#tw kid attacked
theloveinc · 29 days
Just thought about … oh my god. Bakugo’s first real battle with a formidable villain after your kid is born; he’s not exactly “out of shape” (he never quit the gym, routine, etc… just changed it), but he’s thrown down hard in the first couple seconds, and he’s slower to get back into position—taking the time to steady his feet and assess the terrain, pushing out the lil tummy he gained feeding you postpartum delicacies as he cracks his back—
And the villain, god help them, decides to call out to him as they use the few seconds of vulnerability to attack again, screaming, “hey pop pop, don’t tell me parenthood has made you soft! How ‘bout I start calling you ‘daddy,’ too?”
Just as Bakugo’s turning back around with a new fire in his eyes, blood all warmed up, and shooting off to grab them by the throat to end the fight in one single move.
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wahgifs · 6 months
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© h320xx
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ventresses · 10 months
Anyone else noticed how Kaminoans like Nala Se and Taun We have soft voices like the gentle whispering of angels, whereas Lama Su's voice sounds like he's smoked 2 packs a day for the past 40 years???
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marcobodtlives · 8 months
Armin is a great character, but he carries the burden of everyone seeing their lost loved ones in him
Jean sees Marco in Armin. (Curiousness, smarts, inquisitive, full of wonderment, kindness, empathy, the ability to overcome fear and serve a greater purpose, protectiveness…)
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Levi and Hange see Erwin in Armin. (Leadership, planning, the ability to ‘abandon their humanity’ for the greater good, trust, strategy…)
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It’s not confirmed but I suspect Zeke sees at least part of his younger self in Armin. (The isolation, feeling out of depth, worried about not living up to potential, meeting the same standards as their fellow cadets…)
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+ Bonus I’m sorry
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icarusredwings · 9 days
Someone asked, but I accidently deleted it, so here. Thinking about what happens when Kidwade witnesses one of Logan's panic attacks.
Something had frightened him. They were doing construction outside, and he could hear every tiny sound, every shout, every beep, every large bang. His first instinct was to go out there and tell them to fuck off but he couldn't do that. City workers didn't care if you told them to shut up. The neighbor down the hall already did, and if anything, they just worked louder.
So here he was. Sat on the floor in the kitchen, knees pulled up and his hands over his head, heaving heavy breaths as he tried not to get too spooked to the point of hyperventilating. His pupils were dilated about as wide as they could get, the hair on his neck raised to attention, his mind flashing with certian memories that he once tried to drown in the bottom of a bottle but turns out they could swim.
What made things worse is that he had Wade right now. That kid was bugging Al right now but got only knew how long until he'd come looking for 'Kitty'. He didn't want to hurt him but he could feel himself slipping, he hadn't even noticed his claws out until just now.
A couple of tears ran down his face, but he couldn't. He was too tense, shaking in his arms and in his knees. He felt pathetic. He was The Fucking Wolverine and here he was cowering in a kitchen over a steam roller and a couple of big trucks?
Trying to cover his ears, he grits his teeth, trying his best to stay here. In the kitchen. He didn't want to go. He didn't need to wake up and find his loved ones dead. Thicker tears came.
This is why no one liked you, idiot. You can't help but be a killing monster, can you? At this point, you like slaughtering innocent children, don't you? It's in your blood. They made you an animal, and now you sit here and act like it. No one can ever love a wild feral animal like you. You're going to die alone because you've already killed everyone who ever cared about you.
These thoughts haunted him on the daily, but right now, they were even louder, screaming over the loud beeping outside that hurt his ears.
This is why he didn't like the city. Too much yelling. Too many smells. It hurt his head. This is part of the reason he started drinking in the first place. The sounds were much quieter when intoxicated. Whispers instead of wailing.
And there it was. The smell he hoped wouldn't come. Peaking an eye open, there was Wade, sitting a couple of feet away from him with Fluffy. His head was tilted, and he was saying something, but Logan couldn't hear him. Shaking his head, he growled at him. "Stay back! Get! Go away!"
His chest pounded and tightened from the intrusive and instinctive thoughts that were running through his head right now. How quickly he could slash him to bits, how easy it would be to hurt him. To make him go away.
Logan only shook his head. "Stop! T-thats not who I am anymore!!" Curling up more, He tried to put his face into the wall, trying to hide himself best he could, keeping his hands on his head. He was still shaking.. within a moment, everything was black. Blurry and gone.
This was it. He was sure that he had just killed Wade. Sliced Fluffy's head right off with it. There was a tight pain in his chest until he jumped awake, feeling warmth instead.
Opening his eyes, he tried to scramble away but forgot he was up against the wall. Panting, he quickly realized that Wades hand was on his chest, and the other one had intertwined one of his hands. "..Kitty?"
Blinking a bit, he put his head back, coming back to reality. He had no clue how or why, but Wade was the only idiot that saw a growling and rabid mess and says, 'Im gonna pet that' no matter how old he was.
And that's what he did. Petting his chest, rubbing it to keep between his collar bone and his tits warm, that certain way that made his hairs go flat and try to regualte his breathing.
Letting out a soft whimper, wade moved from holding his hand to caressing his cheek, very gently scratching at the side of his beard as he climbed into his lap.
Still letting out heavy breaths, Logan let his arms go limp, laying against the floor as his body too relaxed, his shoulders dropping and closed his eyes again, letting himself be caressed.
"Hi Kitty." He whispers, having also put headphones over his head. The ones that were wades, red with kitty ears on the top. But at the moment? He didn't care.
All he cared about was staring up at him with such fondness as he began to rub the back of his head too.
And so Logan laid here. The muffled beeps and shouts half as bad, his face being rubbed in a way that would usually make him pick him up and take him to the bedroom. "It's okay, kitty. I got you. I help you, kitty, alright?" He whispers, kissing his head the way Logan did to him when scared, pulling his head into his own chest, taking away the ears so the construction could be drowned out in his heartbeat.
Wade's hands were always all over him, most times like this. Gentle, loving rubs and scratches, caresses that made you forget all the troubles in the world.
Carefully, Logan wrapped his arms around him, syncing his breaths to his, letting himself melt into his touches completely.
"It's okay, Kitty. Just a scary dream." He'd whisper sweet nothings to him, Rubbing his back and playing with the tuffs of his hair.
A few minutes passed and here was Wade sitting sideways on his lap, rubbing his chest and holding around his neck while he wore the kitty earred headphones, making him giggle with each gravelly purr that came from his chest, up his throat and out as a small snarl.
"A happy kitty goes purr purr purr, purr purr purr, purr purr purr, A happy kitty goes, Purr purr purr, All day long" He giggled.
Logan wanted to roll his eyes, but he had to give him props for creativity. Even so, he was most grateful for him, reaching a sheathed hand up to hold the one that lazily stayed around his neck.
He was happy to sit here and hold him close all he wanted. Hell, by now, Puppins had joined too and now was sleeping on Wades lap, who was sat in Kitty's.
"...You're a good kid wade.."
"I know. And you good kitty."
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valewritessss · 25 days
I felt so seen when I first read pjo and it mentioned Annabeth’s arachnophobia. I used to have so many nightmares when I was younger (probably started when I was around five or six), I would wake up in the middle of the night and be so terrified of moving because I thought there were spiders all over my bed. The shadows on my popcorn ceiling looked like spider figures and I remember just laying there sweating and not making a sound because I thought it would attract the spiders I guess? It was routine for me to shout for my mom—poor her, she would be woken at 2 in the morning like thrice a week— and she’d always shake my sheets and lay with me until I feel asleep. She would also take me to sleep with her and my dad in their massive bed (who was I to say no to the invitation?) and it got to the point where I was embarrassed that I couldn’t sleep a whole night without someone. Occasionally, I still have these nightmares about spiders and I just turn on a light, go to the bathroom, come back, and pretend it never happened.
Idk, just thinking about that. I kind of had forgotten about those nightmares but I don’t play when I see spiders because I know it means I’m going to dream about them.
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enigma2meagain · 1 year
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As you may have noticed already, Archive of Our Own is currently down, due to a DDOS attack by a group claiming to be “Anonymous Sudan”, which may or may not be a group affiliated with Russia using Anonymous to drive divides against Islamic People, and also target one of the largest sources of LGBT media online.
Something important to also note is that there are actually bills being passed through Congress (or at least on track) that are functionally identical in intention and rhetoric to this hacking attack called the Kids Online Safety Act. if it passes, it’ll censor/cripple the entire internet as we know it for the same political and religious motivations. AO3 will be negatively affected as well, either losing most of its LGBT content at best, or at worst being permanently shut down.
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The big one at the moment is the Kids Online Safety Act, but there are also other bills like the EARN IT Act, the RESTRICT Act, and so forth. There’s more information provided in the Links below!
Bad Internet Bills (Website Created by Fight For the Future on Twitter) LinkTree for KOSA (made by volunteers, contains open letter for signing and more articles about the bill in question)
Please take the time to read up and call your Senators to stop this. If you can't do that, then email them and contact the people on this master list here. Especially call Maria Cantwell, since she’s hesitant about this bill!
Additionally, if you happen to have TikTok or some other social media presence, please help spread the word. These people linked below have done so and the more people talking about this, the better!
JuiceInABoxx OmarsBigSister
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jinniebit · 10 months
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When did you became a stay?
TASTE (danceracha) for @noonaracha
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 months
Overwhelming Emotions HC: Tim, Jason, Dick, and Damian
TW: dissociation, panic attacks, unhealthy coping mechanisms
Tauma, upbringing, culture, parenting, and experiences will have varying effects on how one processes and expresses emotion. Not all coping methods will be healthy or deemed socially appropriate. Here's my hc on how their circumstances affected how they deal with overwhelming trauma.
Tim is used to locking down his emotions. When it gets to be too much, he literally shuts down. He'll stare at walls for hours as time passes, be unable to move, and experience difficulty with speaking
Jason has panic attacks. He isolates himself, breaks things, and mentally spirals for hours if not days
Dick will fly off the handle with rage, clutch his hair as he rocks back and forth, and cry hysterically
Damian will flip between intense anger and dissociation. He will either lash out, or he will slip into depersonalization not being fully aware of his own body
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gaymaramada · 2 years
HCs: Puss dealing with anxiety post-TLW (ft. insomnia)
As someone with GAD, anxiety is the worst at night. Falling asleep and/or staying asleep can be an absolute nightmare (no pun intended). That being said, how would our favorite fearless hero handle such a situation?
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In the daytime, when Puss begins to feel that familiar tightness in his chest, distractions are everywhere. Perrito rambling on about god knows what, Kitty offering to spar with him, etc. But in the dark stillness of the night, when everyone else is asleep, there are fewer things the cat can comfort himself with. If he can’t fall asleep, he gets frustrated, which then starts the domino effect as the minutes turn to hours and he still can’t sleep.
With every minute he spends practically forcing himself to go to sleep, his nerves shoot more and more. Suddenly, he’s shaking almost violently, his body feeling cold yet no blanket is enough to warm him. His mind screams at him that something’s wrong, that he needs to get up, but he’s so, so tired and his body just doesn’t have the strength. He just wants to sleep.
One night it becomes too much to bear, and without thinking, Puss throws himself out of bed and steps out onto the main deck of their ship, desperately hoping to get some air. His body wracks with tremors and his eyes are wide but so heavy, but the idea of going back to his bed makes him want to throw up.
He’s not sure how long he’s out there, mindlessly pacing and wringing his paws, when he hears a soft, “Puss?”
His head whips around to see Kitty, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she walks over, “¿Qué te pasa?”
Puss wants to lie, the impulse familiar to him, but he’s just too exhausted to think of a fib right now, and instead holds himself pathetically as he shakes like a leaf, “…can’t sleep,”
There’s a moment of quiet, and then Kitty takes his paws into her own, stilling them to the best of her ability. When Puss meets her face, there’s warmth in her expression, and even more so: understanding.
Kitty takes him back into the cabin, and the next thing he knows, he’s lying with her in her bed. He almost protests, telling her he already tried that, it did nothing, until she presses her chest against his back and wraps her arms around him, purring softly.
And Puss is left to assume that the woman is some kind of enchantress, because the way her warmth envelops his body, chasing away the tremors until he finally stops shaking, is nothing short of magical.
Perrito hops up to join them, spinning around a few times before lying down with a deep sigh, his chin resting on Puss’s thigh.
And now, with his heartbeat finally slowing down — with Kitty’s purrs and murmured whispers of comfort and Perrito’s gentle weight on his leg, his tiny body moving up and down with every breath he takes — Puss’ mind begins to pleasantly cloud over, any and all worries that he may have had already long forgotten. He’s only lying down for five minutes before he finally slips into sleep.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 1 month
Why didn't your favorite character stop 9/11? Are they stupid?
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Minato *seeing Kakashi panic* eh, i’m sure it’s fine
Kakashi *seeing Naruto panic*
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writingforstraykids · 9 months
Hii, can you write something Minchan x reader where Minho gets out of an abusive relationship and ends up at Chan's/your place? 🥺
A/N: Hey there, this started as a short drabble before I edited it and turned this into a fic. I hope this is what you wanted and you like it. Thank you for the request💕🥰
Second Chance
Word Count: 4725
Summary: Chan and you help Minho the night he gets out of his abusive relationship. Due to your shared past Minho seems anxious to intrude. A year later things seem to be going well until a situation escalates and triggers a panic attack.
Warnings/Tags: angst, fluff, tw!physical abuse, tw!emotional abuse, tw!panic attack, bruises, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, poly!skz
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You hum softly against your boyfriend's lips, indulging the warmth of his body against yours. You feel calm and loved here with him in the safety of your home. Smiling, you brush back his curls and nudge his nose with yours. "Come on now, you promised Min that dinner ages ago." 
"Didn't I tell you? He texted me half an hour ago that he can't make it tonight," Chan says and kisses you lovingly. "That means I have time for you tonight, baby." 
You frown softly as Chan starts kissing down your neck. "You think he's okay?" 
"He didn't say anything else," Chan mumbles against your skin. 
"Yeah, but-," you start and stop as he pulls back with a groan. 
"Please, I don't want to think about our ex when I'm kissing you," he tells you. 
"You mean our best friend, dummy," you giggle and Chan laughs, giving in. "I'm just worried. It isn't like him to cancel plans last minute without a reason." 
"I don't know, maybe his boyfriend had plans?" he asks and you huff softly. "I know you don't like that guy, but-." 
"You've seen the bruises, Channie, something's off," you say firmly, thinking of the last time Minho visited. He looked tired, sad even, and there had been a heavy bruise on his wrist that looked like someone grabbed him too hard. Chan asked him about it of course, but dropped it at how defensive Minho became. 
"Listen, doll, he'll let us know if something's off," Chan says. 
"Not when it's what I think it is," you shake your head. "What if he's being manipulated into thinking it's his fault? Or if he's too embarrassed to tell you? You know how hard it is for him to open up and-." 
"Fucks sake," he climbs off the bed and searches for his phone. "I'm sure he's…," he starts and his face falls looking at his screen. 
"Please don't tell me I was right," you whisper. 
"I'm…Minho called. Ten times in the last twenty minutes," he says worriedly. 
"Shit, you think they got into a fight?" you ask shocked. 
"I don't know," he says and quickly puts on his sneakers, searching for his keys. His phone goes off, loudly this time as Chan had unmuted it. "Minho, what's wrong?" he asks worriedly and puts him on speaker. 
"Chan, hyung, can I stay at yours? Just for tonight," Minho says shakily, glancing across his shoulder as he walks down the street to your apartment. "I'm so sorry about this but it's kind of an emergency," he rambles on. 
"Yeah, sure, do you need me to pick you up?" he asks worriedly. 
"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea," Minho shakes his head and quickens his steps as someone walks down the street behind him, getting closer. "I'll be there in a minute anyways." 
"You're driving here?" Chan asks. 
"No," Minho swallows. "Don't know where my drivers license is. Or my keys. You know me, I tend to misplace my stuff," he laughs it off, almost choking on it. 
Chan exchanges a meaningful glance with you. Minho did not misplace his stuff often. "Okay, just ring the bell when you're here, Y/N will buzz you in," he says. 
"Chan," Minho bursts out panicked, closing his eyes for a second to remind himself to stay calm. "Please don't hang up yet," he pleads and looks back once more realizing the guy behind him is his boyfriend. "Fuck, no," he whispers. 
"What's wrong?" Chan asks, eyes widening as Minho doesn't answer before yelping in pain. Chan drops his phone and races off, leaving your front door open. 
You grab Chan's phone and rush to the door, waiting there anxiously. "Min?" you ask worriedly and only hear something crash to the ground, suspecting it was his phone. 
Minho winces in pain as his boyfriend grabs his hair forcefully and tries to get away from him. "Please, stop," he begs, hot tears already filling his eyes again and spilling down his cheeks. 
"Who the fuck allowed you to leave, huh? You have nowhere to go, you need me to function because you're too dumb to do it on your own," he shouts at him and punches him into the stomach. "Why the fuck would you run off?" 
He groans surprised, fresh tears shooting into his eyes. "Please, I'm so sorry," he begs. Minho bends over in pain but doesn't get far due to the harsh tug at his hair. He chokes on his sobs and braces himself for the next hit. 
"Let go of him!" Chan snaps as soon as he reaches them. 
"Channie," Minho whimpers in fear, wincing as his boyfriend grabs his chin forcefully. 
"Seriously? You're still not over him?" he asks darkly and Minho's eyes flicker anxiously. "Out of everyone you call him. I knew you'd cheat on me." 
"I didn't-," Minho starts weakly and flinches heavily when Chan's suddenly next to him, one hand on his lower back. 
"I won't say it again, let go of him," Chan says firmly. 
"I won't do shit," he tells him sharply. "This is my boyfriend, Chan, back off." 
"Alright then," Chan says and with a swift move he punches him right into the face, delivering another forceful hit into his stomach. 
Minho backs away as soon as his hold on him lessens and hides behind Chan, anxiously grabbing the hem of Chan's shirt. "Chan," he whispers. "Chan, we should leave." 
"Get inside, I'll be there in a minute," Chan tells him. 
"Channie he has a knife," Minho begs him through tears. 
Chan reaches back for him and takes his hand, eyeing the man in front of him. "Minho, run," he says and pulls him with him. Chan pulls the front door closed behind them and follows Minho, who's already stumbling up the stairs to your apartment. 
Your eyes widen as you see him rushing up the stairs, tears streaming down his face. "Minho," you say shocked as he gets closer and you notice how hard he's shaking. 
Chan reaches the door only seconds later and gently shoves Minho inside. "Come on, let's get inside and close that door." 
Minho doesn't get far, sliding down against a wall in your hallway as soon as the door's closed. He pulls his legs to his chest, whimpering as he rocks himself, trying to calm down. Heavy sobs shake his body as he tries to hold them back and his breathing quickens. 
You subconsciously grab Chan's hand, too shocked to move for a moment as you watch him breaking down. That's a very rare side of Minho. You squint your eyes as Minho messily wipes his cheeks and you can see the bruised skin beneath the makeup he put on to hide them. Your heart sinks to your stomach as you take a few steps forward and crouch down in front of him, keeping your distance. "Minnie?" you ask softly and after the third time he snaps out of his state and stares at you with wide eyes. "Minnie, what happened?" you ask gently, barely noticing Chan sitting on the floor next to you. 
"Please don't tell anyone," he presses out, glancing from you to Chan. "You can't," he whimpers. 
"Don't tell anyone what?" Chan asks calmly. He knows what he saw out there but did Minho? 
"That we had a fight. No one can know," he says desperately. 
"Why?" Chan asks patiently and fear flickers in Minho's eyes. "What happens if someone knows?" 
Minho shakes his head rapidly, backing further away against the wall. "Please don't."
"What?" Chan asks and reaches out for him, placing his hand on his knee. 
Minho whimpers in fear, flinching heavily, and pushes himself up. "This was a mistake," he says and stumbles toward your door. "Sorry for bothering you two." 
"No, Min, you're not bothering us," you try to get up but Chan holds you back, reading the situation better than you. 
"Kitten?" he asks and Minho stops in his tracks at that old term of endearment. "Please stay? You're safe here, we don't have to talk about it today, I promise." 
Minho hugs himself and glances at the door, torn between his options. "I-uhm-I don't know if…," he trails off meeting your worried eyes. 
"It's okay, you can stay," you assure him gently. "We have all the time you need."
"It's fine, I'll just go back home," he chokes on the last word, his eyes betraying him. 
"I don't think that's a good idea," Chan tells him gently. 
"Listen, Chan, just because things with you were different doesn't mean it's all bad," Minho grows defensive. 
"Different? You mean because I didn't hit you in the middle of the street?" he asks and you contort your face, unsure of how Minho would take that. "Come on, you know better than that. You don't deserve to be treated this way." 
"Yes, I do," Minho whispers. "I deserve every little bit of it because it's my own fault I gave up on something good. I gave up on you."
"Sometimes things don't work the way we want them to…but you didn't give up on us. And we won't give up on you now," Chan says firmly. 
Minho's face falls in a sob as he gives in. "Channie," he whimpers and Chan gets up slowly. 
"Can I give you a hug?" he asks caringly and Minho nods anxiously. "Okay, deep breaths," he says as he steps closer and Minho subconsciously takes a step back. "I'm here, it's okay," he promises softly, holding his hand out for him. "It's Channie, remember?" he asks soothingly and Minho nods, seeming as if he has to process that information first. Chan very gently places his hands on Minho's shoulders first before fondling down his arms. "Easy there," he whispers and takes another step forward, carefully wrapping his arms around him. "That's okay, kitten?" 
Minho nods weakly and buries his face in his shoulder, hugging him back hesitantly. "I can't breathe," he whispers, clutching his shirt as he feels the panic still boiling deep inside of him. 
"Y/N, come here," Chan tells you, still keeping his volume down. "Is it okay if Y/N hugs you too?" he asks, soothingly rubbing his back. "You need to feel some kind of weight or pressure to calm down right?" 
Minho bites back a sob, hearing that Chan still remembers that. "Yeah," he answers shakily and sucks in a sharp breath. 
You follow Chan's instructions, stepping behind Minho and hugging him as well. You and Chan trap him between your bodies and hug him tightly. "Okay, Minnie, now breathe in deep through your nose…and out through the mouth. Deep breaths," you tell him, guiding him through it. You have witnessed him panicking once before after their video shoot high up on that helicopter landing platform. It feels like ages ago. 
Minho grows calmer in your hold after a while, his breathing calms and his body stops shaking. Instead he's shivering with exhaustion and the adrenaline leaving his body. "I promise I'll be gone tomorrow," he tells you quietly. 
"We'll talk about that tomorrow. One step at a time, okay?" Chan says soothingly and exchanges a worried look with you. "Let's go and sit down?" 
"That sounds like a good idea," you nod, gently nudging Minho forward into your apartment. You don't have to tell him the directions, this has been his home before after all. You go to grab some warm blankets and Chan takes his laptop and headphones from the sofa to make some room. Minho stands still in the middle of your living room, anxiously fidgeting with the sleeve of his sweater. "Chan, why don't you go and help Min put on some comfy clothes?" 
Chan turns to look at you and glancing at Minho makes him realize your intention. "Sure, come on," he says and carefully takes his hand pulling him with him. Minho follows him until they reach your bedroom and he comes to a sudden stop. "Min?" he asks. 
"I-uh-I'm sorry," he shakes his head, following him inside. The amount of memories crashing down on him steals his breath for a moment. It's still the same bed, curtains and even the pictures of his cats are still on your desk in the corner. He remembers the many intimate moments he spent here with both you and Chan, the many nights and lazy mornings. "It's too much," he whispers. 
Chan closes the closet and tilts his head at him. "What is?" 
"This here," he says, vaguely waving through the room. "I can't go back to his place, because that's not home. This isn't either because it was before I fucked it all up. I have nowhere to go and-," tears brim his eyes all over again and he huffs at himself in utter frustration. "God, I'm so stupid." 
Chan sits down at the edge of the bed and pats the space next to him. "Come here," he says and after a moment of hesitation he does. "I know you're going through shit right now, your feelings are all over the place and you're scared and confused. But you're not alone, you don't have to be." 
Minho chews on his lower lip and stares down as Chan carefully takes his hand again. "He was right."
"About what?" he asks calmly. 
"I am still in love with the two of you. I do think about what I lost here a lot…but I never told him that," he confesses quietly. "I was so scared that things wouldn't work out or our fans wouldn't accept us the way we were that I freaked out, destroying the thing I was so scared of losing." 
Chan swallows softly and fondles his knuckles as he listens. "How long has this been going on?" 
"What? The screaming? The hitting? The hairpulling?" Minho asks sarcastically before exhaling loudly. "A month into the relationship." 
"A-Minho that's been five months," Chan exclaims in shock. 
"I know," he nods and stares into the distance. "I felt like I deserved it. He encouraged that and I got stuck in this shitty cycle of wanting to be useful for that person you fear but strangely still love." 
"What did he do?" Chan asks and a shadow travels over Minho's face. 
"Not tonight," he shakes his head and gives him a sad smile. "If that's okay." 
"Okay, yeah, of course," Chan nods quickly. "You don't have to say anything but…we love you too. And we miss you, we miss your dumb jokes and sassy comments. We miss your adorable laugh and Y/N misses you every time she has to glam up all on her own. So, we think about you a lot as well. What I'm trying to say is that if you'd ever feel ready, we're there. If not, we'll always be your friends and this means you can stay with us for as long as you want to, no matter what you choose. It's your choice, okay?"
"Okay," he whispers and drops his head, burying his face in his shoulder. 
"But that's also not something to discuss tonight," Chan says, planting a tiny kiss on his hair. "Just wanted you to know you're always welcome here." 
Minho squeezes his hand tightly. "Thank you." 
Chan stays there with him for another while, mindlessly rubbing his knuckles and whispering soothing nonsense to him from time to time. He doesn't know how long they stay there like this but it seems to help Minho's body calm down. You come to look for them after a while, your expression softening seeing them. 
You sit down at Minho's other side and gently pat his thigh. "Hey there, doing a little better?" 
He hums gently and blindly reaches out for your hand, squeezing it as he finds it. "I love you, you know that right?" he asks and you're too stunned to answer for a second. 
"I-uh-yeah, I guess I do," you stammer and Chan flashes you a compassionate smile. 
Minho pulls away from Chan's shoulder and turns to look at. "I know I fucked up, Y/N, even if you say I didn't. I didn't hurt you on purpose." 
"I know," you say quietly. 
"I just…I was scared," Minho says and lets go of Chan's and your hands. "And now I'm back here and I've never been more scared in my life before," he admits shakily and rubs his thighs, trying to steady himself. 
"He can't hurt you here, I promise," you try to soothe him. 
"I'm scared of what that shit did to me," he shakes his head. "I'm scared of him. I'm scared to lose you because I'll be a burden now…and it fucking terrifies me that I'm so open and honest about my feelings right now," he adds at the end making you all laugh. 
"That means you're making progress," you say and a weak smile tugs at the corners of his lips. 
"We can work this all out together…and if there are things we can't deal with we'll find someone who can," Chan adds and Minho nods thankfully. 
"I want you to keep that up and be very clear about your boundaries with us, okay?" you ask. "We don't want to trigger anything or make you feel uncomfortable." 
"I can try," Minho promises bravely. 
"And don't hesitate asking us if you need anything," Chan continues. 
"I will," he nods. 
You pull him into a hug and bury your face in his hair, tears brimming your eyes as he hugs you back tightly. "We got you, Minnie." 
One year later 
Chan paces your shared apartment, phone clutched in his hand, as he tries to stay calm. You can tell he has trouble doing so, noticing the way his hands shake, his chest heaves with irregular breaths, and the worry clouding his usually soft brown eyes. Your boyfriend checks the time once again, a low groan slipping from his lips as he realizes only five minutes have passed since he last checked. 
“Channie,” you say very gently, and he stops, staring at you with wide eyes. “Come here, sit down for a minute.”
“Can’t,” he shakes his head and continues the reckless pace from before.
“I’m sure he’s alright,” you say, trying to convince yourself at the same time. 
“You don’t know that,” he shakes his head firmly. “What if that asshole met him somewhere and-” his voice breaks, and he quickly shuts his mouth again. 
“Chan,” you say firmly. “We can’t keep on expecting the worst. Nothing has happened in a year. Min’s an adult, he can do what he wants. If he decides to stay away for a whole day, then that’s his choice.”
“He’s not thinking straight at the moment, you know that. Now that he's been with us for a whole year everything comes up again. He’s emotional; he keeps on seeking our help, trying not to bother us, and I need to keep him safe, I-” he breaks off again as he meets your eyes.
“Stop making what happened to him your fault,” you tell him. “I know he means a lot to you, I know you want to keep him safe, but stop blaming yourself for what his ex did.”
“He called me Y/N. Repeatedly. I was busy making out with you as this asshole hurt him,” he says, getting more emotional with every passing minute. “And still, he came here as soon as he could.”
You have enough and slip off your chair, making your way over to him. “That’s because he trusts you…and sometimes you have to trust him too,” you say and offer him a hug. 
Chan pulls you into his arms and buries his face in your hair. He can feel your heart racing against his chest and snorts. “So much to staying calm.”
“It’s not that I’m not worried myself, Channie,” you remind him calmly. 
You still remember the night one year ago as if it was yesterday. Not a night has passed since then without him joining the two of you in your bed at night, first as your friend, then in search for the love he thought he lost. Time healed the bruises, the split lip but not the scars left on his heart, and the fear that was still deep in his bones. By now you were finding your routine as a throuple but there was still a lot to figure out. So, of course, Chan gets worried when Minho doesn’t show up for a whole day and doesn’t answer his phone.
The front door to your apartment opens, and you look up surprised as Minho strolls in calmly, two bags in his hand, keys in the other. He frowns softly as he spots the two of you and tilts his head at you, meeting your eyes. "You're okay?" 
Chan lets go of you, and you can tell his worries get replaced by anger, which is also a very familiar part of him worrying to you. “Where the fuck have you been?” he asks firmly.
“What?” Minho asks confused, flinching at the harsh tone.
“I tried calling you for like a hundred times, Min. I’ve been worried sick all day about you!” Chan goes on, letting his anger flow freely now. 
"Chan," you try gently. 
Minho’s stomach turns painfully as the common fear of what is about to unfold takes hold of him. He puts down the bags shakily, bracing himself for all the hurtful words that would leave his hyung's mouth at any second. He deserves every one of them. "I-I turned off my phone," he says quietly. 
"You can't be serious," Chan snaps, and you glance at him worriedly. "I told you always to keep that damn thing close so I can find you when something happens." 
"I-I'm sorry, hyung," Minho says shakily, staring at the floor in front of him. "I know that was stupid. I'm stupid."
"You're not stupid, Min," you chime in gently, but the younger male shakes his head firmly. 
"I am," he presses out, body shaking in fear as he feels put back into a situation he thought he escaped. 
"I told you so often," Chan insists tiredly, voice growing more gentle. "How could you forget that?" 
"I'm sorry," he whimpers, tears shooting to his eyes and spilling right down his cheeks. "I-I should've told you. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," he starts, sounding a little panicked. "I'm so stupid, I'm sorry I worried you. Please don't punish me." 
Chan's whole demeanor changes at that sudden breakdown, face falling. "Fuck," he breathes out, realizing how triggering this must've been. "Minho, no one is going to punish you," he says gently, making his way over, not knowing that being soft was exactly what Minho got before the snap. 
Minho subconsciously takes a step back, shivering. "Please, I'll do better, I promise," he tries to save himself. Stumbling back blindly, he trips over Chan's backpack and falls backward, hitting his head at the front door as he crashes onto the ground. 
"Shit," you breathe out shocked. 
By the time Chan reaches him to help him up, he's sobbing, curling up on the floor and protecting his head. "Min, hey, hey, it's okay," Chan tries, crouching down. The moment he touches him, Minho screams in fear, making him flinch back. 
"Please," he sobs, making himself even smaller. 
Chan looks back at you, eyes filling with tears and practically screaming for help. He backs away quietly from Minho as you make your way over. 
You crouch down next to him and hesitantly place your hand on his lower back. "Minnie," you say soothingly, knowing no one else but Chan and you called him that. "Minnie, angel, you're safe. I'm here, no one can hurt you, okay?" Your voice breaks through the fog of panic, and Minho scrambles onto his knees, lunging forward and holding onto you tightly. You hold onto him just as tight, soothingly running your hand through his hair. "Shh, it's okay," you whisper and rock him in your arms. "It's okay, you're safe." 
Minho sobs into your sweater, holding onto you for dear life. He tries focusing on your scent, how your hair feels beneath his fingertips, and how your body is warm against his. He tries pushing all the dark memories aside, reminding himself that he is, in fact, safe. Safe in your warm embrace. 
You glance over at Chan, who watches you, still standing in the same spot. The guilt in his eyes is overwhelming, and he doesn't bother wiping away the tears running down his cheeks. You hold out your hand for him, but he shakes his head weakly. "Channie babe, come here," you say soothingly. "Chan was just worried, he didn't mean to upset you, dear," you say toward Minho, and the younger one nods bravely. "Come on," you encourage your boyfriend.
Chan slowly makes his way over, shaking as he sits beside you. "Minnie, I'm so sorry," he presses out, hesitantly rubbing his back.
Minho pulls back and looks at him through teary eyes. "Something's wrong with me," he whispers, and Chan searches his eyes confused. "You'd never hurt me." 
Chan firmly shakes his head. "Never," he promises. "I'm sorry I got mad." 
Minho straddles his lap, burying his face in Chan's shoulder. He wraps his arms around his neck and sniffles softly. "No, I'm sorry for disappearing," he says shakily. 
Chan hugs him tight, burying his face in his hair and closing his eyes. He gently runs his hand over his back before fondling his head. "Does it still hurt?" he asks, and Minho shakes his head. 
You watch them with a gentle smile, knowing how much they mean to each other. Minho pulls back after a while, pressing their foreheads together with a weak laugh. "I'm sorry, Channie love, I know I worried you." 
"Stop that now," he says gently, rubbing his sides soothingly. "I know you didn't mean to." 
"Thank you for always trying to keep me safe," he tells him, cupping his face. 
"Of course," your boyfriend whispers. 
Minho wraps him back into his arms and closes his eyes for a moment before speaking up. "I just wanted to take a walk this morning, but then he bombarded me with messages, having another fake account. I got upset, turned my phone off, and kept on walking around aimlessly for hours. I completely forgot the time." 
"That's okay, Min, it happens," you assure him, sitting down next to them. 
Minho flashes you a weak smile and squeezes your hand gently. "I should've told you guys. I wasn't thinking." 
"Happens," Chan nods and soothingly rubs his thighs. 
Minho meets his eyes again and remains silent for a while, sinking deeper into that warm feeling of comfort and safety. "I actually bought dinner on the way back." 
You giggle softly and pat his shoulder. "That's sweet." 
"And uhm…I saw something that seemed fitting for the two of you," he says, ears burning up a little as he climbs off Chan's lap. Minho grabs the smaller bag and takes out two small boxes, handing the longer one to you. 
Chan opens his and takes out a beautiful silver bracelet with a small pendant in the middle. There's a heart-shaped hole in the pendant, and opening your box, you know why: the heart's attached to a necklace. "Oh my God, that's so cute," you beam at him. Chan helps you put it on, and Minho watches you with a soft smile. "Where's yours?" you ask and Minho frowns softly. 
"I-uhm…I shouldn't-," he shakes his head, swallowing softly at your confused expressions. 
"Kitten, you're a part of us," Chan says softly and Minho's eyes brim with tears again. 
"But-," he starts out weakly. 
"We love you. This is your home, angel," you tell him and smile as Chan caresses his cheek and Minho instinctively leans into it. 
"We'll go back there tomorrow and find something fitting for you," Chan suggests. 
A hot tear falls down Minho's cheek as he watches the two of you amazed. "Okay," he whispers and closes his eyes as Chan plants a soft kiss on his hair. He giggles softly as you kiss the tip of his nose and smiles at the two of you through his tears. "I love you two so much." 
Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/ removed from the taglist)
@soullostinspaceandtime @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @aaasia111 @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @galaxycatdrawz
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so guess what happened to me this morning
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marcobodtlives · 7 months
Moments That Were Horrifically Traumatic but are Consistently Overlooked (pt 3)
The Wagon Scene: Jean
Armin suffered in this scene too, he killed a person for the first time. But that was focused on and not overlooked. It was obvious how much of an impact that first kill had on him.
Jean, however? No consideration of the fact that he was milliseconds from death.
He looked down the barrel of a gun, held by someone who had already killed three of his comrades, and knew in his heart that he had hesitated - and it meant death.
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He had no idea Armin had a gun. He didn’t even know if Armin was aware he was in danger. Armin’s job was to control the wagon, Jean’s job was to rid the wagon of their opposition, and he hadn’t been able to.
For a split second after the trigger was pulled, Jean must have thought it was the woman’s gun. He was scared. He knew he had screwed up, and he thought he was in his final moments.
After the gun fired - the noise, the blood, the smoke - he must have thought for a single moment that this was it for him.
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And in the aftermath? Knowing he had been that close to death, seeing how quickly the woman before him had gone from threat to corpse… he realised that could have been him. It would have been him, if Armin hadn’t been there.
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starswirly · 2 months
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[ * A Bad Time? Attack #7 ]
[ * Character is Ayla by @luminousjellyfishy!!! ]
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