
just some boyfriend things 🥺
usual dates take place at the dorms or your apartment
since dispatch is a bitch
order some food and just watch movies all day
while snuggling with each other 😔
─  ੈ♡˳ kang taehyun
he knew what he was getting himself into when he established a relationship with you
so he promised to be your pillar
and that’s honestly the sweetest thing ever-
cheers you up when you're about to do a concert
watches you with pure adoration
takes notes
gives you feedback later
and you of course thank him for it 😔
since he loves photography
he'll hand you some polaroids of him or the both of you
so you can look at them when you're in tour
which is like
so pRECIOUS 😭🥺
he also keeps polaroids of you since he'll miss you so much
calls are regularly scheduled based on where you are
would stay up till two am just to talk to you 💕
hugs you with all his might when you arrive after months
hug? More like strangle-
─  ੈ♡˳ huening kai
always questions how he came to date someone so glorious
even if you're younger than him
he sees your performances and always goes :0
asks you your ways and wants you to teach him 🥺
goes uwu everytime you help him
gets really pouty when you have to go to tour
constant texts from him
mostly to remind you to take care of yourself
and secretly slips an " I love you " 🥺
his long arms and legs will just wrap around you when you two reunite
shyly kisses your cheeks since he can't help it 😔
probably your crackhead side will show up and you two dolphins will just have a blast
I'm sorry this is short I've run out of ideas 😔👉👈
a / n : and it's done !! My motivation just flew out the window--
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
To your rant: AMEN.
(Wrote a part of this to Ace while back but they apparently didn't receive it but I think it needs to be said so)
Honestly at the moment it starts to feel like people request wrong on purpose because they're bored or something and want to irritate people or test if they could get their request across even though it’s breaking their rules... because suddenly everyone seem to get a lot of requests which are breaking the rules. Like whenever I have my spamming events, I get 101 requests which are smut, romantic requests for 13 year old characters whose actors are also 13 and also celebrity requests are common and like those three rules are broken over and over and over again and now everyone else seem to get requests which break their SAME FUCKING RULES all the time. Also the fact that some are like “when your requests are open again, could you write a fic like this?” LIKE NO, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED FOR A REASON, BECAUSE THE WRITER HAS SO MANY REQUESTS THAT THEY NEED TIME TO GO THROUGH THEM BEFORE OPENING THEM AGAIN, AND IT SHOULD BE COMMON SENSE :DDDDD It isn’t like you’re writing only when requests are open.
So people please, if you can read all those long stories or binge 50 smaller pieces from a writer at one sitting, you can take time to check out their rules at least if you're gonna request………………… and the same goes for all writers. We. Are. Not. Machines.
And if it won’t go to your thick heads, you can think about what you did and whose fault it is when writers are gone after losing motivation for writing all these fics for you and getting only shit on their faces in return. We don’t even get paid by money, we are paid by feedback, reblogs, you interacting with our writing and btw that's a cheap price for writing your requests. If you continue acting like we’re machines and thinking you can treat us however you want, writers will start dropping out. My motivation to write is finally returning and I'm slowly starting to get back to the rhythm but tbh I’m scared to come back properly because of all these people being rude and breaking rules all the time. Tumblr is becoming a super toxic place and I hate it and I start losing hope that the boat can be turned around, and also started to lose motivation again the next day after I came back even though nothing happened, I just started fearing rudely formatted requests coming at me again, or guilt tripping or people being asses in general. But prove me wrong if you have balls to do that. Turn that boat around. We can all do it together.
We're in a sealed room slowly filling with water, and we have to work together so we can pull the lever to open that one door. But it won't work even if 100 mice (writers + those few who support writers) are pushing one sleeping elephant (readers-only) forward to pull the lever so they wouldn't drown in that room. That elephant has to wake up and help the mice, only that way they can get forward.
Also the fact that people finally got triggered about the fact that I don't feel comfortable to write for HP/Fantastic Beasts for now for obvious reasons :DDDDDDDD I got another last night after I blocked the first one. I can't believe I have such toxic, childish and petty people following me, and same kinds of people are following everyone in this community. People who take us as granted.
I hope things will get better and people learn some manners eventually. Every creator deserves it.
Thank you, Jenni! I know you’ve had to deal with some seriously stupid trolls and people that shouldn’t be allowed on the internet. 
Sometimes it does feel like a few trolls are requesting incorrectly on purpose, I was especially frustrated when I saw Lacey answering some requests that had me going like ‘seriously, people?’ And the fact that people disregard the same rules over and over again (especially on your case) just tells me that they care more about their request being written than your comfort, and that sucks. Those people think they’re entitled to our content forgetting we do this for free!
This part you wrote especially resonated with me, it’s so true:
So people please, if you can read all those long stories or binge 50 smaller pieces from a writer at one sitting, you can take time to check out their rules at least if you're gonna request………………… and the same goes for all writers. We. Are. Not. Machines.
I especially try real hard and reread my rules almost every day to make sure they’re short and concise, that I put bold and colors on the absolute most important stuff and people still don’t read correctly or just don’t care. 
Like, today I got an ask saying ‘what’s a prompt’. Just that. No question mark, no hi, no nothing. First of all, you can read my rules and my posts to know what they are, I linked examples and you can literally search the tag. It feels like a troll tbh...
You’re absolutely right that Tumblr is becoming an awful place for content creators and it’s up to people to start being more respectful and supportive if they want to avoid Tumblr becoming empty. Content creators make this website, not just us writers but also artists and gif makers and we all deserve some love!
And don’t get me started on the HP/FBAWTFT/JKR bullshit, I really have to restrain myself not to reply ‘shut the fuck up anon’ on every single one of your asks. I myself am thinking about not writing for those fandoms anymore because JKR ruined the series for me and I don’t enjoy writing for it as much as I did, so I will probably remove them from my fandoms list. For now I’m on hiatus for those fandoms, so fight me, anons!
*sigh* I hate that whenever we try to establish boundaries people either disregard them or guilt us for them, it really shows that those awful people only care about their requests and nothing else. There’s people behind the blogs, with real lives and problems and emotions! I do hope that things get better myself, if not I might actually quit one day since I keep thinking about it, and I know and I’m not the only one.
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Crush | Brad Davis x Filipina!Reader (Oneshot)
Prompt: Summer Vacation
Fandom: Spider-man (MCU)
Words: 2285
A/N: Look, I just like Remy Hii, alright? Anyways, I’ve had a draft of this for a while now, but I didn’t have the motivation until now to finish it. Reader is Ned’s younger sister, but was not affected by the snap/blip, so they’re in the same grade now.
Everything was different when the Blip happened, the event that caused half of the planet’s population, including your older brother, to disappear. Everyone that survived were forced to keep going without them, not knowing whether or not they’d ever come back. You entered Midtown without your brother to guide you in high school life, having birthdays without some of your friends and your brother to embarrass you in karaoke. Then suddenly, during a pep rally, everyone came back.
To accommodate those that had disappeared during the Blip, school had to start again, which meant that you were now in the same grade as your brother. He was surprised to see how much you’ve matured and became even more protective as before when he saw one or two classmates so much as look at you a certain way.
On the way to the airport, Ned was nagging at you to stick to his side and triple check that you had packed everything. You rolled your eyes and knew that while you had missed him during the five year Blip, you also knew that it was a matter of time before you would get tired of it again.
“Ay sus, kuya,” you groaned as Ned shifted his rant to your classmates that had survived the Blip with you and were suddenly an upperclassman like him.
As the two of you neared the group at the airport, you spotted Peter and gave him a pleading look to stop your brother. He looked a bit distracted but gave you a sympathetic smile. You slipped away from your brother as he turned to Peter, talking with the teachers before going through the usual international travelling process.
After going through the TSA, you met up with your classmates and discussed the locations that the class will be going to. You excitedly added that you managed to save enough money to get a film camera.
“What kind?” you heard a voice that made your heart skip.
You look up to see Brad Davis smiling at you. Your cheeks heat up. “What?”
“What kind of film camera?” Brad repeated.
“Oh, um, Olympus. OM-ten.”
He nodded in approval. “I love those. Very easy to use. Can I see?”
You blinked. You looked over at the teachers, then at the clock. There was still some time until the group had to head to the terminal. “Oh, yeah, sure. Lemme just…” You shifted your backpack around so you could pull your camera out.
His smile widened as he reached out for it. “In good condition, too,” he said, flipping it around to pop the lens cover off.
Your hand twitched as the cover hung from the string that was tied to the camera, swinging as Brad looked through the viewfinder and adjusting the focus. Just because you have had a crush on him since middle school, doesn’t mean he’s safe from your wrath if he breaks it. You didn’t even tell your parents that you bought it, as they would have told you to buy the cheaper digital cameras or borrow Ned’s camera.
Just as you reached out to grab the camera back, Brad turned around, winding the film and shot a picture of Michelle as she walked by. She paused and frowned.
“Did you just take a picture of me?” she asked.
“Well, yeah-”
“Ask for my permission next time. Don’t be one of those male photographers that take pictures of people through a hidden camera and make profit out of them. That’s all kinds of bad,” she said, grabbing the camera from him and handing it back to you. “What was that podcast you were talking about again?”
“Serial Killers by the Parcast Network?” you said.
She smiled. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna listen to that for the rest of the flight.”
“Sorry about that!” Brad called after her, before turning to you. “You listen to podcasts about serial killers?”
You shrugged, forcing yourself to walk away and find your brother. Of course, he liked Michelle. You almost forgot about that.
“Doesn’t it, you know, upset you seeing them like that?” Peter asked as you sat next to him in the plane.
He jerked his head towards the other aisle where Michelle and Brad were sitting together watching a movie. There was a twinge of jealousy and as soon as you found out they were sitting together, you hoped that she would just immerse herself in the Serial Killers podcast instead of interacting with him. You couldn’t be mad at her, though. Michelle was cool and she had always been friendly with you. You also knew that Peter had a crush on her, too.
“Why would it upset me?” you asked, feigning indifference.
Peter gave you a knowing look. “Because I see how you look at him-”
“Yeah, the same way you look at Michelle, right?” you countered.
“She’s got you there,” Ned piped up.
He groaned, hitting the back of his head on his seat. “I just… I had plans and now it might not even work out. When the hell did Brad Davis become like… like that.”
You shook your head. “You guys were gone for five years, Pete. A lot can change in five years.”
 “And you still liked him all this time. Why?”
You looked down at your lap where you had kept one of the snacks handed out by the flight attendant. You picked up and started to play with it. Why did you still like Brad Davis? You always thought he was cute, but there were a lot of classmates that you thought were cute. That doesn’t mean you had a crush on all of them. He was smart and funny and he had the same interests as you. That's still not enough of a reason. You had many friends that fit those characteristics.
Then you remembered how he would always be paired with you in labs, how happy he would be because, according to him, being paired together would guarantee an easy A. Whenever you were studying alone at the library, he would pass by and drop a spam musubi that he always bought off of one of your classmates next to your textbook. Sometimes, he would join you at the table and study in silence together. He knew you were an introvert and he always made sure that you felt included while also making sure you were comfortable. It may sound so simple, but in a society where people tailor to extroverts and push introverts to become extroverts, it meant a lot to you.
“It’s not a big deal,” you said with a shrug, “I’m sure I’ll get over it during the trip. Not like we’ll be hanging around together anyways.”
Ned snorted. You smacked his arm hard, making him whine. Peter sighed, glancing back at Brad and Michelle, an idea forming in his mind.
“Ned, make it so I have to switch seats with Brad,” Peter said to your brother.
“What about our plan? American bachelors in Europe.” You raised an eyebrow at this and snorted. Ned smacked your arm.
“That's your plan! That's a solo plan. Come on, this is my plan.”
Peter pleaded desperately to him. Ned rolled his eyes and sighed, coming up with a story that Peter was having a perfume allergy so he could move seats. You looked between them, his plan clicking in your mind. You narrowed your eyes at Peter.
“It’s not going to work,” you said.
“It will!” Peter said, looking back at Ned who gave him a hopeless look. Peter’s face fell.
After the long flight and the journey to the cheap dingy hotel, you joined your brother and Peter in their room. You sat cross legged on Ned’s bed while eating your airplane snacks, eyes following Peter as he paced back and forth.
“Dude, just talk to her,” Ned said.
“Tell that to (Y/n) with Brad!” Peter said, waving a hand at you.
“Whoa, stop bringing me into this,” you said, throwing a cashew at him, hitting him on his forehead. You winced. “Tita May told me your Peter tingle wasn’t working.”
“Stop calling it Peter tingle, it’s not… anyways, I’ve got a plan,” he said, standing in front of you and Ned. “I like Michelle. You like Brad. Brad likes Michelle, and Michelle… might like Brad. What I propose is to work in separating them.”
You raised your hand. “Right, but that would require me taking the initiative and confronting him,” you said, “This is me we’re talking about.”
Ned also raised his hand. “That would also require me to approve of Brad Davis being in proximity of (Y/n).”
“You’re spending the day with Betty, so why would it matter to you?”
“Well, I’m a man now, ading, and I can’t always be there to protect you.”
You rolled your eyes at his ridiculousness. “I was fine for five years without you, remember?”
Ned sighed, shaking his head at you. He looked at Peter. “They grow up so fast.”
Peter growled in frustration. “Enough! We’re leaving for Saint Marco Polo’s Square soon. Just… (Y/n), please.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll see what I can do. Remember, this is me we’re talking about. Don’t expect much.”
You went around Saint Marco Polo’s Square with Michelle while Peter had gone to buy the Black Dahlia necklace for her. Brad had been trailing behind the two of you while you snapped pictures of Michelle every time she posed. She went to get food for the pigeons so she could take a picture with them. You checked the exposure on your camera finding the right focus to use. When you looked up, Brad was staring at you.
“What?” you asked, trying to look busy with your camera to avoid looking at him.
“I can take pictures of you, if you want,” he offered.
You hurriedly shook your head. “No. No, no. I’m… I prefer to be behind the camera. I’m not the type to be in front of it. I’m not suited for it.”
He frowned, opening his mouth to question your choice of words. Michelle bounded over with the bird feed and waited until they perched on her outstretched arms. You turned away from Brad to take her picture, shooting it as soon as she smiled widely.
“Okay, that’s enough picture taking for me today. Now, boh!” Michelle said, giving you a grateful pat on the head before heading off on her own.
Which meant that you were now alone with Brad. Until, of course, he decides to follow her. You cleared your throat, looking around the wide square for something to do. You couldn’t help but notice that Brad hadn’t left his spot since Michelle left. Slowly, you turned your head towards him just as he raised his own camera up.
“Can I take a picture of you, at least? Just one?” Brad asked, giving you a small smile.
Damn it. Your heart skipped a beat at how soft he looked. You lowered your camera, drawing out your answer as you looked at what the other students were doing. Some were vlogging, or taking pictures, or, like your brother, were getting their face drawn into a caricature or riding in a boat. You finally had alone time with him without any effort on your part and you honestly never thought you’d make it this far in the plan.
“What… what do I have to do?” you asked nervously, your cheeks heating up.
“You can just be casual, nothing too fancy. We can go get some ice cream and walk around, if that makes you comfortable.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
The two of you walked towards the shops, looking for an ice cream parlor, talking about cameras and the history of Venice. You didn’t know why you were always nervous at every beginning of your conversation with him, but you knew that over time, you were a lot more relaxed.
You were scooping the sides of your ice cream so it wouldn’t drip out of the cup when you heard a shutter. Your eyes widened as you looked over at Brad who was smiling with a camera in hand.
“Don’t worry, you look great,” he said, showing you your picture.
Your head was tilted, the corner of your lips turned up as you scooped your ice cream. You looked happy and content. It was honestly one of the few pictures of yourself that you were fine with.
“It’s… not bad,” you relented.
“You can take all the pictures you want of me, if you want,” he said, striking a heroic pose next to one of the bridges.
You laughed, quickly adjusting the exposure and focus of your camera with one hand before winding the film. He flashed a smile as you looked through the viewfinder. You were about to take the picture, when you saw the water churning behind him. You quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the canal as the water came crashing down.
Your brother, Betty, and Michelle, ran over. “Run!” Ned shouted, grabbing you and pushing you in front of him to start moving. Once you joined the other students and the teachers at a safe distance from the canal, all of you took a moment to catch your breath.
“Well, that was an exciting first date,” Brad joked.
You huffed out a laugh, not missing the dangerous look that Ned shot at him. At the sound of a loud crashing, you all looked up to see the water creature smashing a bell tower, a figure swinging around to save it while a costumed man shot green energy beams at the creature.
You sighed. So much for a relaxing vacation.
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