#stop adopting kids
puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 113
“I seem to have been taken hostage.” Batman’s words almost had Superman panic if not for the wry tone, a tone which the others didn’t know if their freaking out was to go by. Clark sighed through the comms, tired after battle and honestly wanting to go to bed now.
“I’ll be right over, what child has latched onto you now?” He asked while switching to a more private channel. 
“I can already hear you making fun of me…” Wha- Oh. Clark bit his lip to keep himself from laughing as he took to the air. “They appear to be a pair of twins with…” 
“You gotta’ say it Bruce, you gotta’,” Clark couldn’t stop the chuckle when he saw his friend on the top of a building, cape curled around his form in a way usually reserved for the robins. 
“... with dark hair… and blue eyes…” That was it. Clark absolutely lost it in laughter. 
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noriyucko · 1 year
ok more dad simon shit you cannot tell me that simon didnt act as a stand in father for finn for the 12 years after the end of the original show
and with like the apology tour thing in the marcy & simon comics i believe this dude totally tried every way possible to make it up to this 17 year old kid who he in his mind had tormented for 5 years
and finn didnt even mind their past experiences at all and he was just like wow this guy keeps making dinner for me and all my friends every single day and he also packs paper bag lunches for me and does as much laundry as possible when hes in my house
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sarosthewizarddude · 1 year
Crowley is such a dad he adopts every kid he finds
Oh you're the antichrist? Adopted.
Oh we had the wrong one? You're the right one? I'm adopting you too then. Yeah, I tried to kill you five minutes ago but you know how it is. Big misunderstanding.
You made a pot? Lovely. Adopted.
You're digging up bodies? Doing Wicked? Wonderful. Adopted. I will risk my existence to keep you alive.
Oh, so you're technically an immortal angel, but you act like a kid? Close enough, adopted.
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dclovesdanny · 4 months
Dcxdp prompt
I don’t see enough angst to do with Bruce, so here’s my idea.
The world is ending, and all of Bruce’s kids have been hurt in someway. Bruce is running out of options, so he said to call his final contingency plan into place.
He messages the family group chat, telling them that he loves them and is proud of them. Immediately they all start freaking out, and they have Barbara connect them onto a FaceTime with. They’re the only ones who can see what’s going on.
Bruce made a summoning circle. He transferred a few moments before that none of them can really describe appears in the circle. Later on, they all describe him differently. Damien calls him an older man older than Alfred while Tim insists he looks around Bruce’s age. Jason says that he looked older than Bruce, but younger than Alfred and Dick says they looked around his age.
The being looks at Bruce for a moment and ask him in a voice that sounded simply Eldritch
“I assume you wish to make a deal. You know what you must do if I agreed to do anything.’
Bruce nods and grunts.
The being smiles.
“Very well, I will deal with your problem. If you agree to the terms I set so long ago. Do you remember?’
Bruce grunts before saying
“My children are hurt. I want you to heal them too.’
The being laughs,
“why certainly, but you know, that means the deal be a little steeper.”
Bruce nods and takes the outstretched hand. A Crack rings through the air and the video shorts out, becoming only static. By the time they get to the Batcave, the danger is gone, their injuries are healed and Bruce is nowhere to be seen.
Meanwhile, Bruce met clockwork back when he was a teenager. He was a friend of Alfred, and they had a deal where Bruce would babysit clockwork kids or help him in the tower in exchange for Clockwork’s advice and help with tasks. Bruce figured out that clockwork was not human and was a very Eldritcg, but Alfred trusted him so so did Bruce. However, Bruce had been very busy since he adopted the kids and hadn’t made many deals in a while. However, this was important, so he didn’t mind babysitting for a while. there were more kids than usual, though. 
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padawansuggest · 10 months
13 yo Obi-Wan: You guys are keeping me captive 🥺
Jaster: Ob’ika, we are bringing you back to the temple to reunite with your people.
Obi-Wan: 🥺 then why am I in a cage?
Jaster: *looks pointedly at Jango covered in bite marks, bandages and a torn kute*
Jango: Jas’Buir, he’s really cute, the bites didn’t even hurt 🥺
Obi-Wan: Yeah, I’m just making friends 🥺
Jaster: *soul deep sigh* I am not letting you out of the cell so you can maul my ad again.
Jango: Buuuir, he’s just an ad’ika, lookit his ik’aad fangs, he won’t actually hurt me!
Jaster: You we’re begging me to get his fangs out of your wrist five minutes ago.
Jango: He’s just teething!!
Jaster: Jan’ika, I know you want to keep him, but he’s not even house broken yet.
Jango: Neither was I when you adopted me!! He’s chosen me! Lemme keep him!
Obi-Wan: 🥺 I will be a good boy if you stick your fingers in my enclosure 🥺
Jaster: *physically holding Jango back* No. We will revisit this when the baar’ur has given him a Xanax omfg- *dragging Jango out of the ship hold*
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Oliver Adopts Danny
(Note: I have no idea what exactly happened on the island and made up my own thing. Also I had no plan when making this and it shows)
So! When Oliver landed on that Deserted Island, he wasn't alone.
On the Island, there was a Little Kid.
He was about 7, and he was just as confused as to why he was there. Apparently he had been sleeping at home when all of a sudden he felt himself falling, and seconds later he hit the ground in the forest. He couldn't remember anything past that, or really anything before that as well. He had seemingly lost his memories.
So, Oliver was stuck helping a Random Kid while trying to survive on the island.
He did learn that the Kid was a Metahuman with the ability to make Unmelting Ice, but the kid seemed disappointed by his powers. It was like he expected them to be stronger than they were. When asked, he said that he didn't actually know why he felt that, like it was something else he had forgotten.
And that was how the situation stood for a few years. He and the Kid, who he eventually learned was named Danny, became closer. He took up a paternal role in the kids Life, trying to keep him safe from the dangers of the island.
Danny was also a huge help on the island, his Ice was useful during Hot Nights, and the fact that it was Durable and Didn't Melt made it a good material for their tools. He also knew a lot of random skills, like the basics of how to shoot a Bow and how to set up a Campfire.
By the time they had been there for 3 years, Oliver already saw Danny like a Son. He had decided long ago that when they finally left the island, he would adopt him.
Then, on the 4th Year, Oliver found something strange. There were tracks in the Dirt on the less explored side of the Island, Human Tracks.
Following them, he found the source, An Illegal Slave Trading Ring.
The Base seemed to be new, so they had probably set up shop a few weeks ago at most. He and Danny must have missed them because they didn't usually go to that side of the Island.
He returned to the Camp that night and contemplated what to do.
It took another few days for him to resolve himself to go and save those people.
It took another few weeks to prepare himself.
It took less than 30 minutes to get the Job Done.
By the end of that night, every Slaver on the island was Dead, and the slaves were set free. They still didn't have a way off the island, since a few of them had managed to sabotage the boat before they died, but Oliver and Danny were there to help them.
By the 5th Year, they basically had a Small Village set up back there their Camp used to be. It was a community of all of the people Oliver had managed to save that night, all working together to survive on that Mysterious Island.
Then one day, finally got some luck. A Fishing Boat had gotten lost on their usual Route, and had spotted the SOS Signal that they had set up on the Beach.
After that it didn't take long for everyone on the Island to be saved. Oliver asked the former slaves to keep his heroics a secret because he wanted to keep him and Danny safe from the press, and they all agreed.
So, Oliver went home and adopted Danny.
He also decided to become a Vigilante.
And then eventually he joined the Justice League.
And one day while showing his son around the newly build Watchtower he ran into Constantine, who then proceeded to ask "Why the hell do you have a mini-death god holding your hand?"
I have no idea what this was supposed to be. I wanted Oliver to adopt Danny, and I wanted it to be on the Island, but I had no idea how to do it.
My basic idea for it is that Danny accidently wished for a Good Dad one day and Desiree heard him. So she turned him into a Kid, sealed away most of his Powers, and sent him to the Island with no memories past age 7.
Maybe this was "Ghost King Danny"?
Idk, I like it more as "King Danny who rejects the Throne but is still basically the leader because he keeps helping people no matter what" but that's just me.
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
A canon compliant guide of Bruce Wayne’s officially adopted children
I noticed there has been some confusion about who all in the BatFam is actually legally adopted by Bruce Wayne so I thought I’d try and help clear some things up.
(Full disclosure you can of course headcanon whatever you like, I made this is strictly to help newer fans know what is actually canon💕)
Dick Grayson: Adopted
(Batman: Gotham Knights #17 and Batman #600)
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Many fans argue over whether or not Dick is officially adopted, many saying it was never official and he is still just his ward.
Though he does admittedly usually spend the majority of his actual childhood as a ward, Bruce ends up officially adopting Dick as his son(as I have explained before here)in multiple timelines
Barbara Gordon: Not Adopted
(Batgirl and the Birds Of Prey Rebirth)
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There was never a need for Barbara to be adopted because she still has a Dad. She is however still very much in the BatFamily and has trained under and with Bruce
Jason Todd: Adopted
(The New Titans (1988) #55 and Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying)
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Now I couldn’t track down a comic where we actually get to see Bruce adopt Jason, but there are plenty of instances in which his adoption is referenced -including but not limited to these two- throughout several timelines and reboots
Cassandra Cain: Adopted
(Batgirl 2008 #6)
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Now this one is a bit more debatable as aside from this one instance, Cass’ adoption is never really mentioned again even after the timeline gets rebooted. Still the general consensus is that Cassandra’s adoption is considered canon.
Tim Drake: Adopted
(Batman #654 and Red Robin #4)
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Though Tim declines Bruce’s offer of being adopted at first, we get to see Bruce adopt Tim as his son about a year or so later. His adoption is also referenced across multiple reboots
Stephanie Brown: Not Adopted
(Batgirls #13, Robin (1993) #174, and Robin (1993) #126)
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Now the main reason Stephanie is not and probably will not be adopted is because both her parents are alive. While her Dad is a villain and out of the picture, her mother is a nurse and fully capable of taking care of her.
Bruce does however train her during her brief stint as Robin and much like Barbara she is no less apart of the BatFamily, she’s just not in the Wayne Family
Duke Thomas: Not Adopted (technically)
(All Star Batman #1 and Batman & the Signal #3)
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Now Duke is never officially adopted because technically his parents are alive just insane due to Joker’s toxin of which there is no cure. However Bruce does take him in and let him stay at the manor and it is heavily implied he becomes Duke’s foster parent so do with that what you will
Damian Wayne: Not Adopted/Biological child
(Batman and Robin (2011) #0)
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Damian is Bruce’s one and only biological child -of the main canon- and therefore does not need to be adopted because you don’t need to adopt your own child
And that’s all of Bruce’s official and unofficial children in the main canon!💕🖤
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bashcrandicoot · 5 months
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Parent Teacher talk
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trashmakerarticle · 10 months
What if when it came to the batfam it didn’t matter the age on who belonged where, it’s the order of who got adopted.
Dick obviously being the eldest, Jason is prolly semi eldest/middle child, Tim the ultimate middle child, Cass being semi middle/youngest, Damian being the youngest. No obviously this all kinda works in age ??? Kinda ? But that all stops when DUKE comes into the house and suddenly HES the youngest, he gets away either everything, even when it’s completely on purpose all he has to do is say “oops I’m sorry I didn’t mean to :,( “ and Bruce is completely waving it off telling him it okay.
Duke, sets a cop car on fire and explodes a building: I’m sorry B :( I’m still new.
Bruce, not even blinking: it’s okay chum, we all make mistakes
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ghost-bxrd · 20 days
Calvin Rose finds a catatonic teenager roaming the streets and… well, the poor kid looks dead on his feet, and it’s raining cats and dogs, he can’t just leave him there.
And, it’s fine. He’s just passing through (can’t risk more with the Court still at large) and will be back on the road come morning. And he’ll sleep easier knowing he kept the kid from certain death.
So, really, how the hell did he end up with the very same kid riding shotgun and nagging him to turn up the radio to Phoebe Bridgers?
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nattikay · 1 month
Spider is not Jake and Neytiri’s kid and they had no obligation to act as his surrogate parents
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Meme Prompt 9
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myymi · 2 months
do yall think eggman has those moments where he's all proud of himself for coming up with some great plan to finally overpower sonic or outsmart tails but then he thinks on it a little longer and the fact that they're literal children hits him really hard
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rooksunday · 3 months
in the halcyon days (about ten of them) between geonosis and being condemned to coruscant, fox goes on a mission that—thanks to an unlikely series of events involving a space narwhal, two shinies with a metallurgy obsession, and the inadvisable phrase “i’m sure it’ll work out fine”—diverts their squad to renowned dump of the galaxy, lotho minor.
maybe fox helps out a weird kid with a generous helping of legs and talks him around from licking batteries. maybe that happens. i don’t know. you didn’t see shit.
anyway then fox is on coruscant and everything is how it is. how it is is shitty but what, fox is gonna complain to a union? sure. he’ll get right on that.
before long, there’s an attack on the senate by some spiky red kid and fox ends up space spider-man-ing him in the middle of a chase across coruscant’s mids.
kid gets away. of course he does.
… then he lurks his way back through the warren, about as subtle as a scream, and fox makes himself a cup of caf (the first one held between those tattooed hands) and thinks, hell. we’re all red here.
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mtndw-whteout · 7 months
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Oh to be a different person, in a different life.
I wrote somethin, its an au ive been festering with for a while
sorry for all the angst lately
Sirens rang through Reigens mind as he stared blankly at the wall before him. The smell of burnt wood and ash stained his nose, and his chest heaved heavily. 
The sound of discomfort wailed from the small child against his chest, snot-filled cries filling the silence. Reigen peered down at the child - Ritsu - lightly hushing him in hopes of comforting him. Ritsu stirred as he cried, his ash-covered face scrunched. Tears ran down his cheeks, leaving streaks through the muddied mess. Reigen's mouth pulled down into a frown, noting the small blisters forming on Ritsu’s cheeks and hands. 
Beside him, another child sat, leaning against Reigen as he watched out the window. Unlike Ritsu, he had not cried once since they arrived at Reigen’s small apartment. Shigeo was older, though, by only a year. He had as much reason to cry as his brother did, but he didn’t. 
Instead, he sat quietly, his face equally blistered and ash-covered, and watched the visible stars move slowly. 
Reigen didn’t know what to make of the situation. It was only a few days prior that he sat at the Kageyama’s table, laughing and carrying on. Then he got the call; he didn’t even remember getting into his car. The sight of the house - the home they had welcomed him into - in flames. He remembered briefly having Ritsu placed into his arms as Shigeo stood by him, his eyes glued to the street. His trembling hand holding onto his sleeve. The relief that flooded him knowing they were okay was beat by the dread of knowing that their parents weren’t. 
After a ride in an ambulance and a day at the hospital later, they were deemed okay to leave. He was told they weren’t in the house long after the fire started. Burn cream was applied to their faces and arms, but other than that they were healthy. 
Just apply the cream daily until the blisters are gone. He could do that.
Now he was in charge of two kids when he barely could take care of himself; and as much as that feeling overwhelmed him, he knew he had to pull through. He was, at the moment, the only one the boys had. 
“Reigen..?” Shigeo called, his voice small just like the rest of him. He faced up at him, he looked tired. 
“Yeah, kiddo?” Reigen’s voice cracked but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Shigeo rubbed one of his eyes with the back of his hand. 
“Can I take a bath?” 
“Of course, will you watch your brother while I run the water?” He asked as he shifted to stand. He placed Ritsu in Shigeo’s awaiting arms, the younger boy had fallen asleep and only stirred at the movement.
“I’ll be right back.” He said, watching Shigeo nod slightly. He made his way to the bathroom, the tile cold against his sock-covered feet. Turning the faucet on, he plugged the tub and watched the water pour for a moment. 
Returning to the living room, he noticed Shigeo humming and rocking Ritsu in his arms. It was sickly sweet to watch, it made his chest tighten uncomfortably. 
“The bath should be ready soon.” He told Shigeo as he seated himself in front of the boy. 
Shigeo looked up at him, his eyes barely staying open as he offered a small smile. 
“‘itsu’s bein’ fussy,” Shigeo said, his voice just above a whisper. “‘e’s tired, like me.” 
“Yeah? You ready to go to bed soon?” Reigen asked and was met with a yawn in response. He laughed. “If you want, we can go out and get some Mobdonalds in the morning. How does that sound?” 
Shigeo hummed, too tired for words. Reigen smiled and stood up once again. He reached down and offered to take Ritsu. Shigeo allowed his brother to be scooped up and accepted the hand that was extended to him afterward. Ritsu awoke again, whining only a little as they made their way to the bathroom.
After a lot of bubbles and gentle scrubbing, they were finally ash-free. Their blisters thankfully were healing quickly, especially only after such a short amount of time. 
Reigen got them dressed for bed and soon they fell asleep beside him on his bed. Unfortunately for him, sleep didn’t come anytime soon. He spent his time staring at his ceiling; thinking of how his future was going to look from now on.
UGH im not good at writing im sorry, im just didn't want to draw it out
basically, in short, The Kageyama house fire? yeah it happens and the kageparents don't survive, and Reigen, who the Kageparents had known since he was 14, is now Ritsu and Shigeos guardian. An older brother of sorts.
Reigen is 20, Shigeo is 4 and Ritsu is 2, going on 3.
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beyondplusultra · 2 years
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In which Goro is saddled with unnecessary feelings.
Sophia and Goro's interactions in AHTTC chapter 6 brought me so much joy, thank you @tzviaariella 😭😭😭❣️
If you want more P5 pirate AU shenanigans, read the Brigverse series here!
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