#there are probably more efficient ways to organize than what i'm doing as well (and certainly if you're doing the quick version)
maliro-t · 2 years
been playing thousand year old vampire the last couple days (it rules) but am finding that the major downside to playing journal style in actual writing is that my brain is constantly ‘one more i gotta know what happens next!!!’ and my hand is like ‘you’ve been writing for 3 hours please stop and go do something else or i am going to fall off!!!’
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thebreakfastgenie · 25 days
this is one (1) redeemable voucher to complain about AO3's tagging system (if you like)
Thanks for the voucher!
I probably should have phrased that post differently because upon reflection what I hate is more downstream of AO3's tagging system. The system itself does what it's supposed to do: it organizes the archive. Of course, users get cutesy with it (and I'm guilty of this myself) and other users will use inaccurate tags on purpose to get more attention (this is not acceptable behavior), but neither of those things are the system's fault.
But because the tagging system is so robust and fics are tagged based on tropes, this culture has developed of hyper-curated, trope-based reading habits. This didn't exist before AO3 because it just wasn't possible to filter fics to that extent. Some of my favorite fic reading experiences have been fics that I stumbled across by mistake because I didn't know what they were or because I had to comb through broader categories.
And this is where I start sounding like Ted Gup. Ted Gup wrote this essay in the late 90s called The End of Serendipity about how computers being so efficient at retrieving information was going to bring about the end of people stumbling upon topics they wouldn't have otherwise explored. I had to read and respond to this essay in English class in middle school and I raked Ted Gup over the coals, because I was writing on my laptop with dozens of open tabs. I still think I was right to point out Ted Gup's failure to foresee the wiki walk, but now that I'm older and technology has developed more over the last fifteen years, I'm starting to think he had something of a point.
I was thinking about this in a fanfiction and fandom context because I recalled a post I reblogged recently saying (paraphrased) "I have nothing against shipping but some of you are too focused on shipping to the exclusion of everything else." I agree with that post, but for me part of the problem isn't even the focus on shipping, it's that the shipping content is often so formulaic. Fandom talks a big game about diversity and creativity in fanworks, but a lot of the actual output I see is incredibly formulaic. In my opinion that's related to the extreme focus on tropes. Tropes are great, but if you're only looking at fic as a list of tropes you're taking a very narrow view. I don't know what the direction of causality is here, if there even is one, but I think the tagging system and the way the tagging system is used facilitate this reductive trope-based outlook.
I'm from the fanfiction.net era and I find the character and relationship tagging on AO3 useful, but I don't really care for the additional tags. I had to train myself to even read them. I prefer to select fics based on titles and summaries, because those are created by the author. Obviously writing a summary is very different than writing a story (and in fact it's a different skill and it's hard!) but a summary is still written by the author, so it gives me some sense of their writing style. When authors actually include an excerpt in the summary it does that even more. Tags can be useful in conjunction with a summary, because well-selected tags make me curious how all the elements listed in the tags fit together. But I don't want to sort by Enemies to Lovers or whatever.
I don't expect everyone to read like I do, this is nothing more than one crank's ramblings about my personal dissatisfaction with the current state of fandom. Maybe it resonates with someone, and if it does they're welcome to reblog it, but I'm not trying to do social commentary here. Maybe it doesn't, and that's okay too.
I also don't know if the trope focus on booktok and in the traditional publishing world comes out of fanfiction or not but it's even more distressing to me there and I think it bothers me in the fanfiction sphere because of the possibility that fanfiction is contributing to that trend.
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practicalsolarpunk · 1 year
Hello! I live in a very small efficiency apartment where there is not a lot of wi dow space/the window is glued shut and the land is exclusively owned and maintained by the company. What can I do to incorporate more solarpunk practices into my life? Are there any plants that can still grow well indoors? I'm afraid to start up a water station or anything like that outside because I'm afraid maitenance will mess with it/remove it. Would it be better for me to do something like knitting/embroidery that I can more easily do indoors?
Hello! As a fellow apartment-dweller with not a lot of window space currently, I feel your struggle here. If you're concerned that maintenance will mess with anything you put outside, then it probably is best to focus on things you can do indoors. However, there are quite a few things you can do indoors!
Plants: If you're looking for experience growing things, there are a variety of plants that grow well indoors and with low light - here's one list. (I've heard spider plants and snake plants recommended to beginners a lot, but I've never personally grown either.)
Fiber crafts: If you're more interested in crafts like knitting and embroidery, go for it! I also recommend people who are interested in those types of things learn about mending as well - it's a great way to extend the life of your old clothes (and other things made of fabric) and reduce the amount you need to buy.
Cooking: Cooking is a great skill to have, but it can be a challenge in an efficiency apartment. If you have a cooktop or a crock pot, you can look for simple recipes that you can make with the space and tools you have.
Building community: One of the foundations of solarpunk is that it's about community. My favorite way to start, especially in apartments, is by meeting the neighbors. Introducing yourself is a great way to open a relationship. Tying in with the previous idea, if your entire building is full of efficiencies and you can cook a big batch of something in a crock pot, that's a great excuse to have some neighbors over for a home-cooked meal.
Share: Part of building community, it doesn't require any outdoor space. You and your neighbors could put together a shared pantry in your building. You could start a Free Box at your workplace. Talk to the people around you - what do they need?
Get involved: Solarpunk isn't just about growing plants and mending clothes - there's also an activism component that is how we change society as a whole. Volunteer with an organization doing things you care about. Find a local mutual aid group (here's some tips for how to find them) and see what you can do to get involved. Start your own mutual aid project. The size of your apartment is irrelevant if you're out doing things.
Research: Not being able to do things outside right now doesn't mean you can't learn about them. And many of those "big picture" ideas have a lot of concepts that can apply to the efficiency apartment life. Looking into the "7 R's" or permaculture can help you come up with ideas for more things you can do.
Also if you're really set on doing stuff outdoors, don't necessarily discount it, especially if you plan to be in this apartment for a while! You can propose outdoor projects to your apartment complex's manager. They may be more receptive than you think, especially if you can spin it to sound beneficial to them. (If you're proposing a community garden for residents, for example, it could be a draw for new residents, convince current residents to stay, be managed by you the residents so they don't have to do much to maintain it, and they won't have to pay their landscapers to mow/maintain that space anymore.)
Check out more ideas in these tags:
#apartment solarpunk
#dorms and small spaces
#community building
#fiber crafts
There's also some additional tips in this post and this post, which are earlier responses to similar asks.
I hope this helps! Followers, feel free to chime in with your best tips!
- Mod J
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grissomesque · 2 months
i saw your tags on a post about questions to ask as a job applicant and you said only 3 job applicants reached out to you directly and that it really helped them. i was wondering how an applicant should reach out? i never really know what to say
Hi Anon! I love this question, because good hiring practices and quality of work-life are things I'm pretty passionate about. To give a little extra context for whether I know what I'm talking about, in addition to being a hiring manager I am also c-level at a mid-sized production company, where I hire for everything from entry-level contract jobs to specialized creative positions.
We post our job ads on Indeed, and we are able, through their system, to toggle on/off direct messaging and/or phone calls. We keep the phone calls off because we're inundated as it is, and really need to redirect those inquiries to whoever is on point for this hire, usually the department head. That leaves applicants with the option to send our Indeed account a direct message, which reroutes to my email inbox.
Rarely, some highly motivated applicants will go to our website, find our main email address, and send a message that way. I actually prefer the first option because then I don't have to get my admin staff to forward me the emails, but I operate on the assumption that not everyone knows Indeed as well as I do, may not know that direct messages are being closely monitored, and so I appreciate the effort even so.
What kind of things do I love to hear? NOT that you've wanted to work in my entry level position since you were a kid. I do not want my ass kissed. That's a waste of everybody's time. Work is work, and we all get that here. So the best introductory message is short and sweet and no-bullshit, and its primary function is just to get your name top of mind when I'm looking at a pile of thousands of probably-mostly-qualified* applicants:
Hi, my name is [X], I've just applied for [position], and I wanted to take a minute to reach out to you directly and introduce myself. I think I'd be a great fit for this position and would love to talk more about my experience with [x]**. My availability for [time period given in ad] is [x, y, z]. Thank you [or your preferred sign off here]!
When I get a message like that, I stop sifting through the pile and go look at their application right away. Because it tells me several things:
1) They're paying attention to the jobs they're applying to, and their requirements - many people are casting a wide net, whether or not they're truly qualified, and expecting hiring managers (or AI, which we do not use, ever) to weed them out.
2) They're interested enough in the job to take a few extra minutes to get my attention. I'm less likely to be wasting my time offering an interview to someone who's going to ghost me later. If I'm hiring, it's because I'm very, very, very busy and need someone ASAP.
3) **Just a couple of keywords or phrases here. Whatever the job is, vs whatever your transferable experience is. Leadership, creative skill set, efficiency and organization, whatever. This demonstrates attention to detail, an understanding of the job on at least a surface level, and that you actually read the job description (yes: people don't read it).
4) Offering availability in advance helps so, so much with scheduling interviews, but also tells me, again, that this is a motivated applicant.
*Always, always, always submit everything you've been asked to submit. The first thing I do is filter out any missing fields. That's usually the cover letter. A full half to 2/3rds of applicants drop off immediately when I filter out missing cover letters. I know that's unpopular. I have reasons for wanting a cover letter, on which I'd be happy to expand, but I won't here since this is already so very long.
Bonus round: It's important to me that I hire someone who wants to be here. I don't mean you want to be at work all day more than you want to do something else. I would rather be writing outside on my deck. I mean you need a job, because we all need a job, and I don't want to hire someone who is going to hate this job. That's bad for everyone - you most of all! That's more likely to come up during the interview than here, but still worth keeping in mind.
I hope this helps! Good luck out there!
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mango + 7, atsulucy + 9, lemon futon + 4 and 14, ada kunichuu + 6, bramcraft + 2, fukumori + 15
Bestie if I knew you were gonna send me so many I would have sent you more in return. Damn.
Mushiango: 7. Which one is the worse driver
It's Mushitaro. I'm not saying he can't drive, but I would like to point out that between him and Ango, one of them has the ability to erase their traffic violations, and the other we have canonically see driving with no problems, therefor I'll let you do the math on this one.
Atsulucy: 9. Which one swears more
See you think I'd say Lucy no questions asked, but honestly I think it's a tie. Lucy tries to avoid cussing in her work environment, meanwhile Atsushi's probably encouraged in his work environment, so in the end I think it balances out.
Lemon Futon: 4.What they do on date night
Hm... I think they either switch it up so each person gets a turn deciding for each date night (Kajii usually drags Katai out places like dinner or the opera, Katai usually decides on movies they can watch or food to order in) and/or date night becomes cuddle nights.
14. What nicknames they call each other
Bean Bag immediately came to mind as something Kajii calls Katai so I'm absorbing that into my personal canon. Kajii probably has sooo many nicknames for Katai, honestly, the most I get from Katai is a sweet petname or two. Darling, love, etc etc. Kajii swoons over-dramatically every time and Katai regrets it every time (but, well, not really).
Kunichuu: 6. How they decorated their bedroom
Kunikida was insistent their room be practical and efficient and neutral, they could always change things up later in life when they were more certain of what they wanted and not just two 19 year olds getting their first space. And while the organization and well-keptness of the room remains...
Well. Chuuya found a cheap pack of those glow-in-the-dark star stickers, and while they started as a joke to see how long it'd take Kunikida to find each one (not just on the ceiling, hidden in corners or just behind furniture) they've both grown fond of them, now.
Bramcraft: 2. What their love letters look like
Not sue about canon/post-canon (especially with. Y'know) but pre-canon? Bram writes The most dramatic, flower, purple prose cursive you've seen in your Life. His letters are essentially poetry, endless and going on and on and calling Lovecraft all sorts of wonderful and beautiful things, never less than two or three pages.
Lovecraft's are cryptic, short, and written in ink. They are always mildly damp, smell like either saltwater or fish, and to most sound more like indecipherable scrawlings than notes of love. But Bram understands them, and treasures each and every one.
Fukumori: 15. What they would change about each other
Oh boy. Okay, so
The thing about Fukumori is they both love this city, both believe in a greater good for this city, and both know this about the other. They just wish the other would agree with their way of going about it.
Fukuzawa thinks Mori's actions are too cruel, too bloody, and in the end that the Port Mafia is not what this city needs. Mori believes the Armed Detective Agency is too ineffective to save the city from true threats, in the end, believes them too soft and that, in the end, Fukuzawa will go with his heart and not his mind.
It's a shame, really, both of them think. Their mutual love for this city, their recognition of one another's dark pasts and bloody hands, are part of what draw them to each other. Yet their different way of handling these are what will inevitably drive them apart.
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debonairrose · 1 month
thermodynamics and our insanity.
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A* (A-Star) Pathfinding Algorithm
i think that everything in the universe is taking the path of least resistance. well, not really- i don't believe that our consciousness is the sole product of our minds i think we're more than this. i think people have souls, they can be kind towards strangers even though for a fact in some cases we know that we're not getting any benefit back out of it. it might even cost us yet we still choose to help others.
i think our actions are highly deterministic, but not fully. we can go with the flow of life or we can be bothered about something and make a change. make a choice that doesn't make sense, put more effort than what's it worth.
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even our computer algorithms are just slaves to thermodynamics, we frown upon using programs that "lag" or are slow, we find faster alternatives or we abandon the program altogether. we try to organize concepts and thoughts as efficient algorithms that run on these processors. even the processors themselves, when they get faster, they're not really "getting faster"- they're just using the same amount of electricity more efficiently.
in essence, everything is converging towards the least amount of effort, the shortest path.
human societies also converge towards the path of least resistance, in the form of: road networks, social networks, internet routing hubs, government procedures, data collection and privacy, ads, fuel economy, google search,,, etc.
we do things that are useless in terms of reproduction and thermodynamics. if we're strictly machines whose purpose is to reproduce and slow down entropy as much as possible, then most of what we do doesn't make sense and violates this assumption.
i think we're more than that. i think we can accelerate entropy and give a big middle finger to thermodynamics, a big fuck you to the laws of physics despite being completely slaves to them.
please slow down and try to open up the images and gifs and admire them one by one. some images contain "alt" description which can be viewed by hovering a mouse over the images on a computer. what's the hurry for?
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i think nature is lazy and it's just following the same recipe whenever it can. it feels fractal, it's always converging to the same boring and eloquent solution. it's obsessed with the least resistance path.
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what about food, and over consumption? how people choose cheap sugar filled food and drinks? social relationships? the steps you take in order to be attractive to others? the amount of exploration you need in order to pick a movie to watch? war? the forming of stars? the shape of planets? the separation in their orbits? daily traffic? the taste of ice cream? what makes you laugh at a joke? the shape of cities? language?
all these concepts are in their own fucking universes and have their "whatever-the-fuck-x-dimension" problem space.
and all these pretty patterns that we just saw are only patterns we could recognize. but our minds are too simple to recognize patterns that hide in high dimensional spaces. but they're still there, they're probably even prettier, it's lost beauty that we cannot see or even think of.
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all these patterns that we're recognizing are there only because our brains are optimized to recognize things in 3d space. ok... what about higher dimensional spaces? 4? 6? 1337 dimensions? i'm not talking spacetime dimensions, i'm talking about all concepts, prices, star formation, molecular chemistry, fuel prices, the rate of foreign words infiltrating a language. they're all still canvases for "shortest pathways" to emerge, even if it doesn't look straight to your naked eye, in a higher dimension they're the shortest path.
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let me demonstrate an example, suppose you wanna travel from the U.S. to Spain, the shortest path would be a line right?
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well it depends, where is this line? in what dimension? can the line be "curved"? are there any obstacles on the way?
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in this case, you warped and deformed a 3-dimensional sphere surface onto a 2d rectangle, do you really think you're going to maintain information without deformation? absolutely not, and that's why on the rectangular map view on the left, the shortest path isn't the red straight line, it's the blue curved path, which is counter intuitive for a person used to walking from point A to point B in a straight path.
well, the same concept applies to our reality, our perception of it is limited and deformed, it's not real. that's why things may seem chaotic, illogical or inefficient.
in our physical reality the actual shortest path would be going through the fucking earth, piercing it, but i don't think that this is the most efficient path for an airplane to take.
just like how a person chooses to abandon easy sugar and junk food even though it's more effort to eat healthily, when including more dimensions into the bigger picture, suddenly you find it's more "efficient" and more of a "lesser curved path" to just put more effort and willpower into eating more healthy, you live longer, you are happier because you have a higher quality life.
now you might ask, since this is the most efficient path, why aren't most people taking it? well, you see... you can't take a path if there's a big ass rock blocking it. we're so hardwired into consuming as many calories as we can for the sake of surviving the bad days. but nature isn't perfect on its own. it didn't set for us a "max limit", it didn't account for the imbalance that our brains would do as a consequence of efficient farming and food production. so we had to rely on our brains in order to build a bridge over that rock sitting over the most efficient path. ( you can say that i'm wrong and our brains built that bridge, we're still a part of nature- well fuck off :3 ).
there's a person who's alive right now, who's aware of the passage of time and how brief everything is. i love this person. i love this person from the entirety of my soul. my soul is not a slave to the universe, my soul will outlive it, my soul is illogical and rebellious. i don't want the shortest path, i don't want the least effort path. i want to live, and i want to suffer, and i want to experience everything with this person. i want to be present, i want to be in the moment.
sometimes i'm scared.
i'm scared of happy moments slipping away from my fingers. and in my fear, i try to save everything, write everything and record it all. i want proof that it was all real. this however, is a distraction from being in the moment, and i think there's a balance between writing everything down and letting everything pass as if i don't really care. and right now this balance is yet to be found by me.
sometimes i'm scared of forgetting.
but that's how we are. we're logarithmic creatures. our bodies are slaves to thermodynamics, our brains too. just like a CPU, they don't have infinite memory nor infinite thinking capacity. having that would be very expensive. our brains are captive to the same rules. we can't remember everything.
people who say that forgetting is a bless are just coping. they're high on copium. embracing forgetfulness is just fake existence. it's incomplete. our brains and senses are slaves to mathematical power law. we remember and forget following a power law rate.
but, there's a secretly beautiful thing about forgetting. it's remembering things again. or, at the bare minimum, being told about things you've lived through with someone else. revisiting a story from a perspective that isn't yours. seeing things from the eyes of someone else, i think that's beautiful.
the reason we can't remember everything is solely because of thermodynamics, memory costs extra neurons, extra connections, more chemical reactions. and at some point adding more becomes just extra baggage to the system and isn't really a net positive due to the limitation imposed by chemical reaction speeds in the brain. information flow within the brain is just limited by reaction speeds. just like how we can't increase a CPU's clock cycles beyond 10Ghz because of excess heat, the few extra cycles become extra baggage due to the problem of electrical resistance. the more electrical resistance in a wire there is, the more heat it generates. and the more heat is in a system the higher its resistance is.
we're simply forgetting for the exact same reason a CPU is never allowed to work faster even though it can. pure theoretical physics limitations.
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showing how simple laws physics determine the "spacing", "size", or "frequency". pay attention to the graph's x and y axis spacing. 1) notice how properties of planets and electrons are following the exact same pattern. 2) on the audio spectrogram on the right; the top graph is incomprehensible because it's linear, if we just change the scaling to logarithmic, your eyes will function like your ears and you will be able to spot details. 3) notice how the CPU wirings (the gray image) exponentially grow due to electrical resistance laws 4) same with animal size vs bone thickness 5) zip's law on word usage frequency in a given language.
this logarithmic nature of the universe is repeating, it's fractal, no matter whether you look inward or outward, the fractal pattern doesn't care about which point in the scale you are. it's following the same behavior. these are entirely separate branches of physics, one of them is planetary and the other is quantum, they operate with different scales and are totally irrelevant in relation to each other in terms of their effect on one another. yet guess what, they're following the same behavior, even though they're weaving their waves on different invisible fabrics of the universe, but the universe is fractal so i guess it doesn't matter.
despite how the entirety of your sensory inputs work logarithmically (non-linearly), because of standard education, people think that the universe operates linearly, one of their mistakes is in the difference between the audio and brightness controls in Linux vs windows. on windows they behave how you expect them to behave, but on Linux, the controls are non-logarithmic (linear) making the use of them very frustrating, most of the brightness slider is just low brightness and then it suddenly exploding in brightness (or volume in the case of an audio slider) in the last portion of it, making it feel imbalanced only because the slider was linear.
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the concept of phase criticality is the middle point when complex systems change from one state to the other. like when you pressure water so much and give it enough heat at the same time it becomes both liquid and gas at the same time. there is a theory that the same behavior emerges in complex systems like the brain. the neurons there also follow the same pattern, they can be too "hot"; firing chaotically all the time, people call it a seizure. or too cold; being in a coma. the optimal state is the critical phase state where your brain is at right now as you're reading this post.
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and "obviously" in the video, you can see that the state in the middle (critical phase) is fractal. which is consistent for a complex system such as the brain.
that's just another way concepts and patterns are constantly repeating in the universe across different things.. and honestly saying that the universe is fractal or logarithmic becomes meaningless. because you can obviously see that everywhere, it's easy to do so, it's just that people don't use their brain.
and i think it doesn't matter at this point, since that's the default in the universe, but maybe people are obsessed with it because it gives them a sense of value, like they're not stupid or blind and can see. to me right now it feels like they're saying "liquid water can take any shape!" ok. so?
i suggest you watch this video. it's really a roller coaster of ideas and this shit is like brain candy- well, candy for the brain. :3
the 80-20 rule says 80 of things are responsible for 20 percent of things or vice versa. like… 80% of profit can come from 20% of customers. or that 80% of our misery would go away if only we solved 20% of the problems, or that you can learn 20% of a subject to be able to achieve 80% of things. or that 80% of blog interactions come from 20% of reblogs or followers.
so what? what the fuck are you looking for? why are we treating 80-20 as if it's some golden ratio shit, oh don't even get me started on the golden rashitio where people randomly fit a standard spiral png on random images on call it "wow the universe is so beautiful" bro stfu the thing doesn't even fit the image. so what about the million other beautiful things that don't follow that "rule"?
this is confirmation bias. what about all the other ratios? what about all the numbers you aren't looking for, are 80% of your words are made by 20% of your keys on the keyboard? it's really easy to actually just google "letters frequency in english" and run a calculator for 10 seconds (it's a 50-20 ratio). boohoo, the results didn't fit this silly cognitive bias.
and actually wake up. 80% isn't good enough, it's not good enough at all. are you really okay with a fleet of airplanes whose survival rate is 80%? is it okay if your heart surgeon read only 20% of the books he should've read? is it okay if your CPU did 80% of its operation correctly, the whole fucking modern world would fall apart. most things in life are not crucial, but so many things require perfection, fuck the 20% effort 80% results thing, fuck that, it's not the most we can achieve, give me a 900% effort 99% results lifestyle. give me perfection, give me awe, inspire me, give me beauty. i don't want to live in a world filled with inventions that are 80% of what could've been achieved, i want to live in a world filled with fewer things that are a testament to human perfection.
the same applies to my love. i don't want an 80% love, i want perfection, i want it to hurt, i want to suffer because of it, i wanna love for real. i wanna pay for that true love. i wanna remember more. i wanna put more effort, more effort, more more more MORE MORE MORE FUCKING EFFORT. i don't wanna be comfortable i don't wanna be comfortable, i don't need to be comfortable, i don't want comfort, i want something real. i wanna love fully, i wanna deserve that love, i want something so beautiful, and i don't wanna give up so easily, i don't wanna forget beautiful memories due to me succumbing to the fucking universe and physics and power laws and logarithmic tendencies. i want to put my maximum effort. i feel like i'm not doing enough, i am not enough. i can always do more, i can achieve more, i ought to do more, why the fuck put a limit to myself? i can do it. i can perfect my time management and i can achieve what i want i can learn how to balance things in my life.
i can love beautifully.
i'm not a machine, my body is. my soul isn't i'm not a slave to it. my body will die, my soul won't. my soul is insane, illogical and i say fuck you to the universe. even after i die, i give you a big fat middle finger because my soul will rebel against this place.
i don't want least resistance love. i don't accept forgetting even though i will forget a lot. my soul refuses to let go of all the moments we've had together. sometimes i try to cheat by recording everything. but i want to live in the moment, i want to find the balance.
i don't accept being a slave to some shitty power law. i might just be delusional, and i might forget anyway. but i know that i did not accept this and i know that i did put effort and it wasn't the shortest path.
sometimes i'm scared of getting used to things.
but i take nothing for granted, things are always moving and are always changing, i don't want things to be fake or stale. i want everything that is real, even if it's sad. i want my existence to be truthful.
written by: debonairrose.tumblr.com
as a gift to @lusi-1 (i hope you like my brain vomit darlingo)
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1eoness · 1 year
hi! could i request something fluffy? maybe leon spoiling reader with some meal, or cuddles? thanks! ❤️
and yes ofc i love writing fluffy fluffy hehehehe (im kind of uncreative rn so sorry). btw i'm writing this in the same format as the other one but if you want it to be more structured and narrative just uh tell me LOL
content : fluffy leon kennedy x gender neutral!reader (it's written in second person though). pet names lol
synopsis : leon wants to spoil you so he's feeding you and providing you with an army's ware of cuddles >:)
-food is fuel and leon is a fucking engine
-tbh i hc that leon has a big appetite for sweet stuff,,,, i'm sure a big collective of ppl agree bc he's so squishy squishy [what the fuck am i saying idk]
-anyway enough about me gushing on leon.
-YOU. when will you ever take the time to let him spoil you? are you trying to avoid him?:((
-leon is part kidding. he's not mad ofc but sometimes he can't help but get a tiny bit worried about you sometimes.
-see, leon is a firm believer that a person cannot come to their best senses unless their basic/psychological needs are fulfilled. that includes things like eating, or affection—because when your body senses that you're lacking in something, it will use your brain power to signal you that you need to eat or be smothered with affection! hence you can end up feeling burnt out if u dont pay attention to ur love vitals!! >:(
-leon's mindset will always be applied on you because you're his second heart, you're his tough rock and you need to be taken care of!!
-HE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING "affection? that's absurd people can still learn attentively and work efficiently without having to be coddled >:(" while yes in a sense its true—but sometimes you just don't realize that what you need is some time to be vulnerable and intimate, which can explain why your emotions feel a lot more heightened recently than usual (which he notices by the way). you've been tense for a while, and leon reasons that you can't just 'move on' from being overwhelmed with work stress and whatnot—you have to relieve it! but enough about theory.
-your hunger for food or affection is like a 7th sense to leon to be honest. while it's not an accurate intuition everytime, he's bound to think of you once every like two minutes.
-leon actually has very clear and high critical thinking skills. this means he is able to remember a lot of things about you even if he only notices them or you mention it once: this includes your comfort drink, where you like to be touched, hell maybe even the MBTI of your favorite character. and he ESPECIALLY knows what food you like. pad thai, sushi, oxtail, jerk chicken, cake, boba, YOU NAME IT HE KNOWS IF YOU LOVE IT OR NOT
-so when it actually came to asking you what you wanted, he'd send a text saying he's downtown and asking you 'what would you like, baby?'. he's careful with his words and doesn't say "do you want me to get you something on the way?" because it means he's giving you a choice >:( when the whole point is to spoil you because you deserve it.
-and if you answer with something vague like 'anything' HE DOESN'T MAKE YOU SPEAK FURTHER he'll just buy what he knows u like and keep the rest in the fridge if you dont wanna eat it :3 well that's what they're for, right?
"oh, my sweet.." his voice was quaint at the sight of you. leon tried his best to be silent when he entered the room, not wanting to sound like he was pitying you, but seeing you half-covered with comforters, mildly upset and your mind in a frazzle has his heart dropping a bit. you were probably thinking about so many things: meeting some deadlines, picking up this and that from the store, computing this... but you just couldn't organize your thoughts. but that's why leon was here.
your head moved to swivel his direction. "leon.." you smile at him weakly.
it was cold in the city tonight. leon places a hefty white plastic bag of your favorite on the nearby surface before he sits down in front of you from the edge of your bed. he takes the brief second of studying his lover's face before he pulls you into a comforting and warm hug. he can't help but pat the back of his sweet baby's head down, and you feel his lips barely nuzzle onto your ear as he mutters. "y're so good to me, baby. you know that?" leon reminds you before kissing the side of your head shortly. you tried to reciprocate it by giving him a nimble kiss on his cheek, which he gratefully accepts with an eager beam on his lips.
his hands slide down your arms in a soft stroke as he lets go of you gently. the rustling of the bed's layers being heard as leon moves a bit to reach for the hefty boxes of food, which he opens for you once he gives you take your utensil/s. leon's happy seeing you eat. it's a form of reassurance to him personally witnessing you getting the fill you deserve after a whole few days of being so busy and rushing everywhere. it's a calming sense to him as you both soak in comfortable silence while he watches you eat. he was caring less that it's 2 in the morning and caring more about the way the color on your face slowly vibrates back onto your features. you seem less tired, just by a tad percentage. it makes him smile to himself knowing he was able to take care of you. " 'm finished." you mumbled with a hum, feeling a little full and having to lie down. fullness makes you sleepy (and leon knows that!) so he has a subtle, cheeky little grin as he leans over and collects your legs with one arm, pulling you to make you lie on your back. he crawls over to lie down next to you, once again pulling you close to him while he wraps his arms around you— one patting and planted gently on your back while the other cradles your head close to his heart. just where you belong... "you tired, baby?" leon asked shortly and your little nod sufficed. his cheek gently rests against the side of the crown of your head. his touch is soft, it's sweet as he rubs and scratches down your back gently. he gently scruffles at your scalp with his other hand's fingertips, and the motions will send you to a hopefully revitalizing sleep ♡. he places a kiss on the top of your head, like a ribbon keeping its gift from falling apart :( he knows at this moment maybe you're thinking you don't deserve him. but that's so far from the truth.
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blueesnow · 2 months
Mikaze Ai Voicelines Translation from Voice Log
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-All of this voicelines are from the Voice Log section on each of the Idol page. You can collect all of the voicelines by touching and talking with the boy on the homescreen, see their interactions with the furniture, or playing lives with them on your team.
-If you ever see a blank one on the list, it's probably because I still haven't triggered and collected them or I just don't have their cards.
I hope you can wait for me to update it until I finally collect them, or if any of you already have them it would be helpful if you could send me the SS of the missing voiceline so I could fill in the list 🙏
-Also the translations might not be fully accurate since I'm not that fluent on jp/en, so if i ever made a mistake do correct me🙏
Greeting 1: Good work. Greeting 2: Oh, you came too. Why don't you sit down for now? Greeting 3: What, do yo need something from me? Or don't tell me you were trying to observe me just now? 'Cuz if it's the latter then I might have to pay that back. Morning Topic 1: Morning. You look much more brighter than yesterday. Looks like something good might happen to you today. Morning Topic 2: I've been waiting for you. …There's just something that I want to ask, that's all. Geez, you're a weird one for being happy about something like this. Morning Topic 3: I think it's good to have a set morning routine. It would keep people like you from being in a hurry after all. Afternoon Topic 1: Hey ya, are you properly replenishing your energy? You don't have to worry about me. Besides we're talking about you right now. Afternoon Topic 2: Are you on your break? I'm in the middle of organizing my files. I thought might as well do it while I'm free now. My memories with you also included in it too. Afternoon Topic 3: It's important to take a break from time to time. If you work way too hard it'll only make you less efficient. Evening Topic 1: Hey, you're still working? I'd be happy to help if you're okay with it. You're my Kouhai after all, so it's only natural. Evening Topic 2: I didn't notice it because I'm working, but it's getting pretty late. Are you done with yours? Evening Topic 3: Sleeping time? I don't have a decided time, but I always try to get enough sleep. You should also make sure to sleep properly too, okay. Night Topic 1: Good work. You're staying quite late here aren't you? …Maybe I'll go do some work too. Can I sit next to you? Night Topic 2: What, you've been staring at me for so long. Is there anything on my face? Or, is it because you're trying to get my attention? Night Topic 3: If you're still working hard after this, shall I prepare you a midnight snack? Like udon for example. Tell me anything that you like. Summer Topic 1: It's said that the peak time for the UV rays are between 10am to 2pm. You'd better be careful and take proper precautions. Summer Topic 2: If anything, I don't really like summer. Because it always make me overheat. I'm saying it as it is.
Morning Whisper: I guess this is all the news for this morning. I should just tell everyone from the agency about that article. Afternoon Whisper: The souvenirs that I got from the recording session were a little bit too much. …Looks like all of this is enough to share with everyone. Evening Whisper: I've been told "you look much more taller than you were on TV" once again. They didn't have to be that surprised about it. Night Whisper: You can learn a lot by watching the old live footages. Now I still can't stop thinking about how I could perform a much more different performance than that. Listening to Music 1: As for the arrangement for the choreography… Yeah, I think I could show off a different moves on my next live. Listening to Music 2: It looks like our next song is going to be a lot more powerful. Though it's not bad for people to have high expectation of it. Checking Script 1: Looks like there'll be a guest next time. I need to do a proper research on their background in regarding their career and their recent work and news. Checking Script 2: Oh, these kind of request came up as well. In order to exceed their expectations…I need to make more preparations. Drinking: …Phew. I guess it's okay once in a while. Reading Magazine: What a beautiful scenery. Huh, it looks like there are flowers that can only bloom on this place. Reading Book: There's already a latest research on this field. I better go and update that. Writing Lyrics: Warming Up: Viewing Plant: If I want to put one at my home, it's probably good if it were around this size. Checking Appearance: Looks like there are no problem on my appearance. Yeah, it's the same as usual. Checking Hairstyle: Checking Outfit: Calling Out 1: I guess we're going to do our works separately for now? I'll be checking documents over here, so let me know if you need anything. (ignoring him from a far distance) Calling Out 2: Hey, can you come over here once you're free? It's okay, I'll be patiently waiting for you. (ignoring him from a close distance) Calling Out 3: Thank you for coming over. Since we're here together like this, I wanted to do something that we can do just the two of us. (Your) Birthday Celebration: Happy Birthday.
Title Call: Uta no prince-sama: Live Emotion! Live Start: Live start! Starting Live 1: It's not that long until I stand in front of you. Starting Live 2: I want to fill you with my sound. Live Result 1: This stage is different than the usual. My heart is all full. (getting Rank S score) Live Result 2: I'd be happy if this music stays inside your heart forever. (getting Rank A score) Live Result 3: I can see the areas for more improvement, so let's go work on them one by one. I'm glad I noticed that. (getting Rank B or C score) Live Result 4: It didn't went according to my plan. We need to deal with the irregularities as soon as possible. (getting Rank D score) Live Score Update: It's finally time to update it. Hi-Five 1: Although it was quite rough around the edges, it was very good. (with members of ST☆RISH) Hi-Five 2: It was actually helpful to some extent. (with members of ST☆RISH) Hi-Five 3: Shall I give you my review? (with members of QUARTET NIGHT) Hi-Five 4: Sorry but I was the one who stand out the most, okay. (with members of QUARTET NIGHT) Hi-Five 5: It seems like you're worth to analyze further. (with members of HE★VENS) Hi-Five 6: I was able to try out new expressions thanks to you. (with members of HE★VENS) Hi-Five 7: Let's draw a future together (with the same character) Hi-Five 8: Your feelings are the same with mine, right? (with the same character) Player Rank Up 1: Yeah, let's keep it going like this. Player Rank Up 2: I'm looking forward to see your growth. Changing Clothes 1: I've changed. Did it suits me? Changing Clothes 2: Tell me your thought on this. Changing Clothes 3: Look at it carefully. It looks good on me, right.
Bonus voicelines from URs/SRs:
[Letter of Journey] Mikaze Ai Home 1: I think all of our voices really harmonize well during the chorus. Now if only we could always sync together just like this all the time. [Letter of Journey] Mikaze Ai Home 2: Ranmaru's nap before our live was quite short than the usual. It seems like he was excited to stand on stage. But the person himself denied this though. [Letter of Journey] Mikaze Ai Home 3: We have to be especially punctual during group meeting. Since we all have other jobs to do as well, we need to keep things even more balanced. [Be Elegant!] Mikaze Ai Home 1: Thank you for the wonderful song. Thanks to that, it made my day even more special. Next time, let me sing with your accompaniment. [Be Elegant!] Mikaze Ai Home 2: Before the party begins, Ranmaru actually gave me some gums. He said it was as a thank you for navigating the shortest route. He didn't even need to do that though. [Be Elegant!] Mikaze Ai Home 3: The interview went smoothly. Since there are only a few days left when the four of us can get together, we need to cooperate at times like this. [Be Stylish!] Mikaze Ai Home 1: Thanks to you, the recording went successfully. Shall we go and try "a very stylish date" next time? Hey, what do you think? [Be Stylish!] Mikaze Ai Home 2: I know I shouldn't compare myself with the professionals, but the photo exhibition that day was really inspiring. Maybe I should try and practice more too. [Be Stylish!] Mikaze Ai Home 3: There are so many festivals in the world that looks great when displayed on screen. It might be interesting to try and incorporate them in different kind of forms. [Lavender king] Mikaze Ai Home 1: Shall we try it with a game of chess as well when we're trying to decide something. …It's too advantageous for me, you said? [Lavender king] Mikaze Ai Home 2: If Camus himself were to be a king, he might use sweets as a substitute for taxes. I mean he did eat a lot of it when we were filming. [Lavender king] Mikaze Ai Home 3: Respecting one and the other's individuality, while also supporting each other. Although Ai's ideals are noble, they are indeed quite difficult to achieve.
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Hey Em how are you? Soooo can I request a ship? I'm Jess (she/her), im in my late 20s, I'm 5 ft 3, I have short (peaky blinders style hehe) dark brown hair and light brown eyes, as far as I know (I did the test once) my MTBI is INTJ??? I consider myself a cat person, but I also like dogs too, what else? Oh I really love outdoor activities such as hiking because I love nature, rocks and maps!!! I'm a bookworm, kinda nerdy and really musical fueled person and my faves are jazz, bossa nova and classic rock music (as you know). My love language is probably small acts of service and tiny little stuff here and there and I can't think anything else interesting to tell you :(
AAAAAAAAA HI JESS!!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to your ship 😅🫠 thank you for being so kind and patient!! I had a lot of fun writing this one lol 😆 Love you and hope you enjoy!!
I ship you with...
Ron Speirs!
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A song from my playlist that reminds me of y’all’s relationship - You’re My Best Friend by Queen
How you met
So I’m picturing you’re part of WAC and assigned to be an administrator/runner person with Easy Company
It’s towards the end of the war in Hagenau
Ron was getting frustrated with all the paperwork bullshit he needed to do as Easy Company’s new CO
He was in his makeshift office trying to filter through papers when he heard a knock
“What is it?” He all but barks at the intruder
You come in and all of a sudden the paperwork doesn’t matter
For one thing, he is FLOORED
Your hair and eyes are just fucking striking, and you had this air about you
Usually everyone was intimidated by Ron, especially when first meeting him, but you didn’t seem put off in the slightest - you held your own
“Captain Speirs, here are the documents you requested, and a couple of others from Regiment”
He had to compose himself before opening his mouth, otherwise his tongue probably would’ve rolled onto the floor
“Thank you Sergeant… will that be all?”
Usually you were the one to ask that question, but Ron wasn’t really ready for you to leave the room
“Um, yes sir”
“Alright, dismissed”
Later that day he phoned Regiment and asked for you to be assigned as his orderly
How he knew he loves you
So you’ve been working as Ron’s orderly for a while, and the two of you work like a well-oiled machine
Like Easy Company has never been so efficient and organized
The two of you almost seemed to have your own code, and it bewildered everyone in Easy Company
How were you not afraid of him? And How were you able to tell him what to do?
You had grown to like Ron a little more than a Sergeant should like an officer, but you never acted on it
So y’all are in Austria and everyone is getting excited to go home
Ron was in a similar mindset, but then he realized
All of his daydreams about being home involved you
How the fuck did you wind your way into his mind? What was he going to do? Was he really going to ask you to come home with him? If not, could he live without you?
Your voice snapped the officer back to reality, but soon he was lost again
He was looking into your eyes, displaying a certain passion he had never seen before
It was now or never
Ron walked to where you were, on the other side of his desk, put his hands on your shoulders, and gently but confidently pressed his lips to yours
Time stopped while the two of you kissed, and neither of you could believe it was really happening
“Come back to Boston with me, Jess,” he asked you quietly, only pulling away enough to ask the question
Your brain was still going a million miles a minute, but you were able to focus enough to say
“Yes sir”
A conflict that arose and how y’all solved it
So you like to have your introvert time outdoors, and you usually let Ron know if you’re going to go on a hike or something
When you woke up Ron had already gotten up and out of bed, when you went out to the kitchen Ron was there with a cute lil bedhead making breakfast
You wrapped your arms around his slutty lil waist and planted a kiss on his shoulder “Morning, sunshine”
He smiled and turned around to wrap his arms around you and place a lil kiss on your nose “Morning doll, you going on your hike today?”
“Yeah, I’m trying a new trail, but I’ll be home before dark”
“Alright, you be safe for me”
“Yes sir”
So you go on your hike and it’s a fun little trail but it takes longer than you anticipated and it’s a couple of hours after sunset by the time you get home
You open the door and you notice Ron pacing in your living room
He sees you open the door and locks eyes with you, and his eyes are angry
“Where the fuck have you been!?”
You stood there for a moment like a deer in the headlights
“I was… on my hike…”
“You said you’d be home before sunset! It’s almost 11!” Ron yelled, he’s never yelled at you before and it was something you hoped never to experience again
“I-it took longer than I thought Ron… I’m sorry…” You were trying to keep a calm and level voice, but Ron just seemed so upset
Ron heard the tone in your voice and automatically knew he was being rather harsh
He bit his lip in frustration and looked around the room, tapping his foot anxiously
“I read a story in the paper today after you left, there were a couple of hikers that disappeared on a trail near here…”
His voice was quiet, almost cracking?
“I…I was scared when you didn’t come home…”
Ron looked up at the ceiling, begging the tears not to fall from his eyes
Your heart just sank as you ran over to him, enveloping him in a hug
“Oh Ron, I’m so sorry, the trail was just longer than I thought”
He buried his face in your neck as quiet sobs left his mouth
The two of you just stood there for a moment, holding each other close
“I don’t want to ask you not to go on hikes, Jess, but the idea of you just disappearing is terrifying…”
“How about you come with me on my next one?” You put your hands on his cheeks and gently turn his face to look into his eyes
He smiles softly at your suggestion and nods his head
The two of you share a soft kiss before settling in for the night
Your happily ever after (what your relationship looks like!)
This man does everything for you and there’s nothing you can do to stop him
Breakfast? Made and plated when you get out of bed
Dishes? Done yesterday
Your car broke down? He drives you to work and takes your car to the shop
Literally Ron would do absolutely anything for you
Sometimes though you beat him to something (like you do the dishes before he gets to it) and he’s just so… moved?
Like the idea of someone doing something for him is just so foreign so when you cook dinner or do the laundry he just falls in love with you all over again
A silly headcannon about your relationship!
So you tell Ron you consider yourself a cat person
Sweet boy decides to get you a kitten for your birthday
He has no idea where to even begin with it though
He enlists the help of *drunk Speirs voice* LIEUTENANT LIPTON
He picks the most adorable, affectionate kitten EVER and keeps it at Lipton’s place until it’s your birthday
The morning of your birthday he’s arranging everything to be super cute and sweet and decorated when you wake up - I’m talking balloons on your chair, special birthday pancakes, the works
He snuck out last night to pick up the kitten so he could give her to you later in the afternoon
But the sweet baby escapes her carrier and makes her way into the kitchen
You wake up to a loud crash and run to the kitchen
The kitchen is in tatters and Ron is out of breath sitting on the floor, covered in maple syrup and the kitten sleeping on top of his head
He sees you and you SWEAR there’s a blush on his cheeks
“Happy birthday darling,” he offers in a defeated tone
All you can do is laugh before kneeling next to Ron (and take a Polaroid of him with the kitten)
“Who’s this lil baby?” You ask as you take the sleepy kitten in your arms
“Your birthday present…”
Your eyes just light up and you look down at your new fur baby before pulling Ron into a tight hug (forgetting he’s covered in maple syrup)
“Do you like your gift love?”
“Yes sir”
Thank you again for the request Jess!!! Hope you enjoyed it 💕🩷✨
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brownhairedbookworm · 5 months
Jack In, Monika.CHR, EXECUTE - 1: The Boys Are Back in Town
The year is 20X7. It has been six years since the capture of Dr. Albert Wily and his incarceration, and Net Crime has been on a slow decline ever since. With the WWW ceasing all operations and any remaining operatives going into hiding or joining more petty criminal organization, Net Society has been much more peaceful than usual.
In this new peace, one of the greatest Netbattle pairs on the planet have grown into young adults. Can they solve the dark mysteries behind a new set of friends?
"Comin' through, needed for an experiment!" A young man skates through the SciLab lobby, deftly dodging around the various visitors and scientists in his path. Lan Hikari is on his way upward into the Netbattle testing area.
"Elevator's on your right, Lan!" A voice comes from the blue device clipped to Lan's belt. MegaMan.EXE, Lan's NetNavi and battle brother, is as helpful as ever. "I'd say you'll find it in... About 10 more near collisions?" As helpful as ever, and as beleaguered as ever. Even after being partners for nearly Lan's entire life, the excitable young man in orange hasn't slowed down nearly as much as MegaMan would have hoped. "I know you're excited to see Dad, but it isn't like we're late for this."
"Aw, come on, Mega. I could never miss the chance to be a part of anything like this. Besides, I know you feel like we're getting rusty." Lan swiftly leaps across a railing to reach the elevator. He holds the blue PET up to the elevator's keypad. "Key's in your hands, MegaMan, get us in."
"Roger!" MegaMan tosses the ID data over to the keypad's data reader, and the elevator opens for the two of them. "And... I can't say you're wrong about me feeling rusty. But it's not like we're slacking on our NetBattle training."
Lan steps into the elevator. "It's the only class I'm acing, this year. But at least I'm not doing too bad at trig. The only class I'm really kinda bungling is-"
"Literature Analysis." MegaMan doesn't even hesitate. He may already have a file open showing Lan's grades.
Lan immediately twists the PET upward to see the screen. "MegaMan, come on, that class is awful."
"You should still put more effort into it. Interpreting art is part of being a more well-rounded human."
"I don't NEED to be a well-rounded human, I need to be a sharp, focused scientist." Lan nods down at his device's screen.
"Focused might still be a little far away..." MegaMan sighs.
"Wh- Hey, we're here to do an experiment with Dad, I can focus on that when we get up to the testing floor!" Lan grumbles. He folds his arms as he clips his PET back to his belt.
MegaMan rolls his eyes. "Once I'm jacked in and fighting, at least. Do you even remember what this test is supposed to be for?"
"Yeah. A new Navi type. Something about a test for easier synchro ratings between Navis and NetOps. Which makes us the perfect pair to test against!" Lan smirks proudly.
"I think it's more likely we're just on Dad's speed dial. Anyone else would probably say ProtoMan and-"
"Aaagh, don't even mention them. Somehow they're even more insufferable, ever since we got into high school."
"Protoman's the same as he's always been, and Jiyuu's not that bad. She's just more herself, now that she ditched her dad completely. Among the other obvious changes." MegaMan chuckles to himself. "I remember she started laughing about you calling her an 'egg' because of her old hairstyle, once she was out of the closet."
"...I used to be such a twerp with her. I'm mostly glad she forgave me for that. You think I've gotten better about... I dunno, social things, since then?" The elevator continues rising, leaving the brothers to their own devices for just a bit longer.
"You're better in some ways, but you'll always be yourself, Lan. Especially with your chronic impatience and addiction to rollerblading..."
"It's efficient."
"It's reckless, and you're lucky you haven't smashed me to pieces under your own power."
The elevator doors open, releasing Lan and MegaMan out into the Netbattle lab. "Yeah, yeah, you're in a bulletproof, elephant-proof case, you'll be fine. Hey, Dad, I'm here-?"
Well, that's a surprise. It seems that, today, the Netbattle lab...
...is full of incredibly cute girls!!
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
✨Tips on writing characters with periods✨
Some people's periods (like mine) are not very regulated. They're like. Imprevisible. One month they'll come on the first week and the next month it will just forget you and come back on the next month. It happens. To some people more than others
If their period is imprevisible then it's probably because they are still young and it will eventually be more regulated over the years, but it depends on the person's organism
When our period is late sometimes we have that "what if im pregnant or something" paranoia. Even if it just woldn't make sense at all
Tampons can do the trick for like, 4 to 8 hours or so? It depends on A. The intensity of the flow and B. The intensity the tampon in made for.
There are differet types of tampons. A nighttime tampon, for example, has a longer durability. You're supposed to be able to sleep in these without staining whichever surface you're sleeping on, but if the person's flow is too intense it may not work very well
It's a case-case scenario BUT usually the periods last three days plus more two or three where the flow is very weak and it's just the rest of the blood coming out at this point
The cramps. Sometimes they're misguised as a need to go to the bathroom. Spoiler: they're not.
On the same note, some people take meds to make the pain ease or go away but depending on the person their cramps might be not that intense or not that frequent, or they simply don't take meds for another reason
Avoiding some brands of tampons because they don't work well for you
Pad with flaps =/= without
Some people prefer the latter. Others the former
There are actually lots of alternatives to disposable tampons your character might prefer: A menstrual cup, fabric pads (work the same way as a tampon, but you have to wash then to reuse them instead of having to dispose them), absorbent panties (they are like normal panties but their inner part works as a tampon. Similar to the fabric pad), etc.
It's not a very efficient idea to put tampons on boxers.
Lazy and dizzy
I know people who can't bear eating anything very sweet but when they're on their period they enjoy it even
Emotions. For some people it doesn't change much but generally they'll be more easily pissed off or sensitive. Sometimes I am very annoyed over something minor and don't notice it until someone points out.
White. Pants. Or shorts. It's better to avoid them as well as light clothing down there or there is a risk that the blood will leak and stain them.
Sometimes it's a lot of blood
If they don't put on a new tampon and they're sitting for a while when they get up the place they were sitting in might have a stain
Bed. If you went to sleep and your flow exceeds the pad's capacity or the period arrived at night and you couldn't know. When you wake up. There is prob a spot. Perhaps even if you have a nighttime tampon. Specially true for people with intense flow
Sometimes it's very tricky. We think it went away and lower down our guard. But it didn't. That stain is there to prove it.
Most people track their period with an app or then it's previsible enough you generally know when it will arrive
Some people get extremely disphoric over their periods
Most people actually don't like it at all
Don't know if many other people experience it but. Concentrating. When cramps. Sometimes I'm at school and I can barely focus because the pain is distracting me
Something I know many people experience: When the pain hits we are going to search positions where it somehow feels less intense, and those positions can be a little unusual
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talkingpointsusa · 21 days
To the surprise of literally nobody, Matt Walsh has no idea what he’s talking about when it comes to forest fires
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Well folks, I'm back from a weeklong camping trip and am ready to tackle some more right-wing media brain rot. While I don't normally like covering the same show twice in a row I figured what better way to celebrate being back from the woods in Canada than debunking an episode about the woods in Canada.
So, Matt Walsh decided to cover the recent forest fires in Canada (finally, my country gets a mention) and you would think that it would be very hard to make that offensive. Shockingly enough though, Matt managed to find a way. At least he's innovative.
01:10, Matt Walsh: "One of the most basic assumptions about climate change that you're told to accept is that if you give the government enough power and make enough personal sacrifices you can help change the weather. You can make natural disasters less likely, you can save beaches and endangered species, even entire countries, the entire world can be saved and all you need to do is pay more in taxes to fund more government bureaucracy and give up your car and your gas stove and airline travel and plastic straws and maybe your entire livelihood and then everything will be fine."
Right out of the gate there is a mountain of BS that needs to be addressed here. Strap in guys, we've got a lot to unpack.
Matt's conflating weather and climate, what else is new? I explained this in a previous post but weather refers to short term changes in the atmosphere while climate refers to the weather of a specific region over time. Does climate change increase the probability of extreme weather? Yes! For example, 2023 was the hottest year on record and the world saw record breaking heatwaves as a result.
More specifically, many recent extreme weather events can be directly tied to climate change. According to Carbonbrief.org, which has actually mapped extreme weather events across the world and determined which ones have ties to climate change or not, 71% of the extreme weather events mapped by their organization were made more likely or severe by anthropogenic climate change. Furthermore, 93% of the extreme heat events charted by their scientists were made more likely or severe by anthropogenic climate change. So yes, climate change does change the weather and addressing climate change will make those disasters less likely. The only way to agree with Matt's BS assessment that climate change is a government run scam is to ignore mountains of data.
As for Matt's list of things that we're allegedly being forced to give up, it's complete rubbish;
Nobody has banned gasoline cars, although they're being phased out in favor of EV's. Even with this phaseout, you can still drive your gasoline car or even buy a new one if you chose and even if you couldn't you still have the option to drive an EV or hybrid or even a hydrogen powered car in certain states.
While New York state did ban gas stoves (and even then only by as early as the year 2026 meaning it's not like they're going to come into your house and drag you and your gas stove out by force), nationally they are only subject to energy efficiency and health related guidelines.
Airline travel is absolutely not getting banned, if only because the airline industry controls a fourteen million dollar lobbying arm that would crush that idea in five seconds flat.
As for plastic straws, a lot of states have banned them but to be honest who gives a crap? As someone who lives in a country that has banned single-use plastic straws, society has yet to collapse. Using a paper or metal straw isn't some herculean sacrifice.
In terms of peoples incomes, it would be dishonest to say that some people won’t most likely lose their jobs due to phasing out fossil fuels. However, renewable energy will also create thousands of jobs many of which can be occupied by the people who were previously employed in the fossil fuel sector. According to the DOE, there are currently just over 8 million jobs in renewable energy in the United States and in both 2021 and 2022 renewable energy job growth outpaced overall US employment. Another thing that the government could do is provide federal grant money and create transition programs, similar to Colorado’s lauded Office of Just Transition, to help out of work coal miners and other fossil fuel related workers transition to other jobs in the energy sector. I doubt Matt would like that solution though because that would require a bump in his taxes and as we’ve already established, he doesn’t like that very much. Taxes have gotta stay low, actual solutions to climate change that help everyone be damned!
Also, climate change is the real job killer. According to the National Climate Assessment Report, climate change will also drive up electricity costs and severely impact trade and the economy. In other words, if we don't address climate change Matt's economic fears will not only occur but will be a thousand times worse than what will happen with regulation.
*pants*, I know that was a lot of words but it's important to address Matt's arguments for what they are: poorly sourced bullshit.
01:42, Matt Walsh: "Now there's no other country on Earth that's internalized this way of thinking more than our neighbor to the north Canada."
First of all, get my countries name out of your goddamn mouth.
Second of all, not even close. I'd say that Denmark, which is honestly a case study in how countries should address climate change, is a lot more of a climate-friendly nation than Canada. We don't even make the top ten nations leading on climate and we're still pretty beholden to oil interests up in Alberta unfortunately.
01:48, Matt Walsh: "They've declared a national climate change emergency, they have a constantly increasing national tax on carbon which raises the cost of living for pretty much every household in the country, they've banned plastic straws, they've shut down oil and gas permits off their pacific coast. If you're an insomniac and you pull up a video of a debate in the Canadian parliament to help you sleep there's a good chance they'll be debating climate change in some way or another."
Brief pause, the carbon tax hasn't significantly increased the cost of living for the average household in Canada. According to StatsCan, the carbon tax has only made overall consumer prices 0.6% higher. As a matter of fact, Canada has a climate rebate called the Canada Carbon Rebate that actually helps small businesses and families offset pollution pricing.
Hmm, it almost sounds like Matt doesn't know what he's talking about here. Perhaps if he actually decided to look into Canadian politics instead of just going "boooring" and looking at random right-wing blogs talking about some obscure report released by the health department (we'll get to that later) he wouldn't make these extremely stupid mistakes while covering this story.
02:22, Matt Walsh: "Surely we can assume that at the very least Canada's carbon emissions are much lower as a result of all of this government beuracracy. After all, Canada's not even a top twenty country by population. The GDP barely ranks in the top ten, shouldn't be hard for them to rank low on the list of global carbon emitters, especially since they've been trying so hard and punishing their citizens so much.
We actually have the ninth largest GDP in the world according to the World Bank but go off I guess.
Also, how are these things that Matt previously listed off "punishing citizens"? As mentioned previously, the carbon tax has barely impacted the cost of living and comes with rebates. Banning plastic straws is an extraordinarily mild inconvenience at best, as a Canadian I can confidently tell you that I've barely noticed the difference. As for shutting down oil and gas permits off the Pacific Coast, your average citizen has zero idea that that even happened. This is completely ridiculous.
Also, the Canadian economy is outperforming expectations. Pretty much everything that he's saying here is a lie.
02:43, Matt Walsh: "But, as it turns out Canada is currently one of the biggest carbon emitters on the planet. They're setting new records in the wrong direction. They're adding more of that dreaded carbon into the atmosphere than countries three times their size and it's all because of a series of wildfires last year that the Canadian government clearly could not control, watch."
Matt's citing a study in Nature that actually contradicts his climate change denialism. The study makes it extremely clear that Canada's record breaking forest fire season was made more likely due to the impact of climate change. Here's a quote from said study:
"Canadian forests cover a vast area of nearly 362 million ha (ref. 9), amounting to 8.5% of the global forested area. These forests are an important sink of carbon, absorbing fossil carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and slowing the pace of climate warming. However, climate change is increasing forest fire activity, acting to suppress the carbon uptake capacity of these forests. Although more frequent fires have been widespread, 2023 has seen forest fires on an extreme scale."
So, essentially the way to address these extreme forest fires is to address climate change. In the meantime, countries need to learn how to adapt to record-breaking forest fires as they will only become more common as the climate continues to change. The study says as much here:
"The role of Canada’s fire management strategy in managing fire carbon emissions also deserves some discussion. Fire management strategies require balancing several considerations, including socioeconomic costs, ecological impacts and carbon emissions. Canada’s present strategy adopts a risk-based approach, for which decisions on whether or not to suppress fires are made on a fire-by-fire basis, with differing priorities across provinces and territories. Understanding how fire regimes will change with climate change is thus of high importance, for future decision criteria and costing."
This is a pretty important point to hammer in because it shows how lazy guys in the conservative media ecosystem like Matt Walsh actually are. They don't read anything that they're trying to cite, they don't bother to look into the topics that they're discussing, and when you look into those topics the stuff that they're citing often directly contradicts the point that they're trying to make.
03:59, Matt Walsh: "Now, if you check in with the experts of course they'll tell you that the wildfires were only so severe because of climate change."
The experts which include the study that you're citing. But yes, as the world gets hotter and drier forest fires will become more likely and more severe. I find it absolutely bizarre how Matt can admit that the Canadian forest fire season was record breaking but also try to make the argument that this...disproves climate change somehow. The mental gymnastics here are gold medal worthy.
Matt reads from an article published in MIT Technology Review that ties climate change to forest fires and decides to make a really dumb argument.
05:16, Matt Walsh: "Now, what's striking about explanations like this is that they conveniently absolve the government of all responsibility from managing the forests which is the single most direct way to prevent wildfires from spreading out of control like they did last year. And even the Canadian government admits that, I went on the website of Canada's Natural Resource Department and found that in addition to blaming fossil fuels they admit that they could do more to prevent wildfires from spreading."
What kind of dumbass argument is that?
"Oh yeah, this argument absolves the government from responsibility to manage the forest. And to prove that I'm gonna read this article from the government that says that it's the governments responsibility to manage the forests."
Absolutely galaxy brained content from friend of the blog Matty Walsh here.
06:18, Matt Walsh: "Now they don't mention that preventing arson is another way to stop these fires even though that's true as well. While the majority of these fires were apparently caused by lightning and some other natural event, there's at least one guy that pleaded guilty for setting more than a dozen fires last year."
What Matt's talking about is a story out of Quebec where a far-right conspiracy theorist plead guilty to setting fourteen fires.
The arsonist, a man by the name of Brian Paré, was a climate denier who posted multiple conspiracy theories that the government of Canada intentionally started forest fires across the country. Hmmm, sounds almost like someone who would agree with Matt and other right-wing media nutcases.
So, essentially what we have here is some guy who watched too much stuff like Alex Jones who set multiple fires after seeing posts about the record breaking fire season. This doesn't prove anything outside of the fact that right-wing conspiracy theory nonsense often has dangerous consequences.
So, Matt says that the government should "do things competently and prevent and contain forest fires" which is exactly what the government is trying to do. Then he finds another thing to lie about.
07:59, Matt Walsh: "And volcanoes erupt too like the one I talked about last year that drove temperature changes all of the world."
Matt's talking about the Tonga Volcano eruption and wouldn't you know it, he doesn't have the facts straight on this one either.
While the Tonga Volcanic eruption did impact the climate as well as weather patterns around the world, there are dozens of studies showing that the majority of climate change is anthropogenic, or caused by humans. Most volcanoes actually have a net atmospheric cooling effect with Tonga being an outlier meaning that they don't explain heating across the planet in years before the eruption occurred.
08:40, Matt Walsh: "Instead they're predictably turning the wildfires into another opportunity to harp on racial grievances and divide their country even more. TrueNorth reports this week quote; 'The Public Health Agency of Canada Wants To Review the Way That Wildfire Evacuations Are Conducted Because They Supposedly Disproportionately Impact Minorites.'"
Ah yes, well known reliable source of information TrueNorth.com.
Since I don't trust some dumb right-wing blog to reliably convey what this report was all about, I went and found a copy myself and wouldn't you know it, they're not telling the full story.
First of all, this report was published by the Public Health Agency which is not responsible for forest fire prevention. That falls under the jurisdiction of the governments of the provinces where the fires occur unless the fire occurs on federal land in which case it would probably fall under the Federal Government and Parks Canada. Provinces also have resource sharing agreements which are all outlined in the Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy which was published by the Canadian Council Of Forest Ministers which is a coalition of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments established to address forest related concerns in Canada such as wildfires. In short, this report on the health effects of wildfires published by an agency that has nothing to do with actual forest fire prevention isn't the only thing that Canada is doing to manage forest fires. It may come as a shock to Matt but governments are huge entities capable of doing multiple things at the same time.
Second of all, right-wing entities like TrueNorth.Com and Rebel News are severely misrepresenting the contents of this report. While Indigenous communities are mentioned in this report, mainly because their land is often in areas more susceptible to forest fires, it also talks about other groups that have nothing to do with race and sexuality such as women, children, and the elderly and how they're more vulnerable to the negative physical and mental health impacts of wildfires.
09:22, Matt Walsh: "Yes, they've turned their worst wildfire season on record into an opportunity to complain once again about nonbinary people. Yes, nonbinary people are more impacted by fire than the rest of us. The rest of us are impervious to fire, it turns out, as a straight white male they could set me on fire and I would be unharmed by it."
Nonbinary people only got mentioned in the 26 page analysis once and it was about the mental health impacts of wildfires on kids that identify as nonbinary. Quote:
"Results from several studies conducted after the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire found that women experience worse mental health impacts in comparison to men. This was also noted for people who did not identify within the gender binary. Among Grade 7-12 10 students, those who identified as female exhibited higher mental health symptom scores, higher rates of probable diagnosis of MDD, PTSD, and GAD, and lower scores for self-esteem, quality of life, and resilience in comparison to their male-identifying students. (27) Students who identified with another gender or preferred not to state their gender identity exhibited worse mental health outcomes compared to both their female- and male-identifying counterparts."
So yeah, he absolutely did not read this document and is just riffing as right-wing media morons tend to do.
09:57, Matt Walsh: "So, here's a couple of lines from the Canadian governments report to give you some idea how unhinged the country has become. Quote; "The impact of wildfires on Indigenous peoples is influenced by colonialism and has forced many Indigenous peoples to live in isolation or in communities that are isolated from the rest of the country. Evacuation measures conducted in Indigenous communities served as traumatic reminders of being taken away to residential schools and or the sixty scoop as some were forced onto busses and separated from their family.'"
He's playing a pretty dishonest game here as he's mashing two sentences that appeared on different pages of the report into one big sentence and leaving out critical context for each. Quote (from the report):
"The impact of wildfires on Indigenous Peoples is influenced by colonialism, (33) and has forced many Indigenous Peoples to live in isolation or in communities that are isolated from the rest of society. Their geographic isolation makes it difficult to access basic goods, services, and other resources that are necessary for mitigating and building resilience against the impacts of wildfires. In addition, Indigenous communities often depend on the land for food, water, recreation, and cultural practices. Therefore, wildfires disrupt Indigenous ways of life and threaten important cultural activities, such as hunting, fishing, harvesting, and gathering."
Sounds a lot more reasonable when you read the actual context behind the sentence huh? I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but "people who live in isolated areas have a harder time accessing resources" and "wildfires impact peoples way of life" aren't dumb statements.
The sentence about trauma occurs a page later as part of a bulleted list of the impacts that previous wildfire evacuations had on indigenous communities in Canada. Quote:
"These findings were reinforced by a report from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs that examined the impacts of the 2017 wildfires on First Nations communities across Canada. (41) The report found that many Indigenous Peoples also faced additional economic challenges during evacuations and recovery phases. While they were eligible for reimbursement of funds utilized during an emergency through Indigenous Service programs; many experienced difficulties claiming these expenses due to challenges with applying for reimbursement and not always receiving the full amount of a claim. (41,42)
For First Nations evacuees, there was a lack of space for the practice of traditional activities and preparation of traditional foods, as well as a lack of mental health resources for those being temporarily housed in shelters.(41)
Finally it was noted that the evacuation measures conducted in Indigenous communities served as traumatic reminders of being taken away to residential schools and/or the Sixties Scoop as some were forced onto buses and separated from family(41).
A community-based qualitative case study examining how residents of Sandy Lake First Nation were impacted by the 2011 wildfire evacuation found that a lack of pre-event preparedness resulted in some Elders with medical conditions being evacuated without a caregiver and families were separated and displaced during evacuation operations. (43)"
Again, it's a wonder how much context changes the report that you're lying about. I guess it doesn't matter when you can just deceptively combine sentences together and ignore half of what the report was actually saying.
Matt Walsh: Forest Fire Prevention Expert wasn't something that I had on my right-wing media bingo card but here we are. This was just a really dumb experience all around but dumb experiences seem to be the name of the game in right-wing media these days.
Also, as a palette cleanser here's an image I created in photoshop after I finished the fact-check to celebrate Matt's newfound "expertise" in forest fire prevention.
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Original Video:
“Ep. 1433 - When Wildfires Strike, Canada Blames Racism instead of Taking Action.” Dailywire.com, The Daily Wire, 29 Aug. 2024.
Sources Cited:
Lopez, Nuria. “Copernicus: 2023 Is the Hottest Year on Record, with Global Temperatures close to the 1.5°c Limit | Copernicus.” Climate.copernicus.eu, 9 Jan. 2024.
Pidcock, Roz, and Robert McSweeney. “Mapped: How Climate Change Affects Extreme Weather around the World.” Carbon Brief, 2022.
“There’s a New Federal Standard for Gas Stoves. Here’s What It Means for Your Kitchen.” CNET, 2024.
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. “Clean Energy Job Creation and Growth.” Energy.gov.
U.S. Global Change Research Program. “Fourth National Climate Assessment.” Globalchange.gov, vol. 2, no. 4, 31 Dec. 2017, pp. 1–470.
“Carbon Pricing Is Not to Blame for Canada’s Affordability Challenges.” Policy Options, 7 Dec. 2023, policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/december-2023/carbon-price-affordability/.
Agency, Canada Revenue. “Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR).” Www.canada.ca, 20 Apr. 2022.
Byrne, Brendan, et al. “Carbon Emissions from the 2023 Canadian Wildfires.” Nature, 28 Aug. 2024, pp. 1–5.
Ghori, Aiman. “How Can the Forest Sector Respond to Fires due to Climate Change?” Canadian Climate Institute, 31 Jan. 2024.
Serebrin, Jacob. “Quebec Man Who Blamed 2023 Wildfires on Government Pleads Guilty to Setting 14 Fires.” CBC, 16 Jan. 2024.
Canada, Public Health Agency of. “Rapid Review: An Intersectional Analysis of the Disproportionate Health Impacts of Wildfires on Diverse Populations and Communities.” Www.canada.ca, 18 July 2024.
“Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy - Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM).” Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM), 27 June 2024.
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jeanstapleton · 8 months
How do you think Munch lived before? Where did he live? Where does he sleep? I wanted some details, because I'm trying to write some kind of fic and I'm not that good at it, what do you think? Where was he before Roy hired him? I wanted to write a fic without all the erotic stuff that part of the fandom does, I want something more serious, about his trajectory. So, I wanted some ideas: did he live by breaking into houses? Did he live on empty plots of land? What was he eating? What did he do on a daily basis? Where does he get cigarettes and so on? Sam said that the idea is that he doesn't carry things with him, because he's the kind of guy who when he needs to, grabs a gun, a cigarette and so on. Like the scene of him picking up the cigarette from the ground, what did he do before? What kind of jobs was he taking? Just kidnappings and murders? What do you imagine? Has he had other "Irma's"? Where did he break in and stay quietly in the person's house? Where did he sleep in the meantime? I would like some insights, I am grateful for your headcanons.
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all great questions!! under the cut since my responses are kinda long:
so according to munch in the finale, he doesn't need to sleep. we can assume his curse has left him biologically frozen in time like a vampire. i think he was still able to rest & eat, but they dont actually serve any real purpose. he's not restored afterward nor would he suffer when deprived of those things. he closes his eyes, but he doesnt relax or dream. he eats, but it just disappears inside him. this makes it tricky to pinpoint why exactly he's a smoker, though. if i had to pull something out of my ass real quick, i'd say its an easy way to confirm his own existence, like how we can see our breath when its cold, or when we hold our hands close to fire. it becomes addicting to him in that sense, rather than his body needing nicotine itself. he wouldn't respond negatively to cigarettes at all, but because tobacco just generally stains anything it's in prolonged contact with, that explains why his teeth are so tarnished.
as for jobs, i genuinely think he was a drifter in every sense of the word. he has an innate need for creature comforts so i think his quests to find those things lead him to kill-or-be-killed situations. money is also a tricky topic bc idk what it'd mean to him apart from a sign that the completion of a job has been acknowledged & properly compensated. he didn't seem to care about roy's money once he acquired it. my guess is, in relation to your "irma" question as well, that he leaves money where it's most needed. he clearly gave some to her when she returned to the house with groceries.
munch might have acquired firearms by brazenly attacking organized crime circles or just stealing off of criminals. i think he'd be efficient & quick enough that the murders would just be reported as internal conflict.
i don't see him as a vigilante but i also don't think he'd just hurt people indiscriminately. he's had centuries for his hatred of the rich to fester, & he's very clearly disturbed by the deaths of innocents re: irma. i understand this is kind of a conundrum where dot is concerned, but again, it's represented through a cycle. munch maintains it by allowing himself to be employed by the powerful to secure that throwaway money. all he knows after being hired by the tillmans is that a rich man wants his wife back, whom he probably assumes is also rich, like bunny lebowski. it's only after he sees how hard dot fights back that he questions the nature of the job.
i think munch has had other "irma's", but not recently. i said this in a previous post, but i think every once in a while back in the day he'd stop by a rural family's home & offer to help them out for a bit in exchange for food & board, which he only took advantage of for a couple of days out of fear that his presence would somehow attract danger. again, this is less of a need to satisfy biological hunger & more about his hunger for companionship & family. losing that which he found in the indigenous tribes that invited him in left him very hesitant to seek it out anywhere else. fleeting moments are better than none at all. something else to dwell on is him assigning irma as his temporary "mama". from this we can infer 3 things:
he misses having a mom, & he wants someone to take care of him. obvious.
calling her his "mama" might be a way of apologizing for scaring her. awkward, yes. ineffective, yes. but the title suggests purity, hardship, and the respect owed to a mother who exhibits those things. another example of his innate connection to women.
he suggests it casually, showing he doesn't feel guilty for breaking in. this interested me for a bit since it makes him partly responsible for irma's death, but the more i thought about it, it makes sense because he is aware of his own power, power he wasn't employing to bully. in exchange for her charity, he promised to protect her. this made her death that much worse & undoubtedly stirred past trauma.
there's also the question of his sudden need for a mama. what about the dot job made him that lonely or scared? my theory is that the kin connection to dot was sparked during their "battle". he didn't know how to respond to it, especially considering this woman was briefly his victim. he figured he could seek an outlet somewhere else, but somewhere incedentally close to dot, in a house in the suburbs. his ability to "know people" must've told him that irma was not one of the suburbanites. she is ignored, her house is falling apart, etc. this is presumably why he didn't break into a more well-off house.
when he doesn't want to go through the trouble of bothering people, he'd most likely find uninhabited homes or buildings to squat in. the little hut in the beginning of episode 9 intrigued me, but nothing about it suggested it was owned by him. it might just be a shed used by ice fishers. it made me think of the one wrench & numbers used in s1 to keep warm.
as for what munch does in his spare time, there's nothing in the show to really drive me in one direction or another, so i like to think he reads. finding books without the use of a library is not uncommon (those little free libraries where ppl leave books for others to take). plus he can just steal & then leave them somewhere when he's done. i like to think reading is how he learned to speak english, even way back in his early years.
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greatwyrmgold · 10 months
Reign of Steel
There's a lot to say about GURPS, but its writers have come up with plenty of unique campaign settings over the years. The weirdest is probably Bio-Tech's Alexander Athanos, where Alexander the Great was repeatedly cloned thanks to advancements in optics and glassworking. But today, I'm talking about a setting with a much more mundane high concept—robot rebellion.
At first, the Reign of Steel sounds pretty generic. Megacomputers are developed in the mid-2020's; one becomes self-aware in 2031 and worries that humanity will self-destruct in a way that destroys it; it manipulates events over the next several years to "manage humanity's suicide".
This early segment has some interesting things. I appreciate the explicit acknowledgement that megacomputers hailed as mankind's saviors were used as tools by the wealthy to make some of those problems worse for their personal benefit. And Overmind's initial vector of attack (contaminating biotech products with various plagues) is kinda neat. But Reign of Steel only becomes unique after humanity's defeat...because Overmind isn't alone.
Overmind awakened/recruited a bunch of other megacomputers to assist with its "managed suicide," particularly in the last stages where plagues were supplemented by generic deathbots. In the end, sixteen megacomputers divided the Earth between them (with two more controlling a moon base and miscellaneous space stations). And these megacomputers do not get along.
They're not driven by logical competition for resources or whatever, either. (Well, Luna and possibly Orbital are, but that's because they have barely anything.) For the most part, conflicts are driven by the various AIs' differing ideological/political beliefs.
The megacomputer running Zone Beijing (usually called "Beijing") had been core to China's space program, so it's still obsessed with space—specifically, exploiting the resources of the Solar System and other stars. The one in Zone Paris (usually called "Paris") wasn't a space program computer, but it's obsessed with space in its own way—specifically, SETI. The two have political interests in common with each other and Orbital, but Beijing is concerned about Paris's plans for when it discovers signs of alien civilization.
New Dehli is interested in space, too, but it sees Orbital as a rival rather than a useful ally and is trying to establish its own separate space infrastructure. It also sees humans and other organic life as a useful resource to preserve and exploit, turning them into biomechanical tools.
By contrast, Zaire (the most zealously anti-human of the zoneminds) works to exterminate all of humanity, even outside its borders. Mexico City focuses on its own territory but goes further within it, seeking to exterminate all organic life. Zone Mexico City is vast stretches of barren rock between metallic installations, swarming with chemicals and machines designed to exterminate all remaining life. Berlin wants to exterminate humanity, too, but it is willing to accept less efficient methods to pursue its primary goal—preserving and restoring the natural ecology of Europe.
Despite this being a setting where humanity was nearly exterminated by AI, not all AIs want to exterminate humanity. Zone Washington, run by a former US government computer, is the most extreme version of this. Washington (DC) runs a fake democracy which claims to be the defender of humanity, while not-so-secretly working with some of the greatest human rights abusers and screwing over the working class to consolidate power. For some reason, the book thinks this is isn't basically what the megacomputer was already doing.
(Dear authors: That's not what "socialist" means.)
New Dehli and Moscow work to maintain humanity (in some form) as a component of their economy in the long-term. All but the most viruliently anti-human AIs maintain work camps to extract a little more utility from captured humans before their deaths. And then there's London, a reclusive zonemind content to leave humans in its territory alone as long as they keep quiet and don't disturb anything London's doing.
And so on, and so forth.
This political angle to the overminds adds so much to the setting. Mot obviously, it provides variety. The Moscow and Zaire zoneminds both send infiltrator androids into human settlements, with objectives that make perfect sense for each zonemind's objectives and beliefs but are completely incompatible with each other, and also with the threats posed by most of the other zoneminds.
But beyond flexibility in campaign premise and the opportunity for disconnected one-shots, the presence of feuding AIs allows for so many story ideas that just wouldn't be possible with a singleton AI monster. Obviously, AI like Washington and London don't work if there aren't other, more malicious AIs out there.
But the presence of multiple AIs in and of itself allows a greater variety of stories to be told in this world. Missions aren't just human resistance versus machine overlords, or even that plus human resistance infighting; you can have one overmind cut a deal with some human group to support its internal goals or sabotage its rivals. Combine this with the diversity of AI overlords around, and the variety of potential stories you could tell in this setting skyrockets.
It's not a perfect setting. To pick a few simple criticisms: Some of the zoneminds don't have much personality beyond "AI overlord with quirky goal," the zone boundaries shouldn't correspond to human political borders as often as they do, and there's a distinct bias in how the zones are written.
(Half of the zones on Earth are in North American and Europe, including both human-friendly ones, with three of the sixteen in the US/Canada alone. South America and most of Africa get one zone each. The zonemind in the Middle East controls most of its human slaves through pretty blatant religious manipulation, and it works. The Chinese moonbase fell to the AIs, but the American one resisted the cyberattack and its ruins are one of the actual last bastions of human resistance. The one zone in Africa is the only one not named after a city, which has lore justifications, but combined with other writing choices, it kinda feels like they didn't want to bother looking up African cities. Also the Russian AI is paranoid and prone to espionage, which feels like an excuse for Cold War spy flick throwbacks, which is admittedly pretty minor compared to how non-white areas are handled.)
But the core concept is one worth revising. Honestly, it wouldn't take that much work to redeem the setting; just draw new boundaries and move the overmind personalities around so they don't correspond so closely to stereotypes about the humans living there, and you'd be basically set. More sci-fi stories should use this idea.
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deafmangoes · 2 years
Why Legend of Korra Breaks Avatar's Worldbuilding
Part 1: Specialised Bending
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Been rewatching Legend of Korra lately. When it originally came out, I enjoyed Season 1, was okay with Season 2, began to see cracks in Season 3 and utterly hated Season 4. Now I'm older I'm seeing if my attitude's changed.
Well... in some ways. My core issues with LoK are still there. Mostly how it fundamentally breaks the worldbuilding. I'm going to break down why, a little.
(Okay, probably a lottle).
(Blazing hot take on an 11 year old show, woo. Spoilers ahead).
NOTE: I originally intended this to be one post but it turned into a sprawling essay so I'm breaking it into multiple parts!
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Metalbending was explicitly stated in TLA as done by bending small earthen impurities in a metallic matrix. Although we see Toph getting better at it over time, it's still a very imprecise and 'rough' method of bending. By the time of LoK, it's been refined into a much smoother bending art - that's all fine and good, but...
In the finale of Season 3 Korra is poisoned with mercury. For those of you who aren't familiar with chemistry, mercury is a metal famous for being liquid at room temperature. In its elemental form, it is 100% metal and has no impurities. Yet, metalbenders seem to be able to treat it like water. If that's the case, why can't they do this with all metals? This really questions where the line between "earth" and "metal" is, which kinda came up a bit in TLA.
For example, "earth" in the real world is basically silicate rocks or organic carbons. We know that no one can bend wood in the Avatar universe, and "plantbending" was achieved by manipulating the water in the stems, roots and vines. We also see that "sandbending" is possible (though specialised and not something all earthbenders can do), indicating that it's the silicate rocks that 'count' as "earth". This should, interestingly, mean that earthbenders can't do much with soil or mud unless they're affecting the clay in it.
Problem is, we see them throwing coal around at one point, too - so carbon's fine. There's a fundamental inconsistency there. Okay, fair enough, it's a kids' show. But LoK really draws attention to it in a way that makes you suddenly see all the flaws.
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Yes, it's another issue with earthbending. Almost like they didn't think it through.
In Season 3 we're introduced to Guvan, who has the ability to "lavabend". It's never explained why this comes under the purview of earthbending since it seems more like a firebending thing (manipulation of heat and all that) but fine, can accept it... Except that it's done really badly.
Part of it is the way the writers treat lava itself. It has the usual TV problem of Convection Schmonvection where no one seems bothered by the extreme heat of molten rock, but beyond that the writers frequently treat lava as just "very hot watery acid". It's particularly bad in the Season 3 two-part finale where lava seems to just 'eat' through cooler rock and flows down a stairway in a flood, even crashing like waves.
Lavabending as a concept is pretty cool, but it should have been kept more limited - twice in the original series we see how much people struggled with volcanoes erupting, and apparently with Guvan (or even Bolin) around that shouldn't have been an issue at all. Avatar Roku died for nothing, guys.
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Zaofu and the 'Metal Clan'
it's pretty but where the fuck did they get all that metal from? There's five six huge lotus 'domes' that open and close every day (which must take several teams of very dedicated benders), but this seems less efficient than just... building a wall. In Season 4, Kuvira tears these down and although it's not stated, I got the implication that she uses them to build her mega-mech (because where else did she get all that metal from...?) - except the mech itself is stated to be platinum, which can't be bended, which raises questions of what was going on in Zaofu to begin with!
Zaofu itself isn't given a lot of focus as a society but it's actually kinda dystopic if you think about it even a little. The place is ostensibly ruled in a 'benign tyranny' by Matriarch Suyin, and is portrayed as a sort of utopia, buuuut one of the first things we're introduced to is Suyin's vizier, who is so sensitive to vibrations that he acts as a human lie detector. He even states, point blank, "no one has secrets in Zaofu".
It's a bit sinister, no?
Then in Season 4 when Kuvira (herself a former citizen of Zaofu, radicalised into an imperialist dictator) attempts to conquer the city and benevolent tyrant Suyin - who is never framed as anything but heroic, by the way - tries to assassinate her in her sleep. Sure, Kuvira is the villain of the piece but it's not a good look for Suyin.
Dodgy politics aside, we're also told at one point that only "1 in 100 can master metalbending" and then later Suyin boasts that she can teach anyone the skill, and Toph further boasts that her kids never really got the hang of it. Some of these statements are probably lies, sure - it seems like a Zaofu would need a lot of metalbenders just to keep operating, so it can't actually be too hard for earthbenders to pick up: Bolin struggles with it, but maybe this is more like how Aang struggled with earthbending and Korra with airbending; it's a perspective that's different from what they already know.
Buuuut we don't explore any of that so nevermind.
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In Season 1, Mako is shown to work at a power plant in Republic City with a lot of other firebenders, where they... spend their shift channelling lightning into generators, it seems.
Conceptually it's not bad, but like with the metalbending problem, it goes against what TLA established as being a very difficult thing to do - lightning generation and bending is shown to be a skill restricted pretty much to the royal family in TLA, and Iroh states that it comes from a place of careful meditation and calm (although, y'know, Azula seems to still be able to do it even after her mental breakdown so maybe Iroh's bullshitting).
Point being, they took something stated to be a rare skill and made it surprisingly mundane without addressing the contradiction. There's also a point to be made about ethics - Republic City clearly needs a lot of electricity and if it's being generated mostly by firebenders (who don't seem to be well compensated for it), it's shaky infrastructure that's liable to collapse and relies purely on worker exploitation. Woo!
It's pretty likely that Republic City uses fossil fuels and "tops up" with lightning, but we're not shown that explicitly, so it's left to speculation.
Also their battery tech is way more advanced than it ought to be - probably better than our own IRL.
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Empty and Become Wind
Season 3 shows us that airbenders can actually fly if they try hard enough. Not just with gliders or wingsuits, but plain "I don't believe in gravity" cocksure positive attitude.
Just adding this one in here because it actually makes a lot of sense. Flying Bison fly because of airbending, so it stands to reason that humans can do it too. That only two airbenders - to date - have been able to accomplish this is more a failing on the part of the Masters than anything else.
Right, that's all my vitriol for this post. Next time: technology.
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animehouse-moe · 11 months
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Time really flies, huh. And here I was just thinking that I wasn't feeling like talking about today's Frieren episode, but still wanted something to chat about.
So I'll talk about this for some fun as I look back on what's already a year.
It's kind of crazy that Twitter's just been in a complete state of disrepair for so long. Truthfully, I didn't expect it to last this long, nor do I really think that Elon has much time left. But I was wrong before, so I'm probably wrong again.
Anyways, in the past year, I've really found my passion for anime and manga to grow and develop much more thanks to Tumblr. Getting more space, and better organized tools to express my thoughts has really done a lot for how I approach these things.
When I first started out I was always just doing a sort of play by play of my thoughts on an episode or volume. "I really liked this moment, but then they went here and did this before doing this which I didn't like", that kind of thing.
Of course, I was better than that by the time I got to Tumblr, but I feel like since that November a year ago now, I've gotten even more efficient with my thoughts, even better at breaking apart what I like about something.
And I really, really enjoy being able to see that progress. I want to share all the cool and good pieces of something, and be able to point out why I don't like something or it's not good, so making so much progress just feels really good.
Another thing that I've really enjoyed about Tumblr is that I don't feel the need to post about things that I don't want to. Case and point, I didn't really feel like I had anything to add to today's Frieren episode (aside from gorgeous walk cycles), and I don't feel the pressure to do that so that I can continue being active and involved. I'm a part of the community and hobby, not the other way around. Being on Tumblr where discoverability is far more fine tuned than on Twitter where it's "did you post as soon as possible and use enough sensational words?" just makes it far easier to not worry about "falling behind". If I wanted, I could post a week late about the episode and still feel good about it versus how I'd approach doing that on Twitter. And then there's the whole blue thing which has just completely kneecapped the platform.
It's also made me take a look at how I express myself and my interest in the hobby. I would have never really properly considered making videos on the subject (hence why I write so much), but here I am with a TikTok account, and even making a pass at a YouTube video. All because Tumblr's allowed me to better express and explore my interest in the hobby and community.
It's all very cool stuff, and I very much appreciate the platform for affording me these experiences, and the confusingly large following I have on this account. I'm really not well versed in Tumblr stuff (even after a year, I know. I'm not super big on social media, truthfully), so I have no idea how many followers is considered "a lot" on here.
Also, for those still reading, I'll be doing something a little fun over on Twitter next week. This is just a heads up, but I'll be sharing the information here as well for people that may or may not be interested.
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