nationenskurs · 1 year
Afsløring: Rasmus Paludan til møde hos et medlem af Folketinget
Frihedens Stemme kan afsløre, at Rasmus Paludan, partileder for Stram Kurs, fredag den 6. oktober 2023 var til møde med et medlem af Folketinget. Et tip fra et vidne afslørede, at Rasmus Paludan blev set i Folketinget fredag den 6. oktober 2023 og på forespørgsel bekræfter partileder Rasmus Paludan, at han kl. 15.00 havde et møde med et folketingsmedlem i 1 time og 3 kvarter til kl. 16.45. Vil…
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forislynx · 2 years
Därnäst påminner jag därom, att det, som vi kalla onaturligt, när det i alla fall är verkligt, det är en form som just naturen under vissa förhållanden tvingats att ikläda sig. Ett träd har t. ex. fått en onaturlig växt, då det hindrats att växa i vanliga former. I gode vänner, den ena formen är den vanliga, den andra den ovanliga, det ena är naturens verk under vanliga omständigheter, det andra är precis lika mycket naturens verk, under ovanliga omständigheter. Om eder s. k. onaturlighet vet naturen i detta fall jämnt upp ingenting: hon söker att taga sig sin rätt, tillgodose sina tendenser, under de villkor, som förefinnas, och just detta är för henne naturligt. Men I kallen det onaturligt, därför att det är ovanligt.
Pontus Wikner, Psykologiska självbekännelser (1879)
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autopsyfreak · 1 month
Homicidal Ideation
homicidal ideation is the term for having active thoughts about murdering others. these thoughts can be intrusive, however they can also often be voluntary.
‘people who have these thoughts either have killed someone or will kill someone in the future’ - this is false. most people who have these thoughts usually have disordered behaviours (most commonly as a result of personality disorders) and struggle to find healthy ways to cope with their emotions, therefore provocation and stress can easily cause thoughts of inflicting harm onto others. this doesn’t inherently mean these people are dangerous, nor does it mean that they’re going to act upon these thoughts. most people who experience homicidal ideation never act on it and use it more as a way to process their distress/frustration internally.
‘having these thoughts about people in your life means you can’t possibly care for them’ - also false. caring for someone doesn’t make them an exception to mental illness and it doesn’t stop your mental illnesses from existing. to think that someone’s love for you is only valid as long as they’re not displaying traits of mental illness is unfair and is hugely misinformed. to love and be loved by someone who is mentally ill is to accept that they will display symptoms of their mental illness. you are not the exception and they do not love you any less by showing traits of being unwell.
‘so you endorse murder’ - no. that’s not at all what this means and if you seriously think this then your grasp of severe mental health issues is too limited to be commenting on such topics.
‘you’re evil’ - for being unwell? don’t be a cunt. if you seriously think that having a disordered manner of processing emotions internally makes someone ‘evil’ then that sounds more like an issue with you being too sensitive and having a lack of understanding, not an issue with the mentally ill person experiencing these thoughts. don’t make your inability to understand mental illness into someone else’s problem.
as someone who does experience homicidal ideation, it’s also important to not make the mistake of assuming everyone who is mentally ill experiences these thoughts either. i had an anonymous ask earlier today that directly associated the fact i’m mentally unwell with murder and homicidal thoughts, to immediately make this assumption just because someone is mentally ill is disgusting.
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kitotherianposting · 2 months
hello nonhuman ally / young uneducated nonhuman. you have a bomb strapped to your chest. to diffuse it, you must explain why alterhumans are valid without saying any of these phrases
- they still know they're human / it's not like they believe they're physically nonhuman
- well they're not delusional / mentally ill
- it's just a phase, don't bother them / let kids be kids / they're just exploring their identity
- well they're just [insert something that only describes otherpaws / furries]
you have 1 hour.
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koredzas · 2 months
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Francesco Morone (1471 - 1529)- Stigmatisation of Saint Francis.
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dorianbrightmusic · 10 months
i'm seeing a lot of Pokémon SV DLC analyses where people say 'Oh, Kieran's fixation on Ogrepon is because he sees it as a path to strength; Carmine's bullied him long enough that his shield against admitting his weakness to himself is adoring a legendary creature'. And don't get me wrong – these interpretations certainly hold water – but I've actually been working from basically the opposite angle for all this time.
By all means, Kieran idolises strength, but he inhabits Carmine's shadow – he's the weak sibling, and probably has been for a long time. Yet, rather than fixate on the fantastical power of the Loyal Three, he identifies himself with Ogrepon – the downtrodden, ostracised creature cast out to eke out a subsistence. A terrible demon that wasn't quite terrible enough to cause anyone any lasting harm. The creature defeated by heroes, rather than the perfect, heroic figureheads themselves. He's enamoured with the downtrodden; he sees himself in its grief, in its being cast out and excluded. He's been cast out and excluded all his life (and he can't be a bad person, right? It's not fair – he's hated senselessly, surely, rather than for some reason?) – he sees himself as harmless; so the ogre, too, must be harmless, mis-blamed. Strength is thus in resistance; in growing a shell to tolerate others' inexplicable cruelty. So Kieran looks to Ogerpon, and he thinks that the meek shall inherit the earth, and it gives him the strength to tolerate long nights with poor company. Others are villains – not him, not this creature – and he's safe in the knowledge that at the end of the day, at least an ogre can go down in mythology as the putative sole survivor of its trials.
In this sense, Kieran's like Penny – he finds himself in a position of weakness, of being victimised, and forms himself an armour of being an underdog, of being the thing that bites back. Yet while Penny's position is that the underdog might muster the strength to bite back and restore justice, Kieran's view is that at least the underdog was worth loving. He's inert and preoccupied with his inertia. He can't understand that maybe he could be a human, with the capacity to grow, the capacity to sin. And when Carmine is cruel to him, he reaffirms his own contrarian mindset more – she says I am worth little for my weakness, so my weakness is all I am worth; my weakness is my strength.
And yet he chases strength, because he has to to survive. So when the player comes by, and supports him, maybe he has the safety to walk away from his preoccupation with being an underdog, to enjoy strength for strength's sake. And then, he starts losing, but this time, there are stakes, since he can't just withdraw and be consoled by the fact that withdrawing is right, is right, is right. Thus, he must get stronger. And then, when Ogerpon turns out to favour Juliana, who's become Kieran's idol for all that strength means, rather than Kieran, who's Kieran's selfsame designated weaklingpatheticscumidiot——well, what can Kieran do but fracture, since his whole ideology, his whole premonition that he might have the right to inherit the earth, has been fractured? And, under stress, he pivots from one extreme to the other. All he knows is that weakness is now unbearable. He must get stronger. Must get stronger. Must get stronger—because otherwise he's doomed, he's nothing. He has no myth to dissolve his identity in any longer, so he reshapes himself around the only other standard he's ever known. And it twists him and it breaks him into tiny pieces, because suddenly, the last thing he can bear to be is Kieran: Kieran, the downtrodden and meek boy. He has to flip on his axis; he must become the designated villain of his story by popular imagination, or else be subsumed in the fact that he's going to die someday without any place in the world. He has to play a part, because he's been consigned to one so long, and he can't think of anything other than heroes and villains, enemies and martyrs. He can't be the bad guy. Strength is now goodness; weakness is now evil. And he can't reconcile who he thought he was with who he must become, and as a result, all he can do is try to destroy the person who's destroyed his ideology.
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skitskatstudios · 1 year
I love how the students of PK Academy (after the volcano) are like “Oh no, it’s former delinquent Kuboyasu. Better stay away from him.” But at this point, he’s gone through so much character growth that he’s literally just a guy that gets anger management therapy.
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A genuine question for people with ASPD or/and NPD
People with ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) or/and NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), I am genuinely curious about what you believe is the core part of aspd and npd, and how you see the world. How does it feel to have these disorders? How do people treat you? How do you treat people? How can one understand how it must be like for you?
These disorders are VERY stigmatised. Even actual medical journals and sites perpetuate this stigmatisation, and there's this whole thing of "narcissistic abuse" or that all people with antisocial personality disorder are serial killers. I simply refuse to believe this, it's not nuanced enough, and I genuinely seek to understand. And maybe other people may find this thread of posts and also understand.
So people with npd/aspd, add on, explain anything you wish people knew about your disorder.
Coming from a fellow person with a highly stigmatised disorder (schizophrenia) who wishes to understand.
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rainesol · 2 months
Guys I’m not headcanoning Riddle as having OCD because I’m #woke or projecting or reaching or whatever. I’m headcanoning it because I played the fucking game 😭
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kkoct-ik · 2 months
god i love toko fukawa but i forget how badly written she is in her starring case
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swordsonnet · 2 years
when talking about topics like maturity and (self-)infantilisation, it's important to remember that there will always be disabled adults for whom the "normal" benchmarks of adulthood are not attainable or even applicable at all. if you want to be an ally to disabled people, you need to support all of us, not just the ones you find palatable - and that includes people who have "childish" interests, who get very emotional about seemingly trivial things, who aren't able to be independent in the way that adults are expected to be. that doesn't mean that we "need to grow up", or that we're reverting to a childlike state to avoid our responsibilities, or whatever op-ed writers think is wrong with gen z these days. it's just the way we are, and liking plushies or struggling with certain tasks doesn't in fact make us children! disabled adults are still adults, and still deserving of dignity, regardless of whether or not we can live up to the rigid societal norms of what it means to be an adult.
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autopsyfreak · 4 months
‘i support all abuse victims’ do you?
do you support abuse victims even if they:
develop a stigmatised disorder as a result of their abuse (e.g: NPD, DID, etc.).
seek out other unhealthy/abusive relationships and/or cannot allow themselves to remain in healthy one.
respond to triggers with defensiveness and aggression instead of fawning.
do not want to pursue mental health support.
develop ‘toxic’ or unhealthy mannerisms as a defensive mechanism.
struggle to engage with others romantically and/or sexually after what happened.
are still in contact with their abuser(s) and/or still love/care for them.
keep returning to their abusive relationship.
resort to substance misuse to cope.
assume the worst in you, distrust you and are afraid that you’re going to do something terrible to them.
never recover.
if the answer to any of this is ‘no’ then you do not support /all/ abuse victims.
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p1-norris · 23 days
my god there is nothing worse than when f1 fans on twitter start doing fucking ‘mental strength’ discourse
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ranticore · 4 months
i don't think having marginalised characters necessarily has to mean anything and I certainly don't care about Representation but that aside the best thing i can do with my trans characters is to use them for srs propaganda
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identitty-dickruption · 7 months
love it how, when I talk about the fact that autism is still stigmatised, people in the notes assume that autism is my only disorder. “if you think autism is stigmatised try being psychotic” bitch I am both. and one of those things being stigmatised does not mean the other one isn’t. trust me there is not a limit on the amount of stigma floating around
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michaelhorrortits · 4 months
having osdd/did & having bpd is absolute fuckihn hell
thats all i will say goodbye
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