#thorn is also one of the best queens
mad-raptorzzz · 1 year
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[ID: A headshot drawing of two SandWing dragons from Wings of Fire. It is Sunny and Thorn, who are embracing each other for the first time. Thorn is larger and in back of the image, her head is gently holding Sunny's head close to her neck. She is looking slightly downwards at her daughter with tears of joy in her eyes and a soft smile on her face. She has warm brown eyes with dark sclera. She is tan with dark brown freckles throughout her face and neck. Her horns are dark grey. She has a few scars on the left side of her muzzle and along her neck. She wars a lot of jewelry: a red nasal piercing in the right nostril, two gold eyebrow rings on the left side, two gold clips with one red clip in the middle on the top of her left ear, gold hoop with a dangling orange stone in the left ear, a dark blue scorpion hanging earring in the left ear, and a copper chain with moonstones around her neck. She appears slightly scruffy. Sunny is a bright yellow dragon with a pale yellow belly. She has an orange frill with brighter streaks and some spikes sticking out. Her muzzle fades into a dark brown color. She also has happy tears in her bright green eye with pale sclera and a soft smile on her face. The lighting is very warm and calming. The background is a simple yellow gradient that is brighter in the top left and darker in the bottom right with some yellow spots here and there. /.End ID]
"Oh my little Beetle, I've searched every sand dune in the desert for you"
Probably the best mom in the whole series, well definitely the first arc. My favorite scene in book 5 is when Sunny and Thorn are reunited. It's adorable and it's nice to have a good parent for once. I also really can't figure out how I want SandWings to look. I know big ears for sure. But I can't figure out anything else. I've seen some camel-faced SandWings which are really cool, but I've also seen some with like leopard gecko tails to store water/food. And I've seen some really cool face/horn shapes. I am going to keep reworking them I think. Also, going to keep reworking my Sunny design because she's the dod I draw the least. I know I want a color point Sunny but not exactly how to do that.
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queen-scribbles · 10 months
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Soooo guess what happens when your highest influence companion somehow winds up being an opposing faction recruit? :D
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theowritesstuff · 1 year
Yours No More
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Nikolai Lantsov x gn!healer!reader
Summary: Hiding an almost-relationship with the Prince of Ravka is hard enough, but it gets even harder to navigate feelings when he’s engaged to a Saint
Prompts: “are you really so oblivious?” & “it hurts, just how much I ache for you.”
A/N: What can I say? I love writing healer!reader. Also once again I’m mixing book canon and show canon
Sobachka - puppy
Moi tsarevich - my prince
Moi tsar - my king
When thinking about your life, the young prince of Ravka seemed to be a prominent feature. There was before Nikolai, the life you lived before the palace, then there was after Nikolai, the life surrounded by other Grisha, serving the royal family.
You were offered up to the Lantsovs as somewhat of a personal healer, ready to tend to them whenever needed. The king and queen didn’t really have a need for a healer most of the time, and the older prince was often far from the palace. They younger prince however, the sobachka, had a tendency to dive headfirst into danger whenever he liked.
While this very well could have made Nikolai a thorn in your side, you’d quickly grown fond of him. It was impossible not to, what with his crystalline blue eyes, the blonde waves that adorned his head, and his charming, carefree spirit.
You’d been given an easy role. You’ve seen how other Grisha are treated amongst the other royals, sometimes even the soldiers from the First Army. Your poor friend Genya was dealt a terrible hand when it came to the roll she played in the palace, so you were grateful for the young prince’s kindness.
He became just as infatuated with you as you did with him just as quickly though. Whenever you ran to him healing a scraped knee, or when his parents sent you with him when he joined the First Army specifically to tend to him, you stole his heart little by little, until he could no longer call it his own. He almost looked forward to getting hurt, because it meant he could call upon you.
If asked he’d deny it, but he begged his parents to let him take you with him whilst he studied for his apprenticeship. They were hesitant to send you away, to lose their best healer, but Nikolai was persuasive.
He asked you to tailor him, just enough that no one would recognize the prince of Ravka on a ship. You reluctantly agreed, slowly waving your hands over his face, changing the features you’d grown to find comfort in. His blonde waves now a bright red, stark against his pale skin. His once sparkling blue eyes were now a muddy green color. The only thing that really remained of your prince was the ever present smirk he had.
“How do I look?” He asked you.
“Different.” You nodded.
“Good. No one will be able to pick me out of a crowd.” He looks over himself in a mirror.
“I could.” You stand behind him. “I think it’d be quite easy to pick you out.”
He smiles, but furrows his brows. “How so?”
“Well, let’s start with your posture. You’re still too regal. Relax your shoulders a bit. You’re no longer carrying the weight of a prince.” You place your hands on his shoulders, using your thumbs to massage the muscles. “Then there’s your charm-”
He quickly turns his head to face you, a bold smirk resting on his face. “You think I’m charming?”
You laugh. “I think you’re confident, sometimes overly so. I think you have this air about you that draws others to you.”
“Are you?” He asks, his voice barely above a murmur.
“Am I what?”
“Drawn to me?” He leans closer to you, his eyes shifting down to your lips.
Before he could press his lips to yours a sharp knock sounded from the door. You pulled away from each other quickly, both trying to hide your flustered states.
“Come in.” Nikolai called.
Tamar opened the door and poked her head in. “Love the new look captain.” She laughed. “Ready to go?”
Sailing the seas with Sturmhond took some getting used to. The few Grisha you knew helped you settle into this new life, while others in the crew wondered why their captain kept a healer so close.
You shared a bunk with a few of the other crew mates, but more often than not, Nikolai pulled you away to the captain’s quarters. He wanted to keep you close to him.
“What if someone breaks into my room and stabs me?” He asked, shrugging.
You shook your head. “Then you’d probably want the Bataar twins here to protect you.”
“Here I’d be. Laying on the floor, blood pooling out of my chest.” He collapses to the floor with a loud thud, a hand over his chest. “Slowly letting the life drain from my body.” He closes his eyes for a moment.
“Don’t be so dramatic sobachka. I know you wouldn’t take death laying down. You’d fight it until your very last moment.” You roll your eyes at him, but can’t help your smile from growing. “Even then, you’d probably drag your corpse to me.”
“I would.”
Occasionally, in the quiet night, he’ll allow you to wipe away the tailored face you’ve created for him, and bring back his softer Lantsov features. You brush a hand through his gold locks, pushing them away from his face.
He lets you admire him in silence. A clever quip waiting on the tip of his tongue, but he never allows it to escape in fear that it will ruin these moments with you.
“Moi tsarevich.” You sigh as your fingertips travel from his hair down the side of his face, tracing over his cheekbones.
“You don’t have to call me that.” He whispers to you. His eyes remain locked on yours as yours travel around his face, memorizing every detail of him.
“Nikolai then.” You give him a soft smile.
You reluctantly pull yourself away from him after a while, ready to tailor him back into his privateer persona. “It’s probably time for Sturmhond to return.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“Well,” now you smirk at him. “I think the prince is decidedly more handsome than the pirate.”
“Privateer. It’s an-”
“Important distinction. Yes, I know.” You laugh as you slowly tailor him back into Sturmhond.
Once finished you walk over to the other side of the room, where he’s added a bunk specifically for you. You blow out the few candles that were lit, and climb into your bunk.
“Y/n?” Nikolai calls from the other side of the room.
“Do you really think I’m handsome?” You can hear his grin.
“Good night Nik.” You roll your eyes affectionately, rolling over to face the wall.
He falls asleep with a smile on his face, your new nickname for him floating around in his head.
You’d fallen into an easy routine with Nikolai aboard the Volkvony. You spent time with the crew during the day, tending to injuries, sometimes even practicing the heartrender specialties with Tolya or Tamar. Then the evenings you’d spend with Nikolai. You keep him company as he makes plans for where the ship is going and why, you show him what the twins have taught you.
“Watch this, I can adjust your heartbeat a little bit!”
He watches as you do the heartrender motions in front of his chest. He can feel his heartbeat quicken just a little bit, but whether it’s from your powers or your close proximity he’s unsure.
“You don’t need to use your powers to make my heart speed up.” He takes your hands in his and holds them to his chest. You feel his heartbeat through the thick blue coat he’s got on, and sure enough it’s beating faster than usual.
He’s smirking down at you, proud of how flustered he’s seemed to make you as you pull your hands away from his chest. You excuse yourself, and quickly leave him there, wondering whether or not he holds the same power over your heart that you do his.
Evenings are spent sharing moments with Nikolai, both of you teetering on the line that divides friendship and more. Quiet moments shared where you both wonder what would happen if you crossed that line. If you just leaned into each other, and took what your hearts most desired.
When Nikolai had taken in Alina Starkov and Mal Oretsev you were nervous. You knew Nikolai had a penchant for adventure, but harboring the sun summoner and a deserted First Army soldier was an entirely new venture.
You knew that he wanted to take them back to Ravka, to regroup with the First and Second Army there to find a way to destroy the Fold and take down Kirigan. He helped them find and kill the sea whip, giving Alina another amplifier to use, while you stayed behind on the ship, away from the danger.
Nikolai grew closer and closer to Alina as time went on, well after she learned who he actually was then punched him out of frustration. It was clear he was trying to create some sort of relationship with her, a type of alliance between the Ravkan royals and the living Saint.
Whilst Alina became closer with the prince, you started to form a bond with Mal. He was a bit hesitant about you at first, having a hand in keeping Nikolai’s identity a secret was a little hard to forgive, but he found you were a nice change from the air that Nikolai brought with him wherever he went.
“You spend practically every minute with him. You must find him insufferable.” Mal scoffs, watching Nikolai attempt to win over Alina.
It breaks your heart a little, watching him with her. It almost feels like you’ve been pushed to the side in his life. What was once a life long friendship has now turned into a mere partnership. He’s replaced you in his heart with a new Grisha, one much more powerful than you.
“No.” You shake your head. “His company means the world to me.” You tell Mal, quiet enough so he’s the only one that hears you. “You know what that’s like though. To spend so much of your life with someone that you form what you think is an unbreakable bond with one another.”
He gives you a sympathetic smile. He feels the same way. He knows Alina loves him, he’s sure of it, but like you, he fears that something could pull her away from him.
Being back in the palace separates you even more from Nikolai. Instead of sharing a room with him, you now occupy a room at the other end of a hallway from him. You both long for one another in the quiet night. His room is far too empty, and his bed far too large for just himself.
You think that maybe he’ll ask you to stay with him, like on the Volkvony. That you’ll share a space with him again and you’ll have that little bit of peace you once shared. But he never comes to your door, and you never go to his.
Nikolai doesn’t fail to notice your relationship with Mal starting to grow. While you once sat by his side during meals, Alina now occupies your seat, and you sit with Mal, laughing with each other about something only the two of you can hear.
He feels something in his chest, a sharp pain to his heart. This is something even you, the best healer he’s ever known, couldn’t fix.
You feel the same pain when he announces his engagement to the sun summoner. Unlike Nikolai, it takes a moment. He announces it at dinner, while the First and Second armies are gathered together, that their marriage will help heal Ravka. You’re frozen, too shocked to move. It’s Mal that pulls you back to reality, his hand on yours.
You feel the pain in your chest, a twisting sensation in your stomach, as you turn away from Mal to look back at Nikolai. He’s looking around at the cheering soldiers, but his eyes catch yours for a moment. He sees the red that begins to outline them, and the tears welling up. He looks like he might go to you, to assure you that you have his heart, and not Alina. But he straightens himself out, then sits back down.
He desperately wants to follow you as you quickly exit the room, no doubt heading back to yours. He wants to chase you down the halls, to wrap you up in his arms and wipe away the tears he’s the cause of, to whisper words of love against your lips. But he can’t. He must marry Alina for the sake of his country.
He keeps an eye on you at the engagement party his mother threw for him. You’re talking with other Grisha. You look breathtaking. The only thing missing from your ensemble is the Lantsov emerald. You don’t spare him one glance at all that night. That is, until chaos ensues.
Shadow monsters destroy everything in sight, and take the lives of so many. You search for Nikolai in the bustling crowd, but a hand grabs your arm, pulling you away. Zoya drags you away from the scene before you, tugging you through numerous hallways.
She leads you to a series of tunnels underground, all while you try to pull away from her.
“You won’t be of any use if you die trying to save the prince.” She grumbles at you. “You’re one of the few healers here, and we’re going to need all the help we can get.”
You hate to admit it, but as usual she’s right. There are dozens injured, some worse than others. You’re about to get to work when someone calls out your name.
You look down to the other end of the hall to see Nikolai. He looks fine, no visible injuries, but he does look distraught. He practically sprints to you, and pulls you into a tight hug.
“I couldn’t find you. You weren’t there, and I thought-”
“I’m fine, I’m fine Nik.” You pull away just enough to be able to look him in the eyes.
His scan over you, searching for injuries, until you lift his chin so he’s looking at your face again.
“I’m okay, I promise.”
He nods and takes a deep breath.
“Besides, shouldn’t I be the one worried about you? I am your healer after all.”
He huffs out a laugh. “Right.”
Alina pulls Nikolai away, asking if he’d seen Mal anywhere. You take that as your cue to leave. You start going from person to person, helping heal them in any way you can.
When it comes time to make a plan for Ravka’s next move, and Nikolai and Alina suggest finding the Neshyenyer, your mind starts to wonder. He’s sending Tolya and Zoya to go to Ketterdam and recruit the Crows to find it.
You think selfishly for a moment. It would be a way to get away from the soon to be king and queen of Ravka. A way to alleviate your heart of the pain you feel when you’re around them.
“I’d like to accompany Tolya and Zoya.” You tell him.
He looks surprised to say the least. “Why?”
“Well, there will be seven people looking for a mystical weapon, danger is bound to arise, they may need a healer.” You attempt to convince yourself and him that this is the reason you’d like to go.
“No. You’ll stay here.” He shakes his head. He can’t fathom so much space between you. “You’re my healer.” He puts emphasis on the word my, you don’t know if he notices it, but you do.
You listen intently for his heartbeat. It’s pace slowly accelerates as he starts to pace around the room.
You step in front of him, blocking his continuous path, and take his hands in yours. He closes his eyes, relishing in the feeling of having you so near. He leans his forehead against yours.
“I think we both know, I am yours no more sobachka.” You murmur.
He shakes his head and opens his eyes. You can see tears slowly start to build up. “If you insist that you must go, take this.” He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his gold compass. “So you can always find your way back home.” Back to me.
The trip to Shu Han was definitely an eventful one. Tolya kept a watchful eye on you after being told explicitly by Nikolai to protect you at all costs. The Crows were an eclectic bunch, no one quite like the other.
Seeing Nina again was nice. She was still the same witty friend you remembered her to be.
“What? The prince let you off your leash?” She laughs when she first sees you.
“The king.” Zoya corrects her.
“Yes, he’s tending to his country, and his soon to be wife at the moment.” You tell her.
Her face falls slightly as she looks between you and Zoya. “Oh. My apologies, I didn’t-”
“It’s alright Nina. I’m really here to help forget about him.” You lower your voice. “Besides, he was never mine to lose.”
You stayed with Tolya through the heist, getting nearly killed by poisonous gas, and choking down a butterfly to save yourself.
Other than the poison slowly making its way through your body, the gas didn’t harm you physically. It lulled you to sleep, pulling you into a sweet dream.
You were with Nikolai, of course, in the palace. Light shone into his room from the large window, making the gold in his unkempt hair shine. His arms were wrapped tightly around you as you both lay the soft sheets of his bed.
“Hello my love.” His voice is deep, still strained from sleep.
“Moi tsar-”
He nuzzles his face into the crook of you neck, pressing soft kisses against the column of your throat. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that.” You can feel him smiling against you.
“Pirate Prince then.” You smirk.
He scoffs, then pulls away from his assault on your neck to look at you. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” He says, moving to cup your face with one of his hands.
You reach a hand up onto his bare chest, just over his heart. You listen, searching for the all too familiar rhythm, but you don’t hear anything. You give him a sad smile and shake your head. “Me too Nik. But I know this isn’t real.”
He pouts. “Promise me you’ll come back. Back to the palace. That you won’t find a new life in Shu Han, or Ketterdam.”
You know he isn’t real, that he isn’t actually asking you to come home to him, that it’s just what you wish he’d do. Even so, you press a kiss to his cheek.
“I promise.”
You wake with a burning sensation in your throat, in the dark temple. Tolya and the Crows are with you, some in a coughing fit, others completely silent.
Tolya comes over to you, and rests a hand on your shoulder. “Are you alright?”
You nod. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
His eyes scan your face. “What did you see?”
You know he can hear your heartbeat spike. He glances down at your hand as you subconsciously reach for the compass that hangs around your neck, hidden under you clothes. You know you won’t get away with lying to him, but you do it anyways. “Nothing.”
You’re grateful that he doesn’t push for an answer.
After retrieving the blade, you all head back to Ravka together. The Fold has now expanded, nearly covering the entirety of the Spinning Wheel.
“Stay with Zoya.” Tolya tells you. “You’ll be able to help Alina.”
Your heart yearns to go with the other group, to find Nikolai, but you know saving the sun summoner takes precedence over anything at the moment.
“I’m sure he’ll be okay.” Nina tries to assure you. “He was always headstrong.”
Kaz glances at you as you wring your hands, about to follow Zoya, Nina, and Inej.
“Y/n.” He calls to you. He walks over to you and speaks lowly. “Watch over my wraith, and I’ll keep an eye on your king.”
You give him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
The journey into the Fold was terrifying. You kept yourself as silent as possible as the four of you searched for Alina. She and Mal were near the edge of the fold, fighting what looked to be a volcra. It had a hold of Alina’s hair, pulling her further into the darkness.
Inej slashed the monster with the Neshyenyer, killing it. They both looked grateful to see your little group.
“We need to get further into the Fold to destroy it.” Alina nods her head towards what looks to be nothing but pitch black.
You check over Alina for any injuries as you head further into the darkness. You heal any small cuts or scrapes you find on her, quietly watching her skin mend back together.
“There. In perfect condition to destroy the Fold and save Ravka.”
She snorts out a laugh. “No pressure, right?” She creates a small bundle of light in her hand and stares at it.
You smile at her. You want to dislike her, but you can’t. The living Saint who has stolen Nikolai’s attention from you is actually amiable. She’s kind, very brave, and willing to do anything to end this war.
“You’re going to make the perfect queen when this is all over.” You tell her.
She looks up at you and shakes her head. “I never wanted this. Nikolai thinks this engagement will strengthen Ravka, but I know my heart belongs to another.” She glances to Mal. “Just as his does too.” She turns back to you with a pointed look.
“What do you mean?”
“He doesn’t love me. I don’t think he could love anyone the way he loves you.”
“He doesn’t-”
“Oh, I assure you. He does.” She scoffs. “When I accepted his proposal I thought that maybe we could learn to love each other, but I see the way he looks at you. I hear the way he talks about you. I may be the sun summoner, but to him you’re the brightest. You’re the shining light in his life.”
You feel warmth spread across your face. Did Nikolai really feel that way about you?
“If we succeed today, the crown may be mine, but I promise you, the heart of the king will be yours.”
You understood just how strong shared love could be when you saw Alina light the fold. Combined with Mal’s power she was able to cast an immense light into the darkness. Flashes of gold and pink spread around you.
Kirigan arrived not long after, ready to fight Alina, but she was able to assail him. You rushed to Mal’s side when he collapsed, trying your hardest to help him. Kirigan had delivered a near fatal blow. In all your years of healing Nikolai, you’ve never had to heal something this large.
Alina falls to her knees next to you, taking his hand in hers. You do everything you can for him, focusing all of your power on keeping him alive.
Streaks of light flew from Alina. Reds, purples, and golds flashed through the sky, breaking apart the Fold. She takes a dagger from Mal’s side, and plunges it into his chest, screaming out as bright blue lights surrounds you. You shield your eyes, but can still see the blue behind your eyelids.
When you open your eyes again, the Fold has dissipated.
“Can you heal him?” Alina asks you, with tears down her cheeks.
“I’ll try.” You nod at her, then turn your attention back to the now unconscious boy.
Kirigan slowly rises up, and walks towards you. Alina stands up, taking a protective step in front of you and Mal.
“Now, you know sacrifice.”
“Beyond anything you’ve ever known.” Alina tilts her head up at him. “And look what it did.”
“Indeed. Look what it did.”
You try to start Mal’s heart again, but can’t seem to get it. Nina kneels down next to you, lifting her hand to his chest.
“I’ll get his heart started again. You focus on the wound.”
You take a deep breath, then pull the knife out of him, quickly moving your hands to sew his skin back together.
You’re so focused on saving Mal, that you don’t realize Alina has knelt down next to you again.
“He’s putting up a good fight, this one. Like something’s holding him on the other side. Give him a reminder then, of what matters over here.” Nina tells her.
After a few moments Mal wakes up, gasping for air. You sigh in relief, leaning back to check over the rest of the group. Inej and Zoya are both unharmed, staring down at Kirigan’s body.
Zoya stays with the body, while the other five of you start the hike back to the Spinning Wheel. Your spirits lift as you get closer and closer, and enter through one of the walls.
There are bodies strewn about on the ground, and groups of people gathered with hushed conversations. Their attention all turns towards your group as you enter though. Most of them are watching Alina, giving her silent thanks for finally destroying the Fold. Kaz’s eyes are locked on Inej, only briefly scanning over her, before he looks to you and gives you a slight nod.
You look past him to see Nikolai sitting with Tolya and Tamar. He’s got blood smeared on the side of his head, and he struggles to rise to his feet. He can’t seem to take his eyes off you, slowly limping in your direction. You rush to him, holding his waist with one hand, and the other pressed against his chest.
“Nik, what happened? I leave you alone for a few days and you nearly get yourself killed.” Your words are teasing, but your tone doesn’t quite match.
“I’m okay.” He smiles at you.
“Let’s go sit down so I can heal you, alright?” You guide him away from the group to a more private area. He sits down on a crate, groaning at the pain in his leg.
You heal his leg, then sit next to him, with your hand hovering over the wound on his head. He’ll have to wash the dried blood off, but you’ve closed the wound.
His eyes wander over your face as you heal him. He feels whole, complete with you here next to him.
“I should go see if anyone else needs any help.” You say quietly, rising to your feet.
He grabs your hand in his, softly pulling you down next to him again. “Allow me to be selfish for a moment, and keep you here all for myself.”
You reach into your top, and pull the compass out from underneath it. You lift the chain up over your head and hold it out for him.
“It seems you need it more than I do.”
“No.” He closes your hands over it. “It kept you safe. And it brought you back to me.” He whispers.
His eyes glance down at your lips, then back into your eyes. It looks like he’s having an internal battle with himself. A battle that only ends when he leans forward and brushes his lips against yours. You lift your hands to his shoulders to steady yourself. He pulls you closer to him, deepening the kiss.
Everything comes rushing back to you in that moment. You softly push him away, breaking the kiss, and turn your head from him.
“What? What’s wrong?” He asks, reaching for your hand again.
You pull your hand away from his reach quickly. “This isn’t right Nikolai.” You stand up and take a step away from him. “We can’t do this, not when you’re engaged to Alina. I can’t-”
He’s quick to get up and move to stand in front of you. “Y/n, I assure you, my heart belongs to you.”
“You can’t say that Nikolai. You can’t just play around with my feelings.” You shake your head and wipe away the tears started to form in your eyes.
“Play with your feelings? Are you really so oblivious?” He scoffs. He takes your hands and holds them to his chest. “Listen to my heart. Hear the way it beats for you, just for you.” He takes a tentative step closer, so close to you that his nose brushes against the tip of yours. “It hurts, just how much I ache for you.”
“But Alina-”
“Was just a political move. I thought that an alliance with the sun summoner would strengthen Ravka.” He takes a deep breath. “But a marriage with her wouldn’t mean anything to me, not when I could’ve had you.”
“Nik…” You trail off, attempting to gather your thoughts.
He lets go of your hands, and moves to hold your face. “Tell me to leave. Tell me you never want to see me again, that you’re going to leave and live in Ketterdam, and I promise you, you won’t ever have to deal with me ever again.”
You can’t fathom doing any of that.
“Or, tell me that you’ll stay here with me, and that we’ll work this out. Tell me that you feel the same way I do. Because I will find a way to rule Ravka with you by my side, I swear to you.”
A smile starts to spread across your face. “You always have been stubborn sobachka.”
Before he can retort you pull him into a kiss, sealing your own promise to him, that your heart does in fact belong to him.
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brainrotlesbian · 9 months
I think one of my favorite parts about the Lunar Chronicles is how Carswell Thorne was minding his own damn business and then suddenly he’s part of this rebellion against the fucking moon. He didn’t really have a reason to be part of it, not like the others did.
For comparison, Cinder is the missing Lunar princess Selene, so duh she’d be involved, it’s up to her to stop her crazy aunt. Kai is a whole emperor of a country and is the one being very pressured by Levana into marrying her. Scarlet was also kinda minding her business but then the police didn’t do their job so she got swept up in the wolf army and that’s pretty reason enough (also her grandma died at the hands of the wolf army). Ze’ev is a rogue wolf soldier who wanted to make his own decisions and a life for himself. Cress was Levana’s best hacker and a witness/victim to the systemic mistreatment of shells like herself. Winter, being the Queen’s stepdaughter and one of the first and closest victims to Levana’s cruelty, had every reason to turn on her stepmother but she would never turn her back on her people, especially the servants and other lower-class citizens who saw her and her refusal to bow to Levana’s demands/use her Lunar gift at all as an act of rebellion itself. And Jacin had been silently rebelling against Levana since he was 15; he is Winter’s closest (and only, it seems) friend on Luna, so he too was witness to many of Levana’s atrocities, along with the atrocities of the thaumaturges he assisted.
But Thorne? He’s a petty criminal. He organized a prison riot over fucking soap. He has no personal connection to a rebellion. He joined cause he wanted to cause chaos. And I respect that.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Can I request for headcanons with the twst second years crushing on their classmate who is also Malleus Draconia’s younger brother?
(thank you for your patience boo! I hope this is what you were looking for!!!! 💙 Also, holy shit there's a lot of second years 😂)
CW: male reader, reader is Malleus' younger brother, Sad Kalim, mentions of Malleus x Yuu for meme purposes
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Malleus has lots of respect for Riddle. So when you asked him who you should go to to learn about human customs, Malleus pointed him in Riddle's direction. Malleus knows that Riddle barely knows modern human customs, but he is a matchmaker Extraordinaire now that he is dating Yuu.
Riddle is honored that the Draconia family thinks so highly of him, and does his best to teach you about what the children of men do these days. It's actually both of you just learning about humans, and it's so cute.
You and Riddle taking notes while Cater explains a magicam trend. Studious buddies.
It's on one of these adventures to learn about modern human things that Riddle looks over at you, and realizes how beautiful and ethereal you are. After that, it's over for him. He's a flustered mess around you and it's easy to figure out what's going on.
"Queen of Heartslaybul, I have gotten the permission of my brother, and request to participate in a courtship ritual with you."
Translation: "Riddle, wanna go to a movie? My brother says it's chill."
Everyone was scared of you both individually, but now? Power couple, power couple, power couple.
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Honestly, at first he was so self conscious about it. How could Malleus Draconia 's younger brother ever reciprocate the feelings of a hyena with no money and no prospects. 
Like your brother, you're very wise. You know, and you decide to be the fae you are, and play with Ruggie until he admits it. You talk in riddles, and pretty soon Ruggie is dizzy thinking about this fae prince, but ecstatic that he is making headway with his crush.
Eventually, he cracks, and admits it. And you just smile knowingly.
"I accept your confession, little hyena."
Doesn't appreciate being called little… but with a sugar daddy boyfriend who'll let him snuggle whenever he likes,  he'll be your "little hyena" as often as you like.
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Floyd is that kid who sees something, and is like "what would it be like if I bit that?" 
So imagine a merman, who has hyperfixations on biting things, seeing a fae for the first time ever in one of his first year classes. Azul spends weeks trying to keep you two apart.
When the time comes, and Floyd has chomped down on your arm, you find it hilarious. As a fae, you barely felt it, and as a prince, you'd never had someone bite you before. Instant friendship between you two . (Tried to bite your horns one time, was very pouty that they hurt his teeth)
You never question him when he nibbles on you. And it becomes a comfort for him. Bored? Find sea dragon, and steal one of his fingers to nibble. Sad? Snuggles, and nomming on your shoulder, please!
Realizes how he feels when he loses all motivation when you have to return to the Valley of Thorns to celebrate your brother's betrothal. He just mopes around the lounge, until you come back, and immediately tells you how he feels. So no more leaving him, okay! 
Really excited that he is now allowed to bite your lips…🥺
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You wanted to study a merman, and Jade wanted to study a Draconic fae. While your intentions were much purer than Jade's, it's still a beneficial arrangement.
As a thank you for his help in learning about mermaid culture, you present him with a terrarium full of Valley of Thorns mushrooms. That's what breaks him.
But if anyone is able to outdo a fae in observation and outlasting…. It's Jade. Jade waits, and waits, and waits some more…and strikes when he's showing you around his home in the ocean.
"I'm certain you've received grander proposals than this, but I would love the honor of being your boyfriend."
He planned everything. He picked a beautiful spot where the bioluminescence of the ocean, and himself, would make him irresistibly mysterious and ethereal. But it also backfires and further accentuates your own unearthly features. Now you're both simping.
"I accept your confession, Jade. Although, if you're using me to get to my mushrooms, I'm not too sure my brother would take kindly to it." 
Both of you laugh, as though you each know a secret, but Jade instinctively wraps his tail around your legs and brings you closer….and it just feels right.
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Azul starts out thinking that you will be in an easy in with Diasomnia and Malleus, but it turned out you could be just as unapproachable as your brother. Oh well, he loves a challenge from time to time.
Not long in to researching you, you join the board game club and challenge Azul to a chess match, here you may or may not have talked in enough circles that he reveals the scheme. 
He thinks he's blown int but you suddenly start making weekly visits to the Monstro Lounge. You order the same thing, make a cryptic comment and leave. It's like clockwork, and Azul can't help but feel you've hypnotized him with this routine.
He grows so comfortable with this routine, that he has your table and food ready before you arrive, and serves you personally. (The twins give him hell for it.)
When you invite him out….he thinks he's going to die.  He tries to keep up the business man persona, but he's such a simp. He's stuttering and fumbling, until you tell him how dear he has become to you, and how beautiful you find him. Then he stops fumbling and becomes a blushy mess that feels all warm and fuzzy inside.
The twins give him hell for it (pt 2).
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People are not this warm and affectionate in the Valley of Thorns. You probably fall first honestly. Like Mal falling for Yuu, you fall for Kalim and spend all your time in Scarabia. 
You play Mancala with Kalim, and play as long as he wants/takes to win. Kalim loves that you don't get bored or annoyed with him.
During the phase where Kalim is being hypnotized and has memory loss, he notices you aren't around as often, and starts to realize how important you are to him.
After Jamil overblots, you come to see him immediately, and do a magical checkup to make sure he's okay. Kalim asks why you've stayed away so long, and his heart breaks when he sees your sad smile as you say, "You, yourself, told me I was no longer welcome."
Kalim cries and hugs you tightly,  telling you he didn't mean it, he loves you so much! 
After he calms down and gets to a good mental state, you both have a conversation about your relationship, and realize you both love each other the same. Happy ever after for two squishy boys!
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You met when Lilia invited you to see his band. Jamil was sitting in the audience for Kalim, and you two had a great conversation before he lost his hearing from Lilia smashing yet another guitar.
Jamil is still trying to be average and unnoticed when you meet, so you don't see him much after that. But he sees you. He is enthralled by your natural skills,  and even though you're a rich kid, (prince) you carry yourself with an air of self awareness and kindness, and he can't help but think that in another life…
Stops that line of thinking really fast. A prince would never be with a servant. But in the days before his overblot, it's definitely you he's thinking about when he thinks about what he can accomplish with his freedom.
After the overblot, you doctor him up, and replenish any empty magic stores that could be a problem. Then you do his chores for him. If he wasn't whipped for you already….
You catch him watching you dreamily, and call him out on it. Then you take his hand and cup his cheek and tell him you feel the same.
"I'm not worthy-"
"I am the second born prince of the Valley of Thorns, a member of a long line of Draconic fae. If I say you are worthy, Viper, then you are worthy."
The way you say it, it's like you are weaving a spell to make it true, and make him believe it. If that was your intention, it worked.
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Definitely a friend's to lovers situation. Silver being raised around you, and both of you at least starting at a similar emotional age (you've passed him, but such is the way of the fae) you were close for the entirety of Silver's life .
He has a sense of duty to Malleus and Lilia for his position, and he definitely still has a little bit to you due to your position as second born, but it's not as heavy for you, so he can mostly relax around you.
He realizes he's in love in a first year flight class when he fell asleep on his broom, and woke up in your arms after you caught him. 
It's a year later, and he's stoically escorting you to the library, when you decide to play with him a little.
"There's this little prince I've had my eyes on…"
Silver's a good knight, so he won't say anything, but deep down he's disappointed. All he'll say is something like, "I'm so happy for you, Prince Y/N."
Then you'll start describing him, and he'll falter. You cup his cheek and look deeply in his eyes and say, "My little Prince is named Silver, and there is no one else I'd rather have by my side." 
Silver probably reaffirms his undying loyalty, then turns a bright red when you take his hand as you continue your walk. Honestly, I ship this one the most.
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howyouloveyourdragon · 4 months
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dividers by hitobaby
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͎𓇢𓆸 Lavender Haze ʚɞ Summary: 'Meet me at midnight...', The Realm's Delight has a secret, a secret that she delights in Fleabottom with unapproved company... ʚɞ Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Prostitute!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Brief sexual content
͎𓇢𓆸 Mastermind ʚɞ Summary: Rhaenyra, eldest child of Viserys Targaryen who is leader of one of the strongest businesses finds herself enraptured by a pretty reporter ʚɞ Pairing: Modern!Rhaenyra Targaryen x Journalist!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: None
𓇢𓆸 Pearls* ʚɞ Summary: Three women, two purses and one whirlwind affair behind your best friend's back. It was never supposed to go past your uni accommodation but suddenly a set of pearls look very appealing...will you bite the bait? ʚɞ Pairing: Modern!Sugar Mommy!Rhaenyra Targaryen x Sugar Baby!Reader x Modern!Sugar Mommy!Alicent Hightower ʚɞ Warnings: Smut (edging, mommy kink, cunnilingus, light bondage, strap-on)
​🇼​​🇮​​🇵​​🇸​ 𓇢𓆸 A Sunset Seal ʚɞ Summary: Rhaenyra had never much liked the thought of being used like a pawn and especially not after she meets a mysterious man who also hates the chains that marriage embraces. When they both find themselves betrothed to people unknown they plan to run away together...they just do not know how very close they are to their own curse ʚɞ Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Male!Martell!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Betrothals
𓇢𓆸 Of Lances and Thorns ʚɞ Summary: Rhaenyra's world stopped spinning the day her father married her best friend but when her wallowing is interrupted by the chastised older Hightower, she finds that there may be some silver amidst her grey. ʚɞ Pairing: Princess!Rhaenyra Targaryen x Male!Hightower!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Betrothals, misogyny, smut
𓇢𓆸 Perfect* ʚɞ Summary: Rhaenyra has never been more bored than when on her tour for marital prospects...but then she met that sweet red haired girl with the most sweet doe eyes. What doesn't bore her are all the stirring images her mind curates at the sight of the innocent riña in her bed. ʚɞ Pairing: Princess!Rhaenyra Targaryen x Tully!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Smut
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͎𓇢𓆸 Only Queen ʚɞ Summary: A Queen needs her loyal handmaiden...even when her heart and hope has been broken and torn from her without a further glance... ʚɞ Pairing: Queen!Alicent Hightower x Fem!Handmaiden!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: None
͎𓇢𓆸 Last Kiss ʚɞ Summary: 'I never thought we'd have a last kiss...' If Alicent had known that that would be your last kiss then she would have held you a lot tighter... ʚɞ Pairing: Queen!Alicent Hightower x Fem!Handmaiden!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Death
𓇢𓆸 Pearls* ʚɞ Summary: Three women, two purses and one whirlwind affair behind your best friend's back. It was never supposed to go past your uni accommodation but suddenly a set of pearls look very appealing...will you bite the bait? ʚɞ Pairing: Modern!Sugar Mommy!Rhaenyra Targaryen x Sugar Baby!Reader x Modern!Sugar Mommy!Alicent Hightower ʚɞ Warnings: Smut (edging, mommy kink, cunnilingus, light bondage, strap-on)
​🇼​​🇮​​🇵​​🇸​ 𓇢𓆸 The Set Up ʚɞ Summary: Alicent is determined to find Rhaenyra a compelling match and Y/n is determined to gift his uncle a throne. When they mutually agree to convince the Velaryon's cousin to propose to the heir of Westeros, a young Queen and Lord find their intentions swaying in the worst way. They are falling in love. ʚɞ Pairing: Queen!Alicent Hightower x Male!Velaryon!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Betrothals, misogyny, tooth-aching fluff
𓇢𓆸 My Breeze of Decay ʚɞ Summary: Falling in love comes easy to you, a love match unites you with a beauty of the Lands and once you are wed, you could not be more elated...until a horrible incident occurs and her fate is left with the gods. Can you travel the journey to her? ʚɞ Pairing: Eurydice!Alicent Hightower x Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Death
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𓇢𓆸 Everybody Wants You ʚɞ Summary: You're tired of all the rumours; that your betrothed has found loyalties of the heart elsewhere, in Winterfell. ʚɞ Pairing: Heir!Jacaerys Velaryon x Betrothed!Fem!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Infidelity accusations, miscommunication, angst, eventual fluff
𓇢𓆸 Namesday ʚɞ Summary: You spend your namesday with you two favourite princes... ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader x Prince!Aemond Targaryen ʚɞ Warnings: Smut (piv, cunnilingus)
𓇢𓆸 The Heart Bestowed ʚɞ Summary: Jacaerys loves nothing more than a duty fulfilled. Y/n has other impressions. Ever since they were young, they presumed that they would some day find one another in the Sept amongst family and reciting practiced vows to one another. However, they could not be more different nor more infuriated in their joined presence. Neither of them have any greater desires than to quell the other...So why do they feel so disappointed when they are both betrothed to another? ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Tyrell!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Betrothals
𓇢𓆸 No Rest For The Dragons ʚɞ Summary: All is quiet but no sense of peace can be caught between your fingertips, not even at night and so it is difficult to find sleep. Not until you win the war and crown your prince victorious...Your betrothed, Jacaerys, seems to have other priorities. ʚɞ Pairing: Heir!Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Betrothed!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Talk of war
𓇢𓆸 The Softest Love ʚɞ Summary: Sometimes all you need is a gentle lover and a comforting hand, Jacaerys knows this all too well with you at his side and a crown at his temple ʚɞ Pairing: King!Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Wife!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Brief talk of war
𓇢𓆸 Just a Little ʚɞ Summary: You cannot remember a day where your heart has ever swelled nor a day where your throat has caught so quickly than the night you met Cregan Stark with his broad arms and swoon-worthy stare. He is the epitome of the North, resembling a man stern, sensible and strong. You are sure that no man is more worthy of your love and attention. So you enlist the assistance of your childhood friend Jacaerys. You have never been wondrous in your attempts to charm suitors but the man to have a new love every travel? He surely must know what can romance your newest interest, you are also certain that your love trusts him above no other. They are practically brothers. But when Jacaerys agrees, willing to give you the sun if you so much as wish it, you start to feel a growing warmth in your gut, a curling ribbon squeezing your heart. Oh dear... ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Best-Friend!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Mild angst
𓇢𓆸 Lack of Lessons ʚɞ Summary: "Love comes later,, Your mother had told you - promised you - and yet you feel no love as the King's son rolls his eyes at your presence and begrudgingly takes your hand...Until a second prince catches your eye. You find yourself in lessons with his nephew as you both learn to navigate the new world you have been thrust into. ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Jacaerys Velaron x Fem!Highborn!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Rivals to lovers, betrothals
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𓇢𓆸 Gold Rush ʚɞ Summary: 'I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush...' Aegon didn’t like most people but he liked you until it tore him from the inside out. You’re perfect, his gold and shimmering light. The problem? He’s not perfect. He’s not even a third of what you will one day amount to and everybody knows it…even him. ʚɞ Pairing: Modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: angst, mentions & depictions of alcoholism, car crash, fluff
𓇢𓆸 Sweet Girl* ʚɞ Summary: Aegon and Aemond are less than impressed when they hear that their sweet girl has been betrothed to a man of House Blackwood. They decide she must be claimed in every way a dragon can be claimed and perhaps they may discover even more. ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Aegon II Targaryen x Niece!Reader x Prince!Aemond Targaryen ʚɞ Warnings: Smut (piv, oral (male & female receiving,light degradation, spit, praise, corruption, overstimulation, soft, rough, hickeys), possessiveness, incest
𓇢𓆸 Prince of Rouge* ʚɞ Summary: Moulin Rouge AU - The year is 1899 when you enter your new city's most hailed night club and meet the mysterious Aegon. After a night of passion and lingering glances, you come to find that he has already been promised to another and a choice paints your mind. Fizzle your desires or dance in secret hallways. ʚɞ Pairing: Satine!Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Smut
𓇢𓆸 The Memories* ʚɞ Summary: Aegon hadn't touched his drinks in years but when he sees your face in his nightmares, he will do anything to forget that fateful night. ʚɞ Pairing: King!Aegon II Targaryen x Baratheon!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Smut, Betrothals
𓇢𓆸 Eagerness* ʚɞ Summary: Aegon has never craved anything like he has craved the eagerness of your touch... ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Aegon II Targaryen x Greyjoy!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Smut
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𓇢𓆸 Some Thread of Time ʚɞ Summary: It has been years since Aemond has seen his childhood companion, once attached to the hip and now mere strangers harbouring the same memories but no matter how long it's been, he can't seem to let go ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Highborn!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Angst
𓇢𓆸 Sweet Girl* ʚɞ Summary: Aegon and Aemond are less than impressed when they hear that their sweet girl has been betrothed to a man of House Blackwood. They decide she must be claimed in every way a dragon can be claimed and perhaps they may discover even more. ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Aegon II Targaryen x Niece!Reader x Prince!Aemond Targaryen ʚɞ Warnings: Smut (piv, oral (male & female receiving,light degradation, spit, praise, corruption, overstimulation, soft, rough, hickeys), possessiveness, incest
𓇢𓆸 Namesday ʚɞ Summary: You spend your namesday with you two favourite princes... ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader x Prince!Aemond Targaryen ʚɞ Warnings: Smut (piv, cunnilingus)
𓇢𓆸 Some Seam of Regret ʚɞ Summary: Aemond's childhood love has finally returned to court after a less than standard herald calls for her...But she arrives with her husband. ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Married!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Angst, death
𓇢𓆸 Some Ghost of Time ʚɞ Summary: Before betrothals and schemes and untold plots; a prince loved a lady and a lady loved a prince. Never had a soul think such a pairing to be doomed but alas they do not know yet of this tale... ʚɞ Pairing: Young!Prince!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Married!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Angst, depiction of violence
𓇢𓆸 Crystals* ʚɞ Summary: You have been a travelling bard ever since you were young but after accidentally being left in Harrenhal, you are left at the mercy of a witch and her prince... ʚɞ Pairing: Dark!Alys Rivers x Bard!Reader x Dark!Prince Aemond Targaryen ʚɞ Warnings: Smut, obsession, possessiveness
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𓇢𓆸 Maroon ʚɞ Summary: 'The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon...' All will be well so long as Helaena is able to keep her precious handmaiden safe...if she is not? Well that is another question... ʚɞ Pairing: Queen!Helaena Targaryen x Fem!Handmaiden!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Angst, mention of suicide
𓇢𓆸 I Think He did It ʚɞ Summary: Helaena has been your friend for a long time. She tells you everything, what she ate that morning, whether her spider, Dreamfyre, snuck out again or how the children are but most importantly where she suspects her husband to be spending his nights because it is most certainly not in her bed. So it is no surprise who you are suspicious of when she suddenly goes missing. ʚɞ Pairing: Modern!Helaena Targaryen x Fem!Best-Friend!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Murder, infidelity
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𓇢𓆸 Remnants* ʚɞ Summary: They say that you never forget your first love but the vultures are prey to weakness and intend to infiltrate Daemon’s own desires to preserve his adere riñus (slippery girl). Some say the woman will forever remain in his conscience, guiding his bloodied sword and singing sweet lost lullabies to lay his rest. For it has been too long since the volatile dragon slept peaceful. A prince with more gold than he can keep. A prince who can demand whatever he wishes and command any army. And yet all he is left with…All he is left with are the remnants of her which he swore to cherish as religiously as he would an idol. ʚɞ Pairing: Prince!Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Lowborn!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Smut, derogatory language, prejudice, angst, disease, character death, fluff, infidelity, slowburn, classism
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𓇢𓆸 The Moon ʚɞ Summary: History remembers names, not blood, he knows that all too well so why are you so important to The Sea Snake, the bastard of the Rogue Prince ʚɞ Pairing: Corlys Velaryon x Fem!Targaryen!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: None
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𓇢𓆸 The Study of Affection ʚɞ Summary: Cregan Stark cannot say that he is used to romance which is why it is so nerve-wracking when he realises the princess expects him to court her rather than negotiate an arrangement. The lord finds himself in need of help and your nephew is more than eager to provide. ʚɞ Pairing: Hand!Cregan x Fem!Targtower!Reader ʚɞ Warnings: Pining
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𓇢𓆸 Crystals* ʚɞ Summary: You have been a travelling bard ever since you were young but after accidentally being left in Harrenhal, you are left at the mercy of a witch and her prince... ʚɞ Pairing: Dark!Alys Rivers x Bard!Reader x Dark!Prince Aemond Targaryen ʚɞ Warnings: Smut, obsession, possessiveness
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misseviehyde · 6 months
By Evie Hyde and Amiee Bee
Chapter 1: Nailing Jessica
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Jessica couldn’t believe she had agreed to this; she had so many better things to be doing with her time than going to the nail salon with her vapid bitch of a step mom. For instance, she had soccer practice tonight with the team, but now she was having to miss it for this girly crap.  At least it wasn’t her kickboxing class that she was missing - she really enjoyed that... but she had promised her Dad that she would try to get along with her vain Step Mom for once and he had been insistent that she go and appease her step mom Annabelle with the “girly day” that she seemed so set on.
Jessica hated Annabelle.  Her real Mom had died when she was just a little girl and as a result she had got much closer to her Dad and rather protective of him. Growing up, it had pretty much just been the two of them and Jessica had ended up quite a tomboy as a result.  She had short hair, loved to play rough and after hanging out with her Dad and his buddies as a little girl, could do everything from rewiring a car engine to playing poker . But Jessica could see the loneliness her father faced, and so ironically, it had been her that had encouraged Bill to get out and start dating again.  She had even set up the dating profile online for him.
When her Dad met Annabelle, Jessica had been excited at first.  Her soon to be step mom had seemed nice and was incredibly stylish with the best makeup the young girl had ever seen.  Annabelle had a trim sexy body that she kept in good shape through yoga and running.  She also had an incredible figure for a woman her age with Jessica’s dad describing her as having ‘large firm breasts’ and ‘a squeezable ass’ much to Jessica’s embarrassment.  Although this ex-cheerleading, fashion obsessed beauty seemed a bit ultra feminine for her average looking (but wealthy) Dad, Jessica had just been happy he had managed to find such a beautiful woman.  At the time she hadn’t expected the relationship to last more than a few weeks… how wrong she turned out to be.
Annabelle had made a real effort to impress Jessica to begin with, but after a few months (and once she had Bill wrapped round her little finger) - she finally showed her true colours.  Through sexual control, seduction and manipulation she made Bill completely dependent and obsessed with her. Her shallow and bitchy personality began to show as she stopped wasting time being nice to Jessica and instead began to treat her with contempt and amusement. Annabelle quit her job on the fashion counter at the local department store and instead became a full time house-bitch. She soon had a Tiffany diamond engagement ring on her finger and was happy to spend Bill’s money on expensive dresses, luxury handbags and designer shoes.  
As she became prettier and more glamorous, her power seemed to grow.  Bill was enraptured with his beautiful wife as she draped her body in diamonds, pearls and sexy lingerie.  She began to sport even sluttier longer manicures, expensive pedicures and her once demure clothing changed to reveal the swell of her large firm breasts at all times. Annabelle renovated the house to turn it into a palace to feminine luxury and power, where she was the queen and Bill was just her play-thing. Eventually they married and her power reached its height. 
Finally, with all things nearly in their place, her attention had turned to Jessica.  Jessica was the one remaining thorn in Annabelle’s side.  She had a beautiful house, a perfectly obedient husband - but instead of the popular, cheerleading, sexy daughter that a bitch like her might like… her step daughter Jessica was nauseatingly unmaterialistic and tomboyish.  Annabelle tried to shape Jessica into being more girly, she even tried to buy her nice clothes and makeup and manipulate her into being more popular at school… but none of it worked and they just ended up arguing.  Eventually she had nagged Jessica to give her the chance to have some ‘girl time’ with her and after putting pressure on Bill - she had finally gotten her way...
The drive to the salon was awkward to say the least, Jessica clearly did not want to be doing this and sat in silence with a sour look on her face. By contrast Annabelle had an almost predatory look in her eyes as she examined her young step-daughter from time to time.  The hot bitch was so disappointed in Jessica.  Her step daughter was so frumpy and unfeminine.  At her age she should be manipulating boys and enjoying herself.  All she needed was a little… push.  A little help to realise her full potential.  Annabele  had always wanted a daughter she could shape and mould - one who could understand the pleasures of femininity and be her protegee.  She grinned - the poor girl had no idea what was in store for her today.
Wanting to break the awkward silence Annabelle tried to chat to Jessica and put her at ease. ”So I’m so glad you let me start with your nails, they really will make you feel more girly.  I was chatting to my stylist the other day. You remember Amiee, don’t you? Anyway, she showed me this gorgeous design that would be just wonderful for you. So hot! They would definitely make you the most popular girl on campus.  Don’t you want to be popular?” 
“Not really.  All those popular girls are such bitches.  To be honest, at our school there really aren’t that many girls like that.  The main bitchy girl left and there’s been a lot less bullying since then.  Without a leader, the popular girls kinda went quiet.”
“So - there’s a power vacuum.  A hot girl could easily come in and take control, make things run the way she wanted.  Wouldn’t you like that… to make everyone do what you wanted?  To have any boy you wanted and be popular and powerful?”
“No… absolutely not.  I’m perfectly happy having my friends Chloe and Nicola and just being nice to people.”
“Of course, I understand.  It’s hard for you to imagine, but I’m sure given the right opportunity you would realise just how good it feels to be the alpha bitch.  In the meantime are you ready to get your nails done honey?  We’re here!”
Sure, yeah whatever” Jessica replied, groaning inside.  For her it was just a matter of getting through the next few hours without losing her mind!
Annabelle parked the car and they approached the salon.  Jessica rolled her eyes.  It was a super expensive place by the looks of it - all white and stylish.  Beautiful women sat chatting, surrounded by tasteful pictures and expensive flowers.  The staff were all perfectly made up like Stepford wives with their pretty hair tightly bound up and dressed in white uniforms.  For Jessica it was her idea of Hell.
Walking inside with her step-mother, Jessica felt awkward.  This was not her usual sort of place, she didn’t belong here.  She felt comfortable on a soccer pitch, not in such a strange feminine environment. “Welcome ladies,” smiled a petite and perfectly made up young woman with a friendly face approaching them.  She had sexy green eyes and rich brunette hair, that if unbound might fall to her lower shoulders. She exuded cuteness and friendliness.  She looked like the kind of girl you would happily sit with for hours and chat and gossip.  A name badge on her uniform said she was called Amiee and Jessica realised this was Annabelle’s stylist that she was always raving about.
“You must be Jessica,” purred Amiee.  “Annabelle has told me all about you.  My my, such a pretty girl… or you could be with a little help of course, *giggle*.” Normally Jessica would be offended by such a comment, but there was something so reassuring and calming about Amiee’s manner.  It made you want to trust her, to do whatever she said.  She seemed like such a nice girl.
“Annabelle has asked us to give you a very special manicure.  I think you’ll enjoy it.  Your step mother has been a customer here for a very long time and we helped to change her life,  just like we can change yours.  Come with me to our special booth in the back, it’s where all of our best customers get their nails done.  You’ll feel like a new girl when you come out.”
Annabelle smiled and propelled her step daughter after Amiee towards a small booth at the back of the salon.  Sitting at the nail bar, opposite Amiee, Jessica would have felt panicky if Amiee hadn't been so reassuring.  She had never done anything like this before.  Before long the girl was sat compliantly with her hands extended, ready for the expert manicurist to go to work.  “Just relax Jessica, you’re going to really enjoy this,” soothed Amiee.  Sitting nearby, Annabelle smirked as she watched the stylist begin her work on her tomboy daughter.  She couldn’t wait to see this.
Jessica winced as Amiee got to work filing down and removing all of the dirt from her nails with a ruthless efficiency that she had not expected from the previously bubbly woman. It was painful at first, Amiee digging into all of the hard to reach areas and digging out all of the dirt and grime that had built up from all of Jessica’s various tomboyish pastimes, but once it was done it actually felt quite nice having clean well trimmed nails for once, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all?
She was soon snapped out if it though when Amiee brought out a tray of long acrylic nails, one look at them and Jessica recoiled her hands and started shaking her head furiously. “Nuh uh! No way are you putting a set of those… those... claws on me!” She growled, looking at the tray of nails. They looked like the kind of slutty evil bitch nails that an instagram star or a vain celebrity might wear - the kind who only care about looking good and grabbing a rich boyfriend. They were sharp and wanton, thick and glossy.  They wouldn’t suit her at all - maybe some popular high school bitch, but not a tomboy like her.  She could see why Annabelle liked them though and come to think of it, they looked kind of like a pair her Step Mom wore.
“Relax honey...” Amiee soothingly purred, resting a hand on her shoulder and sending a wave of calmness  through her body. “We always start with them this long and then clip and file them down to a shape and size that suits you. Don’t worry you are in safe hands with me.” What she was saying didn’t sound right, but Amiee looked so trustworthy that Jessica was still somewhat unsure.  Instinctively she found herself trusting Amiee and finally relenting she extended her hand for the stylist to continue her work. Wouldn’t it be nice to do something girly for a change?  whispered an interior voice - quiet yet growing in strength.
Amiee was patient and took her time, softly massaging Jessica’s hands to make sure she was as relaxed as possible.  It felt so good and it was almost hypnotic, Jessica felt her breathing slow down and her heart slow.  She felt calm, relaxed and... receptive.  Her mind wandered and she found herself lost in her own imagination. After a while Jessica zoned completely out, lost in her thoughts and Amiee eagerly got back to work. 
Watching Amiee begin to apply the first nail Jessica thought to herself that if this was all it took to get Annabelle off her back then it might not be so bad. After all she couldn’t remember the last time her nails had actually been clean and feminine like this. The sexy nail looked out of place right now, but she could see that when the set was complete it would make her look great.  That’s right - soon you’ll have a whole set of these… your hand is gonna look really hot, you’ll probably have the sexiest nails in school.  See, this isn’t so bad is it?  Jessica felt a strange tingle running down her hands into her body.  Strangely she felt slightly aroused, like her coochie was getting wet for no reason.  It felt really nice and she squirmed slightly, wanting to giggle at the nice things Amiee was doing to her hands and the way it was making her feel. See - doesn’t this beat kickboxing and stupid soccer? Mmmmmh so nice huh?
As if in a dream Jessica watched Amiee move on to the next nail.  As it slid into place, Jessica felt a strange revulsion at the thought of how short, chewed and grubby her nails had been before and a bitchy smile twisted the corner of her mouth. Soon you’ll look like a princess.  Won’t that be nice? Jessica’s posture changed as she sat up straighter and pushed her chest out slightly.  Her arms and hands took on a more feminine body language as she held her hand out in a much more natural way - as if she were used to be manicured and liked it.  Looking down with admiration. Jessica realised she liked that her nails felt clean and presentable for once, it actually felt nice. She flicked her short hair back and smirked happily. See babe - don’t you feel better already? Don’t you want more….? Mmmmh of course you do... 
Annabelle couldn’t hide the wicked grin from her face as she watched Amiee work her magic on her step daughter. She knew the magic nails were powerful, but she had never watched the process herself and even forewarned it was incredible to watch as Jessica’s short unkempt hair began to tidy itself up and grow. She could see the horrible split ends heal and strengthen as Jessica’s hair lengthened and took on a beautiful blonde colour.  It took on a bitchy shine as it brightened and filled with volume, falling around her head like a golden halo and making her look twice as attractive as she had moments ago.  Her eyebrows lightened to match, plucking themselves and neatening into a perfect pair of arched brows.  The girl didn’t seem to notice or care, her lips were parted slightly and her pupils were dilated.  She was obviously experiencing pleasure at her corruption and that satisfied Annabelle even more.  To know that her weak pathetic step daughter would soon be like her was the most amazing feeling of triumph.
Jessica looked over and saw Annabelle beaming at her, she was obviously loving every minute of this. To her surprise she smiled back and felt proud of the fact Annabelle was pleased for her.  She couldn’t help but notice how happy Annabelle was that they were finally connecting.  See Annabelle isn’t so bad is she?  She’s trying to be a Mom to you… maybe you should think of her as your Mom and be friends?  It would be nice to have another woman to talk to, go shopping with.  This could become a regular thing.  
Jessica tried to remember what it was that annoyed her so much about Annabelle, but she was struggling.  After all Annabelle was just encouraging her to be pretty and popular all the time, was that even such a bad thing? Having a few more friends would be nice and maybe if she looked a bit nicer boys would actually look at her? That would be nice - at the moment boys either ignored her or just treated her like one of the guys. You are definitely not a guy.  You are a gorgeous girl and you have needs… getting a boyfriend is the first step to meeting those needs.  Mmmmh, you deserve a stud to worship that pretty pussy and make you feel good - oh and of course run errands for you and do all the things you want him to...
The heat in her loins intensified as her thoughts turned horny and Jessica found herself becoming jealous of her friend Chloe, who actually had a boyfriend. Although Chloe’s boyfriend Jason wasn’t anything special to look at, he always seemed to look at his girlfriend like she was the only person in the world that mattered. That must feel good, to be admired, worshipped and adored thought Jessica.  Yes… don’t you want to feel that way?  Don’t you want ALL the boys to worship you?
Letting herself daydream Jessica started to imagine what it would actually be like to be popular to have a flock of admirers hanging on her every word, desperately hoping that she would notice them. All that with a strong, handsome guy by her side, willing to do anything to make her happy.  Yes… to be a spoiled, bratty, princess who gets everything she wants.  To wear the head cheerleading outfit and be the prom queen… to dress up in a tight black dress and have every guy want you… it’s your destiny...
“Okay hun, pass me your other hand please, this one is all finished.” Amiee suddenly chirped, breaking Jessica from her erotic daydream and the insidious voice in her head - her own voice. “You zoned out on me for a second there sweetie, everything okay?” she asked with a slight giggle.
Jessica offered up her other hand, but couldn't help marvel at the completed set of beautiful inch long nails that she now sported. Her hand looked like a super-models and the thought of raking her nails down some studs back or wrapping them round a big throbbing cock made her pussy even wetter as she breathed heavily and an involuntary whimper of pleasure escaped her lips. You look like a bitch… doesn’t it feel good to be a bitch?
Amiee grinned - it was like she knew exactly what was on the girls mind as she innocently asked her what she was thinking about.
“Ohhhh, I was just imagining what it would be like to be popular,” sighed Jessica, as she elegantly brushed a lock of golden blonde hair behind her ear, still sounding somewhat dazed.  Her voice didn’t seem right… she coughed to clear her throat and it rose in pitch, becoming sing-song and silken.  Now she sounded like a honeyed seductress with a cute little whine and catch in her voice that made her sound like a hot girly brat.
“I mean… I… like… ummmm… hey like have I always like talked like this?”  she stuttered her inflections and speech patterns changing to imitate those of a cheerleader - a moment of temporary alarm seeming to go off in her head.
“Of course you have.  Relax and don't worry babe, once I am done with you, you won't have to imagine how it feels to be popular,” Aimee replied with a wry smile. “You're definitely going to be the most popular girl in school when you go back.  I guarantee no one will even remember the old you - at least not for long.   It won’t take a smart and beautiful girl like you, long to establish yourself as popular, will it?”  Who would want to remember that loser you were anyway… wouldn’t you rather go back as the most popular girl in the school?  The thought made Jessica even wetter...
Watching from the corner, Annabelle was getting pretty horny herself.  Her tomboy daughter was half-way transformed now and it was so delicious to watch.  The mental changes were clearly accelerating, but so too were the physical.  All the spots and blemishes, scars and bruises that Jessica possessed were fading to be replaced by perfectly smooth skin.  Her tiny a-cup breasts, long a source of joy to her as they were much easier to do sports with, appeared to be growing and pushing out.  Jessica’s face seemed to be shifting slightly… becoming more symmetrical and beautiful.  Soon she would be gorgeous.
Jessica eagerly handed her other hand over to Amiee who began to apply the final five nails.  As each of these slid into place, they would accelerate Jessica’s transformation.  Annabelle watched eagerly as Jessica allowed more nails to slide onto her hand - it was going to be so fun to see how bitchy and slutty Jessica ended up.
Meanwhile the girl was busy day dreaming again. What Amiee had said intrigued Jessica.  On Monday when she went back to school - how hard would it be to take over and become super popular?  Oh it would be easy babe- since Jayde left there has been a power vacuum.  Her old lieutenants Molly and Erica are too busy fighting each other to establish themselves as Queen Bees.  They are both waiting to see who gets selected to be Head cheerleader before launching their power moves.  The auditions and tryouts are next week.  Imagine if you were to apply - imagine if coach Houser chose you to be the Head cheerleader?  You’d be the most powerful girl instantly.
As for the rest of the school - Jessica realised that all through her life she had observed little bits of information and been confided in by various people as she had always seemed trustworthy.  She knew a lot of secrets and gossip about a lot of people in fact.  So - a little bit of a push here - a little nudge there - she could easily make everyone in the school either afraid of her - or so desperate to be her friend they would help her cement her power.  The thought made her smile and her lips curved into a wicked grin.  It would be easy to become the alpha girl… but did she want to do it?  Yes… of course you do.  Don’t you want to be slutty and hot?  This is your time and no one will be able to stop you.
Jessica giggled as her mind filled with poison and dirty thoughts.  At the same time, her outfit began to change as the ninth nail slid into place.  Her comfortable sneakers became strappy black heels as her baggy jeans tightened around her legs and rose to be a jeans skirt.  Her plaid shirt tightened around her bust and turned pink - transforming into a silky crop top with cute little bows on it.  She now looked like a fashionable, sexy, bitch.  Her tits were now big D cups and her waist was tiny.  Expensive makeup covered her face as she looked down eagerly to see Amiee begin to apply the final nail.
That’s it Jessica. Just a moment longer and you’ll be a hot bitch.  It’s going to feel so good - you’re already nearly cumming at the thought of all the bad things you are going to do aren’t you.  Screwing boys and stealing them from their girls… seducing older men, bullying the nerds.  You’re going to be just like Annabelle… it’s going to feel so fucking good.
“No… wait,” groaned Jessica suddenly as her old personality regained control.  “I… this isn’t me… I…”
“Shhhh Jessica,” grinned Amiee grabbing her hand and steadying it.  “You know you want this more than anything.  In fact why don’t you say it… ? Why don’t you admit what you want me to do?  I think we both know by now that these are magic nails and you’re changing into a hotter girl.  One more nail and you’ll become a nasty, spoiled, hot, little bitch just like Annabelle paid us to make you. I’ll promise to remove all the nails I put on so far if you tell me to. Otherwise I’ll slide this one on and complete your change.  I just want to hear you say it first.  Then I’ll make you into a Goddess and you will be free at last.”
On her chair Annabelle gasped and tensed up.  Amiee was taking an incredible risk here… what the hell was she doing? All of her work so far could be undone with this risky gamble.  Jessica could reassert her control and remove the nails, she would never get another chance like this.
But Amiee knew her craft well.  She could smell the wetness in Jessica’s panties and see the lust in her eyes.  She could feel the hunger in the girl - the desire to be popular, pretty and powerful.
Jessica moaned and leaned forward.  Her free hand with the nails on crept down to her panties and slid inside. She moaned as she rubbed her clit and felt her new bitchy pussy - so much tighter and now shaven, pulse with pleasure.  Her big new breasts ached with pleasure and her glossy lips parted in a gasp of lust as she looked into Amiee’s amused eyes.
“Uhhhh, I NEED it… ohhhhhh yes do it… make me into a BITCH!  Make me popular and horny.  I want to be bad… I want to be sexy and feminine.  I can’t stand it anymore, corrupt me please I need it!”
Amiee grinned.  She loved it when the girls tipped over into corruption like this.  It helped to make the effects of the nails even more powerful.  She applied the final nail and Jessica began to cum as her transformation completed itself and her soul turned black as night.  YESSSSS, you aren’t going to regret this… you are a bitch now.
“Ugggghhhh YES damn right I’m a bitch now,” giggled and groaned Jessica as she shook and continued to cum.  “Ohhhh I’m such a fucking bitch and I LOVE IT!”
Annabelle looked at the transformed bitch writhing in the chair and grinned.  Jessica looked amazing, she was still vaguely recognizable, but she looked five times prettier than when she had entered.  The nails had done their wicked work perfectly and Jessica was now just the way her Step Mom had always wanted her to be.
Rising from the nail bar like a bitchy Queen, Jessica giggled as Annabelle looked at her wicked new step-daughter with a grin.
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“Oh Jessica, you look amazing - you’re perfect.”
“Hmmmm, I like totally am perfect aren’t I? - but you can call me Jessie now Mommy - I feel like a whole new girl and I like it.”  
“Just be careful with your new nails,” grinned Amiee.  “They are very tough - almost unbreakable in fact… but if they do come loose, the old boring you might come back. Our nails also have a few extra enhancements which I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun discovering.”
 “Thanks so much for my nails Amiee - I will use them to be a bitch, don’t you worry about that.” Jessie purred, flexing her clawed nails, as her head throbbed with naughty ideas and desires.  She couldn’t wait to go to school tomorrow and begin her new reign. 
“That’s okay,” purred Amiee.  “We’re always looking for new customers… make sure you give me a call if you have any more nail needs… I’m always happy to help.”
Hugging Annabelle, the new bitchy Mom and daughter duo smiled at each other.  “At last I have the daughter I always wanted,” grinned Annabelle. “Now let's go max out your Dad’s credit card and get you some new clothes and things. We can burn those old frumpy clothes. Tomorrow you take your place as the spoiled new princess slut of our household.”
For Jessie and her Mom - things were just beginning..
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Chloe was worried.  Her best-friend Jessica hadn’t shown up for school today and there was some new girl causing a stir.  The corridor was jammed full of people trying to grab a look and all the boys were saying she was the hottest girl they had ever seen. Great! The last thing the school needed was some hot new bitch coming in and bringing back the cliquey atmosphere they used to have.  Jessica was gonna hate that.
“Chloe - have you seen what’s happening?” panted a breathless Nicola as she suddenly emerged from the melee and grabbed her friends arm.
“No - not yet. I’m more bothered about Jessica though than some dumb new girl. It isn't like her to be off without texting us. Something could be wrong.”
“But Chloe - the new girl IS Jessica. She's had some sort of makeover… she looks like a supermodel. I tried to talk to her but she’s walking around with Molly and Elisha like they are old friends and she completely blanked me!”
Pushing through the crowd Chloe gawped as she beheld Jessie surrounded by admirers.  The hot bitch was flicking her blonde hair and flirting with everyone in sight.  Her blouse was three buttons open so that her big tits were fully on show and she twirled her hair with her sexy nails, batting her long lashes at the boys and talking like some dumb airhead to Elisha and Molly who dutifully giggled at everything she said.
As Jessie’s gaze fell on her friend, a look of cold disdain crossed the new bitches perfect pink lips.  Here came her old friends - but whatever she may have once felt for them, they weren’t nearly popular enough to be of use.  It was harsh, but if she wanted to be the Alpha Bitch and BOY did she want that so badly, she was going to have to cut them off.
Jessie deliberately turned her back on Chloe and Nicola and made a rude comment to her new friends Molly and Elisha.  She didn’t need her old friends anymore - not now she was sexy, beautiful and soon to be popular.  Molly and Elisha approvingly giggled and moved to flank her.  They were already automatically starting to assume a position of deference and servility which pleased Jessie.  They liked how bitchy and mean she was. 
Meanwhile Chloe felt stung, angry and hurt.  Her friend looked like some dumb popular bitch and was deliberately ignoring her after being friends for years.  She felt tears well in her eyes and without another word she turned and stormed off closely followed by Nicola.
Jessie ignored her former friends for the rest of that week.  She was too busy sinking her claws into the fabric of the school and re-establishing the power and dominance of the popular girls clique.  Everyone was amazed at how much she had changed from one make-over, but it was actually pretty easy to forget the old her and within a matter of hours most people had accepted her new beautiful and bitchy personality and looks.  Maybe there was some power the nails had given or maybe it was because she was so fucking hot now.
Whatever the case Jessie was now mean, bitchy and beautiful. In little under a week she was the most popular girl at school and had slipped into the power vacuum, becoming the Alpha girl just as she wanted.  She would play with her hair all eyes drawn to her slutty nails as every girl wished they could have a manicure like that and every guy imagined those nails wrapped around their cocks.
After a fortnight she was even more established. It was like there was a glamour around her - accelerating her rise - helping people to accept her position. She spread mean rumours about other people, used the unlimited money her bitchy Mom gave her to out-fashion and out-dress everyone else and with her new sycophants Molly and Elisha she got the position of Head Cheerleader just as she had wanted.
Finally Chloe and Nicola had enough.  They couldn’t bear to watch Jessica acting like this - especially as she refused to speak to them and was bullying other girls. They decided to confront her over what was happening and try to stage an intervention. What had become of their once kind friend?
They found Jessie alone by her locker admiring her slutty nails and doing her makeup. “Eugh… what do you losers want?” she rolled her eyes at them as they approached.
“Everyone else may have forgotten the old you already - but we haven’t! Why are you acting like such a bitch?” demanded the more assertive Chloe whilst Nicola watched nervously.
Jessie laughed in amusement. “Poor poor Chloe… always thought you were so much better than me and Nicola. Now I'm the most popular girl in school, you can't stand it.”
“Jessica- this isn't you. Did your step mom do something to you? Snap out of it babe…” pleaded Nicola. 
For a brief moment a strange look crossed Jessica's face. Holy shit - what am I doing? These are my friends! I have to stop this!
But then she looked down and saw the nails on her fingers. Mmmmh I'm so fucking hot and I feel so bitchy.  My pussy has never been so wet and I love being bad.  I don't ever want to stop this.  I want… I NEED more! Jessie moaned as a look of bitchy superiority crossed her features again and her pussy got wet at the thought of being hotter and badder than these bitches ever could be. “I'm sorry Nicola,” she gasped before becoming truly evil once more… “It just feels so fucking good to be hot and bitchy… I love being this way now. Stay away from me if you don't want to get hurt… ohhhh fuck yesssss.” With a shudder evil Jessie was back in control and she grinned mercilessly at her victims. How dare they challenge her?
By now a crowd had gathered - drawn to the drama. Everyone wanted to see how this ended up. They watched their new Queen Bee eagerly - relishing watching her take down yet more losers.
Jessie was only too happy to oblige and almost losing control back to Jessica had made her particularly mean. “Well you drab little uglies - the only thing my Mom did is get me a makeover so I looked good. You two should try it sometime so you don't look like dirty tramps anymore. I've always wondered Chloe, Is your boyfriend Jason gay or something? After all he seems to enjoy kissing you and you basically look like a guy in a skirt…”
Chloe felt anger boil up in her. “You fucking bitch.” 
She slapped Jessie hard across the face and would have done more if Nicola hadn't pulled her away.  “Leave it Chloe… it isn't worth getting suspended for attacking her. None of these witnesses would stand up for us… they all do what she wants now.”
Jessie felt a cold bitchy anger grow in her as she watched her former friends leave. She glared at the other students… daring anyone to laugh as they slunk away and her cheek burned with the slap and the social embarrassment of it too.
“That fat cow dared to slap me in front of everyone?  ME!?!  How dare she!” hissed Jessie in incandescent rage.  “I was just gonna tease those bitches, but essentially leave them alone… but now?!  Now Chloe has to PAY!”
Jessie felt so angry she could burst.  She knew she needed to cut Chloe down to size and make every other girl in this school terrified to fuck with her or she would never get full control.  She needed to humiliate Chloe and take everything from that bitch. Maybe Annabelle could give her some advice, one evil bitch to another?  She would ask when she got home.
That evening after their dinner together in the luxurious bitchy surroundings of their beautiful home - Jessie sat in her PJ's on Annabelle's bed and the pampered bitches discussed what to do.
“She slapped me Mommy,” hissed Jessie in disgust.  “I have never felt so humiliated in all my life, I want to rip that bitches hair out and kick her in the face with stilettos on..”
“Now, now dear - that’s not how bad girls like us deal with situations like these.  Instead we find her weakness - everyone has one, and then we use it against her.  What does Chloe have that she values?”
“Well I guess she has a boyfriend.  Jason.”
“Then it’s simple - you take her man and make him yours.  She’ll be crushed and everyone at school will see you are the superior bitch.”
“Eugh… it’s a good plan Mommy, but Jason is a loser… a nobody.  He’s a nerd.  A hot girl like me can’t go out with someone like him!”
“Hmmmmm, that is a problem.  I know why don’t you call the salon and speak to Amiee, she’s usually good for situations like this…”
Jessie picked up her rose-gold plated iphone and dialed Amiee, admiring as always how hot her nails looked as she did so.  She giggled as Amiee answered and Jessie outlined her problems to her new friend.  A slutty smile of wicked glee slowly spread across Jessie’s face as Amiee told her exactly what she could do.
“Oh yes, that is delicious… you never told me that I could do THAT with my new nails… oh yes!  Mmmmmh I love these things… oh thanks babe, I can’t wait for school now.”  
Annabelle watched with interest as Jessie smirked and put the phone down with a triumphant grin. She wondered what evil plan her wicked step-daughter was hatching now.  She didn’t know fully, but she could tell by Jessie’s horny expression that it was obviously going to be rather delicious!
The next day at school, Jessie put her plan into action. It didn't take much to manipulate the school secretary into helping her out, a few well placed compliments to the pathetic middle aged woman and she was eager to help Jessie with anything she needed. Gladly she sent a message over the school intercom that Jason was to report to Mr Phillips classroom as soon as possible.
Jason opened the door to the classroom hoping to find out why he had been summoned by the elderly history teacher. When he entered the classroom, instead of finding Mr Phillips sitting at his desk, he found the room was apparently empty. Figuring that the teacher had just stepped out for a moment, Jason decided to find himself a seat and wait patiently until Mr Phillips returned. 
Hearing the door close behind him Jason turned round and found Jessie standing  in the doorway. “J..J...Jessica?” he stuttered, not quite believing how much the former tomboy had changed. 
“The one and only.” she replied, flashing him a seductive wink “But I prefer to go by Jessie now babe” she purred.
“What do you want?” Jason asked, keen to get out of the situation as soon as he could.
“You.” she answered, looking him straight in the eye. “That pathetic little bitch you call a girlfriend had the nerve to slap me yesterday in front of everyone. I figured that stealing you away from her would be the perfect way to humiliate her.”
“Look Jessica, I’m flattered, really I am.” Jason said “but I’m in love with Chloe, and I would never even think of doing anything like that to her.”
Jessie, completely unphased by Jason's attempted rejection, began slowly and sexily advancing towards him, smiling wickedly to herself as she watched Jason physically tense up, not having any experience resisting the advances of  a beautiful girl like her.
Jason just stood there motionless, like a deer caught in headlights, before he had managed to react she was pressed up against him, his head swam as her sweet perfume began to intoxicate his senses. 
“I...I…I said no” he stammered weakly, using every ounce of willpower he had left.
Still unperturbed, Jessie delicately placed her hand on his bicep and leaned in to whisper softly into his ear. 
“I’m sorry, but you don't really get a choice in this I’m afraid.” she whispered before firmly squeezing down on his bicep, her talon like nails digging down and piercing his flesh. 
Feeling the nails penetrate his skin, Jason didn’t cry out in pain, instead he found himself unable to move as he felt Jessie's voice enter his mind.
I told you I would make you mine, but I can't be seen with a loser like you. If you're going to be mine you need to be taller, stronger and much more powerful…
Powerful. The word resonated through every part of him, like a gentle throb, in time with the beating of his heart it pulsed. As it did Jason slowly began to change, he grew taller, his shoulders broadened and his thin, wiry muscles began to swell, becoming more defined as they did so. 
It feels good, doesn’t it? Believe me it gets so much better when you embrace it….
Jason couldn’t deny that she was telling the truth, but somewhere deep in his mind he was still fighting, clinging on to who he was and resisting the temptation to give in to Jessie's alluring voice.
There is no need to resist babe, think how much better your life will be… You will no longer be the victim but instead you can be in charge and rule this school through fear and intimidation. 
Images started to flash through his mind of all the times he had been bullied throughout the years, but there was something different… this time he was looking through at things from the other side, this time he was the bully and it felt good, really good. He felt so strong, powerful as he experienced beating up nerds, shoving them in lockers and just watching all of the losers run away from him in fear. A wicked smirk spread across his face as Jason began to enjoy the images that bombarded his mind.
You want it now don’t you? Let go, become my perfect man and you can have it all...
It was at that moment that finally Jason's will crumbled and he succumbed completely to the corrupting influence.
Thats it babe, I can feel it now, you are all mine…
The visions running through his head intensified but now they focused on only one thing, Jessie. He wanted her so badly and he realised that he deserved to have the bitchiest baddest girl at school as his girlfriend.  Chloe was so pathetic.  Why would he go with a girl like that when he could bang the tightest, sluttiest pussy on campus instead? Jessie smiled wickedly as she saw the corruption take and leaning in kissed him hard with her wet pink lips, her tiny tongue in his mouth as she French kissed him and he grabbed her waist and pulled her hot teenage body against his.
“Mmmmmh, oh yes Jason,” moaned Jessie as he kissed her neck and massaged her boobs through her blouse.  He wanted her badly and they were both hot for each other now.  But Jessie knew things were about to get even hotter...
As they made out Jason's changes accelerated tenfold. His shirt began to bulge as powerful slabs of muscle developed under his chest and his abs tightened up to give him the powerful physique of a star quarterback.  His face became slightly more angular and his hair darkened and shortened on his head to a neat short back and sides like all the football squad favoured. Jessie moaned and cooed, running her slutty hands and her evil names over his arms and torso as she felt her man get bigger and stronger. “That’s it baby… become the bad boy you know you want to be…”
Jason grinned and flexed his biceps, “Yes, I feel so fucking good, oh YES!  Fuck that nerd Chloe, I don’t need her anymore.”
Giggling, Jessie sank to her knees before her new man and tore down his trousers. “That’s right - you’re all mine now and I’m gonna do things to you that bitch never could.” Jessie knew it was risky to suck his cock in a classroom where anyone could see, but she wanted to finish his corruption right away and she was so horny now. The thought of taking Chloe’s boyfriend and making him cum in her mouth was so delicious.
Jason’s cock flopped out… it was still quite average, but was already growing as he continued to transform into a true bad boy. Wrapping her hand around his dick, Jessie began to stroke it.  She loved how good her naughty magic nails looked wrapped around a cock.  With every pump and stroke Jason’s dick got harder and so did he… the final elements of his transformation occuring as he became a perfect bully who only cared about being popular and buff.   Licking her lips, Jessie grabbed her phone and pressed send on a message she had already prepared.  That would put the cat amongst the pigeons...
“Are you ready baby?  Let me show you what I can do…”
Jason moaned as Jessie slid her wet lips around his dick and began to suck, her cheeks going concave as she slurped and gagged happily on the length.  She looked up at him, making perfect eye contact as she bobbed her head up and down on his throbbing cock and he entwined his hands in her soft silky hair and used it to push her head deeper and deeper onto his cock.  Jessie giggled, saliva dripping out of the corner of her mouth as she winked at him.  Fuck, she loved showing her new boyfriend just how slutty she could be for him.  To everyone else she was an ice-princess, to Jason she was gonna be his little cumslut.
“Yeah, that’s it Jessie… suck my big cock.  Fuccccckkk, you’re amazing.  Mmmmmh it feels so good when you do that.  Ohhhh fuck, you’re the best… you’re the fucking best!”
Jason was lost in the most wonderful pleasure and totally besotted with his new girlfriends cocksucking skills. He had never felt anything this good all the time he had been dating Chloe.  Now at last he had a real girl who would pleasure him.  He was already fantasizing about fucking her… but he knew he would need to treat her right before she let him do that.  He was going to treat her like a spoiled princess and if anyone messed with his girl they were gonna get it.
Hot slurping noises filled the room as Jessie bobbed her head up and down on his cock and he felt his balls start to tingle.  “Ohhhh yeah, nearly there baby…”  She intensified her sucking, using her spare hand to massage his balls and tip him over the edge.
Meanwhile at the window to the door, the agonised face of Chloe appeared.  She had received a mysterious message a few minutes ago telling her to go to this classroom.  She had been looking for Jason for ages now, wanting to take comfort with her boyfriend after the cruel way Jessie had treated her.  As she peered through the glass, she gasped in shock to see the evil slut herself on her knees sucking some dumb meat-head’s cock.
“That little slut,” spat Chloe as she watched Jessie at work.  Then her heart went cold with horror.  Jessie had positioned the entire scene so that the boy she was sucking off was completely visible opposite the window.  That way Chloe had a perfect view of his face… and although that face was slightly different now - more handsome and manly… it was definitely the face of her boyfriend Jason.
“NOOOOOOOO!” screamed Chloe bursting into the room, even as with a grunt and a gasp Jason cummed into Jessie’s mouth.  She moaned happily and pulling off his cock with a hot wet slurp, turned with a cummy smile to face her rival.
Slurping up the dripping cum from her chin, Jessie swallowed every drop and then standing up slid her hand round Jason’s cock possessively as she deliberately continued to stroke him.  “Hey bitch, do you like what I did to your boyfriend.  He’s mine now and this big cock is all mine to play with.  I can’t wait to ride him later.”
“YOU FUCKING BITCH,” screeched Chloe rushing forward to grab Jessie.  This time she wasn’t just going to slap Jessie she was going to smash her face in.
WHAM.  Chloe screamed as Jason’s muscled arm hit into her chest smashing her backwards and sending her sprawling to the floor.  “Keep away from my girlfriend you pyscho bitch,” he growled. “You touch her again and you’ll regret it.”
Chloe burst into tears whilst Jessie watched with a superior smirk. “No Jason you’re my boyfriend, don’t let her do this - I thought you loved me.”
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“Haha, who could love a nerdy loser like you? You’re fucking pathetic.  I’m with Jessie now and it feels so good.”
“Come on baby, let’s leave this loser to her pathetic tears.”  Sliding her hand inside her boyfriends, her new nails glinting as she led him out of the room, Jessie smirked and giggled as she passed Chloe.  “You should never have messed with me bitch…”
For a moment in her own mind Jessica felt a surge of horror at what she was doing to her former friend, then her bitchy new personality reminded her of how good it had felt to suck Jason’s dick and her cruel perfect smile returned to her lips.  Yes - things were so perfect now she was an evil bitch… 
Meanwhile Chloe looked after Jessie and sobbed.  The once feisty and confident girl felt like a complete wreck.  Her life was falling apart and she didn’t know how to fix it.  Surely things couldn’t get any worse though… could they?
Nicola just couldn’t  wrap her head about what had happened over the past few weeks. First her best friend Jessica gets hot overnight and becomes the school’s new Queen bee. That was weird enough, but Jessie as she was now known had become a total bitch as well, finding any reason to torment, bully and demean her former friends.
That was weird enough but then, even weirder, Chloe's boyfriend Jason somehow went from being a scrawny nerd to a muscle-bound Jock and the new school bully. Everyone was saying it was because Chloe had dared stand up to Jessie and because of that now no one was brave enough to fuck with her. Jessie was riding high on a wave of superiority. She was now undisputed Queen of the school and seemed to love every minute.
Meanwhile - Nicola had never felt more alone and isolated. Her other friend Chloe had experienced some sort of mental collapse when she lost Jason and sunk into depression and apathy. The once vibrant girl was just a pale shadow of herself - sobbing unhappily at home and refusing to see anyone. She had been “sick” for the last few days now and not at school - Nicola knew that her friend just couldn’t face the sight of the school’s new power couple and she couldn’t really blame her. 
Thing is - Nicola still believed that there was some good in Jessie. She believed some hint of the girl she once knew must be inside. The girl who was a tomboy and liked kickboxing and soccer… the girl who was kind and loyal. She had seen it, just before Chloe had slapped her, she had seen Jessie waver, some semblance of guilt was showing through. It may not have been much but it was there, a small crack in the seemingly perfect veneer that was Jessie, but that was all Nicola needed to give her hope.  
Nicola had always been quiet and a bit of  thinker. She knew that something had to have happened to make Jessica into Jessie and was determined to work out what. It probably had something to do with that bitchy Step Mom of hers Annabelle.  She thought back to the last conversation she had with the old Jessica.  She remembered her friend had been annoyed about having to get a manicure. Maybe that had something to do with it?
Nicola decided to stick as close as she could to Jessie and watch her carefully.  She tried her best to stay out of sight but Jessie didn't seem to be doing anything strange or unusual. After a few days of stalking, Nicola was starting to lose hope. That was until Friday after school, when she saw Jessie leave her two lackeys,  Molly and Elisha at the school gates and instead of taking her usual route home Jessie had headed in the opposite direction entirely. 
Nicola was thrown by the change and found herself having to run in an attempt to keep up as Jessie rounded a corner out of sight. As she rounded the corner she realised her mistake, she tried to stop but ended up barreling into Jessie who had stopped to check her makeup. The force of the impact threw Jessie to the ground.
“Watch where you are going you careless little bitch!” Jessie screamed at Nicola as she brought herself to her feet
“J...J.. Jessie I'm so sorry!” Nicola tried, not wanting to face the wrath of her former friend.
"it was an accident.. I didn't mean to...” 
“Shut up! Look what you did! You useless little tramp! You cracked my nail!” Jessie screeched as Nicola backed away fearfully, fully expecting to be attacked as she saw the venom in Jessie’s beautiful eyes.  Then suddenly the full impact of what had happened occurred to the super-bitch and she stopped still, turning white as a sheet with fear. The popular girl was staring at her hand is fascinated horror, one of her perfect sexy nails had indeed snapped nearly to the quick. 
A sensation like having a bucket of cold water thrown over her, ran through Jessie, from head to toes, and she groaned - clenching her fists, sinking to her knees and gritting her teeth as if she were in terrible pain. “Uuuuhhhh, what’s happening to me? Something is ahhhhh wrong!”
Jessie could almost feel the confidence draining out of her… the certainty that she was right to be so mean, that she was perfect in every way was fading.  Like her broken nail… a million splinters of doubt and guilt suddenly cracked through her persona, fracturing her bitchy supremacy and making her feel bad for the first time since she had put on the nails.  Maybe she wasn’t better compared to everyone else after all? No!  Where were these doubts coming from?
The events of the last month suddenly looked very different and Jessie suddenly realised she had become a completely evil bitch who only cared about her own pleasure and power.  She couldn’t justify the things she had done and the love and affection she had once felt for Nicola and Chloe came flooding back as a sob wracked itself up from her chest and she began to cry.
“Nic?” Jessie asked, looking up at the retreating girl in front of her with her usually perfect makeup running down her face as tears were flowing from her eyes “I….I… couldn’t help it, i’m s...s...sorry”  
Nicola paused… as she watched her former friend carefully, she seemed to be changing. Jessie was losing some of her glamour.  Her hair seemed slightly less shinier and her eyes were no longer cold and wicked.  It was like the old her was reasserting herself somewhat, returning from the dead. The blonde faded from Jessie's hair and her old brunette hair coloration slowly returned.
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“Jessica, is that you? The real you?” Nicola asked, stepping forward cautiously. “I don’t understand what is happening here?  Did I hurt you?
Jessica shook her head, tears running down her cheeks.  “No… but you broke one of my nails.  It’s my nails Nic, they made me like this. Snapping it must have brought the old me back for a while… but the rest of the nails are still on my fingers. Ahhhh, I can still feel the urges, the desires to be a bitch controlling me and making me weak. I don’t know how long I can hold Jessie back… she is too strong and I like being her too much, please we don’t have long.”
They sat down on a nearby bench and Jessica proceeded to tell Nicola everything about what had happened over the past few weeks. From her first trip to the Nail Salon to all the evil wicked things she had done - it made for a pretty incredible story.
“Wow - I can’t believe Annabelle did this to you Jessica… what a bitch.  She wanted you to be just as nasty as she was, but it’s over now, all we have to do is get the rest of those evil nails off your fingers and you’ll go fully back to normal.”
“It’s not that simple Nic.  I don’t know if I can go back.  You don’t understand, these nails have ruined me.  Even without them on… I… I think I like some of the things I did.  I think I like dressing girly and having sex with boys now.  I think I like being a girly girl.  I can’t imagine going back to some trampy tomboy… it just, isn’t me anymore.”
“No!  It is you Jessica. It’s your true-self, you’ve only forgotten.  That girl is you and we can help her, please I want my true friend back.”
“Listen Nic.  I’m a bad person.  I’m really not who you think I am,” sobbed Jessica.  “You have to understand.  I LIKED those things that I did… no… I LOVED them.  Being popular and powerful felt so good.  Fucking Jason and turning him into a bad boy was so delicious, destroying Chloe and turning her into the laughing stock of the school with no self confidence - I would do it all again given the chance.  Don’t you see - I’m evil.”
“Jessica… stop it.  You are not evil. An evil person wouldn’t be this honest with themself. Listen, I’ll always be your friend.  I will always accept you for who you are and try to support you.  If you say you felt good about some of the bad things you did- then at least you aren’t lying to yourself. Maybe the old Jessica is gone, but you’re not that total bitch Jessie anymore either.  Maybe you can be a new Jessica, someone who likes to dress nice and be girly, but is also a good person.  Whatever the case we can get through it together.”
Jessica hugged Nicola and they held each other for a few minutes, comforting one another.  Nicola found herself crying too… it felt so good to have her friend back - she never wanted to lose her again.
“Promise me I won’t lose you again Jessica,” 
“I promise… I swear it Nicola.  Whatever happens you and I will be friends forever.  I won’t leave you again.”
“So what are you going to do?” asked Nicola as she dried her face.  “Are you going to take off the rest of the nails?”
“Yes… I think so.  I have some remover at home, I’m going to try and use it.  Then I need to see if I can hide it from my Step-Mom. Look, I’ll see you at school tomorrow - we can work out what we are going to do next after that.”
Nicola smiled, she was pleased her friend was going to be free again soon. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.  Good luck with the nails.”
“Thanks,” waved Jessica as she watched her friend walk away and the friendly smile dropped away to be replaced by an anguished expression.
I wonder if she suspects what you’re about to do Jessica?  Do you think she realises all the way through that pathetic conversation, you were thinking about becoming me again?  It’s going to feel so good to get your nails redone - maybe you’ll be even bitchier as me than before… now your resistance to being a slutty bad bitch is lowered, you’ll enjoy your corruption all the more.
Jessica moaned as she felt her pussy get wet at the thought of becoming Jessie again.  “Noooo, I shouldn’t… I should take these damn nails off and go back to being…”
A nobody?  Don’t fool yourself babe… you love what you’ve become.  You enjoyed sucking Jason’s big fat cock in front of Chloe.  You love how pretty you are… you even love that you and Annabelle get on so well now.  Being spoiled and treated like a Princess is the best.  You know what you need to do.
“I need to get my nails redone, I want to feel powerful again,” groaned Jessica.  “I want to be a fucking bitch.”
Yesss, good girl.  You know what you want, so take it.  Ring Amiee now and book an emergency appointment.  Become Jessie again and let’s continue our rise to ultimate power.
Jessica pulled out her phone.  If she did this, she would be admitting to herself that she wanted and needed to be a bad little bitch.  She couldn’t blame Annabelle… she couldn’t say that it was all someone else’s fault, she would be admitting it was SHE that wanted and needed this.  Her pussy was so wet now, she felt so turned on at the thought of giving in and being Jessie again.  It as almost as if the nails had been designed to break so she would be put in this position… surely that couldn't be true? All she knew was that she needed to feel superior again - she needed the power of the magic nails and she was going to have it. With a moaning whimper, she dialed the salon, her first step on the path to corruption eagerly taken.
“Hello… Amiee… it’s me Jessica, I mean Jessie.  I need your help… I need a new set of nails… ohhh fuck, yes, an even bitchier set?  Yes… I want that… an even bitchier set than last time would be perfect.  Do it to me, I’ll be there right away.” 
Checking she wasn’t being followed, Jessica put her phone away and hurried away.  Her destiny awaited, it was time to get bad again.
Nicola checked her phone all that evening and night.  She thought Jessica might ring or text to say what was happening - but there was nothing.  She decided her friend must be feeling ashamed and decided she would comfort her when they met the next day at school… it must be hard to go back to normal after being like that.
The next day at school Nicola looked around for Jessica, but she couldn’t see her.  She went to her locker, and it was then that she heard it.  Clip clop, clip clop - the sound of high heels approaching.
Turning around as if in a dream, Nicola’s mouth dropped open as she saw Jessica striding down the corridor.  She looked like something out a teenage boys wet dream.  Every inch of her perfect body seemed to ooze sexuality and decadence, and she was wrapped in delicate figure hugging designer fabrics and expensive perfume.  Her blonde hair looked like that of an angel and the triumphant smile of bitchiness on her perfect, full kissable lips was enough to make anyone tremble in lust and fear.
Nicola’s eyes were drawn to Jessie’s fingers.  Each was now topped by a long slutty fingernail, perfectly manicured claws - even longer and bitchier than before.  The Goddess didn’t even look at Nicola, simply walked past her and strode onwards - she had no time for losers. Her new set of nails had made her even more beautiful and much more powerful. She could do ANYTHING now and her domination of the school would continue.
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“Nooooo, Jessica, what have you done?” groaned Nicola inwardly as she felt herself well up with despair. “You said you wouldn’t leave me again, how could you?” Nicola felt like crawling under her locker and sobbing… but that was exactly what Jessie wanted and she wasn’t about to do it.
“I can still save her.  If I can overpower Jessie and remove all the nails, I just know she’ll be okay.  I need Chloe… she has to help me.”
Nicola didn’t like bunking off school, but this was an emergency.  She ran all the way to Chloe’s house and banged on the door till her friend opened the door.  She looked tired, sad and depressed - Nicola felt so sorry for her.
“Nicola, I already told you - I don’t want to see anyone.  I’m sick, I don’t know what is wrong with me exactly, I just feel so down and tired. Please go.”
“No wait! Chloe, I found out what happened and I know how to fix all of this.  Please listen.”  
There was something so forceful about the way Nicola said it, that Chloe found herself coming out of her depression and looking at her friends intense expression in wonder.  Nicola began to explain everything and Chloe’s eyes widened in wonder as she was told about the strange events of the last few months and finally learned the truth.
“Magic nails? It seems incredible… but if you’re right then there is a way to save Jessica and get things back to normal.  Maybe Jason will even go back to his old self if we bring down that bitch Jessie,” mused Chloe.
“So will you help me?”
“I… I don’t know.  I tried to stop Jessie before and it didn’t go well.  I’m not sure I have the confidence to do this Nic.”
“Come on Chloe, I believe in you.  If we stick together, the power of our friendship will be too strong for even Jessie to stop us.”
“I… I guess so.  Okay.. I’ll do it. I’ll help you stop Jessie, what’s the plan?”
“Well it’s not the most sophisticated plan I ever came up with,” smiled Nicola, “but if we can overpower and tie up Jessie, then we can use some nail remover to get those damn things off her. I’ll lure her into an empty classroom and then if you can get the jump on her, the two of us should be able to take her.”
“We’ll have to be careful though, we need to find a time when she is alone. She doesn’t seem to go anywhere without those two little sycophants of hers in tow.” Chloe chimed in.
“True, plus we need to look out for Jason as well now.” Nicola said, she felt bad for mentioning him, but she knew that it had to be done for the sake of the plan. “I’ve been keeping tabs on her all week, so I think I have a pretty good idea of her routine now. It's risky, but I think there is a window of opportunity that we can use, either way, we have to try.” 
Chloe's heart was in her mouth as she waited nervously by the girls bathroom.  A careful scrutiny of Jessie's routine had revealed that there were only a few times she was without her entourage… so they didn't have long to act.
Molly and Elisha were not exactly the two brightest girls in school and so they had to have extra tuition every Friday at eleven. Meanwhile now he was a stud, Jason was busy practicing for the Football Squad.  Jessie was all alone for an hour and as was her habit, she liked to sneak out of lessons and do her makeup in the girls toilets.
Nicola and Chloe  had acquired a rope to tie up Jessie and their plan was to over-power her and remove the nails by force.  Slowly, the rope taut in Chloe's hands - they crept inside the bathroom and prepared to pounce.
To their surprise the room was empty. There was no sign of the uber bitch.  Chloe looked nervously at Nicola. “Are you sure you saw her go in here?” 
She crept forward, then suddenly the door to the nearest stall smashed open - crashing into Chloe and sending her flying. Laughing cruelly, Jessie pounced out and as Nicola tried to grab her, she sent a perfect kick into her ribs and spinning around cracked Chloe under the chin causing her head to snap back and for her to crash to the floor.
“Hahaha, did you bitches forget I used to be a kick-boxing champion before I got my new nails? I may be a slutty Princess now but that doesn't mean I can't take out you losers.”  Walking over cooly to Chloe she grabbed the rope from the groaning girls hands and expertly bound her hands and feet to truss her up like a turkey.
“Tut tut Nicola. Did you think I hadn't spotted you following me? Do you really believe I hadn't anticipated your every move? What a stupid plan…”
“I had to try something! You said I wouldn't lose you again!” Nicola said “How could you do this to yourself? You promised!”
“I was being honest you know” Jessie said with a smugness in her voice “I really did mean it when I said we would be friends forever. I just had a different idea about what that might look like.”
Groaning as she came back round, and seeing the desperate situation, Chloe panicked as she saw Jessie advancing on her friend. Things had gone really wrong again and Nic was no match for this bitch. “No! Leave her alone, she's not a threat to you! What do you want from her?” Chloe screamed from across the room, still struggling against the rope that bound her.
“Well, if you must know Chloe, just like when you showed me your true colours the other week, Nicola finally showed me hers.” Jessie said, turning to taunt Chloe “But unlike you, Nicola wasn't just a jealous little bitch. She actually cared about me, she was still loyal after everything that has happened. I knew she would do anything to 'save’ me, once I had become my better self again. So I decided that I would save her instead, save her from being a unpopular nobody and to save her from having to be friends with you”
Jessie turned and reached into her designer bag, pulling out a small black box. She opened it up as she walked slowly over towards Nicola revealing a full set of long nails. “My friend Amiee gave me these, they are only press-ons so they won't last too long, but it should definitely be long enough to help you see things my way.” 
As she watched Jessie delicately pull the first nail out of the case Nicola retracted her fingers and clenched her fists tightly, hoping in vain that it might stop all of this from happening. Tears streamed down her face as she begged for Jessie to stop “I don’t want this Jessica”  
“That's what I said Nic… but it feels so fucking good to be a spoiled bad girl. You are going to love being a bratty princess, you'll be a popular girl just like Me, Molly and Elisha… soon you'll understand. I can't wait to make you a bitch like me. I understand now just how wet this must have made Mommy when she corrupted me. Now are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way bitch?”
“No! I won't let you put those things on me,” whimpered Nicola as she backed fully against the wall. “Keep back.”
“Awwwww that's too bad,” smiled Jessie nastily. “The hard way then. I don't wanna hurt you anymore, but… for each nail you refuse to wear I'm going to break one of Chloe's fingers. Don't imagine I'm bluffing either. You know I'll do it.”
Nicola sobbed helplessly as Jessie strode over and rolling her over, grabbed Chloe's bound hands.  Sliding her hand round Chloe's little finger, Chloe screamed as Jessie began to painfully bend it back. 
“Noooo! Don't do it Nicola. Let her ahhhhhh break my fingers, I don't ahhhhhh want to lose you too.”
“One more twist and it's gonna snap,” hissed Jessie gleefully as Nicola sobbed. She couldn't bear to see Chloe in such pain. It was too much.
“No stop… I'll do it… I won't resist. Please don't hurt Chloe anymore.”
Releasing Chloe's hands, Jessie rolled her over so she could see and picking up the nails guided Nicola over to the mirror. “Give me your hand. You're gonna look so pretty babe, soon you will be hot just like me.”
Nicola shivered as Jessie gently applied the first nail. She felt an immediate tingle and a strange thrill. It looked so weird on her finger… so sharp and sexy.
Maybe you can fight this?  Maybe it's possible to wear the nails and not be a bitch? Just imagine it, the nails will make you beautiful and popular. They could let you set an example, show everyone that being popular doesn't mean being a bitch.
A second nail slid into place.
Then again… why not be a bitch? Jessie seems to enjoy it and you could be friends with her again.
A third.
Oooh… are my tits gonna get bigger? I've always wanted bigger tits… and a cute bum. In fact prettier lips and oooh green eyes.  Yeah so I look like a slutty girl… that would be hot.
Four nails.
Ohhh shit… they are… my tits… are oooooh swelling up and my hair is getting longer.  Yes! I always wanted long hair but my stupid bitch of a mom totally didn't allow it.  Why the fuck has she insisted on me trying to be clever all these years… where did that get me? I wanna burn all those science books she bought me and replace them with makeup and clothes.  
Five nails.
Jessie was right… this does feel good. Really fucking good.  I can't believe I tried to resist. My hand looks so fucking good. I can just imagine it wrapped round some big fucking cock… jerking it till all that lovely cum comes out. Mmmh I like cum…
Tied up and unable to do anything Chloe sobbed as she watched Nicola transform before her very eyes. Her friend was being corrupted and as she grew thinner, bustier and sluttier - Chloe could only imagine the mental transformation happening behind those cruel green eyes.
“Ohhh yeah Jessie,” giggled Nicola, “hurry up and put the last one on… I love it.”
“Why don't you put the last one on yourself…. Nikki? A bad girl like you should know how to do your nails...”  
“Ummmmm okay Jessie.  Ohhh like Nikki is sooooo cute by the way. Great call Jessie,” grinned Nikki eagerly taking the final nail and applying it herself. As she did so her new tighter pussy throbbed and she squeezed her legs together with a needy gasp. “Ohhhhh fuck I think I just came, ohhhhh that feels so good. Mmmmh I feel great babe!  Thanks so much!”
Jessie grinned.  The dumb little cocktease in front of her used to be one of the smartest girls in school. Instead she was now a naughty spoiled party girl and Jessie's best friend again.  Nikki was the kind of dumb bitchy girl that would loyally support her no matter what and get them into fun adventures wherever they went.  She was now the perfect slut-kick.
They hugged in that false bitchy way popular girls do and Nikki giggled as she wiggled her fingers and admired her nails. “Ohmigosh I love them.”
“Just wait till we get you a proper set at the salon,” purred Jessie. “Then you'll know how real bitchiness feels.”
“What about her?” indicated Nikki as they both looked at Chloe whimpering in the corner.
“Haha, forget about her. I think we broke her mind entirely. She's a nobody now… no friends, no boyfriend, no life!  Lets go.”
As Nikki and Jessie left arm in arm, Chloe giggled almost madly to herself in the corner. “You fucking bitch - you've taken everything from me!  Well I'll have my revenge, even if it means finding that salon and becoming an even bigger bitch than you! I'll do whatever it takes to rob you of your power and become alpha-slut of this school.”
She began working the ropes and grinned as she felt them loosen.  Jessie thought she was out of the game, but as far as she was concerned… they were just getting started…!
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Catching her reflection in the window of the nail salon - Chloe almost wanted to giggle insanely.   She knew her recent experiences had changed her for the worst, but she looked even more haggard than she remembered.  The face in the glass was the face of a girl capable of anything... indeed she barely recognised the hollow looking, wild-eyed girl she saw there.  The once confident and kind girl she had been was no more, but there was no time to mourn.  She had too much to do, and her revenge was going to be so sweet.
It had taken some effort to find this place. This was the source of the corruption, the place where it had all begun.  Chloe knew that this was where Jessica had been transformed, and now that Nikki was under the influence of a set of nails too, it was where she also had to come to maintain her bitchy new body.  It had only been a matter of time before the two of them got lazy and Chloe was finally able to follow them.  Now she knew where the nails came from... and maybe if she could acquire her own set, she could out-bitch Jessie once and for all.
Opening the door, Chloe walked inside and straight up to the receptionist,  a bored looking hot blonde.  She was gorgeous, but with a slightly wicked and mischievous look to her features that screamed ‘bitch’.  Right now she was insolently chewing bubble gum whilst flicking through a fashion magazine and browsing her phone at the same time.. Her badge said ‘Evie’ and from her demeanour it was clear that she wasn’t particularly enamoured of her current job.
Chloe hesitated for a moment… unsure of how to proceed, then decided to play it safe to start with. “Erm, hello, I’d like to make an appointment to have my nails done.  I want your… special service actually,”  she said as nonchentaly as she could.
The woman snorted in derision and blew a pink bubble with a wet *pop*.  Without even looking up from her magazine, she called across the shop in a slightly sarcastic way.  “Hey! Another stray for you Amiee... you’re just sooooo popular these days.  She says she wants the special...”
Another woman appeared from the back of the shop, a cute looking brunette.  She shot the blonde a slightly icy look and pursed her lips as she obviously tried to hide her uncharacteristic irritation .  “Evie, we’ve talked about your attitude and manner with the customers, please can you try harder?”
Evie insolently blew another pink bubble and ignored Amiee as the brunette took Chloe to one side.
“Sorry about that… now I understand you would like the special.  May I ask how you know about that?  We are very particular with our customers here… who sent you?”
“Cut the crap bitch,” snarled Chloe suddenly, her pretence of being nice dropping almost instantly.  “I know that slut Jessie gets her nails here and I want a set too. I’ll pay twice what she does and if you don’t help me, I’ll find a way to bring this place down, believe me.”
The friendly smile dropped from Amiee’s face, but she showed no sign of fear or being intimidated.  “Ahhhhh, you must be Chloe. I’ve heard all about you from Jessie, what a horrible jealous little slut you are.  Tut, tut… do you really think you’re the first person we have had come here trying to threaten us?  We have powerful friends, believe me… threatening this place is a bad idea.  Trust me dear, your threats are meaningless and even if I was intimidated, understand that Jessie is one of our most valued customers, she’s my greatest achievement actually.  It’s taken me years to find a host so perfect for my nails.  I’ve never seen a girl so thoroughly bonded to the corruption.  She’s my masterpiece and I look forward to helping her dominate this town in years to come.”
Chloe gulped as Amiee advanced on her. There was a quiet menace to the woman and she suddenly noticed that Amiee had very sharp nails herself.  “That’s right dear, you wouldn’t like it if I scratched you with my nails… believe me, we have ways of protecting ourselves here.  Now get out of my shop, I have things to do and I don’t expect to ever see you here again.”
Turning on her heels, Amiee swept regally away without a second glance.  Chloe realised she had been backed up against the wall and her heart was pounding.  She felt despair clutching at her heart and she wanted to sob.  She had come here so full of fire, so sure she was willing to do anything for revenge… but she had failed again.  She was useless and Jessie had won.  She felt the black despair that had previously consumed her starting to return.
“You quit pretty easily don’t you?” smirked a snide voice and she turned to see the blonde was watching her intently.
“Fuck you bitch.  Your boss may have beaten me this time, but I’m not quitting yet,” snarled Chloe.
“Amiee isn’t my boss,” grinned Evie.  “And she’s not the only one who knows how to do the ‘special nails’.  Amiee and I have a bit of rivalry, she’s currently on-top after I made a few mistakes, but I’d like to get back at her if I can.  How about I help you out and in return you take down her favourite new toy?  If Jessie eventually rejects the power, it will look really bad on Amiee and maybe I’ll get to be top manicurist again!”  
Chloe felt her heart race as she realised that Evie was offering to potentially help her.  “You’ll make me a bitch like Jessie?”
“Hah, I’ll make you an even bigger bitch than Jessie, no one does bad-girl like me babe,” giggled Evie.  “But first you have to stop thinking so small.  What’s the point in just making you like Jessie?  If you really want to hurt her and beat her, you need to go for her soft-spot.”
“And what’s that?”
“Why… her beloved Daddy of course.  Even if she’s a vain, naughty bitch, I bet she still cares for him in some sense… and even if she doesn’t, without Daddy’s money she’ll struggle to be an Alpha.  These nails aren’t cheap you know.”
“So how can you help me take down her Daddy?” asked Chloe eagerly, her mind racing as she realised she might have the power to destroy Jessie and Nikki after all.
“Let me do your nails and you’ll see.  Trust me, you’ll love how they make you feel,” grinned Evie, taking Chloe by the hand and leading her off to a private room towards the back of the salon. Evie closed the door quietly as they entered, locking them in and making sure that Amiee had no opportunity to disturb them.
Evie sat Chloe down at the nail bar and got to work straight away, filing and cleaning Chloe’s nails, preparing them for the main event. When she had done, she brought out a set of long plain acrylic nails.
“This may take a little while, I wasn’t expecting this kind of opportunity so I need to start from scratch with this set.” 
Chloe said nothing, sitting silently and grinning maniacally as she watched evie carefully begin painting and shaping the nails. Evie seemed like a woman possessed as he made the preparations, constantly whispering to herself as she delicately crafted her masterpiece. Chloe tried to make out what Evie was whispering but it all just sounded like gibberish. She didn’t care though, all she could focus on was the growing excitement that came from knowing that she would finally be able to take her revenge on Jessie.
“Are you ready?” asked Evie with a wicked smirk as she took Chloe’s hand, ready to apply the first nail.
Chloe nodded enthusiastically, her eyes fixated on the long elegant nail that Evie held, poised just above her fingertip.
“Enjoy this babe, the first time is always the best” Evie said as she delicately pressed the first nail down onto Chloe’s finger.  The enchanted nail fused itself tightly to Chloe's own nail and she let out a gasp, feeling a wave of pleasure pass over her. 
That's it, see how good it feels to embrace it… 
Evie continued to slowly and carefully apply the nails watching Chloe intently as she tilted her head back, closed her eyes and savoured the intense pleasure that she was experiencing. 
Revenge will be so sweet! Just picture it! Jessie, reduced back down to that pathetic loser that she used to be, knowing that everything she had, is out of her grasp forever. Mmmmmhhh!
The sensations she was feeling caused Chloe's heart rate into overdrive, her nervous excitement mixing with the intense pleasure. She could feel herself changing, she didn't know how. So this was how it had felt for Jessie?  No wonder the little bitch was addicted… only a little taste of power was already going to her head.
“Mmmmmore, give me more,” moaned Chloe through her teeth as she delightedly watched Evie begin to apply another nail.
Think how good it will feel to break her spirit, as everything she loves is stripped away from her… think how good it will feel to be a bitch!
Evie watched on, taking a pause between hands to stop and watch Chloe's body begin to change, maturing from the awkward teenager that she was. All of her unwanted fat evaporated as she passed through her twenties, leaving her body lean and toned. Her hips widened as she aged right through to her mid thirties. 
Just imagine how it will feel to sink your new, perfect claws into a man and make him yours. Using your power to change him from the meek pathetic little man he is and bend him to your will and make him your tough, hard bodied, big cocked lover...
Chloe’s breathing began to deepen and with each inhale of breath, her chest pushed out a little further. Her breasts becoming larger and more perfect with each long deep breath, big round, fake tits… perfect for having a guys cock between.  Big attention grabbing globes, just like she had always secretly wanted.  Her formerly kind and low-key personality was warping and twisting just like her body.  She was becoming a horny materialistic selfish slut and it felt so fucking good.
That’s right! As a hot bitch you will be looked after, everything you could ever want will be bought and paid for, leaving you to sit back and enjoy a life of luxury. With all the time in the world to embrace your every desire...
Chloe's mind began to race as it filled with images and possibilities, some of which began to spark what felt like memories. Things that on one hand she knew she had never experienced, but on the other felt intimately familiar.  How to suck a cock… how to ride a big dick… and how to make others do whatever she wanted.  She was a 39 year old, plastic, bimbo bitch now with years of cruel jealous experience and knowledge.  Her toned athletic body was perfectly tanned and completely smooth. Unlike younger women, she had spent nearly 20 years perfecting her looks and had become a hot MILF that no man could resist.  Even her clothing was changing now, designer brands dripping over her skin as she became a bougie bitch.
Soon you’ll be lying on silk sheets, a dildo between your legs as you cum again and again.  You live only for pleasure now.  Your pleasure.  Take what you want, everything is yours!
Flexing her claws, the transformed slut wanted to laugh in ecstasy. Chloe was a wanton gold-digger now who knew how to make men do whatever she wanted.  The final changes occurred as her skin tanned and her lips pushed out into a permanent pout as a perfectly sculpted eyebrow rose in cruel disdain and laughing she commanded Evie to apply the final nail.
“Yes, finish it… it’s time to complete me and time for this bitch to rise! All hail Queen Khloe!”
Khloe moaned and Evie smirked as she applied the final nail and completed her protegee’s corruption into a hot wife.  Chloe was unrecognisable now - the hot pouting slut dressed in Chanel and Dior was enough to take away anyone’s breath.  She looked like a dirty, high maintenance bitch.  Irresistible.
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“Ahhhh, I feel so much better now,” grinned Khloe, full of a confidence and cunning she had never known before.  Naive and weak old-her was dead and she was now the perfect weapon.  Her pussy was already dripping wet as she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.  “Mmmmh my titties are so big, so much bigger than the stupid bitch Jessie.”
“Well you turned out hot, even if I do say so myself,” giggled Evie.  “I was in such a bad mood, but knowing you’re going to fuck up that bitch Amiee and her stupid clients plans is so fucking delicious.  That will teach her for treating me like shit.  Of course, I’ll want paying as well.  You’re going to need to keep me in regular money if you want to stay this way.”
Khloe grinned.  “For this power, I’ll happily pay any price.  But if you’ll be so kind as to give me a few days to get the money, first I need to sink my claws into a man and make him all mine.”
“Sure,” laughed Evie.  “How about we say this first set is completely free, and once you get set up you begin paying me?  Now, my work here is done, now go get them tiger.”
Khloe grinned.  “Ohhh, don’t worry.  I will!”
With a toss of her perfect hair she strutted to the door and out into the street - reborn bad and ready to cause mischief.
Stretching leisurely upon her sun-lounger and admiring her perfect magic nails, Jessie adjusted her tiny bikini and smiled, feeling the envious glances of all the girls nearby focused on her. Their boyfriends were checking her out, and she was already imagining how much fun it would be to fuck them later… maybe two or even three at once?  Making sure they were watching, she picked up a bottle of lotion and began rubbing it into her flawless skin, enjoying how hot it made her look and making sure it went all over her tits and chest so the boys could see.
It was now three weeks since she’d completed her corruption of Nikki and her final defeat of Chloe and Jessie was enjoying a well-deserved break.  Convincing the Principal of the school to let her have a three week holiday had been simplicity itself now that she basically ran the place.  She’d left Nikki in charge during her absence and had taken herself down to a luxury resort - all paid for by her Daddy’s money.
It was funny - but she hadn’t heard much from her Daddy or Annabelle for several weeks now, but she’d been far too busy enjoying herself to investigate.  Turning onto her back, she luxuriated in the sensation of the sun on her body and relaxed, until to her surprise she suddenly heard a voice at her ear.
Jessie opened her eyes and looked at a nervous looking hotel employee curiously.  What did this loser want?
“Ahem… Miss? I’m terribly sorry to interrupt you, but there seems to be a problem…”
“Your, ummm, your credit card has been declined.  Your account appears to have been frozen.  The manager has noticed you have run up quite a tab and we were worried that…”
“What? Impossible!  You idiots must have made some sort of mistake!”
“I’m afraid there is no mistake…”
It quickly transpired that for some reason Jessie’s credit had been cut off.  Stunned and outraged she tried to ring her father and Annabelle but neither would answer.  Instead she received a message from her Father saying he was on his way and would explain when he got there.  Meanwhile Jessie was forced to endure the humiliation of sitting in the lobby under-guard with all her luggage whilst the manager looked at her disapprovingly.
Finally after several hours her Daddy arrived, but there was no sign of Annabelle.  Jessie’s mouth dropped open as her Dad entered accompanied by a stunning woman - a stranger with a perfect bimbo body and a killer set of nails.  It was strange - there was something almost familiar about the woman, but Jessie couldn’t put her finger on it.
“Daddy, what the fuck is going on?  Where is Annabelle? Why am I cut off?”
To her outrage her Daddy didn’t answer, but instead looked at his companion - as if he were looking for her permission to speak.  
“Hello Jessica darling.  I’m afraid your Step-Mother is currently in hospital… she had a terrible car accident almost three weeks ago and is currently in a coma.  Don’t worry though - I’m sure my Sister will pull round soon.  In the meantime I’m... looking after... your Daddy.” 
The words just hung there suggestively as Jessie’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Annabelle doesn’t have a sister - this is bullshit.  What’s happening here?”
“Oh my dear - what a suspicious mind you have.  Are you implying that I am impersonating your step-mom’s sister just to get close to your family?  You really are quite the madame.  As I told your Father, you’re getting quite out of control.  Luckily for me that he’s agreed to cut you off and rein you in.” 
The superior smirk plastered across this bitches face as she dropped the bombshell made Jessie's blood boil. “You?  You’ve done this!  You’ll regret this you bitch!”
“Oh… will I?  Your Daddy agrees with me that during this difficult time, it’s time for you to play the dutiful daughter.  You will go to the hospital every night to be with Annabelle and read to her, and your allowance has been cut to the minimum. Ohhhh, I’ve also cancelled all your hair and nail appointments.  That is a pity as your nails are looking a bit shabby dear, I don’t think they’ll last much longer - but going without will teach you an important lesson.”
Jessie’s heart skipped a beat and a cold sweat broke out on her brow.  No… this couldn’t be real.  Without her magic nails, she’d revert back to her old powerless self.  This couldn’t be happening! She wanted to shout and scream at this stupid bitch - but she realised that would be a bad idea.  This dumb MILF couldn’t possibly realise about the magic nails - Jessie just needed to bide her time and win her over.  
“I’ll arrange for your hotel bill to be paid this time and then we are heading back home, I’m sooo looking forward to getting to know you better."
*** ***
The hospital room was sterile and white - it was a private room of course, paid for by Jessie’s rich Father  In the bed lay Annabelle - completely unconscious.  Jessie couldn’t believe how old and pathetic she looked.  Her former busty beauty was gone and she looked like a very average and tired old lady.  An IV dripped fluids into her arm and flowers and cards stood by the bed.  A machine helped her breathe… the beeping of the monitor the only sound as Jessie gritted her teeth and repressed the urge to scream.
“Mommy - you really need to wake up, I need you.  I’m going to turn back into that loser Jessica if we don’t do something. I finally accepted you as my Mom - I need you to help me. I can’t believe that bitch has done this to us, where did she come from - how did she do this?”
“Haven’t you worked it out yet you dumb bitch?” came a scornful voice from behind her and Jessie whirled around to see her ‘Aunt’ dressed in a fur coat and leopard skin dress leaning by the door.  Her nails were obscenely long and pink, they made Jessie feel inadequate… and a horrible suspicion suddenly crossed her mind.  Were those… magic nails?
“Ahhhh, you’re finally starting to work it out.  Hahah, you thought you’d destroyed me, but I have been reborn and I LOVE the new me so much.”
“Chloe?” gasped Jessie in shock, “But how?”
“You think you are the only one with friends?  I found a way to get my own set of magic nails and become Khloe.  I knew you’d never suspect that I was now this hot MILF.  I love being older and more mature, I feel like such a fucking hot bitch these days and your Daddy is such a good fuck in bed.”
“You’re fucking him?”
“Of course I am.  I’m sucking his big fat dick and riding it every night whilst I take all of Annabelle’s belongings and make them mine.  As soon as this useless bitch finally dies, I’ll console your poor grieving father and make him my new husband.  I’ll be your Step-Mom and you’ll never be rid of me.”
“NO!” screamed Jessie.
“Oh yes… and once I’m fully in control, I’ll make your life a fucking hell.  By then of course, you’ll have turned back into the old you… and this time, you won’t be getting new nails.  You’ll be trapped as a loser, knowing you were once the Alpha bitch - but unable to have the power and the pleasure anymore.”  Khloe laughed and her big tits jiggled as she thought of it.
“How did you do this?” shrieked Jessie.
“Oh it was easy. I waited till Annabelle took the car for a service and I seduced the mechanic.  He was too busy fucking my brains out in the back to notice I’d tampered with the brakelines.  I was hoping to kill the bitch, but this is just as good.  She’s never going to wake up Jessie - she’s a fucking vegetable.”
Jessie screamed and ran at Khloe, raking her nails at the bitches face.  Khloe smirked and easily caught her hands, deflecting her attack and Jessie hit the wall, her nails clattering against it and a chip forming on the end of one sexy claw.  Jessie felt a wave of nausea and weakness suddenly hit her and she had to focus on staying as her better self as her skin began to crawl and she ruthlessly suppressed the old her from returning.
“Awwww, did you chip a nail.  Excellent self control there Jessie… you’re holding your Alpha Bitch form so well - but it can’t last.  I give you, maybe a couple of days before you revert back to normal. Once that happens… you’re truly fucked.  Mmmmmh, it’s been such fun telling you all this and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop me.  Now we should head home, I’m getting horny and your Daddy will want to fuck me.”
Jessie had no choice as the more powerful woman grabbed her in an iron grip and roughly pulled her towards the exit.  Her eyes desperately clung to Annabelle and tears stung her eyes as she looked at her now beloved wicked step-mother. Then… as she was dragged out of the room, her eyes suddenly fell on Annabelle’s hands and a flicker of hope filled her. Annabelle didn’t have any nails on her fingers!
*** ***
Pacing her room as a confused Nikki sat on her bed, Jessie grit her teeth at her subordinates incessant questions and tried to explain it again.
“You don’t need to understand, just do as you’re told.  Khloe is too powerful to beat now, but she’s made a critical mistake.  She thinks Annabelle isn’t coming back - but she is wrong.  These nails contain so much power Nikki.  They make us fucking Goddesses.  With them we can do anything.  You have to find Amiee.  You have to get her to go the hospital.”
“But like why?” asked Nikki.  “Your step-mom is like totally brain-dead.”
“We’ll see about that,” grinned Jessie wickedly.  “I think a little manicure might perk her right up.  If we can restore her to her former power, she’ll easily take care of Khloe."
Jessie didn’t know - not for sure - but she had to keep acting strong in front of her subordinate.  Ambitious beta-girls like Nikki could smell weakness and if the little bitch realised Jessie was in such a bad position, things could get nasty.  So far she’d managed to prevent Nikki realising that Jessie couldn’t provide nails for her anymore, she hoped she wouldn’t work it out.
“But why do I have to go?” asked Nikki in confusion.
“Because Khloe is watching my every move and the bitch has convinced my Dad to ground me. You are the only person who is free to act.  Take this note to Amiee, she’ll know what to do.  Now sneak out of my window and get on with this.  Khloe must never find out you were here.”
Nikki nodded and obeyed, and Jessie watched her with a flicker of hope in her eyes.  A few moments passed, and then suddenly she heard the door to her room open.  Jessie turned round and watched as Khloe walked in with a wicked smirk on her face.  The bitch was carrying a bottle of nail remover and had an emery board and a file.
“Hello Jessie. Your Daddy went out tonight and left me in charge… so I thought we’d do some girly stuff together.  I thought I’d start by helping you remove those tatty nails of yours.  Don’t try to resist, you know it won’t help….”
Jessie whimpered in fear and backed away as Khloe advanced.
***** ****
Amiee looked up irritated from her position on the front desk and glanced at the smirking Evie who was working with one of her old clients.   How had this happened?  She had been the premier nail artist in this bar, until that bitch Evie had someone engineered things so that the bars best client Annabelle had unexpectedly stopped coming.  No one knew the exact details, but an email had been sent from the home address explaining that Annabelle was unsatisfied with her nails and would no longer be supporting them.  Amiee couldn’t believe it.  They had been making such good progress corrupting Jessica and her friend Nikki and ensuring another generation of bitches to bag extremely wealthy husbands to pay for their nails and support their business model. 
As if thinking about her had summoned her, Amiee looked up in surprise as Nikki entered the salon and walked over to her.
“Nikki, a pleasure to see you again,” smiled Amiee.  “Your nails must be getting weak, Jessie’s too… are you here to book an appointment, or is there something else going on here?”
Amiee was no fool and she could tell from Nikki’s expression that something serious was happening.  As the girl gushed out her story, Amiee’s glance flitted back to Evie and her face turned into a grimace of annoyance.  “Now I understand… you did the right thing in coming to me. Don’t worry, we’ll soon put everything back to how it was supposed to be.”
**** **
Jessie wanted to scream, but the ballgag that Khloe had forced into her mouth prevented her.  She was trussed up… her legs and arms bound with rope to stop her from struggling as Khloe delicately applied remover to her hands and began to peel off her magic nails.
“Ohhh I can’t wait to see you turn back to normal. Then my victory will be almost complete.  I decided I made a mistake telling you my plans, so I’m accelerating them.  First I’m going to turn you back into a weak little loser - then I’m going to make you eat my pussy and ass till you worship me as your Goddess.  Once I’ve broken your will - I think we’ll pay a visit to the hospital where a tragic accident is about to befall your beloved Step-Mother.  Such a pity.”
Jessie moaned helplessly as the first nail came loose and her body tingled and ached as the magic was ripped away.  Her delicious golden hair lost its sheen and turned back to it’s unkempt tom-boy state and as more and more of the nails were removed… Jessie began to turn back into Jessica.
Soft pouting lips became dull and plain, hypnotic blue eyes became unremarkable slate orbs and her perfect ass lost its shapes and definition as she became a plain looking girl again.  Khloe laughed, loving every minute of watching her rival lose her power - so pleased at her own corruption and that soon, only she would possess the power.
“Mmmmh, once I’ve got Daddy completely under my power, I’m going to stab my nails into that pathetic boyfriend I used to have and make him mine again.  I’ll turn him into a dumb, big dicked boy-toy for my own pleasure and amusement.  It’s going to feel amazing.”
With a cruel laugh, Khloe tore the final nail from Jessie’s fingers and stared down at the blubbing wreck that had once been an all powerful Alpha-girl.  Giggling she leaned in close.  “Welcome back… Jessica.”
Jessica’s chest shook and tears ran down her face, smearing her once perfect mascara. Having the nails removed and losing her power left her feeling empty and weak.  She was nothing without the nails… nothing without her bitchy strength.  She moaned helplessly as Khloe stood up and rolled up her leopardskin dress to reveal a full set of stockings and hold-ups.  The regal looking bitch, rolled down her tiny black satin panties to reveal her perfect pussy… perfectly trimmed and neat.  Laughing she straddled Jessica and lowered her dripping slit to the other girls face.
“Time to worship your Goddess.”
Jessica groaned as Khloe lowered herself onto her face… smothering her so she couldn’t breathe.  She could smell the bitches pussy on her face, suffocating her and then as Khloe shifted position, her nose and face were deep in the sluts pillowy ass.
“Mmmmmh,” moaned Khloe in depraved triumph, “Don’t worry - I’ll let you breathe again in a minute… but I want you to have a taste of how I’m going to execute your weak pathetic Step-Mom.  She’ll die, smothered by my perfect ass as I replace her and dominate this family.  Think of it as a mercy killing, it’s better this way than her spending the rest of her life on a ventilator.”
Jessica felt so lost and pathetic.  Perhaps it would just be better to give into Khloe, to accept her dominance.  How was she supposed to fight this?
Wow, you really are such a fucking loser… I can’t believe you are just going to let this bitch dominate you like this.  Aren’t you even going to fight back?
A bitchy blonde voice in her head, loaded with contempt brought a wash of adrenaline into Jessica’s body suddenly.  It was Jessie… talking to her.
Maybe you don’t deserve to be me after all.  Maybe Khloe does deserve the magic nails and you don’t. 
Jessica felt a surge of anger as the wicked voice in her head taunted her.  She hadn’t ever wanted to become a bitch - but now she had tasted the power and had become addicted to her Alpha girl lifestyle, she was damned if she was going to let anyone take it from her.  As her anger rose she suddenly realised that without the nails on her body had changed back to its original form. The kickboxing tomboy with the developed upper body strength and powerful aggression.
She tested her bonds, realising they were not tied particularly well and that her transformation had loosened them.  She flexed and wiggled them, Khloe too lost in her facesitting to notice.
“Mmmmh, maybe I will just smother you to death after all,” purred Khloe as she fingered her pussy, enjoying the feeling of power, dominance and revenge.  “Maybe you deserve to die kissing my ass.  You betrayed me and tried to destroy my life Jessica… I thought you were my friend, but I should thank you.  I understand now how good it feels to be an amoral bitch who gets whatever she wants.  Maybe I’ll sit on you till you pass out and the oxygen starves your brain.  After I’ve dealt with Annabelle, maybe we could hook your comatose vegetable body to the machines and leave you there forever.  Ohhhh yes, so many ways I can take my revenge on you.”
Jessica realised Khloe had gone completely insane - she wasn’t sure if the bitch was simply trying to make her afraid or really was now planning to smother her to death too.  Spots swan in her eyes and she struggled to breathe as Khloe pushed her perfect ass down harder on her former friends face and suffocated her.
Khloe was close to cumming, lost in the sensations.  She loved how wicked her nails looked on her fingers as they pushed in and out of her pussy.  She couldn’t believe how good it felt to be an evil bitch.
Khloe screamed as she was suddenly violently thrown from her seat on Jessie’s face.  She crashed to the floor and trying to stand up tripped up over her own panties which were around her ankles.
By the time she got back to her feet it was to see that Jessica was on her feet.  The bitch had managed to get the ropes off her hands and untie her feet too.  The ballgag was still in her mouth, and her eyes blazed hatred and anger as she adopted a kick-boxing pose and Khloe laughed.
“You dumb bitch, you think even in your old body you can take me on?” Khloe hissed and spread her hands like claws, her nails glinting in the light.  “One stab from my nails and I’ll be able to dominate your mind and turn you into my slave… just like you did with Jason.  The only reason I haven’t till now is I’ve been enjoying torturing you so much.”
Jessica unfastened the ball gag and ripped it from her mouth, her eyes cautious now.  She knew the magic nails made Khloe more dangerous than she looked.  “I guess I’m going to have to take my chances.”
They circled each other like panthers, then… with a sudden flurry… they attacked!
**** ***
Nikki watched the door nervously - keeping a look out for any Doctors or Nurses that might come in and interfere with what was happening.  She didn’t entirely understand what was happening - it was funny that she used to be so smart - and these days it was much easier just to do whatever Jessie told her.
She hoped her leader knew what she was doing… after all, how was putting nails on a comatose woman supposed to help?
Amiee crouched by the bed, concentrating intently on applying the nails to Annabelle’s fingers. As each one slid into place, the monitor by Annabelle’s bed would beep and fluctuate as if something were happening to stimulate her body and mind.  Her aging body seemed to look better already.  The bruises and cuts from the car crash were vanishing and the grey in her hair was fading to return to silky blackness.  Her sagging breasts seemed to be firming up and getting bigger on her chest too.  It was like Annabelle was being reborn.
A static charge seemed to build up in the room as Amiee prepared to apply the final nail.  Suddenly the heart monitor began to chirp as Annabelle’s heart began to race and brain activity began to register on the monitor.  Sliding the final nail onto Annabelle’s finger, Amiee grinned as the body in front of her convulsed and the heart monitor flatlined.
But Annabelle wasn’t dead.  Instead her beautiful eyes had flown open and she was ripping the ventilator and the wires from her body as she came back to life.  She flexed her nailed fingers and groaned as she sat up - revived by their power and back to her old self
“Amiee… Nikki… what the hell is going on? And where is Jessie?”  
**** ***
Jessica kicked out, but to her horror Khloe blocked the blow and moved into her guard.  She screamed as the powerful bitch stabbed her nails into her neck, and she felt all the will and resistance drain out of her.  
“Good girl,” hissed Khloe, “I guess we’ll just have to do this the easy way.”
A wonderful calm filled Jessica as she realised Goddess Khloe had won.  Her mind and body were just playthings for her Mistress now and Goddess Khloe would soon reprogram her into a perfect slave.  She couldn’t wait.
Khloe grinned as she felt her power flow into Jessica.  Her back to the bedroom door, she revelled in her victory.  For one scary moment there, she had thought Jessica had found a way to break free and escape her fate.  It was a shame, she had wanted to torment and tease the bitch for longer - but she couldn’t take any further risks.  She would wipe Jessica’s mind of all knowledge of the nails and turn her back into a tomboy.  Then she would torment and tease her forever, Jessica never understanding why her new Step-Mom was so evil and mean to her.  Jessie’s head lolled helplessly on her chest as Khloe prepared to fully dominate her mind and felt her magic nails tingle in anticipation.
It’s now or never bitch… this is your final chance to stay as me and be the Queen.
Jessie felt Khloe’s spell on her break.  She knew she only had a few seconds of will power gifted to her by her alter-ego.  With a savage roar she threw her head back and felt it connect with Khloe’s face… there was a sharp crack… and the world went black.
**** ****
Annabelle was furious.  When she finally got her hands on this bitch Khloe she would make the slut understand the meaning of suffering.  Flanked by Amiee and Nikki she hurled open the door to her home and stormed inside, ready to confront and fight Khloe.  But she stopped in amazement at the scene that greeted her.
Chloe sat in the middle of the room, firmly bound to a chair - a ball gag deep in her mouth.  By the chair sat a nail removal kit and it was clear that someone had already taken the magic nails from her.  Tears streaked her face, and there was real fear in her eyes.
“I just thought I’d give her a taste of her own medicine,”  laughed a voice and Annabelle purred happily as her step-daughter crashed into her and gave her a huge hug.  “Mommy, you’re okay - I knew the nails could save you.”
“I was heading here to save you my dear,” grinned Annabelle, “But it seems you truly are the Alpha bitch.  Even without the nails, you’ve defeated Chloe.  What happened?”
“She nearly had me,” shivered Jessica, “but I managed to head butt her and she fell and banged her head on the bed frame.  She was out cold, so I trussed her up - properly this time, and took the nails off her.  She can’t hurt us anymore.”
“Jessica,” giggled Nikki as she saw her old friend was back, “You’re back to normal… eugh, you look awful.  Guess I’m the hottest girl at school now.”
“Not for long, so don’t get any funny ideas Nikki,” smiled Jessica nastily, “I’m going right back to being a bitch.  Amiee… I desperately need a new nail appointment.  I need to be Jessie again, she is the real me, Jessie is who I truly am now.”
Annabelle smiled.  It was so pleasing to see the corruption had fully taken hold.  Even stripped of the nails, Jessica had no interest in her old life. She only wanted to be an Alpha Bitch now and Annabelle was pleased she finally had a step-daughter she could be proud of.  And she really was proud of her. Jessie had more than proven she had the iron will to take her place as the leader of the next generation of bitches that would continue to use the salon and wear the magic nails. One day Jessie would choose her own apprentice and Annabelle only hoped her step-daughter would be just as pleased with her own protégé as she had been with hers.
Amiee grinned,  “I’ll sort you out right away babe… right after I deal with a certain bitch who seems to have gotten ideas above her station… I do so love a happy ending.”
**** ***
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Evie glowered sullenly as she watched Jessie leaving the salon with her bitchy Step-Mom… two Goddesses on their way to a life of luxury and power.  She couldn’t believe she’d been demoted… again!  She giggled and smiled to herself as she thought of all the chaos she’d caused… then again it was a lot of fun… maybe it had been worth it after all. 
Jessie felt so relieved to be back to her true self, she vainly admired her immaculate nails and checked her makeup was perfectly on point.  Her step-mom Annabelle smiled to herself as she drove the car home, reminded of their first journey to the salon, what seemed a lifetime ago.  Jessie had come such a long way and finally everything was as it should be.
Pulling up in the driveway the two women strode into their home.   “Slave, go clean my car… and don’t forget to wax it too. I’m going upstairs to entertain my husband. I’m still getting him fully back under control.”
“Yes Mistress,” squeaked Slave as she hurried in her naughty French maid outfit to obey her Goddesses commands.  Humming happily as she began to clean the car.  It was funny, she had no idea who she really was, all she knew was that she had to obey her Mistresses.  It made her so happy to just obey.
Watching her former friend, now a brainwashed slave eagerly cleaning the car, Jessie shook her head in amusement.  “Pathetic.”
She strutted out into the garden wearing her favourite swimsuit and laying down on a lounger, began to sunbathe.  Her enemies were all defeated, her reign as Queen Bee now unopposed. Sure she was kept busy running her clique and manipulating everyone around her - but that was hardly work… It was more like fun.
Being an Alpha Bitch wasn’t an easy task, but Jessie was finally convinced.
She had completely nailed it…
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obeymematches · 21 days
Hi! I was the one who requested the daughters one. Can you write it for the undateables?
sure thing bestie🫡 sorry I made you wait 💔
With his Daughter
● As the future Queen of Devildom you'd think his daughter is the perfect little girl in pretty dresses holding tea parties with her stuffies....
● My sweet summer child...
● She's a menace.
● You know girls usually take after their father. Diavolo is a fully grown adult and he can still be a menace.
● Can you imagine what he was like as a toddler ?? ● His little girl LOVES speaking her mind and Diavolo is very supportive of this habit. He adores how little kids think; and say the obvious. He damn sure won't be getting in the way of her freedom.
● Little girlie also likes to climb trees, play in the mud, prank the staff, if you get her one of those electric cars from the Human World she'd never get out.
● Likes to yell and throw tantrums; this is the only behavior of hers which Diavolo dislikes, though he is very patient with her regardless. Explains to her why she is being too much right now BUT let's go get icecream instead just to calm down.
● Think of Muffin from Bluey. Exactly.
● She is hectic, she is faaar from perfect, but his daddy doesn't let anyone tell her off or make her feel bad about it.
● As the other parent.... you hardly can rest with this two but if anyone, it's you who can slow them down a bit if this is not your style.
● He has experience raising kids, though usually sons.
● He was not prepared for his daughter to steal his heart so effortlessly though.
● He is absolutely in love since day 1. She was just born and now he'd do anything for her.
● Though she is not going to be so spiled to do whatever she wants, she must learn to be nice and polite - though I think she is a much calmer kid than Diavolo's, for example.
● She likes to pick flowers, play on the swing, dress pretty, and she likes to give kisses. She also likes to help her daddy cook!!
● Her dad is so proud of her, even when he is tired he refuses to rest unless they had playtime.
● Antoher person with experience; though the infant stage is new for him as well.
● He'd absolutely love his child no matter the gender, but his little girl is a copy-paste version of him of course he is obsessed.
● Gets up every single time she cries, does anything to calm her down, has endless patience. ● Hardly ever gets frustrated even when he hasn't slept well in years. Truly a perfect example.
● Likes to go on trips as a family!!!
● Very soft-spoken with her, explains everyting as many times as needed.
● His daughter isn't too spoiled but she has everything a kid needs. Has simple toys, non of that loud flashy stuff.
● Loves to read her stories inside, in the garden, on the road, doesn't matter he just wants to make sure his baby is set for a good, creative, happy life.
● Okay I doubt he was the protective kind BEFORE becoming a father..... and he is not going to change AFTER becoming one either.
● Kids must learn how the world works right?
● It is the best for her to experience everything.
● Yes he is there to calm her down, provide aid, etc, but he is not going to stop her from touching a thorn for example
● Like superglue his daughter is right there with him at all times. He can only use the toilet if he manages to leave without her noticing.
● I loove to imagine him carrying his daughter on his shoulders!!!
● Ah imagine him playing blocks with her 🥹 Building the prettiest castle just for her to destroy!
● Likes to wear matching colored clothing with her
● His heart breaks to shreds when she refuses to eat anything he cooks... there is no going back from that. Easily the worst feeling he had in the past centuries.
● His daughter is very clever for her age at all times. She might tutor some of her classmates if she likes them.
AN: did you know the base of your personality is inherited from your parents? yes you might change on purpose here and there, yes society, your culture also shapes you as you grow, but the base material you have to work with is inherited
AN 2: i have no clue where part one is but i trust it is on my blog somewhere 👉👈
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mysteryshoptls · 8 months
SSR Jack Howl - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: So, these paintings show all what the greats did back in the day, huh. I'm going to burn these into my memory so that I can carry on their wills!
Summon Line: It's a bit uncomfortable wearing something so tight-fitting, feels more like these clothes are wearing me, instead. ...It suits me? Th-Then, I guess it's fine.
Groooovy!!: I don't have any interest in being king, or a leader of the pack. I'm just going to keep pushing myself to be the best I can be!
Home: 100 years, huh. Awesome!
Home Idle 1: Sketching is a good way to help learn focus. Huh, it's the most important part of drawing? ...I'm plannin' on getting better at it...
Home Idle 2: I'm just in awe of the King of Beasts. His impact was so huge, that his name is still remembered to this day. I bet he was a heck of a pack leader.
Home Idle 3: Trey-senpai was studying a painting of some tasty looking treats... Think he can reproduce them just by looking at 'em?
Home Idle - Login: Not really sure how to appreciate art, but... Since I got invited here, I'll make sure I look at everything good and hard so I can tell others about it!
Home Idle - Groovy: Malleus-senpai sure knows a ton about history. I want to learn what I can from his vast expertise. The more you know the better, as they say.
Home Tap 1: Jade-senpai was muttering about how he'd love to climb the mountain that the Thorn Fairy's castle sits on. Feels kinda reckless... or wait, maybe he could he do it with enough prep?
Home Tap 2: All the greats who're remembered in the history books all had their own staunch convictions. I'm also gonna keep pushing myself forward in my own way!
Home Tap 3: I saw Epel lookin' real intently at a painting of the Fairest Queen, but looks like he was just really just staring at the apple in her hand. One track mind, huh...
Home Tap 4: I guess anyone'd get curious on how their ancestors lived. I can't help stopping to look at every painting that's got wolves in it.
Home Tap 5: [yawns]... Ah, no, I ain't bored at all! That yawn just now was just a coincidence!!
Home Tap - Groovy: The store had headbands that looks like the mane of the King of Beasts? ...Why're you lookin' at me so expectantly? No way I'm putting it on!
Duo: [JACK]: I'm not going to lose to you either, Malleus-senpai! [MALLEUS]: That's the spirit, Howl.
Birthday Login Message: Hey, are you here to celebrate my birthday? Thanks for coming all this... Wait, you just wanted me to show you my homework? Do you own homework! Geez, don't mislead me like that... ...What is this box? Is it a present? O-Oh. Then, I'll gladly take it... Hey, you didn't do all this just to get a kick out of how I'd react, right?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
The Sunflower Of Highgarden Pt.1 (Daemon x Reader)
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Again I love your guys ideas but when a request is just too long you must understand that I need to make it a part two thing cause I do not like writing just a full novel at one go. Enjoy!
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The wedding is in a fortnight grandmother you can’t say no to everything”
“Nonsense, my dear Margaery your wedding is the most important wedlock ever since queen (y/n)”
“Queen (y/n) eloped”
“Not exactly, she was married to a Hightower before Daemon Targaryen intervened, besides their story before their wedding has always been the most interesting part”
(Y/n) was a beautiful young maiden when she first met the rambunctious prince Daemon, she was a beautiful woman yet Daemon found her hallow on the inside.
“I will not marry a fragile little daughter of a garden lord”
Her servants had heard the prince confide to his father, she was deeply wounded by the comment, he had insulted her family, her legacy, he was a dragon but that does not imply he can frown upon all the other great houses, she found him repulsive after that incident and besides, he was soon wed to Rhea Royce, who Daemon deemed worthy enough and her strong character was something he found promising.
(Y/n) kept her spirits high as years passed by, time had smiled at her and graced her with a beauty of a true Tyrell woman, her smile and delicate way of life was a delight to be around.
She was dressed in the finest of dresses for the tournament, a woman of her status left without a betroth was starting to nip at her heels and the tournament was filled with young men from great houses. Daemon could barely recognise her, he had left her a feather in the wind and now it was almost like she had a sun above her head, the light followed her around and gave her the appearance of perfection.
“I humbly ask for the favour of lady (y/n) Tyrell, the sunflower of Highgarden”
Gwayne Hightower called for her, a smirk appeared on her lips before she reached for flower crown and approached the stand, slowly she leaned to let the crown slip down the man’s spear.
Her nickname was always amusing to her, especially now that the prince that had rejected her had come back with rumours of his terrible match and brooding face, like a dog with its tail between his legs.
“I wish you the best of fortune Lord Gwayne”
Her eyes sparkled like finest of gems, Daemon had to regain composure after he caught himself wondering how soft her touch would feel on his skin, if he did not like the Hightowers prior, now he despised them and he had to show it to the whole world.
When Gwayne was so harshly met with the ground (y/n) rose up from her seat with a gasp, everyone swooned at the ladies concern for the lord of the reach, thankfully the man was alright besides suffering a few wounds, the incident however was quickly forgotten when Daemon crowned the Tyrell flower as the queen of love and beauty, which had left a particular Targaryen princess fuming.
“Lady Tyrell, it’s been far too long”
“Not long enough for me to forget a certain cold hearted prince that casted me aside”
“A terrible mistake indeed but we no one is perfect lady (y/n)”
“Mayhaps, we are also not cruel or dismissive”
“I see the sunflower has a thorn in her heart”
“Sunflowers are known for being the home of bees my prince, so allow this to be a warning of a mighty sting coming your way”
“I would never dare to harm you lady (y/n), I was just wondering if you would like to walk with me to the gardens, as a friendly companion”
He reassured her of his intentions being pure. (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as she silently considered the pros and cons, he was a man that had spoke in such a demeaning manner for her heritage, yet he was still a prince and to be seen with a man of such high status would definitely make a few lords act faster with asking for her hand.
The next few days had been quite the eventful ones, Daemon would spend every morning with lady Tyrell in the gardens as they spoke about countless of things, he found out a lot about her, for example of how he had underestimated her tremendously, (y/n) had a sharp edge to her and was extremely quick witted, a master at diplomatic affairs and a wonderful advisor for some of his concerns he had expressed during her tea time.
“I will be praying to the Gods for you safe return my prince”
“Let’s hope that having your good graces will do me more than what it did for the Hightower”
“My intentions had nothing to do with you being a sore loser, you did not oppose him with an honour that is bestowed to a dragon”
“I opposed him with the fury that a dragon holds, we did not become kings by being kind now did we?”
“Let us discuss this when you come back, I believe war awaits you”
That’s when he offered her a gift, a necklace he had ordered to be made for her, (y/n) gasped at the sight of the golden piece, she adored necklaces, she gently took it from his hands before she looked up to smile at him in complete joy.
“I shall cherish it”
“Until we meet again, sunflower”
As much as she would wish to have the luxury of sitting in a tower and wait for her knight in shinning armour to come back, times were different than what fairytales are keen on painting as a picture.
The daughter of such high status, she should have already bared sons for her lord husband, now there she was sitting at court without a husband.
Gwayne Hightower was a young man, the son of the hand of the king, brother of queen Alicent, he came from a family that was one of the richest houses in all of Westeros and the most handsome young lord at court, he had already shown interest when he asked for her favour so when Daemon was out of the picture he took it upon himself to court her and then ask for her hand.
He was a kind man, someone that she enjoyed having in her presence, that should be enough for her to be content with her betrothal and she was for a while, that all went away when Daemon bursted in the throne room wearing a crown, her heart skipped a bit at the sight of him, luckily for her she masked it well and when Daemons eyes shifted on her she only leaned closer to Gwayne and she even gave the young lord a smile that he reciprocated.
“You shouldn’t marry him”
“Alright I won’t, then what? I become your paramour and get ridiculed by the 7 kingdoms? I give birth to your bastards while you dwell in your horrible marriage and seek for my company? We could have already been married, this entire situation was caused by your stubbornness”
She had fired back when he once cornered her in the castle, she had instructed her servants and guards to not allow Daemon to be around her, she could not afford to be distracted by the rogue prince any longer as much as it ached her she had to do what was best for her and lord Gwayne was exactly that.
The feast before her wedding had been one for the books, Gwayne and (y/n) were the talk of kings landing, (y/n) looked like a dream in her gown while Gwayne twirled her around in the dance floor, all the ladies swooned over the happy couple, gushing about the perfect match.
So why was the only thing on her mind the scandal around Daemon and Rhaenyra? Every time she would glance at the Hightower lord her brain would fabricate images of the couple in the brothel.
“Prince Daemon of House Targaryen”
The knight announced as the doors flew open to reveal the prince, everyone except the couple rose on their feet, Gwayne did it so how his utter displeasure for the prince showing up uninvited and (y/n) because she was battling herself to not scream at him.
“Congratulations Lord Gwayne Hightower, Lady (y/n) is more than you would ever hope for. Will the lady do me the honour of accompany me for this dance?”
Silence fell over the room, (y/n) wanted to kill him, how dare he stroll at her most important day and demand anything? Alas, considering his status she had no choice but to squeeze Gwaynes hand and place a peck on his cheek and walk over to the prince, his extended hand waited patiently for hers, once her skin touched his a smile appeared on his lips, that shuttle physical contact was as addicting as the best Dornish wine.
“You look stunning”
“You honour me prince Daemon”
Her phrase stung him like a mighty bee. (Y/n) would always call him “my prince” or “Daemon” when they were alone, now it was “prince Daemon” a shuttle change yet so profound to him, as they danced other couples decided to join and rather quickly Daemon and (y/n) were lost within the twirling crowd.
“Are you happy?”
“Gwayne will make a wonderful husband”
“That’s not what I asked”
“Gwayne will never dishonour me by belittling my “garden” house nor will he ever be seen with his niece at a brothel, so yes I am content with my match”
(Y/n)s defensive stance brought Daemon to withdraw from provoking her, at least for the rest of the dance. The only thing that somewhat comforted him was that even the night before her wedding her neck was decorated by the necklace he gifted her, he briefly reminisced of that blissful day.
Daemon was never good at talking, that was his brother, so he now had no other choice but to reside in what he did best, cause chaos.
Luckily for him it was not that hard, as whispers were something that could be spread relatively easy, it started with whispers that Gwayne had intended to marry another, so he got the ladies talking, now as everyone knows you can start with one rumour and the public will do the rest for you.
(Y/n) had been dancing with lord Tully when another lord grabbed (y/n)s hand to yank her away, one thing led to another and anyone was fighting everyone, you could hear the ladies scream as the guards instructed directions to one another so they can get the important people out of the room safely.
Daemon who’s familiar scenario looked something like this weaselled his way in the crowd, the last thing poor (y/n) remembered was seeing Daemon run towards her, she threw herself to his arms when her ears started to ring.
“Get me out of here”
She whispered. At once Daemon sweeps her off her feet, he was well aware that (y/n) did not mean to take her from kings landing, yet how could he resists? She had passed out in his arms with her head on his shoulder and no one was really paying attention, at least as of yet.
Up in Caraxes they went and their next stop would be Dragonstone, she would be safe there.
“Where am I?”
“On Caraxes”
(Y/n) only half opened her eyes when the only thing she could see was Daemon and clouds, instinctively she clings on to the Prince for safety and from the sudden shock she passed out again, (y/n) remained unconscious for the rest of the ride.
Daemon found her breath taking, he admired how peaceful she was in his arms, how could he be so stupid to let her get so close to marrying another? He could have been her lord husband all this time if he had not been so young and dim witted, his sunflower slept so easy in their new chamber, her hair pooling around the pillow as she stayed on her right side, carefully he took off her shoes and tucked her in, waiting patiently for her to wake up and probably attack him once she finds out where she is.
(Y/n) did not rest for long, well not as long as daemon wished to be exact, she batted her eyelashes a few times before she had finally regained her strength to be fully conscious.
“Welcome back, how are you feeling?”
“I will live, what happened?”
“You fainted, probably from being overwhelmed”
Images of the unfortunate incident flooded her brain like a storm, what a mess and on her wedding feast! Her lord husband must be fuming and awfully concerned.
“Where’s Gwayne? I must speak to him”
“That won’t be necessary or even possible”
“I don’t understand”
“We are not in kings landing (y/n), you are on Dragonstone”
He watched as (y/n)s expression switched ever so subtlety at first to her jaw tightening and her lips pursing while her eyes brows furrowed, she made the mistake of moving in a fast pace for her feet to touch the floor, as soon as Daemon saw her wobble he was by her side, his arms wrapping around her until she shoved him away and sat back down on the bed.
“Do not touch me”
“(Y/n) you need to listen to me”
“You destroyed my most important day, you kid napped me”
“I did what was necessary, I could not leave you to marry that imbecile of a man”
“He was smart enough to recognise how good of a match I was”
Silence fell over them for a moment, her eyes threw daggers at him once again as she brought her knees up to her chin, curling up to a ball as a sign to show how unsafe she felt around him, still as she pouted at him she was irresistible to him.
“I understand how my younger self’s behaviour was uncalled for but allow me to make it right”
“And how exactly are you planning to do that?”
“Marry me, I will marry you under the tradition of old Valyria”
“I am not from old Valyria in case you haven’t noticed and you are married”
“My own marriage was recently… dissolved and we can marry under the seven gods as well, if that is what will make you happy”
“Is that what you want?”
“For you to marry me?”
“For me to be happy? You keep asking about it”
“Yes, is that so bad?”
“No, it is not, though it took you long enough”
She hinted as they both giggled, the tension between them dissolving after years of being apart, the trouble their marriage and elope had caused was tremendous.
Howbeit their wedding under the seven gods took place in highgarden, they wed at the garden that (y/n) used to ran around as a child, they even went for a horse ride with her favourite horse, eclipse was a brown stallion that was gifted to her by her beloved father, she looked exquisite riding her horse, trotting around and laughing as she showed off her skills.
(Y/n) and Daemon resided in Dragonstone per Daemons wish, he did not want his family around the bitter Hightowers that had definitely held a grudge against them.
(Y/n) spend her days painting and playing the harp if she was not on dragon back with her lord husband or on horse back, Daemon would spend hours observing her, her delicate fingers gracing over the strings that created such delightful sounds or seeing her frown while painting and creating a masterpiece.
Naturally the love they had for each other took form in their first born daughter, beautiful Yavanna was a spitting image of her father, except the eyes, those sparkling (y/c) eyes would make Daemon weak in the knees as he melted in his daughters hands.
Then came their majestic son, Aragorn, he had somewhat of long hair with one single strand of his mothers hair colour, Daemon would joke often about it.
“Your mother would always complain over our children being Targaryen featured, of course she manifested you getting just the right amount of features to be both”
Third came another daughter, Aesira, she was the second version of her mother except her violet hues, from hair colour to attitude she was a true Tyrell, (y/n) would say the gods were punishing her since she had been a rather spoiled and stubborn as a child and certainly a smart ass.
Their trips to kings landing had been extremely rare, (y/n) would not have it otherwise, she had tried to connect with Daemons family, she was the one that advised him to take the family back to driftmark for Laenas funeral, a day she whole heartedly wanted to forget.
Requests are open!
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anekogia · 9 months
Timeline of the war till when Lilia finds Silver (Spoliers from chapter 7)
This is based on most of the game's dialogue and scenes that played out. Might not be 100% accurate.
There was conflict/war between Briar Country (Land of Faes) and the Land of Sword (Human kingdom) because the Land of Swords were illegally gathering resources from Briar Country and destroying their lands.
While out scouting, Lilia and his men recieved news that King Henrich, King of the Land of Sword, is laying seige on Nobara Castle, where Princess Maleanor is currently living in and is taking care of her unhatched egg.
They quickly made their way there to warn the princess, where they King Henrich challenges Maleanor to a duel against his best warrior, the Knight of Dawn.
Lilia, Baul and their troops manage to make their way and warn Maleanor about the seige, but the princess tasks Lilia to look after her egg and escape Nobara Castle.
Maleanor makes her way out of her castle, where she battles against the Knight of Dawn and his men. The princess gains the upper hand, and buries the Knight into the ground.
The Knight of Dawn falls into a secret passage that Lilia and his men are using. It was then revealed that the Knight of Dawn is against fighting the fae and gave Lilia and his troops safe passage so that they can escape with Maleanor's egg.
Ultimately, Lilia manages to escape safely with the egg. However, Maleanor overblots and is slain by the Knight of Dawn..Nobara Castle is then taken over by the royals of the Land of Sword.
Some time after, King Henrich dies (good), and his younger sister, Princess Leah, becomes queen. She and the Knight of Dawn also marry and had a child.
However, the conflict between their kingdom and the fae is still happening, and the Knight of Dawn is killed during one of their battles.
Knowing that there is no hope for her kingdom, Queen Leah left her son to be protected by the three fairies in Nobara Castle.
Queen Leah dies soon afterwards. In an effort to save the young prince, the fairies cast a spell on him so that he would be placed under an eternal slumber until the war is over, and until somebody who could love him finds him.
About 200 to 300 years after the war, Prince Malleus is born, much to the delight of the fae kingdom now known as Briar Valley/Valley of Thorns.
More than 100 years after that, Lilia is visiting the ruins of Nobara Castle, where he hears something coming out from the castle. He finds a baby in the throne room and quickly realizes he is the child of the Knight of Dawn (from his hair colour and his necklace).
Having not forgotten what the Knight of Dawn did for him, Lilia adopts the child and gives him the "blessing of the night", resulting in the baby's hair colour changing from gold to silver.
Lilia names the child Silver and started raising him in a cottage in the woods. Malleus drops by time after time, thinking that Silver was just some orphan Lilia found in the woods.
Notes: I wouldn't be surprised if the Knight of Dawn's name is "Stefan/Stephan" since Silver's mom's name is Leah, which is also the name of Aurora's mother in Sleeping Beauty.
Also, knowing that Malleus is probably watching over everyone's dreams, I am 100% sure that this is how he is going to find out about Silver's true heritage. And he is not going to be happy.
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semisolidmind · 1 year
(hey @skittlescripts and @theweepingegg , saw a design for evil wukong and now im having some thoughts )
ok so. bad end monkey king. scary dude. you thought he was morally gray before, hoo boy
like what if he never went on the journey at all, never wanted or tried to become more than a monster? what if on the og journey, he was one of the demons that wanted to eat the monk? or in lmk, he's one of the big bads? (and maybe his role in the journey and lmk is filled by macaque instead-)
in the case of Isekai'd, he trails the gang, messing with them for fun and trying to find a way to easily get at the monk. he just needs to beat macaque, the other three demons won't be a problem. but from what wukong's seen, his fellow monkey demon is rather protective of the reader and the monk, never leaving their sides for long and constantly listening.
so, he makes moves to get closer to the reader, likely dressing more plainly and hiding his distinctive facial markings so she won't recognize him. at first it's a pretty standard "get you to like me so you won't put up as much of a fight later on" type of deal, but wukong comes to enjoy reader's wit and willingness to stand up to him. she's also just genuinely kind to him, something he doesn't get a lot of, being a universally-feared demon. so, his plans...
...change a little bit.
wukong knows he's the stronger demon, but he wants a clean shot. he sheds his disguise, macaque and the disciples fight him, and though they fight their hardest, the gang loses...
...and wukong throws a terrified, crying reader over his shoulder, dragging the bodies of her companions and protector behind him as he flies back to his mountain.
"Game over, Peaches.♡"
in lmk, macaque's trying to keep reader safe and away from villain wukong.
current reader is the reincarnation of the reader from the journey and sun wukong has been waiting for her return so he can make her properly immortal this time. at first she's friends with the noodle gang, maybe she even works with them. MK's her lil buddy, practically her younger brother, and one day his mentor, macaque (who up until this point has been a casually flirtatious presence in her life), busts into her apartment at night telling her she has to leave with him. somebody incredibly dangerous is coming for her now that he knows she exists, and mac's her best bet at escaping him.
from then on, she's constantly in hiding. although, somehow, wukong always manages to find her, no matter how well she's hidden and how many protective seals macaque casts on her. eventually it all comes to a head.
"Leave us be, Monkey King!" Macaque snarled.
"Gladly. After you return my Queen."
"I am not your queen!" Reader exasperated. "I never was! Why can't you just let this go?!"
"Because you were always gonna be mine, sweet peach. I missed my chance a thousand years ago. I'm not going to lose you again."
"Although," The Monkey King laughed lowly. He raised his staff to point at the other monkey demon.
"You've caused me quite a bit of trouble. I was just going to take her and let you off with a warning, but you've been a thorn in my side for a loooong time, Six Ears. I think it's about time I put you down permanently."
(maybe there's a bit where reader is refusing the immortality elixir or peach and wukong puts it into his mouth, and then forces it into reader's mouth with a kiss 👀 now she's stuck with him)
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Reliable - Sebek
Author's Notes: This fic is for @rainbowcake1212 for my 300 Followers Event! I hope you enjoy your Hot Chocolate and Cheesecake fic!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ romantic/ Hot Chocolate and Cheesecake prompt
Word count: 2454
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I stared, flabbergasted, at Sebek, who merely looked at me with that point-blank stare of his.
“So let me get this right…. You are getting harassed by overly pushy noble ladies seeking a…”
“A relationship.” He finished impatiently, scowling slightly before he continued, “I have rejected them countless times, but they still return. They no doubt wish to use me to get close to my Lord, but I will not allow it.”
A smug grin crossed his face as he finished, no doubt proud that he was protecting Malleus from a perceived threat. It was just sad that he didn’t realize he was perfectly worth being interested in all on his own without his connection to Malleus.
“And you want me to accompany you to this ball as your fake date?” I questioned him, hardly even able to believe that he had even brought this up.
And he simply nodded in confirmation, like there was nothing odd about it. 
I shook my head incredulously, “Wouldn’t it be better to find someone a little more… I don’t know, impressive, to scare off your suitors?”
His eyebrows rose in a surprisingly slow climb for someone quite as hot-blooded as Sebek, “No.” 
His hand twitched at his side, no doubt a sign of agitation at his having to request assistance from a human such as myself, “You will do perfectly well.”
I found myself shrugging, still not entirely certain about Sebek’s grand scheme but also willing to help. After all, it couldn’t be pleasant to be pursued by someone you’d already rejected.
 “Alright, I’ll do it. What do I need to know?” That ended up being the question I wished I’d never asked since that was the question that led to my copious and detailed instruction regarding the Valley of Thorns and its many, many customs.
But, come the day of the ball, I was certainly prepared. Especially since Mrs. Zigvolt herself had gotten me a suitably dressy outfit ready.
She’d been thrilled that Sebek had brought a friend home, and then even more delighted when she found I was going to be his partner for the evening. Even after I’d told her I was just his fake date, she remained delighted. Chuckling slightly to herself as she’d gotten my measurements, “Of course, dear. Of course.”
I’d frowned at her but kept my silence, not quite having the heart to tell her that Sebek was anything but interested in me. I was just handy for the current situation he was in. 
We were friends, but I doubted that line would ever be crossed since I was human and he’d made it painfully clear how he felt about humans in general. But, at the very least, pretending to be his date for the evening might be fun. Even if just a little.
And so I entered the palace on Sebek’s arm, doing my best to not be distracted by how good he looked in his clean-cut suit that made him look like a true knight even though he was still in training. 
If I hadn’t been able to see it before, I could certainly see why he had a great many suitors who were apparently hounding him.
The doors swung open as we arrived, carefully walking down the wide staircase into the ballroom filled with fae, who all turned to openly stare at us.
 Over at the raised dais, I could see Malleus, guarded by Lilia and Silver, alongside a seated woman whom I could assume was the queen.
The three of them seemed pleased to see me alongside Sebek, but I couldn’t say the same for everyone present.
There were several women, in particular, who seemed rather annoyed by my presence. Or perhaps it was more who I was with.
I leaned closer to Sebek, smiling relaxedly even as I whispered to him, “So what is it, exactly, that you’re wanting me to do?”
He glanced at me with one raised eyebrow, totally ruining the image of a happy couple by the lack of smile on his face, “You merely need to stay by my side.”
He spoke like that was obvious, and I sighed. Apparently, selling this relationship was going to be entirely up to me. 
And our first test came all too soon as a younger-looking noble came over, a smile on his face as he greeted Sebek, “Ah. It is good to see you again, Master Zigvolt. I am sure you are relieved to be home from school.” 
I watched awkwardly as the formalities were dispensed, feeling halfway like I was watching some sort of period film from a front row seat, until the man twisted to look at me, a charming smile on his face as he looked down at me, “And this is…?”
“Mine.” The response was blunt and immediate and had me looking up in utter shock at Sebek, who seemed perfectly relaxed. Like he hadn’t just spouted something utterly ridiculous, even if I was his fake date.
I smiled awkwardly as I looked back at the young man, who looked just as startled as I was, confirming that ‘mine’ was an odd way of introducing one’s partner even in the Valley of Thorns.
“Yes, I am Sebek’s partner,” I calmly let my hand continue to rest where it was, tucked through the crook of Sebek’s elbow, even as I squeezed his arm slightly in annoyed revenge. Earning myself an odd look from Sebek as I began cleaning up his mess.
“Please, call me Y/n,” The man nodded, smiling awkwardly as the two of us pretended that Sebek hadn’t just calmly asserted that I belonged to him. The man went on with what I assumed were more common pleasantries before at last bidding us adieu.
“It was a pleasure to have met you.” He bobbed his head awkwardly before quickly retreating as soon as he’d finished his piece. Leaving me to look up at Sebek in still frustrated shock.
“What was that?” I hissed at Sebek, earning myself an incredulous look from the young man, who apparently had seen nothing wrong with the introduction he’d given for me.
“I was letting him know that you were with me,” He was still utterly flummoxed, dragging a sigh out of me.
I’d known that Sebek was utterly hopeless, but this… I honestly hadn’t expected it to be quite this bad.
“Sebek, you can’t just introduce me as yours. No one does that. You need to just let people assume we’re together,” I quietly explained as we continued to meander through the room. Dodging various other guests who continued to watch the two of us with curious gazes.
“And why are people staring so much anyway? Is it that odd for you to come with someone?” Sebek was apparently more prepared for this line of conversation since he responded much more promptly and with less confusion as he shook his head.
“No. They are not used to humans. My father does not come to these… celebrations. The only human usually present is Silver, and he has already proved himself to be a competent knight. Other than that, it is only ever dignitaries.” I nodded as I mulled over his words, not entirely liking what they meant.
“So I’m the odd one here?” His nod confirmed my words, and I sighed, wondering for the thousandth time why he thought I would be a good choice for his fake date.
“Alright, what do we do next? Is there anyone you need to greet?” I looked up at him questioningly as he stopped us off to the side of the room. Glancing around as if to check that no one was too close to overhear us, even though people had been giving us wide-berth the entire time.
I suppose it was easier for them to observe from a distance.
“No, if anyone wishes to speak to me, they will come. At most, we’ll have to do one dance. For now, I’m going to get something to drink. Stay here,” So saying, he strode off. Straight-backed and proud as ever, even though it seemed like absolutely everyone was questioning his choice on his date. Including myself.
But that was the way Sebek often was. It was impossible to tell what was going to bother him and what wasn’t. While certain things being said about him would bother him endlessly, others wouldn’t. 
What surprised me was that the others whispering about the fact he’d come with a human didn’t bother him. It was true that his parents were a human and fae match, but I’d figured that such a thing would bother him.
I frowned, watching as one of the fae broke off from the crowd and approached me. It was a woman.
She was, just like the other fae, absolutely gorgeous. But, more importantly, she had me pointed and was obviously approaching to have a word with me. And if my reasons for being at this ball were anything to go by, it was going to have something to do with Sebek and what I was doing with him.
This was quite likely one of the suitors he’d wished to deter.
She smiled as she stopped in front of me, “You must be Sebek’s partner. I confess I wasn’t aware he had someone he was with until the two of you appeared. It is lovely to meet you.”
Her tone was sweet, and, to anyone watching, she would appear quite genuine. But there was something in the way she held herself, like a snake poised to strike at the very instant I gave her an opening, that spoke of anything but sweetness.
But this was something I’d already been prepared for. While Sebek hadn’t mentioned it, Lilia had.
The suitors Sebek so wished to deter weren’t likely to just accept that he’d found someone that he preferred over them. Much less if that person didn’t have a rank and wasn’t fae.
So I smiled back, preparing to play whatever game was being laid out in front of me, “Oh, we haven’t been together that long, and Sebek wanted to make sure I was ready to attend one of these balls before he brought me with him. He’s incredibly attentive, you see.”
Attentive indeed. I doubted I would ever forget the rigorous testing I’d gone through before he’d at last decided that I was ready for tonight.
“Indeed, he is quite a charming man. It’s good that he prepared you, though. It would be so unfortunate if something went wrong. After all, it wouldn’t just affect you, but him as well. Better to be safe than sorry, as they say.” 
She was an insincere one, that was certain. I could understand why Sebek wouldn’t like her, even as lovely as she was. 
And charming wasn’t the first word I would use to describe Sebek.
It was true that he had some endearing qualities and that he was quite attractive, but still… Charming didn’t quite encompass all of Sebek when one thought of exactly how loud and blunt he could be at times.
But I didn’t miss her oh-so-subtle threat about how if something were to occur, it would affect him. That was something I’d already realized and had been the only reason I’d accepted his lessons with little complaint.
“Well, yes, of course. I could never let something happen to harm him.” They weren’t untrue words. In fact, nothing I’d said was untrue. But, just from watching her, it didn’t look like I had to lie to upset her.
“My, you are a sweet one. I can understand why he likes you so well. However, I can’t help but wonder if you’ll be able to handle the pressure?”
I would have almost preferred if she’d thrown a drink in my face rather than attempting to slip through the cracks and hit me with attacks meant to weaken my resolve and cause uncertainty. But that was also her trouble. She wasn’t going to be able to sway me with such threats.
“Ah, well. I have faced certain pressures before, and I don’t want to disappoint Sebek….” I trailed off, watching as the man in question approached with a frown on his face.
“Y/n?” The woman turned to face him, her eyes wide at the tone he’d used. One that spoke of concern while simultaneously promising to handle the situation if I needed him to.
And that was one of the reasons this woman wouldn’t be able to sway me. Not only had she underestimated me, she’d underestimated exactly how much Sebek and I trusted one another.
I smiled at him, resting my hand on his arm, “Everything’s fine. I was just about to tell the lovely young woman that she needn’t worry about me. How could I ever crumble under any pressure and disappoint you when you are always so reliable?”
It was subtle, but I could see her fist clench behind her as she looked between me and Sebek. The picture of a supportive couple who wouldn’t crumble just because of a few spiteful words.
“I see.” He looked down at me for a brief moment, with a certain softness to his gaze before he looked her way. A proud smirk appeared on his face that had me bracing for the loudness that was coming.
I barely managed to not cringe at his loudness but smiled nonetheless as he broadcasted the entire situation to everyone at the ball.
Whether calculated or not, he had certainly embarrassed ‘Miss Rafflesia,’ as evidenced by the way she retreated at impressive speeds.
“Was the yelling really necessary?” I looked up at him, still smiling at his customary volume, which had been oddly absent this evening.
He looked down at me, nodding firmly as he lowered his voice, no doubt because I’d mentioned his yelling, “Indeed. They all need to know that you have my utter trust. That way, they won’t bother trying to harass you when I am not near. It would take more than just a few words to break my trust in you, and I have faith that it is the same for you.”
My eyes widened at his words, ever blunt in his honesty, no matter the topic. I laughed slightly as I recovered from my surprise, earning myself a surprised look from my partner, which only amused me further.
But how could I help it when I’d long since realized that even though this was just a fake arrangement, I could have a far worse partner than someone quite as reliable as my very own knight.
*Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic flowering plants in the family Rafflesiaceae. 
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faerytreealtars · 1 year
♡ Letters from your Guardian Angels ♡
Welcome, my dear ones, to this pick-a-card, or I should say Image to receive a letter channeled just for you by your divine guardian angels. So trust your intuition or take your time to breathe calmly and choose the image that calls to you! Remember to only take what resonates with your heart. I hope this letter helps you find guidance for your journeys ahead! ♡.
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Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3
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Pile One: [Cards: Seven Of pentacles, Five of Wands, Nine of pentacles, two of pentacles & The Empress]
My Dearest Pile one we see you working so hard to overcome all the obstacles and challenges presented to you. You are not afraid to face and at times battle the demons within you, for this we are ever so proud of you and, do indeed, feel very lucky to be able to call you our little star. We encourage you to continue working on whatever creative endeavours you are currently pursuing, be it as a hobby or a hopeful future career opportunity. We see great success for you if you continue to hold belief in yourself just as we will always see the potential and believe in you. You, My dear will bring more change than you let yourself believe. This change, of course, must begin within you. Keep up the great work and remember you are unconditionally loved. Your, Guardian angels ♡
Extra: ♡ "My favourite things" -the sound of music ♡"Over the Rainbow" - The Wizard of Oz ♡ Faeries ♡ Pink and green ♡ Nature rebirthed ♡ Blooming flowers ♡ A little mouse ♡
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Pile Two:
[Cards: The Empress (reversed), Four of cups, Queen of Swords (reversed), Five of swords & the Devil ]
Dear Pile Two
We know you are struggling, times seem bleak, the future seems hopeless. Even if you have not quite admitted this to yourself we can see how your soul weeps. Even though the days seem dark and the path ahead an unending struggle through jagged thorns and twisted trees, please know we are here for you. Don't give into defeat just yet as brighter days can still be ahead of you. You are not seeing the world clearly right now and those you call loved ones or dear friends are not as loyal to you as you are to them, they are not good for you, I'm sure you know deep down who we are referring to. There are others though who wish to help, ourselves included. While they may tell you things that are truthful for you to handle hearing at the present moment we urge you not to push them away. To finish this letter we simply wish to say even in the darkest nights you can find the stars.
Your Ever-faithful Guardian Angels.
Extra: Lilith Sign  ♡ "out with the old and in with the new"  ♡ Self-help books  ♡ Black Cat  ♡ Sad eyes  ♡ Wounded child  ♡
(Pile two I would like to say I don't know what each of you are going through I'm sure it differs for each of you but I usually take reversals yet your Angels insisted that they remained reversed and I will also mention while channeling your letter I got a lot of dark and upsetting images within my mind, I won't say much more in case of triggering any individuals. I would just like you all to know I am sending great amounts of love and support to you. If you need any advice or just someone to talk to, don't be afraid to send a message ♡ )
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Pile Three:
[Cards: Two of swords, The magician, Page of wands, the chariot, Six of Wands ]
Dear Pile Three
We first wish to say we are so very happy, overjoyed even, for you! You are making such big strides toward accomplishing your dreams and goals. You are awakening the magic within and there is no stopping you! We cannot wait to continue this journey with you. Be assured in your choices and do not doubt what your intuition guides you to do for we promise that if you make a choice to do something that makes your soul happy you will never go wrong! Keep believing in yourself and don't forget to rest now and then. You can't be your best self without first looking after yourself.
From Your Guardian Angels
Extra: Shooting star  ♡ Fireworks  ♡ Celebration  ♡ Sun Signs  ♡ Red  ♡ Good Luck spells  ♡ Orange Butterfly  ♡ "Go your own way" - Fleetwood Mac  ♡
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I hope you found a letter or a message within them that is of help to you. Until next time I send best wishes to all of you! - Fae
Tarot deck used: Beautiful creatures Tarot
Moon Position: New Moon (0%)
Day of the week: Tuesday - Týr - Masculine energy ideal for taking decisive action, making new goals, or beginning a new task. Avoid conflicts and don't let aggression cloud your emotions. Lucky colours: Red & Orange.
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winxwannabe · 11 months
Thoughts on/Rating the S9 images that will probably be wrong in 3 months LETS GO -
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Tecna is the best. Hands down, 10/10. I don’t care if they threw it together at the last minute to avoid backlash, give whoever designed her a goddamn raise. The bob with purple streaks, the vinyl skirt, it’s so perfect I can’t handle it. Me to Reboot Tecna:
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Please let that be real. Please let the metal arm stay, Straffi.
My girl Musa is an official SHORT QUEEN, a popular headcannon that’s been going for years. I’m thrilled someone finally listened. Her iconic pigtails are also back, which is a bonus is my book (do they kinda look like Marinette’s from Miraculous? Yes, because Rainbow’s gotta steal one thing per season for Winx). The outfit isn’t my favorite, but better than others I’ve seen her in. A very respectable 8.5/10.
Rainbow’s art department raised enough money for brown paint, which is great news for Aisha! No more whitewashing! Her braids are stellar, her look is sporty, just very cute in general. The color scheme is very different from her original look, but I like it. Give Aisha bright colors. Let her be happy. And now tallest girl? 9/10
Flora’s look is the most similar to the OG series. Really the only difference is that weird ass green jacket - thing looks like it came off a one-day Project Runway challenge. It seems waaaay too structured compared to the rest of the outfit. That’s legit my only note. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, I guess. 7.5/10
Bloom’s look says 2 things; “I’m Bella Thorne from Shake It Up!,” and Certified Horse Girl™️. I do not vibe with either. Bloom is not either. Why is she in pink again? Why is her belt so big - Bloom is so impatient and always in a rush, do you think she has time to put a belt on every day? I get the skirt is paying homage to the S3 one, but the rest is…a choice. This would be lower if Bloom wasn’t my favorite character. But she is, and it’s not the worst look. 6/10.
No, no, the worst look here is your favorite Solarian princess and mine, Stella. I get Rainbow was trying for a new look, but it doesn’t land for me. I don’t like the sunglasses, I don’t like that her dress is pink because that’s never really been Stella’s primary color - it’s more Flora and Tecna’s (and now Bloom’s I guess because UGH). She’s also wearing sleeves, which Stella rarely wore in the series because she is the fairy of the sun and I always thought that was a cool wardrobe detail. The only times she’s worn long sleeves (as a primary outfit in the season) were in S6 with her Alfea uniform, and Season 8, which barely counts. Just…make it orange. Or yellow, or even blue. It would fix so much. 5/10 for doing this ray of sunshine so dirty.
Also, if we can afford new civilian and transformation outfits for the girls, we can do the same for Ogron and the Black Circle. C’mon guys. Also! Why does Ogron have a dark dragon? What the fuck does that mean? Please do not pull a S8 Valtor on the Wizards. They don’t deserve it. And probably get Duman in there before the fans come after you.
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the-broken-truth · 5 months
Yuu - Child of the Great Seven [2]: Meeting The Headmaster
Broken: Welcome back. Here are some more critical points for the new parts. This will make things more interesting in my opinion:
Yuu has different Parental Terms of Endearment for all Seven of their Parents.
Yuu calls the Queen of Hearts 'Mum'
Yuu calls the Sea Witch 'Mom'
Yuu calls the Fairest Queen 'Mama'
Yuu calls the Thorn Fairy 'Mother'
Yuu calls the King of Beasts 'Dad'
Yuu calls the King of the Underworld 'Papa'
Yuu calls the Sorcerer of the Sands 'Father'
[NIght Raven College - Crowley's Office]
[After the paralyzing shock caused by the arrival of the Great Seven wore off for the Dorm Wardens (+Jamil), Yuu takes their parents to the Headmaster's Office for a discussion. The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) followed them at a distance; completely shocked that the 'Magicless Student' they all knew Yuu to be was actually the Spawn of the Great Seven. The Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) are standing outside the door while peeking into the room while the Great Seven are having conversations with Crowley, who looks like he is about to panic at the sight of the Snarling King of Beasts glaring at him while folding his arms.]
King of Beasts (Looming over the trembling Headmaster): Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you limb from limb after all of the hell you placed upon my cub by making them do YOUR JOB!
Yuu (Places a hand on Their Dad's arm to calm him down): Dad, please, calm down.
[The King of Beasts keeps glaring and snarling at Crowley.]
Yuu (Exhales and turns to face the King of the Underworld): Papa, please, talk some sense into Dad and get him to calm down.
King of the Underworld: Forgive me, Little Flame, but I have to agree with your dad this time around. Not only were you responsible for maintaining your grades during your time here, but you also had the burden of dealing with the Dorm Wardens and the Vice Dorm Warden of Scarabia when they Overblotted, and do not even get me started on the fact you have been doing the Headmaster's Paperwork while checking up on the well being of all the other students.
Riddle (Whispering): I knew about 3 out of 4 of those things, but I didn't know that Yuu was also doing the Headmaster's Paperwork.
Jamil (Whispering): I know. Now that I think about it, when do they have time to sleep or do things they want to do? When they aren't in class, they are literally running around the school, trying to help everyone in need with no reward.
Vil (Whispering with tears in his eyes): My Poor Potato... So much responsibility on someone so young but so humble and refuses to ask for aid.
Azul (Whispering): Honestly, I don't see why the Higher-Ups haven't made Yuu the Headmaster of Night Raven at this point; they have literally done more for this place in the time they have been since than Crowley ever did since becoming Headmaster.
Dorm Wardens (+Jamil) (Whispering while nodding): Agreed.
Yuu (Raises an eyebrow): How did you know about all of that? Have you guys been spying on me again?
Queen of Hearts: That would be my fault, My Little Heart; I just wanted to make sure that you were having a good time at Night Raen without overworking yourself. It was by pure chance that I happened to be watching you while you were doing the Headmaster's Paperwork.
Yuu (Exhales): It's not your fault, Mum, just please calm Dad down before he kills Crowley; I really don't want to deal with that later.
Thorn Fairy (Walks over to the King of Beasts): King of Beasts, please calm yourself down; Yuu has expressed that they do not want you to slaughter this waste of space of a Headmaster.
King of Beasts: After all the crap he's put my cub through? You expect me to let him off without losing at least one limb? Preferably his head!
Thorn Fairy: My Thorn has bested you in your challenge and you are to yield to the demands they give you; that was the condition you crafted when you started these challenges. (Raises an eyebrow) You wouldn't go against a rule you made yourself, would you?
King of Beasts (Exhales and stands up straighter while glaring out the window to the Destroyed Fountain in front of the school): Very well.
Sorcerer of the Sands (Walks over to Crowley's Desk): Now, I am aware that you have Yuu's Grades on file; I want to see them, now.
Yuu (Groans): Father...
Sorcerer of the Sands (Holding his empty hand to silence Yuu): You know how serious I am about your education, My Little Desert Flower; you have always been rather brilliant and I shall not allow you to waste your brain. (Looks at Crowley) The File. Now.
[Crowley reaches for Yuu's File and holds it out to the Sorcerer of the ands who waves his staff to cause the file to leviate and open before his eyes; he scans his eyes carefully over the paper before flipping to the next page. There is silence for a while before he closes the file and uses his magic to place it back on the desk.]
Sorcerer of the Sands (Looks at Yuu): My Little Desert Flower, it would seem your vigilance in your classes allowed you to maintain high grades; I am rather pleased with this.
King of Beasts: Hold on. Are you telling me that you didn't see what I just saw?! My Cub is suffering in Magic Related Classes! (Looks at Yuu) Are you still repressing your magic and refusing to use it, Cub?!
[The look on Yuu's Face answers the King of Beasts' Question.]
King of Beasts (Running his hand through his hair as he exhales): Cub, we talked about this: You should not repress your magic and refuse to use it. Your magic is a part of you and you need to accept it just as you accept everything else about yourself.
Yuu: I know, Dad, but I was too scared to use my magic around here; you know that my magic is stronger than Overblot Magic, I didn't want to risk harming the people I have come to care about here.
King of Beasts: You are keeping your magic locked away for those mere mortals?! How is that fair to you, Cub?! When are you going to stop being so selfless and do something for yourself for once?!
Yuu (Flinches): I'm sorry, Dad!
Fairest Queen: King of Beasts, please remain calm; you know that our child is selfless by nature. We are here now and we shall spend time together with them. You shall have time to aid them in exercising their magical prowess.
Sea Witch: She is correct, King of Beasts; do not be angered by our child's selfless nature.
King of Beasts (Exhales): Fine. You both are correct.
Yuu (Looks at the Fairest Queen & Sea Witch): Thanks, Mom & Mama. You guys are going to remain here to spend some time with me?
Fairest Queen: Oh, that's right, we have not told you. For the remainder of this week, we shall remain at this college to spend time with you; you shall be relieved from your classes and other duties to spend time with us and have a break to yourself.
Yuu (Scratching the back of their head): I don't mind you guys spending time with me, heck, it would be awesome to have my parents here with me but I don't think Ramshackle is large enough for all of us to stay in.
King of the Underworld (Raises an eyebrow): Ramshackle?
Yuu: The Old Dormitory.
Thorn Fairy: There are 7 Dorms that are fully functional where you can stay but you are housed in an old dorm?
Yuu: The Dark Mirror couldn't place me in a dorm since it thought I was Magicless, and I needed a place to stay so Crowley placed me in Ramshackle.
Thorn Fairy: Understandable.
Sorcerer of the Sands: Very well, I have a solution to this issue: Whenever we are not together or spending time with Yuu, we shall remain in the Dormitories that represent us. I am curious to see just how things are run within the walls of Scarabia.
King of Beasts: That sounds like an interesting idea. That Lion Beastman from earlier was the Dorm Warden of the Savanaclaw Clan; I am curious as to how he runs his pride. However... (Smirks) I'll be having a conversation with him about calling my child an 'Herbivore'.
Leona (Trembling while Whispering): Oh, crap. I'm done for.
Yuu: Dad, do not harm my friend! He means a lot to me and I shall not forgive you if you harm him or the others in Savanaclaw Clan.
King of Beasts: You speak defensively of him as if he was your chosen mate but I am sure that is not the case, correct, Cub?
Yuu (Looks off to the side with a slight blush across their face):...
[The Great Seven look at the Blushing Face of Yuu.]
King of Beasts:... Oh... Hell...No.
Vil (Smirks while Whispering): This is gonna be interesting, Kingscholar, however, I have no intention of just handing over my Sweet Potato to you just because they have possible feelings for you. I am certain that I am a better match for them.
Leona (Growling Whispering at Vil): Screw you.
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