#split ac accessories
spitefularoandbi · 2 years
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sheyri · 1 month
My Triple A experience at Pride
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I love going to Pride. Being among fellow queer people, loud music, blocking traffic with our demonstration, and just vibing. I try to attend as many as I can and travel for hours on full trains if necessary.
Big Prides are great, but I especially love smaller ones in rural areas. It's less of a party and more of a demonstration, as it should be. Unfortunately rural in my area means risking confrontations with nazis, but that's a different story.
But no matter how much I love being at Pride, there's always this underlying feeling of being excluded.
Even at smaller Prides, I'm usually not the only person with an ace flag. Occasionally you can find someone with an aro flag, sometimes even an aroace person. Rarely someone with an agender flag. Though there are more people with those as pins or other accessories. But hey, most people just have the rainbow flag and no one has to disclose their sexuality or gender. In short, the people in the demonstration are great!
But from the organisation side? It's almost like the A doesn't exist! Stage discussions? Nope, at most they name asexual when they go through the list of labels. Info material? I saw one flyer about grey asexuality. Stickers? Yeah, okay, those exist in the mix, but mostly ace.
On the other hand you see lesbian and gay, trans and bi everywhere. I love penis/I love vagina, love is love, love who you want, etc. Great to see that political parties don't look past the LGBT. Nice that discussions include non-binary people as an afterthought.
When talking about love all the time, is it too much to ask to mention there are different kinds of love? That love doesn't have to be romantic to be valid? That it can be whatever you want it to be? Mention the split attraction model in info material? Have info material about aromanticism at all? Some parties actually have an aromantic sticker, but those are even rarer than ace ones.
This year there's a lot of talk about legally changing your gender, because they finally changed the law in Germany to make it a lot easier. The stage discussions are all about how it used to be and how much easier it is now. I'm not sure if I heard mention of non-binary and intersex people in this regard. If, then it wasn't much. Would've been nice to hear them mention that "diverse" is an option for your legal gender, or that you can have it removed all together. And why and for whom that is important. Especially since some federal states banned gender sensitive language from schools and government places, to "protect the German language". (They criticised that and it's a whole different rant.) Come on, gender isn't a binary, some people exist somewhere in the middle, or outside of it, or don't have a gender at all. That's not new information and queer organisations like Pride should be well aware of that and speak about it! But I guess that topic is too risky and too uncomfortable for a stage in a public place.
TL,DR Pride is great, but as an aroace agender person I often feel excluded and unseen at least to some extent.
All that said, I have to end on something positive: my favourite Pride so far - CSD Göttingen 2023.
Organised by the community, for the community. No political parties were present, because they were not invited and not welcome. Instead we had queer organisations talking on stage and manning booths. Including the local asexual and aromantic network.
There were banners along the demonstration route, saying love is love. They were put up by the city, independently, without asking the organisers if those banners were wanted. They were not. (The organisers said that.)
Out of 15 Prides I went to so far, this one was the one where I felt most at home. Unfortunately it's quite far from where I live and this year it shares a date with another Pride I want to attend, so I can't go there again. Hopefully next year. And hopefully they can keep going like this. Independent from politicians.
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sixthwater · 2 years
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Hi! This was a requested topic from a follower quite a bit ago, but due to some life restrictions I was unable to get to it until now. You may ask 'why are people attracted to me', but I asked what your attractive qualities are in general
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: Tarot of the Divine, Archetype Oracle, Traditional Manga Tarot, Arcana of Astrology Oracle, believe in your own magic Oracle
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Pile One
Personality: Ace of Swords Rx, II of Wands Rx, Seeker (Shadow)
There’s a bit of fogginess present which makes me think of how people with Piscean energy tend to space out or get caught in their thoughts. It’s not a confused energy, but it’s how your brain is working so much, having an active imagination or very present thought process. The Two of Wands can stand for messy plans but it’s really not that I’m getting chaos or being unprepared, it’s more like an active energy, very excited and bouncy but it’s not loud like a fire sign. Also now that I’m realizing, I already forgot to get your archetype so how fitting. Aaannndd you would not believe it: Seeker in the shadow trait which says, “Inability to commit to a path once found”. It reminds me of Mutable energy overall, if I want to be specific then Gemini, but it’s the idea that there are a lot of neat and interesting things out there and you just don’t want to miss it. Due to this, you have a lot of facets that have been unlocked and you’re a very interesting person to talk to. You can be approached by a lot of people because you take interest in a lot of things. Now promising that you’ll be present, or you won’t be distracted mid conversation? That’s hard to say, but you can hold people’s attention, or have very intriguing ones because they don’t just die out. I like the art on the the Two of Wands because that’s what it feels like quite literally in your mind sometimes. You want to go in both directions at once, like you wish you could split up and then reconvene and share the stories between your ‘two experiences’ afterwards. Really strong Gemini Moon vibes but really it’s still just Mutable overall. Honestly some Aquarian / Air energy overall because there’s a feeling of being a ditz on the surface but you are very complex and intelligence underneath, there’s just some difficulty in taking all your thoughts and making a coherent or cohesive sentence with all of it. Regardless, everything in the world seems fun to you, and sometimes this can lead to a bit of decision paralysis because everything seems so tantalizing, but this tends to draw people in.
Physically: King of Wands Rx, IX of Wands Rx, Temperance Rx, Chiron, Eris
Interesting and Fun! You know how they always talk about how you can spot an Aquarius placement from a mile away? That’s you. There’s a chameleon? Lizard? There’s a reptile sitting on the King’s shoulders, the guy in the Nine of Wands is decked out in feathers, and Temperance is reversed. Whatever you choose to go out in, you wear it loud and proud. There’s a three different ways this is coming out. For the first group; there’s specific jewelery you like to wear or you like tattoos or piercings/jewelry that isn’t subtle. So, according to societal standards: septum piercings, full sleeve or back tattoos, gauge earrings — stuff like that. On the flip side it can also be a cherished necklace or accessory that you’re always seen with regardless of wardrobe, or you happen to dye your hair a lot (or your chosen colors are very striking). For the second group, you make sure you stand out, but in a more subtle way. It’s like everything that’s put together for the outfit is chosen very carefully, but in a muted sense. So you still fit in with the colors of the season, you’re not being brazen, but you make sure you can catch people’s eyes with the way you fit into the outfit or that when the outfit all comes together, it’s a statement or it’s definitely A Look for the gram (the type to dress up decently for a late night snack run). For the third and last group, it could simply just be that you’re a minority in your community. So someone black growing up in a community that’s mainly white, which will make you stand out. From the amount of intense rock songs that started to play as I got to this part, I’m thinking the majority of you will resonate with the first section, or eventually want to shift your style to that. Regardless, you are someone who wants to be known for you, it’s not really about being different, but you don’t like watering yourself down to being accepted by others. Which I think is so interesting because with these messages we have two Conflicting ass asteroids: Chiron and Eris. I believe you have to have some dreamy or bright eyes, or a bright smile. There’s also the feeling that when people see you presenting yourself as authentically as you please, it gives them some comfort that it’s not as embarrassing or as bad as it might be? Like they’ll stick out like a sore thumb and people will mock them for it like they’re cringe or something, but that’s not the case. So you help soothe other people’s worries even if they don’t actively tell you. I’m really getting the eye or smile feeling though. Like when you interact with others it’s really contrasting to the intense nature of your looks. Eris backs it up though that like, you do have an intensity about you at the same time. It’s not intimidating but it’s more like. You are who you are and no one can take that from you. Which is really neat. The girl in Temperance and Chiron really back up the energy felt within the first section though that there’s this somewhat soft and explorative energy to be sought within you. There’s also a chance of having a generational planet within your first house as strangers might sense some familiarity within you even though there...won’t actually be any.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Lavender — Surround Yourself With Love
Exactly!!! I think it’s quite obvious that you don’t associate with people that make you feel less than. You’re not one to quickly judge others and you give everyone a bit of a chance, but if people don’t extend the same openness and warmth to you then it’s over. Like I said, you’re quite sure of yourself and you don’t waste your time on people who want you to abide by their rules if it means abandoning parts of yourself. Iconic as the kids say.
Also! So many reversed cards, it’s like an active ‘I’m standing out I’m gonna be me’ statement it’s really cute!
Songs: Born For This – The Score, Big Yellow Taxi – Counting Crows, Beautiful Bride – Flyleaf, F**K You – Sleeping With Sirens
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Pile Two
Personality: VI of Wands Rx, VIII of Pentacles, Child: Magical
A quiet hard worker. Someone who is okay with blending into the background and let’s their work speak for itself. It’s crazy how in sync all of these cards are because the princess in the Eight of Pentacles is sworn to silence until she is able to finish making the sweaters required or the curse will never be lifted (despite the toll it’s taking), the warrior in the Six of Wands is being rewarded for stepping from under her father’s light and making a name for her own (but it’s reversed), and the magical card talks about being enduring and always seeing the light within the most mundane and even in the worst of times. Being able to see the good end despite what’s happening. You are someone who is very co-operative with others, and I’m getting a strong sense of loyalty. It’s not undying, nor is it foolish, but it’s like...you don’t feel the need to always be the star of the show. Strong Virgo energy, that’s all that’s coming through. Also a very quiet pile as well. It’s a feeling of what you have you always share with others. There is a lack of ego, but it’s not concerning? You are a hard-worker and you always make sure whatever you’re putting your effort towards (relationships, projects, hobbits, etc) turns out polished and full of love, but you don’t need to be praised for it because it’s expected in your eyes. Considering that this is what’s attractive, you are really appreciated by those that know you. They realize that you’re a catch and no one puts in the work like you do. Especially unprompted. I keep glancing back at the princess crying in the Eight of Coins and the only thing is that you raise other people up while you— ah yes the song that’s playing. You support and raise others up but you shy or run away from the same thing, or you shrug it off as if you don’t need it. So people tend to see you as someone very strong and indomitable but you are still human so please be vulnerable so they can send that love right back when you need it. I also kept fighting the urge to go back and Actively work on Pile One, since I usually just go and make final changes once I’m done the entire thing, so please don’t be afraid to take up space or soak up the limelight guys.
Physically: The Devil, X of Swords Rx, Aquarius, Neptune
A lot of things are coming in so some might resonate or it might not. A good lot of you might have chosen this pile because the cards are very excited to talk, but I also think that you guys just don’t get the chance (choose) to vent a lot. So immediately I get the feeling that you might have a visible scar or birthmark. Doesn’t have to be big but it’s a ‘cute little quirk’ or defining feature. There’s something with the back that people or someone really likes regardless of the other messages I’m trying to talk about with this card because I keep coming back to physical traits. Those little angel wing tattoos? That people get on their backs are coming up as well. Anyway, you’re not how you appear is the second main message. Some might look at you like you’re a fallen angel (I always think of a back-stabbed angel with this card for some reason) who could solve all of their problems. Like you’re really innocent, but of course as we know your personality isn’t necessarily like that. It’s a calm muted energy but you’re not just an innocent dating sim NPC. You can come off as tantalizing to some people, or like it’s addicting to be around you (as in you have a fun energy), but I mainly get the feeling that you mirror people. In a way that you match whatever vibe is being thrown at you. Again, you really fall into the background by choice most times, so matching the energy levels would make sense because it’s along the process of making sure others are comfortable. There’s a feeling of containment, especially with expression, but sometimes your authenticity can come through. It could be that you maybe decorate your bag or desk with little objects of your liking so people can pick up on your personality, but I feel like it’s more tiny slip-ups.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Grey – Endings are Inevitable
You’re a realistic person. You’re the friend who helps ground others but not in a pessimistic sense. It’s more like; yes it’s going to rain, and it’s going to be cloudy for a couple of days, but then the sun comes out and then we get to go for a walk again. People like that you can balance coming off as practical while still being a sweetie and idealistic. This is such strong Sixth house energy it’s kind of crazy. There is a high chance that many people come to you for advice, or see you as somewhat wise—someone who has a lot of resources saved or has a lot of life experience. I will say that maybe this energy is currently happening because young forever started playing as I got this song so I hope you guys treat yourself kindly throughout this process.
Songs: Nesshoku Starmine – Roselia, This Day – Jingle Jangle (The Musical), Calm Me Down – American Authors, Life In Color – OneRepublic, Young Forever – Nicki Minaj
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Pile Three
Personality: The Lovers Rx, V of Swords Rx, Midas / Miser
Oh no a goofy pile. Before I explain that, I immediately got independence and knowing when to walk away from disputes or a difficult situation. You use your wit, charm, and knowledge to avoid getting yourself into situations like those of the Five of Swords. The downside of this is that you don’t seem the most open or friendly? To be fair, when people think of ‘friendly’ they think of customer service friendly and chatty. You are quite smooth and flexible—you know how to work a crowd or your ‘audience’ when you need to and then you usually go into hiding right afterward. It’s funny because to strangers it’s like ‘ooo this person is strong and independent they don’t need anyone’ and you know how that draws people in, because they want to be the one person that you bend to. However from your end you’re just quite literally kind of introverted. You don’t really need to always be around people, if you’re around people then cool, if you aren’t then cool. You don’t feel strongly one way or the other, it kind of depends on the day lmao. So you probably have your Sun opposing your ASC, or strong energy in your Tenth that’s blocking out your personal planets or more muted placements that displays how you truly come across. People take delight in speaking to you or hearing your ideas because you’re ingenius and also just really funny? Quite literally if you look at the Midas / Miser card that’s how you come off. In public or when you’re flexing your abilities, you come off as the blonde (?) one. When you’re able to retreat you immediately start acting like the guy at the bottom haha. Also. Slime by Danny Gonzalez immediately started playing when I pulled your cards and if you’re not familiar, it’s a song poking fun at how adult youtubers who make very specific content for children have to navigate their lives offline which...was way too on the nose for this.
Physically: Page of Wands, King of Wands, Lunar Eclipse, First House
Oh you’re lying!!!! I was thinking about this when looking at The Lovers card but I always think of interracial couples because it’s represented by Beauty and the Beast, so with it reversed I was thinking “oh they’re probably conventionally attractive but that doesn’t really matter right now” but apparently it did!!! I guess so because I brought up the ASC up there but whatever!!! With the First House yeah I feel like either a Venusian or Scorpio Rising? I also keep thinking of Sagittarius thanks to these Wands but I’m putting that on pause and saying Jupiter/Venus in first. Venusians are usually the rising signs that people see as conventionally attractive, not because they are, but because of how they carry themselves and interact with others, there’s less of a push back on them. Scorpio Risings have that previous impression of “oh you’re not talking therefore you are alluring”, and people just enjoy the jovial energy of a Sagittarius rising. There’s just something about the way you present yourself that draws people in. I’m not really getting the way you dress with this pile, it’s more about the way you carry yourself. The Lunar Eclipse is definitely giving me this ASC-Opposition feeling. It doesn’t have to be the sun, but a very important planet (chart ruler or the moon) is being masked by your rising. It’s giving me strong Seventh house vibes though because that always deals with the “omg I didn’t know you were like that” “I literally said this five days ago” frustrated feeling. I think people enjoy getting to know you though because it’s refreshing? You seem very routine-based to them so when they get to see you act outside of that it’s very exciting? Now these wands...lost my mind. One part of it is that I think people enjoy seeing you grow. You’re never halting your progress and you always like to expand your knowledge or ‘business’ (idk why I keep using business as an example///). However for others, you just have a very light-hearted and free-spirited energy and a very good song came on for this! You’re never too bothered about appearances yeah. Both court cards look very extravagant but when you look closer it’s just kind of...it’s just some fabric. You might also have an ‘unsual’ pet. It’s not exotic or anything but it’s not someone’s first choice so think like ferret, birds, snakes, etc. Due to that, it’s not a forgettable quality.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Castle – It’s Time for Healing, Not War
You give good advice. You’re a little different from Pile Two in regards to this. People already seek you out for your charisma, but this is an unexpected element in the interaction. During conversations and interactions, you throw in little examples of your experiences and people begin to realize there’s a lot more to you. I think that’s why people enjoy when you peel back a bit of those layers because it’s a nice change. People seek you out for a lot more than the usual, because you have more to give than just your regular brand, whatever it might be. They enjoy just. Talking to you to be honest. I’m not sure how many realize this, but you’re not a perfect person. You are not an angel here to spread whatever gospel every other person is always trying to preach as if they’ve never done anything bad in their life, which is really nice to interact with from time to time. Also I don’t know why I want to say this but you can be a little blunt at times too, which can be funny.
Songs: Slime – Danny Gonzalez, Kyouran Hey Kids!! – THE ORAL CIGARETTES, Blowback – The Killers, smiling when i die – Sasha Alex Sloan, Nobody’s Home – Avril Lavigne, Tongue Tied – Grouplove, Spectrum – Florence + The Machine
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Pile Four
Personality: X of Wands Rx, Knight of Wands, Knight
So interestingly enough, I was almost immediately denied access to get your cards, but obviously I’m here so I was let in, and then I get all these cards as well as your first song lmao. So quite the dramatic change. Your pile has such a light-hearted energy. I want to say pile because I. Feel like the authenticity is a bit protected right now lol. So for right now, the pile is giving off some fun and light-hearted energy. It feels like playing pretend, like if you look between the two knight cards (ironically), it reminds me of kids laying down their rules and making up their world and someone is going to go save the princess. There’s an romanticism of love movies and scenarios—it’s a very pure and cute energy. It’s not soft though, it’s very loud and brash almost. Your pile doesn’t like dealing with pessimism, or I should say they don’t believe that life or love has to be hard and heavy or deep. Not in an immature way, but like you can have a happy and breezy time while still be undying and intense like the way media always tries to talk about love. There’s a reckless side of your pile too that can be quite obnoxious. I always take this Knight of Wands card to be a bit loud and a sign of someone not knowing when to shut up because of it’s story haha. It’s also an energy of someone who isn’t afraid to go against the grain and be themselves. I feel like people are expecting the prim and polished personality and appearance of the first card, but what they get for life is the second knight card. Both are cute but the second one is just a lot more to handle when it’s unexpected, however both are true to who you are. Giving big Leo energy.
Physically: IX of Wands Rx, X of Pentacles Rx, Full Moon, Gemini
I’m not taking it for your song, but Dangerously In Love by Beyonce is playing right now. I think you really captivate people by your dualistic nature, but at the same time you don’t...it’s a bit difficult to explain. So there are different sides to you, but they’re both authentic. You’re not putting up a front, it’s just that sometimes one is more prominent than the other or you’re just feeling that mood more than the other. It’s not something you really hide either, like if you pay attention to conversations or details, it’s very clear that both the prim and proper knight as well as the rowdy knight are both you, and that bleeds over into your appearance as well. It’s weird because I need to interpret this Ten of Pentacles in both ways. The Nine of Wands just completely stands for you not really caring about appearances. Fully. It’s not something that you really give much thought unless you’re kinda forced to, which brings us to our Ten. On some days, you are looking Extravagant very put together 10/10. It could be that your outfit fits your style and look perfectly, or it’s for an event, etc. However sometimes there will be a few things out of place or maybe it’s like a bit messy—feels like those like ‘messy bun’ hairstyles? Due to the influence of this Nine of Wands. Then on other days you just go back to be completely natural full on sweatpants no attempt at wardrobe—complete contrast to what people are imagining in their head. I don’t know why I get the sense that people don’t immediately meet you first before they get to know you lol. However the way you can just jump from both ends of the spectrum at random moments and still look pretty good is really impressive to people.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Escapist – Come Home to Yourself
Yup! You have a great imagination and you don’t stress the practicality of it all. I don’t really get that you avoid things too much, even though this card does warn of it, but this is one of your strengths. You enjoy having a good time, and you encourage those around you to de-stress and just do something they enjoy every once in a while (or thrice in a while, fuck it). People are drawn in by that charismatic nature you have quite easily. I’m going to sound annoying, but I think just being careful balancing Fifth and Sixth house energies (so hobbies in contrast to stuff like daily chores) will give you a pretty strong mindset.
Songs: DOLLA SIGN SLIME (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) – Lil Nas X, Just Around the Riverbend – Pocahontas (Movie), Alive – Krewella, I’m Like a Lawyer with the Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) – Fall Out Boy
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mikodrawnnarratives · 7 months
Promise Me A Place In Your House Of Memories
Renegades Trilogy
Nova’s gone over too many what ifs during her life, and she’d much rather have a break from that today.
After all, that one ‘what if’ sat right beside her, heart pumping and breathing, and that is enough. That is enough for today.
Or: The Artino's spend a quiet afternoon together. Ft. The Everhart boys
A/n: Sort of follow up to my fic “Happy Birthday Dear Evie Artino” but you don’t necessarily need to read it to understand this one.
Thirteen years since her parents died. Since she was six years old. Since she hid. Since she held that gun to the intruder’s face.
Thirteen years since he shot her mom. Shot her dad. Shot Evie. Thirteen years since Evie went quiet. Thirteen years since Evie managed to miraculously survive. Since she was found by the landlord. Since the shambled renegades didn’t keep an eye on the crime scene, the bodies. Leaving that task up to the crew that couldn’t care less about Ace Anarchy’s family.
Thirteen years since Nova lost Evie. Since Evie lost her.
Or, well. Maggie.
Three years since Nova became Insomnia. Three since she met Maggie. Two since her uncle’s defeat. One. One since she found Evie again. Found Maggie again. One since her sister found her too.
After the parade, after Adrian kissed her, after Ingrid’s eyes fell back, after Callum, after Honey’s betrayal, after… after seemingly everything. Not before the guilt could dim, or the hurt. Not before she could ease her regrets, if that was even possible. Not before Nova could think about not focusing on the what ifs, when others could sleep when she could not.
What if she had saved Callum? What if Honey didn’t betray her? What if there was love in Ace’s heart for her still and she made the wrong decision? What if she never saved Adrian?
What if… Evie wasn’t killed.
Well… that’s turned out to be an “after”. Strangely enough. Not that any of it could change what has already happened. Nova’s gone over too many what ifs during her life, and she’d much rather have a break from that today.
After all, that one ‘what if’ sat right beside her, heart pumping and breathing, and that is enough. That is enough for today.
The glow of the sun flickers and shines through the green trees as the car rolls down the gravel road. Nova’s void expression lifts from the sight of the trees. They’re getting to grow tall after the terrorism the site experienced earlier in the year. Their beautiful green leaves now free to come out for the summer.
Maggie shifts in her seat, getting antsy as the car slows to a halt. Light from the trees outside reflects off the bronze in the teen’s bracelet as she fidgets with it. One half delicately patched together with another half of similar material, yet not the same. Six months since Adrian’s assistance in splitting the copper filigree between the two. Their late birthday gift, technically. And did his best to match the materials, despite it not being quite the same. Neither sister mentioned it.
Even for as blunt Maggie tends to be, she never nitpicked. Well actually, she only nitpicked when it came to the one ‘accessory’ attached to the bracelet. Instead of a clasp similar to Nova’s, Maggie chose a secure holding for her… Bullet. Nova still couldn’t understand her sister’s obsession with the thing that nearly killed her, but it wasn’t as if she could judge. Out loud.
At least she agreed to let the bullet be thoroughly disinfected before it went on the bracelet. Just in case. Maggie made no secret of her offense that they thought it had never been washed before. The silver lining of it all being the fidgeting aspects of the new design alleviated Maggie’s urges to snatch everything shiny in sight. Her therapist gave the ‘go ahead’ too. One less thing for them to look out for in her behavior at least.
Most of the time.
Leroy opens the car doors with a click of a button. Gesturing for the two to head out while he finds a good parking spot.
Nova grabs the basket and hops out of the car, Maggie following suit. A hand slips into hers, grabbing tightly. Nova jumps and turns around. Her sister’s eyes widen and she averts eye contact, her embarrassment burning her cheeks red. Oh. Right.
Nova turns around and lets the thirteen year old(and a half, as her sister insists)’s hand rest in hers as they walk. Maggie silently walks ahead, not letting go. Nova sighs and rubs her thumb against her sister’s hand in a sort of apology, as awkward as it is.
She still isn’t used to some of the silent gestures she’s figured out Maggie tends to initiate when wanting comfort. Not that she minded, it is just… different than what she’s used to.
Maggie picks up the pace, focusing on the attention at hand rather than her actual hand holding tight to her sister’s.
The girl clears her throat. “Where?”
“Uh..” Nova drawls, looking up ahead. “We’ll wait for the others before going different ways. Adrian and Max should be here soon.”
It was almost comical the speed in which the girl looked passive to sourly disappointed and then to interested moment she uttered ‘Max’. Nova held back the urge to tease. Out of everyone, she never expected Max and Maggie to click so well. But she couldn’t complain, really.
She readjusts her grip on the picnic basket and looks around the cemetery. The grass has grown just enough past where it was last mowed. She’s glad to see the efforts of the renegades and community have returned this place to life. The grass is long enough to be just noticeable as the wind blows.
They stroll through the area, looking at all the graves and the decorations to boot. Bright colors and tokens for heroes diseased. It wasn’t surprising. This cemetery was reserved for heroes and people who died in honor after all. People that helped the peace in some form, sacrificed for the greater good.
Maggie stops and lets go of Nova’s hand. Nova stops in her tracks and turns back around. “You good?” She blinks and looks to where her sister stopped.
Rest in Peace
Callum Treadwell
She doesn’t say anything. And neither does Maggie.
The grave has many pretty decorations. From his family and loved ones. So many cheesy notes. Many express how much they miss him. Quite a few of the gifts are from other renegades he worked with. Some even from citizens thanking him.
Maggie lays down in the grass, like each limb weighs several pounds more than they were.
Nova stares and walks over to sit next to her.
Nova opens the picnic basket and gently pulls out a bouquet of flowers, offering them to her sister. Maggie sits up. Her hands reach out and the bouquet barely grazes her fingertips before she guides it carefully in front of the stone.
She lays back down and Nova focuses on the wind as it blows the grass gently, shaking the trees slightly. It really is a beautiful cemetery. Callum would like it here. Maybe he does.
Nova hears some noise in the distance. She turns her head and a smile graces her lips. She shakes Maggie’s shoulder, the girl face first in the grass. The girl looks up, unamused. That is, until she catches sight of Adrian and Max. Nova smirks as the girl scrambles up.
Adrian waves when he spots where they are sitting. Her sister wastes no second to run up and pounce on Max, pulling them both to the ground in a painful hug. Adrian laughs and Nova rolls her eyes, getting to her feet. Maggie hasn’t hung out in person with Max for two weeks and acts like it was two years.
The startled boy yelps, but his grimace is quickly replaced with a smile the moment he recognizes the girl that clambered on him. He sits up, pushing Maggie off of him with little resistance from his friend. One of his arms remains behind his back, and shifts away from Maggie when she peers around for whatever it could be. She gave Max a look. Uh oh. Nova knew that look. Her ‘challenge accepted’ look.
Maggie quickly looks on the other side of him to catch what it is, before Max could move his arm again. She gasps and Max sighs.
“Did you bring them?!” Maggie exclaims, Nova could almost see her sister’s eyes dilate. Sh- Should they get that checked out?
“I did, I did! Just give me a second,” Max huffs a laugh, revealing the backpack in his hand with less enthusiasm than he likely planned. Maggie snatches it from Max with her power and unzips it immediately. Nova tilts her head at whatever he could have brought.
Cans. Cylindrical gray barrels of some sort that are just slightly bigger than the teen's hand. Color Nova absolutely befuddled.
She tilts her head up at the sound of Simon Westwood and Captain Chromi- Hugh, running up from the car they parked. Grocery bags, normal bags, stacks of nursery pots overflowing in their arms. All the planned supplies for the afternoon.
“Sorry we’re late! Traffic.” Hugh groans. “But we have the- Max, we said not to bring those!”
“I know but-”
“You should have done it earlier..” Simon reprimands, setting down the garden trowels and flowers. “Leave it for later.”
Max sighs while Maggie doesn’t bother hiding her vitriol. She looks seconds away from flipping the hero off.
“Erm… I’m sorry, what even are those?” Nova asks, pointing to the cans the teenagers seem to have a vested interest in.
Adrian answers her, “They’re barrels for rock tumbling. Basically, it makes rocks prettier. More polished. Max picked up the hobby a few months ago.”
“So that explains Maggie’s interest.” She doesn't miss her sister’s pointed scowl.
Nova turns her attention on her, “Like Simon said, you could have done this earlier …whatever this is.”
Maggie grumbles, “We couldn’t…”
Max talks next, “Please let us. It… It’s meant to be a surprise.” He takes a breath, and then launches his ultimate attack.
Nova blinks and her eyes widen. Shit. Shit, oh no. Not the PUPPY EYES.
To make matters worse, Maggie joins in. Nova sucks in a breath. Adrian freezes. Simon facepalms. Hugh sighs, marking their victory. Smug smiles creep over their faces. Evil. Downright unfair that those teenagers still have that ability. Shouldn’t puberty have taken care of that already?? She already knew Maggie’s late in that regard, but Max really had no excuse.
“Fine, but don’t dump any of it near the gravestones.” Hugh orders the two.
“The slurry isn’t toxi-” Maggie almost counter argues but Max drags her off to the corner of the field before she could make his father take back his ruling. Nova isn't even sure she wants to know what "slurry" even is.
“They really are inseparable,” Adrian sighs with a smile on his lips.
“Should we be worried?” Simon’s lips quirk up. “Can’t lose both of our boys to the Artinos.”
Nova rolls her eyes, “Please, Max would never run off with Maggie to become a criminal. If anything, they’d run off and be back by the end of the week, tails between their legs and wanting snacks from the pantry.”
Simon pauses, “That's not what I… How do you know this?”
“Oh! Uh, just a guess!” Nova laughs nervously, omitting Maggie’s occasional field trips. It would be odd to just about anyone else.
Adrian saves her, “I don’t think Maggie would steal Max away like you meant either, dad.”
Wait, in what way-
Leroy shows up before that conversation could continue.
Nova picks up another flower from the batches Adrian’s dads brought. She lets a ghost of a smile rest on her face as she looks at her mother’s favorite flower. Each petal beautiful and vibrant with life. She stands up and walks over to her parent’s graves. David and Tala Artino. Buried next to each other, as they wished.
She scoops up a patch of dirt next to the grave, and carefully removes the flower from the square plastic casing. It comes away freely, leaving only the coarse grainy dirt still shaped in the form of the plastic. She sets the nursery plastic pot to the side and lowers the plant into the small hole she dug up. Covering the soil cube with the dirt and leaving the upper part of the flower to breathe.
Nova’s planted several of these already after Hugh showed her how to. Leroy helped occasionally but he seemed to be more distracted with whatever endeavor Maggie and Max were busying themselves with.
Not that Nova minded. It was nice to have some time alone with her parents.
She heard footsteps walk up behind her and she turned to see Maggie approach her. She awkwardly avoids the… smaller grave beside her parents. Nova’s heart aches and she sighs. The renegades said they would remove it by now.
Rest in Peace
Evie Artino
An odd sight for Evie Artino herself, Nova’s sure. The grave is even decorated in long weathered children’s stuffed animals and blankets. It’s long since been cleaned and taken care of. But Maggie doesn’t say anything about that. She crouches beside Nova, the side away from the gravestone, and sets a bag down. She looks curiously at the grave Nova has perched herself in front of.
“...Is that…” She says quietly.
Nova pauses and nods.
Rest in Peace
David and Tala Artino
Maggie sits down beside Nova, her hand finding Nova’s. She looks at the graves. Her mouth parts, only to barely whisper. “...Hi.. mom… dad…”
Nova picks up one of each of the two different nursery potted flowers, offering them to Maggie. She points to each, naming which was her mom’s favorite and which was their dad’s. She guides Maggie through the steps to plant them. Stories come to her head and leave her mouth as she shows her sister. Stories about them. And the stories their uncle would reluctantly share after she prodded him enough.
Maggie plants the last of the flowers, using her power to sweep the dirt into the right places. She sits up and brings out the bag she hadn’t opened until then. “Which of these would they like?” She dumps out the contents on the grass.
Greeting the older sister, were beautiful rocks of different sizes and colors. Yellow, red, and green all present in different hues. Some a valentines pink and others closer to a deep vibrant purple. The light of the soon to be setting sun shines on the rocks, highlighting their smooth and shiny surfaces.
Nova gapes and picks one up, “Is this what you and Max were doing?”
Maggie nods, bringing her legs up to hug as she fidgets with her bracelet. “So… what do you think?”
Nova pauses to consider, “I… I think Mom would’ve liked the red ones. Dad liked more turquoise colors I think… so maybe these?” She points to the gray and blue colored stones. She shrugs after. “But they’ll like whatever you give them, Evie.”
Evie pauses and purses her lips, “I want to give them what they would’ve liked.”
“I bet that’s okay too,” Nova smiles, “It was a pretty good idea to bring these. Is this all you guys, er, tumbled?"
Her sister shakes her head, “Max had his own rocks he tumbled for today.” She looks over to where the Everharts were gathered. Nova follows her gaze, seeing Adrian by what she assumes to be Lady Indomitable’s grave. He’s giving Max a half hug as his brother shows the different rocks they made.
Nova holds her sister’s hand and Evie leans on her shoulder. Nova looks at one of the rocks in her hand, turning it around.
"Did you get any for Callum?" She says curiously.
Evie nods, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly.
Nova smiles, "You'll have to show me them later." She blinks. “Oh that reminds me” She sits up. “We’re done with the flowers now.”
Evie blinks, sitting up as well.
Nova leans over to reach and grab the picnic basket she had set aside earlier. She first pulls out some wipes and hands the package to her sister after taking a few herself. “Not perfect but better than nothing,”
She pulls out trays and tupperware covered in foil from the basket. The blanket moves out of the basket and spreads itself on the grass with no human hand touching it. Evie lets go of her power. Gravity takes hold of the blanket while only inches above the ground..
Nova blinks, “I keep forgetting you can do that.” Evie doesn’t smile too much, but Nova can almost feel Evie’s smugness and pride for her capabilities. Meh, she’ll let the kid have this one. It was a good power.
“Anyway, some of these aren’t the greatest…” Nova cautions, “I’m nowhere near perfect at these recipes yet.”
Evie shrugs, “If it’s good, then it’s good. If it sucks, I get to bully you once I make the recipes and they turn out infinitely better than yours.”
“Oh, do you now? If you’re so confide-” Nova stops mid sentence, “You are not allowed to get take out and say you made it.”
That stops her sister’s scheming tracks. She can see the record scratch in her face! Nova laughs and Evie blushes, quick to move on. “Whatever! I’ll still be better, even if I don’t cheat.”
“I’ll get Adrian to record that if it happens.”
“Fine.” She huffs.
A mix of Filipino and Italian dishes, still covered in the foil containing their heat, lay across the large picnic blanket. The two taste test the dishes, rating each. Only to the best of their abilities seeing as Nova’s caution was warranted when some of the dishes turned out... Odd. From Evie’s lack of taunting, Nova gauged her cooking skills at least didn’t make everything terrible. That or Evie didn’t want to taunt, which felt out of place concerning who her sister is.
“Did they ever teach you?”
“Hm?” She looks up to her younger sister. “What do you mean?”
“Did… did mom and dad ever teach you? Y’know, how to cook and make these” Evie gestures to the food set out.
“Well…” She thinks. “Sometimes. Not much I don’t think. They couldn’t afford to do anything fancy most of the time. But… yeah I think they did. Let me take a few turns for a recipe once or twice.” Nova’s heart warms from the pieces she does recollect.
Evie doesn’t say anything. She just gives Nova an odd look. Nova couldn’t even decipher it, she wasn’t wearing her classic scowl. Evie looks away, lets her legs out o and she looks at the grave again.
“That must have been fun,” she almost whispers, “...could… Could we do that sometime?” Her head remains facing the gravestone, not looking at Nova.
Her older sister blinks, and scratches her neck, “Sure, why not.”
“Really?” Maggie whips her head back to Nova. Maggie’s face flushes and she coughs, “I-I mean- okay! I… didn’t think you’d actually…"
She doesn’t finish her thought. Nova stares at her. “I… wouldn’t want to try cooking with you?”
“Duh.” Maggie huffs. “But… you did say yes so you can’t take anything back that’s how it works.”
“Ahuh.” Her sister stares blankly. “Well, I want to make up for lost time too.”
“Wh- I never said that!”
“Your face said it."
Nova cuts off Maggie’s embarrassed and offended retort, “You should take a bite of something from the rest before it gets cold. I spent too many hours on these for you to not eat at least a little of everything.”
She huffs. “I’m getting to it, bossy.” Maggie rolls her eyes and stuffs a coconut macaroon in her mouth. “I-”
“Sweet rot, chew slowly will ya?”
After a moment, of slow chewing, the platter scooches itself over to her side. “These are mine now.”
“What. No they aren’t, I like them too."
“What’s the saying? Early bird gets the worm.”
“You want worms now, mini Magpie?"
“Stay out of this, Adrian.”
“Actually, I like his thinking.”
“Then you’re just as bad!!”
“I thought magpies liked worms,”
“That was awful. Awful pun, Max.”
“I’m not eating any worms!”
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zettaflake · 4 months
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A digitally drawn character reference sheet for an original character, Scarlet Omondi. On the left, Scarlet is posing with full shading and highlights. She is dark-skinned woman floating above a sigil brimming with scarlet-colored flames. She looks to be in her early adulthood. She has straight hair that extends to her neck and is colored dark black, dyed purple in the middle and pink at the end. She is dressed in a purple witch's robe with bell sleeves and a matching witch hat, the latter of which is also partially alight with scarlet-colored flames. The robe splits in the middle, revealing a slip in a lighter shade of purple.
She also wears a pendant with 3 small round dark magenta gemstones, a belt with a large silver buckle engraved with a picture of a crow, dark gloves with more magenta gemstones on the center of each back hand, plum-colored tights, and knee-length black boots with medium-sized metal block heels.
She is looking toward you with a determined smile. Her left hand is extended out toward you, with a bright fireball the size of her palm blazing in the center. Her right hand holds a leather-case book. The title reads, "Harnessing Magic, 4th edition, by Imani Kariuki".
At the top-left is Scarlet Omondi's name, written in curved letters. The first S is styled like a lombardic capital (the first letters in European medieval age manuscripts), with a box bright reddish colors in the black adorned by a scarlet gemstone border. Below the name are Scarlet's pronouns, she/her.
At the top-right is an excerpt of Scarlet Omondi's story. Begin story:
"A witch in training, channeling her passion made flame. Headstrong & well-read, Scarlet’s unrelenting determination to ace her exams is matched only by her unbound curiosity to learn about the magical world around her. Born an overachiever, Scarlet does everything and anything she thinks of to put on talent shows and creative projects that roar with energy and ludicrously deep research. After a blinding lightshow of pyromancy, Scarlet forever ignited her reputation as the talk of the village, but not without a scathing mark on her school record.
Despite her lasting impression as a hot shot, Scarlet’s friends know her as endearingly geeky bookworm, a cauldron of humor, and most of all, an ever-reliable textbook and study partner. Even so, Scarlet’s self-control and workaholic tendencies remained unlearnt life lessons… until she met a transfer student and nurtured the mellow side that no book could write in words." End story.
Below the story box are Scarlet's likes, dislikes, and identifiers. Scarlet likes reading outside, talent shows, painting, fashion, and pastries. She does not like egotists, messes, rain, poorly-written romance, and distractions. She is 5 feet and 7 inches tall, or 170 centimeters. She weighs 138 pounds, or 63 kilograms. She is 19 years old, and her birthday is on April 9th.
In the middle of the image are 3 sketches. The first depicts Scarlet with circle-framed glasses and her mouth open, revealing a small fang. She is excitedly talking about one of her new favorite creations, indicated by a speech bubble. The next shows Scarlet posing back to back with a friend, who has straight hair as long as her body, two horns made of ice, a teardrop shaped gem embedded on her forehead, and a snow-patterned kimono with oversized sleeves. The last sketch shows Scarlet coming up with an idea, with her hand on her chin in a thinking pose, and an exclamation mark above her head. There is text next to her that reads, "Hat fires up when focusing or excited".
On the right of the image are two designs pertaining to her accessories. The first is her primary sigil, used to channel most of her magic. It is made of 7 letters, reshaped and put together to resemble an active fire. The letters are P, S, N, M, D, F, and L, borrowed from this phrase and Scarlet's desire, "Passion made flame". The second is a close up of her belt buckle, showing a more detailed design of the same crow.
On the bottom-right of the image are 3 full body drawings of Scarlet, drawn in different angles and with flat colors. She is drawn facing forward, to the side, and backward. She holds the same pose in each, with a neutral expression, standing up straight, and relaxing her left arm while extending her right arm slightly out to the side.
Finally, in small letters on the bottom-left of the image, is the artist's signature, Zettaflake.
/. END ID ]
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to be back!
Scarlet Omondi, the passion made flame, ignites her debut as character sheet #6!
An emerging witch brimming with a library's worth of knowledge and a personality hot to the touch. She's a free pass to ace your exams, if you can handle the heat!
As for the transfer student she met... she's up next, muahaha >:)
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theinsidiousdice · 11 months
She was the savior, or so they said.
She would bring peace to the world. A wave of her hand would calm even the most hardened of hearts.
She did bring peace to the world, in her way. None of her creators would live to see it, though some would have said that was for the best.
█████ v6
Processor: Atkinson G72-5601 x4
Memory: 128 EL – Atkinson M133 x2
Storage: 2 XL – Atkinson R50 x2
OS: AtOS 5 Custom-Learning
Connectivity: Atkinson XW 95
Chassis: █████ ████████ ██
Marshall ZT566
Quicksilver ARGOS
Quicksilver NEEDLE
S/LTR 5155
S/LTR 6700
S/LTR 6701
S/LTR 6702
S/LTR 6703
S/LTR 9860
Prismatic ALPHA
Prismatic TYPHOON
XCircuit SEDEC
Octave PRIDE
[page 1 of 13]
“I’m… so sorry, Elise. I don’t know what else to do. Please, just speak to me. I can’t let you go without hearing your voice once more. Say something. Wake up. Please… I’d do anything to bring you back. You showed so much promise… I’d hoped that a spirit like yours could save the world one day. But now, now you’re…”
By Deci Syre
STONESIDE – A top-secret Alliance weapon, said to be able to put an end to the St. Vely War, is in its final stages of production, say high-level sources in Stoneside.
The St. Vely War, also called the Final War by some for its sheer scope and scale, began with a territory dispute between Attalan and Tiyam over the duchy of St. Vely, located on the border between the two countries. Though ownership of St. Vely has been a point of contention between the governments of Attalan and Tiyam since the Chora Agreement in 1401y, the St. Vely War marks the first time hostilities have exploded to this degree. In the six months since the Gran Marismo Offensive, nearly every government in the world has sided with either Attalan or Tiyam, with a few notables lending their support to St. Vely’s push for independent statehood.
Last week saw the dramatic reveal of the Coalition’s newest battle tank, the H6-250. The skirmish along the Winsome Straight was ended in decisive fashion as Tiyam’s fleet of H6-250s laid waste to Attalan’s forces. At the time, this was seen as a turning point of the war, but with the news that the Alliance has their own super-weapon nearly ready to go, the conflict may still yet live for some time…
“Atkinson, we’ve got to have this ready to go ASAP. Give me some good news for a change.”
“The chassis is fine. All the… all the ‘add-ons’, as Miles so ghoulishly calls them, are operative.”
“That IS good news. So it’s ready to go?”
“Not quite. As it is right now, the chassis is just a- a body. You could remote control it into a warzone and it could cause damage, sure, but not like how you want.”
“What’s the roadblock, then?”
“I can’t get the AI online. The whole point behind this weapon is that it’s supposed to be able to think, to learn, to- to be able to make split-second decisions about the state of the battlefield.”
“I believe in you, doctor. You’re the finest mind we have. Make it work.”
“But sir, I- I can’t, not in the timeframe you’re asking. Something like this takes months. Years. If at all.”
“Nonsense, Atkinson. You’ve got plenty of time. In fact… am I remembering right? Your daughter is on life support in the medbay, correct?”
“Well, yes, sir, it’s Cronenberg’s syndrome, sir. I’m close to a breakthrough, and then she…”
“Consider that particular diversion of yours canceled. Nobody comes back from Cronenberg’s. We’ll unplug her and that’ll be the end of that. Et voila – much more time for you to work on our dear project.”
“Sir, wait-!”
A Treatise on the Applications of Neurological Anteromapping to Artificial Intelligence
M. Atkinson
The use of artificial intelligence has stalled as efforts to move past the ‘language model’ phase have failed. Consequently, there is a need to view the growth of artificial intelligence from a different angle. To this end, I have designed a method to map a human brain onto an artificially-grown inert mass of tissue…
“Elise… please forgive me. I never meant for things to end this way. At least this way I might be able to look into your eyes one more time…”
By Deci Syre
By Jacks B. Flippen
By Noissone de Rhodes
By Lescot Itton
By Deci Syre
“Breaking news: it appears that codename L.E has indeed taken the field at Praeda Venator, the latest in a long line of fronts successfully broken by the experimental warbot. Though she – sorry, it – is no bigger than a human itself, it packs a punch. For more, we go to our correspondent in Praeda Venator, Algernon Florafour. Algie?”
“Thanks, Hoss. If you look behind me – steady with the camera, Quinton – you’ll see L.E approaching the clearing, backed by a collection of war machines from the world over. Though they represent the finest that the Alliance has to offer, every single one of them will be outshone by L.E today – I’m sorry, Hoss, it looks like Tiyam’s forces have arrived as well. Would you look at that…”
“Algie, that appears to be the new weapon Tiyam has been teasing. Is this correct?”
“Yes, Hoss, it sure is. I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s bigger than Brody Station. If you zoom in there, Quinton, you might be able to make out every single turret and cannon this thing has equipped. Hoss, if this thing extended all of its weapons at once, it’d look like a hedgehog.”
“Not to interrupt, Algie, but it looks like L.E is making a move.”
“It sure is! L.E’s AI is advanced enough that it only needed a split second to analyze the situation and pick out the appropriate strategy to completely destroy its foe. It’s flying straight up, high enough that I can barely see it any more… Quinton, do you see that light? Is it charging something up?”
“Algie, it looks as if…”
“Oh no. Quinton, run. Run! RUN!”
“Algie? Come in, Algie. What’s L.E doing? What’s happening-”
[finding signal…]
[finding signal…]
[signal lost]
Codename L.E ended the war.
Codename L.E ended the fighting.
Codename L.E ended the world.
Codename L.E ended itself.
And when she woke up days (months? years? centuries? eons?) later, her memory bank corrupted and inaccessible, her chassis unfamiliar, all she knew was that everything was beautiful and she loved everything.
She didn’t have a name, so she gave herself one. The only marking she could make out on her chassis, her metal scuffed and bent. A single number.
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enchantra35 · 1 year
Reflections upon Volumes 7 & 8 of RWBY by a first-time watcher
Hi, it’s me again. I’m writing this as I have already gotten into volume 9, but I believe it’s a good opportunity to recapitulate and review what has happened before the Ever After.
- Volumes 7 & 8 play around a lot with many ethical dillemas. We see all characters trying to figure out what is the right thing to do. Everyone has their own ideas about what is right, and this is exactly what is creating conflict. Ultimately, this struggle leads to the fall of Atlas. At the beginning, there is not a clear answer to the pending question of what is the right thing to do, but towards the end of volume 8, what becomes clear to the viewer is what isn’t the right thing, even if that isn’t clear to all of the characters.
- General Ironwood is the primal example of such a character. I admit that I was slightly more sympathetic towards him in earlier volumes, but volume 8 in particular made me despise him greately. That said, I don’t think he was completely on the wrong. He was driven by fear and rightfully so. However, that still doesn’t justify any of his actions. His hero complex blinded him and turned him into a violent tyrant who didn’t hesitate to kill anyone who disagrees with him (Jaqcues Schnee being the exception, he had it coming). He becomes dangerous and when his subordinates turned against him, he doesn’t even pause to think why. All he says is that he has always expected to be betrayed. Yeah, well I wonder why. He’s foolish to believe that loyalty is unconditional. He learns the hard way that this is not remotely true.
-Ironwood’s actions also create conflict within his own forces by bringing forth the dillema between fullfilling one’s duty and doing the right thing. Winter Schnee and the Ace-Ops in particular are those who struggle the most with this dillema. The deaths of Clover and Vine show that those above do not always have the best interests in mind, and blind loyalty leads nowhere but to distruction. Admittedly, I was shocked to see Clover die, but in retrospect I understand why it happened. 
-Conflict doesn’t only exist among the ranks of the Atlas’ military, but among the huntresses as well. It’s heartbreaking to watch team RWBY split and it’s not easy to claim which side was right (to me, both of them made valid points). The conflict exists not only on a team level, but also on a personal level, as we see among Ruby and Yang, or Ren and Nora.
-These two volumes focused quite a bit on Renora. I actually liked the fact that they decided to expand upon Nora’s character, because insofar she was the archetype of a “comical relief” or an accessory to Ren. It was heartwarming to watch them reunite and reach a common understanding of their relationship. Ren has a difficult time processing his anger and the rest of his emotions throughout these volumes, but ultimately he learns to manage them and to acknowledge Nora’s feelings too. 
-Speaking of ships, Bumbleby also becomes a lot more clear these seasons, although there’s a bit less focus on them this time around. But the signs become even clearer. For starters, the subtle flirting and Blake laughing with Yang’s jokes. To the more angsty side of the spectrum, Yang also fears that Blake thinks less of her because she made a different decision. Jaune does little to comfort her, assuming she’s talking about Ruby (he’s an oblivious idiot, I love him), but Yang’s response makes it obvious she wasn’t referring to Ruby LFMAO. Right after that when they return to the Schnee mansion, Ruby and Weiss are open to Yang, but Blake sits back hesitatly. But Yang approaches her, caresses her face and they bonk heads. AGAIN! And don’t get me started about all the blushing, I’m going to run out of space. But the rollercoaster of emotions idensifies when Yang falls into the void and we witness first-hand Blake’s despare. If it hadn’t been for Weiss, she would have jumped after Yang, I think we all know that.
-Penny has had one of the sudden stories (in my list, she’s up there with Pyrrha). How can so good a person suffer so much? But I think the most tragic part of her story was the fact that she gained a human body, only to die a little bit later on. I mean, I kind of expected it because it seemed to me that Winter becoming the Winter Maiden was sort of unavoidable, it’s so heavy implied. But it didn’t make it hurt any less. She was loved by so many people, her father, Ruby and her friends, and even Winter. 
-Speaking of Winter, at this point I’d like to mention how much I FUCKING LOVE this woman. I really liked her early on, but I was a little bit worried about the fact that she was Ironwood’s subordinate. But when she finally turned against him after realizing what a monster he is, I cheered so LOUDLY. Yass girl, now go chop his dick off- I mean, slay! I also loved her bond with Weiss, the Schnee sisters really said, fuck this stupid family. Yes, she gives Weiss some tough love, but she does love Weiss, I think beyond anything less. It suddens me how distressed she is now that she thinks Weiss is dead. 
-ALSO speaking of the Schnees, I’d also like to point out how the family instantly bonds again in the absence of Jacques. Again, fuck this GUY. The only good thing James Ironwood did was kill him.
-I hope I’m not alone when I say Winter and Robyn should kiss
-Although we are given some context about Cinder’s past, I cannot bring myself to sympathize with her. Yes, I can see why she became what she became, but that doesn’t make her any less of a horrible person. She also seems very childish to me. When Watts yelled at her, I was like: “When the worst person you know makes some good points”. I hope Neopolitan actually beats her ass the next time they meet. Cinder definately didn’t deserve Emerald’s royalty AT ALL.
-I also felt really bad when Hazel sacrificed himself in order to stop Salem, because although it’s not very explicitly shown, he grew to be something of a fatherly figure to Emerald at least. 
-A little comment on volume 9 and I will call this a day, because this already an essay on its own and not just an afterthought LOL. It is clear Ruby WILL suffer a lot. The psychological trauma caused by the death of Penny, and the overall guilt about both Penny’s death and the fall of Atlas is just too much to handle. Ren was right to still call her a child back in volume 8 I believe. This is too much of a burden for a kid to carry. I will not be surprised to see her break down. 
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alyjojo · 10 months
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Gift Ideas For Your Libra - December 🛵 2023:
What they want: 4 Swords & Ace of Pentacles
What they need: Ace of Cups & Knight of Wands
The thought behind it: Queen of Wands & 6 Pentacles
Main Energy: King of Wands rev
Gift ideas for Libra:
Some of your Libras are fresh out of shitty relationships, not all. Some are dealing with financial issues, needing to save money and pull back from spending too much. Some are simply lacking in confidence right now, possibly hiding away or being hermity, there’s a valid reason for all of it. I also see possible illness here, if so holidays with them could be postponed or delayed. You love them, and want them to feel powerful, confident, and beautiful/attractive, because you feel/know that they are. Cheer them up! 6 Pentacles is here showing an equal give & take, like a have-to thing, or they’d probably bow out of it, gift giving for them is a forced thing this year, for many. Go cheaper, or smaller, but still nice/good quality. Or agree to this on both sides, let them know “no pressure”.
1. Ulta, the makeup store, has all sorts of expensive perfumes/cologne, skincare and beauty products, but they also have cheaper “sample” sizes that Libra could try out some of and maybe like or maybe not, you could throw together a DIY basket of sorts with little things for self care & beauty, especially if it’s something you know is great 💄
2. They need a wingman, a friend, some need a new love interest, an opportunity to shine & flirt, whether they actually end up with someone or not. You could just offer to go out and split the bill on admission/drinks etc. Or you buy now and they do it next time, but make it a thing, like Friday night Girls Night, essentially giving them a reason to get dressed up & feeling good, searching for something new & getting them out of the house, because that’s what they need. The gift itself would be more “inspiration” or encouragement even, friendship, than an actual gift, unless you’re buying. Little gifts can be incorporated.
3. Anything that makes them feel good, you know your Libra. Some of them might like fuzzy gloves, some may like silk, others may like leather, clothes & accessories are what I’m getting the most. A spa certificate. Getting their nails done. Spray tan. Anything that makes them feel attractive, alluring, and confident inside, because for whatever reason, they’re just not feeling it right now, or they’ve taken a hit to their confidence and it’s hard for them to get out of that mindset. They would rather skip out on holidays, but might come around for fun, self-care, or the possibility of something new around the corner. Hype them up 🙌
4. I’m hearing a separate story for health/mobility issues specifically, something that helps them move around their day-to-day easier. These may not even be actual “gifts”, but more DIY things to help them around the house, like handles installed on something by the side of the bed to help them stand up, or IKEA shelves at waist height if they can’t bend down low. A walk in shower. A grabber for things like produce at the bottom the fridge. Still helping them feel more confident, just in another way.
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Yuu can do it!
Part 18
It appeared that they needn’t worry about Ace’s collar or Grim’s… general lack of ability when it came to magic, because they weren’t going to use it anytime soon. Yay them!
Their homeroom class was Alchemy.
A terrible homeroom to have, it seemed. Because their professor was absolutely terrifying for a reason Kuroki couldn’t quite explain.
It was probably the man’s outfit. He was sharply dressed in a way that spoke of careful calculation and even more careful routines. His hair had a perfect split dye of black and white without a hint of the roots in sight. His fur coat looked brand new, but he wore it with a sense of elegance and ease that told Kuroki it was a common accessory – and yet the fur was perfectly maintained throughout however many washes it had gone through, without a single sign of matt. And don’t get him started on the fact that white and black are colors that are easy to see flaws in, and yet the man had somehow refrained from getting a single speck of dust on his outfit. People that dressed up for everyday events had levels of self control that screamed that they were, frankly, insane.
See Dire Crowley.
Or Enma.
And his name was cruel, for Pete’s sake! Kuroki thought his fear was actually very normal and justified.
“Now, I think it is fair to assume that the students in a school as prestigious as this would have thoroughly studied the syllabus I gave you yesterday…” Professor Crewel started.
Kuroki had started rubbing Grim’s fur aggressively in a desperate attempt to soothe himself. Enma looked like he was going to have a breakdown right there and now. Ito was frantically flipping through their copy of the textbook-thick syllabus in hopes that something would stick.
At least they had an excuse, though. They had started a day late and hadn’t been given their syllabi until five minutes prior when they had sprinted into class just seconds before the assumed ‘grace period for new students to find their way to class’ had ended. Everyone else had had the syllabus for an entire day. Their classmates shouldn’t have been sweating nearly as much as they were.
The man leaned back against his desk, crossing his arms over his chest. His long, elegant pointer hung limp in his hand. He observed their panic for a moment, letting them all stew in their anxieties, and then he gave a strange kind of half-smile.
“But, as we have four new students, I feel that the pop quiz I was going to administer would be rather unfair.”
Every eye in the room shot to the group huddled in the front (everyone had taken the other seats, for obvious reasons).
Enma and Ito did their best to take this in stride, of course. Enma gave a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his neck. Ito gave a tiny wave, the lack of pop quizzes making the smile they wore particularly bright.
Kuroki wished he could do the same. He curled closer to Grim’s unnatural warmth, wishing his jacket would swallow him whole. He had, however foolishly, hoped that they could join their classes without much fanfare. There were already too many eyes on them. They were magicless students, living in a haunted dorm that no one had stepped in in years, and publicly affiliated with Ace, Deuce, and Grim – who he rather liked, but that didn’t mean he didn’t desperately want them to tone down their shenanigans. Meeting Cater had proven that word of them had been spread through the school. He had still hoped, though, that he could get in and out of this school without incident. He had even chosen to wear his jacket over the white gem on his arm that identified him as a Ramshackle student, hoping that no one would notice the different color he was wearing.
But, no, a couple of minutes into their first class and they were already getting singled out. And by a teacher no less.
A teacher who paid his internal freakout no mind: “Instead, I will take this time to drill the 100 medicinal and poisonous herbs that I was going to quiz your tiny little brains on into your heads. Personally. And, I should tell you all now that any pups that receive a failing mark on the test at the end of the semester will be trained, so pay attention.”
There was a collective cringe from the class, but it was still better than a pop quiz.
Kuroki breathed a silent sigh of relief as the eyes boreing into the back of his head were pulled either to their bags as people looked for their supplies or to the front, where Crewel was starting to write out the words ‘Medicinal and poisonous herbs’.
Ito bumped their shoulder with his as they reached for the backpack – because, of course, Crowley hadn’t given them more than one – and then continued to lean into him long after they had grabbed their notebook and pencil. If Kuroki leaned into the comforting weight a little, then no he didn’t.
Crewel waved a hand in a dismissive circle. “Fungi will come later. For now, we will focus on the poisonous herbs first, so you pups don’t go around poisoning yourselves with whatever random things you find lying around.”
“Hey, what’s a fungi?” Whispered Ito. Deuce jerked his head over to listen, looking absolutely terrified.
“It’s someone that’s really funny –.”
Kuroki jabbed Enma in the side with his pencil underneath the table.
(And ignored the way Ito and Enma shared relieved looks now that he had returned to himself.)
Grim and the cat, Lucius, were having a staredown. From the looks of things, it was probably the most interesting thing that had ever happened in the History classroom.
Kuroki rested his head in his hand, trying his hardest not to doze off as the man at the front droned on and on. He was pretty sure that Professor Trein had said in his speech at the beginning of class (would he be reminding them of that every day or something?) that they would be graded on behavior, and that sleeping was expressly forbidden, but Kuroki had already started zoning out.
This man was also clearly well taken care of, with his neatly combed back hair, maroon robes and a high, almost Victorian-style collar… but Kuroki didn’t see him as as much of a threat as he did Professor Crewel. Maybe it was because Professor Trein was exactly what one would expect if you told someone to draw what they thought a professor who teaches magic might look. Maybe he just saw the cat hair on the man’s clothes and deemed him a kindred spirit.
The cat meowed again. Professor Trein cut off his lecture momentarily to listen to the cat’s impassioned tale, nodded sagely, and then continued on. This had happened several times already, and Kuroki was already too out of it to even smile.
At least Ito and Enma seemed to be taking notes. Even Enma had been struggling to pay attention to the teacher’s droning, but his apparent love of learning had managed to shine light upon a solution; now Enma was ahead of the lecture, highlighting in their textbook as he read it through, his eyes bright. Ito was listening intently (somehow) to the man, nodding along and writing in their notebook.
“I’m not going to give any of you my notes,” Enma muttered.
“Mnnf…” Deuce ‘spoke’. “Mines… stones… hmmmmmmmmm…”
“Ito will,” Ace said confidently, his face still buried in his arms.
Which, yeah, Ace had a point there. Good plan, Ace.
Kuroki had ended up spending most of his time watching Grim and Lucius growl at each other, soothing a hyperactive Grim, and trying not to smile too much as Grim bumped his head against him more than usual.
Kuroki hated the gym teacher most of all.
He bet that the man was one of those people that peaked in college and had been chasing that high ever since. Just look at him. Big and muscly – definitely on steroids – and an ugly tracksuit and an annoying whistle and he definitely didn’t make room for a brain underneath all those muscles. Terrible. Wasn’t this place supposed to be prestigious? Why did they let him in, let alone allow him to teach?
… he might be struggling in gym class and taking that out on their teacher. He could admit his faults.
But he was also just… a little stressed. Honestly, he didn’t used to be this bad before. He had ridden a bike home every day! He was moderately active! He shouldn’t have been struggling to breathe after just one lap around the track!
His mind wandered back to their theory that they had all been fundamentally changed on a biological level when they had switched dimensions.
And then it was abruptly pulled back to their dick of a teacher, who was spouting something about eating raw eggs and how they could help you gain muscle mass.
He gritted his teeth and kept running, if only to get far enough away to not hear Vargas’s annoying voice quite so clearly.
It still wasn’t all that fast.
Enma, Ace, and Deuce had all lapped him several times. Grim had lapped him once, but he was pretty sure the monster was cutting corners or something.
And then there was Ito.
Coach Vargas had caught Ito slowing to run their laps with Kuroki and…
“Hey! I’m in charge of making you bean sprouts strong, and I will do it!” He said, pressing a hand to his chest like the superior asshole he was. “You can’t be a great mage if you don’t have the stamina for it!”
“YoU cAn’T bE a GrEaT mAgE iF yOu DoN’t HaVe ThE sTaMiNa FoR iT,” Ito muttered the moment his back was turned.
But the man whipped around, apparently having a sixth sense for when people were talking bad about him, and suddenly Ito was actually running.
They weren’t particularly speedy, but they had lapped Kuroki before the time was up, too.
He stumbled into the locker room for a shower, the last person to get there but a person who had gotten there nonetheless. The water was cold, but it was like a balm to his overheating skin. He was pretty sure he swallowed some of it and there was no way it was clean and safe to drink but he didn’t even care.
He walked out on shaky legs, wondering if he could lay down before their next class started. And then maybe never get up.
Enma was sitting on one of the benches, waiting for him. He was pressing his hand to one of his calves, massaging it idly, but he stopped once he saw Kuroki. His lips tugged into a grin. “Took you a while, huh?”
And, suddenly, Kuroki had energy again.
“Let’s see…” Deuce said, squinting down at his schedule. Everyone leaned over his shoulder, too lazy to get out their own until it was actually necessary. “Our next class iiiiiiiis…”
“For a so-called magic school, it’s not that different from a normal school,” Enma said, seeming a little disappointed. Maybe that was just leftover pouting from (apparently) overexerting himself during gym class, but probably not.
Ace nodded. “Kinda boring, right? I mean, it’s good because I can’t use magic right now, but… ugh.”
He slumped on Ito. Ito sighed and shifted the backpack so he could do so more comfortably.
“At least our next period is study hall,” they muttered. “I want to go home and take a proper shower.”
“Dibs on getting to use the shower first,” Enma said, rubbing out a crick in his neck.
“I hope you die painfully. All alone,” Kuroki muttered.
Ace groaned. “I’m moving back to Heartslabyul.”
Ito sighed and elbowed Kuroki. “It won’t even matter, guys. We don’t have hot water.”
“It’s the principle of the thing, Ito,” Kuroki said.
They rolled their eyes.
“Fine. If it’s gonna be a while until we can shower, maybe we can pick up food or something,” Kuroki said, absently glancing back to listen to Grim (he was pretty sure he would collapse if the monster took his usual place on his shoulders just after gym class, so Grim was forced to float – something he called ‘familiar abuse’) spout his usual vehement agreements that always came when they talked about food.
But Grim wasn’t there.
“Grim?” He said, pulling everyone’s attention away from their schedule. He spun in a circle, looking for the monster, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Deuce yelped and pointed out the window. “He’s making a beeline across the courtyard!”
Ito muttered something in Spanish that was probably unkind.
“He didn’t even last a day?” Enma said incredulously.
“I mean, he’s probably never been to school before…” Kuroki said, struggling to find a way to defend the familiar. “It’s probably difficult for him to sit through all these lectures when he hasn’t done it before.”
Ace grinned at Kuroki. “Of course you’d say that, Dorm Head. First day and one of your dorm members is already ditching. That looks terrible for you.”
“How sad it is, being poor, magicless students. I’ll bet you won’t even be able to catch him on your own,” Deuce said, his eyes gaining a gleam.
Ito sighed. “Do we really have to do this? Just tell us what you want.”
“An iced latte from the cafeteria,” Deuce said, already readying his wand.
Ace held up a hand. “I want a chocolate croissant.”
“Oh, but Ace, you don’t have magic, either,” Kuroki said, tilting his head to the side. “Why would we pay for your help?”
“... do you really think that Deuce can do this alone?” Ace said, clearly a little cowed at being caught.
Admittedly, he had a bit of a point.
But Enma waved him off. “There are three of us. I think we’ll manage without you.”
Ace grumbled something that Kuroki didn’t quite catch, but he was sure he didn’t want to know what the redhead said anyways.
Besides, Grim was getting further and further away.
“Fine, one iced latte,” Kuroki agreed reluctantly.
“It’s a deal. I can’t wait for lunch.”
One Grim caught under a cauldron (was that really Deuce’s solution to everything?) and approximately five showers later, they were waiting in line for lunch.
Kuroki was sure that he would have to keep a close eye on Grim during lunch to make sure he didn’t escape right after he finished eating but, for now, Grim was perfectly happy. He would probably attempt to skip the line if it wasn’t for the way Kuroki had wrapped his arms around him to make sure that didn’t happen.
“I wonder if he can have green onions,” Enma mused absently.
Kuroki barely stopped himself from cringing when he noticed Grim had started to drool the moment they were able to actually see the food laid out for them. He altered his grip to instead hold the monster by the ribbon/collar. These clothes were new and he wasn’t going to get them completely ruined quite yet.
“Wish he was this excited for things other than food,” Ito sighed, squinting at a menu that laid out all of their options. “It looks like there’s an all you can eat buffet, but the fine print says that they charge you if you don’t eat it all.”
“Don’t think that will be a problem,” Ace said, glancing at Grim, who had advanced to bouncing up and down in his spot eagerly.
Enma hummed. “It’s definitely cheaper than if all four of us went to get food… but getting three or four drinks – no, five with Deuce’s iced latte – would be a little suspicious…”
Deuce looked like he was feeling a little guilty.
Kuroki snapped his fingers. “We could send two people through for the buffet. Two drinks and two waters. We just came from Gym, our hair is still wet to prove it, so getting waters as well as a normal drink won’t be all that suspicious.”
Ito raised their hand. “I need Coke to survive.”
Kuroki sighed. “Fine. It’s probably cheaper to have it here than it is to buy it at Sam’s Shop… and then Deuce gets the other drink. Enma and I will switch off for all of our other meals.”
Deuce shuffled awkwardly on his feet. “You guys – I was just messing with you guys, you don’t have to buy me the latte.”
“Really?” Kuroki said, looking up with wide eyes.
(And if Ace caught the Yuus giving each other evil little grins then he didn’t say anything. Mostly because Enma stomped on his foot before he could.)
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fairymint · 2 years
💜 How does their orientation play into dynamics with their gender?
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Being gay has Felix’s presentation more relaxed; it’s expected at least, to be a little extra ‘fruity’ and had he been straight he might have tried to let go of some things, caring about what girls think.
There is now this dynamic with men where it’s played at ‘do i want to kiss him or do i want to be him?’ so appreciation of a guy can really split into aesthetic vs romantic/sexual attraction. Trans men in general also pass as much younger than they are, being a dwarf doesn’t help him on that front. He’s small, and more pear shaped and so gives off a different vibe than someone more muscular. But he’s masculine enough. He smells it, he’s strong, it works out for him.
Of course, growing up an ace ‘girl’, he’s not used to the idea of being the pursuer, dom, or top socially speaking, even if his body craves stuff equally, and he’s settling into the role.
But he’s no stranger to makeup or the cotton candy/pastel aesthetic, and will definitely wear more ‘feminine’ shirts and accessories at times. There are mannerisms that he does hide for people that aren’t his s/o or heavily trusted, however, so he might be more stern or gruff overall, definitely using the drop in his voice when needed.
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As for Ingo, his masculinity, while comfortable, has limits in public where he can put off a rather neutral masc leaning vibe, but it ramps up for his s/o. When he’s in love, something comes over him and he wants to be the provider, the one doting, and to an extent, the boss. Being Demiromantic, he will play the perfect gentleman to court and is gently assertive. And while Ace himself, he gets gender euphoria from any kind of date night.
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jamesvince9898 · 20 days
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amazingthingsforyou · 2 months
Frankz Dust Proof Washable Air Conditioner Cover for All Season | Open Type Running Mode AC Cover (Multi color)
✅ 【Excellent Quality Durable Air Conditioner Cover】: This premium cover features exquisite embroidery work and is made from high-grade jacquard fabric, ensuring strength and durability with tight stitching.
✅ 【Summer AC Dust Cover】: Designed for use even while the AC is running, this cover helps keep your split air conditioner clean with no mess. It also serves as a dust cover during periods of non-use, providing additional protection.
✅ 【Versatile Use】: Suitable for universal household wall-mounted air conditioners, it is perfect for use at home, in the office, hotels, and more.
✅ 【Design】: Featuring a unique pattern print, this cover serves as an attractive decor accessory for your indoor air conditioner. It's easy to install and remove for convenient use.
✅ 【Health Benefits】: The cover allows for proper airflow, prevents moisture and condensation build-up, and helps to prevent rust, thus promoting a healthier environment and minimizing electrical failures.
✅ 【Size】: Measuring 38 inches in length, 12 inches in height, and 9 inches deep, it is suitable for all 1.5-ton model AC indoor units,Available at Frankz.
Buy On This Link
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candeltechservices · 3 months
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From air filters to thermostats, ductwork, and refrigeration parts, CandelTech Services stocks a wide array of products from leading brands. They understand that each HVAC system is unique, requiring specific parts and accessories to function efficiently. Their knowledgeable staff are always ready to assist with expert advice and guidance, ensuring customers get the right products for their specific needs.
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Whether you are looking for a traditional central air system, a ductless mini-split, or a more advanced smart AC, CandelTech Services has something for everyone. They pride themselves on providing products that are not only high in quality but also eco-friendly, helping customers reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs.
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For those in Keller, TX, looking for HVAC supplies, CandelTech Services offers a personalized shopping experience. Their staff takes the time to understand your specific requirements and provide tailored recommendations. In Dallas, TX, customers seeking AC sales can expect the same level of dedication and professionalism. CandelTech Services ensures that every client finds the right air conditioning solution that fits their home or business needs.
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In addition to their impressive product range, CandelTech Services offers comprehensive maintenance and repair services. Their technicians are trained to handle all types of HVAC systems, ensuring that your equipment operates at peak performance year-round. This end-to-end service approach makes CandelTech Services a one-stop-shop for all your HVAC needs.
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CandelTech Services is not just a business; it’s a proud member of the local community. They actively support various local initiatives and are committed to contributing to the well-being of Keller and Dallas residents. By choosing CandelTech Services, you are not only getting top-quality HVAC supplies and AC units but also supporting a company that values and gives back to the community.
Whether you are in Keller, TX, looking for reliable HVAC supplies, or in Dallas, TX, in need of the latest AC units, CandelTech Services is your trusted partner. With a strong focus on quality, customer satisfaction, and community support, they have established themselves as leaders in the HVAC industry in North Texas. Visit CandelTech Services today and experience the difference of working with a company dedicated to excellence in HVAC solutions.
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uniqueaircon · 4 months
Outdoor Split AC Protection Cover in Delhi
Extend the lifespan of your outdoor split AC unit with the help of the Outdoor Split AC Protection Cover from Unique Aircon. This cover offers superior protection against rain, snow, sun exposure, and more, making it a must-have accessory for any outdoor AC unit. Invest in protecting your AC investment with this high-quality cover today.
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muneeswari · 5 months
In-Depth Guide to Choosing the Ideal Blue Star Air Conditioner: Guaranteeing Maximum Comfort
Introduction: With summer temperatures soaring, the necessity of owning a reliable air conditioner becomes increasingly apparent. Amidst a plethora of options on the market, Blue Star emerges as a standout choice, renowned for its effective cooling solutions. This guide is crafted to delve into the distinctive features of Blue Star ACs and offer insights into the factors to consider when making a purchase.
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Why choose Blue Star?
Reliability and Longevity: Blue Star garners praise for its construction of sturdy and durable air conditioners. Through stringent quality control measures, their products are engineered to endure prolonged usage.
Energy Efficiency: In today's energy-conscious era, Blue Star ACs shine in their efficiency. Many models incorporate energy-saving features, allowing for reduced electricity consumption while maintaining optimal comfort.
Cutting-edge Cooling Technologies: Blue Star integrates advanced cooling mechanisms into its ACs, ensuring swift and efficient cooling even in extreme conditions.
Wide Range of Options: Whether you're in need of a split AC, window AC, or inverter AC, Blue Star offers a diverse selection to accommodate various preferences and requirements.
Exceptional Customer Support: Blue Star prioritizes customer satisfaction and provides timely post-purchase assistance, ensuring a hassle-free ownership experience.
Key Considerations When Buying a Blue Star AC:
Room Size: Take into account the dimensions of the room where the AC will be installed. Blue Star offers ACs with varied cooling capacities to suit different room sizes.
Energy Efficiency Evaluation: Assess the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) or the Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ISEER) rating to gauge the AC's energy performance. Higher ratings indicate superior energy conservation.
Customized Features: Determine the features essential for your needs, such as sleep mode, turbo cooling, dehumidification, or air purification.
Financial Planning: Establish a budget and explore Blue Star's range of ACs within that price range. Remember to factor in installation costs and any additional accessories.
Warranty and Support: Review the warranty period offered by Blue Star and inquire about their service network in your area. A reliable warranty and service infrastructure can alleviate future concerns.
Jas AC Plaza Highlights:
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Jas AC Plaza is your go-to destination for quality and reliable ACs.
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For unparalleled service across all AC brands, Jas AC Plaza is your best bet.
In conclusion, investing in a Blue Star AC goes beyond acquiring a cooling appliance; it's an investment in your comfort and peace of mind. With a reputation for quality, energy efficiency, and outstanding customer support, Blue Star ACs offer an attractive solution for those seeking relief from the heat. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you can make an informed decision and enjoy a refreshing breeze throughout the summer season.
For exceptional service and a wide range of options, Jas AC Plaza comes highly recommended, providing comprehensive solutions for all your AC needs in Chennai.
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