#to actually support someone instead of watching/worrying from afar
thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
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Bullied reverse course darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Junko, Nagito, Ibuki, Mikan ]
[ Trigger Happy Havoc ] [ Goodbye Despair ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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This was really interesting to write! I think ultimate x reverse student is already an interesanting prompt!!
I had to left out Kyoko because i don't feel like writing for her, instead I made Mikan! Hope you don't mind
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Junko Enoshima
Junko is always looking for something that could bring her happiness through the despair, even if that mean putting into action the craziest plan. For you two to meet isn't too difficult because of this, although is probably that Junko won't be interested in you right away unless she senses the despair you are going throught
Junko's interest and obsession on you will grow really fast, once she notice the problems you are having with the bullying thay imediatly pick her interesant, she probably will watch you from afar but has no problem with going with you directly immediatly, she just wants to be able to observe you and find out how much this is affecting you. Junko is incredibly smart and observant so it won't take her much time before she gets all the information she can, how much students and who is bullying you, how much it affects you, what hurts you the most, what you do to cope with the bullying, and so on, she gets all the information until she is satisfied
Although, she will never really grow fully satisfied, the more she learns for you the more obsesive she grows, for what she just wants to know more and more about you. She started by just getting interested because of the despair but it slowly becomes to be interested in all of you, and no matter what you say or do her once Junko grew obsessed over you she will never leave you alone
Junko is well aware that her feelings towards you aren't exactly wholesome or normal, but she doesn't care at all, as long as it brings her happiness and joy to her life she doesn't really care for anything else, not even your safety, is almost as if you became her little toy to play without you being able to do anything about it
At some point, probably pretty soon, Junko will came to you and start befriend you, not really hidding her true personality but actually trying to be charming just to make sure you don't run away from her since the start. Junko is really smart and has a whole plan to charm you to trust her and let her in your personal life before she wins the full control of your life, although is probably that she puts her plan into action even after start befriending you
Junko is well aware that you suffer from bullying and is probably that she act worried or even offended just at first to try to lull you into her game, but she doesn't actually care much for the bullying, in fact is something she actually cheerish because it brings you despair and thats what she love the most
Even once Junko becomes closer to her darling and starting winning more control over their life she won't stop the bullying yet, she will even secretly encourge the bullies and indirectly give them information to bother you only for her to watch the scene amused. However even the bullying is something she wins control over it, she control when and how much you get bullied, she just let it happen enough for her to be satisfied by the the beautiful scene of you falling into despair, and her feeling of despair while watching someone else mistreaten her darling
Although, as much as Junko loves this situation she grows mad with your bullies over time, she likes that you are feeling despair but she should be the only one who makes you feel that way, so even if at some point she had encourage them now she despises them so she will take matter into action, no matter how hypocrite may be she will end up punishing your bullies in the worst way posible, enjoying every single moment of it while making them feel the great despair!
It isn't safe to say that you'll be free of the bullying, because even if your bullies suddenly disappear that will just give Junko free pass to be the only one giving you that sweet despair and no one will stop her from doing it, not even you
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Nagito Komaeda
It would be a little difficult for Nagito to even interact with reverse course due him despising them, he doesn't go out of his way to bullied them but he isn't kind whenever interacting with someone from the reverse course either
For you two meet, or well, for him to start actually interacting with you has to be because he has see you around the campus more than once, already seeing people bothering you but also seeing you still go on with your day or that he doesn't know that you are talentless, in any case it won't take much time before you pick his interest and he start to actively trying to learn more about you, either by watching you from afar or directly starting to talk with you (if he doesn't know you are talentless he will saying self-depracating things but not much since he isn't sure if you are an ultimate or not)
Nagito's ideals were deeply ingrained and he couldn't go against them, so for him to actually start falling for a reverse student has to be because he already knows your potential, after watching for a while and getting to know you better he will slowly get convinced that even if you are a talentless you are really hopeful, going to Hope's Peak Academy despite not having any kind of talent, getting constantly bullied by it and still always making your best to keep going, to keep attending to class and trying to have some peace shows the great hope inside of you
It take a while but once the simple idea of you being quite hopeful grows on his mind the idea will only grow more and more with time, from now on, in his eyes, everything you do is for the sake or motivated for your hope, no matter what you do nor what you think of himself that won't change the way he sees you now, or his growing obsession for you
He takes a little advantage of your position as a reverse course student to get close to you, interact with you and even being a little pushy with it if you don't seem too interested on him, even when he had started looking up at you he doesn't treat you as the hopeful deitity he sees you yet, you are still a reverse course student and it would take him a while for him to get used to that, but in the meantime he is acting really kind and friendly with you
He tries to spend all the time he can with you by the excuse of just wanting to be your friend, while, in the shadows he is just feeding more and more his believe of you having the potential to become the ultimate hope. Nagito lull you into trusting him and charm you with his friendly attitude until you two are really close, and then is when he start to show more his worshiping and obsesive tendencies because to that moment he already knows (or have convinced himself) how hopeful you are, even if you would find it weird or even disturbing there is not way to turn back down, he has found the ultimate hope and he must protect and serve them (even if he sees himself unwhorthy)
At first, the bullying you recived used to be something that he didn't care, but now that he knows how hopeful you are he can't just have that, he rather take all that hate and mistreat on himself than letting anything bad reach you, that is why he tried to protect you from the bullied by diferent ways, keeping you as far away from those people who just wish you ill and taking it himself (if he can), although he may even start thinking bad of them, even if your bullies are ultimates they aren't even close to be able to compare to you, so he may just teach them a lesson for even just thinking bad of you, but that would depend on what they have done to you and how bad do you feel about what happened, or if you ended injured (although, he is pretty easy to be trigger when it comes to you, specially if your safety is on risk)
Nagito is determinated to protect you and keep you safe from anything and everything, his own sanity slowly starts to depend more on you, that is why you being bullied start to make him feel paranoia, he already fears that you might end up hurt because of his luck but you being actively hurt by others just makes his worries be even worst, to the point where he just can't keep calm when it comes to your safety. If he is able to stop the bullying his paranoia won't grow much, but if his efforts fails and the bullies keep going he may just snap and do something serious against them or even just kidnap you
It sadden Nagito to be so far from you during classes, he can't just concentrate in anything else because his mind is just full of thoughts of you, from wondering if you are alright to feeling like a failure for not being there with you, or even feeling unwhorthy and thinking that probably you will be better if he just stays away from you and leave you be (although his paranoia won't let him leave you alone), he isn't able to calm down until he is able to see you again
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Ibuki Mioda
Ibuki is a really open minded and friendly person, she likes talking and making new friends so if she ever get to know you she won't think twice before already treating you as a friend, for her it doesn't matter if you are talentless or ultimate, she want to know your true self
She may don't fully get that you are being bullied if she doesn't see it personaly, but she does notice the little hints like being uncomfortable or even weird out by the fact that she is talking to you like a friend, she acts goofy and friendly but she is weel aware how a lot of people take advantage of the school system to pick on reverse students and that is why she tries to don't make a big deal out of it
It probably won't take much time for Ibuki to cross your wary walls and get right into your heart, even if at first is just by being friends, she is just happy that you finally accept her and from then she won't leave you alone never again
Ibuki end up falling for her darling because of her personality, no matter if you are introvert or extrovert she'll find you incredibly adorable and fascinating in your own way and that is when her obsession becomes, it grows so slowly and inconspicuously that is almost scary, and, since her whole behavior is always being affectionate, clingy and energetic it isn't that weird and can come across as normal when she start to become more and more clingy and invasive
Ibuki doesn't think bad of her feelings, she knows perfectly fine that she is in love with you, although she ignores the fact that the intensity of her feeling is abnormal and just accept them with open arms
With time Ibuki grows quite intense when it comes to her darling in diferent aspects, you suffering from bullying was something she used to find reprehensible, something really bad that must stop, one or other way, she wants to help you in a good healthy way but she is just too intense to the point were she grows even impulsive, she tries to distract you and comfort you while taking you away from the bullies, she hopes that that would be enough but if people insist on bothering you she will just step in and protect you from your bullies, confronting them and asking them to stop, but if they still don't listen then they left Ibuki without other option than taking action and punish them, is more likely that if Ibuki is pushed to her limit she end up just killing them with the excuse that is just for the sake of her darling (she doesn't regret it nor shows sorry for them, they were the bad guys anyways)
No matter what resources Ibuki is forced to use to protect her darling she will not stop being the smiling and affectionate person she has been with her darling since the start, even after killing she just came and act as always, although Ibuki's feelings will depend for what the bullies have done, if you are traumstized or they didn't stop in time Ibuki will just grows a little paranoid and end up insolating you (without even having to kidnap you), assuring you that Ibuki is the person you can trust with your life and even convincing you that she is the only one you can trust
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Mikan Tsumiki
It could be a little difficult for you to meet, even when Mikan doesn't mind at all the fact that you are a reverse student, but for her it would take a while to feel comfortable around you just because of her abusive past
You two can easily empathize with each other since both had being bullied (although, probably you haven't being mistreaten to the same point that Mikan had suffered but at least you can understand her), however she wouldn't take it too well at first, thinking that she is in a too shameful state and you are just pitying her if you ever mention it
For Mikan to grow obsesive over you it has to be because you seem to be liking to mistreate her and only her or being really kind towards her, and for being in a similar potition is more probably that you two become a comfort zone for each other, someone with who you two can just be without judgment nor titles, and that is how she becomes obsesive and even dependent on you pretty quickly
Is until Mikan grows obsesive that she starts to feel bothered by the fact that you are a reverse student, but it is only because that is the reason why she can't be with you all the time, leading her to feel more and more desperate with every minute that she pass away from you, the distress fullfiling her until she is finally to be able to see you, probably even cry a little and apologizing for being so needy and bothering you with her insistance (not matter how much you reasure her is the same everytime)
Mikan think of you as perfect, even if you are talentless she doesn't mind at all, and she wants to know everything she can about you, so at some point she will try to win the courage to ask you about your class in the reverse course for being actually interested more on your life, however she will quickly apologize the firsts times she ask because she fears you may think that she is trying to make fun of you
She won't know about you being bullied unless you tell her or she sees it, either by actually watching it happen or because she help you with the bruises, at first she was just feeling bad about the situation but as her obsession grows it becomes a topic that start to bother her more and more, it makes her feel helpless and usless, it makes her feel like she is being nothing but a bother for you since you already has to handle a lot with a rough academic program on the reverse course and also the constant bullying and now having to deal with her and her clumsiness, she feel really bad about it but everytime you do as much as smile at her she can't help but feel like with you is where she belongs, where she can be happy, even if you were just doing it for pity she wouldn't mind as long as you don't leave her
Everytime Mikan gets to see the hints of you being bullies (like being sad or even physicaly hurt) she can't help but feel even more usless, almost at the verge of tears, she rather have to endure the bullying you are suffering than leaving you suffer it, and it just gets worst when she saw it in front of her (that won't take much time before happening because of how clingy she is, to the point of becoming a stalker)
The moment she sees you being bullied she just froze and feel like if her entire world start to fall apart, she feel so impotent for not being able to do anything and so shameful that it would take her a while to finally look at you in the eyes again. If she ever gets to see it again it would be almost the same, until she finally win the courage to step in and try to stop the bullying, probably just offering to take your place
Mikan will just grow paranoid over time because of the bullying and how much time you two spend away, everytime there is evidence that you have being bullied or even saw it she treats it as if you were about to die, it causes so much distress that she end up taking things into matter and makes sure to take their life in her hands, that way they will never bother you again and she can make sure you are safe, she will finally be useful for you
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Requested by @justsomerandom4030
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l-in-the-light · 18 days
Love your account ❤️🥰 What do you like best about Law?
Thank you <3 Sorry for the late reply, I was sitting on this one for a while, because I thought giving it time would help me write a better answer. But this is so difficult, because where do I even start? How can I say what I have in my heart so it doesn't actually just sound weak and pretentious, but also not extremely dramatic?
Maybe let's start from the fact I didn't fall for him at first sight. I totally didn't care about him in Sabaody when I first read that arc. The first moment he truly earned my sympathy was his confession in Dressrosa, I went all whoa, I was hoping for some open show of emotions, but I didn't expect this intensity hiding under the surface. Then Wano happend and he was so cool in Wano. And then I caught up with the manga in Egghead arc. He still wasn't my favourite, but things were slowly changing. I started noticing how much I actually miss him in the story. I started worrying for him. Finally, I gave up and just reread his parts from earlier arcs and damn it just hit differently the second time around. Before I noticed it he became one of my top 3 characters. Soon after, he sneakily took the number 1 spot as well without me realizing.
I love how unyielding he is, especially against Doflamingo, someone who constantly gaslights him. And oh boy I have been in that spot before, when a mentor figure tries to push their own way of seeing things without listening even for a moment to other reasons. I'm always surprised by Doflamingo-Law conflict in Dressrosa exactly because of that; Law keeps pushing in what he believes in instead. Even fandom buys Doflamingo's point of view on Law: yes, he's just a pitiful vengeful ghost, he's just lashing out, he needs to be put back into his place and silenced. But no, Law's not having any of that. It feels like a catharsis for me to see that and it restored my own faith, at least a little bit, because if Law could deal with all that shit and didn't truly lose (technically he did, but it was to his own good heart imo), then inevitably I also feel myself becoming more unyielding, it rubs off.
He's so unbelievably strong, but it's not about his attacks or power, but mental strength. And I wish I was at least a bit as strong as him. Between Doflamingo, Law's traumas, fears and putting up a confident front when he feels anything but that, smirking at those who lose to their own arrogance, I'm really amazed he is as strong as he is. And it's not just about him never giving up, because of course he has moments like that, but he always, always gets back up and it's probably never for himself, but for others that are dear to him.
And there's also his resemblance to Ace (and Sabo) somehow, because they're inevitably all older brother types. But while Ace is rough around the edges but his love is so warm, Sabo's soft and supportive but is also a bit self-centered, Law's something else entirely. He's just so avoidant, but at the same time kinda soothing and gently watching from afar, like the moon, you don't usually see it in the day but you know it's always there. That's his kind of love. It's captivating, but it doesn't exactly warm me up when I think about it like when I think of Ace, it doesn't make me feel the fluff like when I think of Sabo, but instead it's like a strong, tingling light that shines not in the sky but inside the heart, when you need it the most: in the middle of utter darkness.
His loyal love to Cora-san, his unobvious but gentle ways of showing affection, his good heart, his sharp smiles and unyielding spirit, reckless and petty paybacks, his shitty and brooding attitude, his serious but trolling sense of humour, I definitely like all of this about him. And sometimes he's just simply insufferable and I enjoy that about him as well. Every time I discover a new thing or detail about him, I like him only more.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
hello hello, may I request a sombra (overwatch) romantic concept? :3
Gotta love Sombra, yeah? Unless she's on the enemy team, as a support main I want to cry.
Yandere! Sombra/Olivia Colomar Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Breach of privacy, Breaking and entering, Secret recording, Drugging, Kidnapping, Isolation, Dubious affection, Forced relationship.
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Sombra would be another yandere who likes to watch you from a distance for most of her obsession, just like Reaper and Genji.
Out of all the Overwatch yanderes she's probably the best at stalking, actually.
If Sombra is interested in someone she's going to know everything about them.
It's not that hard for her to so, especially if you are just a normal person.
No amount of VPNs or encryption software will prevent her from accessing your files.
She watches you from afar but also hacks into all of your personal data.
She downloads any information she wants to keep for further research.
Sombra, as your yandere, leaves nothing untouched.
She hacks into security cameras and webcams... she even uses her tech to sneak into your home.
You should really get more security...
Not like it will save you from her.
Sombra is careful of not allowing you to see her.
She takes her time with her obsession, learning every single thing she can about you at her own pace.
She quickly becomes addicted to watching you through cameras or sneaking into your home while you're unaware due to her invisibility tech that she stole.
At first Sombra just planned to spy on you, maybe you're close to a valuable target?
But over time her interests begin to shift.
Soon she begins to watch you because he enjoys it.
She finds how vulnerable you are amusing.
Especially since you have no idea she exists.
Sombra is very playful and teasing with her obsession.
She likes that she can lurk so close to you but still be undetectable.
She keeps her distance just enough to lurk as you do your daily life.
Her obsession certainly has a quiet start since you won't know she's around.
Not until she decides to take you off the grid.
At some point watching footage and stalking you isn't going to satiate her obsession.
Especially if she feels romantic feelings... eventually she's going to think of kissing you and holding you.
That idea ends up driving her addiction to you.
Eventually she backs any information she has on you into a private thumb drive.
Things like IDs and important digital documents.
Then she works on erasing all the public stuff and makes you a home away from society.
Sombra is definitely one of the more intense yanderes due to her stalking and her forcing dependency on her darling.
Once she's ready she'll take her darling away with some drugging before allowing them to awaken in their private home.
She's already moved all your stuff and given you a pretty purple chain to keep you in place.
Sombra is efficient when it comes to her obsession.
She's highly manipulative and knows how to get things done.
There's no contact to the outside world for you.
She isn't a very violent yandere.
She avoids unnecessary violence and instead whisks her darling away in silence.
She works in the shadows, it's what she's used to.
Plus when she has you she already knows just about everything about you.
All thanks to her research.
Sombra promises to take good care of you, all with a grin as she tilts your head up.
When she has you she's able to indulge in kisses and hugs.
She adores you and soothes your worries by whispering how much she adores you while lightly touching your nose.
Y'know... you're very special to her.
She wouldn't remember everything about you if she didn't seem interested at least a little bit...
Really... there's no one else better than her to take care of you... so why even bother trying to leave her?
Not like you could in the first place... no one else knows you exist except her... she's made sure of that.
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prettyboyhowl · 1 year
I just had to steal this question from other blogs and ask here. How would the ROs react if someone was flirting with the MC? Let's say during the crushing stage and romance 😈
Devious! This was fun to answer, thank you anon :)
Under the cut because it's long haha:
Crushing: His heart twinges with pain and jealousy, but he forces it aside. For Gil, his first and foremost concern is whether or not you're actually comfortable with being flirted with. If you are, he dies inside while forcing himself to be not just fine with it but over-compensatingly supportive. If you're not, he'll be there in a heartbeat to give you an out. "MC, hey." His smile drops momentarily as his eyes flicker over to the person next to you, but it's back when he looks at you. "Let's go."
Romance: Again, the most important thing is that you're comfortable. "MC hey, I've been looking for you." As he leads you away he looks back over his shoulder at the person, pointing at you then jabbing a thumb at himself. 'We're. Dating.' he mouths, finishing with a finger heart to really accentuate the point.
Crushing: Runs interference with such a nonchalant smile that no one (including you) could tell they know exactly what they're doing. It helps that they're your best friend and they use that very much to their advantage, showing off how close the two of you are to the person who's flirted with you. "Oh MC, there you are! I've been looking for you, let's go home. Also you left things in my room again," they roll their eyes playfully, not minding if their words are misinterpreted a bit. "Oh, sorry," they glance at the person you're with, "Were you two in the middle of something?"
Romance: "Hey, um, they're taken," they say gently but firmly, slipping their hand into yours. They turn to look at you, mouth tilting up teasingly. "Right?"
Crushing: Annoying. She's so annoyed by the sight, but it's not like the two of you are dating, so she forces herself to walk away. For the rest of the day, she's in a bad mood. It's not like you've done anything wrong so she doesn't want to be mad at you, but she's worried she will be so she purposely avoids you instead until she's calmer.
Romance: It's funny for her to watch, more than anything. Look at this idiot, thinking they have a chance. If you need help getting out of it she'll come and plainly tell the person that you're taken. "Excuse me, you're flirting with my partner." (Otherwise she'll just catch your eye from afar and wave amusedly.)
Crushing: Oh. You're great, of course someone's flirting with you. Discomfort rises in her chest. She tries to carelessly ask you about it later, hiding the way it made her heart hurt. "Looks like you're pretty popular, hey? Saw that person flirting with you… what a loser," she scoffs. She doesn't mean it, not really, but she can't stop herself from throwing a jab at them anyways.
Romance: She steps up next to you and wraps an arm around you casually. "Hey. Who's this?" She smiles at the person flirting with you and suddenly they hear the Miguel O'Hara theme playing, a polite smile with thinly concealed warning: This one's mine. Stay away or else.
Lemon Sorbet:
Crushing: Would very likely accidentally interfere. "MC," he waves at you brightly, already walking over. Just the sight of you makes his day, he barely even noticed there was someone else with you. "It's so nice to see you," he says warmly, cheeks flushed. "Oh, who are you? Any friend of MC's is a friend of mine."
Romance: It's pretty much the same as the crushing stage where he doesn't realise what he's stepped into the middle of, but now that you're dating he addresses you much more affectionately. "My love! How fortunate I am to see you here. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation, I just got so excited when I saw you," he chuckles sheepishly.
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sukirichi · 4 years
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the morning after – gojo satoru ver!
warnings: slight dirty talk and suggestive content, like the yuuji one, nothing too explicit! Oh and a teasing, cheeky gojo :>
masterlist ! (photo not mine)
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It doesn’t hit you until you’re whacked by an arm in the face. Literally.
You whine and push the foreign weight away that smushed your nose at the impact, less than pleased because you’re having the best of your life, but someone had to ruin it. Nevertheless, you refuse to open your eyes and settle into the warmth that encases you in that moment. It reminds you of your precious unicorn plushie you left back at your apartment; cuddly, precious, keeps the nightmares away, but the best part about this human teddy bear is that he’s all firm muscles and body heat instead of fur cotton.
Wait, what? Human?
It’s when you hear the man stirring above you with a husky groan that you freeze in your spot, eyes snapping wide open your vision blurs for a split second. The first thing you see is smooth skin and firm pecs, followed by a slender, strong neck and a sharp jawline – oh god.
So last night wasn’t a dream.
Clenching your teeth and even biting the inside of your cheeks to stop squealing – more out of embarrassment and shame than happiness, really – you slowly reach up between your squished bodies to pinch your cheeks, bringing blood and feeling back into them. No wonder you’ve slept so well last night, and as someone who prefers pulling an all-nighter until you pass out in the middle of an anime series, it’s quite rare to find a good eight hour sleep.
It’s not like you had much...activities performed that would take up too much energy. Until Gojo Satoru came, the teacher from the Tokyo school, and also the notoriously infamous “strongest jujutsu sorcerer.”
You’ve had a crush on him the moment you’ve started working as a teacher in the Kyoto school. Utahime, who was closer to him, was incredibly appalled when you told her one day about your raging crush on the white-haired man who looked absolutely breathtaking with his blindfold, but without them?
Just the thought of having seen them last night, when he was between your legs, no less, has you inwardly groaning and cringing so hard you feel so shameful that you can’t even look him in the eye. Satoru is fast asleep above you, one of his strong arms lazily draped over the curve of your waist and his fingers brushing against your bum. When you shift a little to give you both space, his fingers begin to hover dangerously close to a sensitive area and you let out a tiny squeak, muffling it with the back of your fist before he awakens.
This man had the Six Eyes – the last thing you wanted was for him to sense and notice the little things and wake up. No, you had to leave before he even gets the chance to move.
The chances of not waking him up was pretty slim, but you’ve always been proud of your sneaky movements that you try anyway. Fortunately, Satoru doesn’t seem to be a hardcore cuddler because he doesn’t pull you back when you finally slip past the sheets.
You freeze for a moment at the edge of the bed, still in disbelief that you actually slept with him. No, no, that’s wrong, you’d have slept with him anytime if he allowed it but – he actually slept with you. It’s not that you’re looking down on yourself because you’re also a special grade sorcerer and could stand your own ground confidently, but your powers when it comes to exorcising and your social skills are two different things that don’t even come close together.
You’re not worried that a special grade curse would kill you and take away your privilege of finishing that new manga you bought in your day off because you know you could handle it easily, but as a person, there’s a stark difference between you and Satoru.
True, he wasn’t exactly liked by everyone because he refused to be limited by rules and regulations, always claiming that one should not be hindered by the narrow-mindedness of the others, but it was something you really admired about him because you’re not like that. You’re old school, sticking by the book, much like his co-worker Nanami Kento who equally hates overtime, and while Gojo Satoru was loud and confident, you’re more of the person who stays by a corner during a party.
Which is exactly what happened last night at Utahime’s birthday party – aka the old wrinkly principal isn’t here so let’s get wasted type of party.
You’re not surprised that Gojo Satoru walked in, but when he did, you had to clutch your spirit water and drink it in haste because he’s got you feeling thirstier than you did last night – and you drink your water plenty. But how could you remain sane when he looked so gorgeous in just his uniform and his laughter has butterflies erupting in your stomach?
Truth was, you’re satisfied watching him from afar. It’s not like you ever plan on asking him out or being his friend because you’re sure Satoru has better things to do and prettier people to talk to, so when he sits next to you in the desolate leather couch, legs crossed over one another and his arm right behind you (although not touching, he respects your space) you nearly pass out.
One thing leads to another, and you find yourself writhing under his arms, shamelessly crying his name over and over again until the dead hours of the night that has his ego inflating.
You don’t remember how or exactly why it happened, but definitely, alcohol had to be involved. There’s no way Gojo Satoru would actually notice you, much less sleep with you, when he’s completely sober, which is why you scramble around the room with the blanket covering your bare body as you look for your discarded clothes.
If he wakes up and sees you, he’ll probably regret everything that happened last night, if he remembers any of it, anyway.
But you’re most definitely mostly sober through the whole thing, so you remember how good he was in making you feel like a goddess. The way he sucked on your neck, licking a stripe at your burning skin while his large hands groped your breasts possessively, all the while rutting in that perfect spot that has your eyes rolling at the back of your head with your nails running down his back – you shiver just thinking about it.
Gojo Satoru really has that effect on people.
You hide your flustered state and quickly pull on your undergarments, about to slip the sweater over your head, only to die on the inside because you realize you’re wearing those full cotton panties instead of sexy lingerie. With a groan, you fight back the urge to cry. But then again, who could blame yourself for not dressing sexily? It’s not like you had any idea that this would happen.
You’re halfway through your jeans when Gojo’s husky morning voice breaks through the silence. “Leaving already?” you hear him smile, although your back is turned to him, face completely morphed into terror. “Such a shame. I was actually thinking shower sex sounds nice – if you’re into that, of course.”
“Satoru,” you greet lamely with a bow, avoiding the way his stunning eyes raked over your form with an unreadable dark expression. “Uh, you’re awake, and...good morning, I guess.”
Gojo smirks at your flushed cheeks, and it takes everything not to stare at the way his biceps strain from the way he supports his head, hair sticking in every direction and looking absolutely sexy in the morning light. “Good morning to you too, Y/N,” your breath stifles, because he knows your name? “Although it would be an ever better morning if you weren’t such in a rush to leave,” he chuckles, “It makes me feel like maybe you regret what happened last night.”
Your head snaps up at his words as you shakily wiggle your arms, “No, that’s not true, I loved every second of it! It was...it was the best night of my life,” your cheeks tinge a shade darker when Gojo beams at your words, chest almost puffing out proudly. Shyly, you turn away from him and fiddle with the hem of your sweatshirt. “I just...I didn’t think you’d still want me here around, because you were drunk last night and all and I thought maybe you’ll regret it, which I don’t want to happen so yeah, I just thought I’d leave before I get to...” you clear your throat awkwardly, “...be rejected like that.”
“Y/N,” his voice falls an octave lower, the thoughts in your head growing so loud you don’t even hear that he’s already left the bed, and now he’s cradling your chin until you’re forced to witness the galaxies burning in his eyes. “You thought I was drunk last night and did it because I was just horny? That I would regret it and forget all about it?”
His proximity has your breath stuttering, your eyelashes slapping your cheeks as you blink rapidly. “Well, uhm, I’m not really your type, so I think it was safe to assume that.”
Gojo hums at your words, his calloused thumb running over your lips. A small smile flits across his face when he remembers how much of a good girl you were for him last night, obediently opening those lips up and letting him bask in the warmth of your wet cavern before swallowing all he has to give. Funnily enough, Gojo isn’t the best with his words, so he just tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before sighing.
“I wasn’t drunk,” he finally admits. The confession has you slipping from his grasp, but Gojo snakes his arm around the small of your back to pull you to him, the warmth of his bare skin seeping into your clothes. However, it’s nothing compared to the lust and adoration burning in his eyes – one you can’t properly fathom in this clouded state. “Tipsy, sure, but I assure you I was aware and sober for every little part,” his lips hover at your ear, one of his hands coming at the back of your neck to tilt your head to the side, granting him access to the hickeys he’d purposely left.
Just the sight of his markings on your perfect body has a tent growing in his pants. You feel his erection rub at the pad of your jeans, eliciting a small whine from you, and this makes Gojo resist the urge to bend you over right then and there. But he doesn’t do that, because he knows your body is too tired from his ministrations, and he’s nice enough to give you a break – even if that’s not exactly what your burning core wants at that moment.
“Like the way you clenched around my cock when I hit that sensitive spot of yours,” he laughs when you shiver at the way his breath tickles you, “Or how pretty you look when you cream around my cock, begging me to go harder because you can take it, and baby, I promise you, I loved it just as much as you did.”
Finally, Gojo pulls back, and he’s extremely satisfied when he sees how small and innocent you look just like that, as if he hadn’t just folded you in half to watch the way your pretty pussy welcome him and take him better than anyone else just hours ago.
“But,” he continues, “I think I enjoyed it a lot more, considering I’ve wanted to do that for such a long time now,” at his words, you furrow your brows, and that’s when he realizes his mistake. Gojo reverts back to his usual lighthearted self and fans his hand out almost comically with his hands on his hips. “I mean, not just the sex, though it is amazing, but having you close is what I meant. Like holding your hand or getting to kiss you,” he sighs dreamily as if you’re not in the same room as him.
“Uh,” you awkwardly begin, unsure of what to say. “Are you saying you like me?”
“Yeah,” he smirks, which shouldn’t have been such a sexy look on him, but because he’s Gojo, it was. “But Utahime said she’d cut my balls off if I even get near you. Thank goodness she was too drunk last night to ever see it, but I’m glad I talked to you. I’m just ashamed I’m only saying this after the sex but...would you like to go out with me?”
Thanks to his Six Eyes ability, Gojo is blessed with the privilege of seeing you malfunction before him as you try to find your words.
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mammss · 3 years
Hey hey! Could you maybe do some headcanons for the brothers (cofcofSatan and Mammoncofcof) with an MC who has anxiety tics/Tourette's? Like, they usually make small noises or immitate birds, or have small movements they do when they're anxious?
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mc with ADHD and tics
a/n: thank you both for requesting! i kinda put off writing this just because i don’t relate to this in any way and didn’t wanna write something that may be offensive so please inform me if i said something wrong
i also just combined both requests because they were basically the same<3
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he knew you had adhd and tics when looking through your file, though he has no idea how they play out in your life, he does tons of research and tries to accommodate to your needs when you actually arrive. get ready for him to ask tons of questions about your life or just him silently watching you to get a better understanding of you. though he’s gonna ban all energy drinks like the old man he is if he sees you only drink those you’ll have to get a stash from levi
has no idea you have tics but can tell you have adhd because he has it as well it clicked pretty early. you’ll have to educate him on your tics but don’t worry he’s pretty supportive and willing to be patient. if anybody says something stupid to you mams will stand up for you and fight whoever said that you have to calm him down a lot by far he loves you making bird noises why? well he’s a crow dad and makes bird noises himself he knows how every bird sounds like btw and falls in love with you everytime you do it, everyone has walked in on you guys once just making bird noises out of the blue and didn’t understand what was going on do it in front of his crow babies and you’ll make some new friends and make the poor demons heart burst
i can’t remember but i feel like people have made headcannons that levi has tics/adhd and i feel like that makes sense so when you arrive your relationship starts on a good relatable note. because you both have tics you share your experiences and what works best personally. overall a bond is formed and you’re just two big nerds having the time of your life! nobody better hurt you guys but if someone were to say something one, you got levi who will literally summon a sea creature when he likes and two, the brothers will have their head in an instant. when levi finds out energy drinks were on the verge of being banned from HoL he bought TONS and is always willing to share with you and only you though drink it with extra precautions he doesn’t wanna get strung up from the ceiling may i also add levi has bins full of fidget toys calling it now just ask him and he’ll show them off
thought you were really strange and said that to your face the first week. but when lucifer told him you have adhd and tics like father like son he watches you from afar and taking in everything you say and do so he can understand you. he also loves it when you make bird noises because he thinks they sound very cool and try’s to mimic but fails. if you have little movements you do satan will look at you like a weirdo but do them with you as long as you don’t do them around his dusty crusty books
lucifer told everyone you have adhd and tics so instead of being weird and watching you he just straight up asks you what your tics look/sound like. he’ll make sure like mammon no one messes with you or bullies you. remember this man is a influencer and the type to tell his fans to cyber bully someone if they do something to you, very supportive and patient tho he can’t stand the fact you drink energy drinks 24/7 as long as your living in the same house as him he’s making sure you drink water and eating healthy
doesn’t think anything of it tbh. he does notice when you make little noises and movements randomly but never really questioned it he does ask you personally what tics are and after explaining it to him he loves your tics all of them and watches you with a smile on his face he thinks your cute. your adhd however he tries to keep up but he’s clueless some of the time so please be patient with him
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The Autobots watch there human friend get hurt| Headcannons
Note: nothing major usually sporting accidents, might be mentions of some blood
Optimus: ACL Torn due to a Wrestling match
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-oof ouch
-You we're wrestling in a mixed gender tournament when it happened
-also it was an outside tournament (they're rare but cool)
- *cries in extreme pain*
-the shout in pain just echoed because of the valley caused by the stands
-he had been at the gate watching you from afar
-hah Ratchet please help
-Ambulance is called and you're taken away
-anxiety Optimus
-"Will she be okay?" "Most likely no for a while." "No?!'
-realizes how distant you are afterwards, especially to him
-"Im useless now..." "You're not useless, your injuried," "same thing"
Ratchet: Baseball to the mouth
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-ugh human sports
-you were really happy to be in the championships so he just had to go
-luckily can watch from the parking lot as the parking lot is on the side of the feild
-one strike, two balls, you had this in the bag
-smack! The ball hit- but it came back at you instead, hitting you right in the mouth.
-blood time (is it called that in baseball too?)
-"Hey Ratchet Y/n just got hurt" "thats nice- wait- W H A T"
-sees the blood running down your face, your coach all up on you in fear
-gargles water and gets back in
-Ratchet says that he wont come to any more games in your dont wear a mouth gaurd
-enjoys watching you play eventually, and enjoys driving you home, the craziest/ deepest conversations you both have while your basically so tired your running on fumes.
Bumblebee: pole snaps you right in the face, resulting in a anakin skywalker style gash
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-you had just started and pop, pole snaps hitting you right in the face
-Worried beeps and buzzes
-"Omg omg is she okay?! Is she alive"
-stand up bowing to the crowd as everyone has a good laugh
-Bee gets to see you fly, and fly high, surpassing your PR as you barely clear the bar.
-"And then you flew like- wow- zoom-" "Bee honey bee, I was there. I did it." "Did you see me?! I was watching you!"
-is worried you'll get hurt again but will contuinie to support your dreams
Smokescreen: broken arm from a tackle
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-someone got a little too mad and decided, boy was gonna basically demolistion durby you
-not only did he use unessacary force, he shouted in your face while you were down and kicked you in the helmet.
-Smokescreen wanted to go on the feild and step on the sore looser
-turns out he broke your arm, and then started bragging about how he broke your arm
-fight on rhe feild
-that dude got banned
-smokescreen will learn how to write with a small sharpie just to sign your cast and does
-he spends his time hanging with you even, he knows you're sad not being able to play
Ultra Magnus: Thrown from a Bull, trampled
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-well you see
-this was a waist of his time, to him atleast
-everyone's all big and heavy and you're all pitete
-was saying "I mean it when I said you'll get hurt" but didnt actually wanna believe it.
-oh you got hurt, but beat the record by 3 seconds
-bull tramples your ass after being thrown into the gate
-"Oh wow Magnus just had to jinx it"
-he won't take you to any more rodeos if your bull riding
-angry Magnus
"You almost died!" "You almost die every day!"
-now you guys arent friends
Wheeljack: Multiple Brusies from Ice skating fails
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-thought you were really cool practicing on the ice, and even had Ratchet ground bridge ya'll to the snow
-watched you pratice your routine and failing multiple times, rolling over or simply sliding across the ice with a sigh
-after hours you both went back, removing your shoes and long socks ankles littered with massive bruises,
- taking off your long sleeve and replacing it with a short sleeve was the same.
-"damn dude your suppose to protect her not beat her up"
-"how many brusies I got on my back?" "You want how many or how many you dont have, honestly thats a lower number."
-tries to talk you into buying braces from your anklee, and is honestly worried you'll really break a bone next
Bulkhead: Volleyball to the head
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-Beach volley tournament
-worried because bikini bottoms
-so worried the team was able to spike the ball: into your face
-mild bloody noses
-Bulkhead watched each one happen, unable to do anything he winced alot that day.
-your pride and self confidence are extremely low after your teams loss and he helps boost that back up.
-"I highly doubt I'd look that good in that outfit!" "We should buy you one. We could match"
-takes you to all your matches and tells you to be safe and careful everytime
Arcee: hurt your back deadlifting
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-lots of shouting
-going for PR
-PR came for you instead
-accidently put to much strain on your back
-"Arcee. I blew my back out," "Im sorry you what?"
-lectures you on why you should be more careful
-does it again gets lectured again
-"Hi Yes I deadlifted twice my weight-" "fool I told you stop."
-shes honestly proud of you, you being a "girl" deadlifiting more than some men makes her proud
-will brag about you to the bots, and even ask you to demonstrate
-okay now Arcees got them all watching you deadlift
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tsrookie · 3 years
Always In My Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Alyssa Brooks)
A/N: On today’s episode of ‘I have no idea wtf I’m doing’, we have something that I cooked up because I had terrible WiFi and no other app but Google docs would open up.
Trope: Fluff, but a tiny bit of angst?
Rating: General
Word Count: 2.3K
Warning(s): Mentions of character death
Summary: Their son has a very important question to ask.
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The delicious aroma of chicken and rice wafted through the Brooks-Ramsey household. The couple worked side by side in the kitchen as they had all those years ago, the only difference being that it was now a dinner for five and not just two.
Allison Dolores Brooks-Ramsey came into their lives nine years ago, and while it was earlier than they would have wanted, they didn’t regret a second of their lives ever since they first heard her voice.
The twins on the other hand, were planned, but nothing had prepared them for the chaos that Nathan and Natalie would bring. A new broken object every week, a dozen fights for the TV every day, and yet were nothing short of tiny tornadoes when they joined forces.
It couldn’t be more perfect.
“What time did Jackie and Emilia say that they would bring the girls back?”
“6:30, I think.”
“Ah. So we have time till 7:00.” They shared a knowing smile. Two aunts taking their nine and six year old nieces to the mall meant a complete raid of the toy store, and a new guitar.
“You need to stop letting everyone spoil the girls just because you have a soft spot for them, Ethan. Ally’s grown old enough to understand that she has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and we don’t need Nat coming to that realisation as well.”
“I don’t- I can’t believe you would accuse me of not loving all my children equally!”, he exclaimed in mock offense.
“Mhmm. So why did I have to come up with an explanation to tell Nathan why his dad wasn’t on board with ordering dessert when he asked for it, but relented once his sisters kept bugging him for another five minutes?”
He opened his mouth in protest, but decided against saying anything for his own good. “Well what can I say? They’ve inherited their mother’s persuasiveness. And I can’t really say no to you, can I?”
Alyssa’s lips curved upwards at that. The playful look in her husband’s eyes caused her to finally break into a grin. “At least you’re self-aware.” Stuffing the rice into the bird she added, “But I can’t exactly tell our son that his dad is too in-love with his mom that he sees her in his daughters and hence can’t say no to them. He’d gag in disgust.”
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head in the crook of her neck. “That he would. Alright I’ll try a little harder to resist their charms. Wouldn’t want my only son to end up hating me.” He said it without a hint of worry over it becoming true someday. Over the years, he’d learned to put aside his fears of not being a good father, and with the help of some therapy, and Alyssa’s unwavering love and support, he’d locked up his insecurities in a box and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
They took the stuffed chicken and put it in the oven, washed their hands and plopped down on the couch for some rare downtime.
“Everything okay?”
“Fred’s mom got called in, so she’s dropping Nate off on her way to work.”
Ethan sighed. “There goes the hour I planned to spend with my wife, who I barely get to spend enough time with these days.”
“I swear, you were never this busy when you were chief. I have no idea why my workload’s ten times bigger.”
“I do.” Ethan smiled with pride. “One usually does have a lot of work when they’re at the front lines of the battle for making free healthcare accessible for every single person in the country. My brilliant wife, though she could choose to leave most of the work to her very competent team, opts to take it all upon herself. So that’s probably the cause behind all the extra workload she complains about.”
She smirked and perched herself onto his lap. “Well your very brilliant wife also knows that you called my team very competent just to avoid hurting my feelings, and that you and I both know that they’ll be running around like headless chickens without me taking care of things.”
“I know, love. But you can still make them do a little more instead of working yourself to the bone while still making sure that you have at least one meal with the kids every day.”
She sighed. “Yeah, to make sure that they don’t forget what I look like.” She leaned in closer. “Besides, are we really going to spend our last few minutes of peace talking about work?”
Just as she uttered the words, the door burst open, and Nathan kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the couch as Alyssa slid down from Ethan’s lap. She shot him a look that very clearly meant What did I just say?
Ethan gave her an apologetic look and ruffled his son’s hair. “Hey buddy. How was your day at Fred’s? I know you wanted to spend more time with him.”
“I did, and we were just about to open his new LEGO set when Mrs. Watson told us that she had to run up to her office for some emergency meeting.”, he pouted. “But it was a nice day. We watched Thor: Ragnarok and Luca, and we would’ve watched another movie if his dad didn’t tell us that two movies were enough for a day.”
Alyssa shot him a mildly stern look. “Well he was right. You’re too young to have movie marathons just yet. Two are more than enough, unless you want to have a headache.”
“But mom, I’m not too young! I’m a big boy! I can swing along the monkey bars at the park faster than Natalie, and soon I’ll swing across buildings just like Spider-Man!”
“Well Spider-Man got bitten by a yucky spider before he swung across buildings. Do you want to be bitten by a gross and poisonous spider?”
“Mommy, not all spiders are gross and poisonous. Dad told me that when I was four and got scared of them at the zoo.”
She rolled her eyes. Leave it to her husband to convince her kids that insects were anything short of creepy and disgusting. In reality, they were, but as someone who ran a mile away at the sight of a butterfly, she wasn’t going to accept that.
“That’s right, Nate. Some of them are certainly very poisonous and dangerous, but that doesn’t mean that you should be scared of them. If you maintain your distance and admire them from afar, there should be no problem at all.”, he said with a pointed look at Alyssa, who just huffed in annoyance.
Nathan giggled, his brown eyes lighting up with amusement. He loved watching his parents playfully bicker. It was way better than seeing them- ugh, kiss.
“We were pretending to be superheroes and Fred used his full name for his pretend name cause it sounded cool, and it is. Fredrick Anthony Watson sounds like something from that show you and mom watch with the guys in the stuffy suits.”
“When did you see us watching the show with the guys in the stuffy suits?”, asked Ethan with a slight hint of concern. Whatever he and Alyssa watched on their free nights was definitely not kid-friendly.
“I don’t remember. Maybe a few months ago.”
Their year old puppy, Ivy, woke up from her nap and bounced into the living room to jump onto her favourite person. Nathan squealed with joy as the fluffy hair of the dog tickled his nose.
Ethan and Alyssa smiled at each other. Getting another dog after Jenner was a decision that took a lot of convincing, but their kids were responsible enough and it was impossible to say no after two years of constant pestering.
“Fred told me that he was named after his great-grandfather William, and that he was this really cool guy who saved a bunch of guys from getting mugged in a dark, dark alley.” He turned to look at his parents as Ivy snuggled into his lap. “Who was I named after mom?”
The question caught her off guard, and she glanced at Ethan for backup.
When they knew that they were having a boy, they immediately knew what to name him. They hadn't, however, anticipated Nathan Daniel Brooks-Ramsey to ask such a question this soon.
Seeing his wife at a loss for words, Ethan spoke up. “C’mere Nate.” He pulled him closer and pressed a kiss atop his head. “We once had a friend named Daniel. He worked at the hospital as a nurse, and he was close to your mom and Aunt Sienna when they were interns.”
Having found her voice, Alyssa joined in. “He was an amazing friend. He was the only nurse in the hospital who helped me out when things got messy, and cheered up Aunt Sienna when no one else could. He’d join us for picnics and movie nights, and you could always count on him if you needed something at the hospital.” She took a deep breath, and Ethan nodded. “Things were going well, but then in my second year, something really bad happened.”
“Oh no.”
“There was this bad guy, who wanted his revenge on another bad guy, and he was ready to risk his own life, and the lives of everyone around him to do so.”
“That’s horrible! Who would want to do something like that?”
Ethan smiled wistfully. “A lot of people in this world actually do. You’re a good person, so you know that it’s wrong. But some people aren’t, and they don’t care about other people getting hurt because of their actions. That night at the hospital, Danny tried to tell the bad guy that it was wrong, and to think things through. But he didn’t listen, and did something that hurt both himself, Danny, Uncle Raf, another friend of ours, and your mom.”
His little eyebrows creased with worry, Nathan asked, “What happened then?”
“He… he died. Along with our other friend, Bobby. Do you remember what we once told you about an autopsy?” Nathan nodded his head. “Well Danny asked for his body to be autopsied, and thanks to him, we were able to find out what was wrong with mom and Uncle Raf.”
He fell silent for a moment, remembering the horrors of the day, and how eternally grateful he was to Danny for being the reason he didn’t lose everything. He couldn’t imagine a life without the love of his life and his children, and he wouldn’t have either if not for the sacrifices that were made.
He looked up at Alyssa, and she squeezed his hand in support. “We’ll tell you more when you’re older, but to make it short, you’re named after a hero too. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have you, your sisters, or mom here with me.”
Nathan wriggled out of his dad’s arms, and set Ivy down so he could hug his mom as tightly as he could.
“Well… if you can hear me Mr. Daniel, I just wanna thank you. Thanks for saving my mom. I love her so much and I’m so thankful that I got to meet her because of what you did. I wish I could’ve met you, you sound like a really cool person, and I’m sure you were. So yeah, thanks. A lot.”
Alyssa’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears, and she held her son as she expressed her silent thanks along with Ethan.
What they had was precious.
Fifteen years had passed since they first met, and yet each day they fell in love a little more like they did when they held hands for the first time in the dim light of the NICU watching over little Ethan, or when she finally got to see the real him the first time she visited his place; the first time in years he let someone know a little of the worries residing deep in his heart.
With all the odds against them, it was a miracle that they survived, even more so that they managed to raise three perfect children who had more love to share than they could ever comprehend.
And they’d never forget all the reasons that made it possible for them to survive.
The timer on the oven went off, and they got to their feet to get the chicken.
“Was he a good cook dad?”
“I… don’t really know, Nate. Your mom knew him better than I did.”
“Well there was this one time where he helped Aunt Sienna bake an amazing cake, so I guess he knew his way around the kitchen.”, Alyssa recollected fondly. It was for Jackie’s birthday, one of the few nights where the competition was completely forgotten about.
Nathan’s face melted into a glowing smile. “I love cake. So I guess I really would’ve loved him.”
She mirrored his radiant expression. “You definitely would’ve.”
“Why don’t you go play with Ivy while mom and I get the food ready? You can help us with the dessert later.”
“We’re having dessert?!”
Ethan grinned at his son’s excitement. “You bet we are.”
“Yay!” They watched as Nathan ran off to go play fetch with Ivy in their enormous backyard.
Ethan pulled Alyssa in for a sweet, lingering kiss as soon as he was out of sight.
“You’ve been wanting to do that for a while now hmm?”
“Something like that.”, he murmured as they broke apart.
She could see the ever-increasing strands of silver in his brown hair, and the faint wrinkles along the sides of his forehead, but his clear blue eyes were just as loving and devoted as she remembered from over a decade ago.
“We have a pretty good life, don’t we?”
Ethan kissed her again. “No, we have the perfect life.”
A/N 2: Aaaand I’m going MIA again. Honestly though, to everyone who’s read so far, thank you so much for sticking around. Means the world💙
P.S: I finally chose Chyler Leigh as my face claim!
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cursedwriter · 4 years
Cursed! - Gojo Satoru
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Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist 
Synopsis: After running some errands you’re caught off guard by a curse user. Unbeknownst to you, he has something up his sleeve that would mean a fate worse than death to you. How will you get out of this? And what role does your boyfriend - the Satoru Gojo - play in all of this? 
Words: 2.6k
Author’s Note: Feeback is - as always - highly appreciated! I’d love to hear your thoughts! Requests are still open, btw! 
“Hey, there. Are you okay?” You hesitantly approached a man who had just stumbled upon a protruding cobble stone on the sidewalk. The street lamps were just lighting up, signaling for another day to approach its end. The air felt chillier on your skin and you briefly wished you had taken a scarf with you, or at least put on a warmer jacket.
“I’m fine. No worries,” the man grunted and waved you off, but you didn’t stop, opting to check on him nonetheless.  
“Are you sure?” Your feet stopped just a few inches away from him, hand already outstretched to help him get up and off the ground. Hesitantly, he reached out for it. His movements slow, but not in a timid kind of way. It was more like he was anticipating something to jump at him at any given moment if he touched you. As if he was scared you could poison him with a single touch.
Suddenly an uneasy feeling swept through your body. A shiver ran down your spine and the hair in your neck stood up. A familiar sensation overwhelming your senses. Blood running cold in your veins, freezing still, numbing your nerves. The chill of the night was suddenly no longer noticeable on your skin. Instead, the breeze felt almost warm now. This was the presence of a curse. An acidic taste spread through your mouth, making you swallow hard as you subtly roamed your eyes around the neighborhood, trying to find out where the curse could be hiding.
To your surprise, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. The only thing that was ticking you off was that there were no longer any people in sight. It was just you and the man in front of you now. Everyone else had suddenly vanished. Cursed energy was flowing through the air, probably causing everyone else to feel uneasy too, hence why they left in a hurry. People relied on instinct much like animals did. So even though they might not know why, they could definitely tell when something bad was about to happen. Much like how animals could sense when a storm was approaching. Therefore, this really wasn’t all that surprising.  What surprised you was that everyone else had been quicker than you to notice the alien presence in your midst. It was almost like someone had been concealing it from you specifically. That was what was worrisome. And then it hit you… the lack of a curse running around, you alone in an empty neighborhood with only one other man right in front of you and the fact that you had only been able to even sense the cursed energy floating around the moment you had reached out for him… This was a trap. A trap specifically designed for you.
Everything inside of you was screaming for you to run away. Just run. Run. RUN!
But you couldn’t move.
You couldn’t even retract your hand that was still outstretched to help the stranger get to his feet. You looked down at him. The shock in your eyes as the realization hit you must’ve been obvious, because as soon as he noticed the fear glimmer in your eyes, a menacing smile spread across his face. It almost looked like he was bearing his teeth at you.
Without breaking eye contact, he got up from the pavement, ignoring your hand and dusting his pants off.
“Ugh, the look on your face,” he laughed. “It’s truly hilarious, I wish you could see it.” His eyes lit up and he held his index finger in the air as if he just remembered something groundbreaking. “Wait, hold on. A right,” he laughed again, “as if you have another choice.” He stalked around you, reaching for your back pocket, hand lingering on your ass longer than was necessary in order for him to get your phone. Bile was rising up in your throat as you send a million death threats his way. You wanted to scream at him to tell you what he wanted, but even your tongue remained unmoving, pressed to the roof of your mouth. It felt like you had transformed into a stone statue.
It was obvious that the man in front of you wasn’t a cursed spirit. So he either had to be a curse user or, like Yuji, swallowed a cursed object and absorbed its power. Whatever he was, whatever he wanted, though, by the way he looked at you, it wasn’t anything good.
“Okay, now say cheese.” He held your phone in front of your face. It was close enough for you to reach out and swat it out of his hands, but much to your dismay, your body just wouldn’t listen to your commands. Everything you could do was stand there helplessly and watch as he did whatever he pleased. “Ah, right. Almost forgot, you can’t talk,” he shrugged unimpressed. “Well, no matter. This’ll do just fine.” The clicking sound of your phone camera rang through your ears. The sound completely out of place compared to the eerie silence that surrounded you.
The man turned your phone around to show you the picture he’d just taken. At first glance, you almost didn’t recognize yourself. Your eyes were blown wide in horror, mouth slightly opened in a silent scream.
“So, what do you think’ll happen if I forward that little picture of you and send it… let’s say, to your boyfriend?” He raised one eyebrow in amusement, gauging your reaction, obviously toying with you. “What do you think he’d do if I’d do that?” This guy evidently knew who you were and he also knew who your boyfriend was… Then why did he sound so delighted at the prospect of Gojo – the Satoru Gojo – coming here and probably tearing his limbs off? It seemed to you that he was almost counting on it. That he, in fact, looked forward to it.
Okay, so this guy wasn’t actually trapping you. You were just the bait and Gojo seemed to be his real target. Which got you thinking… Was he just another egomaniac thinking he could take on Gojo and defeat him and in return make a name for himself? Did he have a death wish? Or could he be that one in a million to have an actual chance at defeating him?
“It’s really not any fun when the conversation is this one sided,” he complained, scratching the back of his neck in thought. “Okay, because I’m in such a good mood today, I’ll let you talk. But no funny business, alright?” He held a daunting finger up in the air as if he was an adult scolding a child for misbehaving.
Suddenly your tongue felt loose again and you could move your mouth, though, the bitter taste remained. It felt like someone had poured acid down your throat, leaving your tongue to feel like sandpaper in your mouth. Except for that, everything remained the same. Not a single muscle in your body would follow your commands of making a run for it or, at the very least, get a good punch in.
“What the hell are you doing to me?” You croaked out, voice hoarse and cracking at the end. “What do you want with Gojo?”
“Uh uh.”  He shook his head in displeasure, though, the sick grin on his face remained. “One thing at a time, love. Don’t get ahead of yourself or I might revoke your talking rights.” The way he referred to you as ‘love’ made you physically sick. And the way he talked so happily, as if you were old friends catching up on lost time, made you want to punch him all the more. What was his goal? What could he possibly want?
“Just spit it out!” Your patience was wearing very thin at this point. And though, it might be reckless to talk to this visibly crazy man in such a manner, you didn’t really care. You always had a problem with your temper.
“My, you’re a feisty one, aren’t you?” The man cooed in delight. He was still holding your phone tightly in his hand, looking through God knew what. Ugh, now you really wished you had put a password on it, but before now you never really had a reason to. You weren’t hiding anything in it, but still, it felt like he was roaming through your head while you had no idea what he was searching for.
“Aren’t you two just adorable?” He dangled your phone in front of your face again, fake sweetness dripping off his words like poison disguised as honey. On your screen was a picture of you and Gojo where he was kissing your cheek. Your face was flushed, totally embarrassed when Gojo made Fushiguro take the picture a couple days back. But still, there was this love drunken smile on your face, eyes glistening in a way that radiated pure joy. You remembered how happy you were that day. Actually, you were always happy when you were around Satoru. “You’re so cute together, it makes me sick!” He stood up straight again, nose wrinkling in disgust as he scrolled through your phone some more. “You know, you’re a hard woman to get alone. You’re always with him… Frankly, it was quite frustrating to watch you two be all lovey dovey. But here we are at last, right? So I guess, it was worth it in the end.” A throaty laugh escaped his throat, causing every hair on your body to stand up. So this guy has been watching you? Following you around for God knew how long? A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of all your intimate moments being tainted by some weirdo watching you from afar.
“So, what is it that you want from us?”
“Right,” he clicked his tongue, shoving your phone in his back pocket and out of sight. A small sigh of relief left your lips. Finally, it didn’t feel like he was digging through your head anymore. “You see; I was in love once, too. We were as happy as you can imagine. Our future together was already within reach.” Suddenly the man reached forward to hold onto your shoulder. At first it seemed like he needed the additional support to keep himself upright, but as his fingertips dug deeper into your skin, you guessed this wasn’t all there was to it. He needed a vent to release some of the anger that was burning in his eyes… and you just so happened to be the closest thing nearby. “Everything was perfect. Suki was pregnant and we were planning to get married… Everything was perfect,” he repeated. There was a strain on his voice now as he talked about the woman that he loved. But you were still confused as to what that had to do with you. “Suki was a good person. The best, in fact. There wasn’t a single bad bone in her body and still… and still, someone cursed her. And not just any curse… No! They turned her into one! Into a monster! My Suki! MY SUKI!” Describing him as furious wouldn’t even come close to the burning hatred you saw searing in his eyes. The grip on your shoulder impossibly painful at this point.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” The sincerity in your voice caught him off guard. You could feel his grip loosening ever so slightly, but the flame in his eyes seemed to blaze more intensely than ever before.
“You don’t get to say sorry!” He spat in your face. “Because your precious excuse of a boyfriend was the one to kill her! HE KILLED HER WITHOUT BATTING AN EYE! WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO FIX HER! HE KILLED HER! AND HE DID IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! SO, YOU DON’T GET TO SAY YOU’RE SORRY!”
Suddenly everything clicked together. Everything started to make sense. This was a man with nothing to lose and he was out for retribution. If you weren’t scared before, you were definitely scared now. People with nowhere to go, people who didn’t fear death or didn’t care for it were the most unpredictable ones. He probably already knew that there was no way for him to defeat Gojo… and that in turn meant that he must have something planned that would make him suffer the same way he had. Because what do you do if you can’t kill your opponent? Right… You make them wish they were dead. And you had the dreadful feeling that the role you’d be playing in all of this wasn’t merely to lure Gojo in.
You tried to gulp, but a lump was forming in your throat that made it hard to swallow or even breathe. You didn’t care about the things that could happen to you, but if you were to be the reason Gojo had to suffer, you would never be able to forgive yourself.
The wheels in your head started turning, eyes blown wide in horror. The man in front of you could visibly feel your distress. He wet his lips in anticipation. Almost like a famished animal waiting to finally feast on its prey.
“Please, I beg you… just let me go, okay? Please!” It was a pathetic attempt, you knew that. There was no way in hell he would let you go now, but you still had to try, at the very least. “This won’t bring her back, okay? Torturing me won’t bring your Suki back… So please, I beg you… just let me go.”
His head fell back in his neck as a bitter laugh ripped through the night. His whole body shook with the action. The sight caused your heart rate to speed up, hammering against your rip cage like the wings of a hummingbird. This was a mad man with nothing to lose and with nowhere to go.
“Torture you? No, no!” He shook his head, finally letting go off your shoulder as he clasped both his hands together in pure delight. “I have something way better planned for you… You see, my cursed technique is mind manipulation which you might have already noticed.” Ah, now it made sense why you couldn’t move and only talk once he allowed you to. “It’s a rather straining technique, but that won’t matter…” The smile on his face didn’t falter, if anything, it got even bigger. His eyes almost sparkling with perverse glee as he hungrily looked you up and down. His hand reached for his back pocket again, getting a hold of your phone. The screen illuminated his face, highlighting a single scar that traveled across his right cheek. “So, I’ll call your boyfriend now, okay? I think you two have a little catching up to do.” He winked at you. “But before that…” He lowered your phone slightly, intently looking you in the eyes and capturing all your attention. Even if you wanted to look away – and you did – you couldn’t will your body to do so. Never in your life have you felt so helpless. “Y/N, when you see Satoru Gojo’s face again, you’re overcome with the sudden and unbearable desire to kill him and you will stop at nothing until you accomplish your task… or you die trying.”
You stopped breathing, blood freezing in your veins as your brain absorbed these horrible words.
No. No! NO!
This was a fate worse than death! Not only did he make you fight his sick battle, he probably counted on Gojo having to kill you which would… break him. If you can’t kill your enemy… make them wish they were dead. And God did you wish he would’ve just killed you and left you for Gojo to find you. This would’ve been more merciful.
“Oh, he picked up.” Your eyes snapped up to see he was already holding your phone flat against his ear. “Gojo Satoru, I believe I have something of yours in my possession. Please be so kind and pick it up, okay? She really can’t wait to see you.”
Part Two
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cloudy-minded-idiot · 4 years
closing time - part 2
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female reader
warning: none that I can think of
word count: 2,700-ish
a/n: just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to comment, reblog or like the first part 💕 your support truly means a lot to me. everyone who has asked to be tagged or requested a second part has been @-ed below.
previous part
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"Who are you talking to?”
The question came seemingly out of nowhere, making you jump so hard you almost dropped the phone in your hand.
“Jesus, woman!” you swore, putting your free hand over your rapidly beating heart, “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
Natasha was fresh out of the shower, her wet hair twisted in a towel. The redhead was wearing an oversized grey hoodie and some sweatpants that you had found somewhere deep inside your closet. She looked adorable, you had to admit, like a kid wearing their parent's clothes. The sight strangely made your stomach flip.
“Force of habit, I'm afraid,” she smiled apologetically, carefully sitting down on the couch. Her face was finally clean, no more mud, blood, or grime sticking to her features. Except for the blue-ish bruise on her left cheekbone, and a small cut near her eyebrow, her skin was unfairly flawless.
“So, are you gonna answer my question?”, she plopped her feet up on your coffee table, shaking you out of your thoughts. With a shrug, you pocketed your phone, hoping she hadn’t noticed your staring.
“Just work. Called in sick until Tuesday. After all, I can’t let you roam around my apartment unsupervised. For one, you’re injured, for another, you’re still a stranger.”
On your way to the couch, you picked up the first aid kit from your kitchen counter.
“A stranger?” she repeated with mock hurt, putting a hand over her heart, “ You wound me. After everything we’ve been through, I really thought we were getting closer.”
Shaking your heart amusedly, you sat down next to her. Balancing the first aid kit on your thigh, you pulled on a pair of rubber gloves with a snap. You could feel her gaze on you, watching your every move. Nervously, you cleared your throat, a little uncomfortable with her attention.
“Let’s have a look,” you nod to her and she complied with your unspoken request, pulling the hoodie up just enough for you to access her injury. Gingerly, you removed the bandage, dumping it into the trash can and inspecting the stitched wound, quietly humming in concentration as you did.
“I think you strained it a bit with your morning escapades today but I don’t think you pulled any of the stitches,” you concluded after a moment. Your voice sounded more sure than you actually felt about your assessment, considering all your expertise came from the internet. But, apparently, your word was good enough for your patient.
“See, I told you. You worried for nothing,” she slapped your shoulder jestingly and you rolled your eyes, taking out a new bandage to re-wrap the wound.
“I wouldn’t say for nothing. After all, you have been stabbed and only received medical attention from an amateur,” you pointed out, giving her a chastising look when she tried to dismiss your troubles with a languid hand motion.
“I think you should be concerned by the fact that I seem to be more worried about your health than you are," you continued, undeterred, "How's the pain, by the way?”
She shrugged nonchalantly, waving away your concerns, “I’ve had worse.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“I'll be fine”, Natasha insisted with emphasis, “Besides, I don’t like taking painkillers. Dulls the senses.”
If you weren’t as tired as you were, you might have argued a little more. Instead, all you did was sigh and give a curt nod to signal your understanding. You didn’t really get her at all. If she was just going to hang around your apartment for the next couple of days, then who cares if her senses are dulled? It wasn't like anyone knew she would be here.
You finished wrapping her wound, leaning back to observe it from afar. You were admittedly getting better at bandaging. So that was a plus point.
“Alright, that’s it,” you nodded pleased, starting to clean up. Natasha inspected your work as well, pulling her hoodie back down once she was satisfied.
“You’re surprisingly good. Have you ever done this before?”
Chuckling, you shook your head, closing the little dark green box on your lap.
“You mean have I ever stitched someone together before and let them take refuge in my home? No. Can’t say I have.”
She smiled at your sarcastic tone, rolling her eyes playfully, before smirking mischievously.
“Ah, I'm your first. I'm honoured.”
You flushed at the implication of her statement, trying to hide your embarrassment by fiddling with the first aid kit. Don’t overthink it. You do not want these kinds of thoughts right now. Not about her. Sure, she is beautiful and it is kind of fun to banter with her and she has probably the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen and her lips…
“So, what’s your verdict doc?” she nudged you back to reality, amusement in her voice. You cleared your throat, shaking your head to clear your previous thoughts away.
“You need rest. Lots of it. No putting unnecessary strain on your injury,” you explained distractedly, pulling the gloves from your hands and letting them drop into the trash can, “So, I forbid you from leaving the couch for anything other than using the bathroom. Like I said before, if you need something, ask me.”
“You forbid me? My, my, how bossy of you. Then again, your home, your rules.”
“I just don’t want you to make anything worse,” you replied earnestly, ignoring her teasing tone.
Natasha grinned, eyes sparkling, leaning dangerously close to you.
“It's cute how concerned you are,” she almost whispered, her breath ghosting over your face. You felt your heart speed up.
“Don’t tell me you care about this lil old stranger here.”
Needing to remove yourself from this situation, you practically jumped off the couch, trying to play your reaction off with an annoyed eye-roll and a huff.
“Don’t be so full of yourself. I just don’t want you to start bleeding again. Might end up ruining my carpet,” you explained, the words leaving your mouth so quickly, it was a wonder you didn’t stumble over them. You resolved to change the topic entirely.
“Want anything to eat? Drink?”
Without sparing a second, you walked over to the kitchen, idly opening the fridge and looking through it just to keep your mind busy and eyes away from her. The frigid air definitely helped cool down your heated face as well. So that was a nice side effect.
“Vodka on the rocks would be nice,” she quipped. You shook your head, well-aware that she couldn’t see you, hidden away behind the fridge door. Apparently, your silence was answer enough though, because only a few seconds later, she let out a concessive sigh.
“Fine. Water will do.”
Preparing her a glass, you carried it over to the living room area, nudging her foot with your leg to get her to take them off your coffee table. She complied begrudgingly, accepting the glass and draining most of it in one gulp. It was only when you noticed a single droplet running down her chin that you realized you were staring. Again. Very obviously. Immediately you averted your gaze, opting to eyeball the wall in the far distance.
“So, what are you gonna do today? Anything planned?”
What a terrible question.
“Not really,” you saw her shrug out of the corner of your eye, “But I do need to use your radio again. Would you mind grabbing it for me?”
“Uh, sure.”
You spotted the device on the tv cabinet. Handing it over, you made certain that it was plugged in for her, watching the red digits on the small display light up. For a moment you remained in place, observing her as she fumble with it, her forehead creased in concentration. Feeling awkward just standing around, you approached, anxiously rubbing at the back of your neck in search for something to say.
“Can I ask, what exactly is it that you do with it?”
She seemed to mull your question over, before patting the couch cushion next to her.
“Sit. I’ll show you.”
You do, making sure to keep a decent amount of distance between you while still being able to see what she was doing. Natasha showed you how to switch to a shortwave radio station and how to input messages to be transmitted. The static sound filled your apartment again, changing to a couple of high-pitched sounds once in a while when she enters a new code. It was fascinating, something that seemed entirely taken out of an old spy movie.
“So, you’re sending encoded messages to someone?” you summarised her explanation, intrigued, “Do you use morse code for the encryption?”
“Morse code. That’s cute,” Natasha let out a short laugh, shaking her head in amusement. The towel her hair was wrapped somehow stayed in place. She looked up at you with a cocky smile, her eyes meeting yours and taking your breath away for a moment.
“If I wanted all the other agencies in the world to know my location, then yes, I'd use morse code. No, this is my very own code. Only a handful of people know it.”
“Impressive. So this means you’re a spy, right?”, you asked as she continued working on her transmission, “Because this is textbook spy behaviour.”
Natasha didn’t reply. Not that you had expected her to. Yep, definitely a spy. That would also explain her injury and need to lay low for a few days.
“So, do all secret spies have their own encryption codes, or are you just special?”
“Oh, I think you’ll find that I’m very special,” she quipped seriously, not looking up from her task, “Once I'm recovered, I’ll gladly show you my special set of skills up close.”
You blinked, perplexed, cocking your head to the side.
“I’m not sure whether you’re trying to threaten or flirt with me,” you remarked, a frown settling on your face. The redhead turned the radio off, putting it down next to her and looking up at you with a big grin.
“And isn’t that just part of the fun?”
Natasha, it turned out, had quite the talent for coming up with pick-up lines that could double as thinly veiled threats. You did your best not to show how flustered she made you, either changing the subject, feigning ignorance, or trying to come across as exasperated or annoyed instead. To be honest, you did rather enjoy her flirtatious remarks. After all, it wasn’t every day that such a beautiful and quick-witted woman hit on you, even if it was just in jest. She also had something rather mysterious about her that intrigued you. It was probably a spy thing.
She, in turn, seemed to grow more comfortable around you as time passed. Daring to express her emotions more openly without always relying on sarcasm or flirtation. The memory of making her laugh out loud for the first time - a real laugh that had her throwing her head back and crinkling her eyes - was practically ingrained into your mind. Even now, just thinking about it, brought a fond smile to your face and made your heart flutter.
You weren’t stupid. At least you liked to think you weren’t. No, you were fully aware of the fact that you were developing feelings for the secretive redhead. And you knew that it was a terrible idea, that you should fight it. After all, she would be leaving soon and you weren't likely to see her again. But resisting her charms was a lot harder than you had anticipated. Especially, when you had to share your small apartment.
So, instead, you decided to treasure whatever short time you did have with her. You cooked her your favourite dish, blushing when she complimented your skills in the kitchen. The two of you watched several movies huddled together on your couch. You had seen them all before but enjoyed watching her point out all the unrealistic plot points and inconsistencies, only to end up grinning like an idiot at the cheesy happy ending. You also came up with several bad and dorky jokes just to hear her laugh out loud again. It felt nice. Almost domestic and natural.
But in the end, Tuesday came sooner than you had hoped. All night long, you had laid tossing and turning in your bed, dreading what would happen.
The sun was not yet out when you heard the now-familiar sound of radio static coming from your living room. Suddenly very awake, you practically shot out of your bed and hurried out the door.
Natasha was already dressed to leave, hair pulled back into a braid. A few locks had escaped and framed her lovely face. She looked up when she heard you enter, putting the radio aside.
“Morning,” she greeted with a small smile, “You’re up uncharacteristically early. Did I wake you up?"
“It’s fine. Didn't sleep well anyways,” you assured her, brushing a hand through your hair. A moment of silence.
“So. It’s Tuesday, huh?”
“Observant as always. My colleague will be picking me up shortly if that is what you’re asking.”
Dread filled you. While you knew this moment was coming, you suddenly found yourself wholly unprepared for it.
“Then the air is clear again, right? Successfully laid low?”, you asked, fumbling with your hands as you rambled on, “That’s good. Great.”
The redhead quirked an eyebrow at you, shouldering a small duffel bag as she approached you.
“It is indeed great. Means I won’t be targeted the moment I step outside your door,” she commented casually. As if possibly being assassinated wasn’t a big deal.
“Right. Good,” you nodded in agreement, unsure what else to say to that. She stopped directly in front of you, regarding you curiously. Your pulse spiked.
“Need me to check out your wound again? One final examination before you’re dismissed from the hospital?” you offered. Natasha shook her head.
“I’m fine. You did a great job, doc,” she flashed you a big smile, “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me these past few days.”
Face growing warm, you make a throw-away motion with your arm.
“No need to thank me. I really enjoyed spending time with you,” you tell her genuinely, meeting her green gaze. Her expression softened. she took another step closer. Your breath hitched at her close proximity.
“Me, too. But I’d still like to express my deep gratitude."
Something mischievous flashed in her eyes. Before you could ask her what she meant, she had already cupped your face and pulled your face to hers.
The moment your lips met, every other thought you had vanished from your mind. Electricity shot through your veins, your skin tingled where she touched you. After a moment you caught yourself and returned the kiss, pressing back against her, your hands carefully settling on her waist.
For a while, nothing else seemed to matter. Breathing, thinking, everything appeared rather trivial in comparison to this feeling of her lips on yours. It wasn't until a loud knock sounded on the door, that you broke apart. You were both breathing hard. Your eyes met and the smile she gave you had to be the most beautiful sight you had ever seen.
“My colleague’s here", she whispered, somehow breaking through the fog in your mind. Right. She was about to leave. You swallow against the lump that formed in your throat. Still unable to find words, you just nod, taking a small step back. You tried to keep the sadness off your face and most likely failed miserably.
To your surprise, she laughed, shaking her head.
“Don’t look so glum. This doesn’t have to be goodbye.”
“It doesn’t?” you asked hopefully. Natasha gave you a look full of adoration, pulling a small slip of paper from her pocket.
“I'll probably be busy for a few days, but I have nothing planned next week,” she pressed the paper into your palm. Unfolding it, you saw a phone number scribbled on it in blue ink. A big grin overtook your face as she continued.
“I'm sure we can work something out. I'd love to take you out.”
You meet her eyes, butterflies going wild in your stomach.
“Take me out as in on a date, or…?” you asked jokingly.
Wordlessly, she pressed a small kiss to your cheek.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and find out.”
taglist: @blackxwidowsxwife @fishlikestuff @madamevirgo @chickenhavewisdom
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
illicit affairs
Mob!seb x nanny!reader
Run-through: You work for the city’s most feared and respected mob boss, Sebastian. Sure, he has a bad reputation on the news, and most people would stay as far away from him as possible, but not you. Because to you, he’s just the single dad whose toddlers you watch Monday through Friday. You admire the man, but he holds a secret close to his heart – despite knowing you are in a relationship, he can’t help but fall hopelessly in love with you...
Themes: mob!seb, smut, angst, mentions of infidelity, fluff
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Sebastian came home late, again.
Work had been stressful lately, but the sight of his home made him feel much, much better. Inside the mansion, he knew his two boys would be asleep by now, after causing a ruckus all day. Tucked into bed by you.
As he stepped inside his home, he had a smile on his face just at the thought of you. Y/N…
He had appointed you to be his kids’ nanny about a year ago. And he knew it was wrong, but for the past year or so there wasn’t day where he hadn’t wished that you were his girl instead. He knew you were in a relationship with a boyfriend of yours. And yet, each time he saw your face – which was almost each morning and evening during the week – he couldn’t help but tell himself that he would treat you so much better.
Maybe it was your warmth, or your gentleness. Or how you could take control of the situation whenever the boys acted up. He had always liked you, since the very first day. But the day he knew his feelings for you were so much more firm and real than just a crush happened a few months ago;
The eldest of the twins, Stefan, had a pretty serious allergic reaction to something he ate. It was Sebastian’s fault. But despite it being a weekend, when the boy was rushed to the hospital, Sebastian called you; panicking and scared and worried sick.
You didn’t think twice before driving to the hospital as well. You had grown to adore his boys, they were so precious. And hearing that one of them was sick, you panicked as well. You also rushed because you knew Sebastian would be alone and you had grown to care about him as well. There, as soon as he saw you down the hallway, Sebastian didn’t think twice before rushing to hug you. It did take you by surprise, his sudden display of affection but you comforted the worried father nonetheless.
It surprised him as well, that he relied on you for emotional support. But he had been lonely his whole life, and he didn’t know what to do. You were the closest thing he had to a friend or family, so he held on to you. Something changed that day, for the two of you.
Since that day, his feelings for you solidified. And despite it being wrong, he couldn’t help it. He wanted you. Craved you more than he had anything before. But you were taken.
 Sebastian stepped into the large, open living room and found you gathering his kids’ toys into a huge basket. You were knelt on the carpet flooring and you had a faint smile on your face as you put away the chaos caused by the 4-year old little monsters.
He lingered around and admired you from afar. Your hair was down today, red lipstick like always. You wore a little, black summer dress. You looked breathtaking. So close, but he couldn’t just reach out and touch you because you belonged to someone else.
How he wished you were his and he could just have you in his arms and kiss you and tell you about his day after he asked you about yours. Sebastian scoffed quietly at the thought of the boyfriend you had. Lucky bastard, whoever he was.
He cleared his throat and that caught your attention. “You’re back,” you said softly and smiled at him. You rose to your feet. “I just put them to bed.”
Sebastian smiled and nodded. Then pointed at the pile of mess around your feet. “I’m sorry they make such a mess all the time.”
You smiled and shook your head. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.” You replied and Sebastian smiled bigger.
“Well, once you’re done handling it, could you come up and meet me in the library? There’s something we need to discuss before you leave.”
You smiled and nodded. “Sure, Mr. Stan.”
He sighed as he turned around to leave. “For the hundredth time, Y/N, it’s Sebastian.” He said playfully and left the room.
You smiled and watched him leave. He was so easy to be around. And talk to. And you would be lying if you said you didn’t find the man charming and attractive with his bad boy charm around all the time. He was the kind of man who dominated whatever room he entered. Handsome, dangerous and electric – he had quite the reputation for being bad.
But you were one amongst the few people who knew that Sebastian also had a heart of gold. He was good to his kids, better than most parents were. He was attentive and dedicated his entire weekends to his boys. He made his kids his priority. And they loved him, he was their superhero.
You talked to him each day, usually after the kids went to bed, which is around the same time he comes home. You filled him in on the day, told him about all the mischief the boys were up to and showed him all the work they did with their teacher who came by each day. Sebastian preferred his kids to be privately tutored from home, instead of risking sending them to school. And he was more than able to afford an expensive education for them, he practically owned a huge chunk of the city itself.
He was quite hard to read though. In the beginning, you used to think he didn’t like you, given how little he talked to you. But over time, he opened up just a little more. You didn’t know much about him in the beginning, other than the fact that he was a mob. But the more time you spent in his house, the more you heard the housekeepers talk about him.
So far you gathered that the reason he was a single dad is because he had a temporary fling with a woman he didn’t know too well, but then she got pregnant but decided she couldn’t take up the responsibility of being a mother so when the babies were born, she handed them over to Sebastian and took off. No one’s heard of her since. And the reason why Sebastian doesn’t date or marry is because he’s very protective of his kids and can’t just let anyone in his life anymore. Besides, dating such a powerful man couldn’t possibly be just anyone’s cup of tea. Being in a relationship with him would be thrilling, risqué – almost illicit given his reputation. So you thought.
You admired many things about him, but mainly how he made his family and their happiness his priority.
 After you tidied up the toys, you took the stairs up and walked over to the grand library/study room Sebastian had in his house. He didn’t read much, but he did tell you that you were more than welcomed to use it whenever you wanted. So you did spend a lot of time here actually, when the kids napped during the day or when they were taking lessons from their teacher.
You knocked on the door, and he asked you to come in. You smiled at him as you entered, he sat at his large, mahogany desk with a glass of wine in his hand. He had changed out of his dark suit, now in a cream colored sweater. He still looked better than ever. You wouldn’t lie, you did have an innocent crush on the man. How could you not?
“Have a seat.” He said warmly, pointing at the chair right across him. “Wine?”
You shook your head. “No, thank you.” he kept his eyes on you as he took a sip out of his glass. And it was situations like these with him that made it hard to breathe for you. Why did he have to be so handsome? Focus, Y/N. “You said you wanted to discuss something.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I… uh, we’ll get to that in a minute. Tell me about your day.” He listened patiently, with a permanent smile on his face, as you told him all about what the boys did during the day. Truth is, as much as he loved listening about all the things his sons did, he also loved listening to your voice. It calmed him down after his long, and hard days at work.
The conversation flowed back and forth between the two of you almost effortlessly. And he finally got to the point. What he needed to talk to you about was regarding his work. Turns out, his guys are perfectly able to handle fights and guns but they were morons when it came to paperwork. So Sebastian needed someone to handle his paperwork here from home. Somewhat like a PA. And he knew he’d have a hard time trusting someone else, and he knew you were more than capable of doing it. So he decided to ask you instead.
Part of the reason why he asked you may or may not have been because if you did agree to it, you’d be around him a lot more. Given you would be spending much more time at his place.
“Your salary would be doubled the figure it is now. However you would have to sacrifice some more hours of your personal time for me each day. Maybe even sometimes on the weekends.” He paused and watched you intently. “I know it’s a lot to ask for, but things have been rough lately and I can’t trust anyone else.” He explained.
You gave it a proper thought. Doubled the salary? Your current salary was in itself much, much more than most nannies. Also, taking up this job as well would result in you spending more time here, and around the kids – whom you adored more than anything. You couldn’t see the cons of saying yes.  
“If it’s alright with you, I would love to take up the job.” You answered, looking down at your lap.
Sebastian smiled. “Think about it, I’m asking for a lot of your time. Will your boyfriend be okay with that?” he asked. It burnt his tongue to even say it out loud. He scoffed under his breath. He hadn’t ever met your boyfriend, only saw him once when he came to pick you up one night. Sebastian never talked to him or anything, but he still hated the guy more than anything.
He watched how your demeanor changed at the mention of your boyfriend. You seemed… sad. What the hell? You kept your eyes on your lap but to Sebastian it seemed like something was wrong. “Are you okay, Y/N?” he asked again, setting his glass down.
You chuckled sadly. “Yes,” you exhaled loudly, “Everything’s alright.” you still didn’t meet his eyes and Sebastian grew worried.
“Look at me,” he used his ‘mob boss voice’ and you had to obey, all while ignoring the unfamiliar chill dancing down your spine which was not unpleasant at all. “Something’s bothering you.” he pointed out in his no nonsense voice. “What is it?”
You shrugged. “I’m fine, Mr. Stan. It’s nothing.” You said. But Sebastian persisted. He shook his head and stared at you attentively right in the eyes.
“You’re not leaving this room until you tell me what’s bothering you.” he sounded authoritative but not pushy. And for some weird reasons, his voice reverberated through you and ended right where it shouldn’t – in between your legs.
You cleared your throat to try to make it seem like his intense stare and the lingering scent of his cologne weren’t making you weak in the knees. You chuckled again nervously out of habit. “I shouldn’t be discussing my personal problems with my employer, Mr. Stan.” You spoke politely, almost playfully.
Sebastian stood up, and walked around the table and sat down on the seat beside you – all while maintaining your stare. “Then let me be a friend.” he inched closer to you, leaning his body forward with his elbows on each one of his knees. “What is it? Tell me.” His voice was quiet, soft but still raw and manly. And if it’s that boyfriend of yours, I will kill him.
You found your voice again. “Uh, well I found out earlier this week that my boyfriend’s been cheating on me for a month now.” you looked up and smiled sadly at Sebastian. “But I just don’t have the courage or the energy to argue and confront and break up, it just… it seems like- I don’t know, I’m so sorry I shouldn’t be telling you all this, I-,”
Yup, definitely killing him.
He cut you off by leaning forward again and taking your hands from your lap and held them in his. His thumb gently stroked the back of your hand mindlessly as he stared at you. Surprisingly, you felt lighter after tell him.
Sebastian was surprised as well. Who in their right mind would treat you like this? He flashed back to earlier this week and you seemed perfectly fine. Maybe you suppressed your emotions and put on a façade for work but it still made him upset that he didn’t see it. He should’ve seen it.
“Hey,” he scooted to the edge of the seat just to be closer to you and a whiff of your perfume hit him right in the nose and he almost closed his eyes to relish it but that would be weird, so he got a grip on himself. “You don’t deserve to be treated like this. You should’ve dumped his ass the minute you found out, Y/N. I mean, why the hell are you still with him?” he sounded a little hyper.
You looked down to where your hands rested in his large, warm ones. “I don’t know. Relationships are complicated. I was scared, and worried. The thought of having to search for someone else, date them and trust them again, it seemed so… tiring.” You chuckled dryly again. “Besides, I doubt anyone would want to take me seriously.”
He noticed the sadness in your voice and he didn’t like it one bit. Not only was that asshole of a boyfriend of yours cheating on you, but he was also making you feel insecure about yourself. And Sebastian couldn’t hold it in anymore. You were so close, he could just lean in and kiss you. But he figured he should confess first.
“Take you seriously?” Sebastian shook his head, as if unable to believe what you were saying. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked, his eyes showing an emotion you couldn’t quite name.
“Sebastian… what?” you were confused. Heart racing at the proximity, your body on fire just because he held your hands, and your emotions were a mess. Just one thing made sense; him.
Sebastian looked down at your hands in his and then looked back up at you. “I can’t be in the same room as you for long. Know why? Because I’m not sure I can contain myself around you. You drive me crazy. You’ve stolen my heart since day one, and then you took over my entire being.”
He paused and let you process it all, then continued. “If you were mine I’d spend every single minute loving you and showing you just how much I need you.” he lowered his eyes again. “I thought I was dead inside, but then you walked into my life and I’ve never felt more alive. I can’t hide it anymore, Y/N, I’m aching to be with you. I need you.”
Your lips parted in surprise. His revelation left you speechless. A man like him wanting you was something you couldn’t wrap your head around. You stood up in surprise, he stood up as well, not letting go of your hand.
“You can leave if you’d like and never come back.” He said. “But I don’t want you to. I need you here with me, please.” He didn’t what he was pleading for. For you to stay? For you to give him a chance?
You thought back to all the times your body tingled or your heart fluttered each time he did something nice or each time he gave you a brief hug before you drove back home. Or how patient he was with the kids and how he was a perfect family man. Did you feel the same way this whole time?
“Sebastian… I- I don’t know what to say to you.” you voiced out your inner thoughts. You were scared that you might say the wrong thing and ruin everything.
He smiled softly at you, stepping closer. “Don’t say anything. Just let me show you.” he let go of your hand and cupped your face. “Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You found yourself nodding and inching closer. His hands grabbed your waist as he pressed his body into yours. And his eyes never left yours. He captured your lips in a deep kiss; pouring everything he felt for you into it. You held him close with your hands around his neck. His tongue slipped into your mouth slowly stroking the top of your mouth. He moaned into the kiss and deepened it.
Sebastian moved swiftly, he turned you around and pushed you onto the edge of the desk almost effortlessly. He broke the kiss and pulled away to look at you. Swollen lips and chest heaving, and a hunger in both your eyes.
He didn’t say anything, he leaned in to kiss you again and rested his hands on your thighs. He pushed your legs further apart and settled in between them as he kissed down your neck. His lips latched on the skin around your collar bones. He nibbled, kissed, and licked the skin as you moaned quietly in his ear. His lips slowly moved to the side of your throat, leaving dark red marks behind on your skin. Your hands roamed his muscular back as you pulled him closer. Nothing on your mind but just that you wanted Sebastian; and you wanted him bad.
He slipped his hand under the skirt of your dress, touching your skin with his warm hands as he traced imaginary shapes along your inner thighs; leaving goose bumps where his fingers made contact with your skin. He was close, or so close to your core and he could feel the heat radiating off of it. He moaned shamelessly into your mouth, making your body tremble against his.
“Fuck…” he swore as he pulled away to check if you were just a disheveled and needy as he was. He concluded that you were. “Can I touch you, sweetheart?” he asked, breathing heavily. You nodded quickly. Thinking he would push your underwear aside and finger you, you let out a little gasp of surprise when you felt him drag your underwear down your legs as he himself got on his knees in front of you.
He took off your underwear and threw it aside. Then kissed his way up your legs, leaving kisses along your thighs. His stubble rough against your soft skin. His lips were soft against you as he left marks all over the skin of your inner thighs. His wet mouth moved from your inner thighs to your core abruptly, catching you by surprise. He grabbed your right hip and hooked it over his shoulder; and there you were – completely at his mercy just like he had always fantasized about.
You moaned as his lips moved between your glistening folds, his tongue teasing your entrance, lips sucking on your clit. Your hands cradled his head in between your legs, you threw your head back and moaned as quietly as you could. He moaned against you, sending pleasurable vibrations all over your body. He secured your leg over his shoulder once more and he ate you out passionately, closing his eyes and savoring your taste. He made you forget every worry you ever had in the world.
Being here with him was all you could focus on. Sebastian’s tongue circled your clit lazily as he inserted two fingers into you and pumped them in and out of you rapidly. He felt your walls clench around his fingers and you moaned louder and louder with each stroke of his fingers against your walls. Your body throbbed at his touch, your desire burning.
“Cum for me, come on sweetheart.” He said, in a strained voice and you couldn’t contain the sweet pressure anymore so you let go and as you moaned out loud one last time before coming undone all over his tongue. He lapped up everything you had to offer. He spread your legs further apart as he shamelessly licked each and every drop of your cum as it spilled out of you. Finally, he let go of your legs and stood up again.
You were panting but you still pulled him in for a kiss. Tasting yourself on his lips gave you a rush, so powerful that you began lowering his sweatpants yourself, impatient to just have him in you already. Sebastian pulled away for a second. “You want this, right sweetheart?”
You nodded, unable to talk. And you leaned in for a kiss again. Oh you needed him in you badly and at once. Sebastian aided you in lowering down his pants and pulled you closer. Slowly, he slipped inside of you, groaning at how tight you were. You felt his length stretching you like no one ever did. You gasped and moaned as he filled you in.
He reached down to grab your legs again and wrapped them around his waist. He grunted as he started rocking in and out of you slowly, leaning down to give you a messy kiss. He smiled when you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth. He pulled away and gently pushed your body down on the table. Your back laid flat against the wooden table top and you whined at the feeling of his cock moving swiftly in and out of you. You could feel your walls gripping him and milking him as he pounded into you.
You moaned feeling all of him; stretching you, filling you up, moving rapidly in and out of you to the point where the only thing you could focus on was the pressure he caused around your lower abdomen.
“Fuck… You’ve been driving me crazy for so long, Y/N.” He whispered, pounding into you relentlessly, as he bent down to bite your lower lip and tug on it. You moaned at his words and upon hearing the wet, slapping sounds your bodies made when they came in contact with one another.
Your legs trembled as you wrapped them tighter around his waist. His thrust was relentless and unbearably good. You closed your eyes as you felt your walls clenching around him and the pressure around your lower body felt tight and hot. Sebastian looked down at you as you clenched around his cock.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Cum for me…” he whispered and that was honestly all you needed to hear before you came undone all around him. Whimpering and back arching off his desk, you came hard around his cock.
He panted as he kept pounding into you as your orgasm washed over you, your walls squeezing him violently. You mumbled his name over and over again as you came, body trembling under his intense gaze. He watched you in awe, lips parted, breaths in rags, heart racing. Oh he wasn’t done with you yet, he wanted more.
Sebastian managed to get you to the couch, he’d take you on every single furniture he owned if he could honestly. But for now, the couch will do. For now. He had you kneeling on the couch; hips and ass up while your hands gripped the cushions to steady yourself.
You couldn’t see him, but you knew he was there, behind you ready to pounce on you like an animal. His hand reached around and pulled your head back just a little. His lips hovered over the side of your throat as his hand reached around and toyed with your folds; his fingers rubbed around your clit and making you tremble and moan again.
You were a little sore from earlier, and you weren’t sure you would last very long this time. But he was seductively persuasive; he didn’t even have to say anything, just one touch from him was enough to make you burn with desire again. You were willing to just give into him and let him pleasure you.
“I thought that once I had you, I’d be tamed,” His voice was deep and low and gravelly when he whispered in your ear, his tongue licking along your neck while he abruptly stopped toying with your folds. “But now, I just want to be in you again and have you scream my name and cum around me again. And again. Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it, sweetheart.”
His hand gripped your hair and tugged on it, harsher than earlier and his action earned a moan out of you. You whimpered, “I want you Sebastian, please.” You murmured, voice laced with need and lust wanting him to completely ruin you, he pulled back from your neck and kissed along your shoulders.
“Oh baby… I want you just as much.” He whispered, kissing your skin. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you.”
He pushed you forward, making your ass stick out against him. He gripped each side of your hips, tightly. He pushed into you without a word said; earning a sinful moan out of you. He groaned and grunted as he filled you up entirely; your ass cheek pressing into his pelvic bone as he pounded into you, desperately trying to make you cum for the second time tonight.
You held on to the pillows tightly, and your mind felt foggy as your felt the familiar pressure forming again in no time. You were barely able to keep yourself up, and if it weren’t for his tight grip on you, you would’ve collapsed on the couch long ago.
He rammed his cock in and out of you incessantly while he fucked you into oblivion. You moaned wantonly, worn-out and still craving more and more of him. He took you higher…and higher and the sounds that came out of his mouth made your walls throb and clench around him each time he filled you up. You liked him here, snug inside you. Thick and pulsating against your walls; stretching you out just like before.
With a few more strokes of his thick cock, you felt his thrust becoming irregular, and felt his cock throb against your walls violently. You tightened around him, and he groaned and growled as he came; buried deep within you – grunting swearing under his breath. His warm cum shoot at your walls and you trembled again as he filled you up with his load.
Moments later, you found yourself lying on his damp chest, listening to his heartbeats as he ran a hand down your back, calming you down. You had your arms wrapped around him lazily. The only sound you could hear were his heartbeats and the sound of your breathing.
You didn’t feel an ounce of awkwardness or shame as you laid in the arms of the man you worked for. And neither did he regret doing what he did. It was comfortable, being in each other’s arms. Sebastian spoke up first, breaking the silence.
“So are you going to break up with what’s his name or should I be the one to break the news to him by beating the living shit out of him?” he asked, making you giggle.
His tough and broody nature was one of the major reasons why you found him attractive. Everyone loves a rebel, broody man with bad boy charm. You laughed and lifted your head up from his chest and found him smiling down at you.
“There’s no need. He’s not worth your time. I’ll call him, tonight itself.” You spoke and he reached out to caress your face softly.
“Make that tomorrow morning. You’re sleeping over tonight.” he announced and you chuckled.
“Yeah? Says who?” you teased.
“Your boyfriend, and your boss.” He answered like it was no big deal.
You gasped playfully. “Boyfriend? Oh my! When did we establish that?”
He smirked. “When you were screaming my name while I was deep inside you just a minute ago.” His answer made you blush and hide your face in his chest. He laughed.
“Look who’s shy now!” he teased you and you groaned, trying to hide your face further. “Hey, look at me sweetheart.” he said and you looked up, face burning a little. “Be mine.”
As you looked into his eyes you realized something; that you’ve never felt this peaceful, this comfortable or this warm with your cheating ass boyfriend. But you felt it with Sebastian. You had been in a relationship for quite a few months now, but you’ve never felt any of the emotions you felt in the past hour in that relationship.
Here with Sebastian, you felt a sense of belonging. It resembled that feeling of when you’re on your way home from a party late at night and then finally climb up the stairs which lead you to your front door. It felt like coming home after a long day.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked again, seeing you weren’t saying a word.
You shook your head, a wave of emotions just hitting you right in the face. “Nothing. I like you, a lot. Just… we’re not moving too fast, right?”
He smiled. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been ready for this since the day I met you.” he said again, making you smile. “Stay over tonight, it’s late already. As from tomorrow, we’ll take it at any pace you prefer.” He spoke, surprisingly with how understanding he sounded. “Besides, you’re welcome to use the guest room. But I would prefer you sleep in my bed. Because I mean, now that you’ll be my new PA, and watching with the kids and after I make love you to for hours after I get home every day, you’d most probably be too tired to drive back home. I mean, if it were up to me, I’d move you in with me right now and we c-,”
You cut him off with a kiss. He smiled and kissed you back. He knew he was being a little ridiculous but he had been waiting for you to show him some affection for too long and he was more than happy that he finally had you now. “Let’s take it a little slower than that, okay?”
“Okay. I just… I don’t want to let you go.” He tightened his grip around you, like a kid holding on to his favorite blanket.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You smiled and kissed his chest.
  Turns out, being with him was not dangerous or risqué, or illicit at all; it was beautiful.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
hi~ can I ask the reactions of Grim, Malleus, Ace and Deuce with a reader who is super overprotective of Grim, like, to the point where Grim slips out of a window(?) and the reader jumps to catch him? luckily the boy caught them (with magic ig) before they hit the ground. And when everyone reaches the floor the reader says something like "stupid cat, you could die >:(!"
I love ur blog btw!
tysm!!! im happy you like the Content. heres your food!
+ ko-fi link, if anyone feels like financially supporting my writing
Doesn’t get it at all! He's a great magician, he can fend for himself, thank you very much!
Yet he still lets you spoil him a little bit. While he acts haughty, he's actually pretty surprised that someone is acting this caring towards him, since he doesn't really have anyone in his life who does anything like this. It makes him feel really appreciated actually.
But he's never giving you any serious thanks, he just preens with that toothy cat smile on his face. Maybe you're more like his knight, instead of his sidekick! That's fitting for a wizard as great as him.
Thought after you jump off the window to save him after he slipped, even he feels the need to scold you -- Are you crazy? You could've gotten seriously hurt if someone wasn't there to catch you! Then, he wouldn't have his knight anymore...
Malleus Draconia
Doesn't react much to it initially, he sees your devotion to protecting Grim as a sign that he's been your familiar for a very long time, a situation in which this level of concern would be normal.
He's pretty surprised to learn you two met just when you got into NRC, and then confused at how much you worry about Grim. And he's not even your familiar? Malleus has never seen anyone act like that towards a monster they've just met...
He won't intervene initially, just watching from afar and thinking that it's sort of endearing. Malleus takes it as a sign that you're a kind person.
...but it gets a bit too much really quick. When he has to save you after you jumped off a window for the cat, he's genuinely worried. He'll catch you with his magic and slowly lower you onto the ground, a concerned expression on his face. Malleus doesn't really do any scolding, but he asks you to please be careful, he won't be there to catch you everytime something like this happens, and getting seriously hurt for anyone isn't worth it.
Ace Trappola
He's a rude little bastard about that too. Why are you so obsessed with that weird cat? He's so annoying, let him get hurt for once, that's some comeuppance for being so arrogant.
You point out that if that was the case, then he should be getting some comeuppance too, and he shuts up fast. It still grates on his nerves that you're so protective of Grim, though.
He'll complain everytime you favor Grim over him. Are you gonna choose that annoying raccoon over your cool friend Ace??? He annoys you to death everytime you answer that yes, you will, and don't call Grim that!
Then one day he's just walking outside the school to deliver something to his club, and he sees you falling from the sky with, you guessed it, the damn cat in your arms! Ace completely loses it, he's lucky he can
Deuce Spade
Is worried about your safety. It's okay to worry about Grim, but please don't risk yourself for him too much, Prefect...!
He mostly tries to not intervene in it too much, though. He doesn't feel right doing something like that, when you two clearly have such a special bond. You definitely really do love Grim, and who is he to just pick other people's relationships apart?
A part of him really admires your dedication, too. Deuce wants you to be safe, but at the same time, he thinks it's just... well, it makes you a very reliable sort of person. You definitely have a kind heart.
He's so worried when he has to catch you after you fall off a window, though! He won't scold you at all, this isn't the time for that, but he frantically checks you for any injuries and tells you over and over that you really have to be more careful.
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lofitojii · 4 years
REACTION: I Think I Love You
Summary: You just told him how you felt after holding back feelings for what seemed like an eternity. This is how it went.
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A/N: Soooo I have these feelings for a friend that I didn’t think were real and after I finally sat down and thought about it, turns out this shit real. Here’s another imagine for ya based on the things i’m feeling lol. enjoy xx
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You had been friends since your training days, he was quite literally your number one everything; friend, support, hero. You went to him for everything, anywhere between personal issues, relationship problems, all the way to the little things like what sweater to order from your favorite artist. The time came where you could no longer hold back your feelings, you had to tell him. The night you decided to express yourself was a night that you had already made plans to watch movies and play video games at your house. It was normal, so you knew you would feel comfortable finally telling him how you felt, knowing that if he rejected you, you’d still be okay. You knew he loved you for who you were, and if he doesn’t feel the same, you could at least thank the universe for bringing you two together. 
“Keigo,” you started, fiddling with the controller in your hands. Your palms were sweaty, mainly from gaming for so long but also from how nervous you were. “I gotta tell you something.” 
“What’s up?” He asked, giving you his full attention. You had fallen in love with those eyes, the way they were so soft and gentle when he interacted with you. His expression was innocent, completely ready for whatever it was you had to tell him.  
“Fuck…” you cursed, trying to spit it all out. It felt as if you were visibly choking on your own words. 
“Well come one now, spit it out! The anticipation is killing me!”
“I don’t want this to ruin anything…” You started, hoping he would catch the hint at where this conversation was going. 
“Nothing can ruin anything if you really think about it.” 
“What?” That was actually the most confusing statement that could be made right now. 
“I mean, like nothing can be ruined if I don’t let it be ruined, ya know? To be honest, you can’t ruin anything for me. Unless you’re about to tell me what happened in the new Attack on Titan chapter, then I might actually have to commit a crime.” You rolled your eyes at his statement, taking the opportunity to just kiss him instead of telling him how you felt. This way you were able to get your point across without actually having to tell him. 
You pulled away, your cheeks hot to the touch, Keigo’s mirroring your own actions. “Wow,” he breathed, placing his fingers to his lips. You pulled your own bottom lip in between your teeth, biting down so you could numb your nervous feelings. 
Keigo reacted before speaking, pulling your head again, his lips caressing yours. When he pulled away, he placed small kisses on your cheeks, noise, lips again. “I’ve felt this way for a very long time so thank god you kissed me first.” 
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He was unreadable most of the time, and honestly it’s been quite the mission to get him to open up to you. It’s been years since you first met him and within those years, you had slowly broken down the walls he had built so high around his heart. You felt like you were closer to him than any other friend he had, which in itself was a personal accomplishment. The only trial left was to express to him how you’ve felt all these years. You saw a side of Dabi that he refused to share with others, a side you found beautiful. The night you told him, you hadn’t really planned on it panning out the way it did. It was just you two, walking home from a bar together, drunk, clumsy, emotional. 
“Dabi,” you slurred, resting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re amazing, you know that?” 
“Shut up,” he laughed, wrapping his arm around your waist. “No other person in the world will compare to you when it comes to being drinking buddies. You’re amazing!” 
“I think I love you,” you blurted out, only after realizing what you had said. “Emphasis on think,” you tried to save yourself, but you knew you were already too far deep, there was no going back. 
“Well I know I love you,” he responded, stopping in his tracks. You looked up to see he was already looking down at you, his smile visible due to the illuminating street lamps. “I literally hate everyone. You’re the only person I’ve ever felt comfortable opening up to. I’m surprised you were the person to admit it though. You hate confronting your feelings.” 
“So do you! If I didn’t do it, who knows how long we would’ve held back.” 
“Probably forever.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. You could feel his chapped lips intertwine with yours, the kiss feeling like everything you had imagined it to be; warm, comforting, exciting. “I’ve been loving you.” 
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You would say you and Bakugou are friends, despite the fact he refuses to admit he’s friends with anyone. You were the one person he honestly enjoyed hanging out with, even though he would never tell you that to your face. You were always the first person he would call when he wanted to do something or to just talk. He also would yell about how stupid everything was in front of you, immidatly shutting down if someone else were to walk in. No one understood that about him, they all thought he was just angry and yelling for no reason. But there was a reason and you were the person Bakugou had chosen to express himself to, even if it didn’t make sense. When you had decided to tell him how you felt, it was something that you had to force out of yourself due to the fact you had grown distant, trying to avoid your feelings. 
“You owe me an explanation. You’ve been quiet and distant and you have me fucking worried. What the fuck is wrong?” He bursted out, confronting the uneasy feelings in front of you. 
“I can’t.” 
“Like hell you can’t! Why is it that when I’m having trouble, you force me to tell you but the minute you have something to say, you shut the hell up! It’s not fair Y/N!” 
“Want to know what’s not fair?” You finally spat, choking on threatening tears. “The fact that every day, I watch from afar and see that the man I’m in love with completely ignores the feelings I have for him! I know you know and you haven’t done shit about it! That’s why I decided to stay quiet! I can’t take rejection from you because I know it’s going to fucking hurt!” Your breathing became uneven, the tears you had so desperately wanted to hold back finally exposing themselves. “You’re a piece of work Bakugou. I can’t fucking stand you sometimes.” 
“Then come here.” He yanked at your arm, embarrassing you into his chest. He rested his head on top of yours, letting out a deep exhale before pulling away to look at you. “I know you feel this way because I feel this way too. I don’t know how to express feelings like that so I just waited until you did. When you shut down and stopped coming around, I knew something was up.”
You pressed your head against his chest, hiding your tears from the man standing in front of you. “Why do we have to be so difficult?” He placed his hand under your chin, lifting your head so you were looking into his eyes. He swiped his thumb across your cheek, catching a tear before it had a chance to fall. 
“You’re difficult as hell. Super moody, bossy, sometimes bitchy. But I love those things about you.” He pressed his lips to yours, the taste of salt lingering from your tears. “You taste like salt.” 
“Shut the hell up.”
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w-ndrr · 4 years
headcanons for wonder wlman falling in love with somebody she saves then tries courting her as diana prince?? tysm i love your stories!
a/n: i’m so excited to do headcanons yez ^o^ thanks for requesting! i hope u like it (i’m new to making headcanons so i’m honestly not sure how this is gonna go but i hope u enjoy it)
genre: fluff mostly; diana x florist!reader
warnings: first time meeting and stuff, cute shit idk, kinda long i’m sorry, flowershop!au kinda, diana being a lil bit of a stalker (WITH GOOD INTENTIONS)
diana prince falling in love with someone she saves headcanons:
it was at bank robbery where she met you
there were children being held hostage by their collars and it angered you that they would lay out such fear on young ones
other civilians sitting on the ground with hands behind their heads crying out of fear for their lives, hoping a savior would come
you, in the other hand, had secretly called the police before the crimals actually started their injustice, noticing suspicious people when you first arrived
you did everything in your power to calm the kids crying up until a man pressed a gun to the side of your head
before he could pull the trigger, a woman in armor crashed into the room from the roof and quickly took out the man next to you
you shared eye contact only for a less than a second before she started zooming towards the other criminals
as she dealt with them, you noticed another man aiming his gun towards the children and rushed in to cover them with your own body
you heard the the gun fire, but strangely it didn’t hit you (°▽°)
when you turned around, you watched the woman in armor snap the gun in half with her bare hands before sending the man flying across the room
the woman didn’t look at you, but instead, she jumped high out of the building just as the police started barging in
that was the last you’ve seen of her
or so you thought HAHA ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
diana had been watching you for a while after the failed robbery
maybe for two weeks?? idk
in the morning, up on the roof of some building or leaning against a tall statue, she would watch when you would walk through the city to go to work at a flower shop
she learned that always you grabbed coffee on your way there and you’d always pet the coffee shop’s dog
sometimes, diana would think it was weird for her to be watching you from afar
but she was intrigued
you caught her eye that day when you tried to take the blow for those children despite knowing the fact it would’ve cost you your life if she hadn’t been there
she thought that was beautiful; how you would give your life to save others
it reminded her of a special someone (we all know who that is (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) )
so basically shes in love with you
she also learned that you lived alone; all the more reason for her to watch you sometimes
she didn’t anything bad to happen to a kind soul like you
but after the third week, diana finally decided to stop watching you
and talk to you herself as her civilian identity
she came into the flowershop you worked at, pretending to browse for plants to put in her own home as a disguise to talk to you
when you saw her come in, you had never seen such a gorgeous woman enter your life
but she looked very familiar to you
in the end, you decided that you’ve probably seen her on a cover of a magazine or something
you greeted and welcomed her into the flowershop nervously
diana found you adorable; you were dressed in a green apron and your hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail
you shared a short conversation with her, answering any questions she had about the flowers
she would compliment you everytime she walks in, only to get you to blush when’s she’s around (〃ω〃)
“You look pretty, (Y/N).”
“My day gets better every time I see you.”
and you saw her again and again, almost everyday
diana would come in only to talk to you and maybe buy some plants from time to time
her home is literally almost drowning in the plants that she purchased from your shop
but everytime she comes in, she swears she falls in love with you more and more
you were always so kind and gentle and shared so many wonderful stories with her
you were clueless to why she would visit so many times
until that day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
diana made sure to do her hair nicer than she usually does and threw on her nicest causal outfit when she would come in to see you
she made sure she looked good that day because that was the day she was going to ask you out to dinner
and on her walk over to the shop, she didn’t expect the sky to FUCKING RAIN on her parade literally
she was soaked when she got there and had deadliest glare on her face
she literally came in like (-᷅_-᷄๑)
but when you saw her walk in all drenched and grumpy, you hurriedly ran over to her with a towel, worried that she’d get sick
“Oh, no! Diana! You’ll catch a cold!”
you brought her inside for some hot tea, a blanket, and a sweater from the flowershop she could change into
despite the weather not going according to her plans, she liked how you worried about her even if a little rain could never get her sick
diana was sitting on a bench in the shop by the window as you brought out hot tea for her
before you could walk away again, she grabbed your hand and pulled you down next to her
“(Y/N), would you like to go out for dinner some time?”
you stared at her dumbfounded ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
it was hard to believe a woman like diana like you in a more-than-friends way
you said yes, of course?? like who tf would say no to diana prince ಠ_ಠ
diana took you out for a fancy dinner by the river and went for a walk in the city right after
she held your hand through out all of it
on the same night, she kissed you on the lips for the first time
and yk stole few more bc she quickly got addicted to kissing you
this was a big step in your relationship which included:
diana being the softest girlfriend ever
she loves your attention
she would do anything for you if you asked
often times, she would eat lunch with you during break time at work
walks you home ALWAYS when it’s time to go home
diana was in love and intended to keep you safe at all times
over time, you slowly realized why diana looked so familiar when you first met her
when you weren’t with her, you would see news reports on tv showcasing a woman in armor saving the day
and you’ve witnessed it first hand before
so you confronted her about it
diana was nervous about it bc she kept it from you
but you weren’t angry; in fact, you thought it was cool
diana deserved a supportive girlfriend and you were there to give that to her
so she’s thankful for you
will protect you with her life
and will always and forever love you
♡ (๑>◡<๑) ♡
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a/n: thank u for reading!! sorry if there’s typos i didn’t proof read this :/
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spotofimagines · 3 years
Rivals Last ~ Jadon Sancho
A/N: So I had this in my drafts before he signed with man united but that's fine, we move, we adapt. A third piece for the @footballffbarbiex summer challenge. Hope you enjoy it :)
Warnings: none - reader is female
Summary: You love both your brothers dearly, but being in the football world with them can make some things a little complicated.
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gif by @archivesbvb - gif by @ermuellert - gif by @italynt
Being a footballer meant living in a special world. Being in a footballing family meant living in a special world too. Being the younger sister of Lucas and Theo Hernandez meant living in a really special world. But nobody told you just how crazy it would be for all three of those things to apply to you.
You truly love watching your older brothers play football. They teach you something new during every match you see; even though you play as a striker, their movements and handling of the ball always inspire you to play better. After all, it was their defensive skills that helped you become a good goal scorer growing up since they never let a tackle go unchallenged in the park and you had to find out how to manoeuvre around them. A lot easier said than done.
Currently Lucas is signed with Bayern Munich. In his time there so far, he has learnt the heritage, history, and importance of wearing the badge and defending its honour in every match they play, especially derbies. Having supported Lucas, it quickly became easy for you to support Bayern Munich too and celebrate their victories like it was your own team. You'd always managed to do it with the clubs both your brothers played for, letting the atmosphere of the fanbase carry you away.
You have just finished your second season in England with Manchester City women's team. You'd settled in nicely now, having learnt a lot of the English language and culture already. The experience was made so much easier because of the help given by your welcoming teammates and the staff that translated things into French and Spanish during your first months there.
Fans were a little disappointed during the 2019 summer transfer window when it was confirmed all three Hernandez siblings would be leaving Spain to play separately in England, Germany and Italy, joking that no one could know what might happen with you all so far away. However, to you, it made things easier, as Lucas and Theo would stop making so many awful jokes about each other's clubs, only to join forces to diss your club even more afterward. Now the only connection you have to the clubs you all play for is the want for your sibling to win with them. And it is a great feeling. A welcome change of pace.
But no new change to your life felt as good as your blossoming "relationship", situationship, whatevership, you have with Jadon Sancho.
It all started with you flirting back and forth on social media, which turned itself into countless hours of DMs no one else could see. You congratulated his goals and he congratulated your wins. All the light-hearted teasing and the warm-hearted compliments stayed in your own little bubble. The only thing peeking out was your silly inside rule that if you were going to comment on a post, it had to be emojis only, stretching to a few words if you really couldn't help yourself - but it would earn you taunts from the other for the rest of the night.
Some eagle-eyed fans noticed how you'd been liking each other's posts every time they appeared for a while now, but it just added to the fun and thrill you got from flirting with him so much.
You weren't meant to be forming a bond with Jadon. He played for your brother’s rival. He was supposed to be the enemy. Someone you should dislike with a snap of your fingers. Certainly not a boy to fall for like you have.
You couldn't help yourself. Lucas and Theo had helped you since you moved to England by being the steady rocks they always were, cheering you on from afar. Your new teammates had helped you since you moved to England by introducing fun things for you all to do together and taking you under their wings. But Jadon had helped you in a different kind of way. He gave you a new kind of comfort and reassurance when you talked. He became someone to turn to with all your interesting news and your curious problems. He told you the good places to visit around the city that he remembered from his time there and taught you English slang to make your teammates laugh. You spoke three languages to varying degrees now, and you'd managed to pick up more German vicariously through Lucas in two years faster than Jadon had done living in Germany in four years, so you'd clue him into rude German phrases you had asked Lucas about, alongside the French and Spanish swear words he used more often than English ones now when you text. 
Even though a language barrier comes up once in a while, you have both learnt behaviours from each other and crave the contact you share. Jadon was starting to drop everything to send replies to you, a change his teammates have noticed and jokingly mock him for. Little did they know the unknown girl they joke he is smitten over is the sister of their rival.
Theo is the one in your family you usually tell about the boys you go out with; boyfriends and dates have been shared with him since you were 13 and doting on your first crush. He does the same with his girlfriends; asking advice and telling you more than you need to know at times. So, when you all went home for a bit of family time around Christmas, nothing could stop him from noticing the tell-tale signs that you had something going on. He already figured out through persistence that it was another player you were getting involved with, and his insistent questioning hasn't stopped in his search for who the player is.
But you keep it hidden from Lucas, and you don't know when you'll tell him. He has been your protector since you were kids, comforting you on sad nights when no one else was there, teaching you little secrets about how to navigate through the world, he even punched a boy who teased you once at school. The idea of telling him you were chatting romantically to another player would be trouble enough, but telling him it was a Dortmund player might just end up in another schoolground incident. You hadn't wanted Theo to know for fear he'd go dishing your dirt to Lucas, but he discovered it on his own and there was nothing you could do.
Who knows what might become of this thing you have with Jadon, and lord knows your eldest brother owns a hard as nails death stare that just might do Jadon in, but for now you actually quite like having the secret. A little mystery tucked away up your sleeve.
The rush you always get when Lucas calls your phone as you're typing a text to the Englishman,  feeling as though the first words from the other end will be shouts of how he knows everything and he'll never speak to you again for keeping it a secret, fills you with dread at times. But it never is the reason he calls, and it turns out he is just making plans or has something funny to tell you. But the way your heart thumps as you go back to texting Jadon, that is part of the chase you have to admit you enjoy.
Hardcore fans online have noticed the past few months that when you do interviews in English, the odd slang term comes up during jokes - terms you hadn't used before and stem more from London boroughs than northen towns - so speculation of how you'd learnt these things easily coincided with dating rumors.
Lucas had seen the speculation online; seen fans trying to put your interactions with the Dortmund player together through both your instagram stories and comments and the tweets you both had liked about the other. Lucas had even grown suspicious of the little questions you asked him about Germany, German phrases and his lifestyle there, not knowing why you would need nor want to know those things. But Lucas doesn't believe it. He knows that you know better to mix with a Dortmund boy.
Sometimes an older brother just doesn't get it quite right…
Soon, the chance will come to really see if your connection is something you can build on. Jadon's new signing with Manchester United has been confirmed and he will be moving back to England. It is a great opportunity to get to see him more often, rather than the odd rendezvous point or clandestine trip during small breaks in the season. You'll spend more time face to face instead of over the phone. You'll get to wake up in his bed and him in yours, without needing to sneak away from hotel rooms afterwards. You'll maybe even get to go on a proper date, just the two of you, where you can flirt across the table your joined hands rest upon. Hanging out with Jadon won't be the first time you've spent time together in person. However, getting a full day with only the two of you where you won't have to pretend you hardly know who he is, and you won't have to pretend your eyes aren't meeting across the group of people you're in - it fills your stomach with knots and butterflies.
A certain pressure has fallen off you now Jadon has no growing rivalry with Lucas, but not completely. You won't be able to take back the way their teams made the other feel in the past, but the fact there won't be more of it next season comforts you a little. The biggest thing that will hold you back from going public before the new season starts will be the media, but that is an issue you can't even begin to worry about yet. You are too caught up in the excitement of being in the same town as Jadon to care. Rumours are spinning crazier than ever about you two as some of your liked tweets about his move got reposted by sports pages and fan blogs - now joking about him being your rival instead of your brother's - and yet it didn't stop you, no longer all that bothered about keeping a low profile now you both will be living away from Lucas. If he gets mad, all he will be able to do is shout down the phone, and whilst you never want that to happen, you know the time to flourish with Jadon and capitalise on the foundation you have already built is better than ever, brothers be damned.
There are big changes coming for the both of you, yet one thing will remain the same no matter the outcome of your relationship. You can't quite stop being football rivals.
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I just watched tiny pretty things and bitch, I have thoughts
So I watched the show because I read the books (btw there will be spoilers for the show and the book)
And as fun as the show was, it was hella problematic
First of all, why the fuck did they change everyone’s names? The only people who have the same names are June and Bette. They made Gigi Neveah, they made Alec Oren, Will Shane, Henri Nabil, what was the reason? That just annoyed me because it was really hard to keep track of who was who
Second, I am fucking disgusted by how they treated Shane and Oren’s relationship (and the rest of Shane’s relationships). I absolutely love that they changed it from the books that Will (Shane) and Alec (Oren) actually had a thing together instead of Will just liking him from afar which was one of the things I didn’t like in the book because it perpetuates the ‘the gay is in love with his straight best friend’ which, honestly is such an old and stupid trope. And then they go and make that relationship incredibly toxic. Shane assaults Oren and Oren punches Shane. And that’s never brought up! Ever! Shane always talks about how most of his family’s in jail and he’s the only decent one. Except he’s not, he fucking assaulted someone! His ass should be in jail! Then Shane gets with Dev, who seems fine, but later he has a speech about how he feels like he’s being used for sex, and then stays with Dev???? Also Dev is on the board of the ballet school, so there’s an obvious power imbalance and Shane is literally a minor. This is Pedophilia. And he gets called the f slur by Bette’s boyfriend (who’s name I don’t remember because he’s boring as shit) and so obviously he gets mad. And then then everyone’s like “Dude, can you just get over it?” No. I’ve been there. I’ve been called that. It is not something you just get over. And they completely disregard Oren’s obvious bisexuality. If he and Shane only hooked up once, I would understand but it’s obviously been happening for a while. I completely agree, Shane and Oren should not fucking be together but can we at least have someone at least talk about Oren’s bisexuality? I hope in season 2 (if they have a season 2) Oren can maybe go out with a guy, he doesn’t even have to end up with the guy (I’m pretty sure the show’s gunning for him and Neveah to get together like in the book) but I want him to come to terms with that, because we honestly need that representation. I was happy that this show turned around the ‘the gay is in love with his straight best friend’ except they didn’t because of course, Oren was straight the entire time
Racism and Islamphobia
This show was supposed to be Neveah’s story. She’s the main character and it was marketed as such. Except this show doesn’t give a shit about her. It only cares about Bette. And of course, instead of June’s mother being the worried but supportive mother, she’s a tiger mom. As if we need more fucking negative stereotypes for Asian people. Nabil is also a muslim, a change I’m completely fine with. Caleb has a problem with this and they fight. And then they become friends and it’s never addressed again? Excuse me? It better be in season 2, and they also better adress the weird sexual tension between the two of them. Neveah and Oren’s relationship had no fucking buildup, neither did any of June’s relationships and Nabil stays with a girl who treats him like shit. This show does not care about their relationships. But of course they delve right in to Bette’s and fucking Delia’s despite the fact that she’s not even a main character. Because we should explore the white characters relationships and forget about the people of colour
Almost all the adults in this show are pedophiles. A guy assaults June, Madame Debois assaults Caleb, Romon assaults Bette, Dev assaults Shane. And it’s disgusting. I’m glad they decided to stop Debois and Caleb’s relationship but they don’t call this shit out enough. 
Character annihilation
The only show character I prefer is Nabil instead of his book counterpart Henri, who’s is super conniving and awful and straight up blackmails Bette. Neveah is boring as shit compared to Gigi and I hate how they made her only get in for the school to look better instead of her just being that good. Bette is so fucking annoying in the show. In the book she’s interesting and conniving and cunning. In the show, she just does whatever and isn’t nearly as intresting.  
In conclusion
If there is a season 2, I’ll probably watch it to see if they adress any of the problems, but if they don’t, then fuck that shit, I’m out
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