#the only thing i don't have in this collection anymore is the socks.
princepipper · 3 months
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I know it's blurry but I found this picture from 2018 of my Ditto collection! As you can imagine, it has grown a LOT since then, haha.
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anon-sect · 3 months
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Requested by @kiler123321
You see these AND1 sneakers. They are really comfortable to wear and have lasted a long time. I have had them about two years now. And they should last a long time considering what they really are. A follower on Tumblr really loved my stories so much that he wanted to experience a transformation. I took him in the offer and met him at a hotel. The rest is history. I left the hotel with a new pair of AND1 sneakers. He was a little reluctant at first, but he accepted his fate of serving my feet. The first couple of weeks, I would chat with him secretly but then decided to treat him as the object he became. He was a pair of sneakers whose only purpose is to serve my feet. There was no need to continue to chat with footwear as though it's a person.
Then, recently, another follower heard about my special collection. @kiler123321 contacted me. He wanted to know what's it was like to be added to my collection. I didn't want to deny another who wanted to join others in serving me in the capacity as an inanimate object.
We met at a coffee shop and talked in length about his interest and about how he wanted to serve me. He wanted to be a pair of socks. I was cool with his choice, but I also informed him that once transformed, I can do with him as I pleased. If he accepted that, he would be added to my collection of followers. He even accepted that part.
I took him to my car and we drove back to my place. Once in my home, I told him to massage my feet first. He did, and it felt so good. I them had him lick and suck on my toes. As he did so, I performed my magic and began to absorb him around my feet. Within minutes, he was gone. I now had a new pair of AND1 white socks. To mark him, I took one sock off my foot and jerked off in it for good measure. I wanted him to see that he was just an object now, like he wanted. Humanity was stripped from him.
For several months, I would wear him to my gyms sessions several days of the week. I made sure to wear the AND1 sneakers with the AND1 socks. Sometimes, I wouldn't even wash him, so that he smelled foul with foot odor. This is part of my process to allow the new object to get accustomed to its new existence. It's just an object and not a human anymore. As to how the object feels about its new existence, I really don't concern myself over about it. The only thing my new socks should worry about is that it doesn't get too worn out because I don't keep them long after that. Oh well, that's not my problem to worry about.
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miilkybnn · 10 months
I know these have been requested already but I adore your 09 and cowboy Ghost/Roach/Soap art and would love to see more!! Also, do you have any cowboy/gunslinger headcanons for the three??
I, too, adore ’09 GhostRoachSoap AND cowboy/ranch life GhostRoachSoap so you absolutely WILL see more of them, I promise!!
As for ideas/hc for the cowboy au, it’s a lot more “ranch life” based than gunslingers so if you are into that, keep reading below the line!
If not, then you are more than welcome to skip over this :}
Disclaimer: Most of my ideas are a bit scattered so I apologize for the messy layout, I’ll try my best to keep it coherent. Also, this is not all of them I don’t want this to be overly long
The AU takes place in Roach’s family ranch where all three members have been discharged from duty.
In this AU, because I like happiness, there is no war over the horizon and is simply a group of people living their lives out on the rolling plains of either Texas or Tennessee— I’m leaning more towards Texas just because I know more about the agriculture of the Texas plains.
In this AU, the 141 & Co simply live their lives from either being retired/discharged/etc. While everyone is involved (except for Shepherd, eat shit and die Shepherd), they all do their own thing but primary attention is mainly on GhostRoachSoap
Roach (+ extended background):
Roach and his other 5 siblings have the ranch under their and their parent’s name. He and two of his siblings, the youngest and the second oldest, are more active in taking care of the ranch's needs now that their parents are well into their ages. The other three help ever so often with more minor things but they have their own families to tend to and his parents don't actually live in the ranch anymore (again, due to age) and live closer to the city.
Roach, however, is the main caretaker for the ranch. He spends the most time on the land and is often alone, that was until Ghost and Soap came
His accent left when he joined the army. Came back tenfold after a week on the ranch.
Has a collection of cowboy hats and each one serves a purpose (although his favorite is his very worn-out Cattleman that he leaves by the front door to take on his way out)
Expert horse rider. I'm not saying you would see this man at the Rodeo, but he’s had his fair share of bucking broncos, and not ONCE has he been bucked off.
Though there are horses on the ranch, his horse is Estella— a Chestnut American Quarter Horse with three white socks (forelegs + right hind leg) and a star + stripe. She loves to chew on people’s clothes if they turn their backs on her.
Has slept in the barn before (multiple times) and regrets it every time (wouldn’t recommend it, very lumpy and you WILL wake up with straw in places you don’t want it to be)
LOVES cattle work, and hates paperwork 💀 (he lets Ghost, and his two other siblings take care of it) due to this, he is good at reading the animals and knowing when something is wrong!
Are good friends with the vet! (It’s his ex 💀) (They broke amicably though so it’s okay!!) (“So, like, when I kiss you??…. it’s gross” “OH thank God, I thought it was only me")
Gets SOOO distracted when Soap is picking the hay bales. Bff short circuits for a good minute before Ella gets miffed at him and throws her head back
Cows > sheep (will make an exception for baby lambs tho)
Along with Ghost, realistically both would not actually retire in some rural Texas town but because I can, let's say they decided to retire to some rural Texas town.
Soap is the most recent member to the farm and took to it like a duck to water. (We'll ignore the times he forgot to lock the chicken coop). He was on active duty but after a close call that was too close to comfort, he decided that maybe it was time to retire. Price is the one that mentioned the ranch to him, although at the time he did not know it was a ranch.
All Price told him was “if you are looking for something a little different, take a look here" and looking he went.
Not on the friendliest terms with the cattle dogs but boy do they LOVE him (they’ve tried to herd him multiple times and have succeeded) (he cusses both Ghost and Roach out for watching and letting it happen)
Loves the nitty gritty work. Hay bales? Check. Cleaning the stables? On it. Shearing the sheep? The Clippers are all warmed up already. If there’s a job that involves getting his hands dirty, he is the first in line
Sheep > cows
His horse is a Buckskin American Quarter Horse that he very proudly named Buck. This name came after Roach told him the color of his coat but was reinforced when Soap tried riding him and was almost bucked off. They became the best of pals after that, and Buck occasionally tries to nibble Soap’s mohawk for fun.
His favorite chore is feeding the animals! He loves watching them all flock to their food and munch away. He doesn't find it much of a chore as it fills him with such joy to see all the creatures he cares for flourish.
Gagged the first, second, and third time he saw a sheep give birth. Man has seen a soldier’s leg come clean off from a bomb and recovered in less than 5 minutes but BIRTH? Get the bucket ready.
Discharged after a mission had gone wrong, Ghost had no idea where to go. With no family to go back to and no friends to crash with, civilian life was looking very bleak until Price came to him with a plane ticket and an address to some rural town in Texas.
Ranch life was… different for Ghost. It wasn’t bad per say, and he can’t really find much to complain about, but it was just different. It is... steadier? softer? he's not too sure but at least it lets him sleep easier at night.
It took him and Roach a while to find a rhythm. It wasn’t easy and it was very awkward at first but eventually they were able to settle on something unique for them that worked out.
Sheep > cows
He likes to roam around with the LGDs. He greatly respects their jobs and has grown a soft spot for them. He knows he’s not supposed to distract them, but he just can’t help himself and always gives them a good belly rub.
Became good friends with the farrier. Farrier does most of the talking but Ghost will join in here and there. He really likes learning about the Farrier's different methods and likes to watch him work on the horses. (Lowkey thinking about making Jackson the farrier bc why not)
One of my favorite personal hc's about Ghost is that he is shit at naming things so yeah, he named his horse, Horse. Roach almost took his horse privileges away because of it but anyway, his horse is not an AQH like Roach/Soap but is instead one of the two draft horses the ranch has! His horse is Blue Roan Clydesdale with a very splotchy coat that loves peppermints and loves napping her days away (she’s had three kids alright she deserves it)
Genuinely enjoys doing the ranch paperwork. Sure, he has to ask Roach here and there where some of the stuff is at but honestly? Could spend hours reading and organizing the books and such. He's very interested in the topics discussed.
Earliest riser. His favorite time of the day is just before the sun peaks over the horizon where everything is blue and foggy, where condensation sits on his skin, when the crickets are still chirping, and when the mourning doves are softly cooing. Roach wakes up soon after him.
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ashesandhackles · 5 months
Happy Birthday @thecat-isblogging-blog <3
Here is my little present for you:
Rabbit Moon
Written with @remadoramicrofics prompt, "Rabbit" in mind.
How can you be sure of him, Nymphadora? 
The bed is cold on the night of the full moon. It sits forlorn, bathing in the silvery light that invades through the open window. From the window, Tonks takes turns to watch the distant horizon - to the lining of trees, a gateway to her husband - and the spots on the moon, making the shape of a rabbit.  Tonks closes her eyes and tries to breathe.
“My Patronus is a rabbit,” she said, disgruntled to her father. “Charlie Weasley gets a dragon. This isn’t fair.”
“You want to hear a cool story about a rabbit?”
“Dad, I’m not a child anymore-”
"One night, the Man on the Moon came down to earth disguised as a beggar."  
“A man on the moon?”
A tear slips. She wishes she could still complain to her father, have a good whinge - about stupid things like how she wore the same socks for a week and Remus had never noticed. Her father would say reasonably that Remus can’t be blamed - the monotony of living in a safehouse through war muddles memory. 
"He chanced upon a Fox, a Monkey, and a Rabbit and asked for some food." 
“A monkey?”
“A monkey. This is a Japanese folk tale.”
“You read Japanese folk tales?”
“I read all sorts of things, Dora. How else will I keep you entertained?”
The monotony of the safehouse makes intimacy hang unfinished in air, a static charge only she can feel.  Once, he had put her hand away from his trousers when the cat who stalked their perimeter came by for food. "He is a shy one," Remus  explained. "He won't eat at all if we don't give him anything.”
Her hand had stayed limp in the air, still reaching for him as he walked out of the house. He tried to make it up to her later, stroking her breast as she faced away from him, staring at the wall. When she nuzzled closer, he would suddenly remember that the sun was out and they hadn’t put the laundry out to dry. 
"The Fox brought him fish from a stream, and the Monkey brought fruit from the trees, but the Rabbit could only offer grass.'"
“Grass is good.”
“Not funny, Dora.”
“It is a little bit funny, Dad. C’mon, smile for me!”
Her mother won’t ever understand - she would judge Remus.  Who could she talk to about the memory of the night before Remus walked out? The inconstant passion, the simultaneous need for closeness and distance in his touch. Fleur? Fleur can wrap her legs around her husband, ask him to entwine closer to her and not feel alone when she looks into his eyes. 
She wonders how she looked to Remus that night. Did she look distant? Resentful?
“So the rabbit told the beggar to build a fire, and when it was built, threw himself onto the flames to offer himself to the Man.”
“Dad, you are supposed to make me feel better about having a rabbit Patronus!”
“But isn’t this a nice story? It’s about the rabbit’s generosity.”
“The rabbit is dumb.”
When - if -  he comes back in the morning, she decides to tease him about not taking a shower often. "Someday I will," she knows he will say, with the wry smile she loves so much. She smiles as she thinks of it, looking at the clump of trees in the horizon again.  Someday, they will be fighters of the Order of Phoenix. Someday, in a foggy future. Today, and in a collection of subsequent todays that merge into one another like one long film strip, they are hiding in a safehouse– cut off from the world, the war, the talks of revolution. She is waiting for her husband to come back home.
"Amazed by the Rabbit's generosity, the beggar transformed back into the Man on the Moon and pulled the Rabbit from the fire."
“Dad, I don’t want to hear about the dumb rabbit. He is too sad.” 
“But this is the best part!”
The only way she knows time is moving in the safehouse is because of her body - her growing stomach, the new aches and pains in her bones. A tentative kick, a series of hiccups reverberating inside her.  It terrifies her, to feel time moving under her skin, out of her reach. 
Sometimes, she is afraid she will die in her sleep. Afraid that a pinch under her ribcage or discomfort in her throat is more than gas issues. When she had said as much to Remus, he laughed. She understood later that Remus knew time was passing because of the moon. 
She had never known what it was like to live in a body that caused her discomfort, that changed without her willing it to. To think, she had felt annoyed at her hair changing colour when she was angry. To think, Remus dealt with it all and worse with nary a complaint. She wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around him, to hold him and shake him like she had at the hospital in front of everyone until he finally, finally got the message that she would never leave him, even if death itself tried to separate them. 
“To honour the Rabbit's kindness, the Man on the Moon carried the Rabbit back to the moon to live with him. So if you look carefully at the moon, you can see the outline of the rabbit on it.”
“But did the rabbit want to go to the moon? What is so special about the moon anyway?”
When daylight breaks, Tonks moves to the door.  She waits for him to appear on the horizon, haggard and exhausted. The more her pregnancy advances, the more he insists that she waits at the door . She resents it with each hour of sunlight warming their garden.
When he limps into view, she lets out an inaudible breath, and her hands shake over her belly. Now, she can wait with him. They can look forward to new moon nights, when the sky is the darkest,  and no light falls through their window.Remus will sleep beside her peacefully, one arm snaked around her waist, and one arm pillowing her neck. 
I'm never sure of him, Mum. Never will be, not anymore. But I am sure of me.  
Read on A03 here
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mellybouboulove · 3 days
My guardian angel🤍𓆩♡𓆪☁️
Chapter 7
Plot summary: Drug Dealer Ellie Williams X OFC slowburn fic, out of universe and takes place in college, set in the 2000s. Smut content to come.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapitre 5, Chapter 6
Tags: #wlw #sapphic #drugdealer!ellie #modern!ellie #tlou #slowburn #smut #fluff #tlouau #au #modernau #drugs
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The morning after, I woke up just a couple minutes before Ellie and felt like the luckiest individual alive. I enjoyed these precious minutes the universe gave me to contemplate her peaceful sleepy face laying just next to mine. She looked so cute and innocent, her breathing was calm and relaxed, her hair was messy and falling on her face. The sun rays that were enlightening the room through the thin curtains of my window were reflecting on her face but didn’t seem to bother her in her deep sleep which helped me fight the urge to wake her up and cover her face with kisses. 
My room was a mess, our clothes were spread everywhere, I could see my bra on the edge of the bed next to one of her socks while my skirt was under my bedside table and her boxers near the door. The sheets were half removed from the mattress and the blanket was upside down, only covering our chests. I passed my fingers through her fluffy hair, not strong enough to resist the temptation anymore. I noticed she started to move and quickly took my hand out of her face, pretending nothing happened. She finally opened her eyes, yawning and smiling when she saw me. 
- Morning babe, did you sleep well?  - Best sleep of my life. She answered with a raspy morning voice which made me smile and giggle.  - Was I THAT great last night ? I chuckled. - Yes, you were sooo so great.  - Thanks, you were not so bad yourself.  - Not so bad ugh? That’s it? - I'm just kidding, it was perfect. I never felt so good with anyone before. I feel very good around you Ellie.  - Me too. I really like you, I care for you a lot, you’re an amazing person and hanging out with you has been making me feel so much better too. But I really want you to get better. You should focus on yourself and on your healing process. I don’t want this to go further before you manage your addiction; I will stay by your side and help you with everything you need but I don’t want anything to be official before you handle this. I hope you understand.
It took me some seconds to process this. It felt like a knife in the heart but I knew she had good intentions.
- Oh okay. I understand, you have a lot going on too. I don't want us to get together if it is to become a burden for you either. I guess you’re right it’s better like that. 
Saying those words broke my heart but it was the right thing to do. She thanked me for understanding, kissed me and took me in her arms. As we started cuddling and about to make it the only plan for the day, her phone rang. She rolled over me to reach it and picked it up.
- Yes? yes. okay. now ? ugh, ok. okay okay I’m coming. 
She sighed as she hung up. 
- Ugh I’m sorry babe I have some work today. She kissed me once more before standing up and collecting her clothes to dress up. 
She went to get herself ready and then I heard the door slamming, her footsteps running from outside and the sound of her car driving away. I was now left alone with my thoughts; I kept on staring at the ceiling and didn’t move an inch since she left the bed. I felt the warmth she left next to me slowly fade away as I kept her words on repeat in my mind. I will have to put in so much effort for her to accept me; I’m already feeling bad again, the creepling need for drugs in my blood submerging me again. 
I tried to focus on something else. I placed my Britney Spears CD in my Hi-Fi system and blasted some music to motivate me. I started to clean my bedroom then took some time for myself. I took a bath, did some beauty masks and shaved. I watched TV and chilled a little as I kept on thinking about Ellie and about last night, I smiled at the thought. It was helping not to think about drugs. 
Four hours later, Ellie still wasn’t home and I had no idea when she would come back. I got bored and decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. This day alone gave me the time to take a step back and put everything into perspective. Ellie was right, there’s no way this is gonna work if I don’t get better first. I want to give us the chance to work, and I have to try my best to get better not only for her but also for me. And just like that I began the first step of my desintoxication journey.
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timeoverload · 5 months
I had to leave work around 10:30 this morning. I tried so hard to keep moving but I couldn't do it. I can't stand for very long and it's hard to keep my balance. Last night my sock was blood stained when I took my shoes off even though I don't have any visible wounds so I'm not sure where that's coming from. It happened again today even though I wasn't on my feet as long. My leg won't stop vibrating. I felt so guilty leaving. The pressure on my bladder is worse today and I had to keep rushing to the bathroom. Sorry for sharing that information but it's really uncomfortable. I know I don't have a UTI because I took a test when I got home.
I am going to the spine specialist in the morning and I'm going to try to get in for an injection on Friday. I don't know how the hell I'm going to pay for it. They won't schedule me any more appointments if any of my bills go to collections so I need to get on top of it right away. I don't want to get my injection alone!!! I want someone there to take care of me!! :'( I hope I don't get a spinal headache this time.
I knew something bad was going to happen. I'm so tired of going through this alone. My dad is the only person that has actually been there to help me. I wish I didn't have to ask him to help me all the time. He already has so many other things to worry about. I haven't been able to drive anywhere for weeks due to the snow either. I have a lot of errands to run but I don't expect him to drive me everywhere.
I'm also feeling pissed off at the world because I have to go through all of this without anything to relieve my pain or stop my muscle spasms. I am so uncomfortable!! I wish I lived in Colorado or something... I want to run away sometimes but I know I couldn't do it financially. It's not fair!!! I don't really drink anymore either and it's been over a month since I had a beer. I can't remember the last time I got drunk.
I feel like I will be trapped in this prison (my bedroom) forever. I feel like a feral animal locked in a cage. My mess keeps growing and maybe if I'm lucky it will eventually just suffocate me while I'm sleeping. How the fuck am I supposed to clean when I'm like this?? I have to keep ordering more clothes and I have probably spent thousands of dollars over the past year. I lost track. I don't want to keep doing that and I could have used that money to pay off a lot of my debt. I don't have a choice because I'm not going to wear dirty clothes. I haven't felt good enough to put the new mattress pad on my bed that I bought like 6 months ago and I couldn't get the old one off so I just ripped it in half so I have a space to sit. I don't have sheets on my bed and I just have to lay on blankets. There is so much stuff on my bed that I can't use the other side. How am I supposed to do anything?? I am pathetic. I don't think anyone realizes how bad it is or takes me seriously. I wish someone would put me out of my misery sometimes. I am not going to hurt myself but existing is pretty terrible right now.
I don't think I would be so nasty and angry if I wasn't in so much pain constantly. I don't think people understand that. I'm generally the sweetest person and I try to be kind to everyone but I know I haven't acted that way lately. I feel like I have been very mean and I'm getting worse so I'm sorry for that. No one knows what it's like until it happens to them. Literally anyone can become disabled at any time so don't take anything for granted.
I remember years ago I had a co-worker who had been working in sterile processing for 15 years and she was such a bitch to me all the time and was hard to be around. I was afraid of her. I understand now why she was like that... she was in a lot of pain too. I definitely have a lot more empathy for her now. I hope she is doing better now wherever she is. I've also taken care of a lot of sick people and I know that pain can bring out the worst in someone. People tend to lash out more often when they are desperate for relief because they get ignored otherwise.
My head is killing me because I am dehydrated since I keep having to go to the bathroom almost every hour. It's making me dizzy. I'm glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow because I would probably cry. I managed to take a shower when I got home but it didn't really help me feel better. I think I am going to sleep the rest of the day. I had breakfast but I don't feel like eating anything else today and I don't care about food now. I hate eating. I don't want to be awake anymore because it's depressing and I have no desire to do anything. I'm sorry for being such a downer but this is just how my life is and I don't think it's going to change any time soon.
Hopefully everyone else is having a much better day than I am... thank you for listening to me vent. 💖💖💖
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gatheringfiki · 1 year
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The following ficlet was written by @metztlilua based on this photoset.
FiKi, Gen.
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
Fili walks around with his boots muddy and his pants wet from the woods, and the remainders of the rain dribbling, his jacket clings to his skin and his backpack weighs him down as he puffs an struggles to get his feet moving, they've been walking for about two and a half hours with only one break, and the rain has been pouring down for the last hour just finally stopping, and he feels like the least fortunate soul in the entire world
The least fortunate aside from his little brother kili, who looks even more tired than he does, he has mud trailing all the way up his ~uncovered~ legs and to the middle of his shorts because he feel down when the rain started, he has scratches and rock burn marks on his right arm/ hand and leg where he tried to catch himself and he's dragging the SNEAKERS he decided to wear on the pavement, to be more specific, his sneakers made out of fabric and plastic instead of the waterproof material and leather that their uncles and his own boots are made of, so his feet are probably as wet as the rest of him, and his socks who were once white are now brown and soggy with mud
-Can you get him to stop? I think I'm going to pass out- he whispers to Fili, leaning against him and sliding his dirty forearm on his face. The blonde feels his breath hitch  for a small second when kili licks the last drops of rains of his lips but he brushes it off, chuckling and nodding in agreement, he doesn't think he can keep up for much longer himself
-I'll do my best but maybe you should drop some of the things you collected, Kee. That way it would be easier - kili sticks his tongue out and shakes his head no, his feet make squish noises when he walks and Fili gets mixed feelings; remembering kilis rain boots when he was a toddler and the noises he's heard coming from his room or the bathroom ever since Kili got big enough to have interest in sex
-Uh. Uncle...- Thorin groans, already smelling the request from his nephews; they weren't too far away from their camper and stopping now would cause them to get behind on their schedule and hit traffic on the way back
-no, Fili- he smiles - we can't stop
-this is child abuse!- kili grumbles, huffing away a strand of hair that falls on his face and Thorin laughs  at his nephews as they manage to reposition their heavy backpacks on their backs
-on what grounds would that be abuse, kili Durin? - Fili gets a lump on his throat every time someone uses Kili's full name because he has the same one.
Thorin keeps walking, not facing them but answering all of the whines coming from them
"we've been walking forever"
-it's been two hours, Kili
"we haven't eaten yet"
-had you woken up a little earlier, maybe we could have eaten, Fili
"my shoes are wet"
-I told you to bring boots- Fili laughs out loud at Kili's annoyed grunt
"my backpack is heavy"
-Throw your souvenirs away then
Kili refuses shaking his head again "mmm-mmm, they're for making ornaments for mum" the blonde turns to look at Kilis concentrated face; sometimes he forgets, with all the NOT INNOCENT glances he catches himself throwing at him; that Kili is still somewhat innocent and pure and collects rocks to hang on the Christmas three as ornaments
"it's still raining" Fili mumbles, always taken aback by Kilis sudden expression of pure childlike behavior
-it's drizzling at best and you kids could use a shower
They keep complaining louder and louder, staring compliantly at each other as they make their way into the creek a few miles before the car and finally their uncle snaps
-will you two stop?! I'll go bring the car and come back to get you but I don't wanna hear this anymore 
Fili pushes away the vague feeling that Thorin will leave them behind and never come back because that's ridiculous and he just sighs, sitting next to His brother on a rock by the river
-show me what you collected? - the blonde asks trying to maintain him active and reacting because he knows he'll try to fall asleep otherwise and kili smiles softly, he opens his backpack and shoves it his way, suddenly set on the idea that he absolutely NEEDS to go in the river and wash his socks and shirt because he doesn't love the mud getting hard and prickly against his skin
The eldest Durin watches carefully, pretending to riffle thru the many pebbles Kili has tied in some sort of ornament shape while the youngest strips off of his layers and places them away from the water; the elastic band of his boxers peaks up the hem of his shorts as he stretches
When DID he get a happy trail?
-I'm not sure we have time for that, Kee- Fili pries, his cheeks start to feel warm and an unsettling feeling creeps into his stomach when he realizes what he's thinking, where his eyes are pointed
Kili mumbles incoherently, sitting down getting lost on washing away the dirtiness of his socks
-Fee! Come here! Look at this
-I'd rather not- Fili confesses, feeling the same confusion he had before, remembering ten year old Kili showing him the fireflies he catched on a jar, not knowing when exactly he started seeing the brunette in a different way; when he started noticing the way his long locks frame his face and the way he laughs freely makes butterflies fly on his stomach; and somehow even when Kili is just sitting calmly not looking back at him, Fili feels the pull of OBLIGATION gnawing at him and forcing him to go sit next to Kili, he can never say no to him.
The younger Durin looks up at Fili, grinning and handing him a rusty key from the river
-I found it here!- something screams to be careful and not let kili cut himself and get tetanus but he takes the stupid key and inspects it, it’s some sort of charm, clearly made as a token to bring back home, in it there’s something written he’s pretty sure his brother didn’t bother inspecting
It rips a giggle out of him, a distressed, hopeless one that lets him know destiny is watching, and will not forgive Filis brewing feelings, even if he he does try to keep them at bay tho if he is completely honest, it gets harder and harder as Kili keeps growing up, the sound of his voice getting deeper, his body getting slimmer and the flirtatious smiles he throws around left and right have Fili feeling dizzy and guilty to a point he can’t stand hanging around Kili alone for a long time.
Kili sighs in contempt, ripping his older brother form his spiral as he leans in closer to Kili, using his right leg as support to take the key from him and sending shock waves thru the older one
-hey! I found it!- Fili gives it up pretty quickly, hoping to end the innocent yet burning contact that makes his jeans tighter, he scoots further away from Kili, sweat beads forming at the back of his head
Where is Thorin?
Kili looks closely at the key, finally taking his time to inspect it and probably wondering where it came from, the sun starts to set, making Fili mildly worried for their uncle who still hasn’t shown up but more importantly the fact he’s alone with his half naked brother
Who massages his own upper back, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes to the back of his head, his mouth hangs slightly open
-Hell be back soon, Fee - once again Kili cuts into his anxious spiral, there’s a tone of annoyance to his voice that he knows comes from Filis distracted state, Kili doesn’t like one sided conversations, who would? but what can he do other than worry and tune out the sound of actual groaning noises coming from his little brother that send pictures of Kili with his leg spread out all pretty on the bed for him, as Fili sinks into his heath, bitting marks into his long neck and collar bones, the brunette moans…
-yeah, kee?
-are you mad at me?- kili’s never been one to meddle around tricky subjects, he fidgets with the key as Fili shakes his head no, a warm smile back into his face to try and comfort him -did I do something wrong?
-no! Kili I’m not mad
this is the other reason why he tries to avoid these times with his little brother; the distancing from about four years now must be difficult for kili and the blonde hates to be the reason why he feels this way, but as much as he tries to hold back and push away all the feelings that are NOT supposed to be happening, he can’t do it, and he can’t act on them either.Hell, he knows if he acted upon them Kili would not correspond to his feelings so the best way to go about it it’s distance.
-you have done nothing wrong, Kili. You’re perfect
The moon is all the way up into the air now, hitting Kili’s frame and the worried, almost upset expression in his face
-but there’s something that it’s happening to you, isn’t there?
Fili nods before he can even process the fact he probably should lie and now he has to make something up, or maybe he’s in the clear and Kili won’t pry for the answer
He doesn’t
-can I do something about it?- of course is that question instead of anything else, of course it’s still the moon up into the sky, the stars shining above them, sitting so closely to each other and the sound of water streaming gently down on a summer night, unsupervised and so very CLOSE but so unreachable
-no, not really- he fixes his gaze down onto the ground, in between his boots he sees something shiny where Kili has been kicking the dirt around in the river; it’s another one of those key things, he grabs it carefully, and places it in his hand, fidgeting with it as well, he runs his finger tip thru the words, trying to make out what they say
-I’m sorry…I’m here if you need me- he hugs him by the side, distracting him completely from his original task and it makes Fili want to cry with exasperation
Of course Kili is there
He is always there
He looks down, fighting back the tears and finally making up what the words say
AH, fuck it
-I know, Kee
He places a hand on his neck, rubbing his thumb on his cheek, his heart races a million miles and hour, his brain telling him to back out at Kili’s puzzled face; his heart drives him forward, inching slowly to his brothers lips, he feels his eyes closing and then
A buzz comes from Kili’s phone in his backpack and they both jump; Kili’s eyes are wide and he swallows hard; they both sit there for a second before Kili finally reacts and runs up to his backpack, splashing water all over
-Fuck, uncle Thorin is here- he mumbles putting his clothes back on hurriedly, as if Thorin was hearing them, they hear a horn on the distance. Fili jumps up Bringing his brother’s socks and shoes and hands them to Kili
they both run wildly and dumbly thru the clearing; sharing giggles and small laughs, before finally making it to the camper, their backpacks don’t feel heavy anymore and Thorin looks at Kilis feet, horrified
-just about WHAT where you two doing??
Kili laughs; turning around to share a complaint look with the blonde and there’s a small hint of hope in Filis heart as they sit in the back of the car, Kili looks at him one last time
-swap with me
-your key, I want it
Fili hands it over
He can’t ever say no to his brother
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jules-van-hering · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @nxposure and actually liked most of the 17 questions that were asked, so let's go! (And thank you, Mof!)
Nickname: Bean, but only one person is allowed to call me by that term of endearment and it's so fucking weird when she calls me by my real name that I immediately get anxious. In another context I have recently been called Bubbles a lot, referring to the powerpuff girl, and I love my Buttercup and Blossom so much. We're fighting the good fight together ✊🏼
Sign: cancer sun, virgo moon, sagittarius rising. Looked that up for funsies once, but don't think about it a lot.
Height: 174cm. No clue what that is in feet.
Last thing I googled: the university degree that I would like to apply for and start next year. It's a psychology program with a focus on society which is exactly the shit I love and also great for wanting to work in political education and campaigning.
Song stuck in my head:
The gay lampshade cowboy gets stuck in my head a lot. I love the pathos, I love the queerness, I love his voice.
Number of followers: 220 apparently. Two more would be a nice milestone :D
Amount of sleep: Seven hours I guess, but it wasn't really refreshing as I fell asleep after crying a lot and then woke up with a headache of course.
Lucky number: Four. It's been my favourite ever since I was little. I was born on a forth and my name starts with the same letter as the number (in my native tongue at least). Two excellent arguments as a kid.
Wearing: layers! Two pairs of socks, a coat, all the shebang. It's snowing!
Movies/books that summarize me: Michael Ende's Momo. It's an awesome children's book that can basically be handed out as anti-capitalist propaganda. My copy always lays beside my bed.
Favourite song:
I can't even put into words what this songs means to me. This is one of my forever favourites and it also is a litmus test for my mental health. When I can't bring myself to sing along with Nina anymore, then I must be doing really bad.
Favourite instrument: the saxophone. In my teens I played the alto-sax and now it's collecting dust in a corner of my room. But you just gotta love the sax's unmatched versatility: it can make you dance, it can make you cry, it can make you horny, the full range of human emotions.
Asthetic: comfy, casual, bright smiles. Quite classic and basic, I guess. Sometimes with a maritime or botanical touch if that makes sense.
Favourite author: I really like Carlos Ruiz Zafón's writing style. Also Naomi Alderman.
Favourite animal noise: the cawing of the crows that we regularly feed peanuts out of our window. It's them telling us we're here and we're hungry and obviously we run at their command
Random: my nails are currently painted black with a glitter top coat. Buttercup brought all his polishes and wanted me to try. Looks cool, but doesn't feel like me, as I usually only wear red
I would like to tag only @tambourineophelia @jentlemansreturn @sweetbibabe and am wishing I could tag Siavash. Instead I'll just think fondly of him and the Iranian revolutionaries and wish for their freedom and wellbeing ❤️
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liesareeasier · 2 years
‘Trust The Living’ Chapter 5
A Daryl Dixon/ ‘The Walking Dead’ Inspired Smut Fan-Fiction
*mature content warning*
Word Count: 5,995 words :)
By: Me, MoonFlowerWrites on WattPad ‘Trust The Living’
I reached over to the other side of the cot, my hand resting on Daryl's chest. He must have snuck in during the night. I glanced up at his face and his bright blue eyes were locked on mine. Not hesitating for a minute, he took my face in his hands.
"I need you now," he whispered to me. In a swift motion, he pulled me on top of him and moved my face back up to his. His lips crashed into mine. They were soft and moved with a sureness that made my body tingle.
I rested my body onto him, bringing him closer to me. His hand made its way down to my hips, pulling me even tighter, craving more. I ground my hips into him, matching his movements. The pressure of his hands was melting into my thighs.
I could feel him becoming hard under me. The pleasure was almost overwhelming as he rubbed himself against the most sensitive part of my body. His rough kisses were making me wish for more. I needed all of him, now.
His tongue was fighting for dominance with mine. Even though I was in control while straddling him, I gave in to him, letting him completely take me over.
My hands left his shoulders, traveling down to his shorts. He didn't need these anymore. I went to slide them down when I was awoken by a noise outside the tent.
Fuck. This wasn't a dream. No. No. No. It can't be... I had woken up in a sweat. I could tell the heat of the day hadn't crept in yet, but I was almost drenched.
I needed a minute to collect myself. It felt so real... I could almost still feel his phantom hands on my body.
Was I moving around? Did I moan anything? I swear to god if I fucking said his name in my sleep, I will leave today...
I couldn't hear him outside the tent. My heart was racing and I needed to calm myself down. I'm sure I looked like a fucking mess, I need to pull myself together for the day. I need to wash myself and my tent. Oh fuck, my fucking tent... I had been so distracted upon starting my day, that I had almost forgotten about my tent.
I grabbed a mirror out of my bag and laughed out loud at my appearance. I did look like a damn mess... My blonde hair was sticking to my face. I had left it in a braid and it had almost all fallen out.
I removed the hair tie that was slightly tangled in the ends of my long hair. I fluffed it out, and then changed into a clean pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt. I pulled on some clean socks and my boots, lacing them up sloppily. I only needed to walk down to the quarry and would be taking them off shortly.
I rolled up my sleeping bag and packed my clothes up into my pack. I put Daryl's pillow back where I had found it, and made sure I had grabbed all of my things. I didn't want to leave any trace of myself. I still felt a little guilty, like it was my fault that Daryl hadn't had a place to sleep last night. I did wish that he had joined me last night.
I needed to brush all of these feelings off. I had things to get done before we left today. We were either leaving today or the next morning. It wasn't fully confirmed that we were leaving, but I could feel it in the air. We didn't feel safe here anymore. I needed to get to work cleaning my stuff. I don't know when I'll have the chance to do it again.
I walked out of the tent to see the sun just starting to come up. Perfect. I woke up early enough to let Daryl get some sleep, and for me to wash my clothes before we tried to go on a hunt today.
Fuck, I don't know how I can face him after that dream that I had. That's what it was, an absolute dream. I just couldn't look him in the eyes until I figured out what I was going to do...
Just as I was walking away, he caught my eye. Daryl. He looked so peaceful this morning, sitting up against a tree. He was well suited for this world. That broke my heart in a way. I wondered what had prepared him for this. Maybe one day he would tell me.
He gave me his signature head nod, and also waved to me and my cheeks instantly turned red. He started to get up and I felt frozen in place. I'm not ready to talk to him yet, so why am I not moving?
"Good morning, feeling better?" He said as he made his way to me. He had a subtle grin on his face. He really was beautiful.
I shook off my anxiety, luckily, and managed to speak. "Yeah, thanks again, Daryl. I'm just gonna head down and wash this shit off my tent." I replied to him, motioning to my soiled mess of a tent that lay next to us.
"I'll check out the frame, and then get some sleep. Wake me up around noon, if I'm not already up, and I'll teach you how to hunt." Daryl said with a definite smirk on his face.
"I know how to hunt Daryl," I slightly scoffed at him. I smiled as he raised an eyebrow at me. "See you then. Maybe I'll teach you a few things."
"Yeah, that'll be a cold day in hell..." He grumbled at me as he shook his head. I could tell he was joking, but I truly was a great hunter. I would show him.
"Goodnight Daryl," I retorted. It was morning, but he was only now going to bed. I turned away and started walking over to Dale's camper. I was going to store my sleeping bag back in there and bring my bag of clothes down with my tent to the quarry.
Good thing Dale was at the RV because he offered me his bottle of detergent. To be honest, I was just going to use my body soap to wash my belongings. I hadn't had room to carry stuff like that and was so grateful to Dale. I would have to hunt something special for him, too. He was being so kind to me.
"Thank you, Dale! I owe you one!" I gave him a hug, grabbed the detergent and my belongings, and headed down to the quarry.
Almost tripping on the way down, I realized I should have tightly laced my boots. I took a second to collect myself. Everything was happening so fast today. I needed to slow down.
I decided to wash my clothes first, not wanting the water to be dirty with all of the blood from the tent. I wrung them out when I was finished and laid them on a rock to dry as much as they could. I felt a little awkward with my extra underwear and bras on display, but honestly who cares? The world has ended. Get over it.
I grabbed the detergent once more and started on my tent. It surprisingly cleaned off easily. The blood rinsed clean with two quick washes. I was grateful to still have a place to sleep. I had already lost my home and this tent was the closest thing to that now.
I laid it out on the rocks near my clothes. I knew there was no way it would dry nearly as fast as them, but it would just have to get as dry as it could. I didn't even know where we would be sleeping tonight. If we stayed here again, I would need it. There was no way I was robbing Daryl from his tent two nights in a row.
I grabbed my soap, shampoo, and conditioner and headed deeper into the water. I quickly washed my long hair and body under the surface. I loved the feeling of getting clean. My thoughts quickly drifted and wondered what Daryl's hands would feel like rubbing soap all over my body. What is wrong with me?
I walked out of the water and changed quickly into some clean, dry clothes. I had left a pair of green cargo pants and a black tank out to change into. It was going to be hot as hell today, but I didn't like exposing my legs. It was all too easy to get scratched or bitten by the dead with too much skin showing.
I put my wet hair into two French braids, not wanting it to soak my shirt. It was still early in the day and I had a few hours before I was going on that hunt with Daryl. I decided to stay down by the water to enjoy some of the warmth, before the humidity would inevitably set in.
I noticed Carol sitting by the edge of the water. I walked up to her. We hadn't talked much, but I wanted her to know that she had a friend with me.
"Hey Carol," I smiled and waved at her as I stood next to where she was sitting.
"Hi. Emma, right?" She returned my smile and wave.
"Yes, you're absolutely right." I replied to her. "I don't mean to be forward, but I'm real sorry about your husband. And I'm even more sorry for how he had been treating you. I know we haven't really talked much, but I heard some things, and wanted to come to you." I hoped I hasn't overstepping with her.
"You're too sweet." No, she was too sweet. "I don't mind. I'm done hiding. All he ever did was hold me back. I can see that now..." her voice began to trail off. I could tell she was being honest, but that the words broke her heart to say.
It isn't easy to admit that you're a victim of abuse. You don't want to be seen as someone who could be susceptible to that kind of cruelty. She was a kind woman who was trying her damned best. I could never judge a woman or anyone like her. I started to open up a little to her, hoping to let her know she isn't alone.
"My sister, she isn't here now, but she..." I started to get choked up but held it back. I needed to be strong for Carol. "She um, she was with someone like that. A few years back, and we don't have to get into everything but you have to know that you really are stronger than what happened. If you need a friend, anything, I'm here for you." I thankfully held back tears as the words flowed out me of.
"Thank you, Emma. That means... That means more to me than you could ever know." She smiled at me as she stood up. She hugged me and held me tight for a moment. It felt good to comfort each other. "I don't mean to break this up, but I do need to go grab Sophia before she jumps in the water! She already had her bath today and she's about to ruin it. Thank you again!" She waved goodbye as she walked over to Sophia.
By now my clothes were dry enough to take up to camp. I gathered them up, along with my tent and bag, put my boots on, and began walking back up the hill.
I heard some members of our group having it out as I reached camp. Dale had a clothesline and I made my way over there to hang my stuff up. It was still a little damp and not quite ready to be packed away.
Walking back towards the others, I was closest to Jacqui, who had been arguing with Jim. I looked over to see her lifting his shirt. Shit... Right on his stomach was a large bite mark...
"Jim's been bit!" Jacqui yelled, alerting Rick and some others. He walked this way with Shane and Glenn.
Rick and Shane continued talking with them, trying to diffuse the situation, and I saw Glenn coming over to me.
"Hey Em!" Glenn flashed me his goofy smile along with a half wave.
I was relieved to see him. I felt bad for blowing him off last night.
"Hey there! I'm sorry for walking off last night. It was just..." I started saying when he interrupted me. It didn't bother me, I could tell he had something on his mind.
"A lot, yeah I know. Look, I'm sorry again for dragging you into all of this. I hope you don't regret following me back here..." He said. His hand was resting on the back of his head. I could tell he was feeling uneasy.
I didn't regret coming here, not at all. In fact, it was the opposite. I finally felt like I had hope in this miserable world. Glenn and his group were a shining light amongst utter darkness. We had made it through so much together and in a short amount of time.
"Glenn, no. No, no, no! I don't. I don't regret it. Linking up with you and everyone here has made me realize so many things. Not like I was exactly giving up before this, but I don't feel so lost now." I wanted him to know how much I wanted to be here. I had only met him and the group a couple of days ago but I wasn't going anywhere. "Truthfully, I had thrown around the idea of leaving but especially after last night, I feel bonded to you all."
I smiled and put my hand on Glenn's arm to reassure him. I could tell he was sensitive, like me. I didn't want him carrying the unnecessary guilt. I could see his energy relax upon my words to him.
"Okay good, good... and not to ruin a nice moment," he basically whispered at me, "but did I see you coming out of Dixon's tent this morning?" The mention of Daryl's last name took me off guard.
Oh, shit... Our tents had been on the edge of camp and I didn't think anyone else had seen me. What do I tell him? I'm not even sure what's going on with Daryl, but I wasn't ready to talk about it with anyone yet, not even Glenn. I knew I could trust him but I didn't even know how to begin explaining my feelings.
"Yeah, you did. My tent was ruined by geeks last night. He saw me freaking out about it and offered me to stay in his." I tried to keep my voice level, even though I could tell that it was trembling slightly. "He said he was staying up on watch and just insisted. I was surprised but so fucking tired, so I stayed there." I hoped that was enough to satisfy him for now.
"Wow. It's just Dixon is usually so... I don't know. Dude is mostly a loner." Glenn seemed puzzled as he processed my answer. "He's a nice guy though. I'm glad you got some sleep!" He pat me on the shoulder as he walked over to Rick, Lori, and Shane, who were now over on the other side of camp.
I followed him over, curious about what was going on. The tension between the three of them was obvious. Shane was supposedly Rick's best friend but seemed to challenge any, and all, of his decisions.
Seeming to brush off their hostility, Rick and Shane began making a plan to leave. They were going to patrol the perimeter of our camp until we decided later, as a group, where we would go next. They were throwing around the idea of a place called Fort Benning or trying our luck at the CDC. Rick wanted to go to the CDC, believing that would prove to be the safest option. I know it was blocked by the military and had been overrun, but that was weeks ago. It could be safe now.
I didn't know how much time we would have left at camp before leaving, and realized I needed to slip away from their conversation. I had already dodged a bullet from Glenn's questioning. I couldn't handle anyone else in the group possibly confronting me about Daryl.
Thank fucking everything that Glenn didn't ask me too many questions... I had a feeling that he wasn't just going to let it go, but he wasn't going to press me about it until I was ready. He really does seem like a great friend. I'm lucky to have him.
I left the group to walk back over to Daryl's tent. It was almost noon, at least it felt like it, and knew he'd be awake soon, if he wasn't already. As I walked up, I noticed my tent's frame neatly arranged. He had fixed it up before he went to sleep.
He had kept his promise to me. Wow, it looks as good as new... The thought brought a smile to my face.
I still had my bag with me and realized I hadn't yet brushed my teeth. I unclipped my water bottle from the side of my pack and grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush from inside. I walked over to the tree behind Daryl's tent. It didn't seem like he was awake yet and I took the moment of privacy.
I was interrupted almost immediately by Daryl clearing his throat. "Morning," he said with an intoxicatingly raspy voice. So he was awake... Great. I quickly finished brushing and rinsed the toothpaste out of my mouth.
He was wearing a pair of green cotton shorts and an old-looking green, waffle-knit tank. I had only seen him in jean shorts and cut-off flannels until now, not that I minded. He looked great in anything, but he looked cute in his basically matching set.
"Hey," I said as I laughed in his direction.
"Mind if I steal some of that? Ran out..." He was rubbing his eyes and I could tell he was still super tired.
"Of course," I said, holding out the tube to him. I didn't have too much left but wasn't going to refuse him. Especially not after he had given me his bed for the night. The bed that I had a sex dream about him in... Oh god, if he heard anything I think I'll die... I'll combust right there, right at this moment...
"Thanks," Daryl says as he flashes me a grin. I can tell he's not a morning person and it was kind of adorable. He put some toothpaste on his finger and used that to quickly clean his teeth.
Oh my god, I was trying not to crack up at him. He would finger brush his teeth...
I handed him my water bottle so he could rinse with it. "Didn't feel like walking to my truck to get my toothbrush, sorry." He said. He took a drink of water before handing the bottle back to me.
"It's fine, Daryl. It was cute." I can't believe I just said that to him. I looked away, clipping my water bottle back to the side of my pack. My heart was racing and I needed to pivot from the awkwardness that has swept over me. "So um, you ready for that hunt, or do you need to do anything else?"
"Sure. Uh, let me change and I'll meet you by that path over there." He motioned towards the tree line as he ducked back into his tent.
I walked over and waited for Daryl. He had changed quickly into a pair of jean shorts and a black and brown flannel, with its sleeves cut off. He looked so fucking good that I had to turn my head away. I didn't want him to see me blush. He was just effortlessly attractive.
I was still so nervous from the dream I had about him, not knowing exactly what it meant. Was there something happening between us or was my brain just on overload? We had experienced a lot together in the last few days. I could be fooling myself if I thought he would like me.
"Let's go," he said. He walked ahead of me, down the path and into the woods.
We hadn't seen any geeks around since last night, but I brought my knife, hammer, and pistol Rick had given me, just in case. It was eerily quiet out here, so it would be easy to hunt and hear any of the dead if they were to come near us.
I followed Daryl through the woods for a while, not speaking much. It was a comfortable silence between us. You can't talk much when you're hunting and I was busy admiring his tracking skills. Every so often he would stop, checking the ground and area for tracks or anything to point us in the right direction.
He would have to show me how to do that. I know he joked about teaching me to hunt earlier, but tracking was something new to me.
When my dad would take me, we would sit and wait in a blind that he had set up. This was a completely new skill for me. This felt like real hunting.
Daryl stopped again, and crouched low to the ground, motioning me to do the same. I quickly made my way over to him, getting down low, right next to him. He pointed at his eyes and then to a spot across a clearing. I could see it now. A deer, a big one. He swiftly lined up the shot with his crossbow and took it confidently.
I felt a rush go through my body. It was impressive, him being so sure about his shot. I hadn't even watched him hit the deer, my eyes locked solely on him.
I looked over to see the once-standing deer now laying in the grass. This always brought a sadness to me, not enjoying seeing a living thing have to die, but we really needed this deer. Food was something we had to hunt or scavenge for now. This was eons better than finding a bunch of junk food in an abandoned car.
I wanted to scream and congratulate Daryl, but simply smiled at him and placed my hand gently on his shoulder. We had to stay quiet. Just as we stood up to retrieve the deer, we heard a branch crunch near us.
I didn't have a moment to react when Daryl pushed me up against a tree. His finger was on my lips in an instant, telling me to be quiet. He looked around, trying to clear the area, and let out a small laugh.
"Just a squirrel, shit. I'm sorry Emma." He said, still holding me in place.
I could tell his heart was racing just as fast as mine, his body pressed against me. I don't know what came over me, maybe it was being this close to him finally, but I pushed my face up to his and kissed him.
It wasn't a dream this time. I had truly done it.
We held it only for a moment before I pulled away, not sure if my action was too forward. Almost immediately, his lips were back on mine. Daryl put his hands in my hair, tangled in the base of my braids. He was pulling me closer to him as his soft lips were moving on mine.
I slightly parted my mouth, allowing his tongue access to mine. His movements were sure and strong. We stayed like this, neither one of us breaking our embrace.
I was still up against the tree with him standing in front of me. He lifted me up, allowing me to wrap my legs around him, being stabilized by the tree behind me.
I felt like time had stopped. His strong hands holding me against him, his passionate kisses wrecking me, I didn't ever want this to end. I've never been kissed like this. I thought I had, but Daryl was a glorious kisser.
After a moment of blinding passion, he set me down. I needed to catch my breath. I can't believe that this just happened. I hadn't dreamt or imagined it this time.
Daryl walked away from me, not saying anything, and grabbed the deer. He pulled the arrow out of its neck and lifted the deer up to carry it.
I went over to him and offered to help carry it. I could tell he didn't want to talk about our kiss, so at least I could help with this.
"I got it," is all he replied to me. The sudden shift in his mood sent a cold chill through my body.
He just had me pushed up against a tree, kissing me with a passion I had never experienced before, and now he could barely look at me. What did I do? I know it was forward for me to just kiss him, but he more than kissed me back. He had completely taken control of me. Maybe he got caught up in the moment and regretted touching me once he realized what had happened.
The walk back to camp was even quieter than the trip before and far less comfortable. Daryl wouldn't look at me. I didn't dare break the silence.
I managed to grab a few squirrels and one rabbit on the way back, just using my knife to throw at them. That was another skill that I had begrudgingly learned from my dad. I was impressed that I could still hunt this way. It would be too loud to use my pistol and Daryl hadn't taught me how to use a crossbow yet.
I doubted now that he ever would. It didn't seem like he wanted anything else to do with me. Maybe I had misread the situation earlier. He kissed me like he was craving me and now couldn't even look at me. What did I do wrong?
When we got back to camp, I handed a squirrel and a rabbit to Daryl. I was going to take the other two squirrels over to Dale, to thank him for the detergent.
"Here, for letting me use your tent the other night. I won't bother you again." I said, placing them in his hands.
"Thanks," is all he said as he walked back to his tent. I knew he would have to quickly break down the deer, as it was evident that the rest of our group was already packing up to leave.
I left Daryl's camp, headed over to Dale, and gave him the squirrels. He thanked me, I waved goodbye, heading over to where I saw Glenn standing.
"So did you hear?" Glenn started our conversation the second I walked up. "CDC it is... Rick and Shane think it's our best bet. We're leaving in the morning. You down for that?"
"Yes," I simply replied. I was more than ready for a change now.
I needed to try and put my feelings for Daryl behind me. I had to focus on myself and just surviving. The pleasures I had briefly experienced were a farce.
"Come on, Em," Glenn said to me. "Let's go eat!" He motioned for me to walk over to the group, who were all sitting around the fire.
I sat next to Glenn, with Lori and her family on my other side. I was dying to talk to Glenn about the tension between Lori, Shane, and Rick. I was beginning to suspect that something had happened between Shane and Lori before Rick joined the group...
We spent the early evening together, talking, and getting mentally prepared for our journey tomorrow. Daryl never joined the group, instead staying over near his tent. I thought I had gotten a glimpse of him, but his tent was so far from where we were sitting, I couldn't be sure.
I left the group early, and head over to the camper. I grabbed my now-dried clothes, packing them up. When I was done with that, I grabbed the fabric piece of my tent, and went to get the frame.
In a matter of minutes, my tent was set up again. Good as new, I thought to myself. I just needed to get changed and go to sleep. We were going to have a stressful day tomorrow. I was hoping that the CDC would luck it, it had to.
I tossed and turned, not being able to get the kiss with Daryl out of my head. He was so confusing. How could he hold me and kiss me like that and just act like it meant nothing? I would have to suck it up and just talk to him tomorrow. That is, if he didn't avoid me like he did tonight...
I woke up in the morning, realizing I had never changed out of my clothes from yesterday. I took my hair down from my braids, and gave it a light brush through. I decided to leave it down and wavy today. I changed out of my clothes, and into my clean black jeans and a tight-fitting, black t-shirt.
I took of my old socks, replacing them with clean ones, and laced up my boots. I grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush as I packed my clothes from yesterday away. Rolling up my sleeping bag was the last thing I did before I stepped out of my tent to brush my teeth.
After I was done, and packed the last of my stuff away, I started to take down my tent. I took my sleeping bag, green bag, and tent fabric over to Dale's camper. I wanted to get it tucked away before we left camp.
I went to go grab some breakfast, when I noticed Glenn waving me down.
"Morning!" Glenn seemed to be in a good mood today. "You all packed up?" He asked.
"Yep! Just rolled up my tent, and put my clothes into my pack. Nothing left to do." I said, still frazzled from my encounter with Daryl in the woods. I was feeling ashamed for crossing that line with Daryl. He must have kissed me as a kindness, doing me a favor possibly. "Do you need help with anything?"
"Nope!" He replied. "I put all my shit in Rick's car earlier. Thanks though! I'm going to ride with him."
I didn't know who I would be riding with to the CDC, but I figured I would just ride with Dale. I didn't have my own car anymore and would have to sort that out later.
As we were getting ready to leave the quarry, Morales and his family informed us that they weren't coming with us. They have family land in Alabama and wanted to take their chances to try to find them. It was sad to see them leave, especially watching their children saying goodbye to Carl and Sophia.
Rick gave them a few weapons and some of his own food for their journey. He really seemed like he was stepping up as a leader. We needed that. We needed some sort of direction. He was a very kind and comforting person. Above all that, I knew I could trust him. He saved me in the city. He didn't have to do that.
We wished them luck, not fully agreeing with their decision, but understanding it. We were all responsible for ourselves in this world. We couldn't force them to stay, we could only hope for the best for them.
Just before getting in the RV to leave, I realized I had forgotten my tent frame. I walked over to where Daryl had left it for me and didn't see it anywhere. Fuck. What am I going to do?
I looked around some more before deciding to just get in the RV. I would have to leave it.
"Emma, it's in my truck. Let's go. You can ride with me." Daryl's voice said from behind, totally surprising me.
I hadn't heard him walk up and I was shocked that he was speaking to me again. Maybe I hadn't scared him off.
"Okay, let me just grab my bag from Dale." If our convoy for some reason got separated, I didn't want to be left without my bag. I couldn't lose my clothes and a few personal items that I had stored inside.
"Alright, be quick," Daryl replied, as he headed over to his truck.
I grabbed my bag quickly and told Dale that I was going to ride with someone else. Jacqui and Jim were also riding with Dale. I told him I didn't want to bother Jim, knowing he was fighting the fever from his bite.
"You sure, Emma? There's plenty of room if you don't mind Jim moaning in pain." Dale said to me, and I appreciated his dark humor. I knew he just wanted someone to talk to on the drive, but I had already told Daryl I was going with him.
"It's okay! I don't exactly feel comfortable. We don't really know how this spreads yet, and I think Jacqui will be more of a comfort to him than I could." I replied. It wasn't exactly a lie. I knew if he did die from the bite on the way, we would have enough time to put him down before he turned into one of the dead, but I hadn't been excited to drive with him. It was hard for me to see another person in that kind of anguish.
It was just easier to say that instead of telling him why I was going with Daryl. I still didn't even know myself. I wasn't embarrassed to be seen with him but I knew he was a very reserved and personal person himself. I don't want to make him more uncomfortable than I probably already have. Up until a moment ago, he had been ignoring me. I needed to figure out what was going on between us.
"Alright then, be safe! I'll see you there!" Dale said with a smile as he walked into the RV.
I made my way over to Daryl's blue truck, admiring the motorcycle that he had attached to a trailer on the back. Wow, if we make it somewhere safe, I would kill for him to take me for a ride...
I opened the door and smiled at him as I placed my bag at my feet. As soon as I closed the door, he put the truck in drive, following the convoy out of camp. We are really leaving...
We had the windows rolled down and Daryl had put on some rock music as we drove to the CDC. He didn't play it too loud, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention with the noise, but it felt so good to listen to music.
I had a renewed sense of hope. Maybe this place was going to work out for us. I glanced over to Daryl, who was also slightly smiling, before turning my gaze out the window.
We didn't dare speak about what happened in the woods, but it did feel good to be with Daryl again. I had really hoped that I didn't scare him away. I desperately wanted to be alone with him again...
We had a little while before we got to the CDC, so I decided to close my eyes and get some rest. My last thoughts as I drifted off were begging not to have another dirty dream, while I'm right next to Daryl. I better not fucking wake up to him laughing at me...
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@theworldissomehowstranger asked:
📝 (for Errol, from Ten)
"Things I associate with Ten..." Errol rubs one of his shoulders and contemplates for a moment.
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Color: "Well, I always think of that deep royal blue color that the 4 sided die in his magic 8 ball is, with its little answers written on each side."
Song: "I don't have much access to modern music in this lab, but a classical piece does come to mind for Ten. Chopin's Raindrop. It's got a sort of playful yet melancholy, repetitive melody that suddenly takes a darker more chaotic turn near the middle and climaxes there in a way that reminds me of danger, before suddenly returning to the same tune it had before. It carries on almost as if that darker chaotic bit never happened..."
Scent: "Sterile chemical cleaners, unscented shampoo, and ivory soap. Just like everyone ever caged here in the lab. Though, sometimes I imagine if he weren't here, Ten might like the scent of lavender. I hear it's supposed to be calming..."
Sound: "The scrape of colored pencils against paper laid flat on a table, the liquid muffled rattle of his magic 8 ball when he shakes it, and a very quiet, soft voice, just slightly hoarse from lack of use."
Setting: "I can't help but think of the lab... The rainbow room that doesn't exist anymore... Blood everywhere... But I'd rather imagine what Ten would be like outside of this place. Somewhere free, maybe near a playground, sitting in the grass, reading a book under a tree as the leaves filter down on the pages through the big maple leaves and birds chirp overhead."
Fashion style: "What he's forced to wear is hardly a style. Hospital gowns, grey sweatpants and sweatshirts. Call it lab rat, chic I suppose," Errol scoffs bitterly. "I'd rather let him wear soft sweaters and blue jeans or slacks. With real shoes, not just grip socks."
Feeling: "... It's an unusual feeling for me, but guilt. That's not Ten's fault though. Calm, as well. Calm and comfort, despite the worst. He's a very strong boy and I don't know how he manages to keep so collected despite his circumstances. I suppose it's because it's all he's ever known."
Animal: "He kind of reminds me of a little puppy, with those sad eyes and his eagerness to please. He tries so hard, just like a dog being trained, wanting nothing more than the affection that will follow when he does well. If only he didn't have to live in constant fear of Papa's shock collar if he fails. I know it's a rare punishment, but it's always an option, and it's wrong. Especially because Ten would never blame Papa... Just like a puppy."
Holiday: "Ten has never celebrated a holiday in his life... I wonder if he'd like Christmas. It was never a favorite of mine due to past experiences with my family, but maybe Ten would enjoy it. If for nothing more that the lights and toys."
Season: "Winter. Where the world is muffled and quiet from the snow, and everything seems peaceful as fat snowflakes slowly drift down. Yes, quiet and peaceful, just like Ten."
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purplesurveys · 1 month
New tats in your near future? Unless it's a medical necessity, I intend to keep needles as far away from my skin as much as possible haha.
How about piercings or re-piercings? Nope.
Are there any rooms in your house that you don’t go into every day? I certainly don't go up the rooftop these days because this summer season has been the WORST out of my 26 years of existence and because this 45ºC weather can actually fucking kill.
Who else do you know who has the same favorite color as you do? My sister also likes purple.
Have you ever had a tattoo covered up or added to? I don't have tattoos.
Have you ever kissed someone who has previously kissed someone you hated? No.
Do you have any relatives with red hair? No, not even dyed red hair.
What is tomorrow’s weather forecasted to be like? 43ºC, so we'll be miserable as usual.
Have you ever known anyone who committed suicide? Yes.
What’s some of the worst pain you’ve ever felt? Stomach cramps that came with a particularly bad episode of food poisoning; my hair being bleached; leg cramps that were bad enough to wake me up crying without realizing I've started crying; that brief exact moment I sprained my ankle on my 24th birthday.
What’s your favorite kind of pasta? Fettuccine is sooooo satisfying to eat. 
Would you rather a friend come over to your house or you go over there? Me coming over to their place. There's so much pressure that comes with entertaining guests lol like you want to make sure they're not too feeling hot because the last thing you want to see is them sweating, that there's more than enough food to serve, that the house smells nice, that they have indoor slippers so their socks don't get dirty, that you have enough activities to choose from in case they want to do something fun...it's great once you're in the moment but stressful during the prepping period haha. Maybe it's just the Filipino hospitality in me.
Have you ever had rabies? Nope. I did need to take anti-rabies shots before when my dog bit me.
Do you know anyone who ever had to get a rabies shot? Meeeeeeeeee. A few other people as well, yeah.
Ever eaten deer? Duck? Squirrel? How about lamb? I've had duck and lamb.
What is your favorite parody movie? I remember enjoying This Is Spinal Tap. Johnny English is another one.
What is your least favorite ice cream flavor? Anything with nuts. Rocky Road and Double Dutch is a no-no.
Does your car have heated seats? We have no use for that feature.
Have you ever been tempted to steal? Nah.
Would you rather travel to Ireland or Japan? Ireland.
Does tickling turn you on? Nope.
If you could go over to someone’s house right now, whose and why? If I absolutely had to, just Angela's. They're practically my second family + I can always accompany her while she's reviewing for boards.
What is the age gap between you and your parents? 27 years.
How many bathrooms does your house have? Is this enough? Two. Yes.
Have you ever video-chatted with someone you met online? Yes, video calls with Carley was routine when I was in high school. I never talked out of shyness and was just happy to nod and laugh to her stories, but she seemed more than okay with that which was very sweet in retrospect.
Do you collect anything, or have you ever? I used to collect Beyonce everything, then it turned to collecting One Direction everything, then now it's BTS everything.
When was the last time you used Facebook? 1 hour ago.
How many siblings does your best friend have? She's an only child.
Have you ever dated someone who was emotionally or mentally unstable? Yes.
Be honest: are you clingy? I used to be but not anymore. I loooooooooooove my space.
Have you ever had bronchitis? Nope.
Have you ever had a reptile for a pet? No.
Are you afraid of the dentist? No. I've only ever had positive experiences at the dentist and all of the ones I've been to have had super super light hands.
Did you attend Sunday School as a child? Thank fuck I was never made to attend.
Who was the last person you cuddled with? Uhm my ex, a lifetime ago.
How would you feel if your significant other (or possible partner) told you they dislike having sex, but do so with you to make you happy, even though they personally think it’s a chore? This is the case with me actually. Sex is fun for me but historically it had been a struggle to get my drive up. The incompatibility with my past partner definitely could've been one of the reasons it didn't work out.
Your boyfriend/girlfriend isn’t around but their phone is. Do you look through it? I used to before but only to mess around. I never had any malicious or sneaky intent. Like genuinely all I wanted to do was drop a playful tweet on their Twitter account or to play a game that they had LOL. Never had the desire to look through messages or anything more private.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? Nope.
Have you ever liked anyone that was in a relationship with someone else? No.
Do people ever compliment your eyes? Not my eyes but my eyelashes, since they're long.
Have any of your exes ever given you roses? Yeah.
Do you think your last ex ever thinks about you? No.
Would you rather have salad or french fries for a side dish? Fries.
Which one of your relationships was the shortest? I've only been in one relationship, so that technically counts as both the shortest and longest by default.
Which was the longest? ^ That.
Have any of your exes told you they regret breaking up with you? No, she seemed very happy with their decision as she stopped talking to me as soon as we had our final conversation. She was happy, 100%.
That fucked with me mentally for a very long time, still does from time to time like a random slap in the face; but I've stopped fixating on it. My mind is stronger now and I'm in a much happier place myself, have been for a very long time.
Would you feel hurt if your last ex is in a relationship? No.
Are you going to be getting any new pets soon? I don't think so.
Do you like BBQ sauce? I love barbecue sauce holy shit. Especially on my pizza.
What do you like to do when you’re home alone? Whatever I like to do even when there's people haha. It doesn't change.
Should the guy always pay for the date? No, eugh.
What kind of music calms you down? Depends on my mood.
Do you know anyone who has autism? I don't think so.
What is your favorite way to eat eggs? I love most ways tbh EXCEPT fried. I hate when the edges are all crisp and burnt it feels like eating paper lol.
Do you like Frozen? No, I was always on Team Tangled.
Who is one of your heroes? I don't have any.
Do you enjoy hot chocolate? There's only one kind I look for, which I get from La Creperie.
Do you use Instagram often? Everyday.
If you got a kitten, what would you name it? Hard to tell, it'd depend on their personality.
Do you have a Pinterest account? Nope. I use it for work when I need pegs and such, but only use a guest account.
Do you prefer a quiet or noisy environment? Again, it depends. Am I on a dinner out with friends? It'd be great if it's somewhere noisy so it can help drive up my social battery. Am I on a tight deadline with a press release needed in 30 minutes? Absolutely need all the quiet I can get.
What is one question you don’t like being asked? First world stuff. I don't have a last thing I bought from Walmart, and no I haven't been to any states because I have a shitty third world passport that requires me to get a visa to travel 70% of the world lol.
Who is someone you know who is talkative? Yes. I'm in the PR industry. Everybody is talkative, including myself LOL.
When was the last time you saw one of your uncles? At lunch today.
Do you know anyone who plays the violin? I have a very distant cousin who does. An orgmate does too. I think Hannah or Michelle? I'm blanking out on who it actually is.
Do your parents enjoy any of the things that you enjoy? Do you bond over these things? I share the same appreciation for food as my dad.
Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? The one for my Twitter. Yes, I recycle it quite a lot.
Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? Yes. I LOVE getting into black holes like that haha.
If someone told you that we live in a society that hates women, how would you respond? I'd ask them how they feel about it so I would know how to treat and deal with them going forward. A test question, essentially lol.
Can you remember the last thing you thought and subsequently thought, “wow, I really shouldn’t be thinking that”? Yes. But it will stay in my head, sorry haha.
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sunflowerrboyy · 1 year
tagged by @mickgaydolenz !!
nickname: most people call me rog. my papa calls me ruggers tho from the rugrats
height: 5'7
last thing i googled: danny kaye .....
song stuck in my head: the best things happen while you're dancing from white christmas. i just finished watching it and i think that number made me fall in love with danny kaye all over again sigh
amount of sleep: ahahaha not enough.
dream job: the one i'm in college for at the moment is a geology based park ranger, which is cool. the one i kinda gave up on when i was younger was being a jazz musician, i've played the sax for about 10 years now and was planning on that being my future until i kinda spiraled and realized i probably wasn't good enough to make it in the music industry, especially with a dying genre of music (unfortunately it's not the 1940s anymore and jazz is not that popular).
wearing: it's bed time babey ! grey sweatpants and a hoodie from oregon. and a pair of christmas socks with santa on them
movie/book that summarizes me well: i know this one was recent but soul (yes the pixar one). when i first watched this i was in a super bad depressive episode and had just given up on any chance of being a musician for my career and when i watched this it really changed how i saw the world. even the mundane became something worth living for and seeing that there was hope out there and music can still be an important factor in my life was so relieving to hear in that moment. any pixar movie is right up my alley tho.
current fav song: 3AM by AJR. i don't know how many times i can say i love this song, but i love this song. the stripped back instrumental with just a uke, a guitar, and piano, ryan's beautiful vocals, the yearning and the fear in the lyrics. god it's such a masterpiece of a song. realizing you really like a girl, but it may only be a fling to her, and you don't want to be rejected, hey you should feel lucky she chose you right? but what if the feeling isn't reciprocated? as someone who has had many crushes that were unreciprocated, this song just speaks volumes to my soul. holy shit.
aesthetic: i honestly don't know. whatever a plethora of button ups and t shirts with jeans and a toontown hat is ????
fav author(s): jeez i haven't read in so long. my favorites are agatha christie (i have a whole collection of her books), courtney peppernell (she does some good poetry), shannon messenger (i read keeper of the lost cities as a kid and her let the sky fall series as i got older and i MET her once she's super sweet) and neil gaiman (his stuff is amazing).
random fact: i am low-key terrified of amusement parks after dark. idk why i feel like something bad is going to happen as soon as the sun goes down, even with the pretty lights and the rides and the music, ever since i was a kid i've felt EXTREMELY uneasy and nervous and jittery, especially walking down main street at disneyland at night. idk.
tagging @sam-winchester-kinnie (sorry sam no obligation to do this obvs) @freshwatercatfishjpegimage @generic-blog-name-69 @ anyone i may have missed or anyone who wishes to do it :) i am big sleepy atm
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suguruswife · 2 years
What The Portraits Hide Frank x Gn!Reader
Includes: angst(?), Mentions of cheating.
Gn reader.
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I hate this man but I kinda like him... Mxwkdnwl the idea was spinning in my head and this will be ooc for sure cuz Frank is an asshole. Idk how many words I did but there were many 😭 the end is somewhat vague but well...
If you saw that instead of using her i used him or something like that, no, you didn't. There may be grammar mistakes, sorry for that!
time jumps and flashbacks might be annoying, hope that doesn't bother either, and memories and stuff from the past will be in this typeface, the rest will be in 'present'
Well, now yeah, let's go with our Frank x Gn! Reader.
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Summary: You were the best friend of the troublesome Frank Morrison, your talent with drawing attracted him like a moth to the flame, curious and explorer. When you two went your separate ways, the memories were more scarred than any other scars.
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"So you have a half-naked portrait of yourself?" Julie's question caught the interest of the tall man, who was lying down with his eyes closed.
The object was something that Frank longed to get rid of along with other things, so such was the surprise when he heard his partner mention it.
"Where did you find it?" Frank asked with a frown, he was sure that useless thing didn't exist anymore.
"Here in your drawer. It's very well done, I'm not gonna lie. You jerk off with this?" Julie said with a playful tone as she threw it from one hand to the other. looking amused at her boyfriend's expression.
"Leave it where you found it, it's not important."
"It must be important for you to have it in your room, who made it?" she questioned, watching as he slipped out of his bed completely.
"A friend, an old friend." Frank replied, watching the blonde's disappointed look.
"Who could this friend be? Are they the one you told me about once?" Julie directed her gaze to the floor, uncomfortable to bring the subject up again. She believed that he had gotten rid of everything, so it was such a surprise the fact that he still has a memory of said friend.
Frank sighed heavily before approaching his girlfriend and slowly taking her slowly by the shoulders. He was already tired enough to have to put up with her jealous attitudes.
"They are nobody special, you don't need to overreact, this person is someone from the past and nothing else, you are my present, babe."
"I know," Julie whispered before wrapping her arms around Frank's neck and placing a kiss on his lips. With some hesitation, she continued, "And your future too, right?" The words that came out of her mouth made Frank's hands shake, not with fear but uncomfortably.
"Yes, of course Julie. You are the only one."
A smile slowly peeked out, expressing that she was satisfied with his answer. Julie threw the portrait on his bed and went to the door.
"Wanna eat? I can stay and make dinner if you don't mind," she offered.
"I'd prefer to rest, you know. Tomorrow I gotta meet with the principal of the school, the old man wants to have a 'serious' talk. Will probably tell me about his collection of socks as punishment tho," the man said as he made his way to his closet.
Julie, kind of disappointed, watched steadily as Frank changed his clothes. Tattoos on display in all their glory. If he hadn't rejected her presence so obviously, she'd have reached out to touch them, to know if there was somehow a difference with the rest of his skin.
Frank's tired voice snapped her out of her trance, "Julie, could you..." He raised his finger to the door, the girl didn't need anything else to understand what he wanted.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow?" After hearing the affirmative humming from his part, she closed the door slowly behind her, wishing she could've stayed a little longer.
On the other hand, Frank leaned back and took the portrait, it was a drawing of himself that showed his features very well, excellently and realistically, from his face to his chest. He remembered the words of his old friend 'draw as far as it leaves people intrigued, until they want to see more.'
He didn't understand the meaning of art but he was attracted to it, he still remembered that autumn afternoon with you, he'd laughed like never before, laughed until his cheeks ached as if they had been squeezed by an older lady.
"I miss you," he whispered your name as he ran a finger over your artwork, longing for those three words to reach you.
Sneezing again for what it felt like the tenth time in the day, you unburden yourself on a canvas, combining colors as if trying to make a sunrise. The idea of ​​making two people crosses your head momentarily, but you quickly reject it. You wouldn't want to try to ruin another canvas just on a romantic whim.
You stop everything before the brush touches your drawing again, boredom seized you suddenly and you decided to go clean your hands. Clean them until they are like new, like a doll's.
After a heavy wash, you went back to bed and into the sheets your thoughts began to wander from here to there until they caught up with your old best friend, the plague Morrison.
Whining to yourself, you turned around so the memories would stay in the back of your mind and not start playing like a cheap rom-com movie, it was enough with the fact that you almost always came across him anywhere. Even though you despised and ignored him, fate had a twisted way of amusing itself. It put him in front of you, like he was a rusty award that you deserved.
You rejected him every time.
Once again, albeit you hated him, you appreciate the moments of last fall, and that was something you couldn't stop thinking about.
A twisted movie and love.
"Could you please stop fucking playing around? I'm working here, Morrison. Can't even draw you right because you shake like a washing machine," you sighed heavily running your fingers through your hair, throwing him at the same time a fulminant look, hoping you could convey your discomfort with the situation.
"There are a lot of things wrong with what you said, Honey. First of all, who the fuck has a shaking washing machine? I can't speak much, though. My mom washes clothes by hand." Frank remarked with a frown as he raised his elbows to lean on the bed. "And besides, you're the one who asked to draw me, you damn fan in love."
"I only came up with the idea because we were bored, you damn smug insolent!" you barked throwing one of your dirtiest -and least favorite- brushes at him.
He groaned as soon as it touched his bare chest, the texture felt strange and cold against his skin, not to mention that it had a mix of all existing colors.
"Admit it, you enjoy the view and you wanted to draw me half-naked."
"I do, I don't offer just any pretty boy a drawing. I choose my muses carefully, plus you're the favorite of many, I'm sure they gonna love to see you... How to say?" You put your hands under your chin as if you were thinking of the correct term. "Oh, yeah! They'll love to see up to a certain point of you, as if you were an unattainable gift."
Frank inclined his head before straightening it quickly, he needed to stay still like a statue but the questions still plagued him, were there more reasons for him to be your muse? Did you think he was hot?
"And what's your role here?" he asked.
"I am a kind of god. You are the image and I give you life." The words came out of your mouth easily, the answer was direct and you made them sound like they were simple and effortless to understand but Frank was more dumbfounded and confused than before.
He dismissed this comment of yours as a game, believing he knew better than that you just drawing him for entertainment, nothing more.
"Oh yeah, it'll be great to fuck someone random and find the love of my life. At the end of everything, I will thank my lovely creator."
"I don't think a romantic relationship is just about having sex," you pronounced slowly looking back at your work.
"Of course not, I always hook up with a stranger and I don't even catch their names."
A deafening silence filled the room, Frank's words echoing in your head feverishly and persistently.
"I messed up with that?" He slowly uttered, without taking his eyes off his hands, which were stroking his chest from top to bottom.
"No," yes, the correct answer was ringing loudly in your head, wanting to go out and shock the insolent man infront of you. "They are something of a night, right? As long as you don't get a new best friend I'll be fine. Let yourself enjoy, Frank, when we're in college you won't be able to enjoy that much."
"Actually, I met someone."
Looking up from your sheet, you observed how Frank made his fingers sound, something he did when he was nervous. Your heartbeat had noticeably sped up, and you were thankful that human beings don't have super hearing.
"Please tell me that they're not a minor," you begged within yourself. If that was the case, Morrison would be more screwed than the time he slept with the Sheriff's daughter.
"Do I look like a cradle robber? I'm not. And no, she's not a minor, she turned 18 a month and a half ago."
"Oh, damn, Morrison, you're not a cradle robber but you're almost there, huh." You scoffed at his answer.
"She's only a year younger, don't bother me! Try to make yourself happy for me, Honey. Possibly if things go well with her... I won't brag about my bedmates."
"Good news at least." You paused before a question escapes your lips, maybe it would be too intrusive but Frank always answered everything. "May I ask what did you see in her? I mean, there's something that stands out about her whole being or is she just a barbie doll?"
"Come on, don't start with that, keep drawing and I'll tell you about her but you don't need to pull your shit out like this." Frank's dry and harsh words made you freeze in place, making you regret even speaking.
Squeezing the brush tightly, you decided for once to shut up before releasing a comment.
"You act like my father, when you ask him what he likes about his girlfriend, he only says he loves when she cooks for him and washes his clothes, but he never says anything about her personality. She's there like a doll."
"You know I'm not into the little comparison shit so don't even do it again. I'm talking to you about something important and you have to do everything about yourself, don't you?"
"I was just remarking that to you, you can't say that you are attracted to a person just because they act like a doll."
"At least she tries hard to act like a decent person, if it weren't for me you wouldn't even have a friend."
Your hand trembled, causing the brush to slightly stain Frank's body black, frozen by his words, you let out a slight apology.
"Okay, don't apologize, just let me tell you a little about her and two other people I met."
Faced with his obvious emotion, you couldn't help but feel drowned, drowned in your own room. As if an overwhelming heat tried to melt everything in its path.
In that moment, you realized that Frank was slipping through your fingers, slipping away, and away.
"And well, she's so cool, it feels like suddenly the urge to leave this place is gone, she makes me feel good and also noticed me. Among all the boys, she chose me."
"Ah, sorry, what's her name? I was distracted for a moment."
"Julie. You ought to know her, she'd surely like your drawings."
"Maybe someday."
A quiet and comfortable silence settled in the room, too comfortable and charming for your liking.
"I still don't understand what you see in her," you heard how a heavy sigh escaped his lips, causing a giggle from your lips. His fake annoyance was hilarious up to a point. "I'm serious dude, you could find in other girls the same thing she has, what makes her different?"
"If you say her personality I'm gonna kick your ass."
"I was going to say her pussy but hey," he laughed at the disgusted grimace you made. "I bet into your mind crosses the 'the real pussy whipped'."
"Oh god, you are so disgusting."
Laughing out loud at your answer, he started patting his pants, searching for what you thought might be his wallet.
"I'm going to show you what she looks like." Frank took a picture that looked in a sorry state, you decided not to say anything so as not to ruin the bright smile on his face.
"Frank, it's okay you don't have to-MORRISON STAY STILL."
The black-haired man shrugged at your sudden scream, looking at you with a confused look.
"The muse shouldn't move, do you know how much it will cost me to get you back in the exact same position? A lot of time."
Jumping out of your place like a dog excited for its prize, you made your way to your bed and threw yourself. You ignored Frank's whimper of pain and looked at the photo.
"Oh, damn she's pretty," you murmured, unaware of the loving gaze the man next to you had. A loving gaze reserved for someone else.
"She really is."
A feeling of pain and jealousy began to bloom in your chest, you could break your head wondering if Frank ever looked at you like that and you wouldn't find an answer or remember any of that.
You cleared your throat audibly to bring him out of his stupor, "Shall we continue?"
"Obviously, gonna show everyone the portrait my best friend made of me. Maybe you'll have some fans as well."
"I do not need another fan if I already have you, Morrison. You approached me for that, remember?"
"And I don't regret anything, your hands make art, I like that. When I have my own gang you will make the image that represents us," he promised, with a look that was indecipherable to you this time.
You let out a laugh at his comment, the idea of ​​Frank being a gang leader sounded so funny and crazy at the same time. Though it didn't seem impossible, with his character he could achieve many things, he has done it before.
"Come on, those things about dreaming of being leaders are for children, you are a man now."
"Presidents are leaders, even if the idea bothers you, that's what they are."
Now it was your turn to laugh, before taking advantage of the situation. "But you aren't a president and if you were, you'd leave the country in debt."
"Well... you know what, shut up and get on with what you're doing."
you looked at the canvas again, analyzing how long it would take to finish. "I'm almost finished, I just need to paint your noodle arms, talk to me in the meantime." You dipped your brush in the water, trying to blur the color.
He growled in exasperation at your request, "We already talked a lot."
"Drop some funny thing then."
"Hmmm, I haven't told you about the other two people I met."
"Tell me about them, I wanna hear you."
"Well, there's this boy who is so unbearable but I like him. Too boastful though, you could challenge him to jump off a bridge and he would do it for being proud." It looked like Frank was complaining but the small smile on his face gave him away.
"What a coincidence, that reminds me of someone, don't you think?"
"Ha, you're so funny, dedicate yourself to comedy," he spat, settling into his position. "His name is Joey, if you want I could introduce him or something."
Stopping the drawing again in frustration for the fifth time, you looked at Frank.
"Absolutely not. I'm not into bad guys, plus I got you, that's enough."
"Yeah, but you and I are just friends, you need a dick," Frank said your name lengthening the last syllable, he certainly acted like a child at times. "It will come in handy. Sex increases happiness."
"Also the chances of getting pregnant or contracting any sexually transmitted diseases," you remarked deadpanned.
Laughing among you, you were carried away by time, when you realized it was almost 8 o'clock.
Certainly, when one enjoys the company of another person, time flies by. Even though, this is something you experienced only with Frank, he's always so straightforward, without filters and tactless, you don't even know why you are his friend but you wouldn't change him for anything.
You expected him to think the same.
"Are you ready to look better than ever, Frank? Because trust me, girls would rather see you in any portrait from now on."
"Just show me, it looks like you're making an announcement," he said as he got up from the bed and took hurried steps in your direction.
Frank put his hand on his chin, staring at the drawing. You knew that he wasn't only analyzing it but also studying it, observing from the mixture of colors that you applied to the drawing itself. When he was too quiet, you started to fidget, you knew very well his shitty personality and you knew he would be honest if he didn't like the portrait -honesty that you appreciated sometimes- but a part of you was afraid that he would lie so as not to hurt your feelings.
You wish he had lied about other things so as not to hurt your feelings as well.
"Looking good, you should have added more package to my pants tho."
"Package? I'm not going to add more size to your sausage when that's how it looks." You saw how he gasped pretending to be offended before a smirk appeared on his countenance.
"So you were watching." He put his hand on his chest like he was an embarrassed lady.
"Oh god, you are insufferable."
"But you love me."
Yes, and I hate that.
"Maybe." That's the last thing you pronounced before feeling his arms hugging your figure. You didn't need any words, his hug had already told you everything.
"Did you hear the rumor?" Your friend to your right had whispered to you, as if they were a spy agent.
With your books in hand, you frowned in confusion until you said your first thought.
"Rumor? What rumor? The one about Elizabeth trying again to seduce the math teacher?" you asked giggling, the man wasn't that bad but there were certainly better ones. The history teachers are second to none.
"No, about your ex boyfriend, Frankie," they blurted out, widening their smile at the change in your expression.
You cleared your throat, annoyed at the mention of him. "He was never my boyfriend and his affairs have nothing to do with me. Not anymore at least."
"I know, I know, but this is a big thing." They looked from side to side, making sure you two didn't have an unwanted audience. "Heard he was suspended from school."
"What?! Why and how long?"
"Looks like your ears are paying attention to me now, huh." Your friend said while hitting you on the forehead. "Silly, he's not a good man to you and to make things better, you and I remember very well the talk we had, right?"
"I do but you have to put yourself in my shoes. I miss him." You paused, looking frantically at your sides, afraid of meeting a member of The legion. "Why did they suspend him then?"
"I don't know if he was suspended or kicked out of the basketball team. Supposedly he shoved a referee into the stands." They shrugged, unimpressed by what Frank did.
"I see you too worried about an idiot whose aura screams violence from all sides. Go visit him if you want to, the worst that could happen would be that he blames you for everything and the best thing would be for him to help you with those concerns of yours. This has happened before and I don't think he's going to hurt you, right?"
You remain silent, thinking of many other times when he's hurt you with his words because of his anger.
You sigh shaking your head, "You're right, I don't think he will."
"Today I saw his whore, Juliette... Jules is it?" You could see the gears turning inside their head, so rolling your eyes you answered them.
"Julie," you responded, pursing your lips at the mention of her name.
"Yeah, that bitch who went from a popular girlie richie richie to a criminal. How can anyone fall so low?"
"Chasing after a little crush makes her stupid I guess."
There was a deafening silence and you felt small under the heavy gaze of your friend. Perhaps you are the least indicated to speak.
"Save yourself whatever you want to say."
They left, but not before letting out a laugh that caught the attention of a couple of students. Laughing to yourself, you started heading for the exit, thinking at the same time how you would talk to the insolent Frank.
"Are we really having a deep talk?" Frank asked, taking a sip of beer.
"I was just telling you that money isn't everything but can give you many things." You had a drink at the same time, the cold liquid sliding down your throat. So cold that you felt it burning you.
"Money is great but passion and freedom is better," he remarked, wagging his fingers dramatically, you hated philosophical talks with Frank because he always wanted to be right, even if he denied being that persistent.
You laughed sarcastically, "You can be free in many ways, without being a criminal for example."
"Say what you want but you will never feel the adrenaline and excitement that The Legion has." Frank sounded almost very proud, it made you sad and a bit frightening because for the first time you saw a leading figure in him. Acting like a leader, one who tramples others. A selfish one.
"The Legion? What's up with that name?"
"Julie made it up."
You hummed in recognition.
"How are things going between you two?" You asked, finishing the fourth- no, fifth bottle?
"We are fine, we do the typical couple stuff, although sometimes she is a bit childish," he replied as he opened another beer for you.
You took the bottle between your hands before speaking again, "Why-why is that?"
"She said bullshit about I cared more about my friends than her."
"I am 'those friends'?" You asked, the sarcastic tone didn't leave you and you were still angry about what had happened since Frank told you about Julie.
"Julie hesitates, nothing more. She knows the existence of a friend who has feelings for me but doesn't know you explici—"
"Because you told her."
"It just got away from me, I had no idea she was gonna be so paranoid!"
"I bet you laughed at that."
"I didn't- Come on, don't be like that." Frank took your arms as he said your name slowly. You wish he had said it more lovingly, showing some hint of concern or something.
"I hate this. I hate that you are aware of what you do, what you do to me and still act like nothing. You still choose her." You lowered your gaze, hating him was impossible, since your decisions led you here. At this moment. Encouraging you to look at it again, you murmured slowly looking directly at his lips, "I really want to kiss you, man."
Frank looked with sorrow at your visibly drunk figure, he knew that not in a million years would you dare to confess your feelings directly, you always preferred that people notice everything around you.
Swallowing heavily, Frank muttered the first excuse he thought of, "But Julie and I—"
"Julie is not here, I am. I always have been and always will be."
You slowly approached Frank putting a hand on his shoulder, you thought he'd push you away but he just watched your movement. When you didn't see his refusal to your touch, you ran your thumb down his neck reaching his cheek.
His eyes closed at the show of warm affection, something he had been deprived of for many years of his life. Even his girlfriend's fingers felt like ice cubes compared to yours.
"Please Frank. Just one kiss, it won't gotta happen again. It won't mean a thing," you pleaded slowly bringing your face closer to his, noses almost brushing against each other.
His eyes went from your eyes to your lips, an action that didn't go unnoticed before your eyes."Then go ahead, show me what I've been missing."
You leaned even further over him and breathed raggedly before finally bringing your lips together with his. They were warm, and softer than you would've imagined, both of you had just started and you already felt in a state of complete bliss, forgetting about everything bad that happened.
You wanted to get the most out of this dance before it was over, so you held on as long as you could. Your eyes had closed not to see him, not to see his expression either of disgust or pleasure, because both of them would hurt you in the same way.
You couldn't bear that act anymore, your lungs begged for more air than you were receiving, You were drowning and you didn't know why, if it was because of the heady kiss or anything else. Reluctantly, you turned away from the kiss, only for him to pull you back, claiming and biting your lips with demand.
One became two, two became three, so on until you couldn't count them anymore. Albeit you two had to pull apart for air, that didn't stop him from continuing to move his hand up and down your lower back.
"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen," he muttered looking you straight in the eye, causing you to blush at his comment, though the next words that came out of his mouth were ready to tear you apart, "but you are not her." Your name slowly escaped his lips, as if he was trying to emphasize that you are the boring one and the second course in the story.
Frank only shows you the leftovers, never who he is completely.
You'd have preferred to be stabbed than to feel how gently he drove you away, as if you were delicate and fragile in his hands. You saw how he took your bag and stood by the door, clearly stating that at the moment, you weren't welcome.
"This-this is how this end? You dump me? You kick me out while intoxicated?" You asked dumbfounded by his actions, you hoped that he would at least accompany you but his body language clearly said that he expected you to leave on your own two feet.
"I'm sorry I—"
"You can apologize but I won't forgive you," you said as you rose from his bed, taking your jacket and bag from his hands. "Don't worry about showing me the way out either, I know how to leave."
The only reason you didn't slam the door was probably because his parents were sleeping, so you had no choice but release your frustration by crying.
Frank Morrison was not a good man.
But you expected him to be one for you.
The seasons changed, appearances did too, but feelings kept floating around.
You didn't see Frank in what had been months, he didn't contact you and neither did you. You didn't blame him for what happened (at least not so much) you decided to kiss him even knowing that he has a girlfriend. 
Someone who gives him warmth and comfort.
Even if you tried to hate him, you couldn't. And the scenes of him wrapping her arms around Julie at school reminded you how much you wanted him. 
Why not me? Was the first thing you thought when witnessing those disgusting moments.
But the worst thing was when you felt him, when you felt his gaze fixed on you. You didn't need to see who was looking at you, you already knew.
Frank Morrison was not a good man, but he felt. He felt remorse every time he thought of you. 
And he felt it too when he was with Julie.
Because it felt bad yearning for someone else.
And despite the damage he'd done to you, you still cared. The ultimate proof of that is that you are standing on his doorstep right now. Just to find out if the rumor was true. God only knows what would happen to Frank if he got suspended.
After knocking a few times and getting no response, you were about to leave until the door opened abruptly, startling you at the sudden display of Mr. Clive.
You never spoke to him other than to greet him with manners, leaving that aside, he was just an angry drunk and the smell that his body gave off only served to reinforce the pitiful truth. His aura was so dark and depressing that you couldn't help but wince.
"Hello Mr. Clive, I wanted to know if Frank was here by chance." You said as nicely as you could, afraid of provoking some kind of negative reaction from him.
The man in front of you looked you up and down before answering, it made you feel dirty for a moment, wishing you were some insect rather than a person. "That good-for-nothing must be fucking someone else, little bug." The poisonous words along with his stinky breath further strengthened your grimace, if you were brave enough you would break his shitty face.
"That is not what I asked, sir."
That answer seems to have not liked him because he settled in his place, trying to intimidate you. "Should be grateful that I opened the door and im talking ya." Rudely, Clive slammed the door in your face, making you curse under your breath.
Even though you knew that Frank was adopted, there were times when you thought 'like father like son'. It was terrifying to think how he despised so much a person with whom he shared a certain resemblance and even gestures.
Coming home has never felt this good, worries still filled your whole being but there was nothing better than having dinner and going to sleep, problems could wait for tomorrow.
Taking something from the fridge quickly, you went to your room, there was no noise and you weren't in the mood to play music to have background noise.
You despised when you were completely alone in the dark and in silence, because that would allow you to overthink. And luckily the only thing that crossed your mind was calling your friend, they would be more than willing to hear you rant about Frank and the entire legion -even though you barely knew the names of the others- the calls with them always lifted your spirits, taking you out of the darkness and removing to some extent the emotional pain you suffered from.
And a specific call always reminded you that they were there for you.
"I hate him. I hate him because he doesn't know how good and bad he makes me feel. I hate him because if he does, he doesn't move away from me, he excites me almost without knowing it. And I hate him because I know he loves me but not in the way I do," you exclaimed, squeezing the phone a little too hard, thank god you had the house alone, it'd be horrible to have to cry in silence, swallowing your tears painfully.
"Okay, sweetie, listen to me I need you to calm down, we—"
"I know she is only a year younger than us and there is no problem with Frank dating her but-but I-" The words stuck in your throat, you could feel your stomach churning, perhaps from remorse or even distress. Admitting and letting the words out wasn't easy.
"I wish he would notice me."
And so you broke, shedding tear after tear, clutching your clothes until your knuckles turned white from the iron grip. The pain wasn't compared to that of your heart, because if denying romantic feelings -those that burned into your entire being- was difficult, then saying them out loud was even worse.
"I know, I know," Your friend said with a reassuring tone, almost like a mother worried about her child. "And trust me, it will hurt like a kick in the balls when you see them both together, but the pain will pass and better days will come. There will come a time when you wonder who the fuck is Frank Morrison. Maybe the neighborhood baker?"
Through your tears you giggled, possibly they were right, although the chances of forgetting someone like him were low.
"Do you think he will do the same thing he did to me?" you whispered more to yourself than to anyone else, thinking and wanting another person to suffer the same thing that you was selfish but the envy you had for Julie was stronger.
There was a long pause before their voice answered, "I highly doubt it, sweetie. They are a couple, they'll probably break up but I don't think he'll do the exact same thing to her." You gave a whimper before they nervously exclaim, "But don't worry about him, he will surely come back with his tail between his legs."
"It's been weeks, not a damn message or sign that he was ever my friend. What good is it that he looks at me if he does it with disdain? As if I had ruined his life."
"He's acting like a moron, give him time and he'll come back, all men do the same. They come back when they realize they lost something valuable."
"Then you make me understand that if he comes back I have to welcome him with open arms?" you asked confused at your friend's pun.
"You should check those ears honey because I didn't say that shit. If that dickhead comes back, give him the punch of his life, so he learns not to play with other people's feelings."
"Surely I will." You laughed, seeing Frank fall on his ass would be the glory.
"That's the spirit! Now, wake up to the real world before you keep thinking about 'the-boy-we-shouldn't-mention'." They said goodbye before cutting off the call.
Slowly opening your eyes, you were greeted with darkness, indicating that it was still night. You realized that somehow you'd been a victim of the softness of your bed since you were still half asleep. so you checked the clock and managed to see what time it was.
'2 am, fuck.'
You sighed annoyed and settled back into your sheets, determined to sleep until your body wants to wake up.
You were already falling back into your dreams until you heard an almost inaudible noise, it was probably the neighbor's cat, usually always prowling the neighborhood at odd hours looking for food. If you were fully conscious you would feed it but now it's time to sleep.
The noise rang out again, and this time it came clearer and louder to your ears. It looked like it was someone or something knocking on your window and it became persistent at the lack of response. You wanted to ignore it but it was so unbearable that made you want to take your ears off. So you got up abruptly and opened the window looking down. Already jaded by the interruption of your sleep.
Looking outside your house, your heart skipped a beat at the very familiar figure that stood there in all his splendor.
"Frank?" you murmured loud enough for him and not the residents of the house to hear you.
He whispered your name back, adjusting his jacket for the cold Ormond weather. "Can I- can I talk to you?"
"I don't know, can you?" you replied coldly, you probably would've made a joke about how your tone resembled the cold city weather but this wasn't the time.
"The old man told me you wanted to see me, I took advantage and came here."
For a couple of seconds, you were reminiscing about the time Frank told you that you were the only person who had come to his house. You shook your head to dispel the matter and went back to Frank, who was patiently waiting for your answer.
"Okay, I'll give you ten minutes."
You opened the door and Frank didn't wait a bit before hugging you, almost crushing you. The leather of his jacket felt cold against your skin and left you shivering against his body, he'd caught you off guard but still you didn't return the hug, too uncomfortable with the display of affection from a person you haven't talked to in months.
"I missed you, too much," he whispered, making you sigh at his warm breath against your ear.
"Frank, let's talk to my room, okay? I don't wanna wake anyone up."
With a nod from him, you two went straight to your room. You let the black-haired man analyze your room like the first time, he looked like a child tasting a new candy.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Your voice seemed to take him out of his world, as he blinked and finally looked at you.
"What did you want to talk about? You're the one who showed up at my house."
"Yes, but now you are the only one at my house, I doubt you thought something happened to me so I deduce that you have something to say to me."
"I already told you, you wanted to see me and I took the opportunity to come."
There was silence in the room, your gaze never left his, determined not to lose the little game. You waited until he finally gave up and looked away, you smiled to yourself at the victory.
"I went to see you because I was worried about what happened," you went to your bed and threw yourself on it, you knew that Frank's eyes were following you intently, waiting for you to continue, "about what you did."
"You're going to scold?" he asked amused, leaning defiantly against the wall near your door.
"I told you I was worried, did you really get suspended?"
Your name escaped his lips, you didn't know if it was in the form of a warning or regret, but you didn't care, you looked at him expectantly. His next words could be a downfall or a miracle, you expected him to deny everything, to say that he was wrong and to admit his mistakes.
"It is true, I don't know what you heard exactly but it's true." At your expression of surprise, he avoided any type of eye contact, almost fearing that your gaze would set him on fire. "And I'm going to drop out of school for that reason."
"Wait, you can't be serious. Studies are everything! What will you do when you have to get a job, do adult stuff?" You exclaimed, feeling a sudden heat from the rush of emotions.
At your comment, Frank gave a sarcastic laugh, one of the ones you hated the most with all your being, "That's none of your business, I'll figure it out, I don't need a little piece of paper to prove I got more than one neuron."
"You cannot do this, you're gonna condemn yourself and I can assure you that there will be no one there to help you, not even Julie." You pronounced desperately, you could bet you were the only one who had worried about his future and you'd be right. He has no friends, he has company.
"Julie, Susie, Joey and you can all fuck off, I don't need your help or anyone else's, I've been alone for half my life, I can deal with more loneliness, it won't change anything." Frank had the facade of calm but his tone gave him away and you knew that if you two continued like this, nothing would end well.
You scoffed after hearing his little speech, being the only one who was able to see him suffer, "That's bullshit and you know that! You are always the one who pushes us all away! Waiting for us to follow you as if you were a religion, what's wrong with you?"
"You don't know what you're talking about," he yelled at you, he had reached his limit and the glass was finally overflowing. "I tried so hard to be your friend and I supported you in every single thing, but you couldn't return the same treatment to me. It was such a difficult task for you, wasn't it?"
"Because you're a freaking criminal, Morrison." You returned the same tone he used, getting dangerously close to him. "I haven't seen you do a thing right since we stopped talking, I know you and you're better than this."
"You're just jealous."
"Jealous?" you asked stunned. "Listen to me and do it well, Frank. I am and always was the only damn person who cared about you here in Ormond. When you gave a shit to Clive I was there to treat you like a king. I treated you like Julie won't even be able to do it in three lives, So don't…" you paused when gasp rose from your throat, unable to bear the overwhelming situation. "Shit, I gave you my hand and you took my whole arm and still... still I—"
You were interrupted by the strong pull of Frank, who brought you closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around you. He took your chin gently, the familiar fingers were more callused than the last time you felt them but you didn't care, you still resisted his grip, struggling to separate your body from his.
"Yeah, that's right," he muttered, drastically changing the mood. "You are the only one," the words slipped from his mouth, almost like a prayer. You wanted to hear it, pray it over and over and over again.
You looked at him as he slowly loosened his grip, you doubted the existence of the truth behind his words but you were friends, he wouldn't hurt you. Even if he already did.
"Am I?"
"You were and you are." He took one of your hands and led you to your bed. You wanted to protest, kick, fight, you really wanted to. But you didn't.
Not wanting to push your limits too much, he positioned himself below you, almost giving himself up. You, on the other hand, were on his lap, without knowing what to do.
"You have no idea how much I wanted you. Having another woman under my arms and still thinking about you was killing me, you were the reason for my martyrdom." You saw him swallow hard as soon as you put your hand against his cheek, he seemed desperate even when he took that same hand and directed it from his chest to his bulge in his pants.
You whimpered at the sensation, the feeling of being longed for by Frank himself was too suffocating, a desire that was reserved for your dreams and fantasies, impossible for it to be real.
But how to think that this was a dream if you felt his hands running over your body in a firm but prurient way? whispering to you how good you were to him and nothing had even started.
The annoying and persistent noise of a cell phone interrupted both of your act, bringing you out of the nebulous lust in which you got into.
Frank grunted in frustration, slowly pulling away from you to take the call. You saw him take out his cell phone and answer the call, you didn't want to seem very curious but at the end of the day he was in your room. It was impossible not to listen.
The only thing you heard was that he confirmed his presence somewhere.
"Hey," Frank began, "they call me, we have an issue to resolve." His words should've worried you but instead you just squirmed in discomfort, knowing very well what he meant by that.
"It's fine."
"I don't want things-our thing, to end in nothingness, after doing one last thing with the legion, I promise I'll be back, we can have that talk that we both needed."
"Only with me will you talk? Don't you think you owe somebody else explanations too?" You asked looking for his look, you appreciated that he wanted to talk and not argue but he would also have to talk to her.
You saw how he frowned slightly but calmed down and sighed, "Yes, I will, but later." Frank cradled your face in his hands and brought his lips closer, you closed your eyes expectantly until you felt them on your cheek.
"Please wait for me, I won't be long."
And so you waited, It had been about an hour since he left and you wandered around your room looking for something to do. You left your bedroom door and your window open, patiently awaiting Frank's arrival. You didn't know how things would go from now on but you and he were always friends, even if you two parted and went separate ways, fate would always bring you together. You were glad that things are not so awkward or weird, you expected the relationship to flow normally. You had your hopes pinned on this.
You had no idea why the matter was taking so long but it's Frank we're talking about, he could easily transform a 5 minute talk to a 2 hour one.
So you kept waiting, it went from 3 am to 4.45, you resigned yourself and closed your eyes, happily imagining that you would wake up with his arms around yours. With a future ahead. With so many things to do.
All that to wake up with a cold bed. With no one by your side. Even the cold weather was laughing at you.
The assurance that he hadn't abandoned you was in you. So you went to class normally and repeated yesterday's routine.
The couple of days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. But you waited for him, because you had nothing else to do and because you still wanted that talk. You needed it. You needed him.
The rumors regarding the disappearance of the legion were varied, many said they belonged to sects and others clung to the idea that they had murdered a man. The man they had found buried in the snow.
The months and years may pass, you may move elsewhere, but the cold of that night in Ormond will haunt you to the end. That and also the memory of a portrait made by your hands. Hands that belonged to a body, a body that even a bad man like Frank could come to love.
He was not a good man, but he did care. And you knew it.
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jazz-miester · 3 years
Can I have more modern reader with G1 transformers?
Liked where reader just rost the cons to distract them
Oh hell ya you can have this. I friggin love to write these things lol. And I hope I got close to what you wanted!
Reader: *Sitting on Megatron's empty throne after being captured by the cons.*
Also Reader:*Recording on their phone while Starscream rants about how he should be leader of the Deceptions.* A yo Screamer!
Starscream:*Pausing mid rant to glare at the reader.* What could you possibly want Fleashy?
Reader: *Snort laughs.* Deez. *Holds their phone a bit more discreetly.*
Starscream: *Raises a brow* *Mumbling beneath his breath*If this is another human joke. Deez what Fleashy?
Reader: *Grinning like an idiot* Deez Nuts!
Rumble and Frenzy:*Loosing their collective shit because if course reader taught them that.* *Also helping Reader escape Starscreams well, screaming*
Reader: *Cackling as they run down the hallway and out the door. Getting scooped up by Bumblebee as the Autobots fight the Deceptions.*
Reader:*Watching the Deceptions get a trap together for the Autobots from their cage.* Huh.
Reader: *Deep breath in* Hey Lord Buckethead!
Megatron: *Exasperated. Wishing he had snagged Spike instead.* What it it now, human?
Reader: *Laughs.*
Jazz: *Sneaking down the side of the hill unnoticed by the Cons.*
Reader: Didn't your mother ever teach you how to be nice to your guests?
Megatron: Human. We don't have mother's the same way your kind does.
Reader: *Nods.* Uh huh. Uh huh. So where did you learn to be a lil' bitch from then.
Megatron: *Sputters* What?
Reader: Well ya. Since your about to have your aft kicked three ways to Sunday.
Jazz: *Taps Megatron's arm cuz lordy he's shorter than him.*
Megatron:*Turns and gets ready to fight only to get the living slag shocked out of him *
Reader: Thanks Jazz.
Jazz: Yer welcome y/n. But it'd be better if ya didn't get caught all the time.
Reader: *Shrugs* What can I say. They love me.
Skywarp: *Giggling like a maniac as he scoops reader up in the middle of battle.* Look at what I've got Autobrats! *Hoists reader high into the air.*
Reader: *Angry at getting caught once again. Seriously did they have a sign in there back that reads. Capture me! I can be used for bait!* Put me down you sad excuse for a toaster!
Skywarp: I. A what? *Brings reader down to be eye/optic level with them. Holding reader by the scruff of their jacket.*
Reader: *Puffs their cheeks out.* I've seen rock em sock em robots with more brain power than you ya two bit Roomba.
Skywarp:*Utter confused and thoroughly unaware of Ironhide coming up behind him.*
Reader: I swear you run down, rusted out, glitched for brains, if you don't put me down right now. *Reader smacks their hands against Skywarp's digits.*
Skywarp: *Laughs* You'll what fleshbag?
Ironhide: They won't do nothin' Con. *Hits skywarp and manages to knock him out and safely get reader out of the way.*
Reader: Thanks 'Hide.
Ironhide: Think nothin' of it Y/n. Although. Maybe you should spend less time around Ratchet.
Reader: *Snorts* And lose all these colorful insults? Pit no.
Reader: *Running away from Frenzy and Rumble* Whatever happened to us being friends you traitors!
Frenzy:Were just doin' our job squishy!
Rumble: Ya! It's not like we wanna do this!
Soundwave:*Scoops reader up*
Reader: And you! You utter jerk!
Soundwave: Y/n: Anger reasonable. Soundwave:Request y/n calm down.
Reader:*Anger meter bubbles and boils over.* Calm down? You expect me to calm down you bolts for brains!
Frenzy and Rumble:*Snickering quietly*
Soundwave: Y/n: Desist.
Reader:Oh frag no. Either you desist capturing me or I'll take your old aft and turn it into Ironhide's scrap metal.
Soundwave: Y/n: Being difficult.
Reader: Y/n is being difficult because you won't put me down you sad excuse for a computer.
Frenzy and Rumble: *Can't hide their laughing anymore.*
Soundwave: *Not willing to out up with his symbiotes nonsense along with Readers.* Soundwave: Feeling generous. *Puts the reader down and pushes them the way they came.*
Reader: Nah. You just don't wanna listen to me cus you know I'll get those two singing baby shark again.
Soundwave: *Pushes reader a little more firmly*
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Sam Winchester: Out of the closet
Pride Collection 2021 June 5th
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Pairing: AU! Sam W. x Sister!Reader
Pov: Y/n
Warnings: Coming out, support from a family member. Mentions of Dean and John.
Summary: Finally feeling comfortable you tell Sam your biggest secret, but you think NO you know he can handle it seeing as he is your big brother.
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N- Bisexual, @firefly-graphics for the bisexual dividers Supposed to be posted on the 5th of June, but was unfortunately postponed to the 6th of June
Sam Winchester Master List
Main Master List
Pride Collection Master List 2021
Today is the day that I'm going to tell Sam my most important secret.
I've had this secret for years now. It started my last year in high school, and with Sam being the older brother is, when he left for college he took me with him.
Anyways, He got me set up in an apartment, he came and visited me every other day. Going to class, and just being normal was nice, and it lasted for a while.
There was a party for the seniors that year. I toyed with the idea of dressing up and going out or just stayin' home and studying. I was very much Sammy when it came to my schooling. Something that I'd just learned from him over the years.
I just made a choice deciding that one night of partying wouldn't hurt me or my schooling. So I dressed up in a short red dress, black flats, and the only thing I had taken with me before leaving Dean and John.
Slipping into a black jacket that was a size too big, but smelled like my older brother Dean. I grabbed my keys and left. I had never gone to a party if you don't include the father-daughter dance that John half-ass took me to the Sam ended up having to save me from. Or the random school dances that I had.
Showing up to this party everyone's eyes were on me. It was a weird sensation to be stared at but in a sorta good way. In a way that made me wonder.
Very quickly I had a few guys surrounding me, their actions were pointless as I ignored them, and I left them to discuss between themselves. One good thing that John has taught me was not to take shit from anyone, I think he forgot that also meant him.
But regardless of that, I went to go see if I could find a few friends. I was met with a beautiful woman, her long legs covered in jeans with thigh-laced-up boots and a relieving t-shirt.
It didn't click then, or later on when I was tapped on the shoulder by a taller version of the woman. He had short blonde hair, dressed like every other jock, but the immediate feeling, sense I got from him was nothing but lust.
Now it's been seven years, seven years for me to try out things with many different people, and figuring myself out along the way. I've come to the conclusion that I don't just like the men that serve me coffee in the morning, or the women that I do yoga with.
Sam's older now, just by a year his beautiful wife and his kids, live in a small starter home at the end of our quiet town. Sam's wife has always taken a liking to me. And their kiddos call me Auntie.
It all around a great part of my life to be around my family. To be around so much love and admiration for each other. But the fear of saying the truth, the fear of telling my older brother makes me worry.
Makes me worry that I'll spill the truth on a silver platter and be told I'm not worthy of that love and admiration that I crave to have, that I enjoy seeing.
Sometimes it floats around, I can see even if it for just a brief moment. I can it flutter around Sam's kids, or him and his wife the way they share just a longing happy look for each other.
"I hate to bother you two live birds, but I was wondering if I could take the kiddos out for ice cream?" I ask Sammy, he smiles and says "Sure just be careful. Love ya." I gather their two kids up and well chase each other to my car.
In moments like this, I sometimes wish I already had kids. I also wish that their uncle and grandfather could be here to see them grow and flourish into strong men and strong women.
But regardless, we listen and sing along to a special playlist that we made together. Just a thing for the three of us to enjoy. "Auntie, play our songs please!"
Sam's youngest says her politeness reminds me of him. "Yeah, Auntie you gotta play our songs and sing along with us this time!" Sams oldest screams, he looks like Sam, but in reality, has the personality and swagger of Sam's wife.
We make it to our favorite ice cream place. They always get the same things, no matter the time of the season. "You two outta try something different," I say to them, they give me a look of 'How dare you to tell me to get something different.' I giggle, and we walk out to the shop.
Getting the kiddos back, and in bed was a task. They gave their kisses to me, and then to Sam. Their mother takes them to bed, so nows it's just my brother and me. "Good night pumpkins, Auntie loves you," I say Watching the two of them holding their hands and walk down the hallway.
There's no better time to tell him.
"Hey, are you okay Y/n?" Sam asks an almost empty beer in his hand. He's sitting across from me at the dinner table. I'm in my own thoughts, I'm brought back when I feel Sam's socked foot hit the bottom of my foot.
"Yeah, you could say that I'm okay," I say back, I'm starting to worry about what he might say, maybe I shouldn't say anything.
"Look, I'm your older brother, I know when somethin' is bothering you," Sam says with a hopeful look. I frown, I might as well say the truth, that's something that Sam and I promised each other when we left Dean and John.
"Nothing is bothering me, Sammy, I just need to say something to you and I don't know how to phrase it." He puts his beer down and get's up grabbing my hand and taking me outside.
He'd always done this with me when we were younger. Dragging me to the open yard, he plopped down to the grass and drug me with him. He'd tell me when I was young, to look up in the sky and feel the earth below me. To let go of worries, and be calm be thoughtful.
"Sam, what are we doing out here? We aren't kids anymore." I said closing my eyes. "Y/n just please, do this for me. Maybe you'll figure out a way to phrase your thoughts." He said
I thought as he told me to do. It was nice to feel everything around me and not so much worry about things. "Are you better now Y/n?" Sam asked, I opened my eyes and smiled.
"A little yeah," I said, I might as well just say it, let it be in the open. Regardless of what Sam may think, or even say I'm just going to go for it. That's at least one major thing, Sammy, as taught me over the years.
"Sammy.. I've thought long and hard about telling you and even saying this out loud, but I'm bisexual," I said getting up and looking at my older brother.
He'd yet to give me a reaction, no change in his facial expression, no words yet spoken. It was just quiet, the weird unsettling silence, that gives me anxiety. Makes me worry that the sweet moment between a brother and his sister will forever be lost, that I'll never get to see my nephew and niece again.
But before I know it I'm encased in Sam's overbearing arms, he's hugging me tightly, reassuring me that he loves me, tell me that he proud of me. Everything thought that I had was wrong. He's my brother, after all, he knows me better than anyone.
"Can I ask a question, peanut?" He said, using a nickname he'd used many years ago. We were still hugging, I hummed. "Am I the first person you've officially told?" Sam asked.
I thought a minute, my partners that I'd been with hadn't really known, so yeah Sam was the first to know. "Yeah, I think you are Sammy," I said holding on tight to his hug.
"I just want you to know that I love you, and I'm always here for you peanut. Why don't you and I go out for the weekend tomorrow? Spend some quality time together?!" He asked. I smiled and hummed.
There was nothing better than being excepted and loved. Not only that but it also felt like a thousand-pound rock had been lifted from my shoulders by telling Sam.
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Completed on: 06/05/2021
Posted on: 06/06/2021
Tag List: @sweetdetectivequeen @wonderfulworldofwinchester @hobby27 @fofisstilinski @doctorlilo
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hazbbyhaz · 3 years
sleepless || harry styles
twenty five
pairing: harry styles x OC
synopsis: the new girls first day
disclaimer: making fun of someone’s appearance
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They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Avery entered the small café shivering from head to toe. It was raining cats and dogs outside, the light jacket she had thrown on in a rush was completely soaked. As agreed upon the previous day, she arrived half an hour early to work. She could hear Tom's distant chatter as she made her way behind the counter.
"Avery, there you are!" With a smile on his face, Tom rushed from the back office to where Avery is standing. Avery took note of how nervous and jumpy he was, almost on edge, and only a mere second later she understood why. Standing only a few feet away from her was the new girl. She looks very pretty, with her hair tied up in a french braid, her minimalist clothes, and her pearly white teeth adorned in her smile, she was the poster for the cafe's target audience. Young, hopeful, and high off of the feeling of being alive.
"This is Sarah," Tom walks towards the girl and gently nudges her towards Avery. "today is her trial run for the job. If she does well, she will get the position." He continues and Avery can feel her body go into flight mode. The uncontrollable thoughts and racing heart only a second away from taking over. What if she doesn’t take me seriously? What if she is so good that Tom fires me? What if- all of those thoughts cease as she hears Harry’s voice ring through her head. You’re okay, Ave. With his words repeating in her head like a mantra, she smiles at Sarah, takes a deep breath, and lets those other thoughts go with her exhale.
"Hey, I'm Avery. It’s really nice to meet you!" She extends out her hand to the girl in front of her, focusing all her concentration on stopping its incessant shaking,but instead of Sarah returning the gesture, she simply looks at her outstretched hand before turning her attention back to Tom.
"So. how often would I be working?"
With a sigh, Tom runs a nervous hand through his already ruffled hair. "We'd have to figure that out. During the week, Monday and Tuesday are the busiest, so it would probably be best for you both to work together. On the weekend we will definitely need two sets of hands on deck. As for the rest of the week, we will have to work that out once we get everything set in stone.”
She nods, letting her eyes roam through the room before retreating back to his figure. She looked at him as if she were waiting for something, like she was executing him to say something more. "Right... so Avery will be the one showing you around this morning! I have to make a few phone calls before we open up for the day... Avery?"
"Let's begin the tour!" She murmurs quickly. Avery links her hands behind her back to hide their shaking that has yet to stop. Tom sends her a thankful smile and disappears into the back room, leaving Sarah and Avery to the day's task.
"So... uhm... the first thing done every morning is to set up the floor, we need to put the chairs down around the tables.” Avery explains, her voice breaking after every few words. “Our outdoor seating is stacked in the back since… as you probably know, it is winter…”
Sarah does not move to do anything, opting to watch Avery clumsily remove the chairs from the tables. The sounds of the chairs being put onto the ground was, unknowingly, making Avery jump "And then I put the menus on the table and a little candle cause uhm… it adds a nice, comforting touch."
"You're very jumpy" Sarah’s comment comes off cross. With her arms crossed tightly over her chest and the look of near disgust on her face, she continues to stare Avery down, demanding some type of explanation.
"You're like..." The brunette proceeds to pull her shoulders up, recreating Avery's uptight posture and her quivering hands. "and you speak too quietly. I really can't understand you when you don't speak up."
"Sorry..." Even with Sarah complaining about her quiet voice, her apology came out in a whisper. She hoped, more than anything, that the girl would stop mimicking her. She couldn't stand looking at it. She couldn't stand it because she knew that it was accurate. She knew that she really looked like that, she knew it, and even she hated looking at it. How could anyone stand to look at her when she can’t even look at herself?
"What did you say?"
"I'm sorry." She repeats, this time a bit louder. With a sudden wave of tears, her vision is becoming blurred, and her words are beginning to shake. She has not been picked apart like this in a long time.
"Are you gonna cry?" Sarah asks, brows raised and a devilish smirk on her face. What is she trying to do? Why is she talking to me like this?
“I'm not. " Avery quickly wipes her eyes before retreating behind the main counter, starting to turn on the various coffee machines and checking over their delivery reports.
"Aren’t you supposed to be explaining what you are doing? That’s what Tom said, anyway. " Sarah questions, sitting down on a bar stool in front of Avery, resting her elbows on the counter.
"I’m sorry, but I am not in the mood anymore," She continues to face away from the girl, focusing her attention on putting their baked goods into their display windows.
"Oh, is someone upset?"
"Please stop talking to me like that!" Avery exclaims, but her voice is still so frail that the message holds no confidence. It was more of a plea than a real request.
"I just think someone your age should be able to handle things better. No need to get upset over a simple comment." Sarah shrugs, but before she can say anything else Tom comes back with a confident smile on his face. Avery assumes that his call went well. She’s glad that something did.
"Alright girls, how is everything coming along?" His gaze switches between the two, Sarah has a beaming smile on her face while Avery’s eyes are so focused on a report that she is sure she could burn a hole straight through it.
"Great!” Sarah grins, gracefully standing up. "Avery and I get along great. I hope you consider for me this job, I really adore this little café."
"Oh well that's great!" Tom smiles. "I will get back to you soon about the position. Have a good day!"
"Thank you so much! You both have a great day yourselves!" Sarah grins, shaking his hand. "It was really nice to meet you, Avery." She adds before grabbing her umbrella and walking out into the rain.
"So, what do you think? Did she get the hang of everything?" Tom asks, taking over Sarah's place and sitting down on one of the bar stools.
"She's really great, Tom." Avery could hear the hesitancy in her lie, but she was glad that Tom did not pick up on it.
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"One bite" Harry argues, taking the pizza piece out of the cardboard box and holding it out to Avery just to see her shake her head.
"I'm not hungry, Harry" She murmurs , sipping instead a bit of her peppermint tea and leaning back into the cushions of the sofa. The small lie fell from her lips without a second thought, but Harry noticed it right as the words hit his ears.
Seconds after her shift ended at the cafe, Avery was rushing out the door. More than eager to retreat back to the safety of her flat. She hadn't been settled for more than a minute before Harry was knocking on her door. The unannounced visitor had her on edge, but opening the door to his calming figure holding a pizza box was a nice surprise.
"You need to eat something, Ave" He sighs, placing the piece back in the carton before sitting down next to her. The first thing Harry noticed after arriving at her flat was her demeanor. Her spirits seemed dimmed, her hands shakier than he liked, all the light had vanished from her eyes. Their dullness and pale tone of her skin made her look like that of a ghost.
At the party she had seemed fine, tired yes, but overall okay, and now she looked far from it. Harry immediately regrets the cup of coffee he brewed her the previous night, he had helped her with avoiding sleep. feeding into the problem that is so desperate for a solution.
"When was the last time you got a few decent hours of sleep?" He asks quietly.
"I'm not going to sleep," Harry reaches his arm towards her, trying to ground her, but she rose up from her spot on the couch too soon. His arm falling back to his side. He watched as she collected empty teacups, their saucers, and put them into the sink. As the faucet was turned on, sponge lathered in soap, Harry made his way to Avery's side.
"You need to sleep," He sighs, carefully placing a hand on her arm in an attempt to lead her away from the dishes.
"You look sick, love."
"I can't," She shakes his hand off, stepping back towards the sink. In a drowsy haze, she stumbled over her sock clad feet, almost hitting her head on the counter. Before she can comprehend what has happened, two arms lace themselves around her waist, gently pulling her into the safety of a warm chest. "please just leave. I’ll be okay."
Her pleas are softly shushed, Harry gently swaying them from side to side. With her back to his chest, Avery clings to his arms, her head falling to his shoulder.
"Look at me please...." His whispered request brings tears to Avery's tired eyes. She's too scared to look at him. To let him see her like this. She knows that once he looks at her he will insist on sleep. Part of her wants him to leave, solely because she won’t have to rest. So she can clean the few dishes in the sink, listen to the quiet murmurs of the TV set, and let her tears run freely. But she can’t, she knows that.
Harry can sense her quiet contemplation, so he gently turns her around, puts both his hands at the side of her face, making her look at him. His thumbs caressing the soft skin of her cheeks.
"I'll be right here next to you, okay? As soon as I notice there's something wrong I'll wake you up. I promise."
"You don't get it."
"No, I don't, but I'm trying. I just want to help you, Ave. This is not how you should deal with this... this is not how you should deal with your sadness." Harry whispers, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She looks shocked at his words, their honesty too loud to ignore.
"I'm not sad, not always."
"I know." He places a kiss on her forehead before pulling her small frame to his chest, still swaying.
"I don't want you to leave, Harry" Her arms tighten around him. "I didn't mean to say that."
"It's okay, we're fine."
Avery is the first to step back, glancing over the kitchen before grabbing Harry’s hand. She leads him over to the untuned piano, silently signalling for him to sit on the bench before laying across it herself, resting her head in his lap.
"Before we go to bed can you play me something on the piano? please?"
He smiles down at her, her tone holding a sense of innocence he had never heard from her before. One he assumes was taken away far too early.
"What song do you fancy hearing this late at night?"
"Anything you like, but with lyrics, please. I like your singing voice."
"I think that can be arranged."
As his fingers card over the keys so effortlessly, Avery blocks out all thoughts. Her mind free from any fear, any worry. Her only focus being his voice.
Today I met a woman, I don’t think you know...
taglist: if you would like to be added please interact with this post
@serenametanoia @magicalmongerherringfan @caliqueenbed @thebestthingyouneverhad @ramstermind @xovcnus
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