#so we know who was adopted XDD
cienie-isengardu · 1 year
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Johnny: Why'd you go rogue? I could've make you a star. Bi-Han: I want power, not fame.
Kuai Liang
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Johnny: You haven't lived until you're walked the red carpet. Kuai Liang: Fame is but a fleeting mirage.
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Johnny: With your skills you'd be a hit, Kuai Liang. Kuai Liang: Do I look like an entertainer?
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Johnny: Win and you'll get a speaking part in my next movie. Tomas: That would be amazing, Johnny.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 month
FSR rambles ANOTHER ONE (It's the 22nd one)
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Dark's mind reading is just, so damn fun.
Like Green is gambling SO MUCH putting his trust into Dark but it pays off because Dark can TELL Green is truly putting faith in him to give him the benefit of the doubt.
And that means A LOT to him.
The fact Green doesn't want to hurt him MEANS A LOT TO HIM.
Dark knows this man ain't stupid.
I like him giving Green a goodbye hug and a kiss on the cheek hah.
It's so sweet in a way.
And his parting words being words of affirmation for Green.
He can be a very sweet person when given kindness.
I just like them a lot.
Green was a pretty good influence on Dark. XDD
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Dark Link's dramatic ass flying away is so funny to me and probably just me.
Like Dark doesn't typically fly or flex his wings much but they DO exist. XDDD
He can kinda just hover like Shadow but I don't think that's been shown even ONCE XDDDD
Dark isn't really the type to flex his magic in general though.
The Headspace IS HIS BODY which uhhh is a horror.
Time to mention: It changing from a desolate blue to that bright pink woodsy area afterward is kinda a reflection of Dark and the person he's talking to's mental space.
It'll change again later when he talks to Blue too.
Now that Dark Ran off we get an insight back into Green. Even though he technically WON this interaction? If you could word it that way, he got kinda what he wanted...He's still kinda overloaded with bullshit, poor guy.
Whatcha looking at Green-
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...UH HI LINK????
And in Dark's outfit did ya swap? 👀
Link's just mumbling to himself about wtf just happened...which uhhh, Link. You just take the hobby of stalking yourself???
he doesn't seem to be aware of Green at all until Green makes himself known.
Not before his face bugs out. XD
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Ngl. this is one of my favorite interactions its SO stupid.
The dialogue is up there in scenes that make me laugh just to read.
Like, Link my guy, did you ACTUALLY think for a SECOND that shit would work???
Link's eyes bugging out completely as he runs in terror from Green has to be up there in stupid shit. It's so ridiculous and amazing just tickles my brain lmfao. It's so dumb. XDDD
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Link cycles through all 4's personalities for a second X'DD
1st panel: Vio
2nd Panel: Green
4th and 5th: Blue
6th being Red obviously
Green is so fed up with him after being kicked in the damn stomach. XDDD
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Sooooo, we didn't learn a LOT from Link's appearance outside of the fact he's still lingering around within the headspace. Which is ODD because Dark hasn't brought him up or seemingly hasn't run into him...Despite Link STALKING him it seems.
Link's adoption of the black tunic is odd to say the least. His mental state is still fractured and torn considering it's appearance.
And it dawns on me I don't think Green goes on to NEVER disclosed to anyone Link's still running around. X'DDDD (Re-reading FSR together like this is fun isn't it?)
A LOT of shit happens to where he didn't really have time to squeeze it in but it is funny this scene is still pretty up in the air on it's importance for now.
Also since this is rambles I don't have to keep secrets on who the weirdo next to Link is in the last panel.
That's FSRA Link. Which just leaves all sorts of weird implications I'll let you sit with, considering that man is from 100+ years in the future...
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True to his word, Shadow is able to tell Dark was active. Oh no.
LOL also not Zelda calling Green by the wrong name. X'D Poor girl isn't used to being around the four dudes her bestie splits into. (She literally had NO idea they were split until AFTER the final battle lmfao and then they walked back to the sanctuary and boom.)
So yeah Shadow tries to wrestle Dark back because dude's a dangerous little ball of evil. XD
He SAW what he did to Vio first hand and didn't wanna have that happen to Green.
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I'll never not find it funny Dark can summon his sword in that form, but literally can't even use it. X'DDDD
He also yanked Green's arm away from the sword so he didn't get hit because Dark's very attached to Green at this point.
Shadow's got beef with the little guy and Zelda making a force field, and Shadow proceeding to SMACK into it always gets a laugh it's so dumb.
Art wise it's kinda funny just how LONG Dark's tentacles are in this scene considering I shortened them later. XD
Also...Considering recent updates Dark responding violently when in danger is...Well something. XDDD
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Poor Green and his savior complex-
"I can help him-" - Green about the horrific monster that tormented everyone.
Shadow even points this out but Shadow's also projecting HARD onto Dark X'DDD
"I'm an evil horrible liar so this bitch must be too" - Shadow.
Shadow personally just wants everything to be perfect and peachy and that can't happen with Dark so he wants the easy way out so to speak.
Shadow sweetie, it's not your curse. XD
(Funny we're bringing that up...Shadow Link hasn't been in the headspace at ALL...Interesting huh?)
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That shit must have HURT to hear out of Green considering him and Shadow were doing MOSTLY well before that.
Green's been bottling his negative feelings towards Shadow for a LONG time now and JUST seeing what Shadow did while with Vio it was inevitable dude would snap.
Green immediately regrets what he said though.
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Dark cuddling Green is always cute.
Shadow got called out and now feels like shit.
Not Zelda sitting here like "Genuinely wtf are yall talking about rn???"
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He can't even argue with Green considering it was pretty true. X"D Even if it was a low blow.
Zelda blowing a hole through the castle has lead to...ISSUES.
Shadow's acting a bit ominously.
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Mmm fast travel.
And bitter unresolved feelings. Our favorite.
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Hiiiii it's been months since I touched this lmao.
Back into the game:
Green has a lot of hesitance too, he just chooses to stuff that down in turn for a more peaceful option.
he's aware dark has caused hurt and is INSANE but wants to give him a chance.
I think in a lot of ways he regrets that Shadow never had help because they just met "Too late" in a lot of ways.
Shadow had already committed many horrible deeds before anyone had a glimpse of being able to help him.
While Dark is still very new and able to be saved from a life of regret or villainy, cause Green recognized that spark of good in him that could blossom into a good person if they give it a try.
meanwhile, Shadow's being self loathing.
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...To be fair a lot of what Dark Link says DOESN'T make sense due to it being...from an outsider's perspective utter nonsense (He knows Zelda lore lmfao.) but his claims Shadow just IS ganon are clearly getting to shadow cause he's got self doubt.
Meanwhile Green tries to remind him of his progress, and thinks Shadow and Dark could have something to bond over.
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Aaaand there is it boy doesn't wanna be reminded of how much he's fucked up. It's hard when there's a mirror pointed at you.
Green's still feeling bad about what he said.
And since people missed it, and I was being cheeky:
Green and Shadow did share a lil smooch.
Dark isn't happy about it. XD
To be fair, I'd be pretty pissed off if my only goal was to get a lil smooch smooch and people were handing em to lord ganon evil lord of the buttholes too.
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Bask in his beauty Shadow, he sure is pretty. UwU
Shadow letting Green down not so gently that he's an idiot will always be funny.
he was backed into a corner guys, be nice to him.
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Shadow's of course more concerned about Vio rn.
I'd be worried about his reaction too...As we see later it's not a happy welcome to Dark Link XDDD
Dark Link isn't having being shoved back into Shadow's hat.
Shadow in a moment of...idk what you'd call it, clarity I suppose decides to let him stay with Green.
it's up to the reader to assume WHY he did that.
Realizing he makes Dark Link feel unsafe, just not wanting to argue. Overall there's hesitation on his end.
So he ends up in Green's hat. XD
Green asking a reasonable question about how he's gonna go get Blue...considering his physical form is WITH Green and Shadow.
And Dark responds verbally. So far I think he's only growled in that form. XD
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So uhhh, Shadow's pissed off Dark refused to speak last night. XDDD
So if you're curious: My vision for Dark in this form is that speaking is VERY difficult for him to do so he just...doesn't.
This is his dormant form, so his "Functionality" is mostly...nonexistant.
This is a form that doesn't take a lot of effort to maintain or upkeep so his actual abilities aren't very wide.
Like he CAN talk. But simple phrases and words are easiest for him to do. Which is why he repeats "Yeah yeah" twice.
Shadow also fails to realize even THIS form was a step up from the fact Dark was a simple sphere with an eye before. XD
He grew a mouth to chew on Green...So he might have had the intention to speak last night and just...didn't.
But if he wanted to speak, he could just form back to his "Link" form or drag someone to the headspace.
Overall: Shadow ya dummy he probably just didn't have anything to say XD
Green coming to Dark's defense screaming "STOP IT SHADOW YOU'RE SCARING HIM!" is so funny because I without fail imagine the "HE'S AFRAID OF SANTA CLAUS!!!" "STOP IT PATRICK YOU'RE SCARING HIM!!!" spongebob bit.
Shadow letting the whole "Dad" debacle slip and Green's fucking face to that just sends me.
He looks so...judgmental. X'D
"This is how you'd treat your son?"
Dark Link giving Green the title of his "Dad" Whatever he thinks that means...because Shadow is a bad one is just, funny as hell to me.
Dark so obviously doesn't understand blood family ties (...His entire life revolves around 4 dudes who are one guy, and that guy's shadow all being in a weird as fuck relationship so uh...who blames him for not understanding family)
Affectively, Green is just someone Dark considers his family so...he's his "dad". XD
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The title switch from Shadow TO Green is due to the fact he just feels more comfortable and safe WITH Green.
...Shadow uses THIS as an example of Dark being "Unreasonable" which is something else alright. XDDD
Green taking the piss out of the whole "dad" thing is pretty damn silly...Green you ARE the daddy now. X'D
I don't think Green would have tried this shit if Dark was in his Link form. XDDD
I know in the draft comic folders I got a comic where Green treats Dark differently based on his form and how Dark doesn't understand that. (him being uncomfortable with the finger chewing in his Link disguise vs his dormant form for example) and how he thinks Green's a hypocrite.
Last panel: Shadow DEFINENTLY not trying to keep everyone thinking Dark's just insane and not saying anything important.
I'll cut it off here since getting into the Darkblue segment (As I like to call it) is gonna be interesting I think XDD
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Okey so, i have some thoughts about the lore, specially about the MC bc damn! I am still thrilled about being able to chose ur backstory
The Alchemist - we know that your adoptive mother, or master as u call her, was once part of the senobium as u saw her old uniform in her closet once. We also know she didn't locked u down and that she did teach u about magic and history. U know that Eridia was a river territory and what erotion looks like. And u can distinguish a surgeon ability, even pointing it out to Mhin (a choice u don't get if u are not an alchemist)
The Hound - I don't have much information from this one. U know about geography, how to steal and u don't mind sleeping under the sky. U can distinguish between a good leader and a bad one. Ur instinct is sharp.
The Unnamed - U grow in a temple, ur superiors told u you could allow your beloved access a higher plane of knowledge, something similar to mindgroup (sorry don't remember how it was called).
It's interesting bc this sects pops up no matter what past u chose. And! Because of our curse, we are not human but neither monsters...
Now, about the place.
The Senobium - we know, bc of the Alchemist past, that the new senobium (the one how does experiments) is at least one generation old. I don't know if your masters personality/liking of experiment was the cause or consecuence to be part of the Senobium (she can perhaps be older who knows) but sound right enough. The senobium have to be, at least, a generation older with this new way of carrying things so it's settled enough to be normal for the people of the city but new to a new comer (thinking tht information doesn't spread fast)
Seaspring - If we chose the unnamed past we can make an resemblance between kura's clinic and Seaspring. Kura's said he was in Seaspring once and then he didn't want to talk about it... Perhaps he created it? Or he just was involved in some way? Try to used or investigate about it as a new treatment? Something more?
And the difference between species, like, we know thanks to Vere that we are not human neither a monster, and also what are exactly the souless??
At first i though monsters and souless were kinda the same but I still don't know the difference. Perhaps the souless have an animal type of intelligence rather than a human like? Since the souless that follow us enter the city... That's not very intelligent to me... And the way Ais tamed them makes me think of animals. And naturally the monsters have an human kind of intelligence... But they can also eat souless? Ugh I don't know.
The next thing I am gonna say is just a theory, i think perhaps monsters are born that way but souless are made? Idk, maybe I am overthinking it xdd
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Oooh, adoptable Pokémon? Can we see the other 5?
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The other five are all done and prettied up for the festival!! [[:
First there's Porridge and Rice (Male), One of our Doduos! A wild Doduo that got a little too brave attacking some humans who were hiking and paid quite a price for it ]X Rice, the head on the right in the picture, is blind! A Doduo with a blind head is definitely not fit to be re-released. We've worked really hard on their aggression and they are safe around people! They're a little prickly and not too cuddly but if you get them to open up to you they're SO loyal!
I got the next three to line up so nicely for me!!
Wazzo (female), is one of our Wynauts! She's got very underdeveloped arms, so she needs a little extra help with certain things! She's such a happy cuddly sweetheart though so it's totally worth it!
Then we have Lilo (female), one of our Riolus! She was taken from a breeder who specifically bred her to have round... earrings? whiskers? XD I don't know what to call them because names for those parts vary so much depending on what parts of which regions you live in. Anyway, she's a little more on-edge and anxious because she doesn't have access to such a vital thing for Riolus!
Shep (male), is our Raltz who has very short, uh... pink helmet things U: I don't know the actual name for them XDD But we've determined he's also on some sort of spectrum! He's very sensitive to sensory input and needs someone who has a quiet environment and a lot of patience [[:
Last but not least, Slate (male), our three legged Poochyena! He's not as fast as other canine Pokemon but he's got such a funky little attitude!! Such a little rascal [X<
In a bit we'll be on our way to the Harvest Festival with all of them!! Hopefully we come back with no Pokemon!! :DDD
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mgarmagedon · 7 months
Wait, since did drift (from tf rid15) adopted slipstream and jetstorm in the human au?/gen
In OG rid15 he just took them as a students, after the war and his emo phase as a Deadlock, so there is not much more behind it. I mean they rarely talked about past of anyone XDD
I mean we don't know still why Bee knew Sideswipe before rid15, Ik he might be a local hooligan, but yeah.
So in my au which is full of headcanons and few mixed things from other tf media. In the au, he never literally adopted them, he just took them under his wing, and start treating them like his children, but Jet and Slip are not calling him dad, they refer to him by calling him master.
I'm calling it 'adoption' as a shortcut, I'm sorry man, if that confused you. I should more explain their relationship.
In my au he just took two orphans who lived on streets of new Kaon as thieves. So he rescued them and took them as a students when he came back to cybertron.
The same with Sideswipe, he calls him Drift and when he is really scared he calls him master.
But the double trouble still call Bee an uncle. XDD
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arleniansdoodles · 5 months
(Warning this is super long I'm so sorry) Absolutely mcfreaking reeling from that charged backfist of a chapter. I have no words. Yang what. What is wrong with you. He really slaughtered five schools' worth of students and masters, killed his adoptive father, orchestrated the murder of his little sister, secretly went back and raised said little sister from the dead, decided to let her wake up ALONE IN A POOL OF HER OWN BLOOD SURROUNDED BY THE BODIES OF HER FAMILY, left her to fend for herself at the ripe age of 11, and then fucked off to the mountains to be a super-doctor. BROTHER. Like yes Yang, it was really cold of Sifu to not let you save your family with the talisman, and your feelings of heartbreak and betrayal are absolutely valid (I would even excuse the attempted theft of the talisman honestly, he was just trying to save them!) especially when he saw you as a son, BUT HOLY SHIT YOUR RESPONSE WAS TO BECOME A MASS-MURDERER! Yin and all those disciples didn't know anything about the talismans, you could have just killed the masters in a slightly less public way and have been basically fine! Jinfeng literally has Infinite Money Glitch: The Talisman, you guys can pay off anyone! I'm so flabbergasted at Yang I can't even express it fully. How do we come back from this bro 😭 I know Fajar actually did kill Yin and now they're besties, but Yang literally left her in a wuguan full of bodies!!!! She could've died or gone insane and Yang just allowed it! How tf was she supposed to turn away from vengeance when that's literally all you left her with! And the fact that she managed to do that anyway and you're just???? Punishing her for it in every way besides physically attacking her????
You know what? I'm gonna go fight Yang a bunch until I get an achievement or something, he deserves it!
Hehehehehehhh XDDD This was me while reading through your message lmaooo:
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That said, I think you're probably the first person I've seen who's gotten this angry at Yang (aside from a few other characters in the fic)! 😂 Game-wise, him reviving Yin in the prologue made the most sense to me out of all the other theories (not that there are a lot imo), and it also works with the implications of the post-credits scene, so I was more than ready to add it to the fic with maximum angst! XDD
Of course, this all means Yang is an even bigger douche than before 😅 There were a million other ways he could've gone about stealing the talismans without ruining Yin's life, but ah well, I had to stick to that part of canon for this fic 😂 I personally think he didn't have this mindset eight years ago; like, how much of his current thinking is actually him and how much is part of the talisman's influence? But even then, it was still a horrible move to make, especially where Yin was concerned (hence why I came up with the Dawn!AU where she lives! hehe). And his entire arc overall was one of my struggling points while writing, because how DO you come back from this? How do you have the happy ending with all the fluffy rainbow and unicorn feels?? Would a happy ending for this even be happy for Yin and Yang's relationship after all he's done to her? So that was quite interesting and tricky to work with XDD
All in all, I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter!! Though I'm sorry it got you worked up loll 😅 Hopefully beating Yang to a pulp helps! 😁 And no worries at all about the long messages; I really appreciate you taking the time to write all this!! Thanks again! 💗💗
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iamlittlelostsoul · 2 years
Call me littlelostsoul ^^
Pronouns: she/they
Rules: umm just be respectful and yeah let's get along well!! ><
if you wanna check out my other accounts go ahead im not forcing anyone ^^
Ao3 - @Iamlittlostsoul
Wattpad - @littlelostsoul
Twitter(i dont really do much here-) -@Lls_123
Instagram - @repelista_m.r
´´¯••..• 🎀 PLAYLIST 🎀 •..••¯´´
(just- dont mind my horrible naming skills ;^;)
fancy dinner and bad bitch vibess
coffee angst and fics
´´¯••..• 🎀 𝒯𝒲𝒮𝒯 𝑀𝒜𝒮𝒯𝐸𝑅𝐿𝐼𝒮𝒯 🎀 •..••¯´´
-A collection of tragic/touching/heart-warming tales of the people of Twisted Wonderland that this little soul has collected in a box. They wouldn't mind having to share and hear your opinions about it. Please do not fear me, I swear this soul ain't a bad one but they do tend to collect sad tales though...
Gender Neutral Mc/Yuu/Reader
Self-aware AU
Yan!Twst scenarios where Mc delete's the app, featurin' Azul & Malleus
Which is which 1 & 2 and mending hearts: -> (1), (2), (3)
Feeling Sickly
Mc got sick Trey and Ruggie takes care of them
Twst: Starcrossed lovers
Two lovers never meant for each other Lilia x Mc
Time loop Au
Strange messages...
A Hunter's tale
A tale of a hunter searching for love, who met a fairy in the woods
Dead!Yuu/reader/mc AU
A joyous wedding
Watching and waiting (part 2 of joyous wedding)
Their Final Waltz (request!! Riddle x reader)
Silent Messages
Flowers have many meanings and you gave Malleus ones that meant friendship, love, and...goodbye (request!! Malleus x reader)
Cursed!Yuu/reader/mc AU
Love can hurt sometimes (request!! Silver x reader)
Gender fluid Yuu/Mc/Reader
Haunting Yuu Au
The mysterious ghost of NRC
Female Mc/Yuu/Reader
Self-aware AU .02
Loneliness at it's best
Where fem!Mc is lonely and only has the twst game to comfort them.
Male Mc/Yuu/Reader
A father's Love...
Lilia adopted one more and now he has 2 little humans and God knows how much he loves them
First Love
He met her and fell for her, his heart beats aloud and it's pretty nice he loves it..no- he loves her. (Malleus x Yurika || Malleus POV)
The Lost Soul's friendly companion
Yurika's bio
Yurika and Shuuri xdd
Art corner! :D
heartslabyul mosaic
Merry xmas and happy new year (collab with @twst-b1txhes)
bby octo and his big bro blue jelly codsjcvndscjsd
Random memes-
´´¯••..• 🎀 TWST SERVER!! 🎀 •..••¯´´ You're all welcome to join!! We talk random stuff and role play too (bc were bored-) So join us we don't bite!! //>//<// <3
https://discord.gg/r6j9mfrJ (if it's not workingg pm or comment me or @twst-b1txhes
last updated: 24/27/2023
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If it's ok to ask, what do you think the other weasels' parenting styles would be? How do you think they'd respond after finding out they were dads? We have Smartass and his daughter, but what about the others?
Ooooooh, interesting!! Sorry for the late reply anon ^^ Warning, these are all them as good parents... obviously these guys would actually have their issues... but I wanted to write the fluffy things ^^ I will put one bad thing at the end.
Toon Patrol (Sans Smartass) as Parents || Blurbs + Headcanons
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When he gets told: ... *Deadpanned* Of course. Like?? The one time he actually gets someone in bed and THIS happens!! Of course. Of course! He's so done XD Fine, bring it on.
... he's actually not bad at the father thing?? Slightly overbearing, embarrassing at times, and loose-lipped about shit that a child doesn't need to hear from their father- but he knows them, he's reasonable enough to take care of a child, and he never intimidates them. To his kid/s, Greasy Weasel is actually a doofus XD (As they grow older they do learn how scary he can also be... that is never aimed at them though).
He can tell if there is something up with them immediately. It is his sixth sense. When they were infants he somehow new seconds before they started crying, when they were children he could tell from so far away he couldn't even see their facial expressions if they were unhappy coming out of school, and when they were teenagers this talent of his was the bane of their existence XDD
He is OVERJOYED to have a child (or more) around that he can teach Spanish too!! He loves loves loves chatting to them in the language. Makes him feel so at home and comforted ^^ He loves them even more for bringing that back to him ^^
(As they get into their teenage years he and his kid do it around the other toon patrol members and make it seem like they're talking about THEM- drives Smartass insane.)
Accidentally teaches them curse words in both languages when they're really little XD
One Bad Thing: Deeeeefinetly attempted to use them to pick up chicks. Didnt work, obviously, but he did try. The other weasels surprise adopted his kid from him a couple of times when they could see it in his eyes.
When he gets told: Psycho did not see this coming. It does not compute. You say 'We're having a baby', and he's like '??? for lunch ???' Goodluck to you explaining that he is going to be a father. He partly doesnt wanna hear it and partly is shook.
@marinerainbow and I have of course talked about this XDD Basically Psycho would be the dad at the kids sporting events who is not really paying attention to the sport, instead harassing the poor snack vendor- but if his child were to get hurt?? If they bleed??? He'll be there in half a second. He can smell it XD
So, yeah. Fiercely protective, in an animalistic way. He hisses and immediately takes his baby away from someone if he doesn't like how they were holding them, he whines when they cry, etc.
Another animalistic-type thing he does with them is he nudges them with his nose when they learn to walk (And will continue to do this as they grow older. Like, its their first day at school? Nose nudge to get them through the gate. They get dinner? Nose nudge to tell them to take what they need first. Theirs a danger? Nose nudge to tell them to go.).
Likes to stare into their eyes as infants as a way to bond with them. Some men hold the babies to their bare skin- Psycho stares into their souls. Its a little characteristic, weird thing that becomes a comfort for the kid/s because its a Dad Thing.
Also watches them sleep. Will continue to do this no matter how old they are. He just loves it, seeing them breath- like good. They're alive. I love this one so much.
One Bad Thing: Psycho is very close with his kids (I mean who is gonna try and get in between this maniac and his bubbas?? not me!) and creates separation anxiety issues in them.
When he gets told: Ohhhh boy, you're gonna see Stupid really step up (Once he gets it) XD He recognises he's not the sharpest bloke on the block, its his name for a reason. So y'all are gonna have to read books, now. And go to classes. He will ask a gazillion questions until he fully understands how to care for his child- he'll even approach mothers he sees on the street with their babies and asks them what they're doing XD This will be painful for you, but at least he's taking this seriously.
This child... is not going to be touch starved. That is for sure. He loves cuddling them- having them in his lap with his hand on their lil belly so they don't fall, laying them on the mattress next to him for naps, walking around with them sleeping with their lil adorable smush face on his shoulder, etc. And don't worry, he will never drop them. Ever. He is on top of it.
As they grow older he still wants to cuddle them but it of course becomes less common ^^ Big bear hugs when they get out of school/come back from a sleepover or camp are still definitely a thing though! And they know his shoulder is always there if they need to cry.
Definitely plays games with them and puts all their artwork on the fridge. Will take stuff down or cover stuff up to make room, too. Like, Smartass are you still using this schedule??... you are?... alright well you can still see it if you lift up this lil handprint up. Isn't it cute boss??
Yeah, so Stupid may not be the smartest, more responsible father (He tries, but its not in his nature)... but he genuinely likes them, he wants them, and he will always be there if they need him. Always. Always, always, always.
He really shines as a parent when they're young but when they're older and going through an asshole phase, he will still love them blindly ^^ Always call them Little Bean.
One Bad Thing: ... Its possible he may... asphyxiate them in his arms. But they're toons so... uh 😅😅😅 They'll be fine?
When he gets told: *Immediately starts smoking harder* Wheezy understands fully the actual weight involved with having a child. The responsibilities- not just keeping them alive and putting them in good schools, but making sure they turn out to be good people who are well adjusted and happy ^^ And he is TERRIFIED he will fuck them up.
Seems like a very chill father but lays awake at night wandering to himself if little things he did that day were the right thing... This makes him also very easy to bond with if you're taking care of the kid at any time in their younger years (Like if you're working at a childcare centre he takes them to, you babysit, you're their primary school teacher, or whatever) because you just tell him he's doing a good job and the kid is so happy ^^ He'll be so relieved and he'll ask questions and then, boom. You have a gang member in your corner.
He's chill... but not like, in a way that's damaging to the kid. If they hurt another child he will have them apologise (y'aint turning out like smartass. now go say you're sorry you punched the kid), if they want to go somewhere dangerous at night he's just gonna be like 'nope. you're gonna stay home and watch the bachelor with me' or 'fine... but you gotta take stupid with you', if they want to go to a sleepover when he's grounded them he has no qualms with calling the other parents 'nah dont count on (kids name) coming they're spendin the night playing monopoly with me. yeah. their idea actually. yep.'. etc.
Calls them kiddo, rugrat, hon, cutie, his itty bitty weasel, etc.
Ruffles their hair ^^
Told them bed time stories when they were a kid without a book, so they were mostly made up. Some of them are still running jokes between them.
One Bad Thing: ... well. You know. He does not set the best example with his addiction.
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
Hii! first-time question here. Just wanna say you're really talented with your art and the AUs you've made with IM (the cyberpunk is super cool)
I have a question regarding the LN au, do you already have a bit of a plot set up for the verse? Like with Bendy and Cup's story before and after they met?
First, ALKSJFNALKEFJNOLAIWSJD! Thank you so much! It really really means the world to me!
Second, to answer your question, I don’t really have too much set up in terms of a plot line. Maybe eventually down the road I might come up with a little adventure thing, I’m not sure! But as of now I’ve mostly designed Cup and Bendy’s relationship and what might or might not change with the events already in LN 1 and 2! But I guess I can give you little crumbs for their backstory! It’s not gonna be a whole lot tho! Can’t reveal too much too early! ;D
Cup, or Mono, doesn’t really remember his past. For whatever reason the furthest he can remember is entering the forest we see in the beginning of LN2. He maybe has very vague memories from his past. He thinks there was someone that was really important to him but he doesn’t know how or why or who that is. This person is just really important. He had been wandering around the forest before he found Six. He realized that Six reminds him of this person and essentially adopted him right then and there! XDD
Now Bendy, or Six, we don’t know a whole lot about. We know he’s an orphan and that he had a brother named Boris and that he’s had to live on his own for a while. But we don’t know what happened to his brother. Bendy/Six doesn’t like to talk about it. Six was really skeptical of Mono but eventually as they help each other throughout a lot of hard times he starts to really trust him.
That’s all I’ll give you for now! Thanks so much for the questions!!! ❤️
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I was hoping for one of those
AWWWWW them riding the carousel together :'DDD
Yeahh I bet this is for a dedication like a wing or something :'))
Wait is this in the future or now Lim xdd
Either way that's amazing :'DD
I'm so happy for you honey 😭😭😭
I'm glad he's okay, and I'm so happy for them :'))
Is this slightly in the future or way in the future and this is another kid xdd
Okay so that's probably Eden lol
Congrats my lovelies 😭😭😭🥺❤️❤️🥰 love you honeys ::))
Now where's Jerome y'all
Where's Jerome
AYYY aww that's amazing I'm so happy for you Dom :'DDD
She's so pretty 🥰🥰
Aww look at her leading :')) I bet she is a great surgeon <33 like she knew she could be :'D
Oop? Going to that talk thing I bet?
Yeah I think so :'D
Oop stoping in Claire :'o :'DD
I was like we better see her x'D
Yeah, him and Dr. Glassman <33
My babies :')))
Aww y'all :')
Yeah, all your saves count as his as well <33
And that's a lot of saves 😭 :') xdd
Where's Jerome guys xdd. . .
Or Andrews too xd 😭
Aww yeah those are all good things :'))
AUAGH a quote book 😭😭🥺❤️
He really was so wise :'DD
AAHHHH that's a bit of Jerome I see :'DD
Hi Jerome 🥰🥰!!
To late into the episode for that 😭 like rude xdd
AWWW back to the beginning again 😭🥺 :'))
Lol yeah hit the table x'D
That is how you show it :')) of course x'D :'D
Is he gonna hit the desk xD :'D
Who's that man sitting next to you Jerome
. . . better just be some random guy
XD I'm fiiiine guys (I am not at all fine in any way shape or form about anything)
AUGHHHH y'all I'm gonna lose it 😭😭😭❤️❤️
This talk is so good y'all :')))
Idek what you're talking about that's just some guy 😤😤😤
Okay without me being bitter for a second xdd: Jeromeee I'm so happy he's happy :'DD I'm just so glad he's doing okay 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰 <333
Anyway back to my life pretending Asher's fine and just out of frame 😌😌😌🥰
Ayy Dalisay and Hawke :'DD!!! Or is it Fawkes. . I don't remember sorry girl xdd anyway Nice to see them :')) 🥰🥰🥰
:'D I'm glad they're doing okay <333
LOL the don't be an a xD
Lol love that xDD
Awww :'))
YEEEEAHHHHH WHOOOOO :'DDD 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
I genuinely clapped in real life :'D
Awww y'all I'm so happy for you <3
And that's an amazing program 😭😭❤️, in a bunch of places :'))) ❤️🥰
Y'ALLLLL I'M SO NOT OKAY 😭😭😭🥰❤️❤️❤️🥺❤️
That beard on Kalu is wild xD looks good though eat it up sir slfkfjsdk
I know I usually call him Jared just had to call him Kalu one last time xD
But yeah Jared is slaying :'))
SDLFKFJSKHGS "And now I have two TVs." STOPPPPP THAT'S AMAZING :'DDD 😭😭😭😭🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥰
Look at them :')))
I'm so proud of them, and of all of them <333
They're happy :'))
And that's it 😭🥺❤️💔🥰 :'))
I hadn't really processed that it was and then my dad walked in from the next room and was like "That was his last line of the show?" and I was like "YUP SLFJHDKS" LOL stop that's hilarious xD amazing, iconic <333
I love him so much :')))
Also go off on having two TVs Shaun 😌😌
I love them all so much <3333
Well, that's it
This is the last episode
That was. . .
The end of The Good Doctor
. . . wow
It was absolutely amazing <333
I loved it :')
I love you all so much <333 ❤️
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crownshattered · 11 months
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|| MMMMMMMM some random scrambled thoughts about a possible genshin Isfrid?? Everything is subject to change, especially since there's so little we know about full dragons in this game XDD If any of this info contradicts something we know in canon, PLEASE let me know!! it is so hard to keep up with all the genshin lore omg…
Ice elemental dragon~ But he’s like…..young. He's a young adult dragon, not fully mature by any means but not a child either. Just past his teenage years. Think early twenties in dragon years (like 21/22)
Isfrid is JUST an elemental dragon. He isn't like Neuvillette. He's more like Dvalin, just much younger. He has no ties to the Seven Sovereigns. He's just a dragon.
Over 500 years ago, he was Lyudmila's pet/familiar. She raised him since he was a tiny little hatchling vishap until he was the age he appears to be now. However, when the cataclysm came, she froze over her nation in anguish--and she froze her familiar as well. Isfrid was frozen in ice for five hundred years, and during that time lost all of his memories of his past. He didn't age at all during that time, so he's actually well over 500 years although he doesn't seem that old.
He was found by a human in Snezhnaya. Isfrid didn't any recollection of his past, so the human man's face was his first memory that he can recall. He changed his form to look like a human as well to mimic the man. That human then took him to his village and gave him the name Isfrid. The man--who was the patriarch of village--and his wife raised Isfrid, although he was technically an adult in dragon years. The village raised him like a human, so all he really knows is humanity and not dragons.
However, one day, Isfrid learned that his adoptive father was killed while out in the village. He was the only family Isfrid had ever known, and the knowledge of his death broke the poor dragon's heart. Much like the Archon, Isfrid's anguish overwhelmed him to the point where he couldn't control his ice. He turned the whole village to ice, even freezing all the villagers in the process. In a single day, he lost everything. So, he ran away.
He fled and hid amongst the blizzards of Snezhnaya. Wherever he went, he made the blizzards worse. I need to determine what he did during the time of his village's destruction to the current timeline, so I will update this post when I come up with that. Now, he’s left wandering Teyvat, trying to hide his identity as an ice dragon as well as control his powers (debating on whether or not he should live on Dragonspine now, but idk we’ll see XDD)
Isfrid tries to make himself seem human because he hates his 'dragon' side. So, he’s pretty much always walking around in a human form. He wears gloves to help control his ice, but if the leylines are too strong or he’s too emotional, they don’t help him at all.
He understands humanity better than Neuvillette since he was essentially raised by humans. However, he tries his best to isolate himself from others because he’s afraid of hurting them. (which is why I’m debating having him live in mondstadt bc Alanna wouldn’t leave him alone XDD)
Ummmm….more tba?? idk guys, i just want to write my little ice guy, he needs friends XDD
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
 cTag drop just a few uwu
Raph and Don : [ you think first I hit first - aflockoffeathers]
at first just a stand in but i ended up liking it cause these two are very similar its just they go different way to handle an issue. Also I just love the fact this can be swapped cause sometimes in pinches you see them switch thier usual tactic uwu
Mikey and Don : [ the brains of this operation - aflcokoffeathers]
A relationship between two younger siblings can be something so personal ;3; also it’s cute how these two are together Mikey deff just looks out for Donnie in his own way and Dons one of the few who at times takes mikey a bit more serious compered to the others.Donnie is the smart one and know for what he can do Mikey though thinks more creatively and often I feel that can feed into don’s work because Mikey suggest stuff and Don tends to take it and improve on it. Rise!Don and Don [ I thought purple was my thing? - aflockoffeathers] Okay I took that from the mind meld episode but still it works well here cause my donnie will have such an ego bruising  over another donatello at first XD Usagi and Don [ genius dose not equal crazy - aflockoffeathers] Look I know Donnie was hell bent that Usagi clearly hurt Leo in the battle nexus and i’m never gonna get over it XD but once they fought together you can see these two really bonded and just Donnie was so happy to see usagi in samurai tourist ;3; Usagi deff treats Donnie like a brother and just think of the differences usagi’s curiosity fueling Donnie need to explain and Donnie’s patience with someone who would general be interested in his ramblings not to mention usagi would be good at helping don not to got to out there on his ideas spinter and Don [ purple is always the funny one - aflockoffeathers] likey just adopted don on the spot when meeting him hes deff different from Dons spinter thats for sure but I think his father inscit kicks hard when seeing how stressed out this donnie looks. Usagi and Bishop [ madder than the march hare - aflockoffethers] yes I did go for an Alice in wonder land refrence here uwu and im pretty proud of this one I wont lie XDD Forthehonorandthegolry: Piccolo and Gohan [ I got a finger on a heartbeat connection - forthehonorandtheglory] Mostly cause how often he has gotten killed protecting gohan alone and it hits me hard to thinka bout okay! and ya know the whole mentor and mentee realtionship between them just ;3; Freiza and furture gohan [ chain my heart - forthehonorandthegolry] Considering the whole working under him and being his pawn I feel this is pretty stright forward in truth uwu Future trunks and futrue goten [ some place only we know - forthehonorandthegolry] I have many emotions on our boys even more so for the future verse ;3;
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itsmaferart · 2 years
Spy x Family Chap 66 ··· Relapses
······ This contains spoilers for the manga ········
The latest chapter of Spy x Family has obviously left us all stunned, excited and scared. Giving us moments, fun, full of tension and above all intriguing. And there are so many topics to cover after this chapter that I just can't put all my opinions in several posts.
Dichotomy between comedy and drama
Something remarkable in this chapter is how we can see the handling of Endo's narrative. As fans, we always talk about SxF as a comedy of everyday life where we enjoy the adventures of a spy, an assassin and a telepath, trying to preserve world peace through a fake family.
But I think sometimes we forget that within a story, there are two perspectives: The reader's view (us the viewers) and the character's view (within their own universe). In the middle of both, we have the author (Endo) who decides how much information he wants us readers to have.
Why am I explaining this?
Because, while many times SxF gives us hilarious and iconic moments for the fandom, the characters are experiencing a real drama and conflict. It is a way in which Endo shows us a warlike, political, ideological conflict, through three characters that form a family. Although for us the exaggerated expressions, the clumsy and silly actions, and the far-fetched conclusions are fun. They are ways in which each character expresses their genuine concern about something.
For us it's a joke, but for the characters everything that happens is real.
This is perfectly exposed in this last chapter (until now). Although, Endo gives us soft, funny chapters, whose only objective is to produce tenderness and laughter. There are chapters like these that give us tension and suspense
Interestingly, this manga chapter does not need action, fights or epic moments. It is sustained by the tension, the heavy atmosphere and the suspicion that each character generates in us. Every thing that Endo proposes in this chapter is interesting and leaves us with a bitter taste in our mouths.
When I speak of "relapse" I mean the way the Forgers, despite evolving as a family and as characters, are still prey to their own fears and insecurities. And this has a root: "the secrets between them"
A relapse is defined as a return to typical thought and behavior patterns that were thought to be outdated
Each Forger believes to be "the only one aware" and is blind to the other realities.
Let's talk a little about Anya...
I love Anya's panels in this chapter: the tense atmosphere, a declaration of battle by befriending the enemy, and an epic attack move! All worthy of a Shonen of epic battles xDD
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She is surpassing her fighting level!!
But aside from the comic relief that Anya gives us to relax: It is clear that Anya exposes her fear of being abandoned. Anya has never had a real family, she has been an experiment, she ran away, to be adopted by many families from which in the end she had to flee. Anya has expressed many times her fear of being considered a "freak" due to her telepathic condition. However, the Forger family has been the complete opposite for her. At last he found a home with parents who give her their attention, love, support and care. We have all witnessed how Twilight has harmed the mission for Anya's well-being, he has risked to save her, supported her and loved her despite the fact that she barely manages to stay on the mission.
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And yet she is confused by his father's feelings.
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When we remember chapter 37, when Desmond first appears, she somehow admits "not knowing if her father really loves her or not". Anya associates that Twilight's love is conditional on the mission being successful, and hopes that if she makes "peace", Twilight will want to stay with her. On the other hand, she has her relationship with Yor, her mom. We all know that Yor is willing to kill (literally) anyone who tries to harm her daughter. Anya has confessed to her father that "no matter what happens, her mom will save her, because she is very, very strong." Anya worries about her mom's feelings and safety, even though she sometimes makes honest comments. He misses her, when she is very absent… and she always wants to have fun with her
And it is here that we see Anya's "relapse" into her own patterns.
Although her parents clearly love her, she still feels like a disposable item. Because she knows that this family exists for the mission, and she feels that if she is no longer the key element for success, twilight will forget about her and abandon her. Feeling the need to compete for her own mother in a fictional battle, completely forgetting that Yor did all of this by "accident" and that her mother genuinely loves her.
….Passing Yor…
The problem Yor is dealing with is her inherent self-doubt. This causes Yor to blindly trust other people and limits her actions to the consent of others. Yor does not trust her judgment, nor her criteria, and her complete lack of interest in politics and ideological positions makes her vulnerable and susceptible. She depends a lot on Tendero, to define what she can or cannot do, or who she can or cannot be with when it comes to important civilians.
But… Is Shopkeeper really trustworthy?
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I am very concerned about the way the shopkeeper expressed himself in this chapter. To begin with, he acted "suspiciously" relaxed at the mention of Melinda, but a second later he gave Yor a suspicious look. I don't know how to interpret that phrase or that look:
It seems that Shopkeeper sees the Desmonds as a match on his opposing side. And although there is no absolute clarity about the role that Garden plays in the underworld (I think they are an elite soldier who preserves the order and the imposed rules), the way in which he points out with contemptuous subtlety "that they are a conservative party". …and then, he declares to Yor that he is not sure if he will be able to take action for her later "by not recommending it". It seems that between the lines he said "You can do it, but at your own risk"… So… Yor is an expendable element? Although she is the best assassin in terms of strength, technique and power, if she makes a mistake, Garden will not hesitate to turn her back on her… or perhaps, is this a test to measure her loyalty and cunning? He has already shown mistrust in Yor and his relationship with the family… so I wouldn't be surprised
The second and the most worrying. The interest in Loid Forger and how Yor infers that "Loid found Desmond likable." For the Shopkeeper, Loid went from being a "mere cover for Yor" to a person… suspicious. I was struck by the theory that Garden possibly sends other assassins to watch the family. I don't think he sent Yor. She is clearly not very adept at making observations, or surveillance, besides being obviously "affectionate" with the family…. I wouldn't be surprised if Shopkeeper starts making decisions without considering Yor, and then orders him to take action if he really finds it. "something".
Also, we have another crack. And it is the distrust that Twilight has with Yor. Unlike the spy, Yor has absolute confidence in Loid, to the point of "asking her permission" to know whether or not she can be friends "with Melinda". She never suspects him. Yor sees Loid as motivation, encouragement and support. And although for me, it is a clear certainty that Yor is in love with Loid, Twilight is still not "in the same place" as her.
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Importantly, Yor doesn't seem sure she's friends with Melinda. Despite Loid's approval, and his words of support. She clearly looks worried… as if… "something isn't right" in all of this. She may not be very rational, but her survival instincts are sharp, and after those "inexplicable" shady looks from Melinda, Yor seems to be wary of them.
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I want to hug her!!
However, Yor's relapse is in her insecurities. She is so distrustful of herself that she gives her judgment to others, and this very "dependency" makes her naive. I'm worried that both Shopkeeper and Twilight get so wrapped up in this battle that she ends up in the middle as "cannon fodder." Since they are the two people where she has deposited her love and trust… and discovering that everything is a lie or that the organization that raised her can betray her or attack her can affect her a lot.
…. And lastly we have Twilight
I already expressed myself about Twilight… So I'll be briefer with him xD
Twilight's relapse is the obvious one. In contrast to Yor, Twilight's mistrust lies with the people around her. And it is totally understandable, possibly he has always distrusted all his partners (because of the missions), because he simply does not want to accept the unconditional, nor the faith in people.
He programmed his brain to survive, and that makes him distrust everyone. His desire to "control everything around him" makes the least unforeseen variable make him think of the worst scenario… transferring these negative ideas in Yoru
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Be careful… don't go from being a "cool liar" to a "stupid liar" in a second >_>
I know that deep in his heart he loves Yor, cares about her and has learned to trust her. But when the Strix mission gets involved, Twilight takes several steps back and falls back into her habits. I'm sure if Melinda puts Yor at risk, he'll jump to protect her. But I'm worried for shopkeeper… If Garden's killers accidentally reveal that they're after him, investigating; or worse, to give the slightest suspicion of having a relationship with Yor… his progress can collapse and be trapped by mistrust… I really hope that Twilight is the last, or at least, that the reveal of identities occurs simultaneously . Since I know that out of the three of them, he is the one who refuses to trust his family the most.
Twilight may be acting cold and controlling right now. But I know that his self-control has a limit point. At previous times Anya was the one who was in direct line with the enemy fringe, being her the main vehicle of the mission, with the entrance to the Eden school, her grades in the exams to be an imperial academic and her failed friendship with Damian. But now, Yor went from being a third party, to being part of this direct line establishing direct contact with a target and obtaining an apparent "good impression"
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Just as Twilight was a second away from exploding, and hitting that professor's face before Anya's tears, completely damaging the Strix mission. I have absolute faith and expectations, that in the future he could have a similar moment towards Yor. He is not that unalterable man. Given the minimal bad comments that have been made towards Yor (by the professor and Fiona), Twilight's expressions and body language radically change. And now that his fake wife became plan C. I think it's very possible that he could end up losing control for Yor's safety
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Please Endo, hear our pleas!!
I know Twilight has come a long way… but he still has a lot of work to do. Confidence for him is a synonym of "vulnerability". And this makes him not see how important he is to Anya and Yor, he represents a pillar for them, and has been responsible for their happiness. The way he takes care of both of them, he has shown his understanding and affection for them through Loid… for them it is "very real". And both his false daughter and his false wife are willing to do anything for him…
…But he's still not ready to give up that side of himself… And he's clearly reluctant to "love."...
Note: I love Twilight very much and wish his happiness. But when he hints at things like "I don't trust Yor" or… "Ehh, Franky's not my friend, it's just work"… I really, really wish he gets a second kick from Yor and ends up with his face swollen. for a week!!!
My "positive" conclusion
Putting all this drama aside. I'm sure this is all a necessary process… Although, I don't think this will happen immediately, and it's obvious that Endo will find a way to make each event have a funny and unexpected twist. This does not imply that there is no conflict that challenges the Forgers as people and as a family (The concerns of each one are genuine
I have faith that each challenge, battle, and sentimental drama will lead The Forgers to discover their feelings, and understand the difference between "what is true and what is a lie".
If the Forger family dissolves, or one member of their family separates from the others (temporarily), or stays together but with a lot of tension in between…. This process of "chaos" is necessary.
I feel that a genuine cause of this distrust is the lies that each one carries. The three of them feel alone, and suffocated by their own secrets, and this sometimes makes them forget that what they have built is not just an appearance. No matter how much they tries to run away, or try to cover up their lies with little patches, it will eventually catch up with them and if it can blow up in their faces (especially Twilight)… Their feelings are involved and the three of them care.
The truth may be painful, but it's also the only way to build a solid foundation.
In a few words… if the current Forgers decline, it will be so that one day they will be rebuilt… in something much stronger, more solid and more authentic.
This chapter is so overwhelming
What do you think?
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Imagine the Coven Heads knowing about the Collector (who plays pranks on them btw) and they are never safe from him which makes them all on edge and have them vent to each other by backstabbing so they don't murder the Collector (Belos will have their heads), so like the Collector likes to mess with Adrian and Darius the most and frequently teams up with Eberwolf to prank them. Later Adrian and Darius adopts the Collector, and they are strict parents with him cause he needs it (also lil revenge)
Lil bratty cosmic entity who you can't even do anything about XD
Good thing Eber vibes with them! This makes them not their first target for pranks but also partner in crime! In a way this assures they won't go over board on Darius and others who they pick XD
"Now you will listen to us and we will make you a better person!" XDD The worst threat ever XD
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convxction · 2 years
What drew you to Chrom originally?
For munday send in a question in for the mun to answer. On or off anon. | accepting | @pieman1112
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to answer truthfully or not
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ok ok. my first time writing chrom was ... *opens old multi muse blog* 8 years ago... March 13, 2014. at that time i did not have a 3ds so i didnt play awakening but for some reason i just liked chrom and gaius without playing the game. i looked at them and i was like yep these two looks fun to write them. tbh i had a mutual who had a custom avatar and i think (not sure i cant tell because old blog and weird tags and dumblr not showing everything) i added gaius first ? then chrom the next day maybe. knowing my like for thieves it was obvious to add gaius at some point even without playing the game. i did the thing i dont like in rp XDD adding muses you are not that familiar with and fuck with their character because ehe~ but let me defend myself. i tried my best to not go ‘ehe’ mode. looking at some posts they are not that far from ic tbh not like.. bragging or anything ;sweat; but y-yeah. dont look at my grammar and typo mistakes please. ahaha;;;;; 
but yeah i believe i read the wiki page from chrom and was i like mhm interesting. will he dethrone ephraim tho????? shhh. i liked his characteristics of being honest, straightforward and looking after his friends (i am as you know weak to nakama.) it is funny that i knew lucina was marth already but it didnt affect the experience to me when i played it because lucina is good. fight me. she was written mwah. chef kiss. now i hope for more actually chapters for lucina alone, her POV when she came to the world and the two year time skip and all but eh. we can do that with writing XD
anyway what am i writing sheesh i got distracted. 
ok so i stopped using my old blog and moved to single blogs and chrom was abandoned with other muses lol. UNTIL WARS AND ARPH CAME AND BEING THE SIN FRIENDS THEY ARE I MADE CHROM BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
exhibit A
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listen. they talked me into this (wars you cannot sue me. i have the naga and the crystal by my side.) ok i got influenced so easily lmao so i made chrom blog solely to write RIsen King Chrom with Arph’s Henry and bother Wars on whatever blog she was on lmao. Just pure angst threads and i didnt expect anyone would find my chrom and write with me or anything but uh...here we are, in a new blog when i noticed that ‘hey ...um people actually...might....like...like like my chrom??? wow. not just shenanigans and dumb posts??? wow ..wild.’ so yeah i had to move to a new blog--here!!! and start actually serious ...pfft...s-serious....pf...AAAAAAAAHAHAH SERIOUS PLOTTING MWAHAHAABAABABABABAHAHAHABGAGAGA!!! ok but compared to my old blog yeah this is serious....ish pfft.
so yeah thats the story of me and this dumb blue lord. thank you for coming to my ted talk. it probably did not answer your question but heck i dont know. i found him, i adopted him, and that’s the story. (whisper i found he was voiced by tomokazu sugita and he was a keeper forever. i didnt know mat merc but i knew sugita-san and i love him so much so duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. gotta love me sugita muses)
 ahem. short answer: that stupid himbo smile+opening scene +cool hair+sick moves+tomokazu sugita. mhm.  one think i must add because shay pointed it: dark haired swordsman with sibling issues is my muse type apparently. which i dont believe so. i dont have that type nope. nooope.
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mgarmagedon · 2 years
I can’t help but find comedy in how your blog went from wow! Cool humanformers designs to ‘strongarm is a chad at drinking and her loser boyfriend loved torturing their retired adopted dad who has a weird horny frienemy relationship with this pansexual British dude (who is actually a sad babygirl who literally and figuratively lost his little meow meow sister) who takes the lead in a drag race by pole dancing and uses his angsty backstory as an torture method and dirty talk and has a whatever-you-can-call-their-relationship mob boss who low-key likes said dirty talk’. Basically two households that overlap and are so chaotic we best hope ghosts don’t exist for the sake of Sharpie not seeing the hot mess of their lives since arriving on earth (maybe she supports Steely while closing her eyes to avoid being traumatised during the pole dance in rupal’s, who knows).
I don’t know how you imagined things would go, but your blog is a joy to see either way!
Dude I literally don't even expect, that all of this will turn this way XDDD I thought I would draw and write some weird and wholesome stories about my fav characters like red tampon (Sideswipe). I really love how it's going, because we have a lot of fun here (or at least that's the impression I get). I mean I won't stop publish normal content like angsty or sad comics (for example, I'm thinking about making one where Bee will talk with OP ghost!) orrrr normal art like my last Optirach art! After all that's my otp... But even so, I love that we're having so much fun here and I'll want to have even more in the future and I will be glad, if you, anons, will ask questions or suggesting things, etc.
And ghost exist, for example OP XDD... soo Sharpie saw many things!
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