#that I predicted an hour ago as I was getting out of the shower
kfedup · 8 months
Five for Friday
Let's get a little thematic this morning; things I am learning about.
Ancestral trauma - I'm halfway through the reading and exercises in the book It Didn't Start With You, How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are, and How to End the Cycle by Mark Wolynn. In tandem, I'm building out my family tree on ancestry.com and have traced my father's father's side back to Little Compton, RI in the 1600s. These birth, death, and census records are insufficient storytellers, but it's at least a foundation. I'm so angry and sad that I have no ties to anyone on that side of my family. Nobody talks about our ancestry. Nobody talks about anything. No relating to my relations. No big revelations in the book yet, either, but it's helping me talk to myself in a far more compassionate way and to see those who have already passed away with similar compassion.
Movement - through weekly one-on-one pilates coaching, a daily morning practice of pilates, yoga, stretching, and several walks a day, I'm bringing more awareness to the space my body takes up in the world. I'm noticing the ways gravity anchors me when I'm still and when I'm in motion. I'm slowly working through the workbook Body and Earth: An Experiential Guide by Andrea Olsen, which is full of science, art, exercises, beautiful creative writing, and a call to bring our presence to our existence in a body on this Earth.
Attachment - I'm enjoying a tender, raw, vulnerable, and hopeful energy exchange with a man I've known (and had a ridiculously huge secret crush on) for nearly a decade. He lives in the PNW and is in a more complicated situation than me, which has activated my anxious attachment. The day before he expressed his desire to be close to me while visiting Kent for an event a few weeks ago, I'd said to my therapist that I felt ready to work on the anxious attachment patterns that have contributed to the cratering of my relationships. The universe is working quickly these days. So I am rising to it and sitting with these difficult feelings of abandonment, of not good enough, of not enough, of hopelessness that accompanies this sweet ongoing exchange. I'm determined to not carry this forward with me as an unexamined pattern of reaction and behavior. Awareness is everything.
Meditation - I think it's been six months that I've sat meditation at least 5 mornings a week after I exercise. Sometimes unguided, just following my in-breath and out-breath and bringing myself back to that without judgment when my thoughts arise, as they will, perpetually. I often use guided meditations from the Ten Percent Happier app, which I cannot recommend highly enough. Hate the name, but the courses are wonderful and the guided meditations are like having a mini retreat wherever I am in the moment. I'll do quick 5-10 min meditations in between work calls or before I start cooking dinner. The guides are highly experienced meditation teachers whose voices feel like home to me. Best app purchase I've ever made. And I notice that I am more naturally bringing mindful attention to so many moments that I'm not sitting meditation. I'm doing dishes, sitting at my desk writing, walking the dog, tidying up the living room, and I'm aware of the feeling of my body, of my breath, of the sensation of having sensation. I think I'm beginning to understand in small slivers what it really means to be here now and honestly, this is kind of all I want to do anymore. I'm thinking about going away to a silent retreat soon.
Humility - at least I think that's the focus here. I'm practicing holding space and listening without waiting for my chance to speak, without trying to solve people's problems, and without interjecting my own narrative into their story. I notice I'm doing this nearly daily with my sister who is in the midst of very challenging mental health issues with my niece. All I want to do is go there and help in concrete, tangible ways, but she said no and I have to repeatedly trust that she knows what's best for her and her family and my only job is to hold space filled with love. Period. Ended.
Bonus - my Mom has said repeatedly in recent years that she's not interested in learning anything new. I think she's afraid of failure, afraid that she doesn't have the mental faculties to retain anything, and she's frozen by anxiety and depression that she refuses to do anything about. I'm trying to have compassion for her, but at the same time, I notice that her negativity has been a huge driver of my deep dive into self-awareness and growth. I wish I didn't have to grind my cog of the capitalism wheel so I could spend all of my time exploring what it means to be a soul having an embodied human experience. I refuse to give up like that.
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triptuckers · 5 months
keep the nightmares away - percy jackson
Request: nope Pairing:  Percy Jackson x reader Summary:  oh nooo what if there's only one bed........ (im a sucker for this trope and WILL use it whenever I can) Warnings:  mentions of wounds, swearing, nightmares Word count:  1.5K A/N:  yall know that audio from the rock "it's about drive it's about power we stay hungry we devour" that's me writing more fics in two days than I have in 6 months. I blame it on my percy jackson hyperfixation. enjoy!
you were so exhausted you could barely keep your eyes open. you'd been sent on another quest and had been chased down by monsters for gods know how many times already.
everyone was tired and just wanted to go to bed. but a prophecy had predicted there would be three demigods and a fourth companion on this quest, so it wasn't easy to leave the monsters behind.
'why did we have to be four?' you say softly as you force yourself to keep on walking. 'it would be way more quiet if there were only three of us.'
percy looks over his shoulder in front of you. 'I don't think quests are ever quiet.' he says with a smile.
'you know what I mean.' you say. 'are we there yet?'
'almost.' says annabeth, who is walking with grover in front of percy, holding the map and leading the way. 'it's just over the ridge.'
'thank the gods.' you mutter.
you know annabeth is going to state the facts rather than make something sound good. and sure enough, when you reach the top of the ridge you can see a dimly lit street in the distance.
you can see the motel you're headed for, a diner, and a gas station with a small store.
you're filled with relief of the thought of finally laying down and resting your feet. you could rewrap your wounds and maybe even take a shower if you're lucky and have the energy for it.
'come on, nearly there.' says percy, reaching out and gently tugging you along by your wrist.
if you weren't so tired you'd be reeling over the fact percy is holding your wrist so gently. but all you can think of is how soft the beds would be.
when you get to the motel you're too tired to speak. you let annabeth do all of the talking.
after a few minutes she returns with two keys.
'these are the only ones they had available.' she says, giving percy one.
'come on.' says percy. 'want me to rewrap your arm?'
you nod. a few hours ago, you got your arm sliced open and had to hastily wrap it. you're not very good at it, as the cut is on the back of your upper arm and you can't see it very well.
'grover and I will check the area quickly and then we can all get some rest.' says annabeth. 'regroup in my room at 8 am tomorrow?'
'sure.' says percy while you and grover nod.
you follow percy as he's searching for the room. eventually he stops and you nearly bump into him.
'sorry.' you mutter.
'it's alright.' says percy as he unlocks the door and lets you enter first.
you stop in the door opening, looking at the room.
'what's wrong?' says percy, looking over your shoulder. 'oh.'
yeah. oh. there's only one bed. not even a sofa.
you enter the room and percy shuts the door behind him. of course there's only one bed. and you're so exhausted. you can tell percy is tired as well. he's just better at hiding it.
'come on, let me take care of your arm.' says percy.
you head into the bathroom while percy rummages around his pack for the medical kit.
'sit on the counter.' he says as he enters the bathroom with the medical kit in his hands.
you do as he instructs and rest the back of your head against the mirror. you close your eyes but open them when percy lightly taps your knee.
'need you awake for this. you can sleep after.' he says softly.
you sigh. 'fine.'
'I know you're exhausted. I'll make it quick.'
'thanks, perce.'
percy ignores the way he feels when you call him that. he wonders if you know you're the only one that ever calls him that.
he washes his hands and then gently unwraps the old bandage around your arm. he carefully cleans the cut and starts on rewrapping it, making sure he's not hurting you.
when he's almost done, he feels a weight on his shoulder. he smiles to himself, letting you doze off on his shoulder. he's nearly done, anyway.
he secures the last bit of the bandage and then nudges you awake.
'sorry.' you say, blinking a few times.
'let's get you to the bed.' says percy, offering his hand so you can hop off the counter. 'you can take the first shift.'
you frown. 'first shift?'
'sleeping in the bed.'
'where will you sleep?'
'on the floor. I'll get the pillows off of the chair.'
you shake your head. 'percy, you're tired as well. you've fought just as much as I have. you'll only make it worse by sleeping on the floor. we can share.' you say.
sharing a bed as friends, that's cool right? not a big deal. at least that's what you tell yourself.
percy studies your face. he probably looks as tired as you do.
'it's big enough for the two of us.' you say, reaching down to take off your boots.
'alright.' says percy.
there's a knock on the door and both you and percy freeze. percy reaches inside of his pocket, ready to take out riptide.
'it's me.' says annabeth on the other side. 'all clear. get some rest.'
'thanks, goodnight annabeth.' says percy, visibly relaxing.
you walk over to the bed and lay down on the left side, leaving enough space for percy.
'if I find you on the floor when I wake up I'll make the rest of the quest even more miserable for you.' you mumble as you close your eyes. 'don't be a gentleman.'
'noted.' says percy with a smile, laying down on the other side of the bed, careful to leave more than enough space between the two of you.
it's cool, this is fine. laying next to you in a bed. nothing that could happen, you're just friends. right?
after a while, he can tell you're asleep by the slow breathing coming from your side of the bed.
he's keeping his distance, even if it means he nearly falls off of the bed. he's mind is spinning in circles about the fact you're laying right next to him.
but eventually, he falls asleep. after all, all four of you were utterly exhausted when you reached the motel earlier in the night.
it feels like way too soon when he's woken up again. he frowns, it's still dark outside. he shifts to get comfortable again. but then he feels something hard poke him in his ribs.
'oof.' he grunts softly, then rolls over to see if you're awake. why would you punch him in the middle of the night?
but when he sees you, he noticed your face is scrunched up in agony and you're mumbling something.
he frowns and watches you move around restlessly, nearly hitting him again.
but his frown disappears soon enough. he knows the feeling all too well.
you're having a nightmare.
a bad one, by the looks of it.
gently, he reaches out and pushes a strand of sweaty hair out of your face, then nudges your shoulder.
'hey, wake up.'
in response, you curl up even more so percy shakes you again, a little harder this time.
you wake up and immediately sit up, eyes wide in panic. your hand is scrambling for you belt, where you keep your knives.
'woah, hey, it's alright you're safe, you're with me.' says percy, holding your shoulders and forcing you to look at him.
his sea-green eyes are familiar and calm you down a little. you're breathing heavily and fully aware of percy holding on to your shoulders. you force yourself to push away from him, creating space between the two of you.
'I'm alright.' you say, closing your eyes and shaking your head slightly. you would not cry over something as stupid as a nightmare.
'want to talk about it?' says percy softly.
'no I'm fine.'
'talking mostly helps me.'
you sigh and start to fidget with your fingers. why does it feel so embarrassing? you're sure lots of demigods have nightmares, given what you go through on a daily basis.
'it was the gods.' you start. 'I'd failed some sort of quest and they let loose their powers on me. camp half-blood got destroyed. I couldn't find annabeth and grover. there was fire everywhere and you... fuck.'
'it's okay.' says percy softly, encouraging you to go on.
'I found you in the rubble of your cabin.' you whisper.
'shit, I'm sorry.'
'it's alright, I'm alright. you're here now.'
'you think you can try going back to sleep again?'
'yeah, I can try.'
the two of you lay down again, this time with a little less space between you.
'percy?' you say, slowly reaching out to him.
'is it okay if I...?'
wordlessly, percy reaches out and pulls you against him, where you curl up against his side.
'thanks.' you say, feeling yourself relax again.
'I'll keep the nightmares away.' mumbles percy.
you smile to yourself, closing your eyes and letting percy's heartbeat lull you to sleep. you're confident nightmares wouldn't find you again. you're safe now.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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talaok · 9 months
Keeping up
Pairing: No outbreak!Joel Miller x reader
Summary: You convince Joel to go on a hike with you, but being that he's 56 years of age, he gets home barely in one piece, which means he needs a massage, which may lead to something more...
Warnings: age gap (reader's 25 and Joel's 56), a lot of sexually allusive jokes and stuff, and very soft and fluffy smut (unprotected p in v sex)
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"Keep up, Grandpa!" you called, turning around and catching him taking yet another break.
He had his knee popped to the side and his hands on his waist as he pretended to take in the view while really just trying to calm his heavy breathing
He had fallen behind a while ago, but kept insisting you continued at your pace.
It took a lot of convincing to persuade him to go hiking with you, some unconventional, but definitely effective methods of persuasion were used, and finally, this morning, you had managed to make him cave in.
It was only a two-hour hike, but he was acting like he'd been walking for ten days and nights with no food and water.
"I'm coming!" his voice sounded through the woods.
"You sure?" You couldn't help but grin, watching his chest rising and falling way too quickly
"I just need a moment"
Letting out a breathy smile, you retraced your steps on the makeshift track to reach his side.
"Tired?" you asked, already knowing the real answer, and the one he was gonna give you.
"Nope" he lied, making you chuckle.
He was so predictable
"Ah" you hummed, mocking him "so you're choosing to walk ten steps behind me"
He turned to look at you, his hazel eyes sparking with mischief
"Well, I don't mind the view these leggings of yours are giving me..." he arched a brow as his hands reached for your ass through the fabric.
"perv" you smirked
"Yup, that's me" he nodded, bringing you in for a kiss.
He could never get enough of you.
He had no idea how he had managed to make you fall in love with him, and so he acted accordingly, kissing and touching you every chance he got in case one day he was gonna wake up and this turned out to be just a dream.
"at least you admit it" you joked, biting his bottom lip playfully.
Oh how he fucking loved you
"C'mon now, we're almost there" You smiled that stunning smile of yours that made him almost forget how tired he was.
"You said that an hour ago too, angel" he reminded you
"I did, didn't I?" you smirked, starting up the hill again, and leaving him behind to wonder how the hell he had ended up there.
But then of course he knew... his ability to say no to you seemed to disappear every time his cock was in your mouth.
__ __ __
"goddamnit sweetheart" he groaned, laying on the bed face down.
He didn't bother to change into his clothes simply because he couldn't, the towel around his waist was gonna have to do.
By the look of it, your advice of "A hot shower will help you out" hadn't really worked.
"Poor baby" you cooed, setting your book down on the nightstand to pay attention to him.
"I'm never hiking with you again" he sighed "I'm hurting everywhere"
"I'm sorry" You stifled a smile at his pained expression "Here," you said, getting an idea "How 'bout a massage?"
"Mh that does sound good" he considered
"Yeah?" you asked, getting on your knees beside him
"Yeah darlin'"
You smiled, as you gingerly straddled his hips, not wanting to hurt him.
You rubbed your hands together to make them hot and then gently pressed them against the very top of his broad back, slowly starting to make your way to his shoulders to rub his pain away.
He groaned in pleasure beneath you
"fuck that feels good" he breathed once you applied more pressure.
You chuckled "I've heard that one before"
"Mh, I'm sure you have, angel" he grinned, closing his eyes as you took such good care of him.
You smiled as you started massaging his lower back too, drawing circles with your thumbs and relaxing his muscles one at a time.
"You're really good at this sugar," he spoke, as his hand found your right leg and started caressing it slowly to try and pay you back a little bit.
"Why thank you" Your lips pulled into a smile "I'm a woman of many talents you know?" you murmured sultrily, bending down to gently press a kiss to his neck.
"I know that very well, darlin'"
"Good" you nodded, finishing up his back "Now turn around"
"Yes ma'am" he obeyed immidately once you got off of him, just to climb back immediately once his back was on the mattress.
His heart couldn't help but skip a beat at the sight above him.
You looked so fucking sexy drowning in that shirt of his, and the fact that he was pretty sure you only had a pair of panties underneath it, only made it worst for him.
You didn't seem to notice the way he was practically eating you up with his eyes as you started massaging his chest.
God those hands of yours deserved their special place in heaven
He watched you biting your lips to concentrate as your fingers made all his pain disappear for just a moment.
Suddenly, he noticed a smirk splitting your face as you looked up at him.
"I see somebody isn't as tired as you" You raised an eyebrow before gently rubbing your core against his growing bulge.
"oh fuck" Joel breathed heavily 
"Sweetheart..." he murmured pleadingly as you did it again
"What?" you teased
"Trust me I'd love to fuck you right now, but I'm afraid that if I move one single muscle I'll have to go to the emergency room"
The chuckle that left your throat sounded more like angels singing to Joel.
"Who says you have to move a muscle?" you asked mischievously, as your hand slowly reached for the towel around his waist, undoing it in one swift move.
"Oh darlin'" he grinned lazily, "I'll never know what I did to deserve you"
You laughed softly at how happy he looked, before getting rid of his towel and taking his cock in your hand.
He was throbbing already
You stroked him a few times before you let your fingers find your panties and quickly pulled them to the side.
You wasted no time sinking down onto his length.
Giving him this massage had worked you up just as much as him.
his groans merged with your moans at the motion
"f-fuck" you muttered
No matter how many times you had sex with him, your pussy never really got used to the stretch.
"goddamnit darlin', you feel so good" he breathed
You smiled down at him before deciding to take off your shirt.
You didn't want it to get all sweaty...
He groaned even louder at the sight.
Your perfect tits bare before him, your perfect cunt hugging his cock so well, your perfect mouth parted as you sucked in ragged breaths, and then finally your perfect blown-out pupils staring down at him like he was the most handsome man on earth.
You were a fucking vision.
"fucking christ angel-" he growled as you started moving up and down his shaft "Look at you" he whispered, not able to stop his hands once they reached for your waist "How are you this fucking perfect?"
You just let out a breathy chuckle, continuing to bounce on his cock.
God, it felt good.
He always managed to hit that spot inside of you that made you feel better than anything else.
Your nails clawed at his chest, no doubt leaving some scratches, not that he minded... he loved when you marked him up.
Suddenly, you sped up your movements, making him tighten his hold on you
"Jesus Christ sugar" he groaned "How do you still have any energy left?" 
I mean every muscle of his had given up even trying, while you... well while you still had the energy to ride him like a damn pornstar.
And he would have liked to say this was the first time something like this had happened, but the truth was that the difference of age between him and you had made itself heard more times than he liked to admit.
He wasn't a teenager anymore, his back wasn't the same, his stamina wasn't the same, and you... Well, you were the exact opposite.
You were unstoppable, and fuck but you were insatiable
Before you, Joel got laid maybe once every six months, and now he found himself having sex at least twice a day.
Not that he was complaining obviously, it's just that he sometimes still wondered how the fuck you managed to pull it off.
"That's what being 25 will do to ya" You smiled, leaning closer to him to kiss his neck
"Mhh" he hummed, as one of his hands reached upwards to grab your tits "You're saying I'm old?" 
The soft sound of your laugh tickled his ear 
"I'm saying I'm young" you answered, rubbing your nose against his beard until his mouth was right in front of yours and all you needed to do was kiss him.
One of your hands had to grab at his shoulders as you felt your orgasm approach.
"oh fuck baby" you breathed, ghosting his mouth
"you coming?" he asked, watching as you shut your eyes, lost in pleasure.
"mh-mh" you managed to nod, before you hid your face in the crook of his neck and bit down onto whatever piece of skin you could reach.
"That's a good girl" he praised as his left hand found your butt and gave it a good squeeze "Give it to me angel" he urged
And without another word, you did, squeezing him and making him come just as you were coming down your own climax.
If he had to be honest he had been close since you had taken off your shirt.
"mhhh" you hummed satisfied, as you leaned away a little to look at him.
His lips looked way too delicious, so for good measure, you met them with yours for a brief moment.
"goddamnit sweetheart, you're gonna kill me one of these days" he smiled, gently stroking your sides
"Yeah..." a mischievous smirk erupted from your lips "and that day might be today"
"What are you talking about?"
You grinned
"Ready for round two cowboy?" 
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
Ways to say "I love you" - Lewis Hamilton
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I'm back with more Lew ❤️
warnings: mostly fluff, bit of angsty
wordcount: +3k
important: each drabble was writen as a snippet into different moments with Lewis. There's 10 more of those, but this was getting huge, so this is part 1.
With a hoarse voice, under the blankets
Life had been hectic, as it tended to be around the weeks before the final couple of races. You and Lewis had been on the road since mid October, not really going back to Europe since the US GP in Texas. The week off between São Paulo and Las Vegas the perfect opportunity to take a few days off in California with his friends. It was tiring, but you’d never complain of having a full passport as a down feature for your job.
The week of the Las Vegas GP was packed of events and promo for everyone, and to top it off a quick impromptu meeting with the board in the media day of the GP turned into a 5 hours long debate, that went well into the night.
You got back to your suite almost at midnight in serious need of a shower and some sleep. What you didn’t predict was Lewis already tucked into the bed, sound asleep.
You tiptoed around the room to try and find your things, not being lucky in the slightest you settled for a shirt Lewis had used in the road trip from LA to Vegas. The quick shower, only meant to decompress, had you engulfed in Lewis’ perfume, from both his shower products and shirt.
Lewis soft breathing guided you to the bed in the darkness of the room and when you got under the soft covers a pair of arms guided you to his chest, the one place sure to get you blacked out in minutes.
“They're in serious trouble for keeping you for so long” his horse voice an indication he had been in deep sleep already
“Sorry, took longer than we expected”
“Can’t wait to have you all to myself. Gonna have to lock you up at home during winter”
“No need, I’ll always find my way to you”. You mumbled into his neck, already nestling closer to him, ready to drift off.
A scream
“I love you” You screamed when you realized you’d never catch him, mid airport track, hoping the wind would somehow carry your words. His head turned abruptly, his face had confusion written all over his features, he was stuck in place, too stunned to comprehend the sudden confession you were hollering to the world but couldn’t say aloud to him just hours ago. You ran to him, security, people and restrictions be damned, that was your one chance.
“I love you, Lewis. I have loved you for longer than I care to admit, I have not stopped loving you even when I said I didn’t, even when hating you was all I wanted.” within arm’s reach you admitted breathlessly, doe eyes looking at you with such intensity you were sure he could see into your soul. His hands cautiously outstretching towards yours, waiting for you to take it, waiting for your mind to catch up to the feelings you had just admitted, waiting to see if you’d finally let your heart take over.
You didn’t take his hand though, going instead for the back of his neck, caressing the soft skin at the base of his hairline with your fingers, his overwhelming gaze waiting for your next move, for you to fully give in, looking from his eyes to his mouth until his scent and his touch were all that you felt. His hold on the lower of your back, the brush of his eyelashes on your cheeks and his taste on your lips were all you could ever want. The decision of a lifetime, one that after that day you would make every day, over and over.
On a random Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in your hair
The thing with Lewis was he was too much of an Capricorn for his own good, the earth in him urged for stability and trust, and in the familiarity and serenity of home he urged for security, not that he wanted a predictable life, but he wished that no matter what, he had someone he could fall back on.
“Move in with me” He blurred out of nowhere causing you to lightly laugh at him, scotching closer to his chest as if there was any space left between you, both laying comfortably tangled in each other in his house in London. Pillows and blankets around you on the floor, the late afternoon sunlight hitting the glass on the dining table and reflecting up at the ceiling, a movie on the tv neither were paying attention to.
“I mean it. I don’t see myself without you, I don’t want to anyway.” he almost whispered in your ears, the low volume to his voice amplifying the seriousness in his proposal. Turning your head to look at him you held your gaze into his for minutes, almost daring him to call off the offer, but he never did. His warm smile spreading onto his features when you crocked your head and smirked, specks of the late sunlight glowing where they hit your hair.
“I’d love to” you murmured, straddling him and pushing his chest so he’d lay back down on the blankets, hovering your face over his, leaving ghostly soft kisses on his lips, coming back up to look him in the eye, time and time again. Convincing yourself that it was okay to finally let your walls down for good.
“I love you; you know?!” a statement so surely presented to your, so pure. He didn’t wait to hear it back before pulling your to his chest and his lips, he didn’t have to.
When baking chocolate chip cookies
“We’re baking chocolate chip cookies!” You exclaimed as you entered his home gym in London mid-winter break, supplies in hand already anticipating half of the ingredients wouldn’t exist in his fridge.
“Excuse me?” He questioned as he set the weights down and reached for the towel to get the sweat dry from his forehead
“C’mom, vegan chocolate chip cookies” you rushedly told him already half way back inside, leaving a confused Lewis searching for any meaning to what had just happened.
As he approached his kitchen, he could hear the soft music playing in the speakers in the background while you danced around arranging the things you’d need.
“Care to explain, love?” He leaned at the stool just under the glistening spotlight and the couple of trays spread at the kitchen island.
“Your niece and nephew are coming over tomorrow” She retorted, almost a duh expression on her features as she chopped the vegan chocolate bar.
“Y/n, they know I’m preparing for the season” He lovingly replied, getting closer to you.
“Oh, they’re not exactly for you, Lew. I mean, they’re still vegan if you want to try them.” You turned into his embrace, leaving a kiss to the corner of his lips before wiggling back to where the many food items were.
“You show up at my house midafternoon, fully stacked, to bake vegan cookies for kids that aren’t coming until tomorrow and don’t really expect to eat anything but fruits ?!” He crocked his head, smirk fully on display as his eyes gleamed.
“That’s like half the reason I came. Apples and bananas are fine, but they are kids.” You shrugged as that was the most obvious thing.
“We’re really baking cookies then, I guess?!” He reached to you and grabbed the flour off of your hand, pouring it into a bowl.
“Chocolate chip cookies” You corrected him, laughing as he stole a few of the chopped chocolates still sitting on the chopping board 
Not said to me
You jolted up from your sleep when you heard a loud cry, frantically looking around the room you remembered you weren’t home when your eyes found the luggage in the corner, yours and Lewis’s belongings neatly tucked in the adjoining closet, a stark contrast to the baby clothes and toys scattered around the floor and armchairs. Slowly coming to your senses, you realized the crying was in your dreams when you heard a happy babble, followed by your husband’s low voice coming from the balcony of the hotel room.
“Sshh love, we don’t want to wake mamma up now do we? She’s taking a nap so we can go for a walk down the beach later.” The little girl instantly responding with a babble at the word she knew all too well.
Getting up you didn’t have the heart to interrupt the scene that played out when you peaked from the opened French doors of the room, deciding to quietly watch from the threshold as he kept blowing raspberries onto your daughter’s tummy, the chunky toddler in nothing but her diapers, in the hot afternoon summer breeze of Italy in July, excitedly clapping her hands for her dad while sitting on his legs.
“Oh, I miss her too baby, even when she’s just in the other room… I’ll tell you a secret though, even if momma tells the world we’re twins, every time I see your eyes, I see hers, the same one I’ve been in love with for a long time. Everyone says you are my hard carbon copy, but I love that I get to look into a piece of your mommy whenever I look at you".
When we lay together by the sun
The sun in your skin felt divine, a stark contrast to the wintery end of year you’d been having back in Europe, the heat and humidity in the air bringing to your senses the familiarity of northeast Brazilian weather in the hottest months of the year. His touch on your shoulder blades providing even more warmth, big hands massaging your whole back with sunscreen.
“By all means I’m the biggest fan of your back massages, but I put on sunscreen just a couple of hours ago” you giggled looking at him over your shoulders, sunglasses on the tip of your nose.
“Just making sure you’re protected, will you do mine?” He asked after tying the strings on the upper part of your bikini and giving your bum a checky light smack.
“Yeah… come here you Briton” grabbing him by the arms you sat up on the lounger and guided him to sit in between in your legs, his back already hot from the sun exposure.
“Thank you for coming here with me, I know we made it a 4 times header not going home to rest for a bit after Mexico.” You told him while spreading the white content of the Brazilian sunscreen you’d bought, throwing away the british one, not properly suited to sun in the tropics from your past experiences.
“Any time, love.” turning to face you he pulled you by the waist, his signature smirk and relaxed eyes scanning yours. “Especially when it includes this little paradise.”
“Have I told you I love you yet?” You questioned, the toothy grin he loved so much splattered on your face, his strong arms around you, the sounds of crashing waves in the background, white sand in your toes and his skin smelling just like your favorite childhood memories did.
“Not today, I don’t think so. Eu te amo” a questioning look as he tested his Portuguese around you, crushing his lips in yours while you giggled, raising you up to his body so he could hold you in his lap, his touch also how home felt to you. 
Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble
He felt the first little droplets of rain hit his skin as soon as she screamed “run”, laughing while holding her oversized hat to her head. He sprinted towards her, grabbing her waist, effortlessly stopping them both and turning her body to him, her eyes holding the warmth that lately he could only find there, his face adorned with adoration, her dimples fully showing as her lips plastered the sweetest of grins.
“I love you” He couldn’t help himself, those 3 little words coming out as easily as breath, the thought of how hard it’d been to get them out in the first place long forgotten. She held his gaze as if trying to eternalize those memories, the afternoon summer rain falling hard around them whilst rays of sunlight hit the concrete, their clothes drenched, drops of water running down their tangled bodies.
“I love you; I love you; I love you” senseless babbles that professed his utmost emotion, holding her up to him and kissing in the pouring rain like they were teenagers in a cheesy movie.
A whisper in the ear
Being back to Europe always took you some time to get acclimated, and it didn’t help that that particular winter had been the coldest in years, so much colder than what your body was used to, so you wrapped yourself up in blankets waiting for your boyfriend to get out of the shower and join you in bed, hopefully helping you to warm up.
His parents, siblings, niece and nephew were gathered for an impromptu 5 days getaway in the mountains, in the middle of wintery January, snow everywhere and days filled with winter sports, fireplaces and laughter from the people that had welcomed you as family. 
“Hey gorgeous, I thought you’d still be down there” he smirked his way to the open luggage on the little sofa by the bed, towel low on his hips and another in his hand for his face.
“Everyone went to bed, something about getting some sleep to beat you on the slopes tomorrow” You giggled the last part, knowing how competitive they could get. He chuckled and made his way towards you, getting under the blankets and bringing you over to his side, just his presence enough to soothe away the tight muscles from the cold.
“How come you’re always running so cold?” he whispered in your hair, wrapping his arms around your waist and hips and bringing you to his chest. His skin radiating warmth and the smell of your body wash, since he’d forgotten to pack his. Fingers absentmindedly tracing random patterns on your thighs, your eyes lazily trying to focus on the news on the tv but failing miserably, the world could wait until the next morning.
“I love you” was the last thing you heard he whisper, his hoarse voice heavy with sleep, his arms scooching your body closer to his while making sure the blankets covered you both before he let his own sleep take over.
As we huddle together, the storm raging outside
Sundays after races would always be busy for the both of you. The rain was falling hard as you entered the small RV as quietly as you could, founding Lewis ingulfed in his own thoughts and feelings when you finally cleared through your duties, way past the time you wish had.
Taking in how his arms and back looked tense while he rested his head on both his hands sitting in the small sofa, you brought yourself to stand right in front of him, softly running your finger on his neck until he looked up offering a sad side smile and tugged you to his lap. You hadn’t spoken to each other since before he got in his car, well over 4 hours prior, but you didn’t have to.
He needed time to process what happened, he always did. Lewis could always come to interviews looking like he had it all together, always with the right words, but you knew, from the crease in his forehead and the way his shoulders dropped whenever he breathed a little deeper, that his calculating-looking actions and words were just knee-jerk reactions.
“I love you” you said into his neck, a consolation of sorts, huddling together, sitting on his lap with his head resting on your chest and his arms holding your waist tightly. At least in that small room, neither of you had to think about the storm brewing outside, not yet anyway.
Over the shoulder
The championship had, yet again, came down to the last race and the doom could be felt even from outsiders. The last time it happened Lewis wasn’t even a Ferrari driver, but everyone remembered.
You had tried to block the subject from your conversations with him, warned everyone he had enough of the comparisons, made sure he had all the space to breath, concentrate and shield all the noise from the outside. Yet, in the apparent serenity of the hotel bedroom, the quietness would scream back at him.
“What if it’s not meant to be?” He snapped you out of your thoughts as you finished some reports on your computer. His eyes a mix of something you couldn’t quite pint point, his walls up even for you.
“Then you’re still a 7 times world champion, a driver who’s won for McLaren, Mercedes and Ferrari, a trailblazer in the sport, entrepreneur over a variety of assets, founder of Mission 44, British knight, Brazilian honorary citizen, Anthony and Carmen’s son, Nicolas’ brother, my mom’s favorite son-in-law… oh and Roscoe’s dad, of course.” He smiled as you got to his family, scootching over to be by your side on the balcony sofa and laying his head on your lap.
“I would hate to be an almost champion… twice”   
“Yeah, we would all hate that too. And it’s okay to feel all kinds of way about possible results, but we’re not gonna known until we know, right?!”  You felt him humm in response, your fingertips going through his braids, trying to sooth the tensions away from him.
It wasn’t until the soft humming of a phone in the bedroom that you realized you had fallen asleep in the balcony, his body moving almost automatically to get him up while his features revealed how he too had dozed off.
“Will you still love an almost champion?” He prompted suddenly, almost like he had just remembered he had to know, eyes twinkling under the lights.
“Babe, I stayed even in the timbs phase, didn’t I?” You smirked back earning a full soundless chuckle, those that had him reach for his diaphragm and shake his head left to right.
“You’re lucky I love you; you really are.” You heard as he looked over his shoulders just as he got back inside.
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zepskies · 9 months
Hey could I please request headcanons for how Dean would react to reader texting him "she's busy" as a joke, yk kind of like
Dean: Hey baby
Reader: She's busy
I really hope this makes sense and isn't so confusing 😭😭
Ooh I think I know what you mean. 😏
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader Word Count: 850
Imagine: Texting Dean when he's on a hunt.
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Once again, Dean sighed while he waited on his brother.
They were stopped at a 7-Eleven gas station after a hunt, but Dean had long ago filled up Baby's tank. Sam was inside, grabbing a few snacks for the road tomorrow. Supposedly.
Dean fished out his phone from his pocket and texted him.
Hey, Driving Miss Daisy. You good in there?
A couple of minutes later, Sam responded.
Yeah, just getting a few things.
Dean rolled his eyes. Right.
For half an hour? What, you taking a shit or something?
Sam's response was testy, just as Dean predicted.
Dean, give me a minute. Jesus.
Dean sighed, with a roll of his eyes. He scrolled back into his texts and found your name. He was a couple of states over from Lawrence, but still within the same timezone. You should still be awake back at the bunker.
He decided he wanted to hear your voice, let you know that he and Sam were going to catch one more night of rest here at the motel before they made the long drive back home.
But...you didn't answer when he called.
Weird. You were typically a night owl, either watching something or plugging away at your laptop. He tried texting you instead.
Hey, baby. You up?
He eventually saw the three gray dots pop up. You were typing...
She's busy.
Dean frowned. What the hell?
Had you invited someone over? Like Jody or Donna?
But neither of them would've replied like that...so he texted back.
Stop messing around.
Dean tried calling you again, but it went directly to voicemail this time. In came another text from "you."
She'll call you back, dude.
Dean's jaw ticked with annoyance. And despite himself, unease began to creep in and churn his stomach.
What the fuck is this?
She's in the shower. I'll tell her to call you back, no worries.
All right. WHO is this?
Ooh, are you the boyfriend? Yikes lol.
A deep, slow breath made it through Dean's nose. He closed his eyes, counted to ten, reminded himself that he did, in fact, love you.
Then he responded.
Babe, if you don't call me in the next 30 seconds, there's gonna be hell to pay when I get home.
Dean checked his watch and actually counted. About ten seconds passed before his phone rang with an incoming call...from you. He answered.
"Promise?" came your teasing voice. When it ended on a giggle, Dean rolled his eyes and rested his head back on the seat. He blew out a frustrated breath.
"Oh, trust and believe. You're gonna fuckin' get it this time," he said, though his lips curved on a reluctant smirk. You full on laughed at him then.
"You make it too easy," you replied.
He knew this. It wasn't the first time you'd teased him, and he knew it wouldn't be the last.
Still, he couldn't help being a bit irritated this time.
"You know, how would you like it if I did that to you?" he asked. "Wouldn't be so fucking funny then, would it?"
"...Okay. You're right. I'm sorry, baby," came your more contrite voice. But he could still hear your smile. Could imagine the way you might soothe a hand along his arm, if you were here.
"How about I make it up to you?" you offered.
That worked a slow smirk onto his face. "Yeah? What did you have in mind?"
For the next few minutes, you purred into his ear about all the things you'd been thinking of while he was gone. Daydreaming about the talents of his hands, lips, and tongue.
In particular, you reminded him about a certain birthday wish that he still hadn't claimed from a couple weeks ago, when he and Sam got wind of this hunt.
Two weeks really was too damn long, in your opinion. (He agreed with you.)
Now with a half-straining bulge in his jeans, Dean licked his lips and tightened his hand on the leather wheel of the car.
"All right. Sounds like a plan to me, sweetheart," he said, deceptively breezy. As if you'd just told him you planned to make tacos for dinner.
"When are you getting home?" you asked.
He heard the tone of your voice, like black silk. It sent a tendril of heat down his spine, raising the hairs on his forearms.
"Tonight," Dean said. Deeper, a note of gravel in his words. "I'll see you tonight."
"Good." Once again, he heard the smile in your voice. "I love you."
He sighed, and raised a hand to card through his hair.
"Love you too...even though you play too fucking much," he muttered the latter bit.
Your laughter once again reached his ears, reluctantly making him smile.
He hung up with you just before Sam finally opened the passenger seat door and climbed in with two hefty grocery bags. Did he do a whole damn shopping spree in there?
...Whatever. Dean shook his head and started the car.
"Change of plan," he said. "We're heading home."
"What? Thought we were gonna catch a few hours of sleep. It's a long drive, Dean," Sam said, earning his brother's gaze.
"Yeah, well, you'll live," Dean snarked. A more devious grin spread across his face. "I've got a date."
And she's about to get punished.
The Impala's tires screeched as Dean pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
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AN: Ha! This one was fun. 😘 Thanks for the prompt!
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
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@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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Ingrid Engen & Mapi León x Reader -Nap-
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Hi everyone, this is my first post on here so I really hope you like it and give me some requests please 💛
Ingrid Engen & Mapi León x Reader -Nap-
It was very rare to be home before your girlfriends got back from training when you were called in for shifts. Being a paramedic in Barcelona meant that when you were on call it was for long hours though the whole night or the whole day. Growing up in London, England, you were immediately drawn to human anatomy and seeing the work paramedics drew you to the adrenaline filled job.
You first met Mapi and Ingrid about a year and a half ago when you were visiting your childhood best friend Keira Walsh when she first moved to Barcelona. Unlike the midfielder you knew Spanish very well from taking it in your GCSEs, and on a night out with Keira’s new teammates you had spent pretty much the whole time speaking to the couple who had taken an interest in hearing about you and what you do for work.
Fast forward about a year of dating the two women. You couldn’t be happier, going through long distance for the first couple of months until you secured a position as an EMT in the busy city and there was never a dull moment.
In the early morning you had left the house before either of your lovers were up, saying a quiet goodbye before leaving to start your predicted twelve hour shift. You drove around with your partner Gabe who had grown up in the city, no major calls starting out making it pretty easy. Though every single time the Q word came up what happened after would never be good.
“Quiet today.” Gabe said causing you to groan as not even a second later you were called to a car accident with multiple vehicles and injured people.
“Idiota.” You said as you turned the ambulance around to the place of the accident. Getting to the scene you were immediately pulled to work taking note of the multiple emergency personnel and blood and bodies scattered around the road with people trying to aid.
It took a long time to calm down the chaos, working on multiple patients that needed to get to the hospital quickly. You worked purely off adrenaline, split from Gabe as you worked on a five year old girl who had pain in her chest and a broken arm. It seemed like the driver of a truck had gone out of control going down a busy highway taking out a lot of cars on the way.
You were used to traumatic calls, you had time to think about everything later but in the moment you had to save the patients that were still alive. After a couple more hours and dropping off patients at the hospital you and Gabe were driving through the streets. The two of you didn’t talk as images flashed through your brain.
The memories of patients some it which you could save but others where people were to far gone to save.
“Podemos traernos del turno? No podemos continuar.” (Can we brought of the shift? We can't continue.) Gabe said to the emergency base knowing that both you and himself were not mentally okay to continue the shift.
Once you got back to the Ambulance base you said goodbye to Gabe and headed back to your apartment, you were called off five hours before your shift was to end and now had the whole apartment to yourself as your two girlfriends were still at training. You made sure to send a quick text to them both telling them what had happened and how you were going to shower and sleep once you got back, knowing they probably wouldn’t see it for another couple of hours.
Unlocking your front door, putting your bags down and heading straight to the shower to scrub the dried blood and sweat off your body from the day. After twenty minutes you were out and dressed in one of Ingrid’s shirts and a pair of Mapi’s old Barcelona shorts, climbing into bed under the covers and immediately falling asleep.
Mapi read your text once she pulled her phone out of bag after training, eyebrows furrowed as she read what had happened showing Ingrid who looked over her shoulder. The two quickly showered trying to get home to you as quick as they could, saying goodbye to their teammates before driving to their apartment.
The two women's eyes softened as they landed on your sleeping form snuggled into the covers. Ingrid grabbed your uniform that was on the bathroom floor, taking it to wash while Mapi walked over to your sleeping form. “Hola mi amor.” Mapi whispered, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead.
Mapi smiled gently as you cuddled into her side, still half asleep. Ingrid came in not long after immediately hoping on the other side of you and wrapping her arm around your waist. At this point you were just pretending to be asleep wanting to stay like this forever with your two favourite people.
“We know you're awake.” Ingrid whispered into your ear, causing shivers to run up your spine.
“Leave me be.” You muttered back burying your head further in Mapi’s side, the two women laughing lightly choosing to just let your rest. Mapi moved from her sitting position of the bed to move further down making sure to settle your head into a comfy position on her chest, taking her other lover's hand resting them over your waist.
Ingrid stayed awake scrolling through her phone as you and Mapi fell asleep once again, the warmth taking over. An hour and a half passed and soon dinner time was fast approaching and Ingrid needed to know what you guys wanted. “Min elsker tid til å stå opp.” (My loves time to get up.) Mapi woke up as soon as she heard Ingrid’s voice but like always you stayed asleep.
“Just leave her.” Mapi said, looking at Ingrid.
“I need to know what she wants for dinner.” Ingrid said, sending a pointed look to the defender.
“You know she’ll eat anything you make.” Mapi said as she manoeuvred herself from under you to enter the kitchen, pressing a sweet kiss to Ingrid’s cheek as they started to get dinner ready for the three of you.
Thirty minutes passed and you were brought from your nap by the feeling of being alone in bed, and you were right as you noticed that neither of your lovers were next to you and both sides were cold. Grabbing your phone from the bedside table you saw a message from Keira and others notifications from other apps, moving to respond to your best friend planning some breakfast plans for the two of you.
Walking out of the shared bedroom your senses were met with an amazing aroma of fresh food and your two beautiful girlfriends standing in the kitchen making the food (Mapi messing around more than helping). “Morning sleeping beauty.” Mapi teased, smiling brightly as she realised you had woken up from your nap.
“You're so funny.” You joked back, teasing her even more by dodging her kiss to land on your cheek instead of your lips.
“Oi.” Mapi yelled, grabbing both of your cheeks and pulling her lips to meet yours, giggling into the kiss as she poked at your sides.
You took your seat at one of the chairs at the kitchen island, each of you talking about your day. Not long later Ingrid had finished dinner asking you to set the table, quickly complying so you could eat the perfectly prepared meal. Eating in comfortable silence, with conversations flowing around every so often.
Since Ingrid cooked it was either Mapi or you cleaning up and of course it was decided by a simple game of rock, paper, scissors. “Suck on that loser.” You laughed as you showed scissors while Mapi had paper.
“No best of three-” Mapi tried to argue.
“Elskling.” Ingrid said looking up from her phone, knowing that Mapi had suggested whoever won first had to do the washing up, shutting your idea down of best of three. Mapi pouted as you pressed a light kiss on her cheek before moving to snuggle into your other girlfriend who was waiting with her arms open.
Ingrid was very used to her girlfriends' childish fights, always there to diffuse them, but secretly she loved seeing either you or Mapi’s pouts when you were told off. It took Mapi ten minutes to clean up so soon enough she was back in the living room jumping onto the couch taking you and Ingrid by surprise.
Ingrid had settled herself with her book with you tucked under her arm with your back resting against her side, Mapi slotted herself in between your legs resting her head on your stomach while also grabbing your hand to intertwine your fingers into her hair. Love Island was on so that was playing on the TV. Neither one of your girlfriends liked the show but couldn’t bring themselves to tell you to turn it off due to how much it made you laugh and just how much you enjoyed it.
Your giggles were heard through the room, Ingrid smiling to herself at how happy you were and Mapi finding comfort in your joy as your fingers continued to comb through her hair and glide over her tattoos. You would never grow tired of the warmth Mapi and Ingrid gave you and their ability to make any day 100% better. 
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apollodeath · 6 months
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Come over.
Summary: you and König have been FWB for a while and he’s back from a 6 month deployment and he wants you over. Now.
A/N: I made this in 2 hours and did not re-read… so, there’s probably mess ups. I apologize. I just wanted to post/write something smut filled. I can’t get König off my mind. So I wanted to just cave and write a one shot of him. Also written to the song “inside friend” by Leon Bridges ft. John Mayer.
MDNI 18+
Warnings/content warnings: size kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mentions of wounds/scars from battle. Reader is referred to as You, love and Maus but mentions of pussy and breasts. If I forgot anything I’m so sorry.
Reader = purple
König = green
— ⋆ ⋆ ¤⋆ ⋆—
You sat at work bored scrolling on your phone. Since it was so cold out your shop didn’t get many customers. A text pops up and your eyes flicker to it then back taking a double take.
Your notification reads:
[König 💦]
A text from him surprised you cause last time you heard from him was 6 months ago. When he went on deployment. He was predictable and persistent which is why you liked being his… friend with benefits. His inside friend.
You feel your body heat up when you read his text.
[König 💦]
— hey. you think you could come over?
— I’m back.
You smirk at your phone texting back with the feeling of eagerness building. You hate to admit after König left you kinda just stuck to yourself not really interested in a partner or hooking up. Your hands could satisfy you, not as great as König but they worked.
[König 💦]
— hey. you think you could come over?
— I’m back.
— Hey yeah I can. Same time as before?
You placed your phone away once customers came in.
Time passed slowly now that you had König on your mind. The last time you saw him he was was slow and patient, taking his time to engulf you in his body, to devour slowly, he was moving so slow then, it felt like it took days for him to actually push into you.
You sit on your chair behind the counter feeling your pussy pulse to the thought.
He was fresh out of the shower and he started by simply kissing you. You went home around 5am that day and he went to the airport around the same time. You remember thinking you’d really miss him if he didn’t come back.
A buzz on your phone makes you check and knock your memories away.
[König 💦]
— I’m back.
— Hey yeah I can. Same time as before?
— of course. 7pm.
You go to text back when another text comes in.
[König 💦]
— Hey yeah I can. Same time as before?
— of course. 7pm.
— if you can come more soon faster. that would be best. I need you.
His texts were sometimes out of place. He didn’t know English well enough to text but in person he knows enough. Still his words ‘I need you.’ Literally made you a puddle in your seat.
You look at the time and it reads [3:37pm] you begin to think:
If no one shows up and it hits 4pm you were closing the shop and heading over.the perks of being your own boss. For the first time since opening your own shop you beg the world at this moment that no one comes in.
The world grants your wish and you rush to close up once your clock shows the correct time. You grab your jacket rushing home to shower.
Once you get back on the road to König’s apartment you feel your nervous energy turning to desire and hotness.
You text him:
[König 💦]
— of course. 7pm.
— if you can come more soon faster. that would be best. I need you.
— Omw. I need you too.
You flirt back and smile hearing your phone go off seconds after hitting send.
[König 💦]
— if you can come more soon faster. that would be best. I need you.
— Omw. I need you too.
— god. I’m already getting hard.
You smirk and text back while you’re stopped at a red light.
[König 💦]
best. I need you.
— Omw. I need you too.
—god. I’m already getting hard.
— Aww. I wanted you to get hard in my mouth.
You teased and started driving once again hearing your phone buzz a few times as you pulled up outside the apartment building.
[König 💦]
— god. I’m already getting hard.
— Aww. I wanted you to get hard in my mouth.
— Scheiße
— fuck*
You bit your bottom lip knowing he craved you the way you craved him. You get out of the car and go up to his apartment on the 5th floor. You breath in and out before knocking. You’re surprised at how fast he was to swing open the door. It’s like he was waiting by it. You laugh a little.
“Come in mein süßer Freund” he’s wearing some of his gear-like clothes. His sniper hood on, of course. It’s what peaked your interest when you fist met König in a library one day.
You walk in while König closes the door behind you, slowly looking around you see unpacked luggage by the couch.
“I hope it’s not to warm in here.” His voice makes you turn to look at him, you can tell he’s a little nervous like he used to be when you first met him; his eyes trace you like a feral dogs just smelt another dog in heat.
“It’s been awhile…” you spoke softly trying to break the tension.
“Can we skip that part?” he spoke just as gentle but more his bedroom voice. You knew the difference all too well. You nod in agreement stripping your sweater off exposing your chest to him.
“Welcome home?” You say with a soft blush spreading over your cheeks and chest. König’s apartment was heated perfectly for the winter outside but yet your body still had chills making your nipples rise.
He takes no time walking up to you lifting his hood over his lips locking his with yours, quickly grabbing your chest in both his hands kneading them placing your nipples between his fingers knuckles every knead slightly pitching them.
He was so sloppy and needy with his kisses, his hand movements were almost painful with how needy he is. You didn’t realise your own neediness until now. He made you whimper from these touches. He then wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you against his hips; through your leggings/sweater you felt his hard cock pressing against your tummy. His height was so dramatic his cock was above your waist it made you smirk and let a little giggle out.
König stopped the kissing to look at you.
“What meine liebe?” He asked slowly unzipping his pants.
“I think I forgot how tall you were.” You giggle a little again. König chuckles.
“I think I forgot how small you were, Maus”
You blush looking away then glancing at his bedroom down the hallway.
“I’ll take you there.” He reached over grabbing you and picking you up over his shoulder like a cave man had just gotten a fresh kill. It made you laugh.
“I think I also forgot how strong you are” you added as a joke. Saying all these ‘I think I forgot’s made him laugh. König placed you on your back on the tall, large bed. When you first came over to his apartment you realized that his bed came off the ground higher than most beds, when you sat on the edge your feet didn’t touch the ground. König looked at you from his standing position at the edge, he stripped his pants down along with his underwear then pulling his shirt off. You laid on your back just watching him. Admiring him. His cock stood curved at attention. He had a new scar you noticed; it was healed but fresher than the others. It looked like a jagged…maybe a bullet wound? On his upper chest almost shoulder. König noticed and shook his head.
“Don’t ask.” He grabbed your ankles pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. You nodded in agreement.
König took your leggings and panties in his hands pulling them down.
“Lift.” He said softly and you lifted your hips helping him pull them off. He breathed in and out taking you in, fully nude, laying on your back with your legs bent exposing yourself to him.
You felt yourself already leaking with excitement. It was the drive that felt like foreplay. He takes his cock in one hand placing the other on your mound placing his thumb softly on your clit swiveling it. His breath is heavy already just at seeing your body’s reactions to his thumb rubbing over your sensitive clit, lifting your hips to his touch, your legs spread more ready to take him whole. He guides his cock into you pushing in just quick enough to stretch you with a slight sting, it’s instantly replaced with pleasure making your head fall back into the bed. He glides in so easy your velvety, wet, warm pussy is sucking him in.
“I think I forgot how wet you get.” He stated through gritted teeth his voice dipped in pleasure. He tried to joke but the moment was all too serious to remember to try and sound like he was joking. He felt his stress melt off his shoulders as his cock twitches in you.
König starts thrusting short, hard patterns only taking his cock out 2 inches at most leaving the leftover 5 inches as he ruts his hips against yours.
His hands grab your hips tightly and you bite your lip hard feeling immense pleasure from this, his cock’s curve is just right to rub on the inside making you moan out his name and anything else that’ll come out.
König is whimpering/grunting at each thrust. His back is curled in. His face is above yours. You take this opportunity to reach out to his face mask suddenly he stops and his hand is around your wrist tightly.
“I just wanted.. another kiss…” you try catching your breath from everything. He slightly put fear in you but you understood his own fear of his mask coming off.
He nodded understanding now, he let your wrist go and picked you up pushing you to the center of the bed and crawled on, never disconnecting you two.
König leaned down lifting his mask up placing his hot mouth on yours, kissing you deeply and slipping his tongue in guiding your own tongue around his. He began moving his hips again at a slow pace softly gaining speed. You wrapped your legs around his waist pushing him in deeper and he broke the kiss to place his head between your neck and shoulder to then wrap his arms around you and got a steady position to start jack hammering in you. The bed began to thump the wall and the sound of moans and wet, warm skin colliding over and over filled the room. König’s hot breath on your neck felt like fire in the best ways possible. You arched your back feeling yourself building your climax.
“Tell me… M-Maus did you fantasize about me.” He asked through thrusts his voice shaky from his movements.
“Yes, I did!” You answered honestly on the brink of tears from how good the pleasure felt. How much you missed this. Missed him.
“Did you fuck anyone else?” He asked biting at your neck.
“No. No I-I knew know one could… oh god, fuck me like you.” You scratched at his back holding on to reality as best as you could.
“Good girl, good Maus.” He panted into your ear.
König places his hands once more on your hips steadying you to thrust in at a better angle.
Looking down for a minute watching your two bodies connect with the wet sloshing sound. His eyes are closed as he tries holding back his own orgasm. He looks up with half lidded eyes from under the mask and you can tell he’s just drunk off the feeling. His thrusts are becoming sloppy and twitchy as his legs are trying to lock in a flexed position.
“Cum for me.” You say softly with whimpers. His eyes roll back and head tilts back but he keeps going.
“I-i-…. I..” he can’t remember what the words are in English so he just shakes his head ‘no’
“Nein, ich möchte es noch nicht. Ich will dich mehr ficken” he grunts out even tho you don’t know any German somehow you knew what he wanted.
Translation: No, I don't want it yet. I want to fuck you more
König slows his thrusts to a soft pace sitting up on his knees more. He grabs you pulling you up to sit on his lap. You hiss at the sharp new angle of his cock piercing you. He reads your expression and lift you up slightly and starts to rut his hips up into you. You throw your arms over his shoulders and pull him in as you arch your back making your chest squeeze against him. König takes his arm and latches it around your waist to help lift you up and down his length like his own personal fuck toy; taking his other hand and placing it in your hair softly tugging not to hard just something to grab.
“Just like that” he breaths out.
“I’m gonna cum” you whimper out feeling yourself leaking slowly on to his lap. König can feel your warm liquid trailing down his balls and lap.
“Cum f’me Maus bitte, bitte please cum, cum bitte” he’s begging to feel you pulse on his hard cock. His words alone are enough to make you orgasm, you cling to him as your body shakes and your walls tighten around him. König can feel every squeeze of your walls milking his hard cock, it takes strength not to cum right away but he’s losing the battle.
König grabs your hips and pushes you all the way down his length to sit at his base. Your orgasm made you make a mess on him and the bed underneath. König felt just how feral that made him as he gripped you tighter and starts filling you with his own cum. You look at him and his eyes are shut tight and his grip on you is so tight you swear you can feel both of your heart beats in your body. You whimper some more feeling him inside twitch and pour stream in you.
“That’s it… that’s it König.. cum for me” he opens his eyes catching his breath, nodding yes.
“That-that felt um, uh…” he smiles and shakes his head laughing slightly “uh great? Good? Very good.” He chuckles you nod laughing a little yourself.
He slowly helps you raise off of him and lay back feeling your legs still weak and shaky. He crawls to your side flopping on the bed still catching his breath. You let your eyes close just soaking in the feeling. You feel him roll over then back onto his back.
“It’s only seven thirty…” he whispers. You look over to him and König has his eyes set on you.
“I have all night.” You state.
“I have until next week Tuesday.” He says teasingly. You giggle at him.
“Are you saying you want to cum again?” You tease rolling to your side taking your hand and placing it on his hot chest.
“And again and again…” he adds with a smirk you can hear on his lips. He’s always been a 2 rounds kind of guy. Rarely a 3 rounder.
“Take what you want.” you whisper trailing your hand down his body König stopping you at his waist.
“You said you wanted to feel me get hard in your mouth…”
— ⋆ ⋆ ¤⋆ ⋆—
a/n: I hope it’s good. Sorry about the ending just fading out I had no idea how to end this. I loved writing about König messing up English lol I hope the text portion wasn’t to confusing. Sorry for any typos again.
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dccomicsimagines · 5 months
Shattered - Batfamily Imagine
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Warning - Abuse, Abusive Behavior
Requested by Anon -  Can I request a batfamily x reader where reader is very quiet and one day Bruce pushes too hard and reader runs away. Then reader is missing for weeks and they find her badly injured and Bruce is feeling bad
Author’s Note - This took me forever to finish. Also it spiraled into it’s own thing, but hope you enjoy it!
You felt your father watch you from across the cave. The punching bag swung back to you. Your fists cracked against the bag, echoing in the silence of the cave. The bats screeched in the distance. 
Out of the corner of your eye, Bruce moved toward you. The tension in his shoulders, firmness of his jaw, you knew he was in a bad mood. You sensed it was caused by Damian. Damian and your father hadn’t gotten along well ever since Bane took over the city and Alfred died. Then again, Bruce hadn’t gotten along well with anyone since Alfred died. You swallowed back a lump in your throat. It hurt that you had to force yourself not to tense up when he reached you.
“Too practiced.” Bruce crossed his arms. His cowl was off. You caught the bag when it swung back to you, peeking at him shyly. “A live target won’t wait for you to punch them.” His eyes were ice cold steel. You wondered if your eyes were like that. Dick claimed you had Bruce’s eyes, but you never believed him. 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Bruce’s lips formed a hard line. “Sorry,” you whispered finally. Your hand trembled slightly. You shouldn’t be nervous. He won’t hurt you.
“Sorry won’t save your life. Sorry will get you killed.” He turned and walked off to the sparring mat. Your eyes widened, blood draining out of your face. His hand gestured for you to follow. 
Your feet moved without you realizing. Suddenly, you were on the mat and facing your father. He took off his cape and tossed it to the sidelines. “Attack,” he ordered. You blinked before running straight toward Bruce. 
It occurred to you to surprise him as you flipped forward and sprang up to aim a kick to his jaw. He blocked it, pushing you away. You rolled with the push and landing safely on your feet. 
“Predictable.” Bruce threw a punch your way. You barely dodged it. He was so fast. “You need to be unpredictable.” 
The sparring session lasted a full hour. You had been thrown to the ground too many times to count. Your body ached, knowing you’ll have bruises the next morning. 
Bruce offered his hand. You took it and stood up. “You’ll need more training if you’re going into the field alone.” He glanced at the batcomputer when it beeped with a message. “Shower and get to bed. You have school tomorrow.” 
“Yes Dad.” You mumbled, holding his hand a moment longer. He allowed it and you felt comforted by it. You couldn’t remember the last time he hugged you. 
Bruce pulled away too quickly for your liking, heading to the batcomputer. He joined a call with Jim Gordon. They were discussing the murder from the night before. Bruce believed it was a serial killer, thus why you weren’t allowed to patrol with him until the killer was off the streets. 
You limped toward the showers. Your eyes burned with tears, your heart aching so bad you thought it was ripped from your chest. It confused you. 
After your shower, you slowly walked up the stairs. Bruce was still at the batcomputer. You knew better than to bother him. 
The next night, you sat by the batcomputer and organized files. You were still banned from patrol. The serial killer still on the loose. Your father was getting more and more unbearable. Biting your lip, you wished Alfred was here. He’d know how to get your father to stop and take a rest, but Alfred died a year ago. 
A little bit of anger sparked in your heart. Why were you left to deal with your father alone? Why could all the others run off? You cursed your age, wishing you were eighteen or at least well trained enough to join the Teen Titans or something. 
However, you took a deep breath, letting the anger go. You learned a long time ago that being angry with your father didn’t do any good. It was almost like he wanted your anger, so you didn’t give it to him. 
The file organization was mind numbing. You peeked at your father’s tracker to see him at GCPD. He was probably talking to Commissioner Gordon about the serial killer. You wished you were with him. 
Suddenly, the computer beeped that the batcave allowed access to someone. You opened the cameras to see a motorcycle flying down the tunnels. Excited, you got your feet to greet the motorcycle. As it came closer, you recognized the dark blue paint. 
“Hey,” Dick greeted, parking his bike a few feet from you. “How you doing, kiddo?” 
“I’m okay.” You crossed your arms tightly across your chest. “What are you doing here?”
Dick climbed off his bike. “Just visiting. Is Bruce here?” He came over to you, ruffling your hair.
“No, he’s out.” You bit your lip when he frowned slightly. Dick hummed, resting a hand on your chin to inspect the bruise on your cheekbone. You had washed off the makeup you used to hide it at school. “I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Dick pulled away. He took off his mask, looking you directly with those clear blue eyes. You avoided eye contact. 
You didn’t answer, simply turning to point at the tracker on the screen. Dick went over to look. You sighed in slight relief. 
“So a serial killer is on the loose huh? I saw it on the news, decided I should stop by,” Dick said, studying the screen to see all the files you were organizing. 
You swallowed hard and took your seat back by the computer to continue your work. Dick watched you for a bit. “I don’t know when he’ll come home. You should probably go meet him,” you said after you heard Dick sigh.
Dick leaned against your chair, resting his arm on the headrest. “I was going to borrow some surveillance equipment. I want to stake out a few of Blockbuster’s operations.” Dick smirked when you looked up at him. “Wanna tag along?”
Your heart skipped a beat in excitement. It wasn’t until now that you realized how much you missed going out. Two weeks of only the cave and school was restricting. “Dad wouldn’t like it,” you said, biting your lip as you glanced at Batman’s tracker on the computer. He was driving through the city now. You assumed he was going to check out the next crime scene.
Dick followed your gaze to the screen before looking back at you. “Kiddo, we can leave him a note. He won’t be upset if we’re in Bludhaven.” He ruffled your hair. Your lips pulled into a smile.
“Are you sure?” You jumped to your feet. 
“I’m sure. Go get your suit on.” Dick tapped your nose, grinning. “Heck, even pack an overnight bag. You can just stay over at my place.” You turned and ran off to gather your stuff. 
Dick frowned as he watched you hurry away. You were limping. If you had been in the cave for two weeks, where would you have gotten hurt? The limp could have been a sprain, but the bruise on your cheek? Dick shook his head, swallowing hard. “Bruce, what are you doing?” he mumbled, eyeing the tracker. 
Dick glanced over his shoulder to make sure you were out of earshot before tapping the comm button. “(Y/N), I don’t have time. If you’re done with the files, go to bed,” Bruce said harshly. 
“It’s me, Bruce.” Dick pursed his lips, holding back a scoff. “Is that how you talk to her?” 
“I’m in the middle of an investigation. (Y/N) knows not to bother me.” Dick shook his head. “Why are you there?”
“I stopped to borrow a few things and to check in on you and (Y/N).” Dick ran a hand through his hair. “Bruce, I’m taking (Y/N) with me for a few days. This isn’t good.”
Bruce didn’t respond. Dick knew what that silence meant. “Keep her safe,” he finally said softly. A moment of vulnerability.
“Always.” Dick held back the words he wanted to say. “I’ll talk to you in a few days.”
Bruce grunted and shut off the comm. Dick sighed. He would need to talk to the others about this. Dick felt responsible. He should have checked in on you more. He should have taken you with him once he first suspected. Dick swallowed hard as he heard you come up behind him. Forcing a smile on his face, he turned to you.
The weekend with Dick was a lot of fun, but you weren’t an idiot and Dick wasn’t that subtle. You knew Dick was concerned about your welfare. He had several calls during the weekend, calls you overheard when he thought you were asleep. 
It was a relief to be home. Bruce seemed happy to have you back. Well, as happy as he could get nowadays, which wasn’t much. However, you did receive a shoulder pat before he sent you off to train. You practically melted at the touch. 
You were on the balance beam, training in the balanced combat that Dick showed you. Bruce was at the computer, still going over evidence for the serial killer. He still hadn’t caught him. You were greatly concerned by the fact, but stayed quiet. 
“I don’t have the time for this,” Bruce said suddenly. You glanced over at him as you practiced landing a kick without losing your balance. Bruce got to his feet. “(Y/N), come here.” You blinked before hopping off the beam and running over. He gestured for you to go to the changing room. You frowned, confused. Bruce growled. “Get ready for patrol,” he said sharply.
“Really?” you asked, voice barely a whisper. He narrowed his eyes at you. “Yes sir.” You swallowed hard and ran to get changed. Bruce was already in his batsuit. 
You ran back out a minute later, strapping on your cape. Bruce marched to the batmobile at the sight of you. You jogged behind him. “I need you to stake out the other location.” Bruce hopped into the driver’s side. You got in beside him, holding back a smile at finally being in the batmobile with Bruce again. He drove off at full speed toward Gotham. “I have determined that the killer will strike in one of two locations. He leaves clues, a Riddler copycat.” He glanced at you. The hint of approval appeared in his eyes when he saw you were listening attentively. “He will strike tonight, so I don’t have the time to narrow it down.” 
“Yes sir.” You bit your lip to hide a smile. He was treating you like he did Dick or Tim or Damian. An equal. You couldn’t believe it. 
“I don’t want you to engage. If you see him, call me and stay in the shadows.” He suddenly stopped the batmobile by an old apartment building deep in the city. “Tracy Apartments. Watch for a man in a blue coat.” The hood opened and you hopped out. “Do not engage.” Bruce narrowed his eyes at you.
“Yes sir.” You nodded before grabbing your grapple gun and flying up to the rooftop. The roar of the batmobile sounded behind you almost like it was lifting you up and away. Landing on the roof safely, you sat on the edge of the roof, determined to do your very best.
Nothing happened except a few random people walking home from the bar on the corner. A homeless person entered an alley. You sighed, resting your elbow on your knee and your chin in your hand. Your father hadn’t messaged except to say he arrived at the other location. 
The clock tower, only two blocks away, struck two. Your eyes grew heavy. Slowly, you drifted off only to be jerked awake when your elbow relaxed causing your head to fall. Panic filled you as you checked the apartment building. Nothing change. You relaxed, heart pounding away. 
Another half an hour passed with you pinching your arm to stay awake. Just when you were about to fall asleep again, the man with the blue coat appeared. You tapped your comm. “Batman, the man is here. He is entering the apartment building.”
“Good. Don’t move until I arrive. ETA five minutes.” Batman’s comm clicked off. You got to your feet, staying in a crouch as the man entered the building. Tapping the side of your mask, you turned on your thermal camera to watch him move through the lobby. Strangely, the man took the stairs.
You traced him through the building, grateful for the building’s thin walls and the man’s gait. He stopped at an apartment on the far end of the third floor. You moved to the other end of the roof to peek in the window. There was two women inside watching TV. Two glasses of wine and bowls of what looked like ice cream sat on the table in front of them. 
One of the women stood up and went to the door. A scream came from inside. The other woman on the couch stood up, grabbing the lamp next to her and throwing it at the attacker. You hesitated a moment. Bruce would be very angry. No more patrols for a long time. However, when both women disappeared out of your view, you pushed that out of your mind.
Leaping into the air, you used your grapple gun to accelerate toward their window. Using your feet, you broke through the window, somersaulting into a kick to the man’s face once you were able to pinpoint where he was. The two women cowered in the corner. 
The man fell back against the door with a shout. “Stupid kid!” He struggled to his feet. You wondered if that’s why he attacked women. A inferiority complex with a dash of psychopathy. He held a knife up. You smirked at the knife, shaking your head. He came at you, but you dodged it easier and disarmed him. The man screamed as you put him into a hold and knocked him to the floor. 
Curses sputtered out of his mouth as you quickly handcuffed his wrists and feet. “Robin.” You looked up in surprise to see Batman at the window. His jaw was a mask of pure fury. You swallowed hard and quickly got to your feet. “Go wait in the car.” He moved toward the man. You hurried to the window. The two women thanked you as you grappled down to the waiting batmobile. 
It slid open as you approached and you hopped inside. Snuggling into your seat, you felt sick to your stomach. You knew that look your father gave you. A shiver ran down your spine. It was a look only Damian and Jason got when they disobeyed him. 
“Disobeying direct orders!” Bruce grabbed one of his spare gloves and threw it across the cave. You flinched at the movement, putting your hands behind your back so he couldn’t see them shake. After changing out of your suit, you were told to stand in the middle of the changing room as your father let loose. “I expected more from you, (Y/N)!”
You opened your mouth, but a glare from him had you closing it again. The cave was colder than normal. You wondered if it was really colder or if it was just you. “I’m sorry, but I needed to step in,” you whispered, unable to speak louder. “He would have killed them.”
Bruce spun to you so fast that you flinched. “He could have killed you!” You looked into Bruce’s eyes, seeing the fear mixed in with his anger. It hurt.  Bruce spun away from you, running a hand through his hair. Curses mumbled from under his breath. You watched him.
It was so tiring, so painful to live here with him. He was hard on you, mean even. You understood he cared about you, but did he love you like a daughter? Or were you just his child soldier? Tears filled your eyes as your heart ached for Alfred. Alfred would make this better, reason with him or at least be a comfort to you. You couldn’t remember him treating any of your brothers this way, but then again, they always had Alfred. You had no one.
“I’m taking you off patrols indefinitely,” Bruce said, his frown deepening when he turned back to see your tears. You quickly wiped your face with your sleeves. “And I think...you should go live with Dick, (Y/N).”
“What?!” You gasped, hands shaking violently. “Why?!”
Bruce took a deep breath. “I’m not...I’m not the man I used to be. You aren’t getting what you need from me.” He crossed his arms. His face was a steel mask. You wondered if he actually cared. 
“No.” You shook your head before turning and running out of the room. Bruce was right behind you. Your chest tightened, suddenly you felt trapped. You failed to help him. You failed as a Robin. 
“(Y/N)...” Bruce reached out to catch your shoulder, but you shook him off. Each breath hurt. You ran up the stairs of the cave and burst into his study. There was no footsteps behind you. Funny enough that was what hurt most of all.
The next morning, Dick ran up the steps of the manor. Bruce left him a message to come collect (Y/N). Is your daughter something to collect? Dick wanted to argue with him, shout at him, but Bruce wouldn’t pick up the phone. He tried calling you, but your phone went straight to voicemail. 
Dick turned the knob, eyes widening when it opened. It wasn’t like Bruce to leave the door unlocked. Security risk and all. Dread festered in Dick’s gut. Something was wrong, he could feel it in the air. 
“Bruce? (Y/N)?” Dick looked around. The manor looked the same except for the dust and stale air.  He swallowed hard. Alfred would have been so upset seeing the manor this way. The only response he got was silence. 
Biting his lip, Dick ran up the stairs toward your room. You were probably packing and couldn’t hear him. 
Dick stood outside your door. It didn’t have the drawings and stickers like it used to. He wondered why you took them off. Alfred hated them, but never had the heart to force you to remove them. Dick ran a hand through his hair, knowing he just answered his own question. His heart sank to his feet. 
There was a lot Dick regretted. He regretted not being around enough after Alfred passed. Too absorbed in his own grief and his own problems. The others were strong, but you were so young and Bruce was so...Bruce.
“(Y/N)?” He knocked on the door. Silence followed. Dick took a deep breath and tried the doorknob. It turned. Dick’s eyes widened slightly as he peeked inside your room. 
Your room was barren. He almost didn’t recognize it. You used to have toys around, pictures, posters, things that made the room yours. He remembered how happy you were when Tim gifted you several posters of your favorite actors and actresses to put up. Those were all gone. Just the bed, dresser, and partly ajar closet. 
The bed was neatly made except for the note on the pillow. Dick sighed. He should have came as soon as he got the call the night before. Grabbing the note, he opened it. I’m sorry. Dick blinked, turning the note over to see no other words. “Fuck.” He bit his lip and stormed out of the room. 
Bruce’s rooms were as empty as was the kitchen and the study. Dick went to the grandfather clock, turning the hands to 10:27 before sprinting down the stairs. 
He saw red when he found Bruce sitting at the batcomputer on a conference call with the Justice League. Bruce had his cowl on, acting like the stoic, coldhearted asshole that he always was. 
Dick marched over. “He’ll have to get back to you,” Dick said sharply as he reached over to end the call. The surprise on the League’s members’ faces did nothing for Dick. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Bruce pushed Dick away from the batcomputer. Dick stumbled, catching himself on the edge of the computer. 
“Did you even bother to check?” Dick threw the paper in Bruce’s face. Bruce caught it and crumpled it in his hand. “You told your daughter you were sending her away and you didn’t bother to check on her?!” Dick threw his hands in the air. “She’s gone, Bruce! All she left was that note saying she was sorry!” It was selfish, but it felt good to yell at Bruce. Dick only hoped his words sunk in.
Bruce tensed. He took off his cowl, revealing the new lines on his face. A bit more gray in his hair. Dick’s shoulders sank in relief as Bruce smoothed out the note to look at it. 
“Damn it.” Bruce set the note on the computer before sinking into his chair like all the bones left his body. Dick’s anger cooled at the sight. The reaction is what he needed to see to know there was hope for Bruce, but a minute passed without Bruce moving. 
Dick tapped his foot. “Well, are we going to look for her?!” Dick crossed his arms to stop himself from reaching out to shake Bruce’s shoulders.
“You have custody now.” Bruce turned away, running a hand over his blank expression. “It’s best you handle it.”
Now Dick was a bit of a hothead in his youth. It took him years to cool his anger, but it took that moment alone to strip all those years away. In a blink of an eye, Dick’s fist flew and sucker punched Bruce in the face. 
Bruce took the hit, probably because he wasn’t expecting it. In a flash, Bruce was standing, fists flying toward Dick. Dick ducked. “Yeah, that’s right. I can take your hits,” Dick spat. “Is this what you did to (Y/N), Bruce? Swung at her without warning.” 
“I never hit her!” Bruce dropped into full Batman mode. Dick dodged, flipping out of the way of every hit, playing the defensive. The reasonable part of Dick knew that he threw the first punch, but Dick at this moment didn’t care. 
“Sure you didn’t. Where’d she get those bruises, Bruce? You grounded her from patrol.” Dick didn’t duck fast enough and took a hit to the side of the head. He saw stars, but quickly spun out of the way of Bruce’s right hook. 
Suddenly, Bruce grabbed the front of Dick’s shirt and held him very close to his face. “I wouldn’t hurt my kids. We sparred, she didn’t block. I didn’t go easy on her because going easy means death in our line of work. You know that, Dick.” Bruce shoved Dick to the floor. Dick grunted, his back hitting one of the crates. 
Bruce turned away, grabbing a taser from one of the tables and threw it across the cave. It shattered with a boom that echoed. Bats screeched. Dick slowly got to his feet. He was going to feel it all later. “So help us look for her. If you love her and care for her like a father should, then you need to help us find her.” 
“She doesn’t need me.” Bruce turned to give Dick a pained look. “I make her flinch.”
Dick pursed his lips. He sighed, taking out his phone to message the others to get the search for you started. Most of his anger faded, but his disappointment remained. “Well, we’ll be on the comms. Join us if you want.” Dick turned and started up the stairs of the cave. He stopped after a moment and turned back to Bruce. “You know, if you believe she thinks you don’t love her, then maybe being the one to find her would be enough to prove otherwise.”
Bruce didn’t reply. Dick sighed and turned away, calling Barbara to start the search.
You sat down on the sandy beach, dropping your backpack next to you. The sun was warm. You closed your eyes, enjoying it’s shine. The last time you had been to a beach was...you couldn’t remember.
When you slipped out of the manor about an hour after your father told you that you were being sent away, you didn’t know where to go. You didn’t want to go to Dick or the others. They’d say you were a failure. They were all good partners to your father. 
You swallowed hard, opening your eyes to watch the families on the beach. Some kids were playing in the water while their parents watched. You wondered what that must be like. Your heart panged. 
It wasn’t your plan to come to the beach, which is why you stuck out like a sore thumb wearing jeans and a sweatshirt while everyone else was in bathing suits. All you wanted was to get out of the city and the first bus out of town was to a beach town in North Carolina. 
You laid down on the sand, taking a deep breath of the salty air. It was only a matter of time before one of the family found you. You didn’t cover your tracks well, using a credit card to pay for the bus ticket and a snack at the station. 
The sand was so soft. You dug your fingers into the sand and let it fall through your fingers. 
Footsteps approached you. You tensed, reaching to hug your backpack to your side tightly. A shadow blocked the sun from you. “So you ran away from home to lay on a beach?” 
Your eyes flew open to find Jason Todd staring down at you with a smirk. An ‘eep’ escaped you as you scrambled away from him. Jason’s smirk fell into a frown. 
“What’s wrong with you, kid? I got Dick telling me that you’re missing.” Jason sat down next to you, keeping his distance though. You forced yourself to relax. “I caught you walking through Gotham on your own while I was heading home from a...meeting.” Jason cleared his throat. “So what’s going on?”
You pulled your knees to your chest, looking out at the ocean. A father held the hand of his young daughter as she walked in the surf. You swallowed hard, trying to remember if your father held your hand like that. Probably not. 
“Kinda a long way to follow me, isn’t it?” you whispered. Your throat tightened, taking your voice with it. 
Jason shrugged, stretching his legs out in front of him and slipped off his leather jacket to reveal his black t-shirt under it. He looked as out of place on this beach as you did. “Not every day you find your youngest sibling walking around on their own at four AM only to see them go to the bus station and buy a one way ticket.”
You curled tighter into yourself and rested your cheek on your knees to look away from him. Jason, for his credit, waited for you to speak, people watching. He didn’t usually have the patience, which meant he probably already knew about how you failed your father.
“He’s sending me away,” you finally whispered after swallowing past the lump in your throat. Jason studied you, shifting closer to you. Your eyes burned. A tear slipped out your cheek without warning. “He said he wasn’t the man he was and he can’t love me anymore.” 
Jason was quiet. You sneaked a peek at him only to see his mouth a firm line. His eye twitched, barely concealing rage. “He told you that?” 
“Basically. I could see it in his eyes.” It felt like you opened the flood gate and it all spilled out. “He hasn’t been the same since Alfred died. I try to do my best, but he never finds anything I do good enough. He hits hard when we train and doesn’t seem to care if I can’t dodged his attacks or not. We never stop to rest until he’s done.” You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand. Your eyes stayed on the sand in front of you. Jason probably thought you were weak. “Then last night, he let me on patrol for the first time in weeks only to yell at me and send me to live with Dick because I disobeyed his orders.”
You looked up at Jason fast, worried he would yell too. “People were in danger, I had to go in. It could have been too late for them.” However, Jason’s eyes shined with emotion. You knew it might not be anger, but that’s what your mind only saw. “I’m sorry. Don’t yell at me.” You covered your ears and rocked yourself back and forth. More tears slid down your cheeks as you mumbled sorry over and over again.
Jason sighed before you felt a heavy arm fall around your shoulders. He pulled you into his side. The touch surprised you. You melted into him, filling a hole you didn’t realize you had in your heart. 
“You did nothing wrong, nothing to be sorry about,” Jason mumbled, resting his chin on the top of your head. His hand rubbed your arm. “You’re okay.” 
It felt so good to be held. You didn’t realize how much you missed it until now. A sob slipped out of you as you buried your face into his chest. Jason hummed and wrapped his other arm around you. 
Jason’s heartbeat was soothing in your ear, better than the ocean only a few meters away. “Is she okay?” A stranger asked Jason.
“She is now. Thank you,” Jason said to them. He tightened his arms around you. His lips pressed against the top of your head. “I love ya, kid. Even when you threw up on me when you were a baby.” 
You laughed softly, hiccupping. “Jay, you never knew me as a baby. I was three when you came to live with us.”
Jason chuckled. “I think you don’t remember.” He pulled away to look you in the eye. His smile reached his eyes. “I was spinning you around. You loved it until I went too fast and you just upchucked all over me.” 
“No, I didn’t.” You shook your head, wiping away from your tears. Jason’s shirt had a damp spot on it. Your face burned at the sight. Glancing at Jason in worry, he just grinned and brushed some of the sand out of your hair. 
“You did. It was terrible. Alfred was so ticked, but I heard him laughing in the next room.” Jason bit his lip, eyes softening. Your heart sank. “So let’s go get something to eat, maybe get a place to stay.” Jason stood up, brushing the sand off his jeans before offering a hand to you.
Sniffling, you took his hand and got to your feet. “Okay.” You grabbed your backpack. Jason snatched up his jacket and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to lead you off the beach and toward the boardwalk.
His phone beeped with a text from the family group chat. Dick was asking everyone for an update. Jason stared at the text, watching the others respond. They knew you bought a bus ticket, but weren’t sure what bus you got on. Bruce wasn’t part of the search.
Jason didn’t think he could be this angry at Bruce. At this point, he was back to ‘just back from the dead to find I wasn’t avenged and replaced’ stage. He took a deep breath before texting he didn’t find anything yet. 
You sighed in your sleep and rolled over in the hotel bed. Jason looked up from his phone. He was lounging on the armchair in the corner with his booted feet up on the end of the bed. Once you had a full stomach, Jason got the room and you went to bed right away. 
Bruce didn’t deserve you. You were so sweet when you were little, back before he died. Besides the vomiting incident at least, but to be honest, Jason always smiled when he remembered. 
Of course, he knew he shouldn’t worry the family. He would be pissed if he knew that any of them knew where you were and didn’t tell him, but Jason couldn’t. 
Bruce needed to suffer. He needed to feel the guilt and the pain that he had put you through. Borderline abuse. If Jason had known, he would have gotten you out of there. 
Jason sighed and closed his eyes. Dick mentioned something about being concerned in the group chat, but Jason had muted it. 
His mind went around and around for a long time. He opened the chat several times, but couldn’t make himself type the message. 
A whimper came from you. Jason dropped his phone and instantly went to your side. He sat on the end of your bed, gently carting his fingers through your hair. Your eyes squeezed together. A soft ‘I’m sorry’ slipped from between your lips. 
“Hush, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. Big brother is here,” Jason whispered. He took a deep breath to still the rage that bubbled up inside him. You relaxed, soothed by his touch. Jason’s heart swelled and in that moment, Jason decided a little vacation away from your father and the rest of the family was just what you needed.
After the first week passed and you weren’t found, Bruce started his own investigation. He was impressed by how fast you disappeared, but he felt sick knowing you were out in the world somewhere alone. 
By the second week, Bruce followed leads only to find dead ends. None of the family found anything. Bruce had concluded you had to have been kidnapped. There was no other way you would be gone without a trace.
Third week, Bruce tracked down Ra’s al Ghul, Deathstroke, and Lady Shiva. None of them were part of your disappearance. He did checks into Task Force X and the government, but those were dead ends as well.
Bruce marched through the watchtower. It was the fourth week and no sign of you. He knew he looked rough from how Fire and Ice looked at him as he passed. A month old beard on his face. You would have left a razor by his suit in the changing room by now. There wasn’t time to eat or sleep, not when he needed to find you.
A flash of you as a little girl, running to hug him when he got home from patrol. You had a big smile on your face. He realized he couldn’t remember the last time you smiled. 
Bruce shook his head. Focus. He marched into the meeting room to find Diana, Clark, and Hal waiting. 
“Woah, Bats. Have you showered recently? Sheez.” Hal held his nose and waved his hand in front of his face. 
A growl slid past Bruce’s lips. “My daughter is missing. I don’t have time for you, Jordan.” Clark and Diana shared a worried look. Hal just whistled.
“We know. Nightwing asked for our help,” Clark said, getting to his feet and reaching out to touch Bruce’s shoulder. Bruce flinched away from him. “We couldn’t find anything, Bruce. I’ve been sweeping the globe every few hours.”
Diana stood up, studying Bruce carefully. “When the last time you slept?”
“Let me know if you find anything.” Bruce turned sharply and started out of the room. He stopped when a green wall appeared in front of him. 
“Nah, we can’t let you go like this, B. You look like you could collapse at any moment,” Hal said. Bruce spun to face him, glaring darkly. Hal was straight faced. Both Diana and Clark took a step toward him.
“Let me ask you.” Bruce held up a hand, stopping all three. “If it was your daughter, would you stop to rest?” He jabbed a finger at Hal. “You don’t have children, so you can’t understand, but I will only ask once for you to let me leave.”
Clark sighed. “Bruce...” He took another step forward. “Just sit down for a minute. I’ll do another sweep. Hal will too. Please. You passing out won’t help (Y/N).” 
Bruce took a deep breath before melting into one of the chairs. The three heroes looked surprised. Clark and Hal flew off while Diana sat down beside him. “We’ll find her, Bruce,” Diana soothed. Bruce rested his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes. He remembered the look on your face when he told you he was sending you away. It sent a shiver down his spine. He needed to find you soon. That will not be his last memory of you.
Jason laid back in his lounge chair, watching you and Artemis walk along the beach. Bizarro laid on the sand next to him, snoring away. After you had woken up, Jason offered to take you to the Outlaws’ Island. You happily agreed. It had been four weeks now, and Jason could see the changes in you. You smiled more, laughed more, your confidence and sense of self blossomed. Jason chuckled, watching Artemis and you race down the beach. 
The island was off the grid, had protective shields that blocked it from radar and anyone with super sight or hearing. Jason still didn’t tell the family he had you. He hoped Bruce was suffering, sick with worry. Jason only felt a little guilty.
“Superman didn’t fly by again,” Bizarro said, waking up with a jerk. “He’s not looking.”
“I know.” Jason crossed his arms and relaxed. “But we’re not going to worry about it.”
“Bizarro is worried.” Bizarro laid back down and quickly went back to sleep. His snore shook Jason’s chair. Jason snorted. Superman was probably looking for you. 
He smiled when he saw you and Artemis diving into the water for a swim. Spending time with Artemis was good for you. Jason knew from the first few days how much you craved attention from anyone. He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of you and Artemis joking and laughing at each other. 
“I got information about an ancient Greek artifact being auctioned off in a week. Maxie Zeus is planning on buying it,” Artemis said as she walked into the den. Bizarro sat cross-legged in front of the tv, awed by The Lion King. A movie Bizarro picked out. Jason was reclining in the armchair. The chair was big enough for you to lay beside him, fast asleep and snuggled into his side. 
“Good, we’ll make a plan in the morning,” Jason said softly, glancing down at you when you shifted closer to him. 
Artemis sat on the couch. She raised an eyebrow at the tv before studying Jason with narrowed eyes. Jason ignored her gaze, watching the tv. 
You woke up once the movie was done. “I’m going to bed,” you yawned, stretching your arms. Jason put the footrest down and helped you up. “Good night.” Jason ruffled your hair, Artemis patted your arm, while Bizarro waved wildly.
“Bad night, (Y/N).” Bizarro smiled big before turning back to the tv as the credits rolled. 
Once you were out of the room, Jason turned to look at Artemis who was still staring at him. “Okay, what is it?”
“We can’t keep (Y/N) here forever.” Artemis crossed her arms. “Superman flew over the island fourteen times today. They even officially announced her disappearance with a million dollar reward for her return.” Jason pursed his lips. Artemis stood up as if her height would make her point. “You have to at least let them know she’s here. I understand your cause. Her father doesn’t deserve her, but I think he may have suffered enough, Jason.”
Jason stood up, puffing his chest out a little as he looked up to meet her gaze. “He abused her.”
“A man who doesn’t love his child wouldn’t spend four weeks running around the world, pulling favors, attacking super villains, and who knows what else just to find them.” Artemis smiled rather sadly at him. “I read the reports you’ve been keeping on their search for her. She needs to go home.”
“(Y/N) said she not homesick.” Bizarro turned to look at the two. Jason bit his lip, backing away from Artemis. He ran a hand through his hair. 
“Bruce hurt her, Art.” Jason’s eyes burned. He turned away quickly before they noticed the shine in his eyes. “(Y/N) is the sweetest kid. She didn’t deserve to feel like nothing, to feel like no one cared about her. When I found her, she was craving for attention, love. That bastard didn’t even care she was gone. He didn’t start looking himself for a week.”
Artemis sighed. “I’m not saying that we just hand her over.” She laid a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “But they need to know she’s safe. Jason, they already may not forgive you for this.” 
Jason groaned, rolling his eyes and running a hand over his face. Part of him refused to do it, wanting to keep you here and safe, but then he realized, he was acting a bit like Bruce. Locking you away on the island forever wouldn’t be possible. 
His shoulders dropped. “I’ll talk to (Y/N) after the mission. It has to be her choice.” He looked at Artemis. “Not anyone else’s.”
Artemis nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Bizarro grinned and gave Jason a thumbs down. 
“We might as well start our plan to get that artifact since you’re all bleeding hearts right now.” Jason straightened his shoulders and gestured for them to follow him out of the room. Bizarro pouted, but got to his feet. Artemis just rolled her eyes.
“Hey Jay?” you asked, peeking into his office to find Jason sitting at his desk, studying a set of building plans. “What are you doing?” You opened the door wider when he looked up and smiled.
Jason chuckled. “Going over the plans of the auction house for the mission.” His eyes stayed on you as you wandered over to pull Mansfield Park out of his bookshelf. 
“What mission?” You hugged the book to your chest and joined him at his desk. He tugged on a strand of your hair. 
“Right, we talked about it after you went to bed.” Jason rubbed his chin. “Artemis found out a Greek relic is being auctioned off and Maxie Zeus is planning on buying it. We’re going to get it first.” He crossed his arms, frowning slightly at the plans. “It’s just...this auction house is very old and doesn’t have the best layout for an escape.”
“Why don’t you go in quietly?” You studied the layout. “Go in disguise, buy the artifact, and get out of there before Maxie Zeus knows what happened.”
Jason hummed. “That’s a good idea. Just that Artemis and Bizarro can’t do undercover work. Maxie will be looking for anyone looking like an Amazon or a Super.”
“I mean I could.” You bounced on your toes, looking up at Jason with sparkling eyes. “He wouldn’t be looking for me.”
Jason’s eyes widened. “Now that’s a thought.” He looked back at the building plans. “But you can’t go in alone. You’re too young. It would raise suspicion.” Jason sat back in his chair. “But if I came with you...” He chuckled. “That could work. If you’re up for it, (Y/N)? I don’t want to push you.”
You grinned, leaning against the desk. “I’m game.” You bit your lip. “Dad wouldn’t be mad about it, would he?”
Jason paused. “Kid, we don’t have to worry about your dad. It’s just a mission.” He reached up and ruffled your hair. You batted his hand away, giggling. He looked down at his copy of Mansfield Park. “Really? You chose that one instead of Emma?” 
“I already read Emma.” You put a hand on your hip. “And you said Mansfield Park is one you have to read once in your life.” 
Jason scoffed. “I guess I did, but be ready. It’s got nothing on Emma.” The two of you fell into a book debate. You admitted you hadn’t been this happy in a very long time.
You stepped in front of the mirror and wrinkled your nose. “Are you sure I have to dress like this? No normal rich kid dresses like this, you know that.”
“But it fits the type, doesn’t it?” Jason said as he leaned back against the chair in the dressing room. You spun around, hating the outfit. It reminded you of what Vickie Vale wore at the last Wayne Tech party when she was trying to get your father’s attention. Too fancy and the cut on you was awful.
Jason put on his sunglasses and adjusted his suit coat. He looked like some trust fund baby. Of course, you were pretending to be his daughter. You pointed out that you would have been a teen pregnancy. Jason thought it was funny, and said it frankly worked with the part you were trying to play.
The store attendant came in and poured her attention over Jason. You listened in, pretending you loved the clothes. Jason played the part well. You wished you got a video of this, maybe to use as bribery in the future. “I think that’s all, but is it okay for my little bean to wear this out? She just loves it so much,” Jason cooed to her.
“Of course, I’ll have everything else bagged up and sent to your hotel as promised.” The woman almost drooled. 
“Thanks Daddy.” You had to swallow a bit of vomit. Even Bruce was only Dad, you never called him Daddy ever. However, you forced an adoring smile on your face as you skipped over to kiss Jason’s cheek. 
“Anything for my baby.” Jason patted your back before turning to the attendant. “We must be on our way. I have an auction to get to.” 
The attendant saw them out, continuously talking even when you both were out the door. “Can I never call you Daddy again?” you whispered as you approached the Red Camaro. 
Jason got in the driver’s seat. You hopped in the passenger side. Once the doors were closed, Jason turned to you. “Never again. It was weird, but fit the part. Good job.” He winked at you.
Turning on the Camaro, Jason zoomed down the street somewhat recklessly. “Is this really going to work? Us pretending to be rich dummies and outbidding the artifact from Maxie Zeus? I thought we’d take the smart museum curator approach.” You bit your lip and adjusted your outfit. 
“Do you think I could be a museum curator? Maybe Tim could, he’s boring enough.” Jason smirked. “Besides, Art and Bizarro are already in position. It will be fine.” 
You hummed, closing your eyes. After a moment of silence, you dared to speak. “Jay, have you heard from Dad or the others at all?” Your heart ached slightly. No one tried to contact you in the month you’ve been gone. Jason would have told you if they did. 
Jason flinched, glancing at you before focusing on the road. He worried his lip. “I didn’t tell them you were with me.” Your eyes widened in surprise. Jason blushed. “I wanted you to have time to figure things out, to heal, but they’re all looking for you. Even publicly announced your disappearance.” 
“Is that why you had me change my hair color?” You touched your hair, feeling the cheap dye that hadn’t been all washed out. Dyeing your hair in an airplane bathroom hadn’t been easy. 
“Kid, they have a million dollar reward for your return.” Jason sighed, clenching at the steering wheel. “Listen, I was going to tell you, but I wanted to wait until after the mission. You don’t have to decide anything right now, because it is your choice. I’m happy to keep you with me forever if you want.” 
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you grinned. “Thanks Jay.” 
Jason relaxed with a chuckle, looking at you. “You’re welcome, kid. Now let’s just focus on the mission for now. Hakuna Matata.”
“Sure Pumba.” You bit your lip to hold back a laugh.
Jason gasped as he stopped at a stop sign. “Hey, I’m Simba if anything. Prodigal son and all that.” You both laughed hard enough that Jason missed his turn.
Dick walked through a homeless shelter in Coast City. He saw several young teens. His heart ached for them, but none of them were you. 
A beep came from his phone. ‘Call me. We have a sighting of (Y/N).’ Dick hurried out of the shelter, tapping Barbara’s name as he walked down the steps. Damian was waiting outside, tapping his foot impatiently. He opened his mouth to speak, but Dick held up a hand to stop him.
“My program caught her face on a security camera in a boutique in Greece. Jason was with her. Her hair was different, but it was (Y/N),” Barbara said, not bothering with a greeting. 
“Jason? I should have known,” Dick said. Damian’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “How long ago was the sighting?”
“Twenty minutes. I’ll send the jet to meet you. ETA ten minutes.” Barbara hung up. 
Damian huffed. “Todd had her this whole time?” His fists clenched. Dick laid a hand on his shoulder, rubbing gently as if to take away the tension.
“Let’s just focus on the fact (Y/N) is safe.” Dick took the car keys out of his pocket. “We got a jet to catch.” The two men headed off.
Bruce stood up so fast, his batcomputer chair flew back and fell onto the floor. Barbara’s message was loud and clear. Bruce had hacked into her system to monitor their progress on the search. The tension in his shoulders drained out of him. He dwelled in the moment, knowing you were safe.
However, rage filled him at the thought of Jason keeping you from him. Not letting anyone know where you were. Irresponsible. Selfish.
The computer beeped with the location of the sighting. Bruce grabbed his cowl and ran toward the batplane.
You swung your legs as you sat on one of the hinged chairs in the theater-like room of the old auction house. Jason was off getting a drink and mingling to learn the lay of the room. You were taking mental notes of your own. There was a hidden door in the bottom of the stage, but the quickest exit was the door on the left. If you remembered the map Jason had you memorize, that door would take you down a long hallway toward the kitchens.
The entrance doors banged open suddenly. You spun around in surprise. Maxie Zeus announced himself with a booming voice as three men dressed like gladiators carried him in on a throne that looked like clouds. “That’s insane,” you mumbled. 
“I know everyone needs a theme, but it’s stupid,” Jason said, appearing beside you with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He handed another glass to you. You raised an eyebrow. “It’s just a coke. Calm down.” He sat down next to you, eyeing the room. 
Taking the glass, you sipped at it to confirm. “He’s got plain clothes men in the corners,” you said softly. The men all had lightning symbols on their ties. Not subtle at all.
Jason smirked. “Good catch. We might have a hard time leaving if we outbid him.” Jason downed his drink. “I have Art and B moving to interfere. Unfortunately, this won’t be as quiet as we wanted.” He handed his glass off to a passing waiter who was relieved to have a reason not to approach Maxie Zeus. “I want you to run if this becomes a fire fight. Put on your suit and follow Art’s lead.”
You blinked. You assumed you would be told to run, not come back. “Will do.” Take a sip of your coke, you hid a smile. Your heart lifted. Finally, you were trusted in the way you always wanted. People began to take their seats as the auctioneer took the stage.
Dick and Damian skydived out of the jet, parachuting toward the auction house. “You have company,” Barbara reported quietly. “I got Batman on one of the cameras inside.”
“So B does care.” Dick pursed his lips as he and Damian floated down to land on a roof about a block from the auction house. 
“Father is here?” Damian unclipped his parachute, letting it collect itself back into the pack. 
“Yeah, so we’ll have to stay sharp.” Dick put his own pack together, dropping it on the roof for pickup later. “(Y/N) and Jason are in a tight situation.”
“TT.” Damian suddenly tensed, grabbing Dick’s arm. Dick looked at him in surprise. Damian was looking up. Dick followed his gaze to see Bizarro floating above them with a smile on his face.
Dick pursed his lips, fighting the urge to attack. Bizarro was on Jason’s side, and Jason was on their side. Hopefully. “Red Him said you were coming,” Bizarro said after a moment.
“He knew we were coming?” Damian hissed, reaching for his sword. Dick gestured for Damian to stop.
“No, Bizarro speaks in opposites.” Dick smiled. “Hi Bizarro, we’re looking for (Y/N).”
“(Y/N) isn’t in auction house with Red Him. We aren’t on a special mission for Red Her.” Bizarro landed on the roof with a thump. Damian eyed the roof nervously before checking to see if they had been seen. The streets were busy this time of evening. Lots of tourists. “Bizarro wasn’t ordered to help little people when nothing happens.”
Damian snorted, crossing his arms. Dick held up a hand. “Let us help. Can you take us to Artemis?”
Bizarro shook his head with a big grin. He grabbed Damian by the back of his cape. Damian grunted in protest, but stayed quiet. Dick just grabbed Bizarro’s other arm and they were in the air, heading toward the auction house. He updated Barbara as they flew.
Bruce frowned from his position in the rafters of the auction house. You were in the middle of the room, in the direct line of fire if Maxie Zeus broke the peace. He swallowed hard. His comm beeped. Bruce answered without thinking.
“Batman, Nightwing and Redbird are here. They are assisting the Outlaws in taking down Maxie Zeus and retrieving a Greek artifact. Can I connect your comm with theirs, so you can coordinate?” Barbara’s voice startled him only slightly. Dick and Damian were here too. Bruce frowned, too many risks here.
“My priority is (Y/N). Nothing else.” Bruce’s voice barely above a whisper, knowing sound would travel. He frowned when he saw how badly your hair was dyed. The clothes you were wearing were so unlike you. 
Barbara sighed. “Please, Bruce. We’re more likely to get (Y/N) out safely if we’re all working together.”
Bruce knew she was right. He had more children here now. “Fine, patch me in.”
Jason grabbed your hand, squeezing gently as the artifact was brought on stage. It looked like nothing special, a simple wooden box. However, inside was a old arrowhead. The auctioneer said it has the arrow that killed Achilles.
You leaned over to him. “Really?”
“Art says so,” Jason mumbled, frowning slightly. You remembered he had a comm in his ear. The Outlaws only had three of them, so you didn’t have one. “We have company by the way.”
“What company?” You glanced at the doors, but they were still closed. Maxie Zeus still had the same amount of goons as before. 
“Your father is here along with the double Ds.” Jason pursed his lips. “I should have known they had face recognition software looking for you.” 
You tensed, a shiver running down your spine. “He’s going to be mad.” Your heart pounded so hard, it could have burst out of your chest. 
Jason grabbed your hand. He squeezed tight. “He can’t hurt you. You are Robin,” he whispered in your ear. “You earned it and that can never be taken away from you.”
Blinking, you felt blood rushing to your face. “Really?”
“Really.” Jason smirked, kissing your cheek. “Now let’s focus.”
You nodded, watching the stage as the bidding began. 
“A hundred thousand Drachma, young mortal.” Maxie’s voice boomed throughout the room. You glanced back at him. He was brimming with confidence. 
With a shit-eating grin, Jason raised his hand. “Two hundred thousand Euros.”
The air was sucked out of the room. You forced a smile on your face. 
“You dare?!” Maxie waved his bolt of lightning around. “Foolish little nothing. Three hundred thousand Drachma.”
“Four hundred thousand Euros.” Jason took your hand. “My baby wants it, so she gets it.” He threw you a smile. You acted like you were excited, hopefully others will not notice you were shaking with fear.
“One million Drachma!” Maxie screamed, pointing his bolt of lightning toward a empty chair. Electric energy hit the chair. You could smell the smoke. Some people screamed. You only flinched. Jason just hummed.
“Actually sir.” The auctioneer cleared his throat. Nervous sweat dripped down his face. “Drachma is not one of our accepted currencies.”
Several people quietly began to move toward the doors. Maxie’s men blocked them from leaving. “Okay, this is about to blow,” Jason hissed. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “Bizarro is going to bust through the far door.” Jason nodded toward the door. You eyed it.
“He can’t. It will hurt civilians.” You pursed your lips. 
Jason let out a slow breath. “Fine, but move once he strikes.” 
Maxie Zeus raised his bolt and aimed it at the auctioneer. The auctioneer held up his hands, knees quaking. “No one defies the King of the Gods.” 
Time slowed. Jason pushed you down. You heard the crack of energy from Maxie’s bolt. The auctioneer cried out as a familiar black form soared from the rafters and tackled him out of the way. The bolt hit the curtain behind where the auctioneer stood and it burst into flames.
“Go,” Jason said. You sprinted toward the door as Maxie’s guard pulled out their own lightning weapons. With no hesitation, you leaped at one of the guard blocking the door and kick the weapon out of his hands. 
You heard gunshots behind you, but you ignored it, punching out the guard. Civilians ran through the door. You disappeared into the panicked crowd.
Bruce moved off the auctioneer. “Run,” he whispered in the man’s ear. The auctioneer didn’t need to be told twice and joined the crowd leaving the room.
You were safe. Bruce caught a glimpse of you in the crowd. He relaxed slightly before standing up to face Maxie Zeus.
“Aww, Hades. Why are you here? You never did care much for weapons,” Maxie said, studying Bruce in his full batsuit. 
“I don’t.” Bruce growled. “Stand down Maximilian.”
Jason hopped on the stage next to Bruce. His red hood suit was on along with the helmet. He picked up the box with the arrowhead inside and slipped it into his pocket. “Tell your demon to put the box down. He is unworthy to touch it,” Maxie said, aiming his bolt at Jason. Jason dodged to avoid the blast. The fire began to spread. Smoke filled the room.
“We need to get him outside,” Jason said into the comm. He coughed. Bruce grabbed Jason’s jacket and pulled him out of the way of another blast from Maxie. “Bizarro, put out the fire, will ya?”
“We’re going to have a long talk after this is over,” Bruce snapped, throwing a batarang to knock Maxie’s bolt out of his hand. Maxie scrambled after it.
Jason hummed. Bruce could feel the iciness of his gaze even though his eyes were hidden under his helmet. “We do.”
Bizarro burst through the far wall and shot ice beams at the flames. Bruce’s mouth twitched as Jason suddenly ran forward to attack Maxie. Maxie’s men swarmed, firing wildly. Bruce dodged and joined Jason in the fight.
You hid behind a corner in the chaos, changing into your makeshift Robin suit.  Tossing the ugly outfit into the flames nearby, you helped some people out of the building. 
“Robin, keep helping with the rescue,” Artemis ordered once you met her outside. You nodded. She patted your head and sprinted inside with her battle ax. 
You guided people out. A young woman ran out, sputtering in Greek. You grabbed her when she stumbled. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, mind swirling as you tried to remember what little Greek you knew. 
She gestured back inside. “Papa...he’s...”
A boom echoed from inside the building. Parts of the roof collapsed. People screamed in horror. The woman burst into tears, mumbling incoherently. 
Your stomach sunk to your feet. You told yourself that your family all knew what they were doing. They were experts.
“I’ll go get him.” You helped the woman to lean against an emergency vehicle. She collapsed against it, sobbing. 
Time slowed. You eyed the building. Artemis told you to help with the rescue, but you knew she meant for you to stay outside. Your blood ran hot. A flash of Bruce’s angry face appeared before your eyes. 
“You’re Robin.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Pushing yourself forward, you sprinted into the building. 
Bruce ducked another blast from Maxie’s bolt. “Red Hood.” Jason’s head tilted slightly, glancing Bruce’s way. Bruce gestured to his forehead then chin. Jason nodded and slipped out of Maxie’s sight.
Dick and Damian were evacuating Maxie’s unconscious men. Bizarro and Artemis were attempting to prevent the building from full collapse. However, given the amount of debris falling, Bruce knew it was only a matter of time.
“Maximillian, you’ve lost.” Bruce stood tall, straightening his shoulders. 
“Zeus never loses!” Maxie aimed his bolt at Bruce’s chest. Bruce held out his arms and waited.
The tip of the bolt glowed. A smirk pulled at Bruce’s lips as he saw Red Hood jump out of the shadows and struck a nerve strike to Maxie’s neck. Maxie fell like a ton of bricks. 
“The building is going to collapse, there is nothing we can do,” Artemis said through the comm. “We need to get out now. Are you done toying with Maxie Zeus?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” Jason grunted, picking up Maxie’s bolt and tucking it in his belt. Bruce came to his side and picked up Maxie. Jason quickly supported the other side and both men dragged him out. Damian and Dick led the way, carrying the last of Maxie’s men between them.
The building groaned around them. Debris fell from the ceiling. They made it to the lobby. 
“You’re going to be alright.” Your voice drifted from somewhere off to Bruce’s right. His blood ran cold.
“Who’s got eyes on Robin?” Bruce demanded into the comms. Jason grunted, Bruce took more of Maxie’s weight as they neared the entrance.
“Robin was outside, helping with the evac,” Artemis said. Her voice cracked. 
Dick cleared his throat. “No sign of her out here.”
“Civilians last saw Robin going into the building.” Damian’s voice sounded very young. A lump formed in Bruce’s throat. 
Bruce felt Jason’s gaze on him as they paused just inside the doorway out. Jason sighed deeply. “I got Maxie. Go get her,” Jason mumbled softly. 
Bruce carefully shifted all of Maxie’s weight to Jason and sprinted off toward the direction of your voice. 
The man’s leg was trapped under a piece of the roof. You knelt down next to him, trying to soothe him as you assessed the damage.
Dust showered from above combining with the remaining smoke from the fire. You coughed, glancing around the hallway. It looked like it led toward the backstage of the main theater where the auction was held. You wondered if the roof debris fell on the man when Bizarro broke through the building. 
There was a big hole to your left, leading through another room, then to the lobby. 
You swallowed hard, taking out a flashlight to study the man’s leg. It looked like it wasn’t wedged, which meant you could move it off without causing him pain or life threatening injury. 
The man tapped your arm rapidly, babbling on. He pointed to the ceiling. The building whined around you.
“You’re going to be alright.” You took his hand and squeezed it gently. The man relaxed, still mumbling what you couldn’t understand. He closed his eyes. 
You gripped the side of the roof and pulled. Your arms almost came out of their sockets. You bit your lip, using all your strength, but the roof piece didn’t move. 
“Damn, I wish I had a comm,” you mumbled, letting go. The man looked at you with a scary look of acceptance. He spoke and pointed to the exit.
“No, I’m going to get you out.” You tried to lift it again. The man just closed his eyes again. “Come on.”
More dust fell. You coughed again, but you kept pulling at the roof piece. Suddenly, you felt the roof move.
You almost laughed, watching the man’s eyes widen in fear as he slid out from under the roof. 
“Robin.” Your heart stopped. You turned to find Batman holding onto the roof piece. “Let go. I’m going to drop it.”
You jumped back. Bruce dropped it. The bang echoed throughout the building, kicking up more dust. It went straight into your lungs.
Coughing hard, you swore you saw the man ran out of the building after a sharp word from Bruce. 
Bruce’s arms wrapped around you and your face was shoved into his shoulder. Your legs left the ground. Air rushed around your ears as you heard the crack of the building’s walls giving out. 
You couldn’t get air in your lungs. Black swarmed your vision as the sound of shattering glass filled your ears. Bruce’s arms disappeared from around you and you felt a flash of pain before darkness overtook you.
Pain flared through your body. Your ears rang. You lifted your arm only to feel someone touch it and gently guide it down. 
Suddenly, you were weightless, pressed against a warm mass. It was hard to breathe, your lungs heavy as two stones in your chest.
A mask was placed over your mouth and nose, fresh air filled your airways. You coughed, reaching up to pull at the mask only for another hand to hold it there.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Dick’s voice broke through the ringing. Your eyes felt sealed shut. You reached up to rub them only for someone to push your hands down again.
Suddenly, you were laid down on a hard surface. “Relax, kiddo. You’re okay, we’re all okay,” Dick soothed again. A hand held yours, you squeezed their fingers. “Good kid.” Lips pressed against your forehead before pulling away.
Voices bubbled to the surface. The panic in them made you shiver. A blanket was laid over you as Dick continued to soothe. The edge in his voice scared you. 
You forced your eyes open, blinking at the bright lights. A dark shadow hovered above you. Your head hurt as you focused enough to see Dick’s head was turned.
“Straight to the Watchtower. Damian, call them, have the med team ready for when we come in,” Dick said. His hand tightened around yours. “Jay, take B off first. He’s worse off.”
Your heart stopped. Ice cold sunk into your body as you turned your head to follow Dick’s gaze. 
Blood dripped onto the floor from the tip of a gloved hand. You choked when you realized it was Batman’s glove. 
You gasped, causing pain to flare in your chest as you tried to sit up. Dick’s attention was back on you as he held you down.
“(Y/N), you’re fine. Bruce is going to be fine too, but you need to stay still and calm for me, okay?” Dick looked into your eyes. His mask was off. You knew it meant something was very wrong. He never would have taken his mask off in the field. 
You fought harder, ignoring the pain. Dick swore, holding you down rather roughly. Artemis appeared beside him with a needle in her hand. You screamed through the mask as you felt the prick of the needle. 
The strength seeped out of you like water down a drain. Black swarmed your vision. “Sleep now,” Dick whispered, running his fingers through your hair. The last thing you saw was the tears in his eyes.
You woke to a loud snore. A dull pain throbbed in your head as you opened your eyes. The lights were dim. You reached up to rub your eyes only to feel the pull of an IV.
Another loud snore. You blinked to find the snore coming from Jason, who was fast asleep in the chair next to your bed. 
You took a breath, feeling the itch of the oxygen tubes in your nose. The heaviness in your lungs was still there, but the oxygen seemed to lighten it somewhat.
The walls were the familiar dark grey of the watchtower and a viewport to your right showed the stars. You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly very dry.
You couldn’t remember how you got here. The last thing you remembered was...Greece. The building was about to collapse and you were trying to save a man who was trapped. Did you save him?
The door opened to your left. You flinched to find Damian in the doorway, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. It would have alarmed you to see him in such casual clothes on the watchtower, but the domino mask over his eyes reassured you. 
“TT.” His shoulders relaxed as he came to your side.
Another snore burst from Jason. Damian sneered in disgust. “Let me guess, his incessant snores woke you,” Damian said, glancing at the monitors above your head. 
You followed his gaze.“Wh...” You paused to try to wet your mouth. “What happened?”
A frown flickered on Damian’s lips. His dark eyes turned back to you. “You don’t remember?” You shook your head. Fear crept up your spine.
Jason snored again. Damian grabbed a cloth from your bedside and hurled it at Jason’s face. Jason sputtered, choking slightly as he jerked awake.
 “The building was going to fall...and the man...did he make it out?” you asked, studying Damian’s steely face. Damian pursed his lips. 
“He made it out,” Damian said. 
You blinked. “But I didn’t make it out?” Damian glanced at Jason, who held his gaze. The silence was heavy.
Jason sighed and reached to take your hand. “You made it out, kid, but...Bruce didn’t.”
Images flashed before your eyes. Bruce beside you, holding up the piece of roof. The feeling of his arms around you as your ears hurt from the noise. Dick’s face sharp with fear. The blood dripping from Batman’s glove.
Suddenly, you couldn’t breathe like your lungs had been transformed into thin paper straws. Black crept into your vision. 
“Woah, hey.” Jason grabbed your shoulders. His eyes looked directly into yours. “He’s alive, just hurt. Calm down.” He took a deep breath. You struggled to copy him. 
“You’re an idiot, Todd.” Damian’s voice somehow made you relax.
“Shut up, demon-brat.” Jason sent a glare Damian’s way. You felt your lungs expand, letting you breathe normally. Your heart slowed. 
“I’m too old to be considered a brat,” Damian retorted.
“That’s what you think.” Jason smirked as he released your shoulders and sat back down. “B is stable, but he’s got a long road ahead, even for him.”
You relaxed, falling against your pillow. “Can I see him?”
Jason raised an eyebrow. “TT, of course, but later though,” Damian said, sitting on the edge of your bed. He sent Jason a glare, which he met with one of his own.
“Rest now.” Jason reached over to squeeze your shoulder. “You hungry? Thirsty?” He got to his feet. You shook your head. “I’ll bring you something anyway. You need to eat.” Jason left the room, stretching his arms above his head. Damian watched him go. 
“You’re not mad at him?” You shivered, pulling the blankets tighter around you. 
“I was, but...well, it doesn’t matter now.” He patted your knee. An odd sense of affection from him, but it felt nice though. “Go back to sleep. I’ll stay with you.”
You felt the exhaustion deep within your bones. Slowly you drifted off. “Damian?” You yawned.
He hummed, watching you with a shine in his eyes that you weren’t sure you ever seen in him before.
“Dad isn’t mad at me, is he? I failed him as Robin.” You opened your eyes in time to see him flinch. 
“No, he’s not upset, nor did you fail.” Damian took your hand, squeezing it tight. You smiled. The last thing you remembered before you fell asleep was how rough the calluses on his hands were.
Dick’s arm was around your shoulders, very warm in comparison to the cold air of the watchtower. Even with Damian’s sweatshirt, you were cold. You leaned into him as you both walked down the hall toward Bruce’s room. 
“Just remember he’s got a long road ahead of him. He got out of his last surgery about three hours ago.” Dick smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 
You nodded. “Thank you.” Your throat tightened, heart skipping a beat. It was all your fault. You should have been stronger, faster. A better Robin.
“We’re here.” Dick kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him to find him studying you. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” You swallowed against the lump in your throat. “I need to see him.”
Dick ran a hand through your hair. “Yeah, okay.” He opened the door, gesturing for you to step in. 
You took a deep breath and stepped inside. Superman was sitting by the bed, looking up with a friendly, tired smile. You smiled back before focusing on the bed.
It didn’t look like him. 
You bit your lip, stepping closer. He was covered in casts and bandages. Monitors beeped around him. An oxygen mask was over his mouth and nose.
“He’s awake,” Superman said, getting to his feet. “Still groggy from the anesthesia.”
“Dad?” His eyes flickered open. You rushed to his side. Your hand floated above his casted arm, not sure if you could touch him. “I’m so sorry.” Tears filled your eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough and got you hurt.”
Bruce’s eyes widened slightly. His arm moved into your hand. “Don’t.” His whisper barely escaped the mask. 
Superman removed the mask and stepped back. Dick rubbed your back, making you jump slightly because you had forgotten about him.
“Don’t cry,” Bruce rasped, coughing slightly. 
You wiped your eyes with your sleeves. “I can’t help it.” Your lips trembled.
“So strong, so brave.” Bruce lifted his arm. He winced, but kept moving until he could touch your cheek. “You didn’t fail me. I failed you.”
The breath left your lungs. “What?” 
“I wasn’t the father I should have been.” He brush away a stray tear with his thumb. You leaned into his hand like it was the most natural thing to do. “I’m so proud of you.” He choked slightly. Superman stepped up to try to put the mask back on him, but Bruce shook his head. “You are good enough, always were.”
“Don’t say that.” You took his hand in yours and rested it back on the bed. His arm shook from the strain. 
“I’m not angry at you or Jason.” Bruce gasped, blood draining out of his face. He turned his head toward Superman and let him put the mask back on. His color came back with a few breaths.
Dick grunted, stepping to your side and pulling you against him. “Well, I’m sure he’s still a little upset at Jason. I know I am.” Dick smirked when a snort came from Bruce. 
A smile tugged at your lips at the sound. “I’ll have to ask him and Bizarro how I couldn’t hear you or them for the month you were missing,” Superman said, crossing his arms as he retook his seat by Bruce’s bed. 
Bruce squeezed your hand. You met his eye, seeing the love in them for the first time in months. A love you wondered had always been there, but just hidden.
 You perched on the side of his bed, careful not to hurt him. Bruce’s eyes closed as Dick and Superman made small talk. You kept your hand in his, feeling so small and safe at the same time. 
“You want some more, Dad?” You asked, holding out the pitcher of lemonade. Bruce shook his head, shifting in the lounge chair to find a better position. He still had his casts on, but he was healing. 
You took your seat next to him and sipped from your own glass as the sun shined down and warmed your skin. 
The gardens at Wayne Manor were a bit overgrown. Bruce had hired a few gardeners, but it would take time to reshape it to where Alfred had left it. 
A month had past since Greece. Bruce was living at the manor with Tim and Cass taking care of him. You lived with Dick for now. Eventually, once Bruce had healed both physically and mentally, you would move back with him.
However, you made sure to visit a few times a week. Recently, Bruce insisted on sitting with you outside as the days turned sunny and warm for Gotham.
“How’s Bludhaven?” Bruce studied you. You kept your eyes on the gardens.
“Good.” You glanced at him. His lips were pursed, he turned back to the gardens as if to avoid your gaze. You smiled. “Not as cool as Gotham. I can’t wait to come back.” 
A hint of a smile pulled at his lips. He sipped at his lemonade, wrinkling his nose. His jaw was relaxed, something you couldn’t have imagined seeing months ago. 
“Jason wants me to spend the week with him,” you said. You almost laughed when Bruce narrowed his eyes. “With permission this time. He said I had to ask you and Dick. Dick said it was fine, but what do you think, Dad?”
“As long as you have your phone and you check in every day,” Bruce grumbled, crossing his arms. It was hard to do with his casts, you were impressed.
“I will.” You bit your lip. Your heart felt full. “I love you, Dad.”
Bruce looked at you, eyes sparkling slightly. “I love you too,” he mumbled after a moment. A lump formed in your throat as you felt yourself almost burst. You finally had your father back and nothing could have been better.
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chaoxfix · 8 months
tails + "how long do you think you could hide that" perhaps
The Sonic Boom really should have been warning enough. However, growing up around them meant that Tails had more or less tuned them out. Sonic coming and going at his own speed (Mach 2) was simply a fact of life. 
Plus, Station Square had always been pretty noisy. There could have been a thousand reasons that the sky suddenly shook. Especially since Extreme Gear had just crossed the speed of sound, and plenty of teenagers were using them more often despite them being restricted. (But like, who was going to catch them at that speed? Sonic? Even if the mayor asked him to, he’d just give them a high five.)
So no, Tails did not react. He’d learned to tune them out when working years ago; most of the time, he could even sleep through them.
Fatal error number one, really.
But Tails would never have expected Sonic to turn up here. 
After all, despite being gifted a New Station Square penthouse, Sonic never came here.
At best, it was a place for Sonic to store all the Sonic-The-Hedgehog-themed gag gifts his friends gave him over the years. 
(And yes, Tails is a little creeped out by the sheer amount of it, despite being the one to purchase at least a third of it. When he arrived at night, he’d tried keeping the lights off so he could pretend it wasn’t as decked out as it clearly was in the daytime, but the glow-in-the-dark shower curtain jump-scared him. His tails had stayed bushy for a full half-hour after. Ugh.)
Sonic hadn’t been able to get out of legally owning it, either. So despite still being a nomad in name and practice and worldview, Sonic T. Hedgehog officially had an apartment in New Station Square. Which meant to save face he would absolutely, never, under any circumstances, come here. 
And he especially wouldn’t come here looking for Tails. 
That’s what Tails thought, at least, until, a minute after the Sonic Boom, the door burst open. 
Tails, clad in an oversized Sonic Sez T-Shirt, blinks up at him. As embarrassing as the shirt is, he’s glad he’s wearing it, because what’s underneath is way worse. 
“Way to check in,” Sonic says, in lieu of hello. “‘Yeah, I definitely am going home after this,’” he mimics. ��‘I’ll just be working on some software updates for Tailsblr, don’t worry, you can go check out the Spagonia ruins, I’ll be fine!’” 
“I don’t sound like that.” 
Sonic arches a brow. 
“I don’t!” Tails, embarrassed, scrunches his face up in a pursed-lip pout. It’s incredibly tough-looking, he knows. “What are you doing here, anyways?” 
Sonic glances around at the Sonic-themed apartment. “...Are you going to make me say it, or-”
“Never thought you’d call this ‘your’ apartment,” Tails mumbles. 
“Okay, point.” Sonic leans in the doorway, effectively blocking Tails’s only exit, unless he busts open a window. Which he doesn’t want to do. The Sonic-themed-stained glass would be almost impossible to duplicate, and Amy paid good money for that birthday… ‘gift’. “You gonna tell me what you’re doing here, though? And why you haven’t checked in with anyone?” 
Tails crosses his arms over his chest. He definitely doesn’t look petulant. Wincing ruins it, but he does his best to play it off, putting on an annoyed expression he’s not sure Sonic totally believes. “...no.” 
Sonic, predictably, eyes Tails. And the shirt he’s wearing. “I came all this way though?” he says, faux casually. “Nice digs, by the way.” 
“I figured it would be good camouflage.” 
“Hiding from me got that serious, huh?” 
What is there to say to that, exactly? Tails huffs, but ruins it with the way he toes his foot against the ground. Unsocked, because his usual ones are washing – and he couldn’t, surprisingly, find any Sonic-themed socks among the mess. He could’ve found slippers, but his paws were big enough as it was. 
Sonic, as always, takes it upon himself to fix it. He steps closer, unsubtly poking around him trying to find an injury. 
Tails turns away, trying to avoid Sonic getting too close, but it’s a losing battle with a decisive defeat when he winces again. Sonic sees it, because of course he does, and capitalizes on it immediately. 
“We really have to do this the hard way?” 
It sounds almost petulant. Tails huffs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about-” 
“It can’t possibly be more embarrassing than hiding here of all places.” 
“Who said it was embarrassing?” 
“Then you’ve got to give me an explanation, because otherwise that’s what I’m going with, bud.” Sonic intentionally challenges him, maybe knows deep down that it’s something else. When Tails doesn’t offer an explanation though, Sonic just sighs. “Alright, guess I’m just gonna assume you’re hiding out here licking your wounds…”
Tails grimaces. There’s no putting it off or getting out of it, is there?
With a sigh, Tails finally stops squirming away, though his tails continue to swish in annoyance. But the battle is over, and he knows he’s lost. So with a grand, over-dramatic sigh, he lifts the shirt, which loosely conceals bandages, and more importantly, a back brace. 
“I have to wear it for another week,” he grumbles, lowering the shirt back down, because an oversized Sonic Sez Stay In School! shirt (...did they even ask Sonic before they made that slogan?) is way less embarrassing than the medical brace. “More, in theory, but by then I’ll be mobile enough to make myself a cool exoskeleton so I can go back to helping.” 
Sonic raises both brows. “I, uh,” he starts, looking for a moment at a loss for words. He stares. 
Tails decides to cut him a break. “I’ve been using the sketch pads here to draft out all the important parts of the exoskeleton,” he continues, “And honestly, I’ll probably keep using it for a while after this heals, because it’ll be useful for heavy artillery. Similar to what I used around the time we met Shadow, just with actual support, because it was pretty uncomfortable-”
“Okay, that’s great, but, I fail to see why you’d… hide that?”
Tails’s whiskers twitch. “It’s hard to move. Meaning I can’t help with anything going on.” 
“Yeah? And that sucks, but it’s not– you should’ve told me.” How long did you think you could hide that, anyways? It's not a big deal, not to be on missions, but- I mean, there's more than matters than just that."
“It's not a big deal, injuries just suck,” Tails cuts in, cutting Sonic off from any other unnecessary worry, or so he hopes. Sonic stares at him blankly. “Besides, you would’ve felt like you needed to check in a ton, and you- you’ve been itching to go and do things again. And it’s important to stop Eggman’s newer plans. I’d just have slowed you down.” 
“Slowed me down.” Sonic tilts his head to the side. “I guess, from a certain kind of view, I could maybe, sort of, see that logic.” Tails almost feels relieved, before Sonic adds, “You know, if I was heartless. Which you know I’m not. So I'm serious, please tell me it's something else.” 
Tails squirms under the scrutiny. He shrinks in on himself, crossing his arms tightly over himself despite the ache it causes. All the while, Sonic is still looking him over, puzzling it through. Letting Tails’s silence and inability to refute that speak for itself. 
Tails sees the exact moment Sonic notices. He cringes. This was exactly what he was hoping to avoid. 
Because the thing is, Sonic always hid away when he was injured or sick or dealing with too much. Sonic was all about the power of friendship, sure – but that was for Eggman. When it came to interpersonal problems, or god forbid physical weakness, Sonic was suddenly a cool loner. He’d always make some offhand comment about seeing a part of the world he hadn’t seen before (a dwindling number every day) and then they wouldn’t see him again for days, weeks, or months. 
And, well. 
It wouldn’t be the worst trait to pick up on. The whole world agreed that Sonic was a cool role model – the whole apartment around him agreed! Why would he be a bad role model here, too?
And if Tails was ever going to be a hero in his own right, too, well… Shouldn’t he learn to take care of himself? 
“Ah,” Sonic says, eloquently. He opens his mouth, presumably for a speech, and comes up short again. He shifts a hand to his chin, clearly thinking hard. 
“I think I smell something burning,” Tails says. 
“Does no one trust me to do speeches anymore?” 
“I honestly think you’ve gotten worse.”
Sonic levels a half-hearted glare, but the tug at the corner of his mouth tells Tails he’s not actually offended. Sonic reaches for his bangs, half-heartedly ruffles them. “Yeah. That’s why I’m trying to take my time and think this one through.”
Tails doesn’t duck away from the affection. But he can’t help but shrink into himself, just a little. Not in a bad way – but he hasn’t felt shy in ages. He feels like a kid again, which is exactly what he was trying to avoid. 
Sonic must pick up on it, because he frowns a little. Then, punches Tails’s shoulder, light enough not to jostle his back. “Growing up doesn’t mean not leaning on your friends anymore,” he finally says. “We’ll always be around. You know that, right?” 
Tails has a lot he could say to that – about being around. 
He wisely keeps his mouth shut. 
Sonic reads into it, sighs despite himself. Of course Tails should’ve guessed it was written on his face. They’d managed years without words. “Okay, yeah, but that’s an extreme circumstance – and you could’ve… should’ve had our friends around,” he says. “If I had actually kicked the bucket – that’s what I would’ve wanted. Our friends looking out for you.” 
The unfairness of it all burns. “It's not an extreme circumstance when you already almost died again.” 
Sonic rakes a hand back through his quills. “I really have gotten worse at speeches,” he mutters. “I don’t know. I’ve always been like this, though, keeping... issues to myself – but you haven’t.” 
On account of being four years old, Tails chooses not to point out. 
“Yes, okay, don’t look at me like that, I know you were a kid and kids need help and that’s okay! Good, even! But I always thought it was nice you didn’t get mad when I did stuff for you, even when you got older.” 
Tails scuffs his goes against the floor again. “Because you like doing nice things for other people.” 
“Sure,” Sonic agrees. “But it’s not like… -I always chose to look after you. Could’ve stopped whenever. Vanilla offered, sometimes. But I didn’t even let Knuckles babysit you unless it was like, an emergency-emergency.” 
Tails’s face feels hot at the mere idea of being babysat at all. Impossible standards, he knows, for being four. 
“I didn’t think you even minded being looked after, since we were always friends, not just… you know.” The word that doesn’t exist, Tails thinks, for their exact kinship. Siblings is closest, but there’s both more and less there, that the word doesn’t always fit. It's a puzzle piece that only mostly matches. “But then you were getting so good at things that had nothing to do with anything I taught you. Doing your own thing, being your own you,” Sonic continues. “...I guess I just never thought you’d take after me so much. I'm surprised, that's all.” 
Tails ducks his head. The shirt is in his field of vision though, and it strikes him as the most absurd thing about all of this. Having a heart-to-heart, after all these years, in a room absolutely suffocated in Sonic merchandise. 
Tails clearly isn’t the only one with a hero worship problem. The whole world seems to agree that Sonic's a role model. 
He can’t quite find the words to say, ‘How could I have possibly taken after everyone else?’ 
“You’re giving yourself a lot of credit,” Tails says, managing a small smile, despite everything. “...Deserved credit, but still.” 
He jerks a thumb over his shoulder, where he knows a gigantic Sonic head plush (six feet tall and just as wide) is looming. A gift from Vector. 
“Saying I’ve got a big head?”
“I think they actually made it to scale,” Tails says with a grin. “But the important thing is… You don't need to think it's all you. You said it yourself, that I have all my own good traits. So I can’t let you act all guilty for my bad traits. Maybe I would’ve been like this anyways, who knows. But you don’t need to take credit, okay?” 
Sonic blinks at him. 
“I’m growing up. And maybe I didn’t need to hide away, or at least I could’ve told you where I was going,” Tails acknowledges. “But those are my mistakes to make. Okay? Not your responsibility.” 
Sonic still looks surprised. But he seems to chew on that, still deciding whether or not to agree. 
But Tails is older now. About as old as Sonic was when he set out against Eggman. 
It’s only fair to give him a little leeway, right?
So Sonic finally nods, still looking contemplative. “Just remember you’re not on your own,” he says. “You’ve got your own thing to figure out – I respect that. But I don’t want you to forget that we’re here because we actually care. What I was saying earlier… the thing is, we’re your friends. It’s not babysitting or looking after you anymore. Even then, we liked you and wanted you around. But now? You’re with us because you’ve got skills, and we want you there. I want you there. So remember that, okay?” 
Tails’s chest feels warm. Pride, he thinks. The pride of knowing he’s made Sonic proud. 
“Okay,” he says, feeling a little more confident. 
Sonic smiles, lopsided. The same smile on most of the trademarked merchandise around them. 
It’s such a perfect match for the poster behind him that Tails has to suppress a laugh. 
“What?” Sonic asks, turning to follow Tails’s eyes. “What’s- Oh, very funny. I can't help that that's my good side. I'm not even doing the thumbs up!” 
Tails grins, but there’s no malice behind it. “Thanks for coming here to check on me,” he says sincerely. “I’m okay though, just sorry for worrying you.” 
Sonic ruffles his bangs again. “You’re never going to have to be sorry for worrying me,” he promises. “I’d miss it too much if I stopped.” 
An hour ago, Tails would’ve felt worse, hearing that. But it doesn’t sting. Sonic can both worry about him, and know that he’s growing up and can make his own choices. 
“C’mon,” Sonic says, officially ending the heart-to-heart. “I put some sonic-shaped cereal in here the other day when I saw it in a store. Five rings says it turns my tongue blue?” 
“You’re on,” Tails agrees, knowing it’s a losing bet.
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luna-writes-stuff · 1 year
Gonna Join Or What?, Dean Winchester
Fanfic, fem! reader
Mutual pining, it’s spicy, fluff
Word count: 3130
Tw: Closest I’ll ever come to writing smut. Mutual pining, kissing, (consensual) groping, lewd comments. You’re both naked. But no sex (I know). Description of injuries, blood and aching muscles.
Summary: After a long drive, you, Sam, and Dean finally find a motel along the road. Upon finding out your motel room has a tub, you claim the bathroom for yourself. But you and Dean have been playing cat and mouse for months. Maybe he finally grew tired of small talk, no action.
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“You think Ozzy wrote Road To Nowhere when he drove here?” You voiced from the backseat, fatigue heavy in your features. You have been driving nonstop for three hours now and you had yet to pass a motel, city sign or even a gas stop.
“You’re hilarious.” Dean voiced from the driver’s seat, his eyes focused on the road, though he himself had begun to tire as well.
“According to the map, the motel is only a few miles away.” Sam reminded. Yes, you had found a motel on the map, but the drive to the thing seemed to last forever. You had left from a poltergeist hunting, which had been more violent predicted. Though no one came out with any severe injuries, your muscles ached for cheap motel beds and cold showers.
“It was a few miles away two hours ago.” You muttered. “Told you we should’ve just stayed for one more night.”
Sam turned around in his seat, flashing you a sympathetic smile, clumsily reaching his hand behind him to squeeze your knee in comfort. “No one’s stopping you from falling asleep in the car.”
“I am,” you mused, forcing a smile in return. “You’d die of boredom otherwise.”
A scoff of humour escaped the youngest Winchester’s throat as he turned back, returning his hand to his lap.
It was another hour before the motel finally came into sight. To no one’s surprise, the parking lot was empty. Of course it was; it was in the middle of nowhere. The ‘24/7’ neon sign glowed brightly in the dark night sky, the look of it so inviting, you could have ran to it and kissed it.
Per custom, you shared your room. There was a time you’d have a seperate room, but since that werewolf followed you to your motel, you’ve given up on privacy whilst travelling with the Winchesters. You were safer with them than from them.
Stumbling through the door, you threw your bag onto one of the beds, claiming it for your own. Sam followed suit, copying your actions before Dean could, throwing him a coy smile over his shoulder.
You hissed at the sight, forming a tight lipped smile at the oldest. “Looks like it’s couch for you again, Winchester.” You teased.
“Don’t gloat, sweetheart. I can still kick you out of bed once you fall asleep.” He grumbled, yet a tiny smile graced his face as he spoke his words. “I remember when you still had your own room.”
With his words, he threw his bag on the couch, before sauntering through the room. “It was so peaceful at night. An own bed, no snoring, no “turn around, Dean. I’m changing.”” As he mimicked you, his voice raised an octave, throwing his hands up dramatically.
“This isn’t gonna work, Dean.” You mentioned, gently unpacking your things as you folded your pyjamas. 
“I haven’t felt the warm embrace of a motel bed for so long,” he sighed exasperated, waltzing up to your bed, before sitting down on it with a loud huff. His arms extended as he slowly fell down, wrapping them around your waist when his stomach was on the mattress completely. You paused for a moment when his face dug into your side, mumbling against your shirt. “If only for a night.” 
He had pulled this trick more often. Because he was the driver, he was the last one to get out of the car. He never made it to motel rooms in time. And first come, first serve. That had become the rule. No remorse. But you and Dean had this….unspoken thing. And - unfortunately - he wasn’t oblivious, and used this to his advantage. He might not have been aware of your heart speeding up as his arms wrapped around you, or how goosebumps covered your arm as you felt his hot breath against your shirt, but he knew damn well how to push your buttons in all the right places.
“How I hate to disappoint you,” you returned, keeping your voice surprisingly steady. “I’m sure Sammy would love to bunk with you.”
“No, thank you.” Sam called from the other side of the motel room, throwing salt in front of the windows just in case.
“Sammy hates me,” Dean mumbled against the fabric of your shirt. “You don’t.”
“I don’t?” You mused, a teasing edge to your voice. Upon the sound, Dean turned his head slightly, looking up at you from your lap. The sight was almost endearing, and you found it difficult to not give in right there and then. But you knew you would never look at him the same if you’d ever wake up with him beside you. You might never want to wake up without it again. Some things were better left unsaid.
“You’re cruel.” “Demons aren’t killed by kisses, Winchester.”
Reluctantly, you stood up from your spot on the bed, walking up to the bathroom. Not hearing Dean move, you looked over your shoulder briefly.
“Not your bed.” You reminded him before finally opening the door to the bathroom. As you did, a loud gasp escaped you, and before you could even blink, both brothers were beside you.
“This room has a tub?” You questioned excitedly, your eyes widening upon the sight of the stall tub.
“I didn’t know motels came with tubs.” Sam mumbled, somewhat awestruck as he took a look in the bathroom.
“I call dibs.” You announced, walking into the room without hesitation, locking the door behind you, not giving the Winchesters any time to argue.
“Come on!” Dean shouted from the other side of the door. “You’ll use all the warm water!”
“Take a bucket!” You shot back, putting your towel in the sink as you let the water in the tub run. It took a few seconds before shuffling was heard at the door, announcing to you that the pair had left and were probably moping in their seats as you adjusted the temperature. Perhaps, somewhere, you should’ve felt bad for them. But Dean called shots to the shower first and he was usually the one to use up the warm water. And if not him, his brother was an expert in taking long showers as well. You deserved a good bath once in a while. It would do good to your aching body.
Not letting your thoughts dwell on the Winchesters any longer, you stripped off your clothing, holding your hand under the stream of water to scrub off dried blood and scabs from your skin before entering the tub.
It wasn’t until the water pooling at your feet turned red when you realised you had left your pyjamas on your bed. Groaning at the thought, you wrapped a towel around your figure, nearing the bathroom door. Screwing it from its lock, you poked your head into the room. 
You could see Dean’s head rise from behind the couch cushions upon the sound, but you were unable to spot the youngest sibling. His absence took you by surprise. 
“Where’s Sam?” You wondered aloud, causing Dean to quirk an eyebrow up. “You gonna ask him to join you?”
You could feel your face heat up at the thought. Noticing your hesitance to answer that question, Dean’s face turned slightly sour. And that was something you noticed. So, you decided to have fun with it: “I might.”
Rolling his eyes at your statement, he let his head sink back on the couch, pointing his thumb towards the motel door. “Grabbing the first aid kit from the car.”
Silence passed between the two of you. Not that this was unusual. You and Dean have had your fair share of uncomfortable silences. It didn’t help that he knew exactly what kind of effect he had on you, but simply refused to act on it. It was as infuriating as it was pathetic. There were nights you could cry about it and there were nights you could punch his teeth out for it. 
And there were nights you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. 
“What about you?” 
Oblivious to your underlying intention, he turned his head slightly; “What about me?” “You gonna join me?” You prodded, a teasing smile graving your features.
A low chuckle escaped his throat as he shook his head. “Don’t tease me like that. I might take you up on it.” Then, he laid back, his attention returning to the magazine in his hands. 
You shrugged at the sight, silently mumbling the words “or not” under your breath. “Dean,” you spoke up again, gaining his attention, though his eyes remained focused on the papers in front of him. “I forgot my pyjamas. Can you hand them real quick?”
“What?” He replied, his eyes falling on the neatly folded clothes on your bed. He knew damn well what you were talking about. “Own legs stopped working?”
“I’m naked, asshole.” You returned, opening the door slightly to show him the towel around your body. His eyes widened slightly upon the sight, but the rest of his face didn’t give anything away about him. Suddenly growing conscious of the single layer hiding your body from him, you closed the door a nudge.
“Your point?” He asked, not breaking eye contact with you. It was then that you realised he wasn’t going to help you. And thus, reluctantly, you stepped out of the warm bathroom, into the cold bedroom. Your wet feet padding across the wooden floors. Dean didn’t seem bothered by the slightly red colour of it.
Grabbing the clothes from your bed, you turned back around, ready to make a bee-line to the bathroom. But Dean’s figure interrupted your path, making you halt suddenly. In his hand, he held one clean boxer short, stolen from the pile of clothes that was now in your arms.
He knew you forgot your pyjamas before you even mentioned it.
“Very mature, Winchester.” You snarked, grabbing the piece from his hands.
“Only for you, sweetheart.” He winked, yet refused to step aside just yet. You were now nose to nose with him and neither of you intended to move yet. Being so close to him wasn’t rare for you, but it did nothing to soothe the turmoil in your stomach.
You raised your eyebrows at him expectantly, but he just shook his head once, refusing you passage.
“So?” You asked him, now taking over his overly confident gaze.
“So, what?” He repeated, surprised by the sudden change in your face. 
Laying one hand on his shoulder, you leaned in closer, silently surprised at the lack of hesitation in your voice and actions. “Gonna join me or what?”
With that, you pushed him aside slightly, stunning him enough to successfully walk back to the bathroom. When you turned around, you still found him standing there, unsure of what to do.
“I’m serious, Winchester.” You confirmed, nodding your head towards the tub slightly. “It’ll be cold in a while.”
That was all he needed to hear, apparently, for his feet suddenly dragged him after you, both towels and clothes already forgotten. As he entered the bathroom, you already placed your clothes on top of the toilet lid, your heart beating in your throat.
Did you want him to join you? Yes. Did you expect him to actually do it? No. But if you’d grow nervous now, you’d lose it all again. Fuck self consciousness.
From behind you, you could feel Dean’s finger ghosting over your shoulder blades, your shoulder moving away from his touch slightly. A light wound had begun to form on top of it, and though you have had worse, the sight of it still wasn’t pretty. A mix of purple and green was littered around the open wound, and a small amount of blood still dripped from it.
“What’s the word, doc?” You tried to humour him. “Am I gonna die?”
“You need to clean this.” Dean ignored your question, holding his hand under the streaming faucet before using it to lightly dab the blood away. You winced slightly at the feeling, but let him do it all the same.
“I have priorities.” You mumbled, referring to the bathtub in front of you. Then, you turned around to face him, shrugging the injured shoulders to prove to him it didn’t affect you much.
It did. And he knew. But he let it be for the moment. Instead, he leaned his head down slightly, looking into your eyes with an intent you haven’t seen since you got locked in a closet together hunting a vampire nest. You’ve never been this close save for that moment. And now, you weren’t confined in a small space. This was a bathroom with relative room to walk.
“When are we going to do something about this unspoken thing between the two of us?” He dared to voice lowly, taking you by surprise. Swallowing down the nerves bottling up in your stomach, you tried to resist the urge to lean forward just slightly. You could feel his hot breath on your lips, yet you remained frozen in your spot.
“When someone decides to stop toying with me.” You spoke honestly, your confidence now fading as your voice turned soft.
“Don’t play all innocent.” Dean accused, not in anger, but in some form of humour you couldn’t quite place.
“I only play your game, because you wouldn’t bother to blink at me if I didn’t.” “That’s not true.” He interrupted. Now, it was your turn to look at him incredulously. “I’m serious.” He defended.
“Right,” you agreed sarcastically, forcing yourself to break away from him, putting distance between the two of you. “Then, how is it we are now in the bathroom together, one of us naked? Would we have ended up here if I hadn’t said anything?”
Dean remained silent at those words, staring at his feet as all flirtatious remarks seemed to fly out of the window. “Didn’t think you’d be interested.” He confessed.
Halting your movement, you turned around in surprise, scoffing slightly as you observed his hesitant gaze. “You’re joking.”
“Usually, a girl doesn’t leave me hanging for years.” He went on, shrugging the vest off his shoulders, much too interested in the warm tub now.
“Usually, you wouldn’t follow her if she gave you a chase of years.” You filled in, carefully shedding your towel before lowering yourself into the tub. You were painfully aware of Dean’s eyes on you, but you refused to acknowledge them, frightened you might say the wrong thing or do something stupid. 
You waited for him to make the next move. He hadn’t done anything besides talk and get rid of that flannel. He was still there in his pants and shirt. It was a miracle his shoes were already off.
“That tub is never going to fit both of us.” He finally spoke, referring to the amount of space left. True, it hadn’t been a huge tub, but it would do. 
To make your point clear, you moved to the middle of the tub, folding your legs together so your knees were resting against your chest. Putting your head on top of it, you looked at him in suspense.
“Is it not?”
Exhaling deeply, Dean ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. “You gotta stop this game, sweetheart.”
And again, he froze. You were so close now. What’s a few more words? 
“Cold feet, Winchester?” You tried to challenge. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
It was true. Sam and Dean had no problem walking out of the bathroom without a towel. Dean more so than Sam, but you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t seen anything before.
Then, Dean knelt down, his face now at level with yours. Before you could let any other sarcastic comment fly from your mouth, Dean’s lips found yours, his hand flying to the back of your neck to keep you close. Clumsily, you leaned forward, your wet hands now clinging to his shirt as you greedily kissed back. 
Now falling to his knees, Dean hastily removed the shirt from his head, his pants following soon after. His lips returned to yours whilst his hands struggled to take off his socks without looking. Your arms wrapped around his neck, nearly forcing him into the tub already.
“Baby, give me a moment,” he mumbled against your lips, parting briefly to take off the remainder of his clothes. If it hadn’t been for the kiss, you might have looked away in embarrassment and privacy, but you had no time for it now. The second Dean set foot in the tub, you had reached for his hands, dragging him down as your lips found his again. 
His hands wandered to the small of your back, grabbing you flush against him as he placed you in his lap. Holding his arms tightly, you tried to force him to lean back slightly, holding your weight completely in his arms.
“Dean?” A voice called through the room suddenly. For a moment, he stopped moving, his hands grabbing your hips tightly, his mouth removed inches from yours. You could feel his eyes staring into yours deeply, but you were too focused on his lips.
“Yeah?” Dean called shamelessly, almost smiling as he watched your expression turn sour.
There was a beat of silence, of realisation, before a loud groan came from the bedroom. “Really? Right now?”
“Don’t worry, Sammy,” you called. “We’ll keep it PG.” That is when Dean’s face turned sour.
“I don’t even want to hear it!” Sam called through the walls.
“We won’t do any funny business.” You continued, shrugging as Dean looked at you in exasperation and disapproval. Yet, a small smile climbed onto his face as his eyes now travelled lower, placing a kiss between your neck and shoulder.
“Dude, she’s smoking hot.” “I need to bleach my ears.” The younger sibling answered, ending the conversation from both sides.
A smile climbed on your face as you leaned forward, resting your head against Dean’s chest as he wrapped his arms around your body.
“No funny business?” He repeated through a whisper, looking down at you in disappointment.
“The mood is kind of ruined right now, isn’t it?” You looked up at him, smiling as his eyes met yours again. “I don’t know.” He mumbled, before leaning forward, pressing his lips against yours as one of his hands travelled up to wind into your hair. Humming in satisfaction, you shifted in his lap, grinning against his lips as he groaned from under you. 
Parting from you again, he looked at you through his lashes. His face was flushed, his hair dishevelled, and his lips held that same boyish grin you had fallen in love with all these years ago.
“Is it?”
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3rachasdomesticbanana · 3 months
Road Not Taken | Bang Chan
Synopsis: When your parents tell you that you're to marry the mayors son, Seo Changbin, you're left with two choices. Do you take the easy and sure route with nothing but green grass or do you take the path that's a bit less predictable and rough?
Pairings: au Bang Chan x Female Reader
Content Includes: Fluff, Forbidden romance, Secret romance, Strict parents, A sexually suggestive moment, Runaway, Happy ending, The Notebook vibes, Rich girl x not so rich guy
•Short but sweet. wc 2k•
an: Inspired by the poem The road not taken by Robert Frost and Chan quoting the poem when he talked about yellow wood in the intro.
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“Y/N are you listening? Your father is talking to you.” Your mom sighs and rolls her eyes. “Honestly, get your head out of the clouds. This is a great opportunity and Seo Changbin is a great catch. He's so handsome and strong. Not to mention he'll be mayor one day after his father. You'll be the mayor's wife y/n doesn't that sound wonderful?” She gushes, clasping her hands together happily looking lovingly at your dad, who was the governor.
What is this, some eighteenth century life you're living? Why do you have to marry some guy just because he's rich and smart? Yeah sure, Changbin is great, literally at everything but... You've known him since you were in preschool. Even went to the same prep school together too so you know just how amazing of a guy he is. He's just not your type. He's more of a big brother to you. The problem though, you've always done as you were told. Take up horseback riding even if you were terrified? Yep. Harp even if it made your fingers blister and bleed? Of course. So how could you possibly look your parents in the face and defy them? Your dad looks at you with such a proud expression that you feel like shit for even thinking about going against him.
“Yes.” Is all you can say because the false smile and enthusiasm you give, takes everything out of you.
“That's my princess. You make your mother and I so proud of you. Really, we're so lucky. Isn't that right Grace?” Your dad pats your mother's hand still looking at you and she nods in agreement.
“The luckiest.” She chimes in. “Now make sure not to be late for your piano lessons; your recital is next week.” waving a dismissing hand.
Her large wedding ring and perfectly manicured nails shine in the sunlight that spills through the multiple windows of the conservatory. Removing the white cloth from your lap and setting it onto the table next to your barely eaten lunch, you stand up and leave. The entire conversation replays repetitively in your mind that you don't see your little sister leaving her room and you bump into almost butting heads.
“Shit, I'm sorry sis. I didn't see you. You're not hurt are you?” You fuss over her and she slaps your hands away smiling.
“Jeez will you chill. I'm fine. Where's your head at though?” She questions you, crossing her petite arms over her chest. Her large eyes look up at you and you briefly think back to a few hours ago when you were that carefree. Hopefully she won't share your fate in a few years seeing as she's only four years younger than you.
“Mom and dad just dropped a bomb on me.” Sighing, you lean back against the perfectly decorated wall behind you. “I'm set to marry Seo Changbin.” You finish and your sister's eyes light up.
“Oh my god, no way?” She whispers and covers her mouth. “You're so lucky. I'd give my left ear to marry that man. Have you seen his arms?”
When she giggles you can't help but join in. Just like Changbin, her laugh is infectious. The two of you gossip about boys a little longer in the hallway before you reluctantly make your way to your room to quickly shower and change your clothes before your lessons. Piano lessons were not only important to your mom but even more important to you.
Chris Bang, your piano teacher and the love of your life, secretly for the past two years, makes the lessons worth every second of struggling over the piece you decided to play for your recital. River flows in you by Yiruma has been a favorite of yours since you were really little and because you've heard it so many times you thought it would be easy. It isn't, not even remotely. The increasing tempo is where you seem to struggle and Chris will often tell you “Don't fear a little accelerando baby.”
Seeing his face when you walk in erases all the stress from your body and mind. He's like a hard reset to your mental health. The way his eyes sparkle and even smile along with him, the two dimples perfectly placed on either side of his beautiful mouth and the enveloping scent of smokey vanilla that surrounds you when he pulls you in for a tight hug, it all chases away all the bad and heals you.
“There's my beautiful girl. Gosh, I missed you.” He greets you with open arms that go around your waist when you stroll into him. His lips leave feathery light kisses all over your face making you chuckle softly.
“I missed you too babe.” You happily reply and push his blonde hair back from his brow. In contrast to how heavy your heart felt earlier it feels lightweight now.
His lips find yours turning the sweet embrace into something more intimate. Inside the family library, it's the only space you two are never interrupted. No one, not even staff dare disturb your lessons, not after your mom fired the last person that did so. It was completely uncalled for, the poor guy only came in the room to dust while you were going through the notes and when you messed up your mother blamed him. Now it's a haven for you and Chris. The two of you have spent hours studying each other's body's more times than you've actually studied the music. Thank God that Chris is a good teacher, you're able to show off your progress if or whenever your mom decides to show interest. So when his hands move from your waist and grips your ass you don't stop him.
“Well now that that part of the lesson is over, what do you say you show me what else your fingers can do?” Chris suggests playfully still breathing heavily above you with a cocky smirk.
“Oh my gosh,” you giggle and cover your face. “you're such a dork but I love you.”
The moment is blissful and if you could lay like this under him for eternity, you gladly would. Unfortunately though, the large black Steinway grand piano sits waiting for you because if your mom doesn't hear any playing she won't hesitate to barge in. So you two unreluctantly separate and get dressed, hands and lips refusing to stray away from each other for too long.
Sitting on the shiny black surface of the piano's bench, your fingers hover over the keys as you inhale deeply through your nose and then exhale slowly out your mouth. The pads of your fingertips lightly press down on the ivory keys in front of you and begin moving effortlessly. Your eyes close upon hearing the sad yet happy music you create. Due to how many times you've played this piece it's become second nature now but when the crescendo approaches you become more focused and tense up.
“Relax babes, you can do this.” Chris whispers in your ear and you breathe him in.
Your fingers move, gradually picking up speed feeling calm and at ease knowing Chris is behind you and believing in your abilities. The worst is over and the tempo slows, ending with a beautiful climax.
“See baby, I knew you could do it!” Chris cheers coming around from behind you to stand beside the instrument and look at you. “Woah woah what's the matter? What happened y/n, why are you crying?” He gently takes your face in his hands stroking your cheeks with his thumbs wiping away the tears that rapidly fall from your eyes.
With the day's news finally getting to you, you break down and tell him everything. About the arrangement and how you are terrified of disobeying your parents but most of all you tell him that the last thing you want to do is be with someone that isn't him. That thought alone fills you with dread and makes you sick to your stomach. Changbin is a good man but he isn't Chris and you could never love another man the way you love him. You're pulled into his strong arms as he consoles you, the soft singing coming from him soothes you until you're able to calm the sobs that wrack through you.
“It's okay baby girl. Don't be sad. I know that I may not have a lot...” He pauses and scoffs at himself, resting his chin on top of your head, still holding you tight. “Honestly the only thing I have a lot of, is the love that I have for you. So whatever path you decide to take I'll always love you.”
“After all this time I still get amazed at how perfect you are, Christopher.” You tell him, voice slightly muffled against his chest, followed by sniffling as you hold back fresh tears that threaten to spill by his words.
He chuckles and his body shakes lulling you like a newborn. Chris's actions and words only proves your point, how can you love someone other than him? There's no one that could possibly take his place, you know that. What you don't know is how you're going to let your family down and tell them that you won't be marrying Seo Changbin. How do you disappoint your parents in a way that won't entirely shatter their hearts to the point where they just cut you off or abandon you? They could never do that to you… could they? That night you replayed Chris's words in your head so much that you gave yourself a headache. Sitting up in bed, after having tossed and turned for a good three hours you ran through all possible scenarios.
If you chose the easy path and agreed to be with Changbin you were sure how your life would be. Exactly like your mother's life. As a rich wife with a simple, boring, predictable life full of other people who just care about money and social politics. You'd spend your days with other wives, expected to dress and act a certain way all while losing a part of yourself if not all. Choosing Chris however, things would be uncertain. You have no idea what the future could possibly hold for you both. There could be rough terrain along the way but you were certain that you would be happy. That you both would get through whatever life decided to throw at you. As long as love continued to bloom and grow like a well taken care of flower, you two would be okay.
Jumping out of bed you look at your phone and see it's just past 5am but it's now or never. Grabbing a backpack from the closet and emptying it of any forgotten items you shove some clothes and a few important items inside. Your heart races and mixed emotions flood through your chest. Fear, excitement, guilt, nervousness and sadness sit comfortably at the top of the iceberg that is you. You keep moving silently throughout your room though, making sure you've got everything that you need.
“Just in case.” You whisper outloud to yourself. ‘Just in case they don't let me come back.’ That thought sits heavy on your heart but it doesn't derail your plans. You've made up your mind.
You're not going to play it safe by marrying Changbin. You've been playing it safe all your life. The uncertainty of taking a path that not many would travel down is scary. All the ‘what ifs’. If you could take both paths some way you would but that's not possible. It's a risk but for love and for Chris, you'd gladly make this choice again. Glancing around the room one last time, a last minute thought springs to your mind and you walk over to your desk to write your parents and sister and note.
“Mom and Dad, please don't be too upset with me. I'm leaving with Chris. I love him and I just couldn't see myself doing as I'm told this time. I hope you can find it in your hearts to continue to love me just the same. If you allow me to, I'll be back someday soon. Sweet little sister go and get Changbin, yeah? He'd be lucky to have you as a wife instead of me anyway we both know that. I love you three. I won't be far but I also won't change my mind.”
With a satisfied sigh you fold the paper in half and set it on your pillow. Your palm lays flat on the surface and you silently say goodbye to the life you had always known for something grander. Love. As the sunrise casts a golden hue on the horizon, you run towards the woods with nothing but the clothes you're wearing and a backpack slung over your shoulder. The sounds of the wildlife waking up throughout the yellow wood around you sounds so beautiful and it keeps your feet moving. The small house fenced in just past the woods comes to view and you smile breathlessly.
Rapping your knuckles on the white painted wooden door you chew on your bottom lip and wait for Chris to open up. Curly, messy blond hair peeks through the crack in the door when he slowly opens it. Almost in unison when he realizes it's you visiting him this early, his sleepy eyes and the door widens.
“Y/n baby what are you doing here?” his eyes go from your face down to the backpack that you now clutched in your hand and he lets out a small gasp that lights you up. “You really chose me?” His voice sounds so small like he can't believe it.
“Yes, I did. How could I not?” you give him a lopsided grin and wink playfully.
He grabs you in his arms and kisses your lips over and over, pecking them with a huge grin on his face. Setting you down, looking down into your eyes with so much love and longing he tells you that he'll make it his life's mission to make you happy every day and to not only tell you but show you just how much he loves you. You could feel your heart swelling from his words and your emotions bubbling up inside. Didn't he know he made you happy everyday already?
Setting your hand into his and interlocking your fingers you look up at him and sweetly smile. “No matter what storms we encounter, I'll always be there holding my hand out to you. I'll never regret the path I've decided to take at your side. I made a choice for love and that will make all the difference.”
The End.
Sidenote: I wanted to end this the same way the poem ended so there won't be a part 2. Just know they lived happily ever after.
Her sister married Binnie and her parents eventually got the stick out of their asses and were cool with her living her best life as Mrs. Y/N Bang lol ♡ if you've never read the poem or listened to the track Road Not Taken from skz's Yellow Wood album I definitely recommend both.
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anticomedygarden · 8 months
Percabeth hurt/comfort post Tartarus ptsd?
Basic I know but you can't go wrong torturing some comfort characters 😂
one of my favorite pjo tropes! so so true, thanks for the prompt. (you're my first ever prompter! bit of a landmark for me :) )
Staring deeply into his blue comforter like it held the secrets of the world, Annabeth didn't need to be a child of Athena to know that her boyfriend wasn't really there with her. It wasn't the first time one of them had found the other like this, and it probably wouldn't be the last.
He wasn't making noise or moving, actually not doing anything at all, which led her to believe that he wasn't having a panic attack or a flashback. Dissociation then.
After a lot of trial and error following the titan war, they'd figured out touch - especially involving water - helped ground him the best, so she didn't bother with trying to talk to him, not knowing how far gone he was yet. Instead she got some ice out of the water bottle on his nightstand, happening to glance at the few pictures she'd been able to bring for him to Camp Jupiter. Sally, Grover, Tyson, Thalia, the Stolls, Clarisse, and a few other campers smiled back at her.
If she'd known they were going to fall into Tartarus, she'd have packed a few more.
Turning away from the photos with a sigh, she sat down cross-legged on his bed and winced when the mattress bouncing got no reaction from him, so she gently picked up his arm in the hand not holding the ice and starting rubbing it up and down his tan forearm.
"Percy?" she murmured. "I'm gonna count backward from 100, okay?"
Predictably, he didn't answer, but she started her countdown anyway, studying his form for any changes. His jet black hair was falling into his down cast eyes, low enough that she couldn't see his seagreen irises. His pants were creased where his elbows rested on them, and she realized he was wearing the same thing as he was when his watch ended an hour ago. It hurt to know that he could've been like this for so long and she had no idea, but there wasn't anything she could do, not without leaving the ship vulnerable.
Then - movement. His hand twitched; she didn't dare stop, though, not wanting to risk backslide, just kept on counting and rubbing the ice up and down his arm.
A few minutes later, he pulled in a sharp breath and sagged a bit so that the only thing Annabeth could see was the top of his head. She'd lost count of how many times she'd made it to a hundred and back at this point.
"Percy? Are you with me?" He waited a bit and nodded minutely. "Can you try and breathe with me?"
She drew in an exaggerated breath slowly and let it out even slower. He didn't join her, so she tried again. This time, he managed a shaky, slow breath that almost aligned with hers.
After a few minutes passed and he seemed to be more present, she put the ice down on the nightstand, and he sagged even more, head landing on her shoulder like his strings had been cut.
She ran her fingers through his thick curls, illiciting a sigh from him. "Hey, baby."
His breath hitched, and she was afraid for a moment he'd start panicking, but she soon felt her shoulder grow wet.
"We're together," she whispered, hoping his words from so many (weeks? days?) ago would bring him some comfort.
They were still the most important words in the world to her.
At some point, his hands must have unclenched because she felt his nails softly scrape her thigh. "How long was I gone?"
"I don't know," she said honestly. "At least 15 minutes, an hour at most."
Sadly, he pushed himself off of her shoulder, leaving it cold and salty. "What's the last thing you remember?"
He looked off into the distance, thinking. "I remember sitting on the bed to get to ready to shower, and nothing else."
Her heart clenched as that meant he must have been gone closer to an bour. Do you have any idea what triggered you?"
"Uh...I think maybe when I looked across the hall and saw your empty bed..." He trailed off, and she nodded.
"I'll keep the door closed from now on," she promised. It wouldn't be any kind of major change since she never slept in that room anyway. The only reason it had been open was because of habit from Coach Hedge.
Now that Percy was present and they were both calmer, they started getting ready to shower, not wanting to be without the other. (Only shower. Neither of them were ready for more at the moment.) It wasn't long before they were climbing into bed together, both considerably more refreshed but exhausted from a long day on the Argo II.
It had to get better at some point. It just had to.
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fallinforerling · 11 months
have you met before? | chapter 3 - eh
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ೃ⁀➷ erling’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ erling’s taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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You told yourself for the entirety of your shift that you wouldn’t give in due to nervousness; that you wouldn’t feel pressured just because you had a date. But as the hours passed, you felt the urgency to get ready immediately. With a sigh, you said goodbye to who seemed to be the last customer of the day, realizing it was already five p.m. and you were still there.  
Your mind raced and raced, thinking about what type of guy Erling could be. Was he the type to take his date to a fancy restaurant? Or was he more laid-back? How did you expect him to be?
You didn’t have an answer. You just wanted to go out with the same sweet guy you’d met a few days ago. And even though you still saw him as Erling, just Erling, you also knew he was a famous footballer. That made you nervous. Thinking about it made you dizzy, to be honest. 
“Calm down. Breathe.” You told yourself, taking long, deep breaths before relaxing your shoulders. “He’s a normal person, just like you. No need to freak out.”
And it was true. There was no need to see him any differently just because he’s famous. He was the sweet guy who asked for a date, and he’ll stay that way. 
For now, the only concern you were having was that you really needed to get ready, and, for now, the shop work could wait until tomorrow. You gave the clock a quick glance, feeling your heart jump when it marked 5:40 p.m. 
Run. Run. Run. That was the only word that repeated itself in your head as you collected your things, making sure every single lock was in its place before hurrying to the door. 
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As you predicted, your indecisiveness came through, making it five times harder to choose the perfect fit for this date. 
It’s dinner, but where? Do I wear a dress, pants, a blazer, flat shoes, or high heels? You saw the ridiculous amount of clothes gathering on every flat surface of your bedroom, frustrated when you tried to see anything working, but nothing did. Will he even pay attention to my clothes? You couldn’t know, and it would be such a dick move to throw the first thing you saw just because you were in a hurry. 
Every dress you owned seemed like too much or too little; the other combinations didn’t sit right with you. It was so frustrating that you wanted to call literally anyone you knew for help. And then, just as you were reaching down to your nightstand to get your phone, a miracle happened. The delicate fabric of the dress was spattered on the closet floor, hidden from your sight unless you looked at it in the right position. /t was like destiny. 
“I can’t believe I forgot about you!” You shouted, picking it up with care. It was perfect. 
You hurried to try it on, praying for it to work. The need you felt for it to fit was immense, so when it passed your legs and sat around your hips as comfortably as you remembered, you started to thank every single deity available. Finally. You looked back at your reflection, feeling satisfied with the vision. The black dress, which was your go-to option whenever you had to wear something formal but casual, still fit you like a glove. Everything about it was perfect, from the delicate lace around the cleavage to the way it wasn’t too long or too short. The material was soft, comfortable, ideal.  
The joy you felt lasted only five minutes. You shot your phone a glance, and suddenly you didn’t care anymore for the dress or the state of your room. It was almost seven. And you haven’t started the process of getting ready. 
“I’m so fucked!” Your neighbors must be hating you by this point, with all the screaming and running around, but you couldn’t help it. You had less than an hour to look presentable. 
Taking the dress off, you hurried to the bathroom, grabbing the essentials along the way. That shower was the shortest— and most effective— one you’ve ever had. You didn’t know if it was the adrenaline, but everything was going your way. The body lotion was absorbing well, you didn’t struggle to find your jewelry, or your favorite heels. Even when you were doing your makeup, you didn’t fucked it up, even though your coordination wasn’t the best. Everything was going your way. And just as you were finishing the eyeshadow, your phone buzzed. 
✉️ Erling: hello beautiful. i’ll be there in five, can’t wait to see you 🤍       
Your heart raced. The feeling of nervousness didn’t leave your body while you made sure you had everything in your bag or when you walked down the hall and into the elevator. The butterflies in your stomach seemed to be fighting each other on your way to the main entrance, and just when you finally stood outside and your phone buzzed, making you look down at it and then back at the street to see Erling’s face peeking out from an impressive car, did you realize there was nothing to be nervous about. 
“Hello, gorgeous.” He got out of the car, making his way to you in three long strides. “You look beautiful, as always.” His hand reached out to you, like he wanted to touch you, but stopped at the last second. “Ready?” His fingers lingered on one strand of your hair for a few moments before he dropped it. 
“I’m ready.” A smile crept onto your face. Without having a reason to do so, you let your left hand act by itself, caressing his arm for a moment. “You look amazing.” 
And it wasn’t a lie. He was wearing a leather jacket that hugged his shoulders in such a way that you couldn’t stop looking. His outfit was pretty much black on black, with his blue Jordans being the only pop of color. His eyes smiled at you, and you knew you were about to experience the best date ever. 
Because you felt comfortable around him. His hand reached for the small of your back, guiding you to the car as you two chatted, but you didn’t feel his touch invasive. The calm that overcame the nervousness had you smiling as you entered the car, taking in Erling’s scent. It smelled like every single thing you liked in the world combined into one. 
“How was practice?” You asked once he made it behind the wheel. The sight of him driving did things to you, so you had to physically stop yourself from touching him again. “I hope you aren’t too tired.”
“To see you? Never.” His smile was so sweet. Oh, how were you supposed to survive this date? “But training was fine, not as exhausting; I’m getting used to their rhythm.”
“It must be difficult to get used to a whole new team dynamic so quickly.” You didn’t know a lot about football, but you could figure out that much. “Do you miss your old team?”
“Honestly?” He was staring right ahead, but you could see one side of his mouth lifting slightly. “A lot. They were family to me, still are.” He shrugged. “But I had to go; football is like this sometimes. We can’t help it.”
“At least your new teammates are nice.” You stated it, but instantly doubted it. “Right?”
“Yeah, they are! I’ve already made some friends. All of them are good lads, can’t say they’re unwelcoming.” 
“I’m glad to hear that. But again, you’re a lovely guy. It doesn’t surprise me that you’d made friends so fast.” Your cheeks were burning red; once again, your mouth acted by itself. 
“Oh, I’m lovely, eh?” His cheeky smile made you laugh, not giving importance to your embarrassment. “What about you? I haven’t met anyone sweeter than you.“
“Oh, stop!”
“I’m serious! Actually, I have a whole dinner to talk about you in a minute.” You felt the car stop, your eyes going straight to the restaurant to your left. “Wait here.”
“What? Why?” You were so transfixed by the restaurant’s fancy exterior that you didn’t catch why he was asking you to wait. He got out of the car, getting to your door fast enough for you to still be sitting there, clueless.
Then your door opened, with him peeking over it with a tiny smile. 
Oh, god. You weren’t surviving this date at all.
“You are lovely.” You said once you got out, taking the hand he was offering. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.”
Walking to the door, you thought you saw some people taking a double look at Erling. That only reminded you of his fame, but nothing could affect your mood. His hand was warm, and, not surprisingly, big. It engulfed yours in a way that made you smirk.
“Good night. Table for two.” The guy at the reception looked up to him with a blank stare, like his eyes couldn’t believe who he was seeing, before dropping them to the book between his hands. “It’s under Haaland, with a double ‘a’.” 
“Yes, good night, Mr. Haaland... Miss.” He made a slight nod in your direction, looking extremely professional. “Right this way.” He guided you inside the place, which was breathtaking with all of the vintage furniture, the crystal chandeliers, and the beautiful flower themed decoration. “Here it is, table for two by the balcony. I’ll lower the curtains if you like.” Then you noticed the table hiding behind a tall balcony window with an unbelievable view of the city. 
You didn’t know what type of guy this whole date made Erling out to be, but whatever that was, you loved it. 
“What do you say? Do you want to lower the curtains?” Erling’s hand touched yours, which was resting on his forearm, making you wake up from the trance you were in while admiring your surroundings. 
“I… Sure, let’s lower the curtains.” If that means more privacy, then you’ll take it. 
“Very well. Please take a seat while I make the final arrangements for your stay.” The man finally left, making the curtains fall, isolating you both from the rest of the place. 
What was left was the view of the city, and Erling. 
“This is so quiet.” You said, feeling the breeze on your hair. “I like it.”
“I thought you might like it.” You both kept staring right ahead for a few seconds before taking a seat, facing each other with the smile you only wore on your first date with someone. It was shy, sweet, and full of hope. “I’m so glad you’re here. I didn’t think you were going to say yes at all.” 
“Really? Why?” There was no way he doubted it. How was that possible? 
“You were just… so sweet. I didn’t think you’d say yes to a complete stranger. I was hoping for the best.” His smile was mesmerizing. “I was lucky enough to catch your attention.” 
“It was the broad shoulders, actually.” You enjoyed watching his eyes almost disappear while he laughed at your words. “And the long blonde hair.” 
“Were they? Damn, I wish I knew that earlier.” His laugh was so contagious. You liked it a lot. 
“Good night. Sorry to interrupt. Are you open to seeing the menu?” A waiter appeared on the curtain’s edge with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. You understood his expression all too well; he was tired. He handed you the menus with soft movements before placing his hands close to his body. “Please let me know if you’ll like anything in particular; I’ll be within earshot.” Before you could say “thanks”, he had already disappeared. 
“What are you in the mood to drink?” Erling asked, eyeing the menu with interest. “Do you like wine?”
“Only if it’s sweet.” You eyed the menu too, disturbed by the fact that there weren’t any prices listed. What kind of restaurant didn’t have their prices on the menu?
“Well, that’s a deal then. Do you want anything else? Water? An appetizer?” You blinked at the question, not knowing what to do. He could surely afford anything on the menu since he brought you here, but it was still… weird. 
“What about the unpronounceable one with the French name that, apparently, has salmon?” You both laughed at your suggestion, your cheeks going a bit red because it was evident you’d never step foot in a restaurant this fancy. 
“I actually love the idea of eating something that I don’t have the slightest idea of what it has inside.” He leaned over the menu, giving you a look that made your smile wider. “You aren’t allergic to anything in particular, right?” 
“Not at all.” You leaned as well, enjoying the proximity. 
“Perfect then. Weird french appetizer it is! Waiter?” 
The guy appeared out of nowhere, making you wonder if he was closer than expected. He looked as unimpressed as before, so you figured that it wasn’t the first— nor the last time—- that he’d heard weird things while working. He took your order with a quick nod, not questioning or talking unless either of you asked for something specific. 
“Can I ask if you have already decided on the main course?” 
“Oh, well.” Erling took a quick glance at the menu, shrugging right after. “I’ll have a steak, actually. Rare, with… Uh… The zucchini, carrot, and apple ribbons.” 
“What about you, madam?” 
“I’ll have the lobster tortellini.” You said that with enough confidence to not cringe at yourself. Once the waiter left, you eyed Erling, raising an eyebrow at him until he raised one back at you.
“Rare?” You laughed, not wanting to believe that you liked a man who ate rare meat. “You are basically asking for an alive piece of meat on your plate, Erling.”
“Ow, c’mon! All the good stuff goes away if you cook it!” 
“You can’t be serious!” You liked feeling like you could mess with him. “I’m not taking any of your food opinions seriously if you think that.”
“Oh yeah? Then it doesn’t matter what I think about your food?” His cocky grin made you blush, but you stood your ground.
“That’s very different, you know! My food is amazing.”
“Excuse me, would you like to try the wine first?” The waiter appeared out of nowhere, startling you both.
“Sure thing, we want to get drunk. Don’t we, dear?”
That didn’t take a reaction out of the waiter, but it made you laugh, so Erling kept making silly comments throughout the dinner until the poor guy seemed done with life in general.
You didn’t remember having that much fun on a date since… ever.
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“Have a lovely evening. Please, come back anytime.” The waiter gave you a smile wider than the universe; apparently, it only took a good tip for him to actually show emotion and suddenly like Erling’s jokes.
You both giggled on your way out, Erling’s jacket covering your shoulders as you both walked slowly to the main entrance, red-faced from the bottle of wine and full of food that you still didn’t have the slightest idea of what it was. Your hand was back on his forearm, his tall figure feeling warm against your arm as you followed him. 
“I dunno if it would be a good idea to drive right now.” He said once outside, his eyes wandering on his car. “But what else can we do? It’s midnight.”
You both stared at the car for a good minute before giggling nonstop, finding somehow funny how neither of you could drive right now. You were basically stuck there, but it felt like a good thing.
“Maybe we can walk around that park over there?” The idea came suddenly, since it was only now, at the peak of your semi-drunk state, that you noticed the beautiful park a few meters away. “We are not that drunk, so we should be able to walk like normal people… Right?” You looked up to him, catching his pleased smile just in time before he turned his head to look at the park’s direction. 
“We are not, beautiful. But we could walk, of course. Any time to add to this date if a yes to me.”
“You’re so cheeky.” You laughed, loving the feeling of being wanted and appreciated by this man.
You were both tipsy, and one good thing about you being tipsy was that your shyness faded away, leaving your truth, and sometimes unhinged, thoughts to come out. 
“I love this idea.” He said, guiding you across the almost deserted street. “There isn’t anything more romantic than walking around a park at night.”
“This totally feels like a romcom.” You were wearing his jacket, a cute dress, and walking around a park next to a guy that made you feel like you were floating. He was right. This was romantic.
“Is that a good thing?” He seemed slightly worried, which made you smile even more. 
“I love romcoms, Erling.”
You both shared a brief stare, and you felt the electricity run between the two of you. Your skin exploded in goosebumps, and you suddenly remembered he was there, he was real and you were on a date. 
Was he going to kiss you?
“I can’t stop saying how beautiful you look tonight.” He whispered, your steps slowly coming to a halt. His hand reached for your face, and this time, he didn’t stop until his fingers were touching your hair. 
You didn’t say a word, scared of fucking up the moment. You felt your heart beating so hard that you feared it would be noticeable while he kept staring down at you like you were the only person in the world. It was melting you. 
“Erling…” You finally said, reaching for his hand, your fingers exploring the back of it, not knowing what to expect from the kiss that was most definitely coming. 
“Can I kiss you?” He murmured, already looking at your lips with such intensity that it took your breath away. 
Once your lips met, your bodies followed. Your hands went for his shoulders, the fabric of his shirt feeling soft against your palms as you held on to them. You felt his hands grabbing your waist, pushing your body against his softly. His lips were soft, warm, amazing. You didn’t recall sharing a kiss on a first date that felt like this. It was so cliche, yet so good.
This was the best kiss you’ve ever had. He was kissing you like it was the best kiss he’d ever had. 
You aren’t surviving this. At all.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST — 
@questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234 | @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress | @football4life9 | @f1lover55 | @frankcastleonlyfans | @ironmaiden1313 | @pizzapie349 | @may-machin | @squirreljoe
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Scent Headcannons for whoever I want across Fandoms because I'm insane and exhausted, thank you for your time
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Rook Hunt, Chuuya Nakahara, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Nikolai Gogol, Sebek Zigvolt, Trey Clover, Jouno Saigiku
Warnings: this is absolute trash slathered onto a page written by someone who got 1 hour of sleep last night. My condolences to you.
Azul Ashengrotto
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He smells like the fancy cologne with those terrible labels in French so no one actually knows the scent, they just recognize the word 'musk' and think it's absolutely manly-- whenever he's running the Lounge. When he's alone?
Smells like bananas, it's the gentle scent of his shampoo; it might not be prominent, but if you were to lie down in bed with him and cuddle, you would certainly get a whiff of the flax, chiaseed, and banana shampoo worked into his soft tresses.
Rook Hunt
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I'm almost 100% sure there's a vignette where he's mentioned using a cologne Vil made for him, but honestly I'm not sure what's a fever dream and what isn't these days, so he may smell like musk and some sort of flowery scent, or he may smell like cedarwood and patchouli, thanks to his heavily scented deodorant.
He loves anything heavily scented, it gives him a sense of distinct presence and gives you a headache. When he's hunting, however, he uses unscented products, so you may be able to escape the cloud of heady aroma occasionally by accompanying him on a hunting trip.
Chuuya Nakahara
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Another cologne user SHOCKING!
Chuuya's cologne is milder than you might think. He doesn't need a strong aroma predicting his presence, and he doesn't like it either. His cologne is light and scented with sandalwood and cherry.
It's just enough to smell on him when you come within two feet of him, but nothing even remotely overpowering.
Probably the most modest cologne user in this list. The rest of them absolutely bathe in them like it's the middle school boy's locker room with axe body spray.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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He smells like ozone. You might know it as the scent of being outside too long, but it is stuck to him. The general scent of the outdoors fluctuates on him.
He smells like salt water, particularly when you go in for awkward hugs, and his hair is coarse and knotted with sand and sea. He always smells like the ocean to some degree. You could drag him through a shower and wash and untangle that matted hair of his, and throw the most aromatic stuff possible on him and he still would come out smelling like seasalt and ozone.
It's never coming off of him. I hope you enjoy the sea.
G o o d l u c k
Bonus, the first time you tried to wash his hair out a nest of crabs crawled out and he wasn't even shocked.
Nikolai Gogol
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He smells like cookies. You may be thinking, why would he smell like cookies? Well, how do you think the DOA lured Sigma in?
It's his deodorant. It's highly strong. After one night of using it, he awoke to his entire bedding smelling strongly of warm cookies. I am definitely not describing the deodorant I use and speaking from experience cough coUGH
I hope you've got a strong stomach, because you will crave sweets every time you get a whiff, or, conversely you will think of Nikolai everytime you smell cookies.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Drowning himself nightly in whatever scent Malleus once mentioned was most pleasing to his senses 3 years ago. Probably eucalyptus and Anjou pear.
It is, luckily, a pleasing scent, even if it's so adept at assaulting your senses can smell him coming farther than his voice reaches. He's killing your ears and nose at the same time. The two birds didn't even require one stone, they dropped dead when he got too close.
Conversely, at home, he uses a light, citrus scented bodywash that leaves a pleasing glow on his skin and a comfortable smell clinging to him. He had to stop bathing in the pear scent after clients at his family's dental clinic vomited when he entered the room.
Trey Clover
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Another false alarm for bakers everywhere, believing their pastries grew legs and walked out the door. Smells like cinnamon rolls at absolutely all times.
It's very, very pleasant and most people adore the soft scent that eminates from him when he gets close.
It's the result of ordering a perfume on accident, after believing he was ordering a charcoal and birch scented cologne. It smelled good enough that he was willing to overlook the fact that it was for young girls.
Jouno Saigiku
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Turmeric and sage bodywash + flaxseed shampoo.
It's subtle, so you'll only be lucky enough to be graced with the scent if he lets you get close into his personal bubble, which can either be rare, or he could be extremely enthusiastic about keeping close contact with you at all times. It depends on who you are to him.
When he's going to an event or to receive some sort of award, he puts on a splash of pine-scented cologne. It's very classic, but he claims it fits him well.
June 20th, 2023
198 notes · View notes
subskz · 2 years
sun - l.f
note: this is a reupload from my old blog
content: sub felix, dom reader, virgin felix, friends to lovers, nipple play, grinding, praise, soft smut, reader’s sex is unspecified
word count: 4.8k
The sound of rain pattering against your window caught your attention, and you craned your neck to peer through the glass. The sky had turned a deep shade of gray without you even realizing it, a strong wind blowing through the trees outside that promised a heavy shower.
Deciding to check the forecast, you unlocked your phone and opened up the weather app, frowning when you saw that it was set to storm for at least another hour. As if to confirm the prediction, a sudden rumble of thunder shook your apartment, making you jolt slightly.
You shuffled over to your couch and sat down with a huff, at loss for what to do. Though you didn’t have any plans for the weather to have ruined, you couldn’t help but feel a bit wistful—like you were missing out on something.
As if in tune with your shift in mood, the rain began to fall at a more steady pace, quickly covering the glass of your window in droplets.
A flash of lightning lit up the sky for good measure, and you curled up against the cushions. As you did so, you spotted an orange object laying on the floor nearby. You squinted curiously before recognizing it, and a small smile formed on your face.
It was Felix’s Kakao Friends plushie, more specifically, his Ryan one. He must’ve left it behind when he and Seungmin had come over a few days ago.
You reached for the stuffed lion, leaning off the couch slightly in the process. It was soft to your touch, and Felix’s familiar scent flooded your nostrils as you took it in your hold. You wrapped your arms around the plushie, an unmistakably warm feeling spreading through your chest at the thought of its owner.
Another rumble of thunder passed, and with Felix now on your mind, you couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing. He tended to get nervous during thunderstorms, and you hoped for his sake that he’d be able to find something to comfort him until it was over.
As if on cue, your phone buzzed against your thigh. You pulled it out of your pocket hastily, brightening when you saw that you’d received a text from the boy in question.
lix ☀️🐣: hey, are you free rn?
Your heart skipped a beat as you read the message. Trying to contain the excitement that bubbled up within you, you typed out a response.
you: yeah, what’s up?
Just seconds later, his reply came, and a grin spread on your face as he confirmed your suspicions.
lix ☀️🐣: do you think you could come over?
you: hmm depends. what’s in it for me?
lix ☀️🐣: wah….is seeing me not enough?
you: awww ofc
you: but a lil smth extra wouldn’t hurt
lix ☀️🐣: wow ㅜㅜ
lix ☀️🐣: ...
lix ☀️🐣: i made cookies~
you: you know the way to my heart mr. lee
you: alright, omw
lix ☀️🐣: see you soon! ^^
Your smile grew wider as you reread the messages, unable to help the way your face heated up over such a simple interaction.
It wasn’t that visiting Felix’s place was a rare occurrence for you—quite the opposite, actually. But despite that, you still felt butterflies in your stomach when you considered the slim chance of getting to hang out with him one-on-one.
Felix had seven other guys living with him, so more often than not, at least a handful of them would be at the dorms as well, meaning privacy wasn’t exactly an option. Not that you really minded—you liked to think you got along with all of them, but spending time alone with Felix was still something you cherished.
You’d long accepted that your feelings for him went beyond the affection you had for the rest of your friends. What had started out as a mutual fondness for each other turned into an unexpectedly strong attachment, and somewhere along the line you’d realized in horror that you’d begun to see Felix in a light that wasn’t so platonic anymore.
The more you were around him, the harder it became to deny. You began noticing things about him that you’d never noticed before—little quirks and mannerisms that endeared you to no end. Like the cute way he’d imitate the people around him, or the way he’d push his tongue into his cheek whenever he was annoyed.
Every one of his features—from his crescent eye smile, to his delicate hands, to his bunny teeth, to his button nose—suddenly became more than just mere details to you. They occupied your mind so much that it became hard to focus around him.
Feeling a bit ridiculous, you let out a heavy exhale and rose from your couch, deciding to change into something a bit more presentable before heading over to Felix’s place. You made your way to your bedroom, head still buzzing with complicated thoughts as you decided on what to wear.
For obvious reasons, you’d tried to keep these troublesome feelings to yourself. It was much more important to you that you maintained your friendship with Felix, no matter how hard it was to be around him without thinking about kissing his freckled cheeks or relaxing into his back hugs without an underlying feeling of dread.
More than anything, you prayed that none of the others had noticed you acting strangely around him. Minho, Chan, and Seungmin stressed you out especially, since they were the most perceptive of the bunch. You wouldn’t put it past them to drop hilariously unsubtle hints about it, or—God forbid—hatch a plan to set you and poor, oblivious Felix up.
The distant rumble of thunder snapped you from your stream of consciousness, urging you to get a move on. You made quick work of gathering up your things, not wanting to make Felix wait any longer than he already had.
On your way out, his Ryan plushie caught your eye once more, causing you to stop in your tracks.
A small, selfish part of you wanted to keep it with you at your apartment, both to serve as a reminder of him and an excuse to invite him back over. Eventually, you decided against it, figuring that it would help comfort Felix to have it in the midst of the storm. You quickly scooped up the stuffed lion and headed out.
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at the boy’s dorm, and you tried your best to avoid stepping in puddles as you rushed to the entrance of the building. Once you were shielded from the rain, you shut your umbrella and scurried up the staircase, your wet shoes squeaking as you did.
Panting slightly, you gave the door a few knocks, trying to recollect yourself before Felix opened it. He didn’t give you much of a chance, however, as the door instantly swung open and you were greeted with his bright face.
“Hi!” He chirped, his smile as sunny as ever.
You smiled back, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat. “Hey, Lix.” You replied, slipping your shoes off before making your way inside. A particularly harsh strike of lightning flashed as you did, and with a squeak, Felix shut the door.
“Storm scare you?” You asked softly, already knowing the answer.
He nodded, looking a bit embarrassed. “Ah...thanks for coming. None of the guys are home, so...I was a little on edge, I think.” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he spoke, and your pang of sympathy was immediately in conflict with the excitement you felt knowing you had Felix all to yourself.
“It’s only natural for sunshine to hate the rain.” You joked, wondering if it’d be too much to reach out and give his cheek a pinch. Instead of groaning at the corny comment like you’d expected, Felix giggled, that unnaturally high giggle that embodied everything you adored about him.
In a brief moment of panic, you averted your gaze, hoping to keep your face from growing hot. “Anyway, I think I have something that’ll make you feel better.”
Felix watched curiously as you reached into your bag to pull out his plushie. As it came into view, his expression lit up.
“Ryan!” He wailed dramatically, lunging for the stuffed lion in an instant.
Before he could take it into his eager grasp, you pulled it out of reach. “Not so fast.” You stuck out your free hand. “Pay up, Lix.”
Like clockwork, his tongue-in-cheek habit made an appearance, effectively robbing you of the upper hand. You struggled to keep your gaze steady as Felix rolled his eyes, parting his lips slightly as he swiped his tongue across his teeth. “You’re holding my stuffed animal for ransom.” He complained.
You managed to grin in response, and with a huff, the boy led you to the kitchen.
“I made these just a couple of hours ago.” He explained, opening up the container of cookies. “They’re Bang Chan approved.”
Considering that half the stash seemed to be missing, you were more than inclined to believe him. Felix reached in for a cookie before you could, holding it up to your mouth with an enthusiastic look on his face. The action took you by surprise, and you inwardly applauded yourself for keeping your composure as he fed you a bite.
Flavor instantly flooded your tongue, and you let out a satisfied hum. The cookie was the perfect balance of soft and crunchy, and the chocolate chips melted in your mouth in a way that was nothing short of irresistible.
“How is it?” He asked. There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, that never changed no matter how many times you tried his baking experiments. His big eyes bore eagerly into yours, searching for some sign of approval.
You savored the taste for a few seconds more before swallowing. “Heavenly,” You announced, licking your lips to emphasize the compliment. “You get better every time.”
Felix’s face broke out into a smile, eyes curving into those happy crescents. “I tried adding less butter this time like you suggested!”
Before you could respond, a particularly loud clap of thunder shook the room, indicating that the weather was getting more severe. Felix stiffened, and pity overtook you when his smile disappeared.
“Why don’t we chill for a bit until the storm passes?” You suggested. “Just you, me, and Ryan.” You wiggled the lion around enticingly, hoping your lighthearted tone would put his mind at ease.
Felix visibly relaxed before taking it from your hold. “Ah...good idea.” He agreed. You gave him an encouraging look, and his expression brightened once more.
Moments later, you and Felix were settled on his bed, his plushie snugly pressed between the two of you. You were essentially squished together due to the minimal space on the mattress, but neither of you minded in the least.
He wasted no time before nestling into you. He locked his hand with yours, and though it felt like the most natural thing in the world, it still made your breath hitch.
Felix’s affectionate nature was something that made your efforts to pretend like you weren’t head over heels for him especially difficult. He was always touching you somehow—resting his head on your shoulder, playing with your hands, hugging you from behind—if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he felt the same way about you as you did him.
Unfortunately, you did know better. Felix was simply a warm-hearted person, filled to the brim with love. You felt a bit guilty indulging in all his touches, but you were at least grateful that you could still share moments like this with him, even if the affection was purely platonic from his end.
You used your free hand to scroll through your phone, browsing the selection of shows on your streaming app. “Anything you wanna watch?”
He let out a thoughtful hum, gripping you a bit tighter as thunder rumbled overhead. You ran your thumb along the back of his hand in an effort to comfort him, once again finding yourself marveling at how oddly cute it was.
“Dunno…” Felix answered, voice mellow. “Kinda just want to stay like this for a bit, if that’s okay.”
He said it so casually, so nonchalantly, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from bursting in your stomach. Of course Felix just wanted to cuddle. Of course he didn’t want to do anything that could distract you from his presence. Of course he would make it as difficult as possible for you to feel even remotely calm around him.
You clenched your jaw, silently cursing your cruel fate, before responding. “Sure.” You mustered up the best smile you could.
Felix rested his head against your shoulder, making a soft, content noise as he did so. You forced your body to relax, suddenly aware of how tense you had become, and continued running your thumb up and down his hand as the sound of his slow breathing filled the room.
“Thanks again for coming.” He murmured.
You softened at that, lowering your guard. “Don’t mention it.”
Your eyes were still lingering on his delicate hand in yours, and without thinking, you brought it up to your lips, giving it a quick kiss.
Felix froze next to you, and your heart fully dropped as you realized what you’d done.
Panic filled the space your heart left behind in your chest. A kiss went beyond your typical intimacy with each other, and no matter how touchy Felix was, you knew he’d realize that as well.
Your brain immediately scrambled to come up with some sort of explanation, some kind of way to play this off before everything was completely and utterly ruined.
Before you could get out whatever weak excuse you’d come up with to salvage one of the most important relationships in your life, Felix lifted his head from your shoulder. Goosebumps rose on your arms as he came to face you, his dark eyes locking with yours
He was blushing, more than you’d ever seen him blush before, cheeks practically glowing pink. Despite that, his stare didn’t waver, and you shivered lightly as you were reminded of just how intense it could really be—like he could see right through you.
“Felix,” You began, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Can I kiss you?” He breathed.
Your words died in your throat, and you were certain that you owed your heart an apology for all the stress it’d undergone today. Felix’s gaze flickered down to your lips as he waited for you to say something.
In the midst of all the tension, the only thought that came to your mind was how clearly you could see each and every freckle on his face.
You surged forward, crashing your lips into his.
Felix’s squeak of surprise quickly transformed into a sweet, borderline angelic sigh. You kissed him deeply, not leaving any room for him to doubt how you felt about him, and with the way he melted into you, any remaining doubts you had were quelled.
His lips that you’d spent so much time dreaming about felt better than anything your imagination could conjure up. They were soft and plush and moving against yours with a clumsy sort of enthusiasm. Felix whimpered slightly as the kiss grew more passionate, reaching forward to grab onto your shirt. Your own hand found his hair, running through the soft locks and feeling them slip through your fingers just like you’d always longed to do.
When you finally pulled back for air, the both of you were panting lightly. Felix’s lips were parted as he caught his breath, making them look so irresistible that you had to stop yourself from leaning in all over again.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You murmured.
Felix swallowed hard, and before you could process what he was doing, he lifted himself off the mattress and into your lap. He draped his legs over yours, his shy expression contrasting the boldness of his actions in a way that made your mind reel.
“Me, too.” He admitted. “I spent so much time thinking about it…imagining what it’d be like to kiss you. I just never—” He bit his lower lip. “Never had the guts to, I guess.”
“Seems like we didn’t know each other as well as we thought.” You giggled, leaning forward to rest your forehead against his.
Felix nuzzled his nose into you, letting out a small whine. You immediately took the hint, tilting your mouth upward to lock it with his once more.
The kiss grew heated again in no time, and when Felix parted his lips wider for you, you took the chance to slip your tongue in his mouth. He moaned softly, his responsiveness sending a chill down your spine that made you hungry for more of his reactions.
You brought your hand back to his hair, this time tugging at it with purpose. Felix whimpered as you took his bottom lip between your teeth and began to nibble gently. His hips involuntarily pushed into yours, and your breath hitched when you noticed with a start how hard he’d become in such a short amount of time. You sucked on his lower lip for a second longer before pulling back, leaving a thin trail of saliva to connect your mouth with his.
“Felix,” You murmured, trying to get him to meet your gaze. He ducked his head, mortified that you’d become very aware of his growing problem.
You took his chin in your hands, tilting his face towards you. “Lixie,”
The nickname was met with a sharp intake of air, and you felt his pulse race wildly beneath your fingertips.
“Are you okay to keep going?” You checked.
There was a pause, and for a moment, you wondered if he was having second thoughts. You searched Felix’s eyes, wide as moons, for some semblance of discomfort
“I want to,” He breathed. “I want to so bad. But I’ve just never…um…” He cut himself off suddenly, burying his face in your neck out of embarrassment.
You stayed quiet, waiting to see if he meant what you thought he meant.
He made a cute, frustrated noise, steeling himself to continue. “I’ve never ah...done anything like this before.” He mumbled into your skin.
His words admittedly caught you by surprise. Though Felix so naturally embodied a certain air of innocence, you’d always assumed he was far more experienced than he’d let on. There were moments here and there, little things that he’d do, that made you believe he knew exactly how desirable he really was.
But they came in flashes, so quick that you weren’t sure if it just was your own lovesick mind playing tricks on you. After all, in your eyes, no one was more desirable than him
You rested your hand on his neck, trying to ignore the strange giddiness bubbling up inside you. “It’s okay,” You reassured him. “We don’t have to go any further.”
Felix pulled back, puffing out his freckled cheeks, and you nearly cooed over how adorable the sight was. “But I want to,” He protested. “I just don’t know if I can be...good for you.”
The way he spoke those words, as if he longed for your approval more than anything else in the world, set something off in you.
“You don’t have to worry about that.” You soothed. “I’ll take care of you, baby boy.”
Felix shuddered, and the low whine that escaped him wasn’t lost on you. “Hm...you like being called that?” You hummed, your breath tickling his skin.
“M-mhm.” Felix managed, not trusting the steadiness of his voice enough to say anything else.
He jolted as you attached your lips to his neck, sucking at a spot of skin before trailing wet kisses along it. “That’s what you’re gonna be from now on, yeah?” You bit down gently, relishing in the cute whimper it elicited from him. “My baby boy.”
“O-oh God, please,” Felix mewled, tilting his head to the side to expose his throat to you. He began to rock his hips, and your hands slipped down to his waist to grab a hold of it. “Make me yours, please.”
His begging made your spine tingle, urging you to suck more intently right above his collarbone until a deep red mark was left on his soft skin. You felt his length, now fully hard, pushing against you as he squirmed around in your lap.
Deciding to tease him a bit more, you brought a hand up to his chest, trailing your index finger over his clothed nipple. Felix fully gasped at that, and you lifted an eyebrow in amusement. “Sensitive?” You purred, repeating the action.
He bit down on his lip to suppress another pitiful sound. “N-never been touched there.” He stammered out, thoroughly overwhelmed by all the new sensations. The movement of his hips grew stronger as you toyed with his nipples through the fabric, relishing in every one of his reactions.
You halted the movements of your fingers to lower your head, instead wrapping your lips around the delicate area. The heat of your mouth seeped through his shirt, and Felix’s voice spiked in pitch as he cried out. He grinded down against you desperately, gripping your shirt like his life depended on it.
“You’re so cute, Lixie.” You moved to his other nipple, kissing it tenderly through the material. In contrast to your gentle lips, you grazed your teeth over the hard bud, and Felix let out a moan so sinful that you felt yourself twitch. He bucked his hips in an adorably honest reflex, his body begging you for some kind of friction.
It wasn’t until you heard a weak mewl of your name that you finally pulled back to check on him. “Everything alright?” You asked softly.
Felix nodded, taking a moment to collect himself. “Better than alright,” He answered breathlessly. “It feels s-so good but…” He trailed off, swallowing hard.
“But?” You encouraged.
He played with the hem of your shirt as he tried to find his words. “Wanna do more…” He admitted, tilting his head to let his hair fall into his face. “It’s s-so hard that it hurts.”
Your lips curved into a delighted smirk, and you moved your hand down to cup Felix’s clothed length at last. The groan he let out didn’t disappoint as you gave it a gentle squeeze. “Poor baby,” You murmured. “You’re not used to all this, hm?”
An embarrassed noise escaped the boy, but he nodded nonetheless. “Let’s make it better.” You said sweetly. “Lie down for me.”
Felix instantly obeyed, shifting himself off your lap and settling down on his mattress. You slipped a pillow underneath his head before giving his cheek an affectionate pat. “Good boy. I’m gonna take these off now, okay?”
He swallowed audibly as you tugged at the waistband of his shorts. “Okay.” He agreed.
You slipped the garment off with ease, revealing the small, wet stain of precum that had formed on his underwear. Felix’s thighs trembled in anticipation as you traced your index finger along them, admiring the faint freckles adorning his skin.
“Please,” He inched his hips up ever so slightly, inviting you to have your way with him. The action effectively crumbled the last of your patience, and without wasting another moment, you removed his underwear as well.
Felix hissed as he sprung free, instinctively bringing his hands down to cover his bare length. You stopped him, taking his wrists into your hold and pushing them to the side. “Don’t hide yourself from me.” You chided gently. “Not when you’re this beautiful.”
After all the time you’d spent being far too careful of your every move around him, holding yourself back no matter how difficult it was in fear of crossing the line, you felt a physical weight lift off your chest being able to speak those words freely.
They made his face flush a deep red, and before he could shy away again, you took his cock into your grip. It twitched in relief as you wrapped your fingers around it, making it evident that Felix hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d told you how hard he’d become.
“How cute,” You cooed, smearing the precum that had gathered around his head. “Everything about you is so precious.”
Felix whined desperately, pushing his hips up into your hold. You drank in the sight of him, marveling at how far gone he looked already. His hair was disheveled, sticking out adorably in all directions, his lips were red and swollen, and his starry eyes were clouded with arousal.
After toying with his tip for a few more moments, you readjusted your position, lowering yourself directly against his length. Felix inhaled sharply, a hint of concern crossing his features. “Wh-what about you?” He asked meekly, noticing for the first time that you were still very much clothed.
“I said I was gonna take care of you, didn’t I?” You reminded him, entwining your fingers with his. “Don’t worry about me.”
Slowly, you began to grind down onto him, sliding your covered core up and down his cock. Felix’s moans began to pour out of him in an instant. The texture of your clothes against his sensitive length was new and intoxicating, and he squeezed your hands to ground himself as the rest of him writhed helplessly beneath you.
“Is it good, angel?” You checked, suppressing a moan of your own as his cock pressed against you.
Felix’s mouth hung open, a slew of sinful noises slipping past his pretty lips. “Yes!” He cried, jerking his hips up. “Love it...hah...feels amazing.”
His cries of pleasure urged you on, and you began to rock your hips more aggressively. The friction of your movements caused a delicious heat to build up where your cores met, steadily building up pressure in your lower abdomen.
“I can’t believe I get to see you like this.” You murmured, affection seeping into your voice. “All laid out for me...it feels like a dream.”
Felix whimpered amidst the deep breaths and groans, and the adorable sound tugged at your heart. “I’ve wanted this for so—ngh—long,” He stuttered out, digging his nails into the back of your hand. “Wanted y-you for so long.”
Judging by how worked up Felix had already become, not to mention how unfamiliar this kind of stimulation was to him , you knew his orgasm would be rapidly approaching. You gave an especially hard roll of your hips, grinding against him in just the right way and making him sob in pleasure.
“P-please,” He begged, voice growing hoarse. “Again, please d-do that again.”
His frantic request was like music to your ears, and you were quick to comply. “Such a polite boy.” You praised. “You like having your pretty cock pressed up against me?”
Felix groaned pathetically in response, eyes squeezing shut and head lolling to the side. He began calling out your name, and that coupled with the way his length spasmed against your core told you that he’d be coming undone soon.
You leaned down to press your lips against his, eagerly swallowing up his moans. Felix’s whole body quivered, becoming more overwhelmed by the second as you slid your tongue against his to create an electrifying pleasure.
Suddenly, he threw his head back to gasp out. “Ah…feels good! ‘M g-gonna cum!”
He was barely able to warn you in time before his orgasm washed over him, his body stiffening and hips surging upward. You continued to kiss him hungrily through his high, relishing in the whimpers that escaped him between the wet smacking of lips. His seed splattered against both your stomach and his, and you kept up the rocking of your hips to squeeze out every drop.
Only when the last few waves of pleasure had jolted through Felix’s body did you pull away, not wanting to overstimulate him when he was so sensitive to begin with. The room was quickly filled with the sound of your shared, heavy breathing, and though you hadn’t climaxed yourself, a feeling of bliss overtook you.
Felix’s eyes remained squeezed shut as he came down from his high, only fluttering open when you untangled your fingers from his. He gazed up at you as you cupped his face, and the reality of the situation came crashing down on you when you were met with a look of unmistakable adoration.
“I love you.” The words were out of your mouth before you could even think about stopping them, and despite everything that had just unfolded, you still felt yourself panic.
He didn’t give you much time to worry about your sudden proclamation, however, because his face instantly broke out into that familiar, sunny smile. “I love you, too.” He giggled, burying his face into your palms.
Though everything had changed, the warm feeling that spread through your chest remained the same. As you lifted yourself off of Felix to pull him into your arms, you noticed for the first time that the storm had passed and the sun had come out once again.
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zepskies · 2 months
Take Me Home - Part 7
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
AN: For everyone who has Easter plans tomorrow (Happy Easter!), I decided to release this part a bit early. And yes, we’re at that part of the season 3 plotline…
Word Count: 6.6K
Tags/Warnings: Major angst, survival situations, violence, hurt/comfort.
❤️ Series Masterlist
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Part 7: On the Edge of a Knife
Beau returned home that night with a large pizza for Carla and Emily. He’d already eaten with you an hour ago, but true to his legendary appetite, he still found room for a slice of pepperoni. They got comfortable around the fire out in front of his trailer.
“What held you up?” Carla asked.
Beau sighed and first wiped a bit of sauce from his face with a napkin. He admitted there was an altercation between you and your ex-boyfriend, Michael Hadley. Beau happened to be there in time to settle things down and help patch you up after you fell through a glass coffee table.
“Oh my God. Is she okay?” Emily asked. Beau noted her concern with a smile.
“She’s fine. Some minor cuts and bruises,” he said. “But I had to encourage the guy to leave town. If he’s got any sense, he’ll get gone.”
Emily looked relieved at that. Then she eyed him with a suspicious smile.
“And you just happened to be in the neighborhood?” she asked slyly, voicing the thought that Carla hadn’t wanted to.
Both women watched him closely, but Carla knew the tell-tale signs of Beau covering his embarrassment, giving his daughter a wry look.
“All right, smart Alec. Why don’t you break out the extra sheets I got in the trailer? We’ll set up the bed and the couch.”
“If you can call that glorified bench a couch,” Emily muttered with a grin. 
“Ey!” Beau called after her, though he watched her go in amusement.
After a couple more hours of chatting and catching up, showers taken and plates washed, Emily headed for bed. The adults stayed up for a while, bundled in warm coats as they sat together by the fire.
Beau remembered what Emily told him days ago; that he hadn’t needed to be a perfect man for his wife and daughter. They’d just needed him to be a bit more honest about what he was going through, to let them in. After what happened today with you, your patience and understanding with him…he was beginning to get what she meant.
“I’m really thankful for you helping us,” Carla said. It unearthed him out of his own head.
“Yeah,” he replied with a nod.
Admittedly, he was still a bit distracted. Besides how he left things with you (which still made heat crawl up the back of his neck), he still had Avery and that stolen money to worry about. Otherwise known as the reason Carla and Emily would have to cram themselves in his little trailer.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Carla prodded, laying a gentle hand on his arm.
“I just got a bad feeling about all this,” he confessed. “It’s like in Houston with Randy.”
“No,” she shook her head. “You can’t go there.”
“It’s too late,” he replied. “‘Cause it feels the same. Like something’s…something is comin’, and I’m powerless to stop it.”
“Randy’s death was not your fault,” she reminded him. Just like you had.
Beau looked over at her with a humorless quirk of his lips.
“We both know that’s not true. He was my partner and I let him down. And then…then I wasn’t there for you, or Emily. I don’t blame you for leaving me.”
Carla couldn’t help it, but a part deep inside her had been regretting that choice. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. She managed to blink and keep them at bay, though she let out a shaky breath.
“Well, you’re here for us now,” she said. And yet, she could’ve predicted his next words like clockwork.
“It don’t make up for the way I checked out,” he said.
Carla licked her dry lips and swallowed down the emotion clogging her throat. She didn’t cry often. She could have an ironclad grip on her emotions when she needed to.
It was part of what made her a good lawyer. She knew Beau had sometimes gotten frustrated with that aspect of her personality in the past, because he was the opposite.
The man kept a good lid on things for his job, but at heart, he was driven by his passion, his anger, his love, and right now, his bone-deep guilt and shame.
She knew he’d been drowning in it for a year and hadn’t known how to pull him out. Every time he pushed her away, it had hurt her, hardened her, making her will to try again less and less. So she left him. 
It was the choice she made, and she knew she had to live with it. Just like marrying Avery.
Carla laid a hand on Beau’s over his knee. She made sure he looked her in the eyes when she said this.
“I forgive you. For all of that, okay?” she said. After a moment, he nodded. This time, she felt like he actually heard her.
“But I’m telling you, this thing with Avery…this isn’t over by a long shot,” he told her. “I’m not saying that to scare you. You understand that?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, even though those tears from earlier were working their way down her face. She wiped them away hastily.
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you two,” Beau said, in a firm, reassuring tone.
It worked, and it didn’t. Carla nodded again. “I know.”
He sighed through his nose and squeezed her hand. His gaze shifted away, back to the bonfire dancing in front of them. His eyes stung at both the smoke, and the emotion rising in his chest. He steeled himself.
“Carla, I’ll always love you…”
She smiled slightly, brushing the remaining tears from her cheek.
“Though I sense a but coming,” she said.
When she said your name in question, Beau glanced back over at her and nodded. Carla had been his first real love, besides Daisy Harlow in the eleventh grade.
But you were unexpected. How quickly, how deeply you’d gotten under his skin was too hard to ignore. And at this point, he didn’t want to.
Meanwhile, Carla stared at her ex-husband in bemusement. She slipped her hand from his and folded hers back in her lap.
“What’s she like?” she asked. Half of her was genuinely curious. The other half would rather not hear his answer, but she supposed it was only fair. She was the one who moved on first.
Still, the flicker of Beau’s soft smile stung, just a little.
“She’s special,” he said. “Resilient, like you. And smart to boot. You know she’s a college professor?”
“Yeah, Emily told me,” Carla said. 
Beau’s smile dimmed when he noted the resignation in her voice. She gave him a knowing look. 
“I have no right to complain,” she said. “And you deserve to be happy too, Beau.”    
He considered that with a nod. He wasn’t sure if he believed her, but for your sake…he would try.
“Can you promise me something?” Carla asked. 
“Name it,” he said.
“I know Avery is in this thing deep. He lied to me and he created this mess. Even when this is over, I don’t know what’s going to happen between us. I know I’m asking a lot of you, but please, look out for him,” she implored. Beau uttered a wry chuckle and rubbed at his chin.
“He is in this deep. And he’s being stubborn about it,” he said. “I might not be able to help him walk it back, but I will try.”  
Carla released another sigh and nodded in response. She supposed that was the best she could hope for. 
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A few days later, you walked up and down the grocery store aisles with a basket in one hand and your phone against your ear with the other.
“Okay, I’ve got all manners of junk food and chick-flick movie watching snacks, including Reese’s cups, ice cream, frozen pizzas, and no less than three bottles of wine,” you said. “Am I missing anything?”
“I don’t think so, hun. That sounds very comprehensive,” Denise replied.
She was at work, and you were still getting ready for the fall semester. It was only a little over a month away, which meant you were excited, and also nervous.
You had five classes on your roster. You’d also visited Carroll College yesterday to set up your office with all your books, both textbooks and your favorites in fiction and non-fiction (but mostly fiction). Much Ado About Nothing was front and center in the Shakespeare section of your shelf.
You also wanted to at least try and relax for the rest of your summer. Denise was all too willing to help. You’d always had a good relationship with your aunt, albeit distant, since you’d lived in different states.
Living so close now just made you realize how much you two had in common. It was nice to find a friend in her, not just someone who would try to mother you in your own mother’s absence. 
“Yes! Good. Then get ready to brainstorm what movies we’re gonna watch tonight, and in what order,” you said.
“Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t already have a color-coded checklist,” Denise quipped.
You laughed. Yes, she knew you too well. “Okay, maybe I do, but you still get a vote.”
You turned a corner in the aisles and nearly ran right into Carla, who was pushing a cart. You both jolted in surprise and recognition.
“Oh, hi! I’m sorry,” you said, at the same time she said, “Sorry, I…”
You two did the polite, nervous laughter people did when put in awkward situations. You noticed all the food she had in her cart—enough to feed a family of three for the week.
“Yeah, finally getting around to doing a grocery run,” she said. “Beau’s trailer leaves much to be desired in the form of amenities, so…”
You adopted a more amused smile. “Yeah, he’s not much of a cook, is he?”
“Do frozen fish sticks count?” Carla remarked.
“Only if there’s expired tartar sauce, according to Emily,” you joked. The two of you shared a laugh that was a little more genuine. You chatted for a couple minutes more before you parted with amiable handwaving. Then you realized that your aunt was still hanging on the line.
You sighed and put your phone back up to your ear. “Hey, sorry.”
“Was that who I think it was?” Denise asked. She was probably trying to be cryptic, if Emily was in the room with her.
“Indeed, it was. Doing a nice family-sized grocery run,” you whispered back, to make sure you weren’t overheard. You brought your basket of junk to one of the checkout lines.
“When was the last time you heard from him?” Denise asked. She must’ve heard the heaviness in your voice. You both knew exactly who “him” was code for. Beau friggin’ Arlen.
“Not since we said goodbye last week,” you replied. And the memory of that kiss had been torturing you for days. It had also been the fuel of many…late nights with yourself.
Speaking of which, need some more AA batteries, you thought with a warm blush.
“Okay, forget candy. We should get cheesecake,” Denise proposed.
You smiled. “You know what, that’s a damn good idea. Definitely cheesecake.”
You hopped out of line to do just that. You knew it probably wouldn’t be as good as Chicago made, but you went over to the bakery side of the store and hunted for the most good-looking cheesecake you could find.
“Hey, if you want, stop by here later,” your aunt said. “Em is here. We’ll grab lunch, make it a real girls’ day.”
“Sure,” you agreed. You hadn’t seen Emily in a week or so either. “Where are you thinking? I’ve been wanting to try that Indian place down the street from your office.”
“Sounds good to me. Come over after you drop those groceries off at home.”
“Okay, will do. I’ll see you guys soon!” you said. 
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Beau knew that he was going to be working straight through lunch. What he, Jenny, and Cassie had discovered in the past 24 hours was deeply unsettling. 
Not only was Walter Sunny Barnes’s son, but Paige was alive. She’d been found in the foyer of Sunny’s home, brandishing a knife, convinced the married couple were in it together on her kidnapping. Sunny claimed she’d had no idea her husband had taken the poor girl and kept her in a shack for days.
According to Paige’s testimony, Buck Barnes had tried to kill her. And since she was alive, it meant Walter had lied in confessing to her murder. It was also likely that he hadn’t killed Mary or Luke either.
That wasn’t even the worst of Beau’s headache.
He rubbed his face in frustration after getting off the phone with Carla. Thanks to this whole business of Avery’s stolen cryptocurrency, she was being followed. 
Fuckin’ hell, Beau thought. The next time he saw Avery, it had better be with handcuffs, or he was going to start working on his punch list for real. Instead, Beau grabbed his cell and called his daughter.
“Hey, Dad,” she answered on the third ring.
“Hey, honey. You doin’ all right? You good?” he asked. Maybe he was coming on a little strong, but worry was a living thing inside his gut.
“Yeah, totally. Just doing some research…but guess who’s coming to have lunch with us later?” she asked.
Her tone was leading him somewhere, and Beau thought he knew the destination. His lips curved with a half-smile. When he guessed your name, Emily confirmed.
“You’re welcome to join us. If, you know, you wanted to,” she teased.
Beau’s smile twisted with disbelief. Was his daughter trying to set him up? And better yet, it seemed like she liked you well enough to do it. While the thought warmed him, his smile dimmed.
“Wish I could, but uh, I got a lot of work here to do. I’m just…checking up on ya, like dads do,” he said.
As much as he wanted to see you (and he really, really did), he wasn’t lying. He needed to follow up on the man who’d trailed Carla to the drycleaners this morning. And he already had Jenny and Poppernak looking into finding Buck Barnes. He’d fled the scene after Paige and Sunny were picked up at the Barnes residence.
“Well, okay, consider me checked. We can talk later if you want,” Emily said. She sounded a bit disappointed. Beau felt guilty for that, but he’d make it up to her tonight. Maybe he’d bring home some takeout so Carla didn’t have to cook again in his tiny kitchenette.
“All right, honey. If not, I’ll see you tonight,” he said. “Just…don’t go anywhere by yourself, okay? Make sure Denise or Cassie’s with you. Matter of fact, I’ll pick you up from there today.”
“Yeah sure,” she said. Though he didn’t think she really heard the warning in his voice.
“‘Kay. Bye, Dad.”
She hung up, leaving Beau still feeling off-balanced. Until news came in from a fellow officer: while Paige had been brought to the hospital, Sunny Barnes had been brought into the station for questioning about her husband.
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“Sorry I’m so late. I started cleaning my apartment and lost track of time,” you said, walking into the office of Dewell & Hoyt. Denise and Emily waved at you from their respective desks.
“That’s okay. We’ve been busy here,” Denise said. You looked at the large pinboard on the wall filled with news clippings and pieces of evidence. Bleeding Heart Killer, read many of the subject lines.
“Ech. Still working on this?” you asked.
“Unfortunately,” said Denise. She grabbed up her purse and went over to kiss your cheek in greeting. “But we might’ve gotten a huge break on it. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.”
“Get back? Where’re you going?” you asked.
“To get the food! I already placed the orders,” she said, patting your arm. “I’ll be right back.”
You gave her a narrowed look. “I was going to pay for it—”
“No need!” Denise sing-songed on her way out of the office. It had you smiling, shaking your head. You looked over at Emily and tossed a thumb over your shoulder.
“Careful with her. She can be devious,” you said.
Emily smiled and stood up from her desk. She went over to sit with you on the small couch near the center of the room.
“I’m actually glad you’re here,” she said. “I’ve kinda got a question for you.”
“Kinda?” you echoed with a smile, but you pat her on the knee. “What’s on your mind, honey?”
Emily looked a little unsure. It had you giving her your undivided attention.
“It’s about my dad,” she began. Your smile slowly fell, but now you were really listening.
“Okay,” you nodded.
Emily opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, the lights in the entire office went out.
Natural light still came in from the large windows at the front. It was odd though. The weather outside, while chilly, wasn’t cold enough to create an outage. You hadn’t heard anything fizzle when the lights went out either.
“That’s weird—” Emily said.
The back door burst open with the sound of hinges breaking. Both of you gasped and stood from the couch. You slipped a hand into your purse to find your phone, and then the first contact you could think of.
You were about to press the call button when a tall man with broad shoulders stepped through. He was older, balding, and his clothes and neck were stained with blood.
Buck Barnes.
“Buck?” you gasped. “What…what’re you doing here?”
He didn’t look like the easy going, kind-hearted man you knew at the camp. Now, he looked haggard, injured, and dangerous, like a wild animal.
“Hush up,” Buck held up a silver pistol in his right hand. “And drop that phone, nice and slow.”
Your heart was in your throat, but you couldn’t just think of yourself. You subtly tried to pull Emily behind you as you set your phone down on the ground.
“You tried to kill Paige,” Emily accused of the man. It had you turning to her, your eyes going wide. When you looked over at Buck to gauge his reaction, you saw how his lips pursed.
“Sit down and shut up,” Buck ordered, gesturing with his gun at both of you. He drew closer and forced you and Emily to sit beside each other on the couch. There he grabbed a roll of duct tape from his pocket and began taping your shaking hands together.
“Why’re you doing this?” you asked Buck.
“I need some collateral if I’m gonna get the hell outta dodge,” he replied.
“Fine, but let Emily go. She’s just a kid,” you begged, as tears stung at your eyes.
Buck just continued taping you up. Thankfully not your feet, just your wrists. He moved to Emily next. 
“You don’t need her,” you tried again. “Come on, Buck. You really think Beau Arlen’s going to want to work something out with you if you take his daughter?”
“Oh, I’m bettin’ he’ll be more than willing.” Buck grabbed you and placed a strip of tape across your mouth, then on Emily’s. He hooked a large, calloused hand around your arm.
“Now get up.”
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“What?!” Beau asked. His eyes widened in alarm. “Slow down, Denise. What’s going on?”
The more he listened, the more his heart plummeted into his stomach. He had to grip his work desk for balance.
It took him and Jenny under half an hour to meet up with Cassie and Denise back at Dewell & Hoyt, along with a forensics unit of officers. There was evidence of struggle in a turned over table and a broken back door lock.
Denise explained that she left you and Emily for just a few minutes while she went to grab a late lunch order. By the time she returned, the power was out, set off by the breakers, and you and Emily were missing.
Jenny found your purse on the couch, while Beau found your cell phone on the ground. He picked it up with a gloved hand. He’d seen you unlock your phone enough times to remember your passcode.
When he inputted those six numbers and unlocked the screen, he found his own name and phone number highlighted there. You’d been about to call him.
He squeezed your phone tight in his hand. He looked up and saw another officer pick up Emily’s backpack.
“No power means no surveillance footage,” Jenny said. “Okay, let’s think. Why take her and Emily?”
“It’s gotta do with Avery and the money he stole,” Beau said, grinding his teeth. “I needa find him.”
“Any idea where he might be held up?” Jenny asked.
“Carla will know,” he replied.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Jenny was quick to offer. She could see his rage bubbling.
“No,” he said, cutting her off with a swift hand. “Get a response team ready, but I don’t want anybody doing anything without checking with me!”
He was out the door before any of the women could stop him. Denise was in tears, both for you and for Emily. Cassie wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“We’re gonna find them,” she promised.
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You and Emily were in the backseat of an SUV. Buck was singing along to some country song, driving them down a highway to hell knows where. 
The tears had begun to dry on your cheeks. It didn’t mean you were no longer petrified, but for Emily, to give her support, you’d been able to keep breathing through it. She was still in panic mode, hyperventilating as tears streamed down her face.
“Y’all better quiet down back there,” Buck warned.
You grabbed Emily’s hands and met her frantic eyes with your calmer ones. You were hoping to reassure her, let her know that while you were scared too, you were with her. She wasn’t alone.
She squeezed your hands back, even though it made you wince. Your right hand was still injured. Again, you breathed through it so you could hold her back. You rested the side of your head against hers to try and help steady her further. If you could, you would’ve held her like a mother bear.
Emily leaned against your side and began to calm down, bit by bit. Meanwhile, Buck continued to talk your ears off—about country music, and how this particular song was the one he and Sunny danced to at their wedding. Though frankly, you couldn’t give a shit about anything that was coming out of his mouth.
All you knew was that it was nighttime, pitch black darkness by the time he pulled into a plaza. It looked like a gas station next to a bar.
Only in Montana, you mused. Though you perked up at attention when Buck parked and actually left the car.
Of course, he took the keys with him and put the child locks on the doors, but you tugged at the duct tape Buck put around your ankles when he’d forced you and Emily into this car. If you could get free, then you could shove your way into the front seat and unlock the doors.
Emily tried to help you. You winced as the tape tugged at your skin. At least I shaved yesterday.
She gasped around her gag when she saw a young man coming their way in the parking lot. You joined her in banging on the window, trying to get his attention.
“Oh my God,” you heard him say, muffled as it was through the window. You pointed at the front of the car, trying to communicate to him to break the window open there.
“Hold on, I’ll get you guys out of there,” he said. He went to the front of the car and tried at the door handles, but before he could get very far in his attempt to free you, Buck came up behind the younger man and grabbed him in a chokehold.
You and Emily screamed at him, but it was no use. You did your best to shield Emily’s eyes when Buck snapped the man’s neck.
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Bad call, bad leadership, bad police work.
Beau felt the weight of his shame like never before—all while he held Carla and rocked her in his arms. She’d just arrived at the police station, after getting the news that her husband had been killed.
When he learned that Emily was taken, Avery tried to help Beau and the police confront the men he’d stolen the $15 million from, but Avery had gone rogue by bringing a gun into the equation.
Beau had just one chance to pull Avery out and send in his unit of officers on standby. Jenny had asked him what he wanted to do, hoping he would make the right choice.
Beau had been selfish. He wanted to see if the men would give up the location on where they were holding you and Emily, so he kept Avery in play. He’d thought the man would be fine with Tonya and Donno backing him up in the room.
After all was said and done, however, Avery lay dead in a pool of his own blood with a bullet in his chest. The criminals also hadn’t taken you or Emily.
By process of elimination, Beau now knew it was Buck. The man had already killed a hiker on his way out of the woods, where he’d been holding Paige.
Now it was a whole new manhunt.
“Beau,” Jenny said. “We have something on Buck.”
It prompted him to drag himself out of the dark spiral of his thoughts. He let Carla go, but kept a supportive hand on her back. She was still distraught, and understandably so—not just for her husband, but for her missing daughter.
Jenny gave Carla a sympathetic look. She beckoned him over though.
“Come see this,” she said.
Beau comforted Carla one moment more, rubbing her back, but she encouraged him to go with Jenny. She led him into another room where Cassie was waiting for them, and Jenny’s laptop was connected to a smart TV.
On the screen was new surveillance footage of a parking lot, outside a bar a few hours out of town. There was a green pickup truck parked next to a black SUV. Beau couldn’t see you or Emily, but he watched Buck drag the dead body of a man behind the truck.
“Buck was casing the lot for a car to steal,” Jenny said. “We’re guessing this unlucky guy found them.”
“It means they’re still alive,” Cassie pointed out. Jenny drew attention to the keys, or whatever it was that Buck dropped and picked up off the floor. It was hard to make out from the footage.
Cassie agreed to ask Cormack Barnes if he knew what the keys were for, considering he already had the keys to the pickup trick in his hand when he picked up the fallen set. Beau knew it was time to question Sunny Barnes again.
He headed down the hall to do just that, with Jenny on his heels. Soon though, he found himself slowing down in the hall, like his feet were made of rubber. That, and his heart was fracturing. Jenny slowed down with him, giving him a questioning look.
“It’s just…it’s the one thing we’re supposed to do. Protect our kids,” he said. “The one thing.”
“Hey,” she said. Her blue eyes were understanding. “You couldn’t have done anything differently.”
And yet again, they both knew that was a lie. Beau held a curled fist against his lips for a moment, as he tried to swallow down the lump of emotion in his throat.
“She’s gotta be so scared, Jenny,” he said. His eyes stung, but he tried to blink the unshed tears from his eyes. It wasn’t working.
“Both of them,” he said. “They’ve gotta be terrified. And every minute we waste chasing our tails just gives that twisted son a bitch a chance to do something to them—”
Jenny grabbed his arm to steady him. “I still think he’s keeping them alive for leverage.”
“Well, I hope you’re right, because there’s nothing stopping him from making an example from one of them,” he said.
But the moment it escaped his lips, he wished he hadn’t uttered the thought out loud. It was too much.
He felt like a failure of a father. That was already destroying him from the inside out. And though he’d vowed to himself otherwise, you got dragged into this too.
You’d already been through the wringer enough. Beau hadn’t even checked in on you in damn near a week since he left your apartment the last time.
Now, you’d been taken by the very same man who murdered your friend Mary. Beau hadn’t had the chance to tell you…
He hadn’t been able to tell you a lot of things.
And maybe, he’d never get the chance.
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The pickup truck Buck stole had a small trailer attached, convenient for stuffing you and Emily in, along with the corpse he’d made of the truck’s owner.
On the long and bumpy ride down the road, you’d been able to search the dead man’s jeans and found a small pocketknife. You pressed a small button to click the blade open. You showed it to Emily, and then tried to cut her bonds.
You only got halfway through when the truck and trailer stopped. Moments later, you smelled gas. Buck was probably stopping for a refill on the pickup truck. You closed the knife and hid it in your hands. That instinct turned out to be a good one, because Buck slid the trailer door open.
You and Emily winced as the bright morning sun hit your bleary eyes. Not only had you not slept all night, but you’d gotten used to the perpetual darkness of the trailer.
“You girls behaving yourselves back here?” Buck asked.
You and Emily stayed quiet, but fearful. He stepped into the trailer to lower your taped gag, and then the girl’s. He uncapped a water bottle to give her some. It was a strangely humane thing to do, you thought.
But then you realized that he just didn’t want you two to pass out of dehydration. He was trying to keep you alive long enough to use you as bargaining chips.
“My dad’s going to find you,” Emily said, staring up at your captor. Buck chuckled at her cheek.
“You want water or not?” he asked.
“And when he does, he’s gonna kill you,” she said. Buck rolled his eyes and gave her a few sips of water. He offered the bottle to you next.
Instead of drinking, you used his distraction and proximity to pop open the pocketknife and jab it at his face. He pulled back fast, but you managed to sink the three-inch little blade into his neck. Buck backhanded you so hard, it made the side of your face crack against the back of the trailer.
Emily screamed and tried to catch you when you accidentally fell on her shoulder. When you recovered after a bit, blinking the black splotches out of your vision, Buck punched at the spot right above your heads and made you both flinch. By then, he’d taken the little knife out of his neck, even though it made a new wound ooze blood down his shirt.
“Forgot to check his pockets,” he gritted out. His anger then bled away, into a dark chuckle. “Gettin’ a little rusty.”
He poured out the rest of the water over your boots, but he didn’t make any further threats. At least, not physically. He stepped away and began to exit the trailer.
“Next time it’ll be gasoline and a lighter,” he warned. “Now both of you, shut the fuck up.”
Then he closed the door, casting you and Emily into darkness once again.
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“You okay?” Emily whispered. You could barely make out her face in the dim light, coming from the smallest crack in the trailer door. You rolled your head her way so you could give her a smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied. Truthfully, your head was ringing and aching at the same time. Buck had knocked you out for a few seconds there. Plus, you were exhausted, and hungry, and parched.
“At least the gags are off,” she said. You nodded, letting out a sigh. You welcomed her to rest on your shoulder and tucked her wrapped hands under yours.
“We’ve just gotta keep holding out,” you said. “I’m sure your dad is on the way.”
Emily nodded in agreement. She believed every word of what she’d told Buck. She just hoped it was sooner rather than later.
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It was much, much later.
Still, you and Emily were no better off. Actually, you were pretty sure this was worse.
Buck had driven you deep into the woods, then forced you to walk what felt like another half-mile until you reached a dusty old shack. He’d unlocked it and forced you both inside, kneeling in the dirt and dead leaves. Along with the duct tape already around your wrists, he’d tied you both up with ropes around the metal hooks hanging from the short roof.
Even with the gags off, it was hard to breathe in the hot, stuffy woodshed. It felt similar to being buried in a box and left to rot.
You weren’t sure how many hours it had been, but the sun was slowly inching by. If you had to guess, it was around mid-afternoon. You were sweating down your neck and back, now uncomfortable while kneeling in the jeans you were wearing. And sometimes, your vision started to blur in and out.
By now you were beyond hunger. Dying of thirst? Quite possibly.
“How’re you doing?” you asked Emily. She nodded, but she didn’t have much energy to talk either.
So instead, you tried to twist your wrists out of the rope. Very quickly you gave yourself burns, however. Buck had tied your bonds so very tight, not to mention the duct tape underneath.
What a fucking asshole, you thought. He could’ve at least left a bottle of water. Or some protein bars.
“How are they supposed to find us out here?” Emily asked. Her voice was small and coarse with exhaustion. You nudged her knee in comfort.
“The police will get it out of Buck, I’m sure,” you said. “Even if Beau can’t, damn certain Jenny will.”
You gave her a smile. Emily tried to smile back, but she didn’t quite make it there.
“God, I’m so thirsty,” she coughed.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you nodded, letting out a shaky breath. “All we can do is keep trying to get loose.”
You both tried twisting out of the ropes for a while, but it was no use. You were just going to bruise or cut your wrists further through the tape.
You knew that you and Emily had been in the woods for hours at this point, somewhere in the middle of the mountains. You tried not think about how unlikely it would be that someone actually heard you, let alone found you.
You knew you were the adult in this situation. You had to keep it together for the girl beside you, but after a while, a feeling of desperation and despair rose up again in your chest, no matter how hard you fought it all.
Tears welled up in your eyes, though you tried to breathe through it. Emily nudged your arm this time, giving you a comforting look.
“It’s gonna be okay,” she whispered. “I know Dad’s coming for us.”
Your lip wobbled, but you nodded and sucked in a breath. If she could be strong, then you could too…
And that was when you started to hear voices. You knew they weren’t just in your head, because Emily perked up too. You both called out the best you could to whoever was out there.
You squinted watery eyes when the door to the shed finally slid open.
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Beau tested the limitations of Jenny’s SUV on his way out from the woods, and then back into them. 
At the very least, Buck was dead. 
Sunny had shot him—before they had gotten a location on you and Emily. Beau had been about to have a serious breakdown before Cassie called him. 
“They found them,” he’d told Jenny, with red and shining eyes. 
In another five miles, they reached the old cabin. Cassie had said there was a woodshed attached on the south side. Beau tore out of the car and sprinted up a hill, through a patch of dense trees, until he found the cabin and the shed. 
Cassie and Cormack were talking to someone just out of Beau’s eyeline, but his gaze focused on his daughter. The moment Emily saw him, she brightened and ran to him. He met her in the middle, grabbing her tight and secure in his arms.
His tears burned in his eyes and fell as he held her, comforted her, rubbing her back. She held onto him just as tightly.
He struggled and failed to keep himself together. Relief wasn’t even the word for how he felt; it was beyond words.
And it was almost unreal to be able to hold his daughter and see that she didn’t look hurt, just shaken.
“I’ve gotcha, sweetheart,” he said. “God, I’ve got you.”
Letting out the deepest breath, Beau’s gaze ventured past his daughter and up ahead. There he found you, being supported by Cassie up the hill. Beau’s eyes widened.
You were rubbing your wrists. They looked raw. Your eyes were also red and watery when they met his. Your breath seemed to catch as well.
Your name fell from Beau’s lips, his voice breaking. Emily looked up at her dad and had to smile. She even made room for you when you came up on his other side. Beau still kept his daughter tucked against him, but he reached for you as well and brought you into his embrace.
He felt your body shaking with quiet, wracking sobs. His heart broke for it, but he soothed a hand over your knotted hair and down your back.
“Shh, it’s okay now,” he whispered in your ear. His voice was choked with emotion. “I’ve got you, darlin’."
Never gonna let you go again, he thought.
You nodded, sniffling, but you kept your face buried against his chest.
Eventually, you lifted your head to meet his kind, if tearful eyes. He was a mess, and so were you. He was right though; you knew that it was all right now, as long as he was here.
You looked over at Emily, who was still hanging onto her father. You touched her shoulder.
“You okay?” you asked through tears. She nodded back at you with a smile.
“Good,” Beau said. “Let’s get you two home.”
You realized then that you were clinging to him like…like he was yours. 
“Oh,” you uttered, releasing his shirt. “I‘m sorry.” 
Beau’s eyes widened at the way you pulled away from him, unconsciously lowering your gaze. He frowned, and he pressed a gentle hand to your cheek, so you’d look at him again. 
“Don’t you do that,” he said, his voice still a bit unsteady.
Almost every cell in his body said to pull you back in. To sink his fingers in your hair, and to kiss you.
But he noticed Jenny, Cassie, Cormack, and even his daughter watching with some kind of smile on their faces. You stared up at him, teary eyed and waiting.
Beau cleared his throat.
He hesitated a bit too long, warring with himself all the while. So he just stroked your cheek and guided you, along with his daughter to the car.
You and Emily were going home.
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AN: 🫣 Lol please don't hate me for the little tease at the end there. But how did you like how all the action and drama of the kidnapping unfolded?
Don't think this is the finale though. We've still got some drama and fun things to come. (Also, I think it's funny how this next particular chapter is going to post on my birthday lol.)
Next Time:
“I’m the one who needs you to forgive me,” he said, gently squeezing your arm. “I promised myself I would keep you safe, that I wouldn’t drag you into this mess. And I couldn’t keep my end of the deal.”
“Stop that,” you said. You grabbed the front of his shirt. “How many times do I have to say it’s not your fault before you get it in your stubborn head?”
It came out a bit snappish, but the moment your eyes met his, you both seemed to realize where your passions had led you. Just inches away from one another.
“Maybe one more time,” Beau said, in a quieter, but no less heady voice. There was a hint of humor in his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile back.
You released his shirt and instead, took his face in your hands.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 8
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