#something something understanding and snark and protection
the-bi-space-ace · 5 months
There’s gotta be a correlation between Echo fans and thinking Echo and Crosshair would be close. So many of us that adore Echo also love Crosshair and think they’d be friends.
What, in our deep unending love for Echo, made a lot of us look at Crosshair and go:
…Yeah they’re best friends actually.
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peachesofteal · 2 months
ghoap x reader / 18+ mdni / dark themes / masterlist
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You wake to the sound of drapes swishing open.
Up on your elbows, you blink furtively. The room, your room, is plucked from the darkness, the long emerald colored tapestries pulled to the side to reveal sunlight.
There’s a woman in your room. Not much older than you, tying them back before turning to face you with a nervous smile. “Good morning.”
“Good… morning?” Who is she? What is she doing here?
“I’m Ana. I’ve brought your breakfast.” There’s a tray on the table, across the room. You can see steam rising from where you’re sitting up, half swallowed in a sea of blankets and pillows.
“Ana…” you say her name slowly, rolling it around in your mouth and then glance at the door. “Thank you for the breakfast but… I actually need to get home.” Her brow puckers.
“I’m sorry but… I'm only here to bring you breakfast” What? “You’re to eat,” she hesitates, “and stay here.” Your muscles still hold the memory of running, tromping through the woods in a panic, shaky steps too clumsy to carry you far enough away. How long ago was that? A day? Days?
“Please. You have to help me.” You fold over the edge of the bed, feet on the floor, reaching for her, but she jerks away.
“I’m sorry.” She repeats again. You eye the door. “I wouldn’t. The door locks automatically from the outside, and requires a key code.” Panic grips your throat. You’re trapped, you’re really trapped, they’re kidnapping you, it’s real, this-
“I have to get out of here.”
“You should eat,” she whispers, eyes wide and sweet like a puppy’s.
“I can’t. I’m too preoccupied with the fact I’ve been kidnapped.” You snark, and her mouth tightens.
“From what I understand, which is not much admittedly, is you’re being kept here for your own protection.” She backs away, carefully, watching where you sit on the edge of the bed, stricken. Your heart is sinking in your chest, down through your stomach and to the floor, squeezing in on itself so tight it may turn to pulp.
“Please, you can help me. You got in here, right? So you know the key code, you can-“ The door swings open. An unfamiliar man stands on the threshold, gun on his hip, charcoal black henley accentuating his arms.
“Ana.” He rumbles, and without another word or a look back, she scurries towards the door.
“Sorry Mr. Keller.” She squeaks, and he smiles at her, kindly. It confuses you.
“It’s alright. Go see if Mags needs anything.” He glances your direction, and then before you can protest, swings the door closed. The handle whirs until there’s a satisfying click of a lock.
All is silent.
Another tray is delivered midday, and then as the sun starts to set, a third.
You leave them untouched.
It’s not really a hunger strike, more so lack of appetite. A week ago, you would have murdered someone for this kind of food, quality, hot, heaping portions. Overstuffed sandwich with chips, roasted chicken pie with gravy and perfectly cooked vegetables. It should make your mouth water, but it only succeeds in turning your stomach.
Your face stays buried in a pillow for hours. Hiding under the blankets like a child, you cry until there’s nothing left, agony shredding your soul, lowering you down into a dark well filled with hopelessness.
Kidnapped. You’ve been kidnapped.
Or, well. Woman-napped. You guess.
Ana arrives an hour after the dinner tray is dropped off, and you hear her huff as she takes into the full plate.
You ignore her.
“Miss, I really think Mr. Riley and MacTavish would be happier if you tried to eat something.” Happier? They'd be happier? You press your tongue to the roof of your mouth to keep yourself from snapping at her. It's not her fault, you think.
“‘m not hungry, thanks though.” You’re curled up in the fetal position, faced away from her, and she sighs.
The door clicks closed. You’re alone with dusk, and it drags you down with the horizon, eyes slipping closed as the last orange light flickers over the trees.
The light at your bedside clicks on in the middle of the night. You wake slowly to it, forgetting again where you are, what's happened, flanked by two shadows, full conscious coming with the reminder that you're trapped in this room.
When you finally get your bearings, you realize the two shadows are your captors, barely illuminated by the pale orange lamp.
"Ye didnae eat anything all day." Johnny murmurs from his spot on the bed, by your hip.
“I want to go home.” Your pillow is tucked to your chest, a stuffed barrier between you and them, the only line you can draw however flimsy.
“Ye cannae doe, we’ve discussed this.”
“Please.” Your voice cracks on the tears trailing down your cheeks, and you sniffle. “Please. I won’t tell anyone.” He shakes his head.
“How about we get you something to eat?” Simon’s voice is more gentle in the dark it seems, cotton corners wrapping the beginning and end of each word, lilting upward with his question.
Reality slowly webs at the corners of your vision. You’re not getting out of here. You’re their prisoner until they say otherwise.
You’re fucked.
The despondency swells into a lump in the back of your throat. “I’m… I’m scared of you, I’m scared period. I want to GO HOME.”
“We know.”
“There’s ice cream in the kitchen.” You can hear Simon’s smirk in the dark, and he sighs. “You’re not going home, doe. At least not right now. So you can sit here and suffer, and be hungry, or you can have a little snack before we put you back in bed.” Johnny’s- you think, hand pats your thigh.
Your resolve crumbles, falls apart long enough that you allow yourself to consider something to eat, something sweet, even. “Fine.” You huff. “But this isn’t over. You can’t just keep me here. I will fight, I will run.” Simon laughs.
“Run all you want, but you’ll still end up back here.”
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sideblogofthcentury · 2 years
Steve was flipping through a magazine on Eddie’s bed when the thought came to him.
He looked over at Eddie where he was sitting cross-legged on the floor playing around on his guitar. He’d been working out some part of a song while Steve half-listened. He said Steve “helped him think,” whatever that meant.
Steve had realized he didn’t know Eddie’s name. Or at least, what it was short for. He’d become quite close with the older boy since the spring, since he carried his lifeless body out of the upside down, since El closed the gate and burned Vecna and the entire second world to the ground.
Steve didn’t quite understand how he felt about Eddie yet. He knew he really liked him, felt drawn to him, enjoyed his presence, his personality, his appearance.
Okay so maybe Steve knew more than he was willing to admit to himself.
Eddie’s guitar made an unsatisfactory noise and Eddie shook his head, rubbed his forehead in frustration, and looked up at Steve. He smirked when he saw Steve already looking back, and raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
Steve rolled his eyes, letting the snark roll off his back. “Yeah, actually. I’ve been wondering something.”
Eddie raised both eyebrows this time. “Oh? I never pegged you as the curious type.”
“Alright, keep the sass to yourself, Munson.”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed, his curls falling behind his shoulders to expose his long neck.
Focus, Steve.
“What’s Eddie short for?”
Eddie’s light smile turned into a wolfish grin. “Trying to fill out the marriage license?”
Steve groaned and threw the magazine at Eddie, hitting him on the knee.
“Whoa whoa Steve, watch the baby.”
“See you’re clearly already married to that stupid guitar.”
Eddie gasped theatrically, folding himself around the guitar as if to protect it from harm. “He doesn’t mean that dear, you’re a very smart guitar.”
Eddie almost fell backwards with laughter. Steve couldn’t help but giggle a bit himself, charmed by Eddie being so proud of his own joke.
“You avoided the question.”
Eddie chuckled, resting his forearms on the guitar. “Clever boy.”
Steve would be lying if he said his breath didn’t catch, if his heartbeat didn’t quicken, his entire body didn’t feel a bit warmer.
Yes, Steve would continue lying for today.
He shook his head. “Eddie. Just tell me. Is it embarrassing?”
Eddie smiled up at Steve, revealing nothing. “Absolutely not.”
“Then why won’t you tell me?”
“Now where is the mystery in that?”
Steve groaned again and fell back on the bed. “You’re so difficult. You know that?”
Eddie threw the magazine back at Steve. “I’ve been told a few times.”
Movie night at Steve’s, waiting for Robin to return with her popcorn:
Eddie let out a sharp laugh. “No.”
Family Video, rewinding tapes while Eddie sewed a W.A.S.P. patch onto his new, non-blood-stained battle vest:
Eddie recoiled. “What? Oh. No.”
Picking up the rugrats from Hellfire, leaning on Eddie’s van:
“Steve. Gross. No.”
Laying on the hood of Steve’s car at Lover’s Lake, stoned and looking up at the stars:
“Edwise? Edwise Gamgee?”
Eddie cackled out into the night sky, echoes of his joy calling back at them from the trees. “Okay, who gave you access to Lord of the Rings?”
Steve shrugged. “I had to call in backup.”
Eddie rolled onto his side to face Steve, propping up his head on his hand. “You asked the kids what my name was?”
“And the best thing those little geniuses could come up with was goddamn Edwise Gamgee???”
Steve giggled. “They’re such nerds.”
“Absolute fucking losers, Harrington.”
They both laughed until they were out of breath, panting out steam in the fall Indiana night.
“No but seriously, Eddie? What is it?”
Eddie sighed, straining a smile as he stared up at the night sky. “It’s pretty fucking lame.”
“Lamer than Edwise Gamgee??”
That made Eddie giggle again. “No, I guess not.”
They sat in silence a moment, Steve patiently waiting, and Eddie gathering courage.
“It’s just Eddie.”
Steve turned to look at Eddie’s profile. He was beautiful in the cool near-darkness, the moon hitting his face at just the right angle to sharpen his features.
“Just Eddie?”
Eddie nodded. “Just Eddie. Nothing special or interesting or exciting. It’s just plain, boring old Eddie.”
Steve blinked.
Steve blinked again.
And before Steve knew it, he was taking Eddie’s hand in his own.
Eddie’s breath caught and he continued to look up at the sky, too afraid to meet Steve’s eyes.
“Eddie. I hate to break this to you, but I am pretty sure you are physically incapable of being boring.”
Eddie snickered and stopped himself.
“I mean it. You might be the craziest person I’ve ever met. You refuse to fit in to a box you’ve outgrown. You’re too goddamn stubborn to do what people expect of you. You stand up for yourself and people who need you. You’re kind and gentle with the people you love.”
Steve took Eddie’s cheek with the hand not holding his and turned Eddie to face him. “You are the most exciting, interesting, and special person I’ve ever met.”
And with that, Eddie had heard enough.
Eddie kissed Steve.
And Eddie did not stop kissing Steve until he was bent over him, knees straddling his waist and hands in his hair.
Steve gripped Eddie’s hips and pushed him back, pausing to catch his breath. Eddie panted above him and laughed down at him, his lips reddened and his eyes blown wide. He looked absolutely insane. Absolutely gorgeous.
“Hey Eds?”
“Yeah, Steve?”
“You never asked me what Steve was short for.”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed. “What is Steve short for?”
Steve panted a light laugh. “It’s just Steve.”
Eddie paused.
And Eddie laughed.
And Eddie couldn’t stop laughing for a very long time.
The next year, Eddie signed a Valentine card “To: Just Steve.” and “Love: Just Eddie.”
That winter, Steve arranged restaurant reservations under the name of “Just Eddie”
The following summer, Eddie got down on one knee and asked “Just Steve” to marry him, and when Steve asked “What about the law?” Eddie said “it’s Just the law.”
The spring after, Steve read his vows in front of his entire chosen family. His voice faltered as he said “You’re Just Eddie the way the sun is Just a star. The way the moon is Just a rock. The way the earth is Just a planet. You are my home. You are where I belong.”
Three years after Steve carried Eddie out of the Upside Down, Eddie carried Steve across the threshold of their tiny apartment in Indianapolis.
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jolapeno · 1 year
circles and squares
simon ghost riley x f!reader (cod)
an: you should all thank @halfmoth-halfman for this one and our early morning chat. I heart you lots.
an: written on phone, mind any errors.
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Ghost is aware he’s not the easiest person to be with. 
He's an entanglement of repressed feelings, scars that run deeper than layers of skin and a need for solitude, that you seem to have slid past. 
You take it all in your stride, not fazed—not asking too much—the patience of a saint.
It’s not that why he likes you. It’s that you make up rules for the two of them with relative ease. Providing him with ways to express himself without using words.
For someone whose skin is littered with only a handful of marked memories and a heart still soft, you surprise him with how deeply you understand him.
How much you just get him.
In all of his future thinking, Ghost never envisioned such a soul would fall for him—although Simon had always hoped. 
Two fragmented parts of him working together, desperate to keep whatever was happening between the two of you intact. Even if he had little to give and not a whole lot to offer, you stuck around.
You say very little when it comes to his past, taking what you can with gratitude. When you’re ticking, turning over thoughts—needing something but unsure how to ask for it—you make up solutions to give him a voice.
Not a physical one, but one just as loud.  
“—like this,” you explain, taking the pen from his hand, drawing a circle—small, no bigger than 2cm—onto the plain, crisp page. 
The black stands out, all stark against the white paper on the chipped wooden desk. His eyes glancing up from the nib, to your eyes.
He wants to ask for an explanation, folding his arms, sighing as he runs his tongue over his teeth. 
You smile. 
He suspects it isn’t because you hear his sigh or because of the way he folds his arms—but because you know him. 
You know it isn’t to do with impatience or confusion, but rather because you understand that the two of you squirrelled away in a room brings questions. Ones he wants to save you from, as though you’re a damsel and not a lieutenant under him. 
You don’t need to protect me.
You’d said that once. Under him, your legs on either side of his thighs as your fingers brush over stubble and blemishes.
But he does.
Not just from the gossip, from the glances. But those who look for him—those who inflicted each defacement he lets you see.
If anything, you’re one of the very things he needs to protect. Keep you safe.
“If we fill it in like this,” you say, shading in the circle. “We’ll know the other person isn’t okay. We don’t have to explain to why, but we’ll know.” 
He cocks a brow, not that you can see it. His mask, the one all plain black, more for the base than out in the open, hiding his expressions from you. 
Ghost suspects, though, you see right through the fabric. Like you saw through him to begin with. Ignored the snark and the bitterness, saw something—someone—worth getting drenched for when you were both stationed in Europe. 
He hadn’t liked the rain before then, not the scent of it—not the way it made his clothes cling to his skin, how it suffocated him. But he likes how you looked in the rain, how your face relaxed even as your hair flattened to your head. How your hand turned palm over, catching droplets like they were blessings and not something which had ruined an entire night of recon. 
“Alright, but if we’re OK?” He asks. 
Your head nods, drawing another circle next to it. Not filling it, just leaving the outline there. 
“Not filled in means we’re okay.” 
It doesn’t cross his mind what they’ll do if there’s no paper, if there’s no way in a crowded room to get across that you’re drowning. That it feels too much. That you need him. 
You think about it, though. Because you always are. Always thinking of ways to make things easier, better. Ticking it off—always assessing, attempting to better things. Not for you, never for you (your selflessness knows no bounds), but for him. 
An answer to his inner thought was answered a month or two later.
It’s a mess, loud voices—arguments brewing in fractions as mutinies begin to build. Price in the centre, chewing his cheek, fingers twitching, likely desperate for a cigar or even a drink as another captain chews his ear off.
The 141 rarely partner with others for this reason.
He doesn’t linger on Price. Knows if he’s needed, he’ll hear his name cutting through the loudness. So he looks for you, eyes searching, finding you pressed into the corner. Alone. 
You’ve not been sleeping. Tossing, turning beside him. Fingers reaching for him, finding his side, his arm—even his fingers—as your brows knit and stencils lines into your face.
He never wakes you, just lets you take—and when you don’t take, he just holds. Clutching you close, pressing your ear to his chest, hoping the steady beat of his heart is enough.
Sometimes it is.
He suspects now wouldn’t be.
Your back is pressed against the wall, eyes down on the ground before they flick up, and for a moment, he forgets how to breathe.
Not just because your eyes are stunning, cutting into him from across a room, but because of how you look at him: a silent calling, a beckoning, a help dancing close to your pupils.
Slowly, for confirmation, he watches as you raise your right hand, drawing a circle on your left shoulder. His eyes track it, following it as it meets your starting point. Mind drowning out Johnny, not even listening to the group of idiots next to him—focused instead on how you begin using your finger to fill in the symbolic shape.  
He nods.
Feet moving, gloved hands pushing shoulders and bodies, parting the pockets of people as he moves towards you.
Ghost isn’t sure what he can do when he gets there, his pulse just thumping—following only a need to be next to you. He expects murmurs, more suspicious comments about how he’s always close by to you. Smarter soldiers recognise that he always has an eye on you if you’re close—they’re just not smart enough to identify something is already happening, and has been for a while.
As he nears you, he’s thankful he doesn’t need to ask it because you’re already keeping your eyes on him. Seeing as he gets closer that your lips are slightly parted, a little O created, chest rising and falling as you take in shallow breaths. 
He wants to offer something, whether it’s his voice, presence, or anything. Which is why he asks:
“Wanna get out of here?” 
He’s not sure if you expect it—not sure if you had considered it an option. Your head nodding, furiously, blinking away tears that threaten to spill as your hand brushes his wrist. 
Not to take his hand—the two of you don’t do that—but to tap. Once, twice. 
Thank you. 
He nods. Not able to (or wanting to) stop the way his heart soars at it—at being able to provide you with something.
Give you a fraction of what you give to him: a way out, a safe place.
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In time, your things begin to merge with his.
Not just on base, but back in England too. Your socks are washed with his, your back covered in one of his tees that skirts your thighs.
He doesn’t mind, for the most part, only finding he struggles with it at night. When you’re sound asleep, soft snores kissing the darkness as he turns over the many ways you could be taken from him.
Ghost sleeps less when he’s home. Most of his REM is collected in the day, sun shimmering through the blinds, your fingers drawing shapes on his shoulders.
Sometimes they’re squares—which means either I love you, or I miss you—and sometimes their triangles. The latter, he’s not sure if they have a meaning. He just draws them back on your knee, watching your lips slide up into your cheek as you try to read your book.
He likes it—the code.
The one he can say down the radio. The one he can draw on your arm when you’re both pressed together in some place in the Middle East.
Which is why it doesn’t surprise him when you shout his name, the front door being kicked shut behind you—a surprise in a carrier bag.
“I know you’re struggling.”
You say it so plainly. Not a hello or how are you, getting straight into it, watching him as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his joggers.
He says nothing either because there’s little reason to lie. He wears the truth well, the bags under his eyes worse than when he’s sent away on a solo—his need to pin you under him in the morning when sleep hasn’t been wiped from your eyes another tick against your assumption.
Retrieving the item from your bag, you place it on the counter with a tap. His eyes falling from you to them, noticing four magnets.
Nothing impressive, nothing too much. But he knows instantly what they are.
One black circle, one white circle; one green circle, one red circle.
“Naturally, I’m the colourful ones.”
“Naturally,” he snorts.
Moving towards him, you slide a hand over his hip. “They’ll live at the base of the fridge door, and we’ll slide one up—close to the top. When we remember,” you say, looking at him. “Same as the circles. For me, red is—“
Nodding, you try to smile. “Square.”
“Square,” he says back, quickly. Palm cupping your cheek, thumb brushing a line across it.
Wondering, as he always does, how you remain so soft, so kind. How even though you’re haunted too, you still find ways to do things for him—
“Because I love you,” you say, as though reading his mind. “It’s easy because I love you.”
Swallowing, he holds your cheek more firmly, his other hand resting on your hip.
“Y… you don’t have to say it, I’m fine with—“
“I love you. It’s why I worry.”
Rolling your lips, you sigh—soft and small—before you nod. “I know, Simon. But we keep each other safe. Yeah?”
He nods back.
Because you do keep him safe. Not wearing a mark on your skin from him—or asking him to leave one—just in case. Your name on the place the two of you call yours, just in case.
An understanding is known about the future—mainly around rings and names, just in case.
“Which circle are you?”
His lips twitch, a smile wanting to show. “White.”
“Okay, good.” Your finger begins to draw a triangle, his eyes narrowing, your lips rising into a smirk. “Bought something else, too.”
Nodding, you lick your lips, eyes widening as you continue to draw it on him. “Wanna go upstairs and… see?”
It hits him only then. The deviousness in your eyes showing.
Triangle means—
“I want you,” you whisper.
He snorts, his laugh dying in his throat, wrapping his fingers around the back of your neck, bringing your lips to his.
Kissing shapes against your lips, unshaded circles, squares, and then triangles.
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Feel free to ignore this, but I saw you want Miguel requests soooo.
Platonic Miguel x teen spider reader. Preferably gn. And like, he sees his daughter in the reader or smth, idk how to explain it, but I think it would be cute to see it
ONGOSH THANK YOU I absolutely love this<33 I wrote this on my phone but Im honestly so hyped up I love father figure!miguel. I hope you don’t mind but I’m doing this in the form of headcanons.
Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!Reader
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-okay so your obviously one of the only people Miguel loves tolerates.
-your universe isn’t “home” to you, Miguel is. He’s like the father you never had and at first, the both of you absolutely detested one and other. In fact, Jessica was the one who convinced him to recruit you, way before Gwen or even Peter came into the picture.
-at first, he was stand-offish and a total dickhead to you, but slowly warmed up and began to humour you. He’d smirk at your horrible jokes and pretend to roll his eyes when you teased him.
-in fact, when you first laughed your ass off at one of his remarks, something in him knew that he’d do anything to protect you.
-he already lost one daughter, he wasn’t losing you.
-In all honesty, your relationship is very similar to Joel and Ellie from the Last of Us.
-you have inside jokes that even Lyla doesn’t understand, and she’s an AI.
-It takes all his strength to not snort when you make faces behind someone’s back, he knows you do it to make him laugh.
-he gives you tips on how to take care of yourself.
-a whole bottle of baby powder suddenly appears in your room in spider society. He says he knows nothing.
-lyla shows you the camera footage of him placing it on your bedside table.
-he’s close to tears when you specially make him empanadas. He’d been in a bad mood and when he went to his desk, there was a plate of empanadas with a post it note from you.
- “dont waste them I spent like two hoursmaking them for you”
-he scarfs them down of course.
-like all fathers, he can be strict sometimes, especially because you’re a kid. He doesn’t want you getting hurt. If you’re hurt he helps patch you up himself.
-“you fucking crazy? What were you thinking, trying to catch a car instead of dodging it?”
-your arguments are shushed by him shoving a spoon of soup into your mouth.
-“don’t waste it.” He says, “I spent some time making it while you were asleep.”
-he can’t pinpoint an exact moment from when he started seeing you as his daughter, but it’s probably from the time he got super protective around hobie.
-ain’t no kid coming near his daughter.
-almost snarls when hobie jokingly flirts with you.
-he subtly pushes hobie away when the guy walks behind you.
-you’re the only person other than lyla who can snark him and get away with it without an insult being jabbed at you.
-he’s hugged you a total of two times.
-the first was when you almost died, the second was when he almost died and you freaked out.
-you’d already lost your family, you could not lose him too.
“Miguel, get up.” You tearfully say to his sleeping form, “I can’t do this without you.”
-when he’d stirred, the first thing he saw was your shocked face and then you tackled him.
-he loves you. Like, a whole lot.
-he smiles at you when you walk around in his office, rambling about random stuff. He’s glad that you’re comfortable enough around him to stop masking your personality.
-his jokes are LAME. Like dad jokes are his jam and they’re just so bad.
-“why do sharks live in salt water? because pepper water makes them sneeze.” “Miguel PLEASE-”
-did I mention he’d probably die for you? Like fuck the universe(s) he’s not losing his baby daughter again.
-it’s weird but it’s funny.
-Gwen loses her shit when she sees you sitting next to him with your head on his shoulder.
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luna-loveboop · 11 months
Twilight and Legends relationship
...I love it
**in this post there's a lot of stuff I didn't notice before. I'm gonna resist the urge to write an essay on each point, and attempt to leave most of it up to the reader's interpretation**
Ok ok there's a ton of stuff here, starting with early character scenes
They're like the rest of the chain: They fight together and talk. Legend is close to Hyrule, and Twilight to Wild and Time.
We see some things Twilight and Legend have in common. One is their dislike of Hyrule knights, and-
As seen in the Gerudo clothes scene, both Twi and Leg like to mess around with pranks and have a lot of snark... wonder what would happen if they worked together
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But there's something really important about how Twilight views Legend:
I wasn't aware this was before looking closely at their interactions but... Twilight didn't originally like Legend. This is shown a lot later on- in his facial expressions and words towards Legend. But from the start he didn't like him much, and here's why:
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From the start, Jojo says this- Twilight judges Legend's actions as too harsh since his mannerisms come across as picking on someone. (Also Sky you are so so pure and cute 10/10 most huggable Link)
Legend is abrasive because he's had so many adventures- he's hardened to the point of being sharp. But it's wonderful that that character can still be so loved- his heart is good (hero duh)
Twilight has always been a big brother. It makes him well loved (rightly so). Jojo says he knows people can change- for good or bad. But because of his past Twilight doesn't like people picking on others "not even a little". It's complicated- we see it affect Twilight's attitude towards Legend a lot.
Anywho moving on to the plot
Wolfie, Aka twilight
Dark mirror stuff happens, and Legend finds out Twi's Wolfie- as we all know. But he can't just. Acknowledge it of course. He's gotta probe and tease, asking pointed questions (snark snark snark)
And in his attempts to be certain about the Wolf stuff, we were blessed with:
Bunny Legend
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Welp. That investigation did not go as planned.
Animal forms:
Bunnies are soft, but Legends actions are not. He is guarded and sharp yet his form shows how sweet his true heart is
Wolves will love/protect their family yet are fierce, they have fangs and will fight. The root of who Twilight is is his kindness and family
Also (sarcastic) good job to Four and Wild for being SO SUBTLE with their emotions when Legend's asking questions hinting he knows Twi's secret
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Legend: asking questions about the secret shhh
Four and Wild: Are having a freaking heart attack about it
Twilight: starts ranting about goats
Once Twilight gets over the shock of Legend like. Absorbing his crystal. He... well, looking at the harshness in his face and words, this is where Legend's attitude and his past with Colin being bullied biased him against Legend.
Look at his face in each panel through the progression- Twilight is more and more confused thinking legend is not who he thought he was...
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And Twilight certainly sympathizes/relates to being hurt by losing someone he loved (in whatever form the relationship took)
And WHY is it always girlfriend trauma with these boys of COURSE it's girlfriend trauma that brings them together NOT SHARING A SPIRIT AND LOVE OF SWINGING GLORIFIED METAL NO THEY HAVE TO BOND OVER RELATIONSHIPS GONE WRONG
Twilight then thinks well that's a good reason to be pretty changed because from the start Jojo said he'll always understand people changing...
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So they go, and make legend human again (with pink hair) and Legend is... surprised. And grateful...
Another few defining moments:
Legend's dialogue thanking him is the real start of them connecting like in Leg's original character description "the most reliable, you want him on your team"
And again Twi's face, Twilight is looking at Leg differently throughout this- contemplating to be honest. Considering...
And remember when I said these two both like to prank? Well the second they have a shared experience and get back to camp they immediately team up and start barraging Warriors with snark
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Heaven help the chain when these two are on the same side
Legend has never been close to people outside of the few he's accepted as his (love him and hyrule's bond). After this? Twilight's one of his people. There's much more expression of caring and closeness towards Twilight- something we don't see with many.
And then, well, Twilight nearly dies. And Legend, he cares
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Bunny boys puppy dog eyes are gonna kill me someday
Twilights pretty injured, he really doesn't see/remember all these moments showing how much Legend wants to help
And then we have this moment
this moment
Matters so so much
Look at Twi's face. Look at his surprise, realization, and acceptance- this is when he realizes- when he sees how much Legend cares for him
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Twi woke from his deathbed for his family
and then in the next few updates it's really cute- he just is barely recovering and legend is just... beside him. Staying by his side
Animal forms later development:
Legend's bunny form is soft- but he is still not totally soft. Looking at Legends actions and facial expressions towards the others, while he's definitely closer to Twi now, he's still the snarky boy we know and love.
Twilight's Wolf form is loyal and loves family: Once he knows legends heart? Full on pack love.
And WHY were they so very intent on petting each other
Legend: I'm gonna go try and pet the wolf since I think he's my dude yes good plan
Here's a few random parallels of them to chew on because I love parallels (them snarky snarking each other, then some brother love parallels)
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The thing with these two is their character bonding and whatever is not all sweet and lovey like some of the others. They have some REALLY sweet caring moments with each other. But snark plus snark equals double snark, meaning them together is the weirdest mix of kindness and teasing you've ever seen
And although at the beginning they were pretty harsh towards each other, it makes their getting closer and learning their similarities all the better.
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heywardsdoll · 3 months
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pope hates bringing you with him on a pogue mission. but usually you cry your way into it, fat tears welling in your eyes as you tugged on his shirt. and all he needs to cave in is seeing your pretty pout, and the way your eyes shine with sadness.
"i don't want to be left out. i really don't pope," you whisper, folding your arms as you hope he understands. pope raises his eyebrows before you tug on his t-shirt again.
it's here that he looks away from you, "shit, you can't do that to me. seriously, you can't just do that!" then you sniffle, a sorry sound and he seems to sigh, shoulders caving in as he tries to look anywhere but you. "fine, fine. grab your coat on the way out, it's kinda chilly outside."
that's pope. no matter what, even if he was mad at you, he was taking care of you. he's glare, even scowl as he saw you get what you want—but then soon after he'd be tucking your shirt in, or getting you some water because hydration is important, it's even worse with the pogues because you look like a baby. it makes it seem like you couldn't take care of yourself, but you couldn't help but flush every single time he holds you in your arms, or places a careful kiss on your forehead.
he's thoughtful, and it's horrible when he corners you to secretly kiss you when you're on the way to find the cross. theres something so intimate about him whispering about purpose, and how he's finally got what his ancestors wanted him. it's that feverish emotion that makes you want to be there for him.
but there are too many close calls, from the time pope got stung by bees, to rafe following you a few too many times.
sometimes you work at the grocery store, checking in people's stuff, telling the old lady where she can find cornstarch, and then helping the little boy who cried about his red lolly getting lost under the shelves, (his brother had kicked it under there.) pope would always come to find you, all sweaty and tired before you hung your hands over his head and then kissed him softly.
but one time he came a bit too late, and rafe had been your last customer. there was a shit-eating smile on his face, as he smirked before placing a pack of mint gum on the counter.
"is that all?" you muttered, trying not to look him in the eye. pope had told you about the type of person rafe cameron was, and for all you knew he could do what he wanted to do, and could get away with it, a hundred times. no one in the store except him, and it was almost six o'clock.
"yeah, uh," he drawled pulling out his couple of bucks, "keep the change."
you nodded putting the money into the cash register, the small ding of the register calming as you touched your necklace protectively. it's stupid, you know, but the pink taser gun that pope had jokingly bedazzled sticks to your side as a reminder as you could feel his eyes on you. rafe dark eyes followed you as you shut the cash register, giving him a cold smile. your hands are sticky with sweat.
suddenly he's almost out of the door, and you let out a sigh of relief before you here his almost-bored voice drone out. theres snark in his comment.
"tell your boy we're watching him. shit, uh–and," rafe laughed, a boisterous sound before winking, "tell him to stay on the low. it's dangerous out here and you don't wanna get caught with anything, you know?" then he grins, before popping a piece of gum in his mouth, teeth shining bright and you couldn't help but shiver.
later that night, you were hyperventilating so hard, pope had to put his arms over you and kiss you repeatedly, soft and soothing. you have to keep reaching for him to tell yourself pope was fine, and that rafe was just threatening for no reason, and that you were being overbearing.
"he's sick, and he's twisted pope! i want to keep you safe. please, please stay safe," you choked out, your hands to your side as you walked in circles. you kept taking sharp breaths as pope tried to calm you down.
pope had sighed, "doll, i will stay safe, but i don't like that he's talking about this stuff to you. i want to keep you away from it, i mean when i met your mom—" then he cocks an eyebrow in your direction, but then stops right there. it's almost condescending, knowing where this is going to go. he's telling you not to come, but you have to go with him because you have to keep him safe. you can't lose him, you just can't.
"are you saying i shouldn't come with you guys anymore?" you whisper out, a sharp warning in your voice as you bit your lip. he had looked away from you, and then raised his hands in defeat and the conversation was over.
but here you were, laying in his lap in the twinkie. you were completely wiped out as pope ran a hand over your face. you murmur something under your breath before snuggling closer to him. jj lets out a low whistle, wiggling his eyebrows, only to get a disapproving look from pope.
"she got you under her paws, doesn't she?" jj crowed, and you stir as pope rolls his eyes, looking at john b for support. john b just smiles, giving pope a pointed look. it was true, pope would do practically anything for you.
then comes the serious sigh. pope's eyebrows are creased, as he absentmindedly rubs circles on your shoulder. you smile softly in your sleep, warm as ever.
quickly enough jj snaps his fingers in pope's face, "hey man, what the hell was that sigh about? all wistful and shit." jj muttered, a confused look on his face before shaking pope.
"i-," pope started, before shaking his head, "nah, it's stupid." he's still got his hands on you, playing with the string bracelet that you gave him. it was a old thing, practically falling apart, and jj made fun of it.
now it's jj's turn to snort, shoving pope with an indignant expression "you stupid? c'mon what's got your pretty head in a ditzy?"
"i don't know. john b back me up on this but, i don't like seeing my girl around this stuff. it kills me, to see her racing after the same danger as us," pope muttered, groaning as he looked away from your face, "and the other day rafe cornered her and she was scared shitless."
then he shakes his head, "and you know what, i should be protecting her from that sort of stuff, but no, no!" he grins but it's full of resentment, "no, i'm introducing her to it."
now this has the boys attention. jj gave pope a sympathetic look, patting him on the back as john b nodded. the playful demeanour of the conversation stirred into something else.
"i get it, man. we all want to keep her safe," john b said, his voice calm and reassuring. "but she's tough. she's stronger than you think."
"yeah, but it's not just about being tough," pope replied, face screwed up with frustration, toying with a lock of your hair. "i know she's tough! tougher than me sometimes. but it's about not wanting her to be exposed to this shit at all. she deserves better."
quickly john b sighed, hand on the wheel and it was almost as if his dark circles were more evident than ever.
"you think i don't worry about sarah?" john b countered, his tone soft but firm. "i worry about her all the time, but she made her choice to be with us, to face whatever comes our way. it's the same with your girl. she chose to be with you, to stand by your side, no matter the danger."
pope sighed again, his hand still gently caressing your shoulder. "i know, i just... i don't want to be the reason something happens to her."
"then keep doing what you're doing," jj interjected, his voice surprisingly gentle. "protect her, look out for her. but don't push her away. she's here because she loves you, man. she wants to be with you, even if it means facing danger."
pope nodded, his gaze softening as he looked down at your peaceful face. "yeah, i know. it's just hard sometimes."
"it's hard because you care," john b said, offering a reassuring smile. "and that's a good thing. just don't forget to trust her, too. she can handle more than you think."
the conversation lulled as the twinkie rolled on through the night, the familiar hum of the engine a comforting background noise. pope could hear the birds chirp, and he settled his head on the window before getting up with a confused expression.
"shit, when did you guys get so smart?" pope groaned, "it was easier when i was surrounded by idiots,"
jj laughed, resting a hand on pope's shoulder. "took a page out of your book, maybe it's time you take a page out ours," he winked, nudging pope gently.
pope finally looked down at you, a soft sigh leaving his mouth as you stirred slightly, mumbling something in your sleep. and for what it was worth—pope smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead gently.
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starboy-sirius · 4 months
may 4 | cease | @jegulus-microfic | 1057 words
“Stop,” Regulus begs, pushing James away. “Please just stop.”
James stares at him with heartbroken eyes, his face crumpled as he attempts to grab Regulus’ shaking hands. They’re in the Astronomy Tower, the night sky dark and thunderous, threatening a storm it’s waiting to unleash. The moon shines down on them and Regulus can’t help but realise the irony of losing James when the sun isn’t shining, but he doesn’t know when else he’s meant to do this. 
They’ve been meeting in the tower for the past few months and at first it was fun, the two of them snarking and bickering with each other until slowly it became more physical, a push here and a jab there. Until one day James pulled. He pulled Regulus into him, his back against the bannister in the tower and pressed his lips to Regulus’ passionately. Regulus had just called him some ungodly name and James couldn’t take it anymore. 
Soon the tower became a place where they not only argued but also just talked. About everything and everyone. Without realising it they had become each other’s safe space and the kisses soon turned tender and soft, and the fucking transitioned into something with a little more meaning. Regulus didn’t dive off straight away and actually allowed James to wrap his arms tightly around his middle, pulling him back into his embrace.
But that was then and this is now. 
Now, Regulus is staring at James imploringly, eyes shining with tears not yet fallen and James wants to scoop him up and kiss his pain away, only Regulus won’t let him come near him. James doesn’t understand. “Regulus? What happened?”
Regulus lets out a bitter laugh, wet and humourless. “What happened? Did you get concussed whilst kissing that Prewett twin or are you just an imbecile?”
James feels as though he’s been slapped and staggers backwards, because he had kissed Gideon. Or rather, Gideon kissed him and James had spluttered and pulled away so quickly that he’d almost torn a muscle in his neck. It happened just now at the Gryffindor party, one that Regulus didn’t want to go to, preferring to be in the Astronomy Tower watching the stars. James, apologising to Gideon profusely about not being available, had rushed to get the map and find Regulus, opting to spend the rest of the night with him. 
Which is where he finds himself now, staring down a furious Regulus, his eyes rimmed with red. He had obviously decided to come to the party last minute and walked right in on the worst scene imaginable. 
“Regulus, it’s not what it seems at all. Please let me explain,” James begs, his heart pounding its way up his throat. 
Scoffing, Regulus sniffs and wipes his cheeks harshly. The sight of his tears makes James ache something fierce. He wishes he could reach out and comfort him but he knows Regulus isn’t going to allow that. Has this horrible sinking feeling that Regulus might not let him ever again. 
“What is there to explain? You kissed him, and I’m the idiot because I actually thought that this meant something to you,” Regulus’ shoulders droop suddenly and he stops wiping his cheeks, it’s all in vain anyway because the tears won’t stop. “Like it meant something to me.”
“Regulus,” James breathes, taken aback by this impromptu confession. 
They never spoke about what they were to each other, just that they enjoyed finding release in each other’s bodies and didn’t want to stop. The sneaking about was fun, or at least James had thought so until his heart wrangled its way into the mix and then he sort of just wanted to snog Regulus whenever and wherever. But he refrained because he knew that Regulus was scared. Scared of what Sirius would think, scared of it getting back to his parents. They’d spoken about it, lying on blankets in the tower as the sweat cooled on their bodies, and James had sworn that he would protect Regulus from everyone that wished to harm him. 
Looking at him now, James thinks that the only person harming Regulus is him. 
“Just go, James.”
“No,” James declares, stepping forward with determination, because Regulus basically just confessed to him and there is no way in hell that he’s going to leave here without telling him how he feels. Even if Regulus doesn’t want anything to do with him now. He has to do this. 
So he starts speaking whilst Regulus is quiet. “Gideon kissed me. We were dancing, surrounded by everyone else, it wasn't just us, and he sort of just attached himself to me. I pulled away instantly, hurt my neck a bit doing it so fast, and told him that I wasn’t available. Then I came here to find you, and well, you know the rest.”
By the end of the speech he’s shyly rubbing at the nape of his neck, eyes intently focused on Regulus. The younger boy is looking at James warily, but somewhere deep in his eyes James can see that he wants to believe what he’s saying.
“You’re not available?” Regulus asks, voice small and vulnerable. But his eyes. Merlin, his beautiful grey eyes are shining with something James thinks looks like hope, and it’s what spurs him forward. 
Regulus allows him to take his hands as he approaches and soon they’re standing with their faces close. It’s intimate and it’s all James wants for the rest of his life. “I’m not. You see, there’s this really prickly Slytherin who I’m a little bit in love with. Even when he’s insulting me I can’t help but adore him.”
“He sounds like a right tosser,” Regulus says and James laughs, feeling brighter as Regulus smiles at him. 
“Hey!” James scolds jokingly. “That’s my lover you’re talking about.”
Regulus rolls his eyes, cheeks staining a pretty red. The younger boy’s face turns grave once more, though. “You better not be messing with me, Potter.”
“Never,” James swears, leaning down so that his nose brushes Regulus’.
“Good,” Regulus breathes. “Because I’m in love with you, too.”
James surges to press his lips to Regulus’, heart pounding as he smiles into it. Nothing has ever felt sweeter than the press of Regulus’ lips to his, and he’s sure nothing will ever be as sweet as this moment. 
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herlondonboy · 2 years
Hyde Your Kids
Pairings: Wednesday Addams x gn!reader
Summary: idk how to summarise this to be honest
Warnings: blood, slight gore, manipulation, grooming, Thornhill, rushed ending, unnecessary Xavier slander (sorry), my shitty writing.
Word Count: 1.4k
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As a Hummer, you went by a code: all Hummers stick together. And we did for the most part. Although it was an unlikely crowd, me, Wednesday Addams and Eugene Otinger, we got along great. Honestly, we didn’t have anything in common other than our love for the winged insects (and maybe our distaste towards Xavier Thorpe), so the last thing I expected to see was Wednesday Addams at my dorm, asking for me help stopping a murderous monster.
“Hummers stick together.” Was all Wednesday said when I tried to decline her offer. “Eugene agreed, why won’t you?” She asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. She was annoyed, not many people would be able to tell, but a few muscles in her face contracted just as they did before she told Enid off for giggling too loud.
“Eugene is an eleven year old kid with a crush on your best friend. He’d do anything for you if it means he’ll get on Enid’s radar.” I said truthfully. Was I wrong? No one in their right mind would risk their life to catch a monster they know nothing about. Apart from Wednesday, death feared her. Not the other way round. A fact.
Wednesday thought for a second, carefully calculating her next words. “Someone‘e got to protect Eugene out there, right?” She said. Like she was trying to guilt trip me. I thought she was smarter than that.
“Good thing you’ll be there then.” I gave her a sarcastic smile before shutting the door. Wednesday stood, looking at the door in minor shock. The last person to disobey her wishes ended up passing out in a cramped coffin next to her dead grandfather (Pugsley). Her eye twitched slightly before she turned on her heels and walked away.
She tried again the next day, bringing Eugene to guilt trip me again, but I still didn’t budge. And on the third try, she finally gave up. “I don’t understand.” She admitted. “You say that Hummers stick together, but when I ask something of you, you get all defensive and shake me off straight away.” She glowered.
“Have you maybe considered that I don’t want to die?” I snarked at her, tilting my head mockingly. Normally if someone did that to her, they’d lose their head, but she just barely frowned at me. “If being a Hummer means I’m going to lose my life then count me out.” Being a Hummer was fun when I only had to watch after the bees.
Wednesday took a deep breath. This isn’t what she wanted. Her eyes widened slightly in distress. “No.” She said and I rose my eyebrows. “Fine, don’t come, but do not leave the Hummers. Eugene will be torn.”
“Since when did you care about anyone?”
“I care about you and Eugene because you’re my… friends.” The words tasted bitter in her mouth and I chuckled slightly. “What’s so funny?” She asked in offence as we walked to my dorm.
“Wednesday Addams cares about me?” I asked. “Am I gonna get a hand on my pillow as an offering?” I joked and opened my door, jumping out of my skin at the hand on my pillow. “What the fuck?” I exclaimed, heart beating rapidly out of my chest.
“That’s Thing.” Wednesday introduced, a small smile on her lips. “I asked him to find out why you won’t go with us.” She then admitted.
“You’ve been stalking me?” I asked in a humourless tone. What did they know?
“In a sense.” Wednesday nodded. “You have a secret and I’m going to figure it out, y/n.” She said before walking away, Thing following in tow.
Shivering, I walked around the forest. Why was I here? How did I get here? So many questions rang through my mind. The blood. There was so. much. blood. It covered my entire body. Chunks of flesh that I tried to ignore, but once it passed my mind I doubled over and gagged. At least it wasn’t my blood, I tried to be optimistic.
“Wednesday!” I heard Eugene yell out from behind me and I spun around, but there was no one there. The sound of leaves crunching made me flinch and spin around in all directions. Who was doing this to me? Why? Why? Why? I wanted to know. I want to be free.
“There you are.” Thornhill smiled, hugging me. I sobbed into her chest. Why won’t she let me be? “Shh. It’s okay.” She cooed, ignoring the blood that smeared on her clothes. “Calm down, y/n.”
My sobbing seized, but I didn’t stop crying. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I repeated like a mantra to her as she held me at arm’s length. Her smile was unsettling and she said nothing before wiping the blood and tears from my eyes. She took my arm and pulled me to the cave. “No, no, no. I don’t want to.” I tried begging, though it never got me anywhere.
Miss Thornhill shook her head in amusement, chaining my hands to the wall. “Can’t have you running away from me, can I?” She smirked. “Now, drink.” She held a bottle with a blue liquid in it. A crushed flower of some sort, probably. It made my insides burn. Bones broke and bent into shapes that no human body should be able to bend into. My screams of agony bounced off the wall as Thornhill just smiled at me. Stop smiling, I wanted to say, stop acting like this is fun. Skin turned into fur. Thoughts turned into blind rage and I can’t remember anything after that.
I stayed curled up in my room for the next week after that. Fearing to go outside or let the thoughts win. Wednesday barged in and froze when she saw me shaking underneath my duvet.
“y/n?” She asked.
I shook my head rapidly, murmuring small “no’s.” Under my breath. Wednesday barely had time to react when I grew three times in size, my body becoming loosely covered in fur. She stumbled back, collapsed onto the floor in what one could only describe as fear. Thing worked hard to unlock and open the door that had seemingly locked from the outside. But it was no use.
Wednesday pushed herself into the wall, making herself as small as possible. Thing took a dagger out of her bag and handed it to her Wednesday stood to her feet once more, pointing the tip at me as I snarled at her. As she stabbed me where my heart should be, I picked her up by her neck and cut off her air supply.
She kicked me and screamed with what little breath she had left to alert someone and seconds later, the window shattered and I was stabbed with a powerful tranquilliser. Wednesday dropped to the ground, gasping for breath and Thing went to look out the window, but there was no one there.
I woke up in the med-bay hours later, surrounded by Eugene, Wednesday and my parents. And worst of all, Thornhill. I looked down, playing with my hands. “I’m guessing you’re not all here because I got in a freak accident and was the victim?” I murmured.
“You’re a Hyde.” Wednesday said in a monotone voice and my parents turned to her quickly. She dismissed their stares and continued. “You tried to kill me.”
“I thought you said we’d ease them into the news.” My dad said with an uneasy smile, looking to Miss Thornhill.
The red head took a step forward with a soft smile. “Sorry, our students are sometimes so eager.” She said. “Wednesday, Eugene, if you could please…” She motioned towards the door.
Wednesday took one more look at me before leaving with Eugene. I sighed and looked at my parents. “Did I really hurt her, dad?” I frowned.
“You didn’t mean to, sweets.” My dad said, crouching down next to me. I looked over his shoulder at Thornhill, who was looking at me, watching my every move.
It started off small, a jump, then I couldn’t stop jumping. Seizing in my father’s’ arms. They called for me, but their voices were like static electricity in my mind, causing my ears to bleed. What Wednesday failed to mention was that for a Hyde to be released, it needs a master and she wasn’t sure who it was yet, so she allowed you to rot away in your guilt.
But she sure as hell was going to find out.
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charlieisannoying · 4 months
A perfect case for my certain skillset
Part 1 | Next Chapter >
Platonic CF 99 X Jedi!GNReader Summary: Clone Force 99 is getting a Jedi, as if that could ever work out for the band of misfits. The worst thing? They're not even getting a General. First meetings will always go a little sideways, but the Force will right things in the end (Or so Hunter is told.) Word Count: 2,215
Hunter was tired.
He could feel a headache slowly blossoming under his skull, burrowing itself deeper and deeper, setting alight every nerve–
This was not the right moment for this. He had a mission to do.
It was simple, really.
They haven't been on the field that long anyways and they were a special case anyways. Their assignments, although they wrecked absolute havoc on the world around them were successes. They were still tasting the small bits of freedom between each missions, still overwhelmed with the fact that this was their life – the four of them against the world. While their... fondness over the regs was tested each and every time they came in contact with them, Commander Cody was a special case.
Even Crosshair was silent around that man, his snark nowhere to be found.
So when Commander Cody had commed him, letting him know that his pack, his own Clone Force 99, was supposed to get a handler... Well, Hunter was glad he wasn't alone when he received the news. He did not want to be the one to break the news to his brothers.
Getting a Jedi General was something even he was supposed to get used to.
It's not that he didn't want a superior officer or that he didn't like Jedi (although, truth to be told his experiences with other Jedi that Master Ti were rather... closer to 0 than any other number), but...
... he wanted to keep his brothers safe, close to himself and only himself. He heard through the ever evolving vod grape-vine that the Jedi were kind and understanding and they were all normal beings, not gods. His mind told him he was exaggerating, that it was in his very nature to protect his brothers...
But would his Jedi not only understand, but also listen to Tech's need to always fix something and explain and research? Will they leave Crosshair be and just exist in the presence of his brothers after a particular rough mission? Will they see how smart Wrecker is or will they just see his bulk and write him off.
Well. Clones were nothing if not adaptable.
'You don't have to be nervous about it.'
Cody's eyes were kind when he said it. They also seemed sad, but that couldn't possibly be true. Commanders knew how and when to say things. Commanders gave orders that no other clone could. Commanders swallowed their grief.
'I am not in the position to reveal anything but...' the Commander's nose flared and he bit on the inside of his cheek, as if searching for the right words. '...this assignment of the Jedi to your batch is more for the well being of themselves than a punishment to you boys.'
As if.
Look, Hunter could agree that their plans were wild, reckless and often enough sputtered into nothingness as soon as a mission started. But they accomplished their missions. They always were successful.
But siccing a Jedi on them?
This would never solve their... creative solutions for their already dangerous missions.
'When should we expect to report under our Jedi then, sir?' Tech's voice was crisp and perfectly measured, skilfully hiding how he felt in that moment from everybody. Well, everybody except Hunter. He could hear Tech's heartbeat skip in a pretty concerning way every so often and could start smelling his anxieties over the matter.
At that question, Cody allowed himself once grimace.
'That's your first job. Your Jedi Commander has... left our ship without telling us where they were going and we were called to aid the 501st.' What? Hunter's impending headache must have messed up his hearing, because why would a Jedi just... leave? Cody continued on, bringing Hunter back to the briefing. 'Their comm was last online in one of the lower levels of the city. It would be wise to check first some of the bars without attracting any unwanted attention.'
Lower levels? Bars? It seemed that all of his brothers were having the same reaction because they all had the what in Prime's tits is doing their Jedi in a bar face.
Something must have taken the Commanders attention away from them and their bewildered faces, because he didn't comment on their lack of response. Before he closed, he did wish them good luck, and that must have meant something, right?
By the sound of Tech's tapping on his data pad, Hunter was sure that every tidbit of information over their Jedi would be soon in their hands. He could always count on his brother's
'Wait, what did he mean by Jedi Commander?'
His headache was definetly getting worse.
This was the fifth? Or was it the sixth bar they searched? The vibrations of the bass and drums sent painful spikes from his skull down to his finger tips. This was promising some very painful next few days. And if they wouldn't find thei Jedi, his headache will become even worse and then Crosshair will see it, because of course the little shit was just as observant as his eyesight was perfect and–
'I just say we leave this damn Jedi find us instead. We're soldiers, not babysitters.'
Ah, kark it.
This was absolutely perfect. Now he also got Crosshairs snark to add of the things that were annoying him in that moment.
The lights were blinding him.
The music was getting louder and louder and he couldn't think, his brother's arm on his shoulder was like sand paper on his skin, although he had both his blacks and his armour on and why was the music so karking loud–
'You okay there buddy?'
If Hunter was at his peak he would notice that you were holding a fuzzy, colorful drink in your hands, the type that would come with small umbrellas and would wreck anyone in two gulps. Except he couldn't smell the alcohol. At all.
Your clothes seemingly resembled Jedi robes, the teal outer robes mixing with a tan tunic and brown pants. Small dots littered your sleeves, as if they were painstakingly embroidered, slowly combating the simpleness of normal Jedi apparel. Your hair was stuck to your forehead as if you'd been jumping the whole night and your eyes–
Maker, your eyes.
He could say that they were pretty because they were surrounded by blue glitter, and lined with black as if you were trying to capture everyone around you. You didn't break contact with him, as if trying to scan and read and see right through him, a small glint in your eyes indicating nothing but trouble.
But no.
Your eyes were sad. As if you knew something he didn't, as if you've lost and lost and lost, and you couldn't quite believe that you won't lose again. Hunter just wanted to bundle you up and take you far away from the war that just takes from beings.
Where were these thoughts coming from?
There was something else.
All he could focus was that the sounds were...gone. All those terrible sounds that were scratching the inside of his brain did not make him want to keel over and cover his ears.
He could still hear his brother's heartbeats, Tech's tapping, Crosshair grinding his teeth over another toothpick (where was he getting them??) and Wreckers fiddling with bits of an explosive.
Even those accursed lights seemed dimmed.
'You with me, Sarge?' Your brows were furrowed, as if you were trying to read him. And in the end, who even were you, why would you care–
You were his Jedi. Were you the reason this place was more bearable now? Could the force even do that?
Wrecker snorted. Wait, why was Wrecker laughing?
That weird glint returned to your face, a small smile pulling over your lips. 'It's a Force Bubble. Helps me with my own migraines, and I though it would help you too.' You continued, the frown making an appearance once again. 'You were projecting your pain quite...hm...strongly across the lower levels. And anyways, what is Clone Force 99 doing here? We were supposed to meet tomorrow.'
Did he say that out loud?
That admittedly subdued headache was going to be the end of him.
'Technically, it is tomorrow.' Tech's voice was a bit harsh, not like his usual calm and calculated cadence. Were his brothers also starting to feel the simmering anger rising? They were out there, trying to find them, and... what? Their Jedi thought that giving Hunter a small respite would fix everything?
Before his thoughts could spiral even further, you had the decency to look... not ashamed, but guilty.
'Ah, my apologies then. I just wanted to...' You mulled over your words, trying to find the perfect one. You seemed to do that a lot, as if being able to choose your own words was something new, something not yet experienced. '...well, just be a Jedi for one more night and not a Commander.' You're eyes crinkled slightly as you smiled, as if laughing at a joke.
Hunter wasn't aware Jedi's sense of humour was so subtle. In fact, he heard quite the opposite from various other Commanders. Returning his attention back to you, you seemed to be already thinking about something else. Your face was already angled towards the back of the bar, where a small raised platform was created. A guitar was nestled against a box pretending to be a stool. A microphone completed the set, as if beaconing courageous drunks to sing something.
It seemed not only Hunter noticed your divided attention.
'Something else you've got to do, Jedi?' Kark Crosshair and his big mouth. Hunter was not in the mood to fight a decommission report to save his dear, dear brother. His headache was threatening to become a migraine once again.
This seemed to catch your attention once again. Shoulders pulled back, the blue robes did not seem to swallow you anymore. A small quirk of your eyebrow betrayed your amusement.
'You've crashed my set, actually. You guys are not exactly low profile.' Set? Did you sing? Is that your drink was all for show? All sadness was gone for a moment from your eyes, a fierce glint taking its place. 'I'm sorry you're tired and cranky... Crosshair, is it? So why don't you get a nice little drink from the bar and enjoy the show, yes?' Paired with a sweet little smile, you took your leave towards the makeshift stage, blue robes trailing like a blaze behind you.
This did not feel like getting a handler anymore.
This was going to get much, much worse.
Despite his worse fears, no decommission request landed in Hunter's pile of folders or in his inbox. After the incident at the bar, Crosshair finally fell silent, which meant that Hunter was free to fall into blissful sleep in their barracks. They did not stay to see you perform, much to Wrecker's dismay, but he was sure Tech already sliced through the bars shoddy footage, only to satisfy his curiosity, if nothing else.
You took the closed quarters of the Marauder in stride, your face betraying nothing. Your heartbeat though...? Well, that told Hunter everything he needed.
It seemed that not only Clone Force 99 was anxious about this change.
'Anything I should steer clear off?' You're eyes were still darting around, as if you were taking it all in. Your question though, it warmed Hunter somehow. He knew viewed clones as people, but other nat-borns had other ideas, that were not nicely viewed in the GAR.
'Our lives?'
Even with his back turned around the momentarily least favourite brother, he could feel Crosshairs sneer.
Before even taking a breath to reprimand Crosshair again in less that 24 hours, Wreckers boisterous voice bounced against the ship's walls.
'HA, as if you could beat a Jedi, Cross.' Wrecker's huge form seemed to eclipse you for just a moment, before draping an arm around your shoulders. You seemed to dip a bit, before finding your footing and righting yourself again, without shrugging Wrecker off. This seemed to encourage Wrecker, as he quickly continued, a sharp grin forming on his face.
'Technically, don't touch anything of Crosshair's. Don't mess up my workspace.' Tech's eyes were glued to his data pad, but his finger was pointing to various parts of the ship.
Thank you, Tech and your perfect interruptions.
You're impassive face was slowly breaking apart, your cheeks twitching slightly. Even your heartbeat seemed to slow down, and you even seemed to lean more and more into Wrecker, as if you were leeching his body heat. You risked a glance towards Hunter, but quickly looked away when you noticed him analysing you.
He wondered if you were going to burst from trying to keep in your laugh.
'You can always take Lula!' Reaching towards his bunk, Wrecker dragged you along a bit, without realising that you were still somewhat trapped underneath his arm. He offered you the tooka doll, and Hunter really hoped this was not the moment Wrecker will get heartbroken from your response.
A genuine smile lighted up your face instead.
'Thank you.'
If it weren't for the proximity alarm going off in the cockpit, Hunter was sure of there was more to be said.
For now, they all had one job.
Complete the mission.
Next Chapter >
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primeofprimes115 · 4 months
Scoring Her Heart of Steel - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Contains: Fluff 🥰
Living the life in shadow wasn't easy, especially when having special abilities when you couldn't understand them at first, unable to find the right person to help you discover them and even control them, fire, ice and even smoke. Recently learning to use solar magic to heal wounds and himself too.
That person was Y/N, he was but a child when finding out that his late father contained abilities which carried over to Y/N himself.
He came from a family of an old clan, a clan that pretty much no longer existed but only was told in stories of the Old Histories, his ancestors before him were from this old clan.
But since then? He found someone who could help him, that being Liang who possessed abilities much like Y/N's.
He was part of the Earth Defense Squadron, a group of individuals who deal with criminals, thugs and bigger threats using their set of skills and abilities to protect their planet, and even the Sol System.
Y/N was but 16 when he joined, now? He is at least 20 years old, he's been a member for four years now and hasn't regretted joining since.
Some kill him "Enenra" for his smoke magic, "The Cold Assassin" for ice, "Pyro" or "Mr Impulsive" for his fire (though the last one is much of an insult to him). But he calls himself Mancer, given his ability to use fire, solar, ice and smoke at the same time. He has since mastered them all, Solar magic is his newest addition to his abilities. His friends call him Multitasker anyways.
As of this moment? They're currently on the hunt for a convicted criminal they've been hunting down for a while now, responsible for almost causing a world wide war through manipulation and sorcery, if there was one word Y/N would describe him as? He'd call him the Devil's Sorcerer, given his background, he's lived for a very long time.
He has a vision of making a perfect world, which he'd make after everything is asunder, he sees humanity's flaws and wants to perfect them... But when that couldn't work and failed? He decided to move onto another target. Another Earth to be exact.
An Earth where it also had Heroes and Villains, but not like the ones that the sorcerer knew, he began scheming, manipulating others for his own gain.
But it wasn't long, till he'd be found by a group of Heroes from his Earth, and Mancer was with them to finally bring him to justice, their way.
But knowing the Heroes of this Earth? Mancer's leader knew the Heroes wouldn't allow them.
The little goose chase had gone on long enough, Mancer and the others had finally brought down the Sorcerer's forces and himself included, as the group surrounds him and picks him up. Liang stood in front of him as he scolds him.
"Alatar Omrin, for too long you have avoided justice, committed many atrocities of both our Earth and this one-"
"Save me your lecture Liang, Your voice has already bored me" Omrin snarked, earning a punch from Xalex, the Windbender.
"Got any other comments to share Sorcerer? I'd be glad to keep this up!" Xalex smirked.
"Xalex..." Liang glared right at him, forcing him to stand down.
"Sorry, boss" Xalex chuckled nervously.
"Yes, listen to him, you don't want a battered up, captive don't you? After all, you're the one who always seems to screw up" Omrin tried antagonizing Xalex which almost worked... if it weren't for Mancer.
"Quiet Sorcerer or I'm gonna shut you up myself by gagging you" Y/N threatened to cover Omrin's mouth with his ice, preventing him to speak, Omrin did as asked and closed his mouth.
Not even another word came out.
"Damn, that was cold" a feminine voice spoke behind him, his best friend, Satine who was an Earthbender.
"Enough with the puns Sati" Y/N chuckled.
"Alright, let's get out of here before we're stopped" Liang ordered.
The group began to walk out of the area, Xalex forced Omrin to move, even Satine joined in to help Xalex too.
But... Like traditional villains do... They'd run their mouths until someone would do something about it.
"Now we won't hear his bickering" Y/N sighed with relief, icing his mouth up to cover it, preventing Omrin to speak and antagonize Liang and the group further, Liang also sighed of relief too. 
For at least the five minutes that went past, some suspense began to build up between everyone.
"Is it just me or does it feel like we're being watched?" Satine asked with suspicion in her question, whispering it to her allies.
"Well, we're in a world of different Heroes which most of em are aliens and meta-humans, ones that have enhanced hearing, vision, speed and all that. Especially ones that can fly also? I do agree... We might be being watched right now ~" Y/N answered her question - "Which to be truthful, this Earth does feel a little more safer but more dangerous than ours... Not that I'm complaining or anything" he shared his thoughts of the current Earth they're on.
"I do gotta admit... The female Heroes look fine if you ask me" Xalex spoke his mind.
"In which way do you refine that?" Satine asked, narrowing her eyes toward him.
"Well... I'm saying most of em look a little hot. Like. c'mon?" he boasted before he could tell Satine looked at him funny, frowning her face toward him. The two were in a relationship as it is - "Don't even give me that look Satine, I can sense it... At least back me up here Multitasker" Xalex requested for help, a chuckle escaped Y/N.
"I'd prefer to be more respectful to women and you know that... But yes, I do admit that red caped blonde girl has somehow interested me in the short time we've been here, I've heard about the many things she's accomplished on Earth and the fact she's a living and breathing Kryptonian? I'd like to meet her one day, so many questions I want to ask her or the other Kryptonians for that matter" Y/N replied, it sounded as if he fanboyed over this caped young woman as Xalex began smirking in a teasing matter.
"Ohh? Sounds like someone's a fan of one of the female Heroes" he teased.
"Or maybe he's already crushing on this caped woman, Supergirl was her name right?" Satine joined in with the teasing, noticing Y/N began to blush with embarrassment.
"Wh-What? *nervous laugh* I have no idea what you're talking about" he tried to hide his blush, but his face was a bright red.
"C'mon Y/N! It's normal to have a crush on someone, even if it's a superpowered woman" Xalex smiles, before looking at Satine, to which she smiled back at him, knowing he referred to her of what he said.
"Yeah... I guess it can be normal... Right?" Y/N asked loudly, wondering that himself.
It was a shame he didn't exactly have a proper childhood, pulled out of school early due to him being a hazardous threat among others, his mother had to raise him by quitting her job, family members would often help around too to keep Y/N and his mother going until she'd find someone, but instead? He found someone first, that being Liang.
"It is normal to have some sort of feeling toward another person, Mancer ~" Liang joined in after listening to his comrade's conversation, sharing his view on feelings too - "Even if you haven't met them yet which I do hope to keep it that way, who knows what Omrin has told them. To them? We could be the enemy if he hasn't already told them about us, and it might take a lot of convincing to show that we aren't the enemy. However, keep your guard up. We don't know who'll show up to stop us" Liang ordered as everyone agreed, keeping their focus on every direction to look for anything suspicious.
As moments went by, more walking continued to the main extraction zone where the portal to their world would work, more suspicion filled the air around them.
Unbeknownst to the group escorting their captive, someone was indeed watching, the son of the Red Caped Wonder and a Reporter in Metropolis who would be soon joined with two others.
That included his father.
"I don't like this... I'm sure trouble is gonna find us soon" Xalex spoke with worry, his hand eagerly over the hilt of his Katana.
"Keep your eyes peeled, we're almost at the extraction zone" Liang reminded his comrades, his hand itching toward his elemental infused holstered guns.
"It's too quiet, and btw? Who would want Omrin anyway?" Satine asked Liang.
"That won't matter, he will answer for his crimes on our Earth, he won't answer to -"
"I'm afraid that's not going to happen, your captive..." a new voice suddenly interrupted the group. A man's voice from the sky above as they all looked up in front of them as three people began to descend. two male, 1 female. All wearing the same colors, the female wore a long red skirt and red high knee boots while the men wore pants with their respective boots, the older one wore red briefs with his, with a cape and that symbol on their suits...The big red and yellow S.
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"...Will answer to us" Superman spoke as if he was not in the mood, he sounded... Angry almost but serious. He was joined up with Superboy who was his son and his cousin... Supergirl.
(Aka... Your little crush)
The three Supers landed on the ground in front of them, at least 7 feet away to confront Liang and his group. Satine and Xalex were startled by their sudden arrival as Liang frowned upon seeing them.
However... Y/N's eyes were laser focused on the red caped blondie, Supergirl. He never seen her up close before... Seeing a very strong and beautiful woman in front of his eyes had him thinking so, he couldn't help it. However, he was able to his eyes away from her for a few moments.
"Shit... I knew we were being watched! I freaking called it!" Satine hissed with annoyance, her hand itching to make a move but felt hesitant to do so, unless they attacked first.
"Let me do the talking and Y/N, if we are to engage in conflict, do not use your solar abilities, it's what empowers them" Liang ordered before stepping forward a little - "I am Liang, Master of Elemental Magic, Protector of Earth. We only ask if you let us continue on our way back home, the extraction zone is not far" he asked politely.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, your captive needs to answer for his crimes, and we're taking him to Stryker Island for questioning. Hand him over and you may proceed back home" Superman denied to allow them to continue, without handing over their captive.
This seemed to make Liang unsatisfied, he'd hope they'd understand, but clearly... They wouldn't.
"And he's told us a lot about you. How you're not to be trusted, we thought you were working for him but clearly not... So you must be bringing him in for execution which we cannot allow" Superboy spoke, he was young still but was learning.
"What?! You can't be the judge of that! And this isn't your situation, it's ours!" Xalex raised his voice with annoyance rising in his attitude.
"Do you have any idea what that man has done? He almost killed half of the Justice League that tried to stop him, including my cousin ~" Supergirl spoke next, walking a little forward - "He needs to be brought in for justice"
"And you believe what this Sorcerer said to you all? That we execute criminals? We're nothing like that!" Satine backed up her group.
"Hand him over to us, we can do this the easy way..." Superboy offered which his father slightly looked at his son for a moment, knowing that's not the way he'd put it lightly.
"Or the hard way ~" Supergirl issued the warning - "Please pick the easy way, we don't need to fight" Supergirl's face cringed, knowing her other choice of words wasn't the greatest to blurt out.
An intense few moments went pass as everyone went quiet, the sound of the gentle wind blew past as each individual stared each other down.
All of a sudden, a wave of strong wind hit Superboy, knocking him back as they all look at Xalex - "Uh... Haha.. Oops" he chuckled.
Superman had enough and instantly went for Xalex, only to be stopped by Liang who stood in front of him and caught his fist before a spark of electricity charged in his fist and he punched him away.
"Squadron! Protect the captive!" Liang called out as he ran for Superman, Xalex stood phased as Satine rushed up to him.
"You heard the man! Y/N! Watch over Omrin, we'll take care of Superman Junior over there"
"Good luck mate" Xalex teased before the two love birds rushed off.
"Wait guys! Ugh ~" Y/N groaned, being left alone with Omrin was something he didn't want. He took a look at Omrin who glared daggers at him, knowing he was visibly cussing him out for gagging him up with ice over his mouth. He looked down at his feet and without hesitation, froze his feet to keep him still - "Stay... Good boy" he teased, only hearing a muffled annoyed groan out from Omrin before he felt the presence of Supergirl.
He turned round to face her, his face slightly heating up a little, if it were a different situation, he'd be firing tons of questions at her already... But it wasn't that situation right now... This was a serious situation, resulting in fighting.
"I don't want to fight you" Y/N pleaded, disappointed he'd have to fight his quote on quote crush. But to his surprise, Supergirl looked disappointed too, sighing in return and shaking her head.
"I don't want to fight you too, but your friends chose the hard way, and I have my orders" she got in a fighting stance which seemed familiar to Y/N, his facial expression soon turned from disappointed to impressed, he already knew what stance she was in. She is pretty much Kryptonian military trained in a way.
"I also have my orders too, but be warned ~" he rather smirked afterwards, setting himself into a stance to show he's ready to engage in combat - "When there is smoke, there is fire" a mask appeared over his face which only covered his nose and mouth, a smoky aura appeared around him as ice went down his right arm while fire went down the other arm, showing off his three main abilities.
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He finished showing off, before his hand reached out, gesturing a 'come here' toward Supergirl.
She rolls her eyes and instantly turns into a blur, within a second she was at his face.
He noticed how quick she was, and blocked her jab before blocking a few more, she was rather impressed but concerned if he was human or not, how could he manage to block her fast jabs?
Their fight continued after Y/N surprised her by incasing himself in ice, completely covering himself up before she looked on, she couldn't even detect his heartbeat anymore, before she sensed his heartbeat behind her and flipped him over as he tried surprise attacking her with a weapon made out of ice.
"Crap" he cussed at himself, Supergirl's fist came down at him like a speeding bullet but he managed to get out of the way as she punched the ground instead, disappearing like a smoke bomb before reappearing.
"You're quick" she complimented.
"Aw thank you! That's really kind of -" he was shut up by Supergirl firing her heat vision toward him, which seemed to hit him, causing him to groan in a little bit of pain. He felt the burn.
"But not as quick as me" she told herself in her head.
'This person, Y/N was it? He's no ordinary meta-human, even after a scan of him using my X-Ray vision, he definitely isn't new here, nor does any records show that he's of this planet... Or even this Earth. He is human but... He must be from a different Earth' Kara thought to herself.
"Oh yeah, we can play fire with fire alright" he smirked before a fire ball was fired toward her, Supergirl saw it coming and braced herself but the fire ended up hurting her, she hissed in pain as she remembered.
'Damn! Forgot his abilities are magic based, which we Kryptonians aren't fully immune to, unlike bullets and all sorts of things that aren't magic or anything like that' she said to herself - 'But he's thinking this all a game to him, the way he's showing off his abilities. Rao, he's probably going to make Damian Wayne run for his money at this point if he keeps this up'
Before she continued thinking within her head, she felt something wrap around her, a rope dart that had a fiery tip. She looked toward Mancer who had the other side of this rope dart, the rope made out of metal chains.
He yanked her toward him but that only seemed to move her a little before she braced herself, he tried yanking her again as she looked at him before rolling her eyes.
"Really?" she spoke one word with a unamused facial expression, before she began floating up, attempting to give him a ride of a lifetime.
But... She was yanked back down onto the ground with force, yelping. Thumping into the ground violently as the rope dart retracted and was thrown out toward her again, immediately recovering from being yanked into the ground and caught the tip of the dart with her hand, though it was slightly burning her hand.
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"GET OVER HERE!" a devilish voice shouted out from her foe, yanking her toward him with inhuman strength, for a human to do this? She'd definitely had to be more careful.
Before she could even react, being flung toward him, he cocked his arm back and violently clotheslined her, which caused herself to do a backflip before landing on her stomach.
'Agh! He's mighty strong, and his powers? I need to be more careful, no more playing nice' she got back up before flying up and eying him down.
"Well that's unfair" she heard him mutter under his breath, throwing up the dart again, only this time she dodged it and fired her heat vision down at him.
He dodged her attack within a millisecond and threw a fireball at her, she dodged that too before rocketing herself toward him with her fists in front of her as if she was going to do a super speed flight punch, turning into a blur at this point.
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"Look alive!" she flew into him, punching him square in the face with both her fists in front of her which seemed to send him backwards.
She braced herself and landed a few feet in front of him as she heard him groan out in a little pain, knowing she broke his jaw which surprised her.
'I broke his jaw? Maybe he's not as indestructible as I thought, well... He is still human after all. The again I did break Conner's jaw once' she told herself before hearing the sound of his jaw being put back into place, a piece of metal fell to the floor as he looked down.
"She... She broke the mask?! Ugh great" he sighed loudly, sounding heartbroken a little too.
"It was just a stupid mask anyway, not like you needed it" she rolled her eyes, which made him look at her immediately and he did not look happy at all.
"That... Was my dad's mask! And I didn't expect you to break it that easily" he scolded her, before picking up the piece of it before closing his eyes, knowing he shouldn't have been wearing it in the first place. Supergirl noticed the tone in his voice, which made her rethink her actions.
'Ugh... Well done Kara, you broke something that meant to someone, again. Though it was their fault for bringing it with them to begin with' she scolded at herself before continuing her thoughts 'He said it's his father's? Something tells me that he won't be happy with what happened to it'
She let the thought aside as their combat continued, he decided to outsmart her by teleporting away by causing smoke to surround her as she looked amused at this tactic.
"Uh, do you realize I can see you right? I have X-ray vision and all ~" She chuckled out of pity for him, she could see him getting ready to attack her from beyond the smoke - "And I can do this" she suddenly began breathing in the smoke, taking it all in for puffing it away into the sky.
She thought she'd found him... But only found nothing where he was standing before, this made her worry. Was he with the smoke or?
All of a sudden, she felt herself being kicked backwards by Y/N, appearing out of thin air in front of her before an ice wall appeared behind her and she collided with it.
"FYI, I can multitask my own abilities at the same time. I concealed myself in shadow to surprise you... But I admit, your speed is incredible -" he began to get distracted talking about her, labeling some of his thoughts about her too.
'Okay... Maybe he won't make the little Wayne run for his money and Jon was right... He sure is my number 1 stalker' the thought made her cringe 'But... He seems genuine about what he thinks... Too bad I have a job to do' 
He seemed too distracted in gushing about her that she took this opportunity to speed herself toward him and landed a world breaking punch on him which sent him flying back across the ground.
He had been flung back at least pretty far, not far away to keep an eye on Omrin as he watched but it was far.
Y/N began to get up, feeling the effects of that powerful punch she inflicted on him which would be enough to knock someone down immediately, he groaned in pain as his stomach stung from the hit - "Augh! Ow!... *groans in pain* Okay... That actually hurt..." he got on one knee as he still felt the sting from the punch.
She floated toward him, arms crossed as she began to scold him - "Do you often get this distracted during fights? News flash for ya, this isn't a game" she frowned with annoyance, like she was a teacher at a school, telling off a bad student for bad behavior.
He chuckled at her, she was right, it wasn't a game - "I know... I'm just distracted, not because of what you said... But... It's hard trying to fight you since your face up close seems to distract me a lot, it's annoyingly cute" he admitted what distracted him, blushing slightly afterwards as he chuckled nervously.
He thought he would feel something worse coming toward him when saying that but in truth? Supergirl just looked down at him with a surprised look, blushing herself too.
She didn't know what to say, at a lost of words... She only blushed hard after it sunk in, she knew what he meant.
"Wait a second... Uh... Did you just... Call me cute?" she asked, her face still showing the blush on her cheeks 
"You know what I mean but I gotta ask? That martial arts style... That was Klurkor right? You learned Klurkor too?" he then asked her, his hand lit up with a yellowish light, healing himself with Solar Healing, she could even feel it radiating off of him as she felt the energy power herself up a little, which even healed her up too pretty quickly.
'Klurkor? How does he know the Kryptonian martial arts? I might have to pay Jon 20 bucks on that stalker theory now... Or does he know Kryptonian history?' she thought to herself. Shocked to even think he knew the Kryptonian martial arts she underwent.
"How do you know that? You know Kryptonian history?!" she asked him almost immediately, floating down to the ground afterwards as she walked up to him cautiously.
"Yeah... I know what that symbol stands for too. Hope, the House of El... I believe there was another motto too? It was called... El Maru? El Mari?" he looked confused, she took this opportunity to fully walk up to him as he tried getting back up.
All her suspicions about him washed off pretty much immediately, she offered her hand to him which he looked at cautiously - "El Mayarah, it means Stronger Together" she smiled, knowing a human knows this much about Kryptonian history, she was eager to test him how much he knows. Even though they're just strangers.
"Yeah... El Mayarah, always loved that word. Wow you are pretty strong too, that punch? I felt that" he rubbed his stomach and she giggled at him.
"Well... I am super strong and I have lifted tons of weight on my shoulders before so and according to my cousin, I'm a little stronger than him" she shrugged with a smile, boasting about her strength - "Sorry for that by the way, got carried away when fighting you... Well, it's been a tough few weeks for me and I'm just a little worked up" her face fell flat when she continued speaking, knowing she has been a little stressed out as of late.
"No no, I get it... It's fine really. Honestly? Surprised you stopped fighting me to just chat instead, y'know? Talk it out and all instead of fighting" he cocked up an eyebrow.
"Yeah... I guess" Supergirl agreed with a shrug, a small smile on her face as awkward silence fell between them, she could see he was pretty nervous, how could she? By just telling by the paste of his heartbeat going fast, his way to avoid eye contact too, but she felt nervous too, so at least he wasn't the only one - "So... Heard you were a fan of me? Superboy, who is my cousin's son, heard you talk about me, I thought you were just a stalker at first but this now just squashed that theory" her smile grew back as she asked the question.
"What? Oh uh... Yeah, y-yeah... In a way, I am a fan of you and what you've accomplished, I've always wanted to meet a Kryptonian face to face. I know I'm pretty nervous about this" he rubbed the back of his neck, blushing a little as he looked away from her.
"It's okay to feel nervous. But I wanna know something... How much do you know about Kryptonian history? I know this hasn't got anything to do with this current situation... I just need to know if I can... Trust you" she asked him, looking at him with a pleading face, he looked back as he thought of an answer.
"On my Earth, there used to be living and breathing Kryptonians, their history was left on Earth after they suddenly disappeared, once they were Earth's protectors who suddenly vanished without any explanation, no one knows why or what happened" he explained.
'That figures, he is from another Earth' she thought to herself.
"But... I learned the history they left behind, even some of their martial arts, Klurkor was one of them. This was after I learned to control my abilities after Liang taught me to harness them within. That is why I recognized your fighting stance, how I caught your attacks quickly, I learnt to adapt to you within seconds" he explained further, which interested Supergirl further.
"Guessing that's how you used learned to use your Solar thing to heal yourself there? ~" she asked him to which he nodded a yes to her, since she seen him use that Solar magic to heal himself - "I do know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, Superboy told me that too and... I know you have a little crush on me" she said with an amused tone along with a blush rising up on her face, she's dealt with people who have admitted to crushing on her before, but not to this extent, especially finding Y/N as a handsome and what appears to be, a very kind person overall.
"Uh *nervous laugh* Yes I, I-I-I m-mean! ~ I have no idea wh-what you're on about" he blushed heavily, being confronted by his crush really seemed to make him stutter.
The Maiden of Might only giggled at his stammering words, she was interested so far - "Y/N is it?" she offered her hand to him to shake.
He looked down at her hand and smiled as the violent red blush began to fade away, knowing he's going to shake her hand - "Yeah... You can call me Mancer too, my friends call me Multitasker and a whole a bunch of other names that correspond with my powers" he shook her hand, making eye contact with her.
"Kara, Kara Zor-El, or Kara Danvers. You already know the rest" she winked, their hand shake ending a second later. He looked back to where Kara broke his mask after that fly by punch she gave him earlier.
Kara saw the look on his face, he looked disheartened - "I'm sorry about breaking your father's mask, I know it won't fix it but..." she apologized, placing her hand on her right upper arm knowing she was guilty.
"It's alright, I shouldn't have been wearing it in the first place... It belonged to dad, but... He's long since been gone" he replied, Kara's head perked up at that moment upon hearing what he said about his father, which made her stomach drop. 
She broke his late dad's mask.
"Oh... I didn't know, I'm s-sorry to hear that" she felt really guilty at that moment, she'd do anything to fix it. That mask seemed to mean a lot to him now knowing the fact is was his late dad's mask...
Which gave her an idea.
"It's okay Supergirl, you don't need to feel bad for me or anything, we should get the others to stop-"
"No no, I-I can fix it for you! There's tech back at the Fortress of Solitude that can repair it, making the mask look like it is brand new!" she interrupted him by appearing in front of him, their height pretty much almost matching too as he was in a state of shock when her face was a little close to his. However, that feeling was soon left out of the way upon thinking back to what she said just now.
"Uh... You... Y-You can fix my dad's mask?" he asked her with curiosity the next, she nodded her head immediately.
"Yep! No need to-" she got interrupted by getting pulled onto him, she felt his arms wrap around her as her most of her face was over his shoulder, all she needed to do was be on her tippy toes to rest her chin on his shoulder.
"Ugh, you're the best! That really means a lot, thank you so much" he hugged her with gratitude without thinking, her expression showed she was flabbergasted by the random hug, even blushing a little too as a few seconds go by.
That was when he realized the position he was in, his eyes opened wide as he began blushing, pulling back slightly as the two looked at each other, blinking.
"Uh..." he looked awkward, sounded nervous and what didn't help was that he was blushing a little also.
"Don't be" she smiled, already knowing what he was going to say afterwards, causing him to smile also.
"I have so many questions I want to ask you" he told the girl, making her giggle at his words.
"I know! And I'm very eager to hear them all" her smile brightened, that smile that could make a person's heart flutter.
"I'll tell you them all later, but for now? We need to take Omrin back to our world"
"You mean, you need to take Omrin back to your world? Which I'm not supposed to let you do?" Kara asked him with a cocked up eyebrow, noticing his little mistake there.
"Oh, yeah... About that... Think you'll let us? Omrin is a danger to your world, leave him in Stryker Island? He'll just find a way to break out. Trust me, it's happened before on my Earth, he broke out of the world's securest Supermax Prisons and manipulated his way to get out ~" Y/N spoke with his side on the situation, knowing Omrin is a danger to this world, especially now that he pretty much dismantled the world's greatest heroes on this Earth - "Please... Let us take him back to my world, he won't harm any one of your Earth's people again... I promise. We won't kill him, we don't stand for that, we let the judge decide the punishment once he's brought in for trial" he asked her politely, knowing the answer was going to be no anyway. She had her orders after all.
But... To his surprise... She didn't answer straight away, a sigh left her mouth instead as he wondered what her worded answer was going to be.
She looked puzzled, she had no clue how to even answer it, all she knew was that Omrin needed to be taken in to Stryker Island for his crimes and manipulation to get his way.
"I... I don't know if I can answer that... I mean, we're supposed to take him to Stryker Island, and you want to take him back to your world to bring him into justice your way by executing him ~" she spoke of the two sides fighting over a captive with a sigh, as if she needed more stress as it is - "But... I know for a fact my cousin and the League won't trust you and your allies at all, he's already signaled the rest of the active League members to come here to assist them, and they'll be here very shortly" she continued, bringing up another problem in the current situation. Causing her to look the other direction, away from his eyes.
"Well... I trust you... Maybe you can convince him?" he asked the troubled Supergirl, a smile escaped from her at his other words.
"I can try ~" she looked back at him with the same smile on her face still - "You already trust me?"
"Why shouldn't I? You're the Girl of Steel, the Woman of Tomorrow right? And I am a fan of you" he shrugged.
"Haha, fair point" she giggled, the two made eye contact again, smiles exchanged towards each other.
However... The moment was ruined by a sudden shout and wrestling from afar, Y/N fully broke apart from Supergirl as the two looked at the direction of the wrestling.
"You ain't going anywhere Sorcerer!" Satine wrestled on the ground with him, leaving Y/N to wonder how Omrin managed to break free of his bonds, thinking his powers would be useless against his ice.
"Well, I guess I was wrong, he could still break out if he wanted to" Y/N groaned before noticing Supergirl began levitating toward Satine and Omrin wrestling each other.
"Unhand me you worm!" Omrin cussed, trying to use his magic to break free of Satine's hold on him.
The two continued struggling to fight each other on the ground as Supergirl drew closer to the both, wanting to help Y/N's ally out of kindness, now knowing they could be trusted.
"May I?" Supergirl landed on the ground before delivering a punch onto Omrin which was heard from a distance, knocking Omrin out cold as he stopped squirming. Dusting her hands off with an accomplished smirk on her face.
Satine noticed he was out cold and looked up at the Girl of Steel who she didn't expect to get help from as she got up off the ground.
"Good riddance... Thank you by the way, didn't expect you to help the last minute there" Satine cracked her neck, sharing her gratitude for the save. The Kryptonian smiled in response to her thanks.
Y/N had ran up to the two woman finally as he looked down at the unconscious Omrin - "Well he definitely deserved that ~" he spat out before looking at Satine and Supergirl - "Where's Liang and Xalex? Still fighting I take it?" he asked Satine.
"Pretty sure they are, I got knocked back far by Superman Junior, Xalex is the one fighting him right now. Liang? Probably the same" Satine answered as Supergirl narrowed her eyes past Satine, seeing the said people still fighting her own two family members.
"Yep... And your boss is... Actually managing to kick my cousin's ass" she sounded surprised, 'maybe they were pretty skilled at fighting superpowered beings after all', was the thought she had in her own head. Never thinking she'd see the day too.
"Supergirl is going to talk down Superman and his... Son that we're not the enemies in this. She's well aware of Omrin and she's eager to help us" Y/N told Satine about Kara's rather helping hand from earlier which she was convinced either way.
"So, she can be trusted?" Satine tested him, to see if he was right before looking at the blonde haired girl.
"Yes, I trust that she'll help us, her cousin's allies are also going to be here soon... So... We'll definitely need her to talk them down from attacking us" he looked at her and a smile was exchanged from her after she looked at him.
"Well, let's get on with it before it happens then, I'll stay here, keep an eye on the snake here" she self acclaimed to remain behind, spitting out Omrin's nickname before looking down at his unconscious body with a disgusted look.
"Good... So..." he looked at her before she read him like a book and wrapped an arm around him and began levitating off the ground, lifting him up with her. Surprised at this action, he looked at Supergirl before she chuckled
"I already knew what you were gonna say... Was just a step ahead of you" she winked.
* *
(Some time later...)
It was rather a surprise that it took some little convincing that the alternative heroes were here on good intentions and not to take a captive back for execution, Supergirl was relieved that her cousin and her nephew stopped their fight with Xalex and Liang respectively.
Though the Man of Steel was still a little suspicious about the group of alternative heroes, he was fine with a temporary alliance until the EDC were to go back to their respective Earth, regarding their common enemies.
However, it seemed not only was Omrin the only villain of the EDC's Earth that arrived to this Earth, he made an alliance with a mafia mob boss who travels to different worlds, going by the name Becknar, a man who specializes in his own way of criminal activity, especially when he has a mob of his own to conduct in criminal business.
Omrin was interrogated by the EDC Heroes at the Hall of Justice, given the temporary alliance. He had no choice but to spill the beans and give out a location, which the location was in fact... New York City, at the abandoned LIC Fresh Direct Site where business had been conducted there with a mafia boss named Roman Sionis aka...
Black Mask... Leader of the Sionis Crime Family.
The question was... "What is Black Mask doing in New York City?" 
Gotham bored him dry, every time he conducted business, Batman or any of the Bat-Family would barge in and interrupt his business and he got sick of it, deciding to work elsewhere and move on from trying to overthrow the Billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne.
And tonight? There was to be a meeting with Black Mask and Becknar, discussing arms deals and arrangements.
With this information... Liang struck a plan to have someone recon the place and infiltrate the compound, stop their plans altogether and capture Becknar for questioning and to bring him behind bars.
And he knew the suitable person for the job... Despite the lower numbers.
"Me? You sure? I'm not the type of person who's better at doing these things alone, since I'm the only ninja we have right now" Y/N looked puzzled and worried.
"You are the suitable person for the job Mancer, you're a ninja and a warrior, and you're not always going to work alongside others in stealth covert missions" he spoke with a serious manner. "I'm trusting that you'll get the job done without any problems, you're remarkable at stealth and none of us are built for that... Not even me" he admitted to not being the greatest at stealth, but he spoke to him as a father figure with the truth.
"Yeah but... I'm not sure if I'm ready to go alone, I'm still learning as it is, I've not mastered the full art of stealth" he told him, sounding like he was unworthy of being a ninja warrior.
Liang put a hand on Y/N's shoulder to console him. "Then let this mission be a test, your first covert mission alone, with no backup from any other ninja. I am trusting you with this, don't let your other ninja brothers and sisters down".
However, during this... Their conversation was being eavesdropped upon by Superboy, the Man of Steel's son who informed him about Liang's orders to Mancer aka Y/N. With this info, Superman made a call to a certain someone who patrols New York City to protect it from criminal activity.
* *
Y/N ran across the rooftops of New York City, using his grapple hook to traverse the busy city below him as he grappled from roof to roof, using his own abilities to make impossible jumps, not suited for a normal human being to make.
His destination was the LIC Fresh Direct Site that was no longer in commission, just the average villain hideout.
As he kept moving toward his destination, he had a feeling he wasn't alone... The feeling of someone with a red cape with a fully colored yellow S shield on the cape and golden blonde long wavy hair, watching him parkour across the city buildings with ease.
He could practically see his own destination now as he drew near.
"Alright, you can do this. Just scope the place out, sneak around, take down some bad guys quietly, get in, take down more bad guys quietly and catch Becknar by surprise, maybe Black Mask too?" he spoke to himself loudly in between breaths as he kept moving. "This time? Doing it alone... You can do this Y/N, you can do this" he said with nervousness.
He now stopped to land on a nearby perch to scope out the compound with binoculars and as he does this? He heard some girly giggling behind him as he stopped looking into his binoculars. Startled by the sudden giggling.
"Do you usually talk to yourself this much when you're alone? It's pretty cute honestly" he heard the girl giggle, floating just behind him above. Turning himself round to look at the nosey girl... Who is Supergirl.
"Oh... H-Hey" he spoke with shy intent, a blush rushing up his cheeks after her words processed in his head. "You think that's... Cute? Wait... What are you doing here? I'm on a covert mission that I have to do alone" he asked the real question.
"Ah well... Kal wants me to uh... Overlook your covert mission" she responded with some air quote signatures near the end of her words. "And since it's in New York, I also patrol here! So... Yeah, plus if I didn't know about it, I'd end up being nosey anyway" she spoke cheerfully, giggling afterwards at him talking to himself earlier.
"So... He doesn't trust us is what you're implying?" he asked as he stood up from the perch he took and crossed his arms.
"Well... Yeah" the Girl of Steel sighed. "Look, there's been a lot that has happened and... Well... You can imagine that trust is a very strong word so it'll take some time to earn his trust, especially with one of the League's closest allies betraying them recently which has broken that level of trust as of late" she explained as she floated closer to him, now levitating steadily beside him.
"Oh, I get it" he shrugged, knowing how it feels.
"Yeah, don't worry though. I trust you" she winked. "I did speak with Satine and she has told me some things about you".
"I imagine good things" he sounded worried.
"Don't worry! It was all good things... Including the uh... Crush on this gal right here type of thing" he pointed to herself as a blush ran up his face again.
'Ugh, Satine was right, he's cute, very cute... Rao he's more than cute, he's adorably cute' Kara thought to herself as she blushes a little by gushing over his looks, the way he'd look away every time someone mentioned his little crush on the Kryptonian girl made her realize she maybe beginning to fall for him.
Or when Kara would look at Y/N back at the Hall of Justice and catch him steal some looks at her before looking away with a little blush on his face. Seriously, she had to admit that he's cute.
She knows of his backstory, which all reminded her of what happened on Krypton, she lost a planet, her own people.
He lost a village he called home. He lost his own people too, but the only thing he had left was his own mother.
It was no wonder why she felt so interested about knowing him more from other people, she didn't just want to know the boy who has a crush on her, she wants to know the real him.
"So..." she spoke with her hands behind her back. "Is it alright if I join you on this? Ya never know if you need some girl power in this" she asked politely, smiling as she spoke.
Y/N considered it for a moment, then again he had to prove he could do missions alone now, without the need of other ninjas like him... But he had to admit, having someone with him could work, especially if it's a superpowered, practically indestructible alien superhero.
"Eh, sure why not... But I know stealth isn't your strong suit" he teased with a smirk.
"What?! Pfft, that's a lot of bull! I'm great at stealth!" she denied.
"You sure? I read your file and I quote" he took a breath before explaining what he read up earlier. "Supergirl isn't known for her skill of stealth, no thanks to the bright colors on her suit, but rather a force to be reckoned with as she is someone to rely on. When it comes facing off larger and stronger threats, speeding targets, she's one of the many powerhouses that can deal with those threats thanks to her many abilities like Superman's, but like Superman, Supergirl can be good for other purposes of distraction to hold the enemy at bay while others can move into their proceeded objectives without issue" he said with some smarts, causing her to gasp.
"Oh, you really shouldn't have!" she played like she was offended, holding a hand to her heart. "the knowledge, It's killing me!" she exaggerated before erupting in a fit of giggles, causing him to giggle with her.
Their giggles soon ended as the humor between them died down, Y/N re-focused on his task as Supergirl still floated beside him.
"So... Heard Black Mask was conducting business here tonight" Supergirl went on. "Question is... What is he doing in my turf?" the Kryptonian wondered by scratching her chin. "I guess Gotham was boring him so he decided to move here... Humph! Big mistake now that I'm around" she gloated next.
"Don't underestimate your enemies, Kara. You never knew what-"
"What they're capable of... I've heard that many times before" she rolled her eyes playfully, causing Mancer to lightly chuckle.
"Well... Since you're the one with X-ray vision... Can you do the honors?" he asked her like a gentleman.
"Already on it" she winked before her eyes glowed a light blue, her eyes narrowed as her vision zoomed in, her super hearing picked up.
"And you're sure this... Device, can do the job?" Black Mask aka Roman Sionis spoke as he looked down at some weapon case.
"The device can get the job done, it can shut off any electronics within 50 meters or less, I can imagine what you'll do with it but even better? My scientist is currently working on a device, capable of shutting off radiation sources... Which includes Kryptonian based powers thanks to the radiation of the yellow sun" Kara heard the voice belonging to Becknar.
Kara's vision went back to normal as she blinked a few times before turning her head to face Y/N.
"What'd you see? Is Becknar in there?" Y/N asked.
"I think that's him and Black Mask is in there too, they're selling some sort of device that can shut off electronics within 50 meters or less, and he has someone working on a something that can shut out a Kryptonian's powers" she sounded worried the more she explained. Confirming Y/N's theory and the Intel provided earlier.
"That's definitely Becknar alright, let's head inside, there's a bunch of guards outside" he spoke to her as he leapt off before firing his grapple book. "I'll need to take them out quietly, maybe you can help since... You're the one with flight and super speed" he suggested.
"Or" the Maiden of Might stopped him before he advanced further. "We can do something different"
"Like what?" he asked with a confused look as she smirked.
"Well... Supergirl isn't known for her skill for stealth" she repeated what he said earlier. "Supergirl can be good for other purposes of distraction to hold the enemy at bay while others can move into their proceeded objectives without issue. I'll distract the guards, you get in and do your job" her smirk turned into a smart grin as he smiled at the girl.
"Wow... You're a smart girl" he complimented.
"Aww thank you! I know I am but it's nice hearing it from you" she winked. "So... Shall I do the honors?" she asked nicely.
"Well... On you go Supergirl, dance floor's yours" he exaggerated, the female superhero winked before flying off to be the distraction.
He advanced forward as he watched the Kryptonian do a Superhero Landing in the middle of the compound as the guards were startled.
"Hey boys!" she shouted as the guards all gained her attention. "Allow me to welcome you to New York City and you didn't invite me also? I'm hurt" she taunted them.
"Shit, it's her!" one of the guards panicked and went for the alarm button, only for them to be caught up by the Girl of Steel in an instant.
"Ah-Ah-Ah, I don't think so" she punched him across the compound to where he'd land on a bunch of stacked boxes.
Y/N whistled lightly at this as he watched her taunt them more, smiling as she continued.
"Atta girl, now to head inside" he advanced furthermore. "But to find a stealthier way in".
* *
Y/N silently walked throughout the warehouse before silently teleporting onto a railing using his smoke magic to do so, quickly noticing a lookout guard, he sprang onto him and attacked him, using his ice staff which had the guard knocked out cold (no pun intended) upon the impact to his head.
He leapt over to the other walkway where he was fully concealed, listening in to what the conversation followed as.
"To be honest? I was expecting to have something in return... Since I am offering such a powerful device for your mafia to use" Becknar hinted which Black Mask narrowed his eyes toward him, scowling him even behind his mask.
"You were expecting something? I thought this was an alliance, you help me, I help you. What you're offering is for both of us" he slightly gets annoyed with this hint, causing Becknar to frown.
"An alliance? Did I say that?" he frowned expression, turned to wonder. He was rather puzzled at this as he didn't see this as an alliance, but more of... Two people having common enemies.
"You damn right you did! That sorcerer said it himself!" he scowled, already losing his temper with Becknar's wording of things.
"And yet we have talked business, I've given what you needed, and I'm willing to give you another device in return of our... Shared agreement. Now... The money..." he simply snapped his fingers as his men took aim at Black Mask and his own mafia goons. "Or else... There will be consequences and I'll take the device back, it'd be a shame to ruin that fancy suit of yours with bullet holes... And blood" he smirked upon throwing out his cigar.
Simon growled with anger, being outplayed like this wasn't in his list of things, especially by someone who is another mob boss.
"Fine! I'll give you money, if that's what you insist" he hissed at the well travelled mob boss in return he smirked at the masked mob boss.
"Then... The device is yours-" Becknar was interrupted as a guard from outside was suddenly came crashing through the window, startling every one... Even Y/N himself.
'Girl must be enjoying herself out there' Y/N smirked.
"What the fuck! What's going on out there!" Black Mask shouted, demanding to know why one of his goons was thrown through the window from outside, let alone with gunfire ringing out before stopping each second.
Before any question were asked and answered, Y/N suddenly jumped down, revealing himself to every one who gained his attention.
"Mancer" Becknar hissed.
"Hello Beck, been a while" his hand lit with ice before an ice ball was fired out, hitting Becknar in the chest. "Ice to meet you too" he joked as guns were pointed toward him.
The Black Mask stood up from his seat as his men along with Becknar's men all pointed their weapons toward the ninja.
"Black Mask... Roman Sionis, I've come to shut down this whole op you've got going on here and I'm taking Becknar with me... All I ask... Is that you and your goons leave New York City... Or something worse is gonna come your way" he tried intimidating the masked mob boss, before an eruption of laughter came out from Roman himself before he growled.
"As much as he was a pain in my ass... He told me about you... What's got you vigilante's always interrupting my damn business?!" he began to scowl. "And here you are... Surrounded by guns of all sorts, no way to run... Or hide. And you have the decency to threaten me? ME?! Who do you think you are? The Red Hood? If that's who is out there, kindly tell him to fuck off for me will you?" he walked back to his seat and picked up his suit jacket.
"Oh? The Red Hood? I never brought him nor have I met the guy personally... Do you realize who patrols New York City... Right?" he asked Mask the question.
"What? You questioning me now? Boy?" he looked at the ninja with a frowned look under his mask.
"Yeah... Now answer the question" he demanded.
Black Mask looks puzzled, wondering what the ninja was meaning, no one ever patrols New York from what he heard, especially from the pair of goons who scoped the place before hand. "No... I don't... Because I had people scope out the city for vigilantes, like you"
"Haha, that's where you're mistaken... See" he attempted to move but a warning shot narrowly missed his foot, he remained unmoved by this. "Who patrols the city... Isn't a vigilante, she's... more than a vigilante" he spoke in riddles, causing Mask to be curious.
"And who is she?" he asked, getting closer to the ninja.
"Well... She wears this symbol" he hinted, as the warehouse main door was suddenly hit by a crashing thug outside, startling most of the guards who now aimed their weapons toward the main door. "This symbol... Represents... Hope, but it's got an S instead" he smirked as Mask began to suddenly realize who the ninja was referring to.
He could tell by the look in Mask's eyes that fear was running down his body as he backed up.
"Shit... Shit... Shit!! You're working with her?!" Roman understandably panicked, before the main door was breached, sending it to the floor with a thud.
A blur of blue and red with some yellowish blonde streaks suddenly sped into the warehouse, taking out the guards surrounding Y/N with weapons, swiftly taking them all out with one punch, the blur appeared beside Y/N in the form of Supergirl, now appearing beside the ninja.
"Hey, Black Mask! Next time you do criminal business, make sure there isn't a boy or girl scout patrolling the city next time!" she spoke with her hands on her hips, feeling the adrenaline in her veins as she said it. Giving him a tip.
"Argh! Damn you Kryptonians!" he cursed out before making a run for it, refusing to even fight back at the slightest knowing it wasn't going to work.
Mancer and Supergirl look at each other and smirk and shake their heads. "They never learn, do they?" he asked the Kryptonian.
"Nope, this won't take long" she winked before speeding off.
Black Mask ran hopelessly to find a safe exit away from the Kryptonian who just watched him run helplessly, all the guards were knocked out, including Becknar's guards.
As he saw an exit, hope ran up his spine before a gust of wind and a blur went past him, Supergirl leaned on the wall beside the door.
"Going somewhere?" she asked as Roman turned back around in a hurry, running the opposite way before he was stopped yet again by the Girl of Steel. "Besides jail?" she smirked, posing confidentially as he began to back up.
"Hey hey, let's just agree to let me go okay? I'll-I'll... I'll leave by tomorrow, I promise! Me, my men, all of them! Gone by tomorrow" he begged for the Maid of Might to let him go.
"Hmm... Not so sure about that... Since you've been up to business while I've been busy outside New York, especially conducting business with someone of interest to a friend of mine" she crossed her arms before she saw Y/N teleport behind him. "Plus... I'm sure he'll also agree too" she smirked and looked toward Y/N.
Roman turned round and was met with a fist toward his masked face, surprisingly knocking out the masked mob boss out cold. "Ow... His mask really is made out of metal"
* *
Mancer and Supergirl both gathered up the unconsciously beaten goons of Roman's men and Becknar's men for soon the NYPD would soon arrive to make arrests as a fellow hero would arrive, most notably a Green Lantern named Kyle Rayner who bubbled up Becknar's goons along with the boss Becknar himself now unfrozen and cuffed with him back to Liang and the others.
"When I get out, I'm going to-" Black Mask was cut off by the door shutting on him by a police van that held some of his goons inside.
As the last remaining goons were being escorted out from the warehouse by heavily armed cops, Supergirl suddenly approached Y/N who was just about to leave the scene, which surprised him.
"Hey" she waved as she floated down to the ground lightly. "We uh, we made a pretty good team back there... Though I did most of the work" she chuckled awkwardly at the end, looking down as she did so with a cute smile on her face.
"Yeah... I guess we made a good team back there" he agreed with her on that one, he was pretty shocked about it.
"Also I uh... Want to apologize about... Not letting you do this covert mission on your own, if that's what you wanted" she looked guilty, throwing herself under the bus which Y/N frowned at.
"No no, it's alright!" he reassured her which made her look back at him. "I'm glad we worked together on this, despite Liang saying this mission was mine to do alone, I'm just not ready to work alone so... It was nice to have someone different to work with me for a change"
"Really?" she asked him curiously with a slight smile.
"Mhm, I mean it" he smiled, causing her to fully smile. "Since you're here still... Mind if I ask you something?" he asked with the growing feeling of butterflies in his stomach.
"Y-Yeah sure! Anything" she happily answered with her hands on her hips.
"Would it be alright if... Maybe... If you could... Give me a lift... Back? As much as I do enjoy running and teleporting my way back, I was wondering if you'd take me back since... Well, you can fly and-"
"Sure! I'd be more than happy to!" she suddenly swooped up the boy in her arms swiftly, interrupting him from speaking more.
The action made his face flush red, a move he didn't expect to happen so sudden. Supergirl carrying him like a groom would carry their bride but if the roles were reversed, the bride carrying the groom instead.
He felt the wind catch up as the Girl of Steel began floating up with a smile on her face. "You're gonna enjoy this, this is my favorite part" she gleefully spoke, the sparkle in her eyes as she flew up, up and away into the sky.
The city below them began getting smaller as seconds go by, Supergirl begins to fly forward as the wind picks up, her cape and hair billow behind her as she flew forward, a smile began to grow on Y/N's face as he's never experienced this before.
"This is... Amazing!" his smile grew into a grin, feeling the air hit his face lightly as the Maiden of Might giggles.
"I know! It's my favorite part, whenever I'm bored I just fly around, close my eyes and just daydream of things or listen to the sounds I can hear that are peaceful, like birds chirping" spoke the cheerful Kara Zor-El. "Have you never experienced this before? Because it doesn't seem like you have" she asked him all of a sudden.
"Yeah" he looked at her. "We don't have anyone who can bend the laws of gravity anymore, not since the Kryptonians left Earth years ago before my time or my parent's time" he explained more about his Earth and his experience.
Kara's face softened at this. "That must've been years and years ago"
"It was, but this Earth is unlike my Earth, it's so... Modernized than futuristic, and for some reason? I... Actually like it more better" he admitted sadly.
"Really?" she asked with a frown.
"Yeah... As much as how sad that sounds? It's the truth, I've always wanted to know what modernized Earth was like, and this is the perfect example. All the data about modernized Earth was lost, destroyed. Everyone from modernized Earth are now gone forever. Which is why I'm thinking of asking permission to stay behind, to remain here instead of going back so I can start research on modernized Earth for our data collectors" he explained further, which made Kara smile again.
"You'd actually want to stay here?" she asked curiously.
"Honestly? Yeah... I'd love to stay here" he admitted with a smile on his face, his smile caused her to smile brightly, the two looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment before looking away, a blush spreading up the ninja's cheeks as she kept her smile upon looking forward.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the designated destination, the current HQ of Y/N's allies shortly put up by the help of some fellow Leaguers to assist in their ongoing investigation of the situation.
Kara gracefully landed on the ground gently before putting down Y/N onto his feet as the two exchanged a glance and a smile.
"Well... This is bye for now I suppose, I gotta get back to my New York apartment, Streaky is probably going nuts right now" Kara spoke with a worried tone.
"Who's Streaky?" Y/N innocently asked.
"My cat" she answered quickly.
"Oh... You have a cat? That's cool" he smiled.
Kara smiled back before turning her back to him, getting ready to fly back off.
However... She wasn't expecting for her name to be called out by Y/N, causing her to frown with curiosity and turn round to face him once more.
"Uh... Before you go, can I quickly ask you something" he asked.
Her frown softened as she smiled. "Sure, what's on your mind?" Kara placed her hands on her hips again, wondering what the boy was going to ask her.
"Oh... I didn't think this through" he spoke to himself before snapping out of it. "Uh... So... Are you... Busy? Tomorrow maybe?" he asked with a squinted look on his face.
"Uh... No? Well, judging from the fact that I have patrolling to do usually... Probably if there is any crime" she corrected herself by rolling her eyes at the same time before her eyes narrowed back onto him. "Why?"
"Well... Uh... I uh, wanted to ask you if you... Maybe... Want to go out with me? Y'know like? Get a bite or something? A drink? Dinner maybe?" he asked her which took her by surprise, a question she was definitely not expecting. "You're single... Right?"
'Rao, did he just... Ask me out on a date?!' she asked herself, flustered at the sudden question flung onto her, she wasn't sure how to respond nor act at this moment, her eyes widened at him, mouth a-gape a little. 'Maybe that's why he wanted to stay on this Earth'
He looked at her after asking and he judged by the look on her face that she probably wasn't too happy, his expression saddened before changing his mind.
"Actually... Forget I asked, I didn't mean to offend or anything" he spoke with a saddened tone, rubbing the back of his neck in awkwardness as he looked away, breaking eye contact away from the golden haired heroine.
Kara began smiling softly at him before she decided to walk toward him, she never thought she'd be interested but she sure felt interested in him, knowing he's got a crush on her and the fact he's a fan despite being from another Earth.
She may hardly know him but... That would pass by soon enough.
It wasn't long till Y/N noticed Supergirl walking up to him with a soft expression, her smile grew big as she drew closer to him, before he could even ask what she was doing, he was stopped...
By a pair of lips...
On his left cheek...
Her eyes opened as she pulled back with a huge smile on her face as his cheeks flushed red. "Does that answer your question?" she asked, proud of what she just did. She noticed they were being watched by Satine and Xalex who seemed to be shocked by the whole ordeal.
"A-Are you... Free to go out tomorrow?" he asked her again to which she smirked.
"Yeah, I guess I can call of my plans to patrol tomorrow night, in exchange for our... Date" she spoke softly in a rather warm tone of voice before kissing his other cheek for confirmation which seemed make him blush harder.
It was then she noticed something on the floor, a little piece of paper that was being dragged by the soft wind as her cape blew in the direction of the wind along with her hair.
She knelt down and picked it up with inhuman speed as she looked back at her date for tomorrow. "Got a pen?" she asked.
"Oh uh" he began checking his pockets, before he felt something, not a pen. He checked his back pocket and felt something again. "Ah yes... A pen! For some reason I have one?" he asked himself confused, before handing it over.
She began jotting down something quickly before handing it over to him. "Here's my number, call me" she smiled before floating up.
"Yeah... I will" he smiled as he looked up at her.
"I'll be waiting! Mwah!" she blew him a kiss before flying off as he watched her go. A smile grew big on his face before looking down.
He turned round and as he realized... This was not a dream.
"Wow... I'm going on a date tomorrow... With Supergirl"...
* *
(Friday, The 'Super' Date Night)
Today was the day... Or tonight at least...
News that Mancer asked out the Girl of Steel was brought to mostly everyone's ears, a surprise at most... But there was skepticism about it.
The EDC weren't fully trusted yet, it's only been three days now and with Becknar had been brought in for questioning... Nothing yet has been revealed.
But as of right now? Kara is currently in his cousin's apartment with his wife and son. Jon was out along with Lois Lane Kent.
"I mean... He's just so different from any other boy I've met, there's something about him that interests me" she had her chin on the palm of her hand, waiting for her cup of coffee that was being made by Clark.
"And this happened... Last night?" Clark asked curiously, wondering why his cousin was asked out by someone from a different Earth.
Fair to say? He was happy for her, his skepticism went down the drain upon his talk with Liang... Who is like a father figure to Mancer aka Y/N.
Both Kara and Y/N maybe in their early 20s, but they've both learned a lot, the only difference is? 
Kara has been on a date before and it didn't go exactly right and planned.
Y/N hasn't fell in love, nor been on a date. Yet she doesn't know this yet.
"Yeah... After I flew him back to his boss's base of operations, well for now at least, doubt it'll remain once they're back on their Earth" Kara explained. "He's just... So kind and he radiates this aura that got my attention... He has a crush on Supergirl... But what about Kara Danvers? Adopted daughter of Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers? Two former D.E.O agents?" she asked the question.
"I'm sure he also sees you as Kara Danvers too, you told him your name after all" Clark reminded her as he handed her cup of coffee to her. She politely takes it. "Besides? It's a good thing you said yes, maybe it's time to try again and see the world in the eyes of Kara Danvers once more"
"I know but... I feel... Like my heart is drawn to him, but if I get too attached? And when he leaves for his Earth? I... I-I don't know what I'd do, go with him when I'm needed here? I don't exactly want him to leave his family behind just for me" said the now frustrated Kara Zor-El, she knew it was a stupid idea to get somewhat attached to the boy her age. "I probably shouldn't have kissed his cheek and said yes... What did I do?" she whimpered next.
"I'm for sure, something can be worked out" Clark hinted as he went to comfort his upset cousin. "But overall? Enjoy tonight, I'll have someone patrol New York, incase any crime breaks out that could ruin your date with Y/N" Clark smiled.
"Really? You sure something can be worked out? He did say he actually was thinking of wanting to stay here, but that'd split him away from his family" she referred to the group he came with to this Earth.
"I'm sure there is something, a way to keep in contact with that Earth's own heroes incase a threat were to emerge that require their expertise, we need all the heroes we can get, as threats are getting more dangerous now. Threats like Omrin" Clark said with a serious face, he for sure knew it was for the best, if something can be worked out with Liang and the EDC.
"How long could that take?" she asked.
"On that? We're not sure, Liang suggested it to me first, before to the rest of the League higher ups, well... Between me and Batman of course before them and it was approved, an ally to call on you could say" he answered her question, adding more light to the hint he said earlier.
His answer that shed light on the hint made her relieved, she for one had a liking for her date tonight, and she didn't want to feel attached to him only to never see him again, though she was a little nervous about it, since her last date?
Well as said... It was disastrous...
But that was the only thing that worried her mostly now...
"Thanks Cuz" she smiled before hugging him. "Though I am a little worried about my date tonight, considering my last one?" her facial expression now mortified, it worried her for the least second.
"From what Liang has told me... Y/N is one of the kindest fellows he's ever took under his wing, he's brave, bold, patient, compassionate and loyal. He would never hurt a spider from how he explained about him" he told his cousin.
Kara already knew some of this from her observation of him, he was kind, honest and respectable, along with being shy and having a good sense of humor. Something she probably needs in a relationship as of right now.
"I'm sure your date won't go horrible, I'll have someone take over patrolling in New York for tonight, like I said. Enjoy your date with him tonight, be confident nothing will go wrong" he cheered her up again, as she takes a sip from her coffee before breaking into a smile.
"Once again, thanks Cuz" she felt a little more better with hearing his words, no wonder why Lois fell in love with him, he was good at inspiring others.
And Kara hoped one day she could pretty much do the same, though she has done it before, but not as often as Clark has done it.
"Haven't you figured out what you'll be wearing to the date tonight?" Clark asked the question as he picked up his coffee now.
"Oh yeah! I'll get right onto that!!" Kara's eyes widened as she almost shot up from her chair. Once I... Finish this coffee" she remarked before settling down once more.
* *
Y/N stood nervous in his outfit for the date, a leather jacket with jeans and boots, a plain white t-shirt underneath. He was waiting to get picked up for the date, since Kara suggested she'd pick him up.
he agreed but it had been 10 minutes since she said she was flying over to pick him up and fly him back to New York for the date.
And yet... She hasn't arrived.
"Still not here I presume?" He heard a voice behind him, coming from Satine who joined him at least four minutes later
"Yeah... fourteen minutes late pretty much and still going" he sighed, as he looked up at the starry dim sky, beginning to grow worried.
"Hey, don't be too worried. She's probably ran or... Flew into danger" Satine remarked.
"That's why I'm worried!" Y/N replied. "I'm worried that might be the case, I'm tempted to call her but I don't know if she'll pick up" he sounded more worried by the seconds that passed by. Looking back down at the now revealed device on his wrist, bringing up Kara's name on the screen.
"Well you shouldn't worry too much" Satine looked up at the sky.
"Yeah, I know I-"
"No like... You shouldn't, because I can see her" Satine chuckled, getting Y/N to look up at the sky to see Supergirl flying toward them.
And she looked worried as anything.
'Oh Rao, oh Rao, oh Rao' thought a panicked Supergirl, flying on down toward her date, with a very worried look on her face, thinking she's already screwed up.
"I-I-I am so, so, so sorry that I arrived later than I should have" Kara floated down in her Supergirl attire, her cape resting behind her after landing. "I uh... Ran into some complications along the way *nervously chuckles*. You're not... Mad are you?" she asked with a little cute expression on her face, seemingly making Y/N softly smile.
"No, no... You're fifteen minutes late practically but... It's alright!" he approached and hugged her, a smile soon approaching on her face as she hugs back. "Whatever postponed your arrival, it's not screwed this up" he pulled back with a smile still.
"Well... Since that's the case, you ready?" she asked, a tone of excitement in her voice.
"Yep, we can go" he acknowledged, before Kara swooped him off his feet instantly and levitated off the ground. 
"Gonna take us back to my apartment so I can change into an outfit for our date" the Kryptonian told him before he even asked.
"Well, I was gonna ask you that but, you read me like a book" he chuckled. "besides, I didn't just ask Supergirl to a date, I asked Kara Zor-El Danvers, who I see as both with or without the cape" he poked her nose, causing her to blush and giggle.
'Yeah, he is cute. Maybe our date could go well' she thought in her head, smiling at his friendly nature already.
"Well... Enjoy the date, love birds!" Satine shouted out and teased, watching Y/N be carried and flown away by his date.
The boy blushed a little upon hearing what Satine said. "Did she just call us... Love birds?" he blushed heavily now thinking about it, causing the Girl of Steel to giggle.
"Yeah, she defo called us that... I honestly see why" she flirted with a wink.
"We flirting already?" he smirked.
"If you want to" she smirked back.
"Well... I'd rather save the flirting for when we're at the restaurant for our date, maybe... A few during our uh... Walk through the park or whatever?" he told her, earning a bigger smirk from her.
"This your first date?" she asked curiously, she had a feeling it could be as he looked puzzled to say something for a brief moment.
"Y-Yeah... This is... My first ever date, never experienced this before... Sorry to disappoint" he felt awkward. "I just hope it doesn't go sideways"
"Don't worry! It's alright!" she sounded cheerful, eager to lighten up the situation he now found himself in. "You're in luck! I haven't exactly dated anyone in a while so it's kinda my first time in a way too! And no, it won't go sideways. Not even crime is gonna stop our date" she told him with a proud and classy smile.
They were now closing on in to New York, which was becoming visible from under the clouds, the lights showing off the city like a beacon in the dark.
"Well, you saying that does bring my hopes up. Sunshine" replied the boy her age, causing the girl to look surprised. Like she's never heard that before.
"Sunshine? Did you just call me Sunshine?" she began to blush with a cute smile on her face, the type of smile that could make someone not think straight once they see it toward them.
"Y-Yeah I did, your like a radiating sunshine, Kara. Not sure if anyone's said that before, but... From what I know, you bring caring and warmth everywhere you go. Just a cheerful sunshine on a summer day" he explained his reason, causing the Maid of Might to melt in his words.
"Aww, that's probably the most sweetest thing I've heard in a while now... That... That means a lot, you're so sweet" her face brightened with joy, the pair now flying above New York as she lowers herself into the city, just flying past the buildings now.
She flew around a building that looked to be a high-end apartment building, which seemed to look expensive. Y/N recognized the building itself since on his Earth? The building looked a lot more... Futuristic than modernized. Ritz-Carlton New York Hotel, now revealed that Kara indeed lives in there.
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The Girl of Steel levitated herself lower until she saw her own opened window, flying through the opened window before gently landing and putting her date on his two feet once more.
"There we are! Welcome to my apartment room!" she performed a spin with a smile plastered on her face. She noticed the shock on his face, how could she have this much money? Having an apartment room like this? The view looked incredible. "Judging by the look on your face, you're pretty astonished" she giggled.
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"I mean... Wow... When I thought apartment... I wasn't expecting this. You live at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel?! Especially this room? It's incredible!" he expressed his thoughts as his astonishment explored the room he was in. "On my Earth? This is like the oldest but cheapest Hotels to date, overshadowed by many other Hotels but... Wow, this is like... A dream, it's like going back to relive what it felt like being in this room" he explained.
"Well... I'm not exactly living in here forever though, I do plan to have a house built somewhere near New York, I do have a job as Kara Danvers here too so I can't exactly abandon that" she put her hands behind her back within her cape.
"What is this job of yours besides Supergirl?" he asked curiously.
"I work as a reporter at the Daily News, I'm a journalist. I used to work in National City at CatCo at the time but I quit that two years ago. I'm more happier working at the Daily News" she explained, she felt happy explaining more about herself, not as Supergirl, just as her alter ego.
"Interesting... Better save the stories for when we go out for dinner" he suggested, causing Kara to suddenly widen her eyes.
"Oh yeah! The dress! Hold on, be back in a Flash!" she giggled at herself afterwards before speeding off.
Y/N took the privilege to sit down on the sofa as he began to wait, his mind filled with many questions he wants to ask her. Though he knew he can't exactly ask her some questions in public regarding Krypton and other superhero related stuff. However, questions were on the board about Kara's human lifestyle.
Many thoughts began to overwhelm him, he felt nervous about it all, he's never done this before and he for sure, isn't great with relationships with girls. Hence why he's always avoided a romantic relationship.
At the same time? He likes Kara, he likes Kara for all she is, whether as Kara Danvers, the human who works as a journalist, or Supergirl aka Kara Zor-El, a superhero who is an alien refugee from the planet Krypton just like Superman.
In the other room, Kara is putting on her dress for the date, checking herself out on the mirror she had on display, smiling at herself before her thoughts overwhelmed her.
She was nervous also, never did she think she would begin to fall for someone who isn't even from this Earth, a human with powers beyond her imagination. ice, fire, solar, even smoke? Which smoke isn't even magic but still... He's able to use smoke as magic which confused her at first before accepting it was inevitable that it can be done.
She picked up her glasses, glasses that disguised her thoroughly, though it wasn't the same hair changing glasses she used to have. They broke under a certain altercation.
She puts them on as checks herself out again before exhaling a short breath, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach as she thinks about him... The same feeling from last night, where she screamed into her pillow with excitement, jumping up with joy. The same butterflies that'd make her feel happy around someone she likes a lot that it would make her float like one of those Disney princesses.
Y/N pondered how he was going to tell her that he likes her whenever it would come to that later, as he heard her coming back through. "You ready to see me?" she asked around the corner.
"Yeah, come on out" he answered, not expecting the sight he would see afterwards.
She was already beautiful as it is... But he's never seen someone this gorgeous in a dress... A blue dress with high heel sandals.
She parted her hair to the left side of her face as she stopped in front of him, showing off the dress from front... To back, showing off the elegant dress she decided to choose to wear.
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"So..." she broke the silence. "You like it?" she asked with her hands behind her back, looking sheepish as she asks.
"I... Wow... You look like an angel" he softly spoke as the girl was flustered at his compliment.
"An angel?" she asked.
"Yeah... Like an angel who fell from the sky... Speaking of that since you came from another planet, so..." he referenced, making Kara blush heavily. "You're definitely an angel pretty much" he complimented again, causing the girl to give out a half-suppressed laugh.
"That's... That's so charming of you, I never thought myself as an angel" a cute smile was left on her face as she approached the now standing up boy. "You ready to go out for our date?" she asked politely.
"Yeah" he replied, taking her hand without thinking which caused the two to lightly blush and chuckle. "I think I'm ready to go out on our date"
* *
The couple were now at the restaurant, an Italian-American restaurant named Carne Mare, a place for good food surrounding Italian dishes and special dishes at best.
The couple found a seat and waited for someone to come over and take their order as they looked at the menu.
"Oh, they do Atlantic Halibut Steak? Pair that with potatoes? Especially roasted? Oh! it's good" he told his date who chuckled at his insight.
"Had it before I assume?" she asked as she lowered the menu she held in her hands.
"Yeah, Ma used to cook it, her own version at least, Ma told me it was my dad's favorite before he unexpectedly passed" he went on like it was nothing, Kara's eyes instantly widened at this new information she didn't hear before. She knew from the tone of voice he was still hurt over it.
"Your father passed away? I... I didn't know that" she didn't know what to say to this much, it was all of a sudden that he dropped the ball about his own personal life immediately. "I-I'm so sorry, I was going to ask you about your parents but..." she felt bad that she didn't know, feeling some guilt for him too.
"Hey, it's alright" he smiled as he lowered the menu he held. "It happened a while ago, and ma's doing okay, she's worried but... She knows I can handle myself out here" he made her smile with his words.
"Caring mothers are the best" she replied with a more happier tone.
"On that, I agree" he smiled brightly as she chuckled. "Got any family members you wanna talk about? Mine are uh... Well... It's complicated" he asked with an unsure face, knowing his family history is a long, long explanation.
"I should tell you about Eliza Danvers, my adopted mother, she's amazing. Along with Jeremiah, my adopted father" she spoke next.
"Oh? Wonder when I can get to meet these people" he wondered loudly, causing the girl to giggle.
"I'm sure you will at some point, I think they'll like you" she winked, as the waitress now arrived at their table.
"Good evening, I'm David, I'll be your server for tonight along with the rest of our guests" a man in a suit and bow-tie showed up with a small notepad to write on.
"Hello David!" Kara called out, waving toward the man as Y/N did the same.
"You two on a date may I ask?" the server politely asked.
"Yeah! Guessing it was pretty obvious?" Kara chuckled a reply, her date smiling along with her.
"It's not rare seeing a couple on a dinner date come here" the man replied. "So, drinks first. We've got Beer, Cocktails and Wine, we've also got Sparkling and Regular water if that's what you want?" he asked the couple.
"Oh, hmm... What do you think? Wine or Sparkling maybe?" Kara asked her date.
"I say we go sparkling water, not the biggest fan of Wine" Y/N replied as the server wrote it down.
"Alright, starters?" he asked next, Kara and Y/N looked at one another for a moment before agreeing on no starters. "Okay, main and side dish?" he then asked.
"Hmm... I'll go for a Mezzi Rigatoni, he'll go for... An Atlantic Halibut Steak" Kara informed the server as he began jotting down the order. "No side dish for me, not sure about this handsome guy here" she flirted with Y/N, making him chuckle with a blush rising up on his face.
"I'll take a side dish of uh... Potatoes Rustica?" he asked.
"Done, there is Dolci's which are desserts in other words, if you both want to order one after the main and side dishes, I'll come back to order for it afterwards along with your food and drinks soon!" David finished jotting down the couple's order before smiling.
"Thank you David!" Kara says as his smile shows his gratitude before walking off to take another order.
"Wow, this place is a lot more fancier than I thought" Kara told herself loudly.
"It is an Italian-American restaurant, it's gonna look fancy regardless" Y/N shrugged.
"It's quite nice, not that I'm complaining or anything. It's just... Not the first time I've been to a restaurant like this" she chuckled while thinking back to the last time she went on a date.
"Y'know? Now that you've mentioned it? Who did you last date before me? It sounds like it happened a few years ago" he asked her with a curious look on his face, wanting to know exactly who she dated before, that's when she laughed upon looking back at it.
"Yeah, it was a few years ago. I was 18 at the time, my date was actually the Boy Wonder Robin, Y'know? Batman's sidekick? Or former sidekick now at least" she answered his question, his eyes widened a little at the realization of who she dated before.
"Wait, he goes by the alias Nightwing now right?" he asked.
"Yep... I still remember the date as if it was yesterday" she chuckled. Fueling Y/N's curiosity further. At the same time, the server came round with two glasses of sparkling water, setting it down on the couple's table as they both thanked server David before he walked off once again.
"Care to elaborate on what really happened that day?" he asked politely, even leaning in as he showed to her how interested he wanted to hear this story.
"Haha, well..." she rolled her eyes playfully with a smile...
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"Gotta say... I thought he'd be interesting to have a chat with" Y/N spoke as he began cutting his Atlantic steak, put together with the potatoes he ordered.
"Don't get me wrong, we're on better terms now than before, even after that uh... Date" she spoke with gestured air quotations at the end of her sentence.
"Well... I know how it feels to be stared at, looked at with glances and so fourth while in a public place doing normal things while in costume? Yeah... I know how it feels" he spoke like he's had experience, before putting the fork in his mouth that had stabbed the steak and a potato earlier.
"Wait, you go out in public, doing normal human things while in costume? Don't you have a alter ego?" Kara asked curiously as she stabbed a bit of the pasta on her plate.
"Eh, yeah. About that, everyone knows who the EDC are, we don't use secret identities. And btw, you should see the aliens we have on our Earth. They're pretty much... Robots in Disguise" he gloated, making Kara almost spit out the pasta she had been eating in her mouth.
"What?! Are you saying that... Transformers exist on your Earth?!!" Kara almost shouted in shock.
"Shh!" Y/N shushed the Kryptonian Journalist. "Don't wanna blow our identities by shouting that!"
"Oh, sorry" Kara giggled. "I'm just... Surprised that they exist on your Earth, must be weird knowing they're fiction here" she then whispered.
"Yeah... It's pretty weird how they're just fiction here but not on my Earth" Y/N spoke from his perspective.
"Just asking... Does Optimus Prime exist? Or is he alive?" she asked, a glint of interest in her eye as she began eating again.
"Yep... He's real and alive. Megatron is too, well they're not enemies anymore. It's pretty much a joint op" he whispered back, making sure no one thought he was crazy or anything if they heard him. Meanwhile Kara was just too into it, wanting to know more now that more information was shared about his Earth.
'Megatron's a good guy now?' Kara thought along with being surprised, she's always seen him as the villain of the screens of TV shows, movies and so fourth. 
"I'll explain more about it later. Right now? I want to hear more about your story" he was still interested in Kara's story, a glint now glistening in his eye as he continues eating.
"Oh, right... Now where was I?" Kara wondered loudly.
"You were at the part where you asked the waiter about your food" he told her.
"Oh right!" Kara remembered. "So..."
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"Wait, wait pause"
*Record scratch*
"You're telling me... Some guy's pet monkey caused a truck, carrying bowling balls to crash into a concrete wall, bowling balls began spilling out, causing a bus to crash into a fountain filled with water along with causing an entire crash scene? And a monkey caused all that? The fuck?" he was all but baffled at this. It was too good of a story to be made up.
"I'm telling you! This is NOT made up! I'm 100% serious as I swear to Rao on this. This did happen" Kara really did want to believe this wasn't made up but... It wasn't. "Can I continue, please?"
"Sure, I'm already loving this story of yours already!"
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"Ohh, talk about a bad date... That was a disaster for sure" he complimented.
"I know... Getting morally embarrassed by falling into a broken water fountain, having your suit soaked up and hair messy, only to come back and see that the food was cold... Yeah... Pretty disastrous if you ask me" Kara replied, finishing her meal as Y/N finished his.
"And I gotta say? That was a good story, along with that steak cause wow... Haven't had that in a long time" he licked his lips and sighed happily afterwards.
"Yeah, should've tried that pasta, it was pretty good" she giggled before mirroring what he did by licking her lips afterwards and sighing just like he did.
The two looked at each other before bursting out in soft laughter.
"Y'know? I saw the desserts here and... I really, REALLY want to try that 17 layer choco cake they have" he thought about it loudly.
"Oh desserts? Sure we can have a dessert, one caught my eye" she smirked before licking her lips.
She didn't realize she was staring at him when she said that which caused him to look surprised.
"Woah! Wow Angel, didn't think you'd mean it like that if that's what you meant" he then smirked, teasing her.
"W-What? Oh no no no, I wasn't m-meaning it l-l-like that" her face flushed red, realizing what she did as she giggled nervously.
"I know what you meant, just teasing ya" he winked, her blood flushed cheeks began dimming down as the server David came round.
"Hello you two, ready to pay the bill for the meals or are you both having a dessert?" David asked politely.
"Oh yeah! Uhh... I'll have a Sweet Cream Panna Cotta" Kara answered with a smile.
"What about you sir?" David asked Kara's date.
"17 Layer Chocolate Cake will do for me" Y/N politely answered back.
"Okay, it'll be out shortly once I've given the order to them. Hope you enjoy your desserts, someone will come round to hand the bill to you to pay" David informed the couple.
"Thank you David" It was Y/N turn to share his gratitude as the server smiled before walking off.
"Y'know, now that I think back to my story... I think that monkey's name was Bingo" Kara shared some new info about the story she recently told her date.
"Bingo? Huh? Cute name for a monkey" he complimented. "Like yours"
"Aww Sparks, I'm flustered" Kara's face glistened.
"Sparks? That my nickname?" he asked with a smile on his face.
"Might as well be!" she giggled.
Before long, their desserts would soon arrive at their table, with each individual cutlery.
Kara seemed to be enjoying her Panna Cotta as Y/N was enjoying his cake.
"Mmm, this cake is really good. Wow" Y/N gloated at the cake's taste, since it tasted like heaven.
"I'd say the same to this!" Kara put the spoon in her mouth as she tasted the sweet taste on the Cotta, hummed to say it was good... Too good.
"I got an idea" he said. Gaining the Kryptonians attention.
"Hmm?" She hummed, still eating what was in her mouth.
"How about we get a taste of each other's desserts? You taste mine, I taste yours? I know it's like a classic romantic dating thing, wanna try it?" he suggested as Kara thought about it.
"Hmm... Sure!" she went along, getting some Panna Cotta on her spoon with the cream and berries as her date does the same with his cake, only difference was that he had a fork.
Their mouths opened upon them feeding each other their own dessert on their respective cutlery before pulling it back as they began eating.
"Mmm... Oh waow" he spoke with a mouthful, the sweet cream, the berries, it was a perfect taste to his own taste buds. "Wow, that is definitely the taste of heaven" he complimented, enjoying the sweet taste... He always had a sweet tooth.
"Gotta say? The cake is amazing! Kinda wish I could steal the recipe... But that'd be criminal" she chuckled, enjoying the chocolate sensation from the cake, unlike any other cake she's had before, specially chocolate. "If they had ice cream? That would be great with that cake"
"Oh yeah! Definitely" he agreed. The couple giggling afterwards as they continued eating... But kept their eyes locked onto each other, smiles offered as they enjoyed their dessert together,
* *
"And then, he turned to me and said, we should prank her, she's always gotten me with her pranks" Y/N was telling Kara a story of his.
They had been walking through Central Park after their dinner date for at least 10 to 20 minutes now telling each other their stories and such, spending the rest of their date taking a walk through Central Park... Where couples usually did go to on their first date or two.
Earlier Kara informed him about the mask she accidentally destroyed upon their first encounter, she had successfully fixed it with Kryptonian metal and fabrics, using the Fortress's technology to repair it, which made Y/N ecstatic.
"Well, did you and Xalex prank her?" Kara was intrigued to know the rest, the both had been holding hands like before. Smiling like idiots.
"Yeah... Well... Before Xalex could do his master plan of pranking on Satine with using the old paint buckets that still had some pain left on em... He uh" he continued before trying his best not to laugh. "He dropped them on Liang instead, thinking it was Satine who was walking by" he burst out laughing, it was his first day at the EDC after Liang brought him in.
"Oh Rao" Kara laughed with her date. "I'm guessing he wasn't very happy about having paint splattered on him" she continued laughing with him.
"Oh yeah, he wasn't very happy at all, got caught and all, he didn't scold me but he scolded Xalex, the commotion gained the attention of everyone present, including some of the Autobots and Decepticons who were there. Bee asks me what happened, so I told him everything. It all reminds him of the Terrens who he taught a few years back" Y/N continued explaining the rest of the story.
The couple walked past a part of grass that had no trees blocking the view, which gave Kara an idea.
"Wanna stargaze? I can tell you more about Krypton and myself of course" she asked with a wink at the end.
"Yeah! Sure why not?" he reluctantly agreed, as they walked toward the same part of grass Kara spotted. "Wait... We don't have something to lie down on top of the grass" Y/N then spoke.
"Don't worry" Kara winked before speeding off and coming back in full costume and taking off her cape that billows behind her. "I have a solution to that" she giggled afterwards before setting down the cape.
"You sure you want to do this in costume? What if people walk by and see Supergirl sitting down with some random guy staring at the sky?" Y/N asked the question.
"Don't worry Sparks!" she took his hand. "No one really comes along this part of Central Park at night, they always say it's dangerous but really? It's not" she winked.
They sat down before lying down, their hands intertwined again as a smile was on their faces.
"Sky's beautiful tonight" Y/N said with a glistening in his eyes, the many stars that shined in the night sky, let alone the Moon that was visible through the clouds.
"Yeah, they're always beautiful at night here, from what I've seen" Kara agreed, a smile growing bigger on her face.
"So... I gotta ask... What was living on Krypton like? Before coming here and having those powers?" Y/N asked the question, she already knew he was going to ask it after all.
"Well... Krypton was... It was beautiful, the cities were filled with laughter and joy, there were many houses, I know you call them clans here on Earth so to speak" she answered.
"Speaking about clans, my ancestors are from an old clan that existed years and years ago" her answer reminded him of his heritage and where he came from, let alone, making him talk about it.
"Wait, really? Which one?" Kara asked.
"The Nobushi Clan, one that had the greatest warriors who were the first line of defence centuries ago" he answered her question. "Enough about me for now, I wanna know about your culture and stuff, I'm interested in it after all" he suggested to change the topic about her.
"Oh yeah, of course!" she immediately snuffed out the distractions. "The Houses we had were a family sigil, each had it's own emblem and what they stood for. Mine is the House of El as you already know, most of the House of El were apart of the Science Guild, where my biological father Zor-El and his brother Jor-El worked in" Kara spoke as her eyes laid upon a star that shined brighter than the others.
"Were you part of the Science Guild too?" Y/N asked curiously.
"Originally was planning to, yeah. My mother however was part of the Military Guild. Her house of the House of Ze, her name was Alura In-Ze. She was married to my father Zor-El... And then, they had me" Kara felt happy talking to someone about her culture's history, never did she think someone, a Human even, was interested in knowing about Krypton's history.
"What about the other houses?" Y/N asked.
"Well there's the House of Zod, home to ruthless warriors and defenders of Krypton, well... They were once... Before General Dru-Zod came along and led a coup against the council of Krypton. They want to make Earth the New Krypton but have failed many attempts since we got involved" Kara explained further.
"And where are they now?"
"Phantom Zone" Kara replied with a smug look on her face. "Hope they rot in there for all I care" a distaste in her mouth when she spoke about them.
"You really hate them, don't you?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah, hate em with a passion, they Zod tried to manipulate my mother, she saw through his manipulation and in return tried to kill her. It failed" she answered, remembering that moment when she was eleven years old.
"Any other houses?" he asked, still wondering if there was many more since the only house he'd known was the House of El mostly.
"There's like many more, House of Ak, An, Am, Da, Dar... Do you want me to go through em all?" she asked politely, chuckling at the thought of going through all of them.
"Actually... Why not tell me them all later?" he suggested.
"That's fine with me" she smiled, as a star shoots through the sky.
"Look at that, a shooting star" he pointed out.
"Yeah! It's amazing!" her eyes glistened upon it, she's flown close to a shooting star before, and it's beautiful up close from her words.
"You had a God right? Rao it was called?" Y/N asked Kara next, gaining her interest.
"Yeah, we all... I wouldn't say worship but we all were religious. Rao was the sun God of Krypton, he had two children, Nightwing and Flamebird" she explained the history behind her God.
"Nightwing? Wait... Did Dick Grayson copy that?" he wondered loudly.
"Hahaha, that's what I thought at first, like I thought he took the name as inspiration, but he actually had no idea about it" Kara laughed.
Y/N laughed along with her, smiling as he tilted his head to look at her.
Kara noticed he was looking at her, and so... She looked at him, the two felt some connection once their eyes met. The calm wind blowing in the air as their eyes glistened at each other.
"When you... Wear that symbol" his free hand slightly touched the symbol on Kara's suit, she felt his hand touch her and let his touch feel the suit she wore. His eyes looking upon it before meeting her eyes once more. "Do you... Ever feel... Like the weight of the world is on your shoulders?" Y/N asked a very good question which surprised her at the slightest.
She always felt so alone in the universe after Krypton's destruction, finally arriving to Earth, only to find that her baby cousin was a grown up adult now.
She used to feel so angry at the world, at herself... At everything, she was hot-headed, a girl with anger issues, someone who couldn't accept Earth as their new home. She became a Red Lantern at the time because of her rage.
She told him all of this earlier, even so she'd get emotional about it all, but she's learned to talk about it without breaking down in tears or getting all emotional... Kandor did survive, but the same could not be said for Argo City, not her parents.
"Sometimes... It can be too much for me to handle, and to be honest? I... I don't know if I'm ready to be Earth's Champion if my cousin were to be gone somewhere... Or worse... Dead" Kara spoke with a saddened tone. "But I need to be strong for Earth, for my new family, without them? I don't even know where I'd be right now. Probably still angry at the world? I don't know? I've learned so much about Earth and... I once said that Humans were just... Beyond saving, that they waste their lives on nothing and such. And I still regret saying that" she out heartedly admitted.
She hated who she was after Krypton's destruction, just a girl who was angry at the world, wouldn't hesitate to fight or worse, kill anyone in her way, even her own cousin.
"But... Kal thinks I bring joy and happiness to those around me, that I've grown to be my own person, who carries hope like he does as Superman. And to be honest? He's not wrong" she smiled brightly, looking at her date while butterflies dance in her stomach.
"I agree... He's not wrong. Your smile is like a sunshine, and... You're an angel from the sky. You're beautiful Kara... One of the most beautiful girls I've met. I'm not great with girls, never tried getting into a relationship. But this? I... I really want you to be my first and only" he spoke before admitting his feelings. He felt like a weight was took off of him, his heart pounding in his chest as she picked up on it.
Her smile brightened further along with her face, she never felt this loving feeling in a while. "I want to try again, try a relationship again. Maybe... You're the one I really needed to find" she grinned.
The two began giggling and chuckling, a blush rising up their cheeks as the moment passes, smiles were offered, as they felt the romantic tension rising.
"I guess the House of El doesn't just mean... Hope, and all that. I guess it could mean... Love and Compassion too" Kara thought loudly, finding a new understanding go the symbol she's always worn since birth.
"I like the sound of that. Hope, Love and Compassion for all" he gloated, causing the girl to snicker.
"Sounds corny... I love it" she smiled.
"Me too" he smiled back.
The two then sat up before they began slowly closing the gap, their lips almost touched before Kara made the move, her hand touched his face as his reached the back of her head, gently caressing her golden hair.
The pair realized what was happening, they were having their first ever kiss, well... Kara's had a few kisses on the lips before, but for Y/N? It's his first time.
The pair melted into the kiss, Kara's other hand caressed face as she felt his other hand on her thigh.
She moaned softly as their kiss continued, their lips slowly dancing before Y/N pulled back for air slowly, setting up the mood of the situation.
"Wow... That... That's my first ever kiss, I've never kissed anyone on the lips before" Y/N admitted to a now giggling Kara Zor-El.
"For your first kiss? That was good" she complimented, making the boy blush a thank you. "Care to go again?" she asked.
"Gladly" he smiled, their lips touching again for a brief moment, her kiss was like the ocean breeze, he smiled into the kiss as it continued for a few moments before the two pulled back. "Kara... I uh... I spoke with Liang... About staying here" he then spoke afterwards, which Kara frowned at.
"Really? What did he say?" Kara was intrigued.
"So... I asked him and he... He had a feeling I would feel attached to this world, he knows what's happening right now and he understands why I want to stay on this Earth. He knows I have... Feelings toward you, though we just met a few days ago. Fair to say? I don't regret it" he smiled.
"You're staying here? Are you really sure you want to?" Kara asked with concern, knowing he might miss his home, despite there being talks about an agreement of an ally to call upon such if a situation requires the EDC's help. "Won't you miss your home?"
"Yes..." YN answered briefly before his eyes drifted back to Kara's baby blues yet again, "But I want to spend my life here, and meeting you has made me think that way... In other words... I want most of my days here, even with you. So... Liang thought it'd be a good idea for me to stay here, of course he still has to talk to the others about it first but... Honestly? I'm more than happy to stay here on this Earth, even if it's with you" a smile was still on his face before inevitably, Supergirl would start to smile. Never thinking he'd be allowed to stay.
"Oh Y/N, you-you didn't have to. But... That makes me happy, knowing you want to stay" Kara's smile brightened 
The Multitasker smiled as he pulled himself in... Before they were interrupted by music happening in the distance, with people singing along the song.
A song named... Better Place by Rachel Platten, being performed by a woman with a beautiful voice, similar to the original singer... Maybe it is her? Happening at some musical stadium within Central Park.
"There's some music going on. You hear that?" Kara asked.
"Yeah, I recognize the song" he smiled with an answer.
The song continued as they listened in, before Kara began swaying left to right slowly, the lyrics of the song catching up to her as she quietly sang along.
"Well" Kara began getting up before looking down at Y/N and offering a hand. "Care to dance?"
"Me? Dancing? I'm bad at it as it is" he chuckled.
"Just a slow dance, just keep your eyes on me and mirror my movements" she offered, a smile on her face as he took her hand, pulling himself up.
"Sure... Something for us to remember" he smiled as he stepped off Kara's cape before she picked it up and attaching it back on her suit behind herself, the cape draped perfectly over her shoulders.
The couple smiled as their bodies touched, holding hands together as they began to slowly dance to the song going on in the distance.
Their eyes locked onto each other as the pair slowly danced.
During this... The couple hadn't noticed someone watching them in the distance with a pair of binoculars, sitting on top of a building as he watched Kara dance with her date.
The man smiled as he watched and chuckled. "Atta girl, knew you'd find someone eventually" Nightwing spoke as he put away the binoculars before continuing his patrol, taking over for Supergirl tonight.
"There you go! You're getting the hang of it!" Kara spoke excitedly as he made her do a spin before catching her.
"Seems like I am" he chuckled before Kara turned round, looking at Y/N in the eyes.
"Wanna stay at mine tonight? I have room for one more on my bed" she smiled, her eyes glittering like the calm ocean.
"Wouldn't mind that, waking up beside you would be a dream" he teased, causing her and himself to giggle before continuing their dance.
Their dance would soon stop before their faces drew closer and softly touched at the song coming to a close, their eyes closing as Kara begins to float up in the air with her arms wrapped around Y/N. Her cape and hair blew softly in the wind as he felt her flying up into the sky.
Where their kiss would continue up in the skies of New York City.
Knowing he had truly Scored Supergirl's Heart of Steel...
* * *
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maxphilippa · 11 months
people not getting nickel at all is so funny to me.
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dude. what part of "he was acting out of fear because he didn't want to get manipulated by balloon since he did have story with him back then in s1, and wanted to protect his friends/alliance, and EVEN IF HE MESSED UP A LOT WITH SUITCASE AND BALLOON, it wasn't out of malice, but out of misguided fear and lack of proper communication that turned into something worse due to Nickel's nature." you don't get. it's not about forgetting what he did or treating him as likeable or anything. he very much didn't forgive himself over what happened and let BALLOON HIMSELF KNOW that he DIDN'T have to forgive him. he is OKAY with accepting his faults and with balloon not wanting to be part of that change because HE RECOGNIZES THAT HE WAS AN ASSHOLE TO SUITCASE AND TO HIM. CLOVER'S THERAPY SESSION DID SOMETHING TO HIM. HE'S TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR HIS ACTIONS.
of course i can totally get not liking him on s2, he wasn't really one of my faves but hey! he grew and recognized that what he did was wrong! adam himself said that he did care about suitcase and bb, but his lack of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE doomed their alliance. nickel isn't justifying himself with "oh but i was scared of balloon", he is accepting that his fear towards him changed into something else that he couldn't control.
also btw have you considered that they didn't know what to do with nickel on s2. if you deeply analyze him it makes sense as to why he changed so much on s3. "ohhhhh but he was a dick to Suitcase since the start" again. have you considered that nickel's writing has changed a lot over time. he's pure snark there but even then still cared mid-late s2. i could do a whole separate post analyzing his relationship with Suitcase from both of their perspectives but that's not the point. if that was the point of his thing with suitcase it wouldn't made sense for nickel to say "i just wanted to keep what we had".
AS WELL I WANT TO NOTE SOMETHING. His relationship with Balloon getting better WASN'T out of nowhere. On the comics, Balloon sent Nickel a letter when he wanted to fix things with others, and maybe that was also a factor that played for Nickel too. Remember that Nickel is a guy that acts first and thinks later. As well, Balloon references that Nickel and him used to trick Yinyang back at the Hotel. Nickel changed a lot in s3 and didn't have Baseball who was excusing his unhealthy behaviour either. Box helped these two to grow for the better.
tl;dr: nickel has one of those arcs that i need to study like a bug and everyone still treating him like a villain despite wanting to grow and understanding that his actions were terribly wrong is so funny to me. also balloon very much did end up liking the guy genuinely when they were friends as well. people can grow and change. people who had terrible relationships can heal and can get better.
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
“All Mine.”
Janis ‘Imi’ike x overweight fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, mentions of violence, eating disorders, bit of angry & protective Janis, smut ending
Part 2 of “Don’t Say Forever”, Janis returns to school the next day and goes up against the apex predator. The one who started it all, the one who made school like hell for reader. But all’s well that ends well.
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The next day, you stayed home from school, heeding her advice You were simply so done that you didn’t even think of going to school. So when she told you to stay home, you almost immediately agreed. At least you’d have a day of peace instead of having to face those feelings and people. And so, she gets picked up by Damian and they drove to school together.
“Did either of you get any sleep last night?”
“Oh, she slept good.” Janis says with a soft sigh, “I didn’t really sleep.”
“Girl, why the hell not?”
“Because I was up thinking about what to do about the whole bullying/name-calling situation since the school refused to do anything and is still allowing it all to happen right under their noses.”
“Mrs. Norbury did after you both left— Regina was speechless. Everybody was. It was quiet for the first time since everything started. Like— I’ve been telling people to shut the fuck up, you have too, but they never really lasted. But yesterday? That was something else.”
“Regina wouldn’t just stop like that. You don’t know her like I did.” Janis scoffs, “The only way we can win, is by overtaking her on the ‘food chain’.”
“And how do you suggest we do that?”
“We poach her girls.” Janis answered confidently, “y/n told me that Gretchen talked to her yesterday. Saying that Regina calls her what, ‘little miss overthinker’ while talking shit about her— she knows. She’s not that stupid. She’s not that bad. We can convince her to come onto our side instead.”
Damian nodded, “Okay, good. Let’s…do that. And I feel like Aaron can be on our team too, honestly. I’ve seen him check on her and just…glare at some of those miserable minions.”
“Great, more people on our side the better. I still need to talk to that bitch directly though. I tried to once and remember? She screamed bloody murder and tried to get me into trouble.”
“Oh, honey that was a fucking mess.”
“Like— okay, after all of that, I get why y/n’s keeping quiet about this with me. It’s a difficult thing to be going through and sharing but I would rather she talk to me so she can get it off of her mind than have it constantly weighing down on her, you know? I tell her that all the time and she says okay but it never really works.”
“Be patient with her. I know you are doing that but please continue to be.” Damian says.
Janis only nodded then looked out the window.
“Is anyone at home with her?”
“Her Mom is, for the morning. We talked late last night— I finally told her who started the whole bullying thing. But that y/n’s alright at the moment…I’m hoping. She knew that y/n was getting bullied because y/n told her. Not in detail, though. But that’s changed now.”
“Right, it’s good that her Mom’s aware so she can help instead of being upset that y/n’s acting all ‘distant’ or upset. It’s so good that she understands.”
“She told the school first. They claimed there was nothing going on.” Janis recalls, “Then we told them— one ‘investigation’ later? Nothing and yet here we are.”
“Mrs. Norbury risked her job to talk to the school during assembly. That’s ridiculous— she’s doing the right thing.”
“The school’s fucked up. What’s it gotta take for them to finally listen? Lost lives?”
The remainder of the drive was silent, with Damian’s playlist being the only thing heard for the next ten minutes. Damian parks his car then they both walk into school together. The very first person Janis sees…is none other than Regina George. Just the person she needed to see.
“What, freak?” The blonde snarked.
“You are so pathetic to have to find meaning in your life by demeaning other people.” Janis began, “We’re one foot out of high school and you’re still acting like you’re better than others? Shit, the real world sucks and you’d better pray your eyes open up soon enough for you to see it. You wouldn’t last a day in the shoes of anyone else.”
“In the real world, not everyone’s gonna like you.” She said back cockily.
“Yeah? Sure. Not everyone’s going to be bullying someone just ’cause they have nothing else to say so they pick on their weight, and every little thing. No sane person pays that much attention to someone they claim to hate!”
Janis immediately went on her to homeroom with Damian after that, not wanting to let Regina have a chance to respond. When she approached the room, Ms. Norbury was waiting outside. She then stopped her from entering so they could talk. Damian went right in and greeted Mr. Duvall as he walked to his desk.
“I talked to the students yesterday. A lot of them spoke up against Regina, some stayed quiet but they chattering stopped after that. If you or Damian, or y/n hear anything about anything or anyone. I will not hesitate to report them. Every single one of them. If I have to type or write their names until my hands fall off, I will if that’s what it takes to make the school safer.”
“Thank you.” Janis says. Today’s been the most peaceful day in months— no murmuring, pointing of fingers and snickering. But yet, Janis was still furious. “I take it she won’t be coming into school today. Tell her to take all the time off she needs— I’ll have her teachers send her homework home with you.”
“Regina started it. Right in front of our faces.” Janis tells her, “On y/n’s very first day back after her time off last year due to her eating disorder. So, Mrs. Norbury, I am very angry. I am very protective of the girl I love. She has been through enough.”
“Janis, I understand your frustration and it’s absolutely justified. Please don’t engage with Regina anymore. We’ve called for her Mom to come down so we can talk.”
“What’s talking gonna do?”
“We’ll suspend her. She could even be facing expulsion.”
“I talked to her earlier. I didn’t threaten her, I did not hit her. That’s it, i just talked. I had to say something.”
“Okay.” Mrs. Norbury acknowledges.
“Okay.” Janis nodded curtly then walked into class and say down beside Damian.
While Janis and Damian’s days have started, you’d barely just woken up from your sleep. You washed up and trudged downstairs to see that your Mom had made you breakfast. “Morning, Mom.”
“Morning, darling.” Your Mom smooches you on the cheek. You sat down, grabbing your cutlery and digging into the food.
“Janis must’ve talked to you, hasn’t she?” you asked knowingly. Why else would she still be at home on a Wednesday morning? She worked 9 to 5.
“I asked her about it. She didn’t tell me everything because that’s up to you— she said. She did however tell me who started the bullying.”
“Oh.” That’s all you said, not knowing what else you could reply with. “Thanks for breakfast. I’m sorry I’ve been in a bad mood lately, it’s just been really draining to have to go to school and deal with Regina and everyone else.”
“I’m relieved you’re here with me. And that you guys are letting me understand the situation. Don’t worry about it.” She assured. “I get that things like that are really hard to share, but whenever you’re ready, you can talk to me about it. Even if you just want me to listen, alright?”
After breakfast, you curled up on the couch to watch some TV. Janis gave you a call around noon, right before her lunch break. “Hey.” You answered the call.
“Hi, love. Whatcha doing?”
“I’m lying on the couch watching The Big Bang Theory reruns.”
“Did you have breakfast yet?” Janis asked.
“Yes.” You assured, “My Mom ate together with me.”
“I’ll be right there after school.” She says with a smile, “Okay?”
“Okay.” You chuckle, “How’s school?”
“Actually good. Regina has been suspended and we now have Aaron and Gretchen in our little friend group. They were the first one to speak up against Regina when Mrs. Norbury talked to all of them during assembly.”
You scoff, “Wow. Okay, um— that— that’s good, I guess.”
“I’ll see you soon, okay? Bye-bye.” Janis says, “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” You replied and she hung up.
You didn’t have anything to do so you eventually dozed off on the couch for the next few hours. The break was much needed after all. You were a little shocked by how long you fell asleep for, because when you woke up, Janis was already in your house. “Oh, shit.” You gasped, clutching your chest, “You’re here.”
“Didn’t mean to scare you.” She grins, “I brought you some— oh, no, baby. What happened to your hand?”
“She dropped a mug while making tea for herself, tried to clean it up but the shards ended up cutting her palm.” Your Mom walked in from the backyard, “Hi, Janis.”
“Hi.” Janis gave her a little bit of a smile. “You’re so clumsy.”
“I know.” You laughed, sitting up properly. Janis sat down beside you and turned the TV back on, handing you the bag of cookies. You took it and got one out of the bag to eat. Naturally she pulls you closer and you just laid your head on her shoulder while the both of you watched TV. She had an arm snaked around your waist as she turned to press a kiss to your head. You smiled, which she saw.
“I saw that.” She teased, giving you another kiss just for the heck of it. She ends up peppering your whole face with kisses which made you laugh. Probably the first genuine one in weeks and weeks. Now face to face with her after she’d stopped kissing you, you see her eyeing your partially eaten cookie. Then, she just ate it right out of your hand. This silly little action made you laugh a lot harder than you probably should have. “I love you so fucking much.” She says while chewing the cookie in her mouth.
“I love you more.” You say back, smile still plastered on your face as the two of you leaned closer foreheads resting against each other’s.
Janis mirrors your smile, hand rubbing your back soothingly.
“Where’s my homework?” You broke the silence. She nearly cackled, “In my bag. Chill, baby. Let’s just relax for a little bit. You’re not behind on your assignments.”
Later on, your Mom headed out to get groceries for dinner tonight, leaving you and Janis home alone for a while. “Hey.” You say. “Yeah?” She asks, putting her phone away.
“You look good in my clothes.” You replied, fingers tracing random shapes on her chest as you watched her eyes.
Janis bites back a grin, cheeks flushed just a tiny bit. “Are you doing what I think you’re doing, babe?” She composed herself quickly. Given your current position where you were laid down on her stomach first. You very easily straddled her, legs bracketing her on either side. Your face inches away from hers, she keeps a firm hand on your back so you wouldn’t fall. You studied her face and eyes for an answer, she does so by putting her lips against yours and her free hand under your chin.
“Not that I’m complaining, but why—”
“Honestly, I don’t know.” You said, “Just suddenly felt in the mood.”
“Maybe we should move this upstairs.” She suggests. You nodded eagerly, climbed off her and ran up the stairs while holding onto Janis’ wrist.
“Made a little pit stop at my place after school.” Janis revealed, “I brought some toys over.”
You locked the door and shut your curtains. As you sat down, emptied her bag. It was the same bag she used for school but was now only containing the sex toys. “Three options. Take your pick and I’m gonna take my time with you.” Janis looked at you while you pondered over the choices, “I can use all three of them on you, too if that’s what you want.”
You were just suddenly…horny and she was more than happy to help you. Not that she doesn’t, but this was just a little different because she usually initiated it. And this time, her eyes…they tell you that she was patient. Not so much in a rush to touch you all over the place. She wanted to know what you wanted, then she’d do it. Usually, things heated pretty quickly, but this was going to be something else. Janis had caught you at the very beginning of your getting in the mood to be intimate.
You picked the strap and a vibrating wand. She left the insertable vibe alone, got ahold of the wand and told you to lie down. You did, and then she carefully slid off your pyjama pants and underwear. “Legs open, baby.”
You automatically did as she told you to, looking up at the ceiling in the midst. Hearing the vibrator get switched on, it gets held against your clit in the next few seconds. You kept your eyes closed in order to feel it more intensely and have that be your main focus. The buzzing sensation was then mixed in with pleasure as it started to course through you gradually. You knew Janis was watching you grow wetter, she will always do that. But now her attention was being a great help in having your arousal grow. “Does it feel good, my love?” Janis chuckled over her words, moving herself down she could start kissing you at the same time. You whined as a reply, instantly giving her all she needed to know. She keeps the wand at the same speed but pressed it harder against your clit every now and then to make you squirm.
“Do you want me to use my hands?” Janis asks, while breaking away from a rather long kiss. You hummed and nodded your head in approval, kissing her again immediately. The kiss keeps deepening, the vibrator gets put down on the bed, getting replaced by her fingers— pumping in and out of you at just the pace you needed.
Janis broke away after awhile and chose to sit down between your legs, fingers still hard at work. Well, she was actually being so very gentle with you. It kind of made you a little crazier than her more common approach. You sounded like a needy little girl under her touch, yearning for more of her despite what she was already doing. This felt more sensual than sinful, if it had to be described.
“Are you sure you want to try the strap, my love?” She asks softly, fingers starting to go deeper with each thrust. “Mm— mhm.” You managed to tell her. “Okay.” She said back, one hand starts to massage your breast. You let out a low moan that you quickly tried to stop by chewing on your lower lip.
She was probably going so slowly because she had guess that you’d be afraid you Mom would be able to hear you two if she were to get home before you finished. But it was exactly what you wanted anyway— you swear, it was like this girl could read your mind or something. When your noises became more frequent, she slowly pulled her fingers out and gave you the wand to hold against your clit. “I’m just gonna put on the strap. I’m not going anywhere— you can see me.” She promised. You nod your head, watching her with semi-closed eyes. The constant, steady pleasure was so satisfying, and absolutely relaxing for you.
Now with the harness securely on, she took the wand away and her fingers returned, so did her kisses. So tender, but purposeful. You were a whiny mess, she was being so soft with you, it riled you up even more to be seeing this side of her.
“You’re all mine, princess.” Janis chuckles into the kiss, “All mine…I’m so lucky.”
Fuck. You whimpered into the kiss and your tongue slowly slid into her mouth, she reciprocates, kissing you back with the same fervour.
“Are gonna keep making those cute little noises for me?”
As if you could answer that. Janis smirked, continuing to kiss you a little while longer before you feel her moving the tip of the silicone shaft along your folds. You licked your lips, pursing them together while watching her in anticipation. You sent a nod of approval her way, not knowing what to expect having never tried it before. You feel everything, the stretching as it enters you, how bizarre it seemed to be, and how uncomfortable it was. Janis saw your face contorting and just stopped moving. You yelped. “It hurts.” You told her honestly. “Okay.” She backs away and the toy leaves you. “Do you wanna stop?” She asks, worriedly.
“No.” You decided, taking in a deep breath.
“Alright.” She agrees, “Let’s try a different position, okay? After I get the lube.”
“Okay” You muttered. The pain didn’t make you lose interest in finishing, you still felt aroused, just maybe ready to never use the strap again after today if it was still uncomfortable. Not everything’s going to work for everyone, after all. There was a lot she could do to achieve the same results. Janis very quickly returns and squeezed some lube onto the silicone, then onto you. You feel it drip onto your cunt then you feel Janis spreading it with her fingers, which dipped inside you just fleetingly. She feels you tighten a bit around her fingers, you see her brows raised for a moment before she flashes you a smile. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t like it.” She caresses your thigh. You nod, “I know. I just wanna try it and see if I do.” “Okay, babe- let’s try it again alright?” She said back, “On your hands and knees, y/n.”
You get into position and she lines up the strap with your entrance using her hand. You feel the tip again, then a similar stretch, less painful but more so uncomfortable. “Can I keep going?” She asks, words laced with worry.
“Yeah, do it.” You replied, she grabs your hips while pushing forward. You moaned lowly, mouth hanging open while you tried to get used to this entirely foreign sensation. “Ooh, such a good girl, baby. You’re taking me so well.” She laughs huskily while rubbing your ass, it sends a chill down your back. Janis stays still to let you adapt to it, you start to realise the tip of it has been pushing against your sensitive spot deep inside, causing the pleasure to course through your body without you even explicitly realising it. She started bucking her hips leisurely to keep things at the same intensity as it has been. You’ve been very quiet though and Janis was starting to want to hear more from you.
Every time Janis bucked her hips, you feel yourself getting closer to your high, and your ability to stay quiet die down bit by bit. More and more noises started to fall from your move with each of her thrusts, as a result of the increasing pleasure.
You weren’t sure about how much time had passed since your Mom left the house. Maybe it’s been forty five minutes, or an hour. Either way, your anxiety of getting caught in this situation was in the way of your making noise for Janis. She deliberately pushed into you harder to force the noises out of you, not giving you the time to worry. What’d you do? You grabbed another pillow and hoped it would do the job of stifling the noise that were just about to spill from your mouth.
“Take it, take it.” Janis panted, thrusting into your cunt harshly, but her pace was still pretty relaxed. “Take it, baby. I’m not done with you yet, are you close?”
You groaned into the pillow, giving her a muffled ‘maybe’. She pulls out the most she could after hearing what you said, then no longer pushing into fully to deprive you from what you needed for a short time so she could build up your desire. You knew what she was doing, and why, but of course, with your orgasm approaching you weren’t happy about the idea of edging because you needed hell of a lot more than what she’d been giving you, to come already.
“I need to come.” You told her pathetically, your cheek pressed against the pillow. You feel feeling yourself aching and clenching around nearly nothing— those weren’t nice feelings to be experiencing.
“Say please?” Janis cooed, “Be a good girl and say please, then I’ll let you.” She was still thrusting inside you, but not even halfway through.
You cried a little bit as much as her pet name for you made you blush. You were feeling so damn desperate and wound up that you only had the goal of a release in your mind. The pleasure was immense, but the ache was what made you frustrated. She knew you were like that— she knew what made you squirm, what made you whine and whimper and moan and she was doing all she can to let the frustration build and build to the point where you had no choice but to beg.
It was beginning to feel infuriating. You mumbled something but you yourself weren’t even sure what it was.
“Speak up, love. I can’t hear you.”
That really ticked you off even though it was the truth— she couldn’t hear you.
“Make me come.” You huffed, giving into her request because it seemed to be the only way. Even though technically, no because she knew you were so close without a doubt. Janis was simply being a fucking tease. “Please.” Immediately, she slams into you, making direct contact with your g-spot easily. You cursed and swore, trying not to fall flat onto your stomach at her sudden movement while an incessant string of noises spewed from your mouth like no one’s business. Janis had a smug smile on her face, you saw it through the peripheral vision. And it clearly did something for you because you very quickly unraveled. Way harder than you’d expected to. Way harder than you did yesterday, shocking both yourself and Janis.
“Holy shit!” She shouts in a whisper, “That is so gorgeous. Damn.” You gave her a shaky whine as she continues to pull you in and push you away, stimulating you to the point where you saw stars. You were still coming— you could feel the damn slick dripping down your thighs. Bordering on overstimulation, the ache in your cunt became more evident, the tears pricking your eyes? A couple of them fell against your will.
Hearing how fucked out you were, Janis pulled out completely after a few minutes and letnyou catch your breath. Ditching the harness, you were then met with the warmth of her tongue. Slow and soft teasing flicks going over each and every part of your overheated pussy. She was absolutely just savouring you like you were a goddamn full-course meal. Now this, was your last straw, the most intense and intimate thing — in your opinion that she’s done since the start of this ‘session’. It did not take you even half as long to come a second time, it took Janis by surprise, but she happily continued and even cleaned you off the same way— being extra, extra gentle of course.
“How was that?” She asks while lying on you, on her stomach as she grins. You bounced your leg, giving her a tiny taste of what you felt. “You’re amazing.” You stated, hand combing through her hair.
“So are you, baby.” She presses a kiss to your lips, you inevitably tasted yourself on them. Though for some reason it startled you and it made her laugh. “Aww.” She teases, brushing the slightly sweaty hair out of your face, “Maybe I should get you used to tasting yourself, what do you think?”
“I’m thinking maybe I should return the favour.” A smirk started to form on your face, “I know you talked to Regina, so don’t even try to deny it. Thank you.”
“Ohh.” Janis looked at you with slightly wide eyes, “I’m not gonna say no to that, baby. Like I said, I’d kill for you. Talking to her is no big deal.”
“Please don’t do that. That’s not good.” One could argue she was joking, but was she capable of something like that? Absolutely. Were you worried? A little. Would she do it? You hoped not.
“I promise.” Janis chuckles into the kiss. “I love you too much to get myself into shit like that.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
💭A/N: I honestly only started this draft bc I was bored so it is honestly not up to my usual standard at all but hey, enjoy😙
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happilychee · 9 months
thinking about aromantic lucy
I saw a terf saying aspec people aren't actually queer so fuck them here's aromantic lucy heartfilia
cw: a few mentions of internalized arophobia
lucy who doesn't know that the word love exists until she reads it in one of the few fairytale books in her father's extensive library. lucy who doesn't quite get the kissing and the physicality and the fiery proclamations, but thinks that it's an okay price to pay for someone to be so passionate for her. to choose her and care about her, like her mother did before she passed.
lucy, who's eight years old and crying after another argument with her father, who summons aquarius and asks "do you love me?" aquarius feels her blood pressure rise, but seeing the broken look in her wielder's watery eyes, she decides to drop the snark. "I do, kid." "does that mean you wanna kiss me?" aquarius almost smacks lucy over the head.
lucy who doesn't quite understand the difference between how she cares for her spirits and how she felt about her mom. lucy who cares deeply for everyone who's important to her, who thinks that aquarius could just as easily be her knight in shining armor as the storybook prince. lucy who reads romance books because she wants someone like that in her life. lucy who's never had any friends besides aquarius. lucy who thinks it must be nice to have someone choose you, care about you, protect you. lucy decides that that's what love is.
lucy who's old enough to know she doesn't like her father. lucy who's so confused when she hates him but still cares about him. lucy who's old enough to run away from home but too young, too young.
lucy who joins fairy tail and has no idea what to expect. lucy who's startled by her new friends' openness and easy acceptance of her. lucy who blushes when natsu throws an arm around her, who feels warm and fuzzy when gray guides her by the small of her back, who has a lopsided grin on her face when erza links arms with her as they walk. lucy who suddenly thinks that she's in love with three people at once and panics (her storybooks never mentioned that!!).
lucy who turns to who she can confidently call her best friend, levy mcgarden, for help. levy sits her down with a cup of hot chocolate and cookies. they talk for hours about sexuality and attraction; lucy sleeps over that night. the word that sticks out the most in her mind is aromantic.
lucy who gets drunk at a party and gets a little too close to cana, and suddenly they're in cana's apartment, making out like there's no tomorrow. lucy who feels guilt creep up in the morning because she knows cana and gray and loke have something going, and she might've just ruined it. lucy who tears up when cana laughs because she's so, so confused. cana's expression morphs into concern and she wipes away her friend's tears, warm skin on skin. cana who tells lucy that what she does with gray and what she does with loke doesn't restrict her from what she does with other people. "we talked about it, I promise." cana reassures her. then, leaning in with a sexy smirk on her face, she whispers, "besides, they're probably jealous I took you home first~" the rush of heat is enough to make lucy's mind go blank with joy.
lucy who shyly asks cana about her relationships and learns so much she feels like her head is going to explode. lucy who has a crisis about her storybooks and her ideal romances. she's never going to have that, she realizes. it feels like someone's scooped out her chest.
lucy whose feelings ebb and flow like the tide. she's not used to this. being so... different. her storybooks are scattered across the floor, thrown in an angry fit. her door is locked, but her window isn't, and that's how natsu gets in. "you okay, luce? we haven’t seen you in a while."
the dam breaks. lucy sobs in natsu's arms, and all she can think is that this is the exact type of hurt/comfort scene she loves in her stories. she wishes she were normal, so she could love normally, so she could love natsu the normal way and be done with it. she doesn't realize she's talking out loud.
natsu cups her face, onyx eyes boring into chocolate ones. he squishes her cheeks together, the way he does when he thinks she's overthinking something. and then, natsu breaks through her entire crisis with three little words.
"does it matter?" he furrows his brow. "you're lucy, and I'm natsu, and I care about you." "but- I don't feel romantic attraction-" natsu huffs, frustrated that lucy's not getting something that's apparently obvious to him. "luce. I care about you, and I trust you, and I want to take care of you and protect you. who cares about anything else?" lucy blinks once, twice, and then she's sobbing again. natsu panics, because he knows he can be blunt and dismissive sometimes, but lucy barrels into him, clutching onto his scarf tightly.
"you care about me?" she whispers in a child's voice. that's more important to her than anything. romantic, platonic, the gray area in between, none of it matters as long as natsu cares.
natsu tightens his grip, wondering who he has to pummel for making his girl feel that way. "course I care about you, dummy. I'd burn down the world for you. and so would erza and gray and cana and everyone else."
lucy who has a really hard time moping when natsu's there every step of the way, trying to cheer her up. erza and gray show up, too, and it's hard to stay sad when she's being tickled by erza while gray cooks dinner and kicks natsu out of her kitchenette.
lucy who feels the hollow fill with something warm and gooey when erza gives her a hug, confessing that she often has trouble figuring out how she feels about anything. lucy laughs when erza tells her about the shenanigans that have happened when she doesn't pick up on someone flirting with her but gray and natsu do. she feels all fuzzy when gray leans against her, telling her that he feels the same way. his hand plays with hers, and she thinks it's nice how well they slot together.
lucy realizes when natsu falls asleep in her lap, arms wrapped protectively around her waist. lucy realizes when gray falls asleep at her side, erza tucked to his chest. lucy realizes that her friends make her feel like she's on top of the world, and she doesn't need a fairytale prince when she's got fairy tail.
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ianthedebonair · 4 months
I was thinking about Damien being very oblivion npc-pilled when he first got out of Farm, because of the soup comic... do you have any baby Damien headcanons? 🥹✨
Im sorry, this lowkey turned out to be early chargestep headcanon because i'm very normal about their pre-hb dynamic 😫 Incoherent rambling under the cut
Damien initially wore an all black attire with protective sports gear and covered his face with a balaclava and a hockey mask with a bat for his weapon. In his "debut", he wanted to stop a man from mugging a civilian walking through a back alley. He didn't want to draw too much attention so he silently creeped behind while the robber accosts the victim. Unfortunately, the victim saw him and screamed in terror, prompting the man to look behind and got scared-shitless, too. They both ended up running away for their lives. Meanwhile, Damien was like, "🧍‍♂️I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to end, but problem solved, I guess...? 🧍‍♂️."
After that, he read more about current heroes and decided to wear Rangers merch with his gear and noticed that people now reacted more positively towards him.
Now, when the Marshal caught wind of a too-competent, mysterious back-alley vigilante, he wanted to reach out and establish connections... only to find out that the vigilante is -- he assumed, based on the outfit Damien wore that day -- a Charge stan.
In the first few attempts of reaching out, Damien was initially skittish as heck (especially with Ricardo's static), but he eventually relented for a talk.
Ricardo thought Damien was too starstruck to hold a conversation so he laid out his Charm™️ to get him to talk and hoped to glean some useful info, but it just completely bounced off him. It was then when Ricardo surmised that maaaybe Damien wasn't a fan, but that got him more curious about his character. Still, he found it refreshing to find someone unaffected by his presence, so he continued the laid back, vaguely flirty banter because it's fun and he wanted to see if he could elicit a reaction from the mystery vigilante. Damien didn't mind as he enjoyed having someone to talk to and practice actual conversations with. He even ended up matching Ricardo's snark (minus the flirting part, because he didn't understand that... yet).
After teaming up a few times, Ricardo asks about Damien's alias
Ricardo: So, what do you even call yourself? Unless you want "Vigilante Wearing Rangers Merch" to stick, which isn't really good for PR. Damien: Shit. I never thought about needing a name. Gotta think fast *looks around*
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Damien: Uhh... Streetwatch? Ricardo: Nice try, but you just got that from signages behind me, didn't you? *laughs and pats Damien's shoulder* Don't worry we'll workshop it.
They eventually settled with Sidestep because it matched his fighting style and also served as an inside joke from that conversation.
This video is very early Damien-coded to me, too. (Also happening in Ric's kitchen).
He "matured" a lot within the year that he got introduced to Themmy and rest of the Rangers because there were actual minds to read and imitate learn from, but the wit he observed from Ricardo made a big impression on his own personality. The feelings and yearning came at him (like a truck) in the time between fighting Psychopathor and allying with the Rangers but that requires a separate rambling, so I digress. After mastering the art of sarcasm, he was able to mask a lot his genuine oblivious moments as jokes and easily deflect questions he doesn't want to answer.
OH, he also does the head tilt thing whenever he encounters something new/he doesn't fully understand! That's his major tell. I'm a big fan of that mannerism 💯😭
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 11 months
Hello! Spreading more asks around for the first kiss prompt!
I'd love to see the prompt - "don't you dare tell anyone about this." "wasn't planning on it." With Crosshair, but the second part being said by the reader possibly with a wink? If that's too specific just the prompt going either way. (The inner Crosshair simp must be fed!)
Love and Wrecker Hugs! ❤️🖤
ahhh!! this was the perfect prompt for Cross and I had a lot of fun writing it! thank you bb!! I fully intended to wait to answer all of these all at once but I'm too excited so, I present:
First Kiss - Crosshair
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin, folks. Prompt in bold.
Warnings: some angst (because it's Crosshair), a little bit of a toxic relationship but it's fine, mention of my OC Captain Flare, medic!reader, gn!reader, fluff, confessions
Word Count: 1.4k woops
TBB divider by the wonderful @wizardofrozz, other divider by @dystopicjumpsuit
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You’ve worked with Clone Force 99 now for nearly a full year, and while you could technically be reassigned at any moment, both Cody and your supervisor, a bitter old bat, assured you that the Republic had bigger fish to fry than the logistics of shuffling one nat-born medic every few campaigns. And so you’ve stayed with the outcasts. They’ve become something akin to family, at least to you. You know most of them feel the same—Wrecker never fails to express his brotherly affection for you, Tech continues to adjust the ship’s thermostat to a temperature that is best suited to you when you’re feeling off, and Hunter’s silent nod and smile tell you all you need to know. 
Crosshair, though, is a tough nut to crack. 
At first, you swore he hated you. Despite the rest of the squad’s assurances that he’d come around, you’d been skeptical. It wasn’t until several months into your assignment, on a mission you really shouldn’t have been on as the team’s medic, when you saved Crosshair from commando droids that something changed. He still snarked you, still flicked his used toothpicks at your face to bother you. But he slowly began to open up to you. He included you in inside jokes, actually listened to your medical advice, and even let you hold his Firepuncher once.
So despite the hospitality and friendliness of the rest of the squad, it’s Crosshair that your heart has chosen to love. You know he cares about you. You just don’t know to what extent. 
Because even though he still maintains an impenetrable wall around himself, he looks after you. On missions and otherwise. When you go out on shore leave as a squad, he glowers at anyone who dares even look in your direction. 
And that’s exactly the situation you find yourself in tonight. Planetside, on Triple Zero, you’d convinced the others to have a night out with you before you shipped back to the warzone in a few days. The missions have been nearly incessant, and you’re all starting to feel the strain. 
Leaning back against the sticky bartop, you survey the crowded dance floor. Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker lounge in one of the coveted corner booths, looking more relaxed than you’ve seen them in a long time, dressed in civvies and nursing the cheap booze served by the 79s management. A smile lifts your lips. They deserve this, just one night off, to remind them what the war is for.
But you came here wanting more than to drink weak, watery beer. Taking a swill, you glance sidelong at Crosshair perched on a barstool next to you. 
He hasn’t left your side since you walked in. Normally, his presence is comforting, especially in unfamiliar settings, on unfamiliar planets, around unfamiliar people. But 79s hosts none of those things. In fact, the way he’s ordained himself your personal shadow is beginning to grate. You know he’s scaring off any of the regs who might otherwise ask you to dance, or offer a drink, or even just a friendly hello. You know he’s hovering to protect you. 
You just don’t understand why.
Sighing, you take another swill of your drink. “Kark, what’s a person gotta do to get a dance around here?” 
Crosshair doesn’t answer, just shifts his toothpick to the other side of his mouth. 
You huff. “Cross, c’mon. I don’t need a babysitter. Go drink with the others. I’ll be fine.” 
“S’not you I’m worried about,” he mutters. “S’them.” He jerks his chin toward the dance floor, gesturing broadly to the gathering of regs. 
“I can handle them,” you say, an edge of ice to your voice. Frustration at his inability to actually say what he means boils below your skin. 
Crosshair, predictably, ignores the bite of your words. “Didn’t say you couldn’t.” 
“Great,” you say, pushing away from the bar, “glad we’re in agreement.” 
Shoving your half-empty bottle into his hands. He looks down at it with a bewildered expression, then up at you, his eyes narrowed into slits. You give him a sarcastic, two-finger salute before dipping into the crowd. 
You find a clone—Flare, you think he says his name is—who is more than willing to dance. His grasp on your body is unfamiliar but respectful. The pair of you sway and grind through several songs (you’re certainly not keeping track, too focused on trying to avoid the impulse to see if Crosshair is watching). When Flare whispers into your ear, his lips brushing your skin, your eyes slide shut, desperately wishing he were someone else.
A moment later, Flare yelps and his arms are ripped from around you. Eyes shooting open, you whip around to find Crosshair, every line of his body radiating anger, his fists clenched at his sides. Kriff. 
“Sorry,” you call to Flare as you grab Crosshair’s bicep and haul him through the crowd to the front door. “What the fuck are you doing!?” 
Scoffing, Cross yanks his arm free, though follows hot on your heels as you emerge into the cool night air. “Could ask you the same thing.” 
“I was dancing,” you say.
This is going to be an argument, you just know it, and you don’t want to subject all these strangers to the impending shitstorm. So you keep walking, leading Crosshair around the corner where it’s quieter. 
“Bantha-shit,” he hisses. His firm grip on your shoulder spins you around. “His hands were all over you.” 
“He wasn’t doing anything I didn’t want,” you say, glaring at him. “Maker, what is your issue? I can’t even have a fun night out without you stepping all over my plans, can I?” 
“No,” he spits. “Not if it means—” He cuts himself off and looks away, jaw clenching and unclenching. His chest heaves with emotion, two high spots of color on his cheeks. 
Something in you softens, anger cooling into confusion. “Not if it means what, Cross?” 
Nostrils flaring with every inhale, he shakes his head minutely, eyes pressing shut. 
You hesitate, but after a moment, you sigh. Reaching up, you gently cup his face to draw him back to you. His eyes flutter open to meet your own. This is the closest you’ve been to him, you realize, in your entire time with the squad. Besides his medical exams, this is the most you’ve touched him, too. The realization sets your heart pounding. 
“Don’t shut me out,” you say. “Please.” 
He studies you for a moment. Across his face flits several emotions, none of them identifiable, and you begin to grow worried that all the progress you’ve made with him is about to be tossed over the ledge of this Coruscanti sidewalk. 
A worry that is dashed as soon as he surges forward and kisses you, one hand cupping the back of your neck to steady you. A sound of surprise squeaks out of you. Then you’re melting against him. Tilting your head, you deepen the kiss, one hand settled over his heart. It beats hard and fast under your palm, nearly in tempo with your own racing pulse. His lips are chapped and rough against yours, but you don’t care, because it’s him, and this is all you’ve needed these past few months. 
When he pulls away, he doesn’t go far. His forehead pressed against yours, his eyes remain screwed shut. He releases a shaky exhale. 
“Cross, I—” 
He kisses you again. “Don’t. Don’t apologize.” 
“How did you—”
“Because I know you,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
Warmth blooms deep in your chest, right where you’ve made space for him in your heart. “Y-Yeah. Alright. But—”
“No,” he grumbles. “You need to know that I- I’m sorry. For being a di’kut. I should have made a move sooner.” 
A soft chuckle spills from you. “Yeah, you should’ve.” 
At last, his warm, amber eyes flutter open to meet yours. Your breaths mingle in the small space between your faces, and the intensity of affection in his gaze nearly makes your knees collapse. Smiling up at him, you catch the barest hint of a smile in return. For a moment, it’s just you and Crosshair in one another’s embrace, the sounds and smells of the side alley of 79s fading away. 
The moment is shattered when he speaks again. “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” 
Laughing in earnest, you can’t help but shake your head. The others are going to find out about this new development sooner or later, but as you meet his gaze again, you realize he doesn’t mean the kiss. Sobering, you nod. “Wasn’t planning on it.”
You can’t resist winking, though. He rolls his eyes and grumbles, but tucks you against his side all the same to lead you back to the barracks.
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List of Ragu: @the-hexfiles @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @dreamie411 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl if your name is struck thru I can't tag you so check your settings! (to be added or removed from my taglist, click here!)
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