#this took me like 3 days to make cuz my phone has been dead.
starsheet · 5 months
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(not intended nor drawn as a ship but idrc if u see it as that at this point. i think they're good buddies and i love them)
bonus version without all the very. drastic shading/lighting under cut
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(they look BALD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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craacked-splatters · 2 years
tumblr is the only place where my hyperfixations and ramblings won't make me seem like I've been trapped in a basement never seeing the light of day as I piece together a century long conspiracy. Apologies 4 the person I'm about 2 become . I'm gonna full theorist mode but I only have time to point out the puzzle pieces in d first ep for now cuz I got work in like 6 hrs :(( ill come bak n do rhe rest ltr feel free 2 add if u want
Ok so i was rewatching the eps again on my phone & collecting screenshots for my conspiracy board when I found this symbol in the intro 2 d first ep
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And I was like wait a min that kinda looks like d ones from the book so i went to see if was true and yep
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I don't know if there's anymore symbols scattered around in the other eps or if it was just forshadowing either way its making my brain vibrate. Has anyone else noticed this before? It's so cool
The other things in d intro that seemed a bit weird 2 me was the pics n letters on the fridge, the fact that our 3 guys r coming out of a clock house, and fuking roy looking into d house thru a hole in the wall. The symbolism and metaphors r there guys. I know it but Im putting a pin on unraveling that for ltr cuz I don't have time rn :((
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I kept my eyes peeled 4 anything else n then I saw the similarities between the breifcase n his older bro and yellowguy and his imaginary older bro
Both of them were like stuck in the shadow of their younger sibs u know kinda left behind, like the smol suitcase felt inferior n could only watch as his younger was running around being bigger n better, the yellows fake bro was always stuck in the background while yellow took the spotlight,
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and they both like lost their shit and injured themselves. The suitcase bro punched a wall n the fake bro literally comitted suicide. Maybe I'm looking to much into this but that kinda intrigued me a bit. Again I'll dissect to that ltr cuz I don't have d time 😔
So the 1st EP was about work & jobs right?
Noticed how like each guy had the same positions in each job?
Duck: (The judge, cryptocurrency, General, astronaut)
At 1st duck's jobs are more centered on power,on bieng a higher authority figure, someone who is respected, admired and successful. He views himself above the rest, he said one needed aggression to get ahead in workplace, (u know w/ the attention freaks part lmao),he narssistic, hes selfish, and is always strivings for better positions, better everything (the vending machine, wanting a better job etc)
He doesn't like this job, he failed at his work tasks, and no one is taking him seriously.
When the screen lady starts singing about stress n shit I was like hold up
First we see, him on the beach with a crab offering him pills. Relaxation=drugs?? An escape from reality perhaps 🤨
Then him walking on a tightrope with a bunch of red things under him (portraying his struggles with his inner demons maybe?? Showing that he is or was barely keeping himself from falling to them??)
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This whole thing. The line segments with the relaxing never being an easy straight line,(gotta go thru hell 1st b4 ur happy type of thinking??) And also the colors on the diagram. It's our 3 main guys. Red duck and yellow. (I'll dissect this ltr too no time rn😔)
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And this. The coins, (cryptocurrency?? financial issues??) The screw(shitty work jobs maybe) the crab(drugs) the red snake(inner demons?) And the green thing...idk what that is it has scissors n looks like its shushing(untold secrets/issues?) Maybe ita part of himself he doesn't like or harms him
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Duck is forced to like his job. He tries to go along with this whole bs, but he can't and snaps causing the hand accident. Is that what happened from before he was dead? Did he cause the death of someone? We know they all died at the same time different places.Then we see ltr that his jobs aren't as powerful as before, he is a mailman, hes a struggling artist, those jobs usually arent seen as impressive as say a CEO. Is this lore👀 could it be a bit of backstory for duck👀
Next we have Red: (Doctor, Barber, boss 2 whole company, horseshoe maker) His jobs are more concentrated on responsibility and expectations. A lot of ppl rely on doctors to help them out, a lot of pressure is laid on their shoulders especially with serious situations. With barbers you want them to give you exactly what u asked for, or at least something acceptable if u cant think of anything. Bosses are bosses. They're literally in charge of a shit ton of things. They keep everything running smoothly cuz 1 wrong move and everything starts going haywire. And horses need shoes to walk I guess
Notice how red is kinda... negligent? I wouldn't say lazy hes not. But remember how he would always want to do something else besides what they were doing? Or be anywhere else besides in the now? He didn't want to do anything at all in the 1st ep deciding to just chill. He didn't want to acknowledge yellows sadness in the Death EP, I guess he didn't want to deal with it? He wanted to meet a real fam, saying that the 3 of them weren't it. The whole road trip breakdown and "Im not going back to that house"?? Very interesting 👀
Yellow: (lumberjack, icecream man, fisherman, assembly worker, therapy patient??)
Yellows jobs r more centered on labor. They're average jobs regular ppl like u and me could get whenever. They usually don't ask for degrees or sumthn just experience perhaps. They might be easy, but there is a form of danger to them Lumberjack? You chop up wood dude, you could easily lose a limb or die. Ice cream man? Well you could always run over someone and uh, stranger danger? Fisherman? Fall out and drown or get lost at sea Assembly line worker? You saw what happened the same as the lumberjack (Trust me I work at a GE and ppl r always getting hurt)I got nothing 4 patient 😔
Besides the assembly one(I'm not counting it it was a lesson), the other jobs could be viewed as experiences.
Lumberjack- helping build the shack with his dad (Roy was there)
Icecream man- its icecream. lot of us go after that car. Especially children.
Fisherman- going fishing for fun, could be a bonding experience idk
Therapy patient- c'mon
There's a lot of shit I didn't cover but it's fine. Everything is so cool and fascinating I'm losing sleep to this whole thing. I'll talk more about it later I'm tired n it's 5am I've got 2 hrs to sleep.
Edit: yo I'm literally at work rn but I realized something. Yellows jobs are repetitive too. A cycle of things that are done a sort of loop. Lumber jacks, assembly line workers, etc etc usually focus on doing one task only, over and over whether it's screwing in bolts, chopping wood, serving food doesn't matter. It's repetitive, meaning you don't have to worry about changes bcuz there aren't supposed to be. You become accustomed to it, it's reliable.
This might've been a bit forshadowing about the way our 3 characters have to start the same routine in the same house again and again, a seemingly endless loop.
Did y'all notice how yellow was extremely against the road trip idea? And the death episode? He didn't want the routine to change. he didn't like it was confusing to him. And just when he's getting used to a change it all collapses on him. Man :(( this show is so cool fr I'll continue dissecting ltr gotta go now
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goremet-chef · 1 year
vent. mind the tags
grieving with bpd is so... i wont say its worse or anything cuz im really not about that shit, anyone and almost everyone can and has felt this pain before, its a constant of life, but.. when im not actively sobbing and depressed and my mood switches up, it makes me feel so guilty. i should be spending that time in misery, i should be wailing and wiping more snot from my nose and my head should hurt worse like it was a few minutes ago, but yknow. emotional permanence n all that
its so funny, they keep trying to get me to believe in god, she says he'll show himself to me and ill find him my own way. i respect that she at least respects im not there yet (i dont think ill ever be truthfully but we can agree to disagree), but i just keep losing more and more, and any faith i had gets ripped away in an instant. there is no god worth worshipping, because someone worth worshipping would not put me through this pain again and again and again
3 pets dead within a YEAR. riley died june 29, 2022, talcum died in october of 2022, and now artemis, today. may 24. it hasnt even been a full year since riley died. i cant keep doing this man
i find myself less hopelessly despaired and choking on my spit wailing sad like the last two, only because im started to.. lose faith in everything. i feel cynical, it makes me MAD
because i did everything right this time. with riley, i made the mistake of even THINKING that it couldve been cancer, and then it was. i know that wasnt my fault, he had the tumor before i even came to visit and before we took him to the vet, but its still incredibly hard not to blame myself for that. talcum died of stress, because bruce kept jumping on his bird cage. i was so ashamed with myself that my MOM (who doesnt even view our pets as family, more like accessories) noticed talcum wasnt singing like he used to. i didnt even notice until the day after when my sibling was on the phone with every vet he could call to see if they took birds
i was optimistic this time, because it looked hopeful! it seemed like she would be okay, i told myself itll be fine and that we'll fix her up and she'll live longer because she deserves to. obviously that was completely useless because shes dead now, so none of that mattered. i didnt even get to say goodbye to her. i said bye when i left my grandmas house a few days ago, but.. its not the same.
i did everything right this time and obviously it didnt fucking matter because theres no fixing that. theres nothing you can do, death is the worst part of life and it never goes away. never gets easier, you can never outrun it. it makes me so sad that the ones who dont deserve it get it first. i know they were old cats but artemis wasnt THAT old. she probably wouldve lived happily for quite some time after, if everything turned out good. ive known them since i was 7. theyve been in my life forever, and now theyre both gone
god it hurts so much, it never gets easier. i just feel so hopeless right now. i wish i could freeze time, and we could just exist as we are forever. but i cant do that
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pekodayz · 1 year
💞💐💕 (I'm sure people already asked you some of these but I'm still curious :3)
these were alr answered but for some reason i have more on my mind.
💞: How do you both express affection?
answered here :3
Ok so i meant to explain this too but I was sleepy. Boooo… also I’m on the phone omgee. I think they would use platonic as an excuse to be more …romantic-ish. they would I think oso would give aini a lazy smile and she would smirk at him back. then, they’ll slowly move closer to each other and hold hands for a while. They they’ll stop and say omg haha…that was gay…what? (that doesn’t make sense ofc but they’re idiots so..) Maybe they’ll do something where aini leans on her chair and puts her legs on oso while he works, then they’ll watch YouTube. flipping back and forth between that and work while on the job, every time their boss walks by. punchies is smth they love doing bc it’s funny to them. sometimes it gets out of hand and they end up knocking each other straight in the face accidentally. Aini secretly admires oso’s work ethic, sad…I know…he’s better than her for some reason (even tho Aini’s been here b4 him. She HATES THAT) she uses that as an excuse to say petty insults towards him (u didn’t do that right. do it my way. stop using that shortcut ur gonna make me look bad) oso usually has a comeback to say to aini so just imagine aini hovering over oso while he’s working and she’s just nitpicking stuff to make him mad cuz she’s jealous. at some point she pulled him aside and interrogated him abt how is he doing so much better than her. She’s so confused….he’s supposed to suck…not her….(she’s good at her job, oso just happens to be better than her ew)
💐: How did you two meet?
answered here :3
But ig I’ll talk more abt it (they already knew each other thru other means ofc) aini bragged abt having a job and moneyyyy (waving it in his face) .I think a week prior to oso working with aini, he kept giving some vague hints abt a surprise for aini. She really thought he had something for her, very suspicious. Kept asking him what he was talking about. He told her he had some interview for a job, aini shook her head and kyahahaha laughed at him. Oso said watch me, he’s gonna get this job. then yah. Day b4 he showed up, aini was told she had to train a newbie. Smug, she happily accepted….then yeah…it was him. surprise aini…..her blood went cold and her smile went away. She was like, no you’re joking right?????? RIGHT??? Staring him up and down like she’s looking at a dead body. Then ya oso sat right next to her and nudged her talkin about being work buddies forever and everrr!! aini asked him where he got the suit, he stares at her. looks away…mumbles ur money…aini cant really be that mad bc she was actually quite happy abt him working with her on the inside. but she still punched him in the arm. Still flabbergasted and pissed that she cant brag abt being the one with a job anymore. (and that he took her money lol)
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
answered here :3
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jodilin65 · 33 years
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1991 I told Ma all about what’s been happening when she called last night. She says I should be getting a package soon and also, she won’t be up till September.
I touched base with Tammy too, about what’s been going on with me, and her as well.
Before I write about the band, Maliheh, and the warts, I’ll update what else has been happening. First, I’m ticked off at Andy for delaying my money which I’ll probably get in the next few days. Now, as you know, I get paid on the 1st of each month and I make so little, so I can always use the money. What angers me is how he had me believing I’d get the money at the end of the month when I’m totally broke. He tried calling the night before last but I had stepped out to get cigarettes. He’d better call soon and tell me what the hell’s going on.
I finally heard from Hank about a week ago who was in the hospital, and tried to reach Jenny and Jai about coming up. Jai’s seen the place, of course, but I have not seen Jenny in ages and I miss her. She’s so sweet.
Last night I spoke to Steve who’s going to Chicago to see his two boys but will be back July 8th. I told Steve I was tired of waiting for Jessie to either call about visiting and bringing my bathing suits up or mailing them. Steve said he’d get the suits for me. She’s had these suits for over a year now.
I took time out to cook a pork chop with applesauce and I chatted with Kim. I also called and spoke with Jai and Jenny who seem to be doing well. They’re coming to see me within the next couple of weeks.
After my checks for the rent, gas, phone, and electricity clear, I’m going to close my checking account with SIS. When I say “gas” bill, that means the heat. I thought that the AC bill was that same bill, too, but I guess not. I thought they were the same bill cuz they come from the same place. There are 5 8” vents in this whole huge place. Can you imagine that? Those 5 tiny vents do a fine job, though, considering how big this place is. It’s definitely not 1200 square feet either. Kim’s is, but this one is 1400 square feet for sure.
I mailed the pictures Dad took to Tammy who was quite impressed when she saw them. Who wouldn’t be?
Anyway, as far as the AC goes, it goes on the electric bill.
I have just begun to get a tan. Of course, I have a very long way to go, but at least my hair is finally down to my waist. It isn’t in the finest condition, but I’d rather have long dead hair, rather than short healthy hair.
I did a little bit of rearranging here today. Nothing major, but the usual swapping things around I do every month or two.
It’s amazing how I’ve been up in the daytime, have had fewer all-nighters here, and today it was so cool and dry. I got up at noon and it was somewhat overcast till almost 4:00. Today was a far cry better than the 3 days we had before. It was 100º and incredibly humid. Keeping the central air on was a must. You couldn’t even breathe outside and there was no way I was going to tan. Lying on that blacktop will scorch you well enough.
Shortly after I got up, I vacuumed out the stairwell and played with Shadow for hours. God, is he ever getting huge. He’s up to 12 pounds now. Last night, just as the sun was going down, I opened the door downstairs, put him on his leash and basically ran around like a kid.
It’s so nice to sit there and feel the cool air with a great breeze and drink coffee or smoke cigarettes. I did that tonight too, and it still feels so beachy. Even Jai agreed when he was here that he felt like he was on Long Island Sound.
Ok, time to tell the wart story now. I decided I would follow up with it so Kim took me to the GYN Dr. Leitch referred me to. Before we went she said, “Maybe you can will them away.”
I laughed and she then said, “Well, I’ve seen the things you can do.”
So, of course, anyone would wish they could make it go away in a blink of an eye, but I was surprised after the pelvic exam. When the doctor. finished he said he knew Dr. Leitch to be a good doctor, but that I had no warts. At first, I was pissed at Dr. Leitch for having me terrified for nothing till I realized he is only human. Humans do make mistakes and he did bring my asthma under control. I figured it’s better to end up having been scared for nothing, rather than a valid reason.
Kim insists I willed it away. Maybe I did do something, maybe not. I sure still wish I could will away the cigarettes as I did with the Navane.
I’m going to listen to music now but will be back next month which is in half an hour.
FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1991 The last few days have been really weird. Yeah, I willed my warts away, met a woman I’m finally attracted to, made a prank call, and got in a band.”
I at least think I got into a band. I should know tomorrow night for sure.
Since I mentioned North Star, I’ll write about my trip to Pearl St. I thought North Star was so fancy. Pearl St. is even fancier. Kim and I planned to go last Saturday when we went to North Star. Pearl St. is only gay Wednesday nights.
First, as I figured, that girl who looked like Gloria never called. Secondly, Mark gave me The Advocate with an ad in a local town called Montague looking for a female vocalist. Mark was also telling me how he reads the person-to-personals just for kicks. I do, too. There are several amazing and humorous ads. My eye caught one that seemed ok, so I left a message and my number on this answering system you call and punch in the code for that particular ad. It’s better than that 900-line thing as it’s more discreet. Only Tanya, the girl I left the message for, hears my message. Unless you leave a message for anyone on the main line. I’d forgotten all about it till she called the next evening and we spoke for 20 minutes or so and she said that she too was to be at Pearl St. on Wed. The night before we were to meet, she called me and we spoke for almost two hours. I was very impressed, but when I met her, as usual, I was not attracted to her. She wasn’t a major butch, but again, not at all appealing. Her body was so-so but her hair and face did nothing for me. She was very nice though, but I had to be honest and tell her that I had to be attracted both inside and outside.
To me, being attracted on the inside, but not the outside, is like eating a raw steak. It’s a half-assed ordeal.
Then, I noticed a girl with nice long hair who was sitting with two obvious lesbians. Even though this girl had beautiful hair, her face was so-so and the dress she wore was hideous. I was out to be friendly anyway. When I approached the 3 of them and said my name, one girl said, “Does this work for you? I mean, I always wanted to be able to just walk up to a woman myself.”
I told them, no it doesn’t work as they’re either straight, gay and taken or gay and not interested. They laughed and I went back to where Kim and Tanya were sitting.
SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1991 Well, I have decided to call about that thing I last wrote about. After discussing it with Mom and Tammy who say it’s common and doesn’t hurt I figured I should get it over with. Whether I’m having sex or not, it’s time I end the itching, burning, bloated feeling I always have.
I spoke with Andy who’s still enjoying Phoenix but can’t stand the people.
Last night was pretty amazing. Kim and I went to a gay bar called North Star Seafood since Pearl St. is only gay on Wed. nights. Bill’s boyfriend Arthur told me about it and that it’s a restaurant in the daytime but at night it’s a gay women’s bar. It was small as Kim said it was but very fancy. It makes the Pub look like a dive. Sure there were several butches in there but there were a few that were ok.
The first one I spoke to was about a 5 but she said she was straight. The next one was an 8 with nice waist-length hair, tall, and wore an awesome outfit. She never said whether she was gay or straight, but she did tell me she sells jewelry and was traveling the east coast from San Francisco.
Then, right before we left, man did I get the shock of my life. She was a perfect 10 and Gloria to a T!! Except that her face didn’t really look like Gloria’s, but it was still beautiful. I mean, she was gorgeous! If I saw her from behind I’d think she was Gloria. She had long dark curly hair, dark skin and eyes, and a nice body. She wore a black dress such as Gloria would wear.
She walked to the payphone and I followed and I told her how I recently moved and was meeting new people and how I felt like the only feminine gay woman in the world and that she was gorgeous. She hugged me and said she was married with 3 kids but was bi. Also, she told me she was really flattered and she really did seem it. She was just so friendly and I gave her my name and number. Of course, I know not to expect her to call me as God surely knows I’m attracted to her, but it’s so nice to see another feminine woman who’s gay or bi. Maybe they do really exist here and there other than in Spfld.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1991 Yesterday turned out to be a horrible day. I didn’t go grocery shopping, nor did I tan. Instead, I ended up at Dr. Leitch’s office as I no longer could stand my sinus problem. My nose was swollen and tingling. The pressure in my head was too much as well as the hot flashes. Also, I was still itchy and red and had discharges down below. So, he said this time he’d try a very strong antibiotic and that I may need a few rounds of it. As for down below, well, he took a swab to send that to the lab and they’ll let me know, but get this - I have warts. I said I was gay and hadn’t been with many people or for very long. He said it may or may not be sexually transmitted. He said it could be caused by too much moisture. Also, my being with a woman will make my chances of serious diseases practically zero. Diseases like aids, syphilis or gonorrhea, but a person could have a virus in their mouth or on their finger and not even know it. Meanwhile, he says I need to see a GYN and they burn them and it’s not painful and it takes only 10 minutes. He said it’s not serious, but that I’ve had it for a while and it could get worse.
I’m still debating on whether or not to see a GYN as I have had it a long time, so how much worse can it get? Also, I planned never to be with anyone again cuz of not getting anyone I’m really attracted to. Nor do I want to go through the hassle and stress of being with someone even part-time.
I was right about those suspicions I’ve had for so long. Whether I have sex with a male or a female it’s like it’s a sin for me. Maybe not for some people, but it seems that way for me it is. I’ve always felt I would be punished and I was right. All the more reason I will never have sex again for sure. I have definitely resigned for life.
I called Tammy and she had that procedure done too and she said she was terrified at first, but it didn’t hurt at all. She told me they don’t even need to go in and that they just put a topical medication on the outer lips and you feel a very slight burning sensation and that’s all. She told me that after Becky was born she had a lot of bleeding and that all the moisture is what caused it. She told me not to blame Brenda, though, as it may be from the moisture of the discharges I’ve had or if Brenda did have a virus, she may not have known. I still have to think about it, though, and I also have other things to write about that are on my mind, but I’ll do it later.
TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1991 I’ll not write too long as I’d like to try to go back to sleep soon. I had a fairly productive day today and finally got my food stamps. I got a few things to hold me over until tomorrow night when I go to Food Fart with Kim. However, I’m dying for my coffee!
I received the pictures in the mail today that Dad took of the place when he was here. They came out well. I also got some pictures of Tammy, Bill, and the girls. The girls look fantastic but Tammy looked like she was sick that day.
It’s funny how Tammy’s had the same hairstyle for years and always wears the same clothes while I’m so into variety. Kim told Dad what most people would agree on. When she comes over here she never knows what my hair’s gonna look like or what I’ll be wearing.
Hank called a few hours ago. He was in the hospital as I suspected. He had a valve in his heart closed.
Another thing is, if a phone you’re using has call forwarding, you could check for that if you know how. By pressing 72# and if you get a busy signal, you’d know that phone didn’t have it. You couldn’t check for call-waiting unless you were talking to someone and it beeped. Then you’d know if it was on the line. 3-way calling, you don’t have to check for or be familiar with to figure it out. For example, if you call 411 to get a number, then hit the receiver to make a call, you get an instant dial tone if it didn’t have it. If it did, it beeps 3 times, then you’d get a steady dial tone.
The last time I spoke with Ma, she had mentioned the “extras” and I told her, I didn’t have any “extras.” Well, of course, I do not have call-waiting or call-forwarding and I never intend to get them. I don’t need them. However, I’d hate to live without 3-way calling, which I got a month or so after I moved here. So, after I told Ma I didn’t have any extras she goes, “Mhm,” in a tone of voice as if to say, “You’re full of shit.” After I hung up from her was when I realized that Dad probably caught that when he was using the phone to call Ma with his calling card.
Of course, what it all comes down to once again, is I’m an adult so I’ll have on my line whatever I damn please.
Well, it looks like I’m going to be up for a while, so I might as well continue with the past. First of all, it was through Crystal that I met Mary D and I’ve already gone through her story.
Mike, I met after Al L, but I don’t remember his last name. Al, as I’ve already stated many journals ago, was the most hideous creature of all 6 guys I slept with. Jessie, Steve and Andy also agree, he is a pitiful person as well. Only Ron and Al out of the 6 guys, were for more than one night. Al wasn’t for too many nights, though, and I’ll never miss him. It’s no wonder he was so insecure and had been alone for years before I met him. His attitude was sick and pathetic. So rude and negative and I’ve never seen someone so eager to cut a person down. He was so downgrading. And he really thought in his mind that he was a wonderful person. In the end, I didn’t lose him. He lost me and if I had ever run into him in public, I’d spit on his face and walk away.
Mike, I met through these two brothers, Jim and Joe P. Jim’s the one who had a band and so did Joe till Joe had personal problems and Jim went into business. Jim owned a cleaning service for a while and I worked for him. This was when I first moved back to Woodside Terrace. While still on Oswego St., though, Mike was a roommate of Jim’s who I had a one-nighter with. He honestly told me up front he had a girlfriend, and I didn’t want a relationship with a guy. Of course, if I met him today, I wouldn’t sleep with him any more than I would with a butch. I’d sleep with no one if I could not get a decent enough woman. Mike was very friendly and very gentle and I’d probably have been very attracted to him if I was straight. When he first came over we talked, had coffee and agreed on only oral sex. He did a nice job down there.
Next, I’ll write about Tammy W, then Andy and Jessie, but I think I’ll go take a shower now. Then I may walk down to the coffee shop at Cumberland’s. Later, I’ll also have to go talk to that guy at the Chowder House about a part-time job there.
I am now in this little breakfast place that sort of reminds me of Dunkin Donuts. God only knows I don’t miss Springfield, although, I wish there was a Food Mart close by. Soon, I’m gonna go back home and try to catch some sleep, then get up to go to the Chowder House.
It’s amazing how friendly the people were to me at the breakfast place. I mean the man and the woman that worked there today and yesterday when I was there. I told them how I talked to this guy at a seafood place (the Chowder House) about a job as I simply need the extra money. So desperately that I’d even work 4-5 days. Especially since I see I’ll never be a singer and have been living on that dream for 25 years that seemed so real and so destined it had me fooled for so long. For 25 years. They told me to speak to the owners in the afternoon hours if the Chowder House doesn’t fall through.
I think it will, though, as I already met with Bob who’s the owner of the Chowder House and we discussed it and he showed me around. It’s small but nice and from what he tells me and these two girls tell me, the tips are good.
Those two girls, Tina and Kathy are so nice. This town amazes me. Especially Kathy, who I think might be gay, even though she says she’s married and hates her husband. You can somewhat tell she might be gay, but she’s not ugly and seems very friendly and outgoing. She’s a lot like me in speaking her mind and being open-minded. Two other things suggested she may be gay. One was that she used to do drugs. Two, her name is Kathy. Every Kathy, Ann, Mary, Carol, and Karen in the world is gay just about.
So anyway, last Saturday when I met Bob, he told me we’d meet again Tuesday or Wednesday. I just called him and he said he’s going to Springfield today, so tomorrow before 11 AM we’ll meet. That’s good.
When I fell asleep yesterday, I’d been up 18 hours or so, so I expected not to sleep only 4 hours. However, I woke up with an attack as I hadn’t had my Theodur in almost two days. When I got up I took it, as Kim got my refill and after an hour and a half, the attack died out.
At 9:30 or so last night, Tammy called and I spoke to her briefly, making no sense at all. I was still quite exhausted till I showered and ate. Tammy, Bill, and the girls may be coming up this weekend. I never thought she’d get here until the year 2000.
I could wait for the sun to come out more and finally get that tan I want. If I do that, though, I won’t be able to go grocery shopping later. I’ve been up since 8:30 last night. Then again, I don’t think I’ll fall asleep for a long while yet anyway. I guess I’ll get a tan.
SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1991 After 6 or 7 months of Ron, I ditched him from my life. That was at the beginning of February, I think, then on June 30th of 1987, I moved out of Woodside Terrace. It was a mutual agreement between the landlord and me as I was having problems with some of the other tenants. They were kind enough to let me take my time and they never gave me a legal eviction notice. If only I knew then what I know now, as I could’ve fought it in court and won cuz you know me. I’d never cause anyone major trouble unless they did shit to me. Other than calling people I don’t know or those that have given me a reason to dislike them, I don’t want hostility so close to home.
So, this was when I moved to Oswego St. which at the time was 10 times worse than Woodside Terrace. First, let me back up to Feb. when I met both Fran and Nervous who lived next to each other on the 1st floor.
Ron had worked as a maintenance guy at McDonald’s where we met. Fran had worked there also at one time, so that’s how they met. Before I moved, Fran got evicted and I met up with Stuart B who I went to Longmeadow High with. Stuart’s gay too, and also was not at home most of his teenage years. He and I have been friends now for 2½ years and I think he still lives on Locust St. where he’s been for 8 years now.
I feel our friendship ending was for the better as he was the same as Fran in most ways. Both Stuart and Fran and I could hold nice conversations and lots of laughs, but at the same time, they were too off the wall and unpredictable. And I thought I was once about as bad as you can get.
Around April before I moved I had a second roommate by the name of Barbara T. She was quickly in and out before a month was out. That was the one who only stole an afghan and some coasters which didn’t mean shit but rang up a $143 phone bill. When I called the phone co. about it, they removed it from my bill due to my good acting. However, I don’t think I could get that lucky again in a million years. God was with me that day.
As for Nervous, I met him one day in February when I had the flu and asked him for a ride to the ER. I liked Nervous so much till I found out what he was all about but keep in mind I’m not the same person I was when we met. If we were starting all over and I met him for the first time now, I’d never associate with him. His obsession with me back then pissed me off and rather embarrassed me cuz of the way he is. Today, I find it quite amusing and I know that that’s life no matter what kind of person you are or what you look like. I really miss his spying and my playing dead or crossed line with him. Also, I miss taping him and Fran or Andy. That, I’d do all over again if I could in a minute.
About half a year after I moved, my friendship with Jenny C and Mary C ended. Jenny and I had grown to be two totally different people. We had met in grade school. Mary was too flaky and never returned stuff she borrowed. Her brother was a loser, too.
I missed Nancy H who had lived next door to me on Woodside Terrace. She moved out a month after I did and got married.
I still spoke with Emily B every now and then and shortly after I moved, Larry and John sold my building and hers. Right before Larry and John sold out all their Springfield property, they evicted Nervous for not paying his rent. Nervous then stood at the Y and when he couldn’t afford that he was out sleeping in his car. Because he was so obnoxious and had a lousy attitude too much of the time, I wouldn’t take him in. Eventually, he got a room in a rooming house.
My neighbors were ok, except for Nellie and José, who stole checks and a boom box from me. The bank reimbursed my money, but I always liked Nellie and felt that she’d be a decent person if she weren’t a thief and a druggie.
Hank pissed me off at first till I shocked him by going after him. Not punching him or intending to harm him, but scaring some sense into him. I intended to go further if I ever needed to, but we became friendly. Hank began to respect me, not cuz he would’ve liked to get down my pants or cuz I was gay but cuz I wasn’t scared of him. He was going with the woman next door on and off and she was ok. I only got mad at her once when she accused me of fucking around with Hank when I was only downstairs talking to him or bumming smokes. Hank lived below me and Mattie lived next door and that night she pissed me off I chased her into her apartment. She beat me to it, slammed and locked the door and I stood outside it kicking it and screaming at the top of my lungs. I heard her calling the cops, so I ran inside my place, shut my lights off and just stayed there. They knocked on my door, but I never answered. Hank told me the next day Mattie was scared of me. I told him as pissed as I was and with all my cussing at her, I’d never be dumb or cruel enough to lay a hand on a 62-year-old woman. I told Hank if Mattie wanted to be friendly, so would I but to ask, rather than accuse me of anything.
The nicest and sanest neighbors I had were these two sisters who were in their late 60s. Anna and Julia. They lived next door to me on the other side of me. Also, Dotty, who lived on the 1st floor next to Hank.
There were two adjoining buildings, each with two apartments per floor. My side was the 1-bdm side and the other was the 2-bdm side. Very different from the Woodside-Locust complex and much smaller. All the apartments were big on Woodside-Locust. The Oswego St. ones were smaller.
Locust had three 1-bdm apartments per floor. Woodside had three 1-bdm apartments per floor and 1 studio per floor.
Next time I write, I’ll write about my third roommate, Crystal C. I’ll always have mixed emotions about Crystal, but she was definitely the best roommate when she wasn’t being lazy or stealing from me. When I remember Crystal, I feel sorrier for her than angry. We had things in common, such as our backgrounds and hit it off instantly. She and I had a lot of laughs and we made phone calls and ranked on Nervous together. She was hardly ever home, though, as she was too busy hanging with the wrong kinds of people. Such as her boyfriend who was always beating the shit out of her, yet she’d keep going back for more.
She’ll always be a lost cause and forever naïve. Always be a loser and know people who are losers. She’d have a much harder time attracting decent people than I ever would.
Sometimes I feel like a lost cause only cuz there’s no possible way to get anything I really want no matter how hard I tried and how much effort I put into it. If humans lived to be 1000 years old, I’d never be a singer or get even one night with someone I’m sexually attracted to, whether I tried to or not.
However, Crystal’s the type you could hand something to on a silver platter and she’d refuse it.
So, she moved out in either late Feb. or early March of 1988.
I really don’t feel like writing now even though I have nothing better to do. I’m bored and I’m hungry but can’t get my food stamps until tomorrow. Also, I feel like shit.
FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1991 Now, I’m going to try to wrap up this story once and for all. Then, I’ll get back to the past. I called Laurie since I couldn’t reach Sergeant D. Right away she came out and she told me I had two options. One was they’d seek an arrest warrant. Two, was for me to be at the Police Department the following night at 7:00.
The next day I called Sergeant D collect and told him there was no way I could get there cuz I had no car and no ride. I told him how and why I recently moved and that Kim and Mark were the only ones I knew and they were at the Cape. I also explained that Dad was coming up and that I only see him once a year.
I was honest with him, yet tried to make him feel for me at the same time. Luckily he’s very sensitive and understanding to begin with. I told him that, yes, I did have a flaky side to me, but that I’m not a bad person. He said, “I know you’re not a bad person and I know why you left the city.”
Then, he put me on hold. While waiting for him, I realized he had spoken to cops who knew me. Especially as he was just so nice and gave me a 3-day continuance until next Sat. I knew Kim could drive me then.
We also discussed the warrant about Jenny C and I told him the whole story. He said that the courts take care of that and that I’d have to go there.
So right after Dad left I discussed it all with Kim and Mark. Kim agreed to drive me. She was a little nervous, but not overly worried. I was a little on edge about the warrant, but at the same time, I told myself not to worry. Kim and I both figured Laurie would be there but she wasn’t.
I dressed up nicely and carried myself as well as I could.
Sergeant D looked nothing like he sounded. He laughed when I told him he sounded older. In fact, he was very young and Kim thought he was cute.
After we spoke, I could tell he thought I was attractive and I could see that he was honest and friendly. Of all the times I wished I was ugly and could turn people off, I really appreciated my looks that night. They helped, along with my attitude and knowing other cops. Also being related to Jim who’s a lawyer.
Finally, Sergeant D said, “The case with Laurie is over as far as I’m concerned and out of my book. I’m not even going to have you go to court as prank phone calls are not our top priority. We don’t want the hassle any more than you do.”
Then we discussed the warrant and I told him I couldn’t get to court last Thursday or Friday and I planned to go Monday. He said the W. Springfield police would have to come and get me and hold me there till Mon. morning when the courthouse opens up.
As he was saying this, Kim and I mentioned my asthma and I pretended to be terrified.
Finally, Sergeant D said, “Well, there’s no bail on defaults, but I’m gonna call W. Springfield and try to talk to them along with the clerk from the courts. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try my best. Meanwhile, you’ll still need to go downstairs and give them general information.”
Kim waited upstairs in his office while he took me downstairs to that garage area I was in 3½ years ago when I called that pig. The one I supposedly threatened over the phone that threatened me in my cell, which was perfectly ok for him to do and get away with, along with the sexually harassing calls I later got as well. There, he left me with another plainclothes cop while he went to make those calls.
That cop was nice too, and we chatted here and there. Then, as two young cops in uniform came to get in a cruiser, one looked at me and said, “Ooh.” Then he asked me if I was a social worker. I said no and that I was a singer. He was confused cuz I wasn’t handcuffed. He asked why I was there. I told him, then he asked if I’d be around for a while. I said no and told him I lived in S. Deerfield.
When I finally got inside where the cells are and began to give the guy at the desk the information, I could see 3 cops in a room with glass windows. I read their lips. They basically commented on my looks.
Then, this other cop came and stood right next to me and says, “I like short girls with nice long hair. You wouldn’t mind a guy with buck teeth would you?”
I told him I had buck teeth, too.
Then, when the guy at the desk asked for my last name, the cop that hit on me said, “Jodi?”
Then it hit me who it was and I said, “John P?”
He said yes and asked how Andy was. Andy had met him on one of his nighttime walks with his Batman cape.
So, that was when the phone rang and the guy behind the desk said that W. Springfield wasn’t coming. Then another cop came around the corner saying to another cop, “She’s going to be ROR’d right out of here.” There were maybe 6 or 7 cops.
The guy at the desk then said, “I hate to put you in a cell but it’s for your own protection as someone violent could be brought in. You’ll only be there a half-hour till the clerk of court arrives.”
I said, “Am I going to be in a cell with other people who may be violent?”
John said, “Nope. You get your own room.”
Then the matron took me to a cell till I paid bail and got out half an hour later.
On the way home, Kim and I were amazed at how nice everyone was. No one at all gave me a cold shoulder. Kim was saying, “You are so lucky. They broke the law for you. There’s no bail on defaults.”
Mark was shocked when he heard about it, and the following Monday, he took me to court. Even though we weren’t there long, Mark found it interesting.
That Saturday night when I got home from what Kim and I described as an interesting and somewhat adventurous night, I called Sergeant D and thanked him.
I go to court again on September 12th. I do not know if Jenny will be there, but my guess is that she’d love to be. I hope she is and I’ll write why after the court date.
Wait till I show Kim just how many pages it took me to write about all this.
The last thing I wrote about in my past was when I ditched Ron and told my family I was gay. That wasn’t quite the end of my sexual encounters with men as I was still naïve. I still hadn’t learned how to say “no” and was still wondering, like most 21-year-olds no doubt, how do I go about acting on being gay and finding a woman? I still was insecure and had yet to learn that you just can’t make someone feel, want or think what they don’t want to. You can’t make someone want and love you. I still didn’t know that love was out and sex was in. At least it was the in-thing in 95% of the population. Yes, guys more so than gals. I still didn’t know about gay bars or what a butch was and that gay women looked like men and not like a woman which I wanted. I still thought I was one in many thousands. That’s until my aunt Ruth told me that being gay is not as unique as I thought it was and I read statistics saying how every 1 out of 10 people is gay. I still had not met other gay people with which we both discussed it face to face. I mean, I had met plenty of gays, but was too young to understand and had met many I suspected were gay. I think it was how ugly and unattractive gay women are that’s more disappointing than how fucked up so many people are. It was still to be a while before I learned all this, though.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1991 Anyway, as I was last saying, I realized Laurie was awake so I once again said to hell with it. I called back without giving out any information and I got right to the point. She flipped on me immediately, denying she was gay and demanding a name. I hung up without telling her a thing and was curious as to why she’d lie about being gay. Usually, hardasses like herself tell it like it is with no fear. They’re the types who don’t give a shit whatsoever what someone else thinks. It was so obvious too by her looks, the sound of her voice and definitely her attitude.
I gave up on her for almost two months till I looked in the phonebook. There were 3 others with her last name listed so I called her mother and her sister-in-law. Her parents were pissed and her sister-in-law was too, then became friendly figuring I was trying to help Laurie. I told them both that Laurie was gay and told them Laurie was afraid to tell them. The mother was swearing at me and telling me it was Laurie’s business what she does. I asked the sister-in-law if she knew. She said no and that people’s sexual preferences are none of her business. She also said that Laurie knows she can talk to her and Laurie knows she works with a gay woman.
So finally late one night at 3 AM, I called her brother Tim and crossed her with Laurie. They were confused at first until I whispered, “Laurie.”
She goes, “What was that?”
Tim said, “Someone just whispered ‘Laurie’.”
Laurie asks, “Are you serious?”
Then after Tim said yes, Laurie told him to hang up and let his machine pick up to see if they could get a voice. So I did call the brother and left a tape of Nervous and Fran’s brother Rick fighting on his machine. I did this a few times till I called back begging for him to pick up the phone all the while playing to be the AT&T operator. He did, and I crossed him with Laurie.
Laurie immediately told Tim, “That woman’s on the line. I’m gonna kill you and pummel your face in. We’re gonna come down real hard on you, woman, as soon as we get a name. We know you’re connected with the hospital. That much we got.”
Tim said, “Laurie, when you get her, have her killed.”
She said, “With my very little hands.”
So finally I spoke up with all my wacky lines and really confused them as to who the fuck I am and where I am and how I have so much information. I told her how I saw her and liked what I saw.
I asked her how you get aids in your ear and she said she didn’t know. I said by listening to assholes and then she said she must have AIDS in her ear.
Tim asked me which one was going to be the dominant one and I began singing, Crazy in Love with You by Linda and Laurie said, “You are crazy for sure.”
I said I was half sane, half-insane.
Laurie says, “No, you’re leaning on a good 95% insane.”
I said, “Well, if you let me have a date with you, I’ll drop it to 90%.”
Finally, Tim told Laurie he thought the whole thing was amusing.
Laurie said, “Well, I don’t. Not at this point.”
Even though she was pissed, you could tell she was quite curious.
After Tim hung up, I told her at that time that I’d only seen her once and mentioned her lighting my cigarette. I never mentioned Kim’s name or my last name or address but I did give her my first name and phone number.
She swore she’d never harm me and said, “We all have our skeletons in the closet, but I don’t think you’re a bad person. I have the information now, Jodi, and I could do something if I wanted to, but I’m not going to. I give you my word as a woman and as a cop, I could but I won’t. However, if you agree to stop calling my family and call me here at a decent hour, I’ll talk to you.”
After I hung up, I realized she could find out who and where I am as I know so many cops. I also knew that if she were to speak to cops who know me, they’d put in a good word for me. I figured why worry about it anyway as yes, I was skeptical, but she really had me believing she was sincere.
The next day, I left two messages on her machine in the early afternoon. Plenty of time before she’s to be at work. I tried other times too, to reach her, but hung up as soon as I’d get the machine.
It was at that point that I started to get a bad feeling. Then, after 3 days of not hearing from her, I got a call from a Sergeant D at the police dept. At first, I hung up on the guy till I realized two things. One was that he and Laurie probably had found out my full name and where I live. Secondly, I noticed this guy sounded so nice and not “out to get me” in a bad way. He sounded much nicer than Laurie. At this point, I could see that Laurie would freak out over anything and was just another insensitive, lying butch.
I then went to call Sergeant D back, but he’d already left.
I called Laurie after that, who of course, had her answering machine on and said, “I want you both to call me back and I want to know why you lied.”
I’ll write more after I watch A Current Affair. I spoke to Andy last night so later I’ll write about that, too.
I watched A Current Affair but decided not to watch Unsolved Mysteries as it’s another repeat. You’d think that with all the crime in the world, they’d come up with new shows, but I guess not.
Last night when Andy called he played me a tape of some calls he’s made. They were funny. He said that as soon as he fills up the tape, he’ll mail it to me so I can edit it.
He also told me that he and a friend of his are going to see Gloria in July. He’s going to send me two tour books. Two cuz they put pictures back to back. We figure they’ll be $10 apiece so instead of him sending me $35, which he owes me, he’ll send $15. I told him to send me the money right away and that I’m mailing him a tape of the new edits.
Now to continue once again with Laurie, Sergeant D, and the bench warrant. The following night I went to the movies with Kim. Upon returning home there were two messages on my machine. First was Sergeant D, sounding friendly and patient, telling me he just wanted to run a few things by me and to call collect if I wanted to “save a dime.” Lord only knows what my phone bill is gonna be even though it was worth it.
The second message was from Laurie with a slight snobbish edge, although she was calm. She said, “Hi Jodi, this is Laurie H. If you’re there I’d appreciate you picking up the phone (pause). Well, obviously you have my number. Return the call and I’ll talk to you at this point. Thanks. Bye.”
First I tried reaching Sergeant D, but once again it was too late. He had gone home.
TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1991 I’m not gonna write too long about Laurie or all the other stuff. I can barely keep my eyes open and only had 3 hours of sleep. I had to be up by 7:30 this morning. So, about Laurie…Kim found out her name and also that she was originally from Greenfield. Kim saw her 3 times or so and also had an instant feeling that she was gay, even though she doesn’t look overly butchy. So, one night before Kim left the ER, she saw Laurie going home in a wheelchair. Kim told me she was in uniform and had been hurt on duty. Kim didn’t know how she got hurt but informed me Laurie would be out of work for a few days.
Right after this discussion, I called 411 and got her no. Although it was 2 AM and my heart was pounding, I thought, “What the fuck?” Of course, I knew I’d never have a fling with her so I figured I’d just have fun. When she answered I realized the voice sounded much manlier than I remembered. Her attitude is that of a major bull butch, too. At first, I asked for a phony name and at that point, she was nice and told me I had the wrong number, of course. I hung up and then it hit me that she was fully awake. Second-shift people usually are at that time, but I’ll finish the story tomorrow.
I am zonked so I’m gonna listen to music, then crash.
MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1991 First I’ll write about my very interesting adventure which will bring my current life up to date. After that, I’ll go back into the past.
Well, cuz I never went to court for Jenny, there was a default warrant out as I figured there’d be. Before I get to that, though, I need to back up a bit and mention something else. They’re connected, though.
I’m not sure if I mentioned Laurie H or not. Nevertheless, I’ll run through it anyway. Once, right before I moved, I was in the ER and I noticed an attractive lady cop. I knew right away that cuz I liked her, God would never let me have her. So, I decided to play chase and snoop anyway like I usually do. The chase is always more enjoyable than the capture. Even though there never is a capture unless it’s someone I don’t want. After I left the ER and went outside to wait for Brenda to pick me up, she came out to her cruiser to smoke a cigarette. I asked her for a light so I could talk to her and get a better look. I noticed that yes, you could tell she was gay but she was pretty at the same time. Her hair was a little below her shoulders and she had beautiful brown eyes.
That was the last I saw of her. This was either directly before or after meeting Kim. After I moved, while Kim was still working at Baystate, she got some information on Laurie H.
After I see The People’s Court I’ll finish the story.
SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1991 The last week and a half have been incredible! I have some amazing stories to cover. First of all, the visit with Dad was great. He also stood here overnight. He brought up a few knickknacks and we went out to dinner and then to Sugar Loaf Market. I sang him two songs and played the tape Bill made of the voice exercises. I also played him a few “appropriate” edits and I showed him my drawings and some new clothes. He saw the tape of the Frontier and the Pub performances and he really got into it. We watched TV, too.
Mom will be up in a month or two, she said, and told me how beautiful Dad thought the apartment was. He really freaked when he saw it and he took several pictures of it.
Both mom and Tammy called and mom asked me if I was sure nothing at all was included in the rent. When I said no, she said from now on they’ll send in a check for $150 rather than $140. That’s great. I’ll have an extra $10 and it’ll surely help.
Again I told her as soon as anything singing job comes up, I’ll notify her and I feel it will.
That guy Joe called that I met roller skating and we had a great talk. It makes me feel better knowing Kim and Mark have known him for years. He said I sounded very serious and determined, then he mentioned my fears before I did. As far as sleeping my way there, he said, I wouldn’t embarrass myself, either. We sang some Spanish over the phone and he knows Linda’s songs from her album Canciones de mi Padre. He says he’ll call soon.
I’m gonna go listen to music for a little while, then I’ll write about the most adventurous event I had earlier.
0 notes
creatureofmystry · 4 years
MLB x DC Universe Headcannons
I just love the idea of MLB and DC (expecially Batfam cuz Mari is such a Wayne) being in the same universe and crossing over. So one night, I just had an idea overload of different ways the Marinette would know the batfam/be a part of the DC universe. And if any of my shitty ideas somehow inspire or prompt you, then please be my guest. 😊 _
1) “Ladybugs of Past and Present”
Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother, was once a previous holder of the ladybug miraculous. When Fu activated the miraculous and put them in circulation, Hippolyta could feel its magic waking back up. Knowing there must a reason for it to be out, she sent a message to her daughter. Diana searched, finding Marinette and Adrien as the present holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. She vouched and brought them into the Young Justice program while they also made their own team, Project: Zodiac (or something like that).
[Sometime when Diana takes Marinette to meet Hippolyta]
“Great Hera, Tikki, you have not aged a day” -Hippolyta, cause she does know how to make joke. 
“And I would say the same to you” -Tikki
“Mother, you can make a laugh?” -Wonder Woman, honestly a bit confused cause her mom have never not been serious before.
And Marinette is just speechless cause she’s starstruck meeting Wonder Woman’s mom AND a previous Ladybug holder.
2) “Rockstar Niece”
Jagged Stone is Marinette’s Sweet Uncle J. During the summers, Jagged Stone would take Mari with him on tour. HIs summer tours are throughout America, so Mari gets to sightsee the country. Jagged’s first tour that he gets to take Mari on (5-ish), he’s also booked for the annual (for whatever reason) Wayne Summer Gala. When Marinette meets the Waynes, they are so enamoured (Dick and Tim couldn’t help it) that they tell Jagged he’s always invited as a guest, Mari of course being added to the permanent guest list too. About 6 years later, Mari is practically adopted, spending the first half of her summers with Jagged, going to the Wayne Gala, then spending the rest of her summer with the Waynes. Overtime, she figured out the secrets of the family and was there to welcome Jason back from the dead (when that happens). Anyways, now 11(-ish?) Mari meets Damian and the two become good friends… after an… impressionable first meeting.
“Tch, let me guess, you’re another one of father’s adopted strays” -Dami
“YOU MUST BE DAMIAN!!! DICK TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!!” -Marinette, who just ignores what he said for a hug.
“hiiiiiiiiissssssss” -Dami, touchy with touch
“...” sprays water in his face since he decided to act like a cat.
“I say, Master Bruce, the children are getting along quite well” -Alfred
3) “Pen Pals” 
Jon Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are part of an international pen-pal program, starting when they were very young (maybe like 4 or 5-ish, super super young) where they told each other everything (Jon can’t just say that his older bro is a clone made from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, or that his dad is Superman, or that his best friend is Robin, but yea. Lois and Clark probably proofread his stuff until he’s like 9) with pictures and everything. When they’re old enough to get phones & stuff, they call, text and vid-chat along with their letters (love without blood). When Mari is maybe 9-11 (somewhere around there) she starts flying over during the summers to hangout with Jon (and his friends and big brother). While there, she meets Kon, Bat fam, and Clark (some who she already knew, some who she didn’t) & lightly hints that she knows who all they are once she figures it out (it didn’t take her long to do so). 
Now whenever she visits and is at Wayne Manor (Jon likes to have sleepovers practically every weekend) while they’re on patrol, Mari subtly messes with their minds (super subtle, they’re the world’s best detectives after all) until they finally look through the cams and see Mari giving them one of those smiles (those shit-grinning cause it’s just so hilarious how it’s gone on for so long) & and a playful wink. 
[5 seconds later]
“Mari!” “Pixie-pop!” “Angel!” “Teacup!”
“Seriously, am I the only one with a normal nickname for her?” -Tim
“Ms. Marinette would like to inform you that ‘it took you long enough’” -Alfred (who so knows that the girl has been playing them since the third night she stayed at the Wayne’s)
“Where are my adoption papers?” -Bruce (who is seriously adopting any talented black-haired child)
4) “Mari and Mar’i” 
When Mar’i is young, Dick and Kori take her with them to see Paris (btw, this would be during the winter). They’re strolling along through a park and lose track of Mar’i who finds Marinette (9-10 ish). Marinette comforts and distracts Mar’i while noticing the young(er) girl is Tameranian (her hair is very warm and she’s wearing significantly less layers than should be worn for a human of that age during the winter, plus that sun-kissed skin tone. She’s seen Kori in her fashion magazines (and, from time to time, on the news as an ambassador) so she easily make the connections). Dick and Kori finally spot Mar’i with Mari who introduces herself to them. Mar’i asks if she can see her “Auntinette” again and Marinette just goes “if your parents are okay with it.” Dick and Kori are totally cool with it (not many are willing to watch her and have the time to do it) so they ask Marinette if she can babysit Mar’i whenever (with good pay of course) if she’s up to it (cause she’s still pretty young). Marinette can’t say no to Mar’i’s babydoll eyes (and she’s so much easier compared to Manon, who’s only 2 rn), so of course, she says yes. 
Now Marinette is Mar’is official babysitter and sees Mar’i often whenever her parents drop her off (using zeta tubes to quickly get to Paris and back). Marinette gets treated like an honorary Wayne (cause she’s the most responsible) and gets invited to their family stuff (w/ travel pay taken care of, of course). It doesn’t take her long to realize the fact that she babysits Bruce Wayne’s & BATMAN’S granddaughter, but of course, being the responsible one she is, keeps the secret… while also playing with them via Mar’i.
[One Day]
After Marinette leaves for her plane…
“Uncle Dami!”
“Yes, Spawn?”
“Auntinette said to tell you after she left that Robin’s sut needs a major upgrade & that you look like a traffic light… whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
[Another Day]
“Uncle Jay!”
“What’s up kid?’
“Auntinette said that to let you know that Red Hood doesn’t make any sense ‘cause Red Hood wears a helmet. Not a hood.”
[The next time]
“Uncle Tim!”
Yawn. “yea?”
“Auntie told me to give you this” (pulls out super caffeinated coffee) “and that Red Robin’s cowl is a menace to all things fashion”
“Yes, Starshine?”
“Auntienette said she’s proud of Nightwing’s costume ‘cause it’s one of the only in the batfam that isn’t an astro-city to the fashion society.”
5) “Marinette, the one who’s always getting chosen”
Before Mari became (becomes(?)) LB, she comes across a different powerful piece of jewelry, from a different order of guardians where her will of mind is not only her shield from being akumatized, but it is also what drives her powers. That’s right, Mari walks past a flea market and activates a GL ring. The guardians pick up on this activity and send Hal (it is his sector) to check it out. Hal finds the ring with Mari but it still needs the light of a GL to charge and fully work. 
[During the explanation]
“Look, kid-”
“Look, kid, I just need to know why you have that ring.”
“You think I know? I was just walking through the market and all of a sudden, this possessed ring, if that’s even what this is, started following me, then zipped in front of my face til i held my hand up so it can put itself on my finger.” 
“It’s MARINETTE. Get it wrong one more time and you’ll see why I don’t need a possessed piece of alien jewelry.” -Marinette, making sure you get her name right. “Besides, if I stole it, I would remember. I’m a klepto” -Marinette, probably holding his ring too at this point.
Hal obviously doesn’t want the wrath of the Dupain-Chengs (just the kid Marinette scares him enough), so he tells the guardians that JL will take care of most of Mari’s training (once they get her a lamp for her ring, of course) & has her take part in training at Mt. Justice with the Young Justice team and special training with the Bats. Mari does all this under the guise of an international student exchange program for Mari to stay with the Waynes (not yet knowing that it’s the bat fam) and attends G.A. Mari doesn’t do much, but it takes her 24-36 hours to know who EVERYONE is.
[the next week after settling in]
“Hey, Mars,” -Dick, in his Nightwing gear
“Hey, Di-is the GREATEST SHOW!” -Mari, changing the subject(… not really)
“How long did it take you?”
“Not as long as the Kryptonians…” -Mari, going off into a tangent (still trying to change the subject”
[When Marinette meets Tikki]
Back in Paris:
“Sooo… I’m getting powerful jewelry that gives me powers and a suit, needs to be recharged, and comes from some Order of the Guardians? What’s the difference between you and my ring?” -Marinette, who at this point is very confused as to why she keeps getting picked on for this kind of stuff. 
“One’s alien, one’s magic” -Tikki, hoping Mari will end it there & lowkey hates that the GL Corp. got to her first.
“They’re both non-human made energy sources” -Mari, cause once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it all before. 
“You can’t heal the Akuma without the miraculous, and there are more than just rings. Yours are earrings, there are hair clips, bracelets, necklaces and more” -Tikki, after having a minute to think
“Fine, only because you said they’re the only way to heal the, what was it again, akuma?”
6) “Their Unofficial Official Barista”
Part of Tim’s job as Co-CEO, is to make sure all the branches are running smoothly, sometimes that means he has to fly abroad to manually check in. Tim goes to Paris to check on the W.E. Paris branch. He goes to a nearby Patisserie (Tom and Sabine’s) to see a young Marinette (somewhere from 8-11) drawing in her sketchbook at the counter. She explains that her parents are at a catering event, but she’s there to man the little bakery. Tim asks for a super caffeinated coffee and Marinette makes it with ease, claiming it was on the house with how bad he looks (and how much sleep the man clearly needs). Tim begs for her knowledge and asks if she can teach his butler. Mari’s willing to show him the next time he comes, so he gets the whole fam to go (viz tubes so they don’t waste time) maybe a week later. Everyone gets their own drink (plus a free pastries) and Marinette teaches Alfred her coffee, but it’s just not the same so Tim, using the tubes, goes to get coffee from the girl whenever he can. 
Mari is horrible at getting up on time (the life of an insomniac, never getting to sleep even if you want and then barely waking up on time) that she is up super early, makes Tim his coffee (plus a croissant) and tries to go back to sleep (making her inevitably late). Tim would walk up to the pick-up counter where his cup and to-go bag is while Marinette runs out of the house to get to school. Eventually, the rest of the Batfam (as well as the Laegue, TT, and YJ) frequent the place, slowly becoming (Dami too) Mari hides it, but she knew all the batfam the first day they came and she showed Alfred how to make the coffee. When the others start making more regular appearances, she learns the identities of YJ team, WW, GLs, and others. Obviously when LB and CN appear as heroes with HM as their villain, they immediately reach out to help. Because 1. Batfam clearly notices that it’s Mari and they sure as heck won’t let her deal with that by herself, and 2. The JL is worrying too much about their favorite barista (even though she’s not really one), especially with the Gigantitan scare. So, of course LB & CN (can’t make him bad everytime) get inducted into YJ.
[After Ladybug finishes defeating Gigantitan and detransforms] 
“Bean! Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” -Tim, being an even more protective older brother than Dick, which shouldn’t be possible
“Yes, I promise. I’m fine” -Marinette, who just accepts the fact that she’s adopted an older brother (and his famliy)
“Tube over, we’ll have Alfred make sure” -Dick, already pulling out the medical supplies for Alfred.
“You shouldn’t worry your brothers like that, Marinette. Now come over so Alfred can clear you,” -Bruce, who just happens to overhear the conversation
“I’m sorry, Miss Marinette, they are very adamant that you’re in pitch perfect health before going out again,” -Alfred, who’s not actually sorry
“Fine” -Marinette, accepting her fate of her adopted, protective family. 
7) “Thicker Than the Blood We’ve Shed”
Why is Marinette so freakishly strong? Because she was trained to be. Before she could even talk, Mari was taught to be an assassin. She and Damian were frenemies, both competing for top spot as best in the League (of Assassins). They often spared together and became rivals who pushed each other (which sounds great in that context if you forget about the fact that they’re killing people and turning it into a competition). When Damian’s care is turned over to Batsy, Mari also comes along for the ride. She implements herself into Dami’s classes at G.A. & watches him from afar. (Damian, not being an idiot, of course knows all this and knows that it’s probably for Mari to give a report to Talia.) When he becomes Robin, Mari obviously knows, but waits to see if anything drastic would happen (his care was given to the Batfam, they had already expected this to happen.) She then heard word of the bounty Talia put on Damian’s head. Marinette knew there wouldn’t be much she could do to help, but she ave Dami a warning about the upcoming situation before fleeing the country. 
From there she got to France, changed her name (it wasn’t originally Marinette, it was Shénqí, chinese for miraculous/magical (or something else if you want)), was adopted by Tom & Sabine, and left her time in the League in the past. When she received Tikki, she didn’t want to be a hero because she didn’t think she deserved it after her up-bringing. Eventually, she did become LB (being a trained assassin does help with lucky charms, considering she was taught how to kill with basically every and anything), and life was good for her. Then Rossi came.
[Gotham field trip]
While at Wayne Tower…
“How idiotic are they?” -Damian, who after reuniting with his long-lost sister-from-a-different-mister (yes, Marinette was able to convince him to say it once), can’t understand the stupidity she has to deal with.
“Are you Robin?” -Mari, who is too tired, so just goes straight into the analogy
“Yes.” -Obvious and simply is.
“Exactly” -Mari, who can’t even put a limit to the amount of thought the one brain cell the class shares doesn’t use. I mean please, the so-called “reporter” believed that the first cosplayer she saw was the actual LB when they don’t even have the same hair! And let’s not forget the origins arc, where LB’s first citizen save was Chloe.
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ratmonky · 4 years
Out of Body Experience
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: semi-public
AO3 Link
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[You matched with Maru!]
[Send Maru a message!]
Maru: Hey.
(username): hiii!!
Maru: You look cute in your pictures on your profile.
(username): omg you think so?? i’m really happy!! i thought you had a rlly cool bio,,, i guess i did the right choice to like your bio
Maru: Thanks. I was surprised to get a notification that we matched. You’re way out of my league.
(username): don’t say that maruuu~ i bet you look handsome irl
Maru: I don’t.
(username): hmm, wanna prove it?? >.<
Maru: I don’t know.
(username): don’t be shy!! ur bio said you lived in kyoto, wanna meet up this saturday?
Maru: You’ll be disappointed.
(username): i promise i won’t!!! i like meeting new ppl!!! besides if we didn’t click we can still be friends?? i feel like you and i will be close no matter what!!
Maru: Are you sure? We just met.
(username): yep!!! come ooooonnnnn it’ll be fun to hang out!!
Maru: Fine.
(username): yay!!! let’s meet in front of the train station!! ahh i’m so excitedddd i can’t waittt TwT
Maru: Me too.
(username): <3
[Maru: <3………….. (send)]
Kokichi paused and deleted the message.
Maru: See you.
Kokichi’s first impression of you was that you were naive and careless. You wanted to meet up with him without any hesitation, what if he was someone who could harm you?
He stared at his screen and at your pictures.
You were gorgeous, he had never seen someone as pretty as you. On top of all that you wanted to meet him.
It made him feel special, wanted even.
When a notification sound filled his ears, Kokichi immediately checked if it was from you.
(username): maruuuuu!!!! i missed u  ))):
He stared at the message and read it three times but didn’t quite understand why you would miss him.
Maru: What?
(username): i thought you’d text me but u didn’t,,, i couldn’t sleep cuz i was thinking about u
Maru: I didn’t think you wanted me to text you.
(username): )):
Maru: ?
(username): )))):
Maru: (:
(username): (((((:
Maru: You’re childish aren’t you?
(username): what about it q;
Maru: Nothing. How old are you anyway?
(username): old enough to drinkkkk!!!
Maru: Me too. Which Jujutsu college are you going to?
(username): ohh, hehe… i dropped out cuz it wasn’t my thing
Maru: That’s irresponsible. Did you drop because you couldn’t keep up with your curse classes or was it for some other reason?
(username): maruuuu stop talking about jujutsu with meee!!!
Maru: Then what should we talk about?
(username): about our date >.<
Maru: Date?
(username): did u forget already )):
Maru: Forget what?
(username): our date on saturday )):
Maru: That’s a date?
(username): TwT ur making me sad maru
Maru: I don’t understand it, we just said we’d meet up.
(username): this is a dating website for ppl like us ///:
Maru: You want to date me?
(username): idk anymore,,, seems like ur a heartbreaker and i feel like u don’t feel a connection between us as i do
Maru: Wait! Don’t jump to conclusions all by yourself! You don’t even know what I look like, how can you be so sure that you want to date me?
(username): i mean,,, we matched for a reason,,, i liked ur bio and wanted to get to know u better is that bad??
Maru: No. No, it isn’t. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'm new to this sort of stuff.
(username): apology accepted!!!! ahhhh ur so cute,,, i can’t wait to meet u
Maru: Same here.
His classmates knew something was up. Robotic demeanor was gone and instead, it was actually a part of himself as Kokichi that was showing through.
“Mechamaru looks happy nowadays,” Kamo noted.
“It’s relieving that he shows us a softer side of himself,” Miwa added. “Makes me feel happy for him.”
“I wonder what caused him to become this way.” Kamo was talking to himself but Todo took it upon himself to answer.
“He has finally found himself a Takada-chan.” Todo grinned. “Reminds me, I never asked him what his type of woman is.”
There was a moment of silence before Todo walked out into the campus garden to make his way towards Mechamaru.
Mechamaru didn’t notice his presence as he was watering the flowers.
“Todo. Did you need something?”
“What’s your type of woman?”
Caught off guard, Mechamaru dropped the watering can. “I… I think someone who’s kind and cheerful.” Someone who’s submissive.
“Like I guessed.” Todo held his chin between the knuckle of his forefinger and thumb as he hummed thoughtfully. “You’re as lifeless as your puppet.”
What did that suppose to mean?
Kokichi was just telling the truth.
Days passed until Friday came.
Kokichi talked to you almost every day and whenever he could. He seemed to enjoy your company more than he thought he would when the two of you first matched.
He woke up to your messages and went to sleep only after he texted you goodnight.
Today, he felt like his heart was going to jump out of his ribcage, he could hear his own pulse when it got too quiet and it was dead silent in his hideout… as always.
All he could think about was your date tomorrow. He had made sure to dress up Mechamaru nicely for the occasion and checked the weather report thrice so the date wouldn’t be ruined because of anything out of his control.
There was still something that made him extremely anxious. What if you didn’t like him? What if everything went terribly and you blocked his number?
He needed something to distract him from these negative thoughts.
Maru: Hey.
(username): maruuuu!!!! what r u doin??
Maru: Going to sleep soon, I think.
(username): without me (;
Maru: Never.
(username): i’m blushing
Maru: How are you?
(username): fine, i'm doing skincare tonight to get ready for our date!!
Maru: About that...
(username): ....
(username): are you going to cancel our date?
Maru: No! I’m just anxious about it.
(username): good cuz i’d block u
Maru: I don’t think you would.
(username): you don’t know me
Maru: Because you never told me about yourself.
(username): ^-^; haha yeah,,, so,,, what would you like to know?
Maru: Everything.
Without even noticing the passing time, Kokichi chatted with you until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
He learned everything about you. From the earliest memory, you could recall about your first interaction with a cursed spirit to your latest obsession with an online game about cute animals.
His eyelids were getting heavier, he texted you goodnight and how he was excited to meet you tomorrow.
When he closed his eyes, this time he managed to fall asleep.
You pressed your phone to your chest and kicked at your sheets. The excitement was eating you up, the butterflies in your stomach wouldn’t calm down either. All because of someone you met online a couple of days ago.
It wasn’t something new to you to meet up with people you met online but this felt a lot different.
Previous times, you had used different dating apps or social media websites to make friends but this was the first time you had used a dating website specifically for people who knew the existence of curses.
Jujutsu sorcerers often found it hard to find someone they could click with because of their field of work but this website had risen up to popularity from day one. Your old classmates from your jujutsu college wouldn’t shut up about it so you gave it a go after their insisting.
Maru was one of the first people you matched with on the website. In his profile, he had written about how he wanted to find someone he could be himself with and date them.
That’s why tomorrow, you had to be on your best behavior so he could be himself around you.
You were twenty minutes early.
It wasn’t your intention to arrive this early but whether it be the excitement to meet up with Maru or not wanting to make him wait if your train was late-
Wait, those were all connected.
Letting out a sigh, you checked your phone. Yep, still twenty minutes. Once you put it back in your purse, your eyes scouted around the station. There weren’t any empty spaces for you to sit so you were standing by a meeting point next to the maps, hoping Maru would see you.
Although you didn’t know what he looked like, you had put effort into how you looked today so you could impress him. Deep inside, you hoped he would take notice of your appearance and compliment you but some men were just too dense.
From the way he had started texting you, he gave you the impression that he was one of those stoic and dense men but as you started to get to know him better, he turned out to be quite a friendly person. Very talkative and caring.
You pressed a hand on your cheek, you were burning up. Geez, were you really blushing this much because of him?
When you told your friends about this date, they had told you not to have too many expectations about Maru. They believed you were being catfished but it wasn’t possible, you didn’t want to meet him because of his appearance after all.
“Um, excuse me-”
Startled, you lifted your head to stare at a… robot?
You stepped away from its way, thinking that you were standing in front of its charging station or something. How long had it been since you had gone out? Had robots already taken over? Or was this one of those public pranks?
The robot was staring at you even after you moved away.
You lifted your gaze and looked at the robot with wide eyes. “M-M-Maru?”
It nodded, “Mechamaru.”
No, it wasn’t a robot. You could sense cursed energy oozing from it. More like a cursed doll. Nevertheless, you were speechless.
There was a long pause before you spoke. “Ah, I...” You looked around as if you were searching for an exit and anxiously clutching on your purse.
Great, you were going to make up an excuse and go away. Just like he thought you would.
“I thought I was going to meet you, not a puppet.”
“I’m here,” he said, static sizzling noise coming from him was like nails on a chalkboard. “I just can’t be physically here because of my condition.”
“You could’ve told me about it first… ahh, sorry.” You sounded more annoyed than you would have liked but quickly covered it up by bowing your head to greet him. “Nevermind, I’m (name).”
“Are we going to use real names?”
“Well, I’m not gonna call you Megaman.” There was a smile.
“Mechamaru,” he corrected. After a short silence, he added, “Kokichi.”
“Nice to meet you Kokichi, I hope we can get along well.” You bowed yet again.
“Why are you being so formal?”
“It’s cuz…” You pointed at him.
“Well…” You used both hands to gesture his whole body.
“If you say it’s because I’m a robot or anything similar to that, I’ll go home.” He sounded serious, or maybe it was because of the static.
You pouted and leaned forward on your tiptoes, “If I can’t even joke around then I’ll go home.”
“I thought you were looking forward to our date.” When you blushed at his words he spoke again. “You look cuter than your pictures.”
“Ahh, you really think so?” You started walking and he followed after you.
“I do.” He was keeping a large space between the two of you, whenever you tried to walk closer to him, he would move away but now when you were caught in the station with the crowd who were going home after work hours, you had to stay close to him.
You were being pushed against Kokichi thanks to the crowd trying to walk out of the station and he didn’t complain about it. Kokichi didn’t look at you, he thought about the things he read on the internet instead.
‘If you want your date to consider you as manly, you have to invest yourself to talk to her.’
“Your dress looks cute.” Kokichi came up with ‘the compliment her outfit’ route, he had seen men flirt before, he could do it too.
He stared down for a moment to see your reaction.
You smiled brighter than the sun, you played with your hair to give him a playful answer. “Thank you, I wore this just for our date.” Your eyes shined with small sparkles in them. “I really like your collar.” You pointed at his face, not too close, hesitant to invade his personal space. I’m here with his puppet not him, you reminded yourself.
When the two of you finally exited the station, you walked alongside him.
“Where to?” He nonchalantly asked while you were looking around the streets.
“What about karaoke?” You gave him an inviting smile, “It’d be fun.”
“Whatever you say.” He wasn’t sure which way you were taking. There was the main street and Kyoto's red-light district, of course, he knew you wouldn’t be going there. “Which street are we going for?”
You pointed to your right, “The main street, there is a karaoke place I know.” Your smile altered when you noticed how this time when you walked together to cross the street, it was close, your shoulder touched his fake biceps.
“I’m not good at singing for obvious reasons.” Back in his bathtub, Kokichi said it in a joking manner but thanks to the cursed puppet, it sounded a lot as if he was annoyed about the idea of going into karaoke. He bit his tongue and cringed, waiting for your reaction.
“You can still try, can’t you?” You gave him the best puppy eyes you could. “For me?”
Kokichi blushed but you weren’t able to see it through Mechamaru. “Y-yeah.”
“Oh, I didn’t know robots could stutter.”
“I didn’t stutter and I’m not a robot. This is a cursed puppet and sometimes the commands I give are interrupted, that’s why I-”
“You’re so easy to tease just as I guessed!”
Kokichi covered his mouth with his hand, watching you giggle at him through his screen.
“Here it is.” Pointing at a sign, you grabbed his arm and dragged him with you.
While you were showing him the prices, he was busy staring down at your shirt. He could… he could see your cleavage.
“The menu says they serve alcohol at this hour! Ahh, the prices are cheaper than the last time too! We can share the tab-” You stopped yourself from talking. Silence brought him out of his trance. “Oops, sorry. You can’t eat or drink through Megaman, right?”
“Mechamaru,” he corrected. “No, I can’t… But it’s on me anyway.”
“You’ll pay?” Your eyes sparkled brighter than the stars. Your pouting lips and hand on his chest didn’t help.
Kokichi looked away, blushing. “Y-yeah.”
“Y-you’re the best!” Mocking his stuttering, you offered him a cute smile. Then you went on to drag him inside while telling him about how this place was the best karaoke place in Kyoto because they served desserts and your favorite cocktail. All the while renting a room for the two of you.
“Would you like to share with others?” The employee asked.
“No.” Your answer was instantaneous.
Behind the register, the employee stared at Kokichi and down at you. It was easy to tell he thought the two of you were a mismatch. “Your room is to the left, you can order through the smart tablet. Have fun.”
“Thanks,” you said before walking past the register. When Kokichi caught up with you, you turned around. “Did you see the way he stared? So lame!”
“Well, anyone would have stared if they saw a pretty girl next to a robot.”
“So, you’re accepting you’re a robot?” You grinned, opening the door to the private room.
“That’s not what I meant!” He didn’t know what he was expecting. From the way you texted, he should have known you were this childish and unable to have a serious conversation.
“Nothing.” He closed the door behind him as you were ordering as many drinks as you could. Once he noticed you were about to order the entire menu, he barely managed to stop you by taking the smart tablet away from your hands. “Hey, I’m not rich!”
“It’s cheap, trust me!” You pouted your lips again, reaching for the smart tablet he was holding above your head.
His stare found the menu and froze. It was cheaper than he had thought like you said. He had never been somewhere like this, nobody could blame him for it.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice,” he said as he handed the device back to you.
“I was showing you the menu earlier, you weren’t listening, were you?” Your smile widened, eyes squinting knowingly.
“I was listening! You’re talking way too much, I can’t keep up!”
You crossed your legs, continuing to add stuff to your order.
It got quiet.
Realizing what he had said was rude, he apologized.
“It doesn’t sound genuine.”
“It’s because I’m talking through a puppet.”
You weren’t looking at him. Putting the tablet aside, you leaned back on the soft cushions. The mood had changed. When you weren’t talking, it was too quiet.
Decidedly, he walked over to the karaoke machine and grabbed two microphones. He sat next to you, placing one of the microphones next to you as he reached for the tablet.
There were way too many songs in the system and he knew none of them.
Scrolling further, he found Takada-chan’s songs.
“You like Takada-chan?” you asked, noticing how he had stopped scrolling.
“No,” he replied. “My friend-” Was he really his friend? “My friend likes her, he won’t stop talking about her and all.”
“I like her,” you said. “I’ve been to her meet and greets many times but they’re always ruined by some buff dude who has the most tickets. He’s always at the events, kinda creepy but seems like he supports her. He once beat up some guy who insulted her.”
Kokichi didn’t say anything. He didn’t want that guy to be the icebreaker on his date.
“Creepy,” he uttered before putting the tablet on your lap. “You should sing, I don’t know any of these songs.”
“None of them?” You raised a brow.
“You’re so boring,” you murmured, clicking on the first song you saw.
The loud music filled the room and his hideout. You tapped on the microphone, “Check, one, two. Kokichi is sooooo boring!”
Your laughter was the next thing that filled his hideout. He chuckled but it came out as a static noise through Mechamaru.
While you were singing, the same employee came with two trays full of drinks and snacks, he left them on the table before leaving immediately. None of you paid any mind as you were changing the lyrics to tease Kokichi.
“Are those really the lyrics?” he asked.
Another giggle.
Too cute.
Very cute.
He watched you stop singing for a brief moment to chug down your third drink. Your cheeks were flushed red from the booze and your neck was sweaty, you kept fanning your hand towards your face.
His gaze focused on a particular sweat droplet on your neck and idly watched as it drizzled down to your cleavage before disappearing under the fabric of your dress.
Kokichi tried focusing on something else but he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from you. Every single thing you did was seductive. When you bit onto a small rice cake or the way your lips closed around the straw of your drink and how your cheeks hollowed when you tried sucking the last bits of your cocktail in your mouth.
The last drop had to be when you grabbed an ice cube from your drink and held it over the skin of your chest.
His hand pressed on his lower half. He was thankful he wasn’t physically there or he would have been labeled as a pervert. Under the soothing medical liquid, he had a problem you didn’t need to see.
You weren’t singing anymore but the music was playing nonetheless to suppress the silence as Kokichi was practically undressing you with his eyes.
“Heyyy, Kokichi~” you slurred, sitting closer to him. “You’re being too quiet!”
Taken aback, he spoke. “I’m not sure what to say?”
“Just talk…” you whined, putting a hand on his knee.
Oh, how he wished he could feel the warmth of your hand.
“Or better… Sing!” You held a microphone up to his face.
“I can’t sing,” he reminded.
“You said, you’d sing for meee~”
He blushed, taking the microphone from your hand. “I don’t know the lyrics.”
“It’s on the screen.”
Yes, the lyrics were on the screen.
He felt embarrassed, this was stupid. He wasn’t even actually in the room with you but he felt so nervous. His actual hands were shaking as he gulped.
When he started singing, you started laughing.
The static made it sound like he was an actual robot. Yet, Kokichi didn’t stop despite how tone-deaf his voice was coming through Mechamaru. He wanted to make sure you were having fun but the music stopped.
Both of you stared at the notification on the tablet, asking if you wanted to add another hour to your stay.
Had it already been an hour? Time was going fast when you two were having fun.
You looked at Kokichi.
He pressed to accept.
The music continued playing.
This time, Kokichi didn’t sing. The two of you started chatting about everything and anything until there was a lull in the conversation.
“Lemme see your hand,” you said, reaching your own towards him. He slowly placed his hand on your open one and you compared the size. “Wow, your hand is hugee, is your real hand this big?”
Funny, if not absurd. You were on a date with a puppet but you were getting turned on.
“It's the same size as my own hand.” His gaze dropped to his actual body. “At least one of them.”
“Can you feel that?” You intertwined your fingers with his.
“No.” He wasn’t looking and he didn’t need to look. The depressing realization that he was always going to watch people behind a screen and in this damn bathtub was starting to sink in once again.
“Can you feel this?” You were giggling.
“I told you, I can’t feel-” His breathing stopped at the sight of you pressing his hand on your breast.
“I wanna meet you, Kokichi~” Smiling enticingly, you sat closer to him. “It’s no fun when I can’t see if you’re blushing right now.” Your hand over his hand moved on your breast, the supple flesh jiggled under the front of your dress. “Are you blushing right now?”
“I am.” His answer was instant.
“You know,” you started, putting your free hand on his thigh and lifting your leg up on the cushion to face him. “I got all dressed up ‘cause I wanted you to lose your composure. You sounded so uptight and stoic. I wanted to see you lose it.” Tilting your head, you puckered your lips. “But you didn’t even come to our date.”
“I did.”
“Megaman did.”
“I wanted Kokichi to come.” You pulled his hand away from your breast and led it down to your stomach and even lower. “I wish you were here so you could feel how wet I am.”
“(name),” he said. “I can’t feel my fingers through Mechamaru.”
“Mm?” You placed his hand under the skirt of your dress. “But I can feel them.”
Kokichi’s actual hand started shaking in excitement as Mechamaru’s fingers brushed against your panties.
“Can’t I meet you?” Your voice was faint compared to the music but he heard it. “I wanna meet you.”
“You’ll be disappointed, I don’t look… normal.”
“You don’t look normal right now either.” Biting your lip, you moved against his hand. A soft gasp left your lips. “Yet, I’m so turned on right now.”
There were a thousand different thoughts invading his mind but Kokichi felt like he was hypnotized by your hips.
“Kokichiii, move your fingers,” you whined softly, your eyes hazy with lust.
“I need to see them,” he said. Back in his room, his own hand was pressing down on his growing erection. “Or I may move them wrong.”
“Pervert~” you teased, lifting the skirt of your dress up.
He didn’t say anything, instead focused his attention on your soaked panties. How long had you been this wet? From the moment you two rented the room or-
“Kokichi.” Your needy voice brought him out of his dirty thoughts. “You don’t have a cock under your pants, do you?” Your hand pressed against Mechamaru’s groin.
For the first time in his life, Kokichi felt his entire body jolt. Your vulgar way of asking was enough to get him rock hard. “No-”
“What a waste.” Sulking, you retrieved your hand. “But are you hard right now?”
“I… I am.”
A dangerous glint sparkled through your eyes. “If only you were here… I’d make you feel sooo good.”
Mechamaru’s fingers pressed against your clothed folds before moving along them. A soft moan left your lips and you balanced yourself on your hands.
“I look like a freak-”
“You keep saying that.” Your hips moved against his hand. “As if that matters to me.”
Mechamaru slid your panties to the side and spread your folds with two of his fingers, he carefully watched as wet strands connecting them together broke apart. Kokichi’s own hand was pumping his cock.
“What are you doing right now, Kokichi?”
“I’m putting a finger inside.” He inserted one of his fingers inside you.
“No, what are you really doing?” You bit your lip.
“I’m… I’m jerking off.”
Satisfied with his answer, you crossed a leg over his to settle on his lap with your back against his chest. Spreading your legs wider, you allowed him a better view of your wet pussy. Mechamaru’s digits slid inside as Kokichi moved his hand along the length of his cock.
Mechamaru’s other hand went to cup your breast over your shirt, making a moan escape your lips.
His fingers were reaching deeper than your own fingers ever could. The digits moved in a scissoring motion and curled against your gummy walls, pressing against the spot that made your vision blurry.
“Kokichi,” gasping, you squirmed on his lap, your back arched when his thumb grazed over your clit. “I wanna kiss you so bad.”
Kokichi’s hand tightened around the tip of his cock, he pulled the sensitive skin down to expose the pink tip and massaged it using his thumb. When his hand started moving along his cock again, the device helping him talk through Mechamaru picked up the clicking sound rather than the medical fluid splashing.
You moaned at the realization of what you were hearing.
The feeling of the metallic firm fingers stroking your clit made your hips buck against his hand. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, panting, you pressed your thighs together.
Mechamaru’s hand on your chest moved down on your thigh to hold you in place as his fingers inside your pussy started to vibrate. The sudden pleasure made you scream but the loud music concealed it.
Kokichi couldn’t breathe normally, his pulse had gone haywire as his hand was moving hastily around his cock while Mechamaru’s digits were messing you up.
“S-s-s-stop!” Your voice broke into a moan.
“Do you really want me to stop?” He barely managed to ask, his hand wouldn’t stop.
You shook your head rapidly, biting your lip.
Your walls clenched around the digits, sucking them in deeper. Kokichi’s own hand was moving faster than his heartbeat. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and his shoulders tensed.
He was close.
From the way you were shaking, he could say the same thing for you.
So, when Mechamaru pushed his digits further inside, the vibration got stronger and stronger until your legs shook. The pleasure that was building in your gut suddenly got released, shaking you to your core.
Kokichi followed suit, his cock spurted thick clumps of cum and they landed on his stomach, his bandages absorbed his seed.
By the time he caught his breath, he realized you were still on his lap.
Mechamaru had gone limp as he had gotten distracted because of his orgasm. He revived the cursed doll while you were trying to fix your dress.
You wanted to say something but you couldn’t find something to say.
To your rescue, the music stopped.
The tablet had the same notification from before. Informing you that the second hour had ended and if you wanted to rent the room for one more hour.
Kokichi leaned forward and pressed on the tablet to end the session.
“We’re leaving already?” you pouted your lips.
“You said you wanted to meet me.”
Kokichi watched as the brightest smile he had ever seen formed on your face.
After he paid the tab the two of you exited the building as he held you up with one hand because your legs weren’t functioning properly.
“The employee behind the register noticed your wobbly legs,” Kokichi said.
“You think so?” you whispered, cheeks and ears colored in bright red.
“He was looking, so, yes.”
“You kinda went overboard by using Megaman’s vibrator hands.” Your giggle filled his ears and he smiled to himself.
“It’s Mechamaru.”
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The Different Group Chats part 1
{Part 1} [Part 2]
BlueDiamond- Marinette 
BrownDiamond- Mireille
GreenDiamond- Marc 
Cheng Main Family:
MamaOrso- Sabine
TopChef- Wang
Matriarch- Nuba (Their Grandmother)
Heiress- Lian (Marc’s mother)
Tiāncái- Mei (Mireille’s mother)
Adrinette/Girls GC:
PinkBean- Rose
PurpleBean- Juleka
WhyAmIHere- Alix 
LoveBug- Mylene
A group chat AU I thought of this will involve only the Miraculous Ladybug show, with very minor mentions of other shows. Some backstory information I feel are important. Marinette, Marc, and Mireille are cousins in this through their mothers; Sabine, Lian, and Mei. Marinette is Chinese, Italian, and French, Marc is Chinese and French, and Mireille is Chinese, Japanese, and French. This is not Adrinette, I decided to give Lukanette some love!
                                                    10:46 am
BlueDiamond: Do you think I could get away with it?
GreenDiamond: Mar? Get away with what?
BrownDiamond: Depends. Are you doing it by yourself, with us, or are you going to call Bāchan’s right hand?
GreenDiamond: Mir? Wait why would Mar call Fengge? 
                                                  11:07 am
GreenDiamond: Hey! You two respond already!
BrownDiamond: Calm cousin, calm. Mar is contemplating taking care of Lila Rossi, you know the girl that threatened her in the bathroom.
GreenDiamond: Oh.
GreenDiamond: WAIT!!!1!
GreenDiamond: No fair! She can’t call Fengge I called dibs on ruining Rossi!
BrownDiamond: Mar gets the final decision, after all she is the one being targeted.
BlueDiamond: I am not calling Fengge, I don’t want her dead, I just want to ruin her future. Besides Fengge would call Nonna, and I’d rather not take the chance of us being pulled out of school.
BrownDiamond: Very true, but I doubt Bāchan would pull us out. Lila is only a minor threat and she knows we can definitely handle her. If the snake goes too far however, she will step in.
GreenDiamond: Tru…
BrownDiamond: Stop butchering words or else.
GreenDiamond: Common little cuz be traught.
*BrownDiamond took a Screenshot of chat*
BrownDiamond: I am showing my Kachann.
BlueDiamond: She did warn you.
GreenDiamond: D’: NooOo dont message auntie!!!1!!
BrownDiamond: Already sent.
GreenDiamond: You hate me.
                                                  Cheng Main Family
                                                            11:38 am
Tiàncái: First, return to your lessons. Second, Marc the penthouse at 4 exact. After reading those texts I’ve decided you need a two hour lesson.
BrownDiamond: Yes Kachann.
BlueDiamond: Sorry Auntie.
GreenDiamond:Understood Auntie.
TopChef: How bad was it?
Tiàncái: Worse than you fake butchering other languages to mess with others.
MamaOrso- My Marinette was not a part of it correct?
Tiàncái- No just our nephew sister.
Heiress- Why am I not surprised, at least he is only doing it with his cousins.
Matriarch- My Diamonds know that they are not allowed to butcher languages like their Great Uncle in front of others. I would not worry too much, my darlings. Now all of you return to work. I have a meeting to attend.
MamaOrso- Yes Māmā
Tiàncái- Understood, have a good meeting.
Heiress- I will see you later Māmā.
TopChef-Talk to you all later my girls.
                                                     1:13 pm
BlueDiamond: Juleka and Rose are sitting with me in the back now.
BrownDiamond: Oh?
BlueDiamond: Yes they came up and apologized to me during lunch. They both asked for a chance to earn my trust again.
GreenDiamond: And your decision Mar?
BlueDiamond: I am giving them a second chance, both apologized and explained why they didn’t choose sides. No information about Lila too, she is making big promises. For instance she told Kitty Section she’d introduce them to Jagged Stone.
BrownDiamond:...Isn’t Juleka Jagged’s daughter?
BlueDiamond: Yes.
BrownDiamond: Oh no.
BlueDiamond: What?
GreenDiamond: This is Miss Mendeleiev both of you return to your lessons and put your phones away.
                                                  1:28 pm
BrownDiamond: Nice job Marc, next time control your laughter.
BlueDiamond: Really?
                                                  2:49 pm
BlueDiamond: Mir go out for ice cream? We can go find André.
BrownDiamond: Well I don’t have to be in the studio today and was only planning to hang out with friends. Can we invite some others?
BlueDiamond: Oh definitely! I’ll ask Rose, Juleka, and Luka!
BrownDiamond: I am just going to invite Aurore and Jean.
BlueDiamond: Hoping to get complimentary cones cousin dearest?
BrownDiamond: Shut up I just like his face.
BlueDiamond: Don’t you lie to me. You have attended every single magical show he has done, and even promoted him once on MAC’s Twitter.
BrownDiamond: Shut up, your one to talk Mar. Who do you have a crush on, Model boy or Guitar boy?
                                                  3:10 pm
BrownDiamond: Mar?
BrownDiamond: Did I upset you?
BrownDiamond: Marinette?
BlueDiamond: Sorry
BlueDiamond: No you did not upset me. Lila pointed out I was texting and Bustier started lecturing me on being a good role model.
BrownDiamond: Sorry, my locker in five?
BlueDiamond: Mhm, see you soon.
GreenDiamond: I got my phone back!
GreenDiamond: Unfair! You guys can’t get ice cream while I’m stuck in lessons!
BlueDiamond: [Image.png]
GreenDiamond: Why’d you send me a picture of you and Mir looking around???
BrownDiamond: Trying to find the fucks we give…
GreenDiamond: ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
BlueDiamond: Ew. Stop.
GreenDiamond:༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
BlueDiamond: Ugh.
Private Messaging
Nathaniel and Marc
                                                  3:11 pm
LifePartner: Marc can we talk today? It’s about Marinette.
Rainbow: …
Rainbow: I have a two hour lesson starting at four. Meet me on the Pont Des Arts at 6:30.
LifePartner: I’ll be there Rainbow, see you later.
                                               4:20 pm
BrownDiamond: Not.A.Word.
BlueDiamond: Burnt caramel for his eyes, and cotton candy for his unique tricks~ Blackberry for her beautiful hair, and black walnut for her unusual connections.
BrownDiamond: One, perhaps we should be concerned with what André seems to know about us.
BrownDiamond: Two, Blue moon for his hair and eyes, and super madness for his crazy life, Blackberry for her hair and cherry with chips for her secret.
BlueDiamond: Mmm André is a meta I wouldn’t worry his love is ice cream and bringing soulmates together.
BlueDiamond: Luka has confessed to me though, I told him I wasn’t ready.
BrownDiamond: Still stuck on Adrien?
BlueDiamond: No
BlueDiamond: I thought he’d take my side when he said that we were in it together. The moment he didn’t speak up when I was expelled pretty much made that crush, crash.
BlueDiamond: He is sweet but he has been too sheltered, he is trying to treat Lila like she is a tabloid.
BrownDiamond: You are not wrong. So...Luka?
BlueDiamond: Yea, I’m thinking Luka.
                                           Private Messaging
                                           Jagged and Luka
                                                    4:24 pm
Luka: Dad how did you get Penny to fall in love with you?
Jagged: I ask myself that every single day kiddo. Every single day.
Luka: I’m screwed.
Jagged: Marinette?
Luka: Marinette.
Jagged: Penny says to just be yourself! My rockstar Mari is a smart girl and her crush on the Agreste boy has slowly disappeared...yes it would be very rock an roll to have her as a daughter-in-law. That’s it Luka! You have to win Marinette’s heart over!
Luka: You’re not helping Dad.
                                      Private Messaging 
                                       Penny and Luka
                                               4:47 pm
Penny: Stop asking him Luka.
Penny: Just be yourself, Marinette would never want you to change yourself. Give her a little more time and just be there for her.
Luka: Thanks Penny, how did Dad win you over anyway?
Penny: ...I have a thing for loud sometimes idiotic men.
Luka: Awe, I am never telling him that.
Penny: I’m joking, I’m joking one night he rolled over and was just barely awake. He didn’t know I was awake, he whispered that I was the love of his life and that he wished his mom had a chance to meet me.
Luka: Awe. I’m telling Marinette that.
Penny: Oh, definitely would get you brownie points, she loves sweet love stories.
                                                     6:39 pm
Group name changed from Adrinette to Girls GC
Lila Rossi added by BossFox
BossFox changed Lila Rossi to TrueBeauty
BossFox: Hey girls I decided to make this the drama free girls group chat.
PurpleBean: Drama free???
PinkBean: Why not create a new group chat than Alya? Also if this is the girls group chat where is Marinette?
BunnxXx changed name to WhyAmIHere
BossFox: Like I said drama free girls
TrueBeauty: Awe Alya! You added me to a group chat where I don’t have to worry about upsetting Marinette!
TrueBeauty: That’s so sweet!!
WhyAmIHere: Alya this is our get Mari with Sunshine boy gc.
TrueBeauty: Alya you haven’t told them yet?
BossFox: Don’t worry Lila I just wanted you to be here when I did!
BossFox: Girls we are canceling Adrinette.
LoveBug: What? Why?
BossFox: I was telling Lila about all our attempts and how ‘in love’ with Adrien Marinette is. Well Lila pointed out that everything she is doing are red flags for a stalker!
LoveBug: What?! But Marinette would never!
PinkBean: Are you serious?
WhyAmIHere: Oh boy.
TureBeauty: No listen please, I’m not lying!
TrueBeauty: Alya told me everything she has done! She has his entire schedule, pictures of him all over her wall, one he doesn’t even know exist! She has stolen his phone before and is constantly trying to get alone time with him! Not to mention she has planned out their life with two kids and a hamster!
TureBeauty: She is stalking Adrien and convinced you guys to help her!
LoveBug: Oh my gosh 
LoveBug: I can’t believe 
LoveBuv: All this time Marinette has been
WhyAmIHere: Alright ya-no I’m so done.
WhyAmIHere: First of Marinette HAD a crush on Adrien. One that you blew out of proportion Alya.
BossFox: What?!
BossFox: I did not!
WhyAmIHere: You were constantly trying to force her into telling Adrien when she clearly wasn’t ready, and always dragging us into helping set up ‘dates’
WhyAmIHere: Two Marinette is a fashion designer. Have you seriously never noticed all the pictures are right above when she works on designs? They are a part of her fashion board Alya.
WhyAmIHere: Also the part with the phone, I’m hello? Marinette has always been like that, she does it when she’s half asleep most of the time. But in the end she always returns the person's phone before the end of the day!
WhyAmIHere: Also we have all seen those photos, if Marinette was seriously stalking him don’t you think the pictures would be inappropriate? They are either from magazines or from class outings.
LoveBug: Alix you have to admit it is a little weird that Marinette has gone this far
LoveBug: Lila is a model too and she knows so many famous people. I have no doubt she knows more about stalking than we do.
WhyAmIHere: srs.
TrueBeauty: Alix you have to listen to me! Marinette is sick and she needs help or else she’ll be a danger to Adrien and us!
WhyAmIHere: No. I’m done. Marinette is just a teenager with a CRUSH and you are just blowing it out of proportion.
Alix Kubdel has left Girls GC.
TrueBeauty: Rose Juleka you believe us right?
TrueBeauty: Please Mari really needs help!
PinkBean: No we don’t…
BossFox: WHAT!?
PurpleBean: We don’t believe you. Besides, Marinette barely has a crush on Adrien anymore. I’d ask if you’ve seen her room but she stopped inviting you up Alya.
PinkBean: And she doesn’t like Lila so Lila has never even seen her room.
BossFox: It isn’t like you guys would actually know anything! Just after school today Marinette threatened Lila to stay away from Adrien! And she got physical!
LoveBug: oh gosh! Lila are you okay?
TrueBeauty: Alya! I didn’t want anyone to know!
BossFox: But they need to know Lila especially since they keep siding with her!
PinkBean: Really?
PinkBean: When after school?
TrueBeauty: She attacked me around 4 today!
PurpleBean: oh rlly?
PinkBean: That doesn’t make sense though because Marinette was with us today at four. We left the school together.
TrueBeauty: This is what I was afraid of! Marinette has twisted you two into lying for her! See Alya this is why I didn’t want anyone to know!
BossFox: Don’t worry I’ll handle this girl.
Juleka Couffaine was removed by BossFox.
PinkBean: Alya?! Really?!
Rose Lavillant was removed by BossFox.
BossFox: Alright girls we have to help keep Adrien safe from his Stalker!
LoveBug: I’ll tell Ivan, I’m sure him and the other boys will be more than happy to help!
TrueBeauty: oh I don’t know what I would do without you girls!
                                                    8:15 pm
BlueDiamond: Alix just showed up at my house with Calendula Pink Surprise.
GreenDiamond: Oh? Tikki must be in love.
BlueDiamond: She is, hasn't left the plant since I placed it in my room. I’d send a picture but she obviously wouldn’t show up.
BrownDiamond: Pray tell cousin dearest why did she gift you with flowers?
GreenDiamond: Mir is having another Pride and Prejudice movie marathon…
BrownDiamond: It is a gift to the world!
BlueDiamond: Yes yes one of the best books out there we know.
BlueDiamond: She apologized for everything, also, she may know I’m Ladybug.
BrownDiamond: Well duh, Calendula? Ladybugs love those flowers.
BlueDiamond: She told me that she honestly just thought it was a little rivalry between Lila and me. That is until Alya made a group chat purposely excluding me.
GreenDiamond: Really?
BlueDiamond: Mhm, she said it would be their ‘drama free’ group chat. Not the beat part though.
BrownDiamond: Go on, I've got my movie paused.
BlueDiamond: Apparently I am stalking Adrien and they need to protect him from me.
BrownDiamond: My god Marc I can hear you from my room, breathe! 
BlueDiamond: I thought the penthouse walls were soundproof?
BrownDiamond: They are.
GreenDiamond: cant breathe
BlueDiamond: I’ve done it.
BlueDiamond: I’ve killed our cousin.
BrownDiamond: Sometimes I wished you’d live here with us Mar.
BlueDiamond: I am thinking about it.
BlueDiamond: Mama and Papa have told me before I can, and it’ll be much easier to avoid Alya.
BrownDiamond: [Image.png]
BlueDiamond: oh my gods breathe
BlueDiamond: is that..
BlueDiamond: Is that Nathaniel’s hoodie?
BrownDiamond: he has rolled over and hid his face in his pillow.
BrownDiamond: Should I tickle the information out of him?
BlueDiamond: hmm permission granted
BrownDiamond: [Video]
BlueDiamond: Awe Marc!!
BrownDiamond: I am outraged he has been dating you for so long and never asked our permission!
BlueDiamond: Mireille give Nathaniel a break, besides not many people know that we are cousins
GreenDiamond: Actually he didn’t know until tonight that we are. Also Mar, expect something from him soon, he knew the truth but didn’t know how to apologize to you.
BrownDiamond: So he is the reason you left the penthouse so quick after your lessons!
GreenDiamond: Shut up Mir!
BlueDiamond: Get some sleep you two, I’ll talk over moving to the penthouse with Mama tomorrow.
BrownDiamond: Goodnight Mar
GreenDiamond: Wait really?!
GreenDiamond: Mar!!
GreenDiamond: You torture me so!
BrownDiamond: Go to sleep Marc.
GreenDiamond: Fine I’ll just ambush her tomorrow.
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Yoosung Kim X Reader [y/n]
Author’s Note - Sorry this took so long! I also apologize if the ending seems rushed or if Yoosung is OOC. Thank you to the lovely @latte-delf for requesting this, it was an honor to write for you. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings - There’s a brief mention of a panic attack and slight bullying! I’ve tagged where it starts and ends if you’re uncomfortable with that. Lots of time skipping cuz I can’t fucking write. This is unedited, please tell me if there is any mistakes.
I hate him.
I hate him so much!
He stole the position of class president from you three years ago.
Yoosung Kim. He stole my position by two votes. Two. Votes. I was always class president before that! Yet he took it from me. My classmates even had the audacity to say he was a better president when it was time to vote for a new one! Sure, Yoosung was intelligent and popular, but he only won because the girls found him handsome.
And of course, he just (HAS) to go to the same university as you do. Sky University was supposed to be a place free of Yoosung Kim. At least he hasn’t seemed too interested in studies this year. He has failed almost every pop quiz your professor has handed out. Whenever you see his down face, you can’t help but giggle a bit.
I dislike how he’s majoring in the same thing as me still. It feels like he’s saying he can do better. Though his grades haven’t been showing that. He must realize that I’m superior than he ever will be.
On Wednesday during your last lecture, you diligently take notes and listen to your professor. You make sure to absorb every bit of information that you can. During the last twenty minutes, your professor makes an announcement. 
“Students, I will be assigning a project due at the end of the month. You will have to find out the evolution of the animal as well as their behaviors. Please include any infectious diseases that they can carry. I will be giving you partners to make the workload easy.” You shrug your shoulders, can’t be too bad.
You wait until your name is called, which takes awhile since your name is lower on the list. You pray to whatever god is out there to not get Yoosung as your partner. 
Apparently, the gods refused to listen to your plea. Your professor calls your name out, “[y/n] [l/n] and Yoosung Kim...you two will have the koala.” A loud groan escapes your mouth at the name.
“ Class is dismissed. Have a good day.” You quickly pack up and speed walk out the lecture hall. Yoosung rushes up to you and taps your shoulder.
“Hey! Wanna exchange numbers so we can find time to work on the project?” The blonde smiles at you. You roll your eyes. “No. I’m going to do it on my own. You can play your stupid little game.” He frowns at your snappy words.
“Are you sure? I’d feel bad if you took all the work by yourself. We also have some tests coming up, so it’ll be a lot to take care of.” The genuine worry in his voice ticks you off. You write down your number on a loose piece of paper and shove it into his chest. Yoosung struggles to keep it off the ground as you walk away.  The walk to your dorm is full of your mumbled curses.
A chill on Saturday morning wakes you up. You grumble as you check your phone, seeing a text notification from Yoosung. He delivered it at 3:45 am. He’ll be an especially lousy partner today. The previous day, Yoosung invited you to his dorm so that you could work on the project together, to which you begrudgingly agreed. 
You arrive at his dorm within a five minute walk. Your notes and laptop are nestled in your backpack. After a quick rap on the door, Yoosung answers. His hair is mussed and his eyes look droopy. You scoff and push your way inside. Surprisingly, his place is a lot neater than you expected.
“So, should we make a slide and divide the work.” He asks. “I’ll do it on my own, go find something else you can do.” You jab. Yoosung lets out a frustrated sigh and speaks up. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but it’d be a lot easier if we shared the load. Plus, this is my grade as much as it is yours.” You grumble an ‘okay’ and split up topics to focus on. Both of you take turns borrowing your notes and his textbook. 
Around two hours after starting, you and Yoosung decide that you worked enough for the day. He offers to get takeout, to which you agree to. You’re a broke college student, how could you refuse? You sit on the floor with your back against the couch, too brain fried to think. Yoosung plomps on the small couch he has and lets out a groan.
“Want to watch Bulu or something on my laptop?” He offers. You nod your head. Yoosung opens his laptop and signs in to his streaming service. You decide to watch ‘The Workspace’ as you wait for your food. 
Your food arrives. Both of you continue to watch your show. Cheap pizza has never tasted this good. Maybe you’re just so hungry and tired to the point where you don’t even care. “Sorry if it isn’t too good. It was the only place I could find on FoodHub.” He apologizes softly. “It’s okay, I’m too hungry to care anymore.” You earn a chuckle from him. There’s an odd silence after that.
“Uhm…. hey, [y/n]?” He speaks shyly. “What?” You say in a cranky voice, irritated about being disturbed from your slice. Yoosung struggles for a minute before speaking for a minute. “Did I do something to offend you? You seem like you have something against me...”  You stiffen. (TW) Your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. You honestly never expected this to happen.
A can of worms open up. Your breathing slowly becomes ragged. Averting your gaze doesn’t help, you know his amethyst ones are on you. A wave of panic crosses you. You stammer something incoherent to him. “A-are you okay? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to..” He hurriedly apologizes. You grasp tightly at his wrist, wanting to ground yourself to something. Yoosung’s pulse is a bit fast, yet it helps you regain focus. He awkwardly places a hand on yours. “He….hey, It’s okay.” For once, his voice is actually reassuring. 
“Back in highschool..” You murmur. “You won student president even though I had been the president the years prior.” He looked shocked, eyes wide and lips a bit parted. “I remember. You worked really hard on that campaign.” Yoosung gives you a lopsided smile. “Since I didn’t win, people who I reported causing issues started to bully and harass me. Even some people who I used a slightly harsh tone with mocked me.” Your eyes started to sting. “Oh [y/n]...”
“The worst part of all, my parents were upset that I didn’t get the role again. They scolded me for not doing good enough.” (TW End) Yoosung can only pat your back. You don’t know what to think about it. He seems to think that as well, seeing as his hand jumps off you like he was scalded. “I uh… think I should go now. I’ll Lendmo you money for the food…..See ya.” You pack as quickly as possible and run out as fast as you can until you’re out of breath. A block away from Yoosung’s dorms, you stop to take a break. Warmth sets fire to your face when thinking back to being with him. Maybe it’s because you’re embarrassed? Maybe you’re just winded from running. 
There is NO. WAY. your face feels hot because of Yoosung’s comforting presence. There can’t be, it's impossible. You slap your cheeks in an attempt to compose yourself. It doesn’t work.
Its been a week since you’ve talked to Yoosung. He tries to talk to you, but you always scurry away when he gets too close. He’s even tried texting and throwing notes at you in class which the two of you got in trouble for. It’s only on a Wednesday that he finally catches you in the hall before you run off. The grip of his hand on your wrist is firm, but not to the point of pain.
Yoosung sighs and looks at you. You turn your head away slightly to avoid his burning gaze. “Please don’t be mad…” You hear him suck in a breath. “Mad? Why would you think I’m mad?” Your bottom lip trembles. “For avoiding you..” Yoosung releases your wrist and pats your head. “I’m not mad, I’m worried.” His hand slides down to your shoulder. “I know this won’t really help, but I’m sorry for what happened to you. You’ve been holding this feeling of hate because of some stupid people.” You giggle at his insult to your past peers.
But why do your cheeks feel blazing again? Why are there little butterflies in your stomach? There’s a slight squeeze on your shoulder before he retracts his hand. You wish it was still there so badly, that spot feels cold now. “How about going to my place? We can relax for a bit then work on the project.” He offers. You nod, maybe a little too eagerly as you hear him laugh. Why does he look so cute when he smiles?
You take the bus to his place, the campus being a bit far from his dorms. You immediately collapse on his couch and place an arm over your eyes. The groan that comes from your lips is loud and dramatic. Yoosung laughs loudly, oddly comforting you. He sits by your legs, looking rigid. “So uhm...do you still hate me?” You look him dead in the eye. “Only if you’ll teach me how to play that stupid game of yours.” You smirk. “LOLOL isn’t stupid!” He whines. You start laughing. The scowl on his features make Yoosung look like a puppy who hasn’t gotten a treat. You laugh harder.
Yoosung rolls his eyes. “Fine. I guess I’ll teach you.” You wipe away the tears from your laughing fit and sit up happily. He retrieves his laptop and starts up LOLOL. You notice that the both of you are inching towards each other. “I’ll make your own account just in case you want to play again.” “You mean so I won’t mess up your save file?” Yoosung flounders as you let out a hearty chuckle. You put your email and username in. “ShootingStar_[y/n}? I like it!” He guides you as you create an avatar looking similar to you. You decide to be a mage. During your tutorial levels, you have a hard time navigating with the mouse. He places his right hand on top of your hand on the mouse. Your heart beats erratically while his hand is on yours. There’s a slight blush creeping up on his face as well.
By the time you finish, it’s nearly evening. You take out your laptop while Yoosung logs out and goes into the presentation. You guys spend six hours working, editing each other's slides and practicing presenting. It’s around 12am when you two are content with your work. Yoosung orders some sandwiches from a 24 hour restaurant. 
You decide to stay over since its late. Yoosung lets you sleep on his bed while he takes the couch. His bed is like sleeping on a cloud, so soft and warm. You let yourself drift off peacefully.
On a Wednesday, you and Yoosung have to present your project in front of the class. His face looks pale, his hands are shaky. “Hey, you okay?” You pat his back. He gulps and nods. “Just a little nervous. It's been awhile since I’ve given your last presentation.” It's your turn to pat his head. His face immediately goes a bright shade of pink.”Wh-what was that for?!” “You did that to me last time I was sad. Besides, I think you’re just mad because you know I’m going to beat you in LOLOL tonight.”  He quickly pouts. “I shouldn’t have shown you PVP mode!”
Your presentation goes well. As you leave your class, your professor hands you a rubric. “Nice work, guys.” He gives you a smile. Yoosung meets you out in the hallway. You both peer at the paper. There’s a huge ‘A’ on the top of your paper. Yoosung looks at you with wide eyes. “Oh my god… I can’t believe we did it!” You jump up and down in exuberance. Yoosung hugs you tight. You can’t deny that you have feelings for him anymore. You kiss his soft lips.
On a Wednesday, you chase him down the hall.
“Get back here!” You yell. “Make me!” This childish man. You continue your chase until you’re outside on campus. He suddenly stops dead in his tracks. The shock of him giving up so quickly nearly makes you trip. You would’ve become a pancake on the pavement.
“Yoosung Kim, I hate you so much!”
He chuckles warmly. “I love you too”
Yoosung presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’ll buy you another sweet bun for you. Forgive me?”
“Fine, I guess I forgive you….I love you too..”
You press a kiss to his cheek, relishing in the warmth of the sun shining above you.
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 years
All I’ve Got [Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee]
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Sister!Reader, Tommy Lee & Sixx Sister!Reader
Request: hi! i’m the anon who asked about you writing for the dirt, do you think you could write something where the reader is nikki’s sister and dating tommy and she’s with tommy when they see on the tv that nikki is dead??? and they find out later he isn’t dead and the reader begs him to get his shit together cuz he’s the only family she has??? sorry it’s so specific lmao thank you!!💕
Warnings: Mentions of an overdose
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Tommy insisted on spending Christmas with his parents, something Y/N was more than happy to do. Up until the boys came along in her life, her and Nikki didn’t really celebrate the holidays. Even when they lived with their grandparents, the holidays were just another day. 
She and Tommy begged Nikki to come along, but he refused. Y/N couldn’t understand why, but she had feeling Nikki had plans with someone named heroin. His addiction was growing stronger everyday, besides pleas from Y/N to get help before it was too late. 
Angered by her brother’s carelessness and selfishness, she refused to let it effect her time at Tommy’s house. 
Tommy’s mom and Y/N decorated the house, talking and laughing the entire time. Tommy’s mom treated her with the warmth and love that Deanna, Y/N and Nikki’s real mom, never gave her. She and Tommy’s father made sure Y/N always felt comfortable, and there weren’t enough words in the English language to describe just how grateful Y/N was for them.
The night before Christmas Eve, Tommy, Y/N, and Tommy’s parents and sister were sitting around, enjoying some hot chocolate when Tommy’s father picked up the remote from the coffee table.
“I think they have ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ playing on Channel 3,” he said, turning it on. 
He found the Channel 3 and just as the opening credits began to play, they were cut off by a ‘Breaking News’ graphic. 
“What’s going on?” Tommy’s mom inquired, turning to her husband. 
The camera fixated on the female anchor. 
“Good evening. I’m Robin Carlisle with some breaking news out of Hollywood. We’ve just received unconfirmed reports that Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx has died this evening of an apparent drug overdose.”
Y/N dropped her cup of hot chocolate on the floor, her blood running ice cold. Her mouth hung open as the world around her froze. She couldn’t hear Tommy hold her in his arms as he sobbed violently. 
She felt like a huge part of her had just been ripped away without warning. Nikki was her only family, her protector from their mother and her creepy boyfriends. He was her best friend and her partner-in-crime. 
Now, he was gone and she was sure it was her fault. 
She tried multiple times to get him to stop, but he wouldn’t budge. She was all talk and no action, afraid of what her brother would do if she took away his needles and heroin. 
But this is what her fear got her. 
She crumbled to the ground, Tommy holding her tightly in his arm as she cried on his chest. As devastated as he was that he lost his best friends, a part of hi was furious at Nikki. How could do this, even after his sister begged and pleaded with him multiple times? How could he leave her like this? 
He opens his mouth in an attempt to tell her it’s gonna be ok, but he loves her too much to lie. 
“Vince called,” Tommy’s father said, coming back from the kitchen. “He says Nikki’s at Cedars-Sinai.” 
Tommy nodded. “Thanks Pop.” He turned to Y/N who wiped her eyes. “It’s up to you, babe.” 
“I need to go,” she sniffled. “I have to go.” 
He wasn’t going to argue with her so he helped her up, grabbed his keys, and the two of them made their way. 
Tommy tried to drive as fast as he can while Y/N tried to keep herself together in the passenger seat. She almost reached out to turn on the radio, just to quiet the thoughts in her head but she knew that would be useless considering all of them would just have Christmas songs playing and that was the last thing she needed to hear.
She buried her face in her hands. Tommy glancesd over at her and used one hand to stroke her hair, a silent reassurance that he was here for her.
When they arrived at the hospital, a swarm of paparazzi stood outside. Tommy grabbed Y/N’s hand as she lowered her head. Just as her nightmare couldn’t get any worse, cameras and screams from those behind them, made her jump.
‘Y/N did you know about your brother’s addiction?!’
‘Are you taking over his assets?’
‘What’s gonna happen to Mötley Crüe?’
‘Is it true he had a prostitute in the room when he died?’
“Can you all seriously fuck off?!” Tommy barked at them.
She tightened her grip on Tommy as the paparazzi continued to scream at her. She rushed inside followed by Tommy.
They made their way to the front desk, not caring about the people in the waiting area staring at them. The nurse at the front desk looked at Y/N and Tommy.
“You’re here for Nikki Sixx, I assume?” She asked.
Y/N nodded and the nurse gave her a warm, sympathetic smile. “You’re just in time. The doctor is in there with him right now. He apparently woke up not too long ago?”
Y/N’s head shot up, eyes widening. “He...he what?!”
“He what?” Tommy asked.
“Did Mr. Neil not tell you?” the nurse questioned. “Our EMTs revived him on the way here. He’s been-.”
“What room is he in?” Y/N cut her off.
“Third floor. Room 7.”
Y/N thanked her as she and Tommy rushed into the elevator. Hope and relief radiated through her that when she and Tommy were alone, she found herself clutching onto’s Tommy shirt, crying.
Tommy was relived, to say the very least. It also made him realize his current lifestyle had consequences and that if he ever wanted a real future with Y/N, he had to make some serious changes.
When they got to the third floor, Y/N and Tommy booked it to Room 7, pushing through nurses and other staffers to get to the room.
Upon reaching Room 7, Y/N burst through the door to find her older brother button up his jeans. He looked up and froze when he saw his little sister.
Y/N and Nikki stood there face-to-face. His face softened at the sight of his baby sister’s blood shot eyes. 
Nikki’s pale state brought out the dried blood spots on his chest from where the needles were injected as well as his under eye bags.
Y/N stomped toward him and slapped him across the face. He stumbled back, surprised by her actions.
“Ow,” he grumbled.
“I thought I lost you tonight,” she trembled. “I thought I lost my best friend and my brother.”
Nikki swallowed hard, his hands leaving the spot where she slapped him. “Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
She threw her hands up. “Is that all you have to say to me?! You’re sorry?!”
She eyed the telephone on his night side, pointing at it. “You couldn’t even have the decency to call me or Tommy and tell us you were fine?! I gave you his family’s house phone number for a reason!”
She wiped her eyes with her sleeves. “You were going to runaway, weren’t you? You were going to run from the doctor.”
“No, no I don’t wanna hear it, ok? You’re gonna stay in here and I’m gonna stay here until you are formally discharged. After that, I’m staying at the house and you and I and Doc are gonna talk about rehab.”
Nikki rolled his eyes. “You’re overreacting.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as Tommy, realizing what was about to happen, stepped back. She slapped her brother again.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N!” he snapped.
“You’re all I have, Nikki!” she spat. “You’re my only family left. I can’t lose you. Please, I am begging you, please stop this and get clean.”
Nikki lowered his head, realizing his actions had more serious consequences than he believed. Y/N wiped her eyes and nose on the sleeve of her sweater.
“Please don’t leave me,” she whimpered.
Nikki made eye contact with Tommy, who lowered his gaze in solidarity with his girlfriend. Nikki then opened his arms, wrapping them around her as she sobbed.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered. “I’m really sorry.”
He knew changes had to be made if not for him, but for the sake of the only family he had left.
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91percentpynch · 4 years
the cut that always bleeds - kevaaron au pt 3
kejerejean stans? this one is for you. no seriously this one is out of jean‘s point of view? cuz honestly i love that hoe so much. as always get your tissues ready guys. this is actually kinda long? and a mess? and no one beta read it so if there are mistakes or it doesn‘t make sense i‘m sorry!! this is not that sad? tw: mention of murder, mention of physically hurting someone, mention of stabbing, mention of the nest, mention of trauma
check this out to find the other parts:)
Jean has always been a light sleeper. He had to be in order to survive the horrors of Evermore.
So naturally the sobs - as silent as they might have been - woke him up. His eyes opened at once, he sat straight up. Almost automatically he got to his feet and left the room to get to Kevin.
After all, comforting Kevin was like breathing to him.
Jeremy followed Jean, because he would always follow Jean. Jeremy was like a moth and Jean was the light. Wherever he went Jer would follow.
So they went to Kevin‘s room. The striker laid in his bed, curled up, phone in his hand, uncontrollable sobs escaping his mouth.
„I see you took the call this time“, Jean said, surprisingly gentle.
„I wanted to end it. I wanted to have a clear cut. So tell me, why does the cut still bleed?“, Kevin whispered, his voice barely audible.
„Because it‘s a cut that always bleeds“, Jeremy told Kevin as he came closer, carefully and ever so gentle placing his hands on the other boy‘s back.
„He said he wants me to come back to him“, Kevin whispered while holding onto himself as if to try to stop himself from falling apart. „He told me he misses me. That he only gets high when he misses me“
It was quiet in the dark room, shadows were dancing, just as Aaron and Kevin used to dance in the dead of night underneath the night sky.
„You did the right thing Kev“, Jean replied in French while he got into the Bed behind Kevin. Just like they used to do in the Nest.
When Kevin was in his arms he began to hum a French lullaby into his ear.
Jeremy joined them after a second of admiring his beautiful boyfriend and the broken boy in his arms.
„Dude, do you want something? Hot coca? A special Knoxian hug? Us to get Andrew to gut that bastard? Wait, hold on. I forgot. Twin brother. Well, I can gut him for you? Andrew and this is a word by word quote told be once ‚You‘re like a little unicorn in a world full of wolfs with razor sharp teeths, learn to gut the wolfs, stay safe‘, so he taught me how to stab someone? Yeah okay that is not the topic right now, I can still gut Aaron though. I mean Andrew would try to hurt me, but then again I‘m his best friend so he does not have the rights to gut me, right?“, Jeremy offered him a toothy grin, while his hand wandred to his neck rubbing it nervously.
„Can you please not gut him? First of all: Andrew already tried to choke me once when Josten was in danger and I told them where he was, cause apparently yOu DoN‘t KeEp ThOsE tHiNgS tO yOuRsElF yOu FuCkInG mOrOn. I think you do keep those things to yourself if the other option is to get fucking murdered by the mafia??? But what do I know, am I right? After all I‘m just a narcistic, Exy-obsessed asshole without a personality. Bonus I have anxiety, panic attacks, probably depression and I‘m unlovable“, Kevin mumbled into his pillow, the voices of the other foxes, of the other teams inside of his head.
„Did they tell you that?“, Jeremy asked, not quite able to hide the sadness and pain in his voice.
„Doesn‘t eveyone think that?“, Kevin asked. „I mean I think they tend to forget that the woman who gave birth to me, the last woman who geniuely loved me besides maybe Abby, invented the job. I think they tend to forget that the fucking mafia killed her when they found out I‘m not theirs by nature, so the only solution was apparently fucking murder. Then they kidnapped me, brainwashed and tortured me to the point where all I knew was Exy. Oh and maybe they also tend to forget that Ravens were only ever allowed to do Exy, if you were privilegded enough sleep, and do more Exy“
„Kevin you are so much more than that“, Jean whispered into Kevin‘s ear while pressing him against his chest. Just as they used to do in the Nest. „I might be mad at you, because you left me alone with those psychopaths. I used to think you didn‘t care about me. But you were just like me, okay with less scars and less you know. However I cannot say I wouldn‘t have done the same. I understand you now, Kevin. And please, please stop saying those things. And now let us cuddle you and let Jer go through his ridiculous post break-up list. We‘re gonna cuddle you and all you have to do is trying to fall asleep. Used to help me when I was alone at USC. Could only sleep properly when someone held me. Well, Jeremy. Tomorrow we‘ll shove unhealthy food down your throat and watch Downton Abbey or whatever those historcial dramas you love so much are called. While stroking your hand or whatever you‘re into big boy. Afterwards we‘ll take the dogs out and force you to watch the fucking sunset. And I‘ll hold your fucking hand“
Kevin supposed the middle of the night was the time of long lost truths. „Okay“, he mumbled while he moved closer to Jean. Replacing his smell with Jean‘s. It took him a while to fall asleep but he managed.
At the same time Jeremy said „Mi amor, I love you, I really do, but that was literally the most romantic thing you said in the past two years? That is way more romantic than ANY date you ever planned for me? Rude? The audacity?“
„Moi soleil, you don‘t have the ‚cult kidnapped me and tortured me‘ card you can pull, you get the bonus treatmeant of any other people. Besides I literally have matching tattoos with you? I drew you like multiply times? I wrote like a dozen poems and at LEAST one short story? I wrote you a fucking lullaby? You have no right to complain right now, or you‘ll loose your kissing privileges and I give them to Kevin“
„Eww gross“, Kevin mumbled.
„I don‘t remeber you saying that back in the Nest“, Jean replied, poking his cheek.
Kevin didn‘t have the energy to answer. It was a long day. Sleep could have him for the day. Death’s little sister might claim him for the night.
This night he dreamed about Aaron. Strong arms around his waist. Golden eyes locking with smaragd ones. They were on some lonely beach, kissing lazily while the water kissed their feet. It was a beautiful day. Not as beautiful as Aaron, but then again nothing would ever be as beautiful as this specific piece of art. Everything was alright. Everything was good. Why couldn‘t it be the real Aaron and the real Kevin on that beach.
At about noon Kevin woke up to a drooling Jeremy on his stomach and the smell of waffles and soft French swearing in the kitchen. Softly Kevin woke Jeremy up.
„Sorry I always end up on weird angles and drooling on random guys. Jean used to get so mad when I fell asleep in his lap. But you can‘t take him serious when he looks with you with heart eyes trying to be Mad, can you? Anyways we should probably go to him and help him? Oh wait hold on a hot second there. I‘m banned from the kitche, so we can sleep? Right? Right?“
„I hate to break this to you Jer, but it‘s noon. So, no we cannot sleep. You can choose my clothes, though. I know you love going through my stuff and playing dress the doll, Kevin Day edition“, Kevin almost smiled at Jeremy, when he looked up at him pouting.
Then he remembered another blonde boy, pouting at him when he told him no. Another constellation of freckles around another, straight, perfect nose. Sinful lips softly turned up, trying to look mad. Hazel eyes instead of ocean blue ones. Messy blonde curles, instead of soft badly dyed ginger ones. Strong arms instead of lean ones covered in flower tattoos. God, Kevin missed his Aaron.
No, not his. Not anymore
„Okay, but you have to wear to fab outfit I‘ll throw in your face“, Jeremy gave him another easy, toothy grin.
Slowly the other boy got out of bed and went over to the cabet. Slowly Jer went through Kevin‘s cloths. After a while he slowly turned around, holding a jersey that is obviously by far too small for Kevin in front of his face. „What is that? Why do you still have his jersey? Babe, you gotta get rid of that, rather sooner than later“
Jeremy had the weird habit of calling his friends babe, baby, dude or bro. Before Jean he called his boyfriends bro or dude as well, but Jean was so confused by it he quickly stopped doing it.
„First of all: I‘m a weak ass bitch, it smelled of it. And secondly maybe I wanna stab it once I‘m over the phase where I‘m like madly missing him?. I‘d just put it into a pillow, stab at it like a maniac and then set it on fire. I didn‘t grow up with a psychopath as my supposed best friend for nothing Jer“
„Okay? Well I got your clothes. And you‘ll look amazing, cause it‘s the FOX ONSIE I GOT YOU!!! I‘ll wear my onsie as well, and I‘ll force Jean to wear his one as well!! Much fun!! Much wholesome!!“
So that‘s how Kevin Day, queen of Exy, landed sandwiched between his childhood crush and long life crush on their couch, watching Downton Abbey with a plate of waffles on his lap. This was nice. He might had actually enjoyed it, if this wasn‘t his and Aaron‘s show. They used to watch it, cry over it together, make out while watching it.
Thank God didn‘t actually touch him while watching Downton Abbey, he was good at daydreaming. Kevin would just had preteneded that it was Aaron and he thought him breathing Aaron‘s name was the last thing any of them needed today.
After their Downton Abbey marathon they ordered pizza, against Kevin‘s better judgement. Another traditon Kevin shared with Aaron. At finals Aaron would often forget to eat and Kevin was too big of a mess to be bothered to cook so he would end up ordering something every single day and feeding it Aaron while he studied on the floor. Occasionally he would earn a soft kiss, growing hungrier when the night grew darker. God Kevin missed the soft lips on his own.
Kevin would have enjoyed the beach, wouldn‘t he be dressed in a fox onsie, holding hands with a 6“5 guy who looked like he both could and would kill you in a unicorn onsie holding two tiny dogs in his other hand and with a 5“4 dude in a matching unicorn onsie with two dogs that were almost bigger than him.
At least this didn‘t remind him on Aaron.
Well, actually. The way the ocean softly kissed the sand, reminded him of his dream. And of the endless trips to the beach, sleeping in the car, Aaron on top of him. Lazy kisses and warm hugs. It was the first place Aaron took Kevin after their rehab. It was the first night they spent together, as sober men. Well, not sober per se. But drunk and high on each others love. It might had been the most painful memory of the day. God he missed those strong arms around his waist.
Nontheless the pain got less, he felt almost numb. Kevin liked feeling numb. Nothing hurt when you feel numb.
The sunset was beautiful. It reminded him of golden hairs, freckles standing against golden skin, soft lips at his ears, his neck, the corner of his lips.
„Aaron you‘re supposed to look at the sunset, you shithead“, Kevin used to smile down at him. „But I‘m already looking at the most beautfiul thing this world has to offer“, Aaron replied smoothly, locking eyes with Kevin.
When the moon took the place of his long lost lover they decided to go back.
It was safe to say that no one dared to think that someone would wait for them there. Especially not the one person they tried to avoid by all means the entire day.
„You said to stop calling. Never mentioned face to face conversations“, a husky voice said. And Kevin‘s world stopped.
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
M’Baku’s Love- Chapter 4
Heyyyyyy y’all, enjoy chapter 4! Check out my masterlist HERE to catch up and read my other fics. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Word count: 3052 After their kiss, Monae seemed to be avoiding him. They arrived and left at the same time almost every day, but she always found her way to her car quickly and was gone before he even stepped out the door. About a week had passed before M’Baku grew sick of it and headed down to her office to confront her on the sudden change of behavior when he almost ran over N’Jadaka.
“Yo, what’s up with you?” asked the prince.
“Nigga you walking around here looking like ‘Hulk smash’, what’s wrong?”
M’Baku sighed, not in the mood to deal with N’Jadaka at the moment. He reluctantly gave in, knowing he needed to talk to someone before he did something stupid like barge in on her in her office like he had planned.
“She is not talking to me.”
“Who, Monae? The fuck you do?” His right eyebrow lifted as he eyed M’Baku curiously. The Jabari chief rolled his eyes.
“Nothing! I just- we kissed,” M’Baku sighed. “And she has not spoken to me since.”
“All I’m hearing is you’re a bad kisser,” N’Jadaka smirked.
“...Is your cousin still here?” M’Baku deadpanned.
“Nope, you’re stuck with me and Lil Bit.”
M’Baku started massaging his temples, he could feel the stress headache creeping up on him. 
“Fine,” he gave in as he and the prince ducked out of the hallway and into an empty conference room.
“The issue was not my kissing, the issue is that damn ring on her finger. Sometimes she is hot, sometimes she is as cold as the mountains. I know she is engaged, but I cannot help but want to be around her.”
“Damn, you got it bad. What happened to being ‘unattached’ while you’re here? I was just talking to Neicey, the new Black American history teacher, about you and she seems like she’s down for whatever, if you know what I mean. She might be able to help you get Monae off the brain. Here’s her number.” He handed M’Baku a slip of paper. “You do know how to use your phone right?” 
M’Baku loved the prince like family, but sometimes he just wanted to punch him in his smug face. 
“Yes I know how to use my phone, N’Jadaka.”
“Don't ‘N’Jadaka’ me, I’m trying to help your big ass.”
“You are right,” he conceded with a sigh and looked down at the number in his hand. “You said her name is Niecey?”
“Yup. Go talk to her, she doesn’t have another class until 3. Last time I saw her she was down by the court.” N’Jadaka said while walking backwards and disappearing through the door, leaving M’Baku alone to think about his next moves. 
Of course he wanted to pursue Monae, but he knew that would be a dead end with the way she was treating him now. He decided a little fresh air wouldn’t hurt and stuffed her number into his pocket before heading outside to the basketball court. 
M’Baku saw her before she saw him, and once again Monae ran straight into him. Without even looking up she knew who it was. She’d know that body and that cologne anywhere.
“M’Baku! Hi, I’m sorry...again,” she tried to laugh off her nervousness.”Anyways, gotta jet!”
“Not so fast,” M’Baku lightly grabbed her arm. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
“I’m not-” M’Baku cut her off with an eyebrow raise and a look that made her heart beat in her pussy. “Ok fine I am.”
“Why though?” He pulled her in closer and she backed away.
“Because that kiss should never have happened and if I’m around you too much it might happen again.”
He smirked.
“So you avoid me because you cannot keep your hands and lips off me? That is understandable, I have been told I am irresistible.”
She chuckled, neither confirming nor denying his statement.
“Monae, as much as it pains me to say this, we could just stay friends. That way you keep your honor and I get to keep you in my life without you running away every time you see me. Eh?”
Monae was quiet for a moment, contemplating the proposal. Could she really  be friends with this man?
“Deal.” She reached her hand out to shake on it and he returned the gesture.
“So where were you ‘jetting’ off to?” M’Baku asked her as they walked towards the front doors of the outreach center. 
“Home, actually. I know it’s early but my sister, Jazz, is in town and I want to spend as much time with her as possible before her break is over.”
“Oh, well, have fun and give her my best.”
“Will do.”
And with that, they parted. Monae headed to her car and peeled out of the parking lot while M’Baku watched with a smile on his face. Friends? Who was he kidding?
Shaking all non-platonic thoughts of her out of his head, he finally made his way to the basketball court where he noticed Niecey heading right for him.
“M’Baku, right?” She asked, clearly knowing the answer already.
“Yes, and you must be Niecey.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it.
“I am. So N’Jadaka tells me you’ve had your eye on me...I thought you were feeling Monae for a minute there.” she laughed.
“Monae? She is engaged. So, would you like to go to dinner tonight? You pick, my treat.” he tried to play it off and change the subject. Luckily it worked and her face lit up at his proposition.
“Ok, it’s a date.”
“Look, she is a nice girl, but she was so...dull. I had to try way too hard to engage her in conversation.”
“Maybe she was nervous?” Shuri asked, only halfway listening as she examined the communication device designs her highschool aged students came up with. 
“For what? It was only dinner,” M’Baku sat down in a huff.
“Some people get nervous around people they like, M’Baku, it’s normal,” the princess said defensively.
“Ohhh, the plot thickens,” said N’Jadaka as he entered the room. “They didn’t like the flowers?”
M’Baku and Shuri answered at the same time.
“What flowers?”
“Shut up!”
“My bad cuz, I thought that’s what- you know what? Imma go-”
“Actually I would like to talk to you after we discuss the princess and her crush.” M’Baku added teasingly.
“They’re not- ugh, fine.”
“How did you meet?” M’Baku asked her, desperate to talk about anything other than his boring date with Neicey.
“I met them at a conference for Teens in Tech at UC Berkeley. They’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, but they barely know I exist and I didn’t send the flowers because I chickened out. There, happy?” she rolled her eyes and went back to her work.
M’Baku grinned, finding her nervousness a nice change of pace from her usual arrogance. 
“Ah, young love. I do not miss it,” he mused.
“Oh like your situation is any better? At least my crush is single.”
“At least I can talk to mine,” he said under his breath.
“Not without her fiance coming up to the Center,” Shuri pointed behind M’Baku to a tall thin man in a nice suit heading down the hallway towards them.
“Derrick, my man. How’s it going?” N’Jadaka put on a fake smile and tried to dap him up, but Derrick wasn’t on the same page so it ended up being more of an awkward fist bump.
“Going good, going good. Just here to see my girl,” he turned and stuck his hand out to M’Baku. “I don’t think we’ve met. Derrick Jones, attorney at law.” M’Baku stared at his hand a little too long before shaking it.
“Lord M’Baku, Chief of the Jabari,” he introduced himself with a sly smile.
“Oh a chief? That’s awesome man, I bet all this is boring as hell to you huh?”
“Quite the contrary.”
“Cool...cool...well, I gotta go find Momo. See you all later!” 
Shuri gagged as he walked away and they all looked at each other in disgust at the nickname.
“‘Nae’ would be so cute, but ‘Momo’?...For an adult human? Absolutely not, I don't know how she stands that man.” Shuri rambled on about her disdain for Derrick. “Did you see how he deflated when M’Baku introduced himself with his title? He thought being an attorney was such a big deal? Ha!”
M’Baku couldn’t help but laugh and agree with the princess. Even without Monae in the picture the man was insufferable.
“And he didn’t even acknowledge you.” N’Jadaka added, shaking his head.
“Nope, just the men.” Shuri smiled sarcastically before turning to the chief. “If it’s not clear already, I’m on Team M’Baku. Fuck that guy, Monae deserves better. Even if it's not you, she doesn't deserve...that.”
“I agree...and thank you, I knew I would grow on you eventually.”
“Yes well it would’ve gone quicker had you not insulted my intelligence when we first met. This ‘child’ can hold a grudge.”
“Oh I am aware.” They smiled at each other before M’Baku’s assistant found them and interrupted.
“Excuse me, M’Baku?”
“Yes, Deontae.”
“There’s a phone call for you from Abiola, he says it’s urgent. Something about a snow bank...”
“Ah yes, thank you. Udakus, I will see you both later.” M’Baku saluted them in jest and was on his way to handle his business when he overheard two people arguing in a conference room.
“You don’t have to! I make more than enough money!” said a man whose voice M’Baku couldn't quite place. He continued down the hall with Deontae typing away on his tablet, but stopped in his tracks when he heard the other person. They both looked up at each other, recognizing Monae’s voice immediately.
“But I want to! What part of that don’t you get? I like being here with these kids a-and these people. The Wakandans are amazing and-”
“I’m sure they are sweetie, but this neighborhood is dangerous and I don’t like you being here. Do you know how many kids are probably downstairs trying to break into my car as we speak?!”
M’Baku rolled his eyes and he and Deontae shared a look. No matter how nice his car was, it wouldn’t attract anywhere near as much attention as the Wakandan technology in the Center. 
His disdain for Derrick grew as he realized he had just mentally defended the useless gadgets of the lowlanders. 
“Nobody wants your stupid car Derrick! There are literal hovercrafts in this building, nobody cares about your Audi.”
Deontae stifled a laugh.
“Wow, so it's like that? Why are you lashing out at me?”
“I’m not lashing out at you, I just want to keep my job that I love and you didn’t even ask me about moving first!”
“I figured if you didn’t want to go with me we could do long distance. LA isn’t that far-”
“Yes it is.”
Derrick let out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m taking this job whether you're coming or not. You need to figure out your priorities.”
Deontae’s jaw dropped and he wasn’t able to pull it back in time when the door swung open and Derrick pushed past the two of them. When Monae looked up and saw them her face turned to stone. She was horrified that they had just witnessed her in such a vulnerable state.
“My apologies, we were just walking by and-”
“We didn’t hear anything!” Deontae forced out. M’Baku gave him a look and he shrugged. He wasn’t good under pressure.
Monae wiped her eyes and M’Baku felt so helpless. All he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and make everything better...that and beat Derrick senseless. 
“It’s ok, we were uh, pretty loud,” she said, avoiding eye contact with M’Baku.
“What do you need from me?” He asked her, his voice soft as a pillow. Deontae’s head tilted to the side as he took in the scene before him.
She thought about it for a moment, not able to say what she really wanted, which was to crawl into his big strong arms and never leave.
“Just some time,” she sniffled and cleared her throat. “Are we still on for lunch?”
“Of course-”
“Great, see you then!”
Monae breezed right past them and towards her office, and Deontae turned to see M’Baku’s dejected face.
“Wooooooow,” he started with a laugh. “Woooow… you like her don’t you?”
“Keep your voice down,” M’Baku whisper yelled, looking around for any possible prying ears.
“You got good taste, I’ll give you that. Shitty circumstances though.”
“Yeah, tell me about it…” M’Baku’s shoulders slumped as they made their way back to his office.
“You have barely touched your burrito.”
Monae looked down at her plate and noticed he was right.
“I guess my appetite isn't too big today, too much on my mind.” She sighed and pushed her plate forward.
“I know it might be weird, but as your friend you can always talk to me about anything.” M’Baku knew he didn’t want to talk about Derrick, but he would do anything to make her feel better.
She looked at him for a few moments before she began. “I don’t know how much you heard, but Derrick got a job in LA and wants me to move with him. He’s always hated that I work here for some reason...I just wish he would have discussed it with me first, you know?” She twisted the ring on her finger and bit her lip nervously. M’Baku nodded to show he was listening, but his eye kept being drawn down to her ring. That little silver band with the fancy rocks in it that meant so much to her.
“He just- he means well, he does. He wants what’s best for me-”
“But should that not include what you want?” he asked in earnest, trying very hard to remain friendly. “If he is to be your husband, ask yourself if you can marry a man who doesn’t listen-”
“-to what you say you want. What do you see in him? He treats you like a child-”
“M’Baku, stop! Ok, I didn’t ask for this. It’s more complicated than that.”
“It doesn’t have to be…”
She looked at him as a tear escaped. 
“It’s been seven years M’Baku, I can’t just throw that away!”
“So you would rather waste a lifetime being miserable all over seven measley years?”
She stared at him with a silent fury in her eyes.
“I knew this was a bad idea.” Monae called the waiter to bring her a to-go box and her check, refusing to let M’Baku pay for her this time. 
“Monae, I-”
“Don't bother. I’ve had enough men telling me what to do for one day.”
M’Baku had never meant to make her feel that way, and as she left the restaurant his heart sank. 
The walk back to the Center was a blur, as was the rest of the day. M’Baku couldn’t get her words out of his head. He decided to give the one person he knew he could come to with this a call, hoping they would answer.
“My son, how is America treating you? You have not seen any police have you?”
“Just in passing, mama.”
“That is still too close for my liking with those killing machines they carry everywhere. Are you eating? You look thin. I will send some stew with the king next time he goes to the Center.”
M’Baku smiled warmly at his mother’s unnecessary concern. He was eating just fine and hadn’t lost a single pound, but he would never in his right mind turn down his mother’s cooking. 
“Thank you mama, I would love that. How are things?”
“I will be happy when you come back and I can retire again. The council is driving me crazy. This week the big issue is snow bank height. Can you imagine? Arguing over damn snow banks.”
He chuckled, missing his mother’s animated voice. 
“Now, you have not called me all week. What is wrong?” she abruptly changed the subject.
“Why does something have to be wrong?”
She sucked her teeth and he could already picture the look on her face. It’s the same one he gets when he senses bullshit.
“M’Baku, I raised you. I know you, now talk to me.”
He let out a deep sigh, contemplating how much he should tell her.
“I met a woman here, but she is engaged to a man who does not treat her well.”
“Engaged? M’Baku I raised you better than that-”
“I know mama, but I did not know at first. Apparently here the women wear rings to signify they are betrothed.”
“Just the women?”
“Yes, it is quite an odd culture.”
“I can see that...well son if you truly have feelings for her and this man does not treat her the way she should be treated, what would it hurt to make your feelings known?”
“That is the thing, mama. She knows, we-” he sighed, knowing this wouldn’t go over well. “We kissed.”
There was silence on the other end of the line before a slow chuckle turned into a belly laugh, leaving him confused and speechless.
“Mama, are you done?”
“I am sorry son,” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “You just reminded me so much of your baba. You know, we were in a similar situation. He was in your shoes, and I was the young lady. What is her name?”
“Such a pretty name, I am sure she is just as beautiful.”
“Even more so.”
“Hm, I bet. Anyways, long story short, your baba stole me from my betrothed.”
“He what?!”
“I was supposed to marry Hodari-”
“The head fisherman?”
“That is the one. Our parents had arranged for us to be married, but my heart was not in it. Then along came your baba, all tall and handsome, and I never looked back. My point is, if it is meant to be then it will be, but you cannot just give up if you truly think she feels the same way you do.”
“I do not want to give up, mama, but I do not want to push her away either.”
“Then let her come to you.”
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem​, @theblulife​, @devnicolee
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rora-s · 3 years
The Derivative Chapter 15: Seventeen
Chapter 1 <- Chapter 14
I came trudging into my uncle's office and threw my backpack down in his chair. The three men within the office gave me a concerned look. “Trouble adapting to college life?” Charlie inquired.
I let off a breath leaning on the desk “college students are better but no less annoying than high schoolers” I declared “I just talked to a girl in one of my classes who asked and I quote ‘are you visiting on a high school field trip?’” I mocked the girl's squawky voice.
Don chuckled slightly “well you are sixteen. Not a lot of kids your age running around these halls”
“She sees me every other day in our class. She borrowed my pencil once” I exclaimed indignantly.
“Ah it seems this fair student was wrapped in her own world to the point of tuning the rest out” Larry declared.
“Yeah or she’s just an asshole” I muttered then glanced at the computer screen on the desk “is that some kind of code?”
“Yes it’s a rolling code for a car remote” Charlie explained, holding up the remote in question in his hand. “It’s actually part of a kidnapping case”
“Kidnapping?” I questioned.
Don sighed and shot his brother a look “yeah it’s a case we’re working.”
I nodded, resisting the urge to ask if I could help. Just then my phone alarm went off. “I have class” I sighed, turning off the alarm and grabbing my backpack.
“I’ll walk with you,” Don offered. I nodded and waved farewell to Charlie and Larry as we exited the office. We only got a couple feet from the door before Don was talking again “so your birthday is this weekend.”
“What? Really? I had no idea” I replied sarcastically.
Don scoffed “I was just wondering if you wanted to do anything? I mean just me and you could hangout or we could have a barbecue at the house with everybody. Whatever you want” he shrugged.
“Uh yeah a barbecue would be cool” I murmured the grip on my backpack tightening a bit.
“You sure?” Don asked. I glanced over to see him looking at me with mild concern in his features.
“Yeah fine” I assured him as we reached the door to my classroom “it’s just…” I hesitated “don’t worry about it it's nothing”
“Okay” Don nodded “have fun on your field trip” he teased.
“Ha ha very funny” I muttered a small smile on his face. He turned to leave and I ducked into the classroom. There was a sinking feeling in my gut and another feeling that I couldn’t quite place and didn’t really like.
3rd POV.
“And no, no contact, in almost seven hours” Don murmured looking at the board set up in the war room. “What the hell are they after?”
“I still think Erica Logan has to be the key” Megan declared standing up as Don began to pace the room. “This kind of radical shift in behavior? There has to be some sort of trigger.”
“Trigger?” David questioned from his seat “like what?”
“I can tell you what a textbook would say,” Megan explained. “Statistically, it’s things like a near-death experience. A person can exhibit an extreme shift in behavior if they survived a plane crash. Another could be a person who’s told they only have a month to live, may act on fantasies of an alter ego.”
“Doesn’t fit, though in this case” Colby objected. “The autopsy would have flagged that.”
“All right, so what else?” Don inquired leaning on the table.
“Uh, parental instinct” Megan offered “the perception of a serious threat to a child.”
“That also doesn’t fit” Colby spoke up again “I mean, her father said she doesn’t have kids, right?”
Don thought about his talk with the man for a second and the pictures in the house realization hitting him “but there was a brother, right?” he asked, gesturing to David who had also been there for the interview “the old man said she practically raised him.”
“Yeah,” David nodded in agreement, sitting up in his seat.
“A younger sibling could be the trigger, if they had developed that kind of relationship” Megan agreed.
“Younger brothers can definitely be a trigger, trust me on that one” Don stated with an edge of humor before going back to business mode turning to David “why don’t you go talk to the old man see if you can get an address on the son.” the agent nodded and started grabbing his things “I mean, I want to get everything we can on this kid, right?”
Colby grabbed his things and followed David out of the room. When it was just them Megan turned to Don. “Speaking of parental instincts, how's that daughter of yours doing?”
“Abby? She’s fine” Don shrugged.
“Really? I mean it can’t be easy being a sixteen year old kid in college” Megan voiced.
Don scoffed “she complains less about it than she did about high school so” he shrugged.
“Well since she’s in a house full of men. Why don’t you tell her if she ever needs a woman’s advice she can have my number” Megan offered.
“Thanks” Don smiled at his partner before she turned and left. Don shifted some files and thought a bit to himself. He’d never thought about it before but Abby was constantly surrounded by guys. The only female influence in her life right now that he could think of was Amita. Was that why she had been so weird about the barbecue?
Don doubted it. Maybe he was just coming to weird conclusions. Maybe the barbecue wasn’t even an issue and she was just preoccupied with the class she was about to walk into when he asked. No, she had a look on her face that told him she wasn’t happy about something. He just had no idea what and now he had to figure it out.
As he turned to leave the board caught his attention again. Parental instincts could change behavior. He thought that was a bit of an understatement.
Abby POV.
“Oh come on Charlie it couldn’t have been that bad.” Alan objected from the kitchen as the mathematician sulked at the dining room table.
“Actually, I truly can’t explain how awful it was,” Charlie muttered as Alan came out and sat a mug of hot tea down in front of his son and two plates of cake, one for him and one for me.
“Oh, I don’t understand it.” Gramps grumbled “You and Amita. You always got along so well.”
Charlie shrugged “I’m just as confused as you are”
“Yeah well, maybe it’ll be better next time, hmm?” Alan suggested as I just ate my cake and read quietly.
“Yeah, I don’t think there’s going to be a next time in the future” Uncle C sighed as my father entered the house through the front door.
“No, no, you do not give up.” Alan objected. “You never give up”
“Who’s giving up what?” Don inquired.
“Charlie. He blew his first date with Amita” Gramps informed.
“And he’s being very pouty about it,” I added, earning me a small glare from my uncle.
“I wouldn’t say that I- I blew it, Dad or that I’m pouting” the professor objected. “I mean that’s…” he trailed off as Alan gave him a look “yeah, maybe I blew it.”
“And are pouty” I chimed in and got another half hearted glare.
“Wait, what happened, buddy?” Don asked, shedding his coat.
“It’s just we found out that we really don’t have much to talk about outside math” Charlie explained as Gramps got to his feet.
“And you can’t talk about math because?” I questioned.
“Well it’s our work and we want to talk about more than just work” Charlie muttered.
“Oh, man.” Don sighed “Yeah, I know about that. Maybe it’s an Eppes thing you know? When Terry and I started dating, the first thing we said was we weren’t going to talk about work, right? You know, not a word.”
“Don’t say it’s an Eppes thing cuz that curses me too” I complained.
“Hey last I checked your last name was still Calvin so you get exempt” Don pointed out.
“So, how’d you work it out?” Alan inquired, handing his eldest the beer he had just retrieved from the kitchen. “With Terry?’
“Well, I mean, she’s back with her ex but..” Don murmured.
“That’s really very encouraging,” Charlie grumbled sarcastically.
“I didn't mean it like that” Don objected with a slight chuckle “I’m sorry. It’s different with you guys. You’ll work it out.” Charlie just let off a breath. “Meanwhile, I’m hitting a wall with this case.”
“You haven’t found them yet?” Charlie inquired.
“Found who?” Alan asked as Don headed back into the foyer to grab his file off the table.
“A mother and her eight year old daughter, kidnapped.” Don informed heading into the living room with his file.
“That’s horrible,” Alan declared.
“This is the same case with the car key code thing?” I asked.
“Yeah” Charlie replied with a nod as the three of us stood to follow Don into the living room. I brought my book and slice of cake with me.
“Who took them?” Gramps questioned.
“I don’t know yet” Don explained sitting on the couch “I mean, we got this one suspect who’s a bookie, and we think there’s some connection, but we got these files off his computer, and they’re impossible to analyze”
“What are you looking for in here?” Charlie questioned, going to look over the file Don offered him as I sat on the couch next to my father. .
“Well, I mean, the people who financed the operation.” Don explained “this guy’s been running bets through a website called Statswire that dead-ends at a URL in China. And with all the money he’s pulling in and paying out, we can’t tell the difference between the backer and bettors.”
“Well these abbreviations may be names and dates” Uncle C suggested looking the file over “but the numbers in this column here 35-17-11” he muttered as Gramps went to look over his shoulder. “23-17-5, 24-12-3 ½? Yeah I’m assuming that they’re part of some sort of odds making, but they just appear to be at random and they can’t be.”
“You’re right. They’re not random” Alan voiced as I shifted my cake away from my thieving father.
“What are you talking about?” Don inquired.
“Where’s that paper?” Alan muttered standing up and going over to a stack of newspapers “this weekend’s football scores.” he stated grabbing the paper he was looking for and coming back over as we all huddled over the file to look. “Let me see. 35-17-11 here.” he pointed to the newspaper “the Packers beat the Vikings 35-17, and the spread was 11”
“Whoa,” Don murmured.
“Nice catch Gramps” I said with a slight smirk.
“Thank you. 23-17-5. That here, Niners in San Diego, five-point spread, right?” Alan found another “24 to 12 was the Jaguars over the Colts. Huh?”
“Let me see that” Don took the paper and looked it over.
“3 ½ was a ridiculous spread” Gramps commented “I took the Jaguars and made a hundred bucks”
“What, you have a bookie?” Don questioned his father in surprise.
“Busted,” I murmured.
“Should I have a lawyer present?” Alan replied.
“No, I’ll let you slide.” Don murmured looking back over the paper. As I chuckled lightly.
“Wait a minute. If this column is the point spread, I can use it to calculate the ratio of winners to losers” Charlie explained “and potentially trace the payouts and the money flow.”
“Yay teamwork” I murmured.
“Says the girl who sat there eating cake the entire time” Don pointed out. I just shrugged with a smirk.
3rd POV.
Don got out of his car with a sigh. He was relieved that she had at least thought to text him this time. As he made his way across the grass to his daughter she glanced up at him before her eyes became fixated on the ground.
He sat down next to her in front of the head stone. After a moment of silence he finally spoke “what’s wrong?”
“Why do you assume something’s wrong?” Abby replied, still not looking up at him and she fiddled with her blinders in her hand.
“Because I know you well enough now to know when something’s bothering you” he replied softly. Abby shifted but didn’t speak. “You know if you don’t want to have a party or something for your birthday that’s fine. It’s okay if you don’t even want to celebrate it but I’d like to know why” he explained.
“It’s not that I don’t want to celebrate it” Abby objected. “It’s just-” she took a shaky breath “I suddenly have people to celebrate with and I’ve never had that before because-” she cut off.
“Because what?” Don encouraged.
She took another deep breath “last year we sat here and I told you how much I love and miss my mom now I’m sitting here and- and I’m just mad at her. I’m mad because she didn’t tell you about me. Didn’t let us meet sooner because I spent nearly sixteen years of my life not knowing you, or Grandpa, or Uncle C and because I want to have that stupid barbecue with you guys and I wish I could have had that sooner but-” Abby cut off again and tears rolled down her cheek. “I’m never going to see her again and all I am is mad at her”
Don wrapped a gentle arm around Abby pulling her closer. “Listen Abby, the last year of my life spent with you has been an incredible time. We’ve gotten to know each other and despite some preconceived notions I haven’t managed to screw up being a dad too bad. Right?” Abby scoffed at the last statement, sniffing back her tears. “That said I was a very different person years ago when I met your mother. And the truth is I don’t know if I could have been the father I would have wanted to be to you all those years ago. Heck I’m not even sure I’m the father I want for you right now.” he bit his lip pausing before he continued “not having you in my life all these years… it hurt and when I found out honestly I was mad too but- but I know your mother loved you Abbs and she only did what she did. She only kept this secret because she loved you and she thought it was the best for you.”
“I know,” Abby sighed.
“And now we do have each other and the rest of my crazy family,” he muttered, making her laugh a little. “It’s me and you kid and I’m not going anywhere”
“Thanks dad” she murmured sniffing back tears “but I’m still mad”
“I know,” Don murmured, pulling Abby into a hug “but I’m sure you’ve been mad at your mom before. She can take it and one day you’ll figure out how to forgive her, trust me.”
Chapter 16 ->
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brunotrash · 3 years
🩸Diabolik Lovers where everything is the same except I’m the mc🩸
*An: This was just a random idea that I had so like don’t expect it to be serious and yes I’m going to be doing this with More Blood (also if the grammar/spelling is messed up...deal with it <3)*
Ep 1: 
when ayato took the phone I would be like "I'm happy you ain't dead but gimme my damn phone back"
nah if that was me I would be struggling way more and telling him to get off like who he thinks he is pushing up on me and we don't even know each other name
ayato: "you already know I'm about to take you" me: 👁👁💢 take what bitch
instead of pancake he would call me melons or sum cuz I got them big honkers and like I know that but him telling me that would make me so upset and I would call him a perv  
When laito and kanato licked me I would stand up and be like "what's up with yall and licking me plus where did you even come from" 
bruh ion like reiji but I would say "thank you finally someone with sense who isn't obsessed with licking me" 
ayato: "yours truly is going to take her every first experience" me: you have too much nerve
when reiji said the stuff about being impolite I would say "sorry about that but these other guys have been impolite to me and it's just made me feel unwelcome" because I would think he's different than the others  😞💔 oh how wrong I would be
them: talking bout brides and sacrifices me: ion like neither of those options 🧍‍♀️
Laito would not get away with calling me bitch-chan he can use kitten or sum but he ain't calling me no bitch ✋✋
please when Subaru broke the phone I would be like "BRO DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT COST WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" 
me seeing Cordelia "IS THAT THE GRIMM REAPER"
ep 2:
laito: "are you tryna come onto me" me: no you're the one tryna come onto me leave me alone 
I would tell ayato to stop calling me melons and he wouldn't I would already be so done with him and then when he says my opinions don't matter I'll be like "and ur opinions don't matter to me"
reiji: "unless you want a whipping don't try anything reckless" me: a what now 😳
when ayato tells me to make takoyaki I would be like "I don't know how to cook I can barely do myself a grilled cheese sandwich so either do it yourself or teach me" 
I would smack ayato but I would probs still get bitten </3 a for effort at least
me 🤝 Yui: both drowning
ep 3
reiji: "one of these days I will take you aside and discipline you thoroughly understood?" me: oh so u one of them kinky motherfuckers gotcha 
I would tell ayato he got problems on sum sadist shit talking about feel more pain I would be suffering (literally and mentally) 
"No shu I did not come in here to see you naked I just wanna clean myself I'm leaving tell me when u get out" and then he wouldn't let me go 😐
Shu pulling on the hair reminds me of when my momma used to do my hair shit hurt :,)
shu: "think twice before contacting me again" no need to tell me again 
bro I would tell laito "ion belong to no one plus I didn't even consent to be a prize in this game I'm not an object" and he would be like "but you are an object your only purpose is to feed us your blood you will come to realize that soon kitten~"
ep 4
kanato going wild that I got him coffee me: 😟 it's not for all this sir please
nah right when laito's hat got taken off I would have been tryna run but he wouldn't let me go again a for effort. but that whole church scene I would genuinely be terrified and be crying and struggling so hard :,) it would probably turn him on becauses a sick bastard ✋ (I feel like he has a dacryphilia kink but then again what kink doesn't laito have)
ep 5
Yui needs to stop saying sorry but I would just look at kanato like 😟 therapy you need it and that's a factual statement 
my gag reflex would come when kanato kisses me I'm sorry pfft I don't even know why but I feel like it would 
when reiji said he wouldn't make tea for me I would be like "that doesn't seem like good manners to me 🙄"
I would be like "what did you put in the tea this better not be no get out shit"
this is when I would pop off at reiji and be like "you talking about me being impolite for coughing while you put something in my tea that's ruder than anything you damn hypocrite I can't believe I thought you were different"
ep 6
kanato on the edge would make my intrusive thoughts go wild like "what if I just pushed him off and dived out right after him" 🙈 
right when I see the doll room I'm not gon even step one foot in the room and I'm gon run away gives me Annabelle vibes I hate it
I would take up Subaru's offer but I would be like "but yall said I would die if I tried to escape" and when he gave me the knife I would be like "say less sheshhh thanks dude" 
I would threaten laito with my new acquired knife like🔪>:(  but when he says murdering is love to vampires I would be like "shit are you serious if it makes you happy then obviously I don't wanna do it now"
ep 7
me seeing the triplets as lil babies "they look kinda cute but this means that vampires can age but when to they stop aging-" *cue me rethinking the whole vampire lore*
Cordelia yelling at ayato and telling him to be the best "no wonder he's such a narcissist looks like all of yall need therapy and not just kanato"
ep 8
me looking into all the diaboys memories: I thought I had family issues but yall have mega family issues 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
ep 9
"women are terrifying" sir if anything I'm more terrified of u stop sucking my dang blood please
me seeing Richter for the first time: how you a vampire giving off vampire hunter vibes it must be the coat-  
ep 10
"have you become afraid of us now" bro I always was-
sees Cordelia again "oh shit something bad is about to happen ri-" *gets possessed*
as for eps 11 and 12 I had nothing to add lol
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aleksadnezz · 3 years
Sweet Night 2
Jae x Reader
 It is Saturday and I don't have errands today but I don't want to waste this day by just laying on my bed and watch sum tv shows because that's what I always do (after my shift or when I don't have work). I decided to take a shower and wear a white shirt, jeans and one out of my three pair of shoes cuz I’m broke af. I put sum random stuff into my tote bag just in case cuz I still have no idea where I wanted to go. I head out my room and locked it. I glance over to the room across mine, I wonder when he will return my charger.. I’m just kidding. I wonder if he’s alright, I mean if he seems okay living alone and streaming all day? or all night not leaving his apartment. I’m just a concern co-tenant that’s all.
 I walked and walked and walked until I reached to the bus station. I didn’t wait that long for the bus to arrive, I hopped in thankfully there’s not much people at this hour. It’s only 10AM and I still have lots of time to waste. Since this bus is heading to the center of the city, where most people go cuz there are a lot of shopping malls and attractions I’ll stay there and let where it will lead me.
 When we reached the bus station, I immediately got off the bus and casually walked on the street. There are lots of stores in the area that I’m in, there are sum bookstores, clothing stores and cafés. I don’t usually go outside like this but when I do, I only go to market to buy groceries so it feels new to me to go out alone in a different place. What I like about living here is that people don’t actually care about others, it doesn’t matter to them whatever you do in public as long as it’s not harmful.
 I entered to sum clothing stores just to checked their prices and left right away. Damn. Why does clothes have to be that expensive, I can already buy five thrift items for that price. I went to a bookstore and bought one book. It’s a self-help book, though I don’t actually read but I want to give it a shot, this might be a new hobby for me so. I also went to Daiso which I think is now my favorite place, they sell random stuff and cute stuff which I ended up buying more than 5 items.
 Going to stores surprisingly took me 3 hours it’s already lunch time so I went to a café that also sells meals. The ambiance of the place is so calm and expensive, and there’s not much people inside which what I like. I ordered iced matcha and sum carbonara. After I eat, I headed back home cuz I might end up spending all my recent salary in just one day cuz that’s possible to happen. Knowing myself I’m a big spender but try to manage that since I’m now earning and paying my own bills.
 On the way home I didn’t saw the strange old man, thankfully. I’m tired and can’t deal with him right now. I put down all my bags on the floor, got change and lay on my bed. I was busy scrolling through my phone when I heard a knocked on my door so I stood up and walked over my door. My eyes grew bigger when I saw who knocked. It was my neighbor, Jae. He’s wearing sum navy long sleeve button down polo and jeans, way different from what he always wears except only his slides.
 “Hi Jae.” I greeted.
 “Hello y/n. Do you have time?”
 “Yeah why?”
 “Um I know we don’t know each other that much but can you help me?”
 “Well, I guess what is it?” I honestly don’t have an idea what help he is asking. I don’t know he might ask me to help him move furnitures or carry huge boxes or even buy him food outside the building or sumthin.
 “I’m sorry if it’s so sudden, you’re the only person that can help me about this, can you do makeup on me?” Eh? that’s all? I really though he’ll make me carry boxes. When I looked at him, he’s scratching his forehead. I think he’s embarrassed. So cut-I don’t to make things complicated for him so I I’ll put my curiosity behind.
 “Yeah, of course.”
 “I already bought makeup earlier so you don’t have to worry.” I nodded and bite my lip. So, I have to go to his place? Omg
 “Uhh so where do you want us to do it?” Woah that sounds so wrong. I immediately covered my mouth that made him laugh. “I-I mean am I going to your place or?” I nervously laughed. Damn. What the fuck.
 “Anywhere you’re comfortable.”
 “Okay so.. my place?” I asked him and he nodded.
 “I’ll just get the stuff” he said and entered his apartment.
 I scanned my room making sure that my place is clean. All my dirty clothes are on my basket. I have no dishes in the kitchen. My bed is a mess so I quickly smoothen the crease I made on my bed earlier. I sat on my chair and suddenly felt my heart beats fast. I just realized that it is my first time inviting a guy that I barely know, in my apartment. Not that I trust easily, it just my gut feeling telling me that he’s a nice person.
 I heard a knocked so I stood up and opened the door.
 “Hello again” He smiled and extend his hand carrying a paper bag. I took it and oh boy it’s heavy.
“Have a seat.” I offered him to seat on my small dining table cuz I don’t have a couch in my apartment. I sat on the other chair across to him. I took out all the makeup inside the bag and lay it on the table. I think he bought every item that’s in the store, there are more than 10 products inside the bag.
 “Okay..” I looked at him and he fixed his posture and looked straight at my face. Woah. I never felt more shy in my life.
 “I already have moisturizer on.” He spoke. How come he can read my mind? Besides from being a streamer is he a mind reader too?
 “Do you think that’s enough cuz I don’t know what I bought.” He pointed the bag.
 “it’s.. a lot.”
 “I asked for assistance and the lady there suggested those.” I laughed. Poor boy.
 “I think she tricked you from buying everything.”  
 “Happy to help.” He said.
“Great. Okay I’ll put foundation on your face first.” I opened the bottle and put sum at the back of my hand. When I said that he bought every single item in the store, I mean it. He even has the complete set of brushes.
 I can see that he’s still staring at my face while I put foundation on his face. He’s prolly counting my acne and dark spots. I’m too shy to tell him not to look directly at me so I just asked him to unbox the products.
 “Can I ask?” I spoke.
 “Sure.” He answered while he’s busy unboxing each item.
 “Why am I the person you reached out for this?” I raised the foundation and brush, referring to the makeup.
 “Most of my friends are men I bet they don’t know anything about this and I think you’re the only woman that can help me plus you lived across  so..” I laughed when he said the last part.
 “What is this for? If you don’t mind me asking” There, I said it. I’m just curious why he wants me to his makeup at 3pm. Not sus at all.
 “A-ahh I have an event.. yeah an event I need to attend to”
 “Hmm. Is it like the streamercon thing?”
 “Y-yeah something like that.”
 “By the way what time is the event?”
 “Probably at 6 but I have to leave at 5.”
 “Alright I’ll just make it natural.” He nodded and stared at me again.
 “Do you play games?” He suddenly asked.
 “No and I will never.” He laughed.
 “I don’t know, I just don’t like playing and It looks complicated”
 “Maybe at first but once you started playing, you’ll get used to it.”
 “Still not convince.”
 “How about hobbies? What do you do?” I stop what I’m doing and looked up as if that I’m thinking. He looked at me intently, waiting for me to answer.
 “Nothing.” I said and continue doing his face.
 “What? Really?” He said surprisingly.
 “Yeah, I don’t really have a hobby.”
 “How about that painting?” He pointed something on my back so I looked back to see. It was my painting on top of my drawer, I hid it behind my picture frame cuz I have a nowhere to hide it.
 “That was years ago. I don’t paint anymore.” No story behind it. I just stop doing it. Besides I got busy from working.
 “Why though? That honestly looks really cool.”
 “Really?”  He nodded. “Thank you.”
 “Alright.. down to the last part.” I finished doing his face and I didn’t put a lot of makeup since he already has great skin. I just put concealer under his eyes and brought colors back to his face. I grabbed the peach lipstick and twisted it open. Still laughing in my mind cuz the sale’s lady prolly made him buy 4 lipsticks.
 Now it’s my turn to look at him. I’ve been avoiding his gaze while we’re talking, trying to focus on what I’m doing. I don’t want to make it awkward for the both of us so I’ll just make it fast.
 “Just stay still okay.” He nodded while looking anywhere but me.
 I don’t know where to put my other hand so I let it rest on my lap while the other one is holding the lipstick. I raised my hand and before the tip of the lipstick even touch his lips, he grabs my wrist.
 “Nervous.” He said, still not looking at me. I’ve seen guys afraid of having lipstick on them which I don’t understand why but I don’t question it either.
 “Is that necessary?” He added.
 “Not really but for you, yes. You’re quite pale, I don’t want you to look dead.” He slightly laughed and softly released my wrist from his hand.
 “Am I that pale?” I nodded.
 “Alright then.”
 “Do you want to?” Asking him is he wanted to put it on himself.
 “No, it’s my first time I might mess it up. I’ll just let you do it.” Woah.  I feel honored.
 “Okay hold still.” I leaned my hand on his face but I can see him leaning backwards.
 “Don’t lean!” He laughed.
 “Alright.. sorry.”
 I hold his shoulder using my other hand and raised the other to glide the tip of the lipstick on his soft lookin lips. I saw him shut his eyes and I find myself smiling cuz I think he looks like a cute little kid. I didn’t realize that the application was taking too long until he slowly opened his eyes. My smile slowly fades while my hands still attached to him, creating connection between us. Our eyes locked into each other for a solid 4 seconds until his eyes slowly landed on my lips-sxsnpRYrccxSWwhhelp
 “W-woah.. m-my makeup is a masterpiece.” I said and quickly moves away. I grab a palette with a compact mirror and hand it to him. He took it and scanned his face. I can feel my cheeks heating up.
 “Masterpiece…” He said and turned to me smiling.
 “Thank you so much y/n for helping me. I owe you.” Thankfully I’m not that dumb enough so I heard it right.
 “No worries Jae. Happy to help.” I said mocking him about the sale’s lady situation. He laughed.
 “No really. I can’t thank you enough.” His phone rings, he looked on it and put it in his pocket. “Also.. can you please keep the bag for me?” I nodded.  We stood up and walked over the door.
 “Thank you again y/n I’ll see you… sometime. I’ll definitely make it up to you.”
“Don’t bother. It’s alright.”
 “I insist.” He looked at me intently. It’s like there’s sum energy from his eyes or maybe it just him that made me agree to everything that he says. I think I need to go to hospital. There’s something wrong about here or there’s something wrong about me…
 “Alright. Alright.” I slightly raised both my hands, showing him that I surrender.
 “Good. See you then. Bye y/n” He smiled. What the fuck
 “Bye Jae.” I smiled back. I waited him to leave before I hardly shut my door. I leaned on the back of my door, thinking about what just happened today. There’s nothing wrong about me. It’s him. He’s the problem. The way he looked at me. The way he smiles. The way he laughs. Gosh.
 I’ve seen this in films before and I’m now living on it.
1   2   3    4   5 
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"They'll forget."
warnings: implied suicide attempt(non-specific about who), long with no cut cuz mobile, angst, hurt/comfort
summary: "Remus cackled. 'Don't say that! They're definitely going to try to rescue you, and they'll fall for our trap!' Logan sighed, and his head drooped. 'No.' he said in a hollowed tone. 'They'll forget.'" (not an excerpt)
ships: implied dukeceit(beginning), implied intruloceit(end)
au: super au(my au)
notes: based off this post. sorry if you guys didn't want an au tied to it hgdjfjs. lmk if you want a sequel
(Logan's POV)
Day 1
I woke up with a massive headache, and lacking the ability to see. I couldn't move any part of my body except my head. Where am I? What happened? I questioned internally. I didn't want to alert whoever put me here to the fact that I am awake.
My memory is a foggy mess. I can't remember much. There was... yelling. Or rather, fighting. I wasn't participating in said fight. I don't even think I was allowed to.
Then I was walking home. I remember having my hands in my pockets, staring at the ground. Not caring about the world ahead of me, just below. Maybe a tear or two slipped out, it's hard to remember.
Then I remember someone grabbing me. Pulling me into an alley, and kicking me to the ground. I saw two familiar faces. I got a baseball bat to the face, then darkness.
I coughed, loud. It wasn't intentional, my throat was really dry. How long was I unconscious? It felt like a whole day. Not good for my sleep schedule. Speaking of schedules, I'm worried that my boss has fired me from work by now. He has no patience.
"Hey, L's awake!" a familiar voice called out to another, the sound echoing down the hall. A chill went down my spine, trouble was coming. Footsteps came after the echoing voice. They got louder and louder, fast.
"Heh, You sure that wasn't the other guy?" another voice appeared. It sounded sinister. "Dee, what other guy...? Did you proceed with a kidnapping without me?!" The first voice again. "No no, I'm kidding, Logan's the only one we got right now."
I tried my hardest to appear unconscious, but hearing what was supposedly my name caught me off guard. Logan. That's who I am, right.
It comes back to me now. I am Logan Everton. Natural-born Super with technologic-based abilities. I go by the codename Digit. I am a Super with good intentions.
I remember what happened before I got here. My common allies(though they would refer to us as "friends"), Patton 'Heartbeat' Harper, Roman 'Magma' Aveyard, & Virgil 'Specter' Deckett, were at Roman's place, having a fight. Our team ethic was going awry and it was making everything harder, our successful missions being smaller than our unsuccessful ones.
I had remained quiet most of the conversation, but that's because nobody would let me speak. I'd try to pitch in, steer everyone to a positive outcome, but they'd either yell over me or tell me to stop.
11. I counted. That's how many times I had been shut down. After that, I had enough. I grabbed my backpack, and left without a sound. Nobody called out for me, telling me not to leave, that they would listen to me now. Not at all.
As I shut Roman's front door, I had let out a big sigh. Hands in my pockets, I walked down the sidewalk to my house. It was just a couple blocks away, I would've made it. But back then I didn't care. I started to cry, but I didn't care.
But suddenly I was pulled into an alleyway. I was so caught off guard that I was unable to resist being kicked to the ground and knocked out with a baseball bat. I remember seeing the faces of the two men who grabbed me; Roman's ostracized brother, Remus 'Psycho' Aveyard, and Ethan 'Deceit' Helquist. A common enemy of ours. I now was able to match the voices I just heard to the faces. They got me, and now I'm doomed.
Somebody pulled whatever was over my eyes off my face. Regardless I still tried to look unconscious, but they weren't having it. "Open your eyes Logan, that's not going to work on us." Ethan sneered. I opened my eyes and glared at Ethan. "What do you want from me." I wanted answers.
"Ooh, straightforward now, aren't we nerd? You usually want to know details first, haha!" cackled Remus. "Shut it Rem, this is my turn." snapped Ethan. "We don't want anything from you... yet. For now, you have one, simple purpose... heh..." he chuckled. This could not be good. This guy is a expert manipulator; which is boosted by his powers of deception, hypnosis, and "glamour"(which according to Lo's research, meant you can disguise yourself). Ethan's powers didn't last long, but they were effective.
"I said it once. And I'll say it again." I started to demand. "What. Do. You. Want. What is your plan." I needed to contact the others and let them know what is happening. They wouldn't know otherwise.
Ethan put his hands down on the arms of the chair I was strapped to, his hands just barely touching mine. His face was 1/2 of a foot from mine. "I know your tricks, Lo~. I confiscated your technology, you cannot contact your little 'pals'. Anyways, until your teammates get here, you're just bait. You will lure them here. After all, what will your team be without their smart team member?" Ethan explained with an evil smirk. Right, how did I not realize that? My head still hurts, it's making it hard to think clearly.
"And yet, your plan is still flawed." I dead-panned. "What. Did you. Say?" Ethan growled back, moving his head back a little and grabbing me by my shirt.
"I told you, your plan has a loophole, and it's being exploited right now whether my friends know it or not." "What are you talking about, dork? Our plan is perfect!" Remus cackled once more.
"They're not coming."
Silence settled upon the room. A stunned Ethan gently let go of my shirt, & took a couple steps back. He let out a laugh of disbelief. "You must be joking! Seriously?! Why wouldn't they come for YOU?!"
"Because they don't know I'm missing. And they never will, because they don't want to know." I paused for a moment, tearing up a little. Not enough for them to notice, but it's there. "They don't care about me."
Remus started laughing, killing the sad moment. "HAH, I don't believe that for a second, four-eyes!" His face was filled with disbelief and mania. "You...Your friends need you, why wouldn't they come for you! You're so valuable to them, which is why we chose you in the first place!" he cackled once more.
"Well, you made a poor choice then. Anyone would have been better than me..."
Ethan snapped out of his stunned state. "Don't think that you can fool us so easily, Digit." he glared, putting emphasis on my nickname. "Remus?" he called for the male's attention.
"Yes, Double Dee~?" he responded with a wink.
"I told you, stop calling me that. Now, go get our prisoner food. Probably McDonalds or something."
"Will do, ya snake-charmer!" Remus winked again. Remus ran out.
"Oh, and one more thing, dear prisoner." The words felt like acid on Logan's skin. "They have 7 days to get here. Whether you say they'll come or not, they have a time limit before there's... consequences" Ethan warned, with a hiss at the end. He presented an evil smile before leaving Logan alone in the dark.
(No POV)
Day 2
Ethan & Remus returned to their prisoner early that morning, and hung around. Eventually they transferred Logan from being tied to a chair to a window-less bedroom with a locked door. It was actually a nice room to be in. The bed was super comfy, there was a TV with a DVD player(plus many dvds), a table and chair, and a bookshelf. On the table, Remus left him a notepad and pencil to write on if Logan needed anything, as there was enough room under the door to slip paper through. Logan never used it that day though, he just sat around in his room and sulked, knowing how this wasn't going to turn out for his enemies. The only time he got up was for food, which was always fast food. At least they were generous enough to give him nice(ish) things. They could've just gave him a burger and left, But Logan didn't care either way.
Ethan & Remus never stuck around in the room, just checked up on him. But seeing Logan just laying there on the bed filled the two with an emotion they could not identify yet.
Day 3
Almost the same as yesterday. Today was a Monday, so surely someone from his job would wonder where Logan went, right? Nope. Ethan kept Logan's phone with him at all times and there were no texts, no calls, not even a message on any social media.
Logan hesitantly got out of bed to do stuff aside from eating meals. None of the movies available were ones he was interested in, so he got Remus to bring him some documentaries, as well as Logan's personal notebook from his bag.
In fact, the little maniac decided to hang around Logan a bit. Some of the documentaries Remus grabbed were unintentionally ones he liked, so he decided to watch them with his prisoner.
Ethan still didn't like Logan. That's what he says, at least.
Day 4
Not much happened, just the usual. Except Remus had brought Logan a cookie with his dinner, a nice change.
(Ethan's POV)
I was sitting at my kitchen table, just staring out the window. I had my arm supporting my head while I thought about things.
Logan's proving himself right and I don't like it. But I don't get why. I should be upset because my plans are going wrong, but... I'm not.
Suddenly I felt hands covering my eyes. "Guess who~?" a voice asked in a sing-songy tone. I chuckled. "Obviously it's Remus. There's nobody else it could be."
Remus uncovered my eyes and pulled me into a hug, causing me to yelp. "You got me, babe!" he confessed, kissing me on the cheek. "Sorry for the hug, I forgot you don't like large, sudden moments of physical contact." Remus pulled away slowly and apologized, looking a bit embarrassed. Overstepping my boundaries is the only time he ever seems embarrassed.
"It's ok, Rem." I unintentionally sighed. Logan's still on my mind. My expression became a but more sad as I continued to think about the situation.
"Something wrong, Double Dee~?" Remus flirtatiously chuckled. He then noticed my facial expression and his smile fell. "...Seriously. Is everything ok? You usually let this kind of thing slide, Ethan." he queried worriedly. You could see the concern in his eyes. He only uses my full name when he's genuinely troubled.
"No no, it's not that." I reassured with a smile, as I grabbed his hand and held it with both of mine. Then the frown of mine returned right after. "It's Logan."
"Oh... is it because of you-know-what?" he questioned again.
"If "you-know-what" is the fact that his "friends" still haven't come for him? Yeah. It is..." I responded once again. Remus's face said everything. He recognized that Logan had told the truth.
"What's more, they haven't even shown a sign that they're planning to come get him. I tracked their movements across the city, not even a little bit of time was spent doing any sort of planning." I added on. Remus & I looked into each other's eyes. We saw the pain within ourselves. A familar feeling. An experience we remember all too well.
Seconds that felt like hours passed by. We wanted to cry. We were abandoned by those we trusted so dearly. Cast aside, all because of mistakes. Look what it did to us. We know the feelings experience during that time of loneliness. I don't want Logan to feel what we did, and I know Remus agrees.
"He... Logan's just like how we once were."
"Indeed, he is. And we're not going to let it remain like that."
(No POV)
Day 5
Remus & Deceit, to Logan's suspicion, made an effort to slowly welcome him. Remus was already doing so but only out of "sheer pity for the nerd". At first, Logan was hesitant. He had a bias against them due to them being villains.
Day 6
But by mid-day Wednesday, Logan had opened up more. He didn't understand it, but he just let it happen. He didn't care anymore. They're probably earning his trust so they can manipulate him against the others later.
Logan just wanted it to be over. During this past week, he had a lot of time to think. Enough time to lose hope in humanity. Nobody was going to rescue him. He was going to be forced to kill those he once loved.
He didn't want to admit it, but Logan was actually looking forward to his revenge. Not towards his kidnappers, no. They've actually shown him more acceptance than he's felt in a long time.
He wanted revenge on his former team.
(Logan's POV)
Day 7 - The last day.
Remus returned to check on me right on schedule. We talked a bit, watched a movie, he even brought a few puzzles for us to do.
Ethan, however, did not return until the evening. I had forgotten today was the "deadline" until the sinister man entered the room and dropped his backpack beside the now closed door with a glare towards Remus.
"It's time." he snapped. "Do you want to leave the room, Remus? I do not want to upset you, after all."
Remus gulped. "No... I want to stay. This is important for the three of us." he shook his head.
Important for the three of us? My body stiffened up and I squeezed my lower right arm. That cannot be good. Remus & I were previously sitting on my bed, angled right across from the door. The now terrified man got up and stepped beside his partner, who was now in the middle of the room, a few feet away from me.
"Should I hold him back, to make sure he cooperates...?" Remus questioned worriedly.
"No. You'll scare him." said Ethan as he stared into my eyes, never moving his attention. "But you already are, look at him." Ethan's previously tense stance had instantly loosened, realization dawning on him. Remus was right, I had now realized I was shaking, sweat was dripping down my back.
"Oh... Oh! I-i'm so sorry, Logan. It wasn't my intention." He bent down to my level and apologized. I was still stiffened up, though, and I turned my head away. "I'll let it pass." I finally let out as he waited for my response. His expression became sad.
"Logan, look at me. You need to listen." I hesitated for a second, but then turned to look him in his heterochromatic eyes. He seemed genuine.
"Today marks almost exactly a whole week of your friends not coming to save you. I originally had one plan, which you had no choice." I glared at him, moving back slightly. "But now that it hasn't worked, you have three choices." My eyebrows raised at the sudden proposal. I still remained like a statue, but now i'm truly listening.
"Number one. We let you go free, but... under one condition." Ethan paused for a moment. "You either give up all your technology-period-or, you let us keep track of what you do with any technology you use. We know your powers rely on having a gadget with you, Logan. We can't let you continue being a threat, but we also no longer want to see you hurt. You're a good man, you know." he confessed solemnly.
My expression softened. In the end, I didn't want to give up being a hero. The world needs me. But if this ends up being my best option, then I will agree.
"Option two, our backup plan in case you refuse option 1 & 3. In the situation where you refuse the before mentioned options, we will proceed with our original intentions. We hypnotize you with the intention to use you against your friends. We no longer want to do this to you, but if you refuse to cooperate we will do this." once more, his offer came solemnly.
I tightened up again, prepared to defend myself. I didn't want to know option 3, I just wanted to be as free as I can get. But before I could open my mouth, Remus spoke up.
"Why didn't you save that for last? I thought that would've made a better ending."
"Trust me, this one is a better closer in my opinion, Remus." he sighed.
"Finally, option 3." Ethan took a deep breath. This sounded like nerve wrecking answer for him to say. I wasn't sure whether to care or not. I just remained defensive.
At last, he let it out. "You join us. Leave your troubling life as a hero behind. Get payback for what the world has done to you. Or if you want to remain 'heroic', the three of us can become anti-heroes. Whatever it takes to make you happy." Ethan sounded serious.
Remus chimed in again, to Ethan's frustration. "Don't you want to show those losers how you feel about them now?! Smash their heads in?! Make them regret even wronging you once?!"
"No!" I lied, curling up into a ball on the bed. I didn't know what I want one bit. My morals are split in front of me, forcing me to choose one half and discard the other permanently.
The more serious of the two grabbed me by the shoulders, remaining at my eye level. "Look. I know you're hesitant to leave it all behind. You're used to one path in life. But we want what's best for you in the end. I know that anger is going to fester within you until you can no longer handle it, and end it all because there's nothing you can do about it." In that moment. Remus started shaking, crossing his arms and trying to calm himself. Ethan didn't notice, he was too focused on reassuring me.
"We were exactly like you once. Abandoned, by those we trusted most!" Ethan too, was now breaking down. "Cast away, all because of some mistakes! We had never known better! The problems built up within us, and corrupted us! And all the painful emotions of loneliness and betrayal along the way..." he choked out that last bit with a sob. "We want to help you avoid that part. We've turned out to want to care for you... W-we want-" the manipulator was now crying. Remus came up to him and slowly pulled him into a hug to comfort him, crying too.
"Shh, it's ok, Eth. It's ok, deep breaths." the maniacal one said in a way that seemed out of character for him. As Remus cried too, he rubbed Ethan's back.
I, Logan, have now come to a realization. They're serious. They genuinely care about me. Unlike anyone currently alive and in my life. I decided in that moment that my heart is right. I want what will satisfy my fury.
I got down to the ground with them and grabbed Ethan's hand, squeezing it periodically. "Ethan, listen. I'm here. Do as I say. Breathe in for 4 seconds..." As I began to help calm him down, he followed along. "Hold it for 7 seconds... And now let go for 8, and repeat." After about a minute Ethan was calm.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that side of me. You didn't deserve to know all that." he tried to confess. "Eth-..." Remus began to reassure, but cut himself off.
"I'll do it." I agreed, catching their attention. "I'm going to join you. You're right." I said as I stood up. I was going to say more, but I was stopped by the both of them getting up, and Remus pulling me into a tight hug.
"Don't worry, you'll fit right in with us. Everything will be just fine. We will never forget about you."
And in that moment, I knew they were right.
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