#something that resonates with fans all this time later :'))
dent-de-leon · 9 months
i love hearing your widomauk thoughts, i only just finished watching campaign 2 for the first time and i am completely insane about them, so seeing others who are still active in widomauk spaces is super nice!!
aww thank you this warms my heart so much ;; I've been shipping widomauk since like episode 7 of C2 first aired and they are just very dear to me :') and it makes me so happy to hear that newer fans still love the circus man and magic man's relationship too!! :D
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13uswntimagines · 7 days
Safe Harbor (Alessia X Singer!R)
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Summary: R is a very famous singer at the end of a very long, very crazy tour. Alessia is there to take care of her.
Warmings: Established D/s dynamics. The use of Daddy, and Collars. No smut.
You knew that you were living a dream.
You knew that millions of people would trade everything to be in the position you were in. 
They would do anything to have stadiums scream their name and for their songs to play on the radio for the world to hear. 
You had been plucked out of obscurity after you unsuspectingly played a bar in Leeds in front of Ed Sheeran when you were 16. A year and a half later you had taken Billboard's Hot 100 by storm, broken the record for most weeks at number one by a new artist… twice, and you were opening for Taylor Swift’s 1989 tour.
That had just been the beginning. 
Now you were on your 3rd world tour, selling out stadiums for yourself, with one of the best-selling albums of all time. 
It was… crazy that a kid from Maidstone who barely had enough to eat growing up had thousands of people screaming your name every night, singing your lyrics back to you like they were anthems. 
Your music was raw, personal. Painfully autobiographical. 
Your fans picked apart every lyric, dissecting your words with obsessive precision. The heartbreak, the loss, the fear woven into every track—they clung to it like it was their story, too. Before You Go, Say Something, Thinking Out Loud—each song became a window into your soul. And they were desperate to see more.
It was why your first album had gone platinum overnight, and every album after it had debuted at number 1. 
They resonated with your honesty, and that’s what made people fall in love with it.
You had expected that part. 
What you hadn’t expected was that they hadn’t just fallen in love with the music—they had fallen in love with you.
The girl with the sunny personality, and the commanding stage presence. The girl who smiled brightly at every meet-and-greet, made them laugh at every interview, and always took time to meet fans, even after long days in the studio or on music video sets. They built you up as their idol, their friend, their fantasy. They flirted with you in meet-and-greets before you were 18 and treated you like you belonged to them. Like they were entitled to every part of you.
At some point, you became an enigma—Y/N Y/L/N, the nine-time Grammy winner. The infallible pop star. The face that was painted on the side of billboards, and smiling in Colgate commercials. 
At some point, just Y/n failed to exist to them, and you liked it that way. 
You did well to dodge their invasive questions, running interviewers around in circles, and answering fans with witty remarks to avoid answering. And over the years (and through 4 albums), you only got better at preventing the fans from learning anything of substance about your private life. The only glimpses they got were through your music, and you liked to keep it that way. 
You did your best to keep it that way.
The only time you let them get close, let the world peek behind the curtain, was during the piano set of your concerts. 
It was dubbed the surprise song set by the fans even though 2 of 3 songs never changed. It was where you sang your most emotional songs, and where you let yourself be vulnerable. Open. Real. 
Tonight was no different. Or at least, you were trying to convince yourself of that.
You sucked in a long breath, your fingers tracing the black and white keys as the final chords of Bruises echoed through the stadium, curling off the walls and over the crowd. Their energy buzzed around you, rolling like an ocean wave.
You could feel it crashing against your chest, adding to the adrenaline bubbling through your veins. 
You took another deep breath, the air catching in your throat as you tried to control your breathing enough so you could talk. So you could give your signature speech before revealing the night's surprise song. 
Maybe tonight was different. 
You felt more… exposed.
More… vulnerable. 
This year was nothing short of a whirlwind. Eighty sold-out shows across the U.S. in the summer, followed by another thirty in Europe and the UK. Three back-to-back number-one singles—no small feat—only knocked from the top spot after 18 weeks by Taylor Swift herself.
It was amazing and incredible and exhausting all rolled together. 
You dearly loved your fans, their passion, and their devotion, but you were drained. 
Your eyes slid closed, allowing the bone-deep weariness to cut through the buzz from the crowd for just a second as you pulled your fingers from the keys, briefly rubbing the leather braided bracelet around your wrist as you reset for the next song.
It was the closest thing you’d had to your girlfriend's touch in nearly 2 months, and it wasn’t nearly enough. One soft touch from her would make it all melt away. 
One touch and she would take away the burden of control that had plagued you since you started the tour. 
You would finally be able to let go and just be.  
There were only 6 songs left and then you would be with her, your lighthouse on rocky seas. Your anchor on stormy nights. 
You took another deep breath. 
It was the last show of an incredible year, and you had something very very special planned.
Something no one would see coming. 
Your eyes blinked open as the crowd noise dipped, and you painted your signature smirk on your face as you leaned back toward the mic. 
“So Wembley, how are we feeling?” You asked into the microphone, smiling widely at the roar from the audience that met you. “Fantastic,”
You brought your fingers to the piano, letting them dance delicately across the keys. They had no particular rhythm, though they were in the key that your surprise song would be in. 
You wanted to avoid giving the surprise away yet. 
“So you know, I was thinking about what song I was going to play tonight, trying to figure out which one would be the perfect end to such an amazing tour,” You couldn’t help the little laugh that left you as the audience got impossibly louder, cheering out an indistinguishable mix of song titles that you had yet to play on this tour. You paused for a long second, feeling their cheers only grow, popping your in-ear monitor out for effect. 
It was endearing really, how into it they got (especially when you found out that they had created an entire fantasy league about what version of your outfits you would wear and what songs you would sing). They made it easy to pretend like you were having the time of your life instead of fantasizing about what you would be doing in 40 minutes. 
You shook your head, popping the monitor back into your ear and your fingers returning to the keys, letting their chants fill you up, and drive you forward. 
“And I was talking to one of my favorite people,” You continued, starting to pick out a tune that was a bit closer to the song you were going to play. “Now you all know I don’t normally take requests, but this being the final night of the Eclipse World Tour, and with such special guests in the audience I couldn’t quite say no,” 
Your eyes instinctually found Alessia as you hit the opening chord, and though you could see her expression you could feel her gaze burning into you. 
Seeing through you. 
Even surrounded by people, her attention was the only one you craved. 
“It’s a song I haven’t played for a long time, so I’m going to need your help.” You continued, Never breaking eye contact with her. “Will you help me tonight Wembley?”
The crowd roared in approval, and goosebumps erupted on your skin at the sheer energy they projected at you. It filled your chest and fueled your fingers as you finally hit the signature piano riff that opened the song.
You flashed the crowd your signature smirk, all essence of yourself slipping beneath your on-stage persona. 
And when you opened your mouth to sing the first line; it felt easy. It felt right.
Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands 
Closed your eyes and trusted
Just trusted 
Watching you perform was magic. 
It had always been magic. 
Whether it was a show in Wembley in front of 100,000 people, or one when you were small with a guitar the same size as you, Alessia had always been mesmerized by you. Even before the two of you were old enough to put names to what you were feeling. 
It didn’t matter that she had seen you play thousands (hundreds of thousands) of times, nor that this was not her first time attending one of the shows on this tour. 
She leaned forward on the barricade separating the VIP tent from the Floor sections as you began to play the piano break. 
“She’s incredible,” Leah said, leaning closer to Alessia to be heard above the crowd. “They’re eating out of the palm of her hand,”
Alessia hummed. “She is,”
The audience was glued to every move, every breath you took on stage. She was too, and so were all of her teammates. 
What made it even better was that you were hers, and she got to enjoy you from her favorite seat in the house. 
They hadn’t originally been slated to be in the VIP tent.
Viv had organized the tickets, picking an area on the 2nd balcony because they were the only ones left. Alessia had gone along with it, only mentioning to you that 800$ was crazy for a 2nd tier balcony ticket in passing.
You had sleepily agreed, cursing Ticketmaster and reminding Alessia of the 10-hour meetings you had endured when your fans crashed the site during pre-sale. You hadn’t said anything about it since, so she assumed you had forgotten. 
You did not forget. 
There had been a team waiting to escort them when they arrived, and you had made sure the tent was loaded with all of their favorites. You had also refunded the tickets, and given them away to 23 fans outside of the stadium. 
You liked to do things for her. It was a way for you to serve her even from a distance, and she enjoyed telling you how good you were afterward. 
She definitely had plans to do that tonight. 
She leaned forward on the barrier as you got to the final chorus. 
There was a reason this spot was always her favorite to watch the show from, and why she had been hesitant when they escorted her and her friends to the tent. 
They were close to the stage. Close enough that Alessia could see the cracks in your carefully crafted facade. 
She could see the dark circles under your eyes, and how your smile never met your eyes. She could see the slight curl of your shoulders, and how you kept twisting your bracelet tightly around your wrist. 
She could see the command you had of the crowd wearing on you, and just how in your head you were. 
All of her instincts told her to protect you. To wrap you up, and take the reigns so you could just exist without thinking. So you could submit and know that she would take care of you. 
And sure, her teammates had caught glimpses of the dynamic between the two of you, but you both liked to keep the heavier aspects to yourselves.
It was harder for her to do that when she had watched the toll this tour had taken on you, and knew just how close you were to being able to let go. 
“Is it just me or does she look shattered,” Katie asked as the song came to an end, the final note ringing around the stadium as your eyes once again closed and you sucked in air through your nose. 
Alessia didn’t take her eyes away from you. “Not just you,”
She followed the rapid rise and fall of your chest, and how your fingers silently fluttered over the keys before you began to play again. 
“She’s barely slept at all this week because of end-of-tour meetings,” Alessia continued as you began picking out a new tune. “And she’s been co-producing an album that comes out next month, so she’s barely had time to think, much less do anything else.” 
Leah hummed from her other side. “I’m just surprised you haven’t stepped in yet.” 
Alessia made a low sound in the back of her throat. 
It was… complicated. 
While Alessia had rules that you followed (even while you were on tour) to help protect both your physical and mental health, you both had boundaries when it came to your careers. 
She understood that you had responsibilities and that sometimes you had to prioritize work to make everything run smoothly. (She also secretly relished watching you in boss mode, knowing that you would be kneeling at her feet later.)
The agreement you had was that she would only interfere under 2 conditions. First, if you crossed the Limits the two of you had agreed upon years ago without communicating with Alessia first. Second, if you asked.
“Tonight I will,” Alessia said as your eyes opened and you leaned back towards the microphone, your fingers dancing along the keys.
“Since we have the incredible women of Arsenal in the audience tonight, I think there’s one more song we have to do before continuing the show,” 
The audience roared in response. 
Your smile was charming, even as your eyes danced vacantly across the screaming fans in the pit next to the small stage that held your piano. 
Alessia could imagine the edits that would be online later, the people swearing that your expression was solely meant for them. They would think the way you twisted your bracelet was to show them how much you liked the copies they wore. 
She shook her head. 
The chords under your fingers changed, shifting into another familiar tune. 
North London Forever 
Whatever the Weather
You pulled back from the microphone, tilting your head to the sky as the fans picked up the song all around you. 
The stage lights swelled around you, illuminating the crowd as they sang for you. Your fingers deftly played the background music for the song. 
She could understand why it was a tradition for you. Why you always added North London Forever to the last show of your tours, especially when you ended in London. 
And my heart will leave you never 
My blood will forever
Goosebumps erupted on her skin as the crowd of 100,000 sang the rest of the chorus, and pride swelled in her chest, replacing her worry for just a moment. 
You wouldn’t have done a sing along if you were too far gone. 
Your relationship was built on trust, and Alessia trusted that you were ok for now. She would step in when the show was over, and you were ready. 
“Thank you London,”
The final notes of Shut Up and Dance pounded through the stadium. 
You held your arms out wide, as if to physically soak in their cheers as the stage lights dimmed, leaving only one shining against your back, silhouetting you for the audience In a perfect replica of your album cover. Then everything went dark, and the platform you had been standing on lowered so you were under the stage. 
“Great show Y/n,” Your tour manager, Aubrey, said as you stepped off the lift, the crowd noise barely fading.
You nodded in response, your tongue suddenly feeling too heavy in your mouth to form words. it felt like you were trying to think through an old television with terrible reception, the images staticy and broken. Fatigue settled into your bones, heavy and cold. 
A soft robe was draped over your shoulders by one of the production crew, and you twisted the bracelet around your wrist until the edges cut into your skin.
You focused on the pain, letting it ground you as you put one foot in front of the other and allowed your team to guide you from beneath the stage. 
your security team flanked you the second you were out from under the stage, acting like a protective wall. 
“You need to rehydrate.” Steve, your head of security said, pressing a blue Gatorade into your fingers.
They instinctively closed around the bottle, and Steve nudged you again to get you to bring it to your lips. 
“Small sips kid,” Clint added from your other side, as the third member of your security team, Natasha, made eye contact with Steve
You tried to follow their directions, but your hands were shaking so badly you almost dropped the drink. 
You felt Powerful. 
You felt… floaty.
It was so… weird. It usually took you hours to come down from the high of a show, and devolve into… whatever this was. 
To finally give in and call your girlfriend for help. 
You had been… reluctant to bother her in the last few weeks. 
She had been busy with international friendlies, and you didn’t exactly like exploring your dynamic while you were separated. 
Dropping into sub space was hard for you on a good day, guided by Alessia‘s firm but comforting presence. Doing it while the two of you were doing long distance was a painful impossibility. 
The few times it had actually worked were misery for you. Like your brain was made of broken glass and no one was there to help you knit the fractured shards back together. 
Even with her voice on the other end of a video call, it had been brutal. 
You had put it off, and put it off, and now it seemed that your body wasn’t going to give you a choice. 
“I’ll be back.” Natasha said, turning on her heel as Steve shifted to shield you from the people buzzing around backstage. 
You didn’t even acknowledge her, blinking slowly as cling helped you bring the bottle of Gatorade to your lips. 
“Take deep breaths.” Clint said gently. “We have to get to the tunnel.”
You tried, but it was like you were under water, or sucking air through a straw. 
You were crashing, and you still had to face the public one last time before you could let go. 
You swallowed hard, forcing the fog in your brain away and your signature smirk on your face. 
It would satisfy the people waiting for you to make your way out from behind the stage and into the safety of the stadium halls, away from prying eyes.
“Let’s go.” You muttered, pushing the Gatorade back towards Steve. 
It took all of your strength just to utter the word, and you knew it would take every bit of mental fortitude you had to wave at the fans as you passed. 
But it was required.
It was the least you could do for the people who bought obstructed view seats. A thing you had done for every one of your other shows. A thing fans would absolutely notice if you didn’t do it. 
It didn’t matter how much you didn’t want to. 
“Let’s do it.” Clint agreed, positioning his hand on the small of your back, while Steve did the same on your other side. 
You straightened and squared your shoulders. 
You could do this one last act for your fans. Then you could let go. 
“That show is incredible,” Beth said, leaning against the VIP barricade. “I don’t know how she runs around like that for 3 and a half hours,”
“A lot of cardio,” Leah shrugged. “She released a whole behind the scenes video of how she trained for the tour.”
“That video felt staged though.” Viv said. “She was very different then she usually is with us, or you Less,”
The English striker hummed. “She likes to keep separation between her professional life and her private life.” 
“Makes sense.” Katie agreed. “Did you see how many people had braided bracelets in all different colors?”
“I did.” Alessia nodded, her eyes trailing across the area near the stage, looking for your personal assistant. “But they have no clue what hers actually means. You all know her, but the fans just know the idea of her. It’s easier to keep it all separated.” 
It was strange that she hadn’t seen your assistant yet. That she hadn’t come to retrieve her and the team. 
Chloe was usually waiting at the VIP tent to take her backstage before the last fireworks of the show had even finished. 
It had alarm bells swirling in her brain. 
“It’s kind of amazing how confident she is on stage.” Beth agreed. “It’s like she’s 2 different people.” 
“Sometimes she is.” Alessia trailed off spotting a different redhead coming around the stage. Your security instead of your assistant. 
It was hard to wrap her head around the dichotomy between your loud, confident persona on stage and the quiet girl she knew you were, and as your career grew, that difference had only gotten larger. 
Her eyebrows furrowed as Natasha approached them, nodding towards her friends before meeting her eyes. “I need to borrow you, please,”
Katie whistled. “Get it Lessie,” 
“Gotta get that post concert energy out,” Kyra snickered, and the tear erupted into laughter behind her. 
She shot a glare towards her cackling team. “Of course,”
Natasha was a part of your personal security. She didn’t need words to convey that you needed Alessia, and you needed her now. 
“Alone please,” Natasha said, her eyes flickering towards the girls who tried to exit the tent with Alessia. 
The laughter stopped around them, and Alessia nodded once, turning back towards the team. 
“We’ll catch up with you lot tomorrow?” Alessia said, authority that the team rarely heard leaking into her tone. “We can do lunch, or maybe Dinner.” 
Leah stepped forward and nodded, knowing this was not the time to argue with her. “Tell y/n thank you for the tickets and that we send our love,”
“Go take care of your superstar,” Beth nodded towards Natasha.
“I will,” Alessia nodded, stepping out of the tent. 
She meant it. 
You had taken care of yourself for most of the tour. It was her turn now. 
You didn’t remember how you got to your dressing room. You didn’t remember waving to the fans, smiling widely and sending them hand hearts. 
one second you were backstage, and then you blinked and Steve was gently closing the dressing room door behind you. 
You paced the room, pushing the dark robe off of your shoulders. You didn't know what to do with yourself. 
It was too warm and too cold. The dress shirt you wore on stage was too soft and too scratchy. Your mind was racing too fast and moving too slow all at once. 
your breathing hitched, and you brought your trembling fingers of one and to your lips to prevent the sobs threatening to bubble out. The other tugged useless at your collar, trying to get air. This was not normal. It was rare you dropped, let alone this hard or this deep. 
It was like quicksand, sucking you into the chaotic spiral deeper, faster, with more force the more you tried to fight it. Your thoughts were a jumbled mess, and your brain was going to rip itself apart trying to untangle them. 
You were in free fall, plummeting faster than you ever had before with no net to catch you. You had put it off for too long, and now you had no choice.
You knew you needed to do something, but making the decision of what you should do felt impossible. 
You were done making decisions for the foreseeable future. 
The sound of the door clicking open and shut again was nearly drowned out by the buzzing in your ears, but you Instinctively turned towards the presence that entered. 
The air shifted around her as she stood in front of you like a mirage, immediately capturing all of your attention. For just a split second, your racing thoughts went quiet, and you were wholly consumed by her presence. It crackled like a warm fire on a cold day, or like a lightning storm over the sea. You couldn't decide. 
You didn’t want to decide. 
And you knew you didn’t need to. 
Alessia- No, your Daddy was here and she would take care of everything. 
Her gaze swept over you, taking in every twitch of your fingers against the buttons of your shirt, and the tremble that snaked its way across your shoulders and down your spine. You felt naked, despite the clothing scratching at your skin. 
She crossed the room in 3 long strides, her hands catching your wrist before you even registered that she had moved. 
”That’s enough, little one.” She said, keeping her voice gentle despite the command clear in it. “You’ve done so well, and I’m so proud of you, but I’m here now.”
She carefully unwound your fingers from here they were tearing at your shirt, placing them on her hips before deftly undoing the buttons. “I’ve got you. Just take deep breaths for me, love,” 
You tried, but it felt like it was stuck in your throat, trapped by the inhuman sound now bubbling past your lips. 
She carefully slid the thin material of your shirt from your shoulders, and you met her eyes. 
The sob you’d been holding in finally broke free, your knees weakening as the weight of it all hit you. But before you could completely crumble, Alessia’s arms were around you, pulling you into her chest. Her scent, her warmth, everything about her surrounded you like a safety net.
Her fingers tangled in your hair, and she rested her cheek on the top of your head. “You’ve done so well, you can relax now. I’m here with you and I’m not going anywhere,” 
Her other hand ran soothing circles on your back, easing the prickles on your skin like the world's best Aloe. “Just breathe, love.”
Her comforting touch seeped past your skin, settling deep into your bones. It eased the knotted panic in your chest, and dulled the sharp, frantic edges of anxiety that raced through you. 
“That’s it little one,” She cooed, her grip on your firm and unyielding. It was tether to reality. An anchor in the crashing storm that was your mind. A lifeline when you were being pulled beneath the tide.
“You’re safe. You’re here with me, and I will always keep you safe. Just relax,”
Her voice was as steady as her grip on you. Commanding in a way that couldn’t be ignored, but soft enough that it didn’t bristle your sensitive instincts. It was a mixture that only Alessia seemed to be able to achieve. A tone she could modulate to perfectly match the situation. 
You melted into her chest, nodding weakly as your tears slowed. Your entire body shuttered with each inhale, and hitched with each breath you blew out. 
You were moving past the uncomfortable phase of the drop where your brain felt like a shattered glass mirror, fractured and sharp, and into the lapping warmth that only Alessia seemed to be able to bring you. 
Alessia’s hands continued their slow, comforting path up and down your back, her breath even and calm, giving you a rhythm to sync your own to. 
“That’s it, little one,” she hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re such a good girl for me. You’ve done so well. Just let it all go.”
You whimpered. 
It felt too raw, too exposed. But Alessia knew—she always knew.
Her fingers tilted your chin up, forcing you to meet her gaze. Her eyes were soft, but her tone left no room for argument.
“Look at me.” She said, using a finger to gently tilt your chin up. “You’ve done so well being in charge. You’ve run this entire tour, and made so many people happy. I’m so proud of you, but you can let go now. Let me be in charge for a little while,” She capped the statement with a gentle peck to your lips. 
You tried to lean in to continue the kiss, but she pulled away. 
“Later,” She promised, and you nodded once, sinking back into her chest. 
You understood that she didn’t like to start anything while you were like this unless it was well discussed beforehand. While there was any chance that you couldn’t consent, or feel like you could remove consent. 
You weren’t sure how long she stood there and held you, rocking gently from side to side and scratching your scalp. Long enough for the storm in your chest to mellow and for your brain to slowly begin knitting itself back together, grounded in the gentle pressure of your girlfriend. Your daddy.
“Let’s get cleaned up and then we can go home,” She said, when you pulled back enough to look at her. “Do you want your collar?” 
you nodded against her chest, kissing gently under her chin. 
“I need a verbal response, little one,” She said, dominance leaking into her tone to help you wade through the thick fog coating the crevices of your brain. 
It took you a long second to think of the words, and another to push the fog in your mind back enough to actually verbalize them. 
“Yes Daddy,” You said, frowning at how horse and garbled your voice was. 
she hummed, carefully maneuvering you back towards the door. One hand stayed securely wrapped around you as the other reached into the bag you hadn’t seen her enter with and pulled out your soft, brown leather collar. 
You hadn’t seen it since you left for tour, and just the sight was almost enough to send you back into a drop. 
“Easy,” Alessia murmured, guiding you towards the couch that existed in all of your dressing rooms. She sat you on the edge, and kneeled in front of you so she was slightly shorter than you. 
She trailed her hand down your arm to the bracelet around your wrist, carefully unclasping it and tucking it into her pocket. She then brought the soft leather of your regular collar to your neck, gently buckling it closed, making sure it wasn’t too tight. 
Your shoulders immediately relaxed, the full weight of her claim settling on you. 
“Let’s get cleaned up,” She said, catching your hand and standing you up. You went with her easily, leaning your weight on her as she led you to the bathroom. 
The way she undressed you both and got you settled into the warm water of the shower was familiar, routine even. 
You could feel yourself settling as she washed your hair, and cleaned your body of the sweat from the show. 
She touched you like you were delicate, but not like you were fragile, and it was everything you needed to wade back to reality. 
By the time she was using a towel to dry you off, and slipping one of her old UNC sweatshirts over your head you felt almost like yourself again. Your thoughts didn’t hurt anymore, and you were more grounded then you had been. 
“Kneel for me,” She said softly, settling herself on the couch, and placing a pillow at her feet. 
You hummed, and did as she asked, letting her guide you to lean back on her legs. 
You sunk into the warmth of her sweatshirt, surrounded by the scent of her perfume as she toweled off your hair and braided It for you. 
The rhythmic movement of her fingers through your hair and the feeling of safety and Alessia that encompassed you were enough to have your eyelids drooping. 
You blinked heavily at the knock that sounded on the door, and the blonde head of your head of security poking his head in. 
Steve didn’t look at you, steadfastly keeping his eyes on Alessia. “Miss Russo, we have the car ready whenever you are ready to leave.” 
“Thank you, Steven,” She said softly, authority still dripping from her tone. “We’ll be out in a few minutes,”
He nodded and closed the door quietly as he exited. 
“You’re all done, little one,” Alessia said, rubbing gentle circles in your shoulders, as you leaned further into her, your eyes sliding closed without your permission. 
They only opened when she shifted behind you, and you turned to look at her sleepily. 
She smiled gently at you, unable to stop herself from leaning in and pressing a quick peck to your lips. 
This was her favorite version of you, soft and sleepy, unguarded and completely trusting. It was the version that only she got to see, and she was honored that you had chosen her to be your safe place. 
”Alright little one,” She said, her finger hooked into the O-ring at the front of your collar, tugging lightly as she stood. “Let’s go home,”
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
WFA spoilers ahead
Content warning for discussion of mental illness
Can I take a moment to appreciate how they showcased Jason's PTSD in the latest ep? This isn't the first time but I feel like this round struck much closer.
Although this is the website where people are open about mental illness, there's still a reluctance to address the "loud" or "frightening" or "angry" or "messy" side of it. Stuff like bipolar, schizophrenia, addiction, PTSD. It's why I'm extremely hesitant to talk about my own problems even under anonymity.
Conversely, there are mainline comics (and other media) that use this category of mental illness as an excuse for characters to go all-out in their aggression. Even if not intentional, it perpetuates the idea that a trigger will always send the person spiraling until either the worst happens or someone steps in as the "hero." It's basically sending the message to people like me that we're a ticking time bomb.
Then there's WFA. Jason's not fully present during his episode. It leads him into a dangerous situation while at the same time he's unable to grasp things like pain. The adrenaline and the overwhelming sense of fear drives him into fight mode. He gets tunnel vision while he's beating up the bar patrons to try and find the Joker. Without getting into details, I've been in Jason's shoes. I've found myself in risky places doing things I'd later regret. All because of the disconnect from reality that makes me believe what I'm doing is necessary. Not even justified, just necessary. Almost like a survival instinct.
And what's so important is that Jason isn't a villain and Dick isn't a savior. Dick reaffirms Jason's trauma and guides him through tangible steps rather than giving broad sweeping advice. Of course there's no one-size-fits-all coping method, but the biggest thing is having somebody in your corner who sees you beyond this bad episode. Sometimes I have that, sometimes I don't. WFA won't show it since it's all about family, but the times I didn't have someone were exponentially scarier.
At the same time, there are consequences that a simple grounding exercise can't remedy—Jason got hurt, he hurt others, and his appearance at Noonan's definitely put him on someone's radar if not the Joker. And they're just as real as his feelings and (hopefully) he's gonna be held accountable. Because that's how it goes in real life. Something sets me off, I screw up, I get bailed out, and once I come down from it I have to fix the mess I made.
Maybe I'm just reading too much into a fan comic. But I know that if a few panels can resonate so closely with me, then it's worth talking about because someone, somewhere is also feeling the same way.
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luxxid · 1 year
genshin men and their kisses
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❥ not a big fan of pda, but he ravages you explicitly in private. biting and bruising your soft lips. he could go on for hours and not stop. you can feel his lips inching around your lips, while his hand wanders around your body, coarse hands treading his breath is hot against your neck as he trails kisses up and down your body. your hands are all over him, exploring the familiar contours of his body. his own hands have found their way to your hips, gripping the fabric of your cloth, he pulls you closer. leaving you breathless when you finally pull away, his regal orbs filled with love and lust, flashing you with a look that makes you weak in the knees.
❥ teasing him by ghosting your lips over his, barely kissing him. low growls emitted from him as a warning not to tease him. soft, pitiful whines resonated from him, bodacious eyes glaring at you with a look that was both intimidating and pleading.
❥ "don't tease me, you'll regret it later."
❥ absolutely loves those kisses you give him while he's busy doing something, it often ends in him pinning you to the wall and going on for hours. jaw kisses, forehead kisses, nose kiss— it doesn't matter, any kiss you give him is like a drug for him.
❥ often praising you while holding you up with his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist. he'd whisper sweet words in your ear before claiming your lips again. his hands would wander, exploring your body as his tongue explored your mouth, the both of you fighting for dominance, often resulting in him dominating you. he might be dominant, but the angry red blush that streaked around his cheeks said otherwise.
❥ "fuck, so beautiful"
❥ he's extremely weak for those kisses. the type of kisses where the both of you think nothing of others and just think of the world revolving around the two of you. lips conjoined and moulded perfectly, almost as if you were made for him and him made for you. a leg shoved in between your burning core, tongue dancing in union and threads of saliva stringing from your mouth. how could he not resist? he's become quite the addict for your soft lips.
❥ scaramouche, kaeya alberich, kamisato ayato, al haitham, childe, cyno, heizou, tighnari, xiao.
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❥ big fan of pda. all things considered, gentle, yet a bit harsh. he's always making sure his darling isn't hurt and is always comfortable. whenever he approaches you, he always plans in advance, and anticipates your reaction, making him more eager to capture you. it's as if every time you look at him, it's like no one except you and him live. his world revolves around you and only you. soft lips incarcerated with his, his hands situated behind your soft locks. a smile spreads against his ephebic face as soon he hears those soft moans and yelps from you.
❥ "keep singing love, let me hear those melodies from you."
❥ loves seeing you red and flustered. don't act shy on him now, he's waited this whole moment with his darling. he finds it absolutely adorable on how flushed you are when you kiss, the tips of your ears bright red and flaming. a firm hand situated on your waist, his warm breath tickling your neck.
❥ "don't get all shy now darling" his would move stray strands of your hair with his slender finger, tucking it messily behind your ear before pulling you into a dulcet kiss. his lips linger for more than a moment, savouring the snatch and the sweet taste of you before he pulls away and whispers, "i could kiss you for days."
❥ extremely weak for those kisses on his hair, your soft fingers treading through his locks while kissing him at the same time was the definition of heaven for him. he loves kissing your hands, often placing kisses on your knuckles while outside, his favourite finger of yours to kiss is your ring finger, a promise to what would occur in the future.
❥ his husky voice oozes with passion as he looks deep into your eyes, sending shivers down your spine. he presses a quick kiss before swooping you off your feet to being held by him, he once again conjoined your lips with his before walking off to somewhere secluded.
❥ albedo, baizhu, pantalone, pierro, gorou, xinqiu, itto, kaveh, kazuha, zhongli
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goldsbitch · 8 months
Just don't talk--
-and come over. p3 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. Lando can't stand Y/N, the first female driver in F1. He also can't stand not having her with her clothes on.
warnings: minors do not interact, cursing, a bit of smau...just generally don't take this one too seriously
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The following week marked a u-turn in the media strategy of McLaren and Aston Martin. Another set of meetings, very quick as nobody wanted to open a can of worms or cause even more talk on the topic of Y/N and Lando. They studied the material shot for the F1 - and the consensus was to stop the Lando x Y/N part being released out as it gave off strange vibes. It was a mix of pure lack of chemistry and then a sudden spike of sexual tension and a 180 shift. In all fairness it was a bit uncomfortable to watch for the media teams, who had to analyse people they were in direct daily contact.
No unnecessary contact. No joined interviews. Keeping them as apart as possible. Gone were the days where teams would use the sexual tension as a selling point. Times have changed, this would fly really well in 2010's, but now anything of this sorts for a nightmare for PR. Y/N would be undermined. Lando put in a fuck boy category. It wasn't like anyone saw anything happen. None of the people initiating these meetings had even slightest idea that their worst nightmares were only a light version of the truth. If there was ever an elephant in a room, it was this time. Nobody dared to speak their mind. The whisper challenge video came out without the two. Having it cut and deleted from all hard drives was an order and nobody was to speak of it again.
Social media had been strangely quiet, focusing on race related topics. That was until Lando wore a short sleeve, his healing bite mark seeing the light of day and on display for thousands of eyes. How was one suppose to wear long shirts in hot ass countries they were constantly traveling to? Personally, he thought it was cool and there was even a point where he debated having it tattooed - owning the shit out of and taking the power away from Y/N. Max, his best friend, stopped him. But the thought still lingered back in his mind. It had been a little too long since their last night session. Jerking off was fine, but never good enough. The bite mark caused quite the stir among his fans, but he honestly gave little to no shit about that. He was not going to contact her first though. The last thing he would do is to simp up to her. So when there was a hot model present at one their random club night outs, he did not think twice. It was a little too easy for his liking, but he needed to blow some steam. He could have been discreet, he really could. But why? There was a part of him that was excited to see how this would resonate with Y/N. The violent make out outside the club really was not necessary. Especially when Lando knew that there was a photographer sitting nearby patiently, about to make a living out of a Lando's whim.
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When Lando scrolled instagram the next morning, he has a little too proud smile on his face. He would never admit it out loud, not even to himself, that Y/N was on his mind when he fucked the brunette. Mediocre night at best. What worried him a bit was that bad sex was something he almost forgot existed. Of course that Y/N saw it. It was one of the first things that popped up on her phone that morning. It did not bother her. Not even closely. She just had a good energy streak, that was her reply to her trainer when she nearly broke the rowing machine at the gym. She uninstalled instagram later in the afternoon, trying to get the instagram girl's face out of her memory.
There was no way she'd be the one texting him for a late night hook up now. Maybe it was for the better in the end. Focusing on racing only now and even potentially beating him on the track. Night got a little too lonely without the option to have him over, on her and under her. She tried baking, reading, got really into chemistry related youtube videos, yet drinking and working out seemed to be the only thing to really work.
Two long weeks passed until she finally received a text. She ignored that her heart skipped a beat when she saw his name on her phone screen.
"Bro. What are we going to do now?"
She rolled her eyes. What a lame ass opening. No point in playing the waiting game, so she replied immediately. She could care less.
"Aw, got bored and miss some quality fucking?" She second guessed the text right after sending. Was that too desperate? She thew the phone away for few minutes. One late night unnecessary coffee later, she picked it right back up.
"No, you little shit. You not on socials or what?"
A screenshot followed.
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There were PR nightmares and there was this kind of disaster. Instagram and Tik Tok got installed back immediately. She watched some cuts and edits from their video, low quality snips that were not giving any full image. Comment after comment, the creativity not being of concern to anyone. All of the same note. Is there more to their obvious dislike of each other? There were only few who were concern by why did most of the leak footage give such a hostile vibe. Lando's eye fucking was more of an attractive topic.
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She scrolled for few minutes, watching a new shift on their public image unfold. It was mostly the hardcore fans, not really something the big outlets took interest in at the moment. But there was one theme that followed - people were curious. Panic set over her, mind started racing in all possible scenarios. And then did something for the first time - she dialed Lando's number. He picked up reluctantly.
"How did it get out?" she asked right away.
"Hello to you too. And the fuck would I know."
"Seems like something that would fit into your current portfolio, so yeah, I am asking directly."
Lando smiled proudly. She was jealous. Oh, what he would do to see her face now.
"Hate to disappoint, but I don't have the need for cheap attention." Liar, all he wanted was for her to notice him.
"Ok, assuming nobody from your team or my team did, who got it out?"
"I severely overestimated your ability to focus on the important thing here, apparently."
"So you tell me, Mr. Genius."
"Like I said before you invaded my evening by this panic phone call. What are we going to do? The last thing I'd want is for someone to find out...about us." It felt strange for both of them, to hear him say it like that. Like it wasn't a problem. Every time someone put them together in a sentence, it had been a bad connotation. But not his tone, this one time.
"Well, I don't know, I've only had a minute to process."
"Oh, take your time, of course. Time flies really slowly on social media, so yeah, I'd say you have about a year or so to react."
"Well, we're obviously not going to react anyway."
"I really hope they don't force us to. I'm getting sick of all the media team meddling in. It's their fault in the first place," he said, unamused.
"Yeah, you're right. Good defense, I will use that if they bring it up."
"Don't worry, you'll get my invoice for consulting in your email tomorrow."
"Aw, McLaren not paying enough?"
"I'm sorry, you're still at Aston, correct?"
"Shut it, Norris. So that's it? We'll just not react and let it go?"
"I mean, what else is there to do. Denying anything will only bring up more questions. It's not like people will believe we're friends."
"That, my friend, is true."
"I'm a smart boy, not only a sex god."
"Uhm." Trouble is that he really really was.
"So we'll just let it die out?"
"Yeah. When someone mentions it, we can say that we just don't get along and that's that."
"Great, no lie there."
There were few seconds of quiet tension. Panic was somehow over, but the high adrenaline stayed. It was late evening, their usual prime time. Would they? Should they? Y/N was debating whether she wanted to see Lando again with the vibe he was setting around himself lately putting her off a bit. But then there was the need for territorial claim. Built up energy that wanted to get out. Both of them silently trying to come up with a line good enough for Lando to come over and "dance" with Y/N in a way no friend would. Lando took a breath to speak, but Y/N was quicker.
"So, wanna come over for a work out?" He was over at her place within 25 minutes.
part 4
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whateverisbeautiful · 14 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#51: The Mr. & Mrs. Grimes (1.05)
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
The utter perfection of this scene continues as Rick's beautiful words are met with a beautiful response from Mrs. Grimes. 🥲
I adore that after both staying so loyally in love with each other, Michonne and Rick get to now look into each other's eyes and express that all these years, it was always only you 🥹...
One of the many reasons that Richonne resonates with me so much is because this TWD world could easily have been strictly bleak, dark, and dreary, and yet Richonne’s love bursts in with this bright light that refuses to dim no matter the state of their broken world.
Richonne is this inspiring reminder that love prevails even in the hardest circumstances. And Richonne's enduring love shines so brightly in this proposal scene.
So yeah, the happy dancing will never be out of my system over every second of this moment. 😇💍 Because one thing that always comes with the territory of being a Richonne fan...
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As Rick holds up a ring while on one knee looking up at the love of his life, Michonne has such a precious heartfelt reaction to this. 🥰
I paused it for a sec and my extra self literally just had to stop and marvel for a moment that I’m really looking at a scene of Michonne smiling down at Rick as he holds up a ring. 🫠
After years of saying one of my biggest wants was for Richonne to exchange rings (because I really felt it was something those two characters would do), it just feels so rewarding to see that we finally made it here. When I tell you I was elated for them like it was my close family member getting proposed to lol. This joyous scene makes me so happy. 
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Michonne smiles at Rick, again with so much love in her expression. You can just see that she’s so happy to have her Rick back. All those years without him and now here he is alive, at his finest, and wanting to show her that he’s with her for the rest of his life. 😊
Michonne says, “I could have never imagined this.” And then she smiles and so sweetly says, “But it could only ever have been you.” Once again, PERFECTION. 🙌🏽🥲
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I'm loving the use of ‘only’ in this scene. Michonne and Rick both know they are the only one for each other. And it’s just so beyond heartwarming to hear Michonne know Rick is it for her. The only man she’d ever want to be her husband.
Pre-ZA, Michonne might have never been able to imagine that her soulmate would take form in Rick Grimes. Even when their paths first joined in season 3 she might have never expected that this man who constantly eyes her down would be the man she calls husband and the father of her children one day. But now there’s no denying that in any world Rick is the one for her. The ultimate soulmates. 🥰
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And Michonne has known this for so long. She's long been aware that she only ever wanted it to be Rick for her. I think about that beautiful 7.08 scene between Richonne in the cell where Michonne pours her heart out to Rick. There, she let him know he was the only one that she wanted by her side to take on everything in life with. And it's stayed that way for her all these years later. 🥲
I like to think that when Michonne expresses that it could only ever have been Rick who has her heart, she thinks back on their journey and reflects on the way Rick took her in at the prison instead of just taking the formula.
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The way he entrusted her with his son time and time again, even very early in their relationship. The way she and Rick bonded over having similarities that most others wouldn’t understand.
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The way she saw over and over that Rick will do anything for his family.
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And that Rick will do anything for her.
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The way Rick is a fighter who never gives up and also a lover who never holds back.
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The way he resiliently overcame the battles in his life, both external and internal. The way he genuinely saw and valued both Michonne's heroism and her humanness. And as she’s said before - the way Rick makes her feel loved, respected, and safe like no other.
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It could only ever have been this excellent one-of-a-kind man for her. Another scientific fact. 💯
So then, y'all, you already know what's next - Michonne does the most heartfelt thing ever. She smiles, takes Rick's hand, and then gets down on her knees so that they are on the same level. 😭
Then she puts Rick's hand to her heart and so sincerely tells him, “I’m Yours.” 🥹
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And go ahead and take me out to pasture because my heart has officially ascended from this solid gold scene. 🫠 I love it so much. 😭😭😭
I don't know whether to burst into tears or to happy dance right now, so imma just do both...
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First; just the visual of the two on their knees is so perfectly symbolic to Richonne and the way they are equals in every way. They always meet each other where they’re at and match each other's love, energy, and fidelity.
I love that the moment with Rick on his knees gets its time to breathe and just depict the way he reveres her, and then Michonne gets to also show how much she loves and respects him when she joins him on her knees and lets Rick know that just like he’s hers, she’s his.
I adore the reciprocity of Richonne's love and loyalty. They’re so wholly devoted themselves and they finally get to experience someone being wholly devoted back.
And on top of elating me to no end, hearing them both say, “I’m Yours” also just affirmed to me why I think Richonne is such an excellent portrayal of a healthy couple. Because I think a lot of couples tend to have more of a “You’re mine” mentality that can be a bit more possessive and concerned with the other belonging to them.
But Rick and Michonne both put so much more emphasis on an “I’m Yours” mentality, actively being loyal, thoughtful, and dedicated to each other. They don't demand ‘You belong to me’ but rather happily demonstrate ‘I belong to you’ with every loving action and word they express. And that manifests as this equal outpouring of the deepest love. 👌🏽
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And my favorite part about Rick and Michonne telling each other ‘I’m yours’ is how much they have already truly lived out those words.
Like this isn’t just flowery talk. Both when they were together in TWD and then when they were apart for over eight years, they genuinely lived out every day of their life like they were fully each others.
I remember that was one of the things I most noted about Michonne in the post-Rick era of TWD, she was still so actively in love with Rick. Like truly no other man could have come along because her love for Rick was still so alive.
I mean even when Ezekiel kissed her, all she wanted to do after was tearfully reminisce on the man she was still in love with and recount the exact amount of years it'd been since Rick last kissed her.
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gif cred: @michonnegrimes
Michonne knew Rick Grimes still had her heart and even with all the years that passed and having every reason to think she’d never see him again, she lived life like she was still his.
So when Michonne tells Rick 'I’m yours,' she’s already lived that out and proven it ten times over.
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And when taken, Rick fought as hard as he could and put his mind and body through the unimaginable to get back to her and he never once moved on from Michonne, even when he chose to die.
He routinely dreamt of falling in love with her, continuously poured his heart out to her in letters, and commissioned several drawings of her. Then when he decided to 'die' because he refused to live without her, the dead version of him still made every choice out of his everlasting love for Michonne.
So when Rick tells Michonne Grimes, 'Til my last breath, I'm yours,' he’s already more than proven it in every way too.
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They now know what it is to be without the other for an extended period and they still conducted themselves like 'I am 100% yours always.' 🥹 The greatest love.
Also, I love that this proposal moment takes place in the middle of the woods. So much of Richonne’s roots were established in settings like this. They’ve had a lot of notable woods moments, especially when traveling with Carl, and so this just feels like them taking it back to where it all started for this milestone moment.
One of the woods moments that comes to mind for me right now is in season 3 when Michonne is aiming her sword at Merle and Rick is constantly staring her down and keeping his attention almost solely on her despite so much commotion going on from everyone.
Imo, Rick stares at Michonne a little too much and a little too long for it to just be written off as casual or merely trying to diffuse the situation.
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(Side note: I love that Danai and Andy said this is one of the earliest moments that they knew they had a special chemistry as actors. They really did make a scene surrounded by other characters feel like it was just the two of them. ☺️)
To me, it seriously feels like each time Rick looks at Michonne in this scene (and in many season 3 scenes really) he feels something he’s ‘not supposed to’ feel and sees something he wasn’t expecting to see - because, without being cognizant of it yet, he sees his future. He sees himself. He sees someone his heart wants and desires in this intriguing, intoxicating, and soul-filling way.
And so it’s almost like in those early days Rick kept staring at this captivating woman partly confused because he’s supposed to just look at her and see a suspicious stranger, but instead somewhere deep within him what he really sees is his other half, someone he’s meant for and whose meant for him, someone capable of getting him to get down on one knee in the woods and profess his undying love for one day. 🥲
Like he's trying to look intimidating in this s3 scene with Michonne but then Rick always has this shift in his expression like he’s more genuinely dazed from the fact that looking at Michonne for some reason is like looking in a mirror. Looking at her, little did he know he was seeing his universe all in one person.🥹
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And as for Michonne, I adore that she has known for so long that she's with Rick no matter what. From "I'm still with you" pre-canon to "I'm yours" post-canon. It's always him for her. 🥹
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Also, I just have to note the way Rick looks at her when Michonne makes her way down to her knees is always so swoon-worthy to me. 😊 It's been such a great journey watching Richonne's stares soften over each season to the point that now they look into each other's eyes so utterly in love.
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So after Michonne says she's his, they share another ten out of ten kiss and it’s just the perfect way to close out the scene. 👏🏽😭
I love how Michonne is smiling through the first kiss, and the way Rick's holding her, and the fact that of course the passion only continues to ramp up between them as they wrap their arms around each other.
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I think about how in TOWL ep 3, Rick and Michonne were on their knees in CRM uniforms kissing in the woods but not yet on the same page.
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And now they’re back to their more usual attire and on their knees kissing but fully in sync again and ready to both handle the CRM and go home. Mr. & Mrs. Grimes are 100% back. 😌
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And I love how it's the masterpiece Episode 4 that got Richonne from point A in ep 3, on their knees in the woods unsure of how to escape with much to reconcile, to point B in ep 5, on their knees in the woods, reaffirming 'I’m yours,' and fully on one accord again.
So then, after this solid gold scene, they cut to Father Gabriel waiting on a log but Jadis isn’t going to be showing up this time around. What Father G doesn't know is Jadis was attempting to threaten Richonne and ASZ and so after just a day of aiming to kill them, Rick and Michonne had to go ahead and send her to the underworld same-day delivery. 📦👌🏽
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But Rick and Michonne also have very good hearts and so it seems they left a burial site for her, marked with an 'A' stone.
That 'A' has some layers to it because one; it’s like Rick and Michonne are allowing her to die as Anne the Artist rather than Jadis the Snake, with Anne seeming to have been her better and more human persona.
And two; seeing the 'A' to me always feels reminiscent of how Jadis would spray paint As on the holding containers in the trash heap. It was very kind of Richonne to give her a burial and to put an ‘A’ for Anne instead of an “S” for Snake/Serpent/Scam Artist. 
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A helicopter flies above the burial site and, even tho we don't get to see Richonne inside, I love we get to at least know that Michonne got to see her man fly a helicopter.
If Michonne and I are really on the same wavelength like I think we are, I know she thought Rick piloting the helicopter was sexy. 😊 Probably sitting in that helicopter and watching him like...
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And as their helicopter flies off into the sky, that concludes episode 5, with Richonne and us now soaring into the TOWL finale. 👌🏽
Honestly, on rewatch I do like episode 5 better than I thought. It’s still not as high as 1-4 but the Richonne content is just so great in this ep that I still very much enjoy it. 😌 And that's how you know your ship is an abundance of riches when even the lower-rated ep still has some solid gold scenes and a top 10 all-time scene. 👑
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Before I even wrote a single word of this breakdown, I knew this specific scene's revelings would be a long two-parter - because I mean, for longtime Richonne fans this proposal scene is just better than a dream. So I had to do my best to go as all out as I could when gushing over every detail. 😋
I adore that after years of Rick dreaming of having this proposal with Michonne, the two of them finally got to share this moment. And it was as beautiful as can be.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Rick and Michonne both are just so aware that they’ve found a true treasure in finding each other, and I love that this scene so perfectly captured their stunning love and their commitment to belong to each other forever and always.
It was a joy to see Richonne so clearly establish that they are Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, until the end of time. 🥳💍🙌🏽🎉🥂🎊
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basimdasasonst · 2 months
snw spock rant
i've been watching strange new worlds recently, and the prevailing feeling i always leave with, no matter the episode, is that i would like it if not for spock.
don't get me wrong; i'm a tos fan to my core. star trek launched me into a love of sci-fi and space fiction and is the whole reason i'm in university studying astrophysics, why i'm writing a book using said inner astrophysics nerd, why i have any sense of purpose to me, cliche as it is to say. star trek was an integral, important part of my upbringing, and continues to be one of my main interests to this day. i love jim (and i love snw jim! especially after aos kirk (shudders)) and i love bones (i really hope he joins snw soon....leonard mccoy save us....save us leonard mccoy...) and i love scotty and i love spock. but not snw spock.
here's the thing about spock: his internal character conflicts have always had some sort of root in him being not enough/not vulcan enough/not human enough/etc. his struggles with relationships as a result – because, lets face it, both humans and vulcans are social creatures and need friends otherwise society as a whole wouldn't be a thing on either world – make up a core part of his character. in tos, his relationship struggles were nearly purely platonic, with a few offhand remarks about stray crew members having crushes on him (uhura in early first season, chapel in amok time). 
s1e4 "the naked time". spock, right before losing his figurative Marbles, sees "love mankind" written on a wall. later, he goes on to say to jim: "when i feel friendship for you, i'm ashamed." other posts have done and will do better jobs of explaining it, but in conjunction with "sinner" written on the turbolift near jim (about not being able to form lasting relationships with other crewmates because its too much of a power imbalance), the writing on the wall (literally) is that spock is inherently ashamed of his humanity. he has been raised on vulcan to be a vulcan.
his internal conflict is always about him struggling with his human side. he struggles with friendship, he struggles with his humanity, he struggles to be something that people don't immediately deem wrong. as a gay man, and certainly as a young queer child first watching tos, i felt closest to spock not just because of feeling ashamed of part of my cultural heritage, but also because of repression. spock represses these feelings of insecurity, of friendship, of the need for connection in others in a certain way, so much that it causes him pain. growing up gay, his pain was very real to me. writing on the wall. he’s silly and a cool character of course, but he resonated with me in a way that, at the time, i didn’t have anything to resonate with. 
what does this all have to do with me hating snw spock so much? i want to preface this by saying i went into snw really wanting to love it. i saw the intro and the planets and the nebulae and the black hole and the music and was like "damn, this is fucking cool." star trek, to some part of me, was also about the space exploration aspect as much as the characters. the whims of wacky crewmembers and sentient rocks. the impossibly infinite things nature can form on its own. snw looked fun. i really wanted to like it. and you know what? i almost like it.
except for spock. quite literally the only character i have any quarrels with is spock. dehydrated, glistening, oiled up spock. wtf. why is he in a relationship with t'pring? why does he (almost) cheat on her with chapel? and why chapel??????????? chapel has a one-sided (VERY CLEARLY ONE SIDED) crush on him in tos. why is it two sided now. 
what, and i can't stress this enough, the fuck? 
and don't come into my house and tell me "oh you know, it makes sense, because, because then spock gets all hard and Logical and shuts himself off and obviously the reason for that is a breakup–" No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no no no no. i don't care if it makes “sense” it feels so intrinsically wrong to his character. i’ve had much more character development from losing life-long friends than ending barely a year long relationships. spock wouldn’t immediately shut down because he kissed a girl once and then she said “acshually sowwy my work is more important” when that’s the exact sentiment he echoed to t’pring when they broke up.
more importantly, snw spock barely has friends. he calls pike a friend once or twice, but i hardly believe that they're friends. he barely interacts with la'an or erica, he has a few passing conversations with uhura in season 1 on episodes about her that don't really carry into season 2, and otherwise he's just There. he doesn't have friends in snw. the writers are prioritising him having a romantic relationship over a friendship. snw spock needs a friend way more than he needs a bone buddy. and it really rubs me the wrong way the way the relationship with chapel was portrayed to be first friendly and then romantic. i never believed for a second that he and chapel were friends – despite the screenwriters trying. every time they talked prior to s2e5 there was this odd undercurrent of sexuality that seemed to follow them. lingering looks, touching fingertips, long pauses – it was so unbelievably awkward and obvious that they were setting up a relationship between the two. i mean, for fucks sake, s1e1 uhura calls chapel "spock's girlfriend." boy did my blood boil when i figured out that was where the show was going. s1e5 was actually painful for me to get through (chapel sits down, gives spock relationship advice, giggles, smacks him upside the head, and calls him an idiot. 2017 wattpad is calling, they want their material back) and i had to take two full days to get through s2e5 because i was in anguish the whole time. it was a constant mental barrage of "spock wouldn't say that," and "spock wouldn't do that," and "this is not spock."
for the most part, i couldn't figure out why spock and chapel's relationship specifically bothered me so much. i mean i have my quarrels with la'an and jim, and i really don't give much of a care about pike and batel so why was spock and chapel grating on me so badly? was it because it was being shoved in my face? was the writing that much more atrocious than the others? was it the decimation of spock's character?
it was, i found, a product of all of those and the issue of queerness. 
look; i've survived sherlock bbc, i’ve survived the golden age of quotev fandom in 2016, i've bared witness to so much queerbaiting in my life that i don't even bother trying to hope for any sort of main character queer representation anymore. we’re going to be a footnote until someone does something about it. unfortunately, that’s not going to be me because i’m not a film director. so i look the other way and steam about it on twitter or tumblr or whatever hoping that i, like many other frustrated queer people, get noticed one day in the far future when it’s ok to have a queer romance in mainstream, it’s ok to have a queer main character, and it’s ok to let it simmer slowly and burn instead of jumping into it to say “look guys we’re woke!!!!!” (star trek literally was the pioneer for most of these things back in the day. but that’s another discussion on the heterosexualisation of progressive media that i wont get into. it just feels bitterly funny that this is happening to star trek of all things.) these days i just pretend the relationships dont exist and skip over them when they happen. i've developed a sixth sense for when weird, forced heterosexuality is about to be shoved down my oesophagus. i've just gotten used to it. 
but sphapel (or whatever it's called) burned through me. i've never felt quite this angry at an on screen relationship. and, trust me, i saw AOS. i didn't like spuhura then and i don't like it now but i wasn't angry so much as i was just tired and annoyed. but spock was – and always is to me, confused, queer 10 year old me – a queer character. his struggle with humanity, with friendship, with fitting in, with just being as a perceived "other" was what made him an interesting character to me to begin with. he was a certain outlet to vent that frustration for being "wrong" in society no matter how hard you try to conform one way or another. the knowledge that even if you are different, you still have people backing you up. his fucking friendships, guys. jim and bones. yes i know his friendship with jim is also inherently romantic dont worry im spirk #1 shipper but that’s not relevant here because, and forgive me for being pessimistic, i don’t believe for a second that these writers are going to lean into spirk anytime soon. their relationship went beyond friendship or romance or any of that stuff. coughs in the roddenberry footnote.
what i’m trying to say here, in layman’s terms, is that giving a friendless character a romantic relationship is exactly how you alienate a character. name one person you know in real life that can survive healthily with one single relation, that being their romantic partner that they have no friendly base of. you can’t. that’s a toxic relationship. that’s not romance, that’s alienation. that’s isolation. that’s loneliness. and that’s the OPPOSITE OF WHAT EXPLORING SPOCK’S HUMAN SIDE IS SUPPOSED TO DO TO HIM .
by stripping spock of his friends, and forcing his arc to be purely romantic, you have essentially stripped the character of all he is. i'd be mad if chapel was a dude, too, honestly speaking. but beyond that, corralling spock of all people into a heterosexual romantic relationship is – well. it's a choice i don't think i can ever agree with. the best way i can describe such a choice is like a dissonant chord – you can pluck the notes and they'll sound fine on their own, but when you put them together they will clash. there is nothing you can do with your fingers to play the same notes and not cause the clash. they will always clash. it is dissonance ringing through you, an inherent wrongness coupled with writing that is lazy and clearly meant for a very specific audience. snw spock is bad writing, fanservice, and extraordinarily out of character. notes i can tolerate on their own, but strung together – dissonant.
i really want to like snw. fuck, i love la'an, i love erica, i love jim (!!! thank you paul wesley for making him a nerd, and kind (glares at AOS), and generally a jim kirk that i can look at and say, "yeah, that's jim alright"), i love uhura, i love una, i love m'benga and i love pike but i hate spock. i really, truly, cannot like snw when i have to pause the show and take an irritated deep breath in every time i see chapel approach spock. it's – frustrating, and alienating, and wrong. so, so wrong. 
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What is the Tree of Feelings SEKAI?
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The Tree of Feelings SEKAI (often called the Tree SEKAI within the fandom, and for the rest of this post) is a mysterious SEKAI that first appears in Miku's Where Feelings Come Together Colorful Festival story, although it reappears in the Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings and Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! events.
The SEKAI isn't actually a proper SEKAI, but actually a Fragment SEKAI: it appears in response to shared feelings and will disappear again once those have been resolved. Additionally, it can be accessed through a Fragment of Feelings, the same way you would enter a Fragment SEKAI. Although, some characters are shown to be forcibly teleported there by their phones, something which has never been shown with other Fragment SEKAI so far.
However, whose Fragment SEKAI is this? It first appears in Miku's Colorful Festival story, so it must be hers, right? Well, not exactly.
Miku's Where Feelings Come Together story starts off in Shibuya, with Ichika watching a PV for an upcoming Virtual Singer fan festival (the one she later attends in the Scramble Fan FESTA! event). She considers participating in the festival with Leo/need, and her train of thought runs to Miku in the School SEKAI. Meanwhile, Kohane and Minori are out shopping together, and watch the same PV. Minori comments on how cute Miku is and how she sparkles on stage, thinking of her own Miku. Kohane, on the other hand, says that she likes it when Miku looks really cool, also with her own Miku in mind. At the same time, Kanade is walking home after visiting her dad, and sees the same PV. She's reminded that she wanted to pick up a Virtual Singer CD, and how she never would've been interested in Miku had it not been for the Empty SEKAI.
Between the SEKAI, Miku's base form senses warm and gentle feelings gathering, and starts to realise that something is happening, but doesn't reveal what it is.
In the Wonderland SEKAI, Tsukasa is trying to find Miku, since she promised to help him with rehearsals. He thinks back to his first meeting with the Virtual Singers, and how helpful they ended up being to the point he frequently visits the SEKAI now. After deciding that he should show them his appreciation, a ball of light appears, taking him to a mysterious SEKAI, the Tree SEKAI.
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As it turns out, Ichika, Minori, Kohane and Kanade were also teleported to the Tree SEKAI, although in their cases, it was because their phone flashed, similarly to how they (excluding Kanade) were first introduced to the SEKAI during the main story. While they all try to explain to each other how they got there, Miku reveals herself to the others (and confirms that Tsukasa was transported via a Fragment of Feelings).
Miku explains that the Tree SEKAI came to be because of the intertwined feelings of the five. She explains that it isn't quite ready to become a full-fledged SEKAI yet, outright confirming that it is a Fragment SEKAI. She adds that the SEKAI is filled with warmth that has a certain someone in mind, and asks what the five were thinking about before coming to the Tree SEKAI. They realise that they were all thinking about Miku, or their respective Mikus, and in response, Miku beckons them all over to the tree.
In the tree, all of them find items belonging to them. Kanade finds sheet music for her songs, Kohane finds flyers for STAY GOLD and RAD WEEKEND, Tsukasa finds the script for Pegasus Odyssey, the first show he wrote for Wonderlands x Showtime, and Minori finds a promotional photo for MORE MORE JUMP! that she had Kohane take after the group was formed. Ichika then finds the wish plaques that she and the other members of Leo/need wrote at New Years, as well as some of her sheet music and lyrics. Miku concludes that the tree must be a wishing tree of sorts, made from their feelings together, as well as their hopes and dreams.
Ichika then questions how the fact they were all thinking of Miku connects to this tree. Miku explains that they - the Mikus from each SEKAI, and not just this Miku - want the feelings of the people they watch over to keep growing and moving forward. So the Wishing Tree isn't just their tree, it's also Mikus' tree, nurtured by their hopes and dreams for everyone.
Everyone was able to find their true feelings thanks to a Miku, and as a result the tree was able to flourish. Miku thanks the five for placing their trust in "her", but the five agree that they should be the ones thanking her. The SEKAI begins to disappear once they have exchanged thanks, and Miku explains that since this is not a full SEKAI yet, it will return to being a Fragment. However, it won't be gone forever, and one day, when the sapling becomes a fully grown tree, they might be able to...
The five return to where they were before, with no memory of what happened.
We actually learn a lot about the SEKAI from just this card story despite it being its first appearance. We know that despite the fact that there are several SEKAI in existence, this one was born from the shared feelings specifically between the people connected to the School, Stage, Street, Wonderland, and Empty SEKAI, as well as the base form of Miku who exists between SEKAI. Even though the SEKAI is currently only in a Fragment state, it can grow into a full SEKAI from there. Interestingly, it was confirmed in Miku's Street SEKAI 2* that SEKAI grow over time, and this new information heavily suggests that all SEKAI actually can be accessed prior to fully forming via a Fragment of Feeling (for example, the five main SEKAI in the game may possibly have been accessible prior to their full formation, although as far as we know, this didn't happen).
The second time the Treet SEKAI appears is in the Virtual Singer-focused event, Sakura Across SEKAI, Interconnecting Our Feelings. This time, only the first Virtual Singers to appear in each of the five main SEKAI go to the Tree SEKAI though.
In the Empty SEKAI, the N25 members are talking about cherry blossoms with Miku, Rin, MEIKO, and Luka. The group offers to show the cherry blossoms to the Virtual Singers, although it won't be the same as seeing them in person since they will only be able to see them in their hologram forms. Miku then decides to see if there are cherry blossoms in the SEKAI, since Mafuyu's feelings have made other things appear there before. While she doesn't find anything due to the SEKAI being, well, empty, she realises that she's happy that the SEKAI still feels more lively than it did before, and that she wants to continue supporting Mafuyu. As she thinks to herself, a Fragment of Feelings appears, and transports her to the Tree SEKAI.
Meanwhile, in the Stage SEKAI, MORE MORE JUMP! helps the Virtual Singers brainstorm for their next performance. Once a spring theme is chosen, Rin decides that she wants to include falling cherry blossom petals in their concert. Everyone looks across the various stages to try and find a cherry blossom tree, but they don't have any luck. In the end, they opt for using pink lighting, so Rin goes backstage to find some lights. Rin hopes the show will go well after everything everyone has done to accommodate her cherry blossom idea, and happens to find a Fragment of Feelings at that moment.
In the Street SEKAI, MEIKO and Rin have made a new cherry blossom-themed spring menu for Crase Cafe. Vivid BAD SQUAD arrive, and discuss having a picnic under some cherry blossoms in An's neighbourhood, although this makes KAITO and Luka a bit jealous, since there are no cherry blossoms in the SEKAI. Meanwhile, Len wants to find a way to thank MEIKO and Rin for their hard work, so he tries to find a cherry blossom tree for them. He isn't able to find one, but does find a Fragment of Feelings. MEIKO walks out into the street just after he finds it, and it takes them both to the Tree SEKAI.
School SEKAI Luka finds herself already in the Tree SEKAI, and remembers finding a Fragment of Feelings on the school roof. She recalls that Leo/need and the Virtual Singers had been trying to find a cherry blossom tree for a picnic. They had been trying extra hard because cherry blossoms reminded them of Luka as well, and were disappointed that they couldn't find any. Wanting to support Leo/need and their feelings, Luka went to look for a cherry blossom tree herself, and that's how she ended up in the Tree SEKAI.
Finally in the Wonderland SEKAI, WonderlandsxShowtime are trying to create an effect of a cherry blossom petal shower for their next show. They want to use real petals, but there aren't any cherry blossoms in the SEKAI, and they don't want to use the petals from the singing flowers. In the end, Emu suggests taking some petals from the cherry blossom tree in her garden. KAITO is thankful that they're always bringing fun and interesting things over to SEKAI, and thinks of a way to repay them, deciding to look for a real chery blossom in the SEKAI. Whilst looking around, he finds the plushies. They say they have a gift for him, and present him with a Fragment of Feelings, transporting him to the Tree SEKAI.
In the Tree SEKAI, there are cherry blossom petals falling through the sky. Miku goes over to the tree to see if that's where they're coming from, and spots something sparkling on the tree. Rin spots the same sparkly things, identifying them as Minori and the others' feelings, before spotting feelings belonging to other people too. Len and MEIKO also spot that there are other feelings here, with MEIKO making the assumption that they are from other SEKAI. She also has a feeling that where they are isn't an ordinary SEKAI. Luka feels that there are other people in the SEKAI, although she can't see anyone else there. KAITO has the same feeling, but is happy that the tree is proof that everyone's feelings are growing.
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Suddenly, there is a very strong wind, and Empty SEKAI Miku briefly sees the original Miku. Empty SEKAI Miku wonders if the original Miku has been watching over everyone's feelings the whole time. The SEKAI then starts to disappear.
The original Miku briefly appears again, commenting on her surprise at everyone being there. She concludes that their individual desires to help brought them all together, and wishes them luck in future.
When Rin returns to the Stage SEKAI, she is greeted by Len and MEIKO. She tells them that she briefly saw other versions of them, and MEIKO realises they must've been from other SEKAI, and adds that nothing like that has ever happened before. In Street SEKAI, MEIKO mentions having been able to see peoples' feelings through Fragments before, but never anything like that, and she wonders if the tree SEKAI is a sort of nexus between SEKAI. In School SEKAI, Luka says the same thing, wondering if that was some sort of special fragment. In the Wonderland SEKAI, KAITO realises that they must have all been brought to the same place because of their connected feelings, and realises that they must all want to help people very much.
This event reveals that the Tree SEKAI is also controlled by the feelings of the Virtual Singers from the five main SEKAI. Despite not being the actual reason they were brought together, they managed to create cherry blossom petals in the SEKAI because they were all looking for cherry blossoms. We also learn that this SEKAI can be accessed by any shared feelings between the five SEKAI. While the five human characters accessed it because they wanted to give thanks to Miku and original Miku wanted to thank them in return, the Virtual Singers accessed it because they all wanted to help the owners/inhabitants of their SEKAI.
The MEIKOs also bring up some interesting points. They say that this has never happened before, which tells us that in the multiple years of SEKAI existing, no group of people has ever had feelings this strong and intertwined. MEIKO's idea of the Tree SEKAI being a nexus, along with Luka wondering if it was a special sort of fragment, makes a lot more sense, and could suggest that the Tree SEKAI, is neither a Fragment SEKAI or a full SEKAI, but a mysterious third type.
Also both Luka and MEIKO mention having seen the feelings of the humans in their SEKAI through Fragments before, despite neither of them having appeared in a Colorful Festival story at this point, implying that there may be other Fragment SEKAI that the human characters never accessed.
The most recent appearance of the Tree SEKAI was in the second Virtual Singer-focused event, Let Your Song Resonate Throughout SEKAI! event. Although this time, things were a little different.
After everything that had happened in the past year, the Virtual Singers want to do something to support and encourage the owners of their respective SEKAI as they move forward in their journeys.
While all of them are discussing ideas and planning shows, the original Miku is watching over them from between SEKAI. She's then joined by the other original Virtual Singers, who were also curious about what's going on in the different SEKAI. Miku wishes she could do more to help the "them" in SEKAI who are trying hard to support the people in their SEKAI.
In the Stage SEKAI, Luka and the others are practising a special performance dedicated to MORE MORE JUMP!. Luka wants to keep trying harder because MMJ has always done the same and she wants to support them. At that moment, a Fragment of Feelings appears in front of her and teleports her away.
Meanwhile, in the Wonderland SEKAI, Miku and the others are rehearsing a play for WonderlandsxShowtime. Miku is so happy that the members of WxS were able to smile and chase their dreams together, that she's brought to tears. It's then that she hears a mysterious voice wish her luck. This voice was actually the original Miku, speaking to Wonderland Miku from between the SEKAI. She isn't sure how she was able to do it, but she wanted to support them all a lot and just said what she wanted to. The other Virtual Singers voice their agreement, and a Fragment of Feelings appears before them.
In the School SEKAI, Len is practising his singing so that he can perform for Leo/need. However, he can't quite get it to sound the same as when Miku sang with L/n at their concert. Miku explains that she wanted to support the girls and give them a push forwards, which Len keeps in mind. After Miku leaves, Len spots a Fragment of Feelings on a chair.
In the Empty SEKAI, Rin is singing Kanade's song to herself. Rin wants to be able to sing the same way as Miku can, the same way Miku was able to sing to Mafuyu and ease her loneliness. Nearby, Miku and Len approach MEIKO, trying to find Rin. MEIKO explains that Rin is focused on something else, and says that they should leave her alone. Once Miku and Len are gone, MEIKO joins in with Rin, although she doesn't think she can sing the same way Rin can. As they sing together, a Fragment of Feelings appears, and transports them to another SEKAI.
Back in the Wonderland SEKAI, Miku talks to KAITO about the voice she heard and the feeling of being watched. KAITO is able to relate to that, and says that it might be the other "them" cheering them on. This gets Miku excited, and she says that she wants to meet the other "them". And as luck may have it, a Fragment of Feelings appears.
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This time we're somewhere slightly different though. It's never actually stated if this is the same as the Tree SEKAI or somewhere totally different, although it is a fairly similar landscape.
Wonderland Miku has a look at the fragments floating around, and spots the Wonderland SEKAI in one of them. Excited, she then has a look at the other fragments to see what SEKAI they contain.
The original Virtual Singers find themselves in the same mysterious place. KAITO reckons that the place is made of someone's feelings, and Rin concludes that it's a Fragment SEKAI, although they're not sure exactly what feelings it was made from, or whose SEKAI it is. The group then spots the floating fragments, and realises that this is a SEKAI that connects other SEKAI together. The group splits up to investigate some more, and end up running into "themselves".
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The original Rin meets Empty SEKAI Rin, and asks if they can sing together because Empty Rin is such a beautiful singer. The original MEIKO joins Empty MEIKO at the same time, and thanks "herself" for always watching over N25.
Street SEKAI KAITO is here too, and runs into his original self. Street KAITO thinks "himself" is very cool, and admits he isn't really sure what he's doing here, but he's glad that they were able to meet. The original KAITO thanks Street KAITO for always working hard to help Vivid BAD SQUAD.
The Lens meet next. The original Len thinks School SEKAI Len's maturity and musical skills are really cool, and says that they both have to try their best in future. Then it's the Lukas turn. The original Luka thinks it's wonderful that Stage SEKAI Luka is able to bring hope to people as an idol, and says that she was able to give her hope too. Hearing these words, Stage Luka is motivated to try even harder.
Finally, it's the Mikus turn to meet. The original praises Wonderland Miku for her exciting shows that are able to make everyone smile. She believes that as long as Wonderland Miku is by everyone's side, everything will be fine, and she tells her to keep doing her best for them. Wonderland Miku asks to know more about the original Miku, but as soon as she starts to respond, the SEKAI begins to disappear.
This instance of the Tree SEKAI appearing actually leaves us with more questions that answers, and obviously the big question is if this is even the Tree SEKAI.
As mentioned, the appearance is fairly similar. Both SEKAI have a large field, and the sky is identical between the Tree SEKAI illustrations and Rin's Another Version of Me untrained 4* above. Aside from the lack of a tree, which could easily be excused by this possibly being a different part of that Fragment SEKAI, the field is noticeably different. The SEKAI in this event has flowering, bright green fields, while in Sakura Across SEKAI and Miku's Colorful Festival story, the field is a different shade of green and lacks any flowers. The grass is also a bit patchy in those older stories. A last detail that suggests these might be different SEKAI is that Miku doesn't recognise it.
However, I do believe that these are the same SEKAI. Firstly, both SEKAI are a bridge between the five we see in the game. GIven that the Tree SEKAI already exists, it feels very unlikely that another SEKAI serving the exact same purpose would be born, let alone looking extremely similar. As for the differences in appearance? The SEKAI grew of course. As mentioned earlier in this post, Street SEKAI Miku explains very early on in the game that SEKAI grow and develop over time if the feelings that created them don't dwindle. The original Miku alludes to it in her Colorful Festival story as well. I think that that could easily explain why the fields look healthier and are flowering now - because they grew with the feelings of those from the five SEKAI.
And a bit more on the meta side, I want to mention the flowers specifically. Obviously, between the second and third year of the game, this SEKAI went from being an empty field aside from a single tree, to being filled with flowers in it's next appearance. While this is already explained by the theory that it's the same SEKAI growing with time and feelings, I would like to draw attention to the tagline for the third year of the game: Journey to Bloom. All the units made significant changes and developments in order to go further down their respective paths and get closer to their dreams. As a metaphor, they went from being small buds to blooming flowers. I think the same might apply to the Tree SEKAI as a visual metaphor.
So what is the Tree of Feelings SEKAI? Well, it's not entirely clear. Not even the Virtual Singers are entirely sure what it is, because something like it has never existed before. What we do know is that it's a sort of Fragment SEKAI that acts as a nexus between the School, Stage, Street, Wonderland, and Empty SEKAI. When the inhabitants and owners of those SEKAI have the same strong feelings at the same time, they will be transported to the Tree SEKAI and allowed to meet. Virtual Singers are able to retain their memories of being in this SEKAI, although humans cannot.
Currently, the SEKAI is still a Fragment, and can only be accessed for short periods of time. However, it is still growing, and it has been implied that it could one day become a full-fledged SEKAI.
As of posting, Miku never met the original five who unlocked the Tree SEKAI again, although this post will be revisted if any updated are made to the lore of this Fragment? Nexus? SEKAI.
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astro-rainbow777 · 11 months
☀Sun Sign Astrology☀
The Sun represents the ego, where the native wants to succeed in life, motivations, overall attitude & spirit. In which house the sun falls in represents where you put your energy/focus and where you shine like the sun!
☉-Symbol for the Sun in Astrology and Natal Charts Side Note: I am NOT a professional. Please take this with a grain of salt. Take what resonates leave what doesn't. I hope you enjoy.
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Aries Sun: Known for their head strong attitude, passion and Independence. This sun sign enjoy and strive to live an active lifestyle. They are authentic and do not struggle to go after what they want in life. Aries Suns know who they are and where they want to be in life. These natives have a fiery will power that guides them to push through anything (or anyone) that presents as a challenge. These people strive to be a leader in all aspects of their life including their family, romantic, platonic and workplace relationships. Sometimes Aries' can come off selfish and impatient this is because they are meant to live from a place of personal power. They are very assertive with their needs so don't ever worry about them being inauthentic with you. If they want to, they will! Known for their anger, which tends to be sudden and powerful, but dissipates quickly. Overall, an extremely brave sign, they may be impulsive, but an Aries knows better than any other sign that with great risk, comes a great reward! Aries is a cardinal, fire sign.
Sun in 1st: What you see is what you get with Sun in the first. When you walk into a room these people will be the first one you notice. It is important to these people to be a bold, creative and bright personality. They make a strong first impression on everyone they meet and are generally charming and warm. Leadership finds them easily in life, they do not go unnoticed by managers and coworkers. Sun in the first makes friends quickly as well because of their authenticity and popularity. They have a lot of opportunities to succeed in life because people notice their talents and skills immediately. Other individuals view these natives as independent, self aware, and confident. Generally speaking sun in the first house individuals posses a strong presence, put a large focus on themselves, their physicality and their own interests.
Taurus Sun: A stable personality that gravitates towards the creature comforts the world has to offer. Taurus Suns are known for the ability to connect with their five senses; They enjoy comfortable materials, quality food, beautiful music, pleasing aesthetics, and a stable environment surrounding them. These natives are not a fan of change in their lives, chances are they have a consistent group of people in their life, have lived in their home for awhile, and don't change jobs frequently. If it's safe they are loyal and in it for the long haul. Taurus' would rather invest a large amount of energy into something that would last than waste their money, energy, or time on something that won't last. Once they set their minds on something it could take an army to change their direction! They are Stubborn- with a capital S. Taurus Suns high standards and self worth so the chances are that they will value someone else's opinion over theirs is slim to none. However, Taurus' make great lovers and friends because of their reliability, loyalty, and sweet qualities. Taurus is a fixed, earth sign.
Sun in 2nd: This position of the sun can indicate a generous nature, the ability to create stability for yourself, and high self esteem. Sun in the 2nd can make money effortlessly and enjoys living a lavish lifestyle. Just because they enjoy the finer things does not guarantee materialism, however it can manifest that way. They can be financially blessed, especially later in life. Others take note of what they have, their material possessions, and stability. Sun in 2nd shines because of their secure, reliable and loyal nature. Anyone who knows them is aware of their generous and loving nature unless poorly aspected. If there is any malefic aspects to the Sun their can be a tendency towards greed and gluttony. These natives can also be known for their work ethic, cooking, or their voice/singing. They can also just have a high quality and wealthy attitude about them. Sun in second can also manifest as good and moral values.
Gemini Sun: Multifaceted and curious, these individuals know just a little bit about everything. They move through the world as if it's an all you can eat buffet of knowledge, people, places, and opportunities. Gemini's are they messengers of the zodiac, so they might be known for their gossiping habits and talkative qualities. They are brilliant and creative minds with a large variety of interests and hobbies. Gemini's can have a lot of acquaintances because of their playful sense of humor, quick wit and charming nature. Can be great multi taskers and often jump from one thing to the next. They are always mentally active and strive to know everything about everything. Gemini sun's can be deceiving and mischievous about their intentions or to avoid responsibility. Most are aware that they can lack depth and be superficial in their actions. With how many people they talk to it would be odd if they weren't inauthentic with a few of them, although they still are very versatile. They don't like being bored so they'll take a strong liking to you if you are just as funny, entertaining and mentally stimulating as they are. Gemini is a mutable, air sign.
Sun in 3rd: Indicative of a forever student, someone who spent a majority of their time socializing and learning as a kid. There might of been popularity amongst peers in early childhood education or a possibility of being the teacher's pet. Friends and siblings hold a high priority for Sun in the 3rd, as well as going to social events. There is a probability of having a number of hobbies, interests and talents, as well as being the most successful amongst your siblings. They can get noticed easily for their car, sense of humor, intelligence or have a high following on social media. Sun in the 3rd could talk a lot about themselves and their particular interests in communications with others. There is something very captivating about the way that they talk and communicate. These people are great story tellers so writing could be a useful talent or public speaking.
Cancer Sun: Empathetic, caring and sweet; the cancer sun thrives in any emotional interaction. Family has had a big influence on where and what they are doing in life today, even if they don't talk to their family much. Cancer's may have fluctuating mood swings, but they care a lot for the people they love. Family is very important to them, even if they don't talk to their biological family- one of their biggest goals is to initiate a group of people of which they belong to. They are very nostalgic and sentimental, so just know if you ever did something sweet for a cancer, they remember, trust me. Emotions can cloud their judgement at times and if they feel threatened they can lash out unexpectedly. Cancers' are known to have a strong and long memory because they reflect back to the past often. It is also so important for a Cancer to have a safe and comfortable home where they can express their sensitivity openly and freely. A lot of them end up being the matriarch of their families. Cancer is a cardinal, water sign.
Sun in the 4th: The golden child! Family is super important with Sun in the 4th. Everything they do is for their family and home. They might put a lot of time and effort into making their parents proud- even as a grown adult. If there's no family- creating one is of high importance. This placement is indicative of spending a lot of time in their own inner world, feeling comes naturally to these people. They have a genuine care for the wellbeing of others, especially their loved ones. Sun in the 4th is a wonderful host-entertaining their guests, cooking for them, make sure that they a comfortable and have everything they need in their home. They take great pride in their home and are very protective of their loved ones. These individuals will make great parents and will be everything to their children.
Leo Sun: A bright, warm, ray of sunshine to be around! Leo Sun's are known for their joyful and radiant presence. They are generally very creative and fun people to be around. If they are serious about you, and trust me they have options, they will be loyal until the end. Leo's love being in the spotlight and the spotlight love's to shine on them! The sun is at home here after all! The way Leo's express themselves confidently and authentically. Although this sign is naturally the center of attention, they may require a lot of reassurance and validation. They are actually quite sensitive to the criticism of others, especially the their loved ones. Leo's laughter is quite contagious and bountiful, everyone wants to be around a happy Leo sun. It can be hard to have a constructive argument with a Leo because of their pride in arguments; there are times where they genuinely can't get enough of themselves. They are hard workers, self disciplined, and motivated to do anything they want to do. They are brave and generally succeed in whatever areas of life they put their energy.
Sun in 5th: This is a very dramatic and exciting personality! With this Sun placement, the native lives to have fun and be in the limelight. Sun in the 5th makes a charming, flirtatious, and playful personality. They are in touch with their inner child and get along well with children because of it. Their own children will be the center of their universe. There might be a need for attention nd validation from others with Sun in the 5th, or egoism and arrogance if the sun is poorly aspected. Sun in the 5th can also have a lot of talents, be into theatre or any kind of performing arts. They can be very athletic, have great physicality and vitality, or just live everyday like it's their last. These people despise being exploited or humiliated, more so than most. Happiest whenever they are doing anything expressing their creative side, participating in their hobbies, and having fun. They are the life of the party, but may struggle to balance work and play. Overall, very charming, passionate, stylish and expressive placement.
Virgo Sun: These natives are analytical, detail oriented and organized. Virgo's are critical of themselves and others but it always comes from a place of wanting to make something better. They shine the brightest when they are using their intelligence to be of service to others. They are very observant and never miss if you got a new hair cut or spilt coffee on your shirt. They are grounded and realistic in going after their goals and dreams. Virgo suns are not the best about asking for help when they need it because they tend to nitpick themselves. Their humor is self deprecating and sarcastic- but generally they are a very funny sign. Virgos strive for perfection and are willing to strip away anything that does not meet their high standards. They can come off judgmental but they are just trying to help. They can take on a lot of responsibility and be very hard working. Virgo suns tend to be introverted although they communicate well and enjoy conversing with others. They can also enjoy a good intellectual debate, and are great listeners. Virgo is a mutable, earth sign.
Sun in 6th: Individuals with sun in 6th are healers and need work that gives them purpose. In their work environment, they can bring a lot of joy to others and make whatever job they do more bearable for others. They can have a strong interest in wellness activities such as yoga, eating healthy, meditation, etc.- these people are dedicated to their routines. A lot of these natives work in the medical field, service and hospitality. Sun in the 6th can take on a lot of responsibility at work, they are leaders in the work place. These individuals love pets and animals of all kind. They could struggle with anxiety or mental illness in some way. Their diet could be very important to them as some are known to struggle with IBS or other food sensitivities. This placement is generally concerned with their overall wellbeing- and through healing themselves is where they learn how to heal others. These people are also funny, witty and good humored individuals.
Libra Suns: Likeable and charismatic, Libra suns shine because of their social skills and diplomacy. They are very bubbly and fun to be around. Libras care about their appearance, are very sweet, and avoid the uglier aspects of life. May struggle with being indecisive and may take awhile to come to a conclusion of what they want. This is usually due to the fact that they are trying to be as fair and just as possible. Libras are avoidant of confrontation or conflict of any kind because they struggle with people pleasing. They really care about what other people think of them. At times they can live for other people instead of going after what they want. They thrive in partnerships and may struggle with codependency. Libra suns are generally the best friend type. They can get along with just about anyone because of their peaceful nature. They have a lot of compassion for others and find it easy to see the beauty in others. These natives are very beautiful inside and out. They are the happiest and shine the brightest in a relationship or surrounded by people they love. Libra is a cardinal, air sign.
Sun in 7th: Well known and popular amongst peers, coworkers and family. They put a lot of energy into perfecting their partnerships. Sun in the 7th is a harmonious placement and care about other peoples opinions of them. They are very romantic and sweet individuals and they learn about themselves through other people and their relationships. Can struggle with codependency in their relationships, its super important for them to balance their personal time and time spent with their loved ones. They spend quite a bit of time thinking about others and how their actions will affect others. Sun in the 7th is a good position for a prosperous marriage and success after marriage. They take commitments of all kind very seriously. Can also attract a partner with strong will power, creativity, and passion. This position of the sun is not the best for going after their own wants and needs, although they are known for being a harmonious and pleasing personality to be around.
Scorpio Sun: Intense and mysterious, Scorpios are known for their alluring and deep nature. They don't reveal everything about themselves upon first meeting which makes them very intriguing to others. These people are very attractive and s*xual in nature. They have a striking physicality, strong and intense presence. They command respect and do not let others cross their boundaries. Out of any other sign, this sun sign fears betrayal the most, which makes them skeptical and secretive. This doesn't necessarily mean they are liars, but it takes awhile to develop trusting bond with them. Scorpios are the master of transformation- they aren't the same person they were yesterday. A healthy Scorpio sun is always trying to be a better version of themselves. They love deeply and passionately. If you betray them, they will never forget what you did to them, they hold grudges forever. They can forgive but for them it will never be same as it was. Do not lie to them, they are extremely intuitive and will find out. They suspect the unexpected. Scorpio is a fixed, water sign.
Sun in 8th: Driven to understand the depths of the nature of themselves and others, this placement is not satisfied with service level conversation. Topics of psychology, astrology, the occult, s*x, and other taboo subjects peak their interest. They are magnetic and powerful. Sun in the 8th shines in the unknown and is fascinated with mysterious topics. They have a powerful intuition and deep connection to the universe. People may want to give them things or money all the time. They can be assertive and controlling in conflicts with others, they know how to manipulate the situation in their favor, this is definitely part of their appeal. Striving for deep connections that help them to grow and evolve, Sun in 8th goes through many intense and powerful transformations throughout life. It is possible that they have had a number of traumatic and life altering experiences forcing them to change and adapt ubruptly.
Sagittarius Sun: The average Sagittarius is a carefree spirit always on the hunt to experience something knew. Where they go, what they do and what they learn about life becomes their philosophy. A Sagittarius suns ultimate goal in life is to explore the entire earth, talk to many different people and take on all the opportunities presented their way. They love to debate and experience different belief systems, many of them have a higher understanding of life itself. Truly a pleasure to be around, Sagittarians have a wonderful sense of humor and a larger than life demeanor. Generous, philosophical, and joyful are just few of the abundant qualities they have. Behind the scenes, Sagittarius can be very diligent and passionate workers. They love the chase, so accomplishing that next goal is quite exciting for them! These natives behave similarly in love, it can be hard for them to stay committed to one person for too long. There is a restless energy about them and a lot of Sagittarius’ suffer from FOMO. Although they can be pretty open minded, some are very dogmatic in their beliefs. Sagittarius are very optimistic and bright- they are great at cheering up their loved ones and are inspiring when they give speeches. They are extremely convincing in what they say, but they may not always follow through on their promises. Overall, this is an extremely lucky, honest and confident personality. It’s often hard not to like a Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign.
Sun in 9th: Happiness comes from Travel, meeting people of a different culture, and learning something new! Sun in 9th individuals shine when they are teaching others about their personal philosophies or topics they are passionate about. They may be well educated and successful in pursuit of higher learning. These natives are often interested in writing and public speaking. Speaking their mind is extremely important to them. Their focus tends to be on the big picture and known for their optimistic, bold worldly views. A big focus for Sun in the 9th house is to chase adventure or the next big thing. They shine the brightest whenever they are being open minded to other peoples perspective and sharing their abstract views on life. Generally, the Sun loves to be in the 9th house because it represents spiritual growth and is also at one of the highest points in the chart. It’s important to them to always be learning, always trying something new or exploring different areas. It’s possible that they take awhile to settle down and life or end up moving abroad. These people life is all about the journey, their purpose is to travel and educate others about their experiences. Although their truth may be objective, it is still valid and worth giving a listen. Sun in 9th is a wise, lucky and optimistic placement to have. If you love these individuals, you must learn how to let them be free.
Capricorn Sun: Responsible, diligent, and powerful, Capricorn suns are a force to be reckoned with. They are often mature for their age and find happiness in working their way to the top and accomplishing their goals. Their attitude is sarcastic and serious- it is possible they come off a cold to others who are more on the emotional side. Often times, these people had to grow up very quickly and had a lot of pressure put on them from a young age. They achieve a lot throughout their lifetime and shine in those areas of life. But don’t get them wrong, they have a fun side, it’s just expressed more with people they are comfortable and close with. The Capricorn Sun motto is slow and steady win the race. You will not see these people half a*sing their projects- they give 100% effort 100% of the time. This is something that Capricorn Suns are and should be proud of. Although they are slow and methodical, they are far from lazy. They are protective of their loved ones and would much rather show their love by actions than tell you how much they love you. With this Sun sign, you want to look at their actions, not their words. Although they are private, they make great friends and are in it for the long haul. They take their relationship’s seriously. Their purpose is to persevere and succeed! Capricorns thrive and in structure and bring order to a chaotic world. Capricorn is a cardinal, earth sign.
Sun in 10th: These individuals are meant to succeed and get a lot of recognition in their professional life. Sun in the 10th individuals gain a lot of power through hard work. They are known for being in the public eye in someway and have a strong reputation. In the work place, they are the leaders, managers and CEO of the company. A lot of celebrities have this placement. Who ever and whatever you do, you are known for it. Beware of seeking outside validation too much. The father may have played a big role in these peoples lives or motivated them to be where they are now. Sun in the 10th want to surround themselves with people who are of high status so that they can embody that energy as well. They shine whenever they are able to show off success and take great pride in their accomplishments. Sun in the 10th will spend a lot of time climbing the career ladder. These people are goal oriented, ambitious and dedicated to their success. They are the happiest when they have a pursuit and have a lot going on them professionally. They care a lot about making money and being powerful. A lot of their priorities revolve around being independent and self sufficient. They are destined for success.
Aquarius Sun: Innovative and unique, no two Aquarius’ are the same! This Sun sign is a natural humanitarian and genuinely wants to make the world a better place. They have a reputation for having an awkward, quirky and out of this world personality. It’s harder for them to relate to others because they see the world much differently than main stream society. Aquarius may come off aloof and detached in social settings, although once others understand them- you will find that they are genius! They are very independent and like to do their own thing, although they can suffer from loneliness at times. A lot of Aquarius feel out of place if they don’t have a higher purpose that they are serving or community to fall back on. Often times they feel misunderstood for their uniqueness and out casted for their differences. There is no one else that can define an Aquarius Sun accurately besides themselves, even their Sun sign is hard to understand and explain to outsiders looking in. They shine whenever they embrace their unique interests and embrace their quirky ideas. The right people will support these aliens and see that they are not a dud- they are special! Aquarius Suns are intelligent, future oriented and will make great discoveries throughout this lifetime! Aquarius is a fixed, air sign.
Sun in 11th: These individuals love belonging to a group of friends or a certain community with similar interests to them. Sun in the 11th have a lot of ideas on how to better society at large and make the world a better place. They may be interested in technology, engineering or other tools that they can use to help humanity. They are progressive and innovative for their time. They highly value their friendships and gain a lot of confidence through their supportive relationships. Sun in 11th is a popularity placement as well, they may be well known from your social media or groups that they belong to. Equality and being non judgmental is important to these individuals. They also might be known for their independent views and detached way of moving about the world. Sun in the 11th are trend setters and very influential people in society. These individuals may have a rare, strong and interesting aesthetic that sets them apart from the rest. Sun in the 11th can stand out for the way that they speak, communicate or their genius intelligence. Others have a hard time understanding them, never knowing what they are going to do next, keeping people on their toes!
Pisces Sun: Compassionate, self sacrificing and magical, Pisces are known for their unconditional, soft, spiritual love. They are imaginative, day dreamers who enjoy art, poetry or anything that pulls them into a different reality. Their an extremely intuitive sign that may pick up on the mood of those around them. They may have a difficult time differentiating their own feeling from others. They genuinely enjoy helping others and they take great pride in the level of love they are able to give. Being empathetic is not an option for them, it is hard for them not to care about everyone and everything. They are very sensitive, which can be overwhelming for them at times. Escapism can be fun for them but if they are not careful they can become to detached from their reality. It is important that they temperament their romanticism for life and relationships so they don’t get taken advantage of. They want to see the good in others and they find it easy to, but if they aren’t careful they could be victim to falling in love with the idea of someone instead of the culprit themselves. Pisces are connected to the universal collective and benefit from a connection to a higher power. They shine when they have a servitude attitude, manipulation does not serve them well. It is important for them to give out of a place of want and not to get something in return. Pisces Suns are great lovers, sweet and spiritual souls.
Sun in 12th: Here, an individual with Sun in the 12th house will dedicate a lot of time to understanding the hidden mysteries of the universe. They understand the spiritual realm better than anybody else. This is a powerful but confusing position for the Sun. The Sun represents what is seen and clear and the 12th represents the unseen and is very mystical in nature. So here the native will have access to a lot of secrets of the universe. Their spirituality may be very important to them. It’s is important that they do not over indulge in dr*gs, alc*hol, or escapist tendencies, for this can be very harmful to the 12th houser and their loved ones. Life can be very dreamy and magical for these people use their power for good. However, they have bad intentions it will be illuminated very quickly and their manipulation will take them down the wrong path. This is how people with this placement do end up isolated, in mental hospitals and and prisons. Although, they can work in mental hospitals, prisons, and find a lot of success in these hidden areas of life. 12th house suns may need a lot of sleep and time to recharge alone to be their happiest. They are known for their low social battery and isolating tendencies. They shine and are their happiest whenever they are using their creative talents and taking great care of their inner world. Sun in 12th is very intuitive, compassionate, selfless individuals; they may be psychic and receive messages through dreams and meditation.
Thank you so much!
Let me know if you relate, disagree or want to add in the comments! I love to hear your feedback. If there is anything you want me to teach or share let me know :)
Have a wonderful rest of your and thanks so much for reading ❤️ I spent a lot time on this one so I really hope y’all like it hehehe
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knightyoomyoui · 4 months
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x M/F Reader- CHAPTER 12: "The Mysterious Ally"
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In this chapter, it follows the aftermath of what happened last week on Knockdown when Kim Jennie makes a save for her former friends and co-members of BLACKPINK against the control of The Bloodline which then leads them to declare a war against them to be held on the next premium live event. However, both teams needs 5 members, and each of them has one more missing person to complete their respective teams. They go on to search for a rightful fighter in the roster who can fill the vacant spot.
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1 WEEK LATER | November 18, 2022
The newly reunited BLACKPINK consisting of Lisa Manoban, Rose Park, Kim Jisoo, and Kim Jennie who recently did the initiation to bring their bond back in order to cease The Bloodline's unruly dominance in the main roster were the ones that got tasked to open the show to address the brawl that happened last week.
They all stood in the ring together, something that felt surreal and relieving seeing them all on the same page once again just like the old days. Lisa and Jennie looked at each other with an awkward yet satisfied smile on their faces while hearing the crowd cheer for them.
Lisa hits the mic thrice to do some checking, still not moved from the embarrassment she took caused by the technical team's fault on not fixing the sound system of her mic while she made her return last week which would've made her return better if that didn't happen."Is this thing working on properly now?"
The crowd cheered again with some laughed at her joke knowing what she's referring at. "You all can hear me now, right? Yeah? Well, Sapporo, how are yall doin?!"
Again, the crowd's lively sounds resonate in the arena, happy to see one of the fan favorites checking up on them. Lisa smiled and nodded, understandably thinking that they were all doing well at the moment while watching the show live. "Alright, I'm going to start off with this. I noticed there's a lot of people who are happy to see that in fact… Kim Jennie is standing here by my side while the rest of my girls are ready to go to war with The Bloodline considering the fact that…
Lisa looked at Jennie and stood closer to her. "You and me, girl, we have more than a decade of history together. A rivalry. How many times have we gone to war with each other, friend? How many times have people questioned us about whether we really do trust each other?
The truth here though is that those so many years of rivalry has created mutual respect…" Jennie stared at her and nodded slowly, agreeing with what Lisa is saying. "It created a bond. A bond so strong that as a matter of fact I asked Jennie to be my bridesmaid when I got married few weeks ago." The audience clapped to congratulate Lisa about the news, who took it with a heartfelt gratitude.
"Jennie, we the BLACKPINK wants that baddie in you." She pointed at her.
Jennie laughed amusingly at her term. "Baddie? You really said baddie?"
"Well yeah I said it."
"Hmm actually yeah, i'm feeling really like a baddie myself here right now." Jennie agreed.
"You are? Well, I'll tell you this girl, when it comes down on this, there's no one I would rather be in the tranches with than you, Jennie." Jennie nodded appreciatingly at her sincerity. "So what do you say, will you be one of us baddies again?"
Jennie chuckled at Lisa's silliness. The fans then started to chant "baddie" at Jennie, and it made her pretty surprised that the fans were going along with Lisa's humor. "Nobody knows what it's like to be outnumbered by The Bloodline more than good ol' Kim Jennie. Just like it seems when you get them beat. Just like when it seems you have the upper hand… another muppet appears, another one multiplies… but when the odds are even, that's a different story altogether.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to war… and I want to go with my sister."
Jennie offers a handshake to Lisa. She just looked at it first before she made the move to step forward and bring Jennie to her closer for a longing and thankful embrace that made the fans feel touched and glad for the two best friends.
Rose lifts the mic to her mouth and started speaking, with no means of rudely interrupting the two's wholesome moment. "Well this is nice girls but uhh… let's get serious shall we?" Jennie and Lisa broke up their hug to pay their attention to their co-member. "Sapporo! It's fight night! And Jisoo…"She wraps her arm around Jisoo's neck like a buddy and points the mic at her, giving her the opportunity to continue her words.
"Yup, it means… it's Wargames!!!", Jisoo exclaimed, as she confirmed that BLACKPINK and The Bloodline will be the ones who the participating in the annual Wargames match which features two rings placed side by side together in one roofless steel cage and you can only win by pinfall or submission. If a competitor tries to escape the ring then it automatically means their team forfeits. Hardcore is legal in this match also.
The crowd cheered and it made both Rose and Jisoo hyped while Jennie and Lisa walked around the ring seething the intensity building up through their core by all means to unleash it all against The Bloodline. "Alright, ladies. I see 1, 2, 3, 4 people but…"
She went near at the ringpost where one of the cameramen are, she stared intently at it and smirked as she held the mic for a while to create suspense. "… who could be the 5th member for our team?"
"Well I'm gonna let you know who's gonna be the 5th member is-"
"Hold on right there, ladies." They all heard a familiar voice coming from the distance. The crowd both booed and cheered at the sudden emergence of Minatozaki Sana on stage, with a microphone of her own in hand. "I think I speak on behalf of the entire Bloodline when I say that… we do not care who the fifth member is. We don't!
We're feeling good! We're feeling great. You can even say that we're not feeling…" Sana paused, and the crowd slowly picked up what she meant by it. They start chanting SHY SHY SHY as a callback to the joke she made to YN when the two had a confrontation in front of the Empire Chief. Sana smiled and said that they got it right. "Yes, you might say we're not shy shy shy about getting involved in this whole thing.
She slowly walks confidently, boasting about The Bloodline's unbothered state en route to the War Games, speaking as their representation, aka The Honorary Muse. "Now here's the thing: you girls really think that you all are getting into our heads. Do you know who you are dealing with? You are talking to Minatozaki Sana right now! Aka the Master Strategist… Aka the Honorary Muse… Aka Myoui Sana?! "
Jennie and Lisa chuckled at Sana's ridiculous nicknames she bragged all for herself. "And you all really think that we're worried about - wait let me tell you something, I don't make a lot of guarantees, but I'm putting my name on this one. As The Honorary Muse, I personally guarantee you… The Bloodline will win Wargames!"
Sana saw one of BLACKPINK's members who is going to be her opponent for the tournament that will indicate who will be the winner of Japan Federation's World Cup: Kim Jisoo who is getting amped up at Sana's irritating blabbering. "I see you're getting round up there, Jisoo. You and me don't need to wait tonight, girl. You and me are going to have a one on one match tonight anyway so here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to run onto you and I'm gonna give you a small taste you can all expect next Saturday at Wargames!"
"Well Sana uhh…" Lisa took the initiative to speak next. "I'm delighted to see you being confident but uhm… something tells me that when you find out who the 5th member of our team is… well you might about to get to piss your pants when you meet this person."
Sana scoffed and smirked sassily at her, not getting provoked by her threats. "Because… It's the last thing you gonna expect."
Sana's brows furrowed while still plastering that smirk to cover her slight nervousness on this mysterious person as they ended their confrontation with BLACKPINK's theme playing in the arena again.
"So here's the question now, who will be the 5th member of Jennie, Lisa, Rose, and Jisoo for Wargames as they look to end The Bloodline's dominance." commentator Knight Yoo asked.
"Absolutely I have no idea, partner." his fellow commentator on the desk Lee Kwangsoo replied.
The Bloodline has arrived with Myoui twins YN and Mina along with their cousin Hirai Momo. As they got updated from Sana herself that she confronted BLACKPINK who were the ones who opened the show… well, just like the usual, one of them is highly opposed of Sana's decisions around the room.
"What you said about the Bloodline? I know you're not dumb enough to go out there a guarantee W's at Wargames." YN is currently scolding Sana, with Mina and Momo just listening to their discussion. Sana looks tired listening again on listening to YN's strict words, shaking her head and breathing deeply to compose herself. "We don't even know who their fifth member is!"
Sana immediately stood up and went face to face with YN. "What did I do wrong this time?" she asked, sick of the blame she's receiving. "Tell me what was wrong that I did, all I just did is to go out there and say we're gonna win. Are you saying we're not gonna win?"
"Ofcourse we're gonna win!"
"Okay, so what's the problem?!"
"Cuz you're gonna be running your mouth-"
"Now wait a second YN…"
"Hey listen you two." Mina stood up from her seat and went in between Sana and YN. "Both of yall need to be on the same page. Yuta is on his way here, we have to be like that before he comes here."
"Take a chill pill, alright?"
"I'm child, I'm chill."
"Take a breath, Sana. Alright?"
"Right." Sana agreed at Mina. YN is just staring at Sana while he/she follows what her twin advised for them to do. Sana then made her way out of The Bloodline's locker room. YN then faced her twin and complained again. "Sis, she will need to be-"
"And you, you better stop worrying about her too much!" Mina interrupted her to give the proper scolding for her younger twin."We got Bloodline business to handle tonight, and we need to figure out who will be our fifth member tonight, you know that Yuta might not be available for Wargames."
"Y-you're right."
"Handle business, come on."
"You're right, you're right."
They stopped exchanging words of comfort when Sana reappeared again on the scene. "Hey sorry, uhh I forget to mention, you know the thing we talked about earlier?" She asked Mina.
"Yeah I did."
"Okay." They did some weird handshake together that caused YN to accidentally burst out a laughter in which he/she tried to control immediately to hide it and avoid breaking up character near Sana. They hugged before Sana left again. Momo just looked weirdly at YN and the latter blushed after he'she got caught.
The Myouis continue to search around backstage. They went on to visit some locker rooms to ask for their fellow heel warriors if they want to align with The Bloodline for one time but all of them refused, either they hate The Bloodline too, they don't want to get involved, or they have a much more important feud to focus about instead.
The unsuccessful twins still ain't losing hope yet, especially when they got to cross paths with someone familiar that they think would be a best option to add more shield in protection against BLACKPINK.
"The Harbinger Of Doom" Bae Irene who attacked Kim Jennie when she made her return to Japan Combat Federation few months ago was seen by YN and Mina walking her way back to her place after she just won a match against her opponent out there. The two went eye to eye with a fellow villain and the latter eyed them down with complete seriousness.
"Are you the fifth member?" YN asked her with angst. Mina traces her out and came up with an unsatisfied conclusion.
"Nah, this ain't her YN."
"Let me make things clear to you…" Irene spoke after. "I'm not a follower."
"So we won't gonna see you there with us after, huh." Mina replied. "You won't gonna make a name for yourself out from The Bloodline after Sana fights Jisoo tonight, right?"
Irene smirks. "When I come to take Yuta's title, which I will… I'm gonna do it on my own time. And when I do, I'm not gonna show him some pack… I'm gonna do it all by myself.", she made a statement that he's not yet over on setting it sight on target at the current champion.
Irene left the two, still remain unsuccessful to search for their fifth member at Wargames. It made them problematic, as time is running out for the main event to come after tonight and for the show to end. They don't have enough opportunity remaining to look for more fighters out there who are willing to face BLACKPINK.
It it now time for the main event as "The Honorary Muse" Minatozaki Sana for Japan with The Bloodline on the ring side goes against BLACKPINK's Kim Jisoo for Korea with the rest of the team standing up for her own side in support for her stake in this week's tournament round for the Japan Combat Federation World Cup.
As the match proceeds minutes after the bell has rang for the two fighters to start, Jisoo climbs to the turntackle to deliver a moonsault down through all Bloodline members after they all gathered when The Myouis checks out on exhausted Sana.
"Jisoo and Sana, who will advance to the semifinals of the World Cup tournament…" Knight calls as they watch Jisoo holding her aching wrist while returning to the ring and going to the opposite turnbuckle facing Sana's direction to the other side.
She tried to charge at Sana for a running punch but Sana counters, lifting Jisoo's body and gave an exploder suplex to the turnbuckle, making Jisoo's back hit the corner of the ring. Sana then went on Jisoo's previous spot in replacement so that she could set Jisoo up to get hit by a Helluva Kick but the referee had its attention after Lisa and YN throwing hits at each other until YN tried to escape by climbing to the ring just in time to interrupt Sana who was about to ran towards Jisoo.
Lisa grabbed YN's feet as she tries to pull him/her out but YN fights out. The referee is giving a warning to YN for illegally entering the ring being not an official competitor. Sana complained at YN getting in the way but YN didn't heard it. Instead, Sana just watched YN getting thrown to the ringside barricade by Lisa.
Distracted, Jisoo rolled Sana for a surprise pin but Sana kicks out. However, she got surprised again when Jisoo quickly sets Sana with a Boombayah reverse slam, hitting Sana's front down to the mat. She went for a cover afterwards.
"Jisoo goes to the semifinals next week!" Knight declares Jisoo's victory.
The announcer didn't even got to give the credit to Jisoo when suddenly Momo entered the ring and kicked Jisoo's face. She carried her, hooker her arm around and gave her a spinning slam. Momo roared furiously until Jennie joined her inside the ring and stole her attention, giving her blows to the head and sending her through the corner where she kicks Momo repeatedly.
Rose and Mina on the other hand were also fighting each other. Rose dumps Mina out of the ring and followed her there. They go on to collide through the barricades while Jennie and Momo exchanges hits and switches positions on the turnbuckle.
As Jennie stomping Momo and Rose punching Mina on the ringside, the crowd then went in awe when the entrance theme of The Empire Chief and current Japan Combat Federation World Champion plays during the chaos.
Yuta Nakamoto arrives with his Special Advisor Park Jinyoung on the stage, his evil intentions set mainly on their adversaries. He started running and unleashed a superman punch on Rose then speared the approaching Jisoo from his right.
After he bragged and roared in effect of the damage he inflicted, he noticed Jennie staring on him, as she stood in the center of the ring. She took off her shirt, showcasing her only wearing a sports bra through her well-built physique, as she intensely aims at the undefeated enemy.
Jennie gestures for Yuta to come in and bring it on. Yuta who is feeling confident and tough, climbs to the ring to accept Jennie's invitation for a fight. Momo tried to distract Jennie only to get thrown through the top rope which caused Yuta to take the short advantage by spearing Jennie as she turned her body back around.
Jennie holds onto her hurting midsection as Yuta mocks her out of it. He was about to approach the weakened Sana laying down on the upper right corner of the ring but he felt a sense that someone is stalking him from behind.
He finds out that its the vengeful Lisa, who wants payback for the ones responsible for her minor injury that took her out for months. "Now here's the two who has history together before, especially when it comes to Quest Of Survival." Knight referred to their feud seven years ago when Lisa cashed in her championship contract right after Yuta won his first world title to steal the spotlight to him and win the title away from him, giving him only a reign for 5 minutes that all happened at the same pay-per-view in which they're both about to head onto in a Wargames match.
Lisa and Yuta stares down at each other in the middle of the ring before Yuta went for the blow first then Lisa strikes back. They exchanged punches until Lisa got the lead. It cut off short when Sana suddenly got up and bumped Lisa to her back, breaking her up from Yuta. Lisa catched Sana and pushed her to the corner before Yuta was able to superman punch her too.
Yuta positioned himself, squatting at the corner with adrenaline rushing through his veins. He stares at Lisa slowly getting back to her fett, unknown that an impactful spear is about to hit her next. However, Yuta's excitement was replaced with shock when the arena played the entrance theme of another fighter that made the audience jump out from their seats in joy.
Cho Miyeon, who is out of action after taking an emergency leave because of her fractured hand makes her surprise return for tonight's Friday Night Knockdown. She savagely marches through the ramp and superkicks Mina out of the way. YN tried to attack her but he/she also met another superkick from Miyeon.
Yuta tried to warn Miyeon not coming to the ring but she initially refuses as she stepped in the apron. The two who has a personal history together also, as Miyeon was one of the first found victims of The Bloodline before who tried to take the title away from Yuta third times only to fail through all of those.
The crowd then chanted "holy shit" as Miyeon slowly comes up in front of Yuta and they stood level at the ring. Yuta tried to hit her but Miyeon caught his wrist, and returned the same greeting by slapping Yuta then went on to hit him repeatedly as she sends him to the corner of the ring.
She angrily stomps at Yuta's poor body until she turns around and stopped when she saw her bitter former bestfriend turned to be enemy throughout their career, Minatozaki Sana standing away from her. They stared at each other and slowly grew inches closer until Yuta gives Miyeon a surprise superman punch out of nowhere.
Rose pulled Sana out of the ring and threw her at the barricade. With Yuta and Miyeon remaining in the ring, Yuta goes for his signature battlecry but Miyeon gave a knee strike onto Yuta's forehead, making him dizzy which allowed her to kick Yuta on the torso and hit him with a devastating stunner.
The crowd cheered as Miyeon watched Yuta slowly roll out of the ring while holding his head. Sana also watched her Empire Chief got beaten by her former bestfriend, gasping her mouth.
The show ends with The Bloodline as the fallen odds gathered at the ringside, unbelievably witnessing BLACKPINK peeking at them through the ropes along with Cho Miyeon, making herself the official 5th member for Team BLACKPINK for this coming Wargames match at Quest For Survival pay-per-view event.
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edenalieth · 1 year
Pairing: pixy! Hyunjin x afab reader — read part.2
Genre: faery!au, based on « the cruel prince » universe, smut, slight of fluff and angst
Warnings: he’s short tempered, knife, unprotected sex (be careful!), oral sex female receiving
Words count: 4.2K
Summary: Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at him, your heartbeat was getting quicker, your palms were getting moist. It was the way his jet black hair were tied and contrasting with his porcelain skin, the way his pearl earring was lazily hanging on his pointy ear, the way his shirt was letting you peak at his collarbones and the hem of his chest. Hyunjin was your secret sin, and you were his. Both uncontrollably attracted to each other, almost as much as you despised his nature and him yours.
A.N: hi! I'm back with a new little story :) geez, I really post once every blue moon... as usual, sorry for the possible mistakes and comments/share are always very appreciated. hope you enjoy ♡ – cami, 230619
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He was furious. He could feel his blood boiling under his skin, his knuckles getting white around the silver knife he was holding. How could this even happen ? Servants were supposed to be irreproachable but, despite this obvious fact, his cape was ruined. The green texture of pease pudding was splattered all over the dark velvet. It was his favorite one, a deep blue fabric which looked like a night sky, with little crystals embroidered on the shoulders and bottom. 
Anger still filling his veins, he threw the cutlery on the table. His family and guests were looking at him, some were amused, some were not. His reputation preceded him, he was so full of himself and hated being wronged or humiliated in any kind of way. He wasn’t always like this but Elfhame was a cruel world where cruel people could live peacefully. And he had to keep that mask on. 
Getting up quickly, he grabbed the poor servant shirt by the hem. Plunging his eyes in his, his iris not showing an ounce of compassion. 
« You know that I could slit your throat for that, right ? » Hyunjin said with such a cold voice that the servant started to shiver. He let his left hand slide along his side to find what he was looking for: his dagger. 
« Enough ! ». The low voice resonated against the stone walls of the dinning room. Hyunjin stopped his move, pushed back the blade into its sheath as a grimace of disgust and anger was distorting his face. He scoffed while releasing the man. The young pixy couldn’t go against his father’s authority, especially in front of guests. He would be a dishonor for his own family. Annoyed, he gestured to an other servant to come. The girl quickly executed the order and asked « Yes, my lord ? ». The dark haired boy removed his cape and throw it in her hands. « Clean the mess this incompetent just caused ». His mother was looking at him, visibly worried. It would be a lie if Hyunjin said he didn’t think of beating the man up and go against his father’s will. Some guests would enjoy the show, he could tell just by looking at the elf waving her fan with a mischievous smile on her lips, or that gobelin whispering something to the man next to him. No. He would get his revenge sooner or later and now wasn’t the time. He needed some fresh air more than anything. 
« Dear guests, my apologies but I think I will finish this in my room », Hyunjin grabbed one fae fruit, briefly bowed and went toward the wooden ornate door. The crowd was already whispering and laughing at his behavior and the scene they had just witnessed. He would hear about that later today, his father would probably give him a lesson but he didn’t care anymore. His temper had caused a lot of problems already and he wasn’t going to stop now. The guards opened the door and he headed towards his apartment. 
His steps echoed on the floor which was a real piece of art. Lapis lazuli and black marble, representing the colors of his family, were skillfully mixed creating a contrast with the pale stone walls and the blue shaded stained-glass windows. Definitely a fairy tale like place. However, no matter how beautiful, comfortable or rare the furnitures could be it didn’t satisfied him the way the outside did. Reaching his room, he directly walked to his bookcase and grasped one specific book, opening the secret door behind it. That was his way to escape the manor discreetly and Nature knows how many times he would use it. Not bothering to wear an other cape, he got rid of his leather boots and left with the fruit still in his hand. 
Soon the rough ground of the hidden passage was replaced by the soft sensation of grass under his feet. He hummed peacefully as his papery wings softly vibrated in contentment. Maybe the day wouldn’t be so bad after all. He wandered around the wood as his soul unconsciously led him to his favorite place. It was a small clearing near the lake, to get access to it you had to go through a skimpy path, surrounded by bushes and brambles. Hyunjin had to be careful of his wings, he didn’t want them to get scratched or worse… When he finally got out of here, he was met by a stranger. 
Blankets were scattered on the grass, fruits and wine near by, a diaphanous dress covering your bare skin. You were laying on your stomach, a book in one hand, grappes on the other as you quickly looked at the intruder. He seemed just as surprised as you were. There was no mistaking on who the stranger was. Those long dark hair tied with a silky ribbon, the pearl dangling on his ear, the jewelry on his delicate fingers and his iridescent dark blue wings. It was none other than Hwang Hyunjin. 
Anger started to fill his system for the second time this day. How did you even know about this place ? It was his haven and you were unwelcome in it. His wings started to vibrate, unable to control his feelings. He knew who you were, the new girl. Difficult to miss such an event. Y/N, the girl of the west lands, part of the untamed nation until your family made an agreement with King Cardan and Queen Jude. The queen and you had a pretty similar story, you were a clay girl as well, living with fairies thanks to your dad. Yet, no magic was running in your blood, you were a bastard and not a rightful being of this land. And gosh, Hyunjin despised humans. So weak, stupid and useless. They were like mere insects he could crush under his boots. At least, he could have done that before Jude Duarte became Elfhame’s queen. Nowadays, the few humans living here were respected or, at least, no harm was made to them. Still, who could blame him if he was a bit playing with you… As a mischievous plan was blooming in his mind, you put yourself back up, still sitting on the blankets. 
« What a surprise to see you here, girl of clay ! » Hyunjin first spoke, his voice being soft despite his agitated wings. « It’s a shared feeling Hyunjin. » you replied, not letting your guard down. You knew about him and his anger issues just as you knew about fae and their cruelty. « Can I join you ? » He suddenly asked, a little smile on his face. You nodded, gesturing him to take the spot next to you. He sat with no hesitation. As the silence was becoming louder and louder as seconds passed by, you took back your book. The boy was good at faking his nonchalance but not as good as he thought he was. Side eyeing him discreetly, you could see his fingers fidgeting on the fabric of the blankets. You weren’t sure if you would be able to deal with this awkward situation any longer but you didn’t want to give up this place and let him think that he had won. You were tired of all those arrogant people looking down on you when you were crossing their path. Of course, nobody would harm you in broad daylight but, who knows, accidents can happen anytime at Elfhame… And Hyunjin was probably plotting something. 
As if you had called for it, the dark haired boy suddenly broke the silence. « This is my favorite place. », his voice was calm, imprinted with some peace you had never noticed before as he was looking at the silver shine of the lake. « Yes, it’s pretty pleasant around here. » you replied, putting your book aside for the second time today. « I thought I was the only one knowing about here. Apparently, I was wrong… And, you know what’s unpleasant ? Your presence here. » he added, his dark eyes staring at you, his body creeping towards you, like a feline getting ready to hunt his prey. You frowned at his words, silently challenging each other. Gosh, his siren eyes were intimidating and you could understand why people were kind of scared of him. Despite the danger emanating from him, you wanted to smack his beautiful face but his family had more power than yours. It would be to risky to do so. 
You were brave for a mortal and Hyunjin could feel the adrenaline running through his veins. He had never been this close to you and the proximity of your face, your lips, your curves, the tension… It was appealing to him. Oh, the pixy looked at you more often than he would admit it. Yes, you were the new girl, but it wasn’t so uncommon to see humans around here nowadays and people didn’t pay the extra attention Hyunjin had towards you. He wanted to deny his attraction, he couldn’t fall this low and belittle himself, even after all those weeks of getting mixed feelings every time you were sharing the same space. But, right now, right here, hidden from the real world… He thought it would be nice to play with you. Using the tone on you, that special voice fairies were using to bewitch people of clay, would be easy, even a three years old kid could do this. He came closer and closer, until his fingers were brushing against yours, a mischievous smile floating on his plump lips. 
The moving reflects of water dancing on his face, the frail sound of wave lapping on the shore as his gaze was becoming flirty and playful. Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at him, your heartbeat was getting quicker, your palms were getting moist. It was the way his jet black hair were tied and contrasting with his porcelain skin, the way his dark blue wings were similar to the most precious sapphires, the way his pearl earring was lazily hanging on his pointy ear or the way his shirt was letting you peak at his collarbones and the hem of his chest. Hyunjin was your secret sin, and you were his. Both uncontrollably attracted to each other, almost as much as you despised his nature and him yours. You could feel his breath on your bare shoulders, suddenly full conscious of how see through your dress was, seen the lustful look the boy was giving to you. 
You were a beautiful creature, almost as if you weren’t totally human. Not thinking too much about these weird thoughts and getting impatient, he decided that it was time to hunt. « Why don’t we turn your presence into something worthy, shall we ? » he whispered before casting a spell on you, « I’m starving, I couldn’t properly eat today… Feed me. » he ordered, going back to rest on his forearms, his wings framing his body like a halo. Your eyes went momentally blank, proving that the spell was working, as you took some of the grappes. Grabbing one, you delicately put in on his opened mouth as he kept looking at every single gesture you made. « More. » You diligently executed his wish until he had enough. He made you massage his shoulders, dance on the grass, your clothe twirling around you as if it was made of mist, making you almost fall as he was laughing to the point his stomach hurt. He was enjoying this a lot. Despite the entertainment, he knew what he wanted the most. « Ok, let’s stop a little » he said still giggling. « You must be sweating, right ? Why don’t you refresh yourself and go on the lake ? ». You paused and he thought for a second that the magic wasn’t working until you grasped your skirt and walked in the water. He followed you, not wanting to miss a single second of the show. Watching you from the shore, he admired the diaphanous fabric dancing around your body. You looked like a nymph, leaving him speechless. « Do you enjoy this ? » his voice was less confident and his blood was rushing down there. « Yes, Hyunjin. I love it » you replied, a beautiful candid smile illuminating your face. His breath was becoming heavy as you were lazing around the water and his desire was taking the lead on his reason. « Enough. Come join me on the blankets ». Obedient, you got out. Your dress was totally useless at this point. It seemed heavier, as water was dripping all over your curves, and the fabric was sticking onto your skin. He could see everything, to the small moles adorning your thighs, to your nipples perking up. He wanted to touch you badly, to let his wildest fantasies come to live after restraining them for weeks. He took your hand in his, leading you as he was once again laying down. You were on top of him, his shirt getting wet in the process but he didn’t care. His expression was more serious, his wings weren’t the buzzing mess they were earlier. You looked at him, waiting for him to speak and tell you your next mission. He caressed your face with the back of his hand, brushing his thumb against your kissable lips. Soft and warm. « Y/N. Kiss me. » Did he just told you that ? He had to get a grip on himself, what was wrong with him ? As you were coming closer, he realized how wrong it was. He had to stop all of this and go back to the manor. Now. However… Just one kiss wouldn’t be bad, right ? He would make you forget all this buffoonery with another spell and would never talk to you ever again. He promised himself. Closing his eyes to enjoy the first and last time he would kiss you, he didn’t notice the mocking smile on your face. 
How naive the pixy had been. Fae people were dangerous and cruel but, apparently, the mix of an elf and a human was worse… At first, you thought he just wanted to make a fool out of you. You would let him play a little before giving him a lesson he would remember. Yet, when you noticed the desire in his eyes, looking at your wet clothed body, which built up a fire inside you. And he had fallen for your little role-play. Honestly, you couldn’t blame him. People always thought you were a simple girl and not a half-blooded one and it came with some advantages. It was true, you couldn’t use magic but you were immune to it, you didn’t age like humans and you could lie, something a lot of people were extremely jealous of. Yes. The tone was inefficient on you and the black haired boy was about to know that real soon. 
His eyes still closed, he wondered what was taking you so long. He finally looked at you. You were straddling him, the water from your body soaking his clothes, holding back your laughter because of his confused expression. « Wha-what are you doing ? I asked you something, do it! ». Anger was creeping back, his fist clenched as he was trying to get up. You wondered if his angry face wasn’t even prettier than his usual arrogant one. « Say please ? » you teasingly said. « Excuse m- » 
You made him shut his mouth with your hand and leaned closer. He was furious right now, his wings started to buzz as if a swarm of bees was attacking you. « Behave. I told you to say « please », is it that difficult for someone like you ? You’re used to have everything on a silver plate, I guess. » you scoffed, staring at his dark pupils. He seemed a bit relaxed, when you felt his hand sliding along his waist, looking for his dagger, only to be met by the emptiness of his sheath. 
« Is it what you’re looking for ? » you asked, falsely innocent. You waved the beautiful silvermithery before his wide opened eyes. When did you ?… As soon as you removed your hand, he tried to push you and get his weapon back. Unfortunately, too slowly. You put the blade under his chin, the sharp knife almost wounding his immaculate throat. « You tricked me ! » he screamed, helpless. « You were the one trying to lure me into your trap ! » you defended yourself. He smashed the ground with his fist. You were right and he hated it. « Let me go. » But you didn’t move. « Let me go or I will go to the royal court and complain about your threatening behavior! You will spend the rest of your life in some deserted lands! ». You laughed. He continued his tirade. « And why did the spell failed ? What are you ? ». Your smile quickly faded. «  I’m a half-blooded. My mother is also half-blooded. She’s half human, half elf. And so am I. That’s why it’s not noticeable at first sight, you have to know me for that. ». He was visibly surprised and was scanning every parts of your body. He could see it now. The slightly pointy ears, the purple shade circling your pupil and your skin looked perfect while basic human’s one was more… dull ? Damn it. He had been stupid. He sighed. « What do you want half-blood ? ». 
« I want the same thing as you do. » Not giving him the time to reply, you closed the gap between his lips and yours, kissing him passionately. He tried to resist but gave up easily. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you against his body. He was loosing his damn mind. Intoxicated by your smell, the way your tongue was playfully licking his lips or how your free hands was running down his torso. One thing was still bothering him. The dagger. « Y/N, could you please put this away ? ». He put one of his finger on the blade, pleading. You were hesitant, judging the plus and minus. « I promise I will not hurt you or run away. Please. » He was almost begging, needing to kiss you more, to be free to touch you. Fae couldn’t lie, it was the rule. You obediently granted his wish, not breaking your eye contact. As soon as you did, he sat up not bothering about the fact that you were still on his lap. You felt his hands sliding under your dress to help you remove it. You didn’t protest and let him do so. 
The full view was even prettier. Your naked body was like a painting to him. Masterpieces weren’t meant to be touched, but you were the exception and he let his hands run down your curves, making you shiver. He couldn’t wait any longer as he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking on it desperately, his tongue twirling around it, his hands resting on your ass. You moaned while pulling onto his ribbon to untie it and grab his long silky hair. The sensation was amazing and you started to hump on his still clothed bottom, his boner growing under your core. He pulled away from your sensitive breast to cup your face and kiss you more. His hips started to move in harmony with yours but he wanted to have your skin against his. Quickly unbuttoning his shirt to get rid of it while your fingers were working on his pants, he soon ended up in his birth suit. Crouching back on his lap, you wrapped your fingers around his member and started to move up and down. He whimpered as you were variating the pace of your strokes, your thumb caressing the tip of his dick, already glittering with precum. He had never been touched like that. It wasn’t his first time and faeries loved to devote themselves to drinking session and fuckery but it was only that, no feelings involved, just some bestial instincts. It felt different with you. By the way you were looking at him and his body, your delicate gesture, this intimate place only the two of you knew about. Who would have thought you would be this soft when you threatened him just few minutes ago. Wanting to relieve his blooming feelings, he grabbed your waist and made you roll on your back, taking the lead this time. Spreading your legs to expose your bare core, he slid his fingers along your slit. You were dripping wet and wanted to get more. « Touch me » you begged. He smirked. « You didn’t need to ask ». You felt his middle finger rubbing your clit before entering your vagina. He kept playing with both of it while your walls were getting tighter, your fingers digging into the skin of his back to feel his chest against yours but still being careful of his papery wings. « I want to make one with you » he whispered to your ear, sending electricity through your veins. « Please Hyunjin ». Hearing you saying his name in such a sinful way felt like the sparkle which lit up the fire. His wings were vibrating softly and it turned him on even more when you caressed the part where they were meeting his shoulders. He positioned himself, grinding against you to lubricate his penis with your fluids. He looked at you, waiting for your consent. You nodded, cupping his beautiful face with your hands as he gave you his signature siren gaze. Penetrating you gently, you let out a soft moan quickly muffled by his plump lips kissing you. His hips were working faster, your tongues dancing together into a slippery kiss while your legs were hanging around his waist. The pace was changing, giving you more sensations, feeling his full length hitting your G spot. He broke your kiss just to give you some more on your jawline, neck and collarbones, eager to hear you whine under his touch. And you didn’t disappoint. He could feel your walls ready to clench around his member but he didn’t want to end it yet. At your surprise, he removed himself. « What are you doing ? » you complained, breathless. « Trust me » was his only answer. He intertwined his fingers with yours and made a trail of kisses along your body, going further down until his mouth was on your venus. He gave a first lick to it, tasting you fully. His tongue was dangerously working on your clit, sometimes giving some kitten lick, sometimes using it all. It was totally new to you and you weren’t sure you would be able to take it any longer. « Hyunjin… » you said in a breath. Your legs were starting to shake lightly and you looked at him in despair. You were met by his almond eyes, enjoying the view you were offering him. It was such a sinful yet dreamy scene. That’s when you felt it, the wave of pleasure rushing inside of you, making your legs quiver uncontrollably and moan a mantra of his name. He detached his lips from your sex, giving you some time to take your breath.  His chin was glimmering with your juices and you wondered how you tasted like… « My turn ? » he said with a smirk. « You didn’t need to ask. » He giggled as you answered in the exact same way he did before. 
You softly pushed him on his back, to be able to ride him comfortably. As you positioned yourself and started to move on his dick, he placed his hands on the small of your back to help you keep your balance. A moaning mess, this is what you were reduced to. Hyunjin felt dizzy under your touch and the way his cock was perfectly fitting inside of you, as if you were meant to be, drove him to the edge. It was also your gaze, strangely full of something pretty close to love, your delicate hands running through his hair or touching his chest. Despite your still sensitive bud, you could feel a second wave of orgasm coming for you and he could feel it too. Your walls were getting tighter, making it difficult for him to slide easily inside of you, clenching his length in the most delicious way. Sitting for you to get him fully, he gave few more hip thrust before reaching his climax, shaking between your arms as his face was resting on your breast. Soon you were met by yours and stayed like this, connected for a bit, both panting while his semen was dripping down your thighs. He looked up towards you, a soft smile on his face, his eyes looking like little crescent moons. You gave him a peck on his forehead before he spoke. « Y/N… I’m dying of heat… Should we go take a swim ? » You giggled but happily agreed. Holding your hand he led you into the water, not letting you go. « Did I make my presence worthy of your time, Lord Hwang Hyunjin ? » you teased him, cupping his face with your hands. « More than worthy, half-blood. Let’s meet again… Hmm… Tomorrow ? » He pressed his lips against yours, water refreshing your overheated bodies. « It would be my pleasure. »
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spaghetti-doodle413 · 4 months
Ok so disclaimer, I haven’t read it in years and maybe what I’m a to say is obvious, but I feel like part of the reason that Blue Sky (and the concept of core Wheatley becoming human in general) is still to popular and receiving fan content so many years later is that it’s charming to see a fish out of water story about a robot bumbling and stumbling through learning to be human.
But more than that, I think what really resonates with people is that this isn’t just any robot, it’s Wheatley, a robot that honestly would do so much better as a human, even ignoring all the trauma that comes with the facility . Wheatley is so insecure about being a “moron” and a fuckup and due to the nature of his existence, he’s insecure that it makes him a failure at his purpose, or even worse, fulfilling it exactly as he was intended to.
But as a human none of that matters. Humans aren’t designed for a purpose, they just *are*. And as a human Wheatley can just *be*.
And not only that, so many new opportunities are open to him. He can do so many things outside of his purpose and find something that he’s actually good at. And then he can realize that he’s not a failure.
And then there’s the reveal that he was once human to begin with proving without a shadow of a doubt that he was not “designed to be a moron.” He’s not failing at anything, and he’s not designed to fail.
It’s not only a story about learning to be human and making up for wrongs committed in the past, it’s a story about discovering self worth.
That combined with the themes of sharing time and space with someone who shares his experiences and can relate to them, despite being so, so different than him is just…*screams into a pillow*
Anyways, I love you forever, Portal Blue Sky, not just as a work of fan content, but as a story all it’s own.
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xochaithoughts · 1 year
Pick a Pile: A Message from the Universe
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breathe in, breathe out and pick a picture that resonates with you. please take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. there is love in all of these messages. the tone here is gentle, like an older sibling, best friend, or parent scolding and motivating you at the same time. :)
pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
Did this resonate with you? If you’re reading this before Friday, October 13th: I’m doing a housewarming tarot game, to celebrate settling into my new blog space! I’ll be doing 3-cards spreads for five people! Want more details?
©️2023 cancersstellium. all rights reserved.
Pile 1
(crystals: black onyx and clear quartz | bottom of deck: six of cups. nostalgia isn’t just about longing or reminiscing about old times. it’s remembering too)
Maybe you feel like in your past there is a lack of a sense of justice. Maybe you didn’t get your due, that person didn’t get their punishment. But it’s coming. Karma cannot be dealt when your “peace” depends on it. The moment you stop worrying about their karma will be the moment that they receive it. Focus on your energy instead. There’s this beautiful, chaotic energy within you waiting, like a volcano waiting to erupt. There’s a reunion coming your way, later this month. Whether that’s with an another person, a part of your self, with the divine is left to be revealed. Whatever it may be: stay open to it, stay grateful, stay blessed. The major arcanum sun here is 6, The Lovers. There’s a duality here. One that requires love, faith, and sometimes a choice to leap blindly. It’s the roses with the thorns; it’s fire and water, a place for both exist; it’s want versus need versus true desire. Lean into this time. Breathe into this time. All of your relationships will be tested. All of your relationships will be challenged. All of your relationships will be upgraded. Trust the journey. Trust the process.
may resonate with: those born in december; cheetos, specifically the hot ones; animal lovers? something about cheetahs?
Pile 2
(crystal: pyrite | bottom of deck: temperance. peace and inner knowing)
Your’s reads more like a story and less like a message. There’s a wish here, a desire. And it seems like now is an auspicious time to get it. “So why haven’t I?” You ask. You planted the seed a while ago and you’re wondering why it hasn’t grown. You’re wondering if you just need to give it time, if you should pull it up and replant it, or just give up on it entirely. Perhaps you can’t see it, but there’s a sense of grief from the Universe in this, a “Why don’t you trust Me?” sense of exasperation. Rushing only results in poorer quality and things like this, can’t be rushed. Just know that all will be revealed in due time. But there’s a compassion here, for your struggle and an understanding that we use time as a measurement. I expect you’ll see some light shed on the situation very soon. The major arcanum sum here is 10, The Wheel of Fortune. There are higher forces at work here. Step aside. (Imagine a “road at work” sign here.) Be patient. Even. More. Patient.
may resonate with: leo suns + leo 1H placements, dolphin(s?) fans, hard workers, “just send me a sign”
Pile 3
(crystal: amethyst | bottom of deck: ace of wands reversed. you’re in your own way. lack of imagination. lack of creativity.)
“When the ‘why’ is strong, the ‘how’ is easy.” Meaning: when the reason behind something is clear, the how it comes about requires little effort on your part. Why are so obsessed with ‘how’ this will happen? Why are you so sure that because you cannot see a solution there must not be one? I ask this with love because I see all the major influences here. There’s a wholeness, there’s beauty, there’s great and beautiful change. The only obstacle in your path is you. And that’s okay! That’s something you can change. In order to get out of your own way, all you need to do is look inward. You already know what you want. Go back to what you knew just before it got complicated. Therein lies your answer. Maybe it felt scary but it’s not, just look one more time. Maybe it feels like the ground is shifting beneath your feet, but what is it that you’re standing on? Have you truly looked? Look again. You’ve come so far, you’ve changed so much. I see a reason to celebrate at the end of this. Feminine energy here. Being, creating, dancing, receiving. The major arcanum sum here is 4, The Emperor. Masculine energy. All it takes is a little organization, a little logic but not the “real world” kind.
may resonate with: “i just feel so alone”, aladdin, wedding tiktoks, jenga, uno (like the card game)
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chaosincurate · 25 days
A guide to The Cure, Pt. I: The Goth Phase
The Cure have always been stylistically gothic, and have always had elements of gothicism in their music, but for many (including myself before I started getting into them properly) they are musically defined in contrast to that aesthetic. The group of goths making upbeat pop music is the version of The Cure most people know. Sandwiched between the new-wave hit Boy's Don't Cry and their later cult-pop resurgence, though, is a full-on goth phase which made it all the way to the music itself. Throughout this phase, they built the groundwork for what would become their strange, elusive legacy, starting with
Seventeen Seconds
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I feel comfortable suggesting that this is the beginning of The Cure's musical goth phase, but it is worth adding the caveat that there is still a healthy dose of new-wave pep left over from their first outings here. It makes for a very interesting listen and a fantastic introduction to this version of The Cure for the fans of the poppier stuff that want to give their darker stuff a try. It's a balance that I think is achieved with more perceivable intention on later releases, but whether it was a case of residual flavour being incidentally left in the wok, or whether this was seasoned purposely to include that taste, it makes for a good listen.
It's not an album I'd consider one of the best from The Cure, but it is just one step below that, I would say. A must-listen for a prospective Cure fan, but not a must-listen as a passerby. And it serves a very useful purpose in their discography as the transition album between two very disparate styles within alternative music, and it navigates that chasm with impressive grace.
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The last of the remnants of joy have been erased here. This is a cold, gothic landscape. This album is the first time The Cure were truly, and entirely gothic. There's a melancholy to the sound here, as if the instruments were despondent and going through the motions. To be clear, that isn't at all a criticism. What it's lacking in thrills, it offers in emotional resonance for those wanting to wallow in their misery, as well as a platform for Robert Smith's expressive vocal performances and cryptic lyricism.
It's a great album, but the unfortunate fact for me is that it is still fairly difficult to recommend. It's a consistently good album, and the band seem comfortable in their new skin, but there isn't a clear highlight on this album. They're comfortable, but maybe not confident enough to really knock anyone's socks off yet. At least in my opinion. But that would soon change with their next album:
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When even remote tribes that got given access to the internet get hooked on your album, you know you've done something right. (Note to self: consider the passage of time when making jokes about trending topics)
In my opinion, this is the first truly great album The Cure have made. They took the clear, focused intent of the previous album and elevated it to the point that they made a masterpiece. The simple instrumentals of Faith, as good as they were on that album, give way to a more affecting, oppressive, borderline overwhelming soundscape that sticks with you like nothing they've made to this point, perhaps with the exception of an individual song here and there.
To put it simply, The Cure finally feel like they've found a unique identity. I referred to Faith as the point in which they feel comfortable in their skin, and to continue that metaphor, Pornography feels, ironically, like they've found the clothes they like. Feeling comfortable in your skin is important, but your skin doesn't say a whole lot about you as a person. Your style though? That can say a lot about who you are and who you want to be. It's a strong form of identity affirmation and communication, and that is the importance of this album. Anyone could have come along and made Faith, but only The Cure could have made Pornography
As far as recommendations go, I think this one is pretty straightforward: if you have any interest in The Cure's goth rock stuff, this is required listening. It's easily in the top 3 must-listen albums from them for me.
Next Week...
Next week will be the pop phase. That's to be released on 6th September 2024 at midnight BST. If you're far enough in the future, congrats! It's out already!
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Gekirock Live Report - 2024.05.27 Toyosu PIT
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Regarding death. And regarding life as well. Through their 22 years of activity up to this point, the GazettE can be said to be a band that has consistently portrayed views on life and death, depicting heavy and intense soundscapes as well as profoundly serene scenes that are the complete opposite. Looking back now, when the album 'DIM' was released in 2009, RUKI (Vo) said in an interview, "We created this album based on the premise of not escaping from anything, including the weight of death and the realities that happen every day." Yes, the GazettE has always been a band that chooses not to escape.
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REITA (Ba) suddenly passed away on April 15th, leaving behind a post on social media expressing his wish for "the GazettE to be eternal." The next day, the official website announced the news, and the day after that, RUKI, Uruha (Gt), Aoi (Gt), and Kai (Dr) sent a message to their fans. Just 10 days later, on April 25th, they announced a memorial concert, "HERESY LIMITED 'SIX GUN'S'," to be held at Toyosu PIT on May 27th, REITA's birthday. Their swift response was not an act of escape from the immediate events, but rather the result of facing REITA head-on without even taking time to grieve. (By the way, "SIX GUN'S" refers to the five members and the fans as the sixth member, a phrase used previously as a live title.)
"The usual way of the GazettE's live shows is a place where everyone can let go of their feelings of helplessness and pain from their daily lives. That's what our live shows are about. So today, it's okay for you to cry or go wild. We, all the members, will accept all of your emotions, carry them, and lead you with all our might. That's the resolve with which I sing...!" (RUKI)
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First, the concert opened with "LAST SONG," which includes the lyrics "You taught me all the reasons for me to keep living." During "TOMORROW NEVER DIES," RUKI repeatedly looked up at the stage ceiling while singing the lyrics "Can you hear me?" The song "Chijou (痴情)," which REITA publicly stated as one of his favorites, was firmly included in the setlist. In "Hyena," REITA's shouts resonated throughout the venue from the pre-recorded audio as usual. During "Miseinen," RUKI shouted loudly, "On Bass, REITA!" before the bass solo, which was met with applause from the audience. In "Shunsetsu no Koro," during the customary scene where all members except Kai gather at the front of the stage in the latter half of the song, Aoi kept a space for REITA. There are countless examples to mention, but it can be said that tonight's live performance was a memorial for REITA, yet it was filled with moments where REITA's presence was undeniably felt.
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"Let me say something that we have all agreed upon as a band. From now on, the GazettE will not have any bassist other than REITA. We will never stop using REITA's sound from our past live recordings, and even for new works, we will continue to use REITA's bass and equipment to the fullest extent, respecting his wishes," (RUKI). After these words, they announced that they would perform again at Toyosu PIT on September 12th, and the last song they played was "UNFINISHED." The lyrics "I want to show you the future" can also be seen as the collective intention of the GazettE. Long live the GazettE.
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perenial · 1 year
gene im so glad you said this cause I haven't seen anyone else comparing it to the book as source material for like character and tone but i am So sure that if terry was alive the season would not be like this but i fear good omens fans dont realise how big a factor the lack of terry's influence is?? or like they forget that good omens was never just neilman???
ok before i go any further: i rly don't want to detract from anyone's enjoyment of the season and everything im going to say comes from a place of love for a) the original novel (& season 1 to a certain extent bc it got me back into it lol) and b) tv as a medium so like peace and love on planet let people enjoy things etc etc
like u said, terry's influence on the book was enormous – what makes gomens gomens is the balance of his genuine warmth and precise understanding of humanity tempered with neilman's sardonic voice and general like.....savvy approach to storytelling? i guess u could call it? anyway what rly helps the book is that it took them years to write it, passing ideas back and forth and rewriting each other's work until their voices blended seamlessly and a well structured capital-s Story was created. when i praise the book for being self-contained i think a huge part of that comes from the circumstances in which it emerged: two authors with complementary styles writing in a v particular time period where they had both the space to play with their ideas and the constraints of the novel as a storytelling format from which to craft something extremely specific.
adaptations are a tricky business and a tv version of gomens produced literal decades after the book was always going to have some unique challenges, but i don't think that's a bad thing bc the challenges could prove to be creative opportunities to take both the established audience and those new to the story by surprise. my biggest hot take here is that i don't think translating a story into a different medium means it has to follow the original narrative exactly, bc each medium has its own ways of communicating information and these structures, rules and traditions in turn inform what that story is. what matters more than following a story beat-by-beat is capturing what that story is about at its core, what themes and messages and ideas it works through and how.
all this is to say i never expected tv gomens to be a perfect reproduction of the book and if it had it been, it probably would have been worse off for it. that being said, there are parts of the book – like u said, its tone and character – that needed to have some fidelity in order to pull it off, and for the most part s1 did that bc it was still working predominantly within the bounds of the novel & its core ideas. while i did have some issues w how neilman & amazon adapted some details and characterisations, i generally rly liked s1 – it reminded me of why i loved the book and it was just generally fun to watch.
s2 was. not that fun to watch
a few positives before i go ham w the critiques:
the hair & makeup + costumes were fantastic (although i feel like s1 was slightly better re: makeup?)
the sound design & score made some of the more awkward scenes bearable and thats no mean feat imo
david & michael gave incredible performances w what they were given – michael especially managed to salvage aziraphale enough that his complete 180 didnt feel completely tonally dissonant (more on this later)
the detail of the sets is NUTS and i genuinely want to see more of hell bc of how intricate and fun the props look
i actually like gabriel/beelzebub!! their getting together montage worked for me, although they could have spent sliiiightly more time establishing what it is they like abt each other so much + why gabriel wanted to stop armageddon 2.0 so suddenly
the opening scene, although not on par w the novel's & s1's, was visually gorgeous and thematically resonant (although neilman owes me royalties for ripping it off from this shitty fic i wrote back when raphael!crowley was all the rage lol)
now w THAT being said:
like i said yesterday, the pacing was fucking awful. flashbacks are hard to work w at the best of times and the way they were used in this season felt so needless, especially the 40s one in ep 4 that takes up like 90% of the episode. in both flashbacks + present day there were scenes that dragged for no real reason, dialogue that looped back around on itself to stretch out the runtime, and weirdly enough places where there should have been character & plot work where there just,, wasn't any?? for example, maggie & nina's night locked in the café – some parts of the dialogue in later episodes made out that they'd had some rly deep conversation abt how they feel about each other or even that they'd had an affair, but that isn't clear from those scenes in the café. i'm not saying we had to see that conversation in its entirety but that there needed to be more connective details – either in dialogue or direction – that gave that part of the story coherence.
(there were pacing issues w the editing too but i don't want to jump down the editor's throats on this one bc im more focused on writing & direction issues)
the second major problem that i mentioned in my tags yesterday is the protagonist shift, which is an issue that started in s1. aziraphale & crowley are side characters in book gomens – significant ones, yeah, but still somewhat peripheral to adam (& anathema who counts as a deuteragonist imo). this works incredibly well w who they are as characters: they're Just Some Guys who happen to be involved in this epic biblical-level bureaucratic nightmare and importantly, they don't want to be in the spotlight. the arrangement was created so that they could explore what it meant to be themselves away from the Big Narrative; literally any time they get involved in larger affairs is bc the plot is alive and caught them unionising on company time. the last fucking chapter is adam (& god) being like haha u guys are alright keep it sleezy and letting them go. like. hello. neil u let them go.
but then!! tv gomens s1 does something interesting at the end w the body swapping addition that i dont totally hate – it gives aziraphale & crowley the extra bit of character work that brings them slightly more adjacent to their book selves. see i kinda view tv a/c as the younger, less settled versions of book a/c; they're still caught up in the immediacy of being key players and haven't fully realised that earth is their home. i haven't watched s1 in a while but one scene i remember rly clearly is crowley throwing all those astronomy texts in the air and angsting abt when he was an angel; i remember it bc his anguish in that scene feels a lot newer and rawer than book crowley's feelings about falling. when tv a/c do their bodyswap, it gives them the chance to land a blow against heaven/hell in a way that solidifies their allegiance to earth in a way that more closely resembles what book a/c have been abt the entire time (still adjacent, though. not parallel).
the reason why this works is that it does one final pivot to orient aziraphale and crowley as almost-main characters in a manner that makes sense in relation to a) their book selves and b) the position the tv show has placed them in. a combination of factors made tv a/c feel a lot less mature than their book counterparts but at the end of s1 they're sort of facing the same direction the book ended in, albeit through their own flashy late 2010s means.
when s2 was announced i was.......apprehensive bc to me, that felt like a satisfactory ending. i get the impression that amazon saw how wildly successful the adaptation was and was like oh shit we could make way more money out of this and neilman, having all those undead darlings that he and terry killed in the process of whittling the book into a workable novel, jumped at the chance to resurrect all those half-realised ideas. but not only were those ideas probably discarded for a reason, they've either been laying in wait for years unworked or they're new inventions, which means they weren't molded in the way that the book had been. like i said before, book gomens underwent years of rewrites and creative collaboration, and i think that process was what made it so good; s2 didn't have that. even if some of terry's ideas made it into s2, his influence is still missing bc he and neilman weren't in dialogue the same way they were in the book (and in some ways s1 bc i know terry was involved in the process of adapting gomens to screen before his death).
i don't think it's a case of newer fans forgetting terry so much as it is the context of terry's involvement being so removed from the current circumstances that certain aspects & discourses (i.e. is the s2 finale queerbaiting (no), does binge watching change the viewership experience (yes), etc etc) about the show overshadow other discussions that would usually be taking place. and before anyone says it's a case of neilman forgetting terry, i definitely don't think it's that either bc thats. yknow. wildly disrespectful. but also there are larger systems and structures at play than one writer no matter how much beef i have w him and his decisions, bc ultimately he's just one guy (a powerful and wealthy guy, but just a guy) and there's a wider cultural shift happening rn towards rehashing old stories without understanding what made them successful in the first place, and that same culture just doesn't allow for much, if any, constructive discourse analysis
so yeah
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