#so mad cassie was only in ONE episode!
maxwinchxster · 2 years
dean had more chemistry with Cas and Cassie than he ever did with lisa.
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lukasdoodles · 25 days
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Wanted to talk abt some of my Jesse headcanons bc they r creatures to me (General hcs bc they have slightly different stuff depending on the Jesse)
All the Jesse's play different routes to me, with slightly different choices and experiences. But they're all a little aware that their actions are not their own, some more so than others. Green suspenders/red hair clip are the most in tune with that awareness, so they're a lil more messed up/unhinged than the rest. (Plus they've done multiple playthroughs to me, and while no one remembers the playthroughs they DO have an odd sense of deja-vu) and all the jesse's r he/they/she with no particular preference
Green suspenders Jesse (my fav and the one ill prolly talk abt the most lol) has a LOT of scars but hides them under his clothes. The only one he cant hide is the one across his nose, that he got from Aiden during sky city, but he breaks Aiden's nose in return so its all good :3 Other scars come from various random enemies/mobs, but most of them come from failed quicktime events or the witherstorm. ill prolly doodle it out sometime :)
Some of the Jesse's have tattoos! Navy/purple suspenders Jesse has a red witherstorm tattooed on their back, Pink suspenders has misc sleeves and a love for rhinestone/gem-like art, Yellow hair clip has black flowers on her shoulder/back, and Blue hair clip has white doves on her wrists (matching with Petra, who has black crows :3)
After the events of season two, Jesse becomes a bit of a shut in. They still hang out with friends and make public appearances for Beacon town, but the admin left them with a bad reputation, and many people are still mad at Jesse for things they never did. Jesse prefers to stay inside and work on paperwork, have Radar make the public appearances and all that. Lukas is the one who shows up to pull Jesse away and make them rest most of the time, with Jack and Nurm showing up as well as Ivor and Harper visiting every now and then to make Jesse rest.
Jesse doesn't forgive any of their enemies that easily. He gets along with Ivor slowly, building trust and finally *really* trusting him only in episode seven. They start to trust Lukas more in episode four. Aiden isn't forgiven easily, Jesse more-so puts up with him bc Aiden is trying to better himself on his own accord, and Olivia is giving him a chance to change (Aiden comes back to the homeworld and becomes Olivia's apprentice on accident and also they r in love) But its easier for Jesse to forgive Maya and Gill bc they were just loyal to a fault, and are trying to be better people after it all (Plus Jesse grows a soft spot for Maya when he sees the way Radar looks at her [they r also in love]). Jesse has mixed feelings for Cassie Rose, understanding the sentiment and wanting to go home, but despising her for murdering innocent people/trying to kill their friends. Cassie sends Jesse threats every now and then, Jesse almost wishes they could reach out and help Cassie somehow, but at the same time they wouldn't care if Cassie had died in that pit oh so long ago. Jesse used to have mixed feelings about Harper, but Harper risked everything and wasn't REALLY meaning for Pama to go beserk the way it did. Jesse forgives her easily, but is hesitant when she reveals Pama V2 lol. Hadrian and Mevia aren't forgiven. Simple as that lol Jesse hates them. Stella was a rival, but not really an enemy, more so just an annoyance. Jesse doesn't hate her, she does some bad things but comes thru in the end to help. Jesse would've taken her in as a second secretary had she not gone out to work first-hand and help salvage Champion City/help rebuild for the few survivors. He still appoints her as an ambassador and welcomes the survivors to beacontown while they rebuild. Romeo doesn't get forgiveness, most Jesse's will try and leave him to die but those that save him will make him work for redemption, borderline bullying Romeo to be better.
Jesse is a silly lil guy, no matter what :3
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sopuu · 3 days
Hello tumblr user sopuu. Is there anything in mcsm series that you would change? Multiple things? If so, what?
under cut coz it’s long whoops,, tldr i wish the characters were more involved and fleshed out, both in backstories and their arcs bc there’s so much potential!! the groundwork is there!! but ig now it’s up to us to fill in the gaps 💪
hmm well most of my gripes with the game are mostly in character writing— like how some character arcs could be more consistent with the message the narrative is trying to give (ahem. petra)
there’s also some who are just tossed aside or are barely given arcs themselves. i’m mainly talking about olivia and axel here but lukas as well, bc a lot of the times he’s just kinda there to occasionally give a bit of dialogue or be the punching bag of the story— i mean just look at how many times he can (almost) die lmao. he doesn’t get to complain a lot despite what he goes through, and while i get he’s the type to bottle things up i feel like the narrative is too scared to let him get mad and have Emotions bc they want so badly to paint the picture of “fan-favourite nice guy pretty boy” and never deviate from it.
ig what i’m trying to say is characters in a story should feel like they’re actually involved in the world and in the narrative rather than be a decoration, no matter if they’re part of the main cast or just a simple supporting character. i just want more lukas pleas,,,
oh and other thing! i wish there was more backstory. ik dropping only small hints and nothing more is a good tactic to get the audience to theorise n stuff but i feel like there’s a little too little. like the warden, cassie, even the admins— they drop a few important lines of backstory and then it’s never brought up again... i’d love for them to have made side story episodes that are shorter but focus on one or a few characters just doing some slice of life-y things or to get a taste of the other storylines going on during the main one (like lukas’ rebellion era) just to expand on them more.
and yeah ig that’s all? i probably have more to say but can’t think of it rn. despite the criticism tho i still think it’s a fun game! otherwise i wouldn’t be here lol. just as it has it’s pros it also has it’s cons yknow
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underground-secret · 6 months
Yall im already working on the next chapter which is 1x13 in the show. Aka the episode with Cassie aka the episode with one of the hottest scenes in season 1. You know the scene.
Not only is Cassie also so fricking fine as hell and beautiful as well as being such a good character but again THAT scene. How am I supposed to write this. I can’t even be mad at her cause—😫😫😫
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worlddevoid · 1 month
World Devoid: Episode 1.3 - This Is (Not) Your Morning
(Word Count: 1.1k)
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Cassie abruptly stops what they're doing and looks up at Baz, then down to the abomination slowly reforming itself on the pavement. Panic sets in and she immediately hightails it back to the RV without a second thought, no longer caring about the spider guts on her designer shoes.
Cassie rips open the passenger side door and clambers up into the seat, slamming it shut as soon as she is safely inside. With a few deep breaths, she regains some of her composure.
Having calmed down a bit, she promptly refocuses on cleaning her shoes.
Relieved that Cassie was able to get to safety, Baz relaxes ever so slightly-- but it's enough for the creature below him to absorb the last piece of its body back into place and turn towards him. ‘Remarkable movement for a creature that just reassembled itself’ Baz marvels to himself.
He raises his axe again, regretfully ready to kill it for the second time, but it launches towards him with shocking speed before he even has time to swing. He stands frozen--- axe poised high in the air, eight-legged undead creature staring directly at him with those unsettling eyes from the center of his chest.
None of the six eyes seem to fit its physique; each one a little different than the other and seemingly belonging to a different body entirely. All 6 eyes are fixated on Baz, but the 'spider' remains perfectly still.
He does the only thing he can think to do in the case of thing-on-chest-that-you-don't-want-on-chest. He rapidly swats at his sternum with his axe-less hand and sprints as fast as his body will let him to the RV. He barely registers that the creature is in hot pursuit as he makes a mad dash for the door handle.
In an attempt to quell the mounting dread, Cassie turns on the radio at the exact moment the sounds of Baz screaming reaches her ears. She whips her head up at the sound of his panicked voice, eyes widening at the sight of him sprinting towards her with the creature tailing closely behind. Even though the music is extremely loud, she doesn't have time to adjust it and immediately jerks into action. ‘My friend is in need!’
"Oh shit. Shit shit shit shit shit!" She yelps, opening the door as quickly as she can. Loud music floods through the speakers and pours out onto the streets as it swings open.
The fear crawling up the back of Baz's spine urges his strides to lengthen, watching in relief as Cassie leans across the middle console and opens his door. Before he even has time to savor the relief, he slams directly into the now open door- ricocheting off of it and onto the ground with a thud.
"Oops!" Cassie squeaks as the RV door hits Baz head on. He falls back onto the pavement harshly and she looks over in worry- ready to get out of the vehicle if need be. ‘I really don't want to, but I would do anything for Baz’ She thinks.
He scrambles around and pulls his body backwards, scrapping his ass and elbows in an attempt to put distance between himself and what he believes to be certain doom. He squeezes his eyes shut, waiting for his end, but the only thing that happens is the song on the radio continues to play at a blaring volume. While 'Sure Shot' by the Beastie Boys rings out across the pavement, he dares to open his eyes.
Cassie watches in horror from the safety of the RV, but lady luck seems to answer her silent pleas because the creature has stopped its advance on Baz- instead writhing helplessly on the ground as if in pain. A passing thought of 'well, that's strange' sprints across her mind.
In front of Baz, the eight-legged creature squirms and twitches, seemingly overcome by something. He doesn't waste any time and hurries to his feet and into the driver's seat, slamming the door with gusto.
He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, instead continuing to stare in awe at the writhing body in the road.
"What is it, Baz?" Cassie asks, leaning over to get a better look at their face. She can tell they've realized something but they're in too much shock to speak.
Baz hears their question, but it's drowned out by his racing thoughts. He's fascinated and horrified and absolutely enamored with the creature now thrashing on the ground in pain to an unknown source. He can't think straight with the music blaring and reaches over wordlessly to turn the radio down. The creature shakes like a dog shaking its coat free of water and resumes running towards them immediately-- spell seemingly broken. It lunges towards the windshield just as Baz cranks the volume up again-- full blast. The insect crumbles to the hood with a thump and spasms as something pulses painfully through its body.
"Incredible" is all Baz manages to say.
"Baz stop playing games and just DRIVE!" Cassie screams, shaking his arm in a panic as they watch the creature spasm on and off.
When Baz doesn't immediately respond, Cassie takes charge and throws the RV into reverse. She reaches her foot over to the gas pedal, backing them expertly away from the pile of cars in the road and getting a good distance away. Once she has a good angle, she puts the RV into drive and takes them up onto the grass, rocking the vehicle as they roll over the hump. She floors it as "Show Me Love" by Robin S blasts through the speakers.
Baz is snapped from his trance when Cassie's leg clashes into his as she swings it over and pushes her foot down on the pedal. He watches in admiration as she perfectly reverses and floors it into the grass. She continues to traverse through the uneven terrain easily, despite her awkward angle.
"Impressive." Baz smirks, finally relieving Cassie of her strange predicament and grabbing the steering wheel. He nudges her foot out of the way and takes over the pedal too. "Unfortunately, that was super cool of you... I may or may not have frozen up in a crucial moment.... I owe you one, Cassie. Seriously, impressive."
"You sure do! And I won't forget it either!" Cassie responds, leaning back in her seat and smiling at Baz nonchalantly. She doesn't actually ever feel that Baz owes her. They know he will always have their back no matter what. Baz smiles back and shares her internal sentiment. Cassie has always been a good friend to him through thick and thin, and he knows they will be for a long time.
After driving for a bit, the road begins to clear up a little, making it somewhat easier to get around, but there are still empty cars every few miles, scattered across the road. As the music continues to blare through the speakers, some of the anxiety begins to ease, but Cassie still fears what they will find when they get to their dorms.
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zonerobotnik · 1 year
Okay, please no offense, but I rewatched the episode.
Please tell me that they aren't smiling.
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They enjoy doing this.
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Please look at his actual expression when he is pulling Varian closer.
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He smiled just like that when he was about to kill Cassie.
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Well, then why did they hesitate? Why did Andrew raise his sword in the stupidest way to strike someone that is unsuspecting, and not stab Cassandra in the back like Gothel did for Eugene? (Which I had happen in my fic "The Moon Calls".) Why did Andrew not just open his hand to drop Varian as soon as he said that traitors had to die? Why hold him out there so long, like he was hesitating? Why did Andrew run at Rapunzel with his sword held up like he had very little experience in actual fighting? Why did they not hurt Varian in any way when they locked him up in the castle that they clearly intended to keep intact? They didn't even punch him for turning on them and trying to attack them. Go on, guys, punch the kid and throw him in, you're bad guys, right? The Stabbingtons wouldn't hesitate! OH, wait, maybe they aren't actually bad people.
Clementine may have just been enjoying taking him down a peg or two but she never actually swiped at him, just pointed a sword. He could've easily stepped away or to the side. If she really wanted to threaten him, she'd use a wand. Imagine threatening him with the loss of his memories? That's scary. Why were they smiling, I have no clue. Expressions aside, their actions speak pretty loudly to them not actually wanting to hurt anyone. If Andrew was going to destroy Corona anyway, why did he not stab Rapunzel and Cassandra as distractions once they were cuffed to the book's pedestal instead of leaving them to potentially escape and call the guards on him? They knew his face, he'd have Wanted posters by the end of the night! He's either supposed to be conveyed as extremely stupid, unlikely based on his other actions, or he didn't actually want to hurt anyone. Once he actually got out of prison, if he was such a bad guy, why would he not kill the royal family and just keep Varian distracted in the lab and in the castle with scary stories about the outside? Why give Varian so much power? Why erase the memories of the King and Queen? Why not just send away all the citizens of Corona, if they really wanted to keep the promise to not hurt anyone, and rebuild Saporia on top of its remains after destroying it long before Rapunzel came back? If he was such a bad guy, why reason with Varian at all? Why would he care about preserving the lives of Coronans or keeping promises to kids? There's a lot of questions here, and not enough to answer them. All we can do is try to use the hints and clues to solve the mystery ourselves. I think the answer is that Andrew ISN'T such a bad guy, and the Saporians just want their lost Kingdom back. You know, the one that Corona clearly destroyed and lied about there being a union while only celebrating the Corona side on the "Day of Hearts".
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Where's the other castle, Corona? Why is no one flying the Saporian colors? Everyone is so quick to villainize the Saporians, but they have valid reason to be mad, I think. And if they have been so much trouble, why is Andrew the first that Rapunzel hears of them attacking? Why is Xavier the only one that even acknowledges they exist? Anyways, actions speak louder than words and expressions can be forced and I'm looking at the actions and the actions say that they didn't want to hurt Varian. As for the rest of the Coronans? Well, Varian has some pretty vivid nightmares of being mobbed.
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And he tells Rapunzel that everything he sees in the rocks is stuff that really happened. So, with THIS and "we don't have time" connected...I think the people were going to storm the castle enmasse under Rapunzel's banner and desperate times call for desperate measures. Even Varian resorted to violence when he felt cornered.
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zea9love · 1 year
I know I’ve rambled about this several times, but there are so many ways Kat’s storyline could've gone after S1 other than eating disorder or STD! I hate that Sam Levinson pretty much gave up on writing her just because Barbie didn’t want to do those storylines. Your job as a writer is to come up with something else if the original idea doesn’t make sense or if you’re going to abandon a plot/character, do it in a way that at least makes it LOOK like you tried!
Even Teen Wolf did a better at that cuz I still remember watching S6A, waiting for Kira to come back before Arden said she got written out of the show!
Sam could’ve dived deeper into why she doesn’t want to be with Ethan anymore. He was off to a good start in the first 4 episodes of S2, but then it just went nowhere and then they had that shitty breakup.
Someone on Twitter said her and Cassie could’ve had intertwining storylines that reflected their need for male validation, the journey to self-love, and how they could’ve became closer friends through it.
I think Kat and Lexi could’ve became a writer duo and Sam could’ve made parallels between them, their writing, their insecurities, and their relationships. Like how even though Kat has made plenty of popular fanfics, she’s still too afraid to really put herself out there and hides behind an online persona because she thinks people won’t like her anymore based on her looks. Meanwhile, Lexi is also afraid and a very shy person, but she still found the courage to put on a big play, express herself, and talk about her trauma.
Idk where I’m going with this, but Sam really forgot that Kat had hobbies and interests before the cam girl stuff! Her being a fanfic writer on TUMBLR (of all sites to be mentioned in a show) was what caught my attention about her. The only time he came even remotely close to remembering was when she was fantasizing about that Game of Thrones looking guy killing Ethan and having s3x with her.
And whatever happened to the “Sam works with the cast members while writing and lets them add in their own ideas” thing?! It’s like that went away in S2 and the only ones that got to do it for their characters were Zendaya and Maude!
I’ll always be mad because Kat had so much potential, but he did nothing with it!
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whoistorii · 2 years
Batfam and what adult cartoons I they would watch-
Dick- def related to Moral Oral. A little boy with a verbaly abusive father???? a family falling apart???? Unpacking trauma and kids living up to, and past their parents?? a whole town of people with their own problems acting like they're perfect and never do anything wrong?? Dick probably ate that shit up! He probably thought everyone related to it so heavily until Donna tricked him into talking about his problems out loud and he realized he was in fact not normal.
Jason- Tuca and Bertie, it's a more real and mostly feel good show, with a underling feminist meaning. He probably really likes Tuca thinking she's really cool and a outstanding character with great development. He definitely made Roy watch it before patrols. Roy probably cares less about the show and cares more about watching something with Jason. (Roy probably likes Aqua team hunger force and Southpark mans is a hillbilly in and out) Jay def quotes the show almost religiously.
Tim- probably loves Family Guy, he's the kinda guy to explain every joke and act as if it's modern day art and noone knows if he's being ironic or not. His fav character is Meg. When he gets mad at Kon (or just to fuck with him) he explains episodes of the show in morbid detail and Kon probably crys. He tried doing it with Cassie and instead of cowering like Kon she started explaining how the show was modern philosophy, and in that moment he had to rethink if he was in love with another one of his best friends.
Stephanie- She likes Southpark but she only likes it for the characters, her favorites gags being the ones in earlier seasons where the kids misunderstand things cuz yk there kids. Her favorites usually be Wendy or Butters. She thinks it's really good satire 75% of the time but her favorite episodes are probably more character driven ones, or any with Butters as a lead.
Cass- Happy Tree Friends, she didn't know much English when she came to the manor so slap stick humor with cute little animals, she loved it!! Everyone else thought it would have a negative effect on her, but she thought it was just cute and wholesome because the characters never stayed dead and always came back. And that feeling of missing object permanence, and actions always being undone and going back to the status quo made her feel better. She now knows it's really dark and very controversial, but the layout of every episode being almost the same makes her feel in control and she still goes back and rewatches her favorite episodes after a bad day. Also she enjoys the looks she gets when she states it as her favorite show.
Damian- thinks that all the shows above are very stupid and childish and he will only watches animes, thought I would imagine most of them do get pretty dark. He never lets anyone know this ofc, only Dick and maybe Steph knew the truth. He talks a big game about hating animated content but it's all bs. He watches Rom with Steph, and the heavy gore shit with Dick (tho in all honesty he wishes Dami would find something else to watch, he just goes along with it to hang out with the kid.) Damian probably also watched like terribly bad animes with Stephanie.
Bruce- BoJack Horsemen is a story about a middle aged man who knows he needs to change but never dose, He had a tragic backstory and continues hurting everyone around him, Being stuck in a self cycle of hurting himself and loved ones. Bruce probably sobbed multiple times while watching the show. And probably called Dick like nine times telling dick how great it was. (Probably taking awhile to see why Dick suggested it to him.) Eventually I imagine the show helps him realize he needs a more healthy relationship with himself and the people around him. Probably quoting the show for helping him realize his self toxic traits.
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Walker 1x10 Thoughts
I do not have the time or the energy for a full review so I'm just going to jot down some immediate thoughts here. Hopefully I'll be able to write these properly again by the time the hiatus is over.
Family Drama:
Augie is back on good terms with his grandparents and that's all I really care about
Liam has decided not to care what Bonham thinks anymore and I can only see that leading to trouble
Bonham finally told Abby about him asking Cordell to move off the ranch and she was rightfully upset about it. I do find it hypocritical that she told him it should be Cordell's decision on when to move and Bonham shouldn't pressure him one way or the other because.... she was on the toher side of that argument in season 1
Liam blowing off the family meeting was questionable, but not as questionable as him making Stella a business partner. I hope she says no. EMT!Stella can still win
I think it will be Bonham's turn to have a stroke when he hears about Stella being a business partner.
To be honest, I'm not surprised that Abby's health scare dug up old concerns about who was taking over the ranch. The last time they talked about it, Abby was pushing him to consider selling the land when he retired but I don't think Bonham's ready to give up on the family legacy. It was one thing before they lost it to the Davidsons but now he needs an assurance that his family land won't get turned into a solar farm or something like that.
Work Drama:
Someone/thing is pushing James to act like this. Even with Cordell and Cassie, he's never been this harsh
Cassie and Kevin are adorable but I can see why Cassie wanted to keep their work and private lives separate, what with how Kevin tells Trey everything
Cordell: Hey Trey you should ask Liam for advice :) Me: Do you want him to get fired?
When Cassie and Cordell assured Trey nothing bad would happen, I knew it would all go downhill
Cassie getting mad at Kevin for overstepping his boundaries, even if he had good intentions (allegedly) is exactly what this episode needed. Kevin needed some flaws
Trey getting fired wasn't surprising. What surprised me was how surprised James seemed. I don't think he's working for Grey Flag; I think he was just under a lot of pressure to get his rangers under control, especially one that was hired so unconventionally, and that's why he went hard. I don't think he expected things to end like this.
Trey's face at the end tho :(
What's in the Box:
You know I think if Cordell and Julia do end up dating, Cordell is going to get in trouble for telling Julia things even though she knew about them before he did
The way Julia was pushing Cordell to consider that the DPS has a mole in it and pointing out James' odd behavior either makes sense because obviously there's a mole or it makes sense because she's there to sow discord for Grey Flag
Cordell having to confront the idea that a fellow Marine, someone he considered a brother, would be out to get him, was huge. He knows logically that there are people out there like that and has to deal with them before but I think the idea that he could've ended up like that scares him more than anything
Julia storming up into the house herself seemed.... Weird. Yes, she's an investigative journalist with a history of running into danger but going up against someone who she thought had access to a wide network of men and an even wider network of weapons with just a handgun seemed crazy reckless. Taliban leaders may be willing to meet at a coffee shop for a scheduled interview but crazy ex-military folks don't typcially respond well to trespassers
Unless.... she knew she wasn't in danger.....
Agent Charlie sounded like he was high. he probably was.
"Dude i sent you an unmarked box with a threatening note in it :( Why didn't you send one back? :( I thought we were pals :("
Anyway congrats to @theladywyn for predicting Cooper was behind all this. We'll see about Kevin being his son in a later episode but that's also shaping up to be true.
This episode was a little insane and I'm glad to be jumping back into the action. I can't wait for the next episode!
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
I will never not be mad at what they did to Cassie's character.. Cassie in s1 wasn't perfect ( she cheated, let guys hit it because she sought love and attention, drank and took drugs when feeling bad etc.) she reminded me of me when I was her age honestly. And I know growth isn't linear but I feel like they kinda murdered her character and instead of exploring why she feels like she needs attention from ( possibly bad ) men they made her out to be this crazy love obsessed girl with no regards for her friends. She obviously has daddy issues and a need to be loved but imo they took it too far and there was so much more they could've done in much better ways even while keeping the same storyline..
( they kinda murdered most characters tho ) But I'd like to hear your opinion on Cassie since most people seem to hate her because of S2.
i actually have a deep love and admiration for cassie despite not relating to her family life, but totally knowing what it’s liked to be over sexualized by men, often older and adultified as a tween/teenager for the way my body looked. eventually you get used to being catcalled and treated like and object, and when I was younger, confused that for being “liked” even if things never got past objectifying comments on my body from strangers.
i also believe her character was ruined, and that there was so deeply a way to emphasize that cassie was missing a sort of love in her life, but that it could only be found on her friends and family she knew she could depend on, not her boyfriends. a big issue i have w how levinson writes female characters is that he is spot on w how their pasts make them who they are, but let’s their future revolve around men as if their traumas that haven’t been fully processed aren’t complicated enough.
that support to lean on just couldn’t be mckay, nate, or her father, who isn’t worth his salt but cassie dearly misses. i’m glad cassie and mckay broke up, but i do also think his trauma from the hazing was never actually processed either, yet we constantly have to have nate’s elaborated. nate is 99% of the problem w how the show went downhill in s2. and all he does is manipulate every girl in the show outside rue. i also do want rue and nate to interact again, w rue in a much better place and nate falling from grace.
and cassie clearly never liked nate, she liked the idea of someone paying attention to her that disregarded her past even if nate was just as much a culprit in cyberbullying cassie even if he pretended not to care. obviously, nate knows when to hold his tongue and not use information to blackmail and or demean others when he wants positive reinforcement from them. (ex: maddy, who he’d loved bombed constantly in efforts to get her back so she wouldn’t expose his abuse)
(ex 2: mckay of all people wanting the benefit of dating cassie, but still slut shaming her and not at all considering why so many guys in her school had taken advantage of her in a similar manner then left.)
i believe cassie can still be salvaged whereas nate has become the one punch man of the series (wins everything, no consequences but occasionally he gets his feelings hurt but levinson is constantly trying to bring pity on him, it’s getting boring) as well as jules. the only way to fix him is to make him crumble under the weight of his insecurity with a refusal to better himself in college.
the only way to fix cassie and jules after the s2 ooc butchering is show how out of character their actions were but that, undeniably, they happened and rue and maddy are allowed to feel hurt, but their feelings are also valid and when both are ready, a civil conversation to mend things even if they may never be as full close again can be had. episodes dedicated to these discussions sound wonderful. along w glittery visualization s1 once had to show the girls trying to come to a compromise back to how their s1 bonds.
but also drastic changes in appearance. rue dressing more “formal but casual” while maddy more mature and sophisticated (like a mini maddyfied-samantha) , jules more androgynous if she so chooses rather than letting elliot influence her gender expression, and cassie dressing in ways that may not be as “flattering” but do compliment her color wise with a darker, less bubbly color palette and don’t emphasis dressing a certain way to mimic matter or please nate. i’d love seeing her in flannel or plaid skirts w touches of black/dark blue/maroon red/silver and more of a messy grunge inspired look but akin to cassie from skins, who dressed strange even though not fully alternative or emo most of the time.
altho i totally believe there’s a way for maddy and cassie to get back together in college, and that’s forced proximity. both of them living in the same dorm hall and seeing each other’s names on the doors, but second guessing that it could really be them, because cassie and maddy are quite common names. cassie apologizing for how she hurt maddy and disregarded her feelings for so long while wanting her own to be acknowledged, but also explaining that in some ways nate had manipulated her and much of the lines of consent were blurred considering cassie was nearly wasted and nate was slightly drunk but could still drive.
and cassie going to therapy for having symptoms of what is essentially alcoholism and functional major depression. i do not at all believe it is low grade as rue said, bc on multiple occasions cassie shows severe emotional disturbance that harms herself and others and is given to reckless, impulsive behavior that warrants some sort of extensive psychiatric treatment often seen in those w mdd
i’ve heard some ppls theories that cassie has borderline personality disorder and depression, which i think could be interesting if represented well, especially for a popular tv show. bpd is often stigmatized for those who have it and showing cassie going thru the worst and coming out better able to manage her mental illness(es) despite it being clear she will always have some difficulty and barriers to managing them, and that some days will be better than others. also, having lexi and her mom more sympathetic toward her mental struggles rather than her mother making her out to be just some overdramatic drama queen. bc sue supported cassie wonderfully during her grapple w the abortion.
and truly, there’s no character i’ve given up on except nate. cassie, jules, maddy, and in the absence of kat, development for her, still have so much potential. rue i believe was the only s2 character i believe was consistent from s1 and on even if i have mixed feelings on if she’d actually kiss elliot just to make jules, who she spent her nights crying over, jealous.
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agentem · 2 years
Review of Quantumania?
Everything I have posted has been Janet related. I'm just Janet, Janet, Janet over here. Some people are mad at her for not telling her family about the Quantum Realm but I have fully already headcanoned that she had PTSD and pretending it wasn't real and not talking about it was the only way she could keep it at bay.
I do understand why a lot of people didn't like this movie. It's not one coherent movie. There's one movie that is following Scott and Cassie, but there is also a second movie following Janet returning to the Quantum Realm. And even though I do like Scott and Cassie, I started crying in the theater because I was like, "this is the closest I'm going to come to a Janet movie and she doesn't even get to save the day."
And then the end is weird because they give all of them equal weight. Like everyone (except Janet, really) gets a hero moment but Hank and Hope have done fuck all since, like, ever. They were just along for the ride and suddenly it's their movie and you're like "Oh was I supposed to be caring about them?" We had two movies and now we have four ends?
I hope it's setting up branching timelines, like I said in a previous post. Like the Remedial Chaos Theory episode of "Community". I don't know why I felt that so strongly but I did. Maybe I'm giving the film too much credit.
If it's not that, then it was all orchestrated by Kang (or a smarter variant), everything went too perfectly. Like what if Hank's earpiece had fallen out when he travelled through space time?
It is annoying to be like "I'm not sure what I saw, I guess I will find out on Disney+ later this year."
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zalrb · 2 years
Skins Rewatch - Michelle
1. Oh great a Michelle episode.
2. This is probably such an accurate description
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3. Kicking Tony in the balls is the most I’ve ever liked Michelle.
4. And Jal just being like
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5. “Again??” Michelle, how would you not know that Tony is fucking around, you SAW HIM WITH HIS HAND UP ANOTHER GIRL’S SHIRT.
6. Michelle getting mad indignant that Jal didn’t tell her about all the girls he’s been fucking is just ... it’s typical but you can’t get irritated when Jal says “It’s just Tony, right?” considering that in Russia you were like “It’s just Tony!”
7. “I bet you wanted to fuck him.” Oh, fuck OFF Michelle.
8. They really did Jal dirty with her wardrobe I’m glad she got a bit of an upgrade in series 2.
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10. This
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reminds me of when I was living in the UK, I was working/living at a hotel and one of the managers took me and this guy who also just started at the hotel to another town so we could open bank accounts and I automatically went to the front of the car to get in the passenger seat and my manager was talking about how much cheek I had because the man usually sits up front there and I was like ... ... that doesn’t sound true.
11. Tony is such a dick.
12. Yay for Sid punching Tony, lmao.
13. And I remember watching this and being like Michelle’s mom being inattentive isn’t enough for me to feel bad for her when Chris’ mother has mental health issues and abandoned him and his father abandoned him long before plus he has a dead brother, Cassie’s parents are too busy having sex to care about her and she has a severe eating disorder, Sid’s mother abandoned him and his father is verbally and emotionally abusive, liiiiiike.
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They have one issue, Tony, YOU.
15. I love that a random girl also slaps him.
16. Lol, I thought you didn’t watch television, Chris
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the power of The OC
17. Her sweater just looks like it has dirt on it
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18. Tony is fucked up for what he did to Josh tho.
19. I mean Josh took it a bit FAR too.
20. “You should try without” stop fucking with his mental health, Michelle.
21. Jal on the phone like, who the fuck is Josh?
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22. What could’ve been interesting to explore more is how Tony fucking with Michelle’s head for so long has warped her sense of what’s normal because OK what brother would have pictures of his sister like that on his phone but also why would he SEND them to the girl he’s courting if he did? But because she’s been with Tony so long she’s just like yep, makes sense.
23. Oh right, but Michelle’s stigma around mental health also plays a part in this.
24. Michelle, did you even say bye to Jal?
25. Yay, she stands up to Tony only for series 2 to be her being like WHY CAN’T YOU BE WHO YOU WERE BEFORE. K.
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deaneverafter · 2 years
Do You Love An Apple
Okay, so I have a lot of thoughts about the episode, and I have no qualms making that everyone's problem 🤣
First things first, Sheriff Beau Arlen has my whole heart, he really does. He's funny, but he never lets that get in the way of the job. His punch list, when he told Jenny she could take the lead on the naked man running, when he joked about Tonya's picture, to ease the tension. I asked for one nickname for Poppernak every week, I got three ✊🏻 His back and forth with Denise was funny (and for the people who are calling it inappropriate on his part, please rewatch the scene, and see who started it 🤦🏻‍♀️). Denise and Deputy Popcorn meeting up and starting the Sheriff Beau Fanclub is definitely officially on my wishlist.
His relationship with Jenny is everything to me, it really is. I like how he tried to get her to talk about Tonya, and when seriously asking her didn't work, he tried to offer help. But at the same time, I can see that right now, they're still at the stage of keeping each other at arm's length, with her not talking about the things she maybe would as much, like Tonya, and him also holding back a little, like about Carla (I must ask, why does he think Jenny and Carla wouldn't get along? I'm going to go with my "Carla is a mean girl" theory). And I can understand why. Before, I was a bit miffed about Jenny being left out of movie nights, not because of any romantic reasons even, but because I just felt bad about her being sad. That's her best friend and her new boss. But having seen it, with Beau and Cassie having a sibling-like dynamic, and Beau and Jenny still being more professional, with the sparks and chemistry and flirting and gazing only coming out of the cracks for now, I can see why that dynamic would be developed first. And I can see why things are professional-adjacent with Beau and Jenny for now, because clearly they get into some very dangerous situations, and I can understand both of them not wanting to mix in the personal. That, however, just makes my angst loving self want them to get together even more, fall for each other despite all the reasons they think they shouldn't, because I really think that makes for an interesting dynamic, juggling the personal and professional, and they would be so good together. This time when she put herself in danger, he was mad and he told her it was because she didn't follow protocol. Would not mind a rehash of that when he gets annoyed and tells her it's simply because he doesn't want her to get hurt.
I loved how he was able to help Jenny calm down enough at the arrest to let the prisoner say goodbye to her kid. But it also made me sad for him, because it sounded like he was speaking from experience (would not be surprised if there was a time when Carla had just taken Emily and told him nothing). And it made me even angrier in light of this, when Emily ignored him. I'm sorry, but the nicest way I can put it is that she's a brat. This is an man who left everything behind, his whole life, just to move to the middle of nowhere, to be closer to her. If he hadn't been called in to be sheriff, he would've been doing nothing, had no friends around, nothing to do. The least she can do is pick up the phone. And in front of Avery at that. She essentially humiliated him in front of her stepdad, and I wouldn't be surprised if Avery brings it up in front of Beau, just to twist that knife in deeper. Which brings me to the next point. I am really, really not liking this "Beau is still carrying a torch for Carla" thing. He's already being humiliated by his kid, I don't need to see him also get humiliated running after a woman who left him for another guy. The only logical reason for that story point to be a thing, is if it's to show him getting over her. I'm already not liking Carla from everything we've heard about her so far, and all that aside, the fact is, she didn't love him, and she moved on. It's not fun to see him just running after her, being the fourth wheel in their happy little family, especially when neither Carla, and not even Emily, seem to particularly care about him. My hope for that storyline is that, with his new job, new friends, being able to talk it out with Cassie, and eventually Jenny and not just sitting pining in a cabin, he can move on from the divorce, and be open to the chance for happiness again (with Jenny, for example, hint hint). Jenny wouldn't ditch him for a rich guy, at the first sign of trouble, we have proof enough of that by how she stuck with Cody, even despite being separated, how she worked to avenge him and honour him, even though she knew he'd moved on. Carla left him, even if something happens between her and Avery now, Beau deserves better than to be anyone's backup plan. And Beau wouldn't just ditch the woman he was with and start dating her friend, he's loyal to a fault, he followed his ex and his kid to the middle of nowhere, left his whole life behind, even though neither of them seem to appreciate. And that is reason 116161727 that Beau and Jenny should be endgame. They both have loyalty, and they wouldn't do each other dirty like that. I did enjoy Jenny and Cassie trying to be there for him about the Emily situation. And, if one day we get vindication with Beau finally getting over Carla, maybe when she tries to get back with him, him realizing that he deserves much, much better, I will enjoy that immensely. And I'm not here for someone putting Jenny second place and running off with a different woman a third time, AND Beau deserves better than to be with someone who already left him once, so any reconciliation between Beau and Carla, it's a no from me.
I also liked Beau and Jenny's cute, lighthearted moments, like when he pointed to Deputy Potpie and said "help him". The barely veiled annoyance, but also the humour, I loved it. The way during movie night, she just took his cushion and he let her, it felt so familiar that I might've felt that one go directly in my heart. And of course, the car scene. The heart eyes, the jealousy disguised as teasing from Jenny, I can get behind that. Plus, we see Jenny didn't deny the wranglers comment from Denise, so someone's been checking him out 👀🤣 In conclusion, the verdict is, Beau and Jenny should be endgame, your honour.
This is also the second time in as many episodes that Beau has mentioned his brother, and I for one, would like to meet that brother. I think it would be really interesting to see his parents, his siblings, how they feel about him moving out here, how they feel about Carla (I'm going to go with them not being big fans).
We didn't get to see Jenny's mom this episode, but I'm really looking forward to that backstory. I'm also wondering if, with Cassie being a bit more okay with Tonya, and Jenny still being really angry, if this is something that's going to cause problems in their relationship.
I am kind of sad that Cassie and Lindor aren't a thing anymore, I'd liked their relationship, and it was such a slowburn, but, I guess now things are open with Cormac, and that has the potential to be really interesting. Is he a bad guy, is he just stuck in the middle, who knows, but with Cassie being a PI, this could get complicated. And I would like to see it.
Another question, the guy living in the forest is Sunny's son, but is he also Buck's son, or is this something that resulted from a different relationship, perhaps the one she was talking about with Paige?
I also really enjoyed the two minutes of Mark. He didn't have a lot to do, but he looked happy enough on his little adventure, and then scared enough, that even though we know practically nothing about him, it made us care when he fell off the cliff.
Concluding notes, I'm excited to see more of Beau's backstory with the cartel in Texas, I'm excited for Jenny's backstory, and I'm really hoping to see their relationship develop together, from something professional to something closer and hopefully romantic. Aka, when will they realize they should be together!? What other reason is there for Jenny to be having some feelings about Beau and Cassie hanging out, and what other reason is there for Beau to think it would be weird for her? 🤔👀
One moment of thirsty on main, I like that they don't put him in 90 layers of shirts at all times, you can see his guns 🤣 and his freckles are also visible 🥺 and the swoosh! 🥰🔥
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GAY CONTENT (I'm talking about my partners. long post)
starting with Denver because I'm thinking about him. unfortunately also the shortest section because I haven't been able to spend too much time with him as my boyfriend but we should change that. Denver call me (/hj. I wouldn't complain though....)
anyway. I already thought he was pretty before I even had a thing for him, but, I don't know, I guess I ended up feeling pretty fondly towards him. he's sweet when he wants to be (or when it's important) but also such a dumbass at other times and I love both. I want to spend more time with him so I can write more someday.. we should go on a silly little date somewhere. one of the main memories I have with him since getting together is rough sex, which I can DEFINITELY appreciate, but I want more domestic memories, too. maybe we can go do one of those fun fall activities... like a maze or something. I think that'd be nice.
Cassie time
not my boyfriend but still a significant partner. honestly, at first, I hated him. okay, maybe hate is too much. I was jealous. he's everything I used to be and everything I wish I could be.. and, when I came back, everyone was asking about him. "where's Ghostbur?" "I miss Ghostbur". it just felt like shit. but then he came back and as much as I wanted to still be mad at him for replacing me, I just couldn't. look at him. he's too kind and he even cared enough to make sure I was talking to people when I felt it was easier to let everyone replace me with him again. even without being my partner, he's an integral part of me. we're the two halves of a man that used to be, and in loving him and him loving me, I like to think we're loving ourselves more, too.
the longest paragraph, Q
I am honest to god obsessed with him. great start, I know, but I can’t help it. I think I was into him from day one. initially, I couldn't stop staring at him, but he proved to be a great debate partner and he made me look forward to something. during Pogtopia, I don't know how he never grew to resent me. he was up there in terms of people I wanted to hate me. I didn't want him to miss me, but, well, we all know how that went. post revival, though, I was sure he did. I convinced myself that anyone would hate me, especially him, but I never stopped feeling like I needed him to keep going. I'll never know what it is about him that fuels me. I'm glad I was a dumbass and that I acted out to get his attention because he's one of the best things in my life. I wish I knew we were actually dating sooner, but I don't mind too much. I still got to cherish him either way. he was the first person I went into detail about limbo with. he's kissed every stitch and scar so many times that I can still remember the feeling, and he never held the same resentment for my body that I felt. he's held me through so many episodes and attacks and I can only hope that everything I've done for him is even a fraction of the same. I probably never would've gotten this far into recovery if he didn't do half of the stuff he did, and I owe him my life, but I'd happily give it to him anyway. I've never been too incredibly fond of myself (just content at best) but there's been so many times where he made me feel actually special. I've been thinking about it so much lately and I really do hope I get to marry him someday, even if it takes a while. if I can't, then that's okay, too, as long as he's mine.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 237
Our Little World/Xmas Special
“Our Little World”
Plot Description: a teen who’s lost her souls leads Dean to Crowley and a fast-growing Amara. Castiel sees an old acquaintance on TV, stuck in an earthly body
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died…that we saw
Yeah, bet that won’t come to bite you in the ass, Crowley. “You’re strong, but I’m stronger” “…for now” how do you ground the Darkness and not think that that’s gonna come back around some day.
Oh good. Misha’s done with whatever he was up to that prevented him from being here.
Did Dean just tell Cas to go touch grass? He’s not wrong. My boy is looking rough, and all he has done is watch TV
Ok. So it took an extra episode for the Lizzie Borden fanatic to die ☹️
Oh. Oh, Cassy. He’s been watching reruns of trash tv to stave off his thoughts and memories 😭
The look, the horrible dawning realization that he’s found Metatron, and Metatron’s working as a camera operator for the news
I know this wallpaper. This is the wallpaper from the Changing Channels episode
We’re back to exorcising demons?? Wellllllllll maybe not
It’s important that a growing teen learn some good cat memes
I’ve been checking out the lamps in hell, and they are really nice. There are a bunch of like art nouveau shades, they’re gorgeous
Omg he’s not even doing it for the news, he’s like a tragedy paparazzi. He might even be orchestrating it
Man, if this old asylum is where Crowley’s been hanging out or has an entrance to hell…it REALLY shows how much wreckage Amara caused in the demon ranks
I’m glad that SOMEONE ELSE has addressed the fact that every time someone mentions (or I type) the Darkness, I feel like we’re talking about the band for a second…I do wish it was someone other than Metatron
I mean, maybe don’t bait Cas into hitting you, Mets
Sure, Crowley, we’ll call what you and Dean had BROmance
Yeah, i guess that when the Darkness said “we’ll always help each other” or something like that, it cuts both ways. It’s not just a threat to Dean. She’ll protect him too…or she’s just mad at Crowley. I dunno
I’ll piece together what the parallels of Cas and Sam’s fights mean at some point, especially since Cas had to be baited into fighting and then really went on the offensive and ends up not killing Metatron while Sam goes in looking for a fight, tries to be a pacifist, and ends up killing a few demons. Cas was also having visions back at the bunker and Sam…well, he’s having them now
The indignity of having to keep your phone charged IS rough, Metatron, I know…
I AM UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THE ENERGY WE’VE BROUGHT INTO HELL TODAY. Amara is very in love with Dean (who on this show isn’t?)
What is the lore in this show?!?! The Darkness is god’s SISTER??? (I can’t believe we’re getting this reveal when I’m so close to season 4 of Sherlock)
Why are you getting visions of the cage, Sammy??
“Xmas Special”
Plot Description: the Doctor and Clara are trapped on an arctic base and their only hope is Santa Claus!
Oh good, I waited til really late to watch another long dw episode
These elves are so mean to her!!
What a brilliant time for the Doctor to show up, seconds after Clara tells the very real Santa that she stopped believing in fairy tales
Is Santa a time lord? His sack of toys is obviously bigger on the inside…
You know what gets me about shows and movies that are meant to be for families that discuss the existence of Santa? And this might be a more recent phenomenon. But aside from the weird mechanics of adults who don’t believe in Santa still somehow finding presents under the tree from Santa on Christmas morning because of course he exists in this universe….but you’re also showing these shows to your like 5 year old who’s just learned through watching that there comes a time you stop believing in Santa even though they’re only now at an age where they can recognize Santa. It’s just weird and I have no idea if that paragraph made sense
Wtf is going on at this arctic base? Why can’t she look or think about these beings in the infirmary??
Ah damn…the Doctor and Clara fucked it up for these people. Whatever they were tying to accomplish, they just BARGE IN
LOW BLOW, DOC! You can’t bring up Danny, and you REALLY can’t insinuate that he’d be cheating on Clara. It’s too soon for her and it’ll pretty much always be too soon for her
Omg they’re really are gonna get saved by Santa…..he just sent an army of toys into this base
I’m usually not a huge fan of how Santa gets depicted in Christmas specials (not in a “this doesn’t fit my headcanon” but more in a “he’s just uninteresting” way) but this one’s at least a little fun and interesting.
I really think he’s a time lord
…I forgot they didn’t know they lied to each other…I forgot they lied to each other at the end of the last episode
I do love that they keep saying Twelve looks like a magician
He’s got a point…it would definitely be offensive, as an extraterrestrial, to find out we have a horror movie called Alien. Then again, we have a lot of horror movies named a lot of things, so…anyway “no wonder you keep getting invaded” is a good reaction
Ah, fuck. The Dream Crab got Clara.
I know this is the Doctor trying to save her, but in this perfect dream world, it’s super jarring to see the hallway walls turn into chalkboards with “DYING!” written all over them
Oh good. The Doctor has come to actually save her….excuse me?? He let himself get taken by the Dream Crabs too??
Huh…so the only way to kill them is to reject the dream
THEY DID AN INCEPTION?? The Doctor and Clara were in a dream but everyone’s been in a dream since the beginning? Since they all got into the infirmary??
He’s so against any real touchy freely stuff, and I am forever living for that
…nah, there’s still 18 more minutes. How…I don’t like this existential crisis they’re giving me “no one ever knows they’re not dreaming m. Not ever. Not for one second of our lives” don’t do that to my brain. Please
Stop physically reaching out to them!! What is wrong with you people?!
Have we really circled back to Santa’s real?? We spent a bunch of time proving he wasn’t real in the last dream, and he still might not be because this is still another dream but who knows??
This girl has an interesting Christmas itinerary. She’s gonna watch Alien and The Thing From Another World before her dad comes around. Then she’ll watch Miracle on 34th Street before what I can only imagine is a Game of Thrones marathon…and last “forgive Dave???”…which she’s somehow apparently already done that last one
Please tell me this isn’t yet another dream. What??? It’s been 62 years since they’ve seen each other??? It was another dream. When did Steven Moffat watch Inception? Did he wait four years? Because the number of levels of the dream were just too much. And then the tangerine at the end, like the spinning top.
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nyikondlovu · 3 years
Time for my Rexi dissertation yall.
When Lexi said the play was about friendship I get it now. Because she GAINED Maddy as a friend when she moved in, she LOST Rue when her dad died and Lexi’s dad left and lost herself when she didn’t know how to deal with her trauma and pain outwardly.
Her centring on Rue’s dads death and how it affected Rue placed side by side with how losing her father and best friend to addiction hurt her is so important to me because I believe that’s why Rue wasn’t mad at her, she saw that someone loves her.
That someone remembers how kind and sarcastic and caring she can be.
That someone remembers she’s more than her addiction and that Lexi isn’t claiming her trauma is larger than Rues but that they both experienced some shit as kids and it affected them differently.
Another reason to me that Rue wasn’t so pissed was because she saw it was a love letter to THEM (Rexi). It wasn’t Lexi saying her trauma is bigger than Rue’s, it wasn’t her comparing their pain, it was her saying “we’re just kids, we went through a lot but this girl has been with me through a lot of it. she’s not a bad person she’s not her mistakes. these girls are not their mistakes. Maddy is not just a ‘bad bitch’ she’s also kind. she might not be nice but she’s kind.”
Introverted Rue found drugs and shy Lexi became timid, they lost themselves and by extension their friendship but they are starting to grow back together as friends.
Rue also realizes that her friend carries a lot on the inside and keeps it bottled up so she gets no reassurance or someone willing to listen so Rue applying her knowledge of addiction and an addict’s mindset to explain where Lexi’s dad probably is mentally was what she needed.
Season 1x01 and 1x06 and season 2x7 and 2x8 highlight how they can be each other’s support because they know each other’s trauma and they’ve seen the part of themselves that they hide from everyone else.
Lexi is hiding how painful and sad and angry she is about her father and possibly about how she has to be the parent in her home, about how she is second fiddle to her older sister meanwhile you also have Rue who is now only starting to deal with the actual grief that never left regarding her dad and how she lost him and anger at the fact that she’ll never get to learn life from him.
They might be the only person in the other’s life who truly get each other especially considering how Rue is naturally just someone more introverted so she can understand why Lexi would keep some shit to herself and I found that beautiful.
Lexi and Rue still loving each other after all of this and Rue being one of the few people who was ‘in’ the play actually loved it is something so pleasing to me. everyone has always taken from Lexi (Rue included) it’s so nice to see RUE step up and be a real friend to LEXI.
Also, the juxtaposition between the Maddy/Cassie friendship versus the Lexi/Rue friendship? We started season one and two believing Maddy and Cassie were best friends and them being very close and we thought Cassie always had Maddys back (till 2x1) and vice versa while on the other hand Rue and Lexi during season one were on shaky ground, they didn’t really have a lot of meaningful interactions (I can only think of the Halloween conversation and Lexi telling one of their classmates they’re being rude when they ran Rue off the stage in episode and following Rue, gathering the confidence to speak like that and leave to make sure Rue is okay.) and Lexi was either used for her pee or in one of the few sober instances only remembered then by her childhood best friend and even during their hanging out in that season Jules was involved, they didn’t have much of a friendship and us ending season two with them being friends, with them being open with each other about their trauma because I am sure Rue hasn’t spoken to a lot of people about hers and I don’t think she ever spoke to Jules about it in depth while she had this really deep conversation with Lexi and we get to see Lexi have somebody who wants to listen to her and not judge her for saying she was kind of relieved when her dad didn’t come back at first and now is sad.
we have them having this deep conversation and we have them as what I believe, best friends again. as one of the few people who understands the other and that’s because Lexi did not compare pain.
They end the note as best friends meanwhile the other two end as not even enemies, as just Cassie who hurt Maddy and I think that’s worse than enemies.
My Euphoria BIG 3 are Lexi, Rue and Maddy and honestly? That’s family
Also, sober Rue??? I love it. that’s my sister. I’m gonna stand by her.
the acting that my sisters Zendaya AND Maude were giving because I saw a lot of people saying Zendaya was carrying Maude but she was giving subtlety. like we wanna put her against the explosive anger that Cassie or Maddy have and that’s not her.
we want to put her against Rue who is obviously going to be more emotional because she’s sharing how she doesn’t know how she’s gonna do sobriety for the rest of her life, she doesn’t have an outlet, her addiction was hard, relating it to someone else and the fact that her dad is really gone and no drug is ever gonna be able to hide that pain from her anymore.
Lexi was just more subtle in her emotions and instead cried because when you finally get to open up after so long and have someone willing to listen, sometimes you don’t even have the words for it so they were definitely giving favourite relationship this season they were definitely giving favourites scene in this episode
Final thoughts? Rexi came back to me and I love them🫂
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