#this user uses xe/xem pronouns
lgbtq-userboxes · 2 months
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Emoji credit: customemoji
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custom-emojis · 9 months
You don't think the fact that neopronouns have been around since the 1800s but still aren't used commonly is a sign that they're not viable?
"arent commonly used" bestie bro/bros are used excessively in internet culture and they are by definition a neopronoun.
also this is really poorly constructed bait, and nobody cares what you think about neopronouns in the year of our lord 2023. At no point in time has them 'not being commonly used' ever stopped anybody from doing just about anything in history, them being around since the 1800s solidifies the fact that self-created pronouns / descriptors and gender divergence is a normal human experience, not that its "not viable", and your insinuation that something not being Common meaning it's Not Viable is actually hilarious and you are Actually Just Stupid. Like straight up, i'm not gonna try and pretend to be nice about it- you're just ACTUALLY an idiot and the funny thing is every person who see's this post is gonna also see that you're an idiot, and you're not even aware of how stupid you actually are. Good luck and godspeed to you brave soldier it must be hell living life like that. O7
I rate this anon hate a solid 2/10, Try harder next time.
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ransomdemands · 2 years
I’m loving making posts featuring neopronouns right now, I know they aren’t that popular but as an it/it’s myself I know that if you want to see something for you, sometimes you gotta just make it yourself.
To that end, If anyone has any pronouns/ gender expressions they’d like to see let me know.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 6 months
Someone remind me to play Pixel Cats End more I keep forgetting how fun it is
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objectsarebestest · 5 days
I wanted to make a post about this because it’s really frustrating me.
Xenopronouns are a type of pronoun that cannot be understood by human language. An example is a pronoun that is a pattern of flashing lights (like a firefly) or a pronoun in sign language, but you need four arms to sign it. They can also be things like the sensation of electricity, the sound of glass shattering, etc. that humans can’t produce. They are primarily used by nonhumans.
What about pronouns like star/stars, raccoon/raccoons, or green/greens? Those are nounself pronouns, not xenopronouns. I don’t know where the confusion comes from. Maybe from the fact that these pronouns are usually used by xenogender people and “xenogender pronouns” gets shortened to xenopronouns. The truth is that any gender can use any pronouns, so associating nounself pronouns with xenogenders is just wrong.
One of my new companions wants to use xenopronouns to accentuate xir nonhumanity, and I’m trying to find resources about those pronouns to better understand my companion and figure out how to refer to xem (xe said I could use xe/xem as an aux). But the xenopronouns tag is flooded with people tagging posts about nounself pronouns with xenopronouns. It makes it very hard to find posts about actual xenopronouns.
Please don’t push xenopronoun users out of their own tag. If that tag becomes basically unusable, where else are they supposed to go? It’s not that hard to tag a post about nounself pronouns with #nounself pronouns instead of #xenopronouns.
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junglejim4322 · 10 days
are you okay with it/its pronouns? if not are she/her okay? or he/him? or they/them? or xe/xem? or ce/cer? you don't have any listed but i've been sending your blog to some people. mostly i've referred to you as it/its when talking to ppl and ce/cer occasionally since i've been trying to get used to those sets.
I see u in my notifs freaking out I hope you chill out soon, reddit user from 2013
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queerhcs · 4 months
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Twilight Sparkle is a omni lesbian, acespec, transfeminine pony who is traitblur due to autism. Her pronouns are she/her they/them spark/sparks it/its star/stars ✒️/✒️s 🔮/🔮s and ✨️/✨️s ! It is also physically disabled, Twilight has EDS and scoliosis, she is also HoS. Spark is dating Pinkie Pie in a non-labeled type of relationship!
Pinkie is a lesbian, turigirl, feminine transmasc, intersex! Shi is autistic hyperverbal and schizoaffective bipolar type as well as having very severe and untreated ADHD, Pinkie also has ID and LDs as well as being HoH. Mew is an OSDD1a system. 🍭 uses shi/hir mew/mews dey/dem fun/funs pun/puns :D/:Ds 🪅/🪅s 🎊/🎊s 🎀/🎀s 🍭/🍭s and 🧁/🧁s ! Mew loves talking in 3rd person. Pun has a semi-romantic type of relationship with Dashie and calls him funs boyfriend <3
Rainbow Dash is a turigirl lesboy, transmasc, sapphic gay rosboy. Xe has ADHD, NPD, Tourettes, dyslexia and is an OSDD1b system. Boom prefers the nickname Dashie and he/him xe/xem boom/booms cloud/clouds thunder/thunders blue/blues 🌩/🌩s 🌈/🌈s ⚡️/⚡️s 🪽/🪽s and also 💥/💥s ! Cloud is physically disabled as well and has a left wing prosthesis. 🌩 is in a romantic relationship with Apple Jack and calls him Apples or Jackie. 💥 is also in a semi-romantic relationship with Pinkie and is Fluttershy's queer platonic partner.
Fluttershy is an AFAB transfem, pan lesbian, femme, transgirl and bunfem. Che identifies also as two-spirit and is intersex. Bun is a bunny and fruit-bat therian. They use she/they bun/buns soft/softs 🌸/🌸s 🐇/🐇s 🎀/🎀s and also 🦢/🦢s pronouns. 🐇 is nonverbal autistic who speaks trhough sign lenguage with apraxia of speech, agoraphobic, has social anxiety, C-PTSD, DPDR, Anorexia-r and Dyspraxia. She is an ambulatory wheelchair user who has fibromyalgia and CFS.
Apple Jack is a abro lesbian, butch, aroflux transmasc. He uses strictly he/him pronouns irl but uses ny/nym/nyx ey/em 🍏/🍏s and 🍎/🍎s online! He is autistic LSN and has insomnia. He has PCOS but doesn't consider himself intersex. 🍎, as well as dating Dashie, is in a love hate/romantic rivalry relationship with Rarity.
Lastly, Rarity is a transfem, omni lesbian femme. She considers herself to be a feminist. Rarity uses she/her, 💜/💜s, 💎/💎s or no pronouns. She has OCD and HPD. 💜 is asthmatic, has bulimia nervosa and sever body image issues.
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I’ve seen a lot of posts made by the quær community that infighting is pointless because at the end of the day, the Evil Right sees us all as degenerates to be murdered; hence we should stand by even the Most Cringe xe/xem/fairy pronoun acegender pansexual weirdo because “solidarity is important” or whatever. And honestly this message is so bogus. Even if the Evil Right wants us dead, that still doesn’t change the fact that neopronoun users and kink at pride folk and he/him lesbians are actively harming existing members of the community by portraying us as freaks and distorting the meaning of words. Don’t use the Right as a shield against actual problems within the community
If you define yourself by your enemy you're letting your enemy define you. By not expelling the predatory TRAs, pedophiles, and psychopaths from the larger community or movements, you're throwing away any defense you have against anyone who says those people represent all gays. But disagreeing with the eeeeeeevil right wingers is more important than not supporting pedophiles, I guess.
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arecaceae175 · 8 months
A Guide to Neopronouns
Questions, answers, usage, and helpful resources at the bottom! :D
What are neopronouns?
In simple terms, neopronouns are a category of pronouns used in the place of typical pronouns like he, she, or they.
Neopronouns allow trans people to find pronouns that fit their specific gender identity or expression if typical pronouns do not. Neopronouns can be an expression of someone's personality, gender identity, gender expression or lack thereof, and can be an act of rebellion against a binary and transphobic world.
Neopronouns (or neos) can mean different things to different people, and depending on the different pronouns. For example, I use xe/xem pronouns because I like the use of x instead of sh/h in she/he. I like the implication of the gender being completely removed from the word with an x put in its place. Also, I just like the way they look. They have good vibes.
Why are neopronouns important?
Using neopronouns correctly is just as important as using he, she, or they for someone. Using a person's correct pronouns is a sign of respect and support. Trans people use pronouns that reflect their gender identity and experience. Using the correct pronouns affirms the person's identity and helps them to them feel confident in their trans identity.
Using incorrect pronouns for someone is very hurtful. When people use the wrong pronouns for me, I feel dejected. It shows me that they do not understand, respect, or support me. It is very alienating. I feel upset, and if it goes on for a long time I start to shake and feel like I am going to cry.
In online spaces, neopronouns are even more important. I do not use neopronouns in my day to day life because it is exhausting to explain the concept of neopronouns to everyone I meet. I never know if they will be supportive, or if they will have a negative reaction, or if telling someone my neopronouns will cost me something like a job opportunity or put me in danger. In online spaces, or with my close friends, I get to be my authentic self and use the pronouns that fit me the best and makes me feel good.
How do you use neopronouns?
This is the hard part. Some neopronouns follow a conjugation pattern, but for the most part each pronoun is unique. That is part of the appeal.
I made a google doc with conjugations of 30 common neopronouns. You can find it here! I tried to include all the neopronouns I know of in my typical fandom circles. If you have a neopronoun that is not on this list, please share it with me and I will add it!
There are infinite neopronouns, and sometimes people use different conjugations of pronouns that look similar. It is always a good option to ask neopronoun user. Most of us will not be offended by this question! In fact, I love when people ask about my pronouns. It is an opportunity to teach someone new about neopronouns!
Also, you can type the pronouns into google and usually it is easy to find resources on how to use the pronouns. This is a good way to show extra support to a friend who uses neopronouns. This way, you are putting in the time and effort it takes to use their pronouns correctly.
Practice is key! If you don't put in effort and practice, they will never stick. When I was learning how to use neopronouns, I kept a screenshot of a neopronoun chart saved on my phone for reference whenever I got confused.
What if you make a mistake?
That's okay! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Most people will not expect you to get their neopronouns right on the very first try. For me, as long as someone is putting in genuine effort to use my neopronouns correctly, I am happy.
If you catch your mistake, correct yourself quickly and move on. For example you could say, "Oh, sorry, I mean xe," and then let the conversation continue.
If you apologize over and over or derail the conversation, it can be uncomfortable for the person who you misgendered. If you still feel guilty after the conversation, you can reach out to them individually and apologize.
If someone else corrects you, apologize or thank them, correct yourself, and move on. Here are a few sample conversations.
"I was telling them-" "Xe uses xe/xem pronouns, actually." "Oh, I'm sorry. I was telling xem..."
"I am going to ce's house." "Actually, it would be 'cer house'." "Oh ok, thank you. I am going to cer house."
"I was telling them- oh, wait, I mean I was telling xem"
Please try not to be offended if someone corrects you. It can be hard, especially if you have a condition like rejection sensitive dysphoria. If someone corrects you about their pronouns, it means they feel safe enough or trust you enough to share that with you. Your reaction will dictate if they feel safe enough to be their authentic self in front of you.
Also, if you can, correct other people if they use the wrong pronouns. It can be hard for trans people to constantly correct others about our pronouns. If you correct someone else, you are showing us your support and demonstrating to other people that our pronouns are important.
Here are some more resources about neopronouns:
Understanding neopronouns
Extensive neopronoun list
Dey/dem for the black community
Gender neutral language around the world
Neopronouns in German
Neutral pronouns in Hebrew
Neutral pronouns in Spanish
Neutral pronouns in Swedish
Neutral pronouns in French
@neopronounfaq is a very helpful blog that describes neopronoun usage
If you have any questions about neopronouns or their usage, please feel free send me an ask (anon is on) or leave a comment on this post. I'm happy to answer any questions that are asked with good intentions! I will delete and block any transphobic asks :)
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Neopronoun users:
Im curious as to what made you decide to use your set of pronouns. What was different about them? What made them click? Are they linked to a specific type of feeling?
Ill go first,
My neopronouns are xe/xer
I chose them because personally for myself i do not like themed pronouns or any that are linked to a specific thing like noun pronouns are for example. Xe/xer just felt right. I found that i tend to use it more on days where i might feel more agender. Also i wanted pronouns that encapsulate vith the male and female part or me.
The set always felt red to me, the xe reminded me of he and the xer reminded me of her (i know xe pronouns are usually xe/xyr or xe/xem but i dont like the strong r sound and xem feels too muh like them and i hate they/them for myself)
Ze/zir also has the same sound but idk, felt really yellow and also i just didn't like the shape of it, didn't work. The X just felt like a placeholder or a blank space, kinda like how my gender felt sometimes.
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viscerax · 10 months
Creepypasta + MH Gender/Sexuality Headcanons!
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Jeff The Killer
I hc Jeff as trans FtM, and bisexual, however he leans more towards men!
Eyeless Jack
EJ is another of our trans FtM boys, he/they pronouns, and I believe he is pansexual
Transmasc, but doesn't really stick to a very binary trans identity. If you asked him he'd probably just shrug and says he doesn't know. If I had to stick a label to it, I'd saw Genderqueer or Genderfluid. He's pretty firm on t4t, but wouldn't entirely be opposed to being with a cis person. It depends on trust levels and such. Bisexual with a preference towards men.
Nina The Killer
AMAB Genderqueer, neopronoun user, she is cool with just about any pronouns being used on xem. She is abrosexual and will have days where she will swear off men for the rest of her life and then the next day be thirsting over some cute emo boy xe saw on pinterest.
Jane The Killer
Massive lesbian. Cis woman, uses she/they. Their identity isn't too 'different' or anything like that like the other creeps, and sometimes she thinks she's boring for it, but Nat always reassures her that she isn't.
Speak of the devil. She's MtF, lesbian, she/her pronouns. Big fucking lesbian for Jane.
Marble Hornets
Alex Kralie
Transmasc Genderqueer. He doesn't rlly like to put a label on it. He presents more masculine but if someone asks him what he identifies as/what his pronouns are, he just shrugs. Pansexual KING. Polyamorous :3
Timothy Wright
Trans FtM. No surgeries and never plans on getting them but stays on T. As for sexuality, I believe he's demisexual, and homoromantic. Also polyamorous.
Jay Merrick
Transmasc, he/they pronouns but also secretly thinks neopronkuns are cool as fuck. He hasn't told anyone about that though so its just a thought he keeps to himself. Has top surgery and no bottom surgery, on T. Gay gay Homosexual gay. Again, polyamorous.
Brian Thomas
Cis Male, he/they pronouns!! I believe he's bisexual with a preference for men. Also a polyamorous king.
Jessica Locke
Trans MtF, she/they pronouns, and a raging lesbian <33 good for her!!!
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mochablogger · 4 months
★ You seem lost, hold my hand and I'll show you the way! ★
★ Intro:
☆ Hi hi hewwo! You're talking to Mocha (full name: Mocha Cuppy) and lemme tell you what else you could call me!! (Note: try not calling me by my full name at times <3)
Violet (Reserved for close users only)
Honey Cuppy (Reserved for @moonsprout-sys only)
Cupid (Reserved for @trashbins-stuff only)
Candybon (Reserved for @roastymarshy only)
Roomie + Dandelion (Reserved for @rubixisanidi0t only)
Violet Cream (Reserved for @not-bluboy only)
Any other silly nickname you could come up with! (Moots only; ask first before using!)
☆ Pronouns!!
She/they/xe <- xe/xem is most preferred!!
Heart/heartself + cupid/cupidself (Reserved for @trashbins-stuff only)
☆ I am a minor so let's be appropriate here <3
☆ I'm 🇰🇼!!!!
☆ I'm commonly known as 'the ourple goober' :3
☆ I can speak: English, Arabic, French (a little bit), Korean (a little bit) and Spanish!
☆ I study astronomy/astrobiology, history and biology!! ^^
☆ I am a digital/traditional artist, animator, VA and writer! <- Silly author of 'The Traumatized Cup'
☆ I am sensitive and can get upset easily. Please don't upset me; you will NOT like the result.
☆ To make our conversation friendly and more understandable, please use tone tags! (They really help)
☆ My happy day is on 16 Feb mehehe >:]
☆ I'm a multi-fandomist and I am very ✨random✨. I am socially awkward soo yea :)
☆ 100% needs therapy 💯
☆ I am bound to disappear for a period of weeks with no explanation 😇
☆ I'm non-binary, demigirl and queerplatonic!!
☆ I play badminton and chess (woah who taught you that??)
☆ @moonsprout-sys is my platonic partner, @blairdrawzstuff-part-two is my bestie and @trashbins-stuff is my best buddy >:] I LOVE ALL OF YOUU /p <3333
☆ Dooble requests are still open but as for custom OCs they are closed because I have enough requests and once they are finished I'll resume :]
☆ I've finished 46% of the comic for @the-dreamcatchers-series 💥
☆ I know how to drive a car accurately but I don't have a license :] and btw how come I didn't crash my dad's car??? /silly
☆ I'm claustrophobic in irl (I've fainted in my bus twice) and I'm also prone to get airsick (I've never travelled on the sea before so I never got seasick tho :])
☆ I love to cook n read in my free time :3
☆ My blog is sfw and can be viewed by all ages!!
☆ I swear a little bit while venting or when I am upset I hope you don't mind 👉👈
☆ Wanna make fanart? Tag #fanartforcuppy and @ me!
★ Reference sheet for my objectsona !!
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This will be updated as time goes by!!
More sillay stuff below! ⬇️
★ Fandom list
The Object Show Community (OSC)
Murder Drones
The Owl House
The Amazing Digital Circus
Animation Vs Animation/Minecraft
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Sonic the hedgehog
Among Us
★ DNI (Do Not Interact) list
NSFW (Not Safe For Work)
People who are neutral/against Palestine
Pedophiles, zoophiles and necrophiles
S3xual and religional themes
Porn bots/any type of bot
Homophobes and transphobes
If you match with any of these things mentioned above, kindly fuck off or you will be immediately blocked.
★ Common tags
#cozy art - artworks digital and traditional
#cuppy doobles - silly doobles that mean ABSOLUTELY nothing
#cuppy asks - asks about my well-being
#cuppy requests - request drawings
#cuppy animation - animatics and animation <- barely doing any lol
#cuppy ramblez - watch me talk like bla bla bla
#cuppy reblogz - reblogs
#roomiez lounge - used when talking with my fellow Roomie, @rubixisanidi0t!!
★ Other blogs (still in the making!)
@mochablogger - Main blog; you're currently here!
@the-dreamcatchers-series - The Dreamcatchers' Site!
*This intro is still in progress. Thanks for reading so far! You now may let go of my hand.
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etherealspacejelly · 5 months
Neopronouns are not even real pronouns. A pronoun is a noun used to describe a living being. They/Them is fine, they are real pronouns used in the English language. And yes, while I think there is no possible way for someone who has boy or girl genes to actually be non-binary, I will respect them as a person. But, neopronouns, however, are way over the top. I’ve seen people online who identify as like, xe/xem. That’s ridiculous, they’re not even a part of the English language. I’ve seen one person who identified as shark/sharkself. That is so annoying. I’m not gonna call you “shark” bro. Nobody is gonna call you that, except for maybe people as delusional as you. So, I’m conclusion, yes, neopronouns are ridiculous and stupid and unnecessary. Whoever uses them certainly needs mental help, but instead we are celebrating and giving them parades and telling them it’s fine and not stupid at all to identify as a fucking shark.
That being said, if we Normalize these outrageous neopronouns, I don't think I'll be able to handle meeting another three or more person with unique neopronouns, I don’t think I'll care about memorizing them if we don’t get along. I can only imagine that inside their head they are going like “Why can’t everyone understand me? why can’t anyone respect me? why can’t anyone get along with me? me… me…me…”. This is just starting to become a narcissistic play.  It’s just sad that you yourself are intentionally creating a situation that excludes you from other people. You are making yourself too different, you eventually get depressed, commit die and well, will anybody care about you in the end?
Pronouns replace nouns and they are a part of a language. Not something we just make up because we think we are more special than anyone else.
Also, this stuff only appeals to children, or adults with some sort of arrested development. No mature human being would want to go by “cupcakeself”.
We all have names. If you want to rebel against pronouns why can’t you just use your name? Be “Johnself” or “Sallyself” or something people can remember. We aren’t going to trouble ourselves to memorize some made up nounself words.
You’re lucky if we can remember your name let alone some made up ridiculousness.
I hope everyone with neopronouns die.
hey anon. anon. just a question for you. does that Actually Genuinely affect you? like at all? do you know anyone in real life who uses neopronouns? or is it just people online who are literally just minding their business. hmm?
also. all words are made up dingus it came free with your fucking language. we make up words all the time. selfie is in the dictionary now. it wasnt 50 years ago. does that make it not a real word? no. it does not. because language is a tool used by human beings to describe ourselves and the world around us, and to communicate ideas and knowledge. do you think we just. found a dictionary under a rock one day?
if neopronouns bother you that much, just block people who use them. block the neopronoun tag. or perhaps just get off tumblr. touch some grass. focus on a real problem instead of people online using words you dont like. there are people dying right now anon. the planet is on fire. sharkself pronouns arent hurting you.
also. you said that neopronouns only appeal to children, then said that all neopronoun users should die. so... you think children should die? you want children to kill themselves anon? is that what you want? you seem like a lovely person /s
and seeing as you mentioned nonbinary people. you know that there are more sexes than just male and female right? like biologically. they taught you male and female in school to simplify things for your developing brain, like how they tell you that electrons are particles and you cant square root -1. but once you start studying these things at a more in depth level, you realise that they arent that simple at all. biological sex exists on a spectrum. it is a collection of attributes that can behave any number of ways. including hormones, genitalia, chromosomes, secondary sex characteristics, and more.
furthermore, gender and sex are not the same thing. but i cant be bothered to explain that to you because you will refuse to understand it anyway, and ive wasted enough time talking to you as it is.
if you send me anything like this again im just going to delete it, but i wanted to at least try and talk some sense into you first.
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I am not personally xenogender, however I am making pronoun pins for my schools pride fest and am wondering what neo-pronouns would probably benefit the most people? I've asked a friend of mine who uses neo-pronouns, but I'd appreciate a bigger idea of what would be needed/wanted, and thought this would be a good place to ask
Thank you!
Not a neo user myself unless you count it/its, so I’ll just be leaving this one open to neo users! I can tell you that some common ones I know are xe/xem and fae/faer, but neo users will know better than I will!!
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Neopronoun user culture is finding your first set in a fanfic and finding out that your aunt uses it in her own writing (not fanfic tho, sci-fi) too. 11/10, gay aunts and xe/xem pronouns ftw
Neopronoun user culture
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tobytalksaac · 6 months
Toby uses xe/xem pronouns. Toby is full time AAC user Toby likes stuffed animals and dogs Toby has lot support needs Toby is alter! Toby sensory seeking, likes soft texture, sweet taste, and tapping sound. Toby system anti endo, toby endo neutrul. Endo can interact! Just no other accounts please.
Toby's DNI! Israel supporter, radqueer, TERF, people who infantilize high support need.
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