#sorry for the wall of text i just exploded there a little
kachimera · 1 year
Mathias/Leon for the ship opinion bingo!
I love this pair of divorced fuckers so much aaaaa *goes feral*
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The turn from genuine affection to divorce, them being knight-buddies in the war, the day-night opposites theme they got going on, the tragedy breeding tragedy, how Leon kept his integrity despite having his heart stomped on again and again while Mathias lost himself, that last conversation in which Leon saves himself and Mathias finally loses the last person he had, how they turn into enemies, the mutual hurt and denial, and how their fallout kickstarted the cycle of death and rebirth we see in the franchise, it all has a gorilla grip on my poor little brain and i have learned to accept it :^)
Another thing is, LoI's narrative has the particularity of depending a lot on past events and characters while also brushing over said past events and characters (#Justice4Elizabetha) and this includes these two so while this is a pain it also gives lots of freedom for headcanons and different situations (aka you gotta hallucinate half the story for it to work). You can go from platonic or familiar to romantic with this two and it works (not at the same time tho. Unless it's done on purpose to be extra problematic that can work).
I personally think of them having this mix of friendship and secret courtly love, this including an slight power imbalance bc of Mathias being older, cunning and more experienced and Leon being emotionally dependent to a degree bc orphan issues. This imbalance is well managed since both respect and see eachother as equals, until Elizabetha kicks the bucket and welp, it ends poorly :)
So yea to resume these two make gr8 lovers to enemies and im insane bye
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automatonknight · 11 months
i <3 2fort forever yay ^__^
#had so many fun interactions today and also learnt how to group taunt :3 baby's first kazotsky kick#i'm a pyro main usually but since everyone was fucking around i decided to switch to medic to see how it is and had not one but TWO heavies#call for me and then killbind/explode upon reaching a certain point. one of them even head an enemy intel and was a-posing the entire time#<a-posing and spinning! even#we got to the intel room and he just turned back. went upstrairs. started eating a banana and then killbinded. never change heavies i love#you. the other one did the go kart taunt and then tried to taunt kill me?? we were on the same team. well and then he exploded#i already mentioned pyro sewer party that was super cute :3 also like my first group interaction. special moment not to get cheesy#AND. and. yet another heavy with a wilson weave tried to teach me how to group taunt. like y'know. do the conga together#<i was convinced i couldn't do it since i didn't have it unlocked and stuff but i could!!! thank you heavy :]#i hope they was me eventually figure it out. had no way to check since they were on the enemy team and that doesn't display names#sorry about the wall of text i'm just!!!! well i just had a lot of fun :]#people also kept standing in those little towers? like y'know blu team player jumps on a red player and then a blu jumps on top of that one#and bam. tower right. there was also one pyro who had the minion fit AND the sign with a minion picture as well#i'll never get those people who make those 'strange people of 2fort videos' like the fuck you mean strange. they're so fun#GOSH. sorry about the wall of text again anyways um. download the game and play on 2fort ok? super fun
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
hii bunny! 🤍🤍
i was wondering if you maybe could write something angsty with mingi? like he’s had a long day and snaps at you a little after seeing your clothes on the floor or something.. like it would never bother him on a normal day but it’s just been a long day for him
it’s not too harsh but it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him have that tone with you so obviously it’s a lot for you 🫣 it doesn’t take him long to realize and regret it but by the time he does you’re already outside on the verge of tears and getting some fresh air.. he basically panics and texts you and calls you 😭 there’s no answer for around 10 minutes and just as he’s about to go outside and look for you, not even bothering throwing an hoodie on, he opens the door and sees you standing there with a little bag with his favorite snacks that you bought for him and he immediately starts apologising
sorry if this is quite specific i just hope it helps a little with your ideas! if you want to change anything you can! you can add smut and make it angsty or you can make it sweet and soft.. maybe even both 🤷‍♀️
i feel like he’s so gentle and definitely would love his partner too much, and just the thought of that he’s upset them could kill him
i cried writing this so i hope you enjoy it 🫡
to say that mingi’s day was hard would be an understatement. he barely slept the previous night, the constant beeping of the fire alarm begging for new batteries that they didn’t yet have keeping him awake into the early hours of the morning. he thinks it was sheer exhaustion that sent him to sleep at just gone 4am, and he was equally exhausted when san woke him two hours later for practice. he had half a mind to tell his friend to fuck off and just go back to sleep, but then he heard the beep of the fire alarm and decided he had no chance. he was going to have to stay awake.
then came practice, which was never easy, but for some reason was so much worse today. it started with yunho, who was being so much stricter than usual, jaw clenching and eyes filling with fire if anyone even dared to get a single step wrong. with mingi’s tired brain, he wasn’t afraid to admit that most of those glares were aimed at him; intricate footwork is more difficult when you can hardly string two thoughts together, it seems. annoyance doesn’t help with that either, yet with every pointed look at yunho gets him, he feels his blood boiling more and more.
then you have the troublemakers who seemed to make it their sole purpose today to annoy every single other person in that room. san and wooyoung were naturally loud people, but today they seemed to have the dial turned up to twelve. of course, yeosang was dragged into it too, offering quiet, but not unheard, snarky comments to go along with whatever nonsense the other pair were babbling about. mingi wasn’t sure how much more of that high-pitched cackle he could stand before it made his achy head explode.
and last, but certainly not least, there was hongjoong, perhaps mingi’s biggest issue out of his members. he too seemed to be in a bad mood, but unlike mingi who had yet to retaliate to any of the shit show going on around him, hongjoong just couldn’t seem to shut his mouth. someone misstepped? he’d yell at them. someone misspoke? he’d yell at them. it was just a constant wall of sound coming from his leader and mingi wasn’t sure just how much more he could take until…
“everyone just go,” hongjoong groans, anger and frustration laced through his features. “it’s clear no one is taking it seriously today so just go!”
a miracle.
mingi wastes no time in grabbing his bag and running out of the practice room without even a glance back at his members. perhaps later he’ll text them and let them know where he is, but for now he just needs you. he needs your arms to wrap around him and keep him warm as he sleeps. he needs your voice to float around his brain as he drifts away. he needs you.
he’s thankful that you live close because before he knows it, he’s at your door, fishing your key from his pocket. he fiddles with it excitedly, scraping it against the door a few times by accident before finally slipping it into the keyhole. he twists it and pushes it open, expecting to find you buzzing around your apartment like a cute little bumble bee.
instead he’s met with silence and darkness, curtains still drawn and your lively little self nowhere to be seen. there’s pots in the sink, mess strewn across the floor and the trash bag from last night still propped up by the door. mingi lets out a long sigh.
he knows it’s wrong of him to feel annoyed by all of this, and normally he wouldn’t. it’s just after the day he’s had, all he wanted was to cuddle up to you in a nice tidy, stress-free apartment. now he has to take your load on his shoulders as well. he has to pick up your pieces whilst he’s still desperately trying to hold all of his together. but this is it; this is his last straw, and the irritation and frustration he’s been barely holding back all day suddenly bursts free of its dam. he cant stop himself as he kicks off his shoes, not caring where they go (it’s not like it’ll make any difference with the state your apartment in is anyway) and storms his way down the hallway to your bedroom.
your door is already open, and through it he can see you still in bed. you’re curled up under the quilt, just like he has wanted to be all day. just like he hasn’t been able to because he has been busy. for some reason it only fills him with more annoyance, and he steps over the threshold into your room and slams the door behind him.
he can see that the sound startles you, but he can’t find it in him to care. he just stares down at you, a mixture of anger and disappointment twisting his features as you groggily sit up to look at him. your eyes are red, as are your cheeks, but mingi just brushes it off. the painful pang in his chest upon seeing you like that is hardly enough to outweigh everything else he feels.
“really?” he bends down to pick up a t-shirt before holding it up to show you. you stare at it blankly, not sure what he’s trying to get at.
“what’s wrong, mingi?” your voice is strained as if you’d been crying recently. if mingi wasn’t so blinded by everything, perhaps he would’ve noticed how fragile you seem to be. perhaps he’d be able to take a step back and see that you need him to comfort you, not berate you. it’s a shame his head is too full of his own feelings to even consider yours.
“what’s wrong?” he scoffs, throwing his arms up in exasperation, “this! everything!” he gestures wildly around your room as if it explains anything. “i don’t need to deal with this shit right now, baby! i can’t!”
he watches as your brows furrow in confusion, hurt washing over your features. there’s something in his that tells him that it’s enough, that he’s said and done too much already, but there’s still more on the tip of his tongue and he needs to get it out of him before he bursts.
“i have enough on my plate without having to take care of you, alright?” his voice comes out harsher than he means it to, more of a shout than anything else, and by the way your expression tightens, he can tell he’s hurt you.
that’s when it all sinks in for him, when you hum, nodding your head slowly as his words echo around your brain. your eyes look down at your hands, thumbs picking at one another awkwardly. he’s said too much, gone too far, he can understand that now. like, really understand it. he should’ve stayed silent. ignored the shit spewed across the floor and crawled into your bed like he’d been wanting to do all day.
well shit, he thinks to himself, he never meant to hurt you. he doesn’t know what he wanted to do by telling you those things, but this wasn’t it.
“sorry,” is all you say when you toss the comforter off your legs. you’re dressed in the same clothes that he saw you in yesterday; had you slept in them? “i, uh… i’ll get out of your hair for a little while, mingi. it seems like you need a little alone time… you’re stressed.” and with that you stand up. mingi lets you, unsure of what to say to you as you grab your wallet from your nightstand and push past him. your hand feels like a hot iron pressed against his shoulder as you side-step him, and he almost, almost, goes to catch it.
before he can, you’re gone, and all he does is stand there as he listens to you open the door and walk out of the apartment.
your apartment.
he sits on your bed, twisting his hands into the comforter as he tries to ground himself. he’d kicked you out of your own apartment because of what? he doesn’t even know himself. he can’t wrap his head around the sudden burst of anger that washed over him like a tsunami. there was no escape from it until it passed, and now he’s left with with aftermath; the pain of upsetting you.
he knew from the moment he stepped in your apartment that you weren’t doing well. the drawn blinds, the pots left over from last night; he’s seen it time and time again and he’s never been upset at you for it. there’s been no anger or frustration there. no cross words or disappointment. nothing except sympathy and the desire to make everything okay for you again.
so, what? he got jealous because you were allowed to sit and wallow in your bad mood and he wasn’t? he got mad that coming to your apartment wasn’t the perfect whirlwind of softness and affection that he’d hoped for? god, he feels pathetic for how he treated you. even more so at the fact that he still feels so desperate for your comfort. he knows he doesn’t deserve it, but holy fuck does he need it.
he lets himself sit there in the pain for just a little while longer. perhaps if he lets himself hurt enough, he might deserve to have you back in his arms. if he repents, everything might be okay again. you’ll forgive him for what he said to you and hold him gently like he needs. you’ll whisper sweet words and kiss his head like he wants. you’ll be kind to him despite the fact that he hasn’t been kind to you. you’ll let him rest…
when he feels enough time has passed, he slips a hand into his pocket to grab his phone. there’s a message or two from his members asking where he went, but he ignores them. they can wait, you can’t. he locates you contact, pressing his thumb against the call button and letting it ring. a few seconds pass before he hears it loud and clear; your phone in the other room. he perks up a little—maybe you’re still here! his legs carry him faster than he can process. he swings the door open with little care about the way it slams against your dresser, and tumbles into the kitchen… where your phone is abandoned… with you nowhere to be seen.
mingi’s heart plummets even further. you’re gone, and now he won’t even have a way to know that you’re safe. it’s still daylight outside but what if you get lost? what if you stay out too long and it gets dark? what if you need him? he lets out a cry of stress, hands flying up to grip his bleached locks tightly in his hands. he feels fucking useless.
for just a moment he lets himself play the blame game with himself. it’s his fault. all of it is. anything could be happening to you and it would be his fault. he upset you and he let you leave! it’s all him, him, him… that makes it his to fix too.
he doesn’t let himself think as he walks over to the door. he doesn’t bother with a jacket, his brain telling him it would take too much time to slip it onto his shoulders. hell, he barely bothers with his shoes! just slips his feet in, not sparing a single thought to the way his feet are currently crushing the backs down. that’s the least of his worries, anyway. he can buy new shoes, he can’t replace you.
his hand reaches out to grab the door handle. it’s just centimetres away, almost close enough to grab it. his fingers begin to curl around the metal, but someone else gets there first. the handle dips down, and the door creeks as it opens just the tiniest bit. mingi gasps, moving at the speed of lighting to pull the door even wider. he knows exactly who’s on the other side, and his desperation to see you can’t be contained. he barely even looks at you before scooping you up into his arms.
“ouch, mingi,” you squirm as he holds you tighter than you think you’ve ever been held before. “you’re trapping my hair! let go, you giant oaf.”
he doesn’t, but he does loosen his grasp just a touch. not enough to let you fully breathe again, but just so you can save your hair from being pulled from your head. you’re grateful for that, at least, but it doesn’t stop you from trying to wriggle free. “let me go,” you reiterate, body still moving as he holds you against his broad chest, “i need to give you something but i can’t when you have me trapped!”
“you don’t need to give me anything,” he pouts as he presses a wet kiss against your hairline. it’s all very sweet, but you can’t help but feel like now is not the time.
“yes i do!” you twist your body in a way that makes it impossible for mingi to keep hold of you, gasping in a dramatic fashion as if you’d been starved of oxygen completely. mingi can’t help but smile at your performance, even if his arms do feel a little too empty now you’re not in them. you are absolutely adorable, after all. “i need to give you this because it’ll melt otherwise.”
that’s when he notices the clear plastic bag in your hand. if he looks carefully, he can just about make out the pint of hazelnut ice cream and the bag of shrimp chips; his favourites. confused, he brings his gaze back up to your face, noticing the shy smile that rests on your lips as you raise the bag up for him to take. “for me?” he asks. you only give him a quick nod in response. “but… why?”
when he doesn’t take the bag, you roll your eyes and stomp past him to the kitchen. it hits the counter with a thud, and mingi flinches. are you angry with him? of course, you have every right to be but if he’s being honest, he’s rather that you weren’t. he really needs you right now. he slinks up behind you, watching as you busy yourself with taking the snacks out of the bag. his arms ache with the desire to be wrapped tightly around your waist, but he somehow manages to hold himself back.
“because you’re obviously not doing good,” you say as you yank the cutlery drawer open to grab two spoons. it doesn’t go unnoticed when you pull out the flat one with the thin handle alongside the deep one with the heavy handle; his and your favourite spoons, respectively. his chest aches with love as you, actually rather violently stab the container with both of them. he always has loved your silly little antics.
“yeah, well you’re not doing good either,” he tries to argue, but you shut him up with a glare.
“me not doing well doesn’t mean i can’t try to help you when you’re not doing well,” you shrug as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “my feelings don’t negate your feelings and i love you, so i want to try and help you.” whether it’s a loaded statement or not, mingi can’t help but understand the irony. either you’re trying to teach him a lesson or the universe is. judging by the look in your eyes, he thinks it’s safe to assume that it’s you.
“i get it,” he nods, “i’m sorry for being a dick, you don’t deserve that.”
“i don’t deserve it, but i do understand it and i’m not going to torture you for it when it’s obvious you’ve been torturing yourself,” you point a finger up to his messed up hair, “what i am going to do is get in bed with you and eat a shit ton of ice cream, capeesh?”
“yeah, baby,” he smiles, “capeesh…”
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dreamauri · 6 months
hii!! i love your writing and i have an idea. toto wolff’s daughter used to date max but they broke up (bc yk mercedes and redbull rivalry) and she starts dating a footballer (it can be anyone that you want but i was thinking mason mount), but out of nowhere they break up and he shares in a podcast idk that shes still in love with her ex, max. id love to see how this would end 🫶🏻
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┊𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max verstappen x fem! wolff! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( angst )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠word count — ( 2, 104 )  ╰ 🫧  :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
★ ☆ This was from like august, im so sorry its so late. ik the annon said anson mount, but i dont really know his personality that well, so you can just imagine any person you want ig ━━━━━
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( requests )
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Everything was so blurry. You could see the illumination coming from your phone, little blurry grey and blue texts. You couldn't feel your body, ragged, unsteady breaths falling to and from your lungs.
"Block him. And delete his number. I don't want you to go out with him or be seen with him ever again." Your father's strong voice was the only sound in the room. You looked up at him with pleading eyes, but he wouldn't even look at you, rubbing his eyes as he sat on the bed of your hotel room.
Too many things were happening at once. This wasn't fair. This was wrong. "Aber papa." [but dad] "My words are final, Y/N." He spoke with such authority and strictness, you hated it when he was like that with you. Looking back down at you phone, you saw the 'seen' under the last bubble of text you sent.
Panic shot through you like a sharp arrow, hurt climbing through you. Scrambling quickly, you block the number and delete the contact. You couldn't bare to see the reaction or the reply. And you stood like that for a few minutes, the world falling apart as Toto talked. But you weren't listening. And you didn't want to listen. You didn't want to hear his voice.
And before you were to even realize it, you'd smashed the phone against the wall.
You tore the Mercedes shirt off your body, replaced it with a random sweater, stomping around the room, collecting your things. "What are you doing?" Toto stood up, watching you stuff you belongings in your bag. He held your wrist to stop you but you only yanked your arm back, shouting something at him, anything at him.
Toto was defiantly taken aback. He's never seen his little girl like this. Eyes red with tears, yet so angry. He never even thought he'd hear such hurtful words from you either. No father ever wants to hear 'i hate you' from their daughter, and it hurt right in his chest. You shoved the Mercedes shirt in chest, zipping up your bag and headed straight for the door.
"My love—" "Ich bin keine tochter von dir." [I'm no daughter of yours] Was the last thing he heard from you before the door was slammed shut.
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The Las Vegas GP had truly ruined the city. Max couldn't even have a nice drive from his hotel to the circuit in peace. The traffic was heavy and the honking was loud. At this point if max could, he'd just dump the car in any corner and walk the few kilometres himself. But he couldn't. And this added another reason as to why he hated this Grand Prix so much.
Try something else, he told himself. Disconnect. Max turned on the radio flipping through the channels every two seconds when his ear caught something. His stomach was flipped upside down and he was pretty sure he felt like his lungs would explode.
"You broke up with Y/N L/N recently." "Yeah, I have." "But she was such a nice girl." "She is. She really is. She wasn't clingy or needy. Like the perfect amount." "And beautiful as well." "Very beautiful, if you get what i mean." The men on the podcast laughed. Max felt him self frown. How dare they talk about you like this was some sort of goldy locks story.
"Yeah, She's perfect and all. But she's really hung up on her ex. You didn't even have to ask her, you could just look at her and tell that she wanted something else. I'm not going to say names, but the guy really fucked her up."
fucked her up? Max felt his heart skip a beat, or even more likely, it stopped beating at all. He turned the radio off quickly, gripping the steering wheel till his knuckles bled white. Of course he had fucked you up, no wonder things went the way they did. They shouldn't have went that way. He should've never gotten his rival team's boss' daughter to fall for him.
No! What was Max thinking? The months he spent with you were the best things that have ever happened to him. It wasn't his fault. How would he know the Mercedes and Red Bull relationship would grow so bitter. How would he knew you'd be caught in the cross fire. He spends one winter break with you and then it all rips to shreds.
Was that why you changed your Last name? So he wouldn't find you? Must've been since it did work in your favour.
Y/N L/N.
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Y/N L/N, Max thought as he typed the name into google. Your face was the first thing to pop up and Max had to hold down a gulp.
You definitely grew up. The playful and bubbly aura to the girl had almost completely dissipated, leaving a quiet and mature woman who looked very serious and uninterested, with a defiantly much more womanly body, enough to get you on the cover of vogue.
"You okay, mate?" Max looked up seeing Checo. They were gonna do the opening ceremony at any moment and the world champion did not look like he was in his head. Max quickly swiped off the tab and shrugged. "Nothing, just some drama." The blond waved it off, tucking the phone in his pocket.
The teams were being announced, starting with HAAS all the way up in the constructor ranking. "I never took you for a person to be interested in drama and stuff." Well, Checo was correct: Max wasn't into that kind of thing. He just happened to stalk his ex by accident since he couldn't get the thought of her out of his head.
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"You lied to me." You huffed, stuffing your hands in your pockets, refusing to take a step further. "I didn't lie to you, technically. I just didn't tell you." Your friend shrugged, hooking her arm with yours and forcefully pulling you along while you tried to resist. "I don't want to be here, you tricked me." "I did."
It was certainly a sight. Lady gaga dragging Y/N L/N at the paddock of the Las Vegas GP. "The cars dont bite, N/N." "Yeah! That's because I'll be the one biting you!" The woman quickly let go of you at the threat. You went to walk out only to find people looking at you with exited and confused eyes. The exit was now too far.
With a dissatisfied sigh, you held out your hand and Lady Gaga took it, continuing to pull you along. "Today's just the race. So we'll watch. We'll wave the flag and then we'll leave." "I'm not waving the flag." "I'll do it."
You folded your arms, watching from the bottom of the grid on the side as the drivers arrived on the grid. The cars were lined up with car #16 and #1 on the top row, thankfully far away from you. Thankfully, the Mercedes were also far enough as well. You definitely wouldn't stand out in some non-flashy hoodie and shorts. You would've dressed better if you knew you were going to end up being forced into this.
People didn't really notice you at all, more concentrated on the drivers and celebrities. But they soon did notice you, a celebrity being pointed at by a driver. 'No way' Danny ric mouthed, face bright with surprise, a wide smile and arched eyebrows. He waved you over, and waved even harder when you shook your head in decline. You didn't want to appear rude. So you stood to his side, side hugging him as he rambled on about how much you missed. And you listened. You couldn't hate danny. he was like a big brother since f1 was practically your life.
"You should've told me you were coming, ya know." "I didn't even know I was coming." You chuckled, looking around.
FUCK! you looked away quickly, cutting the eye contact with Max short. Bad idea. Very bad idea. You thought, heart hammering in your chest.
"He still loves you." "Huh?" You looked up at Daniel confused. "Max." "no no." you shook your head. "He does." "he doesn't." "He was searching you up." You paused. "I saw it, your name on google." "That's called stalking—" "But he still thinks of you." "good point . . ." "You should think about it, considering how things ended. I think you should at least be on the same page." ". . . thank you danny."
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"Oh shit." You looked at gaga confused. "Hold this for a second, something's in my eye." She handed you the chequered flag, more like shoved it into your chest while she went to fix her eyelash.
"A little faster." Your hurried, hearing the cars come around turn 17. But gaga took a step back continuing to try and fix her issue. With a huff, you stepped forward, leaning your body on the railing, waving the flag just in time for Max who crossed first.
When all the cars finished the last lap you finally took a step back, flexing your wrist tiredly from doing all these Xs. You turned to see Gaga smiling at you, her eyelashes long forgotten because there wasn't an issue all along.
"You suck." You grumbled, and she laughed taking the flag from you. And just like that, finally you were able to get out of there. The crowds were too busy watching the podium ceremony to see you exit and leave through the parking lot.
You plopped in your car, turning on the engine. You couldn't bring yourself to drive out though. The excuse would be that the engine was still not warm enough. But really, you didn't want to leave behind those blue eyes again. they deserve an explanation for what they read that night two and a half years ago. But it's not like max would know you're waiting for him, or find you if that's the case. How would he know you're waiting for him in your car?
Well however he knew, he knew. The passenger door was opened and the Dutch man sat in the seat next you. You didn't even realize he had been looking for you throughout the whole parking lot, hoping to see you again. You've been looking down at your hands for goodness knows how long. You only looked up one you heard him cup his hands together and blow into them.
You cleared your throat, turning the seat warmer on for him. He must've gotten used to the warm Monaco weather for a cold city like this. The two of you sat in silence for a couple minutes. You didn't dare to look back at him, because you knew he was looking at you. And if you looked at him, who knows what would happen next because for sure you're still fucking dying to kiss him.
"Max, I'm sorry." / "Y/N, I'm sorry."
The two of you froze, looking at each other. "You go first." Max nodded.
You took in a deep breath, trying to collect your thoughts. "I didn't mean to end things that way." and i didn't want it to end, you wanted to add but opted to leave that out. "Torger barged in my room and told me to end it right then and there. I didn't really have a say in anything." You sighed deeply, scratching the back of your neck. A moment of silence dawned in the car until Max spoke again.
"That explains the spelling mistakes." he chuckled lightly, opening his phone and scrolling through until he found your message chat. You could see the 'ts pver' and 'domt tezt or tqlj to me wver afqin' messages at the bottom. an un received message holding the words 'wait what?' 'baby whats going on' you never saw these messages, you'd blocked him by then.
"We should've talked." You admitted. "In person- discussed things. This wasn't fair to you . . . I really am sorry. I should've never let someone take control of me like that. I ended up hurting you."
". . . I always thought you hated me." You sprung up eyes wide as you turned to him. "No no. Never." You shook your head. You weren't even over him. "I don't hate you, I never did, Max. You're too amazing and important to me for that." You didn't even realize the words coming out of your mouth.
The words that led the blond to cup the back of your neck and pull you into a kiss. A kiss he'd been waiting almost 3 years for.
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solarissun · 2 months
We are never, ever getting back together (pt 2)
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afab!reader x Mike Schmidt
pt 1
WC: 3k
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, enemies to lover, afab reader, angst, mentions of alcohol, mentions of intoxication, slow burn, mentions of child abuse, no use of y/n, aged up character
A/N: I want to apologize for any confusion the first chapter might have caused! This fic is a Mike Schmidt fic. It's just a slow burn/somewhat(?) of a love triangle and I thought adding Clapton would be funny. (plus I’m in love with him…) Before you read, just as a warning, this chapter gets pretty deep. 
tags: @h3llo-k1tt @caminterrupted @jhutchismyl0verb0y
It's been almost a month since you and Clapton's hookup. He's been texting you nonstop. Text after text floods in, and you ignore them all. You feel bad, but you’re too embarrassed to even face him. You sigh, flipping open to Clapton’s contact to read the new heap of texts.
U good?
Miss you. Hope that ur ok.
Wanna hang?
Okay. Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of u.
You groan, slamming your phone back down on the bedside table. You enjoyed the night you two had, and it felt great at the time. But now you just feel like shit. Now all you think about is Mike, and how disgusted he was with you. While you’re thinking about Mike, you realize you haven’t seen or heard him in weeks. He’s been out of his apartment way more than usual, and you’re sure he's avoiding you. To be honest, you don’t blame him. If he pulled that on you, you’d up and leave.
You lay back down on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning on a movie, desperate to think of anything else but Mike or Clapton. Suddenly, you hear frantic knocking on your door. You reach for the remote and pause the TV. You sit silently for a minute, wondering if you were hearing things. Not only is it 8 pm on a Saturday, but you also aren’t expecting any guests. Who could possibly be knocking on your door? As you're about to un-pause the TV, more knocks echo and bounce off the walls.
You slowly get up from the couch, and wearily walk over to the door. You shift to the balls of your feet, trying to peer through the peephole. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as all you see is the top of someone's head. You slowly wrap your hand along the cold metal of the knob, slowly turning it open. Your eyes widen as you see Abby on the other side.
Her face lights up, her eyes practically glowing. She squeals, bolting over to you and wrapping her arms around your waist.  “Abby!” You scream, pulling her into you.
“I missed you so much! Mike said you moved away to your castle to be a princess!” You scoff inwardly, Mike’s lie making you despise him even more. "Where is your castle, by the way?" You glance down at her, ready to make up some insane lie. Before you get the chance, you look to your left, seeing Mike skirt around the corner, bee-lining towards you. He’s panting, his face red. “Shit- I’m... Sorry. She’s so fast.” You plaster a sickly sweet smile on your face, ensuring Abby doesn’t notice the hostility between you.
Mike takes Abby’s hands, prying her off you. “Heyy! I want to play with her! Please! Please, Mike!” She whines, giving Mike her best puppy eyes. He looks up at you, a guilty look falling over his features. He shrugs at you, waiting for your response. “Okay, come in!” You say, focusing on the little girl in front of you instead of Mike. The two of them walk into your apartment, Mike clearly not wanting her to be alone with you. You give him a dirty look and he rolls his eyes. Luckily, Abby’s too focused on your decor to notice or even care.
She runs around your apartment, oohing and ahhing at every fuzzy pillow and every cute decoration lining your shelves. She opens your bedroom door, and you think she’s about to explode. She looks back at you, her eyes wide. “You can go in.” You say, giggling as she wastes no time to roll around in all the stuffed animals you still keep on your bed. You quickly follow behind her, flinging yourself in the pile. Mike leans against the door frame, smiling as he watches you both stand up and jump up and down the bed. Abby stops, her eyes catching on something on your bedside table. She jumps down, her feet landing on the plush carpet. She grabs a heart locket off your bedside table, holding it up to the light. “Woah! This is so pretty!”
You immediately freeze, your face almost lighting on fire. You quickly grab it out of her hands, stuffing it in a drawer. “Mhm, so pretty! Why don’t we get out of the bedroom?” You steer her out of the room, sliding around Mike. You loved her with all your being, but her lack of an attention span seemed like it was out to get you.
As Abby sits down on the couch, you look over at Mike. His eyes are wide and his eyebrows are furrowed. He glances back into your room, the locket he got you for your 3rd anniversary haphazardly hanging out of the drawer. You both stare at each other for what feels like forever. 
Mike opens your front door, not even bothering to announce his arrival. He sits down next to you, a huge smile on his face. “What?” You mirror his smile, confused as to what he might be so excited about. “Okay, I know our anniversary isn't for a few days but I- I just couldn’t wait. I'm sorry it's cheap, I couldn’t afford much.” He says, awkwardly. 
He reaches into his hoodie pocket, taking out a velvet box. You look up at him sweetly, gasping as you open it. You pull out a heart-shaped locket. You feel your eyes well up as you open it, reading the words engraved inside.
“I’ll love you forever and Always, Mike.” 
You fling yourself onto him and you wrap your arms around his waist. He pulls you into him kissing you sweetly. In between kisses you mumble out, “I love you so much.” You feel so loved and so grateful that you met someone like him. You didn’t care about the money, he was worth so much more than gold or diamonds to you. 
You shake your head, pushing the memories out of your mind. Mike looks away from you, his cheeks growing rosey. You sigh loudly, sitting down next to Abby. Over the next few hours, you and Abby color what feels like a thousand different sheets of paper. 
By 11 pm, you’re both lying down on the floor, markers and papers scattered all across your living room. Mike watches from the couch, telling Abby a story as she draws him. A few times, you both glance at each other, but you both quickly turn your gaze to Abby instead. After Abby finishes her drawing, she holds it up to you and him. “It's so good!” Mike says, taking the paper out of her hand. He starts pointing out small little details Abby included, gushing over each and every one. You’re utterly entranced as you watch him. 
You miss him so much.
Your eyes widen and bite your cheek, wanting to slap yourself across the face for even thinking that. He abandoned you. That’s it. 
But.. He loved you so much. Or at least you thought so. How could he just up and leave without a word? You wanted desperately for there to be any other reason. A part of you was convinced there actually was. You bite down harder, a salty metal taste erupting across your tongue.
Whatever happened, he left. That’s it. There’s no excuse. You clench your jaw, trying to ignore the roller coaster that’s running through your mind. Maybe… Maybe for now you can forget your distaste for him. Just for a few minutes.
You smile softly as he and Abby burst out laughing. 
They leave. Too soon. As soon as the door shuts behind the both of them, the apartment is filled with deafening silence. You lay down on the hardware floor, the cold wood seeping through your shirt and biting into your back.
You never realized how much you truly missed Mike and Abby until you saw them tonight. Or… Maybe you just missed having someone to wake up to every day. Whatever it is, you shake it off and crawl onto the couch, too sad to walk a few feet to your bed. You pull a soft blanket over you, the edge of it just barely covering your feet.
You slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of a time when you and Mike weren’t basically sending bombs to each other's front doors.
You bolt awake, sweaty and shaky. You look around, your heart beating out of your chest. You’re unsure of what woke you up, but it scared the shit out of you. Listening closer, you hear crying, no, wailing. And it’s coming from next door. You quickly bolt up, running to your door. But, you pause as soon as you reach it. You don't want to get involved with Mike and Abby's life more than you have to. Plus, it could just be one of her usual tantrums. It could even just be something as trivial as a burnt breakfast. You pivot, turning back towards the couch. As soon as you hear screaming, you tear up all of your inhibitions and run into the hall. When you reach Mike’s door, it flies open and a woman storms out, dragging an inconsolable Abby out.
The woman, who you recognize as Mike’s aunt, is gripping Abby’s arm so hard that the skin around her fingers turns white. Mike runs out of his apartment pleading with her, “You can see she doesn’t want to go! Please, just-” Abby digs her heels into the ground grabbing Mike's shirt with her free hand. Jane yanks Abby to her side, pulling her away from her brother. “I guess I’ll have to go to the police and tell them you kidnapped my niece! I have sole custody, not you, Michael!” Mike’s eyes go wide, the color draining from his face. He takes a step back, putting as much distance between him and Jane as possible.
You watch in shock, beyond confused about what had gone down during the two years you were broken up. “You truly are a despicable woman.” He says, disgust dripping from his voice. Mike crouches down, getting eye level with Abby. “Abby, I’ll see you soon. I promise, okay?.” His voice cracks as he reaches out, wiping her tears with his thumb. Abby wiggles out of her Aunt’s grip, running forward to wrap her arms around him. He pulls her closer as she sobs into his sweater. Aunt Jane rolls her eyes and then rips Abby away with absolutely no remorse. She drags her down the hall, turning the corner, and disappearing completely.
He sits down, pressing his back against the wall. He exhales, tilting his head back and staring into the fluorescent lights. You cautiously take a step towards him, “Mike…?” He looks over at you, his jaw clenching as he sees you. “Still can’t seem to mind your own business, huh?” He scoffs, his eyes turning away from you. You pause, crouching next to him. You desperately want to comfort him, but you just don't know how. “Can.. Can I do anything?” He looks over at you, his face twisting into a death stare. “For starters, you can leave me alone.” You flinch, feeling a wave of sadness rush over you. You can’t even imagine how he feels. “Mike, please..” You reach out, your hand brushing his.
He slaps your hand away, and screams, “I said leave me the fuck alone!” You stand up, taking a step backward. “I’m sorry for having a fucking heart, Mike!” He laughs, standing up. “Oh, you have a heart? Did you ever tell Clapton why you called him at 2 in the fucking morning?” You look away from him, swallowing. “That's what I thought. Leave me the fuck alone, and stay out of my life!” You feel tears burning your eyes, threatening to spill over. Your lip quivers as you speak, “All... All I wanted to do was help.”
“This is exactly why I left you.” He turns away, storming into his apartment. As soon as the door hits the frame you break down, falling to your knees in the middle of the hall.
You’ve been crying for hours straight, the tears seemingly having no end. Your pillow is drenched and tissues are splayed out all over your comforter. As you wallow in despair, the sun slowly sinks further across the sky, the only light illuminating your room being the white glow of the moon.  It’s crazy to you how two entire years after your separation, Mike is still making you feel so extremely worthless. You could never be enough for him, no matter how hard you tried. What you hated most though, is that he had a point. You used Clapton. For your own sick and twisted reasons, you used him. And you hated yourself for it. 
Just as you begin to sob harder, you hear a thud against the wall, coming from the hallway. The sound echoes through the walls again, and it sounds almost like someone ran into it. You hear someone grunt and struggle, cursing. You recognize the voice and you groan, taking everything in you not to get up and check on him.
Suddenly, it feels like someone takes control of your body as you walk to your door, stepping into the hallway. You see Mike fumbling with his keys, missing the keyhole every time. He’s clearly very intoxicated. It’s surreal seeing him in such a way. He never drank when you were with him, he always told you he had to make sure Abby was always looked after and always had someone to turn to. Now that she’s not here, you guess he decided nothing is stopping him from getting shitfaced.
You walk over to him, grabbing the keys out of his hands, and unlocking the door yourself. He looks over at you, and any ounce of disdain he held for you from earlier disappeared. “Thanks..” He says quietly. You invite yourself in, making sure he gets to the couch without hurting himself. You avoid eye contact the whole time, knowing if you glance at him for even a second you’d burst out into tears.
Once he’s settled, you turn to walk away, but you feel his hand grasp your wrist, stopping you. “Please... Please stay.” He pleads. You sigh, removing his hand from you. “I can’t keep doing this Mike…” You say, finally turning towards him. He has a guilty look on his face, and he suddenly can’t seem to look at you. “I... I didn’t mean it..” He slurs, his face tipped towards the ground. 
You sit down next to him, your eyebrows raised. “You didn’t mean what..?” You question. “You know. What I said earlier. I do want you in my life…” He says, his eyes tracing the floorboards. You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Mike, you’re drunk.” He shakes his head, finally making eye contact. “I swear. I do. I mean.. just look at you. I treated you like dirt and you’re still helping me? You’re just.. so.. so nice.” You frown, wishing so badly he was sober. “You don’t know what you’re saying.” He reaches out, his warm hand cupping your face. His eyes bore into yours as he speaks. “I’m not ever going to lie to you again. I promise.” You’re not sure exactly what he means by “again” but you brush it off, chalking it up to more alcohol-induced rambles. 
You stand up, Mike’s hand leaving your face and falling back to his lap. “I’m going to get you a glass of water, okay?” He nods, following your every move and watching you as you walk around his kitchen. 
Your eyes begin dancing around every framed picture he has and every drawing Abby made he has clipped to the fridge. Your eyes settle on a picture of you, him, and Abby at an amusement park, almost exactly a month before he left you. You pick it up, your thumb rubbing over the scratches in the frame. That trip was unforgettable. That was the day you knew he’d be the one you’d spend the rest of your life with. You couldn’t imagine a world without him or Abby. You put it back, wondering why he still has it. 
You fill up a glass, taking it back over to him. He drinks it in one gulp and he hiccups once it’s all gone. You place your hand on his chest, slowly pushing him back to get him to lie down. He takes the hint, lying back down on the couch. Your hand lingers there for a moment too long, but you quickly tear it away when he smiles up at you. The smile is still plastered on his face as he watches you drape a blanket over him. His eyes slip shut as he turns on his side, pulling the blanket to his chin.
You look down at him for a few moments. You just don’t understand how one moment you could hate him more than anything, and the next wish everything could go back to the way it used to be. You were half of yourself without him, and just as you started to feel complete he just had to infiltrate his way back into your life. As you watch his chest rise and fall, you just can’t help but still love him. Sadly, nothing was ever going to change that. 
You slowly creep towards the door, the floorboards creaking under you. He speaks so quietly you almost don’t hear him, “There was never another girl..” You freeze and turn back to look at him. “What?” Is all you can say. He doesn’t give you any explanation for what he just grumbled. You convince yourself you’re crazy and you’re just hearing things.
That night, you don’t sleep at all. You keep replaying that moment in your head, over and over. 
“There was never another girl.”
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slayfics · 5 months
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Explosive tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter fourteen: You visit Katsuki.
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You puttered around your room trying to keep yourself busy. It was taking everything in you not to text and bug Katsuki. It should have been enough for you to know he was safe at home, but you still worried about how he was doing. Surely everything that happened was pretty traumatic for him. Being kidnapped by the League of Villains, and being in the middle of that fight with All Might and One For All.
You mindlessly folded some laundry and put it away as you desperately fought the urge to check on him. You knew he had to be tired from all the questioning from the police and no doubt his parents, so you tried to give him space.
You finished putting away the last of your laundry and eyed your phone on your bed. Ugh- fuck it. He can ignore it if he doesn't want to talk to anyone.
You grabbed your phone and messaged Katsuki.
How are you doing? I'm fine. You don't need to check on me. I know, but it's hard not to worry with everything that happened. I said I'm fine. I'm fucking tired of talking about it. The cops were here for hours. I'm sorry that sounds shitty. Want to come over? I promise I won't ask about it. We can talk about other stuff and pretend it didn't happen for a while. Can't. I'm on some house arrest shit. They don't want me going anywhere. I'll come to you then.
You really want to see me that bad hu?
You blushed reading his last text and before you could think of what to say back Katsuki was calling you.
"Hey," You answered your phone.
"I'm going to give you directions on how to get to my place," he said
"You could just send me your address," you said as you snuck out your window.
"I want you to stay on the phone with me the whole time. In case something happens. I don't need you running into villains or anything on the way to my place. I'd never hear the end of it from the damn police," he grumbled.
You laughed at his remarks. While his words were harsh you knew by now it was just the way Katsuki was. It was actually sweet that he wanted to make sure you were safe the whole way to his house.
"Alright tell me what street you are on," he said.
You gave him the name of passing streets and he proceeded to give you what he decided to be the safest route even though it was a little longer.
"I don't want you walking down any alleyways or shit like that. And hurry up you're walking so damn slow," he said.
"I am not! It's not my fault I don't have a quirk that lets me explode through the sky," You teased him.
"Tch whatever- do you see the house with the brown wall yet?" he asked.
Your mouth hung slightly open as you realized the house Katsuki was talking about. It was a rather huge house, that you hadn't expected him to live at.
"Holy shit-" you said being unable to keep your thoughts to yourself.
"What?" He asked.
"This is a huge fucking house Bakugo, do you have a lot of siblings or something?"
"No. It's just me and my parents. Come to the balcony on the second floor," He demanded.
You looked up and noticed Katsuki coming out onto the balcony. He used his quirk to jump down next to you.
"Just grab on to me," he said holding his arm out.
"What?" You blushed taken back.
"Don't be so weird about it, I'm just going to get us back up," he said as he wrapped his arm around you and set his quirk off again landing you both on the balcony.
"Come on get inside," he said walking into his room and waving for you to follow him.
You looked around his room and noticed he was extremely organized. Probably the cleanest boy's room you had ever seen. It was huge too, double the size of your room, including its own restroom. A few posters decorated the walls and a drum set sat in the corner.
Katsuki sat at his chair by his desk, "Just sit wherever I don't care," He replied when you both heard yelling from downstairs.
Katsuki quickly yelled back causing your eyes to widen, "SHUT THE HELL UP I WAS JUST KILLING A DAMN SPIDER HAG!"
Katsuki grunted but didn't respond.
"Um- was that your mom?" You asked.
"Yeah, fucking bitch has been driving me crazy under this damn house arrest," he replied.
You stared at Katsuki dumbfounded. By no means did you have the best family relationships, but you'd never expected his home life to be this way. Suddenly, a lot of Katsuki's personality started to make sense to you and for the first time, you almost pitied him.
"Must be rough not being able to get some space," you said sympathetically.
"Hey, you said you weren't going to talk about it!" He barked angrily.
"Right," You looked around the room feeling unsure of where to sit, until you reluctantly decided to sit on the edge of the bed facing him sitting in his chair.
You let out a sigh, having no idea what to say to him now that you were here.
"She's um- not actually going to come up here, right? She sounds like she'd kick my ass if she found me in here," You joked trying to lighten the mood.
"Tch. Nah, she won't. She wants just as much space from me as I do from her," he grumbled, which only made you feel sadder for Katsuki. "How did you idiots find out where to go that night anyway?" He asked.
"I thought you said you didn't want to talk about it?" You teased him.
"This is different! I'm the one asking the questions now," he replied.
"Fair enough. Well, Yayarozu had put a tracker on one of the Nomu's back at the training camp. She gave one to the police and pros and then made another one for us to follow later. Once we got there Kirishima used some night vision goggles, he bought to look in the building. That's when we saw all the Nomu's and then pros started showing up. Shortly after it sounded like you just teleported there with the other villains," you explained.
"Yeah, it was some teleporting quirk that one villain had. Smelled like shit it was awful," he replied. "And then what?" he asked, encouraging you to keep going.
"We heard you and knew we had to do something. Midoriya came up with the plan for him, Iida, and Kirishima to rocket through the sky to give you an opening."
Katsuki grumbled, "Of course, it was that fucking nerd's idea."
You figured he wasn't going to be happy to hear it was Izuku who had come up with the plan, but you didn't intend to lie to him. "Then when they got you, me, Todoroki, and Yayarozu took off. After that, we met up with the rest of you and you know what happened from there," You finished.
"Yeah- you hugged the shit out of me like I was some weakling you expected to find dead or something," he spoke harshly.
You felt stunned by his words and snapped back, "Hey I was just worried about you! And it was nice to see you weren't hurt at all."
Katsuki rolled his eyes and you both sat in silence for a moment before he asked you another question.
"What kind of goggles did shitty hair have? Did he already have them or just bought them?" He asked.
"I'm not telling you," you said stubbornly still upset at his last comment.
"The fuck? Don't be a brat!" he barked.
"Then apologize! You know I don't think you're weak!" You yelled back.
"I'm not fucking apologizing," he said sternly.
"You're so irritating do you know that! You would think you'd have an ounce of gratefulness for your friends and me! We were risking a lot going to find you! You know that right!?"
"Of course, I know that dumb ass! I'm not a fucking idiot!" He yelled back.
"Then stop acting like one!"
Katsuki stared at you with a bewildered expression, he had no idea what to make of your sudden feistiness. "Ugh," he groaned running his hand over his face.
"Fine- look I don't give a crap about you hugging me or whatever. So, just fucking tell me if Kirishima bought those goggles specifically to come look for me," he pleaded.
You stared at him deciding if you wanted to answer. You figured that was the best type of apology you'd get out of him and gave in, "He said he bought them specially to look for you. Happy?"
"No, I'm not fucking happy, I don't want to owe anyone anything. I didn't ask you extras to come look for me," He grumbled.
"If it was any of us, what would you have done?" You asked angrily, fed up with his attitude.
Katsuki gave you an intimidating stare as he thought your question over. After some time passed, he answered honestly, "Depends who."
"Kirishima. If it was Kirishima that got taken, what would you have done?"
Katsuki sighed, "I'd go get the dumb ass, but I wouldn't have been as reckless about it as you idiots were!" He exclaimed and crossed his arms.
You rolled your eyes at him and stared at the floor as a long pause sat between you both and your next question, "What if it was me?" You asked gently.
Katsuki ignored your question and stared out the window for entirely too long before saying, "It's getting late you should head back. I don't want you walking back in the dark," he said.
You got up without saying anything and stomped over to the balcony, frustrated still by Katsuki's never-ending stubbornness and refusal to answer you.
"Come here, I'll help you down," he said, pulling you to him as he shot off his quirk again landing you both on the ground.
"Same fucking deal alright, call me while you walk back," he said letting you go.
"Fine," you said irritated, and pulled out your phone. "But I'm not some fucking weakling either you know," you snapped at him.
"Yeah, I know," he said, voice softer than before. "Look," he paused and seemed to gather his thoughts for a moment. "Don't think I don't understand what you all did. I get it, I just- I don't know." He grunted and you could see him becoming frustrated with himself.
You sighed feeling guilty for your attitude now. Obviously, Katsuki had been through a lot the past two days. It was asking a lot of him to be happy or grateful about anything right now.
"It's fine, Bakugo... I'm just glad you are ok." You spoke and made a quick decision to test your luck once more as you wrapped your arms around him and brought him into an embrace. To your surprise, he didn't push you off or make some snarky comment. Instead, he gingerly wrapped his arms around you returning the gesture.
You rested your head on his chest embracing the hug for as long as you could. You realized you'd never met anyone as hard to read as Katsuki. One moment she seemed irritated by your very presence and now you felt him giving in embracing you tighter. Your whole body froze as he moved to gently rest his head on top of yours.
You felt paralyzed as if any slight movement would have scared him away like a skittish cat. Although, a part of you wondered what would have happened if you were to have looked up at him. However, the moment passed, and Katsuki broke the peaceful silence.
"Told you, you don't need to worry about me dumb ass. Now get going it's getting dark. And don't forget to call me on your way back." He said, removing his arms from you and breaking the embrace.
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Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle
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olivyh · 1 year
Fluff/crack hc
Dorm leaders get Kabedon by an S/O who didn't know they kabedon'd the Dorm leaders cus Yuu wanted to get their attention and say something they deemed important
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Studying in another country is taking a lot more out of me than I thought it would, and I've been pretty drained of motivation ;;;;. Hopefully it gets better once I get more used to living here and used to being so far from my friends and family, but I'll see where it takes me! I do see all the requests and I'm very grateful for all your support and kind comments- they're all getting be through these times <<3333 I couldn't thank you all enough for your support and I'll get back into my groove soon I hope!
"-and as of right now, there are currently fifteen students who have told me that they will be unable to complete their tasks necessary for the upcoming unbirthday party which, unfortunately, means-" He rambled, shuffling the impressive amount of papers he was currently holding in his arms- all annotated and marked appropriately and according by date and subject. He was walking through the main hallway with the prefect after classes and was currently incredibly stressed about the events that had unfolded since he woke up. 
First, he had gotten several messages about things that had gone wrong yesterday due to a brutal storm that had run its way through his dorm overnight; consisting of ripped-up bushes, frightened animals, and overturned tables (not to mention the countless roses that had been plucked from their homes and thrown about the area). That was followed by multiple complaints about food being stolen from the kitchen (he was confident that the culprit was a certain red-headed card soldier who had been getting on his nerves day in and day out since his arrival at NRC). Following that, many students had told him that they were sick and unable to perform their duties for the day. 
Riddle felt as though his head was going to explode from stress, and he found himself rambling to the one person on campus who he felt was sane enough to understand his inner turmoil. 
"Riddle!" He gasped when his back met the cold stone wall and a hand was placed beside his head. All his worries seemed to be ripped away from him as his brain as the only thing he could focus on was the rapid thrumming of his heart beneath his uniform and how close his friend was. His mouth opened and closed for a moment as he felt his face heat up. He felt as though he couldn't breathe from the close proximity. 
"Finally," They sigh, leaning back and giving him some room to catch some much-needed air. "I was telling you that we passed the cafeteria. You mentioned that you didn't eat lunch."
"Right..." He mumbles, his voice much too small for his liking. They back away and, for a moment, Riddle wishes that those few moments of suffocation would last just a little bit longer. The more he reflects on it, the quicker his heart beats. His hands begin to tremble and he barely notices when more and a few papers slip from his grasp and fall to the floor. His face heats up once more and his breathing becomes erratic the more he looks at the prefect, the sensation becoming too intense before he finds himself stammering something about a text from Trey and running off, leaving the poor prefect in a confused daze behind him with only the echo of his heels clicking behind him.  
He was currently trying to nap beneath the large canopy of a tree nestled deep within the botanical garden. The warmth of the sun seeped in through the vast windows that were cut in a way that decorated small patches of the ground around in the shades of the rainbow, highlighting the bright hues of the tropical flowers that he was surrounded by. He was skipping class again, as per usual, after having been victim to a three-hour-long call from his family. All he wanted to do was to rest in the small patch of grass that he'd claimed as his own and sleep until it was dinner- which wouldn't be for another five hours from then. 
He had found the most perfect spot- just hidden away from any prying eyes and surrounded by the scent of the nearby flowers, but not close enough to get sprayed by the water that would rain down when the sprinklers went off. He had just closed his eyes when he caught a familiar smell lurking in the bushes. 
"What do you want, herbivore?" He groans, peeking an eye open and squinting against the bright light. The human stands over him, hands on their hips as they cast a shadow over his form. 
"Ruggie sent me!" The beastman rolls his eyes and allows the opened one to slip closed once more. "Come on, Leona! You can't miss another class..."
"Why not?" He scoffs, rolling onto his side so he was facing away from them. He feels their hand land on his shoulder and tug lightly in an attempt to get him to look at them once more which, of course, fails. He can admire their determination in most situations, but in this kind of scenario, he can't help but feel annoyed at their insistence. 
"You have to graduate at some point!" Leona sighs and rolls over, making the human slip with a yelp that makes his eyes shoot wide open as he finds himself directly under the prefect. He smirks and tries to ignore the way his stomach flutters at their proximity. 
"Is this how you want to wake me up?" Leona chuckles. "You're awfully brave, stomping into the lion's den." He basks in their flustered expression before flipping the roles, successfully pushing them onto the dirt and laughing loudly at the way their face morphs into something much more intense than it was previously. 
"Leona..." Their quiet, flustered voice reaches his ears and he tilts his head, sitting back on his heels and allowing them to sit up, barely catching their embarrassed stammers and excuses before they run back into the gardens, disappearing between the bushes. 
He chuckles and leans back into the grass, finally able to take the nap he so desperately wished for. 
He was currently hunched over his desk, well past the hours when he should have been showered and in bed. The rest of the Mostro Lounge was dead silent aside from the soft sounds of bubbles that emanated from the hallway and the occasional clink as he bumped into his glass of water, which bumped into the inkwell of his bonefish pen. The only other sounds that echoed throughout the room was the scratching of his pen and the occasional drawn-out sigh from the merman as he slaved away at his desk. 
His entire body ached and his eyes felt as though they were being weighed down with lead, but he had to finish the final budgeting for the lounge before dawn. If not, then he would be behind on all the other work that he had to get done- such as ordering supplies and creating menus for the next month and a half, as well as filing any reports for damages caused by rowdy guests or the notorious eel that would throw things when he had gotten into one of his moods or would draw on plates when he felt like it. 
He didn't even feel when he had dozed off, only knowing that he had blinked for a little too long before he was spun around and roughly jostled out of his dazed state. He blinks widely up at the person who currently had their hands on either side of his desk, effectively trapping him between them and the piece of furniture. Their proximity alone was enough to wake him up, leaving the mer feeling as though he'd just been plunged into the water of the Coral Sea. 
For a moment his mind was racing with thoughts about how he currently looked- he was sure that his glasses were askew (and likely smudged due to his slow, sleepy movements), his hair was probably a mess; sticking up out of his head in each and every direction, and his uniform was comprised of nothing more than his loosely buttoned white shirt and his untied bowtie that hung loosely over his shoulders. 
On the other hand, he couldn't focus on anything more than the little details he could never really see of the prefect- the way their lip juts out when they're nervous, the little lines in the corners of their eyes from when they smiled, and even the way their hair framed the face that he would watch day in and day out. 
Once his brain clicked, he scrambled for some sort of purchase, effectively tipping his chair back and making his head hit the desk with a thud as pain shot down his spine from the impact. He hit the ground with a groan before the prefect helped him up, walking with him back to his room to nurse his injury. He couldn't tell if his face was burning and his heart was constricting from embarrassment or affection, but he decided that he couldn't care either way. 
"But then we could find some new animals to add to the dorm! It would be fun, right?" The heir was currently trying to brainstorm ideas on how to make his dormmates seem less... drained. For the past couple of weeks, due to finals, he noticed how exhausted many of them were. His concern arose when some of them even turned down dinner in favor of studying or sleep. He wasn't exactly sure how he could help them, considering that the most he's been able to offer thus far was a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, as well as festivals and parties (that many of the students also declined). He was at a loss for what to do until he decided to do some research, which lead him on a tangent in his room, late into the hours of the night. The windows were wide open, which allowed some moonlight to creep in and join the warm light of the magically-lit lanterns and the quiet music that played off his phone- now cast onto his bed and long forgotten in his whirlwind of planning. 
"I really don't think that animals would help much," The prefect sighed. That makes him stand still for a moment, sighing and casting a sad glance over to the former. He continues to pace, mumbling different ideas out loud and hoping that they would pick up on at least a little bit of what he was saying. Before he knows it, he's yelling excitedly and practically skipping around his spacious room, hands flailing as he jabbers about possible plans to improve his dormmates' wellbeing. He doesn't even notice when the prefect begins to call his name. 
"But if it doesn't work, then what?" He finishes, taking a deep breath to look over at them. He takes notice of the concerned look on their face, his energy instantly dissipating as he rushes to their side. "What's wrong? You look sad..." 
"I'm not sad, Kali. I'm just a little worried. You're not responsible for everyone's happiness," They explain and Kalim feels his heart shatter as confusion clouds his brain. 
"I'm..." He pauses and smiles, letting out a short, silent laugh. "I'm a dorm leader! I have to!" 
He gasps when he feels himself trapped suddenly against his wardrobe, cutting off his train of thought roughly as he sucks in a deep breath. 
"What are you...?"
"So you'll finally listen to what I'm saying!" 
He nods and tries to ignore the feeling in the back of his mind that begs him to squirm. He has been close to the prefect before, yes, but never for a long enough period of time. He'd only done it to help them learn how to do the dances of his hometown, or when he would clean up with them (or attempt to, at least). But this felt completely different from all those times before...
"I'm... listening," He breathes softly after a long pause, making his friend back away for a moment. In that split second, he desperately wishes that he could be as smooth as the princes in all the fairytales he'd grown up reading and pull them back, fighting back the urge to get closer to them once more. 
"In just a moment," Vil murmured, leaning in closer to the mirror that sat at his desk. The lights would have been blinding if thy hadn't reflected off his light violet eyes so brightly and highlighted each and every product that he layered on his perfect skin. He had a meeting in just an hour, and he was already running behind schedule. His dearest friend, the prefect, was currently lounging on his bed, sprawled out and scrolling on their phone while he focused on perfecting his makeup for the undoubtedly long and boring few hours he had ahead of him. 
"Vil-" They whined loudly and, in the corner of his eye, he could watch them dramatically throw their arms in the air and flopping them beside their head as they look into his eyes from the background. 
"It won't be long, I promise!"
"Nonsense," He sighs. He couldn't deny that he was hungry and, normally, he was practical about his eating schedule. He ate three square meals, and carried around a healthy snack for if he felt as though he needed something extra to get him through the day. Today, however, he had skipped lunch due to rehearsal, and he was certainly feeling the effects now. He could always ignore this and opt to eat at a later time, perhaps once the meeting was over and he could grab something quick from a nearby restaurant. 
He turned to face them, only to notice that they were hovering over him and had slammed their hands on his desk loudly, startling him slightly as he jolted. He was surprised, if he was being honest- he wasn't expecting this type of reaction to come from the sweet, sweet prefect. 
He sighs, looking up at them with an eyebrow quirked and a small smile on his face as he observes their annoyed expression, before watching as that expression shifts from annoyance to realization to embarrassment. 
"Are these the lengths you're truly willing to go to?" He chuckles, determined to turn the tables. He leans in, enjoying the way the prefect seems caught like a deer in headlights. He leans back and goes back to his makeup, making eye contact with them in the mirror and smiling once more. "Nevertheless, you'll have to wait."
He can barely catch their groan filled with disbelief and annoyance before he continues on his work. 
"But if I log in for the rest of the week, I should still be at the top of the charts, right? But then, my next problem would be that I hadn't grinded for enough lucky stars yet!" Idia was currently pacing in his room, ranting to his newfound friend as they sat on his bed, listening to his problems eagerly as he carried on. "If I log in, I'll be caught up, but not caught up enough to get the new SSR+ that everyone else probably already has!" He throws his hands up in the air, noticing how, out of the corner of his eye, his firey hair lit up the room in shades of amber as he got more and more worked up. "I mean, how unfair is that? I have to go to school! They prob don't even have to do that or dorm leader stuff, so that's exactly how they got ahead of me! Which sucks!" 
"I mean, I've been playing this game since the release and suddenly all these Magicam normies suddenly get the sneak on me because they just joined? I'm glad the fanbase is growing but I mean come on!"
"And then they're completely mischaracterizing them! Like, absolutely butchering the characters! Shadow isn't all gloomy all the time- he actually has a soft spot for his teammates which is so cool and also such a big thing for them to ignore!"
"Idia Shroud!"
"And I saw on Magicam that they were completely ignoring the plot and the character development- like, in Blade's SSR+ that was released last year, she clearly mentions the main plot and how much it changed her as a person! And people still have the audacity to ignore her!" He was pacing more quickly now, rambling so quickly that he already felt his mouth going dry. The headphones around his neck blasted the ambient music from the paused game on his PC, but he could care less after seeing one particular post that got him worked up. 
He felt himself getting pushed to the wall as he stared down at the prefect in shock, his hair turning a bright crimson as his face went a similar shade. He stammered for a moment before biting his lip to shut himself up, feeling the way his heart hammered in his chest and made his head dizzy as the world around him spun. 
He was being kabedon-ed. 
Just like in all his shows. 
"I asked if you wanted something to eat," He could only muster a nod before he gulps, biting his lip once more as he gasps for air and his knees go weak. "Idia."
"How did I-," He murmurs, suddenly feeling faint. "-get this route?" Idia whispered the last word as he felt his entire body go limp as he passed out. 
He had been more than fortunate to have made such a close friend- one he can call his first in his very long life thus far. As of recently, however, he'd noticed that his affections had become more than simple friendship- the seeds have been planted within the cold thorn walls of his heart and had begun to blossom into fragrant roses that constricted his chest and dominated his every waking thought. More often than not, he had been able to surpass this feeling that had consumed him, placing on his mask of contentedness whenever they would look his way wearing the smile that would make his heart melt and the fireflies that would often surround him fly a little faster in bright yellow streaks against his pale skin and ivory hair that framed his narrow face. 
Now had been one of those moments. They were currently exploring the forest around campus, and Malleus finally had the opportunity to show the prefect a small meadow hidden just outside of the sports field- a bustling meadow, filled with wildflowers that sprouted out of the ground and painted the scenery in all the colors of the rainbow and insects buzzing from flower to flower contentedly. He cast a longing glance over to the human, smiling softly at their awed expression- mouth hanging open as their eyes were so wide he could practically see the entire meadow reflected against their irises. 
He had wished so desperately to capture this moment in a little bubble, to place it upon a pedestal in his treasure room and gaze at it whenever the nights seem to be too long. Oh, how he wished he could hold their face in his own hands and that the chill of his skin wouldn't give them a shock. He longed to live with them in this meadow- perhaps run far away from his life of nobility to do just that. 
He could practically feel it- the warmth of the sun against his face and the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders as they forage for berries- perhaps they would even take a small nap among the flower fae living in the area, only to wake at sunset and move to make a warm meal together in the small kitchen of their cottage. 
Suddenly, he's trapped between a small tree with the human in question practically pinning him against it. His eyes widen for a moment as his mind freezes, struggling to understand the sudden proximity. 
"Mal-" Before they could finish their sentence, he had vanished in a cloud of fireflies, leaving the concerned human dazed and alone in the middle of the field. 
From that point onwards, Malleus was forced to endure Lilia's incessant teasing about his reaction.
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pinky-ghostface · 4 months
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Two Valentines Day Surprises
summary: It's Valentine's Day, a very important holiday to Alphonse and his Boo, but Seth is across the country and can't get back to them in time. Alphonse wants to cheer the reader up with a sweet surprise, but neither of them are prepared for the true surprise meant for them.
content/warnings: nsfw, femdom, pegging, strap on blowjob, deepthroating, nipple play, mmf threesome, hair pulling, p in v sex, afab gn!reader (no mention of boobs but they are referred to once as "a cruel mistress")
word count: 4.2k
wanna read it on ao3?:
A/N: I actually began this a couple years ago but finally decided to finish it😁 and things have def changed in the canon since I started. I think I thought after the Jessie/Derek situation Seth wouldn't want to settle down just yet in the little town he wasn't wanted in so long ago and would want to explore his freedom after prison and like, go on cryptid hunts or smth😚 so.. ig this is a semi AU where he does odd jobs across the country and experiences everything the road has to offer a lonely cowboy like him lol. and definitely listening to Orville Peck. also frequently communicating w Alphonse and SugarBoo bc they luv each otherrr🥰 and sometimes taking a break from his nomadic life to visit them. enjoy!
As I pushed my key into the lock of my front door, I heard a muttered curse from inside my home. Confused, I opened the door and peered into the kitchen to see my boyfriend’s very shapely, and completely bare, ass with just two thin strips of fabric tied behind his waist and neck to feign at covering him. “Al? I didn’t think you were coming over so soon?” 
He whirled around, revealing that he was wearing nothing but my favorite apron. “Oh! Hey, boo! Uhh, what time is it… I guess I thought I’d have more time for your surprise, heh.” He grinned at me sheepishly. 
“Surprise? Thought we were just gonna do dinner and a movie at home.” My eyes slid over his body as I took off my coat.
He smiled and moved closer so that he could loosely circle his arms around my hips. “I know, but I could tell you were kind of bummed about Seth not being here for Valentine’s Day, and I wanted to do somethin’ nice and romantic for you to cheer you up.” 
I smiled a little sadly and leaned my head into his shoulder. It was hard not seeing our other partner every day, but we both understood how important traveling and going on adventures was to him. We texted and called often, and Alphonse and I had been together long enough before Seth crashed back into Al’s life and cannonballed into mine that we were more than okay on our own. We talked about him daily, and on days when one of us missed him a little too much the other would be there to reminisce, joke, cuddle, and comfort until the ache went away. 
“But I guess that didn’t really work out, huh?” Al said, interrupting my thoughts. 
I furrowed my brow. “What do you mean?...oh.” I looked over his shoulder at the rest of my kitchen for the first time since walking in. I guessed I hadn’t smelled the burnt cupcakes that were sitting dejectedly on the stovetop. They were black on top and red goo was periodically dripping over the sides of the muffin tin.
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “You’re lucky I already cleaned up the spilled cake mix from the walls, the eggs I dropped, the… exploded buttercream frosting.” He shuddered. “Sorry, baby. I kind of messed up your kitchen for nothing. I don’t think those abominations can be saved.” 
I smiled up at him and brought my hand to his cheek. “Al, it’s fine. Really. It won’t take too long to scrub out the muffin tray, so we can have even more time together tonight. I’m glad you came over early!”
He pulled me closer and buried his head in the crook of my neck, whining. “I know, but I had, like, a whole thing planned out! I was gonna make a bunch of red velvet cupcakes for you so you could take a break from baking for once, and turn the lights down and do the ‘rose petals on the floor going to the bath’ thing and meet you in the bathroom with the cupcakes like this,” he gestured to himself with one arm, his face still in my neck. “And I was gonna feed you your cupcakes in the bath and give you a back rub and maybe even try to call Brown Eyes if he hadn’t left his rest stop yet…”
“Babe,” I said, halting his rambling. “We can still do all that, even without the baked surprise. I mean, I was pretty surprised just coming home to this, anyway.” I ran a finger underneath the apron ribbon on his waist. ‘I have so many treats already in the fridge for us, you have no idea. We’re gonna have a great Valentine’s Day.” 
He held me tighter and nodded but said nothing for a moment. After a few seconds, I heard him sigh through his nose. “I just miss him, y’know? This was supposed to be the first Valentine’s we all spent together. It just sucks we didn’t tell him we wanted to do something sooner so he could have time to get up here. I wanted to make it up to you a little bit.” 
Oh. I turned my head to look at him so that he was forced to take his head off my shoulder, and I wound my arms more fully around his waist, he and I chest-to-chest and my face looking up at his pouting one. “Alphonse, you don’t have anything to make up to me. I know this isn’t what we were picturing, but it isn’t either of our faults, and I’m still prepared to have an awesome, romantic, sexy Valentine’s Day with you. Seth should be stopping for the night near New Mexico in a couple hours; we can talk to him then. Until then we can have plenty of fun on our own, right?” 
Al smiled and leaned in even closer so our lips were just barely touching. “Yeah,” he breathed. “That sounds good. Now we’ve got more time to spoil each other, anyway. We don’t need that crybaby to have fun.” 
I laughed against his mouth. “Careful. You looked about ready to cry, yourself when I walked in.” His lips curved up playfully for a moment before quickly leaning in to kiss me. My hands gripped his waist more firmly in surprise, and he tightened his arms even further around me, pressing us fully together so his hands could move up my back. My left hand drifted downward to shamelessly squeeze his bare ass cheek. As my fingertips drew closer inward, they brushed something… plastic? 
I broke the kiss to look up at him in shock. I was met with cocked eyebrows and a toothy grin in silent response. “That would be the other part of your surprise. You’ve been puttin’ out vibes that you wanted to take control lately, and I thought tonight would be the perfect time to make a night of it.” 
I gasped in elation, smiling wildly, and kissed him hard for a moment. As I pulled away, I gave him a light swat on the butt and told him, “Get the strap.” 
“Yes, Boss!” he said, still grinning, but instead of moving past me to reach the bedroom, he turned around and retrieved my bubblegum pink strap on dildo and harness from behind the coffee pot on a nearby counter. 
Naughty boy, he’d planned out more than I’d thought. 
He handed it to me, smug as ever. I undressed quickly and performed the awkward, yet familiar dance of shimmying into the harness. Al and I exchanged one more lingering, messy kiss before he took a step back and sank to his knees. 
My eyebrows quirked in surprise as I gazed down at him, amused and loving. “Aw, you wanna choke on my strap, baby?” I teased. He smoothed his hands up my thighs, half-lidded eyes never leaving their gaze. “You know I’d love nothing more,” he mumbled against the tip. He took it into his mouth, sucking softly, and worked his way to the base quickly. As the tip hit the back of his throat, he pushed on, gagging slightly. I raked my nails through the hair on the back of his head, grabbing a handful to help him down. He choked loudly, and his hands tightened on the backs of my thighs, nearly making my knees buckle. A strand of drool hung down, reaching his chest, and he moaned deeply through his nose as he continued to deepthroat me. By now his cheeks were rosy flushed and tears were begging to fall from their perch on his long, dark lashes. “So pretty,” I murmured, pushing my fingers through his bright, slightly bleach-damaged hair more gently now, softly scratching his scalp. He looked up at me with an expression that could only be described as adoring, and I loved him for it. “My good boy.”
“Mmm…” he groaned at the praise. 
I tugged him off my strap and squeezed his shoulder, telling him to get up. When he got on his feet, he kissed me hard, wet mouth exploring mine, our teeth clashing a bit. He held on to me tightly and I embraced him, enjoying his being so desperate already. It was really no surprise he had such an oral fixation with all the lollipops he sucked on all day. 
With my arms around his waist and hands rubbing his lower back, I turned my face upwards so my lips could brush his ear and whisper: “Since you’ve done such a good job of getting my cock wet, I’d guess you were ready to let me bend you over that table and make you see tweety birds.” 
He lifted his head up from my shoulder and smiled dopily. “If I had to guess, I’d say you were onto somethin’, boo.” He leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine to whisper to me huskily. “I want you to mess me up.” 
With that confirmation, I pulled him with me toward my kitchen table, kissing him all the while. I turned us so his back was to the table and ran my hands up his chest, to his shoulders, to his neck, and gently began to tug at the bow holding the apron up. “I have been dying to tear this off you since the second I walked in,” I huffed hurriedly. 
Alphonse leaned down so our faces were even and looked at me with dark, dilated eyes. “Well, I promise not to keep you waiting if you promise not to tease.” I laughed and gripped his chin harshly. “Al, sweetheart, you’re really not in a position to be making deals like that.” I slowly pulled at the ribbon string in my hand until the bow loosened, and the light fabric that sparsely covered him fell off his defined chest, spilling around the attractive “v” of his hips and exposing his dark happy trail. “If you want me to give you what you need, you’ll need to accept that I can do anything I want to you.” I leaned in to nibble and suck at his neck, and he sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth. My other hand teased down the top of his shoulder, his collarbone, his chest, and paused to tweak a nipple. He yelped a bit, and when I let go of his chin, his head rolled back. My hand continued down to his hard cock, his raspy breaths keeping time with slow, languid strokes while his hips tried to buck up into my fist. I circled his tip with my thumb lightly, teasingly.
“You’re a cruel mistress, you know that?” he said to the ceiling. “Doesn’t mean I don’t love it, but it’s true. And as for what position I’m s’posed to be in, I’ll let you worry about that.” He opened one eye and looked at me. “You know I’ve never objected to you doing anything you wanted to me before.” 
“Hmm,” I mused, finishing a necklace of hickies across his clavicle. “Well, if that’s the case…” I grabbed his hips and turned him around quickly. He grunted in surprise and planted his hands on the table quickly to catch himself. He looked back at me with wide yet delighted eyes. “You wouldn’t mind if I finish what you started, would you?” I held the base of his plug in my fingertips, twisting it just a little, for emphasis. 
“Hah!... “Course not, Boss. You know I’m yours to play with however you please.” he said, a bit strained, and leaned even farther over the table. “Good,” I whispered, and eased the buttplug out of him. He exhaled slowly and forcefully, and eased his back into an arch. I placed it on the counter next to me. I smoothed one hand up his spine, admiring the pale expanse of his back and the cute pink bow still tied around his waist. With the other, I lined my pink dildo up to his hole and slowly, slowly, began to push in. “Mm!” Alphonse cried, stifled. I eased in carefully, rubbing his back and cooing at him the whole time.
Once completely inside, Al moaned loudly and pushed his hips back more to try and grind on my cock. To his disappointment, I almost completely pulled out of him. But before he could protest, I swiftly pushed in all the way, rubbing against his prostate. 
“Fuck, ohh, christ,” he choked out. I laughed a little at his reaction and kept fucking him the same way: slow and hard. 
I took the time to admire him- his fluffy hair mussed up, his cheek smooshed into the table, his eyebrows drawn together wantonly, and deep, rhythmic moans falling from them. My eyes drifted lower, loving the way the sheer of sweat on his lean back made his skin shine. Even lower, that bubble butt was still making me lose focus, rippling from the force of my hips meeting it with every thrust. 
And with every thrust, the base of the dildo ground into my clit, making me drive forward more quickly, more harshly, chasing the sweet sensation. I unknowingly gave Alphonse exactly what he wanted, it seemed, because he melted beneath me. His knees nearly gave out and he looked back at me, panting slightly. “Does that feel good, baby?” I grinned at him. “Nnghh,” he replied, letting his head fall back down. 
The building pleasure below and seeing his sweet expression gave me an idea for something else I wanted from him. 
I slowed down and pumped into him a few more times, then pulled out gingerly; he whined in confusion and tried to turn around. I leaned over him fully and put my lips next to his ear. “I want to ride your dick so I can see your pretty face when you come in me.” He picked his head up again, leaving behind a small pool of saliva, and grinned tiredly and replied, “If I can walk to the couch, you can make this already good Valentine’s Day a great one, boo.” 
When I pulled him up, the apron fell off him completely and he hugged me around my neck, leaning most of his weight on me. It must have looked funny, this lanky guy hanging off me, half-carrying him to the living room, and shoving him backwards onto my couch. He fell with little effort and a small oof. He looked up at me as I wriggled out of the harness, kicked it aside, and moved to straddle his thighs, and he said breathlessly, “Come take what’s yours.”
His dick was flushed pink and leaking against his stomach. So pretty. I took it in my hand and stroked it slowly, and at the same time leant forward and kissed him firmly. “I intend to,” I whispered against his lips, to which he smiled and squeezed my hips in his hands. I lifted my hips and guided his cock to my hole, and slowly sank down, moaning. I was already so wet from fucking him, and he slid in so easily. As the backs of my thighs met his hips, he threw his head back and let out a long, low sound through parted lips. With one hand on his chest and the other beside his head, I began to rock slowly, murmuring praise to him all the while. His hands slid up my body and he was begging me to go faster between whimpers, so I gently took his wrists in both my hands and pinned them on either side of his head on the armrest. He flexed his arms, but didn’t try to break free. His eyes were squeezed shut as I sucked on his neck, leaving a new rainbow of hickies. 
As I worked my way up to his jawline, I heard him suck in a harsh breath and he tried to sit up quickly. I blurted his name, confused, and sat back to look at him. His wide-eyed gaze was fixed behind me, towards the door, and I heard a low chuckle. Before I could turn around in surprise, or get myself off my man’s dick so I could fight off an intruder, a warm, rough hand curled around my waist and a familiar face leaned its chin on my shoulder.
“Well, ain’t this a pretty sight to come home to,” a deep voice drawled. He may have also said something teasing us for having so much fun without him, but Alphonse or I’d have no way of knowing because once I- ahem- removed him, we were all over Seth, hugging him and asking how on earth he made it all the way here. Once we’d settled in a pile, all of us kind of sitting on everyone else, he began to explain.
“You knuckleheads really thought I’d miss Valentine’s Day?” he laughed between kisses. “I’m no dummy, I know how y’all feel about it. I just thought I’d surprise you and tell you I was farther away than I was, but I’ve been making my way back to you for the last five days.” He had one arm around my shoulders and cupped Alphonse’s face with the other. “I thought when I got back y’all would be moping around, missin’ me. Instead, I come home to you both screwing like jackalopes without a care in the world.” he teased, pouting. 
Alphonse huffed. “What, we’re just supposed to spend our favorite holiday cryin’ our eyes out over you? That ain’t fair!”
“Mmm, I think he just means he missed being included in our cuddle puddle,” I purred and leaned my head on Al’s shoulder. 
“That, or the idea of you two being horny-sad thinkin’ of me keeps me warm on lonely nights.”
I glared at Seth. “You aren’t helping.”
He laughed. “No, but I love the look on my bubblegum prince’s face when he’s trying to be mad at me.” He leaned in close so he was an inch from Al’s flustered face. “But really he’s dyin’ to be put right back on his back so I can really show him how much I missed him.” 
The poor man’s blush deepened, and he grumbled a little. 
I smiled and wrapped my arms around Seth’s shoulders, pulling him back so we were both staring at Al. “I think he needs us, don’t you agree? Maybe you could help me put him back in his place.”
“Oh, no, sugar, this here’s your battle. As much as I’d love to beat the brat out of him, I’m too tired to really give it my all. I’d prefer to hang back and take a more… supporting role.” He smooched the side of my neck and leaned back. 
Grinning at Al, I put my hand on his chest and started to push him back down like he was. “Well, baby? You gonna put up a fight now that you know big bad Seth’s not gonna force you to sit pretty for me?”
He shook his head and grabbed my hand to kiss it. “I’m his brat, but I’ll always behave for you, boo.”
Seth chuckled and moved to straddle Al’s thighs behind me. “Well, he knows what’s good for him, that’s for sure.” 
Alphonse began to reply. “Shut up, man- agh!” 
I yanked his hair sharply. “Maybe not. But we can correct that together some other time. Right now, I only care about enjoying the rest of my evening the way I’d dreamed of spending it, with both my boys.” 
He whimpered softly. “Yes, Boss.”
Seth was so close to me I could feel his chest pressed against my back. He rested his chin on my shoulder again. “I always love to watch you work, sugar,” he breathed flirtily against my ear. He reached around me for Alphonse’s cock, and the second he touched it Al let out a huge sigh. He pumped it up and down in his fist a few times, surely enjoying the way his pearly precum dripped over the pink tip. I lifted my hips up so Seth could help me guide it in, and sank down, more easily this time and no less pleasurable. I could feel Seth smirking against my neck as he held onto my hip with one hand and held Al’s hand with the other. 
Al was already settled back into our former rhythm with his free hand gripping the side of my thigh, head thrown back against the armrest and eyes closed in bliss, moaning with each bounce of my hips. “So glad you’re here, Seth,” he panted. “Mm! Ahh, I missed you so, fuck, so much. I really did.” 
Seth let go of Al’s hand to trail it up his stomach teasingly. “Aww, Al. Well, I had to come take care of you, didn’t I?” Al’s back arched to meet his touch. I’d do the same; we were both so starved for his affection. Seth smoothed his hand back down Alphonse’s torso, all the way to where our bodies met, and ran both hands all the way up my body to my shoulders, forcing me to lean back against his warm, broad chest. “Take care of both of you,” he purred. And without warning, he brushed his fingers over my nipples, sending electricity running through my body, especially my clit. I moaned his name loudly and threw my head back to rest on his shoulder. He continued to circle my nipples lightly, and my hips began to move faster even though my legs were starting to burn. Alphonse flexed his hands on my thighs and began babbling brokenly and bucking up into me at the increased sensation. Seth grabbed my hips to help me bounce and at the same time left a wet trail of tender kisses across the back of my neck and shoulders- not skimping on the teeth, either. 
“Fuck, please!” Alphonse cried, his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure. 
“What do you need, baby?” I panted. I was getting close. 
“Aah, m’gonna cum, please Boss, can I cum? Pleeease…”
I was about to reply when Seth spoke. “Not ‘til our sugar does.” And he began to rub my clit quickly with wet fingers. My back arched hard in shock and ecstasy so that I could hardly move at all, but they both helped me move on Al’s cock, moving faster, rubbing harder, pushing me through pulsing, all-consuming pleasure… until I fell from the threshold, rocking against Al’s cock frantically while he called my name, and falling against Seth’s chest once more into strong, safe arms. Al moaned sharply once more, and a warmth filled me and sent another wave through me. Once I opened my eyes again, Seth laid me down next to (on top of) Al and knelt down beside the couch, smiling down at us.
“Seth, honey... I missed you so much too. I’m so glad you could be here, tonight wouldn’t have been the same without you,” I said as I tucked Al’s head under my chin. 
“Me too, babe. Although it seemed to me y’all were gettin’ on just fine on your own…” he glanced at the strap on discarded next to the coffee table. 
Al laughed wearily. “Sure, but I ain’t this fucked out unless the both of you were involved in messin’ me up.”
“How’re you feeling, by the way? That looked like it took a lot out of you.” I said, squeezing him tight.
“Yeah,” he breathed. “It was a lot, but like… so good. Y’know. I’m really good.”
“Mhm, don’t I know it.” Seth remarked. “Once sugar here works that magic, you’re a goner.” He leaned over Alphonse to kiss me, his tongue sliding over mine. 
Alphonse let out a long sigh. “Guess I’m the one who needs the bath now.” 
Seth huffed a chuckle into my mouth and broke away to look at him questioningly. 
“I was gonna run a bath for us so we could spoil each other and eat cupcakes in it.”
“Not like that last part was gonna happen,”I snickered.
Seth gasped. “You tried to make cupcakes? I was wondering who got stabbed over that stovetop when I came in.”
“Boo said it wasn’t that bad!”
I giggled, knowing their bickering was loving. “If you two are done, I think we should get on with the rest of our night. All of us are hungry and probably sore, and I know I want to spend more time cuddling in our actual bed now Seth’s here.” 
Al grinned. “Yeah, you’re right.” He looked up at Seth. “I’ve been waitin’ to get my hands on you for a long time now, Brown Eyes. We gotta take advantage of a night like tonight.”
“I agree,” Seth murmured. “We’re not gonna do a thing but enjoy each other’s company.” Then he kissed him, long and deep. After they parted, he stood up, grunting. “I’m gonna go draw that bath y’all were talking about so you can rest. I’ll be back for you in a minute, so don’t go anywhere.”
“Say draw one more time,” I pleaded, smirking.
“Draw-er,” he obliged. “And don’t go teasing me about it, neither.”
“Us? Never.” Al smiled deviously. Seth stared sternly at us, then winked and turned to the bathroom. Alphonse nuzzled deeper into my arms and sighed contently. I planted a kiss into his hair and thought about how lucky I must be to have two amazing boyfriends to cherish and  surprise me everyday.
A/N: I loved writing this sm and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I hope to do more stuff like this, and soon. this is actually my first fanfic (first inspired by Valentine's Day with your Submissive Boyfriend audio rp by SweetKinkAudio on p*rnhub) and I'd love any criticism or advice if you're willing to give me any💖💖💖 happy valentine's day!!
taglist: @dizzy-n-busy
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eshasunrise · 2 months
Deepsea Glass
This is a pre-Splatoon fan fic that takes place in Alterna, days before its destruction.
Selena (Saline, moon) is an analogue for Marina
Kohime (little princess) is an analogue for Pearl
Inspired by the squid ink panels reflecting the desires of humanity.
Read below the cut.
Selena wanted to bash her head against the wall. She was the project lead in Alterna's delusional corporate suicide cult. Sorry, she meant 'Happiness Research Lab', a once important figure in maintaining Alterna's long-term survival, now a haven for madmen demanding humanity return to the irradiated, flooded surface.
Her job was to figure out the logistics of building, and launching, a rocket from deep beneath the sea and into the Earth's soil. Needless to say, all calculations show the probability of successfully launching a rocket deep underwater was literally, no smudging the numbers, 0%. And that's ignoring the readings showing that the surface is still flooded, irradiated, and over 15 degrees hotter than is ideal for agriculture, let alone maintaining human life. And THAT is ignoring the fact that the force of the rocket would fracture the stone of the cavern in which the population is maintained, assuming the psychic backlash of every neuroLCD panel suddenly exploding from energy overload wouldn't kill the population outright.
So obviously, the higher-ups appealed to reason. Or not. Instead, they scrapped the research to start building the rocket. Needless to say, it was now up to Selena to build an anti-gravity device which could withstand the water pressure while her roommate and boss, Kohime, tried desperately to get the company to stop.
It had barely been 60 years since Alterna was finished and colonized, and yet already people were demanding the impossible. Small crowds creating conspiracy theories about the land being just outside the walls, as opposed to the waterlogged crag of the flooded cavern that you can very clearly see if you just switched off one of the panels.
Selena needed a break. She decided, if her job wasn't going to listen to her findings, then she wasn't going to bother staying the full day. Clearly she wasn't alone in this thought, as when she approached the door, she caught her roommate standing outside on her phone. Selena's own phone pinged a notification right as she opened the glass door, greeting the shorter woman's slightly embarrassed face. That didn't last long however, as she begun to speak:
"Oh good. I just texted you." Kohime said. "You wanna head out early?"
"Absolutely." Replied Selena. She was glad that she was living with somebody who had some sense. The two of them grabbed a frozen tofu desert on the way home (most of the non-seafood was tofu, as it was one of the few crops to easily grow down here), and Kohime began to complain.
"Every day. Every goddamn day, these fucking bastards keep fucking ignoring me! 'Oh look, the princess is mad again' like, no shit? I'm trying to keep you alive! I don't care if the goddamn escapists are profitable, we aren't here to make a profit! We need to focus on the future! Making sure there's a planet to live on, not running to our death as fast as possible! What are we, fish to an angler?!"
Selena sighed in agreement. She had nothing to add, as everything she would say has already been said. Instead, she half-listened to her best friend's impatient ramblings while thinking of how to cheer her up later. There was that one project...
"Hey Kohime." Selena interjected. "You remember that old shark movie we watched the other day?"
"Oh yeah, Jaws, right? You wanna watch it again?" Kohime responded.
"We could, but first there's something I want to show you."
Kohime's attention was peaked right as they got home. From the table in the back, Selena grabbed an audio device.
"I came up with this song while thinking of that movie."
"Oh, fresh! Lemme hear!" Kohime slipped the speaker cuff over her left ear. From it emitted a steady, slightly modern approximation of the shrine music her grandmother would play for her. It was a curious sound, but she couldn't figure out what it had to do with...
"Wait a sec. The chorus, is that-?"
A slightly mischievous grin snuck up on Selena's face, "yup. That was made using the two note progression from the really tense scenes!"
Kohime's face lit up like the midday skylight. "That's hilarious AND awesome! Only you could come up with something so crazy, I love it!" A giggle pushes her face into childish glee, while Selena turned to grab something else, hiding her guilty smile.
It's been twelve years now, but she still couldn't get over that phrase from Kohime. 'I love'. It makes her uneasy every time.
"You wanna watch another movie?" Selena asked, "I found another Jaws movie, although I think it's the third one. Don't know if there's a two we're missing."
"Oh hell yeah! Pop it in!"
An hour later, and Selena was thoroughly bored. This was definitely a sequel to the first movie she saw, but it felt half-hearted and phony, like the corporate slogans she had to write for every apartment and street corner back at her old job.
"Are you watching this?" She asked the small woman beside her. No answer. Her roommate had fallen fast asleep, clearly as bored as she was, and had let her head fall against Selena's shoulder as she dozed.
Selena felt a pang in her chest. A muddy feeling that followed every bit of affection Kohime had given her. She stayed like this however, in part to let her old friend rest from the nightmarish days they've had, and in part for the comfort she has in knowing Kohime would always be beside her, ready to take on the world, which day by day became increasingly relevant.
Selena slowly nodded off herself.
That night, an exhausting dream filled her mind. In it, she was swimming up waterfall after waterfall. She strained against the crashing current, believing that soon, she would find rest. But no rest would come. At the final hurdle, the last jump, she dove straight into the maw of a hungry bear, wearing the Alterna logo on it's forehead, and announcing her retirement.
Selena woke with a start. It was midnight, and she felt dumb for being stressed about such a wild dream. She didn't question why she had it though. She had been working too hard for too little. The research she conducted, the machines she built, all wasted on projects that would kill her led by people who would never listen. She needed to quit. She could do so easily in fact. Sleeping in her lap, having moved herself in her sleep, was the very person she worked under. All she would have to do is wake her and tell her she couldn't work there anymore.
And leave Kohime to fight alone.
Selena let her head fall back onto the couch cushion. She would work tomorrow, if for no other reason than to ease her guilty conscience. To make sure some semblance of sanity stayed in this broken order, just because she knows Kohime would never stop fighting. She's always been bull-headed, and they needed that now more than ever.
"It's is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2117: Assistant Director KOHIME.
It is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2224: Project Manager SELENA.
Have a productive day."
Selena's second waking was a slow groggy ordeal. She had barely gotten back to sleep, and it feels like she just had that nightmare. Clearly some time has passed, as Kohime was sitting next to her. Unusually though, she wasn't dressed yet. Instead, she had an uncharacteristically uneasy glower in her face.
"Oh, you're up." Selena noted.
A long, heavy silence dulled the air at her voice. Kohime continued to stare, pressure rising from her sleep-matted hair. Eventually, she spoke:
At her word, a deafening pause filled the room.
"Do you ever feel like...something big is coming? Like..."
"The end of the world?" Selena finished her thought. "Of course. Every day. It bears down like an ocean of pressure every time I have to think about that goddamn rocket."
"Exactly!" The smaller woman replied "it all feels like we're marching into the end, all over some vague dream!" Tension filled her voice. She lacked energy, however. Selena took notice and pressed the back of her hand to Kohime's forehead.
"! W- what are you doing?" Kohime was flustered.
"You're overheated." Selena spoke.
"Well, that's 'cause you-"
"No, I mean actually" she wouldn't let Kohime finish. Now wasn't the time. "You're getting sick. R.C.A.?"
Selena called to the AI transcriber installed as living assistance. "Contact the HRF. We're taking today off."
"Very well." The voice responded.
Kohime protested: "No! Without us, who knows what those idiots will do?!"
Selena was worried of course, but she wasn't going to let her friend suffer. "How smart do you think they actually are. The lunatics wanna fire a rocket in a closed cave, through the ocean. You think they can think through the logistics without us?" She prattled, hoping she was right. It was her last hope at this point.
"Come on. You need to rest, and they'll never figure out how to actually build a rocket in the few days we'd be gone. Plus when we get back, you can rub the fact that you were right in their faces."
Kohime couldn't help but laugh at that. "As if. They're heads would be so far up their asses, they wouldn't be able to hear me." She joked, coughing near the end of her sentence.
Selena chuckled back, "in that case, I'll build you a megaphone. Nobody'd be able to ignore you then. Better yet, I'll build a bomb-"
"Okay, stop right there crazy lady. Don't give R.C.A. the wrong idea. Plus, that'd totally defeat the purpose of stopping the rocket in the first place."
The two joked like that for a few more minutes, until the tension left Kohime's shoulders, and she nodded off again.
It would take a week before Kohime would recover. The anxiety from the escape project pushing them to the boiling point. It was only at the end of that week when she had rested enough to feel like working again, and scheduled their shifts for the next day.
When Selena woke, from her bed this time, to the work day she'd been dreading, she noticed that Kohime had already left. Nothing unusual there. She was always a bit of a workaholic, and the praise helped feed her ego. Selena would finish her breakfast before heading out.
Upon opening the front door, however, she was blinded by a scorching white light. The skylight above them was in overdrive, forcing her eyes down. On the porch, collapsed to her knees, eyes wide despite the overbearing light above, was Kohime. Her face was filled with fear as defeat killed what little hope had remained.
Fearfully checking her friends help, Selena would follow her unbroken stare to the neuroLCD panel on the West edge. There, where once was the image of a field with sparse green trees, now stood the image of a white rocket ship, repeating down the walls. The grass, which once had a photo-like quality, now rustled as if blown by the wind. Sparse depictions of clouds were circling the blinding sun.
To any other, it would be an echo of their deep-seated desire to reach the upper world. To the two women here, however, it was a monument to their failure.
Selene rushed to the far moat, from the shore of which she grabbed a raft, unconcerned with ownership. Kohime followed behind, having barely broken from her stupor, and praying her closest could find a miracle. The datapad Selene brought was connected to a terminal on the wall. The screen behind it flickered off, exposing behind it the rocket they had lobbied so hard against, somehow completed.
Selene swallowed her fear as the datapad downloaded the Alterna Logs only people from the Happiness Research Facility has access to. The log read as follows:
HRFLog004.02: The Divide
As humanity began it's foolhardy errand to escape their salvation, a small group of resisters, lead by those scientists from the first generation, had resisted the change.
Amongst these were two high-ranking officials who had researched the surface, and concluded escape would doom humanity. These two would be the head speakers, and last bastions, of the Preservationists.
Rather than heed their warnings, those who profited from the Escapist movement would instead sabotage the resistance, slipping a mild poison into one researcher's water.
With the voice of opposition in recovery, the Preservationists were left without a rallying point, and a new fervor would grip the escapists. Thus, the rocket would be built in record time.
Awaiting further data.
Selena's heart dropped. A deep, fervent rage built in her heart. They had nearly killed her closest friend, over this pipe dream?! They would doom humanity for their pride?!
Her rage was interrupted, however, by a deafening scream of anguish. Having read the report on her own datapad, Kohime collapsed into a ball, shaking the raft beneath them. Selena steadied herself, then crouched to her friend.
She was yelling, but a defeated misery filled her voice. She was not just screaming out of anguish, but because she couldn't find the strength to control her voice. Selena watched in pain as, for the second time ever, she watched her friend's heart break. She grabbed the girl and held her close, ignoring the pain in her ears. She needed to help her, to make her happy. Something to make her smile. Something she...
A familiar tune resonated from the wall behind her. The neuroLCDs picked up on Selena's desire, and reflected a memory of a week ago, the smiling face of her closest friend. The sound that played was the song she wrote, and Kohime took notice. Her crying slowed as she looked towards the reactivated panel. She couldn't help but laugh.
"Look, it's us." She barely managed to croak through tears. She hummed sobbing in a strained voice to the song that played, while holding desperately to Selena's waist.
This brief reprieve would not last. Those other researchers would hear the song, and, seeing the crying girl, wished for her to be happy. The rocket would be starting it's test launch after all. Soon, she could go home.
As the song spread, more and more people would hear it, carrying with it the image of the surface and the big white rocket. Soon, people began to sing along, making up lyrics that blurred together, as an anthem to the freedom they strived towards. All the while, the woman who wrote the song wondered how her feelings were strong enough to override the panel.
She wouldn't have long to wonder, though, as the nearest panel changed again, this time to a scene all too familiar. A scene she had avoided for so long. As it played, the sobbing in her arms changed to a wretched scream.
At once, two voices spoke. The same person twice, one screaming to a world that would not hear, the other whispering to her closest friend, who alone would listen to her once and once again.
"Is it alright if we talked?"
"I wanted to get something off my chest..."
"It feels like we've known each other forever"
"And I needed to tell you"
"Just how important you are to me."
"I love you"
"I love you so much."
"You don't have to respond"
"And I'm sure you don't feel the same way"
"But I wanted to be honest"
"I've always felt this way"
"And maybe, if you're willing"
"We could go out some time?"
A lump held in Selena's throat. She knew what was about to happen. She felt it. She tasted it. Regret boiled in her stomach. And here at the end, she could only manage one more sentence.
Behind the wall, the rocket's thrusters burst to life.
"I'm sorry."
At her final word, the pain of her closest friend before her once and once again, the wall cracked. The crying smile shattered into a thousand pieces, lacerating the overflowing wrath. Selena tried to hold onto Kohime's dying body, but was pushed back by the torrent erupting from the wall in front of her.
As Selena fell deeper and deeper beneath the flooding water, shards of neuroLCD shone around her. In each reflected the memories that replayed in her mind. Not the plans to maintain Alterna, and not the speeches she gave to the reckless businessmen that doomed them.
Her memories were of the happy times. The days in University she spent learning. The machines she managed to make float in the air. The simple Japanese style tune she composed from the Jaws theme. The grin on Kohime's face when she showed her.
The times she and Kohime would complain about work. The praise she received when Kohime was in charge. The sleeping face of Kohime resting her head on her shoulder. The day Kohime confessed, and how she stayed beside her despite rejection.
Selena scolded herself as air left her lungs. She should have spent more time with Kohime. She should have done what she could to make her happy. She should have humored her, just to see her smile one more time. She should have loved her.
She already loved her.
Selena's thoughts were clear in her final moments. She already loved Kohime. She had spent her life seeking that attention, that love, which was always reciprocated, and she never paid it any mind, taking for granted the bond they had shared.
Warm tears of regret mixed with the bloody seawater, as Selena's thoughts betrayed her feelings. Her love. Her fear. Her shame. Reflected in the shards of the neuroLCD, her memories changed to the visage of Kohime. Her smiles, her rage, her sadness, her love. All surrounding her in the deep dark ocean. Even as her sight went dark and her thoughts slowed, all she could see was Kohime's proud, loving face, smiling back at her, as if everything would be alright.
She should have loved her.
She should have loved her.
She should have...
Tens of thousands of years later, a young woman, barely 18, nervously approached the loud stranger on Mt. Nantai. Just a few months earlier, she had defected from the army she was raised by, inspired by a strange song she had heard. A simple, repetitive shrine song performed by enemy mercenaries. One which filled her with fear, love, and a dream of freedom. One which, two days earlier, she heard screamed from the other side of the mountain, as if sung by a particularly skilled jet turbine.
Five years after, at the height of her career, Marina Ida ducks backstage at the end of her band's world tour. At her side, marches the proud woman who found her, one Pearl Houzuki.
The small woman looks back at her, and flashes a proud grin, as if telling her that everything would be alright. At this, only one thought echoed in Marina's head.
I love her.
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odinsblog · 2 months
Jesus God Lordt please give me skrenth 🙏🏿
I am trying sO damn hard rn not to fucking explode on my great aunt but she is insistent on carrying on a “religious” conversation that I’ve told her that I don’t wanna discuss any further. That’s YOUR fucking hang up, not mine. I left her house, she calls me. I ended the phone conversation, and now she’s texting me
I try to always respect my elders, but …… whew boy do y’all make it hard af sometimes
We very literally have an extended family member who did hard time in prison for hiring a hit man to murder someone, and everyone still invites them to family gatherings because all is forgiven, God’s graces and all that fucking kumbaya bullshit—but another family member who is (gasp!) gay got y’all permanently bent outta shape????
Mind you, the person who hired the hit man was never contrite, never repented, never apologized, never even said, “My bad. I’m sorry, that was wrong of me,” and everyone just regurgitates some bullshit about “don’t judge” or “God forgives” ….. but a lesbian—a blood relative—who has lived an EXTREMELY fucking exemplary life is beyond forgiveness, is shunned, not talked about and isn’t invited to any family functions???
This right here is why people learn to hate or reject religion completely. The rank hypocrisy
And this is coming from me, someone who had two grandmothers who were both preachers; and a mother who is a preacher; and from someone who was raised in the Pentecostal church, and as a kid, who had to go to church every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and twice on Sundays until sports gave me an excuse to not go
JFC I am sO fucking heated rn
I refuse to knock religion writ large because I am aware that not all religious people have these homophobic + transphobic beliefs. I know this because I have personally met them, and they are more than a few. And that’s without even getting into other non-American religions. And I’ve also met plenty of deeply racist, misogynistic, homophobic atheists in my brief 39yrs
And note to white people: you don’t need to be religious for that fuckery. White supremacy doesn’t need a church structure to make it happen. Just look at Wall Street and Silicon Valley if you doubt me. They’re hardly dens of religion or Christianity
And Black evangelicals don’t got nothing on their white evangelical counterparts. I just personally hate it that sO many Black people—my people—get suckered into respectability politics via religion. It’s got some of my elders stuck somewhere between subservient Chicken George and Uncle Ruckus mentalities
And they can’t even see it
That’s the sad, frustrannoying part
Anyway, maybe I’m just being a little weird, but I will gladly take an LGBTQ person over someone who attempted to have someone murdered in cold blood
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bellshazes · 2 years
luv, professionally: etho and bdubs prioritizing each other's health and safety or the destruction thereof over the years, featuring lies, murder, and a little bit of love. clips from third/last/double life, UHC, etho's singleplayer LP, survival of the fittest s1 and hermitcraft s8. a weak simulation of my brain every hour of the day thinking about how everything is exactly the same, forever, except moreso.
transcript under the cut courtesy of @single-malt-scotch
Bdubs: Love professionally, Bdubs.
Bdubs: Alliance and priority is Etho's love and health.
Bdubs: Alright firing squad, ready? Bdubs: 3, 2, 1- fire! Etho: No! Ouch! [yelling] [all cheering]
Etho: If it was a TNT canon, what you would do is you would get some slabs or something, ladder over here.. [overlapping] Bdubs: Slabs- ladders right there- yep, yep- Uh-huh. You watched my tutorial I see? Etho: And then like this. Bdubs: Uh-huh. Etho: And then- [a creeper explodes behind Bdubs]
[Clip of Bdubs firing a TNT canons at Etho. Bdubs' canon Blow up a majority of where Etho is standing.]
Bdubs: I really like Etho- I wish we wouldn't have- had to fight e-each other. Cleo: I mean… Etho made his own choices.
Etho: Bdubs has no gear… Bdubs- Someone help Bdubs, please..
[In a fight with multiple players, Etho aims his bow at Bdubs, but pulls it away]
Bdubs: You would never turn on me, would you? Impulse: No! Bdubs: You wouldn't? Impulse: You life is my life! And vice versa. We gotta keep- keep caring for each other. [overlapping] Bdubs: Oh thats- [laughs] That's right, you really don't have much of a choice, do you?
Bdubs: We teamin', right? Etho: As long as I have your word you're not gonna shoot me in the back… Bdubs: Definitely not. Etho: That you're not going to? Or… [text on screen says "You have been cuffed!"] Bdubs: Okay, alright. Etho: Hey! [both laughing] Bdubs: Did you feel that? Etho: I did.
Bdubs: Look, lets prove it- [Bdubs hits Impulse] Etho: Now is this- is this a happy marraige or is this like uh.. [overlapping] Bdubs: Its a fantastic, happy marraige. Etho: It's like- 'Well, I did the best I could in my life this is what I'm gonna have to settle with, and…' Bdubs: Oh my goodness… [laughs] Matryn: Wow… Bdubs: I mean… Impulse: We are an extremely happy.. soulbound couple, okay? Bdubs: That's right.
Impulse: [unheard] Bdubs: Etho and Joel- you know I, um… I want Etho. [laughs]
Etho: I don't know what the situation here calls for.. Bdubs: Well the situation calls for team up because… [laughs] If you decide not to team up I'm just gonna pull the trigger and it's over…
Bdubs: Today you join me! Yes, you will! You will. B- And- and- and- we can do this right now. Where you could- you could jump off the wall twi- very simple. You could collect- you put all your inventory- you could jump off the walls twice! Die twice, be red- we're together. Etho: Nope. Nope, nope- you have lost your mind Bdubs.
Bdubs: Okay, Etho- I'm sorry- I- I just- I donno what- Etho: [laughing] No I understand! It's funny, its really funny- Bdubs: He was right there! I- it's just a spawn right there! Etho: Ohh, but still… Bdubs: Yeah. Etho: He's our team mate! The- Bdubs: I know! But sti- I mean its fodder- he'd happily do it for me. Etho: [laughing] Bdubs: Come get your stuff Tango! Etho: [laughs] Oh, man I'm dead…
Bdubs: How are you? Etho: Quite good. Etho: Better than Genny. Bdubs: Huh, yeah- better than Genny, yeah. Bdubs: You actually did me a little bit of a favor, I was talking on the side- and.. I was not comfortable with him… to be honest with you. Etho: I don't blame you.
Etho: Yeah, I just didn't see it coming. I thought I knew where my alliances stood with everybody but… That- that BdoubleO I tell ya, he is one.. sneaky son of a sweetheart. Cuz I… I had my trust in the wrong places I tell ya.
Bdubs: Etho is… he- he can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Cleo: Yes. Bdubs: Depending on his mood.
Grian: Etho tell me you didn't know! Etho: I didn't! Honestly. Grian: T-tell me you didn't know! Etho: He- He's got a poker face, this guy. Bdubs: Come on baby! I didn't tell him.
Bdubs: Uh, Impulse- Im- Etho: [overlapping] Dude, don't tell me these things! I mean, tell me these things but- Bdubs: I- I'm telling you cuz you're my friend! Etho: Hm.. Bdubs: I- but. In the sake of honor I can't say anything else. Etho: Okay. Impulse: Never make promises. Etho: I appreciate- I appreciate that much. Bdubs: Yes, yes. And know.. that, uh… we got a mid-century modern house, and it's coming along nicely- Impulse: Yep. Bdubs: With plenty of room- Etho: Oh really? Bdubs: Yeah- plenty of room.- For- for visitors. Etho: Can I see it? Bdubs: Yes-
Bdubs: Nope, nope- Etho: They're not happy with their partners so then they try to make everyone else less happy to compensate. Impulse: [overlapping] He's, he's good… He's good, he's good.
[unheard chatter] Etho: Bdubs was telling me the truth about you Impulse. Bdubs: Yes. Impulse: Yeah, yea- Are you jealous of our.. strong power.. duo? Etho: [overalapping] Quite clearly there's uh- uh, a dominant in this one and uh- uh.. a support- Joel: Yeah it sounds like- Impulse: Joel did you hear that? Etho's basically said he'd rather be with[?] with Bdubs.. Joel: Yeah…
Joel: We- we are equal in our love. Etho: We are equal.
Bdubs: He loves me. Grian: If he loved you why didn't he give you his life? Tango: U-huh. [overlapping] Say hello to him, see what happens. Bdubs: He- he cares. Grian: Uh-huh… You- you're the only- Bdubs: He does. Grian: You- You're the only one left in BEST in my- in, in my- what I see…
Etho: And yeah, unfortunately- Didn't win it for Bdubs uh.. He didn't win it for me, either. [laughs] Just kidding Bdubs, I love you.
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onyourowndaisymae · 11 months
Hey Daisy!
Idk whether you still accept requests for the 500 follower event (especially since I already asked one), but could you write prompt #10 "i think we fucked up" for Solomon with the same reader I requested prior (as in a gn/f reader)? Thanks in advance💙
P.s. I loved the latest Sol thirst you wrote, it's just *chef kiss*👌 perfect
ahh yes i do still accept requests for the 500 follower event, so thank you for requesting! and i'm SO GLAD people liked the sol thirst omg. it came to me from literally nowhere. here it is if you didn't see it already (i am proud)
this is specifically set in the nightbringer timeline and inspired the "why can't i come home?" chat
content + warnings: solomon x gn! reader (can be read as platonic if you're affectionate in general), reader is implied to be shorter than solomon
word count: 540
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"i think we fucked up."
"who the fuck is we?"
you stare in disbelief at the scene before you. viscous goop runs down the walls of the kitchen. the color is some horrific purple-- you're not sure if it's from solomon's terrible cooking or whatever made the dish explode in the first place-- and the mystery meal sizzles a little as it comes in contact with the drywall.
solomon's not looking at you. he's staring at the burner in a quiet, contained panic, his index knuckle trapped between his teeth as he thinks on what might have possibly gone wrong. his face is one of a man who knows what he's done wrong and is trying very hard to rationalize it in his head.
"... nothing exploded until you came home? so really, this is..."
he trails off, like he realizes the folly in trying to pin this on you.
you want to be mad. you want to be so pissed off at him for making this mess. he knew he wasn't supposed be in the kitchen, and that's why the sneaky bastard waited until you were supposed to be gone at the house of lamentation to craft his wretched creation. you knew this would happen. he knew this would happen. why did solomon insist on cooking when he was so god-awful about it?
but then you sigh, defeated.
you had told him the night previous that you were a little stressed by your obligations lately-- to the brothers, to diavolo, to the future of the devildom. when you arrived home after his suspicious texts, you found him in the kitchen, sleeves rolled up, begging you to just give him five more minutes to finish the dinner he was making for you. it was a terrible idea, really, to leave him alone this long.
he may be an idiot, but at least he was considerate.
solomon's arms wrap around your shoulders from behind as your eyes squeeze shut. maybe if you close your eyes, this will all go away? his lips find temple, and he begins to press soft, apologetic kisses across your skin.
"i'm sorry... i should have listened to you. i just wanted to do something nice for you..."
"you almost set the kitchen on fire, solomon."
"... i didn't think it was going to do that."
silence. he's practically holding his breath in anticipation. as aloof as he usually acts, you can tell he's really hoping you'll forgive him for this.
"well," you start. "i'm going to go grab us something from hell's kitchen. and when i return, i'd really love to have that mess gone."
he squeezes your shoulders in a tight hug and kisses your cheek again. you can feel his muscles relax against your body as he waltzes out of the metaphorical doghouse.
"yes! i'll get everything cleaned up before you get home to make it up to you. that's the least i can do."
the sorcerer scurries off to gather cleaning supplies. you call after him to get his order, but he's gone in the blink of an eye and you don't have the energy to chase after him.
you're starting to think you're never going to get a day of peace in the devildom.
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[500 follower event masterlist] // [obey me masterlist]
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yourimagines · 25 days
Could you do like Islam or Khabib getting really mad at you for whatever reason and then we don't talk to him for a few days and he apologizes?But only If you're okay w it<333
Of course, I’ll do them both. First one is Islam
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: Anger, Swearing, Sadness, Anxiety and Fluff
Islam was normally a very cool and calm guy towards his friends, family and of course to me, but this morning he was a little bit irritated but about what I didn’t know.
“Your coach called this morning.” I said to him as he was sitting on the chair in the kitchen. “What did he say?” He asked me as he took a bite from his sandwich. “That he was disappointed that you didn’t showed up last night.” He stopped eating and rubbed his face. “Why did you picked up the phone?” I shrugged and walked over to the fridge. “I didn’t know it was your coach.” He only shook his head and pushed his unfinished plate with food away. “Well you ruined my appetite now.”
I was busy inside with our laundry when he walked in, anger was lingering in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” He only shook his head and leaned against the door frame. “Coach called, I’m not allowed to come in today…” I stopped with I was doing and walked over to him. “Oh baby, I’m sorry to hear that.” He stepped back as I went in for a hug. “No, this is your fault. If you didn’t picked up the phone, this would never have happened.” He crossed his arms In anger. “That’s not true and you know it.” He sarcastically laughs and walks away from me, leaving me confused behind.
Islam POV
I was about to explode and I knew I needed to leave before it was too late. “Don’t walk away from me, I don’t understand.” Her voice sounded behind me as I walked back downstairs. “You never understand, please leave me alone now.” I rubbed my face angrily and slammed on accident the door to hard open, causing it to slam it into the wall. “Islam.” She said in a gasp. I rolled my eyes and walked further away from her. “What’s going on with you.” I turned around to face her and saw she was looking at our damaged wall.
“Me?! It’s more what is wrong with you.” She looked up and I saw she was getting angry too. “Well I’m not the one, breaking our house down.” I threw my hands up. “You think I did that on purpose?” She crossed her arms and nodded. “Yes you did because you’re angry with me.” I laughed sarcastically again and walked away. “My wife, I never thought you would be so fucking delusional.” I grabbed my phone and saw Khabib had texted me, about being disappointed in me. “And you fucking ruined it again with Khabib.” I said angrily and smashed my phone on the table.
He just changed from being angry to being furious. He smashed his phone on the table. I jumped at the sudden outburst and froze on my spot. He was mumbling things in Russian and left the house, leaving his phone broken on the table. “What in earth happened here….”
—— a few hours later ——
Islam just got back and cleaned up his mess, throwing his phone in the trash and repaired the hole in the wall. “Baby, I’m getting some take out, you want something too?” He asks me as I was lying on the couch, watching tv. I stayed quiet, not in the mood to talk to him right now. “No? Okay whatever.” He shrugged and walked away again. “Yeah whatever.” I mumbled to myself.
Islam POV
A few days passed and she was still ignoring me, giving me the silent treatment. So I was trying to make it up to her, saying I’m sorry that I just snapped. “She’s still ignoring you?” Khabib asked me as we walked over to the front door of my house. “Yeah, totally ignoring me.” He hummed and walked past me as I opened the door. “Good, you deserve it.” I shook my head and closed the door. “Hello Mrs Makhachev.” He says to her as she greets him politely. “Hello, welcome.” The kitchen smelled like fresh baked cookies and on the counter was a bowl filled with chocolate cookies. “You made this?” He asks as he took a bite from one of the cookies. “Yes I did, please take them. I baked enough.”
“You just need to man up and say I’m sorry. Woman like that.” I sighed and rubbed my face. “I don’t know, I fucked it up.” He nods slowly. “Yes you did but you’re not giving up on this, right?” I shook my head. “Of course not. She’s my wife, I married her because I love her.” He patted my shoulder and smiled. “Then apologise my brother.”
She was standing in the kitchen, cleaning up her baking mess. “My wife?” I gently called as I entered the kitchen. She stayed quiet, humming along with the music that was softly playing in the back. “Baby? I know you’re ignoring me but please let me apologise to you.” I blocked her path as I trapped her between my body and the kitchen counter. She sighs and looks up, her eyes were filled with hurt and disappointment. “And what if I don’t accept your apology? You’re smashing stuff again.” I knew that was her breaking point, my anger. “Of course not, I-I didn’t mean it. I never wanted to hurt you, you’re my wife.” I gently reached my hand out to touch her cheek. “I owe you an apology for my behaviour, it’s up to you if you want to forgive me but please tell me how I can make it up to you, I’ll give you everything.”
He looked hurt and disappointed in himself as he was pleading for my forgiveness. “Islam…” I gently grabbed his hand that was holding my cheek and gave him a weak smile. “I forgive you but if you ever smash that door again, I never talk to you again.” He starts to smile and cups both of my cheeks in his rough hands. “I promise you I’ll never smash that door again.” I smiled and he placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Good because I was so excited to tell you I used my new baking tray.” He laughs and pulls me to his chest. “Yeah, tell me all about it my love.” He gently placed a kiss on my head and listened carefully to me as I was rambling about my new baking supplies I bought last week.
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anya-anya002 · 7 months
𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆 (𝕚𝕚𝕚) *full*
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Past Teacher! Alex Turner x Past Student! Reader
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𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Why’d you chose Sofie?
𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔….(underage drug *weed mostly* references)
(Wild how this happened to me irl just no Mr.Turner 🙃)
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ᴊᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ 27ᴛʜ 20**
ᴀᴜɢɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʀᴇᴍᴏɴᴛ (3 ʙʟᴏᴄᴋꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴀʀʟɪɢᴀɴ)
The morning was freezing. You agreed to meet early, but not when the roads and sidewalks weren’t salted; that’s too early. The sun hadn’t yet shown itself as you waddled down ‘Augin’ towards the small cafe on the corner. Checking your phone, you see a message from Sofie. Your stomach flipped. You tapped on it.
‘We’re in the alley near Champagne House.’
You picked up your feet, walking quickly toward the knick-knacks store. You prayed no one would notice you. It's not like you to get caught. You'd have to be crazy or, frankly, idiotic to be seen smoking at a school like Marligan.
Then, another text vibrates on your phone. This time it's Layla. You groaned loudly and waddled even faster down the street, growing even closer to the neon-sparkled store and the darkened alley next to it. You looked around to see no one, not a single car or bus in sight. You darted into the alleyway to finally see the trio of girls.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sofie smiled, trying not to lean against the dirty brick wall behind her, constantly crossing her legs repeatedly to save the leopard print coat she wore. You smile back at her, scanning her up and down as she wobbles around like a top. Your attention then turns to the bottle blonde and red girls.
“Y/N, this is Kameron,” Layla, the blonde, said, her arms out wide in Kameron’s direction. You nodded and waved at her.
After the two of you introduced yourselves to each other, Sofie butted in with a question,
“Did you bring the pipe?” She asked, her eyes screaming, ‘Please, god, you had better.’ You dug in your coat pocket and produced the pipe, to everyone’s surprise and dismay.
“Yeah, here.” You said, an ignorant smile on your face while everyone stared at the pinky-sized, reddish brown, stone “tobacco” pipe that lay in the palm of your hand. Sofie tilted her head, yet Kameron just set up in front of a trash can before anyone said anything.
“Where did you even get this from?” Layla blurted, nearly out of her shoes, when Kameron pulled out a jar of weed and opened it. The foreign yet familiar scent exploded in the narrow corridor. Your eyes darted to the mouth of the alley. It’s not like the 4 of you were conspicuous with your brightly colored coats in the early morning.
“From Champagne House….I stole it,” you said. Everyone seemed understanding, Kameron again having already taken the tiny thing and packed it with pinches of weed. She stood there, patting herself down for a lighter.
“Did they not have any other ones? I got my rose quartz one from there.” Sofie said, gazing at the bowl. Her skin reddened from the cold while she pulled off her lavender glove to reveal a small, manicured hand. Picking up the pipe and carefully inspecting it.
“It’s so…small,” she said. You squinted at her.
“Why didn’t you bring yours? Would’ve been more fun.” You said through your teeth, looking at the others. Kameron held a lighter in her hand, ready to smoke, while Layla leaned on Sofie.
“It broke. My bag dropped when I was heading to my boyfriend’s, and it literally broke in fuckin’ half.” She exclaimed, looking at you with a slight pout.
“Oh, I'm sorry…that shit must suck,” you said, your voice low as Kameron finally sparked up the bowl as if she was shutting all of you up with the metallic flickers of her lighter.
After a few passes of the pipe, the little green, violet-ish nugget was now an even smaller clot of soot. You blew through the mouthpiece, shooting the minuscule ball of crap somewhere within the alley. Your head throbbed, and your eyes clung to your eyelids as you reached for inside the glass jar. Pinching away at the large bud, you filled the bowl the best you could with crumbs.
As you reached for the lighter, footsteps against the alley’s gravel filled your ears. Shoving both in your coat pockets, you looked up to see the honors English teacher, your English teacher, Mr.Turner. He stood in his trench coat, holding his bag and a steaming cup of coffee. He looked surprised to see you amongst the rest.
“I’m not telling anyone if each of you gets to school…now.” He said coldly; you swore you couldn’t see his breath against the frigid air. Each of you bobbed your heads, their faces twitching, trying to hold back their laughter. Yet you stood trying not to collapse or shit your pants. He looked at each before speaking again.
“I’d like to see you during study hall L/N,” and with that, he left. The crunches of rocks beneath his boots sounded so distant as you watched him disappear from your sight.
You spent the entire morning regretting and staring out the window, hoping you’d also be glass so he wouldn’t speak to you about what he saw. His disappointment was burned on the back of your eyelids as you now sat in your math class right next to Sofie, who was texting. She was completely unbothered by the events of earlier this morning.
“Y/N?” Sofie whispered. She shoved her phone in her back pocket and pulled out her passbook.
“Layla said she’s brought her vape, and I have a cart….let’s go to the bathroom.” She said, her voice still hushed, almost like she’d whispered all this in your ear. She must’ve, like a siren’s song. You look around to see that maybe two or three people even cared about the scribbles of numbers and letters on the board. You nod, grab your passbook, and scribble the date and time. You raised your hand to leave.
Once you exited, the halls were empty. Sofie joined you after a few seconds. The door slammed behind her as the two of you ventured to the basement bathroom.
“Let’s take this way,” she suggested, heading toward the stairwell at the end of the hall.
“Why not? It’s closer.”
“Mr. Turner’s class is right next to that stairwell.” You explained, mostly not wanting to see him for both your sake. Sofie frowned slightly. Her eyes rolled as she slumped. She then walked to you and grabbed your hand, tugging you towards the stairs.
“So? What’s he gonna do? Sit in his doorway like a sad dog? Besides, it’s not like he’ll do anything…we have passes.” She said with the biggest smile, like how a car salesman does when selling you a lemon. Your eyes zip to and from as you set foot on the step, and your stomach sank
While you climbed down the steps, you could see Mr. Turner’s door from the bottom of your eyes; it was open. You gripped the railing and jogged ahead of Sofie, to her amusement. The thuds of your heavy footsteps grew quicker with every step. Mr. Turner himself stepped out of his room, his eyes meeting yours as your foot missed a step and your stomach fell in your ass at the sight of him.
Clumsily, you caught yourself, scrambling to stand up straight. Your legs felt like pool noodles.
“Do you two have a pass to be out?” He asked, his voice laced with irritation.
“I’m going to my locker,” Sofie said behind you. Mr. Turner folded his arms, turning his ire to Sofie.
“I saw you wander the halls twice today, and it’s barely 10:30,” he retorted. Sofie shrugged, stepping down each step toward both of you. You turned to her, and the sunlight from the large window behind her hit her raven curls, forming a nimbus. Her hair fanned over her shoulders as she tugged on her crop top. She smiled at him innocently, her shiny, glossed lips curled crookedly.
“I left my textbook in my locker,” she said cooly, looking at him like he was a student. His eyebrows furrowed, and she turned to you.
“Why are you out?” He asked you. You went even quieter if that were possible. Eyes meeting his, you never noticed how the hallway lights hit his eyes so that you could see more than just brown, the little ripples of syrupy amber that ran throughout his iris.
“Bathroom,” you said. His gaze shifted back to you for a moment, eyes scanning you up and down as you fidgeted with the plastic spiral of your pass book.
“I’d still like to talk to you during study hall Y/N,” he said to you. You gulped the hard lump that had formed in your throat, and nodded all while Sofie strolled by, into the basement.
In the accessibility stall Sofie was fixing her makeup, Kameron was sat on the railing above the toilet, idly hitting the cart and talking to Layla. You stood there, still staring upon the group and your heart thumped loudly in your ears.
“Y/N?” Sofie said, turning herself to look at you fully, tugging on the loops of her jeans as she looked at you. Her eyes filled with worry.
“You not seriously scared of Mr. Turner are you?” She asked, her snark hidden behind a grin as the cart was handed to her. You looked at Sofie and blinked.
“No,” you stammered through your lie.
She scanned your face, then hummed. Her lips wrap around the ceramic tip of the cart.
“Good because if you were scared you wouldn’t meet up with us during study hall right?” She said. She’s gotta be fucking with you. Your eyes wide as Kameron got off the toilet and fixed her hair in the mirror.
“I- when in study hall?” You asked, still watching her blow smoke in a thin white string.
“I was thinking we try and skip it anyway, I mean lunch is right after.” She said, handing you the cart as everyone else but you had now taken a puff or two.
“I don’t think I can.” You stated to which she gave you a look, a frown begining to form.
“Why not?” She asked, her eyebrows curled in frustration as she leans against the painted brick wall.
“There’s this point in Spanish, I promised my group I’d research all the points for the presentation.” You said, looking at her, a fake frown painted on your face. Sofie looked at you quizzically, her black eyes bore into yours, making you squirm in you skin. Your eyes roll, a cherry a top of your “annoyance”.
She sighed at the news, kicking the air slightly.
“Who's class you're in?” she asked, grabbing the vape from layla as soon as she saw the girl pull it out. You then actually rolled your eyes before she returned her attention back to you.
“Mr. Morris,” you secretly thanked god everyone besides you took French. You watched Sofie smile and leaned against the old sink, still looking at you as if waiting for you to crack.
“Oh yeah, he’s my study hall teacher,” she said, cracking another smile.
“Yea…” you said, looking around to see everyone back to what they were doing.
“Yea, he's alright, kinda annoying though,” Sofie said, fiddling with her top.
“Yea…” you repeated, scratching the back of your neck as your back hit the cold, hard door of the stall. The little bumps of raised plastic dug into your back as you begged to hear the bell ring.
Still gazing at Sofie, your mind went back to Mr. Turner, his disappointed face earlier, the way his pouty lips formed into a deeper frown once he laid eyes on you. Your heart couldn't help but wring itself like a wet towel. It's not like you did anything too wrong. Right? It was barely a puff! A puff wasn't that damning; hell, at Marligan, you're a regular person for weed and a true angel for rejecting it all.
“Y/N?” Sofie summoned. You fluttered out of your thoughts, your vision now focused on your peer. She lifted a brow at you; her body shifted so her hip cocked out toward you. Her eyes shifted down to her hand and then back at you.
“You’re the only one who hasn't hit it,” she pointed out. You press your lips together tightly, unsure whether to try and push your luck with the third lie or explain how you truly can't wrap your head around today.
“I'm still good from the mornin’,” you said, giving her a soft grin while you tugged at the frayed ends of your sweater cuffs. All this smiling made the apples of your cheeks sore.
“Hey, Michael’s tellin’ me Mr. Roberts called security on us,” you continue, wondering if she'll ever call you out on that one. Sofie shrugged and ran her fingers through her hair idly. You rolled your eyes, stuffing the cart in the little pocket of her jeans, and slipped out of the stall, out of the bathroom entirely.
As you walked further from the bathroom, you heard the familiar harbinger of doom, the staticky screech of a walkie-talkie, so you scrammed. Climbing up the shiny black steps back toward the first floor, wrapping around the corner to be face first with the still opened door, and again like last time, you could see him.
Mr. Turner sat there, a pair of glasses hung on his nose as he graded in the dark. You clenched your fists tightly. Embarrassment filled you as you gazed at him from afar like a giant ship passing a lighthouse.
Inhaling deeply, you inched closer to the threshold. Your shows scuffle against the checkered floor of the hall that transitioned to the class's hardwood floor, catching Mr. Turner's attention. His eyes were bug-eyed from his glasses as he spun in his chair to face you.
“Y/N,” he spoke plainly. Crossing his legs, you couldn't help but hold your eyes there momentarily. You were staring at how Alex’s thighs couldn’t be more contained within his slacks.
“Hey,” smiling crookedly, paralyzed by his taking notice of you.
“You know…you were downstairs for a while,” he pointed out. You shrugged, not knowing what would happen next.
“Yea…I have a clock…” you said, folding your arms. The passbook is now your shield instead of an excuse as an eye at you. A knowing smirk crept on his face before speaking.
“If you had an actual clock instead of a phone, you’d realize you got five minutes of class left,” he said pointedly. You pulled your phone from your back pocket to see it was indeed 11:10. All the blood drained from you while he gave you a knowing look.
“I was in the bathroom,” you retorted, your eyebrows furrowed.
“For half an hour.” He said. You rolled your eyes at him.
“I didn’t feel good,” you lied.
“Y/N,” he said. Looking you dead in the eyes through the darkness. Mr. Turner was having none of it.
“Come in,” he said, his voice low. You felt like a mouse being lured into a trap. You stepped inside, walking to the desks that sat right before his. He sat up in his seat and looked at you.
“What’s going on with ya’?” He asked, his eyes softened as his lips peeled into a frown.
“You’ve been very…defiant lately, y’know. You could’ve gotten yourself expelled this morning,” he said.
“Mr. Turner, people openly sell here,” you sarcastically stated, folding your arms and reclining in your seat.
“Look,” he began, running a hand through his hair and folding his hands in his lap.
“I don’t care what you do in your free time outside the vicinity of this place,” he said, looking you in the eyes.
“But I’m worried about your in-school relationship with Sofie,” he cooed, removing his glasses and leaning against the desk to look at you. Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned your head away from him.
“She’s fun,” you said, rolling your eyes slightly and crossing your legs.
“She’s trouble,” he said; you looked at him like he had told the worst thing about your mother. A scowl appeared on your face as you sat up toward him.
“She is not trouble; she’s literally my best friend,” you said. He laughed at the notion.
“Y/N, she’s constantly being caught by security,”
“And who the hell are you to say all that?”
The two of you gawked at each other, his eyes wide in shock as you frowned at him intensely.
“Y/N,” he said. His eyebrows furrowed, and his grimace softened.
“You know the company you keep reflects on you.” He finished. A look of dead, seriousness painted his face.
“But I don’t do anything, Mr.Turner, you know that.”
“Who cares what I know?”
You kept your mouth shut and listened.
“Y/N, anyone could’ve seen you in that alley and actually done something about it.” he sternly said, his eyes bore into yours as you tightened the fold on your arms.
“Why didn’t you?” You whispered. He blinked at you, speechless. The air was tense, and his eyes glossy. Your stomach lurched at the sight, yet you were still there, stubbornly.
“Because I know you’re a good kid.” He said. You sighed rolling your eyes again and unfolding yourself.
“Is there anything going on at home? Anything you need to talk about?” He asked, clearly concerned for you as you look out the window and shrug once more.
“What do you do wh-“ you’re cut off by the ring of the cold, robotic chime of the bell.
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french-unknown · 1 year
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟕𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 (𝟕) | 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫
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finnick odair x fem!reader
summary: As a Victor from District 11, (Y/N) was close to the Victor of District 4 but the 75th Hunger Games turned everything upside down.
warning: death mentions, violence
word count: 2.2k +
author's note: Hi! English isn't my native language and, even if I can read English text, I have practically never written in this language. So you will be my English practice lesson! Be indulgent, thanks ~
/!\ This is technically the last one but there will be a sequel chapter /!\
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟕 | 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
The crowd was pressed around (Y/N) and Finnick.
Both were clad in towering cloaks lent by Tigris as they squeezed their way as best they could among the Capitol people taking refuge in Snow's mansion. They all gathered on the same path, which meant that they were surrounded on both sides by strangers. Strangers who probably knew their faces after years of seeing them. And the only protector of their anonymity was their hoods.
Nervously, neither of them spoke.
They had been separated from Katniss and her friend a while ago. They were therefore content to follow the movement of the crowd in the hope of finding them a little further while hoping not to be spotted by then.
The Peacekeepers around them made them uncomfortable, especially the (H/C)-haired girl because of the circumstances of her last encounter with them.
However, a few steps away, they saw a group of five of them pulling down the hoods and headgear of visitors to the house. The nervousness that was already crawling under their skin skyrocketed. They turned around at the same time in a gesture that they hoped would be natural, and above all discreet, but they had the bad surprise of discovering that another group of men in white were doing the same behind them.
(Y/N) began to feel seriously sweaty under her outfit.
A sudden touch on the back of her hand made her jump sharply. Finnick, who had just tried to grab her hand, seemed as surprised as she was by her jump.
"Sorry." she silently articulated sheepishly.
The blonde then resumed his movement and placed his hand in the girl's before starting to gently pull them towards one end of the crowd. Even though she didn't quite understand what he was doing, she followed him.
They arrived at the edge of the gathering, and he bent down towards her while continuing to walk.
"There is a walkway to Snow’s garden from the shop there." he whispered, discreetly pointing to a hat shop now close by. "It's really not safe, though."
"It's always better than getting exposed here." she replied in the same tone. "But what do we do for Katniss?"
Finnick opened his mouth but no sound came out.
A bomb exploded violently across the street and the sound of gunfire echoed everywhere. The street was thus drowned in the deafening sound of explosives, bullets and cries of distress. Another bomb went off again and this time it was in a car among the citizens.
Unfortunately, the duo was too close and they were thrown by the blast of the explosion.
(Y/N) was "lucky" to land on some unconscious bodies which cushioned her fall but the oldest did not have the same advantage and was ejected against the concrete facade of one of the shops still standing . Groggy, the girl from 11 ran towards him oblivious to her hood down and slipped through the hole he had made in the wall to kneel beside him. She lifted some debris to free him.
Finnick then opened his eyes and coughed several times to chase the dust, now all over his face and body, from his lungs. A trickle of blood flowed from his forehead.
"We have to get out of here!" he declared, freaked out, while grabbing her elbow.
"No kidding!" She retorted almost aggressively because of the pressure.
But the blonde didn't mind. Instead, he tried to get up.
Without success.
As soon as he put his right foot on the ground, he immediately raised it again with a cry of pain. In the same movement, due to momentum, he went back to where he came from. (Y/N) then placed her hands on the injured leg to try to see more clearly, but she saw nothing special: no blood or apparent injury.
"Go ahead," Finnick encouraged her with his deep voice. "Save yourself!"
"No way!" replied the (H/C). She took her eyes off his leg to look straight into his eyes and came to encircle his face with her hands. "I stay with you!"
The older one froze, his eyes wide.
"DON'T SHOOT, THEY'RE WITH US!" suddenly shouted a breathless voice behind her.
She turned with a start towards the origin of the noise and were face-to-face with a rifle. Two men stood there: one was aiming at them, clearly wary, while the other protected their backs while giving him a stern look.
"THEY'RE WITH US!" the last man yelled above the ambient cacophony.
The first man lowered his weapon.
"He needs help," (Y/N) then began at full speed, "he can’t put his foot down and he has a head inju-"
A huge series of explosions were heard in the distance.
"Medic! Medic!" they all heard screaming amid the sudden silence of bullets and bombs.
The two men immediately ran off.
"Wait, he needs help! Wait!" she tried to call them back.
However, she couldn't even pretend to get up because Finnick quickly grabbed her hand to hold her back. She suddenly looked at him.
"Stay." he whispered.
So she approached him and, hesitantly, she came to stand behind him. Where he was lying on his back full length, she placed herself cross-legged behind his head to straighten him up against her, positioning his back against her chest. She took the opportunity to hug him tightly, putting her arms around his shoulders. Finnick for his part put his hands against her crossed arms and sighed in comfort. (Y/N) placed a kiss in his hair without worrying about the dust covering it.
The street had become hell and she didn't have the strength to carry him on her own. They didn't even know what was going on with his leg. So they waited in their little temporary cocoon for time to pass and something better to come out of it.
In the distance, an explosion even stronger than the previous one resounds.
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ‿︵‿
The two ended up in the hospital a few hours later.
Despite the large number of injured people and deaths to be deplored, Finnick and (Y/N) still received first aid from the medical teams present on the ground. The girl only had a few bruises and contusions, but unfortunately they diagnosed more serious injuries to the blond, including, among other things, a broken leg. He was therefore sent directly to the hospital for immediate treatment and to undergo additional examinations to ensure that he had no brain damage.
Lying on his bed sleeping, he had been placed in a room away from the hustle and bustle of the service.
(Y/N) stayed beside him the whole time.
She didn't want to leave but she didn't dare come too close either. Indeed, although they have become very close physically over the past twenty-four hours, she did not really know how to interpret it. Until then, they had always been close but neither had made the first move.
So she didn't know how it would turn out now that she knew Snow had been captured and they had won.
Sitting on a chair next to the bed, she remained that way until he woke up.
Which he did a few hours later. He squinted first with his eyes still closed before moving and crumpling the sheets. Slowly, he opened his eyelids. As soon as he saw the (H/C) he looked confused but that pout was quickly replaced by a luminous smile.
He greeted her in his sleep-castling voice before holding out his hand, palm up.
Instantly, the girl grabbed it and tied their fingers together then rested their bound hands on the mattress. She pushed the worry deep inside her in order to ask him questions about his condition as well as tell him everything she had learned about the victories of the rebels.
After a while, the conversation began to naturally dry up.
Finnick, however, continued to adoringly stare at her without saying a word. He lifted their hands still together and kissed her knuckles tenderly. Then, he rested their hands on his chest.
He called her name with the greatest sweetness.
"What are we going to become?" He asked her, looking into her eyes.
She understood that their moment was now, but she remained paralyzed at the thought of the change. Frozen at the thought of taking the plunge and ending up regretting having done so. Afraid of not doing it and forever regretting the missed opportunity.
"What would you like us to be?" She asked in response, uncertain.
She saw Finnick's eyes drop from hers to rest on her lips. Slowly, he returned to her eyes to probe her gaze before bringing his free hand to the back of her head. He tangled his fingers in her hair before gently bringing her face close to his, slowly enough to give her time to stop it if she didn't want to. Just at inches between their lips, he halted.
He watched for the slightest sign of discomfort on her face.
Finding nothing but desire, he managed a small smile before tilting his head a little to the side and finally reducing the last few inches between them.
When they separated, they stayed close to each other.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this." he purred against her lips.
"Maybe I have a little idea." she said while kissing him again.
Out of breath, Finnick ended up moving to one end of the bed before lifting his blanket with one hand. The girl did not hesitate for a second before sinking into the sheets to stick to him, her head on his chest as they hugged their legs.
Things were finally starting to get better.
And they continued that way when they were summoned by Coin with the other Victors and she was able to see Johanna there. Away from the bald, bruised girl who smelled of rage from miles away, she seemed to be much better now.
(Y/N) tried to hug her as soon as she noticed her but the one with very short hair immediately blocked her. This didn't bother the (H/C)-haired girl though, as she laughed at the resumption of their natural dynamic. Happy to see her friend again, she settled down next to her while Finnick sat on her other side.
The meeting began.
Outraged, the girl from District 11 voted against the request for the new Hunger Games even though she understood the reasoning. It was however inadmissible to her to condemn children for the crimes of their parents and to make them suffer as much as them.
But unfortunately, given that they were an even-numbered group and tied, it was Coin who decided in favor of the new editions of the Games.
This is how they all found themselves on the circuit of the Tributes' Parade.
Memories polluted her head: all the times she had sat in the bleachers to watch her protégés being judged like fresh meat, the only time she had been in their shoes.
A shiver of disgust ran up his spine.
Snow, standing in front of them and tied to the colonnade, suddenly seemed much less impressive to her. He was no longer the inaccessible man on his balcony who had the right to life and death over those she loved. He was now just one man among many others.
As Katniss stepped forward in her Mockingjay outfit with her bow and arrows to lead the execution, she felt Finnick put his hand in hers before stuffing them into her green coat pocket.
The arrow left and lodged in the chest of the former President of District 13.
Her lifeless body fell theatrically from the stage before the dumbfounded eyes of the audience and a delirious crowd suddenly rushed in hatred towards the old white-haired man. Pushed from all sides by the unleashed population, it took them a lot of effort to sneak up to a sufficiently safe place.
From a distance, they could just observe the girl from District 12 getting picked up.
It took them several more hours before they could get their hands on Haymitch. Where (Y/N) did not really want to see the one who had abandoned her, the previous Victor of District 4 insisted. For the one he considered his little sister.
They learned from the man from the 12th that the young girl was not going to be condemned but exiled from the Capitol. So they planned to go back to where they belonged.
Relieved by this news, he let him go.
But the question of what was going to happen to them arose in turn. None of them wanted to stay at the Capitol given the memories they had there, however the question of the Districts came up.
Which one should they choose ?
But the question did not remain long in abeyance because the calculation was quickly made in the girl's mind. She no longer had anyone waiting for her: no more parents, no more brother, no more mentors. Just the deafening silence of the Victors’ Village.
So she would be the one following the blonde to District 4. At least temporarily.
She could rebuild her life there with Finnick since she would no longer have the pressure of the next Hunger Games or the constant threat of the former President.
The two therefore leave hand in hand without looking back.
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sqwdkllr · 2 months
dude your art is so amazing..i fucking love how you do anatomy, and linework, its just so perfect and also your qsmp designs??!? so fucking cool. your deathduo especially is so so dear to me<3 and your bluebird au(/aus?) amd your bluebird art in general its just so <33333…and your qsmp entities like cucu and eye creature and especially baribel, MAN those are singlehandedly my favorite qnpc designs theyre so great like. how the eye guy just has Teeth that come out of his head wherever?? and all your little headcanons about the bears??? THEYRE SO COOL MAN. and your philza with the patches on his pants n the baby zombie scar on his leg (also whats the scar on his nose from?)(also also i love your phils hair, like the short with the little braid its so neat:DD), and pommes hijab braids, and the zippers on th back of cucu and ositos heads (i have yet to figure out what those are for but ehatever theyre cool anyway) n just like. the thought and detail that goes into them, im rambling but aa<333 theyre all amazing:) OU AND YOUR COMICS,, i love love love how you structure n format them because theyre so dynamic and interesting while still being super readable and the ART IVE SAID IT ALREADY BUT I NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN I LOVE YOUR STYLE SO MUCH. its just so nice. like how you use general shapes and like i dont know how to explain it but its cool:)) your art lives in this little spot in my brain rent free…made me subconsciously kind of incorporated stuff you do into my own art process like sketching shit in blue LOL
anyway sorry for the wall of text i just needed to rant a tiny bit because youre one of my fsvorite artists n you inspire me so much ssob,,anyway have a good day mate
This ask makes my heart explode oh my goddd. I'm so happy you enjoy the stuff I put out augghh that so sweet THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE IS SO SWEET WTF. I hope you are ready for a ramble about hc/theory/design choices. Seriously its long-
I have so many head canons I like showing. Some lean towards theory territory and others I legitimately do not believe in myself BUT I like drawing it out because WHY NOT !!?? I like the whimsy of it all
THE BLUEBIRD AU is purely me having fun. Its such an angst filled au that is coated with a mask of nuclear family and hurt/comfort. In reality its like being hit with a sauce pan repeatedly. I'm more of a scientist Jaiden believer personally. DON’T GET ME STARTED ON DEATHDUO- Man I want to go back to drawing self-indulgent stuff for that. Fuck this ask is making my brain engine go insane AUGHH-
Like stuff about Osito just being a huge flirt because of their exposure to Roier from the beginning or Baribal being a pot head, yeah those sort of head cannons I'm sure people are dying to hear from me (sarcasm). Or more serious ones like the relationship, more like lack of, between Cucurucho and Baribal being one of miscommunication that snowballed into hate but never enough to kill each other. Literally the trope of "twins separated where one is raised within evil and other is forced to take them down" but it's very dark grey from both sides. YESSIR
Or other theory territory like federation not knowing that Cucurucho and Osito are not the same person because it’s a secret- BUT THAT’S VERY FANON/THEORY TERRITORY AND TOO CONVOLUTED FOR HERE-
Oh and of course more tame head cannons like sexualities and stuff. Cucurucho is aromantic to me. All of them are transgender. The entire fed staff. Fuck even the purgatory island goobers. No real concept of what gender is and sort of adopted what the islanders do or what the federation refers to them as. It's just not a thing, same with labels on sexuality. If you like someone then you just like them and that’s how it rolls !!
THE WATCHER. MAN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS GUY. Like actual constant threat and you are left scrambling trying to figure out the rules of not pushing the wrong buttons so you stay alive. I know his concept art had like him as a human at some point, but I like fungus goop watcher more. Little goober who just so happen to survive the longest, learn the most, and as a result evolve to what he is now. Eventually became strong enough to overthrow the previous leader (and consume them-) and is now king of the purgatory island in privacy. Until the new islanders were sent there ofc. So yeah, bro is very old, its why Cucurucho has no clue who this dude is when he does get to put a face to the name.
PHILZA. This guy is the kinda guy to put survival above all. So I like to imagine that not only would he be covered in scars because he tanks most of the hits and is generally a very selfless person- SOME SCARS HAVE A REASON ! The zombie scar being one of course, semi infected bc I like to think that he did not die in his hc world but rather came close to it. And his buildings is what caught the attention of the goddess of death and allowed for her to give him immortality and be her eyes in the mortal realm as her angel of death. So the poison is still in his foot, just unmoving. Stuck in time just like his body unable to age. As for the scar on his cheek? Nightmare Stalker grabbing him by the face and throwing him in the ocean the second time he tried to get up to save Tallulah. The only evidence left of that night happening. YES SHORT HAIR PHILZA AND POMME WITH A HIJAB YESSS
The zippers are supposed to show that their "head" is not actually what they look like. It’s a helmet/mask. I don't draw their real faces out of fear of making them look too "human" but rather I enjoy the implication that they COULD LOOK LIKE any other islander. Isn’t the thought that this horrible twisted shell of a being could look just as human as you so much more eerie? I dunno I was watching horror analysis videos of the unknown while building the fanon side of them- Now why their masks can emote?,,, its cartoon logic !! And it's cute I have so many thoughts on these guys can you tell? OH MY GODD THANK YOU THO. Augh this is the sweetest message ive ever read pls.im so so very glad these little guys can make you happy. That’s such an honor fr !!
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