#they don't bother to actually read into the characters (like they do to defend other characters with bad habits...)
enconfess · 1 year
i am so frustrated by people who dont seem to understand that the amagis are ainu.
like sure, part of it is that the story itself is often not the best about it, because the !! main story conflates their ethnicity with some weird vague idea of old traditional values that are “bad” and that doesn’t really work in a narrative sense! because while Hiiro is struggling against the mindset that his only value is as Rinne’s second (ie the bad traditional values) his story is also about trying to find a middle ground in existing in the es as an idol and being indigenous - which is very very important to him!!!! the part where Rinne disowns him is often read as just Hiiro losing the framework of where his place is in the world, but it is very specifically him also losing his identity. his family and village and ethnic background is very very important to Hiiro and people wouldn’t downplay this so much if they just remembered that he. is. indigenous.
this ramble is already a bit long so i’m not going into Rinne’s side of it but it is similarly often forgotten by fans how his story is about a person who thinks the only way he can have value in this world is by renouncing his heritage and assimilating. and the fact that he basically canonically has a gambling addiction is either played for jokes or totally downplayed like ohh he is just trying to get money for his friends. like no! he is struggling and while a gacha game of all things will not admit this, fans should!!
….oh no i did go into Rinne’s deal too whoops.
sorry, being a mod for a page like this must be tiring
- 🫧 (i’m gonna sign of with this in case i want to come back here to vent a bit again… or talk about something a bit more positive)
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
How JJK men react to different insecurities part 3
Pairings: Nanami x overweight fem! reader (requested by @deegausserr) Choso x fem!reader with big breasts (requested by anon)
Yuji/Todo x tall/curvy fem!reader (requested by @sitarawrites, @hitori979, @sophyr05 and anon, I see y'all my tall queens)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: not 100% proofread, as usual don't read if you feel triggered by those topics, listen I literally have no boobs so I'm beyond sorry if Choso's part is shit, overweight and big breast parts contain insults (please note that this is definetely not the way I feel about it!) but also so much comfort from your favorite characters, you are beautiful just the way you are 🤍
Part 1: Nanami x reader with facial scars; Megumi x reader with small breasts; Sukuna x reader with acne (click here to read)
Part 2: Nanami x reader who doesn't want kids; Gojo x reader who gained weight; Megumi x reader with hooked nose (click here to read)
Nanami with an overweight reader
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(Imaging him grabbing those ass bully girls like this okay)
You cover yourself up the minute he enters the room. He, the man who caught your eye since the beginning. He, who looks so effortlessly good in that suit. He, a well-trained man with a body like the statues in ancient Greek.
“Hey, the same as usual?”
“Thank you, (y/n).”
Just him, Kento Nanami. And you? Well, you have nothing in common with all those things. To be exact, you aren’t even sure if he ever noticed you. Why would he? You are nothing but a worker in a coffee shop, average-looking and…
You swallow. You are overweight. Not that it would bother you this much. After all, you work hard for your money each and every day, you do your best to keep your head above the water. You never really felt the urge to lose weight until reality, or rather other people, hit you.
“Oh, look who’s working again!”
“Did you already eat all those muffins? How is it possible that when you’re working, all the food is gone around this time?”
There they are again. Breathe in, breathe out. Everything is alright. Just suffering a few minutes, just letting their words hit you a little longer and they’ll be gone again. You just have to get through this. It’s not like you haven’t heard those group of actual grown-ups say those nasty things to you over a hundred times already.
But no. Today, it isn’t that easy. Because on the table in front of you sits none other than Kento Nanami who reads his paper and sips on his cup of coffee like he always does. Why do you suddenly feel the urge to defend yourself, to make them stop talking to you like that?
“Can you guys just leave me alone? I’m doing my job here, okay? Would you like to drink or eat something-“
“Fat pig”, one of the blonde girls suddenly spits at you.
This is nothing new. You should be used to it by know, all the countless insults especially that group of four girls always spits at you are too much to even count. Then why…Why do your eyes roam to his perfectly trimmed blonde undercut, why do you ball your fist in an instant?
What a dumb mistake. One of the girls follows the direction of your sight, breaking out in hysterical laughing when realizing that you were looking at Kento Nanami. No, please don’t make a stupid comment, please just grab a coffee and leave this place. Even though it hurts to get reminded of the stinging fact that you are overweight almost every single day, what hurts even most is…
“I can’t believe you! Why would a fatass like you even look in his direction? Can’t you see that he’s out of your league? God, you are so pathetic it makes my wanna cry. I mean, don’t you have a mirror at home, can’t you see that you are nothing but a fat fuck? Nobody will ever want you, (y/n). Especially not a handsome man like him.”
It’s hard for Nanami to contain his temper, hand already trembling threatful. Who do these girls think they are to talk to you in such a nasty way? You are breathtakingly stunning with eyes that radiate nothing but kindness, you work so hard each and every day. You…
You don’t deserve this.
“Leave me alone”, you mumble again.
And for the first time in forever, your throat starts to burn as well as your eyes. At this point you were so used to getting picked on that you didn’t even cry about it anymore after some time. But this…this isn’t about your weight anymore. This hits you right where it hurts.
Kento Nanami.
You don’t even dare to look his direction, eyes pierced to the ground while their venomous laughs fill the room with hatred. The urge to just get out of here, to leave this place and never return becomes almost unbearable. Maybe…maybe you should really lose some weight. Your eyes dart towards the counter in whose glass your figure is reflected.
You feel absolutely horrible and disgusting. A silent sob escapes your lips. Yes, why would someone like Kento Nanami ever want someone like you?
“Awww look at her, now she’s crying!”
You can’t take the shame anymore. Without thinking twice, you storm out of the coffee shop, ignoring your co-worker calling out your name behind. It began to rain in waterfalls, your tears now mixing with the drops from above.
There was probably never a moment in your life where you hated yourself as much as now. What where you even thinking, getting all excited every morning because of that force of a man? Were you really too dumb to realize that Kento Nanami would never fall for a girl like you?
A fat pig, a person so undisciplined that it shows, a girl that could never wear his t-shirts as a dress. You are a nobody, an ugly figure in a world full of skinny models-
That voice makes your guts turn in an instinct, heart pounding against your chest. You pick up your pace immediately, almost running down the rainy streets of Tokyo into an alley. Of course, he followed you. After all, Kento Nanami is a gentleman out of romance books, the perfect man. But you’d rather die that let him comfort you. No, you don’t want to hear that he’s sorry about their cruel words, you don’t want him to look down at you with his pity-filled eyes.
You simply can’t take it.
“Hey, (y/n). Please look at me.”
With a swift motion, he grabs your wrist and turns you around. You feel like dying right here and now, his chocolate brown eyes seem to pierce right through your soul.
But then…
He pushes you against the wall and just kisses you. His lips collapse onto yours with so much passion that it simply takes your breath away, his eyes roaming around your body hungrily. You stare at him in sheer disbelief. Is this really happening? Are you dreaming? Countless lonely night, you imagined what it would feel like to have him this close, to feel his body against yours. And now…And now that gorgeous man pinned you against a wall.
“Don’t you dare to believe a single word they said. I promise you that they’ll never speak to you like this again. I made sure of that.”
It feels so surreal, almost too good to be true. Is he only doing this out of pity, because he doesn’t want you to feel bad? Your heart sinks painfully. Is that what this is about?
“You don’t have to do that so I’m feeling better”, you mumble against his lips.
Instinctively, you cross your arms in front of your chest, hiding you like you always do around him.
“I’m not saying this to make you feel better”, he replies in an instant, hands gently untucking your arms to place his own around your waist.
“I’m saying this because I can’t take my eyes off you since I saw you the first time I stepped into this café. You have to be the most beautiful person I have ever seen, (y/n). I adore your delicate curves, your inviting smile, your unshakable character. I love the way your hair falls and how you prepare my coffee. I adore you just the way you are. Did you really think I’m there because of the coffee? It’s not that good if you’re asking me.”
His comment makes you giggle your tears away and shaking your head at the same time.
“Yeah, the coffee isn’t that great to be honest”, you comment.
“But you are.”
He looks down at you all serious again, his intense gaze making your knees go weak in an instant.
“And I want nothing more than to take you out to a nice restaurant.”
Choso with a reader who has big breasts
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You were never keen to meet new people, especially men. Not because you aren’t talkative or enjoy others company. No, it’s because you never know how they’ll react when seeing you for the first time.
Even though especially other women are jealous of you because of how big your breasts are, you truly hate them. It seems like the second you meet someone, all they have eyes for is your cleavage. No matter if you wear a baggy shirt, your uniform or one of the dresses you normally adore so much, your boobs come first. And you fucking hate it.
“Hey, why are you so nervous, (y/n)? I’m sure you and Choso will get along just fine!”, Yuji tries to cheer you up with a kind smile.
“And probably your-“
“Shut up right now, moron”, Megumi mumbles instinctively.
You sign to yourself. It’s clear that he’s just trying to be nice and funny, but to be honest you want to cry. Since puberty hit you, no one ever saw you like an individual anymore. No, you are either sexualized or body-shamed.
“Would you crush me with your melons for some money? C’mon (y/n).”
“There she is again. Look at her tits!”
“She’s just showing off. What a slut.”
“I bet those would be a good ass pillow.”
You are so damn tired of it. Tired of all the people talking about you behind your back, tired of being nothing but a sex object, tired of having no character. Even though here at Jujutsu High, people seem to finally get that you are indeed a human being all by yourself and would never talk badly about you, you can feel their looks.
“Oh, there he is! Come on, (y/n)!”
No, no, no. Is it too late to just turn around and leave this place? Maybe Maki is still free, you should go and grab a drink with her. Or even better, barricade yourself into your dorm and return when this man is gone.
“You must be (y/n). My little brother told me a lot about you”, a dark voice introduces itself.
Your eyes dart up in panic. Oh, you just know how this goes. First of all, he’ll look down at your breasts. If he’s having at least a spark of decency, his eyes will dart back to your face and roam around when he thinks you’re not paying any attention. And maybe, just maybe, he won’t mention your cleavage for quite some time.
“Nice to meet you”, you mumble annoyed already.
Huh, his eyes rest right on your face, a small smile forming itself on his lips. You tilt your head to the side, squint your eyes in confusion. Well, this is definitely new. He didn’t even look at them, not a single glimpse onto your body.
“Is it true that you have a thing for blood manipulation? Yuji told me you are interested in learning more about that technique.”
“Well, yeah…”
You have to blink a few times. He is so…different from everyone else. Not even Megumi resisted the urge to look down at you, you even heard him talking about it with Yuji someday. But this man…what was his name again? Choso? He seems to be curious about…
You. Nothing but you.
“I am quite skilled when it comes to blood manipulation. If you want, I will gladly show you a few things.”
“Y-yeah…I mean…That would be nice. Like, today?”, you stutter awkwardly, completely caught off guard by this unexpected change of scenery.
“If you have time, of course.”
“Okay, then…I’ll change now.”
“I’ll meet you at the training field.”
“Yeah…”, you mutter.
As soon as you leave the room, Yuji seems to finally regain your voice.
“And? What do you think about her?”
“I think she seems quite nice for a human being.”
“And what else?”
A big pause that makes your heart shatter for a brief moment. Maybe he isn’t as different as you thought. Maybe he’s just thinking about your cleavage like everybody else does, maybe-
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Haven’t you seen her,…y’know…Megumi?”
“He means her breasts”, Megumi clarifies.
“Why would I look at her breasts when she seems to have an interesting character?”
Your heart almost beats out of your chest, ears literally unable to comprehend what you’ve just heard. It really shouldn’t touch you like that. But oh, the second you begin to realize what that stranger just said your eyes get glossy. It might only be a little statement for him, but it surely means the world to you.
In a world that shames on you for something you can’t change, in a world in which men only took you on dates or talked to you because of your breasts and not because of your personality.
Choso seems to be the first person who genuinely doesn’t give a fuck about the way you look. And oh does it feel nice.
“Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought”, you mumble to yourself.
Yuji and Todo with a cury/tall girl
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Just one look at him seems to sweep you off your feet. The way he walks, the way he talks, simply the way he carries himself. It wasn’t hard to fall for Yuji, but it was definitely rough to find out he isn’t interested in you.
“What kind of woman is Yuji actually into?”
Nobara looked at you up and down, visibly bamboozled about what you’ve just asked. There aren’t many things she doesn’t think about, but Yuji Itadori’s type is definitely one of them.
“I don’t know girl…But I guess he’s the type for rather short girls, don’t ya think?”
You hated the way your heart instantly began to ache in your ribcage. Of course he does. Aren’t all boys nowadays into petite girls with a bubbly personality? And to be honest, you are none of that.
Taller than all the other girls and even some boys around Jujutsu High, curvier than anyone else, probably uglier than the rest. You never put much thought into all of these things, but right. Why would Yuji be any different from all the guys you’ve met before?
“Who the hell is this woman, Itadori?”
Todo can’t help but shamelessly stare at you. This is too good to be true, a sight straight out of his dreams. You…You are even better than Takada-chan.
“Huh? Oh, that’s (y/n)”, he replies with a small grin, just one look at you making his heart stumble all over again.
He hasn’t seen you in quite some time now that he thinks of it.
“What kind of woman is your type, Itadori Yuji?”
The pink-haired boy has to blink a few times, eyes still set on your delicious curves and gorgeous long legs.
“I like tall woman with a big ass.”
“Is that your final answer?”, he huge boy next to him urges, grabbing him by his uniform so roughly that his eyes yank away from you.
“Yes!”, he replies immediately.
“Then get going, we need to talk to this beauty over there”, he announces, dragging Yuji behind him before he is even able to reply.
You tilt your head to the side. What the hell is going on over there? Who is that shirtless guy and…is that Yuji he drags behind him as if he’s taking out trash?
“You!”, he shouts into your direction, eyes seem to pierce right through your soul.
What the hell is this about? Should you run away, cry for help? He definitely looks pretty dangerous to you with the way his muscles seem to grow with every step he takes towards you.
“Hey, let me go! I can walk by myself!”, Yuji protests.
“Now talk to her”, Todo hisses, almost pushing him into you.
“Oh, hi (y/n)!”
“Well, hi Yuji…”, you answer rather confused.
You look even better from over here, your body lingering over his own by a few centimetres. Yes, you have to be the biggest woman Yuji has ever seen with a character so badass that no one can hold a candle to you. And those curves, those oh so delicious curves…
“Tell her what kind of woman is your type”, the guy next to him demands harshly.
“Stop being so damn loud, she hears you!”
“Oh, I definitely do. What is all of this bullshit about and what kind of freak are you exactly?”
“Itadori loves tall woman with a big ass.”
Well, that’s rather unexpected. Yuji turns as red as a tomato, not daring to shoot a single glimpse your way. But Nobara said that he likes petite girls and somehow, this always made sense to you. Still, his body doesn’t lie. And the fact that he doesn’t say anything against it tells you…
“You like tall woman with a big ass”, you repeat.
“Well, to be honest, I just like you, (y/n)”, he mutters along with scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
“I like you too. You have to be the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. Let me cherish you for the rest of our lives”, the guy named Todo purrs.
“Hey, I thought you were my wingman and now you’re trying to steal my girl away from me!”, Yuji protests.
“When did I ever say that, moron? We might be brothers, but this right here is my girl-“
“I’ve been crazy about you for so long. I can’t believe you actually find me attractive, Yuji”, you interrupt their little chitchat.
Your heart feels light as a feather, so good that you are almost think about giggling out in sheer joy.
“Are you kidding? You are what dreams are made of, (y/n)! I was just too shy to admit…”
“I’d never be too shy to show my love. Pick me, (y/n)!”
"That's enough, I'm leaving. See you around guys", you announce with a sly grin.
Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz
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kalims · 1 year
the day we met.
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and to think i promised i wouldn't fall in love.
characters. dorm leaders
cw. not proofread
note. just some random hcs.. I wonder who can recognize what post this resembles hehe.. AKA title
pls read malleus' part mwahahaha I like it
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riddle rosehearts keeps you on your toes (quite literally.) if it weren't for him you're sure you would have fallen off the horse that seems awfully intent on driving you off it's back to a face full of mud. clearly he was lying when he said 'beverly' was a fairly nice horse... she's literally the living spawn of a demon! but you can say that she counts for a pretty great wing.. horsewoman? how else would you get the esteemed riddle to handle you so delicately?
leona oddly resembles a cat... (technically he is one.) but he really likes to nap, you're sure his daily schedule involves sleeping, eating, looking dead every time of the day he's awake then going back to sleep—let's not forget the favorite thing cats love to either knead with their paws or lay on! in this case it's you. at some point you had to tip toe and keep quiet everywhere so he doesn't hear, and promptly snatch you for the rest of the day.
the bounds azul would go for you is a little concerning but you're there for them all the well. as far as you knew on campus he was banned from making contracts but the cheeky little octopus had simply smirked when he casually says that the headmaster never said out of campus.. if he isn't there then how would he know? he just has to lure out whoever was the one that was stupid enough to bother you out of campus, hm... this is a job for the eels, no?
to be honest. forget about azul, kalim would do anything for your expense. it doesn't matter if you ask directly or not, just an implication is enough to trigger his impulsive decisions. seriously though, jamil is begging you to be considerate of what you say around kalim. you don't want him actually purchasing a whole country if you accidentally imply you want to rule one. again, be careful or you'll be smothered by his love, and deep gold pockets.
vil has a tendency to stare. believe it or not, even though it might seem like it would be the other way around you do catch his gaze sometimes but he always ends up trying to play it off. maybe he's sick or something? was there something on your face? (vil: yeah perfection) you find out not to point it out though, last time you did you got ignored with a huff. more so when you catch sight of a furious blush you almost mistook as too much of the makeup product. (no such person like vil wouldn't notice how red his cheeks would be if it was that case.)
besides the unintentional spoiling from kalim (who genuinely just thinks you deserve it all as a form of his love and affection.) idia is by no means poor. how else could he afford all the latest parts for his technology? let alone whale on the games he likes to play. this man spoils you intentionally. if he knows you want a character, weapon, or certain item he's getting his hands on it and giving it all to you. a collector's item? easy. it doesn't matter if the price is too high on the bar, nothing would ever compare to you anyways.
malleus is on your side, always. it doesn't matter if you're actually wrong about something, he's siding with you and defending you with his life 💀 you burned down a building knowing full well that the fire is a big possibility? everyone makes mistakes though... according to malleus draconia everybody. one of the strongest person in twisted wonderland is either the next 100% win rate lawyer or some random person making third grade defenses. there's no in between. that or he's making the dumbest excuse and actually making good points right after.
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devilishchaos · 1 year
Hi, I just read your Miami fic and it was awesome! If your requests are open, could write more Rúben smut, where is making love you to during your anniversary night, him being really gentle and end up with cockwarming until morning xx
Anniversary | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: M (18+); smut, fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N and Rúben have soft anniversary sex.
Warnings: Explicit smut, oral sex (f receiving), explicit talk, unprotected vaginal penetration (don't do it!!! stay safe!), hair grabbing, use of pet names "baby", "babe", "princesa", size talk just for a sec, google translated portuguese
AN: Thank you so much. I loved this request, I just had to deliver <3 They have sex in the morning, I hope this is okay with you :) enjoy x
Word Count: 2 143 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Your eyes opened slowly as you were dragged out of your dream. You felt fingertips gently trailing up and down your bare spine, the touch a familiar one. 
Rúben laid next to you in bed, though he’d been awake for a while. The noise coming from the raging storm outside had stirred him out from his own sleep. He enjoyed laying in the dark, listening to the storm and tracing shapes onto your skin. He loved to feel the movements of your steady breathing under his touch, it brought him comfort that nothing else could. 
Your eyes adjusted to the dark, watching lightning flash behind the sheer curtains. You had no idea what time it was, the storm making the sky pitch-black. 
“Good morning, meu amor.” he spoke in his deep, husky morning voice. You rolled over to face him, offering a sleepy smile. He leaned in and kissed you slowly. Nothing about this morning was rushed. You and Rúben were in your own little world. 
Your fingers went into his soft hair, deepening your kiss. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t get home earlier last night.” Rúben apologized softly when the two of you split for air. 
“It’s okay, amor.” you said quietly, letting him slot one of his legs between yours. 
Rúben had gotten caught up at the Etihad Campus the night before, filming content for the City youtube channel, and you were already in bed when he’d finally returned. He had managed not to wake you as he climbed into bed and you were just happy to wake up to him in the morning. 
His lips were back on yours then, his hand on the small of your back pulling you closer to him. He had stripped down everything before getting in bed the night before and you hadn’t bothered to get dressed after a bath. 
It was all skin-to-skin contact, warm and soft, as you sleepily made out in bed. You sighed quietly into Rúben’s mouth and he smiled against your lips. 
“Happy anniversary. Eu te amo.” you whispered softly as he kissed your neck and he hummed against your skin before pulling back to look at you. 
“Happy anniversary, princesa. Te amo mais.” he said, rolling you over so he was on top of you. 
You shuddered as thunder shook the house, rolling through the city. Rúben smiled gently down at you and you exhaled deeply as he kissed down your body. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he hummed against your skin, making you blush at his sweetness. 
“It’s dark.” you giggled quietly. 
“I know what you look like.” he defended himself as his tongue pushed out from between his swollen lips, flicking over the perked bud in the center of your breast while his long fingers knead and twist the other. You tilt your head back, your eyes fluttering closed as your jaw falls slack, panting breaths filling the quiet between the two of you. When he scrapes his teeth over your sensitive skin, your breath comes out as a moan and you can feel his lips curve into a smile against your breast. 
Rúben’s knee disappears from between your legs, leaving your damp, throbbing center with nothing to push against, and you whimper slightly. “Shh..” he murmurs against your skin and shifts his body so that he’s on his knees in front of you, pressing his mouth to your sternum, down your stomach as his fingers grab greedily at your hips. 
When he looks back up at you, eyes hazy and heavy with lust, bright red spots appearing over your skin where he’s mouthed at your body, hair mussed from his fingers, Rúben can’t stop himself from letting an eyebrow slide up, a smile forming on his lips. 
When he leans back into your body, his lips fast and sloppy now as he presses wet, open mouthed kisses to your stomach and hips, you let your head fall back against the silky pillow and your fingers ghost up to curl in his hair. Rúben’s hands slide behind your thighs, gripping the swell of your ass before he tugs you, to the edge of the bed. You jerk forward, grateful for the closeness he has created as his shoulders press in between your thighs. 
“Rúben- ” you whisper and you realize it’s the first word either of you have spoken in a while amidst the sounds of moans and panting. 
“Shh, babygirl.” he says, taking your face in between his hands. He brings your face to his, pressing a gentle kiss against your mouth “Let me love on you.” he pulls back from your lips and his hands slide to your shoulders to gently push you back against the bed. Rúben’s head dips and you feel his warm mouth pressing against the top of one thigh, then the other. When his hands grip your knees, sliding your legs farther open, you feel your heart racing in your chest with anticipation. 
Rúben’s facial hair tickles where it comes in contact with your thigh as his mouth trails down the inside of your thigh, pressing a gentle kiss where the skin dips between the swell of your thigh and your sex. When he replaces his lips with his teeth, biting suddenly and harshly, your thighs try to come together, closing around his head as you gasp. You relax your muscles as his teeth ease and he pulls back slightly to run his tongue over the indents he’s left behind in your skin. 
You push a hand into his hair, pushing the bangs back and digging your nails into his scalp as his head dips to the other thigh. Rúben replays the same touches, biting and soothing your soft skin on the other side, and you feel your chest rumble with a moan as you think about the matching bruises you’ll be sporting on the insides of your thighs for the next few days. His fingers slip in between your folds, sliding through the slick arousal that he’s built in your core. 
“Ohh, Rúben..” you whisper, not sure what you’re going to say - maybe, “you don’t have to.” or “please, just put your dick in me..now.” - but he cuts you off. 
“Don’t speak.” he says, glancing up at you from between your thighs and you can feel his words against your throbbing centre. You hold his eyes with your own for a moment, seeing the glint of lust and passion in his, and nod slowly. 
“Be my good girl.” he purrs, the words slightly muffled as he presses them into your slick lips and you feel a shiver running down your entire body.
With one last glance up at you, Rúben’s mouth presses to your core, parting your swollen lips with his fingers so he can slide his tongue from your throbbing hole to the swollen bundle of nerves above it. His tongue, wide and gentle, slides over your pussy, forcing you to roll your hips slightly over his face. His nose brushes against your clit with the motion and you gasp at the friction. Rúben takes this as a cue, bringing his mouth up to the sensitive bead and sucking it between his lips. He rolls his tongue over it then around as he suckles gently. Your fingers curl, scratching his scalp as you slightly force his face closer, desperate for more. 
“Oh, God..” you gasp, your back arching slightly and Rúben’s hand disappears from where it’s been kneading the soft skin of the inside of your thigh. Two of his fingers are suddenly pressed against your hole, teasing before sliding in easily in your vagina. You feel him filling you, knuckle by knuckle, as he continues to move his tongue over your swollen bud. 
Rúben’s fingers curl inside of you before he pulls back slightly, beginning to use his hand to thrust deep into the part of you that aches with how badly you want him, how badly you need him. His fingers slide against your walls, satisfying that part of your brain that’s been crying out for more. Amidst your own panting and whimpers, you hear him say something, mouth still between your legs and you push his head back from your thighs. 
“What did you say?” you ask breathless as your chest expands rapidly, your cheeks hot as he looks up at you. 
“I love you so much, baby.” Rúben says, and the look on his face is like he’s drunk “‘I’m  so lucky..” he says again, fingers still thrusting in and out of you with each word “..lucky to know you..” he presses another kiss to your other thigh “..lucky to touch you..” his mouth is against your clit “..lucky to love you.” 
He runs his tongue over it, to ghost over your sensitive bud, bringing it back between his lips, and this time he lets his teeth scrape gently over it right as he slams his fingers deep into your body. The feeling that’s been building in your core, the tightness that has had you writhing under his touch, suddenly peaks and your jaw drops open, your hips thrusting against his hand and mouth as your fingers grip his head. 
Rúben’s fingers make smaller pushes now, gently guiding you down as he keeps his mouth in place, his tongue running over the pulsing swell in his mouth. Your muscles tighten around his fingers, gripping him as you spasm through your release. When your body finally eases, the muscles in your body loosen as your release washes through your body, Rúben pulls his hand away from you, sitting back on his heels as he wipes the back of his hand over his slick chin and lips. 
Despite the storm outside, you felt safe with Rúben and you were melting in the softness of the moment. 
“Ready?” Rúben asked, kissing your lips before settling between your legs. You reached your hands out to him and he intertwined his fingers with yours, kissing the backs of your hands. 
“Want me to hold your hands?”
“Yes, please.” you nodded and he smiled in the dark. 
Your breath caught in your throat as Rúben eased inside of you. He praised you for taking him in so well and you breathed as you adjusted to his cock. You never quite got used to how big Rúben was, despite your frequent sex life. Once he bottomed out, he stilled for a few moments to let the dull ache subside. 
“I love feeling you stretch to take all of me in.” he hummed, and you squeezed his hands. His lips brushed over your cheekbone, pressing gentle kisses on your face. 
“Rúbenn..” you moaned as he slowly rocked his hips, pushing all the way into you. His breathing grew heavier as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper. 
You let go of one of his hands to pull him down to kiss him passionately as he continued to thrust into you. You were like velvet around him, every part of you so soft. You were addicting and Rúben was mesmerized by how perfect you were for him. 
“Rú, I- I want- ” you were cut off with a gasp as the head of his dick brushed against your g-spot. 
“Tell me, amor. What do you want?”
“I want to be on top.” you got out through whimpers of pleasure. 
Rúben snuck an arm under you, holding you tightly against him, staying nestled deep inside of you. He moved to sit up against the headboard, your legs still wrapped around his hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning into his mouth as you rocked your hips against his, nearly crying out at the deeper angle. 
“I love seeing you ride me like this.” he praised, reaching down to gently massage your clit, feeling your walls tighten around him. You kept your movements slow and steady, the pleasure making Rúben’s head fall back. You kissed the column of his throat, his deep moan sending a wave of arousal through you. 
“Babe, I’m so close..” you whimpered and he increased the pressure on your clit, making you cry out his name.
“Cum for me, baby..cum all over me.” Rúben breathed and a shiver rolled down your spine. You rolled forward as you came, squeezing your husband’s shoulders. Your breathing became uneven as your nerves sparked with electricity. The sight of you coming undone above him had Rúben spilling inside of you with a deep moan that echoed through your bedroom, mixing with a boom of thunder. 
I love you’s were murmured in the dark, kisses pressed to your head as you caught your breath. You laid on Rúben’s chest, keeping him buried deep inside of you, even after you were done. You squirmed a bit at first, but Rúben rubbed your back lightly and your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of being full.
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triptychgardener · 6 months
Hello sorry if this is a bother but I am asking in good faith where is the reading for transmasc nepeta. I’m asking this cuz of your last ask (the June one) and I see aradia Dirk and Jane. Thoes all I have seen post and analysis about. But I have not really seen anything about nepeta.
Okay so first thing you gotta understand is that gender in Homestuck, for lack of a better way to say it, can be understood in how characters reflect and relate to each other. That being said to understand Nepeta's gender, we gotta understand the gender of at the very least one other person.
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And more specifically.
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Davepeta, Homestuck's very own first(ish) trans character.
Davepeta is noted to be a sort of platonic ideal of existence for both Dave and Nepeta. Somehow, through a strange series of cosmic coincidences, these two end up making an odd sort of parallel. Both having a strange relationship to a man who loves him some goddamn horses. The whole Akwete Purrmusk thing. I mean, Dave canonically engaged in semi-nonironic furry roleplay with Nepeta offscreen, and given what we know about what becoming a furry in Homestuck means, it's not a leap to describe this as their ideal form.
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But, although we don't see a lot of Nepeta's character arc, we do see a lot of Dave's. He struggles his whole life under an incredibly oppressive masculine force (both of Bro and, indirectly, Lord English), and once the game is over ends up deconstructing and largely rejecting that.
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So when Davesprite, who's also probably been thinking about this for even longer, bereft of purpose or identity, finds a kindred soul in a spunky catgirl... well the rest is Davepeta.
And similarly, there are points in the story where Nepeta acts kind of uncomfortable with how others see her as exclusively something to be protected. The whole "Dear, sweet, precious Nepeta" grates on her early on, as Equius uses it as an excuse to control her actions. The whole of moiraillegience as it is originally explained (i.e. one party helps to calm down an especially brutal and violent person from outbursts of anger, and in turn that person will protect the more docile, even-tempered soul from external harm) even kind of FEELS like the way heterosexual relationships are portrayed in a lot of conservative spaces, where women are nuturers and caretakers while men are protectors. And Nepeta is supposed to, in this situation, be the person who helps Equius manage his emotions, which she feels some consternation at!
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Now, over the course of Hivebent, their relationship appears to evolve and get a bit more balanced, but it still carries these overtones of "I will protect you, and you will handle my outbursts." Notably, when Equius goes to seek the Highb100d, and leaves Nepeta behind.
And of course not after roleplaying as each other.
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Which. I mean come on.
But notably, Nepeta doesn't just stay put! She doesn't really want to be protected all the time! And when push comes to shove, she leaps out to defend, or at the very least avenge, her best friend.
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And then, we don't really see Nepeta for a while!
Until we get to the end of the comic.
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During their whole "date", Nepeta seems a little uncomfortable with Jasprose's affections. She may be a bit flattered, but Jasprose also fully admits later that she was frankly looking for any girl she could fall in love with after the tragic death of her girlfriend and possible more tragic untimely resurrection.
But then the pivotal handshake happens, and we get to see who is perhaps the most happy being in all of Homestuck.
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Then we get into some of the only actual discussion of gender in Homestuck. We don't get much besides that, for both of their lives, Dave and Nepeta both felt something was missing. Something felt wrong that they couldn't quite place that made them both miserable. I don't think it's a massive stretch to say this could be gender dysphoria.
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And when they combine, they feel the fullness of the gendered experience they were missing, melded together like a two-piece puzzle.
Now while the abovementioned "strong identities as a boy and a girl" might throw you off, I would point to what Victoria Lacroix said about this passage: note the lack of the word "respectively." I rest my case.
Now full disclosure, my personal headcanon for Nepeta is genderfluid transmasc. The whole affinity for roleplaying lends itself to a more shifting identity and I just think Nepeta, given more time, would love exploring the little nooks and crannies of gender.
This isn't going into the more complicated shit with Gender when it comes to Equius and Dirk and all that other stuff. Here's a quick summary so you can see exactly how my brain is broken.
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Anyways, thanks for the question! I hope I answered my thoughts on the topic adequately! If other people have more to say about this, please feel free to add on!
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evilbihan · 2 months
Bi-Han doesn't hate Tomas
I've talked about the relationship between these two in other posts of mine before, but I think a proper analysis of it is long overdue, especially with the ridiculous misconceptions still going around in the fandom.
Of course, someone had to comment this on my post about Bi-Han being a good brother.
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Please, allow me to prove you wrong.
Bi-Han respects Tomas. Proof? He selected Tomas for an incredibly important mission, one where the stakes couldn't possibly be any higher, and assigned him the task of preventing the activation of the soul stealers. He trusted Tomas to be capable of doing that all by himself. He let Tomas join Kuai Liang and him for the mission when he could have picked any other Lin Kuei instead. He could have chosen Cyrax or Sektor, his two most loyal Lin Kuei, but no, he specifically chose Tomas. Because he knows Tomas is a capable fighter and because Tomas is his brother.
Need more proof? For most of the story mode, Bi-Han is the ONLY ONE talking to Tomas and addressing him directly, while Liu Kang, Kuai Liang and everyone else treat Tomas as if he's invisible. They don't acknowledge his presence and don't speak to him until after Bi-Han joins Shang Tsung. When Bi-Han snaps at Tomas, Kuai Liang doesn't even bother defending him. He only shows that he "cares" once he needs Tomas on his side.
I've elaborated on this in detail in another post, so I won't repeat it all here, but when Bi-Han scolds Tomas, he's only doing so out of frustration because both his brothers keep comparing him to their father and refuse to acknowledge his authority. Bi-Han can't even utter one word of complaint without these two immediately bringing up the old grandmaster. He was furious and Tomas looks shocked and confused at Bi-Han's outburst. What that tells us is that he did not expect Bi-Han to talk to him like that because he never saw his brother act like this before. It proves that Bi-Han didn't put Tomas down on the regular like people always claim. The fandom reads too much into that one short scene and they don't even take the characters' body language or any other subtext into account.
When Tomas asks Bi-Han if they will always be enemies, Bi-Han tells him they will be enemies unless he submits. He doesn't seem opposed to accepting Tomas back into the Lin Kuei or to at least have a truce between them.
Tomas used to admire Bi-Han. He wouldn't have idolized or admired a person who mistreated him. When Tomas poses as the "leader" of the Lin Kuei during the tea house fight, he adopts Bi-Han's body language and expressions. That is how much Tomas looked up to Bi-Han.
Again, I mentioned this before, but Tomas was Bi-Han's second in command in the Sub-Zero invasions mode timeline. While there's no actual evidence for it, I've also had the theory that Tomas might be Bi-Han's second in command in the main timeline too, should the ribbons they both wear around their bicep indicate rank. If the most ruthless and actually evil version of Bi-Han, dark!Titan Sub-Zero who destroyed entire timelines because their inhabitants were not Lin Kuei, regarded Tomas, whose blood is not Lin Kuei, so highly, what makes people think the main timeline's Bi-Han doesn't respect him just as much?
And to answer the final question, no, there were not "multiple intros" saying that, there was just one and yes, Bi-Han was cold towards Tomas because his blood is not Lin Kuei and that's perfectly reasonable if you actually consider the context. The Lin Kuei live secluded and isolated from the rest of the world. Their existence is supposed to be a secret. Of course, they would be wary of any outsiders. Judging by how easily Tomas left the Lin Kuei, I doubt that he had any other friends within the clan aside from his brothers. They were probably all hesitant to trust him, including Bi-Han, whose duty it is to protect his clan. Tomas's family was murdererd by Lin Kuei warriors. Naturally, Bi-Han would be suspicious of his true intentions and worry that he could try to seek vengeance for their deaths one day. It doesn't mean that Bi-Han hated Tomas or didn't consider him a brother.
Whenever Tomas refers to Bi-Han's and Kuai Liang's parents as his parents, Bi-Han does not comment on it or correct him. He doesn't disagree or tells Tomas that they are not his parents. Tomas is a brother to Bi-Han or at the very least, he used to be before their falling out. Bi-Han never calls Tomas adopted, he only tells him that he is not Lin Kuei. Bi-Han was also worried about Tomas when he fell after Nitara attacked him. And again, no, he did NOT kick the rock to try and kill Tomas and here's the proof.
( @trixievrbada tagging you because I know you'll want to read this )
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vmlnrznotfound · 1 month
i heard you're taking requests n this might be a tough one since he's not vv popular BUT could you do a fic abt karasu and yapper nerd gf at a bookstore together, she buys books and goes home to yap about her book collection? ☹️
(im the yapper fren n really like bookstores n self help books but hav no one to yap to😔 which is why i resort to my fictional husband😏)
its fine if you don't!
i hope you're amazing n happy
i send my best wishes n love❤️
(you're a skibidi sigma writer😏)
in between the pages.
character: karasu tabito x reader
a/n: ty anonnie! you're a pretty sigma yourself ;)
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the bell above the door of the quaint little bookstore jingles softly as you and karasu step inside. the warmth of the shop envelopes you both, a stark contrast to the cool breeze outside. rows upon rows of books stretch out before you, each one a potential new adventure, a fresh burst of knowledge just waiting to be discovered.
your eyes light up instantly. “look at all these books...!” you exclaim, already making a beeline for the nearest shelf. he follows behind, hands in his pockets, a small smirk playing on his lips as he watches you dive headfirst into your literary paradise.
“you know,” you say, pulling out a self-help book with a particularly vibrant cover, “i’ve heard so many good things about this one! it’s all about improving your mindset and staying positive. i think it’s going to be super helpful, especially with everything going on lately.”
karasu hums in response, his gaze drifting to the title of the book. “you really believe in all that self-help stuff, huh?” he asks, a teasing edge to his tone.
“of course i do!” you reply, undeterred by his teasing. “these books are like having a personal coach right there on the page. they’re full of advice and strategies that actually work if you put them into practice.”
he raises an eyebrow, amused. “and how many of these ‘coaches’ do you have on your shelf now?”
you pause, counting in your head. “well, this one will make…maybe thirty?” you admit sheepishly, but the enthusiasm in your voice is impossible to miss.
karasu chuckles. “and you’ve read all of them?”
“most of them!” you defend, clutching the book to your chest. “i’m working my way through them. but they’re all so fascinating, and there’s always something new to learn.”
as you move from shelf to shelf, karasu follows, occasionally picking up a book here and there, but mostly just watching you with that same fond smirk. you can tell he’s not really listening to the details of what each book is about, but that doesn’t bother you. just having him there, letting you yap about your latest literary discoveries is more than enough.
eventually, you make your way to the checkout counter with a small stack of books in hand. karasu reaches over, taking them from you before you can even protest. “i’ll carry these,” he says simply, and you can’t help but feel a flutter in your chest at the small, thoughtful gesture.
“thank you,” you say softly, following him out of the store.
back home, you waste no time in getting your new books settled on your shelf. you’ve got a specific system, one that karasu has probably heard about a hundred times by now, but you can’t help but explain it to him again as you arrange the books.
“this one goes here, with the other mindset books, and this one is more about habits, so it goes next to the others like it,” you explain, your voice animated as you speak. “and this one… oh, i can’t wait to read this one! it’s all about productivity and how to maximize your time. i think it’s really going to help me get organized.”
karasu watches you from his spot on the couch, his head tilted slightly as he listens. he doesn’t say much, just nods or hums occasionally, but you can tell he’s genuinely paying attention.
“you know, you’re basically a walking library,” he teases, his tone light as he watches you fuss over the placement of each book.
you turn to him with a playful pout. “hey, don’t make fun of my system. it keeps me organized.”
he snorts, leaning back. “sure, organized. or just giving you an excuse to buy more books.”
you stick your tongue out sheepishly before plopping down beside him, a satisfied sigh escaping your lips. “so, what do you think?” you ask, turning to face him.
“i think you’re a total nerd,” he replies, deadpan, but the warmth in his eyes betrays the affection behind the words.
you laugh, “i know i know.”
he rolls his eyes as he reaches out, brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “you know, you can yap to me about your books anytime you want,” he says, his voice soft.
your heart swells at his words. “even if it’s about the thirty-first self-help book i’ve bought?”
“even then,” he confirms, his tone teasing but sincere.
you smile, leaning into his side, your head resting against his shoulder. “you’re the best,” you mumble, already flipping open one of your new books. karasu wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer as he reaches for another book from your stack, flipping it open with mild curiosity.
as the evening wears on, the two of you sit there, the silence only broken by the occasional sound of a page turning or you excitedly pointing out an interesting passage. eventually, you drift off, the words blurring together as sleep overtakes you.
karasu notices when your breathing evens out, the book slipping from your grasp. gently, he takes it from you, setting it aside before pulling a blanket over you. “you can yap all you want,” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “i’m listening.”
and with that, he settles back beside you, your head resting on his shoulder, content to let the quiet warmth of your presence fill the room as he flips through the pages of your latest obsession.
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tag list: @fishii28 @someprettyname @ikuaiku
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bones4thecats · 4 months
hello! I love to read your writing and I hope you don't mind me requesting something for the amazing digital circus. 😊
Could I request Gangle and Jax either with a crush on the reader or in a relationship with them, where the reader is somewhat stoic and shows affection in quiet ways (such as sitting with them when they think they need company, or giving them gifts) and doesn't speak all too much?
I hope you have a nice day!
Them Having A Crush on Stoic! Reader
Characters: Gangle and Jax Requester: 😊Anon A/N: I’ll call you 😊Anon, since you added the emoji. By the way, people if you are doing an Anonymous request, please add an emoji onto it so I know who you are! Thanks! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: None ⚠️
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»»————————————-  Gangle  ————————————-««
🎭 Gangle was scared when she first met you. She assumed from the get-go that you were a fairly cold and uncaring individual, kinda like how Jax was. But, thankfully, you were far from like him
🎭 Whenever she got her comedy mask broken, you would come up to her and hold the object in your hand before repairing the decorative things
🎭 Let’s just say that when you handed her the mask and gently smiled as you walked away to speak to your other friend, Zooble, her face flushed as she covered it up with her ribbon-made hands
🎭 Gangle also likes it when you get protective of her. Like when you found out that Jax had broken her comedy mask on purpose and resulted in her crying, you found him and held him up by the neck and forced him to apologize
🎭 Hearing you declare that nobody should come in that amount of pain, especially someone as kind as her, she realized just how much she cared for you
🎭 She likes it whenever you pick her up on adventures and defend her with a classic glare that would kill if it was possible
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»»—————————————-  Jax  —————————————-««
🐇 Talk about two different people coming together
🐇 Jax is fairly expressive with himself, not bothering to hold back his bad emotions, though he seemingly holds his more happy-go-lucky side back in favor of letting others shine in that department
🐇 When he had first met you, he was annoyed
🐇 How were you resisting the urge to smack him so easily?! And why were you so gorgeous when you would look at the surroundings on each adventure that Caine would send them on
🐇 He obviously keeps himself from actually showing how much he cares about you. But, whenever you come up randomly missing on adventures, the few, that being Ragatha and Pomni, can tell that he is worried inside
🐇 Your silence is actually something that Jax appreciates. You're far more observant than the others, so you can tell when he is hiding something, such as after a small event that was held to tell Pomni about the other abstracted that the others could remember
🐇 He was hunkered down in a small area and he tried to tie himself together when he heard footsteps approach his hiding spot
🐇 When he saw you, Jax smirked and began to ask you why you were here in an annoyed tone. But, before he could try listing reasons to keep you off his case, you stood in front of him and opened your arms in a gesture of a hug
🐇 He began to sniffle before lunging and hugging you, tears falling down from his eyes as you held him closer with each passing second. By-far, this was one of his most valued memories left in his head of you
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ninainthetardis · 6 months
⚠️⚠️⚠️ HoFaS spoilers ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Be warned, this is going to be a rant.
Ok, the HoFaS crossover was supposed to be exciting, but it ended up being another trigger topic for me thanks to the obnoxious N.esta stans who never hold her accountable for her wrong choices and always pick on the characters who stand up to her/call her out on her crap.
The thing is, I didn't even dislike her in this crossover, but I swear the moment her stans open their mouth, I go straight back to hating her. I don't even know how it is possible to be so clouded that they can't see/recognise when she's wrong or the hurt she causes/her actions may cause to other people. How they can always defend her without considering any other perspective/logic and proceed with the slander of any character that does not share her ideas or approve of her actions. Or how they demand respect for her trauma while ignoring/invalidating the one she inflicted to others.
The point in this case is: giving Bryce the mask WAS a dumb, rushed, risky choice. Stop ranting and insulting Rhys for his reaction, he was bloody RIGHT (also, Azriel was on that line too, why isn't he an asshole too?). I thought that immediately, even before reading the bonus chapter. You're even bashing Cassian for not defending her, as if she wasn't gambling with everyone's life because she somewhat liked Bryce and understood her desperate situation. Which could be admirable if it wasn't a lot hypocritical of her, considering that she barely moved a finger to help win their war against Hybern. And about that: isn't it time to wake up? It was Elain to end the King, N/esta just cut his head off once the hard part was done. And on top of that, both her and Cassian would be as good as dead without Elain's intervention. But why am I even bothering to talk about this...
And by the way, to those hating on Cassian, now here's a flash news: you do not have to defend your partner if you think they are wrong. It doesn't mean you don't love them, acting like the significat other is always right is not how support looks like. And N.esta can clearly speak for herself, maybe even too much, and with too much entitlement. You don't want to respond of your actions to Feyre and Rhys? Well, fucking leave the Night Court already! They're its rulers!!!
And Bryce's mom was the other one being totally out of line and acting entitled tbh and quite rude. I mean, you are in another world, in which your daughter made mess after mess, with people you need something from whether you like it or not, people you don't know and you talk that way? Not every bloody Fae is the Autumn King or the Avallen King! Someone really has to tell her AND Bryce, given that she passed that bias toward the entirety of the species to her. Generalisation is always wrong. And also, you know, it's a matter of good manners, and that issue was really none of her goddamn business. She could've spoken on N/esta's behalf using different tones, and it would have been a lot different.
Now, let's get back at the mask thing.
Honestly, I get that I was supposed to root for Bryce in this one, but she made it quite difficult for me when all she did in Prythian was putting that world in a danger she was very aware of. Like freeing an Asteri on Prythian soil, as if Vesperus would ever tell Bryce how to kill her own species. I get she was desperate, but it was just dumb and egoistic of her to do that, to risk to bring the same evil that plagues her world into another one, especially when there was no guarantee (quite the opposite actually) that by doing that she'd get the answers she was looking for.
Bryce had no reason to trust them, and they had no reason to trust her as well. Had Bryce failed, the consequences of giving her the mask would have been catastrophic. And I am not even going to mention Nyx's safety as a reason for Rhys to be pissed at N/esta. Rhysand and Feyre are responsible for the whole Night Court. And in this case, the whole of Prythian, AGAIN. There is a reason if they're the ones in charge, position that actually includes putting your people first and being able to make hard choices, even if they are morally grey choices, to protect their people. N.esta doesn't have such responsibility, and thankfully so because she would be terrible in that position. Moreover, they've just come out of a war, for Rhysand it was the second war he fought and after 50 years of UTM... but of course, why would N.esta care? She was somewhere safe almost the entirety of the time while Feyre - who died to save the very same world N.esta was endangering with her choice - was out fighting for everyone's safety. I am honestly shocked by how people refuse to even consider Rhysand's perspective, at least on this one. As if he knew Bryce and what she was capable of (and as if the whole resolution in CC wasn't due to pure luck, anyway) and have the slightest idea she might succeed. Also, Bryce had 10 other ways to manage the whole situation differently. Had she cooperated a little instead of proving to be a loose cannon, she might have had the chance to actually GET their help without having to take it by stealing and endangering Prythian. Trust goes both ways. They could have found a common ground or made a deal that ensured Prythian's safety and at the same time help Lunathion. Rhys and Feyre are sensitive to people who are suffering and would do something about it. There was no need to endanger Prythian in the process. But 1. They would've stolen the show and 2. Bryce's the one who left Baxian and Fury in Avallen or didn't think of calling Jesiba during the final battle against the Asteri, why would she think that someone as powerful as Rhysand and as knowning as Amren could be helpful anyway 🙄 her "Aelin wanna be" era failed miserably because she actually didn't have the skills, the drive, the strategic thinking and the experience to be like her, despite the efforts. But Bryce is a topic for another day.
This is my tea for today. It's been a year I'm part of this fandom and I've tried so hard not to rant/write about acotar just to avoid the toxic part of this fandom, but hey, patience has its limits, this is still my space and seeing all that "everyone" slander from the pro N.esta for no logical reason really got on my last nerve at this point.
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nugge-is-my-duckie · 12 days
Werid that I even feel the need to say this, but I've seen multiple posts about fivela saying this stuff that it's actually bothering me now.
It is not a paedophilic ship. In either direction.
The word "paedophile" has been misconstrued a lot in fandom spaces to describe any age gap relationships even when there is actually no child character involved. A large and/or uncomfortable age gap is NOT paedophilia. That word describes an adults attraction to a CHILD. Not even necessarily an underage teenager, there are other more specific words for those things.
If this happened even just a season prior where Five is in the body of a more pre-pubescent 13 year old, then yes, paedophilia would be a better word for it. Even if his consciousness is in its fifties, Lilas attraction would have been towards a pre-pubescent body. However, in season four, Five has a 19 year old body.
Don't get me wrong here. I think Fivela is a very uncomfortable and werid ship in many ways, particularly the age differences, and was a very bad choice of the writers and creator to make. It's just that using the wrong word to describe it can actually become harmful in the real world, especially if people form their understanding of it from what others say online, which many do.
A much better word for it, in my opinion, is that it's predatory. Firstly, it feels very much so in the way it appears that Aiden Gallagher was still a minor when they chose to do this, and they waited for him to be "old enough" for the storyline. Secondly, in the shows itself, not only is Five decades older than Lila mentally and Lila decades older than Five physically, but Lila also knows and watches Five grow into an adult, which really creates uncomfortable and very out of character implications for her.
In no way am I defending the ship, I really REALLY do not like it in any way. It makes both Five and Lila act very out of character and is essentially a speedrun character assassination of both of them. I just find it very bothersome when people in fandom use very serious words to describe something incorrectly.
Apologies to anyone who actually reads this for the rant. But I feel that it needed to be said and I haven't seen anyone say it yet.
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eerna · 1 month
I like the analysis the anon gave on the hate Taryn gets in the fota fandom. I liked that they mentioned that the series is also mostly targeted towards teenage girls and yes!! I believe that’s also another reason why she’s mostly hated. I’m not trying to infantilize the younger readers of the series but they do tend to analyze and see things from a more superficial level, specially these types of topics like betrayal. Specially with the whole girls girl TikTok feminism going on (which I despise and I think it’s just another way for women to be awful towards other women in the name of feminism) to them what she did it’s like the worst thing in comparison to other awful things that happened on the books. I also agree that they don’t see her as whole character who’s also dealing with her own issues. That’s why it bothers me that the outcome of the “lost sisters” was more hatred instead of empathy because they just didn’t get it and definitely they didn’t get her as a character.
I also find funny that every time they present the argument of why they hate her it’s always the same one: “well she betrayed her sister” “she did it multiple times” (which in my opinion the second one is debatable) and I’m like dude we know we all read the series. 😅 meanwhile people who defend the character tend to give a well detailed analysis of why she’s a actually a good character and why the hate towards the character feels forced and even exaggerated. And now they tryna do the same with my girl wren too. 😩 leave her alone she’s been through a lot!!!
Yeah, younger readers tend to misinterpret more easily than older ones (saying as an ex young reader), but in this fandom specifically I'd say it's mostly older people being very vocal. I don't doubt the younger ones are also present, but I blacklist all the vocal Taryn haters and so far it was almost all people in their 20s-30s according to their blogs. I think the targeted demographic DOES contribute to the hate, though: readers of any age who mostly read and love YA are used to certain tropes and simplifications (imo it's why NA became so popular - it has the simple format of a YA book, but the smut of an adult book), so when they are faced with a complex situation, they simply don't know how to deal with it. When they see Taryn descending into the jaws of insecurity and loneliness in The Lost Sisters, they feel no empathy, because they don't think someone can do bad things based on those two stereotypical YA protagonist characteristics alone. Usually insecure, lonely girls are nice and get a ton of friends who love them and a boyfriend who makes them feel loved! They don't fall for a bad guy and ruin their relationships and make their emotional issues even worse!! It is SO easy for her not to do bad things, so why is she doing them????
And yeah, you are so correct that her haters act as if she is a girl we all know irl and they have to prove to everyone why she is a bad person. Like, we all know that she did some bad things. We won't stop liking her because you remind us she did them. And sorry, but if I saw a well put together character analysis explaining why a character did something bad, I would be ashamed to descend from nowhere, comment "I don't like her because she did something bad, also I have a sibling", and stop any possible discussion. And yet!! That seems to be the discourse surrounding her!!!!! Tiring, all of these people need feminism 101
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fuckmeyer · 28 days
Hey girl!! Love your works. Duh. And there are some themes and characters that you explore really well. Again: duh.
So I have a question: what do you think of Charlie as a father?
Like I know people tend to really love him (which I think is partly because of the daddyification and billy burke). But while he is not an horrible father he is far from a good father imho. From what I get from your twilight (I have to admit it's been a while since the first book), you kind of like him. Could you please tell me why?
first: thank you! really appreciate you reading and for taking time out of your day to let me know what you think! so glad you like it:)
second: i agree with you. i think a lot of love for Charlie actually stems from movie!Charlie who doesn't get enough screen time to showcase his flaws (& also is kinda daddy even tho Gil is RIGHT THERE).
but, like all parents, Charlie Swan is flawed. i think he's trying his best but isn't totally equipped to step into a fatherly role, especially for a daughter, & it shows.
canon Charlie let his wounds from his marriage consume him to the point where it affects his relationship with his daughter
we learn that Charlie only spent time with Bella during the summers, & on a few trips to California. granted, Bella hated Forks & refused to go after a while, but it's incredibly sad that 1) Charlie was only seeing Bella once every 9-10 months to begin with, and 2) he seemed to give up being in her life once she "put her foot down." especially knowing how selfish & chaotic Renee was, i find it sad that he didn't make more of an effort to reach out & make sure Bella was okay.
well, now Bella's back, & it's clear he has a hard time showing love outside of acts of service. kinda. he bought her truck and put snow tires on, but both those happen in book 1.
&...that's really it. they don't do anything together; it seems Bella has the option of watching TV with Charlie, or going out to dinner. but Charlie makes no attempt to find common interests or activities they can do together.
it's prob directly related to his relationship with Renee. last time he showed emotion & affection, he got burned. we can tell he still hasn't moved on from his heartbreak since he still has pics of her around the house in Twilight & has kept Bella's room almost untouched. i'm sure subconsciously there's part of him that's afraid to make the emotional investment in his daughter because for all the investment he made in Renee, it wasn't enough.
Charlie wants so badly to be helpful to others
credit where credit is due. acts of service is Charlie's love language, and he is consistently trying to help others. one of the reasons he & Renee split was because he didn't want to leave his aging parents alone in Forks. he forgives Bella & is there for her after she weaponizes his trauma. in NM, he picks Bella's lifeless husk off the ground, tries to help, checks in on her almost every time she has a nightmare, suggests therapy, prods her to start going out again, etc. he gets in a fight with Billy defending Bella when she & Jake were fighting. in Eclipse, he encourages Bella to develop other friendships outside of Edward and the Cullens. he's the Chief of Police, for god's sake. his whole life revolves around serving others, & he consistently tries to do so despite the aforementioned trauma.
Charlie is misogynistic
i mean, he's a boomer. he grew up in a world with more traditional gender roles. he implicitly upholds patriarchal ideas that contribute to the internalized misogynistic views he extends to his daughter.
for one, Bella immediately picks up all of the cooking & cleaning when she moves in. yes, she wants to be helpful. yes, she should have chores. but Charlie never stops to think about why Bella feels compelled to run the entire household (you don't think she deserves a break after her lifelong parentification????). he never bothers to pick up any new skills to help out. even in the middle of Bella's depression, she keeps the house clean & running. we find out in Eclipse he is still so inept at cooking, the lifelong bachelor somehow doesn't know not to microwave jarred spaghetti sauce with its metal lid still on, or how to cook noodles. she says doing laundry is "out of character" for him. when she leaves and he gets with Sue Clearwater, suddenly it's Sue who's running the household for him. hmmm
SECOND (please stand back as i am about to get feral), Charlie's attitude toward Jacob & Bella's relationship in Eclipse is absolutely abhorrent. he pushes her to reach out to Jacob when she doesn't want to (because Jacob just told her he'd rather see her dead than a vampire!!!). when she refuses, Charlie calls her "petty" & her behavior "unattractive." he's "smug" when he assumes she and Edward are fighting. not only does he congratulate Jacob after learning Jacob kissed Bella without her consent, but he snarkily tells Bella to "pick on people your own size" AND asks Jacob if he'd like to press charges AND admonishes Bella when she suggests she should beat Jacob with a baseball bat. LIKE!!!! YOUR DAUGHTER WAS JUST ASSAULTED!!! BE FUCKING FOR REAL RIGHT NOW IF IT HAD BEEN EDWARD THE BOY WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT--
Charlie admits his mistakes & shortcomings
after this horrid scene, Charlie admits "I feel like I don't always do everything for you that I should," and does reference her hand. although he does state she has the right to not be sexually assaulted (wow, nice), he seems to regret more that he never taught her how to throw a punch. he also admits feeling helpless at the end of NM.
ultimately, Charlie loves his daughter
even when she literally becomes a monster, Charlie is willing to swallow his overwhelming discomfort just so he can be in her life. despite all the turmoil she puts him through-- emotionally manipulating him in Twilight, suddenly running away in New Moon, faking her death in Breaking Dawn-- he's willing to stand by her.
tl;dr: i like him in the sense that he's a flawed character (& flawed father). i think he loves her & he's trying. & whether you consider Charlie a good father probably depends on how it compares to your relationship with your own father ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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beevean · 9 months
Rewatching NFCV with @woodchipp and @the-crow-binary has been miserable so far.
Not because of them, of course: we all need each other to bear the Peak. but holy shit I forgot how mindnumbingly boring the show is. it's way worse at a second watch because now I know how much it falls apart! We're only at S2E3 as of this post!
S1 is the best season, and even that is largely forgettable, especially S1E3 which wastes 22 minutes of my life to say "here's the bishop. he's proof that CHURCH BAD". But S1E1 may be the best or second best episode of the whole show thanks to Dracula and his performance... and isn't that sad, that the show peaks at the very beginning? The rest of the show is just... Trevor doing his stuff (while the framing mostly makes fun of him), talking, some fighting, and CHURCH BAD. As positives, I still like Trevor's mini-arc in this season, and the vague effort to be faithful to CV3 (Sypha being petrified by a cyclops, falling down a chasm to find Alucard).
S2 is terrible. Yes we're still less than halfway through. I already hate everything.
I hate Alucard becoming a legend to the point that the Wallachians name his Alucard (as in, Dracula's opposite) after only a year - why couldn't he name himself Alucard? Why complicate matters so much? Isaac calling him Alucard, and Dracula recognizing the name, makes absolutely no sense: how do they know about it? Dracula lost contact with his son one year ago and I doubt Wallachian human legends have reached him. And Isaac was in the Sahara until sometime after Lisa died!
I hate Alucard himself. He's a cunt. He does nothing but insult Trevor and the Belmonts without provocation, and it's not funny banter, he's mean! He's genuinely cruel! He hears that Trevor lost his family at 12, and he can only say "lol and lmao I had more of a childhood than you. anyway they were mentally ill and child killers, they sacrificed chickens and hoarded dead cats". And this piece of shit is the most popular character of the show??? he's not even pretty what are y'all seeing 😭
(it's also weird how he's all angsting about killing his vampire father, but he hates the Belmont for being vampire hunters. bro. bro you're also about to hunt a vampire. why are you defending a race of monsters so staunchly. not even a hint of, I don't know, a Belmont hurting him when he was a child because he was confused for a full vampire? Remember that logically, a vampire child is a child turned into a vampire, we have no other indication that dhampirs are running all around the world. I know that in the games he seems fully on board with "vampires bad and me bad for being half vampire", but you have the chance of making it better and you squander it?)
Sypha is also ruder than I remembered. I think she suddenly became more cheerful in S3 and that's why I liked her, but also girl, you keep criticizing Trevor for being rude and not consoling you, but you look at him with a perpetual resting bitch face and insult the Morning Star calling it an "ugly thing"? Why does Trevor even bother with the likes of you? How is Trephacard the most popular ship in the franchise?
I hate Isaac. Oh, I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then, because I really wanted to understand why he became the fan favorite. But now? No, I'm sorry, he's overrated as fuck. He's so damn pretentious, his speech about how he wants a pure world without love is terrible from the lens of him being a Muslim who is devoted to the Devil, and his backstory is so tryhard and historically inaccurate that I almost prefer Hector's past being exposed through voiceover.
Oh, and Hector, I hate his scenes. Because he's actually treated with dignity. He's fine! I actually like the guy! I like the scene where he rebukes Godbrand (who as a character only exists to attract infodumps and to question Dracula) because "I have to work" - he sounds actually proud of his role, if not even competent, perish the thought. Also by reading the scripts online I forgot that he was the one who yelled "you do not question my loyalty!". Which I like a lot? I can hear the real Hector protesting like that out of pride, even if in private he would admit that he disagrees with the bloodshed. And the scene where he soothes the newborn Night Creature... yeah, this character used to be written with respect, and knowing how he gets tortured and disrespected and used for rape apologism by a sex pest hurts even more. Also, in retrospect, the scene where he stares at the fire while reminiscing about the day he set fire on his own childhood home doesn't go anywhere, even as the finale of S3 echoes it :^)
And Dracula, oh my poor man Dracula. He's already being presented as an ineffectual depressed old man spending his time staring at a fireplace, who can't even command his presence in the war room, who allows Carmilla to insult him and Lisa in front of everyone - it's so embarrassing how he gets the Red Eyes of Fury and then he simply... lets her go after he gets the flimsy explanation of "yeah I humiliated you because everyone is asking themselves the same question. I wanted to help <3" girl (Dracula), she's a mere regional ruler, as she herself said??? why do you need her so much that you allow her to do this shit??????? oh but then you posture to godbrand, he gets to be threatened because... he's not relevant to the plot i guess. fucking pathetic. what have they done to my man.
(and I hate Carmilla. but that has never changed. annoying smug ass #girlboss with the charisma of spoiled seafood. her way of manipulating Hector isn't even manipulation, it's just her telling him very plainly what she wants him to do. She and Lenore utterly suck at their job, and they only get their way because muh plot)
And then there's the infodumping. Oh my god these people won't shut the fuck up. Godbrand is like "why should we listen to two humans?" and Dracula dumps twice that he trusts Hector and Isaac for their human nature (which, again, it's a decent reasoning, but it goes on and on and even they should know, I get it). Alucard dumps about the apocalyptic scenario where Dracula wins and rules over a world without humans... but he only describes it as we look into his ugly face, instead of doing something more creative like actually showing what would happen. Hector gets this random flashback-through-sound, shoved there as if Ellis didn't know where to put it in the script; later on he explains to Carmilla the origin of Night Creatures, as if ever remotely matters. Isaac dumps about his jihadist philosophy about how by killing humans he and Dracula will create a pure world. Carmilla randomly reveals her Tragic Backstory after kicking Godbrand down the stairs, another scene I can't stand because it's all about what a #queen she is and how she's better than Dracula. At one point they seriously discuss about the myth of vampires unable to cross running water, which is a moot point anyway because Carmilla resorts to using a zombie bishop to bless the river!! No I will never let it go!!!
(also I love that in the one occasion where Alucard has the chance of describing his childhood, he retells the tale of Lisa meeting Dracula, something we've already seen and he was also obviously told about, not something he experienced himself. They couldn't even come up with another anedocte to actually tell us what kind of mother Lisa used to be. so lazy)
This show is half people sitting in a circle and talking, and half average fight scenes. Yeah at this point not even those impress me anymore. I'm serious when I say that Knuckles' fight scene in Divergence, also animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios, is of a better quality than what the show has offered.
And this is why I'm so reluctant to watch Nocturne. If the best seasons of this highly acclaimed show are so painful to sit through, how are we going to survive a sequel series that not even the fans liked it as much?
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relatableblorbopoll · 10 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 6
Tumblr media
The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
propaganda under the cut
Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows)
No Propaganda
Crowley (Good Omens)
"He's gender. He's been in love with one guy for literally 6000 years and then royally fucks up his entire confession. He yells at his plants. He drapes himself over every fucking surface he sits on. He walks like *that*. He just fuckin makes sounds sometimes. He's me fr."
Dave Strider (Homestuck)
"everything that can be said about Dave's relatability will probably sound redundant, clichéd, or overdone if you are at all familiar with tumblrs sort of blorbo culture. this is exactly why he should be in this tournament.
stop me if you think that you've heard this one before: he hides his genuine emotions behind a persona, deflects sincerity with jokes, but also has a deep desire for validation and connection, so that his persona has many cracks where little bits of his true self slip through. deeply insecure, compares himself to others. a defeatist streak, avoids responsibility. does not wish to be troubled by The Horrors. he just wants to hang out and do his lil creative hobbies (making music and drawing comics). talks a lot to the point of being pretty awkward, rambling, and accidentally saying stuff he shouldnt.
all these things I think tend to resonate deeply with a lot of people, especially on Tumblr - that "person who is insecure and struggles with emotional openness so copes by making jokes" sort of trope, it's just like kin bait (affectionate). he also has a complicated relationship with gender which I know many find relatable (shout out to the "Dave homestuck was my trans awakening" homies) but whether it's about figuring out gender or sexuality or trauma or the apocalypse or anything else, Dave comes at it with an initial, learned, fear and reluctance that I think a lot of people have experienced, because it's very human and very much a part of many readers experiences (we live in a society). but he's always good, and likeable and that makes for a very important sort of relatable character. very comforting. even if he's a mess and he's an idiot you can believe he can get to something better, and you can watch him develop and grow.
also, I think he's extremely relatable because he never really knows what's going on in the comic either. I mean, that's gonna be relatable to most people Vis a vis homestuck. he's confused and he just wants to vibe and make his friends laugh. WHO AMONG US cannot relate?? I do not believe you if you say no.
I wrote too much and got way too weird about it. I'm sorry it's late I'd edit down but I really don't have the brain capacity.. which is very Dave core of me actually"
Junior (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race)
"i relate to him a lot because his whole character is being embarrassed of his dad who tries too hard to be cool, but still loves him anyways. that is literally me"
Kim Dokja (Omnicient Reader's Viewpoint)
"kim dokja. oh kim dokja. so, without going into spoilers too much, kim dokja is very much a character you are expected to relate to and it makes the novel DEVASTATING. here's just a few things about him: - he is obsessed with a particular piece of media, and finds comfort in it when real life doesn't give him any. he's constantly thinking about it and defending it and trying to recommend it to other people (even though no one else bothers reading it, because it is an objectively bad 3000-chapter webnovel). even beyond that one novel, he's been using fiction as an escape for just about his entire life, something that rings true for a lot of people, especially in the modern world. - he struggles with socializing with other people. the first chapter alone gave me so much second hand embarrassment. it's so real but god it's So bad. he has zero friends and has that sort of loneliness where you're miserable but you can't really bring yourself to feel anything but resigned to it. in general he is just very Resigned to his unfortunate life and can't fully understand or accept it when it finally does get better - he has a complicated relationship with his mother. it's the kind of relationship where the parent genuinely does love their child, but they fail to give them what they need & have to accept that they hurt their kid and that they cannot be the most important person in their life. it's certainly not a universal experience but those sorts of parent-child relationships are woefully common but scarcely acknowledged -the insecurity. god there is so much insecurity in that man. it's hard to even completely tell it's there at first, because it's so ingrained in how he thinks that you don't question it until you know more about his character and suddenly it's all too apparent. he cannot believe that he can be loved (or, if that he can be, that they certainly would not be able to love all of him, only what he chooses to show them), and is selfless but like. the literal meaning of the word, where he will throw away all of his being for the people he loves. in general there is a lot of sacrifice as a love language which like. while i'm not off around throwing myself in front of magic death beams for people or anything i sure would give up everything i could if it meant helping the people i love - ok enough of that. here's some funny things i can relate to. the guy meets his favorite fictional blorbo and instead of worshipping him instead he bullies him constantly and internally complains about how unbearable he is both in the book and in real life. it's like a "i love my blorbo. i would not last 2 seconds in a room with him." You know. he gets so caught up in his fanon characterizations and biases about characters that he completely mischaracterizes them like constantly. he literally kills a guy half because he was his least favorite character. -this is a poll about blorbo relatability. therefore i must mention that kim dokja too related to his blorbo (or at least attempted to) and what is more relatable than that. anyways. kdj made me realize far too much about myself and is by far the most i have ever related to a character (and i Hate it). and tumblr would definitely relate to him too so :thumbs-up:"
"(SPOILERS) He is literally all of us. Reader. Just some guy. And then insane tragic backstory. But he’s also just some guy. He’s special and also just a guy. He’s also god. He can be shipped w anyone. He has versatility and interests and motivations. He also never tells anyone anything ever. He is so me."
"He reads a trashy, long-ass novel as a coping mechanism and doesn't think he's capable of being loved. Bro dissociates when he's emoting too much."
"I'm a homestuck fan, a Dave Strider fan even Never heard of Omnicient Reader's before Voted for the kim fellow because judging by the propaganda it looks like he himself would be a homestuck reader therefore making him more relatable than the homsetuck character himself"
"This guy’s been my companion since I was 11, I’ve grown up with Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint and I think that’s pretty funny since he grew up with Ways of Survival (the 3149 chapter novel) and therefore I’m straight up mirroring him. I, too, scare everyone off by being too enthusiastic whenever the webnovel is brought up! His insecurities are severe but I do see myself in some parts of him (which is worrying but whatever.) He is absolutely The Guy Ever. Utterly pathetic wet cat of a man. I love him. He represents the crazy fandom tumblrina in all of us."
Donutella (Tokidoki)
"she's made of donuts basically like me at this point"
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apologies for being callous in asking this, but seeing as so many aegon-centric (or those who had tagged him) blogs, no matter how good their dissertion and dissection of aegon is, gets called/is assumed to be a rapist defender/apologist, have you ever received an ask/comment calling you that? if so, i hope it never bothered you at all. apologies for bringing it up but i feel like getting called that would probably stopped those from actually enjoying/talking about him and his other qualities (such as his alcoholism, his bond with his dragon, his actions during the dance, his desperate survival.) because it actually stopped me from enjoying his character (because i initially felt so bad liking a character like that), going through his tag as well as looking for fics because of the vitriol. well that was until i stumbled upon your AKAB and OFCiR, which gave me so much perspective on aegon. and your opinion on the dyanna scene (which is oh boy, such a hot topic) was so beautiful.
No worries anon! So actually, I've never received an ask or comment with the rape defender/rape apologist accusations (and now that I've said this, I'm sure I'm sure someone will want to break that streak lol). I've participated in discussions in general in which those sorts of attacks were tossed around, but I've never had them aimed at me directly.
I'm honestly pretty surprised it hasn't happened, but I sort of chalk it up to two things. 1) I block prodigiously and pre-emptively and 2) I tag my discourse posts judiciously and try not to antagonize other fans by posting critical things in the main tags. And although I know opinions vary on this, using anti tags and team tags is also another way of making sure that people who have certain tags blocked will not see my posts, so I do use those when I feel it's appropriate. Beyond those two things, I think I also have a habit of writing pretty detailed responses and providing evidence to back up my assertions, which probably discourages people who are just looking to get a rise out of someone and don't want to read a five paragraph essay about why they're wrong.
I'm really sorry that those sorts of accusations have stopped you from enjoying Aegon's character in the past, and I'm glad my fics helped you to enjoy him again. Obviously I think he's an interesting guy with a compelling, tragic story! I will say this: I've been in the greater asoiaf fandom for well over a decade now, and characters who are far more morally dubious than Aegon have always had fans. Ramsay has fans. Euron Greyjoy has fans. I don't know if you were watching GoT when the show first aired, but so many show only people hated Jaime at first, not knowing his arc, and by the end he was one of the more beloved characters on the show. And by the end of the Dance, no one's hands are clean. Rhaenyra herself allows Dalton Greyjoy to reave along the coast of the Westerlands, which results in hundreds of women being taken as salt wives (and we know what that entails!). If we can only enjoy the most morally correct characters, our choices for the Dance era are pretty slim, and mostly limited to literal children.
I doubt most people throwing out those accusations could even spot actual rape apologia in a fandom context, considering all of the other types of apologia I see flying around unchecked. Rape apologia is not the existence of rapist characters, enjoying those characters, or even analyzing why those characters did what they did. Rape apologia is not questioning why the show decided to make Aegon a rapist, or hoping he might get more character development in the future. Rape apologia is making excuses for rape, or outright denying that it happened. So, saying "Dyana was probably lying" or "Dyana was probably into it" or "Dyana was scamming the royal family," or even what Aegon himself said in the scene, "it was just a bit of harmless fun," that's clear cut rape apologia. And here's the thing, when something is wrong, it's usually because it causes harm, and unlike simply enjoying a character, actual rape apologia does cause harm. Making excuses for or denying even fictional rapes perpetuates rape culture in ways that make it harder for women to speak up against assault, and harder for rapists to be prosecuted effectively. But again, I have never seen actual rape apologia among the team green fans I know.
Finally, I'll just say that while fandom in general can be a fun, positive thing that helps people connect with each other based on shared interests, that drives people to think and to create and to do, on the other hand, fandom can also feed some pretty shitty modern impulses. It creates cliques, empowers bullies, and worst of all, it encourages a kind of brand driven consumption that in turn perpetuates this idea of fandom as activism. Activism is getting involved in your community, volunteering, fundraising, protesting, labor organizing, boycotting, etc. Activism is not scolding people online for enjoying media the wrong way. People who think this way need to reconnect with the outside world, and anon, I hope you continue to enjoy whichever characters fascinate you, including Aegon.
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theerurishipper · 6 months
What do you think of the take that despite the show telling us that Marinette is against injustice and unfair systems, the show's execution of her character pretty much just made her a person who primarily doesn't like not being on top of the food chain. You know, since the show/ Marinette never undoes unfair systems, she's just put in charge of it to be the one benefiting from them.
I don't remember anymore if the post I saw this in had alot of likes and reblogs and if this is a more widespread opinion, but I remember thinking that it was harsh but unfortunately not exactly inaccurate either.
I mean we all know what treatment Cat Noir gets/ got under Ladybug's leadership and guardianship (in comparison to Alya getting the deluxe partnership) to the point where saying it stands in ugly hypocrisy against how big of a deal the show makes about Marinette's past as a victim of bullying and systematical power abuse is an understatement.
By all means, she's been doing all of that to Cat Noir on a daily just without malicious intentions. But the only actual difference is taht she is benefiting from it and therefore the show supports Marinette's hypocritical treatment of Cat Noir and even calls it "good leadership and friendship he had to learn to be grateful for"
And Marinette's guardianship didn't exactly paint her as being much above Su-Han's level either, of yelling and stomping her foot regarding everything until she gets his way and her way only. She answers to no one and she does whatever she wants or else she can't function as a leader and you must learn your lesson.
Not to mention the show just... dropping Felix' excellent point from Emotion where he called out that Ladybug is one of the people in power who decide subjectively who gets to have powers and a voice and who doesn't. The end of season 5 wants to pretend as if her giving out the miraculous somehow disproves that but no? Shes still basically the magical monopol of the Miraculous? She's still deciding everything subjectively, even if it's just her giving her okay for Félix to keep the peacock. That's still her having given permission and she could take it away on a whim too because nothing about his correct point was done, he just dropped it and the show called it a day.
The show's writing just does her no favor in anything of this. Because I guess yes, in canon Marinette doesn't actually mind social hierarchies, she just doesn't like not being the one on top because her leadership style fundamentally requires for a hierarchy to exist since Marinette is now less and less tolerating not getting her way ever since season 4.
So Marinette as a character doesn't really mind systemic injustice and will absolutely uphold them to her benefit, we're just supposed to think it's fine for her to do it since Marinette isn't maliciously intentioned and will try to help if she notices injustice against others she's bothered by.
Which raises the question though how Marinette will react in future to any civilian person who Lila will work up against Ladybug? Her writing has by now painted a clear picture that Marinette doesn't tolerate not being treated well anymore, so how will Ladybug react when civilians will "bully" her?
If it's a person like the racist guy who arrested her mom in season 4? Will they continue the bully-logic despite Ladybug being the all mighty power monopol in Paris and on top of the city's food chain? Cause Ladynette defending herself can easily overstep the line to tyrannical behavior since SHE'S the superpowered monopol in charge of everything while THEY are regular civilians who get to have no saying or power in anything.
I don't know how to end this ask, this already went to places I initially didn't wanted to bring up. I just would love to read your opinion since I enjoy your takes alot ^^
Honestly? I think it makes sense that it might come off that way, even if I don't think it's right. I don't think Marinette is not someone who likes being on top, but she is someone who likes being in control of a situation, which can manifest in ways that seem like she does. And since the writing never portrayed her as in the wrong and only doubled down on her actions, I can see why it would seem that way after 5 seasons of it.
Thank you for your ask!
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