#sometimes I have no damn clue what he’s being used to say
gawrkin · 2 days
what are some arthuriana characters' ages? like arthur, kay or lancelot and guin.. maybe I'm stupid but I don't have a damn clue
In general, the stories never firmly put a number on when things happen and how old the characters are at any given story.
But thankfully, Lancelot-Grail/Vulgate Cycle do give us numbers to work with:
In nearly all traditions, Arthur was 15 years old when he pulls the Sword in the Stone during Christmas, just a month after Uther Pendragon dies.
Vulgate Merlin says Arthur was around 28 years old when he does battle with King Ryons, right after having just married Guinevere
Sometime later, Hector de Maris is concieved by King Bans. Afterwards, a war with the Romans and King Claudas breaks out. Lancelot, Bors and Lionel are born after this.
Lancelot joins Camelot and becomes a knight at age 15-18 years old (vulgate is a bit inconsistent with this). But nevertheless, Lancelot is meant to be atleast a generation younger than Arthur or Guinevere.
The first time Morgan imprisons Lancelot - the Val Sans Retour arc - Guinevere mentions it had seven years since he had been made a knight
Onwards, it gets murky as ages are never mentioned again until Mort Artu.
One eyebrow raising mention is that Mordred is introduced fairly late and is said to have been just recently knighted and his age is 20 years old. The kicker is that Mordred is much younger than Lancelot at this point. I hope you realize the general implications of this.
Fast Forwarding to Mort Artu, we do get solid mentions of ages here at last: During the war with Lancelot in the aftermath of the Affair debacle, Arthur is 92 years old while Gawain is 76 years old with Lancelot being stated to be 21 years younger than Gawain (55 years old).
Guinevere is stated to be ~50 years old at the start of Mort Artu. But given Arthur's stated age during the fight with Ryons and Lancelot's Birth being set after her marriage, her actual age may be much higher (anywhere in her 70s-80s)
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fellhellion · 1 year
Utena truly is a show best experienced imo by not stressing about trying to pin down any one piece of symbolism to a singular meaning. In fact, the show actively rebuffs that kind of approach.
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Summary: You get frequent migraines but they’ve been mia since the apocalypse but even since you got to the farm they’ve returned but you didn’t wanna bother anyone until Daryl finds you balled up on the floor in pain
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Request by @avrmee
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Soul crushing migranes were always a struggle to deal with before the world ended, but there was ways to try and relieve them, medicine, piercings, acupuncture but now that it’s been about a year and there was no more medicine or anything really the migraines came back and almost stronger than before
They’d come on when the heat was high and the sun was near blinding, triggering what ever it was in your head to cause crippling pain that no matter how much pressure you applied to your eyes or the amount of water you drank it didn’t matter, but in this world you couldn’t afford to take a day off especially with all the work the others were putting into the prison it was only fair you pull your weight even through the pain
Walking out of prison, opening the door to the blinding white light that was the Georgia sun stung just hoping it didn’t flair up another episode, walking out to the court yard where Daryl was tinkering on his bike you sat next to him
“I missed you this morning” you said leaning your head against his shoulder as he used a wrench against…..well you have no clue but you loved watching him work
“Sorry ya know I’m an early riser plus ya’ve been sleeping lot longer now, ya okay?”
You didn’t wanna worry him and tell him that after these long days of over exerting yourself in the heat that the pain in your head kept you awake late into the night causing you to wake up later than everyone else
“Oh yeah I’m fine, just tired is all, plus I got a beautiful sight next to me at night it’s hard to fall asleep” you laughed poking his side making him gruff out a laugh
“Well I have to go work on the crowd of walkers around the fence, if you need me I’ll be there” I said leaving his side walking down to the entrance gate, using a pole to take down as many walkers as you could working your way down the fence, working for hours when you felt an aura around your head, the groans and snaps of jaws became louder and overwhelming, your knees became weak, you became nauseous as your vision became blurred and specked with black dots, all topped off by the painful pressure in your head
Losing control you dropped to the gravel clutching your head in your hands, knees tucked up to your chest, whining from the pain, this is one of the worst it’s ever been, in the distance you could hear your name being yelled but everything was so overwhelming you couldn’t even process it until the screams got closer
“Y/n baby what’s wrong” Daryl asked holding your body close to his, your head in his lap as he rubbed your back
“It…….it hurts so much” you whined as you clutched your head more wishing for this pain to fade
He just held you for what felt like half an hour trying to comfort me, the walkers noises started to dwindle someone must have came down with Daryl to take them out, you huffed out a breath as the pain subsided a bit giving you enough strength to sit up, seeing his worried expression
“What happened?” He asked brushing my disheveled hair back
“I get this awful migraines, I didn’t wanna say anything and use it as an excuse but they keep me up at night but sometimes they get so bad, like this and I don’t know how to stop them”
“Darlin ya should have said something, we’d understand, I could’ve tried to help ya at night”
“I know how hard you work all day you need your sleep”
“But if yer feeling sick yer more important, promise me you’ll let me help ya”
You bit your lip hesitant not wanting to be a burden
“Y/n” he said sternly
“Okay I promise”
“Good, ya know yer damn stubborn”
“You love me” you said smiling
“Yer lucky I do”
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
Finally Getting Help (pt 15)
The conversation trailed off as the stars came out and Danny started to watch them, head propped against Jason’s shoulder as he stared up at the sky. Jason was content to watch the fire, the flickering was hypnotic. Time passed slowly, until Danny gave a jaw cracking yawn that made Jason chuckle.
“How about we douse the fire and head to bed huh? It’s been a long day,” Jason suggested and Danny nodded, reluctantly pulling away from Jason he got up with a groan. Jason was about to go grab a bucket of water when Danny gestured and a wash of frost rushed over the ground and doused the fire with a sizzle and a puff of smoke and steam. “How many powers do you have?” Jason blurted.
“I don’t even know, I’m still developing them sometimes,” Danny sighed as he shuffled towards the tent “Clockwork says it’s something to do with me being half human. Most ghost’s powers are sort of stuck but I’m still growing and changing so I can keep learning. I sort of eventually figure out any power I see anyone else use. As long as they’re not too specialized, I’m not going to learn time manipulation just cause I saw Clockwork do it.” 
“Clockwork?” Jason asked as he followed Danny. 
“The ancient of time, he keeps an eye out for me. He means well, even though he’s a cryptic asshole most of the time.” 
“Daniel!” A voice Jason didn’t recognize shouted, but he was guessing Danny did, and it was not a welcome visitor by the way he flinched and immediately looked up with glowing green eyes. “I knew if I kept the trackers on you you would leave that god forsaken mansion eventually.” An odd, almost vampiric looking man with red eyes said as he floated down towards them. 
Jason still didn’t recognize the man but he didn't think anyone who looked That sinister could be a good guy. From the way that he was floating and context clues Jason could guess that this was a ghost. God Damn it! He only had one of his normal guns on him, he had put down the blaster! With the stranger's attention on Danny Jason scrambled for his gun.
“Vlad, what part of ‘stay the hell away from me’ don’t you understand?” Danny snarled.
Shit Vlad? Vlad masters the baby daddy? Jason felt a snarl rip its way out of his own throat, the pit swirling furiously inside him making him want to kill something. It wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling though it didn’t happen as often these days. At least Vlad only seemed to have eyes for Danny, he probably didn’t register Jason as a threat, or even a person of interest. It was a little unflattering but it gave Jason an opening to go for the blaster in his bag.
“I thought you said you would never allow a billionaire to adopt you, clearly something has changed. Come with me Daniel, I understand you infinitely better than Bruce Wayne,” He spat the name with contempt. “I can take care of you and-” 
Jason got the gun and fired, his aim was true, the glowing green blast struck Vlad squarely in the stomach and he reared back with a pained yowl, red eyes snapping to Jason. He touched the wound in his stomach, dripping green blood, it wasn’t as deep as Jason would have liked and it was already healing fast, but Still, he’d done some damage and Vlad seemed furious. 
“You insolent brat!” He growled, holding out hands that were glowing with energy. Jason tensed to dodge but before he could Danny was in front of him, a shield of green energy in front of him. 
“ENOUGH!” Danny yelled, and changed form, shooting up into the sky he fired back at Vlad, rabidly throwing bolts of green energy at him. “I have had ENOUGH! You have drugged me, kidnapped me, threatened my friends, cloned me, and then killed the clones when they weren’t perfect.” Danny landed a hit, Vlad was unable to dodge or block so many in a row and he let out a grunt as Danny struck his chest, pushing him back a few feet. 
Vlad tried to duplicate himself to shield himself but Danny shot them as quickly as they were made, making them disappear in puffs of smoke and screams. Once they were gone he focused again on Vlad. His eyes were glowing even brighter with frustration and rage as he directed both hands at his attacker and shot an even more powerful blast, landing a hit on Vlad that sent him trembling back, clutching a bloody and swollen nose. 
“You are a pathetic, terrible, Lonely failure and you always will be! You will never get what you want! NEVER YOU HEAR ME?! YOu stay the hell away from me and my kids! MY kids! Or I will fucking kill you!” Danny swore, shooting at Vlad again, who barely managed a clumsy dodge. 
“Come now Daniel you don’t mean that,” Vlad said but for the first time he sounded nervous. Danny had never lost his temper like this before, they’d fought, but he’d never even sworn.
They were distracted again and Jason had a clear shot, Vlad was clearly tough if he took a shot to these shots running but he couldn’t be indestructible. He shot again, aiming for the head this time, unfortunately the green glow gave him away and Vlad dropped down to avoid it. Vlad shot back, and Jason threw himself out of the way and rolled back up to his feet, ready to dodge, or fire again. 
“No!” Danny shouted at Vlad, flying at him so fast he barely had time to throw up a shield of his own before Danny collided with him, forcing him back again. His hands pressed against the shield, glowing toxic green before the close range blast broke the shield and sent Vlad tumbling through the air. “I put up with you for the sake of my parents and my secret but now that doesn’t matter anymore I have no reason to go easy on you! I’m done! I’m done with you!” 
And then he screamed, that same earth shattering wail, and with Vlad already knocked off balance, bleeding green from his chest, his nose, and generally beaten to hell, he had no defense. The sound forced him down with more than the force than gravity, the sound and impact leveled trees in a near perfect circle and left a crater in the soft earth at the bank of the lake. And Danny just kept screaming, pushing Vlad deeper into the wet earth. Jason could see that Vlad was screaming too, probably from the pain, but he couldn’t hear anything over the feeling of Danny’s wail.
Jason wanted to clamp his own hands over his ears and block out the sound but he couldn’t, he needed to keep hold of his blaster, and remain ready. The water rushed in and covered Vlad quickly once Danny stopped screaming. Jason bolted towards the edge of the new cove for Vlad to emerge. 
He came up gasping and coughing, floundering before he grabbed the edge of the hole and dragged himself out. Jason was there to meet him with a gun to his head and a glowing green glare of his own. Jason wanted to shoot Vlad and kill him, but he didn’t want to do that in front of Danny. For all he had just said he would kill Vlad Jason didn’t think he really meant it. Danny wasn't a killer at heart.  
“Stay very still,” He said calmly once Vlad had finished hacking up all the water he’d breathed in. He kept one hand on the gun and his finger on the trigger as he pulled a com out of his pocket, sliding it into his ear and turning it on. “O? Are you there?”
“Hood? Report?” Bruce’s clipped ‘batman’ voice came through.
“Vlad crashed the party, Track our location, I have him pinned,” Jason said without taking his eyes off Vlad who was still breathing hard and bleeding, glaring up at him. 
“On our way,” Bruce said quickly. “ETA 18 minutes.” 
“Very well done Todd,” Vlad drawled dryly and Jason twitched, of course since he’d been to Galas Vlad would know who he was, but Jason still did Not like it. “But you might want to look out, I believe young Daniel is in need of rescue.”
Jason knew better, he really did, but he couldn’t help glancing up quickly, and he was glad he did. He was just in time to see Danny revert to his human form and fall. Jason barely managed not to drop the gun as he ran to catch Danny, taking the brunt of the impact and going to his knees to keep them both intact through the landing. 
“Danny?” He gasped, pushing the other man’s hair back from his face, his eyes were closed and he wasn’t responding to his name but he was breathing. Jason glanced over to see Vlad was already gone. “Shit. B, you still there?”
“Yes. What happened Jay?” He asked, sounding more worried, more like Bruce. 
“Danny passed out,” Jason said as he set the other man down, grabbing a light and checking his pupils. “Pupils are responsive but he’s not waking up even with the light shining in his face. Vlad escaped but he couldn’t have gotten far in that condition. Danny really gave him hell.” 
“We’ll be there soon,” Bruce said, clipped and determined. Jason could hear the motor in the background, if he was pushing the usually silent jet to the point it was making that sound he really would be there in minutes. 
Jason sat down and pulled Danny nearly into his lap, still holding the gun just in case. He thought Vlad had made a break for it but he didn’t want to let his guard down. After all he had thought Vlad would be smarter then to attack them today, he had clearly underestimated the man’s obsessiveness and stupidity. The last thing he needed now was for Vlad to try and make a break for it with Danny while he was so vulnerable. 
He was rocking just a little, he didn’t know if he was trying to sooth Danny or himself as he waited for Bruce and whichever of his siblings were tagging along to arrive. He thought that he was in shock judging by how vague he felt and the odd aura at the edges of his vision. It was always sort of funny having the vague knowledge that he Was in shock but not really being able to do anything about it.
He looked up when he heard the bat-plane overhead and watched it coming in for a water landing. Finally feeling safe enough to holster his gun, freeing both hands to scoop Danny into his arms, getting up with Danny still cradled close. It wasn’t like the other man was heavy, Jason stumbled just a little as he went over to meet his family as the ramp dropped and they came rushing out. 
“Any idea what’s wrong with him?” Batman asked gruffly, going straight to them pushing a medical gurney.
“I think he just overused his powers,” Jason said numbly, putting Danny down on the rolling bed and followed Bruce back into the plane and the same time Spoiler, Blackbat, and Red Robin took off into the woods, to search for Vlad no doubt. Jason hoped they found him but somehow he doubted they would, Vlad could turn invisible and intangible after all, and Danny hadn’t had time to build them everything they’d need. Even with a decent amount of confiscated Fenton tech Jason didn’t like their odds. 
“He has this sonic attack that's really strong but seems to take a lot out of him. He passed out pretty soon after using it the second time,” He explained, sitting down heavily next to the bed as Bruce fussed and checked Danny’s vitals. 
“His heartbeat is slow but strong, pupils responding, like you said, he isn’t visibly injured. I think you’re right he over used it. We’ll set up an IV just to give him some energy and hydration and hopefully he’ll wake up soon. He’ll be okay Jay,” Bruce said, pausing to rest a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “I’ll take you back to the manor, I’m sure the others will find Vlad.”
“They’ve all got their wards?” Jason asked distractedly and Bruce nodded as he buckled Danny and the gurney in securely so he wouldn’t roll around during transport. “Good, ya, let's go home. I’m sorry, taking him camping was stupid. It was helping but I should have known that with Vlad still out there-”
“No, we didn’t see this coming, it’s not your fault,” Bruce interrupted, before sitting back in the pilot's seat and taking off. 
Jason didn’t agree, but he didn’t argue either. No one had argued with him, he was sure they’d all thought, like he did, that with the entire justice league after him and the ‘woman of his dreams’ behind bars Vlad would have bigger things to worry about. They’d all underestimated just how obsessed with Danny Vlad was, in this family of obsessive assholes it was a particularly foolish mistake.
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
Okay I got some sleep- here’s pt. 2 of my nightmare:
They spoke to each other as they moved, the surroundings that had egregiously attacked the group of heroes earlier easily parted way for his sister.
‘How has everything been, habibi?’
They talked to each other in a language known only to them. The rest of the Justice League team, the members of this mission: Batman, Flash, Superman, and Zatanna did not understand the signs, a feat worthy of his sister.
‘Alright. They are not bad. I like it here.’ He told her, eyes not quite wary but fear of disappointing her running through his small frame apparent all the same. ‘I would… like to stay.’
She ruffled his hair once more, wistfulness growing in her heart. How her little brother had grown. It seemed like yesterday she held him as a babe, swaddled in even more opulent green and gold silks than her own clothing. Now, he stood in front of her, daring to express his own thoughts with a domino over his face and strength of free will in his eyes. ‘That is good. I am glad you are happy.’
Batman lurched forward to stop her from touching Damian, only to freeze as his son accepted the touch without a hint of resistance. Even Dick couldn’t get that reaction, not without some grumbling and scowling. Who was this…?
The rest of team agreed to wait and watch. Part of it was strategy. Most of it was the wonder of a such Bat-like Robin being so open with someone.
‘Have you been here before?’ Damian, relaxed as she all but gave him her blessing to stay with father, peered at the local fauna as it bowed away from her sister. She shrugged, his katana sheathed on her back. She was at ease with it as he was with her blade, the training they did to get there unwavering despite the time they spent apart.
‘Sometimes. The tower we’re headed to, I often go there to relieve stress by training with the monsters there. They like to… attack everything that moves.’
Something told Damian it was more of a one sided massacre on his sister’s part.
‘Why would the magician hide there?’
‘It would serve adequately as a natural barrier, should he have a safe space put there ahead of time.’ His sister tilted her head, masked face still in the way he knew meant that she was thinking. Her hands moved. ‘Perhaps it was Grorgiantue that attacked you. He often goes there to experiment with alchemy and demonic remains. He often wears a maroon headband.’
“That’s him.” Damian confirmed.
“Are you going to clue us into what you’re saying, you two?” The Flash zoomed around the pair, skidding to a stop in front of them. Damian’s sister simply stepped around him, slicing apart a thorn bush that attacked when it got startled by the Flash’s speed. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as Robin scowled at him and the unknown ally spared him one quick, neutral glance of displeasure.
“No. Do not ask again, you eavesdropper.” Damian curtly replied, surly Robin mask back up.
“Robin.” Father reprimanded. Damian acknowledged it, but did not offer an apology. His sister remained silent and watching.
She’s relying on him to navigate these allies, Damian realized. His shoulders went back at the show of trust. He does not acquiesce to Father’s silent command. Had it been Richard… perhaps.
“Ouch, but still, if your… friend knows what’s up ahead, it’s be good to let us know.”
“We do need to take care of this as fast as possible, Robin. And we’re not the best team against magic.” Superman hovered. He would have gone and scouted ahead, but magical planes always had nasty surprises that he found extremely hard to escape.
“Speak for yourself,” Zatanna joked. Regardless, she looked askance at Damian’s sister.
Damian scowled and opened his mouth. His sister placed a hand on his shoulder and Damian sighed, readying himself to act as a translator. He knew she could sign in practically every standard sign language there was, damn it. She’s lucky he loved her enough to be a translator when she’s unwilling to socialize.
“Your sword,” Damian tried to hand her sword back. Her little brother, for a genius, was an idiot. She huffed, pushing the sword back.
‘Keep it. How will you cut through a magical tower without a magical sword?’ She signed to him, emphasizing her amusement.
“What about you?”
‘I must report back. I am... a bit late. I’ll see you later, habibi.’ She tapped her hand four times. A reminder that she cared about him. Before she disappeared through a swirling portal of mist grey and acrid blue, she saw him repeat the sign.
Behind her mask, she smiled.
“Who was that, Robin?”
Robin stared up at Batman. Damian Wayne stared up at his father.
“She... protected me.”
Not quite an answer. But it was an olive branch, to tell him who she was to Damian himself, but not who she truly was in relations to Damian.
“That’s it?”
“That is all you’re getting.” He replied, hands tightening around the hilt of his sister’s sword. Her magic hummed beneath his fingertips, the feeling of indescribable violence softening to a sense of protectiveness the moment the sword felt his presence. Damian respected Father. He might even love him. But Damian loved his sister first, and he would not betray her trust.
A new file is added to the database. Nightwing gets an update. When a familiar masked face pops up, Dick Grayson sped out of Bludhaven to interrogate his littlest brother.
And so the wheels turned.
“Tell me, granddaughter, what it is you truly think of me.”
Despite the conversational tone, she knew it was an order. The scars on her back burned, a reminder of another rebellion and the cost of failure.
There were many, many ways she could answer. All of them unpleasant. Yet, she must be pleasant. He must hear how she’d been broken, or else he’d keep trying to break her.
She tilted her head down, so he would not glimpse the hatred brewing in her eyes.
“I respect you, grandfather.” Because she did respect his ability to bend her at his will, for all that she hated him. It took a special kind of scum to be so cruel to one own blood. “I wish to obey your every order.” Because if she didn’t, pain would follow. But that wish was a temporary one, only in effect until she managed to kill him and come out on top.
Ra’s laughed, a warm and rich sound. Hollow, because he loved none but himself and so only reserved warmth for his own flattery. It sounded like the sharpening of a blade and it felt like balancing on a precipice. On one side, an eternity of torture. On the other, the pain of those she loved. Damian... and maybe, just a little, Talia herself.
"Do you love me, granddaughter?" He crooned, mocking and cruel, in a way one might ask a jilted lover. The reincarnation held her breath and answered. She will not lie. She can not lie, not to him. He had gouged the order into her tongue with magic and brutality. And so, she will not lie.
"No, grandfather. But I do not dislike you." The reincarnation said, soft as velvet. It was true, because what she felt for Ra's al Ghul was the cold, pervasive hatred. "I respect you."
"I see I've managed to beat some of that foolish sentimentality out of you," he said, taking a sip of his wine. Oh, how she wished she could slip poison in his cup. How she wished to make him choke on his own words, his own blood. But she could not. Not. Yet. "Alas, I can not undo the magic. I suspect you'll be serving at my feet for... quite a long time more."
She snapped her mouth closed, phantom rage hovering between her teeth. The world swirled around her, greens and purples, and the revolting touch of his hands on her.
No, she will bide her time.
She knelt, the motion familiar, on plush carpet that she could not appreciate. Luxurious cloth rustled in front of her.
And when her time comes, she will revel in Ra's al Ghul's agonizing death.
"Damian, you have to tell me who that is!"
Damian could be stubborn at times, he knew that. He worked with him on it. Damian was as much, if not more, Dick's Robin as he was Bruce's Robin. So why...?
"And for what reason do you wish to know her identity, Richard?"
Dick paused. He couldn't. He couldn't tell him. No one knew, except for that masked person. It happened so long ago- not long enough- and Dick could not wash the taint, could not wash the trauma from his brain, his heart. Whispers that sounded like Catalina surrounded him when he thought of that rainy night, telling him how disgusted his family would be, if they knew. Those things went away, now that he's pulled up the file on the batcomputer. The whispers fade a bit as he looked upon the masked face of the person who saved him. Just in time.
"For your safety!"
Damian crossed his arms, a look that spoke of an unbending unwillingness present in his eyes. Dick knew then that Damian would not tell him. "I will never be in danger if it's her on the other side of the blade."
"Come on, Damian, I won't tell B. Promise. Don't you trust me?"
Damian's face softened, and for a second, Dick had thought that he'd managed it. "I do... trust you." Damian struggled to say. "That is hardly ever in question, you imbecile. But to tell you would mean betrayal. And I will not betray her trust. Especially not for your personal satisfaction."
Dick wondered what this masked woman did for Damian to be unhesitatingly confident in her. He wondered if his own desperation meant something he had yet been able to put into words.
"For what it's worth, Dick, I think we should trust Damian and not pry."
Dick and Damian turned to Tim in surprise. Damian, because it was an unexpected vote of confidence.
"Woah, I do not want to hear that from you, Mr. Tiny Tot Stalker McGee."
"It's called preparation!" Tim said hotly back. Then, he subsided. "She, uh, saved me once. Back then, before I was... associated with Bruce."
"What?" Dick and Damian demanded.
Innocuous. The worst and best things always happened on innocuous days.
The beginning of her slavery began on a regular, if painful, sunny day.
The beginning of her freedom began on a regular, if painful, cloudy one.
She'd have to thank the little photographer later, she decided. His work all but forced her grandfather to rely on a handful of backup Lazarus pools only he, mother, and herself knew about. She stared at the green pools as her grandfather stripped to his waist to step in.
"Guard me," he commanded her as he stepped towards the pool. The sting of the command settled familiarly around her neck. “Once I am done, you will depart to force Damian or the detective back to Nanda Parbat. By any means necessary.”
It was his first time ordering her to hurt her brothers, past physical pain disguised as training.
His first mistake today.
That's the thing with her grandfather, she mused as she silently unsheathed Damian's sword. He was so complacent, that he could fathom her betrayal.
His second mistake. His last mistake.
Then again, it was her who lulled him into it, with the shows of loyalty and seemingly willing obedience outside of her magical collar's commands.
After all, he had commanded her to guard him. From outside threats, surely, but he hadn't commanded her to guard him from herself.
"You-!" He coughed as her- Damian's- blade slid in between his ribs and straight towards the other side. It missed his heart by a hair's breadth, Ra's having moved the moment he felt the blade. Truly, it was hard to beat a near-immortal's experience.
"Kill yourself!" He barked at her, clutching at his chest, trying to stumble towards the pool.
To kill herself, she had to remove the blade lodged in his chest. The magic urged her to follow his commands immediately with searing pain. But she's had over two decades to endure and adjust to it, to grit her teeth and learn how to move with the torture of being alive. So she follows it just to dislodge the blade. The reincarnation then, with the magic trying to break her, cripples Ra’s with two blows.
He collapsed, screaming bloody murder and slurs at her. Before he could say another command, she stabbed down and to the side, cutting deep enough to cut his voice box and spill his life-blood, his unceasingly irritating throat, over the craggy rocks surrounding the pool.
Then, she slit her throat with a cut that was a touch too shallow to kill her right away.
"I do not dislike you," she said, the pain easing as she spoke to him. The red she's taken from others now spilled on the front of her shirt. She stared at his enraged glare, vicious glee at making him choke on his own actions. "No, I hate you."
She bent down, twisting and breaking his arms with little effort. She patted his cheeks and raked a trail of pain down his face with her metal tipped gloves. Her blood dripped onto him, blinding his eyes.
Fitting, she'd thought. "No one will come for you, grandfather. But... I do have to ask," She looked down, voice tilting in the cruel way that he'd unintentionally taught her. "Don't you love me, grandfather?"
She walked backwards until she reached the edge of the pool. She knelt once more, a mockery of every time she's knelt for him.
The reincarnation watched his blood spill, the light leave his eyes, and the way his body stilled and the way his rage was stifled like he'd smothered her voice so long ago. She memorized it, because hate was an active emotion. But she was tired, and she wanted to rest. So she watched him die and felt nothing but peace.
Then, as she felt the magic take hold and tear her soul from her body, she tipped backwards and plunged her corpse in the glowing pits that awaited her.
It felt like drowning.
(did y’all know cats lay on your chest?? bro i straight up couldn’t breath bc of that)
Breathless. Corrosive. Freeing.
The Pit felt like freedom.
And she’d long forgotten what that felt like.
It tasted like shit water though, and suddenly she felt bad for everyone whoever swallowed some of the water here. She’s going to need her stomach pumped out after this-
Her thoughts were washed away in a haze of green tinted fury.
Nightwing slid in front of Robin with a well practiced flip. Batman emerged from the shadows, followed Spoiler and Red Robin.
“Talia. What do you want?” Batman growled. Talia ignored him, an uncharacteristic action that had the vigilantes putting their guards up.
“I… you know I would not ask this of you- I would not ask you to return,” Talia said softly.
“Then don’t.” Red Robin cut in sharply, bo staff at the ready. Talia ignored him too.
“But she needs you, habibi. I can not… I can not help her.”
“Who?” Spoiler asked, curious but ready to rumble.
“What happened?” Robin stepped around Nightwing, who made an aborted movement to try to pull Robin back behind him.
“Something terrible.” Talia al Ghul closed her eyes, a sliver of vulnerability and regret showing on her face. Robin straightened, fear thudding through his heart. What happened to ukhti, he wanted to ask. But he could not, not without betraying the promise of silence he’d made to her. “I… I have failed her greatly. And she was paying the price for it, this entire time.”
“Wait, is this about the masked woman?” Nightwing asked.
“Alright,” Robin- no, Damian- stepped forward once more. His decision was made. Had been made, the moment his mother allowed the rare instance of vulnerability to come across her face. “I’ll be going back, once…”
“Of course. She would not let me keep you, habibi. She knows you are happier here.”
“Then, let’s go.”
“Robin!” His family tried to stop him but Damian slipped between and out of their reach. “Do not!”
“I’ll be back,” he declared, like he was daring his mother to say otherwise. “Try not to raze Gotham into the ground with your incompetence.”
“I’ll kill Ra’s if something happens to him.” Red Robin pointed the bo staff at Talia as she and Damian turned to leave. He stopped an alarmed Batman when he tried to lunge for Robin.
“No need,” she threw back. Damian whipped his head up at that. “He’s already dead.”
And they disappeared into a whirling purple cloud of magic.
Snippets of reality return to her bit, by bit. Her mother had cautiously entered the pit with her guards- worried, no doubt, by their absence- and stilled upon seeing her father’s dead body.
She laughed, and dug her hands into the bodies of the assassins she’d trained until her nails dripped with blood and pieces of organs. She felled them, one by one, until only mother was left.
She’d attacked, like a rabid dog, until the green slipped and her mother came into focus.
“I killed him,” she’d croaked out. And that was what broke her; the smooth way air wrapped her around her throat where only ripping pain had existed. Her voice came out unhindered and recklessly so, without the tinge of agony carefully picking her sentences.
“I killed him,” she repeated, and set Ra’s al Ghul’s body on fire. “I killed him.”
Her mother stared at her, hands dropping carefully to her side. “Why?”
She smiled, teeth bared and bloody- oh, she must have ripped into an assassin with her teeth, how messy- and endlessly joyful. “Because he dared to chain me- because he threatened Damian.”
She broke, and she told her mother everything. No, not everything. Just, enough. At the end, when her back is bowed with pain and heart empty, her mother knelt before her and quietly, tremblingly, apologized.
“I am sorry, habibi. I…”
The reincarnation’s made a small, wounded noise and lost herself to the green.
Damian trembled with rage. With grief.
With regret.
He followed mother into the caverns, mind turning and whirling with everything he’d learned in the hour that had passed since he’d left Gotham. His sister’s inclination towards magic was incredibly helpful, but Damian wished that she had never had the cause to go delving into magic like she did.
He thought it was passion.
His mother had informed him of what Grandfather had done to his ukht all these years. She told him of what his sister had sacrificed so that he remained free.
“Every time she spoke to us, to tell us that she loves us… father had made sure she paid for every word with unceasing agony.” His mother had muttered, eyes more lost than he’d ever seen it. “The magic at her neck ensured that she obeyed unquestioningly or she paid the price.”
“She is paying the price right now,” he’d snapped at her.
Damian had thought ukhti’s collection of magical tomes were a sign of her interests. He thought it was passion for a subject. He had even envied how she did not have to hide her hobby like he had to with his art.
Now, he knew it wasn’t passion. No, it was desperation; a scrambling for freedom, a wish for dignity, and the fear of the same restrictions being placed on his ukht’s loved ones- him and mother.
When he entered the cave, lit up by swirling, sickly green, he saw his ukht, drenched in blood and sclera, tearing apart another group of assassins. There were ashes and the smell of burnt flesh around them.
Her eyes- green, glazed, furious- turned towards them.
His mother tensed. His ukht lunged, pitted sword aimed at his eyeball.
But if there was anything Damian knew, it was that ukhti would never hurt him.
So he stayed still.
And she stopped. Blade a centimeter from his eyes, his sister stopped.
How his heart broke when she spoke, confusion in her voice that sounded as if she had been screaming for decades and nobody had heard.
As Damian’s hand wrapped around her wrist and she dropped the sword, he morbidly thought that she might have been doing that. It’s not like they heard her, after all, not until she’d freed herself with broken fingers and steel spine.
Bruce paced around in the cave. With the disappearance of their youngest, the entire family gathered in the cave, the night after. Except for Barbara, who had been scouring the cameras and had prior engagements, and Cass, who was on a plane back from Hong Kong, the family watched as Bruce slowly lost his mind.
“Relax, B. Look, even Dickface and Timbers aren’t worried, and you know how they get.” Jason said, kicking his feet up on the table.
Jason quickly put his feet down.
“We know nothing about this woman! She could be a danger- she could-!”
“B, if it really is about the masked woman, I think we should give Damian some trust.” Dick spoke up.
“And what if they keep Damian captive?”
“Then we go get him, Bruce. Simple.” Duke said, yawning.
Whatever Bruce would have said next was cut off by the opening of the cave’s underground entrance, with an approving beep of a recognized and authorized entrance.
Damian stalked in, hands wrapping around the hilt of his sword like he was going to cut through the next fool who tested him. His face was in a frown.
“Damian. Are you alright?” Bruce rushed towards his youngest, only to be dodged.
“I need to break something. Then, we shall talk.”
Damian headed towards the training dummies at let out his fury. He let out his heart break. Splinters of wood and cloth and ripped padding laid testament to his grief.
Then, the younger brother of the true heir to the Demon’s Head turned around to speak to his chosen family.
Her brother, her fool, dumb brother who had just stood there as she tried to gouge his eyes out, had been exactly what she needed.
She avoided his concerned eyes as she muttered calculations under her breath.
“Ukhti, what are you doing?”
“Freedom, habibi. I am… creating my freedom.”
At his confused look, she made the signs for Pit Rage. He nodded and guarded her back.
Damian was so adorable. And now, now that there’s not collar around her neck, she could say that without awaiting internal agony!
Her mouth spoke the words she’d found all those years ago, magic flaring bright white and blue as the circle she laid down on crumbling rocks shuddered.
The magic soothed her frayed mind and seeped the poison from her mind.
“I have a sister.” He’d told them. He turned to his father, who had a blank look on his face. “An older sister. She is yours.”
“You fucked Talia, twice?!”
A scowl. “Keep your trap shut, Todd.”
Bruce felt his world shudder to a stop.
Her fingers, her left hand as her right was busy scratching absently at Damian’s head, found purchase on her back and neck. The skin wasn’t so soft anymore, time and scars making for a rougher feel.
There were worse things than death. Bitter, painful things.
Loosing her freedom. Loosing her voice.
But… there were better things than life. Sweet, gentle things.
Regaining her freedom. Getting revenge. Securing her family’s safety and freedom from the grotesque thing that wore the skin of a grandfather.
Her brother, tucked safely against her side, and a mother that finally understood.
“Come to Gotham with me,” Damian had suggested. She hummed, delighting in the way the sound came out with out the ringing pain.
But one does not erase two plus decades worth of trauma in one night.
Her hands came up.
‘Not yet. Mother will think-”
“It is a good idea.”
Her gaze darted up. Her mother’s eyes… softened. Odd. No… her gaze was heavy with guilt.
“It would… do you good to be away from here, my daughter.”
It’s not like she was opposed to that, at all, but still…
‘Two weeks. I’ll tie up loose ends… and I’ll go to Gotham in two weeks, if that’s alright with you, Damian?’
“Of course.” He leaned against her, hand clutching at her shirt in a motion that she wasn’t sure was meant to comfort himself or her. “May I tell father about you?”
Ah. She hadn’t thought of that. The pit really scattered her mind. She nodded.
“Why… why didn’t you tell me?”
“She asked me not to.”
“And since when did you do things people ask of you, demon brat?”
Damian scowled. It did not make his next sentence any less genuine.
“Since it was ukhti that asked.”
Tim spun around on his wheel chair. “Holy shit. So the masked person was your sister. No wonder you were so….”
Protective, they all finished the rest of the sentence silently. They all sat back to contemplate that Bruce had one more kid… and that Tim had met her before Damian was even born.
“So, why were you so upset, baby bird?” Dick asked, an odd feeling of both gratefulness and mild jealousy towards Damian’s sister- his savior, because holy shit- gathering underneath his heart.
“Apparently, grandfather put her under an enslavement spell all these years.”
“Damian… say that again. I- I must have heard you wrong.”
Damian closed his eyes, hating how unsteady and fearful his father sounded. He obliged, because he knew what it felt like.
“Grandfather put her under an enslavement spell and used her to further the League’s reach.”
Damian had wondered why he had encountered his sister so often while passing by grandfather’s chambers and why she always looked tired when she goes past those ornate doors.
Now he knew.
“Does that- does that mean what I think it means?”
“Yes. She,” Damian’s hands gripped harshly on his forearms. He breathed in and out slowly. “She was… assaulted. Most likely regularly. To broker more favorable agreements. She could not refuse. The magic demanded complete obedience or risk the punishment of unbearable pain.”
Dick looked away. They had a lot in common. She saved him… but on her end, she was not saved. His hands itched to punch Ra’s al Ghul in the face.
“Fuck.” Stephanie cursed. Her eyes met Duke’s and Jason’s.
Tim’s hands stopped moving, eyes staring blankly at Damian. He should have tried harder to kill Ra’s al Ghul.
Bruce got up, trembling, and stalked over to the training dummy. They sat in silence.
“What else?” Bruce rasped. He hung his head.
“She was ordered not to speak a word.”
“But she… spoke to me.” Tim said. Damian felt an irrational flare of jealousy.
“Then it most likely caused her unimaginable pain as punishment.” Damian snapped.
“What do we have to do to free her?” Stephanie demanded.
“Nothing, Brown. She freed herself.”
“How?” Duke leaned in, expression serious. “Did Ra’s al Ghul free her before he died or something?”
“I… am not too sure of the details, but it involved killing him… and jumping into the pit.”
Jason stood up with a clatter. “She was in the pit?!
“Yes. I think… she might have died. I’m not… sure.”
Bruce closed his eyes, working on his breathing like Dinah had showed him.
“Is that why Talia came? Because you could stop her pit madness?”
“Yes. I- there-” Damian struggled to get the words out, the ball of upset sitting on his chest made it hard to breathe. “Ukhti would never hurt me. Unless it’s training, but even then, I am sure she fought against her orders to wound me.”
Dick nodded. Yeah. He would have too, if he were in her shoes.
“I… can ukhti come here to recover?”
“Of course. When?” It was at times like this when he appreciated his family’s sentimentality and ridiculously large hearts. Unhesitatingly kind, even when they should have been furious at him for keeping ukhti’s secrets.
“Two weeks.”
“Then we shall make adequate- no, better than adequate preparations. Master Damian, what were her preferences for food?”
She should probably prepare a gift. Multiple.
She tilted her head to show Damian she was listening.
“I am sorry.”
‘There’s nothing to be sorry for.’
She squeezed his shoulder and forced the words to come out. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I should have noticed.”
‘I did not want you to notice. If I hid things from you, do you think you could find them so easily?’
“No, I suppose not.”
She smiled at him and tapped her hand four times. He tapped his own four times in response.
The dream ended there, well, no, there was actually some more nonsense about a corgi, a room full of strings and slenderman or whatever but I didn’t include that part. There’ll probably be a part three bc I kinda wanna know what happens when she comes to Gotham to recover from trauma.
The oc, relatively well adjusted: *dies*
The oc, reincarnated and got fucked over (figuratively and non consensually literally): “yes, I should go to Gotham (aka trauma central) to recover from my trauma. Sounds legit.”
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middlingmay · 4 months
Gale Cleven never learned to flirt
And I have some HCs about that and how it came to bite him in the ass.
Here, have 2K+ words of the Buckies being an absolute mess.
Gale managed to reach his mid-twenties without ever flirting.
He and Marge had been inseparable since they were kids. Being together was second nature, so by the time their teenage years hit, the awkward rituals of their classmates trying to catch some guy or girl’s attention just didn't apply. Gale simply told Marge whatever he thought and felt. If it never strayed into the territory their classmates were so eager to dive into head (or pelvis) first; if it never sounded like the cheesy lines boys used to ease past a skirt, then that’s because he was too much of a gentleman. Everyone knew it. Marge’s dad never batted so much as an eye when she spent time with Gale, because he was such a good boy.
Really, that should have been the biggest clue among many before he signed up.
But then he did sign up, and he met John Clarence “Bucky” Egan, who flirted with everyone and everything.
No, really—everything.
One night after one too many beers, John was leaning against a coat rack, regaling Gale with some story or other. He gave a particularly enthusiastic wave of an arm, and nearly sent it toppling over, and him with it. But John's reflexes were still good even three sheets to the wind. He caught it before it hit the ground, set it up right and said, “Sorry, doll. I’m normally a gentleman. I’ll show you, sometime.”
It was the first time Gale laughed until he cried.
Gale had been flirted with plenty, of course. Others back home had batted eyelashes at him and sidled up to him and placed fleeting, coy touches in innocent places.
John did absolutely none of that.
He drawled and called Gale doll, sweetheart, dilly and beau. He’d look Gale in the eye whilst talking to someone else entirely and say, “My guy, Buck, here…”
He pressed their foreheads together and grabbed Gale's thighs tight and put an arm over the back of Gale's chair.
He’d chuck Gale's chin and press hands firm into the small of Gale's back, around the curve of his hip, into the dips of his waist and that was usually followed by a quick, deliberate clench of his sizeable hands.
John outright called him gorgeous, “a real heartbreaker”, and the others would laugh but that was always one of the few times John didn’t join in.
He watched Gale’s training and his flights like a hawk, bugging others over the radio: “Where’s Buck?” He’d bugged those in the tower so much, that he nearly got himself banned.
John sang love songs - badly - and smirked at Buck the whole time.
Finally, in the after, when they’d left Wyoming and Wisconsin behind for good, John had stepped up behind Gale in the kitchen in the house they shared and reached forward. He placed a whisky glass of apple juice on the counter and came round to Gale’s side. He leaned his forearms on the counter and looked up at Gale through tumbling curls he’d been letting grow a bit and said,
“Lookin’ awful lonely there, doll. What’s a guy gotta do to be your fella?”
And apparently Gale was easy, because he downed the apple juice to wet his parched throat and lips and threw his arms around John’s neck and kissed him with a fire he hadn't felt this side of a plane.
He threw the rest of himself at John, too, who caught him easy and hoisted him up on the counter. He pulled Gale's hips forward by the belt loops and ground his own hips up against him just as his tongue slid home dragged and teased out the gaps and moans Gale couldn’t control—
That afternoon, evening and night had been incredible. But, if Gale thought finally getting what they had been stepping towards for all these years would have taken some of the pressure off, he was dead wrong. He craved more.
Only, he had no idea how to go about getting it.
He wasn’t like John. Never had been. Flirting and being so damn bold didn’t come easy to Gale. Truth be told, he’d never has a reason to flirt before. And for the first time in his life, John was being absolutely no help.
If Gale didn’t know him any better, he would have said he was being shy.
But ain’t no man who could do those kinds of things with his tongue got any business being shy.
And Gale knew John wanted it, wanted him, just as badly. He caught the heated looks; heard the aborted gasps when Gale did something - anything - that showed off his physique (and his brain, he’d later discover). Christ, he felt it every time he woke up before John in the morning.
But it didn’t seem fair to always leave it to John. John had done the bulk of the legwork throughout their whole relationship, even before they finally figured it out. It was Gale’s turn.
So, he started easy.
The next morning that he woke first, the heavy weight of John at his back, he buried his smiling, blushing face in the pillow and rocked back into Bucky’s hardness. He did it harder than he expected, and Bucky woke with a groan pulled from the depths of him and grabbed Gale and pulled.
Gale revelled in his easy and rapid success and coyly teased, “John. You woke me up with that thing.”
And John abruptly released him, full of apologies and sweet kisses to his shoulders before he toddled off to the bathroom, leaving Gale painfully disappointed.
Disappointed, but not deterred. His next idea involved Bucky’s favourite hobby: lookin’ at Buck. There were horses stabled in a field nearby, and Gale had permission from the owners to take them out for some exercise anytime he wanted.
John had never been, but agreed readily enough when Gale asked him to come along.
Gale made sure to wear his tighter pants, and when they got there stripped off his shirt so he was left in only his tank, and mounted a horse called, of all things, Major.
Gale didn't go overboard. He was still workin’ an animal that demanded respect and care. But he made sure to show Bucky the flex of his thighs, the roll of his hips, the strength in him, staying in the saddle when Major wanted to jump.
He got a little lost in it and wasn’t sure how long it had been. But when he looked up, John was gone.
He found him back at the house, stumbling down the stairs red-cheeked, glassy-eyed and a little breathless. And Gale knew. He knew that look; had seen that look so many damn times since they were cadets in basic.
He looked at John with such vicious fury, that he’d gone and done that without him, that John had turned tail and given him a wide berth for the rest of the day.
Gale was going to pull out every damn hair on his head. He’d tried everything he could think of: pressing up against Bucky whenever he moved past; biting his lips like he knew John loved. He even rubbed Coppertone on John’s shoulders and back when he was out doing yard work in the heat one day. But, when Bucky had turned to him and rasped a husky, “Thank you”, Gale got so worried that John was dehydrated, he’d rushed back into the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water and glowered at him until he drank it all, before fetching him another one.
One day, Gale had had enough and decided to take a leaf out of John’s book. He was gonna flirt with that man like he’d seen John do a dozen times before, even if it made him feel like the stupidest man alive.
He allowed himself a small whisky for courage. In return for John dramatically reducing his alcohol intake, Gale sometimes, rarely, let himself indulged and shared a glass with John.
He downed this one in one go and headed into the living room where John was trying to pick a record.
Gale sidled up to him, placed his arms around his waist and said, “Hi darlin’. Can I buy you a drink?”
John’s eyes crinkled, he smiled so wide, and leaned back into Gale's arms. “Oh, I dunno. My ma warned me about guys like you.”
Gale thrummed with excitement that John was playing along, finally, finally getting the damn hint. He let his hands move from John’s hips to the spot on his belly, just above the waistband. His fingers tickled and traced along the hem. “Guys like me?”
“Mhmm. Y’just wanna get me outta my skirt.”
Gale's breath hitched. He moved the palm of one hand to John’s thigh. Heavy and slow, he stroked it up and up, letting John feel the drag of each finger. “I think you’d look good outta your skirt,” he mumbled with a nip to John's ear. He stilled his hand on John’s upper thigh and with one finger, drew a teasing line across the expansive width of it. “Maybe keep the stockings on, though.”
John choked on a laugh, on thrilled disbelief, and Gale grinned into his neck and let John turn in his arms.
And the best part, Gale quickly decided, was that for the first time ever, he managed to make John blush—at the mention of women’s stockings no less, which he had much more experience in than Gale.
Gale rejoiced as John careened forward, tongue slipping straight into Gale’s panting, waiting mouth, and Gale whimpered in the dizzying satisfaction of it as they fucked their tongues into each other and their bodies writhed standing there, in a promise of what was to come.
But then, John pulled away. Gale watched him suck on his own tongue, like he was savouring the taste of something, before clarity and realisation descend over John’s face.
“Ah,” he said. “That make sense.”
Gale frowned, even as John drew him in close and pressed their foreheads together so softly and asked, “Wanna go to bed?”
Gale could have crowed. “Mhmm. Yeah. Yes.”
John brushed a hand through Gale’s hair. “Yeah. Lets get you all tucked in, before you wake up with a sore head.”
Drunk. John thought he was drunk. And rather than giving Gale what he wanted, he was trying to be a gentleman and send him to bed. But Gale was too frustrated to be endeared by the evidence of John’s goodness. Not tonight. No siree.
He almost screamed and threw his hands up in the air. “Goddamn it, John! I’m not drunk!” He even stamped his foot. “I am trying to fuck you!”
John just stood there dumbstruck while Gale raged.
“I have been trying for days! But you, for the first time in your sorry life, have become as dumb as a bag of rocks! How come a girl used to just have to look at'cha long enough and you were all over her, but I try every trick I got and nothing!”
That jolted John out of his Gale-induced stun. “Tricks? What tricks?!”
“Oh I don't know: how about rubbin' against you like a damn bitch in heat the other morning!”
“You said I woke you up! You haven’t been sleeping good!”
“And showing off with the horses—!"
“That was on purpose?! Buck - I left because I got hard watching you! I didn’t want you to think I was some kind of perv! No one should feel like that around an animal!”
“The I rubbed you down with Coppertone?!”
“I was gonna! I got that one and I was gonna, Buck! I swear to God, but then you made me shotgun water and started yellin’ at me about dehydration!”
Gale had worked himself into a fervour and paced the living room, barely looking at John.
“After that first night, you ain’t come near me like that again. And I know I’m hopeless at this kinda thing, and you got a lot more experience than me. But I don’t want it all to be on you. And Christ, John, I was starting to think you didn’t want—what are you doing?!”
John’s shirt was on the floor and he was using one hand to wrestle his undershirt over his head and the other to unbuckle his belt.
Muffled under the fabric of his shirt Gale heard him say, “You said you wanna fuck,” he finally pulled the shirt over his head and his curls sprung free and wild, “we’re gonna fuck.”
Gale stood with hands on his hips, still in his lecture pose. “Right here?”
John lost the belt and went for the buttons on his pants. “Right here.”
Gale drummed his fingers against his hips and stared as John dropped his pants. “Well…that’s, good.”
John snatched Gale by the belt and dragged him him. “Don't be getting shy on me, now.”
And normally that was exactly the kind of thing that would send all of Gale’s bravado running for the hills, but he’d been so desperate for so long that he pounced on John before he even made the conscious decision, and together they undressed him in record time.
John got him on the floor, somehow, and twisted and flipped them so Gale was on top, and Gale looked at him with one eyebrow arched in breathless judgement. “Really?”
John nodded wide-eyed. “Oh, yeah. Really. I’m serious, Buck. I don’t think I can go near those stables with you again. It’s indecent.”
Gale gave an experimental roll of the hips, and when John keened and bucked underneath him, Gale clenched his thighs and drove him down and brought him back under control easy. So he didn’t see that much difference between the skill this would take and what he used to work Major. But still. After what he’d put him through, John didn’t deserve to have it too easy. “Hm, I don’t know. How long you gonna last like this? You got a lot of making up to do.”
And John looked mortally offended, but he’d learned something about Gale through all of this too, and said, “About a long as you will when you see me in those stockings you’ve been fantasizing about.”
And Gale’s hips jerked without his permissions, and things descended beyond the power of words after that.
Later, as they languished on the living room floor with the throw from the couch tossed over them to ward of the evening chill, John turned to him and said, delighted, “You could just ask me to fuck you, you know. Ever thought of that?”
And Gale smirked and nipped at the finger tracing his cheek. “Don't count on it.”
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n3ptoonz · 8 months
Hello! I saw your most recent headcanon list thing with the Earthrealm guys being caught Slonking it Silly Style™ and uh. I was just wondering if you'd be willing to do something similar with the Outworld guys as well? Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to, but I think it would be neat! Thank you so much in advance! I love your work :)
deep, dramatic sigh. (kidding anon tysm i gush over comments like this ily smoochhhh) also the terminology made me laugh out loud ty for that
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Shang Tsung
kinda sorta didn't gaf. who's to say he didn't want you to hear him. the world may never know
you were to report to him about some findings for his experiments and there he was, leaning over the table and straight up cranking it over a bucket (he's odd like that) honestly when you acknowledge your own presence he's like... can i help you?? you see i'm busy???
but at the same time he's like hold up i have a fine specimen here to help me out here...he's leaving here with SOMETHING (studio laughter)
i don't think he'd care either if you walked in on him. in fact, he might welcome it. he's used to having his own space, but he doesn't mind sharing it with people he's ok with being around. yes that includes you (is it only you? not even he knows yet)
day 8163 of using Rain's arrogance to push my narrative that he's not only in love with himself but how he looks in the mirror. you definitely walked in on him wanking it in the mirror and he'd freeze but recover so quick
ain't no way you're leaving here after you just caught him though. how else will his problems get solved? you went and made him hard all over again!
syzoth has two, let's get that out the way. AND he uses both hands for them LMAOO
president of syzoth is a lil subby bitch society. so when you catch him tugging on both and reduced to a pathetic mess from his own hands??? he's frozen and quite literally has no clue what to do. he's sweaty, there's tears in his eyes, and his fangs are much more pronounced than usual
once you give him the green light that you're into whatever tf he was just doing watch him crawl over to you on all fours and hug your legs, practically begging you to touch him
expect this smug fuck to claim he wanted this to happen. dude was hunched over and going at it behind his own desk, grunting like a cave man who discovered self pleasure for the first time
1000% expect him to demand you help him, but instead it's after he froze for like 5 seconds and then tried to play it off
he would also be internally shocked when agree to finish the job, but on the outside it's like "that's what i thought...now get over here" whole time he's jumping up and down and twirling in his brain
it's already rare that he has time to himself and definitely RARELY has time to be with you for an extended period of time, so you catching him when you wanted to surprise him with your presence it triggered his fight or fight LMAO
legit laughed at the thought of him jumping up from his chair hands ready to be thrown...but his dick is swinging PLSSSSSS
he's like well shit now he deserves your help after you almost got two pieced by your own boyfriend...but who's complaining?!
General Shao
this man weirdly reminds me of bowser sometimes. with that being said i think he'd do a BUAHA as a shocked sound when you catch him thwoping the schlong
as much as i can't fucking stand him he does look a lil better in this game i will admit. i'm not gonna sit up here and lie, he def has a HUGE wanker innit. so you didn't miss shit when you walked into his chambers
he would also demand your help. but if you have a lil push back just for fun, he'd eventually say please and be all soft and shit. why? cause it's you god damn it!
let's be fr. truly i do not think mk1 baraka would masterbate simply bc he's like depressed all the time😭but for the sake of shits and gigs, ill humor y'all
let's say he hasn't seen you in a while and misses you dearly. he knew you were on a quest for a while, and he was very pent up... so what better way to release stress other than sparring! oh. not enough? time for another type spar 😈
if this were old baraka i'd say he has two 👁️ but since this version of tarkat is a disease let's say it made the skin around his wee like ribbed or something ya SO when you caught him he was in a straight up panic and apologizing profusely but once you calm him down and tell him you're glad he missed you so much, he's like oh shit...well help me out then...only if you want to!
a/n: i did it y'all FUCK. my bad for taking so long to release this i'm a perfectionist to a fault💀
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strongheartneteyam · 7 months
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I wet you like water but she stained you like blood.
Chapter 4
Pairing: widowed!dilf!Jake Sully x younger!female!human reader
CW: jealous-in-an-unhealthy-way-Jake, Jake and y/n verbally fight because of complicated feelings, angst!!, heated make out session, possessive Jake, TRIGGER WARNING for Jake being toxic and unreasonable, Jake apologizes afterwards bc he's good after all, Daddy kink (nothing explicit but still the kink is there)
So… after this fic being on an incredibly long hiatus, I'm back with another chapter. I had this in my Google Docs for way too long but I was not sure if I wanted the story to go this way but I guess I do. I'm extremely insecure about this chapter, so, please, leave me your opinion about it. Love you guys <3
Not proofread. I'm sick n sleepy. Sorry :(
Chapter 3 𓆩♡𓆪
You know I'm good at keeping secrets, you know that you're my weakness and I'll always repeat it
If I could hold onto the feeling back before your words lost their meaning
There's no need for apologies 'cause, honestly, fuck your honesty, I'm done
Think you like the insanity
I'm the casualty of your dreams 'cause I'm not the one
casualty of your dreams (Maggie Lindemann)
Rumor had it there was a human girl that worked in the lab being all lovey-dovey with an Omatikaya young guy. They had gotten it from the fact that you were just talking to and smiling at an Omatikaya male you had met in one of your walks in the woods to collect samples. You had just found out the na'vi could be as fond of gossiping as humans… Great. As the word runs fast as the wind on the Pandora planet, three days after you finally see Jake again. He had been gone for 3 whole days, not even paying a quick visit to the lab to see you for some minutes, really early in the morning, - like he always used to do - when he was already awake to do some Olo'eyktan tasks and you were up with your face buried in science books about extraterrestrial flowers and herbs, a cup of hot black coffee on the table, right next to your hand for easy access, as you survived only because of the caffeine, having to wake up so early almost every day. Sometimes being a xenobotanist truly sucked... 
"Who's that Omatikaya boy you were seen with? People are saying you were all over each other." Jake spit, rage and jealousy burning his insides, bursting like a bomb inside of the cold, filled with cold air coming from the air conditioner room you were in, sitting down, taking notes with an electronic pen in your tablet about the herb samples you were conducting a research about.
There were microscopes, high tech computers, Pandoran plants samples and xenobiology books all around. 
"What?!" You said, startled by his sudden, noisy appearance.
"Don't pretend you have no clue! You were there, y/n." Jake says, a cold smirk filled with anger adorning his face, the feeling of his heart being crashed and bruised even stronger than when he first heard the news harassing him
"What the hell, Jake?!" You say loudly, mad at him "why are you being so rude to me?!" Your heart was beating fast inside your chest cavity. You couldn't believe Jake was treating you that way. "Why did you burst into the room like that, without even knocking on the door, like you usually do?! You scared the shit out of me!"
"Won't you just answer my question already?!" Jake said, in a cutting tone
That was the last straw. You had enough.
You swiftly stood up from the high chair you were sitting on and came closer to Jake, looking up at his usually yellow bright eyes that were now tainted with a dark atmosphere, like a rainy grey cloud was around him, his 9 feet something frame towering over you, but you were so damn angry that you didn't feel a single bit of fear, even knowing he was incredibly mad and seemed out his damn mind and you knew that he could even kill you so goddamn easily if he wanted to. Not that you thought he did. You could never see Jake doing something so horrible, especially to you. It was just a fact: he was ridiculously stronger than you. His height and his muscles, plus the fact he had military training and so much experience at war, making him a dangerous adversary right now. You thanked any Higher Force that existed in the Universe that you were sure and confident Jake would never hurt you physically.
But he was hurting you in another way, a very detrimental one: he was hurting your feelings. Hurting your feelings good.
"No, Jake Sully. I won't answer you until you stop being such a goddamn jerk." You said, a serious, stern expression in your heated with anger face as you stared at his eyes
He looked you dead in the eyes and breathed heavy though his nose, supporting his back against the wall, his body inclined back, his huge toned but a little fleshy arms crossed in front of his chest. He calmed down a little and was waiting for you to talk.
"Thank you!" You spit, rolling your eyes at him "I was, yes, talking to an Omatikaya boy. But that was all. He was really nice and we were just having a good time. Nothing happened. I even told him that I had someone. Didn't say who it was, though. I don't know if he was interested in me. I'm not that good at noticing these things."
"Hah, so he was flirting with you! I knew it!!" Jake was lost in his jealousy. You didn't recognize the man in front of you
"Jake!! Are we gonna do this all over again?!" You were getting way too mad at his attitude 
Jake tilted his head to the side, furrowed his lips, eyes on yours, scorching your very soul.
"Why can't I be mad? He was messing with what's mine." He stated, fierce.
"Ahaha" You laughed sarcastically
"Unbelievable…" You thought
"So, you don't make our relationship official, you don't let your family or anyone in Pandora know, everybody thinks you just like to talk to me about sciencey stuff, Norm might be the only one that suspects of something, in my opinion , but he minds his own business and respects our friendship - with me and with you - way too much to go around gossiping to people about the fact you always come way too often to the lab and spends a lot of time alone in rooms with me, and you have the audacity of acting like a mad man when an Omatikaya guy, who has no damn clue you're dating me, seems interested in me?! Is that the way you're gonna act, Sully?! Really?!"
Jake still stared at you, angered.
"Yes." He said, in a low, calm tone. But you could feel his cold demeanor coming towards you. He was still angry and still though he was right.
You chuckled faintly, your face tainted with disbelief "Manchild." You said, looking into his eyes.
Jake sighed heavily, spent some seconds with his head down, seeming to be thinking about something and then, he came closer to you, his eyes softer this time, that anger flying away slowly.  
"I'm sorry. You're right. I'm being childish. I'm way older than you are. I should be the mature one here."
You looked at him, eyes still distrustful, but you gave in and calmed your nerves down too.
Jake looked at you with puppy adorable eyes, the way he used to look at Neytiri when they were young. Even after so many years, he still had that cute look in his eyes when he was sorry, or pleading for something or when he just wanted to show his true feelings to someone he had romantic feelings for. He wasn't the romantic type, but he showed his love through actions, through acts of service, quality time, physical touch, and, through looking at the person he loved - in this case, "the person he liked", you thought - that way. His eyes said everything his mouth couldn't say.
"Please, forgive me, baby. I didn't mean to hurt you this much. I was foolish, I was letting my heart guide me. That's not good, sometimes." He sighed, upset with himself "it's just that... you mean so much to me. I don't wanna lose you to someone else. Someone younger, who doesn't have a whole lot of baggage like I do, someone who can make you happier than I can."
You breathed through your nose, your chest felt tight, filled with anxiety and tension
"You will never lose me, Jake. Never. Don't worry about it." You looked at his pleading amber eyes, forgiving him "My heart is yours. You're always there. Everywhere I look, you're there. I listen to love songs from Earth thinking about you. Why are you so insecure?"
"No reason... I just... You're so precious to me. I need you so much. So much."
You gazed into his eyes, started to tip toe, trying to reach his mouth. It was stupid, you knew the height difference wouldn't let that happen, but, you were following your instinct to physically show him how much you loved him. That you were his and never wished to belong to anybody else.
Jake noticed what you wanted to do and took you in his arms, sweeping you off your feet, his arms beneath your thighs and initiated the kiss himself. Jake held onto your thighs tightly and strongly. He kissed you like a starving man finally getting some food. His tongue wildly touching yours, licking it, sucking on it. His lips bruising yours, leaving your mouth reddened afterwards.
His big blue hands moved from your thighs to hold onto your butt, carefully to not let you fall from his arms, as you were up in the air and could get hurt if you fell.
"Nobody can touch you. Or kiss you. Or fuck you. Only I can. Do you understand, sweetheart?" Jake spoke, almost whispering, out of breath because of the heated kiss
"Yes, Daddy." 
"Good girl. My good girl. Only mine." Jake praised you
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little-worm-grant · 8 months
Jake's pov: Uncomplicated
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Jake Lockley x You (Fem!Reader)
2,400 words / 18+ only, no minors
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Deep down you knew Jake wouldn’t be calling if he didn’t think he needed you. Or maybe that’s what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.
Warnings: No smut, reader tending to Jake's injuries.
Notes: Couldn't get this gif out of my head, so I wrote something inspired by it. Don't ask me what this nonsense is. It's Jake being Jake.
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A phone call woke you up. Come pick him up, he’d said. Knowing exactly which asshole would be calling you to ask that. Very little else could be said before the line was ended. A second later, the location buzzed for you to follow.
You could have said no. Should have told him to fuck off calling you at this time. Sometimes you thought he did it on purpose, just to press your buttons. Deep down you knew Jake wouldn’t be calling if he didn’t think he needed you. Or maybe that’s what you told yourself to make it more tolerable to be out of your warm bed at this hour.
So you went.
You threw on a few layers and left to go pick him up. Silently cursing him all the while. Nights were cold and you weren’t functioning on enough hours of sleep to be doing this shit. At least it wasn’t all the time, but still. You’d prefer he called you at a reasonable hour. Jake didn’t seem to know what reasonable meant.
Ended up in some industrial area. Stopping to recheck the location on your phone. Didn’t seem like the right place. Movement caught your eyes. You look back up to find him staggering in his walk towards you. A sombrero on his head. The black bomber jacket open gave him little protection. No buttoned shirt, leaving his chest bare and exposed to the elements. Hand bandaged and bloody. He looked beat up or drunk, more likely both. All in all, he looked rather pleased with himself getting into your car.
Ducking his head to not lose the hat. He stunk of beer and cigarettes. You wrinkled your nose as it invaded your senses the closer he got. Waiting for him to shut the door. Didn’t bother to ask him to put his seatbelt on. More stubborn than a damn toddler, this one. It’d be his own fault if he bonked his head. Might finally knock some sense into him.
You pull away from the warehouse to drive him back home. Taking one last glance to see if you could spot anything out of the ordinary about of the place. Any clue as to why Jake came out looking the way that he did. Definitely a story there. Jake was already messing with the radio, getting the station he loved on. You turn it down to talk.
“Had a good night?”
He hummed at first, before saying, “Si señora.”
“What’s the emergency?”
“Sin emergencia. I needed a lift and I got one.”
Jake carefully plucked a bent hand-rolled cigarette out from his pocket. Straightening it between his fingers shaken fingers before catching it in his lips and searching for the lighter. Noticed the way he only used three fingers on his left hand. The other two wrapped haphazardly. Electrical tape somehow holding it together. His face cut up but no longer bleeding. A line of dirt and blood streaked down from the bridge of his nose.
“It was a party then?”
You didn’t even try to sound like you were convinced. Jake chuckled and blew out a plume of smoke. Shifting to open his window a crack.
“You could say that.”
Your hands shift on the steering wheel. Annoyed by that. You’d dealt with it with one being all cagey and now you had to deal with another. You wished they’d be more like Steven sometimes. Honest. Open. Not so headstrong and stubborn. Still though, they were equally as beautiful and handsome in their own ways, the bastards.
“I could ignore your call next time. Or stop the car right now and kick you out.” You threaten. “Start talking.”
“And risk your precious boys? Or you gonna make me beg again? Tu cabeza está en la luna.”
“They wouldn’t be this stupid.”
“Ha! You sure about that, chica?” Jake laughed to himself, “Steven cries in the shower if he thinks too long about sea turtles.”
You roll your eyes but he continues, “Marc threatened to throw Steven off a cliff for kissing you. Not so smart, your boys.”
“You’re one of them.” You bite back.
That seemed to give him pause. Another exhale of smoke as he regarded you more closely. You kept your focus on the quieter dark roads, seeing him in your peripheral was enough to put you on edge under his scrutinizing gaze. Passing under lights illuminated that stare. Like he’d make a meal out of you if he could.
You eventually break the silence between you two.
“So what’s with the hat?”
“Lost my hat. Needed a new one.”
“And your shirt?”
“Ah, that too. Needed it for my hand. Couldn’t find a new one of those.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing your nose needs to know.”
“It does if I’m going to patch you up.”
“You once told me to kill them with kindness. But I found their gun instead. That’s all.”
You sigh. Loudly.
“What the fuck am I going to do with you?”
“Anything you fucking want, mi mariquita.” He met your same tone with a rueful smile. Flicking the end of his cigarette outside.
You noticed how he’d gotten ash all over the glass and in the car. Another thing you can be annoyed about, later, once he’d sobered up. Right now you weren’t speaking to him or entertaining his flirtations.
You pulled through one of the drive-thru’s you knew would still be open at this hour. Tossing a couple of burgers over to Jake. His happy noise directed more at the burgers than at you. It was either he eat now or he’d be rampaging through the kitchen once he got home. You'd be hearing all about it from Steven the next day. Wanted to save the other from the hassle.
“You’re too kind. Maybe I should be nicer to you.” He said through a mouthful. Head bouncing along to the tune of the radio. Some sort of happy little dance while he ate. Never could resist bouncing a leg or his head to something in particular he liked.
“Yeah, yeah. Saying and doing are two separate things.” You half smile, glancing to him before heading home. He was still stuffing the last of his burger into his mouth by the time you parked up on the streets outside his apartment. Jake rubbed his hands on his pants, angling the one hand carefully to avoid snagging his makeshift bandage.
“And this where I kiss you goodnight? I enjoyed our little ride. Shame it couldn’t be longer.”
“No, idiot, this is where we go up together and get you cleaned up.”
“Didn’t think you were serious. Do I have to say please?”
“Only if you know what’s good for you.”
He laughed and you left the car to go to his apartment. Jake sauntered up behind you. Hands into his jacket pockets. Curled in on himself like an animal ready to pounce. You folded your arms and gave him a look in the elevator as he pushed for his floor and then proceeded to push the buttons for every other floor after.
To his credit, he didn’t pounce on you. Kept some distance. Leaned his back against the elevator wall. Some of that smugness gone and he did look like he was in some discomfort. His good hand readjusted the sombrero when he caught you looking. His hands patted down his other pockets and began to pull a gun out.
“Oh, there’s the bad man’s~”
“Jake!” You bark, hand snapping to his wrist to stuff the weapon back into his pocket. No cameras or people around but he had evidence on him you’d really rather he didn’t.
“Why do you still have that? I swear to god.”
“Don’t bother, most of them are assholes.” A sharpness in his tone he didn’t have before. He smiled hazily. “They abandoned us long ago.”
“Starting to sound like Marc.” You roll your eyes.
“Nah. He still believes. Little by little. More every day now that you’re around. He lingers about when Steven practices.”
“And why don’t you?”
“Why would I? Only one I’d want to pray to is you.”
That shut you up and gave you pause. You’d fallen for that one. Jake snickering let you know he knew it too. He was being an ass again.
The elevator stopped clunkily to his floor and he led the way. You go to reach out to stop him from bouncing off someone’s door but Jake’s able to catch his own unsteady balance. Making it to his own door, somehow. He lets you both in.
“Mi casa es su casa.” He waves his good hand lazily.
You nudge your hand into his back to push him towards the bathroom.
“You see Steven got Marc a fish? I didn’t get a fish.”
“You’d probably eat it.”
He laughed. A real deep wheeze from the chest.
“That’s exactly what I said when Steven brought up the idea. Got banned from going near them. I like the fishes. I have no beef with them.”
“Would you want a fish?”
A pause. “Nah. That’s their thing. Not mine. They won't let me decorate unless it's some more dorky nerd shit.”
While you both talked. You’d gotten Jake on the edge of the tub with his bandaged hand over the sink. Peeling away the electrical tape slowly. Jake winced.
“Sorry.” You say. He shakes his head but doesn’t respond.
Unwrapping the torn shirt from his fingers you see there’s darker blood and a nice gash at the palm. Dirtied and mangled. You turn on the cold tap and take his hand under the water. Flushing out dirt and dried blood. Stretching out the fingers to manipulate and feel for any breaks or damage to the nerves. Moving your fingers away to see if he could move them himself.
If it’s not Jake getting battered it was one of the others some other way. Steven while cooking or Marc when he got too rough playfighting with you. You use the bottle of disinfectant he kept out. To the sting, Jake growls like you were testing his patience, a scowl setting on his face.
“Quit being a baby. I need to clean it.” You protest back at him. Tossing him a scowl of your own. You could've been nice and warm in your own bed right now, not dealing with his bullshit. “You and your dumb hat.”
“My sombrero isn’t dumb. You take that back.”
“Always so mean to me, princesa. Keep that up and I might just fall in love with you.” A playful pout you’d love to just kiss off his stupid face. He only ever used love like a threat, so you didn’t take it to heart.
You ignore him again. Pulling the medical kit out you used what little counter space you had, you open it up and pull out the supplies you’re going to need. Threading up the needle, Jake kept his bleeding hand still over the sink while he watched you. Wasn’t the first time you’d patched him up, knew it wouldn’t be the last either.
“Why were you out again? You don’t need to do that anymore.” You finally ask. Jake made a reluctant noise in his throat.
“I do. It was for a friend.”
“Does it matter? They needed me to do a thing and I did the thing.”
“You don’t have to do everything someone asks.”
“No. But I want to. Makes me… useful. The world doesn’t stop spinning just because we do.”
Jake doesn’t look away when you begin stitching him up. Didn’t take many stitches. Soon you were wrapping it in a cleaner bandage. Letting him pull his hand away to inspect the wrapping.
“Stay tonight.” He says. Not asking. You shake your head.
“You’re still drunk. No.”
“I’ll take the couch. You can have your way with his pillow.”
That caused you to scoff and go to leave. His good hand reached to catch yours. Tugging you, guiding between his thighs to enclose them around your legs. In retaliation, you smack the hat off his head, it hits against his back, the string around it going up against his neck. His chin pressed up against you as he looked up at you. A different look in his face this time, making you pause. One unlike any you’ve seen before. No. That’s not right. You’ve seen this look before, on the others, sure, but not on him. You steady yourself against him. His voice dropped an octave lower.
“I don’t want to be by myself tonight. Please?”
“Well be nice then.”
That stupid smile was back.
“I can’t promise that.”
“I’ll think about it. Stay still.”
You go for a cotton swab and dowse it in disinfectant. Wiping at the injuries on his face. Checking over the forming bruises. Fingers checking his nose wasn’t too fucked. Another noise of a groan from Jake. The cut on it wasn’t too bad once it was cleaned. You placed a plaster over his nose for good measure. He smiled lazily up at you. Arm wrapping around your waist to hold you.
“Did you think of your answer yet?”
“Yeah. I decided you’re getting the bed and I’m getting the couch. You need your rest.”
“No, no, no. No. That’s not how this works, chica. I get the couch. You get the bed.”
“I’ll just go home then.”
“Ayúdame. Anyone ever told you you’re so stubborn?”
“Anyone ever told that to you? Also, get rid of the gun. Don't let the others find it.”
He chuckled and shifted his head to press his cheek against you. Taking in a long unsteady inhale. Probably thinking of ways he could get his cake and eat it too. To your surprise, he relents.
“If it gets you to stay, I‘ll take the bed.” You feel him playfully bite into your side, hard enough to hurt. Causing you to make a noise and squirm away, smacking at his good shoulder. A pained laugh comes out from Jake.
“You’re an asshole.”
“And you love me.”
You didn’t have anything to say back to that. Damn him.
Come morning, you’d wake up to Steven complaining how sore he felt all over. How he’d found a gun inside his fish tank. Also, why were you wearing a sombrero? What on earth happened last night?
Only the fishes would say.
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Babey Zandy not knowing fragile reader is so precious.
He hears all about this mysterious person that all of his older versions adore, but he has no clue what they are going on about. He tends to avoid the mystery person's room to avoid tripping on something, so he's never seen them. He's never heard their voice. What's so great about some sleeping grown up?
But then he sees them. The one time he's allowed to go into the room, he's instantly starstruck. He's reminded of the fairytale he'd read about a royal that was cursed to sleep for a thousand years, and he figures that this person was what that royal must have looked like.
A few of the segments chuckle at the reaction the child has. Wide eyes, slack jaw, it's cute. But then Zandy turns and asks,
"This is who we marry when we grow up? Did we finally do something good?"
The segments collectively think that no, they hadn't done anything good. Not enough to deserve their lover, anyway. But the sleeping beauty still chose to love them. That was more than enough for the blue haired maniacs.
Little Zandy tends to be left out of the loop quite often. It's due to various reasons - the older segments not wanting to have to deal with him, or having to take the time to explain, or perhaps the topic matter isn't very kid-friendly (considering the kind of work they do). So, the little one is used to finding out things after the fact, unfortunately. You happen to be one of these topics.
What really interests Zandy is how the segments say your name. The boy is used to hearing them speak about others in contempt (that damn Regrator, wicked Damslette) or with no regard/care at all (test subjects) but you? You don't get either of those. Rather, you get your name spoken with affection. Like how his parents spoke to each other (only that he wasn't afforded that same treatment). So naturally he's intrigued, but confused. You've been sleeping for so long! How could someone who's sleeping be interesting? You can't even talk! But it seems that the segments don't mind, although they are quite sad, they're willing to wait, which is strange. And Prime is willing to talk enough for the two of you. Zandy hears him from the room sometimes. Still, the boy fails to understand what sort of appeal you have. But he is a curious one, so he begs and begs to be able to see you. And when he does, well, everything makes sense.
You're just so pretty! Right of out a fairytale! He can't help but run up to you and hold your hand, in awe. And though normally the segments would scold him for "getting in their way" but they don't this time. Because even though the brat can be annoying his reaction is rather amusing. And they don't want to raise their voices in your presence.
I imagine, when you do finally wake up, he begs for you to read that story for him 😭💗 he definitely reads the voice for the prince that saves the sleeping royal (you) and beats up the bad guys (celestia) 🥺
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zeruby16 · 9 months
extra credit- kim jiwoong
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18+ MDNI
genre: smut, fluff, romance
summary: when you're in dire need of extra credit after butchering your classical literature paper, you ask your class ta, jiwoong, for help.
word count: 3.3 k
warnings: afab! reader, dom jiwoong; usage of pet names (sweetheart, angel, good girl); cursing; oral sex (giving); fingering; penetration; protected sex (always use protection); slightest degradation kink; slight sir kink; slight exhibitionism; please let me know if i missed any!
notes: um..hey y'all so i'm back. trust me when i say this took me like three months to write because being in school made me so uninspired😭 i had major writers block and still do, but my bestie motivated me to finish this. anyways, i have not grammer checked this at all, so please spare me. i hope you all enjoy and i'll try to write more if i can!
you hated the word validation, yet it’s all you’ve ever wanted.
in school, at home, with your friends, you craved hearing people compliment your hard work. 
it made you feel like you were in ecstasy.
so you’d be damned if you got a b in classical literature. it would ruin your perfect gpa, your reputation with your experienced professors, and your sanity.
you needed an a. you were going to get that a.
your main obstacle was an analysis paper on pride and prejudice. 
pride and prejudice for god’s sake.
everything would’ve been fine if jane austen wrote in understandable sentences, but here you were struggling to comprehend how the hell elizabeth fell for mr. darcy. 
the paper was due today and you submitted whatever you could online, but you remembered your professor’s words.
“every project will be graded by me, every paper will be graded by your teacher’s assistant, kim jiwoong.”
kim jiwoong was well-known throughout your university. he was a graduate student who helped out all of his previous professors. it was very noble of him.
he was also the most beautiful man to exist. any girl dropped at his sight, including you.
you were already familiar with jiwoong.
since his previous professors were in the same major as yours, you already had him as a ta for another class.
the other class, the english renaissance, was the worst class you’ve taken. 
you had done perfectly well on every assignment, but then your final happened to be cumulative and you could not remember an ounce of anything pertaining to shakespeare. 
you caved and confided in jiwoong as you always struggled with cumulative finals. then, you scored a 96 on the final.
half of it was on shakespeare. you should’ve failed, but you always got an a.
you knocked on the door twice before waiting for his response.
“come in!”
once you opened the door, you were met with his focused eyes. 
jiwoong was one of the nicest people you knew. he helped anyone who struggled left and right. he even offered tutoring to the students who couldn’t comprehend what went on in lecture.
you had no doubt that he was probably reviewing someone’s paper right now, so they could submit a better product. 
“what can i do for you y/n?” you noticed the slight change in his posture, he had to have a clue as to what you were planning.
“i submitted my analysis paper, but i wanted to stop by and mention how i didn’t comprehend anything from the book,” your eyes contained a hint of dejection. 
“i can’t do anything about it, you already submitted it,” he sternly said, you could see his hand gripping the pen he was using harder.
“i know, but i wanted to apologize beforehand. austen’s works are complex and i read the book three times, but i couldn’t conjure anything in the paper,”
“i tried jiwoong, for weeks, but nothing.”
he sighed while leaning back on his chair. it was working.
“you never struggle with papers,” he mentioned suspiciously.
“sometimes i do, it’s rare though. i’ve only ever struggled once throughout college,” you emphasized. 
“what are you trying at y/n?”
“i was just wondering if there was an opportunity for extra credit,” you innocently asked. you wanted him to give in. you needed him to give in.
he pushes back his hair in distress, while staring you up and down. he may have only dealt with you once, but he knew your ruse.
“you know how wrong this is,”
“jiwoong, i am an adult, you’re an adult. there is absolutely nothing stopping us,” you moved closer to his desk, leaning on it while placing your arms down.
“my integrity will,” you chuckled.
you neared his face as you whispered in his ear, “it hasn’t stopped you before.”
“god the things you make me feel,” he muttered under his breath. you moved away from him, enjoying the teasing.
you walked backward toward the door silently begging for him to stand up. to come rush by your side and help you.
you were in dire need of his assistance.
“do you know how hard it is to see you in class?” he started, standing slowly from his chair.
“to see you laughing with those idiotic boys? to see them staring at you like they have a chance?”
jiwoong makes his way towards you, backing you into the door.
“i’m only having fun,” 
“they can’t handle you y/n. you’re the smartest one in your batch and your beauty is unmatched. they don’t stand a chance,”
“and you do?” you taunted, finding his eyes and then his lips.
his hands made their way to your waist, pinning it against the door. you couldn’t help but let out a small grin at your silent victory.
“of course i do sweetheart, i’m the only one who’s made you scream,” you felt your legs give up on you as his words went straight to your core.
“i’m the only one who’s heard your beautiful moans and small whimpers while you lose yourself on my cock,” his fingers graced your breasts under your shirt.
his touch was cool, but all it made you do was burn. 
you closed your eyes in delight. you forgot how deliberating jiwoong made you feel. it was why you longed for him so much after he helped you the first time.
“what happened? cat caught your tongue?” he smirked seeing you shiver under his touch.
“you act all high and mighty when we both know how easily i can change that.”
“prove it then,” you blurted, wanting to feel his everything and needing him desperately.
“i need you to say it louder sweetheart,” he caressed your face, pulling you closer to him.
“prove it,” you spoke and his lips took yours. he kissed you like you had been apart from years. 
his hands bunched up the skirt you were wearing and he slightly lifted, pausing the kiss to see the view before meeting your lips again.
“you got soaked at the thought of you taking me?” he teased, your face flushed red, avoiding his eyes.
“look at me princess,” his hand forced you to meet his eyes. he was anticipating your answer. 
“did you? did you fantasize about me?” 
you whimpered under his touch, feeling utterly embarrassed at his words, yet you wanted more.
“yes sir, i thought of you,”
“no wonder you couldn’t write your damn paper, you were too busy thinking about getting fucked.”
jiwoong tightened the hold on your waist and guided you towards his desk, stopping when you sat yourself on top of it. 
he pulled away from your lips as he quickly discarded your shirt somewhere in the office. you tossed your bra somewhere, signaling how you wanted his kiss everywhere.
he proceeded to ravish your chest, bruising you as much as he could. it was as if he wanted to prove to others how he was the only one who deserved you.
you started to feel his body under his shirt, while pulling on his hair every so often, earning grunts from him.
annoyed by his shirt, jiwoong lifts it off of himself and leans further towards you, deepening the kiss.
your hands started to reach for his cock, caressing it over his pants. you needed him more than ever.
his brows furrowed at your movements and you unzipped his pants, feeling him closer. he lets you do as you please as you pull down his pants, his boxers joining them.
seeing the hardened member, you immediately stroke it a few times before coating your hand in spit and proceeding to repeat your motions.
“god how are you so good at this?” jiwoong grunted while placing his forehead on yours.
you let go of his member and stood up, grabbing his arms in place and sitting him down on the desk instead. your knees met the carpet and you took him into mouth.
you stopped for a moment to respond to him, “i’m a hands-on learner.”
he lightly moans at your words, recalling how the last time you two were in this position he was guiding you.
in satisfaction, you continued bobbing your mouth up and down his hard-on. you took the time to tease his slit that was already coated with precum and use your hands, slightly squeezing his member. 
he grabbed your hair, somewhat forcing you to quicken your pace. drool had started to spill from your mouth and you looked up at jiwoong, seeing him in absolute bliss.
“my good girl, you’re doing so well,” he cooed.
his words went straight to your core and you felt the need to please him more.
once you felt his hold on your tighten, you knew he was close to cumming. you quickened your pace while his cock started to hit the back of your throat.
his grunts were more vocal and he moaned as his cum spilled into your mouth.
you took everything into your mouth and finished off with a ‘pop’ once you were finished, smiling at him afterwards.
“you’ll be the death of me,” he commented before lifting your body up and holding it as your legs felt like jelly.
“did i do good?” you asked expectantly, jiwoong released a sigh before taking your lips.
“you did amazing, sweetheart, but i think i need a little more for you to get an a,” he chuckled.
“i’m all yours jiwoong, take me.”
he smirked at your words and made his way back to his chair. once he sat, he patted his legs.
“come here sweetheart, we’re going to grade your paper together,” your eyes sparkled at the thought and you walked and sat yourself on his lap, facing the computer.
you shivered as you felt his warm member under you, but he stayed still. once he found your paper among many of the others, he clicked on it and placed his hands on your thighs.
the paper came up and you reread the words, remembering every line that you wrote. you were so focused on reanalysing your paper, that you failed to realize how jiwoong was starting to tease your bundle of nerves.
you let out a small gasp as his finger grazed your core, teasing you every now and then as you grabbed the desk for support.
“let’s see how you did angel,” he says into your ear as he inserts a finger inside of you. 
you placed your head on his shoulder for support and he fastens the pace, while reading your paper.
“eyes on the screen, i already found a mistake,” he forces you to look at your paper highlighting the mistakes. meanwhile, he plunges another finger inside of you.
“you contradicted yourself here, how can darcy be chivalrous once sentence and then an ass in the next,” 
you left his question unanswered, letting the ecstasy you were feeling sink in until his fingers stopped.
“i asked you a question,”
“uhm,” you swallowed, “i don’t know.”
jiwoong chuckled, “you don’t know? this is your paper sweetheart, minus two points.”
you quipped your heads towards him, realizing how he was genuinely grading your paper and begging for him to take it back.
“you want extra credit you have to deserve it, you’re going to explain each mistake you made for me,”
“no buts, you asked for this. now, why did you contradict yourself?”
you sighed, silently admitting defeat.
“darcy did everything the way he was suppose to, making himself a perfect suitor in a way, but he completely disregarded elizabeth’s feelings the entire time and decided to act purely for his own interests,”
you could feel jiwoong’s smile as his fingers started to continuously pleasure you. you moaned in relief as jiwoong continued to read the paper.
he tsked, but his fingers maintained their pace.
“and here, you really think elizabeth revealed jane’s and bingley’s possible engagement out of jealousy?”
you shut your eyes slightly annoyed, but answered nonetheless wanting his fingers to fill you.
“not out of jealousy-” you whimpered as he fastened the pace of his fingers, teasing you endlessly.
“out of spite, she only mentioned the couple because she knew it would garner a reaction from darcy,” you somehow let out.
with a hum of satisfaction you assume, jiwoong places his eyes on your paper once again. you rejoice looking at the screen because the paper was nearly done being read.
jiwoong takes his time using his fingers to tease you mercilessly, all while forcing you to maintain your composure.
you begin to feel a haze as you feel a knot in your stomach.
“not yet angel, i’m not done grading.”
your moans grew louder, feeling your climax closer and closer. your eyes looked at his concentrated face as he read and read.
it felt like a decade and you couldn’t handle it.
“jiwoong please,” you begged, not caring about your shame anymore.
you came here for him, the a was just an excuse.
“why do you think elizabeth accepted darcy’s proposal?” 
“are you serious?”
“she was desperate for marriage,” you rushed out, starting to lose any complete thought.
“do you think she was as desperate as you are right now?” he said lowly, never wavering the pace of his fingers and reaching your spot.
“i don’t know,” you whimpered.
“what was that?”
“i don’t know!”
“but you know everything sweetheart don’t you? that’s why you think you deserve an a,”
“jiwoong, i’m so close,” you completely pressed your body towards his desk, trying to restrain yourself from touching him.
“i know, which is why i’m not allowing you to cum,” he announced.
you turned to him astonished as he took his fingers out of you and innocently licked your juices from them.
“the paper could’ve been better, i thought you read the book three times?”
“i did,” you nearly sobbed.
“well that didn’t reflect in the paper, so now you have to earn your grade and your right to cum,”
“how?” you immediately quipped, willing to do anything for the man.
“you can start by placing yourself on the desk, ass up,” your body immediately follows through and you stand up with your hands on the desk while facing the door.
you hear rustling of the cabinets behind you as jiwoong finds a condom and he grabs a hold of your waist.
“remember angel, try not to be too loud. everyone is grading,” you nodded understandingly, whimpering as you felt jiwoong slowly entering you.
“god princess, it was like you were waiting for me,” he groaned, waiting for your signal to go as your walls clenched around him.
when you placed your elbows on the desk, positioning yourself in a more pleasurable way, jiwoong took it as a sign to go on.
his pace started slowly, while you moaned under your breath feeling him everywhere. 
“jiwoong,” you moaned while he quickened his pace. although he tried to conceal them, his groans were slowly becoming louder.
“yes sweetheart?”
“more,” you begged, wanting more pleasure, more of his touch, and more of his everything.
“your wish is my command,” he said, bucking his hips towards yours rapidly while using one of the hands that was on your waist to tease your clit.
you let out a moan as he continuously hit your pleasure spot with a steady face. with his other free hand, he grabbed your hair loosely, pulling you closer towards him.
all you could let out was his name in whimpers. 
“you’re so good for me y/n,” the praise went straight to your core as he knew what you wanted to hear.
“such a good girl, you take my cock so well,”
“only for you,” you let out between the whimpers and moans, as jiwoong shows no signs of stopping.
“you wanted this didn’t you? you didn’t even need help, you just wanted to lose yourself on my cock,”
“not…true,” you lied.
you loathed pride and prejudice, but papers were your forte and if you really tried, you knew you could’ve done fine without help.
jiwoong was just amazing at validating you and fucking you beautifully, so you couldn’t help but beg for his assistance.
he slapped your ass in response, “don’t lie to me,” he warned.
“i promise sir,” you nearly yelled, forgetting any sense of being quiet. jiwoong placed a hand on your mouth, muffling any sound.
“you promised last time how this would never happen again didn’t you? look at you now,” he whispered in your ear.
you closed your eyes in ecstasy as you felt the knot in your stomach growing once again.
jiwoong kept on giving and giving, while you just took everything he gave.
“please, ” you begged into his palms, clenching around him while he hit your spot over and over again.
“just a little longer princess, i’m almost there,” jiwoong somehow got faster, ramming into you repeatedly all while you moaned into his hands.
“god, you’re perfect,” he mumbled.
suddenly, it all felt like too much. you closed your eyes in bliss while screaming out jiwoong’s name as you came. your head fell onto his shoulders as he lightly kissed your chin, chasing his release as well.
once his groans grew louder, you felt the warmth of the cum he spilled into the condom as his pace became sloppy.
he slowly pulled out of you as you stood breathlessly in between his arms, beads of sweat slowly falling down your face.
he disposed of the filled condom into the trash under the desk and turned you around to face him.
his goofy smile made you chuckle on the spot as you realized the other reason you wanted to visit jiwoong.
you genuinely enjoyed his presence. he made you feel safe and seen when everyone else had expectations for you. he looked at you as if you were the most important thing in the world at that moment.
desires aside, jiwoong was someone you could love and you were willing to give it a shot.
if he didn’t show how much he cared with words, he certainly did with actions as he showed when he started to clean you up with tissues.
you couldn’t help but laugh.
“what’s so funny?” he quizzically asked.
“you’re using tissues?” he rolled his eyes as he threw them in the trash and lifted your body to sit on the desk.
“well if someone didn’t need help so much, i could’ve prepared with time to bring something more premium,” he joked as you caressed the hairs behind his neck lightly.
“i’m sorry, the pent up stress from finals got to me. you don’t have to do anything with the grade,”
“nonsense y/n, your paper was exceptional either way. you didn’t need extra credit at all. you doubt yourself too much,” he complimented.
“does that mean i get an a?” you excitedly let out, not being able to contain yourself. jiwoong smiled at the gesture.
“yes, but you should probably stop relying on me for them because i am no help,”
“i guess it’s a good thing i graduate this semester then,” you mentioned and his eyebrows perked up.
“you graduate this semester? how come i didn’t know?”
“i wanted you to think i would taunt you for a long amount of time,” he slightly smirked at your confession.
“as if you didn’t have me wrapped around your fingers. speaking of, since you're graduating, when can i take you out on a date?”
“whenever you grow the balls to ask,” you joked as he looked down and up to meet your eyes again.
“maybe when we’re not naked?”
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a/n: hope you all enjoyed whatever the hell this was😭 like i mentioned i'll try to write more but this writers block has stumped me. i appreciate you all and thank you for taking the time to read my works! :)
@zeruby16 on tumblr | est. 2023
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epickiya722 · 3 months
Just a thought!
So sitting here wondering how Kenjaku even got involved with Jin and everything.
Like, either Kenjaku just so happen to be interested in Kaori because of her technique and was lucky enough she was Jin's partner.
Or Kenjaku could have been tracking Sukuna's twin's reincarnation down, found Jin and decided to take over Kaori's body to pose as his spouse and was lucky enough she also possessed a technique.
I'll be honest, that second one confuses me a little because how do you track a damn soul down? What I can see is Kenjaku seeing Jin one day and realized how similar he looks like Sukuna and thought "those genes could work". (It would be so funny if Kenjaku actually had no clue who Jin really was and decided he was perfect because of how he looked.)
Now those are the only two scenarios I came up with but then I thought back to that first one.
What if Kenjaku's target wasn't Jin, but Kaori first?
Hear me out!
She had a technique Kenjaku could use, right? Seen it been used twice in the story. Faking the Prison Realm dropping to get Mahito and the others moving away so Kenjaku could go on to do whatever and fighting against Choso and Yuki .
It's a useful technique.
Just like Geto's! Kenjaku didn't just take over Geto's body because he was Gojo's (who Kenjaku wanted to seal away) closest person. He just so happen to be close to Gojo, but Kenjaku really wanted that Curse Manipulation.
(Here's the thing, it's not like Kenjaku could have actually made Geto and Gojo get that close now. That they did on their own. Kenjaku got lucky with that.)
What if that was the case for Kaori? Kenjaku was watching her this whole time because of her Anti-Gravity technique and it just so happen that she was to be Jin's partner?
(Kenjaku is a calculating, manipulative individual, but sometimes, again, it does feel like Kenjaku is just lucky at times.)
Better yet... this is going to sound crazy... but what if she happen to be related, at least, distantly to Kenjaku's previous vessels?
Just what I think, but given Kenjaku's history with the Gojo family, I doubt that's the only family Kenjaku kept tabs on. What if this vessel here...
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... had been Kaori's ancestor? What if this vessel was a Kamo? Or someone who is a ancestor to both the Kamo family and whatever other family Kaori came from?
I bet you're thinking "Well, Kaori doesn't have Blood Manipulation".
Yes, but even being in the same family there will be different techniques.
In the Zenin family, Megumi has a different technique from Mai, Naobito, Naoya and other family members.
Gojo and Yuta are distantly related and they have different techniques.
So it's not really a far fetched idea. Have you seen Yuji's family tree?!
What I'm pretty much saying is that what if Kenjaku was keeping tabs on Kaori and her family this whole time? Possessing whatever member's body that seemed useful? Then Kaori came around and Kenjaku already planned to possess her body because of her technique but was lucky enough that she was Jin's wife?
Thinking about it, we know Sukuna figured out that Yuji's father is his twin reincarnated but... was it ever really explicitly stated Kenjaku knew?
Again, what if Kenjaku was just lucky enough that Kaori was Jin's wife but the original plan was to possess her body for her technique?
We don't know anything about the original Kaori, but I bet she has an interesting past. A past that was interesting enough to catch Kenjaku's eye. Whether it be who she is related to or just who she was as a person.
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hunnidmilly · 1 year
Beg. Sequel to Soap. |r.r|
(a/n) real fast. i wanna say thank you so much for all the love you’ve given me over my last 4 writings. it means the world to me absolutely. milly loves you. <3.
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sometimes, it’s just too good to not come back for more. Sequel of Soap. Completely inspired and credited to @itjazzbicch ‘Cheiftess’ Series.
warnings: smut, choking kink, unprotected sex (milly does not support this message. wrap it up.), enemies to…official sneaky links??), face DOWNNN ass UPPP, poor use of present and past tense,
parings: enemy!roman x black!reader
word count: 4.3K…never say i never gave y’all anything.
(tags: @fame-ass-ers @squishyguishy @vebner37 @smuts-whore @southerngirl41 @msbigredmachine)
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*takes place 2 months after Roman Reigns Vs. Kevin Owens Feud 2021*
“Ladies and gentlemen, Daniel Bryan.” You smiled as the camera panned to the man next to you
You’ve known Daniel for a long time now. You were absolutely over the moon at his return to WWE. Behind the scenes, given your friendship with Brie and Nicole, you knew how hard he worked to make it back. It was something you admired about him.
“Y/N! How are you?” He enthusiastically responded to you
“I’m great! How are you doing? How are you feeling ahead of your triple threat match against Roman Reigns and Edge?”
“I’m feeling amazing! Absolutely over the moon! It’s going to be amazi—“
Daniel trailed off as a man appeared next to us. You turned as a certain short, obnoxious, man appeared next to you both.
“Daniel! Y/N! How are you guys doing on this fine evening?” Paul Heyman sarcastically asked
“Paul…hello.” You responded with a lack in your tone
You just knew this was a ‘special’ impromptu visit from Roman. He had his ways like that. Being around even when he wasn’t. It caused you to internally roll your eyes at the sneak attack.
“Did the Tribal Chief know this interview was going to be done?” He asked with a shit eating grin on his face.
“I don’t report back to you or him; thank you, Paul. Now, Daniel, do you think that on the grandest stage of them all, you can pull off such a performance? You and Roma—“
“The Tribal Chie—“
“Would you like to go back to your Daddy so I can finish my job?” You spat, cutting off Paul. “Wherever you end up, Brock Lesnar's locker room or Roman Reigns.”
“I—I—I have no clue what you are referring to. I do not w-w-work for Brock Lesnar anymore. Ms. Y/N, I am merely just trying to—“
“Thank you, Paul.” You grit your teeth as the cameras cut
You toss a sincere look to Daniel and give him a small side hug before turning to the man who quickly became a nuisance, “Listen. I don’t give a damn! I don’t care if you work for Brock, Roman, or Joe fucking Biden. You do not interrupt my job performance. And I know he sent you here on some possessive shit, trying to get a rise out of me. It’s written all over your fucking face. Move!”
You shove Paul out of your way, leaving him stunned in the middle of the hall. You went quickly to find Roman. Fighting against every nerve in your head telling you to turn around. After that small, impromptu meeting in the showers two months ago, you did all you could to stay away from him. Even not becoming his regular interviewer anymore. The last thing you needed was to be fuckbuddies with the man that Roman Reigns is. You could basically kiss your job goodbye if you knew it.
But, he just couldn’t seem to stay away from you. Everytime you turned around, it was like he’d be right there waiting for you. Causing more smart mouthed spats in the middle of the hallway. Anytime you both collided, you both would bicker. You’d think you and him were an old married couple. The majority of it wasn’t an act. Roman did get a rise out of you. He walked the earth with his third leg as if he controlled everyone around him, and they had to kiss the ground he walked on. He was still an asshole. After his initial thought that you’d come begging him for dick, you knew you had to prove him wrong. You didn’t need him. Not for sex…earth shaking sex. No matter how badly you wanted to call him to break you off again.
Your studded black boots clicked on the floor with every determined stride to his locker room. Before you got the chance to bang on it, as intended, it flew open with the 6’3 Samoan smirking down at you.
Roman knew he pissed you off. He knew ever trick in the damn book, on what would make your blood pressure rise. Hell, he wrote the book himself. You weren’t going to admit yourself, how much you wanted him? Fine. But he had plans to make you pay for that shit.
‘Oh, I’ll give him something to smirk about.’
“Who in the hell do you think you fucking are? You got Paul as my bodyguard now?” You snarl into his face, your heels giving you extra height to match him up
“Oh, please. What are you doing interviewing, Bryan? Hm? Answer me that first, baby girl.” He raises an eyebrow
“You have zero authority over me and whoever the hell I interview. You might be asskissing Vince, but your name isn’t anywhere near my checks. You don’t own me!”
“That’s not how I recall the story, Very…very far from it actually. Would you like a reminder?” He dropped his voice an octave deeper and smirked, leaning forward, “Remember, all you have to do is ask.”
“Why don't, instead, you go find where Paul is? We all know how quick he is to drop to his knees with a knife in your back at the reigning! Oh, so defen—”
“You think you're so fucking funny. Huh? I got a joke for you, go tell McIntyre how badly you turn cock drunk when you’re being pounded. How all it takes is for my cock to run over that bundle of nerves inside of you for you to gush down my clock like the whore you are?” Roman grits his teeth with his face mere centimeters from yours; pure agitation on his face at your mention of Brock Lesnar.
The last few weeks, you’ve been cautiously talking to a certain 6’5 Scottish man more and more. Drew was amazing. He treated you well—a sweetheart, if you must say. Movie dates, dinner dates, makeout sessions. Although you’d been holding out on him. Many times Drew slid his hand under your shirt, or would squeeze your backside. You’d always pull away and call it a night. Drew was attractive. Three months ago, you’d allow him a taste of you. Hell why not? He was attractive, strong, tall. But two months ago, you had sex with Roman. Absently, closing you off for any other guy. Admit it or not, it was amazing.
More than once, you’d catch yourself taking a warm, vanilla scented bubble bath, sliding your hand over your stomach, and heading down south…
You circled that small bundle of nerves before moving lower and sliding a finger in. Instinctively, your pussy welcomed your small finger and clenched around it. You threw your head back and sinked lower into the bathtub. Imagining it was Roman behind you, playing with your pussy. Your moans echoed into the bathroom as you worked yourself. Even while Roman wasn’t here, you could hear his voice in the back of your head. Coaxing you, bringing you closer to your orgasm.
“Slide in one more, babygirl…make her wetter for me.” He whispers into your mind.
“Romannnn!” You cry out in a whine as your orgasm squirts into the palm of your hand.
Your eyes opened as your chest raised up and down heavily.
Those nights happened more than once. You knew you were deeply involved with Roman. More than you wanted.
The mixed emotions weren’t helping. Roman tapped dance on the last nerve in your body. All over it, with a full dance routine. Why did you want him so badly, again?
“How about I have that same conversation with Paul? You and him spend an awful lot of time locked inside that room. Do me a favor, Roman. Stay the hell away from me, and for once, look in a mirror. I don’t give a damn about what titles you have or how many you have. You’re still a whiny ass crybaby. Bite me.” With that, you exhaled a sigh and turned on your heels to walk away with a small movement in your hips. You knew his gaze would be on your backside as you walked away
You’d be lying if you said the thought of calling him for another satisfied fuck didn’t occur to you. Every night when you laid awake using different toys or your hands, you threatened to grab your phone to call him. But you couldn’t. He’d have the upper hand. He’d know the control he possessed over your body. And damn, he had that hold on you good.
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You straddled Drew’s waist as you both engaged into a heated make out session. Your tongue sliding back and forth against his as you both let out small groans and moans. What started as being in his hotel room watching a movie turned into becoming distracted by the soft kisses Drew placed on your neck. He makes a low growl sound from the middle of his chest as your fingers slide into his hair
“You're so beautiful, you know that?” Drew mumbles against your lips as his hands glides over your ass and hips, adoring the feeling of how big and round it felt in your hands.
You felt his hands slide over the front of your jeans, fingering with the button there, causing you to draw away from him, “I think we should call it a night. It’s getting late. And you know how Vince feels about being late.” You joke breathlessly at a dazed and confused Drew. You quickly stand to fix your clothes and grab your phone off the table.
“What’s up with you lately?”
You felt your heart sink with a small amount of guilt as you turned around to see Drew’s face adorned with embarrassment.
“Why would you ask me that?”
“You just…don’t seem as into this as I am.”
You felt a slight bit offended at his question. He thought you weren’t into this because of what? You wouldn’t have sex with him? “I have to have sex with you to be into this?”
“C’mon, I’m not fucking stupid. You barely even speak to me at the arenas, anytime we’re alone you keep checking your phone, and all I get is a few pecks and your ready to run for the fuckin’ hills.”
“Look. I don’t want people in my business. What’s the first thing you think people will ask if they see us together?”
“Who's gonna see us? Heyman? You don’t want him to spill to Roman you’re hanging around me?” Drew stands over you, his eyes wide with an evil look behind them. You’d think you were his enemy.
Your eyes nearly bulge out your head at Drew’s mention of Roman. Of course that night in the showers, everyone was gone. No one knew about your rendezvous, “Everyone sees you and him always arguing in the halls. So it’s two things. You’re either scared of him or fucking him.” He snarls
Drew’s face snapped to the side as you raised your hand back and slapped the taste from his mouth. Before you could make another strike you decided it would be best to just leave, throwing a glare at him as you walked past him. You couldn’t really be mad he guessed you slept you Roman. But you belonged to neither man. Drew had no right to insulate he owned you of some sort. If you didn’t want to have sex with him, he didn’t deserve a reason.
You quickly grabbed your things and walked away from Drew, straight out his hotel room. You felt yourself become overwhelmed at the thought of seeing Roman. His suite was on this floor in the far corner of the hall.
What if I knocked?
You brushed off your sexual urges as you headed towards the elevator to go down to your floor. You worked yourself into even deeper trouble. Drew had a few friends around the business and of course, he’d tell them how he couldn’t get you into bed. You could practically hear the “stuck up bitch” being thrown out to you already. Not mixing business with pleasure was now crossed into your new agenda permanently, you even made a mental note to create a tinder account.
You felt pathetic. How could you want someone who treated the rest of the world like shit? He didn’t even say please and thank you. You worked hard at resisting him, but that wall was slowly being bulldozed.
On cue, As you drifted into your own thoughts, the elevator dinged bringing you back into your consciousness. Just your damn luck, the pleasure stepped out the elevator blocking your entry.
“You came to deliver my message to your little boyfriend?” Roman smirks again, feeling accomplished.
Your eyes quickly glance over his body as you notice the black leather jacket, white tank top, black pants, and Jordan’s. You let out a huff as you move to the side to go around him before he steps in the same direction, “What the hell is your problem?” You questioned placing your hands over your hips letting out a sigh
“My problem? What’s yours? Why fight what you and I both know you want?” He asks stepping closer to you, sizing you up
You let out a snort with a roll of your eyes. This man was way too proud of himself. “Don’t boost your ego anymore than it is. Your head might just explode.”
“Fuckin’ admit it. You want me to break you off again. Give into you, but you’re in for a rude awakening. One thing people don’t do is lie to my face. Me and you both know right now, your pussy is dripping into those panties. Begging for me to make her submit to my every will. So do you, don’t you? You want that, don’tchu? To feel my cock stretching you out the way those fingers can’t? We both want it, and you know that. And that little boyfriend of yours? All of you belongs to me. Get that. Do you understand me?” He taunts, his face looming down over yours, his eyes thick with lust.
For the first time, since meeting Roman, you were quiet. You were stunned at his honesty. Your mouth felt dry at the thought of belonging to Roman. As much as you wanted to punch him dead in his jaw, who were you trying to convince? You wanted to feel him inside of you again. What happened in the showers would be just a mere rushed fuck. You wanted him to make you his.
“Now are you done acting like a little ass child? Be an adult and use your words. Tell me you want me, baby girl. Anytime you want some dick, just as-”
As if you were being hypnotized by his words, “I want you.” flew right out your mouth and onto his as you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer to your frame.
You could feel the white light behind your eyes bust, knowing you reached a moment of no return. There was no going back. Roman lowered his hands to your ass, squeezing it tightly, pulling you flush to his body. The kiss was hungry, he was rewarding you for your honesty by biting your bottom lip repeatedly. Your tongue explored his mouth as he slipped his own between your lips. The warm feeling in his chest erupted as his current wildest dream was about to come true.
Once again.
Romans hands slid downwards to the crease of your ass and your thighs, proceeding to lift you up allowing you to wrap your hands around his waist. You briefly wondered if he could hear your heart beating at a rapid pace. Your nerves were all over the place. This time was different. You felt more exposed at admitting you wanted to be his.
Roman opened the door to his suite, walking towards his bedroom. You let out a sequel as he threw you onto the middle of his bed. His eyes were dark and hungry. Before you could have a moment to change your mind, he silenced you with another kiss.
Whatever you were about to say didn’t matter, bitchy remarks or not, was the last thing on his mind. Roman wrapped his hands around your ankle, yanking you down the bed closer to his body.
“Take these off,” He growls out to you, tugging at your pants
With a little aid from yourself, you lift your hips to allow him to pull them off, revealing your hot pink lace underwear. You could see a snarl form on Romans face, remembering how just an hour ago you were with Drew.
Roman kneels onto the bed, covering your body with his as he smashes his lips onto yours. His hand ghosted slowly towards Your warm and wet heat. You parted your legs, slightly, giving his fingers the space they needed to explore your warmth and wetness covered by lace.
“Mmmm,” You sighed into his mouth, as his slipped his hand into the hand of your panties circling your clit
“Shut up.” He grumbles back
He slid his index and middle fingers into your pussy. You felt your breath hitch inside of your throat as he moved his fingers in and out picking up pace. You reached down to grip his wrist, attempting to brace yourself from being overheated with pleasure. Rather quickly, you felt your belly tighten with a small amount of pressure. Roman felt you clamp down on his fingers,
“Let go,” he whispers into your mouth. You began squirming, unable to remain still as pleasure hit your body in waves, nearly consuming you. Your lower half worked against the strokes of his fingers; riding them into oblivion.
“Ahhhh! Oh my God. Please,” You cried out, squeezing your eyelids together.
You briefly closed your eyes, gathering yourself from your clouded thoughts. You felt the bed dip, as Roman stood to his full height. You lay back into your elbows as you watched him undress himself.
“The next time you ever mention Lesnar or McIntyre to my fuckin’ face you’ll regret it. If I ever see you near him again, I’m going to make sure he knows personally who you belong to. You understand?” He grits out lowering his boxers, letting his girthy and long cock spring against his abdomen
You decided to test him a little bit and raise your legs to your chest, closing them, his view of your panty covered pussy now gone. “But I like McIntyre. We were jus—Shit!” You squeal as Roman pounces onto the bed, slapping the side of your plush thigh roughly, marveling at the jiggle it created.
“Y’wanna finish that sentence? You think you’re in charge, but I'm calling the shots tonight. Turn the fuck over.”
Roman growls, not giving you the chance to turn over yourself, and grabs your hips in a grip before flipping you over and pushing you into a deep arch with your face flush into the bed. Roman catches you spreading your legs a bit more causing him to chuckle, “Slide back onto me. You want it so bad, let me see you fuck yourself.”
You let out a moan as you feel the tip of Romans cock make contact with the entrance of your pussy. You push back, with a bit of force till the head of Romans cock makes its way inside your pussy. Getting impatient, Roman grabs your plush hips and pulls out. Letting out an impatient whine, you felt a chill down your spine as he licked a stripe up your pussy. He then surges forward pushing in his entire length in one move.
“Ah!” You gasped “Wait, fuc—“
“Nah, remember all that shit you were saying. You’re taking all of me tonight. Don’t you dare run from me either.”
Roman teased you with slow, deep strokes at first, before speeding up his pace. You turned your head into the mattress letting out screams.
He reached up grabbing your hair into a tight grip, pulling your head up, “Nah, let the whole floor know who’s fucking you right now.”
“You’re so fuckin—“
“Big?” Roman chuckles in a deep voice
“Conceited, Ugh!” You squeal, clawing at the sheets as his big and rough hand cracks on your ass.
“But whose pussy is creaming around me? Yeah? Look at her, swallowing this dick. Her dick. She knows who she belongs to, doesn’t she baby? Talk to me.” He praised, spreading your ass cheeks to watch your wetness coat his cock.
While you could feel your heart swell at the comment, him being yours, it served the same meaning for Roman. It fueled Romans ego more, at the squelching wet noises your pussy was making for him as he fucked you into the mattress.
You only got this way for him. He only got this way for you.
Yeah, you definitely can’t let him go now.
You let out a mewl as his thickness stretched you out, creating both pain and pleasure. That same familiar vein rubbing against your spot, “Ohh! Fuck, yes! I belon–I belong to you! It’s your pussy!” You moaned louder as the headboard began to slam against the walls as he fucked you faster.
You pushed your ass backwards and began throwing your ass back against his hips. Why did you do that?
He chuckled. “You throwing that ass back like a big girl, baby? You gon’ take this dick like one too.” Without waiting for you to respond, he deepened his strokes and picked up his pace.
“Ooh, shit!” You moaned, gripping the comforter. He was so deep in you, that you felt like he was fucking your heart. Feeling the coil in your belly, you clenched your muscles around his cock.
“You wanna show out, huh?” A deep growl escaped his throat. “I got something for your ass.” He announced before really starting to fuck you. I was talking about pulling out and sliding back in, fucking you. Your nails nearly drew rips into the sheets. Your pussy creating a slippery mess, letting him slide back in easily.
“Fuck!” You yelled, blindly reaching behind him to push at his abdomen, to give you a moment to catch your breath.
“What did I say? You’re taking all of me. I told you not to run, baby girl. Don’t act like you can’t take it. What about all that shit at the arena earlier, hm?” he said, grabbing your hands and pinning them against your lower back. He propped his foot up on the bed, and used your bounded arms to bring you against him to meet your thrust.
“Shit, Roman! Fuck! Make me take it!” You cried in pleasure.
There was no way Drew was ever getting a text back, a call back…shit an email. Especially, if he didn’t hear you practically calling out to god as Roman was engraving himself on you.
Roman hissed as he felt your pussy contract, creating a second skin for him. He knew you were close, and he wasn’t far behind himself, “Y’gonna cum for me, baby? My good girl. Cum all over me baby. Let me see it.”
“Mmmm, yesssss!” You moaned, throwing your head towards the ceiling. “Fuck… I’m cumming…Romannnn!” Your orgasm ripped through you—releasing a wave of wet heat all over Roman’s cock.
Roman’s spine shook as he felt your pussy tighten around him, keep him in, as you gushed all over his cock—warm wet heat circling around him. Tears coated your cheeks, as your orgasm ripped through you making your entire body convulse as you babbled incoherent words. Roman let out a roar as his own orgasm rushed to the core, deep and filling up your pussy, mixing your juices together, “Shit! Fuck yeah, baby!” His voice thick and heavy with rasp
You both collapsed on the bed, limbs tangled into each other, and sucking as much air as you could back into your lungs. After a brief moment, Roman raised up from the bed and disappeared into his bathroom. A few seconds later, he came out with a wet towel to clean the both of you off. You bit your lip, as the feeling of the warm towel moving against your pussy came over you.
Roman laid down next to you, his chest heaving up and down, before chucking to himself. His signature smirk coating his face.
“Bet your ass knows better than to lie to me now. See what your little stubborn ass act denied you from?” He replies, his big dick attitude back on 10. But hell. He had the big dick to match, so.
“Do you ever get e-fucking-nough of being an asshole?”
“You spent two months running from me, getting on my fuckin’ nerves, makin’ everything 20x harder for me, fucking’ around with my money with those interviews. Whole time you wanted me to make you cum again. Stubborn ass, woman. I gotta say, the resistance act was sexy as hell.” He expresses before pulling you to him, to lay on his chest
“Don’t flatter yourself too much. It wasn’t an act, Tribal Chief.” You roll your eyes at his self centered moment of truth. Some things never change.
“Oh yeah, baby? What was it?” He questions before moving over on top of your sweaty frame
After a brief moment of eye contact, for once and for all you decided to settle it and let him win. Just this once. You raised up to place a more gentle kiss than the one you shared earlier. That was more hungry, sloppy, messy…this one was delicate, soft, tender. You wanted to tell him what you couldn’t say out loud. You pulled back and saw a look of admiration in his eyes.
“You’re mine.” Roman claims with a small smirk
“And you’re mine.” You respond back
“I’m yours.”
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*please, leave me some comments, reblogs with funny stuff, and follow for more! i love interacting with u guys! send in any ask u guys have!*
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justwonder113 · 5 months
Head over heels - Lee Know pt2
First part here (Can be read as a standalone)
Warning: Cursing(I can't help it). mentions of drinking. The reader is overthinking in the beginning but the end is fluffy. Minho is a menace and I love him for it. I can't think of anything else please tell me if I missed anything. Reader is gender neutral.
Word count - 1.4k
A/N- Hey lovelies, I'm back with the continuation of the previous Minho drabble. I wasn't thinking of writing the second part but I got inspired so here we are. I really hope you'll like it. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Thank you for all the love and support you give me, it really means so much to me. Please take care of yourselves, love you all so much!! <3 <3
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The one and only sun, the sourse of light and basically all life on earth was sometimes a huge dick. Like what do you mean you're brutally waking someone up from their sweet slumber on 8 am on sunday? That's just evil. Do you know what they were up to all night? Maybe they need their much needed rest. Talk about inconsiderate.
Grumbling curses at the bright rays of sunshine which felt like you were being poked in your eyeballs you turned to your side, trying to escape them. You furrowed your face into your pillow hoping to fall back asleep. But you couldn't. Because you realized couple of things. First of all your so called pillow was clearly breathing. Second of all the familiar comforting smell clearly belonged to your best friend. Third, how the fuck was Minho's chest so firm yet so soft?
Hold on, hold on. Why were you sharing a bed with Minho? Normally whenever he slept over he opted for using the guest bedroom or the couch if he was too lazy to get up. It was rare of you to share a bed. Wait did you do something?
You tried to recall the events of the last night. You were at the club. Minho got a bit drunk, you went to get him some water. Some deuchbag tried to hit on you but Minho scared him off. You got to your apartment. You asked him to help with detangling your Chains and you two made out for hours, you talked in between and some time into talking about some random stuff Minho fell asleep.
You made out wit your best friend! What were you thinking?! You're clearly into him, you have been for a while, but what about him? Okay you knew Minho wouldn't just kiss you out of nowhere but still! You have been extra flirty lately but he hasn't given you a hint or a clue that he romantically likes you like that. Maybe it was just a spur of moment thing. Let's say he wanted to test things out. Maybe he wanted to test if he liked you like that? Oh god, what if he regreted it? What if you ruined everything. Oh God, what if this messed up your friendship. You couldn't live without him in your life. Maybe it was an overdramtic announcement but he was too dear for you. He was the reason you believed in suolmated be it platonic or romantic. God you shouldn't have indulged in kissing him when you knew he was still a bit tipsy. But he was so close tho and his lips looked so pretty and kissable... Oh what the hell?
The hands tightening around you stopped your train of thoughts. Great you woke him up now. You were mad at the damn sun for waking you up and now you were the one to wake him up? Great job.
Minho's groggy yet soft morning voice startled you. "I can physically feel you overthinking. It's too early, go to sleep."
"But Minho." You cringed at yourself at how whiny your voice sounded. Minho opened his eyes to give you an unimpressed look. He wrapped his hands more tightly and brought you even closer. You both loved and hated how at peace you felt whenever you were around him. Being between his harm made every cell in your body relax, except your heart, which felt like it would burst any second. When did you even manage to fall so hard for him?
"Do you like me?" The suddenness of his question startled you. You couldn't with him sometimes.
Unimpressed with the lack of answer Minho opened his eyes and full on glared at you. Normally you would laugh it off or try to make him well not upset but now all you could think about was how could a human look so breathtaking first thing in the morning. With messy hair and slightly dark circles from the few hours of sleep he got. He was like a walking renaissance painting what the hell? Minho was about to let go of you when you started talking. Well you had to say something.
"It pisses me off how pretty you look first thing in the morning."
You blinked at you once, then twice then rolled his eyes. His hand came up to your cheek and you thought that maybe it was one of those rare moments when he was sweet and affectionate, but no, you were proven wrong when he slightly pulled on the skin of your cheek.
"First of all, I'm always pretty. Second of all I could say the same to you." He let go of your skin and now slightly grazed your soft skin. "Third of all you're getting distracted sweetheart." This smooth fucker. You could feel your face start to heat up.
"You have never called me sweetheart."
"Hm, do you not like it?" Minho mused and looked at you with eyes full of mischief. The fucker knew he was getting you all flustered up.
"I didn't say I didn't like it."
"You're cute." Why was he so keen on teasing you today?
"Shut up!" - You couldn't help but groan. You didn't fully appreciate how flustered he made you feel.
The smirk on his face grew even wider if that was possible."Make me!"
If he thought that you wouldn't retaliate! You looked at him with challenging eyes. "I just might!"
"So you do like me." He said so casually while playing with strand of your hair you were taken aback for a second. God you hated how your heart basically did a backflip at his soft voice.
"You're infurating." You wanted to hide your face now, you knew this little asshole was having the time of his life watching you get this flustered.
"And you're not denying." Why would you? He knew you liked him.
"One fact doesn't exclude the other smartass!"
"So you're admitting it." How was he so casual about it?
"Maybe I am. What are you going to do about it?" You challenged him. Proud of yourself when you saw that your comment got to him and suprised him for a second.
"Then, I am going to kiss you senseless like you're pretty butt deserves to. And I'm going to take you some place fancy for our first date." To make his point across he even took your hand and softly kissed it.
"Aww you think my butt is pretty." This was the only response you could muster up. At this point you were amazed how was your heart still working.
"Well of course I think my partner's butt is pretty." Did he just say what you thought he did?
"Partner?" You couldn't hide your surprise as well as your hopefulness.
"Bold of you to assume You have any way out of this relationship." What a romantic. Why was he so him?
You decided to tease him a little, after all that's all he did all morning. "What if I'm tired of you?"
"You can always sit the fuck down." Again, so romantic.
"What if there's no chair?" Based on the smirk on Minho's face you knew he was going to make it dirty. "Okay never mind, I got it. Okay, what if we lose chemistry?"
"I have seen breaking bad, we will cook something up."
"Okay you're clearly quoting that one tiktok I sent you."
Minho glared at you for a second. "Doesn't mean I'm not being genuine."
"What if your cats hate me?" Minho rolled his eyes at you.
"They love you and you know it."
"Yeah, I'm way too adorable for them to not love me. Okay what if..." Minho didn't let you finish.
"No what if's. I love you and it's clear you feel the same. I knew what I was doing when I kissed you last night and I know what I'm doing right now. You're mine and I'm going to treat you like a royalty until you let me. Don't overthink your pretty mind now. Let's just cuddle for a while and then I will take you out for the fanciest breakfast ever." Again not really romantic but the butterflies in your stomach still decided to have a French revolution in your tummy.
"I still hate you"
"Whatever you say sunshine." He leaned in and sealed his lips with yours.
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hannahxhoney · 1 year
we don't talk anymore - e. munson
eddie munson x female!reader
summary: after years of not talking, you see eddie at a party and things get heated. i suck at writing these lol
warnings: kinda angsty, a little bit of asshole!eddie, cursing, use of y/n, and arguements
fic is kind of inspired by the song “we don’t talk anymore” by selena gomez and charlie puth
also this was written on mobile so sorry if the formatting is off! thank you for reading!!!
You and Eddie have always been friends. Ever since you were kids, you and him were inseparable. Long days at the trailer park during the summer, being outside and playing make believe with him. Cold nights in the winter where you would make hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies on your family's beat up couch together. Everyday you spent with him, was always your favorite. Him being about two years older than you meant that all the other kids at school your age would leave you alone, since you were always hanging out with the older kids like Eddie. But you wouldn't have it any other way. Eddie was fun, kind, and so brave that sometimes you felt that his courage would get him in trouble one day. He was your best friend and you were his. There wasn't a day that went by when you wouldn't see Eddie and his goofy smile.
Until now.
It was the summer before you started high school and Eddie was already going to be a Junior. You were excited to go into such an intimidating place already knowing someone. You knew Eddie would help you with whatever you needed, and would even let you sit with him and his friends during lunch. But as the summer went by in a blur, so did that excitement. You didn't see much of Eddie during that summer. He always said he was busy hanging out with his friends or planning his next campaign. You understood, but you still felt disappointed that you didn't get to hang out much during those two months. Before you knew it, it was already August and school was starting in three days. You were still excited that you wouldn't be completely alone going into it, but it all felt weird because you haven't really talked to nor seen Eddie in two weeks. He was never at his trailer when you went to see if he was free and he was ignoring your calls. On the off chance that you did see him, he was still regular Eddie. He was kind and always cracking jokes with you, but your conversations with him were always a quick "hi" and "bye" before he left. Because he always had something to do these days, other than hanging out with you. You started to think that maybe you did something wrong, or said something to upset him.
It was the Friday night before school started, and you were re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the third time, until you heard your mom calling and saying there was someone on the phone for you.
When you got to the phone you were a bit confused, because who would be wanting to talk to you this late at night? Until you heard his voice.
"Hey y/n."
You were surprised to hear from him right now, but happy that he called.
"Hey Eds! How are you?"
There was a beat of silence before he replied.
"I'm fine, but I wanted to talk to you about something."
You were confused what he wanted to say, since you haven't done much talking to him recently.
"Ok, what did you want to talk about Eddie?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I think it's best if we don't hang out anymore."
"Wait what-"
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore, y/n."
It felt like you got hit by a two ton semi truck in the heart when he said those words.
"What do you mean? What's wrong Eddie?"
"I mean that I don't want to be associated with some stupid freshman that follows me around like a lost puppy all the damn time. It's annoying y/n. You always want to hang out with me, but I thought you would get a clue by now since I've been ignoring you. We aren't kids anymore y/n. Yeah we were best friends at one point, but I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
"Eddie, I don't understand. What happened? Did I do something wrong? I-I don't know why you're changing all of a sudden?"
"Look y/n, please just leave me alone and stop trying to call me. I don't want to talk to you anymore."
"Eddie please I-"
"Goodbye y/n".
He hung up. He broke your heart and just hung up the phone, like it was nothing. I guess it was nothing, to him at least. You spent the weekend crying and trying to prepare yourself to see him on Monday morning. You always loved seeing him, but now every time you see his face you're reminded of the time you lost your bestfriend.
It was now your senior year, and Eddie's second. Freshman year felt like hell for you. Having to see his face everyday felt like pure torture, but by winter break you were starting to feel better about it each day. And as you entered your sophomore year, you had made some friends and joined the photography club at Hawkins Highschool. But now, sometimes it feels like you never knew him. He got taller, grew out his hair, and started growing into his rock star look. If you were any other girl, you would have a huge crush on him. But you're not, you know who he actually is. And sometimes you feel stupid that you ever fell for his act and actually liked him. But you grew up too. Puberty hit you hard the summer after freshman year, and you grew into yourself. You developed your own style, learned how to do your hair and the occasional makeup, and developed a wall of confidence that no one can break through. Not even him. You ended up becoming really good friends with Jonathan Byers through your shared love of photography. And when he started dating Nancy Wheeler, you guys got closer too. You would hang out them during and after school, and sometimes even Steve Harrington would join you guys. Since Nancy's little brother is in Hellfire club, you occasionally cross paths with Eddie. He always seems to ignore you, but every once in a while you catch him staring at you. You don’t understand why though, it was his decision to cut things off. Every now and then when it’s late you think of showing up at his door, to really ask him after all this time if he still feels good about that decision but you know that would be wrong. Of course he feels good about it, especially when he has his hands all over a girl at a random party.
Just like right now.
One of the popular jocks at the school - probably Jason Carver - is hosting the usual friday night party tonight and you, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve all decided to go. Steve already found his girl to take home tonight, a pretty blonde girl who is putting it on pretty heavily by laughing at the jokes Steve is telling that you know aren’t funny. Nancy and Jonathan are outside talking about who knows what, but they always seem to be having fun with each other know matter what they’re doing. That’s why you’re alone in the corner of the room sipping on a mixed drink that is slowly making you feel that warm feeling through your veins. That is also why you catch Eddie’s eyes as he dances with some girl. She’s pretty, skinny, and her hair is dyed a dark blue color. A girl you would typically think Eddie would be attracted too. So why is he still staring at you, when his hands are on her? You don’t care enough to find out, so you walk away looking for something much better to do. To your surprise, you actually end up finding it. So now you’re the one dancing with a random guy. He’s cute, at least cute enough to distract you from whatever was happening between you and Eddie. Plus with the alcohol fairly well into your system by now, you’re even thinking of asking him if he wants to go upstairs. As you’re about to ask said question, you’re suddenly pulled away by the arm by a strong hand.
“What the fuck-“
It wasn’t till you got a look at the long curls of the person dragging you out of the house then you really lost it.
“Munson what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Once you were outside, you pulled your arm away and faced the person that all your anger is directed at right now.
“What am I doing? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Dancing? You’re mad at me for dancing at a party!?”
“No! I’m mad that you’re throwing yourself at some guy that asked me if I knew anyone that had coke at the party!”
Well you didn’t know that. But that doesn’t excuse what he’s doing right now.
“That isn’t any of your damn business anymore, Eddie! Or did you forget the fact that you haven’t spoken to me for years?”
He got quiet after that. You finally looked at him. Really looked at his face and how much he’s changed over the years. You never allowed yourself to really do this before, afraid that it would open up the wounds that took you so long to heal. Suddenly you were a kid again. Waiting on him to say something. You didn’t know how to describe the way he made you feel at the time. But now you do. He was like a drug. After every time you saw him, you wanted more. But then you overdosed.
“Y/n I-
“I don’t want to hear it, Eddie. You were the one who cut things off. You were the one who left me hanging. You don’t get to care about me or stop me from dancing or doing anything with anyone.”
“I just wanted to stop you from doing something you’ll regret. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I don’t understand why you even care, Eddie. We’re not friends, and we haven’t been for years. It’s your fault. You’re the reason why we don’t talk anymore.”
authors note: i know the ending is kind of bad but I just wanted to write something. If you read it all, thank you so much!!! I appreciate you all <3
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goldenfoxxxe · 8 months
Johnny cage or Cassidy x reader (pref fem) where they think reader is not their type and after like something almost costing their/ readers life they fall hard
Johnny Cage's No Good Horrible Very Bad Day
Johnny Cage x Fem!reader
Warnings:: angst with a happy ending, near death experience, gore, medical inaccuracies
A/N: this is such a good fic imo with an amazing lackluster ending, cause i'm real like that. I’m just getting my mojo back. I could have made this more happy but i’ve got the angst bug, hope you don't mind anon. also its not proofread, thats for nerds.
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Johnny Cage knew how dangerous this was. Knew how quickly one fight in the battle to protect Earthrealm could kill someone. So when you joined the team he never even kept you on his radar. He didn’t consider you his type enough to even bother flirting when he knew it was only a matter of time until this battle took either one of you. 
You had seen the way he flirted with damn near every female who crossed his path, even when they were trying to kill him. It bothered you sometimes, the way he barely even looked in your direction, as if you were invisible. You even went to Kenshi about it, asking if you had done something to offend Johnny but even Kenshi didn’t have any clue what was going on with him. You carried on with training, occasionally going on missions with the other protectors of earthrealm. It eventually became second nature to fight, getting used to being ambushed by Shao Kahn’s warriors. You managed to be friends with Johnny eventually, never quite understanding why he never flirted with you but sometimes liking that he didn’t. 
You managed to survive every mission, sometimes with injury sometimes not. You eventually got used to the everyday pain of  being a protector. The stabs, the cauterizations, the stitches. So it was a surprise when one day you almost didn’t make it. It was just another mission, nothing extreme. Nothing you and the others couldn't handle. In Fact it was one that all of you should've gotten out of without a single scratch. You somehow ended up with numerous deadly wounds and no back up besides Johnny. 
You had never been on his radar.. ever. Years of knowing you and he just never truly noticed you. Sure he knew you very well, you were friends. He would even say the two of you were close. Yet he had never noticed you in the way he did every other woman. So why does he feel this way now? After he's watched you come to the brink of death at the hands of Mileena, does he decide he's got a crush on you? It's all panic from the moment you call his name in anguish as Mileena bit a chunk out of your side. All your other injuries were superficial things he could patch up for now and have the medics fix completely when you got back to the others. Now you had organs showing and he didn't know what to do. 
He's just a movie star, he never should've been involved in any of this and right now it shows. Nothing but dread fills his body as he watches Mileena run off. He assumed she thought you'd be dead soon. Yet, he ran to you, adrenaline flowing so hard it might as well have been going into his soul. He barely ever paid attention when one of the others attempted to teach him basic medical procedures, he didn't need to know he was always with someone who did and now you were going to suffer the consequences. He did the best he could, practically ripping his shirt off and wrapping it around the wound, ignoring your screams as he tightened it as hard as he could.
In this moment he was glad for all the grueling workouts he had gone through, all the extra training Kenshi and Raiden made him go through. Comms were down meaning Johnny would have to carry you back to base. He could only hope someone would be there, that he could make it in time. You were unconscious blood soaking his skin even through the shirt wrapped around your wounds. He was keeping pressure on the bite the best he could as he ran for the base. You had traveled so far and with comms down he couldn't even be sure any of the medics would be ready for you. 
He didn't think you could hear him as he prayed to any god that would listen. As he asked why now. Why would he love you so much now as he runs with you dying in his arms. He also didn't think those prayers would work, that he would make it to base. 
He stayed by your side hoping you would wake up, that you would heal. There was none of Raiden's magic to help you, the god had gone on his own mission. The medics had done everything and now it was just a big game of waiting to see what would happen. So he waited. 
It was almost two months before you woke up from the coma, he honestly didn't expect you to wake up. Raiden had come back and healed what he could yet you stayed unconscious. During those two months Johnny stayed at your bedside, telling you what was happening around base and how the war was going. 
You woke up slowly, not shocked to see Johnny half asleep in the chair beside your bed. 
“Did you mean it?” you asked, slowly turning towards him. 
He startled awake, nearly falling out of the chair and causing you to giggle. A shock of pain ran through your side and you winced, gently grabbing it.
“Careful, it's gonna be sore for a while, Mileena got a pretty good bite out of you”  he says after he recovers, coming to stand beside you “Did I mean what?”
“Everything you’ve been saying. It's gotta be multiple times a day you say you wish you could take my spot…..that you love me” you explain, twiddling with the blanket that had been draped over you, barely even making eye contact with him. 
He nearly chokes on air, his entire face going red. “You heard all of that?” 
“Every bit of it.” you smile softly, looking up at him. “Did you mean it?”
He sighs, scooting closer and holding your hand “Every bit of it” he says, smiling and kissing your hand.
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