cbartonscoffee · 6 months
I think I've never been more aware of just how many people only get their info of the batfam through fanfic. I finally started reading Red Robin (2009) and I can not believe how many things are blown out of proportion. Particularly about Dick and Damian.
First of all, Dick does try to put limits and he does get fed up with Damian's ways sometimes. Out of the three first interactions of them in the comic, at least in two he tells him to shut up. And one of those is when Damian starts to brag about being Robin and Tim being useless, he tells him to shut up twice.
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Another thing about that moment, is that they treat it like Dick completely dismisses Tim and treats him as unimportant. He doesn't. He takes him seriously, he tells him he needs him, he tells him he views his as an equal, as someone capable. And he also tells him he's concerned about him and that he needs to start processing Bruce's death. Could that have been a little harsh? Yes, but he needed to do it without making Tim think there was room for him to be convinced about his theory because let's be honest, Tim would've taken anything less than complete refusal and tried to change his mind. And had he been wrong neither of them could have taken it.
Secondly, Dick is always left to shoulder the blame of kicking Tim out and of never reaching out. That's bull. And I need to make that clear. Tim was in a delicate point, he tells us this himself multiple times, but the decision to leave was completely made out of his own free will. Another thing he did was put space between him and the people on Gotham. We see only one time in which Dick tries to call him. Tim picks up and tells him he doesn't want to talk. This tells us that Dick respecting Tim's wish of space included almost no (or even no) contact, and Dick calling was not something Tim appreciated or encouraged.
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Now. Going into the second year of the run, when he's back in Gotham, there's a few things to talk about and I'm still in the aftermath of Damian and Tim's fight.
I feel it's important to say that even if they are all family, more often than not they're doing their own thing. Like, Babs and Steph are in the Batcave while Dick and Damian are in Wayne Tower, Cass is said to potentially be in Hong Kong and we haven't even heard Jason be name-dropped except for the fact that he went on a rampage at some point.
So, Dick is immediately called away in League business. So he isn't there. Damian is behaving fairly civil besides being a brat, so no one wastes too much effort in correcting what he says. We need to think about the fact that this is a kid whose world was turned upside down multiple times in a short period of time, who has a need to be accepted, and who hasn't yet found his place. All this is to say, that if it's difficult to get him to eat breakfast there's no way they're controlling his every move and that's understandable.
So Dick is away, Damian is still trying to adapt, Alfred has his hands full and everyone else is doing something else.
The whole thing starts because Tim is being kind of cryptic about what he's doing with his hit list and Damian feels left out and goes looking for more. He finds his name in a hidden double side of the hit list marking him as a threat. He understandably feels hurt and angry, because he's a kid, and he's trying, and his predecessor who at this point doesn't even try with him anymore views him as something bad.
So in classic Damian fashion, he falls back on his upbringing and doesn't deal with the situation as one should, talking about it. Instead he cuts team line, hurting before being hurt. It could've been worse, we see in the panel that Tim doesn't have that much of a hard time getting safely to the ground. The problem is that he snaps and starts a full-blown fight he knows Damian won't back out off. (I'm pleased to add that after cutting his line Damian doesn't start anything else)
So they are fighting, Tim has the clear advantage and he knows this, we know this. And that's how Dick finds them. Having just returned from a JL mission, in the place where the Waynes were murdered, with Tim having overpowered Damian.
They go back to the cave and Damian shares his findings, and Dick understands. And Tim tells him he (Dick) knows why he (Tim) did it. Dick agrees, and tells him he should have tried to make it harder to find. Tim says he hadn't thought Damian would try or even care. Dick tells him Damian wants to be accepted.
All in all, so far the only thing this comic has proven to me is that there's a reason comics are the bomb and that fanon has gotten out of hand. I get making things out to be worse for the sake of a story, but everything surrounding these events is basically used as the foundation for Damian and Tim's relationship as well as Dick and Tim's and I don't think I've once read a fanfic where these events are portrayed correctly or even following the real motivations of the characters. This is a disservice to all of them and only serves to amplify the hate towards a character that doesn't deserve it. There's a lot of Damian hate going around. And it sucks. Mostly because people use his actions against Tim to justify it and honestly? I don't think you should be allowed to use that if you haven't read RR and understood what was going on.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
Now I wonder what Kunsel has on everyone in Shinra. How is he able to blackmail even the Turks? (and not get a bullet to the head for attempting to?)
Kunsel's Blackmail List
• A video of Sephiroth pursuing a laser from a laser pointer, calmly but clearly intrigued.
• A photo of Zack playing online games on the computer in Lazard's office *note: he's wearing one of Lazard's suits.
• A video of Sephiroth putting sugar on his french fries in the mess hall and saying "Perhaps this will make me feel alive."
• A photo of Sephiroth and presumed-dead former Turk Vincent Valentine side by side, with a sticky note that just reads "hmm"
• A copy of Reno's special brownie recipe that he occasionally leaves in the Turks' break room. *note: it's weed.
• An audio of Genesis saying "Sometimes I feel like Loveless isn't that good."
• Evidence that Cloud Strife is a time traveler: Video of him "trying out" Angeal's Buster Sword. Cloud expertly slammed the sword onto a metal door and Angeal shrieked as if Cloud had harmed his first born child.
• A video of Zack arguing with a dog. The dog is seemingly winning the argument. One minute later Genesis also joins the argument.
• Evidence that Reeve and Cait Sith are the same person - an audio of Reeve going "Hojo can suggest turnin' injured soldiers intae guinea pigs an' the President's all for it, but if Ah were tae break Hojo's knees, Ah'd be in the wrong an' sent tae jail."
• Audio of a conversation between Sephiroth and Genesis where they discuss how to "hypothetically" fake their deaths and flee to a remote island away from civilization.
• Photos of Zack and Cloud that Angeal took. It's the classic prom pose. Zack has his arms around Cloud.
• A video of Angeal discreetly pouring alcohol into his morning coffee and going "don't worry, it's decaf"
• Security camera footage of Sephiroth taking an entire cake from the break room exactly one minute after it was placed there.
• Emails between Zack and Cloud where they're freaking out because Sephiroth still hasn't noticed that his sword is a replica, and they lost the real one.
• Evidence that Cloud Strife is a time traveler: The smoke detector went off in the lounge and Cloud immediately attacked Sephiroth.
• A receipt from Angeal where he purchased horse items: a saddle, reins, and feed. Curiously, Kunsel never found the horse.
• Security cam footage of Sephiroth walking, stopping in the middle of the hallway, shouting "FUCK!" and then proceeding as if nothing happened.
• Dashboard footage of Angeal teaching Zack how to drive, a chaotic twenty minutes of A: "YOU JUST RAN A RED LIGHT!" followed by Z: "I mean what's the difference between red and green, realistically?" and A: "PULL OVER YOU'RE COLOR BLIND"
• A video of Zack going into the men's bathroom empty-handed and then coming out with a popsicle.
• Evidence that Cloud Strife is a time traveler: video footage of Cloud showing up to Sephiroth's apartment unannounced with therapy pamphlets.
• Chat logs from the SOLDIER group chat the day they tried to hide evidence that they broke the training room from Lazard, with Sephiroth suggesting they all gaslight Lazard into believing the training room is fine and the fire has been there all along.
• Security camera footage of Zack dropping down from the vents, placing a photo of Cloud Strife on Sephiroth's office door, and then retreating back into the vents.
• A video of Zack walking into the break room, going over to the fridge, opening the door, and climbing inside. Motives unknown.
• Security camera footage of Sephiroth practicing his nunchucks maneuvers in an empty training room, accidentally hitting himself in the face, and then standing there as if he just got slapped by an invisible force.
• Evidence of a file on Angeal's computer labeled "things that make me happy." Kunsel expected pictures of his friends. Instead, there's just an image of the buster sword and a stock image of an air fryer.
• A photo of Genesis' drawer of theft™ in his office, which includes Zack's kazoo, Zack's harmonica, Zack's hand bell, Zack's rubber chicken, and Zack's autographed photo of Sephiroth.
• A selfie of Tseng with Rufus asleep at his desk in the background. Tseng is holding up a bottle of Nyquil.
• An email from Sephiroth to Hojo that he never sent. It describes in detail how he would love to use his face to sand concrete.
• A photo of Tseng and Rufus pushing Dark Star around in a baby stroller like they're parents.
• A family tree connecting the president, Lazard, Rufus, and Evan Townshend, with a sticky note that reads "introduce president Shinra to condoms"
• A poster on the back of Sephiroth's office door that's a giant picture of Angeal shirtless. When asked why he had it Sephiroth replied "I look at it whenever I need to find inner strength to continue with my day"
• A box of auburn hair dye found in Genesis' bathroom.
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
seeing the influx of gfm campaigns on your dash may be overwhelming- the purpose of this post is to help others navigate through the many gfm links that are circulating here on this site- esp. those that find their way directly to you via your inbox. this advice is specific to tumblr- i cannot speak on other platforms (instagram, twitter, etc.) though some things i say may be applicable
disclaimer: i do not vet/verify any campaigns myself. i simply want people who are willing to engage with these types of posts to do so in a safe manner
read more below:
what to do if you get a message from an account claiming to be 🇵🇸 in your inbox:
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-> step 1: do not immediately dismiss it as spam
to quote one of nabulsi's posts:
"... you cannot generalise with Gazans if their tumblr blog is only a few days or a few hours old.
Gazans on tumblr are making accounts for the express purpose of spreading their fundraisers because it is spreading amongst Gazans that tumblr is a safe place to do so.
They could often be making multiple blogs and even remaking after staff flags them as spam. But don't blanket assume that Gazans are scammers if they're on a new tumblr blog with no pfp or content.
I agree that until a fundraiser is vetted you shouldn't reblog it in case it is someone dishonest taking advantage of the circumstances in Gaza. But you cannot do the opposite and immediately assume they're a scammer. I'm seeing people harass Gazans sometimes who genuinely are people who just don't know how to use tumblr and are falsely raising red flags because of it." (read full post here)
to sum it up: don't hit 'report' right away- marinate a lil and put on a detective hat
-> step 2: background check
the following are accounts that are known to vet/verify gfm campaigns here on tumblr. note- this is not a comprehensive list:
90-ghost* (edit 8/4: recently announced that ahmed will no longer be vetting/verifying new campaigns)
ibtisams* (only has done it on situational basis; is not currently vetting new campaigns- read post here)
rubashabansblog (has been promoting other palestinians who lost their tumblr accounts; currently living under occupation)
heba-20 (unsure if heba takes request to vet others personally but is a reliable source for finding legitimate campaigns)
fairuzfan (says they are less active on tumblr these days/not currently vetting new campaigns but is a reliable source)
i recommend giving these individuals a follow if you haven't already as they provide far more information regarding all things 🇵🇸. they've all put in a lot of work to make the process i'm sharing with y'all as simple as possible. also please be respectful if you try reaching out to any of them. they are likely getting a high volume of asks and may not be able to respond to you quickly
important note: it has been recently announced that nabulsi + el-shab-hussein have stopped vetting new accounts for the time being and are only focusing on campaigns that have already been vetted. read their full statement here and here
to start- check out the person's account. this can be a hit or miss depending on how new the account is. however- you may notice that the person in question has stated that they have been vetted:
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good signs so far- but better to be safe than sorry. next thing to do is search the username of the person who messaged you on tumblr. it's likely if you got a message like the one pictured above, others may have received one as well and did the digging for you:
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if you can't find a clear answer with tumblr's illustrious search bar/want to confirm someone's claim that the campaign in question was already verified, the next thing to do is check one of the following:
el-shab-hussein's pinned post
el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's google sheet
imo, this process is far easier to do while on a laptop/desktop vs. mobile app. ctrl+f is your friend in this scenario as is the ability to click through multiple tabs. for el-shab-hussein's pinned post, i click through the multiple lists and see if any names match. in ruba's case, she was found under List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan:
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and for the google sheet- her campaign is no. 90 on the list:
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tip: to narrow down your search even further- ctrl+f the title of the person's gfm campaign that they've linked on their tumblr account:
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-> step 3: share your findings + follow that account
if everything checks out- ✨share le campaign✨ provide the link to it in your response to the ask + where it was verified. make it easier for the next person who gets a message to figure out that the gfm is real
following 🍉accounts is esp. important since the forces that be are keen on suppressing them at every turn. the more eyes on these accounts- the easier it'll be to determine the legitimacy of any new accounts they may need to make
okay, but... scams 😬:
-> step 1: seek a master
people can be assholes- and anyone trying to make a profit off of an ongoing genocide can eat glass
anyways- the following are accounts that are known to identify scam posts on tumblr (again, not a comprehensive list. these are just the one's ive seen/most familiar with):
kyra45's pinned post contains a plethora of resources to help determine if a post/message is a scam- and not just in regards to 🇵🇸- key goes in on many types of scams. please refer to their guides (and be sure that you are reading the most recent version of key's posts)
-> step 2: if you see sumn, say sumn
we're human and sometimes things slip our radar. so if you ever see someone on here sharing a known scam, do 'em a solid and let them know about it regardless if you are mutuals or not
final/misc. thoughts:
it's good practice to double check a campaign's verification with these tools for yourself regardless of how legitimate it looks. note that checking for a gfm's verification is not the same as verifying them. that work should be left to qualified individuals with experience in doing so. this is why it's bad to attempt things you are not qualified to tackle also- i think it's important to remember that transferring 💵 from a gfm campaign to those in need requires a lot of pieces to be perfectly set in place. if you see 🇵🇸 blogs linking alt. methods of raising funds (ex. p*ypal/k*fi) the reason could be that their gfms were frozen/suspended for a myriad of reasons. as always- check credible sources if you are unsure about a campaign you may come across notice how the spreadsheet provided here has over 100+ campaigns listed. generating a list that extensive requires hard work that is undoubtedly both physically and mentally straining to the individuals who are involved in making it. i've seen some accounts myself that have had to announce that they can no longer continue to vet campaigns because it has taken that much of a toll on their wellbeing. do not let their efforts go wasted
other resources:
some other places/grassroot organizations where you can find vetted campaigns:
operation olive branch (oob)
operation poppy flower (now also linked in oob's sheet)
operation watermelon
project watermelon
strawberry seeds collective
camps breakerz crew
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mintys-playarea · 11 months
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You had no idea how you were able to get a man such as him to fall in love with you. He was clever, sweet, a great cook, and an absolute cutie... Ruggie was yours and you were his!
You had many flaws. You weren't very smart, you had tendencies to mess with people... The list could go on. Yet he still loved you.
It was a cool, autumn day. Warm colored leaves fell from trees, leaving the courtyard a blend of reds, browns and oranges. There were plenty students walking and talking happily along with one another, the smell of pumpkin spice wafting in the air. Though you were relatively uninterested before... A particular student has caught your eyes. It was none other than the Azul Ashengrotto walking around, promoting his most recent sale for the Mostro Lounge... This was the perfect opportunity.
The leaves crunched beneath your shoes as you tapped his leg, your icy cold hands sneaking up his pant leg and touching his warm calf. He shivered with a loud yelp, immediately turning around to find no one there. You were hiding behind a nearby tree. You weren't hidden well of course, but Azul couldn't see you. He shook his head, sighing and brushing it off as the wind. As he continued to promote the sale, you snuck up on him again. You tapped his leg the same way as before, except... You weren't fast enough this time. He kicked you and hoisted you up with stern eyes.
"Do you understand how disrespectful you are?!" Azul screeched. He clearly disliked getting his legs touched like that.
You sputtered trying to come up with an excuse, panicking as you see the Leech twins starting to come into view. You squirmed as Azul held still and started walking.
"Excuse me boys, but may you help hand out flyers for me as i return this rascal to their owner? They were very disrupting to me, we wouldn't want that happening with to another," Azul had a slight pout as he continued walking. He muttered something to himself quietly before going into the Savannaclaw mirror.
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Leona sighed as he saw Azul waltz up to him. "And how am i responsible for the herbivore??" He said with a tired look.
"Well, aren't they always over here? I'd assume it's because they have something with you?" Azul responded, almost annoyed with the fact he had to speak with Leona.
"No... You'd have to find Ruggie. He's— Right here," Leona groaned before returning to his room.
"Oh, hey there Az! Whatcha doin' here? And why do ya got lovebug there?" Ruggie commented on you being carried by Azul like a critter he finds dirty.
"I found.. er.. Lovebug messing with me during my promotion for the new Mostro Lounge sale... So you're the one taking care of.. this thing?"
"Aye, they're person, you know! Not just a 'thing.' But yes, i am in charge of taking care of Lovebug."
"I'll just hand them over already... You should really keep a watch on them. They're probably going to cause a big problem if you dont." Azul shook his head before leaving Savannaclaw finally.
"So... Lovebug, what was that about?"
You pulled out a to-go box of fresh food. Food you stole from Azul. A goofy smile spread across your face.
"Ahh... I see! I've trained you well... You deserve a treat for that!" Ruggie smiled along with you, bringing you into the kitchen.
"I know ya may not be tha brightest sometimes, but you're a sneaky lil' thang fo'sho! Here, ya wanna help bake some cookies to go with that meal?"
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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TAGS!!: @cheezy-moon
A little note on how the tagging system works:
If I know you like a character and I end up writing for it, I'll tag you in it (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Also, I have no clue what to put for name replacements so... I'll just do pet names! :D also I wanted to keep this in second person, but I kept it gn when I had to use the pronouns (*⁠´⁠∀⁠`*⁠)
I also forgot how the mirrors work (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) and I gave ruggie a special way of talking! I like writing him speak like that :3
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phoenixblaze1412 · 8 months
can i request a fem reader who has a terrible moodswing during her period? i couldn't help but imagine dottore getting yelled at by reader because of her mood hehe, also, how will dottore handle the situation?
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Code Red.
Every segment knows of this. An event that happens every month and usually lasts for a week. Yes, their darling's monthly period pain.
Dottore is already aware of it. He was the one who made the code after all.
He would already have the medicine and painkillers that you may need to help suppress those cramps you have to endure. Ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin and the like. All prepared and organised in a certain shelf titled 'For Pain/Cramps' just in case needed.
Ah, ah, ah. You are not eating various sugary treats or those cravings you want. The only treat you can consume is dark chocolate. Dottore explained that said product has magnesium that can also help alleviate your pain. Doctor's orders after all.
Dottore usually wouldn't be bothered when others would scream at him. But hearing your voice curse and yell at him would make him flinch. He knows it's part of your mood swings and it's normal but sometimes he would be overthinking some of the words you would say until you had to force it outta him during your post-period state.
If Dottore is busy in his laboratory or on a mission while you're on your period, he would send some of his segments to take care of you.
Dottore made sure to write a list of things needed for you and to take note of your mood swings because each emotion or reaction you show has various meanings that the segment has to understand to be able to handle the situation.
The segments, mostly the younger ones during Dottore's pre-fatui era, would be panicking over you. They read the notes given to them, yes. But did they understand? Absolutely not. They haven't taken care of you like this before but they were the ones ordered by Dottore himself to take care of you since they were available.
The segments even suggested of immediately putting you in the operating room right when they saw the blood staining your sheets and coming from down there. They thought that one of your organs must have popped and could require medical treatment immediately.
Dottore had to step in and rescue you right after Omega informed him that you were about to have surgery just because of some measly blood. He couldn't blame his segments for being so idiotic, he once thought you had an internal bleeding that he didn't examined carefully when he first found out about your period.
After that incident, he decided to hold a small meeting between himself and his segments and informed them of your monthly pain. He made sure the segments don't even bother to think of trying anything else to fix you other than follow the instructions he laid out when your menstrual cycle arrives.
Dottore may have forgot to inform them about the mood swings.
Later on, he found his segments sulking in the corner of your room with a hurt look plastered across their faces.
"..never have I seen a woman become so scary..."
"I blame you for this, Gamma."
"I didn't do anything! I was only giving her the medicine! Besides, Epsilon was supposed to bake treats for her."
"She already ate them all!"
"Enough of your chatter and stand up. She's acting like that because of her mood swings. It's part of her monthly cycle. So stop whining and get to work."
Yes, Dottore wrote down every little thing needed to do whenever you had your period but he left out a certain thing. Affections.
Any simple act of physical affection that he would initiate is already enough to keep you stable. From cuddles to forehead and cheek kisses all the way to whispering sweet words into your ear is enough to stop your mood swings from going haywire.
He wouldn't let his other segments know about it, just because they're him from different time periods doesn't mean he would let them give you affections. How ironic of him to be jealous of himself.
Nonetheless, when it comes to you, you are his and his alone.
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olsenmyolsen · 7 months
Ups and Downs The Final Part
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master list
dark master list
Slight MCU AU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Be sure to read part one! . And Part Two!
Summary: You finally take Natasha on a date!
Word Count: 4.6K
TW: None, Pure Fluff with some mentions of Yelena. <3
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You stood in front of Natasha's door with a bouquet of roses in your hands.
It was officially the first Friday since being discharged from the Avengers medical wing, and you wanted to be Natasha's woman in shining armor.
Even though she literally saved your life after being shot when mercenaries busted their way into her safe house apartment, so there was no way you'd ever outshine The Black Widow- ya know what, that doesn't matter!
Here you stood in front of Natasha's door! At Avengers Campus! Feet firmly planted! Flowy red sundress flowing! A fist raised to the door, and just as it was about to make contact, it flung open.
Your right hand flew through the open air before falling by your side. "Huh?" Your eyes went from your hand to the woman who opened the door.
Natasha smirked with painted red lips as her green eyes looked you up and down. The bruising was no longer visible on your exposed skin, but that's not why Natasha was looking at the way your sundress stopped just 4 inches above the knee.
You watched the way her green eyes lifted to you. Making eye contact before they lowered back down. "Are these for me?" Natasha stepped forward and grabbed the bouquet of flowers from your hand. The contact your fingertips made was electric for you both.
Your brain immediately flat-lined.
"I-uh- yeah!" You let Natasha take the bouquet as she smiled at how you fumbled with your words. "I figured we've already lived through a couple of cliches, so what's one more?!" You moved back and forth on your feet as Natasha examined the flowers. "I hope you like them." Natasha looked at you. "Captain- Steve- uh, mentioned how you like Roses." Natasha looked down at her hands, and a quizzical look turned into a smile that broke into laughter.
You smiled and laughed, too, but you weren't sure why. But if Natasha was smiling because of something you did, you'd count that as a win.
"These are Carnations." Natasha finally said.
"What is that now?" You asked as you took a step forward into Natasha's space. Tip-toeing around the flirty line, you two have been playing since waking up here.
"These aren't Roses. They're Carnations. They look very similar." You took a closer look, but flowers looked like flowers, so you just nodded and took the Up (Going on a date with Natasha) with the Down (Getting her the wrong type of flowers).
"Don't worry," Natasha said as she bumped your shoulder and smiled. "I love them." You smiled and rolled your eyes. "Who said I was worried, Natasha?" The redhead threw an eyebrow and looked at you as she closed her bedroom door. "Hmm." She hummed. "Tell that to the corners of your mouth." Natasha then mocked you as she made a pouty face before laughing as you tried to look away. But you wore a big smile.
"Come on," Natasha said with glee as her hand wrapped around yours. Not letting go until the two of you reached the kitchen.
"I'll put these in a vase, and then we'll go." You nodded to her words and watched the way Natasha filled out her black jeans as she walked away with an extra oomph on her step.
This date was something the two of you wanted, and Natasha couldn't wait.
She was going to tease you all night.
"Take a picture. It'll last longer." You jumped to the sound of a man in your ear. Turning to your left to see Clint Barton smiling from catching you in the act. You swung your arm down and made contact with his. "Don't you have anything better to do?" You yelled at the older man in a hushed tone.
He shrugged.
"Not a lot at the moment. So where are you taking her?" Clint held his fork up to his mouth and blew on his noodles to cool them down.
"That information is for Natasha only." You whispered to Clint as if Natasha couldn't hear you.
But she could. If there's one thing Natasha has learned about you since moving in. You think you know how to whisper, and you definitely don't realize how loud your footsteps are. Twice now, Natasha has woken up to the sounds of you getting a late-night snack.
To your knowledge, it had been one time that Natasha woke up. That was when she joined you in your room to watch re-runs of The Nanny.
You fell asleep with your head on her shoulder.
Natasha turned red when it happened. Because she officially knew what she had been thinking this whole time.
She was falling for you.
"Boring," Clint said as he put a fork full of noodles in his mouth and walked away. The conversation no longer fun to him.
Natasha held in a smile and presented you with the vase full of carnations.
"What do you think?"
You smiled and kept your eyes on Natasha. "I think you look beautiful." Natasha rolled her eyes, which made you laugh. "Come on. I told you that if we started dating, it would only get worse." Natasha nodded and placed the vase in the middle of the table. "Well, don't run before you can walk." Natasha sent you a wink as she stuck out her hand. "And is it dating if it's only the one so far?" You smiled and took hers in yours. "Years from now, you'll laugh about this, Natasha." You said with smug written all over your face.
Your cheesiness makes Natasha think back to the apartment weeks ago.
"So, which car is Stark letting you borrow?"
"Oh, I was supposed to ask?" You said as you and the redhead entered the garage. Natasha turned her head and couldn't tell if you were joking until your lips cracked. "Any of them, he said."
"Generous." She lifted her eyebrows as you two walked past rows of luxury cars.
"Yeah..." You said as Natasha started walking towards the motorcycles. One in particular. "I feel like Tin Man was threatened by a hot spy."
Natasha stopped in front of a black Harley Davidson with a red leather seat and orange accents and details. "Hot spy, huh?" You nodded. "Red hair. You wouldn't know her." Natasha playfully rolled her eyes and turned back to the bike. "What do you think?" She asked as you took a step forward. "I didn't think Tony drove this."
Natasha lifted the pillion seat and pulled out a set of keys. Tossing them to you. "He doesn't." You caught the keys and looked back to Natasha as she leaned against the bike with a tight-lipped smile as her tongue rolled over her teeth.
Fuck, you were starting to get hungry, and it wasn't food calling your name.
"Wanna try it?" She asked as she grabbed a red helmet from behind her, waiting for your answer. "Nat, you can't be serious!" Natasha pulled her body away from the bike and walked towards you before she placed the helmet in your hands. "I mean, you can always say no," Natasha said as she looked at you with a confident smile and glimmer in her eyes.
She had you.
You looked from the helmet back to Natasha. "Promise to help?"
Natasha placed her hands on your hips and leaned closer. You inhaled sharply from her touch. Her perfume worked its way through your nose, making you smile. "I'll make sure we don't crash." Natasha kissed your cheek and left you blushing as she picked up the helmet and placed it on your head. "Ready?" You nodded as Natasha pushed the helmet down onto your face. Only your eyes are the thing Natasha sees.
She grabbed your hand and led you to the bike. Natasha watched how you wrapped your legs around the seat. "I'm starting to think maybe a dress wasn't the best idea." You said as your voice was muffled by the helmet.
Natasha smirked and looked at the way your dress rode up. Revealing more thigh from you. Your soft skin against the leather seat was doing wonders for Natasha. "Trust me." Natasha started as she grabbed a helmet from the bike beside her and put it on. "You'll be fine. I'll keep you warm."
You understood the double entendre and couldn't help but blush once again. Natasha wasn't holding back tonight, and for someone who was usually spouting flirty attempts, it left you worried that your cheeks would always be stuck in a giggly smile.
Natasha sat on the seat and let her black jeans brush against your legs. "Put the key here." Her hands worked down your arms and rested on top of your own hands. You nodded and placed the tiny key in the ignition. "Hit this button to turn it on." Natasha pointed to a red button in the center of the handlebars. "Once you do that. This is the accelerator. This is the brake." Natasha showed you how to use each one while her hands never left your body.
"Okay." You sighed as the idea of driving this without thinking about the vibrations and Natasha gripping your body was going to make you crazy.
"Ready?" Natasha asked as her hand was above the red button. "I.. I think so." You said. "Y/N." You turned your head back. "Don't worry. I'll be here." You could see the way Natasha's cheeks lifted below her green eyes. She was smiling to you and giving you reassurance.
You nodded.
"I'm ready." Natasha hit the red button and laid her hands on yours. "Good girl." You heard her yell as she traced a birthmark on your middle finger.
You bit your lip. "Okay." You thought to yourself. "If teasing is what she wants." You could do this.
You kicked the leg stand up, and turned the accelerator, forcing Natasha to grip her body around yours at the sudden acceleration. "Good girl!" You yelled back, making Natasha scoff with surprise as you picked up the speed right before the two of you left the garage and hit the main road.
You felt free with Natasha Romanoff as the noise of the bike engine roared while her hands moved up from yours to around your waist. She was gripping you tighter.
Natasha was in awe of your quick ability to handle the bike due to every clumsy spill of water or untied shoelace you've had since meeting her.
But you surprised her.
Natasha even caught the wink you sent her from the side mirror as you turned the bike onto the exit for the city.
She had no idea where you were taking her, but she couldn't wait to find out. _
The lights of New York City passed over your helmets as you turned the bike down a one-way street and pulled into a side alley. The bike rolled to a stop just before you kicked the leg stand out and turn off the bike.
Natasha kept her arms around you as the volume of the city worked its way into your ears. You smiled at the contact and weren't surprised when the hands moved south to the end of your dress.
You turned and clinked your helmet into Natasha's, making her shoot her eyes your way. She watched you raise an eyebrow. But Natasha ignored your gaze and let her red-painted nails scratch your bare skin before pulling away.
"Did you enjoy it?" She husked as the two of you lifted your helmets. You rested your helmet on the left handlebar and checked your hair before turning back to face the redhead. "Every single bump in the road." You smirked.
Natasha looked you up and down. "I bet." She hummed and got off the bike first before helping you. "Your touch wasn't so bad either." You said as you handed Natasha the keys. "My touch, huh?" She asked. You nodded and walked behind her. Wrapping your arms around her waist. "Your touch." You rested your forehead against her shoulder before pulling away. Pink hue on you both.
Natasha loved this.
She smiled and placed her helmet on the right handlebar before stepping back next to you. "So, where did you take me?"
You pointed around the corner and briefly held Natasha's hand as you approached the entrance. "Sushi?" Natasha questioned at the Japanese signs in the window. "But you don't like sushi," Natasha said as you opened the door. "But you do." Natasha, while flattered, shook her head. "Y/N I-"
"What are you going to eat?!" Natasha questioned as you let go of the door and walked closer to the woman on the sidewalk.
"I'll eat whatever you get. Or I'll order something I can get down. Tonight is my date night for you. Okay?" Natasha looked from the door to you. "Are you sure?" You nodded. "Plus the thought of you speaking Japanese, oh man!" You made your eyebrows jump while Natasha gave you a pity laugh. "But seriously, don't worry. There's more planned for tonight."
Natasha nodded. She believed you. "Okay." You smiled and quickly opened the door for Natasha. "Thank you."
"Of course." You said as your eyes fell to Natasha's jeans. "Eyes up, Y/N." She said with a smirk before sitting herself at the open sushi bar. You following.
"Tsu onegaishimasu," Natasha said to the man who nodded behind the bar as he placed two small ceramic cups for sake. He smiled at you before looking and speaking to Natasha. Natasha laughed and turned to you. "He said my Japanese is excellent." You smiled and looked at the menu before you. "Hot, too." You mumbled with a smile before feeling a soft slap on your knee. "Detka, please." Natasha quietly said.
You closed your legs.
"Russian, too?!" You quietly shouted.
Natasha scanned up your body before smirking and biting her bottom lip. "Da."
Maybe you needed another ride on the bike.
Your menu was taken from you minutes later when Natasha went ahead and ordered enough for the two of you. She made sure to mix enough new things with some things you could keep down.
"So..." You looked to Natasha as she set her drink down. "Next dates gotta be at a Russian restaurant, right?" You smirked and waited for Natasha to answer.
She shook her head with a laugh.
"This one's not even over, and you think you're gonna get a second one?" You nodded with glee. "I know I will." Natasha enjoyed your overconfidence. It was natural as opposed to off-putting.
She had enough of that, thanks to your boss, Tony Stank.
"Besides, we already live together." Natasha moved her head from side to side as she squinted. "Debatable."
"Well, our address is the same. Is it not?" You had the redhead there. Natasha closed her mouth and playfully glared at you. "Not holding back tonight, huh?" You shook your head. "We can start the cliché 20 questions if you're ready?" You said with a laugh that lit up the room in the eyes of The Black Widow.
"Okay," Natasha said as she turned more towards you as rolls of sushi started to be placed between the two of you. "For each question we answer— honestly— we eat a roll. Given by the other person."
Natasha caught how you added the H word.
She swallowed and nodded.
It was known to the both of you that Natasha knew a whole hell of a lot more about you than you did about her.  So this was your way of getting to know the woman you wanted to spend more and more time with.
Natasha picked up a pair of chopsticks. "I'm ready." You did the same. "Me too." You smiled and looked at the rows of sushi. "Just don't make me eat a gross one." Natasha playfully rolled her eyes once again. "Trust me. Whatever I put in your mouth will be good for you."
Your mouth fell open as you drop your chopsticks to the ground.
Two minutes later, with a red face and new chopsticks, the game of questions started. _
"Oh, come on, don't be a baby."
"Natasha, you said it was deadly!"
"I said it's deadly if it's not prepared right!"
You closed your mouth and dodged Natasha's pufferfish sushi before she reached over and grabbed your nose closed. Your eyes went wide and searched the spy's green ones for any sign of giving up. But you saw the same look she had when you were bleeding out. Determination.
"Take it!" Natasha said as the sushi flew into your mouth before she placed her hands over your lips. You wanted to make the first dirty joke that came to your mind, but you were too busy trying to get the pufferfish into your stomach.
"Done?" Natasha asked as she lifted her hand after a minute of chewing.
You swallowed. "It wasn't that bad." You said before reaching for your glass of water.
Natasha shook her head before breaking into a laugh. "You're unbelievable." You perked up and winked. "So I'm told." Natasha looked over your face before lifting her hand up and gently wiped away the smudge lipstick from the corner of your mouth. You sat still and let her fingers linger under your chin before she drug them up and away.
How she looked tonight was etched into your brain.
"I meant what I said before. You're beautiful." You said before Natasha's eyes left your face. She stopped. Her body softened. You saw her eyes look from your eyes to lips and back.
Natasha cleared her throat.
"Thank you, Y/N." Natasha closed her mouth and opened it, but nothing came out. You just smiled and loved the way she looked at you before picking up a California roll. "Okay, my tu-"
"I really like you." Natasha cut you off.
You moved your gaze from the roll to her eyes staring at you. Natasha nervously smiled at you before surprising you by leaning forward, grabbing your chin, and kissing your lips.
She was gentle and tasted like cherries. Well, and sushi, but her red lips were sweet nonetheless.
Like she was.
She was a hot, dangerous spy who spoke a multitude of languages but, at the same time, was profoundly caring for her friends and had a glow deep within her that was good.
Natasha thinks that pain makes her stronger.
But you knew that was naturally Natasha—a strong, gorgeous person inside and out.
Her lips left yours as air came back into the two of you. "I-I like- I really like you too." You fumbled over your words before giving her a quick peck while holding onto the California roll between your chopsticks.
Natasha nodded as she sat back down. "Okay. Good." She said before laughing to herself. Her nerves were calming back down.
You just thought she was being cute.
"We like each other." You said as you laughed, too. "That's good, or else this date wasn't going anywhere." Natasha threw her head back. "Well, I'm glad it's going somewhere," Natasha said.
"Me too." You said as you raised the California roll to Natasha's mouth. She opened up and took it with joy.
You placed the chopsticks down.
"I guess it's my turn for a question, but I feel like it's inappropriate now." You said as Natasha picked up a roll for you. "Inappropriate, huh?" Natasha smirked, making you roll your eyes. "Not like that." Natasha played along. "Okay, sure, Y/N."
You smiled back and opened and closed your mouth before finally placing your arms on the bar top. "You don't have to tell me, but... Who's Yelena?"
Natasha wasn't expecting that question. Her mouth slowly fell as she lowered the roll back onto the plate. Her eyes hardened while a look of guilt flew across her face. "How do you know that name?" Her voice had an edge to it, and it instantly reminded you when she held you down on the floor in Budapest... Budapesht?
Boy, the two of you have been through a lot in such a short time.
You made sure to lock eyes with Natasha. "You said it in your sleep a couple of nights ago." You answered honestly. "It was the night you came and watched The Nanny with me. I woke up around 4 am to see you still there. I'm not going to lie it was sweet, but it looked like you were having a pretty intense dream. You kept murmuring in your sleep about someone named Yelena."
Natasha swallowed and sighed as she turned her body more to you. Her clothed knees brushing against yours. "Yelena is my sister." You pulled your head back in shock. "Oh!"
You wanted to say. "I didn't know you had a sister." But you'd just be stating the obvious. "Did I say anything else?" Natasha cautiously asked. You shook your head. "No. Just her name." You smiled in an effort to try to make Natasha feel better, and it worked a little, but now Natasha felt the need to tell you about Ohio.
But before she could, you said something that would stick.
"I'm sure you'll see her soon." Natasha paused at your words. "You think?" Natasha asked, earning a nod. "If she's anything like her sister, she's out there, and she's strong and caring too. You, too, will find each other again." You sent a big smile to Natasha.
She returned it with watery eyes before blinking them away.
"I'm just happy it's your sister and not an ex. I was about to go hot spy mode." Natasha laughed while she picked up a napkin. "I would've loved to have seen that." You shrugged. "There's still time, Miss. I speak over ten languages."
Natasha picked up a roll and brought it towards you. "You just want me to speak in another language again." You opened your mouth, allowing Natasha to feed you.
"Of course!" You said in a duh-like manner with a mouth full of sushi.
Natasha signaled for the check for you as you swallowed. She turned back to you. "Okay, Y/N." She gave you her full attention, making you close those legs tighter.
"Dove andremo dopo?" (Where are we going next?") _
You parked the bike in front of the cafe Tony helped you rent out for the night.
Once again, Natasha helped you off the bike before the two of you placed your helmets on the handlebars.
"A cafe?" Natasha asked as she took your hand in hers. "Not just any cafe, Nat." You smiled as you walked ahead and grabbed the door for her. Natasha let go of your hand as you two entered the building. Stopping in front of another set of doors that were locked. To the left was a sign in the area where a woman was sitting.
"A cat cafe!" You exclaimed as you turned to the woman waiting. "I take it this is the Y/N Romanoff party?" The woman with the name tag Ana asked. You nodded with glee while Natasha's brain was playing catch up.
How did she figure out my love of cats? Wait, did she say Romanoff party? Y/N Romanoff??
These questions and more swirled around before you turned around and made eye contact with Natasha.
"I may or may not have heard from a man with an eye patch that you have a fondness for cats. Specifically black ones."
When the hell did she meet Fury?
Was the next question Natasha kept inside.
"Y/N, this is so sweet! Thank you!" Natasha smiled as the two of you lathered your hands with hand sanitizer. Gotta be safe and careful with the kitties.
Ana opened the second double doors and waved you and your date inside. "Well, come in, Romanoffs. We have some cuties waiting to meet you."
You blushed at the name, and hoped Natasha wouldn't point it out. But you already knew her well. She bumped your shoulder while Ana left the two of you with menus and a binder full of the cats' names, likes, and dislikes.
"Y/N Romanoff, huh?" Natasha said as she flipped through the binder. Not really looking but giving you the impression as her eyes did not turn to meet yours. "Cool it." Natasha nodded.
You turned away from Natasha as Ana let the cats into the giant space. "Not a bad last name, though." You smirked and saw Natasha look at you with a soft gaze from your peripheral vision before she, too, looked at the cats flooding the room.
Immediately, a tabby cat ran up to your table and jumped closer to you. You laughed as you remembered briefly having a cat before it turned out to be your neighbor's.
You peeked at the name of the tabby. "Majima." You whispered. "He's cute," Natasha said but without much more interest as she looked around at the multiple black cats. Some had white paws. Some had spots. But they were all precious to her, and she wanted to scoop them up and kiss their little heads.
Which she did to a few cats named Kiryu, Geoff, and Mr. Soupwater.
But then a pure black cat walked by Natasha, and it was all over. You practically watched Nat throw herself to the ground in order to get closer. Leaving her cinnamon lavender latte behind.
You watched the cat with hazel eyes stop in its tracks before taking slow steps to the woman who made your stomach flutter with a certain feeling.
You could see the heart eyes Natasha had when she turned to with a wide smile. "Y/N look!"
"I see!" You returned the joy and gently rose from your chair and sat behind Natasha as the cat looked from you back to Natasha before running into her arms.
"He loves you!" You said just as Ana was coming around to check on the kitties.
"She never does this," Ana said. A melting Natasha looked up. "Really!?"
"Maybe she was waiting for you." Ana left it at that. You reached for the collar. "Liho." You said. The cat purred into Natasha's chest.
Slowly, Natasha turned her head. "She's perfect."
You nodded.
Yes, she was.
Safe to say, the rest of your date turned into you being a third wheel as Natasha spent more and more time with Liho. But you couldn't be mad or even remotely upset as you watched the redhead transform before you. All night, you had seen the honest Natasha, and she was breathtaking. So was the spy. But something about seeing someone you watched kill people weeks ago roll around on the floor with a black cat was perfect.
You don't know how you didn't slip up and say the L(ove) word.
I mean, of course, it would've been too soon. But you were you, and it wouldn't have been a shocker to anyone.
Regardless. That night led to you driving very slow on the way back home as Natasha held Liho in her carrier as if her world depended on it.
And yes, Tony made the same joke you're thinking.
Two lesbians who are already living together go on a date and end up adopting a cat.
But three years later, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Except for maybe when Natasha comes home to your shared apartment, she greets you first instead of Liho.
Ups and Downs.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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freckliedan · 5 months
You said they’ve been hinting that something’s coming in a way they haven’t before. I haven’t noticed this - how have they hinted?
not quite babylove, i'm saying the only other time time they had a similar pattern of behavior they came out individually—and this time it appears to be focused on their relationship!
to list out overall increasingly openness about their relationship would take a long time, because i would mark dan using a red heart emoji when posting about phil's birthday in 2023 as the start point, & they've been slowly boiling us for all of the gaming channel return. (frog theory / boiling terminology explainer).
there's been a marked increase of like. incidents? for lack of a better word? since the start of april. i'm sure i'm missing things.
handholding in dapc
even more handholding in PJ's behind the scenes video
the amount of clothes sharing also taking place in that behind the scenes video
handholding being put on merch, instagram grid posts & MULTIPLE stories, and acknowledged in non dapc channel videos (iirc?)
we've never fucked ON YOUTUBE -> implication that they have fucked
both of them go to the isle of man to visit the lesters. IMPORTANT.
we get to see more of their home than they've ever shown us in two separate videos back to back in a way that shows they're intentionally opening up
"rpf is fine"-phil lester
phil's earnest support of WAD being replied to with an ORANGE heart and then dan calling that gay ON YOUTUBE?
immediately followed by a public triple date
dan's solo endeavors era has arrived at a very neat conclusion -> they came out after ii ended so there's a precedent
we also have tweets from dan explicitly mentioning that something is coming soon in a way that fits the same pattern as their coming out in 2019 (link).
basically every elder phannie (not an age thing, a "how long have you been around" thing) i am aware of is losing their mind with anticipation and thinks a hard launch is in the works. i have mutuals i haven't seen in months if not YEARS posting on my dash. and i've been on marriage hill forever but quite honestly the thing that has me the most convinced is nora agreeing that it's realistic.
in conclusion.
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majimasleftasscheek · 9 months
alright since RGG seems bent on putting merch behind things like UFO catcher shit, here's my crappy how to use a proxy guide lol
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gonna be using buyee as an example but most proxies are more or less the same so it's your choice on what to use. I look at fee prices and customer service reviews to decide on my proxies. sorry if it's wordy! but I think I cover the most important bits for general use.
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so on the landing page you got all the goobly gook but what you'll mainly be looking at is the stuff in the red box. all the shops are listed there - the ones I mainly use are yahoo! japan auctions and mercari. the other shops are more like regular shopping sites. pretty much all proxies use the same sites as they're just a directory for wherever you wanna shop.
auctions are self explanatory - you bid on things till the time runs out or some auctions offer an immediate buyout price.
mercari is largely a secondhand seller marketplace but you can find companies on there as well.
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when I search for stuff, I prefer putting in the actual terms for better accuracy over auto translating. so here I put in ryu ga gotoku (龍が如く). on buyee, I have rgg and dead souls as saved searches so I can just click on them to easily autofill the search bar which is handy.
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items will populate and you'll see prices in yen and for me, usd. these are the *listing prices, not the *final price. since I'm using a proxy, there will be additional fees per item I get. also, the currency exchange rate occasionally changes so if something goes up or down in price, that be why.
💥 pls also note prohibited items that proxies cannot ship internationally such as items with flammable fluid which can include perfumes, lighters, etc. other things like alcohol, which may be okay for like 99% of countries is not okay, for example, in the US lol unless you go thru customs paperwork n shit. *ebay is usually where you want to go for prohibited items as those sellers *will go thru the process of filing the proper forms to send such items.
💥 pls be aware of scalpers! I tend to browse multiple pages and multiple listings of the same item to see what the prices typically fall around. if it looks too cheap, be aware of an item's description. if it looks too expensive, it probably is.
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let's use this bad boy as an example. the main things you wanna look at on any item is the condition and the photos to be *sure* you are happy with what you're getting. if you see the same photos across listings, be a lil wary. you can see estimated shipping times and the seller's general ratings. always read item explanations if there is one in case the seller makes any notes of defects or other things.
you can add to shopping cart to keep browsing or you can go to the order page to immediately purchase.
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so proxies typically have different plans you can choose when you buy items and that adds towards the fees. these can include inspections, insurance, etc of items when they arrive at the proxy warehouse (see your proxy's FAQ for plan descriptions). it's up to you what you deem worth choosing, if at all. for most things, I just go with whatever costs me 0 lol - especially if it's a cheaper item that I really don't feel needs to be inspected or insured, like a plushie or keychain. regardless of plan, you'll have to pay some proxy service fee (here the "buyee service fee"). in the top right, you'll see the total cost of everything. once you're happy, then you pick your form of payment. I usually go with paypal.
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you can go to your page and see typical stuff like orders, settings, and the like. there's often specific tabs for certain sites like auctions so you can go there for anything you purchase in that way. the cart is anything you've added but haven't bought.
the orders tab is for anything bought and you may see the status of its shipping to the proxy warehouse which I'll get to in the next bit.
package information is everything that has arrived to the warehouse so here you can see I have 12 items currently waiting to be shipped to me.
user information, pretty basic but do MAKE SURE your addresses and things are 100% correct. it would really suck nuts if you pay out the ass for international shipping and it gets sent to the wrong place.
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on the orders tab, you can see the status of the item. it contains important bits like date ordered and order # (I've blotted out mine). order received is *you* paying for the order. order completed is *buyee* paying for the order. shipped means the seller has shipped to buyee's warehouse address and arrived at warehouse is self explanatory.
*sometimes, a seller may cancel an order after you've paid for it and you will be refunded. this is often due to the seller unable to actually send the item for whatever reason or they don't sell to proxies. nothing you can really do about it but I've only had it happen a couple of times in dozens of purchases.
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back to the package information tab, here you can see all the packages that have arrived at the warehouse waiting for shipment. proxies will store packages for free for a certain number of days - buyee being 30 while I've seen other go to 45 days, etc. after that time is up, you will be charged for storage per day so be aware of that!
here you can consolidate packages which means putting everything into one shipment instead of going individually. you can see estimated costs of shipping per item which, if you did each item individually, that would be mad expensive. when you consolidate, things can still be pretty pricey but imo better to pay idk 150 bucks in shipping for 10 items instead of 300 bucks for all 10 individually.
💥 shipping is calculated by weight so be aware of that when you buy items - however baseline costs will be the same for lighter items regardless of how much they weigh. baseline costs for me is around 15-30 bucks regardless of what I get. for example, I have a teeny tiny keychain in storage and several figures. the shipping for that keychain is the same cost as the figures so it's only sensible to lump them into one package cuz I ain't paying out the ass to ship 1 keychain lol.
you are free to consolidate what you want and how. if you wanna consolidate some packages to ship now and you wanna do others later, you are free to. just keep in mind your budget and storage time!
proxies also offer services to protectively wrap your packages. if you're concerned about damage, then choose that option when you consolidate. I don't often do it unless what I'm buying can break otherwise all my packages have arrived relatively unharmed.
💥 proxies will consolidate things AS IS so if you have a buncha figures that don't have their boxes, the proxy will put them in a shipping box just as they are, however they received them from the seller. so if the seller only bubble wrapped the figure, it will be sent to you just like that, no additional protection unless you pay for that option.
*consolidation can take some days and you'll be informed when items are ready to ship. at that point, you pay the shipping and that's it! you can choose what type of shipping you wanna go with (such as DHL, EMS, sea mail (if it's available), etc at differing prices and arrival times. pick what's best for you. *note, sea mail is often the cheapest but the slowest (like several months arrival time) and not available to every country (plus you'd want protective packaging for this just in case cuz boat rides be bumpy)
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here are some examples of shipping costs for a single one of my items. some of these options will disappear when I consolidate cuz shipping a lil figure is very different from shipping a larger box full of multiple things.
💥 be sure to read EVERYTHING and make sure you know what options you're choosing to make sure it fits your budget and expectations of arrival time.
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one more thing proxies can do is order from a number of sites that aren't on the main page. for buyee, you want to go to the other sites information tab and then click "purchase request for other sites."
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here you can input the information of whatever site you want to see if the proxy can purchase it for you. this is how I buy things on ebten like the jpn only preorders. if the proxy cannot buy the requested item, they'll let you know.
if they can go thru with the order, they will confirm your payment and it goes thru the same process as any other order.
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cloudzoro · 27 days
robin with 28 or 22?
hi!!! Robin is my wife and also my favourite character ever so I love writing for her ♡ (28 - lingerie)
cw: scissoring, dom-ish fem!reader
Lingerie | Nico Robin x Reader
You're sitting in bed, reading a book, when the door swings open. Robin, your girlfriend, is standing in the doorway, wrapped in a robe. You immediately put your book on the bedside table, ready to give her all your attention.
“I wanted to do something nice for you,” she says as she slowly unties the robe and drops it from her shoulders to reveal a beautiful lace lingerie set. The floral patterning of the lace looks like ornate detail across her gorgeous skin, and you're momentarily speechless. She approaches you, climbing onto the bed and straddling your lap.
“You look beautiful,” you say, pulling her into a kiss. Robin's affection has always been gentle; that goes for her kisses, too. They're sweet and comforting. Your hands rub at the soft skin of her hips, content to sit there and get your fill of kisses until she's ready to go further. Robin has always needed to go slowly in the bedroom, and you've never complained or even felt the need to. A slower pace gives you more time to admire her.
You wrap your arms around her and adjust so that she's on her back on the mattress with you hovering over her. You stare down at her body in the lingerie she had worn just for you, hoping all the love and lust you feel is accurately portrayed in your gaze. You're careful when you lean down, running your tongue up the column of her neck. You then begin to trail your lips down to her chest, kissing along the lace edge of the bra cup.
“I don't think you could even begin to understand how fucking hot you are”, you say as Robin's face flushes red, not yet used to the compliments that come with being in a relationship with you. Your words earn you a moan of your name.
You continue downward, licking, sucking and kissing across her skin to get to her panties. When you reach the fabric, you pause, unsure of whether you should take them off or leave them on. She bought them just for your eyes, so you decide to leave them on for now. You grab at the fabric on her hips and pull upwards, pulling the fabric tight so you can bury your nose in and take a whiff. Robin whines, embarrassed about your behaviour, but you remain unbothered. You lift your head to shoot her a quick wink before pressing your tongue against the fabric. You suck at the fabric; you can taste her through it because of how wet she is. You press a soft kiss to her clit before leaning back, staring down at your girlfriend with a burning hunger.
“tongue, fingers, strap, rubbing, some other fun toys we've got kicking around here” You list off the ways you can please her as you run your fingertip gently over her stomach, stopping at the lines of the panties. She squirms a little under your touch. “C’mon, Robin. Tell me what you want,” you prompt her to answer.
“wanna feel your pussy on mine” she moans, moving her hips as she pictures you on top of her. You nod, gripping her underwear and pulling them from her body. She's pliant as she lets you move her into a position that lines up your clit with hers. You grind down as you shallowly rock your hips. The pressure of your clit rubbing against hers feels so good. The room is filled with the sounds of your wet pussies and satisfied moans.
“Fuck, I'm gonna cum” whines Robin.
“Me too. Roll your hips up,” you instruct, and she does as told, thrusting up to meet you more aggressively. Your hold on her thighs steadies you as your orgasm hits you. Robin cries out your name as she's pushed over the edge with you.
When you're both done, you roll off of her, and Robin quickly switches positions. She swings a leg over you so that she's straddling you and leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“So I take it you liked my new lingerie?”
tag list: @bloodfixnd @sexysapphicshopowner @beachaddict48
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Thinking things. Specifically Buddietommy things. Even more specifically, the Eddietommy of it all. We know they're similar, they got on like a house on fire in 7x04, Eddie's mentioned his time in the army, they've got similar interests etc etc.
I was thinking specifically about the anniversary of Eddie's convoy going down, and him not being alone while mourning them for the first time. Tommy comes home from a shift to find Buck alone on the couch. It's unusual because Eddie and Buck usually wait together for Tommy to come home, normally cuddled up on the couch with at least one of them asleep. After he's put his gear away, Tommy goes into the lounge and gives Buck a kiss before asking where Eddie is. Buck explains that he's in their room, having said he needs some space. Tommy instantly remembers what day it is, and tells Buck that he's going to go check on Eddie.
Tommy and Eddie show their love for one another in a very different way to how they show their love for Buck. Buck is very tactile and loves words of affirmation, whereas Tommy and Eddie prefer to show their love through acts of service and quality time with one another, such as sparring, fixing the car, and making each other coffee in the mornings. Tommy’s also the only other person who understands what it’s like for Eddie on days like today. Sure, Buck is very understanding and tries to make it as painless for Eddie as possible, giving him lots of hugs if he wants, or space if that’s what he prefers. But only Tommy knows what it’s like to lose his brothers and sisters in combat. Only Tommy knows what it’s like to do everything you can to save their life, and still not have it be enough. That might be why Tommy feels he’ll have better luck talking to Eddie than Buck might.
He finds Eddie standing near the closet, with a small box clutched tightly in his hand. Tommy recognises it immediately from when Eddie showed him, and it makes sense for Eddie to be looking at his Silver Star on a day like today. Tommy wants to hug him, but he also doesn’t want to give the guy a fright.
When Eddie looks up, Tommy sees that his eyes are red rimmed and swimming with unspilt tears. His jaw ticks as he rhythmically clenches and unclenches it, trying to contain his emotions. Tommy slowly walks towards him, his arms extended for a hug, but with enough time for Eddie to say he doesn’t want it. Instead, though, Eddie collapses into him and clings onto his shirt as he cries and cries and cries. Tommy holds him through it, not caring that his shift is becoming a snotty mess. When Eddie’s crying slows into little hiccups, Tommy leads him to the edge of the bed, where he tells him to sit and wait for him.
Tommy goes into the kitchen to get Eddie a glass of water. On his way back, he finds Buck and tells him how Eddie’s doing. Buck is obviously concerned, but Tommy kisses him and strokes his hair and promises that they’re all okay. When Tommy goes back into their room, he finds Eddie sitting on the bed where he left him. The Silver Star has been packed up and the box is sitting beside Eddie on the bed. Tommy hands him the glass of water and strokes his hair while he drinks, leaning into Tommy’s side.
“When I had days like this, I used to go on drives. I found it helped clear my mind,” Tommy tells Eddie. Eddie lists further into Tommy’s arms, his breathing still a little shaky. “Would that be something you would want to do? We don’t have to go anywhere, can just drive until you want to come home.”
Eddie nods in response, and Tommy kisses his temple, then his cheeks, kissing away the tears.
“Get your shoes on and I’ll meet you out the front.”
Tommy goes back into the lounge and tells Buck of their plans. Eddie emerges a few moments later with his shoes and a jacket, and cuddles into Buck’s side when Buck opens his arms for a hug. Buck gives him and Tommy both a kiss before they leave, telling them to have a good drive and not to worry about dinner.
They’re quiet in the car, and Tommy drives along the residential roads, not taking the freeway. Eddie looks out the window and doesn’t say anything, but he clutches onto Tommy’s hand tightly. Tommy rubs the webbing between Eddie’s thumb and forefinger with his own thumb, occasionally bringing the hand up to brush a kiss against his knuckles. About 20 minutes in, Eddie starts to quietly give directions. Tommy figures out where they’re going, and no longer needs directions by the time they’re four blocks away from the cemetery.
When they get out of the car, Eddie begins to walk through the headstones. Tommy follows behind him, not touching Eddie, but still remaining close so he knows he’s here. Eddie stops in front of a grave that reads “Anita Mills.” He explains who she was, choking up occasionally. Tommy lets him speak, listening to every word Eddie says. She’s buried out here because her parents moved out to LA just after she was deployed. She’s the closest one to Eddie now, and he goes to see her once a year.
Eddie wants to talk to Anita on his own for a bit, so that gives Tommy the opportunity to send Buck a quick update. Buck tells Tommy that he’s got dinner underway, and for them to take their time, there’s no rush at all. So, when Eddie’s ready, Tommy takes his hand and leads him through the headstones once again, telling him that he wants to introduce him to someone.
They come to a stop in front of an older looking headstone, with a name carved into it that Tommy hasn’t seen for a long time. It’s his wing leader, he explains to Eddie. She was shot down over enemy territory and Tommy was part of the rescue mission that was sent out to recover her body. She was a role model to him, and taught him a lot about the kindness of the world. Him and Eddie stand together, Tommy’s arm over Eddie’s shoulder and Eddie’s head against his chest, and they just let themselves mourn. Tommy doesn’t know how Eddie’s feeling, but it’s really nice for him to have someone by his side who feels the same pain.
“I think I want to tell Buck about this,” Eddie whispers a few moments later. “I don’t want him to always feel left out when this comes around. I want him to know how it feels to me, how he can help me like you have.”
Tommy pulls Eddie in for a gentle kiss, and strokes his cheekbones. “He’ll be happy you trust him with this. We just want you to know you’re loved, Eddie.”
They go back to the car now, Eddie feeling a little better after having seen Anita and being with Tommy. Tommy drives them past their favourite ice cream place, where they both get a cone, and bring back a small tub for Christopher and Buck to share when they get home.
When they walk in the door, Buck already has dinner ready, and he’s set up the couch with a nest of blankets. Christopher is nestled beside him and looks up with delight as his dad enters the room. Eddie cries a little more as he holds Christopher, and kisses Buck, thanking him for the effort he put in, and for the food. They all snuggle up together, Eddie and Chris in the middle, with Tommy and Buck bracketing them on either side, and Eddie sighs happily as Tommy’s arms circle his waist, pulling him against his chest. They sleep really well that night, all three of them cuddled against each other. Eddie’s in the middle tonight, and Buck and Tommy hold him and kiss him and stroke his hair, while also trailing loving fingers over each other’s arms.
That day is the last time Eddie ever feels alone on the anniversary, because from then onwards, he has his boyfriends by his side, who hold him and let him grieve, and show him how much they love him. And he loves them so much too.
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omgsecretsecret · 29 days
Wdym you were drunk
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Pairing : Yang Jeongin x gn!reader ; friends to lovers
Genre : idk fluff and slightly suggestive in a way ig? a bit of angst if you squint realll hard
Word count : about 950
Warning : mention of sex while being drunk, do not read if you are sensitive to this subject ; slight sexual themes (talking about sex a little bit but no smut on this one)
Author's note : the pics on top are not mine, credits to the owners ; many bisous to @giddyfatherchris for helping me proofreading this <3
Prompts : from the list made by @quokkareactions
58. "I remember kissing you... WHY DO I REMEMBER KISSING YOU?"
49. "How drunk were you last night?" "Well, I still have my pants on, so not that drunk." "Those aren't your pants."
53. "Well, fuck me." "Already did."
Reminder : do NOT take advantage of someone who isn't sober (it is not what Jeongin does here but it's always good to say it)
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You wake up slowly, the light of the sun falling on your face dazzling you when you open your eyes. You quickly squint them as a sudden headache hits you. You hold your face and whine at the pain. Ugh. You shouldn't have drank so much last night.
You look around to see the walls of a room that isn't yours but you don't even have time to panic as you immediately recognize the dorm of your best friend and crush, Jeongin. You stay like that, cursing under your breath for not being more mindful yesterday for a few minutes before hearing a small noise coming from outside the room. You are not scared, but you finally start wondering where Jeongin is since he isn't in there and it's like he heard your thoughts as he comes in.
"Oh ! Hello sleepyhead. I heard you mumbling. You need painkillers ?" he smiles softly as he hands you the pills and a glass of water.
You simply nod and try to give him a thankful smile although you are still wincing in discomfort. He sits next to you on the bed as you swallow, putting the drink on the nightstand once you are done. He waits a little moment, giving you time for the medicine to kick in before speaking up.
"So.. what do you think of last night ? he looks at you and you notice his ears turning red while his eyes are somewhat.. hopeful ?
— Last night ? Honestly I don't think I remember much. you chuckle, a bit embarrassed, and his face falls slightly.
— Really ? Nothing ? he asks and you sense a slight tinge of disappointment in his voice but you can't get why.
— Aah yes maybe. I... I think I remember kissing you... WAIT WHY DO I REMEMBER KISSING YOU ? you look at him with wide eyes, waiting for him to explain.
— You don't... You really don't know ? he sounds sad and you can't even understand why. How drunk were you last night ? he asks a bit cautiously.
— Well I still have my pants on so not that drunk. you joke as you look at Jeongin clueless, confused and feeling somewhat bad. He just looks like a kicked puppy right now.
— Those aren't your pants, y/nie.
— WHAT ? you look at him in shock again. What the hell happened last night ?
— They're mine. he doesn't even dare to look at you, his voice low.
— What ? I think you're going to have to explain this one, Jeongin.
— I... he sighs. Yeah, you're right. he looks away before speaking. So.. last night, you... You kissed me. You looked a tad bit tipsy, but really not that much ! You started kissing me.. like.. a lot. And you told me about how you loved me... As more than a friend. I was so shocked, but I told you I liked you too and... We went in the room. I'm sorry. You kept telling me you loved me and you wanted this and I believed you. he is playing with his fingers nervously as he talks, eyes fixated on the floor.
— Wow... you let out, processing the informations. I never thought I'd... Oh gosh.. you shake your head. And I told you that like that ? Well, fuck me.
— Already did.. he mumbles and you snap your eyes back at him.
— Seriously ?
— No.. look I'm sorry I'm just nervous so I joked to try to relax. I'm scared you didn't mean it or you hate me now. he can hear his own heart pounding in his ears yet he can't get himself to look at you.
— What ? No, Innie ! It's not that. I trust you, everything is good. I just never thought I'd tell you I like you this way. you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Last night I thought drinking would be a good idea so I could maybe get the courage to confess to you. But it seems I drank a bit too much. you chuckle and you hear him sigh in relief.
— So you don't hate me ? And you really have a crush on me ? Because I really do love you. he blushes and gosh is he cute.
— Of course, Innie. Don't worry okay ? I just wish I could remember how last night was. Our first night together out of many... I hope ? you ask shyly.
— Out of so so many. he nods and gives you a soft smile before moving to settle besides you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. But first, I'd like to spend a nice and chill morning with my partner.
You smile and whisper a sweet "i'd love that" before resting your head on his shoulder, heart light and full of happiness.
◍。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。◍
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do not repost, translate or rewrite without my written authorisation
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sil3ntfr34k · 5 months
Postal 4 boyfriend Headcanons
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(Guess who found about how to do a buillted list insides of manually putting dots :D)
Mans is probably in his early 40’s and feeling every second of it.
He’s not much a romantic, but he knows how to love. Like he knows he’s supposed to give you gifts, listen to you rant, support you in anything, hug you, give affection and words of encouragement, the whole sha-bang. Is he good at it tho? Kinda,,,
You probably met him during his ‘job hunting’, when he was running around this a sign that said something along the lines of “Willing to do something strange for a bit of change”. Caught your attention IMMEDIATELY
You thought he wasn’t too bad looking, something of a roughed up silver fox. He was pretty toned for someone his age, forearms are pretty big and that’s just what you needed. You ended up taking him up on his offer and made him clean out your gutters. You just sat there and watched as he worked himself throwing out heaps of wet leaves and random junk from your gutters.
He came out obvious dirty so you gifted him $40 and a shower. It’s like heavens light shined upon him when he heard the words “You can take a shower here if you’d like?” fall from your mouth was enough for him to marry you in that moment.
Postal Dude has been raw dogging it homeless style for a couple months up to this point, so any kind of reward he came across was a fortune to him. Gladly accepting this kind gesture, he was still thrown out for the rest of the day. You both came upon an agreement that he could stay the nights on your couch, but he still had to go ‘job hunting’ during the days. Didn’t matter to him, he still accepted it. As long as he had a safe place to sleep with Champ.
Side note, you loathe Champ being around during the day since he digs holes everywhere in your front AND back yard, so you make Dude take Champ with him everyday. Dude doesn't mind since Champ is kinda like an attack dog so homie very useful when Dude's walking around
Once your relationship with Dude has reached it's peak (dating), he becomes very attentive and energetic. Where he was once tired and reclused, he's now got some energy in him and filled with affection
Dude loves to be around you and touching you. Biggest love languages are quality time and physical touch, sometimes words of affirmation if he's feeling extra sappy. He's probably been through the works of brutal relationships, so he really wants to settle down, which leads me to my next thought
Mans is getting old and creaky. Sure he's still got muscle and all, but they're honestly just for show. He couldn't hold back Champ from attacking someone he isn't supposed to even if his life depended on it. So, he's staring to wear down and just wants to find someone to relax with.
Red flag time, he's talking about marriage about 2 months into the relationship and tries to move his scrap in without you noticing, which usually fails. It's not that he's using you for your home, Dude just wants to feel like he's finally in a normal relationship. No bitchy attitudes being thrown around, no constant nagging for something stupid, no arguing over small things, no constant threats, just y’all being in love together
Eventually your gonna have to let Champ wonder the house and train him to be a guard dog rather than just an attack dog. You’re definitely the one to look up dog training classes and making Dude go with you to these said classes.
Even with how much he loves to be around you, there are still times when his mental and physical illnesses make him ill 😔 but he still tries to snap out of it
His main problems are most likely his chronic muscle pains and his auditory schizophrenia. (I think all the dudes are some sort of schizo, it’s just that p1 and p2 are the strongest showing ones)
Being older means his body is slowly deteriorating. Sure he’s not that old, but with how he lived in his golden age, he should really be dead. Constantly on the run from the government, having to stay sharp to kill, and fucking his way through Paradise and Edensin, he’s ready to just lay down and let the earth reclaim him
Having a long history of schizophrenia in the family and his own lifetime, it’s thankfully dwindled down to just hearing voices randomly. Since he can only hear these voices it doesn’t scare him as bad as it used to. All he can really hear is a distant conversation that he can’t make out the words to, it’s sort of like a mumbling between a woman and a man. Many times you’ve found him franticly wondering the house with a confused look on his face saying “I thought there was people in here?”
Overall, he’s an old man who’s been through enough and would just like to relax. Give him kisses, give him cuddles, feed him, and talk to him, and he’ll love you for eternity (so gay)
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fabled-lady-twilla · 3 months
Shiga in 99.9% of the scenes I've written for my ShigaDeku Soulmate AU fic, lmao!
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He's like… ugh I don't wanna sit through any boring PLF meetings plotting to take control of all Japan, I just wanna grab my green-haired boyfriend/reluctant hostage and run away to my room. Heh.
Anyways! Under the keep reading link below is an excerpt from a flirty, slightly spicy scene between Izu and Shiga that happens later on in my fic. It's where they're past the chaotic, angry, violent 'enemies to lovers' stage of the story and Shiga has just discovered that he can touch/manipulate what I'm calling a 'soul-cord' in my AU, which is basically a spiritual link that connects two soulmate's souls together and helps them find each other.
The idea of a soul-cord comes from the concept of the 'red string of fate' and is basically a floating metaphysical cord/thread/string (not 100% sure what I'm calling it yet) woven from strands of each soulmate partner's soul, binding their destinies together and ensuring that always meet. By default, a soul-cord wraps around each soulmate partner's pinky finger, but this can be changed.
The thing is, with the way I integrated the soulmates trope into this AU along with Quirks, only soulmate partners with Quirks can see/interact with their soul-cords. By the time the main story line comes around, Izu has lost OFA and Shiga still has his Quirk (Decay). So, only Shiga can see/mess around with their soul-cord but both of them can feel it. Which is why Izuku is like, what the actual fuck is going on right now in the scene below lmfao. 🤣
Also, do you think the name 'soul-cord' is a good name for this? Or would 'soul-thread', 'soul-string', 'soul-braid', 'soul-weave', etc. be a more fitting name for it? I wanna know your opinion!
Pretty pretty pretty please let me know what you thought of this scene and if you'd like to see any more ShigaDeku excerpts! If you'd like to be added to the tag list for the story, please like, share, comment, or send me a PM. Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
Keep reading for 900+ words of flirty, slightly horny ShigaDeku interaction below:
“Is there a problem?” Izuku said, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared up at the other man. Tomura’s attention had been honed in on him since breakfast and Izuku had finally had enough of it. "You’ve been staring at me all morning. If you’ve got something to say to me, either say it or leave me alone."
Tomura leered down at Izuku through a half-lidded gaze, crimson eyes glinting in the soft orange lights of the hallway. Paying explicitly close attention to the way their silvery blue soul-cord looped around Izuku's pale throat over and over and over again, all nice, tight, and pretty. Right where Tomura wanted it. Right where it looked the best: wrapped around Izuku’s pale, freckled neck.
Right where it belongs, Tomura thought possessively, his cock twitching in agreement in his pants. The same it had been doing all morning long, causing him to have to constantly readjust his slacks.
The longer Tomura ogled him, the more Izuku’s frown deepened, and Tomura noticed the younger man’s glare taking on a heatedness that caused the green in his eyes to darken, contrasting beautifully against the silvery blue soul-cord wrapped around his neck.
Oh, yes. Tomura could definitely get used to this sight.
"Just admiring my handiwork," Tomura finally said, offering a wolfish grin with far too many teeth.
"Handiwork? What handiwork?" Izuku asked, brow furrowing with suspicion.
Tomura's only answer was a slight quirk of his lips.
Suddenly, Tomura thought of a wonderful idea, and his grin took on such a quality of wickedness that Izuku was immediately put on guard.
It was never a good sign when Tomura smiled like that. If that manic grin was directed at someone else, it meant someone was about to harassed, maimed, or something much worse. If it was directed at Izuku, it meant Tomura was up to something no good and Izuku, willingly or not, was about to find out exactly what that ‘something’ was.
Tomura backed away from Izuku, watching as the distance between them increased the floating length of their soul-cord. Tomura grasped the slack and gently looped it around his hand multiple times until it was almost completely pulled taut.
“What are you doing?” Izuku looked at Tomura like he’d lost his mind, what with his waving his hand around in the air like a lunatic. “Looks like you’ve finally gone completely insan—"
Without warning, Tomura roughly yanked their soul-cord towards himself, like he was yanking a dog backwards on a leash. Izuku found himself being jerked forward by an unseen force, tripping over his own two feet and nearly tumbling to the floor were it not for him crashing straight into Tomura's chest.
Izuku’s eyes widened in shock. Not only from what had just occurred but from the feeling of something warm, ticklish, and wispy stroking the length of his neck as Tomura made strange hand movements in the air.
Bewildered, Izuku ran his fingers over his Adam’s apple and around the back of his neck, where the warming sensations were the strongest. He grabbed at nothing, could feel nothing, only adding to his growing confusion at what the actual hell was going on. Did Shigaraki get a new Quirk?
Tomura hummed, seemingly delighted. He made another quick hand motion, fingers circling around nothing and making to grab at something in the air before pulling it closer.
Izuku felt it again, even stronger than before. A thick, deliciously warm pressure around his neck, not quite cutting off his air supply but toying the line of doing so. He couldn’t stop the flush from entering his cheeks at their sudden, close proximity, nor the shiver that ran down his spine at the feeling of something so snug and… protective closing in around such a vital part of his body.
Izuku bit his bottom lip, chewing at worryingly.
Tomura ate up the sight of Izuku’s nervous arousal with a quiet sort of hunger. With their soul-cord still looped around his hand, Tomura softly, ever so slightly, pulled it just a bit tighter.
Izuku gasped, pretty green eyes growing to such a comically large degree that Tomura could not help but let out a mean laugh at his expense, entertained by the younger man’s reactions.
“You!” Izuku hissed accusingly, snapping out of his stupor and narrowing his eyes into angry little slits, “What the hell did you do to me!?”
Tomura grin grew so wide and predatory it nearly split his face in half. “Maybe if you’re a good boy today and don’t get into any trouble, I’ll come by your room later tonight and tell you all about it.”
At Izuku’s utterly scandalized face, Tomura smirked. He swiftly untangled their soul-cord from his hand right as Izuku forcibly pushed against his chest, propelling himself away and out of Tomura’s grasp.
Izuku grunted from the force of his back thudding against the wall of the hallway. He splayed his hands against it and quickly but cautiously inched himself along the wall away from Tomura, mouth slightly parted as he stared at the other man with an expression that was so distrustful Tomura couldn’t help but let out a huff of amusement, his canines popping out past his cracked lips.
“D-don’t you ever do that to me again!” Izuku managed to stutter out, the words coming out way less confident and threatening than he wanted them to sound.
But god, this unhinged man-child was quite literally driving him up the wall and Izuku wanted no part of anything to do with Shigaraki Tomura.
Izuku took a couple of cautious steps backwards, regarding Tomura like he would a rabid wild animal he didn’t want to turn his back to lest it pounce on him.
Tomura just stared back, crimson eyes gazing at him with an intensity that frightened Izuku more than anything else that had just transpired between them.
Izuku noped out and made a break for it.
Swiftly pivoting on his heel and rounding the corner, Izuku fast-walked down to the end of the hallway towards his room, Tomura’s raspy laughter reverberating off the walls and following him every step of the way until he slammed the door shut.
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Percy Jackson
Youre a bit of an oddball in camp. You were 15 when you were found, completely by accident. A saytr protecting another kid ran into you and that's the only reason he noticed you were a demigod.
You're,,, painfully normal, actually. Which, in a world of demigods and monsters, is in itself weird.
Being normal isn't a bad thing though. It's kept you and your parent safe, which is why they didn't put you on an immediate evac out to camp.
Sadly, your no monster streak was ruined as a frizzy red headed girl and a boy who looked like he tried to skate as a job while graffiting walls on the weekend broke into the band room you were trying to practice in
Great way to start off your highschool years, I assure you.
The redhead gives you a once over but deems you unimportant and starts trying to wedge herself between the wall and a bass drum.
The skater glanced between you and the red head before reluctantly joining her, hiding behind a bunch of bongos. They start whispering to each other, though it fails since you're pretty sure the red head's never whispered before
Your face pinches as you listen to them talk and like any normal person, you assume they're both crazy. Greek myths, what a joke.
Then, as the skater boy is about to reveal whatever big secret he's keeping, two cheerleaders step into the room. You vaguely remember them welcoming you in, although they called you a fish and stared at you funny.
Blah blah, they attack you, the skater boy– who the evil vampire ladies conveniently tell you the name of, Percy saves you both and then the school is on fire. Whoops?
Anyways, Percy brings you with him to camp, very shortly shows you around before things start getting crazy. Some centaur dude is on trial, Percy leaves for a quest and is dead for a little before he crashes his own funeral, overall a weird couple weeks.
After hiding in the Apollo cabin during the fight, handing things to the healers as they work, things seem to settle for a little.
He does come to see you to apologize for not being a very good guide and offers to show you a more detailed, and far more fun, intro to camp
That's when you start getting to know Percy more. His quirks, his skills, even his odd love of blue food.
He seems to seek you out often, answering only once that it's because you make everything so average.
You realize that with Percy's luck, everything is in extremes. When you're around though, he gets a break. If you can give him even a few minutes of peace, you don't really mind him calling you average (okay you still kinda do)
When you both inevitably start dating, no one's surprised. A few seemed disappointed they lost the apparent bet on Percy's love life, but no one was shocked considering how much Percy doted on you when you were around.
He also called you his good luck charm more than a few times, especially when you weren't around
Nico Di Angelo
You were a young mortal, emphasis on were. You had been a follower of the Chthonic Gods and with a life devoted to them, you got a bit of a cushy death.
You became a servant to Persephone, who had only needed a few extra hands temporarily and didn't care to dismiss you when things calmed down again. Obviously you don't remember much of your life but you were living a good death, so you weren't upset.
You had become an almost right-hand to her majesty, still a strong devote to her husband gave you a bit of a leg up in that regard.
And as her right-hand, she often gave you tasks she knew you could handle, you just weren't expecting to have to take care of a dandelion.
It definitely isn't one of the harder tasks she's had you do but it is more confusing. She had expressed that if one petal were to fall from it, Hades himself would send you to Tartarus, which is definitely NOT on your To Do List, so you've wisely took them to heart
You made sure to take it with you everywhere, taking care to keep the soil moist and talking to it often. You're not sure if it's helping but not a single petal has fallen yet, so you're positive that you're doing something right.
It's only after two weeks of this schedule that Persephone calls you to her room and tells you to bring the plant. Of course you listen
You're more than a little embarrassed when she turned the dandelion back into a broody teen, one who refuses to look back at you as he begins arguing with Persephone
Persephone dismisses you and the brooding boy takes that as his cue to leave with you, still avoiding your face
He thanks you for taking such good care of him and offers his name —Nico— but nothing else before he shadowtravels away
Over the next few weeks you find small trinkets from the overworld left in your room, in the spot you had left Nico's dandelion form.
After a month of this, you are walking with Persephone as she heads to her garden and are faced with 3 demigods
Your eyes meet Nico's and he seems embarrassed again before he begins arguing with Persephone again
You are ordered to help them navigate the underworld in search for Hades's newest symbol of power and Nico actually starts looking at you, talking to you, and being normal
He's quite nice and he doesn't seem to hold anything against you, which is nice. You get along a lot better when he can actually respond and after retrieving the sword, you ask Nico to drop his gifts off in person so that you can actually see him more.
It's barely a few years later when Nico leads you out of the Underworld in the midst of Thanatos being missing, apparently having already gotten Persephone's permission but oddly tight-lipped about how (he coughs up petals for a week)
As a human you begin aging again with small parts of your past coming back. Nico is delighted when you remember your name and makes sure to say it to you at least once a day in case you ever forget it again.
You follow him wherever he goes, even to Tartarus, and all of his friends are surprised when you announce your dating, only because they thought you already were
Nico has apparently been horribly obvious in his adoration of you and you're much the same
[I was supposed to write a platonic soulmate shortfic with like 10 characters and accidentally wrote this instead. Congrats, I guess. (I'm still gonna write the other one, you can't stop me)]
[L0v3, k1ng]
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
how bouttttt 49 and 56 with Lesso??? but like sub lesso......
maybe they're colleagues who tries to one up another everytime, playful banter and all then suddenly yeh the prompt idk up to youuuuu thank uuu
Hey anon! Sorry totally skipped out on the sub!Lesso thing— I had a stream of thought going and yea… But I did the prompts!! Hope you Enjoy 💞💋
Rope Uncut ~Lady Lesso xFem Teacher!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#49. “You look so good when you beg...”
#56. “Beg me. Go on…”
Warnings: NSFW, implied smut, teasing, pet names, flustering, begging, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Had enough yet, L/N…?” Lesso taunted coyly as you went back for a second helping at dinner.
“I’m keeping myself healthy, Lesso…” you quipped back, “You can’t talk with the three peas you ate tonight.”
Lesso huffed and rolled her eyes. She took up her things and left.
“Whatever, L/N…” the redhead purred, before exiting the dining hall.
You smirked as the woman left, now finally having peace to finish your meal. After dinner, you went back to your office to finish your grading. You and Lesso each had a group of the first years this year. And you had just finished all of their grading for the weekend. So you went to go find Lesso to brag about it to her.
You knocked at her office door and entered. You found the redhead, hunched over and working diligently.
“Oh Lesso…” you hummed.
At your voice, the dean looked up immediately. She smirked at the confirmation that it was you. But she didn’t put her pen or work down.
“What is it, L/N…?” She said, really stressing your last name like always.
“Guess who finished all the first years grading…?” You quipped with the biggest grin on your face.
Lesso rolled her eyes but she was also smiling. She put her pen down and clasped her hands.
“Not you…” you reminded the redhead with a coy smile, coming over to her desk and planting your hands on the edge of the desk.
“How many papers do you have left, hmmmm Lesso…?” You teased the woman, “Want my help…?”
Her eyes twinkled with fury and amusement as you stuck your face eight in front of Lesso’s. She pursed her lips and stared you down. Her eyes flickered down to your lips and back up to your gaze.
“Beg me.” She stated.
Your eyes widened in shock and your jaw dropped.
“Excuse me?” You exclaimed.
She placed her head on her clasped hands, titling her head in amusement and not holding back from staring you down.
“Beg me to let you help me.” She repeated with the evilest little smirk, “Go on, L/N…”
Your mouth went dry and you stammered. You backed away a little from the desk, stunned.
“I… please…” you stammered, your face going red.
The redhead stood up and put her hands in her pockets.
“Oh come now, L/N… You can do better than that…” Lesso teased you coyly.
This only made you even more red in the face. You fidgeted with your hands and looked to the ground. The woman’s tone had shifted completely… It made you all tingly inside…
“Please Lesso… Let me help… Want to help…” you stammered.
The woman walked around her desk and up to you.
“Look at me.” She comanded.
You immediately followed her instruction, meeting the redheads gaze. Her eyes were dark and intense. She then reached forward and grabbed your tie. She tugged it down in one fell swoop, bringing you to your knees. You looked up at the woman, speechless and on your knees.
You gulped and went red.
“P-please Lesso… Please let me help you… please…” you whimpered.
She tilted her head and smirked.
“You look so good when you beg...” Lesso wickedly cooed.
Your mouth went dry and your eyes widened.
“So… What do you actually want to help with, Y/N…?” Lesso teased.
God your name sounded sinful on her tongue…
“I… you” you whimpered.
The redhead grinned wickedly in response.
“Good.” She hummed, grabbing your chin roughly, forcing it up to her gaze and inspecting you thoroughly.
“You’re such a pretty thing…” Lesso mused aloud, “I’ll have to make sure not to break you… Because we’re going to have lots of fun together…” she hummed.
Lady Lesso Masterlist
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Red Flag Checklist
Okay witches, let's have a round table.
When you're reading or contemplating the purchase of a book on modern witchcraft or paganism, what are some red and green flags that you look for?
I'll start.
Red Flags:
Disreputable Author - If the author is either a known source of bad information or bad behavior, or one of those "house names" that certain companies use, that's a no for me.
"New Age White Witch" Syndrome - If a text has a more-than-incidental or very deliberate focus on culturally appropriative practices ("Use this exotic voodoo doll ritual to hex your ex"), outdated terminology ("black magic," that G slur we don't use, etc), antisemitic bullshit (Lilith is not a pagan goddess), or anti-science rhetoric ("Essential oils are better than pills!") And yes this means the ever-expanding list of racist dogwhistles too.
Poor Understanding or Misrepresentation of History - If someone's repeating Murrayisms or insisting things are ancient that definitely aren't (POTATO GODDESS), that says to me that either the author didn't bother to do their research or they don't know what they're talking about.
Insistence on One Correct Way - If I encounter anything resembling "this is the only TRUE way," the book's going out the window. The more so if the author is citing their personal opinions or UPGs as fact.
Insistence on Gendering Everything - If a book insists on assigning a binary gender to everything (outside of citing a historical context), or is boomboxing ~*SACRED WOMYN'S WOMB MAGYCK*~ throughout, or even if it's just overly preoccupied with fertility and childbearing as part of the "natural" life cycle, I'm immediately putting it down. (This is more of a personal one, in a way? But it's a red flag for TERFy things too.)
Lack of Sources - If there's no bibliography, no works cited, no recommended reading, or just a really flimsy list that's rife with internet links or problematic titles, that's not a good sign.
Green Flags:
Inclusive Language - If the author refers to the reader or an unidentified person as "they" or "them," that's a good sign. Double points if it's in a context that you'd normally expect to see gendered elsewhere. There's always room for gendered language when it's appropriate, but to me, it's refreshing when an author doesn't assume the reader identifies as female.
Health and Safety Warnings - If there are notes for safe handling or harvesting of potentially harmful herbs, or warnings about health hazards (i.e. keep this away from persons who are pregnant or nursing), or reminders to be careful with fire and glass and the like, this is a good sign. To me, it means the author has a practical mindset and is at least keeping real-world limitations in mind.
Lots of Sources...and GOOD Sources - If the book has a nice fat bibliography, especially if there are mundane sources as well as magical ones, and if those sources are solid? A+. Double points if there's an index or footnotes and citations throughout the text.
Lack of "Guru" Mindset - If the author encourages the reader to take what they've learned and continue to do research on their own, that's a good sign. Encouragement of critical thinking is excellent, and also the admission that there is more than one way of Doing The Magical Thing. (Hi Lee)
Good Formatting - A book should be visually appealing, but it should also be easy to read and formatted properly, in a way that makes sense. I like to see clean margins, good spacing, and clear text. Page decorations and pictures and fancy title fonts are fine, so long as they don't make the book difficult to decipher.
(Okay, your turn!)
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