#spoon thoughts
raynewolferune · 2 months
DC x DP Prompt: Bruce is bad at emoting but at least ghosts are empathic (too bad bat kids are not)
Was reading Twincognito on AO3 when I stumbled across this gem again:
" “Danny, Tim. I was just…checking in. Is everything alright?” Curse his inability to make meaningful conversation when it wasn’t a life or death situation.
They glanced at each other and shrugged.
Then Danny hauled himself out of the bed and walked over to Bruce.
Bruce tried not to let too much excitement show on his face. "
Now I really want to read a story where Bruce adopts Danny post Meta trafficking and is being his usual emotionally constipated self. His kids keep getting mad at him because he's treating their new meta brother who was trafficked poorly (generally being stilted in conversation with him, walking away hurriedly mid-conversation, avoiding Danny when he's feeling really awkward, etc). They think Bruce is discriminating against Danny for being a civilian, meta, dealer's pick, but really it's just Bruce being horribly socially awkward. Danny knows this because of ghost empathy and find the whole thing hilarious. The whole thing comes to a head with the Bat Kids staging an intervention in the Bat Cave.
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thatadhdmood · 2 years
@nutmegan17 on tiktoks eating tray hack
By keeping a tray full of no prepare necessary food, in the fridge it can be used to aid neurodivergent or fatigued people.
By putting food like, cheese and crackers, or whatever is a safe food for you personally on the tray, it can be taken easily to the couch or bed to be eaten from whenever you are hungry.
This prevents executive dysfunction or fatigue and any reason preventing you from eating. You need to care of yourself because everyone needs food to stay alive including you.
You deserve to eat even when on a bad brain day and are unable to prepare a meal for yourself.
If not having a full meal doesn't satisfy you, a snack may even give you the energy to make a full meal afterwards!
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hussyknee · 1 year
my disabled ass, after (1)good day: "obviously I am cured. in fact it may have all been in my head. who can say? now to rejoin society!"
me, the next day: "it has come to my attention that i may be chronically ill."
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pretty-starboy · 7 months
I'm so tired I just want to cuddle with a boy and receive small kisses while being hold and my hair being played with. Mindlessly watching a movie.
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the-jennnster · 1 year
Something about the way bibliopunk/punk academia is treated on here Bugs Me and I think it can be best summed up as this:
You can't just throw the "punk" descriptor onto whatever you like and call it an aesthetic
Punk is not an aesthetic
Punk is a mindset, it's a philosophy-- it's a rebellion against societal systems
When I say bibliopunk, I don't mean sweater vests and old library photos and quotes from classics.
Bibliopunk, to me, a punk librarian, is about freedom of information. It's about making sure everyone and anyone can have the resources they need to learn, whatever that means for them. It's no late fees and fighting against censorship. It's defunding the police and funding community resource centers that specialize in making sure there's a place where people can go to ask for help, to read books on any subject they can think of, to connect with events and organizations that exist to help THEM. It's about making zines and learning how to bookbind, because fuck the idea that traditional publishing and Amazon are the only people that can make something a book.
Punk academia, which is used colloquially here, is related to this-- it's saying fuck the academic systems that keep out the poor, the people of color, and the disabled. Fuck your Ivy Leagues, education is whatever the hell you make it. College should be free, classes should be accessible WITHOUT being forced to give up all of your personal financial and health information, curriculums need to include as many varying perspectives as they can because fuck the idea that a cishet abled white man is the authority on any given topic.
Bibliopunk, punk academia, and any other Tumblr "aesthetic" with the punk descriptor is not just a moodboard of photos you stole from Pinterest.
Because what's more punk than a public library?
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A portal opens in the Wayne manor and Danny Fenton, Billy Batson and Bernard Dowd are launched across the mansions foyer in a mine cart, screaming for a few seconds before another portal opens up across the room and they zoom in. Destruction is left in thier wake.
The batkids are left trying to convince Bruce it really wasn't them this time.
Dont ask me how those three got stuck together or whats going on. I do not know. Appearently none of them have powers right now and can't escape thier wild portal based rollercoster ride. Where all are they launched through? Who all tries to stop the runaway minecart from hell? How did they meet in the first place?!
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madrevolting · 4 months
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(thinking really hard) um... ryou and yugi in those illuminati era outfits
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viarayy01-blog · 2 months
can you even imagine what loop felt when siffrin said they were going to kill themself just to get through everything faster. In all of their loops, they never found that as an alternative. As something to even consider. The countless hours to days to months to years that they spent in their loops, the agonizingly long and painful road to even beat the king at all, and they never took the chance. How must if feel to look at this other version of yourself who’s made it so much farther than you ever had, so much faster than you ever could have, and watch them tell you that its still not fast enough. that its too tedious to slowly freeze in time or slip on a banana peel. that they have better things to do and the act of dying is taking away their precious time. and then have no power to stop him no matter how much they tried. because to siffrin, what’s the difference? hes dying either way. its just that this is faster. and more self destructive. and more mortifying for his allies to watch happen. just a quick slice to the throat and then their on their merry way. but to loop, its just another step towards giving up. another step towards wishing for what they did, to turn into what they did. do you think about this. do youthingk about t his-
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Fun facts about Steven in your AU?
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My Steven Fun Facts/Headcanons!
This guy is tough as nails. His father is also endlessly proud of him, even gloating about him every chance he gets. He's everyones ideal pilot, able to do a few tricks in the air as well. He's the kind of hero that you'd hear about on the news landing a crashing plane safely or using his charisma to calm down a passenger freaking out and threatening a safe flight.
• Many people enjoy how kind he is to let the occasional passenger into the cockpit to experience what piloting a plane is like.
• He usually keeps to himself out of work, focused on keeping a healthy schedule of taking care of himself. He also often declines close relationships, as he gets busy often and feels as if he can't be there enough for a partner.
• He knows his way around many a gun, and sometimes hunts when he has time off. Most of what he hunts is shared amongst the apartment building as well.
• His tough exterior definitely harbors a soft interior. He shows a great deal of love for his father and helps him any time he needs it. Basically a gold star son. He is also great around kids.
• If the topic of "Who would you have on your team during a zombie apocalypse" ever arose from people in the apartment, most would call Steven. Most everyone knows how helpful he would be, as he's both a good shot and can handle himself in an up-close fist fight.
• He has a slight weakness for puns. They're a good out-of-pocket way to get him to at least smirk, huff, and shake his head. Bonus points if they're plane or pilot related. Dad jokes can sometimes work too.
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
Okay but why did Jaskier have two spoons in the prison in season two? Did the prison meal just... come with two spoons? Did he barter with a guard for a second one? Has he been there long enough to have multiple meals with multiple spoons??
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petorahs · 1 year
shuake works because it feels like akechi's the only one who listens to akira and prompts the otherwise quiet leader to talk.
in a game about defiant teens making their voice heard, goro akechi listens to akira's voice from the get-go. out of detective-sleuthing/work duties, sure, but over time it's clear that akechi genuinely finds akira interesting.
in fact, akechi's confidant route regardless of which game is being played starts with him deeming akira the antithesis to his thesis, a "worthwhile debate partner". akechi values joker's opinions.
its always nice to see people point out that in that one 3rd sem phone call with akechi, its the most involved akira's been in a conversation in-game. i myself remember inserting a lot more input during that story-sequence which usually i can put on autoplay otherwise. akechi, in a whole different reality, still seeks out joker's opinions on it. it's like he trusts no one but him.
and imo this gives a lot of character to akira. he talks the most with akechi. the quietest people have the most on their minds, and it shows with akira. but akira never gets a say in anything, and who would listen? he's less than a nobody in reality since society dictated that. so he pointedly made himself silent, hiding his thoughts beneath an impenetrable mask. during important story moments, akira favors doing more than saying. his teammates and confidants are all directly inspired by his actions over the course of the game.
but with akechi, it's different. actions seem to take a backseat as they continue with their verbal back-and-forth. in rank 7 of royal, they play pool while talking, but it's clear to the outsider that the focus is in the layered conversation they're having. they primarily talk everytime akechi's in the coffee shop, because they dont usually see eachother in their busy schedules. it's not just "hi, hello, how are you?" with them but "i find you and everything you stand for interesting. let's talk more."
there's something to be said about how two people with vastly different and opposing views seek eachother out to further discuss things instead of antagonizing eachother. its why maruki said "despite being enemies, your relationship was never based on hatred or ill will".
their relationship was never a one-sided thing. akechi helps joker as much as joker helps him... arguably more. he eggs joker on, shows him that he can do better. otherwise, the leader would remain stagnant and unchallenged. there is no progress where there is no thesis and-- you can finish the rest.
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autumnalal · 25 days
when i first got sick i am grateful to have had friends and family to support and check in on me. a month or two after i got sick i am grateful to have had some of my friends and family to support and check in on me. six months after i got sick i am grateful to have had a couple of close friends and my immediate family to support and check in on me. i suspect the pool of folks will shrink as time goes on. i think sympathy fatigue is a real thing and at some point, when you stay sick or don't get better, people get tired of it. not of you, but of your sickness. i understand––most people want to help, and there aren't a lot of ways the able-bodied population can think of helping the chronically ill like they can with the acutely ill. it's hard to wish someone to get well soon over and over and when you ask them, they tell you that they haven't gotten better, but appreciate the well wishes. chronic illness is so different from acute illness. what i'm trying to say is, if you know someone who's been battling an illness longer than what is typical, it's perfectly okay to say things like, "hey, i just wanted to check in," rather than, "are you better yet?!" or "i wanted to invite you to [insert event], hope you're feeling good!" or even worse... complete silence. please don't forget we still exist. even though we can't get out of the house much, we still need (and often crave) human interaction. and it wouldn't hurt to ask if you could visit (if you're healthy), bring some food by (if they'd like), pickup groceries (if they need them), help with transportation (if they can't drive), etc.
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risetherivermoon · 7 months
darryl has kissed a man repeatedly, felt love for the first time when he did it, and french kissed another man while "arguing" about oil, and they want me to believe that man is straight
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whatever-with-n1cole · 3 months
I RECENTLY GOT MY WELCOME HOME PINS!! :00 they look so amazing :]]
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They were a bit bigger than I expected them to be. But that’s definitely not a problem lol I ended putting them on my clown bag :0)
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it’s also soooo interesting that the thing the pins were on the spoons look verrrrry similar to Wally’s eyes 👀
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ef-1 · 3 months
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new enchanté!
Inspired by Tinashe's👇 viral merch:
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skunksintheportal · 10 days
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Dancey Jess ♡
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