#that is the most Just Some Guy lookin dude.
monsterbisexual · 7 months
thinking abt saw was not part of the plan when i watched it
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sexilene · 2 months
husband!rafe and your kids attempt to prepare you a mother's day surprise! 💐
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rafe sets down your daughter so she's sitting on the table after helping her put up some pastel ribbons, hearts and banners for decoration so he can walk over and check on the pancakes your son was in charge of.
"hey bud, those pancakes are lookin' a little...come on dude" he looms over the boy and put his hand on top of the little backwards baseball cap over your sons head. 
"it's supposed to be mickey mouse!"
"well it looks like a sad bear...think mom will think they're cute?" rafe makes a face and turns his head to see more of the "sad bears" already on a plate.
"what do i know!?" your son shrugs and drops a few more chocolate chips onto the cooking pancake.
"ehh s'alright we'll just cover'em in syrup, whipped cream or something" rafe reasons with himself when your son arm swings back after trying to flip like a chef, ironically the most decent looking pancake flies to the opposite wall and splat! its ruined. 
"aw man!" your son whines and rafe gasps dramatically. "careful!! jesus!!" he rushes over to clean the mess on the wall when your daughter screams and points to the oven. both rafe and your son's heads turn quickly to where she's pointing. "what? what's wrong baby?" rafe asks all panicked.
"dad! the oven!" your son backs away from the pancakes as the oven pours out black smoke, the french toast on fire. "what is that!?" your son furrows his eyebrows and runs to open a window. "its the french toast- or it was." rafe's face hardens in concentration, hoping the fire alarm wouldn't go off and wake you up, he grabs a towel to start to "put out the fire" or "cool it down" but that just makes the fire worse causing the alarm to ring. your daughters hands fly to cover her ears as she sits there watching, your son grabs the water in the glass jar on the table and hands it to rafe who splashes it on the flaming french toast. 
"what's going on!?" you walk into the kitchen in you nightgown, picking up your daughter and holding her on your hip. the alarm still ringing, you turn your head to see your son stood on a chair trying to get the smoke away from the alarm to get it to stop. "go back to bed mama! everything's fine!" rafe shouts over the ringing and closes the oven quickly, he takes your daughter into his arms so he can shoo you away. 
"kay guys, what do'we got?" rafe sighs after sorta cleaning up the mess and sits on the table with his kids. "we've still got the pancakes." your son points to the now broken plate with ruined pancakes due to the commotion earlier. 
"uh nah bud, we've gotta scrap that." 
"i have bubblegum grampa gave me for easter!" you daughter lights up as she offers. "no princess, you keep your bubblegum, we'll think of something else." rafe smile and smooths his hand over her messy baby hairs.
"well there's vanilla ice cream in the freezer and at least a few chip's ahoys in the pink jar." you son's eyebrows shoot up at the realization. "and strawberry wafers above the fridge." the boy points to where the wafers where supposed to be hidden. 
"right, that works..." rafe smiles and picks up your baby girl to place on his hip and give a bunch of kisses to. 
"oh my goodness! whats this!" you smile brightly sitting in your bed, pausing the movie you were watching as you see your little family come through the door, your daughter runs up to your side and hands you a card she made with glitter and lace. "thank you baby this is very sweet." you place the card against your heart momentarily, rafe walks up and places a silver tray on your lap with little scoops of ice cream, wafers and cookies. "happy mothers day mama" rafe smiles, quite proud of the little breakfast they managed to come up with last minute. 
"thank you baby" you continue to smile, reaching your hand out to place on rafe's cheek as he bends down to give you a kiss. "there's more ice cream if you want s'more after, happy mother's day!" your son says smiling showing all his teeth and handing you a bouquet of casablanca lilies and a few of his baseball cards that he considers presents, you giggle and reach over to embrace him as well.
"s'very nice of you guys, so many beautiful mother's day presents!" you tell your kids.
"its not over yet, i've got s'more gifts for you in the living room." rafe grins and hands you a spoon for the ice cream. "i love you do you know that?" he asks and you nod.
"i do, and i love you, all of you guys very much. what happened in the kitchen earlier? everything okay?" 
"i just wanna say again, i love you so very much." rafe smiles innocently ❤️
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i wanna marry himmm
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grandlinedreams · 2 months
Well, since I have fallen for your writing pretty hard (it's a blessing really, because so far only your reader can be read as a he when it comes to the Fallout series fandom), my brain's been spewing ideas at me.
I'd love to see a genuinely jealous Cooper. Awfully and painfully jealous, where he's actually hurting and doubting himself, but is also angry. Not the kind of playful jealousy he felt towards Lucy, no. Something deeper. And angry at the slimy guy who's already stepped over any kind of boundaries when he's laid his eyes on what's his. But they need the information, they can't go forward without it, so the plan is for the reader (you knooow, that version of the reader from that particular fic of yours, where they are crafting ammo) to get close, flirt with him, go real sweet on him. But that guy's too touchy. Too close, too dangerously close. To getting his brains blown out of his skull by Cooper's gun, that is.
I absolutely love your writing ❤️
OUGH YES I EAT THAT SHIT UP EVERY TIME but also thank-you!! I do my absolute best not to gender reader bc it bugs me to do it unless I'm asked to and it's also just a whole lot more inclusive! 🥺❤️
Warnings: jealous!Cooper, some self deprication, mentions of pre-War Cooper, weapons maker/dealer!reader, touch of angst, Canon typical violence, Lucy just watching all of this like ??, skeezy informant dude do be skeezin', boundaries very overstepped (unwanted touch, lewd words), questionable alcohol,cursing, quick and dirty Makeout sesh at the end lmao
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The place is a "bar" in the lowest sense of the term. A gutted out building that was undoubtedly a diner of some kind before the war, now with blown out windows but surprisingly, a neon 'open' sign that halfway works in places, spitting sparks that makes Lucy eye it warily. "Is this place...safe?"
You snort. "If you're lookin' for safe, you should've stayed in that tin-can vault of yours." You adjust the sling of your pack, now far lighter than it'd been when you left with Cooper, Lucy, and Dogmeat. "We need information, and the best informant we've got likes to hang around here."
Lucy still doesn't look happy about it, but she reluctantly follows as you step forward. The inside resembles the outside for the most part, the same kind of dismal grey of the wastelands ㅡ but it's busy.
Battered tables teem with scavengers and raiders alike, and you pretend not to notice them ㅡ your attention is on the man doing a piss-poor job of wiping down what's left of a counter. A radio crackles, a singer croons sweetly, but the pitch is made tinny for the way the man casually smacks the top of it when it stutters. A barely there glance up at you, silent prompt that you follow.
"Three drinks," you say without preamble, shoving a handful of caps forward. Your fingers drum, eyes roaming in feigned disinterest ㅡ and then nod when three short glasses are shoved to you. The liquid is of a questionable color, watered down amber ㅡ you sniff it before you take a sip.
"Tastes like shit," you say when Cooper approaches and you hand him his glass, followed by Lucy, "but it gets the job done."
Lucy eyes the glass. "What is it?"
You down the rest of it. "Poor man's excuse for whiskey, I think. Or might be deathclaw piss, who knows."
Cooper snorts when Lucy's nose wrinkles, but she downs it with a grimace that makes you snicker and pat her back.
"Atta girl, vaultie. Atta girl."
The four of you settle at a table, Dogmeat at your feet as you stretch out, catching Lucy's look. "What?"
"What are we here for?"
"Information, vaultie," Cooper cuts in, "we don't have shit to go on as far as following your dear ol' daddy, so we gotta get some."
"And the best bet is getting it from that sneaky bastard," you let your eyes drift so that Lucy follows, "over there."
The man in question has clearly seen better days ㅡ or what he can see through the thick, wild tangle of silver-streaked hair on his head, the matching mess of beard that spills from his chin to his chest. He's sitting with a handful of scavengers, oblivious to the fact he's being watched.
"Him?" Lucy's tone expresses her doubt. "He doesn't look likeㅡ"
You knock your knuckles on the table to quiet her. "The point of being an informant, Lucy," you say in a low mutter, "is to not look like a fuckin' idiot who's listening in on shit they shouldn't."
"So who's gonna go talk to him?"
You sigh, eyeing the two. Cooper is obviously out of the question ㅡ it's the grace of his hat and the fact his back is to most of them that allows him some anonymity, but you have no doubts near everyone knows who he is. Or at the very least, what he is.
And Lucy... well. She's been out here for weeks now, but there's still a naive shinyness to her that says she'll fuck it up immediately, even if she doesn't mean to.
"Me," you say, and Lucy blinks at the same time Cooper tenses, eyes dark as they study your face. There's a protest on the tip of his tongue, one you silence as you continue, "I'm the best bet we have of getting what we need."
Lucy glances between you and Cooper, sensing the rising tension ㅡ and Dogmeat whines and nudges at your leg. Your eyes lock with Cooper's.
"Fine," he rasps. "Do what you have to."
Cooper is pissed. Lucy can tell that, the way his eyes never leave you as you trek back to the counter, another couple of caps for another drink ㅡ not for you, her, or him. But for that informant, the way you gesture with a casual nod in his direction.
He watches as the drink gets sent, the informant looking up, and his gloved hands tighten in his lap at the grin the other man gives you before he waves you over. He hates the casual way you step, relaxed, friendly ㅡ flirtatious, almost.
Cooper is not stupid. Far from it, he knows better than to outright stake claim on you in a way that can be used against him by others ㅡ but you're a chink in the proverbial armor, a weakness he's both grateful for and wishes he didn't have.
It's unspoken though, that you're his ㅡ and the fact he can't stroll over and make a point of it annoys him. Especially with the way the man's hand drifts over your leg, meaty fingers on a thigh Cooper has touched in a more intimate way, spaces reserved for him and him alone ㅡ seeing this fucker paw at you makes his blood boil.
"Looks like they're doing a good job so far," Lucy says, watching a little less intently than Cooper, "do you thinkㅡ"
"Vaultie." Cooper's voice is low and sharp. "Shut the fuck up."
It's not Lucy's fault, not really ㅡ but Cooper's two seconds from putting a bullet in this guy's head, information be damned. In another life, the life he'd had before, he figures he wouldn't be so irritated. He'd been handsome, hadn't really had to do much to make his stance clear ㅡ but now?
Now he knows what he looks like, how he acts ㅡ and the softer lining of your relationship is still new enough that there's that kernel of doubt. That you'd take someone else if given the chance, someone who could give you far more than he can ㅡ because all he can give you is all he knows.
Death and destruction, picking apart things until there's nothing left. All he knows how to do is take and take and take ㅡ and while you've yet to be bothered by it, he knows it's just a matter of time.
He tracks that hand when it slides up your back, teeth clenched because now you look distinctly uncomfortable. It's hidden, but he knows how to look for it, better at reading you than anyone else ㅡ and it's quickly fraying restraint that keeps him from getting up and coming to your rescue.
You flinch at the next touch, barely there recoil ㅡ but it's enough to snap Cooper's threadbare patience as he stands, ignoring Lucy's look of confusion as he strolls over.
His foosteps are slow, feigned casual as he approaches, settling a hand on your shoulder. Again, casual, were it not for the possessive pressure as he drawls, "Sorry for the interruption, but I need to borrow my friend here."
He's hauling you up before you can protest, and he commends himself on choosing this option rather than the one he so desperately wants ㅡ one that would involve splattering the brains of that fucker across the back wall. Even so, he takes too much pleasure in the intentional hand on said gun when the informant opens his mouth to protest.
He hurries you away from the table, ignores Lucy and Dogmeat as he tugs you past the table and outside, around the corner from prying eyes.
"Cooper," you snap, "what the fuckㅡ"
You're silenced by the aggressive press of his mouth on yours, gloved hand still firm around your upper arm as he cages you against the wall. He dominates the kiss, nips at your lip, deepens it with the muffle of a soft moan from you.
His other hand wanders, up your thigh, side, back ㅡ all the places that piece of shit dared to touch you. "I know I said do what you have to," he mutters when he breaks away to nip at your neck, "but I have my limits, sweetheart. 'specially when some fuckface is touchin' what's mine."
You squirm. "Cooperㅡ"
Dark eyes meet yours. "You are mine, aren't you darlin'?" You nod, and he clicks his tongue. "Words, babydoll. I wanna hear you say it."
It takes a second for you to find your voice. "Yours," you say, "I'm yours, Cooper."
He smirks, leaning in to kiss you again. Less aggressive but no less consuming, only letting up to let you breathe as he presses against you. "Good," he rasps, "better rememher that because I don't intend on losin' you, nor do I like the idea of fuckin' sharing."
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morallyinept · 3 months
Hey Jett!!
I had a random thought the other day about what all of the Pedro boys would do if they were out with me at a bar (or any social gathering really) and another guy hit on me and possibly wanted to fight them. Since you have such amazing insight on the boys, I wanted to hear your thoughts on how you think they would react.
Thanks!! 💜💜
P.S. I know you must be loving all this Lucien content as much as I am!!! 🫠
Hey Lovely Jenn! 🖤
Oh gosh, I'm wading knee deep through the Lucien content and am happily drowning. 🫠 Don't save me, I'm fine... The thots, Jenn. THE THOTS! 🥵
Ooh, what a fun Ask! It's been a while since I did a Pedro Boys Ramble, so here goes! 🖤
Marked NSFW🌶 Brief mentions of unwanted attention.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Round one... 🥊
I would challenge anyone to pick a fight with Joel. Dare them. I dare ya! And then I'll sit back laughing as they pick their bloodied teeth up off the floor. 🍿 We all remember Episode 1 QZ Joel. This Joel right here, who would break your lookin'-for-the-light fuckin' jaw, right?
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Yeah. Ain't no-one messing with ya, darlin' whilst this stacked mofo is by your side at the bar, let me tell ya. Joel's a pitbull waiting to attack, just give him one good reason to snap. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough. And that's what is so appealing about him, isn't it? They can look, but if they dare touch you, Joel'll kill 'em.
Frankie's hermosa is not for touching. No touchy, hijo de puta. Unless it's part of some flirty game where you do it deliberately, and with his agreement, to get a, uh, rise *ahem* out of him. Get that pilot flying, if you catch my drift... 😏 You're stunning, it kinda turns Frankie on a little bit to know that other guys are checking you out. But make no mistake, any unwelcome attention and Frankie will be right there, flanked by the TF boys as he steps in and warns the guy to back off in that low, calm, gravelly tone. And with four, (we don't count Tom, he's rightfully dead) burly, ex-veterans giving the dude the stank eye, you can bet your touchy-feely offender will scarper away with his limp dick between his legs. And then Frankie will take you home and tell you how fuckin' hot it was, hermosa, with that guy drooling over you as Frankie proceeds to drool all over you in turn. Standard Heating Oil cap remains on.
Let's face it, your would-be chancer wouldn't even get a word in edge wise, let alone close enough to wrangle you away from Ezra. But even with one arm, this chatty dude is lethal. And Ezra is pretty protective of the things that he cares most about. And you are his most precious, shiniest gem he's prospected in a long time. And if someone else wants to take that gem from him with their grubby, greedy mitts? Well, he'll be packing them off to Kevva in a pretty sorry state. "Notwithstanding the fact you pertain your stance of seeking what is mine, I'd reason with you to consider that sloppy course of action. Lest you want your appendages to remain intact, friend." The warning will be more than enough for the guy to retreat, mostly because he can't handle the amount of words fired at him, but this is Ezra. We know he likes to play a little dirty, that scoundrel, so of course he'll excuse himself for a moment to indulge as he so frequently does without regret, and seek the man out to ensure that his warning has permanently left a mark.
So, this could go two ways. Either D is so far off his face with booze and drugs that he doesn't notice, dancing on the dancefloor and really feelin' the beat and his shirt, because man that feels super silky on his fingertips right now, and dude, the colours! "You should totally feel it. Feels amazing, babe." As you watch him feel himself up over his shirt. And then when you tell him some skeezey guy tried to cop a feel, at first he giggles, because, you know, he's high as a fucking kite. But then when he sees your face, Dieter charges off in the direction of the bar wanting to throttle the guy, and does. But it's the wrong guy unfortunately, and he gets thrown out of the club where he falls face first into a puddle of his own vomit. Or, he's sober and has his arm round your shoulder and is totally getting off on the fact that some guy is giving you the eye. "What do you think, babe. Shall we invite him back home with us...?"
I think that Javi, after a long day at work, sinking back his third drink at the bar rubbing the stress away in his temple, would probably be the guy to hit on you... Throwing you a sultry glance over his shoulder with those deep, brown eyes and come hither stare. It'd be enough to see you stare back; mutually pining signals growing between you that you both want each other. Javi'll end up back at your place whilst your boyfriend is out of town. He'll note the photos of you both together scattered about the place, but won't say anything. He knows what this is and so do you. A night of passion under the hot humidity of Colombia between two strangers, a release of all that tension from trying to catch Escobar. He'll fuck you so good, have you sobbing into the mattress as he pulls you back onto his cock again and again. He'll stay the night, taking you again in the early hours before dawn. However, he makes sure he's gone in the morning, just in case your boyfriend comes home. Whilst Javi isn't one for shying away from confrontation, he'd prefer not to engage unless he has to. He's far happier knowing that your boyfriend will come home to find you dripping full of him instead.
Missing person: guy who tried it on with you in a bar. Nuff' said, right? Dave strikes me as incredibly protective and ruthless about it. I mean, he did everything possible to protect himself from being found out about Susan, so by that logic we have to assume this guy means business. And boy does he. He won't stand for that shit, some guy putting his eyes, let alone his hands, on HIS partner? Run. Run very fast and very far because when Dave finds him, he won't ever be found again.
Marcus is in the FBI so can handle confrontation well, it's his job. However, he won't actively seek out a fight. I imagine his conflict handling skills are pretty robust and can talk a heated situation down comfortably and confidently. I believe Marcus would be incredibly protective of you. He's the type of boyfriend who will dance with you at a gig, but also let you dance by yourself too whilst he gets you another beer, you free spirit you. He'll watch you from the bar, smiling with a big heart at how beautiful you are with your hands in the air, hips swaying low and feeling the beat, and how lucky he is that you're here with him in DC. (Fuck you very much, Teresa.) But then he spots a couple of guys leering over you, and Marcus grows at least six more feet in height. He'll march confidently over there, teeth grinding, hands moulding into fists and blood boiling, thinking of all the ways he wants to end those shit stains. But he'll simply take you in his arms and kiss you so passionately and wrap himself around you as you dance, feeling you grind against him, and you note how fucking hard he is right now. He throws warning daggers at the creeps that he's onto them, and they most certainly won't come near you at all.
Ain't no-one gonna mess with this bounty hunter, mesh'la. We've all seen how hushed the local drinking hole gets when the man of Beskar steel strides in. All he's missing is the theme tune to The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, right? And Din orders up a Spotchka, and some eats for The Kid, and you dutifully bring it over and coo over the lil' green cutie, and Din likes you already. If you like his kid, then he likes you. He watches as you serve patrons and one of them gets a little too handsy. And before either of you know it, a leather gloved hand is there, uncoiling the leech's hand away from the direction of your butt, and politely warning in a softly spoken, modulated tone, that if they want to keep that hand, then they should apologise to you. And they do, with everyone watching as Din applies more and more pressure on the joint until it pops and the guy moans in pain. As thanks, you ensure The Kid has an extra free serving and your mysterious Mandalorian hero has another free drink on the house. Din makes sure to come back again, and not just for the service.
A big softie, even though he's our resident superhero, (even when Reed Richards shows up, Marcus is still our number one hero!) Marcus I suspect, much like Marcus Pike, doesn't actively seek out confrontation or a fight for fight's sake. He spends all day fighting for the world, the last thing he wants to do is clock a guy in the jaw for trying it on with his partner. But he will. You bet your bottom dollar Marcus will break a jaw, an arm, a leg on anyone who dares to disrespect his partner.
Tim's rarely at a bar. He works late into the night swamped at his desk trying to solve mysteries. But one evening you text him while you're out with a girlfriend having some food and drinks. You've also texted him throughout the night to show him your outfit, or pieces of it as you reveal cleavage and thigh making him sweat and groan at his desk. But this time the text isn't you teasing him, it's to say there's a man there making you both feel very uncomfortable and won't get the hint, and you're a little scared of what he might do. And Tim is there. Fuck the paperwork. Screw the case. His missus doesn't feel safe, so Tim is coming for you, baby. He pulls up and sweeps you into his trench coat, the familiar scent of the leather holsters making you feel instantly safe. He leaves you both in the car whilst he goes inside the bar to seek out this fellow. You can only watch as the man stumbles out of the bar, landing on his back after Tim knocks him out with a single punch. You watch as Tim strides back to the car, flexing his fist, trench coat billowing in the wind. After he drops your friend home, you just have to thank your man for coming to your rescue. So you do. Right there in the driver's seat in his lap, pulling on his holsters as you ride your handsome detective.
Sharing a bottle of red wine and heart-eyes with this handsome, greying rancher, you and Silva have your own little cosy corner in the saloon, tucked away where you can be touchy-feely. But as he leaves for a moment to relieve himself, your table is soon filled with three lotharios seeking a good time and mistaking you for the saloon's entertainment. Pawing at you and wanting to mark their territory, Silva comes back to find you yelping for help, and lots of bawdy laughter at your plight. His six-shooter is out as he scoops you up under his arm and warns them all to back off as he protects you, and he means fucking business. They reach for their guns and lose their fingers as they try when he shoots and doesn't miss any of them. Outside, he lifts you up onto his horse and rides off with you into the sunset.
If you can pry Pero's attention away from the food and ale he's working his way through, then Pero would be a man certainly not to shy away from any opportunity to fight. "You want to touch my woman, hermano?" He'll seethe at the bastardo who's trying to take advantage. His dagger will be at their throat and he's hissing spittle and Spanish expletives in their ear about how he's going to gut them open whilst you watch. He throws the pendejo out with an extra kick to the ass, and settles back to his meal. He taps his lap for you to come and take your seat on it as he eats, and you wind your fingers through his dirty, oiled hair and offer to run him a bath - and get in it with him - when he's done. Lord knows this mercenary needs one.
Max will just eat 'em. He'll also be the type to use it as an excuse too. "That guy over there? I don't like the way he's looking at you." "He's not looking at me, Max." "Yeah he is. Wait here." He comes back licking his lips and sucking at his fingers after a short while. "Better?" You ask, with a knowing smirk. "Much." He winks at you. The bar staff find a body a week later in the dumpster out back.
Maxwell would be pretty protective of you, I think. He'd want to keep you safe and close to him, like a precious exhibit for him to admire and fawn over. But I get the sense that Maxwell doesn't handle confrontation that well. Pre-dream stone, he was a bit of smooth talker, but when it comes to a physical altercation I imagine he wouldn't fare very well. He'd have noble intentions, of course he will stand up for you and warn the guy to back off, but he's likely to be puched and get a split lip for defending your honour. But you don't see it as a weakness. A guy who tries is a guy who is worth it. Instead, you take him home and dab at his lip until it stops bleeding and tell him you love him. And he shows you in return how much he loves you too. However, if the same scenario were to happen with the power of the dream stone, Max would tear the guy to shreds, no questions asked.
Oberyn wouldn't have much of a problem at all with other guys staring at you or wanting a piece of your sweet ass. In fact, he'd very much encourage it, with your permission, of course. As his paramour you're both open and love to fuck anyone together. But it has to be invited and what you're comfortable with. Although Oberyn loves watching you devour guys as they fill you up, he won't stand for inappropriate touching when it's not welcome. You are his, first and foremost and he is yours. An understanding and acceptance that you both enjoy. And if Oberyn sees someone try to take advantage of that, you can bet a dagger through the hand will be the very least harm this Red Viper will inflict.
Whilst I don't know much about him as of yet, I sense Lucien is more of a lover than a fighter. And he's sober, so being in a bar probably isn't wise. However, he's taken you out for dinner and you can't help but stare lustfully at that golden collarbone glittering with those chains on display as his shirt collar is flapped open all night, clearly allergic to buttons. You excuse yourself to the bathroom, but on your way back, a man stops you, and Lucien watches carefully as the man tries to flirt with you. He sees you shake your head and come back to him. He asks if you want another drink and he goes up to the bar and stands beside the man who tried it on with you, clearly unperturbed by the fact you're there with Lucien. And Lucien can only admire this douchebag's gall. But he simply warns the guy that if he tries it again he'll ensure the the drink the guy has in his hand will be his last, and judging from how casually Lucien says it whilst tipping the barman, the guy senses he means it. Lucien watches as the man approaches you to apologise and then leaves before Lucien heads back to the table with your drink, smirking.
A happy Javi in love wants the whole world to know you're his. He'll proudly show you off on his tan, muscled bicep. He'll want to kiss you in public, playfully grope your butt when you each slide your hands in one another's back pockets. These public displays of affection from you both would make others sick. But happy, cute-as-a-button Javi harbours a dark side. And a shotgun. Woe betide anyone who tries to touch his cariño.
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eggcompany · 4 months
Momma's got a HUGE cock
Dean was in town to see Sam, however he could never say no to hot college girls. Or older girls who wore cardigans and was a professor of theology.
Castiel Novak, mtf, 39, takes home Dean Winchester, ftm , 27, and makes him cry.
“Hey, can I get another?” Dean asked and looked around at the chicks sat at the bar. A red head to one side of the bar caught his eyes. A real Jolene, ivory skin and emerald eyes. He checked her out, trying to get her to look at him but she was chatting with someone else. He let his eyes look around again, a dude might be fun while he’s in town…
However, behind the red head, sat at a small table…
She was… wow. Dean walked away from the bar when the cool bottle touched his hand. 
She had her long raven black hair clipped up in the back, head leaning on her hand, glossy blue nails tapping against her forehead, and was reading over a stack of papers. A drink forgotten at the end of the table, ice nearly melted in it. 
Dean made his way over to her, god she was pretty, strong jaw, strawberry lips, long eyelashes, and the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. God and she was… broad shoulders, strong lookin hands, and, fuck, tits that looked straight up carved by heaven that fit so perfectly in her blue blouse under her crème cardigan. God, how could someone look so hot wearing a cardigan and slacks? 
He leaned up against her table, causing her to look spooked and look up. 
“Oh sorry, is, are you-”
“Hey calm down. Just wanted to say hi” Dean said with a smile, the lady blushed, putting her papers back down. She looked away, and waited nervously. 
Dean took it as an invitation to sit down across from her leaning his chest on the table and look at the papers. 
“Whatcha workin on, pretty lady?” He asked, sitting back and taking a sip of his beer. She rolled her eyes and shook her head a bit. 
“I’m a teacher. I’m reading essays.” She said and took a sip from her drink. It had been a while since she’d been out to drink, usually opting for wine coolers at home. She’d seen most of the college aged guys in town and well… this seemed to be one of those college frat boys, all big muscles and smooth talk. He had cute pouty lips and pretty dirty blonde hair and eyes that seemed to go on for miles behind them. Quite… handsome. Alluring. Kinda like a magnet. 
“Man… a teacher? Must be pretty smart. Wanna teach me a few things?” Dean flirted and the woman huffed a laugh. God she was pretty. And fuck he wanted her bad . At least for some kissing in the impala. 
“I’m sure I could. But what’s your thing? Huh? Mister smooth talker?” She asked and gave him an appraising look and swirled her drink around her glass. Surely he knew her or something, a study guide or ‘extra credit’ in exchange for some sloppy sex. Though she just couldn’t put her finger on who he was…
“My thing? Hm… beer, my car, very very attractive women in bars who teach and wear sensible shoes.” Dean said with a smile, flicking his eyes down to the table where he’d seen her feet crossed, clad in a pair of plain tan and white sneakers. 
She smiled down at herself, she was never one to dress up and go to bars, she prefers wearing her comfortable day clothes. Her regular tan slacks, a plain blue blouse, and she usually had a cardigan pulled over her shoulders. She looked back at him, he was wearing.. A lot to be honest. A tight black t-shirt with a red flannel over it and a leather jacket over it all. The jacket was a bit big on him but it suited him. 
Then he leaned back, flipping his jacket open to show the small trans flag sewn on the inside of it, he scratched his jaw like he wasn’t showing. 
The woman hummed and looked at it before looking back up at him. Of course. A kid looking for someone who understood. 
“Your name then?” She asked, taking another sip of her drink. She never had much luck at bars. Never had much luck with… anyone. Except he was like a magnet, like she was being pulled to him. She wanted to touch his hand where it laid on the table and wanted to sit close to him and… maybe give him a kiss. 
“Dean Winchester at your service miss…?” Dean said and waited for her answer. Her answer to anything. 
“Castiel. Novak. Theology Professor.” She answered and he smiled, huffing an impressed noise. 
“Wow, a real educated lady” Dean flirted and chewed on his bottom lip. She was the whole package. 
“Mhm, ya know I have that same exact jacket, back at my place.” Castiel said hoping Dean would catch what she was pitching. 
Fuck , She is more than the whole package. 
“Oh really? Back at your place?” Dean asked, his face giving away how excited and happy he felt. Eyes wide as he swallowed thickly. He really hoped she meant she fucked trans guys or that she was… of the same persuasion. God either, neither, both, all, god, anything yes. 
“About a four minute walk.” She answered, hands going to gather the papers and slip them into her vintage looking blue and brown messenger bag. She never usually feels like this, this weird compulsive need to take someone home. 
“Yes ma’am” Dean said and slipped off the stool and threw some dollars on the counter when the bartender came to close his tab. He turned and she was standing, almost as tall as him. She was holding her bag in front of her. Demisexual and the new pride flag pinned proud on the front. 
That’s fine. She could do whatever she wanted with him. Hell, she could take him home and make him sleep in her bathtub and he’d be happier than a clam. He just felt this… want. She was so pretty and hot and she probably had a bed and probably had a chair or couch and that sounds a lot more comfy than sleeping in the impala. 
She was wanting, he just didn’t know or care what for. 
“Do you still want to come home with me?” She asked, pulling him from his buzzed spiral of warm bed, boobs, bed, boobs, bath tub, boobs . 
“Gladly” Dean said cheerily and followed behind her. And oh man , she had a nice ass, thick thighs too. He was busy staring at the way her hips moved when she walked to notice her calling his name. 
“Oh yeah yeah? Hm?” He asked and looked back up to her smirking face. He didn’t care that he got caught staring. Especially when it caused Castiel to roll her eyes and smile at him. 
“I asked if you go to Stanford or not.” She repeated, amused at the way Dean had caught up to her only to turn around and start walking backwards in front of her. 
“Oh no, my uh my little brother does. I came up to see him. I'm not really the school type.” Dean said, throwing air quotations around ‘ school’ . He was never good at school, always had better things to do, other places to be. Though if all teachers were like Professor Novak it might be worth going back. 
“Hm then what do you do? You’re what? 26?” Castiel questioned, should she really bring this guy home if he’s… bad? Sketchy at least. 
“27, thank you very much. I um… I travel around a lot. Doin’ odd jobs and stuff. Well actually me and my dad do that but he said he had to go do something but then he didn’t come back so I came to ask Sammy if he knew anything. Uh Sammy’s my brother, he lives around here somewhere.” Dean said and looked around at the houses, turning back around to walk beside the woman. 
“Oh, does your family live up here? There’s a couple of my students that live with their extended family while up here or in a summer home.” Castiel asked, it was easy to talk to Dean, easy to know she’s not overstepping a line. 
“Nah… our mom actually uh she passed when Sam was six months. I was four. House fire actually. After that we just kinda… started surfing the road, never stopping or nothing. Sam was always good at school though so he got here all by himself. He’s a… he’s a really smart kid.” Dean praised, he couldn’t even start to explain how proud he was for Sam. How he wished he could have made a better life for himself too but… just roll with the punches. 
“Dean… you’re a very sweet young man. Cute even.” She said and cupped his jaw in her hand. He breathed heavily for a second. Why was he so comfortable around her so.. open and in love already. Fuck, he was falling faster than a fridge tied to an anchor. 
“You’re just… really pretty. And and I dunno. I dunno why I feel like… like I know you.” Dean panted out, eyes flashing from hers down to her lips and back over and over again. Her hand felt so.. Solid and warm and grounding against his cheek. 
“I feel the same which… is so odd. I never connect with people like this. I always feel a bit like… like looking in through the window.” Castiel said, stepping closer a bit, just a breath away from the man who felt like his chest was getting squeezed when he realized they were still on the sidewalk. 
“Can I come in?” Dean asked, tearing his eyes away from her to the front door. He wanted to get away from any eyes that peeped, any cars that passed. 
“I… I think so. Yeah” She said and pulled away from him, hand sliding down his neck, shoulder, arm, to catch his hand and pull him along. 
“No I, I kept my name. It’s after the angel of Thursday. It’s always meant a lot to me. My brother actually named me, my first two brothers were named after archangels, Gabriel and Michael. Then Balthazar was born and then me and my brother Gabriel named me because I was born on Thursday. I have… a lot of siblings. Gabriel named most of them.” Castiel explained as she handed Dean a cup of sweet sugared tea and sat down with her own honey stirred cup of earl grey. 
He was sitting on the couch, boots kicked off at the door next to her sneakers, legs criss-crossed, jacket and flannel shucked off to the coat rack while Castiel’s cardigan was folded over the back of a barstool. 
“Sounds kinda nice. My ma named me. Deanna. Doesn’t fit at all, everyone always just called me Dee, or Danny, Sammy called me Danny cause he had the worst time talking he messed up every word he ever said till he was like seven. I was thinking about Danny or Daniel but… Dean just stuck. Plus Dean Winchester has a nice ring to it, don't you think.” Dean said, sipping the nice dark tea that was perfectly sweet. It was nice to just talk about this crap. Plus Castiel was so… god her whole house smelled like her and it smelled fucking good like honey and laundry detergent and printer ink. 
Plus the way she shook her head and smiled was… it made his heart do a weird flip flop. 
“It does. I can’t picture you as a Deanna. I much prefer Dean.” She said and moved a bit closer to him, turning so she was facing him, curling up so her socked toes nearly touched his warm jean covered leg. 
“Hm… you smell good.” Dean said and leaned forward a bit so his head rested on the back of the couch, lolled back a bit. 
“Mmh~ Mister Winchester are you trying to get in my panties?” Castiel said teasingly as she leaned forward so her face rested a few inches from Dean’s. His breath was hot and stank of beer as it washed over her face and he felt the same only her breath smelled like everclear and mints. 
“Yeah. Yeah I am. Please?” Dean asked, confidence fading for a moment only to soften the rejection if it happened. He doubted himself was this not what she had wanted? Did she just wanna chat? Was this pushing the line?
She took in a shaky breath and she couldn’t hold back, he was so willing and she hadn’t done it in so long, she’d not felt the need or want to do it for so long. 
“God you’re cute it’s not even fair, come here” Castiel says and pulls him over to straddle her lap, her hand coming up to pull his head to hers, lips meeting. Dean was quick to moan and get his hands to her sides, pulling at her blouse. She had her hands on the sides of his head, keeping him from pulling away as their tongues met. He let her explore his mouth, easily giving up dominance of the kiss. He groaned and pulled at the buttons of her shirt, begging for it to be off. 
She pulled back, staring at him, her lipstick smeared over his lips and to the side a bit. They were both a bit out of breath, her hands relaxing and dropping to his shoulders. 
It felt good to… well feel good. She felt happy. And horny. It was great. 
“Even deal, shirt or shirt” She said and pulled at the shoulders of his tight t-shirt. He smiled. 
“Yes ma'am” He said happily and pulled the shirt off by the neck, throwing it over to the corner. Baring his muscular torso and strong arms, his thin red surgery scars framing his pecs, healed half-hazardly, puffed up in some places and thinner and fainter in others. 
Castiel stared at him as he knelt over her, jeans low on his hips. He was… hot, tan, and… fuckable. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her again, short closed mouth kisses, with his thumb holding her chin. 
“Your turn, Miss Novak” He said and sat back, fingers playing with the bottom of her blouse. She swallowed and nodded, giving him permission to start undoing the buttons. And soon she was bared down to her plain white bra. 
“If I had known I was going to have company I would have worn something a bit more flattering.” She said and looked away from him. She had this bra since she got her boobs… and she’d washed it maybe 5 times in a year. She had other nice bras, lacey ones and push up ones and ones that made her look thinner and less broad. 
“I think you look hot, really hot. Can I touch em?” Dean asked as he practically drooled over the perfect soft looking pale breasts that were cupped in front of him. God those were… the best. And he said as much. 
“Those are the best” He said, which caused her to cover her face and laugh, embarrassment flooding through her. 
“Yeah… the… the clasp is kinda busted in the back so I can- oh!” She tried to explain and reach back but Dean had already popped the two good clasps and wiggled the last one free. She was surprised but well… Dean probably had experienced bra issues in the past. 
Dean’s hands found their way to cup and grab at the soft squish of her breast, groaning into the kiss he pulled her into. Fuck, she was warm and welcoming and undoing his belt but his hands stopped her from unzipping his jeans. He looked down at her… so pretty. So feminine, so pretty, so gentle, so… everything. 
“I uh… I don’t got um… I haven’t… I’m still…” He struggled but Castiel cupped his face and gave him a sweet look, an understanding look. 
“It’s okay. I haven’t had surgery down there either, at least not that kind of surgery. Do you wanna stop?” She said and let her thumb rub over his cheekbone, warm and comforting. Dean breathed and calmed down and shook his head, hands traveling from her chest down over her soft stomach down to her slacks, looking at her as he unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down. 
“I don’t wanna stop, I wanna keep going.” Dean said seriously and leaned down to kiss her deeply, tongues rolling together, as her hands came to his hips and slipped under his jeans, over his briefs, to press at him. 
He pulled back and huffed, panting as her fingers pressed against his wet cunt, his briefs soaked through nearly. He let out a whimper, shoving his head into her shoulder, panting. 
“Do you.. You can touch me. Please touch me, I’m so hard” Dean whimpered and rubbed against her hand. 
She was so happy. He was… god so perfect, willing and wet and perfect. She pulled her hand back, pulling his jeans down but they wouldn’t get over his thighs. 
“Up, take them off, all of it off, I wanna get my hands on your cock” Castiel said, letting her voice relax and drop a bit. Dean shuttered standing up for a moment to yank at his pants and underwear until it was on a pile on the floor. He climbed back into her lap, not embarrassed of how wet he was or that his cock wasn’t very big. He took testosterone when he could, when he could swindle it, John never helped him get it so he was all on his own. So his… his cock was bigger but not really… just enough to be able to get between his fingers and rub.
Castiel let her hands wander over his smooth back, feeling the muscles flex and relax before traveling down and giving his ass a grab. Dean jumped a bit but smiled and got his hands back on her soft chest, he wanted to bend down and give them each a kiss. 
“Cas…” He breathed out, feeling a bit overwhelmed but… too horny to care. He leaned down and kissed her again but cried out when her fingers slid over him, finger tips pushing at his slick hole. He grabbed around her shoulders, whispering in her ear, too embarrassed to actually say it. 
“You can put it in, if you wanna” He whimpered and Castiel shook her head and turned her head and kissed his forehead. 
“Dean?” She asked, hand cupping him, feeling how burning hot and wet he was.
“Yeah, Cas?” He replied, which made her happy because well… no one ever called her ‘Cas’. And he was just… so cute. 
“I’m gonna make you cum until you cry. Do you know why?” Castiel said, pressing her palm into Dean’s hard cock. Dean moaned out a little bit and breathed quickly, his stomach clenching up at the thought of Castiel… ruining him. He felt a little light headed, especially with her hand pressing right up against his cock and her fingers over his whole cunt and and- fuck
“Wh-Why?” He forced out grinding against her hand. She crooked her fingers up to just nearly be inside of him, inciting a gasp from him. She pulled him back by the hair on the back of his head, making him look at her, he was gasping. 
“Because you’re so cute” She said and pulled him down for a kiss and shoved two of her fingers into his dripping hole. Dean moaned, grinding as much as he could against her fingers that seemed to immediately find a sweet spot inside him. She licked into his mouth, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth for a moment before kissing down his neck. 
“Ah- I don’t like that. Just, kiss me up here” Dean said and pulled her face back up to his, he didn’t like getting necked. Never did, didn’t know why. Castiel kissed him and moved to nibble at his ear, her lipstick tracing a line from his lips over. 
“Good boy” She whispered and started working her fingers in and out of him, forcing loud moans and groans from his throat. 
“Fuck! Fu-uh-uh-uck, please, oh god, feels so fuggin good! Please” Dean cried out as tears streamed down his face. His arms were wrapped around Castiel’s neck, hands grabbing onto her shoulders, she was squeezing his cock a bit tight and it was driving him crazy . 
Dean cried out and covered his mouth, mumbling something. 
“Say it baby, what’re you gonna say” Castiel egged him on, she loved the way he cried and all the noises he made and god hearing him was the best . She wanted to squeeze every noise out of him. 
He leaned back, stomach tense and jumpy, he was breathing so heavily, his chest heaving, he’d never felt like this before. He looked at her, god she was so pretty why the fuck was he so loose lipped and and god her hands -
“Oh fuck momma, I’m so close” Dean whimpered, clenching down on her three fingers. He looked at her as her eyes got big and her mouth opened in surprise, her hand stopped moving on him. He immediately tried to back track, most women he was with didn’t like that. He liked it but most women thought it was… weird. 
“I’m sorry I-” He said and tried to raise himself up off her fingers but she had him by the hair, pulling him down so they were nearly nose to nose. She pulled her fingers out of him and had his cock between her fingers. 
“Say it again.” She nearly growled, feeling her cock throb in her panties. She didn;t think she had any kinks but that was… jeez Dean was her kink. 
“I’m so close momma, fuck, rub my dick please, please touch it” Dean whimpered desperately, she was really squeezing him and fuck he was so close he was getting a headache. 
“God, yeah, you like mumma’s fingers in you?” Castiel asked and kept her fingers stead on him even as he twitched and jerked. She felt like her skin was alight with fire, everywhere they touched it felt like they were burning, their chests, stomachs, everywhere they touched felt like they could never pull away. 
“Yeah, love your fingers in my cunny momma, please! Please! I feel so empty but I’m so c-close” Dean begged he just wanted to cum, he was so close. Castiel pulled her hands away, grabbing at his body as she surged up to kiss him. 
“God Dean, I haven’t felt… like this in so long. Can I fuck you?” Castiel asked, huffed against his cheek as he kissed down her jaw. It was like a rushed fever had washed over them, an overwhelming need. 
“Yes please please fuck me fill me up.” Dean begged and Castiel was standing, hands hauling him up with her. 
“Holy shit, you’re so fucking perfect, so strong, fuck me momma, fuck me” Dean cried as he was carried through the house, loving the view of Castiel’s boobs where they pressed up against his sternum. He shoved his forehead against the top of her head, taking in the sweet scent of her hair. 
She got through to her bedroom, kicking the door shut behind her, and dropped him on the bed. He shoved himself up to be in the center of the bed. She was quick to shove her slacks off and to crawl over him. She straddled him looking down at his red cunt and throbbing cock. He reached up to play with her tits, roll her nipples between his fingers and squish them together. 
“What’re you gonna fuck me with? What’re you gonna shove in my cunny?” Dean asked, setting what he wanted his junk to be called. She smiled and leaned down to kiss him, guiding his legs apart so she was knelt between them, not letting each other get very far. 
“I’m gonna fuck you… I’m gonna put my… I don’t wanna say it. I wanna put it in but I don't want to say… those words.” She said, self conscious about saying cock or dick or anything else. She didn’t wanna think about that. 
“Okay, just stuff me momma, I’m… I’m dying for it” Dean said and looked down to where her panties were bulging out in the front. She was so pretty, her thighs looked strong and he liked the way she had a happy trail which he traced down, it was soft and short. 
She knelt up and covered the trail and her bulge, looking away, face turning even more red. 
“If I knew I would have company I would have shaved… I haven’t um… I’m not very smooth down there.” She explained and he huffed and shook his head. He usually kept himself trimmed with his electric trimmer just because he liked it. He reached down and moved her hands. 
“I think it’s cute. I think this is cute too…” Dean said with his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he traced down her bulge. She leaned down and kissed him again smiling against each other, so comfortable. 
“Am I still a pretty lady with this?” She said and when she leaned back she pulled her panties down so her cock could slip out from behind the thick cotton fabric. Dean looked at it with hungry eyes and a wolfish grin. 
“Prettiest lady I’ve ever seen…” He said and let one of his hands wrap around it and give it a few strokes… goodness he could barely get his hard around it and it was… at least eight inches long. 
“That’s… that’s big. Uh you have any lube?” He asked, nervousness creeping into his voice as he took in how… heavy and long and thick her cock was… hell his toy was probably half as big. 
“Yeah I do. But there is something else I wanna do…” Cas said, letting her hips roll up into his hand a few times before nipping at his neck and pulling away. Dean looked at her eyes and then at the big thing in his hand, that would not fit in his mouth but but she was so… he would choke on it if she asked. 
“I could- I’d you wanna- I mean-” Dean started but she was quick to press a kiss to quiet him. 
“Can I blow you, Dean?” She asked, hand going down to lightly dance over his inner thighs, sticky with drying slick, shaking with desperation. He was nodding, eyes squeezed shut, trying not to cry out. 
“Fuck… yeah. Yeah you can gimme head” Dean finally struggled out after cracking his eyes open to see Castiel perfectly content petting around his inner thighs and just above where he wished she would touch. She smiled and kissed his lips before making her way down to his dripping cunt and hard cock. 
“Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, ‘m gonna cum. Fuck, Cas, Cassy, I’m gonna cum” Dean cried out as Cas kept on just barely grazing her teeth over his cock, keeping her fingers rubbing at all the good spots inside him. 
She pulled back, sucking harshly as she did, cock leaving her lips with a pop. She looked up at him and stilled her fingers, she had a devilish smile on her lips and shook her head. She blew out a cold breath onto him, causing him to shiver and whimper. 
“No! No no no I can go again. I can’t can fuck like four times no problem please please lemme cum” Dean begged, he was at his limit, he felt like he was burning alive, tears rolling down the sides of his face, throat nearly sore from yelling out. 
“Oh I dunno… you’re cocks pretty hard, might just wanna play with it all night” Castiel taunted, nail coming to run up the bottom of it and flick the tip of it. Dean cried out, hips bucking up and hands finally leaving the sheets and grabbing at Castiel’s hands. 
“Please momma lemme cum and I’ll take you so good, all the way, I’ll be so good if you lemme cum.” Dean tried to convince and his voice cracked and… well Castiel couldn’t turn him down when he looked so… pathetically attractive like a wet cat. 
“Then I guess it’s fine” Castiel said in a fake put out kinda way and pinched the nub between her fingers and started jerking him quickly and harshly. Dean cried out, quivering against the bed. He was screaming out legs going to wrap around Cas’s waist, crushing her tightly. 
“Cas! Fuck! Fuck! Please! God Fuh! Momma, god, yes, yes, yes yesyesyes” Dean begged and grabbed onto the sheets so tight it felt like he could rip through them. He took in one big breath and let out a high pitched moan, feeling like his brain turned off as wave after wave of pleasure twisted him all up and untied all at once. He relaxed down to feeling like jelly against the bed, catching his breath. 
Cas shushed him, gently running her hands over his belly, up and down his sides, on the outsides of his legs. She was staring down at where he was dripping, her white blanket turning dark with how much he’d cum, how wet he’d gotten. She ran her fingers through it, up and down over his folds. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay, what a good boy. Such a good boy. Look at that... Came all over mumma’s fingers. Look at that…” She said and brought her dripping hand up to her mouth, his rich lovely scent encompassing all her senses. God he tasted good. God she was hard, her heart was in knots too though. She moaned around her fingers, groaning at how he tasted, smelled, how he everything.
“That’s not fair…” Dean groaned as he finally came down, watching her lick his slick off her hand. Castiel smiled and dropped her hand to give her cock a few tight strokes, staring down at him, all tan muscles and wet cunt. 
“I don’t care. Can I put this in now?” Cas said and scooted up to slap her cock against his folds. She smiled at him, tongue poked between her teeth. Dean closed his eyes, he just came but… it was like his mind was made of putty and she had her hands in it. 
“Oh momma… yeah. Yeah fuck me deep. Put it in my cunt.” He whimpered and pulled her down for a kiss, her breast squishing against his chest. 
Castiel guided her cock into him, panting against his neck. Dean whimpered and held her around her shoulders, he tried to relax but god… it kinda hurt. He really wasn’t used to things that big being… crammed into him. 
“Cas… cas… It’s too big I can’t, it’s gonna hurt me” Dean said sorrowfully and looked heartbroken when Cas pulled out a bit and got on her hands over him, He didn’t wanna look at her… he hated being looked at like this when he was getting fucked. 
“I don’t think this is a good position, I’m not fond of… well humping like an animal.” She said and that caused them both to crack up as she pulled out and they sat across from each other, each a little amused with the situation. 
“Ya know I’ve never met a gal like you before.” Dean said, leaning his head against his shoulder, looking at her as she sat down across legged, cock still hard between her legs. She looked at him with a look that was… it made him feel sparkling. 
“I’ve never met a man like you either.” She said and then a thought popped into her head. Dean was about to say something but she cut him off, crawling toward him to kiss him and smile. 
“I know the perfect thing, move over.” She said and laid down, unclipping her hair and throwing the clip to the side, waist length hair falling down around her like a dark halo. Dean watched and man… she was pretty. He was lucky as hell, huh?
“Okay now you get like you’re gonna fuck me and and lemme pull my legs up.” Cas said excitedly as she pulled her knees to her chest. Dean got between them and looked at her funny, what was she doing?
“Okay see, now just… lean forward, I’m flexible, don't worry…” She said and pulled him down over her so he was pinning her down. She smiled and moved her hands between them, guiding her cock back up to his cunt. Dean looked down at her, this was… it was like he was fucking her position wise. But also… it wouldn’t offer a lot of penetration. 
“Man… I knew you could teach me” He said and smiled as he leaned down to kiss her, she held her cock up for him to lower down on it. Castiel huffed as he lowered down onto her, he was so warm and wet and tight. 
“That’s good Dean… Now fuck me.” Castiel said and it only took Dean a few tried to get the hang of it, he had to kinda rock back and forth and not really thrust but fuck it was good. He never felt so good and Castiel made such pretty sounds, eyes closed and lips in a perfect O. 
“Do you wanna get a shower with me?” Cas asked as they came down, laying next to each other covered in sweat and cum. Cas had reassured him that she had a vasectomy and that she was clean, he’d said fuck it to a condom. Dean had rode her until she’d cum, filling him, and then had gotten too strained and rode her regularly, until he’d cum again, her fingers on his cock. 
Dean was just barely awake, struggling to not doze off on the soft cozy comfort of her bed. It had been so long since he’d had the comfort of a warm bed, and a cuddle, and a shower without having to look for roaches or used condoms. 
“God yes, last time I showered I had to wear boots because of the fungus.” Dean said and sat up, a twinge in his back but a dull perfect ache inside himself. Castiel chuckled and looked over at him, hand coming up to trace shapes in his lower back. 
“Sounds gross, lucky for you I’m a clean freak so.. No fungus.” She said and sat up, holding the blanket over her chest. Her nipples ached a bit from Dean’s toying with them so much, well toying and sucking and biting and damn she had class to teach tomorrow she’d need to put bandaids over them. Dean groaned when he stood up, slick and jizz sliding down his legs, Cas stared cause fuck that’s… 
“Are you gonna eat me, Miss Novak? Naughty naughty, I thought you were a sweet gal.” He said teasingly, pulling his ass apart to both show where he was dripping and to spread himself just enough for another rush of cum to slip out of him. Cas was nearly hard again when she saw that. 
“Now, now, that’s asking for trouble” She said and looked back at Dean’s smiling face. God he was cute. He turned back to her, shameless of his form. 
“Come on, I don’t like being sticky, makes me sad.” He said, looking down face pulling into a sad expression. Cas stood up, pulled him into a kiss, a soft gentle kiss. 
“It’s okay, I’m not fond of being naked or sticky.” She said and pulled him to the bathroom right outside the bedroom, she was quick to pull him behind the glass door and turn the hot water on. 
“It’s so late, I have a class at nine tomorrow.” Castiel complained  as she stood under the water, letting it hit her in the face and soak through her hair. Dean hugged her from behind, resting his head against her shoulder. 
“Sorry, I can leave now if you want” Dean offered, stepping away from her, he’d leave if she wanted, it wasn’t very far to the impala. Castiel turned around and pulled him under the water as she stepped back out of it. 
“Aw but how sad to sleep alone when I have a big strong man to hold me.” She said which caused Dean to smile and kiss her. They kissed a bit more before the woman got a bottle of body wash and a bath sponge. 
“Oou… frilly. I feel so pampered.” Dean said jokily as she started scrubbing him down, smiling at him. She let her hands wash him, a weird feeling of… content enjoyment as he basked in the warm water. She got a little lost in the movement of it, that was until she was on her knees in front of him and felt his hand on her shoulder. 
“Cas, get up.” He said, not looking at her, just looking kinda sour to the side. She rose up, looking at her with her head cocked to the side, confused. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked but Dean was pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back but he wouldn’t let go, He just held onto her, water hitting his back. She rubbed his back and felt him sniffle once before pulling away. She held his face in her hands and she kissed all over his face, cheek, forehead, nose, chin, everywhere. 
“So emotional, do you need mummy to kiss it better?” She asked, only sorta kidding. Dean cracked a smile and nodded and they kissed again, Cas loving the way Dean was. Just everything about him. 
“Why’re you so hot and so sweet? Why’re you just… lovin on me?” Dean asked and kept his forehead leaning on her shoulder. 
“Cause I like you” She said and held him. She did like him. He was cute and funny and kind and she just felt pulled to him. He huffed a laugh and pulled back to look at her, all soaked from the shower and gleaming with post orgasm glow. 
“Yeah I like you too” He agreed and made her smile as his hands traveled back up to her boobs. 
“You like me or you like my tits, cause they were expensive” She said and he laughed and bent down to kiss and lick them for just a moment before kissing her. 
“Boobs are definitely a plus. Uh… is it weird if I ask you on a date?” Dean asked and looked at her for a minute as she turned the water off, she was rinsed it was enough. She could shower in the morning. 
“Do my boobs get to come too?” She joked and he nodded, smiling widely, eyes scrunching up.
“They can definitely come too, also can I borrow some pants?” He asked and soon they were snuggled in bed, dirty blanket tossed to the floor and new one pulled from the closet. Dean was out like a light, enjoying the company and comfort. 
It was easy to find work. Cas let him stay, promising he’d be good. They slept together and Cas learned that he could cook an amazing breakfast and a mean burger but also loved milkshakes and smoothies. Dean learned that Cas had… quite a sex toy collection. Dildos, vibrators, beads, rings, all sorts of stuff that made Dean’s little blue dildo seem like a household decoration. 
She had also given him enough confidence to talk to Sam. He had turned away and left when he’d seen his brother one too many times, just not having the guts to say something. 
So one Thursday when he knew Sam would be walking through the parking lot he was waiting. Well not waiting. Cas didn’t have a class for another two hours so they had gotten lunch and Dean was napping off his carbs while Cas was reading papers in the front seat of the impala. It was a beautiful day so the windows were down and Dean only had Cas’s soft cardigan thrown over him. 
“Hey De- Professor Novak? Why’re you in my brother’s car? I didn’t know-” Sam said as he spotted the impala and came up to see his brother. He hadn’t talked to Dean since he left for college. He loved Dean, never really saw him as a sister anyway. However he was incredibly surprised when he saw the theology prof in Dean’s car. Especially when he didn’t know Dean even knew the professor. 
“Dean, sweety, wake up. Sorry we just had lunch.” Cas said and reached over to stroke through Dean’s hair which was usually a major no go. Sam gawked at them when he saw that. He looked at Dean who yawned and sat up. 
“You’re boning. Jesus! Dean, I haven’t seen you in like a year and you come and smash one of the professors!? You dickbag!” Sam said and stepped away from the car and turned back to it, hands on his hips. 
“Technically she smashes me but whatever. I need to talk to you but uh… I’m gonna be in town for a while.” Dean said and leaned over the front seat, shit eating grin pasted on his face as Cas smacked his arm and shook her head at his nasty talk. 
“Smashing the theology professor. You’re a dog, you know that?” Sam said and climbed into the driver’s seat leaning over to give Dean a half hug. It was still nice to see him. 
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wosowrites · 1 year
Loosing Control (Jordan Nobbs x Reader)
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Warnings: none
a/n: for my well being, i’m going to pretend Jordan is still with arsenal!! also, jordan is the love interest and plays a big part in the story but it’s also kind of an arsenal x reader fix. based on this request:
Prompt: In which fans were getting disrespectful ( i’ll be using this prompt a lot bcs i love it )
You loved playing at the Emirates. It was one of your favorite stadiums to play at, behind Wembley. But, with big stadiums, came more fans, and usually you loved the environment they brought. The cheers, the happiness, the support… it was always welcome by the Arsenal girls. Except today, it seemed as though people were unusually un-tamed.
It was Leah’s birthday, and the second leg of the quarter final against Bayern, you were 2-0 up at half, and then after. Arsenal was playing amazing. Your girlfriend, Jordan Nobbs got subbed on in the 73 minute. You were worried about her, she wasn’t getting the playing time she deserves. But that was a thought for later. You pushed hard, working to try and keep Bayern out of Manu’s box. As a defender, you were making crucial tackles constantly, and by the end of the game, you just fell down onto your back.
Jordan ran up to you, smiling wildly and kneeling down behind you, doing a drum roll on your stomach. "That was fucking amazing!" She yelled, you let out a laugh and sat up, soon helped up by the smaller girl. You hugged her tightly, then pressing your forehead against hers.
Your bubble popped when you saw the Arsenal girls and staff lining up and holding hands, all of them looking at the fans. You and Jordan ran up to them and you grabbed Leah’s hand in one, and Jordan’s in the other. You all ran up to the fans and lifted your hands in the air, the crowd was wild.
You took a few pictures, and talked to a few of the girls on both teams, consoling Giorgia Stanway. Then, fans started calling your name and you walked over to them, smiling. You signed jerseys, hats, flags, scarves, arms, paper, phone cases. Everything. But it was starting to get a lot. "Y/n!! Look over here! Y/N! WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!" An especially angry man was yelling at you, and most fans around him were eyeing him weirdly. Jordan was signing things beside you and Manu was busy talking to a girl wearing her keeping jersey on your left. You didn’t really notice what was going on in the cluster of thighs being waved at you. But then you heard someone say. "Y/n! Can you sign my cleat?" And then you saw something flying towards you.
The object made collision with your head, making you let out a scream and double over in pain. You rested your hands on your knees, bending over. After a second to recover, you brought your hand to your forehead and felt sticky, wet blood. There was then a hand on your back as you straightened up and placed the entirety of your palm on your cut. When you took away your hand, you saw it covered crimson red. Manu looked at you, worried and then Jordan noticed the commotion as the crowd had gotten quite silent. The people in other sections of the stadium were looking around in confusion and so we’re both teams and their managers. You looked up at the fans, anger you couldn’t hold in on your face. You slipped off your shirt, and then the fans started yelling, thinking you would give it to them. "What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" You yelled, but no one but Manu and Jordan who were at your side heard. Pressing your jersey to your forehead, you walked back to the bench, accompanied by your keeper and girlfriend. "What the hell happened?" Jordan asked, stopping you in the field and placing her hand over yours that was keeping the jersey to your face. She pulled the jersey away gently and looked at the cut before applying pressure with your jersey again. "Some psycho threw their cleat at me. They wanted me to sign it." You said. "You’re joking." Manu said, looking behind her shoulder. "I wish. Shit it fucking hurts." You were now almost at the bench when Jonas and the medical team came rushing up to you. "What happened?" Jonas asked, doing the same gesture Jordan had done and taking the jersey off your forehead. "Someone threw their cleat at her. I’ll kill them! I’m not joking." Jordan snarled. "I’ll kill them too! Let’s go!" Jonas said, "Hey! I’m coming too!" Katie yelled, wobbling on her crutches. They all started to walk towards the section you had just came back from. But most of the Arsenal girls, having noticed a commotion had surrounded you guys now, and Jonas got held back by Stina and Rafaelle, Leah held back little Jordan and Caitlin stepped in front of Katie. "Calm down. Okay everyone take a second to breathe. Let’s go in the tunnel." Stina told the group as loudly as she could.
The medic had replaced your dirty jersey with a wet towel that you were holding to your head as you walked into the tunnel, you walked into the changing room and everyone took places at their cubbies. "Okay girls, we’ll address the… y/n situation-" Jonas started saying as you laughed. "-later. But right now… WERE ON TO THE SEMIS!" He yelled. The group started screaming and jumping out of joy, but you stayed put because the medical examiner was cleaning your cut. "You won’t need stitches. I’ll just put a bandaid over it to keep it closed." The man said. You nodded at him and thanked him. He put on the bandaid, informed Jonas and then walked out. "Do you think they got the person throwing their cleat at you on video?" Katie asked you. "I don’t know. Maybe?" You asked.
There was a TV in the changing room and sooner than you knew it, Leah had turned the broadcasts on and rewinded it. Surely enough, there was a camera panning the stadium just as you got the cleat to the head. You can clearly see how you doubled over and how Manu came rushing to you.
"Ten bucks says I can go back out there and make the person who threw that shoe wish they were never born." Jordan said, only half joking. "I’d pay good money to see that. But you don’t want to end up on those 'when arsenal women loose control' videos on youtube." Caitlin joked. "Oh my god… I yelled. I yelled at the fans when they started screaming for my jersey when I took it off to wipe my blood. Am I gonna be on those videos? I can’t be on those videos. Those are like.. 98% clips of Katie!" You said, making Katie scowl at you even though she knew you were right. "Don’t scowl. You know it’s true." You said to her.
"No one heard you, the stadium was too loud. It’s all good." Manu said, smiling at you from across the room.
You went on to shower and then change, and eventually it was only you and Jordan left in the locker room. "I’m proud of you. You played great." You told her, walking up to her and putting your hands on her waist. She held your arms and smiled at you. "Thank you. It felt good to be on even if it was only for 20 minutes." She told you, tucking a strand of wet hair behind your ear. She leaned in to kiss you, and you kissed, tangling your fingers through her hair. "Let’s go love birds." Kim Little said, peeping through the door way. "We don’t get any privacy, do we?" You laughed, keeping your hands on Jordan as you both looked at Kim. "You’re making out in the changing room like teens. Let’s go." She laughed, walking away. "Sit with me?" You asked, looking back at her. "Why do you always ask me that? I’ve been sitting with you every trip for years." Jordan said, grabbing her bag and yours. "For old times sake. To remember the first time you asked me to sit with you." You said simply.
7 years ago.
It was your first away game since joining Arsenal. You had joined only a month ago, but due to international break and the schedule, all your games had been home games. You were nervous, not wanting to be the one sitting by yourself. You had gotten close with the girls, but you were still shy. Jordan Nobbs had caught your eye, having talked to her a few times. You were 21, and fresh out of the university of Portland. Moving to London… it was hard. But you knew it would be worth it. The team were all waiting at the training centre with their luggage, waiting for the bus that would take them to Manchester for their game against City. You were standing quietly in a circle with a few of your teammates when Jordan came running up, the girl looking even smaller beside her large luggage. "Am I late?" She said, joining the group. "Yep. As always." Leah teased. "Damn it. Don’t tell Pedro." Jordan said. You smiled at yourself, finding her tardiness funny. "What you laughing at?" She teased you, nudging your side. "You." You laughed, looking into her eyes with a smile. Jordan looked back, ignoring the girls who had started up their conversation again. "Hey, sit with me?" She asked. Your eyes widened at the offer, but you nodded. "I’d love too."
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shi-bxnii · 10 months
i will get hate for this likely but TWST HC's/Character Writings that annoy me and/or i feel are OOC
(check below cut) (all dorms/staff) (note: these are my personal opinions, do what you want, these arent for "Hey dont do this >:(" , im literally just saying what i personally feel, GO CRAZY AAA GO STUPID)
👑 Riddle HC: He's uptight and doesn't know fun
My take: He can be uptight and arguebly doesn't have fun in the same way others do but its been shown a few times riddle is a bit feral in his own way
♣️ Trey HC: Sweet mama friend whos done no wrong and needs a break
My take: He is a sweet mama friend but he has been shown quite a few times to do some (harmless) underhanded things for his own gain (Starsending Event: Getting a new blender/juicer/whatever it was)
♦️Cater HC: Bubbly guy whos secretly depressed with an internet addiction and THATS IT
My take: though not inherently wrong a lot of ppl dumb down his character to be very vague and two dimensional, Cater is also very alturistic in some cases and has shown to have a variety of skills (maybe not Trey/Ruggie lvl but its still skills)
♥️Ace HC: Mean as hell even in pranks(? this isnt one thats blatantly stated but written on a lot)
My take: Ace CAN be an ass but a lot of the time he will backout or realize his fuck up and make up for it, hes not jus sum ass that ppl talk too, hes a bully in the most loving way possible (lookin at deuce about that one LOL)
♠️Deuce HC: Oblivious dumbass
My take: Now in the context of School or sayings/confusing wording THIS IS VERY TRUE, but ppl make Deuce an all around idiot ive noticed and it annoys me, Deuce is very streets smart both in literal and just like,, hes a dude that knows things, and it annoys me so bad when they jus make Deuce a dumbass
🦁Leona HC: Hes heavily self interested
My take: also another that isnt inherently wrong but also is taken way outta context, Leona can and will be self serving but hes also shown to be kind and considerate and willing to help (even if he tries to deflect by saying it wasn't on his mind/not that it was truly within his heart), hes just a more intense Tsundere than Jack
🍩Ruggie HC: Same as leona with heavy self interest
My take: now this is more true then leonas but theres been a few times where ruggies done things for no/little gain, especially when it involves some level of danger, he may still joke about it but hes always pulled through
🐺Jack HC: this is also not a stated HC but ppl seem to forget how territorial/aggressive Jack gets so in writings hes usually just sum laid back guy
My take: Dude has been shown countless times to be headstrong and be aggressive and territorial, maybe not in the Adeuce, Tweel way but he in his own right has been shown to be aggressive (even if playful or more tamed then the formentioned)
🐙Azul HC: Dark skin (visual HC)
My take: I AGREE AND DISAGREE, ive seen ppl give some characters vitiligo but NEVER to azul, if anything it WOULD be Azul, not only that Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease with factors such as stress, and who stresses more than anyone? AZUL, i usually consider most Visual canon to be just that with very little HC's but if Azul is to be interpreted with dark skin, mf has vitiligo
😈Floyd HC: Older of the twins and a variety of romantic HC's/writings i cant all list
My take: Its been shown in either a viginette or an event (i think an event) that despite being born within the same timing, Jade was actually first before Floyd (Jade makes a joke about keeping him around so im guessing the mf murked all his other siblings eggs djebdjsb ???) // As for romantic HC's writings what annoys me most is that he will usually be interpreted as very loving + his mood swings, i know damn well if Floyd had a gf/bf hes sTILL abiding to himself, now there are some factors that wouldnt keep this true to a default but floyd is floyd
👿Jade HC: He's just as seen in game//no real depth
My take: Its shown during the camp vargas event that Jade is actually extremely excitable and even (according to those around him (i think Cater says it)) that he even shouts in excitement about the natural Oven he was gunna make to cook the fish, Jade is very mannerly and a bit hard to read and its been stated as true, but Jade is also just a fucking nerd as well when you peel back the layers he isnt just that same guy as before
🎉Kalim HC: Both in HC's and writings a LOT of people drive on the fact of kalims "obliviousness"
My take: NOW THIS ONE MAKES ME THE MOST ANNOYED, Kalim may be happy go lucky and sunshine like, but that motherfucker is AWARE, now you may try and ref Jamil in B4 but- BUT- Jamil is his literal lifelong friend and even if he was blatantly backstabbing at some points Kalim gave him the benefit of doubt, because hes known him all of his life and ik you mfs LYIN if you said you wouldnt for a life long friend... // Also Kalim despite his delivery being happy/sunshine like, Kalim has been shown to have a more feral (similer to Ace) side and even a more snarky side, though rare and playful at most hes not just some 🌞 fr
🐍Jamil HC: Transfem
My take: NOW BEFORE YALL GET MAD, its not the inherit fact that ppl will HC this, do what you want have fun, but i hate that a lot of the reason ppl will HC this, is simply long hair more fem aligned appearance.,,, suddenly men can't have shit,,,, again if you want to i dont really care it just a random irk of mine at most
👑Vil HC: similar to Jamil's and self interest once again
My take: Similar to Jamil, a lot of ppl will HC Vil transf/m due to the fact that within the JP ver, Vil uses a pronoun/self identifier commonly used for/in feminine use, but also for masc use,,, this one is also jus a random irk and i truly do not mind at all but i hate when ppl base of very little things (ik i sound stupid these r jus my opinions LOL)...// Self interest again but Vil's literally in B5 shown to not only not tell anyone but do it on his own whim to post Epel's family product so they can buy out to the point Epel had to give back the crates of Juice his family got him, Vil did that himself, he may be cunt(y) but hes also very considerate
🏹Rook HC: N/A
My take: Surprisingly i see very little HC's of Rook and when i do they make sense to me (Ex: Dark skin and coily/wavy hair, mf was born n raised in Afterglow savanna so even if he has whiter genetics, mf DEFINITELY having darker skin, hes a hunter hes oUTSIDE)
🍏Epel: Transmasc (but for the wrong reasons)
My take: Now of all characters to HC as trans DOES make sense, but also at the same time Epel normally doesnt mind who he is, its only when its used negatively/to mock him or something that he knows ppl will think "less of him" for it,,, this one irks me way less but a lot of ppl will HC/Write epel way more sensitively about himself then he is whether with a trans HC or not, overall though this HC does make the most sense to me
💠Idia HC: N/A
My take: Same as Rook, i dont see a lot i dont disagree with or aren't too far from Canon, i will say my fav Idia HC is that hes a complete weeb and has a body pillow of some sort, man wants to be a non normie so bad but fell for the normie weeb traps (body pillow and prolly owns a figurine of the waifu) LOL
🌐Ortho HC: N/A
My take: i dont see a lot of Visual or normal HC's in general for ortho which makes me sad, give my son more swag,,,, i will say i did see a HC that orthos normal body (robo) his shoulders are white boards and people will write stuff on them and that ppl will normally decorate him with stickers :3
🐲Malleus: HOO boy theres a lot
My take: way too many to write on this post but i will say that for rom! HC's and writings... MF THIS BITCH GOT NO RIZZ NO SWAGGER, everyone writes or HC's him to be the most romantic mystery dragon prince... brotha this man dont know how to use a phone you think he knows what talkin to a romantic interest + being good at flirting is like?? nuh uh you know damn well that mf askin lillia in near tears what the hell to do
🦇Lillia: Also a lot :(
My take: Doing rom! HC's/Writings again.,,, i feel like in general Lillia would actually avoid personal romances, he wouldn't be like EW ICKY, but considering his past and current responsibilities (Looking after his two sons Mal and Silver and then their cousin Sebek), i think it would be much harder for him to actually be involved in romance
🐊Sebek HC: Also a LOT GAHHH
My take: Now for this one i feel like ppl make Sebek similar to deuce and make him an oblivious dunce, Sebek is smart as hell but he jus doesn't understand customs outside of Fae, hes from Briar valley where most people are fae, and also dont have internet, you cant blame him for being bad at lingo and oblivious to what we would normally know by like age 8../// Also funnily enough i feel like Sebek and Mal get rev for rom HC's (Mal being filled with Swagger while Lillia helps sebek),,, i feel like despite not knowing normal customs,, if Sebek ever pursued someone romantically he would actually not be bad at it, sure a bit lost here n there but i feel like hes got swagger
⚔️Silver HC: That he takes things passively
My take: Silver has been shown to act against others wishes even those with authority (Even more so in B7 but i wont spoil),, Silver often acts as a voice of reason to Sebek as well in those moments but due to Sebeks tunnel vision up until B7, mf wont hear it, and since Silver basically has known Sebek all his life, to see him not press on the matter more in certain aspects is normal, ppl with headstrong siblings know this especially, sometimes you jus gotta be like "okay fine"
In general i feel like a lot of people forget THIS IS AN ENTIRE SCHOOL the game is set in, teachers can take on different classes,,, but theres more teachers than just Vargas, Crewel and Trein, YOU SEE THAT BIG ASS SCHOOL? Theres a least 20 more teachers runnin around that bitch other than the ghosts, but since its a game and not like a series, Obviously they cant jus throw a random teacher every scene
✨Crowley HC: N/A
My take: A lot of HC's are usually just addition to canon or within character so i have no complaints
🐱Trein HC: Also N/A
My take: a lot of HC's for trein r very in character so i honestly dont have any annoyances
🐩Crewel HC: STRICT
My take: as a teacher? yes duh, but as a person? Crewel is definitely cheetah print joint smokin leggings and hello kitty tattoo aunt and classical and fancy wine aunt fusion, soon as mf off the clock hes MESSY in the auntie way
🥇Vargas HC: N/A
My take: now this isnt a HC/Writing but the way EVERYONE CLOWNS VARGAS ATTIRE..... the costumes for crewel n vargas in camp vargas were not bad at all imo, they werent spos to look like runway models or the latest trend that was GOOD costume design for something that was only spos to be VAGUELY seen cuz its DARK
🔮Sam HC: N/A
My take: I rarely see HC's of Sam :(
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock in Four Months Pt 10
Part One Part Nine Link to ao3 Part Eleven
Finally outlined the entire thing and it's lookin like it's about to be 53 parts.....we're in for the long haul lads TW for internalized homophobia/general period typical homophobia in this chapter. Nothing explicit or like present moment, just Eddie ruminating.
@stevethehairington ty for betaing giving you a kiss and a quiche
Step 10: Dress Him Appropriately
“Eddie, this is getting pathetic,” Gareth sighed with a roll of his eyes. Eddie flipped him the bird and continued to pace back and forth across the trailer, only pausing every few seconds to look up at the clock on the wall. 
“I wouldn’t call it pathetic per say,” Frank replied, continuing to tune his guitar, “But it’s a little much. Seriously dude, just chill out. Come sit,” 
“No thanks,” Eddie bit out, turning on his heel and walking back towards the couch. He hadn’t eaten a thing since breakfast, but his stomach felt like it was filled with lead, and the tips of his fingers and toes were all tingly. He looked up again. 
7:56. Still. 
Was there a way to make time move faster? Maybe Eddie could sell his soul, or invent a time machine? Anything to make the next four minutes pass just a little bit faster. 
A soft knock came from the front door and Eddie immediately perked up. He bounded over to the door and flung it open, excited to greet Steve. 
Empty open air. A chilly blast of wind rushed past him, making the screen door wave erratically, banging against the side of the trailer. Eddie grabbed it and latched it properly, shutting the door and sheepishly turning around to see the rest of the band smirking at him. 
Okay. Maybe he was being a little bit pathetic. 
Eddie groaned, forcing himself to sit on the couch. He grabbed a few of his curls and yanked them over his face, trying to ignore the way the others were teasing him. 
“I hate you guys,” He mumbled, his cheeks burning dark red. 
“Careful with your words, Munson. Better treat us right or we’ll make you sound terrible for your first date,” Jeff said with a chuckle.
“It’s not a date,” Eddie moaned, burying his face in his hands
“No, it’s not,” Gareth snapped. 
Eddie’s nerves turned to ash, burning up as irritation raced through his body. He huffed out an annoyed breath, sitting up and pushing his hair away from his face. Gareth was sitting in the chair in the corner, staring moodily at the window with his arms crossed. He had come to the trailer in high spirits, but had immediately turned into a pouty whining brat the second he found out Steve was going to be joining them. 
“Okay-” Eddie started, about to launch into what was sure to be a brilliant argument. A loud banging noise from the front door cut them both off. 
That was definitely not the wind. 
“Well, gentlemen, guess you’ll have to duke it out later,” Frank said as Eddie rushed past him, slamming his knee against the coffee table in his haste to get to the door. 
“Ow! I mean- Steve! Hi!” Eddie practically shouted, cringing at his volume and reaching down to clutch at his knee that was screaming in pain. 
“Sorry I’m a little late!” Steve said as he stepped in, shivering to ease away the chill from outside. He noticed Eddie’s strange pose and quirked his head, raising his eyebrows. 
“Are you…okay?”
“Never better. What's that?” Eddie asked, desperate to change the subject before Steve could investigate any further. The last thing he needed was Steve finding out how Eddie had spent the last twenty minutes staring at the door waiting for him to show up. 
God. He really was pathetic
“Oh, my reason for being late,” Steve said, holding up the tupperware and passing it over to Jeff who opened it and pulled out a cookie, “Dustin wanted to learn how to make pignolis before Christmas, so I was teaching him my Noona’s recipe. I brought some as an apology.”
The most delectable scent filled up the trailer, and Eddie’s mouth immediately began to water. The container passed hands in less than a second, and Eddie barely had time to examine the sweet before popping the entire cookie into his mouth.
Holy shit. 
This wasn’t fair. This really just was not fair. 
Steve couldn’t be hot, nice, and good at baking. 
“Jesus H,” Eddie muttered with his mouth still full, crumbs spilling down his shirt. He slapped his hand over his mouth to catch any other morsels that tried to escape.
The outside of the cookie was covered in some kind of crunchy nut, and the inside was the perfect contrast of soft buttery sweetness. Judging by the noises coming from the rest of the band, they were experiencing the same delight he was. 
“These are amazing?” Jeff said in shock, staring down at the half bitten pignoli in his hand like he couldn’t quite believe it existed. 
“You think so? I just followed a recipe, that’s all. My Noona loved making these,” Steve said, ducking his head down with an embarrassed little smile.  
“Noona?” Jeff asked, grabbing another cookie. 
“My grandmother. My brother’s first word was ‘Noona’ instead of Nonna, and the rest of the family just kind of followed in his footsteps,” Steve explained, reaching over and picking out his own sweet, “She used to make a huge batch before Christmas, and she swore every single year that they would last until Christmas Eve,” 
Steve cleared his throat and rolled his shoulders, hunching down and wagging a finger in Eddie’s direction. 
“ Non quest’anno, chiacchierone. Not this year,” He croaked in a terrible old Italian lady impression. It wasn’t the most funny thing in the world, but for some reason Eddie couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe part of it was the fact that he was still reeling from the shock. 
Steve bakes? 
Steve has a brother? 
Steve’s Italian?!
The images Eddie’s mind wanted to conjure up thinking about that were so wrong that he couldn’t do anything except laugh like an escaped asylum patient. 
“Guessing that didn’t work out?” Eddie managed to say through his giggles. Steve shook his head, straightening back up. 
“Every single year she would have to stay up all night and make a tiny batch, just so we had something to put out for Santa Claus,” Steve said with a fond smile. His eyes were a million miles away, but filled with an affection that was so warm Eddie was burning from the top of his head to the tips of his toes just from looking at him.  
“Guess your family never heard of Oreos?” Gareth muttered from where he was still sitting, an untouched cookie sitting on the arm of the chair. 
The light around Steve faded ever so lightly, and that beautiful smile became fixed. It wasn’t Steve’s anymore, just another act to keep up appearances. Eddie was trying to be patient with Gareth, he really was, but he couldn’t help the creeping loathing that was starting to crawl up his spine anytime there was another remark made.
“They’re great. Thanks, Steve,” Frank stepped in, cutting through the tension like an expert. He grabbed the last cookie, swatting Eddie’s hand away as he did, “We should make you the band groupie, have you bringing us snacks before every gig,”
“You wish, Nicholson,” Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes and undoing the buttons of his overcoat and revealing his outfit. 
“Uh Steve? What are you wearing?” Eddie wondered aloud, as the rest tried to hide their snickers when they caught sight of Steve’s choice for what to wear to a metal show.
Steve looked down at his maroon crew neck sweater with blue jeans and white Nikes, giving Eddie a furrowed brow frown. 
“Does this not work?” He asked innocently, his puppy dog eyes dialing up from slightly cute to absolutely irresistible. 
The outfit worked for Eddie, that was for sure. 
“You’re going to a bar that pretty much exclusively hosts hard rock and metal bands, so no, it doesn’t.” Gareth said, smothering every word with enough disdain that Steve leaned away from him. Even Jeff looked uncomfortable and Frank let out an annoyed sigh at Gareth’s theatrics. 
“Come on,” Eddie said impulsively, grabbing Steve’s wrist and giving it a comforting squeeze, “You can borrow some of my stuff,”
He tugged Steve away before there could be any protests, turning around and sticking his tongue out at Gareth as he pulled Steve into the safety of his bedroom. 
Eddie babbled on about chains and eyeliner and all sorts of things to distract Steve from the awkwardness of the moment, pushing them both in and slamming the door shut without any fanfare. He didn’t want anyone interrupting them or making things worse. 
And then he remembered why they were sitting in the living room instead of in here. There were clothes strewn everywhere, crumpled balls of paper in a perfect ring all around his desk, even a banana peel draped carefully on his lampshade like a fricken cartoon. 
Eddie glanced at the clock on his desk as he dashed by it, hoping to get Steve taken care of as quickly as possible. Not just because he was embarrassed by the mess, but also because they were running out of time. 
Corroded Coffin went on at 10:00. It took about twenty minutes to drive there and an hour fifteen to get everything out of the van and set up. They should have left ten minutes ago just to be safe, but here he was wasting their time trying to find Steve something that would fit. 
Eddie hated being late with a passion, but he found that in this moment, he cared a lot more about making sure Steve felt okay than getting to the bar early. 
Wasn’t that mildly terrifying? He never put anything before his music, except maybe Wayne.
“Maybe it wasn’t a great idea for me to come,” Steve muttered, interrupting Eddie’s spiraling thoughts. He looked out of place, uncomfortable and even slightly upset by what had just happened. 
“Ignore him, he’s always moody before shows,” Eddie said with a nonchalant wave of his hand. 
Actually that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Gareth was usually at his happiest right before they went on stage, and normally the two of them would be bouncing around the trailer together like two jumping beans right now, while Jeff and Frank tried to calm down their enthusiasm. 
But what Steve didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. 
“Here,” Eddie said, casually tossing over a cut sleeves black top and rooting around in his closet for more. 
“A tank top in December?” Steve said dubiously, holding it up in front of him. Eddie poked his head out of the closet and shot Steve a quick grin
“I’ve got plans, don’t you worry,” Eddie replied. 
Steve shrugged, and then he just took his shirt off, making Eddie’s brain short circuit. 
He just took off his shirt. Right there. Right in front of Eddie. Like there was nothing to it. Like he didn’t have big biceps, and a broad chest, and abs that made Eddie want to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. 
Steve was just tossing his sweater onto Eddie’s bed like it belonged there, standing in the middle of Eddie’s room half naked with ease. Like it was normal. Like it was fine. 
Like he wasn’t at all afraid of Eddie seeing him shirtless. 
Eddie had never been coy about who he was, and he knew that most of the school already assumed he was a queer. He never said one way or the other, he didn’t want to give those jackasses the satisfaction of being ‘right’ about him, but it didn’t matter. Once that rumor started, you could go down on a girl in the middle of the cafeteria and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. 
The second the word came down, you were permanently burned. It was forever branded on your chest, like the scarlet fucking letter. 
It wasn’t like he cared much. Eddie was a queer, and proud of it too. He loved kissing boys in dirty back alleys, leaving hickeys carefully where they could always hide them, learning no names and leaving no strings attached. That was fun. That was how it was supposed to be, and he had never cared to try out what everyone else got to have. 
Where was the pleasure in sharing a milkshake in the diner, or kissing behind the bleachers at a basketball game? Everyone got to do that. 
It wasn’t special. It wasn’t sacred.
Eddie didn’t want it, and he didn’t care. He didn’t care about any of it. 
He didn’t care that he was pretty sure the reason he always got F’s in English no matter how hard he tried was because their teacher was a bible thumper.
Eddie didn’t care that most of the boys in his gym class waited until he had left the locker room to start showering. As if he would even be interested in any of them. 
He didn’t care that there would never be a chance that Steve would hold his hand in the hallways like he used to with Nancy. 
He didn’t care that there was no chance Steve would ever want to hold his hand at all. 
Eddie told himself he didn’t care. 
“Are you…alright?” Steve asked hesitantly. 
Fuck . 
He had been staring straight at Steve the entire time, and now Steve was probably remembering that Eddie was a dirty fucking queer. Somehow he must have forgotten, but he was remembering now, because Eddie had just been ogling at him for god knows how long. Steve was going to cover up and leave right this second, probably throw a couple of slurs behind him just for good measure, and Eddie had no one to blame but himself. 
But once again, Steve surprised him. 
He didn’t move, didn’t speak. Hell, he didn’t even cross his arms or try to cover up at all. He was just looking at Eddie with that same soft concern he had when he saved Eddie from falling off the table last week. 
Gods be good, this boy was going to ruin him. 
“‘M okay,” Eddie murmured, turning away to hide his terrible, terrible blush, “Just lost in thought, sorry,” 
“That’s okay, I get spacey all the time at school,” Steve replied with an easy laugh, and Eddie could hear him starting to get dressed, “You should see me in Math class, I look so stupid,” 
Eddie hadn’t seen Steve in math class, but he had seen him in History and Biology, so he already knew the face Steve was talking about. The face he would make when he rested his cheek in his open palm and let his eyes slowly droop shut, going from bored to gentle and peaceful. 
Eddie would have called it adorable instead of stupid, but he had played with fire enough for tonight. 
“The jeans are okay, but here, see if this fits,” Eddie said, getting back to business and throwing Steve one of the black leather jackets he had thrifted in Indianapolis, “What’s your shoe size?”
“12.5 but I can fit into a 12. My mom always says how annoying it is to try and find shoes for me,” Steve answered, shrugging on the jacket. 
Eddie had to bite his tongue twice. The first time was because he needed to resist the urge to make a joke about how something else was probably big if Steve’s feet were. The second time was because that jacket looked like it was made for Steve to wear it, and all Eddie wanted to do was tell him to keep it. 
“Lucky for you, we’re the same size,” He bit out instead, grabbing a random pair of converse and bringing them over. He would have given Steve boots (and Steve would have looked amazing in them) but this was the time for baby steps. 
Steve sat down on the bed and began to lace up the sneakers as Eddie rifled through his drawers looking for any missing touches. He still looked pretty preppy, but some accessories might help that. 
“Are you excited for the show?” Eddie asked, needing to keep them talking so his brain wouldn’t drift off back to where it had been falling. 
“Yeah! I can’t wait to hear you play,” Steve immediately replied, sitting back up and giving Eddie his world class winning smile complete with twinkling eyes and everything. 
“I sing too. I’m the lead,” Eddie added casually, not exactly to impress Steve, but really hoping that it would. 
He reached over and grabbed Steve’s left wrist, pulling it close and wrapping one of his spiked leather cuffs around it, stepping back to see the full outfit. 
Definitely a huge improvement, Steve wasn’t going to stick out anymore, but there was still something that felt missing. A little touch that would wrap the whole thing in a bow. Something that would undeniably say Steve was there to see him - them. Eddie reached up to fiddle with his necklace as he thought, and the second his fingers tangled in the chain, the lightbulb blinked on. 
Oh. Duh. 
“Here. Finishing touch,” Eddie said, pulling off his signature guitar pick necklace and putting it around Steve’s neck. 
The black swirled with red complimented the dark top perfectly, and the tiny Hellfire devil that he had carved into it was the ultimate symbol. 
“All done,” Eddie said.
All Mine , Eddie thought.
“Staking your claim, Babydoll?” Steve teased, playing with the necklace. 
It was obviously a joke, but he couldn’t have been more right. The beast in Eddie’s chest that he had been resolutely ignoring this entire time settled down now, happy that there was an obvious marker that Steve belonged to him. That was a dangerous thought to have. A real dangerous thought. 
Eddie still loved it. 
“Just making sure you won’t stick out quite as badly, Sweetheart,” Eddie said with a crooked little grin, tugging once on the chain and walking to the other side of the room, “Last thing I need is you getting kicked out for being too much of a poser,”
“What a shame that would be,” Steve joked back, standing up and walking into the living room. Eddie followed him in, distractedly glancing up at the clock. 
8:36. Corroded Coffin were about to be officially late for the very first time. 
Eddie didn’t give a damn. 
Tag List: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name @minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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sinner-sunflower · 1 month
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 17/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
I live!
I can finally post this chapter 😭😭😭
Before anyone could react, Lucifer flashes his eyes with a chilling intensity. Time itself stopped, as if the universe held its breath.
The now sinner wasn't even the least bit surprised; in fact, he didn't even tried to hide his annoyance.
Adam: Ugh. I hate it when you do that. I'm surprised Sera never questioned why our meetings were so short-
The sudden impact to Adam's chest silenced him mid-sentence. One moment he was speaking, the next he was on his back with the King of Hell straddling him. He loves seeing Lucifer furious, but only when he knows the other can't kill him as long as he's an angel of Heaven.
Can't not won't because he's pretty sure Lucifer will kill him if given the chance.
He doesn't know if he should be grateful of the fact that Lucifer didn't kill him in the last extermination.
Lucifer: How are you here?
Lucifer spoke with fire, lightly singeing Adam's face as he asked, no, demanded an answer.
Adam: U-Fuck! I don't know man! Get off du- Hey! Stop that! Hands off the merchandise!
Adam yelled as Lucifer ripped open his clothes, revealing a white scar right in the middle of the first man's chest.
Lucifer: Talk.
The other gulped. Adam had never been afraid of Lucifer not back then and especially not now. But he does value his life, so.
Adam: Man, I told you. I. Don't. Know. One minute I was dyin' on your gross floor and then next poof I woke up on the edge of some fucking cliff looking like one of you disgusting freaks. You have no idea how much of a bitch it was to walk from there to this stupid city. I kept dying from random shit and then I spawn back to that cliff!
Lucifer: What cliff?
Adam: Dude, do I look like a cliff expert? Just some random one with a weird lookin' mountain over-
Lucifer: Which direction!
Adam: -South! God, chill.
The Sin of Pride doesn't need a map to know what Adam is now talking about. He may be a recluse but he knows Hell like the back of his hand.
Lucifer: Mount Sinai…
Adam: Uh what?
Lucifer: Mount Sinai, principal site of divine revelation.
Adam: Huh? Isn't that where that Moses dude got the 10 rules-
Lucifer: Commandments.
Adam: -from your daddy?
Lucifer: First of all, don't call The Almighty "daddy". Second, yes. Most significant landscapes that form on Earth reflect here. Even the one where Satan tested Prince of Heaven.
Adam purposely yawns obnoxiously.
Adam: Boringggg. What does that mountain got to do with me?
Lucifer: Maybe it's telling you that you're now a disgusting freak like us cause you're too stupid to realize.
Adam: Fuck you.
Lucifer: No thanks.
To that, the turned sinner quirked an eyebrow and gave a little smirk.
Adam: Oh really? Cause you're not getting off me any time soon. Unless… You want the whole Eden package, Luci?
Lucifer's face spoke volumes, each expression a testament to his thoughts on the matter at hand. Adam, catching the subtle disdain in Lucifer's gaze, felt a twinge of offense directed at his pride. After all they'd been through??! It's like the guy doesn't even know him.
Adam: Rude ass bitch. Fuckin' get off then before one of us does a different kind of getting off.
The King jumped back as if he'd been scorched, hissing his disdain for the man before him.
Adam: You act like I wanted to come here. Down here is just... ugh. I want to go back up there, thank you very much. This place looks even tackier than last time, by the way. I even went to the damn embassy.
Lucifer chose to ignore the jab about the hotel.
Lucifer: Let me guess, you forgot the ban on any sinner soul to enter?
Adam: Who even thought of that?!
Lucifer: You did, dumbass.
Adam: Yeah- well- I still say it's your fault! Now go there and contact Sera for me. How are you still here anyway? Shouldn't Heaven be punishing you for killing their totally fuckable first man?
Lucifer: Fatherdamnit, why did your ego not die with your divinity? And to answer your question, Heaven hasn't contacted us ever since the battle.
Adam: What?! Why??? I'm THE fucking first man! Maybe they're preparing for a war to kill all you fuckers.
Lucifer: They're preparing for a war alright.
Lucifer didn't mean to say that but thankfully Adam's habit of selective hearing whenever he speaks hasn't changed.
Adam: What was that?
Lucifer: I said maybe you're just that insignificant to them.
Adam: Just like you? Also, why the fuck do you look like that?
The King tilts his head to the side, a calculated gesture meant to convey innocence.
Lucifer: Like what?
Adam: Like that!
Lucifer: What do you mean? I've always looked like this.
Adam: Uhhh no. I've known you for literally all my life and after. I think I would've made fun of you more if you looked like an emo clown since the beginning.
Lucifer: How would you know what an emo is?
Adam: Bruh, have you seen my lieutenant?
He had but he doesn't think she's emo. Charlie had an emo phase and that just became his basis on what that word means. An idea struck him, and he pondered sharing some old photos of Charlie to Vaggie...
His contemplation was interrupted by Adam's whistle, pulling him back to the present moment.
Adam: Helloooooooo. Earth to Lucifer. I'm still here you know and I know that you don't want me here as much as I do.
Adam is right.
Though the first man's presence grated on him, and the fact that he wants nothing more than to send him back to Heaven, he knew it was a futile endeavor.
There is no way they're going to take him back because, for one, whether they like it or not, the guy is a demon now.
He could try Sera but she hasn't contacted him since the last extermination-that-wasn't and Michael did mention "taking care" of her so that's out of the question.
Seeing as there is no other solution, he resigned himself to handling the situation as every other demon had.
Lucifer: Let's make a deal then.
Adam: Psh! A deal with the literal Devil? You think I'm some kind of moron?
Lucifer: .... Maybe.
Adam: Fuck you!
Lucifer: Yeah yeah. You keep saying that. So?
Adam must have deduced that this was Lucifer's way of saying"what other choice do you have?" and just groans in resignation.
Adam: Just lay it on me.
Lucifer: You be my personal assistant.
His reply came as quick as the offer.
Adam: No.
Lucifer: No?
Adam: Yeah fuck that. I'm not gonna be your servant.
Lucifer: I'm fine with leaving you on the streets, you know. But how do you think the demons out there will react once they discover that you're a former angel? The head of the exorcists at that. And trust me, we will let them know.
Adam: Yeah- well- The hotel! I'm pretty sure your dear princess won't turn me away if I say that I'm here for this redemption bullshit.
Lucifer: Oh! That's great then! I'm sure Nifty won't have a problem having another helping knife- I mean, hand around.
Lucifer, for his part, harbored no illusions about allowing the man near his daughter, but he found a certain amusement in Adam's discomfort, especially with Nifty.
The prospect of Adam's paranoia amuses him greatly that he allowed himself a faint chuckle.
Adam's eyes flick towards the gremlin cyclops. HDespite his attempts to rationalize away his fear, he couldn't shake the sensation of impending danger of being killed. Again. He lets out an involuntary shiver.
Weighing the pros and cons, he eventually decides that his life is more important than his pride.
Adam: Fiiiiiiiiiiiineee. I'll be your fuckin' errand boy.
Lucifer: Great! And another thing. Keep the innuendos to a zero. Especially around my daughter.
Adam: Come on. Don't tell me you don't love it!
Lucifer: I really don't.
Adam: Anyone would be lucky to have a taste of this majestic dick, yaknow.
Lucifer: Yeahhhhhh, still no.
Adam: I heard you can change into a girl.
A snap.
Adam: So, just let me fuck you once and I promise you'll never want another dick agai-
As the static noise filled the room, Adam found himself the target of collective anger and simmering hostility from the others. His ill-considered words had ignited a storm of rage, each member of the gathering consumed by thoughts of murder.
Adam was the only one physically affected, his ears covered in a futile attempt to shield himself from the overwhelming static.
Alastor: I suggest you watch what you say next, first man.
Sensing the danger he's in, Adam stood up and pointed an accusatory finger at Lucifer. Well, he tried to but he got pinned back to the ground by sets of multiple hands.
Adam: You set me up!
Lucifer: Dunno what you're talkin' about, buddy.
Charlie: Dad, what's going on? What do we do with Adam?
Lucifer: Don't worry about him, sweetie. He'll be staying at the palace doing my paperwork like a good assistant-
Adam: -Ugh! I hate doing paperwork!
Lucifer: -until we can figure out why he's here.
Charlie: I don't know, dad...
Lucifer: Trust me. You don't want him here.
The silent exchange between father and daughter carried a weight of unspoken understanding. After a while, Charlie gave her dad a reluctant but genuine expression of trust. Her acknowledgment broke the tension, softening the atmosphere between them.
Charlie: Okay. I trust you.
However, their moment was interrupted by the clearing of a throat, drawing their attention back to the chaotic scene unfolding before them. Adam is now suspended upside down by the irate Sins and Alastor.
Adam: So uh, can you tell your simps to put me down now?
So! I'm back.
I didn't really plan for Adam to be part of the hotel right now. We'll still get to see him but he'll just be at the palace.
With Lute and Heaven not knowing that Adam isn't dead but just fallen and Hell not knowing that Sir Pentious has been redeemed.... who knows what will happen?
Hope this chapter was worth the wait ;;
And yes that is a Jesus mention.
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kathairoscloset · 2 years
You know, one of my most favorite yet underrated moments in early manga YGO is during that monster fighter chapter, after Yuugi lost to the cheating spider guy and got his fighter stolen.
Like, he comes in, having been punched in the stomach during the match and later punched again after losing, and finds his friends waiting in class. Obvs Jou and Honda are like “woah dude what happened to you?!?!” but instead of explaining or anything, he just looks up and gives Jounouchi The Look.
(Screenshot from that YGO S0 manga compilation you can watch on YT)
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Like, just look at him. Look at that face. The shing and Jou's face. This boy knows he’s got a mou hitori no boku waiting for him, and he knows said mou hitori no boku can kick ass. And unlike before in Death-T, where he was afraid of him, Yuugi’s basically giving him the green light and a simple message: hello, please wreck that guy to hell and back for me. And yes, penalty games are allowed.
It’s just my absolute fav because it clearly shows that Yuugi isn’t as meek or soft-hearted as some might think of him as: he’s willing to fight for what he thinks is right, with whatever means are available. And of course, considering he’s got a way to fight for once, (Unlike ie Ushio, where he was physically too weak) then he’s gonna take it!
and well, come on. The idea of Yuugi just lookin Yami/Atem in the eye and going “You know what to do” is hilarious. Baby Panda’s got a gun and he wants you to shoot it right between the hunter’s eyes
(EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I loved this because it's the first time, the most obvious time at least, that Yuugi actively takes arms against someone after they've hurt him. Before, it was Yami who used the gun and shot it. But this time, Yuugi's giving him the ammo.)
(Also bonus reason why I love this chapter: manga-wise, we get to see the full bondage-outfit for the first time, in the most dramatic way possible. Case in point:)
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 months
Tumblr, I have like...the weirdest question to ask you all. And I don't exactly know how to phrase it.
What...no, I think where exists the sexual being threshold for clowns?
See yeah no I don't know how to ask this, let's--
Here, visuals can only help us:
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Here we've got these guys. They have all the classical halmarks of being a clown. Colorful face paint, big red nose, off-putting clashing outfit, the works. On most people's Sexy Meter or whatever, they're rating pretty low. Might even hit creepy for some folk.
But then we've got like, I dunno, this fuckin dude:
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Definitely still a clown, and creepy as all hell arguably. But. BUT. There are plenty of people who want to fuck him, I know it, I've seen the fan art.
Could be the monsterfuckers I hear you say. You're probably right, but that's not the only flavor of clown I see folks wanting to get freaky with.
I think I've figured out my actual question now, the pictures helped.
How many clown traits can something have and still be sexy? And which ones are they??? And just maybe, what the fuck is it about a handful of clown traits that makes people lose their shit???
So. We have a baseline. Normal ass Bozo lookin headass clowns.
Now, lets shuffle to the far side of this horrible, horrible scale I need to make.
I would be remiss not to mention her for a question like this:
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Arguably Harley has the least amount of clown traits while still being associated HEAVILY with clowns. Previous iterations of her have leaned harder into the clown theme, although she's more of a jester but fuck it same circus.
Regardless of her clown genus, Harley is arguably the best example of the Clown Sexiness cross over bullshit I'm talking about. She was also built with the intention of making her sexually appealing and she happens to have the least actual clown traits.
Now is that...related??
Recently I've been watching a lot of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (which is probably what triggered this whole clown sexualization crisis nonsense). There are a LOT of characters in that series who resemble clowns heavily and are also still considered to be sexy.
On the lower end of the clown scale we have:
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The Morningstars. Both Charlie and Lucifer’s faces resemble clown makeup strongly enough to immediately make one think of clowns. Lucifer is dressed like a fucking ringmaster and both of them are very silly MOST of the time. They're both considered attractive.
But then you've got these bitches:
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They are VERY clown. Pretty sure they're based on clownfish even. They SING about being clowns.
Still hot!
But Symbi, I hear you groan, they're traditionally attractive women, of course people think they're hot. That's why. It overides the clown. That's it.
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This fucking dude is AGGRESSIVELY clown. He probably has the highest quotient of clown traits of the regular Helluva Boss cast. He's a weird little gremlin and I KNOW people want to fuck him real bad.
Is it because they've minimized the obtrusiveness of the clown? Moved away from the traditional and into stylization and thus transcended the barriers of clown? Is it cause they're all skinny and white?
I'd probably pack it up there with that as an explanation if I hadn't had to sit through THIS FUCKING DUDE taking over my dash for weeks:
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I don't know a goddamn thing about One Piece but I know everyone was so fucking horny about this clown for...just a long ass while.
Now HE has even more prominent clown traits than anyone since Pennywise tbh. He's serving classic clown cunt like he's the last circus in Clown Town. Surely he should have been in the same camp as the baseline guys.
And yet. AND YET my very vivid memory of the fever dream that was watching a chunk of the internet simp for him tells me that's not the case.
So. Where the FUCK is the line?? Where do we stop wanting to fuck clowns? Why do we START wanting to fuck clowns?? Where in the god bedamned hell do ICP fall on this... clown fuckery scale. Please don't answer that one.
I don't know the answers to any of it. I just noticed that people find it sexy when people do the big lipstick with the points at the corners and that shit looks like stylized clown makeup. Now I'm drowning in clowns and questions.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
i kissed a girl // logan sargeant
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summary: logan should have known better than to kiss the college girl at that dive bar. especially when to the untrained eye, she looked like she had a boyfriend already
pairing: logan sargeant x female reader
warnings: bar fight, nicholas latifi gets punched in the face, miscommunication. alcohol based bad decisions. logan also gets punched once or twice. y/n isn't taking any of his shit.
making fun of him is so easy and also so much fun-
author's note: this is pure satire, this is a joke. please do not take it seriously. it’s not that deep.
please do not take this seriously.
austin, texas. october 2022.
"i'm sorry, again, about taking your seat next year."
across the booth, nicholas latifi grumbled, reaching for his beer bottle. "somebody was going to take it eventually. i just wish i'd had more time."
the drivers for the williams formula one team were sitting in the middle of a dive bar following the free practice sessions on friday morning. there was an air of unease among the group, an awkward bit of tension between logan sargeant and nicholas latifi, on edriver coming in to take the other's place.
"he doesn't even have his super license yet, mate." jack aitken shook his head. "there's still hope for you yet, i don't think jost has a backup plan."
alex albon chuckled. "good old jost. he's retiring, you know. he doens't want people knowing until the season is over."
nicky sighed softly, raising his bottle of corona. "to jost."
"to jost!" the other three drivers echoed, clinking the bottles together.
a country song roared in the background, a group of girls in tight jeans and cowboy hats gathered around a pool table, guys in tight white shirts and cowboy boots at the bar. it was the most texan joint in the whole of texas. there wasn't a single meal that didn't have red meat in it.
and that's when he saw her, out of the corner of his eye, walking into the bar in a tight denim jacket, the collar of a white buttoned shirt poking out over the top, a pair of suede booties on her feet as she shyly meandered over to the bar.
"dude," alex laughed. "she's so not your type."
"fuck off, alex." logan glowered. "i'm just lookin'."
"she looks like she'd punch him in the face if he tried to talk to her." nicky remarked.
logan rolled his eyes. "no she doesn't."
"she has that 'i hate everybody' look on her face."
"i'm settling this." logan shook his head, placing his bottle of corona back on the table. "i'm going to buy her a drink."
"and you think that's really going to work, mr. questionable family ties and cocky american charm?" jack snickered.
tuning out his teammates, logan slid out of the booth as a kid rock song began to play. the girl was alone at the bar, her muscular escort in the back playing a round of pool with some college students that he appeared to know.
clearing his throat, logan took a seat at the barstool next to her.
"that seat is taken." her voice was deeper than he expected, her texan drawl faint. "i don't appreciate it when strange men in bars, where the entire counter seating section is empty, decide to sit right next to me without asking first.
"my apologies." logan dialed up the charm, extending his arm for a handshake. "logan sargeant, future williams f1 driver."
this got her attention.
she swiveled in her seat, raising her eyebrows. her skin was washed purple under the bar lights. up close, logan was wondering if maybe she really was his type.
"i've heard about you, sargeant. you're a pay driver. williams' last hope. i know my shit, and i know that guys like you don't date girls like me."
logan leaned against the bar, trying to pretend that he couldn't hear nicholas, alex and jack laughing at him from the booth. "what do you mean 'guys like me'?"
"cocky florida frat boys who think they're entitled to everything because they have money. and i'm the quiet, independent type who was raised better than to think that dating a man with money would solve all of my problems." she smiled sweetly, playing with the straw in her soft drink. cherry coke, if logan was pressed to make a guess.
she didn't even fucking drink. and he didn't know what to say.
maybe he liked being put in his place.
or maybe he was just looking for a fight.
she laughed. "cat got your tongue, sargeant? god, you're just as shallow as i thought. the kind of television character i'd enjoy making fun of."
"who said i was looking for a relationship? even just a first date?"
"i don't do one night stands. nice try, though."
back at the booth, the other three williams drivers could hardly contain their laughter.
"look at how red he is!" nicholas latifi panted. "she really put him in his place."
alex raised an eyebrow "i think he's enjoying it a little too much, if you know what i mean."
"this has been fun, logan. you're a real charmer, even though i've done all the talking." the mystery girl said, gathering her jacket in her arms and moving to get off the barstool. "but i came here with someone, and we were actually waiting for a table to open up next door."
"is he your boyfriend? you're too good for him."
it was just supposed to be a line. but as he said it, logan was realizing that it was the truth.
"maybe he is, maybe he isn't. what's it to you?"
logan grinned. "i just think you're really pretty."
he shouldn't have done it. every synapse in his body was telling him not to do it. but impulse control and good-decision-making, especially while drunk has never been logan's forte.
so when he kissed her, he should have known there would be consequences.
for a moment, it felt like she was kissing him back. but it's not like he could explore that feeling before his body was yanked away from hers.
"who the fuck do you think you are?" the man in the muscle tank and sweats barked at the driver, who was likely only half the body weight of the tattooed muscle man standing across from him.
"look, i don't want any trouble, dude. she kissed me back!"
she rolled her eyes. "manolo, knock it off."
the bar quieted, the last bars of 'all summer long' fading out. y/n didn;t trust people who knew all the words to more than one kid rock song, and logan looked like the type who had memorized 'all summer long'. that's not to say that she didn't think it might be fun to mess around with him for a little, never going too far or getting too serious.
but the line to 'serious' had been crossed when manolo forgot that he was a family friend, not her older brother.
"no, i won't knock it off, y/n! he kissed you even after you said you were already here with someone."
"don't make a scene!"
nobody was sure who acted first.
it could have been logan, who was just trying to get his polo shirt free from manolo's fingers and accidentally headbutted the man in the arm. it could have been manolo, who'd hold on logan's shirt quickly became a punch in the jaw.
but that's when all hell broke loose.
nicky and jack jumped up from the table to try and separate the two men, just as logan threw his first punch.
nicholas latifi just happened to be the unfortunate fucker who pushed logan back when manolo retaliated, with the canadian catching a fist to the nose.
"that wasn't very nice!" he shouted, holding his now-bleeding face as alex joined the fray, pulling logan back from the italian.
"manolo, stop!" y/n shouted, standing in the middle of the fray. "let's just go."
she watched manolo leave, mumbling and huffing to himself about how men should know better than to make moves on girls who so clearly aren't interested.
not to say that y/n wasn't mildly intrigued by the florida man, but she wouldn't go as far as to say she was interested.
"sorry about manolo. he forgets his place sometimes. and you should learn yours, sargeant." she grinned. "it's at the back of a twenty car grid, bottom of the wdc. i'll see you on the big screen, pay driver."
"thanks for making my night more interesting."
"dude," alex chuckled. "you were in way over your head."
"shut up!"
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zahmbie · 1 year
hi! I was wondering if you could do a Habit, And/or the marble hornets crew(any rlly), how they'd be with a trans man lover with severe dysphoria?
This was supposed to be out yesterday but classes took over oops
Characters included: HABIT, Jay, Tim, Brian
Content warnings for dysphoria, mention of needles (talking about taking T), and a brief mention of transphobia in HABIT’s section (not from HABIT)
HABIT isn’t the most up to date on LGBTQ+ terms. He know’s what they are, he’s basically gender-fluid and he’s been around almost as long as humans also I hc Evan as trans, but he might need a refresher on the exacts of it.
He’s not the best at comforting, but in his defense that’s the opposite of his usual job. He gets better at it with time, calling you his handsome rabbit and talking about how masculine you look.
If anyone misgenders you, even accidentally, you won’t have time to react before HABIT is in their face and threatening them. You should probably pull him away before he gets the cops called on him. Again. “He’s a guy dipshit, call him a girl again and I’ll gouge your eyes out. You clearly aren’t using ‘em.”
If you’re at a point where you don’t have many masculine clothes he’ll let you dig through Evan’s his closet, but take fashion advice from HABIT at your own risk, dude dresses like he went through a Spencer’s in the dark.
If you take testosterone injections he’s more than willing to help. He’s got a pretty steady hand and… experience with sharp things. Actually kind of good at distracting you if you don’t like needles. He’s brought up doing your top surgery himself (if you mention wanting it) and you’re only 90% sure he’s joking. He’s confident he could learn how to do it with a youtube tutorial and one of his knives. 
Same hat! Jay’s also a trans guy! He’s not great with his words but he’s really good at cuddling (surprisingly soft for how bony he is) and listening to you. He’ll tell you he knows you’re a guy and he knows how bad dysphoria sucks. Not the most eloquently worded, but he gets it.
If you have top dysphoria, he’s given you free reign of his hoodies. He’s used them for his top dysphoria for years they work like magic. If you use one of his expect him to wanna borrow something of yours. You walk into his room looking for the sweatshirt you left and find him asleep wearing it.
Jay’s also willing to help you get more masculine clothes, he’ll go shopping with you but his tastes in clothing is super plain. Complete opposite end of the spectrum to HABIT.
Jay’s been using t-gel for a few years now specifically because he doesn’t want to give himself shots. If you take t shots he’ll offer to help you with them but he’s better at emotional support. Hand holding champ of the year.
Tim’s got the least knowledge on the subject out of anyone on this list. He knows you and Jay, and he knows that being trans is… a thing that exists? You might wanna actually talk with him about this cause he’s basically clueless.
He’s surprisingly good for support considering he barely knew about the topic an hour ago. His hugs feel warm and safe and he says things with such confidence you can’t help but feel better. He’s got some solid advice for passing if you feel like you need help with it, but he’s also good at just listening if you wanna vent about it.
If you wanna take T-shots he’ll help you. His meds and smoking make his hand shake a little, but if he braces it against a table or whatever he’ll be able to do it just fine.
He doesn’t have a large wardrobe, but if you wanna borrow one of his flannels you’re more than welcome to it. Tim’s also got a pretty decent sense of fashion, probably the one I’d most recommend going clothes shopping with.
Brian’s the best at comforting you by far, he’s great with compliments. Dysphoria’s mentioned and he’s already up and telling you about how handsome you look. He tries out new compliments and affirmations every few days and he’s gone from “Lookin’ handsome today!” To just saying “That was pretty manly of ya.” Over random little things you do, smiling at you like you’re his whole world.
He’s also probably your best choice for help with T-shots if needed, he’s already got a good idea of what to do and he’ll distract you. He asks about your day while doing it, giving your hand a gentle squeeze and making sure you don’t hold your breath.
His hoodie is also available for use if you want it! He’ll take you clothes shopping if you want him to, but if you mention wanting something baggy to wear say no more! Brian’s taking his hoodie off for you as you speak.
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r3dkn0ts · 11 months
I'm somewhat curious because everyone has their own perception of killers in dbd before they came into the realm. Out of all your faves (like Caleb, Tarhos, Billy ect..) do you think any of them are still....well virgins?? Most of them were either too focused on revenge and bloodshed to even think about ass or coochie (lookin right at you slinger also I LOVE UR BLOG SM)
I have other stuff in the drafts I'm working on atm ( do not worry followers! it will be posted! eventually! ) but Man this just. rattled my brain so hard that I had to start writing Immediately
I'm just gonna pick the guys you listed or else I'd be rambling way too much and also idk what the hell to categorize this as so ummmmm just putting it under the cut. I guess these are more like character studies than anything?
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SEXUAL HEADCANONS FOR THE DBD KILLERS Featuring Caleb Quinn, Tarhos Kovács, and Max Thompson Jr.
Themes: Smut, smut, and a little bit of fluff at the end. Honestly, what did you expect? Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical violence
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn - I'd imagine Caleb is around his mid-to-late 60s ( if you don't think too hard about the time-fuckery that is the Entity's Realm ), so the man definitely has some years under his belt. - When it comes to sex, though, he might've fooled around with one or two folks in his younger days. Like most other cowpoke of his time, he didn't really care what gender he was laying down with. - Yes, I am saying that Caleb is pansexual. All cowboys are at least a little bit gay. I don't make the rules. - He definitely didn't see any action after nearly killing Bayshore and being stuck in a penitentiary for 15 years straight, that's for sure. - Plus, there's no good reason to be horny in a place like that. - That being said, he knows the basics and maybe a trick here or there, so he's not a total buffoon, but he's not a floozy either.
The Knight / Tarhos Kovács - Being taken from his home and put into slavery at such a young age, he didn't exactly have a normal childhood. - Tarhos didn't have the time to be concerned with anything remotely romantic or sexual, constantly going on campaigns with his men and killing everyone that stood in their way. - He would never admit it to anyone, even himself, but this man is so touch-starved and needy that just hugging him would probably give him a boner as stiff as his claymore. - Tarhos tries to ignore sexual urges until they go away, but that doesn't always work, so he might have to rub one out once in a while. He feels guilty about it every time. - Yeah, he's a virgin. No experience at all.
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr. - Oh, this poor boy. We all know his story by now. It's pretty obvious that he never had any physical contact, much less that of a romantic or sexual nature. - Back in his time, television shows weren't nearly as scandalous as nowadays. There was no way of accessing pornographic material unless you got special magazines, which he of course never did. - Going through puberty, he would feel strange and uncomfortable, just trying to ignore the weird feelings he had. It made him want to crawl out of his own skin. - Those habits stuck with him into his adulthood, constantly fighting his own body and trying anything to get the strange feelings to go away. Eventually, he figured out that friction was the easiest method. - You could say he's "innocent", but I prefer "clueless". - If someone were to truly earn his trust and explain to him what erections, masturbation, and sex are, he'd get super flustered and cover his face in shame. - His first time would need to be slow and more of a tutorial than anything else. Dude's probably gonna cum as soon as a hand touches him. Just be patient.
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making-noodles-png · 5 months
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Question in context anyways les go. I wanted to edit a few bits anyways so yeah
• ever since I had that tumbler poll I'm questiong myself if wallace should work 3 jobs rather then just one bc no way can he afford that bad of a apartment and provide for himself and scott on a 15$ paycheck so yeah it's reasonable. Wallace works as a telemarketer or some office job (makes more but is fucking boring). Old navy (makes less bit is pretty simple and he can hear his coworkers gossip and pick a few songs) and at a diner (it's in the middle honestly. Makes a god amount of money and is decent, works his ass off but still gets to hear whoever can gossip but sorta wants to quit. Stays at the job bc of one coworker who begged him to stay)
• Mobile works in a library or Spencer's (IK mobile works in some random ah office job but seeing how the rest of the crew in the scott pikgrim series has a pretty minimum wage job I sorta see him start off slow in a new province and have a relaxing ot fun job. Library seems to suit the guy because uts laid back and quiet. Also I took the inspiration from the anime "book seller Honda-San". BUT...but (idk my friend suggested this to me) but mobile: the most average lookin ah guy in the whole entire franchise working...in a Spencer's...it's pretty fuckin funny- just imagine you see some office worker lookin ah dude stocking up on the spiked collars with the most bland lanyard) but I'm sticking with the library idea
• Mobile is a music nerd. He plays a few instruments when he was younger and sticks to playing the piano and sometimes the violin. He likes jazz but likes fast paces music for one thing....rhythm games- idk why but I sorta imagine wallace, scott and mobile going to the arcade one day, scott showing off his epick DDR skills and mobile absolutely DESTORYS HIM. DOUBLE PADS. EXTREAM OR INTENSE IDK AND ALL PERFECT TOO...and then scott never brings walace to the arcade again because he knows mobile would just show off again-
• Wallace is filopino (idk I just see him loving filo food, karaoke, bejng loud af at parties and come on. He loves to gossip) and mobile is half veitnamese and half Korean but is extremely white washes but by the time he reaches freshmen year of collage he actually wants to learn a bit more about both cultures and sorta enjoys trying to get in touch with his roots
• Mobiles parents names are Sam jin and April Nguyen-jin (nick named apple) (divorced) now you might he wondering abt thier names and...I just thought it would be funny to sorta name them after phone companies (like SAMsung and APPLE) because...COME ON THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY HIS NAME JS MOBILE
• Mobile likes cold weather meanwhile wallace likes hot. Mobile likes to wear alot of layers during the winter so whenever ut gets too cold wallace immediately just snuggles up with him :)
• Mobile visits wallace whenever he's on break from the library job and helps him (ex: whenever wallace is at old navy or something he drops by and helps walace folds or tag any of the clothes while they talk)
• Joseph and mobile work at the library while wallace and Jimmy both work at the diner
(Those were from my notes onto a few new headcannons-)
Since Todd's pyshic powers are green. I look into the color wheel to see the opposite of green which is likena sorta pink and I just imagine that's what's mobiles powers might look like :) (also TV girl reference)
Mobile is one hell of a quiet guy. Dosnt like to talk often at parties or at clubs and tries to survive any sort of small talk BUT when it comes to wallace he enjoys long conversations about the most random shit that pops into thier heads. Eaither it's gossip from work, some random ass fact that mobile found out, or how to do X thing for Y...thing?
MOBILE CANT READ TONE like sorta- whenever someone is joking around him (especially wallace or other scott) he sorta...takes it seriously? Like a joke when other scott said and mobile just spitting out random facts on how its basically impossible for the chicken to cross the road without getting hit, depends on how fast the cars are going, What time of the day it might be, if the chicken were to walk to cross the road or jumo over cars. Really comes off to being defensive and he dosnt mean any harm so whenever someone like wallave was telling a joke he laughs it off, realizes mobiles confused as hell expression and just says "...that's a joke-" With mobile replying with "....oh yeah-"
Mobiles and wallaces dates usually consist of: museums, the aquarium, some fine dining. Any fancy shit mobile can afford, wallave would LOVE
Mobile overworks himself often and sometimes dosnt realize it. He sorta sees himself just simply finishing a task that he's SUPPOSED to finish in reality it was justa. Option if he wanted to do it or not. Even when he's working in Nintendo he gose into crunch mode often and gets tired more easily WALLACE on the other hand reminds mobile to be on breaks whenever he needs to and takes care of the guy (awh :))
In collage mobile majors in computer science or coding or game development. Whatever computer techy course, he just takes it and then ends up working for Nintendo so :)
Wallace has bad posture. Trues to go ahead and fix it himself but just gives up easily so whenever wallave is with mobile. Mobile just random slaps (lightly) wallaces back and reminds him to stand up straight
Wallace cracks his knuckles often or pops his neck and whenever he dose it makes a loud Crack or pop sound (yk the ones) and it freaks mobile out sometimes
Mobile is prone to carpal tunnel and migraines and has to wear those arm braces often and take those migraine pills too.
Like I mentioned before mobile is a deadpan sorta dude, monotone voice sorta stuff but when wallave is around he's...a bit more expressive.
EDIT: BOUNUS. MOBILE DOSE TAROT CARD READINGS i had this headcannons for MONTHS now and thought it would be silly and then i realize I did this so....yeah. I imagine whenever mobile and Wallace do morning cuddles and shit wallace is like "...yo what's my daily reading" mobile:"...okay let's see, 3 of cups-". Mobile learned how to do traot card reading easily. Like Todd mentioned before he had this picture memory thingy and can remeber scripts easily but its weak sometimes (*FLASH BACK TO THE TRAILER INCIDENT-*) so I imagine mobile dose the same when it comes to memorizing tarot cards meanings
Wallace/ or mobile sits really weird in chairs. Before living with scott, Wallace would sit... Basically like L from a death note or some shit, or one leg up while the other is crossed. He's been used to doing this a lot when he was still in high school while eating dinner with his family, but he soon grew out of it once he reached college. Meanwhile, for mobile, he's just been doing it. Somehow, he is still managing good posture tf
Mobile eaither has a good and fashionable wardrobe comsisting of dark or light academia sort of clothes (wallace didnt know what it was called so one day he just called it "collage professor drag") OR he has that one goofy ah cartoon character looking closet where it's just the same thing over and over again
Mobile tends to chew on his pen often. Was a bad habit he had back in elementary, worsen when he was in highschool due to alot of extra credit and after school programs he was in, collage it got even worse because he mainly used pens and got ink EVERYWHERE
Like hollie and Kim. Joseph and mobile work together in the library, they don't...really talk to eachother but he dose eyeball Joseph sometimes whenever knives brings stephen along to the library and joseph just stares at stephen. Mobile couldn't tell if Joseph likes stephen or just hates him
Wallace brings mobile to some of the sex bob-ombs practices and shows. mobile just watches patiently like romona, wallace and neil would but afterward give pretty decent advice to knives since... he experienced piano player. And whenever stephen ask mobile for advice in general; mobile would just give them a rating out of 20
Another reason why mobile dosnt show alot of expression and is mainly just a deadpan sorta dude is because when mobile was in highschool he had braces and it sucked ass for him. It hurts all the time and he had those rubber band things in his mouth MEANING whenever his friends made him laugh or he had to yawn THAT SHIT HURTS WHEN IT BREAKS. Later in his adult life he just gets retainers instead
Sometimes at night. Whenever mobile comes home tired and worn out He and wallace just silently ea0t dinner and cuddle while they drink wine
Wallace is a vodka mom. Mobile is a wine mom. Change my mind
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lovesuhng · 1 year
“are you two a couple?” - johnny suh
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pairing: bestfriend! johnny x bestfriend! reader
genre: fluff; fake dating; best friends to lovers; mutual pining
wc: 1.1k
summary: when a random guy from tiktok ask if you and johnny are a couple
warning: pet names; just one bad word
a/n: this is the first time i post here! also, english is not my first language, so there may be some mistakes. I wrote because Iineeded something fluff with johnny, also i’m addicted to videos where the guy asks how couples met on tiktok.
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you and your best friend johnny walked together through the hectic new york streets, it was one of those days where you guys did something together and talked about the busy week. you two had just left a coffee shop, you were laughing at something he said, while holding your latte, johnny had his traditional americano in his hands. after walked a little, you realize that a man is walking in your direction with a little camera in his hands.
“i think that guy is coming to our direction and i think he’s recording something for tiktok or something like that”. you're the more reserved and shy type, while johnny is the definition of a charismatic person who wasn't ashamed of anything. 
“don’t worry, if he wants record something, i talk to him”.
as the man approached, he asked: “are you two a couple?”.
“we are n-” “yes!” johnny interrupted you before you could complete the sentence, which made you throw a confused look at him, who just replied with a wink.
“would you mind telling us the story of how you met?”
“ah, it’s a funny story, right love?” the moment you heard johnny calling you love, your heart warmed. johnny just looked at you and you answered “right”.
“we met each other in middle school, she was transferred to my school and the first day she fell in front of me” everyone laughed, including you remembering the scene “since then we have been inseparable, we went to the prom together, we studied at the same university…” “and now i'm a history teacher and he's a photographer” it was the first time you've been able to speak a complete sentence since that farce started, johnny smirked at you.
“and when did you go from friends to lovers?” 
“in the first year of university, she couldn't resist my charms” the two men laughed and you decided to tease
“that's what they say 'i fell first but he fell harder', after a while he begged to go to a date with me, right honey?” you said pinching his cheeks
“we can see how close you are, you still seem to be friends! but seriously, when did you realize you were in love with her?” the man asked johnny. 
“ah, i remember that moment perfectly, one day we were studying for university exams and it started to rain, she said that her dream was to dance in the rain, so we left the dorm and started running and dancing without music in the rain! she was so happy and so bright! it seems that everything happened in slow motion, she hugged me and i felt that my heart was going to come out of my mouth” 
johnny finished talking and chuckled. you were trying to control your heart, because you felt it beating faster and faster. for a second you thought he was really being truthful, that he had fallen in love with you. the man asked you the same question:
“johnny played volleyball in high school and it was the last game he would play for the school, he scored the match point and when he was going to celebrate, he looked for me across the bleachers, then he smiled at me and i realized i liked him in another way”. 
your answer was sincere, that day you really realized that you were in love with your best friend and that you were fucked because you didn't want to ruin the beautiful friendship you had. 
“and what do you like most about her?”
“so many things…” johnny thought for a few seconds “ah dude, i can’t think just one thing! she is amazing, dedicated, caring, she is everything to me” even embarrassed, you let out a laugh that left johnny with a huge smile on his face.
the man asked you the same question and looking into the eyes of johnny, who was waiting for your answer and, again in the most sincere way possible, you said:
“he is very positive, he always makes me happy in any situation. his hug is very warm too and of course, his honey eyes, which is the thing that makes me most in love with him”
johnny was surprised by his answer and also felt his heart beat faster. the twinkle in your eye when talking about him also makes johnny think you're in love with him, but a friend could say that about a friend, right?
you haven't seen your best friend blushed in a long time, johnny was always a confident guy and he was usually the one who made you blushed.
“apparently someone got embarrassed here” the man said to lighten the mood. "what are your names?"
“thanks for sharing some of your story with us. you can tell how much you are in love with each other.”
after saying goodbye to the man, the two of you were walking in the park. johnny noticed you were different. johnny's words, even if they were part of a lie, touched you and your heart a lot.
“are you okay, y/n?”
“hm? yes, i’m okay… you can pretend well, hm?” you said giving him a little punch on the arm and letting out a smirk “i almost believed that you really had fallen in love with me”
“but i fell in love with you.” johnny said quietly but enough for you to hear and stop walking. “what?”
“i didn't lie at all while talking with that guy.” he turned towards you, took your hand that wasn't busy with coffee. in that moment, you felt like his hand was uniquely made to hold yours and all the famous butterflies were flying in your stomach. “since that day we danced in the rain, everything has changed. i realized that seeing you happy makes me happy and since that day, i wanted to be the reason of your happiness. you are the most important person in my life, don't tell this to my mother!” the last sentence he said in a whisper and you smiled. “see?! i love see this smile, i love to make you smile and i am completely in love with you! you must be confused and it’s okay! i would be too, but i guess  can't hide this feeling any-” johnny was interrupted by your lips on his. it was a little peck, but enough to shut the man up.
“i'm not confused because i was also speaking the truth to him. i'm in love with you too, stupid!”
“so did you really fell in love first?”
“maybe” you gave an embarrassed laugh “and you fell harder?”
“maybe… but, i have to beg you to go on a date with me?”
you shook your head "all you need is to kiss me now"
so johnny kissed you. it was a kiss full of love and it sure had been worth waiting so long for it to happen.
“hm… you taste like latte” johnny said smiling in the middle of the kiss
“shut up, john!”
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