#transgender and christianity
basalt-havic · 11 months
the opposite if mwah is hawm. fucking bite you.
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talisidekick · 2 years
If a transgender person asks you to deadname and misgender them in front of certain people. Misgender them and deadname them in front of those people. It doesn't matter how icky or gross it may feel, it doesn't matter you'd rather be honest. It doesn't matter if there's more of you there. Certain people aren't safe, and honesty IS NOT the best policy when honesty could put them at serious risk. It doesn't matter if there's a crowd, because when there isn't shit goes down.
Be an ally, do what they ask. Understand that the trans person knows more about their situation than you do, and this includes who's safe and who's not. Some one can be "trans friendly" to other people, but not to people they know or specific people. Do as the trans person asks, yes it's uncomfortable, but it's 10 times worse if the person we don't trust finds out. 100 times worse if they have access to us when you're not around.
Respect trans peoples safety. Misgender and deadname when asked.
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genderqueerpositivity · 2 months
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(Two images with striped backgrounds in the colors of the transgender and genderqueer pride flags, both images have identical text that says "Happy Transgender Day of Visibility" with the date "March 31st" below).
Happy TDOV! 💜
In these times visibility is more powerful and more dangerous than ever. Today is a day for showing up in the ways that feel most empowering to us, and for being visible for those who can't yet be. Trans lives are precious. There has never been a world without trans people and there never will be. Every day we survive is a win.
As we all know, this year the date of Easter falls on TDOV, so I'm sending an extra shout out to the trans Ex-Christian community today. Take care of yourselves today. Whether you still take part in the secular traditions of Easter or today will simply be another Sunday, know that you are a whole, complete, and beautiful person.
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justdavina · 7 months
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STUNNING Transgender Woman! I Love her Top and Christian Louboutin Pumps!
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original-username42 · 4 months
I'm so sick of queer spaces being so heavily anti religion to a comical degree. We always preach intersectionality or to look at nuance but then when religion is brought up it's all black and white "hur dur religion bad, you're bad because religion all religious people are going out in the streets murdering trans people and eating gay babies" like do none of us see the irony here? I'm trans, bi and religious and I've gotten hate for it but since I'm a pagan I get less hate than I've seen trans Christians or Muslims get. Not everyone who is religious is bigoted, not every religious person is the strawman in your head. Religion is not inherently bigoted, most of the time the stuff actual bigoted religious people use as justification for bigotry is mistranslations or blatantly wrong interpretations of religious texts. I'm not trying to convert anyone to any religion I'm just begging other queer folk to stop being hypocrites and to stop harassing other queer people for being religious
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animentality · 1 year
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socialistexan · 1 year
We need to stop talking about how conservatives don't want their kids to know LGBTQ people exist. They do want their kids to know we exist, but we will suffer for it.
They don't want their kids to know that it is okay and acceptable to be LGBTQ, that society will allow them to exist in peace and happiness. That at times LGBTQ people will be accepted.
They want their kids to know that LGBTQ is not okay or acceptable. That if they are LGBTQ they will be persecuted, marginalized, beaten, and scorned. That if they are they will have a terrible life, so they better g-ddamn be the good little cishet Christian soldier that Mommy and Daddy wanted.
They aren't actually scared that a couple rainbow displays will turn their kids gay or an affirming book will forcibly transition them. They're scared that their already LGBTQ kid will know that them being themselves is a just as valid life and not a one way ticket to misery and then hell.
They want to not just eradicate LGBTQ from existence, they want to have everyone else watch us suffer as a warning to stay in line.
Or maybe that's just LGBTQ survivor of an entire childhood and adolescence under an extreme abusive homophobe of a parent in me, idk why listen to me on this stuff.
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noahsfault · 4 months
I wish I had even half the gender Christian Slater possesses in Heathers
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uncanny-tranny · 29 days
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I've gotta be real, while the person who created these comics wasn't religious, this still eats. When I was a young trans person, I never thought religion in general could accept me, and this changed my life to see, and seeing it reposted by religious folks was so comforting. While not all religions aren't the same, I was so afraid of rejection
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ericacherrys-blog · 26 days
Can I interest you with this dimly lit photo of mine, so you can have me?🥰
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daisy-mooon · 1 year
I love you gay Christians. I love you lesbian Christians. I love you bisexual Christians. I love you pansexual Christians. I love you asexual Christians. I love you aromantic Christians. I love you transgender Christians. I love you non-binary Christians. I love you intersex Christians. I love you genderfluid Christians. I love you queer Christians. I love you genderqueer Christians. I love you microlabel Christians. I love you LGBT Christians.
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onomatopoeia-core · 1 month
i'm not even sure that i believe in God, but i started going to this episcopal church recently bc there were just so many older gay people there and i felt like i needed that in my life and there was a gay priest. people were actually so chill about me being trans, which shocked me, but i figured there were just humoring me - but this past sunday the priest did a sermon on the story in acts about the Ethiopian eunuch. and like, i've heard a thousand sermons on this passage bc its like the first missionary story and people use it a lot to justify their colonization blah blah blah but like everyone glossed over the eunuch thing.
but the (straight) priest talked about how eunuch is a kind of stand in word for gender non-conforming person and actually literally said from the pulpit that we should be welcoming and accepting of all trans people and not ask them to change and !?!?!?! like i never expected to hear that preached in my lifetime, especially in fucking kentucky.
the world can seem so dark and being trans is fucking hard and you just come to expect so little from people ESPECIALLY chrisitans and i'm just so pleasantly surprised. it's just kind of amazing to see chrsitians live up to this loving their neighbor shit they are always talking about
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“Under His wings,” one lobbyist wrote in an email. “The Devil never sleeps,” another person sent in an email chain about the distinction between gender and sex. “I pray for the 2nd coming more and more.”
These missives are part of a trove of leaked emails between South Dakota GOP Rep. Fred Deutsch, anti-trans lobbyists, and other state lawmakers about anti-trans policies that are filled with language so deeply religious that, at times, the communications read like scripts from The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s the language, one expert told VICE News, of Christian nationalists who believe they’re engaging in a holy war.
The emails, which are available online for journalists and others to read and were first reported on by Mother Jones, include revelations about some of the ways that anti-trans lobbyists—and elected Republicans like Deutsch and Idaho Rep. Julianne Young—collaborate and strategize to write and endorse policies that directly target trans people on a national scale.
The repeated notes about “blessings” and “prayers,” as well as sign-offs like “God bless you” and “Under His wings,” proliferate throughout the emails, which frequently reference explicit religious motivations for targeting trans people.
“It is the language of Christian nationalism,” Thomas Lecaque, an associate professor of history at Grand View University focusing on apocalyptic religion and political violence. “It is the language of people who very much believe they are doing God’s will, and it is the language of people who very much believe that they are engaged in a holy war.”
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emohorseboy · 5 months
transgenderism isn’t an ideology it’s a gift from God actually
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clarinettispaghetti · 2 months
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waow.. easter and tdov on the same day..
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animentality · 1 year
Christians know so much biology.
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