#the whole family is together
modmad · 8 months
shout out to Scooby-Doo for raising several generations with the trope of 'they take off the mask and it's always the greedy rich white bastard who wanted even more fucking money' even if they get made fun of for it because at the end of the day? damn. it really always is some greedy rich white bastard who wants even more fucking money.
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anyone else have multiple traumatic memories associated specifically with holidays/family vacations? because that is a topic I never see discussed in all the So You Had A Shitty Childhood, Now What? self-help books i've been reading. but for me, it was a significant thing. and the more i think about it the more it seems like this would be an (unfortunately) common experience. would be grateful to hear if this matches other peoples' experiences...
#not a shitpost#serious post#ask to tag#tw trauma#cptsd#c-ptsd#and if so we should TALK about it#because it means there are a whole group of survivors out there whose mental health regularly worsens during holidays#like i know i am most certainly not the only person who feels an undefined Dread hanging over christmas/my birthday/july 4 etc#bc too many shitty things happened during those times and now my brain is hypervigilant bc traditionally these are the Danger Times#and this seems like it would be particularly common for survivors of abusive/dysfunctional households (aka most people with c-ptsd)#because holidays/vacations typically mean 1) the whole family is together/being forced to interact#2) and undergoing external stressors e.g. travel/relatives aka 'outsiders' visiting/routines & coping mechanisms being interrupted etc#3) there is social pressure for this to be a Fun Family Bonding Experience which only highlights the cracks in the foundation#and exposes the common Everything Is Fine/We Are A Happy Family lie#4) the cognitive dissonance of feeling tired/anxious/stressed/afraid during a time when you are 'supposed' to be Making Good Memories#and then everyone is angry/tired/anxious/triggered and things boil over and something or someone goes Very Wrong#weird that i'm posting this in october when halloween is...sort of the ONLY holiday i have only good and happy feelings towards#i got lucky there#also i have positive feelings towards Labor Day but that's for socialist reasons
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ninjasmudge · 1 month
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shamura <3 <3 <3 i like to think theyre abt 8ft tall even when theyre mortal, and that narinder is very very similar to them in everything from posture to phrases, which causes... Conflicting feelings
i also like to think narinder remembers how youre supposed to hold kittens but doesnt remember how he knows
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elitadream · 5 months
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Reunion time! 😄💕
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lazycranberrydoodles · 6 months
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sibling bonding moment!
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Gordon has a new detective, freshly transferred to his department, who Will Not Stop Making Death Puns
And he's about ready to commit murder.
The man is very, very good at his job. He seems to stumble across evidence without realizing what he's doing, and freaks out suspects at interrogation tables by bringing up crap his wife and husband do that perfectly mirrors the suspect's story, and then points out the inconsistencies.
He is quickly becoming the most hated man in the department, in terms of who criminals hate.
Great news, Gordon's 100% sure he isn't corrupted.
Bad news, Gordon's 100% sure of that because he keeps easily outing corrupted cops with an ease that makes Gordon feel like he's been wasting time all these years.
So when Batman pisses Gordon off just a little too much, goes over his head one too many times, Gordon decides "fuck it, he get's to deal with Detective Daniel Foley."
But as he's walking away, as Foley starts to hand over the files, he hears the most Dreaded Phrase that man can ever say.
"Ya know, my wife-"
Basically Danny is married to Sam and Tucker, both he and Sam took Tucker's last name, and Danny is a modern Columbo.
Only he speaks to ghosts for easy cheat codes to evidence.
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shiningshenanigans · 8 months
Sometimes a family is you, your best friend, a guy you threatened once, the butch cop who arrested you a few weeks ago, an anti-social scientist you didn't know was living in your basement until recently, a random 19th-Century professor you picked up while time-traveling, and your female counterpart from another universe with whom you share a complicated romantic history.
Gosh I love Sci-Fi.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Love you writing, though i don't have a favorite Alfred's boy is in my current list to reread. I had an idea that i saw about Dick and his taste in partners and Jazz fits the type competent red heads. Anyway my prompt is Dick gathering his exes (Wally, Babs, and Kori) to meet help him woo his current crush Jazz Fenton. From there it could btanch off many different ways like Jazz showing off Wack Fenton shenanigans or maybe like midway he sees one of his brothers making more progress with their crush on Danny. Or adding a twist of a deaged Dani or Danny.
"Don't make it obvious, but she just walked in," Dick whispers to his friends. However, Babs is the only one who actually listens since both Wally and Kori nearly break their necks by how fast they turn around.
A woman with long, fiery hair walks in with an adorable pair of five-year-old twins. She again carries the books the teens had borrowed and makes a beeline for the return box.
Like clockwork, once the books are returned to the metal box, the twins tug her toward the astronomy section, babbling about star facts in perfect sync.
Her hair bounces with each step, swinging behind her like a waterfall made of sunsets.
It was her long smooth hair that had first captured Dick's attention (he has a type sue him) when the small family had first started appearing at Gotham's public library. He had been bringing Babs some lunch that day, hidden behind the counter so Babs' boss wouldn't see him, and had been in prime position to watch one of the twins flout up to reach a book on the top shelf.
He was intrigued by the boy's apparent meta abilities, but what really surprised him was how easily he used his powers. Maybe it was due to his young age or how the woman didn't discourage his powers.
She reminded him to use "Indoor flying" in the same tone he heard parents tell their kids to use their "indoor voice". Metas weren't as rare as people wanted them to be but to see someone so casual about them was.
It was honestly uplifting to see a family so open about it. The little girl with her also seems to be a meta, for not even minutes later, she phases through an aisle instead of walking around, and the woman doesn't even bat an eye.
She only sticks her hand out the aisle to tell the little girl to not walk away from the science fiction section.
Dick hadn't been able to take his eyes off her, even when she made the little girl blow her nose using tissue from her purse or when she had started lecturing the children for running around in a foreign language.
Since then, he has returned to visit Babs every Thursday at two. The woman would bring the twins every week at the same time and even thought Dick had attempted to walk over to her, it seemed as if the universe it self got in the way.
She would get a call. The kids would need the bathroom. She began reading to the children, or they would rush in and out. He didn't want to come off as creepy, so he didn't follow her around, only watching her when she wandered back into sight.
To avoid being a creep, he also refrained from asking Babs any information about her. He wanted to introduce himself to the Libary goddess himself.
He found himself daydreaming of her. Fantastic conversations and dates. Could even picture introducing her to Bruce and the others. It wasn't long before he let it slip about his fast-developing crush to his friends- and exes- who were excited to see the first civilian he's ever been interested in.
Walley and Kori had strong-armed him into bringing them along this week, insisting they could help him speak to her. It's not that Dick couldn't. It's been so long since he genuinely wanted to flirt with a civilian.
He long ago mastered the art of flirting, but it was to make a watered-down version of Brucie Wayne. It was nothing but a mask to keep his second life a secret. He was worried he had gotten too used to dating heroes and would scare her off before they could really be something.
"I said don't make it obvious!" He hisses as Babs chuckles. She is typing away on her laptop, not bothering to raise her eyes as she waves her hand.
"Relax, they aren't even looking at us."
"She's gorgeous!" Kori gasps.
"She's a redhead," Wally observes with a smirk. "Why am I not surprised? Who are the little ones?"
"Her younger siblings," Babs answers, surprising Dick. He had thought she was their mother by the way she behaved. He had been a bit worried she was married or already had a boyfriend, but if she had been a single mother, he would be happy and willing to step in as a father. "The whole family just moved to Gotham. Their parents are opening a new business here I think."
"What kind of business?" he asks, his eyes tracing the way her face lights up with a laugh. He can't hear what the little boy says, but it must have been humorous since she is chuckling for a while with him.
His heart flutters a little. He's never seen a smile so perfect and genuine before.
"Ecto-research and Ecto-defenses," Babs says with a straight face.
"What is that?" Kori asks, leaning on the counter to read over Bab's shoulder. Technically she shouldn't be sitting on the counter like this, nor should Dick or Wally be on the other side with Babs, but her boss was out for the day.
And Bruce owned the building.
"I'm not sure. I've been trying to look into it since Jazz told me about it on Monday." Babs replies, clicking between a webpage titled Fenton Works and Ectobeings. "It's not that they hidden the information, but it's a bit out there. The term ghost appears a lot, so I'm assuming they are ghost hunters and researchers."
"A daughter of ghost hunters.....almost as odd as a son of circus performers." Wally nudges Dick with his elbow, making the other smile, even if he blushes a little when the little girl snaps her gaze at them. "You have a change, Wonder Boy!"
"Please don't call me that. People are going to think I'm associated with Wonder Woman."
"Please, as if Wonder Woman would waste her time on you," Wally laughs, then leans closer. "I bet you could ask her about the family business over dinner."
"That would be a great opener," Kori agrees. "From my personal experience, men become much more attractive if they show interest in my family business."
"Your family business was being royal warlords," Babs tells her, which makes Kori stand up with pride.
"We had a long history of battle!"
Dick opens his mouth to answer, only to have a young voice cut him off. "You're royalty, too?"
In shock, he glances down, not realizing the little girl had sneaked up on them. She blinks large blue eyes at him with an innocent expression that only children this young can make. She is holding a book about the fictional Prince Dorathea and her tales of the Dragon necklace.
It was a new young adult novel by an anonymous author, taking the fantasy genre by storm. Dick should know since he was obsessed with reading the series too.
"I am. Princess Kori, heir to the throne." Kori tells her with a smile. She had never been that worried about her secret identity even though she appeared human right now- she was wearing a glamor necklace that Zatanna had whipped up for her so she could walk around like a regular person. She then winks, "Don't tell the government."
The little girl nods seriously as if she would take the secret to the grave. She's adorable. "I won't. I'm hiding from them too."
"Why's that?"
"I'm a princess." She says, lowering her voice into a stage whisper. Dick's heart melts. "My brother's the king."
"Danielle Fenton, what did I say about wandering around?" The goddess herself demands, striding over to them. Floating behind her is the little boy staring at the adults with wide, gleeful eyes.
Instead of becoming scared of a scolding like most children, Danielle throws a fist into the air. "I shall not be contained!"
The woman snorts. "I'll ground you."
"Let's not be too hasty," Danielle answers quickly as the little boy starts laughing, slowly turning in the air with his laughter. Dick watches, intrigued. It almost seems as if he was lying in an invisible hammock.
The redhead rolls her eyes, turning her gaze to the rest of the adults with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her."
"No worries, Jazz. Danielle wasn't a bother, but you should listen to your sister and not walk around alone." The last part is directed at the little girl who starts to float upwards. "By the way, these are my friends. Wally, Kori, and Dick."
"Nice to meet you all." Jazz replies, and Dick can only offer her a wave as his tongue seems to have become lead. What is wrong with him?! "I'm Jasmine Fenton but call me Jazz. This is Danny and Danielle. Can we check these books out?"
"Sure. Guys, move out of the way for a bit." As Babs helps her, Wally yanks Dick to the side.
"Dude, are you okay?"
" I think I'm in love."
"Oh no." Says Kori with wide eyes. "We lost him.
None of the three notices the glowing blue eyes of a flouting little boy watching their huddle, nor do they notice the immense power resting behind such a youthful face.
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 273
You know what? We need more Good parents Fentons. 
And you know what else? Technically, Jack helped Danny defeat Pariah via the use of the Ecto-Skeleton. And like, that’s his son, his baby boy. Sure Danny is and has always been a mommy’s boy, but it doesn’t change that fact. They’re both already feeling horrible about the fact they could have hurt him, they could have hurt their son- they have hurt their son, killed him with their inaction and never again. 
So when these oversized jello-eyeballs try to insist that their baby, their precious baby boy, take a crown? Become a king when he’s not even out of highschool, when he doesn’t want it? No. Hell no! That is his Danny-o, his baby boy who was terrified of his own parents! 
Which is how Jack, despite technically still being alive even if so-very ecto-contaminated, became the Ghost King. 
And for some reason there’s several ghosts rather happy about this- oh, these are his Danny-O’s ghost-parents? Not-ghost parents seeing as some of them have never been anything but a realm denizen? That’s really fascinating- y’know what, want some fudge and we can exchange childcare- Maddie dear come over and meet our co-parents apparently!  
Now it’s not all easy, but they’re trying their best, and that’s all that can be asked. 
Which is perhaps why it’s so exasperating- or as Maddie would put it, downright infuriating- that it is now, almost an entire year and a half later that the Heroes finally arrive to investigate. Well, at least he has plenty of fudge since it’s almost time for the council meeting. 
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thunderon · 8 months
my roommate and i have lived together for a few years now and we’re both lesbians and my family is clearly under the impression that she is my long term girlfriend that im trying to be discrete about. they keep asking questions about my “roommate” (please read that with a badly disguised suggestive tone)
im literally in a fake dating au against my will
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atthebell · 4 months
@ everyone saying bagi doesn't consider cellbit her brother anymore/doesn't care about him.... how does it feel to completely misunderstand her character
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oh-theatre · 2 months
sometimes all you can think about is the flash family
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Tim and Bernard go to Wayne Manor for a family dinner after the events of this post (this is Bernard's first family dinner)
Alfred: *opens the door for them*
Bernard, following Tim in: Hello Sir, nice to meet you, Tim has told me so much about you *shakes Alfred's hand*
Alfred: *beaming* nice to meet you too
*Tim leads them into the dining room where he goes over and hugs Bruce, Bernard following at Tim's heels before shaking Bruce's hand*
Bruce: nice to finally have you over for dinner Bernard
Bernard: thank you for inviting me
*Tim interlocking his fingers with Bernard as he leads them to where they are going to sit*
*other members of the family trickle in before dinner is starting, only for Damian to sit down right across from the two of them wearing a 'Mothman Convention 2017' shirt that looks suspiciously like the one that Bernard seems to have misplaced after the events of the previous post*
*Bernard almost chokes on his drink when he sees it. He had this plan that no matter what he would be the nice normal completely-sane boyfriend tonight, so he is slowly losing his shit cause how do you casually ask your BOYFRIEND'S BROTHER who you have never officially met if he STOLE and is wearing the shirt you got at a MOTHMAN CONVENTION without looking absolutely nuts*
*Bernard is over here losing his cool, almost knocking his cup over and jumping every time someone starts talking, finally Tim just gives him the little eyebrow raise that translates to 'what is your problem babe?' and Bernard does the come here a second hand motion*
Bernard, whispering to Tim: I think your brother is wearing my shirt
*Tim's eyes snap across the table at Damian's chest and he recognizes the shirt instantly. He gives Damian a piercing glare to which Damian just does the one face*
Said one face:
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Bruce, the ever keen detective, clearly noticing this whole ordeal: Is something wrong
The entire table goes quiet and turns towards Tim and Bernard, Bernard's eyes go wide as he looks at Tim, he shakes his head like a 'no please don't' gesture at Tim*
Tim: Damian stole Bernard's shirt
*Damian's eyes go wide as he looks down at his shirt then back to Bernard and Tim; the rest of the table is reading the shirt and when Bruce asks 'what's Mothman?', Bernard shrinks in his chair, face completely red*
Damian, not wanting to explain that he thought it was Tim's and how he raided Tim's closet for 'premature hand-me-downs': Tim and Bernard are living together
Bruce, turning so fast to Tim, suddenly in protective dad mode: Excuse me?
Damian, sealing the deal: and they sleep in the same bed
Tim, not backing down: Well I guess we have our weekend plans, should we expect to see you at the wedding?
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alicesbread · 4 months
I really need to write a fic where Glinda sees Dorothy and goes "yup. You're my child now." And then after a torturing slowburn her and the wicked witch get together so Dorothy has aunt Em and Uncle Henry at home, and whenever she goes to Oz she has her witch lesbian moms waiting for her.
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oddly-casual · 7 months
Trolls band together spoilers
I like this thing Viva has going on with her cape being her safety blanket. Especially since it’s literally a patch of fake grass which could also be used to camouflage herself.
Like we’re introduced to her with it on, but only when she finds Poppy and gets excited does she take it off, like rips it off.
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And it stays off for the whole song. It’s only later when Poppy starts asking Viva about their separation does Viva visibly get uncomfortable and puts the cape back on as she leaves.
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That cape stays on even when Poppy and them all leave. The last time we see it on is when Viva appears with Bridget to help in the fight. She admits she’s freaking out but she takes her cape off anyway and it never comes back.
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It gets flung in the water, sis had no intention of getting it back. But I think that’s really cool because this was Viva putting herself on the line, taking a leap of faith for people she loves even when she’s lived in fear for so long.
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radio-show · 2 months
Thinking about how Grant (and the other kids yeah but specifically Grant) had only known Henry (yeah the other dads too but I'm thinking about Henry) for less than a day before getting dropped into the forgotten realms and then at least a month later when he sees him again he has to see totally different sides of him and his dad. How jarring must that be? You meet a guy and his insane sons and your first impression of him is that he's some tree hugger granola dad who's a total pushover and then the next time you see him it's in a death game where he volunteers to kill a man by shotgun blast to the face and then leaves the dead body of the guy outside to send a message to the other players. Imagine meeting this guy whose whole gig is being vegan and a free range granola parent and the next time you see him he's breaking into another explosive burst of anger and yelling at the arena that he will fight and/or kill anyone who comes to hurt you or his friends. Imagine knowing your dad all your life and seeing him one day and then having to know that your dad has killed someone. And then you kill a chimera and you're changed forever. And then you grow up and marry a man named Marco.
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