#sorry everyone is jumping ship and is happy now with it but I will never be!!!!!!!!!!
weltonlasso · 1 year
Wait, what did they do this time? Just the joke of Emmy nomination submissions?
The actress who played Barbara was not submitted for an Emmy nom at all BUT THEY FUCKING SUBMITTED BALD ASS! Who doesn’t even have a name so it’s just “stranger” on the description card. Hahahaha like this is insane to me. Every time I think they can’t get any dumber I’m immediately reminded otherwise.
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caws5749 · 1 month
You asked for inspo? How about a Natasha x Reader enemies to lovers? Set during Civil War, they are both on the run and they end up in Norway together somehow? I say enemies but what I mean is Nat is being cold because she's trying to hide her feelings and she's also worried (?)
This is a mess sorry
A/N: this is most certainly not a mess! This is a fantastic request and I sincerely thank you bby, I hope you like it! And listen, we all know I'm tropey so I know its in half of my fucking works but I can't not do the cute cold trope :)
You most certainly had not planned on this happening.
Being on the run, having not even a moment to grab anything that meant something to you. A brief 'goodbye' or a look was all you had time for for your teammates.
You had no idea where anyone had gone. Did everyone get out? Did some get caught? Were they together or alone?
You sighed, wind in your hair. What had made you think of heading to Norway, you had no idea. The cool air had a refreshing bite to it, keeping you uncomfortable, something that was a bonus while being on the run.
Your head turned, catching a glimpse of something familiar in the corner of your eye. Your eyes widened briefly in surprise; you'd know that red hair anywhere.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you muttered, as half of you filled with dread and half of you filled with an emotion you couldn't quite place.
Natasha Romanoff stood at the other end, staring out at the water with a saddened and thoughtful expression. You moved towards her, leaning across the rail a few feet from her.
"Y/N," the woman greeted quietly, her eyes never leaving the water.
"Is there a reason you're following me?" There was no humor, no amusement to her tone. It was colder than the water.
"I'm not," you answered, feeling your own walls go up in defense.
The red-head didn't quite know what to say to that. In fact, she didn't quite know what to say at all. Natasha had been hiding her feelings about you for quite some time now. And when the Accords had come, she simply felt it was not the right time. And it most certainly was not the right time now. But she didn't know how to deal with that and she most certainly felt it was safer for you to be far, far away from her.
But that was the last thing she wanted. The widow wanted you close to her, so that she could protect you, do whatever it took to keep your freedom, to make you happy in such a dark and confusing time.
You shivered, pulling her from her own thoughts.
"Go inside."
Why was she being so harsh?
"I don't know what I ever did to you, but going on the run certainly makes you a bitch," you retorted, leaving her alone at the rail.
Nat sighed as a feeling of self-loathing washed over her.
You didn't go inside, heading to a spot on the rail at the complete opposite side of the ship, fuming. You shook your head, trying to focus on your plan once you docked.
You couldn't feel the emerald eyes staring at the back of your head. When you shivered for the fifth time, Natasha sighed in annoyance, at you for keeping yourself uncomfortable and at herself for being unable to not care.
You jumped when a jacket was placed over your shoulders.
"I'm fine," you said harshly when you realized who had placed it, though you couldn't help but blush at the flutter in your chest at the gesture.
"You're cold," the red-head said simply, though not unkindly. "I'm sorry."
You said nothing.
"I shouldn't have been such a bitch," she continued, using your words.
"Why were you?"
"I- I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling," Nat answered honestly.
"What are you feeling?" you asked, your cold tone growing a bit warmer.
"Scared. A tad relieved and hopeful. Worried."
"Me too," you whispered.
Natasha had a feeling you were speaking about different things. Perhaps you were relieved to be with a teammate, but certainly you couldn't be feeling what she was.
"No," she shook her head. "I mean it differently. Y/N, I have feelings for you. Which is why I- I'm scared about that and where we are and what we're doing and that's why I was so cold to you."
"And why do you think I was so upset by the way you acted, Natasha? I feel the same," you said softly, your eyes searching hers.
Her eyes lightened a bit, the only bit of happiness you'd seen in her since the Accords. She moved a bit closer, whether it was subconscious, a motion of comfort, or for the cold, you didn't know. But you liked it all the same.
You moved to lay your head against her shoulder.
"Let's do this together, Nat," you murmured. Was it your imagination or did her lips ghost a kiss against your hair?
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part four
part five: i was hoping you'd be there
Robin managed to keep her shit together for approximately ten minutes after she stopped watching Steve make his way through security and into the depths of the airport. In the ride back to Steve's place, her leg was shaking so much Nancy discreetly grabbed Robin's pinky and held it in the back of the car.
The rest of the trafficky route back to Steve's all Robin could think about was how to fix things. She knew Steve didn't tell her about Eddie so she could fix things and Steve didn't run off to Italy to hide from everything but the situation still bothered Robin. She hadn't known Eddie for a terribly long time but he made her dingus happy so she held him in relatively high regard. It didn't make sense for him to just cut tail and run without leaving some sort of door open for a resolution and Robin was going to her darndest to figure out how on earth she could find that crack.
When they got back to Steve's apartment, Nancy didn't let Robin go long without asking for an explanation.
"Robs, babe, what is going on?" Nancy asked.
"I need to figure out how to solve Steve and Eddie." Robin answered.
"I don't think Steve wants you too. He seemed pretty resolved to close that chapter." Nancy urged.
"I know what he said but that's not what he wants. Also Eddie is a huge dummy if he doesn't realize how good he had it with Steve and also that Steve would never cheat on anyone. Especially not after y'all's whole thing. No offense." Robin continued.
"Okay so we aren't letting this go. What's the plan?" Nancy asked.
"Thanks for your support, love. I just can't figure out why Eddie jumped to the conclusion that you and Steve were together again. I mean no offense but like that ship very publicly sailed," Robin said.
"I'm trying really hard not to take offense but the more often you say it the more I am having trouble not being offended," Nancy snarked.
"Sorry, dingus wormed his way into my little heart long before you so I still gotta give you shit over soulmate solidarity. But back to the matter at hand. Eddie only assumed you would only be visiting Steve if you were trying to get back together when really you were coming to see little old me. So what if I came out. Like what if we came out? And shared some of the pictures from like super early on and thanked Steve for being a great friend for many years when I wasn't ready to take that step," Robin knew she was rambling but, hell, she was on a roll.
"Are you ready for that? I'm happy to take your lead on all this. It's not like we haven't already told everyone who is actually important to us. I mostly write freelance nowadays anyways so there isn't really some big bag corporate overlord I need to worry about. You know Steve doesn't need you to do this? It's one thing if you're ready to come out on your own, it's a whole different thing to do it for someone else," Nancy counseled.
"I really think I'm ready. I'm sick of Steve feeling like he needs to come to everything with me and you're stateside a lot more often and I'd love to go out on dates without the next day having like a million articles speculate if you're trying to move in on Steve. I think it's time," Robin rationalized.
"All right, then. We're doing this. Should we use this as an excuse to make Jon take cute couple pictures of us?" Nancy giggled a little at her suggestion.
"Yes! Perfect. Get him over here. Operation Save Dingus from his Self Sacrifice is a go!" Robin jumped up on the couch to make her point and Nancy immediately had to come to her aid as she wobbled enough to lose her balance.
Robin was excited. She was ready for the next step with Nancy and if it helped Steve get out of his own head and/or convinced a certain metalhead with very few remaining braincells to get his head out of his ass then so be it. Robin couldn't wait to think of all the sappy shit Nancy would pretend to be annoyed at she'd be able to do now. Steve would be back in a few weeks so Robin anxiously awaited Jon's response and started several caption ideas in her notes app.
part six
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy @grtwdsmwhr @dreamercec @anne-bennett-cosplayer @strawberryyyenthusiast @mensch-anthropos-human @kal-ology @ttyrussss @kristmkris @starman-jpg @wonderland-girl143-blog @child-of-cthulhu @legalmenace87 (if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
it's not quite fixed yet but we are getting so close!!!
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 46
part 1 | part 45 | ao3
cw: recreational drinking
Somewhere around the second chorus, Nancy finally stops twirling, head down and eyes closed as she wobbles dangerously in place — Steve can see Jon tensing just in case he needs to jump in and save her from busting her ass — and when she looks up, her eyes lock on Steve like she's seeing him for the first time in forty years.
“Steeeeeve!” she slurs, smile sloshing over her features like a splash of spilled punch.
Good god. “Hey, Nance.”
She reaches over and paws at his arm, a swiping motion like she's either about to yank him in for a hug or wipe some lint off his sleeve, and says, “Steve, I— I, um- can- can we...?”
With a determined look in her glossy eyes, she pitches forward and slams into him. Steve goes flopping backward into a squishy leather armchair and lands with a lapful of Nancy. Nancy Wheeler, the ex who dumped him at a party not unlike this one. Who left him for a guy standing a foot and a half away.
Who's snickering into the crook of his neck now as she clings to his shoulders to try and stop herself from slinking sideways to the floor.
Steve throws Eddie and Jonathan matching looks — something between 'this okay?' and 'what the actual fuck?' — but Jon just shrugs like what're ya gonna do? and Eddie gives him a quick wink and turns his attention back to the boys.
Super helpful, Ed. Thanks so fucking much.
“Hiii,” Nancy giggles, looping her arms tighter around his neck to hold herself upright. It should seem flirty, but it doesn’t, somehow. Feels more like… sisterly concern?
Feels fucking weird, is what.
“Hi,” he says a little stiffly, his arms hovering in a loose bracket on either side of her in case she topples. He feels a little bad for being standoffish when she's in a sweet and friendly mood; doesn't want to be a buzzkill, but he doesn't exactly know what to do with an armful of happy-go-lucky hammered Nance.
Never did, really, because he couldn’t ever tell when it was genuine or not. Which was kinda the whole problem, wasn’t it?
Nancy pokes at the edge of the frown he didn't realize he was making. "Aw, don't..." she mumbles with a wounded little sound, her eyes sliding over his face, head bobbling like she's standing on the deck of a ship. “Or do," she hiccups and swallows a burp. Her lower lip trembles. "I prob'ly deser— deserve it."
Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He would've killed for this conversation twelve months ago; would've killed to hear it sober and asking for him back.
Now he mostly feels bad for making her feel bad, even though she’s not exactly wrong. Maybe she did deserve it, once. But not here; not now. “No, you don’t,” he sighs and lets his arm skim her waist. “You don’t. You should be enjoying the party, I’m sorry.”
She protests with an almost violent shake of her head. “No,” she insists, overenunciating the word. “No. I do. I was…"
She straightens her spine and stares at him like she's trying to bore a hole through his head; like this is important. Like there's a cut on her hand and gasoline in the carpet. "I was bullshit.” She jabs her pointer finger against her breastbone. “I was.”
Steve blinks at her. Feels tears bead in his eyes and slither into his sinuses. Gently, he reaches out and pushes down on the back of her hand; guides it away from her chest until it falls back to her lap.
“Think maybe we both were,” he offers with a quiet sniff. Takes a second to just breathe, sharp and wet through his nose. “Thank you, though. For saying that. Means a lot.”
Her eyes still look sad, but the corners of her mouth lift in a small, hopeful tick. “It does?”
Across the room, someone clambers onto a kitchen counter and hollers, "Hey! Listen up!"
The music pauses; the moment breaks. The crowd turns to the guy, who cups his hands around his mouth and announces, “Fifteen minutes to midnight! Find your make-out buddy, folks!"
Commotion as everyone scrambles to pair up: Nancy looks at Jonathan and stumbles off Steve’s lap; Gareth stares forlornly at a girl over by the stairs; Frank purses his lips and tells Jeff to start puckerin’, princess, and Jeff laughs and shoves him with a playful "fuck off, dude."
Eddie’s only got eyes for Steve.
He’s staring right at him, eyes lit up with desire; twinkling stars in deep woods. “Get a refill with me?” he asks as he offers Steve a hand.
Steve stands and does his best not to sway into Eddie’s arms.
“Oh, my god," Robin mutters over the rim of her cup, "so we’re not seeing you two again tonight."
“What was that?” Steve asks. Eddie sticks his tongue out at her.
“Nothing, dinguses,” she sighs. “Happy new year.”
Steve wishes her the same, reaching out to link their pinkies and giving hers a quick squeeze. Pinky hug; love you, too. As he and Eddie shuffle past, Steve sees Argyle turn to Robin and casually try to shoot his shot.
“Hey, pretty bird lady…” he starts.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Robin responds by making crazy eyes and bleating out a nervous laugh that roughly translates to sorry sorry sorry sorry and never in a million years; Steve's tempted to lean over and clap a hand over her mouth to put her out of her gay misery, but Argyle's the most chill dude on the planet, apparently, because he doesn't even seem fazed.
“No sweat, my guy,” he shrugs and extends a closed hand. “Midnight fist bump instead?”
part 47
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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bubblegumfanfictions · 9 months
Perfect to Me |Astarion x Fem!Plus-sized! Reader|
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Fandom- Baldurs Gate 3
Ship- Astarion/Fem!Plus-sized! Reader
Warning(s)- fatphobia, negative thoughts about weight, mentions of Cazador, Swearing
Summary- Reader is upset after a rough day in Baldurs Gate, but Astarion proves that she doesn't need to be.
Word Count- 1,700
A/N- Sorry if this isn't perfect, it has been a while. But merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! (I also changed the name of the fic)
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After a long and perilous journey through the Shadow Cursed Lands, The Underdark, and the Mountain Pass to gain allies you finally made your way to Baldurs Gate. The bustling streets and lively atmosphere was almost alien to you after so much time surrounded by nature.
The faces of your companions tell you all you need to know about how they feel at present. Disgust, Excitement, and Fear. You felt for Astarion, it must be terrifying returning to your old hunting grounds after so long, seeing the families of people he had condemned, but that wasn’t who he was now. You felt a fleeting sense of pride that your friend had promised the Gur he would help take down Cazador and find out what happened to their children– Whether they were alive or not is a whole different story.
Karlach on the other hand looked positively elated at being here. Her excitement was certainly infectious, You pause your thoughts and look over at the disgust on Lae’zel’s face, Well maybe not totally infectious. Although you did take note of a glint in Lae’zel’s eyes, she was interested but hid it well.
But even with Karlach’s excitement, you were nervous as all hells. You knew from experience that Baldurs Gate wasn’t a fan of people with your particular build (Well, unless you work in brothels or Burlesque shows but that is a different story.) Knowing what you know about Baldurs Gate you had prepared yourself before you left to expect some comments, looks and even some shoves.
You thought you had managed to keep your anxieties under control and to yourself but that wasn’t the case. Unbeknownst to you, while you were hyperanalysing everything out of nervousness, Astarion was keeping an eye on you. He’d never seen you so nervous- That might not even be the right word, terrified seemed to be the better term.
He didn’t know why you were so scared of everything. He had seen you take down an Orthon just so he could have the information that Raphael promised him. You didn’t have to do that but you did. When he asked you why you simply smiled and said “Because it was important to you.” So he didn’t understand your fears at all. Are you scared of big crowds? Of the idea that someone could jump you? No, thats not it, you’d look more alert than anything, not dazed.
After a few hours of walking around Astarion finally spotted what it was that was scaring you so much. He noticed the glares and whispers being sent in your direction. He was happy that you weren’t an elf because you wouldn't have liked the things he was hearing. He was physically restraining himself from ripping out these peoples throat. You were beautiful. Why couldn't they see that? Why couldn't you see that?
“Isn't she ashamed of coming out here?” Just breathe, Astarion. You'll be no good to the group in prison.
“She's much too big to be in with that lot.” Astarion kept his rage to himself, but he was sure the rest of his group noticed. After all you were connected by those wriggling parasites.
Eventually you all made your way to The Elfsong Tavern when the Emperor decided to reminisce about his time working with Duke Stalemane. Astarion didn't care though, not after noticing how vulnerable you looked, how upset and withdrawn you were.
He wondered if maybe you could hear some of the comments. Or if you were so used to the treatment that you knew what they were going to say.
Karlach barrels into the Tavern with all the grace of… well- Karlach. Finally getting to sleep in a proper bed for the night. Everyone was excited for it. After the trials they had all been through they deserved some much needed rest, even just for the day.
Karlach decided to go down into the Tavern to spend her night eating and drinking, Lae'zel went to the courtyard to practice. The group had discovered a temple with a link to Mystra and naturally relayed this to Gale so that's where he probably is. As for the others? You had no idea.
You took it upon yourself to kick your shoes off and practically face planted one of the beds in the room you rented, barely taking any notice of Astarion's eyes watching your every move.
The energy it took you to not burst out into tears in the streets had taken its toll on you, you were just ready to sleep.
Astarion moved over to you cautiously, for once he was lost for words. He didn't know what to say to you, should he acknowledge the elephant in the room or ignore it?
“Astarion? Are you okay?” You lift your heavy head to look at the handsome Pale Elf that was watching you. His eyes dance with uncertainty. He seemed deep in thought. “Astarion?” You say his name a second time and manage to catch his attention.
He shook himself from his thoughts “Oh, yes, Darling? What were you saying?” He thought his recovery was smooth but his discomfort still showed on his face.
You sit up and pat the spot next to you. Astarion smiled absentmindedly, even burdened by the thoughts of horrible people you were still thinking of others first.
Astarion sits next to you, “I'm fine, but are you. Don't think I didnt notice the way people were looking at you.” He paused, not knowing if he should let on that he heard what they were saying. “Or how they were… talking about you.”
You stayed silent, looking down at your hands. Like Astarion earlier you didn't know what to say. “You noticed that?”
He looked baffled, almost offended that you thought he didn't. “Of course I did! Why wouldn't I? This is you we are talking about Darling, it's so hard for me to not notice you.” He places his hand on top of yours.
The coolness from his hand is a stark contrast to the warmth of his words to you. “Tell me, why do you allow a few rotten apples to treat you so poorly.” He uses his other hand to brush some hair from your face that had fallen when your head lowered with sadness.
“Because its true. I'm nothing special, no one will ever love me the way I want them too. I'll be alone… forever.”
Astarion's heart shattered, he knew what it was like to feel so vulnerable, so self-conscious. He hated that your life in Baldurs Gate made you feel the same.
“Oh, Darling. I wish I could show you just how wrong you are. These people? This group that you brought together, they adore you, I adore you.”
“But why? I feel hideous.” Tears well up in the corner of your eyes, prompting Astarion to lift you chin with one hand and wipe your tears with the other.
“You are far from hideous my gorgeous gorgeous girl, I think you are beautiful, a walking piece of art. You do not deserve to be treated the way you are just because you don't fit in with their callous beauty standards.” The mixture of Astarion's kind words, the nasty glares, and your exhaustion caused you to break down, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Without missing a beat Astarion wrapped his arms around you in a clumsy hug. He could feel your shoulders shake as the tears (sadly) soaked his new doublet.
“You think I'm beautiful?” You sniffled, pulling your head away from his chest but maintaining contact. He may not be physically warm but his actions and words warmed you through.
“Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? I'm not blind, Sweetheart.” A soft smile painted on his lips. Astarion could tell that his words weren't really getting through to you, he knew that it would take a long time for you to finally feel good about yourself, but he can damn well try his best.
“But-” you attempted to say before Astarion shushed you, a finger gently pressed to your lips.
“No buts. I have been around for a long time, I have bedded more men and women than I can count. But you are by far the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on. You are so incredibly and unapologetically you and I would do anything in my power for you to see yourself the way I do.”
“But I'm not thin like other people, how can you say I'm beautiful when I look like this? ” He moved his finger down to your chin so he could tilt your head up.
“Because you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you're the best person for me. I don't want to imagine a life with anyone other than you in it. I adore you darling. I love you and I want you to be happy and I would love for it to be with me.”
Astarion could see your expression change to a more hopeful one. “You love me?”
“I do.” He responds, his eyes darting down to your lips and back to your own again. “Can I kiss you?” The question slipped from his mouth before he could think. You nod your head, still shocked by the sudden confession.
He slowly closed the gap between your lips, when they finally touched Astarion could sense all of your worries melt away. His free hand squeezing the thickness of your thigh as you shared a loving kiss. Astarions fangs brushing against your lips and occasionally nipping them as the kiss deepened.
“Fuck yes! Finally!” You both turned your heads, seeing Karlach stood in the doorway watching as the two of you kissed.
“Man Gale is going to be PISSED. He owes me 60 gold.” She senses the awkwardness she had just caused with her entrance and sheepishly backed away “Don't let me stop you, I was just leaving.”
She slams the door behind her but you could hear her yelling that she was going to be a rich woman and that she knew she had an eye for romance.
The two of you just laughed. This was perfect.
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thearchercore · 8 months
As a Lando fan, but first and foremost a Max and Charles fan, I’m quite disappointed in Lando. It’s true what they say, not everyone is happy when you are on top and your real friends show their true colours.
You are right, Max says what he thinks and never filters it. While Charles is a PR King (let’s be honest he’s more of a princess but that’s besides the point) but never once has he thrown shade at Max since they became friends (at least not that I know of)
Now, Daniel is not, has never been and will never be someone about him. Nothing against him, just vibes. But the fact that Max has held him so dear and close to his heart and he goes ahead and throws major shade at Max when Max was being nothing but honest at Vegas then makes sure to hang out with Lando during Winter break the other driver who is Max’s publicly known bestie on the grid (I mean the man even attends P’s birthday parties) anyway I digress. It’s just outright shady and childish.
Max is on another level and not everyone will understand that. True friendship should withstand such challenges. Of course anyone would be jealous and intimidated by such dominance and success but to deny the man like Peter denying Jesus infront of the crowd is just sad. I mean c’mon, did he mean it as a joke? Also was Daniel attempting humour? It’s possible but I can’t see someone like Charles making such weird comments. Even when they were beefing, Charles made it known that him and Max are okay and even though they are not best friends their relationship or hang out outside the paddock (back then things are different now) he still loved racing against Max because they understood each other and how they raced.
It’s actually petty for grown men to belittle their friend because of his success. But what do I know, the sport destroyed a childhood friendship (Nico + Lewis) Maybe only the realest and toughest friendships survive. Viva Charles and Max (whether you ship them or as friends) it’s real and they are always rooting for each other.
Sorry this got long.
yeah, i feel like the difference between daniel's current place in f1 and max's is playing a significant factor. again, max joined RBR when he was essentially still a teenager that was battling with puberty. daniel was there as the mature driver that max looked up to.
now, fast forward to 2024, daniel is fighting for his last chance at f1 after many unsuccessful team moves, and max is much more mature and has 3 WDC titles under his belt. that certainly changes things.
so i'm sure that if for whatever reason rbr kicks out checo and daniel jumps in, their dynamic would be different.
lando, on the other hand, is a different story. @tsarinablogs had a great post where someone suggested "I think Lando couldnt handle his car actually being competitive. Thats what weakened their friendship. It’s easy to be friends when you are driving a slow car, but then the car actually got competitive and he still couldnt beat Max."
again, the truth is -- f1 is a highly competitive environment and everyone will fight for themselves first without a doubt. that's what's happening with daniel and lando. daniel wants that red bull seat, lando wants to beat max. and that is going to be their priority over whatever friendly relationship they may have with max.
on the other hand, there are only 20 drivers in f1 so you have 20 other co-workers who share the same experiences as you. so you will always be closer to them than anyone else because no one would get you that well.
i think what works well currently between max and charles is that no matter how much media tried to put them against each other, they alway showed mutual respect to each other. charles never talked shit about max in press, and the overall vibe they have going on recently is that charles is happy for max's success, and is working hard to gain his own. also their actions speak a lot -- like charles' putting aside ferrari's questionable qatar strategy and rushing to congratulate max on his WDC. or max running to charles to apologise for his mistake in vegas.
their relationship doesn't seem to be definined by their racing results, and their joint racing history also makes them more equal in their own eyes than other drivers.
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base0h · 1 year
idk if you’ve done this before but can you do either zoro or luffy finding out that their s/o is actually alive? like they watched them die and stuff and then a while later, they just come back like
a/n - I woke up at 3am today and I’m very motivated for some reason :) thank you for this request anon!
Warnings ⚠️ - angst, g/n reader
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You had died a while ago, and Zoro still hasn’t recovered from it. Your death was… Enough to break the unbreakable man. Everyone in the strawhat crew knew how much you meant to him, he would die for you.
He still had little pictures of you laying around, little things to remember you by. It was sad, feeling how the bed you two shared was now one for only him. How when he trained, you weren’t hanging out with him. You didn’t save him from the pervert cook ever again… Nor did you help him deal with Luffy’s recklessness.
it was so… empty with you not there anymore. As if his life wasn’t complete. He was with his best friends for life, on his way to fulfill his dreams, and help his captain fulfill his. It was everything he could’ve wished for. Except you. You weren’t there anymore.
On the next island, zoro reluctantly came along with Nami and Robin to help with the supplies shopping. They thought it would be good for him to get out of the ship for a little while. He walked, his head hanging low, his hand perched on the hilt of his katana in case anyone dared to attack him.
Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, he could’ve sworn it was yours. How could he ever forget it? Your tone that always brought comfort to him, whenever you spoke, it put him at ease, no matter what you were talking about. He looked up to see a hooded figure speaking with a merchant, negotiating a price.
His body moved for him, walking towards the person quickly, taking off their hood and staring at them to see if it was you or not.
It wasn’t.
“What the hell man?! What’s your problem?!” The man yelled at him angrily, swatting his hands away. Zoro sighed heavily, great, now he was hearing things.
He looked up at the merchant. No fucking way. It was you.
He literally jumped over the stands of fruit and tackled you, wrapping his bulky arms around you so tightly you couldn’t even breathe. No, what are you thinking? He totally wasn’t crying!
“Y/n- where the hell were you? And how did you survive? I saw you-“
“Die? Yeah nope that didn’t happen. I’ve been waiting here for a while since I know you guys had planned on coming here.”
“You could’ve sent a letter dammit! And there’s things called den den mushis where a literal fucking snail can call me?!!”
He was mad, happy, sad, confused, but most of all? Relieved, to see you alive, safe, and in his arms again. “Sorry Zoro- but I’m too broke to afford one! I can barely pay for an apple in this expensive town!”
He chuckled a bit, kissing your cheek before leading you out of the stand. “Ahem?! My fruit?!” The hooded man asked before Zoro shot him the nastiest death glare he’d ever experienced. Anddd- that shut him up pretty quickly, sending him running away with fear.
“Come on, I bet everyone’s going to be excited to see you again.. don’t ever do that again or else I’m going to kill you.”
“Ok ok- sorry babe.”
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Luffy was never- truly the same after your passing. Watching you take that hit for him as you fell off the cliffs into the steep waterfalls. God he remembered it as if it was yesterday, it kept haunting him, following him, stalking his life.
He still smiled, had his rambunctious attitude, reckless behavior, and meat loving self. But whenever your name was brought up, he wasn’t smiling anymore, in fact, he never could find happiness in hearing about you anymore.
All he could think about was how he let you die. Just like he did with ace. Everyone knew, everyone saw the changes from his old self. They hoped that this new island would help cheer him up, since it had been known for its very delicious meat.
He obviously tagged along with Robin and Sanji to pick out the “best” meat. When he was standing around, struggling not to eat it before Sanji even got a change to cook it, he saw a glimpse of someone he used to know. They looked- just like you!
It took him not even a moment to start running towards the person, turning them around to see that it… it was you!
He tackled you down, his arms wrapping several times around you, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “LUFFY!”
Oh god you missed him so much- just to be able to hug him like this again was more than enough to bring life back into your heart again. “How are you here?! I thought you- fell off the cliffs?”
“I did, and Luffy. It wasn’t your fault ok? I’ve been wanting to tell you that for so long. Don’t blame yourself, I was the one that was too angry, and just attacked with no plan. I was the one that got myself almost killed ok? Not you.”
You kissed his forehead, you definitely knew Luffy had been blaming himself this entire time for your “death”. He grinned, peppering your face with his kisses, tickling your cheeks. “Sanji picked out some yummy meat, tonight we’re gonna have a feast!!!”
You smiled at him. Finally, you were home.
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a/n - this was adorable help
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wheeler-fan · 2 months
this is a post for bylers milevens idk everyone in the fandom before I'll go crazy cuz I'm seriously tired rn
we've got the og party photos guys we won so bad, the last time we actually had them all together was in s2.
i feel like there's a war (no surprise in this fandom i guess) and it looks like bylers hate the core four and milevens the og party and it's literally sick, i get that in the core four there's no byler and in the og party there's no mileven but not everything is about ships omg😭😭
I'm a mileven and i love BOTH core four and og party they're all my children I'm literally jumping every time i see them together. I wanted to enjoy the og party photos but ofc people are going crazy again, everywhere i go i see bylers being like "lmao milevens probably shit themselves we won again" and like no stop😕😕 i get it you have mike and will together it's a huge reason to be happy you guys totally deserve it, i would be screaming if i would got core four photos bc mileven would be there (even if that wouldn't be exactly a mileven content but the core four) but i would never make an anti byler post or whatever to laugh at you guys bc i have a mileven content and you don't have byler like what's the point 😭 I won't lie I'm sad that i haven't got them in one frame but it's not the end of the world bc this is not about the ships, it's about giving us an information how filming s5 is looking right now😭I'm happy that we have og party photos so I'm asking kindly.. can we please just enjoy them together? you can make as many posts about new byler content as u want but please can you stop talking about mileven in a negative way and just enjoy your ship😕 cuz i just want to enjoy the og party, the nancy&mike talk and everything without seeing how people make everything about byler and I'm really sorry if I sounded annoying I'm not trying to say something like "don't enjoy byler content cuz i haven't got mileven👹👹" I'm just asking if you guys can enjoy it without making fun of milevens bc in this day we haven't get anything 😕
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ripplestitchskein · 2 months
Sorry for yet another, “Listen guys, it could be so much worse, my fandom related trauma has made me appreciate scraps. My personal bar is literally on the floor” posts but I am genuinely happy with the MHA ending. I get why people are not though. Audiences want finality. They want commitment. They want closure and resolution.
But considering the genre of MHA, the common tropes of the medium, the cultural and capitalistic concerns at play… MHA did a lot. Shonen Jump was never going to go for a canonically queer ship in their biggest property my guys, they just weren’t. So bearing that in mind, that it was never going to be explicit, your alternatives are ambiguity, punishment by the narrative via permanent character death, or canon surprise heterosexuality ala Naruto.
I’m gonna take ambiguous “fic can make this better” endings over permanent character death or like a Deathly Hallows epilogue any day. I’m certainly going to take it over “Yeah they were hella gay the whole time but here is the wife they barely had any interaction with and their 2.5 children that prove they fucked at least once.” Like yeah obviously explicit canon scenes are always gonna be better and more satisfying but the absence of them in any one direction, the ambiguity that is left to individual interpretation, especially in this genre of manga, is honestly a huge win for me personally. That HK went out of his way to not canonize Izuku/Ochako and to highlight Bakugou’s contribution especially and have him be the hand that brings Deku back to being a hero speaks very loudly. HK is not unaware of the popularity of the ship and a creator who has thier hands tied by thier distributor making the decision to not explicitly kill it IS a win. He could have very easily done the “I assure you this fruity little gremlin is straight. Look at his girlfriend! She has huge tits! Yes he sure does love women! Yessiree, ignore all the homoerotic subtext and the like yearning and weird focus on hands, and like being willing to literally die for his also very straight counterpart.”
The move when a content distributor wants to squash a ship is doubling down not “What if we left it kinda vague but heavily implied it?”
And it is such a good ambiguity. Enough detail to world build but not to preclude headcanons. And the fic possibilities jfc.
Like, the angst potential of Izuku thinking he got left behind because Bakugou and everyone else was working to make his dreams a reality will launch a thousand fics. Bakugou working tirelessly to make that dream a reality? Keeping himself away from Izuku to raise himself in the ranks and financially to buy this dream, no distractions but missing his partner. You can feast for years on an 8 year jump with patchy communication. and what comes after, the awkward relearning each other and catching up, the will they won’t they now that they are working together again. Omg.
I’m just saying the “And everyone did a cool thing related to their character arcs but the specifics of their interpersonal relationships is up to you to fill in, The End” finale is loads better than the alternatives imo and really suited the story overall.
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punksdoll · 9 months
Hii!! Love your imagines!!
Was wondering if I could request a Kevin Owens x Sami Zayn x reader (platonic) fanfic? Where you are all best friends but ever since you joined the Bloodline in 2020 and started dating Roman you iced them out.
And like how Kevin was tryna convince sami to leave the bloodline, they try to convince you to leave the bloodline in every way possible, but you ignore them cause you think you can’t get the big break in your career without roman, and now that ur womans champ it is because of roman.
And ur notorious for jumping ship when you don’t get ur way, so everyones expecting you to betray roman when he accidentally costs you your womens championship. And Sami and Kevin keep finding you after roman keeps treating you horribly and tryna convince you that roman doesn’t care about you the way they do. And that the way he is treating you, an amazing person, is shitty. But you just give them sad looks that hurt them and brush them off. And Kevin just wants to kill Roman but knows he has to get you away from him first.
But you don’t even think of betraying Roman cause you genuinely think ur not good enough without Roman until you caught him cheating on you. And then you just silently snap and as soon as Roman goes out to cut a promo against Sami and Kevin your music hits and you make ur way to the ring with a kendo stick. And Kevin and Sami think your so far gone that ur gonna attack them with it but you attack a smug roman with it and shockingly attack him and beat him up and sami and kevin are shocked and pull you off of him before he could hurt you. And they are confused when the three of u are backstage and you just break down and cry and tell them everything and they hug you. And kevin wants to tell you i told u so but knows nows not the time. They both tell you that you did the right thing and that you deserve better. And you keep apologizing and they say they forgive you and kevin and sami are sad that ur hurting and happy you are finally back with them, that their best friend is back. and comfort you the rest of the night in the hotel.
Sorry if this is too long, you don’t have to do all this. Have a great day! :)
~~~𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆~~~
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gif not mine like, comments, & reblogs appreciated
𝑲𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒙 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒁𝒂𝒚𝒏 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒊𝒕. 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈<𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆, 𝒘𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒌𝒆𝒗, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏’𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔🫶🏼, 𝒚/𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇.
not proofread
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“All you have to say is yes and you’ll be running this division with my tribal chief. Right by his side. He can give you anything that those fools could never give you.” Paul negotiates with y/n.
“Let me…think about it.” Y/n sighs, “I have a lot going on right now dealing with him and those “fools” that are my best friends.” Y/n narrows her eyes.
Paul opens his mouth to say something only to immediately bow his head. Y/n raises an eyebrow and turns around, being met with Roman Reigns himself.
“Me and your fools fight got nothing to do with you, baby. You putting too much energy on something that they are dragging you down with them. Join me? And you won’t even have to worry about that. All you gotta worry about is nothing.” Roman smiles, “Let me do the work for you and you’ll be even bigger than them.”
Y/n knew it was wrong but the idea alone of being able to rise to the top was brainwashing her. Before she even has the chance to answer, two men appear in front of her; blocking her view of Roman.
“Don’t talk to her.” Sami shakes his head, “She has nothing to do with our problems.”
Roman chuckles, “that’s not what I be hearin’ but let me just mind my business.” Roman raises his hands in surrender before making eye contact with y/n who is tryna take a glance at him, “You got 5 days ma, think about it.” With that, Roman and Paul walk away from them.
Kevin immediately looks at Y/n who looks like a kid just got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do. “What is he talking about?”
Y/n looks at both of her best friends before sighing, “He offered me a really nice offer that would make me stupid if I don’t take it into consideration.” Y/n sighs.
“You’ll be stupid even if you do take it into consideration.” Kevin narrows his eyes.
“He’s bad news y/n/n. Do not fall for his tricks.”
“Ok ok…” Y/n nods, “I won’t.”
“You promise? We don’t want you anywhere near him. So promise.” Kevin demands.
“I promise.”
Kevin and Sami stare down at the ramp where The Bloodline are coming down the ramp. It’s been 3 years since that conversation and 3 years since y/n picked their rival over them. When they found out about her decision, they were pissed. Absolutely pissed. They had tried talking to her over and over again to leave the bloodline but when she had told them why she couldn’t, they were even more pissed than before.
“Are you fucking stupid?” Kevin stared at you with betrayal and disappointment, “You took up the offer after everything.”
“You do realize he doesn’t like us right?” Sami asks with a frown, “Which means he’s just going to use you against us.”
“We’re dating.” Y/n blurts out and immediately closes her eyes, knowing she fucked up even more.
Kevin lets out a breathy laugh mixed with a scoff as he stares at her. Out of anger, he walks away. Sami looks at y/n with betrayal as she slowly opens her eyes to stare off at Kevin before looking back at Sami.
“You promised…”
Y/n avoids eye contact with the duo as she gets inside the ring with Roman and his cousins, all holding a finger up high. Y/n holding it down low. Roman notices and raises her hand up higher, taking a glance over Sami and Kevin with a smirk.
“She’s not a dog.” Kevin says out loud towards Roman.
Y/n looks over at Kevin and glares, “Shut up, Kev.” Y/n says harshly.
“Yeah, mind your business.” Roman smirks as he gets in his corner.
“Good luck…” Y/n tells him as she goes through the ropes but is stopped immediately as Roman pulls her face closer and gives her a kiss.
Kevin charges at him but is automatically stopped by Sami and the referee. “Kev! Kev!” Sami pleads as she tries pushing the man away from Roman.
Y/n pulls away, flustered, before getting down from the ring with the help of the twins.
The match starts and Solo is tagged in almost immediately. Roman laughs as he points at Kevin who’s already fuming as it is, “The hell he think this is?” Roman chuckles and gets out of the ring as Solo gets in.
The match is on a roll as Y/n watches anxiously. If she was gonna be honest, she was rooting for Kevin and Sami. She loves Roman, she does, but Kevin and Sami are her best friends and she didn’t want to see them lose.
“Yo y/n/n.” Jimmy walks over to you, “We goin distract the ref, pass this over to uce.” Jimmy hands over some brass knuckles to her.
“No…no i can’t do that.” Y/n immediately shakes her head, pushing his hand away from her.
“He wants you to do it. Don’t disappoint our tribal chief.” Paul snaps at her, pushing them into her hands.
Y/n nibbles her lip nervously before walking around the ring. Sami notices her and sees the brass knuckles in her hand, immediately jumping down the ring and rushing to her. “Don’t do that please.” Sami pleads with her.
“Move.” Y/n sighs trying to get around him only for him to follow her movement, “Sami…” she pleads.
Jimmy jumps on the ring and starts distracting the ref as Jey runs around towards Y/n who quickly moves to the side and sends a kick to Sami’s face.
“Go! Go! Go!” Jey rushes y/n who rushes over to where Roman is waiting.
Y/n walks over and makes eye contact with Kevin who is also yelling at Jimmy to get away.
“Y/n!” Roman shouts, “Give me the dam brass.” He holds his hand out.
Y/n looks at Roman then back at Kevin, “Why can’t you just win normally?” Y/n pleads.
“Give him the dam thing!” Paul shouts and Y/n, with pressure, fumbles around and hands them to Roman who snatches them and puts them on.
Roman turns around and sends a punch to Kevin with the brass knuckles, immediately knocking him down and taking the win. The twins slide in to celebrate with their cousin and brother. Y/n stays outside the ring and stares at Kevin who had rolled out of the ring and is now holding his face. Sami walks over to him and sighs, staring over at y/n.
“Sami…” Y/n goes to walk over but is immediately stopped by Roman who calls for her. Y/n completely forgets about what she was going to do and slides into the ring, walking over to Roman who wraps his arm around her and holds his titles up with a smirk.
Kevin and Sami both look over, “We gotta get her out of there…”
“Y/n!” Y/n immediately picks up her pace as she tries rushing away from the men who are trying to get her attention. All she wanted to do was go to her hotel room and cry. Her body hurt and what she wanted was to have a simple comforting hug from her boyfriend…instead she had gotten told off.
“Here is your winner…Bianca Belair!” The announcer announces after Bianca had just pinned her down.
Y/n stares at the uso twins who look at her with wide eyes then back at Bianca who is celebrating her win.
“NO NO NO!” Y/n shouts as she stands up and attack Bianca from behind. “NO! NO! NO!”
Sami catches her arm and stops her from making anymore movement. Y/n turns around and looks at both of them, annoyance plastered on her face.
“What.” She snaps.
“We heard.” Kevin says and y/n feels her annoyance flair off and instead embarrassment covers her features before she conceals it immediately.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Y/n shakes her head.
She did.
“Yo y/n/n…” Jimmy walks over to where she’s at, packing her clothes. “Uce wants to see you…it ain’t good.”
“Yeah…he pissed.” Jey looks at her with a sympathetic expression.
Y/n nods slowly before walking away from them to go to her boyfriend’s locker room. She was trying to avoid him as much as possible after her match but knowing him, he was going to see her whether she wanted him to or not.
She gets to his locker room and knocks first, trying to waste time. Clearly Thor wasn’t on her side as she hears his voice.
“Open.” Roman says.
Y/n takes in a deep breath before walking in and closing the door behind her. She sees him sitting down on his couch, man spreading with his hand holding his face.
“The twins said you wanted to see me…” she says.
“You disappointed me today, y/n.” Roman says, “You lost your match after you promised you’d win it…”
“Just because I promised something, doesn’t mean it’s always going to be kept.” Y/n rolls her eyes. She was shading herself.
“You getting smart with me?” Roman raises an eyebrow, “She getting smart with me?” Roman looks over at Paul who shakes his head.
“Indeed she is.” Paul tsked.
Roman stands up and walks over to y/n who keeps eye contact with him. “You should remember who even booked you before you get all sappy with me, y/n. I can take away your shine just like this…” he holds his hand up and snaps his finger. “Respect your tribal chief and remember who got you here.”
“I can get here on my own…” y/n narrows her eyes.
Roman laughs, he actually laughs in her face. Y/n is baffled as she watches him look back at Paul while still laughing then looks back at her. “Oh really?” Roman raises an eyebrow.
Y/n feels her confidence falter as she nods slowly, feeling herself wanting to break eye contact.
“Then do it.” Roman snaps, “oh wait? you can’t. wanna know why? because you don’t got the power that i have. you don’t have the voice that i have. you are nothing without me. you are nobody without me.”
“Why don’t you just leave y/n/n?” Sami sighs, “he called you nobody and i bet you he’s making you feel worthless right now.”
Y/n looks at Sami offended, “Seems like you’re the one making me feel worthless. He’s the reason why I am even getting noticed. He’s just trying to remind me who got me here.”
“and you believe that?” Kevin says and when you don’t answer, he scoffs. “Of course you believe that. You believe everything that comes out of his mouth. He doesn’t care about you. He’s using you for his own benefit.” Kevin spats out.
Y/n stares at both of them before slapping Kevin in the face, “Don’t ever disrespect him like that. He can get me where I want to be. I know he will. I trust him.”
“Here is your winner and the new wwe women’s world champion, y/n y/l/n!” the announcer announces as the crowd cheers for y/n.
The usos snatch the title from the ref and slides into the ring to hand it to y/n who raises it up with a big smile. Roman smirks and walks up the steel steps before getting in the ring. He holds his arms open and motions for Y/n to come over.
Y/n smiles and runs over to him, jumping into his arm as she gives his cheek multiple kisses. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuuu!” Y/n gives him a long kiss on the lips.
The moment ends as Sami’s entrance music hits and everyone cheers automatically as Roman snaps his head over towards the ramp where Kevin and Sami are walking down of. Y/n stares at her ex best friends then back at Roman whose hold tightens.
The Bloodline watches as the best friends make their way towards the ring and walks up both of the steel steps. They slowly get in and stare at y/n.
“Got a problem?” Roman asks them as he puts y/n down and gets closer to them.
“Nope, no problem.” Kevin shakes his head as he keeps his eyes targeted at y/n.
Roman takes notice and blocks their view making Kevin chuckle before looking at Sami who holds his hand up in surrender.
“We just wanted to say congrats.” Sami says as he takes a glance over at y/n, “We’re proud of you…” he smiles.
Y/n looks at them and nods slowly, looking away. “We would be even more prouder if you did it by yourself but…” Kevin shrugs and y/n snaps her head towards him with offense.
Roman looks over at his cousins and gives them a look which they automatically understand. The Usos attack Kevin and Sami who saw it coming and knocks them down.
Y/n rushes out the ring and holds her newfound championship close as she watches the men go in a brawl.
“Go.” Paul ushers her away, “Go go go.”
Y/n wraps her championship around as she’s getting ready to defend it against Rhea Ripley, again.
“It looks good on you.” Y/n snaps her head over to see Sami watching her put it on.
“Screw you both.” Y/n says as she puts on her leather jacket.
“He’s sorry for what he said…” Sami says.
“Then why isn’t he apologizing himself?” Y/n raises an eyebrow.
Sami sighs, “We’re worried about you y/n. You could have still made it even without them you know?”
Y/n eyes him and shakes his head, “No…no i wouldn’t. He gave me chances that you and Kevin couldn’t even give me.” Y/n says.
Sami frowns, “We could have given you a chance to prove yourself…and make your work hard to earn stuff.”
“Whatever Sami, i’ll see you around.”
Y/n eyes widened as brass knuckles are pushed into her hand as Roman gives her a look. “Use it and win it.”
Y/n looks over at Rhea then at Roman, “I-I can’t.” Y/n stutters, “Thats cheating.” Y/n shakes her head. She will do anything to win but cheating was not an option for her.
“God damit y/n.” Roman huffs before walking away and rushing over towards the ring and stands on it to distract the ref.
Y/n sees that she has no choice but to use the brass as she stands up and uses them on Rhea. She pins her down and waits for the ref to count.
But it never comes.
Y/n snaps her head up and sees Roman not noticing her pinning Rhea down. Y/n stands up and storms over there and catches the ref’s attention.
“I was pinning her damit!” She shouts at the ref who apologizes before turning towards Roman and forcing him down. Y/n looks down at Roman and gives him a look, “I did it! Why didn’t you stop talking.” Y/n snaps with a frown.
Y/n feels herself getting yanked around and get positioned into a riptide.
“1! 2! 3!” the bell rings as the crowd cheers.
“Here is your winner and the new women’s world champion, Rhea Ripley!”
The Bloodline get’s backstage. Roman is fuming as Y/n follows behind him with her head down and quiet. Everyone parts away to make space for them, not wanting to get in between Roman’s wrath. They get to their locker room and it’s silent for a moment as everyone watches Roman take deep breaths to calm himself down.
“You had one job.” Roman says, “You had one single job. It was to retain what was supposed to be your championship belt. But you can never do anything right. When I tell you to do something? You fucking do it y/n.” Roman looks over at y/n who narrows her eyes as she fights to keep herself from crying.
“I did do it right though…I used the brass knuckles and I pinned her. You were the one that was still distracting the referee…” Y/n frowns.
Roman narrows his eyes, “Are you blaming me right now? You saying it’s my fault that you lost your own dam title?” Roman snaps, “It’s your own dam fault. You were the one that was pinned down by a stupid ass finisher and you were supposed to kick out of the finisher. It’s all your dam fault.” Roman gets closer to her, taking heavy deep breaths.
Y/n closes her eyes and keeps her head down, avoiding any eye contact. Her eyes snap open as she feels her arm get gripped up and herself getting dragged away and towards the door where he opens it and shoves her out, slamming the door in her face. Y/n jumps when the door shuts and she takes in a shaky breath.
“Everything ok?” Y/n hears Kevin’s voice behind her and all she wants to do is curl up and let him comfort her but she already fucked up too many times tonight and she rather not piss Roman off even more.
“Mhm…” Y/n turns towards them and starts walking away, hearing them follow her.
“Do you seriously not see what he’s doing to you y/n? He doesn’t even care about you. We told you countless times how he’s just using you. You seen how he just easily kicked you out of his locker room? Like you were trash? You don’t deserve that.” Kevin shakes his head.
“You’re an amazing person y/n/n who’s getting treated by a self centered piece of shit.” Sami scoffs already sick and tired of the whole ordeal.
Y/n looks at them and feels her eyes gloss over as she shakes her head and walks away completely. They seen your face. You were hurt. Extremely.
“I’m gonna kill him…I swear it.” Kevin seethes as he turns towards where The Bloodline locker room is and goes to charge himself over there but is stopped by Sami who shakes his head.
“We have to get her out first…”
The universe was buzzing. Y/n has been getting multiple notifications from posts she’s been mentioned on or tagged on. They were all talking about her match and how Roman costed it. Rumors were going around saying how she was going to betray him next week but if y/n’s gonna be honest…she doesn’t think she can betray him.
He has done everything for her. He had made her more known, he had given her more opportunities than many, he has had her in matches that she wouldn’t have expected herself to be in if she wasn’t with him.
He has done everything for her and just thinking about a betrayal makes her feel ungrateful. She’s not. She is grateful, she really is.
Until she wasn’t.
Ever since she lost her match and the argument between her and Roman, she had noticed how secretive he’s been. He stopped having an arm around her, he stopped giving her kisses, he stopped being the boyfriend that she used to know and love.
She found out why.
Y/n was laying down in hers and roman’s shared hotel bed as she goes through her phone and looks at all the posts that she’s been tagged in about her match. Roman had left his phone charging on the nightstand next to the hotel phone.
Y/n looks over to Roman’s phone when she hears it vibrates. She grabs it and looks at the new message that he has and frowns.
Yasmin: you’re still coming over right?
Y/n narrows her eyes before looking towards the bathroom, seeing him still in the shower. Y/n opens his phone up and opens up the message, her heart immediately shattering as she goes through the messages. It was all about of lovey text messages that she used to have with Roman before she had lost her match. He was cheating on her…
Y/n quickly closes his phone when she hears the water turn off and Roman getting out. She puts her phone to charge before getting comfortable as possible and closes her eyes
That was the day that she broke. He had been cheating on her since the moment they started dating.
Today she was avoiding Roman. Instead of staying in the bloodline locker room, she was staying in the women’s. Y/n was avoiding everyone actually. She even avoided Kevin and Sami, afraid that she would have a breakdown if she even thinks about talking to them.
Y/n is standing in front of the screen as she watches Sami and Kevin do their promo. They were calling Roman out, not to her surprise.
“There you are…” Y/n hears Roman’s voice and her mood immediately sours as she feels him come up behind her. “I’m gonna go cut their promo, you coming or what?” Roman looks down at Y/n who just shakes her head. Roman narrows his eyes before shrugging and making his way towards the curtains and walking out.
Y/n watches as he makes his way down the ramp with his cousins and Paul. Y/n looks away and feels herself as lonely as ever as she watches her fellow coworkers talk to their work best friend and she starts reminiscing about how she, Sami, and Kev were like before she betrayed them to be with Roman.
Y/n feels her eyes darken as she sets her eyes on a stack of kendo sticks. She makes her way over to them and grabs one out of the stack and makes her way towards the curtain.
The men snap their heads towards the ramp when y/n entrance music hits the arena. The crowd cheers for her as they watch her walk down with a kendo stick in her hand. Sami and Kevin immediately look at Roman who has a smug look on his face as he watches her slide inside the ring and get closer to Sami and Kevin. Y/n stares at both of them, feeling the adrenaline pump through her veins. Kevin shakes his head as he prepares to get hit with the kendo stick.
Y/n raises the kendo stick and the crowd is shocked as you turn around and attack Roman with it. Everyone starts cheering for her as they watch y/n take Roman down with the kendo stick.
The men watch with wide eyes as they watch her lose her shit. The Usos immediately get into action to stop you but Sami and Kevin both attack them first and take them down. Once they get the brothers out of the ring they grab you away before you could lose the upper hand.
Y/n stares at Kevin and Sami who stare at her with shock written all across their faces.
Y/n feels her eyes burn as she swallows thickly. “You were right…” Y/n croaks out. Before they knew it, she was in full blown tears as she starts rambling on about the things he’s done and said to you behind closed doors. “Then I found he HES CHEATING ON ME.” Y/n lets out a choked sob as she covers her face and cries into her hand.
Sami rushes over and pulls her into his arm, letting her cry it out. Y/n wraps her arms around him and cries harder.
Kevin stares and forces himself to bite his tongue as he watches your body rack up with sobs. He’ll say it another time.
“You did the right thing…” Kevin nods, deciding that’s the better way of going about this. “You did right on beating him up and embarrassing him in front of thousands of people. You showed him who really has the power in this division.” Kevin says.
Y/n glances over at him and pulls away from Sami, “Really?” She croaks out.
“Absolutely. You deserve 100% better than him. Whatever he put you through was not ok and you deserve someone else who can give you everything that he couldn’t.” Sami smiles as he wipes away her tears.
“I’m so sorry for what I did to you guys. I’m so sorry for costing your matches, I’m sorry for brushing you off, ignoring you, pretending you guys never existed to me. You guys don’t deserve that…” Y/n sniffs as she feels herself getting pulled into Kevin’s arms.
“We forgive you, we knew you’d come around. We’re just glad to have you back with us.” Kevin gives her head a kiss.
“Why don’t we go on a late night drive like old times? Hmm?” Sami suggests.
Y/n smiles and nods, “Like old times.”
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just-dreaming-marvel · 3 months
Part Of Your World ~ 3
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,357ish
Summary: You break the surface and see a face that you’ll never forget.
Notes: Finally, after two years, I had inspiration to update this. Hope y’all enjoy!
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Over the next few months, you would sneak out of the confines of the palace and go to Shipwreck Cove. Natasha and Clint would join you when they could, helping you collect trinkets from the wrecks and take them to your grotto. Your grotto was filled with all sorts of objects that you could only guess what they were used for.
One night, you were out late. You knew that you were pushing it, especially because you were alone. You were in your grotto, placing new items on the rock shelves and reorganizing where some of the items were placed. The full moon was shining brightly into the calm water, allowing you to see so clearly. You looked up, longing to swim up to the surface. Not too far away, you noticed a large, dark object coming closer along the surface of the water.
“What father doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” you whispered to yourself before you swam up to the surface.
You gasped when you broke the surface, feeling a little chill due to the air. You looked over to where you had seen the dark object and noticed that there was a large ship there. Curious, you swam closer. You noticed that the ship was made out of wood, with some of the wood sticking out enough for you to grab on. There was a larger hole near the top that would allow you to see the commotion you could hear coming from the ship. You climbed the side of the ship, finding a good place to balance yourself before peering onto the deck.
There were humans talking and dancing about, men and women. They seemed happy, like they were celebrating something. There were three men playing music and an interesting four legged animal running around the people. You watched as the animal began sniffing the floorboards, heading towards you. Before you knew it, the animal was in front of you, licking your face. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, quickly stifling it before anyone could notice.
“Alpine!” A man called. The animal looked toward the man. “Alpine, here boy!”
The animal ran to the man, jumping up and barking. Your breathe caught in your throat as you got a look at the man. He was gorgeous. His black hair was slightly shagging, but not much. His eyes were the most wonderful shade of blue, matching the ocean. He was tall and built well.
You had never see a human like this. Actually, you had never seen humans at all with your own eyes. You watched as the man stood there with the animal, who kept barking at him.
“Hey, come on, mutt,” the man joked to the animal. “What’s got into, huh, Alpine?” The animal barked again and turned toward where you were. You quickly hid from view. “Is something over there, boy?” The animal barked and went over to the opening. The man followed. “There’s nothing here, boy.”
“Silence! Silence!” A large blonde man shouted for everyone’s attention. The humans quickly grew silent. “It is now my honor and privilege to present Prince James—“
“Come on, Steve,” the man who caught your eye interrupted. “We’ve been friends since we were kids.”
“Right, sorry, Bucky. It is my privilege to present Bucky with this present from the court.” Steve motioned to a large, covered object in the center of the ship. “Happy birthday, pal.”
Steve pulled the cover from the object, revealing a large, gaudy statue of Bucky. He was holding a sword and stepping on top of what seemed to be a royal crest.
“Gee, Steve,” Bucky muttered. “It’s, err, it’s—it’s really somethin’.”
“Yeah, the court had it commissioned,” Steve stated. He seemed to not like it very much. “They had hoped it would be a wedding present, but—“
“Aw, come on, Steve, don’t start that again. It’s my birthday. You can’t still be sore because I didn’t fall for the princess of Wakanda, are you?”
“Bucky,” a woman with curly brown hair stepped up beside Steve, “the entire kingdom wants to see you happily settled down. We want to see that happen.”
Bucky sighed as he sat down on the railing of the ship, looking out to sea. “Well, she’s out there somewhere. Just haven’t found her yet.”
“Maybe you’re being too picky,” Steve suggested, only to be quickly jabbed in the side by the woman’s elbow.
“I will know her when I find her. Without a doubt. It’ll hit me, like lightning.”
Thunder sounded without warning as the winds picked up. You looked at the sky to see large, dark clouds rolling in quick. Lightning flashed through the sky before the sound of thunder. And then came the rain.
“Hurricane a’commin’!” A man frantically shouted. “Stand fast! Secure the riggin’!”
You watched as everyone raced to a place to secure the sails or down below the boat. The waves grew larger and larger, causing the boat to rock. It didn’t take long for you to lose your grip on the boat and go flying into the water. You swam back up to the surface in time to see lightning hit the sail, catching it on fire. The fire quickly spread down the large wood pole and onto the deck. Those on the boat rushed to the smaller boats attached to the side of the ship. Because the people were too worried about getting off the ship, they didn’t noticed the large rock in their path. The ship crashed into the rock, causing those not in the life boats yet to go flying off.
You were in shock, not knowing how to help or even if to help. Looking around, you tried to find the beautiful human named Bucky.
“Bucky!” Steve yelled from one of the smaller boats.
You followed where he was looking to see that Bucky was still on the boat, with the furry animal in his arms.
“Here!” Bucky shouted, tossing the animal down to Steve.
Before Bucky could jump, the ship exploded. You ducked down into the water to avoid being hit by the flying pieces of ship. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Bucky in the water, trying to swim to the top. You rushed over, not caring if he saw you.
Bucky was struggling to swim up to the surface due to how heavy his boots were. Suddenly, you were in front of him. His eyes quickly scanned you. He almost gasped because of two things: how beautiful you were and that you were a mermaid. You looped your arms around his and began swimming him up to the surface. Bucky gasped for breath as he broke the water. He looked around frantically for you but couldn’t see you. Before he knew it, Steve was pulling him out of the water and onto one of the life boats.
“She—where is she?” Bucky stammered.
“Where is who?” Steve wondered.
“The girl… The one who saved me.”
“No one saved you, Bucky.”
“Yes, someone did! She was a—“ Bucky stopped himself. He knew the implications if he said he saw a mermaid. He would either be declared as crazy or the whole kingdom would be hunting mermaids.
“She was a, what?” Peggy probed.
Peggy and Steve eyed each other with both confusion and curiosity. Bucky’s eyes stayed glued onto the water as they began to row away.
Once you knew that Bucky was going to be okay, you had swam away to a safer distance. You watched from behind some floating pieces of the ship as Bucky was rowed away. There was something inside of you screaming to follow him. You wished that you could. You knew though that you had to get back before your father realized that you were gone.
You swam off, not realizing that someone was watching her from below. Wanda’s lips curled into a smile as a plan formed in her head. She had waited thirteen long years for a way to get to you and she was sure that she finally had it.
“Don’t worry, boys,” she whispered to herself. “Mommy’s almost fixed this.”
next chapter >
TAGLIST IS CLOSED - Taglist Information
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perseephoneee · 9 months
rosy cheeks and scott mccall please. for ficmas
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꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ happy day 7 of ficmas!
a/n: AGHHH i'm sorry for the delay and because of that delay i feel like this is very lame :(( i'm very sorry to the people of the universe. i will now bury myself in a hole and cry.
↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ ficmas 2023
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Located about an hour south of Mt. Shasta is your sleepy town of Beacon Hills, California. Beacon Hills was most known for the burgers on 9th Street, Christmas tree lights downtown, and the werewolf population. It was also a place that tended not to get very cold, just slightly chilly. It didn’t stop the residents from wishing they could enjoy the type of winter seen on their TV screens, with big fluffy snowflakes and subzero temperatures. So when it was announced that the lacrosse tournament would be held near Mt. Shasta with a surprise trip up the mountain for all winter activities, almost all the students signed up. 
You had signed up for the trip and the rest of your pack before you started avoiding Scott. Everyone in the pack could notice your tension, but no one said anything. Since Thanksgiving break, when you had almost kissed at Lydia’s party. You were interrupted by the usual werewolf drama. Now, there was something unspoken between you guys, and instead of addressing it (like adults), you have resorted to ignoring the problem until it eventually blows up in your faces.
Currently, you were standing with a duffel bag outside the bus waiting to load on. Climbing the stairs, you averted your eyes as you noticed Scott perk up at your entrance. The last thing you wanted to do was spend an hour on a bus with the guy you had an unestablished thing with. Quickly, you sat down next to Malia, who jumped at your sudden movement. 
“What’s up with you?” Malia asked, pulling out her earbuds. You shoved your bag under the seat and curled up into yourself, ignoring the question. “Hello?”
“Just sitting next to a friend,” you smiled. Unfurling, you grabbed your book out of your bag. Malia was still looking at you. 
“Is it because of Scott?” Malia inquired. You choked at the question. Malia rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows, I’m just the first to say anything.”
“Not surprising,” you mumbled, earning a jab from Malia’s elbow. “But yes, it might be about Scott.” Malia seemed to think about your answer, a pensive expression on her face. 
“Why don’t you talk to him?” Malia waited for your answer, but you couldn’t give one. Not when you were too cowardly to admit anything. So, instead, she just offered you one of her earbuds, and you graciously accepted it, listening to music for the rest of the ride. The drive to the mountain wasn’t too bad, and you spent most of it asleep with your head on Malia’s shoulder. She was aloof but recently had become a good friend to you. You recognized her struggle in adjusting to real life again, and she appreciated that she never felt the need to justify things to you. It’s how you knew she would be blunt about Scott but never pressured you too much. 
The lacrosse tournament happened at the beginning of the trip, so that whatever the outcome, the team could either celebrate or destress depending on the outcome. Coach Finstock wasn’t excited to deal with a bunch of teenagers for four days, but there were at least other teacher chaperones to help him. This was great for the students and Coach– neither had to deal exclusively with the other. You and Malia went to the closest cafe to get refreshments before the game. Malia had been on the journey of discovering if she liked coffee or tea, and so far, she hated all of it. She opted to get a Diet Coke while you treated yourself to a white mocha to stay awake for the game and the rest of the trip. When you finally left the cafe, you were happy that Lydia had saved you some seats. She refused ever to have a wrong view and scared off multiple sophomores. Lydia took a glance at Malia’s drink.
“Gave up on tea and coffee?”
“Why does it taste so bitter?” Malia grumbled, earning a smile from you and the redhead beside you. You saw Scott run onto the field, throwing on his helmet as he did so. Your eyes were glued to him, and you felt yourself wringing your hands anxiously as the game started. Fun fact: you had no clue how lacrosse worked, but based on the chants from the stands, you could surmise when things were going well. Scott appeared to score a goal, and you found yourself shooting up and hollering just as loudly as the rest of the Beacon Hills kids. Malia gave you a pointed look, which you happily ignored. Forgetting for a second that Scott had super-hearing, he turned to look up at you in the stands, and you felt your breath catch as he sent you a smile. Great, so he could hear you being a lunatic. He didn’t look at you for the rest of the game, but Beacon Hills won. 
There wasn’t much time to assemble on the field and congratulate the field, so everyone was sharing compliments back on the bus. Squeezing through the aisles, a hand grabbed you as you tried to walk by. You made eye contact with Scott and felt a claw grip your heart. 
“Hey,” he whispered meekly, as uncomfortable as you were. He looked at the hand holding you still and immediately let go. His instincts beat out his brain. 
“Nice game,” you smiled, running away before he could respond. You shoved in next to Malia again, who gave you an annoyed look. You silenced her before she could make any comment. 
Half an hour later, you ended up at the lodge where everyone would be staying. Forgetting your troubles, you happily glanced out the window at the beautiful brown lodge looming ahead of you. It was covered in snow, but faint lights twinkled from the archway. Everyone ran inside quickly, not wanting to be caught in the snowdrift. The inside was even more beautiful. It looked straight out of a storybook. Beautiful wood is finished, and multiple levels boast stone fireplaces and windows looking out at snowcapped trees. Coach gave out room keys to assigned pairs (you were stuck with some junior girl before Malia bullied her into changing assignments). Coach Finstock also lectured about not bothering him at any point, even if you were dying. Not even a good game could change his attitude on helping children. 
You got up to your room on the third floor with Malia and smiled at the log beds with red and white quilts. There was a view of a ski lift out of your window and an en suite bathroom with tiny bottles of shampoo and lotion. You dropped your bag by a bed and happily jumped on it, turning into a starfish as you sighed heavily. 
“You slept for most of the bus ride. How are you still tired?” Malia asked, catapulting onto her bed. 
“Sleeping in a vehicle is different from sleeping in your bed,” you mumbled, your voice muffled because of the sheets. You both sat silently, enjoying being on a warm bed. “Scott looked sad.”
“How would you know?” you inquire, rolling over so your face is unobstructed by the bed. 
“I saw him,” Malia picked up a loose thread on the quilt. “He looked sad. Probably because you’re ignoring him.”
“I am avoiding a potentially disastrous situation,” you argue.
“You’re being chicken,” Malia said, throwing a pillow at you when you made a noise in disagreement. “He likes you, or at least cares about what you think, and you’re avoiding him because of your fear.” You stayed silent, not denying her words. “I’m about to kick you out of this room to go and find him.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would,” Malia raised a brow, gesturing with her hands for you to leave. You grumbled about her being maybe right, something that she smiled at. She was right, and you resented it. You hid from Scott because admitting feelings was hard, and you liked him a lot. Leaving the room in a huff, you wandered the hall, harassing various students about where Scott was staying. Unsurprisingly, he was sharing a room with Stiles. Unfortunately, he was not in that room. After carefully investigating, you found him outside in one of the hot tubs. You paused on the threshold, holding your coat closer to yourself as you saw him lean his head back against the lip of the tub. Water droplets gathered on his chest, and his hair was flattened against his forehead. He looked gorgeous, and it frightened you how much you liked him. You found the strength to put one foot in front of the other, ending up in front of the hot tub and capturing the werewolf's attention. 
“I was told I could find you out here,” you said, wrapping your arms around yourself. 
“You’re talking to me now?” Scott said, his voice sharp. 
“I’m…yes,” you stumbled, sitting down on the rim of the hot tub. It was a rough Norwegian wood that you ran your fingers over as you refused eye contact. 
“Y/N,” Scott sighed. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no,” you turned to face him, hating the sad puppy eyes he seemed to have constantly. “I just…I’m not good at being emotionally available, and what almost happened between us was enough to make me the least communicative person in the universe.” 
“I wanted it to happen,” Scott whispered. “I missed talking to you.”
Your heart broke at his words. You always loved how kind Scott was how loyal and careful he was with people. You hated that you hurt his feelings. Without giving much of a second thought, you peeled off your jacket and shucked your jeans, standing in a t-shirt and underwear as you got into the hot water. Scott jumped back from surprise as the water splashed around. The warmth seeped through your bones, and you almost sighed as the cold left your body. Instead, you waded closer to Scott, close enough that you could grab his hand under the water. 
“I like you,” you admitted. “I…missed you too.” You leaned in, not letting your doubt stop you as you kissed Scott. It’s what you meant to do weeks ago, and now that it was happening, you didn’t regret it. Your hands ran up his chest to his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his muscles under your hands. He kissed you back, gripping your hips and bringing you closer. You liked the slight growl he made when you tugged on his hair. You lifted your knees to straddle his lap, letting his chest press against yours. Scott let his lips trail down your jaw to your neck. 
“I’m glad you’re talking to me again,” Scott mumbled against your neck, nipping the skin there as you gasped. 
“I’m sorry for not talking to you,” you gasped, feeling Scott's hands tentatively under your wet shirt. You kissed the corner of his mouth, feeling his jaw underneath your lips. You could’ve lived the rest of your life in this moment, in Scott's arms with Scott’s lips. Except much like everything in Scott’s life, Stiles was always there. 
“Woah, finally,” Stiles laughed, appearing out of nowhere and scaring both of you. You fell to the side of the tub, still gripping Scott’s shoulders. Scott glared at Stiles. “I was waiting for you two to stop tip-toeing around each other.”
“Stiles,” Scott growled. 
“Aww, you guys have such cute, rosy cheeks. Is it from the hot water or the hot makeout?” Stiles teased. Scott carefully put you aside so he could run out of the tub and attempt to tackle Stiles. You couldn’t stop the laugh escaping your throat as you watched the two boys try to wrestle each other to the ground. At least, you could call one of those boys yours.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Hello lovely, I am the anon blog and I am so sorry! I feel your pain because life in the trenches sucks. I don't allow my stuff to be posted to Twitter either, that place is a dumpster fire of vileness. I never know what people are sending to you but I have posted a message on my blog asking everyone to take a break for a bit. I'm not sure how this became a big deal in the first place, lol, but it can be very overwhelming and is very much why I go out of my way these days to be harder to find. My ask box is a lot. I do check in on your blog from time to time and will be happy to tell people to stop sharing with you at any time. I think we're close to the end though so hopefully peace will be restored relatively soon to both our blogs. I am so sorry for any trouble, that any of my followers might have caused. You seem so lovely and I don't want to be a party to anything that is troubling or upsetting. I hope your break is peaceful 💗
Hi dear! I'm so happy to hear from you.
I have thought so much about you today. I cannot even imagine what your inbox must look like. I so sympathise.
I very much agree on the Twitter thing. I lurk there once in a while, but never participate. It's a scary place.
As you probably already read on my blog, the lovely anons that send me your messages have reached out to me asking if I wanted them to stop sending them. I told them to keep on sending them, but that I wouldn't be posting them yet. I'm just going to be laying low for a couple of days, before I resume posting them. I refuse to back down because of some bullies. I have been in fandom for too long at this point. I'm too old to be pushed into a corner. xD
Listen, the reason why your posts have become such a big thing is because Tumblr has always been a fairly quiet and peaceful place to ship Buddie. Then episode 7x04 came along and brought utter chaos. Most of us had no idea what was going on. We were flabbergasted. I just remember thinking: 'Yes, Buck is bi now. It's obvious this Tommy guy isn't going to last, so maybe we'll finally get buddie. Everyone will be happy about that.' Anyway, you know what happened next. LOL
We were all over the place during that first hiatus and 7b, never sure what to expect from the whole BT relationship or the obvious Buddie they were still pushing on the show. We needed some stability and common sense back in this fandom and your posts have partly brought that back. I have so many people in my asks talking about your posts in a constructive, meaningful and sensible way. That is exactly what this fandom needs. It doesn't need negativity and spewing hatred and slurs, but it needs logical thinking and the deconstruction of patterns. Next to that you also give us a great insight into the inner workings of fandom. I find it all utterly fascinating.
Thank you for checking in on my blog once in a while. That's really sweet. If it ever comes to a point where I need a break from posting all together, I'll make sure to let you know. But I really don't think I'll ever get to that point, because I too have a feeling that the end of all of this is near.
And don't worry. Don't feel bad about any trouble you or your followers might have caused. I made the choice to post these asks in the first place. I could have backed down at any point, but I didn't. So, no one to blame here. Don't worry.
Have a great week! Feel free to check in once in a while. Oh, when all this is over and done with, don't hesitate to jump into my DMs. I'd love to say 'hi' to the real you one day. I have a feeling we could have some interesting conversations. ;)
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bnuuys-writing · 3 hours
Naga!Jamil x Reader x Roc!Kalim
Omg hiiii, its been a while everyone since i wrote something but here's the first part to something that's been pecking my brain for a while! Sorry its not the update for Vil's Moving Castle, i think im going to scrap it and rewrite it when I have more time.
This is only the FIRST part! I plan on writing a second part whenever i have free time again. Ive been picking away at this for a few weeks now. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Well. This isn't how you imagined you'd die. Being cornered by a larger snake-like creature to where there was no escape in sight unless you'd like to jump straight into his fangs…
Let's start this over again, how did you even get in this situation again?
The weather was warm as you entered the freezing cold building. A weird zoo-like research laboratory where you were under contract to work for free because of how gracious your professor was… Ass… You sighed slightly as you tugged on the free lab coat that your professor offered to you that had holes in every pocket, and was that… Dried stains of spaghetti sauce? Ugh. Shaking your head slightly as you made your way to the cafeteria and quietly sat down near the back, waiting to see if this is something you'd have to leave immediately and never return back to, free or not. Minutes passed as others started to file into the room, chitter chatter filling up the room only for a certain crack of a whip to silence the audience within seconds.
“Welcome pups, to your first hybrid meeting of how to be a caretaker!” A man walked out, two dalmatians hounding at each side of him as two others seemed to wheel in cages covered with curtains.
“For those who don't know what you signed up for, which is absolutely idiotic if you didn't read the full internship form, this is a place where we find the extraordinary creatures, house them, and research them before safely releasing them back from whence they came!” The man had a puffy black and white coat, fur lined it seemed from your assumptions as it was just as beautiful as his personality. Rough.
“For those who do not know me! I am your new Professor, your new internship coworker. But more like your boss. If I find out one of you pups messed up something with what is mine, you will be expelled immediately.” Another crack of the whip caused some to flinch at the sound as he continued to ramble on. Yet, your gaze trailed off of him to the cages where you could've sworn you heard something rattling… Like a rattle maybe? Lowering your head just slightly in hopes of catching a small peek, you could only feel yourself tense up in your seat when you saw a glow of slitted eyes shine back at you for just a second. As for what was underneath the curtain, you couldn't figure out just yet. 
Though, snapping your gaze back to your new professor, he continued to speak about how all the students will be assigned to areas that, if they are lucky, will like. If not, they are more than happy to drop out, as for volunteering for a section? It will be all yours, if not with some partners will be either voluntold to join. A large shake at the cage on the left caused everyone to jump in their seats as Professor Crewel seemed to snicker at everyones reactions to the rattling cage. 
“This is our Roc, a creature that hunts over the seas, capturing up sailors from their ships and being able to lift up an elephant in its adult years. Though this one is smaller, only for containment reasons, its adult size was a little harder to capture yet, this one seemed to fit into the snare just like a glove.” Crewel states out as he ripped off the curtain of the cage, a large looking hybrid of a man and a bird, with white dazzling feathers and hair seeming to coat its body. Although it was impressively large, it didn't seem all too aggressive towards everyone, seeming all too delighted in seeing the new faces… Unless you were wrong and it was just looking at who was going to be its next snack. A louder hiss could be heard as Crewel stepped closer to the cage holding what was so called a ‘Roc’ only for the man to seem a big smug at the reaction.
“Now, before anyone can start placing bids on who wants to work with our Roc here, you must come to learn that this Roc comes with another. Although, he is always in a sour mood, they seem to be in some sort of a pact of service to each other. While one leaves peacefully and unbothered, this–” Nothing could stop the gasps of students as the curtain was ripped off of the second cage only for a very, very, pissed looking snake like creature to be staring right at Crewel, its tail flicking with its rattle to try and scare off the Professor. 
“--Creature, comes with it. This is a Naga, and as for its design and pattern, they come together in a pair. So! Who is willing to work with our Roc and Naga?” Professor Crewel stated as the naga creature seemed to turn its body towards the crowd and hiss violently, venom spitting out from its large fangs and dripping down the metal bars of its enclosure, causing it to steam just slightly. 
Silence filled the room. So quiet that you swore, you could almost hear a pin drop within the auditorium. 
“No offers? Our Roc seemed very well trained, and always seems excited to have new fresh blood in the enclosure with him. You’ll just have to try your luck in not getting stuck with our Naga here while you are around the Roc.” Crewel hummed out only for his gaze to land upon you. The only one not diverting your gaze from him. While the other students seemed to look upon the walls with such wonder, some already leaving the auditorium and dropping out from the course, and others seemingly looking sick as they looked upon the angry looking Naga with fear. 
“Ah, you. With the (H/C) and stained labcoat.” Fuck you Crewel. Slowly standing up, dread filling your heart as you heard some others around you, whispering thanks for not being chosen to be their handlers.
“I see great promise with you with these two…” Crewel hummed out with a smirk, as he nodded his head. Oh, how wonderful.
A month had passed since that moment in the auditorium, you had teammates until they all dropped out one by one as they learned more and more about the Roc and Naga together. It seemed from what the researchers had learned about them is that when the Roc lay their eggs and have to go hunting across the seas to pickup sailors for their meals, the nagas were left behind to obey and serve the children until their parents came back. Then came the story on how they captured the Roc and Naga here in the building. The Roc children has been learning how to fly, and the Naga had to follow their every movement so that they wouldn't become the next meal for them. Apparently the Roc in captivity fell from the sky right into the trap, and the Naga has been trying to free him when they were found only for both of them to get sedated and brought back to the research facility.
After observing how handlers dealt with them as well, you began to learn their patterns in making sure that you wont die once you step foot into the enclosure… Like today.
“Alright pup, go ahead on in there, and feed them. Remember, don't look the Naga in his eye, and try to stay over foliage so that the Roc doesn't scoop you up where you stand. Put everything we taught you into action.” And with a crude shove and a loud bang. Professor Crewel really was cruel in some ways, you supposed… Shoving you into the enclosure and shutting the door tight. 
Nevertheless. You were now in the warm enclosure. Alone. Minus two pairs of hungry eyes watching your every movement.
You were careful in your step, making sure to stay under the treeline and foliage in hopes of not getting swooped up by the large bird man. As well avoiding any droppings or anything that you might've mistaken as a snake tail. Buckets in each hand as you traversed the area smoothly, making sure to count your steps just in case you had to make a run for the door and memorizing where you were… Just in case…
You could see their food bowl essentially, a large stone carved into a bowl-like structure with a flowing manmade river for them to get fresh water. The only downfall was that the tree that usually hung over the bowl had fallen due to a storm a few days prior… So your only guardrail was missing. And these guys were hungry… 
“Alright.. You can do this… Show no fear and they'll have no reason to hurt you… Have confidence in your steps…” You whispered to yourself as you took a shaky step forward into the light of the day, no longer under the shady canopy protecting you from the Roc. With another step, you were getting closer and closer to the food bowl without any issues. Just as you neared closer and closer, movement in the corner of your eye was caught as you couldn't help but turn around just slightly… Ever so slowly in hopes of not pissing off whatever was there. 
Slitted eyes bore right into your eyes as you could feel the entrancing pull once again. Slowly, the world around you began to grow darker and darker, all you could see were these entrancing eyes, almost as if beckoning you closer with how they memorized you. Taking slow steps forward, a crack of a tree branch sounded way too close to you as this seemed to snap you out of whatever hypnotism the naga was performing on you. Taking a large intake of breath as you averted your eyes away from the snake man, only to throw it up to see a grinning feathery face a little too close to yours.
A hiss is what snapped you out from your trance from looking at the Roc creature. Shit. Without a second to spare, you ducked back under the foliage as you could feel your heartbeat pounding against your chest as your feet thudded against the ground roughly in hopes of retracing your steps. Yet, in your adrenaline flurry rush, you found yourself in a corner against one of the rocky mountains. Turning around to try and find another escape, you were met face to face with a very angry looking reptilian man. The naga, fuck.
Back pinned against the rocky surface, you could feel the forked tongue flicking out against your cheek as you avoided looking in his eyes at all cost, knowing it would cause certain death. 
Well, either way. This isn't how you'd expect how you'd die.
You could feel the hot breath ever looming closer and closer to you. Yep, even with those buckets of food, you know snakes prefer live meals… Meals that still has their blood pumping with adrenaline as they know they are being hunted down. As you felt death looming close to your neck, inching ever closer before a loud thump could be heard overhead as you were suddenly lifted up by two arms… Two feathery arms.
Blinking your eyes open, looking at the height you are being held over. The Roc, having lifted you up into his arms as he had landed on the mountain. The naga, seeming pissed as the Roc has just taken his meal, began to hiss loudly which… Sllliiggttllyy? Sounded like some type of serpent tongue?
Gripping onto the arms of the Roc, he began to chirp quite loudly into your ear as he squeezed you even tighter in his arms, a bright large smile on his face as his ruby eyes were looking down at the brown eyed naga… So his eyes weren't red, maybe that's when he was trying to hypnotize his prey..? This all seemed too much as you could feel yourself losing precious air by how tight the roc was holding you in his feathered arms. In your losing state of consciousness, you could've sworn you could understand them for just a second.
“Kalim! You know better than to snatch prey from me! That was supposed to be OUR meal!”
“But Jammiillll! They were just so cute, I couldn't just let you kill them!! You should've seen how surprised they were to see me up so close!”
“It doesn't matter, Kalim. Drop them before you get seriously hurt. They don't take too kindly to you holding our feeders.” 
As your mind slowly slipped into a state of consciousness, you could've sworn you heard a yell of Professor Crewel as you're lifted up into the air where sleep took you quickly in your state.
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
idk who else to go to with this but i have so many people sending me hate because i don’t like bucktommy when i literally never even post about them????? they keep calling me toxic and a hater and i’m not i just have shipped buddie for years and i don’t vibe with tommy…. it makes me sad because this fandom used to bond over buddie so much but now i just see angry tommy fans (and admittedly some buddie fans but nowhere near as many) spreading so much hatred and rudeness while turning around and calling buddie fans toxic when we just want to ship our 6 year long standing ship… and like i said i genuinely never post about bucktommy, and if i do say something about them that can be perceived as negative then i always tag it “anti-bucktommy” and i NEVER tag it bucktommy so that they don’t have to even see it! It hurts to open up the app not knowing if i’m going to have another person calling me homophobic or a fetishizer (i’m literally queer) or calling me a toxic bitch when i literally don’t do anything but post happy buddie content 9/10 posts! and like i said i know i’ve seen some buddie accounts go to extremes and i’m not defending that, but i’ve seen people who will call out even the slightest apprehension to bucktommy as if they stepped on someone’s grave, while simultaneously bullying and harassing buddie shippers for minding their own business… like i can’t even go into the buddie tag and it’s people attacking us left and right while the bucktommy tag is nothing but everyone gushing over them… i hate that we can’t enjoy a 6 year old ship anymore because half the fandom decided to jump to this other one that has barely gotten any screentime between two characters that don’t really have chemistry with each other and they want to berate us for it and call us names. I’m not a fetishizer and I’m not toxic, I’m just a late 20s queer girl who wants to talk about buddie without a barrage of hate and insults thrown at me but I can’t do that anymore… 9-1-1/buddie used to be my safe place but now i can’t even come on tumblr because i’m worried a stan will be lurking in my asks/replies waiting to tell me how awful i am.
i’m sorry to dump all of that on you but i just opened a really nasty ask and it hurt a lot to read what they said about me and you were the first person on my dash
Hey anon!
Okay so I can already guess I’ll be late posting this cos i think I’ll be replying to this in increments throughout my day today, and also I can tell this is really bothering you so I don’t wanna just give like a short rushed answer - oh wow I actually wrote this in one sitting cos I can’t shut up once I start
Yes the fandom has been a downright mess lately and it’s like I always say, people if you wanna engage in discourse that’s your prerogative and no one is faulting you for that but it’s the utter lack of fandom etiquette these toxic fans have that’s the real issue and I also feel like as you said a huge issue is this kind of imaginary high horse they seem to have
Like I totally agree that there is like this section of toxic bucktommy fans who try to warp not liking bucktommy into being biphobic- which look if people are actually being biphobic by all means call them out but when you’re going to actual queer people who posted 166283894 posts celebrating bi buck, only to attack them for not liking the ship?? Then that’s just plain stupid I’m sorry, like being happy to have the queer rep and not liking bucktommy isn’t mutually exclusive and it’s ridiculous people are trying to make it out to be
Like I’ve personally been sent an ask like that where they implied that I was biphobic for not being a big fan of bucktommy and that “I don’t know how exhausting it is for bi people” - which I gotta say made me go what about my blog would ever make someone think ah yes straight 🤩
And thing is at the time they sent that my most note filled post was my celebration reaction meme extravaganza to getting bi buck which I feel added some fun irony to the whole thing
And calling people shipping two MEN (buddie) homophobic takes a special kind of cognitive dissonance that I gotta say I’d almost be impressed with the leaps in logic if it wasn’t so annoying
Now I personally don’t know what state the bucktommy tag is in cos I mostly stick to the 911 abc and the buddie tag but I know how the buddie tag has been and I agree the misuse of tags to make a negative space is absolutely ridiculous and again that all goes back to the etiquette part
And the fetishising thing is also just another thing that absolutely grates my nerves, because these toxic fans really need a dictionary thrown at their heads because buddie is like the polar opposite of that.
First of all a large section of buddie shippers im aware have asexual Eddie headcanons and that aside let’s say we want gay Eddie and buddie and all those things, let’s even say we want them to fuck nasty *gasp🫢* and sloppy and write 156273 smut fics where they plain fuck like rabbits (*nun faints in the background* also probably some pearl clutching occurred upon reading this),
THAT’S NOT THE POINT HERE- the point is the main appeal of buddie as a ship isn’t that ooo look two hot guys kissing; it’s the history it’s the friendship, it’s the vulnerability, it’s the will scene, the shooting, the trust, the parallels, the understanding of each other, it’s the domesticity and it’s all these moments that have nothing to do with sex or objectifying their dynamic or mlm relationships but rather shipping them because they are two people with this amazing connection and these experiences
and THAT? That’s the furthest thing from fetishisation
Now I could be controversial and talk about how SOME and some is the operative word of this sentence- SOME toxic bucktommy fans have been blatant in not really caring about the story or the characters or buck and Tommy as individuals or the team dynamic or anything other than seeing these two men kiss, these being a lot of the same fans who refuse to watch the show other than the bucktommy and Tommy scenes and then will act like they somehow understand the show more than fans who’ve been here years or seen the whole show BUT I digress because I know that saying this is me basically asking for spam hate (so shhhh let’s pretend I didn’t say that 🤫)
who said that? 👀not me👀damn that’s crazy a ghost just ran across my keyboard 🙄
Anyways back to you specifically, because I really do think it bares mentioning, if you’ve been respectful to others then that’s all you can do and thank you on the behalf of everyone cos it really makes a difference, and I wanna say sorry on the behalf of every asshole who’s deciding to attack you for ridiculous reasons, the best advice I can give you is to genuinely not let it get to you I know it’s easier said than done but you know who you are and you know your intentions and some dumbass sitting behind a screen who can’t even properly comprehend what biphobia or fetishisation actually is (or worse DOES know what it is but is just using it as a way to put others down over a tv show to have an imaginary high ground) isn’t worth your time or your distress and they cannot change who you are
This part might be over explaining the obvious but in case you don’t know/ are new to tumblr or whatever: If you wanna continue to have fandom spaces as a safe place filtering should get rid of a lot of the posts and so should blocking but ofc you’ll see a few so just skip past and enjoy the content you like, if you wanna make posts and are scared of asks from toxic shippers maybe you can turn off your asks temporarily until you feel like you’re in a better place mentally to deal with it
Oooo or an idea that might work is you can ask your followers and mutuals (who are the ones most likely to be sending the nice asks) to use an emoji at the start of their asks to indicate to you that this is an ask you’ll like then you can delete any ask without that emoji without even having to look at the hate if it’s causing you that anxiety - if that makes sense?
I hope my reply somehow made you feel better and I really hope that you can have your fandom space and enjoyment back 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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alyssajennwrites · 10 months
Fireworks ~ Quackity x Y/n
Quackity x f!reader
TW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff
Note: In 1st person. I’m sorry if your tall but for the sake of the story the reader is short. Also, it doesn’t really mention it but Y/n is around Quackity’s age (just wanted to say that so you didn’t get confused).
Remember: D/n = Discord name, S/n = Ship name, N/n = Nickname
Summary: Y/n meets up with the dspm gang for the first time. But things take a slight turn in the wrong direction when Tommy not only sets off fireworks, but when he also sets off Y/n’s fear of loud noises.
A/N: I know it’s not the Fourth of July but I’ve had this idea for forever so I wanted to write it.
Word Count: 2,015
༺𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂༻
“Happy Fourth of July everyone!” Tommy said through the discord as he and the rest of the gang streamed.
I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. He said he’d be done in five minutes, he said that 30 minutes ago. Not gonna lie, he’s kinda a dick sometimes. He’s my best friend, but he’s just irritating sometimes.
I honestly shouldn’t have let him stream from my setup! I don’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I shouldn’t have let him.
“Tommy,” I whined, walking over to him and placing my head on his shoulder. “You told me you would be done 25 minutes ago.”
I gave him a pouty face while trying to get his attention. He looked over in my direction but didn’t look at me. He looked over at the chat.
“Chat! Stop spamming that! Y/n and I are not a couple!” Tommy said, well more as he yelled.
I looked over to see the chat spamming their ship name for us, S/n. When chat first started spamming it, about a year ago, Tommy had freaked out. But now he just yells for the fun of it.
I laugh and put on a headset, pulling the extra microphone over to me.
“Hey chat!” I say waving at the camera even if I feel like a complete idiot doing so. “Tommy? Why isn’t a game pulled up on the computer? Weren’t you playing on the SMP?”
“Well, Mujer Bonita, we don’t have our set up with us at the moment,” I heard Big Q say through the call.
Big Q has a habit of giving me nicknames but saying them in Spanish. At first, I couldn’t understand a word he’d say, but now I know bits and pieces.
“Oh? And why would that be?” I ask.
“You’ll just have to wait and see missy,” He replies.
“Well chat,” Tommy interrupts. “I better end this before Big Q and N/n get into another fight. You know the drill and I really don’t feel like repeating it but check the follow button and I’ll see you later. Bye!”
He immediately ends the stream, but doesn’t disconnect from the discord call. He turns to me, letting out a long breath.
“What? Why are you acting like you need to do something this minute but you don’t want to?” I ask, tilting my head to the side. “Did you forget that you have a college essay due tomorrow?”
I hear a lot of, “Ooo,” coming from the boys still in the call. I laugh, at Tommy’s face.
“You’re never gonna let me live that down are you?” He asks, the corners of his mouth lifting up slightly.
“Do you really expect me to? You had 3 weeks to complete that essay and you put it off until the night before. I’m surprised you even finished it.”
“Tommy, the lady has a point,” Karl jumps in.
I smirk, triumphantly.
“Quit boosting her ego! You should see the look on her face,” Tommy says, somewhat annoyed.
The whole call bursts out laughing and I’m reminded of how much I want to meet them all in person. I’ve only met Tommy in person and he is currently staying over for the next couple of weeks. I really want to see them.
It’s weird, having people know you better than you know yourself. Especially if those people have never met you in real life. Like, take Karl for example, he knows every one of my favorite songs. Though that’s probably because I play and sing them nonstop when on a call with him.
“Alright, alright! Enough! N/n and I have to go. We’ll talk to you idiots later!” Tommy says.
Multiple byes and see ya’s can be heard from the call before Tommy logs off. That’s when he turns back to face me.
“Let’s go before we miss the party.” With that, he pulls me up and begins dragging me to the front door.
“Tommy where are we going?” I ask for about the third time during our little night drive.
“Y/n! I swear! If you fucking ask again I’m gonna turn around and we’re going home. And trust me when I say you’ll not be happy with that!” Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast.
I sigh, laying back further in my seat. I pull out my phone, opening Discord to find absolutely no messages from my main SMP friends. I frown, both confused and disappointed. That’s when I decide to get their attention.
See, the boys are very protective of me. Me being one of the only girls along with Niki has its perks. So, I text the main chat for our little group of friends.
Big Q immediately answers this and I’m not surprised.
Woah! What’s wrong? Are you okay?
You good?
Fuck not again…
Tommy looks over when he hears me laugh at the boys’ reaction.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He leans over and looks at my screen. “Hey! Turn that off! No Discord during our trip!” He takes my phone again, placing it on the other side of him where I can’t reach it.
“Tommy… Give me my phone back!” I yell reaching for it.
“No! Get away!” He screams back at me.
“Don’t make me ask again Bitch Boy!”
Tommy playfully gasps, “Okay, now you’re not getting it back!”
I huff, sinking into my seat, defeated. My phone begins vibrating. Over, and over, and over, and over again.
“Damn girl, why do you have Discord notifications on?” Tommy asks, turning on my phone screen. “Holy shit! What did you say to them? I can’t read what they said because of your stupid Face ID, but I can tell that they’re worried.”
“Dude! Eyes on the fucking road!” I say as he drifts into the other lane.
The drive takes another 30 minutes before Tommy turns into a parking lot. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. There is nothing here. I see no party.
“Here you go. Please answer them before they start bugging me,” Tommy says, handing his phone to me and then leaning on the car.
I unlock my phone to see multiple messages from the boys.
N/n? You can’t scream and then not respond to us!
Mujer Bonita? Answer us, please!
Y/n are you okay?
Did she get kidnapped?
No, she didn’t fucking get kidnapped, George!
It goes on like this for a while. So I keep scrolling to find this,
Have you tried calling her?
No, let me try really quickly!
You should have tried that first dipshit!
‘Quackity started a call’
’Fifteen missed calls from Quackity’
I sigh,
“Tommy! You took my phone and now the SMP is worried!” I say, playfully slapping his arm.
“Geez! Sorry, I didn’t want them to spill the surprise!” He said.
But before I could even question him, he dragged me towards the one bend in the road at the end of the parking lot. This bend was conveniently wide enough for me not to be able to see the other side.
“Tommy, I don’t like this,” I say, pulling my arm out of his grasp and backing up. “What is going on?”
“Just trust me N/n.” Right after he said that I could feel my phone vibrate.
I unlock my phone, finding that I had a message from Big Q.
Trust him Mujer!
I look up, confused, but either way, I hesitantly reach out my hand to Tommy. Tommy grabs hold of my hand and pulls me around the bend.
I stop short, gasping at the sight in front of me. There was a huge house like tent with lanterns everywhere. There was a walkway with torches lining the path. The tent was illuminated by what I guessed to candles or lanterns. The one thing that stood out to me the most was the crowd of people all talking outside of the tent.
I freed myself from Tommy’s hold and ran down the path to the crowd. As I make my way closer, I see one of the short males turn to face me. I gasp as I recognize the face, freezing when I recognize all the faces in the crowd.
“What…?” I say quietly. “How are you here?”
Tommy comes up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Happy Fourth of July Y/n.”
After many hugs and some tears. We all settle down. Me sitting next to Alex on the loveseat. Wilbur sitting on a stool with his guitar, strumming the tune to Your New Boyfriend. And everyone else sitting on the couches and chairs that surround the fire.
I look around at our group, there was Alex, Karl, Wilbur, Dream with a face mask on, George, Tubbo, Tommy, Philza, Niki, and Ranboo who also had a mask on.
They did it. They actually made a get together. And it is the best get together I could have asked for.
Out of no where, Tommy jumps up and yells,
“Time for fireworks bitches!!”
He runs outside, everyone else following. But as I stood up I realized, I hate loud noises. Tommy’s yelling is fine but, fireworks? I’ll have a mental breakdown.
“You okay mi amor?” Alex asked, walking back over to me.
“Mhm,” I say quietly, still looking at the wall.
“Hey…” Alex says quietly, using if hand to gently turn my head to face him. “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t laugh,” I saying, smiling sadly.
“I promise.” He sticks his pinky out for me to link with mine.
I laugh lightly, linking our pinkies in a promise.
“Okay, so…” I take a deep breath. “I’m scared of loud noises.”
Alex looks shocked at that. But he doesn’t laugh. He gives me a small smile and pulls me into a hug. But then suddenly he pulls away.
“How do you handle Tommy’s yelling and screaming them?” He looks worried, but I just chuckle.
“Oh, Tommy’s fine. I know that his yelling is all fun and games,” I reply smiling. “When I first met him though, I almost fell out of my chair because I jumped so hard when he yelled out his welcome.”
“Well, why don’t we go outside with the others?” He asks, stretching his hand out for me to grab.
I hold on, momentarily forgetting my fear. That is, until Tommy set off the first firework and I jump back. Alex immediately looks back to see me sitting on the ground, shaking. He quickly sits down next to me and covers my ears with his hands.
A look of worry, and guilt crossing his face. His hands were warm on my ears, and I couldn’t seem to make myself look away from his eyes. There was something about them that was mesmerizing.
We stayed like that until Tommy had run out of fireworks to light. Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. He gently brushed his fingers across my skin, wiping away the tears that had broken free.
“I’m sorry, I should have stopped them sooner,” he whispered.
“It’s fine,” I whispered back.
“Hey! What do you two think you are doing on the ground?” Tommy called out from the distance.
Alex and I both laughed, helping each other off of the ground. We spent the rest of the night laughing and having fun. And Alex couldn’t seem to let go of my hand, but I’m not complaining.
“Wait, were you guys texting me from the same room? And were you in a call with Tommy from the same place?”
I never got an answer, I only got a bunch of laughter.
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