#this is for the Toby girlies I’ve got you
0shewrites0 · 10 months
It was meant to be you
LITG S6 | Toby x MC | 2.4 k words | fix it/finale rewrite | @0shewrites0
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synopsis |
He had seen the look in her eyes whenever he let Amelia suck his face off. Whenever he allowed himself to put his arm around her waist and pull her against his body.
Behind the blatant disgust was something else - was it jealousy? Did she want to be held like this?
Entering the villa and not pursuing Alaina had been the hardest fucking thing he had ever had to do. But it had all been part of his plan.
Read on ao3.
Tagging @oliverslove because she’s a Toby girlie and @rebelrayne because she basically talked me into writing a whole Toby fix it fic. I’ll have to see about that but at least I got my creative juices flowing again with this little something 🫶🏼
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squarefriend · 2 years
Noelle? For the ask thing?
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Sorry This took so long!! I’ve been crazy busy with some personal projects (aka a life sized bigfoot bust)
ANYWAYS, girlie:
❄️ favorite thing about them: Perhaps how much I relate to her?? Without going too much into it, I completely get what it’s like to have a lot of high expectations and be the ‘gifted kid’ stereotype, with a relatively locally respected/known figure as a parent. It’s tough. That or her repeated Christmas motif. It’s just charming man!!
❄️ least favorite thing about them: Would it be wierd to also say the afformentioned relatability??? Sometimes when she doesn’t stand up for herself or can’t say ‘no’, I’m like GIRLY. Don’t!!! You got this girl!!! And then I proceed to remember I would do the exact same thing. (That does make the ending better tho!! Because she finally stands up and it feels real nice!!)
❄️ favorite line:
❄️ brOTP: Berdly. They’re just ALIL toxic, yes, but?? They’ve been through it together and after everything they deserve to be besties. Plus we can see at the end of the game they are getting better at communication. They strike me as the type to plan matching outfits for school and have sleepovers where they just vent to eachother in the middle of the night. Also I think Berdly would drag Noelle into playing DnD with him. He has those vibes.
❄️ OTP: Well…. Considering the title card…. Yeah, it’s Susie. Full heartedly. They’re cannon, they’re fun, and DAMN do they have some good chemistry. I want them to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance please Mr. Toby Fox I need them to kiss-
❄️ nOTP: Also Berdly. Home girls lesbian lol.
❄️ random headcannon: Kris and Noelle used to have sleepovers all the time until they were in their teens. They kinda grew apart, as implied in game, but they were good times. Noelle dyed Kris’s hair in the bathroom when they were thirteen. Kris snuck Noelle out of her house when they were eleven to go on an adventure. They’ve had good times together.
❄️ unpopular opinion: Noelle gives Susie the letterman jacket not the other way around (she ordered exteremly oversized just for that). Homegirls on cross country!!!
❄️ song i associate with them: Little Miss Perfect by Taylor Louderman
❄️favorite picture of them: That flustered face ☺️:
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
The Real Idols at VDC
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Everyone was excited for the VDC, people who work in the media gathered at the purple stage venue to get a shot of two of the most popular models in Twisted Wonderland. The blonde -haired young man known for his beautiful yet professional attitude, Vil Schoenheit, and the black-haired boy with an adorable face that was rising in the ranks, Neige Leblanche.
The VDC was a one in a million for fans of both males, they were waiting to see what they will bring to the stage. The media only focused on those two, leaving the other participants in the shadows.
But maybe that’s a good thing, this way NRC and RSA will get the shock of their lives when certain students from an academy far off in the mountains would come and steal the spotlight from both of them.
A young lady with dark blue hair, tied in side ponytail with a feathered-crown, wearing a red, blue and yellow uniform was walking to the venue for rehearsals alongside another girl with short pinkish hair, she wore a ribbon with a crown on her head and wore a teal and dark green uniform. From around them, she kept hearing people gushing about who was going to win between Neige and Vil. With a frustrated sigh she looks at the colosseum with a look of mild annoyance.
Evonie: NRC and RSA really sure do love hogging the spotlight… I can barely remember the names of the other schools competing!
But I guess that’s just the reality of media… even though our school is a pro at these contests, people didn’t even mention DCA at all…
Allison: You sure are getting pumped up for the championship, aren’t yah Ev? Chill out, it’s not like it’s any different from our usual idol concerts at campus
It was an attempt at cooling down her dark-haired companion but it just made her more determined. As a student who was known for singing and dancing, it was expected for them to be kind of miffed if the people forget their school. But in Evonie’s case, being someone who held a seat as a top idol in DCA might have been a good reason.
The two reach the venue and shows a staff their stage pass, Allison can faintly hear the music from the person currently rehearsing. Everyone backstage was busy hyping themselves up for the competition, the sight alone sparks the Evonie’s competitive spirit.
She’ll make sure that the audience will know who the stage truly belongs to. When the person’s performance ended, a staff called their school, signaling that it was their turn to go on stage. Allison follows Evonie as they go towards the open stage onto an eager crowd.
Announcer: Next performer from Diamond Crown Academy, please enter the stage
Student A: Diamond Crown Academy?... That’s the all-girls school, right?
Student B: I know that school! That school is famous for the idol competitions on and off campus!
Student C: My sister was obsessed with one of the students of that school!
Student D: How could you not know DCA? They had a joint school festival for RSA and NRC! I was there!
The crowd was filled with murmurs and eventually they reached the ears of the NRC team. The first years held confused looks while their seniors were used to the murmuring around them, as if it was normal. From the looks of it, they seem to recognize one of the girls, Vil and Rook that is. Epel piped up and asked Rook what was the fuss all about.
Rook: DCA is an all-girls academy, although not as famous as RSA and NRC, they have an excellent reputation. The one thing that they’re famous for is their idol competitions… and it looks like we will be able to witness a spectacular show
I especially can’t wait to see how princess de pommes and lapin fougueux perform~ Her gaze carries an eternal fire, beaute!
Deuce: I haven’t heard of DCA… this is my first time hearing about them
Jamil: You freshmen only know about NRC and RSA… of course you wouldn’t know about that school…
Kalim: We know someone from that school! She’s a prin-
Jamil: You’re gonna start babbling, so shut it…
Ace: Are they really that good? Seems too good to be true, no one has said anything about DCA until now
Vil: Such uncultured potatoes, you don’t understand the standards of that academy… A variety of educational fields as well as the idol training is the hot topic amongst the girls back in Pyroxene. Although we are focused on taking down RSA’s representative, don’t underestimate them either
And the reason why we haven’t heard anything is because the audience was too busy talking about the battle between NRC and RSA, but there have been mentions of DCA in magicam.
Ace: I-Is that so?...
Rook: You’ll understand once you find out for yourself!
Vil isn’t one to give empty praises, they now know that DCA is something to consider. The first years decided to look to the stage, they will see what Vil meant when the students of DCA don’t joke around when it comes to contests like the VDC.
Announcer: Representative of Diamond Crown Academy will be performing an original song… Eternally Flickering Flame, please begin rehearsal!
The music started off with a loud blast of rock followed by a gothic symphony that captured everyone’s attention, Evonie sings the first lyrics with a loud yet harmonic tune, her movements are graceful with a hint of aggression.
When it was Allison’s turn to sing, she sang with so much energy and her dance, although not as graceful, was very cheerful and all over the place that made some of the people watching tap to the rhythm.
At the two of them were synchronized in their dance and their voices, although were a contrast, created a pleasing harmony. The first years were watching with wide-eyes, no wonder Vil said that they were not to be underestimated. They thought back to their strict training during the past weeks and they wondered how hard these girls trained to be able to give this performance.
It was already hard to sing and dance, but putting magic into the mix? That’s a new level of intensity.
Epel: I… can’t look away!
Deuce: They’re casting magic?! Usually, its at the end of the performance, but here they’re using it throughout the song!
Rook: You are yet to see the main event, mon ami~
At the climax of the song, Evonie and Allison’s rings glowed red and light blue as an orb of light went up the sky and a burst of magic created an illusion of a gloomy forest with black rabbits and flying bats around a silhouette of a crescent moon.
When a chime of a clock was heard, the illusion shatters the moon and it dissolves into the scenery to turn the dark colors of the forest into a red background of crystals and gemstones with black thorns growing from the ground.
They finish the song with a pose with the illusion around them creating an outstanding finish.
The crowd didn’t expect the use of magic to create effects, but it was mesmerizing to look at, all eyes were on them, faces in awe and mouths agape. When their performance ended and the illusion faded, a loud applause fills the venue as students cheered.
TV Staff: That performance gave me goosebumps!
Audience: Seems like DCA is going all out today, huh?
I thought the other performances were good but damn, DCA goes all out!
They’d win for sure!
Neige and Vil will be performing too, but I can’t help but admire DCA’s performance!
Evonie felt proud for some of the comments she hears as her and Allison exit the stage. As soon as every participant was done with rehearsals, the two decided to head to the food booth for a light snack before the performance. Evonie was quietly assessing the choices and thinking deeply on which would be better to eat and won’t make her feel like throwing up when she performs, while Allison was chewing on a chocolate bar.
Evonie was unaware of a small presence behind her until something grabbed her hand, she was startled by the sudden touch and looked to her side only to see one of the dwarves from the rehearsals. “Toby” was what his name was, looking at her with his goofy grin and asymmetric, purple hair.
Toby: Miss Evonie! Timmy is a huge fan of yours, and so am I! The flashy magic you put on stage was super cool!”
Timmy: T-Toby! Don’t rush at her like th-that! And why’d you have to tell her that I’m a fan?! So, embarrassing!!!!
Evonie was frozen, not in fear but in restraint. The dwarves were so cute and she was tempted to pick them up and hold them close to her like a plush. But that would be rude because they’re college students and they are NOT children even if they look like one. Allison was snickering and greeted the dwarves too.
Allison: Aww, Ev, you got a fan!
Evonie: I-I… uhh!
Toby still held her hand and was looking up at her with his doe eyes, it took almost all of her self-restraint to act professional with the dwarf.
Evonie: I-it’s an honor that you like my performances, I am thankful!
Toby: I’ve seen you in that one play about the six queens too! You looked so pretty! Do you wanna come with us to see our other friends? Dominic and the others saw your work too, oh but Gran is not into idols that much…
Timmy: T-Toby! We shouldn’t impose on her and besides, w-we need to stick together! M-Miss Evonie, it was nice meeting you but we need to leave!
Timmy grabs ahold of Toby who was pouting along the way as the two scampered off into the crowd, leaving Evonie behind. Evonie takes a deep breath while Allison looks at the crowd before facing her.
Allison: I don’t see any of my fans… boohoo, quit stealing all my potential fan members!
Evonie: If you had been taking the time to actually participate in SOME venues then you might have had one…
Allison: It isn’t my fault most of the performances they want is girly!
While they were bickering, they don’t notice a grim fight against an overblotted dorm leader was taking place in the colosseum.
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Twenty Seven
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
July 6th, 1993
Emile tilted his head to the side as he read his book and he hummed in thought. “Mom?” he asked, looking up from his book to his mother, who was sitting across from him in the living room, watching some show or another on TV.
“If you’re going to ask for a puppy again, Emile, you know my answer,” she said with a smile.
“No, it’s not that. What’s a therapist?” he asked.
“It’s someone who helps people when they have mental illnesses,” his mom said. “So when some people get depressed or really anxious and they can’t stop on their own, they see a therapist, who can teach them how to feel better.”
“So...they help people?” Emile asked with a frown. “In this book the character doesn’t want to see a therapist.”
“Some people don’t like therapists, but they’re taught to help people,” his mom said.
“Oh.” Then, “Can I be a therapist? I want to help people!”
His mom smiled. “Emile, that sounds exactly like something you’d love to do.”
  April 26th, 2001
Emile was whistling as he walked into the apartment complex, tired from classes and work but relieved that the day was over and he could relax with Remy. He made his way to the stairwell, but halfway there realized that something had been left on the floor. Emile tutted. If Aubrey had gotten lazy with the garbage again...
The unidentified lump shuddered and sobbed, and Emile’s blood ran cold. He knew that voice anywhere. “Remy?!” he asked, rushing over.
Remy’s face was streaked with tears, red and blotchy. His hands were shaking as he brought them up to shield himself from Emile, flinching. His eyes looked hazy, like he wasn’t entirely in the present, and Emile’s mind immediately supplied dissociation or flashback, likely caused by an unknown trigger. Get him upstairs and safe. “Hey, Rem, it’s me. It’s Emile,” Emile said, crouching down and gently grabbing one of Remy’s hands. “It’s okay, I’m gonna get you upstairs, all right?”
“Is she gone?” Remy mumbled, looking around. “She can’t discover that I live here, Emile. She can’t know where I sleep. Where I relax. Where I love. Who I love.”
“Remy, we can talk about all that when we get you upstairs, okay?” Emile asked. “Can you stand?”
Remy successfully pushed himself into a sitting position, but the second he moved a leg to get into a position to stand up, he was shaking so violently he collapsed again. His breathing was picking up and Emile’s brain was going into overdrive again. Panic attack. Possible paranoia, or phobia. Get him upstairs, work on reassurance. “Hey, Remy, it’s okay. I can help you, okay? We’ll get upstairs and we can get you better.”
“She can’t know, Emile. She can’t know,” Remy breathed, as Emile helped him stand.
“She won’t know, Rem, let’s just get you upstairs,” Emile said, leading Remy up the stairs and into their apartment. Remy was listing to the side as Emile closed the door and Emile guided the both of them to the floor, pulling Remy on his lap. Remy was still shaking, setting off all sorts of alarms in Emile’s head.
“Is she gone?” Remy mumbled again. “Where did she go? She was...she was chasing me...”
“Who is she, Rem?” Emile asked.
Remy’s breathing picked up as he stammered out “M-M-M-Mo-o-om. M-Moth-ther. My mother.”
If Emile’s blood ran cold before, it positively turned to ice now. “Remy, can you tell me what happened?” he asked.
Remy looked around fearfully, like his mother would come crawling out of the woodwork at any moment. “She found me. I don’t know how she found me, but she found me. Came to my shift today. Ordered a coffee and waited until I was off my shift to ask me what I was doing. She found out I had dropped out from some kid with a big mouth at college. And she grabbed my arm, and refused to let go for a bit, and...and she kept talking, and I kept responding, and she said...she said she was taking me back home, Emile. She said she was going to take me back home, and I was gonna explain to Dad what I did, and they were going to figure out what to do with me, and let’s be real, they’d probably force me to join the military because if I’m not going to college and not getting a real job that way, then obviously the next logical step is to ship me off to who-knows-where and pray I don’t get blown up, because yeah, that makes total sense, especially if you kid was suicidal going to college and was finally happy when he stopped trying to impress others and just wanted to be himself!” Remy’s breath was heaving in his chest. “So I ran. I ran and ran so she wouldn’t know where I live and she couldn’t catch me. She can’t know where I live, Emile, she’s gonna ship me off and away and I’ll never see you again.”
Emile kissed the crown of Remy’s head and said, “That’s not going to happen, Rem. I didn’t see any angry women stalking around nearby shouting your name. You must have lost her at some point. You’re safe.”
“I’m never safe,” Remy whispered, starting to cry. “I’m never safe, Emile, and I’m scared. I know I shouldn’t be but I’m so, so scared.”
“Hey, you’re absolutely allowed to be scared, that’s a scary thing,” Emile said, brushing some of Remy’s sweat-slicked hair off his forehead. “Come on, I can get you in your bed and you can just lay low for a bit until you feel better, sound good?”
Remy nodded and Emile stood, and carefully picked Remy up, staggering over to Remy’s bed and laying him down, taking off his shoes. Remy was asleep in seconds. Of course, immediately after there was a harsh pounding on their front door, and a rather unpleasant voice hollered, “Remington, I know you’re in there!”
Emile twitched as Remy’s forehead creased. “Ssh, it’s okay, Rem, I’ve got this,” he murmured into Remy’s ear. He stood, closed Remy’s bedroom door, and then opened the front one with his best fake smile. “I’m sorry, ma’am, can I help you?”
“Where’s my son?” the woman asked with narrowed eyes.
“I’m sorry?” Emile asked.
“My son. Remington. Remy. Whatever he’s calling himself these days,” the woman huffed.
Emile twitched again, making sure his fake smile was still in place. “You must have the wrong apartment number, ma’am, because the only people here are me and my girlfriend, Ramona.”
Remy’s mother narrowed her eyes at him. “I know you from somewhere...” she said.
“Oh! Well, I am one of Remy’s friends from college,” Emile said brightly. “We were talking about moving in together at one point to split rent, but that was before I got with my girlfriend. He and I hang out a lot, but I don’t really know where he lives nowadays. Sorry.”
“So he did drop out of college?” Remy’s mother snarled.
“I guess so!” Emile said, pretending to look shocked. “Didn’t you know? He moved off campus because he thought it might be cheaper. He mentioned that he didn’t like going to school and he picked up a second job, so I guess he dropped out in order to make ends meet, but I don’t know, ma’am. You’d have to take that up with him.”
“I was trying to,” she hissed, “Before he ran away in the middle of our conversation! And the people in this apartment building said that he lives here!”
“Well, gee, ma’am! Remy sure does visit a lot but he doesn’t live here!” Emile laughed. “His roommate, whoever they are, doesn’t keep things clean at their place, apparently, and he never wants me to come over to his, so whenever we hang out it’s here. Ramona jokes that we might want to make the guest room his room, but he doesn’t live here, ma’am. I’m sorry if anyone mislead you.”
Remy’s mother huffed. “Whenever you see him next, tell him I expect him to call. Maybe if he behaves I’ll give him Tobias’ new phone number.”
It took all of Emile’s strength to not strangle her then and there, but he just smiled and said, “I’ll try to pass the message along, ma’am.”
She looked him up and down. “What’s your name, young man?”
“Emile, ma’am. Emile Thomas,” he said.
She snorted. “Your parents must have a sense of humor, with a girly name like that.”
Emile twitched again, and he was really starting to hate this woman more than he had ever thought it was possible to hate someone before. “Is there any reason you were asking, ma’am?”
“I was just curious. Remington never talks about his friends much when he calls,” Remy’s mother said.
“Funny, he never talks much about his family, when he hangs out with me!” Emile chirped. “Anyway, my girlfriend Ramona is sick, and I’ve been trying to make her feel better. So if you don’t mind, I’ll be going back to helping her. Best of luck finding Remy!”
He closed the door without another word and growled. He hated that woman before, but he positively loathed her now. He waited by the door until he heard the slam of the complex’s door to the stairs at the end of the hallway, and then he went back into Remy’s room to check on him. Thankfully, Remy seemed to have slept through that whole ordeal. When he walked closer to Remy, though, he realized that wasn’t the case. “I’m glad you didn’t kill her,” he mumbled, blinking blearily. “But Ramona? Really?”
“Gimme a break, I had to tell her something!” Emile defended. “And I came pretty close to having to hide a body.”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” Remy repeated, sighing into his pillows. “I want to sleep, but I can’t. Not if she knows where I live.”
“Rem, I’m pretty sure I convinced her you don’t live here, you’re safe,” Emile assured.
“You say that now,” Remy said. “But you know what’s going to happen? Provided she can get away with it, she’ll camp out in front of the complex and see if I enter or leave at any point, just so she can talk to me about my behavior, and possibly chew me out a little more for dropping out of college.”
“Well, I won’t let her get away with that,” Emile said. “If you see her car, you let me know, and I can call the cops. Because stalking you is unacceptable behavior.”
Remy made a pained noise. “She has Toby’s number. His new number, Emile.”
“Yeah,” Emile agreed. “But is knowing his number worth more than your mental health?”
“You’re gonna say no, but...but he’s my brother, Emile. I love him,” Remy said.
“And he loves you too,” Emile said. “You know what that means? He would not want you dealing with your mother shipping you off halfway around the world just to get his number.”
“How do you know that?” Remy asked, turning to face Emile and tilting his chin up in challenge.
Emile stared down Remy’s scowl. “Because I love you. And I would never want you to go into danger just so you could talk to me. You know what would happen? Provided we both made it out alive, I would chew you out for being stupid enough to endanger yourself just to get to talk to me. And I don’t doubt Toby would do the same.”
The pout Emile got in return for that meant that he knew he was right, and Remy was desperate, and lonely. Emile sat down on Remy’s bed and asked, “Do you want to cuddle for a bit?”
“No,” Remy mumbled. “It won’t make me feel better about Toby.”
“But could it make you feel better in general?” Emile pressed.
Remy shrugged. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “But I don’t really think so.”
“Well, it can’t hurt to try, right?” Emile asked.
Remy’s eyes were welling up with tears and Emile tutted. “Oh, it’s okay, Rem, c’mere.”
Without another word, Remy crawled into Emile’s lap and cried. Emile just hugged Remy tight, murmuring softly to him. That it was all right, that he was all right, that everything would work out and at the end of the day and they both would be okay, and safe, and so long as they were safe they could work on being happy another day. Emile desperately wanted Remy to feel better, but he knew that was going to take a lot of work yet. Especially if his mother insisted on bothering them both for a while longer.
Emile swayed from side to side ever-so-slightly as he could feel Remy’s tears tapering off. He knew that naps were generally not beneficial to someone’s sleep schedule, but if anyone deserved a nap today, then it was Remy. He kissed Remy’s forehead and continued to sway back and forth. “I miss him,” Remy mumbled into Emile’s chest.
“I know you do,” Emile murmured back. “But right now, your main focus should be you, and getting you better.”
Remy nodded slowly, eyes drifting shut. Carefully, Emile laid both of them down on Remy’s bed, and he cuddled Remy close. Today had shaken both of them, and they would definitely need some time to recover. But it would be okay. They would always have each others’ backs, no matter what.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Arcadia or Bust (16) Corner of Main and State
"Yeah, so mom…we made it to New Jersey, and we're all safe...but the Heartstone isn't really...impressive. So, we're bringing what we found home. See you soon!" In Which Arcadia welcomes back it's underground citizens, Jim gets used to mundane life as a Troll, and drama seeks them all out like a magnet.
Ao3 | FF.net
I’m rewatching Trollhunters, because it’s been like a year since I watched it, and the more I listen, the less the plot of Wizards makes sense to me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but there’s some lore and continuity issues. That being said, I’ll continue to write this story using Trollhunter’s lore primarily, with a sprinkle of Wizards and 3Below lore as I see fit. :)
Jim had been through a lot of trauma in his life. At least since becoming the Trollhunter. But nothing was as jarring as looking down to his chest and seeing his ribcage, muscles, and heart beating. 
They had taken the amulet from where it was nestled, and in return, left the gaping hole wide open, oozing with blood, and exposed. Could trolls get infections? Because humans certainly could, and this was just asking for infection. 
He had been lying here alone for a few hours now. It was hard to tell exactly how long in the vast passage of time while drenched in pain. 
When Colonel Kubritz appeared at his side, he wasn’t even surprised. Had he fallen asleep?
“How do you get this to work?” She bit. In her hand, she held the cleaned amulet, and it glowed, aching to be back with him. 
“You can’t. You have to be chosen by it. Even if I die, it will pick someone else. And it might not be you.” 
She slapped him for that, but it looked like it hurt her more than him, by the wince on her face. “Don’t give me that crap. Tell me how to work it!” 
“Just speak the incantation inscribed.”
“We already tried that.”
He shrugged. “That’s all it is.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Teach me to use it, and I’ll let you go home.” 
Jim sighed. It was pointless, but he may as well try. 
Claire rang the doorbell at the designated house. 
A surly man opened the door. “Yeah? What do you want? No solicitors! Unless you’re a girl scout…no, you’re too old. Are you with the tamale lady?” 
“Hello sir, I’m not here to sell anything, I actually came to ask about the car you had totaled a few days ago.”
“Are you here to hunt down that devil that flipped my baby?!” He gestured to the smashed in car in the driveway. It looked drivable, but one bump away from death. 
“Not quite...I’m actually here to fix it.” 
“Fix it? You want to fix that? My mechanic couldn’t even fix it! And you want to! What are you, 15?” 
“17, actually.” 
“I doubt you have the experience for this, little lady.” 
“Oh, I’m not a mechanic, I’m a sorceress.” 
“A what now?” 
“Sorceress, a witch! Do I have permission to fix your truck?” 
“Girlie, if you can fix my truck, I’ll owe you a huge favor.” 
“I was hoping you’d say that!” With a little skip, Claire went over to the truck and rested her hands on the hood. “Ad initium redire...” Her hands glowed purple, and pulsed against the metal, making it groan. Then it began to twist and crunch, popping out dents and welding pieces back together. 
The old man stood in shock as his beloved truck knit back together, and when she was done, it was in perfect condition. 
“How did—where did you—?!” He rounded the car, circling it like a vulture. “It’s perfect! You even took out that bump from years ago! You’re a miracle worker, girlie!” 
Claire fell on her butt on the driveway, dizzy and winded. “Glad to help.” 
“You alright?” 
“Just a little winded. I’m still getting used to using magic, especially without a staff. It’s exhausting.” 
“Well why don’t you take a seat up on the porch instead of the road? I’ll get you a beer.” 
“I’m seventeen.” 
“You’ve earned it!” 
Claire chuckled to herself and climbed to her feet. She followed the man up his steps and took a seat on the porch swing while he went inside. 
Only a minute later, he returned with beers in hand. “Here you are darlin’. Summertime ale. I’m partial to dark ale myself, but my neighbor got me this pale ale. It’s pretty good! You have a favorite?” 
Claire took a sip and tried to hide the grimace. “I don’t really get to drink very often, unless it’s a special occasion.” 
“Right right, we’ll keep it our little secret. Now then, I owe you a favor. You just saved me a whole chunk of change and a basket of anxiety. You must have something in mind since you offered?” He suddenly sat up straight. “Oh god, you don’t want my soul do you?” 
Claire snorted. “No no, you can keep your soul! Don’t know what I would do with it anyways...You know the boy that damaged your truck in the first place?” 
“I only saw a glimpse of him, that blue devil? What about him?” 
“He’s actually my boyfriend, and he’s really very sweet and usually not like this. But he was...fed something he shouldn’t have had and it made him go berserk.” 
“Crying shame.” 
“I’ll say! So the army came in and took him away! They wouldn’t listen to us at all!” 
“So what do you want me to do about it?” 
“We are going to run a campaign to get him out. Hopefully, if we get enough attention on the issue, they’ll let him go.” 
“Oh, I gotcha.” 
“So if you could just...spread the truth around town? He’s actually the one that stopped that troll invasion back at the beginning of summer.” 
The man looked surprised at that. “No kidding, that was him? Well, he’s a local hero! He’s been talked about a lot since then! Sure I’ll set the record straight! What’s this kid’s name?”
“Jim Lake Jr.” 
“Got it! Don’t worry, I’ll bring it up at the lodge, and the rotary, and the chess club...”
The phone was ringing, he had been successfully patched through. Strickler sat in his office after hours, wanting to make the call as private as possible. 
“Stricklander, I haven’t heard from you since the fall of the Janus order. What reason have you called on me?” 
“Can’t I just call an old friend to catch up?”
“You? No.”
Walt cracked a smile. “Fine. I need a favor.” 
“Changeling to changeling, or school principal to army general?” 
“The latter, actually.” 
The man on the other line laughed. “Color me intrigued.” 
“You know of the human Trollhunter, correct?”
“Just what you wrote in your dossier, a human male, 16 years old, lives in Arcadia Oaks, California, turned half-troll by the wizard Merlin. Responsible for the death of Bular and Gunmar. Quite a remarkable young soul. Is there anything else to know?”
“He’s been captured by the United States Army.”
The man let out half a chuckle. “Captured? What dumb trouble did he get into?”
“His deadbeat father left out some cocaine for the boy to find, he thought it was trash, and ate it.”
Distantly on the other line, there was laughter, a strong bark of laughter that lasted far too long. When he came back, he was calm. “How unfortunate.” 
“He’s a good kid. Why would there be a kilogram of cocaine in the trash anyways? I fail to see the humor in the situation.” 
“Of course. So, I assume, he went on a rampage following his meal, and then attracted the attention of some of us?” 
“So you haven’t heard about it?” 
“Not where I’m stationed. But give me a moment.” The line went silent, only a very distant and quiet tapping of keys on a keyboard being tapped. Then the man returned. “I’m glad you told me about this. This incident hasn’t been reported to our database. That shows evidence of misconduct. Did you get the name of the commanding officer responsible, by chance?” 
“Colonel Kubritz, I believe.” 
More typing. “Area 49-B.”
“That name was also passed around.” 
“Technically not my jurisdiction, and since she didn’t report it, I’m not supposed to know about it.”
“I’m afraid you will officially know about it soon.” 
“His friends and family, myself included, are going to put on a protest for his freedom. Drawing attention to the situation.” 
That echoing laughter was back again. 
“It wasn’t my idea, in case you were wondering.” 
“I know, you wouldn’t come up with something so bold. Regardless, go ahead in through with it. I’ll make sure whatever protest happens gets brought to my superior’s attention, and then I will take it from there.” 
“Thanks. I will owe you one.” 
“Oh come now, Walter, we Changelings that survived the Fall of the Janus order have to stick together. Besides, I heard rumors that you’re caring for my familiar?”
“He’s still in the cradle stone, and the moment. One baby at a time, for now.” 
“Then we’re even. Besides, this is the most interesting thing that’s happened in a while. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
“Your kindness is refreshing. I’m glad Gunmar didn’t eat you.” 
“Gee, thanks.” 
“We’ll be in touch then, Samuel.” 
“Of course, Walter.” 
“How goes the car repair?” Asked Merlin, as he met up with Toby and Claire in the park. 
“Ugh, exhausting. First I stopped at the mechanics, and they’re still backed up with fixing other cars. Apparently, Gunmar’s army did a number and backed them up for months. But they gave me the names of all the clients who got totaled from Jim. I had to hit the scrap yard for four of them, and I just finished another two in driveways.” 
“How many does that leave you with?”
“Seven more,” she sighed. “How goes the road work?”
“It goes. Now come along, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” He didn’t wait for them to follow as he turned and started walking away. 
Sharing a dubious look, Toby and Claire quickly caught up with him. He led them to a bookstore, where a young man was sweeping outside. 
“Hisirdoux, my faithful and loyal apprentice—“
“You're damn straight I’m loyal!” He shouted. “Where have you been? I’ve been cleaning tables for the last 900 years!” 
“Calm yourself boy, I’m here now, aren’t I? And I need your help.” 
“Finally! What is it? Just say the word!”
“I need you to go with Miss Claire Nuñez and help her restore recently smashed vehicles.”
“Or, you can repair street damage.” 
Douxie crossed his arms. “What is this? I saw what happened! There were trolls, and evidence of Morgana! And now you need my help? To clean up, several months later?”
“That is correct.” 
“Why didn’t you call for me back then?!”
“I forgot.” 
“You forgot? About me?”
“Oh come now, don’t take it personally. I was busy trying to prepare the Trollhunter to fight Gunmar. And get my magic back from Morgana.” 
Douxie seemed to become more sympathetic at that. “Morgana stole your magic?” 
“Yes, but it’s all in the past now. Everything is fine. Well, not really. Seems that the US Army has declared the Trollhunter as a menace to society. We must get the trust of the city on our side if we are to get them to trust us, and agree that his capture is unjust.” 
“Please,” said Claire. “We need all the help we can get.” 
Douxie sighed. “Alright. Afterwards, you’re training me again.” He gave Merlin a hard look. “And no amateur magic either. I’ve been doing the same drills for 900 years. I think I’m ready for more advanced work.”
“Oh, you will be. Starting with helping Miss Nuñez field her shadow magic.”
Douxie looked at her, in awe. “You’re practicing shadow magic? Truly?”
“It’s a recent development…”
“She took Morgana’s Skathe-Hrün, and wielded it without any training. Because of that she has a tether to Morgana in the Shadow realm, who has been teaching her ever so slightly. I’m not allowed to train her, but she could use the guidance of a Wizard in the physical realm. Do you understand Hisirdoux?” 
“I do, and I’ll be happy to teach her…I’m just…I’ll need a moment or two to digest the sentence you just said.” 
“Well, don’t take too long, we have a Trollhunter to rescue!” 
There was a heavy knock on the door, which was never a good thing. Especially nowadays. 
Still, Barbara went to the door. 
Standing there was Detective Scott and James Lake Sr. 
“Does this belong to you?” Asked the detective. 
“I don’t claim him, no.” 
Her almost ex-husband smiled at her, pleadingly, “Please Babs?” 
“What is he even doing out? You arrested him!”
“About that…” Detective Scott winced. “We don’t have enough to keep him on.” 
“What!” She shouted. “He confessed in front of a bunch of people!”
“Which would be helpful if we had a case for a trial. But as it stands, he doesn’t actually have any drugs on him. And we don’t have a confession on tape. So…we’re shit out of luck.” 
“Oh come on Louis, you know the cocaine came from him! Where else would Jim have gotten it from?” 
“Look, the chief’s not thrilled that we didn’t arrest the guy responsible for trashing the town, but we’re supposed to arrest someone else without evidence?” 
Barbara threw her hands up in the air. “With probable cause!” 
“That doesn’t work with drug dealers. He’s clean, Barbara. All the blood tests came back clean too.” 
The house shook slightly, and Barbara felt the floor bow behind her. “Is there a problem, officer?” Asked Draal. 
“Nothing you can help with, Draal. Thank you.” Barbara sighed. “James is not being charged.” 
“But he is a criminal, this degenerate flesh bag poisoned the Trollhunter! He should face banishment for his crimes!” 
James withered a little with the glare Draal gave him. 
“Well,” said Officer Scott. “Maybe you can keep an eye on him from now on. If you have evidence that he is dealing, like physical traces of cocaine on the premises, call us. But for now, there’s not much else we can do.” 
“This is ludicrous.”
“I know, I’m sorry Barbara. How is Jim?”
She frowned. “You haven’t heard? The army came and collected him from the hospital!”
Louis sputtered. “The army came?!”
“Where were they when Gunmar was terrorizing us?” He scoffed. “Again, sorry Barbara, I can’t help you here.” 
“It’s alright. We’ve got a plan.” 
“Love to hear it, but I’ve got to get back to the office. I’m sure Toby will tell Darci, and she’ll tell me. Good luck!” And he left James on the porch. 
“Babs, I’m sorry…” 
“Save it.” Barbara scoffed, but allowed him in the house. 
Draal never took his eyes off the man. 
“Well, you’ll be happy to know I have no more supply. And after Rudy found out what happened to my last Kilo, she’s not getting anymore for me. So…”
“I’ll have to thank Jim for keeping a kilogram of Cocaine off the streets of Arcadia. We have a fairly low rate of drug use around here, and we don’t need you to ruin people’s lives.” 
James sighed, knowing he had dodged a huge bullet by being let off the hook. He’d rather deal with his wife than with his ex-associates in jail any day. “I think I’ve still ruined people’s lives anyway.” He walked into the living room, only to halt at the signs on the table. 
Release Jim Lake Jr. 
Justice for Jim
Let Lake Go!
“Babs, what is all this?”
“That’s part of our plan to free Jim! I’m friends with the councilwoman, and she suggested that we campaign for his release. Bringing a lot of unwanted attention onto his capture will stir the government to let him go!”
James jutted out his jaw, a sign of barely concealed rage. An expression Barbara had grown very used to in the last few months. “So, you’re going to put his name—my name in the news? You’re going to broadcast what city we live in?” 
He whirled on her, grabbing her arm. “Babs, people are looking for me! Horrible, mean, and ruthless people! If you put his name out there, they’ll know where to look!” 
“All the better! Then they can come take you off my hands!” 
“You don’t understand! I owe them a lot of money, and they’ll take it anyway they can! That includes extorting you, Jim, and whoever else they connect with me!” 
Draal stepped in, removing his hand from Barbara’s arm. “This house is under my protection. If anyone dare tries to enter, they will be dealt with swiftly.”
“You don’t know what these men are capable of.” 
“I assure you, I’ve decimated armies of flesh bags in my day. These men are no different.”  
Barbara smiled. “If you’re really that scared, I hear Vermont is lovely this time of year.” 
James just narrowed his eyes, before storming out of the room.
The first rally took place from 3pm to dusk, starting from after school, and leading up to when Trolls would be able to participate. Granted, it was only a handful of people, but standing in the middle of downtown did garner a lot of attention. More than a dozen people walking past had stopped to ask about the cause. They were then given a short synopsis of the situation, as it pertained to them:
“Jim is a 16 year old student who was chosen by the trolls to be our protector. He willingly gave up his humanity to defeat Gunmar the Black, the monstrous troll that attacked the city at the beginning of the summer. Now, he looks like a troll, and was sabotaged to go into a rage and damage the city. The US army took him away without a trial! He’s a hero to the city, and deserves fair treatment!”
Reactions ranged from: 
“Oh, he stopped that thing?”
“Oh my god! He’s just a child!” 
Overwhelmingly, there was no negative feedback, at least in person. But it was only day one. 
“This daylight...is it significant?” The colonel asked, as she circled his table. 
“It’s just a name.” Jim lied. “A sword with a name is stronger than one without.” 
“Interesting. Interesting indeed. According to my notes, trolls turn to stone in daylight. Any correlation there?” 
So she already knew? Then what was the point? Was she just playing with him?
“I’m the Trollhunter, and I fight bad trolls. It would make sense to name my sword after something they’re afraid of.” 
She hummed. “And what about you?” 
“What about me?” 
“Are you afraid of daylight?” 
“Why would I be?” 
The colonel laughed. “Oh Jim Lake Jr. You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met. You are honest and forthcoming with truths that work in your favor. You freely told me of your transformation, and of your victory against a Troll tyrant. But now that I’m edging on the topic of your weakness, you clam up and give me vague answers. I can do this all day, beast. What does daylight do to you?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t do anything to me.” 
“Really? Even as a troll? That’s interesting.” 
“It’s fortunate.” 
“I would say so. Though, now you’ve got me curious. These burns on your skin…where did they come from?” She dragged her fingernail over one of the dark marks.
Jim winced. “I don’t know. I wasn’t aware in my rage state.”
“Then you won’t mind if I find out for myself?” She crooked a finger towards the shadows. Jim could hear the creak of wheels before a lamp with several fixtures was wheeled forward. 
“Oh no…”
“UV lights, all different wattages. Let’s see what works the best, hmm?”
Justice for Jim
By Nadja Chamack 
Who is Jim Lake Jr. anyway? This is a question I asked myself as I drove downtown three days ago. No doubt, you’ve seen the crowd of students and teachers holding signs on the corner of Main and State Street. It’s pretty hard to miss, quite honestly. Among the students, there’s also Councilwoman Nuñez, and resident Troll Mascot, ARRRGH! Signs range from ‘Justice for Jim’ to ‘Free our Lake’. 
But who is Jim Lake Jr.? And what happened? A precursory search on my end showed only a scant few facts. Jim is a student at Arcadia Highschool, in his Junior year. He was nominated as Spring Fling King last year, and played the part of Romeo in the school play. His criminal record seemed pretty clean too. A misdemeanor for scratching a rental scooter was all that showed up. But hey, who hasn’t done that?
So I went to the source, his family and friends campaigning for him. On Saturday, the group was downtown, campaigning all day long, so I had the chance to interview each and every person about why they were there.
Turns out, Jim Lake Jr. might be the most amazing person in Arcadia. 
From his mother, Dr. Barbara Lake, I learned that Jim is an Arcadia native, born and raised here. He enjoys cooking gourmet food, working on his vespa, and acting. 
Oh, and he’s the first human Trollhunter. 
What? You’ve never heard of a Trollhunter? Me neither. But Barbara and Blinky, another resident Troll, gave me the scoop. 
You all remember that night at the beginning of the summer that we all promised not to talk about? Well, I’m going to talk about it. In fact, I’m here to give you all the answers you’ve been craving. 
Many months before that fateful night, a new Trollhunter was chosen, after the previous one had perished. “The Trollhunter is chosen according to his mettle, by the amulet of the Trollhunter, as created by Merlin, the wizard of Arthurian legend. Jim was chosen after the fall of Kanjigar, his predecessor. Jim is the first human to be chosen, also the smallest and weakest. But, he was the first to defeat Bular, son of Gunmar!” Said his mentor, Blinky. None of this made any sense to me at first, though it was said with great enthusiasm. 
It turns out, the trolls that we’ve gotten used to seeing around town, mostly ARRRGH, are ‘good’ trolls. The bad trolls, ‘Gum-gums’ are what invaded our town and destroyed my car. The Trollhunter’s whole job is to fight off these bad trolls, and gnomes, and goblins, and everything else that goes bump in the night. And so he did. The Gum-Gums invaded from the ‘Darklands’, being led by a fearsome troll named Gunmar the Black, the Skullcrasher, the Dark Lord…he had a lot of names, and it was obviously a bad dude. Gunmar had plans to invade the whole world by blotting out the sun, a.k.a the eclipse we saw. And he would have gotten away for it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids! 
Mainly Jim Lake Jr. and his friends. 
And how does a sixteen year old defeat a couple millennia old, bloodthirsty, all powerful tyrant? With a fancy sword? Close. With some magical armor? Closer. By giving up a part of his humanity and becoming a half-human, half-troll hybrid? Now you’re getting it! Yes, to protect Arcadia, to protect us, Jim Lake Jr. allowed himself to be changed. You may have seen him around town. Blue skin, big horns...okay, I just described most of the trolls that are around here. 
“Jim works the night shift at my store,” said Stu Harding, owner of Thrifty Furnishings. “He’s a very hard worker, and always willing to do the heavy lifting that is hard for the other employees to do.” 
“Despite his appearance, Jim ultimately decided to attend school,” said Principal Walter Strickler. “After the school found out about why he had missed so many days of school, they were willing to move him onto the next grade to be with his peers. He was a good student before all this, and he fought really hard to keep his grades up regardless. We felt he should still have the opportunity to graduate. We were looking forward to having him on our football team, and in our spring production of Beauty and the Beast.” 
So what happened to Jim? And why is there such a big campaign for his freedom?
Well, the truth is that Jim is a victim of unfortunate circumstances. In more ways than one, obviously. Trolls eat our trash. That’s why Arcadia has such a small carbon footprint! (Be sure to thank ARRRGH next time you see him!) And this trait was adopted by Jim too, when he was transformed. 
“He just picked a bunch of items out of the trash. Cans, an old sock, and what looked like a VHS wrapped in duct tape,” said Jim’s best friend, Toby Dolmzalski. “It was a normal lunch for him. But right in the middle of gym class, he turned crazy town banana pants and took off! I had never seen Jim act like that! Ever!” 
After an 8 hour rage through town, Jim collapsed and was taken to the hospital for evaluation. It turns out what Jim had ingested turned out to be a kilogram of pure cocaine! 
At this time, it is unknown where the cocaine came from, or if it was planted purposefully. (Seriously, who throws away a kilogram of cocaine?)
But the damage that Jim caused was extensive enough to catch the attention of the US army, who has taken Jim into captivity from the hospital. No trial, no rights, they even took him while he was unconscious. His friends and family have not heard from him since. 
“I’m so worried,” said girlfriend, Claire Nuñez. “He was injured from the battle with Gunmar, and didn’t completely heal. In the hospital, he was covered in burns from the sun. I have no idea if they’re caring for him properly, or dissecting him like some creature. But he deserves so much better than this. He saved our town, he saved my life, and the life of my baby brother. That’s why we won’t rest until he’s home!” 
“Not bad,” said ARRRGH, long time friend of Jim. “Good troll have bad days, best trolls have worse days. Jim need some good days.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself, ARRRGH. 
Friends and family of Jim are asking everyone share #JusticeforJim on social media, hoping to get the attention of someone in charge. All the damage caused by Jim has been repaired, and there were no casualties from his attack.  
Of course, the whole ‘troll’ aspect of this story has to be a local legend. So when sharing it to social media, kindly leave that part out.   
“C-Bomb!” Mary shouted from the other end of the hall. She came running and almost crashed into Claire and Toby, holding her phone up in the air. “My twitter feed is blowing up, girl! Look at all of this!” She held the screen up so they could see. 
“Citizen abducted by the government, is this China or North Korea? Neither! It’s the US! #JusticeforJim” 
“Imagine if this was your son. So sad, and so scary! #JusticeforJim”
“This is real life, not science fiction #JusticeforJim” 
“Whoa, where did these all come from?” Asked Claire. “What did you post?” 
“Did you know Snapper Karr did a report on it!?”
“Snapper Karr? From KTTV in LA?” 
“Yes! Thankfully, he left out the whole troll thing. I’ll send you a link. In his story, Jim is just a kid that has a rare genetic disorder that makes him look different, and so the government took him away!” 
Claire winced. “This is…kind of spiraling out of control.”
“I don’t know why you’re worrying, Claire,” said Darci. “We want people talking about Jim getting abducted. It doesn’t matter if the world outside Arcadia doesn’t have all the facts. They still know he’s been taken away without a trial, and that’s all that’s important. Besides, Jim doesn’t want the whole world knowing about Trolls, right?”
She nodded. “As long as this works, I’ll be happy.” 
“And sensationalist stories like this blow up for like a week, and then they die out and are forgotten. This won’t last.” Mary waved her hand. “It should work long enough to get Jimmy Jam out though.” Then she squealed. “OMG you know what we should do?! We should totally have a welcome home party! Or-or a parade! Like they have for veterans!” 
“Mary, I don’t think—“ 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it! You’re not the only one with ties to the city!” And she hurried off, texting frantically. 
“What’s up Claire? I would have thought you’d be ecstatic the hashtag went viral.” Asked Toby. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I am happy. And I’m happy that Snapper Karr chalked the troll thing up to local legend or superstition…but I can’t help but worry that something bad is going to come out of this.” 
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. It’s just a gut feeling.” She scoffed and went to her locker. “It’s dumb, don’t worry about it.” 
No sooner had she said that, did Strickler appear. “Claire, Toby, come with me.” 
“I’ve already spoken with your teachers, now come along.” 
Claire and Toby shared a look, but followed regardless.
They were led to the parking lot, where a black van with tinted windows waited, a huge red flag, if there ever was one. 
“Umm…” said Toby. 
“Don’t worry.” Strickler assured. 
A man in an army uniform stepped out of the driver seat. “Walter, good to see you again.”
“Glad to see you as well, Samuel. And thank you for following through with your promise.” 
“As I said, this is the most interesting thing to happen in a while.” He glanced at the two teenagers in attendance. “We’re just waiting for his mother, correct?” 
“She should be here soon.”
Toby muttered to Claire, “Who’s Jorgen Von Strangle over here?”
“No idea.”
And just like that, Barbara pulled into the parking lot, haphazardly parked, and ran over to them, still in her scrubs. “I came as soon as I could! We’re going to get Jim?!” 
“What?!” Screamed Toby. “We’re rescuing him?!” 
“That is the goal,” the man answered. “I’m General Samuel Attila. I’ve been given authorization to intervene in this situation, given that this project, whatever it is, hasn’t been officially recorded. But, bear in mind, you may not like what you see. We may be bringing home Jim, or just his body. I don’t know. So if anyone is uncomfortable with that idea, I suggest you stay behind.” 
“I’m going,” Said Toby. “No matter what.” 
“Me too,” said Claire. “It’ll hurt, but I want to know what happened to him.” 
“Alright, then let’s hurry. The facility is about an hour away.” He ushered everyone into the van, which had two front seats, two benches along the walls, and a gurney in the middle. As soon as everyone was buckled, they headed out.
“Hey, if you know Mr. Strickler, does that mean you’re a…?” 
“A what, Toby?” Asked Walt, with a hint of amusement in his tone. 
“A…man of culture?”
“Yes, I am a changeling.” 
Toby exhaled. “Okay, it’s like super hard to ask that question when you don’t know who knows, you know?” 
“I owe the Trollhunter a debt of gratitude for stopping Gunmar. After he ate the entirety of the Janus order, we the few that weren’t present for his return stayed in hiding. Had Gunmar taken over the world, my death as a traitor would have been slow and painful. We were thinking about sending him a thoughtful gift basket, but I think this is more fun. I love to bully those in lower ranks. The fleshbags get a few pretty badges and think they’re invincible. I love watching them cower!” 
Toby leaned closer to Claire. “He was so nice and helpful, I was beginning to wonder if he was actually a changeling.” 
“Same! But I actually feel better knowing he’s got ulterior motives, and that they have nothing to do with us.” 
“Have you heard from Nomura lately?” Samuel asked Walter. 
“She was in Arcadia for a while. She helped with the fight with Gunmar. Right now, I believe she’s on her way back from New Jersey.” 
“New Jersey? What was she doing out there?”
“After Morgana and Gunmar destroyed the Heartstone, Jim and Blinky went in search of a new one.”
“Oh, yes. I forgot there were rumors of a source in New Jersey. Did they find it?” 
“Yep,” said Claire. “But it wasn’t very big, so we brought it back to Arcadia in a truck. The rest of the tribe is making their way back on foot.”
“Ah, that explains it.” Samuel nodded. “You’re both very lucky. Not many Changeling’s are allowed in Trollmarket.” 
“Now that Gunmar’s out of the picture, I’m sure you could visit too!” Toby exclaimed, before getting elbowed in the gut by Claire. 
“It’d be nice to see it once. I’m sad I didn’t get to see the Heartstone in its glory, but such is life.”
The rest of the ride continued in relative silence. Strickler and Samuel spoke to each other, mostly catching up. But Toby, Claire, and Barbara were far too anxious to keep up with the conversation. 
There were no windows in the back of the vehicle, so there was no way of knowing where they were. From the front, they looked to be in a weaving forest trail. 
Then there were huge cement walls in front of them. 
Samuel pulled in the front gate. 
The man at the gate didn’t look up from his computer. “You’re not authorized to be here.” 
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t recognize your vehicle, so I know you don’t have clearance.” 
Samuel sat up a little straighter, glaring at the soldier at the gate. “How about you scan my badge first, and then tell me if I have clearance, Lieutenant.” 
The soldier gave a little shrug and reached out for the badge, his eyes widening as he caught a glance at the four stars on the man’s shoulder. “Oh.” 
“No, sir. I just…I don’t need to scan your badge, you can go in.” 
“Thank you. At ease soldier.” 
Toby held back a snicker.
“And, let Colonel Kubritz know she has company.” 
“Yes sir.” 
“As you were.” 
The gate rolled open, and they pulled through. 
It seemed like Samuel’s message was received pretty quickly, because the woman that had taken Jim was waiting for them, flanked by soldiers with strange weapons. 
“Stay in the car.” He told everyone, before getting out. 
“I was not aware of any sort of inspection. You are not my commanding general, and therefore not welcome here. This facility holds highly dangerous equipment and confidential projects.”
“Stand down, Colonel. I am here on behalf of general Adele. I’m here to recover Jim Lake Jr. General Adele will be speaking to you about your discharge.” 
“What are you talking about?” She demanded. 
“You kidnapped a teenage boy from a hospital. Surely you didn’t think that wouldn’t go unnoticed? I have video evidence of you leaving the hospital with him.” 
“He’s not a normal boy—“ 
“I’d say so! His whole town is hailing him as a hero for saving them from an invasion! I thought this facility was for research on protecting Earth from invaders. And you’re punishing a boy for saving a town?” 
“He also destroyed it. Don’t give into their little campaign. Jim Lake Jr. may have done something good once, but that doesn’t stop him from being a monster.” 
“I was just in Arcadia, Colonel. There is no damage. There’s no lawsuits against Jim Lake Jr. There’s not even any pending arrests.” 
“I have video evidence of his destruction!” She barked. 
“Then let the local police handle it.” 
She growled, then commanded her men to stand down. “Fine. But if he does this again, no one will stop me from taking him.” 
“Actually,” he clarified with a smirk. “You’re being discharged. So you won’t have any means to take him again.” 
Her mouth opened in shock, as she fought to find an argument. 
But he was a general, he was above her. 
“Now, Jim Lake Jr.?” 
She grumbled something and started off towards a big central building.
Samuel was quick to beckon the others out of the car to follow him, and headed towards the same building as Kubritz. 
When Barbara reached them, she spoke, “you didn’t hurt my son, did you?” 
Kubritz didn’t even look at her. “I don’t have to share information with civilians.” 
Claire clenched her fists in anger, a black haze coming over her hands. 
But Toby simply patted her on the back to ground her. 
Colonel Kubritz led them through the research facility, ignoring their questions. 
They reached the room Jim was being held in, and she entered her code to open the door. 
Of course, Jim wasn’t the only thing in the room, being surrounded by specimens of all sorts of living creatures, but he was right in the center, with a spot light right on him. 
“Jim!” Claire shouted first as she ran to him. 
The poor boy was naked, lying on his back and strapped to the table with thick iron bonds. His wound from Morgana wasn’t the worst on him anymore, as he was covered in blackened burned spots. The spot that had the amulet was now just a hole in his chest, that went right down to the ribs. Claire could see his heart beating, and his lungs moving, thank god. 
“Jim...” she cried, seeing the carnage. 
“What did you do to him?!” Toby shouted at the Colonel, but she didn’t respond. 
“Honey? Jim? Can you hear me?” Barbara asked, as she assessed the damage. 
His eyes opened ever so slightly. “Mom? Is that you? Are you...really here?” 
“Yeah kiddo,” she wiped some tears from her eyes. “It’s me, I’m here. Toby, Claire, and Walt are here too. We’re going to take you home.” 
His smile was just a hint, and he stated, “I’m tired.” 
“I’m sure you are. We’re going to get you fixed up!” She turned to the Colonel. “Get me a gurney or a wheelchair!” 
She scoffed. “I don’t take orders from civilians.” 
Samuel interceded. “Then get me a soldier who isn’t completely incompetent! If you’re going to continue to endanger the life of this young man, then I suggest you get out of my sight before I endanger yours.” 
The Colonel didn’t waver, though a tremor went down her spine. “Lieutenant!” She called. 
A man hurried into the room, standing at attention.
Kubritz just gave a roll of the eyes. “Follow whatever order the general gives you.” 
“No, I’m done.” With one last glare to Samuel, she added, “I'll be sending my evidence to General Adele, then we’ll see who’s the one putting the nation in danger.” 
“Go ahead, I’ve already given my report.”
She growled at him, turned and left without another word. 
The lieutenant just stood at attention in front of Samuel instead. “Orders sir?”
“Get someone to fetch the gurney from the back of our van, and send for the medic! And get someone to get these shackles off this kid!” 
“Sir yes sir!” 
Meanwhile, Claire stood right by Jim’s side, holding his hand, brushing the bangs away from his face and combing his hair with her fingers. He had a pretty strong fever. 
“You’re going to be alright Jim. We’re going to take good care of you.” 
“I’m…cold…” He breathed. 
Barbara found some vinyl gloves nearby and got to work examining her boy. “I don’t know about the Troll half, but this tissue looks alright. I don’t see any infection yet, or any tissue death. Of course, we need to get this covered immediately.” 
“Where’s the amulet?” Asked Walt. “That’s what’s missing.” 
“The amulet!” Barbara addressed Samuel. “His amulet, we have to find it!” 
He nodded, “we can’t let these psychos have it. They have no idea what magic it possesses, even without being the chosen wielder.” 
Only a beat passed before the army medic came with the gurney, and another soldier came with a crowbar to undo the shackles. 
“Lieutenant, we’re looking for an amulet that came with Jim. It’s what’s missing from his chest.” 
The Lieutenant blanched. “I don’t know anything about it…I can ask the Colonel?”
“She won’t tell.” 
The shackles fell free from Jim’s limbs, but he didn’t seem to register it. 
“Alright,” said Barbara, “Let’s move him onto the gurney. We can worry about the amulet later.” It took everyone to lift him and carefully slide him over. Then, he was covered up to his stomach with a blanket. 
“You’re going home, Jim. Mi amor, you’re safe now.” Claire whispered, kissing his forehead. 
“Hmm…” Jim weakly groaned. “…for the…glory…” But before he could finish, he fell back into sleep.
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jackdrawsgames · 4 years
An introduction to all my characters!
since I’ve been doing more drawing requests I’ve decided to make a master post with all of my characters and their respective group/universe names!
you can also feel free to ask these characters questions as I’m always happy to have a little rp!
however if you would like to ask any of the characters from the TIphy universe questions, please direct them to @tiphysjournal​
thanks! - J
the main universe is where most of my characters are! they include:
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Colt: the older of the twins by only a minute, he and Pollux are both half fae on their mom’s side. their father’s an asshole scientist who murdered their mother a few years after they were born because she was trying to find a way to escape from their father with the twins. Colt is very logical and often finds it hard to understand emotions, both his and others. he tried his best to provide for his family (all characters of @daddypatton​ ) but isn’t always great at listening instead of giving advice. he’s very good at technology and computers, and used to work for his dad entering data. he now works for an independent company making video games.
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Pollux: the younger of the twins, he got the worst of his father’s “love” and the most of his mother’s features, including her freckles and ears. although not obvious anymore because his father surgically removed the tips in one of his experiments. Pollux is a proud transgender man and was kicked out of his father’s house at around 10 for coming out. he hid from his father for 8 years until being found by Virgil (again, Tobi’s aka @daddypatton​‘s character) and being brought to like with Virgil’s friend Envy. Pollux is more or less spoiled in Envy’s home and loves Pastel fashion (this is a trend in my characters lol). Pollux is still finding himself and his hobbies, as he didn’t have the ability to explore as a kid.
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I didn’t think Saulo needed his own category, as he is still part of the main universe, but all the rps with him and G are separate so he gets a little offshoot lol
Saulo (and his friends that you can see in the image) is a circus performer specifically in aerials. he uses his flame fae ancestry to perform feats of daring without actually being any more daring than any other aerialist. he uses his flame immunity in his acts to set fire to trapeze, arrows, and to swallow fire. however, after meeting G and falling in love, he makes the mistake of being a bit too obvious, and the circus finds out. With their no dating outside the circus policy due to previous performers running away with their loves in the middle of a season. he is told to finish the season and then leave. he now lives with G and they plan to open their own circus to host permanently in the city. in the meantime Saulo works training Dancers at Envy’s club while G works as a bartender.
the poly universe only has one of my characters so far!
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Clem is a photographer who after being bullied all his life for liking “girly” things moves to the big city to find others like him. in the Process he meets Absinthe and Tony, and falls in love with them both. Clem likes fairy kei and decora fashion, and of course photography. he hosts an instagram account (not real, sorry!) where he takes street snaps of people in japanese street fashion where he lives. he’s very bubbly but can be shy around new people. he tries not to let his anxiety get to him, but of course everyone has their bad days
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Nettle may not be the most elegant Witch, but they’re trying their best! They live in a secluded town with other witches that is hidden away from non magical eyes, and they themselves live in the forest outside of town. they don’t have a familiar yet, but are still looking so their powers can be finalized and they can do more complex magic. Nettle loves gardening and helping those in need, they are very cheerful and good at potions and tarot reading!
TatMJ Universe!
this in the universe for my comic, Tiphy and the Magic Journal! 
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Tiphy: Tiphy is a seemingly ordinary girl, she likes most creative arts but mostly drawing and sewing. One day she finds a magic Journal, and her world turns upside down! Tiphy is a very curious character and often gets distracted on walks, causing her to get lost. she does her best to find her way back though!
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Stephanie: Steph is Tiphy’s best friend and is often the more level headed of the two, she loves fashion and photography and is very good at studying. she has a lot of siblings and does her best to help around the house.
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Vivian: Vivian is the guardian of the Journal and has been since it’s creation. They worked very closely with Alwin McCalmont in creating the journal and can often be a bit too protective of it, however they also love naps, and can often sleep for a very long time if not woken up by a Witch. They can come off as rude at times but really they just want what’s best for the Journal, and it’s current master.
here’s all the character’s who don’t really have a universe of their own!
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Teacup: Teacup is my Goblin oc! they’re super bubbly and curious and will pick most things up if left unattended. they have been known to accidentally take someone’s picnic and they absolutely drink tea out of the tea cup on their head.
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Marcie is also a goblin! she loves metallic things and especially working clocks, although she has collected many non working ones as well. she can be very shy but will absolutely love you if you give her anything metallic and shiny.
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LuLu: Space girl now dubbed Lulu or Lujanne, is an astronaut! she doesn’t have much of a story yet or a personality, but I would love to hear from you guys with ideas!
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Wigging Out.
Australian director Shannon Murphy on her artful debut, the screaming intensity of Australia’s bird-life, and the genius of Jim Henson.
Like a rush of blood to the head, Shannon Murphy’s Babyteeth is a coming-of-age film that takes hold of your heart and refuses to let go. The Australian filmmaker makes her directorial debut here, from a script by Rita Kalnejais (based on her own play of the same name). It’s at once familiar and unbelievably fresh: loveable, immediately recognizable characters in situations so conflicting, painful and euphoric that it’s very hard for your heart to not break when theirs do.
We follow Milla (Eliza Scanlen, Little Women), a fifteen-year-old who is navigating her first love. The object of her affection is Moses (Toby Wallace), a low-level drug dealer and sofa-surfing addict, who is a few years older. Milla has cancer, which makes her adoration of Moses seem all the more threatening to her parents, the type of passionate-yet-complicated couple that Australian films excel at depicting. The parents are played by Essie Davis (The Babadook, The True History of the Kelly Gang, Miss Fisher) and Ben Mendelsohn (Captain Marvel, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the lovely Aussie comedy Cosi). There’s also a pregnant neighbor (Emily Barclay) with a wayward dog, a lot of pill-popping, many wigs, and the intertwining of love, fear and stress that comes with a family illness.
With a background in theater and television directing in Australia, Murphy’s eye is so strong that she was flown to London to direct episodes of Killing Eve off the back of Babyteeth’s 2019 Venice International Film Festival premiere. (She was one of two women, alongside Haifaa al-Mansour with The Perfect Candidate, to be selected in Competition at Venice—the film went on to London, AFI Fest, Rotterdam and others).
Babyteeth has captured the minds of countless viewers, entranced by the singular world being offered. Writing on Letterboxd, Isaac Feldberg calls the film “deliriously, jaggedly alive, so full of broken and beautiful people struggling not to break each other in the midst of their own existential crumblings”. This sense of all-or-nothing was also felt by Emre Eminoglu, who points to the way “it whispers to your eyes and touches your heart with words that it puts on screen”. And Savina Petkova remembers its first screening and has just one request: “Please let me live in the alternative universe where this won Golden Lion instead of [Joker] please.”
Chatting about devastation, drugs and the punk ambitions of fashion when you’re a teenage girl, Shannon Murphy speaks to our London correspondent Ella Kemp.
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How did you first come across Rita’s play? Shannon Murphy: I didn’t actually see the play, which is crazy because my theater career started in the theater that it was on at, but I missed it somehow. When I came on to Babyteeth, the screenplay was already ready to go. I went back and read the play just before we started pre-production, and the thing I really loved in the play—not actually in the production but on the page—was the title chapters, and the through line of these whispers written in, of what the dead said to Milla.
What did you feel when you first read Milla’s story? I was really distraught at the end, but not for the reasons you might think. It was more because I couldn’t handle the idea that I couldn’t spend any more time with these characters. It just devastated me that my time with them was over, like with a really amazing novel, you just don’t want your connection with them to end. I thought that was a really great sign. I’d been looking for a first feature for some time, but I knew it had to truly represent my tone, and the kind of artist I wanted to show the world I was. It’s a really difficult thing to do when you’re not a writer yourself.
I felt so distraught when the film ended, and it does just give you the urge to rewatch immediately—it makes you wish it was longer. That’s so great to hear, I’ve had a few people say that they rewatched it more than once and it’s so exciting to me. That is the aim, that you make something that is worth watching again, because you know you’ll get even more out of it the more you watch it—it’s somehow gotten into your bones.
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Shannon Murphy with Ben Mendelsohn on the set of ‘Babyteeth’.
One of your actors, Ben Mendelsohn, said Babyteeth is both “delightfully bent” and “beautifully Australian”. What do these terms mean to you? The offset humor is what I’d say he’s talking about, and also the idea to really push through the pain. Australians are really great at saying, “You’ll be alright, chin up.” There’s quite an optimism in our culture. In many ways I really focused on the sound design being really Australian. We shot in February, which is summer, so it was really hot, the cicadas were going crazy, and the birds—our birds sound like people screaming, they’re really intense. It brought such an Australian essence to it.
Could you recommend any Australian filmmakers or specific titles for Letterboxd members? Shirley Barrett’s Love Serenade is amazing. The Last Days of Chez Nous by Gillian Armstrong. And of course Sweetie by Jane Campion is a brilliant piece. I also love Samson and Delilah by Warwick Thornton. [See Shannon’s other Australian film recommendations.]
Moses is such an untraditional love interest, yet so charming. How did you build that character from Rita’s writing, and work with Toby to bring such a physicality to life? It was so important to me with all the characters that you didn’t judge them, despite the behaviors they’re showing because they’re under stress. With Moses it was really important that it wasn’t just about the drug abuse, that it was really about understanding the behavior behind that and why that’s happening. We worked closely with a friend of mine who is a drug and alcohol specialist, and he was always saying, “Don’t talk about the drugs, it’s not what is actually behind this.” We did detail his poly-substance abuse and what he was taking, so that at least Toby and I knew as we were charting the journey.
Toby, in his audition, was just so generous to all the other Millas in the room. Not once was he really thinking about himself, although the stakes were really high and I knew he really wanted the role. I love that, because to me Moses is a really generous person to Milla. I knew I’d have to transform him physically quite a lot, because he’s a very good-looking guy, and we also wanted to break Moses down a lot. With his skin we did that, with his tattoos, and each of his tattoos has a lot of meaning for Moses. Toby and our make-up artist Angela Conti crafted that together. And he’s a very physical performer, very in his body. Who else can pull off shorts like that, quite frankly? I just loved that about him. He’s fearless.
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“Who else can pull off shorts like that?”—Toby Wallace with Eliza Scanlan in a scene from ‘Babyteeth’.
Toby gives such an amazing performance. I hadn’t seen him in anything before but a friend said she’d seen him in a Netflix show recently in which he was so despicable, whereas he’s totally transformed here. He’s really my kind of actor because you can throw anything at him and he’s up for it. He’s got an incredible range. And the same with Eliza, they can shapeshift so easily. They’re two very intelligent people, they’re able to get out of their heads and into their bodies quite easily.
I have to ask more about Eliza. How did you create Milla with her, physically, specifically in terms of her clothes, her style—I have the image of the blue wig in my mind. How did aesthetics feed into Milla’s psychology? You know what’s so funny? Everyone calls it the blue wig, but it’s totally green. I don’t know what happened in the [color] grade there, but everyone calls it the blue wig. Even Eliza in an interview the other day said the blue wig, and it was totally green! Anyway, hilarious. Everyone is calling it the blue wig so we can stick with that.
At that age, you are constantly reinventing yourself. Particularly when you meet someone you’re falling in love with, you’re like, who am I going to be to this person? Because this person is also changing who I am and how I see the world. And also she’s completely being a punk, and she’s pushing against her parents, pushing against the world. With her outfits, we spent a lot of time talking about that with my amazing costume designer Amelia Gebler. She’s so bold. We were like, at that age, you just don’t give a shit. You’re trying out different things. Also, the new generation is experimenting with fashion in a way that I think is really impressive. So we wanted to make sure that it felt timeless, and so we did the big pattern clashes for the night out, and also she’s wearing that great unicorn T-shirt, it’s so childlike, but also a bit punk-y when she’s in her home. But then she transitions from the more feminine, girly colors to lilac, which is Moses’ color for the night out. We loved the idea of them both being in the same color for that night.
And then the different wigs, we called the blonde one the Amy Winehouse wig. We would call it “wig-gate” on set, because you always had to make sure you had the right wig on during the transformations. We talked about how initially she has that cancer wig, which is the long blonde one, which is a real cancer wig from a company that makes them specifically for that. Then we moved to Amy Winehouse for the night out, and then we’d go to the blue wig. It always felt like we were doing it at points when she was really shifting emotionally, and playing different versions of herself in many ways.
What was the first film that made you want to be a filmmaker? Is it okay if it’s not a film? I was quite obsessed with Jim Henson’s television series The Storyteller. It was such a dark fable that I watched at such a young age. I remember John Hurt being the narrator, I would just get so sucked into these stories. Even still today I can remember so many of them so vividly. They were really creative. Jim Henson was someone who was so out of the box, really pushing our imagination in ways that have stayed with so many of us.
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werewolfdays · 4 years
I thought I lost you kisses with Nadya and Jade
Did you mean some hurt and comfort with a side of I thought I lost you kisses...? Cause that’s what I ended up writing. -
A popping noise sounded, followed by a sharp, pained yelp that cut through the air, making me snap my head in the direction that it came from. My breath caught in my throat when I saw the hunter closest to Jayde’s wolf form lower his rifle, that he had obviously just fired at her, and slammed the butt of it into her head. The white wolf fell to the ground unmoving, which was already a terrifying sight on its own, but then the hunter abandoned his strange looking rifle to unsheathe a silver knife from his belt. I was already running to them as he knelt down and raised his blade to finish her off. 
I’ve already killed for Jayde once before and wasn’t eager to do so again, but if he gave me no other choice, I knew I couldn’t hesitate. “Stop!” I shouted once I was in front of them, summoning as much power into my voice as possible and raising my gun. I fired it once above his head as a warning and that thankfully got him to freeze. “Get away from her!” 
The hunter fixed me with a patronizing stare similar to the first hunter I shot, and he shook his head at me, “Do you know what you’re doing with that thing?”
“Drop the knife and go.” I told him firmly, adjusting my aim down to his chest, “You don’t have to die today, I just want you to leave her alone.” 
“That’s not how this works, girlie.” he replied with a sickening smile, “See, I’m the dog catcher and this is the problem mutt. I promise to be humane, if that’ll make you feel better.” Then he glanced down at Jayde and raised his eyebrows, “She might be on her way out anyway.” 
I tried to ignore his words and the fact that I haven’t seen Jayde move at all since she fell. She’s only unconscious. I thought to myself. Nothing you won’t be able to fix. “I’m not going to tell you again. Go away.”  
I saw a black shape slowly moving behind our enemy while he laughed at me. Toby. His black wolf form was stalking the hunter, looking for the right moment to pounce. I just needed to keep him distracted.
“I’ve killed one of you people before.” I said threateningly. “I know what it’s like to pull the trigger. You really think I won't do it again?” 
Just a few more feet and Toby will be in the perfect position. 
“I can see in your eyes that you’re not a killer.” the hunter sounded so sure of himself, “You aren’t even a fighter.” 
“Drop the knife.” I commanded slowly. 
Toby was so close.
“Drop the gun.” he countered.
I made eye contact with Toby and then met the hunter’s gaze once more, “Okay,” I lowered my arms. 
Just as the hunter smiled triumphantly and started to bring his knife down on Jayde, Toby shot forward and clamped his jaws down on the back of his neck, yanking him back and away from me and Jayde. I immediately rushed to her still form, trying not to listen to the sounds of the dying man while Toby tore into him. 
The first thing I noticed on Jayde’s body was something sticking out of her shoulder. It looked like a dart of some kind and when I pulled it out, I realized it was a syringe that had clearly injected her with an unknown substance. Hopefully just a sedative and not a poison. Though the hunter’s comment made me fear the latter. There weren’t any other injuries on her that I could see besides a gash under her eye where she had been hit with the rifle, so I tried to check her pulse, but her fur was too thick for me to find it. 
I bent down and set my ear to her chest, her fur tickling my face, and listened as intently as I could, though the frantic beating of my own heart made it difficult. What if it was a poison? What if she was already gone? No, I won’t accept that. I shut my eyes tightly and forced myself to focus, her life could depend on me right now. A faint, but unmistakable thump echoed in her chest, causing me to sigh in relief. But that only confirmed that she was still alive, there could be an even bigger issue with whatever was running through her veins right now. 
“Jay,” I urged after I sat back up and gently shook her, trying my best to rouse her. There was no response. “Jay, can you hear me? I need you to wake up.” I shook her again. Still nothing. Not even a twitch. 
My drumming heart started to carry panic throughout my body. I barely noticed that Skye had arrived and picked up the empty syringe dart from the ground where I threw it aside. She sniffed it and balked in disgust, dropping it like it had burned her. “Fucking shit.” she cursed under her breath. 
“What is it?” I asked, terrified of the answer, but hoping that it was something within my abilities to remedy, “Why isn’t she waking up?”
“It’s that liquid silver shit I told you about.” She answered bitterly and crushed the dart under her shoe. Toby came over and sniffed the remains of it on the ground, snorting and shaking his muzzle in disgust, reaffirming what Skye said. “Guess they’re distributing it to hunters now.”  
I recalled what she was referring to. Skye once mentioned that one of the weapons that was tested on Jayde during her captivity was a liquid concoction that had silver in it. The intention was to find the right amount to incapacitate a werewolf, but too much of it was fatal and may have even been what killed their mother. My anxiety skyrocketed with this revelation. If the dose was too high, Jayde won’t survive.  
My hands grabbed fistfuls of Jayde’s white fur, silently willing her to have the strength to get through this, “Is there anything- anything at all that can counteract the effects of silver?” 
Skye stared at her older sister with a mixture of fear and sorrow and shook her head, “No.” 
“Then we just have to wait?” I asked incredulously. “Wait for it to pass or wait for her to...” the unbearably cold shiver that went up my spine stopped me from finishing the sentence.  
“Nadya, I don’t know.” Skye said hopelessly, “I think that’s all we can do.” 
I groaned in frustration, feeling nausea creep up on me at the prospect. I wasn’t used to this, being unable to do anything while someone I love suffers. Feeling useless. It made me want to scream. “We have to get her out of here. Somewhere safe.” 
Skye, and Toby after he shifted back, helped get Jayde in the backseat of the car. Her massive wolf form was almost too big to fit in the back with me, even with her head in my lap. I kept checking if she was breathing and if her heart was still beating every few minutes because it was so faint that I was terrified of her going in my arms any second. My hand constantly brushed through her fur soothingly, hoping that she would just wake up and reassure me. I didn’t know how I could endure losing her again. Maybe I’ve already lost her…
“I need you to fight this, Jay.” I said to her quietly, “Just stay with me.” 
It took some skill, but we managed to sneak Jayde into the motel room we rented for the night unseen. Someone spotting us moving a big white wolf inside of a room would’ve raised some unwanted attention, even in the seedy part of town we were in. 
Hours passed and Jayde was still unconscious in her wolf form. I thought maybe she would shift back in her sleep, she’s done that sometimes, but it was like she wasn’t even there at all. The only movement I’ve seen was her chest rising and falling in slow breaths. 
I watched her lying on the bed carefully, pacing back and forth while Toby and Skye took turns getting rest and keeping watch. I suppose it would be more accurate to say that they were watching Jayde with the same level of anxiety that I was rather than actually getting any sleep. None of us knew if she would pull through. 
At around two in the morning, when I was sitting in a chair by the bed and fighting my own exhaustion, I noticed her body jerk. I sat up, suddenly wide awake and waited in case I imagined it. Another jolt went through her, drawing Toby’s attention away from the window. Skye hadn’t noticed yet, she had slumped in the lounge chair across the room, staring up at the ceiling and lost in thought. 
“Jayde?” I asked softly while standing up, wanting nothing more than to see her head perk up at me. 
I went to reach for her, but then Toby yelled, “Nadya!” and pulled me back just as Jayde snarled and turned into a writhing white blur. 
One moment she was on the bed and the next she had flung herself off of it, crashing into the nightstand and smashing it to pieces like it was nothing. Skye was next to us in a second flat, using her body to shield me just like Toby was, blocking most of my view of Jayde. All I could make out was a glimpse of heaving white fur from her labored breaths and then another slamming sound. I guessed she had thrown herself against the wall in the far corner of the motel room. 
“Jayde, you gotta relax.” Skye said carefully, but the wolf only started to growl furiously. 
I was still struggling with what exactly was happening, but then realized that Jayde was probably disoriented and in incredible pain. Maybe this even pushed her into an episode, making her relive the trauma she’s suffered. It made tears start to well in my eyes, both in frustration and heartbreak. What could I do to make this better? Was there anything I could do?
“Jayde, it’s us.” Toby chimed in carefully, still keeping me behind him. I understood that Jayde was being unpredictable and they just wanted to keep me safe, but I didn’t think she would hurt me. “We’re all here, we’re safe. You’re safe.” 
Jayde’s growls were still ferocious and warned everyone in the room to stay back. 
“Nadya’s here too, Jayde. She’s fine.” the growls quieted a fraction at my name and Skye motioned for me behind her back while keeping her gaze glued to the terrifying wolf, “Nadya, call to her.” 
“Jay?” I peeked my head out from behind Toby’s shoulder and Jayde’s golden eyes immediately landed on me. She was still growling and panting hard, looking like a cornered wild animal, but she clearly hesitated at the sight of me. That gave me enough courage to step out from behind Toby and Skye. “Jay, it’s me.” 
I kept my steps towards her slow and cautious, watching closely for any signs of an attack. Jayde remained where she was, watching me as intently as I was watching her, and I was encouraged when she stopped baring her fangs at me. Another inch closer and her growls began to dissipate. I started to breathe a little easier. She knew it was me. 
There was a bit of blood staining her white fur, probably from splintering the nightstand, and I also noted the large dent in the wall from her ramming into it. Hopefully nothing was broken. I knelt down before her and carefully extended my hand. It felt like the whole room held its breath. Maybe I had gotten this all wrong and she couldn’t see me. It would only take her believing I was a threat for one second to prompt an attack. 
“I’m right here,” I cooed, holding out my hand for her to inspect, “It’s me, Jayde.”
The white wolf had stopped growling all together now, but her breathing hadn’t slowed and her body visibly trembled. Still, she leaned forward and sniffed my hand. My scent must have finally confirmed who I was, because her ears flattened and her head bowed, exhaling a low whine of regret and pain. I released the breath I had been holding too and moved forward to wrap my arms around her, holding her and running a hand up and down her back to comfort her. 
“You’re gonna be okay, I’m here.” I promised and placed a kiss to the top of her head. She almost went limp in my arms, huffing and whimpering quietly. “You think you can get back on the bed?”
Once we helped her back into bed, I was surprised to see that she was actually shifting back. Looking at her in her human form didn’t reassure me that she was getting better. Her skin was pale and damp with sweat, making her hair stick to her gaunt face. I also noticed something peculiar besides the shallow scrapes and cuts from the nightstand. I quickly found my glasses to get a closer look. 
There was a discolored dot on the back of her shoulder where the dart had been stuck in her and dozens of thin tracks leading from it along her skin that looked like darkened veins. They spiderwebbed down her back and up her neck and I realized this is what the silver is doing to her. It must’ve felt like she was burning from the inside out. She was shivering almost violently, gripping the blankets and sheets in an iron fist. 
“Are you cold?” I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She nodded even though her skin was practically on fire. I wrapped her up in the covers and asked Skye or Toby to get some water before turning back to Jayde, “Do you know how long this will last?”
“Too fucking long.” she answered with a voice that shook as much as her body did. 
She was unfortunately right about that. It took hours of Jayde writhing in pain in the bed and me being completely powerless to stop it. It got so bad that my fear of losing her resurfaced. As a result, I was constantly checking in with her or reassuring her that she would be okay if she just hung tight and waited for the pain to pass. Surely this will pass?
Eventually Jayde fell into some kind of tortured sleep. The others resumed their routine watch, also keeping a close eye on her for any sign of improvement. I was completely spent and decided it couldn’t hurt to rest my head beside her on the bed and close my eyes for a few minutes.
I woke up to the sensation of someone running their hands through my hair and sunlight illuminating the entire room. There was no way to tell exactly how long I was out for, but the light told me it had to be around afternoon. My whole body was stiff thanks to my sleeping position and all the stress that knotted my muscles. I groaned and twisted my head to look for who was touching me. I remembered what happened as soon as I laid eyes on Jayde and suddenly sprung up in my seat. 
She was sitting up in bed, looking a lot better, albeit exhausted from everything she went through. She even had clothes on now and I could see under her open collar that the discolored veins on her neck were almost completely faded away. I was so consumed by relief and the weary smile she gave me, that I didn’t think twice about pitching forward and wrapping Jayde in a fierce hug. 
Despite still being weak, she eagerly returned the embrace, wrapping her arms around me in a silent plea to never let go. I had no desire to, burying my face in her neck to plant my lips on her recovering flesh and feel her warmth, which was now seemingly at its normal temperature instead of the boiling hot that it was at only hours earlier. 
Jayde simply pulled me into her lap so that there wasn’t any distance between us and I appreciated every bit of contact just a little more after being so scared that she was going to leave me again. 
“Are you okay?” I asked, my voice shaky and muffled against her skin. 
She nodded, “I’m gonna be, yeah.” 
I leaned back to cup her face and study her. Jayde looked like she had been through hell, but there was already a major improvement. Some color had returned to her cheeks and the gash under her eye from the rifle had already sealed up and bruised. The fact that she was smiling at me reassured me of her words as well. 
I couldn’t resist pressing my lips against hers in a desperate passion. The intensity that she returned my kiss with revived the warmth in my heart and banished my fears. Knowing that I came far too close to never feeling this again made me kiss her harder and deeper, until there wasn’t any composure to it at all. Only a need to feel her as fiercely as possible and remind myself that I hadn’t lost her. I ran my fingers through her hair, leaning into her more when her arms wrapped around my waist and her fingers brushed the skin just under my shirt, committing all of these sensations to memory. 
“I thought I was going to lose you again.” I mumbled against her mouth in between kisses, “There was nothing I could do, but watch you go through that and wonder if I was going to have to watch you die.”
Jayde shook her head, bringing a hand up to caress my cheek and trace my bottom lip with her thumb, “I’m okay,” she promised, kissing me again, delicately this time, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
I matched her soft and gentle cadence, letting her words comfort me. “I won’t lose you like that. Not ever again.” 
“You won’t.” Jayde agreed. 
“I love you, Jay.” I said, feeling increasingly breathless with every movement of her lips, “I love you so much.” 
She released a small gasp before replying with a distracted, “I love you too...” like she was in a flustered trance. 
Just then the door to the room opened and I heard a surprised squeak from Skye, who promptly pulled the door shut again, “Well, I’m glad Jayde’s feeling better, but did you guys have to mentally scar me?” she called through the door.
I felt embarrassed for having completely forgot that Skye and Toby were with us. I suppose I just got too caught up in the relief that Jayde was alive and recovering, “Sorry!” I replied and slipped off a chuckling Jayde. 
Skye came back into the room with her hand covering her eyes, “Is it safe?”
My answer was immediately followed by Jayde saying, “Or maybe not, you willing to gamble?”
“Jay,” I scolded through a giggle and got off the bed. 
“I just wanted to let you guys know that we have to check out or pay for another night.” Skye said with her eyes still covered. 
“Okay,” Jayde started to slowly get off the bed and I reached out to help her. She was wobbling a bit on her feet, but I was encouraged by the fact that she could stand at all, “We should get going anyway.” 
“Cool, I’ll meet you guys in the car.” the younger blonde stated quickly and backed out of the room. 
I shared an amused look with Jayde and we moved to follow Skye out of the motel room. 
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part Nine
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2300 words
Tokyo, Japan
Callie's POV
Being in Japan was something else. It was fascinating.
When you arrived at the airport, there were at least 1,000 people at the gate waiting for Niall. You'd never experienced it first hand like this. Sure you'd seen it, you'd watched the hysteria behind him and One Direction when you'd watched a load of you tube videos. Something you did as standard before agreeing to work with anyone.
They were all shouting his name, screaming and generally going crazy. It made you super proud of him. The fact that he was your boyfriend, and had been between your thighs just 12 hours ago sucking on your clit and drawing out an intense and mind blowing orgasm, made it even more exciting.
After 9 hours on a flight you should've been tired, but you had slept well and had a sudden burst of energy. After checking into your room, which thanks to Niall you probably wouldn't even sleep in, you made your way to the gym.
Syncing your wireless headphones to your phone, you set your running playlist and started up the treadmill. You were lucky on this tour, Niall had Mark Jarvis who did security and personal training for him. He encouraged everyone to work out, not only for fitness and well being but to help with stamina for a busy show day. Mark was a great guy, tough on everyone but you loved the fact that he helped you all out with your regime.
The sweat was beginning to drip from you at the 8km point. Slowing down your pace gradually before pausing the machine. Taking off your headphones and hooking them over your neck, you grabbed your water and downed almost half of it.x
You smiled when you heard Niall in the background somewhere behind you. When you turned around you saw him being filmed for a video diary. Everyone has been made aware that it was going to happen when you'd signed your contracts for the tour. You just weren't expecting to be in it.
He was introducing everyone to the camera and you knew he would eventually get to you. Wiping your sweat from your forehead, you knew there was no point trying to hide.
"And this is my guitar tech Callie, looking like a hot sweaty mess in her purple jazzy running leggings." Niall said as he approached you with a smirk on his face.
You rolled your eyes at his comment. Cheeky shit.
"Glad you like them Ni, got some for you for your birthday!" You replied sarcastically.
"You better have now that you've promised!" He answered as he walked away.
"So you've got a female guitar technician? There's great diversity in your crew." The interviewer said.
"Callie is brilliant at her job, keeps us all in line too. I've got some strong females on my team and we all support each other 100%."
Your heart swelled at his compliment. The things he did to you.
You'd spent the rest of the first day relaxing, Niall had loads of interviews to do over the next couple of days, with a scheduled day off on his birthday.
Ellie, Sienree and Tara had invited you with them to have a look around the area near the hotel. You stopped at a quirky little cafe for some food.
"This city is amazing." You said as you sat down.
"Did you not come when he was doing the slow hands promo?" Ellie asked.
"No, I had my brother's wedding so couldn't. I've heard the food here is amazing as well."
"The place we are going for Nialls birthday does the best food in the whole city." Tara said.
"Did you get Niall anything for his birthday, Tara?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah, brought him some hideously brightly coloured socks!" She laughed.
"How about you Callie?"
You hesitated before replying. Your gift was obviously really personal since he was not just your employer and friend now, but your boyfriend.
 "Um, I got him a leather strap for one of his guitars." You replied, not adding the detail that you'd had his NH logo embossed on it for him.
"That's a good idea, he will love that." Tara said.
When you got your purse out of your bag to pay your share of the bill, you checked your phone.
"Miss you Petal x"
There simple words from Niall and you had a smile on your lips and a blush on your cheeks.
"Miss you to. X"
Once you had paid, you all made your way back to the hotel discussing using the spa there. It was included in your stay and was beyond luxurious. It had a pool, Jacuzzi and steam room. Very decadent, with water falls throughout and a lush background of plants and flowers.
When you got to your room to collect your bikini you sent Niall a quick message telling him where you were headed and to text you later when he was back from the interviews.
When you arrived in the spa you stored away your clothes in the lockers and wrapped yourself up in the softest robe you'd ever worn in your life. Tara was trying to decide if she would get away with taking it home with her. Offering to buy her something similar for Christmas instead of stealing it, you made your way over to the loungers. 
This was definitely the most luxurious hotel you'd ever stayed at. Ellie and Sienree headed over to the Jacuzzi while you and Tara decided to sit for a bit. A hostess approached you soon after and asked if you were Miss Callie Brown.
"Um, yes I am."
"We have a champagne delivery for you." 
"We didn't order any." 
"This is from Mr Horan for you all, he says to enjoy your time in the spa, but be back to work tomorrow." She replied smiling.
Ellie and Sienree had left the Jacuzzi and started to make their way over to you when they saw the hostess arrive with the champagne. 
"What's this?" Ellie asked.
"Just Niall being his usual self!" Tara replied.
You relayed the message to them as the hostess poured the bubbly liquid into the flutes.
This wasn't the first time he had done something like this for his team. When slow hands had gone to number one and with heavy promo going on, he'd organised gifts for everyone for all their hard work and dedication. 
"How did he know we were coming?" Sienree asked.
You exchanged a quick glance with Tara before she told them that she had messaged him to ask him if he needed her for anything this afternoon. When he had replied no, she had told him your plans to use the spa.
Happy with Tara's answer and being saved from admitting that you had text Niall, Ellie made a toast to Niall, and you all clinked glasses.
"Honestly I could get use to this life." Tara declared. "Think I need to find me a sugar daddy."
The girls all laughed and launched into their worst dates they'd had the pleasure of going on. With the champagne drunk, you made your way into the Jacuzzi. It wasn't long before some pasty but handsome Irish men appeared, along with Preston born Louis. Niall wasn't with them so he was obviously still working. They all sauntered over, Jake coming out with a disgraceful pick up line which earned him a laugh from everyone. 
A few of you got out of the Jacuzzi, you included and made your way over to your stuff. Wrapping yourself in your toweling robe, you sat back on the lounge chair and began checking your phone. You had avoided IG since your chat with Tara about Saskia so you weren't tempted to see whether she had posted or not. Scrolling through your Facebook instead, you caught up with your friends news and a random picture your Mum had posted of your family dog Toby.
"That's a very serious face Cal." 
You looked up to find Niall standing in front of you, he wasn't wearing a robe, instead he had just navy blue swim shorts on. Your eyes wandered up his body and you realised you hadn't taken a breath. His workouts with Mark were really showing, his chest hair that you'd been desperate to run your hands through all day was on full display.
"Um.....my um.... Mum just posted a picture of our dog." You stuttered out.
He raised his eyebrows at you, a smirk across his lips when he realised he had got to you. 
"Really? What breed of dog?"
"Um... Golden retriever."
"You ok there Petal?" He asked that stupid smirk still on his face.
You tried to naturally cross your legs, but you very obviously squeezed your thighs together to ease the heat you were feeling there.
And he noticed.
The hostess came over at this point, asking if Niall or any of the others wanted any drinks. He ordered everyone some water, since you and the girls had already had champagne and you were all heading out for dinner soon.
"You coming for a dip?" He asked.
"Yes." You replied, standing up and taking off your robe. You could feel him watching you as you laid it on your lounge chair. When you turned back around the cheeky shit was licking his lips.
An hour later and you were naked in his shower, back flush against the cold tiles, Nialls head between your thighs. He had to support your weight as you came, his strong hands gripping your thighs so you wouldn't slip.
The sound of the water running didn't cover the sounds of your pants and breathless gasps as you tried to come down. You leaned your head back against the wall, eyes closed, heart beating fast.
"I'll never get tired of doing this." He said, as he stayed knelt in front of you, leaving kisses across your thighs.
"Good." You replied, a ridiculously girly giggle tumbling out of your lips. You were giddy, high as a kite and you weren't ready to come down just yet.
Scratching your nails through his hair, he let out a low guttural moan that echoed off the tiles. He looked up at you through his lashes, his eyes wandering up your body. When he stood up he brushed your hair away from your neck, before kissing you in that sweet spot behind your ear. Tilting your head to the side, he dove in deeper, nibbling at your neck and shoulders. His hands dug into your hips hard when you reached down and took hold of his cock firmly in your hand.
When you ran your thumb over the tip, he moaned against your skin, pulling back to look in your eyes. Tilting your hips forward you guided his length towards you, rubbing it between your folds and over your already sensitive clit. His hand moved up to your hair, a firm grip through your wet locks as he moved forward to kiss you hard. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and it surprised you to find that you liked it.
Mumbling moans against each others mouths, both of you were gasping, your chests heaving as your bodies reacted to one another.
"Do you want to?" He whispered against your lips.
You nodded your response, not able to even form words as you continued to rub him against your clit.
He slowly bent his knees and hitched your knee up and over his hip before sliding slowly inside you. Burying his face in your neck you could hear him whispering how good you felt, how much he wanted you. With your arms wrapped around his shoulder, you scratched along them and up across the nape of his neck and into his hair. You could feel your nipples rubbing against his chest hair, the sensitive nubs hardening at his touch. His thrusts were slow and precise, you could feel him everywhere, he was taking over your whole body.
Moving his hand from your hair, he grasped your other knee and lifted you off the floor. Turning his head towards yours, his assault on your neck ceased and instead he moved his lips across yours. He was deeper now, pressing into exactly the right place, desperately trying to pull another intense orgasm from you.
The shower was still running, the steam building in the confines of the cubicle. You would stay here forever if you could, just you and him in your own little world.
You were beginning to run out of breath though and you threw your head back against the wall, clenching around him as you came hard for the second time. His thrusts became sloppy, his grunts telling you he was getting closer to his own high. You dug your nails into his back as he continued to pound into you, fucking you harder and harder.
He let go of your legs and slid out of you, grasping his cock and pumping himself. Your feet landed on the floor of the shower safely, your back still against the wall, chest heaving. Thick white spurts came rippling across your stomach, Niall threw his head back as he wanked himself of the last of his release.
Watching him like this was definitely on par with watching him on stage, he had never looked better.
He let himself go and placed his hands on the wall, either side of your head. The spray of the shower was hitting the muscles across his back, bouncing across his shoulder blades, while he caught his breath and came back down.
"Cal, fuck you're incredible." He mumbled as he stood up straight. His hand cupped your face and when he kissed you, right in that exact moment you knew you were in trouble.
Part ten
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Thank you, love! Can I please have a double ship? I’m a fat bottomed girl who is a tomboy - I’m not into typical “girly” stuff and I love hanging around with boys discussing politics, sports (I’m a huge sports nerd), listening to metal. I love war movies and am interested in history (WWII especially) though I’m studying Journalism. I also don’t like wearing skirts or dresses or heels. I’m a loyal friend who will always be there to listen and help you. I’m very clumsy and often trip over my feet.
Sssssssshello fellow sports fan (i’m not even joking even though that sounds so nerdy) so what do u think about the kc royals i know they suck ass but like.... im so dedicated to my boys and i’ve seen them kick the yankees ass at yankee stadium (FUCK YOU JOE MAZZELLO)
ships r below the cut sjkdfjkds
For BoRhap, I ship you with Joe Mazzello!
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For obvious reasons - I mean, a girl that’s into sports and is extremely loyal? Joey Mazz would bus a nutttt
Anyways, you’d probably meet Joe while doing some work as a sports journalist. Deciding against the box seat that you usually took during a Yankee’s game for focus reasons, you opted to sit down with the public in the stands, and you got seated next to Joe.
Joe was respectable enough for most of the game - once he got a bit loose on the juice, though, he had some mouthy tendencies, and every last word was directed angrily at the officials. 
At one point, he was so angry that you couldn’t hold in your laughter as you kept book, missing a tally for a ball but not caring too much as you stared in amazement at the fiery copper-headed man beside you. His double-black Yankees hat fell off of his head as he stood abruptly, and you took your boot-clad feet off of the seat in front of you as you leaned down to grab it for him. 
“Fucking terrible call! That was in the strike zone, that ump is full of shit,” he muttered as he sat back down in a huff, pausing before getting a curious look on his face and starting to search for his hat.
“Looking for this?” you asked, a teasing edge to your voice, and Joe’s attention snapped over to you, recognition immediately flooding his eyes as he smiled gratefully and took the hat.
“Thanks a ton, I just can’t stand those damn umps sometimes.” Looking down at the stat book on your tablet, he raised an eyebrow in inquiry before pulling his hat back on his head. “Keeping book for anything special?”
“I work for the New York Post. Sports columnist,” you explained, locking your screen to save battery after a strike was finally called and the fourth inning came to a close. Joe made a ‘not bad’ face, then gave you a grin.
“So, Yankees fan?”
“Uh, you know it,” you scoffed, nodding as you looked out to the field and smiled before making eye contact with him again. He had a kind gaze, you noted, and his smile was just as evident in his eyes as it was in his actual smile. “Wouldn’t miss a game for the world. Not even that exhibit on Governor’s right now.” You felt your stomach flipping a bit, Joe watching you very intently and almost intimidating you with how genuinely invested he was in what you had to say.
“The World War II one?” Joe inquired, and he chuckled when you made a positive noise in response. “I was in a show about WWII a couple years ago. Maybe you’ve heard of it? The Pacific?”
“That was you?” you gasped, involuntarily reaching out and grabbing his arm. Although the both of you registered it, you awkwardly decided not to say anything and just continued talking, Joe trying to mask his reaction at the tingly feeling your touch left on his arm. “Holy shit, I loved that show! I didn’t even recognize you.” Laughing, you let go of his arm and just paused for a moment, recalling how excited you’d been about that miniseries.
“Yeah, not my biggest claim to fame, but definitely up there. Still doesn’t get me recognized at baseball games, though. I got that more in the 90′s.”
“The 90′s - you must have been a baby!” you teased, in disbelief that he was any older than 25. There was no way he was anything but a toddler back in the 90′s.
“God, the closer I get to my 30s, the more that excites me,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Unfortunately, I was a little more than a baby back then. I was a whole, grown kid.”
“Grown kid - what a paradox,” you scoffed, giving him a gentle eye roll as a few people around you chuckled at something. “Alright, I’ll bite - in the 90′s, what were you in?”
“Would you believe me if I said some commercials and that was it?” Pursing your lips, you gave him an unmoved look and he chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. You were surprisingly adorable despite the currently deadpan expression. In fact, he was beginning to like all of your expressions, and all of your mannerisms. You were pretty laid-back for a woman of your age - like you were comfortable not putting up a front around him and men in general. “I was in Jurassic Park.”
“No way!” you gasped, thinking back to the movie and vaguely remembering a little boy around your age that had resembled him. “Oh my god, all I remember about it is that I wanted to be your friend... and I had an embarrassingly big crush on Jeff Goldblum.”
“Oh god, me too,” Joe agreed, waving a hand dismissively at the thought that anyone didn’t feel things for Jeff Goldblum.
Some faint laughter and shifting glances around you suddenly distracted you from your intense conversation with Joe, and you looked around for a moment before groaning and shielding your eyes at the jumbotron, trying not to laugh. “We’ve been called out.”
Joe looked at the large screen to see the both of you with a superimposed timer beneath you, dubbed the “Oblivious Cam.” You’d both been so invested in the conversation, they’d nearly been timing you for a minute by the time you realized. Waves of embarrassment washed over the two of you as you realized everyone in the stadium had watched what you had assumed was a mainly private interaction. Suddenly, the hand on the arm thing was mortifying.
“Well, at least we look good,” Joe offered, waving to the camera and shrugging before they kicked it off, going into the fifth inning. Joe was right, he did look damn good. And the fact that he thought you looked good too, despite your lack of commonplace women’s wear around a baseball game (see: tight-fitting unbuttoned jerseys, short shorts, heels, etc.). You’d shown out in some jeans and a ratty jersey you’d had since God knows when, with some combat boots to pull it all together. And he still thought you looked good.
He very much did. He thought you looked so good, in fact, that he took you out for drinks after the game. And then sitting down with the public became a regular occurrence for you - even though Joe wasn’t at every game, he showed up to far more games than he would have regularly, just so he could see you. But he’d never admit that, not even up to the day that he asked you out.
Which, of course, you’d been floored - men usually don’t ask out one of the boys. But you said yes, of course! And a couple months later, when he offered to fly you out to California to see the baseball movie he’d been working on about his brother, you jumped at the opportunity.
Mainly because it was an away time for Yankees.
When you showed up on set with Joe, the cast immediately welcomed you as one of their own, and you took up residence in the bleachers/near the fence, psyched to see what they were working on for the day and also stoked because you’d probably become an extra because of this appearance. Acting credits on top of journalism? Score.
Today was the day they were filming Pat’s breakdown, and you were excited to see just how riled up Joe could get as you leaned against the admittedly searing-hot chain-link fence. Between takes, Toby, who’d taken quickly to befriending you, came over in all his English glory to visit with you about the upcoming shots.
“You ready to see Spaz Mazz?” he joked, making you laugh at the corny nickname as you nodded, letting go of the chain-link for a moment.
“Absolutely. I’ve seen Joe at baseball games, so can’t wait to see who he absolutely rails today.”
“Well, it’s your lucky day, because it’s me,” Toby chuckled, fixing his hat as Joe caught sight of the two of you, smiling and waving before going back to whatever directorial duties he was working on. Waving back, Toby sighed melodramatically before turning to you. “He yells at quite a few of us, but in the table-read, he really let me have it in this scene. The struggles of being the fun one,” he lamented, making you roll your eyes and wish him good luck as Joe called for the next shot to start.
And in a few moments, you saw exactly what Toby meant. Well, not saw. You just got to listen as Joe absolutely went off on Manny’s character in the dugout, a gleeful laugh leaving your lips as you heard him threaten to shove a bat up Zapata’s ass, then yelling at Palacco for shitting away his talent. After the more emotional part, you burst out laughing when a sudden, “Oh, shut the fuck up, Zapata!” rang in your ears.
Covering your mouth quickly, you resorted to just grinning while you listened to them methodically reconstruct the scene over and over, taking several shots in the mid-afternoon heat before deciding to call it since the lighting was waning, not providing for the right time of day for the shot that was slotted next.
Joe was one of the last to finally filter off the field, finding you immediately and giving you a mildly-tired grin as he wrapped his arm around you, walking off towards the parking lot with you. 
“Toby said Seb’s in town and wants to meet up for dinner with Chace and us. You hungry?”
“Starving,” you affirmed, leaning against him a bit as you climbed up the hill. “That was an... interesting performance. You sound a little hoarse.”
“Yelling all day can wear a guy out,” he agreed with a small chuckle, pulling out his keys to his rental and stopping in front of the car to just stand with you for a moment. The eye-black on his cheeks was smeared from sweat, his hair a mess, and you could definitely tell he was slouching a bit, tired from the day’s proceedings.
But he still was smiling down at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back before leaning up and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into an affectionate kiss, which he eagerly reciprocated. 
His arms wrapped around your waist, hands resting dangerously low on your back, but not enough to raise alarms, and you grinned against his lips before pressing a gentle peck to the lower one, murmuring just loud enough for him to hear.
“I like the baseball pants look on you.”
A throaty chuckle escaped his mouth and he gave you one last kiss before wrapping an arm around your waist and ushering you to the passenger seat, letting you open the door and start climbing in yourself before he swiftly reached out and pinched your ass, closing the door for you with an innocent grin on his face when you shot him a warning look.
“Couldn’t help myself,” he defended when he climbed into the driver’s seat after a few moments. “You brought up butts and you know yours is my favorite butt.”
“I’m glad,” you laughed, shaking your head as you watched him start the car, sucking your lower lip into your mouth for a moment before grinning mischievously. “But I wasn’t talking about your butt, though that was nice too.”
Joe’s eyes lit up at your statement, a light flush filling his cheeks as he wrestled with what you’d just suggestively implied. Looking over to you, his jack went slightly slack, and all he could manage was a soft “Oh.”
“Smooth, babe. Real smooth.”
“You caught me off guard, come on!”
And for Queen, I ship you with Brian May!
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We all know that Brian struggled with being raised as a rather womanly boy, so your more masculine personality equals out beautifully with his feminine tendencies. In categories where he lacks a masculine touch, you make up for that absence, and when you have issues with a feminine touch, he’s right there to help you along.
Plus, heart eye emoji at the fact that you’re a fat-bottomed girl.
Anyways, I think you and Brian would be lifelong friends. The tall ol’ softie never would have survived high school without his loyal best friend, you, to guide him through that emotional rollercoaster.
But I really don’t think you’d have a crush on him at first. I think he’d be absolutely smitten with you from the get-go - you were his rock, the only person to ground him when he got too high-strung. But because of his tendencies to be high-strung and eternally confused, you never saw him as more than a close friend.
That is, until one night that you were hanging out with him and the boys, and Roger had you caught up in a particularly in-depth conversation about Black Sabbath’s eponymous album that had been released recently. 
Roger was your go-to for anything metal related, which made Brian only slightly jealous as he watched the two of you intensely discuss whether you appreciated the blues notes that they brought to some of the songs on the album. 
“I think The Wizard is the most genius one out of all of them!” Roger gushed, and you nodded in agreement as you listened to him start to ramble on about how much he loved the song. Always the listener, you only let your eyes roam for a brief moment, pausing when you saw Brian just past Roger’s scruffy golden-brown hair.
When he caught your eye, he sent you a small smile and a brief eye roll about Roger’s rants that made you grin, and you quickly looked back to Roger as he summarized his opinion, finally. “I agree, but what about N.I.B? You can’t tell me that it isn’t up there on the quality list.”
When Roger began to dissent against your opinion, you quickly excused yourself to go grab another drink and left him to simmer, instead making your way to the kitchen and pouring yourself the rest of the whiskey as Brian entered.
“Sounds like you guys had some really important stuff to discuss,” Brian observed as he pouted slightly at the empty whiskey bottle, instead fetching himself a beer.
“I love Roger, but he could talk my ear off if I didn’t learn when to say no.” Chuckling, your lanky friend joined you at your side and leaned back against the counter, opening his beer while you took a sip of the whiskey in your cup. He watched as your nose just barely wrinkled compared to the way that his scrunched up after every sip of straight bourbon, and admiration quickly overtook his features, not able to slip away fast enough when you looked up at him.
“What?” you laughed, cocking your head a bit when he smiled at you oddly, sitting his beer on the counter. “I know I left my flat in a hurry, but do I really look that rough today?”
“No, no,” he stammered, laughing nervously as he looked forward to observe your friends out in the living room. His heart was racing, and he feared that you could hear it from that close as he swallowed hard, speaking again. “Far from it.”
That brought a slight blush to your cheeks, and you looked forward as well, your brain racing a million miles a minute as you tried to calm down. Brian usually never made you this flustered, so it was confusing to you that such a simple comment could spike your heart rate so easily. What happened?
Looking over to him again, you desperately tried to work out what was different about Brian now versus every other time he’d made an offhanded flirtatious comment all throughout your childhood. He was still looking at the living room, his eyes brimming with something unreadable, and you realized how much he’d grown from the spindly little straight-haired preppy boy you’d grown up with. 
Now he was even taller in multiple ways - of course, his height had shot up, but he also held himself in a more confident way too. He was unafraid for the most part, far from the nervous wreck you’d spent hours upon hours convincing to go do hoodrat shit with you. 
He was so sure of things now. Even if he had momentary doubts, he’d never been focused on something more than he was with the band. 
And, it did help that he was absolutely beautiful now. He’d began growing out his hair, and the curls that were on constant display were fascinating, jet-black and shiny and tempting to touch. His aquiline nose and toothy smile only added to the charm, all of it wrapped together by the warm hazel eyes that were always watching you, like right now, and suddenly you realized you were both staring at each other a moment too late as Roger came in, looking between the two of you.
Deciding against the obvious question, he instead raised an eyebrow and looked over to the empty whiskey bottle to your right, scowling. “Who did it?”
Thoroughly flustered and distracted, you took a moment to realize that Brian was pointing directly to you, and with an astonished cry, you smacked his hand away, cursing him as he laughed at you.
And from there, a slow burn of a friends-to-lover flame was alight. And I mean slow, as in not reaching culmination until 1973 or 1974, when they were really starting to make it big-time. After all, this was a ‘one of the boys’ relationship you’d had going on previously, so navigating from that to accepting your attraction to Brian and his requited attraction to you was difficult.
You’d never realized how much you really wanted to be more than just his friend until he was off on the Queen II tour and you’d gotten a call from Roger telling you that they were heading back suddenly, due to Brian’s rapidly declining health. And in those hours between that call and their arrival in London, you’d never felt more afraid. 
Suddenly, you knew exactly what it was like to be on Brian’s side of things, so you rushed to the hospital to see him.
He was yellow, so off-color, and he looked so weak when you saw him that you almost started crying when he managed a smile at your appearance. 
“Jesus, Brian, you’ve caught your death,” you muttered as you stood there next to his bed, knowing you couldn’t really touch him - that was the worst part. Now, more than ever, you wanted to hug him. But the risk of transfer was daunting, and you didn’t know if it was aggressive enough to be transmitted even by an embrace.
“Feels like it,” he laughed, his voice softer than ever before, and you frowned as you decided holding his hand was enough, taking the yellowing fingers between yours and lacing your hand with his, squeezing it gently when he gave you another soft smile. “Glad you’re here.”
“Wish we were anywhere but here, honestly,” you replied gently, on the verge of tears at the sight of your best friend so weak. “Do you need anything? Water? Food? A book?”
“Oh, shut up,” he mumbled at your fussing, a small laugh leaving his lips as he closed his eyes. “All I need right now is you. Thank you.”
“Never in my life would I expect to be thanked for hanging around and annoying the daylights out of you. Don’t you get tired of me, May?” you teased softly, trying to ease up the atmosphere as his thumb traveled over your knuckles slowly, the calloused, scratchy pad of this thumb leaving small white marks on your skin where it irritated you.
“Never,” he croaked out, so quiet you almost missed it, but a blush spread on your cheeks as you realized what needed to be said. It was now or never, and honestly, Brian was never going to have the balls to say it. That, unfortunately, was your department.
“Good. Because unfortunately, I really think you’re stuck with me for good now.”
“What?” he asked, not fully understanding what you were propositioning, although there was a hint of hope in his eyes as he opened them slowly, looking over at you. 
“I think it’s about time we went on a proper date. You and me.” You gave him a sly smile, seeing a shallow fluttering of his chest as he reckoned with what you’d just said. 
“Right now?” he whined softly, looking around at the room and sighing. “You really picked the worst time to decide that you fancied me back.”
“Oh, shut up.” It was your turn to send him an annoyed look as you stood up, giving his hand one last squeeze before heading towards the door, stopping right before you got there and looking back at him. “Anything you want me to smuggle up from the cafeteria for our date?”
He watched you for an exceedingly long time, staying completely silent and just admiring you before finally swallowing dryly and laughing a bit. “I wish I could kiss you right now.”
“I don’t think that’s on the menu down there, sorry, lovie.” He rolled his eyes at your attempt at teasing, and closed his eyes as you grinned to yourself, practically floating down the hallway on pure love.
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askthiscpblog · 5 years
oh now that im reminded of Imani, can her and Puppeteer meet again?? I dont ship her and Toby I kinda ship her and Puppet platonically and maybe later on romantically. of course if you don't want to or don't have the time you dont have to. Thanks!!
Puppet has had a long last few weeks. With the whole mansion being on edge and everything, most people were way too touchy for his liking. He still had plenty of energy from his last kill, but he decided to head out hunting anyways. Or at least trying to find a new target to leech onto for a few weeks. Even investigate this other gang that was popping up. Or something like that. Whatever he would do his job and have fun with it one way or another. 
The ghost made his way into a city, floating though buildings until he came upon a weird shop. It was the middle of the night, yet the lights were on bright allowing him to see inside. Inside he could see two girls chatting away without a care in the world. Both had a beer in their hands, talking about God only knows what. He looked closer, trying to make out details of the inside. Puppet then tried to drift inside but hit a wall instead. Weird, he tries again. And once again he is met with a wall, unable to get inside this little shop. What the ever-loving fun was this? 
Now Puppet was curious. Putting his head against the wall, he looked inside. He saw two dark-skinned women in there, one African and the other looked to be of some mixed heritage. Native American, from what it seems like. The rest of the details were too fuzzy for him to be able to tell, and he couldn’t hear a damn thing they were saying.
“Then I jumped in an empty trashcan and my friend rolled me down the street until we ran into a fucking tree! It was ridiculous!” Imani let out a loud laugh before taking a drink of her beer. She usually didn’t tell people about her private life outside of her work, but Lulu was one of her good friends, so she didn’t mind. Plus… It was Lulu. She was a saint in the killer’s mind. A wild, witchy, saint with sometimes questionable sanity.
“But other than getting high enough to jump into a trashcan naked, everything has been pretty normal.” Imani snorted again, her eye drifting from Lulu’s face as she recalled the event and she shook her head.
“What’s been up with you, hmm?” she continued.
“Oh, nothing much beyond the usual things. People in the front of the store, boring and normal as always. Those who come in the back, yet, got interesting. Had this one motherfucker who was so tweaked out on acid I threw my voice to sound like a meowing cat. Shit went wild searching for it. Along with…” Lulu continued wide-smiled finishing off her own beer. She looked disappointed in that fact, but a grin came to her face afterward.
“So, if you don’t mind running to grab a few grams, I will cook it up into something special. And you know my special treats are legendary.” Lulu then reached into her purse on the counter and pulled out a $100.
“You know where to find the best stuff for the best buck anyways. I was gonna mix it with what I’m growing. A little flair never hurt.” 
Puppet continued to watch outside the shop, trying to read their lips the best he could. He circled around the building, trying to find a way in. He could get in everywhere but a single apartment that was above this store. This woman, either of them, knew a thing or two about ghosts and warding that much is for sure. But how much, Puppet was going to see if he could find out. He knew he would have to tell Slender about this. If he couldn’t get in, then a few other supernatural beings couldn’t. Whoever ran this store might know a thing or two on how to fight demons too. Perfect.
Imani grinned wide, nodding in response with, “I can definitely do that.” She quickly finished off her beer before picking her mask up from the counter.
“Keep your money, I got a guy who owes me. Dumb fuck got himself on my hit list, I only let him live because dude has the best weed and dick I’ve ever had.” She walked towards the door, her steps rhythmic as she did so. One, two, three, repeat. She opened the door, looking back at Lulu and smiling again.
“I’ll be back with the goods!” She walked out of the comforting store, breathing in the air. She fixed her mask onto her face, turning left to go down the street.
“Have fun now. You know how to get in, even if it’s locked.” Lulu told to her, locking the door after she left wrapping up her shop.
“OH, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Puppet yelled, but there was no sound. Only to his ears. It wasn’t out of annoyance, but rather shocked that it was the same woman who almost didn’t allow him to feed on the bridge. This night got more interesting for her and him. Puppet followed in ghost form for a block or two until they were well enough away from the shop to try and make a move. He couldn’t become physical here with ease like last time, it’s been a little since he last ate. But he could at least manifest some fragments to communicate.
‘Hey, girly. Remember me?’ Long time, no see.’ he says in her head. Out on the edge of her eye, his figure solidifying before it vanishes if she goes to look at it.
Imani stopped, mid-step. She looked around her, checking the area with a passing glance, raising an eyebrow.
“…Who’s there?” She couldn’t see anyone around and shrug. Either she was paranoid, or she was developing late-onset schizophrenia. She continued walking, picking up her pace. She was near her destination anyway. All she needed to do was avoid whatever odd voice was speaking in her head and get on her merry way and get back to Lulu.
‘Aww, you don’t remember me? How sad.’ He says in her head again. He continued to float around her, keeping his distance but studying her. Puppet could make himself physical for a little bit, but not for a long extended period of time like last time he met her. So, he decided to do it. He materialized behind her and dropped to the ground walking.
“Maybe if you see me now, you’ll remember better.” The woman turned around, left eyebrow raised. Her eye widened when she saw the man in front of her.
“Aaah, the Puppeteer. To what do I owe the pleasure?” She crossed her arms over her chest, smiling underneath her mask. From what she remembered, she had found his presence at least tolerable, so she didn’t feel a need to scare him off.
“I hope that you weren’t following me. Because that would be creepy.”
“Oh no, my sweet. I follow no one unless they are my next victim. You, however, are not. A friendly surprise is all.” He responds, holding his hand out to give a courteous bow. Over the top, this one is. Makes sense though…somewhat.
“No. I am out searching for a friend. He was taken a few nights ago. Well in fact, when we met and parted. That night. A raid happened on my home.
”She did a small mock curtsy in return, the small smile under her mask growing a tad bit. He seemed fun. Her smile dropped when it registered in her head that his friend had been kidnapped and she dipped her head.
“I’m sorry about your friend.” She turned around, staring at the sidewalk for a second, looking at the cracks in the cement. Thinking One, two, three, four, five, six. Good, in groups of threes. There was a small dandelion growing out of one of them. She didn’t want to get involved in other people’s business, and not with talks of raids. But he was fun. And she had a bit of empathy left in her for fun people.
“Is there anything that I can do? Get the word out? I’ve got a lotta people in a lotta places.” Imani offered, somewhat genuine knowing the feeling of being jumped without warning. It fucking sucks, and it is hard to recover from.
“That would be appreciated actually! Though he isn’t exactly above the radar and is a very aggressive individual. Dumb as a brick, but smart when it comes to fighting and surviving.” he explained, rolling his eyes at the whole thought of getting him back. No one liked him, but he was a good brute to have around and the easiest to make fun of out of everyone. Puppet makes a string out of his own energy, not threatening her but twirling it around. Maybe it would be best to start asking about the girl in that room with her?
“So that girl you were with? I couldn’t even get into her place she had it so locked up. Who is she?”Imani’s eye narrowed, turning back to face him. She didn’t trust him, and especially not with information about someone close to her. The energy he was twirling about didn’t do him any favors. Her accent faded, and her voice turned cold and frigid.
“A friend of mine. She’s one of the very few people I trust. Walk with me.” She turned in one swift movement and began walking. One step, two steps, three steps. Pause. Don’t step on the cracks.
“My friend values her privacy. And I value loyalty above all else. You’ll have to snoop for yourself.” She let out a snort, becoming less on edge.
“I have a feeling that you have no problem with that.”
He looked at her and vanished his tread, it dissipates into nothing as she began to walk away from him. Rather than wal,k he floated next to her, on the other side so no one else could see him. Wasn’t far, an inch or so off the ground at the most.
“Fair enough, we have similar values where I come from. Or who I work for. Which by the way, have you considered my offer of maybe working for us every so often?” Puppet inquired, curious to her answer. Despite this, his mind kept drifting to how that entire place was locked up, even against ghosts. Might need someone real to get in there and figure out who she is. Best person for the job might be Jane, or maybe they could hire someone outside of it. If this woman, Imani, wouldn’t give any info about her to him, Slender might have to take it for himself.
“I have. But I’m not exactly a team player. I like to work by myself, for myself. It tends to be better that way.” She made a sharp turn left, hopping over a large crack. That shit was annoying.
“I’m also pretty awkward with new people.” She eyed the floating man at her side, turning her head to look at him better. He clearly wasn’t human, that much she knew. You can’t be close friends with Lulu and the people that she knew without learning what was human and what wasn’t. That and he fucking floated.
“What are you, if you don’t mind my asking? Are you a genie or something?” Puppet kept following, even with the sharp turn he kept up with her. When she asked if he was a genie, he couldn’t help but to burst out laughing. Not meaning to insult her, but that was the funniest thing he heard anyone guess what he was.
“No…no,” he responded between his ‘breaths’, “I am no genie. Easiest thing to say is I am dead, and an angel of death. And not coming back to life anytime soon either.
”She let out a laugh, “Well you give off genie vibes! If you get bored of being an angel of death or whatever you could probably run a genie scam.” She stopped in front of a small house, rather run down-looking. It almost looked abandoned if it wasn’t for the lights shining from inside it. The inside was much nicer than the outside, much more comforting and less crack-housey.
“This is my stop. I’ll get the word out about your friend.” She reached up, unclipping her mask and taking it off, shaking her curls out to make sure they weren’t pressed down from the straps. She turned her head to get a better look at him, the corners of her mouth turning up into a smile.
“And I suggest you leave my friend alone. She ain’t someone you wanna fuck with. She can fight dirty as hell, and if you piss her off, I’ll be morally obliged to help her blast you into oblivion.” Puppet held up his hand in defense, landing on the ground outside of the house. That cocky smile never left his cheeks, if only because he knew what could happen and headed her warnings.
“Hey, I won’t go after her. I can’t even get into the damned place, much less fight a girl who probably could blow my ghosty butt to bits. Though the genie scam sounds like a good idea, might try that one day.” With that, he gives her the over dramatic bow that he gave her last time upon their departure. It was his signature of sorts, or at least he thought.
“I may see you again, sooner or later. Enjoy your night.” With that he vanished from her eyes, invisible as he flew away in search of his next meal.
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Hey, I saw you were doing headcanon stuff! So, I have this like burgeoning headcanon that Josh x Donna's first daughter is wlw. I don't know if you build off of other people's headcanons, but this one has been with me for a long time, and you are such a talented writer and storyteller in general that I thought maybe you'd be interested in taking a crack out of this very specific headcanon?!? I've just been projecting a lot of brainpower towards it and I want to talk to someone else about it!
Okay, so first, all my future headcanons for TWW spring from this original post that’s gotten around a bit. I’ve written a tiny bit of kidfic using them as well so I decided to connect yours to mine because tbh I love this idea and heck yeah, at least one of their daughters should be queer :D that’s just way more fun than if they’re both straight.
So, given what I’d already sorted out for the future, here are my thoughts. There are oh so many ideas behind the cut because apparently I can’t sleep but I can create a bunch of people out of thin air.
Their eldest daughter, Brianna Joan, started insisting everyone call her ‘Jo’ when she was five. They were both surprised by her stubbornness on the matter, but Josh was secretly pleased since her middle name was a tribute to his sister. Donna assumed it was a phase she would grow out of, like a lot of kids when they’re young and establishing their independence. She didn’t–and Jo later believed it was the first hint that she was never meant to be the girly daughter they might have expected.
Charlotte inherited her mother’s grace under pressure, along with her dancer’s form and creative flexibility. While Jo had Donna’s sass and sense of humor, she shared her dad’s brown hair and eyes, constant need to be in motion, and impulsive streak. Josh liked to say Jo got his athletic prowess, too, but Donna always countered with ‘your what now?’ and made the girls laugh. Jo surpassed him in sports talent by junior high, thanks in no small part to coaching by Charlie’s not-so-little-anymore sister Deena.
Junior high and high school were rough, especially girl’s softball and basketball. The rumors and slurs about which girls were probably gay because they were a little too good on the court or the mound bothered her, especially when she got sick of her unruly hair and cut it off at fourteen and the kids started aiming them at her…but it was hard to do the right thing and stand up to them when she was starting to wonder if maybe they were right.
The first crush she developed on an older, female student that she actually admitted to herself was a crush happened a year later, when she was trying to survive her entrance into high school. She came out to her best friend at sixteen and felt bad that she didn’t tell her parents first, but her dad was still working with the White House occasionally during his “retirement,” and her mom was starting her campaign for Congress, and the last thing Jo wanted to do was make that harder.
It wasn’t like she thought they’d be upset, or disappointed in her, exactly. But a tiny part of her did have doubts, after a couple of her friends had come out to their liberal parents and hit a cruel wall of family double-standards. Surely Josh Lyman and Donna Moss, champions of progressive causes, wouldn’t be that way…she hoped.
Just to be safe, Jo told them the week after her mom won her Congressional campaign, when it would cause the least trouble if they did freak out. Donna wasn’t surprised, not even a little, and only shared her worries at night with Josh. She knew how hard it was to be a woman in the world, and it could only be more painful for their eldest facing additional discrimination on top of that. “We just have to love her even harder,” Donna whispered, “and hope it’ll be enough.”
Unlike his wife, Josh was–as always–oblivious. Jo coming out was big surprise, but one he was happy about. She trusted them enough to tell them, and include them in her confusing teenage life. Surely that meant they were on the right track. “And hey,” he offered up in the initial shock of her disclosure, “I can’t exactly blame her. Women…are great. I’m a big fan. Of them.”
Just like he did with all the girl’s activities over the years, from dance to soccer, Josh threw himself into being a parental ally until he annoyed Jo with his enthusiasm. PFLAG, marches, fundraisers, sponsoring local clubs…"which one of us is gay again?” she would mutter to her sister with an eyeroll sometimes, out of earshot of the DC dad with the rainbow t-shirt passing out mini flags.
She was grateful though, especially after she survived college, and law school, and volunteered at a nonprofit that exposed her to so many kids whose parents didn’t care if they lived or died, simply because of who they turned out to be. Josh started getting handmade cards for his birthday and Father’s Day every year, filled with Jo’s illegible handwriting–that, he knew, she definitely didn’t get from him–telling him how much she loved and appreciated him. He put them on the fridge next to the sketches her little sister sent, like they were both still in grade school. Donna teased him about that, but whenever their friends visited she was the first one to casually point them out.
In the family, Charlotte was the only one that ever gave Jo any grief about her sexuality. It was mostly sibling sniping, because Charlotte was quieter than her sister but even more competitive, and she was never quite able to catch up with the three year gap between them. Still, it made Jo uncomfortable in her late teens because she and her baby sister were always so close growing up, and she couldn’t tell if the snark was coming from someplace deeper. When Charlie was fifteen, she got a week’s suspension for breaking a boy’s nose after he called her valedictorian sister a slur she refused to repeat to anyone. Jo worried less after that, and the sarcastic comments never happened again.
Toby’s son Huck came out as bisexual in college, and Jo joined his twin sister in being his closest support system while he braced for his parents’ reactions. There was a lot of hugging, and some knowing looks between Toby and Josh when the kids weren’t paying attention, and Huck had to pay Jo twenty bucks because she promised it would go over fine and he was certain it would be a disaster. He never learned to love the Yankees but he shared his father’s temperament from an early age. He and Charlie dated briefly in their twenties, causing a minor scandal to ripple through the connected families.
CJ’s daughter Nora, who was like a distant cousin Jo never got to visit enough in sunny California, only allowed the family to use her full name. She got a lot of weird looks when strangers overheard, or friends found out how old-fashioned it was, but Jo liked to call her by it anyway when they chatted. She never got to meet her dad’s mentor, and she thought based on the stories she’d heard that he would be embarrassed but proud to learn that Claudia Jean named her firstborn Leonora after she left the White House.
Nora was the one who introduced Jo to her future wife, an architect based out of Sacramento with an independent streak and temper that secretly reminded Josh of one of his exes. Unlike him and Amy, Jo and her fiance were a happy fit, sharing similar political beliefs but no professional rivalry. They spent as much time at home swapping stories and advice about their demanding careers as they did on community activism. Jo mellowed out a little after they got married–”she’s so much like you,” Donna told Josh with a smile–and they moved five times in three years before buying a house and starting their attempts to have a family.
That was the first time Jo ever really surprised her mom, who cried when she found out they were expecting. “I thought…you never talked about wanting kids,” Donna said carefully, and Jo just grinned that bright grin that was so much like her father’s. “I needed some time,” she told her mom, “to figure out what I wanted. But I think that if I manage to be half as good at it as you were, I’ll be an amazing mom.”
Josh and Donna bantered anxiously in the waiting room while each of their eldest daughter’s three kids came into the world. Two she gave birth to, and one she didn’t. They spoiled them all the same.
And when Charlotte brought the Lyman-Moss legacy back to the White House, Jo’s youngest son got to hunt Easter Eggs on the lawn. He stood next to his aunt during the photo op, just one of a dozen kids surrounding the first female President of the United States.
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T: Hey, so this is gonna be a rough one. Like, trigger warning for this whole post. I plan on talking about the things that are important to me and the things that affect me as a trans woman. Despite my general shitposting I’m going to talk about a lot of more serious topics compared to Lillith as they come up. Today I want to talk about dysphoria. For the weirdest reason too. The stupidest fucking thing set me off right now.
To give some context first, I went shopping with Lillith and my best friend today. I was so proud, I bought actual women's clothes. In person, not online! Some shirts, socks, and some adorable kitty cat tights. So as a reward for my courage I wanted to grab a new game, and I picked up My Hero One’s Justice. What can I say? I LOVE fighting games. The people at the store even threw in a beautiful promo poster for free. After some reading I realized the game covers Seasons 2 & 3 of the show and I haven’t seen a single episode. Oops. So I figured I’d watch the first couple episodes. I mean, it’s a dorky little anime about a school for budding super heroes. Right up my alley. And then I watch the first episode and started crying five minutes in,
For those of you who have never seen the show, here is Tressa’s Snap Synopsis™ of Episode 1. A little boy, Izuku ‘Deku’ Midoriya, is born into a world where 80% of people are born with superpowers. His lifes dream is to be a super hero like his childhood idol Superman All Might. But he can’t. He is one of the 1/5 people who were born without powers. He can’t have the one thing he wants in life because he was born wrong.
For those of you who haven’t picked up on the analogy here, I was Assigned  Male at Birth. I want to be female. I was born wrong. I don’t have a mirror in my  room. Intentionally. I hate looking in them. I hate seeing my sharp jawline, my masculine facial features. My facial hair. My chest hair. I hate all of it so much. Not to mentioned hating the fact that I don’t have breasts, or softer, more rounded hips. Or other things. And despite spending hours shaving my body, and using hair removal creams and now looking like I have no body hair I can still feel the tiniest bit of stubble on my face and chest. And it’s driving me fucking mad. And these are just the things I objectively have control over or I know will change if I go on HRT. Don’t even get me started on my height, or my shoulders, or my Adam’s apple. The things I can’t control or change.
So how do I fight it? How do I not hate myself? I got some really good advice from a friend on that. My entire social circle calls me by my preferred name now. Just hearing my name fills me with joy, with gender euphoria. Even something as simple as using ‘girly’ bath products makes me happy. I also wear affirming clothing. Full outfits in private, small easily hidden or unseen articles when I go out. For example, panties and Thigh Highs/OTK socks. There’s only one person in the world who sees what I have on under my pants, so wearing ‘female’ underwear to work is a small safe way to keep me going when at work. Sure, I don’t ‘Fill out’ the outfits as well as Lillith would, I don’t have slight breast envy but even so, sitting here in a woman’s slim fit t shirt, panties, a pair of Lillith’s  jeans I stole borrowed, and socks with pugs on them I feel happy. And who knows, maybe in a year or two, after I start HRT, if I can, I’ll look in the mirror and see those soft facial features I’ve always wanted. Maybe I’ll get to the point where I even want a mirror in my room. Because even though I was born wrong I live in a world where I get to choose.
Another recent hit release game, Deltarune says “No one can choose who they are in this world.” And while that may hold true in the machinations of Toby Fox’s games, reality says different. I choose to be Tressa.
I choose to be happy.
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thenixkat · 6 years
Animorphs notes: ALternamorphs
Alternamorphs 1
So apparently this book is Jake trying to find a new recruit for the animorphs by fucking warping reality into a test. Or some thing that wants us to think its Jake so that we enter a hellscape of looping death on our own.
YOU are a C student, an extreme sports fan and a biker
YOU do not actually know the animorphs, other than u share a class with Marco
YOU just happen to be in the construction site at the same time as them\
YOU aren’t very good at making friends
YOU watch the X Files
Elfangor can hear thoughts
...Taxxons are described as spidery here
You are actually pretty good under pressure. Create a diversion that allows you to gtfo
Hork-bajir hop like kangaroos again
You have a mom and a girly little sister
Your sister’s name is Lexie and she’s just turned six
Your mom is a city planner and prefers to make her own cakes
Marco just kinda walks into your house uninvited
Marco is there cause Jake wanyts to recruit you to the group. You’ve missed out on most of the next day stuff the animorphs got into
Marco just fucking takes one of your bananas without asking
First choice is Fly morph
Why the fuck does this fly want to eat a damn spider? They didn’t specify any particular kind of fly so I have to assume its a house fly why the fuck does it want to eat a spider?
Who the fuck leaves a bug zapper on in the daytime?
Next choice Hamster
Lexie has a pet hamster named Hamlet
Alice Humphries just fucking takes her ferrets everywhere
And her fucking cat apparently, what an asshole
How do hamsters not have great hearing?
Last choice is ferret
Why the fuck would you morph in the house you broke into?
Like hell a controller wouldn’t eat ice cream cake
You almost get trapped in ferret morph
Rachel likes your fighter attitude
You aquire a giraffe after ditching Garden security
You actually have the foresight to acquire multiple fucking animals
You end up getting caught by the Garden workers and handed off to the police and watched by police dogs
Why are none of your morph choices any small animals?
First choice hyena, probably spotted hyena
You can’t really control the morph and almost eat a child
You get knocked out and trapped as a hyena in a zoo
Applegate doesnt like hyenas for some reason
Choice giraffe
Giraffes have fucking leathery skin in this world
Yeah, that was a really bad fucking choice and you get vored by a lion b/c apparently your not allowed to just fucking fight off the lion
Choice police dog
Police dogs are actually really fucking agressive from what I’ve read
The cops are controllers
The cops have you track down your own scent
… and you don’t just ditch the cops after leading them astray b/c?
You lead them into your controller neighbor’s house and give em the slip
Then you cover your trail pretty well
You decide to follow up on a lead at the city government parking garage
Why are ferret and dog the only choices here?
Why not hamster or fly?
Choice dog
WHy the hell would a random dog joining a bunch of controllers not be all the suspicious?
And you get regonized by one of the police controllers as their fucking dog
...just pages back the dog you turned into was described as female
Why did you not try escaping at all durring the big fight distraction?
Get roasted by Visser 3
Choice ferret
Ya get spotted
Why do the yeerks refer to eachother by their hosts’ names
Ferrets… look nothing like moles
Another spider comparason for the taxxons
...Rachel described as bloodthirsty… b/c she’s proud that she saved a comrade’s life?
Why does the intelligence of the host matter in how smart a controller is? The yeerk is the one making decisions
Wait. Tobias doesn’t get trapped in morph. He gets out with everyone else in this.
Time skip
You have an osprey morph
Your mom likes to cook things from scratch
Oh hey its stuff from the first time fuckery book
Wait that book already happened and the effects got reversed already. You and the timeline are just not getting along well
You somehow drag Jake into your time fuckery
You are pretty comfortable with morphing bugs
Choice monkey
Never specified what kinda monkey
Tobi gets captured and Rachel gets everyone caught trying to help him
You get killed taking on a hork-controller to cover Rachel
Choice ant
Ants are really fucking small and jungles are huge
You can’t controll the morph and get eaten by a ….sloth
Not any of the shit tons of insectivores that live in the amazon but a fucking sloth
CHoice parrot
The native folks they meet speak Spanish and wear leaf diapers
Cassie pretty morphs and the native folks think she’s a spirit and the hork-bajir are demons
That;s not good for future human/hork relations
Choice poison dart frog
Yall fucking touched wild poison dart frogs with ya bare hands and aren’t dead
WHy is Visser 3 in morph eating random frogs?
Choice jaguar
Jake’s tiger morph would work pretty well in the jungle but it isnt used
The animorphs are apparently not stealthy as jaguars in the rainforest are discovered and cut off in a pincer movement
You are killed by Visser 3 first in the fight
Choice chameleon
Ledethaks sound like carnivorous trees
“You are quick and agile” no, you aren’t. Chameleons are fucking slow and instinctively move in a matter that makes them look like rustling leaves
‘And unafraid’ That’s not …. Writer knows jack and shit about chameleons
Rachel, yall in in an alternate timeline. Nothing you do here matters in your own timeline
So you’ve been shot back in time too far
You and the rest may have been slingshot into a different timeline
WHy do you know Marco’s mom is controlled by Visser 1? That’s not infor that you should have unless you have meta knowledge
Why does Visser 3 here and a pitbull?
Sure just fucking morph in public at school why not
Choice hyena
Why would your face flatten if you turn hyena?
Why the fuck does a retired patrolman have a loaded gun
Choice dog
Why would the oddly armed patrolman shoot both dogs endangering the children?
Or just shoot the pitbull?
Your killed by Visser 3
Choice fucking giraffe
Giraffes can split a lion’s skull with a single kick, by all rights you killed Visser 3
Then yer suddenly back in your real timeline
… that doesnt make sense Ax.
Also Marco’s mom was dead 2 yrs by start of series not 1
This story was real fucking weak, not even a call back to the intro in the end
Also in this timeline Tobias never got trapped in morph in the first books events, so when and how did he fuck up this timeline?
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6. When You Both Confess
Pein You were watching Pein do paperwork. You didn’t mind just sitting there. You just wanted to be with him in the room. Suddenly, a piece of paper slid off his desk. You got up to pick it up for him. When you saw the paper you froze. On it was a note to you. The note said: ‘_____, my actual name is Nagato. The Pein you know is one of my bodies, in a sense. I love you, regardless of which body I show it through.’ “W-What?” You asked out loud. You were shocked and confused. “I wasn’t sure how to say that to you.” Was Pein/Nagato’s response. “I’m not sure which I’m more shocked about. That you are a different person, or that you love me…” You got up and paced around for a few moments. You weren’t sure what you were about to do or say, but then it actually hit you. You loved Pein, and you just found out that he loved you too. “Are you angry?” You walked over to Pein and hugged him. “No. I love you too, but I do want to see what you really look like.” You could feel that he slightly hugged you back. It was as if he had never touched a female before. “That could possibly be arranged.” Zetsu You and Zetsu were working hard on your garden. You wanted it to be perfect, but something was missing. Your favorite plant was not there anymore. “Zetsu, where is my flower?” You asked him sadly. He looked at you, then looked over to where he knew it was. “I’m not sure.” The white half replied. “Maybe you should look for it.” The black half said, annoyed. You glared and went looking for it. You finally found it after 5 minutes, but there was a little card with it. There were blood red letters on it that said ‘We like you a lot. Be ours or get eaten.’ You turned to look at Zetsu. “What is this?” You held up the card. “Are you stupid or something?” The black half snapped. “It clearly tells you what it is.” “Well, I guess this is sweet.” You touched the blood red letters. “Is this actual blood?” “Yes.” “Gross, but I like you too.” You were disgusted, but happy. Sasori You were in Sasori’s workshop with him. You were working on one of your puppets and he was working on one of his. It was a normal peaceful afternoon. You began to hear noises so you looked up. A little puppet was coming up to you. It was holding a necklace. You looked from the puppet up to Sasori who was now standing over you. “I made this for you. I have these feelings for you; I believe it is called love. Will you be my significant other?” Sasori asked. There was a little hint of nervousness to his voice. You couldn’t help but giggle. “Of course Sasori.” You stood up and hugged him. “I love you too.” You felt Sasori let out a sigh of relief. “That is good. Now put on the necklace.” “Can’t you be any more patient with me?” You asked, smiling. He just looked at you as if you were dumb to ask that. You rolled your eyes and picked up the necklace. It was a little wooden heart with ‘S + (First Letter Of Your Name)’ carved into it. “Do you like it?” “Yes I do. It’s so sweet.” “Don’t expect any more ‘sweet’ things from me.” “I won’t.” You couldn’t help but start to laugh. Sasori didn’t laugh, but he did smile a little bit. ~ Itachi You and Itachi were hanging out at your house. You had made lunch and now you both were eating in silence. There was clearly something you both wanted to say, but neither of you knew how to start it. So how do you solve that problem? You just blurt it out and hope for the best. “I think I’m in love with you!” You yelled suddenly. At the same time Itachi said: “I might love you.” “You what?” Both of you questioned in unison. You couldn’t help but start to giggle at the situation. You got up from your chair and hugged him. You didn’t expect him to hug you back, but to your surprise, he did. Itachi and you stayed like that until he spoke again. “You’re mine now. Understand?” Itachi told you. Sure that was demanding, but in its own way it was also sweet. You pulled back to look at him in the eyes to respond. “That means you are mine now too.” You told him with a smile. He nodded his head and pulled you back into the hug. You two were content to stay like that, until your stomach growled loudly. You pulled back, face red with embarrassment. “Uh…” “Let’s finish eating.” When Itachi said that, you could have sworn he was smirking at you. Kisame It was a beautiful sunny day, so you and Kisame were at the beach once again. You two were swimming around, trying to swim faster than the other. You guys ended up getting tired, so the two of you returned to the shore and laid down on your towels that were under a big umbrella. The two of you laid in silence until he broke it. “I’m very sure that I’m in love with you _____.” Kisame told you suddenly. You sat up and looked at him like he was crazy, or better yet, like his blue skin was now neon pink. “W-What?” You asked shocked. “I love you. I understand if you don’t feel the same.” You answered by pouncing onto him and hugging him tightly. “Wh-“ “I love you too, you silly shark. I just didn’t think you’d feel that way about me.” You couldn’t help but giggle with excitement over his feelings for you. “Oh, well it seems like we both got a good surprise.” “Yup, now let’s go swimming again.” The two of you got up and you half dragged Kisame to the water. “You’re my girlfriend now.” He informed you simply. “I am if you are my boyfriend now.” You smiled at him as you two got back into the water. Hidan Hidan and you were out sacrificing people. You weren’t able to do the ritual Hidan did, but you could still kill people and then lay in the diagram like Hidan does. The two of you were just finishing up when Hidan decided to speak. “_____, you’re my fucking girl now. I’ve been thinking and I don’t want to fuck anyone but you.” “But Hidan, we haven’t had sex yet.” “It…that was just…” He sat up, clearly annoyed and maybe a bit flustered. “Was that your way of telling me that you love me?” You sat up to look at him, eager to hear his response. “Pfft, I fucking guess so.” Hidan looked away, so you got up and went to him. You got down on the ground with him and hugged him. “Well, I love you too.” “Good, let’s start killing more fuckers so maybe Jashin will make you immortal like me.” “Alright.” You stood up. “Let’s kill more bitches!” You yelled, holding your retractable spear up in the air. Hidan laughed as he stood up with his and wrapped his arm around you. “Let’s get go, my bitch.” Kakuzu Kakuzu and you had just gotten back from a bounty hunt. The two of you were sitting on your couch and were splitting up the money. Kakuzu “accidentally” dropped money on the ground as he was handing it to you. When the two of you bent down to pick it all up, he slipped an extra dollar on the top. When you picked it up, you froze. Written on the dollar was three words ‘I love you’. “K-Kakuzu?” You looked up at him and smiled. “I love you _____. More than I love money.” Kakuzu told you. you smiled brightly and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I love you more than money too.” You giggled as you felt his arms wrap around your waist. “Will you be my girlfriend?” He whispered in your ear. Even while whispering, his voice was deep and it made you shudder. It seems like that voice will always make your brain turn to mush. “Of course I will be, as long as you’ll be my boyfriend.” “Oh yes I will.” “Good, now let’s go back to counting the money.” He nodded his head and you could see the small smile he had on his face that he thought was hidden under his mask. Tobi You and Obito were lying on your couch together. When he was calm and without a mask, you called him Obito, and when he was masked and hyper, you called him Tobi. You enjoyed your time with both Tobi and Obito. “We love you, you know.” Obito told you when he thought you were asleep. You smile and waited to see if he’d continue talking. “I wish we could come out and tell you, but I guess we’re worried that we’ll get you caught up in our weirdness and scare you away.” “Weirdness is good Obito.” He looked down at you, shocked. “Tobi, Obito, whichever you are, I love both of you. You’re honestly the same guy underneath it all.” “I’m glad you think so.” “You’re my boyfriend now.” “Oh am I?” He teased. “Yup, I’m your girlfriend and you’re my boyfriend.” “Don’t I get a say in it?” “Nope,” You sat up and smiled at him. “_____ needs to be punished then.” He put his mask back on and his childish voice was back. You’re eyes widened. He then began to tickle you. You let out a girly scream and ran off, him right behind you. Deidara Deidara had told you that he was making a special bomb that would let off a special explosion. You asked him what it was, but he refused to tell you. He told you that it was a secret and that you would find out soon enough. Suddenly, he burst in through your door, knocking it off its hinges. You looked up from the chair you were sitting on and stared at him. “_____ I have that bomb ready.” Deidara told you excitedly. “Okay?” “Come on I want to show you it right now, hn.” He dragged you out of your house and to your explosion field. “Ready, hn?” “Yep.” “Katsu!” With that, a huge explosion went off. Sparks of all different colors went everywhere. It then spelled out the words ‘I love you _____’. You gasped and looked at Deidara. He looked pretty proud of himself. “You love me?” “Clearly, hn. I didn’t spend a week on that for nothing, hn.” “You’re an ass Barbie, but I love you too.” You hugged him tightly and he hugged you back. “You’re mine now, hn.” “Yes, yes I am.”
Madara (and his falcon Tiberius) has been living with you for a while now. You have managed to get him to open up and talk rather than just reply to whatever you say. He told you his plans for the future and how he wants to rule the world. The usual things you’d expect from him. He also began to be a little nicer to you. He didn’t wear the ‘I’m going to murder you’ face much when he was around just you. It was nice, you finally felt like he was your friend. Though of course, he was an attractive bad boy mysterious type of guy and your heart decided that it was going to fall in love with him. You couldn’t tell him that though, right? I mean he would probably kill you for it. You were sitting outside with your eyes closed, enjoying the beautiful cool and rainy day as you thought about your feelings for the man. You heard a flutter of wings to your right, and opened your eyes to see Tiberius staring into your face.
“What do you want?” You questioned, a bit freaked out. He had a scroll holder on his back, which usually wasn’t there. Wasn’t that a hawk’s job not a falcons? Oh well. You reached out and took it off him completely, as he looked annoyed to have it on him. He then flew back into the house without a sound. You slowly opened the scroll compartment and a scroll fell out. You unrolled it to be able to read the writing on it.
It said:
‘_____, it has come to my attention that you feel some form of more-than-friendship towards me. I thought it best to address the situation before it got out of control. I too have begun to feel some form of more-than-friendship towards you. I suppose it is what can be called “love”. Therefore I believe this means we are “in love” and now a “couple”. Which is not something I’ve had time for in my life previously.’
“Oh…” You were shocked. Madara had just admitted he knew you were in love with him, but also said he loved you as well. In a weird, non-feeling type of way. You had grown accustomed to his behavior though. It was hard for him to feel anything but hate and negativity. You smiled to yourself. You could vaguely sense him watching you from the doorway. “Yes Madara, I love you.” You called out to the man, figuring he was waiting for some form of verbal announcement of the fact. You felt his presence retreat back inside the house, but he felt lighter, like he was happy.
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aoibhs · 7 years
Good Morning Oxford!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Well..," Elizabeth looked around, noticing that all her fellow club members had already left. Even Poppy. They were probably all so drunk that they either forgot about her, thought she had gone home or thought that she was, in fact, still with them. She exhaled at the thought and did her best to keep calm. She wasn't going to fly off the handle in front of all these beautiful boys, even if alcohol usually had the emotional effect on her. She was determined not to start crying over something stupid like that, "It's getting late. I should be getting back," "Where would you go? The night's only starting," The pretty boy, Harry, said. There was a childish quality to his smile in that moment. "The girls have disappeared," Elizabeth shrugged a laugh, "It seems we've been talking for longer than I thought," "No no no, have another drink!" Toby hugged her waist, in both a protective and highly clingy fashion. "It's late guys, I can't," She shook her head, trying to pry Toby's arms from her torso. "Are you staying on campus?" Dimitri asked before downing the remaining dregs of his drink. "Yeah," She finally got him off, but wound up spinning around in a circle in the process, nearly falling over. James stepped in to steady her. She noticed George leaning against the wall, pointing at her with his mouth ajar, as if he was just about to tell someone to catch her but the alcohol had slowed his reactions down quite a bit. When he realized that James had already stepped in, he just slowly and awkwardly lowered his hand and looked away, completely bewildered. "Do you need a lift?" Dimitri didn't even notice that she nearly fell over, he was too busy straightening out the cuffs of his shirt. "Oh no, I'll be fine walking," She smiled, taking a step back towards the nightclub that was beginning to empty. "It's two in the morning, Lizzy," James furrowed his eyebrows. "Anything could happen to you out there!" Guy leaned towards her, trying to get past Ed who was, once again, blocking his view of her. His eyes were wide with alarm. Elizabeth wondered if he opened them any widen if they would pop right out of his head. "It's a scary world out there," Harry smirked over at her. "I'm not afraid of a few muggers," She rolled her eyes, knowing Harry was just attempting to spook her for the fun of it. "Well, you should be," Guy said curtly, stepping forward properly, "And if you're going to be that reckless then I insist on walking you back," As he finished speaking, he fixed his hair, which wasn't particularly messy in the first place. "Oh you've done it now," James chuckled. "But I-" "No," Guy held his hand up to cut her off, "I'm going with you," "Either he goes with you or we all do," George slurred slightly from the wall. Ed actually looked at Toby with genuine excitement. Dimitri and Harry just started laughing, knowing how the situation would play out. "Let's go, Guy," She tapped him on the shoulder and swiftly turned on her heel to walk back into the club. "Are you ashamed of us!?" Dimitri jokingly called after her. "Give me a reason not to be!" She called back, laughing, "Goodnight!" There was a chorus of goodnights from a mixture of Toby, Ed and James and then there came a faint one about twelve seconds after, Elizabeth figured that one was George. She waited at the main door for Guy to get his coat from the cloakroom, he didn't take too long thankfully, so they got to walking quick enough. The streets were ridiculously empty. The people of Oxford were sound asleep. And the silence was a little unnerving between the two of them. He kept turning to her, about to say something but then turning away. He did this at least four times before Elizabeth began to pity his intoxicated mind. "You didn't have to do this," She looked down at her black high heels clicking against the carefully cobbled street. "Of course I did," He scoffed, "Are you cold?" "Hmm?" Her eyes snapped up to his at the question, "What?" "Are you cold?" He gestured to her hands that were clutching her forearms. "Oh no, I'm fine," She chuckled nervously. She was lying and it was very obvious but she wasn't going to demand anything from him. He was already walking her back to her dorm as it was. She was caught off guard when Poppy invited her to go out. She told her to get ready quickly, so she ran out of her dorm as fast as she could once she had applied that last bit of cherry red lipstick, and completely forgot her jacket. "Alright," He said, looking on ahead. There was a short spell of quiet again. But Guy figured that he should say something this time, since she spoke first the last time, "What school did you go to? Cheltenham?" "No, um.. Actually I went to Cambridge," She smiled awkwardly. "Fuck off. Seriously?" He pulled a strange shocked face that caused Elizabeth to burst out laughing. "Yeah, my family is pro-Cambridge," She tucked a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, nodding as she spoke. "But you're at Oxford.." He was so confused, it was nearly adorable. In fact, it was. "Yes," She laughed, "Yes, I am," "Wouldn't your family prefer it if you were a Cambridge student?" "Very much so," She sighed, rubbing her arms again self-consciously, "I'm, eh.. I'm the family disappointment, if you will," She joked. "So, your parents went to Cambridge?" "Yeah and my older brothers," "So, why Oxford?" "I liked the course better, I liked the university better," She shrugged, smiling a little. "That's remarkable!" He beamed at her. "Is it?" Elizabeth snorted slightly to herself, tucking another non-existent strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you want my coat?" "No!" Elizabeth wasn't prepared for the abrupt subject change and panicked, trying to keep him from doing anything else for her. So, her panic-fueled mind forced her voice to come off far more defensive and aggressive than she would ever hope. She blinked, shocked at herself, "I.. I mean.. What?" Guy, laughing, began to remove his beige coat. "You're clearly freezing. Here," He draped it over her shoulders before she could push him away. "Guy, I'm honestly fine," Her protests were pointless. "It's October in England. Don't tell me you're not freezing," He smirked, knowing he had won. "You are just impossible, Guy Bellingfield," She shook her head at him, smiling and reaching up to hold the coat in place. "Oh stop it," He waved his hand in quite a girly way, causing Elizabeth to go into a fit of giggles. "Do you have a dorm here too?" She managed to ask after she finished laughing. "No, Dimitri and I have our own flats in the area," He said. "What? They're probably on the other side of the city," Elizabeth's eyes widened, "You can't be walking me home, you'll be walking miles to get home," She grabbed the coat from her shoulders and held it up for him to take. "Lizzy, relax. I told you I'd walk you back and I intent to do so," Why was he smirking? "But you'll have to walk back.." She trailed off. Another argument lost. "I will give Dimitri a call who will be by shortly to drive me back," That's why he was smirking, "What else is a Greek useful for anyway?" Elizabeth laughed grimly, shaking her head disapprovingly, but still laughing nonetheless, "Now, will you please put the coat back on?" Elizabeth looked down at the coat and nearly groaned, "Dear God, the things I have to do," Guy shook his head and grabbed the jacket from her, forcing it back onto her shoulders. "You didn't have to do any of this," She huffed, but playfully. In fairness, she was still laughing. "You are the one who wanted to walk home alone on a cold October night," He poked her shoulder, "Shaw, you left me with no choice," "Oh, I do apologize," Her sarcastic words gained a false glare from Guy. "There's no need to attack me," He placed a hand on his chest as if she had literally attacked him, "I'm just a good citizen, doing what any nobleman would do," "Yes, I would've had an entire entourage of Riot Club members if I wanted," She looked into the distance with a dreamy smile of her lips. "Yeah? Well, I offered first," He nodded, almost proud of himself. "Nothing about 'I insist on walking you home' is offering," She smirked. "Go back to Cambridge," He shoved her playfully. Of course, this spiraled into a full-fledged play fight. It had to stop when Guy nearly pushed Elizabeth into the fountain in the square. When he was helping her up,both of them laughing like children, barely inches between them, Guy's phone started ringing. He smiled apologetically and stepped away to answer it, leaving Elizabeth to stand there, a blushing mess. "Bellend, where the fuck are you? Did you die?" It was Dimitri. "We're nearly at the University grounds, no need to worry about me," He chuckled in a haughty manner. "You're only getting there now?" Dimitri sounded both shocked and disappointed, but also massively baffled, "Mate, it's four in the morning," "Oh... well, good morning!" As he spoke, he looked over at Elizabeth sitting by the fountain and smiled at her. She chuckled and looked at her feet. "I'm not coming to get you, Bellend," "Yes, you are," He said. "I'm fucking tired, mate. Walk home," "But I'm.... lost and scared, Dimitri, you have to help me," He searched his brain for excuses. "....Okay fine, meet me back at the club in ten minutes, Bellingfield," Dimitri sighed and hung up. "Is everything okay?" Elizabeth's voice drifted over from the fountain. "I need to go," He smiled awkwardly, not entirely happy with the outcome of the evening, "Is your dorm far from here?" "It's literally just inside there," She pointed over to the main gates of the university, "Why? What's happened?" "The Greek's having a revolution," He rolled his eyes. "I told you not to walk me home!" She slapped his shoulder. "Ow!" "Here," She handed him his coat. "Thanks, but I'm really sorry, I've got to run," His face filled with dread, "Will you be okay from here on your own?" "I'll be fine, now go!" She gave him a slight push. "See you later!" He called as he started to run down the road again. He hated running. He kept finding himself glancing back at her and she was still there each time, waiting for him to be out of sight. Once he was gone, Elizabeth sighed and brought her palms up to touch her cheeks. She was surprised her skin hadn't burned right of her flesh. The heat radiating from her face could probably be sensed miles away and be mistaken for a burning house. "Yeah.." She began to walk towards the gates and sighed, smiling to herself, "See you later,"
Chapter Four
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