#the but it's better if you do video. the fucking BUILD GOD AND THEN WE'LL TALK video.
redflagshipwriter · 4 months
check yes to go on a date w a dead guy ch 4 progress
next chapter here
(masterpost with this story here)
It took a minute for Jason to recover from that realization. He kept the anger he felt off his face. Danny didn’t seem upset about dying young, but that didn’t mean much. It wasn’t an appropriate topic to prod about on a first meeting. He’d get there eventually.
Jason stilled. Ah, shit, he still didn’t have a plan. Just eating together was too short and too boring. He needed to have something better than that.
Fuck, what were they going to do next? 
Jason strained for ideas. What was a good date? Normally, he'd know more about a person before they hung out romantically. 
Well. Actually, normally he hung out platonically with someone a lot before he started to feel interest in them. This was all kinds of backwards: but he didn't want it to end yet. 
“So, uh, what do you like to do?” Jason asked. Masterful. So smooth.
Danny scrunched up his nose. “Lately my afterlife sucks,” he groused. “I am drowning in paperwork and busy stuff.” He slumped over. “I miss being in high school,” Danny sighed. He drew his knees in and rested his elbows on them, then squished his cheeks with his palms. “I guess I used to just hang out, you know?” He shrugged. “Played a lot of video games. I miss that.” 
“Of course,” Jason said, despite never having hung out and played video games in high school. He'd been an overscheduled nerd in junior high school and then been too dead for high school. “That sounds fun. Wanna go back to mine and play something later?”
Danny lit up, blue eyes sparkling in the fading light. “Yes! That would be great.” He straightened his legs and kicked his heels against the side of the building. “Wait, can we do the whole grungy high school hangout thing with pop and chips and dip and pizza and stuff?”
He almost said “we literally just ate”, but what the hell. “We'll hit the store next,” Jason said. He couldn't say no to that face. Look at ‘em. He was so excited.
'Ugh, god. Danny died in high school,’’ Jason realized. He'd already known Danny died young but it still stuck in his stomach like a rock. 'No wonder he misses what he did then. He's interacting with the physical world now but if he died, he probably went to like, dead land immediately.’
But, uh. Video games. He could do that. He kept up a conversation as his mind churned, asking Danny what kind of games he liked.
The thing was, Jason didn't really play video games. He had a console at his place and if he was hanging out with Roy or Dick there, they'd bring a game over. He owned like, two games. 
He considered popping by the store and just buying something. But that would be weird and intense. He'd probably freak Danny out if he went and dropped money on a game just to play with him. 
Ok. Well. He'd get someone to drop off games before he and Danny could get back to the apartment. Jason sneakily got out his phone and strategized. 
Steph? No. Terrible. He couldn't let that girl know he had a date until the poor bastard really liked him for sure. She'd either chase Danny off or somehow orchestrate the two of them getting engaged. 
Tim? God, no. He'd definitely own a lot of games but they'd all be for the PC, and he'd hang around and smirk about Jason meeting up with Danny.
Dick? Too far away, and way too smug. He'd take it as an opportunity to tease.
Oh, wait. He had it. Jason opened up a message to Duke and sent out a quick “I want to bribe you. Homemade pizza? Artichoke dip? Fried oysters???” 
“Did you take a life?????” Duke shot back. Then, “pizza! What do you need?” 
“Get to my place with a bunch of video games that'll work on my tv in less than an hour and I'll make whatever you want.” 
The three dots indicating typing popped up. They stayed there for a weirdly long time. Then, Duke said, “Can I stay and hang out? 🥺”
Adorable little bastard. Jason typed out NO and then hesitated, feeling kinda bad.
“Who's that?” Danny prompted. 
Ah, shit, he was being rude. Jason flushed. “Asking a little brother to bring over a game,” he admitted. “He wants to stay.” 
Danny laughed. “That's adorable,” he announced. “It's fine by me. Lots of games are better with more people, anyway.” 
Well. If that was the case, Jason was fine with it. He sent Duke an OK and then put his phone away before the inevitable “I AM THE FAVORITE SIBLING” fireworks started. 
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elderwisp · 2 months
The Creative Process ‧₊˚✩彡 
Because I love to be distracted
Hi! Ok, I wanted to share wif everyone my process in which I create a story post from conception to the final post. I would say I'm a very structured person when it comes to projects like these however, I've learned a lot and maybe someone could find something useful! We'll be referencing this scene. Oke, let's start!
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✩ Rough Drafts
So, of course everything starts off with a vision. While I always say, write what feels authentic to you, I also know it makes things much more difficult if you don't have a solid ground to build from. I think I've scrapped this particular story about twice already and even reshot the first chunk of Tessellate so there was a better foundation. I like to start off with understanding a character before moving onto creating a plot, otherwise people start bleed into another. Greta Gerwig makes a really awesome statement about how characters come first to her before plot. OKE with that in mind, this particular scene, I wrote it well over a year ago, however there wasn't much flow in the initial draft. In fact, the two look nothing alike. This conversation was supposed to occur during France's concert, but I moved it to to this particular scene and I'm so glad. I felt like their current relationship was strong enough to have this conversation but also it allowed me to really focus in on the two. I am a huge advocate for jotting down dialogue even if things change because you can always expand on an idea. And if things don't work, scrapping is okay, but at least you gave it a shot! After that change, I didn't revisit that scene up until about a month and a half ago. I like to let things sit for a good while. In the initial draft, Taryn was reserved throughout a majority of the conversation. There was limitations in which how I wanted her to express things but things change in a year. When I looked at her as a character and how she's progressed throughout the story, the draft no longer aligned with her lack of response. And then that created the question of what the heck does one say? Because people aren't typically very graceful or eloquent when it comes to confrontation but also we're telling a story so how do I balance the two out? Since, I've followed these little blorbos for a while, knowing their characters and motives allowed me to flesh everything out. Atlas is much more cunning than he lets on and is excellent at painting a pretty picture for those around him if it means getting what he wants. Taryn on the other hand is perceptive and unwavering so being around someone like him, someone that she finds herself slowly falling for, is a complete, well, mind fuck. We can also see from this interaction that there's a hint of feeling inadequate and the lack of confidence to know that maybe he does like her. We also see that Atlas maybe isn't the most mature when it comes to developing something real so the two have plenty to work on just from this scene alone. Like Greta Gerwig says, writing is listening.
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I also wanted to mention LocalScriptMan and this video all the time because it just about changed how I viewed dialogue in general. I think it's such a great tool! I've probably shared it a billion times.
✩ Blender & Posemaking
So I would like to preface this by saying, you do not need to use blender to achieve a vision. There are still scenes that I still use poses/animations from other creators! I wanted to list a few references! Rebouks, Rascgal and Simmireen have an amazing variety of poses to use! I literally use Becca's bumper packs RELIGOUSLY! However, if you need any suggestions, SurelySim's has an excellent breakdown on getting started with posemaking from tiny details, to SimRipper and using accessories! She also talks about Vyxated's Pose Helper which is a god send! For this scene I wanted to fully pose it. In my script, I italicize anything I want to pose, I'm such a sucker for the mannerisms that people have. When words fail, body language speaks. Are they fidget-y, or do I imagine them to be more composed? Taryn's stance is grounded, she doesn't move at all in the scene except for when she leaves and I think it's a great representation of her stubbornness. Whereas Atlas is watching every single move, up until he makes his incredibly bold (ridiculous!) statement. As for emotion when he made that statement, I wanted to go with shame but then I felt like his expression radiated ruthlessness. I personally enjoyed that 10x more because it represented two things for me, his character and that he felt comfortable enough to show that part of himself. When posing a scene from start to finish, it takes me about 1-3 days depending on how complex it is. I'm a huge advocate for using references! I love referencing hands, posture, how to grab a book ANYTHING! Because this was a conversation and not much action happened, it took me about a day.
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✩ Taking Screenshots and Composition
I began taking photos for this scene on March 6th. I use to use this reshade preset by growfruit however, after tinkering with some settings I use like a mish-mash blorbo of a preset. Amobae and Sforz have some cool LUT's for download (I think of it like a filter? That's probably not what it is but MEH) and I love the qUINT's lightroom shader as well. Huge advocate of relight, I was today years old when I learn that you should load it at the top of your shaders order so you don't get like a weird whitecast. These spotlights though are super fun too if you don't use reshade! There are some photographers on instagram that even go over how to use lightroom and it can translate to game as well! For the most part, I try to keep screenshots pretty simple, editing-wise but there are moments when I doodle in little hairs, add in some texture and include shadows for, uh, DRAMAAA. Lately, I've been incorporating intricate fonts because idk sometimes my brain enjoys a little graphic design moment. Sometimes shooting conversation heavy scenes can get so repetitive so I like to look at film stills on pinterest or pay close attention to a film and how they present the camera work in a conversation. Rule of thirds is a great reference tool to use, I believe GShade has a shader for that. However it's okay to experiment, it's not an end all be all. I love looking at animators and how each frame is incredibly intentional, whether it's a shot from above or a really close frame. The beginning of this scene, I honestly didn't have a clue as to how I wanted to open it up since they were walking down a hall. Then I noticed the detail in the fencing and how the tiles were opposite. Using the TOOL mod, I was able to get them both in the center and it created a strong opening shot of how different these two are.
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✩ Editing
My god, I love editing but also this is usually the moment where I get so freaking distracted. This process takes me a day if I am focused.... But realistically it takes three days.... That's why I try to keep things to a minimum. I do use Photoshop. I like to use this sharpening action (the other actions are awesome too!) for story posts, I crop each photo (I use a 9:5 ratio and a 16:6 ratio if I need to focus on something specific idk why i picked those numbers yo), and add in text. Dafont has a lot of different free fonts. I like to use these little guidelines if sentences needs to be centered.
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For adding umph to text, I like to use two things: The warped text option when using the type tool or just going to the distort panel and using the wave option!
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Also bottom right of your layers channel is an fx layer. I like to use stroke and drop shadow on all text so it doesn't get lost within a photo!
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✩ Finalization and My Schedule
That story post was uploaded on March 29th. As of right now, I like to stay three weeks ahead so I have three weeks worth of story posts marinating in my queue LMAO. I always reread things like a bajillion times, sometimes I'll go back and tweak conversations if they feel a bit stiff. Having that three week buffer also gives me time to really dedicate myself to details and focus on being present with a future scene. Another perk is, it allows me to work on cleaning up the script, plotting for future arcs, and having fun with edits. When I used to upload story videos on youtube, I didn't really plan ahead and it was so chaotic for me. Sometimes I didn't have enough time to actually create a solid episode so things felt rushed because on top of that I had a schedule I committed to. This isn't necessary but structure and patterns is something my little brain needs.
I hope this maybe provided some tips for people wanting to start out or it was just a fun little thing to read! One final OP tip is to write about something that you enjoy, something that matters to you. I'm one mf that loves a fleshed out character arc, that doesn't like linear plots and for fucks sake I love a good slow burn and I think all of that reflects a lot which helps me be engaged.
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unreadpoppy · 5 months
personal vent under the cut
i love my mom, i really do, but fucking hell, it gets tiring dealing with her. I don't want to be one of those people but my mom is bipolar and it's fucking hard ok, like i know that it's harder for her, obviously, but fuck dude it's hard for me too. And I try and do better for her but god it's fucking tiring when you're the only one trying to put in the work. Mom understands only what she wants to understand, she only believes in what she wants to believe and she doesn't fucking listen. I've already told her that I don't want to talk if I have my earphones on and she keeps insisting and then complains about it.
Mom doesn't know time and place so she'll choose the worst fucking time ever to talk about really delicate matters (like her asking me about my religious beliefs in the fucking car while we were driving back home from the dentist). We tell her that she'd have a better relationship with my brother if she didn't ask him stuff about his personal life IN THE MIDDLE OF LUNCH but fuck that, she does what she wants. I'm boiling some water to cook and my mom asks me to go grab something in the reception of our building and i tell her no and she starts on a rant about how "you raise someone for twenty years and they don't do anything for you" bc GOD FORBID me or my brother say no to our mom bc is this every.fucking.time we say we don't want to do something with/for her.
and what hurts me the most is when mom accuses me (and sometimes my brother) of loving our dad more bc this is something that she asks about since i was a child and is something that distresses me since then, and i know why she says that, it's bc she sees me spending hours talking with dad, i sometimes tell him stuff first and i usually go out with him more. But there's a fucking reason for all of those, and it's that, althought my dad can (and many times will) be the biggest dick in the whole fucking world, HE LISTENS (most of the time). He fucking listens to me rambling, he knows that if I want to go to a certain place to do 1 thing, I just want to do that and nothing more (unlike my mom who tells me we'll do one thing and then starts doing others and dragging me along), dad knows the places that I like to go and that if i don't want to talk, he's not gonna push me to.
And another thing that makes it so difficult to live with my mom is that she doesn't fucking realize when she's being annoying and when we try to be polite about it, she gets angry. For example, my mom has poor hearing so she puts her phone on fucking blast, but i'm sensitive to noise, so sometimes i'll be in the living room, trying to watch the news or something else and my mom will be on social media, watching videos ON THE FUCKING HIGHEST VOLUME EVER and i tell her like hey can you lower it, she makes a face (and this is something that annoys everyone in the house but it's always like this). Or, and that is what i hate even more, is when i'm like on my computer doing something, and mom walks in my room, and lays on my bed and just stays there and if i tell her to leave, she'll complain, but imma be honest, if i'm in my room, it's cause i don't want to freaking talk. If i want to talk to someone, I REACH OUT TO THEM. And the other day it really got on my nerves cause mom was playing pokemon go ( or trying to figure out) so she asks me while i'm playing bg3, and i help her to do stuff and instead of leaving, she stays in my room, with the music of the game on fucking blast, so loud that i can't even hear BG3. And if i tell her to leave, guess what? she'll complain about how ungrateful i am.
Like, there was this day where i was crying bc of some shit my brother did to me, and bc i was so upset, i didn't want to talk about it then. My dad saw me crying, asked if i wanted to talk about it and i said later. My mom saw me crying, she didn't know what i was crying about but started saying some stuff and when i told her that 1) that wasn't what made me upset and 2) i didn't want to talk about it, she starts going on about how she's just trying to give advice and yada yada and i again, i was already upset and i know i could have said it better but fuck i had had a long ass day, so i said fuck her advice and she started screaming while i just wanted to be left the fuck alone. And like, my dad also fucks up in the situation later bc when i tell him (and mom) about what my brother had done, he puts the blame on ME and says i was wrong (up until this day i have received no apology for this whole bullshit, from neither of the men but whatever)
And like i keep getting told that i need to see her side of things but why do i have to do that when she doesn't do the same for me?Why do i have to be the bigger person when i'm literally 20 and she's 56?
i love my mom, i really do, she's my biggest suporter in literally anything and she always has my back, but fuck, sometimes living with her is detrimental to my mental health (and this can go for the rest of the people i live with but this post is about her).
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Any submitted propaganda under the cut
Raycon - 10
God awful earbuds with 3 times the price of similar quality with the same script every god damn time at least allow creators to do something with it. Not an active scam product but they try so hard to market themselves like one and I don't understand.
1. It's been a while but at it's height, you couldn't get through a video without seeing someone shilling these subpar earbuds. 2. They're literally earbuds bought off of alieexpress with a fancy brand slapped over the top 3. They're garbage earbuds. DankPods did an excellent breakdown of why they're awful 4. Now everyone I know thinks Raycons are great despite them being as expensive or more so than actual established brands that work hard and take pride in their sound quality
I used them for a while actually but they just didn't work out for me so at this point I'm not going to start buying them again and I don't need to hear about it anymore
they’re everywhere. everyone i watch (which is a fairly diverse list) has a sponsorship. i also know zero people in my life who own them.
There are so much better earbuds that are also cheaper. Plus I don't wanna hear YouTubers awkwardly explain and show them being used, it's just dumb.
they wouldn't even stay in my ears plus the look like they go right up against your eardrums. red flags all around plus i hate wireless shit the battery lasts like two shakes at best
Cerebral - 1
Ok sorry this is gonna be an essay with some snark. So for some important background, at last report Cerebral is under investigation by both the DEA and DOJ for essentially being an online pill mill. This tech bro startup took advantage of a temporary measure meant to help patients keep their EXISTING prescriptions during the pandemic -- the usual rule is that controlled substances can only be prescribed after an in-person appointment, to avoid the exact kind of situation I'll describe, but of course when lockdowns made in-person appointments much harder then people who have been taking stimulants or w/e for years shouldn't be left hanging. But then, in comes the Cerebral tech bros who decide to build their new business off prescribing stimulants to NEW patients... to "95%" of new patients, to be exact, because one of them actually admitted "100% would be a pill mill". (Oh yes, 95% is much better, not just a malicious loophole at all /s) Basically, a patient would have a single 30-minute video appointment, take one quiz that's meant to be a SCREENING tool (not a diagnostic tool! if you get a high score that's an indication you need MORE testing to confirm a possible diagnosis!) and then immediately get prescribed stimulants with no physical exam (no EKG, heart rate, or blood pressure, just for starters that any RESPONSIBLE doctor would do) and no further questions asked.—
—That would have been bad enough, but the advertising and shilling. Oh god, the advertising and shilling. Cerebral put out ads deliberately overstretching "signs you may have ADHD" in such a way that would put Tiktok influencers to shame (and we'll fucking get to that.) Like one ad implying that overeating sweets, something that literally everyone does at one point or another, is a sign you should make an appointment with Cerebral to get that sweet sweet Addy! And as for the real treat, the actual sponsorships. They had a fucking AFFILIATE CODE PROGRAM. Tiktokers would be like "use my code to get $30 off your first month!" for PSYCHIATRY. Not only that, but for psychiatry prescribing stimulants which are addictive and can kill you if you're not being carefully monitored for heart problems. Tiktokers and ads would also describe this service as a "life hack" and emphasize how easy it is to get stimulants through this one neat trick! Medical ethics is dead and we killed it. It got to the point that major pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens started refusing to fill prescriptions originating from Cerebral, because if/when a pill mill gets busted, pharmacies that filled the prescriptions can also be held liable. Think of the opioid epidemic for examples of the situation they were trying to avoid. They noticed how suspicious it was that ALL THE SUDDEN there was a huge flood of prescriptions for addictive drugs, ALL originating from the same few healthcare providers (mostly Nurse Practitioners rather than Medical Doctors, because MDs were more likely to call out the ethical/legal violations, but even many of the NPs who worked for Cerebral described feeling pressured by the corporate higher-ups to increase prescriptions and discourage waiting or further testing) Once this all came to a head Cerebral tried damage control by no longer prescribing stimulants to new patients. I haven't heard any updates on the regulatory investigations since then. But you know what I haven't seen that's even more telling? Not one, not a SINGLE one of the content creators who shilled for this company EVER apologized. For all they know they could have contributed to getting someone killed, not to mention life-ruining addictions, all for that sweet corporate sponsorship cash. Even if you argue they might not have known better at the time (to which I say bullshit, it's your responsibility to at least google the company to see if there's any red flags, Cerebral had more than a communist parade) even AFTER all this started making national news, it was just dead silence and moving on to the next corporate sponsor. But hey, if you're struggling with Adderall addiction, I know just the thing to help! Sign up for BetterHelp using code "SHILL" to get $10 off- *dies*
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
2! 7! 14! 22! 26! 35! 41! 50! 63 [LDOMLK]! 72! 74! 77! / I'M SORRY 😭😭😭
these are GOOD questions 🫠🤠
OMG SARAH!!!! STICKING MOST OF THIS UNDER A READ MORE... YOU DEMON...... (thank you and i love you 😭😭)
2. Where do you get your fic ideas?
legit anywhere, everywhere. sometimes in movies or tv shows, sometimes from songs, sometimes from random shit i see on the internet, sometimes from my personal life 🤭 and sometimes my brain just goes "hey wouldn't it be wild if X" so like i have to assume those come straight from god lmaooooo
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
one day i'll finish park and ride 3..... but for now i'll give you the intro ~under the cut~ 👀
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14. What is your favorite location and position to write in?
in my mf bed lmaooooo or on my couch. i'll write basically laying down with my laptop on my stomach bc anything else makes my back hurt because i'm NEARLY 30 👹
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
this can happen anywhere along the line. sometimes i'll steal the title from a song, either one that inspired the fic ("party on you" comes from charli xcx's party 4 u, "heartless" comes from the kanye west song) or didn't but the specific song line feels correct ("the shape of your body" comes from taylor swift's cruel summer, which.... does not fit the plot at all but i thought it worked well for the themes of bodies/art). sometimes the title comes first and i build the fic around that theme ("babygirl"). sometimes i finish a whole fic and i'm like what the fuck do i call this and i pick something that feels obvious and fits with the story ("park and ride", "two in one").
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
the first draft 💀 i LOVE outlining, and i LOVE polishing/detail editing stuff once i have a first pass written, but getting that first pass out.... it's like pulling fucking teeth. every time. like do i even like writing 🤣
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME CHOOSE A FAVORITE 🔪 i love all my children for different reasons.... we'll go with the shape of your body for now just because i really didn't know if i could write something like that, it was such an undertaking, and i've reread it in bits and pieces multiple times because it's so comforting to me 🥰
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
i have an insaaaaaane soft spot for fratboy jk from the spins. i wanna write something else with him SO BAD. i wanna give him a motorcycle 😩
50. How would you describe your writing style?
ashdfjkadf this is hard !!! i strive for realistic, character-driven, humorous, thoughtful, accessible, poetic, honest, and horny. so hopefully.... some mix of those 🤣
63. What was the hardest part of writing [LDOMLT]?
heavy emotional bits aside...... it's probably going to be writing the fucking grammys like i have any idea what the fuck goes on there LMAO 💀 gonna need to watch some youtube videos for research
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
anytime i get compliments on queer aspects of my stories and specifically hear that it resonated with someone or allowed them to better understand/embrace a party of their identity, i just.... fucking melt 🫠 i've heard that several times with the shape of your body and it kills me every single time. it is the highest honor of my life 🙇‍♀️
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
babygirl lmao!!!!! justice for jk with his butterfly clips 😭 but i get it that one is uhhhh. deeply self-indulgent
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
so many reasons! i love to connect with people. i love to capture my thoughts on the world and the human condition and how we interact with and treat each other. i love to make myself and others feel less alone and more seen. i love to manifest the shit i'm trying to find in my own life 😩 and of course i love to pay my own little horny artistic tribute to OT7 given that their art has done soooo much for me!!! 💜
stuck in the airport ask game party: fanfic writing asks
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igothighonce · 16 days
I think we're criticizing each other too much. If you're so smart then learn to mind yo own damn business. If you're smarter you'd know that comes with nuance.
We truly were never meant to have access to so many people
Also wtf am I doing here
God I feel like I was put in a ball pit suddenly
You know
God toothpaste
I'm happy guys
Like aaaa
I wish I had better emotional regulation
Uh oh god
Fuck dude what???
"well when you're tired of chaos and need a little boredom try hanging with me. I'll probably get a little high a day or two but that's much it. Probably go out to a park and enjoy the view."
I wanna eat my heart out
On today's news the lad is thinking every thought
My God he's really doing it
He's thinking his own thoughts oh God! No one told me he could do this this is unprecedented! My wife! Is going to leave me please make the horrors stop! Cut the video! Someone help! *Gets vorped into the ever expanding consciousness of the aforementioned man* wow....... It's beautiful....
Yo so what if the brain invented itself and is so far removed from its ability to comprehend the idea of making yourself?
I'll explain one day. But for now I'm literally cooking
Like I promisedni wouldn't be on the phone while cooking
But ma called and now we're sharing recipes
Also she's wondering what that tapping sound is because for some God damn reason phones make a tapping sound when typing on the phone. Like ugh! Why only some ya know? Gonna jump a man called phone design. Watch out. I'll curse him and his family of consequences.
Anyhow I'm cooking by writing 4 some fourth dimension entities. I'm a fan of the incomprehensible horrors. Cosmic horror is my favorite. So for a while I've been writing some things and it's fun but I promise you'll be confused at first. They always are. How it goes is that it follows the premise I will now lay unto you as I have figured about the universe. It is my speculative belief that the third dimension is a matter of perception. Yes nothing new. But that this perception is, in reality, the fourth dimension in conjunction with the 3rd. I argue that the fourth dimension are a state of being. It isn't entirely like a "State of being" but also a state of perception. It's gonna get a little confusing so bare with me. The 3rd ... Uh okay okay so I argue seven total dimension, or six. 3rd, logic and reason, 4th state of existing/states of happening, 5th
*pee break* you know I feel like how the sims talk to each other when I talk with people. As in I just gotta do some weird shit like babble nonsense and hope for the best. But as I've grown I think that's okay. I'm happy with it. Its simple that way.
*break over* 5th are still states of happening but we'll call it the "great pushers" for later reasons, 6th becomes more refined into the nothingness and totality of one thing or the other, 7th is the end of infinity.
It's fun I know. So check it uh it's hard to explain without starting from the most complex but to really ground it and build the logic up I'll need to start from the simplest
So uh that's a bid of an issue because you'll get wordy... At least I will. But I'll try
Remember speculative belief.
Uh so the third is perceived by itself since it is comprised of , say, patterns. At what point will a pattern recognize a pattern? Say something became to see a pattern so much it say patterns. Patterns belong belief. So complex and so vast. This is ego death. When the aware becomes aware to the point it finds no logic in how it is aware. It begins to believe what it must to move forward. Because it is the 3d limit. The 3rd limit to accepting that all things are tangible. See I argue that a pattern entity can gain consciousness by only reaching a higher dimension of patterns. This is why I also argue that the ideas of a "second brain" thing have truth. Because it's a consciousness holding in-between perceiving two different things entirely but "speaking to each other" to get things done. Which is why we can't multitask in the sense of doing things at the same time to the same efficiency. Confident that there's only more skilled and not actual multitasking people. Correct me if I'm wrong tho. So I argue that our second brain is doing and thinking a whole different ball game. At this point though that's not tangible. To create "thought" capable of a higher sense you'd have to exist as something. Because it's at this dimension that logic has no meaning. So remember that. Meaning yes that my reasoning has no meaning after this point and can be anything but shh. So this second brain perceives that dimension as it is. Right? Maybe? This is the idea though. So I think that perceiving something up there creates things down here. Because if the idea that "the reality we see is created by how we see it" holds then we'll jump and say it holds throughout. Who knows we could've had something right with that. So I think that our brains create things based off of what we see in the natural world. Is cannibalistic but I argue that each brain takes images from each other to create a form of reality for itself. Imagine your self half in and half out the water. Your body is experiencing two things at once. Put your eye in and leave one out of the water. Youre looking at entirely different things. Or at least having a semi different experience than your other half. This I argue is true to the 4th dimension but with information and perceived energy. The 5th is the force that pulls us. Time is created by us in our fourth because it's how we saw the universe. Think about now your head above water, eyes closed, trusting your senses, you suddenly feel the water move, so you begin to move, because all you knew was moving. So the 5th I argue is the backstage of reality. Something behind the curtains is pushing time and time is pushing us. I think newtons "things moved will continue until stopped" and vice versa is dumb. But if it holds true then why can't we argue the same of another dimension? If we can't then I argue we can't say the same about us. Because if something pushed, definitely the origin point, then what pushed that force and so on? I argue a force moved in the 5th dimension moves the 4th, moving the 3rd. Maybe it's a shape? Maybe it's whatever you want to call it. But I argue it's something specific. It's not like ... Well as a 3d entity can be partly the 4th so can the 5th and the 4th. So the 4th are the true state of things. "True" as true to the 3rd dimension can be but the fifth isn't really perceivable? So imagine the above water part of you. You then find out you're in some like indoor pool. But the interior of the indoor pool is covered, in so much detail, shapes all around. Take note of how everything is covered in some sort of shape. Now imagine those shapes moving. Any direction. They're flooding the room and don't leave a part uncovered. Now that's the state of the 4th. But things are weird here because "Something always moves something" so now we've gotta imagine "something" moving those shapes. Maybe the wind, the idk gravity, ECT. But you see the issue? Can only comprehend so much. Logic -> tangible concepts -> states of happening
The 5th is just something that's happening that's causing the 4th dimension to move. The stuff of horrors. On to the 6th. Here's where fewer forces are applied. Tbh anything is anything at this point so argue that there's more but don't @ me when I said these are my thoughts. So the 6th is huge sources of energy. Whole time each dimension has its own form of energy to inflict on another. But imagine more energy used in the 6th and becoming less in number. Because I also argue that this energy breaks down and becomes "more abundant" but "less useful". So this is where totality truly comes to life. It's blurred with the seventh because you can make the same arguments. But here is more of totality because all it takes it a few decisions to have it effect an untold number of entities. As in few "happenings" of whatever is involved up there doesn't logically need to happen much. These terms are used so loosely omg. You have no idea. Think the pool, still half in, eyes open, patterns moving, the air is moving the shapes, there's a giant outside waving a big fan.
Logic -> tangible concepts -> states of happening -> fewer states of happening
So here I posit that I have no clue multiplied by infinity. I've made it my job to think about infinity in its totality. It's a path that had lead me to only see the world in an amalgamation of fluids. I feel like I'm going crazy. Picturing infinity is picturing nothing. It's realizing that there is an end to infinity no matter how large. But it's also realizing that you'll never see it. Understand it. Perceive it. Because the cosmic horror you have yet to face is yourself.
Anyway I argue that the 7th is like "God" or whatever. It's the end of the infinity in its totality concept. Infinity ends somewhere. Trust me on this. I'll just never live long enough to tell you guys. Even if I were to type logic and reason into this website. It would be too much for all things to withstand. 7th is even fewer happenings happen. An original or less source or energy viewed only by one that also views, and viewed, all in its happenings. The infinity infinity. Raise is what act like it'll matter. Arguing about a 7th dimension is disproving all known logic. But nonetheless this is what I argue for our fabric of reality. That we are not alone and the real 4th dimension entities are not only us but others too. We're not the only solar system that moves.
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Perfect Paradise Ch.16: Can We Work it Out? Can We Be a Family?
Summary: A dream fulfilled.
A sigh left Marinette as she leaned back, the last outfit of the main line passing inspection. Her team was experienced and capable. She should really trust them more but Marinette preferred to double check. Needed to double check. To make sure anything that could conceivably go wrong wouldn't.
She took a breath.
Marinette had gotten a better handle on her anxiety as she got older. But the whole divorce really drained her. So here she was triple checking dresses that didn't need it.
Turning her catastrophizing into an asset was a skill that served Marinette well as Ladybug.
Like with the akuma victim earlier that day. Ladybug always had a backup plan... Except, it was Viperion's plan. Viperion's successful plan.
For years Marinette told herself that was different! Viperion didn't just see the future he experienced it. Several versions of it. Luka had more information than her that's why she let him take point sometimes. That was all.
Marinette's eyes ran along the contours of the dress. Black, sleek, with lines of green accentuating it's form.
"Ma'am?" Marinette's assistant spoke up. "If that's done we still have the-"
"Actually... I think we're done for the day. I'll leave it in the team's capable hands." Marinette stood and began heading for the door.
Her assistant stared for a second before hurrying to catch up. "Oh-kay? Um, the models are ready for practice runs."
"Tell their supervisor to contact me if there are any problems."
"... Jen and Dina are fighting again."
"I will fire them if they can't act like adults."
Marinette saw the surprise flicker across her assistant's face. "What? I mean, I am the boss. I can delegate."
Apparently it was a day for uncharacteristic boldness because her assistant replied: "Yes, we know that ma'am but we were wondering if you did."
Marinette's eyes narrowed. "Who's this 'we'?"
"... No one!"
"Uh-huh." Marinette smirked.
After almost twenty years her employees were painfully aware of Marinette's micromanaging habits. They were saints about it but more permanent progress on Marinette's part was overdue.
They passed the traditionally inspired lines of clothing. Accepting that Marinette wasn't as up to date on Chinese fashion as she hoped had been a bitter pill to swallow. But she had quickly rectified that. Hiring talented designers from her mother's country and powering through the embarrassment of the foux pas.
Her assistant stopped walking as a notification pinged her tablet.
"C'mon, we'll finally have you home at a decent hour," Marinette teased, walking towards the front doors of her building.
"Ma'am!" Her assistant held out her tablet. It was the gossip section of the evening news. A muted video of Nino sprinting into a cab to escape the paparazzi played. With the headline: "Adrien Dupain-Cheng's New Husband Refuses to Deny Cheating Allegations".
Marinette felt her jaw drop as she stared at it... What the fuck? She turned her head back to the exit. Now that she was looking there were at least two news vans visible past the glass doors. Probably more.
"Fuck that." Marinette marched to the elevator. "Call the hovercar."
Her assistant's fingers blurred over the tablet as she sent instructions. "But you said that was only for-"
"This definitely counts!" Marinette hit the button for the roof. Pulling out her phone and holding it to her ear.
There was a click as her best friend answered.
"I'm guessing you saw," Alya replied distractedly. Voices and movement audible on the other side.
"Did you know they-"
"Nino mentioned it. Fucking gossip channels are eating into our viewership! I'm gonna need interviews from Adrien and Nino to get ahead of this bullshit... God I hate that."
"You didn't tell me?"
"Marinette, girl, I love you. But it wasn't really my place to say. Was it?"
"... I guess not."
Alya seemed to pause what she was doing. "Where are you?"
The elevator dinged open just as the hovercar pilot was starting the engine.
"On my way home."
(Continued on AO3)
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wherenightmaresroost · 11 months
just gonna go through the @staff update post.
"Tumblr is not easy to use"
Create a tutorial for new accounts, or an official, up-to-date, easy-to-find FAQ and guidelines. Both would be good.
"Historically, we have expected users to curate their feeds and lean into curating their experience. But this expectation introduces friction to the user experience and only serves a small portion of our audience."
Nearly everyone using Tumblr for the longest time had been praising the site's commitment to user-curated feeds as one of its advantages over other social media sites. Listen to them. Listen to your users. They are not just "a small portion". Do not repeat Coke trying to taste more like Pepsi.
"For example, users from search engines often land on pages within the blog network and blog view—where there isn’t much of a reason to sign up. "
Highlight the site's customization ability - Tumblr is one of the few remaining sites that allow this level of customization - and encourage your users to use it, so that logged-out visitors can be enticed to join in.
"Improving Tumblr’s search engine optimization (SEO) practices to be in line with industry standards."
That will probably also improve user experience and increase user activity, so it's good for everyone.
"We need to ensure the highest quality user experience by presenting fresh and relevant content tailored to the user’s diverse interests during each session. If the user has a bad content experience, the fault lies with the product."
Listen - Tumblr is great exactly because it shows me only the things I decided I want on my dash. It is great even if I'm getting bad content, because that means it is within my power to remove that bad content from my Tumblr experience.
Again, no one wants algorithm-determined content. We want 'better' content in the form of images actually loading and being easy to zoom in, videos loading in and being easy to pause and seek, minimal format fuck ups, and not losing our place in the dashboard scroll.
I understand wanting to show relevant interests to new NEW users (saw a few people complain that there's nothing on Tumblr, not knowing you have to fill the feed by yourself) but we'll probably better off by letting the users select interests from a broad variety of topics, and then recommending posts and blogs based on their choices.
"Make it easier for users to follow the various conversation paths within a reblog thread."
This is good! I think this will actually improve discussion somewhat, and prevent OP from repeatedly receiving the Same Points when they've already addressed it in a different reblog chain.
"Explore the feasibility of removing duplicate reblogs within a user’s Following feed. "
There are people who view this as a feature - so might be better to give people the option of collapsing them, instead of removing it for everyone.
"However, we haven’t always had a consistent and coordinated effort around retaining, nurturing, and growing our creator base.  "
Improve the search and tagged functions of the site. Focus on the development of multiple dashboards - so we can group our interests, especially those from slow updating blogs. Focus on the development of followed tags, because I swear to the gods above and below, it does NOT update properly. The followed tag dashboard usually tells me the most recent post was one week ago, when in fact more than 10 posts had been created over that time. Remove that weird feature where posts with links do not show up in either reblogs or search or tags - plenty of artists like to link to their other accounts or personal sites in their post.
"Build mechanisms to protect creators from being spammed by notifications when they go viral."
This is a good thing lol I only had the misfortune of having my dashboard unusable (2010s) / having my activities unusable (2015s) like thrice and. Never again.
"Push notifications and emails are essential tools to increase user engagement, improve user retention, and facilitate content discovery."
This could be good opt-in feature, especially if we get to choose which blogs it applies to. Slow-updating blogs often get lost in the dash. But again, this is only good if it's a feature people can choose to use, and not use. I think a lot of people want to separate their e-mails from their social medias, or have a hard boundary between Tumblr time and Other Things time. This is also something a multi-dashboard feature / better tag-tracking can easily solve.
"Our messages should keep users in the know on the latest activity in their community, as well as keeping Tumblr top of mind as the place to go for witty takes and remixes of the latest shows and real-life events."
Send emails when a user has push notifications switched off.
Again, NO.
If someone has their push notifications off they likely just straight out do not want to ANY notifications about it, especially e-mails, which are typically already clogged to begin with.
I am begging you guys to actually listen to your user base.
Principle 6 atm is the only point I have no issues with.
"You deserve a digital home that works for you."
Then do not focus on algorithm-determined feeds. Let your users build their own homes. Provide them with the tools to do so.
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britneyshakespeare · 6 years
the first time i heard lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by panic! at the disco i was, i think 12 or 13. i was old enough to be able to tell it was about sex but too young to really know what sex was, exactly. i had heard of testosterone and knew that it was the sex hormone more commonly found in human males than females, but i didn’t know what the word harlequin meant. so when i heard the line “so testosterone boys and harlequin girls,/will you dance to this beat and hold a lover close?” i just assumed harlequin was the female sex hormone. i don’t remember how old i was when i found out what estrogen was.
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films-for-the-gays · 3 years
Every lgbtq+ movie I have watched ranked!
Since I haven't watched a new movie in like 2 months I am going to rank ALL of the lgbt movies I have ever watched for content :) This can also be used as a reference if you ever want to recommend something and don't know if I've reviewed it already
Each film will be ranked based on how much I personally enjoyed it as opposed to how technically good it is as a film
Also the order may be different from what scores I've given before (eg something I gave an 8 might be below something I gave a 7) cause my opinion might have changed or my scoring at the time was a weee bit biased
I'll probably pin this and add to it whenever I make a new review
I will also be including the tv shows I have reviewed just cause
Black Swan - MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE FILM!!! I am unsure of the general consensus on whether this is an lgbt movie but I count it because the main characters is canonically bisexual basically
The Handmaiden - just found out there's two versions of this! the extended cut is the one I prefer and also the one I was talking ab in my review. it's only 20 minutes longer but the order of the film is different and better imo. the one on Netflix is the theatrical cut but the one on fsharetv is the extended cut and free!
Moonlight - *through tears* BEAUTIFUL
Brokeback Mountain - there's a reason this film is as influential as it is
Portrait of a Lady on Fire - I love the ending so much I know that's not a revolutionary opinion but I love it so much
The Perfection - I have a feeling no one I know would feel the same way as me about this movie
Disobedience - Every time I see Rachel McAdams in a movie I don't realise it's her until like 20 minutes in
Boy Erased - Distressingly good
Gods Own Country - Beware for dicks and dead sheep
Rocky Horror Picture Show - the review on my blog is short enough to go here 'Literally 100 minutes of the best fever dream you've ever had 10/10'
Young Royals - Boarding school upper echelon gays and scholarship(?) commoner boy gays
Holding the Man - be prepared to cry like a fucking baby
Duck Butter - I think this is the third most controversial ranking on this list
Breakfast on Pluto - I love you Cillian Murphy💜💙💚💛❤
Maurice - So ahead of its time
Your Name Engraved Herein - if I hear one more person say this is 'Asian Call Me By Your Name' I will burst into flames (in a bad way)
Pride - this movie will give you so much pride, the title is accurate
Paris is Burning - Best documentary ever made
I Told Sunset About You - So dramatic but worth it
Gia - The worlds first supermodel was a lesbian and that is a win for the lgbtqs
Ideal Home - MY ideal home
My Days of Mercy - Just really good I have nothing else to say
Miseducation of Cameron Post - I prefer the book😎
Beautiful Thing - This film is (a) beautiful (thing)
Call Me by Your Name - I actually watched a really good video essay on this film recently
Another Country - Colin Firth made me a communist
Carol - Arguably not Cate Blanchetts gayest movie (oceans 8)
Kill Your Darlings - Has a special place in my heart
Handsome Devil - I think I only like teen movies if they're not American
Dating Amber - Is it a coincidence that Fionn O'Shea plays basically the same character in two entries right next to each other? We'll never know
Big Eden - normalise fuzzy gay romcoms
My Summer of Love - Lots of style, lots of substance
Crush - gayest teen movie
Lost and Delirious - Boarding school lesbians for the win
Tales of The City - One day I will go to San Francisco and look at all the pretty buildings
Beach Rats - This film continues to baffle me. I truly don't know how I feel about it. I've put it here cause I like the aesthetic
Battle of the Sexes - Lesbian Emma Stone for all my Lesbian Emma Stone fans
Jongens - Who says gays cant do sport?
Booksmart - Best american teen movie
Imagine Me and You - from my review; 'Imagine your basic Hugh grant british rom com but with lesbians'
Love, Simon - Love Actually, Love Rosie, Love Island
Life Partners - The representation we all need
Heartstopper - cute and gay and cute and gay
Rafiki - Made me cry but at the weirdest times
4th Man Out - Even though its not in the middle the is the most average film on this list so use this as a centre point
The Imitation Game - My opinion of this film has gone down immensely since I found out how dirty they did Alan Turing
The Favourite - Most of my enjoyment of this film is just the casting choices
Tangerine - absolute chaos (in a good way) filmed on a couple of iphone fives
Alex Strangelove - The dudes actual name is Alex Truelove so true love is strange do you get it?
The Cakemaker - Type of film you'd watch with a bowl of tomato soup
D.E.B.S - I wish I liked this more I really do
The Way He Looks - Despite what I said in my review I was actually quite bored I'm sorry
Elisa & Marcela - All in black and white. Not fun
Colette - I wish this was more gay
The Power Of The Dog - unfortunately boring soz
The Half of It - It took me a week to finish this
Happy Together - I don't understand why this movie is so loved😭. Second most controversial ranking on this list.
Water Lilies - lets just say Adèle Haenel and Céline Sciamma (writer and director) showed their talents a lot better in Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Hurricane Bianca - The type of film you'd expect (no hate you might like it)
Ek Ladki Ko Dehka Toh Aisa Laga - cute but not for me
Happiest Season - From this point down are movies that I actively dislike
Liberty's Secret - SO disappointed in this. Wtf
The Feels - don't waste your time seriously
My Own Private Idaho - I have a personal grudge against this movie. I hate it so much. Most controversial ranking on this list
N/A The Living End - Didn't actually finish this so I won't rank but just know that I probably wont be finishing it
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Series: Dick’s Apartment
Chapter 1: Jason
Warnings: Mild swearing (because, you know, it’s Jason Todd)
The first family member to stay the night at Dick’s apartment was Jason Todd, the new Robin. The new Dick. Or so the former protege had felt upon discovering that Batman’s sidekick was still active on the streets of Gotham and Bruce Wayne had gained a new ward. He didn’t speak to Bruce for about six months after that, and even after they finally had a conversation about what happened, it took him a while to be able to show his face around the manor. But once he got over himself, he found that Jason was actually a pretty cool kid. So, when Bruce found himself called off world for some league business while Alfred was sick, Dick didn’t entirely mind watching the little punk for the weekend...
Now the actual story...
Bruce dropped him off on the sidewalk in the late afternoon, barely giving the kid enough time to grab his backpack and cell phone before speeding off towards the nearest Zeta tube. Typical. Why bother waiting for your babysitter when the world was at stake? Whatever. Jason could take care of himself just fine, better than fine. I mean, he was fucking Robin. He took care of Batman when the situation called for it. Screw Bruce for even thinking he needed to be watched. Screw Dick for agreeing. He unzipped his backpack just enough to reach inside and touch the hem of his Robin suit. He was going on patrol, and he would just love to see Nightwing try and stop him. He slung his worn red backpack onto his shoulder and turned his phone’s location off, but just as he was about to bolt, he felt a warm hand grab his shoulder.
“Hey man, I was just on my way out.” Dick’s knowing smile just made Jason want to punch him in the face, “Looks like you were too. Wanna grab some pizza before you get both of us in trouble?”
“Fuck you man.” Jason spat.
Dick tightened his grip on Jason’s shoulder and pulled him into the doorway of the apartment building, away from the street and prying ears.
“Look, I get the whole tough guy act and needing to prove yourself to Bruce thing, okay? Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But if you take to the streets before I’ve even had the chance to put some food in you I have a feeling Batman’s no-kill rule will be temporarily suspended. So, we can either do this the easy way, or we can break out in a brawl in the middle of the street, which do you prefer?”
As much as Jason would love to see if he could beat Dick in combat, he did have a point. Bruce would be pissed if Jason ran off before even giving Dick a chance, and pizza before patrol didn’t sound like the worst thing he could think of.
“Great,” Dick’s smile returned to his face almost as quickly as it had disappeared, “just let me get my coat and we'll be on our way.”
Jason slumped up against the side of the building and whipped out his phone in response. By the time Dick came back downstairs he had already beat a new level in the stupid numbers game Bruce made him download to “build his deductive reasoning skills” or whatever. Dick was such a priss, sauntering down the staircase in a leather jacket that looked like it had just come off the manufacturers belt, while still having the audacity to refute Jason’s whispered taunt of “spoiled brat” with a, “then what does that make you?” in reply.
The pair decided to use a shortcut Dick had recently discovered that supposedly made the trip take half as long as usual. It cut through a couple of alleys, but what was the harm, I mean, they were Nightwing and Robin, afterall. Just as the thought crossed Jason's mind, he heard the click of a gun hammer pulled back.
“Stop.” came the growl from a voice behind them.
Dick quickly gave Jason a look that said to just play along. They reluctantly stopped.
“Turn around.” Man this guy was cocky. “Empty your pockets.” Jason almost felt bad for him.
But just as he was about to show this punk who was boss, Dick grabbed his arm, and he noticed that he had all his valuables laying out in front of him. Was he serious? Dick could take this guy down in his sleep, and yet he was just gonna roll over and give him whatever he wanted. No way. Then he caught a look at the guy. He wasn’t so much of a guy as a kid, a kid who didn’t look much older than Jason was when Batman found him trying to lift the tires off the batmobile. Not much older than Jason was when… no, he wouldn’t go there. Suffice it to say, life on the streets was hard enough. This kid didn’t need to be ruffed up by two literal superheroes, he needed a sandwich. Maybe two. So, reluctantly, Jason unbuckled his watch and took his phone out of his back pocket. There really wasn’t anything else of value he had brought with him.
The kid peered around the barrel of his gun, inspecting the pile, then motioned at Jason, “Backpack too.”
Shit. The backpack, the backpack with his Robin suit inside. Which, if found, would totally ruin the whole secret identity thing. Did Dick know? He glanced up at him, and yeah, he knew. Fuck, mental note, find a better way to sneak the Robin suit in and out of the cave. Jason subconsciously gripped the backpack more tensely.
“Uh,” Dick spoke up, thank god, “I don’t think you actually want that. See, my brother here was going to spend the night at my house so it’s just filled with an extra change of clothes and a toothbrush. Nothing valuable there.”
Jason could have facepalmed, right then and there. Dick obviously knew nothing about what was and was not valuable to a kid on the streets, because honestly, two years ago Jason would’ve killed to find a backpack filled with an extra pair of clothes and a toothbrush. Those things were hard to come by. And also, did he seriously just call him his brother?
Sure enough the kid motioned with his free hand, “Hand it over.”
Jason tried to hide the panic that was slowly spreading across his face, but Dick was too perceptive and he knew it. Fuck him. He was not handing the bag over, no matter what the little punk threatened. Somehow, Dick seemed to know that because before Jason could make a move, Dick had already done some crazy ass acrobatic flip that simultaneously knocked the kid out and disarmed him.
“How the hell--?” The words just kinda slipped out before Jason even realized what he was saying, “...Bruce is seriously holding out on me.”
Dick just smiled while he picked the gun up off the ground and put a twenty in the kid’s half opened hand.
As they began to pick up their valuables, he leaned over and whispered, “You know I was in the circus right?”
“And I was Robin for about a decade”
“Where are you going with this?”
The smile somehow glinted in his eyes, “Batman didn’t teach me that one. I created it myself.”
It took all Jason’s willpower to not drop his mouth wide open. How was that even possible? I mean, the mechanics of the move, how Dick had to launch his body upward just the right amount so that he could come down on the attacker’s hands and face with just enough force to cause them to release the weapon before firing, it was insane! Jason had to learn it. Just as he opened his mouth to ask, Dick raised his hand in silence.
“After pizza.”
So that’s what they did. They must’ve spent a good three hours at the local park just trying to get Jason to launch himself high enough in the air. As much as he hated to admit it, Dick was a lot more agile and Jason was quickly tiring out. After about the 500th failure, Jason lost it. He didn’t know what came over him, but the next thing he knew he was picking up the pieces of his broken phone off the sidewalk. Shit. Shit, Bruce was gonna be so pissed.
“Hey man,” Dick started.
God his cheerful attitude was starting to get really fucking old. Dick Grayson. The first Robin. The prodigal son. The dude who started beating up bad guys before he had even shaved for the first time. Dick Grayson who could fling himself in the air all day long and barely break a sweat. Dick Grayson, the guy he was just subbing in for.
Before Jason even realized what was happening, he felt his curled fist impact the side of Dick face. Dick stepped back a few paces, and instinctively hunched into his fighting stance while inspecting his face for blood. Jason was proud to say there were a few drops, thanks to a ring on his middle finger.
“What the fuck?” He asked, clearly confused.
“Just stay the hell away from me, okay?” Jason said quite a bit louder than he had intended, “I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
“I never said that you weren’t.” Dick dropped his stance. “Look, maybe we should take a break.”
A break. Yeah, right. Jason Todd, the kid who couldn’t even make it through an afternoon of training without having a complete meltdown. No way was Bruce not going to hear about this. With the way things were going, he’d probably be taken off patrol for at least a week. No. He wouldn’t let that happen. All he had to do was convince Dick that he was fine, he was better than fine, he was the real Robin.
Jason took another swing, and this time, Dick was expecting it. He grabbed Jason’s outstretched arm and twisted it behind his back. But before he could get the hold fully secured, Jason took his free arm and elbowed him right in the stomach, the diaphragm, if Dick’s sudden fit of coughing was any indication. This gave Jason enough time to yank his hand free of Dick’s grasp and try to land another blow. He decided to go for a kick to the right knee, a weak spot of Batman’s former protege he had learned about while reviewing old video tapes for training. But Dick saw it coming. Before Jason even had time to think, Dick had already grabbed his outstretched leg and knocked him off balance, causing him to fall into the soft dirt around them. Jason kicked and flailed, trying to get his leg free, but it didn’t work, and soon Dick was on top of him, pinning him to the ground.
Jason knew if he tried he could get free eventually, but after a while he just stopped. What was the point anyway? Surely Dick was going to call Batman as soon as he was back on world and tell him everything. He’d recommend Jason give back the Robin suit and retire from the vigilante business because he couldn’t handle the stress of learning a new trick. Then he’d be back on the streets, because what use would Bruce Wayne have for him if he couldn’t fight crime? At least this time he’d know how to defend himself.
Jason didn’t even realize he had started to cry until he was being held in Dick’s arms. It was strange and incredibly uncomfortable to be held by someone that was nearly his own size, but Dick was soft and warm and would not let go. So Jason just sat there frozen, tears silently running down his face as he tried desperately to hide the fact that he was terrified of what was going to happen to him now.
The two boys stayed there like that for a few minutes, until Jason had softened enough to meld into Dick’s arms a little, and the latest wave of tears had come and gone. When Dick finally did let go, Jason scrambled back up onto his feet, and wiped away any trace that he had cried in the first place. Then turned a stony gaze at Dick.
“Don’t tell Bruce.” He glared.
“Tell him what?” Dick asked innocently.
There he was, being a prick again. Jason glanced around the park that was now well covered in darkness looking for a space to stare at that wasn’t Dick. Anywhere but Dick.
“That I failed.”
“Excuse me?” Dick’s tone was sarcastic and somewhat offended. “Did you just say you failed?”
Jason nodded ever so slightly.
“Okay, no.” He sighed in a manner eerily similar to Bruce. “Jace, it takes time to master a move like this, like an insane amount of time, like years. You had three hours in a playground and you’ve already got the basic motor functions of the move down. I don’t know about you, but I call that impressive.”
Jason looked cautiously into Dick’s eyes, could he really mean what he was saying? “But then why did you say I should take a break?”
“Because I could see you were getting to the end of your rope. I mean, you threw your phone on the ground and punched me in the face. If that’s not a clear indication someone needs a break, then I don’t know what is.” He smiled reassuringly.
“So you aren’t going to tell Bruce what happened?”
“I mean, I don’t really think there’s anything he needs to know about, do you?”
Jason allowed the phantom of a smile to creep up on his face, “Not unless you can’t handle being punched in the face by your little brother.”
“Brother, huh?”
“Your words, not mine.”
Dick laughed, “Okay then, brother, what do you say we go get a movie and eat some popcorn? I’ve had enough training tonight.”
Jason narrowed his eyes, “Fine. But only if it’s horror.”
Dick just smiled and put his arm around his little brother’s shoulder as they walked out of the park and back to the apartment.
The boys stayed up well into the night, mostly mocking the movie they chose for it’s subpar acting and special effects quality. It was one of those “classic” horror movies that everyone has to see at least once in their lives, so of course it sucked. Still, Jason could honestly say it was the most fun he’d had in years. Dick was definitely an asshole, but despite his better judgement, he couldn’t help thinking that maybe, just maybe, Dick wasn’t as big a dick as he thought.
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Roasting Myself
Quick note:
Okay so bc I'm writing this on my phone, I can't take a photo of the document history to show you the stupidness. I apologise for that, but just try to imagine the fricken like... Stupidness.
Edit: The original version is on Wattpad still so nvm I'll be adding both Wattpad and Google Doc screenshots, but I did not have as many dates on Wattpad so only for some sections will I use Wattpad.
Edit: My photos keep going to the bottom. Idfk what to do whatever I hate Tumblr with a burning passion.
So, I gotta vent about my stupidity.
Okay so the time frame I set back in 7th grade for this book idea I have is completely stupid. What I wrote didn't make any actual sense because I contradicted it. Which makes sense, because I was stupid. But doesn't, because now that I'm older, I should've caught it.
The story is called 3044(Destined Stars). I definitely stole that last part from something. I thought it was the game Mystic Messenger but it's not. The more I think about it, the more it seem like it though.
The problem is that with how far away 3044 is, it doesn't even make sense for humans to be how they are then, or even be alive tbh. I'm pretty sure they'll be extinct by then. I don't even know big we'll last 200 more years tbh. Or even 50.
Another problem, is I still do that thing where I fucking forget there's a bunch of numbers in between and skip up. So basically, with how I write the dates, I made the years really far apart with the dates and shit. Like REAAALLLLY. Like from being 10-ish years apart to skipping ahead nearly 1,000. Because I am a dumbass and didn't think "Wow this doesn't make any effing sense. This makes some of your events very insignificant because of evolution, and your characters old as dinosaurs."
(But I'm just now remembering I did day Humans live longer, which, could be taken to interpretation but besides the point.)
To better understand:
I literally had the dates like 2070, 2080, 2090, to then, 3000, 3010, 3015, 3025.
Like... That jump was so fucking huge but I didn't realise.
But because I was attached to the makeshift title I gave it, because it came from my friend's favorite number (but because I have issues with flipping numbers I found out was wrong later in after naming the story. I have still kept it that number though even years after),
Instead of doing the easy thing, I wrote in the stupidest, most confusing, complicated thing ever.
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And then, after reading through my dates again and actually doing the math, it was like "Wait a second, this doesn't make any sense because this event started before this character (Hyacinth) was born, but after this one (Aleya) was two years old" or something like that. Idk. Like... It's wonky because my characters are certain ages in the story, but, by the date I set things, they happen waaaay too before they were born which would mean they'd stop mattering so much.
But thankfully, I thought recently, why don't I just f-ing make the dates that date? What's the reason for all of the complicated stuff?
(Also, I think I was gonna change the date again which is why it still makes no sense.)
( But then something happened. Idk. I honestly might bring the ages down again bc it makes sense. Because... The time still doesn't make sense because I'd have to age Hyacinth up.)
Generally, I just placed some events out of sequence. Like, I said space cities finished construction before they even started building them. Idk, it was a fucking mess and one of the first things I wrote confused me a lot because I was like "Did I delete something?"
It also made Aleya reaaaally older than Hyacinth because I set a significant date in her birth 15 years before the date of the story so it either
Aleya is 24 and Hyacinth is 20. It was 18 and 21 before,
I just- Oh my God. So, I'm deleting that, and going to make it better. Also I accidentally made the Earth 3044 years old, when, that's absurd. I said the Earth aged faster in that Universe, but that's too fast. Like- I just- wtf?
But the year is also 3044.7b2? Is that for the universe? See it just doesn't make sense. Idk how it made sense in my head. The Earth is 3044 years old but the Earth is not the age of the universe right now so why would the Earth be the age of the universe unless the Universe reset itself entirely and made everything come back at the same time?
And then I said that after that war, the first alien race I talked about plus some other planets, created a treated together.
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I think I remember that at first a lot of planets were sucked into a black hole but spit out and made again but faster? Idk. It's so confusing.
(That's when I wrote it on Wattpad and how it was before the rewrite below)
Then there is this dumb contradictory mistake I made again because I said a certain race of aliens with a very awful name was first to contact the Earth at a certain time and helped them and create a treaty,
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It's just so messed up and it's because I:
However I then wrote a different one with a less awful name did before that and went to war with them. As seen above and below.
2) Didn't check my Math, and-
Also apparently the whole story is being told but a space child who created Earth by accident and has grown find if her creation. Also one of the things I changed that made it complicated was saying that 3044 was the number of times Earth restarted. But I forgot that part because I constantly skim over that part.
3) Am still writing it in a bad Tumblr/Wattpad fanfic manner instead of a genuinely good writer pov.
Like... It's genuinely so bad that idk how it didn't click in until now. Maybe it's because after watching a nearly 2hr video about how bad Yandere Simulator and Yandere Dev is, and then two reviews of Onision's books I've already seen, I began to be very afraid of being on the same level as them in terrible production of anything.
I'm going to to fix this and re-plot it and then re-writes it because this is horrible, even for a first draft.
My incompetence a m a z e s me.
My understanding of math scares me.
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